#when transmascs are just. like that <3
midwestdirtbag666 · 1 month
daydreaming about him going "i'd rather you be a househusband than going back to retail"
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I love how this post is, on a surface level, supportive of trans women but then you say "if you even lightly suggest someone might be a trans woman that's dehumanizing, you're not treating them like a person" yeah white woman with short hair because a transfem is the worst possible thing anyone could be so this hypothetical person calling people eggs is obviously evil. you are definitely an expert on what is and isn't transmisogyny
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snailcubezz · 2 years
i love how both sasha and raz have wildly varying trans headcanons for them on a level ive ONLY seen in link LoZ and no matter the trans headcanon its unanimously agreed fandomwide that raz got gender envy from sasha
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
‘tis i, nonbinary transfem tuvok enthusiast and recently i’ve been pondering the dynamic between her and transmasc b’elanna torres…. i love thinking of them having long conversations together about gender and cultural histories and their life paths and mental issues (real)
also tuvok’s quote of “there is nothing wrong in choosing to live” would be such an emotional statement to tell b’elanna who canonically has depression (they just like me fr). anyways these are my thoughts today take care my friend!! <3
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I don't personally see Tuvok as being a positive person for B'Elanna to talk to about much of anything personal without like, some sort of change to how they interact with one another since I think he'd both intentionally and unintentionally antagonize her BUT I can absolutely see them looking at each other and feeling the gender envy even before they know what that particular sensation is. Knowing B'Elanna I bet she'd worry she has some kind of weird crush on him hehehe~ Someone starts a group for queer members of the crew to meet but it seems like more of a dating thing and they're all human and no one else is trans so B'Elanna leaves and runs into Tuvok and is like "Oh! I didn't see you in there." because it's common knowledge by this point that Tuvok's trans but Tuvok just does that 'obviously.' look and goes "...No." so B'Elanna leaves her alone but they happen to run into each other next week and the week after and it eventually becomes an unofficial thing and it's a real rollercoaster. It's a real russian roulette of what kind of a time you're gonna have - sometimes it ends in a fight and sometimes it ends in the most insightful realization you'll ever have. Such is life on Voyager... Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day too~!!
#I see many people cite that episode where he taught her meditation as them getting along but I think he 1000% failed to be helpful at all#and mainly just reluctantly and impatiently taught her how to meditate while sort of insulting her - B'Elanna taking his lessons to heart#is really all on her v_v#Tuvok isn't exactly the kindest person in the world ... yet he cares about people. Complicated man v_v He'll stay up for two weeks straight#trying to rescue you and then make a crack at how he thinks Klingons are barbaric ... honestly I'd say B'Elanna should yell at him but I#think he'd just go 'ah...my point proven. v_v' BUT I DO. THINK THEY'RE SUCH AN INTERESTING POTENTIAL PAIR??#Not romantically - I mean pair of characters together bc they have SO MANY SIMILARITIES !!!! It's INSANE!!!#they truly deserved a character development 'getting closer' episode#honestly maybe this gender thing would do it...hehe maybe they'd finally have to talk it out bc they're the only other person o nthe ship#who'd understand....the power of being trans~!!#I hope this doesn't come off as negative - I liked this ask and I like Tuvok <3#+ comforting things don't have to be in line with canon...nor is my interpretation of canon the be all end all#+ transmasc B'Elanna...embrace your short king swag <3<3#this post is half inspired by my friend inviting me to join my school's GSA in middle school and me saying yeah absolutely!#then running away when their back was turned v_v SORRY#I really do hope this doesn't come off negative or rude - I don't want people thinking I'm gonna be rude if they share their thoughts#and headcanons with me =_= but I have trouble with tone...#Q&A#anon
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babsaros · 3 months
they are fucking cis women UP
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ratmans-notebooks · 3 months
i have to stop looking at blogs with vile takes im getting so worked up for nothing
#squeaking#'actually its okay for trans men to be excluded from trans spaces because women dont have to like men!!" Huh .#your gender essentialism is not better just cause u specified “trans” before talking about Men and Women#“trans women dont like men and also femicide is a word so therefore trans men should not be allowed around transfems ever”#is not the radically progressive take u think it is#truly incomprehensible to me the kind of shit people will come up with.#What are you talking about. do you live on Every trans person perfectly passes with no obstacles or pushback by cis people Planet ??#1. actually all trans people deserve to share space in the trans coimmunity. so jot that down.#2. there are transmasc girls + transfem boys + bigender people + NONBINARY people HELLO like how are we defining Men?#how are you deciding which trans people are Too Masculine and which of us are Just Masculine Enough answer quickly#3. do you REALLY think transmascs are just excluded from any experiences with misogyny. think real carefully now.#is the expectation from my parents to get pregnant suddenly Not Misogyny since i identify as ftm?#do the constant reminders that i would never be good at physical activities due to Being a Girl when i was 10 not count anymore-#-because at 15 i realized i wanted to have a cock?#be fucking serious.#there is this constant idea that trans men automatically gain all access to cis maleness#and face NO oppression for their proximity to/or percieved womanhood#(like. ur really gonna look a 5'2 teenager with birthing hips and b cups and a round face and a high voice he has Male Privelege.)#and it leads to us being pushed out of both womens AND trans spaces#it is a lose lose for us. everywhere#it is starting to get fucking exhausting#transandrophobia#negative
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sebritz · 1 year
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sephiroth and his tiny theater gay husband
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polaraffect · 4 months
current state of politics really got me swerving wildly between "yes I want to present as a man" and "oh god is this even worth it maybe I'm not even really trans" and it's bringing me to my limit
#damien.txt#sorry its like 5 am and i havent slept and wanna vent so. here inam#i really do be having a wild time bc ill have like. weeks at a time where ill be like. wait a second. what if im not trans actually#okay well. never in a 'im 100% not trans' way but in a 'maybe i shouldnt transition' way#and then ill have a day where i wake up and go. oh. i think that feeling is just coming from fear about. the current state of trans issues#because oh my FUCKING GOD am i scared like 24/7 bc of that shit#and so like. then im like. maybe i really am like. actually transmasc. fr. bc i like. literally have been feeling it my whole life.#and then i wake up a couple weeks later back at the beginning like hmm....... but..... what if....#and im so tired of not knowing!! it's fucking exhausting questioning what the fuck is happening w me every 2 seconds#and im being dramatic abt it but idk. i think its a symptom of neurodivergence or something bc im like. so so scared abt being trans atm#at a level that is. certainly unhealthy.#and it really feels like something that is inhibiting me from doing things in life which is like. upsetting y'know!#but at the same time. the concept of going thru life as my birth gender is... bad. sort of inconceivable at this point.#and this is particularly hard bc like. really going back and forth on making decisions abt taking T. bc when i get in these spirals#abt maybe not being trans. i get the urge to not take it. but like. i cant fluctuate w a medicine like that that much!#but at the same time when i go back to being like oh yeah transmasc... my brain is like cool. take T again. so. fuck me i guess.#idk man. im just like. i just want to live my life without being perceived by others actually#my true gender is no one's business <3 thanks#i am. tired.
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lucian-evander · 1 year
Is there any people here with bpd and who take testosterone who could share their experiences with it please ?
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g3othermal3scapism · 6 months
sometimes ill think “oh idek if im really transmasc or anything, i like being a girl and im fine with my body” and then ill get hit with this all-consuming yearning to have been born a boy, so strong that it hurts and i just have to cry and listen to Iris by the GooGoo Dolls. like and subscribe if you agree 😂
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mechawolfie · 10 months
hmm.. does bg3 have trans characters (other than the player character if u make them trans)
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t4tbruharvey · 1 year
📗 👀
when oh when will i have the motivation to write my trans bruce banner thesis fic wherein rick immediately clocks him as an egg but doesn't say anything because bruce is kind of going through it rn
#they go on a little road trip across the desert and then they get picked up by the military#and betty takes rick back to her flat after telling bruce he's selfish for letting rick come this far with him (she's right)#and then bruce goes on the run from the military (again) after escaping and the stuff happens with jen to make her she hulk#and rick (who's been tracking disturbances of this kind in order to find bruce) sees this on the news and asks betty to come w him#so they go to minnesota and find out that it's not actually bruce it's jen! and betty and jen have their mini gay arc#where betty already knows she's gay and feels neutral on jen and jen thinks she's stright but is going insane for betty#and rick gets like a semblance of a normalish life w betty except betty has a lot of issues from her childhood e.g. her mum dying#and then rick#meanwhile bruce has been joining the avengers and thinking steve is being transphobic#he's not. steve is also trans he just doesn't like bruce as a person#and then rick breaks into the avengers compound when bruce is off world with thor (ragnarok era) and yells at steve and tony <3#and rick becomes steve's sidekick as he did in the comics#and then bruce returns! family reuinion!#reunion. whatever#and everyone learns the power of community and also tony dies#sequel fic dealing with rick's INSANE jealousy when peter joins bc HE should be the youngest coolest trans guy there#what do you MEAN he isn't the baby anymore. that he isn't the most funny and interesting and smart (in his own way) transmasc.#what the HELL everyone is meant to be on his SIDE#bruce voice (without looking up from his work) nobody's taking sides rick be a bit more mature about this#rick voice MATURE???? HE HAS ACTUAL SKILLS IM WORTHLESS AND EVERYONE IS THINKING IT WOE IS ME ET CETERA#sorry lois this really got away from me
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thelonelynindroid · 2 years
I think boys should have a little being called Princess. As a treat
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catboybrain · 13 days
sighs very softly so that no one can hear me
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talkorsomething · 2 months
Literally right after i decided i really do want to start hrt i was like wait. My face Will Change. Do i want this???
Um ... yea that's the point? Hello?!?!
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buddyapologist · 3 months
anyway my bf calling me good boy and saying i'm a special little guy and saying little things along the lines of "you're not a woman" when it comes up in conversation is soooo gender affirming and sexy
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