#whenever people call AM pure evil
mixterglacia · 2 months
"AM could not wander, AM could not wonder, AM could not belong. He could merely be."
-Harlan Ellison, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
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shotgunbunny · 2 years
Like real people do
Dark!Lumberjack! Ari x Airhead! Reader
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WC:3k+. GIF by lilacevans
Warnings: [smut! Breeding kink! olderman and younger woman! dubcon! noncon! manipulation! toxic! this is a dark oneshot!]
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You were always labelled as naive and very trusting ever since you were young. But now you were older that tag never left in fact it was now accompanied with the word dumb. So to the entire town you were the pretty young thing who never held a thought in her head but always had a smile on her glossed lips.
Some of those beliefs that you were an airhead evolved from the numerous times you defended the mysterious man that lives in the forest. Everyone claimed he was evil and rude, truly someone who would never find love unless he had to force it. Yet throughout all that talk all you could think about is a lonely lumberjack, patiently waiting for the love of his life to step foot in the forest for him to sweep her away and cherish her. Just like Hades and Persephone.
So because you believed so heavily that the people misjudged this man, you defended him. You made sure that any slander that was spoken about Ari was silenced. You admired him despite never meeting him. He was so strong to deal with all the rumours and still stay in this town.
You never understood where the mean ideas stemmed from. After all how could a man be so cruel?
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It was a fresh new morning and it was your job to open the bakery. You took a lot of pride in your baking. For everything you baked was utter perfection, at least that's what the customers told you.
Today you were adorned in you uniform with a long fluffy cardigan keeping your bare arms and legs warm. Your uniform consisted of a cute white top that had a pink collar and a small pink skirt. You adored it purely because of how cute it was.
As you were about to unlock the bakery you heard a grunt to your side and turned to observe, you wish you'd have taken a breath as the gasp you let out was audible to both you and the gentleman that you were facing.
You don't know if you could even call him a gentleman he looked more like a mountain man. He towered over you at 6'7 and his large frame drowned you. He truly was a giant and you were left in shock that men could truly be built like Greek gods and not remain as fairytales.
You looked at him more closely and saw how pretty his blue eyes were, they showed amusement in them. His hair brown was long and his beard was so full. You wondered if he was covered in hair, maybe he was more bear than he was man. It would explain his height and stature. As intimidating as his build was you were utterly enchanted by his gorgeous face. The way his face was made so beautiful and how his muscles were crafted to bulge against his flannel shirt as he held logs of wood.
At the realisation he was holding logs you snapped out of your stupor and offered a small apologetic smile for observing the beautiful man.
"You done ogling me, little one?"
His voice was deep and it caused your thighs to push together and your folds to wetten. Your cheeks flushed at being caught.
"I'm sorry sir! It's just you seem to be out of one those fantasy books!"
"Well angel I can ensure 'm not. Though it's cute you think so. But if I'm from a fantasy book you must be from a fairytale book. Look at ya'. All pink n shit, look like a go'damn little princess."
You giggled making the large man smile down at you.
"Well if I'm a princess you can be my knight! You can protect me from mean people!"
"Is that right little one? How are you sure I'm not a mean man?"
You smiled up at him, completely oblivious to the fact that he could be. You trusted this man for simply calling you a princess.
"You wouldn't hurt me sir! You're my knight after all, you'd save me whenever I'm in trouble."
To which he let out a hearty chuckle and your smile turned into a grin, Happy to have coaxed musical happiness from the mountain of a man.
"You're right princess. I am here to save you from trouble. That's why I brought some wood."
Then it dawned on you. There was only one lumberjack in town and he delivered all his wood himself. This was the one and only Ari Levinson. The man the town hated on. Yet here he was laughing with you. He was no villain he was a simple man, and it warmed your heart knowing you were right about him the entire time.
"You're here to help with the oven! I forgot all about it! It's such an honour to meet you Mr. Levinson. Everyone around here says mean stuff but I didn't believe them and I was right! Take that Billy!"
Ari looked down at you and smiled softly, having heard murmurs about a gullible girl holding your name and how she defended the cruel man in the forest despite never meeting him. He felt a tinge of anger though the second you mentioned another's name. How dare you bring another person's name in the presence of the man you've been defending. Every time you preserved his name, the more he saw you as a potential for carrying his name. He assumed that you were trying to court him and now he was here, he was going to claim you.
"So you're my little champion, protecting me from the mean folk. It's an honour to meet you angel. Truly ,"
You couldn't help but blush about how he'd heard you guarding who he was and defending his honour. You smiled and opened the bakery door fully and you both stepped in. You then checked the sign was still flipped so that it said closed to ensure that then you can start everything and open in an hour.
"Umm Ari, can you put the wood in the oven for me, I don't know how and Margaret said she didn't want me hurting myself."
Ari looked at you and smiled, he didn't want you hurting yourself either. You were far too perfect to get any injury and if you ever did have a scratch on your smooth skin, he'd ensure that anyone who caused it would end up being cut up just like he does with his wood. No one would harm you, not his little angel. But he knew he could squeeze something out of you due to how much you trusted him. It was almost comedic how gullible you were for him. But he knew you were just an airhead, but he was gonna change that so your head was filled with him.
"I'll do it angel, for a kiss. How does that sound?"
You pondered for a moment, and then agreed. It was only gonna be a mere pec on the cheek and it was an absolute win to kiss your handsome knights cheek. Though he was going to have to bend a little for you to meet his cheek.
After the deal had been made you both got on with your tasks. You put your cute pink frilly apron on and began making dough for the pies you were going to make today. As you began mixing and beating you drowned the noise out of Ari throwing the wood into the oven where the fire hissed and ate it up grateful for the fuel.
As you were about to start kneeding the dough you felt two strong hands take place on your waist and pull towards a hard front. Your pert ass was against a bulge yet you blissfully ignored it and carried on kneeding. Ari let out a delightful hum imagining you in his cabin where you would make him dinner after his hard day at work and he would hold just as he is now.
The feeling of domestic bliss washed over him and he began picturing you as his perfect wife, making him his pies and seeing you baking cookies for your children in the future. God he was rock hard over you being his. And he made it known by grinding against you letting out a breath groan. Yet you were still humming so caught up in your baking until his large hand grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at him.
"I think it's time for my kiss angel."
You smiled bashfully and stood on your tippy toes, your ass brushing against his huge bulge before you pressed your glossy full lips to his bearded cheek and smiled. Yet that smile was quickly wiped from your face when he let out a tutting noise.
"No angel, I didn't mean that kinda kiss, I meant this kinda kiss."
Before you could even ask what he meant, he lips were on yours, his broad frame was draped over you. He kept your lips together before his hunger became more. He poked his tongue out and stroked your bottom lip to which you opened your mouth for Ari's tongue to explore. You were almost out of breath so you pulled away, a strong of salvia connected you both and you couldn't help the pathetic whimper that left you mouth.
And that was all it took for Ari to snap. He wasn't just hungry anymore no, he was a man starved for you. And he was tired of waiting in his lonely cabin for you to join him. So he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his fly down and pulled his pants down so they hung at his knees and then he brought his boxers down.
The tip of his cock was leaking precum and you could feel it on your inner thigh making you wetter. He just couldn't wait any longer. He pulled your panties down and bent you over the counter. Destroying your hard work but before you could utter a single complaint, you felt the fat tip of his cock stroking your pussy. All before he pushed all the way in and wrapped his big hand around your mouth to silence your squeal of pain from how big he really was.
He let out a gutteral moan over how tight you were, you felt like heaven on his cock. You wrapped around him so perfectly, further solidifying the fact that you were gonna be his little wife. He pulled out a little before pushing back in, thrusting against your tight pussy and he couldn't help the filth spewing from his mouth at the feeling of your cunt on his cock.
"Fucking perfect baby. This little cunt is fucking perfect. You were saving it for me huh? Saving it for the big nasty man in the forest? Yeah? Well now he's fucking here and God I'm gonna fucking ruin your little baby pussy. Fuck what's left in your head out. Like a good fucking husband."
All the while his thrusts were speeding up and his hands had moved so that he could here you let out every gasp and whine over his cock pounding your pussy. His left hand was now under your shirt playing with your nipples all while he condemned you and called you a whore for not wearing a bra. And his other hand was down where the two of you were connected. He was playing with your little clit, pushing you further and further to cumming on his cock.
"You gonna be a good girl and coat daddy's cock? I know you will because you've been waiting for today. Fucking little slut knew I'd bury my cock in this tight little fuckin pussy till you could feel my balls against your needy cunt."
At his words your eyes rolled because you truly could feel his balls bouncing against you with every thrust he did, the sounds of his heavy balls hitting your wet little pussy was driving you further into sin and you arched your back begging him for more without even knowing.
"Fucking good little whore for daddy. Didn't even wear a bra, you knew I was coming for you didn't ya'. Gonna fucking cum for you baby, you're gonna be fucking filled."
With his promise of breeding you, your mind turned off and you let go. Pleasure wrapped around you and you felt it pulse all the way down to your cunt before you coated Ari's cock with your sweet cum. You tightened around him, making him let out a breath groan before his thrusts stuttered and he pushed himself deep inside you so that you could feel him against your cervix before he let his cum spill into you with his shallow thrusts.
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You stayed bent over that counter with Ari covering you for a few minutes, catching your breath and trying to gather whatever thoughts you had left. You could hear Ari though it felt like he was far away. Words of you being his good little wife floated in the air and after a few minutes you realised not only had Ari pulled his cock from you, but he had also pulled your panties up and had gotten you a drink of water which you were gulping.
When you blinked you looked up at him, and he looked down at you before he let out a sigh and pulled you against his huge body into a hug.
"I'm sorry baby but it's time. You're gonna be my little wife and I know you're confused but trust me you'll love the life I can gift you. You just need to be mine and love me. Have our children and love the life I give you. I know it's a lot angel but think of us like Hades and Persephone. It's so romantic right angel? I knew I loved you the second I saw you."
All those words floated around your head but Hades and Persephone stuck. You adored that story, merely for the very fact that he fell in love with her at first sight yet you never got further than that as someone would always interrupt your reading, so you were clueless to the fact he kidnapped her and made her his wife. You're eyes gleamed over the romantic aspect, of how he would charm you. You let out a small smile at the fantasy and Ari took it hastily as a good sign.
"Yeah baby I thought you'd love that. I'm gonna pick you up after work okay baby, I'll take you home."
After that was said he leaned down and gave you a soft long kiss, to which you put your small hands on his hairy cheeks and stroked. So happy to have love that truly was from fairytales and myth. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead against yours and softly whispered your name along with a gentle
"I'll be waiting for you angel. I love you my beautiful little wife."
You smiled and he smiled back before he kissed your forehead and slowly began to leave the bakery never once taking his eyes off you until you were out of his line of sight. You were absolutely starstruck over the man. So starstruck that you forgot about his cum buried deep inside you and the fact he fucked you so hard on the counter minutes ago.
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Your shift had finished and the thought of Ari picking you up had dissipated quickly as you were going to go berry picking for the pies you were to bake later that week. As you began down the path to the forest where you hand picked the berries you forgot about everything that had happened and hummed sweetly.
All the while Ari pulled up in his Chevy and was expecting you to run out to him and hug him. Yet there was nothing. Ari held back his feeling of doubt and decided that maybe you were still inside baking and forgot time. Yet there was only the old woman there Margaret and she was about to close the bakery. Ari bit his tongue and swallowed his pride before approaching the old woman.
"Where's my angel? I thought she was closing"
To which the old woman replied with a look of confusion and Ari sighed and said your name. The woman told Ari that you had gone berry picking, far too scared to disobey him as he was practically the ruler of this town. Ari turned and slapped the roof of his car in anger. Ofcourse you'd forget, he'd make sure you didn't ever again. He grabbed his rag and began driving down the forest lanes to where he could easily retrieve you.
You were so caught up in your humming and picking of the berries that you didn't hear any twigs snap behind you, and you didn't notice the large shadow that was casted behind you. All you knew is that one moment you found the perfect cluster of berries and the next a rag was placed over your mouth making the world go black.
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When you awoke, you were in a large bed. It was warm and cozy and white sheets protected you, as well as a big beefy arm. You turned and saw Ari. Yet he looked a lot softer than ever. His hair was messy and his eyes was half open and a sleepy smile was painted on his face.
His arm pulled you against him, dragging you across the bed so that he could hold you against his chest. You smiled at him and brushed hair out of his face before panic seized you and he held you tighter.
"What's wrong little wife talk to me."
"I was- there was a rag on my mouth and the world went black and-"
Ari had prepared for this, he knew you were dumb but you weren't dumb enough to forget getting kidnapped which is why he had his story ready to protect you from the truth that he stole you from you world.
"Oh my pretty baby I know, I was in the forest doing my work and I heard you squeak and there was a man trying to take you, but you know I'd never let him. I scared him off baby, I saved you."
You stared at him and slowly smiled, you leaned up to softly kiss his lips to which he eagerly returned. You pulled back and caressed his cheek staring into his beautiful blue eyes which shined with love. You giggled quietly to which he raised a brow and you responded;
"You really did become my knight! You saved me."
"Ofcourse princess, I'd never let anyone take you."
You smiled and snuggled into him slowly drifting off to your fantasy land while Ari spoke softly to you,
"My good little wife. Gonna take such good care of you baby. And you're gonna take care of our babies. My little Persephone hmm? Don't worry I won't let you go wander around every 8 months. No, you'll be mine, forever."
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inkskinned · 2 years
language has bias in it; and often we don't recognize it unless we're very close to it.
i am funny. i feel confident about that. my brother will make the same exact jokes i make - and he is called funny. i'm more often called "sassy", despite the fact i rarely actually talk back. i don't even use sarcasm as much as he does - if you actually look at the jokes i'm making, i am not sassy. but i am femme-presenting.
i googled it once. it is supposed to mean lively, bold, feisty. all of these are less demeaning than the ever-feminine sass. it feels kind of stupid to be annoyed by that simple word.
i'm a nag, also, if i'm being honest. i nag. in my body, nagging is whenever i remind someone repeatedly to do something for me that they are not-doing-currently. in the past, with boyfriends, i've felt myself become hyper-annoying. "please," i'd say. "this is the third time i've asked this week. please just do the dishes. i don't have time in the morning." this is nagging.
i can't actually feel comfortable with the idea i might be smart. i often say i'm clever or fast or quick-witted. i will shrug and say i'm well-read and i got lucky in education. smart people are doctors. smart people don't choose an art as their career. smart people don't look or act like i do. and they don't let their life be ruined by their adhd, not like i have, i know that for certain.
it came to my attention about 10 years ago that there's a racist paradigm in writing of lightness/whiteness as "pure" and darkness/blackness as "associated with crime". i had just gotten out of high school and hadn't really been exposed to critical reading yet. i took a long look at my own work and started to be very, very careful about what descriptions i applied to "good" and to "evil." it was important to me to continue this research - to make sure that i actually listened to what i was saying; and how i was saying it. i won't always be aware of the connotations/origins of a word - there are thousands - but i always take the critique whenever one i missed is shown to me. i understood - okay, this is the work that i should do and take care in. and the work is ongoing. there is no "final line" to undoing one's societal learning.
but. despite all this. despite all the academic application and the research and the logical actual knowledge: i allow the language inside of me.
i know i'm not pretty. i know i am also not thin, i'm average (which is to say, to most people - i'm not pretty). i am not graceful, delicate, or "wife material". i am shrill and grating (feminine connotation), i am loud (feminine connotation), i am immodest. i am a feminist (which is to say, to most people - i am going to cause a problem on purpose).
i know each of these might not worry other people - they can be loud on purpose. they have a roguish charm - there's no such thing for them as being immodest.
a few days ago a person i had just met gave me a strange look, laughing at something i said. "you know," he cocked his head, "for a woman, you're really... brazen."
there are people out there who would have taken that as a compliment.
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thefoolishone666 · 2 months
The Shadows of The Critters
Today, I will be going over each of the Smiling Critters and what their shadows are in my AU. But let's make sure everyone here is at least close to the same page.
Before we begin, I am going make this clear, these shadows will be connected to some bad imagery...Mostly Dogday cause of course it is him. While some of these may not be bad, I am still under my own opinion to make sure everyone knows what they are getting into just in case. With that said, this post will have a few topics that can trigger some people, as minor as they are. So keep that in mind just in case.
Now then, what is a Shadow? A shadow is basically the suppressed self. These can be some dark thoughts, your fears. Basically, they are a part of yourself that you don't want to face. Maybe a truth you reject, a darknparts of yourself you despise, maybe even truama that is unresolved. There is a lot more to it than that, much of which, I am not smart enough to explain in an easy way to understand, but that is the basic idea of what shadows are in a nutshell.
The critter to be hit by our truama beam will be our favorite split dog, Dogday. A prisoner of fear. The wardens of which will be anyone and everyone he makes a connection with. His shadow body always gains a chain whenever he gets close to a person, always threatening to tear off the part that it is connected to his body. Now, his body is covered in the wounds cause by the chains pulled by those that hurt him before, who normal Dogday would call a friend, and bandages to help cover them up from the world to prevent it from seeing them all.
Next up on the choping block is our boy Kickin. Driven by the lost of his dear sister, his shadow is driven by a deep rage that refuses to end. Carrying a bag of souls that he wishes to end when given that chance to do such a thing. Always angry, always fighting, always hurting those that would hurt others. His soul demands payment for what they took from him.
Hoppy's drive to win is admirable, but her desire to win was also a short coming for her. Her tunic was almost a sickening yellow with a golden laurel wreath adorned on her head, all while scars of many an injury covered her body. Her calm mask hid her deep wrath whenever she gets a place unfit for royalty. She must obtain victory for people to stay. No one likes a failure after all.
Picky always gives, so she never has the urge to take. She fears how much she will take. Her shadow knows the fear the most. A painfully thin zombie compared to her healthy plump self, she offers parts of herself so others must not starve or suffer due to her selfishness.
Bubba sacrificed much to get to the position he was at. He sacrificed his integrity when he made that deal with the teacher, he sacrificed his old friends so he could concentrate on getting a good job, and he even turned his back on his parents wishes, purely because he knew what they wanted deep down. His life became mechanical, losing bits of his soul as he continued down this path. An unfeeling, logic based robot. That was what he was. His shadow proved such a thing. What was once human was now gone, for it would lead to the best future, or so he thought.
Catnap was evil. He knew that. Why he was, remained a mystery to him. He chooses to look away and instead goes to live a happy life, to pretend he didn't do anything wrong, but he was not a good cat. His shadow knew that. A blindfold over two very dark, very evil eyes, a blade always in hand to make him pay for the crime he has committed. If no one knows you did the crime, the only one to become judge, jury, and executioner will be what little good rests in your soul.
Bobby dreads the idea of being alone. She has done many things to get people to stay. Money, crime, even nearly hurt others, not that many people know that. Her soul was trapped in a show without an end, a puppet forced to dance and do what others demand. Strings holding her up always, despite her wanting to be free and do what she wants, she was forced to move the way others would be the most entertained by. A ballerina stuck in a dance of sorrow and pain, if only to insure another day with others around her.
Finally, there is Craftycorn. A great artist, and more than enough to prove that in many of her pieces... but what is it all for? When she was gone, what would these pictures mean? Her shadow's appearance says it all. In time, a statue would crack, and moss would eventually grow over it, parts now chipped away from time. A living statue slowly being destroyed over time, it's maker's name lost, and now without a legacy.
All these shadows torment and equally are tormented by their real-world counterparts. May it be because of lack of closure or their desire to overcome this issue of their's bug can't for some reason or another. In time, though, the shadows return to a much better form and heal with the normal versions of themselves.
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not-goldy · 4 months
Thank you for your answer, I get it on some level. I’ve listened to their music for a while now but am new to this whole shipping thing, and it’s a wild ride for sure. Out of interest, which songs do people think are about JM? Apart from their actual song Friends? Why does part of me think that if this is the case maybe Tae needs new inspiration for his work or something. Someone of his own to love. He didn’t write he album though did he? It’s a crazy world out there I guess I didn’t release that a member would fuel the shipping wars, so wow if he does that.
It depends on how delusional one is. Could be a few or all of them if you're deranged 🤷🏾
I like to think of myself as moderately delusional so I stick to the basics.
You can check out his song about writing a letter to the moon which was inspired by a time he was alone in the park with Jimin late into the night
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From 4'Oclock.
Other than the setting and moon references, he actually ever did write a letter to Jimin which he cried while reading it to him. He poured out his heart in that letter. Here, read it and cry
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And theres one song he complained he wrote with the intention of singing it withJimin but a producer thought putting Jimin on it would be gay due to the lyrics.
Don't want to talk about the others cos it may sound controversial but do have a listen for yourself. And be mindful of the Jimin "symbolisms" or at least I like to call them that.
Whenever he talks about the moon in his songs we make the connection to Jimin- its obvious now due to JMs moon tattoos but there was a time people thought that was reaching.
The moonchild is Jimin. And it's not far fetched cos V is the same person who shared fan art of Jimin with the moon tats that he's currently spotting and all. Meaning he understands the connection between JM and the moon.
This has nothing to do with his songs but he used to complain a lot about a certain member gatekeeping Jimin to himself and not allowing him and Jimin to hang out. So for me when this theme recurrs in his music I feel he's alluding to Jimin cos why not dudes a menace🤣
Let's give Tae some credit. Don't blindly buy into the hateful rhetorics people spew about him.
He exposed the company for dragging their feet before allowing JM to debut. Exposed them for their homophobia towards Jimin. If anyone moves funny with Jimin trust him to expose them one way or the other. I'll actually bet my life on this.
Perhaps you should look into their friendship. V can be chaotic but he's loved Jimin so hard too and when he says he loves Jimin the most I don't think he's lying .
Jimin has a special place in his heart. Perhaps because he says Jimin was the one who showed up and out for him when his granny passed. I think he's going to be eternally grateful to JM for that.
Don't hate on Tae or Judge him based on his quirks. He's not one to fake his feelings so sometimes when he's annoyed with Jimin you can pick up on that energy. It doesn't mean he's evil. He just have bad days too.
Unfortunately the Fandom isn't as forgiving and would tear him apart for the least funny feelings towards Jimin.
They are friends.they are allowed to fight and make up. We shouldn't hold that over their heads when they "fight" argue or have a misunderstanding. Leave them room and space within their friendship to be ghetto with eachother. What matters is the bond they share the growth they experience as friends and how pure they try to be with eachother.
They are a work in progress
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Whenever I see a post while looking through the proship tag that says "Not proship, not an anti, but a secret third thing, a person with a job", or otherwise talks about how they thing the debate is stupid and "chronically online" when there are "real problems" in the world. It's so often just a block on sight.
We know it's stupid, that's why it's so important to us. Right now people are fighting against the censorship of queer media, plus the demonizing of consensual self exploration that isn't considered "normal". Do these people think that the struggle will stop and conclude peacefully if we try to compromise?
"This media that focuses on socially deviant topics (queer people/drag/kink) is important and should be allowed to exist with fair and proper maturity ratings that aren't held to a double standard for being 'taboo', allowing people to determine for themselves if this is a topic they wish to engage with. But this media that focuses on socially deviant topics (underage/incest/any abuse with an unreliable narrator pov) is evil, and will corrupt your children by merely existing. So it's alright to not allow anyone, not even adults, access to this material, or even the resources to create said fiction, because we know what topics they are mentally equipped to engage with better than they do."
The people censoring queer media don't give a fuck if you present yourself as 'morally' pure and good by trying to seem separated and 'better' than the evil enemy they're 'actually' against. They just see you're against 'evil deviancy', and view that as reasoning as to why queer media counts as 'evil' and should be banned. So unless people stop fighting with hypocrisy, we'll get nowhere.
All this anti-ship stuff started with fandom, but continued to gain traction and now runs rampant. Thanks to it, purity culture has been more severe than it ever has been, and even if someone has never heard the word proship in their life, they HAVE had experience with anti ideology and behavior. And if you want to fix this shit, you have to start at the roots.
I am proship because I DO have a life/touch grass/have a full time occupation/whatever you want to call it, and I'm sick and tired of slowly losing the freedom of expression as the rest of the world fights about what kind of media I'M allowed to enjoy. And that's not stupid or insignificant.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 11 months
Because I'm Bored:
Where do I rank in terms of MCU Loki Apologism?
Things I think Loki was justified in doing:
1. Killing Laufey-For all he knows, this was the man that abandoned him to die from exposure. This is revenge in its purest form and ALSO a way to show his loyalty to Asgard and Odin. And based on the original script, Loki was illegitimate and an unwanted runt abandoned to die (I also think he is not fully Jotun, and I think this played into WHY he was abandoned).
2.Lying to Thor about Odin’s death and his banishment-Loki just discovered he is a Frost Giant, like the ones Thor swore to kill, has been shown to have killed at the slightest provocation, and Asgard thinks of as monsters. Making sure Thor does not return is self-preservation. As a closeted person, I find the idea that Loki should have told Thor or known he would understand, ridiculous.Have you all not heard of living situations with bigoted relatives with a history of violence?
3. Nearly killing Thor with the Destroyer-Notice his previous attempt to keep Thor away did not involve violence and would have sufficed if Thor’s friends had not interfered… Say you have a brother that hates people like you, with a history of violent behavior towards people like you, and with the ability to fry the fuck out of you or smash you into puree with his magic hammer. Would you like to have that brother around?
4. Impersonating Odin and sending Odin to a retirement home-It’s self-preservation. Frigga’s no longer there to plead for his life. And I find it hilarious he was the only one to give Odin a taste of his own medicine. GOOD FOR HER! And how the fuck would he have known about Hela? Odin had been able to break through Loki’s magic, but he just decided to chill on Earth for some reason, and dump Hela’s existence on them.
By the way, I saw an interesting theory that Odin remained on Earth to strand Hela on Midgard so that she’d lay waste to Midgard instead of Asgard, but Loki calling the Bifrost changed that, ironically saving Earth and dooming Asgard. Technically, that would mean Loki unknowingly doomed Asgard, but I am not mad. How much like Odin to shuck his problems away for others to deal with.
5.Escaping from the TVA the first chance he gets. Self-preservation.
6. Being the Villain. Technically, that’s the TVA’s fault. They’ve pruned Lokis whenever they veer away from their ordained path. LOL I feel like Villain PR saying this and I am laughing my ass off. And although it’s for shits and giggles, it’s technically true in the MCU?
Loki’s not justified in:
1. Letting the Jotuns in for shits and giggles. I have seen way to many people claim it’s because he cared for Asgard, and that’s bullshit. He was jealous of Thor and he has no qualms sacrificing others (like the handful of dead guards and Jotuns) to fulfill his plans.
2.Attempted genocide of Jotunheim. Self-explanatory. He was only wronged by one Jotun, not the entire realm, and even if the entire realm had wronged him, genocide is NEVER a warranted option.
3. Cutting Sif’s hair. That’s just unnecessarily cruel. I headcannon he likes to sabotage relationships.
4. The attempted betrayal at Sakaar. Not sure what was going on through his head at that point. I think he got angry because Thor compared him to Sakaar, which he actually hates, and seemed to have given up on him. Or does he think keeping Thor and himself on Sakaar will keep them safer because they won’t confront Hela? I will go with a bit of both. I could DEFINITELY go into Villain PR mode and argue he was justified in trying to keep Thor “safe” in Sakaar because the Revengers didn’t really have a plan other than “go back to Asgard and try to fight Hela and die trying”. But I still don’t personally think it was “justified.”
5. Stabbing Thor. I just included it because it’s not justified based on context, since it came out of nowhere. But I would not use it to condemn how “Evil” Loki has ALWAYS BEEN in those posts complaining about Loki’s woobification. I would need more context on how grave an injury that would be for Asgardians. Is it some typical childhood game/fights wound? Asgardians survive being Hulk smashed, the void, impaled, and a freaking Neutron star. A stab seems like a slap in comparison. It has the same level of justification as slapping your sibling in the face when you were a kid. Unjustified, but not a big deal.
Things I am on the fence about:
1. Whatever the fuck happened for him to end up with Thanos. It’s unclear how much was him and how much was the mind stone, coercion, or some other kind of mindfuckery (there are altered memories (being yeeted by Thor into the Void rather than letting go) and that scene with the Other implying threats, past torture, psychic pain, or future torture). I think he wasn’t exactly innocent nor entirely willing. I think he saw Earth as his brother’s ant farm that he will fuck around with out of revenge, he approached Thanos willingly, but then the Black Order gained too much leverage and control on him, and the situation snowballed out of his control into an avalanche.
Another head-cannon I have is that Loki actually died in the void, but was brought back from Hel. He was willing to do anything to avoid returning there, and it’s why he made sure to try to die in battle in TDW and IW. The need to avoid Hel cultivated a fucked up sense of gratefulness and vulnerability that was exploited by the Black Order (maybe I will write it sometime). I think this because him and Thanos talk too much about resurrections and dying multiple times. Either of my Head cannons imply threats and therefore coercion, even if the Word-Of-God mind stone influence is not involved. But we also don’t know the how and why Loki ended up with Thanos.
2. I don’t think I can blame him for Frigga’s death. I know he blames himself, and he definitely had some malicious intent when giving directions (not towards Frigga). Giving someone the directions to the stairs shouldn’t exactly change much? It’s not like he plotted with the Dark Elves and disabled Asgard’s defenses. The elves were tracking the Aether and would have found it eventually, and Frigga was protecting Jane and willing to sacrifice herself for Jane. Frigga’s death is more on Jane for being reckless and fucking around with unknown phenomena without a scrap of PPE or caution, becoming a mcguffin for the film’s entirety. Jane has the common sense of white people from horror movies. Woman has no braincells. There, I fucking said it.
3. I don’t know how to feel about the opening scene in IW and I hate it. I just think it was a terrible plan and a waste of character development. And we don’t even know if it had any significant positive effects. It was both self-sacrificial and selfish nonetheless. Did it keep Thanos from killing more Asgardians? Did it only save Thor, and was that the only thing Loki cared about? If so, Loki sacrificed the entire universe for his brother. Very in-character, but it was a waste of sacred timeline Loki.
Things other people were justified in:
1. Heimdall being suspicious of Loki and attempting to behead Loki as the king regent. Heimdall was suspicious of the blind spots in his vision. Who can hide from him? Loki. And then he caught Loki quite red-handed.
2. I don’t know why Thor gets so much shit for not knowing what’s up with Loki in Avengers, and I doubt he could help him or that Loki thinks he would or could help him in the first place.
3. The Hulk giving him the ragdoll treatment. It’s hilarious and the best part of the movie. And I mean, he did wreak havoc in NYC.
4. Thor electrocuting Loki in Ragnarok. Loki was about to betray Thor. And again, they are pretty hardy. Loki survived the Hulk, the void, and impalement. Enough said. Could this have ended horribly for Loki? Of course and there are wonderful DEAD DOVE fics about it.
5. Sylvie being angry after he broke the Tempad and got drunk. Self-explanatory. How the fuck does this ever get called “abusive”? They both could have died because of Loki's tomfoolery.
6. Sylvie killing HWR and sending Loki away. It was not “abusive”, she’s barely known Loki for IDK how long. Compare that to having a goal for millenia. And she sent him away because she didn’t want to kill him.
7. Sif kicking him ONCE like it happened in the original timeline because he cut her hair. Self explanatory, and kinda eye for an eye. But what the TVA did was just cruel and unnecessary (and basically torture).
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moonsorchid · 3 months
Rewatching ep.30 of Love Between Fairy and Devil and blogging my reaction
(because I guess I want you to suffer with me?)
What is that feeling called when you miss something, but at the same time you are fully aware it's going to break your heart to pieces?
Well, that's what I am feeling now as I am starting this episode. And yes, I use sarcasm and silly humor, that will definitely not make you laugh, to deal with my emotions, so consider yourself warned.
(spoilers ahead)
So the episode begins with Xiao Lanhua looking at fabrics for her wedding dress. Imagine watching this for the first time and thinking "we are definitely getting a happy wedding, everything will be OK"
Whenever I see them walking on this balcony? platform? what would you call this? I always wonder how many people have fallen out of pure clumsiness. Why are there no railings? So if you are close to the edge and you accidentally stumble, ooops you are gone, buh bye
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"Between Shangque and I, who is more stupid?" - Future Moon Queen of Cangyan Sea
Xiao Lanhua is taking DFQC's measurements for his wedding outfit. He tells her the war is coming, but she is in denial (just as I am - everything is fine, everything will be just perfect)
"No matter what happens, we face it together" *melting*
DFQC is sitting by her side as she is sleeping – which is the cutest thing ever – but she has a sort of nightmare with Chidi. She tells her that only one of them can survive. When she wakes up, DFQC is so worried. I am struggling inside, because I want him to tell her all about the bracelet. I know he can’t and that there would be no sense in doing so, but I just hate that he is keeping her in the dark.
Aaaand that’s the moment the evil Qi enters DFQC through his eyes.
DFQC is waving his sword against Tai Sui (he mainly strikes the air around him) and all I can think is how HOT he is while doing so.
I love love watching them like this
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I would never imagine while watching the first episodes that there would come a time when Xiao Lanhua would tell Changheng that meeting her is inappropriate and ask him to leave.
“I am Xiao Lanhua, not the Goddess of Xishan.” These words will haunt me during the next episodes
“Tomorrow’s wedding is not your destiny.” Seriously? Just leave my babies alone! *pouting*
“Why can’t I love someone and the people at the same time?” My goodness, this is heartbreaking :(
Xishan is so beautiful
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She loves him, she loves him sooooo much that not even the god turtle can stop her or Changheng or anyone.
Poor Changheng trying to badmouth DFQC to make her stay with him. Oh well
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Xunfeng takes her to the fake Arbiter Hall to imprison her, and yes, I hate him again (our love story is a rollercoaster, enemies to lovers to enemies), but what I notice also is that the sky is black and there is lightning and thunder. DFQC is not well :(
“Luckily I am smart.” I love you, Xiao Lanhua
Not them destroying the beautiful flowers :(
You take too much pleasure in this, Xunfeng
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Great, you’ve made my girl sad, are you happy now????
For some reason I can’t hate Jieli. At least I know she is in pain. She does not like at all what she has to do. She hates herself first before anyone else can hate her.
And now Xiao Lanhua has gone to DFQC and he is hostile. It’s like watching his emotions being ripped away for the second time.
No :(
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How did he find the courage to speak to her like this? I know I know why he did it, to save her blah blah blah, but still. I am telling you it feels like his emotions are being removed all over again. I hate it, I HATE IT
My heart is broken indeed:( See you for the much dreaded episode 31
Bonus: drinking game every time you read the word “hate” in this post
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yukizaldi · 4 months
I Got You
This is my first fic I’m writing. Might write more. Starting with a sick fic because fuck it why not since I like fluffy stuff.
Basically you came down with a shitty ass fever and your bestie takes care of you
Warnings: pure fluffy content, evil cold, touch starved, friends to lovers
(Trust me when I say it’s really cute, also don’t mind me adding time skips bc my thumbs can be lazy sometimes and so is my brain)
Waking up to a cold is never good isn’t it? That feeling when you feel like your body is betraying you because the muscles are sore and you can’t really do anything other than to stay in bed is a pain. I really wish my bestie is here right now.
My bestie, Matty! Why didn’t I think that before?
I ring him up while I suffer in bed with the evil fever. “Bestie, everything ok?” He asks.
“Can you come over please? I’m really lonely at home right now.” I croak, my voice raspy from the soreness of my throat. He tells me, “I’m on my way now, darlin’.”
When he arrives…
He enters my room only to see me like death is about to reap my ass out of my body. Pale as shit, everything hurts. He placed his lips on my forehead, his cold touch against my hot skin.
“You’re burning up, my love,” his voice said softly. I open my eyes to see him in front of me, those curls, those beautiful eyes, the chest tattoo peaking a teeny tiny bit from under his shirt. Usually whenever he comes over, I’m all smiles, but in this case, now, I’m very weak to do anything.
“You’re here,” I say as I reach his hand. “I feel like absolute shit.”
“I know, love.”
He lays himself on the other side of the bed as he wraps an arm around me. He always does this when I’m having trouble sleeping, waking up from nightmares, or whenever I’m sick, just like today.
“Anything I can do for you, my love?” He asks as he kisses my forehead. I nestle into him, though part of me worries he would get sick too. “Stay, please.” My voice is almost gone at this point.
“M’not gonna leave you, darling. I’m always here for you, even when you’re like this.” He whispers against my hair, his fingers gently stroking it. A tiny shiver escapes my body from his soothing movements. I feel his heartbeat in his chest as I play with his fingers from his free hand. He hums a calming melody, lulling me to sleep. I love hearing his voice, especially when he sings. Phone call or physically. I had fallen asleep once it ended.
Two hours later…
Gone is he. I had awaken, the fever dying down a little. I think about my feelings over everything. Matty’s the sweetest guy I’ve known for a long time. Though he may be busy with tour or work, he’s always here for me. I have developed a crush on him over the years. I always waited for a kiss on the forehead, his little thumb strokes that I like. I always wonder what it’s like to kiss him on the lips… My face turned red. Why am I thinking about that?! I’ve been trying to hide it for so long. When can I tell him?
He has returned to my room with only his joggers on, his bare chest revealing the tattoo I like. He sits down on my side with the tray in his hand as he places it on my lap. “Brought you the broccoli soup you like and chamomile tea. Along with painkillers for later on.” He smiles at me. My heart warms up seeing him smile like that. What a sweetheart he is.
Matty gently places the bowl on my hands only to realize I’m still weak from the fever. The pains haven’t disappeared yet. I whimper from the pain as he lift the bowl from my hands, placing it back on the tray and strokes my arms. “Shhhhhhh,” he whispers. “It’s okay. It’s okay, darlin.’ I got you.”
He takes the spoon to feed me. It’s strange to some people but believe me when I say this. This is the most sweetest thing a man can do. Even if the other is being fed like a baby. The princess treatment, even when not asked, is really the best treatment ever for me and I feel so grateful for that. Content with what I’ve eaten, he hands me the tea as I take sips of it. I went straight for the throat, basically kissing him on the cheek as if to say thank you for taking care of me. Before thinking what to say, he gently claims my lips with his own. Soft and passionate it is. His lips are so gentle against mine. I can’t stop thinking about how good it feels to have his arms around me as we kiss. We pulled away as our foreheads connect. “I love you so much,” I whisper. “You have no idea how long I wanted to be with you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“I love you too, my love. I would love to be your boyfriend.” He whispers back. I nod and nestle into his bare chest. We both lay on the bed in each other’s arms. “Wonder what the guys gonna react now that we’re together.”
I think they’ll be happy for us.” I reply. I yawn all of a sudden, thinking the food and the tea made me sleepy. He chuckles at my sleepy eyes. “So adorable when you’re cuddled up with me in these blankets,” he coos as he strokes my head. “I promise to always be there for you and love you forever.” I smile at him.
“I know this is gonna sound weird,” I began. “but will you sing me a lullaby? Please?” It earned another smile from him.
“Not weird at all. I think it’s cute you would like that. You don’t mind any song do you?” He asks. I shook my head and tell him that I don’t mind any song.
“In case I fall asleep, goodnight in advance, babe.”
“Goodnight in advance, darlin.’”
He continues stroking my head and begins singing softly.
Now is the hour
When we must say goodbye
Soon you'll be waiting
Far across the sea
I love the vibrations from his chest when he sings. I play with his fingers a while.
While you're away
Then, remember me
When you return
You'll find me, waiting here
I feel my eyes begin to close. I begin to drift off to sleep as Matty sings the final chorus.
Now is the hour
When we must say goodbye
When you return
You'll find me, waiting here
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aingeal98 · 10 months
My favourite thing about the buffy fandom is that the show is filled with evil awful men who consistently drag Buffy down and make her miserable but fandom will ignore all that to focus on a few of the traumatized child soldiers who are either orphans or have abusive parents and they'll be like hmm actually THIS character sucks and is the worst because they were not nice to Buffy. If I ignore everything else and focus only on a handful of episodes it proves that they were horrible people the entire time and Buffy deserves better. The only one who was REALLY there for Buffy is MY fave.
(Their faves tend to spend a solid third of their screen time being misogynistic but shhhh no trust me he GETS Buffy like no one else. It's a special romantic bond, dark gothic horror or whatever. He calls her a bitch 10 times but look how sad he is when she finally snaps.)
Like absolutely Buffy deserves better she deserves therapy and a fresh start and healthy boundaries but we simply wouldn't have a show if they weren't all messed up kids with ptsd who hurt each other horribly and the love that saves them is also what dooms them, an endless vicious cycle until the whole city collapses. They start off as friends and end up as... something else. Buffy and Xander and Dawn are family and no matter what happens or how shitty they are to each other at times nothing can change that loyalty. It doesn't matter if x or y deserves better they're never going to go searching for it they've simply been through too much trauma for anyone else to come close! Willow would need an entire other post to summarize the friendship development she and Buffy go through but it's so good exactly because of how it goes from sweet to pure pain and grief.
Everyone is free to like and dislike whoever they want but I do feel bad for people who genuinely hate Buffy's friends because what a miserable way to watch the show considering what a huge part of it they are lmao. Yeah yeah Angel and Spike scarred her for life and their love is so powerful whatever. Willow literally will not let Buffy stay dead she is going to get an A in best friend sidekick, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve. Buffy has no choice in this she's the hero so get your ass out of heaven girl we need you to pose and fight monsters so Willow can pretend to have self esteem. Oh you got shot? Walk it off bullet fixed. You might be needed later if the one who healed you decides not to kill the entire world.
Cordelia and Anya take turns being the funniest and most refreshingly straightforward person on the show. Tara is genuinely lovely and I am so sorry Willow and the Scoobies happened to her but it is very nice that they all get a kind friend who stays kind until the end. Dawn is so fascinating her life is a horror story and she wasn't even real at first or there at all for the first four seasons and yet I clap and cheer whenever Buffy gets extra violent with the people that hurt her. Xander... yeah no I get the Xander hate fully he's exhausting especially as a teen. But the fact that the mental wellbeing of two of the most powerful people on this planet is tied to the aliveness of Just Some Guy? It's delightful. He made friends with a shy autistic girl in kindergarten and they later both trauma bonded to Buffy and it saved the world. Amazing.
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lorei-writes · 4 months
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Dear advisors, I don't know what to do with myself and my feelings. I am in love with the big bad boy, the evil one... the guy even brought together enemies so they can defeat him... but, he's just so beautiful, how can I resist him? And personally, I don't think he's that bad compared to the other warlords, he's just not on the good side of the fence. What should I do? Should I pursue him? Thanks a lot. Anon
Dear Anon,
Boys tend to grow out of their antics as they become men. If the object of your affections is worth anything, he too will grow up.
[Lord Kenshin, “big bad boy” is a reference to an archetype common in books. He is in fact, most likely, a grown man. ~ModeratelyAwesomeNinja] [What books are you even reading? I know no man who’d like to be called a “boy”... ~Naoe Kanetsugu] [... Certain romance stories popular in my… hometown… were like this… Another popular archetype was a yandere – extremely obsessive lover – or an eyepatch… or… both at once… One of the books told a story of a pure-hearted woman tasked with choosing the next king. There, arguably, were some manly adult “bad boys” there. ~ModeratelyAwesomeNinja]
The better question is whether that bad boy will forsake you. Anon, you said that person is not that terrible compared to other warlords – but are we all not rotten? We rule the land. We subjugate it with force whenever necessary. We wage wars. We kill and we kill and people die for us. Regardless of our wishes, we are bathed in blood.
Anon, can you accept the worst of his? Do you think a beautiful face can make up for a monstrous attitude? And… have you thought about the possibility of dying for him?
In any case, do not make any rash decisions. Wait a couple years. Allegedly, boys go through “just a phase”, as I’ve overheard during one not-father with not-son conversations held in my very own castle.
[Lord Kenshin, bad boys tend to be redeemable. Maybe do not default to the darkest scenario? There definitely is some romance in that dark, hurt hearts of his. ~ModeratelyAwesomeNinja] [Shut up. Emphatically. ~ GOOD OF WAR]
It is not all Art of Love advice column has to offer. Check out @the12thnightproject for Tiger’s of Kai answer!
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liskantope · 1 year
Looking back at the culture war battles of 2022, one development that particularly sticks out to me is the American Republican/anti-woke side latching on to the idea of everything social progressives call for that involves minors being a form of "grooming" and/or adjacent to pedophilia. This welled up during the 2022 midterm campaign season and I doubt it reached its final boil during the elections; it probably isn't dying down anytime just yet.
My first reaction, around mid-2022, to seeing this new-ish trend was that it was once again an example of the Right looking at a rhetorical tactic of the Left (in this case, finding a near-universally despised personal trait and relentlessly tarring as many opinions as possible from the opposing side as coming from that trait) and deciding that hey, two can play at this game. The main name that the Left has taken to using against as many opposing opinions as possible is "racist"/"racism", and what's arguably the one label even worse to have attached to you than "racist"? Probably "pedophile" or (more mildly) "groomer".
From that point of view, I can see where this Republican/anti-woke strategy comes from, to the extent that it's been consciously employed and regardless of how blatantly hypocritical it is. But it still caught me by surprise and feels strange, I think because of my impression of being anti-grooming as more of a liberal progressive cause. Now mind you, I know that anything adjacent to pedophilia is reviled by pretty much all parts of the political spectrum, and I also know that the conservative Right (at least in America) has a history of tarring gay people as secretly pedophiles, insinuating that open homosexuality (and other forms of queerness) corrupts and endangers children, and so on. But over the 5-10 years or so previous to the rise of "groomer" accusations from the conservative side, I had come to firmly code raising the alarm about grooming behavior as more of a progressive SJ-ish thing, naturally occurring as a part of the Me Too movement. I had been exposed to a lot of talk in progressive circles about the power differentials that come with age differentials and so on. The whole Josh Duggar scandal some years back seemed split roughly along political lines, with only conservatives (most infamously Mike Huckabee) being willing to come to his defense. And I had a vague notion that liberal people took child molestation and terrible behavior adjacent to it as a sort of higher-priority societal crisis than conservatives did, much as this was clearly the case with rape in general.
So I had thought of cries of "Groomer!" and "Pedophile!" as similar to cries of "Racist!" in that they involve a name that absolutely nobody wants to be branded with, which refers to a type of person that almost everyone looks down upon and is determined not to be but which the Right has a stricter definition of, doesn't see in as many places, and tends to think the Left is overly paranoid about. And yet, for the time being at least, the Right seems to have gotten hold of "Groomer!" and "Pedophile!".
I found this a sort of bemusing (and also of course disturbing) irony, given the extent to which so many socially progressive people around me see grooming / pedophilia / child abuse as a very serious problem and are very sincere in their concerns about it. And to be honest, one of the things I couldn't help saying to myself was, "Let's see how this goes and how people feel when 'Groomer!' is used against them, when the other side stretches at every possible opportunity to compare our side to something we truly find despicable whenever we stand for something they don't like. Maybe this will give some people a new insight about how ineffective it is to blast everything they don't like on the other side as "racist" or other -ists or otherwise coming from something purely evil. It's going to be interesting to see how this changes the dynamic."
(It's worth mentioning as a qualification that the American Right did do something like this as recently as the mid-00's with comparing everyone less hawkish than them with terrorist-sympathizers, but that was a little less direct and seems to have already faded from many people's memories. A closer example would be some decades earlier when an awful lot of Americans seemed determined to brand anyone to the left of them as a Communist sympathizer, but of course this is even further removed from the present.)
It's interesting to look back on this half a year later, because I definitely intended to write a more sharply pointed post expressing most of my paragraphs above sometime around last summer, but it got lost in the shuffle as many of my potential blog posts do. And now it seems like it sort of came to an anticlimax. Anti-woke conservatives did quite well in the midterms as long as they weren't too Trumpy, but Democrats put in a better-than-expected performance. My liberal colleagues and acquaintances mostly seem to have ignored conservative rhetoric about groomers or just dismissed it as idiotic (which, to be fair, it basically is) rather than let it bother them beyond that, either on a direct, immediate level or in terms of making them rethink messaging or persuasive rhetoric from their/our own side. All of this seems to be fizzling over, relative to what I imagined back around July.
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midorishinji · 1 month
Enfant terrible
The nanny who used to look after me called me “enfant terrible”. She cried bitter tears whenever she had to wash my clothes stained with beetroot, borscht, pomegranate; she said I was like a little savage, an animal wearing the skin of a human being. When we talk about someone, we often refer to their skin as a metonym; to get into someone’s skin is to feel for them, while to get under their skin is to annoy them; by the skin of one’s teeth is similar to a hair’s breadth, to be dangerously close; risking your skin is taking a gamble at something; in some cultures, being the skin of the Devil is synonymous with evil and aggressiveness, a typical Judeo-Christian character flaw.
Original work |Also published in Portuguese and on AO3
a.n: Might be blasphemous. Sorry in advance.
I’ve been cursed from birth.
I always knew, from early childhood, that there was something nefarious about me, a cloud of toxic miasma that hung over my head, suffocating anyone who got too close. In every room I enter, my reflection in the mirrors always seems distorted; crows follow me as if they sense that I am made of bad omens; when I walk down the streets, other people avoid me, and don't look me in the eye, as if they know exactly what kind of creature I am, even if they can't express it in words.
When they baptized me, they dressed me in white with a braided belt around my waist, and they placed a rosary of mother-of-pearl beads around my neck. I still wear the rosary every day as a reminder, as a hanging man's knot, but the belt fell apart as I was submerged in water. I heard that the most religious relatives gasped in pure horror, and some even fainted: a belt like this is a symbol of a bond with religion, with goodness, and knowing that it came undone showed exactly what I was: a black sheep, a stray, someone who does not belong to this world or to the Other World. A damned, degenerate existence, in which even after the Final Judgment, my prison will be to remain and to wander eternally between the worlds, without belonging to any of them.
Someone knocks on the window. Pebbles are being thrown against the glass. — What do you want?
— Let me in.
— Later.
The nanny who used to look after me called me “enfant terrible ”. Not in a good way, I assume: I was a baffling child, ahead of my time, dangerously intelligent, but too presumptuous for my own good. She cried bitter tears whenever she had to wash my clothes stained with beetroot, borscht , pomegranate; she said I was like a little savage, an animal wearing the skin of a human being. At school, other children whispered about me, and I remained in the last seat in the last row, my name never uttered during roll call, as if I didn't exist. A ghost in human skin.
The skin is one of the most interesting organs of a human person. It regenerates periodically, serving to protect precious internal structures — muscle, fat, nerves, bones, organs — and to regulate temperature. When you get hurt, what bleeds is the dermis, the layer of connective tissue below the epithelial cells, which are the ones that actually cover the surface of the body and organs and cavities; it needs to go deeper to hurt. When we talk about someone, we often refer to their skin as a metonym; to get into someone’s skin is to feel for them, while to get under their skin is to annoy them; by the skin of one’s teeth is similar to a hair’s breadth, to be dangerously close; risking your skin is taking a gamble at something; in some cultures, being the skin of the Devil is synonymous with evil and aggressiveness, a typical Judeo-Christian character flaw.
Again, we return to biblical themes. According to the Orthodox Church, every human being goes through an exorcism in their fight against sin: sin is instinctive, as if it has been engraved in our DNA since the times of Adam and Eve; I wonder if, because we are made in the image and likeness of God, if He also feels this way, if He also sins, if He also hurts, if He also makes mistakes, if He also feels the dread of existing capable of making one go crazy, if He is also fallible as we are, or if He has transcended this imperfect state of mortality. When I was thirteen, a nun searched my body for the stigma diabolicum after I asked her all these questions, but she could not find any mark of a Faustian pact. I was expelled from catechism classes when I dared to offer pity to the supreme diabolical figure: in John Milton's “Paradise Lost”, Satan is not a villain, but an anti-hero, the tragic figure of decadence, the one who made an irreparable mistake, although necessary to the narrative: if God is the supreme creator, He also gave birth to his greatest enemy and predicted the Fall and Hell. For the story to proceed according to divine plans, someone would need to be the villain, the Tempter, and this almost martyr-like figure also deserves forgiveness. Mark Twain once wondered who dared to pray for the sinner who, more than anyone else, needed salvation.
Pebbles against the glass again. I open the window, impatiently. — What do you want?
— To talk. Let me in.
And I let him. I granted him permission, and we sat — not face to face, like two equals in a normal conversation, but he facing me, looking at my back, while I watched him through the mirror's reflection. His reflection seems less distorted than mine, more human, more normal. The window is still open, and the cold wind coming in makes me shiver underneath my clothes. I keep combing my hair. Deep down, I know that the answer wasn't necessary, just like the question: I let him in when I started to doubt, still in the womb. I have always been a terribly rational creature, like a curse; I think of the faith that moves mountains as a trick to be unraveled, in the same way as magic tricks in a circus show. In me, decrepit dissent flourishes.
He begins to play the melody on the piano, deft fingers passing over the keys with agility and dexterity at some moments, with purposeful carelessness and slowness at others, in the rhythm of the song. A familiar one. The same as always.
— If you could choose… — he asks me, without stopping playing — Would you have bitten the apple?
— Without thinking twice.
I would have condemned humanity to the same fate as Adam and Eve. I would have done so, out of curiosity; out of thirst for knowledge; and, perhaps, for love. No matter the reasoning: I would have done it. I would have accepted the weight of responsibility and resigned myself to the role of fallen. I would have given birth to a bloody lineage and perpetual punishment.
—Then I will pray for you, Porcelina, the light of all that is good, the light of all that is true. — was what he replied, satisfied but melancholic. Whatever the substance we are made of, the both of us are the same. Like two effervescent stars, bubbling toward self-destruction, we pray for each other's salvation. His touch is sweet, so exaggeratedly sweet it turns around and becomes bitter like burnt sugar at the bottom of the pan. When our lips touch, it's sweet, and warm, caramelizing me inside.
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grimalkinmessor · 8 months
Whenever I write Yoichi and I talk about the demons he struggles with,,,,this is basically it, this is what he swallows down, this is what he feels guilty over, this is what I mean when I say he's also a little evil 🥰
The lyrics are hard to hear so I'll put them below the cut ✨
I've been watching him for my entire life
I hate the air he breathes, his foolish decrees
His words so contrived
And I hate the way the townspeople gather outside
They hang on every breath, cling to his chest
Home to his heart full of pride
The oracle told him to beware the Ides
And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing
For untimely death or demise
Or am I just wishing I could be like you?
That the people would see me too as a poet
And not just the muse
Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you
From birth we've been like brothers of different mothers
Within the spirit of the same womb
May the gods strike me down if I forsake you
Frater meus, you're beautifully made
And to you I'm forever grateful
I'll never forget that you showed me to make art
And I know the love you showed me came
From a pure and noble heart
I love you, and if you want, I'll call you King
But why do I lie awake each night thinking: "Instead of you, it should be me"?
Something wicked this way comes
And as I set to face it, I'm unsure
Should I embrace it, should I run?
What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love?
What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great
Or my mother wished she'd had a son?
And even if I can't be the one
Maybe I could at least help make way for him
Until the day that he comes
Maybe my name could also be known
That I helped return good to the people
And restored greatness to Rome
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
My name is Brutus and my name means heavy
So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy
My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me
Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy
I, too, have a destiny
This death will be art
The people will speak of this day from near and afar
This event will be history, and I'll be great too
I don't want what you have, I want to be you!
I always knew I could be the one
Though I feel the endless pain of being
And I am scorched by the Sun
Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex
My name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex...
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that-one-i-think · 3 months
threatened your mcd oc with friendship. lore dump about your oc and i will write a one-shot for them. i am being fr about this, i love fandom ocs/oc x canon/whatever
Fudge it, let's ride! For the record, this will not the collab oc cause he ain't built yet, still needs more polls and backstory. That one is purely for fun. My current ocs are my rewrite of Liochant, a small death oc idea (mostly for Martyrs lore), and a fun third one I have been cooking up.
This will be about my third oc, who I am calling Forge. He is a third season MCD character that I have made, and he is a very mysterious character. Orange eyes, black skin, and bald. A solid 6'3 with a broad yet slim stature. Normally wears a hood and some form of mask, he is obviously a foreigner to the land but talks with an air of power that makes people listen despite being from Tu'la
He is the blacksmith of Phoenix Drop with a speciality in making blades and shield with incredible durability. Shields that could withstand a cannon hit and swords that wouldn't dent if you hit it against a boulder. Uses his skill to speak for him so he doesn't have to.
Despite not being much of a talker, while on one of her times escaping her guards, Lilith wandered into his shop, and he let her stay. He has taken a shine to her and let's her stay in the shop whenever she pleases, careful to make sure she doesn't hurt herself but lets her make suggestions on designs. He makes her a small necklace with an amber pendant and wyvern patterns. It has some magical energy to it and can be used as a small help beacon. He is incredibly protective of children.
A fun fact I want to write about him is that he is Tu'la royalty and a direct descendant of Menphia. Well, he was Tu'la royalty before the current King of Tu'la caused a violent coup when he was merely 10. Not because the royal family was bad, they were amazing leaders, but soley for power. The royal family were called "Metal Vipers" for they were blessed by Menphia with forging abilities and fire magic.
This oc will be another lover for Garroth (because I love him) but this is a "I runaway from being a prince" versus "My country was ripped from my hands before I could even help it.". I want Garroth to get out royaled and put in his place. Their entire story will involve them taking down an evil monarch while ignoring the gay tension.
There is more to this character, but I can't put it all here right now.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #18
Tumblr media
Simeon: What are the healthiest teas
Raphael: Honesty
Luke: integrity
Michael: loyalty
Simeon: Can y’all ever just give me a normal answer
Luke: I’ve noticed a trend in life. The larger a thing is, the more likely it is to be evil. This applies to companies, YouTubes, people, and mountains.
Lucifer: In cases of dogs the direct opposite is true
Diavolo: A notable outlier
Leviathan: I’m not going for the ‘best post ever’ vibe
I’m going for the ‘it’s 4am and this is literally the only post that has popped up on my feed so I might as well reblog it’ vibe
Mammon : You’ve failed at both
Leviathan: I am going to liquidate all of my assets and use the money to hire hitmen to slap you daily for the rest of your life
Satan: Gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed
Mephistopheles: No
Satan: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage
Lucifer: Word*
Satan: I want nothing more than to uppercut you directly to heaven’s front door
Leviathan: Fan fiction is always like “I’m Sonics husband and I’m from - ! Illinois!”
Mammon: My teacher made a fan fiction where he shot me
MC: Not to sound like a person who can predict the future, but you’re definitely going to get shot by your teacher in real life
Mammon: Still don’t know how to spell spagetti without autocorrect
Simeon: Where’s the h
Mammon: An H???
Raphael: What are YOUR resolutions for the new year?
Leviathan: 1080p
Raphael: Back to hell with you
Mammon: I feel 144p
Raphael: This post is 5 months old yet you decided to bring it back mid year for the same joke someone said literally right above you
Asmodeus: Remember to drink water babes
Mammon: No
Asmodeus: Then become the dirt I walk on
Diavolo: I am the tsar of tumblr now if you wanna do something you gotta ask me
Asmodeus: Permission to cum sir
Diavolo: I am no longer the tsar of tumblr
Leviathan: The future: holograms can physically touch you and there are 12 cases of homicide committed by Hatsune Miku
Diavolo: De…
Past: -ez nuts
Present: -spacito
Future: -nmark has fallen
Michael: Diavolo are you trying to tell us something…
Diavolo: Just funny jokes gaha g
Leviathan: Jk howling needs to shut up before she makes ganondorf canonically have a 16 inch penis
Simeon: I know your mind is a dark place but… you can’t just… say things like that
Leviathan: Time and time again has it been proven that I CAN and WILL say these things
Belphegor: I have too many enchanted crystals and not enough blood sacrifices to do anything with them
Asmodeus: Hiii
Belphegor: Heeey sacrifice
Solomon: Fun Fact, if you were to take all of the blood out of your body and put it in a bathtub you’d die
Barbatos: Source?
Solomon: No
Mammon: My new song ‘toss me into the sun’ will be the antithesis to fly me to the moon
Simeon: Then call it “Toss me into the sun”
Mammon: What part of this post did you manage to miss
Barbatos: What are your opinions on clocks/time?
Asmodeus: I thought you were asking my opinion on cocks and slime and I simply took it like a normal ask
Beelzebub: Why the fuck is brown sugar so goddamn TASTEE
Solomon: Try gray sugar!
Raphael: Gun powder?
Solomon: Too busy eating gray sugar to fucking care what you just said
Diavolo: When’s your bedtime
Solomon: Whenever I next collapse is purely up to the gods
Diavolo: Hey do any of my followers know how to render REALLY good?
Lucifer: I can render my enemies immobile
Diavolo: I meant 3D computer render but I’ll keep you in mind for future reference
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