#when it’s only in reference to kai or nya
Why Nya and Jay Can Remember Skybound
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By the time Jay makes his final wish in Skybound, the realm crystal and Zane’s falcon have been destroyed, PIXAL has been deleted, Lloyd is an old man, large chunks of land have been ripped out of the ground and are poised to fall back onto Ninjago, and Nya is dead. Those last two parts are most important for Jay, the only character with a wish remaining (if you ignore all the Ninja replacements, who never made wishes and conveniently left after the real Ninja returned). Thus, Jay makes his final wish: “I wish you had taken my hand, and no one ever found that teapot in the first place.”
After Jay makes his wish, time is reversed and the Ninja return to where they were in the first episode of the season. The paparazzi is about to find the Ninja and all of them but Nya use airjitzu to hide from the helicopters. Jay asks Nya to take his hand, which she originally rejected, on the basis that, “I can stick up for myself” and “I'm a ninja, and I'm nobody's girl.” However, after Jay’s final wish, Nya uses airjitzu, which she learned over the course of Skybound, and takes Jay’s hand.
While they remember the events of the season: 
“I remember! I remember it all!” – Nya, The Way Back
“Me too!” – Jay, The Way Back
They don’t care how they do:
“But how?” – Jay, The Way Back
“Who cares.” – Nya, The Way Back
I, on the other hand, do care, and that’s what this post will explain. The other Ninja experience some deja vu, but aside from a subtle reference to Skybound in season 8 and a mural depicting the events of the season, indicating that Master Wu (or at least the painters of the monastery) was told, only Jay and Nya actually remember what happened.* Functionally, Skybound is an alternate timeline that never occurred.
This is not the first time Ninjago has dealt with alternate timelines! In Season 2, the Ninja time travel to the past and create an alternate timeline where Nya is kidnapped later on by the Ninja disguised as skeletons, Lord Garmadon from the future fights Kai at the fire temple, and the Ninja use the golden weapons to send the Mega Weapon into space. This timeline is erased when the Mega Weapon is destroyed, with series creator Tommy Andreasen confirming that the only change that the alternate timeline left is that the Mega Weapon ended up in space – the pilots still happened as depicted in 2011. At the end of the episode, the original four ninja remember the events of the episode, along with Garmadon, Nya, and Wu, but not Lloyd, who was not present. Wrong Place, Wrong Time’s time travel is extremely confusing, largely because Lloyd doesn’t just not remember the time travel but also doesn’t remember the Mega Weapon at all.
If the logic of Wrong Place, Wrong Time holds, then only those present for Jay’s last wish should remember it.** That means Jay and Nadakhan, obviously, but also the rest of the Ninja, but crucially, not Nya, since she was dead at the time. Now, perhaps the rest of the Ninja don’t remember, since the wish was between just Jay and Nadakhan, but that still doesn’t explain why Nya remembers Skybound.
Now, perhaps you could explain Nya’s memory as Jay’s wish was about her – Jay wanted Nya to take his hand. And this would work, except that Jay’s wish was also about Clouse. While he’s not named directly, Nadakhan ensures Clouse never finds the Teapot of Tyrahn in the first place.*** Now, if Clouse had remembered Skybound since the wish was about him, then it would have been very straightforward – Clouse would remember that Nadakhan tricked him into wishing it all away and stopped searching for the teapot. Clouse is instead chased off by angry citizens of the Village of Stiix while still searching for the teapot. You could argue that Clouse remembered Skybound but was arrogant enough to keep searching, but there’s zero evidence of this, so while this theory isn’t necessarily wrong, I think there’s another, better explanation that covers why Nya remembers Skybound but Clouse didn’t (Clouse also never mentions this in the Dark Island Trilogy).
The most logical explanation why Nya remembers Skybound is, based on the rules of wishes established in Skybound, love. And no, I’m not talking about how Jay “wished from the heart” so Nya ended up remembering Skybound.**** I find it hard to believe that Jay’s true, heartfelt intention was to make sure that he and Nya remembered events that never occurred. Instead, let’s look at what Jay wanted. He wanted Nya to take his hand and Clouse to not find the teapot. The second half is easy, since Nadakhan is more than capable of altering the actions of others with his wishes – after Jay’s first wish, the mailman comes out of nowhere, and so does Nya after Jay’s second wish.
Theoretically, Nadakhan could override Nya’s free will and have her take Jay’s hand – except for two problems. First, on a metatextual level, this would run totally counter to Nya’s entire message in Skybound, as muddled as it is. Having Nya take Jay’s hand because of a wish would not only undermine the entire point of Jay’s growth over the season (Jay goes from saying “Maybe a wish is what it takes! Maybe this is how she falls for me” in Public Enemy Number One to asking Nya, “Well, what do you want?” in The Last Resort) but also utterly obliterate Nya’s agency, the exact thing she spent the season fighting for. Now, can Ninjago have totally contradictory messages? Of course! Skybound is a case study in mixed messaging on this very issue! But there’s a second, in-universe reason why Nadakhan can’t make Nya take Jay’s hand, and it’s not for the reason that Tommy Andreasen gives, which is that Nya is dead, and Nadakhan can’t control the dead. Nadakhan is more than capable of making dead people do things, since he literally brings Delara back to life earlier on, and he is capable of doing multiple things in one wish, by making Lloyd both older and wiser.
The reason is that you can’t wish for love! This is one of the first things Nadakhan says (“You can’t wish for love, death, or more wishes” – Nadakhan, Infamous). Nya makes it very clear that the reason she won't take Jay's hand is because she doesn’t, or refuses to, love Jay at the start of Skybound. Having her take Jay’s hand because of a wish would mean he wished for love.
However, right before Nya dies, after the whole plot of Skybound has happened, Nya does love Jay, so Nadakhan is not magically making Nya fall in love. Instead, Nya takes Jay’s hand of her own agency, but this can only happen because Nadakhan ensures that Nya remembers the events of Skybound, so that the love that was created naturally, not as a result of wishes, does not go away, and he fulfills Jay’s wish.
Thus, Jay remembers Skybound because he made the wish, Nya remembers Skybound because she needs to to love Jay to take his hand, and Clouse, the other Ninja, and the rest of Ninjago don’t remember it because it never happened.
*And technically Zane if you include Ninjago: Decoded
**The same time travel logic sort of holds in Lost in Time, where the Ninja in the present are aware of the changing timeline after having been present for the Iron Doom's time travel. That being said, they are also still affected by the changes in the past (Zane reverts to his pre-rebuilt state when Ninjago's advanced technology is undone).
***It would have been very easy to twist that wish into no one having ever found the teapot, that is, Captain Soto would never have found the teapot, but whatever.
****I think it’s possible that Nadakhan didn’t twist Jay’s wish because it was from the heart, but that’s totally unrelated and not based on any actual evidence. The Ninjago wiki seems to think this: "Nadakhan, being hit with the venom and with Jay’s wish being pure, has no choice but to grant it" [emphasis mine].
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gravyhoney · 4 months
Hey look at me. Now imagine Lloyd going to Chen’s noodle house every week to get cooking lessons from Skylor. And they’re hanging out bc they are FRIENDS!!!! And they share a meal afterwards and talk about their lives. And they hug when Lloyd leaves. And they text each other EVERY!!!!! DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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furmewolfy · 1 year
Ninjago Headcanons (because I have brainworms):
-Before he learned about his powers, Kai would pull things out of the oven without wearing gloves (this was a frequent party trick of his)
-Is secretly pretty decent at cooking since he had to make meals for himself and his sister after their parents left.
-Called Kai her "dad" when she was a toddler because she thought "dad" just meant "man who takes care of you."
-Nya and Zane have "holding your breath" contests.
-Would suck on electrical plugs as a baby and be completely fine (this scared the shit out of Ed and Edna).
-Is actually a really good artist and would make Starfarer fanart for Lloyd when he was a kid.
-His ability to use the other ninja's elements was only something he could do before he lost the Golden power. After that, his powerset settled to energy.
-Has Zane read him a bedtime story every night (even though he is an adult) to help with his frequent nightmares.
-When he was stuck in the Underworld, we would make his skeleton minions send letters to Lloyd while he was at Darkley's.
-It was an inside joke between him and Wu when they were young and still allies for Garmadon to blame the Great Devourer whenever he made a mistake.
-After the loss of his falcon, he had a plush made to honor him. He holds it while he is recharging (aka sleeping).
-He mimics the other ninja's voices to freak them out sometimes.
-Absolutely loves kids and frequently goes to events to interact with his young fans (especially things like Make-A-Wish).
-Became extremely hydrophobic after becoming alive again.
-After the whole "Baby Wu" incident, Wu accidentally calls Cole "dad" sometimes or responds to "Junior" as if it was his name (it is extremely awkward for everyone involved).
-Makes the most obscure references from 200 years ago that make sense to no one but him.
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master-jarrus · 5 months
Ninjago Star Wars Au species list
I will not debate anyone over these
Starting up:
Jay, half human, half twi'lek, his mother is the twi'lek. When he was born he was shipped to the Huts on Tatooine but his little carriage pod dropped and was picked up by Jawas. He has mechanical wings he made himself and specializes in marketing for the Jawas because he's adorable
Force sensitive
Ed and Edna: Jawas who find Jay are the main ones who raise him but I'm fairly certain jawas take the whole village approach.
Cole: Togurta. Togurta's are very strong and agile but people always seem surprised when they actually show case their strength. This seemed very fitting for Cole.
Force sensitive
Kai and Nya: human nautolan hybrids but it has been so long since the nautolan was introduced they don't have many traits other than large dark eyes and Nya is able to breathe under water. (They don't know its nautolan, which is kit fistos species for those who don't know)
Force sensitive
Nya is stronger in the force but she uses chants to help her focus (like the og dathomirian witches)
Zane: zane is a kyber crystal powering a droid. He more specifically the crystal then the body because kyber crystals are sentient
Force sensitive
Pixal: same deal as zane but her crystal faced torture (from the mining process) zane heals her later but she still struggles (fun fact ahsoka's kyber crystals were corrupted and tortured but she rescued and healed them and that is why they are white)
Force sensitive can only manipulate it through the dark side
Garmadon and Wu: Diathim (also referred to as angels) and part zabrak (i went back and forth on that because beskalisks have four arms but then I drew it and just fit well for them) angels are considered the most beautiful creatures while zebraks tend to be considered evil. Both are capable of good and evil.
Very force sensitive
Garmadon isn't strictly a sith. More of just acts as he sees is needed. He does tend to use the dark side a lot though
Garmadon is missing his lower wings and has mutated arms with cyber supports
Misako: Chiss, intellectual tend to try to logic their emotions away (think a blue spock) the Diathim have prophecies. She wanted to study them. She and Garmadon fall in love
Lloyd: Diathim, zabrak and chiss. Very tall. Blue skin, red eyes, has all of his wings but also has a set of lower arms that do not have cyber supports.
Force sensitive, just dripping midiclorians to the point he boosts the sensitivity of those he is around
Struggles with acting in anger and will accidentally hurt his lightsabers original kyber crystals that he will wear on a necklace and pours into whenever he meditates
Rei: human, mandalorian black smith
Force sensitive
Maya: human nautolan hybrid also unaware of the nautolan she just thinks it's the force she is trained like the og dathomirian witches
Force sensitive
Lily: Togruta
Force sensitive
Lou: Togruta dancer and singer, gets paid for it
Harumi: human, not force sensitive but will later inject midiclorians to try be able to use the force and will become dependent on them
Cyrus: human, tries to create kyber crystal droids like zane but the mining process corrupted all of them including the prosthetics he tried to make that were powered by crystals. He chooses to be wheel chair bound after the incident but he is ambulatory with regular prosthetics he just finds it exhausting
Morro: zabrak, becomes a malevolent ghost but will later settle down into a regular force ghost who follows wu around
Force sensitive
Serpentine: sub species of hutt. Made them native to dathomir and the moons
Let me know who else you want to know
You will for sure get art of Garmadon. We will see about the others
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jinxed-ninjago · 1 year
The thing about the second lava monster encounter in Master of the Mountain that gets me is it feels like a failed perception check. Like the entire season gives the vibes of the writers (and possibly voice actors) deciding to play D&D as Cole, Vania, and Wu then deciding to add Plundar, Fungus, and Korgran to the party later but dear lord, that scene gives the vibes of Kirby responding to Sabrina in character as Cole and whoever is the DM saying "roll for perception" and Kirby rolling a 1.
Like I literally feel like the writers and voice actors were playing a Ninjago themed campaign for the sake of Master of the Mountain having the vibes it does and they get to that point and have this exchange.
Sabrina, in character as Vania: Wait, Cole! The lava monster! What if it's still in the cave waiting for us?! Kirby, in character as Cole: What, just sitting there, staring at a wall? DM: Roll for perception. Kirby: SHIT.
Additionally I love the idea that they just went nuts with this because the shenanigans Wu, Vania, and Cole get into with the Upply feels like a D&D campaign.
Ian, in character as Fungus: Korgran, a little help. DM: Paul, roll for performance. Paul: ...it's a 1. DM: You run into the door, falling on the ground. Your axe falls to the ground with a clatter. Paul, in character as Wu: The door will only open for a those who are one with the Earth -- an Earth elemental. -- Adam Trask, in character as Plundar: I want to steal one of Cole's weapons while he's unconscious. DM: Roll for sleight of hand. Adam: It's a 10. DM: You successfully steal one of Cole's throwing stars while Cole's unconscious, but Fungus notices and tells you to return it when he introduces you to Cole. Adam: Damn. -- Kirby, in character as Cole: Well, we can't stop the Skull Sorcerer and save our friends trapped down here, can we?! DM: Kirby, roll for intimidation. Kirby: ...it's a 1. DM: You fail to at all intimidate Plundar, who gives you a half exasperated, half tired stare while Korgran watches you fight with Plundar with a mildly terrified expression.
Even the beginning of the season feels like failed or hilariously successful rolls.
Michael, in character as Jay: Direbats aren't a real thing! DM: Roll for history. Michael: ...1. DM: Immediately after saying direbats aren't a real thing, one picks you up and takes you off the Destiny's Bounty. -- Kirby: I'd like to persuade the Geckles and Munce to start a truce so we can get out of the mines. DM: Roll for persuasion. Kirby: It's a 4. DM: You manage to persuade the first few Geckles to meet for a peaceful truce meeting, but due to a game of broken telephone, a fight breaks out. Lloyd had the same amount of luck with the Munce. Kirby: Dammit. -- Vincent, in character as Kai: We aren't skeletons! DM: Roll a persuasion check. Vincent: 5? DM: The Geckles aren't convinced, referring to you as "fleshy skeletons" despite your clarifications. They decide to take you to their leader just to be sure. *later* DM: After discovering you are not, in fact, skeletons, the Geckles decide to make Kai their new chancellor to make up for their transgressions. Vincent and Brent, in unison: Wait what -- Kelly, in character as Nya: I fight Murtessa over Jay. *Kelly proceeds to ace all her skill checks* DM: You manage to knock down Murtessa, triggering an old Munce rite of ritual. You are now queen of the Munce. Kelly, Sam, and Michael in unison: WHAT?
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alienpersonnn · 10 months
Wyldfire likes biting people but still makes sure she doesn't hurt them, she'll mostly bite people sleeves or arms
Fritz and spitz has accidentally called both geo and/or cole dad at least once or twice
Sora likes to spend time with Nya by teaching each other about tech and how theyd mix their current knowledge with the stuff the other taught them (i imagine the same thing happening when pixal comes back)
Kai thought it'd be funny to show arin and Sora old pictures of lloyd when he was younger with the bowl haircut, now you're probably imagining both of them laughing but n o. Why? Cuz arin had a similar bowlcut before (this was before the merge) so he just kinda stayed silent while Sora was cry laughing
The thingies on the side of wyldfyres leg and knees are sheded scales from heatwave cuz she's not exactly lava proof
Arin is really cultured when it comes to memes and every time he references one to sora or wyldfyre their reaction is just like "what are you talking about?" But when he references them to the ninjas they go "YOU KNOW THAT MEME????"
Wyldfyre learned how to swear from kai
Fritz and spitz are masters of hide and seek! Whenever it's their turn to hide, they'll always taunt the seekers and you can never tell where they were hiding, not only that but they are really good at seeking too
Wyldfyre HATES the cold, AC rooms are a no no. Why? Cuz 1, she's not used to it. 2, it makes her feel like she's nowhere near her family/home. Which brings me to another headcannon
Wyldfyre loves hugs, they're warm and well it's nice, she associates warmth with the feeling of home or something like that, idk i thought it was sweet
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avatar4life · 14 days
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Always credits to @crimson-cherry
Reader was watching Nya cleaning around the shop after making sure that Morro wasn't there anymore, she was getting bored easily until she noticed Wu and Misako talking, well, more like whispering. She looked at them curious and confused until her eyes glow for a moment and was now able to hear what they were saying "you have to tell Nya ,she's ready" Misako whispered to Wu as he gave up and they both walk towards Nya. Reader looked at them curious as she listened from behind the counter as they didn't noticed her being there too, as usual, and soon they talked about Kai not being the only one with an element in their family "Nya, you're the water ninja" Misako said to her, and before reader could process the information Nya fainted "uh, i guess she really wasn't ready" Misako commented. Reader looked at Nya before sneaking back to her room, confused on how she was able to hear them whisper from such a long distance "i enhanced your senses" a voice said from behind her. She got startled and looked behind and sees the spirit again "spirit! You did what?" She asked curious "I enhanced your senses. You can see more than the average, hear more clearly and much more. You need it for your training" it said as it looked at her "training? You mean now?" She asked curious as she followed the spirit into the backyard of the shop "your uncle will train Nya into becoming the water ninja, but what we need now is you training for your purpose of saving your brother, I'm sorry, I mean Lloyd" it said remembering how she stopped referring him as her brother. She looked in awe "oh my god, yes! I need to-" "you can't tell your friends, this is an important matter and they can't know or they'll distract you. Or do you not want to save the green ninja?" It asked as it raised its eyebrow "no! No no, I do want to save him..." She looked at her phone before putting it away "let's do this" she said determined and the spirit smirked at the determination from her
Hours later
Reader was panting heavily from the intense training as she was sweating and fighting the spirit, trying to hit it before finally kicking it's face "oh my god, I'm sorry" she said worried about it being made, but instead it laughed for the first time "in real battlefield, you don't apologize to your enemies for hitting them. You learn fast, fast enough for me. Enough training today, your ninjas are coming back home. Go shower and hear what they found" it said before disappearing. She looked at the place where the spirit was a moment ago before sighing and going to take a shower and change into her pajamas. She walked and went to the ninjas and listened them explaining how they're another way to get the scroll for airjistu and that is the temple of master Yang. She looked at them confused before the spirit voice said in her head 'the earth ninja will become a ghost, don't say anything about it. One step ahead' it said to her. Shw looked around, wanting to warn them, especially Cole, but remembered he how no one ever noticed her and if that were to happen to her, they probably would have done nothing to warn her for the good of the mission, so she stayed quiet and looked at Cole for a moment before looking away and walking to her bedroom and getting in bed.
"reader?" Misako said from the door "would you like for me to tuck you in?" She asked as she stepped inside the room "no, I'm not a little kid, I can tuck myself just fine" reader said, still bitter about her abandoning her and Lloyd Darkley academy, and even if her broth- no, if Lloyd forgave her, she couldn't as she was always a mama's girl and it hurt for her a lot being abandoned by her own mother, feeling like she wasn't good enough foe her enough to stay. It didn't help that when she came back, her sole focus was Lloyd and barely noticing her unless they were alone in a room.
Misako looked like she wanted to protest but then nodded and closed the door.
Reader looked at the ceiling before she felt her eyes growing heavy and ,before she could understand, she fell asleep. The spirit appeared again and tucked her in, covering her body in the blankets and softening the pillow. It bent down in front of her and brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes before smirking and looking satisfied
"good night little lighthouse, this is just the begging of your life"
And part 5 is also made!! Two in a row woooo
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nin-jay-go · 1 year
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for morrotober i posted a pirate au thing, and like 2 ppl were interested in it, but then i didn't think about it for a while KJSHFKJKJH but uhhh yea i have a full fledged treasure planet au because i can't keep away from funky alien stuff
here's the crew! minus wu bc he didn't fit into the scene but he's here in spirit lol (he's the captain) he can be taking the photo
brief synopsis before i go ramble under the cut: kai, cole, jay, and zane all met when they stole the golden tech-weapons from a museum, then when the weapons called them all to each other again, they formed a crew to take down garmadon and then just do general space pirate stuff. they're only considered pirates bc they do slightly illegal stuff in the name of good, but everyone hails them as heroes (except the actually bad pirate crews they dismantle)
anywayz feel free to send in asks because OH MY GOD IVE PUT SO MUCH EFFORT INTO WORLDBUILDING
vwoop here i go
kai, nya, and cole are humans. well, cole was human but i'll get to him later. this is a universe where humans are space orcs, so they're referred to as deathworlders more often than not. jay's an alien, raised on earth, and lloyd is half alien, raised on a moon colony. zane and pixal are automatons, though built on different planets, so their technology is a bit different. wu is fully alien and the same species lloyd is.
speaking of which, wu and lloyd are the captains. wu is the actual captain, and lloyd is the captain that they show off. he has a cool mech suit that hides the fact that he's a child (bc i didn't age him up). they're a species known as dragoni, ancient beings of creation and destruction that have witnessed the birth of the universe. wu hides his status as a dragoni from the public, and lloyd hasn't quite learned how to shapeshift his dragoni traits away.
nya's the first mate because she makes good decisions and also has a mech suit, and she's absolutely terrifying. people are right to fear her, and most of the time are more afraid of her than they are of the actual captain.
kai's the fighter and crew big brother. he's always the one to make sure everyone's safe and accounted for, and he's the one that takes the longest watches (other than the automatons and cole). he's also, alongside wu, in charge of finances, and can handle weapons in a pinch. he kinda does anything he wants on the ship tbh
zane's the cook and sniper. he likes ranged weapons and is pretty adept with guns, so he likes hanging out in the crow's nest to keep an eye out for things. he's also the only one who can cook, so they trust him to make good food.
jay's the engineer and shipwright. he's a species known as a lectrite, which have an innate sense for when lightnign's about to hit. he also can tell when storms are coming, so he helps pixal with navigation if they see a storm on the horizon.
cole's the muscle and helmsman. he's an infected ghost (because the ghost species pass on the "curse" through infection), used to be human, and the strongest member of the crew. he doesn't really need his legs anymore, so all his strength is in his arms now.
pixal is the navigator and other helmsman, when cole isn't available. she's also one of the best fighters on board, and is unafraid to kick ass. she might as well be the second mate at this point, because she kicks just. so much ass. she's so cool. she also assists with shipwrighting stuff with jay.
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kindaasrikal · 5 months
So, Kai and Morro. Their similarities are the same amount to their differences.
Before in my Nya and Morro one i said how Kai (and Lloyd) are two of the most different to Morro. I still think that, but i also think they have their similarities.
The biggest similarity between Kai and Morro is how like minded they are when it comes to goals. They both gain one and fulfil it to the end, similarly to Nya. They would do anything to make sure their goal is achieved because not only would it benefit them but it would also benefit others. Impress others. Protect others.
This is driven by their passion as ninja and their need to become better. Their passion is what fuels them to keep going, to stay motivated in what they believe in or wish to achieve. Kai is shown as one of the most passionate people on the show, and Morro is shown to be just as passionate as him, and both their passion ends up not only fuelling them to achieve their goals, but also in their own anger and temper.
Their anger and outbursts tend to be fuelled by the passion backing them up in their opinions and beliefs, and they desperately need to get their points across and do that through their temper as its the easiest method (not the most effective tho). Both Kai and Morro are two individuals who at first had large egos, finding themselves and only the the ones most close to them as important (barely for Morro, the only person he cared for was Wu, who didn’t need any sort of protection or help). However, its shown for both of them that their egos were fragile things, quickly crumbling to bits as their prides took over. Their pride is what makes them so similar, their need to succeed and achieve better for whatever reason, whether it’s to be as strong as possible or whether to finally be important.
But then things tend to differ.
Both Morro and Kai were orphans, dirt poor and unable to gain knowledge like how others their age do. Neither have a home, and neither had parents there to support them until later in life. But Kai had one thing that Morro didn’t, one person that created Kai’s whole purpose and need as a ninja. Someone to protect, some who was under his responsibility, someone like Nya.
Because Kai had Nya, he understood the need to protect and raise others up from the ground, he understood struggles of others and understood that he had to help others. Because of Nya, Kai gained his biggest qualities that developed with the ninja. His sympathy, his empathy, and his heart. He wanted to have the power of protecting, so the people he cared for didn’t need to worry anymore (so they wouldn’t leave him anymore).
Morro didn’t have that, he didn’t have somebody he needed to protect and have responsibility over. He only had himself, and it essentially turned his thought process into (undertale reference) “Kill or be killed” kinda situation. He had never relied on anyone, never needed anyone, and never had anyone need him.
Kai had a purpose, and it was to protect. Morro didn’t have a purpose, so he had a goal to motivate him.
People don’t tend to realise that the most smallest of situations, or words, or actions, can leave so much of an effect on a person. Especially a child.
Their situations were so similar, yet so insignificantly different that no one tends to notice how it drastically changed them as people.
I feel like theres more to add to this, and that i haven’t said my point correctly, but i have school in the morning and i need to sleet so enoughs enough. ALSO: im not comparing their situations as two orphans in a “who had it worse?” Kinda way, both their situations happen irl and shouldn’t be compared in such a way when they each have their own struggles. It was only to analyse how it affected them and the such, please take care of any child you see people they have it rough now a days 😭
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katfiers · 2 months
Ninjago DR s2p2 spoilers under cut
I'm sorry I couldn't resist
(I will rewatch when it comes out in October. It won't have the weird fade to black segments and fell more complete)
The fight between Kai and Nokt was fucking badass
Kai dodging that many attacks at once was so cool
Kai could have totally won if Nokt didn't use Size to slam Kai into the ground
Kai probably has a couple of bruises from the fight
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The fight between Jay and Nya was so cool I only wish that Nya used lightning more after the fight
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The titan earth mech once belonging to Lilly so cool
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I wished that there were more references to tournaments of the elements like someone mentioning Skylor or Kai getting corrupted by the staff of elementals
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The thing about loser getting their powers taken away from them and given to winner is cool
The part the ninja point out that someone evil can just enter and steal all the powers is funny
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Kai getting dog piled by Cole, Zane, Wyldfire and Riyu was very cute
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Jay literally got recruited to fight by Ras, lost immediately and got told to get lost
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riptidesblog · 4 months
If I rewrote/fixed plot holes in Ninjago Pilots:
They're actually not that bad for a beginning,but I would change a few things:
-I'll not question blacksmith being a career that could provide for two teens,but the fact that Kai seems to be a bad one does not sit right with me.Especially since the issue with the curled sword was not his impatience but the size of the water bucket used(I think)
-Wu being "I told you so,useless" to Kai after Nya is captured.Replace that with sympathy maybe? It would make sense as Wu knows what it's like to lose a family member and is wise enough to understand that Kai is distraught
-Give better reasoning for trusting the map to Ray than Wu fearing his death bc knowing the lore we have now,Wu is likely to outlive him.It could be that monastery was obviously a bad choice and Wu didn't want the weapons lost forever bc they're needed for the prophecy and with most of the past generation of ems either gone or not entirely trustworthy(earth em before Lilly was a traitor during the serpentine wars,then rejoined the alliance,damaging Wu's trust in him and Lilly herself was young and going out on adventures making her unavailable; Libber is missing,Ice em is either dead or missing to Wu's knowledge and etc)
-Personal hc for where Cole,Jay and Zane were during Kai's training is that on the journey to monastery Wu messaged them without Kai noticing,sending them away with a task.Once Kai mastered the course he called the 3 back without warning them about Kai
-Jay's "We're saving a girl?Is she hot?" line.The first part along with their reaction to Kai implies the 3 didn't know anything about Smith-Jiang siblings.Including age.On the one hand,that's creepy.Jay is just lucky that Nya's not too much younger.On the other,it might be in character for Jay to say something without thinking.If we're keeping it then have Jay say it later when there is a possibility that Kai or Wu informed them of the situation and the details.
-Show Kai warming up to the team more and more
-Establish the disastrous consequences of Tornado of Creation bc the only bad thing to happen from that in all the show was Lloyd being taken out by a door and that was just a coincidence.Not only will it give more detail,but also explain why ninja don't use it all the time
-Nya quoting Ray despite not remembering much about her parents.Let's assume Kai told her about it
-Wu's plan.What was the point of taking the sword to the Underworld if the other three weapons would be brought to the same place? That moment needs to be thought through
-Wu's 'death'.He was not a fallen warrior bitter with defeat,so there's no reason for him to go to the Underworld with the sword of fire and he did not turn into a skulkin.To fix this and previous point,let's say he got trapped on the other side of the volcano with the entrance to the Underworld and sword of fire has been with him bc he obtained it during the battle.He did not die yet
-Flame.Other 3 dragons didn't need to be woken up to protect their weapons(Rocky took some time tho).My personal hc is that the other 3 woke up immediately bc they sensed the humans and the skulkin.Flame however living so close to Underworld has his senses for the skulkin and similar dark forces(like Garmadon's Oni heritage) muted and the only others present in the Fire Temple were Kai,Nya and Wu,who all have dragon heritage
-Dragon saddles should not exist at this point in the show(I know it's to sell toys,but still)
-Jaya hug and Ignacians enthusiasm/cheering. Just don't include it at all,Jay and Nya are strangers at this point and Ignacians have no idea what's going on.Instead show them being confused and afraid of dragons and Jay maybe introducing himself to Nya
-Garmadon and Wu need to refer to each-other by smth other than just brother.It's repetitive and kinda unrealistic(no matter how old,siblings are siblings).This goes for the whole show
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Unforgettable past part 1
Summary: Jay destroying himself more and more after skybound
!!! WARNINGS !!!
Uhm... We have lots of things here. We have mentions of emotional and physical abuse, self harm, sexual harassment, panic attacks, traumatic moments, self hate thoughts, thoughts of suicide, anger, bad language and curse words, smoking, heavy drinking, mentions of one night stands and abusive sex. I think that's all but tell me if i forgot anything.
You have been warned so don't read this if you are uncomfortable with those things. Now the responsibility is yours.
Writer: So, i wanted to write this thing from winter... It's summer here... I don't even know why it took me so long. Anyway, it's finally ready now. It's the dark fic i was talking about in this poll for anyone who doesn't remember or for people who didn't know about it.
Also it's the story i was referring to in this recent post:
**After Skybound**
As we all know, after Jay's last wish, Nadakhan returned to Tyrahn's tea pot and everything went back to normal. Ninjago citizens forgot everything and they just continued living normally, like nothing ever happened. No one remembered a thing, except Nya and Jay.
Nya had nightmares every night but she decided to ask for help for once. She isn't a person who likes asking for help, she mostly does things alone but she knew that she had no other choice this time. Going to therapy was a healthy thing to do, she didn't want to use other coping mechanisms. She even started talking to Kai. She didn't tell him everything about Skybound but still it was something. Nya was strong enough to realise and finally admit that she needed help. If she learnt something during possession and skybound it's that she doesn't always have to do everything alone and letting someone help her isn't a bad thing. At least she learnt her lesson after all the stuff she'd been through.
With Master Wu, Kai and her therapist's help and support she managed to remain sane. She even did the first small steps into becoming healthy again. It took time, lots of effort and it was very hard for her but success doesn't come for free, it needs hard work and Nya knew that very well.
Jay on the other hand.... He did the opposite thing. Jay found the opportunity to destroy himself completely. Why? No one knew, no one remembered. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even to his friends, neither to his... family,
nor to Kai.
Kai, his best friend since forever, had never seem him in such a state before! And he was worried. Nya didn't know what happened to Jay in Nadakhan's ship... No one knew because Jay never told them, no matter how many times they tried to approach him and talk with him. He was becoming distant, building his walls.
His usual happy and cheerful self was gone. He was like a different person! He even asked Nya to give him a break. A break from a relationship that had barely started. A break from a relationship that Jay wanted this whole time. He didn't even want to hear Wu's advices. Cole and Zane had no chance with him. Neither Lloyd could find out what was the problem.
They knew that Jay had been a prisoner in Nadakhan's ship because Nya told them. But no one knew what actually happened there. Only Jay remembered those moments and he could never forget them.
Nadakhan broke Jay completely and took away his happiness. Poor Jay was so close to give up. He didn't actually believe that he could survive in this life for any longer. He lost all hope. That's how his cigarettes became his "friends". He first started smoking after Zane's "death" at s3 but now he started doing it uncontrollably. Kai even found an empty bottle of alcohol under his bed once.
This was the current situation:
Jay doesn't listen to Wu, he avoids and ignores his friends, he pushes everyone away, and Nya? Once she finally decided to give him the love he desperately wanted for so long... He doesn't want it anymore. He doesn't deserve it, no. He knew that he lost himself and this new Jay would hurt everyone around him. Mostly the old Jay who was still somewhere deep inside his heart but too deep for him to reach.
Jay thought that he was stuck in a loop-like situation. He still desperately wanted to feel loved and desirable and special and cared for by someone... But he thought he couldn't...
Someone who doesn't love himself can't be loved by others.
Nobody actually cares about you.
Who would ever love someone as pathetic as you?
You are useless. Only a burden for those who pretend to care about you just because they pity you!
You're not worthy of my pity... You're not worthy of anyone's love...
That's all that Jay knew and all he could think about 24 hours per day. That's what he kept saying to him and what Jay's mind repeats, day and night, since then.
Instead of getting the love and affection he wanted, he got the complete opposite. So, after that, he started having meaningless one night stands with just... Whoever wanted him. He chose this way to feel some temporal "love". This wasn't love... This was just lust. It meant nothing. It was just cold, rough, painful, almost abusive sex. Jay got used to that pain. Even a little addicted. Addicted to this feeling of humiliation, pain and torture.
A part of him wanted to quit and try to become healthy again. But he didn't feel like he could do it. He didn't even know if he had the choice anymore. He just continued falling in the arms of any man who wanted him. And who could say anything since is was his own choice? Jay just kept breaking his own heart more than it was already broken.
During most of those times he was kinda drunk. It felt somewhat good since he wasn't thinking clearly. But the next morning when he was sober again... When he found himself naked, cold and alone? He hated himself! He wanted to rip his own skin! The self-harm scars on his body forced him to use tones of makeup to be able to hide them.
And the same scene was repeating itself over and over again. Jay, laying on a huge empty bed, alone, cold, naked, shivering and crying... He just lost count of all the times he returned home late at night, dizzy, hurt and broken. His already revealing clothes ripped from his own anger and bursting.
What kind of person was he now? He said that he had no idea. Oh, but he knew... He just didn't want to admit it.
He blamed himself for everything. He didn't think that he deserved to be a ninja anymore.
Kai's heart was breaking more and more every single day. He couldn't stand watching his precious best friend like that anymore. He hated all the times he had to hear Jay's footsteps at 3 am. He knew that his friend was going down the wrong path.
He desperately wanted to help Jay get out of this madness. He just didn't know what to do. While he was her "personal therapist at home", Nya told him all that she knew about Jay during skybound but it wasn't enough. Something extremely bad had happened in that ship but he didn't know what. He had no idea what made Jay's heart break like that. His mind though of every possibility. Just not of the one that actually happened. No, it couldn't be... right?
Kai definitely wasn't an idiot. He wasn't naive either. He wasn't delusional. Kai knew how cruel this world could be. He knew how much darkness was out there. He knew how unfair and painful life could become sometimes. He just didn't expect that his beloved Jay had to go through something like that. No, this was too much for him to even think about it.
He promised one thing though. He would find out the truth behind Jay's current behaviour. In a period where everyone was mad at his friend, he would find out what happened in that ship. He wouldn't leave his friend's side no matter what. Never. Especially now that Jay needed him the most.
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saline-coelacanth · 6 months
Rambling some more about that one Kai au I've been thinking about lately
First of all, I'm thinking about calling this the "Scorched Au" since it sounds cool and also as a reference to the term "Scorched Earth" since that describes Kai very well in this au
So one part of the au is that the others all think Kai is dead because how could he have survived the volcano erupting? And again, Kai didn't unlock his true potential so they never saw him safely fly out of the volcano afterwards. Kai also lays low for a while. He takes some inspiration from Nya when she became Samurai X and decides to hide his identity, so even if the ninja run into him they don't recognize him at first.
Kai still uses the sword of fire but he also uses the fangblade that he's continued holding onto since managing to grab it before it fell in the lava. And he obviously still has his spinjitzu and normal hand-to-hand combat skills. He sort of goes around doing "vigilante justice" when in reality he's just sort of beating up anyone who gets in his way.
One other idea I thought of is Kai messing around with dark magic. One thing that he focuses a lot on is what more he needs to do to unlock his true potential, and his main belief is simply that he isn't strong enough. So he ends up teaching himself dark magic with a spell book he stole from some library or something like that (I haven't fully decided yet) And it's through the dark magic that he learns to "control fire" though it's not the same as if he were using his elemental powers. He basically learns a bunch of fire spells to make up for the fact that he hasn't unlocked his true potential. This also manages to fool the others into thinking Kai DID unlock his true potential even though it's just dark magic.
I also haven't thought of a name for Kai when he's going undercover since he should probably have one. I know I could just go with "Red Shogun" since that's already a name he's given himself, but idk I feel like that name doesn't really fit the design I've been working on. The design is more of a rogue type thing. I thought of something like the Scorched Shinobi since shinobi is just another word for ninja and it also fits with the au name but idk if I've fully settled on that just yet (though I am becoming fond of it)
And one more thing that I almost forgot to mention is Nya since she's pretty important to this au. So obviously Kai is pretty mad at the other ninja, but the only person he doesn't actively attack or threaten is Nya since despite everything that happened, she's still his little sister. And one other idea I had revolving around Nya is that since Kai ran off to go be evil, Master Wu decides that it's probably best to tell Nya about her water powers now and train her in them instead of waiting until season 5 to do so. Idk that just made sense to me and it might also cause Kai to spiral a bit more because he already had to deal with the fact that Nya doesn't need him anymore because of the whole Samurai X stuff. But now finding out that she has elemental powers as well would not help with his whole situation of feeling like the team never needed him and that he wasn't worthy. Idk I feel like I'm just spit balling at this point now
But anyway, this was sort of just aimless ramblings from me. Even if this doesn't become a main-stay au for my blog, I still wanna write my ideas somewhere for people to read.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Sorry for the random asks, I just get random thoughts.
If the Wobbly Hearts AU Ninja were in a band AU who would be doing/playing what?
bro ur asks are fun so this works out HGLKSJDF
Okay, i had to think a bit hard on this one but here we go
Jay - Lead Guitar: Bro has some wild speed which would be dope for shredding amazing for finger picking, this, ofc, is in reference to his elemental power of lightning. I'd think he can play several different types of guitars ranging from a standard electric to the banjo. He also likes to be front and centre a lot of the time and absolutely thrives off of attention so guitar solos would really give him a chance to shine. I imagine he'd play with a speed similar to this guy though likely not with that type of guitar
Kai - Bass guitar/backup vocalist: I'd actually give Kai the bass cause it's criminally underrated (like kai in the show it feels like sometimes) and it kinda lends itself to the fact his character ends up being more of a supporting role (specifically to Lloyd in the show) in the background rather than the main protagonist. He's extremely skilled in a way that not a lot of people notice, an avid bass defender and hype man and only slightly annoyed that Jay has more fans than him. He likely posts lots of bass shredding vids online
Cole - Drums: I mean come on you had to have seen this coming. I know it almost feels basic to put him but it fits so WELL. He's the one who keeps the team on track in the show and on beat in the band. He's so steady and consistent that it kinda blends together and you forget he's there sometimes. He's the one band member who can go out in public and not a single person will recognize him and he's cool with that. He has an amazing voice and could easily be a lead singer but he's content where he is. He's wildly skilled on the drums and I imagine people would start taking notice in him when he has like a drum solo that happens and its kinda like how Jay is crazy on the guitar he'd be outrageous like this dude
Lloyd - Lead Vocals/drums: Lloyd's currently learning drums from Cole and he's having a lot of fun with them. (a nod to my hc of Cole teaching Lloyd how to lead in the show.) He has the best voice out of the group with an INSANE range in his vocals. He can go from more like straight up angelic sounding to like hardcore screaming and so he's pretty versatile. (A nod to his oni/dragon sides.) He doesn't enjoy singing as much as he does drumming but he's good at it so he doesn't mind being the lead. Though he's not a huge fan of his fans. They're a little crazy. If you want to see him smile ask him to play the drums for you, he gets really winded and is always grinning with his hair a complete mess afterwards. He gets a lot of dopamine from da drums. He also enjoys helping Nya out with writing their lyrics
Nya - Stage Manager(previous)/Backup Guitarist/Second Lead Vocal/Songwriter: Nya is pretty versatile in what she can do. She knows the basics of base, is a pretty solid contender for lead guitar, she's also learning drums from Cole alongside Lloyd. She used to handle the behind the scenes stuff at some point before she actually joined the band. Her ability to both carve out her own place and easily fill in for the other's if they need to tap out lends itself to her element power of water something something. I kinda think of Walk Off the Earth with their two lead vocalists and how their voices blend together really well and the harmonies are really nice for how Nya and Lloyd would sound together. She also has a huge hand in writing the bands songs obviously. Kai did a lot of the lyrics for a while but he's not the most creative person. The whole band kinda has a hand in writing and its a group effort but Nya's usually the one leading it
Pixal - Stage Manager (current): I'm thinking Pixal used to be like, a solo act for a while or something? I dunno I actually couldn't get many ideas for her. But a soloist songwriter and maybe singer and she eventually retired from that and runs things behind the scenes for the band, booking stuff, getting transport, she's great at her job and the whole band loves and appreciates her, Kai regularly dramatically falls across her lap to ask "What would we do without you?" when she hands him a juice box after a set. She also handles the technology (with some assistance from Nya and sometimes Zane) and any more digital sounds they want added to their music
Zane - oh screw it, it's gotta be violin doesn't it??: come on just listen to his Falcon Chase song what else would he play??? All his songs in this show are literally strings!!! Cello, viola, violin, fiddle. i imagine he's classically trained in a lot of the bow + stringed instruments. I'm thinking Lindsey Stirling type playing probably or something. It lends itself to his controlled but emotional?? way of dealing with stuff? You can get a wide range of emotion from these types of instruments and he knows how to pull at your heartstrings (get it cause strings instrument--[gets hit with a chair])
Am i well versed enough in music to know if all these instruments would work well together? No, no i am not. But the concepts are cool and I guess i can be a lil silly goofy with it
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jinxed-ninjago · 1 year
I know for a fact someone's mentioned it before, but I absolutely LOVE how Kai's True Potential is completely separate in motivation from the other ninja.
I wouldn't really say it's true in terms of "Kai's True Potential is showing him being less selfish than he has been since the start of the series" but more so in terms of instincts. Don't get me wrong, he is VERY selfless when he saves Lloyd instead of taking the Fangblade, but I'm not referring to selfishness vs selflessness entirely here.
Zane, Cole, and Jay all reached their True Potentials because they were operating on instinct.
Zane was protecting the other ninja, and jumped to protect them without a second thought.
Jay was trying to save Nya, and jumped to save her without a second thought.
Cole was saving his dad, and jumped to save him without a second thought.
All three of them reached their true potentials because they were operating on a protective instinct.
Kai? Kai reached his because of choices he made, not because he was jumping into action on instinct. Kai even mentions this directly. "I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja, but then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja, it was to protect him."
Kai wasn't operating on instinct when he found his True Potential. He reached his True Potential because he chose to protect another life. He chose selflessness over selfishness. Kai's character arc in season 1 is motivated selfishness and the choices he makes. To reach his True Potential he had to abandon that selfishness, and that culminated in the conclusion of his character arc in season 1. I'd even make an argument for his arc in season 11 also being motivated by selfishness, but the only way he can unlock his powers again is selflessness.
Also, people act like Kai's selfishness is out of character in Sons of Garmadon, but he's always been selfish as fuck. It's not out of character for him to prioritize how useful he is over everything else. His motives are selfless in theory, but the way he executes them is absolutely selfish.
Kai's character arcs are generally selfishness vs selflessness, and I feel like it's not talked about enough. Like, the other ninja are instinctively selfless, but Kai has to actively choose to be selfless until he loses someone. The only exception I can think of to him being selfish and having to choose selflessness is the fact that he has survivor's guilt any time a sacrifice is made. Can we talk about this more?
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cookii-moon · 1 year
I think post DOTD Cole still deserves to be at least a tiny bit affected by his time as a ghost yk
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Ngl the fact that Cole literally defied life and death and we never talk about it makes me sad like cmon it’s so interesting we give Lloyd Oni dragon features and Nya water features but we NEVER talk about when Cole literally transcended the barrier of ACTUAL DEATH. He should get more than a scar that vanishes afterwards and some cool powers SO IM GIVING HIM IT because this fandom has a criminal lack of ghost Cole content
So yeah here’s my explanations for each thingy plus my headcanons slash fanon
You can find the exact lines and contents in the ID if you can’t read my messy handwriting or tell what my messy sketches are supposed to be dndfjhgfdhgi know I know it’s very bad anyways
first one is self explanatory, Kai’s worried about Cole because the guy was dead and came back to life, Cole denies it (no it’s not ship but idm if ur a lavashipper and want it to be ship you can tag it if you wanna) because he’s Cole ofc he’s gonna deny it he’s an idiot. Meanwhile we go on to list alll the ways it’s most definitely 100% affecting him.
first one. the Cole vision. BASICALLY I follow the theory ghosts have different eyes, and when designing those eye, I take inspiration from lizard eyes. A lot of lizards, particularly nocturnal ones, not only have good night vision but can also see many more colors than humans, so I applied that to ghost eyes as well, essentially sight is one of their few senses that aren’t muted. They have night vision and can also see a much broader spectrum of color than humans can.
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Since Cole has his scar on the left side, he also gets a ghost eye on the left side, which still has all the advantages he did as a ghost. On the other hand, his right eye is back to usual, meaning it doesn’t get those advantages and he’s still red/green colorblind in it. That means his left and right vision is pretty different now, which takes quite a lot of getting used to. Obviously this would be easier to show with a colored thing but it was. Hard to color for obvious reasons (you can’t demonstrate someone being able to see more colors than humans because we will always interpret it as a color we can see due to how we filter it) the ghost eye stays his entire life and there’s not really anything he can do about it.
Onto the arm - the markings are essentially burn marks / scars from his lava arms, and his nails are claws. I see ghosts as getting less and less human as time goes on because they forget who they were and what they looked like, therefore being incapable of mimicking a human form. Because Cole was around the ninja he never got far, but he did end up with some intrinsic ghost traits that carried over, like the claws. He has tried cutting them but it basically requires a massive claw clipper and even then they grow back very quickly and you can still see that they’re claws, they’re just less obnoxiously sharp. He usually opts to hide them with gloves a lot of the time. The claws are also permanent, but he can regularly trim them to be less obvious and also less annoying and more manageable.
The one where he’s scared of water is. Self explanatory. Obviously he has a big fear of water after coming back from the dead. Even just a few drops can send him into a panic attack. It gets better eventually with exposure therapy, though it may still cause him to be anxious around it at times.
most people have already done the “Cole runs into doors and walls after coming back from being a ghost lol” but like. It makes sense. So.
Right. Onto the ANGSTTTT.
“Everything is too much” refers to his sensory issues. Now obviously Cole is autistic /lh so he’s always had some sensory issues, but oh boy. Getting the ability to feel literally everything instantly after so long of not having it whatsoever?? Yikes. Pretty much everything is obnoxiously and incredibly overwhelming to him. it goes back to the usual after a lot of help from his family, though! :)
“But also”. Aka the image of him looking out at the stars. Lot more vague. Interpret it as you wish. There’s a few intended meanings to it but go ahead and figure them out for yourself. I will say that going with the idea that it’s dissociation related, he has a tendency to dissociate a lot after coming back (which is strange since he used to be pretty grounded). It never really goes away.
”Too little” ok so this one DEFINITELY needs explanation. I talked about how he’s overwhelmed. Well. Sometimes he’ll have bouts where it’s the exact opposite. He’ll suddenly feel a cold chill followed by a spreading numbness. Sometimes it’s just his hand, or his arm, other times it’s his entire body. It’s basically a psychological thing, sort of like phantom limbs except instead of a feeling where there is an absence, it’s more of an absence where there should be a feeling. Of course it’s absolutely terrifying for him, but the others eventually learn how to help ground him when it happens. Over time It gets less frequent but it doesn’t go away.
Anyways yeah that’s all I just. Think there should not only be more ghost Cole content but also. More post ghost Cole. He’s gotta be impacted SOMEHOW. Right.
Anyways yeah this is that so like
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