#whenever there are curls I am wracked
reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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A Pirate's Life for Me Finale (Wanda M x Reader x Natasha R.)
Summary: There was something odd about the dark void you found yourself floating within.
Words: 1305
Warnings: Language, mentions of near death.
A/N: We say goodbye to our dear pirates. This story... started something amazing for me. I found my partner because of it. So this is very bittersweet and wonderful at the same time. All of this was written for her and in the end, I'm just excited to keep writing things like this for her and for everyone to enjoy. So this is its final sendoff. I hope you all loved it the way I did.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne​ @nightingalexx​@suki-is-a-queen @kaosrsing
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There was something odd about the dark void you found yourself floating within. It didn’t have the finality you expected and truthfully, everything still hurt. You had expected death to wash away the aches of life and yet every breath made you want to cry out in pain.
Another sharp feeling within your chest forced air from your lungs and you jolted headfirst out of the darkness. Into… something, with light far too bright and an overbearing heat that left your stomach rolling like waves in a storm.
Where am I going?
The first thing you noticed as consciousness began to dawn was how fucking cold you were. It felt like it was burrowed deep into your very soul, freezing you from the inside out.
And then you discerned twin flames burning into your front and back, the heat almost agonizing as it attempted to drive out the chill. It was as though your body had been placed upon a lit campfire and for a moment, you expected to smell burning flesh and hear the crackle of your skin but you didn’t. All you could hear were low voices, trapped in the fog of pain and delirium.
“She is so cold,” one of them murmured weakly, a profound sadness in their words and suddenly there was a fire settling upon your chest, just above the heart.
“She is alive. That is all we could ask for. She needs our warmth and our love. She will return to us, my love,” another voice responded, the pressure on your chest growing intense.
You could recognize them, just barely. The flames that often set your heart ablaze whenever they were near. Instinctively, you wanted to curl into them but the overwhelming heat left you wanting to squirm away.
It was quite the cacophony of warring emotions and you disliked it significantly.
There was a long, pained moan and it took a moment to realize it had come from you. The voices around you went silent, only the sounds of bated breath reaching your ears and you moaned again, shifting slightly away from the warmth that was beginning to leave your bones aching.
“No, malysh, don’t move. You need to warm up or you could…” Wanda’s soft words trailed off as her hands rolled you closer.
“Hurts,” you croaked, the salt of the sea having left your throat cracked and sore. “Hot.”
One bleary eye drifted open, exposing the red-rimmed eyes of Natasha as she stared at you with barely controlled joy. A strong hand landed on your shoulder, keeping you firmly in place. “I know, honey, but you cannot move. Your body needs to warm up. You were in the water too long. You were nearly frozen when Yelena found you and brought you to the surface. Your...” Natasha released a shuddering breath. “Your heart had stopped beating. We did not know if we could bring you back.”
Slowly taking stock of your pained body, there was an undeniable ache in your chest and you remembered the black void of nothingness. How weightless you’d felt, despite the agony wracking through you.
“Oh…” you exhaled sharply, wincing at the tug of your lungs.
Wanda’s body trembled against your back, her anguished sobs escaping in harsh pants as her face pressed between your shoulders. It was horribly tender, the skin raw from stone and brine and muscles taut with the stiffness of a corpse, but you wouldn’t deny her this comfort. Your unsteady hand lifted to pet the hand resting on your hip, “We thought we had lost you!”
Bile drifted up your aching throat. They had, if only for a moment. No longer attached to your flesh, you had accepted your fate, intending to let the void swallow you whole. But you couldn’t admit that, not now.
“I’m here,” you whispered reassuringly, your weak squeeze of her hand only spurning the sobs on. Peering at the redhead before you, you watched similar tracks begin to form on her cheeks. “I’m here.”
The first week of your recovery was a haze of consciousness. You’d find yourself drifting in and out, the lull of the waves rocking the ship dragging you back into a needed rest. Galaxies were painted across your ribs and torso from your descent into painful waters; at first a grizzly reddish purple splatter that slowly drifted into a smattering of greens and yellows.
A parting gift from Rumlow, you supposed.
You could still feel the ache and shift of your bones whenever you moved, but it had transformed into a dull throb instead of the daggers being shoved into your chest cavity. What drove you crazy was how your two lovers treated you. As if you were made of glass. As if one wrong touch would forge spider webs into your reflection and shatter you across the bedroom floor.
It was truly maddening.
Eyes narrowing as Natasha coolly stalked about the room, bringing you a full waterskin and a plate of fruit, you gripped her arm with surprising strength as she got closer.
“I am perfectly capable of joining the crew for a meal, you know,” you huffed, feeling your heart twinge at the brief flicker of hurt in her eyes. “I appreciate that you care, darling, but I cannot spend the rest of my life in this bed. My body is healing, but staying trapped in bed all day is driving my mind to the brig.”
Slowly settling on the mattress beside you, Natasha’s head bowed as she stared at your hand as it drifted down to hers, fingers tangling together.
“We almost lost you. I almost lost you. And I cannot bear that thought. I always believed Wanda to be the only person I would need in this life… until we met you. Now I cannot stomach the idea of losing either of you. The two of you have become the center of my universe. The glory and the gold is all fine and well but to lose either of you would break me.” She sniffled, a lone tear falling onto the back of your combined hands. “I know you are capable. I know that you are not made of parchment or glass. But I just… need you to be safe. I need to know you are alive. That we… did not lose you and this is all some desperate dream.”
Twisting in bed, your free hand lifted to her cheek and tilted her head in your direction. Glistening eyes met yours and you surged forward, ignoring the brief shock of pain. Your lips found chapped flesh but you didn’t care, pouring your love and warmth and life into the embrace.
“You did not lose me,” you promised breathlessly, mouth repeatedly pressing into hers. “I am here. With you. With Wanda. With the women I love and want and need. You need to believe that or you will send yourself into the gallows of darkness and despair.”
Incessant hands wound their way into your disheveled hair, dragging you closer. It hurt but this was the firmest anyone had been with you in weeks and you hadn’t realized how desperate you’d been for such a touch until now. Teeth sunk into your lip and tugged, pulling a whine from deep within your throat.
“You’re here,” she whispered, pushing her forehead against yours. “You’re alive.”
“Forever,” you swore, knowing deep within your heart that you could never leave their sides; for as long as you had breath, it was theirs.
“Always. I have found my treasures and I intend to keep them with me for as long as I live.”
Chuckling lowly, you slowly fell backwards, yanking the fierce pirate with you. “What a pirate’s life for you then, I suppose.”
Capturing her smile with yours, you knew this was exactly the life for you.
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m-jelly · 1 year
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Yes, Your Highness.
Prince Levi x fem!Reader
Royal AU, romance, fluff, falling in love, arranged marriage that became love, Levi always liked you, using a hunting rifle, hunting.
Levi is madly in love with you, but you are a little hesitant. Levi and his mother arranged the engagement due to his burning feelings for you. So, to get you to fall for him he takes you on dates. Today he takes you for a horseback ride in the snow to a hunting spot where he intimately teaches you how to hunt deer.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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The winter air bit at your skin as you stood outside on the palace steps. Even though you were wrapped up in a winter dress, robe and gloves the cold air still managed to get in. Snow covered the land adding a clean white blanket over everything. Spider's webs were turned into beautiful jewels with gems of ice.
Your breath curled in front of your eyes when you released a sigh. The Prince had asked you to come with him for a date. So, you were stood in the snow waiting for him. You rather liked the Prince, but there was just something holding you back and you weren't sure what. You wanted to love him like he clearly loved you, but it was hard to ignore the rumours about him being a bit of a tyrant.
You flinched and snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name called. Your eyes flicked to the path. Your heart skipped a beat when Prince Levi in black clothes and a cloak with fur around the neck rode over to you on his black horse.
Levi pulled on the reins of his horse to bring him to a stop. His black leather gloves groaned at his actions. He twisted his muscular body and jumped off his horse. The cloak around him bloomed around him as he turned to face you.
Levi walked towards you, his long boots gripping his legs. He paused before you. The snow crunched under Levi's knee when he knelt before you. His warm, soft leather gloved hand lightly took yours. His warm loving lips pressed against your hand making you flush.
The dazzling grey-blue eyes of Levi flicked up and locked with yours. A sweet smile spread across his lips. "You look enchanting today."
You hummed a little as you felt flustered. "Thank you. May I say you are looking rather dashing today."
He rose to his feet and smiled. "Getting one up on me, huh?"
He scooped you up into his arms making you squeal. "You will be riding with me."
"R-Really? Would it not be better for me to have my own horse?"
Levi sat you at the front of his saddle. "Riding in the snow can be tricky." He climbed up behind you and pressed his chest firmly against your back. "This will allow me to ensure your safety." He snaked one arm around you to hold you in place. "This also allows me to keep you close and warm."
You leaned against Levi's chest and felt yourself relax. "You are rather warm."
He leaned closer and whispered against your ear. "I will happily keep you warm whenever you desire it."
With a quick tap of his heels, the two of you raced off into the woods that the royal family owned. Riding through the snow was exciting and nerve-wracking all in one. So, you firmly gripped Levi as best as you could to ensure you didn't fall. Levi had a tight grip on you, so you were never going to fall.
Levi was on cloud nine because he was able to embrace you for this long. His adoration for you was almost on a crazy level. He was besotted by you. His engagement to you was fuelled by strong true feelings. He wanted to grow old with you and raise a few adorable little children. He loved you endlessly and hoped that he could possess your heart and love.
You turned your head to look at Levi as the nerves and worry took over. "Levi."
Elation consumed Levi because he had longed for you to use his name instead of your highness. He slowed his horse and gave you a reassuring smile. "I am right here. I'll protect you."
You smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you."
He pulled on the reins again and came to a stop. "This is perfect." He slipped off the horse first before lifting you up and placing you on your feet. "Are you ready to go hunting?"
"Y-Yes, but I don't know how to use a gun."
He grabbed the rifle from his horse. "I'll show you." He put his arm around you and tugged you close. "Careful as you go. Lean on me."
You hugged Levi's side as you let him guide you through the thick snow. "I find this weather rather beautiful."
"As do I." He chuckled. "Allows me to get close to you for warmth."
Your cheeks burned as your heart raced. "I too enjoy that."
Levi's eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat and his cheeks heated up. His blush was adorable. "Now, that makes me very happy to hear."
You lowered your head. "You are doing that thing again."
"And what might that be?"
You glanced up at him. "Staring at me."
"I can't help but look at such a divine being."
You whined a little. "My heart cannot take the kind and sweet words."
He stood behind you and whispered in your ear. "The more I do it the more you will be used to it. I cannot help myself with you."
"You are a tyrant of a prince."
He shifted and placed the rifle in your hands. "Indeed I am."
You gripped the long gun and gulped hard. "Must I kill a deer? I worry I will fail in killing it."
"You will. I will guide you. We will feast on it tonight. I know my staff will be elated at hearing their princess-to-be provided food for them." He gripped your hips and shifted you slightly. "Correct your stance. You must ground yourself."
You shifted a little in the snow. "Like this?"
"Correct." He lifted the gun a little. "Firmly place the butt of the gun against your shoulder, if you do not and it kicks back you'll hurt yourself." He dragged his hands up your body to your waist before firmly squeezing. "I would not know what to do with myself if you got hurt under my watch."
"I will be careful."
"Good girl."
You shivered at the words of praise. "Mm."
Levi made a mental note to use those two words often. "Tilt your head a little and close one eye. Look down the sight. Do you see the deer ahead?"
"I do."
He placed his hand on yours over the trigger. "There are multiple places you can shoot, the heart, the neck or a key artery. You could attempt the head for a quick kill." He pressed his body against yours and whispered. "We shall go for the head. When I say, slowly squeeze the trigger. Do not yank or press hard. It must be a slow squeeze. Breathe in and hold your breath to steady your aim, then release your breath when you fire."
You rolled your shoulders. "There's a lot to it."
"There is, but you'll be a natural in no time. Now, no tensing up." He kissed the side of your head. "You're doing so well. Good girl. Are you ready?"
Levi placed his hands on yours. "Together then. If the deer walks, lead with the gun, do not follow. Now, breathe in." He hummed. "That's it, good girl." He whispered gently. "Now."
The gun went off with a bang and kicked back a little, but thankfully Levi was grounding you in place. Your eyes instantly shut tightly at the bang and light. You yanked the gun up and turned in Levi's arms as your ears rang. The strong warm arms of the prince wrapped firmly around you to comfort you.
Levi took the gun when you turned and tossed it down into the snow. He gazed at the deer and saw you had killed it with one shot to the head. "Good girl. You did it. You got the head. I'm very impressed."
You looked up at him with your adorable wide puppy eyes. "Really?"
He chuckled a little. "Really. I'm proud of you. So proud that I would love to kiss you, but I know you are still cautious with me."
You gulped hard and gripped his lapels. "Perhaps I would like to try this kissing. I-If you wish to."
Levi's lips crashed against yours before you could utter another word. Though the air around you was freezing cold, what was between you was blazing hot. With bodies firmly pressed together, it was hard to determine when one body started and ended. You were driven by weeks of wanting, tension and temptation. There was no going back after this moment. Your heart was forever Levi's now.
Levi released your lips and found it amusing when you tried to chase them. "Adorable. I must say, that was better than I had imagined. You are a goddess."
"Please, keep saying my name. It sounds so delicious on your lips."
You pressed your face against his chest. "Cease your teasing words."
Levi chuckled as he played with your hair. "Forgive me." He looked over at the dead deer. "We have a deer to collect and staff to feed."
"How will we bring it back?"
"I will tie it on the back of my horse." He released you and moved through the snow. "Wait there."
It didn't take long for Levi to collect the deer. His strength was impressive as he was able to lift the large beast and carry it with ease to his horse. With a few swift movements, it was tied to the back of the horse and all that was left was for the two of you to ride back together.
Once again, you sat with your back pressed against the Prince's chest. This time you rode much slower. You were touched that Levi was considerate of you, that he knew before you were a little nervous about going so fast through the woods and snow.
The staff sang your praise when you presented them with the deer. It flustered you to hear so many people say wonderful things. Since moving to the palace weeks ago at the start of your engagement, you had been treated with so much kindness and respect. The staff were quick to help you and befriend you. It was nice.
Levi guided you into his home and to a nice warm room. You were nervous once again when you both began removing your outdoor winter things until you were just in your indoor attire. You carefully adjusted your dress in hopes Levi would praise you.
Levi glanced over at you in your form-fitting dress. "My word, you are a feast for the eyes. You are so beautiful."
"Th-thank you." You hummed as he walked closer. "I like your black princely suit."
"Thank you." He gently caressed your cheek. "May I kiss you again?"
"Please do."
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Love, Laughter, and Little Pranks
Request: Hi! OMG I am obsessed with you mav x daughter reader!!!!!! It is amazing and the new one is so stinking good!!!!
any who I was on tik tok and I saw this one video of a dad pranking his toddler by saying she was "bad" when she did something totally innocent and instead of the laughing reaction he thought he was going to get she got super upset. She got even more upset that people started laughing and she was just stressed because she always wanted to be good for her dad. It ends with the dad comforting her and saying she did nothing wrong and that she is still good and always has been
I was wondering if you could write a maverick x daughter based on this? maybe like the daughter is toddler age?
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader, Penny Benjamin x Daughter!Reader, Amelia Benjamin x Sister!Reader, Maverick x Penny Benjamin, Bradley Bradshaw x Jake Seresin
Warnings: crying, angst, fluff
A/N: so sorry it took forever! Enjoy!
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When Maverick and Penny got married just months after the uranium mission it was the happiest day of theirs and Amelia’s lives. But when their daughter Y/N Mitchell, you, were born it was the icing on the cake and their family was complete. Maverick got a biological daughter, Penny got another daughter to spoil and dress up, and Amelia got a baby sister to spoil and had already fallen love with. When the news of Penny and Maverick having a baby hit The Daggers, they became overjoyed especially Bradley. Bradley and Maverick’s relationship had healed but it wasn’t 100% but it was enough and that was perfect for them both, even though yes, they worked on it every day and the relationship was growing stronger.  
When Maverick went to the ultrasound where your heartbeat was heard he actually cried. Penny just smiled and actually teared up seeing this strong man reduced to tears over a heartbeat but she understood it. Ultrasound pictures were printed out and given to them and when they got home, they hung it up on the fridge. Maverick doted on Penny whenever he could take care of her and you. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to either of you.
The day you were born and placed in Maverick’s arms for the first time you looked up at him with wide blue eyes and gave him a gummy smile. Then when he stroked your cheek your eyes slowly closed and you curled further into his chest and went to sleep. Maverick could not stop smiling and he would not let anyone take you away from him, although he did let your mother hold you and feed you but every chance, he got you were in his arms. Penny let him hold you as long as he wanted knowing this was his first biological child and the smile on his face was just as bright as when he was goofing around and flying with Goose. She loved that smile.
Bringing you home was nerve wracking. Maverick had chosen to drive to give Penny the rest she needed and not to put too much stress on her. His driving was slow and Penny was getting fed up with it but all he would say was “We have precious cargo on board. Can’t risk it.” Penny would just roll her eyes but sat back smiling finally seeing Maverick take something so seriously and not be his reckless self for once. Amelia was at the house with Bradley, they would’ve visited them in the hospital but they didn’t want to overcrowd the new parents or newest sibling with their presence.
Penny and Maverick walked into the house to be met with Bradley, Amelia, and The Daggers. Maverick raised an eyebrow at Bradley and he smiled “They wanted to meet the newest member of the squad and how can you say no to that?” Bradley asked.
“He does have a point.” Penny said and Maverick looked at her and sighed.
“Fair enough.” He said and then he sat the car seat on the table and got you out, you were still asleep as Maverick got you out like if he were to move everything would vanish. He walked over to the group of people. “Everyone meet the newest Dagger member Y/N Mitchell.” Maverick said he then looked over to Bradley and Amelia “Who wants to hold her first?” He asked and Bradley and Amelia looked at each other and she nodded.
“Bradley should. I know I’ll get plenty of cuddles when everyone leaves.” She said which was true. Penny smiled at her daughter who smiled back. She walked over, hugged Amelia and then turned to Bradley.
“Make sure you cradle her head.” She said going on to instruct him and he nodded as Maverick placed you in his arms. The movement had woken you up and you looked up at him almost like studying him then your eyes landed on his mustache.
“Hey little one. I’m Bradley. Your brother.” He said and you gave him a gummy smile and reached up to his mustache and giggled.
“I think we all had the same reaction.” Jake said and everyone chuckled and then you cuddled into Bradley’s arms and fell asleep.
 Maverick just looked at the sight of his pseudo son holding his daughter, ‘Yea-‘he thought to himself ‘everything is going to be great.’ Many pictures were taken and you were passed around to each member. You didn’t make a sound when everyone else held you but when you got to Jake’s arms you let out a wail and everyone laughed.
“Hey Y/N/N he has the effect on most girls.” Natasha said with a smirk and then Bob took you and you settled down and went back to sleep Jake looked defeated but knew not to take it personally.
“I’ll get her to like me one day.” He said and he was right about that.
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When you spoke your first word it brought tears to Maverick’s eyes. It was just out of the blue one night at the dinner table while you sat in your highchair while Maverick tried to feed you and eat at the same time. Penny, Amelia, and Maverick had gotten to talking and weren’t paying attention to you and you were mad “Dada.” You said at first and they didn’t hear you so you spoke louder in a demanding tone, much like your mother’s when your dad wasn’t listening. “DADA!” You said with a look on your face that screamed frustration and the same look Maverick pulled when he was dealing with rowdy Top Gun cadets. They stopped and looked at you.
“Sweetheart, did you just say your first word?” Maverick asked in disbelief and then looked at Penny and Amelia and they nodded.
“She sure did, Pete.” Penny said and the look on his face was one full of love. Once again, they weren’t paying attention to you and you wanted food.
“DADA!” You screamed and he turned back to you and you made grabby hands towards the food.
“Ok ok I get it.” He said and dipped the spoon into the food and you smiled “Here comes the fighter jet.” Maverick said making the noises of the jet flying into your mouth which you happily took and smiled when it landed into your mouth.
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Your first sentence was hilarious and nobody knows where it came from, well Bradley did but that was because he was there when you said it. He had been watching you one evening and you were at his house that he shared with Jake, whom he had gotten together with after figuring out they loved each other and women didn’t do anything for them anymore. Bradley and Jake had been going over the new plans for the newest class of Top Gun cadets when Jake threw out a wild suggestion Bradley shook his head “Jake, no.” He said not knowing you would have picked it up, he had been holding you at the time while they went over plans at the dinner table. You looked at them both intently listening to them loving the soothing sound of their voices, you had made grabby hand towards Jake and he gladly took you in his arms and snuggled into him. Over the time you got to know him he grew on you and quickly became one of your favorites to be around and he held that with pride. To be honest it was probably all the things he let you get away with and the food he had given you. You snuggled into his head over his heart listening to his rhythmically pump and that had lulled you to sleep and began to lightly snore, something you picked up from your dad. Both Bradley and Jake looked down and smiled.
“I knew she would like me one day.” Jake boasted quietly and Bradley rolled his eyes.
“Jake, she absolutely loves you.” He said and Jake smirked.
“I know.” He said and they ended their work for that night and headed over to the couch to watch some TV until it was time for Maverick and Penny to pick you up.
The next night Maverick, Penny, and Amelia had all The Dagger Squad over for a cookout. Bob currently had you and was entertaining you when Jake had brought up the subject to Maverick. Jake was going on about his plan and everyone had a look of hesitation. “Jake, no.” You said and everyone stopped and looked at you on Bob's lap. Everyone burst out laughing but Jake had a look of betrayal on his face.
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“Here I thought you loved me and were on my side.” He said coming over and tickling you, making you giggle. 
Everyone was in the backyard setting up the decorations while you were over playing with some of your toys. After a few minutes you got bored playing with your toys and went to the chalk that had been out and started drawing on the concrete out of the way. Maverick looked over at you and smiled and decided now was the time to play the prank on you. He walked over to you and gasped “Y/N, what have you done?” He asked and you looked up at him smiling expecting to see a look of praise but instead it was a look of shock and upset, your smile quickly fell.
You were now 3 years old and were talking up a storm. Maverick, Penny, and Amelia had their hands full trying to keep eyes on you and make sure you weren’t getting into trouble at home and when you weren’t with them and with The Daggers then they had their hands full. Penny and Maverick sang nothing but praise to you when you did something and of course there would be some scolding when you did something bad but it wasn’t very often and they loved that about you. You always strived to make your parents proud loving when they praised you. The Dagger Squad were over at the Mitchell residence while Maverick had you while Penny and Amelia were out at the grocery store getting food the week and some for a cookout that they were going to have for Amelia’s birthday that was coming up tomorrow. Maverick had been on TikTok, yes, he actually got caught on technology he was still horrible with it and needed help occasionally, and was going through the videos and scrolled through the videos of a father saying bad their child even though they weren’t doing anything wrong and recording their reactions. He had decided to do this but not record it.
“I made a picture for sissy for her birfday.” You said not understanding what you did wrong.
“What you did was bad.” Maverick said and then you started to cry everyone started to laugh and chuckle all but Bradley and Bob who were not outside at the time.
“Daddy?” You asked tears now shing in your blue eyes lip wobbling and his laughing stopped and actually saw how upset you were, you always did things well enough to please your parents so for him to tell you that drawing on the sidewalk in chalk, which you have done before, was bad made you cry and stress. It also didn’t help that the others were laughing as you looked around.
“Sweetheart.” Maverick started but you had gotten up and ran to Bradley who had just walked out and was wondering why everyone was laughing but they quickly stopped when they saw you cry and take off.
“Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” He asked as he picked you up and started to rub your back.
“Daddy said I bad.” You said and hugged his neck and cried into his neck and then he turned his gaze to Maverick almost glaring at him.
“Maverick?” He asked in an almost demanding tone.
“It was just a prank Bradley. I swear. She wasn’t supposed to cry.” Maverick tried to defend himself now truly feeling guilty for making his daughter cry.
“What did she do?” He asked
“Nothing! She was just drawing on the concrete.” Maverick said and by now everyone had stopped laughing and Bob was now rubbing you back as Bradley hugged you and you clung to him.
“You thought it was a good idea for you to prank your 3-year-old daughter by telling her she was bad for drawing on the concrete? Something she has done a lot.” Bradley asked and Maverick hung and nodded like a parent just scolded him. “Where did you get an idea like that from?” Bradley asked.
“TikTok.” Maverick said, looking up at him.
“Un-fucking-believable. You know she looks up to you and does everything to please you and Penny and for you to go and pull a prank like that. Something you thought was harmless but can actually damage a child’s spirit.” Bradley said not meaning to cuss around you but it just slipped out and he was pissed. He shook his head “Come on Y/N/N. We’re going inside.” He said and you nodded and he turned around giving Maverick one last glare and then heading inside. Maverick was pissed at himself; he knew he shouldn’t have done it but he thought it was a harmless prank but he never thought about what it would do to you and now you were with Bradley crying your eyes out. He looked at the others who had busied themselves while their captain got scolded by his pseudo son.
Penny and Amelia had arrived home to an almost silent house. Music was playing but it was low. They looked at everything and were impressed but Penny became concerned when she didn’t hear you or see you run to greet her. Amelia looked at her with the same confusion and that made Penny set out on a mission to figure out why. Amelia stayed behind to put the food away while Penny went outside “Looking great guys.” She said and everyone looked up and smiled but Maverick didn’t and it looked like he was beating himself up. “Everything ok, honey? Where is Y/N/N?” She asked as she walked over to her husband who was over by the drawing you had been doing. When she looked around making sure she didn’t miss her daughter and noticed everyone had scattered.
“I pulled a prank on her saying she was bad for drawing on the concrete. I wasn’t expecting her to start crying and panic.” Maverick said looking down at your drawing which was in your handwriting spelling out what looked like ‘Happy Birthday!’ and then a picture beside it he looked up at Penny who had a pissed off look on her face.
“Why would you do that? You know she does everything right to please us because she loves the praise. Then you go and do something like this and shatter her little heart” Penny asked.
“I know. I already heard an ear full from Bradley.” Maverick said looking up at his wife.
“Where is she?” Penny asked
“Bradley has her inside. I don’t know where they went.” He said and she nodded and turned around and walked into the house starting to look for you and Bradley. Maverick walked into the house and everyone looked at him.
“Well, I think we’re done for the day. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Javy said and everyone nodded and so did Maverick.
“I’m gonna find Bradley.” Jake said and took off towards the other side of the house. Maverick thanked everyone as they left and he looked over at Amelia who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I take it you heard all of that?” Maverick asked and she nodded then sighed.
“Y/N/N will forgive you. She loves you so much.” She said and then walked over to hug Maverick and he hugged her back.
“She loves you and mom so much too.” Maverick said and she nodded.
“I know she does but this is about you.” She said and they both chuckled and then they released each other when they heard 3 sets of footsteps coming towards them.
“We’re going to go. I’m still pissed at you.” Bradley said as he went and hugged Maverick and then he and Jake were on their way. When they were gone Maverick looked over at Penny who was holding you and you had your head on her shoulder clinging to her and looking at him cautiously afraid, he would scold you again.
“I’m gonna head to my room and make sure everyone is still coming tomorrow.” Amelia said and headed to her room and they nodded knowing that she was just trying to give them some space.
“Y/N/N, Sweetheart.” Maverick began as he walked over to you but you shied away from him and further into your mom and that absolutely broke his heart. You turned your face into your mother’s neck. I’m sorry. It was just a prank. It was wrong of me to do that to you.” He said and you slowly turned towards him.
“Me not bad?” You asked in a small voice and a small smile appeared on his face.
“No, Sweetheart.” He said “It was really good and your sister is going to love it.” He said and you looked at your mother.
“It’s ok, Sweetie. He didn’t mean it. He got in trouble for pranking you like that.” Penny said and you seemed to trust her answer because then you turned towards your dad and slowly made grabby hands for him. He smiled and gladly took you in his arms and you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his neck, this caused him to hug you tightly and bury his face into your hair, eyes closed and kissed your head.
“I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. It won’t happen again.” He said and you pulled back.
“It otay daddy.” You said “Me forgive you.” You added and that made both of your parent’s hearts melt.
“Do you want me to help you finish your drawing?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, pwease.” You said and then he was carrying you outdoors and to your drawings. He sat down with you and you sat in his lap and you two worked on one of your birthday presents to your sister. Penny watched from the window at the sink getting food ready for tonight. She smiled at you both and she took a picture and sent it to the group chat that was created saying ‘It’s all good. They made up. She could never stay mad at her daddy.’ And almost in instant got responses back, Bradley sent one saying that he was still pissed but glad they had made up.
As Maverick helped you, he made a promise to himself to never pull a prank on you again or anyone for that fact. He hated when people were mad at him. He also didn’t like when his girls were pissed at him. He had learned his lesson the hard way and he didn’t like it. “I love you, Sweetheart.” He said and you looked at him and smiled.
“Wove you, daddy.” You replied back to him and got back to your picture.
Later that night when it was your bedtime, he made sure he was the one putting you to bed and when he made sure you were tucked in and fast asleep, he leaned down and kissed your head “I’ll never pull a prank on you again.” He said and then he got up from his kneeling position and saw Penny in the doorway smiling, she walked in and kissed you and told you she loved you and then they were heading to bed.  They got ready for bed and then were crawling into it next to each other falling asleep instantly. Maverick vowed to never make you upset on purpose or pull a prank on you again, he hated when you were upset and shied away from him. The look of betrayal hurt him just as bad and he hated that look. You were the light of your parent’s and sister’s life and they were going to protect you no matter what even if that meant not pulling pranks on you and if they can keep that look of betrayal and absolute terror off your face then so be it.
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moon-sang · 2 years
Could you add a little more to your 3AM prompt? I feel like it could be a gooooood one shot! :)
36 Days
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Ok, you guys win, I’ll write my idea :>
Please tell me if there are any gender indications, so. I can change it to gender neutral
SUMMARY: You and Mando have a huge fight. (Happy ending)
WARNINGS: Fighting, angst, nightmares, mature language, pls tell me if I miss anything!
How did this start again?
Oh that’s right! You had walked outside of the Crest for the first time in exactly 5 weeks, 4 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds.
And Din had the nerve to tell you off about it!
The story was Gideon had managed to get his hands on you when you were a few years old. From there you had been his lab rat up until the age of 20, that’s when Mando rescued you, and brought you along on his ship with his tiny green son.
You were forever grateful that he let you stay with him, but at the same time you were slowly losing your sanity, piece by piece. Exactly 36 days of being trapped in a dull silver cold ship, with a baby…how did Din not see it?! The frustrations!
Whenever you brought it up he would always turn you down by saying
“There are millions of bounty hunters and imperials looking for you, I can’t protect you as well as I protect the kid, keeping you out of sight is just a safety precaution.”
Fair enough…
You weren’t even allowed to open any windows for kriffing sake!
~~~~~~~~ “You were reckless.” Scowled Din, fists clenched tightly by his side.
“No! I was tired of being trapped in this ship! 36 days, Din! 36 days since I last felt the sun!” You exclaimed.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“I am NOT! You might as well send me back to Gideon! I was more free even with him!” You yell, voice turning hoarse.
Din seemed to be taken back by your statement, because he is silent for a moment. “You wanna go back to Gideon? Be my guest, I’ll drop you off right now if you want me to, it’ll be easier on me, without you here.” He says in the most intimidating voice you’ve ever heard.
Tears formed at the corners of your eyes and he’s about to say something, perhaps and apology for his harsh words, but he doesn’t get a chance to, because your shoving past him, and making your way out of the cockpit.
Din doesn’t follow, he crossed the line and now he just needed to give you some space.
He had regretted the words the moment they came out, but he couldn’t stop them from toppling off of his tongue, pure anger and venom overriding any of his common sense.
You cried for what seemed like hours in Din’s your cot. 
It wasn’t just from the fear of Din’s words being true, but from the fight itself. Everything just got so overwhelming, especially with Din being so tall and just- intimidating! 
An ugly, heavy sob wracked your body as you tried to curl up impossibly tighter on yourself. 
Eventually you felt the familiar pull of your eyelids, and the haze of your tired mind. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, with old tears falling onto the dense pillow. 
“You have made the right choice Din Djarin.” Gideon’s voice booms through what you could only assume was a imperial cell. 
Gideon had his familiar victory smile etched into his face, whilst Din stood beside him watching you struggle against your cuffs. 
“Din? What’s going on?” You croak out. 
Gideon let’s out a sinister laugh
“You wanted to come back, right?” Din says, followed by a dry chuckle. 
Tears stream down your face, as you strain against your chains. “Din! Please don’t do this, I’m sorry!” You scream in broken sobs. 
Din says nothing as he turns away from you, and begins his decent to the Razor Crest in the distance. 
“Din!” You scream as loud as you can, hoping the desperation in your voice would magically change his mind. 
Gideon smirked once more. 
“Din!” You yell again, but to no avail. 
Distantly you knew you were having a nightmare, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to wake up. 
So you settle for screaming for Din, because right now, it’s the only thing you can do. 
Suddenly you felt hands tug at your waist, and your dream shifted, eventually disappearing into thin air, as you were welcomed back to your reality, in the Razor Crest, alone, crying in Din’s bunk, covered in your own sweat. 
Usually Din would comfort you right about now. But he wouldn’t do that now, not after fighting. Maker you would be lucky if he ever spoke to you again! 
An unexpected sob rips through your body, leaving you quivering against the wall. You could distinctly hear something hushing you gently, but you had to remind yourself that you were alone...and probably just paranoid from the nightmare. 
That is until you hear it again. 
“Din?” You sob out, hands travelling up his breastplate to confirm it’s really him. 
“Shh, I’m here, meshurok.” 
Just hearing him speak makes you cry even harder, which seemed impossible for you. 
As the tears began to flow more freely your sobs became harder, until you were gasping for air. Din held you through it all, rocking you gently, bodies swaying together. “I-I’m so-sorry” You cough up, gripping his cowl tightly between your sweaty palms, trying to ground yourself. “I’m so-so sor-sorry.” You whimper. Din hushes you quickly, running his hands through your hair. “It’s ok ner’karta, relax.” 
You don’t remember much of that night, you can’t remember how many hours Din held you securely against his chest, strong arms keeping you safe, and close to him, but it opened up a new path for the two of you. One where you wouldn’t lose your tempers and actually try to understand each other. 
You followed Din over to the hatch, ready to wave him off for yet another hunt. 
You had come to terms with staying on the ship
Din couldn’t lose you. 
Which is why.. you couldn’t understand why Din handed you an oversized cloak and said;
“No, Mesh’la, we’re going to go out”
Din had never seen you smile so brightly in his whole life. 
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might have accidentally written a sky:cotl short story hehe (EDEN SPOILERS!!!)
Styria’s wings pounded, their breathing hard, but they still had the gall to call out behind them, “What’s taking you so long?”
Sairo’s wings beat, taking their sweet time. “I’m not in a hurry.” 
Styria practically died laughing, almost falling out of the sky. “They’re showing off the crowning of Eden today! How can you not be excited?”
Sairo huffed, and another star on their cape depleted as they flew. “I am excited. It’s just… I miss the butterflies.
Styria suddenly stopped flying, closing their wings slightly. “I do too. But they say that the harvesting will make our lives better. That we’ll have more light.”
Sairo sighed, finally catching up to their sibling. “I know. But the rain’s never been so hard. I’m always cold, and I miss having the butterflies in my hands. I don’t like the jars, and it takes so long to convince the butterflies back into them like Eden mandates.”
Styria flew over and landed on the branch of a tree near the Wind Paths. “I know. I miss the whales. They used to come through the forest all the time, and now I hardly ever see them.
Sairo curled up a little bit on the tree. “And is it just me, or does the water hurt a little bit, too?”
Their dark blue cape enveloped their younger sibling, hugging them tightly. “The rain falls harder than it did before. But it’s okay. It’ll get better.”
They began crying. “Kirio hasn’t sent me a message boat in a long time.”
Styria pulled them closer, their warmth mixing softly. “How long is a long time?”
Sairo’s tears couldn’t just be stopped so easily. “It’s been two weeks. Kirio always sends me boats on Saturdays. Tomorrow, it’ll have been three weeks.”
They rocked back and forth atop the tree. “Don’t worry. How is Kirio?”
The younger child’s chest wracked harder with tears. “They hate it in Golden Land. The crabs have gotten really angry. They don’t like to be touched, and if we get near them, they attack. They also have started fearing really loud noises. Kirio’s parents have been doing testing, and they got really hurt when they got attacked. They say it’s because of the harvest.”
Styria’s eyes went wide. “What!? Aren’t Kirio’s parents creature specialists? And crabs are supposed to be friendly. None of the other animals have gotten affected.”
Sairo continued to cry. “I don’t know, Styria. The whales, whenever I see them in the clouds by Golden Land… They don’t greet me anymore. Not even Soraos.”
Styria began to weep with Sairo. “But Soraos is your closest friend! You’ve known it since you were little.”
Sairo pressed their mask into Styria’s shoulder. “I don’t know, Styria. I don’t know. I don’t know.” 
They looked at the sky, and stood. “We have to go. We need to get to the crowning.”
Sairo got up as well, and grasped Styria’s hand as they flew.
They arrived at the crowning, just in time for the eruption.
Ash fell from the sky, rocks pelting them, stronger than the rain at home. Styria’s cape wrapped around Sairo. They cried together, for the great Eye of Eden, named for the glory of its buildings, the things its ruler had achieved that no one had ever before. 
The ruler had discovered how to harvest the light from creatures, to use that light for themselves. 
As rubble collapsed from the sky, as the stars on their backs depleted, as tens of others collapsed, Sairo counted. There were more than fifty who had attended the crowning. More than fifty who would die. Dark creatures that could only be described as dragons patrolled the skies, and a constant rain of red rock fell from the skies. 
The ruler claimed all light in the world for themselves. For the Kingdom of those who resided in the Sky, or for short, the Kingdom of Sky.
“Styria, I’m scared.” Their arms surrounded them, and they hugged them back tightly, clinging on to them like a lifeline.
“Me, too.”
The ruler always celebrated the day of their crowning, because it had been the day that creatures were industrialized. The light gained was distributed everywhere, but the most was brought to Eden, for as grandiose as it was, it could not function without light. More light than could be produced by the children of Sky.
Sairo felt their last cape star depleting. They brought out their red candle, the candle they had had since before they could remember. And, oh light, for the first time in their memory, their candlelight wavered, then died out. They felt, deep in their core, a piece of themself shatter. Stars exploded from their back, their spine arching with pain.
“Sairo!” Their older sibling screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. Sairo’s blood spilled, but crystalised the moment it spilt. It happened again, stars flying from their skin, slicing their skin as they flew, and their blood turned to blue crystal, hindering their movement, preventing their escape.
Styria was trapped inside Sairo’s blackened arms, and on their final star.
The ruler sat upon a hill, the entire mountain their throne. Light was fed throughout the mountain for the ruler to gather as they sat, to become more powerful even idly.
Styria’s core shattered. Their hair faded, their shape dissipating, who they were disappearing. The two siblings became two amongst sixty-three others, dying in the Eye of Eden, no face, no distinguishable features. Just two husks of what might have once been siblinghood.
No one, least of all the ruler, expected it when the mountain erupted. Too much light from the wrong places, for the wrong reasons resulted in its corruption. Light in its destructive form.
Light may warm, and light may kill.
On the day of the crowning, light killed.
Light killed sixty-three, to be exact.
Styria and Sairo’s last thoughts were of fear.
They now await you, in the midst of a foreign rain.
They await their reunion with the skies.
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fanficsfreeideas · 20 days
Enduring Love
 Adam sat in the dimly lit room, his eyes never leaving the painting of Alastor that hung on the wall. The soft glow of evening sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm and golden hue on the portrait. Alastor's sharp features were illuminated, his dark eyes seeming to twinkle with mischief and life despite being frozen in time. Adam had insisted on having this painting done, despite Alastor's protests. His love had always been averse to having his picture taken, preferring to live in the moment rather than be captured by it. But Adam wanted something tangible to remember him by, something that could hold their memories if those moments ever became nothing but distant fragments.
Beside him sat Lute, his eight-year-old niece. She was quiet as she followed his gaze to the painting, her small hand slipping into his as they both took in its beauty. After a moment of contemplation, she turned to her uncle with curious eyes and asked, "Uncle Adam, why do you look sad whenever you look at this painting? Who is he? And why do you keep it if it brings you sorrow?" Adam's lips curled into a gentle smile, though sadness still lingered in his eyes. "This person," he said softly, "is my love. My soulmate. I could never love anyone else." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I keep this painting because it allows me to always see him, even though it brings me both joy and sorrow."
Lute tilted her head, trying to understand. "Uncle Adam," she asked in her sweet voice, "how did you meet Uncle Alastor? And why does thinking about him make you sad?" A heavy sigh escaped Adam's lips as he allowed himself to get lost in memories of the past. "Lute," he said gently, "do you know what life was like back in the 1930s?" Lute furrowed her brow, wracking her brain for any recollection from history class. "People weren't very nice back then, were they?" she asked hesitantly. "They didn't like it if someone was different, and two men couldn't get married."
Adam nodded sadly. "That's right," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "You're a smart girl." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Not only were Alastor and I two men in love, but he was also Creole - of mixed race - while I am white. In those days, that was enough to make people cruel. When they found out about us, they attacked us. I fought with all my might, but...they killed him." His voice cracked as he spoke the words. Lute's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. "Why would they do that, Uncle Adam? What did you do wrong?" A bitter smile tugged at Adam's lips as he struggled to contain his emotions. "According to them, I had betrayed my race and my duty by loving Alastor," he explained sadly.
Lute looked up at him with innocent eyes, not fully understanding the weight of his words. "What was your duty, Uncle Adam?" A bitter smile crossed Adam's face as he struggled to hold back tears. "I was expected to marry a white woman and start a family," he explained softly. "But I loved Alastor. And they couldn't accept that." Confusion and frustration clouded Lute's features as she tried to make sense of it all. "But why couldn't they just be happy for you if you loved him?" she asked, her voice tinged with sadness. Adam rested his hand on her head and gently stroked her hair. "Because, sweetheart," he said softly, "back then, people didn't understand or accept love the way they do now."
He attempted to soften the seriousness of his tone as he continued, savoring the memories of happier times. "Alastor was a one-of-a-kind individual, Lute. He was the first radio host in New Orleans who was a person of color. His love for jazz was unparalleled and He was the one who showed me how to dance like no one was watching. Our paths crossed due to a mix-up; he had moved into the apartment next to mine." Adam let out a soft chuckle, though there was a hint of longing in its sound. "At the time, I was a struggling songwriter, trying to make a name for myself. And then there he was, standing at my door with a box and looking utterly bewildered by his key not fitting the lock."
A wistful smile appeared on Adam's face as he recalled the moment. "He seemed so lost, and when I opened the door, he blushed bright red. And then he handed me a small toy deer as an icebreaker, telling me it would match my deer pajamas. That's when I knew, deep in my heart, that we were destined for each other." Lute's smile widened, glad to see her uncle's face light up with joy as he reminisced. "And what happened next?" she asked eagerly, eager to hear more about their love story.
Adam's eyes glimmered with fond reminiscence as he recounted the days filled with unbridled joy and deep, unwavering love. "We spent every day together for nine years. In secret, we reveled in our passion for each other. Only my sister—your grandmother—and Alastor’s mother knew of our forbidden romance. We were planning to celebrate our ninth anniversary with a quaint picnic in the woods. My sister and Alastor's mother had suggested a dinner party, but I convinced Alastor that a picnic would be more romantic. Oh, how I wish we had listened to them. If only..."
Adam's voice trailed off as his eyes brimmed with tears, the once-sparkling light fading into a dull ache of guilt and sorrow. "Maybe if we had stayed home...he would still be here with me." The tears finally spilled over, cascading down Adam's cheeks as he buried his face in his trembling hands. "It was all my fault. I failed to protect him." Lute's heart twisted with empathy as she watched her uncle break down. Without hesitation, she reached out and enveloped him in a tight embrace. "Please don't cry, Uncle Adam. If Uncle Alastor truly loved you, he wouldn't want you to suffer like this."
Adam clung to Lute, finding solace in her pure innocence and unconditional love. "You're right, my dear," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head. "Alastor would have adored you." A soft knock on the door interrupted their moment, followed by Lute's mother calling gently from the hallway, "Lute, it's time to go home." With a final squeeze, Adam released his niece and managed a tearful smile as he gazed at her. "Goodnight, sweetheart." "See you tomorrow, Uncle Adam," Lute replied before turning and leaving the room, leaving Adam alone once again with his grief in the stillness of the night.
As soon as the door closed behind her, A sudden warmth enveloped his entire being. He could feel a familiar presence beside him, one that made his heart skip in joy and anticipation. A gentle hand clasped his own, sending shivers down his spine, and a voice he had yearned to hear for so many years whispered in his ear. "My dear Adam, don’t mourn anymore. It’s time to come home." Adam's breath caught in his throat as he slowly opened his eyes, and there, standing beside him, was Alastor. It was like a dream come true, an impossible reunion that Adam had longed for since the day Alastor had left this world. His heart overflowed with joy and disbelief as he gazed into those familiar eyes that had haunted his dreams for so long. "My love," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I never forgot you."
Alastor smiled at him, just as he did in life, and leaned in to place a soft kiss on Adam's cheek. "I know, my dear," he said, his voice filled with warmth and love. He gently pulled Adam from the couch and guided him to stand. Adam couldn't help but look back at his body, still seated on the couch, his face peaceful as if in deep sleep. He knew that his niece would find him in the morning, and though it would break her heart, she would know that he was finally where he had longed to be for so many years.
Hand in hand, Adam and Alastor walked away from the room, leaving behind the pain and sorrow that had defined Adam's life for far too long. Together, they stepped into a place where their love was eternal, where no one could ever tear them apart again. And when the sun rose the next morning, Lute found her uncle—his face serene and at peace, his hand still reaching out towards the painting of the man he had loved so deeply.
Lute stood by her uncle's side, her heart heavy with sorrow and love. She brushed away her tears, her small fingers tenderly touching the outstretched hand that seemed to be reaching for something beyond the painting. Though grief weighed heavily on her, there was also a sense of calm and understanding in her young heart.
Lute's mother quietly entered the room, her face pale and solemn as she realized what had happened. She wrapped her arms around her daughter, holding her close as Lute's tears fell anew. "He's with Uncle Alastor now, isn't he, Mommy?" Lute whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and certainty.
Her mother nodded, trying to keep her tears at bay. "Yes, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "He's with Uncle Alastor now. They're together, just like they were always meant to be."
Lute looked up at the painting one last time, feeling the warmth of her uncle's presence lingering in the room. She remembered the stories Adam had shared, the love and joy that had filled his life despite the pain and suffering he had endured. Her heart ached, but she knew that her uncle was finally happy, reunited with the man he had loved so deeply.
As they prepared to leave, Lute took one final glance at the peaceful expression on Adam's face, her small voice carrying a promise. "I won't forget you, Uncle Adam. I'll keep your stories alive, and I'll always remember the love you shared with Uncle Alastor."
With that, Lute and her mother left the room, the door closing softly behind them. The painting of Alastor remained, bathed in the golden light of morning, a silent witness to a love that had transcended time and space. And though the room was filled with a sense of peace, as if the spirits of Adam and Alastor were still there, together at last, watching over those they had loved.
The world outside moved on, while two lovers our now home in each other's arms once again.
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MerMay 2023 Day Twenty-Two Face Your Enemy
“I swear you are cheating,” Schneep muttered.
Jameson gave him a smile. It’s not my fault you’re not good at Jumpers. The two of them had set up a game, drawing a triangular board on the sand and using a collection of stones and shells as pieces.
“I’m the one who introduced you to it! You cannot have surpassed me already.” Schneep scowls down at the sand. He picks up one of his stones and jumps over two of Jameson’s shells, capturing them and putting them in a small pile on his side of the board.
Some people are just talented. And some people make stupid mistakes. Jameson grabbed one of his shells and performed an impressive five jumps in a row, landing in one of the board’s corners. Return to me, he said, smile growing as he took back two of his shells from Schneep’s pile and then captured the five stones he’d jumped.
Schneep groaned. “I surrender. We are starting over.”
Don’t be so sour.
“I will be as sour as I want.” Schneep swept a tentacle over the board, wiping it away.
Jameson frowned. Rude, he said. You better set that up again. He looked up at Schneep, and his expression softened. How have you been?
“Fine,” Schneep said, looking down to redraw the board.
Liar. Jameson made sure to sign the word in Schneep’s view.
“Get your hands out of the way, I cannot see,” Schneep muttered.
Jameson leaned backwards. He shifted position slightly, tail curling under him as he straightened. That got Schneep’s attention. Jameson rarely stayed upright. Most ray merms preferred to stay low to the ground. Schneep, you don’t have to lie to me, he said.
“I am not lying,” Schneep said quietly. “Truly. I am... fine.”
I know this situation is affecting you, because it’s affecting me, Jameson continues. And this is something we share. I... I am afraid. TridentCorp is a very determined group of humans, and I am afraid of how far they’ll go.
Schneep let out a breath. “Yes, it is frightening,” he agreed. “But I... even with Chase there, I... I have to try not to think about it. I am fine. Because I cannot... not be.”
Jameson tilted his head. Why?
“Because... if I am not fine, I cannot function. I cannot help.” Schneep has stopped tracing the board pattern in the sand. He realizes he’s absentmindedly drawn the vague shape of the TridentCorp logo. “I-I have not found much, I know, but I have to... Chase is my friend. I cannot let him stay there.”
I can’t either, Jameson said. But... well, you’re also my friend. And I’m worried about you, too. You and Jackie live all alone, and you in particular rarely see anyone. At least I can talk to Marvin about my issues. You don’t talk about it. And it seems like you aren’t even acknowledging them.
Schneep didn’t answer. He wiped away the TridentCorp logo in the sand. “What am I supposed to say?” he whispered. “I... Jameson, I... You said you are afraid earlier. Of what?”
Jameson paused. What are people usually afraid of? Being hurt. Their friends being hurt. I don’t want to go through that again, and I don’t want anyone else to, either. I’m so worried about Chase...
“I am too.” Schneep nodded vaguely. “Jameson, I am not afraid. Which is strange, I know. I’m not sure why the fear is not there. But I feel... sick... all the time. Whenever I remember what happened to me in there. What might be happening to Chase now.” He shuddered even talking about it. “I don’t want—I-I don’t want—I have to—I have to stop them—”
Jameson leaned forward. He reached out, and when Schneep didn’t shy away from the touch, he swam forward and wrapped both arms around Schneep. It was quite comforting. The wings attached to his arms acted like heavy blankets. You can’t do anything if you don’t look them in the face first, he said.
Again, a shudder wracked Schneep’s body. His tentacles had turned a sickly shade of green, responding to his emotions before his thoughts could. “They saw everything...” His voice was almost too quiet to hear. “And I couldn’t... do anything. I can... I c-can do something for Chase. A-and for... for any other merms they might...”
You can, Jameson agreed. But if you push yourself too hard, you eventually... won’t be able to. 
Schneep nodded slowly. “I know. I know.” He took a deep breath. The water around them was cool, but they were warm. “Jameson, I... I don’t know how you handle this.”
Not well, if I’m being honest, Jameson said. Not all the time.
Schneep chuckled. “I suppose we all have trouble.” Another deep breath. “Let’s forget about the game. Let’s just... take a break.”
Jameson smiled. You’re still upset I was winning, huh?
“Oh, shut up,” Schneep grumbled, but he was smiling. That smile slowly faded, though, as he let the memories return. He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing hitched, and felt glad that tears were so hard to see in the water.
They didn’t end up playing another game. But that was fine. Schneep was happy Jameson was there.
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k4marina · 3 months
— iii. Stormborn || Heart of the Dragon
synopsis: as plans to conqour westeros begin, daenerys and i are met with an unknown visitor
warnings: got cannon violence, war, battle nothing super graphic. this chapter follows the storylime of Stormborn (S7 Ep2) so spoiler warning ig
a/n: all dialogue italicized is in Valyrian & important note at the end!!
series masterlist || next part
4.9k word count
game of thrones x modern!fem!reader
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“Your Grace summons you to the Painted Table.” The servant had said after I had gotten back to my room from my morning training. Daenerys had gotten busier in the last few weeks as she planned ahead for the upcoming war. 
I found her standing by the fireplace with her back turned towards me and the table that was in the shape of the Seven Kingdoms. A few figurines of different houses of Westeros were laid out in their appropriate places. 
“You called?” 
She takes a moment to turn, collecting her thoughts. 
“In a few days Olenna Tyrell, Ellaria Sand, and Yara Greyjoy will be here to pledge their allegiance to me and further discuss our plans to take the Iron Throne.” She rounded the table, walking closer to me. “But before they arrive is there anything I must know?”
I furrowed my brows, thinking back or ahead in the future? Nonetheless, I wracked my brain for anything that would be useful. 
“Oh,” I remembered. “An ambush. There’s going to be an ambush.” 
A flash of concern comes across her face. “Who?” 
“Euron Greyjoy. After your meeting you ordered Yara to escort Ellaria and their troops to Sunspear. But along the way Euron ambushes them.” The whole ordeal was hard to read. Daenerys’ campaign was going so well until that point. 
“It was catastrophic. So many died and so many ships destroyed they were still finding wreckage when I was born.” I turned towards the map, thinking back to where we were told the ambush had taken place. 
 “Here. 50 miles north of Sharp Point in Blackwater Bay.” I pointed out. “That’s where they were ambushed.” 
“The damage?”
“Significant. Euron, Yara’s uncle, takes her and Ellaria Sand and her daughter as hostages for Cersie and imprisons them in King's Landing. And, his ships are equipped with Scorpions.” 
She takes in a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. Her eyes look down at where I’ve pointed just a moment ago, weighing her options and thinking of a new plan. 
“So what do we do?” 
I smile. “I have a plan.”
Rain had been pouring down for the past three days and it showed no signs of letting up all while the entire castle prepared for the arrival of Houses Greyjoy, Martel, and Tyrell. I sighed, walking away from the floor to ceiling windows of the library and back to the roundtable full of books. With the rain getting heavier Grey Worm had decided to postpone my lessons which left me in the library of the castle, hunched over a mountain of books.
“Not very fond of the rain?” Missandei asks from the table, peering over a book. “I am. Just not very fond of the dreariness of it.” I reply, sitting down across from her. “It’s interesting how something as simple as the weather can change a person's entire mood.” 
She nodded, setting the book aside. “In Essos it barely rained. Whenever it did, the sky would be clear and the temperature hot. Here, the rain is so…” 
“Heavy.” I finished off. “Whenever the weather gets like this all I want to do is sleep.” 
“It does, doesn’t it?” Missandei beams. “I just want to curl up under the hearth with a cup of tea and a good book.” 
I laughed, “after all the reading I’ve done, it’s the last thing I’d want to do when I’m relaxing.” 
We both shared a laugh before falling into a pregnant pause. I could tell that she was still apprehensive about me. When she came to me this morning, asking to join me in the library, I was shocked. Out of council meetings and occasionally bumping into each other we had barely talked. 
“You don’t trust me,” I said. 
She watched my expression as she replied. “Can you blame me?” 
I shook my head. “No, I’m glad that you are, though. I’d be more concerned if you’d blindly trust me. Especially with my.. sudden appearance.”
Out of everyone in Daenerys’ council I knew from the start that Missandei would be the hardest to build a relationship with. She’d been with Dany for years. She’d seen her at her lowest and highest. Which is why she would be one of my most important allies, other than Daenerys. 
“You also don’t trust us,” Missandei says. 
“Wrong,” I correct. “I trust Daenerys. You. Grey Worm, and Tyrion.” 
“Not Lord Varys?” She asks. 
“No. Varys is… different, in a lot of ways.” I needed to tread carefully. I couldn’t just outwardly say that he would betray Daenerys and be the reason why Misssandei would die. But, I could sew in the seeds of doubt. 
“He’s.. somewhat unpredictable.” I pursed my lips. “His origin and journey is admirable, don’t get me wrong. It’s just his methods and means and history that are a bit questionable.” 
Everyone knows that Varys has his “little birds” but they don’t know the truth behind them. Missandei didn’t say much after that, letting my words sit in her mind for the rest of the day. I knew what I had said had left her stumped and that she would tell Daenerys of our conversation. I just hoped that the seed had been planted deep enough. 
The storm had raged on into the night. I was getting ready to turn into the night when a servant informed me of a small council meeting at the Painted Table. Quickly, I made my way over, seeing that everyone else was already there. 
“I hope I’m not late.” I say to no one in particular. Missandei and Grey Worm give me a few nods while Tyrion and Varys watch Daenerys who had her back towards us, deep in thought. 
“On a night like this, you were born,” Tyrion remarks. 
“I remember that storm. All the dogs in King’s Landing howled through the night.” Varys adds.
“I wish I could remember it.” Daenerys says, finally turning around. Her face was somewhat stoic as she walked over to the table. “I always thought this would be a homecoming, this doesn't feel like home.”
She’s upset, I noted. Did Missandei and I’s conversation work?
“We won’t stay at Dragonstone for long.” Tyrion reassures. 
“Good.” She says, looking at the figurine on the table. “Not many lions.”
“Cersie controls fewer than half of the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of Westeros despise her. Even before your arrival, they plotted against her. Now…” Varys says. I don’t know why but the tone of his voice makes me want to jump into the sea.
“They cry out for their true queen? They drink secret toasts to my health?” Daenerys walks closer to Varys, almost as if she were sizing him up. “People used to tell my brother that sort of thing, and he was stupid enough to believe them.”
Everyone in the room watches carefully as she picks up a dragon figurine from the table. “If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back he’d have invaded King’s Landing already.” 
“Conquering Westeros would be easy for you. But you’re not here to be the queen of the ashes.” Tyrion interjects. 
“No,” Daenerys puts down the dragon figure. 
“We can take the Seven Kingdoms without turning it into a slaughterhouse,” I say. “We already have three great houses supporting your claim.” 
“I agree,” Tyrion nods my way. “With the Tyrell army and the Dornish on our side, we have powerful allies in the south.” 
Daenerys looks at Varys. “I never properly thanked you for that.” Though, her voice lacked any bit of gratitude. 
“They joined our side, my queen, because they believe in you.” Vays says.
“You served my father, didn’t you, Lord Varys?”
“I did,” He replies. 
“And then you served the man who overthrew him?” Her tone shifted. 
“I had a choice, Your Grace– serve Robert Baratheon or face the headsman's axe.” Varys says defensively.
“But you didn’t serve him long. You turned against him.”
“Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure. There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King. Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in being king.” Varys countered. 
“So you took it upon yourself to find yourself a better one.” She pressed further. 
Tyrion, feeling the tension in the room, comes to Varys’ defense. “Your Grace,” Daenerys turns towards Tyrion. “When I was ready to drink myself into a small coffin, Lord Varys told me about a queen in the east who–” 
“Before I came to power,” Daenerys turned back to Varys, “you favored my brother. All your spies, your little birds, did they tell you Viserys was cruel, stupid, and weak? Would those qualities have made for a good king in your learned opinion?”
“Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace. I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.” Varys deflects. Daenerys looks past and towards me. 
“Are you sure?” I hummed, catching everyone’s attention. Varys’ face hardened and he glared towards me. “Because from what I remember, you’ve always known about Daenerys.” 
I stepped forward, standing behind Daenerys. “Matter of fact, you were the one who planned Daenerys’ marriage to Khal Drogo with Illyrio.”
Varys opened his mouth to speak, but Daenerys beat him to it. 
“You and your friends traded me like a prized horse to the Dothraki.” 
“Which you turned to your advantage.” He was starting to panic. It was clear the Varys didn’t like to have his back against the wall. 
“Who gave the order to kill me?” 
“King Robert.” He replies quickly. 
“Who hired the assassins?” She steps closer to Varys. “Who sent word to Essos to murder Daenerys Targaryen?” 
“Your Grace,” you could hear panic set in his voice. “I did what had to be done–”
“To keep yourself alive.” Daenerys says firmly. 
“Lord Varys has proven himself a loyal servant.” Tyrion says, trying to calm the situation. 
“Proven himself loyal?” I scoffed. 
“Quite the opposite.” Daenerys, turned towards her hand. “If he dislikes one monarch. He conspires to crown the next one. What kind of a servant is that?”
“The kind the realm needs.” Varys says firmly. “Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I’ll use them. I wasn’t born into a great house. I come from nothing. I was sold as a slave and carved up as an offering. When I was a child, I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses. You wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen, but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people whose hearts you aim to win. If you demand blind allegiance, I respect your wishes. Grey Worm can behead me or your dragons can devour me. But if you let me live, I will serve you well. I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne because I choose you. Because I know the people have no better chance than you.”
Silence lingers in the air as Varys’ words settle into the room. The rest watched the three of us carefully, holding their breaths. 
“Swear this to me, Varys.” Daenerys’ voice is calm, and no longer holds any edge. “If you ever think I’m failing the people, you won’t conspire behind my back. You’ll look me in the eye as you have done today, and you’ll tell me how I’m failing them.” 
Feeling satisfied that he’s in the clear, Varys stands straight. “I swear it, my queen.” 
“And I swear this– if you even betray me, I’ll burn you alive.” She quickly warns. 
Varys smiles. “I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.” 
Amidst back and forth a servant had entered the room, informing Grey Worm of a visitor. 
“Forgive me, my queen. A red priestess from As’shai has some to see you.” 
The doors to the throne room open, revealing a woman in red standing alone. She had red hair and dark red-ish eyes. Could this be?
The woman bows, her eyes linger on me before addressing Daenerys in Valyrian. “Queen Daeneys, I was a slave once, bought and sold, scourged and branded. It is an honor to meet the Breaker of Chains.” 
“The Red Priests helped bring peace to Meereen. You are very welcome here. What is your name?” Daenerys replies. 
“I am called Melisandre.” 
“She once served another who wanted the Iron Throne.” Varys says from behind us. “It didn’t end well for Stannis Baratheon, did it?”
“No, it didn’t” Melisandre replies with no emotions. 
Not only did it not end well for Stannis, but it also didn’t end well for his daughter who he burned alive under Melisandre’s orders, but if you ask her it was the “Lords” doing. 
“You chose an auspicious day to arrive at Dragonstone.” Daenerys turns to look at Varys. “We’ve decided to pardon those who served the wrong king.” 
Varys doesn’t reply and just bows his head, thankful that Daenerys hadn’t fed him to Drogon. 
Daenerys turns back to Melisandre. “The Lord of Light doesn’t have many followers in Westeros, does he?” 
“Not yet. But even those who don't worship the Lord can serve his cause.” 
“What does your Lord expect from me?” Daenerys questions. 
“The Long Night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn.”
I sucked in a breath through my nose. We were getting closer to Jon’s arrival and everything else that would follow suit. 
“The prince who was promised will bring the dawn.” Daenerys repeats. “I'm afraid I'm not a prince.”  
“Your Grace, forgive me, but your translation is not quite accurate.” Missandei corrects from the side. “That noun has no gender in High Valyrian, so the proper translation for that prophecy would be the prince or princess who was promised will bring the dawn.”
“Doesn’t really roll off the tongue, does it?” Tyrion comments. 
“No, but I like it better.” Daenerys turns back to Melisandre. “And you believe this prophecy refers to me?” 
“Prophecies are dangerous things. I believe you have a role to play, as does another. The King in the North, Jon Snow.” Melisandre explains.
“Jon Snow?” Tyrion says, shocked. “Ned Stark's bastard?” 
“You know him?” Daenerys asks. 
Tyrion nods. “I traveled with him to the Wall when he joined the Night's Watch.” 
“And why do you think the Lord of Light singled out this Jon Snow aside from the visions you’ve seen in the flames, that is?” Varys inquired. 
“As Lord Commander of the Night's Watch he allowed the Wildlings south of the Wall to protect them from great danger. As King in the North he has united those Wildlings with the northern houses so together they may face their common enemy.” 
Even after hundreds of years after the events of this time, Jon’s heroism is still marveled  upon. The North still remembers the King in the North.
“He sounds like quite a man.” I say.
“Summon Jon Snow. Let him stand before you and tell you things that have happened to him, the things that he has seen with his own eyes.” Melisandre urged Daenerys. 
Tyrion nodded, “I can’t speak to prophecies or visions in the flames, but I like Jon Snow and I trusted him, and I am an excellent judge of character.” 
“If he does rule the north, he would make a valuable ally. The Lannisters executed his father and conspired to murder his brother. Jon Snow has even more reason to hate Cersei than you do.” Tyrion added. 
She glanced up from Tyrion to me, asking if it were true. I gave her a subtle nod and she turned back to Tyrion, smiling. 
“Very well. Send a raven north.” She says. “Tell Jon Snow that his Queen invites him to come to Dragonstone… and bend the knee.”
Our new allies arrived early in the morning, just as the sun rose over the horizon. I wore a black dress with a wool outer layer with silver clasps running from my collarbone to above my navel. The shoulders, forearms, and collar had a dragon scale pattern. It was simple, but still full of detail, but most importantly it kept me warm in this dreaded weather.The rain had stopped overnight, but the clouds had stayed, blocking any sunlight.
Everyone was gathered at the Painted Table, all ready and waiting for Daenerys to make her entrance. As I entered the room, conversation between our guests dulled down as they couldn’t look away. I didn’t have to look to know what they were thinking. 
Another Targaryen? 
The room was cold from the night's rain and the cold sea so I threw more wood into the hearth and stood by Missandei as we waited for Daenerys. I glanced around the room, watching as Yara, Ellaria, and Olenna talked but occasionally glanced towards me. 
“They seem to be interested in you.” Missandei comments. 
“I thought they’d have a bigger reaction,” I say. “Maybe a few jaw’s on the floor, or a few gasps of shock.” 
Missandei chuckled. “I’m afraid all you’ll get is a few stares and gossip.” 
“I guess I can take that.” I hummed. 
The doors swung open as Daenerys entered. Everyone stood at attention as she made her way to the front of the room. 
“I want to thank you all for making the journey to Dragonstone. Now, let us begin.” 
Yara was the first to speak. “If you want the Iron Throne, take it. We have an army, a fleet, and three dragons. We should hit King's Landing now. Hard. With everything we have. The city will fall within a day.”
“If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.” Tyrion shook his head. 
Ellaria looked towards him with disgust, which was noticed by all. “It's called war. You don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.”
“I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent.” Tyrion bit back. 
Ellaria scoffed. “She was a Lannister. There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.” 
“Oberyn was a grown man. He made his choice, no one can change that. Myrcella was a child, she didn’t do anything. I think we all here know that a child isn’t responsible for their fathers sins.” I said from the sidelines, giving her a pointed look. 
“That's enough. Tyrion is the Hand of the Queen. You will treat him with respect.” Daenerys reminded. Both Tyrion and Ellaria backed down, Ellaria giving me one last look. “I am not here to be the Queen of Ashes.” 
“That's very nice to hear.” Olenna said from across the table. “Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter. The common people loved her, the nobles loved her. And what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, nobles, they're all just children really. They won't obey you unless they fear you.”
“I'm grateful to you, Lady Olenna, for your council. I'm grateful to all of you. But you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack King's Landing. We will not attack King's Landing.” Daenerys says, genuinely. 
“Then how do you mean to take the Iron Throne? By asking nicely?” Olenna asks. I smiled at the older womens sass. 
Daenerys looked towards me and I stepped forward. “We will lay siege to the capital, surrounding it on all sides. Cersei will have the Iron Throne, but no food for her army or the people.” 
“But we won’t use Dothraki and Unsullied.” Tyrion adds. He walks around the carved table, “Cersie will try to rally the lords of Westeros by appealing to their loyalty, their love for their country. If we besiege the city with foreigners, we prove her point. Our army should be Westerosi.” 
“And I suppose we’re providing the Westerosi?” Ellaria clarifies. 
“You are.” Tyrion reached down, picking up a figurine that resembled a Kraken in a longship. “Lady Greyjoy will escort you home to Sunspear and her Iron Fleet will ferry the Dornish army back up to King’s Landing.” He walked over to the south of the map and picked up a figurine that resembled a sun. Taking both figurines, Tyrion places them at King’s Landing. “The Dornish will lay siege to the capital alongside the Tyrell army. Two great kingdoms united against Cersie.”
“So your master plan is to use our armies? Forgive me for asking, but why did you bother to bring your own?” Olenna asks Daenerys. 
Tyrion reached down, picking up a figurine that looked like an Unsullied helmet. He walked around the map. “The Unsullied will have another objective. For decades House Lannister has been the true power in Westeros. And the seat of that power is Casterly Rock. Grey Worm and the Unsullied will sail for the Rock and take it.”
He stops in front of Casterly Rock, a lion figurine sitting on the Rock. Tyrion takes a moment before knocking over the lion with the Unsullied figurine to everyone's pleasure. 
A clam settles and Daenerys addresses the room. “There is another matter to discuss.” Everyone looks at her, caught off guard. “I’ve come to learn that there will be an ambush in Blackwater Bay led by Euron Greyjoy under Cerseis’ order.” 
“What?” Someone says. 
“Your Grace,” Varys steps forward. “Forgive me, but I’ve heard no such thing to take place.” He eyes me suspiciously. “Perhaps you’re mistaken.” 
“There have been no mistakes, Lord Varys.” Daenerys says. I moved to stand on Daenerys' side. 
“Euron will strike at night.” I explain. “His ships are equipped with Scorpions, they’re deadly and will tare your ships to shreads.” 
Yara’s face drops. “What the hell do we do? Our ships aren’t fully equipped to take on his.” Theon, behind her, is equally terrified. 
“We know,” I say, calmly. “That is why I’ll be escorting you.” 
“Forgive me, my dear, but what can you do?” Olenna asks. 
“I’ll be on dragonback. I’ll be flying high enough to go unnoticed, but close by to help when the attack happens. There will be casualties on our end, that's certain, but this is war.” The others look at Daenerys and I in shock as they try to find the words to speak.
“But you’ve never flown into battle.” Tyrion says. 
“So?” I shrug. “I’ll have to fight at one point, might as well start now.”
“My Lady, you’ve never flown out that far, you’ll be all alone.” Missandei says. 
“No I won’t. I’ll have my dragon and I’ll have our new allies besides me.” I say, nodding towards Yara and Ellaria. “When I bent the knee to Daenerys and promised to get her the Iron Throne, I meant it. This is what I have to do.”
Daenerys gives me a reassuring look. She turned towards the room. “Do I have your support?”
Yara glances between Daenerys and I. “You have mine.” 
“Dorne is with you, Your Grace.” Ellaria says. 
Lady Olenna nods her head in agreement. 
“Thank you all.” Daenerys says, somewhat relieved. “Lady Olenna, may I speak with you alone?” 
Everyone bows and leaves the room. Before leaving I turned towards Daenerys, “I’ll go get ready for my departure.” 
She nods. “Stay safe, sister.”
I smiled. “I will. When I’m back I’ll let you put a braid in my hair.” I say, leaving. 
I stepped out into the hall and down to where my room was where everything was already ready for me. When I first had my conversation with Daenerys about the ambush I had also asked for some armor to be made for me. And with the help of the servants I was able to get into it quickly. It was simple but protective and it allowed me to ride my dragon without hurting either of us. I took two daggers that I’d also had made and placed them into their places on my hip.
Afterwards I headed to where the ships were docked and where Viserion was waiting for me. I stepped outside and saw everyone getting ready to leave. I spotted Yara and Theon were still on the docks giving orders to their crew. 
“Is everything ready?” I ask. 
“It is, My Lady. We’ll be leaving shortly.” Yara says. 
“Good. You’ll leave first and I’ll be behind you not far off. We need to make it look like you’re alone and unsuspecting.” I explained. I glanced back at Theon who still hadn’t said anything, but had something on his mind. “Is something bothering you, My Lord?”
Theon looked taken aback, surprised that I was talking to him. “I’m not a lord.” 
“You’re not?” I repeat. “You are Balon Greyjoy’s son, are you?” 
He nods, not fully looking up at me. 
“That makes you Lady Yara Greyjoy's brother, yes?” 
He nods again, still not looking up. 
“Then that makes you a Greyjoy, an Ironborn. You are every bit of a lord you are now and when you were born on Pyke, do not forget that. What’s happened has happened, no one can change that. All we can do is move forward. We Do Not Sow, yes?”
He nods, finally looking up at me. 
The ships had cleared out of the docks and were making their way into Blackwater Bay. I stood near the cliffs, ready to leave, when Tyrion came to stand beside me. 
“What you’re doing is heroic, My Lady.” He says. 
“I guess it is. I’ve never done anything like this.” I flexed my fingers. “My entire body’s buzzing. Was this what you felt before the Battle of the Blackwater and defeated Stannis’ army?” 
Tyrion nodded. “It did. I felt like throwing up and shitting the floor at the same time.” We both laughed. “I had to drink a few glasses of wine to calm myself down. Perhaps it would help you, My Lady.” 
I laughed, shaking my head. “No, I’m fine. I need a clear head. But, you can save me that glass for when I get back. Then we can talk about everything that needs to be talked about. Don’t you agree?” 
“I do.” 
It was pitch black and cold. The heat from Viserion’s body was still keeping me warm, but the cold wind blowing past my face was getting to me. Even from up there I could hear the waves crashing down which meant that I’d be able to hear when Euron’s fleet attacked. 
“How you feeling, big guy? Good?” I asked Viserion. He let out a small purr, his entire body vibrating. I sighed, looking up at the sky above. The stars and the mood were my only light as we flew further out. 
“Okay,” I say out loud. “Let's go over our plan. When they attack our ships we fly down and torch them, but we have to be careful not to get too close or else we’ll be caught and we have to watch out for the Scorpions. One hit with that and we’ll be recreating Queen Rhaenys and Meraxes. And keep your eye out for Euron, we need him alive.” 
Viserion purrs again and I take that as a sign that he agrees with the plan. The last few weeks I’ve flown with him were good, we’d stay around Dragonstone, the furthest we’ve been was Driftmark, so this was a huge risk. 
When I had explained to Daenerys my plan she was apprehensive. It was clear that she didn’t want either Viserion or I to get hurt, but she knew that we also couldn’t risk our fleet and our army. 
A loud crash brought me out of my thoughts, and a glow erupted from below. The steady waves of the ocean now clashed against one another as Euron began his assault. 
This was it. 
“Now.” I command. 
In an instant Viserion flies down past the clouds and we’re met with Eurons fleet fighting against Yara’s. Almost instantaneously my body and mind knew what to do. Without a word Viserion flew down and prepared himself. 
Fire erupts out of his mouth and lights the enemy ships below us ablaze. He lets out a loud scratch, gathering everyone's attention below before striking again. It takes them a minute before they aim their Scorpions up towards us. The massive arrows fly past us as Viserion weaves between them while burning Eurons fleet. 
It doesn’t take long for the battle to die down, the air filled with the smell of burnt wood and flesh. Our fleet was damaged but Eurons was completely destroyed. Anyone who could have survived the dragonfire were either killed or taken hostage. Like planned, a Targaryen flag is flown under the Greyjoy’s on Yara’s ship, Black Wind.  
Once I’d landed back on Dragonstone I quickly said goodbye to Viserion, letting him rest, and made my way down to the docks where everyone, minus Grey Worm, would be waiting for me. 
Daenerys was first to see me, giving me a tight hug while the others nodded my way, smiling. 
“Well done, My Lady. You’ve done well.” Tyrion says. 
“Thank you, but we’ve still got work to do.” 
Right on que, a ship comes into the docks. The crew works quickly to anchor down and disembark. The Ironborn and a few Dornish step off before Theon and a few of his men step off. He’s a little bruised, and he’s got dirt and ash on his face, but overall well. He bow’s towards Daenerys and I, giving me a small smile before he steps aside and allows his men in front who are dragging a beaten up Euron Greyjoy. 
“We’ve got him, Your Grace.” Says Theon. 
“Good,” Daenerys’ eyes never left the unconscious Euron. “Bring him to the dungeons.” 
The men hull him off and everyone makes their way back into the castle. I turn over to Tyrion. 
“Let’s have that drink.”
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@wotcherpeak @music-luver25 @your-favorite-god @radiantdanvers @cluelessteam @daenerys713 @ministark @laanswife @idohknow @jromanoff @bdudette @bitchyfestivalbouquet @glitteryobjecttaco @cantbecreative @lovelyteenagebeard @the0twst0shrimp0mc @sucker4seresin @marytargaryen @naneko31 @9tailedfoxfire @illsenewman @natblidaclexa @bluebirdseatblueberries
!! A/N: I will be going on a hiatus for a few months. I've got some personal stuff going on so I won't be updating any of my series including this one. I don't know when I'll be back, but when I am I'll get you guys a new chapter so hang on tight. Thank you for all the support you've given so far. I know thing are only just getting started story wise but I have a lot to do and I'll make it up to you all when I'm back.
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Big Brother Part 2
Part 1
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Trigger Warning: DARK AF! Somnophilia, degradation, breeding 🔞
I don’t know how much time has passed. After Rafe kicked me out of his room, I barely managed to go to the bathroom then I collapsed onto my bed. I needed a shower but suddenly my pussy was throbbing with need and from being sore. I groan, trying to roll over but I can’t. My eyes try to open but I’m too exhausted. I feel like there’s a weight on top of me, holding me down as exhaustion smothers me. I hear a familiar chuckle and my eyes finally open.
“There she is. You’re a deeper sleeper than me.” Pleasure wracks my body straight down to my toes as I look over my shoulder at Rafe. He’s straddling my hips, his hand pressed into the center of my neck as he fucks me. God, it hurts being stretched like this but it feels amazing too.
“I’ve had a taste and now I can’t stop. I’ve been hard all fucking night and I can’t sleep.” Rafe growls, his pelvis slamming harder against my ass. I fist the blanket, burying my face in my pillow as I feel myself cumming. I feel a gush of warmth between my thighs as he fills me up but he keeps going, nothing stopping him.
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep going. It feels too good to stop.” His hand slides up to the back of my neck and I can feel his sweat dripping onto my back. My toes curl and I know I’m about to cum again, regardless how exhausted I am.
“You dumb little slut. Going to fall back asleep while your big brother fucks you? You’re going to feel me for the next fucking month. Your body is going to crave me everyday for the rest of your fucking life. You’ll never be rid of me. If you even think of leaving, I’ll drag you back by your fucking hair and chain you to my fucking bed. Maybe I’ll keep you pregnant. It’d be nothing to remove this IUD and just fucking breed you.” I cum hard at his filthy words. My body withers beneath his, sucking him deeper.
Why can’t I get enough of him?
This isn’t right. I shouldn’t want him. But he’s right. My body literally craves him. Heat and desire run through my blood whenever I’m in his presence regardless if he’s being a royal dick or not.
I’m in a dense fog as he continues to use me. Soft moans leave my lips and all I can hear is skin slapping skin and his heavy breathing. There’s so much fluid between my thighs that I’m not sure how many times he’s climaxed inside me. I can feel it getting sticky and pooling on the sheet beneath me.
“Rafe.” My fingers find the edge of the mattress and I try to pull myself away. Earlier I begged him to make me cum and now I felt like I was going to beg him to stop. I couldn’t cum anymore.
“Where are you going? You asked for this.” Rafe yanks my hips back harshly, impaling me even harder on his cock. His lips land on my shoulder - kissing, biting, sucking - marking me as his.
“I can’t. Please, no more.” Tear fall from my eyes and Rafe laughs, his tongue lapping them up from my cheek.
“You got one more in ya. I know you do. You’re still clenching me like a damn vice. Your pussy isn’t done with me yet.” Rafe yanks away, giving me a moments relief only to flip me onto my back and shove my knees to my chest. My feet almost touch the headboard as he folds me in half, slipping back inside me with ease. I groan loudly, feeling him deeper than before. His motions grow sloppy as he begins to rub rough circles over my clit. My body tenses, fighting against the hold on my body but Rafe only chuckles, dragging me to the edge.
“That’s it, that’s it. Let me have it.” Rafe spits on my clit and rubs it in harder, forcing my body into the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced. I scream myself hoarse until my body goes limp and Rafe collapses on top of me, having filled me up once again.
“We’re going to have so much fun, Doll.” Rafe kisses my slack lips as my heart beats rapidly in my chest. He rolls off me, scooping me into his arms as he takes me back down the hall and into his bathroom. After the tub is full of hot water and I’m fully submerged, he tips my head back, looking at me like I’m his most prized treasure. I fight to keep my eyes open, my heart swelling under his intense gaze.
“You’re mine now.”
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frracturedjaw · 2 years
Heyoo idk if reqs are open but..
I haven't seen anyone do anything for Thomas(2003) when his arm got chopped off in the movie. Maybe the reader seeing the injury and fussing over him ?
convalescence (thomas hewitt + reader)
summary: you look after tommy through a rough recovery
warning(s): BLOOD, mild-moderate body horror, mention of infection and illness
an: the song reader’s singing is reaching for the moon by Ella Fitzgerald. also fun fact, i first saw the 2003 version on vhs :)
Luda Mae wouldn’t let you touch him. He’d stumbled through the front door and whacked the bleeding stump on its frame by mistake, wailing hoarsely. even as she bore his weight up the staircase, blood soaking down her dress, her teeth were bared at you.
“don’t you lay a finger on him.” she’d hissed. the agonizing noises Thomas made were making it hard to stand idle, but you held your tongue. no matter how much you loved Tommy, he was still her baby boy first. once she’d all but dragged him into the bathroom, you found yourself alone. the stairs dripped. the smear of his blood on the doorframe already turning sticky. it was that hungry kind of quiet that doesn’t let you sit still. so, you grabbed an armful of rags and the jug of peroxide from the kitchen and set to scrubbing. it was the only thing to keep you from breaking, sitting there and listening to him howl in agony.
that had been a little less than a week ago. that girl — Erin, you think her name was — had skipped town with that hitchhiker’s baby in Hoyt’s car. Luda Mae had done what she could to clean up his shoulder. Monty wouldn’t shut his mouth for the first few days, until she set him straight with a cast iron pan. Hoyt was barely in the house at all, spending most of his time out scavenging for a new vehicle. as much as she wanted to be by his side, the world didn’t stop turning. Luda Mae had work to do. that left you to watch over Tommy.
he was near unresponsive for the most part. fever wracked his whole body and the stump was a different sickening color every time you went to change his dressings. he’d hum lowly whenever you wiped his body clean with a cool cloth, maybe his way of saying thanks, maybe just unconscious relief. you were hardly sure he was awake half the time.
but you sing to him. there weren’t a lot of records in the house — nobody really had the time for that kind of thing — but you made do. pulled a few off the dusty hall shelf, plucked some more out of the pile of abandoned luggage out back. most of them were warped to the point of being unplayable from the heat, but a few good ones survived.
the moon and you, appear to be
so near and yet, so far from me
you try to lower your voice to a croon, but you’re tired. so, so tired. you’re not sure you’ve slept in the days since.
and here am i, on a night in June,
reaching for the moon and you
i wonder if we’ll ever meet,
my song of love is incomplete
it’s fucking corny. you know this. you know. but your voice breaks. your own sharp inhale takes you by surprise. you hiccup. you hold your breath, hoping the overwhelm will go away.
i’m just the words, looking for the tune
reaching for the moon and you.
heat is swarming behind your eyes. this is stupid. you shouldn’t be the one crying, with your two arms by your sides. not while he sweats and aches and whines in his sleep.
scooting in from your perch at the edge of the bed, you lay beside him. it’s unnatural, him flat on his back, the space between you. somehow, he senses this. somehow. his fingers curl, and he swats weakly at the space beside him. the dip in the mattress where you’d usually be. his hand, clammy and visibly shaking now, finds your leg and grips it, pulling. you slide down closer to him. the record player crackles. it’s only when you drape his arm around your shoulders and press your head to his chest that he seems satisfied. his breaths slow, lengthen. you can hear the rhythmic thud of his heart. he’s alive. he’s alive.
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extasiswings · 3 years
This did not turn out how I planned, but anyway...something something, the rituals are intricate until they aren’t. I’m very soft right now. 
Eddie has a complicated relationship with touch.
He didn’t always—as a kid, affection came easy. It was only later, sometime around puberty maybe, that it got harder. Friends, classmates, everyone started getting older and looking at each other differently and suddenly, it seemed like there were rules. Largely unspoken. But rules. About when and where and how to touch, what was acceptable, how to ask. And that was...confusing. Nerve-wracking.
Withdrawing was easier than trying to navigate the unspoken. So, for the most part, that’s what he did.  Withdrew. Shoved down the urge to press into someone else’s space, to hold and be held, to give and take affection unless he was with family.
Or Shannon. But even with Shannon it was complicated, the two of them using sex as a stopgap instead of a complement to other forms of intimacy long before their relationship broke down so irretrievably that they couldn’t bridge the chasm between them no matter how physically close they got. In hindsight, it’s pretty obvious that was part of how the chasm grew so wide in the first place.
So. Eddie has a complicated relationship with touch. At least, until he breaks down too completely to bother with the unspoken rules anymore.
Buck moves in when Eddie’s discharged from the hospital. And Eddie doesn’t have it in him to argue. Not when he has one arm in a sling, with strict instructions to keep it relatively immobilized except during physical therapy for at least six weeks. Not when even doing the most basic tasks leaves him winded and exhausted.
Not when he remembers nothing so clearly as lying on pavement, cold and afraid and desperately wanting to just hold Buck’s hand.
Buck touches him constantly. 
A lot of it is because Eddie needs help—getting dressed, shaving, doing his PT exercises—but not all of it. Buck just...touches him. A hand trailing across his back as Buck passes behind him, a gentle squeeze of his good shoulder, pressing close when they sit together on the couch or when Eddie wakes up breathless and trapped in his head and needs to be held—
And Eddie touches right back, as much as he can. Because he wants to. Because Buck lets him. Because sometimes he’ll glance up at the right moment from absentmindedly playing with Buck’s fingers when curled into his side on the couch and Buck’s eyes will be darker, his cheeks ever so slightly flushed.
A month in, Buck stops looking away when Eddie catches him.
It’s...strange. Good, Eddie thinks. But strange. There’s an electric charge between them that lights him up, makes him feel like he could vibrate out of his skin, but whenever the raw, fractured edges of his mind turn on him and make him feel worry, feel pressure, panic—Buck’s there with fingers casually brushing over the back of his neck, his wrist, the back of his hand.
Quiet. Simple. A silent reminder that he’s there, that he’s been there with no agenda or expectations.
And the panic eases.
Eddie kisses him on a Friday, six months in.
They’re on the couch, the only light in the room the flickering of some documentary or other on the TV. The sound is low and Eddie isn’t really paying attention anyway, focused on sinking into the warm, solid frame of Buck’s chest, on the soothing circuit Buck’s fingers are ghosting along his arm.
He’s soft and relaxed, his head quiet. He had a good session with his therapist earlier in the day.
So he thinks—maybe. And turns his head.
Buck doesn’t say a word, just watches steadily as Eddie slides a hand around the side of his neck, as Eddie leans in—
It’s the softest first kiss Eddie can remember having. Tentative and fragile—a question in the dark.
He pulls back. Buck follows. Catches his lips again.
An answer.
Eddie exhales.
“I’m a fucking mess,” he breathes, and Buck kisses him a third time.
“So am I.” Their noses brush. “Love me anyway?”
Eddie slips his hands under Buck’s shirt, spreading his fingers out over warm skin as he leans in. His lips drag slowly along the edge of Buck’s jaw, a little disbelieving that he’s allowed.
“Yeah. If you will.”  Even if you won’t, really.
Buck’s thumb passes lazily over the tendon at the side of Eddie’s neck.
And it’s enough.  
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Kind of went off with this one lol
“Now, just what am I going to do with you?” Villain circled the bound Hero mockingly, examining their taut muscles beneath the rope.
“You could let me go,” Hero suggested, trying to calm their erratic pulse. “After all, I thought you always said that the fun was in the chase.”
Villain chuckled, stopping in front of them and tilting their chin up. Hero was on their knees, such a vulnerable position, and they wanted to take full advantage of it. “Oh, Hero, you say that as if I chased you for no reason other than the thrill of it. Do you really believe that you’re not worth my full attention?”
Hero swallowed, brow creasing underneath their mask. “I don’t understand.”
“You’re glorious, darling,” Villain gripped their chin tighter, soaking in their fear and how desperately they tried to hide it. “I wanted you all to myself.”
“Unfortunately for you,” Hero said, “I’m going to escape.”
Villain’s fingers traced Hero’s jaw, falling down to finger the strong ropes holding them. “No, Hero, you’re not.” They allowed their fingers to linger for just a moment longer before stepping away. “Now, shall we begin?”
“Begin what?” Hero bit out, jaw clenched.
“Why, Hero,” Villain said, a smile growing on their face. “A discovery of you. I want to know all you are, everything that goes on in that brilliant mind of yours. We’ll start with your face, hm? Who is this miracle underneath the mask?”
Hero, frozen in horror and inexplicably blushing, jerked away. “No!”
Villain tsked, wrapping their fingers around their jaw and dragging their head forward again. “Don’t worry, your secret will be safe with me. I only want to get properly acquainted.”
Their fingers began working at Hero’s mask, slowly. Gently.
Hero couldn’t bear it. “Wait, please! You can hurt me, torture me, whatever you want, just please don’t take my mask off.”
“Sensitive, are we?” Villain asked softly, pausing. “Whenever did you get the impression that I wanted to hurt you?”
Hero’s cheeks burned. “Maybe when you tied me up with rope and took me to a secluded location? Or all of the times we’ve battled in the past months?”
Villain tilted their head, calculating, and went back to taking off Hero's mask without responding.
“Please,” Hero jerked away again. Villain sighed and gestured for them to speak. Hero wracked their brain for something that might get through to them, readopting their usual casual persona. “This isn’t fair. You said you want to get acquainted, but you’re leaving your mask on, love.”
Villain chuckled softly. “I know you well enough to see past that act, but very well. I’ll humor you.”
Without leaving Hero time to comprehend their answer, Villain slipped their mask off and threw Hero a wink. Hero gaped. It was that easy?
“Your turn, now.” Villain slid Hero’s mask off equally quickly so that they didn’t even have time to turn their face away. Now Villian gripped Hero’s chin, eyes roving their exposed face. Their breath caught at the direct way Villain was looking at them. Then Villain flashed a smile. “Now see? You have absolutely no reason to hide like that, gorgeous. I could do without that stricken expression on your face, but it is rather adorable.”
Hero immediately snapped their mouth shut, resuming a glare- or something close to one.
Villain sighed through a smile. “Must we go through this again? I’m not going to hurt you. If I had any reason to believe you wouldn’t run as soon as I let you out, I would cut those ropes too.” They paused, reconsidering. “Well, not cut them as they were rather expensive. Not everyday you can find something strong enough to hold a superhero.”
“What is the point of all of this?” Hero demanded.
“The point, dear Hero?” Villain knelt in front of them, brushing hair back from their face. “I thought you could use a break.”
“And the real reason?”
Villain’s eyes dropped to their lips for half a second then fell to Hero’s collar as an apparently suitable distraction. “What fabric is this?” They asked mildly, running their fingers over it. “Feels a bit stiff to make a suit out of it.”
Hero was staring at the unmistakable blush on Villain’s cheeks. Were they… flirting? “It works well as armor while still allowing me mobility,” Hero answered.
Villain hummed, tugging back on it to expose more of Hero’s neck. Then Villain’s jaw flexed, face hardening, and it took Hero a second to realize what was wrong.
“Where did you get this?” They asked all too casually, finger sliding along the scar that hung across their throat.
Hero’s lips parted as they searched for an answer.
Villain unsheathed a knife, bringing it slowly to Hero’s throat then cutting down their suit, slicing the ropes away as well in the process. Hero was now free to curl in on themselves, to run, but for some reason they couldn’t.
Villain’s deft eyes took in the scars that littered Hero’s body, lots very clearly intentional. “Seems like somebody’s already had some fun with you,” Villain said, tracing their finger in the groove of a scar that ran along Hero’s abdomen. “Who?” Their voice was deceptively casual, but Hero knew better.
“Stop it,” Hero hissed, shoving them away. “Why do you care? I’m sure I got some of these from you, with all the fights we’ve had.”
Villain paused, regarding them curiously. “Oh? Care to tell me which ones?”
Hero rolled their eyes as though it were obvious, then started to think about it and found themselves at a loss for an answer.
“Ah,” Villain said, cupping their cheek. “You see, somebody has hurt you so much that you never noticed I’ve never hurt you once. Now- who? Who did this to you?”
Hero looked up into their eyes, shining with rage and protectiveness, and couldn’t help but wonder when this had happened. Villain had always tried to talk to them, but they never let them get more than a few words in. And really, they had no reason to trust Villain now, so why did they?
“Superhero,” Hero breathed, eyes falling to the floor.
Villain nodded, once. “I’ll help you.”
“Help me what?” Hero asked, suddenly aware of their vulnerability, kneeling on the floor, the top of their costume in tatters around them along with the rope, their arms limp at their sides and Villain still holding their face.
“I’ll help you make them pay, make sure they can’t do this ever again. Would you like that?”
Hero felt like they were being seen for the first time, like all their life they had been invisible and somehow, somebody noticed them. “I would like that very much.”
Villain retracted their hand. “We can make plans over dinner.” They winked again, moving to leave the room. “I’ll bring you something to wear. Your favorite flowers are apricot carnations, right?”
The door closed behind them, leaving Hero very alone.
“Yes, they are,” they said softly to the empty room.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added or removed): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @jkoo7jkoo5-baby-susan @mostlytryingtostayalive @shadowylemon @cherryblossomskye @utopian819 @whumpkitty also hope I’m okay tagging @written-to-death and @villain-enthusiast cause I thought of y’all while writing this <3
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dokifluffs · 3 years
Switched | Suna Rintarou
Pairing: Suna X Reader (gender neutral) 
Genre: fox! cuteeee flufff tehe 
Author’s Note: @utskushiwaarudo​ once said “what if READER is the baby fox and inarizaki (or only one to two of them) is being domestic and taking care of them and they’re like omg y/n careful not to spill the food *napkin wipe*” so here I am months later ah ha ha 
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Gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
Dark storm clouds gathered all over the sky, not letting a single ray of sunlight in on what could’ve been what of the most beautiful days of the year
Suna laid on his stomach, his back slowly rising and falling, arms curled beneath the pillow his face was nuzzled into
He woke from his deep slumber when a loud boom sounded through the sky, making the ground vibrate
The blanket slid down his body, sliding off to reveal his toned bare back as he rose from the deep slumber he was immersed in
Your own mind began to pick up in activity as you felt the bed ship as Suna woke
Then it occurred to you how last night was the full moon
Today would be the day Suna would be in his little fox form, and it was honestly one of your favorite days of the month since he was especially cuddly
The way he would nuzzle into your lap as he slept all day
“Huh? How am I still-“ Suna looked at his very human hands, his brown hair disheveled from sleep until he saw you move as you woke
“Oh god…” Suna’s eyes went wide as he stared at you
Your body was as small as a newborn baby as you stretched sleepily, your bushy tail lazily wagging side to side, which he assumed you didn’t notice since you looked up to him with a fondness he normally woke up to
“Y/N… Don’t freak out..” His voice was low but you were more confused, especially how he scooped you into your arms, bringing you to the bathroom
Bright sunlight shined in through the skylight as he held you in his arms, standing the two of you in front of the mirror
You looked up to him numerous times as his eyes stayed on you through the mirror
Your pointed ears, dark brown fur that matched Suna’s hair, a bushy tail dangling over his elbow
You couldn’t believe your eyes as you panicked, swarming rapidly in his arms
You couldn’t even look at yourself in disbelief
“No, no, no, why- how?” You thought as you whined as you moved frantically in his arms, he was losing control
“Y/N, wait, you’re gonna- fall…” He winced hearing your loud cry as your body fell from his arms onto the cold tiled ground, scratches littering his bare arms and torso
A sore, aching pain waved through your body as your heart pounded rapidly in your, now little, chest
You had never been a fox before, and he still couldn’t wrap his head around as to why this happened, but you were uncoordinated with your body
Suna recalled the numerous stories and memories of his childhood when he first changed
His legs wobbled
He didn’t know what to do with his tail
He didn’t know how to do anything and all he could do was watch as his being was in a fox’s body and it was after a year
And now this was happening to you
But you were so shaken up, Suna’s heart dropped seeing the fear in your eyes
“Y/N, calm- Stop you’re going to hurt yourself,” He raised his voice higher as you whined, your feet slipping over the tiled floor as you tried to run away as if running could bring your body back to normal
“Don’t move, I got you, alright?” He knelt down, the sun shining from behind his body through the window, he seemed so ethereal through your eyes as he inched his way closer to you
You were shaking, back arched, tail curled in between your legs, claws sliding over the tiled floor as Suna spoke to you
It was so weird since you could understand him yet he couldn’t understand you
“I’m going to pick you up okay?”
You took deep breaths as your heart pounded in your chest
He carefully lifted you into his arms as a puppy, your nails just digging into his arms slightly out of fear but it wasn’t a pain he couldn’t handle
You whimpered as he brought you back to bed, sitting you carefully in his lap as he sat with his legs crossed
“You’ve been the one taking care of me for years whenever I had to change, so now it’s my turn. You’re going to be okay, alright? I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised as you looked up to him
The way you looked at him pulled at his heart
You were too adorable in this form
Your ears back, eyes wide and glistening and watering
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” he cracked a rare smile as he pat your head, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears that had formed in your eyes
“You’ll be alright,” he leaned down, mumbling to your warm, fuzzy head, a rare gesture from Suna since he had always been one to internalize his thoughts and emotions
Rarely one to be the one to show his affection first, only sometimes in private, yet he did it right now as easy as breathing
“I got you,” Suna mumbled
Your heart melted at his words as you whimpered his love
You couldn’t tell if it was now that you were in this new fox form or what but you couldn’t help but let your heart melt at Suna
He sat you on the corner of the bed where you could still see him as he brushed his teeth and washed his face, finally putting a shirt on afterward
You felt so stiff as you sat there, not wanting to move, not wanting to rip the sheets or to fall or anything
You didn’t want to do anything except switch back to normal
After getting dressed and ready for the day, Suna lifted you into his arms like a child as he stroked his hand down your back side
“Is this what it feels like?” You thought to yourself as you let out a sigh, relaxing against his arms and touch, your muscles following his touch as you melted 
“it feels so... good, no wonder he falls asleep so fast when I do it,” you yawned, your tongue automatically licking your own nose after you did so, something you’ve always seen other animals, and Suna, do and now that it was your turn, it felt so strangely natural 
He carried you down the stairs in his arms as the rain bounced off the glass of the skylight that illuminated the stairwell just enough for the stairs to be visible 
You could sort of feel suna’s skin but all you could really feel was a thin constant layer of warmth, and warmer areas where his body was pressed to you 
“I’ll make breakfast,” he said as he stood in the entrance to the kitchen, humming to himself in thought 
“where can I put them...” Suna stood there for almost a whole minute as you just stayed still in his arms, not knowing what to do since you couldn’t really do anything anyways 
even moving around in his grasp was nerve wracking 
you did not need to fall or break anything or hurt yourself 
And suna knew this too as he thought
you were more than capable of being by yourself since you could handle yourself but he also wanted to keep an eye on you while he was in the kitchen but leaving you on the floor would be dirty and cold 
but leaving you on a chair would be scary if you were to fall and hurt yourself 
“Y/N, I’m going to leave you on the couch and then I’ll bring it over when it’s all ready, alright?”
He turned back, headed toward the living room toward the couches 
He leaned over, reaching his arms to put you down 
“It’s okay, you won’t hurt yourself at this height,” he smiled as your paws wrapped around his forearms, tail curling around as well. “I got you.” 
You slowly let go, trusting Suna as he set you down onto the plush cushion 
“You’re gonna be alright,” he patted your head as you sat on the couch 
It felt so weird 
like, you had control over your legs and arms like normal but sitting and standing and walking, it all felt so strange yet natural at the same time 
And this was what Suna and the other inariaki team went through once a month 
Suna stood in the kitchen, thinking about what he could possibly make with his skills 
but now that he actually thought about it, it was always you who really fed him aside from Osamu 
All he could think of to do was the standard cereal with milk 
Suna wasn’t as skilled as you to do fancy things like make eggs and pancakes and such 
He carried over two bowls of cereal with milm over to the living room, setting one on the coffee table that was just tall enough to be the same level as the couch cushion you were on 
He sat besides you as he ate a big of his cereal before setting his bowl down and watched you 
“How am I supposed to eat this?” You pondered as you stared at the cereal before you 
You licked up the milk like a cat but you wanted the actual cereal before it got too soggy 
You obviously couldn’t use your spoon
you ended up sticking your.. snout.. into the bowl, the cold milk stinging your nose but you were able to eat the cereal 
it was good and even your tail wagged but it wasn;t the cleanest 
“careful, Y/N,” Suna laughed as he plucked a few tissues, wiping your chin as well as the spilt milk around the bowl 
Suna did as he said he would and watched you for the rest of the day, taking care of you
although he did have to call osamu on how to make some things but aside from that, it was fine 
it was a very new experience for the both of you 
but it showed you such a new side of Suna he never really expressed before  
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom @yams046 @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @manga-only @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08 @amy-yurima @realityisabitch-blr @suga-tofu @ushislittlewife @nabisonyeo94  @aaprilshowers @emotional-ayato @to-move-on-means-to-grow @kellesvt @haikyuu-galaxy @8-eight-8 @xiaoqiji @japanesevenom @cemeiia @pantherhappy @sassyglassesbunny @devilgirlcrybabiey  @ushijimacentral​ @manjiroarchiviste​ @clydesterminal  asd
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Our Girl ~ OT7 [Request] [M]
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PAIRING: OT7 X Fem!Reader
GENRE: Porn...Just literally porn with a little backstory, established-relationship, Groupie for BTS, gang bang, oral both f and m receiving, derogatory terms, pet names, cum play, use of toys, swearing, anal
A/N: I am still trying to get the hang of ot7 smut so this is probably a little tame but I hope this is okay for you my love! 
WARNING: Not realistic, this is just fictional and the anon said anything goes so I went for this kind of scienero, please don’t come for me about it not being “realistic”
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There wasn't much to know about your relationship with the boys, it was one that had to be kept under extreme secrecy from everyone. Not even your friends and family could know what you really did for your job.
"Y/n? You okay?" You glanced over at Yoongi and nodded your head at him. Over the past seven years of working for BigHit and the boys, you'd grown extremely close with each of them. Well, you had to be close to them all since they were regularly sleeping with you, not all at once. It had been decided that the boys needed that in their lives since they were famous and couldn't exactly have "normal" relationships you were brought in. At first, it freaked you out, you were getting paid to let seven different guys fuck you but as time went on and you spent more and more time with each of the boys you began to develop and grow feelings for them. Eventually falling in love with them and in turn, them falling in love with you. It was difficult to accept at first but you all came to arrangements with one another, spending each night with one boy doing whatever you wanted. Date nights, chill nights, whatever you fancied. Tonight it was Friday which meant it was your night with Yoongi, 
"Yeah, just tired." You whispered as you snuggled your head down into his neck, trying to keep your attention on the movie he'd put on but you were too tired to focus on anything. 
"Did we scare you with our question earlier?" The question. You thought back on what they had asked you and it wasn't a completely outlandish request but it was something that worried you. Since being together none of you had engaged in a sexual encounter with more than three of you but the boys expressed wanting to try something with all of them and you. 
"No, I just...I don't know how it would work." You admitted as you glanced up at him, he reached forward to pause the movie before sighing and looking at you. 
"You know it would never happen unless you were 100% okay with it...But we'd thought everything through, we'd look after you throughout it..." He began cupping your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheek as he smiled at you reassuringly. With the boys by your side, you felt as though you could do anything but this was something else. All seven of them wanting to have sex with you, you didn't know if that meant trying to share you or if the boys would be together and, as if he could read your mind, Yoongi chuckled softly at you. 
"Nothing would happen between the boys, we all want to be with you...You don't have to but we just thought we could suggest it." It wasn't as though the thought was completely new to you, you'd thought about it many times before but now that the opportunity was presenting itself it was a little nerve-wracking to say the very least.
"You don't have to give us an answer right now, we can wait." He promised you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled at you. Yoongi was one of the boys you got along with most in the group, the two of you rarely had sex unless he wanted to get his anger out through sex or because he was extremely needy so your days together were normally spent binge-watching shows, movies or watching him work while you did some of your own hobbies.
"I'll keep thinking about it," You promised him, looking back at the screen before back at him with pleading eyes. You wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed beside him and fall asleep and he could tell that by one look at you. 
"Fine, but I'm keeping the movie on...Get comfortable," He grumbled as he laid down on the bed with you, pressing play while you snuggled against him falling asleep within a matter of minutes. He smiled down at your sleeping figure and kissed the top of your head, 
"Love you, baby." He whispered before watching the movie once again.
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A month after your date night with Yoongi you finally told the boys you would be comfortable doing what they wanted to do but then nothing happened. No one spoke about it again and no one brought it up with you, deciding that they probably lost interest you never brought it up either.
"H-Hobi," You breathed out as your hands ran through his hair, his lips were attached to your clit as he ate you out in his room, smirking against your core as you let out the most beautiful moans for him. You were blindfolded and laid on the bed for your date night with him. Hoseok was always looking for new ways to spice things up in the bedroom so you figured this was just his new way of doing that with you,
"Don't stop!" You cried out as your head began to spin and the pit in your stomach began to deepen, you could feel your orgasm building up with each flick of Hoseok's tongue and thrust of his fingers inside of you. 
"F-Fuck!" You screamed clenching around his fingers as a wave of euphoria washed over you, cumming all over his fingers as you screamed out his name loudly. Holding his head against your core as you came down from your high, panting heavily as he slowly removed the blindfold from your eyes. 
"You're so sexy when you pant like that," Your eyes snapped over to the corner of the room where Namjoon was sitting in a chair, a tent in his pants and he slowly ran the palm of his hand over it. 
"J-Joonie?" You stuttered out as Hoseok stood up, wiping the corners of his mouth and letting out a small moan from the way you tasted. 
"Doesn't she just have the cutest moans," Hoseok said in a cocky tone, turning to look at the bedroom door where Yoongi and Jimin were standing holding a small bag in their hands. A bright pink bag which you knew the contents of. It was Jimin's sex bag. Everything he used on you was in there from toys to items he could use to tie you up with, everything that excited you both.
"We asked Hoseok to warm you up for us," Jin said as he watched you, it was coming to your attention that all of the boys were in the room now and watching you. 
"T-This is happening tonight?" You asked, your eyes bouncing between all of them as you grew wetter at the thought of it. Despite just cumming hard over Hoseok's fingers the thought of having them all here was exciting you more than you thought it would. 
"Look at that, legs clenching together at the thought of us all taking you in one night," Taehyung smirked as he crawled over to you on the bed, running his hands between your thighs to show off your core to everyone in the room. 
"Such a sticky, pretty little mess." Jungkook approved as he licked his lips, kneeling down on the floor in front of you as he blew cold air against your throbbing clit making you roll your head back. Taehyung attached his lips to your neck and began kissing softly, biting into your skin in the places he knew drove you crazy, 
"How is-" You stopped talking to let out a moan as soon as Jungkook ran his index finger through your folds, 
"How is this going to work?" Your eyes glanced over at Jin who was normally the level-headed one in situations but all he did was wink at you before Jungkook's lips were attached to your already sensitive clit.
"O-Oh fuck!" You cried out rolling your head back as you laid down on the bed, back arching as he continued to eat you out aggresively. It was the way he got whenever he was jealous of the other guys, even though you were dating each of them Jungkook was still a little sensitive when it came to sharing you.
"Jungkook-AH!" You screamed out as he slid two of his fingers into you and began curling them up, your head was spinning as you rolled your hips up to meet the thrust of his fingers. 
"Such a good little slut for us," Taehyung cooed as he reached over to your face and began stroking your cheek, making you look at him as he pulled himself free from his trousers making your mouth water. 
All you did was part your lips for him and he smirked at you before running the tip of his cock along your bottom lip. 
"T-Tae! I want it," You begged him, sticking out your tongue for even a taste of him as he and the others all chuckled. Your head was spinning from Jungkook's actions but you begged Taehyung to let you taste him until he sat you up into a crunching position, 
"Now be a good little girl and suck," He told you as you took him into your mouth instantaneously, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock while your hand massaged the rest of his length.
By know the boys were all naked and watching you, Namjoon was pumping himself while Yoongi and Hoseok watched in awe of what Jungkook was doing.
"Jimin, isn't there something in that bag for her?" Your eyes glanced over at Jimin as you let out a moan around Taehyung's cock. 
"Don't look at him." He growled making your eyes dart back up at him as you moaned out again. 
"C-Close!" You screamed as Jungkook continued to aggressively eat you out, thrusting his fingers deeper into you until he suddenly stopped and you felt your orgasm being pulled away from you. 
"W-What-" You let out a loud moan as you felt Jungkook suddenly slide into you and you clenched around him. 
"F-Fuck, Jungkook I thought we were waiting to enter her until Jimin gave her, her present." A disappointed sounding Taehyung whined as he watched Jungkook slowly thrust into you, making you cry out as your back arched back. Taehyung pumped himself while watching you cry out in pleasure from his younger band member. 
"Faster," You panted looking at Jungkook who continued with his agonisingly slow yet hard thrusts making you whine out in displeasure. 
"Here, Hyung." Jungkook took Jimin by the hand and smiled down at you as you stared up at him in confusion. Jimin's hand ran through your folds as Jungkook continued to thrust into you, 
"Do you think we'll need lube or is the little whore wet enough?" You cried out as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, Jimin's hand moving out of the way as Jungkook dragged you to the edge of the bed thrusting insanely fast making your head spin. 
"J-Jungkook....I-I can't- I-I need to cum." You threw your head back as your second orgasm ripped through your body more powerful than the first you came around Jungkook's cock before he came into you, spilling his hot seed before grunting and biting down on your neck. 
"I-I didn't want my turn to be over," He mumbled before moving away from your legs and going to clean himself up in the corner. 
"On all fours princess," Namjoon praised as he looked at you, you got onto the floor before getting down on your hands and knees looking up at him for approval. 
"Such a good girl, you're our good girl right?" You nodded at him as he stood in front of you, cock right in your face as you licked your lips at the sight of it. 
"Jimin," Namjoon looked behind you so you glanced over your shoulder to see Jimin with a bottle of lube and a small butt plug for you. It wasn't something new, you'd been using them for a while with him and Yoongi.
"D-Do it," You giggled, wiggling your hips as you turned back to look at Namjoon, stretching your hand out to take him into your mouth but he swatted your hand away and thrust into your mouth. Holding onto the back of your head as he did small thrusts moaning out loudly,
"So pretty being stuffed full of cock." Jimin praised as he rubbed the lube around your hold, thrusting two fingers into you before gently pushing the cold metal plug into your ass making you cry out around Namjoon. 
"D-Do that again," Namjoon panted as he looked at Jimin who pulled the plug out before pushing it back in making you cry out around Namjoon again who grunted. 
"I-I think she likes that, do you like that princess?" You nodded your head around Namjoon's cock before he pulled out and cupped your chin in his hands. 
"Do you want someone to fuck you in the ass baby?" You nodded at Namjoon's question and the plug was pulled out once again. 
"J-Jimin," You pleaded as you looked over at him, his cock pressed against the entrance as you moaned out.
Spreading your cheeks apart Jimin moaned out loudly as he slid into you, both of you moaning in sync with one another as Namjoon slipped back into your mouth. 
"I can't wait any longer," Yoongi grumbled laying down on the floor underneath you as he rubbed his cock at your core, smirking as he watched your eyes scrunching together. It was nothing new having one of them fuck you in the ass while the other fucked your cunt but you were already feeling full. 
"Look at that, she just loves being filled with cock," Yoongi praised as he began sucking on your nipples, guiding his cock into your wet cunt as you moaned around Namjoon sending him over the edge. 
You swallowed every drop before giggling up at him and moaning out as Jimin and Yoongi timed their thrusts with one another. 
"Jimin! Y-Yoongi!" You gripped onto the carpet floor as your head rolled forward, thoughts racing as they continued to thrust into you. 
Jin stood in front of you as he began smirking and rubbing his cock,
"Tell us what you want," He smirked pumping himself faster he continued to watch your eyes roll back as you cried out mumbles of their names. Begging them to let you cum as you continued to roll your hips back. 
"Please, I-I want to cum!" You screamed out as Jimin slapped your ass and smirked as you clenched around him and Yoongi. 
"You wanna cum? What happens after that baby?" Jimin slapped your ass again as he asked you the question and you screamed out in pleasure. Yoongi's thumb made its way to your clit and began rubbing as your screams grew louder. Sweat was beginning to run down your face as they continued to fuck into you. 
"Y-You can cum all over me, claim me as yours." You screamed out as you continued to roll your hips, Jimin exchanged a look with Jin who nodded. Jimin began picking up the pace as did Yoongi until your head began to spin. It was as if you had static in your brain as you felt your orgasm coming closer to you. 
"FUCK YES!" You screamed out as you gripped onto the carpet, your toes curling as the pleasure ripped through your body, your head thrashing back as you came around Yoongi. 
The boys pulled out of you and you let out a dissatisfied whine as you realised neither of them had cum but now all seven of them were standing in front of you pumping themselves. 
"Be a good girl and open your mouth," Jin smirked as he looked at you, you did as you were told parting your lips and sticking out your tongue as each of them began to let out loud groans of your name. 
"S-Shit," You stared up at Jungkook who was the first one to cum and you giggled as he shot his load onto your cheeks and some into your mouth. Next was Taehyung who thrust into your mouth as he came making you look into his eyes as you swallowed every drop. 
"F-Fuck." He grunted as you swirled your tongue around his tip before moving on to Yoongi and Namjoon, you began pumping them with your hands before squeezing both of their tips into your mouth and pumping them until they came loudly, cumming in your mouth and over your tits as you giggled at them happily.
"Our turn," Jin said as he looked at Hoseok and Jimin who were crowding around you, you looked up at each of them switching your mouth between them until all three of them grunting and came onto your face without warning making you whimper. 
"Our dirty little girl," Jin moaned out as he went to go and get you a washcloth to clean up with and Hoseok went to run you a bubble bath. 
It was safe to say that wasn't the last time it would be happening but you all agreed to keep it for special occasions or when you were feeling really needy since it drained you so much.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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sageinacage · 3 years
could I request irl switch bench trio, they're exploring how the dynamic shifted with ranboo now there and it makes the tickles a lot more goofy with a third person in the roughhousing - 🦐
Fallen Fort summary: blanket forts are hard to make, especially when tommy, tubbo, and ranboo all like to mess with each other. a/n: sorry for the wait !! i hope you all enjoy :D warnings: swearing, slightly more intense tickles w/c: 1.5k IRL, Platonic
“Tommy, you’re gonna knock it down!”
The blonde growled in response. “No I am not, you are!” Tubbo shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. “You’re flailing around like a fish out of the water, what do you mean I am going to knock it-”
“Guys! The more you bicker, the longer this fort will take.” Ranboo sighed, Tommy’s face lighting up. “Yeah, Tubbo.”
“You little-”
The two went off again, leaving Ranboo to shake his head and smile at his friends, bending down to pick up more pillows to put around the perimeter of the blanket fort that was in progress, just for extra support.
Nights like these were always fun. The three would build- well, attempt to build a pillow fort, and play on the Wii and even watch some movies together. They all loved it, as it was filled with laughter and happiness each time. A good stress reliever from the stresses of life, one might say.
Tonight, specifically, was extra high on energy; and it was obvious.
“If you don’t give me that blanket right now, Tommy, I swear to god-”
“Or whaaat? Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, Tubs!”
Tubbo let out a huff, reaching for the fluffy blanket his friend was teasingly waving over his head. That tall bitch. “You won’t like what happens if you don’t give me that stupid blanket.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow. “What’re you gonna do? Tell Ranboo on meHE- hehehey!” His arm immediately dropped down to the side, giving up the blanket in an instant. Though, Tubbo didn’t stop. He was intent on tickling the hell out of his friend.
“I drohohopped ihit- noHOHOT THEhehere!” The squeal Tommy let out made Ranboo jump in surprise, Tubbo devilish fingers finding his upper ribs. “Why nooot?~ I quite like it here, to be honest.” The brown-haired boy cooed, chuckling as Tommy squeezed his arms to his sides as his life depended on it, just making the tickles worse for himself.
Ranboo shuddered, a bright blush on his face; and he wasn’t the one even being tickled! He pretended not to see what was going on and tried his best to focus on the fort, but it was so difficult with Tommy’s stream of loud laughter and Tubbo’s relentless teasing.
He knew one thing, he did not want to get himself involved in the predicament that was happening beside him.
“RahanboOHOHOo, sahave mehehe!”
“Don’t do it, you’ll end up like Tommy, Boo!” Tubbo warned with a smirk, but Ranboo just shrugged, lunging for the smaller boy. With a small shriek, the two fell to the floor, completely crashing down one of the sides of the blanket fort.
“Nohooo, the fohort!” Tommy giggled, unable to be serious about it; as what happened was quite funny. Ranboo and Tubbo wrestled over the pillows that were previously laid down, Tubbo eventually getting the upper hand and massaging his thumb right into Ranboo’s waist.
Letting out a surprised squawk, the tallest immediately tried to curl up, evidently failing when Tubbo vibrated a claw hand into his belly causing him to arch his back. “TUHUhuhubbo, stohohoppit!”
Tubbo pretended to think for a second. “Hmmm, no thank you, mister! But it was very kind of you to ask.” He sassed, using his free hand to drill circles into Ranboo’s hip bone with his thumb. The shriek that left Ranboo was priceless, resulting in Tubbo and Tommy’s smiles growing even more.
“CRAHAHAP, TUHUhuhubbo!” Belly laughter continued to pour out of the tallest, completely distracting Tubbo as he was unable to foresee the charging blonde aiming right at him. Tommy lunged at Tubbo, instantly attaching his hands to the sides of his ribcage and vibrating them.
Ranboo moved his hair away from his eyes, to see what was going on after he heard the loud squeal that sounded like Tubbo- and he was correct. It was Tubbo.
“HEHEhehey! Yohou biHIHITCH- FUHUHUCK!” Tubbo’s hips bucked up as Tommy gently dug his fingers in the spot right beneath his lower ribs, giggling evilly as his fingers relentlessly tickled that specific area.
“Did you just call me a bitch? Huh?” Tommy demanded, poking around his sides playfully. “Nohohoo, I dihiHIHIhidn’t!” Tubbo pleaded, earning a head shake from Ranboo, who finally recovered from Tubbo’s tickle attack.
“Liars don’t get off the hook easily, Tubs…” Ranboo hummed latching his hands to the muscles right above each of his knees, squeezing repeatedly. “SHIHIHIT- FUHUHUCK OHOFF!”
Tommy and Ranboo dramatically gasped simultaneously.
“Oh, Tubbo…”
“What was that?~”
Before Tubbo could protest, he felt a sudden buzzy and tickly feeling on his stomach. Tommy planted a raspberry right above his belly button, causing the boy to start half-heartedly push at the blonde’s head.
What he wasn’t expecting were his ankles to be lifted and to feel scribbling nails right underneath his knees. What an awful day to wear shorts, Tubbo decided.
“IT TIHIHICKLES! PLEHEHEASE!” Tubbo didn’t even know what he was pleading, all he knew is the ticklish sensations wracking his body were almost unbearable.
He felt his ankles be dropped and the nerves in his legs began to calm down, but that damn sensation from Tommy’s playful fingers on his belly just kept going. Well, until Ranboo decided Tubbo needed a break.
Much to Tommy’s dismay, he felt fingers massage into his upper ribs yet again, causing the boy to instantly collapse on the now fallen blanket fort.
“Y- YOHOhou trahahaitor!” Tommy cackled, throwing his head back as the tickles began to move down his ribs, and turned into unbearable fluttering over his waist. “Whaaat? I’m not a traitor, I thought this was a free-for-all!” Ranboo chuckled, wiggling his nails into the crook of Tommy’s waist.
The high-pitched giggles that escaped Tommy made Tubbo wheeze, rolling over to sit up to help Ranboo. “Tuhubbo nohoho… gehet away.. Tuhu-HUHUBBO- NOAHAHA!” Tommy completely convulsed, the light feathery tickles on his waist mixed with the quick vibrations on his hip bones making butterflies and goosebumps spread across his whole body.
“You didn’t stop when I said ‘no’, so I don’t see how it’d be fair now!~” Tubbo purred, pulling an innocent smile like he wasn’t drilling his thumbs into his friend’s hip with no mercy. Meanwhile, Ranboo was cooing little teases while grazing and lightly spidering his nails along the sides of Tommy’s belly.
“D’awww, don’t tell me this already tickles too much, Toms! I’m barely even doin’ anything!~” Ranboo let out a low chuckle, sounding a lot more sinister than it should’ve, as his grazing nails turned into fluttering little menaces tracing around his belly button.
“FUHUHUCK- *snort* OHOHOFF! I HAHahate yohohou b- bohoth!” Tommy whined, snorts peppering in between his happy and loud belly laughter. “Alright, alright, someone else needs a taste of their own medicine I feel like.” Tubbo hummed, Ranboo’s eyes widening.
Uh oh.
Before he could attempt to dodge Tubbo’s incoming fingers, he felt a few squeezes on his hip, making the tall boy collapse back onto the soft pillows. Tommy retracted his hand, using it to help push himself so he could help his friend give Ranboo a ticklish treatment.
Tubbo’s hands found Ranboo’s lower waist, kneading and prodding into the muscle, immediately eliciting cackles from his friend. “Ohoho~ Already a giggly mess, Ranboo?” Tubbo teased, laughing lightheartedly at Ranboo’s embarrassed grumble through his giggle fit.
“I cahAHAN’T HEHehelp ihihit!” He protested, his laughter going up an octave as he felt another pair of hands squeeze his knee caps. Ranboo tried to pull his legs in, accidentally kneeing Tubbo in the back in the process.
Tubbo let out a surprised gasp as he jumped, before glaring back down at Ranboo, who was already giggling.
“Uh oh…”
“Uh oh, that's right.”
Before he could prepare himself, he felt cold air over his belly before feeling nibbles be placed over his hip. “NONONO- NOHOHOAHA- *hiccup* PLEHEASE!” Protests instantly bubbled up from Ranboo, weakly pushing at Tubbo’s head- making his fluffy hair fluff over his belly even more.
“Mmmm… nope!~” Tubbo mumbled, planting a raspberry where his waist and belly meet, Ranboo subconsciously arching up into it. Meanwhile, Tommy was slightly scritching claw hands over Ranboo’s knees, being mischievous and squeezing up and down his thighs at random, just to make him squawk through his laughter.
It was clearly quite entertaining to Tommy, as he laughed with Ranboo whenever he let out one of his signature surprised cackles and squawks. The boy’s laughter soon grew silent and more strained, signaling that he was almost completely worn out.
The two paused on their tickle attack, climbing off of their friend and just smiling at each other with big and fond smiles.
“I hahate yohou b- bohoth…”
“No you don’t, big man.”
“Take it back!”
Ranboo chuckled, shaking his head. “Fiiine, you are both wonderfulllll… definitely…” His sleepy and sarcastic tone wasn’t too convincing, but Tommy and Tubbo decided to spare him- for tonight.
They all decided that the blanket fort would stay collapsed, but no one was particularly complaining as the soft blankets and pillows were quite comfortable to lay on; especially with the warmth of all of them combined they knew they could keep themselves cozy. All settling down next to each other, Tommy looked at the others.
“So, which movie are we watching tonight?”
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