#which Hela was using with the eternal flame
galaxythreads · 1 year
i think they should have based Hela's color pallet off of purple. not just because it would have given Loki back green, but mostly because purple is the color that only royalty were allowed to wear in the middle ages, thus visually giving her a right to the throne. AND it would have looked cool, which is always important. just like. can you imagine? All her magic is purple?? Like keep everything the same, just give her a purple cape and make the Beserkers purple.
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Do you have any Hela headcanons ?
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Fenris is the only being who knows any and all of her secrets
She has to tell herself that she was her father’s weapon in order to bury the feeling of being “used” by her father to literally fight his battles
She seeks vengeance/the throne because she wants to prove that she can create an empire and be a powerful leader to show the world that she is strong and was cast out for her father’s own selfish reasons and fears
Prefers the term Goddess (aligned with Goddess of Death) to being labeled princess/queen because she wants to be thought of for all eternity/as immortal/wants her accomplishments to stand out beyond her physical presence in the world
Needs to be in control when it comes to love and relationships and the physical acts that come with it because she lives to prove her power/that she belongs
Has a strong distrust in men because of her father and knowing that her brothers are more respected/trusted than she is
Would rather spend time with animals than people because she felt she was treated like an abandoned pet of sorts by her father
Has vowed to herself that she will never submit to anyone in any way
Has trouble trusting anyone
The green associated for her is definitely symbolic of envy and greed/she is largely linked to deadly sins in an ironic way since she’s the goddess of death
Associates herself with death because it is inevitable as she believes she is when it comes to taking over a kingdom
Her need for power and control is not about seeking acceptance. It’s about seeking revenge. Which has made her blind and stubborn, focused on vengeance
She does want to be respected and welcomed by the people, but finds power and control more satisfying than people respecting her and won’t let people get in the way of power
She does hold back, seeking to only fight her own powers and seek revenge for herself; she could have gone after anything from Odin’s vault (like the tesseract) but she only goes after the eternal flame with the sole goal of creating an army because the only army at her disposal won’t fall to her leadership/to bring Fenris back
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Do you not understand the concept of alternate universe?
hi there! i assume this is regarding this post. of course i do! the thing is, the What If...? series tells us that ONE thing is different, and from that point forward many things change (i just don't think they all make as much sense)
now before you read this I'd like to say sorry, you kinda tapped my hyper fixation with that ask uwu
What If...? 1x07; What If... Thor Were an Only Child?
Odin enters his Odinsleep, Jane and Darcy are where they were in the first Thor movie, so we assume this all takes place in 2011.
Jane Foster tries to contact the director of S.H.I.E.L.D (in the movie Jane doesn't even know what S.H.I.E.L.D. is until they take all her research, which does not happen here.)
Where is Erik Selvig? (In the movie Jane called Erik to come because she was 'absolutely sure something is going on', just like she was in this episode.)
Loki as a baby being held by Laufey is the size of a Frost Giant baby, in the drawing we see at the start of the episode. (In the movie, Odin took Loki because he was way too small for a Frost Giant offspring, and was left alone to die. Now this (Loki being a regular sized Frost Giant baby,) could be the thing that changes the timeline, and Odin giving Loki back to Laufey is presumably the Nexus event that makes this branch timeline into its own reality, aka alternate universe.)
Odin discovers baby Loki after he and his Asgardian troops stopped the 965 A.D. invasion of Tonsberg, Norway by the Frost Giants. (In the movie once the Frost Giants were forced back to Jotunheim, Odin took their power source, the Casket of Ancient Winters, and baby Loki to Asgard.)
The Grandmaster is on earth for a party, which is, of course his thing, but I don't think he left Sakaar often, but as it is a party, I get it.
Howard the Duck is partying with them but he's supposed to be locked up in a glass box with the Collector on Knowhere.
Korg and Meek are here, they could have come with the Grandmaster but I don't think he'd bring his fighters (who fight against their will) to a party on another planet. Could be that Korg and Meek were not yet found by the Grandmaster and they came with someone else, though.
Valkyrie is at the party even though in Thor: Ragnarok she hadn't been to Asgard or spoken to another Asgardian since she fought Hela, which was before Thor was even born, and she wanted nothing to do with Asgardians then, so why would she join the Grandmaster at this party hosted by Asgardians?
Nebula has her orange/gold headpieces she got after Infinity War, so after the snap that didn't take place here. (I think Tony made them for her after Nebula saved him on Titan.)
Drax is here even though he was on a rampage after Ronan killed his family and after that he was imprisoned by the Nova Corps in the Kyln. Now this timeline could have been affected by the Party Prince, but I don't think so.
Rocket is here without Groot, still plausible, but I thought Rocket & Groot knew each other already by that point.
Like I said in my previous post, Fury never told anybody about the pager Captain Marvel gave him, so how does Maria Hill know about it and Carol? If anyone would know about it it would be Coulson in my opinion. (In Infinity War, 7 years after this, Maria has no idea what that thing is or what it does. Fury would have had to tell her right before he got knocked out by Korg, but knowing Fury that seems unlikely.)
Some of the Sovereign are here, still plausible but I don't think they'd be into partying with 'inferior beings'.
Skrulls are partying like they aren't being hunted to extinction by the Kree, which okay sure who wouldn't feel safe around Thor. But you'd think Carol would at least talk to one of them?
Surtur is on Earth chatting up and melting Lady Liberty, but Surtur was confined to Muspelheim when Odin took his power source, the Eternal Flame!!! (I get it though, it was really funny! But it messes with canon so much, that why-just why-.)
Yondu and the Ravagers are here too, which, yeah, why not.
But there is no way to explain what Mantis is doing here. She serves Ego, Peter's father on his planet and she never leaves Ego's side.
The most unrealistic part of all of this is that there was no Tony Stark at the biggest party on Earth, in 2011, years after becoming Iron Man too, so he'd have flown there, right?
Uatu didn't know Ultron was coming, so this means this will be an important plot point in future episodes. Ultron in the Vision's body shows up, with all six infinity stones. He could be from the future in this universe or, he's from another universe and found a way to travel between them and that's why Uatu, the omniscient, was surprised. But in the Loki show it was stated that infinity stones only work in their own universe so I'm not sure about that.
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Ragnarök: Asgard’s Twilight
Chapter 1: Muspelheim
N/:  Needless to say I was left unsatisfied with Thor: Ragnarok. So I’ve decided to rewrite it as a whole, to fit my Fanon Marvel series. And please, if you’re gonna disagree, be civil. I don’t want butt hurt pro Ragnarok people who can’t accept the fact that there are fans who didn’t like this film.
Tagging some people cause why not, I want opinions: @nikkoliferous, @alwida10, @schlotzshewrote, @lokiloveforever, @miskiett, @ms-cellanies, @mentallydatingahotcelebrity. 
You’re all amazing💖🥰
Across the planet of Earth, beyond the stars of the Milky Way, lies the Nine Realms: Nine kingdoms brought together by the people of Asgard, protected by the great All-Father. Painted as the world tree Yggdrasil, the Nine realms each live on their own planes.
Atop the highest level sits the golden kingdom of Asgard, home to the All-Father and the All-Mother. To the west of Mani stands the brilliant kingdom of Alfheim: a land with rivers of sweet champagne and magnificent creatures such as the beautiful merfolk, the kind and gentle Faeries, and the benevolent and loyal elves of Light. And to the east of Sol lies the kingdom of Vanaheim, where the Vanir, sister race of Asgard, practice sorcery and magic.
The middle level holds Midgard, Nidavellir, and Jotunheim: the earthly realm of mortals, the star fortress of the dwarves, and the icy home of the Frost Giants. As for the lowest level, here sits the last three realms: Svartalheim, home of the Dark elves and known as the Dark World. Niffleheim, house of the realm of Hel, ruled by the goddess of Death, Hela. And Muspelheim, inhabited by the Fire Demons, and ruled by the fire giant Surtur.
Sat upon his throne of magma and rock, the Fire Giant looked up to the hardened ceiling. A cage dangled above, holding a prisoner with golden hair and clear blue eyes, which studied the ground below him. Large chains wrapped around his person, tightly restraining him.
Thor moved his head to look around, watching as the demons stared at him hungrily, angrily. Someone had come into their home without invitation, and they wished for an explanation “This isn’t really necessary, Surtur” he spoke to the flaming King “All you must do is let me go and I will not step into Muspelheim’s walls again. Just release these chains, is all”
“Your foolery amuses me, prince of Asgard” Surtur said, voice booming through the halls. He had a form built of rock and flame, gleaming as he spoke. His crown was the centerpiece of it all, a prize any warrior would desire in their halls. As a means to show who had fallen at their sword: the terrifying and disastrous king of the Fire Realm.
“To think capturing you would be so simple. It’s almost disappointing how less of a fight you put up”
Thor chuckled darkly to himself “I must say Surtur, you have truly outdone yourself. Chaining me down and throwing me into a cell is most unbefitting of you. I would have thought that by the time I had arrived, you would’ve burned me to a crisp for all your people to watch”
“Don’t pester me with your jests, Odinson. You know well of the consequences that should befall any who dare come into my kingdom unannounced. If you were truly all mighty, then perhaps you’d think twice of testing my rage”
He signaled his subjects to bring down the cage, the chains chinking as they moved. Thor turned his head to face Surtur, careful not to make himself seem angry, as much as he were. One minute he was off looking for the Infinity stones, and ensuring that the Nine Realms were protected, the next he’s attacked by Fire Demons and imprisoned. But all through his journey, Thor kept his daily goal: watch the sacred star, Aurvandil, for his love. His Captain. His Evenlight.
“I know of your rage, Surtur” Thor raised his voice in defiance “Believe me, I am no fool. Thousands of years ago you fought my grandfather Bor, and then my father as a means to wage war against the Vanir and the Aesir. Ever since, you’ve craved a vengeance that would never come”
Surtur rose from his throne, tall and imposing “Oh, but it will. You see, a time has come within the Nine Realms. A time when the golden kingdom with be plagued by a force so great, it should be its final stand. The Eternal twilight shall befall Asgard, and I the center of its demise”
The giant leaned into the cage, pulling the chains with his large, clawed hands. He could see the warrior shift in his place slightly, which caused Surtur to smirk a bit. Glad to know that even the God of Thunder still held a smudge of fear towards him “There is nothing you nor anyone could do to stop this event. It is... inevitable”
As he said that last word, he growled it, clenching his teeth and letting the sound bounce off the walls so that all could hear it. Thor tried to remain unfazed. He had faced Surtur once, hundreds of years ago. Who’s to say that he couldn’t do it again?
Lifting his chin, Thor refused to allow Surtur the satisfaction of relishing in his fear “You know, I’ve heard of this great twilight that you speak of. My mother would sometimes tell me and my brother the legend of Ragnarök. How you’d plunge your blade, forged from the Burning Galaxy, and end Asgard as we know it”
Thor stood in his cell, stumbling a bit as Surtur held it in his hand “I can assure you that will not happen” His neck pained a bit from having to maneuver it in Surtur’s direction “I have fought adversaries who would threaten my people, and all have fallen or fled. You will be no different. Surrender your plans to destroy Asgard, and this won’t have to end in combat”
A chuckle escaped the giants lips, clearly a sign of amusement “It seems conversing with those mortals from Midgard has garnered you completely blind. There is no stopping the destruction I shall bring. You of all people should know that”
The gods eyes narrowed, staring down the giant before him “This is your last chance, Surtur. Surrender now, and your people will keep their king. Even if what you say is true, you’d be leaving Muspelheim defenseless. Surely you’d be smarter than that”
“My people are more than capable of defending themselves. Perhaps it is you who should worry about your own safety. Right now, at this very moment”
Looking down, Thor could see the fire demons closing in him, with some crawling up the pillars of rock. Their eyes seethed red as they stared him down. Moving in the chains, he lifted his hand behind his back, making sure Surtur didn’t see.
He smirked in a similar fashion to the giant, almost challenging him “Very well then. It seems that bantering isn’t your style, so I won’t bother” With his acute sense of hearing, he could discern the familiar booming sound coming from behind him. Mjölnir came rushing in and landed in Thor’s hand, as the sound of thunder echoed and groaned.
“Have at you”
With that, Thor hurdled towards Sutur, smashing his face with his hammer. The chains immediately broke free and Thor dropped alongside the prison he was kept in. He could hear the demons screeching as they lunged towards him. With each creature coming at him, Thor could hit them with Mjölnir, as each one was destroyed in a pile of rubble. Surtur had stumbled back, falling on top of his throne and crushing it in the process. He looked down and grabbed his Twilight sword, plunging it into the ground.
Beneath Thor, the floor began to crumble and split, smoke hitting his face and fire spewing from the cracks. Thor threw his hammer at the demons, all of them falling as easily as the last, until it returned to his hand. He jumped up high, and struck Mjölnir into the floor, causing the demons to fall into the cracks.
“You know,” he began “For an almost thousand year old Fire Giant, your aim is almost as terrible as your threats. How embarrassing for the God of Fire who can’t even fit in his own throne”
The sound of Surtur growling sounded all throughout the walls, as he roared in frustration at Thor “I will not have my position as King be insulted by some ignorant Asgardian cub!”
He moved behind one of the pillars as he saw that Surtur was going to strike, using his sword to create a wind of fire towards him.
“Do not play coward with me, Odinson!” Surtur roared “Face me with your mighty hammer and know what true terror looks like!”
With his sword he blasted flames towards Thor, as the latter moved away from the pillar before it collapsed. He turned towards Surtur and looked him in the eye “It is you who should cower, Surtur!” Thor said, bashing fire demons in the process “The Eternal Flame is locked away, far from you” He stopped his punches and looked to Surtur “So as long as it’s safe, you can’t touch Asgard”
Surtur clenched his teeth, his grip on his sword tightening “For now, princeling” He whistled loudly, nodding his head for something “Until then, your presence is no longer welcome”
Turning his head behind him, Thor could see a giant fire dragon, whose chains were being broken by its sheer force and strength. He groaned to himself softly “Oh crud...”
As he began to turn Mjölnir in his hand, the dragon escaped and tailed behind him. His exit made a small hole in the ceiling, which to be frank, he did not care for at the moment. What he did care for, was returning to Asgard. Lifting his hammer into the air, he awaited the Bifrost to carry him away, back home.
“Skurge?” Thor asked to the sky. Again, there was nothing “Skurge! Norns above, where are you?”
Before he could continue, however, the dragon erupted from the ground, roaring at Thor. He jumped into the sky, flying the opposite direction of the creature. It followed him quickly and Thor parked himself into its mouth. Dropping Mjölnir on its jaw, the dragon fell down and crashed onto the surface. Thor looked up once more, shaking his head.
“Come on, Skurge, you pig-head” He muttered. The dragon struggled under the hammers hold, clearly annoyed. Thor has the same feeling as he let out an ‘ugh’ sound, one that his mother would definitely see unbefitting of a prince. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked in place all irritated.
“I swear to all Valhalla, I am going to chuck that halfwitted dullard straight into Hel!”
“Such a shame Heimdall has abandoned Asgard” The new watchman Skurge said “He’s left his post and wandered off into the Nine Realms all by himself. But do not fear” he looked over to two Asgardian women, who were listening to his words “For in Heimdall’s place the great Odin has hired me, Skurge, the legendary Executioner, to see over the Bifrost”
The women giggled to themselves as Skurge flexed with the staff used to power the Bifrost. However, they stopped abruptly when they saw that the Bifrost was lighting up, their prince’s voice sounding through it.
“Uh, Skurge?” One of them said, looking over to the man. He was currently busy turning the staff in his hand, which he then dropped (not surprisingly) “Is that important?” She continued. Skurge’s eyes widened as he heard Thor’s voice. Quickly, he tightened his grip on the staff and inserted it into the structures main frame.
“You girls are in for a treat”
A loud noise spurred as the Bifrost activated. Thor was carried away alongside the dragon. It roared in his direction, but it stopped in its tracks as the beam moved them faster.
With the portal open, Thor jumped out, as the dragons head was chopped clean off. Goo splattered everywhere, including on Skurge and the two women. The head stopped in front of the women and they looked in horror. They both shrieked in disgust, immediately running off to probably wash off. Skurge hurried after them, trying to convince them to stay, but they didn’t listen, instead running ever faster and farther.
“Well, look who decided to show up” he said annoyedly “Out of all the creatures in the Nine Realms, you just had to bring a dragon into Asgard and drench one of the most scared places in muck. And now my companies run off”
“Don’t try to scold me, Skurge” Thor jumped in “Just because my father has made you watchman in place of Heimdall does not mean you’ve earned my respect”
Skurge simply rolled his eyes “Better me than just leaving the Bifrost unoccupied. And I’m a warrior, not some watchman” He threw the staff midair and caught it in his hand “My victory against the Storm Giants is still spread by the people. And all who hear shall know the name-“
“-Executioner” Thor interrupted “Yes, oh how you love to remind everyone”
“Speaking of your father,” Skurge began ”He’s been expecting you since you’ve been gone for practically half a year. Said it is of the upmost importance and that I inform you upon your arrival”
With that, Thor muttered an “alright” and spun Mjölnir with his hand, flying in the direction of the golden palace to meet with his father, all the while leaving Skurge alone to man the Bifrost by himself yet again.
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mcusoulmateau · 4 years
hela, goddess of death
The day Hela’s soulmark appears, she is faced with a problem: Odin.
 Her youth was blissfully soulmark-free, and she had even begun to think she might be one of those lucky few to never get one. No pressure to find one person, no insistence on marriage, nothing to come between her and her blades and the battlefield. She can see what a soulmark does to Odin, how he is so anxious to track down his Frigga. (She isn’t supposed to know his mark, but she snuck a peek while he was in the Odinsleep. She’s had half a mind to find a Frigga herself and kill the bitch before she can distract Odin any more than she already has.)
 Her father’s views on soulmates are so limited. She doesn’t need to find someone out there named “Death” to be her husband and co-ruler (as if she would ever co-rule Asgard with anyone, Death or not). Why waste her eternal life looking for Death when she could become Death herself?
 Can she change Asgardian tradition? Can she convince him to throw away millennia of practice so she can rule unattached?
 If Hela is going to propose such a thing, she has to make it an enticing offer. She covers the damned mark on her wrist and starts scheming.
 “Shall we spar this morning, my child?” Odin asks over breakfast. “Your blades are getting sharper each day.”
 “Yes, Father,” Hela replies, conjuring a dagger to twirl between her fingers in between bites of buttered bread.
 Odin’s eyes linger significantly on her wrist, bound with a gold-and-onyx bracelet that was not there the day before. However, he says nothing of it.
 They practice in a courtyard near the armory, a few dozen soldiers at the perimeter ready to join the fight at Odin’s command. Hugin and Munin circle overhead, no doubt whispering to the Allfather about Hela’s every move.
 “What is the most powerful object in the universe?” Hela asks, sending a knife to her father’s face.
 He deflects it with his spear. “Is this a riddle you ask, or are you hoping to add to our treasure vault a new trinket?”
 “Merely a question for the wisest man I know.”
 Odin jabs at her with his spear, forcing her to conjure a sword to parry the blow. She has only just begun to craft blades large enough for swordplay, and the act takes more energy out of her than she cares to admit.
 “‘Power’ is a slippery thing to measure.” Her sword glides along his spear with the harsh sound of metal on metal, but he counters her. “A plague may wipe out a civilization, but it cannot mine the earth for gold or power a ship from one world to the next. Does that make a simple pickaxe or lump of coal more powerful than the Skrull Flu?”
 “Now who’s telling riddles?” she asks. They start to move in a circle, weapons locked. One of the blasted birds cries.
 “My father would tell you it is the Aether. It nearly brought ruin to the nine realms and beyond.” They trade a flurry of light blows, none of them meant to cause harm. “Or perhaps it is the Eternal Flame, which could bring about the very destruction of Asgard—and you know as well as I that if Asgard falls, the other worlds will follow swiftly.”
 She wields her sword one-handed and uses the free hand (now sporting a black leather guard instead of her bracelet from breakfast) to send three daggers to her father’s ankles. He yanks his spear away from her and leaps out of the path of the flying blades.
 “And we just happen to have both of these powerful items in our possession,” Hela says dryly.
 “The Aether is not truly ours, child,” he chides, though his tone is gentle. “We have it so that nobody else may make use of it.”
 She sees her opening. She drops her sword, summons a knife in each hand, and charges him. Her dual blades catch the shaft of his spear, and they are again locked in a battle of wills.
 “Why only the Aether, though? Why is it, above the other Infinity Stones, locked away for safekeeping?”
 “The other Stones have not yet been used against Asgard as the Aether was,” Odin says, pushing down on her. Her arms start to ache, but she persists.
 “But they could be. Just imagine the terror that could be wrought on our people by the Power Stone, or the Space Stone. Are we to wait to act until after disaster befalls us?”
 He considers this, and she takes his moment of thought to raise one knife to his throat.
 “Yield,” she orders.
 The soldiers observing them tense.  Hugin and Munin hover near his shoulders, ready to attack her with claws and beaks.
 “I yield,” Odin says. And for the next several days, the whole Asgardian court agrees that their king is rather lost in thought.
 Hela’s ambition outstrips her father’s, but Odin will do anything in the name of Asgardian safety. Even, it turns out, ransack planet after planet in search of the Space Stone, though it takes decades of planning and research before the first drop of blood is spilled in the name of the Stones.
 While her father locks himself in the library, coming out only to meet with advisors who might have a clue about the location of the Stones, Hela turns herself into a weapon. She studies dozens of styles and forms: the photon blades of Maveth; the primitive Midgardian shield, spear, and blade combination; the Xandarians and their Novaforce; the Jotun ice rapiers; the Kree overreliance on bioengineering; the Sakaarans’ serrated cleavers; Xartan mind games. She trains her body in swordplay and martial arts until the ground is slick with her sweat, and every muscle aches, and she does it all again the next day.
 The Asgardian court, the landed gentry, they start whispering about how unbecoming this practice is for a princess. They start wringing their hands and worrying if she or her father will ever marry and ensure succession. They make snide comments that she’d be more likely to find a soulmate if she spent her time and resources on doing something a little more ladylike than fighting.
 Hela prefers the commonfolk, who think of her as a terrifying harbinger of doom.
 This assessment echoes across the Nine Realms once the hunt for the Stones truly begins. Blades fly the moment her heel hits the planet. She can throw daggers fifty yards and still hit her target, can summon swords in both hands to fight hand-to-hand against three at once, can pull claymores from the ground to turn the very landscape into a weapon. But all this is fruitless target practice if the victims around her don’t know anything about the bloody Space Stone and where to find it.
 On their sixth sacking, Hela finally gets a worthwhile lead. She has a scientist under her boot, frantically pleading for his life. He claims he was one of the leading researchers studying the Space Stone when it was in his planet’s possession five years prior.
 “It doesn’t look like a stone anymore!” he cries. “We needed a vessel to harness its power.”
 “Then what does it look like?” she asks, growing bored.
 “How familiar are you with four-dimensional geometry? It’s more than a cube, it’s a—”
 She summons a blade from the ground beneath the man’s neck, skewering him.
 “—a tesseract,” she finishes. She stalks off in the direction of her father, leaving bloody bootprints in her path.
 It is two more years of searching before the Tesseract is in her hands. Hela has expected this moment for longer than some species’ lifetimes, and yet—
 The Aether, the Tesseract, and four more to go. She is one-third of the way to becoming who she is meant to be. Her father is working with the Dwarves to build a device to wield the Stones, surely she should feel something knowing that her plan is well underway. She can stat to envision a day when she might wear her soulmark freely, no more leather wristguards or ornamented bracelets. One third, two out of six, she ought to feel more than just the eerie smoothness of the cube at her fingertips. The must be something.
 But the Stone does not satisfy.
 Planets fall. The Asgardian coffers swell.
 The King and his Executioner chase rumor after rumor and leave few survivors in their wake.
 On Vormir, she cannot hide who she is any longer.
 The guardian tells them that one of them must sacrifice their soulmate.
 “A steep price,” Odin muses, “and one I cannot pay. I have not met her—and if I had, I would not trade my kingdom for the Stone. My match is destined to be my Queen.”
 “That is what I suspected you would say.”
 “And if we killed you?” Hela asks archly.
 “Forgive my Executioner for her lack of manners,” Odin says.
 The guardian smiles joylessly. “Then I would be dead, and the Stones would replace me, perhaps this year, or in a thousand. But you would be no closer to what you seek.”
 “My child,” Odin says, “I cannot—will not—command you to sacrifice your soulmate and your intended. However, I will not stop you, either. This quest of ours is for the protection and advancement of Asgard; if you know your match, I will not judge you for this.”
 “Father,” she starts, her head spinning. “I—” But there are no words, no excuses, no lies.
 “You do have a mark, do you not?”
 She swallows thickly. “I do.”
 “Is it a name I know?”
 “Not exactly.”
 He looks bemused. “Is it, or is it not? Have I met your intended?”
 She wishes the planet would swallow her whole. “I have no intended.”
 “But you have a mark? Explain yourself.”
 She rolls her eyes and rips the bracelet from her wrist, baring the name beneath.
 Odin does not speak for a long time. This is a face she knows well, the face he wears when he debates whether or not to execute a criminal, to send a helpless soul to her waiting blades.
 “What are you?” he finally whispers. “What monstrosity have you become?”
 “Spare me your sanctimony, Father. I am as I was yesterday, and the day previous: your executioner.”
 “Yesterday, you were my executioner. Today, you are woman whose soul is bound inextricably to death.”
 “Truly, a perfect executioner,” she observes rather glibly. But her father is in no gaming mood.
 “If I found a man called Death, could I have him sit the throne with you? Is that what you expect of me?”
 “I expect you to let me rule, as is my right! I do not need a soulmark to validate my birthright.”
 “We must leave this place,” Odin says. “It is imperative I find my match—secure the throne and the succession—instead of going on treasure hunts.”
 She does not budge from the precipice. “You value the idea of your precious Frigga more than you do me, your daughter, your heir, your co-ruler! I am Asgard’s true queen!”
 “How many have you killed, Hela? Not in battle to protect Asgard, not as my executioner, but killed in this mad quest for Stones? Thousands, easily, if not millions. And I let myself be talked into thinking this a valiant idea. I am a fool.” He hangs his head. “And you are a monster.”
 Hela has been on a gold leash her whole life, a series of rules and expectations that she be an Asgardian princess. It is a loose leash, to be sure, one that allows for her to train her magic and to fight in battle, but she nevertheless feels the constant threat of expectation that she marry and become someone’s queen. With her soulmark finally bared, with her father not bothering to hide his disappointment and shame, the leash is cut; she is free.
 For a few brief seconds, at least.
 On the crags of Vormir, drawing from the deep magical wells of this planet, Odin begins the spell that will seal her away as long as he draws breath.
 He strikes her from every record. But some rumors and whispers survive, turned from history into fantastical poetry and lore. Odin cannot execute every bard who speaks his daughter’s name, so he allows her to become a dark legend, a mysterious shadow in Asgard’s past. And for millennia, that is all she remains.
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lucianalight · 5 years
I have a question for all the pro gagnarok stans out there. If this movie rlly is some sort of incredible diverse tale of colonialism how come the group of boys at my school who are loved it are also the same dicks who called me an “illegal fucking immigrant”? Idk where people got this delusional idea that this movie is somehow super deep and poetic. At the end of the day it’s just one big joke that doesn’t give a fuck abt things like ‘story’ and ‘character’.
That’s terrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you anon. But you are right. Although some pro-TR fans love it because of it’s take on colonization, the movie ultimately fails to deliver the message. Simply because of the black vs. white narrative and the hypocritical tone of the movie.
The narrative introduce Odin as the colonizer who drowned the entire civilization in blood and tears. But he is never condemned. Not by the narrative and nor by the hero. Instead he is shown in a good light simply because he is hero coded. The only difference between him and Hela is that Odin stopped at the nine realms. He was never tried or answered for his crimes. But he ends up being Thor’s spiritual guide at end of the movie, and Hela, a woman, is the sole villain of the narrative. Hela who is a victim herself because of Odin’s actions. She was his child, but he used him as a weapon, groomed her to see being an executioner as an honer, and as soon as she disobeyed him, for sth he instilled in her, she was tossed aside and imprisoned. Evil isn’t born, it is made. And Odin made Hela who she was.
The movie also tries to condemn colonization but at the same time, shows Loki as a lazy and incompetent king for stopping military intervention in other realms, supporting art and rebuilding Asgard. Simply because he is villain coded. But Loki is also a victim of Asgard’s colonization. He is brought up to hate his own race. He is taken by Odin for the purpose of being used as a political tool. A puppet king of Jotunheim - a conquered planet that’s in near destruction because their most sacred treasure is taken from them - to better control them and maintain Asgard’s ultimate rule. All of this is addressed only with “blue icicle baby”. The narrative then dismisses all of Loki’s just grievances and portrays him as a trouble maker who only need to get over himself.
Then we have Muspelheim. Another planet in ruins that Odin has taken the Eternal Flame from them. Which Thor invades, attacks and kills their king, and kills anyone who try to defend their home and king. All of this, simply because he had a dream! But since Thor is the “hero” and they are “bad guys” no one has an issue with it.
So we have a colonizer who is a spiritual guide to the hero whose invasion of another planet is framed as heroic. A child turned villain because of the said colonizer abuse and all the blames are put onto her. And a victim of colonization whose grievances are completely dismissed and humiliated at every turn in the movie. The movie is told from the abusers point of view. No wonder then, that the intended message is lost.
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lokispettigerr · 5 years
Devil In Disguise: Loki x Female Reader!She-Devil (NSFW SMUT)
Requested by @britkane-shsl-librarian
Summary: Loki has a mysterious new partner to work with. He is told to meet her at a small bar outside of town and is surprised in what he discovers and finds himself torn with the deal that he may have to make and the manner in which it is made *wink*.
Word Count: 3,757
Warnings: Breeding kink, rough sex, blood.
A/N: Though I use Hel which is part of the norse myths of the realms, I am not writing about Hela from the Norse myths. I have changed things around to fit both this fiction and Marvel’s story.  ***First song is “Devil In Disguise” by Elvis and the second is “Butterfly” by Crazy town, I highly advise you at least give Butterfly a listen, it says alot about this fic. 
Taglist: In the reblog
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The cell phone blarred out annoyingly in the dusty gravel parking lot where Loki stood looking up at the eye-sore of a bar before him. Loki reluctantly fished the phone out of his pocket, nearly crushing it in his strong grip. He hated the thing, but the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. insisted he use it anyway. “What?” He spat venomously, as he began walking towards the unpainted, wooden domicile. Loki paused, his brow furrowed, rage radiating from his body as he listened to the orders from Stark. “I know that! I’m not some dull imbecile who can’t take directions from a mortal. I have arrived at this disgusting drunkard’s den and will meet her within!” Loki didn’t await a response from Stark and instead clicked the screen, ending the phone call abruptly. Luckily, the cell phone had a removable battery. He took it out with a smile on his lips, feeling satisfied. Well they said I needed to have the phone, not that it had to work. With the crunch of the gravel under his boots and the hum of voices and music drifting out of the propped open doors of the bar, Loki was lost in his thoughts. He wondered why he was being forced to have this “special” assignment with this particular partner. He’d heard stories about her, rather concerning stories mind you, but not enough to know what made this agent so significant. When he asked, many of the other agents refused to give him more than he needed to know. Often times, he would hear talk while he lurked in the shadows or around a corner, whispers of “demons” and “hel”. Loki couldn’t deny that his interest was piqued. He felt like a child that was told they couldn’t have something and it only made him want it even more. He wondered if the first woman of the Christian myths felt that way when she was told not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Maybe, if she would have been privy to more information the apple would have never touched her lips. The sun had set and as he entered the bar the red, neon lighting over the door illuminated his features; “The Gateway” it spelled out in bright letters. He wasn’t sure what his new partner looked like. When he had asked Stark and Steve they had both chuckled like schoolboys replying, “You’ll know”.
The bar was dimly lit and most of the lighting was red, making the patrons and decor have a hellish glow. Though it was a small place it was packed full of conversing people moving between tables and lounging at the bar. Boisterous laughter rang in his ears making him flinch. Over in a far corner of the bar was a lit jukebox, its lights changing hues and flashing. Across from that was a raised, black platform that appeared to be a small assembly stage. The stage was empty of people at the moment but there were instruments strewn about and half-empty water bottles sitting on music stands. The most intriguing item on the stage was an intricately carved mic stand which appeared to be the dark-red, shining, naked body of a she-demon. In her taloned hands, she cradled the mic to her crooning lips-- her horns protruded from her forehead winding and twisting, mesmerizingly at the ceiling. Surely everyone who looked at the detailed mic stand wanted to stroke it’s round curving breasts as much as he did-- to feel the fine carvings etched in the cool wood. Over the speakers placed throughout the bar a song came on. Loki found it unusual that mortals still used jukeboxes and that is wasn’t simply a decoration. What century is this? He moved through the crowd of sparsely clothed swaying bodies, his patience growing thinner by the second, and found a round booth in a dark corner to sit in while he waited to meet his new “partner”. Though he wasn’t a huge fan of mortal chattels, he had to admit they had a wonderful taste in music. Loki’s legs crossed and one of his feet bobbed up and down in time with the song. He closed his eyes letting the lyrics wash over him, You look like an angel Walk like an angel  Talk like an angel But I got wise You're the devil in disguise Oh yes you are The devil in disguise…
All at once the enticing, smooth music stopped and Loki’s eyes snapped open. Instead of the soulful, crooning voice swaying from the speakers, the song was replaced with a fast tempo, hypnotic number. Loki leaned forward in the booth planting his feet solidly on the floor, his forearms rested on his knees and his jaw went slack as his lips parted. The new song was invasive to his senses, yet something about it called to him. He wanted to move to it-- to follow it to wherever it came from and find the person that controlled it. Whoever it was had some invisible chord pulling and tugging at him, beckoning for him. A drumbeat sounded out harshly over the waving, trance-like guitar and the crowd parted. One young woman strode towards him, her hips swaying sensually. Something about her revealed her difference-- she was who he was supposed to meet; he knew it. His thoughts and emotions were simultaneous and connected, not disjointed as they could often be. Such a sexy, sexy pretty little thing
Fierce nipple pierce you got me sprung with your tongue ring And I ain't gonna lie 'cause your loving gets me high So to keep you by my side there's nothing that I won't try Butterflies in her eyes and looks to kill Time is passing I'm asking could this be real 'Cause I can't sleep I can't hold still The only thing I really know is she got sex appeal I can feel too much is never enough.
His mind was so intuned and entwined with this stranger that it was as if time stilled or slowed to an aching crawl. He needed her with him immediately, but instead it felt like it would take an eternity for her to reach him. Much of her skin was exposed, glistening as if she had been running hot from dancing manically to a song-- sweat shone there like sweet droplets of honey. The peaks of her breast glittered when she stalked towards him. She wore a red mini-skirt and her belly button had a blood-drop shaped piercing that flashed in the light of the bar. Her lips were flush and bright as deadly cherries and while he watched her obsessively, her tongue parted her lips and she licked them. A tongue ring sparkled and she massaged her swollen, blood-filled lips with it. He felt an erection pushing at his pants, pointing towards her-- even it knew what he wanted. My lifestyle's wild I was living like a wild child Trapped on a short leash paroled the police files So yo, what's happening now? I see the sun breaking down into dark clouds And a vision of you standing out in a crowd
He felt like a statue, frozen or baked by her erotic trance. He couldn’t stand, his legs wouldn't obey him. He was still bent forward, arms resting on his long legs when she stopped in front of him, her navel and pointed hips right in front of his eyes.
Come my lady you're my pretty baby I'll make your legs shake You make me go crazy
The song ended as quickly as it had begun. Loki’s blood rushed frantically, settling in one place and he wanted so desperately to stroke her bare, incandescent skin lighting up the dark in front of his face-- to taste her sweet and salty sweat. It sparkled, dazzling like the nectar from the honeysuckle vine. He imagined his teeth grazing her skin, hearing her groan while his tongue darted out to taste her. She bent down, her face looming in front of his own, her hair pointing towards the floor like wild and wicked snakes. “Hello, nice to meet you, partner.” Loki could have easily grabbed her around the back of the neck and pulled her towards his hungry lips to kiss her-- to have his tongue swirl longingly in her mouth, but he maintained his composure. He placed his hands on either side of him and gripped the gleaming, black leather of the booth he was sitting at. His knuckles turned white from the death-grip and he heard the leather make a snapping noise as his fingers punctured it. “Good evening,” Loki purred coolly. “I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, it’s a pleasure.” “I’m Y/N,” she said cheerily. Her breath blew towards his face. The intoxicating cloud smelled like she had been sucking on red hots, spicy and cinnamon scented. Loki couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to taste her tongue-- would it burn his own? Would it ignite a dazzling flame within him? The beautiful woman turned to walk away without a word, her hips swayed hypnotically. When she noticed that Loki was not following she turned back towards him, “Well, you comin’ or what?” Loki would have followed if his pants hadn’t been tented from his bulging erection. He took a deep breath and followed, clasping his hands together in front of him. Once they had made it through the sea of loud patrons, the strange woman turned around the corner of the bar. She continued down a narrow hallway, her hand darting out to trail along the wall, touching the frames of bizarre and disturbing photographs and paintings. Wall lanterns flickered madly and Loki rubbed his eyes. It seemed that whenever the woman passed a lantern the flame would shoot up and sputter towards her, erratically. At the end of the hallway she stopped in front of a blood-red door unlocking it with an antique looking key. She held it open for Loki. Her arms were tucked behind her back and Loki had to brush against her to get into the room. His pants tightened when his chest grazed her breasts. “Please, sit, make yourself comfortable.” She gestured towards a dark leather chair with mahogany legs. Interestingly, the feet of the chair were talons. “I’d prefer to stand.” Loki stopped in front of the desk. “Suit yourself.” She shrugged as she strode over to the opposite side of the desk to recline in a large dark leather chair. Her booted feet clicked together as she propped them up on the desk. Loki’s eyes wandered up her long legs. A bright-red apple was perched on the corner of her desk and she grabbed it, taking a bite. The apple crunched under her pearly-white teeth. When she pulled the apple from her lips juice trickled down towards her chin and her tongue darted out, her tongue stud flashing as she licked it away. “Mmmm,” she sighed, her eyes closing momentarily, “want some?” She held the apple out to him. Loki quirked an eyebrow at her and shook his head. This one was rather peculiar. “Apples are food for thinkers,” she stated simply, “You look like a thinker, Prince Loki. “Now then, surely you know why you are here. I trust S.H.I.E.L.D. has informed you that one of Hel’s patrons has robbed us of a dangerous soul. “They made a deal that they broke. While we have plenty of willing acolytes to find them it would take far too long. S.H.I.E.L.D. is busy saving the world and I requested to have you at my side to help me rein in our lost soul, if you would be so kind as to oblige me. They did seem very eager to pawn you off on me.” She winked. “Yes, I am aware of it. Fine,” he replied curtly. 
“You look so uncomfortable here Loki… Do I perhaps make the God of Mischief uneasy?” She giggled girlishly. Loki straightened, rising to his full stature, “No” he enunciated the N sharply. “If you say so. Now in order for this to work, we have to make a deal,” she smiled darkly. “I’m not unfamiliar with the concept.” “Of course, the Trickster isn’t,” she chuckled, standing. “Well, let’s get started smarty-pants.” Loki rolled his eyes, “What? You need me to seal your deal with a kiss?” She burst out laughing. “How quant! Where in the Nine realms did you hear that?” “Not heard, read. I met Dante Alighieri some time ago who also reasserted the idea.” Loki was beginning to lose his patience. “I guess S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t tell you everything. Maybe they were frightened you wouldn’t comply. “Well, Silvertongue,” Loki flinched at the nickname, “kissin’ might work for run of the mill demons, but deary you have the presence of standing before the Princess of Hel. Daddy sends his best.” She curtsied, jokingly. Loki wanted to shake his head, to take a moment to recover. Surely he wasn’t standing in front of the King of Hel’s daughter. His face remained blank and he pretended to be unphased by her admission. “Well, what does the Princess require for a pact?” Two could play at her game, Loki bowed lowly. She chuckled, “That’s nice, Silvertongue. I’m so glad you asked!” Her mouth straightened, and all humor left her face, “To put it bluntly, Loki we need to have sex.” “What?” Loki blurted, unable to control himself any longer. “You know, sex, copulate, heavy petting, coitis, shagging.” Her hand went to her forehead and she muttered under her breath, “Thought they said he was smart.” “I know what you mean!” He hissed. “Look it isn’t a big deal,” she paused, erupting in laughter. “Deal, that’s punny. Yeah, I guess the deal is huge but sex? Sex is nothing. Right?” “Fine.” Loki obliged, too quick. Though he maintained his front of resistance to the idea, he couldn’t fool himself. He longed to see this woman standing confidently before him naked. He wanted to stroke her soft, dewy skin-- taste her lips and the skin around her hips. He wanted to trail his tongue along her spine and feel the heat from her core. “Fire,” she whispered and a fire roared to life in a fireplace beside them. Her eyes seemed to hold the fire in them when she said it. She looked longingly at the fireplace, watching the flames lick at the stone walls and eat away at the wood there. She looked at the fire as if it was a lover or even a child that she had given birth to. “Shall we begin the ritual?” he asked, hoping to not seem too eager. Her eyes shifted to Loki’s face and she smirked. “Of course, Silvertongue.” She began to remove her clothing, letting it fall to the floor, until all that was left was her point-toed boots. Finally, she kicked those off too and looked at Loki, waiting for him to follow. Loki unbuttoned his shirt, and she licked her lips watching him. His skin was pulled taut and glowed in the dark. As she watched him expose his sculpted muscles, her womb twitched and ached. When he was completely naked she stalked towards him, circling him as if she was trying to figure out where, of all the wonderful and erotic places Loki’s body possessed, to start. Loki’s eyes followed her every move. He couldn’t look away. She was the most beautiful and enticing creature he had ever seen in all the realms. His body ached with longing and his cock throbbed. He was roused at the prospect of penetrating her and pouring his hot cum into her. He wanted her to lay there, a pillow propped under her ass,  hips pointed towards the ceiling as her body took his seed within not wasting a drop. He couldn’t understand why this prospect excited him so much. And for an instant he thought about how erotic it would be for her to carry his child-- her belly to grow as she carried his offspring within and tighten, stretching as it swelled. He stopped himself from thinking these thoughts, confused and torn by the idea. She moved forward, her soft, plump lips locked with his own and her tongue immediately parted his lips, plummeting into his mouth to explore who she was about to make a pact with. When she tasted him, she moaned excitedly and Loki’s already erect cock hardened, pushing forcefully against her hip. Loki tried to fight his feelings for the women he had just met.
His tongue battled against hers, fighting for dominance, but the more she kissed him the more his mind clouded until he gave into her movements and they moved as one. Her saliva seemed to act as a toxin to command victims such as himself. While they kissed she pulled him closer to the crackling fire and the closer they came, the more it grew as if it was reaching out to lick and caress her skin. Perhaps, it desired its creator as much as Loki did-- it was a mirror of his feelings towards her. Did everything want her? Did all life move and rotate on an axis around her? How deadly one could be with the power that ran through her veins. The Princess urged Loki to lay down. Their lips remained locked and his fingers trailed up to grip her hair. He could feel her smirk against his lips. When he was beneath her she spread her legs and straddled him. She let saliva fall from her mouth to land on the palm of her hand and she coated his shining, hard pre-cum soaked cock with it. He had never seen something so erotic in all his life and his pupils dilated with lust as he watched her. She was glowing from the firelight that danced on her skin and half of her was covered in cloaking shadow.
“You like that?” she smiled, sex radiating from every pore of her body. “Yes, yes,” he replied quickly. “What do you like about it? Hmmm?” she hummed as she grasped his long length between her warm fingers. Loki began to answer, “You--” and she plunged his length into her tight, weeping walls. She sat forcefully down onto him, furthering him within her. “Ah, Norns, you look so delicious! Your hot little cunt is so tight around me. Are you able to stretch for me, Y/N?” he breathed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he was taken in the throws of ecstasy. “Is the Prince hurting?” she crooned as she rode him, her hand going back to massage his sack. “Is my pussy too tight for you? Should I stop?” “No,” Loki gasped. “You mustn’t.” She chuckled, grinding her hips on him. She sighed in ecstasy as the head of his length grabbed at her spongey G-spot. Loki grabbed her hips, unable to allow her to be in control any longer. He was a God! He moved his hands to her ass and began to lift her up slightly only to slam her down, relentless and harshly on his cock. She cried out in ecstasy. Loki knew he was hurting her. The head of his long cock was slamming into her tender cervix, but she laughed through it as if she enjoyed the pain-- as if she was one with the pain and it was her long lost lover that she allowed to swallow her whole. Her face became flushed and red, sweat trickled down her breasts and her spine.   “Yes! Yes!” she sang out, panting. “Give it all to me! Give me all of the cum you saved for me!” The Heiress of Hel threw her head back, exposing her long neck and she opened her mouth, a moan falling from her blood-red lips. Loki watched her, captivated by her and saw fangs protrude and elongate from her pink gums. His eyes widened, but he couldn’t stop or look away. Horns began to extend high up from her head curling and reaching towards the ceiling like some burdensome, heavy crown, beautiful, yet terrifying to behold. He realized then that she wore a glamour and when she was in the wild throws of sex - when she was making one of her deals, whoever she made it with - would have to witness her true form, and hopefully survive. Loki didn’t know how it was possible for this creature to become even more attractive than she already had been, but seeing her savage, true form made him long for her even more.
The head of his cock was so close to releasing his seed within her. He could feel her walls clench hungrily around him, encouraging and coaxing his seed to spill within her. “I’m cumming,” she said through her glinting fangs and from her back giant, leathery wings stretched before him, shadowing him. “Magnificent to behold,” Loki grunted and gritted his teeth as he beat his length into her. Her wings trembled slightly as an orgasm rolled through her, stretching out. At the climax  she bent down and sunk her sharp fangs into his neck, pulling his blood from his body. When she had her fill, she pulled back from his neck, blood dripping from her sensual lips. She bit her wrist and offered it to Loki. He took it and drank. Her blood tasted like the spirits from an ancient, dark wine that would capture and enslave the mind of the imbiber, it burned his tongue as it slid down his throat. “Blood of my blood,” power fell from her lips and as she spoke multiple whispers filled the air, speaking in unison with her, “you belong to me and I belong to you. “I pledge my life to you. I am yours and you are mine, now and forever.” They had imprinted with one another, something only demons did with true mates, and rarely. Everything he had felt earlier was explained, how he had been so enraptured and captivated by her, how he had felt like he needed her, how he wanted to see her belly swell with his child, everything made sense. He belonged to her, there was nothing he or anyone else could do about it. Somehow, he was content with the idea of being hers. He wanted it everyday for the rest of eternity and this was only the beginning.
Do you all think I should make a part two? Please please let me know what you thought! It takes so much time to write stuff like this and I love to hear from you all! ***If you would like to be added to the taglist please send me an ask. Donation linked in the reblog. Thanks! Peace, Loki’s Pet Tiger
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
Hello, I read doors open like arms and I absolutely loved it! It was the first time I read a fanfic where Hela was not just a stereotypical villain, but her reasons were somewhat explained, which was great. Also, the Loki-Thor dynamic is amazing, really realistic (to me) and great to read. There is just one problem, though... Now I got invested in your story and I desperately need continuation, does Hela attack, maybe she joins brothers against Thanos... Pretty please?
Hey there, thank you so much! I loved writing that fic and hearing this is seriously making my whole week, anon! I do plan to write more of it, ideally fixing the whole Infinity War-Endgame mess, so maybe subscribe to that fic on AO3 to keep an eye out for updates, but while I hammer out the details of that, here is a small interlude of what happens next:
Odin's funeral comes and goes like the flaming arrow that lights up his boat: swiftly and with a blazing streak across the skies that remains burned into Loki's eyelids long after the after images should have faded.
The hollowness that sits hungrily on his chest follows its lead, clawing behind his ribs and demanding his attention. 
In any case, it's on his nature to be contrary, so Loki firmly ignores it and pointedly does not try to untangle the knot of emotions that weighs him down. Instead, he chooses to focus on another absence at the dinner table.
"Now," he says, staring at the murals they have not yet decided what to do with– painting over them feels wrong, but leaving them in the open feels just as upsetting. Loki has half a mind to demolish the whole thing. "This is just getting ridiculous."
"Maybe she hasn't noticed yet," Thor murmurs beside him, quieter than Loki's ever heard him. "Maybe she thinks he still lives."
“You don’t believe that,” he scoffs.
“You don’t believe that,” replies Thor, sullenly. It’s been five minutes since they’ve last encountered some nobleman or other seeking either pointless answers or having some entirely uninteresting news to report. Loki is beginning to grow suspicious; in his time on the throne, five minutes of solitude had been a rare blessing.
“It doesn’t matter what I believe in,” Loki waves him off, glancing away from these dreadful paintings. His stomach rolls unpleasantly. “This will not fix itself and neither of us has been to see her in days.”
Thor bristles. “Father has–”
The words die on his throat, halted with a crushing grief that Loki wants to be about as far away as possible. Thor’s sentimentality has a way of catching. And yet, he finds himself foolishly rooted to the floor. “I know,” he says, voice unwillingly softer, “I know, I don’t mean it accusingly. But we need to deal with Hela, sooner rather than later.”
With a weary sigh, Thor drags a hand across his face. “Something also needs to be done about these murals, I hate the sight of them,” he shakes his head as if that could dispel all the wrong that seems to have settled over their lives as of late. “No matter! This shall wait while we pay our sister a long overdue visit!”
Long overdue might be a little exaggerated, but at least Thor has seen the wisdom on his suggestion. Allowing Hela to stew on her own, to make her plans with only her half of the story, well– they all saw how that turned out for him in the past. For everyone, in fact, and–
“My king,” a servant bows demurely, looking nervously between the two of them, and Loki has seen enough of this to know the Bifrost will be carrying only one of them today. “Lord Asmund has asked for your counsel over a disagreement among the Council.”
“I– thank you,” Thor says, clearing his throat, “but I’m afraid I’m far too busy at the moment, tell the Council I’ll be with them shortly, as soon as I have returned.”
The itch to smack his brother across the head is great, but somehow, Loki finds it in himself to wait until the servant has scurred away. Too dangerous to do anything undermining to his brother’s rule so soon into his regency. “Don’t be daft,” he rolls his eyes, scowls, “you can’t afford to slight your Council this early, especially considering the current affronts you’ve made against their wishes.”
“What,” it brings him up short and Loki raises one eyebrow, unimpressed, spreads his hands as if to gesture himself.
“Do you truly think they want me here, brother?” He sighs, “they will not be happy about Hela either. In fact, it would be in your best interests to exile the two us before the whole court sees you taking in yet another monster.”
The smack across his head comes as a shocking surprise. “Have you lost your mind? Or perhaps you wish to lose that hand?!”
“I will tolerate no insults to my family,” Thor replies calmly, smugly, “much less coming from my family.”
Loki glowers, far too much happening for him to keep track. That, too, he ignores violently. Instead, he focuses on his irritation. “You’re a fool and I will remind you I warned you now when this inevitably leads to disaster.”
Thor laughs. “Of course you will, brother. Now, let’s go see our sister.”
“No,” he says, haughtily pushing him towards the hallway the servant had disappeared back into, “I will go see Hela alone while you see to your Council.”
Perhaps, had he had the chance, Thor might have protested, but as it is, by the time he realizes an illusion has been telling him that, Loki is nearly too far to hear his enraged cry, the glittering of the rainbow bridge already twinkling in the distance.
Helheim is still as dreadful as ever, greying and dark, and Loki hates this place more than on principle. A thousand years here, it’s a miracle Hela has clung to any shreds of sanity– it makes him wonder what did Odin think of the future; he locked her here and then what? Did the old man think he would live forever?
“Why have you come this time, little brother?” Hela’s voice is standoffish and cool, uninterested down to the vowels. Loki firmly does not listen to the faint voice in his head, so much like Frigga’s, pointing out how much alike she sounds to him right now.
They did not grow up together nor even heard stories of each other and yet, a stranger in the streets would certainly mistake them for siblings after listening for five minutes.
“That’s not the right question now, is it?” He hums, turning around to see Hela lounging in a conjured throne with Fenrir at her feet. She looks well, less pale than before, less hungry, less like a lingering ghost. More solid, more real. It should probably be more frightening than he feels it is. 
Hela snorts, rolling her eyes. “I suppose you expect me to ask next what it is, then,” she cards her fingers through grey fur, unsettlingly in good spirits, “very well, I’ll humor you this once– what should I be asking?”
He narrows his eyes in suspicion for a second before deciding to go for a milder approach. “The real question is not why am I here, but why are you?” 
Her good mood vanishes at his words. “Where else would I be?” 
“The Allfather is gone,” he points out needlessly, gestures the barren landscape around them, “you don’t have to stay here anymore.”
“Indeed,” she says, “and I daresay Odin would just love to see me leaving my prison now that he is gone to bring Asgard down. No, I don’t think so. I’m not playing into his games anymore.”
“There are more choices besides staying here or destroying an entire realm, you know.”
Her eyes flash dangerously. “If you think I’ll return to that place in chains, a prisoner where once I ruled, you are terribly wrong. A gilded cage is still a cage and at least here, I don’t have to withstand those ancient fools prattling about.”
Loki studies her for a moment, taking the chance to collect his thoughts; this is the first time he’s on this side of this speech, you see. In hindsight, perhaps he should have let Thor come along, he certainly has more experience handling this.
Oh well, it’s not like he can say she is wrong, he supposes.
“Thor would say Asgard is not a cage,” he says, “and ask you to come home immediately. He’s a bit upset you missed the funeral.”
“That one is a fool,” Hela waves him off, “am I to understand you are here to do the same?”
“No, I like to think I know better,” Loki shrugs, dusting off his armor to prepare himself for the travel back. Nothing more to do here today, better not to rush her. “You’re right in one matter, sister– the court truly is full of decrepit imbeciles.”
Fenrir lifts his head lazily, tail wagging once as Hela laughs, and Loki calls for Heimdall, allowing the blaze of light to sweep him back home.
“Where’s Hela?” Thor frowns, breaking off from where he had been talking with the Warriors Three and the distance does nothing to soften Sif’s distrustful glare. Fair enough. 
“In her prison,” he answers calmly, not bothering to stop but slowing his steps, “although she seems to have regained her full power. I think I saw some trees there this time.”
“What?” Thor makes a face, “does she know–”
“Yes, she’s aware.”
“And she wants to stay where she is?”
Loki thinks of the depressing landscape, Fenrir’s tail blowing thin dust into the air each time it hit the ground, the unnatural taste of the forever dim lights. No one wants to stay stuck in an eternal twilight, at the edge of a nightmare. “No, she does not.”
“No, she does n– you are making no sense, brother,” Thor sighs, huffs, and he looks very tired, worn like Loki has never seen him. Even in his worst days as King, Loki can’t remember looking so exhausted, old. Then again, he didn’t care half as much, didn’t want much more than keeping the peace and send those blasted stones about as far as he could trust someone to hide them.
And, well, if he’s being honest, he had never expected to reign for so long. A few months, maybe, but not years. Thor, he expects, has millenniums to look forward to.
Good thing neither of them is a seer, truly.
“Give it time,” he offers, catching sight of some harried lord of other he never bothered to learn the name, and ducks into a different hallway, parting ways to return to his room. Still, he calls behind his shoulder, “and stop avoiding your meetings!”
“You again,” Hela purses her lips. Today, Fenrir is off chasing rabbits; if he pays attention, Loki thinks he can hear the anguished cries and the tear of fur and flesh.
“Me again,” he agrees cheerily, taking a seat into the newly made garden. It looks a little like Frigga’s, if less gentle, less idyllic. Wilder, actually, with poison ivies strangling trees and roots upending the earth. “You will not believe what happened today.”
“Do tell, but only if it’s interesting,” she says, watching flies buzz around, a dead bird attracting the lot of them. “How fares our dear brother in the throne?”
“Surprisingly not disastrously,” Loki admits, “do you want to hear it or not?”
“Not particularly. Since I so clearly am not going to be the queen, why should I care for Asgard?” Her tone is cavalier, dismissive, but he hears the undercurrent of hurt there, the spiteful resignation– yes, she wouldn’t be Odin’s blood-thirsty monster, wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, wouldn’t wreak the havoc he had expected her to, but at what cost? She’s making a garden out of her prison, but he wonders how much of herself is she losing with these illusions?
How much change until there’s nothing of yourself left?
He shakes his head. “It’s where your power comes from, is it not?”
“In a way,” she nods, “doesn’t mean I have to be embroiled into whatever court nonsense has you into such a tirade.”
Fenrir comes lumbering back, muzzle dripping with blood and tail wagging happily, more dog than feral beast. Loki turns his nose in disgust, huffs. “I feel I am the only one with sense in that place.”
“It would not come as a surprise. You seem to have some intelligence, I could not say the same for the rest of the court.”
“Thank you, sister, for the glowing endorsement,” he drawls, rolling his eyes, then– a thought. “You should come home, help me help them not to run the city to the ground.”
Hela laughs. “I thought you were going to tell me a story, little prince.”
“Tonight there is a feast, will you come?”
“No, I don’t think I will,” says Hela, and Fenrir darts past them, a bloodied deer in his maw, still twitching every other second. “Will you attend?”
Loki grins, settling in one of the benches with the pile of books he had brought with him today. “People will certainly see me there.”
Hela rolls her eyes but picks one of the tomes. The poor lighting is terrible for reading, nothing a few witch lights can’t fix.
“Thor has a room made for you,” Loki points out, “it was garish at first, of course, but I had it redecorated.”
“Tell me, then, little brother, do these quarters come with how many guards at my door?”
“No guards, no,” he shrugs, “but I expect the Council will try to riddle it with spies. They certainly tried with mine.”
Hela hums. “Of course. I’d turn them inside out and leave their entrails at the door. Or perhaps their heads in a spike?”
“I would think you’d sick Fenrir on them.”
“He deserves better than a traitor’s flesh.”
“Does that mean you are coming?”
“That means I would rather be left alone.”
“It’s been a fortnight, will you come home now?”
“No. Be careful with the nightshade, it’s been wilting lately.”
“Thor has been asking for you, he’s convinced the Council you will not be a threat to the Realm. No more than I, in any case. Will you come home?”
“I’m offended, I will not.”
It takes half a season for Thor to finally grow too impatient with his visits and if he’s being honest, Loki is only surprised it took him this long to corner him outside his room. “You’re off to see Hela again, aren’t you?”
“I did say I would take care of the situation, didn’t I?” He raises one eyebrow, eyeing his displeased scowl.
“Yes, yes, but,” Thor glares, sour to the bone, “you haven’t been to a Council meeting in forever! Maybe we should let her come to us when she is ready, give up on these fruitless visits.”
Loki rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. “What do you think I have been doing? You try convincing the Goddess of Death to do anything. She keeps conjuring the most hideous plants for her garden, but I believe I’m close to getting her to lose the corpse flowers.”
“Losing the–”
“You won’t want to know, they smell terrible, really, like rotting flesh. Even the blasted wolf hates it.”
Thor looks like he might want to protest or perhaps inquire further on Hela’s awful gardening plans, or, more likely, to question him again on what they’ve been discussing, but a servant interrupts them again, reminding Thor of a meeting he seems to be almost late to. Good thing, really, that Loki has arranged for the staff to keep these reminders coming. It wouldn’t do for their king to be late, it gives time for gossip and scheming to brew.
And if the distrust, the suspicion Loki might be the one plotting behind Thor’s back with Hela to– what? Destroy Asgard? Kill their brother? – well, it might sting, yes, but it’s not like he can blame him, not in light of the past decade, even the past few months. 
Still, Loki excuses himself cooly, trying not to allow unfair resentments to claw at his throat.
“If they are all constantly suspicious of you,” Hela says, a frown so much like Thor’s on her brow, “and it bothers you so, then why stay? You know the pathways between worlds, why not slip away from their petty grievances?”
Loki can’t help snorting; only Hela would call his crimes petty.
And yet, her question, as they often do, gives him pause. Why did he stay? He could have gone anywhere in the universe, thrown the tesseract in the nearest wormhole and run in the other direction. It wouldn’t have hidden him from the Titan, not forever, but neither will Asgard– which reminds him, he will have to warn his brother of this soon: Thanos’ madness will not spare their home, not even if Loki were a thousand miles away, if the Tesseract were a thousand miles away.
Soon isn’t today, though, so instead, he allows himself to faintly prod at the tangled knots of emotions he had been ignoring these past months. If he were someone else, someone more prone to feelings and such, he might say he stayed because pushing everything away had become too tiring on his shoulder, because he had died once, nearly twice, and when you die for somewhere, for someone, that has to count for something, because more often than not it feels like never stopped falling, but in Asgard, it’s easier to pretend there’s solid ground beneath his feet.
Because running away has only ever made things worse, so he chose to stay for once, is choosing to stay, and sometimes, he thinks it might be the same as choosing his family and that could be enough because it’s on purpose.
“Because it’s worth it,” he tells Hela at last and watches her consider his words carefully, hesitant as she absently pets Fenrir, eyes far away to the sky like she’s seeing golden and blue instead of dulling greys. When she says nothing, he adds softly, “will you come home and see it for yourself?”
This time when he calls for Heimdall and the Bifrost strikes from the sky, the Guardian is there, steady and dependable, to welcome him home along with Hela, her ridiculously large wolf, and the stupid cactus in a yellow vase she carries in her hands. 
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tonaathena1996 · 5 years
A Lokane Fic Idea
So I have this idea that came about since IW premiered. I don’t think I will ever write the entire thing. So I started writing a book report type of summary just to get the idea out. This monster has grown. Not even to the bulk of the story yet. I’m just gonna share to get it out there. Maybe it can give someone ideas. Or maybe I might work on it. Don’t know yet...see what you guys think.
on Asgard, Hela reigns as Queen. Loki is her son with Laufey. He is regarded between both worlds as crown prince. He chooses to live on Alfheim much to his father’s displeasure while Hela is thoroughly pleased. Laufey reluctantly explains the marriage arrangement Hela had made at his birth to marry him off to Aelsa, princess of Alfheim. Laufey encourages his son to find a way out.
Jane opens the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Steps through. Ego finds her and reunited her with her brother. Peter who he also just reunited with. Ego begins to teach them their powers. Yondu and the rest of the gotg2 team rescue them. Yondu survives.
On Alfheim, Loki notices the bridge opening on Midgard. He contacts his Mother who agrees it is time to open relations to the planet once again. She sends Loki, Thor, and Sif to Midgard. They make contact with Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis. Fury comes along and they negotiate a quick treaty...just as the Chitauri attack. The Avengers are revealed who welcome their new heavenly friends. The Chitauri are defeated quickly with the help of the forces of Asgard and Jotunheim. Revels amongst the Avengers. Once all is said and done, Hela calls Loki home. Before leaving, Erik asks Loki to help him find Jane. He doesn’t believe the scientist is dead. Loki agrees leaving Thor and Sif to aid Midgard.
Jane and Peter try to use their power. Yondu tells them he’s heard of the Asgardian witches and sorcerers and their millenias of knowledge. He suggests they go to Alfheim where they are sure to find someone to help. Jane and Peter agree.
Yondu takes them to Alfheim where they meet Loki. Yondu asks what it would take to get them trained. Loki sees a quick fix to his problem. Offers a handfasting to Jane in exchange for training. Jane balks at first before Loki offers her a trip to Earth so perhaps she may learn to trust him.
Loki takes them to Earth. Here, he reunited her with Erik and Darcy while he reconnects with Thor. He tells Thor of the deal he’s made with Jane and all his reasons why. There may be Asgardian ale involved. Thor agrees with the plan but makes one suggestion. Put Fandral in front of Aelsa. Erik and Tony talk Loki up to Jane. Yondu takes Peter and Gamora to visit his mother’s grave with permission from Fury.
Loki and Jane take some time to get to know one another. He asks her to show him some familiar places on Midgard since he hadn’t been to the realm in centuries. She agrees but questions him about his powers and magic the entire time. They find common ground in their intelligence and pursuit of knowledge. Loki makes Jane a vow that he will act only as her mentor, only asking for her attentions in public gatherings and only what she finds comfortable. Jane finally agrees.
Loki leaves his companions on Midgard to make arrangements for the handfasting. First, he travels to Jotunheim to speak with his father. Laufey thoroughly enjoys the idea. Then, Loki travels to Asgard and speaks with Odin to perform the ceremony. Loki uses his best convincing speech to twist Odin’s arm who finally agrees but declares firmly that he alone will be responsible for informing Hela. Loki informs his mother of the handfasting and she loses her mind. She demands Heimdall summon Jane to Asgard at once so that Hela may judge her herself.
Loki welcomes an irate Jane at the Bifrost. She is wearing only a towel and her hair is wet. She was just getting out of a bath and she is livid. Loki quickly explains his mother’s reaction before using magic to dry and clothe her. Hela arrives at the Bifrost and eyes Jane suspiciously. A tense exchange happens before Hela declares a feast where all of Asgard should get to know their potential Queen. Loki takes Jane under his arm and tells his mother they really would like more time to be allowed to invite Jane’s family as well. Hela gifts them one day. Feast will be tomorrow.
Loki escorts Jane to the castle where his hall offers chambers for his guests. He explains that while he could offer her one of those rooms it would look more convincing if she stayed in his rooms. Jane and Loki have a discussion about what is expected over the next few days. Loki vows he will not dishonor her in any way. Jane doesn’t appear convinced.
Invitations go out to Laufey and family, the Avengers, Erik, Darcy And Fury. And to Aelsa of Alfheim. Thor warns Loki of Aelsa’s arrival. He grumbles before going to Jane. Loki tells Jane of their troubles. He suggests they attempt to look convincing and offers to try a kiss. They do and Jane mutters she’s convinced. Loki says he just really isn’t sure and invites Thor to judge. Jane demands Darcy’s presence. Once she explains to Darcy it has to look convincing, Darcy invites Black Widow, Hawkeye and Stark to judge with her. Peter tags along with Gamora and Rocket. Loki kisses Jane thoroughly. Discussion ensues. Loki finally whispers to Jane with a dastardly smile, “Well, I’m convinced.”
The feast begins. Jane is fidgeting with her royal apparel and nervous about the entire situation. She begins to rant incessantly just as their entrance is to be announced. Loki attempts to interject several times before just stealing her attention with a rather passionate kiss that leaves her gasping for air. When he is done and their lips part, Jane finally hears the roaring of the crowd as the doors to the grand ballroom have been opened, revealing the couple in each other’s arms. Laufey chuckles heartily, teases Hela about finally having some grandchildren. Hela is not impressed. They enter the hall as Jane’s cheeks are flushed. They bow to Hela and Loki formally introduces Jane Foster of Midgard, daughter of Ego. Gasps amongst the Asgardians and Jotuns. Hela coldly welcomes Jane. As dinner progresses, Frigga and Odin ask many questions of Jane who answers as best as possible. Erik speaks with Hela, working his knowledge of Norse myth to ask her questions about battles to which she thoroughly enjoys telling of her conquests. Laufey and Byleistr speak to Loki and told him he’s very wise and has chosen well. Laufey suggests his son get started on that heir immediately. Loki confesses his desire but also his vow. Laufey tells his son he’s not at all wise...Byleistr places a wager on how long the vow will last. Thor interrupts to place a wager. Sif and Fandral as well. Loki tells them all to jump into the void.
When the meal is complete, dancing begins. Hela announces the couple’s dance. Loki leads Jane to the dance floor where, despite the height difference, they flow seemlessly. During the dance, Laufey approaches Hela. Reminds her that not all arranged marriages are good ones. Reminds her of their past together because she did not wish to marry her arranged partner. He almost talks her into a kiss before she pulls her self back and declares that Loki and Aelsa will be married. Laufey glances to Loki and Jane on the dance floor and tells Hela, “You’ve been wrong before.”
At the end of the dance, Loki and Jane’s eyes remain upon one another. He kisses the back of her hand as a proper gentleman and she smiles brightly at him. He tugs her into his arms and he speaks gently to her about leaving the party now. She agrees, kisses him to make it look good. Loki begs his mother’s pardon but requests alone time with his beloved. Hela dismisses then flippantly.
Once back in Loki’s rooms, Jane changes into her own comfortable clothing. Loki does as well. They sit and talk for hours about family, interrealm politics and history. Jane says she should be exhausted but she isn’t. He explains the magic of Asgard, the realm Eternal...home of the eternal flame. Any magical being feels recharged here. He mentions she certainly is magical. Jane isn’t quite sure how take that but feels it has double meaning. She asks about the handfasting and what the ritual is like. He gives a brief explanation before smiling brightly. He suggests they have the ceremony performed at dawn before his mother awakens. Jane says Hela already hates her. Loki says don’t take it personal. She reluctantly agrees.
Odin performs the handfasting of Loki and Jane with Thor/Sif, Bylesitr/Skadi, and Darcy/Steve, Frigga, Erik and Peter/Gamora as witnesses. Upon their kiss, time freezes.
The Norns pull Loki and Jane to Nornheim through Yggdrasil. The Norn of the past, Urd, looks to them coldly. Tells them it’s about time. Verandi, Norn of the present, declares it has begun. Skuld, Norn of the future, tells them “great things will come from your union.” The Norns declare together ‘blessed be the union of our king and queen’
Time begins again. Jane and Loki practically shove each other apart. Jane demands answers. Odin asks what happened to which Jane starts to explain. Loki tried to downplay it all. Jane continues to tell the truth. Loki tried to distort it. Odin declares enough before he smiles at Loki “Your Mischief finally landed you in the right place at the right time, my boy”. Jane demands answers. Odin explains the Norns to Jane and that it appears their union will last much longer than a year and a day. Jane is eying Loki with suspicion. Odin and company give the newlyweds a moment alone. Loki swears he has no idea what the Norns have to do with anything. Jane warns him “a year and one day, Loki. That’s what was promised.” He acknowledges agreement.
Frigga has a celebratory breakfast feast arranged in the newlyweds honor. Hela is psychotically pissed. She takes a moment to threaten Jane, reminds her that she is Goddess of Death for a reason. Jane scurries away, frightened that she’s made a deal with the devil that’s gonna get her killed. Loki sees his bride flee, admonishes his mother, and seeks Jane out. He finds her in his rooms, tells her not to fear his mother. He will protect her. Jane glares at him in prominent disbelief. She says she wishes she’d never opened the bridge. Loki consoles her as best he can. A guard knocks on the door. Loki winks at Jane before he cast an auditory illusion of the newlyweds making married people noises behind closed doors. Jane buries her head in his chest as she tries not to laugh.
Loki steals their share of the wedding feast after a suitable time for newlywed activities had passed. He and Jane eat and talk. He suggests a tour of Asgard while he leaves some illusions to hide their escape. She agrees. They travel to a couple of different places, sharing stories and Loki begins to teach her some magical basics. By the end of the day, Jane figures the situation might not be so bad.
That night, Loki says they should make some sort of appearance at dinner. Jane reluctantly sees the logic and goes along. He advises her the moment she is uncomfortable she can make a suggestion to exit and he will follow. Because they spent the entire day behind closed doors, of course, they are mercilessly teased by those in attendance. After a sharp verbal dig by Hela, Jane slides into Loki’s lap and suggests they resume their private celebrations. Loki is privately delighted she’s going to this length to be convincing and follows her lead. They kiss and it becomes passionate rather quickly. They transport back to his rooms. Where they slowly end their kiss, Loki and Jane fight for breathe and struggle with their responses to each other. Jane excuses herself and goes to take a cold shower. Just before she goes into the bathroom, she takes a moment to thank him for showing her Asgard. Once she leaves, Loki speaks to himself saying he’s condemned himself to a fate worse than Helheim.
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Thor Ragnarok
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Continue Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We Are Looking At The 3rd Outing For Thor And The Second For The Hulk In Thor Ragnarok..
This Film Finds Thor And Hulk On The Planet Sakaar Where They Must Escape So They Can Stop Thor's Sister, Hela The Goddess Of Death And The Impending Ragnarok, Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Thor Ragnarok...
The Film Starts In Muspelheim, Where Thor Has Been Captured By A Being Named Surtur (Voiced By Mr. Krabs)...
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I Wish I Were Kidding...
Anyway, Surtur Taunts Thor, Telling Him Not Only That Odin Is Not On Asgard But That In His Absence Asgard Is Vulnerable For Him To Unleash Ragnarok By Getting The Eternal Flame From Odin's Vault...
Calling Mijolnir To His Hand, Thor Breaks Out Of His Chains And Fights Surtur's Minions...
(Start At 2:53, End At 4:18)
(End At 1:37)
Returning To Asgard, Thor Meets Heimdall's Replacement, Skurge (Played By Leonard McCoy) Who Tells Him That Heimdall Has Been Declared An Enemy Of The People And Is On The Run. Upset By This News, Thor Goes To See His Father "Odin" Who Is Watching A Play About The Death Of Loki...
Which Has An All Star Cast Including, Luke, Brother Of Thor As Well, Thor, Dr. Alan Grant As Odin And Some Guy Jimmy Kimmel Never Has Time For As Loki...
Seeing Through "Odin's" Deception, Thor Forces Him To Reveal Himself For Who He Is And What A Shock, It's Loki. Taking Him To Earth, He Shows Thor Where He Sent Odin But Unfortunately The Retirement Home He Placed Him In Has Been Demolished...
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Taking A Little Time To Talk With His Brother, We Learn As They Do Talk That Thor Broke Up With Jane, Saying That It Was A Mutual Breakup. However, Loki Is Sent Somewhere By Someone Who Leave A Card With An Address To The Sanctum Sanctorum...
Meeting Doctor Strange (Played By Smaug The Terrible) We Get A Version Of The Doctor Strange Mid Credits Scene That Involved Thor And It's Aftermath With Strange Discovering That Odin Is In Norway. Releasing Loki From Where He Sent Him, Strange Sends Thor And Loki To Norway...
Finding Odin, The 2 Brothers Discover That Odin Released Himself From Loki's Spell He Placed Upon Him But He Is Dying And His Time Is Limited As He Tells Them That Hela, The Goddess Of Death, Who Is The Sister They Never Knew Will Be Released From Her Prison When He Dies And That She Is More Powerful Than Both Of Them Combined...
So, Telling His Sons That He Loves Them One Last Time, Odin Dies, Transforming Into Pure Energy...
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Angered At Loki For Causing Odin's Death, Any Thoughts Of Vengeance Are Set Aside For The Moment As Hela (Played By Cate Blanchett) Is Released From Her Prison But When The 2 Brothers Refuse To Bow To Her Hela Attacks Them Creating Spears To Fight Them...
Throwing Mijolnir At Her, Hela Just Grabs It And Shatters It As Loki Calls The Bifrost But During Their Return Trip, Hela Throws Both Loki And Thor Out Of The Bifrost. Making Her Way To Asgard, Hela Is Met By Volstagg And Fandral Who She Kills On Sight...
Well, It Makes Signing With The DCEU To Do Shazzam Easy, Right, Zachery Levi?...
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Recruiting Skurge To Her Service, Hela Starts Her Takeover Of Asgard As We See That Thor Landed On A Planet Covered In Trash And Wormholes Called Sakaar, Where He's Confronted By Hostile Scavengers Which Thor Manages To Fight Off Till One Of Them Uses An Electrified Net On Him So They Can Beat Him To A Pulp..
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But When A Spaceship Lands, A Drunk Woman (Played By Tessa Thompson) Says Thor Is Hers And Fires Her Ship's Guns At The Scavengers Obliterating Them...
Thanking This Woman, She Doesn't Reply And Just Places A Small Disc That Allows Her To Electrocute Thor And Render Him Unconscious At The Touch Of A Button Oh, It Also Prevents Him From Escaping...
Back On Asgard, Hela Faces Asgard's Armies, Led By Hogun Who Will Bow To Her Rule Even When She Tells Them About Odin's Death And That She Has Taken Care Of Thor And Loki, So She Kills Them All...
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Wow, A Whole Army And They Couldn't Even Stop Her?!? Boy, Asgard Sucks!
Meanwhile On Sakaar, Thor Awakens To A Holographic Presentation (With Pure Imagination From Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory In The Background, Why?) About Sakaar And The Grandmaster (Played By Ian Malcolm)
Wait A Minute, Dr. Alan Grant And Ian Malcolm Are In The Same Movie And They Don't Have A Scene Together? I Want A Refund!
Anyway, The Grandmaster Is Not Only The Ruler Of Sakaar But Is The Host Of The Gladitorial Contest Of Champions. Buying Thor From The Drunk Woman, So He Can Pit Him Against His Champion In A Battle Saying That If He Wins He Will Earn His Freedom...
Still Restrained, Thor Discovers Loki In The Grandmaster's Company Who Tells Thor That He's Been There For Weeks Earning The Grandmaster's Favor And Is Fitting In Rather Nicely Apparently...
Thrown Into The Gladiator Quarters, We Meet The Funniest People In This Movie, Korg (Voiced By The Director Of This Movie, Taika Waititi) Who is A Kronan And His Friend A Bug Named Miek Who Has Scissors For Hands...
And I Absolutely Love Them!
Anyway, Despite Telling Thor That No One Has Beat The Grandmaster's Champion, Thor Gets Ready To Fight This Man....
Back On Asgard, Hela And Skurge Go To The Throne Room Where Hela Reveals By Destroying The Royal Mural, Another Mural Showing That She Used To Be Odin's Most Powerful Weapon In His Efforts To Create A Powerful Asgardian Empire, But When Her Ambition Outgrew Odin's He Imprisoned Her...
Going Down To Odin's Vault, She Declares Most Everything There To Be Fake, Before Looking At The Casket Of Ancient Winters, Surtur's Crown And The Tesseract Before Looking At The Eternal Flame Which She Uses To Revive The Fallen Soliders From Her Time And Her Pet, The Fenris Wolf To Help Her In Her Conquest...
As Thor Picks His Weapon To Fight The Grandmaster's Champion, He Runs Into The Drunk Woman That Sold Him To The Grandmaster Where He Realizes That She Is An Asgardian Valkyrie, But Unsympathetic To The Plight Of Asgard, Thor Calls Her A Coward Before Being Taken To Get His Hair Cut By Stan Lee...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Before The Fight...
Taken Out To The Stadium Afterwards, Thor Meets The Grandmaster's Champion, Who Happens To Be The Incredible Hulk To Loki's Displeasure And Bad Memories...
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Overjoyed To See His Teammate, Thor Attempts To Negotiate With The Hulk But Makes A Mistake When He Accidentally Calls Him Banner...
Back On Asgard, Hela Sits On Her Throne and Talks With Skurge Stating That When Odin Was King She Was His Executioner And Now Skurge Is Hers...
Going To The Bifrost With Her Soldiers, Hela And Skurge Discover The Bifrost Sword Missing Which Means One Thing, Heimdall Has Returned And Has Taken It From Them, Stopping Hela From Conquering All The Realms For Now...
Attempting To Round Everyone Up To Discover Where Heimdall Is, Hela Sends Her Soliders Including The Woods But While Chasing Some People, Heimdall Arrives And Kills Hela's Undead Soliders Before Taking The People Back To His Hideout In The Mountains Where He Has Been Organizing A Resistance Against Hela...
Finding Himself In The Lap Of Luxury With A Naked Hulk...
Which Is Something I Never Wanted To See...
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He Tells Thor That He Arrived In The Quinjet He Stole From Ultron In Age Of Ultron, And That He's Not Going Back To Earth As Here He Is Respected, Where On Earth...
Well, Let's Just Say The Bad Hulk Has Done On Earth Has Kind Of Outweighed The Good He's Done At This Point In The MCU...
Upset At This, Thor Tries To Leave But Gets Shocked By A Force Field On The Door Meant For Him. So, With Hulk Going To Train With Valkyrie, Thor Tries To Mentally Reach Heimdall Who Tells Thor Some Stuff I've Already Said, That He's Working On Evacuating People From Asgard And That They Don't Have Much Time...
Later That Evening, Thor Is Mad At The Hulk But It Eventually Leads To A Bonding Moment Between The 2 That Gets Hulk To Help Thor Talk To Valkyrie, To Try To Convince Her To Help Again And To Steal The Control Device So He Can Release The Disc On His Neck...
Breaking Through The Window, Thor Makes For The Quinjet (Which Is Still In Good Shape For What It Is) But The Hulk Starts Wrecking The Ship When He Doesn't Want Thor To Go...
Because If He Goes, It's Just Him And Valkyrie!
However, When Thor Comes Across An Old Video Of Black Widow Trying To Contact The Hulk From Age Of Ultron, Hulk Starts To Turn Back Into Banner Who's Been The Hulk Since Sokovia Which Leads Banner To Freak Out...
As The Hulk Had Completely Taken Over And He Has Absolutely No Memory Of The Past Few Years Which Has Him Start To Fear That If He Becomes The Hulk Again, Banner Won't Come Back...
Back In The Grandmaster's Chamber, He Gives Loki And Valkyrie Orders To Find Thor And The Hulk, But After Loki Shows Valkyrie A Vision Of Herself And Her Sisters Against Hela All Those Years Ago Which Ended With Only Her Surviving To The Point That She Drank To Try To Drown Her Misery, She Decides To Help Thor And Banner Escape...
Kidnapping Loki, He Tells Thor That His Favor With The Grandmaster Has Paid Off And That He Has All The Security Codes To The Grandmaster's System All They Need To Do Is Take Him With Them. However As Thor And Banner Decide To Take Loki Or Not Valkyrie Tries To Find A Way Back To Asgard But Thor Tells Her That The Only Way Back Is Through The Devil's Anus...
That Looks Absolutely Nothing Like Kathy Bates' Nude Scene From About Schmidt...
Only One Problem, Valkyrie's Ship Will Never Survive It Which Leads Them To Release Korg, Miek And The Other Prisoners From Their Cells...
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But Despite Helping Thor Get To The Grandmaster's Luxury Ship, The Commodore Which He Only Uses For Orgies Apparently...
Aww, Man! Now I'm Going To Have That Image Of Jeff Goldblum At An Orgy In My Head For Hours, Thanks Thor Ragnarok!
Loki Betrays Thor, Sounding The Alarm As He Escapes But Knowing He Would Thor Placed The Same Disc That Valkyrie Placed On Him On Loki, Saying To Him That He Will Always Be The God Of Mischief But He Could Be More...
Going Through The Devil's Anus, They Arrive At Asgard Just As Hela Is About To Assault The Fortress Where Heimdall Is Hiding People From Asgard, But When Thor Calls Her Back To The Throne Room, Hela Faces Off Against Thor...
(Start At 1:22)
Realizing That The Destruction Of Asgard Was Inevitable, Thor Thanks Loki For Returning For Him And The 2 Brothers Reconcile, Before Taking The Captain's Chair And Assuming His Birthright As King Of Asgard With His Friends And Family By His Side As They Set A Course For Earth...
We Get A Mid Credits Scene Where Loki Wonders If He Will Be Welcome On Earth After Everything He Did In The First Avengers Movie But With Thor Telling Him That He'll Deal With Everything But Not Before Dealing With A Giant Spaceship That Will Ruin The Happy Ending That Came From This Movie...
We Also Get A End Credits Scene With The Grandmaster Confronted By The People Who Used To Be His Slaves As He Tries To Declare A Draw To No Success...
And That's Thor Ragnarok And It's The Best Thor Movie Ever!
The Story's Great, The Characters Are Great And Hillarious And I Like Hela As The Bad Guy But I Think They Shouldn't Have Had Skurge The Executioner In This Movie Without The Person He Actually Serves, The Enchantress (Yeah, I Know They Had A Character Called Enchantress In Suicide Squad But Marvel's Enchantress Is Alot More Sexier Than Her) But Aside From That Criticism I Defiantly Say, See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off..
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iiwontgiveuponmilkk · 5 years
a/n: requested!
summary: y/n is out to destroy midgard, but her brother and his team stop her and thor recruits her to join the avengers and to attempt to save his their home.
word count: 1171
warning: angst? fire? violence? happy ending kinda?
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All you could remember was the screaming, then you found yourself on a strange planet. Midgard, maybe. You were unsure, but by the stares from the humans, you knew you weren’t going to fit in here. The whispers, oh how you hated the whispering. You could hear every word that quietly slipped out of the mouths around you. Every. Single. Word. You couldn’t take it. You just wanted it to be quiet, you felt your skin begin to burn. 
“Oh my god!” A woman shrieked as she watched your body go up in flames. Panic followed as more attention was brought to you. And the flames only grew. The flames radiating out from you, engulfing anything in their path. This little incident caused you to pop up on the Avengers’ radar. They had questions. So did the media. Who were you? Where did you come from? How could you possibly survive the devastation that you caused? Thor had the answers. 
“She’s from Muspelheim.” Thor said, shrugging. “The world of fire. My father used to keep an eye on her. We thought it was impossible for a god to conceive a child with a fire demon. It was undocumented in our entire history.” Thor continued to explain the origin of y/n to his team. You were a miracle- a disastrous one, but a miracle. It was impossible for this to happen. But here you were, half god, half fire demon. Word of your arrival to Midgard quickly spread, and so did your uncontrollable fires. It didn’t take long for you to accept that this was why you were here. At least, you thought you had a purpose. You thought that you were sent here to cleanse Midgard. What better way than to burn the planet to its core? You were an uncontrollable blaze, worse than a wildfire. 
The team struggled to find you between your attacks. You were good at hiding, but how could they miss a whole city burning to the ground? That’s exactly how they found you this time. But this time, you were in their city. New York City. You walked down the middle of the busy street, horns honking everywhere. So, fucking noisy. You couldn’t take the noise. You hated it. It always set you off. Your gown went up in flames, yet you still looked elegant. Your dress of flames dragged against the ground as you walked, leaving spreading flames in its wake. 
“Stop.” Someone shouted. You turned your head, turning your attention to the man in a ridiculous blue suit and a matching, and still ridiculous, shield. His eyes widened as he watched your skin begin turn red. He swore he could see the heat radiating off you in waves. “These are innocent people.” His voice was stern but his eyes were begging you to stop. The flames around you, lapped at your ankles, egging you on. “It’s judgement day.” You laughed. It felt like you had spit in his face. 
“Y/n. Stop.” You froze, hearing the voice. It was so familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it. You hadn’t heard a voice like that since you fought beside Hela and Odin, burning worlds to the ground. Thor, son of Odin, stared back at you as you turned to him. “Your father would’ve let me burn this whole world to the ground.” You growled. It took only a second for you to close the distance between you and the Asgardian. Your right hand shot up, grabbing him by the throat. You lifted him with ease and slammed him into the ground. Your touch was starting to burn. He had warned the team about you; you possessed superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, and reflexes. And you were incredibly durable. It also didn’t help that you were one of the fiercest warriors in the nine realms. 
A scream escaped your lips as you flew off of Thor. You sent a blaze of fire down the path of the magic that had attacked you. You were thrown off guard, which gave Bucky enough time to swing at you. You caught his metal fist, staring him down. You focused your energy, his fist beginning to burn a bright red in your hand. That’s when Tony flew in, hitting you with sodium bicarbonate. You screamed in anguish as your flames died and you became cold. “Please stop.” You wailed, luckily being half Asgardian kept you alive; you had a small tolerance to the cold. Thor knelt over you; his body full of electricity. “Think.” You spat out. Electricity would only ignite. “This whole world will burn if you attack me.” That’s when he signaled for the team to stand down and you let them take you into custody. In the time it took to find you, Tony had engineered a cell to hold you. One you couldn’t burn your way out of, and trust me, you tried. The only thing you succeeded at was somehow burning all the skin off of your hands. 
“Are you done yet?” Thor’s voice boomed as he watched your cell go from a burning inferno to you dropping to the ground in pain when the flames immediately died. “Let me out of here.” You wailed, staring at your shaking, charred hands. Thor shook his head, “no.” Little did he know, you had leverage. “He’s going to destroy your world, Asgardian.” You shouted. “The whole thing will be up in flames, and you deserve it. Your people will die for abandoning me.” You cried. It was the truth, but not many Asgardians knew the truth, only you and Odin did. And, well, Odin was dead. “Your father,” you paused when Thor cut you off. “Our father.” He corrected, you were confused, but maybe this meant he knew everything. “She’s coming for your throne.” You warned. “You haven’t seen destruction until you see what she’ll do to the nine realms.” She would be coming for you too. You’re the one who sealed her into her own eternal hell. 
“Join us, or I’ll let her kill you.” Thor was unwavering. Join them? How could you join them when you could barely control your own abilities? That’s when you saw it. He was toying with a small, gold ring adorned with precious gems to look like flames. “Give it to me.” You pounded on the force field that separated you from your brother. “You know the terms.” He cocked an eyebrow. You were defeated and he knew it. That ring was the only thing that could keep the fire contained. “Fine, but I need that ring.” You sounded absolutely defeated. Your father, Odin, had the ring forged shortly after he discovered how catastrophic your powers were. Thor watched as you slowly approached him, not trusting your new found freedom. He watched you carefully, not trusting his own sister. You slipped on the ring, feeling the relief as the gems began to flicker like flames. 
“Let’s stop this bitch and save what’s left of dad.” You croaked, determination in your eyes.
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fadingcoast · 4 years
Death Of The Lie  ||  Chapter 27: Jotunheim
AUTHORS: @fandom-and-feminism & @fadingcoast
Summary: Odin and his daughter Hela are the perfect conquerors of the universe. The nine realms fall one after the other into their clutch. After Odin takes a second wife and has a son with her, he doesn’t need Hela anymore. Hela abandons her father and ends up marrying Laufey, a sworn enemy of the Aesir people. Not long after, she becomes pregnant with Laufey’s child. Odin cannot let that son be born, but against all odds, the boy survives. Odin is forced to bring him back to Asgard to be raised as his own until he could make further use of him. The half-Jotun-half-Aesir boy grows up to look and act a lot like his mother, which disturbs Odin, and makes him treat the boy horribly. Odin’s lies are deep and complex, but one day the boy will find out the truth about everything he is.
Feedback is always appreciated and reblogs are encouraged!!
Chapter 27: Jotunheim
With the first light of dawn came a renewed sense of purpose for Loki. He hadn’t slept a wink but he found himself buzzing with energy, and when he ventured out to the lush castle grounds he saw Hela gazing up at the sunrise. He wondered if she, too, had stayed up all night thinking about their next move.
A slight breeze brushed Hela’s hair across her gaunt shoulders, carrying the scent of honeysuckle and the nearby river, and when she turned her head toward Loki she was smiling. After a moment her smile faded, however, and a somber mood settled over the garden. It was then that Loki sensed her restless energy, and he could tell she was itching to do something, and whatever it was wasn’t going to be easy.
“You must know as well as I do that Asgard isn’t going to just hand me the throne,” Hela said, rubbing her hands together as she began to pace. “Mages or not, the Alfar are outnumbered. I will not lead them into slaughter.”
Loki had had the same thought the night before. As grateful as he was to have Sigyn and Freyr’s support, their army was no match in numbers to Asgard’s. “I’m glad you agree,” he confessed.  “I take it you have another plan?”
Conflicted thoughts warred in Hela’s dark eyes. Determined as she was, something was still holding her back, fear or apprehension or perhaps regret. Slowly she nodded her head. “I do.”
“Am I allowed to know this plan, or am I to follow blindly?” Loki didn’t intend to come across so harshly, but every second passed meant another opportunity wasted, and it wouldn’t be long before the King and Princess would wake. 
Hela looked toward the sky once more, the sun’s rays casting her pale face in a warm light that almost seemed to turn her cheeks pink. For a moment Loki regretted his words; after all he had been through his tongue was often sharp enough to hurt others when he wasn’t careful, and though he barely knew her, she was his mother.
Almost if he hadn’t spoken at all, Hela continued. “We must return to Asgard. Odin’s Vault. There’s an army beneath its floors, long buried, waiting for someone to give them life. With them I - we - can secure the palace. But we can’t just walk in and do what we like. My power is somewhat weakened outside of Asgard, and you can teleport. What is the closest you can get us to the Vault?”
“My- my chambers,” Loki said, slightly stunned. Doubt crept in his mind but there was no time to give in to it. “They have been sealed with a spell since-” The memory choked him, so he moved on. “It will be safe to teleport there.”
“This is the only way,” Hela assured him. “The only way to right all the wrongs, to make up for the sins of the Allfather. You can stop running. We can stop running.”
Loki turned to look at the castle that had once been his home. Yet again he had to leave, to fight that part of him that longed to stay. And now he had reason to doubt that, once all was said and done, he would even be welcomed back. When he turned toward her again Hela had her long arm outstretched to him, waiting for his hand. With a final nod he placed his hand in hers, and in a flash of green, they left Alfheim behind.
Loki had spent so much of his life traveling these halls without being seen that he could venture through them now with little effort, even with Hela in tow. It wasn’t an easy feat, as they could barely fit through some of his hiding places, but it took them straight to the vaults unnoticed by the several Einherjar that patrolled the corridors. As soon as they were inside the Vault, Loki sealed the room with a spell.
Hela looked around and couldn’t help but smirk dryly at the garish displays of brute force, left largely untouched over the centuries. War trophies from Odin’s reign - some from even before she was born - sat proudly on pedestals all over the room like they were altars to a past that should be revered. Imagining the lies he must have sold to the people about how he won these stolen goods felt like someone had spat in her face.
Loki stood to the side of the center pathway, watching his mother closely as she examined some of the newer items she hadn’t seen before, such as the Warlock’s Eye which had been acquired by Thor and his lackeys many years ago. He wondered what was going through her head, the complicated rush of emotions she was doubtlessly experiencing seeing the fruits of her father’s tyranny again as if no time had passed. A knot formed in his stomach as he remembered that he was one of them. 
Hela walked resolutely to the end of the corridor and knelt to the floor, pressing her fingertips to a decorative stone circle just before the gate where the Destroyer used to be kept. She murmured a brief spell and the stones fell away, revealing a massive dark cavern beneath the floor. Loki swore in surprise and ran closer as Hela stood back up and went over to the pedestal that held the Eternal Flame. With no hesitation she placed her hand in the fire and pulled it back out unharmed, with a small piece of the Flame flickering in her palm. 
The bright flame lit up the crypt below just enough for Loki to see. The floor at the bottom was covered with hundreds of rows of long-dead soldiers in their place of honor, skeletons still in their armor, all with their heads facing the empty space in the middle where the King’s insignia was carved into the floor.
A battalion waiting for their King’s command.
Once again Hela knelt, gently placing her palm - and the Flame - to the edge of the circle at their feet.
The entire crypt lit up, glowing dark orange, as the flames spread through the cracks. Loki was unsure what to expect, so he took a few steps away from the circle. Hela rose to her feet and waited patiently, the sound of voices growing louder by the second. At last, one ghoul rose from the crypt and stood tall and proud in front of Hela, silently waiting for her command.
Loki didn’t dare move as he observed the creature.
The ghost was surrounded by a green eerie light, the same that glowed brightly in his eyes. His body seemed transparent, but not quite. As it moved, sometimes you could see flesh, and in other places bones showed through. Loki could recognize what he was wearing as Asgardian armor, but not the one he remembered seeing his whole life. The winged helmet reminded him of Odin’s, but the knots and swirls and symbols that covered the rest of the armor were entirely unfamiliar.
This was old. Likely older than Odin himself. Did Odin even know this was here?
Hela crossed her wrists in an ancient Aesir greeting. “You know my blood, Hersir. I am your Queen. Asgard is threatened. Take your men and secure the castle. Kill none that are unarmed.”
The ghoul nodded once and marched toward the Vault door. Hundreds of soldiers rose from the crypt and followed him in a perfect line, their feet making no sound as they went. Loki didn’t even have to lift his spell on the door - they simply went through it. Hela watched proudly as each one passed and sighed with relief.
Loki tore his eyes away from the risen army and he saw the Casket Of Ancient Winters. Guilt swelled in his chest. He killed their king, he tried to destroy their planet. If he could only do one thing to repair the damage…
“I have to take it back.”
Hela followed Loki’s gaze and frowned. “How, exactly, are we going to do that? I believe your teleportation won’t work all the way to Jotunheim.”
Loki was surprised at noticing Hela’s choice of words. But he didn’t have time to ask. A plan formulated in his head, and a smile spread across his face.
“We’re going to steal a ship.”
With the castle secured by the army of the dead, Loki and Hela had little trouble sneaking to the hangar and stealing one of the skiffs. Loki had discovered several ways in and out of Asgard when he was a teenager, and remembered with shame and regret the first time he used the one leading to Jotunheim, not even imagining how his life would be completely torn to pieces by his actions.
It was a stupid joke!
They rode the small ship through a path in the forests around the castle to a portal in the side of a mountain, and with a flash of white, they landed on Jotunheim. It was nearing dusk, in the middle of a fierce snow storm, but Loki tried not to draw attention to the fact that he didn’t need to bundle up like Hela did.
Hela sighed deeply and clutched her cloak to her chest. “It’s worse than I thought,” she muttered.
Loki said nothing. He remembered Hela telling him Jotunheim was dying, and had been dying for over a millenia already. It was hard to imagine how the planet could ever have been any different to the frozen wasteland that laid before them.
Looking around, Hela tried to recognize the landscape, searching for a glimpse of anything familiar. It was difficult to see through the blinding winds, but she looked up at the sky and told Loki they would need to head in the direction of the setting sun. Not wanting to alert anyone of their presence, they decided to abandon the skiff and go on foot.
“Princess Sigyn, then,” Hela said out of the blue only a few minutes later, with a smirk Loki didn’t see.
Loki couldn’t help but blush all the way down his neck. Small talk, we are doing small talk. He took a moment to decide how to answer her. None of the options he thought of was a short way to explain.
“My inherited powers were out of control when I was a kid,” Loki began. “Frigga thought it was best for me to learn Seidr, and control it. She said--” He sighed. “She said so many things…” He decided to leave out the bullying, the years of self harm and wanting to end it all, just to make the pain stop. It didn’t exactly make for pleasant conversation. “They sent me to the sanctum in Alfheim, to train and learn how to harness the power of my magic. I stayed with King Freyr and the Princess, and I suppose we became rather close.”
Loki couldn’t exactly pinpoint why it was so easy to tell Hela everything, even things he hadn’t shared with anyone else. The more he said, the more he wanted to keep talking. He told her about Erik, and Gwyn, and how Sigyn became more to him than just a friend. Freyr’s offer to let Sigyn marry him. The pain he experienced having to come back to Asgard indefinitely, forced to fall into his royal duties and once again become second best to Thor. He confessed his original plan to thwart and postpone Thor’s coronation, and how it led to the discovery of his true identity, or at least part of it.
Hela listened to him in silence, somehow enjoying Loki’s recounts, and hurt for having missed it. Every day during her pregnancy she had imagined what his life would have been like, dreamed of watching him grow into a strong Jotun prince, away from the corrupt influence of Odin’s tyranny and his endless obsession with becoming the fiercest Allfather the nine realms had ever seen. Instead Loki was raised as an unwanted son, learned to hate himself from a young age because he was different. Though she had been the one to take Odin’s last breath, it still would never make up for what he did to her son.
The crumbling ruins of the Jotnar Temple were clearer and closer now. The blizzard had slowed down, and the fresh snow piled up against the walls. Loki and Hela looked around, trying to catch any signs of movement, but there was none. No soldiers, no guards. The temple was empty and void of life.
Hela’s footsteps made no sound on the fallen snow as she entered the foyer. She looked up, noticing the massive hole in the ceiling and the crumbling columns that barely still held up the whole structure. She realized the only reason the temple was still standing was the rock being frozen solid to the ground.
Loki moved as quietly as possible as he followed Hela. The tiniest flutter of recognition hovered at the far reaches of his mind, but he couldn’t place it yet. Hela walked solemnly to the middle of the temple, where the altar stood. She knelt behind it and pushed on the huge flagstone. The concealed door opened to a small dark space.
“This is where I sent you, after you were born, when Odin came for me. I had hoped you would be safe, protected by the Casket.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “I was wrong.”
At her words, a flashback of a dream, or a dream within a dream, came over Loki. An image of a dark room and a bright blue light. He never knew what it meant, or why it was so ingrained in his brain. Now, it made sense.
Without a word, he summoned the Casket in his hands. As the cold spread his skin turned blue, with distinct markings on his hands and forearms.
Hela replaced the flagstone altar, and Loki lowered the casket and placed it inside, locking it to the rectangular space where it belonged. The casket emitted a brighter, bluer light that seemed to spread through the frozen foundations of the temple. Somehow, it knew it had come home. Hela let out a sigh of relief and stood up, smiling at Loki as she took in his blue skin and red eyes.
“There you are,” she said quietly, folding her hands together. “That’s how you looked the last time I saw you. You take after your father.”
A small measure of heat rising in his cheeks, Loki looked away, back at the Casket. He had so many questions about that night, but he wasn’t sure where to begin, and the emotional weight of letting someone see him like this was too much at once. “So,” he changed the subject, “what happened after that?”
Hela’s expression darkened. “I would realize too late that Odin would come here to steal the Casket. Once he found it, he found you.”
“Why didn’t he kill me?” Loki muttered, staring at his hands as they came back to their regular color.
“The old fool could never.” Hela half smiled. “Just as he didn’t kill me, he wasn’t going to murder his own lineage. He was too proud to spill a drop of his blood. It doesn’t matter if you were-”
“-A mistake.”
“You were not a mistake.” Hela turned and gave Loki a hard glare. “Listen to me, you were not a mistake. Never. You were conceived by love, and loved from the very moment we knew you existed.”
Loki felt a tightness in his throat. Love. The one and only thing that he craved to get from his family. But instead he got lies and rejection. He clenched his fists. Yet another thing that was stolen from me.
Hela sighed deeply. “I spent a thousand years going over everything,” she explained. “Trying to figure out how to escape. What I could have done differently to make it work. I regret many things that I did and many more that I didn’t. The one thing I never regretted was you.”
Loki stared blankly, not quite sure how to process that. Hela shook her head and looked down.
“I know I’m asking for something seemingly impossible,” she continued. “If it were up to me I would erase everything Odin ever told you, everything he ever did to you. But I can’t.” As much as Hela tried to hide it, Loki could see how much it pained her. “All I can give you is the truth. I have no reasons to lie to you.”
That’s so much more than anything anyone in my family ever did for me.
A distant rumble distracted them, and the ground began to shake.
“The Jotuns have noticed us,” Hela said, and ran to the archway. “They will be here soon. We must go.”
Loki took her hand and they fled the temple to a safe distance, where the magic from the Casket didn’t interfere with his own. Before the Frost Giants could find them, he teleported them together back to his chambers in the palace.
<< Chapter 26  –  Chapter 28 >>
@nikkalia​ @xalgaliareptx​  @christy-winchester​ @silverhart93​ @honeybournehippy​ @unseelie1963​ @angryowlet​ @thelittlestlittlecutiepie​ @moonlightprime​ @velvetzybanshee​ @bengalaas​ @damalseer
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ragingstillness · 6 years
Questions I have for Marvel part nine
Thor 3:
1. Did Loki sleep with the Grandmaster?
2. How DOES time work on Sakaar? How long has Loki been there?
3. How does Banner manage to be angry enough to be Hulk in his sleep?
4. How is Thor not bleeding all down his face when Hela slashed his eye?
5. Why put Surtur’s crown near the Eternal Flame? That’s a bad idea right?
6. Why exposit all over Thor at the beginning of the movie when Thor certainly does know about the prophecy?
7. Why is Loki semi-successfully passing as Odin and then suddenly when Thor returns he’s very obviously Loki? Is the theory that all of Asgard knew it was Loki and just kind of didn’t care anymore correct?
8. Why is Thor angry that Loki decided to cease making Asgard a police state and supported the arts? Asgard seems to be doing pretty fine and as much as Thor claims the realms have been thrown into chaos we never actually see it.
9. Why can Doctor Strange defeat Loki?
-He’s still technically a trainee and hasn’t learned a whole lot of magic. Loki should be wiping the floor with him.
10. Why does Odin peace out and let them face Hela alone?
11. Are Aesir and Jotuns resistant to space? How else do Thor and Loki live through getting tossed out of the bifrost?
12. Isn’t Hela about equally powerful all the time?
13. How did Odin make an entire generation forget about Hela?
14. Why does Odin die when he does?
15. Why lock Hela away for just continuing the philosophy her father promoted?
16. Who is Hela’s mom?
17. Why does Hela dress like Loki? Is it just for comedic effect?
18. Why do we get no character development for Thor’s friends?
-Because then we don’t feel much of anything when Hela kills them and we never see Thor mourn them.
19. Where is Sif?
20. How does the timeline work? When was Hela born? How old is she? How old is Odin? How old is Valkyrie? Was she in Asgard when Thor was born or Sakaar? Does she not know who he is? Was she still around when Odin brought Loki back from Jotunheim?
21. Why is Hela Thor’s sister rather than Loki’s daughter?
22. Why is Fenrir Hela’s pet instead of her brother and also Loki’s son?
23. Why introduce the Goddess of Death and then miss an opportunity to use Thanos’ motivation from the comics for collecting the infinity stones and just set up Hela as Mistress Death?
24. Are Thor and Hulk friends? Are Thor and Banner friends? We’ve never really seen them react.
25. How did Loki not know Hulk was the champion?
26. Why is Hela a one-note when she could be used for so much more in the series?
27. How is Loki able to get back up and be spry and peppy after Thor left him to lie on the ground getting electrocuted for like half an hour?
28. If Valkyrie sent out a signal disabling the obedience disks why didn’t it disable the one on Loki?
29. Why claim that Loki hasn’t evolved as a character and he could be “so much more” when he has evolved?
30. Why not show LGBT characters to be explicitly LGBT? Stupid studios...
31. How long has Banner really been Hulk if it’s been two Midgard years?
32. Why is it Natasha that turns him back into Bruce? Are they still pumping that dead romance?
33. How strong is Thor? According to the wikia Loki weighs like 500 lbs for no reason and it only makes the get help scene all the funnier.
34. Why is Skurge with Hela when he’s famously a servant/lover of Amora?
35. Why isn’t Amora in this movie?
36. Why was Thor’s power ever held back in Mjolnir?
37. How does Loki escape Surtur?
38. You know a great way to include the prophecy about Ragnarok instead of having Surtur explain it? Frigga has the power to see into the future ppl.
39. Why does Thanos find them? is he tracking Loki? If so he’s late. Is he tracking the Tesseract? If so he’s late and it’s weird he’d chase that stone first rather than any of the others.
40. Why has Loki not taken the Tesseract and walked through Asgard’s vault earlier? He could have found out all about Hela earlier and it wouldn’t have seemed so forced.
41. Why is the grandmaster portrayed as weak and easy to trick when he’s one of the most powerful characters in the marvel universe? He’s an elder which means he can’t die, he’s almost infinitely powerful, he’s got the power to resurrect the dead...
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veliseraptor · 6 years
errors of judgment, 1.4k, whumptober day one: stabbed, I guess I’m doing this or at least sort of, that sweet Loki whump plain and simple
Three years of idle living. Three years without a knife in his hand, without fighting for his life. Three years to grow dangerously, fatally, rusty.
He should have known better. He should really, really have known better.
The sword currently driven through his side, just under his ribs, was a pointed (ha, ha) message of just how stupid that decision had been. His breathing hitched and for a moment Loki just stood there, frozen, before he caught himself and slashed his knife through the undead warrior’s throat, backed by enough magic that it sheared through its spine. It collapsed, head rolling off the Bifrost and into the churning sea, and in so doing ripped the sword out of him.
Oh. That was - that was much worse.
He pressed a hand over the wound, casting a web of magic that would at least hold the blood in if not fix anything, though it did nothing for the pain. The deep, pulsing ache coupled with sharper shocks with every movement. At least it wasn’t through the chest this time, a distant corner of his thoughts murmured as he flung himself back into motion.
But they weren’t going to get far like this. Hela had an army, an enormous wolf, and all the power of Asgard. They had a small band of ex-gladiators and a clutch of very vulnerable Asgardians.
Even with Thor’s newfound power, this wasn’t a battle they could win head on.
Loki just managed to dodge a blade that would have taken his head off. Pain was slowing him down, and the need to focus on the magic holding him together.
He eased off the latter, just a little. It wouldn’t matter if he bled to death if Hela’s undead slit his throat first.
Blood began to trickle down his side under his clothes, but that was fine. Manageable. If they made it out of this alive, there would be time to patch himself up later.
The exit of Loki’s blood from his body had grown from a trickle to a steady flow, soaking stickily through his shirt. There was hardly anything left devoted to stemming the tide, and moving wasn’t helping, tearing it open every time it started to heal on its own. Loki’s head spun and he staggered slightly before catching himself, regaining his feet.
He bent forward, sucking in a few harsh breaths before forcing himself to straighten once more. He couldn’t be finished yet.
Thor was counting on him. Asgard was counting on him. If he couldn’t pull this off, couldn’t raise Surtur and use one monster to destroy another (a monster raising another monster to kill another monster, some wry corner of his brain remarked, and he shoved it away), then they were all dead.
Of course, Loki might be dead anyway. He’d been bleeding for a while now. It was possible that there was something on those unpleasant blades that impeded natural healing, since his should be helping at least a little. And wasn’t.
Stop thinking. Raise Surtur. Get out before Asgard goes up in flames. His eyes flicked over the Tesseract, pausing briefly, but his head was starting to feel light and he needed to focus.
Loki had a nasty feeling he should be worrying about the blood probably pooling inside him, but that - that would have to wait, too. Another distraction he (Asgard, Thor) couldn’t afford.
His tongue stumbled a little over the invocation as he dropped the crown into the Eternal Flame and took one step back, and then another.
This time when he stumbled, he didn’t catch himself.
Oh, shit, Loki thought, shoving himself to his feet as his head spun and Surtur began to grow. He turned toward the door, which suddenly looked very far away. His gaze drifted to the Tesseract, but he didn’t have the energy for its use; realistically, trying would probably rip him to shreds. His legs trembled and he didn’t think he’d get far trying to run.
One option. One very risky, very bad option. Teleporting blindly to the ship and hoping he could make it on board rather than falling into the endless dark.
Of course, if that happened he would probably bleed to death before too long--
Focus, Loki told himself, the heat of Surtur’s flame beginning to sear his face. He thought of the ship, reaching for his magic, tearing the last pieces of what he’d been using to stop up the wound.
He slipped through space and hit solid ground on his knees, beginning to pitch forward.
“Loki?” He heard, sounding far away.
Oh, good, he thought blurrily. I made it.
Then nothing.
He woke to significantly less pain, though his head still felt full of cotton. It was possible, Loki supposed, that the one had to do with the other, particularly given that he was flat on his back in a room that smelled strongly of disinfectant.
Loki heard a loud snore nearby and turned his head to see Thor passed out with his head at what looked like a very uncomfortable angle. His missing eye was covered with a bandage, but he seemed otherwise more or less intact.
Slumping back down with a sigh, Loki raised a hand to wander carefully over to his side, prodding gingerly at the bandaging there, taped firmly in place. He imagined there would be a matching one on his back. He started to sit up, but didn’t get very far before dropping back down, his body humiliatingly weak.
He realized that Thor’s snoring had gone quiet and turned his head a fraction to look at Thor, who was looking at him, one eye halfway open.
“Don’t wake up on my account,” Loki said. It came out a little slurred.
Thor frowned slightly. “Why not?”
Loki did not actually have a good answer for that. The bruise on his heart said because you don’t care about me anymore but - he wasn’t certain that was actually true. (He wasn’t certain it wasn’t, either.)
“Did we win?” He asked.
“For a given definition. Asgard - the place - is gone. Her people survive.”
What’s left of them, Loki didn’t say. He closed his eyes and nodded. “Well,” he said after a brief pause. “That’s good.”
“If you had said you were wounded I wouldn’t have sent you,” Thor said abruptly. Loki opened his eyes again.
“That’s part of why I didn’t say anything,” he said. His mouth felt bone dry and he considered asking for water; even as he thought it Thor rose and filled a glass from a fabricator. It wasn’t water - some kind of manufactured juice - but it was liquid, and a relief.
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“It does if you think about it.” Loki exhaled. “Besides. I am fine, aren’t I?”
“You might not have been.”
“Might not,” Loki said. “You shouldn’t dwell on maybes.” He wondered if Thor had seen the scar on his chest. Wondered if he was going to comment on it. He hoped not.
“I cannot help it.” Thor sat back down. “I was the one who caught you when you appeared out of thin air and found you slit open and soaked in your own blood.”
Loki’s face spasmed. “That’s a rather - vivid picture, isn’t it?”
Thor’s expression did not so much as twitch. “It was rather vivid to me.”
Loki forced a laugh. “I hope you aren’t upset with me for being so gallantly wounded in Asgard’s defense.”
Thor sighed and his head turned so Loki could only see the bandage covering his missing eye. “No,” he said. “I am...if you had died, and I thought you might...I cannot lose you again.”
“Oh,” Loki said, a little faintly. Simple though they were, those words seemed to reach something in him and fill in some hollow he’d only vaguely been aware of.
“I wish you had told me,” Thor said. “You proved enough in coming back, you know. You don’t need to kill yourself.”
“That’s a relief,” Loki said, trying for humor. Thor did not seem to catch it - or perhaps simply did not find it humorous.
“I wish you had told me,” he said again.
Loki licked his lips and swallowed against the unexplainable lump in his throat. “In the future,” he said, “I will.”
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shattteredvisage · 6 years
I'm sure someone's already thought about this but I was rewatching Ragnarok the other day and I found something to add to the Loki angst pile. Thor sent Loki to go into the vaults of the palace to release Surtur in the midst of the Battle against Hela, which is why we get Loki looking mischeviously at the tesseract before he puts the crown into the Eternal Flame. Almost immediately after Surtur is released, the entire palace is completely destroyed due to his size. The primary purpose of the Space Stone, and by extension, the Tesseract, is to create portals from one place to another. Loki obviously wasn't just using the Tesseract to gain power, but to escape the almost immediately destroyed building that would have otherwise collapsed on him.
As soon as Loki entered his childhood home for the last time, under his brother's instructions, his fate was sealed. He was damned if he did take the stone because Thanos would find him, and damned if he didn't.
Loki was dead long before we realized. And Thor accidentally caused it.
Edit: it was brought to my attention that this kinda sounds like I'm blaming Thor or that he should feel guilty and that is so NOT what I meant. He had a plan, he didn't have much time to think through the consequences of Loki unleashing a vengeful God before the people of Asgard were killed, and Loki was MORE THAN WILLING to go in there and do it. Don't put this on Thor. We should be blaming actual villains like Hela and The Purple Bitch.™ I'm just saying that when Thor gets the chance to slow down and really think about the chain of events leading up to the tragedy, he'll likely come to the same conclusion I did. He's going to feel bad about himself for a perfectly reasonable tactical decision and he SHOULDN'T.
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gaslightgallows · 6 years
“One thing I can promise you: coming back from the dead is a bitch. Every single time.“ Loki
“Ugh. You again.”
Hela turned sulfurous eyes on the newcomer to her realm. “I hope you realize how unutterably tedious it is to have to keep putting you back together. Although really, after what happened the last time, I don’t know why I should bother. Oh well.”
The goddess of death waved a bored hand. Loki choked and fell to his knees, first gasping and then screaming as his crushed windpipe was restored and his pulverized spine returned to from dust to bone. “I have to admit, Sister,” he said, coughing painfully, “I didn’t expect mercy from you a third time.”
“Don’t be naive, little boy. This isn’t mercy, it’s business. Death keeps the bargains she makes.”
Loki coughed again, and spat blood onto the rocky shore of Niflheim. “In spite of my betrayal?”
He looked up, which was a mistake; Hela’s smile churned his guts.
“You never promised me loyalty. Only a way out. And you warned me when you loosened my bonds that once I was free, I was on my own. I took the risk. And you bargained well for it: in return for my chance at freedom, an eternity of reassurance for you.”
“What will you give me, if I can chip away at the strength of the spell that imprisons you here?”
“You can have your miserable life back, Laufeyson, and welcome.”
Loki sneered at the name and the offer. “What good is a life that can be snuffed out without a thought?”
“If it’s true immortality you’re after, that’s beyond my powers to share. Odin is the keeper of the Eternal Flame, but the existence of a draugr isn’t exactly what one would call life…”
“Not immortality. Just life. The full lifespan that the Norns have allotted. Swear that if I should cross to your shores again by unnatural means – a death in battle, or assassination, or a plague – that you will restore me to health and send me back to life.”
Hela was impressed in spite of herself. “You drive a hard bargain, little boy. So. To live a long life unafraid of death, until you can die in your bed of old age. But can you weaken Odin’s spell and earn this boon?”
Green-gold seidr danced on Loki’s fingertips and in his eyes. “It would be my genuine pleasure.”
“It’s hardly your fault that Odin’s trueborn brat was able to outwit me. Oh, go, Loki. Until the next time.” She dismissed him and turned away.
Then she turned back. “What are you still doing here?”
Loki swallowed one or twice, grimacing as he did so. “We need your help, sister.”
One eyebrow slowly climbed into her hairline. “‘We’?” She took a prowling step or two closer. “Are you asking me to make another bargain?”
“No bargain. A plea for the universe. The Mad Titan Thanos is gathering the Infinity Stones.” Loki paused to gather breath, but also to parse the expression on Hela’s face. There was affront there, and disgust, and… fear? “I know you are an ally of his - you were the one who handed me over to him, when I perished in the Void–”
“I gave you to him in the hopes that he could make something useful out of you,” she snapped back. “But he took it as a sign of my ‘favor’ and then he utterly squandered whatever aid you might have rendered him. His methods have always been crude.”
The goddess of death shuddered.
Loki took a cautious step forward. “Sister,” he said again, and the manner of address felt less and less gruesome every time he uttered it, “what exactly is Thanos to you?”
“He is nothing to me. …But he would wish to be more.”
“A suitor - an unwanted suitor.”
“He would offer me all the lives in creation for my own… but they all come to me in the end. If he had offered me Asgard and Odin’s head on a platter, I would have reconsidered, but that was too little for Thanos’s ambitions. I will have nothing do to with him, and yet he presses his suit, but even I cannot kill him–” Hela broke off abruptly and shot a dark, speculative look at Loki. “But I know how he can be killed.”
Loki felt the beginnings of a kindling flame of opportunity. “Well,” he smiled, matching her cold ruthlessness with his own, “what is a brother for, if not for defending the honor of his sister?”
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