#which in turn to a kind of learned helplessness where I'd just stay in the spiral
jacksmusesdrv3 · 1 year
I oversimplify the tears I cry While you tear them down line by line
Okay so this song is a doozy of a thing, and it’s mostly ‘vibes related’ rather than entirely, but it really stirred some feelings in me that I wanna spill
[!SONG CW!]: (general) self harm, disordered eating, suicidal ideation (towards the end of the song), blood, strangulation
Lemme just grab a couple of caps this time. I think that should be all I need
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First says that Ouma ‘lies to entertain others’, and he likely references his experiences in the world generally. If we follow on from that, the second refers to how he plunged to the absolute limit of his sanity for his plans and, in no small part, it’s to entertain others- the people around him, presumably (though you can add the outside world watching as another layer to that...). Adding this to the gamification talk here, the idea is that Ouma could’ve been suffering for others’ gratification long before this killing game was a thing.
The difference to the song though, is that far from being open about his true feelings, Ouma covers and obfuscates them a great deal. That obfuscation is the ‘show’ he puts on- not so much the ‘open suffering for others to consume’, but the suffering he endures being a constant under the surface.
For an Ouma with this history, it’s basically the same, if he was made into a spectacle in his past. A ‘circus monster’, if you will: ‘you know nothing about me, but you’re entertained anyway, so that’s good, right? :D’
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mysticaldreamwitch · 1 year
Its in the Blood
This was suppose to be a fanfic, but as I am currently in no headspace to write it, any of you creative people out there can feel very welcome to make this idea your own!
Please me sure to tag me tho, I'd love to read where you take this concept!
Also TRIGGERWARNING for child murder, cannibalism, incest and murder
The Line of Atreus is really fecked up guys x.x
This is about the movie Remainder from 2015, starring our beloved Tom Sturridge in the main role as a nameless man, who looses his memory after a crash and desperately tries to reclaim it, using everything, anything and anyone at his disposal to do his bidding.
He starts off somewhat sympathetic, but in his ongoing mania, he rids himself of any moral or human notion, turning into a merciless killer in the end to get what he wants, and only realizing in a final moment of clarity, that he has been running in cirlces, and that he had just repeated everything up to the moment to which the crash occurred, making him loose him memory all again, indicating that this is an endless cycle, which the character has gone through before many times.
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When I first saw it, I admit, I was quite baffled and perplexed by it all and I couldn't really make sense of it. I appreciated the movie for the craft, the camera, the lighting, the acting, everything was great, but the story left me feeling hollow in a way, filled with dread.
Perhaps other people like movies like this, the kind that depict a downwards spiral, and usually I watch it once, and thats it, but this one lingered in my mind, as it did something similar, but just different enough: The downwards spiral NEVER ends. He will always loose his memory, try to reclaim it, turn into a horrible void doing it, just to be struck down and start from zero again. It has no beginning, no end, no meaning, besides the mental and physical suffering of this person and everyone around him. And that, for a lack of a better word, fucked me up. I do NOT like that, cause it just made me feel so helpless. Nothing is explain, nothing is clear, you just watch this human suffer, knowning the end of it will never come.
So it kind of got me thinking if there could be a reason for this, some kind of explanation. And I think there is perhaps an interesting viewpoint one could turn this into.
Maybe its not that interesting, idk, it is to me
Consider, the main character as a descent of House Atreus.
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For explaination, the bloodline of Atreus, as well as his brothers, were cursed, first by the actions of the grandfather Tantalus, who served his son Pelops to the olympian gods for food, to test their omniscience. This action got him sent to Tartarus, a part of the underworld, where he is damed to stay in water he can never drink, under a tree with rich fruit he can never reach.
His temper was passed down to his son, who, after being reassembled by the gods as good as they were able to (this will be relevant later), went on to live a normal life. However when the time came to marry, he was not the only suitor for the hand of a princess, so he convinced a servant by the name of Myrtilus to saboage his rivals chariot, which drove the man into death. However, instead of rewarding him, Pelops pushed the servant down a cliff, so his secret may die with him. In his dying fall, the servant uttered a curse on Pelops and his entire lineage, that the gods shall punish them all.
Pelops went on to have three sons: Chrysippus, Thyestes and Atreus. The ladder killed they half-brother Chrysippus in order to get the throne, but soon grew unsatisfied, resulting in another fight, which lead to Thyestes taking the throne, an act which was later resolved through devine help, as the gods helped Atreus claim the thone.
However, Atreus soon learned that his wife and brother had an affair, an affront that enraged him so much, that he invited his brother for a feast, only later to reveal the meal servend was made of his brothers own children. His brother was exiled for the crime of cannibalism and sought revenge, looking for the help of an oracle, which told him to have a child with his own daughter, which would later kill Atreus.
He did as the oracle told him, but the mother abandoned the child, ashamed of its origin, and it was discovered by shepherds and brought to Atreus palace, where the boy was raised, only later to kill his grandfather/father, after Thyestes revealed the plot to his own brother.
However, at this point, Atreus already had children of his own, the most important being Menelaus and Argamemnon. You know...the guys that went to war with Troy over Helen of Sparta, Menelauses wife. They went out to kill Thyestes to get back their kingdom and succeeded in their goal.
Coming back to the beginning of the Trojan however Argamemnon had angered Artemis goddess of the hunt by killing one of the sacred deer and boasting about being a better hunter then her, something she didn't take to too kindly, as he made the wind still and the ships unable to sail. A sacrifice had to be made: Iphigenia, his first born daughter.
But of course Iphigenia also had a mother, Clytemnestra, twin sister to Helen. Enraged by the sacrafice of her daughter, she started an affair with Aegisthus (the incest baby of Thyestes and his daughter) and started to plot her husbands murder, which she executed in the night her husband returned from the war. She let him into a bath, where she stabbed him to his death.
However, of course, Clytemnestra and Argamemnon had more then one child, however only one son Orestes, who had taken away by his sister Electra (or was exciled, depending on the version), and raised by/with her, swearing revenge on the murder of his father.
Him and his sister planned the murder, and Orestes executed it, being cursed by his mother in turn to be haunted by the Erinyes, the Three Furies. After wandering the land with guilt in his heart for many years, the gods decided, that enough penance had been done and freed the man from the curse.
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How as he have established, technically the curse should be cured, right? Well yes...and no. You see apart from the fact that most of the people mentioned before had siblings, male and female where barely their names are known, one significant person in this whole plot was not punished at all: Elektra.
Althought their is speculation, for the most part her whereabouts after the murder and during the brothers penance is unknown, and what happened to her finally is quite unclear. So let you propose this idea to you: The main character in Remainder as a descent of Electras bloodline.
This may seem like a strech, but considering how many children went barely or completely unnamed, especially if they were female (yey to that old greece, good job), there is a high chance, many descents were never cleared of the House of Atreus curse like Orestes was. Therefore, the curse is still active or simply lies dormant.
Perhaps one could entertain the idea, that it is spread throughout their children like Haemophilia, which is found primarily in men, due to the genetic defect laying in the X-Chromosome. It happens in women as well, but only rarely, when the other X has a malfunction in some capacity.
This is also the reason why I chose "In the Blood" as the title of this idea. Apart from it being an absolute banger song from the Hades videogame, I think it could be an interesting piece here as well considering its context of family and kin.
I linked it, give it a listen if you can, its amazing!
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So the characters spiral and violent tendencies could be attributed to that curse, okay, but how did he end up in this repeating nightmare you ask?
Simple: He's in hell. Well Tatarus. Actually both. Lemme explain.
As mythology got convoluted over time, so could the underworld be one giant realm which consists of many parts, including the Greek Underworld, as well the the concept known as hell in Christianity. And as seen in the show Lucifer, it is not uncommon to imagine hell to be a place where people relive their worst parts of life.
But the people in Lucifer are aware they are in hell, thats the whole point of it , you'd say, and yes, that is correct. However, what if this is not for his own mind to realize, apart from that small moment right before it all starts again, but for someone else to watch, to be amused by it. Someone that habours a resentment towards him, or maybe his entire line?
Far strech I know, but bare with me. A never-ending punishment made of agony, dispair and the very short realisation that it is indeed a punshiment, that sounds quite like Tantalus himself I think. Totured in Tartarus for all eternity for what he did.
Oh, also, to come back to the Pelops thing, ha, don't think I forgot! I mentioned before that the gods tried to put Pelops together as much as possible, because, while all the other gods immediately knew they were tricked, the goddess Demeter, still grieving the loss of the daughter Persephone, ate part of Pelops shoulder, which was deplaced by an ovory shoulder crafted by Hephaistos. So all of Pelops decendence have a white spot on the back of their shoulder. A nice little detail, you might wanna include if you like.
So yeah thats it, that was my rant about this idea, aka me trying to comprehend this movie, cause my little brain can't accept that there is suffering like this for no apparent reason.
I'd like to know y'alls views on it and feel free to use the idea in your own writing if I feel like it, see you around!
witch x.
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chibi-spice · 2 years
First thing's First...
I'm starting this page to kind of get all my thoughts, feelings, fears and all that out into the world. I want to help and inspire others. I want them to heal just as I am working on healing.
Here's a quick run down of why I am in the position I'm in. It's a story I've actually gotten bored telling, but it's necessary to understand why I have the trauma and attachment style that I do.
In 2006, I started dating a guy who would become my husband two years later. From the start, there were obvious red flags that I should have paid attention to, but I was a stubborn kid. I hadn't met many guys who admitted to liking me and the couple who did, I just wasn't attracted to them.
I thought this guy was the love of my life. Turns out he was the narc of my life. I stayed way beyond the relationship's expiration date. We were together, in total, nearly 16 years. We divorced in 2020. During the marriage, he constantly put me down in joke form, he cheated, lied, hid stuff from me, sabotaged plans, broke down all my boundaries, was disrespectful, wouldn't stand up for me, played the victim, gaslit me, took advantage of me physically and then insult the results of his actions, emotionally manipulated me, was super hot and cold with me, emotionally abandoned me for long periods of time, threatened to leave me constantly, threatened to kill himself if I wanted out, love bombing was a big thing with him as well. The list goes on, but like I said the narrative has come to a point for me where it's exhausting to think or talk about
Fast forward to today. I met a man who I love and turns out those toxic habits that were used on me, I use them now. This hurt the man I love very deeply. I ended things with him because I couldn't keep hurting him like that. He's one who will endure the world and I don't want to be the one to continuously break his world. So then I started a healing journey; not just for him, but mainly for me. It was him who made me realize I actually did need help. I've gotten a lot of confirmation that this time it will stick and I believe it.
Novemeber 9, 2022, there was a shift in my entire being. I woke up and felt like my body and mind were upgraded. There was no feelings of pain and anxiety (yes these things still happen, but not on the same scale as before).
I had already been reading a lot of books about changing your mindset, praying, meditating, isolating, looking deep, journaling, and practicing cognitive behavioral therapy. I then came across a therapist who suggested looking into the attachment style theory. So I took the quiz and I was shocked honestly. I thought I'd be one of the common types, but nope. It turns out because of the extended time in an abusive relationship, I had developed the rarest attachment style which is a combination of both of the common ones.
It now made sense to me why my ex boyfriend was constantly saying I was hot and cold toward him. I didn't even know it was happening. It was something I was so used to being a part of that I didn't know I was doing it independently of my ex husband. I didn't even know it was a problem then, but it makes sense now.
So I am setting a specific goal for myself:
Blog 3 times a week about my journey and healing progress.
I hope you will follow along, share your experience or start your own journey. Had you told me 2 month ago that I would be in the mental space I am now, I would not have believed you. That's how helpless I felt back then, but healing is possible! You can retrain your mind, heal and learn to love the person you are!
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nkogneatho · 3 years
"Promise me forever"- Fushiguro Megumi x gn!reader.
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Genre: fluff, angst, action | I do not own the character.
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Wc: 1.9k | Requested by @unabashednightmarepizza
Warnings: mentions of death, heavy angst, mentions of blood, jujutsu fight style, hyperventilation, mentions of depression and anxiety, bringing human back to life.| A/n: I did it finally. It took me long time. If anything above triggers you, please don't read it. I am still new to fics and stuffs so please be kind and don't send hate.
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The only people who ever understood you were your parents so processing the fact that they are no more wasn't really easy for you.
You inherited both infinite void and six eyes technique and some different abilities due to mutation to although they weren't very reliable. But for several reasons, you're mother asked you to keep it hidden. You really wanted to feel normal but the clan started gossiping about you and how helpless you are.
"Why are you showing pity towards me? I am strong. It's just that I can't show you. I promised my mother. Why are you behaving like that?", unfortunately these were the only thought running in your head.
Gojou saw you and couldn't take it anymore. The way the clan verbally abused you made his blood boil. You were his precious cousin and he didn't want you to get hurt so he took you to Tokyo along with him while enrolling in school.
You felt safe in Tokyo. It's like that was the place you belong although you had to keep up with your cousins antics but watching him getting his ass whooped by the principal is fun.
New semester, new first years joined in. Your days before were so busy and traumatic that you didn't even have the time to think about dating.
Gojou took this opportunity to introduce you to the hottest single guy.
"Y/n, this is Fushiguro Megumi. Megumi, this is my cousin Y/n", Megumi bowed and greeted you, you did the same. The white haired bitch ran leaving you two in an awkward state. Well you did propose a conversation and turned out you both had similar interests. Two of you eventually started dating. It was nice to have a boyfriend. The feeling was very different maybe because you never felt it before.
"Ah! What are you doing baby? You should be more careful", he helped you get up when you slipped. A little O's leaving everyone's lips watching Megumi so caring.
He always held your hands from onwards. The little squeeze he does when he feels insecure about losing you when you guys go on a date or twirling you around with the support of your fingers as you sing and dance on empty streets at night. "We'll stay like this forever. Promise me", he sneakily slipped a ring up your finger as you were busy singing. "Yes", you smiled.
You gasped later when you took notice to it and then immediately hugged him. Before you didn't even know what a promise felt like and now you had it with a person you love the most.
Never have you ever felt so content with anything in your life. Guess good things come to an end.
Being close to the group, Sukuna sensed the potential and power in you when you fought the cursed womb. Well yes, the team was there but you panicked and lost control. Your powers were now visible to both Sukuna and Megumi. He was shocked at how his strong attacks still left you unscratched. Your rage got the best of you. Some of it was the frustration of all the taunts you heard.
You were sure that Megumi wouldn't want to see this monstrous version of you. Growing up alone, scared as if you didn't belong to the family, you never got the chance to control or monitor on how actually your power works. Although Gojou did help you grow enough. But the thought of him hurting your friends was enough to make you snap. Being the monster he is, he wouldn't let this chance slide.
"You're a beautiful bud y/n. You just didn't get a chance to bloom. Seems like it's not too late", he tried so hard to lure you in but the only thing on your mind was now to tear him apart. Sukuna did retreat or should I say Yuuji made him. Fushiguro ran up to you two as you were there with Yuuji's heart in your shivering hand, blood raining down on floor.
"You guys are the best buds I ever had", the last words leaving his mouth as he tumbled on the floor. Your hands were shivering. Even though Megumi knew how to handle such situations, you didn't. Losing a friend? You didn't even have a single friend in the first place but now? You were the one who thrusted his heart out.
"Y/n. It's not your fault.", he tried to convince you. "I am a monster. They were right. I shouldn't have come here. I was good, rotting in a corner in that place. I am helpless", breathlessly blaming yourself.
It took you a few days to finally calm down and think about what was actually going on. Not to mention you were badly injured after the fight. Megumi and Nobara were there the whole time taking care of you when you were recovering.
Gojou after some days took you to somewhere, a place you weren't aware of.
Shocked to very own core you ran towards to hug your friend Yuuji who was alive.
"Y-yuuji.....", not sure what to say afterwards.
"It's okay y/n. It was not your fault. Plus the good thing. I AM ALIVE", he was so excited to see you, that was clearly visible. You both stayed up late and watched movies though Gojou gave you major spoilers so he got kicked out of the room. Gojou warned you to not speak about Yuuji being alive, yet.
A few days later when you were with Yuuji and Junpei at his school, Mahito arrived.
Turns out the reason behind Junpei's whole brainwashing was this man. You tried to snatch Junpei but before you could, Mahito manipulated his body and he was converted into a curse.
"I just wanna have a conversation", he said but you both ignored his shit talk and punched him but seems like it had no effect. Your moves focused on finding his weak point or atleast holding him until Yuuji brings Junpei back.
"Sukuna. Do it."
"No.", the entity inside him denied. A shock hit Yuuji. How did you guys did not expect this? They both are curses in the end.
"Why me?", Junpei tried to ask, fingers clinging on the hem of Itadori's shirt.
"Yuuji, switch with me", you ordered him. You were aware of what Mahito was trying to do and you let him do it. How fool of him to think he can enter and have a conversation with Sukuna. Sukuna striked a blow on his arm causing him to collapse on the ground.
You brought Junpei back to life with all the strength you had left, it didn't work perfectly because his body was still wounded. Sukuna witnessed your Potential and was impressed. He switched with Yuuji, tricking him that he wanted to help you and he will do anything for his friends so he agreed.
Sukuna's fingers brushed throughout your face, as if he was analyzing each and every single cell of it while you pant, brain hazy. "How long are you planning on staying on the good side? Hm? Don't worry. I am going to steal you anyways", his hands cupped your face but soon was cut off.
"HANDS OFF THEM", Megumi passed a blow, voice raging, the vein on his neck was visible.
"Ah. This is good. Two of my adored humans. I'd have you both for me".
"Dream on. There's no way you're having them", he spat.
"No. There's no way you're having any of us", you balanced yourself on your palm, eyeing the curse in front of you.
"I won't ma-make the same mistake again", you were still pretty beaten up, although you had to save everyone. Yuuji tried his best to control but he won't faze. The lust for your power grew more and more and made it unstable for Itadori to tame him.
"Megu-mi. Do as I say".
"Are you sure y/n you can fight?", the one trait you always liked about him was that he never ignored your dedication and just supported you instead of saying "You are weak now." Or "You should rest".
You blew a punch making Sukuna fall back so now you had a calculated distance from him. Your lover joined, standing beside you.
"Trick him into thinking that we are losing in combat and bring him closer", he wasn't sure what were you upto but this was your only resort.
He summoned the Shikigamis one after another and delivered continuous attacks on him. Of course it was useless. He won't concede just like that. Afterall he is the king of curses so he decided to play along with you two for a while. In the end, you both are coming to me anyway or so he thought until......
Your image swiftly appeared in front of his eyes at which his pupil dilated, forehead bleeding, jaw clenched. The bloodlust was clear in your eyes but now it had a different look. Almost as if you earned a control on your powers.
"I told you, didn't I? I won't make the same mistake again", you latched your palm on his chest where Yuuji's heart was.
It's okay, if it's just for a bit it's okay, you convinced yourself.
You stopped the heartbeat for a couple of second with your ability to send shocks and control organs of the body, sort of reakted to body manipulation, causing Sukuna to loose control.
"Yuuji. NOW!", he took the chance and switched back. His torso tumbled down as a fear hit you causing you to fall too. Maybe you made the same mistake again. Megumi approached you two apace.
"Itadori! Y/n! Get a hold of yourself".
"I guess I did it again.", you cupped his face. "I count myself lucky that I me-met you. I am so.....s-sorry. I love yo-", your arms slowly lost velocity and thud the ground.
"No. Atleast learn to complete your words before you stop", megumi fisted his hands in nothing but air.
Later Gojou and others arrived, immediately taking you and Yuuji to the Jujutsu medics.
Luckily, Yuuji switched back at the right time. Thanks to you he was alive.
Your eyes gradually opened up and wandered around the room for a bit until they caught Fushiguro's. (You thought you can die leaving Megumi alone? SIKE!)
Mind still hazy, but was able to comprehend what happened before.
"Where's Yuuji?",you suddenly rose from the bed. Your voice was soft and low but will never go unheard by your lover. He wanted to scold you at how selfless you were. All beaten up yourself but still asking for someone else.
"He is fine and perfectly alive. To be honest it's a surprise since Gojou told me he was alive all this time. He is so annoying that even death doesn't want him", he chuckled lightly making you too. The smiled on your face faded when you saw a tear fall down from the edge of his eyes. His hands squeezing yours a little tighter than before.
"Don't ever do that again.", he was trying hard not to burst out the water from his eyes.
"I won't. I promised you forever. Remember? There's no way I am going to leave you alone.", you stroked his cheekbones.
"Yes. Otherwise there won't be no one to annoy me"
"Hey!", you slapped his chest lightly but he gripped your hand.
"Complete your sentence. Now."
"I love you", three words left your mouth after recalling what you left him hanging on. Megumi sighed in relief and the placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too. Forever.", you embraced each other for the rest of the night.
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Taglist: @1-800-teddybear @kenmathepuddinhead
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©All the written contents above belongs to nkogneatho2021. Do not modify and repost.
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 3 years
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Halloween Gala (pt 1)
Hermione Granger was not going to attend the annual Halloween Party the Ministry threw. At least, that's what she had thought. She wasn't the kind of person to enjoy party's much, she preferred to spend her time reading, working, or spending time with family or those in her circle of friends.
However, this was not what was going to happen.
Why was this? Because one of her best friends came over begging Hermione to go with her.
"Please 'Mione! Dad and Ron both work for the Ministry so we're all expected to go, I don't think I can be around Harry so soon..." Ginny Weasley explained.
"I don't know, Gin.." she said unsure of what to tell her.
Ginny and Harry had broken up a month and a half ago, they both decided they were better off as friends. However, Ginny has taken the breakup really hard and wasn't ready to be around Harry much. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione had become Auror's together, avoiding Harry Potter was not an easy task for the youngest Weasley.
It was easiest for her to be around Hermione. Firstly because they were both girls and Hermione could better understand what she's going through as she had gone through a breakup with Ron a year prior. Secondly because while Hermione was technically an Auror, she worked in the research part of the department while the boys were in all the action.
"Pleeeaaase Mione, we can just hangout the whole time if that's what you want! It's a masquerade so no one will know who we are," The redhead pleaded.
"It's not hard to figure it out, Gin. Plus that's what you said last time you dragged me to a party and you left me by the punch bowl," Hermione pointed out.
"Fine, you can bring a book then! And this year they're putting a charm on everyone at the door so you won't recognize them," Ginny urged. Hermione groaned and her friend smiled, she knew she won.
Now Hermione was standing awkwardly by the punch bowl in an overly fancy dress and uncomfortable masquerade mask. She cursed herself for letting Ginny get her into this because what she assumed to be Harry had come over and wanted to talk to her privately which is a good thing, however, that leaves Hermione all by herself. Ginny and Hermione instantly told each other who they were once the spell was cast on them, Hermione could piece together who Harry was.
When she saw a glimpse of Harry and Ginny through the crowd she knew it was going to take awhile for the Weasley to return as her face was as red as her hair in anger. So Hermione found a place to sit and began to read the book she brought, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
As she was finishing up the chapter she was on, an oddly familiar voice spoke.
"Good choice of book," they said.
"Uh thank you," Hermione said looking up to find a man standing there in an expensive suit and, though it was hard to tell with the dark lighting and mask he wore, blond hair. "You read muggle books?" She asked, while she loved reading them it was rare for her to find a witch or wizard who shared the same interest.
"I do actually," the voice said.
"Do you have a favorite?" She asked to which he thought for a moment.
"While I've read quite a few, the one you're reading would have to top them all," he told her, "any favorites of yours?"
"My favorite has to be Little Women, I do enjoy Pride and Prejudice though I find it difficult to see how Elizabeth could change her mind about Mr. Darcy so quickly," Hermione said.
At that the two, who believed each other to be strangers, chatted away about books wizarding and muggle alike. They debated their thoughts and preferences in each piece of literature brought out, finding they were quite comfortable sharing more and more about themselves, while making sure to keep their identity's secret.
After what felt like a few minute but what in fact much longer, Hermione noticed a change of song that happened to be a favorite of hers. She perked up and lightly swayed to the music, the man seemed to take notice.
"Might I have this dance?" He asked holding his hand out to help her up.
"You may," she said taking his hand and moving to the dance floor with him. "I think it'd be important to warn you that I'm not a very good dancer," Hermione said.
"Don't worry, I happen to be a terrific dancer," he said with a confident smile.
"We'll just see about that," she said smiling back.
"Indeed," he agreed.
The man really was a good dancer, Hermione didn't even step on his foot once throughout their time dancing. It felt natural with him, as if they were two parts of one whole. Their conversations took a deeper turn as they learned more personal things about each other, such as their upbringing or having gone to Hogwarts. This time it was quite difficult to keep who they are a secret, though they somehow managed. The hours flew by and they paid no mind to time and could stayed there dancing throughout the entire night.
But like all good things, it ended too soon.
A small shriek rang through the room, when Hermione looked up she found Ginny storming off away from whom she assumed was Harry, who looked helpless and ashamed. Hermione made a reluctant step towards her friend, the man didn't fail to notice.
"Friend of yours?" He asked.
"Yes actually. I'd better make sure she's alright, it's been wonderful meeting you," Hermione said with apologetic eyes before dashing across the room to the girl in question.
Draco Malfoy stood by the punch hoping the woman he'd just met would return. He found himself charmed by her quick wit and character, not many witches or even wizards he's met have either. Draco watched her hurry off, as he got lost in thought about the last hour. He was interrupted from his thoughts by someone coming up next to him and began talking.
"This party is less lively then my Mum's fifth husband," Draco knew this was none other than his closest friend, Blaise Zabini, whom he brought with him to the party.
"Was he the one with or without the lisp?" Draco asked. Mrs. Zabini has had a long line of ex husbands, all having been "unexplainably" killed soon after marriage, so it was difficult for Draco to keep up with all of them.
"Without, he had more of a drawl," Blaise explained.
"Ah," Draco said without much interest, his mind wandering to who this mystery woman might be and noticed that she was no where in sight.
"What's eating you, Mate?" Blaise asked upon noticing his detached behavior.
"Nothing is "eating" me, Blaise, I'm just trying to figure something out," Draco said with a roll of the eyes. Before the Italian could retort, Draco perked up as his grey eyes found the girl once more. Blaise followed his gaze and a teasing smirk formed on his face.
"Trying to figure out the girl over there I presume?" Blaise said.
"I recognized her voice, I just can't put a finger on it," Draco complained, "stupid bloody spell."
Blaise laughed, "well all will be revealed soon, midnight is in half an hour."
"I suppose.." Draco agreed.
He would much rather have the satisfaction of figuring it out on his own but he knew his friend was right, at Midnight everyone's masks (magical and physical) will be taken off to reveal their true identity. The truth was, Draco was nervous to be around her when it was revealed who he was. While Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban, his wife and son weren't punished except for the harsh treatment of the remaining Wizarding World. This was one reason why Draco had become an Auror, to help rebuild himself and his name.
"Hey," Blaise said putting a hand on his friend's shoulder, "don't let your fear get in the way, either go over there and sweep her off her feet or you can spend forever wondering what could've happened."
Draco gave him a weak smile, they've been friends their entire lives and Blaise knew Draco sometimes better than Draco knew himself. He was beyond grateful to have a friend like him.
"Thanks Mate," he said before Blaise walked off into the crowd.
As Draco was still getting the nerve, he saw his friend start talking to the mystery woman's friend before they made their way to the dance floor. This was Draco's chance. He walked over there to see her watching his friend dance around.
"Would you be up for another dance?" Draco asked slightly nervous.
The girl grinned when she saw who it was, "I'd love to."
And, they did.
This time, however, they didn't spend much time talking but rather laughing and enjoying the other's company. Draco spinner her in an attempt to dramatically end the dance, however this resulted in her laughing that contagious laugh.
The woman calmed herself and they now had both Grey and brown eyes locked on the other's, all humor forgotten. Draco hadn't even realized he was leaning towards her until she was doing the same. Their lips crashed together and nothing else mattered, they were the only things that existed in that moment.
Not even the loud timer buzzing and streamers being released to announce it was midnight.
Their masks were gone.
They didn't hear the other partygoer's reactions to what they were witnessing. The gasps of their friends and strangers alike.
At least, until they broke apart for air to find the change in appearance.
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Park Village | 8
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I do not own the gif, credit to the owner.
Constructive criticisms are welcome! This is in Korean so for those of you who can read Korean and English, go ahead! I will post a full English version link to the Wattpad story in the masterlist! (Juyeon/주연 could be you.)
I miss EXO so much…
Pairing: ok, ok, i'll tell you, it's baekhyun x juyeon/you
Genre: kpop idol’s relative!AU
Word Count: 1830 words
Description: Juyeon is invited to a sleepover with EXO and it gets a little heated.
I go to the store to pick up a sleeping bag and a few other things and I buy snacks because I don't want to come empty-handed. I pack a backpack with clothes and my toiletries. I just continue to watch videos while waiting for Chanyeol.
"Juyeon, you ready?"
"Oh, 오빠, you're here? Let's go!" I grab my stuff and run to the car. He just follows. "You don't need to pack?"
"No, I live there, remember." He laughs. We get there and enter in the dorm because Chanyeol had the key. We head upstairs where the boys were just talking and playing video games.
"Hi Juyeon! I heard yesterday was quite a party." Sehun says knowingly. I glare at Baekhyun and he just shrugs. Chanyeol just gives me a "I-told-you-so" look.
"Yes... it was." I say in a sassy tone. Sleeping bags were already laid out on the floor and snacks were everywhere. I throw over my bag of snacks to the people sitting on the couch.
"고마워!" They say as they open up the bag. I lay out my sleeping bag and just watch them play games.
"Awww... can we do something else other than watch you guys play games?" Kai whines.
"What should we do then?" Chanyeol asks.
"I don't know, you find a game."
"How about we play a game where we each write a punishment, we put it in a bowl and we each have to choose one and do it. Oh, and we'll include king and servant." He says. The boys playing games turn off the TV and bring out a paper, pencils, and a bowl.
"What''s king and servant?" I ask.
"The king gets to tell the servant what to do." I nod and start writing a punishment. I think. Hmm... it would be fun to see someone do a girl group. I write that down and put it in the bowl. The others do too. "주연아, you choose first." Chanyeol said. I take a paper and pass the bowl around. We were sitting in a circle. After everyone chose their papers, I open mine and laugh.
"Who wrote this?" The others looked at me confused.
"What is it?" I show the paper to everyone. 'Do a sexy dance on Juyeon' is what it said.
"Aww... I was hoping I would get that one." Kai said. I give him a weird look.
"You wrote it?" He nods. "Sooo... what am I supposed to do?" I laugh. "I can't really dance on myself."
"Then dance on one of us." Kai says obviously wanting me to dance on him.
"Uh, yeah, no thanks."
"Awww... you're no fun." Baekhyun says.
"You too?" He nods.
"Just like, dance on the chair or table or something." Chanyeol says. I get up to get on the table and Chanyeol just averts his eyes. "I can't watch..." I shrug and begin. There was no music so it was kind of awkward but I just did my best to make it as 'sexy' as possible. I do what most people would consider sexy. I flipped my hair and moved my butt. Chanyeol closed his eyes the whole time but  the others were in awe. After I finished, they clapped.
"Thanks but I don't think I'm that good." They give a thumbs up.
"You were the best. You should definitely do more dancing." Sehun says.
"Okay, let's move on." I laugh at Chanyeol who couldn't look at me. "Oh, it's me." He looks at his paper and looks around. "Who wrote this?! I am NOT doing this."
"But you made the game!"
"What is it?" I ask. I peak over to see what it says. I laugh again. "Hah! Yes, you totally have to do it. Come at me."
"What is it?" Suho asks.
"I know what it is... how come Chanyeol gets it?" Baekhyun says giggling.
"You wrote it? Wh- I- Ho- I'm speechless." Chanyeol says.
"I wanted it... 깹송(kkaepsong)." Baekhyun says sadly.
"Ahhhh... what is it!" Kai whines.
"주연에게 콜하게 고백하세요." I read off. The others look at Chanyeol jealously.
"Do I have to do this?!"
"Yasss... you have to do this! I want to see it!" I say. Chanyeol glares at me. He gets up and grabs me to get up. He grabs his guitar and starts singing.
"I think you're cute, you may think I'm not, my feelings for you couldn't stay mute, I like you. I wanna ask you out on a date, but will you say okay? Meet me at Starbucks next Thursday, I'll wait." He sings trying not to cringe. I clap.
"와... I would totally go out with you if you weren't my cousin." I say.
"I totally could've done better." Baekhyun rolls his eyes and mumbles. He opens his paper and immediately smiles and giggles like his usual self.
"What does it say?" I ask. Chanyeol looks over and rolls his eyes.
"Who keeps on writing these? This is my cousin!"
"What does it say?" I ask again.
"주연에게 섹시하게 고백하세요." Baekhyun reads out excitedly.
"Again? Who keeps on writing these?" I say. Baekhyun gets up and pulls me up with him. He pins me to the wall.
"Hi Juyeon, remember me? Baekhyun?" He says in a raspy voice.
"Uh... yes?" I say feeling helpless.
"Oh, you do? That's good. I hope you remember this too." He gets close to my ear and I could feel his breath. "Beach. You. Me. Next Thursday. 3PM. Got it?" I just nod. "Good." He moves his face from my ear to face me again. He then leans in about to kiss me.
"Cut!" Chanyeol says before he gets too close. I turn away blushing and the others look at Baekhyun jealously.
"So, how'd I do?" Baekhyun asks me.
"Uhh... I think you accomplished the dare but if that's how you ask out a girl... I don't think you'll the most positive responses from me specifically." The others laugh at him.
"Do you remember me?" I mock him. He looks down embarrassed. "I'm definitely going to remember that. Suho 오빠, just open your paper." He opens it and shows it to everyone.
"King? Oooo, you're lucky, you don't have to do a dare." I say jealously. "종인오빠, open yours!"
"Girl group dance... which one? Who wrote this?" I raise my hand.
"역시 the main dancer of the group gets the girl group dance dare." I clap. "Do 살짝 설렜어." I laugh. He gets up sighing and I turn on the music. I probably should've let him learn it first because he danced the feel of the dance but not the actual dance. I sigh getting up and start dancing. He watches me and dances more confidently, copying my moves. I continue to dance and didn't notice Kai stop and watch me. When I finished, I noticed everyone staring at me. "Uhh... how come I'm the one doing your dare?" I look at Kai staring at me. I wave my hand in front of his face. "Hello? You there? 종대 오빠... just open yours." He nods. He whines.
"Servant." He says sadly. 준면오빠 cheers. 경수 opens his paper and laughs.
"A pickup line contest for Juyeon."
"I'll give you a chance to think." I say without giving them a chance to protest.
"Do I have to!" Chanyeol asks.
"Yes! I need to see this!"
"Okay, I'm going first."
"좋아!" I say excitedly.
"I'm no mathematician but I've been told I'm good with numbers. Wanna give me yours to prove it?" He says embarrassed. I clap.
"Totally would NOT give you my number but nice try."
"It's fine... I don't care, I don't want to win this competition...  this is the only competition I don't want to win. It's disgusting."
"I wanna go next!" Sehun raises his hand and puts it down embarrassed after everyone stares at them.
"Sure." I say. "I can't wait to see what our maknae has to say."
"Okay... I'll go." He starts to walk towards me slowly and I move back until I hit the table. He puts his hand next to my body so I couldn't move. "Baby, I'll treat you like my homework. I'll slam you on the table and do you all night." He says staring at me intensely. I try not to laugh and look at hike seriously in the eye. He gets up embarrassed and gives me space. "Did it not work?" I laugh.
"Our maknae has grown up!" I say laughing. "Also, if that's the only thing you can say in confidence, might as well just do your real homework. You gotta be confident!" I grab his wrist and get in the same position as we were when he said the pickup line. "Okay, now what's your next move?" He stays there frozen, blushing.
"주연아, don't make me do this!"
"Come on! Just follow your instructions. Slam me down..." I maneuver myself to be flat on the table and I move him on top of me so he's pinning me to the table. "And do me all night. But not me... someone else." He blushes. I stay there waiting for him to get off but he stays there. "Are you not tired? Why don't you like get off so other people have a chance and I don't end up sleeping on the table."
"Oh, sorry." He gets up. I point at him and look at him with stern eyes.
"Confidence. Who's next?" Chen, D.O., Xiumin, Kai, and Suho all try to win me with common and simple pickup lines. Baekhyun walks up to me after they finished.
"My biology teacher told me that the lips are the most sensitive part of the. Wanna try it out?" He gets close again like the last time and I assumed he would stop him but he just kept getting closer until his lips touched mine. I stand there frozen, unsure of what to do. I push him away.
"What are you doing?! (뭐하는거야!)" I say. I look over. No one say it. Chanyeol 오빠 was in rhe bathroom and the others were talking and not paying attention. Arghh...
"I asked if you wanted to try it out!" He said still pinning me to the wall.
"I didn't respond! That was my first kiss! I'd rather have it with someone I actually like. "
"You don't like me?"
"Well yeah but not like that!" He steps back a little but hurt.
"Ouch... but that's okay... it's not like I like you like that either. It was for the dare. I'm trying to win here."
"Oh..." The rest of the boys do their dares but the only thing I could think about was his 'pickup line'. I couldn't go to sleep because of it. I also avoided him for the next few weeks too. Why am I doing this? It was just for the game... nothing else, right?
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all-hail-stevinel · 4 years
I'd love to know more about Spinel's relationship with Sammy and the guys!
Oh!! It makes me so happy that you guys like my bois!!! lol when I first wrote in Sammy and the guys I thought they would just be for that scene and done but bc so many people liked them I’ve had fun bringing them back and giving them more depth!
The bois background:
Josh- typical white boi but with a heart of gold. Helpless mom friend of the group. Desperately tries to keep them all out of jail, but get a few beers in him and he’s the one they have to stop from silly shenanigans. His hair is fluffy and blonde, so sometimes the other guys call him ‘Poodle’. This whole squad drinks respect women juice but my boy Josh takes it to a new level. He’s the most sensitive of the bunch, with his own family problems that make it easier for him to relate to and empathize with others. He and Spinel bond initially over his first kind gesture buying those tickets, but it furthers when they hang out more and he learns about her time spent in the garden. Josh was abused as a kid so its something he can really relate to and they’ve had lots of conversations about their shared trauma where Josh imparts Thaerapist Given Wisdom ™ upon her that she takes back to Steven. He has seven locally adopted dogs all named after planets. He loves them all equally but Jupiter, his sweet three-legged brown pitbull, loves to follow him places. She gets along really well with Lion and Spinel and loves turkey bacon. Steven can admit that just having the cute animal by his side makes Josh the hardest to hate, but he and Universe certainly manage lol
Marcus- youngest of the bunch but equally sweet. He’s a music lover at heart and plays the violin, he and Spinel start bonding when she tells him about her ukelele lessons with Greg. He dyes his hair a different color every week, so his shirts are always stained but it doesn’t really matter bc he’s always covered in paint. He loves street art and during her more rebellious moments, Spinel likes to bounce around Beach City with Marcus in tow, painting murals and graffiti and escaping before the ruby cops can stop them. Marcus really relates to the lost feeling that Spinel often has, having run away from home. All the guys lived together in an apartment in Empire city considering that they’re the sons of rich and distant parents, but Marcus is the only one who purposefully ran away from homophobic ones and is trying to re-invent himself, something Spinel deeply understands. 
Kyle- my man is a modern sage in the modern age. 420 blaze it, Kyle is there with a funny story that’ll have you rollin’ with laughter paired with the kindest eyes. He loves to dance and lose hours playing Mario kart, though a majority of his time is actually spent doing volunteer work around empire city and baking. My man loves baking lol and not just the weed kind. He wanted to become a pastry chef but business management gave him terrible anxiety attacks so instead, he does it just for fun and is much happier for it. All the guys love supporting him and trying out all his dishes, always stuck between wanting to share them or hoard it to themselves. Spinel and Kyle took a little longer to get along, but now go together like apple pie alamode! He understands her anxiety and helps her manage it with breathing tools and physical comfort. He’s the most supportive whenever she and Steven get into a fight, whether she’s in the right or not, he’s a ride or die friend ready to take on Steven one-on-one despite how scrawny he is in comparison. His height makes him overconfident lol. He the group mischief-maker, the voice that encourages all of Sammy’s wild crazy plans with the sort of calm lulling tone of a brewing storm. He loves drama and causing chaos, which when Spinel is in the mood, makes them a dangerous combo
Sammy- party animal. Excessive emoji user. Loves plants, owns approx 233 succulents who all have their own names. You will respect the plant baby names. cHUGS respect women juice. Has wrestled an alligator before on a family trip, and the alligator won. When not partying this cool cucumber likes to sleep his days away, tru night owl status. Does also love gardening and visiting farmers’ markets, which he tries bonding with Steven over it but the diamond boy clearly wanted no part despite his many attempts. Spinel loves all the guys but its clear that she and Sammy are the closet by far. He recently left an emotionally abusive relationship that was very similar to Spinel’s own with Pink. but what they initially bond over isn’t their shared trauma but instead their ‘jobs’ as entertainers. Sammy is known for being a wild party boi, having fun, getting too drunk and wreaking exhilarating havoc, which he does love. But all his life he would bottle his true emotions and feelings from those he was close to bc he felt obligated to always entertain them, to be their best friend and perfect plaything no matter how it truly made him feel. Upon discovering that and finding the courage to be open about herself, they became thick as thieves overnight. Sammy was the first number to be put in her phone after stevens. He’s arguably the most handsome of the group, but he’s also gay af which makes it even funnier when he purposefully flirts or suggestively touches Spinel bc he’s just trying to rile steven up. 
As a group:
They are the best definition of boys will be boys
You know all those silly tik tocks and vine of groups of boys doin cute but stupid shit to funky background music? That’s these bois
They all love Spinel and during her first fight with Steven they let her stay over a whole week just so she could get time away
Despite half the group bein gay af they all love flirting with Spinel and complimenting her, mostly bc they think her blush is cute but also bc they know Steven and Universe are jealous whores and they think its SO FUNNY
Its made even funnier when they realize Spinel get *ahem* special treatment after all their obnoxious flirting that leaves her floating on cloud nine and covered in bruises, which hey to each their own. So the boys kind of make a game out of it, with the main goal basically whoever makes Steven snap wins. If you can get Universe to snap tho, you win for the week lol
If you make Spinel cry they will fight you. Please be reminded that they are all 6’0+ and these absolute madmen would fight a whole quartz army for her if she asked
If her time isn't being spent with Steven and the other gems, shes usually with them, causing mayhem. Their exploits end up in the news at least once a month to Stevens never-ending exasperation.
Yes, including that one time they all got spinel drunk and she stole a tiger from an empire city zoo to be friends with Lion
“But Stevieeeee, he’s so lonely its not fair!” 
Do NOT make drunk spinel cry. These bois WILL turn on Instant Kill Mode
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Hi! I'd like to request a Tendou scenario! Could you write one where he just started college and already isolates himself again bc he doesn't want people to look down on/weirdly at him etc. And then there's this girl that always takes the seat next to him, and at one point he's like "Are you doing that on purpose?", thus they start talking and become friends & in the end eat lunch together and she compliments his hair, and idk just lots of fluff and love for Tendou pls
TT~TT My baby… I love him so very much!!!! But a hard same on isolation after separation! Hard Same. Anyway! I know I got this request forever ago, and I’m sorry for the wait, but thank you very much for your patience and your request! :D - Admin Satori
Tendou Satori:
It wasn’t all that hard, honestly. To pull away from everything he’d known and loved. A new world of education - new people coming in and out of the large buildings - not enough time in the day to learn every students name - not enough time in the day to go throughout the dorm to meet every student that attended the university.
What was the point? Day one and already he was a pariah for his looks.
Not that he’d dressed weird or anything. It was cold, he’d had on a black sweater and some maroon pants. Some all black sneakers, and yeah, his socks were funny colors, but his pants were long enough to hide them; They were his special secret sunshine. He’d had his backpack on his shoulder, and was minding his own business.
Yet, somehow, for some reason, he was already targeted.
Now he sat outside the building his class was currently held in. Tendou looked down at his slightly bloodied hands - his blood, from a split lip and bloody nose. Though both were already dried and healing, he couldn’t help but rub the remnants between his fingers - feeling the stickiness of his own failure to fit in. It wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t done anything. Some young men, probably juniors or seniors, had seen him, seen his eccentric hair, and figured he was trying to make a statement for their prideful school.
And they just couldn’t stand the thought of someone looking different.
Tendou sniffled as he wiped at his nose with his sleeve, glad the material was black, but knowing he’d have to do laundry when he got back to his dorm. Maybe he could get an apartment off campus. Further away from the prying eyes he felt on him when he’d enter the dorm building, or any building for that matter.
He hadn’t cried though. Not a single tear. He was used to the bullying. He was used to being pushed around and taunted. For being too tall, for being too thin, for having insanely red hair, for his freckles, for his weird wide eyes…. There wasn’t a single part of him that hadn’t been made fun of.
A shadow fell over him, and he pulled his knees closer to his chest, “If you’re back to hurt me again… I’m sad to say I’m all out of blood in my lip and nose… Come back tomorrow when supplies are replenished.”
“Are you alright?”
His red eyes looked up at the soft voice that responded. It wasn’t the masculine taunts he’d heard earlier - it was soft and gentle, filled with concern and confusion. And when his eyes met yours, yours widened before you were dropping to your knees beside him, your hands reaching up hesitantly to his face. He flinched away from your touch, used to harmful hands, but your fingertips brushed his swollen split lip and for a split second he could feel your tender touch. You meant no harm whatsoever to him.
Fight or Flight, Tendou flinched once more from your touch, leaning away from you, “I’m fine.” He muttered, standing up quickly and dusting off his pants before he was shuffling away from you. He hurt everywhere, and he wanted to rest a bit, but you’d be there to try to help him if he did. Help or hurt - he honestly didn’t know the difference anymore.
“W-Wait!” You called after him, but he only continued to walk, his long legs leaving you in the dust.
Tendou pushed through hordes of people, ducking into his dorm building and rushing to his dorm before locking the door behind him. Peeking through the peephole, he knew you hadn’t followed him this far. Maybe he’d lost you in the crowds. Maybe you’d gotten tired of chasing him. Maybe you didn’t have access to his dorm building, which was a high possibility since he’d never seen you before. Nonetheless, you were off his trail.
Sighing, he entered his bathroom to see the real damage done. And it wasn’t horrible. A little swollen and dirtied, a little runny nose, but tear free eyes. Not a single sign of red eye in sight. He tried for a smile, though his reflections reaction only seemed to mock his attempt, making his cheeks drop their facade. He switched on the hot water, ignoring the burn of his hands as he leaned down to wash his face.
He scrubbed at it. Roughly. Hard enough to remove any kind of inkling of himself. But when he dried off and looked in the mirror once more, all he saw was…. himself. His face littered with his fingernail marks, his scrubbing making his face as red as his hair. “Ugly….” He muttered before tossing the towel away from him and exiting the bathroom.
Walking into class a week later, you were relieved to see a familiar head of red hair, and quickly made your way to sit next to him. He didn’t notice you at first, or at least you didn’t think he did, his forehead pressed into the open text book with his eyes closed. But he had. And he reactively leaned away from you in the next second, moving a seat over and putting his backpack between the two of you.
His actions were like a slap to your face. You don’t know why it effected you so much. Maybe because you’d seen how helpless he was, how alone he’d been… Maybe it was an insult - someone so bullied now distancing himself from someone trying to help. But instead of taking offense, or trying to reason his actions, you simply gave him a tender smile before focusing your attention on class.
But Tendou couldn’t focus. What did your sitting next to him mean? Why had you even bothered to seek him out when he was only going to run away again? Why was he running away, or at least so sure of his future actions? Because living looking the way he did meant danger… Danger meant he needed to run away to keep his life.
He glanced over at you during the middle of the lecture; discreetly, so you wouldn’t be able to notice - what were you even trying to do?
Your eyes suddenly met his, making his entire body freeze in shock. Never had anyone noticed his staring. And yet, here you were… Meeting his stare with a secret smile on your lips. Though you didn’t just meet his eyes, yours traveled from his to his eccentric hair, to the healing split lip, to the bruises on his arms and wear and tear on his hands on the desk before you were smiling fondly at the graphic t-shirt he’d pulled on that morning.
“‘My brain has too many tabs open’…..” You nodded slowly, your voice barely above a whisper while the professor droned on and on about whatever todays subject was. Tendou watched you cautiously as you tapped your temple with a tender smile, “I still can’t find which one of mine is playing that music….”
The corner of his mouth twitched. He was suppressing a smile, or at least a smirk.
“It’s the last one…” His voice was barely above a whisper, much quieter than yours, much quieter than he was used to talking in back in high school. Whether it was to avoid detection from the professor or to continue to hide his true self from your prying eyes… he wasn’t sure.
You pouted and shook your head, “Wait, don’t close it yet. I like this song.” The pout you’d held quickly turning into a small smile, tilting your head side to side to imitate a song being played in your head. Tendou’s eyes glanced over to the professor still talking about whatever the hell this class was about before meeting your amused, sparkling eyes once more. “Wanna hear it?”
He hesitated, swallowing the building anxiety in his throat. What were you even doing talking to him? Didn’t you think he was weird? Didn’t you think he was pathetic? He sure did. But you seemed to be earnest in your question, genuine in offering for him to hear the fake song in your head. “I… Don’t think I can? It’s in your head…”
But your smile widened, somehow retaining its secretive nature as you lifted your finger to your lips, a signal for him to keep your secret. His red eyes didn’t move from your lips as your finger raised to your hair, his eyes only following your movement when your lips parted to show your pearly whites in a proud smile. Blinking, he stared at your hand as you lifted your hair from your neck, brushing it behind your shoulder and tucking a few strands behind your ear.
“Earbuds….” Tendou huffed out in amusement, turning his head down with a suppressed smile and shaking his head, “What a poser.”
Now your mouth opened into a small ‘o’ in your shock, though you could feel there was no malice in his words. He was teasing you. “Oh, I see… too good for my ninja tactics.” You sent him a playful wink, huffing out your hidden laughter when he squinted at you in joking insult.
Tendou let your teasing drop. Let the whole joke drop. His eyes focused back on the professor, learning the topic was about something he’d learned in high school - it was just a review of a class for today, it seemed. So why was he here then? Why hadn’t he seen the first slide, known he knew all about it, and headed back to his room?
Why had he stayed?
“So can I hear the song then or are you going to leave me hanging?”
His question surprised him, not having made any decision to continue to talk with you or even mention your offer to listen to your music before…. And yet… his mouth had worked ahead of his brain, ahead of his logic, and asked for your interest. A nervous swallow of his anxiety didn’t escape your shocked, widened eyes, but when his red eyes met yours you’d had your time to process his request.
It didn’t even seem like you were fazed on his end. One second he was asking the question, and the next he was watching you grab at the hanging earbud and offering it to him. How were you okay with this? Sharing something you liked with someone who no one liked? But your smile was so welcoming. It was so warm. It felt as if you’d pulled him under an awning in the coldest of storms.
Long fingers brushed against yours as he took the earbud from you, and a thrill rushed down your spine from the contact. Did it bother you, he wondered? Did you find him gross and were wising you’d never noticed him a week ago? But your smile only seemed to brighten, only seemed to wrap him in a secure blanket, only seemed to dry him off from the storm of loneliness he’d found himself in not too long ago.
Ducking his head, he leaned closer to you - you were much shorter than he was, not to mention his backpack was still sitting between the two of you. You met him halfway and leaned closer to him, tilting your head so he had more of the cord to stretch in case he grew uncomfortable with your proximity.
But he wasn’t. He stared down at his lap as he put the earbud in his ear, his lips growing thin on his face as he held back a laugh - though you wished he hadn’t kept it to himself. You were sure his amusement was something to marvel at. You wanted to see his full smile.
“I can’t believe you listen to this…” He muttered with a smirk, “Really? In the middle of class, you’re jamming out to Disney?” Turning his head the slightest, he didn’t seemed surprised you were so close to him, his hooded red eyes seeming to glow in the dim room. A shiver rushed down your spine at his proximity, finding his appearance, his voice, his smile, his teasing…. Everything about him you found… Interesting… You wanted to learn more about him.
You wanted to protect him.
Slowly, your hand raised from the table, your fingers lightly tracing his healing split lip, your eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t flinch away this time, finding your touch soothing. Only a week. He’d only known you this entire class - had only started talking to you today, had first seen you a week ago…. And already he felt comfortable.
Maybe because you hadn’t immediately tried to hurt him the first time you’d seen him? Maybe because you seemed to have the same sense of humor he did? Maybe because you seemed to genuinely worry about his health with how tenderly your fingers seemed to touch his healing wound.
“Are you alright?” Was he? He didn’t know, really. He’d never really bothered to check if he was okay.
This was getting out of hand, he realized. Way too close. Way too comfortable. Way too fast.
Inhaling suddenly he pulled away from you completely, the earbud being pulled from his ear as he moved to sit upright in his seat. All feeling of warmth removed completely from his being as he moved away - but it was the only way he could preserve himself. The only way he could keep himself safe from your possibly harmful motives. What if you were just tricking him? What if you were in on a joke with some of his attackers? This couldn’t possibly be real. There was no way he could be interested in someone so quick after meeting them.
You frowned as you felt the wall to his core being thrown down in front of you. You were being shut off completely from him so quickly, you felt… betrayed. In the oddest sense, you felt as if you’d been cheated of a chance to know him. To help him.
But if he wanted to pull away… who were you to stop him? A complete stranger who just so happened to make him find amusement in your silliness? Who just so happened to see the aftermath of his bullied problem?
A forlorn sigh left you as you sat there, a seat apart from him. Your shoulders fell with the disappointment souring your tastebuds.
Then he was standing up and leaving without a word, roughly grabbing his backpack and striding out of the lecture hall without a single backwards glance.
You pushed him way too far…. Way too fast… You barely knew the guy.. Barely even spoke with him… And now you were wishing he was closer? That he wasn’t so scared? Because you knew he was scared. The moment you’d seen him sitting outside the building, hidden amongst the shrubbery, nursing his wounds on his own… You knew he was scared - deep down, quivering with fear with his new surroundings.
The sudden sound of slapping hands on the table top drew the professors attention to you, an excitement in his heart at someone taking interest in his course this early in the morning - but he was only met with your back as you rushed out of the lecture hall. You practically marched out of the hall, your backpack slung over your shoulder, the straps of which digging into your hand at the awkward distribution of weight.
But the bite of the material didn’t bother you when it was pitted against the thought of this young man being one more second without help or without a friend.
You practically slammed the cafe doors open as you pushed through - catching a few students and faculty off guard - what were you so riled up about? Why did you look pissed?
Red hair, downturned head, phone in hand, frowning lips…. You spotted your target and made a straight line to him - setting your backpack down next to his on the table, all but throwing yourself into the cafe chair across from him. His red eyes barely flickered up to meet yours, a sardonic smirk curling his lips - not the smile you longed to see.
“What do you want? Stalker.”
Name calling wouldn’t do anything to deter you, though. But the murmur of his quip had your heart rate slowing - your blood cooling in your veins…. Why had you been so uppity about getting to him? So dramatic for what? To what end did your stomping, marching, and slamming antics get you?
When you didn’t immediately answer, he glanced up at you, his red eyes peering under his brow, peaking through the red of his eyelashes. You seemed lost in thought, as if you were surprised with your own actions. He wasn’t. He’d figured you were the type to be passionate about setting things right, and he’d guess as soon as you’d seen him a week ago that he’d become that thing to be set right.
He gave you your time though. Tendout was patient as he continued to scroll through his social media - seeing his friends pages, seeing Ushijima’s serious updates, seeing Semi’s begrudgingly happy smile, Reon’s new friends….. Everyone around him seemed to be moving on just fine…
It just went to show him that things never change. People never change. Their attitudes and two faces… They never change.
Your hand was suddenly in his field of vision, making his eyes go from his screen straight up to your eyes. There was a warmth there he’d seen a week ago, the warmth he’d seen in the lecture hall - would you change, too? Switch so suddenly? Tell him one day, you were a safe harbor, only to then switch and use all his secrets and trust against him? Join the group you seemed to want to protect him from?
Was he overthinking?
“That’s a really low-five… I don’t know if I can make it in time.” Dumb, really dumb, dumb joke - self hatred spiking just the slightest.
But you smiled, wiggling your fingers as you waited, “Go on…. Give me a low-five…” You knew it was silly - not what you were going for. You’d reached out your hand to get his attention, but when he’d teased you about it instead… You figured you could play his game of loner-sarcasm for as long as he wanted to play.
Tendou gave you a suspicious look, keeping eye contact with you directly as his removed his hand from holding his phone - hovering it about a foot above your open palm….
He brought down his hand suddenly, but you were much quicker - pulling your own hand back so fast, the movement was a blur - though he’d been close to giving you that low-five… He could feel the warmth of your hand just barely pass by his palm before he was met with the cool sting of slapping the plastic table.
You snickered, “Too Slow.” Your smile was playful, making your eyes sparkle. Then your hand was back out on the table, palm up once more, fingers wiggling teasingly, “Try again.”
“You’re just going to take your hand away again… I don’t want to break the table.”
Now you snorted in amusement, “Alright, Hulk….” Tendou’s smile loosened its sarcasm though what it lost, it gained in truth. An almost real smile. “I promise I won’t make you slap the table…. I don’t think the table has a spanking kink…” Your cheeks warmed at the mention of something so dirty with a guy you just barely met - but his responding smile had your lips pulling in the same motion.
An odd girl…. I like her…
“As far as you know.” He muttered offhandedly, though the smile on his lips reflected his enjoyment of the moment with you. You seemed to hit his funny bone just right, even if you’d been embarrassed about your comment - he seemed to appreciate you being genuine with him in what came to your mind.
This time, when he brought his hand down onto yours for a low-five, your fingers quickly wrapped around his hand, resting on the back of it - palm to palm, you held his hand….. and he seemed to hold yours just as comfortably.
“My name is _______ _______…..”
“Tendou Satori.”
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Good At Being Bad Part 1
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) X OC
So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm only good at being bad, bad
I like when you get mad
I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone
You said she's scared of me?
I mean, I don't see what she sees
But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne
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Crime is in full abundance everywhere. I learned that quickly after my escape from a horrible place full of people dressed in white. Staying alone was easy. I had heard of what happened to my Pappa after I was no longer by his side but couldn't bring myself to go back to him. Not yet. He seemed to be at his violent high and I did not think it would be the safest option to grow up in. Central City was my safest bet because of Superman. In Central City, I was able to do more than survive off of scrapes. A nice wealthy family who had lost a child close to my age, prior to my move to the city, took me in. They put me through private school which I graduated within three years. Pappa didn't raise me to be an uneducated princess. He raised me to be a genius. So, I interned at various law firms and fashion businesses around the city. Knowing the law seemed like the best bet because to break the law, you should know what you're breaking...right?
A year and a half ago, I ran into trouble though. Not with the law, but with some petty criminal. There I was saved by a masked man with a jawline I'd recognize anywhere. I knew that jawline from numerous run-ins I'd had at the local pizza parlor with a guy a little older than me. The petty criminal was knocked unconscious and he turned to me. I watched him carefully. His eyes widened in recognition but he cleared his throat and made his voice sound deeper than what I knew his actual voice was.
"Are you okay ma'am?"
I gave a short laugh,
"All thanks to you no doubt."
Awkwardness settled as he looked like he wanted to say something else. I smiled as I took a step towards the masked man.
"You know....you have a jawline for days?"
Stunned at my comment, he stumbled for words and I cusped his cheek in my hand and leaned in to whisper,
"I'll see you around, pizza boy."
Not even an hour later, I walked into the local pizza parlor to see him about to leave with 2 boxes of fresh pizza. I winked at him as he passed me with a guarded but curious expression. When I was leaving with my order, I found him sitting outside with his pizzas still in hand and a very nervous ora around him. I smiled a gentle smile and approached him.
"Hello, we've never formerly introduced ourselves. I'm Y/N L/N."
"Oh yeah. You're right. That's actually rude of me. We've seen each other here like almost every day of the week for the past 2 months and... Hi, I'm Barry, Barry Allen."
Balancing his pizzas onto one hand, he reached out to shake my hand. The moment our hands touched my heart beat faster and heat rose in my ears, cheeks, and chest. Breathlessly, Barry smiled at me with shyness in his eyes. I'm not sure why, but for the first time in my life I felt like a normal girl. I wasn't planning or calculating. I wasn't putting on a mask of indifference or fake kindness.
We started a very iffy relationship that was very strong at times and hurtful in other moments. He wouldn't admitted who he was even though him protecting me from theft was what made us come together in the first place. I fought to keep my darker habits from getting me into trouble when I got tired of being treated helpless. Yes, while Barry respects me, he wants to be my knight. All the good he was doing, all his adventurous escapades had me green with envy. I missed the thrill of a little danger...causing it more than that. But I kept myself in line. Especially knowing that Barry may be the one to take me down...though that's happened a few times before. Today is the day I decided to leave though, Barry and I ha e been having too many arguments. About him being late to dates, about him forgetting dates, about him not liking my circle of acquaintances,about him not trying to get to know people I talk to. I'm tired of it. When it's good, it's all good. But as soon as there is one thing to cause an argument, it turns into a full blown fight with yelling and tears and with me going to my apartment. Of course Barry would show up almost as soon as I'd get home, with flowers and apologies.
I've been in this city for almost 6 years. Pappa...I missed him. I missed home, in all it's filth and crime, it is home.
"Don't leave Jasmine. You like it here. I don't get it. You like it here and you're leaving?"
Sighing I turned to my boyfriend,
"It's just what I need to do Barry. Gotham is my home and I haven't been there in years. You've liked plenty of places but you still moved around."
"Yeah because I can't find the perfect place you know. But I stay in the same city. Gotham though...it's full of lunatics and psychos with guns and explosives and killers and danger and-"
"I know Barry. I was born there."
"Do you have to go tonight though? One more date night and I won't put up a fuss when you leave in the morning. I bought like 10 pizzas. Two are your favorites from the New York style pizza place. I got your favorite snack and drinks and alcohol too."
A smile crept on my face before I could try to maintain my serious posture,
He looked at me with puppy eyes and I rolled mine before relenting and dropping my bag down. In a flash, Barry has me in his arms and was spinning us around. Wrapping my arms around him, I enjoyed the moment. I couldn't have had a better first boyfriend. Sweet, nice, spontaneous gifts, and fun date nights. Leaning towards his ear I whispered,
"Let's watch the latest KPOP music videos before finding a movie."
In another instant moment, Barry kissed me deeply, making my heart beat harder than previously. Then he was at his computer in his favorite reclining chair typing away on his multi-desktop computer. Grabbing a box of pizza, I slid onto Barry's lap and let the pizza rest on mine as I grabbed a slice to feed Barry as he typed rapidly. He took the slice in his mouth before I grabbed myself a slice as well. Deep inside though, I want a thrill of danger. I want to explore how dangerous I can be since the experiments. But here with Barry, there is peace and I'm sure there is love. But I need to be bad again, I'm just not sure how good I am at it yet.
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thebluelemontree · 7 years
So Sandor doesn't care about kings and mighty lords and stuff like that, but is possible that there's some kind of begrudging respect in him for Sansa's powerful family? Ned, Young Wolf, Blackfish and Jon, too (hopefully, they'll meet in the future) - all those guys are awesome and I'd like to think that Sandor agrees with that.
Hey sorry it took so long to get back to you.  I’ve been a bit overwhelmed and it took more time than I thought.  
Respect?  Errrrr, don’t hate me, but… no, not yet if we’re talking about what’s published so far, but we have reason to hope in the future.  The major block to recognizing traits worth respecting in individuals, let alone a whole family, is that deeply ingrained cynicism dancing up to the edge of nihilism.  The world is shit, the system is shit, and people are divided into either butchers or meat.  Most of the time he sounds like a smug, know-it-all teenager that stands on the sidelines pointing out everything that confirms his bias.  Yes, he has some buried idealism wayyyyyyyyy down in there, but it’s not as if they were equally-matched forces duking it out inside him for every word and deed.  It’s a worldview that has served him by making him feel strong and invulnerable.  There’s just no good reason at the start to dredge up those dreams of childhood, which he associates with vulnerability and helplessness.  It’s a security blanket.  Think of how hard it is to change someone’s mind about politics or religion.  The only way that usually happens is if someone has a lived experience that challenges their current beliefs.  Even then it can be a long process of wrestling with the new idea while it competes for brain real estate with the old idea.        
For him to even entertain the idea that someone could actually walk the walk of a real hero, a true knight, or lady, he needs to see what they’re made of with his own eyes.  His goal post is so far down the field, he actually makes it near impossible for anyone to live up to, which only confirms his bias.  Robb and Ned are definitely not the ones who make a dent in that.  Maybe he’ll reflect back on them in future books with fairer assessments, but not in the books so far.  He’s not impressed with a righteous cause or reputation anymore than wealth or titles.  
 Specifics under the cut.  
The WF training yard is his first interaction with Robb.  Not that Sandor respects Joffrey’s boasting and jackass calls for live steel, but he’s not impressed by Robb’s “courage” with this nerf bat training in an adult supervised safe zone either.  He even takes a swing himself, just because Robb is so very easily goaded.
The burned man looked at Robb. “How old are you, boy?”
“Fourteen,” Robb said.  
“I killed a man at twelve. You can be sure it was not with a blunt sword.”
Arya could see Robb bristle. His pride was wounded. He turned on Ser Rodrik. “Let me do it. I can beat him.”   
At this point, Sandor probably thinks Robb and the Starks are just more of the same self-congratulatory nobility that he’s used to.  Maybe not as dysfunctional and ruthless as the Lannisters, but still part of the same system.  Like Sansa, he probably thought Ned was a bit of a naive fool that got in way over his head. He believes what passes for honor and righteousness are just fancy clothes people dress themselves in or it’s a fool’s tin armor.  It would be inevitable that the latter would get themselves eaten alive.  Only people like him that have The Truth™️ figured out survive.  It takes Sansa’s lived example right in front of his face to take a chip out of those ideas.    
She has it in her to be a real deal true lady, despite his first impression that she’s just empty-headed and superficial.  After Ned’s execution and Sansa is forced to look at her father’s tarred head, she’s determined to look without seeing.  She shows enormous strength of will to not give Joffrey one iota of the reaction he desires.  When he taunts her some more, she bites back:  “Maybe my brother will give me your head.”  I won’t glamorize her murder-suicide thoughts, but I think witnessing this scene shows Sandor that innocence, compassion, and vulnerability can go hand in hand with real strength and courage.  Just because awful people hurt her does not mean she is weak.  It just might move that goal post a tiny bit closer in that even a sometimes superficial, imperfect, childish young girl can still conduct herself in such a way.  It’s still a long way from reconciling what he’s just seen with near a whole lifetime of cynicism.  It’s a start though!      
When he smiled, she knew he was mocking her. “Your brother is a traitor too, you know.” He turned Septa Mordane’s head back around. “I remember your brother from Winterfell. My dog called him the lord of the wooden sword. Didn’t you, dog?”
“Did I?” the Hound replied. “I don’t recall.”
Sandor probably did say that back in early AGOT when he didn’t gaf and would crack jokes like that to amuse himself as much as Joffrey; however, it seems as though he’s regretting and distancing himself from that bit of immature ridicule for her sake, not so much Robb’s.  But let’s be real.  He’s not always respectful toward Sansa from this point forward, but he’s staying in the conversation.  He’s still fighting the ideas she’s challenging him with.  It’s only by his actions, not words, that we see him starting to test those waters by making different choices.  He wants to be proven wrong deep down, but he’s going kicking and screaming the whole way.  
The other Stark he’s spent a significant amount of time with is Arya.
“I’m not a boy! But Mycah was. He was a butcher’s boy and you killed him. Jory said you cut him near in half, and he never even had a sword.” She could feel them looking at her now, the women and the children and the men who called themselves the knights of the hollow hill. “Who’s this now?” someone asked.
The Hound answered. “Seven hells. The little sister. The brat who tossed Joff’s pretty sword in the river.” He gave a bark of laughter. “Don’t you know you’re dead?”
“No, you’re dead,” she threw back at him.
Against all odds, Arya is alive.  The little girl that bested Joffrey with a “wooden sword” no less and made a mockery “Lion’s Tooth,” a tale that probably amused him as much as it did Renly.  He’s not meaning “brat” in a truly insulting way here, but that he’s genuinely surprised she’s survived this long and that she must really be tough as nails.  The Wolf Bitch nickname he gives her follows that same line.   And he seems to appreciate it when she’s bluntly honest.  I think he does respect aspects of Arya because he can certainly relate to being an angry, scrappy kid.  This is up to a point, because he’s very annoyed that she is relentless in reminding him about his accountability in Mycah’s death.  Through their journey, he is mostly focused on how helping her serves his needs.          
If this Young Wolf has the wits the gods gave a toad, he’ll make me a lordling and beg me to enter his service. He needs me, though he may not know it yet. Maybe I’ll even kill Gregor for him, he’d like that.“
“He’ll never take you,” she spat back. “Not you.”
“Then I’ll take as much gold as I can carry, laugh in his face, and ride off. If he doesn’t take me, he’d be wise to kill me, but he won’t. Too much his father’s son, from what I hear. Fine with me. Either way I win. And so do you, she-wolf.
Eh, I’m not seeing respect for Robb or Ned here, grudging or otherwise.  Sandor is still not getting it yet, though his intentions are to find a way to get back to KL and rescue Sansa.  All this wishful thinking aside, he wants to look like a big hero, but do so by cynically playing on Robb’s sense of honor as a wedge in the door.  He wants it both ways.  To be a true knight in Sansa’s eyes, while keeping his security blanket right where it is.  
It’s really at his death scene where Sandor confesses to the point of overly taking responsibility and feeling remorse for even the things he didn’t do, that he really connects with his best self.  No more bullshit.  He’s thoroughly stripped down and vulnerable and finally open to someone like the Elder Brother coming along.  If we’re judging by the gravedigger’s humility and quiet, humble service, Sandor has learned quite a bit about respect for others.  Respect for people he would have one considered weak for their pious, peaceful life.  Stranger’s refusal to be turned into a plow horse or be gelded means he’s not meant to remain there nor will he abandon all of his personality.  He will return to the story, but I think directing his anger and biting criticism to individuals that truly deserve it.              
So I do have a lot of hope for the future though, because he does seem like a displaced Northerner and that can’t be for nothing.  I would be neat if he gets to meet some remaining members of Sansa’s family and hopefully they won’t try to kill him on sight.  There’s still the Saltpans matter to clear up.  I lean toward that Sandor will actually become part of this family one day, so I think at that point there’d be some honest to goodness mutual respect, not just grudging.  :)      
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