#when she's just asking for treats she comes up just outside of arm range and blinks at me
apprendere · 11 months
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doggo doodles
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alotofpockets · 4 months
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Flirting & friendzones | Leah Williamson x Arsenal/Swiss!Reader
Where Leah is a flirt and you are scared to give in to your feelings
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
Moving to a new club always brought some nerves with it, but luckily your national team captain and close friend Lia Wälti had been at your new club for years. Through her you had met some of her teammates for quick moments on the field during national team games over the years, but you didn't have much more of a connection with them. 
While that connection wasn't there, you had kept one secret from Lia, and that was that you had a crush on her best friend Leah ever since she first introduced the two of you on the pitch years ago. You had never acted on your crush on the England captain more than following her on Instagram, but now you'd be playing at the same club as her, which brought a whole different wave of nerves your way.
You were welcomed at Arsenal with open arms, as Lia had ensured you. Each and everyone of your teammates, and the staff members made you feel right at home. Lia had helped you secure an apartment before you had arrived, so you had your own space right away. 
After your first training, Lia invited you to come hang out and Beth and Viv their place. A regular hangout spot according to her, especially since they just got a new puppy. Lia drove you home from training, and told you she’d pick you up in an hour to head over to Beth and Viv’s.
An hour later your doorbell rang, but when you opened the door it was Leah instead of Lia. “Hey, Lia had to run some errands before heading over to the girls, so she asked me to pick you up instead.” Leah had taken the request to ‘pick you up’ to a whole new level as she started flirting with you. 
“You look great by the way.” She started while you walked over to her car. Just a simple friendly comment you thought, but still the blush rushed to your cheeks. “Thank you.” You said before quickly getting a step ahead of the blonde, to make sure she wouldn’t notice your blushing.
Of course Leah noticed right away and would now make it her mission to see you blush. “I mean it, you clean up nice. Haven’t seen you outside of football kits in person.” You reach the door and she opens your side for you. “Seems like a great date outfit too, if you even need a dinner date to wear it to, you know where to find me.” She left you frozen in place with her comment, and closed your door only to get in on the other side with a big smirk on her face.
“So, how has London been treating you so far?” You started telling Leah about your first week there, happy to no longer be the target of her flirting. At least that is what you thought until she followed up with, “Good to hear! If you ever need a tour guide, I am more than happy to volunteer.” On its own it wouldn’t be flirting, but the way she looked at you while you said it, gave the sentence a whole different meeting. 
“I really appreciate it, but Lia is showing me around already.” You said as you got out of the car, as you arrived at the girls' house. “Always Lia, huh?” She acted hurt. “Well, if she ever gets too busy, give me a call.” You walked up to the door quickly, “Oh look at that, we’re here.” You say as Beth opens the door. Darting inside without even saying a proper hello, propping yourself up between Viv and Kim who were already cuddling with Myle. 
Beth turned her attention to Leah, “Damn, what did you do?” She shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing.” In return Beth raised an eyebrow towards Leah, but she didn’t push further. Instead she turned her attention to you. “Glad you could make it. I see Myle made a new friend already!” Myle had gotten comfortable in your lap and started taking a nap there only moments after you had sat down. “She’s very cute.” You comment while looking at the pup lovingly. “I understand why everyone wants to hang out at your place.” You joke.
The conversations between everyone started flowing freely, and you felt immediately accepted into the group of girls. Leah continued her flirting with the rest of the girls around, which piqued the interest of the girls, though they didn’t say anything. Only the occasional chuckle when you would turn Leah down again.
It was hard having to say no to the woman you had been crushing on for years, but you had just joined a new club and she was co-captain of it, as well as Lia’s best friend. It didn’t seem right to act on your feelings, even though Leah was acting on them plenty. You came here to play football, you kept reminding yourself. 
Half an hour later Lia arrived, carrying in a few bags of groceries. “Sorry, it was quite busy at the store. What did I miss?” Some of the girls looked between you and Leah and wondered if they should poke some fun at the situation, but before they could, you answered her question. “Nothing much, we were just talking about how cute Myle is.” 
Lia, who had handed the groceries over to Viv, sat down beside you with a smile on her face. “She really is adorable. I’m glad to see you fit right in, I was worried about leaving you out here on your own.” It really did feel like you fit right in. 
“You don’t need to worry,” Leah interjected smoothly. “she wasn’t alone. I was here to make sure she’s well taken care of.” Her comment earned her a loud chuckle from Vic, who hurried to the kitchen to hide her laughter. Lia shot her best friend a look. “I’m sure you were, Lee.”
After dinner, Lia drove you home. “I am so happy you’re feeling at home already. How are the girls?” She asked while exiting the parking space. “Yeah, they’re really kind. I couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome.” Lia was truly happy you found your spot within her little family at the club. 
She turned to you with a smirk. “What?” You asked instantly, already not liking the look on her face. “Don’t what me.” She laughs, “I was just going to ask what about Leah?” The slight blush that creeped up to your cheeks should’ve said enough. “Leah has been kind too, very kind.” Lia chuckled at your expression. “Kind? That girl has been flirting with you since the moment you arrived.” Your eyes widened, Lia had noticed. 
“Relax! Why do you think I introduced you all those years ago? You are literally perfect for each other. Back then I didn’t tell you my reasoning, because I didn’t think it would be fair to try and set you up with someone that lived in a different country.” She let that set in for a moment before she asked again, “So, what about Leah?” Her smirk grew again.
“Leah is great. I think I’ve kind of been pushing her into the friendzone though.” Lia stopped the car. You hadn’t been paying attention, not that you knew the roads yet, but you knew that you weren’t at your place or Lia’s. “It’s a good thing that Leah doesn’t easily give up, go shoot your shot.” You sent her a confused look, “Right now?” She points to the building ahead of you, “Yup, right now. That’s her place right there. Her car is here already, so she just got back as well.” She unbuckled your seatbelt, “Go!” You shake your head at her but get out of the car anyway. “Call me when you need a ride back.” 
You walk up to Leah’s door nervously, but knock nonetheless. When Leah opens the door, Lia decides to drive off. “Oh, hi, come in. Finally done with Lia?” You roll her eyes at how her flirting turned right back on. 
She walks you into her home, and you get right to the point. “Can we talk about today?” Leah’s face turns serious, feeling like she might have messed up. “Oh, I’m sorry if I was taking it too far. I thought there was a vibe, sorry if I read that wrong.” You shake your head, “No, no don’t worry. Actually it was me wanting to apologise. I was kind of pushing you towards the friendzone, because I didn’t want to mess anything up with Lia or the team.” 
Leah’s lips curve into a smile again, “But now you’re throwing me a ladder to come back out of the friendszone?” Her tone is hopeful. “If I’m not too late, yeah.” The blonde shakes her head, “Definitely not too late.”
Now that the big conversation was out of the way, you finally felt like it was okay to sit down. “You know Lia has been rooting for us for years?” You nod remembering the conversation in the car. “Yeah, she told me on the way here. I had no clue that this had been her intention all along.” 
Leah sits down beside you, “You know, I’ve liked you ever since we met when our teams played against each other that time Lia introduced us.” Your cheeks heat up again, “I have liked you since that day too.” 
Her eyes light up, “So, can we give this a try?” Her tone was hopeful again. “Yes, I’d like that.” With that, Leah closes the distance and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. When you pull back, both of you are smiling. 
“Want to stay for a while? I can drive you home wherever you want to go home.” You smile, “Yeah,” You’d love to spend more time with Leah. “I’ll text Lia and let her know that I won’t be needing that ride anymore.”
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
treat you better II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader
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part 2 I masterlist I word count: 2451
a/n: hi, it's based off this request here, please enjoy. <3
warnings: toxic (ex-)partner, but with a happy ending.
You had been staring on your phone all evening, impatiently waiting to see your girlfriends number appear on the screen. But your phone stayed silent.
Subconsciously, you tapped on the photos icon on your home screen and started to scroll through pictures of you and her together.
Since you parted ways last summer when you moved to Barcelona and she joined Chelsea, you talked less and less. She said she was cool with it but you had the feeling that this lack of communication strained your relationship.
“Y/n?“, Ingrids voice disrupted your thoughts.
“Yes?“ You looked up, surprised about the fact that you were not the only one in the changing room after your late gym session.
The Norwegian sat down on the bench next to you: “Are you still waiting?“
You sighed and forced yourself to put your phone aside: “She promised to call me tonight…“
“You’ve been waiting for hours.“, Mapi reminded you from the other side of the room where she casually leaned against the lockers.
You remained silent. Somehow you felt very stupid in that situation.
Ingrid gently laid a hand on your knee. With slight concern in her voice, she asked: “Have you had dinner yet?“
“No…“, you admitted reluctantly.
With a smirk, Mapi folded her arms across her chest: “Let’s go get some then.“
“Wear something you love. We’ll pick you up later.“, Ingrid winked before taking her bag and leaving the changing room with her girlfriend.
You silently nodded to yourself. They really tricked you into having to go home instead of sitting on the hard bench for hours, waiting for that call.
You followed their instructions as soon as you returned to your apartment and slipped into lacy black top and your favourite suit. You were just in the process of doing your hair when the couple rang at your door.
“I’m ready.“, you called out to them while grabbing a black handbag and slipping on a pair of sneakers.
“Good, lets go.“, Mapi grinned as you joined them outside.
“You look stunning by the way.“, Ingrid complimented your outfit.
You beamed: “Thank you.“
“You both do.“, Mapi joined in, taking both you and Ingrid in.
“Ingrid and you always look so beautiful.“, you said. A lot of people on your team dressed well but you often found yourself in awe of what a gorgeous couple they were. And then you remembered something: “My girlfriend doesn’t like me in suits.“
Mapis smile turned immediately into a frown: “Why not?“
“She said it looks too gay.“, you relayed what your girlfriend had told you several times before.
You noticed Mapi and Ingrid sharing a concerned look.
“But…“, Ingrid began.
“What a weird thing to say!”, the Spanish defender commented outraged on both of their behalf’s.
Her Norwegian girlfriend nodded in silent agreement.
“It kind of is right?”, you bit your lip guiltily while you three took your seats at the table of the restaurant. It was way fancier than you expected. But just like the couple it had an elegant touch to it. The candlelight tinted your faces shine in a warm, soft glow.
“I only know that from people who don’t want other women to notice their girlfriends.”, Mapi admitted, sounding serious.
“Which is weird because no matter how you dress y/n, people will always notice you. You’re always gorgeous.”, the younger woman observed, looking deep into your eyes as she spoke.
These words coming from such a beautiful human herself made your cheeks turn pink. You were never happier for the dimly lit room, so it was hard to see the change of your face colour.
“Exactly, you’re our team Estrella for a reason.”, the heavily tattooed Spaniard reminded you of the nickname you had in your team.
A sad smile appeared on her lips, remembering how you changed since your girlfriend has stepped into your life. The Barcelona girls were all a bit worried as your spark has lessened over the time.
“Although you lost a bit of your light.”, Mapi sighed.
“I didn’t loose my light.”, you protested weakly. Unsure if you really trusted your own words in the situation.
“Y/n, you deserve better.”, Ingrid replied, taking your hand into hers to squeeze it empathetically.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.”, you tried to assure them.
“Do you know what you want to order?”, the defender swiftly changed the topic to something more enjoyable.
When the meals arrived, you clapped excitedly into your hands:” This looks so delicious.”
“It’s the best, trust us.”, Mapi grinned.
“I do.”, you answered smiling. Everyone in your team knew that the two women didn’t only have great taste in clothes, but in food as well.
“As you should.”, the Scandinavian chirmed.
Looking around, soaking into the calm atmosphere of your surroundings, you declared:” This is really nice here.”
“It’s our favourite.”, the older woman confessed beaming.
“It’s perfect for dates..”, your heart sank once the sentence was out. Wishing your girlfriend was here in this moment even though you knew deep inside that it was almost more fun with your two teammates, less stressful for you. Their relaxedness rubbed a bit on to you and you felt a sense of calm.
“Yes, very romantic.”, Ingrid answered delighted.
“You two are so cute.”, you hummed.
Mapi exchanged a look with Ingrid before she leaned over the table and whispered: “Ingrid always is when she really likes someone…“
“She’s?“, you asked, not sure what the defender was hinting at.
“I guess thats true, yes.“, Ingrid admitted, slightly flustered. Her long fingers barely touching yours on the table.
You looked up at her: “Oh.“
“Wasn’t your girlfriend supposed to come tomorrow to spend your free weekend together? What did you plan for that?“, Mapi inquired suddenly. She studied your face for any change.
You shrugged nonchalantly as if you had not planned this for over a week now: “Oh, I thought I would show her Barcelona. And then we could have a little picnic down at the beach.“
“Oh my god. That’s so sweet.“, Ingrid squeed.
“I thought she would enjoy that. But she hasn’t confirmed yet that she would be able to make it.“ You tried to keep any disappointment out of your voice.
“If she can’t make it in time, we’d love to come and do it with you.“, Mapi smiled.
Ingrid confirmed with a nod: “Yes, we would.“
You could feel your heart flutter in your chest. “That’s so nice of you.“
“It’ll be a pleasure, y/n.“, Mapi said, reaching for your hand.
You had such a lovely evening with your teammates that when the call came the next morning, it felt like a shock. You knew what she was about to say before she even greeted you.
“Sorry, y/n. I can’t come… Emma said we need to do extra training on the weekend.“
“Oh… that’s okay. Next time maybe.“, you replied almost automatically.
You knew you should feel sad or disappointed about her cancellation but there was also a part of you that felt nothing but relief in this moment.
You immediately took your phone and messaged Mapi and Ingrid to come down to the beach later today if they were still down for it.
Weirdly, you found yourself less anxious and more excitement for the picnic with the two of them while you started packing everything.
You met Mapi and Ingrid in the late evening. A blanket and a few pillows were already spread out on the fine sand when they arrived. Freshly baked bread, cheese and ham as well as olives and grapes were piled high on plates.
“This is literally perfect.“, Ingrid marvelled at the sight.
Mapi sat down: “I agree, this is so nice.“
“We’ll see the sunset too.“, you added, pointing towards the horizon.
Ingrid popped a piece of cheese into her mouth and laid her head into you lap: “I hope you don’t mind too much that you have to spend the evening with us.“
Absentmindedly, you started to stroke her dark hair: “I mean I’m a bit sad that she couldn’t come but your company definitely makes it better.“
“Don’t worry, we can make sure you have a good time too.”, the Spanish defender promised.
“You already do a great job at that.”, you assured the couple. With a melancholic glance at the sea you added:” I just miss her and being touched, does that sound weird?”
“No, that makes perfect sense.”, the Norwegian told you while simultaneously exchanging a knowing look between her and her girlfriend.
Afterwards a pleasant silence descended upon you three, the only sound came from the waves crashing on the shore, until Mapi raised her voice.
“We’d treat you better.”
“What?”, you looked at her in surprise.
“You’re unhappy with her. She’s been ignoring you, she always wants to have the upper hand.. and we saw that she likes to leave her marks when you saw each other.”, Ingrid listed the reasons why you should break up with your girlfriend on her long, elegant fingers.
“And you two think you can treat me better?”, you nervously licked your lips, too afraid to look directly into their eyes, so you chose to watch at the water instead.
“No. We know we can treat you better.”, the tattooed woman corrected you in a serious tone. Her girlfriend nodded in quiet agreement.
“Which isn’t hard because I’m pretty sure she’s seeing someone else behind your back.”, Mapi continued, there was anger towards your lover swinging in her voice.
“The whole team thinks so.”, the Scandinavian cleared her throat. Every teammate thought that you deserved better than that.
You were startled by your own words coming out of your mouth next:” I suspected it, because I asked Millie if they had training on the weekend, she said no.”
The one thing you were sure was that your England teammate and co-captain would never lie to you.  Remembering the short call made you tear up all over again. Nothing hurt more when knowing that everyone knew someone was betraying you behind your back.
“I’m sorry, amor. But we don’t want to see you suffer any longer.”, empathetically Mapi laid an arm around you:
“I feel so stupid, girls.”, you confessed, trying to swipe away the tears streaming down your cheek.
“You’re not stupid.”, Ingrid pressed a kiss on to your hand before raising up to hug you from the other side.
“We all have been here.”, the defender told you.
“Really.”, she replied.
Suddenly you knew what to do, you didn’t knew where the bravery came from, but you were grateful for it as you announced: “ I’ll tell her that I’m done with her games, the only game I’m interested in is football.”
“That sounds reasonable.”, the Norwegian beamed at you proudly.
“It’s for the best.“, you said quietly, not sure if you were talking to them or to yourself.
Mapi flashed you an encouraging smile: “Yes, but you’ll always have us.“
“Right, you can count on us.“, Ingrid agreed.
“Thank you, girls.“
“You’re welcome.“
You slowly stood up from the blanket, pulling your phone out of your pocket and took a deep breath: “Excuse me. I think I’ll have to make a call.“
Ingrid nodded: “Go on.“
“See you in a minute.“ You forced yourself to a smile.
There was something in the way, they looked at you that gave you the confidence to walk a few steps closer to the water and dial you girlfriends phone number.
“Hi, y/n.“, she greeted you. She never sounded happy when you called, only annoyed as if you were always calling at the wrong time.
“Hey, I need to talk to you about something…“, you came straight to the point. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“Sure, but I need to leave soon so you better make it quick.“
In this moment, you knew you made the right decision. There was no fear or doubt, the words just came to you: “I can make it very quick. I want to break up.“
There was a moment of silence on her end and you briefly wondered if she had even heard you. Her voice was high-pitched and she was yelling when she finally replied: “What?! Are you kidding me? I’m the best thing you’ve ever had!“
You remained calm and composed: “You’ve been avoiding me for some time now. I think I deserve better.“
She laughed: “Oh please, you’re so pathetic, y/n.“
“You’re with someone else. I know that. It was pathetic that I believed you.“
“You’ll never find someone as good as me!“, your now ex-girlfriend spat.
Subconsciously, your gaze drifted back to the picnic blanket. You realized that Mapi and Ingrid were no longer sitting there.
Gentle fingers took the phone out of your hand. You looked up to see Mapi speaking into the phone: “Oh, don’t worry. She’s got someone better now. Someone who actually appreciates her.“
Your ex-girlfriend went quiet. “Good luck with that, y/n.“, she said, her voice icy cold before hanging up.
Ingrid stood in front of you, studying your face. You were confused but also relieved. It was finally over.
“Hey, come here. You did so well.“, you felt Ingrids arms wrap around your torso. You held out one arm as an invitation for Mapi to join the hug.
The Spanish defender pressed a kiss to your temple: “You deserve this.“
There was so much you wanted to tell them but you had no words for it. So you just stood there for the moment, grateful and safe in their embrace.
Immediately after the breakup, Mapi and Ingrid started to take you out to more dates. A few months later, you were officially in a relationship with both of them.
You could have never imagined yourself in a polyamorous relationship before but the two of them made it easy. It was probably one of the healthiest relationships you had ever been in. In contrast to your previous relationship, there was no mistrust and no jealousy.
Seeing your girlfriend on the pitch in your Champions League matches agains Chelsea surprisingly did not bother you at all. Especially not, once you knocked them out of the UWCL.
As soon as the final whistle blew, Mapi jogged towards you and kissed you excitedly: “You’ve been amazing, amor!“
“My girls! We won!“, Ingrid joined the two of you.
You turned towards her to give her a celebratory kiss as well.
You could feel your exes angry stares at you but could not care less. You just booked the ticket to the UWCL final with your amazing and supportive girlfriends, there was no space in your life for her anymore.
a/n: we always appreciate comments, likes and reblogs. <3
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Omg pls a part two for Kaeya and Diluc forgetting your birthday it’s so good I LOVE ANGST <3
Alrighty, fine. Since so many more people asked for a part 2, here it is.But I can't promise that everything goes fine..
Characters Included: Diluc; Kaeya
Content: gender neutral reader; hurt/comfort; angst; hurt/no comfort; one is gonna be forgiven, the other one not
Word count: 1,9k words
Please enjoy reading!
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Gods, he was so exhausted.
He wished for nothing more than to just walk over to his bedroom and fall asleep on the bed, but he couldn't. He had some important matters he still had to attend to before he could go do that.
He was currently hunched over his desk, scanning over some documents that needed his attention. It was late at night, yet there was still light shining from under the door, as well as footsteps coming from the mansion.
Diluc paid that no mind however, trying to focus back on his work. However, when he heard a pair of footsteps walk up the staircase, he put his pen down, listening to them.
He was fairly sure that it was you, so he listened to it, hoping that you would come inside to check on him. He knew he shouldn't have lashed out at you like that earlier and he wanted to apologize to you for it.
However, the person outside kept walking, past the door to his office and instead went into the next room, which was the bedroom that belonged to the both of you.
At first, he didn't think too much of it, maybe you were just really tired and going to bed now. But, as he continued to listen, it got more and more strange to him. Your footsteps hadn't quietet down at all. You were apparently still walking around the room, he could hear the opening and closing of drawers and closets.
He had half a mind to walk over there and ask you what you're doing in the middle of the night. Then again, he wasn't really any better and he really had to finish this, but when suddenly a second pair of footsteps climbed up the stairs, his attention was taken to them.
A few seconds latter, soft knocking was heard on the wodden door, followed by Adelinde's voice asking to enter the study. Diluc allowed her inside but turned his attention finally back to his work.
He noticed her approaching the table and putting a plate down in front of him. He glanced at it, laying his eyes upon a nice looking piece of cake.
"Did you bake that, Adelinde? It looks delicious. I'll eat it once I'm done here."
He was about to dismiss her, but the fact that she hadn't said a word made him look at her with his full attention now.
"Master Diluc.. do you really not remember?"
"Remember what, Adelinde? You'll have to be more specific than that."
She looked at him for a few more seconds, it almost seemed to him like her eyes were boring into his very soul. Then, she turned around and approached the door again. She stepped out into the hallway, moving to close the door but before she did so, she said one last thing to him.
"Today was their birthday."
Then Adelinde closed the door, leaving Diluc in the room all by himself.
Hearing those words put him into a shock. No.. this couldn't be..
Suddenly, thousands of times and situations played in his head where you tried to grab his attention and he had dismissed you every single time.. how long had he been treating you like this?
Then, a loud sound rang from the bedroom next door, and Diluc suddenly got ahold of himself again.
He immediately shot up and ran outside, bursting through the door to your shared room, startling you in the process. But the sight before him made his heart clench like never before.
The sight of you, stuffing some of your clothes and other belongings into a bag, your eyes red and swollen, probably from crying.
"D-Diluc? What are you... why are you here?"
You asked him, but he didn't answer. Instead, he walked over to you, steps quick, and pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
"D-diluc? What-!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, (Name)."
Suddenly understanding what this was about, you relaxed a bit, but didn't do anything else. You didn't reciprocate the hug, either, and no words left your lips..
"I'm so sorry.. for everything. I didn't even realize how badly I was treating you." He fell on his knees in front of you, taking your hands into his, holding them tightly.
"Please, believe when I say that this was never my intention. I love you very dearly, (Name). I know I didn't show it for some time, but I do. Nothing can ever change how I feel about you. So please... don't leave.."
By the end of it, his voice sounded broken, silent cries leaving him as tears streamed down his face. You looked down on him, seeing him all broken down in front of you, and you feel your resolve begin to waver.
Maybe.. maybe you could try again with him..
But then you remembered the last few months, how he pushed you away every single time you tried to adress something with him... how he pushed you away on your own birhtday...
Gently, you pull your hands out of his grip. Diluc immediately understood what this gesture meant, yet he wasn't willing to accept this.
"(Name), please-!"
"No, Diluc. I can't anymore. Who's to tell me that you won't go back to treating me like this after a few weeks again? I tried it. I tried to deal with it and I tried to talk to you, but you never wanted to. You always shut me down. Well, I hope you're happy because I am done. I can't keep feeling like I'm worth nothing to you.
Thank you, for all the time I had with you, but it's over now."
You gave him one last, mournful look, then grabbed your bag and walked past him.
He let you... there was nothing else he could do..
He listened to you walking down the stairs, listened to the heavy front door open, and then.. It feel closed again.
And just like that.. you were out of his life..
He lost you and this time, he had noone else to blame but himself and his own stupid decisions..
He broke down again, crying so hard like he hadn't done in years. If only he wouldn't have been so stupid..
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Tired and still angry from the events that had happened yesterday, Kaeya was sitting in his office again, stationed at the Knights of Favonius headquarters.
He was looking through files and documents he didn't get to finish yesterday because he suddenly had the workload of four other people pushed onto him.
He was still angrily mumbling to himself when a knock on the door resonated within his office. He didn't bother giving an answer, yet the other person took that as permission to enter, pushing the door open to reveal Lisa to the stressed out Kavalry captain.
"Kaeya, there you are! We were missing you at (Name's) party yesterday. Why weren't you there?"
Oh, now that pissed him off even more. He put his utensiles down, trying to control his emotions and actions. He looked at Lisa, smiling at her, yet it was obvious how faked and forced it was.
"Well, I think the bigger question here is, why were you at a party during work hours in the first place. I wouldn't mind you going, but why convince everyone else along, leaving all of the work for me alone to handle?"
"..Why wouldn't I go to the party I, myself, organized?", she questioned, looking at him confused. Like she was trying to figure something out.
"You were organizing that atrocious thing? Well, in that case that begs even more questions. Again, why pull everyone else along except me? Also, why plan it in my and (name's) shared house, of all places?"
She didn't answer immediately like the times before. Instead, she was still looking at Kaeya, until a few seconds later, her entire face lit up in realization.
"Oh, you idiot..", she mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Excuse me? I do think it's not-!"
"Kaeya, you idiot! You really forgot?"
"...Forgot what?", he asked, now being confused himself. Why was she reacting this way?
"You really did... it was their birthday yesterday! That's what the party was for! Also, wasn't this whole thing your idea in the first place?"
At her words, his eyes widened in shock, realization hitting him now as well. He did.. He forgot your birthday.
Immediately after that, he thought back to yesterday.. the words he spat in your mouth.. the way your eyes teared up in front of him.. and he just ignored it, walked away like the entire world just revolved around him alone..
He took one look at Lisa, who was just nodding at him. He did so as well, grabbing his coat and then he started running.
Kaeya ran out the headquarters through the streets of Mondstadt, only having one destination in mind. He never slowed down, not even for a second to catch his breath. Only when he was finally standing in front of his own door did he do so as he was trying to fish the keys out of his pocket.
He unlocked the door and immediately entered.
"(Name)?", he shouted as soon as he closed the door behind him. He listened for a few seconds, but... nothing. No answer, no sounds.
He panicked a bit as he began to search the place. The house was still a mess from yesterday, but he didn't care for that right now.
Kaeya searched through every room, shouting your name to try and grab your attention.
The panic began to settle a bit as he opened the bedroom door, seeing you still asleep on the bed.
He approached you, finding you clutching his own pillow close to you, like you have been searching for some comfort. Your eyes were all red and swollen up, because of your crying.
'The crying that you, yourself, caused..', he thought, feeling sorry for what he had said to you.
He went on his knees on the floor, next to the bed. He inspected your, now peaceful looking face, for a few more seconds.
"(Name), wake up, please.", he said gently, stroking some stray hair out of your face.
You began shifting in your sleep and soon enough, you opened your eyes.
Seeing Kaeya, you remember his hurtful words from yesterday night right away, so you were trying to create some space between the both of you.
"No, no!", he exclaimed, getting up from his knees and putting his arms around you, hugging you close to him.
"I am so sorry about yesterday, (name). I don't know how it could have possibly slipped my mind, but it did. Words can't describe how awful I feel about the things I said, but please know that I meant none of them.
I love you, and I'll do anything for you. You have every right to be angry with me and never forgive me for what I said and did, but.. please.."
After he finished, you stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to this. Then, you felt something wet against your shoulder. First it was only one time, then it got more and more and you knew that Kaeya was crying against your shoulder right now.
You then, finally, hugged him back.
He was so relieved that you did this, hoping that this meant one step into the right direction.
Maybe.. someday in the future, you can forgive Kaeya for this...
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seaadc · 1 year
sshshshshsh heyhey could i have some uhh aqua hoshino x streamer!reader
I feel like such a genius for thinking about this my third eye has been opened
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status | aqua hoshino x streamer!fem!reader
summary: aqua being madly infatuated with you ever since he had saw you streaming.
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- “If the world was against us, then I’m against the world.”
You are definitely in for a treat, definitely.
Before Aqua had met you, he was not that quite.. expressive? He had a cold demeanor, You can call him stern, but not too quite.
When Aqua was silently working on the little short trailer of a video that the team he was working with in “Love now” was gonna post, He came across you in the internet.
You were streaming in youtube, Your hair looked good and it looks recently brushed. You were talking to your fans since you were popular— heck, you even knew Mem-cho! You were slightly more popular than her which caused you to have a lot of viewers.
The girl was talking about her life and desires, how she’d want to be an idol someday. Aqua narrowed his eyes at the screen, staring deep into your galactic eyes.. How mesmerizing. He wouldn’t admit that
You were acting all so bubbly and giddy, showing your viewers some stuff in your room. And, to be honest, Aqua enjoyed watching you. Or was he just tired? He was tired from editing the short clip, he just laid his head down the table and using his arms as support while he looked at the laptop, gazing into your eyes that wasn’t even staring into his own.
He then sighed and closed the laptop, standing up while he went outside to grab the juice Yuki was going to gave him.
Aqua went out, Mem-cho went inside and opened the laptop, checking if the video had gotten more popular but she was greeted by a familiar face.
“Oh! It’s [Name]!” The blondie muttered to herself, wondering what was the tab doing in the laptop.
“Huh.. Aqua left the room last.”
Aqua decided to take a stroll outside the building, not too far but not too near. He was walking down the sidewalks when he felt like he should get a snack. He went to the nearest store and went inside, the bell on top of the door ringing.
Aqua sighed to himself and grabbed some chips, To his surprise there was a girl next to him.
She looked up at the shelf and grabbed the same chips Aqua had got but a different flavor, The girl smiled brightly to herself and adjusted her cap.
Aqua looked at her, He was 2 inches taller than her if he could presume.. She looked oddly familiar.
“Miss… Uh.. Have I seen you somewhere?” Aqua asked softly, his eyes narrowing at the girl’s cap which was colored white.
The girl looked up at him, Aqua widening his eyes at the realization it was the streamer had come across earlier.
“Well that’s interesting. People can still recognize me?” You mumbled, sighing in disbelief while you headed over at the cashier and placed your chips down at the counter.
Aqua hummed and followed, right behind you while he waited in line. It was awkward.. The only sound you could hear was the cashier’s machine clacking and doing such beeps.
The girl turned and looked at Aqua, smiling warmly. “[Name], At your service.” She introduced, and left while the bell rang.
Aqua stared off into the door, following your figure until it has dissipated. He looked down at the chips and put it down the counter.. Somehow, He felt.. attached. He couldn’t explain why, It was definitely not the universe playing tricks on both of you… right?
Ever since Aqua met you in real life, He couldn’t stop. As in, He couldn’t stop checking your profile everyday to see if you have a new video or stream. Truth be told, He watched every single video you had made and streams. Even if they were past streams, He still persevered to watch it.
Aqua felt comfortable and satisfied whenever he would rewatch a video of yours when you won’t post due to lack of motivation, but he would always check. Everyday, Everynight.
One day as you set up your computer, You thought of the fair blonde guy you met at the shop. You smiled at the thought, knowing it was the same guy you supported in the show “Love now” and the upcoming Tokyo Revenger live action.
You started streaming and viewers rushed in the stream, waiting for other viewers to arrive while a certain username joined.
“AquaHoshino… Are you a fan or the guy himself?” You chuckled, the viewers commenting of how cute and adorable your smile is while the user you had mentioned didn’t reply.
Meanwhile, through the other screen, Aqua couldn’t contain himself when his tongue slipped out of your mouth. He kept staring at your face, He didn’t know why, but the word that fits to what he kept on doing for the past few months was definitely ‘Infatuation’.
Considering he was a doctor before, ‘course he knew what this thing was. But it took him quite a long time to accept that he was inlove with you. A streamer who makes money off it.
Aqua just entered Strawberry Productions since Miyako called for him, only to find out that you, yes you, had signed a contract. Turns out Mem-cho had invited you and both of you were conversing with eachother on the green couch.
Miyako smiled and walked up to Aqua. “We have a new member.” She spoke with a soothing voice. Aqua flinched when he saw you, You both held eye contact until you smiled.
Oh shit, That was the best thing he ever saw. (except Ai’s smile) His heart melted, feeling it race like a sports car. Aqua cleared his throat and turned away, trying to hide the redness creeping up to his face while Mem-cho merely giggled. “Your so charismatic, [Name]-chan.” Mem-cho teased to which Aqua sighed at, He left the area to not get embarrassed any further and went to his room, leaving a very confused [Name]. and he would probably sabotage things a bit because he doesnt want you to be an idol, being a streamer is already making you tired and he doesn’t want that.
And since then, You would always talk to him with the most giddy-est personality ever. He would reply in short answers but he enjoyed your company, he wasn’t going to say that straightforwardly to you but might as well include it.
He would enjoy the peaceful silence you both shared in benches, school cafeterias, living rooms, and so many more places!
Aqua would probably be clingy to you in private, He isn’t a fan of PDA but he would gladly let you if you would do the first move or if he’s.. ehem.. jealous.
He once saw you conversing too much with a male employee at the cinema counter since you asked to join him in the mall which he couldn’t decline at. Only to find out another person was going to spend all your time with him.
Aqua approached with the popcorn he had bought and gave one to you, glaring at the employee. You thanked him while he simply nodded.
He took your hand and intertwined it with his, which made your heart pounding like some sort of wildebeest in a stampede.
And you both enjoyed that day.
Aqua had confessed, inside the store you both first met. The cashier looked very amused while imaginary stars appeared beside her.
“W-what..?“ You stuttered, blushing a pink hue at the sudden confession Aqua had made, since he just kind of.. said that so fast.
Aqua sighed with the tip of his ears were flaming red while his cheeks were red too. “I’m not repeating that.” He blurted out, looking away while he kept a blank expression though the color of his cheeks say otherwise.
Being his girlfriend made you realize how hard is life is, how he would risk anything just to get justice for his mother. Which he told you after a few not a few months of dating. He got comfortable around you and you would always be there to comfort him during his nightmares, And he would always be there for you whenever you get a hate comment that gets you really insecure.
To be honest, You would probably wake up one day and getting the news of the person who kept on hating on you suddenly so quiet… I wonder what your lovely red flag boyfriend did.
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lexisecretaccx · 6 months
High School Sweethearts pt. 10 - Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, PT9, (other parts in my Masterlist!)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, arguements, mean & suggestive comments about y/n, idk)
A/n: bro the negative tension and uncomfortableness in this part is too real.. y/n eats Evan up at the end yall.
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“Good looking too.” My mom raises her eyebrows to me and smirks, “yep.” I awkwardly say before turning back around on my heels and going to walk up the stairs, “wait, I wasn’t finished talking.” My mom spoke, her happy tone faltering slightly. I turn back around and she motions for me to sit on the couch.
I sit down and she sits in the arm chair opposite me, “what?” I ask impatiently, “watch your tone.” She tilts her head and clears her throat before continuing and I look down at my hands, “The Watsons invited us for dinner later.” My head shoots up at her, “you’re talking about the Watsons as in Evan Watson?” My eyes widen.
“Yeah and I said we’d go, for old time sake.” She smiles, completely ignoring the discomfort in my body language and voice. “No.” I scoff before standing up and walking to the stairs, “excuse me? You are coming, they miss seeing you!” My mom tries to convince me. “No!” I repeat, “their son is an asshole who treats girls like shit!” My tone loudens and my mother’s smile drops.
She walks towards me her teeth gritted, “We are going, maybe Evan will be nice.” I scoff and roll my eyes, “I shouldn’t even be letting you do anything nice after you attacked Evans best friend.” My mom hisses, “I’m doing this so you can have a nice future!”
“No, you’re doing this so you can have a good reputation and you want me and Evan to end up together so you’re the mother of the girl who married into the Watson’s family,” I walk closer to her, “I said this yesterday, me and Evan are never going to be together.” I rub either side of my temples.
“Evan probably won’t even be there, since he has friends.” My mom swallows angrily, “he won’t?” I ask again, not truly believing her. “I’ll ask them now,” she pulls out her phone and starts typing.
5 minutes later she smiles, “I just checked with his mother and he’s not gonna be there because he’s got football practice.” She smiles, “you comforted now?” I shrug. “I’m only coming because I don’t think I have another choice.” I walk up the stairs, “put on a pretty dress!” My mother calls up.
We have to leave at 5pm, it’s 4pm right now, I call Chris and he picks up instantly, “you okay?” He asks, “no, I have to go for dinner at.. guess whose house.” I answer, “I don’t know.” He replies confused. “Evans house, apparently he won’t be there but my mom is forcing me to go.” I whine, “what the fuck.” Chris says, “I know, I’ll text or call you if anything goes wrong.” I look through my wardrobe, “yeah do that, promise me you’ll be okay.” Chris spoke softly. “Yeah of course, I gotta get dressed now but I’ll talk to you later?” I ask, “yeah of course, talk to you later ma.” He hangs up.
I put on a purple dress, I look in my mirror, that dress makes you look fat. Evans words rang through my ears, this was the dress I wore to my 16th birthday party, but he made me feel so bad about myself, not a good memory attached to this dress. I rip the dress off and grab a red satin dress that I had, I can’t remember when I got it.
I slip into the dress, it’s a dark red and backless, it goes to just above my knees, I don’t know if it’s too revealing but I’ll pair it with a jacket for my own comfort, I grab a creme jacket and do my hair and place a creme bow in the back. I look down at the blood stained ring on my hand, the blood wouldn’t come off even in the shower.
I shrug and keep it on.
“You look, nice.” My mom says, she’s wearing a black dress that goes just past her knees, she’s wearing black heels too, I’m just in white sneakers. She looks at my choice of footwear and rolls her eyes, “come on.” We walk outside and into the car. At this point it’s 4:57pm and we should get there at 5:15, knowing it’s only a 15 min drive to his house.
We pull into his large driveway, his massive house infront of us, three stories and very victorian style. I don’t even know how we got together in the first place since he was rich as fuck and I was.. managing to get by.
“Brings back old memories huh?” My mom smiles at me, I shrug. The only memory it brings for me is the time he tried to, you know.
We knock at the door and Evans mom, Katherine opens the door, she looks at me and smiles. “Don’t you look so beautiful!” She pulls me in for a hug and I stand rigid. “Thanks.” I whisper. “Evan will be happy to see you.” She replies, I instantly look to my mom who awkwardly looks away and smiles at Katherine.
She leads us into the house and me and my mom follow, “you said he wasn’t gonna be here!” I whisper yell, “there was no other way to get you to come.” She keeps a straight face and doesn’t look at me. “You’re a liar.” I sigh and she ignores me.
We walk into their massive living room, the tall windows and ceiling haven’t changed much. I see his father James walk up to us, he looks at me and then at my mom and quickly back to me, he smirks at me “you have grown up in the past year huh?” He looks me up and down, causing me to wrap my jacket around me further, I shrug.
I sit down on the large couch next to my mom as she talks to Katherine and James, Katherine directs her attention to me, “so.. how’s school?” She asks smiling kindly, Katherine is the only one of the Watsons that has some sort of genuine niceness to her.
“I don’t know..” I mumble, “She’s lying.” A voice comes from behind me, Evan. He sits down next to me and looks at his mom, “she’s a trouble maker now, it’s the boy she hangs out with.” He looks at me smirking, I have felt eyes burning into me the whole time I’ve been sat here, James is staring but not in a normal way, he’s always been kinda pervy.
“Oh? Who’s the boy?” Katherine asks me, “its-” Evan goes to speak but I cut him off, “I can speak for myself, his names Chris.” I glare at Evan before smiling at Katherine. She nods.
A lady walks into the living room, “dinner is ready.” They are so fucking rich they have a chef and a maid. We walk to the dining hall and I sit down next to my mother, Katherine opposite my mother, James at the head of the table and Evan across from me. The maid places the plates in-front of us, it’s steak.
I drown out the conversation between my mom and Katherine, James adding into the conversation too. I feel someone kick my leg under the table, I look up at Evan and he’s grinning, I roll my eyes and continue to move my steak around the plate. “Doesnt y/n look beautiful?” Katherine asks Evan and James, Evan shrugs but James replies, “she’s growing into an attractive young lady, yes.” He smirks at me.
His eyes seem to be not focused on my face but my chest. Evan clears his throat and goes to speak, “so you finally watching your weight or something? Because you haven’t touched the steak.” He spoke to me, an evil smile creeps over his face, I don’t have a reason to watch my weight, Evan is just a dick who likes to make me feel bad about myself.
My mother smiles at him, not even defending me, Katherine nudges his elbow. “That is not how you talk to a woman Evan,” she spoke angrily and looks to me before smiling, “ignore him darling you’re gorgeous.” James obviously agrees with her, creep.
“Do you two talk in school?” My mother asks Evan, pointing between me and him. I shrug, “stop shrugging its rude.” My mom quietly hisses to me, “you could say that.” Evan smirks. My mom looks at me with hope in her eyes, “if you’re talking about threatening me and being rude to me and my boyfriend then yeah I guess we do talk.” I scowl at Evan.
Katherine looks to Evan in confusion, Evans brows knit together and tilts his head glaring at me before turning to his mother, “what does she mean?” She asked him, “she’s lying.” Is all he answers with. “You always accuse me of lying especially after..” Evan clears his throat loudly, cutting me off.
I stand up and lean on the table “Can I use your bathroom?” I ask urgently. Katherine nods, “of course, you remember where it is?” She smiles awkwardly, “yeah.” I say and walk out the dining room. “Sorry about her.” I hear my mom say.
I get in the bathroom and lock the door behind me, looking in the mirror. “Fuck this.” I whisper. I hear a knock on the door, “what?” There’s no reply so I open the door, Evan is standing there looking down at me.
“Fuck you scared me.” I flinch. He chuckles, “I’m sorry about what happened in there, I don’t want to be there just as much as you.” He whispers, leaning in close to me. “I doubt it, it’s your fucking house I never wanted to come back here.” I look down at my feet, feeling intimidated by his light green eyes, staring into my soul.
“So he’s your boyfriend now?” He asks me smirking, I nod uncomfortably and push past him before walking out in the hallway. “Wait.” He says and grabs my arm turning me around to him. “Let go.” I say coldly and he does. “It was kinda badass of you to beat up Michael.” He leans into me again and I lean away. “Yeah I guess.” I awkwardly spoke.
“Your knuckles are cut up huh?” He grabs my hand and his thumb grazes over my knuckles causing me to squint in pain. “Don’t do that.” I stare at him angrily, pulling my hand out of his grip. I turn around to walk away again and he smirks following behind me. “I’ve redecorated my room, wanna see?” He asks me from behind, the obvious grin in his voice.
“Of course!” I sarcastically say, flashing him a fake smile. “Of course not. I don’t want to go to the exact room you tried to attack me in.” I continue walking down the hallway and he grabs my shoulders, stilling my walk. “Maybe I wouldn’t have almost done that to you if you weren’t such a pussy, at that rate you’re gonna be a virgin forever.” He whispered into my ear.
Anger fills my face, who does he think he is? He has no right to say shit like that. “No I won’t.” I laugh, knowing that I’m not a virgin and when he finds out he’s gonna go mad. “Oh yeah?” He asks and I continue walking, him next to me.
“Did you see Chris at lunch?” I ask him, obviously he didn’t because Chris skipped so he could be with me. “No, nobody knew where he was.” He replied, I smirk, “I knew where he was.” I look up at Evan and I point at my chest. He tilts his head, “oh really?” He smirks down at me raising an eyebrow.
How big is this fucking house, I’ve been walking around in circles because Evan keeps fucking distracting me. “Yep he was at my house,” Evans smirk drops, and I grin up at him, “guess what we were doing.” I glare at him, lowering my tone.
His eyebrows furrow, “what?” His voice softens, “it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, me and Chris in my room, in my bed.. home alone..” I slow my tone at the end of it and I wait for Evan to realise, a smile creeps across my face as his face switches to shock.
“You weren’t.” He whispers, his ego has clearly taken a hit as his face drops. I nod and smirk before walking away back into the dining room, “can we go?” I ask my mom, making her jump as I came up behind her.
“Fine, we’ve finished eating anyway.” she looks at my half eaten steak and at the maid cleaning up the dishes. Evan looks very offended and doesn’t speak. “Have you two sorted your differences?” Katherine asks as we leave the dining room, “something like that.” I look up at her smiling before throwing Evan a snarky look, he just glares at me.
We walk to the door and Katherine hugs us goodbye and this time I actually hug her back.
My mom gets into the car and so do I.
A/n: y/n is actually a girl boss, Evan fuck outta here tryna manipulate her by being flirty. Also James can make his way to the ‘to catch a predator’ set because he’s a perv!
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind @accio326 @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @stingerayyy2 @freshsturns
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pixiesfz · 9 months
would you write a jessie fleming fic?
uhm OF COURSE I would (:
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plot: After an awkward Christmas dinner Jessie takes her girlfriend y/n back to their home and helps her relax
warnings: sappy, mentions of infertility
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"Yes thank you so much for having us today," you told your older sister who looked back behind your back to her children "Well my kids do love Jessie" She nodded as you looked behind to see your girlfriend kicking a soccer ball with your nephew.
Jessie saw your glance paused her and Daniels one on one and excused herself to walk to you and your sister.
"hey sorry he started kicking at me and I felt rude to not kick back" she apologized and your sister laughed "You're really good with kids" she pointed out and Jessie nodded and put her arm around your waist .
"Makes me think when you guys will have a kid?"
Your sister's words rang through your brain and you felt Jessie's arm around you tighten. "We've thought about it and we are just both so busy with football" you started "you're almost thirty guys, don't you want to be hot mums" your sister laughed and you dropped and nodded your head, begging that tears wouldn't fall out.
You wanted kids, Jessie knew you wanted kids and she wanted kids for you. But it couldn't happen. The doctor said you were infertile and it was the most heart breaking news of your life.
You had spent that week stuck in your bed, your pillows stained in tears, only coming out for training. Emma understood when you couldn't play the game that week.
Jessie rubbed your back up and down as you thought of a quick excuse to go "We promised the girls we would finally be on time for team bonding this week so we have to go" you told your sister before hugging her and waving goodbye to your nephew "Bye Daniel" you croaked out before leaving out the front door.
Jessie turned and watched you with a frown, her own eyes starting to water. "Is she okay?" Your sister asked Jessie and she nodded "The girls have just really been on our backs for the past few weeks but she'll be okay" Jessie told your sister with a stern face and soon followed you out the door and into the car.
She was heart broken when she saw you breaking down in the passenger seat, tears slowly falling down your cheeks and your hand on your lower belly.
She knew it was your dream to one day become a mother.
Jessie sat in the drivers seat and caressed your cheek "let's go home" she whispered and you nodded "please"
The drive home wasn't awkward but there were not many words thrown to one another, just the comfort of being in each other's space.
Jessie's hand was placed on your thigh and you had yours on top. Jessie looked at you as you looked outside the window.
She would do anything for you.
She loved you.
When you got home you sat on the couch and put your present of wine that your sister got you on the kitchen bench. You had calmed down enough to sit on the couch as Jessie disappeared to go to the study.
"babe?" she called out from the room "yeah" you called back to her "I've got something to show you" she said as she started walking back into the lounge where you were sat "what is it?" you asked before turning backwards.
You gasped as you saw the outline of the papers your girlfriend was holding, she must have been at this for a while.
"I think we should" she stated and you nodded your head.
After the doctors appointment you weren't sure what Jessie wanted, you didn't want to put anything she wasn't comfortable with in the air.
But she had beaten it to you.
Adoption papers.
"I've been researching the best places, places where they treat the kids right and then also reporting places where they don't" she laughed a little at the end "I've been on Facebook pages as a random person named Lily Warson, asking others who had adopted random questions"
"If you're not comfortable with this it is totally fine but seeing you today I knew I had to bring it up" she finished and you looked at her with a loving smile.
You had just fallen in love with her once again.
You nodded eagerly as she placed the papers down on a nearby table "yeah?" she questioned with a smile "yes Jessie" you confirmed as she hoped over the couch to be with you a smile plastered on her face.
"I love you Jessie" you stated "I love you too y/n" She smiled and you pulled her in for a kiss.
Passionate was a way you would describe it, you could taste the salt from the tears that you didn't even know were rolling down you cheeks when Jessie smiled into the kiss.
"I want to raise a child with you y/n"
"I couldn't ask for anyone better" you smiled.
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wed-in-the-apocalypse · 11 months
The Date
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Tara carpenter x reader
Summary: you go on that date with tara
Tara had been waiting all week, she asked you out on Sunday and had been talking to you since, you were just as amazing as she had hoped, you were so gentle and never made her feel like a burden, not to mention you were funny and awfully hot.
She was practically buzzing with excitement, the day had come, Sam was out with her boyfriend for the day, she had told Tara that she might not be back till the next day, which was perfect for her.
She took longer then expected to change, as she rummaged through her closet, "okay, something cute, something cute.. Aha!" she's just wearing this,
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she quickly checked the time (4:50) "shit"
She runs out the door and nearly falls down the stairs in her haste, she mentally cursed at her sister for getting an apartment on the top floor.
She finally made it out, you had already parked outside the building, "she's early" Tara thought to herself finding it endearing.
You were leaning against the car door, you noticed her walking toward you and you waved.
"Hey Tar" she smiled at the nickname, leaning up giving you a light peck on the cheek.
"Hey y/n, you look nice" her complement made you blush, though she didn't notice.
You opened the passenger door for her. "You ready?" She took your hand and sat into the seat grinning.
"And they say chivalry is dead" she teased, but you smirked back.
"My parents taught me to treat pretty girls well" you winked and closed the door, rounding the car to get to the driver seat.
The ride to the theater was a bit of a long one, considering the traffic, you sat in comfortable silence as music softly played in the background.
Tara stole a few glances at you while you drove, she bit her lip and looked at your hand, itching to reach out and hold it.
You seemed to notice her staring and put your hand out for her to take, she gladly took it, interlacing your fingers, and she put your hands in her lap to face the window again, hoping you wouldn't notice her bright cheeks and wide smile.
When you finally got to the theater you got out and opened the door for her again, holding out your hand to help her up.
She took your hand and stood up, you closed the door and locked the car, she took your hand again as you walked beside her to the theater.
You walked up to the snack bar to get popcorn and drinks, the woman behind the counter seemed to like you as she flirted with you while you ordered.
"Could I get a large popcorn and two cokes please?" "Of course, anything for a such a pretty girl" she winked and you blushed, Tara noticed and quickly linked your arms as she pressed into your side.
"Hey y/n/n, did you get what I asked?" She said Innocently looking up at you with doe eyes, then turned to give the woman a glare as she put the popcorn and cokes on the counter.
If looks could kill she'd be six feet under.
The woman ignored her and rang you up, passing you a folded napkin, winking at you.
"Have a good night" Tara glared harder as she tried to push you away to the doors.
You thanked her and let Tara take you through the doors, the ads were still playing as you sat down in the back, Tara sat frowning in her seat, arms crossed in a way that looked like a child getting denied a treat.
"You okay Tar? You seem upset" she stayed in the same position, not meeting your eyes, she grumbled "I'm fine, let's just watch the movie" the lights dimmed and the logo appeared on screen as the film started, Tara took an angry sip of her soda but relaxed slightly when she glanced at your side profile.
The movie was a horror film, you noticed quickly, you tensed at seeing a bloody body on the ground, Tara noticed and grabbed a hold of your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze, you leaned into her side more as the movie got more violent.
You jumped slightly at every jump scare, making you lean more into Tara, she put the armrest up and snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer, you melted into her and hid your face in her neck as she stroked your hair soothingly, and you let out a content sigh.
You quickly forgot the movie as Tara brushed your hair softly, and she rested her head on yours.
As the credits started rolling and people started getting up, you forced yourself to lift your head up from her shoulder, she let go and stood up with you and grabbed the popcorn while you picked the now half empty cups up, you walked out.
You turned to her as you neared the snack bar, "I'm gonna get refills" But Tara grabbed your arm before you could walk away.
"No!" She yelled "I mean- no, let's just go before it gets to late" "oh, alright, let's go then" She glared at the woman one more time before walking out of the theater with you.
As your car pulled up to the curb and she finished teasing you about being such a baby, you got out and opened her door for her.
Tara didn't want this night to end, but she knew it had to.
She couldn't just bring you into the apartment, Sam would find out and would probably kill you, but she didn't want to end her precious time with you.
So before you and her got to the door, she turned to you with a nervous look on her face.
"Y/n, I really don't want this night to end, but, it has to so," she took a deep breath, she leaned closer to your face, looking down. "I wanted to know, could I..," she looked at your eyes, slowly sliding her hands around your neck, hesitant.
You placed your hands on her waist, almost instinct, you could feel her breath fan across your face, you could see all her features, wanting to spend your night counting the freckles dotting her face.
You asked before she could.
"Can I kiss you?" Your voice barely above a whisper. "Yes."
You met halfway, her lips warm and so soft against yours, she tasted faintly of butter and the coke she had earlier.
She sighed contently and pulled you closer, it sounds cliché but it felt like butterflies erupted in your stomach, it was an out of body experience, the way her lips slotted against yours like the last piece of a puzzle, you never wanted to leave that moment.
But like all good things it had to end eventually.
Breath was becoming harder to avoid, you reluctantly pulled away, leaving just enough space to breathe, her lips were now the softest pink, her cheeks flushed, and you regretted ever pulling away.
Tara smiled at you, she gave you quick kiss, you kissed her forehead and she laughed quietly, a genuine laugh.
She looked up at you.
"I'll see you later Y/n." she walked to the door and turned the handle, looking at you one more time.
"Good night Tara." she smiled, "Good night Y/n."
And with that, she disappeared behind the door, leaving you on the cold sidewalk.
You wanted to giggle and kick your feet like a 14 year old girl.
You settled for a wide smile instead.
You headed to your car and drove off into the night, you wondered where this would take you.
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We're not gonna talk about the implications that she wore that twice :)
This one is definitely longer then the last one
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yunggoblin · 11 months
Innocent, Yet Dirty - Sam Winchester (18+)
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader
Summary: *Based off of Season 11 episode 12!* You're the youngest out of Jody's girls. What happens when the topic of sex comes across during dinner?
Warnings: Shy!Reader, Virgin!Reader, bullied, Un-Protected Sex, Awkward Sex Talk, Smut, Cussing, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,164
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Being the youngest in the house wasn’t the greatest, but it did have its advantages. The good thing about it was you basically got everything and treated a queen. The bad thing was no one heard the youngest, no one thinks the youngest is the one capable of doing things. Being the baby of the family meant basically you were treated like one and that’s what people saw you as. 
The bell rang loudly as you made your way towards your locker, putting in the combination. Once it clicked you opened the locker that was white inside and the shelf up top was silver. Plain. Everyone had pictures up with their family, animals or boyfriend/girlfriends kissing. You, you didn’t have many pictures of your parents since they were attacked by werewolves. You sighed softly only to jump when your locker door was slammed shut. 
"Hey Y/N.“ Alex, the second oldest of the three smiled, her boyfriend Henry’s arm hanging over her shoulder, her close to him. "Are you going to the game tonight?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
You opened your mouth to speak but someone was already speaking for you. “Alex, babe. It’s Y/N you know she doesn’t go out.” Henry chuckled deeply.
"Henry.“ She snapped a bit, elbowing his side for his rudeness. "Well, I’ll see you in the car.” Alex smiled softly towards you and walked out with Henry, you did not like that boy ever since you laid your eyes on him. A group of jocks with leather men jackets on, obviously friends with Henry, walked by laughing. One roughly slammed his hand on your books making them drop to the ground, papers flying out of them from classes earlier today. 
As you gathered up all the papers and books you shoved them in your book bag, zipping it up and making your way outside to see Henry kissing Alex good-bye. You make your way past them to Jody’s work vehicle. “Y/N, wait.” You heard a voice before opening up the car. “Hey, I’m really sorry about Henry and his friends. I know that they can be assholes at time.” Alex explained in a soft tone, not wanting Jody to hear.
Your eyes flashed to the side mirror to see Jody looking at the two of you, trying to see what was going on. “Uh yeah.” Flashing a fake convincing smile towards your adopted sister. “It’s fine.” Lie, you weren’t fine with it. You just wish high school would be over.
"Great!“ She announced and got into the driver seat as you got into the back. The drive home was awkward and silent, as Jody pulled up in the driveway a black impala was parked there, you recognized that car anywhere. The Winchester boys were here. You couldn’t help but let a blush creep up upon your cheeks at the thought of Sam Winchester appearing in your mind. You haven’t seen him in a few years after the case. He and his brother worked to help you out. 
You knew who could then, Claire. “Can you guys help me with the groceries?” Asked Jody as she parked the car, you climbed out and grabbed a few bags for dinner tonight and a few other nights later on this week. Jody walked in first to see two men standing in the living room, Dean the short one with a jawline that could cut diamonds and Sam the tall one with puppy dog eyes and build like a rock. You passed everyone to put the bags on the counter top so Jody could go through it and put things away. 
"You remember Y/N, don'tcha?“ Jody asked as she pulled away from the hug she shared with Dean. 
"Of course I remember little Y/N. How couldn’t we?” Dean chuckled out, flashing a smile towards her way. 
"Hey Y/N, long time no see.“ Sam said, approaching you with his arms out wide expecting a hug. Your heart raced as the tall male wanted a hug from you. You quickly dodge the hug and rush up the stairs to your room. Sam frowned a bit and looked towards Jody to see if he did anything wrong, Dean also looked at Jody for an explanation. 
"She’s just a shy girl.” Jody tried to laugh it off, not knowing what your deal was. 
"Yeah, when it comes to contact with men.“ Claire teased out and stood up from the sofa, clapping her hands and rubbing them together. "Now, let's talk about that case.”
A few hours passed as you were sitting at your desk in your bedroom, writing down notes and reading in your History book about the Civil War. Sighing heavily as you rubbed your eyes as they grew heavier and heavier as you scanned the words on the paper. “Y/N, dinner is done!” You heard Claire shout out up the stairs. You placed your history notebook into the book and shut it so you wouldn’t lose the page you were at. You walked down the stairs to see two more people joining for dinner. 
You slowly shuffled towards the only seat that was opened, at the end of the table by Claire and Dean. Forks clinked against plates as silence filled the room, you, Claire and Alex looked at the two Winchesters as they tore into the food like they haven’t eaten in days. Sam ate the food off of his fork, tilting his head back as his eyes were closed like he was in pure bliss. “Hmm.” Dean was the one who broke the silence. “This bird is fantastic.” He basically moaned out from the taste of the dinner. “Just mix it up with the potatoes and- and the peas.” He looked at the four girls. “You guys eat like this everyday?” He questioned swallowing the rest of the food in his mouth.
“It’s just chicken.” Jody shrugged, like it was nothing but the boys were making something out of it. 
“It’s shaped like chicken, not on a patty or- or a nugget.” Sam explained. You couldn’t believe that the boys never had a meal like this; they only ate at fast food or a cheap gas station.
Claire rolled her eyes not wanting to talk about this, “Can we just please talk about the case?” She questioned making Sam stop talking but Dean was still digging into his food, ripping a bread roll apart and shoving it in his mouth. As they talked about the case you couldn’t help but watch Sam. The way he licked off the chicken juice from his fingers, licking his lips every time he took a sip from his wine and how he sat up straight in his chair, broad shoulders up and forearms resting on the table. 
“Yeah okay let’s talk about real life.” Claire scoffed with a smirk, you looked over at her. You knew that smirk anywhere, she was going to make a point and a damn good one. You pushed your mashed potatoes around with your silver fork. You brought up the fork to your mouth and ate the mash potatoes. “You and Henry pick a weekend yet?” She questioned making Alex arch an eyebrow and questioned ‘What?’ to Claire. “When you and Henry go to Jody’s cabin and screw yourself silly.” Claire announced to the whole table. 
Alex’s eyes widened and went red in the face. “Oh, here we go.” Dean said, putting his fork down and adjusting in his seat getting ready for what was about to go down. Sam patted on his chest like he almost choked on his food. 
“This uh, seems like a family business.” Sam swallowed thickly about the situation, he scooted his chair out but stopped when Jody slammed her hand down on the table. 
“Sit, stay.” Jody demanded. You looked over at Claire who was snickering about the thing. “Alex, anything you wanna say?” She questioned which Alex soon declined and slurped on her water. Dean was looking at Alex who was clearly lying and Sam was looking at his food. “Well hey, if we can’t talk about it we shouldn’t be doing it, right?” Jody asked and looked over at Sam and Dean. 
“Wha?” Dean questioned, swallowing a mouthful of food and Sam giving his best confused puppy dog face. 
Jody inhaled and sighed out. “Okay, I’m not going to tell you that you’re too young to be having sex. Nor you,” Jody pointed at Alex. “Or you.” She pointed at you, you almost coughed up your water. 
“Psh who is she going to have sex with? She doesn’t talk to anybody.” Alex snapped towards Claire, Claire rolled her eyes at the comment.
“Wrong person there. It’s Y/N, she’s the one who’s socially awkward. She wouldn’t even give Sam a hug.” You looked up to see everyone looking over at you. Your eyes darted towards Sam who cleared his throat and looked down. You could feel your face heating up and quickly stood up and walked out of the dinning room and rushed towards your room, slamming the door shut.
“Really? Did you really have to say that?” Jody asked in a pissy voice, Claire shrugged slightly and took a sip of her water. 
“This is fun.” Dean said as Jody walked out to get more potatoes. Claire laughed a bit sarcastically and nodded.
Throughout the night you tossed and turned, panting softly. The blanket became a furnace wrapped around your body, you kicked it off only to roll over and groan in your sleep.
Your dream contained Sam's lips against your neck, hands ghosting over your body, teasingly. Moans and groans echoing in the distance. You quickly woke up in a cold sweat, the last thing you could remember from your dream was his hazel green eyes staring down at you while he thrust inside of you. You froze once you moved around a bit, there was an aching in between your thighs. 
"Y/N, time for school.“ Jody knocked and opened the door making you pull the blankets closer to yourself. She frowned, noticing something was wrong. She walked over and put her cool hand against your forehead. "Oh sweetheart, you’re burning up. Stay home today and rest. I’ll be at the station, text me if you need anything.” She smiled softly and walked out, closing the door. 
You sighed out softly, you weren’t sick you knew that for sure. That damn wet dream you had of the youngest Winchester must have had you so hot and bothered that your own body temperature raised, making Jody think you were sick. You got up a half an hour later and took a cold shower trying to calm yourself down. Once you got out you dried off and put on something comfortable. You walked down the creaky steps and to the kitchen. 
As you looked in the fridge you could still imagine Sam’s hazel green eyes from your dream. Squirming slightly you quickly shut the door to the fridge and squeezed your thighs together, trying to gain friction to help with the feeling. 
You chewed on the bottom of your lip remembering when your sex ed teacher said about this. The only thing to really do is what’s called masturbation… well if nobody was around. You let out a shaky breath and walked up towards your room, the stairs seemed much taller than usual. Once you reached the top you looked down the stairs to see the front door, no one. You walked towards your room shutting the door, looking out the window, no impala nor the sheriff's car. You closed your curtains and slowly stripped out of the clothes that made your body feel like 100 degrees. 
You pulled the blankets back and laid down on the cool sheets, goosebumps erupted throughout your body as the air in the room seemed thicker than usual. Your hands slowly slid down the side of your body, going towards your core. You sucked in a break as your fingertip brushed up against your sensitive clit, you let out a whimper in the silent room. “S- Sam.” You blushed at the foreign sound, you didn’t even mean to moan out his name during this but he was all you can think of. 
Your fingertips slowly grazed against your entrance, another soft moan left your lips as you exhaled a sigh. The foreign feeling in between your legs made you shiver, the soft touch of your fingers pressed against your throbbing clit. “Sam, fuck.” You moaned a bit louder than before.
Your lower stomach clenched as you teased your clit, thinking about the youngest Winchester brother, Sam. His sweet smile flooded your brain along with his body. You shivered once more thinking about what was in pants, he was a tall man so it wouldn’t surprise you if he was packing a lot. 
Another hot wave hit your body, making you shiver as your pussy became even more wetter. Exhaling a shaky breath you slowly pushed your index and middle finger in between your aching lips. Swallowing thickly you placed the tips of your finger inside of you, your eyes shutting at the bliss of slowly being filled. “S- Sam, oh god, yes.” You moaned.
Before you could even push your fingers further inside of you, you heard your name being called out. “Y/N?” The person walked closer to the room. Your eyes darted towards the door as it started to open, they walked in as you quickly pulled the blanket over your naked body.
"G- Get out!“ You cried out, Sam’s eyes widen as he had a full view of everything, 
"I- I’m, I’m so sorry.” He said a bit too quickly, not moving from his spot. You couldn’t look at him, too embarrassed to even say anything but you knew he was there, still looking at you. 
“What are you doing?” Sam’s voice sounded deeper than usual. 
You slowly turned your head, looking at Sam who was leaning against your door frame now. “W- What?” Your voice shook when you spoke. You must have been imagining this. Imagining that his voice was deeper and rougher, imaging that he was asking you what you were doing. Imagining that he had a raging hard on.
Your eyes widened to see the large tent of his pants in between his legs. Your eyes shot back up to Sam’s face who was smirking towards you. “I asked you ‘what are you doing’?” Sam pushed himself off of the door frame.
“I- I’m- I’m…” You couldn’t get your words out as you held the blanket closer to your naked body, your pussy still getting wet at the sight of Sam’s eyes roaming your body. 
“Well, it looks like to me you’re playing hooky from school just to rub one out, yeah?” Sam walked inside of your bedroom, shutting the door softly behind him. “And you’re thinking of me while doing so.” You stayed silent as Sam approached you. “Isn’t that right, princess?”
You slowly nodded your head ‘yes.’ “Use your words, baby.”
“Y- Yes, I was thinking of you.” Your voice is small and soft when you speak.
“And here you have everyone fooled thinking that you’re some sweet innocent girl.” Sam clicked his tongue. “You know, from last night's conversation I couldn’t help but put two and two together. You’re a virgin?” He asked.
“Yes, I am.” You looked away, embarrassed but a blush upon your cheeks.
“And here you are touching that sweet little pussy, thinking of me and moaning my name.” Sam gripped himself, rubbing his cock as he let out a moan. “Does it feel good?” 
“Felt so good.” You let out a soft whine as Sam toyed with you, you clenched your thighs together once more.
“Show me, show me how good it makes you feel.” Sam grabbed the end of the blanket and ripped it off of you, showing off your body. The cool air danced along your feverish skin, breaking out in goosebumps while your nipples became hard. “Show me how you touched yourself, baby.” Sam stood at the end of your bed, leaning against your dresser, still rubbing himself.
Swallowing, you licked your lips and laid back against your pillows once more, spreading your legs more to give Sam a better view. “Fuck, you’re so wet and all from thinking about me?” Sam admired your pussy from afar, his eyes becoming darker. “Show me.” Sam reminded you what to do.
Your fingers trailed down your stomach and in between your legs. You sucked in a breath once the tip of your fingers connected with your clit, shivering you circled your fingers around it, toying with yourself. “Good girl.” Sam moaned, never looking away. 
“S- Sam.” You withered out a moan.
“I’m right here baby.” 
Feeling juices collect and leak down onto the bed sheets you knew you were ready to take your fingers. Sliding your fingers closer towards your entrance, you were about to enter them inside of you until Sam spoke. “Stop.”
Stopping your movements you watched as Sam approached the foot of the bed. “You’ve never touched yourself have you?”
“This- This is my first time.” You panted, trying to collect your breath.
“I want to taste you, I want my tongue to be the first thing ever to be inside this pussy.” Sam climbed onto the bed, nuzzling himself in between your legs. “This is if you’ll have me?”
“Please, please Sam be the first.” You begged.
Sam smiled up at you, his green eyes never leaving yours as the tip of his tongue slowly swirled against your clit. You gasped loudly as his hot breath was upon you. “Shit.” You whined. Sam engulfed his mouth on your clit, slowly suckingly softly. “Fuck.” You cursed again, arching your back at the feeling. 
Sam moaned, sending vibrations up your spine. He slowly pulled away, pushing your lips apart he hummed and dove back inside, lapping his tongue away on your pussy. You squealed as he pushed his tongue inside your tight walls, stretching them. “S- Sam.” You tried to warn him about your stomach clenching and your head feeling light. 
Sam kept going, flicking his tongue in and out of you as he fucked you with it, climbing to a faster pace than before. Your breathing got heavier as you rolled your hips against his face. “S- Sam.” You moaned once more, Sam moaned with you as he rutted his hips against the mattress. “Fuck- wait, n- no wait!” You cried out, you tried to push him off but he wasn’t letting go. Something snapped inside of you as your first orgasm washed over your body.
You were screaming in pleasure, bucking your hips against Sam as he kept lapping at the cream you were giving him. Once he knew you were finished, he pulled away. “What- What was that?” 
“You just came on my tongue.” Sam chuckled, licking his lips and collecting the rest of your juices on his face. “You want to do it on my dick?” Sam was now on his knees, rubbing himself through his pants.
“Y- Yes.” You panted, watching Sam get off the bed he pulled his shirt off, tossing it somewhere you admired his Anti-Possession symbol on his chest. Sam’s fingers danced along his belt, taking it off he pushed his jeans down along with his boxers. Sam’s thick cock bounced upwards slightly, hitting his lower toned stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight of his raging cock, leaking pre-come and begging to be stroked.
“Is it going to hurt?” You asked, still not taking your eyes off of Sam’s cock.
“Just a little baby, but I got you.” Sam crawled back on the bed, towering over you. Sam grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed his cock head against your slick folds, watching you come undone and shiver against him
"Sensitive little thing, aren'tcha?” He purred deeply as he slowly pushed the tip of his head in making you hiss slightly. 
"S- Sam.” You whined as his large tip stretched you.
“Shh, I’m right here baby. So tight around me and I’m barely even in you.” Sam looked down as your pussy slowly swallowed him. “That’s a good girl, taking this fat cock.” Sam moaned as he pushed himself inside of you.
You gripped onto his biceps, digging your nails into his flesh as the slight burning sensation washed over you as his thickness stretched your walls wider. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes but you quickly blinked them away. “Shit- you’re big.” You cried out. 
“Almost there baby, it’s going to feel so fucking good when I start pumping inside of you.” Sam’s voice gruffed out as he was struggling to keep the movement slow as he pushed himself inside of you. Sam sighed out loudly, blissfully as he was now balls deep in you. “Fuck! Wrapped so snug around me.” It was Sam’s turn to whimper. “About to make me come.” He teased.
You moaned softly at the sound of that, the thought of your cunt being so tight that it made Sam come undone upon entering you. “Pl- Please, move. I need to feel you.” You whimpered out, gripping his shoulder and clawing at his skin. You wrapped your legs around his waist, the pain slowly fading which felt like forever which turned into pleasure. 
Sam slowly started to grind his hips against you, rocking back and forth as he pushed in and out, low moans erupting from both of you as he started to settle a pace. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” Sam moaned, looking down to see his cock glistening wet each time he pulled out of you. Sam pulled out all the way out and slammed back into you a bit too roughly. You let out a loud cry that could be heard throughout the house. “Shit baby, I’m sorry.” He apologized and stopped his movements. 
"N- No Sam, please. Again, again, again!“ You begged out loudly, he looked down at you smiling softly. He pulled out and pushed roughly back in moaning softly. "Fuck, yes right there.” You moaned.
Sam started to quickly pump his hips, in and out, in and out. “Fuck baby, you’re going to make me come.” Sam grunted out, you arched your back into him as his cock twitched in you.
"M- Me too, I’m going to come. Fuck, Sammy I’m going to come!” You sobbed, "Sammy, please let me come!” You screamed out his name. His hips roughly slamming into you, skin slapping against skin, the most sinful sounds echoing throughout the room, bouncing off the walls. 
You clawed down his back, gripping it tightly as he grunted, the bed rocking with a creak of every thrust. “Shit, fucking going to come.” Sam growled, your walls clenching around his hard cock making it harder for him to thrust. 
"Shit, Sam!“ You cried out as you were squirting all on his cock, Sam also moaned out, the tight feeling of your pussy clenching around him had him on the edge. He quickly pulled his cock out, his hand wrapped around his cock, covering in your juices made it easier for him to quickly jerk himself off. He moaned loudly as ropes of come squirted on your lower stomach. “Fuck, yes, fuck, Y/N.” Sam tilted his head back moaning, his hips rutting against his touch. You panted out softly as you were coming down from your high, admiring the mess Sam made all over your body.
Sam hummed and growled lowly as he milked himself. He slowly opened his eyes, looking down at you as you smiled up at him. He broke out a smile as well, leaning down and kissed your lips softly. Sam reached for his shirt and cleaned the mess off of you. Tossing the shirt somewhere on the floor he pulled your naked form close to him.
“I’m glad you took a day off from school.” Sam chuckled, you laid your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. 
"Hmm, me too.“ You hummed out and slowly fell asleep.
   A few days passed, you blushed as Sam hugged you a good-bye. "I put my number in your phone, text or call whenever you need me.” He whispered during the hug. 
You nodded as you pulled away from the tall male and waved good-bye as the two boys climbed into the 1967 ChevyImpala and drove off. “So, I was doing laundry last night.” Jody mentioned. “I couldn’t help but notice a stain on your sheets.” 
A blush crept upon your face once again as sex talk was coming. “Did Sam wrap it?” Jody questioned. 
"Oh my gosh, Jody.“ You squeaked out only to stop talking. 
“Y/N, we do not need a little Winchester running around here.” Jody dug into her pocket and tossed you a small foil package. “For next time.” She winked.
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 2 months
One Call Away - Sam Winchester x Reader
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Loosely inspired by One Call Away by Charlie Puth in which the Reader calls on Sam as she’s going through a rough time. 
Listen to the song here
A/N: Hello! So this is once again one of those fanfictions that is based on what I’m really going through. I can’t get into details about what actually happened but I am a bit inspired and I wish I had someone like Sam (outside of my family) to turn to in times like this. I've been working on this one for maybe 6 months or so? It's been a long time coming so I hope you enjoy it!
As always, Supernatural masterlist | Masterlist of all Masterlists
Warnings: Mean people, crying, swearing, fluff, angst, language
Word Count: 3992
“You are a bitch!” The words of Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club rang through my ears every time I looked at her. If I had to deal with her mistreatment one more time……
Okay, so it wasn’t always like this, in fact, it used to be really good but then again, it all seemed like a phase. It didn’t make any sense, all of a sudden I was out and looking in and it was not okay. The environment around me was so toxic, that I dreaded going there every day. I didn’t know what to do or who to go to so I went to the one person I always knew would be there for me. Stepping outside, I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. 
“Sam? Hey, can we talk?” I ask, hoping he isn’t busy.
“(Y/N) of course, what’s going on?” He said I can tell the concern in his voice.
“Work is just becoming too much for me and I don’t know what to do. I feel like no one likes me, people are trying to get rid of me, and I feel like I don’t have any ideas on how to fix the problem.” 
“(Y/N) I’m sorry, that’s awful. What happened?”
“I don’t know what happened or what changed, I just all of a sudden was kicked out of the crowd and it feels horrible. I work hard and I try to do everything that is required of me. I love my job and the people I work with but something changed for the worse.” I say, starting to cry. I couldn’t help but let all the feelings out because this was going on for months. 
“Hang on, I’ll be right there,” He says, the line goes slightly as the tears keep falling. A few moments went by and there was a knock at my door. 
“Oh sweetheart,” Sam says, pushing the door closed behind him and wrapping his large arms around me. Sobs just wracked through my body as the stress of the last few months boiled over. 
Right before I started this job, I met the Winchesters. I didn’t even mean to meet them but I’m glad to have them. They were in town working a case and I had assisted them in pulling information on what may have killed the person they were after. Don’t worry, I’ve known that monsters are real before I met them. My great-grandfather was a hunter, my grandfather, my father, and it would’ve gone to my brother but the tradition is, it goes to the oldest child. So I’ve grown up in the life and have seen everything. Of course, the guys were thrilled to know I knew so much about monsters and some best practices to destroy them but I wasn’t allowed to actually hunt at all. I was just used to giving information but I was damn good. So I was asked to move into the Bunker for easier access but I ended up having to get a job because my assistance wasn’t being requested as often. Things were great at first but everything changed and it was awful. Of course, the Winchesters were overprotective because they said they saw me as a sister, and they wished they could do something to help me. 
“They’re doing what to you?” Dean had yelled, not at me but at the situation. “I’m going to make them pay for treating you like that.” 
“I appreciate that Dean, but I don’t want you to do anything,” I explained to him and Sam. They both frowned when they couldn’t help me but it was something I needed to handle myself.
“But (Y/N) you’re being treated unfairly. You do see that right?” Sam asked, more concern showing up in his features. 
“Yes Sam, I know, but let me handle this first and if that doesn’t work, I’ll ask you guys,” I say and make sure they both understand before I go back to my room.
Authors POV
“Why is she being treated so badly? She really enjoyed her job and then all of a sudden, everyone turned on her?” Sam stated, not fully grasping what happened. 
“I don’t know Sammy, but we gotta figure out how we’re going to help her,” Dean said.
“Dean, you know what she said, she doesn’t want our help.”
“The hell she doesn’t. She’s too nice to start something like this. She needs to be protected.”
“Look I think she can be too nice too sometimes but she’s also tough as nails in certain aspects. She doesn’t let anyone push her around so we just have to trust her and believe she will find a way to come out on top,” Sam says but he doesn’t trust those words himself. No, Sam is extremely protective of her and will do anything he can to make sure she is okay. He could never tell her why he feels that way, maybe because he doesn’t know himself, but when it comes to her, everything is different. 
He paced the length of his bedroom, which was rather small for his long strides, and that made him frustrated because he would have to stop, turn, then go back to pacing, only to have to start all over again a few seconds later. The cell phone that sat on his bed taunted him, telling him she wouldn’t call to say she needed him. He would get flustered, running his large hands through his hair, slightly tugging on the ends of his neck as he would groan. He hated waiting and hated that she wasn’t calling sooner for his help. It irritated him that anyone was treating her poorly because she didn’t deserve that. She was smart, brave, funny, beautiful, strong, resilient; nothing standing in her way but this? This was more than she could handle, he thought. This would upset even him and he was used to this kind of crap but as long as he’s known her, she didn’t deal with things where she was being used or people didn’t like her. Okay, so she’s only been a part of the team for six months, but she became family as soon as she decided to move in with them. 
A few hours passed and Sam had fallen asleep waiting around. He refused to help Dean with a case that had come up because he was so concerned with (y/n) and he knew he needed to be around in case she needed him. He would’ve slept longer if it wasn’t for his phone waking him up with a rather annoying buzzing sound.
“Hello?” He answers the phone, trying his best not to sound as though he was just asleep. 
“Sam?” A small voice came through from the other end. She sounded timid almost; something was wrong.
“(Y/N) what's wrong?” 
“Something happened and I need your help; I’ve lost control. 
"Okay, where are you?"
"Down by the lake, about two miles from the Bunker. I'm in my car." 
"Stay there, I'm coming to find you."
Luckily, Dean had come back from his hunt and it ended successfully.
"Dean, I need to borrow Baby. (Y/N) got into a bit of a situation and she really needs help," the younger brother says to his older brother, in a way he hasn't seen his baby brother for several years.
"Dude, of course. Is she okay?" Dean asks.
It took Sam a few minutes for him to find the words to answer. He looked like a fish gasping for air on the land; he truly did not know.
"I don't know. She sounded so scared and fragile…." A single tear fell from his eye, knowing the person he cared for most in the world was in great need of someone to be there for her.
Dean had only seen this behavior in Sam one other time and that was when he was sent to Purgatory. This must've been serious. 
"Take whatever you need. Just make sure you're good before you drive; you don't want to get hurt yourself. Call me if you need me."
"Thank you, Dean." Sam grabbed the keys to the Impala from the table a jacket and his phone before speeding away to try and get to his friend, in her weakest moment. 
The drive seemed endless but it only lasted ten minutes. He saw her small vehicle parked under a tree, close to the lake but still a good distance from the shoreline. It was dark, with only a few street lights a few yards away. Sam had the idea of turning the Impala's headlights on, hoping to illuminate the view around (Y/N)'s car and as a way to make himself known. 
"Sam?" Her voice rang out into the night.
"I'm here," he answers her.
The sound of a car door opening and shutting came and went and the next thing Sam knew, (Y/N) was running into his arms as she let all her pent-up emotions fully go. With her still in his embrace, he bent down so he was sitting on his knees, with her head resting in his jacket. He held her close, afraid to say anything, for fear it was too soon for her to speak. So, he sat with her, rocked her, and occasionally wiped the tears from her now puffy eyes. Even at this moment, his heart swelled. See, Sam finally figured out why (Y/N) was different; he was in love with her. Yes, he had fallen madly in love with her yet could never find the right time to tell her. Now was definitely not the time but when she would look up at him, tears brimming her big (y/e/c) eyes, he felt it in his soul; he adored her. He knew he would do anything for that girl and he ached to help her when she was this hurt. 
How dare anyone treat such a beautiful and kindhearted person like her? He had thought to himself. He couldn't fathom why anyone would be so cruel to her but he pledged to himself in that very moment, he was always going to be there for her; Superman had nothing on him.
Sam's POV
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, wanting to know what happened since she seemed more calm.
"I was called in by my boss and had a meeting with human resources. It was so stupid and I felt like I was being targeted. I threw up because it's just been too much and I've been so stressed. I'm gaining weight and I'm eating more crap; I hate this," she answers and my heart breaks further
"(Y/N) you need to get out of there. It's not healthy for you to be in that environment."
"I know but I don't want to quit; it wouldn't look good for future jobs."
"Fuck getting another job! Just stay with us and we'll have work for you to do. You don't have to worry about anything; we've got you." I say, reassuring her that we will always have her best interest at heart. 
She looked back at me with these big, wet, puppy dog eyes and I felt my heartbreak further for her. "I wish I could but I just can't."
"Well, I'm not stopping until we figure something out that would be much better for you and I'm not giving up until we think of something because goddammit (Y/N) I care about you."
The air in the room felt very thick and everything was quiet, (Y/N) not saying a word, not looking at me and Dean, well Dean had shot me a look and a grin, knowing what was behind this sudden statement. I gave him a mental plea of 'please leave.' I was relieved when he just smiled and left the room.
"(Y/N) are you okay?" Again, she remained quiet for a moment before finding the words to say. 
"What do you mean you care about me?" She asks.
"Well, I've always cared about you, since we've met," I answer, trying to put off the true answer.
"But when you've said this before, Dean has stayed in the room; he just left." I took a big sigh and then I decided it was time.
"Sam, what are you saying?" She asks, her head slightly turned to the side, much like Cass does when he's confused.
"I'm saying I care about you, as more than just a friend. I've been crazy about you since you came to stay with us and with all this shit happening at your work, all I wanna do is wrap you up in my arms and protect you from all the mean people," I finish my statement, my eyes never leaving her face. 
There's an agonizing silence as I try to read how she's processing all this but then she finally speaks up.
"What are you waiting for?
I take that as an okay and I grab one of her arms, tugging her into my body. She's safe and she's warm in the protection of me. My arms snake around her and I feel her taking a big breath in and out; her whole body relaxing. Time had passed and I wasn't sure how much of it had but I savored every moment of it. I slowly untangled her from my arms as she looked up to me. Not a single word was spoken but I took the lead and pressed my lips to hers. She reciprocated, pressing her smaller frame to mine by stepping on her tiptoes to reach me. We stayed together for a short while, but it meant everything to me.
Two days later Sam was on my side through everything but it was time to go to human resources to find out what they could do for me. 
“Sam, I'm scared.” 
“I know you are baby, but I’m here and I’ll be with you as long as you allow me to be.” He takes my hand and drives me down to the department where we would be meeting with a representative of human resources. We arrive and as he parks the car, he brings my hand up to his lips and leaves them there for a bit. 
“You ready?” He asks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I say, gripping his hand a little tighter. We walked in and were met by the specialist. 
An hour or so passed and it was determined I would be going on a leave. A few weeks away from my workplace I could not be more relieved to be out of that situation. In fact, so much pressure had built up inside me that it exploded in tears from my eyes. Sam just held me tight and made sure I knew he was there. I was going to be spending every day with Sam and Dean and I felt a bit odd about it, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to help too much.
“Nonsense sweetheart, you can help us research our cases,” Dean stated.
“Could I come with you guys?” I ask.
Sam and Dean shared a concerned look but Sam spoke up first. 
“It wouldn’t be fair to leave you alone while you’re on leave but you have to promise us, you’ll listen to everything we tell you. We care a whole lot about you and these cases can get pretty dangerous. Stay close, don’t wander off, and shoot when we say.”
“Wait, you guys trust me to shoot someone? I’ve never done that before,” I state.
“We’ll teach you. We have more time now so we can get you ready,” Dean said. “Sammy, you got this?” 
Sam glanced at me and looked to read my face, waiting to see if I would object. “If she’s up for it.” 
I sucked in a hard breath and nodded. 
“Then I will take her on.” Now it was my turn to read his face. It wasn’t as easy but I managed; he looked slightly uncomfortable. 
“Sam, can I talk to you for a minute, in private?” He nodded and followed me out of the room. 
“You don’t have to teach me to shoot. You looked uncomfortable; I can ask Dean,” I say.
“No I want to,” he says.
“Then why do you look so annoyed by it?” 
“I’m not annoyed, I’m worried. Our line of work can be really dangerous; I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
“Well I’ll be fine, you’re going to train with me; I’ll be a hunter.”
“That’s not something to be excited about, (Y/N). We kill people and creatures.” 
“Sam, I know, I’m not excited per se but I am interested in learning more about you and what you go through every day.”
“But you can do that without doing what I do,” he says.
“Look, I really appreciate your concern and you’re right, I don’t have to do this to get to know you better but I don’t want to be alone for twelve weeks and I can’t ask you to give up hunting just for me so if this is what it takes, then teach me. Show me what I need to do to stay safe,” I said going over to him and wrapping my arms around him. He holds me close, his head resting on my head. 
“I care about you a lot, you know that, right?” 
“I know, I do too.”  
A few weeks later, Readers’s POV
Time seemed to have gone by rather quickly. The more hunts I went on, the easier it became. I took it as not killing people as much as killing creatures who may have been human at one point but aren’t anymore. I was continuing to stay busy with the boys, hunting, traveling, researching, and staying in more crappy motels than I could count. The job was taking a toll on me, on all of us, but we all grew closer and the boys treated me like I was their sister, well that was until Sam started distancing himself from me. It began as small ways for him to separate himself; not interjecting in conversations about hunts, simple nods or shakes of his head, answering with “hmm” instead of actual words. Then it grew into staying behind during hunts, not eating food with Dean and me, and overall just not acting like himself. 
“Hey Dean, have you noticed a change in Sammy lately?” I asked one day while he was driving us home from a hunt. 
“You mean any more than usual?” He jokes, always having to pick on his younger brother. 
“I’m serious, Dean, I’m worried about him!” I say, slightly swatting the elder Winchester. 
“I don’t know (y/n), maybe you should go talk to him, see what's bothering him,” Dean suggested.
I figured that was the best idea so I decided to do just that. I was a bit infuriated and when I walked, I added more pressure to each step, making sure Sam knew I meant business. I finally found him in his room, lying across his bed, as if we weren't worried about where he was.
“You better have a damn good reason for acting so off, Sam,” I say, making myself known.
“(Y/N)” he says, suddenly sitting up to look at me. 
“Well Winchester, what's your problem? You've been acting weird, especially around me. Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? What is it?” I asked, both hands on my hips, staring down at him.
“No, it's not that,” he says.
“Then what? I mean I thought everything was fine between us but you've been acting so differently towards me! You can't look at me for long, be around, or talk to me. It's almost as if I annoy you or something. Is that what it is Sam? Am I annoying? Do I bother you? What?!” I practically yell at him.
“I love you,” he says, calmly and not initially meeting my eyes. I go to say something else but just stare at him when his words sink in.
“You what?” I said, not immediately grasping what he was saying. 
“You’ve been through hell lately, with how everyone treated you at your job and you felt like the whole world was against you, you turned to me and I was always there for you. No matter what time of day, if I was out on a hunt or preoccupied with something else; I stopped for you. And in the midst of it all, I fell in love with you. Never in all my life have I connected with someone the way I have with you and all I want to do is protect you and make sure no one hurts you ever. I just hope you feel the same about me because I haven’t had much in this life but I hope to have you because you are who I am proud of, who I want to wake up to every morning, start a family with, maybe even retire from the hunt.” He said, looking at the tears that were steadily falling from my eyes. 
“I love you too Sam. I couldn’t have expected you to be the person I would turn to amid my darkest time but you were always there and you helped me realize there’s more to life than just working a job where I wasn’t appreciated or even valued for that matter. You’ve shown me what it means to love someone more than just myself and to be fully open and raw to someone else and I cannot thank you enough for that. You are my Superman; always there to save my day and my life. You are my heart's desire, my perfect man, the one I hope to spend the rest of my life with. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else.” I admitted and the smile on his face was pure, unbridled joy. He took a few strides and took my face in his hands, just gently but enough for me to feel that he was in control. He took his time, watching my eyes the entire time except for the few times his gaze dropped to my lips and back. Making sure I had given silent permission, he finally brought his lips down to mine, just a small, chaste kiss to test the waters then when he saw my response, he brought our lips back together with a passion and urgency I wasn’t expecting from him. His hands moved from my face to my hips, bringing our bodies flush against one other, fear in both of us that this moment would end. I grabbed ahold of his shirt in both my hands, holding onto him with every ounce of strength I had. When we finally pulled away, there was a sparkle in his eye, one that solidified the next step.
“You know, now that we’re together, we can mess with Dean.” He suggested. 
“Oh yeah? Like kicking him out the room or make-out sessions in the backseat of the Impala?” I suggest. 
“Ah, now that’s my girl, exactly what I was thinking.” We both laugh before going back in for another kiss. In the end, Sam was who I needed. The person who was always there for me to run to when I just grew too frustrated with life. He was my biggest supporter and always made sure I had everything I needed or ever wanted. And all he ever was, was one call away.
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crackedpumpkin · 4 months
Bad News || 09 ||
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[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
“I thought we were here to buy Tadashi’s birthday gift.” Hiro crosses his arms, staring unamusedly as you walk through the aisles of a clothes store. You’d been here for an hour, and are no closer to finding a gift for Tadashi.
“Look, just get him a cap!” He groans, wanting nothing more than to get out and go to the cinema already. You glare at him, gesturing to the wall filled with caps of different designs. 
“Which one?” He stares at it for a solid moment, pointing at a dark blue cap with the design of a well-known cartoon character on the front. You blink. “You’re joking.”
“I am,” he admits in defeat. 
“You’re supposed to help me, not sabotage me,” You point out. He groans again, sliding his hand down his face. “Y’know what, maybe I should get him something else.” Finally walking out of the store, Hiro makes a big show of breathing in deeply, spreading his arms and welcoming the outside.
“You drama queen.” You snort, shoving him slightly. He chuckles, eyes lighting up when he spots a tech store. Before he even asks, you sigh, giving in with a nod. You watch the smile on his face grow bigger with each step, holding in his excitement when he sees the latest tablet or iPhone. 
He’s like a kid looking at new toys. You watch him scan each aisle with excitement, grinning as you begin to wander around by yourself. Each section is something completely different, ranging from smartphone accessories to camera parts. You spot a few cameras on display, piquing your interest when you see people trying them out. 
“Interested?” The unexpected voice makes you flinch, expecting to see a sneaky salesperson trying to promote their products to earn a commission. Instead, your eyes widen as you register a smug Noah standing in front of you. 
“Wha- What’re you doing here?” He ruffles the top of your head with a chuckle. “I thought you might have a shift today at the cafe.”
“Oh, that?” he hums. “I quit.” 
“Since when??” He picks up a random camera and hands it to you. Shock doesn’t fully describe how you feel at the sudden news. He’d been working at the cafe for a couple of years, practically the next overall manager if not for the bias your previous boss had against him. You’d thought he’d still stay there even after you were fired, but to hear that he quit is a whole other level. 
“It’s fine,” he shrugs, hands in his pockets as he watches you scroll through the camera settings. You hold it up and snap a photo of him, scrutinising how the picture turned out. “I have another job lined up already - I’m starting next month as a personal trainer.”
Makes sense. He’d always been the barista who attracted many customers to the cafe, many girls and older women alike coming by to buy a coffee (and mainly watch him at work). His skin is as smooth as a baby’s butt, and he often gave you tips on your skincare. 
The picture turns out fine, though you’re not entirely sold on the camera. You pick up another model, snapping another picture with Noah reflexively holding up a peace sign. “Sounds like you’re making more than before.” You note, taking in the new watch on his wrist and squeaky clean sneakers.
“Yeah, I’ll treat you to a meal sometime. Li misses you, y’know.” The mention of his girlfriend makes you smile, already anticipating meeting her again to gossip about anything and everything. She’s like an older sister to you. 
“Can’t wait,” You try yet another camera model, satisfied with the settings and taking another photo of Noah as your test subject. One look at the price, however, makes you wince, setting it back down.
“Hey.” Hiro approaches the both of you, a bag in hand after having purchased something. “Who’s this?” He asks, moving to stand next to you. His shoulders are slightly in front of yours, eyes narrowed as he tries to figure out if Noah’s a creep or not. 
“Hiro, Noah. Noah, Hiro.” You introduce them to each other. His shoulders relax when he realises who this is, a small smile on his lips as he returns Noah’s outstretched fist bump. 
“What’s up kid?” Noah greets you with a casual nod, glancing between the both of you with a glint in his eye. Oh no. You knew exactly what that meant. “Sorry if I interrupted your…outing.”
“We’re here to get his older brother a birthday gift,” You explain, though Noah’s smirk suggests he thinks otherwise. 
“And watch Iron Man,” Hiro reminds you of your promise. Noah’s smirk grows with every word, warmth creeping up your neck and into your cheeks. “Actually, why not just ask him what he wants?” 
Before you can stop him, Hiro’s already texting Tadashi about it, the latter instantly replying. He reads the message, rolling his eyes. “Get this, he wants a photobooth strip of us both having fun. What is he, old?”
“Oh no, too bad there’s no photo booths around…” You thought you pulled off your fake disappointment, pressing your lips together sheepishly when Noah raised a brow. 
Hiro shrugs. “I’d say no, but he just cashed in the coupon of servitude I gave him last year.” 
“Actually,” Noah interrupts, holding up a finger, “there’s a photo booth right next to the cinema. They just put it there yesterday, and there are loads of different designs and props. Have fun, kids!” 
He walks away with a not-so-subtle wink directed at you. Luckily, Hiro doesn’t seem to notice, distracted by the cameras you were trying out earlier. “Well, looks like you have his gift settled. Let’s go!” 
Saying goodbye to Noah, the both of you head to the cinema and buy the tickets first, Hiro expressing unbridled joy upon getting his hands on the big screen ones. You pay for the tickets, and he pays for the snacks to be collected later. True to Noah’s words, the photobooth is right next to the ticket counter. 
It’s surprisingly uncrowded, with multiple rooms inside the store. “We gotta get some props, meet up at room 5?” You ask, already scrounging through the shelves of headbands and sunglasses. You grab a pair of hot pink heart-framed sunglasses, along with a headband with the Super Mario symbol on it. 
On the way to the booth, you spot a few more props, pursing your lips before a particular one catches your eye. Grinning, you grab it off the hook and meet Hiro whose arms are filled with more props. 
“Looks like we have to decide on four.” He taps the touchscreen, looking through the various options before settling on 4 photos on 2 strips. You dump your stuff into a basket on the floor, grabbing the remote and gesturing for him to hurry up. 
The sunglasses are already perched on your nose, and it seemed like Hiro had a similar idea with his own squiggly-framed sunglasses. He laughs upon seeing you. Using your thumb and index finger to slide your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose, you look at him from under your lashes with a wink. 
The click of the camera surprises you both, not realising that the timer has already run out. Glancing at the screen, the camera caught your jokingly flirtatious wink and the flush on his cheeks. “You look so dumb,” You giggle, hurriedly preparing for another picture. 
He hands you a toy gun and a clip-on tie, adjusting his own and getting into position with his toy gun pointed at you. You raise your hands in surrender, both of you posing as a secret agent catching a bad guy.
The next pose required a little more finesse, however, when you hold up a toy camera and instruct him to do his best pose. You almost collapse from laughing when you see the result on the screen, his lips pursed into a pout with the back of his hand on his forehead, captured mid-swoon.
“Not bad,” He says in amusement, grabbing one last prop. A clipboard is in his hands. You slide the Super Mario headband on his head, adjusting his hair so that the symbol can be seen clearly. 
God, his fluffy hair can be both gorgeous and annoying. You move a few strands out of the way before letting out a satisfied hum. Your gaze drops down to his, catching a flicker of amusement in his brown eyes. They soften upon noticing you pause, and you subconsciously suck a sharp breath between your teeth. 
The countdown timer for the last five seconds beeps, successfully snapping you out of whatever was between you both at that moment, taking a step back and clear your throat. You slide on the lab coat you’d grabbed earlier, adjusting the collar and facing him with a shy smile. 
Clipboard in hand, he holds up an imaginary pen. Once your eyes meet, however, a silence falls over you both. You look away with flushed cheeks, holding up a peace sign as the camera clicks the last picture.
“Looks like we’re done,” Hiro comments. The screen begins to fill with the photos taken, the both of you selecting 2 each. You’d chosen one without any pops, just the both of you smiling cheesily at the camera while Hiro does bunny ears behind your head. Another is the secret agent pose. 
The ones he chose were a little different, with one being the swooning pose, while the last is of him waving a wand over your head as you look at him grumpily. They’re perfect. Tadashi better like them, especially after all the hard work you’d put in. Another picture captures your eyes though, an unselected one that had gone unnoticed.
“What about that photo?” It’s suddenly blocked by his hand hovering over it. You look at him, unimpressed by the awkward smile on his face. “Really? Very mature Hamada. C’mon, lemme see how bad you look in it.”
“No- I mean, we already have four photos. Whoops!” He quickly slams a finger against the screen, proceeding to the next page where you can edit the photos with stickers and drawings. However, you’ve already seen the picture, realising that he’d been looking at you when the camera took the photo. His eyes were soft, a small smile on his lips while his hands were held up in a peace sign.
You suppress a smile, clearing your throat and leaning back with a shrug. “Looks like we’ll just have to go with these four then.” He breathes out a relieved sigh, trying to brush off his earlier actions as nothing. You, however, notice his flushed ears and stuttered breaths. 
You’re no better. Your cheeks feel like they’re on fire, distracting yourself by scrolling through the multitude of stickers before landing on one. Your lips curl into a mischievous grin, exchanging a knowing glance with Hiro before selecting the sticker. “You think he’d laugh at it?”
“It’s hard not to when there’s a Mr. Pringles moustache on each of our faces.”
You nod solemnly. He has a point. All the more reason to put the stickers. Placing down the pen with a satisfied smile, you let Hiro choose the frames for it. The photo strips are only fifteen dollars for three strips, so you pay for three instead of just two. One for Tadashi, one for you, and…
Hiro stares at the last photo strip you hold out to him, raising a brow. “Isn’t this supposed to be Tadashi’s gift?” He’d gone to return the props, giving you the time to mull over how many to purchase.
“There was a promotion for it, so I just got three. Look, if you don’t want it-” You’re about to withdraw your hand when he coughs, interrupting you. He grabs the photo strip, nonchalantly shoving it into his pocket. 
“Who said I didn’t want it?” He mutters though you notice that he’s being careful about how he put the photostrip in his pocket. “Besides, this’ll be a souvenir to mark the occasion of Iron Man.”
You suppress a grin. “You’re right.”
— — — — —
@urfavarab @dee-zbignuts @frogindisguise @mangodamochiii @stars4won @whoisgami @nayleannn @millerworld @bodieohbo @1intrusivethoughts1 @randobeetlehouse @riritvt @louvredea
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sangoqueenkoko · 9 months
how they celebrate Christmas with you
(other masterlists listed on main^^)
Summary: It's Christmas in Teyvat and can be celebrated differently as to how each person wants.
Warnings? Nope! Just some Christmas-y fluff!
Contains (in order): Kujou Sara, Raiden Ei, Jean Gunnhildr and Ningguang.
Mentions characters above, as well as Yae Miko and Barbara
This is a Secret Santa gift for @cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme! Hope you like it!
This will be my last fic of 2023! So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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Kujou Sara
Christmas is one of the few times a year that Kujou Sara can actually have a relaxing day, the others being your birthday as well as her own. She doesn't really think her birthday is important, but she knows that you have special care for it, as you try to make it the best day of the year for her.
On Sara's last day of work for the holidays, she came back to your shared Minka, only to be greeted by the usual yearly occurrence, the decorations scattered around the main sitting room in their respective boxes. Lights decorating the panes of the windows, nothing too bright and brash, they're soft and calming.
"(Y/N)?" She asked as she took off her Geta at the front door before walking into the main room, the areas smelling rather... sweet. A familiar scent to her. Hato Sabure. One of her favourites.
"Oh, Sara!" You said as you put the tray of freshly baked cookies down on the cooling rack before going over to hug her, "You're finally home! I've made some of your favourite cookies for the holidays. And no" you said as she already had a hand out towards the already cooled batch, "non for now."
"Oh," she frowned, a frown only you could just about resist.
Raiden Ei
Even if the Goddess of Electro has her duties to take care of towards the end of the year, there is always at least one person inside Tenshukaku who is there to keep up the Goddess' spirits.
And that is you.
You come between Ei's meditation breaks with some dango milk and sweet treats. She will forever love you for it.
And to make her feel the festive spirits, you have a small Christmas tree in her main chambers decorated with her favourite types of decorations, sweet shapes too. Also walking around the city seemed to make her happier, better than an eternal state of meditation. And it wouldn't be a trip into the city if she didn't collect one or two sugary treats for the journey.
Yae Miko even came down from the Narukami Shrine to join the both of you, she's genuinely happy that you've managed to bring Ei out of her own confinement. You're happy to be a third wheel in their conversations as you know that they still have things to catch up on.
Jean Gunnhildr
The two of you celebrate with Barbara, she also sees you like a big sister, she adores you, and you let her rehearse the little tunes she writes. Especially on Christmas, or Christkind, when all around Mondstadt there would be the sounds of the traditional Christkind music sung.
She would skip away to be with her friends, leaving you and Jean alone.
The both of you would walk around the market, also known as Christkindlmarkt, where formalities would be dropped and you two could be sweet together.
In my opinion, I don't see Jean as the type of person to hold hands in public, but I can see her letting you hook an arm around hers as you walk, that way she really knows you're with her.
Your favourite part of the festive season is when other places traditionally open their presents on the morning of the 25th, whereas in Mondstadt, the opening of the presents would be held in the evening of the 24th.
When dinner has been eaten and everywhere has been tidied, presents would be under the tree to be opened.
You got her favourite picture of you two put into a fancy yet simple picture frame to sit on her desk in the Favonius Headquarters.
This woman!
Sugar mother.
She will get you whatever you want! A certain type of clothing just outside your price range? She'll get it for you. Trinkets? She got it. You name it, she's already bought it.
When you buy her things, she will treasure them like a shrine as you bought them with your own hard-earned money, no matter what it may be.
Christmas isn't really a major celebration in Liyue like other nations, it's treated as a lighthearted day. It is celebrated for one day and one day only, and that is the 25th.
But that doesn't stop the festive feelings circulating around the nation.
There’s no single traditional Christmas dinner in China Liyue, but it’s common for couples to go to restaurants and enjoy grand meals like Peking Duck as a traditional Christmas feast.
The fast food chains advertise fried chicken as a Christmas dinner. Fried chicken is already a major Christmas tradition in Inazuma, and due to marketing, it’s becoming a tradition in some major Liyue cities as well.
Other nations have large Christmas trees covered in bright lights and ornaments and decorate their homes with wreaths, bows, and poinsettias. People also display statues and figurines of Santa Claus.
Whereas in Liyue, Christmas decorations do have some unique characteristics. For one thing, you won’t find nativity scenes among decorations in public or in homes. Some people also make their own ornaments out of paper. Or have them be made for you, like what Ningguang does.
But you always managed to get her to make some paper decorations with you, no matter how many times you asked. She doesn't like the idea of the craft, but she makes things like she's the master of said craft.
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authorforrosie · 8 months
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Chapter 001: seeing each other for the first time.
How many chapter’s: ?
Warning: mature language, toxic-behavior.
Rosé Park definitively didn't want to wake up and go at the university. She only wants to stay home, sleep and go out with her friends until the next morning for parties. She enjoyed making out with different women's without many emotions while being drunk. But no her family forces her to go at university so she can get a good degree for her 'future' according to her parents just like her older sister Alice. Who is a famous doctor international.
Rosé sighed with an annoyed expression on her face to the thought of having to communicate with the outside world. Her parents always talked about her older sister for days not realizing how much it's hurting Rosé.
Rosé had a serious expression on her face when her best friend Lisa Manoban finally arrived with her motorcycle. Rosé would be riding the motorcycle with Lisa.
„Good Morning chipmunk are you ready to rock the university...?" Asked Lisa with sarcasm in her voice.
Rosé shook her head and mentally face palmed. Lisa knew how much she dislikes going there. She only has staying home, partying and women in her mind. Nothing else.
„Nah I would rather skip it for a party with attractive women." Answered Rosé with honesty in her voice.
Rosé rolled her eyes playfully since she knew that Lisa was teasing her about hating university. She could only shake your head and walk in front of Lisa to get out of her house.
„It's always an amusement to tease now. Now let's go." Stated Lisa with amusement in her voice at no one.
Lisa followed Rosé giggling the whole time meanwhile putting on her sunglasses. Her black leather has a LGBTQ+ rainbow badge on it. Which she is very proud of.
Y/N definitely couldn't wait to go at the university to study. She only didn't like to communicate with the outside world. Since being popular comes with many consequences, like men not leaving her alone. Almost the whole university students trying to give her presents or even worse trying to use her kindness against her. Often she truly hated being popular for her kindness and caring attitude since many people used it against her while taking advantage of her.
She got ready in pink blazer and matching jeans. Her face expression went from sad to happy since she saw her new pink boots. Her step sister Jennie Kim waited for her downstairs to eat breakfast together. Since Jennie was in the same university. Both had a strong step-sister bound which felt like a real sister bound all the time. Jennie liked to gossip about her annoying classmates who chew on bubblegum's very loud with open mouth.
They had conversations about many subjects like university studies and women. Until Jisoo finally arrived according to Jennie's whines for Jisoo to hurry up on the phone call. The three women always have been treating each other like family. Since family doesn't always mean being blood related. It's a family that's chosen.
Jennie skipped a step when she ran to the front door after the bell rang. Jennie didn't hesitate to jump into Jisoo's arms just seconds after opening the front door.
„There's finally my baby..." Whined Jennie with happiness and need for kisses in her voice.
Jisoo didn't hesitate to catch her love when Jennie jumped into her love. Jisoo felt loved with her heart fluttering when she felt Jennie holding onto her.
„Does my baby girl wants kisses...?" Teased Jisoo with amusement and happiness in her voice.
Jisoo didn't hesitate of kissing Jennie on the lips multiple times with a happy expression on her face. Both have been missing each other a lot since Jisoo couldn't sleepover for a whole week. Y/N felt uncomfortable when people talked about something she can't even naming or do cootie. She didn't even know what alcohol is and curse words. She covered her eyes with her hands in a very innocent way. Y/N already expected them to do the cootie.
„Ahem hi Jisoo. I covered my eyes with my hands because I know that you both are doing the cootie." Pouted Y/N with innocence in her voice.
Jisoo had an excited expression on her face when she noticed Y/N. Their innocent Y/N. Jennie and Jisoo promised themselves that they would always try their best to protect Y/N. Mostly her innocents. She is very adorable into their opinions.
„There's our innocent baby doll. How are you sis...are you ready for the university today?" Asked Jisoo with worry and excitement in her voice.
Y/N didn't trust her mouth besides Jisoo already knew the answer. Y/N nodded her head with a very innocent excited expression on her face. Both hugged each other without even wanting to pull away. Jennie held them both in her arms since she knew how good a group hug felt.
„Can we go now please." Pouted Y/N with excitement in her voice. She pouted.
Jisoo and Jennie nodded with their head before grabbing their bags. Y/N had her pink bag with many cats stickers already on her back. She skipped a step with excitement when Jennie showed her the car keys.
Y/N felt anxious when she saw the students already greeting her with no space. At the same she greeted everyone with an innocent smile which caused many students to awe. Jennie and Jisoo walked besides her on either side to protect her. In case someone comes to close towards their favorite person.
Rosé walked besides Lisa into the hallway of their university with sun glasses on. Rosé had an emotionless expression on her face until she saw Y/N. Rosé felt herself blushing a little bit since she noticed how cute Y/N look. She stood there for a few minutes just checking out Y/N. No I can't like her she isn't my type thought Rosé. She shook her head while continuing walking. Lisa continue walking with a few cheerleaders on her arms. She smirked at them while talking about wanting to sleep with them.
Jisoo glared at Rosé since she knew what type on student she was. She definitely doesn't want the bad student to be a bad influence on their innocent baby Y/N. Rosé narrowed her brown doe eyes to Jisoo. Both students are glaring at each other not really liking each other since a long time. Jennie distracted Jisoo by kissing her forehead which caused the older student to get red flushed cheeks. Jisoo never knew how to handle Jennie's kisses. It's her biggest weakness.
Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious student. She started pouting after a while since none of them told her who the mysterious student is. Jisoo only told her to stay away because of that mysterious student being a bad influence according to her. Y/N thought everything has been getting weird today since Jisoo and Jennie didn't leave her side one bit in the university.
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rafedaddy01 · 1 year
Baby Mama(Sofia)
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Series Masterlist
An: I wasn’t sure if the request I got for the part 2 on the Rafe cheating on Sofia with reader was about Sofia getting pregnant or reader, so I wrote 2. This one is about Sofia getting preggers…. I feel like I made this a little long but I just for the life of me didn’t know how to end it..
Part 1
Reader getting pregnant alternative
Rafe and Sofia were officially over, y/n and Rafe got into a relationship after their horrible break up. You were chilling with Rafe in his bed watching a movie when his phone rang, he picked it up and saw sofias contact. Signing he declined it and set his phone back down. A few seconds later it rang again, he declined once more and huffed out of frustration. “Sorry baby” he said kissing your forehead and snuggling back up to watch the rest of the movie. His phone dinged once, then a second. “Okay! Just see what she wants” you said. He rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Oh shit.. I gotta go, I’ll be back” he said kissing you and quickly grabbing a jacket and his keys. Leaving you confused on his bed.
“I’m pregnant Rafe, and it’s yours..” those words rang in his ears, luring him in a trance of disbelief. “Rafe” sofias voice said in the distance. “Rafe, snap out of it!” She said snapping her fingers in his face. “How- how, how did this happen?” He said running a hand through his already messy hair. “We used protection Sofia, it can’t be mine!” He argued. “Well I guess the condom broke dumbass! you know I don’t take birth control” she said sitting on the bench outside her house and biting her nails. “What are we gonna do” he said taking a seat next to her. “I-I don’t know if I’m gonna keep it..” she said softly. Rafe looked into her eyes nodding. “Well, whatever you decide.. I’ll be there, I don’t want this kid growing up without a father so..” he said man spreading and crossing his arms over his body, foot tapping anxiously. “Thank you Rafe.. but you really don’t have too. That’s not why I told you.. I didn’t even want to mention it but I just didn’t want to hurt you the way you hurt me.” She said, tears filling her eyes.
“Sofia..” Rafe signed. “Im sorry, I never meant to hurt you-“ his phone dinged and for a moment he forgot about y/n until her name was displayed.
“When are you coming home? Is everything okay?” The text read
‘Shit, how am I supposed to explain this..’ he thought.
“Sofia I gotta go, just let me know what you decide” he said giving her a friendly hug and heading back home. Nervously biting his lip he thought how he’d break the news to his girlfriend about getting his ex girlfriend that he cheated with you on pregnant. This was all so fucked up!
“Rafe! What happened, where did you go?” You said as he walked into the house. “I-a-I” he thought about telling you for a second, but who knew if Sofia would even keep it, if she didn’t would it be worth telling..
“I met up with topper, his car broke down and needed help” he lied. “Oh okay, is he alright?” You asked calling him over to cuddle on the bed. “Yeah, all good” he said discarding his jacket and getting in bed with you.
As he held you and listened to your soft snores and rhythmic breathing he felt guilty, guilty for lying to you, he was head over heels for you and it felt wrong to hide this from you. But he knew the moment he told you your relationship would be at a cross roads, he didn’t want to lose you and lying was the only way to do that, it was the right thing to do not to hurt you. At least that’s what he told himself to ease the guilt. His phone dinged and he opened it.
“I’m keeping it”
Shit. Now he would have to tell you..
He spent the whole night thinking of ways to break the news, once you woke up he made you some tea and breakfast in bed. “Rafe, what’s all this?” You said smiling as he handed you the tea and tray with pancakes and fresh fruit. “Just treating my girl” he said, guilt ridden all in his tone. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something..” he said sitting next to you.
You looked up at him and urged him to continue. “So you know yesterday when I left..” you nodded agreeing. “I didn’t actually go help topper, I met with Sofia” he spat out, expecting you to freak out and toss the tray across the room and leave.
But you didn’t, you continued eating your breakfast, eyes looking down. “Oh yeah? What did she want?” You said chewing. “She- she’s pregnant y/n, and it’s mine and she’s keeping it. But this doesn’t mean-“
“Rafe” you interrupted him
“No y/n, let me finish. This doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be with you or that we can’t be together, I still love you and I want to be a father to that baby, the father my dad never was to me. I want him to know he’s loved and cherished. But I still want to be with you” he said tearing up and looking at you eyes for any sign of affection.
“Rafe.. I’m glad your taking a step up and wanting to be a part of its life. But I’m not ready to be a step mom. And Sofia won’t be able to do this alone, I love you too. But do you really expect us to continue this relationship?” Your words stung like a bitch, he didn’t really think you’d consider ending the relationship. Sure he expected a fight but he didn’t think you’d actually leave him.
“Y/n I love you, please. Don’t leave me, I don’t know what I’d do without you..” he said getting on his knees and begging you.
Gotta admit it was a sight to see the kook king on his knees for you, you loved him too and you didn’t want to leave but this whole situation was fucked up and you needed time to think.
You kissed his lips before standing up “I’m not leaving you Rafe, but I do need some time to think this over” and with that you left his house. He sat on the bed thinking over how to make this situation work. He loved you and he’d do anything to prove it.
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k9iriz · 2 years
𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
(𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗲𝗿, 𝗼𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝘅! 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝗻.)
𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
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“Rhea. get the fuck out.” I yelled out, throwing her clothes as I ranted, pacing back and forth, just wanting her out of my sight, her, just sitting there, watching me throw her clothes everywhere.
You got tired of her. It was so painful to watch her mistreat you and barley giving you freedom, you watched her sip on her water, those eyes piercing into your every move.
She was so possessive, she caused public disruptions if i ever was caught talking to another woman, or even just simply helping them.
Even guys.
Her chuckling softly, sipping some more at my request, not taking me seriously.
“Did you not hear me?” I asked in a ‘duh’ tone, catching her attention as she hunched forward, running her hands down her face.
“I pretended not to.” Rhea pulled her phone out of her pocket, turning it on before putting her full attention on it.
Just ignoring you completely.
You being fed up, you snatched her phone, throwing it at the nearest wall, she was surprisingly calm at the whole altercation.
She was completely ignoring you and the breaking point was already broken.
“You don’t get it do you? You constantly ignore me and act like you don’t hear me after you just got done ruining my whole interview?” I spoke, anger raidating from me.
I barely got mad like this, but she always got you like this with her reckless actions.
“I didn’t, just made some suggestions.” Rhea shrugged.
“You threatened to break her arm! That’s my boss!” I exclaimed, even though rhea was a wrestler, she was highly capable of doing so.
“So? She was weird to me anyways.” Rhea shrugged, walking away from us.
“You think her being weird is rational to threaten to break her arm? And you don’t even know her.” I defended.
“I thought i was rational enough.” Rhea carelessly spoke, picking up her clothes that i threw.
“You’re so full of shit Rhea. You don’t see me threatening your co-workers and lashing out everything you talk to a female! Then when you do, I’m stuck with the aftermath, you don’t see that.” You exclaimed, as rhea turned around, scoffing at us.
“I don’t need you to. Because I know im yours. *scoffs* least i don’t go to work, dressed like a whore, for my boss. You might be even blowing her off too while you’re at it.” Rhea mumbled the last part, causing you to scoff, as a popping sound rang off in the room.
she held her cheek as she didn’t react, she knew what she said.
“You know what…fuck you really rhea.” You felt tears run down your face, she always gaslit you into any argument and tried to turn it on you, when she’s in the wrong.
It was sickening even trying to defend yourself.
You needed to get out of this toxic environment, and web, you were sick of it.
and it all ended today.
“Where are you going?” Rhea asked, like she didn’t just call you a name, 10 seconds ago.
“Don’t worry about me.” You walked off, you were gonna get your things another time, you needed to go.
it was time for a new start. and it was damn sure without her.
𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫…
god. everything was so right. you felt free and out on your own without having to worry about her popping up anymore.
you actually moved on faster than most people thought.
you focused getting your job back, working on getting your clothes, but just planning to leave them, sending your sister since her and rhea are inseparable, and it would be a fast process.
i fixed my red dress, slowly making sure my hair was in place as i planned on going out on a date, with my…boss, she’s pretty cool.
you picked up the roses she got you as you walked outside to her car, smiling at it all, it felt good to be treated right.
this was gonna be a good night.
“Hey, i just came to get my sisters stuff.” She waves as rhea rolled her eyes, moving aside.
“Why couldn’t she come get her own shit…” Rhea growled, rolling her eyes.
“Rude much? Maybe she didn’t wanna be bothered with you. I wouldn’t either.” My sister scoffed, seeing our things scattered around the room, half destroyed or just thrown everywhere in the guest room she walked past.
“My god, did you just throw her stuff in here?” My sister asked, as rhea walked past, eating cereal.
“Can you just hurry up and leave, i have to be at work soon.” Rhea rolled her eyes, wanting her to hurry up.
My sister grabbed the stuff that wasn’t practically ruined, which wasn’t alot in my left suitcases, dragging them down the stairs.
“She’s gonna be pissed…” my sister mumbled.
“You ruined her stuff, just because she left you.” My sister protested.
“Eh, she should’ve came and got it faster.” Rhea shrugged, leaning against the doorframe as she caught the scent of your clothes, instantly driving her crazy.
she could put up the biggest front and say she doesn’t miss you, but she did. regretting her actions, she felt like she did no wrong.
she was simply just wanting what’s hers to herself.
and she made sure people knew that.
“Well she had to be at a date tonight—” my sister soonly stopping herself, spilling her location.
“A date?” Rhea stopped, shooting her head at my sister so fastly, her eyes piercing into her.
Before my sister could even explain, Rhea cut her off, kicking my suitcase across the room.
“Where?” Rhea asked, her voice dropping some octaves.
“By her job, it’s a fancy restaurant. You’ll see it if you ride past her job.” My sister shrugged, knowing giving her hose details could ruin her night.
Rhea threw her spare key at my sister, before she walked out the door. “Lock my door when you leave.”
Rhea was on a path of destruction and she made sure to see what this date “was.”
she wasn’t giving up on you, as if you had a choice.
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burntsaltsblog · 6 months
shiny new toy
(felix catton\reader)
chapter four
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details: a saltburn inspired short story.
content warning: profanity, explicit sexual content, and mentions of abuse (physical and mental)
warning for this chapter: this chapter depicts explicit sexual content. if you are not an adult, DO NOT READ!!! the aftermath of physical violence (da) is also contained in this chapter.
MNI 18+
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The first thing I registered was the cold, hard floor beneath me. It did little to comfort my injuries, but it was the only proof I had that I wasn't dead. And that was surprising, considering the last thing I remember was Eric preparing to slit my throat. 
A myriad of voices rang from somewhere nearby. I vaguely recognized them, but I was already gripped by the darkness, which promised to drag me back to a peaceful slumber. 
"Damnit, Farleigh. I specifically told you and Venetia to keep an eye on her."
"I did! It's not my fault she wandered off."
"And why the fuck didn't you follow her? Christ, mate, this is exactly why I needed you to watch her."
"Well, she's your fucking toy. Why the hell weren't you watching her?"
"Don't call her that. It's not like that this time, and you know it."
"Oh, do I? Because so far, it is. Tell me, Felix, when will you grow tired of treating people like objects? Because I-"
"Enough. If you say one more word, I will personally ask my father to withdraw his invitation for you to spend the summer at Saltburn. Where will you go then, hm? You'll have to shack up with one of the teachers here you've blown."
"Fucking hell, will you two shut up? Your bloody bickering isn't going to help us find Iris. I'm going outside to check the yard. Farleigh, why don't you come with me? You, little brother, can search the rest of the house."
Silence filled the air before footsteps vibrated in different directions. A door squeaked before someone above me said my name in anguish.
"Iris? Jesus, what happened?"
Warm hands braced my upper body and rolled me onto my back. It took immense strength to crack my eyes open, but I was glad I did because I saw the one person I wanted more than anything.
"Felix?" I whispered through bloodied, cracked lips.
"It's me, darling. I'm here," he said, falling to the floor and pulling me onto his lap. I whimpered quietly and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his calming scent.
Felix consoled me, tightly wrapping his arms around me to ensure my safety. "Shh, it's ok, love; I've got you."
"Damn, what happened to your face?"
I weakly craned my neck to see Farleigh and Venetia standing in Marcus Ackerly's bathroom doorway, looking equally shocked and disturbed. I suppose Eric did a number on me for people to regard me in such a way. 
"Shut it, Farleigh," Felix uttered lowly, coming to my defense. "I'm going to take her to my room so you two can return to your previous activities."
Felix stood with me, still cradled against his chest, and murmured words of comfort as my sore body protested against the sudden shift. 
"Feel better, Iris," Venetia said as we passed her and Farleigh, still hovering by the door. A small smile graced her face, but Farleigh's remained unreadable. I smiled feebly in return before relaxing against Felix as he carried me away from them and out of the house.
The walk to Felix's dormitory was quiet, and I anxiously studied his expression. It was one of stone as he tensed his jaw and ground his teeth.
His face immediately softened as he looked down at me, concerned. "What is it, darling? Does something hurt?"
Technically, everything hurt. But I didn't want to say that out of fear that I'd worry Felix even more.
"I was wondering why you looked so mad. Did I do something wrong?" 
My thoughts were spiraling out of control, and I wondered if I was burdening him too much. After all, he was taking me back to his room, so I had, without a doubt, ruined his night. I'm sure he would much rather spend his evening with a woman who hadn't just got beaten to a pulp by her crazy ex-boyfriend.  
"No, sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong," he assured me. "Someone fucking hurt you, and it kills me that I wasn't there to protect you. I should've been there to protect you."
"No, don't blame yourself, Felix. You were busy with Ollie-"
"Exactly, I was busy entertaining the pathetic fantasy of a fucking lunatic and not staying with you like I was supposed to," he growled.
"What are you talking about? What happened with you and Oliver?"
"It doesn't matter now," Felix responded briskly as he kicked open the door to his room. 
He delicately sat me on his bed and put an arm on either side of my legs, caging me in. Felix's head dipped between his shoulders, and he took a moment before speaking to calm himself.
"Iris," he started lowly, almost inaudible. "Who did this to you?"
When I didn't respond, he lifted his head, and our gazes clashed: earthy brown against forest green. 
"Who did this to you? Who fucking hurt you?" His anger was rising, and I knew the only way to subdue him was to give him the answer he wanted. 
"Is it who I think it was?" he pressed. "Was it that piece of shit who wouldn't leave you alone?"
"Yes. It was Eric," I faintly confirmed as tears blurred my vision. My throat threatened to close, but I forced myself to continue.
"He was mad about the text. He'd been watching us all night, and then when he saw I was alone, he chased me into the bathroom and cornered me there, and-"
"Fuck," Felix swore harshly under his breath. 
I wanted to say more but refrained when he dropped his forehead to mine. 
"I need you to know how fucking sorry I am, darling. I never intended to abandon you like that. I should've known that Eric would try to pull something like this." 
Regret had infiltrated his voice before the tone became more confident. "Over my dead body, will that asshole ever come near you again." 
"Felix, please, don't talk like that," I begged, shrinking away due to the topic of his death. It was something I found too utterly painful to comprehend.
"I'm sorry, love. But I'm serious; he will regret ever touching you."
"What are you going to do?" I asked, nervous that Felix would try something stupid and risk his safety. Eric wasn't worth it. 
"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Felix mumbled as he traced a bruise on my cheek. 
To signal that the conversation was over, Felix stepped into his bathroom. A moment later, he reappeared, holding up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a small towel. "I'm gonna clean you up, ok?"
I nodded my head, earning a smile from Felix. He doused the towel in alcohol before coming back to stand directly in front of me. "This might sting a bit. Just squeeze my hand if it hurts." 
Biting my lip, I grasped his empty hand and was comforted by his touch.
Felix began working carefully over my face. I did my best to mask my discomfort, but when it became too much, I squeezed his hand, and he promptly leaned down to kiss my head before whispering, "You're doing so well for me, love. I'm so proud of you."
He finished cleansing the gashes on my face before moving to my hands, arms, and legs, which were covered in minor cuts due to the broken glass from the shattered mirror. 
"Almost done—just a few more minutes. I gotta make sure these don't get infected. I need my girl healthy." 
My girl
The simple phrase had butterflies erupting in my stomach. They flew widely around, and I knew there was no chance of me calming them down. 
"All done," he announced, giving me one of his gentle smiles, which I'd grown to love so much. 
"Thank you. For everything. If it weren't for you, I'd still be passed out at Marcus' place." 
Felix's face hardened, and I knew he was recalling what it was like to discover me bloody and bruised. 
"When I found you, for a moment, I thought I had lost you forever. I can't even begin to describe how fucking terrifying that was. The mere idea of losing you is something I can't bare. I need you, Iris. I need you."
His eyes were frantic as they searched my face—for what, I'm not sure—but his stare added an intensity to the air and charged it with something neither of us fully understood. But it was enticing and intoxicating.
Felix held my face between his hands, and I reached up to cover them with my own as I promised him softly, "I'm here, Felix, and I'm ok."
He tenderly kissed my forehead, and his hands, almost hesitantly, settled on my waist. He paused for a moment to analyze my reaction before placing another kiss on my temple. Gradually, Felix worked down until his mouth was under my jaw. In a daze, my head lulled back, giving him access to my neck.
It didn't take him long to find my sweet spot just below my ear. He bit down briefly before darting his tongue out to soothe the area from his assault. I moaned breathlessly and gripped his shoulders, needing something to stabilize myself. 
Felix's hands dug into my hair, pulling at my scalp and eliciting a whine from my throat. "Felix, please. I want you."
He withdrew his face from where it was settled in the crook of my neck and appraised me with blown-out pupils. "Are you sure? You've been through a lot tonight, love and-"
"Felix, I need you." I interrupted, echoing his words from earlier. My desperation oozed off me as I stared at him, wide-eyed and pleading.
Felix was quiet for a moment before he nodded and traced a finger over my bottom lip. "Ok, sweetheart. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take care of my girl." 
He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine agonizingly slow. I tilted my chin up, attempting to close the small gap between us, and he chuckled under his breath.
"Such a desperate girl."
Before I could reply, Felix firmly pressed his lips to mine, causing my thoughts to evaporate. My tongue slipped easily into his mouth, resulting in him groaning lowly. The sound traveled right to the spot between my legs that throbbed with immense need. I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer. But even with Felix tightly against me, I still craved more. I drew back just enough to grasp the top button of his shirt. "Off," I commanded. 
With a lazy grin, Felix stepped back and nimbly unbuttoned his shirt. He took his time shedding the material, and my eyes drank him in each second he revealed more of his toned chest. 
Once his shirt hit the floor, Felix reached for his belt buckle. The clang of metal caused my legs to snap shut and my thighs to rub together in search of friction. Felix raised a brow at me. "My needy girl looks like she's going to cum just sitting there."
I pouted at him and reached my hand out." I wanna to do it." 
Felix stared at my fussing nature before approaching me so I could touch him. "Ok, baby. You can do it. Be a good girl and unbuckle my belt."
I ruefully smiled as I wrapped my hands around the brown leather, tugging it away from his waist. I then made quick work of unzipping his jeans and dragging them down his thighs before he took over and kicked them off so they joined his shirt's place on the floor. 
My eyes grazed Felix's body in silent reverence. I was convinced he wasn't a human but, instead, a Greek God carved meticulously from stone; he had no flaw in sight. I lightly raked my hands down his chest before he took hold of them and placed them in my lap. I was momentarily confused before he began fiddling with the hem of my top. Then, his intentions became clear. 
Felix pulled my shirt over my head, and he immediately gaped at my breasts that were spilling out of my bra. He wasted no time in ripping it off and tossing it aside. 
"Beautiful," he murmured before he leaned forward and used his tongue to swirl over my right nipple.
"Oh my God," I breathed, raising my hand to curl around Felix's neck, urging him to continue. 
Felix dragged his tongue along my chest, between my breasts, and down my stomach until he reached the top of my skirt. 
"Stand up, love."
I groaned in protest before Felix harshly twisted one of my nipples. My core pulsed painfully as my eyes widened in surprise.
"Let's get one thing straight," Felix said, placing a hand under my chin so I had no choice but to meet his stern gaze. "When I give a command, I expect obedience. Do you understand?"
With glazed-over eyes, I nodded my head. Felix observed me as he ran his tongue over his lips. "That's what I thought. So be a good girl and stand up."
"Yes, sir." 
The words left my mouth before I realized it, and Felix's face darkened. "Fuck, I knew you were perfect for me." 
I rose to my feet, never breaking eye contact with him. He grabbed my hips, turned me around, and placed a hand on my back, pushing my upper body down. My cheek met his soft comforter as I felt my skirt ride up.
"I think this is in the way," Felix drawled as he eased down the zipper of my skirt and pulled the garment from my body. I turned to see his reaction as he took in the black lace panties I wore, the only clothing I had left. 
A string of curses left his mouth before he delivered a sharp slap to my ass that left behind a stinging sensation. I buried my face in his bedding and pushed my hips back.
Felix pulled my panties to the side, and I felt cool air hit my pussy. "You're fucking drenched, and I haven't even touched you yet," He said, running a finger through my slick folds. "Is this all for me, sweetheart?"
My arousal began dripping down my legs, and I moaned when I felt his tongue begin to lap it up. He licked up my legs and stopped right at my glistening entrance.
"Felix, please," I whined.
"I know, darling, I know," he mumbled, placing his hands on my ass and spreading me open. A soft cry left my mouth at being so exposed, but it was apparent I loved it due to the juices that ran from my pussy. 
Felix's tongue drew tight circles over my clit, and I couldn't stop the whimpers that left my mouth. He eased his finger past my swollen lips, and I clenched around his thick digit. 
"Fuck me, please, I begged. 
"If you want me to fuck you, you need to first cum on my face, Ok?"
Felix's words made my brain short-circuit, so I only nodded in response. He tutted at my reaction before withdrawing his finger and slapping my pussy. "Use your words, darling. What do you say?"
"Yes, sir," I cried.
Seemingly satisfied, Felix lightly pinched my sensitive bud between his fingers as he started fucking me with his tongue. I gripped his sheets tightly as if they were my lifeline. 
"So good," I mewled loudly. It occurred to me that I should probably be quiet on account of the other people living in this building, but the faster Felix's tongue worked in and out of my pussy, the less I cared about who heard. 
"Are you going to cum for me, love?" Felix asked, replacing his mouth with his fingers. Two of them eased into my sopping core and curled down, hitting a spot that had me practically sobbing my answer.
"Yes, sir."
Right as I came, Felix introduced his tongue back into my opening and fucked me through my climax. His thumb roughly worked my overstimulated clit as I gushed all over his face. Felix wasted no time in lapping up my juices, and I couldn't miss the way he groaned in appreciation when doing so. 
"Such a good girl, cumming all over my face, just like I told you to."
Felix's tongue lazily traced my entrance, but my overwhelmed state caused my legs to give out. I was thankful when he caught me.
"It's Ok, darling. I've got you," he said soothingly as he picked me up and gently laid me down on his bed. My head hit his pillow, and I gave a small sigh of contentment.
"Oh no. Don't get too comfortable, sweetheart. I'm not done with you yet." Felix said, leaning over me. His gold chain dangled in front of my face, and I watched it slowly swing back and forth, entranced. 
I snapped back to the present when Felix's fingers wrapped around the waistband of my panties, dragging them down my legs. He threw them over his shoulder, keeping his eyes on me. 
"Do you know how long I've thought about this? Having you naked in my bed, looking up at me with those big eyes, just begging me to ruin you." 
"Then do it, Felix. Ruin me."
My reply had him peeling his black boxers off of his body and revealing his cock, hard and already leaking pre-cum. He stroked himself a few times before reaching across the bed and searching his nightstand's top drawer. He pulled out a small, silver package, but I plucked it from his hold, surprising him.
"No, I want to feel you," I whispered.
Felix hesitated. "Are you sure? I know we're both clean, but-"
"Felix, I want to feel you, even when you cum. Especially when you cum."
My face heated at my admission, but I'd used my fingers to fuck myself too many times, thinking of Felix driving into me, raw and deep, before cumming right at the edge of my cervix, claiming me completely.  
"Jesus," Felix breathed, closing his eyes. "You're going to make me cum before I'm even inside you."
I bit my lip as I watched him spread my legs and stare at pussy, hopelessly clenched around nothing.
"What a pretty cunt. All wet and swollen. Just begging to be stretched with my cock."
Felix lined himself up at my entrance, nudging my clit and causing me to whine impatiently. I bucked my hips, silently pleading for him to fuck me.
Finally, he entered me in a long thrust; I turned my head from side to side as unintelligible words left my mouth. I knew his size was impressive, but nothing could have prepared me for how my walls stretched to accommodate him. 
"It's Ok, sweet girl. I know," Felix said as he circled my clit, giving me pleasure to combat the pain.
"You're so big," I cried, breathless.
"But you can take it, darling. You can take it for me."
Felix's praise caused me to squeeze around him, and I watched his face tense. "So fucking tight, "he groaned. "So fucking perfect for me."
After being able to take all of Felix without much discomfort, he slowly drew out before thrusting back in. My back arched, and he took the opportunity to pinch one of my nipples. I mindlessly moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist so I could take him deeper. 
Felix soon found a steady rhythm in which he fucked me. Our cries clashed in the air, and through my hazy vision, I threaded my hands in his hair, dragging his mouth down to mine. Our tongues danced together in a passionate kiss, and it only drove me higher toward my inevitable orgasm. 
"I'm close," I gasped.
Felix smirked, driving into me harder. "Yeah? You gonna come around my cock, sweetheart?"
I openly wept as Felix wrapped a hand around my neck, applying pressure to just the right spot. 
"God, you're just fucked dumb, aren't you? My girl only knows my cock and nothing else."
"Please," I cried. It wasn't a descriptive word, but Felix understood what I needed.
The pressure around my neck increased, causing a light-headed sensation. Felix pressed his other hand on my lower stomach, causing my eyes to roll back and my mouth to hang open. 
"That's it, pretty girl. You're doing so well. You're gripping me like a fucking vice."
Felix's words drove me over the edge. My cry was guttural, and I clenched around him, causing him to omit a low groan as he reached his own climax. He thrust in one final time, coating my walls with his seed in thick, hot ropes. 
Eyes closed, I fell into a satiated state. My body was numb, yet I could feel every single nerve ending. I was barely awake as Felix pulled out, whispering soft words of praise the entire time. "You did so good for me, my love. I'm so proud of you."
As I registered his words, a faint smile crossed my lips. I glowed under Felix's compliments. 
I heard him walk around his room before feeling him spread my legs. But this time, it was to clean me up with a towel. 
Eventually, a blanket was draped over my body, and Felix pulled me against him in a warm embrace. I rested comfortably on his chest; his steady heartbeat was the perfect lullaby that lulled me to sleep. 
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chapter index
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
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