#when we havent discussed it in like a decade
obsidian-goblet · 1 year
I went out for lunch with my sister today, and she was regaling me with tales of conversations shes had with other people, regarding my General Vibe and the fact I sometimes write.
Hey! I say, enthusiastically. Do you wanna know what Im writing now?
Yeah! she says.
Monster porn!
She wasnt even surprised, she just went lmao ofc you are. Didnt question it at all.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Sharing interests
I kind of get grumpy when I hear people disparaging people for sharing their interests .It is so interesting to realize as an adult how many of my interests were passed down to me by my family
Grandmother passed down to me an appreciation for music and musicals ,we often watch musicals together
My love of animation was nurtured by my Step Mom who was a Disney Nut,who collected Disney VHS's /DVD's fearing that pesky Disney vault and gave me an appreciation for the Looney Tunes (She even named her cat Taz )
My brother introduced me to stuff like Queen and the Beatles ,wed qoute the Simpsons together and shared a love of giant monsters
My dad is where my taste in cinema and love of superheroes,horror ,fantasy and Sci fi come from ,simply by saying "Ooo you havent seen this movie? WE gotta watch it " .He also had a big comic collection and a happy memory is him reading Batman Death In the Family to me
My grandfather was a big Bond fan ,and I will admit a decade on fromhis passing I feel close to him everytime I watch a Bond film
True not all the things they tried to share stuck (Sorry Grandad never could get into the shadow ,and that Piers Anthony Book you gave me pa is still unread on my shelf ) but a lot did .Adding to that they often engaged in what I liked to
The key is not to force though always share .It forges memories and things you associate with that person
I also had my bio mother who only vaguely knew my interests ....Because she would tell me to shut up if I discussed them or told me to quit rambeling .If something interested her she either didnt tell me or she tried to force it .As a result I have very few bonding memories with her(She almost got into Doctor Who...Till she realized one of the characters was queer and she just left )
As a result I cherish when I can share an interest with either my friends or with my lil sibling(In a sense I have become like my dad being very much "Ooo you gotta see this " ) ,and I love when they share something they like with me .EVen when we differ I am happy these people share stuff with me
Sharing,and talking about your interests makes ya human and helps connect you with other people
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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I didnt know who to say this and i really need to tell someone, so ill drop i here hoping its okay.
Okay so. Im aroace and i thought i was totally alloplatonic but lately ive realized that that might not be the case. Like, i have always tooken friendships seriously. For me, friends are this carefully selected group of ppl i care about deeply and that the feeling is reciprocal. I didnt think i was any different from the rest until a few months ago i started to see some things i didnt believe were a strange behavior until now.
First, when was eight i found out my best friend had made new friends and i was like ??? Why do you want more??
Then, that discoverment took me to realize i didnt want more friends. And not just that, but that i didnt know how to make friends. Every friend i had, was because they tried to be friends with me. And that, apparently, was weird. I was eight, i didnt wanted to be weird.
After that, it literally became my life mission to discover how to make friends by my own. Im talking about years of observation and analysis and hypothesis and try and fail. Like if making friends were my science proyect.
The thing is, i wasnt very consious i was putting so much effort on this. In my mind, it was totally normal. Kind of. The way i saw it was like if everyone else had an instict to make friends and i had broken mine by overthinking. So i had to repair it.
At thirteen, i did have a few friends that i got to love really really deeply. I just felt so comfortable around them and i didnt feel out of place. Like, it was easy to just *be* with them. But again, it was them who became friends with me, and at the beggining i was absolutely awkward.
Then i found out i was aroace and learning to make friends became my priority.
A while after that, I lost those friends cuz they didnt believe frienships were that important and i have dignity, so i walked away from the ppl who didnt appreciate the only kind of relationship i wanted.
But at fifteen i made new ones. And this time was different cuz we fit instantly. Listen to me, i had made a group of friends, and it felt like a big achivement. And in that friendgroup were the two ppl that today are my someones (id say qpr but we havent discussed about it a lot yet)
So, a few months ago i heard about the aplatonic spectrum and i thought yeah there's no way that could be me, cuz friendships always have been an important part of my life. Like, all the meaningful relationships ive had, were platonic. I mean, yes. I was weird with making new friends, but that's how it is for introverts, right?
BUT then i started to go to language classes and my someones arent there, and for the first time in a decade, i had gone to a place and didnt pressure myself to make new friends. And i notice things i didnt before. Most ppl do have an instict to make new friends. Most ppl dont need a deep emotional conection to call someone a friend. Most ppl dont look for a life-long friendship, or expect them to be.
So, yeah. I think i might be demiplatonic or smth and i dont know what to do with that information.
Yeah, definitely you can use that label if you want to. Your experiences don't sound that off from the way I've see other people describe feeling like they're on the aplatonic spectrum, including the AVEN thread where it was coined.
It's up to you what you want to do with this. All labels are optional, it's up to you to decide if you feel like it'd be useful for you, if you feel a connection to it, etc. It's also OK to decide if you don't feel like you need it. Sometime too it can be nice to figure out something about ourselves, but we don't do much with it.
Basically, don't be afraid to do what feels right for you, Anon.
All the best!
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p-t-f-s · 3 months
everytime i make a new friend or i open up about shit it /always/ ends up at one point or another they say my life is like a tv show or i should write a book or pitch my life - like more a handful amount of times, like damn near every time i make a friend. and like. i wish they were wrong when i try to look objectively at what im telling them and not just. my life that i wake up and live and go to sleep with every day. but also like. thats also a looooooooooot of people ive met??? everyone has interesting and fun stories, but most of life is so similarly repetitive that we forget it more than we experience. also i do believe it is my autistic rizz. and ability to self sooth and parent.
[its all just personal life bitching/discussion/musings below]
anyways i wish life would be calm for like. a couple months pls. i know a year is too much to ask but literally this year has been a lot. like last year was a lot but it wasnt a fucking competition. getting my car stolen again, then losing my job in what was supposed to be my 5 year anniversary, and then finding out my uncle had stage 4 cancer. then it was spring break and i got to visit my cousing with a thankfully preplanned and prepayed vacation during the midst and height and she and her husband were like "heres our cocktail maker. get as drunk as you want" which was nice of them so i stayed tipsy half the time i was awake instead of high while in seattle. went to a wine tasting expo. got throw up drunk. my cousin was very impressed by my ability to keep my manners while drunk past my tits and wait to throw up till after id rolled the window down and stuck my head out. i was getting blackout drunk bc id apparently texted my friends i loved them which i had no recollection of doing considering my phone was actively dying while i was still only actually tipsy at that expo. i was also less stress then bc my car had been found. totalled, crashed and smashed in the front which thankfully i owed less than it was worth so they payout covered the downpayment for my new car. rip to not getting my personalized horse license plate with my name on it. then i get back home and my uncle is now dead and the whole family is in town for the funeral. its been a cascade of em for a few years now since my mom started the party back in 21.
by the viewing id started a new job for a week. close by home and only a dollar less than previously. they were asking a whole lot for shit pay in truth. and NOW. I FIND OUT THE JOB I STARTED WHILE TAKING A FRAUD ACCOUNTING CLASS. MIGHT BE VICTIM TO FRAUD. POSSIBLY SINCE INCEPTION AND IN THE MOST TERRIBLY HORRIBLY OBVIOUS WAY THAT JUST KEPT SLOWLY AND SLOWLY GETTING PEELED AND REVEALED. I love it when the head of one department tells me hes in cahoots with the head of another dpt and a few workers from their and others about the terrible company shit they found and are kinda looking at other jobs. ofc he did say that after i said to his face that i was spending a bit every morning applying to other jobs after learning of the possible fraud VIA OUR """CONSULTING CFO""" having been previously convicted of fraud. twice. over a decade between convictions. were getting drinks later this week for him to tell me everything else hes found and lurked about in the system. and how no one understands what accounting is or does or how i actually spend half or most of my day playing solitaire or watching anime. bc they want me to be a controller but are calling and paying me at the clerk level. so thats what they get. i love the phrase act your wage.
theres still so many other things that have happened this year too that i still havent mentioned. like the moon hole. passive aggressive fighting with my upstairs neighbor who said i was "delusional and fucking hallucinating" bc i said he stomps in the middle of the night. and literally as i typed that there he went above my head at. ah. 10:58 pm. since my second talking to him in march i know ive not been the only one to talk to him about his shaking the goddamn foundations of the building or waking the toddler constantly in the apartment next to his, diagonal from mine. the surprise birthday party my friends threw for me after literally freightening me when i came home with surprise and each giving me different hearfelt and attentive gifts of all my different interests. weekly dinners with my dad on the same days he was court ordered to have my older siblings and i during the week as he lives 10 minutes away taking care of our grandfather. hes the only reason i get updates on my older sisters life as she blocked me on all social media and cut me from her life before our mothers death for our differing political beliefs. infighting truly is the death of leftists as out beliefs were always closer together than to that of our very republican parents. but im also not an american government shoe loving authority cuck like most the rest of em. "you know what its like to be a minority bc you were a literal minority of being white kids going to a majority black school in the city." to my fucking FACE. not only is that incredibly dismissive on so many levels but like with how LEGITIMATELY my siblings took and NOODED THEIR HEADS?????? TO IT. truly fiction is a joke compared to life.
anyways this is the most any of you will ever get from me here on tumblr in months, good luck to any of my followers seeing this who were unaware i am a person and wassup to my mutuals entirely unaware of my life and smooches to my dear dear friends who are all very aware of all of this. everyone else. idgaf, this was for me to vent and proclaim. bc i lay down in my bed with my cat looking very disappointed that im not asleep despite how late it is and i have to go to sleep keeping all of that with me for the rest of my life. oh it may not stay close, it may not be completely there by the end, but i know i will always be aware even more so than before when i was living out of my car, of what i keep in and am willing to leave in and with it. I have somehow kept that cute little cactus my friend gave my for my birthday alive still, i now have a whole wall of plants that ive kept alive for over a year, and i plant to keep that as long as I can. I have presents and gifts and memories that i plan to look fondly on tomorrow and the day after and the day after that and so on. afterall. I need to check on my plants and water them, and feed my cat. everyday a tragedy happens and still i must feed my cat. my mother was dying, and still i had to feed my cat. was she suffering? no, she was not even there anymore to be suffering and still i must go home and feed my cat and sleep and wake up and there is my cat to welcome my mornings after guarding my nights, a clear agreement that she must be fed once pleased with her pettings. my elder sister blocked me and cut me from her life before our mothers death and even during she did not change, strong in her stance and belief not even grief would change or ease her foundations. nor would my grief stop my cat from being fed. every day i wake and sleep with all these things and one day my cat will die. and i will grieve. and it will not be her that gets me through it, but she will never be parted from me again. i will wake up and make the same sleepy motions that indicate her morning ritual that will not be performed. my day will be as different and as same as it was before. i will sleep and i will wake with it all and i will meet someone new and tell them the first time i really got into energy drinks was after getting a whole case for being a smartass at 7am to emergency driving instructors. that i only started drinking coffee bc a boy who liked me worked at starbucks and so gave me a large giftcard and an in to getting my first job at starbucks. you never know why or how somethings started.
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dballzposting · 7 months
Back tot hinking that maybe he does likc that cat fr
WEhat I beleife is that when he licks that cat it was totally spontaneous and unprecedented.
It was completely spontaneous and neither party had any warning and theuyve had years of the daily drivel of cat-naps-and-comfrot-food, and then one day Yajirobe moves quick and grabs that cat and just LICKS HIM LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW.
Completely spontaneously. Like
It's like
You know when cats groom themselves and they have an itch and theyre really dire about it? Like you ever seena cat walking around, and then it feels something funny soemwhere like maybe its thigh and it hurredly flops down and raises its leg and scrubs its fur with its tongue? Sometimes they bite too if it's really itchy but they also just lick with fervor. Have you evewr seen that? All hurredly liike that.
It's like that to me. He licks that cat with fervor.
AND THEY DONT TALK ABOUT IT. Koprin doesnt know what he';s suppsoed to say to him after
They never talk about it and Yajirobe doesnt act like anything weird happened so Korin goes with that. Nothing weird happened.
And it's not the sort of thing you talk about except maybe like DERCADES LATER, after Yajiorbe dies, the perhaps-immortal Korin is out getting coffee with someone or something. And he starts talking about Yajirobe, his good pet friend Yajirobe. The late Yajirobe
And he remebres that story and he slams his mug down and he says "Oh my GOSH there was ONE TIME THOUGH where-gah I don't even know what happened. He was very hands-off, that Yajirobe. Great roommate. But there was ONE TIME where out of nowhere he picked me up and before I could respond just starts to- hey look I consider you decent company but there's no nicer way for me to say this, he just starts licking me with everything he's got. He just really WENT TO TOWN on me, he DUG INTO spots that- that havent seen action in- decades! At some point i had a fur brush and I used it to brush my head but I had long since lost and forgotten all about it. He just- I MEAN BEHIND THE EARS, EVETYHING! And it was- it was GREAT, you know! I was euphoric, I'm not too prideful to admit that. And it wasn't even that weird is what you have to understand. We did- we- it was just the two of us up there for YEARS. I mean sure he would come and go but understand that he was choosing to live up there, he- he came from ground-living, he was a ground-dweller, and he had to adapt to the monotony. We did what we had to do. It got to the point where we rarely discussed things, we just did or didn't, sometimes spontaneously and out of nowhere, just random things. And he- he really just- WITH EVERYTHING HE HAD, you know? I never knew him to be so selfless. I was shocked. I caught the poor boy coughing up hairballs the next day, THAT'S HOW THOROUGH HE WAS! I will never forget that. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments that we shared together. He was disrespectful and unseemly but was a great roommate if you just let him be. he made a great mac n cheese."
Oh yg God ...........
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springcloudsmind · 9 months
Taglagas dahil may bagong pagsibol
a 2023 highlight
Life update! I'm a non-major now. With many prayers and humbling times, mama finally agreed. and guess what? she said she was just waiting for me to ask her because she has trusted me already with the Lord. What an answered prayer.
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<if 2023 would be described in 1 photo>
It's the start of a new year!
Recently, I've been very contemplative. Maybe it's my age catching up to me. haha.
"I had a blast this 2023" was an understatement.
When I reviewed my IG stories, I was utterly shocked how the darkest time and brightest time of my life happened in just a year, in this year.
Just now, I saw my journal and my expectation for it a year ago. Never could I have imagined what happened now that it has ended.. It's rly humorous how there was a big "Be more like Him" in the first page. I prayed that I'd be more christlike and here I was; given the biggest fishbone to my throat. haha.
BUt! that was just half of it.
When I reached September, our 2nd sem, everything I wished for happened. It was the greatest time of my life.
My classes were soooooo fun. I've made palpable my table and college-ing ideas. I have been receiving high scores in my exams. I also had a very craaaaaazy class wherein we discuss about and dance disco. fUn! And beh, don't get me started on the people I've interacted with! I met many nationalities, became friends with them, and even went to another nation! (side note: I also learned about how exchange students works. hihi. maybe, Lord? Is it ur will, even for a sem? *cute face while on my knees* haha) In that other nation, I saranghae-d everywhere. First time had I experienced a negative degree celcius temperature! As cute as it sound like, hear me say this. It. Was. Not. Fun. hahaha. i wished to experience that when I was a child, but who's laughing now to be eating my words back decades after. I couldn't even take pictures. haha. I really tried my best to screen shot them in my mind for future reference and rly just go back in the summer time someday. for sure. :) When I prayed to get closer to God, he gave me something I super mega really didn't expect. Grabe, siz. I was given a privilege to disciple 4 girls in my campus, and 5 girls in our local church! I became part of the campus core team (who were *chef's kiss*), and even serving as one of the evangelism servant-leadership! I really had no kawala because I've became more accountable to His pips. hehe. a pleasure... Heart wise, it was so cuuuuuuuute! I'm happy these are all buried with me but, gorl! It was my first time to be asked out on a date. For clarity, I declined ah. Pero back in high school I aced that. (kaya God made sure I learned haha) Then in senior high, I protected my heart. Now, it was so funny 'cuz I only see these things in movies. hahaha. Thanks for asking me out, you. Nevertheless, I think I only got 2-3 other crush this year. The most recent ferson was the one whom I first saw on television, loved his testimony, and surprise surprise, he was on the same satelite as my campus and even friends with my team mates. His voice is already a sweet honeycomb in the summer. hihi satin lang to pls. But kidding aside, because of my mature ates and kuyas, it makes me want to be mature as well, and set, and contented in the Lord. So, when God's best come, I can be ready. for sure. :) haha. Lord, take this hart/plez
woop. already 30 mins in and I havent started on what I wanted to share. words cant rly be concise when talking about these things. >,<
Soooo, let me continue.
Recently, I've been very contemplative. Anxious, too. Because of that, I've been indecisive in many things, including on what I should be devo-ing. But the Lords says to just do it. So, I maximized the available resources and found the verse Joshua 1:8-9 for my last day of 2023.
Here are the things I realized:
Josh 1:8 is the same sa Deut 31: 8. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
"What about it?," you may ask. My answer would be, "It's all about it." It was the same promise I held on to back in my 1st year. It just make me realize how God is whispering, shouting even, the same words. It's like, "Child, listen. Just like what wanted and prayed for, I also want that. I want you to be succesful and glorify Me. That is why, I want you to be careful in doing the things I say." Amazing isn't it? Eto yung unshakable, unchanging, and constant shelter, Father, lover, and God. I also came across some verses God used to speak to me in the time I asked if I should really leave Engggg.
in all of these, God was reminding me how he was faithful in His word of last 2 years and last year, and will surely still be this year. How he speaks to me when I give my heart to linger and listen.
My vision for 2024 is to thirst for Him (psalm 63)
Part of my quiet time is look for real meaning of some words, or terms in its origin language. When I was searching about "meditate," I also saw maaaaaany verses that this kind of meditating was mentioned. <Psalm 1:2, Psalm 63:6, Psalm 77:12, Psalm 143:5, and Isaiah 33:18> All of those I read were about a person in a difficult circumstance and forgetting God's goodness yet reminding the self in faith.
That's the power of not letting this this Book of Instruction go out from one's speech and meditating or reciting it or understanding and applying it day and night. How mindful and intentional is the Lord of the littlest thing that he had to mention specific times of a person's day. Note also that it is in perfect tense meaning ~~~ an action started in the past and continues in the future ~ or so. He alone.
God wants me to be successful.
May it be not in my current definiton of it but he wants to. When I searched for what does it mean to be successful, I came across Deutoronomy 28. How beautiful is that painting of God's blessing. The only thing God is asking for His people is to love him. To love him in obedience. To ensure that I do aaaaall that is written in His word by His grace through faith, in all that I can.
This means a lot. All of the things I've written in this blog are all complains if God really wants me to to be succesfull. God is answering me now. He does.
He wants to bless me. He wants to love me with all that He can.
If only I'd allow him to.
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<photo from that trip> hehe
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casesenergylife · 2 years
6.0 marshmallow zip file for sony ericsson xperia mini st15i
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The best Counter-Strike 1.6 players came from all around the world: MiBr from Brazil, multi-game teams WeMade FOX and eSTRO from Korea, North America's Team 3D and Evil Geniuses, but the top talent centered around Europe, with Swedish teams being the most dominant at the game. If you originally bought a disc verion of CS1.6, use the disc to install it, then update it through Steam. After all that is done, reinstall your game through Steam. Each round is won by either completing the mission objective or eliminating the opposing force. Once in the Steam folder, go Steam Apps -> your Steam account name, and delete the Counter-Strike 1.6 folder if it is still there. Counter-Strike pits a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds. The game has been expanded into a series since its original release, which currently includes Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. If you think there is a virus or malware with this product, please submit your feedback at the bottom. So far we havent seen any alert about this product. We have seen about 2 different instances of in different location.
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So let us go back to the past and take a. is known as Counter-Strike and it is developed by. The first public beta was released on June 19, 1999, the developers of the mod teamed up with Valve on April 12, 2000, and the game being completed and fully released to the public on November 8, 2000. Our CS 1.6 rosters wrote history during that decade and legends made themselves immortal with spectacular performances. Players who want to check out what CS was like in a different era can download CS 1.6 alongside Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.Counter-Strike (sometimes referred to as Half-Life: Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike 1.6, and shortened to CS) is a tactical first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation, originating from a Half-Life mod by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe. Additional Details for Counter Strike 1.6 HLDS. Many of CSGO’s current professional players cut their teeth in Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike: Source, making jumping back into the game an interesting look at how CSGO has developed into the competitive force that it is today. Welcome To Counter Strike 1.6 HLDS world Here you can download any mod of Windows OS Windows Installation: - Download any Mod - Extract it - Now edit STARTSERVER.bat according to your desired port,map and max players - After editing open it I also sell Pak Hosted Server you can check my website for rates.
Setting _cl_autowepswitch to 2 will now enable auto weapon switching on pickup of a better weapon except when holding Primary or Secondary attack.
Security fix to client/server communications.
Security fixes to console command handling.
Security fix to client disconnect handling.
Playing 1.6 teaches the power of accuracy.
Fixed ammo boxes visibly spawning when purchasing ammo Its worth playing all three to fully understand the game and how other people play.
Fixed viewdemo command crashing for certain demo files.
That said, when fairly evaluating the game from our current point of view, it probably wouldn’t hold up or be even bearable as a gaming experience. This was obviously changed in later versions of Counter-Strike, but the fix is a nice touch for the Counter-Strike history buffs and those who still play the game. Asking old-heads the question of what the best Counter-Strike version is will inevitably lead to a huge discussion with either 1.3 or 1.6 finding support among purists.
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In CS 1.6, the game did not automatically resupply ammo when each round ended, requiring players to purchases more ammo at the start of the next. In another fix that shows just how different CS 1.6 is from the CSGO fans play today, ammo boxes will now spawn correctly when players purchase ammo.
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ifandomus · 3 years
It just dawned on me that the chair used to wipe Bucky’s memories was never even mentioned or alluded to in tfatws. Like, outside of the trauma words, I’ve always associated the chair heavily with Bucky’s trauma and torture and to not discuss it all!? Seriously? But then again that would have gone against the never narrative they’re trying to manipulate us into believing that Bucky was at least somewhat complicit in what HYDRA forced him to do 🙄 (also please say so if me sending you tfatws asks ever gets annoying)
Thank you for the ask!! And its not annoying at all! I really love getting and answering asks, but my executive dysfunction unfortunately makes it take a while.
Yes this really irritates me too. Did they even mention the amnesia? I really dont want to rewatch it to check for just that.
I think the closest they got to mention the horrific things done to him was when Zemo made light of his imprisonment. There was also the heavy implications in the scene with Shelby. Other than that it was entirely ignored at all times apart from the flashback scene* at the start of episode 4. However that was kind of undercut by when the scene was in the series.
*(I still cant believe that the people who created the rest of the series, also created this scene. My leading theory is that all they did was give Florence the list of words and told her and Sebastian that their characters were testing them, then they let the actors take it from there. And then they let an amazing editor pick the flashbacks. That is the only way it makes any kind of sense for me)
So yeah. Apart from one somehow amazing scene that was undercut by its placement in the series, there wasnt any mentions of it.
They also made the whole ‘would you take the supersoldier serum?’ a huge moral question, but didnt say one word that the serum was forced on Bucky which was literally medical torture. Just remember how the ones we have seen on screen (like Steve and the hydra death squad) reacted to getting it (and unlike Bucky they consented and were surrounded by people they could trust). And also remember how he was both physically and mentally when Steve found him in ca:tfa. He was even repeating his name and serial number which is something soldiers are taught to do if they are ever tortured.
Bucky was imprisoned, experimented on, frozen alive several times, tortured and abused for 70 years. Hydra stole his memories until he didnt remember anything or anyone. He didnt even remember his loved ones or his own name. They took everything from him, and any time there was any chance of him regaining anything they painfully ripped it away from him so that they could continue to use him as a weapon and however else they used him.
Bucky was hydras biggest victim, now he is their scapegoat
They introduced Isaiah, another character who was imprisoned, experimented on, dehumanised, tortured and abused for decades, and nothing. They introduced dr Nagel who admitted to working on the winter soldier program (aka the torture and abuse that went into keeping him as the winter soldier) for over 20 years, and nothing. We get a scene where they literally pretends to sell Bucky with some really heavy implications, and nothing. Still absolutely no actual mentions of anything that was done to him. I am still wondering if something happened to them right after that horrific scene with Selby that made them all forget it or something.
Its clear from the interviews that both the director and head writer victimblames Bucky. They are holding him accountable instead of the nazi terrorist organisation that brainwashed and mindcontrolled him. And yes, I also guess that even mentioning the extremely painful ways they controlled him would be a threat to the narrative they wanted.
I havent felt such an amount of manipulation from a MCU project since civil war and endgame
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ah-yes-paris · 3 years
beatles harmonies that cured my depression.
It is important that i discuss this. Well, not really important I just really wanted to share. This is in no particular order either it's just the ones that come to the top of my head lol. Feel free to reblog and share your own 😎
1. The "Woahoooah AHHHHH" from When I Get Home.
Not even words can describe the battery power that starts coursing through my veins when I hear this harmony. I cant even,....LIKE HELLO??? i have never heard such a blessing... Such a well-fitting triplet of voices singing a vowel thats made me feel like i can run 10 miles straight. They aren't real. The Beatles, of course. To this day I don't understand how this harmony exists in this universe. My ears melt everytime. One of my favorites, in case you couldn't tell.
2. The obvious.. "yeah yeah yeah YEAHH" from She Loves You :)
LET ME TELL YOU. oh my god let me tell yo u .. Way back when, when I was a new fan... Good lord. I was literally ascending. ASCENDING. i felt every inch of my body start to lift off the ground. Im sure im not the only one who's experienced this. I remember thinking 'how the wiggle wubble do 3 men sound so GOOD TOGETHER' IT DOES NOT ADD UP PEOPLE THE BEATLES HAVE TO BE SOME SORT OF ROBOTIC BOY BAND GROWN IN A LAB THIS ISNT POSSIBLE how do we live on the same dimensional plane that this harmony lives on..
3. "The magical mystery tour, is coming to take you away, Coming to take you away!" from Magical Mystery Tour.
guys. Guys you dont understand. This one line, adds, YEARS. LITERAL YEARS TO MY LIFE SPAN. At this point I am fully immortal. The "coming to take you awayyy" makes my heart POUND. i love this song so much... And this line especially... It makes me go insane. Basically the beatles are manic melody genuises that have successfully spread one of the biggest diseases in musical history. Personally, I think this line was a clear example of why.
4. "Last night I said these words to my girl", "Please pleaase me, oh yeah, like i please you...", "...With you! Oh yeah, why do you make me blue" from Please Please Me.
do i even have to say anything. Well, i dont but i will for the sake of the post. There is so much. So much. About this song that I. I cant even,,. I would choose this song over SO MANY BEATLES SONGS DUDE. not that its cause i think its better than all the others but it just holds such a special place in my heart. Its the only song thats Ever made me feel some intense wave of nostalgia for a decade i wasnt even born in. Its one of the songs that continue to make me question the beatles existance. How could something like this ever come to reality. My brain has never been so pleased in its life.
5. "Carve your number on my wall and maybe you will get a call from me" from If I Needed Someone.
The way that this song was added into my Liked playlist SO QUICKLY...... God. I love george. Hes my favorite after all. Rubber Soul as a whole makes me feel warm inside but this song and this one line just hits so much more intensely for some reason... Their voices just flow insanely well and I just DONT UNDERSTAND HOW. its like an angel choir making its way through the clouds as you see the gate to heaven start to appear. Wonderful song and mind-blowing harmony... The beat is so good too and i just explode.
6. The "ahhhhh Ahhhhh AHhhhh *inhale* AHHHhhhh AHHHHH *inhale* AHHHHHH" from Day Tripper.
HOLY JESUS CHIRST THIS SONG HAS SO MUCH TO UNPACK... There are undeniably A BUNCH of other flawless harmonies in this song but my god the beatles knew what they were doing. Thats all I'm going to say really.... But once again. Power. In my veins. A few listens to this song and you'll find yourself having the strength of 1,000 men.
7. "Oh, now", "All I want is you" from Dig a Pony.
FIRST LYRIC... ITS LITERALLY 2 WORDS AND YET IT CONTINUES TO BLOW MY MIND. Something about the "Oh" ...... Its like an arrow passing through my heart I dont even know guys. Im not lying when I say it makes me feel like im floating. It makes me feel like i can quite literally grow wings and fling myself towards the sun. Dont even get me started on "All I want is you".......it literally triples the effect. It makes me go ballistic. The song is just mindless lyrics but the harmonieeesss.....
8. "Ah girlll.... *inhaeahelrlsseeesh* Girrll...." from Girl.
no words. Like. No words. I cant even. I seriously dont need to explain this one. Im just going to drop the isolated vocals version because if you havent listened to it you are MISSING OUT... you thought the originally recorded song was the greatest cause of your heart palpitations? Well you thought WRONG.
9. "I love youwoowooowoowoooo...", "ask me WHYY..", "I can't believe.. Its happened to MEeee", "i cant concieve *doo doo doo do doo* of anymore *dun dun dun* MISERY" from Ask Me Why.
GOD OK LISTEN im just gonna say this now i absolutely adore and favor the please please me album so much i dont care what anyone says ok im such a sucker for their early sappy love songs ITS SO MANY GOOD HARMONIES ESPECIALLY FROM THIS ONE. MY GOD i listen to this and i feel like im with a lover late at night and we're like at one or the others house keeping each other warm and being all romantic and happy. Specifically the part that goes "ask me whyy I say i love you.. (OOOOHHHOOOO) and im always thinking of youuhoohohoo..." LIKE COME ON PLEAEE IT MAKES ME FEEL SO WARM INSIDE AND I SMILE IN AN INSTANT GOD I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. Whenever i think im sad i go "no im not because Please Please Me." And its like all the sudden everything im sad about just poof disappears!
10. "If theres anything that you want.. IF THERES ANYTHING I CAN DOOOO" from From Me To You.
I am so in love with this song you guys i have no idea I LOVE IT SO MUCH. IT HAS THIS LITTLE SWING TO IT SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN THESE 2 LINES THAT MY BRAIN SEEKS FOR NEARLY EVERY DAY. the amount of blessing i get from this song is more than i can comprehend its literally insane i cant even. How does someone do this how did the beatles make music guys I am seriously so dumbfounded like they just sat there and wrote banger after banger like WHAT. this song makes me believe that life isnt as horrible as it seems and if im lucky enough i can just sing and dance to this song for all of eternity. There are also so many other good harmonies in this one as well...
In conclusion the beatles have had a chokehold on me for 3 years but I mean their stupid groundbreaking songs keep drawing me back in so.... This has also made me come to the conclusion that the Beatles simply arent real because I still dont believe a band can not only write consistent hits, but also harmonize in a way that causes me to spin around while doing backflips.
Thank you for your time.
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since you are a punk, what are your punk music recs!
thanks for asking! im gonna start with newer bands i like a lot!
bob vylan - my favourite hardcore band rn. i love their name, i love their music, i love their whole vibe, and if youre black i doubly recommend them
jer - this is a tiktok mutual who runs a ska project called skatune network! they dont have a full album out (yet!!) but im obsessed with r/edgelord
catbite - this is a band patrick was recommended on the in defense of ska podcast, but i actually heard about them through jer.
we are the union - jers in this band! recently gave them a listen (finally) and i love what ive heard! these are my only ska recs i think
destroy boys - i found them on bandcamp and i think they bop hard
the regrettes - a little less hardcore, but still a fave! a living human girl is a really great song
nova twins - love their stuff so far, need to give their album a listen from cover to cover but i LOVE play fair
otoboke beaver - a japanese punk all girl band, i love their shit, though i havent listened recently
amyl and the sniffers - what a NAME. they really feel like a classic punk band but theyre from this past decade.
some punk (and alternative) acts i like but havent looked more into yet (youll find most of these on the black and bitchin playlist)
blacker face
the black tones
big joanie
lillith ai
special interest
the 1865
rico nasty - if you say shes not punk or alt i will smack a bitch
jhariah (not on the playlist because i need to pick a song of his but i CANT theyre all so good and so different)
stem champ - another beloved tiktok mutual! i love to the front, need to listen to their stuff. very folk punk.
baby storme - what ive heard i LOVE but i need to listen to more
angelboy + the halos isnt really punk tho id say they fall under the broader alt/indie umbrella but theyre so good i hope they pop off in a big way some day
danny denial - gay af
lesane - deeply sorry to everyone i introduced to dont do drugs he immediately went inactive and now we are all in withdrawal
soul glo - cant understand their lyrics yet rip
television screams - they got one single out last i checked. but its a very good one!
teenage halloween
and finally, oldie goldies!
bad brains (banned in dc) - now a lot of the band have said some homophobic stuff but for complicated caribbean diaspora maslows hierarchy politics reasons while i do encourage a load of discretion i do still (VERY TENTATIVELY) recommend them. i like some of their reggae stuff too but im more into modern reggae when i listen, like chronixx (my beloved)
x ray spex - oh bondage, up yours!
fall out boy - theyre still easycore i will die on this hill
racetraitor - one of andys bands, i really love what ive heard so far but tbf ive only heard their stuff from the 90s
arma angelus - petes screaming my beloved
green day - not interested in a philosophical discussion, i like their stuff although i still havent listened to father of all and probably wont
gym class heroes! obviously.
the white stripes - i love elephant. i have my gripes with jack white.
against me! - punk mom <3
my chemical romance - not a HUGE fan but still a fan
idkhbtfm - not old but yes they are
im gonna put florence + the machine here just because i dont know what they are exactly
i could do a little lightning round of classic bands i like: the ramones, misfits, nirvana, the clash, blondie, gorillaz (they count imo), the runaways, joy division, the sex pistols sound good but are shit,
im likely missing some stuff and im probably about to be called a poser but heres a sampler of my taste in music!
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telaraneas · 3 years
man i have so many words about homestuck but no one to talk to about it with. aimless ramble about classpects under the cut (disclaimer that other people have probably said the same things in much more concise ways, i literally finished homestuck like 3 days ago)
so, the way i actually understand aspects and classes in homestuck is that aspect = themes and class = arc. so, like, class and aspect as i think of them are not assigned as a role to play per se, like, they're not prophetic, they're descriptive. ive been reading a lot of old forum discussions from early act 6 because i crave whatever speculation and live analysis was going on at the time. and back then there was a lot of, for instance, "i wonder what the prince class is supposed to do, since eridan probably fucked it up" and im sitting here with the benefit of living almost a decade later and having read the entire story by that point, and im like, no, see, it's actually impossible to "fail" at your class in my opinion because they're descriptive, not predictive. so whatever a character did by the time homestuck actually ended (...with the caveat that i havent yet read the epilogues or the sequel), that was what they were supposed to do in the game/story, because like. that IS what they did.
like in the same way we have descriptive words for specific character archetypes in fiction, because i do think classpects are basically just That, like, for example, (to go. really really basic) princess peach in the original mario game may be a shitty female character but she's a perfect representation of the damsel in distress archetype. the "damsel in distress" denomination here is descriptive of the role she plays in the story of that game (to the extent it has one), whether or not it was consciously written that way, and it's assigned from the outside looking in at the finished game, not necessarily written from the outset to be that way. eg how inexperienced authors often end up writing what is commonly described as "mary sue" characters, even though most of them do not deliberately set out to write characters like that, obviously. the term "mary sue" here is descriptive, not prescriptive (and ofc the term itself has been dilluted to the point it's barely useful, this was just an example)
so like, an author may set out to write a character in a specific way, or to fill a specific role, and they may succeed or they may not; but a reader analyzing the story will interpret the story as they see fit, and will be the judge of how THEY would describe the characters. ofc interpretations may vary from reader to reader, but generally speaking when it comes to the role a character plays in the story, eg do they have agency, what function do they have towards advancing the plot, what are the dominant themes and ideas of the story and how does this character play into it etc etc will, at least to the individual reader, be informed by the work as a whole, not by the author's intent. the character's actions in the work as a whole as written by the author and interpreted by the reader speak for themselves.
i think i've gotten lost somewhere along the line here. this is all true and part of what i meant to say but i cant figure out how to connect it to my point. which is that i think the classes arent meant so much as rpg classes that dictate what you are capable of doing, so much as they're a descriptive label that sums up the role a character plays in the story. like the time loop stuff, it's not that a character MUST fulfill their role, it's that they already HAVE from the perspective of the finished story taken as a whole.
anyways all of this that ive said about classpects being descriptive and not prescriptive is ignoring the very obvious reality that homestuck itself was not written from the outside looking in, but in fact was often improvised from what i can tell, especially in regards to the arcs and themes of the more minor characters such as the trolls, but ofc it has the benefit that because its author is the one coming up with the classpect system in the first place, it gets to set its own definition. so in effect, the classpects in homestuck are self-descriptive; each title is an intrinsically correct description of the character's arc and themes, in the exact same way that the character's NAME is an intrinsically correct description of what the character is called. i think this is the whole reason why afaik there hasnt actually been explicit descriptions of what most of the classes do, and why there were only like 3 or 4 explicit in-universe descriptions of the classes, because if hussie said that a character's class means exclusively X thing, and then that character goes and does Y instead and never does X, then the story has contradicted itself
but instead, by keeping most of them vague, the classes become inherently self-descriptive. it's impossible to say that character A has failed their role as class B, because character A is part of the definition of class B. self-descriptive
(like how once in the adventure zone travis mentioned being shocked that people online were saying that something his character did was "out of character", to which he answered something to the effect of "what do you MEAN it's out of character, i write the character and he did that!". whatever actions character A takes are, by definition, in-character for character A; if this doesn't sit right with the viewer, they may say that this makes them an incoherent and/or badly written character, but by definition the character IS defined by the actions as written by the author. self-descriptive)
bringing it back to the eridan example, it's impossible for eridan to "fail" at being a prince of hope; eridan IS the prince of hope, and thus, whatever he did IS "what the prince of hope was supposed to do", which in this case meant being someone whose character is defined and tortured by his own hopes, beliefs, and convictions, until he reaches a breaking point and destroys his own aspect not just for himself but for those around him.
without context as to what a prince is "supposed" to do, it's easy to assume he must have failed in his role because of how he very literally destroyed the presence of hope in the part he played of the story, but in-universe the classes are descriptive and not prescriptive: eridan is the prince of hope BECAUSE of the role he played in the story, not in spite of it.
in any case, this whole mess is my way of saying that this is why assigning class and aspect to characters from non-homestuck media is, for me at least, very fun and illuminating! because, while in homestuck they may be self-descriptive, for non-homestuck media they are inherently just descriptive. you just need to analyze the characters, as you, the reader, understand them, and pinpoint their core essence as a character via their character arc and dominant themes. and it can illuminate interesting parallels, trends and contrasts in the story as it exists. it's kind of like a birds eye view character analysis cheat sheet and that makes it very fun dkfnekmf
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ajani · 3 years
Could you please elaborate on the Sweet Tooth thing, if that's alright?
There's a LOT to unpack and I'm not Jewish so I want to be a bit careful on it but like. Stuffed to the brim with dogwhistles at the very least. My googling abilities for finding better discussions on these specific tropes is unfortunately not up to snuff so its not going to be as heavily sourced/linked as I'd like. This is long so I'm going to put under a cut. Also please if you have good sources dissecting the tropes/caricature things I am referring to, feel free to add them.
to give a tl;dr: Disease decimates earth with symptoms that echo antisemitic caricatures, weird anti-quarentine/anti-masker vibes throughout, and eventually the plot just goes fully into blood libel.
So "Sweet Tooth" broadly is about The Sick, a virus that has decimated earth's population. After The Sick started, all children born were ""hybrids"" with animal features.
So to start off on the deeply antisemitic shit, the symptoms of "The Sick". There are two tell-tale signs of it in the show, and well. They're both antisemitic tropes! Your nose starts turning red (I think it might even get swollen) and your hands start shaking. While these are both like. Sure things that could actually be disease symptoms, but like thats how you do dogwhistles is having "plausible deniability" (though I feel like thats generous to this). Among the most common things focused on in antisemitic caricatures is noses. While usually this is like having large or hooked noses, the red nose is a bit more subtle and broad of a way to do the same idea.
The shaking hand is a sign of greediness. This is a common visual language for greed, to show hands shaking in anticipation in a deal. Unfortunately, this is very often put hand in hand with antisemitic caricatures and thus kinda blends into being one itself.
I don't want to do episode synposes so im gonna try to do this a bit more truncated.
> Dad lies to titular Sweet Tooth, one of the first "hybrids", about the nature of the end of the world, saying it was a "fire" that nature did to get rid of greedy people who were hurting it, and people blamed the "hybrids" because of the timing of the births. This sequence is very classic ecofascist "Humanity is the virus uwu" shit.
> Dad dying of the virus gives a strong visual for how the virus symptoms are just antisemitic caricatures.
> This might be me reading too much into it, but, there is a few sequences early on that show the kid *hearing noises outside the normal range of human hearing* which in retrospect really feels like a "listen for dogwhistles" scene.
> After dad dies the kid is being hunted on their little safe spot. Kid is saved from two poachers by a black man who had initially planned on killing the kid/turning them in for a bounty, but hears that the kid can talk and realizes "Oh hey, they are human?"
> The above scene establishes that hybrids, which mind you are all children, are hunted, killed, and extremely valuable. This hunting is so thorough that the fact that they can speak is alarming to everyone.
> After this theres some shit that has very big anti-masker vibes, like how there was a very sudden quarantine announced when The Sick first starts and how this one woman ended up living in her own prison because of the evil quarantine and regulations. Theres a present-day bit where the kid and the guy who saved him run into other people, who all wear their masks for their guests, who they havent had in like a decade. The man says "You've been sheltered in place, we don't have it, we don't have to wear the damn masks" or something to this effect.
>There is what appears to be an armed faction that helps run clinics for dealing with the sick that is starkly shown to be all wearing masks when people in the clinic aren't, and very clearly shown by the camera as a power showing excessive force.
>The show has a bit where it follows a man whose been involved in treating it, and has him inherit the legacy of searching for a permanent cure. There has been a way to fight/treat the symptoms and stave the disease off for a while now, though its manufacturing is mysterious.
>Turns out this is why the kids are hunted and killed. To make medicine so that some select people can safely live. This is the point at which I just said "Oh so its fucking flat out blood libel okay" and walked away.
This is speculation, but, given whats been established, I wouldn't be surprised if the plot ends up going in a Plandemic route.
Again, I am certainly not an expert in this shit and am not Jewish, but based on what I've read about dogwhistles and specifically the history of Blood Libel, its pretty clear to me that this show is an antisemitic mess.
Theres other shit in there that sucks and is bad but I dont want to spend any more time on this than I already have.
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love4hobi · 3 years
Okay this is gonna be long but I wanted to respond and put my 2 cents in about ur asks u got yesterday and discussion over bts recent music....okay so I read somehwere (I forget) that PTD was like their end to the trilogy thing of songs they were doing in that type of genre / English thing...Idk if that’s 100% true but it can give hope. Imo I actually liked butter and stuff PTD was just straight up bad but I liked butter and dynamite...is it their best work clearly not close but it wasn’t bad like PTD😭😭 also as I’ve been a fan for so fucking long (2015) I can say that for 2020-2021 bts KEEPS their success bc they’re such great perofmorers and bring it everytime despite the current music they’re releasing...(my opinion...) like I rememebr watching festa room live and being like holy shit they’re so good what the fuck and then realizing they were performing like all old b sides besides 2 songs😭😭 idk. To me they still perform and put on top level stages and that’s what keeps me interested and a fan to this day...also idk if you liked MOTS and persona but I liked both ...and BE was an okay album to me (not their best but come on KDKDKDKDKDKDD) also I think we as fans need to expect that every artist has their peak. Like there’s so many western rock /alt bands that I’m in love with their albums and then they release shit I don’t like after being together for like a decade and I just have to accept they reached their peak musically but am able to look back at their work they have done and still love them for what they did and released. Idk. I think bts can still bring it back musically as the time period of 2020-2021 isn’t that long in my opinion. Yes it’s been their worst year musically but it’s been like a year since dynamite so it hasn’t been THAT long. I think it feels like a long ass time tho so I get it....I’m giving them a lot of room and you obviously can disagree I’m just stating my opinion lol!! Cuz I do agree that PTD sucked and hybe is stupid...I mean take a look at what p dogg said a month ago when he said that it’s sad that bts songs are getting so incredibly short and the rap line can’t show their skills anymore to cater to the market and to check out their other music...(literally say that shit like word for word basically in a YouTube video....) like does this man (their long time producer) expressing these worries seirously have 0 say??? Like it really seemed like he is bummed about their recent shit too and bts are rich so you’d think they’d put their foot down and say no to anything...but I agree with you about how they’ve been grinding nonstop for 8 years and maybe they’re just fucking tired. Like it’s understandable. Anyway, I agree that this years music has been lacking (and honestly I lowkey feel that way about all kpop AT the moment)....like txt is the only group imo that is releasing good music right now...not to drag anyone else but twice disappointed me this year and nct and skz too 😭😭 but you know!! It is what it is!!! Back to bts tho, I personally still love them bc of their body of work that they have done and their stage performances and probably will feel that way for a long time. Idk, I’ve experience this with so many bands so it doesn’t shock me that much. Like for ex the band arctic monkeys had a perfect discography for me then they released an ass album and it sucked and I just accepted that maybe they just reached their peak 😭😭 idk...this was super long but oof
oh hmm i havent heard that about the trilogy but that certainly would be nice,, but then the coldplay collab is pretty much basically confirmed at this point and thatll probably be mostly if not all in english 🙄 and omg yes ur so right performing is definitely one of their biggest strong suits especially on tours whenever i go back and rewatch old concerts its just like theres no one else like them like theres lots of great performers in kpop but theres just something special about them altogether as a group!! and the thought and effort they put into end of the year stages always blows me away, but yea also smaller things like the festa room live are so nice,, they just work so well together on every level. but i do see what ur saying about them peaking cus yea i loved black swan and on and i could see how that would feel hard to top, but idk yea like i said in another ask they might just be tired and i think if they dont put out anything that great in the next year or two i feel like they might be able to get back together sometime after enlistement once theyve hopefully been a little ✨rejuvenated✨ and had time to rest n just live their lives for a bit (and bighit has hopefully moved on to txt and the new gg a bit more) and finally be able to to do something thats more them and just fits what they actually want to be doing at that point in their careers. but omg yea exactly what u said abt pdogg it kinda rly sucked to hear him say exactly what i was thinking in that vid and for His opinion to still not even have an effect on anything :( but also yea like you said and ive said in some other asks the pandemic has affected the music quality of a lot of groups/artists and theres always hope that things will get back to normal afterwards or maybe they really have peaked unfortunately theres no way to know we just have to wait n see ig :/
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tenshindon · 4 years
*waves* Hi, I'm Silver. I want to write Yamcha more accurately (he seems really nice?), but I haven't the time or money to buy the manga or episodes, so... any tips, I guess? Can you help me? Thank you 🌻💜
hiya !! i’m always happy to talk about yamcha and The Character Of yamcha :) gonna put my thoughts under a read more cause this Might be long:
I havent watched Z or Super in a while but I do watch and read through the original Dragon Ball often so accuracy May Vary due to my trash memory. I’m also going to try to keep the games’ depictions of him out of this since accuracy varies among those.
The first thing I wanna touch on is Yamcha’s ego- especially how it evolves over the series. The main thing to keep in mind is that while he is generally cocky about his fighting abilities (which is a major weakness of his as he underestimates his opponents often and gets in trouble because of that), he’s never overly confidant with himself as a person; he seldom tries to paint himself as a better person in comparison to others and rather keeps realistic skepticism about himself. It’s also worth noting that, depending on how old Yamcha is in your depiction, his awareness for his fighting inadequacy compared to his friends varies (the older he is obviously the more conscious he is).
Next thing I’ma talk bout is something that i see kind of treated inconsistently; Yamcha’s relationship with women and his love life. I feel like a lot of people forget that Yamcha’s defining character trait in Dragon Ball was his gynophobia- he chased Goku and his friends so long for the dragon balls so he could remedy his fear of women. Of course, he eventually does date Bulma as they realize dating each other would resolve their mutual wishes for Shenron (Bulma’s being getting a boyfriend and as mentioned before Yamcha’s fear of women). As we’re all aware though, nearly a decade later Yamcha and Bulma mysteriously separate, and the reason for doing so is never explicitly made clear in canon (I could honestly make a whole separate post on Bulma and Yamcha’s break up- there’s a lot to discuss with it so if anyone wants that let me know lmao). The majority believe that Yamcha was unfaithful which, in review of his whole character, makes literally no sense- even just subtracting his fear of women (though I’ll elaborate on that later). But back on track and in regards to his fear of women, it never fully goes away. It just so happens that he’s most comfortable around Bulma, and since Bulma’s the most prominent female character of the series we tend to forget his fear in the first place. When around other female characters, he’s subtlety more anxious- or at the very least he isn’t so much of a playboy as fanon interprets him to be. One final thing to note is- unless I remember the series wrong (and anyone’s free to correct me on this)- Yamcha’s never implied to have gotten another girlfriend or even a lover at any point. Of course it’s hard to track the intricacies of Yamcha’s life- this is a shonen anime where slice-of-life episodes are limited, and even then Yamcha is far from being a prominent character anymore (post Dragon Ball).
Up next is his loyalty/friendships, methods of handling conflict, and overall courage because in my rat brain these all go hand in hand. Nevertheless, Yamcha’s a devoted friend- he’s shown time and time again to be supportive of his pals and, even in spite of his shortcomings, always does his best to help the gang out. Like i touched on before, as Yamcha gets older, he’s more and more aware just how far behind in training he is in compared to his peers. But that doesn’t stop him from trying to fight off whatever threat’s present. So with that we can infer that even if Yamcha can’t be the absolute best, that’s not going to stop him from at least trying if it means helping his friends or making them feel better. Additionally, he’s quick to stand up for others, even if he doesn’t know them too well or even at all and he’s shown not to hold onto grudges. One thing to remember is that, presumably for 16 years, Yamcha’s only companion was Puar (that’s not even considering his life before meeting her) and most interactions he has with people involve robbing them. His social skills might not be the best (though that doesn’t mean he can’t act socially capable- he clearly has no issue trying to make Beerus feel comfortable and like a friend at Bulma’s party) but again, his social skills varies with age and the situation. But again, referring back to his readiness to defend others, he isn’t afraid of getting into conflict if it means helping someone else.
Last few topics I’m going to talk about are his relationships with property, finances, and goals- they seem like a small topics but I still want to talk about it. Now hopefully we’re all familiar with Yamcha’s beginnings of being a desert bandit- and seeing his methods of obtaining items, he didn’t try to charm his victims into giving him their stuff. He just took it if he could if he couldn’t intimidate them and retreated if he couldn’t get what he wanted (which is also noteworthy of Yamcha’s awareness of his limits- a bit contradictory to his fighting ego but it seems that if Yamcha’s certain he isn’t able to win something, then he’ll save himself if it means delaying a goal or staying alive). He doesn’t seem to mind playing the long game either, as he’s willing to tail Goku and co. for months as he waits for them to gather the dragon balls without ever letting his true intentions slip. When it comes to finances, Yamcha doesn’t seem to care to heavily about them: back in the desert, Puar mentions to Yamcha that he should wish for money to which Yamcha dismisses it quickly, stating he could just steal money if he really needed it. It’s also worth noting that despite being a successful baseball player by Super, Yamcha chooses to live in a modest apartment. Either he’s very paranoid with money and, despite having enough to buy a full house, chooses to live in a cheaper apartment building or he’s more comfortable with smaller living spaces- which makes sense since he’d lived nearly two decades in a desert cave and had to scavenge for supplies (plus he seems to still think fondly of the desert as he has a painting of such in his apartment).
For the TL;DR version of this post, here’s essentially what you should keep in mind when portraying yamcha:
He’s generally a very lax, simple, and sociable person when he wants to be- though a bit socially awkward when he isn’t prepared
He’s not egotistical, but he has a bad habit of underestimating his enemies at times. this changes over time of course.
While he’s not itching for conflict, he is loyal and quick to stand up for friends and strangers alike
He acknowledges he isn’t the best, but that doesn’t stop him from trying
He’s ambitious and seldom gives up on his goals
He cares little for huge amounts of wealth or property and generally is just trying to get by in life comfortably
While not cripplingly petrified of women post DB, he still maintains a mild anxiety around women he doesn’t know- even around women he does know pardon Bulma he’s still a bit on edge
I’m done with my character study using the anime and manga, but I like talking about Yamcha so below this little buffer I’m going to get into how the games portray him. I might’ve forgot something or got some things wrong so feel free to talk to me about that if you want to. Anyways, you can stop reading if the above is all you’re concerned with- regardless if you keep reading or not, I wish you the best of luck in writing Yamcha ! :)
If you’re still reading, join me in my continuous ramble of the Rubix cube of Yamcha’s character because Toei and Toriyama can’t be consistent.
Something that seems to be portrayed a significant amount is that Yamcha’s aware of his charm and that he uses this to advantage to smooth talk his way out of situations- not that he just so happens to be good looking and endearing and his panicked socialization just happens to work out for him. In regards to his way of talking out of situations, that’s honestly something I could see if Yamcha acknowledges he’s against a threat much greater than his fighting abilities will allow him to handle- and it’s not like he doesn’t consider himself attractive, if we’re to take his reaction to losing his tooth as anything (in case you aren’t aware, he curses Goku for ruining his “beautiful” face). An example of this is most prominent is his interaction with Frieza in FighterZ, where Frieza remarks that Yamcha is both “handsome and sensible”, to which Yamcha attempts to keep the conversation casual so as to not have to fight (which he later points out to Goku once the latter urges that the three of them should just start fighting already). Though I’m sure his first reaction isn’t to talk his way out of something- he’ll just do it if the opportunity presents itself.
I obviously take huge issue with Yamcha’s portrayal of being a womanizer- his major goal was to settle down, get married, and live out the rest of his life with someone. So for him to be portrayed as having to juggle girlfriends is a bit strange to say the least. You could maybe argue that Yamcha hypes himself up to be a lady’s man as a way to cope with his anxiety (fake it til you make it y’know) but I have little faith in the characterization in Dragon Ball games and for them to think that complexly- plus, again, it contradicts with his humble and awkward personality.
Aside from these two notes, that’s all I have to say. so I’m done- forreal this time.
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toujourspur13 · 4 years
Harry Potter Asks
Hogwarts house?  Speaking of pottermore quiz - I got sorted in both gryffindor and slytherin - but to be fair it’s not that difficult to understand what answers get you in the preferred house -  as it’s stated in the book “it’s your choice - not the hat’s”  - so it depends on what story I/m reading at the moment xDD
Favorite book? The prisoner of Azkaban and the Order of the Phoenix (I read it in a day and a half - so yeah I was very excited at that moment) 
What’s your Patronus?  Ragdoll Cat
What would your wand be?  Laurel wood with a dragon heartstring core
Favorite member of the Golden Trio? Harry 
Favorite character? - 
Least favorite character? - Crabbe and Goyle - because two pureblood slytherins can’t be that idiotic - it’s just unbelievable- is it inbreeding or something else? I guess we can just file these two charactes under “It’s Harry’s POV”
Favorite Weasley? - (I’m kind of indifferent to that family at this moment... I guess I might say that I like them in general but no one in particular)
Favorite Professor? Horace Slughorn
Favorite Marauder? Sirius Black 
What would be your best subject? History of magic or Potions (and to add two more to my favourite subjects - Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures)
Position on the Quidditch team? Seeker - tbh I don’t enjoy contact sport at all (the only sport in my childhood was rock climbing so if I had to choose than seeker)
Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley? Hogsmeade
Romione or Hinny?  Hinny
Jily or Wolfstar?  Jily
Deanmus or Nuna? What :p ?
Harry Potter OTP? Oh my...none (idk jily maybe...I’m not that intrested in canon OTPs)  
Favorite quote? “Nothing has ever changed” from ...oh 🤭 Actually there are a lot of good quotes in hp books: for instance, "There is no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor"; and "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live"  and so on.
Favorite member of the Order? hmm Tonks maybe - Actually I don’t remember the specifics about the members of the Order
Which character would be your best friend? idk  (lol I’d say Sluggy and Lucretia becase sometimes I like to discuss other people’s lives - yeah I know decent people would call this gossiping - I call it social cooperation and information sharing )
Which character would you date (if any)? i dont think any of them - It’s a kids book!
Dream job in the Wizarding World? Why would I dream about getting a job in the magical world - no way - I would just travel around the world searching for ancient magical artifacts...and write some books and maybe keep one rare beast...just to show off
Thoughts on Snape? Well rounded character - very real - neither totally bad nor good. And he had someone he loved (and his redeeming quote “Always” somehow melted my heart) - so yeah - I’d say I like this character.
Thoughts on Dumbledore? I used to think about him a lot - I like to imagine him as a very dubious character tbh - not sweet old granpapa at all... a bit more complex than jkr wanted him to be (/selfish/with questionable motivation). You know, he had such enormous ambitions when he was young and had so much influence in the wizarding world that I can hardly buy into the idea of him being a good person (we don’t even discuss his “for the greater good” approach, which he didnt abandon even in the last decade of his life, and  his very interesting friend). So as a character I like him very much - he is one of my fav - but considering his biography I’d undoubtedly put him into “grey ambiguous characters” category. (it’s only my opinion - I like it this way)
Which Deathly Hallow would you take? The Cloak (because other two are a little bit confusing in terms of their functionality and attendant bonuses tbh)
Thoughts on Cursed Child? Havent heard about it (or actualy...I have and didnt like what I’ve heard at all)
Thoughts on Fantastic Beasts? Those movies provide new factual information - so I guess they are ok in terms of enriching hp iniverse. Actually I even liked Leta (the first sane slytherin) and there are a lot of animals which gives those movies several more points from me. though I cant say I’m into Credence story. And Lol young Dumbledore is also ok
There’s a trip to Hogsmeade! Where do you go first?  The Three Broomsticks/Hog’s Head Inn (well, I presume you can always meet interesting folk there)
Favorite spot in the castle? Dumbldore’s office and hidden passages and common rooms, I actually think it’s very cool to study in the ancient enchanted castle - that’s why i Love stories about little L&W
Favorite magical creature? All kinds of dragons and Phoenix and Augurey and Wampus Cat - (since I’m a cat person)...
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wherethesunsails · 4 years
ok now im rlly curious what are all ur spotify playlists?
....... I have So Many Spotify playlists and I just updated them all with covers too so the covers of my spotify playlists all have a similar vibe! ok so alphabetically
........... - just a bunch of kind of shouty angry sort of songs good for angsting
3.17.19 - this is a date playlist, the only one of its kind, I hung out with an old friend a while ago and this playlist is just a bunch of songs we listened to that night it was a good time :)
<3 autumn mixtape - this is that autumn mixtape i made for you forever ago great fall vibes
a six song study playlist - what’s on the tin i have a million study playlists
ajr - it’s just. all ajr songs
bonfire vibes - these are just all songs that give me bonfire vibes yanno
bops - this started out as just harry styles ajr and jon bellion but it’s got more variety in it now it’s got a lot of bangers
chill bops ‘19 - a bunch of just hanging out music from like the end of 2018/beginning of 2019
chill bops ‘20 - same as before just with a more refined music taste
chill driving ‘19 - it is not fun to describe these playlists because i designed the titles to be self explanatory
christmas - there’s a lot of michael buble in here
classic bonfire tunes - bonfire vibes but with a vintage vibe
classics - ummm it’s like sixties and seventies stuff?
coffee shop ‘19 - like if you were sitting in a coffee shop this would be playing
coffee shop ‘18 - same as before but more dedicated to the vibes less dedicated to the music taste
colton - so. this one is self explanatory (if it’s a name playlist it’s songs that remind me of people)
concerning hobbits - lord of the rings vibes
consider this... - i made this playlist to make tinder boys think i was interested in love
cross-country roadtrip - these are all songs by netherfriends that are named after cities and states
crushes - a specific song that reminds me of a specific crush (feat. you, clark, my ex, .... base unit josh?, uhhhh ethan?, emma, hannah, and colton)(lmao why isn’t david in there oh he might be the ymca not josh. unsure)
disney - again... what it says on the tin. I miss that ao3 tag where did it go
driving masterlist - if a playlist has driving or roadtrip in the title its songs go here
driving with dad - my dad has a weird ass taste in music idk what to say here
elliot - uh so this one is songs that remind me of you lmao
falling in love - just like. falling in love vibes yanno
falseheteros+ - this is the highlights of falsettos, legally blonde, beetlejuice, and book of mormon
feeling some sort of way - uh like. yearning vibes?
get back into pop punk - this was previously titled ‘why are you getting back into pop punk you freak’ and i think that was really funny but i made it public so
ghost songs - this is just like. the ghost duet and the ghost choir
girl in red - it’s girl in red songs.
halloween - spoopy vibes
hannah - again. name playlist
highlights of my music taste - this was also created to impress people from tinder i havent utilized either of them yet
hozier - . it’s hozier songs.
hype - this is a new playlist it’s kind of rap and various tiktok songs all of ppcocaine’s songs are on here
jon bellion - love this man’s music
jon bellion, rex orange county+ - rex orange county and jon bellion both have respectable bangers so. yanno
keiynan lonsdale - i love this guy incredible music
kendall - it’s. kendall songs.
kentucky soundtrack - this is my christian music masterlist for when i go on a missions trip
khalid - he has bangers what can i say
leon bridges - this guy’s vibes are immaculate
lily james - yeah so i’m incredible gay for this woman
lofi - there’s not a lot here but these are bangers
love story soundtrack - i think i made this to get me in the mood for writing/reading romance
mamma mia - i love this musical so much i have no explanation you don’t need one
mandy patinkin highlights - this is just the songs i like from evita
meme songs - i’m pretty sure if you listen to this playlist you’ll be rickrolled
mr pence’s summer camp - lmao these are queer songs/artists
mutuals roadtrip - oh yeah i made this collaborative i’ll link it so y’all can like. add to it
new stuff - songs i’ve discovered and i’m trying to learn
panic! at the disco - just bangers from mr brendan urie
paper due soon - uh so this is a playlist based on the theory that if you’re writing a last minute paper and you put on boss music from a video game you’ll write faster so this is undertale boss music lmaO
post-basketball aux - parent approved tunes for long drives home
preshow hype - :’-/ this playlist isn’t gonnna get used anymore probably because it was music to get us hyped before plays and i’m not in those at school anymore rip
queen - i love freddie mercury end of discussion
rat pack vibes - this is like. sinatra and bing crosby and the like
rex orange county bops - i love that guy he makes good music
ritters after close - this is all. terrible music. very naughty. meant to be played when there aren’t customers to offend
roadtrip ‘20 - the goal is to feel like you’re looking moodily out the car window in a coming of age movie
roadtrip soundtrack ‘18 - same hat
S- sexy - uh this just has drunk in love by beyonce on it because i think it’s a sexy song
sam - this one goes out to my friend who i kind of had a crush on and then he started dating one of my best friends from school and then i wasn’t allowed to be friends with him anymore and she hates me :)
savanna - i miss sav she was a blast. it’s a lot of mlp
seventies - decade playlist
she dates boys - uh. it’s a sdb vibes playlist
sixites - decade playlist
soft boy epidemic - if i remember right this is just ben platt
soul - wh- what it says on the tin
studying - self explanatory
summer ‘18 - summer vibes
summer of ‘19 - this one is songs that make me think of last summer i miss last summer so fucking much
summer roadtrip ‘18 - uh this is just all of the summer ‘18 and roadtrip ‘18 playlists combined
theatre - musical songs, a lot of abba on here, the entire soundtrack of hamilton
theatre 2.0 - more songs to belt on here than the last one
theatre kids during quarantine be like - i’m sick of this playlist now but it slapped at the beginning of quarantine
throwback - this is like. ‘00s-’10s bangers
tiktok bops - only the elite songs lmao
to nobody - uh this is another playlist i made for you lmao
upbeat driving ‘19 - bangers
veggietales - i needed a veggietales playlist, very useful for church functions and for being seen as a child
weird mix but okay - uh yeah this is like jon bellion and classic rock lmao
wuhluhwuh - i didn’t wanna put wlw in case some family found this playlist and knew what it meant lmao
yearning - just gay shit dude. that’s it
made you a mixtape (it has heart emojis around it) - yeah this is a playlist i made for you too
and there you have it that’s all of them! if you wanna listen to the playlists or even just check out the sick cover images i used my spotify is here!
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