#which i believe we will all soon discover is basically what i was doing before except WITHOUT all the gunk & grime & spills to worry about
gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
there is like a high probability that i will wind up getting this lead position at my job because my talk with the store director went really well and the problem with this is that i feel the exact same way about this that i did when i got my GED four years ago. and the way that i feel is the way that talk show host by radiohead sounds. which is empty(and nothing. nothing. nothing. nothing)
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aebi12 · 7 days
"Resentment" - Chapter 20 [AemondxRhaena]
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He is the cause of her sufferings. He took her dragon, her betrothed, and her father. Now, he will also take away her future by having to marry him.
With so much history and bad blood between Rhaena and Aemond, their forced union has everything to fail, except that the proximity will make them discover that perhaps they have more in common than it seems.
AU - the Greens win the war.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19
Masterlist of my other works.
Tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, romance, angst, drama, eventual smut, hurt/comfort
Please remember that english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes...
“Fine, if you insist on acting like a whore, then I’ll treat you like one.”
The words Aemond just told her echo in her mind as she watches her betrothed step away from the door he just closed and walk purposefully towards the bed.
Towards her.
The mattress dips as the prince climbs onto it, advancing on his knees towards his cousin, like a predator stalking his prey.
This is what you wanted, isn't it? She wonders internally, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from Aemond, who is soon on top of her, though not crushing her with his weight.
Rhaena opens her mouth to say something. What? She does not know. And besides, she cannot manage to verbalize anything, not when Aemond's hand suddenly lifts the skirt of her dress and begins to slowly move up her leg, his knuckles reaching her knee and back down again.
His touch is electrifying, the feel of his warm hand on her skin sending shivers down her spine, and as the prince basically lies on top of her, the feel of his body weight, his heat, and his breath almost on her lips, creates a sensation of pleasure that travels throughout her core, focusing especially somewhere between her legs.
You should not be enjoying this, the rational side of her mind thinks. Not when he's said such horrible things, accusing her of acting like a whore and threatening to murder…
The thoughts leave her head as Aemond buries his face between her neck and shoulders, nuzzling her exposed skin as if he were breathing in her scent. Rhaena's hands grip the sheets as she feels her cousin's lips place short kisses along the edge of her cleavage, and she closes her eyes, pressing her lips together to keep herself from being heard. What is this pleasure she is feeling? How could it all be so…? An involuntary moan escapes her lips as the prince's lips suckle the swell of her breasts.
And that's when Aemond pulls away from her.
It takes a few seconds for Rhaena to process the loss of his warmth and closeness, her eyes fluttering open to see the prince now standing, though still by the bed, watching her in anger and… pain? Rhaena gulps, suddenly ashamed for even suggesting to her cousin the foolish idea of ​​testing her chastity for himself.
“Did you make those sounds for him too? Did you enjoy his hands touching you too?” he asks, contempt evident in his voice.
“I’ve told you, he did not touch me.”
“How foolish do you think I am to believe that?” Aemond’s voice rises again, his good eye glaring at her and his hands, which just a few minutes ago were caressing her, are now clenched into fists, clearly trying to contain his temper, “You were together all night.”
Rhaena walks to the edge of the bed and stands up before answering, “It was not like that, I only agreed to see him because…” she trails off. She can't reveal to him the suspicions that motivated her to meet Corwyn, not without involving her sister and basically accusing her of treason, “I left the Vale so suddenly that we did not get a chance to talk, and he was my friend, just my friend, we wanted…”
“To talk,” Aemond finishes for her, letting out a mocking chuckle, “And you had to do that alone and in the middle of the night?”
We were not alone, she wants to scream, but she is not about to drag Marianne into this.
“We just talked, Corwyn is an honorable man,” she repeats, even though she knows it is pointless
“How honorable could he have been to dare suggest a clandestine rendezvous with a lady who was meant to be a princess of the realm? With a lady who was to be the mother of the future king.”
“He is…” Rhaena cuts off her words abruptly, “Why are you referring to me in the past? You cannot…” confusion clouds her brain, leaving her for a moment at a loss for what to say, “You cannot break the betrothal.”
“Of course I can,” he replies with malice in his eyes
“No, no, the kingdom would not accept it.”
“Everyone will understand if I repeat what I just heard,” his voice sounds hard and pleased at the same time, clearly reveling in Rhaena’s desperation, “Do you think anyone will plead for you knowing you meet with men in the middle of the night? Your reputation will be destroyed.”
“Nothing happened,” she shakes her head, “My virtue remains intact, I am a maiden.”
“Even if that were true, it would not matter. Your name would be sullied by your brazen actions, you would be unfit to be the mother of the royal heir.”
No. No. No. That could not be true, could it? The kingdom was not going to turn against her, they could not… Rhaena gulps, her eyes beginning to fill with tears at the prospect Aemond is laying out for her. They could not call off the betrothal. They could not take this away from her as well. They could not just take her away from Aemond. She could not lose him. She didn’t want to lose her future with him. She was going to be his wife. Her heart races and a sick feeling settles in her throat as panic takes hold. Panic at being called vulgar, and panic at the realization that what she fears most is losing her cousin.
Breathe, Rhaena, breathe. She forces herself to repeat and inhale slowly until she calms down again.
It is not going to happen. She is not going to lose Aemond. Especially since, as her mind reminds her once the panic has passed, they can't afford to lose her.
“You need me,” she retorts, suddenly emboldened by her reasoning, “You and your family cannot simply cast me aside no matter how much you wish to. I am the daughter of Daemon Targaryen, granddaughter of King Jaehaerys, and the only chance all of you have of reuniting this country and having the support of the noble houses that stood by my side of the family during the war is if you take me as your wife. Peace will only be achieved when our sides unite, you and I, producing a legitimate heir for both blacks and greens.”
“That is not true,” Aemond retorts, his face pale and his nostrils flaring from what he surely considers an audacity on her part.
“Oh, but it is,” Rhaena takes a step towards him, anger welling up within her as well, “You need me. And whether you like it or not, we are in this together and you will not get rid of me so easily. You say the realm would cast me aside, do you really believe that? They love me, while they barely tolerate you out of necessity”
Rhaena knows she must measure her words. She must not play with her cousin, not when he clearly feels hurt and betrayed, but her anger is greater and clouds her better judgment.
Aemond clenches his hands so tightly that he feels his nails digging into his palms, surely leaving marks. His cousin’s insolence seems to know no bounds. And the worst? Although her words leave him with a bittersweet feeling, he knows they are true.
“It seems I will have to bear with you then,” he finally answers, almost spitting out his words in anger, “One more sacrifice for the realm, sharing a bed with a used good.”
Rhaena acts instinctively upon hearing the insult, her hand rising and crossing his face with a slap. The sound brings her satisfaction, as does the livid expression of clear surprise on Aemond’s face.
“I will not tolerate your offenses,” she warns. And, although she fears for a moment the prince's reaction, she continues speaking, unable to contain herself, “You, of all people, what right do you have to insult me ​​when you dishonored yourself by keeping a mistress at Harrenhal throughout the entire war?”
“Do not talk about that again,” Aemond hisses.
“No? Then let’s talk about the whore you visit regularly at a brothel on the Street of Silk.”
Clearly her cousin isn’t expecting this turn in the conversation, because he takes a couple of steps back, though he continues to stare at her, “How do you know about that?”
“People talk, Aemond. Your affairs are not as secret as you imagine. Don’t I have the right to be angry that my future husband prefers the company of whores over his future wife? Huh?” Rhaena walks back until they are very close once more. She raises her face to his, her index finger digging into his chest, pointing at him, “Is that who you spent your hours with while ignoring me? Do you not dishonor me by not having regards for my…?”
He doesn't let her finish and grabs her by the arm, "What about you? You speak so easily of dishonor when it was you who ran into your friend's arms," ​​he spits the word out mockingly, "You say you two only talk, what did you have to say to him? What conversation was that?" he doesn't let her answer, "Were you going to tell him how much you would have preferred to marry him? That you had hopes of being his wife? That you dreamed and hoped for that while you lived in the Vale?"
He looks at her, expectantly, and Rhaena doesn't deny his gaze. She wants to be able to deny it, she wants to be able to assure him that it wasn't the case, but she would be lying. She had, at some point, considered marrying her old friend. She had, albeit briefly, mourned the truncated future they would never share. She knows this is all reflected in her gaze and she knows that Aemond interprets her silence as confirmation of his suspicions. “I am going to kill him,” he replies, his face twisted in rage.
Aemond lets go of her arm and turns his back, walking to the door.
“If you do, if you hurt him in any way, you will lose me,” she dares to say, desperate.
The prince doesn't even turn to face her before replying, "You give yourself too much credit if you think that is going to change my mind."
Fool, fool, you are a fool.
Her heart aches as she walks through the halls until she is back in her room.
Marianne had warned her and she knew it too. It had been stupid to meet Corwyn. And it had been even stupider to stop and talk to him in the halls when she knew he wanted something from her that she could never give him.
You should have run in the opposite direction, you should have done something. Anything. And you wouldn't be in this mess.
Rhaena slams the door to her room hard, causing the maid, who is currently stoking the fire, to jump.
“My lady, I…”
“Call Lady Westerling immediately,” she orders.
The young woman, still frightened, just nods before taking the bucket at her side and leaving her room.
She had staked everything on maintaining a friendly relationship with Aemond, on getting her cousin to respect her and count on her, on making their future marriage not be a complete torture. She had put up with his arrogance, his slights and initial coldness until she had managed to get him, somehow, to feel interested in her.
And now you lost him.
She destroyed her only chance when she trampled on Aemond’s ego and pride. Because she knows that is what hurts the prince the most, the feeling that someone who belongs to him chose someone else.
You did nothing wrong. You did not…
It does not matter. She was a noble lady and there were expectations of her. Standards for her behavior. Decency and good manners. Was it unfair? Yes, but that was the world they lived in. No one would look kindly on a meeting between a man and a woman in the middle of the night.
“Rhaena? Did something happen? The maid seemed scared when she insisted that you wanted to see me.”
Her lady finds her pacing back and forth near the bed, clearly desperate.
“He found out.”
Marianne doesn’t need to ask what she means, “How… what did the prince say? What did he do?”
Rhaena proceeds to tell her about her encounter with Corwyn in the hallway and how Aemond had interrupted them. The threats, the insults. Her proposal and the conversation that followed after they had locked themselves in one of the rooms.
“He is going to kill him,” she ends by saying, her voice filled with fear and guilt, “And it will all be my fault.”
“No, you cannot blame you for this,” her friend takes her hand and leads her to the bed, both of them sitting on the edge, “Ser Corwyn should not have sent you the letter, he was negligent and…”
“That does not justify Aemond killing him. Nothing happened, you know that.”
“I know, but the prince is clearly hurt. He cares about you and…”
“Oh please, Marianne!” Rhaena lets out a humorless giggle, “All he cares about is his reputation. Plus, he is angry because he forbade me from getting close to Corwyn and I didn’t listen to him. There is nothing but pride involved.”
“I do not agree with you.”
“Well he basically told me so before he left me alone in the room.”
There is a minute of silence until she speaks again.
“What am I going to do?” she asks, “How can I fix this?”
“I suppose… could you speak to Queen Alicent?” she suggests, “If anyone can convince the prince not to participate in the tournament, it is his mother.”
“No, I cannot go to the queen and tell her that Aemond decided to fight tomorrow. She would ask too many questions, she would like to know what motivated him to do so, and I would have to tell her the truth. I could not bear it.”
And besides, she does not trust the virtuous queen dowager to take more drastic action regarding the betrothal It was better not to risk it.
“You are right, though…” Marianne bites her lip, “Technically you were not alone when you went to the godswood. I was with you, you can tell Queen Alicent that we both spoke with Ser Corwyn.”
“No, I avoided mentioning your name to Aemond because I do not want you in the middle of this mess.”
“But I went with you precisely to help you if something like this happened.”
“No, Marianne, no, your presence there will stay between the two of us,” her voice is almost an order, “I do not want your name associated with any suspicion, you do not deserve to have doubts cast against you or to be said to have been foolish.”
“Nothing,” she repeats and adds, “Perhaps Daeron can help me.”
Marianne sighs, “He was injured during the jousts and drank milk of the poppy. I wanted to visit him, but the grand maester says he needs to rest and probably won’t wake until tomorrow.”
Rhaena holds back a moan and covers her face with her hands. Tears sting her eyes, but she refuses to cry.
There has to be some other way.
But really, who could help her? Her friends and connections in the Red Keep are not the same as the prince's. There are only a couple of people who might be able to change his mind, and none of them are a viable option at the moment.
Marianne keeps her silently company for a while until she excuses herself, saying she wants to be alone.
“What about tonight's banquet?”
“I cannot bring myself to go to any banquet.”
“What if the prince demands your presence?”
“Then let him come and force me to go,” she replies, “Make something up for me, please?”
“Of course.”
Her lady hugs her tightly before abandoning her to her thoughts and recriminations.
A maid enters a while later with food, but Rhaena doesn't touch it, too nervous to eat.
The hours pass and, although she tries to sleep, it is impossible. Her mind keeps creating scenarios where a bloodied Corwyn staggers in the arena while Aemond delivers the final blow with a Valyrian steel sword.
In the end, exhausted, she simply sits in front of the fire, watching the crackling of the flames as she waits for morning to come, her dragon curled up at her feet.
When the sun rises in the sky, she washes and tidies herself as best she can before stepping outside and walking in the direction of the Tower of the Hand. She does not go up, however, for fear that the prince will not want to receive her and avoid meeting her. So, she remains standing at the only entrance and the one that knows Aemond will have to go down at some point.
The soldiers guarding the Tower watch her curiously, but do not comment, nor do they offer to let Aemond know of her presence as the minutes stretch into hours.
He has to appear at some point, she thinks, fiddling with her rings.
And so, he does.
Aemond Targaryen seems mildly surprised to see her waiting for him, his neutral expression turning to one of indifference as he ignores her, walking confidently in the direction of the fortress courtyard.
Rhaena follows, hurrying to his side and trying to keep up with his long strides.
“Aemond, please listen to me,” she says quietly.
“I know what you are going to ask, and I have no intention of giving up on letting Corbray know his place.”
“I will do whatever you want, but please do not hurt him. Do not kill him.”
“Is that all you care about? His well-being?”
Rhaena thinks she can detect pain in his voice despite how harsh his words sound.
“It is not just for him,” she says quickly, “It is for you too. You cannot just kill a noble man.”
“It is a tournament, Rhaena, every knight knows what they are up against when they choose to participate.”
“But it will not look good on you,” she insists, “It is a tournament in your honor, there is no point in participating, it does not dignify you. The people still whisper about your actions during the war, do you want them to think of you that way again?”
“So what if they do? As you said, they will have to continue to tolerate me,” he retorts, throwing her words back in her face.
Aemond walks faster and heads towards one of the carriages. When Rhaena finally reaches him, he speaks again, “You can ride with me if you wish, but keep quiet. I do not feel like listening to you.”
Rhaena is tempted to answer and find another ride, but she eventually climbs in after him and sits on the opposite side. They make the journey in silence, the girl not daring to speak, and when they reach the arena, Aemond does not go up with her to the platform, but instead heads to the participants' tents.
Rhaena watches him until he enters one of them, and then makes her way to the royal box, slowly climbing the stairs, grateful to be the first one there.
The place is slowly filling up and, although she greets the dowager queen accordingly, as well as the members of the council, her mind is elsewhere.
“The Prince Daeron?” she asks Alicent
“Still recovering,” she replies, “I insisted for him not join us today.”
There goes your only chance to stop Aemond.
Rhaena nods.
“Lady Westerling said you had a headache yesterday, are you better this morning?”
“Quite better,” she replies in a small voice, “I needed to rest as well. All the hustle and bustle of the wedding left me a little…”
Rhaena leaves the thought hanging in the air and the queen seems to understand, nodding as well, “Where is Aemond?”
“I do not know,” she lies.
Alicent frowns, “It is not like him to be late.”
The girl does not know what to say and thankfully Alicent does not press her further.
Minutes pass and when the trumpet sounds, the arena falls silent to watch the entrants.
Rhaena spots him immediately. His armor, as ornate as his brother Daeron’s, stands out from the others. His hair is tied back in a braid and his expression is a mask of coldness as he takes a step ahead of the other men.
“Oh god,” Alicent speaks up from beside her, “What is he doing there?”
“It seems Prince Aemond intends to fight today,” Lord Lannister replies
“Did you know about this?” Alicent asks the man, who shakes his head. Her gaze turns to Rhaena, “Did he mention anything to you?”
“Nothing at all,” she lies again.
And her pale face, apprehensive expression, and teary eyes must be convincing enough because Alicent seems to believe her.
The Dowager Queen whispers something else that she can’t quite make out.
“There is nothing we can do now,” Lannister reasons, “Besides, I have confidence in the prince’s abilities. Nothing will happen to him.”
Lord Tyland’s words make her heart race. She has not considered, until this moment, that some other participant might hurt Aemond. What if, because of her lack of good sense, she ended up causing her cousin’s death?
The action begins almost immediately. The knights are split up and Aemond is paired with some northerner whose name escapes her.
When the fight begins, Aemond draws his Valyrian steel sword and circles around his enemy, examining him. The northerner eventually tires of his actions as he charges at him, but Aemond easily evades him. The fight continues for a couple of minutes until the prince has the opportunity to wound him, which he does with a quick swing of his sword, plunging it into his opponent's side. The crowd chants the prince's name and servants drag the northerner away, who as Rhaena finds, is still alive.
The fights follow one after another. Corwyn defeats a man from the Stormlands, and Aemond defeats another from the Reach. Swords clang, bodies fall, the sand fills with blood.
And then comes the moment she has been dreading.
By chance of fate or - surely - because Aemond has made sure of it, he and Corwyn are paired together.
They both stand in the middle of the arena, their armor showing some dents. Rhaena, unable to contain herself, covers her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from letting out a little scream, when Corwyn runs towards the prince sword in hand. Corwyn is not a bad warrior and his skill is palpable as the minutes pass, both of them hitting their swords and trying to knock the other down.
His old friend's sword passes dangerously close to his cousin's neck and Alicent gasps. Aemond quickly steps back and switches the sword from one hand to the other, holding it in his left and still wielding it with skill. This switch, Corwyn clearly doesn't expect, because the edge of the blade cuts into his side.
Corwyn staggers back and Aemond seems on the verge of winning. The prince advances on his opponent, standing in front of him and wounding his hand, causing him to drop his sword. The crowd shouts Aemond's name as Corwyn is left weaponless. Only, suddenly, Corwyn charges at the prince, using his body to push him and throw him to the ground.
The attack is so unexpected that it succeeds. Corwyn uses his good hand to throw Aemond's sword to the other side and begins to beat him with his fists. Beside him, Alicent seems on the verge of fainting. Rhaena wants to close her eyes, wants to look away, wants to do something, but she can do nothing but ask the gods to protect her cousin.
Please, please, don't let him die.
And perhaps they take pity on Rhaena, because when everything seems lost Aemond uses his strength to throw Corwyn off of him and roll him over, this time having the advantage and closing his hands around his neck, dominating him and clearly suffocating him.
The common people go wild with excitement. The nobles chant their prince's name.
And she... she knows this is it.
It is now that Aemond is going to kill Corwyn.
A tear rolls down her cheek and, unable to contain herself, she stands up and goes to the edge of the platform. The movement seems to catch the attention of her cousin, who looks away from Corbray to look up at her. Their eyes meet for a second and Rhaena does not know what she sees in them, only that Aemond has a moment of hesitation before his hands leave his opponent's neck, giving him one last blow to the jaw that manages to knock Corwyn unconscious before he stands up and leaves the combat arena.
I tried to write the fight scenes as best as I could, but I'm clearly no expert. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed them.
Thanks for reading!
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Taste (NSFW)
Lmao basically using all 5 senses for Hux!
Anyways, here we have a fic that I am rushing to post because I want to write more lmao. I don't promise that this is my best considering how I did not revise(I need to stop being so lazy) and this is just me testing something about with Hux...I'm obviously still getting the hang of writing robophilia smut too so please bear with me ^^
Warnings/Notes: SMUT! AFAB Reader, Robophilia, Cunninlingus, Hux being Hux, Weird stuff, Slight tentacles???(Please tell me if you guys think I should add anything else)
Words: 3,250
“I have made a discovery.” 
The times when such a phrase came out from Hux’s voice box were not always the prettiest moments. Although he had started off as an android, he proved to be just as eccentric as the typical “mad scientist” trope entailed.
Afraid wasn’t the word to describe what you felt before asking “What is it you discovered, Hux?”, but perhaps it was uncertainty. An apprehensive feeling that would have never expected what would happen after Hux demonstrated his “latest physical development”. 
His theory was that the organic parts of himself had grown accustomed to the crystal displayed on his body, evolving him further than he believed possible. Rather than affect him conscious-wise, Hux instead…grew an extension of some sort. Extensions in fact. Miniature, snake-like extensions that protruded from within his face’s orifice. 
It had started with a simple demonstration that had quickly led to indecent thoughts on your part, and after all this time Hux knew how to read your mind perfectly. 
Thin tendrils that seemed to have bloomed from his organic flesh, sprouting from his mouth to fully exhibit to your curious eyes. Thin tendrils that snaked and toyed with your fingers that you had brought up to Hux’s features to better examine them. Thin tendrils that you quickly found slithering over your cheek before they came close to your lips.
Could you really blame yourself for having your mind be flooded with obscene thoughts?
Things had quickly progressed from you strolling through the tranquil land of Dvarka Deepwood to you gripping onto Hux’s body, face practically melding with his own as he stood as still as possible. But even with Hux’s stoic mannerisms, he himself could not remain in a single location as you fought against him. The robot stumbled backwards when you pinned your body against his, and he was soon able to catch himself when your lips away from him. 
“What the hell am I doing?” you breathed out once a sense of clarity hit you, mind pondering at how you basically threw yourself onto Hux once a fervor struck you so suddenly. Kissing Hux was a rather simple task, especially when considering that he frequently demanded that your affections befell him. But Hux kissing you…now that was a task that was impossible to challenge when taking into account that he did not possess such an ability due to his lack of lips and muscle movement. And now that he presented himself with a tool he could use for a form of kissing...you just couldn’t help yourself. 
“You are indulging yourself in what appears to be an attempt at the human act of ‘kissing’.” Hux replied to your rhetorical question which only caused you to release him to cover your face. Attempt.
“I know Hux.” you mumbled behind your hands before showing your face again, looking at him while his unemotional lights stared back at you. “I think I just got a little carried away with your…tentacle-tongue-whatever-it-is. Think I got excited at the thought of…”
“Reciprocation.” Hux chipped in with a twitch of his body, craning his head sideways as you realized his miniature tendrils were still out and about. Practically teasing you.  “It felt satisfactory.”
“Your attempts…exceeded typical human limits.”
A chuckle escaped you at the sound of Hux’s attempted compliment, you at least hope that’s what it was. You could honestly say it made your heart skip a beat hearing a robot say your kissing skills weren’t disappointing. 
“So…what exactly does that entail?” You tilted your head before Hux moved forwards, just enough to lower his head that was buried into the crook of your neck. It was seriously getting harder to push certain thoughts away…
“This body requires more.” He announced which prompted you to widen your eyes, though it wouldn’t be the first time he’d ever insisted on something like that. Your own hormones were probably getting the best of you. “It lacks the perception of flavor.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and prepared yourself to pull away from Hux to look at him, but you were startled the second you felt his tendrils hit your exposed skin. Your hands shot up and grabbed onto his body, clawing into his figure once the realization hit. 
Everything was coming back to you, you couldn’t hold back the excitement that prompted you to take Hux’s head into your hands to resume your actions from before. Your own tongue slithered out from in between your lips before entangling itself with the many tendrils Hux provided. 
While you were able to taste the fleshy bits of his skin on the tendrils, you were sure Hux was savoring the desperation that dripped from your tongue. Hell even your body reacted with such an intensity, beginning to sweat while your chest rose both quick and without any rhythm. If anybody had advised you that you would experience such venereal instances with a murderous robot, you probably wouldn’t have believed them. 
But here you were with legs feeling weak despite no other physical pleasure being inflicted on you. Though perhaps that statement was wrong in its own way, and this was yet another thing Hux could sense. 
His left arm came around your body to press itself against the lower part of your back, caging you against him like every other time. 
You whined at the feeling as though you had been deprived of physical touch for too long. And you could admit that it was also so damn rewarding when Hux provided you with whatever form of intimacy his robotic self allowed. So damn gratifying like right now as his miniature tentacles toyed with your tongue before wriggling themselves in between your lips to explore your wetness. 
And you knew the feeling to be mutual with how Hux used his second arm to hold you, folding his scythe-like claw in an angle that prevented it from ruining the mood. While he pushed you further against him as if you were bound to leave him, his mouth pushed you back as he deepened the reach of his tentacles.
To your misfortune however, your body’s limitations were beginning to show when your lungs begged for some oxygen. Your hands removed themselves from Hux’s head to place a hand on the metallic parts of his right shoulder with your other hand placed flat against his chest. 
“Why have you stopped?”
“Hol…hold up…I need to-” You let out a stammer after inhaling as deeply as you could, your breath of air immediately cut short when Hux’s tendrils attacked your mouth again. You were definitely NOT getting out of this one. Or perhaps…
Hux took back his actions and pulled himself away from you much to your surprise, finally giving you the time to catch your breaths with weary pants. 
“This is not enough.”
At this point, you weren’t sure if that was a good or bad statement. 
“This body requires more.” he repeated his phrase from before a mechanical whirring followed soon after, and Hux forced you to stand erect before removing his claws from you. Speaking of erect… “I sense your body is also in need of additional fulfillment.”
“Yeah…you could say that.” You panted before wiping your own saliva from your lips, staring intently at Hux who stepped forwards. You in turn stepped back, not to keep away from him but instead to find the stone structure you had been previously studying amongst the plantlife. 
“My sensors detect an increase in heat in your lower body.” Hux followed you until your bottom and legs clashed with the stone ramp that was meant to be a jumping location during trials, and you made sure to slightly lean back on it as comfortably as possible. He towered over you like every other time,visor looking straight at you before you peered down at the practically non-existent space between your and his lower halves. “Your form requires fulfillment.”
You could see that his self-made phallic apparatus had revealed itself, no doubt a while ago with how it stood and leaned against the cozy coveralls you wore. A jumpsuit you graciously borrowed from a locker in the colony ship, and a jumpsuit that was beginning to stain with whatever fluid was dripping from Hux’s appendage. With how it twitched against you, you were convinced it could sense the excitement radiating from your groin.
Fuck, if Dvarka’s humid nature wasn’t getting to you then clearly it was the hotness between you and Hux. A warmth bothersome enough that you unzipped the coveralls to reveal your tank top that had been clinging to your dampened skin. And your skin only proved to humidify further when Hux brought his head back to your neck, gliding his tendrils down to your collarbone  and eventually near your chest.
Fuck, it was hot. Too damn hot. Hot enough to have your hands scrambling on the zipper of your suit, desperately trying to take it off to cool yourself while also exposing yourself to the robot. 
However, Hux wasn’t having any of that. He didn’t have time to wait, he needed more now. And the twitching his body gave when he pulled away from your body was telling enough.
His left claw took you by surprise when he took hold of your jumpsuit with it, particularly the crotch area, before he ripped a portion of the material with complete ease. Hux’s head craned down to study your shocked self, your gasp signaling that he had revealed more than enough. 
“This body lacks a sense of taste,” his voice box rang out once he positioned himself, phallus placed against your wet sex. “I have studied the worms enough to know your flavor can be enhanced with enough pleasurable stimulation.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You what?” You weren’t surprised that he of course had been stalking your fellow survivors to learn-
“Ah-!” your thoughts were interrupted when you felt him easily fill you up without warning, and you threw your head back while gripping onto the structure beneath you. “Fuck, Hux!”
You removed your left hand from the stone to hold onto Hux’s metal arm once more as he continued to insert himself, your wetness allowing him to smoothly slide back out as you threw your head back. It was then that you parted your legs to both ground yourself a bit more and give Hux easier access, and he took this opportunity to step forwards so that he could plunge himself even deeper into you. 
The whirring of his mechanical parts sounded as he pulled out almost excitedly, robotic member in full view and drenched in your juices as he lay it against your hole again. After so many heated sessions with you, and the occasional “observing” of the survivors’ and killers’ sexual acts, the machine really had been learning. 
He knew the sudden emptiness would elicit a whimper out of you, that it would have you crying for more before he blithely obliged. He knew it would have you humping yourself against him, holding his hips in a desperate attempt to have him inside you again. 
It felt almost poignant, rubbing yourself against him before you reached out to his phallic device with a hand. It was crazy how crazy this robot made you feel, head dizzy at the thought of his sex and how it felt as though it was made for you. 
“You succumb so easily.” The robot announced as he felt you pump him, and he finally moved his hips so that you could slide him right back into you. 
“So do you.” You gave out a breathy chuckle as you returned your hand to Hux’s side, pushing his body toward you so that he could completely bury himself inside you. A sigh of relief escaped you before Hux resumed his movements, sloppy thrusting resulting in Hux’s left claw moving up to take hold of your hip. 
He gripped onto you as if trying to steady himself, every thrust making his legs tremble just as your body began to slightly quiver. To steady himself even more, he threw his scythe beside you and over the vault, this being enough to scare some sense into you.
But even then you didn’t give a damn, instead shutting your eyes with an elated smile. The pleasure was beginning to take over you, mind becoming hazy the more Hux pushed his hips into yours. And in between all his thrusts you let him go with your dominant hand, now bringing your fingers to your wet clit. You began with some careful rubbing, making circular patterns that were quickly building up a sensitivity. And as that new feeling grew in your bud, you increased your pace before your back began to arch into Hux.
But the moment Hux caught sight of this, he removed his claw from your side before forcefully grabbing your fingers, bringing up your hand to his visor as he scanned the new fluids that coated it. Never once did he cease his pumping into you, in fact you were pretty sure his humping had sped up and increased in some force.
And when you opened your eyes to look at him, you were now certain of how eagerly he wanted to experience taste.  Once he took a proper look at your fingers, he brought them to his mouth where his tendrils immediately wriggled back out to lap up everything he could. 
You weren’t certain if the desperate licks were because he was trying so damn hard to taste something, anything…or if he finally acquired a new sense and was completely reveling in it. 
“Huxlee…” You lifted your head slightly higher to better watch him, soon enough feeling as his movements slowed down before coming to an easy stop. “No, no, no. Don’t do this to me aga-”
“This is not sufficient.”
Then what fucking was!? 
With your mouth agape, you watched in horror as Hux removed himself from you once he released your wrist and removed his scythe from behind the ramp. After how many times he had pulled such a stunt, you were almost sure it was now done on purpose. 
“Where are you going?” you questioned him with a fully flushed face, seeing as he took a step back to overlook your entire body. “Hux!”
“Get comfortable. Fast. Please.”
“Comfortable?” you made a face before his fingered claw placed itself on your chest, gingerly pushing you backwards so that your entire body lay on the stone ramp. Something told you it was best to bring your body as high on the ramp as possible, and thank the Entity you did. 
Despite Hux’s hunched stance, he proved to be too tall to reach his goal. Having you get up made it easier for him to bow his head down to the area between your legs, visor fixated on the wetness you continued to provide for his inquisitive self. 
“Something great is about to happen.” Of course he always had to bring in his damn lines like this was some damn video game. But as it seemed, something great was indeed happening. 
Before you were able to question Hux any further, you quickly found one of the robot’s tendrils lapping up the entirety of your slit, eliciting a sudden upwards jerk from your hips. Holy shit he had no mercy with the way those tendrils attacked your sex; it was almost as though each individual one had a mind of its own with how they parted your lips to pace their way inside you. 
You couldn’t help but writhe under Hux, whimpering, whining, nearly crying at this new sensation. Never in your entire life would you have imagined a makeout session with a robot that would eventually lead to him eating you out in this way.
The tendrils, despite being an extension of his damaged flesh, had their own kind of texture that proved to be softer and exceedingly nice against your flesh. And they were feeling up every inch they could find, every bit they could reach, letting you feel each and every one of them at all times. 
“Aah….Hux-” you managed to choke out before a gasp escaped your lips when one and then two tendrils found themselves deep inside you, your hands shooting out to hold his head that remained motionless unlike his new tongues. “Shit! Please…!”
“Your blabbering is satisfactory.” Hux voiced before his left claw held onto your waist, holding you in place after you jerked into him once more. “As is your squirming. Climax levels are swiftly rising.” 
And he was so right, because that usual knot in the pit of your stomach had been forming for a good minute now, tightening the longer Hux licked and toyed with you. More of his tendrils inserted themselves inside you, squirming inside your walls as if exploring some new cavern. Guess in a way that’s what it was to Hux. 
“Huxlee, I’m…” you panted with one more arch of your back, gripping onto his head with quick breathing that was as hot as your body felt. The heat only furthered your incoming orgasm while the cold feel of Hux’s claw brought a tingling. Oh fuck…it was becoming too much to handle on top of the feeling of Hux pulling you towards him as if it were even possible, spreading your walls ever so slightly. “I’m…I’m-”
Hux’s tendrils slid out from your hole to all collectively rub themselves against your clit, almost furiously to make your coming arrive even faster than you anticipated. And the robot was successful, catching you off guard by playing with your sensitivity that almost immediately made you cry out and throw your head further back. 
But although Hux knew you had finished against his mouth, fluids glazed over his orifice and tongues, he never stopped his licking. You squeezed your eyes shut while your sex had you twitching and squirming intensely, Hux taking full advantage of your current vulnerability. 
“Hux, please!” you whined as you continued to ride out your high, never able to catch a break or even a damn breath. “Hux…oh my god…please, I don’t have anymore…”
As your chest rose and went back down rapidly, your lips agape to try and catch your breath before you finally felt Hux removed himself. Quite hesitantly, but he managed to break himself away from you to give you your moment of recovery. 
You reopened your eyes to peer at the robot, vision almost blurry as the lustful fog remained in your mind. And looking into his visor’s lights, something told you he had the same sentiment.
“Did…did you get a taste?” you cleared your throat, ultimately shutting your mouth to ease your breaths. 
Your eyes widened at Hux’s reply, shock coursing through you enough to make you instantly forget about your exhaustion. Meanwhile, Hux twitched his head before glancing down at your wet crotch in what you considered a predator-like stare.
“You’re joking.” You rubbed your eyes, not being able to contain a chuckle before you also took notice of his member that had not yet reached its satisfaction. 
“We must make another attempt.” Hux stepped close enough to rub said member against your still sensitive clit, making your legs wince before you looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Perhaps more stimulation involving insertion is required.”
“That just might be it.” you gave a breathy smile as you took hold of him, ready for the machine who was already gripping onto you. 
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s1ater · 1 year
god, forgive me.
part three of n/a.
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ricky rocks. i always forget to update this story even though it's my favorite plot tbh
kathaholics 🦵
finn guess who we just fucking found
sab god himself?
josh we were a little more luckier than that
enya luckier than god?
enya can't wait to hear this
josh the bitch who lit stacy on fire
finn she's coming to smoke with us
sab oh great, another deadbeat to add to our group
josh how could you say that, chicago is a national treasure
josh she did what no one else could do
sab josh, she basically committed arson
finn no, we weren't lucky enough for that
finn more like, third degree burns
josh arson would be like if stacy had just completely disintegrated
josh which sadly did not even come close to happening
"these two jackasses would get themselves expelled if they ever talk like this in public."
"what do you mean?" enya snorts, "they talk like this all the time in public. neither of them have a filtered thought to save them."
louis watches the continuation string of messages between finn and josh dogging on stacy golifolk feed through his screen within their groupchat to no end. he lied in the back of their rec room on an old dusty chair while sabrina and enya continued to discuss how stupid their two friends were.
"louis, you ready to go soon?"
louis perked his head up to sabrina's inquiry, finding both of them looking at him now.
"the graveyard," she nodded, "ditching school... remember?"
louis dips his head back as if suddenly being hit with recollection, “oh yeah, uh… no.”
“no?” sabrina is on her knees know, hanging off the back of the couch as she looks at him in surprisal.
“yeah, you seemed to have heard me correctly.”
“okay, no need to be rude about it, blockhead,” enya barges in, looking widely distasteful to his disinterest. “you’re the one who wanted to go.”
“and now i don’t.”
enya rolls her eyes before mumbling, “fucking cunt,” then turning back around to sit normally on the orange couch both her and sab were on. sab still watched him, more with confusion than annoyance that enya was hunkering.
“what’s up with you?”
kathaholics 🦵
josh yo, wtm
josh i got my bag and we already hopped the fence, so the rest of you fuckers better be on the way
sab looks up from her phone as he still scanned josh's messages, “so, you going or not?”
louis feels a strain of annoyance in his chest and a flash of heat flare upon his face; anger. for some reason, he felt a large amount of annoyance and irritation with sabrina still talking to him even after his rejection. he felt this a lot lately, and not just with sabrina, but right now she was putting the cherry on top of increasing his bad mood.
“fuck off, sabrina.”
“do you fuckers have no sense of time?”
“relax fuck face, you act like your mental watch is so good.”
“when weed’s involved, it’s immaculate.”
enya gave a hefty sigh before swinging her bag onto her designated seat. she then looked up, analyzing the three sets of red eyes before her, she smirks, “well, well, well, if it isn’t the woman of the hour.”
“my fellow candle stick holder.”
sabrina rolls her eyes as you and enya lean toward one another to shake hands, and you’re just beaming with a thin pressed smile of amusement. she couldn’t believe this was happening.
“ladies, take a seat. you know where you belong,” josh extends his arms out to the dusty old cushions that filled the area across from him
the graveyard was an old abandoned boys school from the 1950s that was never tore down, but rather left for catholic delinquents to discover and deem as there smoke spot. the five of them currently sat in a rusty old school bus that was cleared of most its seats and replaced with scruffy old couch cushions, bean bags, and really anything to provide comfort.
you were beyond amazed at the craftsmanship when your two new friends pulled you into what was the perfect smoke spot. your urge to spark up had increased immediately upon the sight, cutting your tour short and landing all three of you on the couch shoved all the way to the back.
“aye, where is louis at?”
“his cunt ass decided he didn’t want to come,” the sour tone of enya's voice suddenly covered every part of the bus, making everyone look up to her.
you were quick to catch onto the look josh and finn share over you despite being in your high state. her tone was very sobering and somehow you felt ten times more aware of everything all because of her clear distaste for this louis boy.
“fuck, why is that?”
“fuck if i know, louis has a fuckin’ stick up his ass lately.”
“isn’t that right.”
“sorry, who are we talking about?” your face screws up while you pass on the blunt you had to finn, looking between each of them subtly.
“louis partridge,” finn inhales “brown hair, brown eyes, and apparently a recent stick inputted into his ass.”
“such a clear decipher, almost like you didn’t just describe every walking fuck in our school,” enya rolls her eyes at finn and the vague features he offered, then looking to you. "he's the same year as us, was going to be top boy."
her provided information wasn't anymore of a help either.
"what?" however, a burst of energy seized through the group upon the relevance of it.
"lou was going to be top boy?" sabrina's posture was pulled straight as the rest of them, looking for clarification from enya--all she does is shrug.
"no wonder louis has been such a prick lately. he has to start fulfilling the roll," finn chuckles to himself, slowly starting to slouch back down. "too good for us."
"hey, whatever man, good for him," josh lightly taps finn, "maybe we'll finally get coed bathrooms and cig breaks like we've been petitioning for since first year sense we know someone on the board now."
"you guys are disgusting," enya rolls her eyes.
"what, you think they won't go for the dart breaks between class?"
you think enya's eyes are about to fall out of her head by the amount of eye rolls she's had in the past five minutes. you suppress your snicker as she looks at them with a dead stare.
"yeah, good luck with that one," she readjusts herself. "louis doesn't seem to give a damn about us, let alone your first year petitions."
"cmon, en, it was just one thing. he was only pissy because of coming down off of whatever josh gave him this morning," sabrina's voice lightens in defense of him, pushing enya further in annoyance.
"it wasn't just one thing. he's been a dick for the past couple of months. you can't tell me he hasn't when we're the ones who always have to deal with it because these two dimwits are too high half the time to even speak," her pointer finger jabs in your general direction in reference to both finn and josh who seemed shocked to her accusation. "tell me you didn't forget just because you've known him for so long."
there are hints of more spite that intertwined within the sentence, and you wonder why.
"well, I have known him for a long time."
"we all have, sab, but I don't forget his bitch fits because of it."
"oh, cmon, enya, don't you think you're being kinda harsh?" josh motions mindlessly with the hand that isn't propped behind his head. "you're just still pressed about him throwing out your booze stash."
"yeah, and you would be too if it was your pot."
"yeah, well at least I'm smart enough to not bring it around him when he's asked you not to," he takes a hit, his nonchalantness pissing her off. "plus, you're the one who put it in his room."
"suck me off," she grumbles, finally throwing herself into the cushions as if finally giving up. "he shouldn't be friends with alcoholics when he doesn't want to become one himself."
silence, but you still wonder;
"who's louis again?"
@aliyahsutherland @ioveisabel @multifandom-obsessed @cryinginsanity @rebbyr @cc13723things @heyitsmeimdead @thehuntress09 @black-rose-29 @rrosecar @instabull @rudypankowisdaddy @lukewearingbeanies @kiramdd @kitkat-mini @spencybear @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @felixulvr @demigirl-with-problems @whoreforpsychopaths @mxsmwndr @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @xivilivix @morganaah @eichenhouseproperty @alliechickens @moonlighy @ancientimes @thelaststraw3 @i44nishi @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd
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littleandless · 2 months
i wonder how rhaenyra will discover that addam is corlys’s son. because there’s no way that can stay a secret, right? either corlys himself will make it known when he asks her to legitimize him or mysaria (if she knows—which i assume she does or will soon). i understand why addam didn’t just tell her outright, even if it would have been easier in some ways. corlys is still his liege lord before anything else and airing out his dirty laundry probably wouldn’t get him a pat on the back from papa either.
NEW TULLY LORD!!!! oscar and his men outnumber daemon, so he can afford to get a bit sassy. it’s a shame about willem though. oh well! i knew he was toast as soon as he started pleading with daemon to rescue him…he doesn’t give a fuck my boy😭 plus all the war crimes
more visions of viserys. i didn’t find this one very compelling, seeing as it’s just “i never wanted to be king boo hoo. why do you want this shit so bad?” when it is all so very obvious. and no alys????? i better see at least 10 minutes of screen time from her in the next episode.
we finally got an emotional outburst from jacaerys! thank the gods. his mother royally fucked him over by making him bastard-born and now (despite it being necessary) weakens his only claim to legitimacy. he has every right to be upset. as aegon2 once said: “everybody knows.” he loves his mother and is loyal to her, but he can’t quite cope with the danger she’s put him in. and she could never fully appreciate what it means for her sons, even if she does hear the insults. she can’t bolster her own claim without weakening his. poor jace, luke, & joffrey. they were truly doomed from the start. my sweet boys :(
we finally had a proper gathering of potential dragonriders and not just one measly person at a time. that’s good. i don’t like that they all had blonde hair, though. you’re telling me all the other bastards got white hair but not rhaenyra’s heirs? the blood of the dragon is just that strong? jacey is so doomed by the narrative.
also…hugh son of saera????? i was kind of hoping he’d just say her name but i guess we’re being coy about it. it’s a fun easter egg i suppose but 1. it reaffirms the targaryen blood purity BS they were just questioning two seconds ago and 2. poor saera not only had a shit dad that shamed her but also a failson who’s embarrassed of his rich sexy princess mother #justiceforsaera
alicent deciding to fuck off into the woods was the right decision. it’s probably the last moment of peace she’ll ever have. so hey, why not run away and go for a swim, take in the fresh air, ride a horse, and dream of disappearing forever? i said it before, but her part in this power struggle is basically over. now all she can do is wait.
am i wrong or did aemond send his brother’s bffs to the wall? i can’t remember their names and i don’t care to look it up, but it seems the most likely.
larys wants aegon to recover so bad lmao. i know he will eventually, but still. give it a rest bro i doubt he is as charmed by your camaraderie as you think he is…especially since you’re making him speedrun these physical therapy sessions! i’m surprised he’s still bothering with these people. he also basically fucks off in f&b and then reappears later. i wonder if that’s going to happen in the show or if he’s here to stay.
alrighty. the scales have tipped in rhaenyra’s favor. now she has seven dragons: syrax, vermax, moondancer, seasmoke, vermithor, silverwing, and caraxes (kind of). sheepstealer hasn’t been seen in the show yet, but since rhaena will probably claim him we can tentatively add his name to the roster. in f&b the blacks also had tyraxes, who i believe was shown last episode but is obviously still a baby. team green has vhagar and now tessarion. dreamfyre as well, even though i don’t believe she’s been shown before. i assume they’ll have to now unless the showrunners want to make the balance very dramatically skewed. and princess jaehaera has morghul but he also hasn’t been shown, and in f&b he was never even ridden. sunfyre is dead i think? so yeah, wow. sky lizards abound.
can’t wait for more! i’m sad we only have one more episode of this season. but hey, at least george said the writers are meeting up soon for season 3. hopefully we’ll only wait one year instead of 2😆
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dynamic-k · 2 months
SS THEORY, TAGERT AMNESIA IS KAORI: Been keeping this theory a secret for a long time ever since the release of chapter 7. It was supposed to go along with the thing I'm working on for SS (which will hopefully not take a year :'>), but anyway. I believe that Kaori Becker is Target Amnesia. Now that I have more information to further support this (thank to all the questions that rI0r-girl has asked), I can probably confirm this. In my initial theory before all the additional information is that she is Target Amnesia and is responsible for her family's not remembering of her. And I theorized it's either the cliché 'I want to protect' or something else entirely. And it's also weird how HH brothers have their powers when it doesn't look like Alan has, so they must've gotten in from someone which I assume is their mother. Or that they are just mudbloods and this has nothing to do with Heredity or Genes at all. With the additional information, I can add more to this theory. In an ask that rI0r-girl sent, they said: 'I think Vic just has invisibility' your response was... trying to hide the evidence. In the same ask, they also said what power does Kaori have, your response was that it was two but three if you count the side. Now that it has been confirmed that Kaori does have powers, it now would make sense that she is responsible for the recessive gene that gives the brothers their powers. More so that you said Kaori and Vic's powers are nearly similar. Vic's additional power is to see someone (...) who is invisible, along with another he will discover. If his powers are near similar to this mothers, then it would make sense that he got these two primary abilities from Kaori who now I say wields the same two abilities. Meaning that Vic's third power (presumably) is that he can alter or erase or whatever with people's memory, like his mother again. But likely he won't discover this until later chapters. It also makes sense that if she did have invisibility and altering memory prowess, then she could alter her family's memory and leave without anyone noticing her. Like a memory, she is gone. For now. I think. Maybe- Now with this, Kaori have a total of 3 abilities (counting the side which is 3), as you have said. But what about the other three brothers? Previously said in an ask-answer I'm too lazy to find, their abilities are entirely different from Vic's and their mother's (presumably if that is the case). And you-I don't know if I'm remembering this right-made an emphasis on a 'powerless' Alan. I put powerless there because I do think he does have powers and is therefore responsible for the other three's powers. It's just that he doesn't know that he secretly carries the gene, he may find out soon, or never. Another thing from my old theory is that the three brothers, were just mudbloods. Actually all four of them were if I got the entire gene pool wrong. HH brothers are mudblood that suddenly got their powers and their parents are muggles. Why the Harry Potter terms? I don't know, but they are fun to use and say. Though we can scratch that since it has already been confirmed by the information given. Not sure if this makes sense though more or less is correct. So... yeah. Guess that's my theory. I don't know why I just shifted-well it looked like I shifted-a topic to another, but eh. -BK Also yes I am alive (and not anonymous this time)-sorry for the no update :')
:D Friendo! Hello! Hi! Lovely to hear from you!
>:3 Well well wellllll~ What do we have here! THEORIES!
Gosh I love it when people share these~~
YEaaAHhp, Kaori is indeed Target Amnesia.
I think, if I remember right cause I know i did do this SOMEWHERE- I did basically confirm this in a comment thread somewhere I have forgotten... I think not very many people saw it though, so- ewjnfjakrgkqeagn
| In my initial theory before all the additional information is that she is Target Amnesia and is responsible for her family's not remembering of her. And I theorized it's either the cliché 'I want to protect' or something else entirely. |
Partially right and partially incorrect, but I probably shouldn't spoil it. AS MUCH AS I REALLY WANT TO-
i can't keep my mouth shut, honestly, I may regret revealing so much-
I'm fine with clarifying this: Chosen, Dark, and Second, do not share abilities with Kaori. They did receive storng powers, but only because Kaori's passed down genetics altered and developed uniquely into what Chosen, Dark, and Second have currently. Vic is the most similar to Kaori.
BUT!! Vic does not possess ANY "memory altering" related powers. That unknown third power is yet to be guessed or known by any other than myself. and a few siblings-
| Vic's additional power is to see someone (...) who is invisible, along with another he will discover. |
Hehe. "Someone" /inside-joke between asker and me, *cough*
| It also makes sense that if she did have invisibility and altering memory prowess, then she could alter her family's memory and leave without anyone noticing her. Like a memory, she is gone. |
You have earned an ominous smiley face. Do with that what you will.
Uhm- The reason I emphasized "powerless Alan" is because he doesn't have powers- I think I have said this like- At least twenty times to comments, asks, replies to comments, in various places to many many different people.
And I will say it again!! ALAN IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY POWERLESS, UNLESS MAYYYYBE YOU COUNT HIS SKILL WITH MAKING REALLY GOOD MUFFINS, but that isn't a result of a power or genes or something present at his birth, technically. He's just... good. He built up the skill himself.
Alan doesn't even have recessive power genes. I'm so serious, he has NOTHING superpowered to him. BUT HE WILL WHACK A SUPERVILLAIN WITH A ROLLING PIN AND BAKE THEMM INTO HIS MUFFINS IF THEY HURTS HIS PRECIOUS BOYS-
And NO. Alan has no "undiscovered~!!!" powers either- What do I have to say to get this across- /silly
[Don't read my words as angry or mad, I'm having way too much fun answering this ask, believe me]
Thank you for that ask!! I'm super happy I could help clarify misunderstandings, which tend to be in... quite a LOT of theories, actually.
Which is another reason why I love it when people share the theories they have!! I can help course correct any incorrect assumptions or notions. :3
Anddddd probably also share some extra things against my will due to my excited blabber mouth- [or hands, I suppose, since I'm typing this]
Have a lovely lovely day!! Or timezone! OR whenevers~
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restart-the-cycle · 5 months
Can we compare lizard species in our regions, by chance? I'm still discovering more, but I'll tell you as soon as I do find any new ones!
For now, here's a list and some basic features. I'm curious what yours are!
White Lizards - Camouflaging and a long, sticky tongue. An ambush predator mainly coming in shades of white and gray with black accents. Some back spikes.
Blue Lizards - Dark blue and black lizards with long, sticky tongues that cling to walls and chase their prey, trapping it and closing the distance quickly. Some back spikes.
Sea Lizards - A variant of Blue Lizards that, in addition to everything they do, can swim excellently and hold their breath underwater. I believe them to be the result of a Blue Lizard and Eel Lizard or Salamander.
Eel Lizards - Fast-swimming semi-aquatic lizards with narrow, wiry bodies. Mainly black and green with hydrodynamic spines along their backs. I have observed them climbing walls and poles, though rarely leaving the water. They can breathe underwater.
Salamanders - Another semi-aquatic lizard, though far thicker built than Eel Lizards. They come in pale shades of pink and white commonly, but are sometimes darker. They also have a shorter tongue, but can fully breathe underwater.
Coral Lizards - A unique species of lizard that is gold or pale yellow in color. They usually come in groups, and while they lack a particularly vicious bite, tongue, or spit, they overwhelm prey. They can hold their breath for a long time and communicate with a pair of tendrils on their head, and tend to drown their prey.
Shark Lizards - A fully aquatic lizard species. They're mostly gray and white, but interestingly, they have fins instead of hind legs and along their back. They tend to hunt in shallower waters, and their dorsal fin tends to breach the surface before they strike. Rather interesting, is that they cannot survive on land.
Storm Lizards - Dark gray and black lizards with wavy and curled edges instead of spines or spikes. They are excellent swimmers, but most notably, they are adapted to hunt during the storms. I'm still studying it, but they hunt near the end of a cycle and force creatures out of dens to die in the rains or stalk safe places to snap up fleeing prey.
Hurricane Lizards - I've only found two of these in my region, and they tend to fight frequently. They're dark purple, and humongous. The ground quakes when they move. They're also highly aggressive and deadly to be around. I shudder at the sight of them. (OOC Note: Train Lizard, Monarch's just a lil' stupid)
I am currently exploring another two species that may be here. I cautiously dub one 'Archer Lizards' and the other 'Rainbow Lizards', but truly, I have no idea yet.
i have have white lizards and blue lizards, and the hurricane lizard sounds similar to the train lizard i have here.
i also have
green lizards - black with a green head and some green on the end of tail and legs. it is a slower and heavier but tougher lizard, has a more lethal bite, and can charge towards it’s victims. it also cannot climb at all. it is the base lizard for the laser lizards
cyan lizards - lizards that are, who could’ve guessed, cyan. they have rings on them, much like my alternate in keeper’s portal. they are able to climb walls and leap, which the leap is very quick and can function as both a way of capturing prey and getting around quickly. the leap can cause them to fall or drop it’s prey, though. they also have a tongue, although it is shorter. it is the base lizard for the zoomies lizards
caramel lizards - large white and caramel colored lizard that has six legs and a rectangular head . it can charge, similar to a green lizard, and it can spit projectiles. it also cannot climb at all. it is the base lizard of fred
pink lizards - you’ll never guess what color it is, although i have also seen them be purple or red as well. it doesn’t possess any notable abilities aside from being more aggressive than others that i have seen. it can climb poles but not walls. it is the base lizard of the winged lizards
yellow lizards - these lizards are unique. they are found in packs of 2-5, and are able to communicate and coordinate with each other. they communicate through antennae on their head, although i have noticed they can no longer communicate with each other if the one with the longest antennae, or the “alpha”, is killed. they can climb poles but not walls
strawberry lizards - these lizards are smaller, but more durable than a pink or yellow lizard. they have a white body with a light pink head. they have a tongue, which can be used to grab creatures like normal but can also be used to grapple onto walls or creatures to pull itself towards them. they have poor hearing, but possess insane eyesight, being able to see creatures from very far away. it can climb poles but not walls. it is was the base lizard for the messenger to nine drops of iron
black lizards - opposite to the strawberry lizard’s amazing eyesight, the black lizards posses no eyesight, instead relying on hearing to find it’s prey. they tend to stay in the dark areas of my ecosystem, like underneath my superstructure. they are typically found in large groups, although they don’t form packs like yellow lizards. they can climb poles but not walls
red lizards - these lizards are very dangerous. they are the most durable, largest, and most aggressive of them all, and have many abilities. it can spit projectiles, much like a caramel lizard can, and it has a tongue that can be used to take items and snap them, rendering them useless. they also don’t appear to be afraid of vultures, instead i have seen some take down vultures or even king vultures before. they can climb poles but not walls. it is the base lizard of the flamethrower lizards
winged lizards - pink lizards that have been given vulture wings. they are highly aggressive due to their base lizard as well as being unstable, and are also one of the few lizards i made that are able to reproduce. they can climb poles, although they prefer to use the wings to walk and fly around.
laser lizards - green lizards that have been outfitted with a miros vulture’s laser in their mouth. i also gave them the ability to climb poles, but not walls. they are less aggressive than the winged lizards, but more durable and heavy. they are also very unstable and able to reproduce (sorry, i was new to genetic configuration when i made these!)
fire breathing lizard - the fire breathing lizard has the base of a red lizard. unfortunately, due to it’s ability to breathe fire, it is unable to use most of the red lizard’s abilities. it cannot spit or use the tongue, but still has the very lethal bite, as well as the addition of breathing fire. it is less aggressive than my other experiments, but is still mildly aggressive due to it’s base lizard. it can climb poles but not walls
taser lizard - a white lizard base with some modifications. the most obvious is that it has the armor of a red centipede while still retaining the camouflage of the base lizard, making it very hard to spot, and if spotted, very hard to kill. it has two tongues that it uses to grab creatures and send an electrical shock through them, killing them. i have amplified the power of the electrical shock to be able to kill most anything.
zoomies lizard - with the base of a cyan lizard and the dna of a yeek, eggbug, jetfish, and a fast aquatic slugcat that ran through my structure at some point. the first of my lizards to be able to make it to your ecosystem, but don’t worry as they are harmless. due to all of its dna, it is very hyper and extremely mobile, but mostly harmless and not very aggressive. actually, they are quite friendly! one of the lizards i made that are allowed to reproduce, this time on purpose
spear-throwing lizard - blue lizard base, with some help from the alternate me in keeper’s portal, it is able to create and throw spears. i used some dna from seven red sun’s messenger to give the lizards the ability to create endless spears (although i let them keep a mouth). they still have a tongue and can climb walls
messenger lizard - strawberry lizard base combined with the aquatic slugcat dna. made very quickly as a messenger to bring slag reset keys to nine drops of iron so he didn’t collapse, but it ended up being a fake water call. dead, presumably killed and dissected by nine drops of iron himself
saint lizard - [TERMINATED]. too deadly, i don’t want to ascend
camouflage vulture - not a lizard but an honorable mention. i gave a miros vulture the camouflage of a white lizard to see what would happen. it went exactly as you would think. i still lose it sometimes, even with it’s collar on
f r e d - fred is… an interesting specimen to say the least. with the base of a caramel lizard, he has six legs and the ability to spit. unfortunately, what he spits is eggs that function the same as a singularity bomb, which is a smaller, damaged, rarefaction cell. as his base lizard is a caramel lizard, he can also charge at his prey, although he rarely uses it and opts for spitting at them instead. the way he can spit these is because the other part of his genes comes from a strange slugcat that passed through my superstructure. it was able to create these eggs, and was smart enough (or stupid enough) to use them in combat. he mostly has this creatures genetics, which caused him to be highly unstable and aggressive. he started spitting the eggs at me as he made its escape. due to mostly having slugcat dna, he is also able to climb poles. his species is called the big bang lizard, but there is only one fred
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the-rocket-scientist · 6 months
Sorry for the long letter. This is me writing for awareness and my thoughts on the recent event! Also an apology letter due to my long hiatus, sorry to all those 20+ requestors waiting!! :,(
If any of you were up to date then you probably noticed the Alex Kister incident. There were victims, and there is evidence exposed by the victims. 
In a very basic nutshell he was a weird person. I'm putting that in the nicest way possible. 
In a plain nutshell he showed signs of predatory behavior towards minors and other people alike. I'm putting that in the most factual way possible but still trying to be relatively nice and mellow. 
For the long story here is the twitter post that leads to a google document that shows screenshots of what happened in very specific manners. You don't have to read them all, but skim through for the general context.
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Here's the thing.... I was slowly moving out of the fandom, trying to focus on my life and my personal projects. However, as soon as I saw this, it was about time I moved out of the fandom. I'll still be writing! But for now... hiatus. It's very ironic how Alex Kister said he was uncomfortable with his characters and the alternates all represented sexually in smut fics and other fanart, when he... probably liked the attention? Felt complicated about NSFW of his show? I will never know. 
When the actor of Jonah was fired for controversial events that he perhaps caused due to the obvious conflict between Gabriel Linan and Alex Kister, he had uploaded a screenshot that proved how rude to Alex Kister he was. But the screenshot didn't seem to have anything wrong with that or had offensive content... not that I know. Humans are complex and unpredictable. They could be hiding something and taking things out deliberately that show their true nature. That doesn't mean I support either of them, nor will I degrade them. I will never know unless in full truth, and that is very hard to discover. I don't want to act out impulsively on emotions, I want to act with my mind first. Think before I judge. So I will wait until the testimonies are proven to be somewhat accurate to be true.
(This is the link from Linan's final statement before he had left X/Twitter. If the link is inaccessable, that's weird. It doesn't work for me too, but I swear just a year ago it still worked...)
But despite this I cannot help but feel that Gabriel Linan was trying to help with Alex Kister's mental issues that have been prevailing for a long time (which is what he said in the apology letter), but to keep the reputation he had been fired from keeping the news spreading more. Then yet again, these are just predictions and doubts, that doesn't mean they are confirmed to be real. 
There is a quote I heard from somewhere, but I don't know who said it or how exactly it was worded. And I'm glad to see that although there are people who act out on emotion instead of waiting for the truth to unravel more, there are people who support the creation itself rather than the creator. So for the moment I am supporting the fandom, but I am also supporting the victims, and my respect for Alex Kister has gone a little down. It is also ironic that he would do this when he said he was a Christian (from what I heard last time), but the actions he did were considered sinful and immoral in the Bible. I may not be the best devoted believer in Christianity but believe me, it is considered a sin. Perhaps he is no longer a Christian, which I respect. I wasn't up to date with anything happening in the TMC fandom after all until recently.
So to spite the respect because of the betrayal we all feel?
Smut requests might be going to be soon opened on a separate book.
You heard me right.
I no longer feel uncomfortable with NSFW content and I am now willing to try to take a step further in enhancing my writing, to a variety of contents. HOWEVER. The key word here is MIGHT, I may not open the book for who knows how long. But in the end, the truth has been revealed and why do all content creators I admire have to be one of the kinds of humans that have the most strangest immoralities.
Alright. R_Sci out. Sorry for the long hiatus, had lots to do and had lots in mind. 
Stay safe, everyone. 
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
so it’s not enough that yibo’s car door gets opened by a crazed fan days ago, trackers placed in his work van before, nasty rumors left and right, random people bullying him, melon accounts claiming they know things about his personal life and now this. “getting a fan pregnant?” at this point, even passerby who don’t know yibo at all are seeing a pattern. they just throw around random things to see if something sticks. none of them do because it’s all lies. i say that this is expected because he has btf promotions coming soon but i have come to realize that this should not be considered normal. these people can get away with basically a slap on the wrist and how about yibo? how about his reputation? the thing is these proceedings take very long to get a result. we don’t even have a resolution on the escort allegations, which yuehua already reported to the police and sued. level headed people can see through the lies but it’s out there. damage done.
just to show how pathetic this is, it’s a random girl commenting on another “beauty blogger’s” post. ( this online personality is somehow connected to du meizhou but like i don’t even care. so whatever.)
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AND IF YOU LOOK AT HER PROFILE, It’s obviously a troll account. The number of followers and likes says it all. Also her intro bio. I mean. It’s so obvious why this dummy account was created. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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And now it’s deleted. See? They can stir shit up like this then up & leave. Their UID will be tracked and all that but see how fast they can disappear? In the meantime, Yibo and his team have to waste resources for this.
AND WELL THE CIRCUS CONTINUES. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This person is so dumb. You so dumb. So very very dumb.
After Yuehua released their statement, This girl posted an “alleged” photo of them and conveniently adds a blur effect. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ captioning it share picture.
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What’s funny is netizens, not even yibo fans noticed that the photo have a watermark ID on it that’s not hers. If you’re not familiar with Weibo, if you upload something personally, it will automatically have your username as a watermark.
it ends in “ra” and looking at this troll’s username, it does not have “ra” on it.
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moments later, it was discovered that it’s this photo she used. i mean. who. what. 🤦‍♀️ same initial watermark.
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dude. let me just blur out a random photo of two people and say it’s me and yibo. that he got me pregnant. humanity really continues to disappoint me. 💀💀💀💀
Chinese netizens are known to gather evidence, I mean with the amount of scandals getting out, they already know how to verify things. Look at how they discovered what time and where that photo of CFY’s was taken. It’s no surprise they noticed this little detail and knew right there and then that this girl is a fraud.
AND THAT “BEAUTY BLOGGER” (李恩 LIEN_) gets criticized, now i see she posted like 4 short statements regarding it. Commenting on people. Basically distancing herself from it. Must be nice getting all the traffic while slandering Yibo right? Ugh. Disgusting.
It’s still on HS tho. but most ( if not all ) of the posts are ridiculing the troll account who lied. I mean, at least we have that……
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I’m sad for Yibo. Angry at these jobless bottom feeders. Amused at their stupidity. Insulted that they think people are so easy to believe and manipulate. Please leave Yibo alone. Yibo-Official just opened their YT & IG yesterday for international fans, who is getting nervous again? Lol.
this is why he rarely interacts with people in public unless it’s a controlled crowd ( road shows for example and even then he is unresponsive once outside ), rarely posts personal things, has bodyguards with him at all times, keeps his distance etc. trying to avoid crazies and companies who want to see him get cancelled combined. and people wonder why he shouted at fans who were crowding at his hotel that one time? i mean, if you live the life that he does— i think shouting at people who are invading your privacy is actually being kind.
PEOPLE FORGET THAT HE IS HUMAN TOO. Ever since he started in this industry, it seems like he can never catch a break. C-ent is so dirty. 💀💀💀 I love everything that Yibo puts out : songs, live performances, dramas, movies etc but times like this I am reminded at what cost.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
Greetings! So I've just finished Digimon 02TB and I need to discuss it with someone with legit opinions lmao. So the thing is: how do you tackle the apparent continuity disagreement that Ukkomon claimed he created the Chosen kids when there's lore established since the 1st Adventure that there was a group of Chosen kids (Maki Himekawa's group) before Taichi's group? I'm looking for possible Watsonian explanations since simply saying "it's a plothole / retcon" doesn't satisfy me 😁 So far I got these ideas, feel free to elaborate on them or give some new ones:
First, there's a possbility that Ukkomon was lying (I love how many plot holes can be simply explained by "character X was lying) and didn't actually create the Chosen kids - he just introduced them as Lui's "friends" to make Lui happy. BUT then, if Ukkomon didn't create them, why did the digivices disappear after Lui un-did his wish and BigUkkomon was defeated? Second, maybe when Lui claimed he's the first person to ever bond with a Digimon, he meant "the first person to bond with a Digimon without some divine intervention and/or a mission they were chosen to fulfill", which technically makes him the first Tamer instead of a Chosen child. Daisuke & co. calling him a "Chosen child" was therefore just a misunderstanding Lui didn't correct since he couldn't tell the difference.
What do you think?
Ooooooh boy! I still remember how much my head was rushing when I had watched the movie in cinemas back on launch day and I simply couldn't get home fast enough to write down all my thoughts. I had compiled it all back then here and I believe it already summarizes everything you've been asking and talking about, but I'll still try to put it together again shortly.
First of all, @jamesthedigidestined are currently still trying our best to make sense of the current timeline and the order of when which Chosen Child (or generally "humans partnering with Digimon") came into existence, so I still hope he will post his own ideas himself soon!
However - my theory back then and also today is what you already outlined:
Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself. And so would Daigo, Maki and the others between 1996 and 1999 (including Wallace, though we need to still figure out where exactly he fits in there).
On a different note, I like the idea of treating Ukkomon like Menoa in the way of her being an unreliable narrator that led to the whole “adulthood vs. neglect theory” in the first place. So Ukkomon may actually NOT even be aware that Rui WASN’T the first Chosen Child because, either it really didn’t know or was manipulated by Homeostasis to claim that it’s true. The reasoning behind that could be interesting to look at too… Long story short: Never take anything in Digimon at face value!!!
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Plus, me and James are also a fan of the idea that Rui was just "a child with a Digimon partner" and NOT a Chosen Child. Again, he has outlined this way better than I have, coming up with different groups of Digimon to be partnered with humans!
Plus, I still think of Rui as an unreliable narrator too, because they're all just speculating about the Digivice origin, even though there has been clear lore for it in the back...
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gulliblelemon · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @bigalockwood!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Young Royals. 
Top five fics by kudos
See You (Soon)
Where We Left Off
Please Try Again Later
Happy 18th, Crown Prince Wilhelm
The Umbrella
(I have a whole kudos spreadsheet and watching the trends is fascinating 😉)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Well, I try to. It sometimes gets a little bit overwhelming, especially at the beginning when there's an influx. But they're all so wonderful.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't written anything with an angsty ending. I don't think I have it in me 😅
(Unless you count one shots in a series, in which case it's What Am I Going To Do? But that's part of a whole universe that does have a happy ending, so I'm not counting it - although when I posted there was no promise of a continuation of the story, so it was angsty for a while).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings. But I think they all feel like it's a happy ending to that particular part of their story, and will go on to be more after.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't as of yet. I still can't really believe that's a thing that happens.
Do you write smut?
No. And the longer I go on, the more I wonder if I should. But then again, I wrote a whole fic that was basically about hooking up without it, so maybe I'll be fine never writing it.
Craziest crossover
I've never written a crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I had The Umbrella translated into Russian and uploaded to ficbook.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a folder full of WIP documents, most of which are just a line or a few sentences scribbled down. Some scenes, some ideas. I doubt they'll all get written, but lots get pulled for other things. And Wille's Month made me dust some of them off and either expand on them or just publish as they were.
But as for actual WIPs that I'm actively working on, I haven't got one that I don't think I'll finish. Once I start, I kind of get to the end by whatever means necessary 😅 Even if it takes me ages.
What are your writing strengths?
Erm... horrible question 😅. Dialogue? Maybe? I don't know. Someone else would have to answer that for me. I think I have a very skewed view of my own writing based on what I do and don't like doing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Also horrible question, for very different reasons. Repetition probably. When I have something I just need to get down, I stop paying as much attention to how I'm saying things (what words I'm using, how I'm structuring sentences etc). But luckily @iwouldnevergetintofanfic is pretty good at catching it.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It depends. I am not fluent, or even passable really, in any languages other than English. I'm not averse to dropping the odd word in, but in general I write the English translation (since they're speaking in Swedish anyway). I also discovered that the grammar rules are different, so ended up changing a load of stuff back to English in one fic because I wasn't sure which grammar rules to use.
First fandom you wrote in?
Young Royals.
Favourite fic you've written?
I don't know. I like certain ones for different reasons.
Where We Left Off was a massive undertaking. It's over twice as long as the next longest thing I've written (still not long by 'long fic' standards) and I was writing it for nearly a year. (And I'm not sure I'll ever write something that long again, that's not really how my brain works).
See You (Soon) was the first one where I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I think I will always be very fond of it.
I loved the process of writing Making Music, because it was a gift for a dear friend @purplehoodiesandclementines.
But I love them all in different ways 💜
No pressure tags for @unfortunate17, @enjoythesilentworld and @peakotp (and anyone else seeing this that wants to answer - I love reading these. I'll even retroactively tag you if you want!).
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lucreziaq2001 · 9 months
•TV show: "Criminal minds".
•Content warnings: A book about a 40-year-old murder case being published and presented in a theater, an elderly woman being severely ill and dying after she found out who murdered her daughter and joining her late daughter and husband in Heaven (her daughter even coming to get her to take her to Heaven) and the man who made the investigation about the girl's case possible having passed away before he could see the book about it be published.
•What happens in this chapter is inspired by "Boy crazy"'s ending, which is one of my favourite parts of the episode. Here's the link to it: https://youtu.be/7h55JaUYuqc?si=eo4SkPLkSkOig50G .
•I don't really know what a book's presentation is like, so I kind of took inspiration from the last chapter of the fanfiction "Little talks" on fanfiction.net, and also made some things up.
•JJ is there because thanks to Emily's mother, she was pardoned and didn't go to jail for her crime. I couldn't mention it in the chapter.
•As you know, I'm a religious Catholic, and in this chapter I've basically described Heaven. If you don't believe it exists, that's fine, but don't make fun of it, please.
•Thank you very much to my friend @lex13cm for suggesting to me to use the story's title for David's book too. It was a very good idea.
•Tags: @lex13cm, @golden1u5t, @avis-writeshq, @rynwritesreid, @chrrysgirl, @amerrymango, @marie-sworld, @iluvreid, @babygirl-garcia, @hugyourlungs, @strangermoonlove.
The bridge to Heaven
Chapter 22: Finally at peace
On June 12, 2004, exactly one year after Matthew's phone call to David, which had made the writer's investigation about Emily's case begin, a very important event occurred at John W. Engeman Theater, in Long Island.
It was the presentation of the last book Dave would have published in his life.
It was entitled "The bridge to Heaven", and what it talked about were the last weeks of Emily's life as told by her mother, former boyfriend, friends and acquaintances.
But it also included David's investigation about her death, and was dedicated to Emily herself, but also to Matthew, who had died on December 9, 2003, before being able to see the book his extremely brave choice had allowed Dave to write be published.
Aaron, Derek, Elle, Jennifer, Penelope and Spencer, along with their families, were there, though, and of course Declan, his grandmother and his wife and daughter had come too.
And then, in addition the majority of David's relatives, Pauline Leonard was there as well.
The woman had remained unsure whether to go or not almost until last minute, but then she had chosen to do it not only for Emily, but also because in a way, she felt like she owed it to her sister Abigail.
"If at the beginning of last year, someone had told me that I would have soon discovered and brought to light a fourty-year-old secret, I almost certainly wouldn't have believed them" David began talking, starting the presentation, after getting on the stage and inviting Aaron, Derek, Elle, Spencer, Jennifer and Penelope to join him "It happened, though, and if we are gathered here tonight, it is also and above all thanks to the men and women who are now on stage behind me, as well as Emily's mother and former boyfriend, former nurse Pauline Leonard and Matthew Benton, who can't be here today, but whose decision allowed me to give Emily the justice she deserved. So, first of all, I have to thank them for what they were courageous enough to do".
At the end of his short speech, everyone in the room clapped, then, taking turns, first David, then each of Emily's former schoolmates told a little part of that story.
They didn't say much, so as not to spoil too much of the book, but listening to their speeches, Elizabeth was still deeply moved.
As Emily's former friends and acquaintances spoke, however, a strange thing happened to Emily's mother.
For a few seconds, as each of them gave a brief speech, she seemed to see the teenagers they were when Emily was part of their lives in them again.
It didn't last long and the woman was aware that it couldn't really have been happening, but at that moment, it still seemed so real to her.
What happened next, however, was even more emotional for Elizabeth.
Suddenly, while Jennifer, the last person to speak, was talking, she thought she saw her daughter on stage with David and her former schoolmates.
Emily was wearing a white shirt and pants of that same colour, but, most importantly, she was smiling, something she hadn't done often in the last few weeks of her life.
She seemed happier than she had been in at least the last three years of her life, and she almost immediately spotted her mother in the crowd and waved to her.
"My little girl" Elizabeth couldn't stop herself from whispering with tears in her eyes "You just couldn't not be here today, right, Emily?"
"I'm okay now, Mama" Emily told her a few seconds later, moving closer to her, then disappearing.
Elizabeth didn't know for sure if what she had just seen was real, she couldn't know that, but deep down, she felt like it was.
Wherever she was at the moment, her beloved daughter was now at peace, so she could be too.
She could finally stop suffering and holding on and just join her.
She had been ill for three years, her family knew it, and she felt like she couldn't take it anymore.
She didn't have much time left, she was aware of it, but she had always felt like she had one more thing to do before leaving this world.
That thing was finding out what had actually happened to Emily, she now knew it.
And now that she had found that out, she could be free too.
That night, shortly after 3 am, Elizabeth's heart stopped beating.
She was alone in her small apartment in the retirement home, but weirdly, she wasn't scared at all.
At her last breath, she saw a big white light, stronger than any other one she had ever seen, then Emily appeared before her.
Her daughter had come to get her, just what the woman had waited for for fourty-one years.
"Come on, Mama, let's go. Daddy is waiting for you" Emily told her, taking her hand and starting to walk with her into that light.
Elizabeth could reunite with her family, and the three of them would now be together forever, finally at peace.
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blushingsnail64 · 2 years
(PART 2) "Alan"
Human reader on a space team with larger, scarier, and stronger alien teammates
My writing and framing styles are still changing as I'm very much still new at this. Thank you for y'alls support. <3
I hope you like it @hnowu ! :)
Alan, unlike you and Ursha, actually works outside of the loading bay/cargo hold. He was a very tall, lengthy lookin guy. He had quite beautiful blue skin with hints of green and grey stripes, kind of shimmery. He had a very long neck with a roundish head that came to a point at his chin, with very large very deep blue eyes. You could only see his pupils if a light was in his face. You could say he kinda looks like the stereotypical "👽" alien although that may be offensive to say. He had a fish like quality to him, in a good way of course. He was about 7'0 and had fine tapered limbs. His hands were very similar to a humans, but long and thin.
End of description
He worked in the "brain" of the ship as the crew liked to call it. The command center, the helm, etc. he worked towards the back away from the navigational work area, handling hardware or software problems while also looking over radars, level gauges, and some more. Others have this job as well, mainly when he goes to the rest of the ship to check the wellness of the machinery.
You saw him quite a lot when the crane in your department stopped working, which kept you from doing a large portion of your job. It took him about a week to fix, and in that time you two would discuss things like your families, home planet, country and town. He told you that a holiday from his country was going to happen soon, in the next two weeks he believed. Apparently it was centered around a good harvest season for mushrooms. You may have related it to thanksgiving, which he would love to hear about.
He said it all started from a historical event where there was some sick noblewoman, a woman who had done amazing things in their society, but the sickness was said to be incurable. That is unless they found a certain magic mushroom for her to eat. Many people in the city foraged for days, bringing in hundreds of mushrooms to be inspected. Just before she was about to pass, the mushroom was found. She regained her strength and carried on being a pillar of society for many more years. Since then, the people had hosted a mushroom festival every year to remember that great effort, and to celebrate our friends and family with the time we so luckily have with them.
At least, thats what he remembered about it. He explained that he couldn't possibly manage to get back to his family since you all were so far away on a big shipment, but he hoped to video call them. You also discovered he had been the medic previously, before the company hired a new one so they could promote him to the control center where that role was desperately needed.
He was very gentlemanly, and would off his hand when you were getting up and down things. Since he was very much larger than you, you sometimes felt like a kid. But he never teased you about it, unlike some others. The crew from the brain could be a bit snobby. Even towards scary people like Ursha. You were an easy target sadly. There have been times where he's talked to about it, having overheard his crew mates saying not so nice things. He apologized on their behalf stating they really weren't mean and were just a bit insensitive. You assured him it was fine.
You also talked about basic things like your favorite music genre. He said his was jazz and blues, along with a few genres you didn't quite recognize. If you believe he's old fashioned, he'd be more than willing to show you his favorite songs and hopefully change your mind.
All of this came to an end, sadly. The crane was fixed and he'd hardly have time to talk while he was doing his regular checkups on the machines.
He did leave you with one final question though,
"Would you perhaps like to join me when I call my family this weekend? I'm sure they would love to see you and hopefully you'll enjoy the festivities, even through the screen."
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Crack headcanoodle monday: the Winnower wishes to preserve the state of the game and the status quo. The Gardener is tired of one shape always winning and changes the rules to fundamentally alter the game and give other shapes a chance. Their estranged offspring, Witness, it tired of the endless, pointless cycle of life-death-life-death and wishes to raze the universe of all life so no one suffers anymore. It very much subscribes to the theory of "why live if you die anyway"/"why fight if you will lose anyway". It is soon to be taught a lesson by its creators it is rebelling against.
That's a really cool idea, omg.
I've been thinking about something similar, specifically that the Witness is maybe some sort of manifestation of the Winnower that it needed to place into the game.
Now, literally just now as I rewatched the starting cutscene I remembered something that I first thought of when I saw this scene:
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Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 3:
The knife had a million blades.
This lore tab is a recounting of the Collapse from the Traveler's POV. The knife attacked with a million blades and "cut its godly flesh." It also "stole so much more than your body."
Blades would be the Pyramid ships. Their angles in that second image were always so peculiar to me, we don't usually see them like that. The look like blades, perhaps on a spear or arrow. Or a knife.
And well. In Unveiling the Winnower says:
I looked at the gardener.
I looked at my hands.
I discovered the first knife.
When they fought in the Garden, the Winnower "discovered" the first knife, possibly some sort of manifestation of the Witness that it's using to chase down the Gardener. In that sense, your theory is basically there; the Witness would be some type of progeny of the first conflict.
It's really evocative that the only time we've ever seen the Witness physically affect reality around it was when it did the slicening of the Ghost and Guardian and their ships (sliced, like with a knife). As it was passing through a beam of Light. Outside of that, it always appears through shattered glass or speaking through our Ghost. It doesn't do anything; perhaps it can't unless it's being directly affected by the Gardener. It can interact with that for which it was made; the original conflict between Gardener and Winnower. Otherwise, it needs Disciples to do its bidding.
The Witness is obsessed with bringing about the final shape and it believes it can only be done so with what it did; connected the Veil with the Traveler, opened a portal to an unknown dimension and... Currently unknown and characters are hard at work to figure it out. I am most interested in what it told the Traveler:
"The universe makes us all victim and perpetrator of its infinite cruelty. You, more than any, suffer both fates.
"Be free."
I am currently obsessed with this and thinking it could mean that the way to enact the final shape would be to remove the Gardener from the game and effectively restart the universe. By "freeing" the Gardener from the body it used to enter the game (Traveler), and banishing it back to the original dimension it came from (the original metaphorical garden where the Gardener and Winnower fought), the final shape can happen. Originally, before the Gardener's change of rules, the final shape were always the Vex. Perhaps Sol Divisive know what's up. Or the Witness is simply using them and the ultimate goal is revert to a reality without the Gardener's rule and start anew.
Ghosts currently can't feel the Traveler, but the Light isn't gone. The Gardener may have been banished from its body, but its rule is still in effect in the universe. For now. In that sense, the Gardener is the victim of it all, but also the perpetrator, for enabling that rule in the first place.
This is all purely speculation ofc, but I've always wanted some really cool follow up on the Unveiling and the original conflict and possibly an explanation for a few things that are quite strange and are related to a dimension we haven't seen yet. The place outside of time and space, the original garden.
There's so much possibility here. We could be completely wrong or we could be entirely correct. Or a secret third thing (correct in wrong ways, or wrong in correct ways). I don't expect anyone to really guess what's up, but this is currently what's really interesting to think about until we get any sort of confirmation or denial.
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kores-pomegranate · 18 days
Story time!
I grew up evangelical Christian, specifically Pentecostal. My parents were very devout, but over the years they’ve both become slightly less rigid in their beliefs. My dad in particular has undergone such growth and I’m so proud of him, but my mom, while less rigid than she once was, is still Christian and still pretty conservative.
I am queer, nonbinary, and polyamorous. My girlfriend is moving in with me on Saturday, which meant that I really couldn’t avoid coming out to them about all of this. Today, I sent them this email:
Hey y’all,
I didn't necessarily want to have this conversation over writing, but I think I'm too nervous to have it any other way. There's a lot that I've wanted to tell you both for a long time but I've been nervous about it and putting it off indefinitely. There's a lot in my life that is going to change very soon, but I wanted to get through DragonCon and [my child’s] birthday before dropping all of this on y'all. Telling you about those changes requires giving you some background information first. 
So, I would say around 2017-2018ish, I came out to [my now ex-husband] as pansexual (which is similar to bisexual but basically a little more expansive). He was supportive and kind about it and it led to us having conversations about opening our relationship to give me the opportunity to have experiences that I wasn't able to have because we got married so young. We decided to try it out and it was bumpy but generally went well. After a little while we decided that we wanted to try polyamory (instead of just being "open") because it felt more natural to us to be able to pursue meaningful and loving relationships with other people if we found someone we wanted to do that with. During this time I also realized that I am nonbinary, meaning that I don't really identify with male or female as a gender and I use they/them pronouns to reflect that.
Through the pursuit of polyamory, we discovered a lot of weak points in our marriage. That's to be expected, because nonmonogamy has a way of exposing cracks and forces you to address them. That's when we started couple's therapy. I would say that polyamory and couple's therapy did a great job of showing us the weaknesses in our relationship. In particular it showed me how it felt to be treated well in a relationship. The differences between my relationship with [ex-husband] and my relationships with others were stark, and over time I couldn't ignore how unwilling or unable [ex-husband] was to change, and how unhappy I was with him. Couple's therapy for the years we were in it was mostly focused on what [ex-husband] perceived to be my deficits, which were almost entirely the fact that he felt like we didn't have sex enough. So, after years of going to couple's therapy and feeling as though all of the difficulties in our marriage were my fault, coupled with the experience of being treated well by a partner and finding that I am actually capable of functioning healthily in a relationship, I asked [ex-husband] for the divorce. 
My partner through this since May of 2022 has been [girlfriend], that I believe both of you met before and after her transition. We met at [convention] and she was also in a polyamorous relationship. She lived in [city] with her partner, [partner’s] husband, and the child they were raising together as a family. For the entirety of our relationship we have been long distance, and that has been hard but we have made it work. Recently for reasons that aren't dissimilar to the reasons that [ex-husband] and I ended things, [girlfriend’s] relationship with [partner] also ended. After a lot of conversations and brainstorming and problem solving, we decided that the best thing and the thing that will make us both the happiest is for [girlfriend] to move to [city] to move in with me. We weren't sure until very recently that this was going to be what happened, but it is now a done deal and she'll be moving in with me on Saturday.
I know this is a hard thing for y'all to hear, and I know that it goes against more than one of your values and beliefs as people. My partner, a trans woman of two and a half years who I started consensually dating with the full knowledge of all parties involved while I was still married has now parted ways with her polyamorous partner and will be moving in with me even though we're not married. It will also make it publicly undeniable that I am a queer person, whereas before I suppose there was some amount of deniability in that fact if you weren't looking at it too closely. 
This is a lot to throw at y'all and I'm not sure how much of it you had already guessed or suspected, but we've not really ever talked about it explicitly and I figured my partner moving in with me was the time to talk about it. I wanted to send the info dump in writing first so that you could have time to process all of it without having me right in front of you, but I really would like to talk about it face to face or over the phone or something if that is something y'all would ever like to do. I understand that this may change some things about our relationship--I don't know if y'all will continue to want to spend holidays at my house or if [girlfriend] will be welcome at family things, but I do hope that eventually that is something that can happen.
Please know that I am the happiest I have ever been with her, and I truly never thought that I would be able to find a person that I love as much as I love her, let alone get to have her in my life every day. I really want to be able to share that happiness with y'all, and I hope we can get there some day.
I love y'all,
[signed name] 
I have been wracked with anxiety all day, because I genuinely did not know how they would respond, especially my mom. Here is her response:
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I cannot express how I never, in a million billion years, would have guess that this is how my mom would respond. I immediately started crying…hard.
Then my dad’s response came in and it completely wrecked me in the best way possible:
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Even reading over it now is making me really emotional. I can’t believe that my family is unconditionally accepting of this news from me. I have been afraid to have these conversations with them for years. *Years.* It hasn’t settled on me yet that I will get to live with the love of my life AND my family is happy for me and won’t be cutting me out of their lives.
I think I am the luckiest person that’s ever lived and I have such gratitude to the universe for that fact.
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lavenderpenumbra · 2 years
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here are my au fic recs that are either oneshots or series. most common aus here are college, mob/mafia, modern.
main fic rec masterlist
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[fluff] / [angst] / [fluff & angst] / [implied smut] / [smut] / [dark]
[f & a] [s] i wanna ruin our friendship by @marvelouslizzie (celebrity au)
James “Bucky” Barnes is a famous actor who just turned 40. He’s getting old and struggling with the fact that he isn’t what he used to be. When he finally opens up to you about how he’s struggling with body image, you assure him in a very unexpected way. Things take a turn after that point.
[f & a] [s] Hot and Cold by @buckyalpine (college au)
You can’t stand him, he can’t stand you
[f & a] [s] we can make it till the end by @sinner-as-saint (modern au)
You’ve known Bucky and his family for years. Bucky’s parents were close friends of your fiancé and soon, they became your really good friends too. But then in one terrible accident Bucky lost both of his parents and you lost your fiancé. Ever since, you and Bucky became each other’s rock for the years which followed. You were there for him like family. But then, Bucky’s behaviour changes and you realise that he wants something you’re not so certain you can or should give him: your heart.
[f & a] clingy as fuck by @kinanabinks (mob au)
you overhear bucky telling sam about how clingy you are, which breaks your heart.
[f & a] [s] [d] His Most Priced Possession by @bucky-barnes-diaries (mob au)
You’re the wife of the most feared man in all of New York City, James Buchanan Barnes, the mob boss of the biggest mafia in town. Your his—his girl, his beauty, his love, his property, his most prized possession. He will torture and kill anyone who dares to make any advances on his woman, and he won’t hesitate to show them who you belong to in the most sinful way possible before their end…
[a] The 30th by Billie Eilish by @arlana-likes-to-write (modern au)
It’s been 5 months since you and Bucky official divorced. You still don’t understand what happened between you and him but a phone call from Memorial Hospital stops you in your tracks and shatters your world.
[f] [s] Sugar by @/buckyalpine (ceo!reader & college!bucky)
You take care of your sweet college baby
[f] [s] Throne by @angrythingstarlight (biker au)
He did warn you what would happen if you didn't let him enjoy his dessert.
[i.s.] Spanking by @/angrythingstarlight (mob au)
Bucky has warned his wife over and over to stop smacking his ass. He let it go the first dozen or so times, but she's running out of chances.
[f] [i.s.] Masterpiece of Art by @/bucky-barnes-diaries (mob au)
Your husband gives you an anniversary present that has you looking like a goddess—a masterpiece, perfection in every way.
[f & a] [s] A Sweeter Place by @/sinner-as-saint (mob au)
Years after a messy break-up, and now seeking stability, infamous mob boss James Buchanan Barnes finds himself reunited with an old flame of his. Instant guilt and regret wash over him when he finds out that his reckless ways back then, changed an innocent girl’s life forever.
[f] [i.s.] untitled by @/angrythingstarlight (nfl au)
You and Bucky accidentally discover one of his kinks. Now that he knows he's into that, he can't wait for you to do it again.
[f] a million summers by @/intrepidacious (modern au)
Something shifts between you and Bucky when he comes back home from college.
[f] [s] Pretty Like This by @/angrythingstarlight (mob au)
Mafia Bucky believes you look pretty when you’re screaming his name. 
[f & a] Flirting and Football by @/lovelybarnes (college au)
Bucky barnes and a college au where reader is the only one who isn’t interested in him basically
[f] [s] Soft by @/buckyalpine (mob au)
(sub space reader)
[f] Pretend by @/buckyalpine (college au)
The perfect solution to a nagging problem
[f] Easy by @jadedvibes (modern au)
An impromptu night out at a local speakeasy results in you waking up next to your crush.
[f & a] [s] You had one job by @/buckyalpine (bodyguard au)
Bodyguard Bucky has one job 
[a] The Art of Sleep by @subwaysurf45 (college au)
Bucky Barnes was known to be reckless with his health, especially when it comes to his sleep. Doing the bare minimum as a girlfriend you knew you had to make sure he was sleeping for midterms. Bucky couldn’t disagree more.
[f] [s] King in your story by @/sinner-as-saint (viking!bucky & princess!reader)
Everyone in your father’s Kingdom knows that the Vikings often raid the castle’s warehouses. They take anything they want. Food, gold, weapons. Although they never seem to hurt your subjects. But you had had enough. Given your training, and your need to defend your Kingdom, your father agrees to let you trap the Vikings and bring them in for negotiation because this habit of theirs needs to be stopped. You hated the Vikings, and you thought you always would. Until the moment you met a pair of blue eyes which made your world stand still. Bucky was the Chief of his people; muscular, rough and tumble, and arrogant. Not to mention a shameless flirt, and he got on your nerves the most. But you knew it from the very day you laid eyes on his very handsome face that no matter how hard you tried, some part of you couldn’t fully hate him, nor resist him - even if he was the rival.
[f] Muse by @/navybrat817 (artist au)
Bucky is thankful to have you as his muse.
[f] Enchanted by @buckthegrump (royal au)
Balls bore you half to death. And the suitors that come from across the lands seeking your hand in marriage all seem to have forgotten about human decency. Until one day it doesn’t seem so bleak.
[f] Happily Ever After by @redhoodssweetheart (royal au)
Bucky has a tendency to rule with an iron fist, he can be strict when it comes to the rules, but whenever you enter a room he starts to show a softer side.
[f & a] [i.s.] spilled wine by @sunmoonandeddie (royal au)
You’re nothing more than a servant who happens to warm the bed of the king.  At least, that’s what you thought you were.
[f] [i.s.] Spoiling His Girl by @/angrythingstarlight (mob au)
Bucky is only getting started.
[f] [i.s.] untitled by @/bucky-barnes-diaries (mob au)
Reader and Bucky booking a hotel for a lazy romantic weekend, most of which they spend naked. Bucky decides that they feel too comfortable to want to get up and go out for food, so Reader decides to order out for them and get dressed enough to meet the delivery person at the door. While Reader is accepting the order, Bucky wraps up in a sheet and comes up behind them, smug as both Reader and the delivery person become flustered.
[a] Barrister Beaus by@/jadedvibes (lawyer/modern au)
You and Bucky were rivals all throughout law school, but over time you became best friends and fell for each other. A miscommunication leads you to think Bucky is not interested in you so you stay friends. Bucky finally admits the truth when he sees you with another man.
[f & a] And Everything Nice by @/navybrat817 (tattooartist!bucky & baker!reader)
You visit the tattoo parlor when an uninvited guest shows up at the bakery.
[f] Soft Spot by @holylulusworld (mob!bucky & librarian!reader)
He has a soft spot for you.
[f & a] my everyday by @/pellucid-constellations (college au)
Bucky Barnes was aggressive, annoying, and—worst of all—a hockey player. Not your type. At all. But, unfortunately, your roommate. 
[f & a] [s] Yours to claim by @/buckyalpine (royal au)
Your first night with the king 
[f & a] [i.s.] untitled by @/buckyalpine (royal au)
"No one else gets to decide that, princess, no one"
[f & a] You Matter To Me by @angstysebfan (modern au)
This is based on the song “You Matter To Me” from Waitress the Musical. It’s not a replica of what happens in the play, but the words in the song.
[f & a] [s] sweetie by @wwilsonbarness (dbf!bucky)
after yet another failed date your dad’s best friend Bucky cheers you up.. 
[f] [s] drabble by @/buckyalpine (ceo!reader au)
He came by your office, hoping to take you out for a coffee break but clearly you needed a lot more than coffee. 
[f] drabble by @/buckyalpine (bodyguard au)
How was he supposed to leave you when you were so sweet and cuddly and so utterly adorably drunk. 
[f & a] [s] Not a study date by @/marvelouslizzie (college au)
You have the biggest crush on Bucky Barnes but despite all your efforts, he doesn’t seem to notice you. Can one study date change it all?
[f & a] [s] After the Fall by @/jobean12-blog (modern au)
Bucky is your first love...your first everything so when things fall apart in college over a stupid misunderstanding you’re completely heartbroken but manage to move on...that is until your past comes back in a way you least expect it. 
[f & a] protector by @vxntagedior (mob au)
the moment bucky fell in love with you
[f] [s] Jersey by @inmyicyworld (college au)
Natasha’s idea of getting a jersey with Bucky’s name turned out to be much better than you expected.
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[f & a] Cordially Invited by @navybrat817 (modern royal au, no separate masterlist)
You're a princess in love with your knight. Will the two of you get your happily ever after?
[f & a] [s] Labyrinth by @frostironfudge (modern au)
Bucky and You would do anything for Steve and Wanda, your respective best friends. In an attempt to avoid a tradition Steve and Wanda come up with a lie involving their best friends.  A lie, that involves building a labyrinth. Bucky and You begin to build but will you two find your way out or be caught in it?
[f & a] [s] Capture my Heart part 1 & part 2 by @/buckyalpine (lumberjack au, completed)
On the run from your abusive ex, a beefy lumberjack comes to your rescue 
[f & a] moth to a flame by @tmpestuous (college au)
Bucky Barnes was the love of your life, and you were his. There was no denying it. But after two years of dating, you found yourselves on different paths and decided it was best to go your separate ways. The only problem was how drawn you’d always be to him even after moving on.
[f & a] [i.s.] Everyone’s Watching Him (But He’s Looking At Her) @writing-for-marvel (celebrity au, completed)
The entire world’s eyes are on movie star Bucky Barnes, what he’s wearing, who he’s dating, even the mystery behind why he needs a prosthetic arm - but Bucky doesn’t care about all that, he’s only got one thing on his mind, you.
[f & a] [s] jealousy & flirtation by @/kinanabinks (college au, no separate masterlist)
There's nothing you want more than Bucky Barnes - but you and his best friend, Juniper, seem to have that in common.
[f & a] [s] [d] Arranged by @the-fallen-nightmare (mob au, completed)
Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York’s most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
[f & a] [s] beneath the milky twilight by @bucksangel (ceo au, completed)
Being Mr. Barnes’ personal assistant has been tough, balancing a full time job while taking care of your younger brothers has you running yourself thin. Then, things take a sharp turn after a dinner with your boss when you disclose your financial situation
[f & a] [s] Tempestuous by @/sinner-as-saint (royal au, completed)
With his kingdom flourishing in peace, and no threats from enemies; recently crowned King - James Buchanan Barnes sets out at sea. With his finest ship, the best crew ever recruited, and a deep desire to see whether the edge of the world truly exists; the King sets sail. Hoping to find the marvels of the ocean, to find beauty and magic even; however he ends up finding a fiery soul – one he cannot get enough of. But then again, no love story is ever perfect, is it? 
[f] [s] false god by @notafunkiller (celebrity au)
On the night of your movie premiere, you and director Bucky finally get closer.
[f & a] [s] [d] Moment of Weakness by @/the-fallen-nightmare (mob au, completed)
Reader is the assistant to New York’s most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can’t he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
[f] Peachy Sweet by @straywords (mob au)
Your delicious treats attract your grumpy boss’ attention.
[f] [s] Sleepless nights & Sweeter mornings by @kikixreverie (roommate au, completed)
Weeks of not being able to get off leave you restless and without sleep, and after hearing your troubles through the thin walls, your roommate, Bucky, decides to help you out.
[f & a] [s] i could've chosen you (and yes, i would) by @welldonebeca (royal au, completed)
To form an alliance with another Kingdom, your father arranges a marriage between you and James, the duke of Barnes and best friend of King Steve I of a neighbouring kingdom, and you struggle to make a relationship out of your arranged union.
[f & a] Fieldwork, Conflict Of Interest I & II by @elixirfromthestars (detective!bucky & lawyer!reader, completed)
After the many failed dates Natasha set you up on, you decide to give up on the dating scene all together. That is until Bucky makes it his mission to change your mind, but will he be enough to change it?
[f] [s] heartless 1 & 2 by @/sinner-as-saint (incubus!bucky & witch!reader)
You learnt about them when you were young. You had tomes filled with information about them, how to invite one, how to control one, etc. You also knew that if done right, union with an incubus was said to result in the birth of powerful witches. And now, after having spent years all alone following the unfortunate slaughter of your family you have two strong desires; to have a child and to continue the witch bloodline. Both of which can be fulfilled by summoning and making the right arrangements with the right incubus. And the best part of it all, incubi were known to be incapable of love and emotional attachment, so ending the arrangement once you conceived wouldn’t be hard for either parties involved. Except, it’s not always that easy, is it? And perhaps, not all incubi are heartless. 
[f] Catch Me If You Can 1, 2, & 3 by @/buckyalpine (mob!bucky & single mom!police!reader, completed)
Maybe he isn’t so bad
[f & a] [s] He's Hazardous To My Health by @/writing-for-marvel (paramedic!bucky & resident!reader)
Bucky Barnes is a beefy paramedic with a traumatic past, who has left a trail of broken hearts behind him. You are a resident doctor new to town, who barely has time to date between long shifts. When your paths cross in your ER during a disaster, is it the start of something magical, or are you destined to be just another of Bucky’s former flames?
[f & a] [s] for the love of the game by @/pellucid-constellations (college au, completed)
Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it. 
[f & a] [s] Unexpected 1 & 2 by @repressedqueen (sexworker!bucky)
After a crazy night out celebrating your birthday, somehow you ended up outside a brothel debating on whether it was time for you to finally have sex or not.
[f & a] [s] Plot Twist I, II, III and bonus by @winterarmyy (mafia au)
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
[f & a] [s] Purity by @/rookthorne (pornstar!bucky & innocent!reader)
Softness was a trait you unwittingly carried - the wings of a dove taking you higher and higher, elevating you in the eyes of the devil. And that devil did not want to wait any longer. It was time to collect.
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