#where did this baby get green eyes from. whose baby is this actually
neighborhoodsimulator · 2 months
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Headcannons: Milf!abby anderson x reader (part 2)
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Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
☆ Milf Abby who tries really hard to talk to you but you’re making it so fucking difficult.
☆ Milf Abby who tries calling, texting, literally all forms of communication but you leave her on read and you don’t even pick up.
☆ Milf Abby who’s frustrated but she knows she deserves it.
☆ Milf Abby who wakes up one morning to see you sent her a text.
With shaky hands she clicked on the message. The simple text read 4 words:
“me, you this Friday?”
Abby blinked, and she sat in silence for a while.
Holy shit this was happening.
She responded with a simple “ok ill pick you up at six”.
☆ Milf Abby who jumps up from her bed and yells “I got the girl!” But soon regrets it when Aubrey walks in and tells her to shut up.
☆ Milf Abby who was on cloud nine all week.
☆ Milf Abby who tells her coworkers about the pretty girl she’s going on a date with on Friday.
☆ Milf Abby who smiles at you, when she picks up Aubrey, and her heart feels like it could explode when you give her a little wave.
☆ Milf Abby who asks Aubrey what your favorite color is because she wants to wear an outfit in that color, because she read in an article it’ll increase her chances.
“C’mon baby tell me” Abby groaned.
“Give me chocolate first”
Abby’s jaw dropped.  “Aubrey its 9pm, you know you can’t eat chocolate at this time”
“No chocolate, no color”
Abby let out a sigh as she walked out of Aubrey’s room to her secret chocolate stash. She pulled out a chocolate bar, and she gave it to the little girl. Aubrey immediately opened the bar and she took a big bite.
“ok talk”
“she likes green” Aubrey spoke with a mouth full of chocolate.
☆ Milf Abby who takes her daughter to bed, and orders a custom suit in green.
☆ Milf Abby who goes to work the next day and finds out they hired someone new.
“Who is he?” she asked while looking at Nora.
“I don’t know man”
“as long as she doesn’t break my record”
Nora rolled her eyes “of course he won’t abs, you’ve won the most cases in this whole firm”
☆ Milf Abby who tenses when she sees who was hired.
☆ Milf Abby who felt sick when he walked towards her.
“hi I’m- “
“heaters dad”
“Yeah” he chuckled “my name is actually Jason”
“I’m Abby”
The air was tense.
“what do you want dude” Abby said irritated.
“Look are you and the new teacher together?” He asked. Abby felt her eye twitch at his question.
“It’s none of your business”
☆ Milf Abby who thought her week was ruined, but when she got home her suit had arrived.
☆ Milf Abby who almost pees herself on Friday morning because today is the day.
☆ Milf Abby who takes the day off to get away from Jason and to relax.
☆ Milf Abby who spends hours on Pintrest to look for the perfect hairstyle.
☆ Milf Abby who’s ready by 3 in the afternoon.
☆ Milf Abby who asks Aubrey and her dad how she looks before she walks out.
“So how do I look?” she watched her dad smile at her.
“you look perfect Abby”
“now go get your girl!” she heard Aubrey yell.
☆ Milf Abby who made you a bracelet, and flowers out of paper.
☆ Milf Abby who sees Jason’s car outside the school.
☆ Milf Abby whose heart shatters when she hears your conversation.
“I’m going on a date with Abby” she heard your voice.
“Isn’t she too old for you? She’s in her 40s isn’t she?”
“what does age have to with anything?”
“she’s old”
yeah she was.
fuck, Abby knew too old. She didn’t even stay to listen to the conversation.
Abby ran out the school and she sobbed in her car. She should’ve know this would never work.
If only she stayed behind to hear how you defended her. If only she waited for you.
☆ Milf Abby who came home crying.
“Mommy what’s wrong- “Abby walked right past her daughter
“it’s ok let her go” she heard her dad say.
☆ Milf Abby who fell asleep crying.
☆ Milf Abby who wakes up with multiple texts from you.
“Hey where are you?”
“are you ok?”
“I’m waiting for you”
“I’m home now”
“did you change your mind”
With a shaky breath Abby blocked your number.
☆ Milf Abby who ignores your existence once again.
☆ Milf Abby who sees you smiling at her, but she just nods back at you.
☆ Milf Abby who tells you have no future together.
Aubrey climbed into the car, and before Abby could drive away she heard a knock on her window. It was you.
“Hey” Abby said after lowering the window.
“Hi Abby- “
“call me Mrs. Anderson” she watched as your face dropped.
You cleared your throat “I’m sorry Mrs. Anderson, I just wanted to ask what happened the other night?”
“I realized that this wasn’t going to work”
“because you’re too young. I need someone more mature”
Abby could feel the sadness radiating off you.
“You should go for someone your own age”
“Ok Mrs. Anderson, I understand. Thank you for your time”
☆ Milf Abby who feels bad after her daughter calls her stupid.
☆ Milf Abby who makes a realization by the help of her daughter.
“You made my teacher sad”
“Aubrey I don’t care stop telling me- “
“you do care. I see the way you look at her” Abby sighed at her daughter’s answers.
She does care. She downloaded social media to stalk you. She stared learning internet slang for you.
“Heathers dad said that he wants to ask her on a date-”
“I heard him say that he’s going to ask her out but then I said no because you wanted to go on a date with her”
Then it clicked.
He was there that day to cause trouble.
He wanted to get into Abby’s head. And he did. He started working at Abby’s law firm to watch her. To figure out her moves. Her weaknesses.
He must’ve heard her and Nora talk about the age gap. She made a mistake.
☆ Milf Abby who runs to unblock your number and calls you.
☆ Milf Abby who felt like she could cry when you didn’t pick up.
☆ Milf Abby who whimpers your name when you eventually pick up the phone.
“what do you want Mrs. Anderson?”
“No look I made a mistake, please listen- “
“you can’t keep doing this….You say you like me then you ghost me- I’m sick of your shit Abby”
“look I heard Jason say that you deserve someone younger- “
“well maybe I do”
Abby went quite at that.
You spoke up again: “I need someone who’s mature, someone who can communicate but what do I know Abby I’m immature, am I not? Because apparently you know what that maturity means”
“Please” she sighed.
“Please I’m begging you” Abby begged again.
The line went quite for a while.
“Come to my class tomorrow so we can talk”
☆ Milf Abby who goes to work the next day and she goes to Jason’s office.
☆ Milf Abby who confronts him, and almost beats the shit out of him when he calls her a grandma.
☆ Milf Abby who gets into trouble but it was worth it.
☆ Milf Abby who goes to your class later that day.
She watched as you sat behind your desk. “Sit” you commanded and she did.
☆ Milf Abby who tells you the whole story.
“sorry won’t cut it Abby, you said the same thing the last time”
“Just because he said that doesn’t mean you have the right to ghost me”
“I’m sorry”
“Look just one more chance please”
“why should I trust you?”
“because I’m me”
You rolled your eyes at Abby’s response.
Abby reached out to grab your head, and your head snapped in the direction of you interlocked fingers.
“words mean nothing” you spoke.
“just trust me please and-” but before she could finish you leaned in to kiss her.
It was slow, passionate, and it was filled with so much love. Abby pulled away, only to get up and walk to side of the desk where you sat. She went on knees and she and put her hands on your waist. The two of you started at each other.
“Fuck” she breathed before you kissed her again.
☆ Milf Abby who jumps up when she heard Aubrey yell “ew!”
☆ Milf Abby who was really embarrassed.
☆ Milf Abby who turned as red as a tomato, she felt like a teenager being caught in the act.
“Why did you go on your knees?” you asked, still heavily breathing.
“it’s a way of showing submission” she shrugs.
“I’m trying to show you that you have me, despite our age difference” Abby explained.
“I’d let you do anything to me” she confessed.
☆ Milf Abby who goes home that night and smile the whole time.
☆ Milf Abby who keeps touching her lips, because yours were there.
☆ Milf Abby who apologizes to Aubrey for seeing such an act.
“It’s ok” the little girl reassured her.
“Now go get her before Heathers dad does”
☆ Milf Abby who shows up to school the next day to bring you lunch.
☆ Milf Abby who spells out the words “May i be your girlfriend?” with different fruit in the lunch box. All you did was smile at the sight.
☆ Milf Abby who was chewing her nails, waiting for your response.
“This is very romantic Anderson” you spoke. She watched as you but the lunch box on the table, you walked towards her.
“Get on your knees Abby” and she did so immediately.
“Why?” she asked while being on her knees.
“you’re too tall, I can’t kiss you when you’re standing”
The two of you shared a quick kiss.
“So is it a yes?” Abby asked, her lips inches away from yours.
“Fuck yes” she breathed as she got up, picking you up and placing you on your desk. The two of you shared another kiss before you pulled away.
“Promise me something”
“No more ghosting”
“yes ma’am”
“you’ll tell me if you feel insecure”
“and one more thing Abby”
“you aren’t too old for me. I like my women mature” you added as you wrapped your arms around her neck. Abby chuckled.
☆ Milf Abby who wanted to kiss you again before she heard your daughter yell “fucking finally” as she stood at the door.
“Who taught you that word?”
“grandpa did”
“of course he did”
☆ Milf Abby who was the happiest women ever, since that moment.
☆ Milf Abby who knew you were the one.
☆ Milf Abby who already goes wedding ring shopping and who plans your future together despite only dating you for 2 days at that point.  
My pookies (the tag list): @mousymaven @lia-winther @zombholic
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droopycoquette · 9 months
1. The Swap || Mapi Leon x Reader
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Summary: why are suddenly being woken by your cat screaming and not her laying on your chest?
Warnings: fluff, suggestive content
Italics = Mapi's Thoughts/POV
Word Count: 4.2k
Series Masterlist
“Aella, you did so well,” you smiled. “I know, no one likes the vet. But, you were amazing.”
Aella, your beautiful black cat, cuddled into your arms at your praise, almost as if she could understand you. Her actions made you smile as you walked to the entrance of your apartment, it quickly turned to a slight frown when she began to wiggle in your arms. You released her and let her run ahead slightly watching her closely before looking down to find your keycard.
When you glanced back up, worry burst in your veins.
You couldn’t see her anymore. 
Your heart began to beat faster as you turned around to see if she had run behind you and when you didn’t see her you called her name once more. 
“Aella, baby! Come here, please!”
You desperately looked around for what seemed like forever(it was actually 1 minute) before your black cat came running out of the bushes, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You bent down to pick up the raven-furred creature, holding her tightly.
“I need to stop letting you run off,” you whisper into her fur, scanning your keycard and opening the door to your apartment complex. "I take my eyes off of you for literally a second and you decide it's time for an adventure."
As the door was closing you could hear someone shouting in the distance as if they were looking for something too. 
“I wonder who that could be,” you whisper again to her. “None of my business though.”
Aella meowed in response before purring, making you giggle. You pause at the top of the stairs to get out your keys when someone bumped into you, forcing you to drop them. When you turned around, you saw your tatted neighbor, whose name you still didn’t know.
“Hey,” you said cheerfully.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, ignoring you, before entering the apartment across from yours. 
You stood there for a second and pondered her actions. You had never had a bad interaction with her, in fact, recently you learned she also had a black cat. So her attitude could only mean one thing:
“She must be having a bad day,” you tell Aella, entering your home. 
As soon as you enter, Aella begins to squirm in your arms, irking you. Aella never turned down a chance to be held, well, not usually. 
“Okay,” you let out. “Seems like you’re having a bad day as well.”
You sat your bags on the table and began to get Aella’s food ready when your mind wandered to the woman who had bumped into you. Your neighbor was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Everything she did made you swoon.
How her eyes brightened before she smiled, how her arms bulged a little when she pulled her door open, the way her tattoos sat on her skin, you took note of everything. It was nice having an attractive neighbor, it was something else that made coming home that much better.
You hadn’t realized you had dazed off until you heard Aella meowing loudly, making you panic. She was one of the quietest cats you’ve ever met, something must be wrong.
“What,” you asked rushing to your bedroom where she was.
Nothing was going on, she was…just being loud? What? 
“Aella, what’s going on? You’re being weird,” you say leaning down in front of the green-eyed cat. “You’re usually so calm. Did the vet mess you up that much?”
When she just meowed at you, it irked you even more. Aella rarely responded out loud, you always had silent conversations with her. Her blinking was the only thing that let you know she was listening. You slowly begin walking back to the kitchen when Aella started meowing loudly again, more like screaming. You quickly peeked your head into your room, to see if something was actually going on. Nothing was and she went silent when she saw you. 
“Come on,” you sigh, leaning down and opening your arms for her to jump into.
She didn’t move. 
“Aella, come here,” you laugh at her antics. 
She still didn’t move. She just stared at you for a couple of seconds, meowing before closing her eyes. 
You were left speechless at the lack of response. The Aella you knew loved physical affection, almost more than you did. You silently walked back to the kitchen heart heavy at the rejection of affection by your best friend and began to prepare her dinner. 
“Bagheera! Where are you?”
Mapi called out for her cat once more. 
Her heart hadn’t stopped thumping in her chest at the prospect of her cat being loose, Bagheera was an inside cat through and through. He didn’t stand a chance out in the city. Her fingers ran through her hair as the sun beat down on her, she had locked all the doors in her apartment when she left and made sure the door to her balcony was closed. How could he have gotten out?
She glanced up and saw her neighbor holding her cat, and Mapi’s heart squeezed in her chest. Where the fuck was Bagheera? As the sun continued to shine, her rings began to feel hot, the metal no longer cool from air conditioning.
Mapi sighed, perhaps it was time to call animal services. All her things were upstairs in her apartment, she had run down without anything when she realized Bagheera was missing. 
“Fuck,” she muttered. “Of all the fucking days, it just had to be this one.”
She had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, her neck and shoulders aching from sleeping on them funny. Then, at practice, her knee began to act up randomly. Her hair wasn’t cooperating with her either, falling out of its usual messy bun as if she had tied it up with thread instead of a hair tie. Finally, of course, her cat had decided today was the day to take a hike. 
She made her way up the stairs and, as she was cursing her shit day, hadn’t realized a person had stopped at the top of the stairs until a small ‘oof’ left both their lips. She didn’t even bother to look up, head still in the clouds only muttering a small ‘sorry’ and continuing on to her apartment. 
“Fuck,” Mapi, paused, realizing she had just bumped into her neighbor. 
The neighbor that she had been keeping an eye on. The neighbor that was always smiling at her. The neighbor that was constantly skipping around. The fellow cat parent.
That neighbor.
And she had just acted like the biggest bitch on the planet. She hadn’t even acknowledged her. 
She began to look for her phone as she inwardly cringed at her actions and, once she had found it, made her way to her balcony to make the call, hoping that the fresh air would do her some good. Her focus stayed on her phone until she was finished looking up the nearest animal control when finally, she looked up. Then she saw him. 
Her cat just strolled along the path in front of her apartment, as if nothing was the matter. 
Mapi had never felt herself run so fast, and she played soccer for a living so that's saying something. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she continued to curse under her breath, each one timed with her feet hitting the stairs.
Her heartbeat continued to rise in pace as she jogged over to the happy cat laying in the sun.
“You are one annoying cat, you know that,” Mapi breathed once she had Bagheera in her arms. 
The cat in question stayed silent, choosing to snuggle further into her arms, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah, te amo tambien,” she chuckled, holding the cat closer.
She waited for someone with a keycard to open the door for her, as she had left everything up in her apartment(yet again) and made her way back up the stairs for the third time that day. She glanced at her neighbor's door, cringing again, before opening her own door and entering. She subconsciously waited for Bagheera to jump from her arms and run around her apartment chasing whatever his eyes landed on but that moment never came, Bagheera stayed in her arms. 
“Is someone feeling sentimental,” Mapi teased. 
Bagheera just closed his eyes. Strange. 
“You know that neighbor that I was telling you about,” Mapi asked, continuing to talk to the cat. “I bumped into her earlier today, I mean, I hadn’t realized it was her until I was back in my apartment because I was so worried about you, thanks for that by the way.” 
The cat, once again, stayed silent choosing instead to watch her. Mapi was so used to Bagheera responding to her that the silence made her worry. 
“Are you okay, gatito?”
No response, just a blink.
“Bueno,” she said cautiously, putting the cat down and expecting him to begin running. 
He never did, instead, he began to rub himself onto her calves, purring. 
What was going on?
You watched as the black cat leapt from the floor to your couch with confusion, as you had been doing for the past two days. Aella’s strange behavior continued even after the day you brought her back from the vet. She now ran around your apartment instead of sitting peacefully. She would scratch at the table which she had never done. She would also wake you up with loud meowing, which shocked you the most.
Since she was a kitten, Aella had always laid on your chest and waited for you to wake up. Every minute that passed made your heart beat faster, what was with this new behavior? 
Mapi groaned as she awoke, feeling pressure on her chest, not anything heavy but pressure all the same. When she opened her eyes she saw her cat, resting on her chest. 
“Hey, Bagheera,” she said, more like asked. 
This was the second day of her cat acting strangely, the second day where she hadn’t woken up to her cat screaming. Instead, she was woken up by purring and cuddles. Very strange indeed. 
She never thought she would say this but, she missed the screaming and the running around and the energy that her cat surrounded her with all day. She wondered where it went. 
Aella began doing her laps around your apartment and you continued to watch her in bewilderment while eating. Around her sixth lap, she paused for a drink of water, and that's when you saw it. You stopped, mid-bite, and slowly put down your fork. 
“Aella,” you called cautiously. “Come here, please.”
When she didn’t respond you picked her up and sat her next to you on the couch. 
“Okay, I’m going to do something,” you tell her. “It’s not going to be very comfortable for either of us though, okay?”
You grab the cat on both sides and lift her up, confirming what you saw. “She” was actually a he. 
“Shit,” you curse putting the Aella imposter down. “Well, you’re not my baby. Who are you, buddy?”
You put the cat back on your lap and begin to stroke his fur, smiling softly when he began to purr. 
“As sweet as you are, I think we need to find your owner. They’re probably worried sick,” you sigh. “And most importantly, I need to find my cat. Her name is Aella.”
He meowed in response, hopping off your lap and trotting over to the door before sitting down in front of it.
“Mr. what are you doi-”
You cut yourself off with a gasp. The only other person you had seen with a black cat who had green eyes was your neighbor. 
“There is no way,” you sigh, looking the cat in the eyes. “We could try though. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right?”
He meowed once more before looking back at the door. 
“Give me one second,” you tell him before running to your bedroom, heart beating wildly.
“She can’t see me like this and if she is your mom then maybe we could become friends. Then, maybe, we could hang out and when we hang out we could maybe…”
You paused your rambling as you finished changing your shirt and applying perfume, maybe what? You thought back to the dirty blonde woman and her tattoos. You didn’t see her all the time, in fact, your schedules hardly aligned. But, when you did see her, the world became rosy and pink. You could watch her leg muscles all day...or her arms, especially when the tattoos shifted as the muscles moved under them. You could go on and on. It was the most rom-com-esque situation but, you had a crush on your neighbor and now you finally had a reason to talk to her. 
“Okay,” you whispered to the cat who had made his way into your room. “How do I look Mr. Imposter?”
The cat meowed as if to give his seal of approval. 
“Thank you,” you smiled.
You did one last check in the mirror before taking a deep breath, your mind running through every possible conversation that could happen. You stopped in front of your door and looked down at the cat who looked up at you expectantly. Picking up the green-eyed creature, you slowly walked out into the hallway, feeling as if you were about to walk into an abyss. 
As you raise your hand to knock on the door your arm becomes weak and your breathing quickens. 
“Come on, you can do this. You can do this, you can do this,” you repeated under your breath. 
After three tries, you finally knock on her door gingerly, still holding the black cat in your arms. When the door opens you are hit with the scent of cardamom and sandalwood, you could feel your heart quicken even more.
“Hello,” she smiles. 
Mapi felt her heart in her throat, her hair was in a messy bun, and her shirt was filled with stains. She had never felt so underprepared in her life…what were you doing at her door?
“Hi, I’m really sorry to interrupt your day but, I think you have my cat,” you say. “And I have yours.”
She looks at you confused and just as she was about to speak another black cat appears from the corner of her apartment and runs to you, rubbing itself on your calf, purring. As she watched the cat at your feet, you got a closer look at her face, you could feel yourself falling even deeper. 
“Bagheera,” she asks and the cat in your arms meows in response. “Oh my god!”
She softly takes the cat from your arms and you have to stop yourself from shivering at her touch. She chuckles as Bagheera cuddles into her chest. 
“Bagheera is a beautiful name,” you say smiling, kneeling down and picking up Aella. 
“Yeah, its from-
“Junglebook,” you both say at the same time.
You both begin to laugh.
If Mapi’s heart got any faster, she’s pretty sure she would go into cardiac arrest. Your smile made her skin warm and your eyes were like two pools of…fuck you had her performing sonnets. 
 Just as the interaction had almost come to a close Bagheera begins to squirm in her arms and Aella began to squirm in yours. 
“What are you-,” your gorgeous neighbor was cut off when Bagheera jumps down.
Aella quickly follows suit and runs after him, straight into your neighbor's apartment. The warm scents now surrounded you, encasing you in a cozy, soft trap that you never wanted to leave.
“I guess she feels at home,” the dirty blonde jokes. 
“Yeah, I guess she had a good host,” you joke back. 
“It was my pleasure,” she smiles before a look of realization flashes behind her eyes. “I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Mapi.”
“I’m y/n,” you grin. 
She steps aside and gestures for you to come in. 
“Are you sure, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Y/n, I opened my home to a random cat, I’m sure I can do it for a beautiful girl. Please I insist,” she states walking away from the door and leaving it open. 
As you follow her, the words “beautiful girl” played over and over again in your head. Mapi called you a beautiful girl. Slipping off your shoes, you heard the door closing behind you. You felt a gush of wind against your calves and watched Aella and Bagheera run passed you. Your heart swelled with joy and slight jealousy at the two cats. 
Mapi’s eyes trail over you, taking note of your demeanor. You look at both cats with such longing, it made her heart twinge yet it gave her hope at the same time. The right corner of your mouth twitched upward as Aella swatted at Bagheera playfully. 
“So, how long have you lived here,” Mapi asked. 
Mapi mentally berated herself, she knew how long you had been living here, she was here when you moved in. 
“Oh, um, about two months,” you responded, eyes moving from the cats to her. 
Mapi liked that, having your eyes on her. 
“I moved here from the States,” you continued. “I went to school there for a while.” 
“Oh, decided that it was time to upgrade,” Mapi joked. 
“Yeah, actually,” you joked back. “And I haven’t been disappointed. I love it here, and so does Aella. I haven’t had a lot of time to explore though.” 
“Really? You’ve at least gone to some of the beaches, right?”
“Well,” you chuckled. “Not exactly, I’m still getting adjusted.”
You smiled softly at her before your eyes drifted back to the cats. 
No, keep your eyes on me. 
“It looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other,” you grinned. 
Mapi’s eyes followed yours and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight before her, both Aella and Bagheera were curled up and sleeping on Bagheera’s bed, their chests rising and falling in unison. It was the sweetest thing you had ever seen. 
“It looks like,” Mapi agreed softly. “Would you like to stay for dinner, and by that I mean, would you like to order some food?”
Your heartbeat quickened for the millionth time that evening. 
“I’m guessing you still don’t know a lot of people,” Mapi added. “I could be your first friend.”
Mapi hit the nail on the head with that statement. You don’t know anyone. It was a blessing and a curse.
“I’d be happy to,” you smiled. “Anyone with a cat is suitable friend material in my book.”
“We’re already finding things to agree on, we’re practically besties,” Mapi grinned. 
You laughed loudly at her statement but caught yourself when you saw your cats stirring. 
“Whoops,” you whispered. “Sorry.”
Mapi giggled at your antics, saying sorry to cats who were asleep. You were worming your way deeper and deeper into her heart and she had just learned your name. You were dangerous.
“Come on,” Mapi gestures over to the couch. “We can decide what we want to eat.”
You followed her over to the couch, quickly glancing at the tattoo of a lion on her back before she turned around and sat down. 
“I really like your tattoo,” you blurted out. 
“Which one,” she chuckled. 
“All of them,” you say with a smile. 
“You haven’t seen all of them,” Mapi states.
I’d like to, you think to yourself. 
“Well,” you start. “I doubt you would let yourself get a bad tattoo.”
“Touche,” she laughs. “However-”
She points at her neck and tilts her head back for you to see the writing. 
Could she get any hotter? 
You swallowed hard and felt a heat rising up your body as if you were a living thermometer.
“Have you ever wanted one,” Mapi asks. “A tattoo I mean.” 
You nod, “Yeah, but I’m not a big fan of needles.” 
“Neither was I,” Mapi grinned. “But it’s addicting. The pain is over before you know it and you find yourself wanting more.” 
Your lips parted, “So you want more?”
More of you? Fuck, yes. 
You nod and lean back against the couch.
“I’m satisfied for now,” Mapi says.
You watch as Mapi’s tongue darts out to wet her lips and feel yourself flinch at the onslaught of bad thoughts that enter your mind. Suddenly, your stomach rumbles and you have never been more grateful for the annoying sound. 
“So,” you start. “You said something about food?”
Mapi smiles endearingly at your joke. 
“Yeah, I might have mentioned it. What are you in the mood for?” 
“I don’t know, you know Spain better than I do. Surprise me.” 
“That I can do.” 
“So, wait, on top of playing on Barca’s team you also interned at a tattoo shop?”
“Yep,” Mapi smiled, watching you devour the Fideuà.
“That’s amazing, how do you tattoo yourself though?”
“I don’t know, I’ve had a lot of practice so I think I’ve gotten better.”
“Well, when I overcome my fear of needles I’m coming straight to you,” you say. “I want to be the first person tattooed by Mapi León.” 
Mapi felt herself warm at that, she liked the idea of sharing her art with you. Having it tattooed onto your skin. It would be a dream come true. She could almost envision it, a winding vine on your wrist or a rose on your ribs. She needed a drink. 
“So how long have you had Aella,” Mapi asked, shifting the conversation. 
“I’ve had Aella for 4 years, she’s like my soulmate, she’s so quiet and gentle. She’s probably the calmest cat I’ve ever met. She’s also very spoiled, I can’t say no to her.” 
“So…she’s like your princess,” Mapi questions with a raised brow. 
“Yeah,” you laugh. “I guess she is.”
“So that makes you La Reina.”
“What’s that?”
“The queen,” Mapi states, her eyes never leaving you. 
Your cheeks heat at her directness and you quickly avert your eyes from her, almost choking on the rice you had put in your mouth. You were going to have to be careful with eating around her if she says things like that regularly. She was practically a choking hazard. 
“That's cheesy,” you mutter, taking a gulp of water. 
“I know,” Mapi laughs.
“Would that make you Reina dos?”
“Why would I be Reina dos?”
“Because I’m Reina uno,” you say simply as you start to clean the boxes of food.
Mapi gawked at you and your logic, laughing and giggling at your antics. Her eyes never left you as you got up to throw away the trash and came back. 
“What? It’s true. It seems that Bagheera is courting Aella, which I guess would make him a prince, which would make you future queen mother…or future queen regent? Wait that’s not right, I think its-”
Mapi listened to you ramble with a smile on her face, the sun had set, and the candles that she had lit before cast a dream-like glow on your face. She had just met you and yet, she could tell that you had a place in her life.
Both cats had woken up and had begun to make their way over to their respectful owners. When Aella found her place on your lap you had stopped your rambling, seeming to forget what you were talking about all together. 
“Hey, my love,” you smiled at the cat. “Did you enjoy your nap?” 
Aella blinked at you, seeming to communicate with you without talking. Mapi found it admirable. 
“La Princesa y El leopardo has awakened,” Mapi grinned, stroking the fur of Bagheera. 
You smiled at Bagheera’s meowing, communicating with Mapi instead of the silence that Aella had. You found it cute. 
“I can’t believe it took me two days to figure out that Bagheera was yours,” you chuckled.
“That is your cat, for sure.” 
“Same here,” Mapi grinned. “I don’t know how I didn’t know after the first day of silence.” 
You both sat there in silence after that, taking in each other’s company and listening to Bagheera and Aella’s purring. Mapi’s eyes lingered on you while yours lingered on her tattoos. You both didn’t want to forget a single detail about the other. When Mapi’s eyes lowered back down to Bagheera you took the chance to map out her face. Her strong eyebrows, her freckles, her caramel-colored eyes, the three moles on her neck, everything. 
Both of you snapped out of your dream-like state when your alarm went off. Signaling to you that it was 9 p.m. Shit.
“Sorry,” you whisper, afraid that if you spoke too loudly it would break something. 
“It’s okay,” Mapi grinned. “It’s late and we both have stuff tomorrow.” 
You nod, a tight-lipped smile revealing your lack of enthusiasm. 
“Well, mi reina y mi princesa,” Mapi starts. “I will see you soon. Tomorrow, hopefully.” 
“I’d like that. A lot actually,” you say, standing up with your cat in hand. 
You and I both 
Mapi runs ahead of you to grab the door, opening it and standing aside.
“Bye, Bagheera,” you say, waving at the black cat. 
“Bye mi reina,” Mapi flirts, attempting to curtsey. “Adiós, Princesa.”
Your nose crinkled at the nickname before letting out an exasperated laugh and curtsying back.
“Bye Mapi.” 
As soon as you step out of Mapi’s apartment, you realize that you're in deep trouble. You can’t stop thinking about her. Her tattoos, her directness, her eyes. God, her eyes. You can’t remember the last time you were so captivated by someone. She was genuine, authentic, and frankly, intimidating. But you liked that about her. It was refreshing.
You make it back to your apartment, and even Aella’s purring on your lap can’t distract you from your thoughts. You’re screwed. You know you’re going to see her again, but you’re not sure if you’re ready for whatever it is that’s happening between the two of you. It’s like a spark, and you’re not sure if you want that spark to turn into a wildfire. 
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genericpuff · 9 months
I can't remember exactly what chapter but early on when Persephone went to talk to Hades during the "one day of the year the citizens get to see their king and file complaints" and side lines it (and the citizens time) to talk about Tori and Alex and his missing eye and they eat lunch... didn't Hades just conjure food instead of making them lunch or am I misremembering?
so this ask sent me on a bit of a ride because i went to go find the scene you were talking about, i knew exactly where it was but i had actually completely FORGOTTEN about the whole lunch bit that came with it
and oh, my fucking god-
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and yes, he does basically magic it out of nowhere because he casts an 'illusion' to change her outfit and they're basically in a secret room right now. So he definitely didn't prepare this by hand or ahead of time (unless he lied about the whole 'illusion' thing and he really did knock her out and change her clothes against her will, oh god no-) And yet despite this being the "woman of his dreams", he STILL feeds her like a squirrel.
This is more proof as to why Persephone was never plus-sized rep and is written purely through the male gaze. For some reason Rachel is DEAD SET AGAINST feeding this poor girl or letting her chew food onscreen, and that's just the BARE MINIMUM of like, healthy fucking behavior.
Seriously, stop reading this post RIGHT NOW and ask yourself, "When has Persephone actually eaten a meal onscreen?"
Go ahead, I'll wait.
The CLOSEST we've ever gotten to her eating a meal was that time she ordered takeout (fucking Chinese takeout???) and we never actually see her eating it. She's stirring it around in one panel and then by the end of the conversation, the food is gone.
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Even in scenes where you'd think she'd be eating, like in the scene where she stays at Hera's for dinner, they come up with some random excuse as to why she can't have a full meal.
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(I just noticed writing this up btw that they're all eating the same thing she is so why are they so apologetic as if they're all feasting on meat and she's just eating lettuce and cheese??? But it looks like all they're eating is greens and toast, what the fuck is happening-)
It's astounding to me at all that a Greek family wouldn't have anything more in the house for a vegetarian to eat than lettuce and halloumi. Need I remind you that Greek food is Mediterranean, it is primarily vegetarian. Beans, veggies, fruit, breads, and cheeses make up much of the foundation of Greek food so why don't they have anything else in the house; and why in the world is Zeus being all judgmental over her being vegetarian when most of what he eats - AND WHAT HE'S LITERALLY GOT ON HIS PLATE RIGHT NOW - is vegetarian???
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And when she DOES eat, it's always the tiniest morsels, like she's a squirrel or a delicate little baby who's never seen food before and whose teeth haven't grown in yet. She'll be holding utensils, she'll have a plate in front of her, but will she eat the food? Will there even be food on the plate?
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Anything we see her legitimately consume is juice. Happy little baby needs her juice, her sippy sip.
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This is honestly so indicative of how Americanized LO is. From the lack of actual Greek food to vegetarianism being treated like an inferior diet to the main female character not being allowed to even CHEW food onscreen let alone eat, like... what year is it ??? Being a vegetarian isn't a radical idea anymore, and for fuck's sakes, Greek food is readily available even in North America so it shouldn't be this hard to get right! Can we please throw out this 1950's misogyny bullshit of the man stuffing his face with steak while the woman eats nothing but grapefruit skins, hard boiled eggs, and wine??
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Catching His Eye
Jensen Ackles x Reader
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Warning: dry humping, fluffy Jensen
Summary: His distracted and you're the reason.
Authors note: I love Jensen and his family. I mean them no disrespect. This is set in set in a world where Jensen is single. This is a work of fiction for nothing more than entertainment.
Life had kicked your ass in every way possible. You still haven't recovered from you two year long relationship ending when he cheated. Not only did he cheat, but with your best friend.
You decided last minute to purchase gold passes for a convention to your favorite show. Supernatural had saved you when you hit rock bottom. Seeing Dean Winchester on your screen always made your bad days better.
Friends and family said you were obsessed, they just didn't understand. Jensen Ackles brought you a character who stole your heart, made you smile, and laugh. So of course you had a crush on the green eyed texan, who the fuck wouldn't.
That's how you ended up here. Arm stretching high in the sky, hoping they will pick you to ask your question. You hated public speaking but couldn't give up a chance to interact with Jensen.
Jared picked you out of sheer luck. An older lady brought you over a microphone. Jensen wasn't looking at you, in his own little universe there on stage.
Clearing your throat you stand up and just speak, "my questions for Jensen." He looks up at the spund of his name. Deep green eyes lock on your y/e/c ones. Your knees threaten to collapse right then and there with just one look at him.
"Umm... I'm just curious what you like to do when your having a bad day. What's your go to to make yourself smile?" There you asked. Shyly smiling you never look away from his gorgeous face.
He's just staring at you. Eyes running all over your face. Jared snaps his fingers in front of his friends face bring him back to the present.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, what's that?"
Jared and the audience laugh. Jensen has an embarrassed smile on his face when he realizes he was too distracted by you to actually hear what you said. Repeating your question for him, he gives you a breathtaking smile before answering.
You sit back down after he's answered you.
For the rest of the day you wander around the vendors room. Sit in on different panels. Even make conversation with some amazing people. This is truly the only place where everyone understands your way of thinking and obsession with these characters.
Halfway through the day, you find yourself looking for a restroom. You've managed to take a wrong turn down a hallway and are now completely lost.
You hear him before you see him. Large arms wrap around your frame, pulling you into a dark room, "you're very distracting you know that."
Spinning you around you come face to face with the guy of your dreams. The man whose been there for you without even knowing it. The guy you thank every day exists.
"I never do this. But I can't stop thinking about you and those beautiful sinful lips sweetheart."
Oh shit.
Then he kissed you. Soft and gentle. Testing the water with those soft lips on yours.
Breaking apart, you can see the nervousness written all over his face. Scared that he's crossed a line.
Smiling, a sense of bravery comes over you, and you reach up to drag his face back to yours, capturing his lips in another kiss.
It turns heated quickly. Jensen backs you up against the door. Strong hands rest on your hips. His thick thigh wedge between your legs, resting tightly on your soaked core.
Without thinking you begin to dry hump his leg. Moans slipping past both your lips as you rub yourself closer to an orgasm.
The need for oxygen breaks your kiss. Jensen hooded eyes watching you as your take your pleasure from him.
"That's it baby. Get yourself off on my leg."
Nibbling his way from your throat to your ear, "soak my pants baby."
It's all you need to get you over the edge. Your head knocks against the door as you scream out his name. Cocky grin plastered on his face as he watches you cum.
"Fuck. Sweetheart, that was sexy as hell."
Shyness takes over now. You drop your head to avoid his eyes. He won't have it though. Reaching his hand under your chin he moves you face so you have to look at him.
"Don't hide from me y/n. You have no idea how hot that was."
You gasp when you feel the large, hard bulge he has nestled him his tight jeans. His hand leading yours as he rubs himself with it. Groaning he kisses you again.
"I have to get back before they come looking. Can I please see you again?"
"Yes." It's a whisper, but Jensen hears you. With one more kiss and squeeze of his perfect dick, he sends you in the direction of the bathrooms before disappearing back to his handler.
Part two coming soon...
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee @nancymcl
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henrysglock · 3 months
[Lumax voice] Turn Around, Look At What You See! In Their Face...
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(If you couldn't already tell: I have finally lost all my marbles.)
I'm sure this has occurred to other people by now, but if El's memories leading up to the 4.07 monologue are ripped directly from Brenner's (<- slayful Nat post, required viewing), and she runs in to see One killing Two...then doesn't it stand to reason that that is what Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room in 1979?
Now before anyone hops in to correct me: There's definitely a version of things where Brenner finds El alone in the rainbow room after the massacre. That's not in question. We all know that happened at some point.
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(Regardless of the manner of death...no broken bones or gouged eyes...okay!)
However, as I'm sure we're all aware...these guys are different guys.
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(This detail has been beaten into the ground but always bears repeating)
So, what is in question is what close-up Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room.
Those duplicate memories appear to belong to close-up Brenner:
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i.e. not the Brenner who runs in and sees El at the start of 4.08. (This isn't to say that that Brenner doesn't have those memories or similar ones, but he's not the Brenner whose memories are being featured. Begone, thot.)
So, arguably, if El has close-up Brenner's memories...then she should be running in and seeing what he saw, no?
So what did he see? Someone just slightly shorter than him, who walked close enough to warrant a tight shot.
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That POV (as has been discussed ad nauseam by many) is far too tall to be any version of El:
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But it is about the right height for someone a few inches shorter than Brenner...something like:
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So, tl;dr: I want to play a clip for you.
I love choreography and camera work. That's art right there.
However, that video doesn't include the subtitling that accompanies the visuals that link El finding One to Brenner finding El:
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Now, it's difficult to compare anything after this point (though not impossible, can't keep a south Wisconsin boy down. I will be using them for comparisons later)...because of course that's when weird, random blood starts appearing:
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Hence, the clock is visibly frozen after that point:
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This smacks, to me, of the same kind of shit that happened with 004 when the kids were bullying El—Scenes that never actually happened in the real past being spliced into a tape that cuts off and then picks back up like no time had passed/nothing had been spliced in. It makes more sense if you read the post I linked, since the video in that post makes my point clearly.
The anime nerd in me is tempted to liken this whole deal ^ to JJBA/DIO's time-stopping stand "The World" in...that's right...Stardust Crusaders, wherein DIO pause time for everyone but himself, which I'm certain others have done as well.
Tbqh...I'm still here:
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Specifically a reference to The World/DIO vs Star Platium/Jotaro, both of which are time-stopping stands...(Much to think about irt Jotaro/Star Platinum developing time-stopping powers later on in terms of El, sure, but also in terms of "Everything was hard for [One]...He walked in here, and it was like something had changed. He told me he had figured it out.").
[Distant screaming as I'm forcefully prevented from going on a "Stardust Spider-Stardust Crusaders-Dio Brando-Joestar Family-Dio's Bone-Green Baby-Green, Green Grass of Home" tangent in this post...and don't get me started on DIO's regen healing/vampirism from the ancient stone mask...don't get me started on King Crimson and Golden Experience Requiem either...]
Not to mention the DIO reference with One linking this scene to (you guessed it) Edward Munson:
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Edward Creel proven once again, but this time it's via goddamn JJBA and Brenner fuckery. (And yes, yes, I know about DIO the band. This ain't about her. Things can have multiple meanings. It was a Choice to associate Henward with DIO and Eddie with DIO. I rest my case.)
As I said earlier, close-up Brenner is shot at a distance baby El could never have achieved. She passes out on the far side of the room, entirely too far away to have been anywhere near close enough for a close-up of Brenner's face, height aside.
However, ignoring the blood fuckery and disappearing gate cracks:
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Some-One else has enough energy left to walk towards the doors. All the way over, in fact. So while those close-up shots are 100% out of range for post-gate baby El, they're very much in-range for 3:46 PM One.
Tl;dr: It's entirely possible, if not likely (based on the choreography and camera-work in these scenes) that close-up/angry Brenner was addressing One rather than baby El.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Jake smugly adjusting his girl’s glasses, setting them just right where they’ve gone askew, just before he goes down on her. “So you can watch me wreck you properly, sweetheart.” 🌻🍦
Y'all can thank V for getting me to write Hangman smut. 18+ this GOT me good 
It's absolutely sinful, how you can feel his signature smirk against your core, how his stare burns into you.
The thickness of his fingers create a stretch that leaves your legs shaking, your body on the precise of pleasure.
His sea green eyes never leave your face as his tongue draws circles on your clit, watching your every reaction. Jake’s hands have your hips pinned down to the bed, your body at his tongue’s mercy. 
It's cruel when he retreats, removing his lips and fingers, leaving you empty and aching. One hand grips the bedsheets while the other adjusts your glasses as you bring your head up, making eye contact with him.
"Said I wanted ya to watch me sweetheart," Jake grins, "You gonna be a good girl and listen?"
A snarky remark dies on your tongue as his fingers trace up and down your slit, just enough to feel his presence. Just enough to leave you a wanting, withering mess on your bed.
"What was that?" He asks with a smirk. It wasn't that he was unsure of what you said. In fact, he was about ninety percent certain.
But he had missed your voice and your beautiful pleas.
You could be catty right back to him. Jake loved that about you. But it had also been six weeks since you last saw your husband. You could be bratty later, after your bodies became familiar with one another again, after your body remembered how to handle all of him again.
"I-I'll be good. I'll be your good girl."
The words were music to Jake's ears. He was great at keeping up the confident façade, but that didn't stop the worries that plagued his mind late at night while he was on a carrier. The possibility that you could find someone whose work trips didn't last months, who could call you more than a few times a week while away, who could actually be physically there for you. The worst part was if that happened, he couldn't blame you, couldn't be upset with you.
That's what made his stomach lurch; it would be reasonable, even understandable if you left him for someone like that.
But you didn't. You were always there when he came back, ready to greet him with open arms and gentle kisses. Ready to assure him that you were all his and no one else's.
Ready to remind Jake that only he got to see you like this, laid out and wearing nothing but those glasses he was absolutely obsessed with. 
"Enjoy the show, sweets," was all he said before diving back in between your legs.
It wasn’t his words that made your eyes roll to the back of your head (though that wasn’t uncommon), but rather his mouth all over you, pressing searing kisses and nips along your most sensitive flesh.
Remembering his orders, you propped yourself up with your elbows, taking in the sight of Jake devouring you.
One of your hands found purchase in his blonde hair, gripping the short strands. A moan escaped Jake’s lips at the sensation of your fingernails grazing against his scalp. Your legs couldn’t help but tremble at the vibrations, your teeth digging into your bottom lip in a desperate attempt to follow your husband’s orders. 
A broken moan fell from your lips as you felt the cool metal of his class ring as another finger thrusts in, creating a pleasure ache that began pooling in the lower pit of your stomach. It was all too much; the intensity of his stare, the lewd sounds of your wetness on his fingers. 
No sooner did the back of your head reached your pillow that you felt a harsh sting upon your right thigh. Your head shot up, a whine escaping from your mouth as you felt his lips leave your clit. 
“What did I say baby?” He chuckled at the way your body shuddered at his breath against your core. 
“Fuck you,” you gritted between your teeth, your words only amusing Jake even more. 
“Later,” Jake grinned, “But for now, I want you to see how I make you fall apart on my tongue.”
You tugged on his hair, guiding his mouth back to where you needed it the most, your eyes never leaving his. 
He wrapped his free arm underneath your hips, lifting them off the mattress. The new angle allowed his fingers to thrust in deeper, causing your voice to reduce to nothing more than strangled whimpers of his name and pleas.
"C'mon baby, missed ya s'much."
His encouragement was your undoing, causing your legs to shake as you fell apart against his mouth as white hot pleasure ran through your body.
Your whines did nothing but motivate Jake to keep going, prolonging your high. The grip on his hair tightened. Whether that was your way of trying to tell him to stop or continue, who knows.
"J-Jake, s'sensitive," your voice was broken, his tongue overwhelming you as it continued to trace circles on your clit.
Jake said something against your soaked cunt, his voice muffled. Somehow, you found the strength to look up, your eyes meeting his.
He was shaking his head, his fingers continuing to thrust against that spot that made your back arch.
It shouldn't be a surprise. Your husband was a man of his word and he did say he would wreck you.
At least you warned told your neighbors that Jake was coming back today.
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snitchesnsneeds · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The New York Special
New York! New York! It's a Fuck of a town! The Bronx is up but the Battery's down! I was spooked by it when I went there in the summer of 2017-ound! New York! New York! It isn't a town!
(It's a city.)
(Also I heard Alya and Nino did a big no-no here so I'll keep my eyes out.)
Oooh! Big new Fancy Opening!
Good introduction, silly stuff with Mr. Pigeon, New suits that I'll talk more about in season 5, etc.
Green typically represents jealousy, Chat. It's good to see you trying to befriend Ladybug instead of flirting with her, though.
Also good ego. It's hard to balance your ego from experience.
And of course Marinette harshly simps for Adrien when it's a detriment to her. Do the salters live in backwards land or something? Chat Noir isn't perfect but he has more respect for Ladybug's boundaries. He doesn't sniff Ladybug's pillow, and I doubt he would even if he knew where she lived.
Sock puppetry lmao
Chloe, shouldn't you be happy about going to New York? You wanted to move there with the Karen that birthed you.
Get disrespected lmao
I love through that sock-filled monologue Marinette implied Lila wasn't their friend. Then again, considering my belief that more of the class is sus of Lila than Marinette,
Yes! Marinette's actually letting go! Or at the very least trying to! Forget what I said earlier. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm assuming Ladybug's taking the Horse Miraculous with her again like with Startrain. Also the Kitty toy alarm's so cuute!
Dramatic irony lmao "Do you see a supervillain in the house?"
I'm also glad we're getting Luka and Kagami content, even if they aren't going on the trip.
Adrien's dad is coming! And I think he's afraid of flying!
Oh god. This relationship is an agony of cringe. Also quit encouraging it, Alya. Even Rose seems to be for Marinette changing seats and she's an utter romantic.
He is afraid of flying.
Sleep cute. I love it. And the ships too.
Oh no. Alya, Nino, don't do it. Marinette and Adrien are better off as friends. Don't do what I think you're going to do.
He doesn't look that much like a pirate. Aren't supervillains supposed to have more swag than this? Maybe he's just a villain.
Oh yeah. The Miraculous isn't the only magic (in an abstract literary sense) in this verse. There's also superheroes. And all the other Zagtoon shows.
Adrien and Marinette are made for eachother in the same way water and cesium is.
They're really trying to tell me Sabrina is bi and into some guy she just met? I could probably believe the bi part, actually, but only if she uses her love language: acts of service pushed to the extreme.
The mischevious
They're really trying to act as if Sabrina isn't approx. as evil as Chloe and pushing this relationship with what looks like a background character?
Hot Dog superhero whose hot dogs empower others. This is objectively the best superhero I've seen.
Fuck it. I'll take this. There's Julerose in this slow dancing scene. Look on the bright side of life.
Doors! Doors! Doors! Doors!
Oh. So it's the teenaged American heroes suggesting that. Oh. Alya's more innocent than thought. She's still into it, though.
Why is Uncanny Valley's superhero design so white? And just looks like that in general? Sparrow's is cool and practical, though.
There's the piracy! I was looking for that!
Why did Techno Pirate only steal her third eye? She's 100% technology! Oh. He just couldn't.
Ladybug, quit distracting Chat Noir. He fully did not expect this.
Oh. Chat Noir had time, he was just anxious or something. Yeah. I get it now. Ladybug has the right to be pissed.
So it was an accidental killing. And she was only corroded, not dusted.
What is with these assholes? Technolyzer or whatever his name was the one that forced Chat Noir to cataclysm Uncanny Valley, and yet they're blaming Ladybug and Chat Noir?
Reused sewer model
No, Chat, she would've been fine no matter what. The Miraculous Big Bang undoes death. It undoes erasure from existence.
This feels forced. Too forced.
...Is that her civilian model? And at least someone's getting consequences for trying to force Adrienette.
This is a joke. That sopping wet cat breakup is a joke. Marinette's unfaithfulness is a joke. The superheroes under liberation are jokes. Why is Miracalyzer or whatever his name is making someone want to take people's freedoms away? Oh right. We got this much Julerose content in an absolute joke of a special. Cursed irony.
Alright, the orchestral reprise of Chat Noir's transformation was pretty cool, I'll admit. He's back!
Miracolonizer? Is that his name?
So was Adrien's dad just listening to stuff in his room this whole time?
And was this trip that short?
And all the VAs were dehydrated at the time due to production fuckery and a constrained schedule?
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So that's what that fic was talking about. It was a Julerose fic as well. Marinette was dating Luka and Adrien was dating Kagami at the time of this special. No mention of polyamory. They were making her cheat. This is Luka disrespect. This is Kagami disrespect. Alya, what the fuck? Also the other plot stuff was just My Hero Academia again, and I hate My Hero Academia.
Edit: So apparently Adrien was told he's going to New York right as he was leaving. So it wasn't his fault.
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
An Affair Of The Art (KNJ x F!Reader)
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pairing: husband!Namjoon x reader genres/au/rating: fluff, slight angst, pg summary: One rainy day looking at art sets off a spiral of events Namjoon can’t control, leaving his heart for the taking
warnings: references to infidelity (no actual infidelity), references to PPD, dad!Joon (yes this is a warning)
word count: 1.3k
a/n: so I went to go look at art when it was raining today and saw so many kids with their parents, and then listened to Namjoon’s podcast which was a mistake bc the yearning is just at all all time high. please enjoy this self-indulgent piece. disclaimer: i’m not a mom, and have never experienced PPD, but i’ve known moms who did. my heart goes out to anyone who struggles with it, I’m sending you a big hug.
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It starts when Dan-Bi is seven months old – but Namjoon never meant for it to happen in the first place. He can see the exhaustion seep into your bones, the light leave your eyes, how every day you become less and less like a person and more and more a machine that changes, feeds, burps. Being there for you had always been his solution, but even that doesn’t seem enough. 
So one day, when you’re finally able to catch up on sleep, and he’s unwilling to rouse you from some well-needed rest, he settles on it. Slipping on his boots and sliding his rain jacket, he looks around him nervously before sending a hushed message to the other person in his life that it was time for them to get away for a bit, maybe at a nearby gallery.
And so he sets out on the rainy city streets, the anticipation making him shiver almost as much as the cold. It’s a prolonged journey, one where he stops in for cup of coffee, the hot liquid warming his frigid inside. Next he stops by the park, looking at the many families that travel along the lush green walkways, and his mind guiltily flashes back to you. It wasn’t your fault. You needed time to be yourself again, as did he.
When he finally steps into the warm gallery space, the hostess greets him with a flutter of her eyelashes, her gaze hungrily traveling to the way his plain t-shirt has soaked through, clinging to the muscles of her chest. Namjoon doesn’t indulge her. There’s only one person whose company he craves right now.
The stares of the other patrons burn into the back of his head when he rides up the elevator to the second floor, and he wonders if they know his secret - if they silently judge him for being here in this state right now, a fraud amongst them. Instead of dwelling on it, he shakes the rain from his hair and walks right out, never turning to look back.
His boots click against the tile floors, the echo bouncing off the walls as he wanders, searching, and searching until — he finds it. The vivid reds and pinks reflect onto the floor, creating an eerie glow to the harshly caricatured scene Guston portrays - Namjoon can’t stop staring.
A squeal startles him, and he jolts, looking around to see if anyone else heard it, but they all remain still, hyper-focused on the pieces in front of them. Sighing, Namjoon mentally prepares himself for the worst when he decides to investigate the source.
Only to come upon his daughter’s smiling face in the stroller, Dan-Bi looking up at him with wide eyes as she kicks her legs and squeals again, her eyes then squishing into the familiar crescent moons that mirror his own. Namjoon wonders what could have a barely year old baby so joyous in a space that she barely understands, but he freezes when he sees Dan-Bi look over at the painting he’d had his eyes trained on mere moments ago, her gaze equally as transfixed as her father’s.
Her fingers end up in her mouth as she slobbers, and Namjoon chuckles at how she drools over them, stroking her fine hair with a soft touch before he goes back to looking at it too. He couldn’t tell anyone how much time passed with the two of them looking at the piece. Maybe it was five minutes, maybe it was twenty, but Namjoon remains rooted to the spot, Dan-Bi’s protests and cries keeping him in place every time he moves the stroller. He leans to look at every brush stroke, every vibrant hue that blends into another, each thread on the canvas before turning to look at Dan-Bi’s tiny figure, fist smooshed into her cheek as she slumbers. That was enough to hold him over for now, and it was time to get back home to you.
And so began Namjoon’s affair of the art.
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Over time, he sees you brighten, the changing of the seasons enough to bring you out of your shell, the former enthusiasm you had returning. You feel well enough to hold Dan-Bi without feeling pained and sorrowed, yet it hits you just how much your daughter has grown up in the past few months, her tiny delicate features becoming sharper and more refined, blending into the perfect amalgamation of you and your husband. And then the guilt settles in for missing so much of her life.
You weren’t naive - you’d woken up more than enough times to find Namjoon gone, Dan-Bi nowhere to be found in the house. After panicking the first few times, the bittersweet feeling set in when you realized they were gone, and you were here. You knew Namjoon meant well, intending for you only to rest, but it hurt that they were living on, while you remained stuck in the same place.
One day, when the trees begin to shed their flowers and the rainy skies melt into sunshine, you decide to follow behind them, slipping out no more than five minutes after they’d gone. Your footsteps take you to the art museum that Namjoon had taken you to on your first date, and you watch the security staff coo as he waves to them, walking in with Dan-Bi strapped to his shoulders.
Before you can stop him, you’re following behind, your haggard appearance and the bags underneath your eyes a sharp foil to your husband’s fit, healthy frame and Danbi’s adorable chunky thighs. You linger behind them on the stairs, Namjoon paying no mind to who’s behind him as he leads Dan-Bi into a gallery, this one full of works by the Impressionists, the soft colors and works transporting putting a smile on your face when you finally realize.
Monet was my first, he’d told you all those years ago. The Lunch.
Tears spring to your eyes when you see him holding up Dan-Bi to look at the water lilies splotched across the canvas, his gentle voice reassuring her to “look only, uri ttal, no touching”.
The choked sob that escapes is what gives you away, Namjoon and Dan-Bi turning to find you behind them, wet streaks streaming down your face.
“Baby,” Namjoon’s voice rumbles, his concerned eyes looking at your tired figure. “What are you doing here? You should be at home resting.”
“I thought you were having an affair,” you half sob, half cackle, and Dan-Bi squeals at seeing you, making grabby hands.
“Eom-a-ma-ma-ma,” she blubbers, and you take her from Namjoon, not caring for the stares of passerby that look at the strange scene, an oddly calm child with the mother in the midst of a meltdown.
“Are you for real?” Namjoon whispers, his arms coming around to wrap you in a hug. “___-ah, I would never. You have to know that. I love you.”
He curls you and Dan-Bi into him, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, before continuing on.
“I’ve been waiting months for the day you’d feel better, that you’d finally be able to join us. Dan-Bi is better company than I expected at the art museum - she doesn’t scream or cry, mostly just tries to destroy thousands of dollars of precious art by knocking into it or grabbing for it.”
“She’s just a baby,” you pout, cooing at her. “She’ll learn one day.”
“It’s nice to see you here with us,” Namjoon mumbles against you. “I missed you.”
“Thank you for waiting for me Namjoon,” you say to him. “Now, what do you say we go look at some more paintings? I know Appa is a fan of Monet, but I want our little raindrop to learn about the wonders of Degas.”
And you carry her away, Namjoon trailing behind you with a grin on his face. This affair for his heart may have ended, but a new one was just beginning.
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a/n pt. 2: it’s fluffing szn idc about cuffing szn. As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Open Your Mouth
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And my first fill for the new @911bingo card. Times “open your mouth” get said in the Reyes-Strand household- 5 times it’s about food and then the time it isn’t 😏 @chaotictarlos thank you for the beta. 😘 Warnings: there’s a lot of food talk and a little bit of smut (I’m only sorry it wasn’t the other way around.)
Carlos is giddy as he and TK slice into their wedding cake. They pause long enough to pose for pictures before they ease the slice onto a plate and both reach for it with their fingers. He looks up at his husband, whose green eyes sparkle with mischief.
“Please don’t shove it in my face,” Carlos pleads.
“I won’t!” TK says, although, from his grin, Carlos isn’t quite sure. “I promise, I promise! Open your mouth.”
Carlos does. It takes more coordination than he had realized it would to get the cake from TK’s hand to his mouth while Carlos is simultaneously spreading cake and frosting all over TK’s cheek.
He laughs at the shock on TK’s face. Apparently, TK hadn’t thought he was capable of the heinous act of cake smashing, and judging from the cheers of their friends and family, neither had they.
The frosting is delicious. Carlos licks it from his fingers with glee as TK teasingly announces he wants a divorce. Carlos doesn’t believe him for a second, but he lets TK spread the remnants of frosting on his cheek and then reels him in for a kiss.
As someone hands them each a napkin, Grace steps up to start slicing cake for the guests. They stand to the side, out of the way, as they clean their fingers, then Carlos reaches out, carefully wiping the frosting from TK’s face.
When they’re clean, they lean in for another kiss, and TK whispers. “You’re going to pay for that tonight.”
“I’m counting on it.”
Carlos groans and shivers, even under all the covers. He doesn’t have to open his eyes to know that TK is there, hovering, with a worried look on his face.
Nearly half of the APD was out with the flu, and it had hit Carlos hard.
He feels the bed dip, and then TK runs a hand through his sweaty curls. “Hey, baby,” he says softly.
Carlos groans again pitifully.
“I’m dying, TK,” he croaks. “Dying. I give you my permission to get remarried. Just not too soon.”
TK rolls his eyes fondly and ignores the hyperbole.
“Come on; I brought you a little something to eat.”
Carlos lets TK manhandle him until he’s mostly sitting against the headboard. The little movement leaves him exhausted and ready to sleep for another two days.
TK grabs the bowl off the nightstand and holds it up, offering Carlos the spoon. He gives the soup a little stir and is relieved when the smell doesn’t immediately turn his stomach. He hasn’t been able to eat anything in days. He gets a spoonful almost to his mouth and shakes his head.
“I can’t.”
“I need you to try,” TK says sternly, scooping up some of the broth. “Open your mouth.”
The flavors are familiar and comforting, and he lets TK feed him another spoonful.
“When did my mom come by?” he asks.
“This morning. You were actually able to sleep, and she didn’t want to wake you; she just dropped off the soup.” TK says.
After a few more bites, Carlos shakes his head, and TK sets the bowl on the nightstand.
“I’ll leave it here for when you’re ready for more,” he says. He climbs into bed and wraps his arms around his husband.
TK leans back, propping himself up on his elbow. It’s a clear spring evening, not too hot, and from their picnic spot, they have a perfect view of the stars. Carlos had picked him up from the firehouse after shift, and they had driven almost an hour to a little spot near the lake where they ate a little picnic dinner Carlos had prepared.
After, they had taken a small walk to the lake and back a few times, holding hands and stealing kisses. Although the water wasn’t yet warm enough for a swim, they had waded knee-deep and wound up in a splash fight. If you ask TK, Carlos had pouted way too much, considering he started it, and they made their way back to the blanket to dry off.
TK leans over a little, tucking himself into Carlos’ side, but Carlos is oblivious as he rummages around in the picnic basket. TK’s not sure what else he brought; he thought they’d already eaten the food Carlos had taken most of the day to prepare.
“Open your mouth,” Carlos says finally.
TK obeys immediately, and Carlos puts a piece of food to his lips. TK bites into the item; it’s sweet, and chocolatey, and messy, and TK laughs as a little juice drips down his chin. Carlos leans in to lick it off, pressing a kiss to TK’s lips on the way before popping the rest of the chocolate-covered strawberry into his mouth.
“Open your mouth.”
TK freezes in the doorway, his arms full, and blinks owlishly.
“Okay, that’s kind of like hello, but different.”
But Carlos looks excited, so TK opens his mouth. Carlos feeds him a bite from the spoon. It’s hot, and TK hisses, sucking in air through his teeth until it’s cool enough to swallow.
It tastes exactly like his favorite dish his mom always made for all his birthdays. Carlos is waiting expectantly, and TK nods his approval.
“Babe, it’s perfect!” TK exclaims, dropping his bags on the floor near the doorway. It earns him a scowl from Carlos, which he ignores, and he follows his husband back to the stove. He takes the spoon from Carlos and dips it into the pot, taking another spoonful. “How did you-”
“I called your stepdad. He figured out what I was missing. It’s really okay?”
“Yes, Carlos! I can’t believe you took the time to figure this out for me.” He can’t stop himself from bouncing on his toes, and he peeks around the loft, noticing the vase full of fresh flowers on the table and the large silver-paper-wrapped present at his place.
Carlos beams and slips an arm around TK’s waist.
“Happy Birthday, husband.”
“This is a really nice place,” Carlos murmurs. “And the food was amazing!”
TK nods; he had made the reservations months in advance in preparation for Carlos’ first time in New York. The food was exquisite, the atmosphere was romantic, and he knew Carlos would enjoy himself here.
“Do you want to split a dessert?” Carlos asks. “The creme brulee sounds amazing. Or we can each get a dessert and split them?”
“I’m okay,” TK says. “But get the creme brulee. It’s worth it, I promise.”
Carlos orders his dessert and turns back to TK as soon as their waitress is gone. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
TK shakes his head. “Nah, I’m good,” he says.
He reaches for Carlos’ hand, and they chat for a bit while they wait for dessert to be brought out. TK tells him what plans he has in store for the rest of their anniversary trip, and Carlos seems delighted with his choices.
The dessert arrives sooner than they expect, and TK watches as Carlos cracks the caramelized sugar with his spoon and takes a bite of the custard.
“This is the best thing I’ve eaten in my life!” he declares.
“I told you,” TK laughs, eyeing the dessert.
Carlos rolls his eyes. “I told you to get something. Do you want a bite?” he offers.
“No,” TK insists. “You won’t be able to finish it all, anyway; I’ll eat the rest.”
Taking another bite, Carlos shakes his head.
“You’re underestimating how delicious this is. There won’t be any left. If you want some, you better get it now. Open your mouth,” he says, bringing a spoonful toward TK.
TK has no choice but to let Carlos feed him. The custard is sweet and rich, and TK agrees it’s the best thing he’s eaten. Tonight at least.
Carlos lets TK steady him as he eases himself to his knees on the wet tiles of the shower floor. He knows what he must look like: blown pupils, his lips swollen from making out, a little needy, and a lot desperate.
TK runs his thumb across Carlos’ lips, softly before moving it to his cheek. Carlos turns and playfully nips at TK’s thumb. He’s fast, but TK is faster and snatches his hand away and tuts.
“Open your mouth,” TK says.
Carlos does, and he’s rewarded with two of TK’s thick fingers being shoved in his mouth. He moans and obediently sucks on the offered fingers.
TK hums, “And here I thought you wanted my cock?”
Carlos whines and nods frantically.
TK shakes his head, “show me you can play nice,” he chastises teasingly. “No teeth.”
Carlos swirls his tongue around the digits and sucks as TK finger-fucks his mouth. He does his best to show TK he can be good and that he deserves his husband’s cock.
“Okay, okay, enough is enough. Come here.” TK pulls his fingers from Carlos’ mouth, tips his chin up, and leans in to give him an absolutely filthy kiss.
He stands and Carlos looks up at him through wet lashes.
“Go ahead,” TK nods.
TK’s cock is rock hard and Carlos dives forward, sucking gently at the tip. He plants soft kisses down the side of TK’s dick, all the way to the base before licking a stripe back toward the tip and taking his dick all the way into his mouth. He hollows his cheeks as he pulls back and TK hums contentedly, leaning against the tiled wall.
“Fuck, Carlos,” TK whispers, curling his fingers into Carlos’ hair.
Carlos hums around TK’s cock as he sucks, and he knows TK can feel the vibrations by the way his fingers tighten in his curls.
He eases forward, taking as much of TK into his mouth and throat as he can, which earns him more hair-pulling. He settles back on his haunches and laps at the tip, little kitten licks that he knows drive his husband crazy.
“Don’t tease,” TK whines.
“Patience is not your strong suit, is it?” Carlos asks, raising an eyebrow. He wraps his hand around TK’s dick and gives him a couple of firm strokes.
Carlos can tell when TK is getting close; the fingers in his hair tighten, his breathing is shallower, and TK lets out the softest whimpers that are the prettiest sounds Carlos has ever heard.
“Come for me baby,” Carlos whispers.
Carlos sucks the head of TK’s dick into his mouth and wraps his fingers around the rest. He works TK’s cock with his mouth and his hand knowing he can short-circuit his husband’s brain with the dueling sensations.
TK lets out a small groan and shifts, thrusting his hips forward; the fingers on Carlos’ free hand dig into his hips to keep him where Carlos wants him.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” TKgasps. He does, loudly, and he digs his fingernails into Carlos’ shoulder before slumping against the wall to catch his breath.
Carlos ducks his head and spits, and takes a second to rinse his mouth before TK is hauling him to his feet and kissing him.
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” TK murmurs.
“Yeah? Is it my turn?” Carlos asks, putting his hand on TK’s shoulder and guiding him to his knees.
TK smirks, lapping at the head of Carlos’ cock. He pauses and Carlos lets out a whine. “Now who’s impatient?”
“Come on TK, don’t tease. Open your mouth.”
Taglist: @chaotictarlos @tailoredshirt @noxsoulmate @plaidbooks @meditating-honey-badger
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99liv3s · 1 year
This is a great idea you got goin! Mind if I throw my OC into the mix?
Name: Kristin O’Connor
Hair: Fiery Red
Eyes: Green
Age: 26
Height: 5’8”
Kristin is an Irish gal who came from a large family. Being the second oldest of 8 children, she witnessed quite a few of her mothers pregnancies (one set of twins, a set of triplets, and a singleton) and always thought she’d find someone to have her own children with. Maybe the clinic will help her out?
26 year old Kristen O'Connor walked into the clinic and approached the front desk! Brushing her long red hair out of her face, she looked around, seeing a great number of women with pregnant bellies hanging out in the waiting room, before a woman behind the desk spoke to her! "Greetings, how can the Birth Clinic help you today?" "Hi, I wish to get pregnant!" Kristen said in her Irish accent, causing the receptionist to stare at her. "I'm sorry, but that's not the kind of service we provide..." "Now, hold on a sec," a voice said behind her, as a door leading into the facility opened, and a dark haired young man wearing a lab coat entered the waiting room. "You wish to get pregnant, and came here?" He asked, and Kristen nodded! "Well, I think we can work something out!" "Here, follow me!"
Kristen had followed the doctor to an unoccupied exam room! As she made her way through the clinic, she saw even more pregnant women, some of which were in various stages of labor, and could hear moaning and screaming from other rooms. This did not bother Kristen, however, as she had been present for six of her siblings' birth, she being the second oldest child of the family! It was this, actually, that stirred her interest in becoming pregnant with her own child someday, and she felt that now was that day. The doctor, whose name was Tommy, looked Kirsten over, taking in her fiery red hair, her bright green eyes, and her somewhat confident but small frame. "Why did you come here, to get pregnant, instead of just hooking up with someone?" He asked. Kristen explained her past and family situation to Tommy, finishing up with "I wanted someone I could trust, and who better than a man who would be delivering the baby when it was time?" Tommy smiled and nodded. "I guess you do have a point!" He said, looking her over again. "I don't think you would have a problem at all finding a man, to be honest!"
Tommy gave her a pill to take, then instructed Kristen to take off her clothes. After a quick medical examination, Tommy got naked as well, and, after asking if Kirsten was ready and sure this was what she wanted, to which she said yes, Tommy entered her! He was very gentle with her as they had sex, and Kristen submitted to everything he did, elated by the fact they were conceiving her own baby at this very moment!
Eight and a half months later found Kristen back in this same room, moaning loudly in great pain as her labor progressed! She had experienced a wonderful pregnancy, and it was everything she had dreamed, right down to the odd cravings and sensations! When she had gone into labor, she returned to the clinic, and flatly demanded that Tommy be the one to deliver their baby! The clinic agreed happily, and so Kristen had been brought to the exam room where this child was conceived, in order to now get it out of her.
As Kristen led out another loud moan, clutching her belly with one hand as she lay on her side in the bed, Tommy was at her feet, checking her dilation! "You're almost there, Kristen! 9 centimeters!" He said, to which Kristen moaned more! "I don't know how much longer I can do this," she cried out, realizing that when her mom did this, why she would cry and scream so much! She knew the basics of childbirth, yes, but experiencing it was a different thing altogether! "You're doing great, little mama," Tommy said comfortingly. "We're gonna see the baby we made together soon!"
"OOOOOOWWWWW!" Kristen screamed an hour later as she splashed around in the little birthing pool! "Push again," Tommy commanded, but Kristen shook her head with a whimper. The pain and pressure in her pelvis was pulverizing, and her vagina burned! "OOH, GET IT OUT GET IT OUT AHHH!" Kristen yelled, as she felt the baby push again, fully aware now of just how small she was! "You're getting there, just a few more pushes," Tommy said! His voice stayed comforting and soothing throughout the entire process, no matter how much Kristen screamed, moaned, and cried. He instructed two nurses to hold her legs open, and then looked directly into Kristen's green eyes! "It's about to crown!" He told her! "When the pain and burning increases, just push through it, ok?" "You can do it!" On the next push, Kristen found he was correct! The pain and burning did get worse! She screamed her head off, but kept pushing! A gush of fluid and an almost orgasmic as well as painful sensation told Kristen that the head was out! Tommy guided her hand down to the head hanging out of her, allowing her to feel it! "Feel that? That's our baby!" He said with a smile! Kristen nodded rapidly, then pushed with a grunt, and the baby's body dropped into the water! "We have a little girl!" Tommy announced!
(Your character rolled a 3 = single baby birth)
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punch drunk
Two years after the true end, the gang falls under the influence. 6k words of sunkel silliness with a side of photobomb! CW for underage drinking. Or just drinking, depending on where you live.
At 8:42 PM on the last Friday before Basil leaves for college, Aubrey texts the group chat.
[Code Green. The hideout. 30 mins.]
Hm. A Code Green is a tier three summons. Nothing life-threatening—that would be a Code Black—but urgent, and time-sensitive. Luckily, Sunny’s staying with Kel through the end of the summer. Which means that, for once, he can actually answer a Code Green. 
Sunny looks up. On the other side of that dorky basketball bedspread, Kel is frowning at his own phone. 
“She’s fine,” Sunny reminds him. If Aubrey was hurt, she would’ve sent a Code Blue, at least. And if this really was a call-to-arms, she wouldn’t have sent it to one golden retriever, one trembling chihuahua, and a housecat who would hold up perfectly fine in a fight, if he still had any depth perception.
Kel startles. “Huh? Oh. Y-Yeah, for sure! But, I mean… We should probably go check?”
“We still have—” Sunny checks the timestamp. “28 minutes.” And 32 seconds. 31. 30.
“Sure, sure. But, I mean. Code Green.”
Sunny heaves a sigh. “I’ll get dressed.”
Halfway to the park, Kel looks at him and snickers. “Dude. I don’t think she’s gonna make us rob a bank or anything.”
Sunny looks down. As usual, he’s all in black—a new trick he picked up when he started going outside again. Apparently, teenagers aren’t supposed to wear the same outfit every day. Unless it’s all black. Then people just think you’re goth.
He looks up at Kel. “Bet?”
“Pff. Okay, fair. But you’re not even gonna make it to the heist if you get hit by a car before we get there!!”
Sunny shakes his head. “They’ll see you from a mile off.”
In classic fashion, Kel is dressed like an Orange Joe commercial threw up on a box of highlighters. Even the scrunchie in his hair looks like he swiped it from his baby sister. It's glittery pink, studded with tiny gold stars. He’s practically a traffic hazard. 
Kel flings an arm around his shoulders, grinning. “Guess you gotta stick with me, then!”
Sunny nods. Yes. That was the plan.
When they get to the lake, Basil’s already waiting. He’s standing just beyond the treeline, wringing his hands like a war widow braced for the worst. Or like a traumatized 18-year-old with an anxiety disorder. 
Basil must have rolled straight out of bed. His hair is mussed flat on one side and his light green shorteralls look rumpled, like he fished them out of the hamper. Underneath, Sunny recognizes Basil's favorite sleep shirt: worn beige cotton whose printed purple flowers have faded to palest lilac. 
He still took the time to pick out a hairpin, though. It’s a new one, a California Poppy in glossy white enamel. When he hears them coming, he straightens up a little. “A-Aubrey??” 
“Nope!” Kel says, waving cheerfully. 
“O-Oh. Um. Hi, guys.” 
Basil manages a smile, but he doesn’t stop fidgeting with the bracelet in his hands. It looks to be braided from from real flowers. Buttercups and milkweed, mostly. None of the petals have started to wilt, so he must have just made it. 
Sunny stares at it. “How long have you been here?”
Basil flushes and drops it. “Oh,” he mumbles, while Kel stoops to pick it up. “Um. N-Not very long… Only maybe 20 minutes.”
Sunny squints at him. Basil’s place is twice as far as Kel’s. Did he sprint the whole way here?
“A-Are you—Or.” Basil clears his throat. “Do you… think she’s okay?”
Sunny rolls his eyes. He’s surrounded by alarmists. Though, after everything they’ve been through, he can sort of see why. “It’s only Green.”
“I-I know!! But even if she’s not hurt, she could be, I don’t know… in trouble with, with the law, or…”
Sunny shakes his head. “She would have texted the Treehouse.” The Treehouse includes all the same people as the group chat, plus Hero. (Technically, Hero’s also in the group chat. But he muted the thread eight months ago. Something about distractions and pre-med course loads and phones that never stop buzzing.)
“W-Well!! I brought some money, just in case!! And antacids, and trail mix… there’s some gauze and alcohol wipes… iodine tablets… that bear spray I got when we went camping… Oh! And I, um, printed out the Miranda rights. Just to be safe.” 
Sunny looks unimpressed. “You keep all that stuff in your backpack anyway.”
“Well. Yes. I suppose so.” 
A familiar snicker echoes through the trees. It’s closely followed by Aubrey, who is clearly in no danger and also no particular hurry. She's dressed like she just lost a fight with a wood chipper—shredded cutoffs over an even-more-shredded band tee that she must have cropped with a pair of Crayola safety scissors—but Aubrey always looks like that. Sunny recognizes one of Basil’s pieces dangling from her right ear. A pearly Lily of the Valley, carefully dried and encased in resin.
“Aw, you gu~uys,” she drawls. “Did you seriously come straight here?” 
“No,” Sunny says defensively.
“Yup!” Kel says honestly. 
“I got dropped off,” Basil admits. 
“Hah! You guys are such dweebs. Nothing’s on fire, you nerds. It’s just a Code Green.”
Sunny gives the others a pointed stare. 
“R-Right,” Basil says, sagging with relief. “Of course. Um. S-So… What is the emergency?”
The “emergency” is this: Aubrey lifted a handle of vodka off the back of a pickup. 
“A-Alcohol??” Basil squeaks. “But—we’re underage!!!”
“Only in America,” Aubrey scoffs. “And Indonesia, apparently. And, like, Mongolia. Anyway, I won’t call the cops if you don’t.”
“I would never!!!”
She jabs him with one elbow, grinning. “Then I think we’re in the clear.”
“You wanna get us drunk?” Kel asks indignantly. Aubrey rolls her eyes.
“Oh, my god, this is soooo~ not about you. Basil starts college in like, four days! You really want his first time drinking to be at some nasty frat?”
Basil flinches. “O-Oh, um… I don’t know… I-It’s not as though I get invited to a lot of parties…”
“But you’re about to start college!” she argues. “New life, new you! I’ve seen movies, man. Everyone parties in college.” 
Sunny nods sagely. He has also seen movies. 
“I’m not saying it’s a good thing,” Aubrey adds. “It’s not like you gotta turn into some crazy party animal.” (Basil looks slightly queasy at the thought.) “But you’re definitely gonna run into it at some point. Wouldn’t you rather try it with your best friends in the whole world, instead of a bunch of total randos?”
In the peanut gallery, Kel nudges Sunny. “Is this peer pressure?” 
Oh. “Yes.” More or less by definition. It might as well have been clipped from one of those D.A.R.E videos they had to watch in sixth grade.
“You guys are no fun,” Aubrey grumbles. “Fiiiine. No one has to drink, okay? But I’m gonna.”
“Me too,” Sunny agrees. 
Kel whips around to stare. “What!!” 
Sunny lifts one shoulder. 
“Sure.” Why not?
Kel goggles at him. Sunny’s so steady and sure all the time, it’s easy to forget how totally reckless he can be. But behind all the stony stares, he’s got a streak of mischief that rivals Mari’s. And he really hates to lose. 
“Hell yeah!” Aubrey whacks Sunny on the shoulder hard enough to make him stumble. “You and me, dude!”
“Me too!!” Kel butts in. “I’m in if Sunny is!”
“Oh,” Basil says slowly. “Hm. Um. Well… I guess I’d rather find out what it’s like with you guys. In a, um—a safe space, with people I t-trust. Like Aubrey said.”
“Hah!!” Aubrey crows. “We got Basil!!” She hooks one arm over his shoulders and messes up his hair with the other. “Now it’s a party.”
Aubrey swiped a few mixers, too. From the basket of her bike, she proudly unloads a six-pack of Diet Sprite, a dusty glass bottle of something red and viscous, and a dented Orange Joe that she obviously brought for Kel, even though she insists that she just grabbed ‘whatever was closest.’
Sunny looks around. He doesn’t see anything to drink out of. “Cups?”
“Shit! Aw, mannnn, I knew I was forgetting something.” She turns out her pockets, but only winds up with a fistful of lint. “...Yeah, no. I got nothing.”
Basil brightens. “Oh! I have my water bottle in my pack! A-And—um. Four disposable water bottles.” 
“Dude,” Aubrey snickers. “How much does that thing weigh?”
“It isn’t very heavy,” he assures her. Sunny, who’s had to pass Basil his knapsack more often than he’d like, would beg to differ. “A-And—!! It’s important to be prepared!!”
“Sure, sure. Hey, I got no complaints.” 
“I do,” Sunny puts in. 
Kel looks over with interest. “Oh, yeah?” 
Sunny nods. “It’s too heavy.”
Basil shakes his head, sighing. “You just need to go outside more. You really ought to take better care of yourself, Sunny. I know you don’t like to exercise, but walking just t-twenty minutes a day would really help your cardiovascular health! And your circadian rhythm, a-a-and just your general, um, quality of life.”
Sunny shrugs. Life isn’t always easy, but he’s pretty sure it’s not a question of quality control.
Basil insists that they leave at least two of the disposable water bottles untouched, because ‘alcohol is a diuretic.’ 
Kel chokes on a laugh. “Pfffff—pffahaha!!! It makes you poop??” 
“A di-ur-etic,” Basil says patiently. “Not a di-arrh-etic. It just means it’s, um, dehydrating.”
Kel’s face scrunches. “So why’d they name it after diarrhea?” 
“W-Well!! If you’re really interested, it was probably the other way around. Or, at the very least, I expect they’re derived from the same root: the Greek dia, meaning ‘through,’ and—” 
“Oh my god,” Aubrey wheezes. “Did you nerds wanna party or not?”
The drink is… surprisingly drinkable. Sunny wasn’t expecting that. It burns a little going down—not exactly hot, but hot-adjacent; more wasabi than tabasco. But mostly it just tastes like taking a sip of Sprite while standing too close to a can of wet paint. 
Basil clearly doesn’t agree. He takes one sip and sticks his tongue out. “Blehh.”
“Are you kidding?” Aubrey scoffs. “It’s practically a Shirley Temple!”
Basil turns his nose up at her. “Maybe if there were cherries.”
“Pff. Whatever, man. Anyway, this is way better than what you’ll find in college. What do college kids drink these days? Everclear and Kool-Aid? Friggin… Natty Lite?” 
“Haha,” Basil mumbles. “W-Well. If I get invited to any parties, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
Sunny’s mouth tugs down. It’s… unsettling, thinking about it. Basil, going to college. Growing up and moving away. Meeting a whole new crew of best friends, whose mere existence isn’t a constant reminder of the worst mistake he ever made. While in the meantime, Sunny has to sit through another year of online classes before he can collect his diploma. 
It’s… annoying. Or embarrassing, maybe. But what did he expect? He lost four whole years. Four years of study sessions and walking home after school and eating lunch in the courtyard when the weather is nice. Four years that his friends spent talking to people and learning things and growing. (With the exception of Basil, maybe. But now Basil’s leaving before anyone.)
Basil isn’t the only one getting ahead. Everyone is charging toward the future. Kel is planning to coach Little League while collecting a technical degree in something practical. Aubrey’s resolved to drop off the grid for a while, just to prove that she can do it.
And Sunny’s still in high school.
The thought turns his stomach cold and turgid. Sunny was always the youngest, but only by a few months. And time is supposed to be linear. He never expected to wind up four years younger than everyone he loves. 
A plastic water bottle clatters into his, splashing Smirnoff-and-Sprite across the grass. 
“Kanpai!!” Aubrey shouts in his face. “C’monnn, it’s a party! Don’t you wanna send Basil off right?”
Sunny sighs. He does want to send Basil off right. 
“Heh heh,” she says gleefully. “Then let’s do it right.”
Read the rest here: ao3.org/works/45531958/chapters/126367402
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taro-666 · 1 year
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Hello! This is for the Pedrostories Secret Santa Event🎄| I was given the lovely opportunity to be @alwaysbethewest ‘s Secret Santa! Thank you so much for answering all of my asks haha, I hope you enjoy this, bc I know I had a LOT of fun writing all 4K words (oops my hand slipped🤭) MERRY CHRISTMAS FRIEND🎄💖💖💖
18+ warning!!! No minors allowed beyond this point
Mesh’la: Beautiful
Cyare: love (my love)
Cyar’ika: sweetheart/ beloved
You weren’t expecting an invitation offworld to travel and work for the mandalorian. Immediately a huff of laughter erupted out of you ;a nervous habit you had developed throughout the years. It wasn’t that you necessarily found it funny that he asked ( although imagining yourself casually strolling alongside a big silent mandalorian and his oddly adorable green child did indeed make a smile creep it’s way onto your face. ) but the mandalorian was a man of few words… very few words.
In the beginning, your relationship at the time was strictly medic and patient. He found himself on your doorstep more and more often after he learned he could trust you. Your interactions consisted of you fixing him up and then promptly scolding him for getting himself into so much trouble.
You were used to seeing him carry different accessories, it was hard to keep track at times, but one day he shows up in new armor and is sporting some sort of satchel that is slung across his body.
“ Oh?” Your eyes shot to his shoulders, admiring their width of them. “ Back so soon, AND in new armor?” You said playfully as you tilted your head to the side and let both of your hands rest on your hips.
Mando waited for the door to fully close before reaching for his bag. “ Actually, I was hoping to maybe get a checkup for him.” He pulled out a small bundle from the bag and only after staring for a few seconds did you realize that it was a child. The baby looked up at you with wide eyes and let out a small babble. Immediately warmth was flooding through your chest as you observed the small creature.
“Is.. is he your—“ you started before mando interrupted. “No. He was a bounty… but I went back for him.” His voice was soft as he spoke.
“I see.” You replied, mando handed the curious baby over to you. A smile made its way to your face as you cradled him in your arms.
“ Of course, I could run a checkup on this little one.” You gently rubbed one of his ears with your thumb and finger, and mando shifted in his place as if unsure how to stand.
“Do you have experience with kids?” He asked hesitantly. You nodded
“ Back home; because I was the oldest, I was in charge of taking care of all the young ones while their parents were working.”
He took two big steps in your direction, closing the distance between you both. His hand gently rose to your elbow, the warmth from it immediately radiating through his glove to your skin.
“Then come with us. I could really- we could really use your assistance.” Your gaze fell to where his hand lingered on your arm then back to the dark T of his helmet, “I can pay you handsomely and guarantee your safety.” He spoke softly.
“Ok.” It came out quieter than you wanted. “ Good. You can start today then, I have to pick up some more supplies, we leave in two hours when I return.” You blinked slowly, your brain taking a few extra seconds to process what he just said to you. “But mando”— he cut you off “My name is Din. Din Djarin. Only use it when we are alone.” And with that he turned and walk out, the door closing right after. Your heart was racing, stars what the fuck just happened? The child cooed in your arms, bringing you back to reality. The next thing you knew you were packing your things and awaiting the return of Din.
★ ˙ ──
Before you realized it, almost an entire year had passed since you joined the mandalorian and the small child whose name you learned to be Grogu. During this time not only did you manage to keep Din in one piece and grogu entertained, but you had formed a ridiculous crush on the silent bounty hunter. So ridiculous that it made you feel like a teenager again. The way your heart would jump out of your chest as soon as you heard the ramp lower signaling that he was back from the long journey. Or the way your skin burned at every gentle touch his gloves left on you. The way the deep rasp of his voice left warmth pooling in your core, maker you wanted him. There were times when you almost thought he wanted you to. It felt as if he knew his touch drove you crazy, he often allowed his hands to linger on your body, be it on your shoulder, arm, or your favorite— your lower back. Which he did almost always when walking through markets or any populated area that wasn’t on the crest. And it made you feel powerful to say the least, the way a crowd would part to make way for the three of you without Din needing to say or do anything really. By all means, you weren’t necessarily short but this man made you feel small; in the best way of course. His saunter created an aura that made others very wary of their actions.
To anyone else, he’s a big dangerous bounty hunter who they don’t want to make trouble for, but for you, he was comforting and gentle. For such a quiet and seemingly callous man he was so kind and protective, but only for you and Grogu. It made your heart feel a special type of warmth at the thought that no one else in the ENTIRE galaxy would ever know him the way you do. And yet you can’t help but want more of your relationship with him. The only thing was you weren’t sure how or even when a good time would be to bring it up. It was thoughts like these that occupied your mind while waiting patiently on the ship for Din to return with his bounties.
You spent hours (if you’re lucky) if not days at a time playing with Grogu and entertaining the both of you. Today’s little task was making sure the ship was spotless. Thankfully Din was very organized so most of the cleaning consisted of scrubbing dirt and grime off the walls and crates. After a couple of hours of hard work the ship was spotless, “Wow, we sure do make a good team bud.” You earned a ‘patu’ of agreement from Grogu.
After bathing the kid and putting him to sleep in his pram, you took the liberty to give yourself a much-deserved shower. A few weeks ago you decided to splurge and buy a nice perfumed soap from a small shop; you didn’t normally use liquid soaps just because bar soaps were cheaper, easily accessible, and a lot more convenient. You could never find the right time to actually use it though, but somehow right now feels like an appropriate time. You lathered the iridescent purple soap onto your scrubber and began rubbing your body down, as soon as you opened the bottle, the refreshing floral scent filled the fresher. The emulsified bubbles only made the scent more potent. Stars, you were glad you picked this out after all.
After your shower, you dressed in fresh clothing, the usual fitted pants, and loose long sleeved tunic. You checked on Grogu to make sure he was still asleep and not up to mischievous activities, and to your surprise he was still fast asleep. Hmm, maybe the cleaning really tired him out. You hear the familiar whirring of the ramp descending echo throughout The Crest, and without delay you felt the sensation of butterflies in your stomach. You quickly tried to make yourself look occupied by grabbing your data pad which was conveniently located on top of the nearest crate. You browsed through your notes on herbs and roots that were especially good for sore muscles. You tried your best to keep your eyes glued to the data pad while Din wrestled the limp body of his bounty into the carbonite chamber. Yet another successful round of bounties for him, as per usual.
“That was fast.” You said, trying to suppress your eagerness; eyes still trained on the page you’ve reread 4 times already in hopes of appearing occupied.
“Guess I just got lucky.” The low tone of his voice raises goosebumps all over your arms. He stood there a few extra seconds before climbing up the cockpit, almost as if he wanted to say something but decided not to.
You let out a short sigh before pushing a stray piece of hair back behind your ear. Why was it so hard for you to keep your composure around him? A rhetorical question you already knew the answer to, but it didn’t make anything easier.
★ ˙ ──
Eventually, he came back down to freshen up and to let you know that we were headed back to the guild on Nevarro and should be there in two days. You found yourself sitting on the floor, reorganizing the food pantry (again) this time by size and type in hopes of creating more room. Din slowly leaned against the metal wall, helmet tilted down towards you. He stayed like that for a moment before speaking.
“ Thank you. For cleaning everything so well, you didn’t have to.”
You looked up at him, admiring the angle, “Hey it wasn’t all me, Grogu did most of it actually. You should have seen him, absolutely unstoppable with the rag.”
You earned a huff of modulated laughter from him. Yes; success.
“I can imagine… but really, you don’t have to do these extra things.”
You placed your hands on your thighs now, giving Din your undivided attention. “ I know; but, I like doing these things… for you.” Well, there’s no going back now you thought.
The last part of your sentence was said so softly it made Din’s chest feel warm. Maker, he wanted to grab you and embrace you right there, holding you tightly against him forever. But he settled for awkwardly adjusting his stance instead.
You opened your mouth to say something but before you did Din reached into his belt and pulled out a small leather pouch.
“I got you something, I saw this and it reminded me of you.” He handed it to you and you held it there in your hands unsure of what to say.
“Open it. I want to know if you like it.” You obliged, nervous fingers tugging the pouch open and reaching inside to pull out a gorgeous necklace. It was a thin sliver chain with a small shiny deep blue gemstone that had smaller clear stones surrounding it, delicate silver metal holding everything together in place.
“Stars— Din, this is beautiful! You shouldn’t have— thank you, I- I don’t know what to say.” You stuttered over your words unsure of how to even react. You don’t think you’ve ever received something this nice. And the fact he saw this and thought of you? A million emotions were flowing through you, your eyes shifting from the necklace back up to Din.
“Do… do you like it?” Your reaction was everything and more to him. Seeing your entire face light up at the sight of the necklace, the twinkle in your eyes that he loved so much. As soon as he saw it he was instantly reminded of you, he knew the dark shade of blue would go beautifully with the color of your eyes.
“Like it; Din, this is the nicest gift I’ve ever had.” You were standing now, still in complete awe. You ran your fingers over the small gem admiring it. You playfully pushed one of his pauldrons, “Really, this must have been so many credits, why..?—“
“Beautiful necklace… for a beautiful woman.” Was all
He said. He raised his hand to your face, the back of his gloved finger caressing a gentle line from your cheekbone down to your chin. He couldn’t hold back from touching you.
You were pretty sure he could hear how loud your heart was beating, he was certainly close enough. You hoped the blush spreading to your chest and cheeks wasn’t too noticeable. Wait, did he just call you beautiful? He did. He thinks you’re beautiful. Which means maybe he feels the same. The maker is certainly on your side today. “Can you put it on for me?” You spoke with your newly found confidence and held out the necklace towards Din. He nodded and took it from your hands. You turned around and twisted your hair to the side, leaving your neck completely exposed to him.
He rustled with something behind you, and then you saw his bare hands come down in front of you. He had taken his gloves off. For you. They were big, and although you’d seen bits and pieces of his skin before, you never got tired of seeing the gorgeous olive-toned glow of it. Short and well-kept nails held the beautiful chain carefully as he brought it up to your chin. Sparse dark hairs were planted around his knuckles and the base of his wrist, continuing upwards until they disappeared underneath the sleeves and vambraces on his arms. You tried to memorize the pattern of the small scars littered around his fingers before they disappeared to secure the necklace.
Your heart nearly stopped when you felt him gently caress the back of your neck where the chain now sat,
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have-” he started
“No, it’s okay- I want you to touch me” you looked down at your hands shyly “i-it felt nice.”
He lowered his head closer to your ear, “Do you trust me?” His voice suddenly became much lower than before.
“Y-yes, of course, I do!” Your knees suddenly feel weak.
He began ripping a strip of cloth from his cape and folded the fabric once over, making the perfect blindfold. The last thing you saw was his hands again; this time gripping the soft cloth between his fingers before securing it carefully around your head. Maker, was this even real?? An unfamiliar hiss of air echoed behind you followed by a soft metallic thump. You couldn’t believe what was happening; this had to be a dream, right?
Still, behind you, he closed the distance between your bodies. His cuirass pressed flush against your back. He trailed his fingers from your wrist all the way up to your shoulder where they played with the neckline of your tunic. His fingers snaked underneath the fabric, massaging the skin, causing a whimper to escape from your lips.
“Do you want me to stop?“
“Just the opposite, please.”
This was the first time you heard his voice without the helmet; completely free of any distortion the modulator adds. A small huff of laughter tickles the hair by your ear as his hand continues its course over your chest and collarbones. You squeezed your thighs tighter together in hopes of relieving some of your arousal. His hand begins to travel to your neck, his fingers guiding your chin up. His thumb and ring finger on either side of your jaw turned your head gently to the side leaving the right side of your neck completely exposed.
He buried his face into the space between your neck and your shoulder. His lips trail gentle kisses into your shoulder and neck. His stubble was rough against your skin but that only made you love it more. You couldn’t believe he was this close to you, you giggled when his nose pressed into your neck. Your arm found its way to his head where you dug your fingers into the soft curls that lay messily on his head from the helmet. He hummed into your neck before mumbling something in a language you didn’t understand.
“ You smell so nice, and your skin is so soft. I can’t get enough of you, mesh’la.” You gasped softly.
“Kiss me, please, Din, I need you.”
You couldn’t believe how needy your voice sounded. You almost felt silly saying those words but all feelings of embarrassment fled away when his lips crashed clumsily into yours. You didn’t even realize when he had spun you around and guided you to the crate that now pressed against the back of your thighs. It was almost like time stopped, and you couldn’t think of a better feeling than this. His hand cradled the back of your neck pulling you into a deeper kiss. It was a bit messy but he was so gentle. Only then had it occurred to you that this might be his first kiss. And he chose to share this moment, share himself with you. You parted your lips allowing him access inside. His other hand found its way to your hip where he encouraged you to sit on the edge of the crate. You obliged. He pulled away for a second allowing the both of you to catch your breath, he allowed his forehead to rest on yours.
With clumsy fingers you began to search for the clasps on his armor plates, urging him to take them off. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him badly. You were positive that by now you had soaked through your underwear. You felt like a horny teenager, really all he's done was just touch you a little and kiss you. Yet it was enough to turn you into a panting and blushing mess of a woman. He worked quickly and tossed his armor pieces one at a time to the floor, each landing with a metallic bang against the metal floors.
“Shouldn’t you be a bit more careful with them?”
“It's beskar. If anything you should be worried about the floor.”
“Oh. Right.” You laughed
This time it was you who pulled him into a kiss, and his hands returned to your body, exploring your curves. His hands snaked over your thighs, kneading the soft flesh. You spread your thighs allowing room for his hips to fit in between them. Immediately he pressed himself against your clothed core, you could feel just how hard you made him, he moaned into your mouth at the contact.
“Fuck. You’re s-so hot, mhm, taste so good” he mumbled in between kisses. For such a quiet man he was being rather mouthy. It made you feel good. You’re the only person he was able to be this desperate for, the only one to bring this man to his knees in all the best ways.
You reached down and slipped a finger into the waistband of his pants, he took the hint and hurriedly slipped them down. You wasted no time and promptly began working at your own pants, given the angle you were sitting your frantic hands struggled before Din helped. He pulled your pants down over your ass and past the swell of your thighs, taking your panties along with them. You hissed as soon as your bare skin was reunited with the cold metal of the crate underneath you. Before you could adjust to the temperature his arms slid underneath your thighs and pulled your hips forward. This time your entire lower half was hanging off the crate and you now were on your back, if you weren’t blindfolded you’re sure you’d have the perfect viewing angle.
His hands caressed up and down your thighs all while keeping them spread. You blushed at the realization of just how exposed you were to him. His fingers spread wide and gripped the warm and supple flesh underneath them. “Maker… you look good like this.” You squirmed underneath his gaze. And with little to no warning, you feel his lips press kisses on the inside of your thighs.
Nothing could have prepared you for how good his fingers felt against your clit. His thumb rubbed slow circles over and over, you’re almost embarrassed by the noise you make when he touches you there for the first time. Your hands come up to cover your mouth in hopes of muffling the sounds coming from you. Din brings his free hand and lays it on top of yours “Don’t cover your mouth cyare, I want to hear how good I can make you feel.” The butterflies are back again. You’re not sure how he can make such dirty words sound so charming, and suddenly all of your formerly flustered emotions are wiped from existence when you feel his slick tongue envelop your throbbing clit.
Your mind goes blank and all you can think about is how good his tongue feels fluttering gently through your folds. Your hands shoot out blindly grasping for something to anchor yourself to, and you feel as if you’re going to float away from the pleasure diffusing throughout your core. You feel the vibrations from his moan radiate into you, he was clearly enjoying this just as much as you. “F-feels so good, please don’t s—” you cut yourself off with your own gasp when you feel his fingers return to you again, searching for the spot that makes you buck your hips further into him. Your fingers lock on to the soft waves of hair on his head as he slowly thrusts his fingers in and out of you. You feel your orgasm slowly start to creep up; almost as if he could tell, his rhythm steadied as his fingers pressed deliciously into the spongy flesh of your pussy. His tongue dances perfectly around your now-swollen clit. Your heartbeat starts to get faster and you feel yourself clench more around his fingers, he was taking his time with you and was showing no interest in trying to make you cum fast. Something heavenly was starting to build up inside you, every fiber of your being was focused on how much bliss you were in right now. And then it happened. Waves of immense pleasure were crashing inside, you could have sworn you saw stars when you instinctively squeezed your eyes shut. Din was with you every step of the way of riding your orgasm out with you, even humming into you once again when your thighs locked around his head. He gave your clit a few more teasing licks before you pulled his head up to yours, (which was still raised at an odd angle) you snaked your arms around his neck and met him halfway in a passionate kiss, the taste of you lingered on his tongue. You began to run your fingers from his neck down to his side where you mindlessly traced shapes and circles down to the band of his underwear, and just before you were able to slither your way into his undergarments a cry from the cockpit sounds. Oh. That’s right. You had put Grogu down for a nap.
You start to pull yourself up, your core still burning from your orgasm, and then puts his hands on your shoulders, “I got him, go ahead get dressed.” he places a gentle kiss on your forehead before helping you to your feet. Your legs felt like jogan fruit jelly. There’s an abrupt change in lighting and as soon as it registers you immediately cover your eyes “OH MY STARS, DIN, Y-YOUR—“ he removes your hands from your eyes and he’s fully dressed in his helmet back on. Almost as if he wasn’t half-naked just moments ago. A huff of laughter escapes his modulator “You can look now, it’s okay.” His bare hand affectionately caresses your face “Don’t think I’m done with you just yet, cyar’ika.” His voice is gruff and low enough to raise goosebumps on your arms. He walks away and disappears up the ladder to the cockpit. You sit back on the edge of the crate and swing your legs like a fawning teenager, That just happened. Like actually happened. Wait, did he say that he wasn’t finished? You stood up once again and excitedly picked up your littered clothing on the floor, the corners of your mouth pulled into a smug grin. You gotta make a note to find a mando’a dictionary somewhere to find out what he called you.
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darlingpoppet · 11 months
✨ Get to know me ✨
I was tagged by @alibonbonn a while back (thank you so much!) sorry for the late response but I suppose this is a good way to reintroduce myself to my tumblr followers (hey y’all!)
Current Wallpaper: I don’t wanna take a screenshot of it since it’s someone else’s fanart but it’s this Hades Patrochilles piece by Zeyan. (are they on tumblr? Idk lemme know and I’ll reblog it!) my home screen is a much older eruri fanart whose artist I can’t even remember anymore :’) hopefully they’re out there thriving!
Three Ships: Patrochilles, Eruri, ummmm FrodoSam (idk I’ve been emotional about them again recently) also I feel like this shouldn’t be allowed to count since I haven’t played the game but I’ve been mega eyes emoji over FFXVI ever since I heard about Dion & Terence because I’m SO WEAK for any and all king & lionheart ships (these are all king & lionheart ships!!!!)
First ship: OH GOD it was probably 1x2, Heero Yuy x Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing aka the millennial baby’s first bl amirite folks? Wolfstar was also an early formative ship, from a book series whose name I can’t seem to remember now… hmm weird!
Fave color: mint green! I love wearing it and I love home aesthetics using it as an accent color
Last song: Mr. Kitty - After Dark
Last movie in theatres: ATSV babyyy!! I have half of that soundtrack stuck in my head 24/7 so any of those songs would also easily apply to the previous question
Last show: tv? I don’t know her (I’m pretty sure the last series I actually finished was OFMD but that was over a year ago and I still haven’t finished IWTV orz)
Currently reading: The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (the real answer is “the Iliad for the 84847384th time”. I also just finished reading Plato’s Symposium)
Current obsession: Everyone who knows me knows this by now but I’ve been deep in a Greek mythology rabbit role for about a year & a half now with no hope of escape. Particularly anything Iliad/Trojan War/Achilles/Patrochilles related. I’m sorry for the person I’m about to become when Dr. Emily Wilson’s Iliad translation is released this September 😔
Unrelated obsession: I love watching ASMR videos, especially ones with massages, hair brushing, or 1st person POV where they do your makeup or give you a spa treatment or whatever lol. Also wood soup asmr! I also recently got into keyboard asmr and bought myself some wireless keyboards for my birthday which make nice thocky/clacky noises 🤤
Currently working on: a lot of fic writing for zines, djs, and ao3, but my main WIP is Where The Dead Forget, a memory loss AU Patrochilles fic set in the Hades game universe, which also has a lot of my own retellings of the Achilles & Patroclus myths woven in. The updates have been slow in the last few months but I’m finally close to publishing a new chapter. We’re still in the early game so come join me! ✨
Tagging: @cosmicvoidance @cottonomz-again @johaerys-writes @lostcauses-noregrets @zorthania @erwinsalive, and anyone else who wants to do it! (sorry if you’ve already been tagged or did this I haven’t been around lol)
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myrskytuulia · 4 months
Last night I dreamt that my friend, let's call her Jill, had bought a massive manor. She kept it super clean, like every surface was shining and sparkling. Her spouse "Till" was a maid, his presence was acknowledged but otherwise he was't actually included in the story. Jill had invited me, my hubby, and some friends to meet her new boyfriend, David Tennant.
Hubby was jealous cos he thought that I was flirting with David even tho all my interaction with him was high fiving him every time we passed each other. I tried to reason my hubby and told him there's nothing to worry about. Also Till there wasn't a wee bit jealous even tho he maybe should have been.
I understood my hubby tho. David was walking around the manor in the bafta kilt and was as beautiful and hot as ever and I did let my eyes rest on him. But I wanted hubby to know he was, is and will be my everything, so I let bunch of toddlers to kidnap us and make us play some Jigsaw level torture games - cos that's obviously the most romantic thing you could possibly do with your partner.
Meanwhile, our friends welcomed Michael Sheen, whose agent has heard that we could have a job for him. Jill's copy machine was broken and we needed someone to fix it. Sheeny was so very glad we had offered the gig for him. Jill and David were banging loudly in other room (Till was still all chill about it).
Me and hubby were tortured by toddlers. It was all fun and games till we faced the main boss, a baby. I love babies and kids, but this one was a giant beast from dephts of hell. The baby shat green slimy goo all over the place and it was our duty to change the baby. This was where we drew the line and decided to flee away.
We ran out from the room and bumped into Michael and David. We told them what has happened and Michael was mad to us for leaving an innocent baby to lie in their own soil. He stormed to help the baby and David was about to join him. But Jill was so proud of her super tidy manor and I couldn't let her boyfriend get covered all over in shit, so I grabbed David in a bear hug, carried him to Jill and told him to stay like a dog.
I had to come up with something to keep the shit covered Michael away from Jill's precious stuff. I needed coffee to think but I couldn't go to the kitchen cos there were a neurotypical stranger who would have liked to talk to me. No one wanted to face them, so we locked them in the kitchen and Michael, toddlers and the baby in the toddlers' torture room.
Then the rest of us went to watch some porn. The end.
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sshbpodcast · 8 months
Character Spotlight: Montgomery Scott
By Ames
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Bust out the green booze! We’re spotlighting The Original Series’s resident miracle worker this week on A Star to Steer Her By, where we’re giving you the best and worst moments of each character in the whole dang show. We’re donning our worst Scottish accents to give you a whole bunch of moments from Scotty, whose engineering prowess is only matched by his love of scotch. If you’re going to wear a red shirt on this ship, make sure you’re the chief engineer evidently.
Since we’ve already covered the main three characters (Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are all here), finding moments to highlight from the rest of the crew of the original Enterprise is going to be more and more of a stretch. Cut us a little slack here – the writers didn’t consider the secondary characters most of the time either. See what all we came up with below, listen to this week’s discussion on the podcast (jump to 46:48), and maybe you’ll break the laws of physics too!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best Moments
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The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank We see Scott in command of the Enterprise a bunch of times because Kirk and Spock are on away missions, and his emphatically no-nonsense attitude is honestly refreshing, especially compared with all the times Spock utterly fails at leading. And in “A Taste of Armageddon,” Scott figures out Anan 7 was imitating Kirk and stands up to ambassador Fox about it like a boss!
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Deus ex machina, literally Despite it being utterly futile, Scotty stands up to the literal god Apollo several times in “Who Mourns for Adonais?” and it’s a little bit commendable. Sure, he gets his ass handed to him. Multiple times. But we’ve gotta give the guy credit for trying! However, as you’ll see in a minute, his motivation may not have entirely been in the right place.
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I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage Scotty is a genuine delight throughout all of “The Trouble with Tribbles” and he really gets to shine. We learn his idea of shore leave is curling up with a good technical journal, which seems right to us. But his big scene in the commissary in which he starts a massive brawl with Klingons in defense of the name of the Enterprise is just too good not to highlight.
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We did it, you and me… put him right under the table Let’s also give Scotty a lot of credit for drinking that Kelvan under the table in “By Any Other Name”! He sacrifices a bottle of very old whiskey for the cause of distracting their captors, and he came out (or really staggered out) the other side a victor. They don’t call it Constitution class for nothing!
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No order can stop me from frightening them Again, Scott is left in charge of the Enterprise while the three lead characters get to have an adventure in “Bread and Circuses.” Although under orders not to interfere while orbiting Rome planet over and over, Scott agilely side steps that order by turning off the power on the surface. There was NO reason to think that nonsensical idea would help in any way, but the gamble paid off!
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It's the biggest guess I've ever made! Somehow, this is the first moment of actually engineering genius that we’ve included on the list (I suppose we just consider it Scott doing his job at this point), but installing a Romulan cloaking device on the Enterprise in “The Enterprise Incident” is a step above the usual excellent job he does down in the bowels of the ship. Now you see him, now you don’t!
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Oh what adventures they’d have! I’m almost saddened we never got a spin-off series that was just the adventures of Montgomery Scott and the slug baby from “The Eye of the Beholder” because that would be a lot of fun. When Scott meets this hyper-genius child, he somehow works out a compromise with its people even though none of the other crewmen could so much as communicate with them! Even Spock!
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My sister’s youngest Uncle Scott’s relationship with his nephew Preston in The Wrath of Khan is really quite lovely. We don’t get to see much of it (families in Star Trek are famously fraught), which means the moments we do get of them together are touching and sweet. And then James Doohan’s acting in Preston’s death scene is sure to pull on your heartstrings, something this movie does in spades.
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Amazing grace Speaking of touching scenes from The Wrath of Khan, the film culminates in not only the perfectly delivered eulogy from Kirk (which has a special place on our Kirk spotlight post), but in Scotty’s playing “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes while Spock’s torpedo is spat into space. The fact that this was added at Doohan’s suggestion makes it all the more beautiful.
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From one surgeon to another Let’s get further into the movies, where Scott (and the other minor crewmembers) seems to have the most to actually do. All the main TOS characters commit one hell of a treason to go search for Spock in The Search for Spock, and Scott is right there with them, sabotaging the Excelsior by pulling out some of the parts of its notorious transwarp drive.
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Hello, computer! The Voyage Home shows us what a crime it was throughout The Original Series that they didn’t pair McCoy and Scott together more often. They play so well off each other as they go off to find material for the trip back to the future with some whales in tow. The comedy is spot on, their timing is down to the millisecond, and their shattering the Temporal Prime Directive is… well, you’ll see.
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No bloody A, B, C, or D The Next Generation found a clever way to bring Montgomery Scott into the 24th century in “Relics” and it’s a generally good time! Sure, I have a better punchline for the “it’s green” callback somewhere in our episode coverage, but Scott wrestling with being behind the times, seeking out the familiar bridge of the Enterprise, and having a heart-to-heart with Picard are all lovely moments.
Worst Moments
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I’d like to get into her toga Despite finding Scott standing up to Apollo in “Who Mourns for Adonais?” sort of endearing because he is so outmatched, his motivation the whole episode long is that he wants to get in Palamas’s pants, even though it’s pretty clear she’s not interested in that way, and he spends the rest of the episode speaking for her and telling Apollo what she wants when she’s right there.
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This unit is not perfect Not so much a bad moment for Scott through any fault of his own, but a bad moment in that it makes him look as much like a chump as he did in literally the previous episode, Scott gets freaking killed in “The Changeling” only for it to get undone when Kirk asks really nicely. It was also in defense of Uhura, whose mind had just gotten erased, but there just aren’t enough bad Scott moments, okay?
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Alright then, we can do it the hard way We mentioned a handful of times in which Scott did a good job in command of the Enterprise, but sometimes he’s almost as bad as that pointy-eared hobgoblin. In “Metamorphosis,” he decides to search for the missing crew by scanning every single possible one in the 7000 bodies in an asteroid belt, which is just not how engineers solve problems! An engineer would write an algorithm or something. Yeesh.
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Is your refrigerator running? Here’s another moment while Scott was in control that he just acted stupidly. In “Friday’s Child,” the Klingons set up the ruse of a false distress signal to keep the Enterprise busy while the away team is on planet, and Scott loses like a whole day to it before figuring out he’s been duped. And then we never even get to see the confrontation with Klingons on his return! What a waste!
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I just need a wee bit of rest, that's all We’re scraping for crumbs to find more moments from Scott doing anything noteworthy, and I can’t help myself from bringing up the look on his face when his advanced aging is revealed in “The Deadly Years.” There's nothing wrong with the character, but “walk in and look sad” seemed like a boring sight gag to me. Then Scott barely has any lines despite being one of the affected crewmembers!
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A walk in the fog with a bonny lass We’ve harped on “Wolf in the Fold” in both our Kirk and McCoy spotlights, and we’re just not done giving grief to an absolutely absurd inciting moment for an episode. Scotty is literally diagnosed with a medical case of misogyny by Doc, setting up a string of events that gets a bunch of women killed. And this show was supposed to be progressive at the time.
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Where they’ll be no tribble at all… in death “The Trouble with Tribbles” is a genuinely funny episode, and the punchline at the end is meant to be a good button. But then you start thinking about it. And you realize that if Scott beamed hundreds (if not thousands) of tribbles into the engine room of a Klingon ship, they were either fried when they went to warp or brutally murdered by Klingons. And that’s less funny.
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Look over there, a distraction! Here’s another one to pad out the list that I find kind of dumb. To distract Kara long enough to get a phaser from her in “Spock’s Brain,” Scott pretends to faint and it simply looks ridiculous. As if this episode isn’t bad enough, it’s also so uncreative that it uses a really half-assed plan to get out of this situation. Where’s something as creative as fizzbin when you need it?
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Could it be the half a gallon of scotch? Even more half-assed is everything about “Spectre of the Gun,” which sees Scott volunteering to test a kludged tranquilizer on himself only for it not to work because his mind is too weak. Yeah, I don’t follow this train of thought either. How do they know Scott would have woken up in time? What exactly were they going to do if it did work? Force it under the Earps’ noses? Yeehaw!
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I’m an engineer not a doctor We’ve already stated how sweet the relationship between Scott and Preston is in The Wrath of Khan, but I still cannot fathom why Scott brings his dying nephew to the bridge instead of sickbay after the attack. It’s only in the movie to get a reaction out of Kirk and not for any rational purpose because Scott is a professional who should know not to go many decks out of his way during a crisis.
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How do we know he didn't invent the thing? I’m gonna call Jake out as a hypocrite for putting McCoy regrowing a woman’s kidney in The Voyage Home on his best moments list, but putting Scott giving Nicols the formula for transparent aluminum on his worst list, but here we are. It does break the hell out of the Temporal Prime Directive by a few more factors, so maybe it’s the negligence that makes the cut!
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I know this ship like I know the back of my hand And to round things out, we finally reach The Final Frontier, which includes a joke that couldn’t even land if it had a barricade in the shuttle bay. How incompetent does Shatner think Scott is to have him literally concuss himself on a weirdly placed crossbeam (what were those crossbeams doing there anyway?)? It’s a bad punchline to a joke no one asked for and does Scotty dirty.
Well, we gave her all she’s got, captain. If you think some of these moments are already scraping the bottom of the barrel, imagine how creative we’re going to have to get for our Sulu spotlight. In fact, don’t imagine it; come back next week and find out! Also keep listening along to our podcast coverage of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, hail us on Facebook and Twitter, and keep your haggis out of the fire.
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