#and then went uwu when he finished looking over it
obsidian-goblet · 1 year
I went out for lunch with my sister today, and she was regaling me with tales of conversations shes had with other people, regarding my General Vibe and the fact I sometimes write.
Hey! I say, enthusiastically. Do you wanna know what Im writing now?
Yeah! she says.
Monster porn!
She wasnt even surprised, she just went lmao ofc you are. Didnt question it at all.
0 notes
sm-baby · 6 months
Freakshow AU by: @hootbon
Promo Art ||The Chosen one (Part 1) || Off-Limits (Part3)
Word count: 6025
HELLO FREAKSHOWERS. ARE YOU READY TO KEEL OVER AND DIE??? CHLSKHCA Whats Not Yours takes place AFTER The Chosen One, but BEFORE Off-Limits! BUT they're not necessarily connected uwu they're just built off the knowledge of The Chosen one, so you know the context.
Pomni woke up in a cold sweat.
Her breath hitched like her head had been forced 6 hours underwater. And when she came to, she gasped, gagged, sweating, and panicked. Her wooden fingers were cold to the touch. 
She thought it was all over, but her nightmares followed her into the mansion.  
All that… trauma… that man put her through, her friends… but it wasn't over. She didn't think she could ever escape his wretched grasp until her last death.
And in darkness, light only shining from the eclipse through the curtains, Pomni sat up, hands in her eyes, rubbing away invisible tears from her dry face. Although she wasn't crying, she felt like she was a child just wanting her stuffed toys to protect her. 
Upon sensing her stress levels, her new owner, blue in coat, teleported into her bedroom. “ Hello? Dear?” he spoke with his unnaturally soft voice. “ Is everything alright? I sensed your nerves heightened and I got so worried!” The deck of cards sat at her bed, hands politely to his lap, but ready to hold her if she so pleased.
The woman gasped a crying breath. “ N-No…”
“ You had that dream again?” 
Pomni nodded.
“ Was it about…him?”
She squeaked and whimpered at the mention, practically breaking down from the memory. Oh god. She thought it was all over, she thought it was done- but it was never done! it was never ever done—
“ Oh! You're okay…!” The blue ringmaster scooted over to bring her into his arms. His hands were so loving, warm, and just felt like home. His voice was similar to a man hushing a whimpering puppy.
And Pomni accepted the embrace… She trusted no one else but him in that god-forsaken place. Since she left the circus and signed up to be his little pet, everything has gone uphill since.
He was the only one to ever truly love her unconditionally. Feed her good food, dress her well … hell, he even provides her fancy new clothes and a warm comfortable room. And she loved him back. He was exactly all she needed. 
While in his arms, Pomni's breath shook but calmed down. She then leaned her head on his shoulder, not letting go. She never wanted to let go. She loved him as much as a performer could love her owner.
“ As long as you are under my ownership, you're also under my protection.” He pulled away, and put a clump of hair behind her ear. “ And I promise you, my little dear, you will never have to speak to that man again.”
Her breath hitched and she sobbed softly back into his arms, like if she were to let go she would fall to her death. She can't imagine living a life without him anymore. If she went back into the circus she would just try to kill herself over and over. 
But then, she was safe… now that he was there… he cared for her and tended to her every need like no other. He truly was the best.
“ I love you, dear..” Able whispered.
“ I love you t—”
Caine couldn't finish that thought.
For the past few hours, Caine had been standing there, in the middle of the circus tent, completely stationary. A few hours earlier he had yelled at the ballerina and saw her walk away a lot more hurt than usual.
And for the past few hours, Instead of using his infinite intelligence to maybe, be productive, or be functional, he instead wasted his processors to stupidly think of all the timelines and possibilities that came with the consequences of upsetting his little doll.
Why did she walk away like that. Hands on each opposite shoulder. Like she was holding herself. It wasn't even the fact that she looked weak—no, he'd seen her at her worst.
The way she walked away, her whole demeanor and her silence didn't feel like fear, it felt like she was simply… numb.
He exhaled and twitched.
Complete stationary and staring into nothing is what the AIs looked like when in deep thought. He searched through all the different timelines, and so many of them returned to… him. The ace he needed not name.
The images of him caring for her, her going to him for safety, feeding her, touching her, keeping her away from him-- or maybe even doing the things that he does! Dancing with her, clothing her, Instructing her next dances -- Caine’s eye twitched. He could hardly stand the idea of his little brother talking badly about him.
These were the kinds of intrusive thoughts that he was not used to. And for the moment, he didn't care how close they were to reality. his judgment was clouded. Now, all he was thinking about was a way to prevent it…
Let's see his options...
Kill him? No, he already tried that.
Kill her? No, she'll just come back.
Prevent her from seeing him? He's been doing that every time he sees them around each other!
His hands fidgeted.
Pomni was a human. What do you humans usually do after an argument?
Let's see here…
Pomni was fast asleep in bed, snoring her cares away. It was another hard day at the circus nothing new… Caine said something that day that especially hurt her, and… it was a reminder not to take the guy’s words personally. 
He was a computer built with nothing but random data. Violent data for sure, but there was nothing but objectives in AI-- no other rhyme or reason a human should dig into. 
For now, she cared for nothing but sleep…if she's lucky, she’ll think less about it in the morning. Sleep did help keep her sanity levels up… but if she were to be honest, a lot of the time she goes to bed in the hopes of never waking up.
Her closed eyes twitched though. To her horror, she was waking up. For what reason? She opened her eyes and adjusted to the darkness of her room. in front of her was nothing but the— 
“ AAAA WHAT THE FU-” Pomni fell off her bed.
Caine was sat, squatting at the foot of her bed, quiet and staring.
The doll pulled her head up from the floor and turned back to him. How long has he been there?? He hasn't said a word the entire time-- and- and- how did he get in without alerting her??? 
“ ... Are you slumbering?”
“ God I hope so!” Pomni held her head and onto the bed… “it's not .. show time is it?”
“ No.”
“ Oh. Good.”
Pomni, with a drowsy demeanor, took one of the stepping stools and made her way back to bed. if it wasn't time to entertain the audience then it was leisure time. If it was leisure time, it was time to let herself be miserable.
Though admittedly the silence that night was just a bit more awkward than usual— as it is when people just come back trying to be normal after a big argument. Pomni could barely look him in the eye despite his efforts.
“ So what uh… what brings—”
“I've come to make amends.”
The idea made her cringe. Caine? Making amends? Maybe she was dreaming. But the idea did scare her a little. What would a fucked up AI like him perceive as “ making amends”? She's sure he could make something as mundane as washing dishes a traumatizing experience. 
Pomni’s shoulders tensed and she did back away from him a little, holding her knees, sitting on her pillows.  “ Listen, Caine, Im tired… I guess j-just do whatever you need to do and get this all over with...” 
“ Approximately 5 hours 40 minutes and 16 seconds ago, I yelled at you because you have gotten very insistent in your ideals. I sense that you didn't take kindly to that action. And as one of my best performers I've taken it upon myself to make amends.”
Pomni just nodded along with what he had to say. And the more he spoke, the more tense she got, and the more she sunk into herself. She was waiting for it. The catch. She was practically holding her breath.
“ — So Pomni. Living doll, my star, and my dear, the Circus' greatest attraction…”
Pomni closed her eyes, bracing herself.
“ I ap…” Caine blue-screened and stopped in his speak, as if something physically stopped him from talking. He came back to, and cleared his throat. “ I apol…” before blue screening again.
Pomni perked up. She opened her eyes and looked over at him.
Caine was in hell. A far worse hell than any of the performers could ever experience.
It took him too much of his systems to say half the two-word sentence. Multiple attempts were made, some sounded like he was lagging, and some he stopped in his tracks to glitch out.
…No fucking way.
Pomni stared on with an almost disgusted look on her face. Was it taking THIS much out of him just to say sorry?? God, he was pretentious. Sometimes she questions if he truly was just code or a selfish jerk.
He looked down, hand gestured like he was holding the bridge of his nose. This was embarrassing at this point. He should have practiced. Maybe wording it differently would be easier? “I regret-- no. Not that one.” Dear GOD how do humans do this?
Admittedly it was just a little entertaining to see him struggle in a way. It was prolonging the apology for her. Also nice to see the bastard not only eating his own words but also choking on it as well.
“I apologize.” Caine muttered quickly.
“... Didn't quite catch that, Caine.”
“ You did.”
“ Fair enough.” She best not push her luck. She might be the only person the ringmaster has ever said sorry to, even when it was half-assed. Admittedly, it cheered her up, just not in the way that he intended.
Caine continued, still talking strangely. “ Will. you. ever… for. give. me.”
Pomni weighed her chances of survival for her next reply. She puffed out all the air from her chest “Well… why would I?”
“ I planned for that.” Caine flew from her bed and back in the air, making little magic tricks with his next words. “ What would you like? Food? A nice warm bath? A fire show? Money? A bouquet? fruit basket? A song and dance? Money?” 
Pomni blinked from his little show and rubbed her face. “ I-I think I just wanna go to bed, Caine…”
“ Not Applicable.”
“Oh.” He wasn’t gonna let this go huh? “ U-uh…” her tired, baggy, eyes looked down. Not that she complained, but the mannequins didn’t prepare her for bed that night. She was a lot dirtier when she went to bed and it was a little uncomfortable. “ I-I guess a nice bath would work…
“ Done.” Caine raised his hand to snap and-
“ Not with bubble though! Dear god, not with bubble-- uh.. Maybe just…me. Just- just leave me with a bathtub with towels or something?”
“Hmm…” The doll’s demands were getting quite pretentious. She was lucky he was feeling generous that day. “Done.” Caine carelessly put his hand on Pomni’s head--almost smacking her in the process-- which deserved a little flinch from Pomni. 
But the basic slap wasn’t for nothing, as one snap later-- Caine and Pomni would be transported to a lavatory. This time though, the tub was a little more luxurious than what she deserved. Instead of the old wooden tub that he just filled with water, this one was an actual bathroom. Ceramic with curtains and all.
“ Hmm…” Caine stared at it for a moment… Something’s missing… “ Ah!” He snapped, and candles and rose petals decorated the area.
“ Wh”
“ Perfect, I know, I’ve outdone myself.” He reached out and pinched Pomni’s cheek, later speaking in condescending speech “ Now you enjoy your time here because I promise you, Doll~ I do not want to put this much effort for anyone here again.”
“ Uh-”
“ Adieu!” and just like that, Caine was gone.
Pomni stared over at the fancy new setting, built like the old rich man’s bathroom. Although it was minimal, she didn’t know how to feel about the amount of effort put into it. She was fully ready to just drown herself in the other bathtub. On one hand, it was a nice relaxing sort of setting. On the other hand, no bone in her body was capable of relaxation anymore.
And so Pomni just stared with blinking, small eyes… The flowers, the candles. Maybe in the real world, this would have worked on her. But since she was here, she might as well try.
What Pomni didn’t know was that the lavatory was especially luxurious because it was part of the Brothers’ home. Caine simply deleted the door to get out. But when he teleported, he was only a wall away.
He fixed his coat and trailed his eyes on his good old wacky wat-... pocket watch. Ofcourse. His ol reliable golden pocket watch. Confirming the time, He walked and made his way around the Manor.
The living room played the sound of a classical violin. Despite rarely visiting anymore, his systems can recognize that mediocre tune from anywhere.
“ Oh! Brother!” There stands Able much more chipper than usual after seeing his older brother. “ I had not sensed you in the area!”
Of course, he wouldn't.
“ Why-- it's been quite a while since you visited unprompted! Come, let us play a tune together, I'm sure you—”
“ No!” He replied with a tune in his voice, almost condescending in nature. “I've simply come to complete a simple task and I'll be out of your hair.” Caine sat on the couch putting his cane to the side, and for a moment, putting his feet up on the other knee. He looked like a man who just come from an exhausting day at work.
Able huffed internally at the rejection, but carried on anyway. Of course. The one time his brother visits, it's for work. Able wouldn't be one to talk as a fellow workaholic, but at least he acknowledges his brother, or takes his time to check up on him, or-- invites him to spend time together in special realms or…
He turned his nose, scoffing. Hmph! He didn't want to play with him anyway!
Caine somewhat knew what he was doing. Despite being AI, siblings merely barging into the other’s room to annoy each other wasn't lost on the two. Caine would know as his brother often visits the circus unannounced. It was quite the experience for him to get a taste of his own medicine huh?
Caine stifled a laugh… the tension in the room was immature and childish.
“ So… How is the business? Have the freaks been putting you in any sort of trouble?”
“ Of course not, why would you assume such a thing?” Caine said. “ The Circus has been doing perfectly well, even without you, brother.”
“ Excuse me?”
“ Have you been making deals with the performers? Contracts…promises of a safe haven maybe?”
Able frowned and pouted like an angry little boy, but then later put on a softly fake tone of voice. “ Why, Of course I have! I mean, look at the conditions they have to live with! I'm sure our creators would not approve of such—”
“ Who are you trying to fool?” Caine interrupted and Able stopped in his speech. Caine continued, “We're no different from our empathy levels. You don't care.”
This blatant call-out was met with nothing but silence. Able with all his big talk wasn't prepared to answer that sort of question. He simply turned away and put down his violin. He was a good AI. He was a good AI. 
Caine can't say that the silence was a satisfying answer. He knows his brother was a cowardly character. His silence was just frustrating at this point. But Able sensed that there was no use fighting. He doesn't know why he constantly wants that man’s approval. 
His voice dropped to a complete low, losing all sense of friendliness or masking. “... If this is about the doll, I didn't.” Able said, a spiteful tone to his voice. “ Before I make my deals, I at least need to build rapport with the performer. And frankly, brother, your little dog doesn't like me.”
“ …pff..” This managed a snicker out of Caine that he covered with a hand.
“ Wh-!? What is that!?”
“ “The dog doesn't like you”? ”
“ Yes!? And?!?”
Caine escalated into more of a laugh! Able was red in the face out of anger and embarrassment! Good GRIEF! The only time he makes his brother laugh and it's out of his own failures!
“ You're unbelievable!”
“ And what did the dog say to make you feel so insignificant? Did it try to bite you? Did it not accept your treats?” Caine has never been so condescending, playing with a baby voice and speaking to his brother as if he were a quivering child. “ Goodness, you're pathetic!”
“ Excuse you!?!” and Able’s only fault was that he played into it. He has never before felt the older brother power dynamic so strongly. He laughed, nervous, but almost like a hyena with how he used it as a defense mechanism. “ Ha! You— You're one to talk!”
“ I'm one to talk?”
“ Oh! ho ho! Don't get me started! Even since I met your little brat you've never been the same! It's all about ‘look at her new dress’ or ‘look at how much better she is’ over and over! Every single conversation I've had with you is nothing but work or that stupid little doll!”
Caine blinked, unamused, and looked to the side, reaching into his head like he was picking off food from his teeth. “ I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.”
“ You--!! UGH!” he stomped his feet and started to make his way out the door. “ I will be away where you cannot track me! And frankly, brother, if you need me, you're not getting my help!”
“ And I don't need it~,” Caine said playfully and waved without even turning to him.
And with one last groan, Able teleported off.
As soon as Able was out of earshot, Caine erupted into laughter! That was the most entertaining thing he has ever pulled off. That might be the only good thing his brother has ever done to amuse him. Not only was he going to store that data and keep it for the foreseeable future, but it also kept his brother out of his tail.
Hmm… sure, he will have to tend to technical difficulties himself, but he was okay with that. He'll have Bubble chew through the wiring or something, he's sure it's not far from what Able’s been doing.
He laughed again. Oh Caine, you're too much, you handsome devil you~
Caine left his last chuckles off, completely melting into the sofa, arms draped onto the back of the couch. “ “The dog doesn't like him,” he says! Pahaha! Haa..”
Steam covered the bathroom mirrors. 
Rose petals passing, candle lights flickering, and The warmth of the water almost forced her to relax, but there was no amount of anything that could ever get her back to that mindset again. Instead, it just made her forget about her surroundings-- which, she supposed, was good enough.
Awkwardly sitting at the tub, Pomni was slouched, staring down at the water, her eyes following some flower petals that so happened to pass by. Her hair was done. Her body was washed. The rose petals that graced her wooden form decorated her romantic moment of self-care. Pomni sighed, long and tired. She could stay there forever. This is the closest semblance of peace she has ever really had.
Upon evenly spreading her limbs, Like a plank of wood, Pomni easily floated at the top. She closed her eyes and let the water take her. The warmth, not far from a loving bed waiting after a long day, here to ease headaches, here to help forget about everything else… Although she struggled, she let her body release all its tension at that moment, and just be deaf towards the world around her.
Pomni breathed in…
And out..
And in…
And out…
But just as she was about to reach the closest thing she had to relaxation, Pomni felt something off in the environment. Did the candles get warmer? Pomni squeezed her eyes closed in discomfort, before opening them up again to-
“ OH SHI—” in her panic, Pomni submerged into the water.
For the past few minutes, Caine had been floating horizontally above her. Silent, face inches away from hers, staring and watching just as he usually does when the performers were asleep.
Pomni screamed and fell into the bottom, before scrambling to the corner of the tub, where she then covered herself with a curtain.
“ Ah, good! You're alive.”
“ CAINE!!?!? NAKED???!?!?”
Caine blinked, unamused. Sure, he was in a good enough mood to amuse her. “ My dear, what exactly are you covering up?”
“ U-Uh…” Pomni didn't know how to answer. She knew that she and the others didn't exactly have any parts to cover up. Did it make it feel less embarrassing? Fuck no. “ I-its uh…”
he spoke more playfully as if speaking in the voice of a PSA narrator!  “ Exactly! Wood! The same wood as your fingers or the one on your cheek! The amazing Digital Freakshow© is a show for all ages where their performers have the luxury of no genitalia!” his voice went back down. “ —So what you're doing is utterly useless. And if it makes you feel better: I don't exactly care.”
This is weird-- this is weird! “ Just- just- just! Turn around?!?”
Caine rolled his eyes. He really took all that time to explain something to her, and it seemed she wasn’t even listening. Sighing, he turned around and just rested his arms on the outside part of the tub “ Please, you’ve suffered through worse, dear.”
“ I-It’s not suffering, It's embarrassing! I like to think I still have my dignity!” Although he was turned around, Pomni still kept at her corner “ Is my time done or? I-I mean… I’m not exactly ready to go out yet...”
“ Oh take all the time you need.” “Then Wh… Why- why are you here? “
“ I suppose you can say I’m a little unoccupied at the moment. On the added, I’m in a sort of good and affectionate mood.”
That sent a shiver down her spine. Good lord… oh no he was bored. She does not need to know what a fucked up AI would consider affection. She just smiled, gritting her teeth, and laughed nervously… “Ah ha ha… that's great, I’m… happy for youuu..” she continued her laughter, getting more and more miserable as she went back down in the tub, and submerged the lower half of her face in the water.
“ You did me well, dear.”
“ Wh-what- what did I do… take a bath?”
“ Precisely!”
Wow. She didn't think she was that dirty. She looked up and flinched, seeing Caine had been turned to her again— she splashed at him instinctually! “ Caine, what did I just say!?”
“ Oh no, I still cannot see you. I deleted my eyes for the time being.” Caine opened his mouth and revealed that he, in fact, did take off his eyes.
This sent a shiver down Pomni’s spine. He was creepier that way somehow.
“ As I said, you’ve pleased me today! I say this calls for a reward! Nothing less for my favorite little performer over here!” He poked her right in the cheek and retracted before she could react. “ Your word, dear!”
“ Uh… well…I can't really say no to salmon… even if it is uh… it's little weird digital version of itsel—”
Before Pomni could finish, Caine snapped his fingers and an eating board appeared on the tub, with, indeed, digital-looking salmon on a tray.
God, she was getting pampered pampered.
Eating awkwardly, Pomni sometimes looked at the side to see Caine, hands over the tub, swaying his head back and forth. Jesus, he might have been kicking his feet for all she knew. She wasn't used to him in this chipper of a mood.
“ May I see now?”
“ Uhhh… Why…?”
“ You came out beautifully, it's pleasing to the eyes. Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
Pomni shivered at this little…playful demeanor Caine had on. She doesn't know the catch and she doesn't know if she wants to know.“ Yeah, Caine, you have. Uh…” She thought about it for a second before turning back to him. “ Y-Yeah, I guess… I mean I don't exactly remember what it's like having a human body, but lacking the parts does make it different uh--... less exposed, in a way… ” 
“ Wonderful! Hello again, dear!”
Pomni frowned in disgust! Oh, his beady little eyes are back! Looking up at her like a fucked up little puppy! She laughed nervously. “ Haha… Hi…” She turned away from him, stiff, back to eating her little meal. Sanity levels were recovering. She was back to being a responsive little character.
Even so, at the corner of her eye, the way he looked at her, looked like he was smiling with his eyes. She sensed-- pride? Affectionate, as he said, but… she can't help but feel like a prey the way he looks at her.  If Caine wasn't kicking his feet earlier, they certainly were now.
“ Haha…just to clarify, what did I do …again?”
Caine stared on, his eyes becoming more and more affectionate. “ If you want the true answer, let's just say that I have visited my brother today and he has… nothing but good things to say about you! And so I thought my magnificent hard-working doll deserved a little reward. Is that so wrong?”
“ Oh him…” Pomni grits her teeth at the mention of Able. “ You… uh ... what did he say?”
Oh, what an excuse to drop every compliment he had for her… “ That you were gorgeous… pleasing design, talented... polite, beautiful eyes—”
“ AH- ahh! No more! Oh god no more.” Pomni shivered from the discomfort so much so that she physically put her hands in front of him to hush! “ Haha! No thank you-’
Caine couldn't even be mad at the interruption! In fact, he erupted into laughter the same way he did earlier! Oh, twice in a day?? These were such genuine reactions from each person! Caine had such genuine yet dark pompous laughter! “Oh?”
“ Yeah! he--” Pomni groaned. “He doesn't even scare me! He's just-- a big two-faced jerk!”
Caine took the hand Pomni used to interrupt him and kissed it by the knuckles. He has never felt so assured. This proved his intrusive thoughts earlier that day to be completely false. The idea of them building rapport, or forming a bond of any sort was completely debunked. After all, how could they form that sort of relationship when they could hardly stand each other's name mentioned in conversation?
Pomni forced a smile at that small but direct form of affection. He seemed to really like it when she talked smack about his brother. She should keep that in mind. “Yeah.. so uh..”
He kissed her knuckle once again… perhaps he liked it just a little too much. Truth was, Caine had never felt so secure in thinking that something was truly his. For once, anyhow. It was so small, but it was his.
Pomni later pulled her hand away, laughing nervously. He was gentle and she didn't trust it. “ You uh…weren't lying when you said you were feeling affectionate…”
“ No one will ever believe you.”
“ Ah.”
After a while, Pomni prepared to be out the bath, wrapping a towel around her hair and around her figure.“ Okay, I think that's all. I-I think Im ready to go now if you don't m-woAHH-!” And in quick succession, Caine carried her bridal style, teleported her out of the bathroom, and back to her bedroom.
For the next hour or so, Pomni sat in at her vanity, Caine grooming her hair from behind. At that moment, he adored dressing her up. His own personal doll, his favorite little toy. Gently he brushed her hair, sneaking in little affections here and there: holding her shoulder, holding her face… he knew exactly where all this sudden affection came from and he so shamelessly indulged in it. After all, who was there to judge him? The little freak he was brushing? The wet little dog? Please.
At that moment, he was no different from a child dressing up his favorite toy. He snapped, picking from an assortment of clothes that would make her look beautiful while she slumbered. Snap! Snap! snap! And Pomni just let it all happen. After all what else could she do?
After a while, Caine stood her up and basked in his good work, looking her up and down and clapping in satisfaction. “ Beautiful. Now bow,” Pomni did as instructed, bowing as if she had just finished a performance. “Very good.”
Once again, Caine carried her in his arms and made his way to the bed, where he so gently placed her. He was playing with dolls. He was so playing with dolls. Pomni just complied as she always did and sat politely, keeping a calm expression, trying to be as neutral for him as possible, and letting him live out his little fantasy.
Before laying her to bed, Caine just took a few more minutes to stare at her, and nothing else. Just admire his best performer. This put Pomni in unease, not just because of his freaky design, but also because she can’t help but feel like she’s missing something somehow. She looked down when she felt him touching her hand, in particular, rubbing his thumbs at the back of it.
Hoping she read his signs correctly, she lifted her hand towards his mouthy face, almost permitting him such desires.
Caine quickly accepted her suggestion and started pressing his teeth on her knuckles in a way to kiss her. It started with one, and another, and another, and another. And the next thing he knew, he stopped counting and started moving his head up to her upper arm.
Pomni allowed this no matter how out of nowhere it was. It was weird, but she did not question it. She felt him start to nibble at her though in which she-- in a panic-- started to retract.
Caine looked up at the sudden rejection and the woman scrambled to find her words. “ U-Uh… Y-Your kisses are sweet, dear ringmaster, but a simple doll such as I am undeserving.” In times like these, Caine would be too deep into his fantasies to care about how real she was being. In his head, he was playing. They were both playing. And he loved it when she played off such a prestige woman, exactly how he liked it.
He whispered back sweet words of grandeur. “ Do you question the taste of a king? I think of no one else more deserving.”
Although she didn’t back away fully, she leaned away a few inches, praying it wasn’t noticeable. She bore a toothy, nervous smile. She was okay baring with his affections until he brought his teeth into it. She did not want to be dinner after all that preparation. She cleared her throat. “Ah…Pray tell, what did the king see in this little… doll?”
“ A flower is most beautiful when taken cared of.” He held her cheek and kissed the opposite. “Let it be known, my care for you was not without motives. Your beauty is a testament to my hard work. And your care is a testament to your belonging to me.”
Belonging to him, he said… He was… so incredibly fucked up, she couldn’t say anything about it. When he was on his way to bite her arm, in her panic, she diverted it and kissed his gums, which, to him, was the equivalent of kissing his cheek.
The ringmaster blinked in confusion and Pomni took his moment of processing to cringe at the feeling of his melted gums on her lips. She felt goosebumps with how gross that was but quickly turned her head back to fake a smile.
But Caine broke character for a moment.“ Did you just. Take initiative?” 
That was so strange. As if he hadn’t known that was an option.
She cleared he throat, trying to distract him again. “Is it so wrong of me to return the ringmaster’s affections?” She batted her eyes, making her feel as small as possible. “ A woman cannot resist such a… ” Pomni looked him up and down “... dentures.” 
She panicked with that one.
He stared at her for longer, and the grip on her hand tightened, though, it seemed he did not notice. Although he was unsure if he enjoyed the act or not, he knew what it meant. And the day that he was okay with someone else receiving it is the same day hell freezes over. With a small scowl, He leaned his face inches close to her, as he has always done time and time again.“ Would you reserve such affection for your ringmaster, and just your ringmaster?”
“Of course.” She lied through her teeth.
Caine continued to speak but with a bit more grit in his voice. He leaned so close to her in bed, he had to support one hand on her back, as if dipping her in a dance. “ And will you, my dear, solemnly swear that you’ll live the rest of your existence devoted and serving me?”
The woman kept her calm demeanor. A small smile, but a fake one. She can’t say yes to that. But with her compromising position, she couldn’t say no either. “ Would you promise the same for me?”
Caine was quiet, and so was she. He furrowed his teeth a bit frustrated and let her go. It seems he couldn’t say yes to that either, and Pomni knew.
“... That wasn’t your line.” Caine sat up, and crossed his arms like a pouting little boy.
Pomni faked a surprised face. “ There was a script? Geez, oh man, my bad!” she later faked a yawn. “ Wow, would you look at that I’m also, uh, sleepy! So it seems I can’t finish the uh-.. This”
“ You, “ Caine pointed his cane at her the same way a gunman would point a rifle “ Are being difficult.”
Pomni, in response, just panicked and shrugged. “ Well, I-”
“ But I suppose you’re right, it is quite late.  I wouldn’t want you attending the shows tired… again.” Caine got off the bed and floated off. He snapped, and the blanket draped over Pomni, drowning her in the bed sheets. “ Sleep tight, dear! It’s another day tomorrow, etc. etc. I will be visiting you a little earlier tomorrow to fix you a new wardrobe.” 
“ Wh-?? Then what’s with the-???” she gestured towards her current clothes that he so meticulously chosen out. 
Caine laughed. “ Oh don’t be silly!  Those were for my eyes only! And-- the audience’s if they so pleased. But for now, it's mine.” Caine snapped his fingers and Pomni was back to her normal ballet dress, but more plain and comfortable, but equally pleasing to many eyes.
“ Good night!”
Caine left with a small smile on his face. Sometimes he finds joy in being a bit of a nuisance. He pulled out his hand watch once again and found that it alerted him about errors within the system. 
She scoffed and summoned an old-timey rotary dial. 
“ You’ve reached Able.AI’s communication line! If you are an audience member or a performer: requests and complaints will be held off due to family emergencies. If you're my foul, besotted, temperish, fool of a brother: don’t call this line again! Thank you!” 
… Despite how ridiculous that was, Caine couldn’t help but chuckle. Ohh that was the cherry on top of that perfect day. Nonetheless, Caine AI, you have technical difficulties to tend to. Was today worth all the extra work? Yes. Yes, it was.
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(I feel kinda shy but I rllly need smt smutty jsjs)
Imagine the reader purposely buying some sort of pheromone perfume (ik they dont rlly work in real life but for the sake of the request they do🫡🔥) and cause matt has high senses he is quite turned on by that. She works at the law firm, and he tries to control himself, but after some weeks, he can not do that anymore. (The reader and Matt are already dating, and she does this as a way of teasing him).
UwU mercii
hii!! never be shy around here, ask for whatever it is you wanna read. also I feel kinda mean sorry in advance, this drabble is like im gonna edge you all (sorry if that’s gross to say😭😭) not necessarily smut per-say, just teasing and kinda suggestive. but I have wrote office smut if that’s more up your alley, I just don’t remember what it’s called😭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
(un)lucky number seven
matt murdock x fem!reader
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word count: 601
warnings: suggestive and teasing
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You love to tease Matt. It's simple, really. Nothing else to it. You loved to work him up and have him wrapped around your finger. 
So, two weeks ago, when you browsed the perfume department, you stumbled upon a selection of pheromones. You knew that they were often iffy, but with Matt's heightened senses, you were sure to get some kind of a reaction. You picked it up with a mischievous grin and went to the checkout to pay.
Since then, you've been wearing small amounts of the perfume when you were around Matt- which was almost all the time, considering you worked together too. You increased the spritzes every few days to see how much you could get away with before getting a reaction.
Today, you were wearing seven sprays of the alluring perfume and were hoping to get a response, something, anything. You wanted Matt to crack, so you pulled out the big guns.
Foggy and Karen were out collecting lunch, so it left you and Matt together at the office, left to your own devices.
You knock on the inside of Matt's door. "Where do you want these papers, boss," you tease, purposely wafting the papers against you as you walk into his office. "Finished them, just like you asked."
"Thanks," he nods, avoiding you and your games. "Put them with the others."
"I think we should have a break," you suggest, dragging a chair to sit in front of his desk. "You seem a little tense today."
"No, I'm fine," he brushes you off, ignoring your advances. He loosens his tie and then rolls his sleeves. "Just warm."
"Yeah, it is pretty hot today," you say, a slight breathy tone to your voice. "Meant to be like it for a few days." You tempt, ignoring his counter attempts of turning you on.
He stands, walking around his desk to sit at the edge facing you. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you say weakly, swallowing thickly when he pushes back his hair, subtly flexing his arms. "Supposed to be very hot," you say almost pathetically, steading your breathing.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" he grins, head cocking to the side in amusement. 
"Nothing, nothing," you reply, shaking your head as you gathered your things to leave. "I'll let you be."
"Stay," he whispers, halting your movements with an open palm. "You wanted a break, right?" he stands again and places his hands either side of your shoulders, gently pushing you back into your chair. "What's wrong? Don't like being on the receiving end?"
You slowly shake your head. Your breaths grow heavy and strained, looking up at Matt as he leans over you with his signature smile slapped on his face.
"Is that no?" he mocks, quietly speaking as he hovers against your lips. "Not so nice, now is it?"
"No," you admit, whispering.
He lingers to your lips, mimicking a light kiss as his hand faintly trails up your throat. "Exactly," he whispers back, grazing his spare hand over your thigh. "Better get back to work. They're back." Matt nods to the door, counting up on his fingers until the door swings open.
You mumble a curse under your breath and stand, collecting yourself and your papers. "So that's the part I need to correct?" you lie, speaking loud enough for Foggy and Karen to hear. 
"Yeah, change those parts, then it's perfect," Matt nods. "Mine. After work." He whispers to you, hiding his mouth behind his fist.
"You got it," you reply, your tone perky and upbeat as you leave his office. "Oh, hey, guys, I didn't see you there."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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toxic3mmy · 5 months
being like all bratty ( i think that’s the word) and all to Quackity and he ends up fucking the shit out of you?
ummm yes??? this sounds sooooo hot teehee, thx for the request!!
[it turned out a little more loving than rough sex.. oops??]
prompt: you and alex have a project due and he keeps slacking off until he’s had enough of your bratty attitude
warnings: nsfw! smut smutty smuttt!
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it was finally 7:30 pm. alex said he would meet you at the college library to finish up your project after work and you had been waiting on him there for almost an hour now. the good thing was that you were alone and had time to focus on your part of the slideshow.
you had about two slides left when you heard a huge thud on the table you were sat at. you looked up and saw alex smiling sheepishly at you.
“sup nerd, you almost done with our project?” he said as he sat back in his chair and kicked his feet up to rest on the table
you rolled your eyes and said with an annoyed face,
“yeah right, come on let’s get this over with already” you grumbled
“actually, shit… i forgot my laptop” alex said while looking through his backpack. he looked up at you and asked
“mind if i go get it? i’m pretty sure i left it at my house and it’s not far from here” he didn’t even wait for me to respond, already collecting his things to go
“wait, maybe we should just do the project at yours… they close the library in thirty minutes anyways” you said, feeling even more annoyed than before because now you were going to be forced to be alone with alex
“cool, let’s go” he walked out of the school and to his car in the parking lot
you felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous as you got into his passenger seat. you weren’t sure why but his very existence got so deep under your skin that it really pissed you off. maybe it was his arrogant personality or maybe it was the way every girl at your college drooled over him, or maybe it was both. the truth is, you also felt an attraction for alex but you refused to be like every other brainless bimbo at school. you liked to think that you actually had taste when it came to guys.
your thoughts were interrupted by alex parking his car and getting out, having you follow him. he unlocked the door to his house and let you in. he got comfortable and led you into an office like room where you assumed he did his homework and probably his streaming. he had a huge desk with a pc setup as well as note taking materials next to the pc. there was also a small couch and that’s where you decided to put your backpack.
“here, i’ll go get a chair for you to sit next to me” alex broke the silence between you too. you nodded silently and took all your notes out to finally finish this project.
“sit” he said as he placed another office chair next to his fancy gamer chair
you chuckled to yourself
“what?” he asked, genuinely confused
“oh nothing… just realized you have a gamer chair.. it’s so uwu of you” you teased him and laughed even louder
“says the one that dresses like an e girl with all those fishnets and eyeliner” he said mockingly
“don’t even! i know you’re not judging my clothing choices when you legit always look like adam sandler plus that stupid beanie you never take off”
“can you shut up? we have a project to work on” alex said in a sarcastic manner
you didn’t say anything in response to him. instead, you went over what you had finished with your part of the project. you then kept talking about some ways for alex to tie his part into yours so that it would all flow seamlessly. you were pointing out certain topics in your textbook when you look up to see alex typing away on his phone.
“dude… are you serious? i was over here talking to the fucking wall i guess! were you seriously not listening to me?”
he simply put a finger up as if telling you to wait for him to finish texting. you waited impatiently and after a few minutes, he finally put down his phone.
“my bad, i have this thing i’ve been working on with team members for our twitch.. but uh yeah of course i heard everything you said.” he lied and it made anger begin to boil up inside of you.
“how much do you even have done?” you asked, trying to calm yourself down
“oh uh.. i have all my pictures set up in the powerpoint” he said as if it were something to be proud about
you grit your teeth together as you realized what he meant by that
“you haven’t even started on your section?? i cannot believe you…” you groaned really annoyed now
“yes i have started! it’s not my fault that i need to do work stuff in my free time” he said as he messed with a pen on his desk
“ohhh, you have a twitch event that you’ve been working on for weeks? aw thats so cool, yeah i seriously don’t give a fuck. you had all semester and you don’t even care! it’s our senior year and uni is something that we need to take seriously i mean this counts towards our final! i don’t want to have to fucking repeat this class just because you’re a careless arrogant selfish piece of shit!”
“woah woah, what the fuck is your issue?!” he began to lose his cool, sitting up and facing towards you as he raised his voice
“you’re my problem! like dude i get that you play your little video games on stream and that seems to be what you worry about most but i actually want to get a good career and i actually care about my grades! unlike you! you think that just because everyone likes you, you’ll get everything handed to you. well sorry to burst your bubble but clicking and clacking on your keyboard all day long isn’t going to prepare you for the real world!”
“who the fuck do you think you are? you have no right to say any of this to me, are you kidding?” alex was now standing up and towering over you
“look… i just had a bad day okay? i worked really early this morning and i honestly would much rather be in bed right now than arguing with you i mean, we’re not even getting any work done! god this is pointless..” you sighed, running your hands through your hair as you felt afraid to look alex in his eyes
“i worked today too, ya know. but you don’t see me being so prissy and uptight about a damn project that won’t even matter in a year.”
“yeah well im sure my work was way more productive and hard than you playing dumb computer games all day”
“listen you little brat, you have no right to tell me anything about my career choices. and for the record, my dumb little twitch job is making me more money each month than youd ever see after years of whatever boring fucking corporate job you get into” alex said, holding you tightly by your t shirt
“yeah fucking right. you’re just a lazy idiot! all you had to do was finish a few slides and we’d be through here and you can’t even do that. i’m leaving, thanks for nothing” you spit out angrily as you hastily began to pack your things to leave
alex was silently in deep thought. as you reached the door, he tugged your backpack back and off of your shoulder. he grabbed you rather harshly and your back was pushed up against his bedroom door.
“you’re not going anywhere. you think you can just walk out of here after insulting me and being a shitty little brat?!”
“what?..” you asked quietly
“you heard me y/n, you’re being a fucking brat.. and brats should be treated the way they deserve” he spoke hotly against your lips before leaning forward and kissing you
you weren’t prepared for him to kiss you so sweetly. you practically melted against his lips. you kissed back until he whimpered and brought you back to reality.
“ugh! get off of me, asshole!” you pushed his chest roughly but before you could make any other move, he caught your arm
“i know you want me y/n, i see the way you look at me. you and every other girl at school are just so thirsty for me huh? look at these tiny skirts you always wear.. you’re just asking for it” he smirked as his fingers danced up your thigh and touched your skirt
“ha! i don’t want you. unlike the girls at school, i have a brain and i sure as fuck would never touch you” you lied to his face
you gasped and felt your face go red as his hand was now touching the fabric of your panties
“then why are you soaking wet for me?” he chuckled as he pulled your panties aside and played with your wet folds
he walked you towards his bed, sitting you down as he hovered over you.
“i fucking hate you!” you angrily smashed your lips to his.
your tongue slid across his lips, asking for entrance. alex greedily let your tongue slide against his. your hands tangled in his hair and tugged harshly as he continued to touch you.
“i hate you too, you fucking brat. now be a good girl and taked this top off for me” his lips connected with yours as you shakily unbuttoned your school top and threw it aside.
you reached out and began to unzip his pants just enough to release his hardened cock. he moaned at the contact and continued to play with your slick heat as you started to move your hands up and down his dick.
he pulled away from the kiss and pulled your hair in a ponytail with one hand and held your palm upwards with his other.
“spit” he demanded and you did what he asked
he then moved your wet hand to his cock and let go of your hair. he went back to rubbing your throbbing clit. you moved your hand and he was practically thrusting into your touch.
“alex… please” you whispered and tried to lead his leaking dick to your pussy but alex stopped you
“aw come on y/n, you can do better than that. you just love to yap and insult me, don’t you, you little brat? why don’t you put that pretty little mouth of yours to good use and beg for me. beg me to fuck you”
at this point, you needed him so badly and you didn’t care how desperate you looked as you complied with his demands.
“please alex, i need you so badly. please just fuck me and i promise to be nicer to you. im so wet for you..” you moaned out as his fingers finally stopped teasing you and entered your quivering hole
“tell me you want me.. tell me y/n” he said in a lustful voice, his fingers curling deeper into you. his lips attached to one of your hard nipples, deliciously tracing circles with the tip of his tongue
“oh fuck.. i n-need you, i want you alex! i’ve wanted you since i first saw you! i hate you so much but i want you to fuck me, please!” you were rutting against his hand needing more
he laughed as he was amused and feeling very satisfied with your response. he stopped touching you completely and undressed himself. he then reached out and stripped you of your shirt and panties, leaving the two of you completely naked.
“you’re so fucking sexy” he said, looking at you hungrily
“get on your hands and knees, show me that pretty ass”
you did what he asked needing him inside of you now. he groaned at the sight of your round ass on view for him. as he pushed himself inside of you, you arched your back from pleasure. he began to move slowly as you adjusted to the stretch. the second you started moaning, he grabbed your hips and mercilessly pounded into you.
“fuck! you’re so tight y/n” his hand made harsh contact with a loud smack on your ass
you fucked back onto his cock, feeling so overcome with pleasure
“a-alex, ‘m so close” you whimpered
he stopped fucking into you and sat up in his bed. he gently tugged you towards him, motioning to sit on his lap
“come ride me, sweetheart” he said huskily and of course, you obliged
you sat on his dick, feeling every inch of him fill you up. you were in complete bliss as you began to ride him slowly. alex leaned forward and hugged you to his body as he kissed your lips. you fought his tongue with yours for dominance as the two of you rocked together in a sweet rhythm.
“you feel so good… so so good alexis” you whispered in broken sobs
“yeah, baby girl? aw just look at you. you’re so needy for me aren’t you?”
you rocked your hips, grinding his cock into you. he was so deep inside of you and you couldn’t help but want more. he hit just the right spot inside of your needy cunt and you moaned loudly. your back arched as you threw your head back in pure bliss. alex kissed up your neck as he had full access. he pulled you closer to him, tucking your hair behind your ear gently
“you’re so beautiful y/n, i could do this forever. would you like that? would you like to be my fuck toy? i could use you whenever i please, yeah? tell me how good i feel, hermosa” he said as he looked into your eyes.
“you feel incredible.. you’re making me feel things i’ve never felt before.. please use me whenever” you said breathlessly
“such a good girl” alex praised, kissing you ever so gently as you continued to move at the same pace together
“a-alex, i’m so close”
“cum with me y/n, cum with me” he whimpered, letting out the sweetest whines and speeding his hips to meet yours
he held your hips still as he fucked into you faster and faster, chasing both of your highs
with loud gasps and moan, you both climax together.
alex slows his pace to a stop and you both catch your breath.
“yeah?” you breathe out, finally getting off of alex and laying down next to him
“i finished my part of the project yesterday, i just wanted to mess with you” he grinned and you smacked him playfully
“alex! you ass!”
“hey.. it worked out well for us didn’t it?” he smiled innocently
“come on, let’s shower. im all sweaty” alex says, pulling you up and towards his shower
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
so i have no idea if you take requests, but… yk that skz code episode where they play like a bored game and they have to wear the cat ears and see who can make their heart flutter?? imagine reader as the 9th member and she has to wear the cat ears and she picks chan not thinking anything would happen but she turns into a blushing hot mess in front of everyone… (i believe its episode 4)
The Heart Flutter Game
Chan/ot8 x Female reader
Word count: 990
Synopsis: What happens when you realize Chan is capable of making your heart race?
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! I hope this is what you were looking for and I hope you enjoy reading. I couldn't help myself and threw just a smidge of angst in there lol otherwise it's all cute fluffy crack! If you all enjoy reading please give it a reblog, like, comment, hop on over to my asks, whatever. I love hearing from you guys! Warnings below the cut
Warnings: None but if there is something I should have up as a warning please let me know and I'll add it. Also although there is no smut or nsfw content in this fic my blog and stories are strictly for 18+ and over. MDNI you will be blocked.
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You didn't know where the staff came up with these games sometimes but when you all walked in and saw a huge game board you knew you were going to have fun, especially when you all started to walk around and read the squares. Blind tasting, debate, this or that, heart flutter, fruit ninja. You didn't know what some of the games were but you knew the heart flutter game from watching tik toks.  
You all rolled a big dice to determine the order you'd go in. Once that was decided the game could really begin. You made it a couple times around the group and then it was your turn again. You rolled and Chan moved your piece for you, landing on the heart flutter game. You had watched Seungmin and Jisung play one of the other rounds, so you knew what to expect and you knew who you would pick. 
"I choose Chan." He smiled and walked over. 
"You don't think I can make your heart flutter?" He seemed up to the challenge.  
"No offence Channie but I highly doubt it." He clutched his heart. 
"I'm hurt and will now have to prove myself that much more." You laughed. 
"Well go on then sweep me off my feet old man." He made a stink face. 
"I'm not old!" Seungmin laughed. 
"You just forgot you're old because you're old." Chan feigned laughing and then turned back towards you as a staff member finished setting up the ears and sensors. Then one of the other staff members got the stopwatch ready. You just had to survive two minutes. They hit the button to start it. 
"Okay and go!" Chan walked towards you a little more. 
"Da? Ahh Da? Uwu..." Chan went straight for aegyo but you stood there expressionless the ears unchanging. He stepped closer.  
"Daaaa? Oooo cuuuute!" He poked his cheek and you still gave no reaction and he got no movement from the ears. He stepped closer, now he was definitely in your bubble and you could smell his cologne. Why did he smell so good? The ears twitched and Chan looked at you with a little smile. 
"What's wrong y/n?" You shook your head. 
"N-nothing..." His smile got bigger. He leaned in and the cat ears moved more. The guys all started teasing you as your ears started turning red. 
"Flirt Chan!" He got closer and you took a deep breath. 
"Nothing? Really? You seem flustered..." Chan's face was so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath on your neck, giving you goosebumps and the ears started moving even more. 
"Uh... I... I..." You were starting to get embarrassed that Chan was having such an effect on you. His lips were almost pressed to the shell of your ear. 
"Do I make your heart flutter y/n-ie?" He whispered, then he kissed your cheek and the ears went crazy. You gasped surprised he did that. Your whole face was burning now as the guys all laughed. Suddenly, to you, it wasn't funny anymore. You pulled the ears off and tossed them down before running off. Everyone stopped laughing. Chan looked around at the guys who were all looking up at him. 
"Way to go Chan." Chan looked over at Changbin who had said it. 
"What?! You guys told me to flirt." Minho shook his head. 
"Yea flirt, we didn't say kiss her." Chan face palmed and groaned. 
"I'll go apologize." Chan walked off in the direction you had run off in as the rest of the guys took a break. He found you by following the sounds of your sniffles. He felt terrible.  
"y/n? Hey I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was trying to be silly and took it too far." You wiped at your face a huffed out a breath. 
"It's not that. You didn't make me uncomfortable Chan." He was confused, his head tilted to the side as his bottom lip protruded. 
"What then?" You slouched against the wall. 
"I... I liked it." Chan nodded. 
"Okay..." You rolled your eyes. 
"I liked it a lot okay?! And everyone was there watching and laughing and I realized it was all just a joke, that I was a joke, and..." Chan's brow furrowed. 
"Hey hey no. You're not a joke." You looked down and shrugged.  
"Well that's how it felt. 'Chan kissed y/n hahaha big joke'. Even you just said you did it to be silly." Chan realized he'd hurt your feelings. 
"I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean it like that." You shook your head. 
"Just forget it. Okay? Let's just get back and finish the game." You started to walk off and Chan gently grabbed your wrist stopping you. 
"Hey wait we need to talk about this." You pinched the bridge of your nose. 
"Well you liked the kiss and I liked kissing you. Isn't that something we should discuss." You looked at him speechless. 
"You what?" He shrugged. 
"I said I liked kissing you and I think this is something we should talk about instead of ignoring it." When you finally processed Chan's words and that he truly meant them you nodded. 
"Yea okay..." You said shyly. You and Chan sat down on the floor with your backs against the wall and started talking. Midway through the conversation Chan grabbed and held your hand and your heart started racing faster. Back in the main part of the studio the guys were all huddled around a monitor. After a moment Felix spoke up. 
"Shouldn't we tell them their mics are still on?" Hyunjin shook his head. 
"No give them their moment." Seungmin chimed in. 
"I didn't think they would ever figure it out. It was starting to get painful to watch them." All of the guys agreed in unison. They let you and Chan have your moment while they waited for you both to return and finish the game. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice630 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification @mlink64 @smally97 @fun-fanfics @chansducky10 @starfire21 @cessixja @siewoon @berryberrytan @binnies-minsung-fanclub @lethallyprotected
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
Goku/Reader Fluff and Comfort Hc's
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Big sweet saiyan loves to cuddle after a hard day of training (ofc he's going to wash up first before he hops into bed with you) and he's like a big warm teddy bear to hug and snuggle with eeee 💕
Finds it cute/funny when you try to be the big spoon, you're just so smol compared to him its adorable
Coming in frustrated from a complicated day at work? Goku will sit you down and let you vent about it to him or if you want to let out some anger maybe some sparring or needed training to boost your power level, it reminds him of another friend he has who always tries to surpass him and has a big attitude (cough cough Vegeta)
If baking is your outlet for stress or if you just like doing it as a side hobby, Goku makes it a bit more fun, I mean trying to maneuver his big, muscly body around yall's small kitchen, bumping into everything, taking caution to not knocking anything over cause it might make you mad is really comedy gold!
"Oh crap! I broke one of the plates again, sorry baby 🥺" "It's fine Goku, that one was just one someone gave to me when we moved in, I didn't like it anyway." 🤣
9/10 for help though, although you had to tell him the difference between a baking spatula and a spatula tho but that's about it. He'll go fetch some ingredients for you if you don't have any or ran out. You two did make the most awesome peach cobbler though uwu
The biggest pair of puppy dog eyes he gives you when he asks you if he can lick the spoon 🥺
Gives gooood shoulder massages 💯 if you're really tense/tired after your daily life activities, he'll even offer to give massages after training and you're here thinking: how does this man have the energy?? we just sparred for a good hour '
One time you asked your sweet bf if you could touch his hair, it went something like this:
"You want to touch my hair?" Goku=cutely confused "yea..I understand if you don't want me to, I was just wondering cause it looks so soft." Goku:"Well, you can go ahead :) I don't mind."
Your hand rises up to the top of his head (he has to bend down halfway to meet your height level cause he's almost 6 foot 😂) as you pet his jet black hair, and to your surprise it was really soft, just like you had hoped for.
"What kind of shampoo do you use babe?"you asked curiously. "Umm..it was actually one of Bulma's new conditioners, I accidentally used it instead of my usual hair hair soap." he chuckles, "What is my hair like super soft now--huh?"before he could finish his sentence, your whole face was in his hair lmaoo, you couldn't help it, it was like you were in a cloud, a fluffy cloud that gave off the scent of linen and waterfalls.
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Speaking of waterfalls, he flew you to the most beautiful nature trail, you never even knew that this universe had one until Goku mentioned to you that there was a Namekian who literally knew the whole status of the universe along with the supreme kai. But wow, was it amazing to behold with your own eyes, vibrant flowers were scattered across the land, along with the mingling sounds of birds and let's not forget the waterfall..
You two trudged upon a hill and there it was, you could not believe your eyes, it had to be the most biggest one in the whole multiverse. "Isn't it awesome?" Goku asked, "I was thinking I could take you here since you like nature a whole lot.". The Saiyan sure does think about you a whole lot which is sweet. You hum in agreement and sit down to watch the endless display of nature's art, your boyfriend follows suit and swings his arm around you pulling you close to him. "We should do this more often" You sigh in content leaning in to the Saiyan's touch. Goku gives you a peck on the head as you two sit back and enjoy the sounds and each other's company.
enjoy! thank you for reading!
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Keeping You Safe | Canonverse Hurt/Comfort Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ 2.1k ✧ notes ➼ canonverse, protective!levi uwu, established relationship, combat medic!reader, reader got hurt after the 57th exterior scouting expedition
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You heard a voice call out to you as you finished buckling up your gear and scoffed.
"So you're finally willing to talk to me again? You know, most people would say ‘I’m happy you’re doing okay after getting hurt’ instead of giving them the cold shoulder.”
Levi walked up to you, stopping once he was a few feet away.
“You’re off the mission.”
You threw your hands up in disbelief.
"That shit again? Guess you didn't come to talk after all," you said as you shook your head.
You looked at him once he didn't respond and saw him walking away. You clenched your fists in rage.
“So that’s it?! You ignore me for two weeks and then change my schedule around last minute?! What happened to ‘just Levi’, huh?!”
He stopped walking once he heard your last comment.
"I told you that wasn't the case for this mission and that you were supposed to obey," he said while looking straight at you with a frown. "Consider it an insubordination charge, if that makes you feel better."
He continued walking away.
"How the fuck would that make me feel better?!" you yelled out, absolutely astonished at everything he was saying. “When are you going to stop being a Captain and start being a friend again, huh? You’ve been acting weird ever since we formed that squad and went to the castle, even after we came back! Is it because of the joke I told Eren Jaegar?! Is it because I couldn’t get our squad out of there in time?! Just turn around and TALK TO ME!”
An intense gust of wind blew past you as you yelled, almost as if it intended to carry the entirety of your argument throughout the district.
Levi turned around to look at you again with a stone cold expression. His own fist was clenched underneath his cloak due to the frustrating nature of the conversation. He wasn't willing to budge on his decision and you weren't willing to stand down.
“You were headed to and leading the Female Titan directly to HQ instead of our rendezvous point, which was the exact opposite of what we had planned,” he said quietly.
"Tch," you responded with a spiteful look. “I figured it’d be better to lure her to where we were concentrated the greatest so we had a better chance of taking her down.”
“You could’ve brought her to me.”
“There was no guarantee that we could’ve made it in time. She turned back into a human and took down Gunther and already had us in close quarters by the time she turned again!”
“Doesn’t that logic also apply to whether you would’ve made it to HQ in time?”
The look on your face quickly changed from one of frustration and rage to one of guilt as you brought up the memories of the battle that had happened a few weeks ago. This entire conversation has confirmed your fear that the squad was dead because you failed as an impromptu squad leader. You quickly looked away as you felt your emotions begin to boil over.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have left," you said quietly.
Levi remained silent, knowing that he was continuously hurting you with those words.
You’re right, I shouldn’t have, he thought, with a dark look appearing on his face.
He should have stayed. He should have assigned you to a different squad. He should have just had you stay within the walls. He should have done anything but what he did. He should never have let you be on the most dangerous mission they had ever embarked on and then left you on your own.
"It's my job to go out there, Levi," you spoke up. “Even Commander Erwin said that I've been saving lives and-”
“You can’t save those lives if you can’t even save your own,” Levi said bluntly as he began to walk away again.
You were taken aback by that comment.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Levi stopped walking again, slightly looking over his shoulder without fully looking at you. He couldn't stand prolonging this fight or seeing your reaction to what he was about to say.
“Standby. That’s an order,” he said sternly. “I was wrong to have faith in you.”
He shouldn't have said it. He heard you take a sharp inhale and he shut his own eyes, knowing that he might have just shattered your bond—but if that was what it took to keep you alive, then he would learn to live with it.
"As you wish," you began to whisper quietly, your voice devoid of any emotion. It was so quiet and flat that Levi was almost tempted to turn around to look at you again and take back what he said. He knew that he had hurt you and he couldn't stand the thought of it, but he didn't know how else to get his point across.
“Captain Levi Ackerman.”
You spoke his name with an emphasis on his title. Normally, you never even used his title unless you were mocking him, but with the way that you spoke and the hostility in your voice, he knew that you were talking to him purely as a subordinate, with the one person that truly loved him nowhere to be found.
You sighed as you felt the sting of the cold autumn air on your skin as you bathed under the moonlight. You leaned up against a ledge that connected the inner and outer edges of the wall and looked towards the forest. It seemed incredibly peaceful despite the fact that it was a graveyard that more and more scouts were being sent to with each passing expedition.
You stared at the forest with a blank look on your face as you anxiously rubbed the crystal pendant that was hanging from your neck. You found that it helped soothe your anxiety.
As you continued to twirl the crystal between your fingers, you glanced towards the inner edge of the wall as you heard someone get pulled up by their mobility gear.
"Tch," you scoffed as soon as you noticed it was Levi and turned away, refusing to look at him. It had been a week since he randomly took you off a mission before proceeding to berate you.
"You've been avoiding me," he said as he detached himself from the wall and stepped towards you.
You responded with cold silence, hoping that he would just leave if you ignored him long enough. After about a minute, you finally opened your mouth to speak.
“Thought you’d be on more missions, honestly.”
“You really think I’d be of any use on the field with this leg injury?”
You vaguely knew about the leg injury that he had sustained while battling the Female Titan to rescue Eren Jaeger. This reminder further irritated you.
“Tch. Wonder who’s calling the shots then, if you’re not there to spew orders at them 24/7.”
You blamed yourself for his injury. You knew that if you had been better about leading his squad out of the forest, Eren would've never been taken, and Levi would have never gotten hurt.
There was silence for a few seconds.
“Is that really what you think I do?”
"Yeah, it is what I really think," you said as you finally turned to face him. “Did you not put me on this insubordination charge because I ‘couldn’t follow orders’? I don’t even know what those orders were!”
Levi sighed in irritation.
“That’s not what happened, I only said that since you were so pissed about me taking you off in the first place.”
"I'm still pissed! I don't understand! And I'm sorry," you said, which prompted his attention. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep our squad alive. I’m sorry I almost lost the kid to that Titan. I’m sorry that I failed to step into your shoes. That’s exactly why I declined the offer to have my own squad in the first place!”
The frown on his face relaxed slightly as he listened to you spill out all the reasons you thought he was mad about. He started walking towards you as you continued to ramble.
“I’m sorry that I can’t ever seem to get onto any missions without you! I’m even questioning why the hell I’m even on the Scouts! I tell myself it’s to treat the wounded scouts, but I never get the chance to do that anyway!”
At this point, you finally noticed him reaching out for you and immediately smacked his hand away.
"Fuck off! Get away from me," you scolded as you looked up at him with a glare and saw that he had dodged your attack, having predicted it before you even moved. You saw that he wasn't moving towards or away from you, which irritated you further.
You clenched both your fists and resorted to trying to throw punches at him to get him to go away. 
He immediately reached up to catch both your fists, not letting go when you tried to pull them back. He pulled you in closer to get a better hold of you and so that you couldn't swing another set at him if you broke free.
“Can you quit making a scene?!” he scolded, finally losing his temper.
You poured all of your strength into pulling back, but you knew that it was useless. You knew that your own strength was negligible compared to Levi's, even if he wasn't trying to purposefully hold you there.
After a few more seconds of struggling, you finally gave up and rested your forehead on his shoulder in a defeated fashion.
"I hate you," you mumbled, your voice slightly muffled.
He exhaled and pulled away, placing his hands on your shoulders so that you could look at him.
“I don’t care if you hate me as long as you’re alive,” he said quietly. 
You looked into his steel blue eyes as the truth sank in for you. He wasn't mad at you at all for anything related to the death of his squad members. He was mad because you nearly got yourself killed.
You exhaled, unsure if you should feel relieved or even more irritated.
"Liar," you finally said. "You'd be pissed."
“So you saying you don’t actually hate me, then?”
You rolled your eyes and then shrugged him off of you.
You glanced back up at him with an annoyed, but softer expression, indicating that you were now more annoyed than you were mad.
He crossed his arms and broke eye contact.
“I’m sorry,” he said reluctantly. “I shouldn’t have said what I said.”
Deep down, Levi knew that every single one of his actions was influenced by the feeling he had when his heart dropped upon seeing your mangled body on the cart wagon when they were retreating from the failed expedition.
"You're right, you shouldn't have," you said with another frown.
A few seconds passed before they made eye contact again. 
"But I also shouldn't have been that reckless," you reluctantly admitted.
You looked down, slightly embarrassed at your own words because you knew you were proving him right about his assumptions about you on the battlefield.
"So I guess we're even," you said quietly.
A subtle and brief smirk appeared on his face as he walked you towards the outer edge of the wall, sitting down with you.
The both of you simply stared off past the wall for a few minutes. He held himself up with his hands behind him and you leaned into him, so that your head was resting against his shoulder. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath, taking in his body warmth and scent that you had missed for the past few weeks, drawing comfort in his presence.
"You're still a liar, by the way," you said quietly without moving.
"For what?" he asked as he glanced towards you.
“I can already tell your leg injury has long been healed.”
“Is it?” he asked in an unamused fashion, not really providing further commentary.
He knew you were right. He had been walking fine. He got up onto the top of the wall in one swift motion fine. In fact, even if an army of Titans appeared, he’d probably be able to defeat them fine. 
He couldn't even put it into words himself, but he knew that a big part of him was simply off mission because he was paranoid that something was going to happen to you while he was gone. Although it was safe in the walls, he knew that wasn't always the case—and although he knew it was irrational to be thinking in the way that he was, he couldn't help himself to not be around you to make you were safe.
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from-izzy · 11 months
[02:04] | tbz lee jaehyun | hyunjae
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee jaehyun (hyunjae) x fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: friends 2 lovers (mentioned from backstory!), non-idol au! established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: fluffy fluff, slight angst (?), ​husband hyunjae, he's super patient and understanding, hurt/comfort, wedding vows (it's so cute, i love it) » WORD COUNT: ​3743 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~14 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): mentions of pregnancy, insecurities, mentions of a broken family/childhood (reader's side), proofread once
my second timestamp story! thank you for all the love on the first one! (pst! it's sunwoo! 🦝) hopefully, this one lives up to your expectations! (if there are any uwu). sorry for my weird, unscheduled, random posting times > <
shoutout to my mum who (i bet) went through a lot to make sure i would grow up well. thank you for always reminding me that you don't regret having me and loving me with all your being. love you mumma! 💗
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You remembered when you tucked yourself into bed alone after reminding Jaehyun to come to bed soon. He was so close to finishing his work that you didn’t want to force him out of his zone, understanding that he would feel more peaceful if he finished it sooner even if it meant ruining his internal body clock a little bit for it.
Opening your eyes and taking a deep breath in the calming darkness, you smiled at the arm that rested across your now flat stomach. During your whole pregnancy stages, especially when that wicked pregnancy pillow put a physical barrier between you and your loving husband, he would at least reach out and hold your hand (or particularly your stomach bump), a huge downgrade from how his chest would completely be on your back and he hushes you asleep with his soft snores. 
You knew as soon as you turned your head to the right that Jaehyun managed to finish his work, a neutral smile on his face as compared to the slight pout and the subtle crease between his eyebrows as he sometimes grunts in his sleep from the past few days. An affectionate gaze falls upon your eyes when Jaehyun grunts and scoots over to your side of the bed, his unconscious mind telling him to move closer to his wife after he throws the pillow away to the other side of the room in excitement as soon as your new family arrived home three days ago. You chuckle at the way his right hand past the top of your stomach to hook your waist and pull you closer to him. Now half awake, Jaehyun made himself comfortable by burrowing his nose and lips into the crook of your neck and you immediately looked up towards the ceiling to let him do so.
A satisfied hum comes out from the man beside you, “This is nice.” He brushes the warm skin of your neck with his colder nose and his soft lips press multiple kisses from your jawline to your right shoulder.
“Jae.” You chuckle at his playful nature, “Go back to sleep, hm? You have work tomorrow.”
Jaehyun groans at the grim reminder. He’s been at home ever since you came back home, using up some of his leave days to take care of you and your newborn child. He was about to use it all but you stopped him, convincing him that you’re able to take care of yourself and your child, moreover to save those days in case a ‘real’ emergency does occur. Every day and every moment, you look at your husband who you treasure so much and you can’t help but think about how much you love this man with all your heart, mind and soul.
“Don’t remind me of that, bubs.” Finally opening his eyes, he relied on the subtle moonlight that seeped through your curtains and looked at your side view with ‘that’ gaze. 
‘That’ gaze that reminds you every day that you’re worth it for you. ‘That’ gaze that he kept even after ten years of meeting each other. ‘That’ gaze that was plastered on his face when he went down on one knee to propose to you. ‘That’ gaze that was present when he read his wedding vows and wiped the tears on your face when you read yours. ‘That’ gaze (mixed with immense happiness and excitement) when you told him you were pregnant. 
It holds many meanings and you were sure that the list would continue, building from all the blessed experiences so far.
Only chuckling at the way that he pouts cutely at you, you turn your body to face him, creating a small gap between you both as you press a peck on his lips, “Thank you for using your leave days to take care of us.”
“Of course, I would.” Jaehyun shook his head slightly to validate his point, “You both are my whole world. I can’t afford to lose you or baby.” It was the way that your eyes slightly pooled with tears that he replaced the pout and shushing the soft whimpers that left your now shaky lips, “Hey…what’s wrong?”
Your once small cries amplified drastically and Jaehyun’s eyes widened in shock, quickly pulling you into his embrace. He slips his left hand under your neck, bringing your tear-stricken face into his chest as you sob in his arms. Jaehyun comfortingly whispers sweet nothings into your ear, patting your head and pressing occasional kisses on your forehead. You stayed wordless for a while, enjoying the company and how close your entire body could be now after you gave birth.
“Catch your breath. I’ll be right here.” Jaehyun reminds you between your tired gasps for air, “I’ll always be here next to you, waiting for you, loving you more and more with each passing day.”
You couldn’t do anything but just nod, your heart melting at the sincere words, “I’m scared.”
“Of what, bubs?”
“Like,” You started, audibly voicing out the thoughts that have been swarming and eating you alive inside and out, “what happens if I mess up?”
It isn’t the first time that you had this kind of conversation. The very first time was when the adrenaline from your system was drained after announcing that positive pregnancy test to Jaehyun. You voiced out your worries as an upcoming parent, worried that you would accidentally pass down your problems, anxiety and worries to your child. Out of everything you want the most in the world, all you want is for your children to grow up without your traumas and problems affecting them because that’s not the kind of life that they deserve. Of course, that’s unrealistic. Children are indeed a slight depiction of their parents and how they would act around other people outside the family says a lot about how their parents raised them.
You can just imagine a situation where your anxiety takes over, you crouch down to be eye level with your extremely young child, giving them a lecture about what they should or shouldn’t do, extending that talks to both extreme sides of ‘what if’s and how they should just be more careful, less daring and---
“Jae, promise me that you’ll make sure she doesn’t grow up like me.” It was a desperate plea, almost as if you would walk out of their lives in the next second. The anxiety completely took over your body as you clenched Jaehyun’s shirt in your fist as a physical response, looking up at him desperately and Jaehyun’s eyebrows crashed together, “She doesn’t deserve that, Jae. Those silent cries, hating everyone around me, feeling like no one loved me and wanting to just end---”
“Don’t.” It was stern yet it still held a lot of patience and love. Jaehyun smiles sadly at the words that he has heard multiple times but even so, he would never stop reminding you of all the things he loves about you. He would never stop hugging you, holding your body and pulling you towards him, giving you all his love and company, “Don’t say that about yourself when you’re the reason why I wake up happy every day, bubs.”
“But Jae---”
“You know,” He whispers into the silent yet wavering night. Jaehyun takes a deep inhale of the air, tilting his head to rest his chin on the top of your head, “I was so scared of losing you as time went on.”
You calmed down, shutting your eyes as you focused on his heartbeat to pull you back to the present time. Jaehyun just smiles at the slightly open door of your room and he reminds himself of his newborn child on the other side of their bedroom door. When you hummed confusingly at his words, your husband just nodded, “Why were you scared?”
“Well,” If it wasn’t for the fact that your face was hidden into his collarbone, you would be able to see the blushing mess that Jaehyun was. A deep red blush was on his face, spreading to his ears; but you did feel the warmth on his neck as you kissed his skin delicately and it made Jaehyun more of a mess, “of course if it didn’t work out and you didn’t feel the same way, it would become awkward and even though we were such close friends, I knew that if I was rejected, I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you anymore. I really could’ve lost you.”
You never really knew this about Jaehyun. Whenever you asked about the day that he confessed to you to be his girlfriend, he only talked about his plans and how your mutual friends all pushed him to confess to you. You also told him about how the same mutual friends pushed you to confess back to him, yet you were a coward that you became used to telling yourself that if you ever ended up with Jaehyun, it would only hinder him in life; because who would love a broken girl when they could love a perfect one instead?
And so when he confessed, asked for a chance and promised to love you dearly after two years of mutual pining, you didn’t realise that time flew by so quickly that on the sixth year when Jaehyun kneeled and asked for your hand in marriage two years ago, a sudden hit of ‘reality’ (or so you called it) crashed into you. 
You really did find love when you thought for the longest, most tiring and hardest times when you didn’t think anyone would love you as you are. Seriously, how could anyone love you when you were still so stuck between believing and convincing yourself that you are enough? 
“I knew I had to take a chance,” Jaehyun continues his thoughts, “because when I closed my eyes and realised that if I didn’t at least try to make you mine, you might just completely slip from my life. Selfishly as well, I didn’t want to see you smiling in another person’s arms and kissing that person every time you wake up and go to sleep.”
The thought of you two doing just that ever since you moved in together five years ago suddenly made you blush and you couldn’t help but let out a string of complaints. Jaehyun just laughs (and quietly lets out a sigh of relief) when you finally release his shirt, wrapping your small hands around his bigger build instead, “I’m sorry that I didn’t realise that you went through all that.”
“No, it’s alright.” He reassures you again for the nth time in the last hour, “I have you now. You are all I ever wanted.” Pulling away and reaching to cup your wet cheeks, his thumbs swipe your almost dry cheek, offering you that familiar warmth that only he could give, “It’s all worth it in the end.”
“Really?” Another tear managed to slip out of your eyes and you couldn’t help but stare at him apprehensively as the devil inside your mind managed to manipulate your thinking, “I’m such a high-maintenance person, Jae…I really wouldn’t blame you if you wake up one day and decide to just…” He shakes his head throughout your small speech, knowing the similar words that you would say to him once in a while, “leave…” It came out quieter than you thought, maybe because he already knew anyway, hence saying it again and again, the red-horned creature in your mind rejoices as your childhood traumas reminded you of how worthless you are to the world.
Usually at this time, Jaehyun would rebut your words immediately but the silence had your heart dropping and for a while, you thought that you had taken the words out of his mouth. Jaehyun kept his tired stare and suddenly you were aware of your dry mouth as you waited for any sort of words from your husband. He removes the hand that was on your cheek, reaching behind to grab his device from the bedside table, “Hold on, okay?”
For a second, you really thought this was it for the both of you. During these moments of much-needed comfort, Jaehyun has always given you his undivided attention but now as the blue light reflects on his squinting eyes, you couldn’t help but let the tears flow down your eyes once again. Did he finally give up on me? Were the only thoughts that swarmed your mind as you watched how his thumb scrolled and colours reflected on the smooth surface of his dewy skin, “Jae?” Time made you desperate for a response and you were about to clench on his shirt again when he let out a small ‘aha’ and played the video on his phone.
You recognised the scene on his phone immediately without looking. The familiar scene, cheers, whooping and excitement radiating off the background noises had you sobbing again. Jaehyun sets the volume, puts his phone back on the bedside table and gives you his attention again, “My mum was sorting videos on her phone when she came across this and sent it to me.” He presses a comforting kiss on your lips and calms your shaking body, “I’m sure you remember this right?”
You just nod and Jaehyun pulls your face into his chest once again, letting the sound from the video consume you both into your worlds.
“As soon as you stepped into those classroom doors, all eyes were on you and undoubtedly mine too.” You were already starting to tear up just from the first few sentences, “Ah…I only just started…” You scanned your next words, just sniffling from the longer sentences that you didn't know how to not cry to while the audience let out words of encouragement and small laughs. 
Your soon-to-be husband steps towards you, kissing the side of your head, “Should I go first?”
“Do you mind?” You laugh, feeling embarrassed. 
“Not at all.” Jaehyun takes out his paper from his suit, taking the microphone from you, “I already knew this would happen guys.” He announced to the audience and you rolled your eyes jokingly, “Ok…I’ll start.”
You knew very well that your eye makeup was most probably ruined and you looked some sort of a mess at the moment so you couldn’t help but stare down at the floor. Jaehyun gives you a quick kiss on the crown of your head, swooning the audience with his romantic gesture making him chuckle before clearing his throat and starting his vows.
“I remember the day I walked into that classroom on my first day of school. No doubt, I didn’t want to be there. Not just at that school or at that classroom: I just didn’t want to be in Seoul. The sudden move because of my dad’s work made me leave all the memories I had in Incheon in a month and as an innocent young child who was already happy with everything, I didn’t want to leave.
Alas, even my mother told me we had to go and that’s when I knew that moving was inevitable. School work was already hard as it was and I had to move to a big city where I knew no one, having to start all over again from the ‘Hi. My name is Lee Jaehyun. I hope we’ll get along well.’ really made me reach the peak of my mood swings during puberty.”
Jaehyun alternates his eye contact between you and the audience who reacts to the groom with happiness, and laughter as some of his closest friends give him encouraging, funny body language. He points them out and the said friends complain whilst the audience just laughs at the group of boys on the side of the stage. However, it was how you finally raised your head and laughed along that made Jaehyun join in as well.
“For the first few weeks, I didn’t make an obvious effort to fit in. As you know, I joined clubs and did after-school activities. Studying was still my priority at this point but even that became so mundane and boring that I crashed and burnt out after a while. But maybe, the burnout was just what I needed because that was how I first met you. Had I not cried in the corner of the library in the ironically ‘health and wellbeing’ section, would you have even spoken to me? Would you have crouched down and tapped on my shoulder to ask if I was okay? Would you have sat down next to me silently as you read your book, waiting for me to answer your question?
The answer is: yes. Or at least I would like to believe so.
Why? Because no one will fully ever understand how much I love you. Maybe if it wasn’t that day in the library, I would’ve met you later. How much later, nobody knows and nobody will ever know because I’m about to marry that girl who made my day so much better in the library. But what I do know is that no matter when, where, why or how we would’ve met, I would have still fallen in love with your smile, your pout, your laugh, and the way you cutely complain about how I mess up your bubble tea order,” Jaehyun gives you a cheeky smile and you just scoff with a smile on your face, “the way you would cry in my arms when you had a bad day, the way you would drop everything when I have a bad day, the way you would try your best to stay awake until I’m done with my other priorities. 
But bubs, I hope you’ll always know that you’ll forever be my first, most top priority.
Even as we fight, cry and shout at each other words that we don’t mean, I hope you’ll always be able to go to sleep thinking that I’ll still love you. I’ll still be right by your side when your insecurities come by and pass. I’ll always remind you that you’ll always be enough no matter what you do. Your best will always be enough and I hope I’ll always be that person who can be your safe, happy place.”
No doubt now that you’re sobbing and when you look at your parents sitting down not far from the stage, your heart does clench a bit as you’re reminded of your childhood. Seeing them cry over Jaehyun’s words does seem a little bit strange to you as they never really minded your words whenever you were struggling with life. But then you remind yourself of what Jaehyun said to you a few seconds ago.
“I know for sure that you’ll always be enough for me.” Jaehyun continues, taking your mind off your parents as he looks at you understandingly, “I love you and I know I’ll continue to love you until the day I take my last breath. I’ll take care of you even when you’re not sick or feeling well, cherish all of you and be there for you even after death because I love you so much, sweetheart.”
The recording ended there and Jaehyun relished in the way that your body stopped shaking, your arms around his waist securely and your breathing back to normal. He knows instantly that you feel better just from those small actions. He also didn’t miss the smile that grew on your face even though you were literally cuddled up against his body, “So,” the deep whisper from your husband only made you push your face even further up his body, now burying your face into his collarbone, “I just want to tell you that she will grow up beautifully just like her mother. Also, we’ll get through this together. Parenting isn’t supposed to be a one-person job after all.”
Nodding and burrowing yourself into the crook of his neck, you appreciate the way his words reminded the devil in the back of your head as it stomps off in defeat. The words supported the angel that finally won and it replaced the red creature, kicking the red light away to replace your body with a calming, soothing feeling that soon takes over your whole body, “I love you, Jae.”
“I love you too.” The warmth of the night overpowered the chilly night and the two of you held each other so lovingly that the weight of your eyelids eventually became too heavy for you to hold. Jaehyun waits patiently until sleep fully takes over you, fighting his yawn from escaping his mouth. Quietly, he just continued to stroke your exposed waist delicately, kissing your lips one last time before reminding you once more, “Always.”
It’s all very fortunate that your mind is now at ease and that you both were able to sleep after. But parenting duties call about half an hour later when cries are heard from the other side of the house and both your eyes open instantly. You were the first one to untangle your body from Jaehyun and you looked over to your husband who was still stirring himself awake again for the second time of the night as you both sat up on the bed, “I’m sorry.” You kiss him on the lips, cradling the back of his head and pushing his chest back down on the bed, “I’ll get her. Get back to sleep, Jae.”
“No no, I’ll go.” You disapprovingly groan at your husband who managed to push his sleepiness aside and sit up once again, his head hanging down in exhaustion, “Wha---bubs.” Instantly, you pushed him back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over up until his chin.
You adamantly tell your husband to try and go back to sleep. Jaehyun fakes his nod and closes his eyes, an idea popping up in his head as he plots to joke around with his wife. When you swing your legs over to the side of the bed, ready to stand up once more, Jaehyun quickly hugs you from behind, pressing a kiss on the back of your ear where you’re the most ticklish and sensitive. 
You froze at his actions and even though his sleepy voice was still evident, you could also hear all the love that he could offer you in this world with his playful tone, “Race you there, bubs.”
Jaehyun called in sick the next day.
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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rvllybllply2014 · 1 month
Just wanted to share two little ideas that came to me before I head to bed uwu
1) A teenage lord Blackwood wakes up in Stone Hedge in present time, and is kept by Amos as a "guest" as he tries to figure out just what is going on, and of course teen lord Blackwood is not an easy guest to keep!
It could also be adult lord Blackwood who wakes up in Stone Hedge, only remembering Willem & Samwell as little boys.
2) Teen Amos go's to sleep one night and wakes up in the past, woken up next to the boundary stones by teen lord Blackwood who demands to know what he's doing across the border!
Amos is so confused at first, mistaking lord Blackwood for Willem..until he hears his name!
During all this confusion & disbelief the two are ambushed and attacked by thieves, with Amos getting injured protecting/saving lord Blackwood's sake
(if only for future willem & samwell's sake)
Utterly shocked & confused over how hard this bracken is fighting to protect him, lord blackwood pulls an injured Amos onto his horse and brings him back to Raventree hall to be healed.
What do you think? :)
We can always discuss these ideas tomorrow if you'd like!
Lord Blackwood has a name now and it’s Byron. A rushed ending (had to finish it before I went feral and bit off my fingers).
Older Brackenwood post break up. Hints/background Davron. Also someone give Samwell a sainthood already.
Parental (non sexual) spanking and teens being moody and stupid.
Amos couldn’t believe his eyes when he laid eyes upon a teenaged Byron Blackwood. He’d honestly thought the gods sent a demon that looked exactly like his old Willem. Surely he must’ve been cursed for daring to love a Blackwood for years, the gods must’ve finally decided that now was the time to punish him. Amos knows the gods are fickle that way especially since it’s been twenty years since he last saw Willem, but the gods must’ve noticed that in his heart he still loved Willem.
It’s only after listening to Byron not so calmly state that he’s the future lord of Raven Tree Hall and that he demands to know where lord Bracken is. Amos knows Willem would never claim to be the future lord of Raven Tree Hall, even as young boys Willem always talked about how Samwell would be the lord and he’d advise him. Amos makes a snap decision to put Byron in a guest room, and get to the bottom of whatever in the seven hells has happened.
Byron is surprised if he’d been the one presented with a Bracken lordling he’d would’ve put that lordling in the dungeons. Amos tells Byron that he’ll be brought food,water, and wine shortly and to make himself comfortable in the meantime. Byron starts to protest that he’s not hungry but his stomach lets out a loud rumble. Amos chuckles and reiterates that food and drink will be sent to him shortly.
With his instructions clear about what to with Byron, he heads to the sept to pray for guidance and orders the kitchen staff to let him know when the food is ready. Otherwise he’s not to be disturbed. Amos had been praying in the sept for about thirty minutes when a servant comes to tell him that the food has been prepared. Would he like them to deliver the food or would Amos prefer to deliver it?
Amos prefers to deliver the food personally, he has questions for Byron before he alerts Samwell and Willem.
Amos can hear the shouts half way down the hallway, and sighs internally. He’s been through this with Aeron recently, something about a break up and it’s done for real this time? Anyway a quick spanking followed by a huge cured Aerons bad mood. Anyway he’s a little fuzzy on the details, mainly because he’s tried to secure a betrothal between Raylon and the daughter of lord Moonton, but Raylon absolutely refused saying he has someone else that he would like to marry. It would strengthen their house by tying the Blackwoods and Brackens together for the first time in generations.
Amos supports Raylons idea along with Samwell but Willem keeps advising against it. So Raylon also gets a spanking at the big age of sixteen, when Amos tells him that he’s working on it he’ll need to patient and Raylon starts to stomp around yelling that Amos is ruining his life.
Does Amos enjoy spanking his nephew and son? No he does not, he’s much prefer that they keep their teenage against to themselves and not subject him to it. Besides Amos also has to worry about the unrest in kings landing and dealing with Daemon who’s just landed at Harrenhal. Everyone knows Oscar is too young to lead on his own, and he’ll have to soon. Especially if the rumors about his grandfather are true, he’s at the strangers door begging to be let in. Plus with Daemons reputation preceding him, he might pressure Oscar to kill his grandfather so he can try to manipulate him.
Amos has the guards open the door to Byron’s room. It’s only sheer luck that he manages to avoid getting hit with an empty vase, but the servant carrying the food isn’t so lucky, she got hit in the face with a pillow.
Amos has had it already with Byron. He takes the tray away from the servant while asking if she’s okay? He tells her to go to the maester, just to sure. Once she’s left Amos walks into the room and places the food down on the small table. Amos tells Byron that he better not try to throw the tray, pitchers,cups, table or chairs at him. If Byron does well he’ll be spanked.
Byron is a young lordling and he should be able to act like one. Even if he is a Blackwood lordling.
Byron did almost grab a cup to throw at Amos but decides against when he sees the serious look in Amos’s eyes. Amos calls him a good boy. And proceeds to take bites of all the food and sips of the water and wine. Byron knows Amos did that to show that it’s not poisoned but he still waits a little bit to make sure that Amos won’t drop dead.
After Byron has deemed a good amount of time has passed and he won’t die from poison he starts to eat. While he’s eating he tries to ask Amos who he is and where is the old man lord Bracken? The one with hair as white as snow? He also mentions that his father will not hesitate to kill all the Brackens to get to him.
Amos explains that he’s the lord of Stone Hedge now, his father has been for 15 years now. As for Byron’s father he’s been dead even longer at this point close to 35 years. So no Byron’s father will not kill every Bracken to get to him. Amos can’t explain too much other than he knows Byron’s sons, one is the lord of Raven Tree Hall the other advises him. As soon as they’re finished with this conversation Amos will send a raven telling them to come collect their father.
Byron wasn’t respecting any of the news that he’d received and therefore let his anger loose. He was lucky that he only threw water on Amos. Which is what he’s told when Amos demands that Byron lay on his lap, he’ll be getting 16 smacks on his ass. One for every year he’s been alive.
He’s a Blackwood lordling for gods sake and he shall act like it or he shall be reminded. With that being said Amos pats his lap for Byron to lay down, Amos does give him credit because not once did Byron cry out or protest the spanking. Amos is proud of Byron for behaving like the lordling he is and tells him as much when he hugs him.
Amos calls for the servants to come collect the tray, and fetch some of Raylons clothes so Byron can have clean clothes to change into, if he so wishes to.
Amos spends several days writing letters to Samwell and Willem. And with each passing day Amos is more distressed. Samwell writes that while he believes Amos, Willem doesn’t. Willem believes the letters are a ruse to get them to the borders only to be ambushed and killed leaving the Blackwoods with Benjicot as the leader. And with Ben as the leader, Amos can manipulate him into doing house Brackens bidding.
On the fourth day of letters being written Willem finally agrees to meet with Amos. Samwell insists on going with him, he doesn’t want Amos killed because Willem is still heartbroken years later. Willem agrees as long as they bring men to hide in the woods. Samwell can’t disagree with a valid point so he reluctantly agrees.
The day of the meeting Davos also manages to convince his father that he needs to be there. He’s been at the borders a lot more and knows how the Brackens operate, Samwell allows it. Davos wasn’t going to take no for an answer, Aeron had written to him about the situation and he was desperate to see Byron and Aeron. Byron because he’d heard so much about him, and how he hated Davos for being a bastard. He wanted to see Aeron to apologize for how he left things, he didn’t take the news of Aerons betrothal to a Mallister lady too well. He told Aeron that their agreement was off and to never contact him again. But Davos really misses his baby Aeron.
Amos can barely contain his excitement of getting rid of Byron. Having three moody teenagers in close proximity to him was taking a toll on his mental health and stress levels. The only good thing that Amos knew about was Byron would be taken back to Raven Tree Hall and become Samwell and Amos’s problem. It would only be after the meeting that his other two problems would also be fixed. Aeron would get back with Davos and Raylon would have permission to marry a Blackwood lady. He’d also get Samwell to agree to bend the knee to whoever Oscar tells them to, there shouldn’t be more needless bloodshed than what will be spilled later.
Samwell recognizes his father as soon as he sees him. Even if Willem hadn’t been an almost exact copy of Byron. Byron’s aura gave it away, there was gentleness mixed with hardness that he remembered from his early childhood. As soon as he confirms that this teen was Byron, Willem storms off.
Everyone is confused except for Samwell. Samwell explains that Willem always denied that he was anything like Byron, he wasn’t a copy of Byron. Willem always believed that he had more of his mother’s features in him than his fathers, but unfortunately he only had their mother’s wavy hair.
Byron is actually kind of hurt by that revelation, to know that at some point he’s going to be such a shit father that one of his sons is distressed at looking exactly like him. He makes a silent vow that when he returns to his own time, he’ll treat them better. And honor his future wife’s memory. But first he has to get back to his time.
Samwell takes Byron and encourages Davos to stay back and talk to the Brackens, he’s not a stupid man he saw the look Davos gave Aeron it was just like how Willem looked at Amos when he thought nobody was watching.
Amos actually asks if he can come onto Blackwood lands and continue their conversation? And so he can also have his horse back Bracken horses are valuable. Also his son Raylon would love to be able marry one of Samwells younger cousins, he’s refused the Moonton lady. Once again Samwell knows that Amos really wants to check on Willem, he knows that Amos still has feelings for Willem. Samwell allows it and also encourages Amos to ride ahead to catch up to Willem. Byron starts to protest to all that Samwell has agreed to but stops at the look Amos gives him, he’s not keen to be spanked again.
Amos catches up to Willem telling him that if he’s half the man his father started out as then he’ll be okay. His teenaged father is a somewhat kind man, and he’s honorable he kept his word after receiving a spanking. That he wouldn’t cause more trouble. That he’s capable of having a great love, the way he talked about his future wife was just in awe. Sure he didn’t really like that she’s half Bracken but Amos can sense that it will be a true love. So can Willem please go easy on himself, Amos can’t be there to hold him but he knows both Byron and Willem are good men in their own ways.
Willem concedes that sure he might look like his father but he knows he’s better than Byron. Amos just chuckles and tells him sure whatever he believes he can believe.
Meanwhile Davos and Aeron make up, and re-agree to their pact. Samwell also reassures Byron that he wasn’t a terrible father, but he could’ve been better.
That same night Byron goes to bed praying that he’ll be sent back to his time.
When he wakes up it’s back in his room in his weirwood bed. Byron immediately jumps out of the bed and calls for his guards, it’s only after he sees that they’re his guards from childhood does he relax. He tells them that he would like them to tell the servants that he’ll have his breakfast in his solar. And also he’ll need an axe and new bed, he needs to burn it before he gets throw into a different time again. And with that they’re dismissed.
Byron tries so hard to keep his promise that he’ll always be kind to his sons and he does but after his wife dies it’s just too much. He only knows pain from loosing her and it’s hard for him to contain it.
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just-another-siimp · 2 years
Coffee (Soap x Reader)
Johnny's been gone 6 months now, except suddenly he's home and your boss asks you to stay back a few hours longer. Surely you can wait til your shift finishes? Unless fate has other plans for you
Warnings: Shitty boss, lots of coffee, bad guys uwu, shitty dialogue, not beta read
Freshly brewed coffee, the scent smothered you, melding into your skin as though it was a perfume. Johnny always told you he enjoyed the scent, that it was subtle and hidden underneath the floral scents of your body wash and shampoo. Secretly you’d begun to hate the smell of coffee, how it clung to your hair, built up under your nails and embedded itself in your clothes. Except coffee was how you’d met him, how Johnny had managed to embed himself into your psyche and settle under your skin. So no matter how many times you told yourself you hated coffee you couldn’t, not after the love it had given you. 
It was still dark outside when you arrived at the cafe, keychain rattling softly disturbing the blanket of silence that covered the laneway. As the door opened warmth seeped out, annoyance ate away at you, someone had left the heater on. In the last few months things at the cafe had slowly been going downhill, a change of ownership and a sudden influx of new workers who barely had any qualification to make coffee let alone work in a customer facing role. Except that wouldn’t be your problem much longer, not after today at least. 
For the last time you turned on the coffee machine, going through the usual opening routine you’d spent the last three years perfecting on your own. Perhaps you’d miss it, the peace you found in the early hours of the morning when there were no customers or annoying coworkers to disturb the process. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans filled your senses, the resignation letter in your back pocket felt heavier than ever. It was going to be a long day.
John had been on deployment for six months now it was the longest he’d ever been gone for, Johnny hadn’t contacted you once the whole time. The first time he’d left for a mission you were a wreck, the fear of something happening to him ate away at you each day that he was gone. That was almost three years ago. You’d learnt over time that no news was good news, except that didn’t stop you from missing him. So you buried yourself in work, finger absentmindedly twisting the silver band on your index finger a reminder of the promise you’d both made to each other long ago. 
It had been a quiet morning so far, you’d taken the opportunity to restock cups amongst other things behind the counter. Keeping yourself occupied was important, it would make the day pass by faster and keep your thoughts from wondering to Johnny. By the time you’d finished ensuring that the store was prepared for its afternoon rush there was only an hour left of your shift, one or two customers remained totally engrossed in their laptop screens only looking away to thank you when you refilled their cup. 
Finally there was time for a brief break, a chance for you to chug as much water as physically possible before going back onto the floor. You’d barely had the chance to unscrew your water bottle when the bell chimed, internally you cursed at whoever had just entered placing the bottle down before leaving the back room putting on the best customer friendly smile you could manage.
The smile turned into something real when your eyes landed on the four men who stood at the counter, except your main focus was on Johnny who practically beamed at you. Your smile was followed by tears rolling down your cheeks, legs moving on autopilot as you rushed around the counter colliding with him as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. Everything seemed to stop at that moment, he was home and he was safe. That was all that mattered now. 
The smell of coffee didn’t bother you now. He smelt like home.
Time seemed to pass faster now, 45 minutes went by in the blink of an eye as the 5 of you got into a deep discussion about who would make the best coffee. They’d sat at the back of the store, each with their own regular coffee in hand. You’d barely left John’s side, standing next to where he sat, hand resting on his shoulder while his remained firmly on your hip. Gaz and Ghost had started to bicker when the store phone rang, excusing yourself as you moved back behind the counter. 
“Thank you for calling the Perfect Blend, this is-” 
“It’s Ben.” Your manager cut you off, something he’d been doing since he’d taken up the position. If he was calling it could only mean one thing, you were about to get reprimanded for the heater being left on overnight or someone was about to call in sick. Looking over at John it was hard to hide the frown that formed. “The heater was left on last night, it can’t happen again. Next time the bill will come out of your paycheck” 
“I didn’t close last night Ben, you know this.” It was hard to remain calm, especially when he threw threats around like they were nothing. The only thing that stopped you from telling him to go fuck himself was your resignation letter sitting on his desk. “Just so you know there’s a letter for you on the desk as well.” 
“Yeah whatever, I’ll sort it out this afternoon- by the way the new girl called in sick so you’ll need to stay until 6 when I get in.” There it was, the icing on the cake, the one thing that could make this day worse. 
“Ben, I finish in 10 minutes. I can’t stay late, Johnny came back today and I haven’t-” 
“Yeah yeah it’s been like 6 months, you can wait a few more hours.” He cut you off, annoyance clear. 
“I can’t-” 
“Don’t be so difficult, just do the extra hours I’ll pay you overtime or whatever.” As if any amount of money could make up for the few hours of time spent with John that you’d miss, chewing on the inside of your cheek you relented. 
“It’s the last time it will happen, and I will leave at 6 so if you’re late that’s your own problem.” With that you hung up, not giving him the opportunity to ruin your day further. You didn’t need to turn around to know who stood behind you, his hand looped around your waist turning you to face him. Tutting softly when he saw the fresh tears staining your cheeks, the thumb of his free hand wiping them away before pulling you into a sweet kiss. 
You didn’t have to tell John what was happening, he knew all about Ben and his shitty management skills. He lived for the workplace tea, so long as it didn’t involve you. 
“It’s alright love, I have to go back to base for a bit anyways.” He whispered softly, lips pressed to your temple. “What time do you finish?” 
“6pm.” Your fingers were curled into the back of his sweatshirt, inhaling the soothing scent of gun powder and cologne you’d bought him for his birthday a few months back. 
“Well then, dove. I’ll pick you up at 6pm, flowers and everything.” He peppered your face with kisses, attempting to pick up your spirits and maybe even coax a laugh out of you. It worked. Eventually he and the others left, leaving you in the coffee shop impatiently waiting for the clock to strike 6. 
By the time 1730 had rolled around you’d been busy with cleaning the coffee machine, preparing it for the evening shift so that Ben could dirty it up and leave it for someone else to clean in the morning. It felt good to know it wouldn’t be your issue, you’d be in bed happily snuggled up to a snoring Scot or maybe he’d drag you out to watch the sunrise. Whatever it was it wouldn’t be here. 
The store was empty, it had been for a while now. Secretly you were grateful for the lack of customers, they didn’t have to see the way your eyes continuously moved to the clock hoping that someone would show mercy and bring time forward. Except no one showed mercy, the bell chimed and inwardly you screamed at them to fuck off. 
“Hi! what can I get for you?” You were met with silence, his blue green eyes staring at you before looking up at the board. In that moment you realised he was wearing a tac vest, similar to the ones that Johnny would wear while on deployment. Except there were no guns or insignia, it was possible that he’d come from the base or maybe wore it as a fashion statement. It would’ve worked with his outfit too if he didn’t wear that scarf. “Three cappuccinos please. Two with sugar and one without.” You nodded, picking up three take away cups. 
“A name for the order?” 
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pinejayy · 2 years
Maybe the reader knowing Bob ( like as in friends ) when he worked at Boys ‘N Grills and having a crush on him back then, they meeting again with a weapon wound on their stomach. They could’ve gotten mugged, or be somewhere at the wrong time
Who knows, but they get to see their friend again and turns out they still romantically like him, but why would he like them? Maybe they’ll find out once they see the person who harmed them again?
( you can either have headcanons or have it as real x reader ship )
My Sweet Meats (Bob Velseb Headcanons)
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Trigger warnings: blood, knife, curse words, getting stabbed, mentions of cannibalism
Authors note: I hope this is good, Sorry I’ve been busy with work and all. But please do enjoy! uwu 
You always had a crush on Bob, it was great when he worked at Boys ‘N Grills. You would always visit him and he would always give you a burger. On the house of course!
Bob also had a crush on you, he was fascinated about you. Something about you caught his eye. And with that being said he always kept his eye on you. And he always had a special name for you “Sweet Meats.” What an odd name, well maybe that’s because he works with meat.
You two would always talk for hours and grow closer to each other each day.
But you were devastated when you found out about his dark secret and what he did. “Sweet Meats” now that nickname finally hit you. Disgusting…
Those poor innocent people.
You didn’t know if you still liked him. Should you be disgusted? Yeah you should. But since they took him away you weren’t going to see him ever again..so getting over him is a good idea.
That’s until one Halloween night. He was out on a killing spree. And on the look out for you.
As you were out on that Halloween night you were out Trick or Treating, you didn’t care if you’re weren’t a snobby bratty kid this was free candy and no one says no to free candy.
And yeah you got dirty looks from people and parents but hey who cares. 
But of course something bad always happens on Halloween…or something bad happens to someone and guess who’s the lucky person….yeah you!
You were walking with a bag of Candy and you couldn’t wait to go back to your place and eat these but these two men were following you. Until you were trapped and had no where to go.
There was two men that were standing in front of you. “Hey little cutie, what do you got there?” One of them teased you as the other one laughed.
“It’s candy Dickwad” You hissed at them, holding the bag against your body. God were you really going to get mugged for candy? Well they can’t have any!! “Fuck off this is my candy!”
They started to walk towards you and tried ripping the bag off of you but you didn’t let go! Not your candy! “Back off of my candy you fucking Shitfaces!” And then you kicked one of them in the balls, he fell onto his knees coughing and crying like a bitch baby.
The other guy was fed up with this, and took out a pocket knife and without you noticing he stabbed you in the stomach. Screaming in pain you fell into your knees and dropped the candy.
The guy who stabbed you quickly grabbed the candy and went to the other guy. Helping him out.
But no noticed a shadow near them. That shadow got close enough and it was some guy with a Devil costume. He was holding a knife. 
The other guys didn’t notice until they heard footsteps and saw him and the second they saw him they ran to the hills. You were still on the floor holding onto your stomach whining in pain.
Then the figure started walking towards you, until he was standing in front of you. Great first you get stabbed, then your candy got stolen and now this fucking creep is going to finish the job. As you were waiting for death until you heard a familiar voice.
That voice! Bob…oh fuck. That’s when he gently picked you up. “Don’t worry I’ll fix you up.”
You were too weak from blood lost to say anything or to react to anything and just passed out.
That’s when Bob smiled to himself as he carried you away to his place so he could patch you up. And keep you to himself. He still has a thing for you, maybe a soft spot? Or maybe he has darker intentions with you.
But nothing like that is important right now. He just had to focus on getting you patched up and hunting those guys who did this to you. He’ll make sure they pay. They’ll suffer a slow painful death that’s for sure.
He’ll also cook them up and have a nice dinner with you. Maybe you two can catch up!!
But your his now. Maybe having a crush on this psychopath wasn’t a good idea. 
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suvidrache · 10 months
Could you please do Kissing Under The Snow with Hawks uwu ❤️❤️
Snow Falling Down
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 504 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist
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You had laid in bed, shivering from the cold. You had gone to sleep and woke up to find Keigo gone. You didn't know where he went, but it was cold. You pulled the blankets tightly around you as you snuggled into the bed. Your teeth chattered, and your body trembled. You had sent him a text, but he hadn't responded or even looked at it. The bed was still warm. He hadn't been gone long. All of this was abnormal behavior for Keigo. You wanted to go looking for him, but it was too cold. You knew he would always let you know before he left. He didn't want you to worry about him. Maybe he went to the bathroom. That could be it, but the bathroom door was open, and the light was off. Unless he had gone downstairs to grab himself something to eat, you looked over at the clock. It was too early to get up and get breakfast, and it was too early to be out of bed. He also wasn't the type to eat at night or, in this case, in the morning… You didn't know whether it was night or day. It was too early; you were tired and cold. You rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, you lay awake for a few hours. The temperature in the room had changed, but you still couldn't sleep. Keigo still wasn't back. You got out of bed to go looking for him. His back was to you as he stood in the kitchen, sipping coffee.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching the snow fall down.”
“It's snowing?”
“Yeah.” He said as he continued to sip his coffee and watch the weather.
You stepped up to stand beside him, and he looked at you.
“I had wondered where you were at.”
“Sorry, I wasn't going to be gone long, but I got distracted.”
You smiled and were about to say something before you had another idea. You hurried away and got changed before returning.
“We should go outside!” You said it happily while smiling at him.
“Alright.” He said, and he drank the last of his coffee before leaving to quickly change.
He finished changing and joined you downstairs. You both headed out, and he looked at you. He had no idea what you wanted to do or where this was going to go, but he enjoyed his time with you. He liked seeing how happy he made you.
You stood watching the snow fall down, and you held your hands out to catch snowflakes. Keigo stood by, smiling as he watched you. The snow continued to float down, and you looked at him. His hair was coated in white flakes. You stepped closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around you. You wrapped your arms around him and held onto him. You were surrounded by his warmth. You smiled, and you leaned in to kiss him, and he met you. His lips connected with yours.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris / Join my tag list here!
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 139. brb x oc
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a/n:just hoping this hellsite doesn't make me even more anxious uwu(reblogs and comments are supper encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
His hand was so big around hers that Beatrice felt like his palm just swallowed it naturally, like a huge fish eating its dinner. He was holding her hand as the two watched tv, his thumb rubbing the length of her fingers as Nicole sat in front of them - with Jolene keeping her upright and the other two dogs on either side of her, creating a huge canine wall - eyes wide and mouth open.
They weren’t watching something too intense, they were just watching whatever random show was good enough for them all to enjoy. Beatrice leans her cheek on his shoulder, then looks from the window back to Rooster with her brows rising, “You are very touchy today.”
She laughs, nodding her head to their conjoined hands. Her husband’s eyes drop towards where she was directing and he huffs a chuckle, scratching the side of his face bashfully, “What?I can’t touch my wife?”
“You can always touch your wife.” she whispers, kissing his pouty lips, “But you hadn’t let go of me the whole morning…and it’s our second day here. So…anything on your mind?”
“There are some things but,” he licks his lips and looks away from her, “Nikki is right here so I better keep those to myself.” and he finishes it with a wink and a smirk that if she wasn’t already seated, she’d fall on her ass because how can someone be so handsome? Beatrice smiles at him because she’s glad to see him relaxed.
Yesterday was good, they went to the cemetery and Rooster got back without his nerves getting the best of him. He was…okay and happy and he looked like he couldn’t ask for anything better, and she was elated to see him like that.
Because she worried about him, she wanted him to be okay…and he was. “Okay, fine.” she chuckles, playfully shoving his shoulder only for her husband to grab her hand and kiss the inside of her wrist - purposefully blowing a raspberry against her skin and making her laugh, trying weakly to tug her arm away,”Nooo, let me go!” he does it again and this time she’s almost crying from laughter, “Stoooop!!Rooster!!!”
“Say you love me.” he mutters, “And I might.”
“Of course i love you-sTOP!” she wriggles a bit, neither their daughter or the dogs appeared to care on what they were doing, too interested on how hippopotamuses were quick under the water to pay attention to them, “Bradley Nicholas, if you don’t stop-!!”
He wraps his arms around her waist suddenly, then brings her up to his chest so he could kiss her cheeks all over and hug her close to him, “You said you’d let me go if I said I loved you.”
“Did I? I don’t recall that.” 
She laughs however, rubbing his face, “You look…really happy.”
“I am happy,gorgeous.” he smirks, pressing their foreheads together with a gentle sigh leaving his lips, “I really am. Coming here with you and Nikki and the dogs,” he adds the last part because Eleanor barks in confusion when he speaks, “Has been…really good…I’m just glad our life is going well.”
Beatrice blinks at him, still touching his face and then smiling, “Well,I’m glad too…but what brought this up?”
Rooster looks at her for a few seconds, then leans back against the couch, “...I was thinking about my parents…about my dad. I…I’m a higher rank than he was, I managed this and sometimes I wonder if he’d want to get farther from now.”
Beatrice noticed that…they never talked about his dreams within the Navy, she just assumed that he’d do it when ready since talking about his job could be very tiring and he’d much prefer to talk about her or Nikki…or the dogs, “What comes after Lieutenant?”
“Oh,like Ashley Williams.” he frowns his brows and gives her a confused look, “...from…from Mass Effect- a-anyway,go on.”
“...I was just thinking about it. Would my dad want to go beyond? Would he want to be…commander? Or even Admiral?” he frowns, “Mav hates the idea, he wants to stay Captain for…as long as he can, he says if he can remain like that he’s happy.”
Bradley sighs, “I don’t know, I don’t think Mav likes…positions of power. He is okay guiding people and teaching people, but when I asked him if he’d be an admiral, he looked at me like I was crazy.” 
Beatrice blinks, playing with her fingers and then chewing her lower lip, “How about you? Would you want to be an admiral?”
Rooster pauses, rubbing the side of his face and thinking, thinking hard because his brows furrowed. Then his brown irises dropped to her stomach,then Nikki’s little body on the carpet and back to Beatrice’s eyes, “When I was younger…yes,I’d love that.”
“...I want to be with you.” he says sweetly, “I want to see our kids grow up. I…I am okay being deployed,Bea.I’m okay with it, but I know there’ll be a time that Nikki and the twins will go from children to college age kids and I’ll miss it…and I guess I’ll see how things will go then.”
Beatrice blinks at him again, surprised - but not really - at his answer, “...really?”
“Baby,I love my job.” he smirks, “I love it.I’m great at what I do…but if there’s a time when I have to choose between you and the Navy, I’ll always choose you.”
She felt all the air leave her lungs because…well,that was very unexpected. But she shouldn’t be so surprised when it comes to Rooster anymore, he was always very vocal how much they meant to him. Somehow there was a mix of emotions inside of her, part of her immediately started blaming herself because of that, his choice, the goblin voice cackling and making itself known in the back of her brain trying to play this off as her removing his own ideas. “...oh.”
“No,no,it’s just…well, you-you love what you do.”
“I do. But I love you guys more…besides,” he chuckles softly, “Maybe I’ll manage it, who knows but for now the choice is made. I’ll stay within the Navy until I feel I can…then,we’ll see what happens.”
“Would you want to become Admiral?” he sputters a laugh, “What?’
“I don’t know if I’d have the patience.” he laughs, twiddling with his wedding ring, “Like I said, it all depends on how things will go,gorgeous. I’m not worried.” he leans back even more against the couch, stretching his torso and some of his happy trail peeks from under his dark brown sweater, her eyes flicking from it to his face before notices it. He notices how quiet she is and moves his eyes towards her, “Oh no,baby don’t cry.” she sniffles, bringing one of her sleeves to wipe her tears, “Oh, gorgeous, no, it’s okay, why are you crying?”
She sniffles again, letting him put her on his lap and kiss her forehead, “B-Because you are sweet! That’s why!” was her muffled response when she buries her face on his shoulder, “You are too sweet,Roos.You really are…and-and for you to say that-!!! How am I supposed to react?”
His heart melted over her words, closing his eyes in a painfully happy expression because Beatrice truly was the kindest soul he would ever meet, “Gorgeous,it’s okay.” he chuckles against her hair, the air moving a few strands before he leans back to look at her face, wiping her eyes the best he could, “You okay?”
“I’m okay,” another sniffle, “I just…I’m surprised a bit but not really? Because it’s you and I know you…a lot.”
“You do.”
“And I know that you never break your promises.’ she smiles sweetly, ‘...you are just incredible like that.” now it was his turn to look flustered, his cheeks flushing just the tiniest bit before he kisses her temple, bristles of his growing beard gently brushing against her skin, “It’s true.”
“I’m honored you think like that.” he coos again, nuzzling her head with his eyes closed, “When you are the incredible one here.”
“We’ll go back and forth with this.”
“I mean, yeah.”
They shared a laugh, like two teenagers who just started dating, her head still buried on the crook of his shoulder and his arms around her waist,his lips touching her scalp. Nicole, who finally looked away from the running cheetahs on the tv, turned her head to face her parents, gurgling a laugh. Her little body turned, she was turning around on her own! And she held herself on Jolene to stay on her knees.
The pitbull lifted her head to keep her snout on her little back in case she tumbled, and the siblings were on high alert when their mother moved, “Aaa!” she made grabby hands towards her parents, kicking her tiny legs when Rooster picked her up one handed, making ‘swoosh’ noises as he balanced her on top of his head then settled her between the two. “Buuhh pprrbh!”
“I know, mama and dada had to have a chat.” Rooster smiles, letting Nicole touch his face and the growing bristles on his cheeks, completely surprised at that. “That’s my beard,birdie. Dada is gonna shave in a few days- mmrh!” he sputters when Nicole just slaps his lips with her tiny hand, the sting was minimal but present enough to make him wince, “Ow!”
“You okay?” Beatrice was trying her best not to laugh, but was failing miserably, “Nikki, don’t hit dada like that- oh my god your lips are so red.” she even checks Nicole’s hand to see if her own hand was in the same way,but of course it wasn’t. It was just as soft as usual. “Nikki, we don’t hit dada…are you okay,Roos?”
He licks his lips with a frown, “My mouth is warm, ow.” he laughs because what else was there to do? “Damn, our baby girl has a strong arm, holy shit. She’s going to be a great baseball player when she’s older…Is it bad?”
“I can see her little handprint on your lower lip.” she snorts quietly, “But it’s gotten better…it’s not so…vibrant.”
“Baby girl, you listen here.” he picks Nicole from Beatrice’s hands and tries to be serious, furrowing his brows and frowning at her, “You can’t hit me like that,” their daughter gives him a gummy grin with the tiniest bit of teeth appearing, “Don’t you think that cute smile is going to make this situation easy for you,missy.” she laughs this time, kicking her legs. “...damn I’m just too weak when it comes to you two, I forgive you.” he engulfs Nicole in a hug and kisses her head over and over.
Beatrice watches with a smile, sitting on her knees as she…rethinks everything that he said minutes before. She was so…honored? Would that be the right word? Honored to have that thrown her way…but she couldn’t help the next question that came out of her mouth, “Roos.” she begins, “I want you to know I’ll support you in any way.”
Her husband looks away from Nikki to face her, arching his brow, “Huh?”
“I just want you to know that. Okay? You know you have my full support on whatever you want to do.” she still felt that little guilt monster climbing it’s way up her spine, but she ignored it the best she could, “That’s all.”
But Rooster could read her way too well by now. In fact…he just sat up on the couch with Nicole on his lap, his lips no longer red or swollen as he stared at Beatrice with his eyes fond, “...are you blaming yourself?” his knowing tone makes Beatrice immediately avoid his stare, “You don’t have to.”
“I know, it’s just the goblin in my head is thriving right now.”
He smirks, scooting closer to her while still holding Nicole, kissing her forehead, “You are okay. You are sweet.” their foreheads touch, “And you are kind, so kind baby…kind enough to make the angriest person love you…which means Cyclone would adore you.” Beatrice hadn’t met Evelyn’s father beyond their wedding day, but she laughed at his comment nonetheless, earning another kiss on the tip of her nose, “But really, it’ll be alright. I’m going to go as far as I can go…I’m not gonna think,I’ll just do.”
“You said that before.” she whispers, “Sounds like something Mav would say.”
“And it was.” he explains, “When we went to that mission, the one I told you about, he said just that to me. And that’s how we…managed it I guess…I’ve been using that a lot now, ever since then. Hell I used it before I asked you out.”
“...you did?”
“Baby, you were crying, you were scared and worried and the more I thought about what I could do the more I noticed that nothing I thought about could help…and that’s why I asked you out, because I wanted to do it. And I did it…and you said yes.” he smiles.
“...so I need to thank Mav for you taking the initiative?”
“....in a way.”
“You know I might use that for me.Sometimes I think…too much, my anxiety has gotten better but it can get bad.”
“I know,” he smiles, kissing her temple, nuzzling her hair after, “You did get a lot better, gorgeous. You are still the sweet, shy, loving girl I fell in love with…but now you have more confidence and that is really nice.” he smirks then, his eyes glinting with the promise of something, “...anyway! What do you think about us leaving the cabin a bit? It stopped snowing.”
“Oh, it did.’ she concludes once she looks at the window, “Well, where would we go? And we’d have to take Nikki.”
“I know a place,I used to go there all the time with my mom and I looked up, it’s still standing.” he smiles, adjusting Nicole on his lap, “We can keep the dogs here and you know, have some family time.”
Beatrice’s smile widened the more he spoke, then she nodded with her cheeks flushed red, “Okay. I like the idea…so we’d have lunch there then? Since it’s,” and she flips her phone to face her, “Almost eleven thirty.”
“We’d take around…thirty-five minutes to get there.” he says, “So yeah, pretty much.”
Beatrice grins at him, leaning close to kiss his lips sweetly but soundly, then kissing their daughter’s head “I’ll be right back, wait for me?”
“Oh, gorgeous.” he winks, “Always.”
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gs0nk · 7 months
Right after I finished Aiden's route in Baldur's Gate 3, I decided to write a small text that will complete his own ending. I included Lorroakan here, cause in my version of timeline, they started to feel close to each other after first met (in which Aiden kicked Lorchie's ass really hard because he's a slavery hater and chain breaker for sure)
I also made a sketch illustration for this moment! Hope you'll enjoy reading this uwu
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Lorroakan hated leaving his tower - even the invasion of illithids from the depths of the underground city could not shake his principles, and it was much easier to manage defensive processes while maintaining an unstable flow of magical energy in safety inside than outside in the epicenter of the massacre. Let those who consider themselves defenders of the city do this. However… The thought of one particular person never left my head even when it became clear: victory was on the side of the adventurers who decided to fight back the threat.
And yet, when it was all over, the cries of the defeated, newly converted victims of ceremorphosis died, and the refugees stopped bothering him with attempts to break into his house, the magician decided to go outside. The last words of the half-elf, whom he had seen quite often lately, did not want to leave his head - so often that he managed to get used to them and their “friends”, who had a habit of showing up on the threshold of the tower in their dirty armor, soaked in someone’s blood, brazenly examining every corner of his house for a moment, and even, it seems, stealing a couple of artifacts from him in the process. An unthinkable insolence that he could not tolerate and yet for some reason he forgave everything to his newfound acquaintance.
The magician himself was now thinking about how he would arrogantly reprimand this friend of his for the fact that solely because of him Lorroakan had to bother descending into a literal hell on earth, having the opportunity to contemplate the carnage that had taken place and endure the presence of not only ordinary, still frightened people, but also the stench of an alien city, wounded and practically destroyed.
Without bothering with pleasantries, he asked the aimlessly wandering locals about the heroes who put an end to the Absolute. Some still clutched makeshift weapons in their hands, unable to believe that the danger had retreated from Baldur's Gate, that it was all over. Finally, a couple of “unwashed militiamen” pointed to the pier - where the very same half-elf whom the magician so wanted to find was last seen.
Lorroakan, cursing everything that came into his field of vision, finally reached the right place and went down to the boardwalk of the pier. He did not take his eyes off the lonely silhouette of a young man in the rays of the setting sun, as if worried that he would now disappear like an illusory haze. That did not happen.
However, the magician tried to hide all unnecessary emotions, coming very close to the one he was so zealously looking for. Without wasting time on unnecessary honors to the “savior of the city,” he chuckled disdainfully:
- Are you without companions this time? Where is your noisy group of ragamuffins?
Aiden didn’t turn around at the stranger’s voice, but a smile was visible on theirs tired face. They wiped their own blood from the cut on cheek and shrugged.
- It's all over. Our story came to an end and everyone went their separate ways, and you were late for a tearful send-off. We don’t yet know which road we prefer.
The half-elf pulled a strand of red hair behind his ear and exhaled with a whistle.
- For the first time in many months, there is one less voice obsessed with world domination in my head. This change is surprisingly difficult to get used to, at least for now. And you? Have you come here to balance my loss? You're a so-so manipulator, don't flatter yourself with hopes.
Aiden didn’t see, but they knew perfectly well that the magician was now rolling his eyes and raising his right hand in a mannered gesture, as he always did, expressing his displeasure. Lorroakan crossed his arms and chuckled again.
- Oh, i beg you, how can I compete with your friends on the other side! Lolth, the incubus of Raphael, the Thai ghouls, your fragmented self, maybe there is someone else I don’t know about… But that’s not what I’m here for.
The magician crosses his arms over his chest and looks into the distance, where the sun is slowly sinking into the stormy ocean waters.
- I wanted to generously offer to stay in this terrible damn city, with me. After all your undoubtedly disgusting attempts to sabotage my well-deserved immortality, cripple me several times over that misunderstanding with the aasimar, and deprive me of my clueless student, I want, no, I demand, that you should live in my tower. You can take any vacant servant's position; today many of them chose to posthumously change their occupation.
The half-elf finally turns around and looks at Lorroacan mockingly, tilting their head slightly to the side.
- After becoming the savior of – no less – the entire world, being your servant is a huge step backwards, don’t you think?
Aiden takes a step towards the wizard and rests their forehead on his chest.
- Luckily for you, my services hardly require payment and we have no home to which we could return. And… We managed to get used to you.
- Hell, just don't force me to tell you the same thing!
Lorroakan frowns, but then the magician half-whispers and his voice is devoid of all feigned mannerisms:
- I need you. So I ask you to stay with me.
They will spend this night and all subsequent ones together.
The half-elf's hands rest on mage's shoulders. The wizard allows himself to exhale, hugging Aiden back.
Huddled close to each other, they watch as the unbearably long day recedes under the onslaught of dusk and the sun finally plunges into the depths of the waters.
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
EPISODE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE BACK!!!!!
there in school again and Jesús hates it lol speaking of, everyone hates Joan~ lolol
AHHH THE BLEACHERS CREATURES NOTE!! Oh shit- its funnier than i expected heh, reminds me of Mikitaka honestly~~
Wait, so this guy isn't Malcom X? Then who tf is he? fr i didnt catch a word he said when he said his name..... I guess i'll be calling him Malcom X for the rest of this liveblog and when i finish ill check what his name really is lol, i really dont wanna spoil myself on this!
POINT! attention whore confucius my beloved~~, but let's see what this professor is all about...
Abe and JFK friendship! That sounds lovely and I sure don't care! But wish the best for them shippers! I'm also crossing my fingers! Teehee :3c
INTRO!! IT'S THE SAME AS BEFORE!! eh okay, kinda wanted it to change to reflect the current relationships but the only thing that should change is the parts with Joan, JFK and Abe so.... yeah its ok...
And Candide is the sole member of the board, yeah that makes sense lol, she also took vacation, haha "tanned"
GANDHI!!!!!! SXTREAM BLU!!! BEST DUDES 4EVER!!!! KNORK!!!! G-SPOT!!!!!! RAISINS!!!!!!! wait the retainers are actually Joan's...
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they were right, they really are teasing our cocks with gandhi what the fuck
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YEAH GIRL INTERRUPT THAT MUSICAL, NOBODY LIKES THAT SHIT HELL YEAH!!! and there are better people out there that can explain why Jackie is epic yoo
I just want more points jsksjksjksjsjsks
yeah "well funded" but............. oh cool a rocket! so it is true that theyll send them clone to space? :D
Wow Harriet being non-conformist by being conformist thats punk as hell man!
oh but harriet/not malcom x apperantly? thats looking good so far ey
Hmm i still buy the theory that Exclamation! is in Nebraska
OH umm Mr B had a very smooth animation right there.....and yeah this whole scene is funny lolol glass ceiling
JFK being a jerk ass bully!!! Hell yeah!!!! :DDD
omg this is so funny cause like JUST THIS WEDNEDSDAY! JimmyHere did his ylyl vid of the week and in that vid he went to fact check about what happens if you eat a magnet! The answer being well yeah it wont kill you but ahahahha DONT DO IT MMMMM :))))
OH MOTHERFUCKER- QUE CONCHA DE SU MADRE JJAJAJJAJA me cae chistoso este profe, con que se la andara?
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I mean yeah, it makes sense that you choose a good color when you paint a wall, specially for vandalism purposes but ey look! a canon couple passed by when Joan and Topher were in close proximity to each other! that MUST mean something right?!
MOPED!! That's SO cool! they're going Downtown babey ;3 with- the massive helmet eheh WOAH THATS TIGHT ALRIGHTTT
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AH BUENO EYE SEX REAL issss is this something the big mouth writers put on? ahahahhahhhhhh i want a word with them-
but does your eye got a boyfriend? WELL YEAH..........
... eye got a boyfriend :v
sooo y'all just spray paint a wall? hmm ok, expecting future mischief to be more lethal next time~~
Oh so she call the feds first? hehehehhe
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i love intentional animation inconsistencies uwu
funny pose, and she's default posing lol, its kinda like the t-pose of flash/vector/2D animaion ;v
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and the idea of having the idiot clone killed by their own idiocy is brilliant! BUt... his moment is over! a self contained story, what will happen next~?
oh so the sachel bleeds huh..... yknow itd be a lot funnier if humans didnt bleed but inanimate objects did, a bit of absurdist humor~~
lol suspect
Yaayyy Joan is part of the group and has friends and one of them is Topher, super important :D!
Rating: an aight start ^^/10!
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 1:23 minutes (I'm not counting recaps or the intro)
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humblemooncat · 1 year
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Happy 10th Anniversary to what has become my favorite MMO I've ever played.
I went into why and when I started playing here, but I figured I'd go more in-depth on my characters (and why Ki'to is my main) in this post since it's finally Rising time again.
Warning, long ass rambling post ahead
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As I had mentioned, I started playing in late 2020 when a couple friends I played D&D with introduced me to it.
At that time, I created my first character Suna Amantius (Whom I still have for nostalgia, but don't play). Since au ra were free to play at that time, I made her a pink raen Arcanist. Yes, back when carbies gave every arcanist heart palpitations because they used aoe without asking. Thus why it took me a long time to pick it back up again.
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The very first screen I got in cc while making her. <3
We only played together a few times, but since I was so deep into Genshin, I ended up uninstalling since XIV's a massive space-hog.
When I picked it back up for the free 30 days after my other friend bought me the game & expacks, I ended up making a viera named Bunilla Chai over on Faerie since my little brother was playing over there at the time. She was a WHM, and another I have kept for nostalgia's sake. (I sadly don't have a screen for her, but she's cute. uwu)
I kinda main-hopped for a while after I got back into the game and actually subbed in September of '21. I played with Bunilla for a little while, but when the option to make male viera came out with EW, I ended up making one by the name of Kieran Vashanti (The surname being an homage to my old TERA character of the same name; Kieran actually went on to become Seire, and now Vikesh). I co-mained him alongside Orias, my longest-standing OC, who actually started out as an Elezen.
Kieran / Seire / Vikesh
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How it started > where it went > where we are now
I also ended up making a lalafell since I saw how much fun my mother seemed to be having with her own. My dear little Sprout Arboris. <3
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The best pic I have of her. xD
I rotated through this menagerie of mains for a while until I fanta'd and renamed Sprout. Her new name? Nox Vitae.
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Yup. My horrible son was initially a sweet lalafell lady. xD Though he did go through one hell of a transition, from fem lala, to fem viera, to fem miqo, to masc viera (this was about when I had come out to my friends, so I embraced it in my main at the time as well. As such, he started out looking like a self-insert, but took on his own traits after a while. This is also why he is canonically trans ftm, as I see both viera transformations as canon for him. His fem form being what was canon in appearance for Vitae when he and U'nhea were sprouts)
(I did miss Sprout after a while though, so I remade her on Zalera later.)
Alongside Nox, who was my main for a while, I also had an alt on Siren I used to play with other friends, A'razi Tia. He was my first introduction to Monk, as well as catboys. To say I took maybe too many pictures admiring him is an understatement. Before Ki'to, he was my most gposed character. xD
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We ended up moving data centers a little while after last rising, and then is when I created Y'rhala and Ki'to, whom I played as alts while I switched back to A'razi for most things.
Once I hit the CT ARs with Razi, my social anxiety got the best of me, and I decided to run an alt for a while and redo ARR. So I picked back up with Ki'to, whom I had made as a pretty ashen moon keeper simply to grab the moonfire outfit last year.
He wasn't meant to be more than an alt. Honestly, he looked like a fuckboy and it made me laugh when I logged him.
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Look at this fuckin' nerd. I do miss his ashen kitty days, truth be told, but I can't fanta him now. He wouldn't look right any other way.
He looked like this until I reached post-ARR. I ended up using his ARR fanta to make him a self-insert, thus his baby-faced face 3 catboy era.
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Thankfully, with the FC he joined, I ended up getting help powering through CT and finishing ARR fully. It was post-ARR that I got another fanta and gave him more defined features with face 4, and gave him the face he's known for today.
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As I put it on my personal discord:
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It wasn't too long after this that I made this blog and captured his adventures through HW and beyond. It was then that I committed to making him my main, as the story had sucked me in and he was my protagonist. I couldn't imagine any other in his place.
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Though, the story isn't the only reason he's become my most robust OC ever, that came through story and interactions over here. I'm constantly thankful that I decided to make this blog when I did, because using it as an outlet for headcanons and getting asks from the friends I've made during his journey has made him such a well-rounded character with a clear personality and character arc.
I am very grateful for those of you I've met here, not only have you been some of the best people I've met through this game, but you've all helped to shape Ki'to in some small way. The man fights for love because he was made from love. <3
Hope you enjoyed my rambling about my journey, and happy Rising my friends! Here's to 10 more years! /toast
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