#when i told that to aya she was like 'are we sure one of his domains isn't Bad Luck'
fatestouch · 1 year
For the little time that Cari had been able to spend in Astra'alca, he could confidently say that he both wanted to go back again, and that it was a very exhausting place to be. Exhausting for several reasons, and he was very glad that Sef suggested that he go with Alkaid.
As much as Cari loved attention, some of the people there were watching a little too closely.
But thankfully, the trip was short. He'd made it to one of the spires, and finally got a clearer vision from the stars. And by the Fates... what a vision it was. One he needed to relay to his fathers as soon as possible.
And so he rushed out of Astra'alca, and made his way home. So fast that he didn't even say bye to Alkaid, or pay attention to anything or anyone else. At least not until he found his soulmates in his tower.
Before Cari would leave again, the twins convinced him to rest a bit, before finding his family. His parents weren't going anywhere, right? So they could afford to relax and, in Aquila's words, Cari needed to de-stress.
Cari wished that had been the case.
It took him waking up from a long nap, cuddled up with his birds, for him to realize something was wrong. It almost felt like his head was swimming, a little, and Cari felt... wrong.
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"Mmn, Aqua... Terra? Are you awake... I don't... really..."
He trailed off, eyebrows furrowing... and when his eyes widened. This wrongness... it wasn't normal. Cari knew, because he'd never felt like this before. And he'd been told just what this feeling was.
And Cari thought, at that moment, when he was leaving Astra'alca in his hurry... he really should have been paying attention to what and who he may have been close to.
"Dammit... fuck, dammit--!"
He couldn't afford to hesitate, not while he could still think straight. Standing abruptly, ignoring Aquila and Altair calling for him, he ran to the doors of his tower and shut them tight with an echoing slam. Placing his hands on the doors, Cari called more magic than he ever had before, and shut his entire tower down.
No one would be able to get out... or in.
"Cari, what's going on--?!"
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"I'm sorry... I messed up, I messed up, I'm sorry--"
He was careless. He was cautioned, warned so many times, but he was still so stupid and careless.
He was Corrupted. And he'd dragged his soulmates right down with him.
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seuonji · 1 year
彡 my heart is beating for two. — yoon jeonghan
part 1 ๑ part 2 ๑ part 3
notes ๑ daycare worker yn! x secretary jeonghan — jeonghan becomes fond of the daycare worker he met the other day, seems like fate is on his side through this journey, or is it?
genre ๑ fluff, new interest, mutual pining.
warnings ๑ profanity
word count ๑ 1.4k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<3
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“we’re homee!” jeonghan walked into his boss’s office with yuna in his arms. he had yuna’s small sparkly pink bag slung around his shoulder and his hair was messy and hair strands covered the front of his eyes, courtesy of yuna playing with it. he honestly looked like a struggling single mother and seungcheol was humoured by the view.
“yuna!” seungcheol squatted and opened his arms. jeonghan quickly placed yuna down as she started to move around in excitement from seeing her father. she ran towards him with the same opens arms and wrapped them around him.
“thank you jeonghan, so sorry to trouble you with this, i can’t thank you enough,” seungcheol looked up to his secretary with doe eyes.
“it’s no worries, it’s my job to follow your orders, don’t be afraid to ask me to go again,” the secretary replied as he flopped onto the couch seungcheol had in his office.
seungcheol perked his head up, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. seungcheol has known jeonghan for years and they’re actually pretty close so he knows what tasks jeonghan likes and dislikes. one of those tasks jeonghan disliked was undertaking tasks irrelevant to the main job. seungcheol knew his secretary found those tasks unreasonable. one time jeonghan was told to make orders for a party that didn’t have anything to do anything with the company and he very much remained sour for the rest of the week due to the hassle it was.
for someone with a mere position of being a secretary, he sure had string opinions. lucky for him, people seemed to let it slide.
jeonghan of course, always complied, it’s his job to follow what seungcheol says but he never hides his disdain for activities he isn’t fond of.
“really?” seungcheol titlted his head. seungcheol was sure this would be one of the tasks jeonghan was to dislike but perhaps since it was for someone he cared about, yuna, it was okay.
“…it’s my job?” the secretary ogled his eyes to his boss, confused on why he’d say that.
seungcheol bit his lip and his eyebrows pinched together hesitating to ask more. it’s not like it was a big deal but there must’ve been something interesting on why he’d be okay with going back but maybe he was just overthinking it.
“you’re right,” seungcheol laughed before dismissing his secretary, “well, i’ll be leaving soon. again, thank you for earlier. drive safe on the road alright?”
jeonghan nodded in response and said goodbye as he left the room.
seungcheol organised his desk and collected his things getting ready to leave. “how was daycare yuna,” he smiled making conversation with his daughter.
“fun!” she answered excitedly.
“what did you do?”
“i played with yn also they read a book to me today!”
“you really like yn huh?” seungcheol chuckled walking towards the exit as yuna followed.
“of course!”
he smiled at the pure child joy portrayed in front of his eyes. he’s happy he found a great daycare for his daughter to be at.
“that’s weird, even uncle jeonghan asked me if i like yn, who wouldn’t like yn?” yuna asked genuinely.
seungcheol stopped his steps in the middle of the hallway and his head shifted to yuna.
“what do you mean?”
“uncle jeonghan asked me if i liked yn, of course i do! how can you not like yn, you like yn too right dad?“ yuna of course asked in the platonic sense but that last part caught him off guard—
“when did jeonghan ask that?”
“just after we left earlier!”
seungcheol looked up to the ceiling and thought for a second.
what were the chances that his secretary is interested in you?
it was low honestly, however it was high at the same time! you two have known each other for what, 5 minutes? then again, jeonghan showed interest in returning to the daycare. moreover, he acknowledged someone working there, even asking a 6 year old about them? that meant something, seungcheol would know.
seungcheol continued walking and laughed under his breath. this is fun.
ah. how did it turn out like this.
you stood at the reception table almost frozen by the sight.
“yn!” yuna skipped into the building.
“yuna! hello, nice to see you today,” you greeted while taking her bag off her.
you glanced at the man who escorted her and again, his pretty face raised your heartbeat.
you inhaled deeply calming yourself down, “yuna, you can go inside first, i need to take care of something here,” you instructed as you opened the fence door to let her in.
“bye yuna,” jeonghan waved.
she went in and now it was just the two of you.
“hi mr.yoon,” you casually spoke and walked back to the computer at reception to mark yuna present.
“hi yn and please, just call me jeonghan,” he insisted with a kind smile.
you grinned and nodded, “mr.choi’s busy again?”
“yea, it was really sudden,” jeonghan squinted his eyes recalling how he ended up here. he wasn’t expecting to pay a visit today either.
a bit earlier…
“hey jeonghan, i’m so sorry but i’m going to need you to bring yuna to daycare today,” seungcheol informed as his eyes didn’t leave the papers on his desk.
“what?” jeonghan furrowed just eyebrows.
“schedules been busy so i can’t go. yuna’s bag is already prepared i just need you to bring her to daycare and make sure you walk inside with her. is that alright?”
jeonghan cleared his throat, “uhm, yea of course.”
jeonghan didn’t even organise his boss’s schedule to make him that busy. he was actually thinking about starting his plans next week, but somehow, things were in his favour.
“well thanks for bringing yuna, who’s going to pick her up later?”
jeonghan pursed his lips, could be him if he really tried, “i’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“oh alright, i’ll just call mr.choi then—“
“better you just have my number,” he spoke quickly which cut you off.
he struggled to get something from his pocket, “seungcheol been busy so best you contact his trusty secretary first,” he pulled out a mildly crumpled business card in his hand, giving it to you.
he’d been pinching it throughout the ride to the daycare wondering if he should give it to you or not. but he gave it cause what was the big deal? it was for the convenience. it’s not like it meant anything, it’s a business card, it’s for business matters.
“just call the number on the card or email me! but i don’t think i’ll see it until like, next month,” he said as he pointed to parts of the card.
you laughed at his wit and took the card in your hands, “thanks, it’ll definitely be a phone call that’s for sure.”
he laughed at the way you returned his energy, “hope to see you later yn.”
your heart dropped at his words but you didn’t take it to heart, “hope to see you as well?” you said with hesitance.
you two parted ways and he left the daycare with the same smile he had yesterday, only it was wider. there was really something about you that made him want to just grab a chair and talk to you for hours.
meanwhile, you were seated on the old, half-broken reception chair with jeonghan’s business card in your hands. you held back your excitement, gosh you had the number of the boy that kept you up last night.
but reality washed over you too quickly. you sighed and placed the card down, it was only a business number.
but hell did it feel like a step forward.
you glanced at the clock. it was almost 6, almost time for yuna to leave.
all of your co workers had clocked out and all the kids but yuna went home.
you were currently reading her a story book but since she skipped nap time, she was starting to doze off. you softly pinched her cheek yet she was still in the same state.
soon 6:30 came, by now seungcheol would’ve sent a message apologising and saying he was on his way, but there was nothing.
was it a sign to call him?
you scratched your head and looked at yuna. she was laying on one of the mattresses to catch up on some energy.
you slowly got up and went to find the business card.
once you found it, you quickly typed it into your phone immediately calling it. as soon as it connected, you placed your phone to your ear,
“beep, the number you have dialled can’t be reached. please try again.”
you furrowed your eyebrows but tried again. this time you even placed his name and added it to your contacts.
“beep, the number you have dialled can’t be reached. please try again.”
well shit.
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soupthatistohot · 1 year
BSD 109 Spoilers!!!
I will always always ALWAYS come back to this panel when talking about Asagiri’s storytelling.
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At its very core, BSD is an absurdist text, Kafka Asagiri having been inspired by many absurdist authors. Franz Kafka, who he took his pseudonym from is one of them. Albert Camus, basically the most well-known absurdist is referenced with the Mersault prison, the name of which comes from a character in his most famous absurdist work, The Stranger. 
Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless. In his essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus explains, that there is value in the act of rebellion, though. Sisyphus, who has been doomed to roll a boulder up a mountain only for the boulder to tumble back down each time he reaches the peak, finds meaning in the act of continuing to push the boulder. Even though he will continue this cycle for all of eternity, he doesn’t just lay down and give up, he rebels against the absurdity of his situation by continuing to push the boulder, despite the seemingly futile nature of the act. 
As I said earlier, BSD is an absurdist text. All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai. 
Dazai sees the absurd world for what it is, and when he was in the PM, he hated it. Thus, he sought suicide as a solution. I will note here that absurdists generally view suicide as a failure to rebel against the absurd, just giving up and giving into hopelessness. But ever since Dazai left the PM and took Oda’s advice, he’s been rebelling against this, doing good despite his inherent beliefs about morality and the world, and he’s absolutely gotten better for it. 
Other characters embody this idea of rebelling against the absurd, hell, that’s kinda what this whole arc is about. The world is literally ending, and things seem to be at their absolute worst, but someone like Atsushi still has hope that he can change the minds of the hunting dogs and save reality as we know it. He even has hope that he can get through to a vampiric Akutagawa when the guy is literally brainwashed and attacking him. Aya as the “last hope” right now embodies this, too, deciding that she can’t just sit around and do nothing and then trying to remove the sword from Bram even though the effort appears futile. 
But everything is going wrong right now. Fukuzawa is bleeding out, Dazai has just been shot through the forehead and appears to have died, Atsushi’s had his limbs ripped off and is at Akutagawa’s mercy, and Fukuchi is literally going to end the world! How can we have hope?!
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Think about BSD. Think about the story that’s been told so far. Surely Asagiri isn’t killing everyone right now, surely the world isn’t gonna actually end. I’m not entirely convinced Aya’s plan is gonna work— but please consider that the point of absurdist storytelling is that even when everything seems to be at its worst, even when life seems completely meaningless, there is inherent meaning in still continuing to fight against this. 
BSD has never been a story where the villains win, and I don’t think it’s gonna start being one. I think, as usual, Asagiri wants to scare us, to make us feel hopeless about the situation, only for someone to pull through and completely turn the tides.
Dazai laying down and accepting his death at Chuuya’s hands is not going to be the end of his story, because it goes against everything Asagiri seems to stand for. Dazai wouldn’t just give up in his fight against Fyodor, because he needs to prove he’s right about what he says in this panel:
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"The ones who actually make the world turn are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood."
I think this reflects Asagiri's own beliefs and is also the reason why he is not going to let Dazai die like this, because in a way, that would be proving that Fyodor is right. From a storytelling perspective, it’d be saying “everything I’ve communicated up to this point actually means nothing and life is truly hopeless!” 
Dazai has cheated death before, as has basically everyone else in danger right now. I promise you, something is going to happen and they’re all going to survive, because BSD is not trauma porn, for lack of a better term. It’s a story about how a group of people fight against the absurdity of their reality, even when everything seems completely and utterly hopeless. 
There’s a lot of theories circulating about how things could work out, especially Dazai’s “death,” and I’m not here to repeat all of them, but I will say that a lot of them have credence, especially because Asagiri isn’t the type of author to make mistakes, every single detail has a distinct reason. 
So even though I don't know how things are going to work out, I have full faith that they will, including Dazai's current situation. None of these characters are done just yet, they've got too much fight left in them to just give up.
[original twt thread]
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chuuya-kisser · 2 months
im finally free so that i can fucking scream abt bsd 117 and tell my thoughts on this heartbreaker of a chapter (will def make another post feeding my delusions)
(spoilers utc)
Uh yeah so anyways basically heart broken for multiple reasons so we'll go in order
1- aya. oh my gosh aya. shes what, a ten year old?????? and in the span of a day, she has found out about a vampire lord who is responsible for destroying or saving the whole world, shouldered the responsibility of getting said vampire lord away from the enemy to save the world, developed a father-daughter relationship with said vampire lord, sacrificed herself and got saved by him, believed that the world could be saved now, saw her new father figure's body be torn apart and replaced by a greasy ratass who wants to destroy everything or whatever, with said new father's last words telling her to run to save herself, being saved by said father, then having him dissolve and die again in front of her eyes again. shes a ten year old. what the actual fuck. oh and don't forget, she doesn't know that she lost her other father figure too!
gosh she is going to be SO traumatised and even that is an understatement i really hope she has the strength to recover
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2- so akutagawa is back huh? about time, about time (though im not very happy about the cost it took- but atleast he's back?)and he has agreed to protect aya on brams wish? thats surprising honestly, so im wondering if the stuff atsushi told him while fighting him at the airport or whatever affected his subconscious or something so that he consciously wants to start protecting people?
OR maybe! he sees a bit of himself in aya or smth? i mean look i dont exactly remember what happened before he met dazai and was taken in by him okay, dont come at me. but maybe he sees that terrified little kid and something stirs in him or smth anyways go akutagawa go you're her third father figure please dont die again ‼️
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(also he looks so good-)
3- and the biggest bombshell
just- THINK ABOUT EVERYONE. think about atsushi and tanizaki. who saw him disappear slowly in front of their eyes, to buy them time. think about fukuzawa. who wished for kunikida to be the next president because he was the most ideal. who cares so much, even if he doesnt show it as much. think about aya. she has such a deep bond with kunikida, and now she'll have to face the devastating news that one of the only people who truly believed in her is gone too. think about ranpo and yosano.
think about dazai. who is much too far away to do anything right now, who miscalculated once which led to him being too far to stop fyodors rampage in any way. who was truly doing all this because he wanted to keep the detective agency safe. who, when he realises what will happen next, his first thought is to warn them. who was his new partner, kept him alive, even made him a part of his schedules. who i think he must have to care for, even a little bit.
dazai, who thinks that anything worth wanting is always lost the moment he obtains it. and its happened again. and by the looks of it, it will happen again.
i genuinely want to know how he'll react but i dont want to at the same time. gods i cant fucking do this man
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like huhhh asagiri are you tryna make me cry or some shit???? Because youre succeesing SPECTACULARLY
also- are we gonna see tanizaki get liquefied too next chapter? because this panel sure looks like it
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im scared for september now like what else are you gonna throw at us, huh asagiri? and what do you mean i have to wait a whole month this is crazy
and i am STILL in denial and will continue to be in denial guys wdym, ofc kunikida is alive and well! hes coparenting aya with bram, having fun at the agency and stuff ‼️‼️ hes perfectly peachy theres no helicopter singularity out for everyone's lives!!! (wow this post is LONG)
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fair catch
pairing: CollegeFootballPlayer!Bucky x CollegeAthlete!Reader
summary: Y/N joins the football team to prove a point and the last thing Bucky expected out of the season was to fall for the new kicker
warnings: slight injury, slight alcohol use, mostly fluff though
word count: 5.7k
taglist: @tellmealovestory @mrs-bucky-barnes106 @charmedbysarge @theroyalmanatee @ozwriterchick @aya-fay @differenttyphoonwerewolf @sebsgirl71479
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Coach Fury blew the final whistle, signaling practice was over. Bucky sighed in relief and jogged over to the bench to dump a cup of water on his head. This was their last two-a-day practice due to the semester starting the following day. 
“Listen up! I have an announcement to make.” Fury was standing there with the other coaches and a small female, probably a student. Bucky figured she might be the new manager of the football team, a spot typically occupied by co-eds who wanted to hook up with football players. 
Once the team was circled up, Fury continued, “I’d like you all to meet Y/F/N Y/L/N. She’s our new kicker.”
Bucky felt Sam suppressing a cough as his water went down the wrong pipe. There was silence as the new teammate stood there, smiling confidently at them all. 
Bucky’s first thought was that she was adorable, but she was tiny. She certainly didn’t have the build of a football player. 
Steve was the first person to speak up, “Coach, Parker’s our kicker.”
“And Parker couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a frying pan.” The group chuckled and Peter shrugged, knowing he wasn’t a skilled kicker. “With Y/L/N as our kicker we can move Parker to holder.”
It wasn’t a bad thought. Parker missed more field goals than he made but he had good hands. He could catch and place the ball in the proper place pretty quickly.
“Y/L/N will practice with us tomorrow so you can all evaluate her skills then. Anything you’d like to add?” He asked her.
She provided them with a tightlipped smile and said, “Happy to be here.”  The huddle evaporated as the team collected their things and headed to the locker room. Bucky wasn’t surprised when Steve approached Y/N immediately and shook her hand, acting as the captain and welcoming her to the team. 
“Well this is new,” Sam said.
Bucky shrugged, “I mean as long as she can put points on the board, I don’t mind it.”
“Are you worried?” he asked.
“Worried? What would I be worried about?”
“I don’t know, Buck. She seems like your type.”
“I don’t have a type,” he responded.
“Sure you do. Dark hair, small stature, dry sense of humor.”
“How could you possibly know what sense of humor she has?”
“Oh, I don’t. I’m just speculating.”
“You are something else,” he said, shaking his head. They made their way into the locker room and ran into Steve on the way.
“Hey, you two busy after this?” Steve asked. Bucky and Sam both shook their heads and Steve added, “Good, because I told Y/N I’d take her out for a drink. Just thought it might be nice to get to know a few people off the field.”
“How captain-ly,” Sam mocked. Steve could read their expressions and knew they weren’t stoked about the situation. 
“Come on, just come by for one drink. Be good teammates.”
“One drink, and you’re buying,” Bucky said. He could never say no to Steve.
“Deal,” Steve replied. 
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“So, why join the football team?” Sam bluntly asked. Steve had been driving most of the conversation, asking Y/N about where she grew up and her major. But Sam didn’t have the patience for pleasantries. Steve shot Sam a look as soon as the question was out of his mouth, and Sam merely shrugged.
“I’ve been waiting for that one,” she grinned, taking a big swig of her beer. “You probably won’t like this answer, but it's a bit of a political move. I was the captain of the women’s soccer team and we just found out that our program was cut, along with a few other women’s sports teams. Apparently we didn’t bring in enough money for the school, despite making the playoffs the past eight years. I couldn’t just sit back and let the administration win, so I figured I’d join the football team, try to get some media attention so I could talk about the lack of funding for women’s soccer.”
Whatever answer Bucky was expecting, it certainly wasn’t that.
“That’s pretty badass,” Bucky said.
“So…you don’t have any interest in football,” Sam stated, more than asked.
“Look, I’m an athlete. Every time I step out onto the field, I’m playing to win. And I’m actually pretty decent at kicking a football. I grew up with three older brothers so I was practically raised on the football field. Even though my motives may be a little murky, I am fully dedicated to this team.”
“Now that’s what we like to hear,” Steve said, grinning. 
“But actually, where do we fall within the division?” she asked.
The three players looked at each other, trying to determine how to answer that question.
“We have solid talent, we’ve just been…unlucky the past few years,” Steve said.
“What does that mean?” she retorted, with a raised eyebrow.
“Sam was injured most of last season and he’s our best and fastest wide receiver, so that hurt,” Bucky said.
“You're telling me,” Sam agreed.
“Then we went through a few offensive coordinators until we found one that…meshed with the team.” Steve said.
“The team or the coach?” Y/N bemused.
“The coach,” they all mumbled in unison.
“So Fury’s a hard ass?”
“You could say that. He’s harsh, but fair. And he genuinely knows his way around the gridiron,” Steve stated.
“He is a great coach, just not everyone appreciates his coaching style,” Sam added.
“Coulson has been a great addition so far. He’s kind of balanced Fury out a bit. And his offensive routes have been working pretty well so far,” Bucky commended.
“Got it, so don’t get on Fury’s bad side. Is there anyone else I should be worried about?”
“Just Bucky. He gets cranky if he hasn’t eaten enough,” Sam joked. Bucky nudged him playfully while his teammates laughed.
“We’ve got a great squad. And we really do need a strong kicker. So if you can prove to the guys that you have talent, you’ll earn their respect and they won’t mess with you.”
“Good to know.” Everything about her demeanor was calm, cool, and collected. She didn’t seem to be the least bit intimidated about joining the team. She was able to hold her own and didn’t care about what the guys thought of her. Bucky couldn’t help but admire that energy. He sensed that his friends were fond of her too and he expected they’d defend her if any of the other teammates decided to get mouthy.
“Well, I appreciate you guys taking me out for a drink, but I do need to get back. Still have some unpacking to do.” She left a few dollar bills on the table to cover her drink, even though Steve told her it was unnecessary. She was just as stubborn as he was.
Once she left the bar, Steve was the first to speak. “I like her. I think she’s going to be really good for the team.”
“I think she’s going to be trouble,” Sam said.
“Trouble?” Steve echoed, looking for an explanation.
“Half the team is going to fall in love with her. Including this one,” Sam said, signaling towards Bucky.
“What? You’re crazy, man,” Bucky argued.
“Alright, whatever you say. But I’m going to reference this moment when I give the best man speech at your wedding.”
Bucky rolled his eyes as Steve studied his face, trying to figure out if Sam was right. As Bucky’s oldest friend, he could usually read him like a book when it came to women. Which is why Bucky avoided eye contact, trying to hide any tells he might have.
Steve let out a knowing smile, realizing Sam was right.
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It was the day before their first game of the season and they had just finished up practice. Bucky felt oddly content with the team. They had finally gotten into a good rhythm and he felt they were prepared for their first game against Millersville, which was one of their local rivals. They had lost that past few match ups, but Bucky liked their chances this time around.
As the team drank down their water and collected their belongings, Steve cleared his throat calling their attention.
“Listen up. Y/N has something she’d like to say.”
“Thanks Cap. I want to let you know that there will be an article in the Inquirer about me and I felt like I should explain myself to you before you read it. The reason I joined this team is because I was the captain of the women’s soccer team on campus, before they cut the program for budgetary reasons. Several sports teams were cut, all of them being women’s sports teams. There are so many female athletes here on scholarship that are now going to have to transfer out and qualified coaches are now out of a job, and it's completely unfair. So I joined the team, knowing it would get people talking and hopefully some attention would be brought on this injustice. I’m hopeful that some prominent alumni might make some donations to save some of the programs.” She paused, trying to read the reactions of her teammates, but she was mostly getting blank stares.
“I want all of you to know that I take my spot on this team very seriously, and I will do my job to help us win tomorrow. I am committed to all of you and to Coach Fury. I don’t want you to think of me any differently, I just want to be treated like a teammate. So if any of you have any questions or want to say anything, feel free.”
It was silent for a moment. Bucky exchanged eyes with Sam, wondering if they should be some of the first ones to speak up.
“That’s awesome,” Peter said, breaking the silence. “I mean not the part about the soccer team, but the other stuff.”
“Badass,” Sam said, hoping to influence the others.
“Just don’t go leaving us once the soccer team comes calling, okay?” Bucky joked, shooting her a smile that she returned.
“Alright, bring it in,” Thor directed, fanning the team into a sweaty, smelly group hug around Y/N. She tried to protest but it was no use. She emerged from the group gagging and inhaling the fresh air.
Bucky caught up with her as she collected her water jug and helmet.
“That went well,” he commented.
“Honestly, such a relief. I thought Tony was going to have me exiled.”
“Nah, he loves to stick it to the man.”
“Well, thanks for the support.”
“I’m your teammate. I’m always gonna have your back.”
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The game was tied 17-17 with two minutes left in the fourth quarter. Bucky was correct in thinking they were pretty evenly matched against their rival. Their defense was struggling a bit, but the offense was doing well putting points on the board. Bucky had scored a touchdown in the first half and Steve had rushed one in on a quarterback sneak play. Y/N had pulled her weight by making both extra points and a field goal right before halftime. And now they were running on third down at the 30-yard line, hoping to pick up a few more feet so that she could easily kick another field goal. Scott ran the ball another few yards and was tackled down at the 27, which put them in good field position for a field goal. The refs moved the chains and the offense ran off the field, as the field goal unit ran on.
“You got this,” Bucky said to her, giving her a pat on the shoulder as she ran out to her position. Peter knelt on the ground, ready to receive the snap as Y/N lined herself up and took a few steps back.
Peter called for the ball, essentially starting the play and Bucky immediately saw one of the defenders jump over one of the lineman, clearly crossing the line of scrimmage before the ball had even been snapped. Yellow flags were flung in the air by the refs and gently floated down, but the play was already in motion and couldn’t be stopped. The ball reached Parker and he deftly turned the laces, as Y/N ran forward and kicked the ball, aiming between the uprights. Her laser focus betrayed her, as she didn’t see the defender making a beeline for her. Her leg was fully extended when he made contact, bringing her lithe form to the ground with ease. The ball had been tipped by another defender, but it hardly mattered as the ref’s whistles were sounding.
The defender who made the tackle was easily three times Y/N’s size, and Bucky watched as he got up with ease and Y/N laid there, motionless and broken. Peter was immediately at her side, checking to see if she was okay. He looked to the sidelines and waved a hand toward Fury, signaling him to send out the trainer. Helen grabbed her kit and sprinted out alongside Fury. 
Rage crept up on Bucky quickly, but what set him off was when the defender high fived his teammate, proud of himself. The attack felt personal. He knew he left early and continued on anyway, determined to pin the female kicker.
Bucky dropped his helmet and sprinted out onto the field shoving the defender to the ground. “What the fuck was that!” Bucky grunted. He wanted this guy to take off his helmet so he could give him a black eye.
Suddenly Steve was in front of him, separating Bucky from his new enemy. Sam must’ve been behind him, giving him a bearhug and pulling him backwards. Bucky wasn’t giving up though, he fought his two teammates trying to get through to the defender.
“Bucky, it’s not worth it,” Steve said, pushing him backwards. “Let it go.”
“She’s not moving, Steve. He did that to her!” 
“She’s gonna be okay. Cho’s out there.”
“Who does that guy think he is!” Bucky seethed.
“He’s a jackass. But don’t stoop to his level,” Sam said. More of the players had come out to break up the fight. The refs were directing both teams to go back to their benches. They should all be taking a knee right now, but the tension was too high. 
Then the ref pointed toward him and pointed to the locker rooms, ejecting him from the game. He did the same for the defender who tackled Y/N. Sam walked him toward the locker room to ensure he wouldn’t stage another attack. Steve corralled the rest of the team back to the bench to take a knee.
When Bucky got into the locker room, he had to let out his frustration. He punched his locker until his knuckles started bleeding. He barely felt the pain, he just kept thinking about the asshole who laid out his teammate. He finally calmed himself down with some deep breaths and decided to take a shower. As soon as the game was called, he was going to check on her. 
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Y/N woke up lying on a bed in the training room and immediately felt the pain in her head. She let out an unconscious groan and suddenly two figures were by her side.
“Y/N! You’re up,” Steve said, still fully dressed in uniform. Helen started checking her pupils and did a basic examination.
“What happened,” she mustered. Helen handed her a bottle of water and placed two pills in her palm. She swallowed the pills without question and chugged most of the water.
“One of the defensive lineman was offside for the kick and laid you out. Ended up with a roughing the kicker penalty and he got himself ejected.”
“But did we win?” she asked. 
Steve chuckled, “Yeah, the 15 yard penalty gave us a new set of downs and Lang ran it in for the game winning touchdown.”
“Thank god. You wouldn’t have heard the end of it if you let that guy lay me out and then lost the game.” Steve smiled at her again. At least she seemed to be in good spirits. Helen placed a cold compress on her forehead and concluded her examination. 
“I’ve never seen a brawl breakout like that on the field,” Cho stated.
“A brawl!?” Y/N clamored. “And I missed it? What happened?”
“Bucky charged the field. He pushed the guy that tackled you and almost knocked his head off. Took Sam and I to hold him back. I’ve never seen him like that before.”
“Is he okay?” Y/N asked.
“Oh he’s fine. Refs ejected him and the other guy before it got too out of hand.”
“Y/N, how are you feeling?” Helen asked.
“I mean my head hurts like a bitch, and I feel a little sore on my sides. But I think that’s about it for now.”
Helen nodded, “I think you have a few fractured ribs and you might have a concussion. I recommend that you go to the hospital.”
“Oh. Do I have to go now?”
“That would be best. You should get x-rays done for the ribs and you need to be on concussion watch the rest of the night.”
Y/N felt uneasy, the last thing she wanted was to spend the night in the emergency room by herself. She just wanted a warm bed to rest in for the night. Steve read her expression and tried to help.
“What if one of us stayed with her all night? We’ll make sure she doesn’t fall asleep and if she starts exhibiting more symptoms of a concussion, I’ll take her to the hospital.”
Cho considered his proposal and eyed Y/N, who was currently pleading with her best puppy dog eyes.
“I suppose that would be fine. But she needs to get x-rays done tomorrow.”
“Absolutely,” Y/N agreed. 
Just as Helen was packing up, Bucky burst through the door.
“Is she okay!?”
“Course I’m okay, I’m super tough,” she smiled.
“And that should be the painkillers hitting,” Cho explained.
“She has a few fractured ribs and she might have a concussion,” Steve explained.
“I swear to God, I’m gonna kill that guy,” Bucky muttered, his hand clenching into a fist.
“Easy Buck, it could’ve been a lot worse,” Steve rationalized.
“You’ve got her for tonight?” Helen asked. Bucky shot a look at Steve, confused but Steve just nodded. “We’ve got her.”
Helen nodded and packed up her things, heading home. 
“I told Helen we would stay with Y/N tonight, to make sure she doesn’t fall asleep. And we can take her to the hospital tomorrow to get some x-rays done.”
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“I still need to get showered and pack up. Buck, can you give Y/N a ride to our place and I’ll meet you there?”
“Sure, of course.”
Steve departed for the locker room, leaving just Bucky and Y/N. He walked over toward the table where she was sitting and helped her onto her feet. She was initially unsteady, falling into him slightly as she gained her balance.
“Okay, that is not going to work…”
“What?” she inquired.
“Come here,” he put his hand behind her back and reached down to collect her legs, picking her up easily in his strong arms.
“This is not necessary.”
“You can barely stand up straight, I’m not risking you getting hurt even more.”
She didn’t have the energy to fight back. It would’ve been useless as they quickly approached Bucky’s black Jeep.
He gingerly placed her on two feet and opened the passenger door for her. He was ready to wrap an arm around her waist to aid her into the car, but she brushed him off and easily climbed into the leather seat. Bucky shut the door behind her carefully and walked over to the driver’s side of the car.
It was silent for a few minutes as he drove them the short way to his house. Once they were inside, Y/N made herself comfortable on the sofa and Bucky retrieved her a glass of water. 
“So…” Y/N started, eyeing Bucky, “I heard you got tossed from the game.”
Bucky let out an unconscious chuckle. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
“Oh, do you make it a habit of starting brawls mid-game?”
“This would be a first.”
“What the hell happened?” she asked.
He let out a deep sigh, placing the glass in front of her. “I don’t know…I just snapped. I saw my teammate lying there, not moving, after a cheap shot and I needed to do something.”
“So you did that to protect me? Because I’m a woman?” There was an edge to her voice and he knew he had to tread carefully.
“Honestly, I think that asshole laid you out because you’re a woman. It was fucked up. And I didn’t want him to think he could get away with that. You’re part of the team and I’ve got your back.”
She studied him for a moment and let out a small smile, accepting the answer he provided.
“Thank you,” she said plainly. 
“You’re welcome.”
They were quiet for a moment and Bucky spoke up again, “Steve should be home soon. Did you want to watch TV or something?”
“Sure.” Bucky handed her the remote and let her click through the channels until something grasped her attention.
“What the fuck is this?” Bucky asked, stunned by the blurred nudity on his television.
“You’ve never seen Naked and Afraid?” His expression answered the question for her. 
“It’s like a survivalist show. They spend 21 days trying to survive in the wilderness.”
“And they're naked…”
“Yeah, they don’t really explain that logic. Something having to do with primitivism. I think it's just for shock value.”
“Makes sense.”
“But yeah, it’s oddly addicting.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Despite his apprehension, he settled in and focused his attention on the TV. The two made comments and jokes to each other while watching and it wasn’t long until Bucky was drawn in.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Steve came in and found them on the couch, watching the reality TV survival show.
“What on Earth…” Steve said.
“Naked and Afraid,” Y/N and Bucky said in unison. Steve wordlessly dropped his things and joined them on the couch, asking questions about the show and the episode.
“Why is this so addicting?” Steve finally asked.
“I have no idea, but it’s so good,” Y/N said. The three of them sat and watched episodes for hours, but the time flew by with ease. But the drugs and pain was starting to take a toll on Y/N. Bucky could sense she was close to drifting off, and every time he saw her head bob, he nudged her shoulder to make sure she was still awake.
“I’m just so tired…” she would say. Bucky looked at Steve for guidance. He wanted her to get some rest, but he didn’t want to risk breaching the concussion protocol. Steve pulled out his phone and did a quick Google search.
“It says that technically she can sleep, she just needs to be woken up every few hours.”
Bucky turned to Y/N, checking her reaction at the good news, but she was already in a light sleep.
“I’ll take her to my room, she’ll be more comfortable there,” Bucky said.
“Do you want me to stay up with you?” Steve offered.
“Nah, I’ll set an alarm and wake her every two hours.”
“You sure?” Steve was more than happy to help out, but he also recognized the sparkle in Bucky’s eye.
“I’ve got it,” Bucky replied. Steve nodded and gathered his things before heading to his room. Bucky approached Y/N and picked her up carefully, so as not to wake her. She easily fell into his arms and he navigated to his room. He carefully placed her onto his unmade bed and pulled the sheets over her. She sunk into the mattress and continued to sleep, curled up in the blankets. Bucky glanced over his room and realized it could use a little tidying up. The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to wake up disgusted at the mess. He set a timer on his phone, cracked his knuckles and started cleaning up.
The first two hours went by surprisingly quickly. It helped to have a task he was focused on and he put his headphones in to listen to some music as he worked. He was shocked to find it was nearing 3AM. 
He sat gently on the bed and carefully shook Y/N’s shoulder, calling her name as he did so. She groggily opened her eyes, clearly annoyed at being disturbed from her slumber.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked.
She squinted at him, “Tired.”
“I know, I’m sorry to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” she responded, stretching out.
“Do you want something to eat or drink?”
“Mmm, a bottle of red wine would be great.”
Bucky stared at her before she added, “I’m kidding.” He was glad to see her sense of humor was still intact.
“How about a grilled cheese?” he offered.
“Oh that sounds amazing.”
“Coming right up.” He stood from his desk chair and was surprised as Y/N followed him to the kitchen. He poured her a large glass of water and placed it in front of her selected seat at the kitchen table.
Bucky moved around the kitchen with ease as he collected all the necessary ingredients for their midnight snack.
“Do you cook often?” she asked him.
“I try to. I like eating healthy when I can and it's easier if I just cook for myself instead of eating out all the time.”
“What’s your go-to meal that you cook when you’re trying to impress a girl?”
Bucky turned back to her, “You’re about to find out.”
She scoffed, “Grilled cheese is not your signature dish.”
“Sure it is.”
“So if you were going to cook dinner for a date, you’d make her grilled cheese?”
“You’re full of shit.”
“It’s a great test of character. I want to be with a girl who is down to earth and appreciates a good grilled cheese.”
“No girl is going to be impressed by grilled cheese.”
“Talk to me after you’ve tried it,” he smiled. She continued drinking her water and watching him work. Her headache was fading away but her ribs still hurt a bit and watching Bucky distracted her from the pain.
Soon enough, Bucky placed a plate in front of her that held a perfectly made grilled cheese. The bread was a rich golden brown and there was the slightest bit of cheese oozing off the crust. 
“How do you want it cut?” he asked. 
“Triangles,” she responded, smiling back to memories of her childhood. Bucky slid the butter knife diagonally across the sandwich, creating two right triangles.
He placed his own plate in front of the neighboring chair and joined her at the table. She picked up the sandwich and bit off a corner.
“Oh my god…” she gushed.
Bucky merely shrugged and said, “I told you.”
“How? How is this the best sandwich I’ve ever had?” She continued to eat her grilled cheese, moaning in delight after every bite. 
“I’m just happy it lived up to expectations.”
“Oh, it exceeded expectations,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, as he collected the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.
“Good, but tired. And sore.”
“You want to go back to sleep?”
She simply nodded and he held out his hand to help her up. She took it with ease and he walked her back to his bedroom, pulling down the sheets so she could climb in.
As she made herself comfortable, James let out a deep yawn.
“Are you going to sleep?” she asked.
He nodded, “I’m gonna pass out on the couch for a few hours, then I’ll check on you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“Well, I just want to make sure you aren’t concussed.”
“No, I mean you don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“You are not sleeping on the couch.”
“I don’t mind sharing the bed. It is yours.”
“Y/N, I really don’t mind.”
“Stop arguing and get in the bed,” she demanded. 
He wasn’t expecting her to be so direct and found he followed her direction without question. Even though Y/N was tiny, it was still tight in the twin bed considering Bucky’s bulky frame. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get comfortable. Y/N was curled up under the covers, fast asleep, and he was worried that any shift he made might wake her up. So he just stared up at the ceiling, trying to ignore her sweet scent and delicate breathing. And then she turned. She instinctively pulled herself closer to him, resting her head on his chest and placing her arm around his rib cage. He carefully placed his arm around her and gently ran his fingers up and down her torso. He focused his attention on his movements and soon enough, he was drifting off to sleep.
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He was startled awake by the chime of his alarm and he didn’t want to move. He quickly turned off the ringer, not wanting to wake up Y/N just yet. She was the little spoon to his big, her petite body fitting perfectly in his. 
“Y/N,” he whispered, scratching her shoulder gently to wake her. He wasn’t sure if she was a naturally heavy sleeper or if it was a side effect from her injury, but either way his job wasn’t any easier.
“Y/N,” he called again, shaking her shoulder ever so slightly. This time she stirred, turning so that she was facing him. “Are you awake?” he whispered.
“No…” she replied. 
“Don’t make me bring in reinforcements,” he added with a smile.
“You wouldn’t dare,” she challenged.
“Only one way to find out,” he smirked. He leaned in close to her and started tickling her torso, playing her rib cage like it was a piano. She immediately squirmed, trying to evade his attack unsuccessfully. As she squealed, she also let out a breathy giggle that was music to his ears. She flipped back over so that she was facing the edge of the bed and Bucky took this moment to ease up on the tickling and squeezed her tight in his arms. She leaned into his arms before calling, “Okay, okay I give.”
“You awake now?”
“Yes, I’m awake,” she laughed. He loosened his grip and she turned back to him.
“That was not a fair fight. You’re like twice my size. And I was half asleep.”
“All I’m hearing are excuses,” Bucky countered. She pouted at him and Bucky couldn’t help but smile. “Are you feeling better?”
She nodded, “No more headache, still a little sore in the ribs.”
“My attack probably didn’t help that,” Bucky admitted.
“Definitely not. But I didn’t mind too much.”
He studied her face, counting every freckle and memorizing the pattern of her irises. He smiled noticing the twinkle in her eye had returned; it had dimmed after she took the hit but now it was glimmering again. Bucky couldn’t believe how quickly things had changed between them. He never saw it coming. Yesterday she was just his teammate, and now he couldn’t imagine a life without her. He’d always heard about people falling so fast that they don’t realize it until it was too late, but he’d never experienced it before. He leaned in closer, pulling her in tight to his chest, taking in her natural scent, and he planted a protective kiss on her hairline.
“Why don’t you rinse off in the shower before we head to the hospital,” he suggested.
“Hospital?” she whined, “I’m really fine.”
He looked at her sternly, “We’re going.”
“Do we have to?”
“Yes, I’m not taking no for an answer. I promised Cho I would take you in.”
She rolled her eyes before climbing out of bed, “Fiiiine.” 
Bucky followed her into the bathroom to grab her a fresh set of towels. As he handed her the small stack, she looked at him with a look that he couldn’t quite place. He guessed she had something she wanted to get off her chest, but wasn’t sure if she should proceed.
“What is it?” he asked, hoping his comment would encourage her.
She hesitated for a minute, weighing the pros and cons in her head. “It’s nothing,” she settled on, giving him a fake smile.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders.
She let out a sigh before saying, “It’s fine if you want to keep last night between us. Not that anything happened, but we can just go back to normal.”
The comment should’ve stung, but Bucky wasn’t letting her get out of things that easily, “Is that what you want?”
Her eyes told him everything. “I don’t mind either-”
He cut her off, not willing to accept her non-answer. He shook his head, “What do you want?”
He was pushing her, he knew that, but he wanted her to hear her say it, to make sure it wasn’t all in his head.
“I want a thousand more nights like last night. Just without the whole concussion part,” she added, with a smile.
“Only a thousand? We’re capping it there?” 
She let out a teasing laugh, “Let’s start with a thousand. If you do well, we can discuss a contract extension.”
“Trust me, I’m getting that extension. How about I give you a little preview…” he suggested, moving in closer towards her.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” she smirked. He placed his hand on her jaw and gently ran his index finger in circles behind her ear. 
“Maybe something like this…” he whispered, words grazing her lips. She closed her eyes and waited until he finally brushed his lips up against hers. He pulled her in tighter towards him as he continued kissing her. She couldn’t help but smile as he caressed her lips, knowing full well she never wanted him to stop. 
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The Purple Sign. Part XI
Self-Aware! Bram Stoker x GN! Reader
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Description: There is a Purple Sign on your door. Part XI
Fluff. Bram pampering.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
You almost entered your bedroom, when Aya run in your room right before you. She was holding The Purple Sign in her hands. Girl turned her head and hold the sign towards you. You smiled.
"Got it, Aya. So, what do you want to do first?"
But girl shook her head.
"It's not for me. It's for Bra-chan."
You raise an eyebrow. Bram has never used The Purple Sign before.
“Did Bram asked you to do it? To bring The Purple Sign on his behalf?” you felt a need to clarify.
Aya’s smile disappeared. Now she looked like she was caught stealing candy.
“Kind of…”
“Kind of.” Your voice sounded flat. Aya looked away, embarrassed.
“He looked sad. I thought that he needs it.” Girl became quiet.
You leaned towards Aya and softly asked.
“Are you sure? You sure? That Bram needs and wants it?”
She knew that there was one rule about The Purple Sign, which you could never break.
Purple Sign was not just a chance to spend time together.
It was a permission for you to “get into” BSD Cast’s personal space, mind and thoughts.
It was their chance to be vulnerable.
You did not accuse Aya of anything right now. You were letting her explain/
Aya stepped from one leg to another and nervously looked at you.
“Last week he was silent. Too silent.” Girl looked at The Purple Sigh. “It wasn’t his normal silence. It was silence from that world… Back in our previous world… He was quiet. Like he didn’t care that he is… was…” you nodded, showing, that you knew, what she wanted to say. Aya looked at you with gratitude. She continue.
“All of us felt broken at least once back there. However, Bra-chan... I just thought… He needs to talk about it. He will not tell me anything. He didn’t want to burden me.”
You closed your eyes. Aya’s sadness looked genuine. She was worried.
Bram became her guardian. Her father.
Oda did his best to look after kids (and teens). But you can’t just treat him as the babysitter.
You took the Purple Sigh from her hands.
“I will go and talk to him”
Basement was dry. It was not cold, but chilly.
You were standing before Bram’s door. On your back, you had your backpack with Purple Sig, your laptop, phone and few pairs of headphones.
You raise your hand and knock.
You knocked again. And called.
“Bram, it’s me, [Y/N]!”
Silence. Few soft steps.
And Bram Stocker opened the door.
“Little Bat? Nice to see you.”
Bram’s voice was calm and emotionless (slightly). If you did not knew him, you would assume that he was sarcastic. However, you have knew him for many month. He was happy to see you. His eyes soften for a bit. He slightly lean forward and corners of his lips twitched up.
You wave at him.
“Hey, Bram, got a minute?”
Vampire Lord/Ability User nodded.
“Yes. Do you need something?”
Without second thought, you took off your backpack and take away The Purple Sign. Wooden “accessory” on a neat chain dangled in your hold. Bram raise an eyebrow.
“Aya came to me with this earlier. She said that you need it.”
Bram’s posture changed. He looked more nervous. Not angry. More like someone, who didn’t want to have their secrets revealed.
“Where did she get this idea?” Bram asked. You mentally cheered. It seems that you can make Bram open up a little.
“She told me, that you were silent. As silent as back there… And Neither Aya or I could let our friend feel blue or lost.”
Bram looked away. He looked troubled.
“I am sorry for worrying you two. It was not my intention.”
You sigh quietly. No one wanted to worry anyone. By doing that, they boiled in their sadness. Nevertheless, you loved everyone from BSD Cast.
“I know. Bram, if you want to talk, I am here.”
Bram shift his gaze to the Purple Sigh.
“Or we can simply hang out. You don’t need to open up, if you don’t want to. Just remember, that I am here.”
Vampire took the Sign from your hand and put it on his door.
“Come in, Little Bat.”
Bram was a heating pad. Kind off. He did not breathe, was surprisingly warm for a vampire and his body was softer, than you would expect from a vampire.
You sighed and closed your eyes. You were laying on his chest, while Bram himself was laying in his coffin. Coffin,of course, was open.
Bram was talking.
“I didn’t care about being fictional.” Bram’s chest moved up and down. “I promise, I am not mad about it. But, I am mad, because I remembered about my family.”
You silently nuzzle Bram’s shoulder. You choose to remain silent.
Bram’s long fingers ran through your hair.
“I was alone. A talking head. Do you want to know, why I did not ask Fukuchi to remove the sword?” Bram answered his own question, without letting you speak. “I did not want to go on a rampage.”
Bram chucked. The laugh was bitter.
“And you knew what? I am still dangerous. I still can kill everyone. I am not human!”
Bram looked at you. He whispered.
“Why you are not afraid of me. Little Bat?”
You tilt your head. After few minutes of silence, you spoke.
“I trust you. Our looks or dietary habits didn’t make us human. Our minds, hearts, souls, personality… That is what we called humanity. We change ourselves. We can became better or worse. And you… You are a good person. You are a good father, Bram. And a great friend.”
For a few moments, everything was silent.
Then Bram hug you tighter. He took your hand and lightly kissed your knuckles.
“I needed it, Little Bat. Thank you”
You smile softly.
“You are welcome, Bram”
It was the middle of the night.
You were laying on Bram’s chest.
Your eyes were closed.
.Both of you had headphones on. With help of duel headphone jack, you were listening to music. Together.
Two real persons enjoying mu
sic together. As it should be.
You almost entered your bedroom, when Aya run in your room right before you. She was holding The Purple Sign in her hands. Girl turned her head and hold the sign towards you. You smiled.
"Got it, Aya. So, what do you want to do first?"
But girl shook her head.
"It's not for me. It's for Bra-chan."
You raise an eyebrow. Bram has never used The Purple Sign before.
“Did Bram asked you to do it? To bring The Purple Sign on his behalf?” you felt a need to clarify.
Aya’s smile disappeared. Now she looked like she was caught stealing candy.
“Kind of…”
“Kind of.” Your voice sounded flat. Aya looked away, embarrassed.
“He looked sad. I thought that he needs it.” Girl became quiet.
You leaned towards Aya and softly asked.
“Are you sure? You sure? That Bram needs and wants it?”
She knew that there was one rule about The Purple Sign, which you could never break.
Purple Sign was not just a chance to spend time together.
It was a permission for you to “get into” BSD Cast’s personal space, mind and thoughts.
It was their chance to be vulnerable.
You did not accuse Aya of anything right now. You were letting her explain/
Aya stepped from one leg to another and nervously looked at you.
“Last week he was silent. Too silent.” Girl looked at The Purple Sign. “It wasn’t his normal silence. It was silence from that world… Back in our previous world… He was quiet. Like he didn’t care that he is… was…” you nodded, showing, that you knew, what she wanted to say. Aya looked at you with gratitude. She continue.
“All of us felt broken at least once back there. However, Bra-chan... I just thought… He needs to talk about it. He will not tell me anything. He didn’t want to burden me.”
You closed your eyes. Aya’s sadness looked genuine. She was worried.
Bram became her guardian. Her father.
Oda did his best to look after kids (and teens). But you can’t just treat him as the babysitter.
You took the Purple Sign from her hands.
“I will go and talk to him”
Basement was dry. It was not cold, but chilly.
You were standing before Bram’s door. On your back, you had your backpack with Purple Sign, your laptop, phone and few pairs of headphones.
You raise your hand and knock.
You knocked again. And called.
“Bram, it’s me, [Y/N]!”
Silence. Few soft steps.
And Bram Stocker opened the door.
“Little Bat? Nice to see you.”
Bram’s voice was calm and emotionless (slightly). If you did not knew him, you would assume that he was sarcastic. However, you have knew him for many month. He was happy to see you. His eyes soften for a bit. He slightly lean forward and corners of his lips twitched up.
You wave at him.
“Hey, Bram, got a minute?”
Vampire Lord/Ability User nodded.
“Yes. Do you need something?”
Without second thought, you took off your backpack and take away The Purple Sign. Wooden “accessory” on a neat chain dangled in your hold. Bram raise an eyebrow.
“Aya came to me with this earlier. She said that you need it.”
Bram’s posture changed. He looked more nervous. Not angry. More like someone, who didn’t want to have their secrets revealed.
“Where did she get this idea?” Bram asked. You mentally cheered. It seems that you can make Bram open up a little.
“She told me, that you were silent. As silent as back there… And Neither Aya or I could let our friend feel blue or lost.”
Bram looked away. He looked troubled.
“I am sorry for worrying you two. It was not my intention.”
You sigh quietly. No one wanted to worry anyone. By doing that, they boiled in their sadness. Nevertheless, you loved everyone from BSD Cast.
“I know. Bram, if you want to talk, I am here.”
Bram shift his gaze to the Purple Sign.
“Or we can simply hang out. You don’t need to open up, if you don’t want to. Just remember, that I am here.”
Vampire took the Sign from your hand and put it on his door.
“Come in, Little Bat.”
Bram was a heating pad. Kind off. He did not breathe, was surprisingly warm for a vampire and his body was softer, than you would expect from a vampire.
You sighed and closed your eyes. You were laying on his chest, while Bram himself was laying in his coffin. Coffin,of course, was open.
Bram was talking.
“I didn’t care about being fictional.” Bram’s chest moved up and down. “I promise, I am not mad about it. But, I am mad, because I remembered about my family.”
You silently nuzzle Bram’s shoulder. You choose to remain silent.
Bram’s long fingers ran through your hair.
“I was alone. A talking head. Do you want to know, why I did not ask Fukuchi to remove the sword?” Bram answered his own question, without letting you speak. “I did not want to go on a rampage.”
Bram chucked. The laugh was bitter.
“And you knew what? I am still dangerous. I still can kill everyone. I am not human!”
Bram looked at you. He whispered.
“Why you are not afraid of me. Little Bat?”
You tilt your head. After few minutes of silence, you spoke.
“I trust you. Our looks or dietary habits didn’t make us human. Our minds, hearts, souls, personality… That is what we called humanity. We change ourselves. We can became better or worse. And you… You are a good person. You are a good father, Bram. And a great friend.”
For a few moments, everything was silent.
Then Bram hug you tighter. He took your hand and lightly kissed your knuckles.
“I needed it, Little Bat. Thank you.”
You smile softly.
“You are welcome, Bram”
It was the middle of the night.
You were laying on Bram’s chest.
Your eyes were closed.
Both of you had headphones on. With help of duel headphone jack, you were listening to music. Together.
Two real persons enjoying music together. As it should be.
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aya-fay · 2 years
Fate bound
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Author: Aya-Fay
Fandom: Captain America
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Vampire AU where soulmates watch each other grows up in their dreams until they meet in real life.
Warnings: smut; not protected sex, doubtful consented sex
My Sebastian Stan's masterlist and My Main Masterlist
For as long as she can remember, Y/N has been having the same dream since she was a little kid. All she could remember out of it was a cold wind that hit her face, the grayish tones of the approaching night and a tall person hiding in the shadows and always waiting for someone.
The first thing Y/N notices about the person hiding in the shadows is that when she comes a little closer and the light of the lantern revealed man’s lips are slowly stretching into a poisonously sad smile. The frantic-predatory gleam of his eyes bewitches and contrary to the call of her wildly pounding heart Y/N takes a step towards the unknown man.
Than everything turns dark and she wakes up.
At the age of 17 Y/N learns that watching the same person every night year after year means that she got a chance to see her destiny. Once Natasha spilled the beans about seeing a pale-skinned, dark-haired boy with a thoughtful look in his eyes ever since she was a little girl. As he grew older, this boy turned into a sweet young man whom she met in a hospital’s lab a couple of months ago. Y/N listens to her intently and feels her breath hitching. The man in her dreams has never been a child or a teenager. Truth be told the man in her dreams has not aged a bit even though plenty of years has gone by.
“Have you…” Natasha easily touches Y/N 's hand, to return her to reality. “Have you seen someone in your dreams?” She asks expectantly.
Y/N casually nods her head and regrets it the moment she has done it. Natasha stops in her spot and stares at Y/N with excitement in her eyes. As Natasha opens her mouth to ask a question, Y/N already sighs inwardly knowing well enough what will be discussed.
“Who is he? Or… is that she? What does they look like? Do I know them?” Natasha suddenly says, peering into puzzled eyes of her friend. Y/N clearly underestimated her friend as she was expecting one question instead of three. She has no answer for any of it anyway.
Y/N smiles gently, straighten the bag on her shoulder and quietly answers. “That is the man for sure. Nat, I don't think I can share anything else until we meet for sure. I don’t want to ruin everything as I always do, you know.”
She looks at her house and notices her father in the yard, who is waving and calling her home. For the first time, Y/N is glad that someone meets her after school. She says goodbye to Natasha and, on her way home, wonders how long she can hide her growing excitement from her shrewd parents.
At twenty-five, Y/N wakes up with a low scream when she hears a stranger calls her name for the first time. She would love to tell that his voice was low, gentle or calm but that was not the case. The man who she saw in her dream was screaming with terror as he was falling into the white abyss devoid of any colors and when he fell he must have lost consciousness as she woke up.
Y/N closed her eyes, listening to the measured breath of the night wind from the window and hopes that next time she dares to ask a stranger for his name. Or at least try to speak to him and she would definitely not want to see this dream again.
When Y/N finally decides to ask her parent about their fateful meeting, she hears the same thing that she heard from Natasha. She tries as casually as possible ask her parents if that is possible for her dream person to not age one bit when she hears the cold stone silence in return. She realizes her mistake only when she sees the worry in the tormented eyes of her parents and notices how her mother’s fingers tremble, barely holding a plate in her hands.
The next day, her mother drags her to the village next to her city to a gorgeous redhead woman dressed in strange attire. Wanda whose name Y/N learned from her mother pulls out an old book from the top shelf of her wooden cabinet and flips through the pages in a hurry and stops when she finds what she was looking for. She returns her gaze to Y/N, looks her up and down, and then sighs and clicks her tongue, uttering a word the Y/N had to process for a few minutes.
Wanda spins around Y/N, waving her hands with red flames, constantly casting spells. The smell of smoke and herbs makes her dizzy and slurred words that sound like a mantra make her heart shrink with fear. Y/N looks at her mother and almost cries. The girl is poorly understands what is going on as Wanda switched to unknown language, but the meaning of the word, which young woman repeats every now and then, bursts into consciousness, echoing. And she suddenly begins to understand who has been chasing her for years in her dreams.
A dead man.
Her fate is a long-gone person. That's why his appearance didn't change. That's why his frightened voice made her blood run cold. The call of the dead signifies the approach of the end. No matter how alluring his face may be, he has neither soul nor heart, and he will destroy her. She has no idea why she thought so, but she was determined not to let herself meet him.
Seeing her determination Wanda came to her, smiled and rubs her hand on girl’ back in circle in a soothing manner.
“Everything is going to be fine.” Wand said with her thick accent. “There is nothing to worry about.”
As soon as Y/N and her mother left Wanda’s house, the shadow took a step forward, looking expectantly at Wanda whose body was immediately doused with a cold. As if she still didn’t get used to face such creatures.
“I guess she is not ready to meet me yet?” a strange vibrating voice sounded around Wanda as if enveloping her in a trance. It sounded as if it came from everywhere, amplifying many times, reflected from the walls and columns
“She is not indeed. I think it’s better to leave her alone for some time, Bucky.” Wanda said fully turning to meet the man whose presence she felt the minute two women came to her house. “If you ever want to lay your hands on her, leave her be for the time being. Human mind is full of surprises and one day she will get used to the idea of your existence.”
“I hope you are right little witch. I hope you are right.” The whisper is lulling, quiet. Bewitching, almost putting Wanda into a trance. Bucky’s breath warms the skin on woman’s neck, where the pulse beats. “Or I will come back and won’t be that friendly to you are any of your family.” Bucky whispers in a menacing tone before disappearing without a trace.
Wanda takes a deep breath, crosses herself as she cleaning up her workplace cursing the confident but lost vampire. She just hopes that girl will be more open-minded than most humans.
Returning home, Y/N mourns over her destiny for a long time. Maybe Y/N is very young, but she understands: the dream of a happy life is buried along with the dead man from her dreams. The image of the mysterious man will remain a reminder that she will never know the same as her loved ones. Her destiny is to live with an unloved person until the end of her days, pretending that he is destined for her.
Falling asleep and waking up without a single hope of meeting such a familiar face of a stranger for several years now, Y/N regrets only one thing. She never got a chance to know man’s name.
Y/N perched at the bar and began to look at the crowd of cheerful young people. Loud beats of a tasteless music pounded in some absolutely incredible octaves, and the drum beats made Y/N's heart beat in a ragged, uneven rhythm.
She kept glancing at the company of drunken young men through her bloody red glass with ice cubes that was slowly melting away. The degree of excitement, both physical and sexual, that night went off scale beyond all conceivable and inconceivable limits. Y/N visited this club a few times prior with her girlfriends, but tonight she felt the need to visit it alone.
So little time passed since her epic break-up with her last boyfriend Justin. She has just turned 30 when he proclaimed that he has met his fate and is going to leave her. Even though she knew that this was going to happen, it hurt. Even if she tried to leave as a normal person which was not too hard to do as her dream man has not visited her dreams for five years now making it much easier to pretend that he did not exist.
She of course forbade herself to think about this asshole, but thoughts like persistent worms dug into her brain and swarm there swarming endlessly. His kisses left a slight bitter taste on girl’s lips and she knew she would not forget the feeling for some time.
Y/N took a small sip of her vigorous cocktail and reached into her purse. Two missed calls from Natasha. She pursued her lips in disgust and turned off her phone because she wanted to relax. She would not say no to a good sex either. She just needs one crazy, passionate and tender night with a stranger to get her mind off her problems. And she knew that this club stirred off all moral principles was exactly what she needed. She didn't want to remember Justin's words, his baseless accusations and completely inappropriate insults. She just wanted to forget everything and get laid.
When she was about to swallow the rest of her drink she caught moving beside her. Turning to a man who occupied seat next to her she felt her heart beating faster. His silhouette looked so familiar. For a moment, it seems to her that fatigue and the shaken rhythm of breathing are to blame for everything, because the one person she sees in front of her is the only person that simply could not exist. Wanda assured her of this when she cast her spells, circling over young girl.
Catching her breath, Y/N looks back at the man and opens her eyes wide in surprise when she realizes that the man across from her is studying her in return. They are separated just by several centimeters, nothing else. The stranger is still as young and beautiful as five, ten, fifteen years ago; time seems to have stopped for him.
His lips moving, but no sound reaches girl’s ears. The man whispers something to her to no avail. In confusion, she opens her mouth, looking at the one whom she saw in her dreams, in whose existence tried not to believe. How can a dead man sit so close and be as alive as her?
Shaking off the daziness she felt, Y/N smiled and fully turned to a man, facing him and taking in his appearance: dark-brown locks framing his face was shaped into artistic mess, his ocean-blue eyes watched her intently.
“May I ask your name?” He asked and she realized that he must have been talking to her for a few minutes before she realized it.
“Sorry, it’s Y/N.” She answered and extended her hand for a handshake, but he kissed her knuckles instead and let it fall back on her knees. “And what’s yours?”
“It’s James, but friends call me Bucky” He smiled at her and extended his hand. “Dance with Me.” He said in a non-arguing tone.
Y/N wanted to say no, wanted to push him away, to run away because she felt the need to do so, but it was hopeless. Against her will she extended her hand and James led her to the center of the dance floor. A new tune began to play, somewhat similar to the one of 90s. It was a gentle but dynamic composition, and Y/N immediately caught the steady rhythm of the loud drum beats.
James was a gallant and careful partner. His hands touched Y/N so fleetingly and tenderly that these touches were like a breath of warm wind. They moved perfectly, harmoniously, together and in one breath. She surrendered to his steady hands as he led gently but forcefully.
Passion and tenderness, sadness and joy from an unexpected meeting, bitterness and sweetness merged in their dance - conflicting feelings, opposite beginnings. Their dance was one big oxymoron, a strange accident that, nevertheless, gave happiness. Y/N only now realized how much she missed him for the smile and his demeanor itself, for his presence in her life. She felt dread deep within, but nothing could compare to her feeling of happiness. She had no idea how she really looked forward to his return, even if it was sudden and painfully sharp.
He ran a hand around her waist as she leaned back, their bodies entwined in fluid, almost erotic motions. James who was somehow perfectly fitting into the rhythm of the song gently took Y/N by the chin and made her effectively tilt her head back bend a little. He didn't insist, but Y/N wanted to obey and she obeyed, and James accepted her reaction as a kind of gift.
The music ended, and Y/N froze in place. James also stopped. They stood face to face, one inch apart, and James’s eyes filled with a thousand emotions as he looked at Y/N and squeezed her hand. There was sadness in his eyes, as if he knew he would eventually leave. Or so she thought.
“Come with me, Y/N. It's too loud in here.” James said and gently pulled her along himself to the exit of the club.
Y/N didn't ask where or why James leads her, she felt the uncontrolled desire to do as he said. She felt the weird sense of both physical and sexual excitement as he was leading the way. It was so easy to follow the person you... what? Wanted to meet? Loved? Felt lust towards? Y/N didn’t want to love James as loving him was like cutting herself methodically. Cut one millimeter every day. She couldn't afford those feelings, but neither could he.
Therefore, without a word, they got into a taxi and drove off somewhere. Y/N did not yet know exactly where, but then she realized: to the hotel. And her heart sank in perverted sense of lust and excitement.
She looked at the man sitting next to her and was surprised to find that he was studying her face, stopping his examination on her lips. The weird sense of desire cursed through her veins and without realizing she pulls the man by the neck, tasting his lips. Both shuddered at such unexpected closeness, but the man's hands on their own pulled the girl closer to him, wrapping around her thin waist. The kiss was sensual and unusual. When the man's tongue penetrated her mouth the world around them stopped and she lost herself in sensation. How they got into the hotel room she didn’t know. The only thing she was aware of was his hot whispers “I long for you” and “I want you”. He was pouring his hot breath around her neck, and she once again responded to this low velvety voice, feeling heat rise to her cheeks, and it hurts in the lower abdomen. He smelled of expensive whiskey, bitter orange, and spices, all Y/N’s feelings have now become especially extrapolated. A light kiss on the neck and she forgot about everything, swallowing nervously and pulling James's neck to her.
“The feeling is mutual.” she whispered thoughtlessly against his lips.
James didn't need to be told twice, he had already torn the thin fabric of her dress in half in one sharp movement, exposing Y/N's breasts, small buttons scattered across the floor, creating a rustle. The girl pulled off his T-shirt with trembling hands. She moaned causing James to growl in a low voice. He squeezed small breasts with his hands, pulling back the nipples causing the halos to turn a little red. Both were beside themselves, both were overwhelmed with passion and desire, alcohol completely dissolved all barriers and they had little of everything that was happening.
James pushed Y/N onto the bed, kissing the thin skin leaving a wet path from the neck to the chest, biting with teeth and therefore on reddish hickeys immediately appeared on the girl’s body. Let everyone know that she belongs to him. Another kiss somewhere between the ribs made Y/N aching from the pain twisting in the lower abdomen. Barnes seemed to feel it and started to slowly move his hand to the girl’s crotch which already was wet even through the thin fabric of panties. Gently pushing them aside, his palm began to make light movements up and down along the excited clitoris. The girl moaned in return and arched her back, grabbing Bucky’s hair and pulling his head closer.
Everything inside her was asking for way more than she was feeling right now. All of her skin turned into naked nerves, which Bucky masterfully played. It was also difficult for a man to restrain his excitement even through the veil alcohol, hatred for her previous fear of him and uncontrollable desire, now he just wanted to be inside Y/N. But he had one important thing yet to do. He pulled away from her being completely naked, and with a strong hard-on, which she lustfully looked at.
“You should know the conditions,” the man croaked looking at the heavily panting girl. “Once we seal the fate’s mark, there won’t be any way out of it.”
“James,” she wanted to protest, but Barnes interrupted her, pressing hard hand on the girl's neck.
“Condition, Y/N,” Barnes said harshly. “Do you agree with it? There won’t be turning back and there won’t be leaving me again” He said and felt relive washing over him when the girl nodded and obeyed.
“Take me, I want you,” Y/N answered with a breath, and the man chuckled, again reducing the distance between them to millimeters. One sudden movement, a loud scream, a guttural growl and a moment of bewilderment.
“Damn, Y/N , didn’t you have anyone?” Bucky muttered, looking at the intoxicated eyes.
“I did, but...” the girl replied grabbing his ass and directing into yourself.
She was too narrow, too wet, too hot. Everything for Bucky that was connected with Y/N now was from the category of "too". But now he understood only that this moment dragged on for too long. He moved in her with such a wild and animal passion that it seemed this tension would tear both of them apart. His sharp thrusts echoed in the girl with loud and vulgar moans. She thought that she would probably never get used to his impressive size, which brought her to the point of insanity.
Y/N missed those feelings so much. She hasn’t got any proper sex for quite some time and now she felt how her need was finally fulfilling. The man has not stopped, continuing to gain their highest point of pleasure. The movements became more and more unrestrained, both moved towards each other, and the slaps of wet bodies filled semi-dark room.
Bucky abruptly pulled out of Y/N and she felt a painful emptiness, looking at him like an offended child, but the devils danced there, and it turned him on even more.
He turned his girl on her stomach and without waiting for a suitable pose, abruptly entered her, which caused him to catch a loud scream. With each new push Y/N thoughtlessly shouted it out his name, resting her elbows on the already damp surface of the bed.
“Louder,” Bucky squeezed out with an imperious wheeze, and grabbing both of the girl’s hands closed them around her lower back, leaving her completely in his power.
“Yes, yes,” Y/N groaned exhaustedly, succumbing to meet Bucky. Soon enough she felt both heat and cold, cursed through the body as a single wave, the muscles of her vagina contracted and she had a chance to hear a guttural growl of her man the same moment she felt hard pulsations and pleasant warmth inside herself.
He collapsed exhausted right on her, pressing his whole body, all wet, panting, and although Y/N was not very comfortable, she dreamed to prolong this moment as long as possible.
“Sorry that I came,” he began, panting and speaking incoherently, “into you.”
“It’s all right,” Y/N answered, gradually coming to her senses, “I’m on pill anyway.” They both chuckled. Bucky turned his head to meet hers, and turn around, to lay next to her.
As he smiled at her, the girl laughed, gently, almost in a whisper and asked the question she has been dying to ask.
“So you are more than real. But I have been told that you are a dead person...” She whispered looking into blue eyes with interest, and then tilts her head slightly to one side as she hears that her heart rate is too fast and that his heart would have been beating the same way if it had not stopped many years ago.
Bucky looks at Y/N who instantly freezes, her eyebrows raised in surprise, and her mouth slightly parted. He reaches out with his hand to the girl's face, lightly strokes her cheek, sinks to her chin and covers her mouth with a slight movement, and then as if he lost his mind he bursts into laughter. Y/N smiles and laughs back. Bucky’s laughter is mesmerizing and soothing.
“You know, while you have seen me the same way all of these times, I have to watch you growing from a little girl with beautiful fair hair to a lovely young woman.” Bucky runs his hand through Y/N's hair and whispers that a lot has changed during this time.
He speaks of his past and the eternal feeling and the transience of time and at some moment Y/N feels that she is falling into abyss of darkness that is vast and deep. And Y/N is ready to drown in it.
Bucky watches her sleep and think that probably tomorrow she will regret everything that happened, but now she was free of any dark though.
The fast asleep girl turned her back to Bucky and pressed herself to him, making him cuddle her.
He on the contrary was not asleep, but he understood that both of them needed time to adjust to their situation and have some time to calm down. For now he almost weightlessly touches the skin of her neck with his lips controlling himself, knowing well enough that one day he will have the chance to change her destiny forever. Today was simply not that day.
Tagging: @thequeenofmythandmonsters
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lesbiankordian · 5 months
Teruko and Fukuzawa's reactions to Dostoyevsky's appearance in ch 114.5
and what they mean about their relationships with Fukuchi
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1. When Fyodor shows up they're both very surprised and definitely alarmed - as for now their reactions are the same.
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2. Fukuzawa is the first to run at Dostoyevsky, but stops when the latter says he'll kill Fukuchi, as he's scared of Fukuchi's death. Fukuchi tells him to pay it no mind and kill Dostoyevsky, but Fukuzawa freezes at that. This situation is almost the same as when Fukuchi told Fukuzawa to kill him few chapters ago, but Fukuzawa couldn't do that. (And at first the two were fighting. It was in the middle of the fight when Fukuzawa realised he couldn't kill Fukuchi - similarly to how he changes his mind now). It's important to note that happened like few minutes (!) before what's happening now with Dostoyevsky so Fukuzawa and Teruko's emotions are still at high levels.
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3. Again, just like the last time when Fukuchi asked to be killed, Teruko comes and does what Fukuzawa couldn't do. Because of her relationship with Fukuchi as him being her superior, she knows the best she can do for him (and the world) is to listen to his orders. I also think she reasons more clearly than Fukuzawa does at that moment and understands what Dostoyevsky's presence means (not that Fukuzawa doesn't, but all the memories of him and Fukuchi from Poe's novel and what happened after surely impacted him).
This scene parallels the one from ch 113 so painfully though. Because in 113 Teruko impaled Fukuchi in order to kill him, as Fukuzawa couldn't do that. This time she wasn't able to reach Dostoyevsky, so he killed Fukuchi by impaling him.
113: Fukuzawa can't kill Fukuchi, but Fukuchi gets killed anyways*
114.5: Fukuzawa stops when he learns it'd get Fukuchi killed, but Fukuchi gets killed anyways
113: Teruko does what Fukuzawa can't do
114.5: Teruko does what Fukuzawa can't do
113: Teruko goes at Fukuchi and succeeds, resulting in Fukuchi's death - Fukuzawa didn't want that**
114.5: Teruko goes at Dostoyevsky and doesn't succeed, resulting in Fukuchi's death - both Fukuzawa and Teruko didn't want that
*now we know Fukuchi was just bleeding out in 113, but I'm calling it death since there was no help for him anyways. The 114.5 death is instantaneous tho.
**not that Teruko was happy Fukuchi was killed, but it was her goal.
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4. Fukuchi gets killed and the similarities between Teruko and Fukuzawa are shown again - the (in Teruko's case momentary) freeze and fear / shock.
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5. The last pages show their different reactions. For a moment Fukuzawa is still standing, not doing anything (this is why I think he doesn't think as clear-headedly as Teruko does, his reactions take more time. Although he was the first to react overall in this chapter, that seems to change when Fukuchi comes into play - then it's Teruko who does something), but the next second he's guarding Aya.
Teruko, while Fukuzawa is still standing, is already running and, just like Ranpo, her goal is Dostoyevsky (or Fukuchi's body).
That's the end of ch 114.5, I'll connect it to two other elements from 113 now.
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It's interesting (and painful) how Fukuchi and Fukuzawa use words in their last moments. They either can't finish their sentences or act the other way around to what the other said. Just like in 113, in 114.5 Fukuzawa also stops fighting after Fukuchi's words - conversely to what Fukuchi told him to do. Before killing him he asks Fukuchi what his last words are. Before all that Fukuchi shows him their memories and they talk. After Fukuzawa says he can't kill him, Fukuchi wants to respond (but Teruko impales him).
I think it tells much about their relationship - despite they don't agree with each other, they want to hear the other's thoughts (even if they won't really listen to each other - on one hand Fukuchi wanted Fukuzawa to be the world leader even tho Fukuzawa was telling him he didn't want that; on the other hand, his last words to Fukuzawa are 'I understand'). Despite being so different, they both think of the other as one of the most important people in their lives.
When it comes to Teruko, I said I think she's more 'sober' than Fukuzawa now is. But how that can be, since she looked like that in 113:
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It's evident Fukuchi's death cost her much pain. But as we can see in that panel and the ones from 114.5, when it comes to Fukuchi (so the person who brought her all this pain), she decides what to do very quickly. I think part of that may come from her being a good hunting dog. Now, Fukuzawa is a good fighter as well, but for him Fukuchi is the one thing that freezes his thinking. Teruko knows her goal and has had more time than Fukuzawa to realize what was going on with Fukuchi. She can differentiate between Fukuchi who's a threat and Fukuchi who's important to her, meanwhile Fukuzawa wasn't able to do that, because both their relationships with him and goals are different. In 113 young Fukuzawa said if he could have one wish it'd be to protect those close to him - that's why he can't bring himself to kill Fukuchi. But Teruko's goal isn't to protect those closest to her (who even are they?), she rather looks at the bigger picture.
And that's why Fukuzawa runs to save Aya, but Teruko runs to Dostoyevsky (Ranpo and Teruko similarities Ranpo and Teruko similarities-).
Thanks for reading and goodbye. May Asagiri have mercy on us...
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galvanizedfriend · 8 months
I’m about to be cheeky and ask whether we could have a sneak peek of the next chapter of the Wolf????? Or am I being too rude in asking that 😂.
Hi, nonnie! No, it's not rude at all!
I got this part out of the opening scene of the chapter, but I have to warn you that I am yet to review or edit anything, so it might change a little bit yet.
It's Caroline and Kol having a rather spiky heart to heart. I hope you like it! 🥲
"I was wondering when you'd come out."
Caroline sighs. Of course, Kol would know she was there. She wonders what it means that he didn't tell the others. Maybe he was trying to spare her, or maybe he just didn't want her presence to overshadow a moment that should be entirely about Davina. Either way, she's grateful.
"I almost didn't. Wasn't sure I should even be here, to be honest."
"Where are your loyal wardens?" he asks flatly. "Don't tell me they're so overcome with guilt after condemning an innocent girl to hell that they couldn't indulge in a bit of gloom. It's their favorite kind of party."
"Klaus wanted to come," Caroline admits. "But I told him not to. Didn't think it would be wise."
Kol huffs out a weak snort. "Since when does he care about being wise?"
"He doesn't," she replies. "But I do."
"Right. And he always listens to you." He pauses. "It must be nice to have family who gives a damn about what you think."
Caroline's jaw sets. She lets her eyes focus on the elegantly carved letters of Davina's name on the headstone. It's beautiful, but rough. Not a lot of details, no quotes or messages about her being a good friend, a loving girlfriend. Feels hurried. Unfinished. Less than she deserved.
"I hated Davina when she tried to Klaus," she says after a moment, words tumbling out of her mouth without consent before she can give them a second thought. "I didn't hate, hate her. Not really. But in that moment, while she was there screaming her spell from the top of her lungs, saying that he'd lived long enough… I hated her then. She didn't really care whether he survived that whole thing or not. She wanted to get you back and she was willing to sacrifice whatever it took to do it."
"What are you on about?" Kol turns to her, a sharp edge to his voice. "Nik didn't die."
"Because Marcel betrayed her, and Stefan and I let an unstoppable huntress with a magic stone loose in the city to create enough diversion that could have backfired in so many ways, just so we could stop it. And then I killed Aya with my bare hands before she could have the chance to try again, and took back the white oak bullet she was going to use to test the effectiveness of Davina's de-linking spell,” she lists. “If that sounds like a too long and complicated combination, it's because it was. It took a village for Klaus to get out of that place alive, and if any of those things had failed, he wouldn't be here right now. And even then, Davina still managed to break his sire line, which made him vulnerable, including to Lucien, who was then free to threaten him and everyone else at will, because his life was no longer tethered to Klaus'." Kol's expression darkens. If looks could kill, Caroline would probably drop dead right there and then. But still, she keeps going. "She knew what she was doing, she knew the consequences, and she didn't care because getting you back meant more to her than Klaus' life."
"I wonder why," Kol hisses. "You talk as if Nik hadn't given her extraordinarily strong reasons to have such disregard for his well-being."
"I'm not questioning that, Kol. Klaus is… Klaus. Whenever someone tells me they hate him, I just assume they have a good reason. It's usually the case. She did, too. But that's beside the point. What I'm saying is that she made a choice that night, and I’m sure it wasn’t an easy one, if not for Klaus, then for everyone else who stood to lose if she failed, including Marcel. We're all put in impossible positions sometimes, and we have to make choices that we might regret for the rest of eternity."
"That's brilliant," he says, lips twisted into an awful smile. "I expected that kind of bollocks from Elijah, but I thought you, of all people, would not try to defend the indefensible."
"I'm not defending it. And I understand your anger, Kol. I really do. Better than I wish, actually. I never wanted Davina to get hurt or to pay for what she did. I don't think she deserved what happened to her. You trusted your family, and… They let you down," she says, her voice fraying around the edges. "You're right. You should hate us. You, Marcel, Vincent. I would hate us, too. But what I can't stop thinking is that I hope I'm never put in the same position as Elijah and Freya. I hope I never have to find out who I would be willing to sacrifice for my daughter, or for Klaus. I wish I could say that I would do the right thing, but the truth is… I don't know. And I would hate to find out. Because there is no right answer. There's only a guilt that eats away at you, and then living with the consequences of your choice. I mean, yesterday would’ve ended in a funeral either way. If not Davina's, then mine and Klaus'. I'm sure you'd be happy to have her back, and regardless of your feelings for us, you'd feel sorry for your niece. But because of what Elijah and Freya did, I'm here today, and Davina is not. I'm grateful to be alive, but I'm not happy. No one is. I wish it didn't have to be like that."
Caroline swallows around the tight lump in her throat, forcing back the tears threatening to escape. Somehow, she doesn't think she gets to cry over this. Not here. Not in front of Kol.
Kol's jaw clenches, his face scrunched up with an emotion she can't really define.
Caroline hesitates, considers telling him that he will always have a home with them, but decides not to. He doesn't want to hear that right now. Not from her, anyway.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Kol," she says instead, and means it. "I really am."
Then she turns away and leaves him to mourn Davina in peace.
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gucciwins · 2 years
it's another year of halloween celebrations for Harry and Bel.
Word count: 2295
A/N: I had to write about Harryween it's a special time for Harry and Bel because it's when Bel first told Harry she loved him so the day holds a special meaning to their realtionship. anyways I hope you enjoy this small blurb. im glad you still love harry and bel so much 🫶
love on tour series
Los Angeles, California - October 31, 2022 
“I’m so glad you’re here with me,” Bel hugs her best friends tightly, not letting them settle in their hotel room.
“Nowhere else I would rather be on a Monday,” Sarai jokes.
“Haha,” Bel rolls her eyes, finally letting them go.
Naomi now lounging on the queen-sized bed, having removed all her clothes, leaving her in underwear and a sports bra, not wanting her airport clothes on the bed. “I’m surprised H has let you go.” 
“It’s because he’ll be over soon.” 
“Yay! I’ve missed him,” Naomi and Bel turn to look at Sarai, who sits there, confused at their shocked expressions. “What? Harry and I are friends.” 
Naomi looks at their partner, confused, “since when?” Sarai was always the shy one, so Naomi was shocked finding out they had grown this relationship with Harry.
They shrug, “we talked about his favorite books during Coachella, and I told him he needed to get educated. Now he sends me his thoughts after each book.” 
Bel laughs, “that’s right! He’s stocked up a lot because of you. He told me he thought you didn’t like him, so he was excited when you shared that interest with him.”
“Awe, I get that a lot.” They pout.
“It’s the resting bitch face,” Naomi tells them, causing you all to laugh because Sarai is genuinely a sweetheart once you get to know them. 
“Moving on, please. Where are our costumes, Bel?” 
“On their way, Claude did wonderfully. I couldn’t carry all three with me, so Emerson is bringing them over with someone.” 
“Oh, is she dressing up too?” Sarai asked. 
Bel shakes her head, “Emerson doesn’t celebrate the holiday.” 
“She’s still coming to the show?” Naomi wonders because they get on well with your assistant. 
“No, she’s taking the night off, '' says her niece has been dying to watch Spider-man with her.” Bel shares as she looks at a text on her phone, making her way to open the hotel room door. 
“Maguire or Holland?” 
Emerson walks in with a trolley behind her, “Garfield, obviously.” 
“Emmy!!!!!” Naomi and Sarai cheer.
“Nice to see you, but get dressed and make sure it fits before nosy H makes an appearance.” Emerson hands them a bag and leaves them to get dressed. Bel’s outfit is at the arena, promising Harry to get ready there, so they have time to get ready together.  
They’re in for a fun night. Bel couldn’t wait.
Bel sits patiently as she lets Ayae fix the ginger wig. If she has to be honest, she loves the look. Everyone has been very secretive about the band’s costume, and as impatient as it has her, she knows the wait will be worth it. The green contacts in her eyes feel strange, but she doesn’t mind them. 
“He’s dressed.” Harry Lambert waits patiently, admiring as Ayae brushes out the ends of Bel’s hair. 
“She’s done,” Ayae tells Lambert, who stares at Bel with awe, taking in her wig and new eye color. Bel looks at herself in the mirror, taking in every detail of her suit, proud of how amazing the suit came out. She’s Sam from Totally Spies. It’s an old TV show, and it’s a perfect trio. There were many options they were thinking about, from doing Aquamarine to doing Josie and the Pussycats, but they loved this idea, knowing it would be a costume they don’t see others doing. 
“I’ve got an idea, but also zero idea,” Lambert tells Bel honestly, taking in her complete look
Bel laughs, “my friends should be here soon. They’ll explain it to you.” 
“Not poison ivy?” 
She shakes her head and knocks on Harry’s door. 
“It’s me. Can I come in?” 
“Your eyes have to be closed,” he calls back.
She resists the urge to roll her eyes, more excited that she’s moments away from seeing him in his costume. The door creaks open, and Bel feels him guiding her in. 
“You smell nice.” She tells him, and he thanks her with a kiss on her cheek. 
“Now, you nutter.” 
Bel blinks her eyes open slowly, and there is Harry in a black slicked-back wig, black shades, and a fake cigar in his mouth to tie his entire outfit of tight black jeans and black leather jacket.
“Danny Zuko,” she gasps, reaching out to touch his jacket, taking in the detail of the entire outfit. 
He smirks, “that’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
Bel lets out a small moan knowing Harry dressed as Danny is doing many things for her. She has many unholy thoughts running through her mind.
“You look beautiful, H.” 
Harry’s face goes red, loving all the attention Bel is giving him. “I was going for sexy, but I’ll take being called beautiful.”
Her hands rest on his face as she takes in the black eyeliner. “Oh, I’m a fan of this.” 
“Stop,” he giggles.
Bel runs her hand over his shoulders and down his back. Harry lets her check him out and takes notice of every detail of the outfit. She has yet to let him get a look at her, but he knows there will be time for that after. Harry’s so lost in the feeling of her hands caressing him that he doesn’t realize she’s slipped off his leather jacket. 
“Bel,” he scolds jokingly, “no time to fool around.”
She giggles, “turn around.”
“Want to see the real good, huh?” 
He does as she asks and she gasps seeing Harryween bedazzled on the black top showcasing all his tattoos. 
“You win,” she gasps dramatically. “Absolutely, everyone is going to go insane.”  
“Are you?” He asks because Bel is the only person he cares to impress. 
“If it wasn’t hard to get out of the latex, I’d be naked already bent over the vanity as I let Danny Zuko have his way with me.” 
Harry loves when Bel’s unfiltered, it drives him crazy. He loves being the reason she’s losing her mind. 
“That can be arranged,” Harry promises. 
“Later.” She places the leather jacket over her shoulder and does a short spin. “Me dressed in only this jacket tonight. I don’t know,” she shrugs, “think about it?”
Harry bites back a moan, already picturing Bel in their shared bedroom, “nothing to think about. I’m in. It’s happening.”
Bel shines with joy at the thought of what the end of the night holds for them. She helps Harry slip the leather jacket back on, knowing they will do group photos soon. 
“Now, let me look at you, my ginger girlfriend.” 
Bel giggles, giving Harry a spin, then striking a defensive pose making Harry laugh. 
“This is amazing. Looks like a real spy suit.” 
“Yeah, amor, it is. It’s from this TV show called Totally Spies. They’re a trio, so it worked perfectly with Sarai and Naomi.” 
Now it’s Harry's turn to inspect every inch of her as she explains every section of the suit. She has a silver belt around her waist; keeping it together is a heart. She feels Harry run his fingers over the heart and waits for him to notice the small detail she added just for him. 
There’s a gasp and a tug of her waist as he looks up at her and then back to the belt where the heart's center is engraved with HS.
“You didn’t!” 
Bel giggles, “it is Harryween. Had to have an ode to you, mi vida.” 
Harry pouts, leaning in to give her a long-awaited kiss, “I love it,” he mutters against her lips. “You look incredibly sexy. Gave me a stiffy.” 
“H!” She exclaims.
He shrugs, “it’s true. Now give me kisses before they come to steal me away.” 
And, of course, Bel happily obliges. 
The show was like no other; the fans were shocked when Harry and the band came out as Grease members. It is safe to say that Danny Zuko is not what they were expecting, even with all the small hints he dropped with the Ferris wheel. 
Bel is standing with Naomi and Sarai, chatting about wanting a snack and which one would go backstage when Harry finished talking to a fan about losing her job and wanting Harry to hire her. He moved to the other side of the stage, hidden behind Sarah’s drum kit. She settled for watching him on the screen. Naomi was leaning next to her, looking through the photos she had Lloyd take on her phone, wanting to see which one she wanted to post to her social media. Bel let Naomi deal with that hard decision, wanting to focus on Harry speaking to a new fan.
“What’s your name?” He leans in closer. “Hani, Honey, oh, Anahi.” He laughs. “Got it.” He smiles down at the fan gesturing to their sign. “Can I read your sign?”
“Yes, please!” 
Harry smirks, standing up and pulling his microphone cord with him. “What is Miss Belmonte dressed up as?” The sign has him laughing, but Bel is shocked he decided to read it. “Very polite.” 
“She's here. How lucky are we all? Actually, we were watching Grease together when I got the idea. She thought I’d be a wonderful Danny, so make sure you thank her.” The fans cheer, but the cameras still don’t pan to her, and she’s thankful. “Back to your question, why doesn’t she show you?” 
The crowd screams, waiting to see a spotlight shine down on her, but what happens next no one expects. The camera focuses on Bel, who looks flustered but waves proudly. Sarai and Naomi standing next to her, laughing and recording. 
“Why don’t you come up here, Bel?”
She gasps, quick to shake her head. Giving him a thumbs down, making the crowd laugh. He pouts, thinking she would have said yes right away. 
He tries another tactic. “Do you want to see Bel on stage?” Harry asks the crowd. The cheers are enough confirmation that Bel will end up on stage one way or another. 
“Don’t make me go and get you.” 
Bel knows he would but still hesitates to move towards the stage. 
When Tom pushes Bel forward, and Lloyd is there to guide her down the walkway and up the steps, she curses Harry’s name under her breath. Mitch looks apologetic as she mutters to him to help, but everyone else cheers seeing Bel on stage. 
She steps up next to Harry, accepting his extended hand, glad he was kind enough to offer her comfort.
“Hi, amor.” She greets quietly, not knowing the microphone caught her soft words. 
“Hello Bel, not your first time on stage, is it? You seem like a natural.” Harry teases. 
Bel knows he’s still a little jealous; she always told him no after going on stage in front of a sold-out stadium for another artist she likes and is friends with. 
“Care to introduce yourself?” 
He extends the microphone to her, but instead of taking it, she leans closer. “I’m Y/N Belmonte, but my friends call me Bel.” 
“Can I call you Bel?” He jokes.
“No. We’re not friends,” she teases. 
Harry takes it in stride, “ouch, don’t worry, I'll keep calling you baby.”
She giggles, feeling overwhelmed. “Well, tell the people of Los Angeles and the surrounding area what you dressed up as for Harryween?” 
“Wait,” he cuts her off.
She frowns “what?”
“Your hair? It’s different.” He’s playing his part so well, and Bel loves him for it.
Harry gasps. “I think yours looks more natural. Your team and my team are going to have a talk, anyways back to you,” he gestures for her to continue talking. 
“I hate you,” she mutters as he brings the microphone back toward her. Harry squeezes her hand three times, and it calms her enough to know she’ll be getting off the faster she does this.
“I’m Sam from Totally Spies,” Bel tells the audience, who cheer in recognition. The cameras show her in her green latex suit and gadgets belt with Harry’s initials in the center. Her favorite part of the design. 
“Wonderful! If you don’t know where that’s from, it’s okay. It's an American show. Came out in 2001. Sam is a teenager in Beverly Hills who lives a double life as a student and a spy. Pretty cool.” Harry explains for Bel. Sarai gave him the run down backstage, and it’s safe to say Harry was fascinated. “Thanks, Bel!”
Harry hugs her, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Oh! Her best friends dressed up with her, Naomi is Clover, and Sarai is Alex. Say Hi!” 
The camera pans over to Naomi and Sarai, who are in an intimate embrace when they realize thousands of people are now staring at them. They laugh, waving at the crowd and blowing kisses. 
“Did I embarrass you? Was that enough?” Harry asks Bel, and when she nods, he lets her go. “A round of applause for Y/N Belmonte. Let's see how many more nights she joins us after tonight.” Harry jokes. “I'm afraid this might be it.” 
As nerve-wracking and thrilling as the moment was, she was glad Harry wanted to share that moment with her. She knows there will be talks of them together, some good and some bad, but at the end of the day, she loves him. 
Harry made it up to her pretty quickly when he surprised them all by singing Hopelessly Devoted, an artist both Harry and Bel loved dearly. It’s a song Harry sang to her all the time recently, claiming it had been stuck in his head when in reality, he had been rehearsing. It’s a song that holds many memories of her childhood; now, she gets to add these memories of Harry. 
It truly was a special night. 
thank you for reading <3 I adore you.
if you were wish to see more of harry and bel be sure to send me a message.
taglist: @alienorknight @i-got-the-cinema @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @thurhomish @thelovecayon @dontworrysunflower @shawnieeboyy
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lutiaslayton · 10 months
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
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☆ Melina Whistler
I could remember it clearly.
The unparalleled sense of fear, of entrapment and desolation, when I was sent into the body of someone else…
I looked for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to.
Everything was cold… I could hardly breathe.
I couldn’t stay here! Please, someone let me out!
I screamed desperately, but no one could hear me.
I kept pleading to someone I couldn’t see.
Please, I don’t want to stay here either. But I can’t leave. I have to stay here…
“Melina—Is that you, Melina?”
I had heard a familiar voice.
I could hear… or rather, I could feel it.
I couldn’t see her, but I knew that Janice was close by.
“Melina! This is incredible. I can’t believe you are so close to me…”
“I’m sorry, Janice! I shouldn’t be here. I’ll disappear right now… Somehow, I’ll find a way to do that!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I’ve just found you again… Do you realise how much I missed you? How much I missed my best friend while you were gone…”
“But, Janice…”
“It’s okay, Melina… I can’t let you go on like this.”
Suddenly, I had felt something shifting.
The sense of fear and desolation disappeared…
Her voice was moving away.
“This isn’t just for you. This is also for me. Melina, you may not understand, but the grief and suffering of those left behind is so strong…”
I know, Janice…
I had felt Papa’s grief and pain even after I had lost my body…
“You have to understand, Melina. Losing my best friend not once, but twice, would surely break my heart…”
Before I knew it, I was slowly becoming familiar with Janice’s body, as if guided by the waves of the sea.
I had been spoiled by her heartfelt friendship…
At that moment…
The sound of slow clapping brought me back to reality.
It was Descole. The man who had used Papa’s love for me to draw him into his evil ways…
“Excellent. I did not realise that the memory copying had been successful… So congratulations, Whistler, you’ve achieved your goal.”
It was no wonder that you hadn’t noticed, Descole. Someone like you would never understand Janice’s kindness, or the nobility of sacrificing oneself in order to keep others alive.
“Oh, oh my God…”
Poor Papa… He was completely confused.
I looked straight into his eyes. Papa… I needed him to understand my feelings.
“At some point, I started to realise that this was wrong. I can’t live my life at the expense of my friend.”
I told him my honest thoughts.
“It was you who wrote to me, wasn’t it?”
Professor Layton…
I… No, we both wrote that letter. Janice’s voice had become inaudible to me, but our hearts were still communicating.
“It was the right choice to choose you, Professor. I thought you would be able to stop Papa… Just like I wanted him to stop.”
Isn’t that right, Janice?
It was just as you told me before.
“There is no puzzle that Professor Layton can’t solve, Melina.”
“I can’t stay in her body forever… But as long as this device exists, Papa will continue to copy my memories.”
Papa’s eyes… They were looking at me, not at Janice.
“I had heard a lot about the Professor from Janice. She admired you so much…”
I’m sorry, Janice… I said it.
As soon as you gave me your life, I had realised how much the professor meant to you…
When I first met him on the Crown Petone, I made my most cherished memories. The times when he solved puzzles… That time when we were talking on the beach… That time when we were riding that makeshift helicopter that we had built… I was never alone.
Papa’s voice was trembling.
“Melina, I… This was all for you…”
“Thank you, Papa… I appreciate how you feel. But, please… These horrendous things have to stop now.”
“I just couldn’t accept a life without my beloved daughter… So I…”
At that moment— The whole room was struck by a tremendous quake.
“Professor, the ceiling!”
With a roar, the ceiling above us was split in two, as we all stood under it in stunned shock.
Then Descole took my arm.
In a flash, Descole ran up the stairs leading to the Detragan and set me down.
A pack of wolves popped out and surrounded everyone. They all let out a terrifying howl then stood menacingly, ready to pounce on anyone at any moment.
“What are you doing, Descole!?”
“I needed Melina’s memories to achieve my true goal,” he replied coldly, standing right next to me.
“Your true goal…?” Papa asked in confusion.
I was with him on this one… I had no idea what this was about either. What could he possibly need my memories for? What could that mean?
Descole twirled his cloak and pointed to the ceiling.
“The resurrection of Ambrosia!”
The ceiling was painted with the Ambrosian crest… The Kingdom of Immortality.
“It all started when I discovered their coat of arms in its entirety…”
Descole turned to the professor and sent him a condescending look.
“Layton, what do you think these symbols mean?”
The coat of arms had a design reminiscent of a king and queen, surrounded by a vast number of lines, dots and jagged patterns…
The professor soon gasped in realisation. “…It’s a music sheet!”
“Correct. A music sheet, written in the Ambrosian way.”
Descole walked over to the Detragan and reached for a sheet music.
“In other words, the coat of arms is inscribed with the first key required to open the door to Ambrosia: a song that could be called ‘A Song of the Stars.’”
“A ‘Song of the Stars’…!?” Luke repeated incredulously.
“The second key is you, Melina.”
I could not believe my ears. “Me… the second key?”
The resurrection of Ambrosia, keys to open a door… I did not understand.
“The first key alone was not enough to revive Ambrosia. This was when I realised that the crest also hinted at the existence of a second key…”
The professor instantly resonated. “The ‘Song of the Sea’!”
Descole slowly took my hand with an icy smile. His grip was just as cold as his face.
“The stars, and the sea. When the two melodies are combined, Ambrosia will be revived.”
“I didn’t realise… that he was after the kingdom itself,” Papa slowly shook his head in shame.
“Alas, by the time the puzzle of the crest had been solved… The only person who had an accurate memory of the second key could no longer sing…”
So that was what this was all about.
The ‘Song of the Sea’… It was the song that the sea around Ambrosia had taught me.
Ever since we had moved to this island so I could recuperate from my illness, I had spent every day gazing out at it. Walking along the beach, or standing on my balcony, with the feeling of the sea breeze embracing me…
It wasn’t long before I had become aware of the melody that the sea was bringing me.
The wind, blowing past the reefs jutting out from the shore, would sing the same song to me every day. The waves breaking onto the shore would add to the music, creating a pleasant harmony, like a small ensemble.
Soon, I had unconsciously began to hum that very beautiful and somewhat nostalgic melody. When the sea and the song were joined together, it had given me a sense of heartfelt sincerity. It was soothing… and it made me happy, as I felt surrounded by a shower of invisible music.
Descole put his hand on one of the Detragan’s levers.
“Even though some memories were left behind… I wanted a perfect copy, more than Whistler did!”
He pulled the lever. Immediately after, the staircase exploded and bright lights flashed on the wall.
The smoke from the explosion blocked my view.
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#professor layton#layton's book club#melina whistler#janice quatlane#oswald whistler#jean descole#hershel layton#eternal diva#eternal diva novel#translation#professor layton and the eternal diva#ayo this part was so WILD#This is why I'm transcribing this stuff. Japanese version cleared up SO many questions that the localisations brushed off.#like how the English & French dubs make it sound like all three songs were written on the Ambrosian seal#while in fact the original version explains that only the song of the stars (+ sun) + a drawing of the sea (+ sun) are there.#So basically it seems like we can deduce here a full timeline of how things went!#Step 1: Des steps foot on Ambrosia and discovers the first known instance of the complete crest.#Step 2: He figures out the Song of the Stars from the music sheet on the crest#and likely deduces that it's the key to reviving Ambrosia.#Step 3: He plays the song of the stars and it doesn't work. He looks at the crest again and sees the drawing of the sea.#He deduces that there is another key related to the sea. Somehow he figures out that there is only one person in the world who knows it.#(I have a hypothesis about the why and how but I'll leave that for later since this hypothesis lacks solid evidence.)#Step 4: Des figures out (somehow) that this “one person in the whole world” is Melina.#Step 5: Melina is sick so he uses that as an excuse to have the Whistlers move to Ambrosia and live inside the black castle he built.#His excuse for bringing them there is that the ocean breeze will do some good to her health.#Step 6: Melina is healthy enough to walk on the shore a few times and she notices that the sea sings to her. She learns the song of the sea#Unfortunately she is already too sick to sing it properly so Descole can't use her. And soon after that she dies.#Step 7: Des and Whistler had been prepared for that eventuality and copied her memories with the Detragan. So they just need a host for her#Des only was able to get his hands on the song of the sea when Melina learned it. And she never wrote it down before dying.#See the music sheet that Layton plays to Nina? It's the song of the sea. Sure. But it's incomplete. It only has the first half.
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
I have not finished the episode yet but I've just gotten to the Fukufuku backstory (specifically the part where they just met and its night and they're lying on the floor together) and, these two are fucking dark timeline Renga from sk8! 'The way of the sword is enjoyable!' and 'I'm going to master the sword alongside you' vs 'skating is fun!' and 'I want to skate with you infinitely' I swear Fukuchi even did the same hand movement that Reki did at some point. Energetic sunshine (at least at the moment) x calm and collected. I am getting such strong Renga vibes from that scene and it's driving me insane.
DONT DO SYMBOLISM WITH THE FUCKING BIRDS YOU DUMB SHOW! I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING! For context, they were having a conversation but the focus was on these two egrets? herons? anyways, and then one of them just flew off when Fukuchi said that he was gonna be promoted and sent to the battlefield , which is what separated these two. I'm going to die, I'm not entirely sure why but I am. /pos
Fuck it, I'm committing to the live blog. enjoy seeing my live uncut reactions folks!
The animation is so pretty bro, bones adores their old man yaoi.
Ok, old man yaoi backstory is over , and before I move on to the next thing I just wanna say, young Fukuzawa was so fucking cute! He was an old man even when he was a baby! he was adorable! and honestly so was Fukuchi! I'm very sad that he became the way he is now, war really does stuff to people, huh?
Ok I'm a little bit confused, I didn't realize that he had told that United Nations guy the half-truth. But whatever, that's on me I guess.
God, Fukufuku are so gay. I know that stabbing someone isn't exactly romantic but he Fukuzawa did the thing where you grab onto the other persons clothes and after Fukuchi stabbed him his head ended up resting on his chest. This is PEAK romantic tradgedy.
Teruko, I love you. She looks so pretty and she is so hecking smart and I just adore her. She let Atsushi go! Woohoo!! Also, Atsushi's hallucinations are really coming in full force, huh? He is seeing so many people.
Dazai and Sigma are so silly, I love them, Dazai stop flirting for two fucking seconds challenge. Also, it's fun to hear that Dazai is screwing around with Sigma while thinking of Kunikida! Truly every ship is being fed this season! Except sskk, but we did get Aku in Atsushi's hallucinations doing a thing so that's kinda a win for the gays!
Wow! What a nice elevator! I'm sure nothing bad will happen here!
Oh catgirl, you left us too soon.
I must say, I don't really have much to say on the Meursault section. It was good! The animation was great as it usually is for the Meursault sections, Sigma was so pretty I love him and! Dazai did the thing where he played with Sigma's hair! Woo! Fyodor was his usual level of kinda ugly in anime form, Dazai is showing emotions! more of the sillies, Dazai fucking stood on Sigma, which is delightful, aaaaaaand it's started to flood! Fuck!
Anyways, back to the very start of this episode before I was overcome by the homosexual-ness of Fukufuku, Aya Bram Kunikida and Tanizaki got yoinked! Fuck! I still have a theory that Tanizaki could be doing an illusion and I will make a post about it one day. And also, please excuse me for saying this because while I am still upset about Ranpo being hurt... watching Fukuchi pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a cat was kinda hilarious. Also, Teruko I love you. You're the only hunting dog that heard about Fukuchi's real identity and didn't immediately die. Girlboss fr. Also also, where are Lucy Kyouka and Yosano :D? W-where did they go? Asagiri please I need to see my girls.
And to once again revisit the old gays, Holy Shit that was so gay. Nobody told me that the Fukufuku backstory was a Sports Anime tm that turned into a war drama in the second season! I knew we said they were divorced but I never realized just how married they were before the separation! Wow! Fukuzawa smiled so softly at Fukuchi! They were such sweet kids! Aagh!
This was a good episode! I liked this! Excited for next Wungo Wednesday!
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www-razaya4life · 8 days
GLTAS’ Extended Role in COIE 3: Part 6
After returning from a distressed earth, Aya wanders around Satellite until she runs into Hal.
“Hey Aya; how was your outing with Razer?” “The Dual Lantern’s presence was acceptable at first until he manipulated me into playing a game with him.”
“What kind of game?” “A question/answer game.” Aya then elucidates on the matter. “Oh I see.” Hal replies, fully understanding what this was about.
“His behavior near the end of the game became most peculiar and it made me very uncomfortable.” “I’m sure Razer didn’t mean to cause you any discomfort Aya. He’s just recoiling from everything that’s been happening.”
“I will go to confront him about this.” Aya declares and is about to march off before being held back by Hal.
“Oh uh, one more thing Aya. You may not have remembered this but, back on our ship: The Interceptor, you asked how to make the pain go away and I didn’t really have an answer to give. But given the circumstances we’re in now, I’d say this one’s long overdue.”
Hal takes a deep breath, “the only way for the pain to go away is when you start listening to it.” Aya looks puzzled, “come again Green Lantern?” “You have to listen to that pain. It’s both history teacher and fortune-teller. Pain lets us know who we are. It gets so bad that most of the time we feel like we’re dying inside. But we can’t all truly live unless we die a little.”
Aya stares in complete awe at what had been spoken. “I uh…hope that answered your question.” Hal said plainly.
“Y-Yes it did. Thank you Green Lantern.” Aya stammers before Hal pats her on the shoulder and wanders off.
Aya is left alone with nothing but Hal’s words echoing through her mind.
Later on, Aya meets various DC heroes including Red Tornado (from Batman: The Brave and the Bold).
The two begin discussing various computations as well as Tornado’s life on his earth. He mentions that he had built himself a son to alleviate his loneliness. Aya looks perplexed as her new robot compatriot sounds mournful.
When questioned about it, Tornado explains that his earth was eradicated by the Anti-Monitor and that he couldn’t save his son in time. A decision he deeply regrets and isn’t sure how to go on.
Aya recants the advice Hal gave her in hopes of cheering Red Tornado up. “We can’t all truly live unless we’ve died a little.” Tornado understands, “That is sound wisdom. Was it previously recorded in your memory drive?” “No…a new friend told me that. He said it was the answer to a query I had posed him in a past life.”
"I see." Tornado remarks, "Thank you Miss. Aya for your company and your words of wisdom." Aya smiles and departs for another mission.
End of Chapter 6. More to come in Chapter 7
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violet-stormbringer · 5 months
4 for the song fic meme?
Song fics! // Acceptin'!
The Girl who stole The Stars- Chrono Cross OST
“Hey, Gil.” Aya, one of Gil’s lab partners, spoke up as the two of them worked on their latest project. “You got a twin, yeah?”
“Eh? Oh, y’mean Ras? Yeah, what about her?” Gil responded, not even looking up as he tinkered with said project. 
“Can you tell me about her? I’m an only child myself, no idea what it’d be like to have a sister or a brother.”
Gil paused at that, finally looking up at Aya, meeting their gaze with his crimson stare. “...You uh, you sure? I could go on for days about her.”
“Yeah, go for it! It ain’t like we’ve got much to do, you’ve just been fiddling with the same bits of metal for an hour anyway!”
Gil blinked, and he stared down to confirm that Aya was, in fact, correct. He set them down, frowning. “Ah…alright, alright, sure. But let’s go get somethin’ ‘ta eat first, yeah? I’m starvin’.”
Aya chuckled in response, setting down their tools and removing their gloves to set them aside. “Sure thing.”
After the two of them cleaned up their work station and set their tools and safety gear aside, they walked out of the workshop together and made for a local cafe. 
There they purchased some food and took a seat at a table, with Aya across from Gil, a grin on their face.
“Alright! Now, tell me about Ras!”
“Fine, fine!” Gil let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes in pretend annoyance. He did love to talk about his sister, in the end.
“Ras Thorne is a stubborn ox of a woman, who constantly has her head either in a book or in the clouds all while she climbs things she ain’t supposed to and sticks her business in where it don’t belong.” He paused, taking a breath.
After a while, he spoke again. “But she’s also my best friend, my beloved twin…and….” He sighed as he looked past Aya, staring out the window behind them. 
“I look up to her, y’know.” His voice was softer now, filled with a fond admiration for the woman he spoke of. 
“She’s so damned tough, I wouldn’t be surprised if she were capable of shouldering every burden of the people of Home, should they ask…” His gaze shifted, and he looked down at the table, and his untouched food.
“Dad always says he looks at Ras and sees our mother. But even after all that he’s told me when Ras left…I can’t see it.”
He looked up, meeting Aya’s gaze. “Even after havin’ not talked to or seen her for three years, I don’t see it. After our reunion, when I looked at Ras, I couldn’t see our mother. Hells, even as I think back on her now, I can’t see it.”
He finally took a bite of his food. It was cold and soggy, after being untouched for so long. When he swallowed, he continued. “Granted, it could be jus’ because I ain’t met our mother, but lookin’ at Ras, all I can see is…”
A pause, and another sigh.
“I see my beloved sister, the woman with whom I damn near share a soul. I see a girl who was forced ‘ta grow up after th’accident, who never got the chance to stay a kid like I did.” He leaned back in his chair.
“...I see a woman who, despite the things that happened to her back Home and during her adventure managed to remain herself. She’s kept going, she’s kept up the grin that she always wore to reassure me when we were children.”
Tears began to well in his eyes.
“...I see the strongest woman in the world. I see the woman who has done things I couldn’t imagine doing, who I will always look up to and support no matter what. Her dream is my dream, and if she says she wants to fly…I’ll see to it that she does.”
Gil took a moment to clear his eyes, taking a napkin and wiping the tears away with a deep breath as he composed himself.
“...That’s who Ras Thorne is, Aya. Who she’ll always be, to me at least.”
Aya chuckled at that. “Well, if that’s how y’see her, I can only take your word for it. It is high praise from you, at the very least, Mr. Perfect.”
Gil let out his own chuckle in response. They always knew how to make him feel better. “Trust me, if y’ever meet her, you’ll be askin’ me to pick your jaw up off th’floor.”
“Yeah well, until then, are you going to finish that, or did you just pay ‘cause the guy at the counter looked at you with stars in his eyes?”
“He did not!” Gil swatted at Aya’s hand as they reached for his food, the two of them sharing more laughter. 
‘If Ras could see me now…’ he wondered as the two of them sat and continued to converse over their food. ‘...would she be just as proud of me for makin’ a friend, as I am of her for comin’ this far…?’
He liked to think that she would.
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endless-summer-soldier · 10 months
dr. feelgood - chapter nine
pairing: Surgeon!Bucky x SurgicalIntern!Reader
summary: Y/N has a one night stand with a handsome stranger the night before starting her new job as a surgical intern. Little does she know, the handsome stranger also happens to be her new boss
warnings: must be 18+, drinking, some surgery descriptions, smut, self-pleasure, praise kink, oral sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, PTSD, choking
word count: 2.8k
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taglist sign up (for the people I'm currently tagging - please fill this out if you want me to continue tagging you!)
taglist: @tellmealovestory @mrs-bucky-barnes106 @charmedbysarge @theroyalmanatee @ozwriterchick @aya-fay @differenttyphoonwerewolf @sebsgirl71479 @notmeddy @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @hextech-bros @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @helluvapimp @almosttoopizza @esposadomd @zannemes​​
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After checking on my patients and changing out of my scrubs, I walked into the parking lot to find Bucky leaning against the side of a shiny black jeep.
“There she is!” he announced, straightening his posture to greet me. “I was starting to wonder if you were standing me up.”
“I would never,” I feigned offense.
“I have a hard time believing that.”
I considered my dating history, “Sure, I’ve ghosted guys before. But I’ve never actually stood someone up. That’s just cruel.”
“Fair enough, but don’t even think about ghosting me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I winked at him. He opened the passenger side door for me, like a true gentleman, and I climbed into the car. 
The drive to his place was short and we made easy small talk on the way. I was expecting to feel nervous in the lead up to our arrival at his place, but I wasn’t. He pulled into the driveway of a brick row home, with navy shutters and white accents along the windows. I let myself out of the car before he could open the door for me and he led me up the couple stairs to the front door. There was a welcome mat on the front porch that read The Neighbors Have Better Stuff and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is this your version of home security?” I asked, pointing to the mat with my toe.
He chuckled, “My sister got that for me when I bought the house. And I have to say no burglaries yet so it must be working.”
When he opened the front door, I was surprised to find that his house felt very homely. I was expecting a bachelor pad, with hard edges and several shades of grey. Instead, I was met with neutral colors, tasteful art, and warm lighting. Bucky placed his keys on a hook by the front door and told me to make myself at home. I shrugged my jacket off and before I could find a spot for it, Bucky took it from my hands and put it on a hanger in the hall closet. I slid off my ankle boots and found a seat on the very comfortable sectional, as Bucky flipped a switch that started a flame in the fireplace. 
“Here’s the remote, you can find something to put on the TV while I grab us a few drinks.”
I clicked on the TV and was met with a wide selection of programs. “You have all the streaming services…” I spoke in disbelief.
“And cable,” he added.
“Sheesh, living the dream over here.”
“You know what’s embarrassing about that? I almost never watch TV,” he admitted.
I gaped at him, thinking about the intricate network of log-ins I’d collected and bartered for over the years.
He sat next to me on the couch with a decanter of red wine and two crystal glasses.
“Let me guess, this is a vintage sangiovese from a little village in the south of Italy?”
He poured a sample into a glass and handed it for me to try before adding, “Don’t give me too much credit, it’s a midrange bottle. A Spanish tempranillo.”
“Mmm,” I replied, before imitating a sommelier, swirling the wine around before taking a big whiff. I took a sip and contemplated before making my assessment, “I’m getting strong notes of grape.”
Bucky let out a chuckle before topping off my glass and filling his own. He leaned deeper into the couch and I did the same, keeping about a foot of distance between us.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to impress me, Barnes,” I declared.
He shrugged, “Is it working?”
“Maybe a little.”
He pulled his phone out and tapped a few buttons, before smooth jazz started playing over the speaker system in the house.
“How about now?” 
“Why have we been spending all this time at my place when you live in this literal smart home?” 
“I had to make sure you weren’t after me for my money,” he joked.
“Oh, is that not clear? I’m definitely only interested in you as a sugar daddy.” He gave me a look and I was pleased to have grated on his nerves just a bit. “But seriously, your house is incredible.”
“You haven’t even seen the whole thing.”
“Are you going to give me the tour?” I smiled.
He nodded, “I can give you a tour.” He stood up and held his hand out for me. We started on our current floor, where he showed me his incredibly clean kitchen and back deck, overlooking the water. Then he took me into the basement, where he had a room that could only be described as a mancave, with a big screen TV, comfortable seating, and a small stocked bar. There was also a small room in the back that had a home gym, full of free weights, a treadmill, and a Peloton. 
Next we headed toward the second floor, which contained the laundry room, home office, and the master bedroom. We paused when we reached the master bedroom, as I entered the room and decided to look around.
“Does this meet your standards?” he joked. I smiled at him as I walked around the bed and peeked into the bathroom. It was immaculate. Perfectly clean and tidy, well decorated, and aesthetically pleasing. I was impressed.
“Are you always this clean?” I asked, still in disbelief.
“Ever since the military. They ingrained cleanliness into me, despite my protests.”
“Remind me to thank them. Most guys I know live in their own filth.”
“Well I’m not most guys,” he said, stepping a foot closer to me. “You want to know the best part about this room?”
“Does music magically play in here too?” I asked.
“It does, but that’s not the best part.” I tilted my head, waiting for him to explain further. He didn’t speak more, but ushered me to come to him. I complied, standing about a foot in front of him, dying in anticipation. He placed both hands on my shoulders and gently guided me backwards, until the back of my legs hit the mattress. Then he pushed me down so my knees buckled and I was sitting on the bed. As I sunk into the soft mattress, I felt like I was sitting on a cloud. I instinctively leaned back so that my torso was on the bed and let out an unconscious sigh.
“This is amazing.”
I heard Bucky chuckle as he watched me, “After I got back from my deployment, all I wanted was a soft bed. I didn’t want any reminders of lumpy cots or sleeping in the desert.”
“I don’t think I can go back to my bed after feeling this one.”
“Well it’s a good thing you don’t have to,” Bucky flirted. He slowly crawled on top of me and my hands instinctively found their way around him. I gently scratched the hair at the back of his neck and studied his face, trying to read his expression. His pupils were wide and were focused on my eyes, flashing briefly to look at my lips. I could sense his heart beating out of his chest, matching my rhythm, and he let out a deep exhale that barely reached my mouth. We were in a stare off, taking each other in and waiting on edge to see who would make the first move. The edges of his mouth slowly turned upward into an amused grin and that was it for me. I pulled him towards me, desperate to feel the caress of his soft lips. His touch did not disappoint. As soon as we connected, I probed my tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. He placed his strong hand on my jaw and entwined his fingers into my hair.
We moved together slowly, savoring the moment instead of rushing to the finish line. Bucky had moved from my lips to my neck, planting wet kisses down to my collar bone, where he lingered, doing things that would surely leave a mark. I ran my hands up the back of his shirt, needing more skin to skin contact. I scratched small circles around his back before I whispered, “Can I take this off?”
He pulled away to catch his breath and grabbed the collar of his shirt from the back and easily pulled it over his head.
“Your turn,” he said smugly. I rose to his challenge, propping myself on my elbows to pull off my top. While I wish I’d been wearing some lacy lingerie, I was clad in a ribbed bralette in heather grey. 
“I’m sorry I’m not in lingerie, but I didn’t expect-”
He cut off my defense with a kiss, massaging my lips with his and sending his tongue in to explore my mouth.
“You are so fucking sexy,” he breathed in between kisses. “Don’t ever apologize for how you look.”
That statement turned me on even more, if that was possible. I pushed him off of me and directed him to lay next to me on the bed. I unzipped my jeans and shimmied out of them, then climbed on top of Bucky so I was straddling him.
“Please don’t make me wait any longer,” he begged. I wanted to tease him more but I wasn’t sure I could hold it together much longer either. I hovered over him, planting a few kisses on his lips before making my way down his body to his pelvis. I playfully nipped at his hip bones before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down his muscular legs. I could see his erection through his boxer briefs and wasted no time massaging his bulge.
His head dipped back into the mattress in pleasure, and I had barely even started. I pulled down the waistband of his boxers, freeing his erection from its confinement. I gripped him firmly, sliding up past the tip and back down in a fluid motion. Bucky let out a contented sigh, giving me the confidence I needed to continue. I leaned forward to take his shaft in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down as I massaged his member with my tongue. He reached down and tangled his hand in my hair, gently massaging my scalp.
“I’m not gonna last much longer,” he breathed. I continued blowing him, paying special attention to the tip and fondling his balls. I heard him grunt and tasted the slightly salty taste of his semen. I eased working his shaft with my mouth, opting to clasp him with my hand, as I swallowed down his load. He guided my head up off of his penis and pulled me up towards him, squeezing me into a tight bearhug.
“You are amazing,” he gushed, kissing my cheek and neck repeatedly. I wiggled out of his tight grasp to reposition myself so that I could see him better. I placed a hand on his jaw and pulled him toward me, kissing him with vigor yet again. He placed a hand on my hip, gently running his thumb over my pelvic bone. He pulled away sooner than I wanted, and I tried to pull him back to me. He recognized the look in my eyes, and gave me a soft smile as he brushed a few loose strands of hair behind my ears. 
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll make it up to you.” He gently laid me down on the mattress as he shifted his weight on top of me. He started with my lips, exploring my mouth with a slow, lingering kiss. Then he peppered kisses along my jaw, up to my ear. He tugged my earlobe with his teeth and then planted soft kisses behind my ear. He moved down my neck, applying pressure with his tongue. As he continued south, briefly teething on my clavicle before journeying down to my sternum. He slid his hands up my sides and under my bralette. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, as if asking for my permission to proceed. I gave him a quick nod and he peeled the bralette up, freeing my breasts. I pulled the bralette over my head and shivered slightly at the cold air caressing my nipples. Bucky picked up on my momentary discomfort and acted quickly, bringing his mouth to my left nipple as his hand massaged my right breast. I let out an unconscious moan and noticed a smirk on Bucky’s lips before he switched sides to the other breast. Things started to get fuzzy as I was entering a natural high.
Bucky moved down lower, teasing my abdomen, pelvis, and inner thighs along the way. He pulled my thong off slowly, teasing me, but then his tongue found my clitoris and I was sent into orbit. He managed to circulate the use of his fingers, lips, and tongue to all my sensitive areas. My fingers were digging into the bed sheets, looking for something to grasp as I teetered on the edge of my orgasm.
Bucky took me by surprise when he inserted a second finger and I let out a heavy breath. I shifted my gaze down toward Bucky and was met with his ocean blue eyes looking up at me. I could’ve sworn he was smiling too, even though his mouth was focused on pleasuring me. And that was all it took. I succumbed to my orgasm, shuddering and releasing all the tension in my body as Bucky lapped up my juices, savoring every drop. I felt light headed from the intense orgasm that came quickly. I’d never finished like that from oral stimulation alone. I blinked rapidly up at the ceiling, trying to refocus my eyes and sighed, “Oh Buck.”
I felt his weight shift up as he crawled up beside me, “How was that, my little sex goddess?”
I turned toward him and couldn’t hide the smile from my face. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. I nuzzled into him and said, “I don’t ever want to leave this bed.”
“Me neither.”
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I was startled awake by my own gasping. My eyes bugged and I struggled to breathe as the pressure increased to my throat. Bucky was on top of me, his legs straddling my waist, but not in a fun way. He had me pinned down to the mattress and his forearm was pressed into my windpipe. His eyes were glazed over, almost like he was possessed.
I tried to call his name but it came out as more of a gasp. Then I made the mistake of trying to push him off me. I should’ve realized fighting back would just make him push harder, but I wasn’t thinking, I was reacting. 
His hands were now enclosed around my neck as he started to squeeze harder. My first instinct was to panic, but I knew that wouldn’t help break him from his trauma-induced haze. If I could just talk to him, maybe it would wake him up. Maybe my voice could break into the nightmare he was having, even just to serve as a distraction. I tried to speak again, but all that came out was a squeak.
I needed to pull him back to reality, so I tried something unexpected. If he thought I was a dangerous enemy, the last thing he would expect would be affection. I gently placed my hands on his jaw. His expression shifted slightly and his grip on my neck loosened a bit. I took the opening and carefully pulled his face closer to mine, rubbing little circles behind his earlobes with my finger tips. As his face drew nearer, his forehead and nose connected with mine and his hands released my neck. I barely brushed my lips against his mouth and felt all the tension in his body melt away. I took in a few deep breaths, relieved to have de-escalated the situation. Bucky rolled back to his side of the bed, but curled into me. I directed his head to my chest and ran my fingers through his hair, giving him a scalp massage. He fell back asleep with ease, his breaths and body weighing heavy on me.
Despite the soothing sounds of his breathing, I was wide awake. Adrenaline was still coursing through my veins from the attempted strangulation. The strangest thing was, I wasn’t upset with Bucky. That wasn’t the Bucky I knew, it was just a PTSD flare up. I should’ve been scared of him, of another attack. Yet, I couldn’t imagine leaving him. He talked a little about his time in the military but he never got into any of the specifics. PTSD never even crossed my mind, Bucky always seemed so put together. And now that I saw the darker side of him, all I wanted was to help him and protect him from his haunting thoughts.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 12: Where The River's Flow Changes
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Certainly not the Murder Farce episode I was expecting, but I'll be damned if it hasn't set the stage for one of my most anticipated episodes so far this year. All sorts of little bits and pieces that leave the mystery on the very cusp of being solved, while teasing a veritable feast of action and matchups to close out the season. There's hardly any time to waste so I'll get on to the point.
Well, to start. Victor saves Tsugaru and Aya. Not anything special, but it's just allowing viewers to get acquainted with his character. Not-so-shockingly, Victor is - in a sense- a pacifist. He has no problem throwing down, but he won't kill. Saving Tsugaru and Aya is obvious, but I also like how when he lies down to pass the time, he briefly looks up at some butterflies or moths before dozing off.
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Moving on to the episode itself, a very interesting thing. Very, very interesting indeed. We open with seeing a casket being carried through the werewolf's village. A casket that most likely holds Nora within.
On its own, it's nothing special, but later in the episode we find another casket... that contains nothing. Rather, it's on the side of the road that Louise's body is discovered.
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Together, the pair pose the question of 'why'. Was was it just now that Louise's body was discovered. What reason would there be with its positioning. Well, that's the interesting answer that the episode poses, so I'll come back to it when we get there.
Anyways, we move onwards. Tsugaru and Aya are taken to where Shizuku's being held that they can discuss things. Just the usual, some exposition and character acting and whatnot. What I like more than that is the visuals. Shizuku is in cage because she's forced to be. The door is closed and she can't leave. Meanwhile, Tsugaru meanders into a cage with its door open and lazes about. Just a clever bit of character acting and visuals to show the disparity in how the pair live their respective lives.
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Continuing to press onwards, we find more cool stuff. Both in terms of story and visuals. Really liked this cut that showed a 2D rotating object, and the overhead view. Great work all around to make the most of literally walking in a circle.
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And this is where they mystery really kicks off. We confirm that it's Gustav's gun that's been the murder weapon of choice for these attacks.
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Keeping it going, we get an even weirder reveal. Moths. These little guys are interesting, and arguably, important. So, a little info now, a bit more later.
Why was Nora damp/wet despite being murdered on a dry day? Why were the girls murdered on rainy days? How does Louise differ from all of this?
The moths. Any travel between the underground passage and aboveground causes people to be covered in moth scales. So, if you don't want to leave any hints or trails, they've got to be washed away.
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Just a bit later, Aya is talking to Tsugaru about the blood splatter in a certain area in the cave.
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Put two and two together, and what do you get? The way that Louise is discovered, and the way that this blood pattern came to be, they tell the story we're all thinking. Louise wasn't killed by a werewolf, but a gun. But the point still stands, why. I'm a fraction of a sliver of information away from putting it together, but I can't find what I need.
Regardless of my inability to solve the case, we get more info. Someone, something has been living in this cave, spending time there. On the wall "probation" is written above what Aya estimates at 550 tallies. There's certainly something being told with the affectations that litter the space, but I can't put them together.
Regardless of that though, I like this shot for two reasons.
1: Foreground obstruction that gives a feel of three dimensional space
2: Tsuguaru's head isn't in frame, but Aya's is. The point driven home is that Tsugaru is Aya's body, while Aya is Tsguaru's brain. Fun little detail for sure.
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And then, of course, there's Alma, whos' now confirmed to be dead, but in a way that differs from the other two. One human girl dead, one werewolf girl dead, and one werewolf masquerading as a human dead. All of them with blonde hair. I don't quite have an answer for this either, but it certainly must play into the mystery at large.
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Alright, lets speed things along then, shall we? Humans vs werewolves. Is it the end goal of Jutte? Driven out of the werewolf village with her mother, hunted down like animals by humans. Neither side showing affection to the girl forsaken by both. Could she really be doing this to get the two villages to annihilate the village? It's possible, and I guess we'll find out in the next episode, but I wanted to share this image.
A moon died orange, almost glowing as if it were on fire. An intentional mixture of the two aspects that have defined each village so far.
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So, like I said, village vs village. An all out brawl spurred on by the "insurance" brokers that brought the humans down to the werewolf village. I think it's a little bit wonky, but surprisingly well animated. The ideas are creative, the actual animation itself is solid, but the boards and movement itself can certainly be odd. Shows a lot of ambition, and even the ability to back it up, but not the experience necessary to execute on it. Certainly has my hopes up for the finale episode though.
Alright, my last piece, more of that moth stuff. It seems like those moths might have been able to have an affect on the humans. Not a guarantee by any means, but just feels like something that might be possible considering how much effort's gone into showing those scales on them.
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Okay I lied, this is the last piece. I'm really unsure now of the point of this blur. Before it was all on the noses of characters, but in this cut it's shown to effect the right side of Vera's body?
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All in all, the stage has been set in wonderful fashion. Certainly a better episode than the prior, but still withholding all of its cards so that it can play them all in one go next week. A mountain of details and information that's just waiting on that final piece to complete itself, and a mountain of kickass and exciting fights waiting. I absolutely can't wait to see what comes of it.
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