#purple is chaos magic in mcu
galaxythreads · 1 year
i think they should have based Hela's color pallet off of purple. not just because it would have given Loki back green, but mostly because purple is the color that only royalty were allowed to wear in the middle ages, thus visually giving her a right to the throne. AND it would have looked cool, which is always important. just like. can you imagine? All her magic is purple?? Like keep everything the same, just give her a purple cape and make the Beserkers purple.
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scarlet--wiccan · 9 months
Is there any reason in particular that people dislike Wanda's pink magic? I actually preferred it. The MCU does this weird thing where they darken their heroes powers cause they want to look more mature and serious and minimalist. The comics are the opposite, which is why I love their aesthetics so much. It's actually why I'm kind of upset with how they designed MCU Clea as a Clea fan. They darkened the purple when the original was so colorful and bright and they didn't need to. They did that with Wanda, too, on top of whitewashing her. Is there a reason some people prefer the red, though?
(I know that in the comics her powers can be red as well, I just don't know why people straight up dislike the pink)
Is that.... really something that people are seriously upset about? Because that's really stupid.
Wanda's never had a truly consistent set of visual effects for her powers. That's partly because the way comics are drawn and colored has changed a lot since the 60s, and I think it took a long time for artists to start giving characters really specific colors or energy signatures. Even still, the visual language around psychic mutants, for example, is constantly evolving.
In Wanda's case, the nature of her powers and they way that writers use them has also shifted many times over. The imagery of her "hex bolts" and "hex spheres" was developed in tandem with writers using those specific words to describe how she uses her mutant power, but the visual representations for her other magical abilities are still really inconsistent-- and that includes color. If you look at the 80s, her powers were often green or yellow.
For me, personally, I prefer when artists assign really specific colors and visual styles to each character and their powers. It doesn't need to be the same across all comics, but I like when it's consistent within a specific book. For Wanda, because it is her name, and that name is supposed be an important ancestral legacy, I do think her color should be red. There's nothing wrong with pink, though, and it never bothers me.
If I were illustrating a Scarlet Witch book, I would choose to represent each of Wanda's individual powers-- chaos magic, regular witchcraft, and her hex power-- with a different visual signature, so I'd probably use slightly different shades or red and pink. That's a lot of work, though, so I understand why people don't usually do that.
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3! 
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveller, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 29: I love you. 
“She has head trauma and other injuries, she needs to rest so I gave her a pill.” Dr. Banner told Loki and Tony, who were outside the hospital room, in the hospital wing of the compound. “She'll be asleep for a while longer.” He said and left, both the men nodded bidding goodbye and stayed there, standing still.
“Thank you,” Stark broke the silence.
“What?” The god asked, confused.
“Thank you… for finding her.” He did not. She found them. Yet he didn't have the strength to fight, so he just nodded.
“Of course, I lo-” He cut himself off, eyes widening. Iron man looked at him with a sad expression, knowingly.
“You should tell her when she wakes up. She'll need it.”
Loki nodded. She would need much more than that. 
“Loki,” Y/N said, opening her eyes. The god almost stumbled over his own feet as he got up from the chair and got closer to her bed.
“Darling, you are okay.” He felt as if he finally could breathe.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” She said, jokingly. He smiled sadly at her, he couldn't find it funny even if he tried with all his might.
“Y/N I-”
“Don't speak.” She cut him off and he frowned.
“Don't say what you were going to say. That word.” She was right, he was going to say it, yet he did not understand why she stopped him.
“Why not?” She scoffed.
“Are you really going to pretend I didn't blow up like fifty people?” He widened his eyes, shocked at her coldness when she mentioned it.
“Y/N, you were in danger.” He said cautiously. He had a feeling he knew where this was going.
“Yeah, uh huh.” She said with a mocking smile. “And I killed fifty people with one snap of my fingers.” He looked at her, she looked completely drained of life. Yes, she had killed a few people, but she did not do it on purpose, she had some sort of healer and chaos magic that made her blow up all the people in the building she was in.
“I,” she cut him off again, “killed fifty people.”
“Could you stop repeating that?” He asked in irritation but his expression softened when he saw the look on her face. It was sorrowful, full of guilt and fear. Her lower lip trembled.
All of a sudden she broke down completely. He had never seen her cry like this. Damn, he had never seen her cry at all.
“Love, it is alright.” He said, wrapping her in his arms tightly.
“N-n-no it's not! I'm a monster!” She cried out in anguish, trembling from the emotion.
“That is not true.” He said, tightening his grip around her. “You are kind. You are the kindest.”
“Loki, I literally killed a whole building of people!” She sniffled and continued to cry. “I probably killed innocents too…” She mumbled in between her sobs.
She tried to pull away from him but he didn't let her go.
“Loki,” she gasped, “let me go.” He didn't. “Let me go!” She raised her voice.
“Let. Me. Go.” She said now, threateningly. He did, only because he didn't want to make things worse.
“Y/N, breathe.”
“I- I can't…” He realized what was happening. She was having a panic attack.
“Darling, look at me. Everything will be alright.” She began panting. “Y/N, look at me.” She did. “Tell me five things that you can see.”
“I-I-” She stuttered, she looked terrified. She had probably never experienced that before. “You, door, sheets, bracelet, water.”
“Good, now tell me four things you can hear.” He started to caress her hair and put some calming magic on her.
“Your voice, my voice…” She frowned, feeling calmer and beginning to slow down her breathing. “The cars, my heart.”
“There, good girl. Now tell me three things you can touch.” He continued caressing her hair.
“Sheets, your hand, my hair.” She was almost breathing normally now, between the magic and the grounding exercise her panic attack was disappearing quickly.
“Two things you could eat.”
“Ice cream, cookies.” He smiled softly at her.
“Now one thing you can smell.”
“Hospital.” He chuckled, stroking her cheek now.
“How do you feel?” He asked with the calmest voice he could muster.
“Better,” she responded. “Thank you.”
“Of course my sweet.” She smiled and in the middle of it began to yawn. The magic, he thought. “Rest darling, I'll be here when you wake up.” She nodded.
“I love you,” she said sleepily.
“I love you too,” he said, but she had already fallen asleep.
“How is she?” Natasha asked, worry evident on her features. Loki looked at Y/N through the crack in the door, she was sound asleep.
“Not well.” He responded. “She feels a deep sense of guilt and had a panic attack when I tried to tell her-” He cut himself off.
“Tell her what?” She asked, frowning.
“That I… love her.” The spy widened her eyes.
“Oh,” she thought for a moment. “She thinks she doesn't deserve it now.” She finished knowingly. Loki looked at her, cocking his head. He hadn't thought about it like that, he assumed she didn't want him out of all people to love her because he was a monster.
“I… hadn't thought about that.”
They fell into a tense silence.
“How do I… make her understand that she deserves the universe?” He asked her, being honest about his emotions for once. He truly was worried about Y/N, much more than he was about keeping himself safe of vulnerability.
“You can't.” She said disappointing him. “But,” she began, “you can stay next to her and remind her every day until she finally decides to believe you.” He nodded thoughtfully.
“Perhaps…” He said, sitting down. She sat down on the chair next to him. “It is not her fault. She was terribly scared and had no control over her emotions fueling her powers like that.”
“I know,” Natasha said, tentatively putting a hand on his shoulder. “But I think that if anyone has the chance to convince her of that, it's you.” She smiled softly.
“Thank you.” He said, swallowing hard.
“Of course. She is my family, and since you are her family, you are mine too now.” That made him almost unable to swallow the knot in his throat. It was nice to be considered.
“Love, you need to eat.”
“Loki,” she began. “No.”
He sighed in exasperation.
“Y/N, by Norns, eat or I will turn you into a frog.”
“Loki!” She exclaimed, laughing. He shrugged and pursed his lips. She rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said, sighing in defeat.
“Good girl.”
Y/N felt herself blush but acted nonchalantly as she sat up on the hospital bed. Loki handed her the tray of food.
“Did you eat?” She asked.
“Darling, I appreciate your concern, but it is me who should be the one worried about you.”
“I always worry about you.”
“I love you,” he said suddenly. It had been two days since the panic attack happened and they had not mentioned the subject as Y/N fulfilled her stay at the hospital room, recovering from the head trauma Ingrid caused in her apartment.
“Loki…” She began but he cut her off.
“No. I love you.” She looked at the food in her lap.
“I don't deserve you, I don't deserve your love.”
“Love, this is not about deserving it. Even though for the record, there is no one that deserves more love than you do; it is about me telling you that I love you, whether you agree with it or not.” Tears began to form in her eyes.
“Are you not repulsed by what I did?”
“My sweet girl, you did not do it with ill intent. You were trapped in a horrifying situation, your powers were protecting you.”
“But I killed so many people. I took so many lives as if they were nothing.” She said, sniffling.
“Do you think my mother was kind?” He suddenly asked. She looked up and nodded.
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Well, this happened to her too.”
“What?” She asked, surprised.
“Yes,” he told her. “She was with me and Thor when we were children, when a group of men came to attack us… She blew them up in a second.” Y/N looked at him completely dumbfounded. “The wrath of the kindest is the most frightening occurrence, she used to say.”  
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Do you still think her kind, after what I just told you?”
“Y-yes, of course. She was the kindest, and she had a good reason for doing what she did.”
“So did you.” He said to her, trying to make her understand. “So did you.”
They stayed in silence for a bit.
“Okay,” she said suddenly, surprising him.
“It's going to be hard, but I trust you. We will deal with this together, if it's okay with you…”
“Darling, it's exactly what I want.” He put a hair behind her ear. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Loki.”
~taglist~ @mischief2sarawr  @midnights-ramblings @mealoncholy-hill @paetonnn 
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So what exactly IS the difference between witchcraft and sorcery in the MCU confines?
In the magic section of the wiki it says: "Magic. Aliases: Mystic Arts, Sorcery, Witchcraft". (x)
Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft, is an extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means.
The Dark Magic manifests as a luminescent purple mist or vapor mixed with black smoke although it can also maintain the same color that the practitioner possesses since Wanda's magic remained the same scarlet color even when practicing this magic.
Dark Magic can be combined with other types of magic as Wanda Maximoff combined her Chaos Magic with the Dark Magic she learned from the Darkhold with the Darkhold Magic itself and gained new dark powers such as the ability to summon creatures from the Multiverse and empower them with runes.
So at least according to this, they seem to be merging witchcraft and Dark Magic. I'm not overly happy about that but... it is what it is. As for sorcery: (x)
The Eldritch Magic, also known as Sorcery, utilized by the Masters of the Mystic Arts. It can be used to generate weapons and shields, as well as to cast spells.
The Asgardians are also sorcerers, the wiki mentions Frigga, Heimdall and Loki.
Individuals such as Frigga, Heimdall, and Loki are able to tap into otherworldly forces to gain abilities beyond that of their fellow Asgardians through sorcery.
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msclaritea · 1 year
Avengers: Secret Wars' Logo May Secretly Hint At Doctor Doom
Avengers: Secret Wars' Logo May Secretly Hint At Doctor Doom
From the colors to the subject matter, it seems pretty likely that the MCU will finally bring in one of Marvel’s most important and powerful villains.
In examining the logo for Avengers: Secret Wars it could actually be pointing to the impending introduction of Doctor Doom. The film will be the big culmination of the Multiverse Saga that first began with WandaVision and has evolved gradually over the subsequent films, television shows, and holiday specials. The Saga’s main villain has finally taken center stage with the debut of Jonathan Major’s Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. While there were some speculation that he won’t be this Saga’s Thanos, the announcement of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty has seemingly confirmed such.
Meanwhile, fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Doctor Doom, arguably Marvel’s best and most consistently important villain in the comics. Given his history with heroes from the likes of Fantastic Four and Black Panther to Doctor Strange and the X-Men, Doctor Doom must play a big role in the MCU. Some expected Doom to debut in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever to no avail, and of course, with Fantastic Four coming in Phase 6, his chances seem likely. Marvel’s plans for the Multiverse Saga and beyond might be subtly telegraphing his eventual introduction and reign of terror.
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The MCU is known for not doing things by coincidence and so it’s notable that the white and silver of the Avengers: Secret Wars logo harkens back to God Emperor Doom. This comes from the 2015 Secret Wars event in which Doctor Doom stole the power of the nigh-omnipotent Beyonders, and he recreated the multiverse as his own version of the Battleworld. Interestingly, there’s notable cause to see this logo as a tease for Doctor Doom beyond his integral nature in the source material. It’s predecessor Avengers: The Kang Dynasty is color-coded with Kang’s blue and purple, so this could signal to Doctor Doom’s introduction after the Avengers defeat Kang.
There are other upcoming notions of the logo’s pointing to key characters and story elements. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is seemingly coded to Rocket’s color scheme, possibly signaling this is the full culmination of his arc that started in Guardians of the Galaxy - the trailer certainly suggests as much. Additionally, Agatha: Coven of Chaos’ is the same color as Agatha’s unique magic as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was to Scarlet Witch, portending her turn to a villain.
Will Doctor Doom Be The REAL Main Villain Of The Multiverse Saga?
Doctor Doom and Kang the Conqueror
All the signs thus far are otherwise pointing to Kang being the Multiverse Saga’s big bad, not Doctor Doom, even after Avengers: The Kang Dynasty. From the introduction of He Who Remains in Loki, he has been synonymous with the impending multiversal war, so Kang should be Avengers: Secret Wars’ villain. This could mean they’ll draw from Doctor Doom’s arc so Kang becomes God Emperor Kang instead and provide a strong end to his tenure in the MCU. Such wouldn’t limit Doctor Doom’s introduction, though, but in the current contexts of the Multiverse Saga, it wouldn’t make sense for him to be the final boss already."
Plainly, it would feel quite rushed to jump right to God Emperor Doom in Avengers: Secret Wars. That’s Doom’s strongest version, so there’s not much they could do after that for the character without falling victim to extreme expectations. Doom’s such an important character that he’d need to operate similarly to Loki, a recurring antagonist they can explore as both a villain and an anti-hero. In fact, Doctor Doom could be introduced as a hero, working alongside the Avengers and Fantastic Four to oppose Kang in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars.
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Frankly, the MCU does need to introduce Doom sooner rather than later, nevertheless, to avoid a situation like with Adam Warlock being left out of the Infinity Saga. Doctor Doom is integral to this storyline and his role can’t be ignored, but in light of the reality, it must be changed to better fit the brief. This way they can set him up for bigger things in the next Saga in which his rivals the Fantastic Four will surely be key players in too. All in all, it can’t be expected that Doctor Doom will be the real villain this early in Avengers: Secret Wars, but he surely must be soon after."
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spiritspunyarns · 2 years
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New yarn!
I absolutely adore the Scarlet Witch in the MCU, and after seeing the new Doctor Strange movie, I couldn’t resist making a yarn based on her.
Chaos Magic is 100% merino wool and features amethyst purple blended with a vivid scarlet red. It’s 195 yards of a light sport weight yarn.
Come find it in the shop!
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thera-daydreams · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀᴅʏ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ
ᗢ jujutsu kaisen x scarletwitch!reader ᗢ
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12. destiny
Chapter Index & Synopsis
warning: will contain spoilers from the jjk manga and the latest mcu movies/comics/shows (particularly wandavision, loki, spiderman: nwh, as well as content from doctor strange in the multiverse of madness). once again, this will contain heavy spoilers—you have been warned. angst, cussing, cursing, murder, some disturbing themes, & swear words will be here, too. content warning as well for wanda's depression and suicidal thoughts. wow... 11k words? just... wow. longest chapter i've ever written in my life. but note that this is unedited and probably has a bunch of typos, lol. still, hope you enjoy! imma edit this later or tomorrow. hope it's not... too overwhelming... hihihi. this is my birthday gift to you all! thanks for 500+ followers and almost 800 notes on this fic! ❣️🎉🎂
[EDIT] 6/27/2022, 10:01AM: Renamed the chapter and removed some of the last parts after the events of Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness! They'll be moved and rewritten to Chapter 13.
(word count: 10,458)
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(previous chapter)
Impossible. That couldn't be. Chaos Magic. Scarlet Witch. Those grave words echoed in your mind over and over again, adding to the weight on your shoulders. Hearing your sons grunt from the tight garrotes around their necks, you quickly snapped out from the revelation-induced daze your mind was in. The safety and security of your children was your number one priority. You couldn't think about yourself right now. No. Your kids only had you to rely on now that Vision was nowhere to be found.
"My powers work out here or did you forget?" you threatened Agatha menacingly. The dark-haired woman only chuckled.
"No, dear. I'm counting on it," she replied confidently before roughly tugging on the purple magical wires that were throttling your kids.
"No!" you cried out loudly, instantly blasting a bolt of black-and-crimson energy at Agatha. With a yelp, she fell to the ground, seemingly unmoving. Meanwhile, the jujutsu sorcerers who were watching had become tenser than ever. "That... knocked her out already?" Yuuji gawked. The others shook their head, disbelieving.
"Well, that was unbelievably quick for a fight," Geto crossed his arms, silently attempting to calm his own frazzled nerves. Still, like the others, they kept looking between you, your sons, and Agatha's suspiciously unconscious body.
"Go to your room!" you sternly ordered Billy and Tommy, slowly walking closer towards them to check Agatha's situation. Your arms were poised for battle, your magical mists swirling more powerfully—chaotically, synchronizing with the turmoil of emotions within you. But your kids were being stubborn, insisting that they stay with you and that they could help you. Frustrated, you were about to scold them about the gravity of this situation when Agatha's voice resonated from behind them. She rose up from the floor without bending, looking very much like the undead Dracula rising from his coffin. Wincing, fear struck Billy's and Tommy's faces (and frankly enough, Agatha's spooky way of getting back on her feet disturbed your sorcerer onlookers). "Listen to your mother, boys!"
"Now!" you shouted to the boys, far louder, stricter, and more serious than before, leaving no room for arguments. Quickly, Tommy used his super speed to get him and Billy back into your house. Now that your attention was focused on Agatha, you fired another bolt of energy at her, only for her to catch it—the red energy dissipating into purple in her hands.
Your eyes widened in shock.
"What just happened?" Choso blinked. The others with him were confused, too. None of your previous opponents have ever been able to catch your energy blasts. At that moment, your left hand suddenly felt number. You looked down at it, seeing that it had turned ashy—greyed and lifeless. It felt like pins and needles that wouldn't disappear yet also numbed at the same time.
"Wh—Wha—" you stuttered, stunned at seeing your hand shrivel.
Agatha smirked pridefully, seeing your magic become hers at last, "I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing."
"Watch out!" Nanami and Toji had yelled involuntarily, seeing Agatha's own energy blast coming right at you. With how distracted you were, it hit you square on the torso and knocked you off your feet. Your body slammed and rolled painfully on the concrete of the cul de sac. You grunted at the sudden impact. Panting, you pulled yourself back up, hands glowing once more.
"You gotta give it to Y/N. She's really... durable, isn't she?" Geto commented, impressed. "Didn't even bruise or bleed after a magical hit like that."
"You're clearly in over your little red head," Agatha taunted. "So why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I'll let you keep this pathetic little part of the world all to yourself." She walked towards you, unafraid of you at all. Your glare turned angry. Murderous, even. You didn't verbally reply when she asked again. "What do you say?"
Your response was hurling your car right at her, crashing into a nearby house. It was reminiscent of how you tossed a bunch of cars at Iron Man years ago in the Battle of Leipzig Airport. One person in particular was very much enjoying himself.
"Heh," the mouth on Yuuji's cheek began to laugh maniacally out of nowhere. "Heh. Hehehe. Hahahaha! Excellent, excellent, excellent!"
"The hell's wrong with you, Sukuna?" Gojo stared at the mouth. Sukuna's sharp grin only widened.
"This. This is what I want to see!" he cackled. "I haven't had this much entertainment in ages! I wonder if Y/N will kill again. I wonder if we'll get to see that side of her, that woman who'll stop at nothing to get what she fucking wants!"
If only Sukuna knew how much that would be true later on.
Perhaps it was wrong of them. It was supposed to be unsettling... maybe even unpleasant to see you—whom they always knew as a sweet, lovely, and kind lady who changed their lives—so aggressive and ruthless in battle. You were protective, almost warlike, just to make sure your children were alright. Instead, your change in attitude warmed their bodies. Sukuna was right. You were hot—no, that wasn't the right word. You were stunning... absolutely breathtaking when you were fighting someone seriously. Drop-dead gorgeous. In short, you were sexy when you were pissed. But the other men would rather keep that to themselves and not boast it to the world like the King of Curses did.
Yuuji, on the other hand, was not happy. He slapped the mouth on his face for the nth time, frowning just like Megumi beside him, "Stop talking about my mom like that, Sukuna! God, you're gross."
The five older jujutsu shamans could only avoid Yuuji's and Megumi's judgmental gazes, focusing back on you. You had been checking if Agatha was truly down this time, her black leather boots sticking out of the rubble left of the home, somewhat like how the Wicked Witch of the East looked when Dorothy's house fell on her. From the reflection on a nearby Window, you saw Vision slowly levitate down behind you. The boys recognized it as the White Vision that Hayward reconstructed for his personal ambitions. But you didn't know that. You approached the colorless Vision, eyes cautious, but full of hope and joy. "Vision? Is that really you?"
"No! No, Mom! That's not him! Not your Vision!" Yuuji yelled, engrossed in the scene. Of course, you couldn't hear them. They watched as he cupped your cheek gently, imitating the gentle caress the original Vision used to show you. You leaned into his touch, wariness gone.
"Wanda..." was all White Vision said, his other hand cupping the opposite cheek. Before you could react, his hold suddenly tightened. You yelped in agony, feet scrambling to touch the ground as the White Vision held you up in the air, your jaw and skull beginning to crack.
"No!" the jujutsu sorcerers exclaimed.
"And I was told you were powerful," White Vision remarked, almost crushing your head. He was suddenly thrown into a faraway trailer van, though, your Hex Vision appearing after disappearing since Halloween. You landed on the ground, knees bent as you breathed heavily as the pain in your head faded away.
"Where are the boys?" Vision asked, turning back to you. You ran closer to him, holding your chest and trying to catch your breath.
"They're in the house. Safe." Knowing you were lacking time, you immediately apologized to your husband. "Vision. I should've told you everything—the moment I realized what I'd done, I should've told you—"
Vision gently smiled at you. The sight nearly made your heart stop. He hadn't smiled at you genuinely in so long. "It's alright, Wanda," he assured you. He recalled everything that Darcy had told him; your history with Thanos and his deaths, how you were coping, and overall what WandaVision was. "I know why you made this world, but this—"
"I can fix it," you interrupted him, determined. There was a hum of wind nearby you. Agatha materialized once more, an interested look on her face as she gazed at White Vision, arising from the flaming explosion behind him.
"Oh. This is awkward," she mocked, a fine brow upturned as her dark nails rested on her cheek. "Your ex and your boyfriend at the same party. Who're you gonna choose, Wanda?"
You ignored her, turning back to your husband and nodding at him. "Vision. This is our home."
He nodded back at you, "Then let's fight for it." With that, he tackled White Vision and flew into the sky. Agatha, on the other hand, had re-materialized somewhere else, heading towards town. Your powers glowed once more as you levitated, following Agatha to make sure she doesn't do any more damage. The jujutsu sorcerers were automatically pulled towards you, and they found themselves in a floating bubble that was right behind you.
"So this is what she feels when she's flying," Megumi murmured in amazement, the sensation very much different when he was using his shikigami.
"It feels... nice..." Yuuji realized. He was going to ask you in the future if you could let him levitate with you. After a minute or so, the you of the past dropped down to the Westview Town Circle, alert and actively searching for the witch's whereabouts. Unfortunately, all you could see was the town residents bustling about. You walked around. Where in the world was—
"Agh!" You harshly stumbled face-first into the ground as a magical blast of energy hit you. Groaning in pain, you staggered to stand up once more, staring up at the rooftop where Agatha had hidden herself.
"That... must've really hurt," Choso whispered worriedly, seeing how you were physically struggling to keep up with Agatha Harkness.
Said sorceress only kept jeering at you, uttering the obvious. "Wanda," she drawled. "You've never been up against another witch before." She almost snorted at how powerless you were against her. It wasn't like you could do anything to her, right? "Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold? That's the Book of the Damned."
Darkhold. Book of the Damned. Book of Sins. Hearing that familiar title, the jujutsu sorcerers' attentions were piqued. Wasn't that the stolen grimoire you'd been looking for across the universes? The one that delayed you from getting to Shibuya? The one that was more dangerous than any other Special Grade Cursed Object they ever knew, including Sukuna's fingers? Sadly, the you of the past was clueless about what it was. However, none of them knew that there was something about you written in the book.
Seeing how oblivious you were, Agatha summoned the Darkhold in front of her, its pages turning to where she wanted it to be. She declared the ancient transcriptions out loud, "The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven; no need for incantation."
The jujutsu sorcerers listened intently. Not born, but forged? What did that mean? Was this a prophecy or something? Denying her statements, you irritatedly shouted at your opponent, arms spread out wide. "I'm not a witch! I don't cast spells! No one taught me magic!"
Agatha continued speaking, "Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme."
"Sorcerer Supreme?" Gojo muttered to himself, remembering the events of Infinity War and Endgame that they had watched. "Isn't that the Ancient One lady?" In the jujutsu world, he himself was probably the equivalent of Sorcerer Supreme—it was just that his title was Strongest Sorcerer, instead.
"But Y/N-san had mentioned that in the present, when that Loki guy visited the shop, Doctor Strange was already Sorcerer Supreme," Geto added. Agatha's next statement, though, caught them off guard.
"It is your destiny to destroy the world," she read out from the Darkhold.
That stunned the spectators. What did she just say? You looked equally as terrorized. Destroy the world? You? How would you even do that!? Frustrated, you snarled at her, "I'm not what you say I am!"
"Yeah! Mom isn't that kind of person!" Yuuji exclaimed even if his voice won't be heard by your past self. Agatha only gave you a knowing look, scrutinizing you head to toe.
"Oh really?" She began chanting in Latin, with the surrounding Westview residents stopping what they were doing. The first to snap out of the mind control was that certain blonde lady you'd interacted with at the poolside. Her smiling expression immediately became antsy as she slowly approached you.
"I have a bad feeling about this," Megumi said to himself quietly, looking at the other nearby citizens.
"Dottie," you addressed the blonde warily, not knowing why she was walking to you. Trembling anxiously, she corrected you.
"My name is Sarah. I have a daughter. She's eight," she started, tense; a haunted look in her eyes. "Maybe—Maybe she could be friends with your boys. If—If you like that storyline!" She seemed extremely wary to not upset you in any way; to comply to what you wanted as much as possible. "Or, uh, the school bully, even! Really, anything!" she begged worriedly. "If you could just... let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please!"
It dawned unto the sorcerers that this was like that time when Vision awakened the real Norm, desperate and in pure agony. It was what drove the initial argument between you two as a couple a few episodes ago. Your head snapped towards Agatha angrily, "What are you doing to her!? You're making her say this!"
Agatha gave you an annoyed look, rolling her eyes as she waved her hand, freeing the rest of the citizens from your control. "She's your meat puppet. I just cut her strings," she scoffed.
The Westview residents began closing on you, surrounding you—crying to you about what they were going through, begging you to set them free. To let them go. The sorcerers could sense that you were getting overwhelmed with all the people—all the voices calling out to you.
"Fuck," Toji muttered, unnerved by all the unwanted attention you were getting. Obviously, you were being pushed to your limits. And they already saw what happened the last time that limit was pushed. "This isn't gonna be good."
"I don’t recognize my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak. I used to try to resist you, but now, I can’t remember why, do you?" Herb, no, John, asked. There was a lost, haunted glaze in his eyes.
"Conscious of their actions, but unable to do anything they want," Gojo chewed on his lip, listening closely. Your powers were truly something else.
Beverly—whose real name was Isabel—was desperate, terrified as your head swiveled to her, "My husband is on a business trip. Tell him I love him and not to come back here. Ever."
The Westview pizza delivery guy, whom you knew as the happy-go-lucky messenger Dennis, exhaled tiredly, "I’m exhausted."
You shook your head rapidly, denying it, still thinking that Agatha was behind all this. "No, you’re fine, you’re fine! You’re all, you’re all going to be fine!" you assured them.
You kept trying to convince them to calm down but to no use. Norm—real name Abilash—spoke again, confessing to you the truth, "When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares."
"Y/N has nightmares?" Nanami asked, suddenly turning to your housemates. Choso frowned.
"We never hear anything from her room nor does she say anything," the half-Curse admitted.
"I don't hear anything either," Toji simultaneously said (which was a big deal since he had impeccably heightened senses).
"Our rooms are soundproof. I think Y/N made them that way," Geto mused, frowning deeply. "But if she does have them, she never lets us know. Or..." He sighed. "... She's very good at hiding it."
That was impossible. That couldn't be. "No, no, t-that’s not—that's not true!" Shaking your head fervidly, tears pricked your eyes. "I’ve—I’ve kept you safe... in here." You held your fists close to your chest, trying to push away that guilt inside you. "You—you feel—you feel... at peace!" It sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more rather than them.
"We feel your pain," Sarah whispered, her agony on full display as she regarded you sadly.
"No!" you swallowed the lump in your throat. They don't feel your pain. They don't. They couldn't. You'd never wanted them or anyone to experience your pain. Never.
"Your grief is poisoning us," Mrs. Hart wailed.
"N-No, I am not—stop, s-stop!" you stammered anxiously. They were moving in closer. Closer. Too close. Go away, your mind repeated. You wanted them to move back. Move. Move.
"Please, let us go," a miserable-looking Norm beseeched you.
"I wanna go back home!" Herb implored, fear and despair displayed on his features. The countless voices in the crowd began to overlap, drowning each other out. Your vision narrowed; these people felt like two walls that would crush you in-between.
"Let us go!" they begged you desperately. You kept turning around, gaze switching from one tormented face to another, your expression frantic as you felt more and more suffocated in the middle of all the claustrophobic chaos.
Too close.
"Let us go!"
Move away.
Go away!
The resounding scream you let out was filled with excruciation, red wisps bursting from your hunched figure as you shut your stinging eyes and covered your ringing ears, trying to close yourself off from everyone and everything. Your magic automatically protected you from the so-called threat that it perceived, but it resulted in your powers strangling those people around you. When you opened your eyes, you were horrified to see the Westview residents writhing on the floor in agony, clawing at their necks, struggling to breathe as they gazed up at you with teary eyes.
The sorcerers seemed torn about the forlorn situation. They had no idea what to say, and they wrestled with themselves with how they should perceive you. It was unintentional, they knew that, but you... you were so dangerous when you were like this. Emotional. On the other hand, your circumstances had pushed you to becoming like this. You were a victim. Not a villain. Or so they hoped. Fortunately, they were beginning to see that you were starting to accept the truth of your actions. You weren't making the residents feel safe and at peace like you thought. It was the exact opposite.
"I think... this is why she made the Mini-Hex around the shop with a very specific goal in mind," Nanami realized forlornly. "She wants her customers and everyone else in the shop to feel the exact opposite of what these people went through."
"And it's why she said helping us in Shibuya was her way of repenting," Gojo sighed, unable to bear looking at you so... broken. "Man, this sucks. This sucks!" He kicked the not-even-real ground, mood soured.
Realizing what you'd done, you looked down at your hands in horror. It was Lagos all over again. You quickly removed the magic asphyxiating their necks, "No! No. Stop! I’m sorry!"
"If you won't let us go, just let us die," Mrs. Hart wheezed out, clutching her chest. That made the sorcerers watching the scene grow more concerned. Was it so bad... whatever it was you were feeling... that these people would rather die than go through it again? Was this what you felt and experienced everyday? Was it so terrible that even when you slept, you had night terrors that these people wouldn't want to see again? Was your grief so dreadful that it felt like poison to have it?
"I will—" you hiccupped. A stray tear fell down your cheek; a sniffling Yuuji in the corner was about to dash to you even if it was just a vision. "I will let you go, I promise—"
"What's stopping you?" Agatha suddenly chimed in, having watched the whole thing, simply amused. You turned around, almost forgetting she was there on top of a building. "Heroes don't torture people."
At her words, you gazed down at your glowing red hands, a determined look appearing on your face. Gathering up all your power, the ground shook as a crimson beam of light shot up from your entire being, hitting the uppermost portions of the Hex. With a loud cry, you screamed at the citizens urgently, "Go! All of you! Now!"
"Whoa..." the sorcerers gawked as the Hex was slowly reversed and opened. From this angle—right beside you—they could see how ginormous the barrier actually had become ever since you expanded it.
"This is Domain Expansion amped up to the maximum level," Megumi mumbled, eyes wide as he stared at the sky. As everything inside the Hex glitched from one time period to another, the scared citizens ran for their lives, the tears in the barrier growing larger and larger. In the corner, Agatha cackled pridefully.
"Hahahaha! Now you'll see!" Just as she said that, Hex Vision fell quickly from the heavens after his laser beams faltered against White Vision. He came crashing down onto the concrete road on your right. Your head snapped in the direction of the loud noise. Eyes widening, you realized that your husband was... fading away?
"Wanda!" he shouted, his voice sounding garbled and distorted. A look of horror crossed your already overexerted features.
"N-No, w-wait, what—" you stuttered out shakingly in fear as you stared at your love hold his arm out towards you. But you couldn't move; you were occupied and stuck opening the Hex, your arms still stretched.
On your left, behind you, your two sons—who'd been planning on assisting the fight with their powers—crashed down, as well. Both your husband and children began glitching out just like all the items caught inside the Westview Anomaly. What was worse was that they began dispersing—fragmenting into tinier bits and pieces the more the barrier was torn open.
"Mom! Help us! Mom!" Billy and Tommy cried out, terrified at what was happening to them. Why were they fading away? Why was their father fading away, too?
"W-Wha—" you stammered, looking at your children, in the same state as their father. You'd forgotten. You really had. Your family felt so, so real and true that you'd forgotten that they were a product of the Hex, too. The very same one you were dispelling at this very moment.
"Now do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world!" Agatha arrogantly voiced out. "And now one can't exist without the other!" What a dilemma you had on your hands. "Save Westview or save your family."
"This is a... shitty predicament," Nanami uttered sadly, unable to bear the agony in your eyes as you were forced to choose between saving the citizens and your own flesh and blood. Clear blue skies from outside the Hex had peeked out, contrasting the stark reds mixed with shadows and light that distinguished your world from the outside world. All of it in its sheer size and glory had come from you and now, it was being undone with your willpower to let those citizens go from your grief. But at what cost?
"If she reverses the Hex, she has to give Vision up again for the third time and then also her babies?" Toji scowled deeply, the scar on his lip curving down, too. "Shitty isn't enough to describe it."
"It's like there's no winning for Y/N," Choso whispered lowly. "Every single time she has to give someone up. First, it was protecting Sokovia against Ultron versus being able to stay with her brother. Then it was either Vision or the fate of her whole universe from Thanos. Now?"
"It's her family or those tortured souls she didn't mean to trap in her illusion," Gojo finished regretfully, jaw clenched. His arms were balled into tight fists at his side at the situation. He could recall the smile you've always given him—from an old lady to the young woman he's always admired. How was your smile so bright and sincere when you'd experienced this? All of this? He and the others watched ruefully as you faced another double-bind in your life. Both metaphorically and physically.
"I can't imagine how... strong Y/N is for going through all of this," Geto chewed on his bottom lip nervously as the scene unfolded. "And I don't just mean her abilities." If it were him in your place... well, it would be a different story.
"Boys!" Vision yelled laboriously, reaching out towards you and the kids with all the strength he had left in him.
"Mom! Help! Please!" they sobbed, falling onto their chests.
"No!" you wailed audibly, realizing what was happening as you struggled to keep the Hex open to let the Westview residents out safely. Your head turned from Vision to your sons, who were slowly beginning to lose their consciousness. Agatha could be heard cackling in the background.
You were practically the sole thing holding this world of yours together, muscles taut with so much tension and effort. If you broke now, everything—including your family—would dissolve into nothing. You can't let that happen. You wouldn't let that happen. "No," was all that weakly escaped from your lips. You gritted your teeth. Not again. Letting out a loud cry of pain, the veins on your neck bulged with the strain as you effortfully wrung your arms to your chest, effectively hauling and closing the borders of the Hex. The force behind the action made your whole body slacken with exhaustion. You fell to the concrete on your hands and knees, white spots dancing around your peripheral vision as you tried to maintain consciousness from your loss of balance. The world felt like it was spinning right now.
Vision, Billy, and Tommy immediately came to your aid the moment they stopped dissolving, fortunately. Your husband gently pulled you up, but all you could focus on now was that you could still hear, see, and feel you family. "Mom! Mom, are you okay?" they asked worriedly.
"Hi, hi, hi," you breathed heavily, kissing their foreheads as Vision kissed your head, all of you relieved to still have one another.
"Can't catch a fucking break, can she, huh?" Sukuna suddenly chimed in, the lips on Yuuji's face curled into a sneer. The others could only stay silent as they watched you reunite with your loved ones. It was a heartwarming sight, only for Agatha to ruin the moment once more, aiming her magic towards them.
"No!" you shouted with wide eyes, reflexively and instantly maneuvering yourself to act as their shield. It took no hesitation for you—not a second thought, even—to conjure a protective barrier against Agatha's magic for the sake of your family. Let it be you rather than them. But it led to you being her target instead, her magic siphoning out your own, a stabbing pain shooting out towards every single nerve fiber in you. You groaned tiredly when Agatha stopped, letting out an exhausted exhale as you finally stared at your arms. They were greyed. Numb. You couldn't even feel the usual coolness of your wedding ring and the silver watch on your left hand. The chilliness that had started on your hands when Agatha first stole your magic had crept up to your elbows now. To sum it up, it was an unpleasant feeling. Very unpleasant.
"Oh, fuck," Toji swore out loud, glancing at Agatha. "She took a ton more than the first time."
"Damn hag," Gojo muttered, bright eyes glaring at the Salem witch. (He wasn't the only sorcerer staring daggers at Agatha; Nanami in the corner was giving Geto's death glare a run for his money.)
Even Vision was getting more and more worried with what happened to you, his synthezoid eyes filled with such human concern. Your sons were also getting anxious with your weakening state. "Mom, are you okay?"
Clearly, you weren't, but you would never tell them that. You opted to just nod at them in reply, but they weren't satisfied with your answer. Before they could say another word, however, the SWORD troops and trucks that had managed to enter that earlier gap in the Hex surrounded you and your family. White Vision had also flown right behind you four, hovering and waiting for his opponent. Agatha, too, had scoffed and flown closer, cooing mockingly at the sight, "How sweet." All of you were surrounded, but you guys were poised for a fight. Together.
"Huh. It's like the Incredibles," Yuuji thought out loud, making the other sorcerers blink at him. After watching the sight even more, they mentally agreed with his statement. The four of you really were like a superhero family. Before they could say anything else, the scene in front of them shifted to White Vision and Hex Vision fighting... and then... not exactly fighting? Instead of a hand-to-hand showdown, it turned into an... extremely complicated philosophical discussion.
"The fuck are these two saying?" Toji huffed, crossing his arms. He—and many of the other sorcerers watching—had no clue about this Ship of Theseus debate (there were practically question marks on top of Yuuji's and Choso's heads). Gojo was drowning out parts of the conversation, just wanting to watch what was happening to you and Agatha. The only ones who had some semblance of knowledge about the topic were Geto and Nanami who'd read about it before.
"You are familiar with the thought experiment, the Ship of Theseus in the field of identity metaphysics?" Hex Vision inquired calmly.
"Damn. Identity metaphysics?" Gojo whistled. "I see." He pouted. Yuuji beside him did (and said) the same thing. "I don't get it."
Nanami sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just listen to the synthezoids, you two."
"It's practically as complex as your Limitless and Infinite Void, Satoru," Geto chimed in. "You know, like the Achilles and Tortoise Paradox."
"... Too much... brain stuff..." Choso mumbled in the corner.
White Vision then replied to his opposite, "Naturally. The Ship of Theseus is an artifact in a museum. Over time, its planks of wood rot and are replaced with new planks. When no original plank remains, is it still the Ship of Theseus?"
Hex Vision added, "Secondly, if those removed planks are restored and reassembled free of the rot, is that the Ship of Theseus?
"Neither is the true ship. Both are the true ship," White Vision concluded, understanding what the other Vision meant. Both and neither of them were the Ship of Theseus... sort of. It was complicated.
Hex Vision smiled in relief, "Well then, we are agreed." At least there was no need for roughhousing and manhandling here. They were civilized men... or rather, civilized synthezoids.
"But I do not have the Mind Stone," White Vision interjected.
"And I do not have one single ounce of original material," Hex Vision pointed out. "Perhaps the rot is the memories. the wear and tear of the voyages. The wood touched by Theseus himself."
"So... Theseus in this context is Mom?" Yuuji finally understood after using ninety-nine percent of his remaining three brain cells. Megumi beside him nodded, murmuring a small, "Yeah."
White Vision allowed Hex Vision touch his head. Shockingly, the jujutsu sorcerers watching were also able to see the memories stored in the data of White Vision's forehead. Majority of it?
His first memory after awakening was you, staring apprehensively up at his newborn form with so much caution in the Avengers Tower.
You, fighting Ultron's minions with him and the rest of the Avengers.
You, with eyeliner and mascara streaks down your face after your brother's death and when you'd ripped out Ultron's metal core.
You, unresistant in your sorrow and floating through the air, waiting to just die when Sokovia started falling like a meteor.
You, opening up to him about your grief on Pietro when you first moved to the Avengers Compound—that same day he changed your perspective about your family's and Pietro's passing.
You, levitating down with your magic in your new leather uniform as Captain America formed a New Avengers with you and Sam.
You, wallowing in your guilt after the Lagos Incident and the argument on the Sokovia Accords.
You, smiling up at him as you added a dash of paprika while you two were cooking in the kitchen, trying to momentarily forget everything else that had just happened.
You, escaping the Avengers Compound with Clint while restraining him and burying him a hundred floors down the ground with your powers, accepting your fear.
You, fighting those on Stark's team while you did your best to let Bucky and Steve escape to find Zemo.
You, in his arms on the ground as you recovered from hearing that screeching sound Rhodey used to distract you.
You, eloping to Scotland with him to sort out whatever it was between both of you—whatever you two were feeling.
You, walking towards him with a worried look on your face in that hotel room as you caressed his now-human face from his disguise, syncing with the Mind Stone through your magic.
You, standing on the wet street debating on whether you should just stay with him forever; to give up everything to be with him.
You, with that horrified look on your face as Corvus Glaive stabbed him before you were tossed away by Proxima Midnight.
You, trying to sew up his wound before he pushed you to dodge the weapon swung at you.
You, enraged as you threw a ball of psionics at Corvus Glaive, retrieving him and attempting to fly away with him only to be shot down to the train station.
You, staring at him with so much adoration in your eyes, telling him that you'd stay—that was before you stood up in front of him, ready to kill the two aliens who'd threatened your love.
You, tense and angry as he suggested that you destroy the Mind Stone during the discussion with Steve, Nat, Bruce, Rhodes, and Sam.
You, watching out of Shuri's laboratory worriedly, seeing the catastrophe brought about Thanos's troops.
You, flying down into that forest and running towards his fallen form, asking if he was okay while he felt Thanos near this dimension.
You, with that terrorized and tremulant expression as you readied your powers to defend him while Thanos eliminated your allies one by one.
You, crying, tears falling from your eyes, as you destroyed the Mind Stone on his head with one hand while you held back Thanos with the other.
You, hysterical as Thanos brought him back to life, stealing the remade Mind Stone before killing him again.
So much of it was you, and only you. Always you.
You were Vision's first and last memory. The one thing constant in his life.
After finally seeing both you and Vision's perspectives, the sorcerers could understand why your love story was so great and beautiful... yet ultimately so tragic.
And somehow? Strangely enough, seeing how Vision fell in love with you made the six sorcerers who adored you fall even harder.
Suddenly, they were back outside with you and Billy and Tommy, watching as S.W.O.R.D. agents pointed their weapons at Agatha. She scoffed, unafraid, before hoisting them high up in the air with her magic. "Same story, different century. There will always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda," she drawled boredly. She dropped the soldiers from a height that would seriously injure them.
"No!" you shouted, tendrils of red blasting from your hands, catching the agents before they slammed into the concrete. You let them down gently. With a serious look, you turned to you sons. "Boys, handle the military."
"These two children? Against the military?" Choso blinked. "Is that not... dangerous?"
"Well, you gotta give them some credit," Toji muttered. "They're not exactly normal kids. They're hers. Like her." He motioned with his head towards you. "Superpowered."
You glanced at Agatha, who was flying around, before turning back to your kids with a small smile—stroking their hair softly. "Mommy will be right back."
"Huh. Not the first time we've heard that," Gojo snickered, recalling the Shibuya Incident when you were... taking responsibility of Mahito and Kenjaku. "Mommy." Geto and Nanami promptly elbowed him on both sides.
They watched as you flew towards Agatha—who was also high up in the sky—dodging another of her magic blasts before you flicked your wrist and vanished into thin air. They'd seen you appear and disappear many times during the Age of Ultron, but this one... this was more similar to how Agatha had done it, with the mists and poof and all that. Agatha flew down onto the roof of a building, scanning her surroundings for your presence. But you were undetectable. Then, for the first time since your days with Ultron and Pietro, you did it. And if they found it unsettling before, it was downright creepy and unnerving to see you do it again after so many years.
You'd shown the ability to splice, edit, glitch, and reverse space and time. But they never realized that even when you were younger, when you were first fighting the Avengers, you already showed the ability to speed things up. Sure, it was seen with how space and time worked in the Westview Anomaly (plus your pregnancy), but now?
You soundlessly materialized from the shadows behind Agatha, walking eerily in an accelerated speed, like a movie being fast-forwarded but everything else staying still. You stopped right beside her, eyes glowing red. Wisps of scarlet emerged from your jerky, trembling fingers as you whispered incoherently, throwing Agatha into an illusion of her greatest fear. Just like you how you mind-controlled the Avengers.
"Hmm, old habits die hard, don't they?" Sukuna darkly chuckled, seeing the similarities of when you were first the villain fighting the heroes. He was wrong about his first impression of you—being only a nice old lady who was his stupid host's adoptive mother. This... what he'd discovered was much better. And he wanted to see how deep you'd go—how much hell and chaos you'd create just for the sake of your family.
They found themselves in 17th century Salem once more, the very same place they'd seen when Agatha showed you her own memories of when she stole the powers of her coven sisters. Said women were but withered corpses on the cold ground, the glow of the torches giving only the barest glints of light with how dark these woods were. Agatha was bound to the wooden stake, seeming scared at what you'd done. You appeared behind her, walking around the pole to stand in front of her, frowning at her deeply, "The difference between you and me, is that you did this on purpose."
The hooded corpses of her dead coven sisters began rising from the ground, bones and joints cracking abnormally as they stood up and moved towards Agatha. The boys were disturbed at the display of human remains moving once more. Sure, they'd seen cursed spirits do terrible shit, but turns out, some things still surprised them.
Agatha looked panicked, wide irises shifting to you. "No, no, no! No! No. Please, please! I beg you! No!" Then suddenly, her panicked gaze switched to a smug, unworried one. Your brows furrowed in confusion. The jujutsu sorcerers were baffled, too.
All of a sudden, the skulls of the deceased witches snapped sharply to you instead. They started chanting and repeating your name, voices raspy and grating at your eardrums. Behind you, Evanora—the ex-leader of the Salem Coven and mother to Agatha Harkness—pointed her withered index finger at you. You flinched in fear as you spun back to look at the woman, her scratchy voice speaking, "You..."
"That's creepy as fuck, if you ask me," Gojo mumbled to himself, face wrinkled in disgust. Geto beside him mirrored his expression.
Evanora continued to speak, slowly backing you into the space where Agatha was. Never did she let down her finger as she cornerned you. "You... are the Scarlet Witch," she declared.
"Told you so," Agatha smirked, unrestraining herself and moving away from the stake. More of her fellow Salem witches rose from the dead, grabbing your limbs and inhibiting further movement. Numerous bony digits tied you to the stake with glowing blue magic. You couldn't move even if you wanted to.
"Harbinger of Chaos!" Evanora shouted at you, making you wince again. The other witches repeated those words again. Wanda... Scarlet Witch... Harbinger of Chaos. It was beginning to make you nauseous.
"So it is written," the witches murmured, eerie dead eyes gazing at your entire form. It sent chills down your spine. "So it is foretold," they hummed.
"You can't win, Wanda!" Agatha stated, confident as she knew you were helpless. "Power isn't your problem. It's knowledge." Right as she said that, a crimson crown—similar yet so different to the blue anadem worn by Evanora in her time as the Master Sorceress of the ancient Salem Coven—materialized on your head, perfectly framing your features; an ominous symbol of what was to come for you. It glowed in the dimness of the forest amidst the few torches, the witches—including Agatha herself—gasping in awe at the sight of something they only knew from a book. The jujutsu sorcerers were also intrigued by the sight. You couldn't see what was happening, but your peripheral vision had some sort of reddish glow to it, and honestly, your head felt heavier with every second that passed.
"Give me your power, and I will correct the flaws in your original spell," Agatha offered softly, sounding sincere this time. The sorcerers could tell that your strong façade was breaking, crumbling, with how tempting it seemed. "And you, and your family, and the people of Westview can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you," she added, her luring proposal leaving you mesmerized. The pull her words had on you were magnetic, even with all the witches crooning your name once more, tempting you like the devil whispering in your head.
"She can't be actually considering it, right?" Choso asked, turning to his companions, their eyes trained on you, bound and silent.
"Considering what she's gone through and what's happening to her at this time, she looks like she's thinking about it," Nanami replied forlornly, unhappy with the turn of events. Were you that suicidal all those years ago?
"But they don't have Binding Vows or anything there in her world, or maybe she doesn't know about it yet," Geto added, eyes narrowed at Agatha. "She can't possibly trust this woman."
That's when you yelled out in frustration, releasing a huge blast of red energy that knocked all the dead witches away from you. You glared at Agatha, who spread her arms with a triumphant smile as you tackled her out of the illusion you made.
"Wow, that was aggressive even for Y/N. But at least she's fighting back," Satoru commented at the way you zeroed in on the other witch. He crossed his arms then nearly choked on his breath, finding himself (and the other sorcerers) back in Westview. They watched from the ground—alongside Vision, Billy, and Tommy—as you and Agatha took your fight higher into the bloody red skies of the Hex.
"Take it! I don't want it!" you yelled at Agatha, angrily hurling energy balls of your power at her. Vision flew up to help you, but you prevented him from doing so by projecting a barrier. This was your fight. This was your choice.
"Wanda, what are you doing!?" Vision screamed. He slowly flew back down to the twins.
"... Oh, I... stand corrected," Gojo blinked at your words, too stunned to say anything else as you continued to throw more blasts of your power at Harkness.
"Damn, is she that suicidal?" Toji scowled. You kept catapulting energy bursts at Agatha with practically no intervals in-between. You had become so reckless that you weren't even hitting Agatha most of the time, the blasts ending up crashing into the borders of the Hex.
"Well, her aim is as bad as how suicidal she seems right now," Choso frowned, eyebrows creased in worry. Even Agatha was grimacing at how you couldn't hit her accurately anymore. The more you chuckled magic bolts at Agatha, the more your entire body began to deteriorate. Your eyes became hollower, your skin sagging and more withered, and your hair turning completely grey.
"Mom!" Yuuji shouted in fear, coincidentally doing it the same time as Billy and Tommy cried out for you. Vision embraced them, but even he had no idea what you were planning to do wth all this. More and more shots were fired at Agatha, with most of them dissipating into whitish rumbles and waves on the walls of the Westview Anomaly. After a few minutes of continuously spending your energy, you were panting exhaustedly now, the red in your eyes glowing dimly as you and Agatha encircled each other in the sky.
"Come on, Wanda! Escape your fate!" Agatha cackled as she absorbed more of your power. "Release your burden!" And so you did. You gave it to her. You gave your all to Agatha to the point that it would hurt when she accepted your power. At this point, you were nearly a walking skeleton. It was a miracle you were still up in the sky. "There's more! I want it all!" Agatha screeched.
It was Nanami who spoke, "... Y/N isn't being reckless." His perceptive eyes kept analyzing how and why you kept missing. You had a plan, he thought. He just didn't know what. "She's not planning to die. Not this time, at least."
"How can you tell, Nanamin?" Yuuji asked, teary-eyed at your state as he gazed up at you, looking defeated as you no longer had to throw shots at Agatha. Your powers were automatically being siphoned into Agatha's body, leaving you powerless up in the sky.
"Because she's not stupid," Nanami simply reasoned. "And she's alive in our time as the most intelligent and powerful sorceress of our world. And her own."
The other jujutsu sorcerers started to agree, but they couldn't help but be worried for your helpless form in the skies. In the distance of the bloody red clouds, thunder rumbled and crackled, almost symbolizing how close to death you were. The twins cried again, with Vision trying to soothe them.
When Agatha was finished taking the last of your powers, she tilted her head at you cruelly. "About our deal," she started. "Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken... just like you." She pointed at you teasingly.
Yuuji snarled at her remark, with Megumi gripping hid arm to prevent him from doing anything rash. The looks of the other sorcerers had also darkened when they heard what Agatha said to you. However, those gazes turned baffled when they saw Agatha attempt to finish you off once and for all, only for barely any of purple magic to appear when she raised her hands. She tried again. Nothing. Panic began to settle into her veins.
"What...?" Megumi blinked at the sight. They all watched as your aged skin returned to its original, youthful state. Your hunched form straightened itself, and your bowed head looked straight at the Salem witch's anxious expression. You slowly—just ever so slightly—raised your right hand, then waved it once.
A gigantic, glowing white and red symbol appeared behind you. Another one materialized itself on the other side, behind Agatha. She turned around, her eyes wide as saucers when she realized what was happening.
"Runes?" Agatha stuttered.
"Oh," was all Gojo let out. "Oh. Shit."
"Those are... really big symbols..." Yuuji gasped out in awe.
"Hmm, so she was planning this all along and made it seem like she'd given up," Toji murmured to himself, impressed with your cunning ability and long patience to play the victim. Even you had nearly tricked him into thinking you were the loser in this fight.
"In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic." You echoed Agatha's words back to her. Agatha instantly regretted what she'd said and done. Funny how she was the one who told you that your problem was knowledge, not power (and then she proceeded to unintentionally give you that same knowledge you lacked). "Thanks for the lesson." The tiara of red returned to frame your head once more. "But I don't need you to tell me who I am."
"Damn, she's a fast learner," Sukuna whistled. Not just the runes and the absorbing of powers thing, but even your superb acting abilities (ahem, acting weak and worried) were something you had gotten from Agatha. "Well, that witch brought it upon herself by pushing Granny to her limit."
Choso hummed, "Huh. It's like an uno reverse card, is that what they call it?"
Geto chuckled as you were starting to emerge victorious in this battle, "Yes. An uno reverse card, indeed." He slowly clapped, head tilted up to see you turn the tables. This time, you were the one stealing Agatha's power and all the others she'd stolen. This time, it was yours now—centuries worth of accumulated magic reserves and knowledge. "A performance of a lifetime."
Agatha wailed powerlessly as you stole all her (and your) magic, making it your own. The violet energy from Agatha made its way to you, turning pinkish in the middle, and finally crimson on your end. A bright white glow engulfed your form as the magic settled in your soul; that light became brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding to everyone. The air around you had changed, too, looking like it was exiting and entering your body all at once. You looked like a star being born in the cosmos, and it seemed to prove one thing.
The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged.
And right before their very eyes, it had happened. No, it was happening. You transformed into what had only been a dark myth. A legend personified. The white light vanished to show you in your full glory as the Scarlet Witch, the crown fully solid on your head and your regal attire looking like that of fantasy royalty. Your arms were spread open at your sides, streaks of black, red, and white Chaos Magic swirling on your palms.
"Oh, God. You don't know what you've done," Agatha exhaled fearfully.
You looked like a queen—no, a goddess that had been birthed by the energy of the universe itself. With a gentle sway of your hand, you let Agatha down onto the ground and let yourself step on it once more, too. Their was an aura to you that was much different to the one you showed just a few minutes ago before you transformed. You looked and felt powerful. Elegant. Magnificent.
It was one thing to see your astral form in the Scarlet Witch robes and another thing to see you become it right before their very eyes. The jujutsu sorcerers were speechless for the nth time as you walked towards the fallen Agatha.
"Good girl. So, what now? Just gonna lock me up somewhere?" Agatha weakly spat. You stared down at her, shaking your head. When you spoke, your Sokovian accent seemed much more evident. Prominent, like the effects of the All-American-Dream Hex were already fading slowly.
"No, not somewhere. Here," you revealed to her. "I’ll give you the role you chose. The nosy neighbor." You stepped closer go the now-powerless witch.
"No, please!" Agatha begged.
"I’m sorry," you murmured, bending down to touch her head.
"No, you’re not! You’re cruel!" Agatha countered back. At her statement, a strange smile (or was it a smirk) crept up your lips. The jujutsu sorcerers didn't know whether it was because you really believed now that you were cruel or if you were just brushing off Agatha's words. Either way, how you accepted it nonchalantly sent a tingle down their spine. Agatha flinched away from your touch, "You, you have no idea what you’ve unleashed. You’re gonna need me."
You were undeterred by her words. "If I do, I’ll know where to find you," you assured her.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait—" You touched Agatha's forehead, reverting her back into Agnes. "Hiya, hon! Say, that’s some kinda getup you’re wearing. Did I leave the oven on, or is that just you, hot stuff?" It was terrifying and amazing how effortless you did that to her.
"You live here now. No one will ever bother you," you announced calmly.
"Okie dokie, artichoke!"
The twins ran to you, tackling you in a hug. Vision followed, softly smiling at you, "So, it would appear that our dream home has been reduced to a fixer upper. I know you’ll set everything right, just not for us."
It hurt. Yeah. It did. But after so many times, you finally grew to accept it without any bitterness in your heart, "No. Not for us."
"It’s time. Should we head home?" Vision suggested. You nodded sadly, locking eyes with Monica before the you and your family leave the scene. The Hex starts to pull back in, gradually returning Westview to normal. It looked like evening when you all arrived back at the restored house. You and Vision return to your regular civilian clothes as you enter the threshold. The Hex continues shrinking as you and Vision tuck the kids in. The jujutsu sorcerer spectators found strings tugging at their hearts at the bittersweet sight.
"Okay, hop in. Snug as a bug," you whispered to Billy, adjusting his comforter.
"Big day today. Your mother and I… are very proud of you both," Vision grinned, every ounce of the proud father he was supposed to be.
You smiled softly, "Very proud. You know, a family is forever. We could never truly leave each other even if we tried. You know that, right?" The twins nodded at you. Holding yourself back from crying in front of your children, you kissed their foreheads and held each of them close in your arms. You would never ever be ready to let go. Never. But you had to. It was for the best.
"Good night, chaps." It was Vision's farewell to your children. They stared at you, all snuggled and tucked in for the night.
"Good night, dad. Good night, mom." You and Vision stood in the doorway, looking at the twins with a nostalgic glaze your eyes. How time flies. One moment, they were newborns in your arms. Now? They'd grown so big. So smart. So beautiful. So strong. It tugged at your heartstrings to see them like this. The jujutsu sorcerers were on the adjacent side of the twins' bedroom, watching as you said your goodbyes to your babies. It was a sad sight, in all honesty.
From the glass window, you noticed the borders of the Hex were getting smaller—getting nearer to the house. After a few moments of silence, you spoke up after mustering up the strength to say the words you wanted to say. "Boys…" you began. It felt like you were addressing everyone in the room, including the jujutsu sorcerers. "Thanks for choosing me... to be your mom," you finished quietly, your eyes brimming with tears as you smiled and switched off the lights.
The twins smiled. At least that was your last memory of them. At your words, Yuuji—standing beside Gojo and Nanami—burst into tears, lips wobbling. "Momma..." he sniffled, wiping his tears quickly. A sad-looking Choso rubbed his younger brother's back. Sukuna said nothing as his host sobbed. Megumi, Geto, and Toji were near you when you shut the bedroom door.
Then, they found themselves transported in your living room, seeing your longing gaze at the family photo on the small table beside the couch. You began turning off the lamps in preparation for your last goodbye, only for Vision to switch one on again. You turned around with a questioning look.
"Oh, I, uh... read somewhere that it’s bad luck to say goodbye in the dark," Vision tried to explain, but you knew him too well. You sadly smiled at him.
"No, you didn’t," you chuckled.
Realizing he was caught, Vision admitted it the truth to you, "No, no. Perhaps... no. Perhaps… I just wanted to see you clearly."
"And?" you teased, tilting your head at him. Vision smiled at you. He was always so handsome when he did that.
"And there you are," your husband admired, almost breathless. The sorcerers could understand. Right now, even in the midst of your goodbyes, you looked beautiful. Wonderful. You both walked to the window, watching as the shrinking walls of the Hex approached quicker. You and Vision tightly clasped your hands together.
"Wanda, I know we can’t stay like this," Vision began hesitantly. "But before I go, I feel I must know. What am I?"
Seeing his fear at the prospect of disappearing again, you cupped his cheek reassuringly, "You, Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me." You swallowed, holding back your tears. "You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created." You bit your lip, trying to memorize his features for the last time. "You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love."
"Fucking hell," Geto muttered, staring up at the ceiling to stop his own tears from falling. He couldn't imagine how hard it was to say goodbye to the love of your life for the hundredth time. Gojo right beside him already had tears falling down his cheeks, but he was silent. Nanami was torn between watching you and your husband and looking away—it was such a private, precious moment and he felt like he was intruding. Toji closed his eyes, knowing exactly how it felt to bid farewell to his wife. Megumi had already looked away, but he felt his heart break with everything you'd gone through. Yuuji was still sobbing, with Choso comforting him but also listening to your monologue.
You and Vision shared a final kiss before he spoke again. "I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, and now, a memory made real. Who knows what I might be next?" A lone tear fell from your eye at his words. "We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason—"
"We’ll say hello again," you told him, your other hand caressing his other cheek. Then you felt it. You felt the last portions of the spell begin to wear off. The Hex shrunk around the house, flickering back through all of its different iterations—all those previous eras and forms. Vision began to dissolve into the golden wires, light, and fibers you'd initially made him from.
"So long, darling," Vision whispered. The last remnant of the Hex which faded was your wedding ring. Dazed, you looked around. You were back at the empty, unfinished lot you started with weeks ago. You blinked slowly, everything sinking in.
You were alone again.
This time, you accepted it and had come to terms with it. At least this time, you were able to have a beautiful goodbye with your family.
The jujutsu sorcerers were silent as they observed you pull your black hood over your head, going back to the now-normal town square. The townsfolk stared at you, some whispering, some terrified—their looks were a mix of pity, judgment, anger, terror, and apprehension. If this were their world, the jujutsu sorcerers knew that curses would have started swarming in this place.
"Y/N," Gojo whispered. So this was your walk of shame. You approached Monica. She only showed relief for you.
"They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them," Monica said sympathetically. You shook your head slowly.
"It... wouldn't change how they see me," you replied, heaviness in your heart. "And you, you don’t... you don’t hate me?"
Monica paused, then gave her honest answer, "Given the chance and given your power, I’d bring my mom back. I know I would."
"I’m sorry... for all the pain I caused," you apologized sincerely. Remorsefully. You'd never meant for any of this to happen. "I don’t understand this power... but I will."
When sirens from the FBI approached in the distance, you gave one last nod to your... friend, "Goodbye, Monica." She did the same before you magically changed into a hooded version of your Scarlet Witch getup, flying off into the distance. You took one last look at the place you'd called home—Westview—and moved on.
Then it faded to black.
"Is that it?" Toji said, looking around them. Complete darkness. Suddenly, they were in an area surrounded by tall, mountainous, lush forests and huge lakes. There was a lakeside cabin behind them, and you were quietly sitting on the porch in your loungewear, a cup of warm tea nestled in your hands. You were breathing in the cold air, seeming as if you were at peace in this place.
"Y/N?" they said simultaneously. Then, at that very moment, they heard a kettle from inside the cabin start whistling loudly. You stood up, walking back in. They followed you—even if your past self couldn't see them. Where were you now? Is this where you isolated yourself from the rest of the world? As they followed you, they noted the tiny details engraved on the wooden walls of your cabin. Runes. They watched you pour more tea into your cup before they sensed a sinister presence inside the cabin with. The threatening aura came from another room nearby—your bedroom, so it seemed. But you didn't seemed bothered at all. They rushed to your open bedroom, instantly stopping in their tracks when they saw the source of the dark presence.
It was you, in your astral form, eyes and hands glowing with your Chaos Magic as you flipped through and meticulously read the pages of the Darkhold. Your movements seemed erratic and unstable—hypnotized, almost, with your head and fingers twitching as you continued to absorb the contents of the Book of the Damned. In the room, they suddenly heard the voices of your children crying out for help, echoing and reverberating. Whether it was an illusion or not, they had no clue. But they saw a determined, darkened expression cross your face before you waved your hands. All turned red.
And they were back in the darkness, stunned. The next thing they knew, a hologram had popped out of the darkness they were in, showing them the rest of the events in your previous universe, concerning a few magic friends of yours... namely Dr. Strange messing up a spell with Spiderman and Loki (and his lady friend slash variant Sylvie) messing up the timelines through the death of He Who Remains. After watching WandaVision, these two events in your universe shocked them to the core. Just when they thought everything couldn't get worse, everything around them began rumbling and shaking.
They had no idea that what they had witnessed was only the beginning.
And you, as the Scarlet Witch, were just starting.
(next chapter)
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Author's Note: So... this will be my last chapter for a few months. I'm not stopping this fic, don't worry! But updates might take longer since classes are back and this is sorta a critical semester in my program. Next update might be in late May or June, but it depends! Might still update monthly, but can't promise that. I'll still be active in interacting if you guys message or ask me in my ask box! But the next chapter... it's gonna be a while. Still, thank you for your continuous support and love! (You guys should also check out Darkhold: Omega where Wanda is just... wow. Have you guys heard the rumors that she's gonna go batshit crazy murdering the Illuminati and possessing another Variant of her to save Billy & Tommy? Damn.)
You can find my Ko-Fi here and support me even more! (Birthday gift... maybe? Pretty please? Heh. Bruh, I'm in my twenties now, what the heck.) ☕️🍰
Lastly, reblogs, comments, hearts, constructive criticism, and any kind of interaction are much appreciated! Just comment to be tagged and if you update your name/URL, please inform me, too! Thanks!
taglist: @ibelievein2dmensupremacy @binibiningbabaylan @coldvillainess @vampireindistress @sparklingmallow @gummy-dummy @haleypearce @artemishunter18 @torasshu-sama @thewordfae @nanamin-pointo @whoreuc @simpinsimpleton @sache41 @osiris1rhi @crzyinluve @dame-sunflowers @thirstyfangirl @yuh-tears @vespertio @butyfigers @fiona782 @t-misaki @jihaegguk @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @beeframon @simpforporcoandlevi @unkn0wn2024 @dibhachu @todaywasafairytale07 @vishousmate @tangoogle @lyralibra @fleurwritesitsblossom @deviljoonie @pearlstiare @moss-murin @surhii @senjuasuna @njisano @marbleii @sheitsme @kiyosato @moonchild-artemisdaughter @shadowyknightbeargoth @yuki-chan23 @akuri-shinsou @tellatoast @nako-ley @depresso-404error @siriusblackrunmeover17 @itsmarlsworld
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
I had an idea for a fanfiction ... as Ágatha has a daughter and that daughter loses her "memory" in Westview, so Wanda makes her believe that she is her daughter and not Ágatha's, so Ágatha tries to recover his daughter and make Wanda stop. to control the people trapped in the Hex.
(It's kind of meaningless, but that's okay)
I love this request!
You Took Everything From Me
Summary: When Wanda creates the alternate reality of Westview, she makes the daughter of Agatha, Y/N, her daughter. Agatha does everything in her power to get her back.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @stephanieromanoff @paulawand @blackbat2020
MCU Taglist: @procrastinatingsapphictrash @okkulta @mxxnmocha @sarahp-stan @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @prettysbliss
Agatha Taglist: @nyx-aira @midnight-lestrange @thelanawinterrs @agathaharkness-simp @fallingfor-fics @emril-osvigne
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) HERE!
MCU Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Agatha regretted the argument as soon as Y/N stormed out of the house in a rage and slammed the door shut behind her. It had been a stupid argument. Agatha hadn’t had a good day and when Y/N refused to practice her magic, that little thing was what pushed the mother over the edge. Soon they were going back-and-forth over who knows what and now Y/N had left. 
The brunette sighed, turning around and deciding to give her daughter time to cool down. She picked up the spell book discarded on the floor and put it on the table, trying to distract herself from the fight. Little did she know that when she saw Y/N again, Y/N wouldn't be her daughter, but someone else’s . . . 
Being a witch, it didn’t take Agatha long to realize what Wanda had done. At first, she was impressed. This took lots of power and skill to do and Agatha found herself taking a liking to the redhead . . . until she came to Wanda’s house one day and saw her daughter talking with Vision.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” 
Everyone stared at Agatha or “Agnes” oddly. 
“Who’s Y/N?” Y/N asked, a smile tugging on her face. 
When she realized that Y/N thought she was Wanda’s daughter and not hers, Agatha’s first instinct was to be angry. It took incredible self-will to not blast Wanda into the wall or start yelling or even to break down. The only thing that prevented her from doing any of that or all of that was remembering that it’d blow her “Agnes” cover and then she might not get Y/N back. 
That thought, that fear, chilled Agatha and was enough to keep the tears back before they spilled. 
She made up a lie and then an excuse that she had to leave and the moment she closed the door to her own house, the sobs which she had been holding back suddenly burst and the witch slowly settled into sitting on the ground. Her own daughter didn’t even know who she really was! Agatha knew what Wanda’s mind control did to people. How it hurt them. How they tried to fight against it. The only thoughts filling her brain were thoughts of her daughter and what she must have been going through, and Agatha balled her hands up into a fist before smacking the door as she let out another sob, doing her best to think clearly so she didn’t march right back to Wanda’s house and cause chaos. 
It was extremely difficult.
After what felt like forever, Agatha picked herself up off the floor and made a plan to free Y/N and everyone else. 
A couple days later, Agatha had a plan and was putting it in motion. She made the decision to just go for it - to confront Wanda. It wasn’t much of a plan, really, but it was the only thing that Agatha could think of. She didn’t have any leverage, was too angry and upset to try and get on Wanda’s good side, and the only thing or person that usually grounded her wasn’t there this time.
Now, she was fighting the former Avenger, and Agatha was winning. In fact, she was winning so much that she started to get suspicious. Wanda was powerful, so powerful she could create Westview, and Agatha had expected to be challenged. She realized, however, the leverage the other woman had when Agatha was blasted backwards, blue magic encircling her. 
She froze. 
No. No, no, no, no, no. 
Y/N. Y/N had blue magic. 
Agatha sat up, scrambling back, only to see her daughter advancing forward, a harsh glare in her eyes, but the brunette could tell by her movements that she was trying to fight what Wanda was forcing her to do. 
“No,” the word finally tumbled out of Agatha’s mouth, her jittery eyes falling onto Wanda. “Don’t make me fight her.” 
Wanda bit back a smirk. “I’m not forcing you to do anything,” she claimed, and then left the mother-daughter duo to it. 
Agatha scrambled to her feet. “Fight it, Y/N!” She encouraged as she blocked another one of Y/N’s attacks. 
Y/N didn’t listen, and she kept attacking, so Agatha kept blocking. This was killing her. She didn’t want to hurt her own daughter but what other choice did she have? She needed to have Wanda stop this and she couldn’t do that while blocking Y/N, nor could she block forever. 
A thought broke into her mind, making the older woman curse under her breath, as she quickly realized she had no other option than to absorb Y/N’s magic and use it, and her own magic, to make Wanda stop this fake reality and free everyone. She knew what it would do to her teenager, she knew how much it hurt, and as soon as she absorbed the next blast of magic Y/N sent at her and heard her daughter’s cries, she almost stopped and gave in straight away. 
It was impossible not to look at the pain in Y/N’s eyes, but behind that, Agatha detected a certain gleam of gratitude, which showed her that her Y/N was still in there, and pushed her to keep on going. She kept absorbing Y/N’s magic, promising over and over again in her head that she’d give it back, until she had it all and Y/N was left, drained and unconscious on the ground. 
It took everything in Agatha not to run over and hold her. Instead, she turned to Wanda, who was frowning deeply. “Release my daughter - NOW!” Agatha commanded, her hands glowing with powerful swirls of purple and blue. 
Wanda didn't say anything, made no change in her face, but she made a movement of her hands. “It’s done,” she said firmly, and retreated into her house, knowing that this was a fight she wasn’t gonna be able to win. 
As soon as she disappeared, Agatha ran to her daughter, muttering non-stop apologies as she fell to her knees beside her and began giving her back her magic. Y/N’s body glowed as the magic re-entered her system and after a couple of moments she opened her eyes with a gasp. 
“Mom?” Y/N asked after a couple moments, tears in her eyes and her voice cracking. 
Agatha smiled, relieved, and wrapped an arm around her, helping her sit up. “I’m so, so, so sorry that-” she began to apologize, but Y/N cut her off with a soft and small: 
“It’s okay.” 
Agatha paused for a moment and then decided, “Let’s get you home, okay? I’ll take care of you,” and delivered on that promise. 
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Cassia Beryl (Fem!Demigod), Agnes/Agatha Harkness x Cassia Beryl (Fem!Demigod) [Non-romantic]
Summary: For as long as you've been existing, you posess powers of a God. The Greek God of the ocean to be specific. Knowing Wanda since Ultron. You vowed to protect Wanda. Keeping her promise to Vision before the mind stone was ripped from him. When you rescue Wanda's kids from a witch named Agatha Harkness, using your godly abilities, she begins seeing something in you that she hasn't seen in a very, very long time.
Warning(s): WandaVision Finale Spoilers
A/N: hi, I recently finished Wandavision and let me tell you I'm bittersweet. Cassia Beryl is my MCU Character!
As you peek around the corner, you notice two kids being held by some kind of purple magic string. If i can sneak over there I can get those kids out of there. And that’s exactly what you do. You bob and weave through backyard after backyard until you're directly next to the witch. 
"This is Chaos Magic Wanda, and that makes you the Scarlet-" 
You throw your trident that pierces right through the magic, disappearing. Your trident lands into the ground on the other side of the road. 
"She really is special," you smirk, slapping the witch with water and picking up the boys 
"Cass?.." Wanda calls out to you 
"Hey Wans," you smile, turning to her 
"Mom!" One boy said, running to her as you let them down 
Mom? She's.. a mom? You were given a mission, from the Rambeau; Monica, to try and save Wanda from spiraling down into a Villain. You were pretty close with Wanda, considering how the two of you both joined after the Battle of Sokovia. 
"Get inside boys!" She replies, "Go in your rooms!" 
You watch Wanda's boys head into their house, you hold your hand out, your glove glowing. Your trident comes back toward you. You catch it with no recoil on the impact. 
"It can't be...." Agatha says, breathlessly, looking at you 
"Can't be what?" You ask 
"I know those colored eyes anywhere," she replies, "You're-you're Poseidon's kid!" 
"And? Your point is?" You snarl back, "I want NOTHING to do with my father!" 
Angered, you propel water from your feet and use it to kick Agatha into towns Square. With Wanda in tow. You watch Wanda throw one of her Psonic power however, you notice how Agatha absorbs it rather than falling back. 
"Wans?..." you call, noticing her black tipped fingers 
"I absorb your magic," Agatha speaks, "It's kinda my thing." 
You walk over to Wanda and feel her hands and try to rub off the black. Even with your water powers nothing came off. 
"I'll handle this," you say before your neck is wrapped with purple magic and you're dragged back 
As you turned around you feel your hands wrapped, unable to hydro kenesis. 
"Cass!" Wanda calls 
You wanted to let out a snarl but feeling the magic wrapped around your neck getting tighter. 
"You and I have a lot to catch up on darling," Agatha smirks before she's finally knocked back by Wanda 
Trying to gather your bearings, vision fuzzy, you begin falling. Expecting to hit the solid ground below you, you were wrong. But feeling a familiar, soothing feeling. It felt like a water current but you knew it wasn't water, cuz when you opened your eyes Wanda was standing in front of you. 
"Are you hurt?" Wanda asks, her accent coming in 
"I almost got choked to death," you laugh, getting up to stand by her side, "But other than that I'm dandy." 
You look over and Wanda's hands are continuing to turn black. 
"You built this town to feed your need to have Vision back," Agatha states, "You make these people feel your pain." 
You and Wanda look over and you see a lady's eyes turn gold and then back to normal. 
"Dottie?" Wanda asks, as she's walking over to the two of you 
"My name is Sarah actually," she says, "I have a daughter, Eight years old. I can't see her, she's locked in her room, if you could let me see her please." 
As Agatha 'frees' everyone from Wanda's unintentional mind control, they all begin ranting on about how they have families outside of Westview and how they wanna leave. You pull Wanda into your arms tk try and calm her down as she was beginning to break. However, she loses it and begins putting red magic around the people, excluding yourself. 
"No, I'm sorry," she cries, releasing her magic from them 
Without thinking, she begins releasing her magic against the barrier. 
"Everyone out, now!" Wanda commands 
As they begin running, you begin hearing military trucks... 
"Hayward... that lying rat!" You yell 
However, before you could reach them, they reached you. Westview Vision and Wanda's kids join up with you two. However, almost dissipating... Wanda closes the Hex, regaining their form. 
"Boys, take care of the military," Wanda demands, as Vision becomes occupied with white Vision, "Mommy will be right back." 
You follow Wanda as you both head for Agatha, "Wans, Can you reach into her mind and force her to show her greatest fear?" You ask, looking at her, "I'll keep her distracted. Apparently she has history with my father... Time to get a crash course." 
Wanda smiles as she disappears as you land right in front of Agatha, "You have history with my father? Let's talk then." 
You put your trident against your back. No tricks. Or maybe one trick. 
"Your father, he-" 
Before she could even start, Wanda flicks her magic into Agatha's temples. Taking the both of us back to her... trial? 
"No no no no," Agatha shutters, "You tricked me!" 
"Well, you should have remembered I want nothing to do with my father," you said 
But you were also interested. Why was Agatha keen on talking to you about the father you never want contact with? Oh well, save it for later. You look around the dead corpses and realize there was a body of water nearby. Kinda made sense. But also not. However, once Wanda resurrected Agatha's coven members, they push you out of the way and gather around Wanda and begin bringing her o to the stake instead of Agatha who was free. You tried to get up but purple magic held you down. 
"No! Wanda!" You call out 
"You can't win Wanda," Agatha smiles, "You lack knowledge." 
As you looked up you noticed a crown forming along Wanda's head... Your eyes gape in awe, you knew Wanda was capable of so many things. Reaching her full potential as someone with magical abilities is one of them. She launched at Agatha, bringing you guys back to reality. Free from the magic shackle, you launch yourself with Wanda as you two slam Agatha into the ground. However, Wanda's arms completely black. 
"Mom!" The boys call out 
You turn however Wanda pushed you back toward them as she begins lifting herself up into the air. The boys help you up as you three watch. As Wanda continuously throws magic after magic, you realize she's getting weaker; her attacks becoming less forceful. 
"Auntie will be right back," you tell the two boys as you, with sheer willpower, must up all that you have, create a water vortex, lifting yourself towards Wanda. 
"Wanda! Hang in there!" You call out to her 
You realize she's just standing there, however, begin noticing runes all around the Hex. You don't say anything or do anything else but just watch as Wanda's complexion go back to normal. But, she began to re-take her magic. You couldn't make out what they were saying but you knew Wanda was doing.... You just sit in your vortex and watch in awe as you realize Wanda is becoming The Scarlet Witch.You realize she also has a new costume, and you fell in love with Wanda all over again. 
"Wow..." was the only thing that came out of your mouth as you let the vortex go and watch Wanda land as Agatha lies on the ground. 
"So, are you just gonna lock me up somewhere?" She asks, angrily 
"Not somewhere, here." Wanda replies, "you have the role I give you; the nosy neighbor." 
"You can't do this," Agatha, "You don't know what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me," she retorts back 
"Will I?" Wanda replies, "I know where to find you if I need you. You have your role here now." 
"No no please!" Agatha pleas 
Before Wanda could mind control her again, you gently touch Wanda's outstretched hand. Wanda stands down, a little angered. Agatha smiles as you kneelt down to her. But the smile faded when you didn't smile back. 
"Your history with my father...," you start, "I'll come around once I'm ready to talk." 
You stand and turn to Wanda, signifying she can control her again. Thus, she does. 
"Hiya hon," she says cheerfully, "Quite the getup hot stuff." 
Not sure if she's talking to you or Wanda. As your back was turned to her. You watch Wanda as she embraces her boys and Vision. 
"You'll make things right Wanda, just not for us," Vision smiles, "Lets go home." 
They all nod in agreement as Wanda begins releasing The Hex. As they pass by you, Vision stops. 
"You," Vision calls, you end up looking at him, "Would you like to join us?" 
You smile and nod as Wanda slings her arm around you as you follow them to their home. 
"Thank you Cass," Wanda says 
"Always Wans," you smile
As you watch Wanda and Vision tuck Billy and Tommy [you finally learned their names] into bed. 
"Thanks for saving us today," Billy states, looking at uou 
"Cassia Beryl," you smile, "I'm a close friend of your mom's." 
They smile as Wanda and Vision sit at their bedside. You standing at the doorway. 
"Your mother and I," Vision starts, "Are very proud of you. 
"The both of us," Wanda says, her accent slipping in 
You heard her accent clearly. You loved Wanda's accent. You look out the window and sigh, realizing Wanda is gonna be alone again. 
"Cassia is it?" Vision asks 
"Yeah," you reply 
"May I have a word with you? Alone?" He asks, looking at Wanda to stay with the boys for now 
"Yeah, sure," you say, going downstairs 
Once the two of you reach the main floor, you turn to Vision. 
"You, I don't know you at all but you seem to have a close connection with Wanda. Before I'm gone, I must know your connection with her." Vision asks 
You sigh, "I can't put it in words. However, I can show you my history with Wanda." 
A single tear drops down and you catch it with your finger. It then turns into regular water. 
"I hope this works," you whisper as you flick your memory water at Vision 
"You know I could have stopped him myself, disarmed him, killed him," you say, "But I didn't do anything. We all played our pieces, some aren't going to end as pretty as you hoped." 
"Can you play me a song Cass?" Wanda requests 
"Always." You smile, grabbing Wanda's guitar as she seats herself right next to you 
"Cass, I didn't mean to-" 
"Save it Wanda," you sigh, "Besides, you've looked happier without me." 
"Cassia, can you keep a promise for me?" Vision asks, pulling you into a corridor 
"Of course Vision," You reply 
"I need you to look after Wanda for me," Vision blurts, "Should anything happen to me, Wanda is going to need someone. I don't want her being alone. You're the second most person she trusts." 
"Vision, I don't know how I'm going to look after her without you," you choke out on a sob 
"It'll be alright Cassia," he says calmly, "You'll be able to figure it out." 
"VISION NO!" You scream, scrambling up to your feet and attempt to save Vision again from Thanos. But he bsck-hands you into a tree, knocking you out 
As you regain consciousness you see Wanda beginning to become dust. As half-consciouss as you were, you scrambled up to your knees and launched yourself with whatever energy you have left to reach Wanda. 
"Wanda NO!!!" You scream as a last effort 
She dusts right as you try to cup her cheek with your hand, a couple of dust. You open your hand and begin banshee screaming.
You let out a sigh once Vision comes to. 
"The last five years were horrible," you sigh, "Trying to get my mind off of Wanda in said years, didn't help. She'd often be in my dreams. Hoping I could revive you or get her back." 
"So in other words," Vision starts, "I left a promise to you that would look after Wanda after I'd be gone?" 
You nod, blushing a deep red as soon as you look over Vision's shoulder; Wanda standing at the bottom of the stairs. 
"W-Wanda," you stutter, "How long were you standing there?" 
"Long enough." She smiles, but the smile faded as the Hex was getting even closer 
You motion for Vision to Wanda in his final moments. You look on as Waves and Vision embrace. 
"Before I go Wanda, I must know. What am I?" He asks 
"You are Vision," she smiles sadly, "You are my sadness, my hope. But most importantly, you are my love." 
He smiles as he kisses Wanda for the last time as the house begins going back to its original state. You felt tears run down your face as you watch Vision disappear. 
"Goodbye Cassia," Vision says, "take care of Wanda for me. " 
You ugly cry as you try to smile and nod at his request. 
"So long darling," he finally says as he disappeared, the go far to its foundation 
You regain yourself as you begin walking toward Wanda. 
"You okay Wans?" You ask, hectic putting your hand on her shoulder 
She sighs at your touch. 
"Cass, make your own life worth while. I'm not worth it, " Wanda says 
You meet her face, "Wans, your worth a million universes to me. Besides, I like adventure." 
"Cass, you do know that once you go with me, you can't turn back right?" She asks 
"I'm fully aware doll," you say, holding her hand, "Where you go, I go." 
"You-you don't hate me? For leaving you?" She asks 
You take her hand in yours and intertwine your fingers together, "I never did." 
You place a gentle kiss on her forehead before you put on her hoodie as you begin leading her away from the foundation to leave Westview. However, you felt eyes on Wanda... Not the good kind either. However, you meet up with Monica. 
"You don't hate me?" Wanda asks 
"With your situation and your kind of power," Monica starts, "I'd bring back my mom." 
"That makes two of us," you emphasize with Monica, "I'm sorry." 
"I'm sorry too," Wanda says, 
"They'll never know what you've sacrificed for them," Monica states 
"I don't think it'll change how they see me," Wanda adds, "Goodbye Monica." 
You casually salute three fingers up to her and give her a smile. Wanda wraps her soothing red magic around you along with her arm slithering around your waist and you two turn to the edge of Westview. 
"We're going to be okay Wans," You say 
You weren't fully sure. But you were certainly going to give it your all to protect Wanda. For Vision. Real and Westview Vision.
Epilogue You emerge from the waters that was right in front of your shared cabin with Wanda. It was way off grid. That's whats gonna stay that way. You look up and see Wanda holding a towel out to you. You first wipe your face dry and then your hair. 
"I have tea warming up just for you love," Wanda smiles as she brings you inside, her fingers gently running along your bare back, "Your favorite."
Sometime later, you knock on the doorframe to your bedroom and peek around the door. As much as you didn't want to disturb her, you wanted to check on her and you wanted to see her as her true self. She smiles when she sees you. She stops her studies and walks over to you. 
"You doing okay?" You ask 
"Yeah I'm alright Cass," she smiles, kissing your nose, "I'm beginning to think Vis let you come with us is that smiles they're gone, I still have someone to look at." 
"I think he was right," you put your forehead onto Wanda's, "I never want to let you go away from me again."
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scarlets-maximoff · 3 years
imagine a party where the resident sorcerers/witches of the MCU (wanda, agatha, strange and loki) must team up and do some magic spying mission, ok? ok so the party is great, people are wearing all kinds of flamboyant dresses and suits and our homegirls wanda and agatha dressed themselves accordingly but with a twist: what if they wore each other's signature colors?
wanda is wearing a deep purple dress that reminds her of agatha's magic and the way her eyes sparkled with barely concealed violet
agatha wears red, a strong, dark rouge just as the chaos magic running through wanda's veins and the oh so sweet tendrils of magic that bind her up in their bed at night.
yeah witch wives exchanging colors and being the couple ™
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harknesswife · 3 years
It was you all along (Agatha HarknessxFemale reader)
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Summary: This is a sweet self-insert love story between Agatha and a Westview citizen. Everything that happens follows the original events of “Wandavision” and MCU, like a parallel.
Chapter: 09/10
Word count: 1.359K
"Yes?", she said out loud.
"Let me in."
It was the voice of a man and Agatha didn’t seem surprised. She opened the door with a quick hand movement. I covered myself with one of the curtains while she just stood there, half-naked, staring at the guy wearing a hoodie over his white hair.
"It’s time", he said, looking at her.
"Are you sure?", she asked, getting up. I blinked for a second and she was already dressed in a purple sweater with her hair up.
"Here", he said, giving her a CD. As she held it, the thing turned into a vinyl. And then into a cassette tape.
"I thought we had more time", she replied to him, but her eyes were on me.
" What are you talking about?", I said, also getting up despite the stranger staring at us. She snapped her fingers and, of course, dressed me up in a black tank top and jeans before my feet even touched the ground. I got nervous. "Will you tell me what’s going on?"
"You gotta get out of here", she said in a rushed voice. "Fietro will take you outside the hex and..."
"I can’t take her", the guy said, moving his shoulders. "The agents already know about that exit. They’re gonna shoot anything that goes through that way."
"You have super speed!", Agatha screamed, scaring the hell out of me.
"But I’m not bulletproof, as you might remember. Neither is she."
I had my arms crossed, waiting for an answer, feeling left out from whatever was happening.
"This is the price", she said, holding me by my elbows. "If Wanda finds out about you, about us, she’ll have no mercy. And I’m not gonna risk it."
I sighed, defeated.
"Take her home", she said, looking at him. "Don’t let anyone see you two together, and be sure to lock everything. And you - she held me tighter - wait for me."
He held out his hand to me. I glanced at Agatha before holding it and everything happened as fast as a heartbeat. The world got blurry when Fietro placed me in his back and just ran until we were in the middle of my living room. At least I was. He was still running through the house, the windows being shut one by one, really fast. Suddenly he stopped in front of me.
"Wait for Agatha", he said.
"I will."
And I did. I thought about packing, but I had no idea where we’d go, so I just laid on my bed. The weird thing that happened with that CD was also happening to everything else in my house, glitching from older to new, and old again. My wallpapers, the furniture, everything! When my computer turned into a typewriter I closed my eyes just for a second. I was so, so tired...
I woke up with Agatha right next to me, breathing heavily. She was wearing a long dress, way different from the purple sweater she had on before. Her hair was also bigger and tangled. For the first time, I actually saw her as a witch. The tips of her fingers were gray like she was holding balls of fire just minutes ago. Maybe she was.
"I don’t have much time", she said, out of breath.
I stared at her. By the look in her eyes, I knew what she was going to say.
"You gotta go first. I need to finish what I started", her voice was breaking. "And I’ll come for you after it ends. I promise."
I tried to look away but she held my chin in her warm hands. She was telling the truth. I did my best trying not to cry when I asked her what I needed to do.
"You’re gonna walk towards the city hall. Just… walk like everything is okay. You’ll see a crowd ahead of you..." she stopped, making sure that I was listening. I nodded "And you’ll keep a safe distance from them until it’s time. I’m gonna make her open a breach in the hex, and when she does, you’re gonna run through it. No looking back."
"But she’ll definitely see me..."
"You won’t be the only one running."
"You’re gonna free everyone?"
"I’m not doing this for them", she said, staring at me and making one of her magic gestures. A tiny object just popped in the palm of her hand: A ring. "As long as you wear this, no one will be able to get in your head or use any magic against you."
She gently put the ring in one of my fingers and smiled at me, only with her eyes. A sad smile. I wish I had something to give to her.
"I will never take it off", I said. And I really meant it.
Agatha was still holding my hand.
"When the hex opens you can’t hesitate."
We both knew that she had to go back to whatever was happening outside. She opened her mouth to say the last thing I wanted to hear. I stopped her right away.
"Don’t you dare."
I violently pressed my lips against hers, a kiss wet by my tears. She was too afraid of losing me to realize how much I also feared to be apart from her. I felt her arms around me, her embrace was the only thing keeping me from falling apart. Agatha closed her eyes and held me tighter for one more second, before waving both of her hands around herself, leaving nothing but purple fog and her scent in my skin.
“I’m just going first”. I told myself that a few times before opening the door. It was just like any sunny day, which felt wrong, somehow. People walking and chatting. I forced myself to take a step, and then another one. I did that for a while, glancing a few times at the ring on my finger just to be sure that was still there. A reminder of her promise.
When I finally reached downtown, the crowd was there. But I couldn’t take my eyes off Agatha. She was flying, her dress just floating along with her hair, pointing in all the directions. She was speaking to Wanda, which I recognized from the magic show. “Focus”, I’ve said to myself, looking away. I took a few steps back, standing a little behind from all the commotion. The crowd was getting bigger and those people were really mad.
They cornered Wanda, everyone talking at once until she lost it. She was crying and screaming, lights coming out of her collapsing body like a red lightning storm… chaos. I walked a little bit further, trying to understand what was happening when I saw Sarah. The woman who welcomed me into Westview was choking and so was everyone else. I placed my hands around my own throat, waiting for that same thing to happen to me, but it never did. The purple stone from my new ring was glowing, instead. I blinked a few times, feeling a little dizzy.
"Use your power and do it NOW!", Agatha said to Wanda, who was now standing. The citizens were all getting up, recovering.
Wanda lifted both of her arms and at that moment she seemed like the strongest person I’ve ever seen. Breaches slowly opened on both sides of the hex as she told us to go. She wouldn’t be able to keep it open for too long.
So I ran. Convincing myself to not look back. My legs felt heavier than ever, but I kept on running. The glitch was everywhere now, the whole city looking like a channel with bad reception. I could see agents on the other side, receiving people, calming them down, making calls... But some of them were getting in with weapons and tanks, and that vision almost made me turn around.
I finally stepped outside that red force field, throwing myself in the arms of one of the agents. I didn’t do it because I was tired or scared. I just needed someone to hold me so I wouldn’t run right back to her.
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aj-allen97 · 3 years
Sooo in the MCU is magic color coded??? With each color showcasing one strength of magic or showcasing what type of magic they have???
Like Wanda Maximoff has red magic and according to Agatha she belongs in the Scarlet Witch category of magic, which kind of seems like the heighest level of magic? Or does red mean Chaos Magic specifically? Either way technically Wanda was born with it and according to Agatha that magic would have faded without proper training, but because she was bathed in Mind Stone radiation she was bumped up to Scarlet Witch level powerful. So if Wanda was trained in magic from the get go and not bathed in Mind Stone radiation would her magic have been blue? Or what?
Agatha has purple magic while her mother and her mothers coven had blue magic...and all those ladies are implied to have been born with it...and all these magic users are women...so are only Earth/Terra/Midgardian women naturally born with magic and men basically have to travel to Kamar Taj?
Doctor Strange and the other disciples of Kamar Taj has yellow magic...and they weren’t born with it they learned it through study...there’s also a mix of both sexes..
Loki’s magic appears green...but I’m not exactly sure what’s the main color of Asgardian magic is compared to Loki’s own magic...Friggas looked kind of Golden to be honest...and if I’m getting my information right Loki is the only male sorcerer in Asgard? The majority of magic users are women?
Basically on Earth/Terra/Midgard is blue magic good/light magic while purple magic is bad/dark magic? With red meaning chaos magic? Is yellow/gold magic Kamar Taj self taught magic for those that were not originally born with magic? Women are the main magic users unless it’s Kamar Taj magic and Kamar Taj magic kind of looks less natural and fluid compared to what we have seen with Loki/Frigga and our two new main witches do. Not only that but Witches need to speak Latin to do some spells?
It’s just I’m trying to figure this out you know??? I honestly think the Kamar Taj magic is magic any one can learn through hard work and studying...but the other magic we have seen? Umm Marvel I need some crib notes on Magic and Color theory please and thank you.
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Loki Tumblr Posts Masterlist
I have made so many Loki posts I figured I might as well make a masterlist because making organized things like this is fun for me.
This Masterlist includes some reblogs
There's no real point to this
Analyses/Rants/General Comments
(MCU) Loki Laufeyson/Odinson Character History and Analysis
Ugh Thanks a Lot "Gagnarok"
TVA Stripping Loki-Good? Bad? (Maybe a little of both?)
Loki Show Expectation Anxiety
Coping With Expectation Anxiety
Look at this shmuck calling me a fake Loki fan for not liking Ragnarok
Loki-Character Analysis (and Rant lol)
Why ppl say Loki smash dumb or toxic ppl???
Loki is so caring of Thor's love, Jane Foster
Loki | Behind the Scenes (2021)
Loki Show Promos
OfficialLoki Instagram Promo for Loki on Disney+
Loki Series TikTok Promo
Good? Bad? Bit of both!
You Still Need to See Loki in a Turtleneck
"Loki - you're in a lot of trouble."
"COME AND GET ME!" Loki on Disney+ Hotspot clip
Marvel Infinite Disney+ Reel
Tom Hiddleston Breaks Down a Decade of Loki's Most Memorable Scenes in Preparation for 'Loki'
Tom Hiddleston: Loki in 30 Seconds
Miss Minutes 'Loki' TV Spot Clip-SHIRTLESS LOKI
Marvel Studios' Loki | Official Trailer | Disney+
Loki Art Posters
Behind the Scenes and Other Content
Thor (2011) Deleted Scenes
Loki VS Valkyries Fight Scene
Loki | Behind the Scenes (2021)
Memes and Fan Content
Loki Turned Into a Piece of Paper?
Tom Hiddleston is Given Executive Producer and the First thing he does is...
Loki Trailer Screenshot Memes
My Little Baby, Off to Destroy People
Considering Using My College Fund to Buy Loki Costume Pieces
You hurted Loki!? Oh. Oh! Jail for Mobius! Jail for Mobius for for One Thousand Years!!
Loki is played by a 40 year old man but he's baby
Distracted Boyfriend Meme but it's Tom Hiddleston/Loki With the Tesseract
Shirtless Loki is EVERYWHERE
It is Wednesdays my Loki Lovers-Wednesdays are the new Fridays
Loki's Just Vacuuming Stark Tower
What SHOULD Have Happened After Infinity War
Thor May be the God of Thunder, but Thunder Always Comes After Lightning--KACHOW!
Thor and Loki: Remember Me
Loki Has Kidnapped Tom Hiddleston Confirmed
Amazing Thor Ragnarok Reimagined Comic!
Loki Through the Movies
I'll Obey You Any Day, Loki
Loki Being Chill While Chaos Ensues Around Him
Introducing Thor and Loki to the Class in a Presentation About Norse Mythology
Loki Just Really Needs a Hug
Loki Gets Blamed for Everything When He's Just Getting Dragged Along
Loki in 'Avengers Assemble'
My Tumblr Officially Became a 'Loki Stan Account'
Desperate Attempt at Drawing Loki-Not so good
Loki has the same knife in the trailer as he used to try and stab purple grape man
Steve Roger is at fault for Loki going to space jail
Tom Hiddleston as Loki for 10 Years
Loki 1st Trailer Music
@sserpente fixed the MCU
Loki's "funeral"
Loki deserved comfort after learning of his true parentage
Loki and Wanda causing chaos while Stephen Strange knows he has to clean it up after
Thor and Loki are "smart"
Loki GIFs
Jotunn Loki is Tiny Giant
Look at his emotion; my poor baby
Loki is scared cuz a man just got melted in front of him for not showing his ticket
Mean Lady Takes Loki's Knives
Loki's Got a Point About Thor...
Tony Stark and Loki: "We have a Hulk."
"He's doing great!"-'Loki' Series
"Wednesdays are the new Fridays"
"HE'S NOT MY FATHER!"---"I, Loki, prince of Asgard... Odinson..."
Loki and Nebula Parallels
Thor and Loki Being a Duo in Thor Ragnarok
Loki Using Magic
Tom Hiddleston as Loki in the MCU
"We protect the proper flow of time. I want you to help us fix it." 'Loki' (2021)
Loki kicking all the booty in the 'Loki' trailers
Loki tryna help Thor in Ragnarok
"Come on... what'd you expect?"
Sylvie(?) and Loki
More 'Loki' Trailer GIFs
Loki Chillin' While Mount Vesuvius is Erupting
"I'm terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory."
Thor: The Dark World | Loki's Coronation (Deleted Scene)
Thor and Loki transformation | Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok | Loki Flipping Knives
Thor: Ragnarok | Loki's Fabulous Hari Flip
Loki is a polite "evil" god
Loki Has Telekinesis!!!
Tom Hiddleston Very Animatedly Summarizes the Past Ten Years of Loki in 30 Seconds
Loki and Thor Headcanon
Wants for the Loki Series
Loki Showing Vulnerability in the Trailers
My Sweet Baby Boy Needs a Hug
Michael Waldron Interview and Comments
The Warriors 3 and Loki in Thor (2011)
Tom Hiddleston Gushing Over Owen Wilson and His Role in 'Loki'
Teletubbies Listed as Inspiration for 'Loki'???
Tom Hiddleston aka Loki Watches Marvel Movies as a Fan in Theaters
Specter Fanfic Synopsis/Idea
Specter Fanfic Masterlist
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doomonfilm · 3 years
Review : Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
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In the modern day cinema world, like it or not, Marvel movies are always an event.  After more than a decade of epic storytelling and box office ownership, the MCU has proven time and again that they can fold characters into their world regardless of prior notoriety and cultural awareness.  2021 looks like the year that the MCU plans on testing the limits of their reach with two blockbuster titles on the docket featuring little known characters (at least in terms of the general public) : later this year The Eternals will step onto the stage, but the official return of Marvel to the box office without the assistance of streaming is their current winner Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
While Marvel’s Iron Fist would stand as the true introduction of proper martial arts into the MCU at large (even though The Defenders have seemingly been erased from the MCU canon), Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings would stand as the true gold standard for Marvel martial arts.  Many aspects of traditional martial arts film are adopted into the story : historical power struggles and dynastic aspirations, mystical and nature-based energy, familial power struggles and personal discoveries are all key components of this film that are woven in effortlessly.  What is most compelling, however, is how Marvel picks and chooses what elements of its lore to integrate, and based on their decisions, the final result is a story that somehow is able to stand alone in its grandness while also feeling properly connected to the MCU at large, both through lore (i.e. The Mandarin) and reality (i.e. Wong).  Marvel has also been very focused in explaining color-coded energies in Phase Four, which does help us understand the source of the powers we have seen retroactively, but when it comes to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and its built-in lore that seemingly predates the MCU timeline, the presence of purple, gold, red and blue energies indicates possible connections to cosmic energy, natural magic, chaos magic, dark magic and possibly even energies we have yet to be introduced to.
What really makes Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings work, however, is the way that nearly every character displays a narrative arc that provides us as viewers multiple meditations on identity.  Through Shang-Chi, we are shown that no matter how dark or upsetting our past may be, running away from it only begets more pain and suffering, while accepting it is the most necessary step needed to spark growth.  Katy gives us a very recognizable story of not only recognizing and understanding the potential within all of us, but how cherishing the focus needed for mastery is the key to escaping an aimless life.  Xu Wenwu’s story is the timeless tale of how a hunger for power, and the eventual acquisition of it, comes at a cost too great for the soul to bear, while also standing as a warning for using the guise of love and undying devotion to shield yourself from the harsh realities of the world.  Xu Xialing presents us with a narrative rumination on how an unbalanced focus and attention to loved ones, not to mention a breach of trust, can send those who feel unrequited down the path of darkness as a way to subjugate the love and feelings absent from their upbringing.  Even the return of Trevor Slattery (formerly The Mandarin) shows us how building your empire and character on a house of cards can result in a tragic downfall that leaves you lost and separated from your true self.
Marvel knows what it takes to make their worlds resonate, and that practice continues via Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.  The attention to martial arts choreography, narrative structures and wire work are all handled not only with high levels of skill, but with an apparent love and respect that is immediately felt and continually felt throughout the run of the action.  The stunt work also pops off the screen, with several highly impressive sequences, including a heart-pounding bus sequence that works as a powerful fight sequence, character reveal and major stunt as the bus careens through the ups and downs that are the San Francisco streets.  The visual effects are stunning throughout, with the presentation of the ten rings, the Ta Lo fighting style, the water effects and the mystical creatures all feeling extremely tangible and believable... in fact, Morris may be the first loveable creature to come out of the MCU (if you don’t count Groot).  The costuming on Shang-Chi and Katy are some of the best traditional wardrobe choices in all of the MCU, and when the martial arts garb takes over, everything looks amazing, particularly the dragon-scale armor that Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing adorn.  All of the score work gives the film a true sense of grandness, and the work done by 88 Rising, Rich Brian and company for the soundtrack hits the mark on many cultural and popular levels.
Simu Liu steps into the titular role with all of the confidence and natural ability it takes to be the figurehead of the MCU’s martial arts realm, as his reserved and stoic nature works as a blank slate for feelings of fear, shame, apprehension and acceptance to be broadcast.  Awkwafina turns in a surprisingly dramatically heavy performance that uses her comedic timing without having to rely on it as a crutch, opting instead to lean into very real moments of connection, observation and discovery.  Tony Leung allows his notorious martial arts pedigree to serve as foundation for his character’s epic backstory, which gives him a sense of grandness that makes him a seemingly insurmountable foe and domineering father figure for Liu’s Shang-Chi.  Fala Chen offsets Leung’s grandness and brooding darkness by serving as a wholly tender and loving (though albeit masterfully lethal) presence, tapping into the universal mother figure qualities that give her character an archetypical feel.  The legendary Michelle Yeoh matches Chen’s energy as a continuation of the Ta Lo maternal guardians, bringing an equal wisdom and presence to Leung while managing to be a softer but equally filling presence.  Meng'er Zhang taps in to the jaded and pain-drenched energy that Liu suppresses, making her the most raw nerve of all the characters, not to mention the most volatile in terms of straddling the protagonist/antagonist fine line.  Florian Munteanu and Ronny Cheng turn in hilarious henchman performances while Yuen Wah leaves a large impression considering his limited screen time.  Ben Kingsley, Tim Roth, Mark Ruffalo and Brie Larson all reprise their famous past roles, while appearances from Jodi Long, Dallas Liu, Jayden Zhang, Arnold Sun, Stephanie Hsu, Kunal Dudekhar, Zach Cherry and a handful of others stand out and complete the world of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
I am happy that Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings has found so much box office success, and it is a film that 100% deserves to be seen in the theatrical setting, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’d love to have access to this on Disney+ right now.  The cultural diversity and fresh feel of this story not only make it an important step for representation and heroic variety in the MCU, but it makes it feel extremely rewatchable, as I wish I could fire it up right now at home to catch as much of the detail I missed due to my awe of the initial ride.  With more Legend of the Ten Rings stories slated for the future and a pair of post-credit scenes that mark Shang-Chi’s involvement in the MCU at large, I am excited to see what the future holds for the characters we’ve been introduced to.
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lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
I am so grateful for WandaVision as a character piece. (Obviously despite the one stain, and I still think the Romani culture could have been integrated through this show. So that’s still a dumb insult.)
Getting a flashback to her childhood it would’ve been easy to drop some hints. They were wise enough to leave out those three crosses that seem so weird from any perspective in Civil War.
I have been... not amused about the fact Wanda never was called the Scarlet Witch (like Nat wasn’t called Black Widow in IM2). But now this was used to a storytelling advantage and my deepest thanks go out to comic book writer James Robinson. Who finally set down to give Wanda her own series that focused on her as a character (and ugh, he had to roll with previous ret-cons and decided to come up with another to leave his mark on the biological parentage palooza that is the Maximoff twins..... honestly I’m waiting for the reveal that Wanda and Pietro aren’t even related anymore at this point......) and dove into the magic aspects.
And now the show could go where the comics weren’t when Wanda was introduced in the MCU and voila THE Scarlet Witch is born. (Something that is now in the 616 universe a legacy title held by previous witches and even a Scarlet Warlock existed before.) Chaos magic. :3 Gotta love it. Her powers got amplified, she is completely untrained and nobody even figured out that it didn’t start with stone. I like how this opens up doors.
My best guess is that she saw Pietro before he went in with the stone and protected him in a way there as well. So that he gained speed instead of dying like everybody else. The way she unconsciously used a probability hex. Thank you, Agatha, for uttering those words.
I feel a bit of VINDICATIOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!!! because we do see the Maximoffs enjoying all those US sitcoms. Because why not. (Apart from the fact that in 1999 there weren’t these nice complete dvd box sets, but using Olsen’s birthyear of ‘89 is such a mistake anyway...) It’s this type of wholesome fantasy family life that is perfect to escape to. Wanda being drawn to that always seemed a reasonable idea to me and here they laid it all out. Makes perfect sense to me.
The influence from Vision Quest has been there all along and I did wonder if we would end up with a white Vision, no emotion, just a weapon and *tada* here we fucking are. Is this the show that uses this devisive story that shook up everything about Wanda and Vision as a couple to make it... good???? Wanda lives with the emotional side. No memories, sure, but love and understanding and compassion and curiosity - all the things that made Vision so very human are present in this Westview version. While Hayward has the vibranium shell, lots of power I guess (can’t be all without the mindstone though, but could be upgraded in other ways), and just waiting for instructions. FUCK. THIS IS SO EVIL.
I wanted to see that scene with Wanda at S.W.O.R.D. HQ again. Well, wish granted and boy is this something else now.
AND VISION HAD LEFT THAT LITTLE PIECE OF PAPER THAT WAS A PROMISE OF GROWING OLD TOGETHER IN A NICE LITTLE HOUSE IN A TYPICAL NOT AT ALL SPECIAL LITTLE TOWN AND MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course this is where Wanda snapped. Nobody left, all this grief, and oops all that power. It just happened. And there is confusion, so she doesn’t know, all she wants is to feel the love again and not be alone.
The introduction of Agatha back from 1693 was also very nice. The other witches said she was bad, tried to kill her and look how that backfired. Liked how the purple color came to be. And now here she is with another super powerful witch that has zero knowledge about her origins and any rules of magic. Of course she freaks out. I do hope this is the start of a bantering mentorship in the future (it would be too stupid to loose Agatha as a character, they found the perfect actress and the magical side of the MCU has wonderful potential; we need more space and more magic).
Wanda called herself his next of kin!! She wanted to at least bury Vision, the last gesture to acknowledge his personhood!! He promised her a life together!!
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aspiestvmusings · 3 years
WandaVision Thoughts: Ep 8
Warning: Contains SPOILERS up to the end credits scene of ep 1x08. And “speculation” about the Finale.
1. I was wrong about several things in my theories. But I was pretty close with some other things.
2. I still presume the  timestone blast in “inifity war” might have made her even more powerful/unlocked more of her powers, but her backstory revealed that she “absorbed” the energy from the stone during her first contact with it....already, also .She is literally a living infinity stone...in a way. She absorbed the “energy” of the stone & is connected with the stone...as we’ve seen throughout the MCU history. And she’s kinda “absorbed it twice”? (so, in a way, she has been carrying VIsion’s soul inside her for a while... so makes sense she would “create” him, because they are literally of the same mind(stone))
3. All. The. Colours. ... Differen t colours of their powers/magic... coming from all these characters: Blue. Purple. Yellow. Red... The colours of the infinity stones. The colours of “characters powers”.... All the colours of the rainbow/spectrum. I completely see the last shot of the show being a rainbow above WestView (cause the colours of everyones powers are the colours of the rainbow...)
4. My theories were wrong, because I  based them on the hypothesis that she cannot create things from nothing...that she can just change their “dna” & shape. If I had presumed that she can create things from nothing, I might’ve been more accurate about...Vision...and more. She seems to have created vibranium, an infinity stone, and a soul... “out of nothing”... when she/her grief created a vision... UNLESS... that was an incorrect guess by Agatha, and Hex Vision is more like his episode 2 stage name suggested... an Illusion. Though I have a hard time believing/understanding it, I’ve tried to accept that in comics & fiction things that don’t follow laws of physics can be & are true. And she did create Vision from “nothing”..even if in real world that is impossible...
5. In the past few days before ep 8 I had started to believe the theories about “double vision”. And unless there is also a cameo coming with an appearance of some other actor, Paul Bettany’s comment about doing a scene with an actor who he had always wanted to work with was... the best joke ever... cause he was most likely referring to himself. And the way it is similar to the “Luke Skywalker” Mandalorian camero is not because of the actor, but because of the CGI used. I love that this is most likely the answer here. [and in that case I kinda think that the “fireworks” could be a scene similar to when Tony asked Jarvis to activate the Clean Slate Protocol in IM3, cause we are dealing with more than  one “copy” of the same “tech” here... & they can be blown up like that...]
6. We also got a much more clearer look on Hayward’s evil plans. And I'm now seriously starting to suspect the theories that connect WV to AoU...in a meaningful way. I’m not gonna say it, but I think you get my point. We’ve all known all along he’s up to no good. Even if he is “just” another “government baddie” and not Ultron’s puppet/puppeting Ultron. And I'm still unsure if he is aware that he’s essentially waking up Ultron or will that be a surprise to him...
7. Paul Bettany’s journey in MCU is about to become full: he started as the VOICE of JARVIS (AI/machine) that Tony built/created. He then appeared in physical form (body and voice) as The Vision since AoU. And now it seems possible that we’ll see him play Vision, while someone else provides the VOICE over for the character. But we also know, “thanks” to Spiderman 2 (released last year, but taking place several months after WV events in the MCU) that the Vision we have known & loved does not survive this hex reality. I wish there’ll be a surprise twist, but I sadly doubt it. 
Before the show started to air, I had no doubt the character was done... I was 99% sure there is no way he could come back & WV is just a dream or something like that. But as the show has progressed, Ive started to think there are ways it could happen. None of them really fit with the shows theme & point. Just like Tony had to die for the sacrifice to be as impactful Vision has to die/remain dead for Wanda’s grief journey to come to a conclusion. She has to reach the final stage(s) of grief, accept the loss & move on. Though... we can arue that Vision could live & she finally deals with the greif for her parents & brother. And/Or Vision “lives”, but it’s not her Vision...she can’t feel him. So he starts his journey from the start...to learn to be “human”, etc. 
I mean.. I wish we would get the merging of the two (sides) of Vision - the soulless body of whitevision + the “created by Wanda” Vision with soul (even if with no memories of pre-hex). But based on Spiderman 2: FFH “in memoriam” clip Vision is one of the fallen avengers next to Tony & Nat. But then again, Steve/Cap was also in that clip, so perhaps there is still hope... that Wanda/the hex will merge the two & this is how we/Wanda gets her Vision back. And it’s just kept under wraps. And if it’s not Ultron, then the greatest twist would be if RDJ would provide the new Vision’s voice (until he “gets his soul back”). I mean.. Paul Bettany provided the voice for Tony’s AI/suits, so that’d be a huge thing
8. I hope everyone understood that the town was a mess because it’s literally a few weeks after the Blip. 5 years ago Thanos snapped half of life away, and this is the outcome of it...the small town was probably full of life before that, and now its just “in ruins”. When Vision (and Wanda) bought that property/land it/the town did not look so sad. This is all the result of the snap. And this is why, I think, the word “snap” appears several times on the show (cereal box, add on wall)
9. The origins story from the experimentation with the mind stone scene had the same kind of “rewind” stuff as Wanda’s sitcom episodes. The watchers (blinded by the blast) seem to miss a part of the show. And now Darcy & Jimmy & team seem to miss parts of the show. We are shown that this is kind of due to Wanda “rewinding time”. So...she posesses the “power” of several infinity stones, kinda, it seems.
10. I’m starting to think that perhaps one theory that was flooting around is correct. The “Wanda arrives to Westview” scene where she sees several of the residents could imply so. We only see one part of each couple. And within each couple the one who “glitches” (Mr. Hart choking in ep 1, Vision malfunctioning cause of gum in ep 2, etc..) is not seen, only their other half. So is the town “in ruins” not just because of the blip? Maybe it was populated by people who lost their loved ones in the Snap & all moved to this town after that? And hence weren’t at the place their other half was returned to now, 5 years later? Or...the other halves are all dead, and hence everyone looked sad & alone? Maybe it was more thaan just the chaos creted by the snap & blip? 
11. Where were Vision (who was flying back to the house) & Monica + Fietro? during this episode? Well..all of ep 8 happens in just a few moments... simultaneously to what was happening with Vision(/Darcy and Fietro/Monica in the end of ep 7, so...they will arrive..soon.
12. I do not know how it could happen or work (considering what we already know to be true), but since they pointed out in episode 1 that “The death rate of single men is twice that of married men" & Hex Vision is married, while White Vision is not (also...will he remain himself when entering the hex or will he chanage form to fit the year/era that episode 9 is set in...which, I’d say might be a decade before rel time 2023, because the boys are 10... cause this version is essentialy a machine, so if it doesn’t match the era, then the hex changes it), then that would lead me to speculate that Hex Vision defeats White vision.  So now the question remaims if the vibranium/empty shell will remain or will it be vaporized... cause if the materils cotinue existing they can still re-built/re-create Vision in future. Cause unless both die, and unless some otehr surprise (going through the hex changes Hex Vision and/or he has competed his journey & become a separate indivudual, a real  being, then there’s no way he can survive outside/without the hex. But that quote tells us which Vision wins the fight 
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