#which i then have to take out for her or its just foing to stay by the door
wetterroomba · 8 months
I feel like I'm going insane. Last few nights there haven't been leftovers and my mom started complaining about when 1, the fridge is a graveyard of uneaten leftovers I now have to clean out and 2, there's plenty of shit in the freezer she can chuck in the air fryer if she's that pressed about but oh no, of course not, that's too much fucking work for her to open a door and look for something
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ansel-rae562 · 6 months
The new Doorman
[Doppleganger!Milkman x Reader]
{Author's note: So I accidentally made a promise to a bunch of people in tiktok so here I deliver you a smut, please note this is my first writing one since I'm more into Angst and I also made this gender neutral as I can so yeah.. Enjoy!}
First day of Job being a doorman! finally you found a job, looking for one is a bit hard. And this is quite a high pay so why not but this one involves dealing with doppleganger's which is kinda dangerous but the D.D.D assured you that you'll be safe as long as you stay in your office.
After you watched the introductory film explaining about how the job works, you opened the metal window and saw the D.D.D personel
"Welcome and congratulations on your new Job! Remember you have to watch out carefully for the doppleganger's. There are times that the neighbors are not on the list, check their ID's closely and their appearance's as well, or else you and the others may end up dead.. That's all you may continue"
The personnel left and you decided to check the today's list
"Okayy.... So here will be the expected people..."
Izaack Gauss
Mia Stone
Albertsky Peachman
Elenois Sverchtz
Francis Mosses
Anastasia Mikaelys
"Wow... Uhuh that's quite alot....but nothing I can handle"
A few minutes later a person came "Good morning, I see you're a new doorman" The woman said as she handed in her ID "Good morning and Yes I am ma'am" You greeted then looked at her ID 'Gloria Schmicht'.... "Uh ma'am? May I ask why are you not in today's list?" You asked "Oh It's cause my mother had an emergency and I had to be there" After checking all the files and seeing almost no anomalies you called the apartment just in case and found out that the wife is actually home "Sorry nope, bye" you said immediately pressing the danger button and calling the D.D.D.
Hours passed by dealing with a few doppleganger's which some of them being visually creepy and threatening you till a man came, he was wearing a white button up shirt and a white hat that has 'Milkman' written on them. He looks tired, bags under his eyes showing then he spoke "Good afternoon, here's my ID and entry request" you stared momentarily before deciding to check all information, he also has an attractive voice which made you blush a little.
Learning that his name is Francis and he's the local milkman around town you couldn't help but have a little crush I mean he's attractive, his voice is also attractive, tired guys may or may not also be your type and he does have a pretty decent Job so he does perfectly fit your dream guy. Not long after it's finally night time and also the end of your shift, you packed your items that you brought with you then the one who'll exchange with you arrived "Hey..." She greeted "Hold on a sec, have to make sure you're the real one" you said checking all the workers files "Wow darling... Taking your job very seriously huh?.. impressive" she said with a subtle smile, she has green eyes and bags are shown under her eyes, she looks like she has been doing this for years.
"Well yeah... Don't want to lose a high paying job ya know" you replied and confirming that she's the real one "hmm, Understandable" you opened the metal door and she bid you goodbye "Careful darling, some doppleganger's are hostile and might attack you, here take this it's a 200v taser.... don't worry i have plenty" you thanked her and left to fo home. Walking home is kinda creepy especially at night, you wouldn't know when a creature of some sort is gonna pounce on you right now that's when you heard a rustle on a nearby bush then something jumped out.
It was cat... Quite a big one but it was injured on its side, you went closer and tried to reassure the cat "Hey... Hey there kitty, don't worry I'm a friend.." as you said those words the cat looked at you with a mix of hatred and confusion "I can help... I promise, I won't hurt you like whoever did that to you" The cat slightly calmed down and let you pick them up, you arrived home and put your bag down as well as settling the cat on your table and immediately finding the first aid.
You tended to the cat's wounds and surprisingly it just let you do your work, you winced to yourself finding that the wound is a bit deep "Gosh who would hurt a cat... They're sweet" finishing it up you wrapped the cat up with gauze "there you're all fixed up kitty... Hm.. i guess I could also feed you since you're at my house" you then went to your fridge to look for something to feed the cat and for yourself.
"You settling alright kitty?.." you asked, after feeding the cat you set up a box with a few soft rugs in them for the cat to sleep on and the cat looked at you with content eyes, chuckling lightly to yourself "you know it's amazing how your eyes can actually communicate, it's cute" you turned around to turn off the lights of you room "Night kitty..." You said finally falling asleep. The next morning you woke up and saw that the cat was nowhere to be seen and the window has few paw prints "Dang it I was planning on adopting him" you said sadly then started getting ready for the day.
Arriving at your workplace the girl from last night greeted you "Good morning darling!, did you have a good rest last night?" She asked "good morning, Yeah I did thanks for asking" you replied then she opened the metal door and went out "uh... You're not gonna check if I'm the real one?..." the girl turned around and said "Would you be asking that if you were a fake one?... And besides you're new it'll take a few days before they decide to copy you" she turned around again and left. Starting your shift like what you did Yesterday, letting a few people out giving them an entry request for when they come back, dealing with a few doppleganger's, letting people in once confirming that they're the real one till finally the guy from yesterday came; Francis "Hi mr. Milkman" you greeted, he looks a bit surprised when he saw you "Oh uh... Hello... " he said smiling slightly, you blushed then he handed you his ID only but you looked closely you saw he has a small mole on his left cheek which the real Francis didn't have. You kinda have memorized what he look and a few of his information from the files.... Kinda creepy of you but you couldn't help it, he was now your crush "Oh... I'm sorry, my good sir but I actually have this guy memorized and you're not him..." You said and before you could close the metal window you humped as he banged on the somehow sturdy window "What?!... How could!-... I see you like little mr. Milkman.. " the faker said his eyes were really angry and creepy "Yeah nope bye." you said then pressed the danger button and called for the D.D.D. Minutes later the metal window opened "There was no one in sight but I suppose the doppleganger already left before we arrive, you may now continue your work"
The day ended and you switched shifts with Loira, the name of the girl that you work with she bid you goodbye and you went home. Weeks later the things just go by on a repeat with some of them you going on a late night grocery, what's really interesting is that the doppleganger who always pretends to be Francis, he'd show up you find a small detail that the real Francis doesn't have, he'd get angry telling you things like "I'll get you next time" "I'll fool you one day" "Why are you so observative of the guy" then once you call for the D.D.D service he'd disappear before they could arrive like what's the deal with him?... Earlier he said something that actually sent shivers to your spine "Wait till I devour your fleshy body, Human" that was an actual pretty creepy threat, didn't realize that your already at your doorstep from a long day, you set down the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to take a quick shower and change.
After that you arranged all the groceries, it's pretty quiet around your house since you live alone, your parents on another country and your house is pretty far away from other residents so you'll be aable to hear anything out of the ordinary. Going up the stairs to sleep you decided to stretch around a little while you do so, you felt a weird sensation going up your leg, you looked down and a black substance of sorts but before you could scream another one covered your mouth as other one's quickly wrapped around your legs and arms separately, along your torso as well completely immobilizing you.
You looked around saw... Francis?... but his eyes are dark with white glowing dots on the middle "Hello... Doorman, I did say I will get you... Didn't I?" He spoke. You were confused, scared how did he know where you live? "Hey... Hey there... Little human, no need to get scared after all I'm a friend.... Aren't I?" That's when realization hit you. The cat that you helped was a doppleganger "you know human, you hurt me when you set your eyes on someone else... I thought you liked me?... Didn't you say so yourself?" He said which earned a muffled confused rambling from you "No... You must pay for making me believe you... " Before you could make another confused noise the tentacle like substance was removed around your mouth "What now-" you were cut off by something shoving into your mouth deeply making you gag, it was one of his tentacle.
[NSFW part]
He relentlessly attacked your mouth making you gag, you tried to squirm away but it was futile he has you wrapped around his other tentacle's. By then your eyes then started forming tears, you looked at the doppleganger of Francis which amused him "Look at you... Such an expression... I want more.. " he said. He set you down on your bed having your arms up above your head as he crawled between your legs "I did say I would devour your fleshy body... Don't worry it's not in a way I would eat you to the bone" he then slowly tore your garment earning a gaged up moan from you. He looked at you directly seeing that lewd expression from you also looking at him, he then slowly dipped his down between your legs which made you moan once again. You couldn't help but moan while he completely eats you out while also making you suck on one of his tentacle's, you were completely helpless making you take all of the pleasure like obedient slave.
That's when you felt something go in futher inside you, it felt like a very long tongue reaching up to the parts that you never could reach and hitting you perfectly on your spot making your body jolt and moan loudly than before "hmm?... is this your spot...?" He said while his tongue was still deep into you, he fastened up the pace than before almost a bit too fast than normal making your body more hotter and eager for a release. Not long after you came he adjusted himself, he humed in satisfaction "this will do..." He said then he removed the tentacle from your mouth as you looked at him with tired eyes "aww.... Already tired? Unlucky for you I'm not done yet" he adjusted his position, you didn't even notice that he entered you once again but this with his cock which made you yelp in surprise. He mercilessly pounded at a fast not giving you a preparation while his other tentacle's explore your exposed especially around your chest, waist and neck and his hands holding your thighs firmly to keep your shaking legs in place.
Release after release, you couldn't keep up anymore till you passed out from complete exhaustion and pleasure. He finally unsheathed his cock from you and loads mixed both of his and yours spilled out, staining the bed beneath the both of you. He then looked at your passed out form, your heaving chest, your belly slightly bulging and your beautiful sleeping face... "Such a perfect human.... I just wanna keep you" he fixed your sleeping form in a much comfortable position and pulled a blanket over before making his way to the telephone and dialed a number "Hello... Loira hey! I called a bit early so I could inform you that I'm sick..... Yeah please do.... Thank you I will bye!" He turned back to you and layed beside you "Rest now, my human...."
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
So for dragon Gambit au: the subject of magneto
Every dragon mutant has their thing that they obsessively hoard, sometimes multiple things. For Gambit, it's cat themed items (also cool and rare mardigras throws/beads but that's more of his and rogue's shared collection than purely his); for Storm it's chia pets, unique shaped plant pots and rare plants, and obsidian trinkets with gold accents to them; for Bobby it's 80-90s "x-treme sportz" parifinalia and cheesey desk toys; and for jean its antique books, sewing machines, bolts of discontinued/unique fabric, and vintage sewing patterns.
But for Magento, it's mutants which causes problems. Because Dragon Magneto has such trauma from his background in world war II his hoarding tendencies basically turned into him collecting mutants and trying forcibly stuff them somewhere safe from humans. It's Noble in thought but because of how the dragon hording tendencies work, they tend to objectify (not in a sexual way) what they collect. The need to have something in the collection can override morals on how they get it into the collection. he tends to disregard someone's own opinion on whether or not they're getting collected. He's mentally justified it with a "you don't know what is best for yourself, I do" mentality. Genosha kinda becomes his horde. If he takes a liking to you and you are a mutant there is an 80% chance of him snatching you up and dropping you off there. He's tried to get Charles to stay with him several times early on (with much less force) but stops once he became paralyzed, out of fear of causing further harm to his friend by pressuring him to join him.
And it becomes an especially big problem when he starts admiring rogue. it's not romantic but he wants her for his cause. He wants her in genosha as his friend. And he's got a territorial streak when it comes to other dragons and his hoard so Gambit being in the picture pisses him off.
Girl can handle herself and literally push him off if she wants, and he respects her enough to not try to just grab her, but it's no less frustrating and stressful when he tries to contact her to get her to come to genosha with him.
"genosha is much safer for mutants I think you will like it there much more,"
"Ah appreciate that, but Ahm fine here. Maybe me and Gambit will come on vacation sometime. But not now."
"but wouldn't you rather be somewhere you don't have to check over your shoulder for mutant haters?"
"Ahm a big girl, Magneto. I can literally lift my dragon boyfriend's ass when he's in full form and knock a man out with a kiss. Ah of all people have nothin to worry about."
"yes but-"
*Gambit grabs the phone* "look, If we get da Professor to visit ya for a few days will ya leave chere alone with ya dumb time share scheme fo a while?"
"it's not a-! *Growls*....please I would love to see Charles."
"bon. We'll get him on a plane in a week or so."
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sadslay · 4 months
could you please write for carol peletier x reader?
where the reader is injured, not a bite but got it while fighting a walker. reader keeps it a secret and tries to treat it herself without carol knowing. carols already lost 3 kids, she didn’t want her to worry
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- DAUGHTER ⋆☆ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — PLATONIC relationship, depictions of blood and gore, angst, mentions of death
a/n — sorry if this is not at all what you wanted, and its kinda short but i hope you like it :)
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you had known carol for years now, since you were fifteen. weather you liked to admit it or not, you thought of carol as a mother figure as she had looked after you since the beginning of all this. there had been a few times she disappeared for months at a time or iced everyone out - including yourself - but she was always there at your lowest, and despite all of carols efforts to leave her mothering tendencies behind, there was something about you she was drawn to. it might have been your blonde hair and freckles that reminded her of sophia, or maybe the fragments of herself that she saw in you, but carol could never bring herself to leave you completely.
a few days before your eighteenth birthday you were out scouting, looking in the towns that neighbored alexandria for anything useful when the unthinkable happened. you were alone, miles away from home and you had just walked into a bear trap. the rusted metal dug into your skin, tearing it apart like it was a piece of paper. the pain was indescribable. metal teeth latched onto your ankle and had no plans on letting go without causing more damage.
muttering curses under your breath you slowly bent down, only making your skin tear as deep crimson red blood began to pool around your foot. your shriek of pain from moments earlier no doubt reached every walker in a five mile radius, so you had to be quick. your hands were quick to find the two springs on either side of the rusted bear trap before pushing them down with your entire body.
as the corroded teeth of the trap pulled away from your flesh you tried to stay silent, but a hollow shriek fell from your lips as tears streams down your cheeks. but you were finally free. you were sure you could see bone but you couldn’t sit around and wait, no one knew you were out here. you had to get home, you had to keep pushing.
after an excruciating walk back to alexandria, it was almost night fall, the sun was beginning to dip beyond the horizon and the air was becoming cold. but the worst of it was still to come, you had to climb over the walls of alexandria and make it back to your home without being spotted. the pain was so indescribable the thought of even trying to articulate it made your head hurt.
by the time you were inside the walls of alexandria the sun had set and the dimly lit street lights enabled you to find you way home, completely oblivious to the pair of watching eyes from a near by kitchen window. carol watched you hobble towards the home, which you shared. as you wondered up the stairs and made your way through the entry way of your new home, carol stuck her head out from the kitchen.
“you alright?” she asked quietly, looking at your grubby skin and bloodied ankle.
you slowly nodded your head, not wanting to bother carol. “mhm.” you hummed. “did we have a first aid kit?” you asked timidly.
carol hummed, turning back into the kitchen to grab a small first aid kit. “you’re going to need stitches.” carol spoke quietly, handing you the little red bag full of bandages.
holding the first aid bag close to your chest, you began to feel light headed. it might have been the loss of blood or the immense pain but you began to feel oddly light, and before you could catch yourself or sit down you had fallen unconscious.
there in an impending feeling of devastation that was consuming carol. since the death of sophia, and the passing of your parents, carol had taken it upon herself to take care of you. while she cared for you, you filled the hole in her heart that sophia had left behind, and now with death lingering at your doorstep, carol began to revert to her old ways. for the first time in years, she had cried herself to sleep thinking of you, and when she woke up she felt hopeless. there was nothing she could do to make your pain go away or to heal your ankle.
you woke up with a sudden urgency to find yourself in the alexandria infirmary. you look down to find your ankle was stitched, your skin poorly pulled together leaving a gruelling sight.
“how’d you feel?” carol asked quietly, turning around from the medicine cabinet. after a long beat of silence she added, “you were out for a few days.”
“m’sorry.” you mumbled quietly, knowing how much it would have freaked her out.
“for being stupid?” she asked, standing at the end of your bed. you’d pissed her off, and now you were finally awake to hear it. “what the hell were you thinking?”
you let out a sigh of annoyance although you knew her concern was from a good place. you could only imagine the kind of spiral you sent her into. she looked at you like her own child and you couldn’t be another loss for her. carol had continued living after loosing her child before, but she didn't know if she had it in her to do it again, she couldn't loose you.
“you’re supposed to tell me when you go out.” she snapped in a hushed whisper, unsure if anyone was near by.
all you could think to do was apologize but you know thats not what she cares about. “it won’t happen again, m’sorry.” you pouted.
you felt a tingling sensation going up your leg, but you quickly brushed that aside as denise wondered through the front door. she had a sweet smile spread across her cheeks as she stopped a few feet from your bed.
"how are you feelin'?"
you shrugged, looking down at your scarred ankle, a scar you'd like to forget. "my legs a little sore." you lied. you leg was still in excruciating pain. "when can i get outta here?" you asked.
denise looked at carol and they exchanged a glance you couldn't quite interpret. "just one more night, 'nd then you'll be on bed rest for a couple of weeks." denise explained.
"a couple of weeks?" you exclaimed, your eyebrows pinching together as you realized how horribly this stupid bear trap had messed you up. "the fuck am i gonna do?" you asked, crossing your arms across your chest.
carol and denise frowned, and after a weak nod denise disappeared into a neighboring room. sitting down on your bed, carol looked at you, a million thoughts going through her mind as you let out a disappointed sigh.
"i'm glad you're okay." carol mumbled barely above a whisper. "i don't know what i would have done with myself if you didn't wake up." she croaked.
in so few words, carol had brought tears to your eyes. words of affirmation were few and far between, but carol admitting what she did made your heart sink as you had realized your importance to her.
she loved you like a daughter.
and you loved you like a mother.
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queen-of-elves · 1 year
Fav authors/blogs - literally consider these blogs miracles and masterpiece bringers into my life + fanfic recommendation overall and I was slowly itching to do this for a long time now hehe and there is probably more which I will compile from just my screenshot in phone or reblogs on my blog of other fanfictions
@youvebeenlivingfictional - absolutely dying from their Nathan Bateman tag, kept me alive when I was hyperfixated on that character
@absurdthirst - like... if you know their blog, do I have to say anything? Absolutely feral for every post, every new fic/work has me screaming, love every single piece
@writefightandflightclub - again my Bateman era and again one of the best writing skills on this app (when they started to follow me back I did a lil victory dance lol and had massive freakout lol)
->literally this trio is my holy trinity 👑 when it comes to Oscar/Pedro content and of course there is more I have to mention:
@budcooper - again Oscar Isaac obssesion had send me their way and since then I am a big fan
@brandyllyn - the Nathan Bateman fanfic? kept me fed for weeks and I am still returning gal for it, plus they also have works for Richard from The letter room like hello??? take my money please. I could write forever about my favorite authors for Oscar and Pedro :)))
@mypoisonedvine - got to them thanks to my fleeing (lets be honest its gonna return as any other hyperfixation) obssesion with Paul Dano and just had to stay because the writing style is just cheff's kiss
@supernovafeather - the FO!poe? The duke leto fics? Perfection 🥰 again sometimes I just search these tag on their profile just to spend the following day rereading all of it ❤
@starlessea - one of the blogs that kept me well fed in my twd fandom comback and I am so grateful to them 💖 (might actually do another comeback since twd ended etc.) Also one of the few blogs that made me consider writing on my own.
@mylifeisactuallyamess - again PERFECTLY fed when I was in my Hux era -> you want little angst with your fics like me? go check them out. Absolutely love their series and I am going to reread them soon.
Accidents -alvfr -> Aaron Hotchner my beloved and excellent writing
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - beewolf - Chishiya - Just like w youvebeenlivingfictional and writefightandflightclub I love works with references etc and this one w literature refs is just perfect
@upsidedownwithsteve got into my Steve Harrington lover boy era recently (and again) and their works? Chef's kiss, absolutely delicious
A special friend - Fred Weasley x reader - @luveline - You completely bewitched me with the sentence: "Doesn’t she realise I’m a simple, pathetic man who wants to have her simple, pathetic babies?” I had to recently reread it again and I will probably have to do it once again just for this sentence, I am not even talking about how this is an absolute masterpiece went it comes to writing for reader w anxiety etc. perfect depiction of everything
*Like seriously if I dont read these works or newly posted works of these authors assume I am dead
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hopeheartfilia · 5 months
Update on what i screenshoted from School Bus Graveyard
Also I found out that the reason it seemed so familiar when i started seeing it around was because my friend literally recommended it to me a few months back..
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Ashlyn and Aiden being adorable hours. there is so much of them being cute, and Im always just. glad they can get what little comfort they may from getting closer because those kids sure need it
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Another one, it is jsut. so soft. so important to me. Yes offer each other support and closeness in theese hard times, humans are mode for community
I dont think ive mentioned this but its so important to me how all the kids are caretakers of the group in their own ways, like they all care SO much and they show it in different ways but its undeniable.
Ashlyn cares in the way she tries to keep everyone alive and takes on responsibility and also in the way she is on the lookout for danger and generally tries to make plans and get them out of trouble
Taylor takes care of them in a more emotional core capacity, as in she has communiction skills that a majaority of them are indeed lacking in, she says things that need to be said and she helps keep them all together
Tyler on the other hand tends to care for people more in a way fo things he can Do, like doing laundry and feeding when they lived with their mom, practical things, and in the group its very much taking point, hitting things, going over and scaring of that guy that was bullying logan
Ben takes care of them in a medical way, he ptches them up physically and he worries about them and offers his silent support, and like he is still such a teen about it, they all are, but just. When they met up in the facility and tyler was like how about some words of encouragement? tell me its going to be okay and shit, and Ben just wnet and touched him while doing thumbs up, that was so sweet and so teen behaviour i love them all. And of course he is also protective in the way that he gets angry on logans behalf and would also hit someone physically as well
And the way Aiden cares for their little group might be filled with jokes, and a lot of adrenaline and overall danger seeking behaviour, but he still tries so hard, like yes he bothers people on purpose but he also livens a lot of situations, and when they need him he is there and delivers, he tries to ground ben, and ashlyn as well, he is the sort of prescence that you know will stay by your side
And Logan probably shows the most outwards signs of being scared but he still does so much and he clearly cares about the group back. He protects their back and worries about them and when push comes to shove he is there and pulling more then his weight, he helps so much with figuiring out the way the shadow realm works (thats what im calling it. it seems correct to me) and when he got that card? Like he doesnt seem to be very used to having actual close friends, which is true for most of them, but he does care about people and he does try to help others
Idk i just love all theese kids
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also, this one hit different, i was so worried about tyler, im glad he is alright-ish for now
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Also i know its easy to see how Ashlyn is a lot like her mom, especially in the beginning chapthers but i think its cool to see how much she is like her dad as well
I know there are a lot of other things to be said, and that i probably need a little more time to properly think about stuff and analyze before i can make any actual analysis but for now Ill probably put it a bit on the backburner
On the topic of theories and stuff thou, the phantoms to me have very much seemed connected to shadows in some way, as the changes in the real world affect their shadows, but people who dont see it dont seem to see the changes aeither, as we sall with ashlyns parents, and the things they said abour rifts - it overall definelty has a different, potentionally mirror dimention feeling. Also, If the phanthoms are caugh people, then the giant sentepede thing is likely a turned animal maybe? It seems likely to me that the forest would have less humanoid beings because it is less populated
Also im really curious about Logans grandparents and hoe they got that sedative. Also i have the bad feeling that their parents will get hit with the comatose version of being taken into the rift.
Also im curious about the power surges our guys cause. They seem to be emotion based, but I dont see why the other victims wouldnt cause them? Maybe they didnt stay together? or maybe they didnt live long enough? likely both but im not sure its tge reason. Also if it IS connnected to their emotional/psychological state then does that have anything to do with why aiden recovered faster? Personally i think it also has to do with the type of injury, but like do you heal faster in the shadow realm if you have depression? Or does it have something to do with your own self perception of youe wounds?
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yukidragon · 2 years
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion - First Kiss
So, funny thing. I got inspired with a random plot bunny for The Groom of Gallagher Mansion involving Elias and my version of the MC, Coraline. It’s just a sweet and silly story of spoopy fluff that came to me without knowing much of anything about the canon plot of the game. I figured that since the alpha was released on the SnaccPop Patreon today (so you might want to consider signing up if you haven’t already), I would write it out and share my raw rough draft of shameless self-indulgence before playing and seeing what the game’s story is actually about.
No doubt playing the game is going to influence me in the development of Coraline and how her relationship with Elias goes, maybe even totally changing how I’ll go about having them meet and how eager Coraline is to marry a beheaded bloody ghost. It’ll probably inspire me to make another spicy 1st person story about Elias with his living betrothed as well. Still, I hope you enjoy my silly little plot bunny that’s just an excuse to make some sweet vanilla with a hint of creepy spooky fun to keep it spicy.
Speaking of spice, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the winning fic about Jack from my poll. That’s another plot bunny that’s currently running away from me and growing into something a bit bigger than just the narrator having some spicy NSFW fun with their yandere boyfriend.
While this story isn’t going into smutty territory, I want to remind everyone that the Groom of Gallagher Mansion is an Adults Only series. Minors are not permitted in this fandom, or for any of the other SnaccPop Studios series.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little story about Elias and Coraline that takes place shortly after their first meeting mentioned in this previous post, but before they actually say their vows.
The wedding preparations were underway in the Gallagher mansion. Furniture floated into position across the room unassisted. Small wisps of otherworldly glowing blue light hung flowers and decorations while cleaning up decades of dust and cobwebs. At the center of it all was the master of the haunted manor, Elias Gallagher, directing everything to be perfect for him and his beloved bride-to-be.
“No, no, no,” Elias sighed as he shook his head, which floated off-center above his neck. “Don’t hang that painting up there.” He wagged a reproachful finger at one of the little balls of light that had been in the process of restoring the old family portrait… the one that included everyone except for him. “I don’t want to see those ghastly faces gawking at my beloved and I as we exchange our vows to be together for all eternity. In fact, I never want to see those faces again. Throw it out! Toss it in the trash, tear it up, or use it for kindling, but get it out of my sight!”
As Elias watched the wisp hastily scramble to remove the portrait and take it from the room, he sighed again as he reoriented his head back in its proper place. “So much to do, so little time… Oh if only the staff were still alive… or at least if only their ghosts decided to stay and haunt this place as well.” He paused for a moment as the years of loneliness crept up on him. “At least then I would’ve had some company all these long, lonely years…”
Something suddenly touched the small of his back and ran up his spine, causing Elias to shriek and jolt, sending his head toppling off his shoulders into his flailing hands.
A giggle rang out from behind him, and it was the loveliest sound. It chased away all of the fright and melancholy Elias felt, and he turned, smiling, to face his beloved bride. “Oh my dearest…”
Elias froze as he saw her, Coraline. He had sent her to get cleaned up after those brutes covered her in fake blood not too long ago. He thought her lovely when he first laid his eyes on her wearing a soft oversized sweater, but the outfit he wore now was stunning, a beautiful off-white gown with lace and long sleeves. It wasn’t quite a wedding dress - that would be for later - but the pale color against her equally pale skin gave her an ethereal look that made her seem as if she wasn’t anymore meant for the human world than he was. Her newly braided hair was still damp from the bath, turning it a darker shade of brown than usual except for where it had been kissed with streaks of white. She smiled at him, and her beautiful bright brown eyes glinted almost golden when the light hit them.
If his heart was still beating, Elias was sure it would have stopped at the sight of Coraline, his bride, his fated beloved.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you to death,” Coraline said, her smile growing crooked as her gaze turned apologetic.
“Oh, it’s quite alright, my darling Coraline!” Elias said quickly as he placed his head back above the stump of his neck where it belonged. “I assure you that it’s quite impossible to kill me a second time. In fact, I wasn’t scared at all. I merely didn’t expect you to be finished with your bath so soon.” He paused to clear his throat as his blue cheeks darkened with a blush. “I-I see that you found the clothes I left for you.” He had to take a moment to drink her in, his eyes sweeping from the top of her head to the soft slippers on her feet. “You… you look truly stunning, my love.”
Coraline had to look away as a blush appeared on her cheeks to match her fiancé's. “You really think so…?”
“Of course!” Elias said emphatically. He was by her side in an instant, taking his bride-to-be’s hands in his. “Oh, my beloved Coraline… Never has there ever been anyone alive or dead who could ever match your beauty in my eyes.”
When Elias reached out to stroke her cheek to punctuate his statement, a jolt of excitement shot through him as Coraline responded by nuzzling into his hand and gazing up at him through her eyelashes. Almost on reflex, words came tumbling out of his mouth, all half-formed attempts at praising her that could only form into nonsensical gibberish as his blush reached all the way to his ears and neck stump.
“Thank you, Elias,” Coraline said softly before she turned to kiss his wrist.
Elias squeaked at the action, and he jerked back reflexively out of embarrassment. He instantly regretted it and silently berated himself as he lamented the loss of her lovely warmth.
“Y-yes, well,” Elias said after a moment, fumbling to recover his wits. He cleared his throat behind the hand that still tingled faintly from her touch as he tried to calm down an imaginary racing pulse that he knew perfectly well had already long since stopped existing. “It-it’s nothing more than the truth. There’s none who could ever hope to compare to the beautiful soul who came to free me from an eternity of loneliness.”
Coraline smiled, pleased by both his praise and fluster. “You’re the most dazzling soul I’ve ever met too.” She paused for a moment and chuckled as her smile turned lopsided. “Literally. You’re the first ghost I’ve ever met.”
Elias smiled wryly back at her. “And you’re the first living mortal to see me and not run screaming for the hills.” A dreamy look came to his eyes as he remembered their first meeting. “I’ll never forget the way the stars shined in your eyes when you looked my way for the first time.” He sighed blissfully. “Oh, never has anyone ever looked at me with such joy and rapture, even while I was still alive.”
Coraline softened at those words, and she drew closer to Elias, reaching out to take his hand. Objectively, he was cold, as cold as death, yet there was a strange warmth to his touch as well that she could only attribute as supernatural. It was a strange, contrary feeling that only drew her to him even more. “Elias…”
Elias eagerly took her hands in both of his and bent down closer so that he could better look into the eyes of his future bride. “Oh, Coraline, my beloved, my dearest, my precious love… I thank Heaven for finally bringing you into my un-life, and I thank you most of all for accepting my proposal.” He blushed again as a note of awkwardness crept into his voice. “I-I know that it was all so sudden, but from the moment we met, I just knew that we were destined to be.”
“Like soulmates?” Coraline asked softly.
“Yes, exactly like soulmates,” Elias said as he pulled Coraline closer until he could embrace her fully. “You are none other than my soulmate, Coraline… and I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you’ve agreed to be mine for all eternity. Oh… I love you so much. Words simply cannot hope to convey just how much I love you.”
Coraline nuzzled into his embrace. She was aware that what she was doing was objectively crazy. People normally didn’t marry ghosts, let alone right after meeting them, but she couldn’t deny the way her pulse raced when she was with Elias, or the contentment she felt in his arms.
“I know what you mean,” Coraline said as she rested her cheek against his chest. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before you…”
“Nor have I,” Elias said softly as his glowing blue eyes gazed lovingly down at his bride. “Oh, Coraline. I promise you, I’ll make sure that our wedding is nothing less than perfect.”
Coraline sighed before abruptly straightening up. “Oh yeah, that reminds me. I needed to talk to you about the ceremony.”
“Oh?” Elias asked, eyebrows raising. “What about it, my love?”
Coraline fidgeted with the ends of her lacy sleeves, her face heating up as she struggled to look at Elias. “Um… well… It was about… the kiss.”
Elias blushed deeply as his eyes dipped down to his bride’s pale lips. He wondered if they were as soft as they looked, or as warm as her cheeks. “O-oh really? Oh… oh my.” Suddenly he felt almost too warm. “Wh-what about it, dearest?”
Coraline brought her fingers over her lips, tracing the lower one nervously. “It’s just… it’d be our first kiss, and it’ll be in front of everybody who comes to the wedding, so…”
Elias couldn’t help but imagine Coraline dressed before him in her elegant white wedding gown, waiting for him to lean down and kiss her once he pulled back her veil, sealing them together as man - well, ghost - and wife for all eternity. Excitement coursed through him at the thought of it, and a trickle of blood leaked from his nose, bright and vibrant like the splatters around the stump of his neck. “Our first kiss…”
Elias caught himself after a moment, and quickly wiped away the blood, which disappeared without so much as a smear on his hand, unlike the blood around his neck. “Y-yes, well…” He cleared his throat as he tried to compose himself. “I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am, my love.”
Coraline glanced up at Elias before she had to look away. “I’m just a little… nervous.”
Elias blinked, surprised. “Nervous? Why, whatever for?” He gently cupped her chin, but Coraline struggled to look him in the eye. “Oh my beloved Coraline, there’s nothing to worry about. I promise you, I’m fully prepared to make that kiss, as well as the rest of our wedding, the most wonderful experience of your life, and my un-life.”
“It’s just that…” Coraline finally managed to look up at her blue beaux. “It’d be my first kiss… period. I’ve never kissed anyone before.” Her face burned harder at the admission and her eyes skirted away from him again.
Elias felt his face heat as well despite the lack of any real heat in his spectral body. “You haven’t… Oh… oh my.” He could feel his excitement start to build again, but he quickly forced himself to reign it in before it overflowed into another nosebleed. “W-well it…” He faked a cough in an attempt to stall for a moment more to gather his thoughts. “I-I know I must seem quite a bit more… experienced in these sorts of matters than you, dearest, but the truth of the matter is that I… ah… n-never had the chance to experience such things before my death… or even after.”
Coraline blinked, surprised as her eyes turned back to her groom. “You never kissed your ex-fiancée?”
The memory of his former ‘bride’ was a blade that dug into his heart as sharply as the axe that cleaved through his neck, and Elias couldn’t keep the pain from showing on his face. Centuries of loneliness, empty and without love, washed over him, heavy and suffocating. So many years he spent alone in this crumbling house, wasting away as much as his spirit did from the loneliness that carved a hole in his heart. It was just as suffocating as the years he spent when he was alive, when the mansion was filled with far more life than the withered body he used to possess.
Elias Gallagher, the sickly, overlooked and discarded Gallagher son, had been a disgrace to the family. He had no looks, no skills, no strength, and nothing but his inheritance to offer anyone. He still remembered all the days he struggled just to cross the hall in his wheelchair so that he could make his escape from his dreary reality inside one of the many books in the family library. There he could distract himself from the pain that plagued his twisted body with the fanciful stories of protagonists who found their happy endings, and dream that maybe he too would find his own happy ending one day.
“Never,” Elias said, his voice low and his gaze far away. He still remembered her, the poisonous rose that seemed so beautiful but hid such deadly thorns. She had been a brief but cruel presence in his life that filled his head with false hope before she severed it from his shoulders on their wedding day. “Not that I would want such a thing. Just the thought disgusts me like little else.” He let out a huff without air as revulsion curled his lip. “I suppose that is the only thing that woman did that I will ever be grateful for.”
A warm touch to his cheek drew Elias out of his lonely, bitter memories and back to Coraline, who looked up at him, her eyes soft with sympathy. He couldn’t help but lean just a little into her warm hand and smiled at her in gratitude.
“But let us not focus on tragedies of the past, darling,” Elias said softly before he took the hand that held him so that he could kiss the back of it. “Instead, I wish to focus on how truly grateful I am to have found you after all this time, my love, my sweet Coraline. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here, my darling… and that you’ve agreed to be mine forever.”
Coraline blushed at the kiss, which made her skin tingle pleasantly. It was hard to say if the touch of his lips affected more than his sweet words, which never failed to fill her chest with butterflies. “I’m glad…” She adjusted his hold he had on her so that they could lace their fingers together. “It means we’ll be each other’s firsts.”
If Elias’s heart was still working, it would’ve started beating out of control at that knowledge. He couldn’t help but smile widely, though it took on a slightly goofy tinge as he felt positively giddy. “I suppose it does. Oh goodness, Coraline… I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I love you so much, truly, deeply, and forever, I do.”
Coraline felt her heart racing hard and fast as she looked up into the soft, loving eyes of her soon-to-be groom. He was so precious; she couldn’t help but be drawn to him despite how strange the situation was.
Despite what ‘common sense’ might say, being with Elias just felt right to Coraline. It felt more right than anything she had ever known. It reminded her of something her mother told her that she always took to heart.
Love makes people crazy. If it didn’t, then it wouldn’t be love.
“I love you too,” Coraline said softly, her voice just above a whisper.
Elias gasped, his eyes flying open wide. For a moment he could only stare at his bride, just as stunned as he had been when she accepted his proposal. “You… oh… oh my goodness. Coraline, my darling, my love, my dearest!”
Unable to contain his joy, Elias scooped Coraline up into his arms and held her tight. “Oh my beloved, my sweetest, my dear heart, my light, no one has ever said those words to me before! You can’t know how happy that makes me feel.”
Giddy, Elias floated upwards with his bride, his heart feeling lighter than air. He lifted Coraline up just as easily and spun around with her crushed gently to his chest. She couldn’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm and held onto him just as tight, imagining this must have been what being on a rollercoaster felt like.
Finally, Elias stopped spinning, though he held Coraline with him high in the air, the both of them floating as light as a feather due to his otherworldly powers. “Oh my darling Coraline, won’t you please say it again? I’ve longed to hear those words for so long… and hearing them from you has brought me joy like nothing else I’ve known before.”
Coraline giggled again and returned his beaming smile. Seeing his utter delight and the rush she felt as he shared it with her only made her feel more certain in her feelings and her decision to marry him. “I love you, Elias.”
Hearing those words a second time did nothing to diminish their power over Elias. Tears welled in his eyes, and he pulled Coraline close to him again. He babbled out a constant stream of praise and gratitude in her ear, his sweet words washing over her like a waterfall as his joy refused to be contained.
Coraline shivered at the way his voice caressed her ear, his praise making her feel molten inside even as he surrounded her in that supernatural contradicting combination of cold and warmth. It made her crave more, more of Elias and the endless love he gave to her without reservation.
“Elias,” she said, her breathy voice interrupting his flow of praise. “Can I kiss you?”
Elias jerked upright, his face darkening with a blush that spread so far that it reached past the divide in his neck. “K-kiss? You want to… b-before our wedding? O-oh my, I… oh Coraline.”
His fluster made Coraline feel a little shy as well. “Is that a no?”
“No!” Elias blurted out before shaking his head emphatically. “I mean yes! It’s a yes! Yes, I wish to kiss you, my beloved Coraline! A thousand times yes!”
Coraline giggled at such an enthusiastic response and reached up to gently cup his cheeks. Elias jolted at the touch, but recovered quickly, his grip tightening on her just a little bit more. He let her draw him in to her and closed his eyes just as their lips made contact.
It was a clumsy kiss, his lips a bit tight from nervousness and hers fumbling a bit with uncertainty, but it did nothing to diminish its power. The feeling that sparked between them was electric, coursing through their souls in a way that left them both dazed when the kiss finally ended.
“I… my word,” Elias muttered, feeling dazed as he slowly drifted them both back down to the floor. “That was… that… I…”
“Wow,” Coraline said breathlessly.
Elias nodded as his gaze focused on his blushing bride. “Yes, that was certainly… wow.”
A delighted giggle escaped Coraline. She felt bubbly, lighter than air even when her feet finally touched the ground again. She couldn’t stop smiling up at her fiancé as she stroked his flushed cheeks. “Can we do it again?” She pushed herself up on her toes to inch in a little closer to him. “Maybe practice for the wedding?”
“Y-yes of course,” Elias said a little too eagerly. “It’s ah… ahem, I think practicing for our wedding would be a wonderful idea, my dear.”
Another giggle escaped Coraline that soon melted into a sigh as their lips met again. Their second kiss was a little softer than the first, a little more sure, but it was no less blissful for them both.
It wouldn’t be long before their wedding was underway. Even though everything was rushing so fast and common sense would tell Coraline that marrying Elias was a foolish decision, when they kissed, all doubts disappeared. Nothing else in the world ever felt more right to her than accepting the proposal of the lonely ghost groom of the Gallagher mansion.
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violetwitch12087 · 6 months
Hi!! Can I please request an angst fic about Kit Walker and a female reader, with both being patients in Briarcliff? Specific plot entirely up to ur imagination. Tysm 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yes i love this idea so much thank you for requesting my love mwahhh🫶 also sincere apologies i have not been active at all😰
Also warnings: mentions of racism, physical altercation, mentions of murder, punishment by cane, and mentions of attempted sewerside as well as SH 🙀
You and kit both got sent to the asylum but kit ends up getting into an altercation and you take the blame, making him feel bad and you both eventually end up telling each other what happened to get into the asylum
Innocent (kit kit bo bit banananana fo fit fe fi mo mit kit)
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Kit groans as water is thrown at his naked body harshly he finally gets 'clothes' to put on and he gets sent to the common room an angry and confused look on his face i watch as he walks past everyone there seems like theres something different in him but i cant put my finger on it, i watch as he looks around the room unsure and confused, i watch his every move, wondering if i should try to talk to him or help him
He aimlessly wanders around the room he walks over to the record player and i notice hes about to turn the song off, i take one last hit of the cigarette bud in between my fingers before pressing the red hot bud into a tray the smoke burning out, i stand up and walk over to him, gently grabbing his arm, he turns to me quickly, looking confused at me
"come over here, you don't wanna turn that song off" i say, gesturing over to the couch i was sitting on, he hesitantly walks over to me, unsure if he should trust me, i sigh and sit on the couch, he sits down next to me "you're new here right?" I ask turning to him and he nods "yeah, i am" he says and i nod, "you don't seem to be out of it or anything, why'd they throw you in here?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me "its... a long story.." i nod, not wanting to pry
"well be careful, that song stays on for as long as me and you are here, they'll go crazy without it, trust me ive learned all the rules the hard way, and sister jude doesn't mess around about anything, you'll be lucky if you walk out her office with only 5 wounds, getting the cane is not enjoyable unless youre into that sorta thing, i dont judge" i say, trying to lighten the mood a bit as well and see if i should befriend him or if hes actually crazy like the rest of the people in here, a slight small smile appears on the corner of his mouth but quickly vanishes "ill make sure to keep that in mind" he says, starting to slightly want to continue talking to me
A small smile comes onto my face but it goes away as soon as it came "good, if you have any questions just ask me alright?" I assure and he gives a small nod slightly unsure if he should trust me "also, before i forget, im y/n" i introduce myself and he nods "kit" he adds and i nod testing his name out on my tongue "kit... is it short for something?" he nods "yeah, maybe ill tell you in the future what its short for" he says and i slightly snarl playfully "oh so you're a tease?" I add and i see the corner of his mouth lift again "maybe"
i sigh and lean back in my seat, playfully rolling my eyes "then lets see how this plays out kitty" i call him a silly nickname i made up on spot and his lip tilts slightly more up "you're right, lets see" he sits back in his chair, maybe this won't be as bad as i thought...
Kits been in the asylum for about a week or two and we've actually gotten closer which is surprising, i sit on the couch in the main room and kit walks over to sit next to me, just as kit is about to talk to me about something a big guy comes over and stands in front of us "arent you bloody face?" he snarls at kit and he quickly catches my attention, bloody face? "You dont know what you're talking about" kit snarls
"i heard you killed women yeah? and the last one was your wife, heard she was a colored woman, you couldn't handle the fact that people wouldnt accept you guys right? you hated the fact you were with a colored woman?" he tempts and kit quickly stands up and shoves the man, the man smirks and lifts his fist back before his fist collides with kits nose
I quickly rush over, grabbing the guy by the hair and attempting to pull him away making him wince and grab my wrist tightly, he twists my wrist and i wince out, quickly kicking him in the balls causing him to groan and bend over his legs pressed tightly together groans of pain escaping him, i turn to kit and quickly rush over to him attempting to clean the blood dripping from his nose when the doors open and sister jude comes walking in with some guards
i try to get kit from off the floor to act normal but its no use, the guards come over and detain all three of us, harshly grabbing our arms and wrists as they guide us to sister judes office, i know whats coming and i try to mentally prepare myself
We walk into the office and sister jude glares at us "what happened in there?" she snarls and kit tries to explain himself "that guy in there started it, he was tempting me" kit explains and she scoffs "no wonder you sinners get tempted so easily for too many things" she snarls and walks over to her case opening it, revealing her canes, she runs her fingers over the canes before picking one up, its a longer one with some leather on the handle "15 each." She says sternly and my eyes widen
She grabs kit and bends him over the desk, the back of his gown opens slightly revealing his ass, i watch as she lifts the cane and is about to swing it when i stop her "wait! no, its was all me, i tempted him, kit just got in the way, i swear!" I plead, taking the blame, i watch as she grabs kit and he stands up, he looks at me with an unexplainable look, one thats almost a mixture of confused and the opposite of relief and almost disbelief
Kit gets taken out of the room, looking at me with a pleading look, its not another moment until i find my face getting pressed against the desk, my dress getting pulled up to reveal my ass instead this time, til i feel a sharp sting on my ass, i wince out and another gets placed making me wince and grip the desk, another gets placed and more groans and winces escape me as i dig my nails into the wood and its not long till i take all 30 hits
Eventually i get thrown back out into the common room, my eyes seem slightly puffy and i walk over to kit, i go to sit down but wince when my bottom hits the seat, he looks at me with guilt and almost relief now "holy shit, y/n are you okay?" He asks and i nod "im fine, i swear" i half lie, and he places a hand on my shoulder and i meet his gaze "im so fucking sorry, you shouldnt have taken the blame, you should've let me, fuck im so sorry y/n" he apologizes and my gaze softens, i gently cup his cheek with one of my hands "im fine kitty, i promise." I reassure and he nods softly, his eyes soft like ive never seen before
"did you only get 15?" He asks and i shake my head "15 twice, so 30" i say and his eyes widen "fuck, no y/n theres no way you're possibly okay" he says and my thumb gently rubs against his cheek "i promise i am kitty, its not the first time ive gotten the cane okay?" He nods hesitantly before unexpectedly hugging me out of nowhere, i hesitate for a moment before hugging him back for a moment
I finally let go and sigh softly "it'll be okay kitty" i whisper and he nods "ill take your word.." he whispers and i feel something i havent in a while when i look into his eyes, but i quickly look away remembering what that guy said "uhm, was what that guy said true?" I ask softly and kit sighs slightly stressed
"no, i swear, ill tell you but you have to promise not to hate me or think im crazy after" he pleads and i nod, what could be so bad? "Okay, i promise kitty" he nods and hesitates for a moment before speaking "the night everything happened i was having a normal day, i was working at my gas station and dealing with assholes, i went home to my wife after getting fucked around with by my 'friend' and some of his pals, me and her were together until she went to go finish dinner for me and thats when i saw lights coming through the window" he says and my head tilts "lights?"
He nods "i thought it was my friend and his pals again, but it wasnt till i found myself getting thrown against the ceiling with everything else in my house, everything fell including me and i saw a big light, they took me, i dont know where or what they were, but i know that they werent human, they did something, I'm not sure what, i- i dont know what happened, next thing i know i find myself getting accused for murders i didnt and would never do, i would have never done that to my wife.." he finishes and im sat there half in shock
"i... actually believe you.." i whisper in disbelief and he looks at me in disbelief as well "you actually do?" I nod and he sighs in relief "i promise im not crazy, im gonna figure out what the fuck happened no matter what i have to do" he says and i nod "i-ill help." i blurt out without thinking and i see the corner of his mouth lift "really?" he asks and i nod "ill do anything to get the both of us out of here kit, i know we're both innocent.." he nods
"speaking of, what happened to get you in here?" he asks and i hesitate for a moment "u-uhm well, i guess it's only fair, but before i was admitted i had issues with anger issues and would snap at people without realizing causing people to dislike me, and i eventually got really depressed and my parents werent very good people, so one day when my parents werent home getting drunk after an argument i went into their room and grabbed pills from their restroom" i pause for a moment, a sigh escaping me as kit looks at me with sympathy
"i grabbed the pills and i took them all, i went to the kitchen and i was hurting myself and sobbing like an absolute mess, i still remember when the pills started to kick in and i started to regret it a lot, i could feel myself getting sick and my mouth drooling from the urge to throw up, i passed out on the floor and woke up with my parents above me, they said my mouth was starting to slightly foam and they took me to the hospital before sending me here because they couldnt and didnt want to handle me, i couldnt be trusted alone for really long time.." i finally finish talking, my gaze meets his and his eyes are filled with sympathy, he reaches out and grabs my hand catching me off guard
"you're doing great, im really proud of you for doing better now, despite the situation we're in" he admits and i feel something in my stomach, almost a fluttery feeling, are these...butterflies?
"t-thank you, kit.." i ask slightly in disbelief, used to getting called 'mental' or 'crazy' instead, he nods and gently squeezes my hand "i swear to do everything i can to help you and protect you y/n, i cant let myself let you get hurt" i look at him with soft eyes before abruptly hugging him once more, ive never felt like this towards someone, even outside the asylum
"dont worry y/n, we'll make it out of here together.." he reassures, "also, its kitson.." he says and i look at him confused "that's what kits short for, kitson.." he says and i find myself smiling slightly "cute name kitty.." maybe this wont be that bad...
YIIPPPIIIEEEE I ACTUALLY MADE ANOTHER IMAGINE GUYS IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF anywhooo i hope u enjoy im really really sorry with how long i took i have not been motivated at all for like a year until recently 💀 i was goin through shit n wasnt doin good mentally but im all good now and i have a sweet loving girlfriend so life is good chat im actually very happy trust.
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Me sending a specific ask about Vox as hamilton getting fucked up by Aponi as Angelica in the reynold's pamphlet
Okay so I TOOK SOME CREATIVE LIBERTIES. this is gonna be more related to congratulations, but same concept. Either way Aponi is gonna fuck Vox up.
Vox watched the screens in his office... well.... he watched one of them..... it was the surveillance of his living room.... next to the fireplace.... Mal was reading the Pamphlet he wrote about his affair with Valentino....
How could he do this to her..... and with Val..... he though he had gotten over Val eons ago.. and yet.....
A knock sounded on the door, interrupting his thoughts.
"Come in!" Vox called, only to turn to see Aponi standing in the doorway. "Aponi! Oh thank Satan, someone who understands what I was struggling to do," he sighed in relief as he walked over to her, taking her hand in a friendly platonic way.
"You think I'm here for you?" Aponi asked.
Vox looked up, just now realizing her eyes were glowing.
"Congratulations," Aponi stated.
"What?" He asked.
"You've invented a new type of stupid. A damage you can't fucking undo type of stupid. An open all the cages in the ZOO type of stupid. Truly, you didn't think this through. Fucking STUPID!" Aponi yelled.
"Aponi, i-"
"Let's review," she walked over to the screen that showed Mal. "You cheated on Mal with Valentino, putting him in power again, then you wrote a Pamphlet about it when maybe only two people knew, and refuted it. Sharing your affair Of which NO ONE had accused you. We begged you to take a break, you refused to!" Aponi explained.
"So scared of what Alastor may do to you, when you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to. You know why Valentino gets to do what he wants?! He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response so yeah. Congratulations," Aponi stated as she picked up a photo of her best friend and Vox together. "You've redefined your legacy. Congratulations," she muttered before waiting toward the door.
"It was an act of sacrifice!" Vox yelled out in pleading anger.
Aponi paused. "Sacrifice...." she whispered. "I languished in a loveless life until I killed myself. In hell I ended up because of it.... I lost my baby, and my life, in return for trauma and sadness..... I look at you and think god.... why did I encourage her to be with you? And what did it get her? But this doesn't wipe the tears or years away. I'm here in the city, and I'm here to stay, and you know what I'm here to do?" Aponi ranted.
"Aponi, its-"
"Why the hell would I be here for you?!" Aponi turned around, her wings growing out of her back as she walked slowly toward Vox. "I know my best friend like I know my own mind, you'll NEVER find anyone as TRUSTING or as KIND. I love Mal more than anything in my LIFE and I would choose HER happiness over mine EVERY TIME!" Aponi shouted.
Vox was against the wall, fear on his TV screen.
"Put our friendship aside. I'm always on her side! You could NEVER me satisfied! GOD I hope you're SATISFIED!" Aponi yelled. "From now on you fo EVERYTHING for her! You make her the HAPPIEST DEMON in this place. And NEVER forget that you have been blessed with the BEST WIFE!"
"Aponi stop!" Vox called.
"CONGRATULATIONS. For the rest of your death, every sacrifice you make is for my best friend! Congratulations!" Aponi shouted before slamming the door on her way out, leaving Vox alone.
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sunset-of-the-void · 4 months
okay ive been trying to organize my thoughts forever and its not exactly working so. i'm just gonna launch things in as short and concise as i can make it so i dont ramble incoherantly forever (/lh)
so,, i'll start with my perception of norton, because by god i think i should think about him more,,,
i'm not gonna touch on his mom because i have no clue what the fuck happened to her honestly, but i think norton's dad has always been kind of. accidentally distant? like in a way you could tell he cared for his son, but there was probably always an air of stress/tiredness about him (similar to norton as he aged) that got worse from the black lung and aging, and also the way that they were never guarenteed to have necessities all the time was something that occupied his mind a lot. (i imagine personally that while the two were never close, norton could understand the reasons why hence choosing to stay by his side once he fell bedridden)
also, while norton probably didn't work in the mines for his entire life, he'd probably do small jobs on the side to help out with funds, especially considering his lack of an (official? authentic?? i cant recall the word im looking for) education in canon, so you know. he's been aware of the concept of money and status for a while i'd assume, even moreso when he starts working in the mines as a teenager (which i'd assume is when his father's illness starts worsening as well) and people there are just. ruthless i'd imagine. considering in his trailer he looks (debatably?) younger than the other men it's probably from both a mix of him being a newer worker and possibly being worse off than them as well plus the stress on him having to be the only provider for two people, one of which is ill as well, as a teenager proobably doesnt help much with the situation either...... i've not much to add other than this, though touching on his personality in the manor, despite being reserved and a liittle grumpy he is very sweet once you get past the walls he put up! he's the type of person to help someone who needs it (albeit he may make a show of being reluctant about it) but he does know what its like to struggle and how much a helping hand could mean to someone. he's still very empathetic in my mind :]
very very briefly onto andrew because if i dont limit myself this will be soo much longer. but i'll try not to get too excited and i'll cut out most of his life (pretty much all of it up to about laz cemetary)
so basically andrew also had similar situations being born in poverty, while norton managed to gain financial security as he became a prospector (i think?) andrew didnt really. get that at all. even when working with laz (if he did, there wouldnt be a reason to be tempted by grave robbing, right???) and i personally assume people would price gouge him for the sake of him being "impure" or whatever, so even with the pay from mikhail/percy it never really lasted quite long enough,,,,
andrew only left after getting caught by marshall, and fled immediately after the (accidental) murder. (to summarize it shortly andrew panicked and stabbed him a few times with the shovel and then accidentally buried him while he was still alive in a nearby patch of dirt) and he showed up to the manor with. practically nothing. he had a change of clothes, his shovel, and some trinkets that were dear to him, and to me he kind of traveled on foot the nearly whole time to the manor (using the funds he had left from the final deal of the "slabs" to take a train as far as he could with the money)
so now like.. the actual current important thing (sorry dhsjdjfj......)
once andrew shows up to the manor he's in ah. generally pretty bad shape. and people kind of have one of two reactions of either "wow this guys one of the stranger ones" or "this guy needs. a lot of help" (depending on how you look at it) and norton kind of realizes almost immediately from andrew's general anxious demeanour and gaunt figure that he has nothing going for him, so why would he make that worse?? plus in the manor norton kind of gravitates away from nobility/aristocracy i believe and andrew is very. noticably not either of those, andrew is just grateful that norton's not reacting negatively to his very presence and he puts a lot of trust in norton. (like, norton gets a fuck ton of life stories that luca and emil dont hear about) im working on a fic of their first technical interaction and im not sure if i'll ever finish it since ive been stewing it since like.. april but they're cute to me
Hello! Very excited to read through this
To be honest i dont think norton's mom is mentioned like ever. At least in nothing i personally have read. I do agree that hia family would have been distant. They were in living in poverty and it puts a strain on anyone much less a family. To me it aids in norton's cutthroat nature of just having a life of anything but the suffering of poverty.
I would love to read the fic once you finish it! I really like andrew and norton getting each other as they have both been ostracized from society for being poor and then for Andrew being albino! I was going to have a lot more to say but i dont think it would have added much to this. I will be marinating on thoughts for this thank you so much for the ramble friend!
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softxsuki · 2 years
hello, i don’t know if this is an urgent request but my mom died a few weeks ago and i’ve been up and down with my emotions. i feel like its going to be isolating this christmas because it won’t ever be the same. could i request a drabble with izuku comforting reader going through it during college, any time it is too much for reader, izuku is always there. and each year they do something to commemorate the loss, until one year he proposes? sorry again if this is a lot
Midoriya with Reader Whose Mom Passed Away
Pairing: Midoriya x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of mother passing away, crying, isolation, sadness, grief, eating, kissing
Genre: Hurt-Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: In which Midoriya commemorates the loss of your mother each year on her death anniversary, but one year ends up becoming more special than the others.
[A/N: Hey lovely, thank you so much for trusting me with this request. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know nothing I can say or do will help you feel better, but I'm here if you ever need to talk. Fun fact: when my abuelo (grandpa) passed away I remember sending balloons up into the sky for him on his birthday (probably not the best for the environment, but I was a child at the time and didn't know any better). I always prayed that my balloons would reach him safely as I wished him a happy birthday. One year when I did this, there was a star in the sky that was glowing very brightly. I remember being so fascinated by this star so I watched it the whole time my balloon flew up into the night sky. Suddenly, that star turned even brighter, almost like a door in the sky suddenly opened up and I swear my balloon went through that opening. To this day, I like to believe that it was my grandpa receiving my balloon :). That's why stars are very special to me and why I decided to mention them in this post. I truly hope this is able to provide you with a little comfort and happiness as you deal with all these very confusing emotions. I actually cried a little while writing this because it reminded me of my aunt who I lost last year. I wish you nothing but healing and good energy. Praying for you <3]
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“I miss you mom. I really wish you were here,” you whisper to yourself, the death anniversary of your mother once again arriving.
Even though it’s been a few years since she passed, the pain was still the same as the day when you first found out. Trying to balance the grief of losing your mother so soon, along with being a college student, and lover to your boyfriend, was very hard at times. Most nights you spent crying yourself to sleep, you spent most of the days locked up in your room, not able to face the world outside, and you could hardly find the strength to properly feed yourself.
Thankfully though, your boyfriend, Midoriya, was always by your side to help you through your ups and downs. He gave you enough space so you could comfortably let your emotions out, but always stayed near enough incase you called out to him. He’d hold you tightly each night, kissing your tears away as he whispered comforting words into your ear.
On days where you felt a little better, he’d take you out to try and fill your days with some excitement and fun. He hated to see you isolating yourself from your friends and family, and even him at times. So, on days when you guys didn’t have any class, he'd spend the whole day outside with you. Showing you new, exciting places just so he could see that little light in your eyes again; all he wanted was for you to feel happy again.
Each year on the day of your mom’s death anniversary, he’d plan something special to commemorate your loss; something to never let her memory die out. Some years he’d attempt to cook either your mom’s favorite meal, or one of her special recipes she used to make for you all the time. He wasn’t the greatest cook, but he always took his time and contacted Bakugou for help if he needed it (Bakugou is a bit stubborn to help, but he gives in eventually, saying MIdoriya owes him one). But the food always comes out great.
You’d both sit down in the living room together, enjoying the food as you watch old home videos that included your mother. Tears would fall, and sobs would leave your lips, but Midoriya knew it was important to watch those videos so you could see your mom and never forget her (not that you ever could anyway).
Other years he’d take you on a late night picnic at a nearby park with some of your favorite food. After eating you’d both lie down and watch the stars. Midoriya would point at one that shined the brightest and say, “Look, it’s your mom looking down on us. She’s here to spend some time with you.”
As cheesy as it was at the time, you were happy to believe his words. Wanting to believe that your mother was looking down on you at that moment.
Today marked another year without her and this year, your boyfriend was doing some cooking on his own, without anyone’s help. But instead of having you around, he told you to just wait in the living room, saying he’d call you out when everything was done.
Your mind wandered through all the memories that still lingered of your mother. There was never a day that went by that you didn’t miss her. And with the Holiday season approaching, you felt a little more empty inside knowing she’d never be around to celebrate Christmas with you anymore. You’d never be able to buy her a gift anymore. Regrets started to fill your head of things you should have done for her that you never had the chance to do, but thankfully Midoriya’s sweet voice breaks you out of your thoughts as tears continue to fall down your face.
With a small smile, Midoriya walks over to you and holds a hand out for you to take, “Let’s eat some dinner, sunshine. I made one of your mom’s recipes this year,” he says, wiping your tears away as you take his hand and you both walk over to your small dining table that’s decorated very nicely–perhaps maybe even a little more romantic than usual.
“I’m sorry for crying, I don’t mean to ruin the evening,” you apologize, trying to calm yourself down.
“It’s alright Y/N, we’re here to remember your mom, so you can cry as much as you need to, I don’t mind.”
You nod, sniffling as tears continue to fall down your face, but you take a seat and dig into a familiar looking dish that your mom used to make you. One of your favorites that she used to cook.
After one bite, the nostalgia hits you like a truck, making you cry even harder as you continue to eat.
“Just like mom- used to make,” you choke out between sobs.
Dinner was great to say the least, and Midoriya ended up moving his chair beside you, grabbing your hand through the rest of the meal to let you know that he was there for you.
Thankfully, you do manage to calm yourself down and really soak in the flavors of the meal, never wanting to forget the memories that came along with the food in front of you.
“Thanks ‘Zuku, that was incredible. Just…thank you for always doing little things like this to keep my mothers memory alive, you have no idea how much I appreciate it,” you thank your green-haired boyfriend.
“Anything for you. I loved your mom too, so even I enjoy doing this for you,” he responds, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, “Hmm, but the night’s not over yet. Your mom’s star is waiting for us.”
And with that you both head to your usual spot at the nearby park. Just like each night on this day every year, the sky is perfectly clear so you can see each star. The brightest star in the sky glows invitingly to you, spreading warmth within you at the prospect that it could be your mom.
“Hi mom,” you whisper, wishing you could reach up to touch the star, wishing you could hug your mom again, “Thanks for coming.”
You laugh sadly to yourself, tears once again welling in your eyes. They were a mixture of happy and sad tears. Sad because you of course missed your mom, but also happy, because it felt comforting to have the star glowing brightly over you with the idea that it was your mother watching you from above.
“Y/N,” you hear Midoriya call your name from beside you.
You were standing, looking up at the stars, but turned your head to the right, where his voice came from. The sight before you was very unexpected and almost had you falling to the floor.
To your right, Midoriya was down on one knee with a box in his hand as he looked up at you with watery eyes and a gentle smile. The glow of the moon and some nearby street lamps illuminated his face, making him look particularly handsome–more handsome than usual as he was completely vulnerable in front of you in that moment.
“I don’t know if this is the best time to be doing this. And by all means, you don’t have to feel obligated to say yes, but I’m a man who loves getting permission from my partner's parents before deciding to marry them. Tonight you mom is here watching over us,” he points up at the star that you’d both labeled as your mother’s before continuing his speech, wiping the tears out of his eyes a bit, “So, what better day to ask for your hand in marriage than right now with your mom here as a witness.”
Your breath catches in your throat at his beautiful, thoughtful words, but he’s not done yet.
“Y/N, I love you so much. Maybe even a little too much, but I have no regrets being with you. These past few years have been some of your hardest, yet I only seem to fall even deeper in love with you as the years progress. Whether through your happiest or darkest days, I want to be by your side forever as your husband. I want to be able to officially call you mine and have your pain become my pain as we become life-long partners. So, Y/N L/N, would you do me the honor of making me your husband?”
Tears were falling down both of your faces. You were filled with so many emotions, but in the moment, joy overpowered all your other feelings. You were at a loss for words, and your endless sobbing wouldn’t allow you to say much, so you just said whatever came to your head first, “It would be my honor.”
He places the ring on your finger, happy tears falling down his face as he scoops you up in his arms, pressing kisses to your lips. He was the happiest man alive now that he was your fiancé.
Now a day of sadness would be a day of happiness and celebration for the two of you as a future married couple, but you’d both still of course still commemorate the loss of your mother. This was a huge step for the both of you–no longer would you be alone, but your life-long partner would be by your side every step of the way to help you navigate through life without your mom. New happy memories together were just waiting to be made, and your mom will be there every step of the way, watching over you.
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Posted: 11/18/2022
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
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General trigger warning:Brief mentions of abuse and sexual assault (not in detail)
Sex and intimacy are two different things for Katherine.
Sex is a tool or a hobby. Something she does because it feels good, or something she can use to manipulate. More often than not its both at the same time.
The intimacy of sex has been lost to Katherine throughout the centuries due to various traumas and PTSD. Very rarely does she do it for a connection, more often than not thats because she can no longer feel one. Shes been emotionally disassociated from it.
Thats because save her history with Elijah and the Salvatores Katherine rarely experienced sex in a way that solicited connection.
Katerina spent a lot of time with a traveler she met, they were close and he taught her a lot of things about the traveler magic that resided in her. However he wanted a little more than just quality time, and Katerina was a good girl who wanted to wait for marriage. He absolutely did not.
Her daughter Nadia was the result of a sexual assault on her when she was sixteen, making her an unwed mother and a disgrace to her family name in the 1400's. (This is also why Katherine speaks so poorly about travelers to Nadia. One of them ruined her entire life)
That alone made her wary of the act for a while until she met Klaus and Elijah. Though she was with both, Katherine would only classify Elijah as every being Intimate with her. For REASONS.
After katherine turned into a vampire, and everything was on over drive-
Katherine discovered a particular taste for the pleasures of the flesh as well as blood. Bonus that it also came in handy as a particularly effective manipulative tool. (Especially against men)
She also found she liked being able to have the upper hand with strength and speed. That bonus helped Katherine stay in control.
Which brings me to an important point-
Katherine has PTSD and part of that is from her assault and multiple times being abused.
Everytime Klaus caught Katerina (which is very few but it has happened over the centuries) he's subjected her to unspeakable tortures as penence for her having the audacity to not want to die for him.
While naturally more on the subby side, Katherine finds it hard to stay there. A simple touch in just the right way, a sound, a smell, even a temperature can send Katherine into the starts of an episode. Which is why sometimes out of nowhere you'll see her switch gears, flip the tables, bare her teeth and hiss. It's a dominance display, its her way of coping. Reminding her partner that she is formidable, and dangerous, that she is a predator NOT the prey.
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Little displays like this are common with Katherine, in fact there are very few people she will even kiss the bottom lip of, viewing the act as subtle domination. Unless shes posing as Elena (because it's a dead give away), she doesn't even kiss the Salvatore's in the more subby range. Not even as a human.
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So who do you see her being vulnerable with? Glad you asked, the answer is E L I J A H-
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"BUT THATS ELENA!" You cry as if I dont know that, but the point of the matter is- ELIJAH didn't know that. He goes straight for the top lip because its what he's used to with her. Elijah wouldn't cross a boundary he knows Katherine needs to feel safe.
He even gives her the smallest peck on the bottom lip as if ackowledging that shes safe and in control.
It takes an incredible amount of trust for Katherine to give up her control, with both versions of Damon you only see her on the bottom for a very short time before she flips the tables- the only difference after hes a vampire is the power struggle where he routinely tries to take control BACK from her.
With Mason shes also very quick to turn the tables. And even in the fantasy she pushes into STEFANS HEAD its not very long before she take's control back and flips the tables.
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So all of this is basically boiling down to tell you that Katherine doesn't use sex as a way to show intimacy, its for pleasure, and a tool for manipulation.
When it comes to Intimacy, Katherine is a lot more subdued in her displays. You'd have to really understand Katherine to understand when shes being intimate.
Gentle absent minded touches, she has a tenancy to touch when she says "I love you" and means it. She touches Stefan's chest, she cups Elijah's cheek, She holds Nadia's hand.
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Going against her own nature and making a calculated choice against her own survival in favour of someone else is Katherine's BIGGEST "I love you." When she hands the cure over to Elijah, When she comes to say goodbye to Nadia, when she gets in the safe knowing damn well theres a chance Stefan can rip her apart. Even when she told Stefan about Isobel in the caves when he asked her to show him something. She knew he wasn't going to stop hating her, or even give her a chance, but she did it anyway because she wanted to show Stefan she loves him.
Katherine's intimacy is guarded and its rare, and it didn't used to be, which makes that all more sad. Katherine's fall from Katerina to Katherine sent a large portion of who she really is shattered and scattered throughout her cryptic actions.
But the biggest and hardest part about decrypting Katherine, is you have to really want to.
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Chapter 03: We're Going On a Bear Hunt
Standing on the cliffside, Miguel peers over the edge.
Miguel: "And how exactly do you propose we get down there?"
The others stare down the cliffside perplexed at the issue at hand.
Miguel: "Well Builder?"
The Builder turns to Justice and Unsuur.
Justice: "Well, you can't expect her to know that! Last time she went in she fell down during the chase.... How would you propose we get down there?"
Miguel scoffs as he walks away from the edge.
Matilda: "Well hold on there Miguel, we can't give up now... We are so close!"
Miguel and Matilda bicker between one another.
Unsuur: "Sir... I have an idea!"
Justice and the Builder turn to Unsuur.
Justice: "Well out with it Unsuur! What's your idea?"
Unsuur pulls out his rope: "We could abseil down the cliff Sir!"
Miguel and Matildas conversation stops abruptly as soon as the word "abseil" is spoken.
Unsuur completely unfazed at Miguel's outburst: "Yep... one by one. Justice and I can keep you planted while each of you rappel down the cliffside."
Matilda steps forward: "As grateful as I am for your fine idea Unsuur, I think we would need you and Justice in the cave, not outside keeping the equipment planted."
Justice interjects: "Sorry Minister, but you would need two people at the top to secure the equipment so that the crew could get back up when we are done."
Matilda turns to Justice: "Well, Miguel and I could do it!"
Miguel turns towards Matilda and nods his head, relieved.
Matilda: "We will stay on top of the cliff and wait for your return. I need the best in that cave to extract Logan. Don't return until you have him in custody Sheriff!"
Justice: "Yes Ma'am! Well you heard the Minister! Lets get down there!"
One by one, the group rappel down the cliff side. Pen, Unsuur, the Builder, Owen and Justice safely land on the rocky ground below.
Matilda yells down: "Don't forget what I said! Don't come back until Logan has been captured!"
Justice salutes the Minister and the group make their way into the cave.
As the group walk deeper and deeper into the dark cave Justice turns to the Builder.
Justice: "Okay Builder, your time to shine. Where do we go?"
This was it! The Builders time to put Logans plan into action.
Builder looking around as if confused by her surroundings.
Builder: "Ahhh.... Ermmm... This way... NO no no... This way... Wait I think its that way... Yes definitely that way!"
As the group follow the Builder aimlessly their confidence begins to dwindle.
Unsuur turning to Justice: "Sir.... I think we past that rock before."
Justice: "AhermmmMM... Builder I think we may need a plan."
Pen: "You can say that again! Skinny arms has no idea which way is up or down! I thought we were just going to go in, have a little rough and tumble, handcuff Logan and leave? What's the problem skinny?"
Justice: "I don't know if you have realised Pen, but its getting extremely dark in here. Also there are multiple tunnels we are all getting a little confused!"
The builder pretends to act confused and smacks her forehead in frustration.
Pen: "Ahhhhh... Right.... Well I have spotlights on my armor so I'll be fine!"
Justice: "Well that's great for you Pen, but what about the rest of us?"
Owen grabs a piece of flint out of his pocket and hands it to Justice.
Owen: "Here you go Sheriff, I got this off Arvio before we left. Maybe you could start a fire?"
Justice takes the flint and looks around the cave floor.
Justice: "Great... now we just need some wood or sticks...."
Unsuur: "Here you are Sir!"
Unsuur pulls out his pack of coloured pencils and lays them on the ground in the shape of a campfire.
Justice: "Ermmm... Thanks Unsuur."
Justice bends down and lights the small fire.
Justice: "Ummm Unsuur.. Why did you have pencils in your pack?"
Unsuur completely unfazed: "Well you know what they say, whenever the mood strikes... Am I right Sir?"
Justice: "Okay then.... Builder we need some torches, do you think you could whip some up for us?"
Builder: "Leave it t......."
Unsuur interrupts: "Here you are Sir!"
Unsuur hands two large sticks to Justice.
Justice bewildered: "Im not even going to ask."
Unsuur stands there completely unfazed, not a care in the world.
Pen: "You guys are taking too long! I'm going off to find Logan myself... CYA!"
And with that Pen runs into the cave, the lights on his suit seemingly disappear as he moves deeper into the cave.
Justice: "That guy... Sheesh. Well we better split up we have a lot of ground to cover."
Justice hands the touch to Owen: "Owen you go with the Builder. Unsuur, you're with me!"
Unsuur: "Yes SIR!"
The separated group set off in opposite directions in search for Logan.
Justice and Unsuur head West towards the sound of distant wind. Pen has already gone straight ahead towards some animal noises and that leaves Owen and the Builder headed East.... towards the Chasm.
Owen leads the Builder down the tunnel ever deeper into darkness.
Owen: "Well I guess this worked out well didnt it?"
The Builder looks over at Owen raising her eyebrow.
Owen: "You and me... alone... in a dark cave.... lots of things we could do down here..."
Owens voice alone made the Builder flush. Oh Owen you cheeky devil!
The Builder walks closer to Owen inhaling his scent. In a swift move, Owen has the Builder pinned against a wall, so close there is barely any space between their lips. Owen moans as he gives the Builder a cheeky smile.
Owen: "Not until we are done....."
Owen pushes off the wall and the Builder catches her breath. My god that was hot!
Once the Builder regains her decorum she catches up to Owen.
Builder: "Owen?"
Owen: "Yes Darlin'?"
Whenever Owen called the Builder "Darlin'" it would ignite her deep fire. Owen knew it too.
Builder flushed: "Why did you decide to come on this mission?"
Owen: "Well, I guess there are a few reasons... Firstly, I am probably the best trained for this type of mission so only seemed right."
The Builder confused: "Best trained? In what?"
Owen Chuckling: "Well lil lady, there is a fair bit you don' know about me. I used to be part of the Flying Pigs Guild, "committed to exploring the world and defending the weak!""
The Builder surprised: "Wow Owen I had no idea!"
Owen: "Yeah, well I gave all that up when my Pa died. Someone had to take over the Blue Saloon..."
Builder: "Do you miss it?"
Owen: "I miss the adventure... a sense of excitement with each mission. But those days are over... Now my only excitement is when a pretty lady comes into town."
The Builder and Owen share a giggle.
Owen: "Secondly, I wanted to make sure Logan was still treated like a human. You know Logan was my oldest friend, we grew up together. I dont want him to be hurt."
Builder: "That's really nice of you Owen. Logan is lucky he can still call you a friend."
Owen smiling: "Yeah well someone ought too. And lastly, I get to spend time with you Darlin'. Those peach nipples kept me up all night."
Builder and Owen share a flustered laugh.
Builder flirts: "You have impressive moves, I'll give you that. Your tongue knows all the right places.... makes me want to have more."
The chasm was fast approaching. With each step the Builder knew they were getting closer. All of a sudden a noise bellows out from around them.
Owen and the Builder jump in shock while looking around the cave.
They can hear quickened footsteps approaching.
Owen holds the torch out in a fighting stance, ready for whatever is approaching.
Soon enough a shadowy figure comes into view.
Builder: "Pen?.... PEN!... What happened?"
Pen is running towards them at full speed shaking his hair and body.
Pen: "Eeeiiiiighhhhh Get them off me! GET IT OFF!"
Owen inspects Pen and sees spiderwebs intertwined in his hair. He brushes them off as he rolls his eyes at the Builder.
Pen: "Thank you... Thank you."
Pen gains his breath.
Builder annoyingly: "Pen... What the Fuck?"
Pen: "Erghhhh I was chasing Logan through the cave and I was booby trapped!..... The damn criminal got away!"
The Builder was confused. Logan isn't even here! What's Pen talking about?
Owen: "Pen! Which way did he go?"
Pen takes off: "This way! Follow me!"
Owen turns to the Builder and caresses her face.
Owen: "Once this is done I promise.... I'll..."
Builder: "I know... Lets Go!"
Owen and the Builder take chase following Pen.
Pen, the Builder and Owen stop dead in their tracks. Looking over the deep Chasm.
Pen: "This is where I lost him."
Owen looks over to the other side of the Chasm.
Owen: "Hmmmm...."
Pen: "He is over there I can see him!"
The Builder and Owen look in the direction of Pens motions. There he is, the burly man himself. Logan the Big Bad Outlaw.
Owen grabbing a long pole like stick: "Come on! what are we waiting for?"
Owen hands the stick to Pen.
Pen puzzled: "What do you expect me to do with that? The Chasm is too wide! No way we can get across."
Pen moves to the wall cowering from fear.
Owen snatches the stick back and jumps the Chasm in an easy bound, landing with his feet planted on the other side.
Fuck... Fuck... FUCK!!! How the Fuck did he do that?!?!?! He is going to get to Logans Hideout!
The Builder looks over to Owen in shock. How do I warn Logan?
The Builder is defeated, the one thing she had to do. All she needed to do was keep Logan safe. Keep them away from the Hideout, and she blew it!
The Builder without a thought steps up to the edge of the Chasm and looks down. Its deep, dark and silent. She accepts her fate. She moves backwards to get a running start.
Owen: "Builder?!?! What are you doin???? DARLIN!"
Pen looks up at the Builder.
Pen: "Skinny? What.... What are you doing?"
The Builder takes off running and as her feet kiss the edge of the Chasm she leaps into the air towards Owen.
Owen reaches out to the Builder. She feels weightless and free... Gliding through the air toward Owen... Her prize! Owen would catch her and pull her in.... Surely.
As if in slow motion, the Builder can read the change in Owens face. She begins to fall down going from eye level to... knee level.... to feet... That's it, the Builder had made a grave mistake. This is how she would die, jumping to her death.
As she closed her eyes to accept the inevitable end the whaling of onlookers was echoing through the Cave.
Owen and Pen: "NOOOOOOOO!"
The Builder felt a sharp TWANG across her torso, her body flung backwards towards the opening of the Chasm. OWEN! He had saved her.
As she flew through the air she passed Owen, his eyes were as large as dinner plates, bewildered at what he was watching.
The Builder was lassoed like an animal and pulled behind Owen. As she is yanked further back into the tunnel behind Owen she feels the comforting embrace of a warm body holding her tight. She looks back to see who caught her. ITS LOGAN!
Logan: "Hold on to me Builder, I've got you!"
Owen turns around to catch a glimpse of the Builder embracing Logan.
Owens mouth drops open as if he had seen a ghost.
Logan points his gun up to the roof and fires consecutive shots into the loose boulders overhead.
The Cave roof descends between Owen and Logan, locking Owen and Pen out while keeping Logan and the Builder in.
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lucientelrunya · 2 years
one line any fic! rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people
I was tagged by the awesome @forerussake, thank you! So, I only have 6 fics posted on AO3 and the stuff I don't have on AO3 is old RPG-stuff in changing first-person-perspective, so I won't do those (I would have to translate them and I'm too tired for that). Which means I only have 6 chunks.
Between the Shadow and the Soul (M9, FuBa)
“But I am willing to forget this happened. The dagger’s master didn’t do this. I am willing to offer the dagger’s master a trade.” Qi Tiezui swallows and finally manages to move again, taking an instinctive step back. The thing tilts its head, but doesn’t follow him again. “This vessel means a lot to you,” it adds unprompted, “You love it. I am willing to give it back to you. Unharmed. For the dagger.” The thing extends its arms, as if it wants to present Rishan’s body to him, something that could be a smile creeping onto its face. It only makes Qi Tiezui feel cold all over, because it’s more of a parody of a smile, there is too much teeth in it, danger oozing out of every pore. His hold on the dagger grows tighter on instinct. As long as he has it, this thing cannot hurt him. As long as he holds it the dagger will protect him. As long as he holds it he is the dagger’s master.
2. We go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos (M9, Gen)
He goes in first, ducking a little under the door and turning to the spot in the corner where he knows he left Rishan on the pressure plate. And uneasiness turns to full blown panic in his gut. Rishan is still there. Exactly in the spot he had been told to stay in. There is a considerable puddle of blood at his feet and his head is slumped forward. Unmoving. Zhang Qishan stops short, staring at him for a second and at the blade piercing through his side. But then he shakes himself out of it, rushing to grab Rishan’s shoulders and get him upright again, to get some of the pressure off the blade. It’s almost a miracle that he doesn’t trigger some other trap in his haste. He can hear Ba Ye gasp behind him, but he ignores him for now.
3. The Darkest Night (M9, FuBa)
With his useless shoulder it’s a real fight to keep Lao Ba away from the door and he is panting in pain once Lao Ba gives up his fight and stops hitting him to just break down crying. Accepting that Rishan had to leave. That there really were claw marks on his arm, even if he didn’t see them with his own eyes. That there was no way at all to save him. Zhang Qishan gets down to the ground with him, holding him against his chest with his good arm, fighting against his own tears. It’s not fair, it’s still so utterly unfair. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, but he can’t be sure if Lao Ba even hears him.
4. Stolen Moments (M9 FuBa, implied Fo Ye/Rishan, NSFW)
"My darling, are you up for another round? It's okay if you're not," he asks softly, because no matter how much he would like to just hold onto Rishan and push inside of him like this, Fo-ye said he has been rough. And since Fo-ye is always rough with Rishan that means something. He would also be content with just kisses and finishing himself off against the warm body in his arms. Rishan makes a small sound, holding onto his arms as he wriggles his hips back against Ba-ye's already hard dick. "I'm good," he says and his voice is wrecked, which elicits another jolt of arousal from Ba-ye because he can vividly imagine what Fo-ye did to cause that. He smiles against Rishan's throat and just barely manages to keep himself from sucking a bruise right there, where everyone could see.
5. Like a lonely house (post-TLRTR, FuBa)
It seems to encourage Liang Wan to ask jokingly but still quietly if Ba Ye felt the need to protect her and Zhang Rishan with his snoring. Ba Ye doesn’t seem too happy about that, which seems strange because he can normally take such a small joke and laugh about it. And that he accuses her of being too cuddly-clingy in return makes it really hard not to burst out laughing. Because if that isn’t a case of the pot calling the kettle black then he doesn’t know what is. Liang Wan blushes and looks at Zhang Rishan like she doesn’t know how to answer that and wants his help with this. Interestingly it’s Huo Xiuxiu who says something before he has a chance, having watched them from her place across the table. “You both seemed pretty cuddly-clingy last night,” she says, but she looks straight at Zhang Rishan, so he isn’t sure if she is referring to him carrying Liang Wan to her bed or the part where Ba Ye had clung to him the rest of the evening. Or the part where both of them had clung to him while sleeping?
6. The Crystal Menace (Mecha-AU, FuBa, to no one's surprise)
Wu Xie is lying on one of the bunk beds, a book in his hand but he has lowered it to watch them with a confused expression. Zhang Qiling is dozing in the bed above him, seemingly undisturbed by the commotion, but Zhang Rishan knows he is probably not asleep at all and listening to everything, prepared to jump out of the bed if the need should arise. It seems almost like a normal evening, like they don’t have to process anything at all. “Sit down,” Pangzi says again, putting gentle pressure on his shoulder and he obeys and sits on one of the chairs. Pangzi slides into the one across from him, his frown now clearly worried. “I’m sorry,” Zhang Rishan says again and Pangzi just shakes his head. “Stop apologizing and tell me what’s wrong,” he says calmly, still looking worried.
I'm tagging everyone who hasn't been tagged yet and wants to do this.
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pinkdinkydoon · 2 years
amphi.bia least fav ramble below ⤵️ don't hate me.
I litteraly hate sa.sha wa.ybright so much.
She is one of the worst characters if ever seen written. A character ruined instantly. Like. I had so much hope in her originally.
She was a good villain with grime rhe first season. She was manipulative, she was what makes a bad friend, she's a bad person. She didn't show any desire to change until she was forced to either be harmed/or at her limit. Which isn't. Good. She's a bad person, and she was good at being a villain.
I genuinly thought her an g.rime were going to be the main villains when s1 finished, and then s2 started and I saw her and gr.ime continue to bad I was like!
Oh!! Oh ok they aren't redeeming her. This show is showing that toxic people sometimes just can't be changed. That they stay toxic. And over 1 season and 3/4th of thr 2nd in she was still evil and didn't really have any intention of stopping.
Heck, she planned on taking over a whole freaking planet that struggled with its own racism. She was manipulating so many people, not just An.ne bur Ma.rcy bur P.ercy and Brad.dock and Gri.me. The last 3 may have also been semi bad people (grime being another villain just as bad as her but written well) but end of the day she was manipulating them (gri.me also manipulating her. They have the same kinda codependency anne used to have with sas.ha).
I DONT CARE IF SHES 13. I DONT CARE THAT SHE CAN CHANGE AND HAS YEARS TO GROW. this girl, tried fo take over a freaking different dimension. This girl thought she was in the right and only changed her ways in the MIDDLE OF A BATTLE WHERE AN EVEN EVIL-ER GUY WAS GOING TO KILL HER. If we hold the other girls to their actions (Anne's ignoring of marcy, marcys decsion making and the music box incident) we can freaking hold sasha to her Racism of a different species. Of her manipulative behavior and toxicity that only stopped cause someone that was slightly more evil than her to her knowledge, stepped in. To her FAKE ASS REDEMPTION.
turning point doesn't feel earned. The only way she could've been redeemed is. Ya know. Perhaps with 2+ episodes. Not freaking one. Not even that, half of a 12 min episode. She's only sorry cause something happened not because of her actions. She's upset cause things didn't go her way, and it'd be more believable if she just.
Ya know what would've made sense??? Sasha teamed up with andrias and continues to be toxic which she did even to the end and edge true colors. She ends of getting worse and worse, showing that toxic people just don't stop and sometimes it doesn't get better. And she's like. I don't fucking know. Dasha (dark sasha).
And the nail in the coffin. The shoot in the head that really set thjs off on me. All the episodes of wartwood just trusting her so easily, and the line "no anne. My days of toxic manipulation are OVER!"
Accepting IT????
I hate sa.sha waybrig.ht. she's annoying, she's horribly written and would've been better staying a villain. Freaking grime would've made more sense getting redeemed at that point like oh Mt God they're both bad people.
I hate turning point it ruined the whole freaking series. It ruined all this build up and it ruined s3.
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dmitrimolotov · 2 years
Bound to a Rock and an Eagle - 23
Chapter 23
No. 23: At the end of their rope
Forced to kneel | Tied to a table | “Hold them down.”
1 | prev | Read on AO3  
“Well, isn’t this a coincidence?” Agatha said, voice pleasant and even. “Henry and …Elizabeth, was it? And you’ve collected Victor for us.” She did seem surprised by that and there was a trace of irritation in her voice at his name. “On your knees, now, all three of you.”
Victor was both dejected and seething. He wanted to refuse, to run, to tell them how fucked up this whole thing was and demand they answer his questions before he said another word. Instead, he considered their weapons. The first thing he noticed was that they were all the same, perhaps issued, which hinted they belonged to an organisation. The second thing he noticed was that none of the guns were trained on him. Suddenly he became acutely aware that the stakes were real. 
The trio raised their arms - Henry offering only his right and Victor sank to his knees, Clerval and Elizabeth following suit. 
“You lied,” Victor spat. 
“We just wanted you to talk willingly,” she said, before nodding to Henry and Elizabeth. “But it looks like we don’t have to lie anymore.” 
“What about the creature?” Henry asked. “We saw you follow him.”
“And he was gracious enough to lead us right to you,” Agatha replied simply. 
The trio exchanged glances. They all knew she wasn’t going to elaborate, and Victor had a hunch the creature had gotten away, or they wouldn’t have bothered with waiting by the car. Although that raised the question of what would happen to them once they were deemed no longer necessary. 
Everything was happening so fast, it made his head spin. 
“Keep an eye on them for me,” Agatha said to Max and Felix, then, addressing Henry and Elizabeth, “Which of you has the keys to the car?”
Both Elizabeth and Henry stayed silent. She looked them both over and moved to stand in front of Elizabeth, holding her hand outstretched. “Keys, please.”
Elizabeth looked to Henry, who shrugged, before reaching into her pocket and handing over the key, on its gaudy rental tracking keyring.
“Thank you.” 
With the trio still kneeling, Agatha went and unlocked the car they came in, taking a quick look in the driver's side window, before moving to the rear and opening the trunk. She pulled out the tyre iron and some other tool and threw them into the floor of the back seat. 
Leaving the trunk open, she walked back over to Victor, motioning for him to stand and follow her. He hesitated. 
“Victor don’t be naïve now, we were lying before but now we actually do have your friends.”
He stood, feeling a sudden lightheadedness and realised he was starving, he hadn’t eaten anything all day. “I’ll give you what you want, just let them go,” he said weakly, hoping his voice was too quiet for Elizabeth and Clerval to hear. 
“That would be ideal, but it’s going to take a while and we’re going to need your full cooperation. So you’re going to have to come with us for a little while longer.” 
Victor frowned and Agatha looked back at Henry. “If you all come without causing us grief, I’ll make sure Felix gives him something for that arm until he can get it seen properly, ok?”
“And you won’t hurt them?”
“Not unless you give us reason to.” 
Victor looked skeptical. “Why should I believe you?”
“What choice do you have?” Agatha shrugged and waited. 
Victor looked back at her and after a moment let out a long sigh of resignation. 
“Tell them to do what we say.”
Victor snorted a laugh.
“Recommend the idea, then,” Agatha rephrased.
Victor turned to Henry and Elizabeth and called back, “I think it’s best we go with them. I’m gonna give them what they want and then they’ll get Henry to a hospital. They’ll give him something to manage it in the meantime if we do what they say.”
They both frowned in response, but gave nods of affirmation.
“Good lad.” She motioned to the trunk of the car. “Now get in.”
Victor looked into the now empty rear of the car. It would be a squeeze, even for him, but he climbed in. The trunk was closed as he curled in on himself and he was once again alone in the dark. 
Outside, Clerval and Elizabeth were directed to another car around the corner, a bigger sedan. Elizabeth was directed to the trunk as Victor had been and Henry was allowed to sit in the backseat with Max as his guard. Felix drove them and Agatha took their rental and Victor. 
From high up in the trees nearby, the creature watched both cars drive back to the building they had come from, and pondered his next move. 
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