#when they arrive i will be unstoppable
ilovedthestars · 8 months
the absolute BEST part of finally reading imperial radch (i finished the ancillary trilogy!!! and turns out there's MORE?!) is getting to go back and look again at all the funny posts and stunning fanart that have been slowly convincing me to read it. this was how i got into murderbot first too (saw so much fanart and meta about it on tumblr that i had to read it, instead of the other way around) and even though it had its downsides (i spoiled myself on all the good twists in murderbot lol) i genuinely think this might be the best kind of media experience for me in terms of excitement and fun. because i know in advance that people love it and there's a community already built around it that i can dive into right away, and often i've already had some emotions about the characters just from seeing some gorgeous fanart, so when I get to those characters or scenes they hit even harder because i already care about them. and then i get to go back and look at all those things with fresh eyes, and understand all the layers of meaning now that i didn't get before, and that is so satisfying and rewarding to me.
anyway, hello imperial radch fandom!!!! i'm here now and i'm going to spend the next couple days shouting in the tags of all the cool fanart that made me read the books (thank you thank you thank you to @grammarpedant who started putting an excellent stream of imperial radch posts on my dash the second i finished the trilogy, you are the sweetest ever <3). i may already have a fanart idea of my own sketched out and it might be very ambitious and i may be considering actually teaching myself how to use clip studio paint for it. if there's fanart or fanfic you think i HAVE to see then send it to me please (even if we are strangers, it's not weird, i will think you are so cool!) (person i don't really know who already DM'd me an imperial radch post when i mentioned it the other day: i think you are so cool) i am going to see if i can ride this enthusiasm far enough that it becomes a long term obsession.
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petrichormore · 8 months
u know what i think is interesting tho. q!Bagi suggesting that q!Bad kidnap Fred. is she mad he kidnapped an innocent worker or is she just mad he lied to her about it?
It’s fascinating that some islanders disapprove or act disapproving of q!Bad’s actions but aren’t willing to actively do anything to stop him nor get involved nor snitch. Which is fair, i mean, the only people they can snitch to are the federation and the belief that islanders come first is probably the correct one; and none of them can really stand up to him even as a group - q!Etoiles perhaps being the exception. but just. Hm.
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quirky-gardener · 2 years
I love my coworkers so much. They are hilarious. I nave more money to buy armor now, hooray!
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dafuq-lyrehc · 4 months
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sytoran · 6 months
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kinktober day 011 | cheerleader!natasha x player!reader
"don't you ever tame your demons but always keep them on a leash" — arsonist’s lullabye, hozier
summary. natasha gets more attached than expected after a one-night-stand with the college's infamous player, both on the field and with the ladies. however, she's always been good at getting what she wants.
rating 18+ | word count 7438 (shittt)
note. natasha is 18 and y/n is 19, y/n is described to be masc-representing (eg. cropped hair, compression tee + grey sweats, tattoos, piercings)
note ii. please please please please take your time to read it, you don't understand how long i've spent pondering over every intricacy in this fic.
note iii. drinking game: take a shot every time i say 'don't fall for the player'
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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Don’t fall for the player.
This was a warning, circulating within the hallways of Avengers Institution, whispered under hushed breaths and divine lips.
Students in this renowned college came from all walks of life — from children of billionaires to self-made achievers, from prodigal minds to brilliant brains. One thing stood for certain, though, and that was the infamous Y/N L/N.
It was a rumour, tried and true, that every single girl — regardless of their sexuality, physical appearance, or social status — would all eventually fall under the spell of the school’s “player”. Try as they might, victim after victim fell helplessly for an effortless charisma and unstoppable magnetism.
The chase never lasted long, a one-sided apex predator hunt. Once you had your eyes set on someone, there was simply no escaping the undeniable fact that the following morning, that girl would wake up in bed next to you.
Problem was, you had this rule, written in stone: Never sleep with a girl more than once.
Alas came the cruel and vicious cycle of girls falling under your spell within milliseconds, only to have their heart shattered within the next twenty-four hours. Sometimes even less.
Boys looked on in jealousy, girls looked on in intrigue. (Or maybe jealousy, too.) The wiser ones kept a distance, but either way, one fact stood true, the moment one stepped into Avengers Institution.
Don’t fall for the player.
Little did you know, soon would arrive a thorn in your plans, an unwanted distraction, your ultimate downfall.
All due to an equally irresistible girl by the name of Natasha Romanoff.
“You’re fuckin’ impressive for a freshman, Natasha,” Pepper whistles, clapping her on the back. “Consider yourself a member of the Avengers Institution’s cheerleading squad.”
Natasha nods breathlessly, dropping the pom-poms onto the ground. She had just completed a complicated routine for the cheerleading tryouts, a rigorous one with flips and twirls that required pristine balance.
“I guess that’s expected from a girl who was with the Red Room,” Sharon adds, somewhat snidely. She was another freshman trying out for the cheerleading squad, with a snake-like smile that was coated with too much venom to convey any sort of genuineness.
Natasha returns the smile blankly, false emotions overtaking her face like second nature — propriety, expectations, rectitude. She knew what those words meant, when they put emphasis on the Red Room.
The Red Room, in question, was one of the highest-class organisations internationally that trained talented young female cheerleaders. With a near overly-daunting curriculum, payment fees so impossibly high, and only the most renowned instructors, the Red Room was essentially associated with filthy rich wealth and spoiled privileged kids.
And such comes the tragedy of warped views on capitalism and the unfairness of the world. Sharon leans next to Natasha’s ear in the false pretence of picking something up, but her lips move dangerously swiftly and whisper, “Daddy’s money lets you get everything you want, hm?”
It only takes a second, and then the faux-innocent perpetrator briskly moves away as if nothing had occurred. Natasha stands still, the gripe washing over her back like a cold shower. She steels her shoulders, refusing to be provoked. It wasn’t her fault she’d been born with a silver-studded spoon in her mouth.
Shrugging off the strange looks some of the other girls give her, Natasha hides her annoyance by fiddling with her short skirt. Alongside college came the novelty of less-strict clothing etiquette, and that resulted in the most miniscule cheerleading skirts Natasha had ever worn in her life.
“Ready on the count of three,” Carol announces, tapping her clipboard with a ballpoint pen, surveying the expanse of the wide field.
It wasn’t Natasha’s fault she simply got everything she wanted.
An invisible force of magnetism pulls Natasha’s gaze to the bleachers above the field, unyielding and unstoppable. There stands a tall and dark figure in a relaxed position, looking directly at her with piercing eyes. A shiver of anticipation sweeps through the air, and Natasha feels goosebumps rise on her skin.
Aloof charisma exudes from the person’s very presence, so compelling and captivating that it takes Natasha a moment to realise that there’s another girl standing next to the enigmatic soul. She’s chatting animatedly, under a false belief that she’s got your attention, but Natasha knows better.
Her eyes travel over the person’s sculpted figure clad in a leather jacket, tacit confidence written in your lazy smirk and composed posture. Electricity erupts in Natasha’s bloodstream, sending shockwaves coursing through her mindwires, forcing her to look back up to your alluring, forsaken eyes.
Natasha’s body moves mechanically, practised and poised. The rhythm thrumming from the portable speaker seeps into her practised muscles without her brain actually registering it, still reeling from the sheer impact of you.
If there was a fracture in her composure, if her routine was ever-so-slightly off, if her legs trembled more than it normally would’ve, Natasha would blame you.
Natasha would blame you and your stupid smirk, your silly leather jacket, your sickeningly magnetic allure. How you made her feel unstoppable with that come-hither gaze, then left her so low when your eyes inevitably left her.
And suddenly, like a golden key slotting into place, the words Natasha had heard whispered in the hallways finally made sense. The coveted prayer that could only be spoken under hushed tones and divine lips.
Don’t fall for the player.
When Natasha finishes the series of tumbles that ignites impressed cheers from the senior cheerleaders, she lifts her lowered eyes back to the bleachers.
Only to find your lips locked with the blonde girl from before, your hands creeping dangerously low on her back. You move like a predator python, the silver piercings in your ears glinting in the light with every of your calculated moves.
A burning feeling courses through Natasha’s veins, like an ugly green monster unfurling gradually, indescribable anger making her jaw tick.
Don’t fall for the player? Well, now that just sounded like a challenge.
Natasha makes her way through the crowd of students filing out from the lecture hall. The chatter fades to a background buzz in her ears as she beelines towards a group of more bearable folks.
“No, they’re a sophomore,” Wanda explained, leaning against the locker door.
“Who’re we talking about?” Natasha intercepts with a curious gaze, slinging an arm around Clint lackadaisically. Professor Banner’s lectures were highly educational, but he tended to drone on a little, and she could feel the rising boredom making its slow crescendo into the back of her mind.
Clint raises his eyebrows amusedly, then lowers his voice in humorous dramatisation. “The player.”
Natasha’s face flashes in recognition at your title. Several things flit across her mind in rapid succession — a fetching character, a lofty smirk, and a pretty girl hanging off a forearm.
“So, this uh… What’s her name?” Natasha tries to ask subtly, faking an expression of indifference. Clint, as always, side-eyes her with a playfully accusatory glance. Natasha shrugs with an odd feeling of guilt.
“Well, I’m a sophomore too, so I do have the guilty pleasure of knowing Y/N L/N,” Wanda said with a bit of a grin.
“Knows her in more ways than one!” Sam cackles, ducking as Wanda swipes at him.
Natasha feels that burning feeling rising in her chest again, and perhaps it was due to the knowledge that someone else had experienced being in bed with you — which was arguably silly, because of course you slept with plenty of women, but that didn’t quell her growing unease.
“Was the sex really that good?” Clint asks bluntly, folding his arms as he leans against the locker next to Darcy. Natasha chokes on air.
Wanda only raises an eyebrow, as if to question the poor boy of his doubts of your sexual prowess. Her knowing smirk told a thousand tales, of your sentient being seemingly reincarnated from a Goddess of Sex, of your mighty skillset of lust, the ultimate sapphic enigma.
“You tryna pull a lesbian, birdboy?” Natasha asks dryly, nudging Clint in the rib. The jibe doesn’t even give her that satisfaction. Thinking about you again had unnerved her very skin, causing clammy hands and a dry mouth.
“She leaves all the girls the morning after, though, so don’t get your hopes up,” Wanda sighs wistfully, waving her hand in the air as if she prophesied of a legend. “It’s a one-night-wonder. Kind of like an eclipse. Only happens once, but when it does, it’s really astronomical.”
Natasha flexes her fingers to get her blood flowing. All this talk about your specialised skillset in bed was making her heart flutter, in the best way possible, but maybe that per se was the worst thing possible.
Because she might acknowledge that you were attractive, but that didn’t necessarily mean she wanted to sleep with you, right?
“And that’s why it's a common tongue around here,” Wanda concludes. “Don’t fall for the player. Simple as that.”
On cue, the noise in the hallway comically fades to silence. The gathered crowds of students make way for a quickly striding figure, clad in the same dark clothing Natasha thought about day and night.
Crossing the hallway with an easy purpose and confident composure, you walk past girls who could be seen swooning. Your gaze slides over them casually, sending small smiles here and there but never really quite focusing.
Until your eyes meet Natasha’s, of course. Like a love scene straight out of a drama, your composure cracks fractionally, and your loose confidence is subverted. It only takes a second before your persona snaps back into place.
“Hey, Natasha,” A smooth voice spills out from your angel-crafted lips. Your voice runs over her weak-willed skin, suddenly so vulnerable in your presence, and then you’re gone.
Natasha stills in place, staring after your disappearing figure. Your two words had left such a searing imprint into the front of her mind that it was honestly concerning. The chatter rises again, as if you were never there.
“Looks like you’re Y/N’s next conquest,” Wanda comments, mildly impressed. “Good luck, my friend. Just remember, don’t fall for the player.”
Why on earth there was a dorm party on the second day of school was a question that would forever remain unanswered.
Perhaps the adolescent spirit was the root cause of it, free and tameless and reckless, or maybe it was the temptation of alcohol and attractive folks, intoxicating and thrilling.
Either way, Natasha was here for a good time, not a long time.
Her short midnight dress flounces as she makes her way over to the partially occupied couch, the rather risky slit making its way up her thigh to reveal awfully beddable skin.
“Hey, babe!” Wanda calls enthusiastically, waving her over. There’s a Matrix movie playing on the screen, Natasha isn’t clear of which one, and there are students sprawled over the couch, the floor, and on each other.
She ends up playing a game of truth or dare with strangers, driven by warm bodies and the repetitive encouragement to indulge in a little bit of ‘fun’.
“Truth!” Darcy yells drunkenly, almost crushing her red solo cup of cheap alcohol.
“Jeez, woman,” Carol mutters, sighing at the tipsy girl’s antics. “So, truth— ever had a threesome?”
A bunch of ‘ooh’s wave like a ripple through the huddle of students, but Darcy answers with surprisingly quick coherence for a woman on her sixth cup of beer. “Hell yeah,” she drawls. “Y/N and Jane. Best night of my fuckin’ life.”
Natasha feels that wildly uncomfortable feeling of butterflies fluttering — no, thrashing, around in her stomach. It’s absolutely ridiculous that she’s so easily unsettled by you.
Said Jane Foster flushes in her seat, clearly embarrassed at having her sex life exposed. She waves a hand, trying to quiet down the growing hoots and whistles. “I mean, is it really that surprising, guys? I’m definitely not the only one! Okay, jerks, who else has laid with the famed Y/N L/N?”
Immediately, all eleven women in the dorm room have their hands raised. Well, all except Natasha, that is.
“Oh, she’s a free woman!” Valkyrie yells out, pumping her fist, and the crowd of women let out victorious cheers. “Our last standing soldier!”
Natasha smiles awkwardly in the limelight of all these older students, the strangling sensation in her gut growing stronger.
Seriously? ‘The Player’ has already slept with all these pretty girls in her second year? I would never sleep with someone who treats sex so meaninglessly…
Natasha refocuses on the game, dispelling all her thoughts that seemed to constantly circulate around you. In the bleachers, in the hallway, and now in a dorm party…
So why is Y/N L/N a muse in my mind? Why is she so inescapable?
After about six rounds of revealing shameful truths and accepting rather pointless dares, Natasha’s ready to ditch the scene altogether.
She’s barely touched any alcohol, but it was honestly a shame that her imagination was still so lucid. Getting some of that cheap beer into her system would probably help her to relax quicker, and to stop thinking about you.
“Hey, uh,” she whispers to Wanda. The older girl pulls her gaze away from the current life of the party to regard Natasha with a drunken smile.
“What’s up, Nat?” Wanda drawls, sprawling forward a little too close for comfort. Natasha cringes at her beer-tinted breath. Wanda murmurs softly, “Hey, you got a lil somethin’ in your eye. Looks like a little cloud… Oh, that’s just the light. Silly me, silly–”
“Wanda, I’m gonna head back now. Don’t worry about me,” Natasha says, slightly impatiently but affectionate nonetheless, patting Wanda’s head.
“Awh, okay,” Wanda responds drunkenly, breaking off into a little giggle as Natasha gets up. “Hey, Nat?”
“Don’t fall for the player, yeah?” Wanda asks with an innocent smile, but her eyes are reminiscent of a ghost doing its last haunting. Then Wanda’s gone, gone with the wind, her attention lost to the exhilarating game of truth and dare.
There’s a moment of quiet in Natasha’s mind, save for the explicit Nicki Minaj song playing in the background with lyrics that would make a stripper blush.
She had heard that simple statement all too many times. Almost like she was meant to hear it. Like it was a premonition, a foreshadowing.
With the odd feeling of being defenceless, Natasha makes a beeline for the door. She’s had enough of silly conservations and awful thoughts; conversations that encircled around the subject of The Player, and awful thoughts of hers that always ended up being about you.
However, a shining bottle of cheap alcohol catches Natasha’s attention from the makeshift bartending station, essentially a kitchen counter. “Wouldn’t hurt, I guess,” she mutters under her breath, reaching out to grab a bottle for herself.
“Ah, that beer’s shite. The good one’s in the cupboard.”
Embarrassingly startled by the familiar smooth voice that greets her, Natasha jumps in her own skin. You again, she thinks with such indignation. What kind of sheer audacity did you have to approach her, after you were making out with another girl just the other day–
All coherent thoughts left Natasha’s mind when her eyes rake over your short-sleeve compression shirt that clung to your abdomen and arms like a vacuum-sealed package. Paired with grey sweats, it was such a beguiling mixture of taut muscles and casual wear that had Natasha growing hotter under her skin.
“I guess it’s alright for me to assume I’ve chosen the right attire for today,” you say, folding your arms in a little bit of satisfaction. That has Natasha staring at the black tattoos that decorate your thick forearms, and she’s half-crazed by the alluring sight.
Perhaps you’re showing off a little more than you normally would, but the girl standing before you was one that had invaded your mind for days on end, which was entirely uncharacteristic of your constantly horny brain.
“Can I ask you a question?” Natasha asks snarkily, returning your confidence with her very own crossed arms. Your eyes don’t miss the way her awfully kissable lips form the words on her tongue, and you certainly don’t miss the way her crossed arms push up her cleavage.
You lick your lips imperceptibly, and you notice the way Natasha’s eyes follow the movement with a hawk-like gaze. “Go ahead, sweetheart,” you respond easily, taking a single step closer to the object of your desires.
Natasha scoffs at the pet name, but you can see your close proximity subverts her composure in the slightest. Unable to keep your hands to yourself, you reach out to place your hands on her altar-like hips. She bristles under your touch, but she doesn’t move.
“Why’re you so fucking arrogant?” Natasha finally asks, hating how breathless she sounds, struggling to keep cool as your ring-adorned hands thumb the material of her short dress. You’ve got her entrapped between the kitchen counter and your sinfully sculpted body, with no way of escape. (Not like Natasha was looking for one.)
“Brat.” The dry laugh that sounds from your throat has Natasha’s heart pounding, a choked sound of pleasure caught in the back of her throat. Your big hands have moved to her sides, cradling her waist tenderly but withholding power, as if you’re ready to dig your fingertips into her soft skin at any given moment.
She thinks it’s unfair, the way your eyes are damn near psychedelic. They’re screens of mercury, smouldering and smoking with the way it trails over her body. If you’re a spark of fire, Natasha is a pool of gasoline that feeds your will.
Hot lips slant against Natasha’s ear lobe, taking it between your teeth as she shudders. Natasha’s breathy release of air as she fights to keep silent has you tugging on her earlobe with pure want.
“Can I ask you a question?” you ask, your voice a touch lower than it had been before, your hands tightening its grip on her deadly hips, the metal of your rings cool against her hot skin.
The overwhelming sensation of your big hands, hot lips and sharp teeth is enough to have Natasha’s eyes fluttering shut. She almost loses control of herself, almost lets herself fall victim to your hypnotic touch — But then you pull away, and a desperate little whine nearly falls from Natasha’s lips.
The cheerleader swallows as she stares at your crafted face, your eyes darkened with something far deeper than want, your lips tugged upwards into a devilish smirk.
“My room or yours?”
Natasha would like to say that the rest was a blur, and her alcohol-tainted memories got lost in translation — but it was a shameful and unequivocal statement that she had been entirely sober, and yet recalled every single detail of that night to vivid precision.
Natasha remembers you pressing her up against your door, a fervent urgency of lust unlocked within the confines of your dorm.
“So fucking desperate,” you grunt, hips knocking into Natasha’s front as you pin her against the door, lithe legs wrapped around your muscled torso.
“Shut the fuck up,” she spits, throwing her head back as your sharp teeth sink into the softness of her porcelain neck. The edge of your canines are hard and unforgiving, just how Natasha likes it, just how you scatter dark hickeys across her pale skin.
You smirk at her brattiness, finding it an exceptionally arousing trait of hers. “Pretty girl, you’re not the one in charge,” you tease, with your words and with your hands, dragging your fingertips up and under her short dress.
Natasha remembers her fingers twisting into your hair as you play her like a fiddle, teasing and edging and so blatantly talented like a prodigal concertmaster.
She whines as the cool metal of your rings nudges her nipples, her sensitivity skyrocketing with the shock. “More,” she tries to demand, but it ends up sounding like a helpless whimper and your hands move with such purpose.
You don’t help her cause by taking a hardened bud between two fingers and tugging, cries and whimpers following your fingers. Heaven is the way her breasts look all marked up by your mouth, hardened nipples and raw skin dancing in your vision.
Natasha’s nails dig into your hardened abdomen, scraping at your every muscle for all it was worth. It was something about you, something about the look in your eye, something about the way you commandeered her body with such precision and control like it was meant to be.
Natasha remembers her complete relinquishment of power, giving herself up for you, with a sick urge to be fucked within an inch of her life and then some.
Your right hand slides across her damp inner thigh to brush at her demesnes, and the sheer wetness that awaits your fingers makes you growl against her skin. “So fucking wet,” you grunt, peeling apart the thin material of her panties that cling to her sodden pussy with strings of slick.
Natasha wails, face completely flushed and so utterly gorgeous, and you can’t help but meet her lips with clashing tongue and teeth. She moans as your pierced tongue explores her mouth, and you drink up her cries of pleasure.
“Wanna fuck you silly,” you pant against her ear, fingers tracing the outline of her pretty pussy, dragging arousal along with it. Your knee keeps her legs spread nicely apart for the taking, and the vulnerability you bring out of Natasha is perhaps also the hottest thing.
Humiliation is the way Natasha agrees so quickly, nodding dumbly in acquiescence, thinking it would be nice to feel her brain melt to mush with your thick fingers and prodding tongue.
Natasha remembers the earth-shattering pleasure that wracks her body, as you divulge in providing, by leaps and bounds, the best sex she’s ever had.
Three fingers slide in and out of her dripping cunt at a phenomenal pace, and Natasha’s panting like a dog, tight velvet walls clenching around the thickness of your fingers for all it’s worth.
Finger-fucking her against the door like a heaven-descent, you bask in Natasha’s cries of pleasure. It’s never been like this, never been this heated. With Natasha, you felt like you were ascending.
“You’re gonna make a mess on the fucking floor,” you bite, a low gasp caught in the back of your throat. Natasha’s head lolls to the side, high-pitched whimpers making themselves known as she drips down your wrist and her thighs.
Natasha remembers the unravelling, the way her body seizes up out of its own accord, electricity erupting behind her half-lidded eyes.
Your hands dig into the plush of her thighs as you bring Natasha to a stupendous climax. Your fingers curl harshly, hitting her sweet spot and drawing out obscene noises from her.
“Fuck–” Natasha chokes out, high-pitched and breathy and absolutely delightful. Her hips jerk in your hands as your fingers move inside her.
“Another,” you grunt, not a request, and before Natasha can get ahold of her senses your fingers are thrusting again. She wails as your wrist jackhammers into her wet cunt, slick sounds echoing around the four walls of your room.
The second orgasm arrives even more harshly than the first, and Natasha clings onto the broad muscles of your back as you pin her against the door, toes curling and eyes squeezing shut.
She thinks she could find solace in the way your arms entrap her in a certain type of warmth, almost as if you don’t want to let her go.
But that would just be a hopeless fantasy, wouldn’t it?
Natasha remembers waking up the next morning to an empty bed.
The morning air is too cold on her bare skin. Your side of the bed isn’t even warm anymore. You must’ve left ages ago, in the dark of the night, and that thought in itself has Natasha choking on emotions she’d rather not feel.
Her clothes are still strewn on the floor and the furniture is a mess, a mockery of how far she’d let you go last night, driven by an inescapable high.
This is the game you play. Toying with girls' hearts like it was child’s play, making them feel like they were one in a million for one night only. All that alluring charisma was ugly and falsified, viewed through rose-tinted glasses.
This is the game you play, and Natasha Romanoff had fallen victim to it.
Don’t fall for the player.
Now, it was just another warning sign that she’d overlooked, and she was just like those other girls, stumbling into your open arms and cocky smirk.
Vehement fury slugs inside the cheerleader, as she forcefully picks up her strewn clothes.
Then she looks around the dorm room, your room, and time stills for a moment.
She’d expected it to be somewhat furnished, like all other dorm rooms were, maybe a cactus in the corner or a poster of a rockstar. Instead, your walls are blank and there isn’t a trophy or an award in sight.
You’re the captain of the football team, above average in academics, yet there isn’t a trace of the mark you’ve left as a student at Avengers Institution. There isn’t a trace that you’re a living, breathing human, with emotions that craft your very humanity.
Scarily enough, she feels like she’s laid in the bed of a complete stranger.
And suddenly, Natasha understands.
Don’t fall for the player.
Suddenly, everything feels a little too real, and Natasha comprehends that the statement holds far more depth than what your reputation suggested.
You were just fucking scared.
Scared of commitment, scared of growing attached, scared of being abandoned. You feared getting your heart broken, and thus you feared the longevity of relationships that involved love and romance.
As Natasha picks up her strewn clothes from the floor, with aching limbs and dishevelled hair, only one statement rings in her mind.
Don’t fall for the player.
“Maybe I will,” Natasha whispers to the ghost of your handsome, misunderstood self in the room. “But haven’t you heard I always get what I want?”
You couldn’t fall asleep.
You watch the empty sky as you sit on the empty rooftop of the school at four in the morning, a cigarette hanging limp between your lips. There’s an underlying anger bubbling beneath your skin, an itch that you can’t find, simply stewing there to your frustration.
Romance was bullshit.
It was plainly obvious from the way girls approached you. Flirty eyes and feather-light touches meant only one thing. And they were all so pretty, so who were you to complain, right?
All those girls always ended up in your dorm bed, sweaty and short of breath. Your heart would pound, and your mind would go wild with endless possibilities of what could happen if they just stayed.
“You can stay if you want,” you muttered off-handedly to one of your first few hookups in college. The look that the girl returned was so unimpressed that you never asked that question again.
But it was okay, because sex was something that you were good at, and those girls had their fun. It was okay, even if there was something missing. It was okay that your reputation preceded your identity. Even if those expectations spiralled far beyond your control.
With every passing girl you brought to bed, the gnawing hole in your chest only grew bigger. You craved something that you couldn’t obtain. Even if your heart was crawling out of its ribcage every time a girl breathed your name, every time she laid a hand on your chest.
Last night, Natasha Romanoff took that gaping hole in your chest and ripped it right open.
“Please, Y/N,” Natasha had whined, and there was reverent devotion in the way you held her hips, in the way you pulled her close.
“Stay,” you had wanted to whisper, so badly, so many times, but her hands were streaking red marks down your back and her body was shuddering under yours.
So you kept your forbidden mouth shut and continued to do what you did best. All the ‘what-ifs’ were just hopeless dreams. You couldn’t stay, you couldn’t commit. You weren’t allowed to, not after the expectations that had been set for you.
Romance was bullshit, after all.
“You seem troubled,” a female voice announces from behind you, but you don’t bother to turn back. Taking your silence as consent, the girl sits next to you.
“Give me a light,” the girl says, leaning closer to you, and only then do you turn to look her over. Blonde girl, 5’8, blue eyes. Freshman.
“Sharon Carter, right?” you ask indifferently, and the girl lets out a bemused huff as she makes her comfortable next to you.
“Wow, so you do know every girl in this school,” Sharon comments, and there’s a teasing lilt in her voice that hints at how this is going to end up.
You pull out a cigarette, passing it over to the blonde girl, noting how her fingertips brush over yours for a second too long. “Maybe I do,” you respond with false cockiness, the smirk overtaking your face almost unconsciously.
This is the right thing to do, you convince yourself, as Sharon’s hand creeps to your thigh. One girl after the other. You couldn’t get attached.
“Impressive. Put away your light. It’s healthier to destress in another way,” Sharon whispers, tossing her cigarette to the rough concrete.
What a waste, you think, but then the same could be said about a lot of other things in your life.
For a fraction of a second, you contemplate your existence. You wonder why you’ve ended up this way. What you’ve done to deserve girls throwing themselves at you when you began to despise all of them.
When Sharon brings her lips closer to yours, and you find yourself meeting her halfway, because you’ve done it so many times.
There’s this tugging of your heart that almost feels like guilt, but you shove it down and drag your tongue between a set of lips. All too easily, your hands draw patterns across her chest and her thighs, a mastered craft that came mechanically.
Even if it is the right thing to do, it doesn’t feel right.
Your head is swimming with unbearable thoughts of Natasha Romanoff, and you try to erase her on the tongue of another girl who could never compare.
It doesn’t feel right, but it’s the easy way out, and it’s what’s expected of you.
Always has been.
“Fuck, Y/N—” is the first thing Natasha hears when she meanders into the bathroom the morning after.
She had wanted to get an early start on the new morning, but alas, fate had it out for her.
For a while, Natasha is surprised that she isn’t surprised. You’ve got a pretty blonde girl on the bathroom counter, one hand up her skirt and the other twisted in her hair.
The girl throws her head back in a bout of pleasure, and Natasha’s thinking that maybe she looks a little familiar. It’s her cheekbones, strung high like a haughty prick. “Daddy’s money always gets what you want, hm?” rings in her head.
A spark of fire burns any ounce of indifference Natasha has to ashes. Sharon Fucking Carter.
Sharon’s painted nails were digging into the expanse of your shoulder blades, and it looked downright painful. Your dexterous fingers were plunging into her sodden cunt, rendering her barely coherent.
It all looks so wrong, and Natasha wants to crawl out of her skin before the jealousy eats her alive.
“Fucking hypocrite, aren’t you?” Natasha spits venomously, hands clenched into fists of fury, making her presence known.
When Sharon jumps away from you like she’s been burned, Natasha can’t help but let evil glee surge through her stomach. Serves you right, she thinks, staring at your dishevelled hair that somehow only made you look more handsome.
It’s different, this time, with your eyes darting as if you were unsure of yourself. (Astonishing, considering your mean streak of being cold as ice.) There’s resentment in the way your face sets, and a type of hurt that causes Natasha to falter.
“Daddy’s little bitch,” Sharon scoffs, fixing her skirt with no attempt to hide her disdain. “Why don’t you fuck off, huh?”
Natasha scoffs, eyes widening in fractional aggression. “I-”
“You should go, Carter,” you say monotonously, almost defeated but wavering on the edge of frustration.
The blonde girl whips her head around to stare at you with incredulousness written in her wide eyes. She lets out a dry laugh of betrayal. “Fuck, look at the two of you. Match made in hell.”
The bathroom door slams shut with a piercing thud. Both you and Natasha don’t flinch.
“You didn’t have to call Sharon a hypocrite,” you mumble, flicking your head back to look in the mirror.
There’s something off about you that no one else has ever had the privilege of seeing. It makes Natasha’s heart soar and her blood boil simultaneously.
“She wasn’t the one I was calling a hypocrite.”
A moment passes between the two of you where you flick an invisible switch.
“I’m the hypocrite, Romanoff?” you ask, evidently provoked. A crazed look in your eyes draws Natasha’s attention, because you’re putting on a false facade all over again.
“Am I the hypocrite for fucking another girl? It’s all I do, isn’t it? That’s what I’m known for. You don’t get to be so butthurt because you were just a one-night.”
A sickly sourness lines your mouth as you spew words that aren’t true, because your heart was fighting every battle to get to Natasha Romanoff.
“What you’re failing to realise,” Natasha begins stately. “Is that this isn’t about me. Fuck it if I’m just another girl on your ever-growing fuck list. Because maybe I am. But you’re lying to yourself if you think you’re happy.”
“Oh, so now you’re determining my emotions for me,” you retort with as much snark as you can muster. “You weren’t acting this high and mighty last night in my bed.”
“Quit the act,” Natasha scoffs, then letting a bittersweet smile cross her face. “You’re hiding behind weak retorts because you’re scared. Scared of being alone. But you don’t have to be anymore.”
Lost, your hands twitch, and you allow yourself to believe that maybe Natasha is your salvation. Defense mechanisms kick in, but you know you’re fighting a losing battle.
“Sorry to disappoint, Romanoff, but don’t try to play therapist. I’m not some kind of victim you’re going to diagnose,” you sneer. “I’m free to do whatever the fuck I want without your judgment.”
“Free?” Natasha asks, an incredulous look in her eyes. She laughs in mockery with an unwavering gaze. “You’re not free. You can’t go a day without fucking a girl. You’re a prisoner, and you’re shackled by your own desires and wants. Except this time, that luxury has become an addictive coping mechanism.”
Dark eyes flash with a glimmer of danger, and you’re so much like a trapped animal gone hostile that Natasha’s heart breaks a little.
“You’re wrong,” you answer, but your hands are shaking so violently that you hardly seem like the person she once thought you were.
Where complete equilibrium once was, a desperate frenzy of unease is what exudes from you now. Natasha feels a twinge in her heart when you whisper “You’re wrong,” again, this time substantially more quiet and resigned.
“Prove it, then,” Natasha challenges, bringing a hand up to cup the side of your face. Her eyes search yours so desperately, and you’ve stripped naked in front of a hundred girls, but you’ve never felt more vulnerable. “Prove that you’re more than whatever they say about you.”
With the strange urge of tears pricking at your eyes, you stare at Natasha with all the hopelessness any broken heart could muster, and for a moment you can see the doubt in her eyes. Like you’ve disappointed her, just like all the girls who’s hearts you’ve broken.
But when you first kissed Natasha Romanoff, it was never going to be just another one-night, was it?
With the final semblance of humanity in your burden-stricken mortality, you drag a shaky thumb along Natasha’s cheekbones like it’s the most delicate thing in the world, and the deeply-rooted self-loathing inside you fades away, just a little bit.
Your parted lips meet Natasha’s in a prologue to an unfinished symphony. You delve in like she’s your last lifeline, and maybe Natasha is, from the way she rests her fingers on your hips with a gentleness you’ve never experienced.
A carnal urge washes over you, because this time you’re not afraid to admit that you want Natasha Romanoff. You spread your hands, feeling up as much of her as you can, running it down her back then squeezing at her rounded ass—
And then Natasha’s pulling away, and only then do you hear the cluster of footsteps approaching the washroom.
“Tonight,” she whispers with a hint of smirk. Natasha goes on her tippy-toes to press a kiss on the tip of your nose, and then she’s gone.
You stand there with wide eyes, in the washroom where students filter in, lingering with the ghost of Natasha Romanoff’s lips and a piece of your heart melted onto the floor.
You were positive you were going to start ripping off your skin if you didn’t start fucking Natasha Romanoff in this exact moment.
But that would be a bad idea, because you were in the middle of a psychology lecture, and Professor Harkness probably wouldn’t appreciate that.
After a torturous hour of you shifting in your seat, you sprint out the lecture hall. Thanking the heavens that it was your last lesson of the day, you dodge and weave through the crowd of students in the hallway.
“Hey, Y/N,” A small group of sophomore girls call out, checking you out like a piece of meat. Normally, their flirtatious winks and little skirts would have you folded in an instant, but you couldn’t wait a moment longer.
You send them a polite smile and continue on your hasteful journey, missing the comical way their faces fall.
Upon your dutiful research, you knew where Natasha’s dorm was located, but you planned to stop by your own dorm to pick up a little something. (Okay, maybe the something wasn’t that little.) You yank open your door with purpose—
Only to find Natasha already sprawled out on your dorm bed, dressed in one of your shirts and nothing else. You almost pass out. Almost.
“Nat,” you groan, locking the door behind you. “You’re gonna kill me.”
“Not before I come, I’m afraid,” Natasha sighs with a pleased smile. She beckons you over with a come-hither motion, spreading her legs in invitation.
You bite back an affected noise in the back of your throat, pushing Natasha back down on to the bed with fervour. With a crushing sense of urgency, you slide your hand between her pretty thighs, not waiting a single moment.
“Slow down,” Natasha instructs, tilting your head up to stare at her blown pupils. “Take your time. Don’t just fuck me. Do it like you mean it.”
Upon hearing those words, a rush of pride washes over you and then you’re so eager to please, desperate to somehow prove yourself.
Your fingers find the hem of her shirt and tug it over her head, revealing the bare mounds that are Natasha’s tits. A shaky exhale leaves your lips as your fingertips experimentally brush over her hardened buds.
“God, you’re built,” Natasha moans, running her hands over the edges and curves of your muscle. It’s tight and taut under her touch, so defined and carved.
You shudder under her explorative touch, returning your attention back to the beautiful girl in front of you.
You were so used to hot, fast, explosive sex that turning back time was such a jarring awakening of everything that you were missing out on.
It put things into perspective, that you had never actually made love. And since this was your first time, you were determined to do it right, especially for Natasha.
You trail open-mouthed kisses down her sternum and stomach, savouring the taste of her skin. Your hands grasp at her tits, enjoying the feel of it in your hands.
You’re experiencing things you never got to experience, like the rise and fall of Natasha’s pale chest, the way her eyelids flutter gently.
Temporarily avoiding where she needed you most, you hear Natasha let out a whine. You tease her hole with your tongue, smearing her slick messily.
“Fuck,” Natasha curses, winding her fingers into your hair. “Please, I need it,” she whines, as you lick at her clit.
“M’kay, baby,” you mumble against her wet folds, because you could never deny Natasha of anything, could you?
You slide your tongue in her twitching pussy, and begin one of the most passionate love-making sessions
You listen out for when Natasha hitches her breath, when her hips stutter, when she mewls out. You learn the instrument of her body, understand and test out the different reactions you can draw out.
After minutes of what seem like pure bliss with erratic breaths and pleading keening, you speed up and the reaction is immaculate.
“Y/N,” Natasha cries, as your tongue goes in and out of her dripping cunt. Her slick goes down her thighs and your chin, making the most obscene noises.
It’s wet and squelching, and you proceed to devour Natasha’s pussy for everything it’s worth.
For a millisecond, Natasha wonders if anyone has ever died from being eaten out too passionately. Erotic Oral Overdrive, maybe.
Her first orgasm comes in a gradual crescendo, her hips rocking in waves as you dutifully match her unwinding.
Natasha lets her eyes flutter shut as the moment overwhelms her senses. Until the silence is finally broken by you.
“Got a little something for you,” you say with a quirked brow, sliding your hand into the bedside cabinet to retrieve that little something.
“Oh, fuck,” Natasha whines, upon seeing the biggest strap-on toy she’s ever had her eyes upon in her life.
You ease in the cock with no amount of trouble, through Natasha’s already slick cunt. You start with a gentle pace, because you’re trying to be slow.
Apparently, Natasha has different plans this time around.
“Harder,” Natasha growls, digging her nails into your muscled back. You let out a low gasp, because you’re already so deep inside her divine pussy, and you didn’t think you could go any deeper.
Gripping her thighs and spreading it as far apart as you can, you thrust impossibly deeper and your hips slap against Natasha’s.
Her eyes roll back, and she arches off the bed as you continue to thrust and make a nest for yourself inside her.
“Y/N, ungh– please, fuck—” Curled toes wrap around your back as she writhes against the bed.
With the way your cock bulges against her skin, you’re quite sure you could actually split Natasha in half. She’s clawing at your back, calling out your name to the ceiling.
When you pull out, Natasha whines, velvet walls clenching tighter around to keep you deep inside. But then you thrust all the way in again and a scream rings around your dorm room.
You don’t give a flying fuck about the noise level as you pound into Natasha, splitting open her pretty little pussy. “So fucking tight and wet,” you moan into her ear. “All for me, baby?”
It’s fucking possesive, the way you manhandle her to look at her rolled-back eyes and slack jaw.
“Mhm– yes! Oh God, yes, please, Y/N!” Natasha shrieks, clenching so tight you swear you can feel her wet pulse through the huge strap-on.
But it isn’t just any strap-on, and Natasha realises this with a breathy gasp, because it’s a squirting strap-on, and then you’re unloading into her ruined cunt with a deep growl.
Natasha wails, legs in the air, as you pump your seed into her pussy. It’s thick and flows out in pumps, and she milks your cock dry.
“Good girl, Nat,” you breathe, rocking in slow motions so she can recover from her high.
Finally, you collapse on top of Natasha as she lets out a breathy laugh. “What happened to not fucking the same girl twice?”
“You’re infuriating,” you grunt, rolling your hips once in retaliation. You delight the small victory of Natasha whimpering under you.
Natasha rolls her eyes at your impertinence, leaning up to press a small kiss on your forehead. “Infuriating? More like irresistible.”
It’s your turn to laugh, grasping her hips and pulling her impossibly closer. “You’re right,” you whisper truthfully. You think you could stay like this forever.
“Stay if you dare,” Natasha whispers, letting her hand trace over the curvature of your angled face. As you lay above her, you turn your head so that your lips brush against her palm.
Your warm lips are so delicate that Natasha could almost weep, and that’s all the response she needs before breathing a gentle sigh, hence letting sleep drift her consciousness away.
For the first night amongst many, a quiet calm settles in your dorm room ‘til the sun rises again.
Don’t fall for the player.
Once upon a time, that used to be a warning, circulating within the hallways of Avengers Institution, whispered under hushed breaths and divine lips.
Tried and true, was the rumour that every single girl in this school would eventually fall victim to The Player’s effortless charisma and unstoppable magnetism.
And this might be true, because whenever you strolled the hallways or scored a touchdown, you were bound to have admirers cheering your name or flirty winks thrown in your way — However, there was a catalyst. A change, if you would.
Boys looked on in jealousy, girls looked on in intrigue. (Or maybe jealousy, too.) What used to be a smooth mouth and wandering hands became a delicate kind of control, saved for only one particular student.
Gone was your blatant charisma and swagger in treating other girls, because now there was only one on your mind — Natasha Romanoff. Be it in on the bleachers, in the hallways, or during dorm parties, never were you seen without the girl who always got what she wanted.
And that included the very subject of the mantra that defined Avengers Institution:
Don’t fall for the player.
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so... this was one full month of work. i've never been this dedicated to a singular project. wow. uh, please reblog. it's the only true way of supporting your little creators on this app, so help me out here. thanks for reading. out of curiosity, which part did you like the most?
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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d1xonss · 24 days
Daryl with a fem reader who’s love language is physical touch? Like whenever they’re cuddling she’s always burying her head into his side or neck. Or another one is acts of service so imagine when they first came to Alexandria she noticed Daryl was the only one in the group who still hasn’t bathed so she offered to do it for him.. he just sits in front of her in the bath while she cleans his hair and scrubs his body
Soap and Bubbles
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 5
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Fluff
✧ Word Count : 1.1k
AN ~ I’ve been slacking on requests big time:( But recently I got my wisdom teeth removed and the whole recovery has been kicking my ass, so sadly I just haven’t felt motivated to write anything new. Though I’m hoping this lil oneshot makes up for it and you guys don’t completely hate me lol.
Hope you enjoy! xoxox
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He was stubborn. You were persistent. It was like when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. But in the end it was almost painfully obvious who won those battles most of the time.
When the group first arrived to Alexandria; a safe haven that was gifted to you by the grace of God himself, it was no secret that Daryl was one of the first who didn’t trust it. He was constantly tense and on high alert most of the time, when in reality there was never any real danger to begin with. But his thoughts seemed to haunt him, not necessarily because he felt the constant need to protect himself, but because he felt the constant need to protect you.
You were the most precious thing to him, like a delicate flower that he was constantly worried about squishing under his boot if he wasn’t too careful. And just the thought of you being in this unknown place that none of you really knew, it was safe to say it took him a while to even sleep. And it took him even longer to feel comfortable enough to bathe.
After the first few days of getting comfortable in the new community, you couldn’t help but notice that Daryl was the only one who hadn’t taken advantage of the luxury that was given. He hadn’t slept on one of the actual beds, he hadn’t even eaten any of the food that was stocked to the brim in each of the houses. The man just continuously hunted for his own food nearly every single day instead, working for it as if he felt like he had to. And he was one of the last people to use the nice new bathroom that everyone else had been hogging.
It was hard seeing him like this, knowing without even having to ask that he was slightly uncomfortable here. In the end when the place didn’t seem that dangerous, you knew he only really stayed so you had a roof over your head, and that was it. He always seemed to put you first before anything else and it never failed to melt your heart in the best way. But at the same time, you wanted to help him. You wanted to ease him into everything so he could learn to eventually call this place home.
Which is why you ever so slowly tried to coax him into taking a bath. Like a dog who was afraid of water.
“Nah.” was his original answer when you first asked him, that stubbornness really shining through as he put his foot down at the idea. Knowing that he didn’t feel safe enough to be so vulnerable.
But then you offered to help him, and that seemed to change the game as his interest piqued.
So after just a little more convincing, you finally got him into the tub filled with warm water, even adding some bubbles just to make it a little more enjoyable. And although he scoffed at the sight, he clearly wasn’t complaining as he practically melted into the warm water.
You sat yourself behind him as you ran your fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp as you cleaned it with a fresh shampoo. His eyes fluttered closed at your softness when touching him, even letting out a satisfied groan or grunt here and there just to let you know how much he was enjoying it. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself every time he did so, dragging the process out just a little bit longer upon seeing how relaxed he was.
Your nails gently scratched his scalp every once and a while which you knew he thoroughly enjoyed, loving the soothing feeling you provided as he slowly came to the conclusion that maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. His muscles twitched as you rinsed the bubbles out of his hair, feeling the warmth running down his back.
A smile stretched across your lips as you looked down at him, “Feel good?”
He nodded slowly as he let out a long and satisfied sigh, keeping his eyes closed as he was certain he could fall asleep within seconds. “Thank you.” he muttered.
Your face softened at his gratitude, “You’re welcome.” your sweet voice spoke, leaning down to place a kiss on top of his head.
He smiled to himself when he felt the touch of your lips, relaxing even more as you continued on for however long you wished. He wasn’t complaining, nor was he going to stop you anytime soon.
You then ran some conditioner through his hair, being able to run your fingers through the full length of it smoothly as you removed all the tangles. It smelled like heaven and it made his hair feel nearly brand new after not having it clean and fresh in so long. You then took your time washing his body, which to him was his favorite part of this whole thing. Your hands worked delicately, watching the soap run down his arms and chest as the remaining dirt just melted off his body.
A few more cuts were now more prominent on his skin as you continued to wash him, making some kind of mental note to help him clean those when he got out of the porcelain bowl. With being on the road for so long you had no idea how long they had been there, now being thankful you had everything you needed to fix him up. Seeing him constantly putting you before him in every single scenario, you wanted to do the same for him whenever you could. Though he was thick headed and usually refused, he did occasionally like being showered with affection like this.
Once you were done and the water was now a bit colder, you opened your mouth to tell him that he should probably get out. But you stopped yourself upon seeing the look on his face, seeing him finally looking content for the first time in months. You figured a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt as you began to drag your nails through his hair again.
“I love you.”
It was so soft you almost didn’t catch it. But the second his words met your ears you couldn’t help but freeze. He had never said that to you before.
Though you knew he always loved you, showing it in the little ways he knew how, you knew he felt a deep love for you that he couldn’t even describe. His actions speaking much louder volumes than words ever could. But now hearing him admit it out loud, you could feel a warmth spreading through your chest as you smiled, continuing to run your fingers through his hair as if to pretend it didn’t affect you as much as it did.
“I love you too.”
~ Thanks for reading!
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weneeya · 3 months
Hear me outttttttttt
the Gojo scene with Hanami.. but imagine him being that unhinged and pissed because someone touched you.. like 🥴 Please bless us with your work with this!! I’m begging
overprotective w/ gojo m.list | rules
note. ur brain 🤝 my brain I've literally thought about this a thousand times omg thank u for requesting this
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You were supposed to be alone on this mission. Everyone had faith in you and they were right to think that way: you were a strong sorcerer. But Satoru had a bad feeling about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in you, in fact he was probably the one who believed in you the most ; but something was off and he couldn’t find what. 
He couldn’t just follow you there, because he knew it would hurt you. You were an overthinker and he didn’t want to put this weight on your mind. So he simply waited for you to come back to Jujutsu Tech, still worried that something could go wrong. 
The first thing that got him out of his mind was his phone ringing. When he saw your name, his heart skipped a beat. It was unusual from you to call him in the middle of a mission, especially as hard as this one. He didn’t hesitate before he picked up the phone. When he heard your trembling voice asking for help, the world stopped around him. Nothing else mattered or even existed right now, except you. 
He had never been this fast in his entire life before. He knew where you were for the mission, so he didn’t have to ask anyone else to come with him. He didn’t need anyone actually, because he was going to destroy the thing that touched you all by himself. 
When he finally arrived where you were, he really thought about going crazy. You were almost on the floor, as way too much blood was leaving your body. You were so pale, he could tell that you were just about to pass out. He reached your height in a second, carrying you to put you on the floor behind him, where you would be safe. He left a kiss on your forehead, sounding way too calm for it to be normal. 
“It’s okay, my love. Stay awake, it’s gonna be quick.” he sounded so soft to your ears, as you closed your eyes and finally breathed again. Everything was going to be fine now that he was here, you knew it. 
When Satoru stood up again, facing the creature that did that to you, a smile appeared on his lips. The last time he felt this angry, he was completely out of control. The only thing that was able to calm him down was when he was sure that his opponent had suffered twice more than what he had done. And this one, it hurted you ; so it needed to suffer even more. His piercing blue eyes were looking at the curse who soon rushed on the exorcist. 
Or at least it tried to. The curse was quickly stopped in his movement, not able to move at all. As it started to panic, trying to fight back, Satoru kind of appeared in front of it. His psycho smile was even more terrifying than before as he slowly tilted his head to the side. 
“Now, we can play,” was the last thing you heard before losing consciousness. The sight of Satoru being feral like this worried you a little, because you knew the man was unstoppable when he was like this. But at the same time, you knew that the mission was going to be handled just right. There was nothing to worry about anymore.
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OMG FERAL GOJO he's really driving me crazy I don't even have the words anymore with this man
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ferrstappen · 1 year
aren't we supposed to surprise you? l Charles Leclerc blurb
pairing: dad!Charles Leclerc x female reader.
you can find more of my version of dad Charles' here <3
summary: you somehow manage to overshadow Charles and Jo's gift.
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Charles was an anxious man. Even more so since Josephine was born two years ago.
Yes, people laughed at him but he didn't care, he was going to sprint towards his daughter every time she took a wrong step and fell down, or his system would shut down whenever her lower lip trembled. Charles could communicate with his daughter through her eyes, they told him everything he needed to know in the meantime before she learned how to properly express herself.
They were an unstoppable duo, everybody knew that, but Charles was aware the reason both him and Jo could feel at ease and safe was you, and maybe he didn't remind you enough of that.
His mother and younger brother accompanied him to the various shops around Monaco, Pascale having to fight Charles to let her carry the stroll on the street, Arthur shaking his head at Charles' antics, playfully pitying his niece.
"I am going to make sure to take her to the worst tattoo parlors and pubs when she's older and then I'm showing you the images so you can die of a heart attack," Arthur teased his brother, earning a glare from Charles while being chastised by his mother, but the youngest Leclerc saw a smile on his mom's face.
Arthur winked at his niece and she giggled. Lorenzo had no chance of ever being the favorite uncle.
They entered different shops, not wanting to go for the typical jewelry and overly expensive designer clothing and accessories. No, Charles wanted to give you something you'd truly appreciate, something for you to relax and show yourself some love and distraction. Now it was turn for Arthur to carry Josephine while teasing his brother for being a simp.
A couple of books he thought you'd enjoy, different colored bath bombs, luxurious soaps and candles were some of the goods you were going to receive for Mother's Day.
Dad and baby Leclerc arrived got home greeted by the smell of coffee and some kind of pastry. It smelled like Charles' dream life; his life.
You smiled at Charles and gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking Josephine from his arms, your daughter babbling about papa and maman.
It was past midnight, Josephine sound asleep on her room after both you and Charles read her a short book in Italian, trying to accustom her to the language, all while you marveled at how Charles did the different voices and intonations.
Now it was just you and him in bed, his naked chest against your own skin, while his familiar hand found its place on your thigh, drawing shapeless figures, enjoying the peace of having you with him.
"I have to tell you something," You made sure to not make eye contact with Charles, hiding your face against his neck.
Charles chuckled with your reaction, "What is it and why are you hiding, bebé?" He tried to get you to face him.
"I know this wasn't planned or anything," you began talking but know Charles felt tears on his chest, it got him worried and helped you sit on the bed while assuring you whatever it was, you'd be able to find a solution.
"Babe, I'm two months pregnant," you announced and Charles placed his hand on his mouth in astonishment.
"No, in Bahrein?" Charles blurted out and a smile appeared on your face, of course that would be his first reaction as his brain processed the news.
You didn't know what you were expecting, maybe it was a problem because Josephine was still too young, maybe Charles didn't want another baby, you never really discussed it after Jo was born, but even in the dark his glossy green eyes were shining as his hand found its known place on your neck, his thumb softly caressing your cheek before lovingly kissing you.
those one of a kind kisses, the ones that were special and held so many emotions. neither of you could hide the smile appearing, only smiling at each other, Charles still caressing your cheek.
but suddenly he dropped his hand to your thigh, an unreadable expression on his face.
"But it's mother day and you're surprising me? No, I have this whole thing planned!" Charles protested and this made your eyes tear up, now it was your time to find his lips.
God, maybe it was time for a boy to mimic his dad.
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amomentsescape · 4 months
Eldritch monster anon here! So to answer your question, yep that image you shared is what I have in mind ^^
Slashers with Reader Who's Secretly an Eldritch Horror
Slashers x Reader
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, Bo, & Lester
A/N: I'm not super confident I wrote Reader correctly, and I didn't go into too much depth about what they look like or everything they're capable of, so I hope you still like it! You can find the original request here.
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Freddy Krueger
He can't help but fantasize of the damage you two can cause when together
He sensed something was a little different about you from the beginning
But he didn't think it would be quite this drastic
What's funny though is that he thinks you don't know that he's found out about you
He's dead wrong
But it's kind of a game to you, and you're having fun with it
He's "secretly" caught you distorting the people and things around you
And he admires that fact since he does the same thing in his Dream World
You were hoping he'd catch on sooner
But oh well
It's just more fun that way
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Michael Myers
He somehow doesn't know already, and you kind of want to keep it that way
Michael has this thing with power
He knows he's unstoppable, chaotic, and deadly
And he likes it that way
If he ever found out about the things you're capable of...
It would not be good
Your partnership would go from providing to battling
He wants- needs to be the monster in the relationship
And although you have the upper hand on him, he would not go down without a fight
He knows there's a darkness brewing in you
He just doesn't know quite what it is
And let's hope it stays that way
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Jason Voorhees
He honestly learns about what you are pretty early on
He didn't really assume anything was off about you, but he was so open and sweet to you that you felt comfortable enough to tell him about everything
And knowing that he's not the most dangerous being around is somewhat... nice
He really admires your power and strength
And it feels good to be able to leave for a while and not worry that something will happen to you
You are more than capable of protecting yourself, and that lifts a huge weight off of Jason's shoulders
Perhaps he's too trusting, but he doesn't worry about you turning that dark power on him
You've only showed him genuine love and care, so he feels like he has nothing to worry about
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Thomas Hewitt
Perhaps he's being a little naive
The way you immediately ate his "dinner" without so much as a question
The sudden increase of people coming by the house and being captured
How you come out of the most dangerous areas unscathed
There is clearly something about you that isn't... normal
But it's not his place to question it
He loves you, and you love him
End of story
Even if he did start to question what's really going on, he wouldn't press the matter
He figures you'll open up to him whenever you're ready
And if that's never, then so be it
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Bubba Sawyer
He's just a sweet, naive man
You could literally show your true colors right in front of his eyes, and he'd still have no clue
But it doesn't really matter
He loves you for you no matter what you look like or what you're capable of
As long as you still care for him like this, you can do whatever you want
He will admit that his family has had a much easier time getting "food" than ever before
And those that do come by are really easy to capture since you've been with him
But those are just coincidences, surely
You're his sweet angel
He has to protect you
Little does he know that you really can handle yourself...
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Brahms Heelshire
He has found it a little odd that the food still arrives on time without so much as a word from Malcolm
And he hasn't seen a single soul since you began to staying with him
But he's very happy with all of this, so he doesn't question it
He can sense that you're a little... different than other people
But that's part of the reason he likes you so much in the first place
He only realizes the true extent to this theory when you somehow force him to bed without so much as a touch
He was completely flabbergasted at this, but he didn't dare question it
Safe to say that he has no intention on giving you a hard time again
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Norman Bates
He doesn't question a thing
If anything, you're his good luck charm since all of these good things started to happen when you showed up
The motel business is booming
Any issues he was dealing with seemed to disappear in plain sight
Everything seems to be going his way for once
Mother keeps telling him there's something off about you, but he ignores her
What does she mean?
You're his sweet and perfect partner
There's nothing else to it
You want to show him the truth at some point, but he just seems so happy right now
Maybe you'll tell him later
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Billy Loomis
Billy straight up demands for you to tell him what's going on
Unlike a lot of people, Billy follows his gut instinct
He's known something was up with since you two started seeing each other
His world was just too... perfect
And he swears that there's this dark aura that surrounds your head at all hours of the day
It's only after his latest kill went too well that he interrogates you
When you tell him, he asks you to prove it
The look on his face when you showed him just what you were was enough to send you into a fit of laughter
To be honest, Billy is a little bit scared of you now
Knowing that you're capable of literally taking him out of existence is intimidating to say the least
Best believe Billy is going to do his best not to get on your bad side
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Stu Macher
Stu is true golden retriever energy
Meaning, he is very sweet and loving towards you, but there's not much else going on inside that brain of his
He doesn't suspect a single thing with you
You are his perfect partner, and that's about it
Sure, his killings with Billy have been going super well, and he always comes out unscathed
Yeah, that person who shushed him in the movie theater was found completely mutilated the next day
What about it?
You wouldn't have anything to do with it
Stu just thinks that you are made out of 100% innocence
And you kind of like it that way
You'll tell him when you're ready
Until then, you just appreciate Stu treating you like a person and not some powerful God
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent has been finding himself with a new sense of inspiration for his wax art
He dreams of this ethereal yet terrifying being he has never seen before
He's told you about the dreams, and you always respond with a soft smile and a "that's interesting"
Vincent as no clue that you're the creature he's been seeing
And you must say, his art is pretty damn accurate
You didn't have any intentions on telling him the truth, at least not right away
But the way he sees this version of you as his muse makes you want to say something sooner
He's basically idolizing you, and he doesn't even know it
Not that he doesn't act this way with you normally
But how fun it could be to see his reaction once you tell him the truth
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Bo Sinclair
Maybe he suspects something is going on, but he doesn't say anything
Ignorance is bliss
And although he's usually one to demand what he wants to know, he doesn't quite feel comfortable doing that with you
There's something in those eyes of yours that tells him he may be better off not knowing
Plus, things for him and Ambrose have been going suspiciously well for him
He literally had some random man run up to him begging to become one of the wax figures
This is all just odd
And he knows you're hiding something by the way you smile at him
But everything is so perfect that he doesn't want to ruin it
So for now, let him be ignorant
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Lester Sinclair
He's never really been in a relationship as passionate as this one before
So you best believe any single thought or doubt that goes through his head is immediately thrown out
He loves you, and you're so nice to him
There's no way you could be hiding something from him, right?
I mean, it's a little odd how you seem to appear from thin air, and your hair never has a single strand out of place
There was something that feels... not real
But that's just crazy
He probably only feels that way because of how perfect he thinks you are
Until you explicitly stand before him in your true form, he's going to just ignore these thoughts
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purinfelix · 6 months
Hello! I love your writing 💕 can i request something fluff with gavi?
post-match routine ˙✧˖°
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pairing: gavi x reader (established relationship) summary: your plans for post-match cuddles with your boyfriend are interrupted when he debuts a new haircut at a game warnings: none - just fluff !! w/c: 988
a/n: thank you sm for the rq and kind words anon!! <33 i had an idea to write smth like this a while ago (when gavi first cut his hair lol) but i'm missing him a lot now so :"") here it is - consider it a love letter to his long and fluffy hair
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The jingle of keys echoing through your empty apartment alerted you of your boyfriend’s arrival home after a match. You craned your neck from your spot on the couch, where you had made yourself comfortable to doom scroll on your phone. Due to an overload of work you had had to miss this game, but had just been catching up on its events after finally muscling your way through your workload. The boys had won, of course, but there was something else that had caught your eye when looking through match highlights  - your boyfriend’s hair. 
You almost didn’t believe it when you saw the clips of him walking out from the locker room, seeing how short he had cut his hair almost sent you spiralling. Obviously, you would still love him nonetheless, but his fluffy hair had always been one of your favourite things about him. And now, it was just so short. And you may or may not have taken to your various social media platforms to express your disdain for it, which you may or may not have overexaggerated for the sake of humouring his fans. 
As you heard the door swing open though, you tossed your phone aside to focus your attention solely on the heaving mass that was your boyfriend as he staggered in. He really looked like hell, and you weren’t just talking about his new haircut, you would choose to bite your tongue on that for now. After an intense match, without having been subbed off once, he stood there sweaty, visibly aching with a pained expression. 
“Hello baby,” you coo smoothly, watching as the bags he was only just holding onto fell to the ground around him. Usually after long matches, espeically one’s you couldn’t attend, Gavi would come home and collapse into your arms. It was his way of ‘recharging’ before getting cleaned up. 
But today was different. He simply stood there, swaying side to side - although you were sure this was more a result of the unstoppable force of fatigue than any actual deliberate choice of his. There was one feature though that told you all you needed to know - a familiar pout spread across his face as he looked down at his own feet. 
“You really hate my hair that much?” His tone was quiet, his voice nothing more than a small, meagre ask. He must’ve seen your tweets, and your story, and maybe the few messages you had sent to him in the blind flurry that had followed first seeing his hair. You almost felt bad, hearing how guilty he sounded and it took everything within you not to give into your cuteness aggression and smother him right there and then. 
“No,” you let out a soft laugh, “I was only kidding,” 
“But, your tweets … and your stories …” he began, sounding so upset you couldn’t help but interrupt him. 
“It’s not my favourite of your looks, but I still love you, hm?” 
“Oh, thank god …” Gavi let out weakly, followed by a sigh of relief as if he had been waiting an eternity just to hear those words. Finally he managed to stagger over to where you were, albeit unsteadily, before collapsing onto you. 
You let out a soft exclamation at the feeling of your boyfriend’s entire body weight pressing down on you, a feeling you had come to not only find familiar but also a great deal of comfort in. He was sticky with sweat and his body radiated a heat you could only barely stand. But despite this he was still your boyfriend, your Gavi, and so you did the only thing you knew to do - wrap your arms around him and pull him closer. 
He let out a croak of thanks at this, shifting into a more comfortable position with his head turned to the side as he offered you a weak smile. 
“You played well today,” you mumble endearingly. 
“You say that every game,” he was quick to respond, even through the fatigue his attitude was strong. 
“Not my fault you play well every game,” you shot back even quicker, fingers coming up to delicately brush away the stray strands of hair stuck to his forehead. You let your fingers dance across his face, his cheeks, his eyebrows, each touch softer than the last. He only let out a hum in response, closing his eyes at the feeling he’d come to love far more than he’d ever admit. 
You two sit in silence for a while, and you had thought your boyfriend had drifted off to sleep on your chest as it would’ve been far from the first time he had. Rather though, he had just been listening in silence to your heartbeat, ear pressed to your chest, rising with each breath. Suddenly, the silence was broken by his soft voice coming once more. 
“Do you really think Pedri’s hair is nicer than mine?” You weren’t even looking but you could tell these words were coming from pouted lips. He must’ve been making reference to one of the throwaway tweets you had made about his haircut, because you could barely remember now. 
“Maybe,” you start, but as you watch his eyebrows furrow you’re quick to change your answer, accompanied by a laugh, “No, of course not.” 
At this, Gavi smiled, letting out a soft laugh of his own - music to your ears. He used what was left of his diminishing energy to take your hand, which up until now had been softly stroking his nape, and press it languidly to his lips. It was about as much affection as he could show in his tired state and you knew that all too well as you gazed down at him fondly. 
“You’ll be the death of me someday,” was the last thing he confessed, barely above a whisper but loud enough that you caught it, before drifting off to sleep.
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izurou · 1 year
“i mean i know ‘samu makes rice balls for a living now, but i’m sure he could do a wedding cake.”
rintarou has been in your ear for the past fifteen minutes, mumbling about whether or not osamu could pull off three whole tiers of cake while also making it taste good.
he really thinks it’s a no brainer, as if onigiri and wedding cake go hand in hand—if you know how to make one, surely the other is under your belt as well. he used to help his mom in the kitchen when he was a kid so, obviously he would know.
the only thing is—you’re not engaged, and you don’t plan to be anytime soon.
“rin, seriously?” you scoff, leaning back against the edge of the countertop.
you’re at his mom’s place for a little family dinner—something she loves to do every once in a while to catch up with her son. you’ve just finished your meal, and rintarou being the angel he is, offered to clean up—but not without your company, of course.
“what? it’d save us some money,” he says, diving a hand into the soapy water filling the sink.
“your grandma was just bugging us,” you hum—swirling the dark liquid in your glass around. “she knows we’re not ready for marriage.”
this was your very first time meeting her, and it’s safe to say you weren’t expecting such a loaded question mid meal. so, when are you two getting married? her words had the tips of rintarou’s ears turning pink, and made his sister howl like a dog, because the thought of someone liking her older brother enough to want to marry him was truly hilarious.
he kicked her shins under the table—a glimpse of the petty little boy you had always heard stories about. he did his best to get his grandmother off your backs as well, giving her a cliché answer—something along the lines of we’re both young, and just trying to focus on college right now.
he was in such a damn hurry to drop the subject—and now, he won’t shut up about it.
“okay, but,” he pauses, swiping a hand against the bottom of the sink to check for any stragglers. “he’s young and stupid now, there’s no way he knows how much a wedding cake costs. we can lowball him, get a good deal.”
“you think he’s that stupid?” you snort—having a little more faith in osamu than your boyfriend does.
“hope so,” he mutters, gesturing for you to toss him the hand towel sitting behind you. “he is related to atsumu, after all.”
“wow,” you gawk, “and you call yourself a friend.”
“i’m just looking out for us,” he shrugs, using the fabric to dry his hands. “bet ‘tsumu would do it for free if we asked right now.”
“he’s not going anywhere near our wedding cake,” you say, noting the way rintarou does a thorough wipe down of the counters—hm, so he does know how to clean. “not until it’s served on a plate for him to eat, at least.”
“good point,” he agrees, tossing his cloth over the tap and shuffling over to you. “but you have to admit, the guy’s pretty damn unstoppable when he puts his mind to something.”
“sure,” you hum, looping your arms around his neck and lacing your fingers together. “but you know rin, once you go pro, we won’t even have to worry about the cost of a wedding cake.”
“and if i don’t?” he asks—throwing the possibility out there. it’s something he’s thought about, but never voiced concern over.
“you will, trust me,” you say, pressing a kiss to his lips, soft and sweet—a promise of your word. “but if for some reason you don’t, we’ll beg the twins for a family and friends discount.”
“deal,” he laughs, pulling you flush against him for a hug—and you think to yourself, that when you leave tonight, you’ll love him a little more than when you arrived—if it’s even possible.
you enjoy the moment briefly, until you hear a pair of feet padding in the other direction—someone was listening?
“mom! rintarou is talking about getting married!”
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softinvasions · 7 months
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I Go First • Nov. 2023
It is beyond our concept to recover. The hole goes right through our exposed nerves, and below it lies a thin layer of ice that anesthetizes the wound.
Skin intrudes into skin. Cities topple off of glaciers into the sea. For months we fed on the damage as the melt threatened total collapse.
We drill to the break. When the water arrives, I go first. I melt into my suit and gloves, take our last freezing hour, dive through that unstoppable opening.
Poetry assembled from a National Geographic article on melting glaciers.
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svgvru · 8 months
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𝗗𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗖𝗧! vanilla + "fuck, this pussy was made for me" ꒰ afab!geto/kenjaku x top m!reader ꒱: oral ꒰ suguru!receiving ꒱, doggy, public sex, manipulation, slight manhandling, breeding, creampie, possessive behavior from the reader, "marking/claiming," angst 'n smut. the words and phrases change for a reason! we're gonna pretend the curses aren't there and gojo's not...gojo. btw they're fucking on those rectangular concrete thingys that hold up buildings.
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"i— i don't think we are good together." since that day, suguru's words echo in your head. it was a lie of course, suguru would never say that—and his future actions prove otherwise. however, the fact that those particular words left his lips, the love of your life—it burned a hole in your heart that could never be healed.
you, satoru, and suguru. it was always—you, suguru, satoru, and then shoko. you'd swear the other two would forget she existed, but regardless— you were all prodigies of your year. three special grades and a cursed technique unlike any other. the four of you combined were an unstoppable team, but trios never work— why would a squad work? you and suguru were dating, he had stolen a piece of your heart and held it close to his chest. you truly believe it was love. and during that time, "the strongest trio" was a real thing. the teamwork and results the three of you produced made an impression on the jujutsu higher-ups. you were never without eachother, and it was fine!
never had you been so happy and satisfied like when you were with suguru. and then an incident occured when you were, for the first time, pulled away from the two. toji fushiguro and the star plasma vessel. it should've been a simple mission, but satoru and suguru were playing checkers—fushiguro was playing chess.
it was no longer alright. it was the two of them facing a deathly experience and failing—for the first time. suguru had become distant, and satoru had become obsessed with eliminating weakness as if he hadn't just truly become the strongest. "i don't think you're good enough for me." it was as if the world shattered, the world along with that beautiful diamond ring you had been waiting to put on his finger. he took a piece of your heart, one of which was like glass, and he threw at the wall with a force you couldn't bare.
when shoko called you, informing you and gojo where suguru was—your heart thumped in hope. however, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your duo collapsing and the cruel sound of his voice repeating: "you will never be enough for me"— replaying over and over in your broken mind. you couldn't bring yourself to go see him. your mind wouldn't allow your feet to move, to chase after him and beg. it was pathetic, really. you wished more than anything for his return, but you couldn't even chase after him? you sat slumped against your wall, fingers mindelssly rubbing and twisting that familar diamond ring. "suguru," you whisper into the air, as if hoping your call would manifest him to you. as if this were a dream and he'd wake you up with a kiss and soft smile.
but that wasn't reality, it was just a fantasy. so you wonder why you're in a bed with him? why did you destory that hate for him, only to hold him and fuck him in that hotel bed. why— why did you accept him back into your heart, knowing he shattered it? those thoughts could never beat your raw desire for him, your need to make love to him because he— is your soulmate. his existence is etched into your soul— and it cannot be removed by simple and conventional means.
and it only caused you more pain as you watched him slide down that brick wall. you had arrived to late to jujutsu high. satoru's students were beaten bloody, but yuuta okkotsu came in the clutch...by beginning the end of "the worst cursed user" suguru geto. those years of love were all for nothing as you decided to "curse him in the end," sparing satoru's feelings at the cost of your own.
at the result of your own hands, your own words and actions you had ended suffering, only causing more for yourself. but regardless, no more deaths would be caused that specific day. and the spirits of one-hundred and thirteen people (or way more) had been avenged. "the worst curse user" was gone, but suguru geto still resided in your heart with the wish that his soul was at peace. hoping that haibara would finally have familiar company after such a long time. however, nothing you wish comes to fruition. his could likely but resting...but— the soul cannot truly rest until its body has truly rested. learning that was likely the worst experience of your life. 𝗢𝗡 𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝟯𝟭𝗦𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟴—𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗔𝗧 𝟴:𝟯𝟬, 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧 𝗦𝗢𝗥𝗖𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗕𝗨𝗬𝗔!
satoru gojo had completed a feat you were proud of him for. yes—you were a bit dizzy, maybe out of it from his domain, but you were proud. he truly was the strongest, and you were no doubt a close second. but being to strongest—having power, is not enough.
"yo!" he calls out your name first. although, it doesn't sound as sweet. its familiar, but it's not warm. the voice of suguru geto would always make you feel as if you were wrapped in a fluffy blanket. the sound of your name coming from his lips was magical. but there was no magic, and there was no love in it. "h-huh?" you stopped and stared at him, you wish you could will your body to move but you couldn't. the man you killed with your bare hands, the love of your live, stood before you in the flesh. "S-SUGURU!" it hurt to see his body have such a reaction to your voice. to see his hand twitch and attack is own neck, maybe the soul and body truly exist in tandem. you were so out of it. you'd barely realized globs of a red, flesh looking substance was binding satoru. and as if in instinct you'd jump to protect him, as if he were suguru.
"ah, ah, ah!" from the black pit in the ground of the subway station arose a curse to stop you. you quickly exorcise the curse and he calls your name again. except its familiar this time. its warm— and you can feel a hint the magical tingle you get. someone must be screwing with you! this can't be real, he can't be real.
the 'stops's from satoru start to sound muffled as "suguru" walks towards you. stop? stop what? you think to yourself, accepting the touch of him. his hand cups your cheek, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek. this can't be real—but he feels so warm. your soul is telling you it isn't him, that the man before you isn't suguru, but your head is spinning and you can't seem to focus properly. and suddenly his lips are against yours. you can hear satoru yelling, you certainly can—but you're not listening to what he's saying. suguru's lips are soft as they move again yours, tasting his tongue again was like a glimpse of heaven. you didn't process the words: "prison gate, close" from "suguru." not until gojo was suddenly gone in your peripheral and there was just a floating box.
the dark red box floated to suguru's outstretched hand, turning as grey as stone when it touches his palm. "wha—" you feel suguru's lips against yours again. "don't pay attention to that, just me," he whispers. it was a shame how quickly you gave into him. suguru chuckles when you become more forceful with the kiss, the box falls from his fingertips as he wraps his arms around your neck.
perhaps the kiss was just to distract you, perhaps he was going to far in his plan. but it seems that this body longs for you a lot more that kenjaku had thought. or perhaps kenjaku himself was longing for something he hadn't experienced in quite a while. but regardless of that, he felt himself becoming wet— turned on from simply a kiss. your relationship with suguru geto was certainly something! he thought to himself as he allowed you to push him against a concrete column of the subway, used for foundation. it seems mahito was correct when he said you could mix business with pleasure.
non-sorcerers stand scattered around the station, mindless from satoru's domain. they probably couldn't hear a thing even if they wanted to. kenjaku allowed you to touch him like that, to desprately pull off his clothes. he even laughed at how furiously you ripped off the gojogesa, perhaps a bit angry possesive that he was wearing something carrying gojo's name. even in suguru's memories, you were quite possessive of him, needing to keep a hand on him no matter where the two of you were. fuck—he was getting ridiculously turned on by your actions! his hands desprately grip your shoulders, his eyes fluttering as your kisses trail from his lips to his neck.
no, this isn't him. just like a few minutes ago, for the first time in centuries a body has acted on it's own. just how much did suguru love you? it was a stupid question, he thought seconds later. kenjaku knows how much suguru loves you.
for all of those years, despite what he said to you—you came back. he's seen suguru's memories. he knows how much you made love to him, especially during those ten years of him being a fugitive. whether you'd fold him over or held him in your lap, your kisses—were suguru's weakness. a pleasured shiver racks his body as you kiss and kiss him, his clothes falling to the ground as you kiss further down. "ah...a-ah!" your lips wrap around one his perky nipples. your tongue swirls around the pink nub, sucking on it lightly. suguru's back arches, surprise filling his eyes. kenjaku is aware how sensitive suguru's body is, although this was a little surprising. his cheeks flush as you move to the other one.
moans pathetically leave his lips, legs wobbling from your actions. he feels as if he could cry just from this, suguru geto really was lucky to have you. you pull away and watch his chest rise and fall, "suguru's" eyes widened and tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.
"you look surprised," you kiss up and down his chest as you speak. "im sure you know how much me and suguru made love. i know him and his body more then he does himself." your voice is soft but there's a hint of anger in your eyes. some part of you hates this—but your heart thumps as you see him. you can't help but pick him, stripping him of the clothes on his lower body as you push him against the concrete foundation peice again. you glance down between his legs, slick painting his inner thighs. your kisses move down to his inner thighs licking your lips at his taste. bending down on the less than sanitary subway floor, your put your face between his legs, giving kitten licks to his clit.
your tongue swirls around his clit—dipping in between his folds for a true taste of him. your nose bumps his clit as you do, a gasp leaving kenjaku lips. your tongue slips inside of him and he involuntarily leans forward, putting one leg onto your shoulders. your hands cup his ass, keeping him this position.
this is a feeling kenjaku hasn't felt in a long time. specifically, the last time he was a woman. the feeling he had then—and the feeling he has now it similar, but it's different, more intense. and he knows why. his body—suguru's body, it feels so hot. he can't help but melt into your touch, fall in your arms and let you have your way. he can't tell if its muscle memory, or if it's suguru's soul interferring—but what's clear is this body loves you. the second he saw you, he felt something. the second he kissed you, he felt a pulse in his groin. suguru truly did belong to you—mind, body, and soul. the moans he was letting slip, higher octave and even whiny, that wasn't him. his body leaning into you, putting his leg on your shoulder, that wasn't him. and the way he humped your face with an eagerness, that surely wasn't him. kenjaku would never be so desperate. but it did feel fantastic.
"ah—fuck!" his eyes roll back, tongue lolled as he grips onto your hair. "ngh—! a-ah...mphf—fuck!" your erection strains in your uniform as he whines and moans. his eyelids flutter and his thighs tighten as he feels it. your mouth brings him to an orgasm as he's practically sitting on your face. you lap up his cum with your tongue, moaning into his cunt at the taste.
suguru kenjaku stumbles off your shoulder, hitting that same concrete column where his clothes rest below. before he could slide down and fall, he feels your hands on his hips, lifting him up as his shaky legs are unusuable. you flip him around and his chest and face are pressed to the concrete. he grabs the concrete column, at an attempt to ground himself before he feels your thick tip press against his pussy. he feels the tip push into him, a loud moan leaving lips. he's quite thankful for satoru's domain, or else the people hear would be getting quite the show. it was smart of him to send the curses away aswell, imagine what they'd think if they saw him— "ngh—AH! fuck— i...please! mphf!" he's panting as your cock slides in, kenjaku slaps his hand over his mouth, ashamed of his noises.
with no mercy you move once you've pushed into his cunt fully. the wet slaps of his pussy fill kenjaku's ears. oh how the memories are returning.
"fu—fuck!" the voice crack in his voice was pleasant as he tried to keep his moans quiet. he was so warm. his body rocks with your thrusts, feeling your fingers delicately knead his ass, rubbing the sore skin from the harsh smacks of your hips. his eyes cross and eyelashes fluttering as your balls mercilessly slap agaisnst his already swollen clit. kenjaku was enjoying this a bit too much. his hand couldn't help but fall— the curses and moans finally being set free. "good boy," he hears you coo. he'd be disgusted by it—maybe even hit you. but suguru's body isn't in tandem with what kenjaku may value. you feel the warmth around you tighten—your cock being swallowed by his pussy.
he couldn't help but arch his back, sliding his front just a bit lower for your cock to reach just a bit deeper. "aAH! ngh—" my, suguru was one lucky man. kenjaku is sure his cheek is red from the sliding, your rough treatment that made him rock helped none.
kenjaku is enjoying this too much. and believes he knows why. the memories of jin itadori were fresh on his mind. it wasn't too long ago that he experienced a woman's view of life— pregnancy, and the pleaures that could be given through the means of a vagina. it wasn't that long ago that he took cock into him, masquerading as a loving wife to conceive yuuji itadori. it wasn't that long ago that his eyes were rolled back and his head was pushed into the cushion as he was plowed into from behind. this wasn't new. it's almost as history repeated itself. his back bent and curved to take a man's cock deep inside of him. the pleasures women could perceive was a godly experience. as if his cursed and wretched soul were blessed to experience this.
up on the tips of his toes, his knees knock inward as you reach a particular spot within him. the spot that could get suguru cumming in seconds—and you spongey tip continued to plow directly into that particular spot. his eyes fluttered closed as he came with a cry on your cock. you slide your cock out quickly, cumming on the back of his thighs. the sound of your rough and pleaured panting aparent to his ears as you hold his bottom half up. you turn him around against the concrete column, panting as you speak. "one more— hah...one more time."
kenjaku couldn't help but reluctantly comply, the heat between his legs continued to grow—never had been so needy. "one more time," you pant into his ear as you hoist him up. a whine leaves his lips as you push one of his legs to his chest. suguru was always flexible, it was one of the things that made sex so enjoyable with him. you allow that leg to rest on your shoulder—holding the other one up with your hand to the back of his knee. it was such an interesting position, a breeding one had the two of you been on the floor, but kenjaku was sure he'd be given the chance to be fucked and filled again. perhaps to the point of cultivating another child?
a loud moan left his lips as you unexpectedly drop him on your cock. this entire time, you've used him as nothing more than a sex toy. a pussy to use to your satisfaction. did you truly love suguru? kenjaku wishes you would allow him his thoughts, but your cock was such an attention stealer! "fuck, this pussy was made for me," you hiss into the skin of his neck, rutting your hips against his.
pathetic girly whines and moans leave his suguru's lips. it was embarrassing how easily suguru's soul could slip in, how he could make his body do things kenjaku wouldn't even dream of doing. but it seems there was no choice at this point. two minds, body's, and souls were lost in the feeling of you. who knows was making the noise at that point. you felt so deep—how did suguru handle this all these years? kenjaku think to himself. your cock plunging over and over into his cunt was a pleasurable experience. your girth stretching him—length filling him to the brim. "i see why he loved this so much," kenjaku whisper aloud in the middle of you fucking him.
it seems you had ignored him, but he meant it. he understands why suguru was so cock addicted with you. he wonders what could possibly be going on in your head, wondering if your thinking through a pussy addiction.
and in one way you are—you're acting on a pussy addiction. an addiction reserved only for suguru. however, your mind was all over the place. your sure the other sorcerers are rushing, running around to get through the barriers. your sure they're getting hurt, but here you are—a special grade sorcerer—fucking the enemy. but the enemy felt so good! it was exhilarating to finally feel suguru once more. and if this was the last chance you would get to see him, you'd do it. you'd do in a heartbeat a thousand times. your cock plunging in and out of his messy pussy. wet and squelching noises fill your ears as he drips onto the floor—a white ring around the base of your cock.
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. the words left your mouth like a prayer. his pussy felt so good! the only thought was cum and filling him up, your sure his mind was on it aswell. and it was. the thought of you breeding him seemed to be so pleasant. perhaps because it was suguru's body, but who wouldn't want your cum.
kenjaku felt the signs, and it seems you did too. a grunt leaves your lips, a whine leaving his as you both cum. his pussy wraps tightly around your cock, milking you for what your worth. a gasp leaves his lips when you slip out of his leaking cunt, more cum sputtering from your tip and now onto his face since you've dropped him on the floor. his naked body rested on the subway ground, your cum leaky pleasantly from his pussy—face decorated as well. it was bad. terrible—that you gave in. but this sight, the sight of your claim on suguru was enough to make up for it your head.
no matter what, suguru was the most important piece in your game of chess. it was unfortunate that the king—satoru gojo—was not.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
not sure if you’ve been asked this before but why did you pick Everyday by Buddy Holly?
In 1991 Terry Pratchett and I were staying in the Chateau Marmont hotel in LA writing Outline after Outline for a Good Omens movie for Sovereign Pictures. And at some point Terry and I started talking about songs, and I said it would be great to find a good End of the World song, and Terry suggested "Everyday" by Buddy Holly. He pointed out that on one level it was a cheerful upbeat love song, but in another way it seemed to be describing the impending arrival of something unstoppable and dark:
Every day, it's a-getting closer...
So when I wrote Season 1, I threaded "Everyday" through it. But then David Arnold wrote the Good Omens theme, which was even better. So we never used Everyday.
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
I love Danny adopted by the Batfam. Really, I do. But picture: Danny adopted by Gotham herself.
Gotham: the city that has become the definition of death, doom and destruction. Even with her favored Dark Knight and his robins helping to make her city safer, the pit of despair and everlasting gloom doesn't seem to let up.
But then, he entered her city.
A young man with black hair and blue eyes that reminds her so much of her hero and some of the children that he's adopted over the years. But there was more to him. So much more.
This child wasn't no human, she could sense that straight away. The cold that surrounded him and caused even the darkest of her shadows to reach out to him for more of the power it leaked out. The smell of death that came off the child in waves. But she Gotham knew that this one wasn't a killer, no. Somehow this child has died and came back. Just like her Jason. How strange. Then she saw it. His transformation. A ghost. This poor child has knocked on deaths' door and has continued to walk among the living as if nothing has changed.
But even then the city didn't have time to mourn for the loss of this child's life when she felt the power that radiated off of him. Eyes as green as the lazarus pits, with the powers that she's never seen before. On human or meta.
Yet the thing that stuck with Gotham the most, was how he was so protective. This wasn't even the boys city, yet more than once Gotham witnessed him helping out where Batman and his family could not. Whether it was stopping the robbery late at night, fighting off a few goons or even helping the homeless youths.
Gotham saw him as he really was: a hero, a savior, but most importantly, alone. So she made the decision: The Batman and his robins could only do so much, she could always use someone to talk to.
Yes. Danny would be hers. Gotham's Guardian of the unseen. Gotham's Ghost.
So basically I had a idea of Gotham just sensing Danny as soon as he stepped into Gotham and going like: Him. I want that one.
Of course, Gotham had manifested into her own ghost form over all of the years. The death, gloom, and maybe even pits had their own hand at that. But she knew that she couldn't do much, even with a physical form, the most that she could do is watch and protect from the shadows. So when Danny arrived to Gotham, it was like her own prayers were answered.
A fighter, strong, kind, and in need of something to drive his need to protect. He was perfect!
So, she did the best that she could:
Using the little abilities to tug him towards the trouble.
Making sure wherever he lives is safe and free of any intruders.
And when Batman becomes aware of his presence, hiding him in the depth of his shadows that not even the Dark Knight could see into.
Does Bruce become mad with paranoia over the possible meta that seems to be everywhere and gone before he arrived as if he lived there his whole life? Yes. Does she care? No.
Because Gotham knows that with time, Danny will come to his own terms to make himself known to Batman and they will become a force unstoppable!
But for now, Gotham needs her ghost to help and protect when Bruce can't, so she won't be letting Danny go anytime soon.
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muldermuse · 5 months
Guardian Angel (Gator Tillman X F!Reader)
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this was based on a prompt i recieved!
18+ only!! mdni!! warning: reader is briefly knocked unconscious in the fic! not by Gator but by an anonymous male who is never named/identified. mentions of bad childhood/abusive parents. mentions of police brutality. mentions of smut. being in a hospital/back of an ambulance. Gator and Roy are threatening in this and mean about reader. Angst!!! lil bit of fluff! more angst?? Unhappy ending (no character deaths tho do not worry)
I’m sorry :/
Part of the two sinners works! Read more here!
Gator Tillman had no choice but to become a Sheriff, he idolised his Father and saw the respect that surrounded him. No one ever questions Roy Tillman; at least, not if they value their own life. Gator had witnessed firsthand the brutality that his father inflicted on his community when wearing the badge. One of Gator’s happiest childhood memories was his daddy letting him wear his cowboy hat and his Sheriff’s badge. Roy Tillman’s eyes were full of pride as he looked as his young son, “you’ll make a fantastic Sheriff one day, boy”. Any other dreams that young Gator were quashed in that moment, ever since that day when his Father looked at him and saw the potential Gator could grow up to have- he knew he had to be a Sheriff. 
Unfortunately, Gator Tillman never wanted to be a good Sheriff. He didn’t actually care about helping people or being a beacon of hope for his community. Gator, like his Father, loved the power that came with the badge. Without it, he was some loser daddy’s boy but with it; he felt he was unstoppable. As much as Roy Tillman ignored his son, he knew him too well and he knew what little ability Gator actually had. So, Gator was always on the quietest shifts and he was always paired with an older colleague who could actually do the job. In his father’s eyes; Gator was still a little kid playing dress up. So here he is, browsing the disposable vape collection in his local gas station to fill the time until he can clock out. The clerk looks away and Gator slips a watermelon mango flavour into his pocket. He throws a few dollars on the counter and takes a bag of Takis before heading back to the patrol car. Maybe he can convince his patrol partner to drive him to a diner to get a coffee to kill a few more hours or maybe he’ll have an uncomfortable nap across the back seat.
Then a call comes in. 
“Dispatch, please respond. We have a call for assistance at The Outpost Bar about 4 minutes from your current location. Seems that an altercation between two men has escalated and a young lady has got hurt, ambulance is nearly there as she’s knocked out”.
Gator picks up the radio as his colleague starts speeding to the bar, “Heard- name of victim?”. 
Bile rises in his throat and he feels his stomach drop. 
It’s your name.
Before he can even process what has happened; the patrol car arrives on the scene and sees the ambulance outside the front of the bar. 
He knows his job is to find the guy who’s done this and get him in the back of the car. He knows the ambulance and the paramedics are there to help you. But he also knows that you’re currently unconscious on the floor of a shitty dive bar and that’s all he can focus on. His heart is thundering in his ears as he runs into the bar, his colleague is shouting his name after him to try and discuss a plan before entering the bar. He needs to see you, what if the call was wrong? You never mentioned that you’d be heading out tonight. You never really tell him anywhere you’re going though. He wishes you would but he can’t think about that now. 
The inside of the bar is nearly empty, the lights are up and there’s a group of women stood around someone lying on the floor. The shoes he can see are a pair of black boots- has he ever seen you wear those? Would you wear something like that? The thought in his head are moving too quick for him to comprehend. He tries to make his way over to the huddle of women on the floor but he sees a familiar face first. It’s Jenson Ackerley, the guy you brought to the church pot luck, the guy that you’d told Gator you never planned on seeing again after blowing him off for him. Gator had seen a few texts from Jenson pop up on your phone but you were seemingly quick to ignore them. He’s stood at the bar, he’s holding his head in his hands and looks relieved when he sees law enforcement come in.
“Thank god you’re here, they fuckin’ ran off after they shoved her. She hit her head and then they fuckin’ ran off. She’s breathin’ fine so sh-“ he sounds relieved as he speaks, the words tumbling out of his mouth as if he’s a concerned partner. You’re not his partner, Gator isn’t either but he’s closer to it than this fucking guy. A rage flushes across his face as Gator grabs Jenson’s plaid shirt in his fists and pushes him against the concrete wall of the bar. He spits at Jenson’s feet before speaking to him, “What the fuck happened? Why the fuck didn’t you step in? Some fuckin’ quarterback huh?” He shoves him harder; feeling rejoice in the nerves filling Jenson’s eyes "Lettin’ her get hit while you just fuckin’ stand there holdin’ your fuckin' dick?”. Jenson’s face contorts in confusion, he tries to respond before Gator punches him hard in his lower stomach. He grabs Jenson’s cheeks and pushes his head further into the cold, hard concrete of the wall as he whispers low in his ear “I fuckin’ swear on my fuckin’ Dad’s life- if something happens to her, I’ll fuckin’ kill you”. The hard grip of his hand gets tighter on Jenson’s face, Jenson’s face would be flushing red if it were not for the fact that all blood seems to have drained from his face with nerves. Gator’s smirk is predatory, “‘m a fuckin’ Sheriff y’know- I can make it look like an accident”.
He can hear your voice, it’s mumbled and strained- but it is distinctly you.
Gator turns that quick he feels a bout of nausea hit him, it’s doubled when he sees you being moved out of the dingy bar on a stretcher. You look confused but a flash of recognition and reassurance flutters through your expression when you realise it’s him.
“Gator?” Your voice is slow as if your wading through thick molasses to whisper his two syllable name. He grabs your hand, it’s ice cold and he knows that it’s the shock your poor body has been through this evening. Your hand meekly trembles in his and it occurs to Gator that he’s never seen you as vulnerable as this. 
“Yeah-yeah it’s me, hi” His voice is the softest it’s ever been with you as he tenderly presses a hand to your face. This isn’t the same man who two days ago called you a whore as you rode his cock in his Daddy’s bed and this certainly isn’t the man who’s last text simply told you to fuck off and leave him alone. This isn’t your Gator. But right now, this isn’t you. When you look back, you both won’t recognise the other in this moment.
But fiercely, you’ll both take the tenderness right now. You both desperately need it.
Gator will come to always crave it.
He insisted to his colleague that he’d go with you in the ambulance. The paramedic was too preoccupied with checking your vitals to notice that Gator held your hand the entire way. When tears filled your eyes due to pure confusion about your current situation, he’d press a soft kiss to your under eyes and mumble to you that it was going to be okay. He wasn’t leaving your side until it was all okay- he promised.
“I swear on it, okay baby. Me and you” he brings your hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to it. Tenderly, he moves your hair out of your face as you nod in agreement. You wanted to believe him with every ounce of your body and soul but your mouth is too dry to beg him to stay; you’re not sure if you’re asking for tonight or for forever.
Gator’s watching you intently, he’s memorising the different parts of your face- just in case. Of course nothing’s going to happen to you, he’s sure of it. But just in case, he’s logging to his memory the soft curve of your lips, always a little pouty and so fucking pretty when you wear that lip gloss that drives him wild. The little furrow in your brow, always more prominent when you’re worried or plotting how you can try and fuck up Gator’s week by saying something calculating.
Your eyes flicker shut as the paramedic rests a hand on Gator’s shoulder, “you’re a good boyfriend. Half the guys don’t even want to come in the back and the others usually try to calm themselves rather than their partners. You’re a good man”. The irony isn’t missed on him, he is someone’s boyfriend but he’s not yours. His girlfriend has never received this tenderness from him. Gator Tillman is a lot of things but he is definitely not a good man. In this moment, however, he is trying to be. 
He doesn’t thank the paramedic, he just nods and keeps your small hand in his. He doesn’t want his mind to wander and consider how things would be if you were in a relationship. You’d drive him mad, he’s sure of it but with Glenda; he feels nothing. He considers that at least anger is an emotion. Better than an emotionally vacant relationship. 
The ambulance comes to a sudden stop and he feels your hand grip his tighter, your eyes are open and as the paramedic works to open the door; Gator is reassuring you that everything’s going to be okay. 
“Promise that you’ll stay?” your voice is hesitant and soft. You feel emotionally exposed right now and it’s a deeply uncomfortable feeling.
Gator presses a kiss to your forward quickly, conscious of the paramedic trying to get your stretcher out of the vehicle and onto a ward. “Of course baby, as soon as they find you a room- I’ll be there. Okay? I swear it”. You begin to cry as you nod and Gator desperately wants to kiss you more to console you but you’re wheeled out before he gets the chance.
Your hands are pulled apart as your stretcher gets wheeled into the hospital. He’s lost in his thoughts until a familiar authoritative voice booms behind him.
It’s his father.
Gator feels the blood drain from his body and he tries to stop his hands trembling before he turns around.
Roy’s hands are on his hips as he glares at Gator. He’s dressed in his usual cowboy hat and denim jacket. His father’s presence always makes Gator nervous. With one look from Roy Tillman, Gator is transported back to being a four year old meek child who had accidentally broken a vase, terrified of his father’s reaction but simultaneously in awe of the authoritarian berating him for his mistake. He’d seen them holding hands, Gator takes a second to thank the lord that that is all his father had seen.
His mouth feels like it’s full of cotton, he can’t speak and if he could; he doesn’t even know what he would say. There’s no reason for it. Why would he be holding your hand? Why would he travel in the back of the ambulance with you? It isn’t protocol and, for all Roy knows, Gator does not like you. He isn’t even supposed to know you. His father had warned Gator about you from the first time he had seen you. 
“She’s a sinner that girl- I don’t want her corrupting you. Showing you her worldly ways, you are not to speak to her- y’hear me?” What Roy didn’t know is by that time, you’d already started sleeping together. Both of you taking the time to learn each other’s bodies intimately. You made Gator feel things he never had before but that didn’t matter- you were a dirty sinner. It never crosses Gator’s mind that he could be a sinner too.
The paramedic reemerges from the hospital and before Gator can intercept, she tells him that ‘his girlfriend’ is on ward 6. 
“I’ve told her that you’ll be up soon to see her. She’s still a bit upset so maybe head up after you’ve finished speaking with the Sheriff” the paramedic is kind. Her words are soft and considered and her eyes look up at Gator as if he’s a great man. He hopes that this paramedic will keep Gator in her mind as an attentive and considerate partner. She may be the only person who would ever think of Gator Tillman in that way. Roy smiles at the paramedic but it doesn’t meet his eyes; Gator realises that his smile never does. 
After she leaves, there’s a moment of silence. It feels too long and uncomfortable.
“I don’t know what’s happenin’ with you and that girl b-“
“Dad” Gator scoffs, as if the idea is ridiculous “nothin’s happenin’. I answered the call so I was there and y’know, I’m the Sheriff- it’s my job to make sure she’s safe. Well, not ju-“
Roy takes Gator’s shirt in his fists and slams him against the wall of the hospital. The thud of Gator’s head hitting the concrete echoes across the vacant space. Roy spits in Gator’s face as he whispers sternly, “Do not fuckin’ lie to me. You’re a worse fuckin’ liar than your fuckin’ mother”.
He can’t speak, as hard as Gator’s mouth tries to form words, it lets him down and makes him look weak in front of his father. Just as he did when he was younger; Gator takes the emotional beating from his father.
“You got a good christian woman at home and I don’t think that Glenda would want to hear about you in the back of an ambulance with her- agree?”
He nods, his mind is empty as all he feels is blind panic. Will Roy tell Glenda? As soon as he loses her, he loses his father’s approval- something he’s spent years cultivating. He can’t lose her; it’s not a choice. Roy robs him of the chance to speak.
Roy’s hand is firm on Gator’s shoulder, his fingers digging into the flesh. “What have I told you from day one about that girl, son?”. His eyes are unwavering on his son’s, Gator realises he has not seen his dad blink throughout this entire interaction.
“That she’s a sinner” it comes out too easy and Roy smirks in response. He’s made his father happy and he feels he can speak again. His chest not as tight as it felt a few moments ago.
Roy’s hand gets tighter on Gator’s shoulder and it begins to feel uncomfortable. “Tell me what you think of her” he nods to prompt Gator to speak. Gator briefly imagines if he could tell him the truth, how would he describe what he thinks of you? He’s unsure if he even allows himself to think about you when you’re apart. The thought of you living unfiltered in his mind is far too much. You need to be a box locked away in Gator’s depraved mind. There’s no key because it never needs opening.
He stutters as he goes to speak, “well…we all know what she’s like right? She’s a fuckin’ whore” Roy nods in encouragement as a shy smile breaks across Gator’s face. “Yeah, I mean, she’s probably dating about 10 different guys- right? I mean, I saw her with Jenson and then with some other fuckin’ guy like two days later. Glenda doesn’t like ‘er- thinks the same as me”.
Roy is content, his grip on his son’s shoulder eases as he smiles brightly at Gator. “We’re not gonna look for the guys that did this- didn’t happen. You were doin’ a routine check at the bar and that’s it. I’ve already told Williams that that’s what’s happened- I’ve sorted it for you, son”
That one syllable word is a warm blanket on a cold night. A ice cold glass of water in the hottest desert. A three course meal after a day of raw hunger.
Roy leads Gator away from you, he sits him in the patrol car and drives him home to Glenda. Glenda kisses his cheek softly at the doorway. She’s made a home cooked meal for her hardworking man. The meal tastes like ash on Gator’s tongue. He drinks whiskey to help him sleeps more than usual.
Meanwhile, you are laid alone in a hospital bed. Holding out hope that Gator will return, hopefully with the affection from the ambulance. But of course, Gator doesn’t come back to your room.
You don’t see him again whilst you're in the hospital.
He doesn’t text you for two weeks.
He turns up one late night when you’re back home, he asks if you’re ‘all good’ and you reply that you’ll be fine. You have sex that night and never acknowledge how tender he was to you in your time of need. You’re both rougher than usual, both craving to dominate the other and fuck them into submission. You have to make up for the unjustified kindness.
You never see how Gator spends his time off work. When he’s not with you, or with Glenda, or working- he’s trying to find out who did this to you.
He won’t stop searching until the person who did this is found in a ditch.
But you will never know.
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