#which is BLATANTLY overthinking things and I Should Stop That and Go To Bed
empressofthelibrary · 2 months
Well, today was absolutely rotten, but food does make me feel less like exploding from the stress and disappointment. I'm never gonna not be mad that self-maintenance actually, y'know, works.
But I can be mad and grateful at the same time. I'm complicated like that.
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Hey Kat🤗 I was wondering if you could write about Bakugou, Shinsou, or Hawks meeting the reader’s family and something goes wrong and they don’t like them at first. Or possibly the parents think they are a negative influence on the reader.
Hey hey hey
I asked my mom how she’d react if I was dating someone she didn't like and she rlly just said “you wouldn’t be dating them if i didn’t like them”
like damn sis okay chile
Warnings: does it count as angst if the parents are the ones being mean? if so, there’s angst, but also fluff, bakugou is bakugou
💥 Katsuki Bakugou:
It wasn’t the best first meeting. You had planned to introduce your long term boyfriend to your family at your own pace, but of course the villains of the city had other plans. 
You were on a date, en route to the cinema to catch a new movie amidst Bakugou’s insistence that it was a ‘stupid unrealistic movie’. Mere metres from the entrance a villain came rushing past, a handful of gold jewelry in his arms. He pushed you to the side in order to keep running, which of course enraged Bakugou, who immediately took off after the villain, completely oblivious to the sirens following his path. 
Unsurprisingly he caught him within moments, but what you hadn’t realized was that all the events had been caught by your dad, standing on the other side of the street. Your dad knew you had a partner, and he knew that they were a hero, given you cancelled every opportunity to meet with the excuse of ‘another villain attack’. What he hadn't expected, however, was for your partner to be possibly his least favorite hero currently climbing the ranks. 
Later that night, after your forfeit on the movie date in favour of a much more simple date with your bed, you had a series of texts from your parents. 
So, Ground Zero is the partner we’ve heard so little about?
He’s a bit aggressive, isn’t he?
You should’ve told us sooner.
We just don’t want you getting hurt.
That had been the moment you were waiting for. Anyone who didn’t know Bakugou (and a few who did) would describe him as a never ending pool of anger, too aggressive to be a hero and too mean to be a good partner. But if they knew him the same way you did, they would know that’s not always the case.
Of course he’s angry when he has to deal with stupid villains interrupting every date he plans, or news reporters crowding him like an animal in a zoo whenever they got the chance. But he was different with you, more relaxed. He didn’t exactly express his emotions in the best ways, but he loved you, and he’d never hurt you.
Your parents practically demanded a meeting the next day, and blatantly refused to accept any excuses of villain attacks or the like. The meeting was awkward, with your father almost attempting to provoke Bakugou simply to prove a point, but your boyfriend knew this. He put on a good face, masking his worry and anger with an uncharacteristically kind attitude and baffling you all.
Maybe he’d changed his ways. Or at least, that was the conclusion your parents came to by the end of the night, wishing you well as you made your way home. You fought the urge to laugh at Bakugou’s sudden change once your parents left his view, and held back a smile throughout his mutterings of ‘stupid extras’.
He kept up appearances for long enough, but by the time your parents noticed it was a farce, they realized there was nothing they could do to stop the love you held for each other. After all, he may be an ass, but he’d never hurt you.
💜 Hitoshi Shinsou:
Shinsou, on the other hand, wanted to meet your family pretty quickly. If anything, just to get it out of the way, but there was a part of him that wanted the validation that he was good enough for you. Sometimes he just didn’t feel like he was, so if your parents liked him, it’d definitely be a weight off his shoulders.
The two of you picked out a nice restaurant, keeping in mind your parents favorite foods in an attempt to butter them up, then send them a text asking you to meet you and Shinsou for dinner. They replied eagerly, especially when you mentioned the two of you were covering the bill. 
You arrived first, giving your name at the door and sitting down on the plush leather anxiously awaiting the arrival of your parents. When you finally saw them, the two of you stood up to greet them, you offering hugs while Shinsou held out his hand with a smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” He said.
Your parents nodded, a false replica of a smile on their faces as they ignored Shinsou’s hand.
The air around you was thick, no one willing to be the first to break the uncomfortable silence, until you eventually suggested you all sit down. You made a mental note to tip your waiter extra when the night was over. It was clear they could sense the awkwardness, and thank the lord they came over at the exact moments you feared a bomb might explode.
The meals went down perfectly, but the atmosphere made it difficult to enjoy anything. Your parents spoke little, and when they did, it was always to you, almost as if Shinsou wasn’t even present. 
To be truly honest, he’d expected this reaction, although he hoped he was just overthinking. He knew people didn’t react to his quirk well, and there were many misconceptions about how much he used it. He had hoped your parents hadn’t been so quick to judge.
By the time your waiter delivered your check, you were ready to curl up in your bed and not emerge for a good few weeks. The four of you walked to the door silently, but before you could wish them goodnight, Shinsou spoke up, his hand holding yours tightly as he faced your parents.
“I just want you to know, whether you like me or not, I love Y/n more than anything, and I would never do anything to hurt them. I will protect them until my last breath, and I hope that we can sort out any differences with time.”
Did he really just confess his love to you in front of your parents? Yup. Well, at least it seemed to get a response this time, as your dad replied:
“I should hope you do.” Your dad held out his hand, and Shinsou took it a bit more than happily. “Or I’ll kill you myself.”
Shinsou laughed awkwardly, not sure whether to be scared at your dad's threat or not, especially when he ended it without another word, turning and walking towards their car. 
I mean at least he spoke to him, right? That’s an improvement?
Either way, Shinsou quickly realized in reality the only opinion that mattered to him, was yours. 
oof having a good dad who cares about you? couldnt be me. also i absolutely hate this one and idk why, but shinsou’s my bby and i feel i disappointed him
🍗 Keigo Takami (Hawks):
The meeting was almost completely by chance. Keigo often took you on sky-high (not mile-high get your minds outta the gutters ppl) trips on his off days, and while flying one day, you saw your parents' house from the clouds. They hadn’t met Keigo yet, so you suggested that you pop in for a moment. He agreed, and in seconds, you were standing on their porch, hand raised high to ring the doorbell.
Your mother opened the door, surprised to see you, and even more surprised to see the bird standing behind you. Nevertheless she invited you both in, and as your father called Keigo over, your mother pulled you to one side, whispering quiet enough that the two men wouldn’t hear her. 
“The news says he’s a bit of a playboy.” You said.
“The news says a lot of things.” You rolled your eyes. 
“And his fans?” She asked.
“What about them?” You replied.
“Well,” she paused, “he can get a little friendly with them, don’t you think.”
You sighed. Your mother wasn’t the first person to bring up Keigo’s fans when discussing your relationship, but you knew that in reality, he couldn’t be bothered with the swarms of people throwing themselves at his feet when he had you waiting for him at home. 
“He’s a friendly person.” You shrugged.
“You don’t really believe that, do you?”
“Just say what you want to, mom.” You rounded on her, the heightened volume of your voice drawing Keigo’s attention from the other side of the room. “Say it. Go on.”
She glanced around, seeing both Keigo and your father now watching the two of you. 
“Fine.” You continued. “I know he has hundreds of fans who would kill to be in his bed at night. But you know what? He’s not there. He’s with me, watching crappy tv and binge eating kfc (CANNIBALISM). If you don’t like him, that’s your problem. But don’t try and convince me to do anything but love him, cause you’re not going to do it.”
Baffled, your mother stammered for a response, but you weren’t about to wait for one.
“C’mon Keigo,” you called, “we’re leaving.”
He was next to you in moments, and you grabbed his hand to pull him out of the house, stopping only when you were satisfied you were out of sight of your parents. 
“So, kid…” He looked across at you with a smirk, wrapping an arm around your waist as he lay his chin on your shoulder. “You love me?”
“Shut up bird brain.”
again i hate this but where my baby birds at?
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makeste · 4 years
I just wanna enable you to talk more about Katsuki so. top 5 (or 10, or however many you feel like) Bakugou romantic ships? not like number 1 will be a surprise but hey ;p
ah, shipping. the perfect topic with which to take a breather from leg puns and the quirkless!Bakugou debate. nothing controversial about ships lmao.
disclaimer: these are literally just my favorite Bakugou ships, as asked. I have few to no NOTPs, and I’m not anti-anything, nor do I have any opinions on whether or not any of these will or should become canon (as it really makes no difference to me, since I ship them all platonically as well). basically I have no skin in the “shipping somehow has winners and losers” game. I’m just here for the emotional energy and the lulz and the character development.
anyways this is a top six because I couldn’t bear to leave either of my two favorite rarepairs out whoops.
BakuDeku - like you said anon, not a surprise lol. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; for me, these two are the core of the series. honestly it sometimes strikes me as ironic that this ship is so often written off as abusive or unhealthy or toxic, because I often find myself thinking that roughly 90% of all of Bakugou and Deku’s problems could be sorted out just by them communicating with each other. and I don’t mean just their own specific relationship problems -- I mean all of their problems. Bakugou is having an emotional crisis about something? have him talk to Deku. Deku’s overwhelmed by a problem and way overthinking it? have him talk to Bakugou! they balance each other out, is the thing. when one of them veers off course, the other is the compass to steer them back on track. that’s the power of rivals!! and aside from that, this relationship is just so complex, and I am weak for absolutely all of it. it’s just this perfect blend of push and pull and friction and trust. it’s the type of ship where the two of them have such a strong connection that it’s like gravity; they can’t help but orbit the other, even when that orbit is sometimes unsteady. it’s just such a powerful bond and just... guh. I have way too many emotions about it so I am just going to STOP NOW and move on to the next ship.
TodoBaku - so by now we have reached a point where pretty much everyone in class 1-A is an expert on handling Bakugou, and ngl, it’s my favorite thing ever. but what makes the TodoBaku relationship so especially appealing is that Shouto is completely unafraid to just step right up and declare his friendship to the entire world. Todoroki “I’m calling it like it is” Shouto, who, after giving the matter careful consideration, correctly judged himself and Bakugou to be the closest of friends, and thus decided that they should intern together and he should introduce him to his family and get his sister to cook his favorite foods. and the entire time, Bakugou is all “please no one listen to this delusional freak, we are not friends at all,” even as he proceeds to get himself involved in all of the Todoroki family drama, and saves Shouto’s brother’s life, and learns all of his sister’s recipes, and presumably cries himself to sleep at night wondering how he could have let this happen.
Kacchako - what I like about Ochako’s relationship with Katsuki is that she’s one of the few people who’s not afraid to call him out on his shit. she’s not just warmly tolerant of him like some of the others; she has expectations of him, and will unabashedly express her sound disappointment if he fails to be the person she knows he’s capable of being. I feel like Ochako has no patience for him taking his sweet time with his character development, and is just “goddammit young man, just sort your shit out with Deku already and go back to being best friends like you both so clearly want, and while you’re at it please try to treat other people less like garbage”, and various other things that are all true but that he of course hates to hear, but TOO BAD lol. anyway so I love that, and I love that she’s just as stubborn as he is. and I also love that there’s genuine, mutual respect between the two of them as well. never forget that Katsuki is the one who first brought out Ochako’s homicidal badass side. anyway so they basically complement each other very well, and I have my fingers crossed that one of these days Horikoshi will decide to actually have them interact with each other again because damn.
KiriBaku - Kirishima, on the other hand, is warmly tolerant of Bakugou, and openly admiring of him even, but it tends to be in a way that brings out Bakugou’s best qualities. Kiri just has this way of bringing out Bakugou’s confidence in himself. like, he’s very good at saying precisely the right words to make Bakugou grin that smirky little grin of his, the one that’s all “oh yeah, that’s right, I’m a badass.” and seeing as Bakugou, for all his pride and bluster, is surprisingly prone to having mini crises of confidence, this is a valued skill that I’m very grateful to Kiri for having! and what’s nice is that Bakugou is very good at returning the favor, since Kiri is prone to crises of confidence as well. the little flashback right before Kiri unveils Unbreakable for the first time is one of my favorite moments in the series. when this ship is firing on all cylinders they really bring out the best in each other. and also they are both dumb bros which is an extremely undervalued dynamic. I love it when Bakugou is all “HEY KIRISHIMA LET ME BLOW YOU UP A BIT” and Kiri is just like “YEAHHHH!” heh.
KamiBaku - and now for the first of the two rarepairs! first of all I would just like to state that I absolutely cannot fathom why KamiBaku is a rarepair to begin with, unless it’s simply because everyone is already too obsessed with the previously mentioned ships. but at any rate it’s a damn shame, because the cuteness of this ship is off the fucking charts, and right now it’s all just going to waste. what I adore more than anything about this ship is the way Bakugou tolerates every single fucking thing Kaminari does and LETS HIM GET AWAY WITH IT. he lets him call him “Kacchan.” he lets Kaminari manhandle him into various getups (the A Band shirt; the Santa outfit) on multiple occasions while putting up absolutely no fight. he basically allows him an almost unprecedented level of closeness, which Kaminari proceeds to BLATANTLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF at every turn seemingly unchecked! and he is the all time champ at tricking Bakugou into participating in social interactions (tying the ribbon to his foot during the Christmas gift exchange, telling him he won’t get any food at the New Year’s feast if he doesn’t help cook, etc.). he just loves him and wants him to be included. honestly this one of the most adorable relationships in the entire goddamn series and I am tired of it being slept on. the people deserve more KamiBaku dammit.
IidaBaku - last but not least, a relationship between two people who I’m pretty sure have only actually interacted with each other a handful of times, and most of those times involved them shouting at each other! ah, yes. the stick in the mud and the delinquent. god’s natural enemies. except that in this case the “delinquent” is a star student who tutors other kids and goes to bed every night at 8:30, and the stick in the mud once hatched a legitimate plot to kill a man. what I am trying to say is that these two are actually WAY more alike than they would ever care to admit, and I’m kind of obsessed with it?? this is one of those ships where all it would take is one well-applied trope and the possibilities are endless. you could literally just pick one out of a hat. fake dating, roommates, only one bed, undercover as lovers, WHATEVER. and not only does this have the potential to be the most hilarious ship in the history of time, but it also has potential to be disarmingly, shockingly sweet, I shit you not. there are a couple of little moments in the light novels that I absolutely adore, where they’re each taking care of the other with the other having absolutely no idea. Iida makes about four attempts to tuck Bakugou in during the forest training camp arc because his covers have fallen off and he doesn’t want him to catch a chill, and Bakugou unknowingly returns the favor by preventing Iida from stumbling across the preparations for his own surprise birthday party before the others are finished getting ready. by shoving Iida into an elevator and ordering him to go back to his room with absolutely no explanation given lmao. anyway, but the point is the potential is definitely there for cuteness and chemistry and mutual respect while arguing nonstop like an old married couple.
so there you go! honestly Bakugou somehow has chemistry with just about everyone in his class, which is super impressive for someone with the personality of a rabid wolf spider. god bless him.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
In HW will we ever see something Historically funny, like Taehyung , Y/N parents coming to visit without notice and them scurrying to clean up just in general... lol
Hahaha I love that idea. Let me write a little drabble right now. (I know you said clean up in general but I thought it would be funnier if they were in the middle of something...)
Warning: smut, somehow morphed into angst I’M SORRY
The island kitchen counter is Taehyung’s favourite place to eat you out. And despite the hard slab of marble pressed cold against your back rather than the soft cushion of your mattress, the scandalousness of the location, so out in the open without the shelter of walls, makes it arguably your favourite too. 
Splayed out on the counter, your legs swung over his shoulders, his hair is the only thing you can grip on in the absence of bed sheets. And he loves it.
“Fuck, Taehyung, keep going, I’m close.”
You feel him smirk against your cunt, the rhythm of his tongue hitting your clit quickening. Your eyes are screwed shut, lips stinging from his biting. This orgasm is going to be spectacular, you can tell.
Ding dong.
The pit of your stomach drops when you hear the familiar sound of the doorbell.
Taehyung’s face resurfaces from between your legs, eyes wide at the interruption. “Delivery?” He asks, wiping his sheen-coated mouth.
“Hmm, could be my clothes.” You purse your lips in annoyance. You were this close. 
In a careless hurry, you forgo your panties on the floor and put your sweatpants on, and you silently thank that Taehyung was too impatient to take your top off before devouring you. Shirtless, he lounges back on the stool, spinning it to face the door, probably to death stare the delivery boy. Though, even without the death stare, his massive boner poking out his checkered pyjama bottoms would send the guy running.
When you swing the door open, your heart stops beating.
“Sweetie, hi!”
Oh fuck.
You hear Taehyung stagger off the stool behind you. 
“M-mum? Dad? H-hi. What are you… doing here?” You forget how to breath when your parents pull you into a bone-crushing embrace. This pigeon-shit luck of yours will get you killed one day.
“We were just in the area since we were having brunch with Meredith. You remember Auntie Meredith? She looked after you that one weekend your dad and I went to France when you were eight? So we’d just thought to pop by and say hi.” You don’t know who the fuck Meredith is, nor do you care. Because your parents are currently pushing pass you into your house, where a completely horrified Taehyung is scrambling around the island counter so his boner isn’t full on display to your parents.
When your eyes meet his, you can’t tell who is panically more internally.
“Taehyung!” Your father greets, eyes scanning the poor boy’s stark chest. “Wow, look at you!”
You could say that Taehyung is pretty well-acquainted with your parents, though you would rather them not be this overly friendly with your roommate. He’s usually good with your folks, joking around with them, especially if the subject of conversation is you. But right now… A bead of sweat trickles down his cheek.
“H-hi, Y/D’s/N. Er, it’s nice to see you.” Arms crossed to preserve his modesty, Taehyung stutters. With your previous activity still fresh in your mind, you think you can just about dissolve into a puddle of embarrassment. Had they heard you moaning? Oh my god...
“Jeez, Taehyung, it’s been a while! Where’s your shirt? Don’t get me flustered now.” Fanning her face, your mum jokes. She likes to make it blatantly obvious how attractive Taehyung is, and it makes you want to pull your hair out. 
“Right, sorry, we weren’t expecting you. We just woke- I just woke up. I’ll go put something on right now, give me a second.” Your eyes meet as he flees the scene, and you give him a lethal daggering glare for leaving you to fend for yourself.
The sensual ache between your legs has completely vanished, replaced with that throat-constricting feeling of dread. It’s not that you’re not happy to see your parents - you are - just not right now of all times.
“Surprised, sweetie?” You mum fawns over you, fingers combing through the tangles in your hair while your dad surveys your messy place.
“Very surprised, mum. Pleasantly, of course.” You force a sickly sweet smile at her, mouth dry with guilt. If only she knew the filth you had been up to with Taehyung. He had kept you up all night last night, which is why you only got out of bed at noon. And even so, he still wanted to eat you out for breakfast. 
Your eyes follow your father’s tacitly judgemental gaze, no doubt preparing to scold you on your disorganisation. It doesn’t take more than a minute to wash up a goddamn mug! You can practically hear him say. Then your eyes land on your thong on the floor.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
“Are you even listening, Y/N?” Your mother chides. “I said, Taehyung is really quite handsome, don’t you think?”
“Yes, yes, mum, of course.” Without paying attention to her words, you answer.
The black lace underwear lies rather inconspicuously by the corner of the counter. From a fleeting glance, it could pass off as a discarded sock. But knowing your father, knowing how his scrutinizing eyes never fails to find every single flaw, there is no chance he will miss it. He is pacing on the other side of the counter, a few steps away from reaching it; and you’re standing a good five metres away, you won’t be able to hide it without being obvious. Doomed.
Just then, Taehyung emerges from his room, a creased t-shirt thrown over his head, hair still sticking out in places where you were tugging. Your eyes immediate travel to examine his bulge, which is less prominent than before, confirming that the poor throbbing thing is tucked under the band of his boxers.
“Taehyung!” Your mother flocks over to him, clutching his arm too enthusiastically. “We were just talking about you. You’ve grown out your hair! It looks great on you!”
Your dad stops pacing on the other side of the counter, and you let out of breath of relief as your underwear remains hidden under the counter. In two strides, you bend over to pick it up and stuff it in your sweats while the attention is diverted to Taehyung.
“Thank you. Y/N wouldn’t let me cut it, she said she likes it long.” Taehyung chuckles nervously, glancing over at you. Your eyes narrow at his innuendo. Intentional? Probably not, he’s way too freaked out right now.
“Come on, it does look better long and permed, doesn’t it?” Though your voice resumes its regular tone, your heartbeat has yet to calm. Your parents absolutely cannot find out about you and Taehyung. From the fact that you have not had a single boyfriend in your life and how repulsed you act every time they ask about men in your life, they probably think that you are a virgin. You’d rather keep that pristine image of yourself.
“Taehyung looks good either way.” You roll your eyes as your mum pats Taehyung’s cheeks fondly, and the pleased grin it coaxes from him. Too smug.
“Thanks, Y/M’s/N.” 
“So,” your dad crosses his arms and leans onto the island, “What's up with you two lately?” So the interrogation has begun.
“What do you mean how have we been?” You bristle. “We’re fine, still great friends. Why would anything be up with us?” Taehyung bites the inside of his cheeks at your response. Great friends, indeed.
“Hey now, I meant how have you guys been, Miss Sensitive.” Taken aback by your defensiveness, you dad chuckles. 
Right... You clamp down on your lip. You should shut up before you give anything away.
“Yeah, Taehyung, you got a girlfriend?” Your mother’s brows raise suggestively. Oh god, not this again.
“Nah, no girlfriend.” Taehyung shakes his head shyly, scratching the back of his head.
“Really? Oh why not!? I’m sure girls are lining up to be with you!”
You’re about to drag your mother off Taehyung when you actually consider her question. Why doesn’t Taehyung have a girlfriend? It’s not like he’s really sleeping around nowadays anyway. And though he never expresses it to you, since it would probably be weird, he is definitely the type to be pining for a girlfriend at heart.
When you glance at him, his cheeks are tinted, eyes searching the floor frantically. “I don’t know… I guess I’m just… Not really actively looking for a serious relationship right now? I’m happy with the way things are currently with my life.”
You’re not sure why you feel as though his words are aimed at you and your situation. Are you overthinking? Or is he saying that he doesn't want anything to change between you? Not that you want anything more, god no, you just… Maybe a selfish greedy part of you hopes to keep Taehyung all for yourself.
“Psh, yeah right, that’s what I used to tell myself, buddy.” Your dad chimes in, and you’d just wish he would dial his abrasive tone down a little. You've definitely taken after your father. Good thing he likes Taehyung, or the savagery would show its claws. “Trust me, you’ll want a girl sooner or later.”
“Exactly. And I know you’ll kick me out for this, sweetie, but you two would make a great couple. Why not just give it a go?”
Taehyung has gone completely stiff. You can’t believe what your mother is saying. This isn’t the first time she has urged you to date Taehyung. He’s good looking, a nice guy, makes you laugh. Y/N, why not? Why not? Because- Because… 
“Mum! You’re right.” Her face lights up. “I’m definitely kicking you out. Please, we’ll have dinner this weekend. But we’re busy right now. Goodbye.” 
As you usher your parents to the door despite their protests, you purposely avoid Taehyung’s eye, sensing the heat rush profusely to your face. “Wait but, Y/N-”
“Taehyung and I are best friends. I’m not going to be his girlfriend, we’re happy right now. Okay?”
Strangely, when you slam the door after your parents, it feels as though you’re trapping yourself with the very problem you wish not to face, rather than having banished it. Cheeks bashfully red, Taehyung doesn’t say anything when you approach him, muttering your apologies on behalf of your parents.
His mouth opens, and shuts. 
You’re glad that he stays quiet, glad that he doesn’t disagree with what you said. Because you don’t know you would handle knowing that Taehyung wants something more.
Unedited and rushed and sporadic and kinda shit sorry
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
Chapter Thirteen:
The One When a Volunteer’s Work Is Never Done
Lemony Snicket had returned home that night to his daughter already asleep. They hadn’t spoken since he left her right after the kitchen fire and he was starting to severely regret it. He thought Violet had gone to sleep early to completely avoid him. He debated waking her up, explaining things to her. He wanted to at least apologize. He realized now that he had acted a bit insensitive to her feelings and he honestly did regret it. The house looked untampered with as though she hadn’t done anything but lay in her bed. Maybe he was overthinking things. Maybe this was just a symptom of his condition. Always having to find the darkness in the brightest of lights. He had saved the Baudelaire children just a few hours prior. He watched them as they drove past his taxi with that unhelpful, clueless banker. It was over. 
He sighed as he sat down at his desk. Now all he had left on his personal agenda was to find out who or what had caused the Baudelaire fire. Not only did he feel like he owed it to Beatrice to find out and seek justice for her. He owed it to Violet. He had decided that once he figures out the cause of the fire, he will sit her down and talk to her about the tragic event that stole any chance of her ever meeting her birth mother. Just as he began to read over more documents that he had found that he believed would help him with this case, Violet began to sit up.
“Did I wake you?” Lemony asked looking towards his daughter.
“Not really. I’ve been on and off sleeping.” 
“Are you okay?” he asked.
She shrugs her shoulders, doesn’t truly look at him. Lemony could feel the tension. She’s still hurt...she’s still mad. 
“Vi, I’m sorry I left so abruptly.”
She scoffs under her breath. Loud enough for her father to hear but not loud enough to be entirely rude about it. 
“I mean it. I just had to go to work.”
She rolls her eyes and sighs. “I know. It just seems like those kids are more important than me. I mean, I know you can’t explain to me what you’re investigating but it’s obvious by all these pictures of them that you’re investigating these two children. But I nearly set the house on fire and you left maybe ten minutes later. How would that make you feel?”
He frowned. She was right. Well, only partially. No matter what, she is his main priority. Nothing against Beatrice’s other two children but Violet was his daughter. He had to put her first. He was beginning to realize now that he hadn’t earlier today. But it wasn’t necessarily the Baudelaires’ fault that he left so abruptly. She was asking too many questions. Questions he would rather avoid than blatantly lie about. But both Beatrice and VFD were very sensitive topics to Lemony especially right now. 
She got quiet again, matching his intense quiet. “You know I’m trying my best, right?” He said after long moments of painful silence.
She glances away still saying nothing. 
“...can you just explain to me one thing ?” She asked after another minute of painfully awkward silence.
“What would that be?”
“What did you mean when you said ‘you can’t take her!’” 
Lemony turned his head and bit his lip. She was asking the very question that made him leave in the first place. He knew he couldn’t just leave again. Not only would she be furious but she’d become more and more suspicious. He frowned. “Violet...I told you. I was having a nightmare.”
“Did they take her…?” Violet asked. “Did someone take her?”
“Did someone take my mother away?”
Lemony paused. He honestly didn’t know how to answer this. On the one hand, yes. VFD had taken her mother away. She dropped Violet off for him to simply babysit. Due to his unfortunate circumstances, he and Beatrice agreed that Violet was to be raised with her and Bertrand. But a cruel twist of fate involving VFD made sure that it didn’t happen like that. But on the other hand, technically, no one took Beatrice...at least not in the sense that Violet was asking. No one can make Beatrice do something she didn’t want to do. The woman was fierce and she was definitely a force to be feared and not tampered with. Also in all technicalities, Beatrice wasn’t taken away...Lemony had to hide while he was watching Violet and things kept getting messed up. Both parties began looking for the other, rather than one staying in place and waiting to be found. 
Violet cleared her throat bringing her father back into the conversation. “Did someone take my mother away?” Violet asked again this time on the verge of tears.
“If you’re asking me if someone kidnapped her...then no. No one took her.” 
Violet sighed and looked down at her locket. “Dammit,” she muttered.
“Wait,” Lemony said staring at his daughter with a puzzled expression. “Did you want my answer to be ‘yes’?”
She shrugged turning away from him feeling ashamed. 
“Violet...honey…” He stood up from his desk walking towards her putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
Violet looked up at her father and he could see tears were forming in his daughter’s eyes. “...if she wasn’t taken…” she began, her voice breaking. Her thoughts running through her mind debating whether or not, she should let her father in her vulnerable psyche. “...why did she go? Did she even want me?”
Lemony’s heart shattered the second the question left his daughter’s mouth. He pulled her into a tight hug. “Violet. She wanted you. You gotta trust me on that. This arrangement wasn’t…” he stopped himself. He was trying to figure out how to word it to where it didn’t sound like back then he didn’t want her because he did. Both her parents wanted her. Lemony always dreamt of ending up with Beatrice and creating a family of his own. But so many of his mistakes, his dumb decisions had ruined all his plans. It was supposed to be him and Beatrice until the bitter end. “Violet...I’ve told you… life...happened. Life had different plans for her and me…” 
“...I know…,” she said between sniffles. “But you could just be saying that to preserve my feelings.” 
“What do you mean.”
“‘Preserve my feelings’ a phrase which here means, ‘tell me a sugar-coated lie that will result in me having better self-worth’.” She said as she wiped tears from her eyes. Lemony gave a small smile at her mocking him. Even when she was sad, she could still joke with him.
“Violet, I promise you, you are not the reason that things turned out this way.” He sighed. “When she was pregnant with you...we were both ecstatic. Well, in all honesty, I was nervous. She was the one filled with unbridled excitement about you. It seemed like she wasn’t nervous at all. She was excited for the both of us while I was nervous for both of us.”
“You’ve got to find her for me.”
“I know.”
“Like...you have to. I have to meet her.” 
“Trust me, I know.”
“Do you think she’d recognize me if she saw me today?”
“Well, besides your eyes...which you definitely get from me. She’d be looking at a younger version of herself. So yes, she would most definitely recognize you, Vi.”
“Can you tell me again, what she was like?” 
Lemony laughed. “I could spend all night telling you about her. I could just about tell you everything about her…” 
“...can you do that...tonight?” Violet asked giving him puppy dog eyes.
Lemony looked first at his daughter and then at his investigation board and then back at his daughter. “You know what. Yes. Yes, I can. Let me just put a few papers away. I'll make us some tea and we can talk about your mother until your eyes can’t stay open any longer.”
Violet’s face went from an expression that Lemony knew all too well to one of pure excitement and happiness. That night he and Violet sat down having a few cups of tea. He never added any sugar to his, he believed it should be as bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a double-edged sword. Violet, on the other hand, preferred her tea to be semi-sweet. She understood that tea was meant to be bitter but it just wasn’t her thing to drink it with no sugar or honey. She always wondered how in the world her father could. But as the evening went by, the two chatted about Beatrice, the happier times, and anything else Lemony could share with her that didn’t pertain to the fire or VFD. It was a nice night. He had asked Violet to ask simple questions like her favorite things to her least favorites. He described to her the day that he and Beatrice first met, of course leaving out any details of VFD. As the hours passed by, Violet’s began to slowly nod off, she began asking similar questions to ones he had already answered. He answered them again waiting as she finally rested her head on the table and began to drift off. After making sure that she was asleep, he lifted her from the chair that she sat in and he carried her to her bed, gently laying her down and tucking her in like he used to. He smiled at his daughter. She has had a long day. She dealt with the most dangerous elements on this planet...fire. She had a small breakdown about her self worth and her birth mother. She was exhausted. He was exhausted. He found himself battling sleep. He wanted to use these hours of privacy to continue his investigation on the Baudelaire fire but his eyes were becoming heavy. 
He was on his way to his own bed when the phone ringing had startled him. Who could that be at this hour? He thought as he glanced at the clock. It was just past midnight. He hurriedly answered the phone hoping the loud ringing didn’t disturb his daughter. 
“Hello?” He said.
“Snicket? Is that you?” a female voice replied.
“Jacquelyn? How in the world do you get this number?”
“I have my ways,” she said simply.
“I am serious.” He whispered making sure not to wake up his daughter.
“That’s not important, right now. Besides, you said to keep in touch.”
He rolled his eyes. ��Do you know what time it is, Jacquelyn?”
“Yes. I do. It’s 12:24.”
“Ha. Ha. So funny. So literal.” he replied in a deadpan voice unamused by her and her games. 
“Snicket. There’s a real reason why I’ve called you.” 
“Which is what exactly?” he replied keeping his voice low.
“Wait...why are you whispering?” 
“Why does that matter? Maybe I don’t wanna wake my neighbors.”
“Hmmm. K. If that’s the story you’re going with.”
“Jacquelyn, why have you called this late at night.”
“Gustav hasn’t answered me.”
“When did you see him last?”
“Yesterday, when we were at Olaf’s house,” she replied.
“Well, did you see him leave?” Lemony asked becoming more and more awake as the conversation wore on.
“Yes. I watched him leave. Remember I told you that.” her voice tone had shifted. She seemed annoyed. “Look, I am just concerned. It’s unlike him to not answer back for a whole day. I wanted to know if the Baudelaires have reached Dr. Montgomery’s.”
“Can’t you just ask that imbecile you work for?” Lemony asked.
“Well, yes I could. But then he’ll start asking why I’m asking...and I don’t know if you know how it feels to have someone asking you questions you either can’t or don’t want to answer.”
Lemony gave a low chuckle. “Oh, do I know that feeling.”
“Nothing. Not important. So if he isn’t answering what do you think happened.”
“Nothing good. The last message he gave me was ‘the world...is...quiet here.’” Jacquelyn said. “Just like that. Like he was getting drowsy by the second. Like someone had shot him with a…”
“Poison dart.” Lemony finished.
“Exactly,” Jacquelyn replied. “And who do you think would have done that?”
“Precisely. I fear if I’m right and Gustav has been murdered by Olaf than he is still after the Baudelaire children.”
“Well, isn’t Monty still in VFD. Surely, he’d be able to keep them safe from that bastard.”
“I’m unsure. Monty has been more focused on his herpetology studies. He scarcely has time to do anything VFD related.”
Lemony groaned. “So what you’re saying is, you think these kids are still in danger.”
“I mean, I only called you specifically because I know you have a strange, secretive attachment to these kids.”
“That’s because of whose children they are.” He replied, choosing his words carefully in case Violet had woken up and was now eavesdropping on his conversation.
“I know. I know. I just...I don’t have a good feeling about this at all.”
“Well, why don’t we just check upon them. One of us goes there, to watch the place for a few days. If something happens, we intervene like we did last time.”
“Seems simple enough. I’ll get you an address.”
“Wait. I...I can’t leave the city for a couple of days. I have...very important prior commitments. Would you be able to Jacquelyn? And in a couple of days, if I haven’t heard from you, then I’ll travel down and see for myself.”
“I can do that, Snicket.”
“Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
“No, I don’t. But I do know that these are defenseless children that he’s targetting and this needs to come to an end.”
“Are we sure the police didn’t catch him.”
“Trust me, when I stayed behind to skulk the place. I found a trapdoor.”
“To...the tunnels,” Lemony asked.
“Yep. That’s definitely what he used to escape the authorities. He’s probably going to stay low for a few days until he feels safe enough to strike again.” Jacquelyn replied. “I plan on getting to Monty’s via the underground tunnels anyway. So I’ll look around for him.”
“Just be careful. If he has killed Gustav, then we know he has no issue with killing.”
“Oh, believe me. He doesn’t scare me. I’ll make sure he doesn’t harm the children.”
“Thank you for keeping me informed. I guess we’re back on the case.” 
“I guess so. See you in a couple of days, Snicket.”
“Stay safe,” Lemony replied hanging up and then laughing to himself. When he was younger, he didn’t always sound so lame like a dad. But now, with having a daughter, he was careful what his last words were to people. He also just couldn’t turn the ‘dad mode’ off. It was who he was. He hoped it wasn’t obvious that he was a single father. The last thing he wanted was for someone he barely knew, like Jacquelyn, to learn about Violet. He didn’t know if she was entirely loyal and she was definitely mysterious. Lemony wasn’t sure if it was a good mysterious or the bad mysterious. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever know the answer to that. As he made his way to his bed, he wondered why Olaf would take so much time to follow and harass these kids. Be a man and fight someone your own size. If you’re hurting, come after me or Bea- his thoughts hit him hard. Olaf couldn’t go after Beatrice or even Bertrand because they were dead...and although he was alive, Olaf didn’t know that. So he was going after the next best thing, Beatrice’s son and daughter. This made Lemony sick. No way had he ever imagine that his mistakes would cost so many lives and put innocent children in danger. He vowed to stop Olaf once and for all...or he was going to die trying. He knew he had a few days to think of a plan. He laid in his bed and pondered and wondered until his eyes shut and he was fast asleep.
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neokollection · 6 years
Could you do how NCT members confess to their crush? Sorry if it's too mucj
NCT 127
A/N: OMGGGG SO LATE!! Sorry, I held on to this for a while because I wanted to do it, but knew it required a lot of thought kinda- I’ll save HC for DreamGifs don’t relate btw^^ Listening to Touch~
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This awkward turtle……… Ugh, everyone totally knew he has a thing for whoever he’s crushing on, but he shows it in weird ways so his crush may not know and may just say he’s being friendly…He gets super excited at the sight of them and you can’t really blame him for whatever he does next. He’s dorky, so he makes dad jokes and even goes as far as physical things such as cutting your cutlet for you or something.He doesn’t really plan on verbally confessing, he just hopes his actions and manner can convey it and if you’re interested you’ll convey it back… or not.He’s deeply sentimental and I think a verbal confession would only happen if the sentiment was there- over phone, text, or person, it’d just happen. So, if maybe you felt close enough to him to talk about feeling lonely or maybe an ex-lover- Once he feels the deep feelings he’d want to let you know it’d be okay and share possibly good news? That you’re beautiful and he likes you if you’ll take him. Sort of offering himself to you–
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Johnny is a self-proclaimed true romantic. He knows how to read an atmosphere probably better than any of the others and his confession would be really sweet.He’d be one to know he should confess. He doesn’t want to dwell on it if his crush doesn’t like him, so he’d make his moves. By moves I mean yes, flirting, to the point you’d know he had a thing for you, or at least your friends would always tell you if you’re thick… He’s showing you that he’s interested so that maybe you’ll become interested in him or show him some sign back- He’s not shy of it, in his mind you deserve to be loved and know it, so he doesn’t really feel embarrassed about putting himself out there. He also uses a lot of actions to speak instead of words, putting his hands on your shoulders when he’s behind you, tying your shoe for you, etc… When it comes to actually confessing, he’s probably still not sure if you like him back because he’s probably been overthinking everything you do and found contradictions. Anyway… He does it in person and it’s low-key planned. I mean like he asks your schedule or something and finds a way to fit himself in. He doesn’t want it to seem like a date, so he makes it something casual like deciding to walk you home after one of your lectures because he’s ‘in the area’ that time. Kind of odd, but FGSUIRHFWRUIA! So, he sorta will manipulate the conversation while he’s with you, he wants to turn it towards something romantic because he wants to confess to you at your doorstep. “I’ve wanted to say this for a while- You may already know; I like you, a lot- And I just wanted to let you know because you deserve to.”A line straight out of a movie T T He can give a whole speech about why you’re so wonderful if you ask any more about it really.
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So, when it comes to his crush, I think TY would be pretty shy- He’d be sort of all over the place and his crush definitely wouldn’t be able to read him- Being normal and even kind of flirty when he’s feeling close, but occasionally being distant and clamming up…He’s always wondering if his touches go noticed or if they feel their palms perspire at the mere sight of his eyes like he does-He’s kind of a coward when it comes to love and being honest about his feelings… So, I don’t think he’d actually confess in person. This being said, I think it’d happen over text- It’d probably be late at night- You in your bed on your phone and him chilling after a tolling session of choreography. Finally, you guys got a conversation going, before it was always off/on neither of you wanting to seem clingy- Once he feels close as friends too he’d be more open to opening up. He wouldn’t confess to someone he wasn’t close with, he’d just admire them from afar- Anyway, so probably a few flirty texts are hidden in your guys’ conversation and he’s smiling to himself. He’d probably feel a bit nervous if the conversation turned to relationships or loneliness because then he’s prone to confessing with something sorta hidden like;“You’d make a really good S/O. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” “You think so? That’s so sweet-”“I’d feel lucky.”Which… he’s prone to being friendzoned or his crush missing his point, but if it’s you, you won’t :’)The type to also freak out a little when he realizes he’s outted himself also.. and send a whole thread of messages one after another, tapping his foot impatiently, eyes glued to the screen in seriousness as he checks for your reply.
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Well- Bitch would have to be blind to not know he’s into them. He’s so shameless honestly. He’s confident in that he’s suitable boyfriend material and handsome + charming, so he wouldn’t be shy about letting them know. He wants them to know actually, he wants them to feel loved and do whatever favors he can to help them, even if it’s stupid like giving them his umbrella in exchange for the promise of a date next weekend. HE HASN’T EVEN CONFESSED YET, but I guess you could take that as a confession. But… He’s kind of flirty with a lot of friends, so you may not think of it blatantly as a ‘date’.His confession would probably come indirectly a lot of times through his words.“Why don’t you have a boyfriend already?”“I don’t know- Life’s busy and I guess I just don’t have someone like that in my life.”“I’m right here though-”He’s a smooth dude, but if you constantly brush him off as ‘just joking’ maybe you’re nervous yourself about jumping the gun then he may turn serious about it and say it directly so he can get a direct reaction and answer, a simple “I like you.”
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Kind of similar to Taeil in that I don’t think he’d want to directly say it. He’s sort of a coward too, like Taeyong. He wouldn’t want to be found out either because he’d feel super embarrassed and childish, so he’d be discreet about his actions and words and ultimately admire his crush from afar….. He’d need a push from others to do something bigger- OR, like Taeil, his heart may bubble to the surface during emotional or deep moments- Perhaps you broke-up with a past lover and are rattled over it and need someone to confide in. He’s always been great with this kind of stuffs– And he knows he shouldn’t make it about himself, but he wants to let you know there’s someone else who can take care of and love you, even better than your past trash. BUT, it probably wouldn’t be when you’re crying in the moment, it’d probably be hours after you’ve calmed down and DY’s been thinking about confessing for hours now and finally lets it out. Or just during a deep talk about love or something he may realize he should be honest about his feelings and say it plainly; “I like you..” followed by 20 other rambles, “I mean not as a friend- I mean! I like you as a friend too! But also more- Ah….” 
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This boy is out of a drama. He’s pretty versed in navigating love and his feelings, so I don’t think he’d get flustered in front of you or embarrassed. He’d just try to put on a natural persona, maybe getting a bit closer than usual. It’s really just innocent though, ruffling your hair and laughing at your jokes, smiling nearly every time he sees you- It’d be a wonder if you didn’t fall for him uh…….. He’s also a great friend who’s always reliable and he’d become even more reliable when knowing his feelings are growing.Sort of like Johnny, he’d be pretty honest about his feelings. He’d make sure the mood and environment are appropriate before talking to you in private. But I don’t think he’d do it unless he’s getting vibes that you like him even just a little too- He’d kinda bombard and fluster you with it being a lot at once, but he knows your cheeks flush like that because you like him too.“What do you think of me?”“All of a sudden? Hmm, you’re great-”“Great?”“W-Why are you smiling like that? Yeah, you’re great and-”“Do you like me?”“O-”“I like you~”“aH-”“It’s sudden isn’t it? Hah- It’s not really, it’s maybe been a year..”“It’s so unlike you to be like this-”
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He doesn’t know what to do around his crush T THe’s all over the place… He wants to seem cool and chill, but just is a major cutie dork- He goes from being hyper around you to being ‘too cool’ and acting like you’re not even there- If he looks at you he might get a heart attack so maybe it’d be better not to…Sounds bad, but I think he’d need to be feeling emotional or upset to confess. Maybe over text or in person…. An example would be if he liked you for a whole year, but this past week Lucas has been really flirty with you and Winko is catching some vibes he doesn’t like and then Lucas confesses to you. Win would be pretty upset and feel it’s unfair since he’s liked you longer and still hasn’t confessed- So he’d probably write you a long email text about how he’s liked you longer and out himself lmao.Or maybe if he’s just feeling emo and homesick he may confide in you a lot and sorta out himself unintentionally by saying things like ‘I miss you.. You’re all I have here’ Or if in person may just need some hugs and tell you how important you are which kinda leads to how much he admires you for being tough and that leads to how he likes you and anyone would be lucky to be with you-
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Mark seems like one to try to make himself stop liking someone once he catches feelings. Maybe by talking to you a little less for a bit or just convincing himself he shouldn’t ruin a friendship-He’s stupid though and is whipped so he can’t calm himself every time he sees you, you’re not just a friend. His plan might back-fire and he may think ‘It’ll be better to confess now so she can reject me and I can move on-’ He doesn’t have confidence in this and assumes he won’t be liked back because he hasn’t seen and ‘obvious’ signs that you like him, but he’s frickin oblivious half the time. In some movies and stuff the friends can stay as friends after getting friend-zoned so he hopes it’ll be able to just blow over like that… He’d probably pick a random and awk time to do so tho;“Hey, uh… I just wanna say- Liek, I know I shouldn’t like you like that, but I do kinda like you like that. I think I just need to hear rejection tho so I can get over it, like it’s probably just a phase, right? A lot of people have that with their friends-”“…Who said I’d reject you…?”“Wait- Wot?”
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sweetlysilent · 7 years
Figment (Ch. One)
Requested By: Nobody
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader
Warnings: Traumatic Memories, Fear, Symptoms of Anxiety, Mention of Pennywise, Slight Bill x Reader, etc.
When is a door not a door? Most people tend to always overthink the question, over processing what the answer could be, when in reality it’s right in front of your face. When it’s ajar. This is a riddle that is constantly in the back of your mind.
Just like your greatest fear, it lurks between the space of the door, showing it’s form like a shadow, always creeping behind you. But you convince yourself it’s just a figment of your imagination, that it’s all in your head, that you’re just seeing things. But, what happens when the Loser’s Club end up seeing it too?
A/N: So, I don’t know how many people enjoy this lil blurb mini series but I really like it so I’m going to continue writing it bc it makes me happy. If you like it too then by all means go ahead and read it and if you don’t then don’t read it :)) I post other content too.
This isn’t exactly based off the movie or the book, I’m just kind of free handing it and I might use bits and pieces from the movie, but besides that I’m basically just flowing with it. Another thing, feel free to send a comment in my ask or below on what you thought of this part! I’d love to see everyone’s reactions, it helps keep me motivated.
Also, comment below or send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged!
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You didn’t get one ounce of sleep that night, you told yourself it was because you had just moved, that it was just nervous jitters of being in a new house in a new town. But you knew deep down you were just lying to yourself, to hide the real truth as to why you couldn’t sleep.
The clown. The red Balloon. It was all you could think of. All you could see.
You had stayed awake the entire night, just staring at the ceiling, trying to decide whether you were hallucinating or if it was really real. You didn’t even notice that it was now starting to become daylight, until your mother knocked on your door telling you to get ready for school.
You had totally forgotten it was your first day at your new school, you had been too focused on everything else around you that your actual life got put aside. After a few more minutes of laying in your bed, you groggily got up, looking at your appearance in your mirror. 
You looked like you really hadn’t gotten any sleep, but who cares right? Maybe then nobody would bother you at school, they’d think you were just another weird kid and leave you alone.
If only that really happened.
“Mom I need to go, I’ll be late and I need to get my schedule.” You sighed, looking up at your mom who gave you a concerned look, she had been doing this ever since you arrived in Derry, ever since that moment in the car.
“I just, I want you to know that if you need to leave at anytime, you call me. Alright?” She gave you a stern look, as you nodded in response, before saying goodbye and letting you head off into your new school.
You remember walking into the building, catching a few stares, which was normal. You walked up to the front desk, anxiously tapping your foot against the floor until a lady walked over to you.
“You must be Y/N, here’s your schedule.” She’d speak blatantly, before leaving you to fend for yourself.
You rolled your eyes in response, before exiting the front office, anxiety filling your body the second you realized you had no idea where to go, so being the person you are you just stood there like a deer in the headlights, someone had to help you eventually right?
“Holy shit, who is that?“ Richie questioned aloud, nudging Eddie in the ribs, making him glare at his friend before following his gaze over to you.
“No idea, I’ve never seen them before, they must be new to the school.“ Eddie would respond, shrugging his shoulders while rubbing his chest slightly, before glancing back at his friend who was still staring at you.
"They look like complete shit, and are obviously lost.” Richie pointed out, watching as you held your schedule in your hand, a frustrated look forming on your face as you angrily looked around the hallways.
“Richie!” Eddie would scold his friend, hitting him on the arm, making him respond with a loud “WHAT” while shrugging his shoulders innocently. Eddie would roll his eyes, before motioning back over to you.
“If they look so lost to you then go help them." Eddie crossed his arms, making Richie turn to look at his friend, a scowl on his face.
"No way, why don’t you go help them?” Richie argued, making Eddie snort in response, before shoving Richie over towards you.
“This is complete and utter bullshit.” He heard you mutter as you were angrily crumbling your schedule in your hands.
“Yeah we all feel that way about this shithole.” Richie commented, startling you as you spun around quickly, facing him.
You took a minute to observe the boy in front of you, he had thick glasses that made his eyes look huge, he also had dark brown hair, slightly curly, slightly straight, and a somewhat colorful shirt on.
“I know, I know, I’m hot.” Richie grinned slightly, snapping you out of your thoughts, his comment now registering in your head, resulting you to roll your eyes.
"How original.” You’d give a fake smile, your mood being complete shit and moody from getting no sleep.
Richie would give a slight smirk, feeling accomplished that you could be messed with and didn’t just blow him off the second he started talking to you.
“I actually came over here to see if you wanted help, because from what I can tell, you’re struggling real hard.” Richie grinned, making you scoff in response, even though he was right.
“As much as I hate to admit it,” Which you really did, “I could really use some help, I have no idea where anything is in this god forsaken school.” You would groan, making Richie laugh as he looked over your schedule.
He’d offer to give you a tour around the school, to show you were things were along with your classes, which you appreciated greatly, mainly because you were too tired to fight against him and since the school was completely different compared to your previous one.
You soon made it to your first class, which Richie was also in, along with Bill and Eddie.
“So class, we have a new student, please welcome Y/N, Y/L/N, with open arms, thank you.” Your teacher Mr. Steven’s would smile, before starting the class.
By that point you were already laying your head on your desk, Richie would be laughing at your embarrassment, while Bill and Eddie rolled their eyes at their friend.
You managed to somehow make it throughout the entire day, how you weren’t exactly sure, but the fact you did was a miracle. You didn’t have one hallucination the entire day, you didn’t even have to call your mother to come get you.
The day had gone by quick, the last bell rang for the day and you were off, already walking out of the building, only to be stopped by Richie and his friends.
“Hey hot stuff, you want to come hangout with us? I know you don’t have any friends so you should accept my offer.” He’d smirk, making you roll your eyes in response.
Was he intentionally trying to piss you off? Or was that just who he was?
“Why should I go with you? For all I know you and your friends here could try to kidnap me or something.“ You’d reply, squinting at Richie and his friends.
"Why would we fucking kidnap you?” A boy with curly hair questioned, a confused expression on his face.
“How the hell am I supposed to know? Serial killers don’t tell their secrets.” You’d shrug, crossing your arms, an unamused expression on your face.
All the boys would be staring at you, curiosity flooding through them as to why you would think like that, but more of what had happened to you to think that way.
“I-I p-p-promise we w-won’t h-h-h-hurt y-you.” Another boy spoke up, making your eyes snap over to him, your face softening slightly.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Richie either, he didn’t like it one bit that you already felt something for Bill and not him.
You gave a slight nod to Bill, still having a hesitant expression on your face as you agreed to go with them, Bill ended up offering you to join him on his bike, which made you smile slightly, accepting his kind gesture.
You all then began to ride down the street, Stan, one of the other boys you had just met had mentioned you were all going to a nice scenic place.
You were excited, you could use a relaxing calm place, especially after everything you were going through.
Everyone was pedaling down the street, wind blowing through everyone’s hair, already it was peaceful, which is what made you stop and think for a second.
Was this even real? Or was this just a figment of your imagination again, your mind trying to make you see a brighter happier side to life.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Eddie would question, glancing over at you, noticing how pale you were becoming.
“Hey, Y/N.” Mike would question too, realizing how you didn’t respond to Eddie, instantly making everyone worried.
“T-This isn’t real..” You whispered, your body becoming stiff, sweat starting to form on the back of your neck.
“T-This is a-all in my head.. T-This isn’t real..” You whispered again, your eyes were now full on closed, something you hadn’t done for the past twenty-four hours.
You felt the bike stop moving, but you couldn’t move, you were frozen.
“Y-Y/N, w-what’s wrong?” Bill questioned, now off his bike, looking at you with a concerned expression.
Richie walked over to you, confusion on his face, noticing how you looked even worse now than you did earlier.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You look even worse than you did this morning.” Richie spoke aloud, earning a few annoyed 'Richies’ from the group.
You couldn’t speak, even though you screamed in your head, you screamed for them to hear you, but they couldn’t, you just sat there, frozen in time as they all looked at you like you were crazy.
You felt your hands start to shake, your anxiety building up by the second, you shakily brought your hands to your head.
“This is just a hallucination. This isn’t real.” You kept telling yourself, your breathing becoming more hectic.
“I think Y/N’s having an anxiety attack, we need to calm Y/N down, like now.” Stan spoke quickly, now realizing what was happening to you.
“How the fuck do you suppose we do that?” Richie butted in, giving a bewildered expression to Stan.
“We need Y/N to realize they’re safe, that this is real.” Stan explained, as they all huddled around you.
“Y/N, it’s me, it’s Richie, you’re okay, you’re with me, with us, this is real.” Richie spoke gently, something that surprised the rest of the group, along with himself.
“Y-Y/N, you’re o-okay.” Bill added on, giving you a concerned look, before looking at his group of his friends.
“N-Nothing is w-w-working!” Bill shouted, not understanding why you couldn’t get out of this trance.
They all sat there, trying to figure out what they could do to come back, but suddenly you sat back up, your eyes wide, your lip trembling.
There, right in front of you, floating down the street was the red balloon.
“Do you see it?” You whispered aloud, making all of the boys look at each other with confused expressions.
“See what? See you looking like a crazy person?” Richie questioned, earning a slap from Stan.
“That..” You motioned your arm up, pointing down the street, “The red balloon.”
Tags: @theotherschuyler @pillow223 @o-starshine
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humongousvoidbear · 7 years
hello xx if you're taking prompts: if you write smut how about the first time andreil have sex after being apart for soo long (like for ex Neil's fifth year) or if you don't do smut how bout andrew having a bad day and fighting with neil but then realizing he's being harsh and actually apologizing?
hey i tried to combine both since i don’t write a lot of smut but i hope you like it..thanks for asking.
Words: 1.5k
“Is your shoulder alright?”, Neil asked Andrew through the screen of his iPhone. He had found it on his bed a day before Andrew left Palmetto State and went to Arizona to join his pro team. They had face timed almost every day. “Avery hit you pretty hard.”, he explained when Andrew didn’t reply. A backliner had slammed into Andrew minutes before the first half ended and smashed his left side into the goal. Neil’s heart had jumped in his chest when he saw this through his tv screen, rage following a few seconds later. Out of spite or out of idiocy, Neil did not know, but Andrew was back in the goal during second half, refusing to be subbed and had not let a single ball past his goal. Andrew still hadn’t replied and it was grating on Neil’s nerves. He wasn’t used to these kind of silences between them.
“Why do you care?”, Andrew finally drawled out. “What?”“I asked why do you care about my shoulder?”, he repeated with a bored expression on his face. “Why are you askin-”“Cause you are just going to leave, like everyone else. Why do you care about my fucking shoulder? No one ever wants to stay. Or should I say you will run away. Run away when someone from your past shows up. Poof. That’s what you’ve always been good at haven’t you?”“Why are you doing this?”, Neil asked, unable to keep the edge out of his voice. He didn’t know what he’d done to get such a reply. “This? Oh Neil, I can’t believe you’re still that stupid”, Andrew said tapping a finger to his head, his face as impassive as it had ever been. “I’ve told you a million times. There is no this.”
Four years. Almost four years they had been together. Neil stared at Andrew’s slightly pixelated face, trying to get his panic, his fear, his anger under control. He waited for a minute. Two minutes. They both were silently staring at each other, not even an inch of Andrew’s stony face shifting. Neil did the only thing he could think of, the only thing he could do-“Okay.”, he said and cut the call.
Neil threw his phone on his bed, put on his shoes, took his keys and went for a run. He tried to think. Everything was a hazy blur. He could hear Andrew’s words “There is no this. You are just going to run away.”, over and over and over in his head. They were toxic words, forming a ball of poison in his mind, in his heart. All he wanted to do was spit them out before they killed him. But he couldn’t. Every time his feet hit the ground, his heart felt like it would stutter to a stop. After almost four years, Neil was used to Andrew’s words. They were quite raw and fierce sometimes, but with them, what wasn’t?Neil thought he was overthinking this. Andrew always said that what they had was nothing but Neil had never believed him before. Had never been on the receiving end of the complete disquieting apathy which always made people think Andrew was a monster. He had known deep down in his head that Andrew could never care about him but he had accepted it. Or at least he thought he had. Neil didn’t know why this felt like a dagger twisting in his chest, like a dashboard lighter pressed into his cheek but it was reason enough to make his feet move faster. When Neil returned to his room, his body was more sore than it had been in the past few months. He checked his phone again. No one had called. Neil had never thought a fact like this would disappoint him.
A week. The longest they both had gone without talking to each other in the past four years. Not a single text. Neil pushed himself harder day after day, pushed his teammates enough he heard one of them say, “It’s like he’s become Kevin.” Neil chose not to care. A knock on his door that same afternoon woke him from his nap. “Not now Robin. Go away.”, he replied from under his blankets loud enough so that she could hear.
The knob twisted violently and then the door opened. Neil shot up and was surprised to see Andrew standing in his room in a thick woollen coat lined with snow. Something in Neil twisted. Maybe it was the sight of Andrew’s shoulders and those hazel eyes, the familiarity and the comfort which rendered him speechless. Andrew closed and locked the door behind him, shrugged off his coat and hung it on the nail fixed to the back it. He looked as untouchable as always. Neil was still seated in his bed. Neither of them moved close to the other. “Gloves.”, Neil said “Why aren’t you wearing any gloves? It’s freezing outside.”Andrew shrugged. He still hadn’t said a word. Neil got up from the bed and gave Andrew a thick sweatshirt which was lying on the floor. Andrew put it on and buried his hands deep in its pockets. Neil had already taken out a packet of cigarettes and had gone over to the window to light one. He didn’t offer and Andrew didn’t ask. He was sitting on the sill, watching the smoke escape in the cold air. “Why are you here?”, Neil finally managed to say. Andrew didn’t answer. This was slowly starting to piss him off. “Why the fuck are you here if there is no this Andrew?”, Neil asked again, anger making his voice sound like glass. Andrew walked over to the window, plucked the cigarette from Neil’s hand and took a long drag. “I lied.”, he said plainly.“You don’t lie.”Another drag. “I may have this once.”Neil realised this was the only apology he was going to get from Andrew. Thankfully, he spoke Andrew’s language. “Are you going to lie again?”Andrew looked him in the eye. He ached to touch Andrew. He would gladly cut himself on all of Andrew’s edges without a thought.“Never.”, Andrew said and it was enough. Neil had one more question though-“You came all the way here to apologise?”“I’m not apologising.”, he replied.
This time Neil was quiet. He didn’t think Andrew was going to say anything else. “It’s been two months.”, Andrew said so softly Neil was sure he wouldn’t have heard him if he wasn’t blatantly staring at Andrew. Neil would’ve been mildly embarrassed if Andrew hadn’t been doing the same. “Yes or no?”“I’ve told you it’s always yes.”, Neil replied, just as quietly.“Shut up”, Andrew said and stubbed the cigarette on the window sill. Then they were kissing. Andrew’s mouth on Neil’s mouth. His hands in Neil’s hair. Neil’s hands flew towards Andrew’s head and he managed to restrain himself till he heard Andrew nod. The curls. He didn’t realised how much he’d missed the curls. Andrew bit Neil’s bottom lip and Neil was alive. He broke away so that he could reach Andrew’s neck. He kissed it. Once. Twice. Neil could feel the tension leave Andrew’s body. This was something no one ever saw. It felt like a dream Mary’s son wouldn’t have dared to touch.
“Stop.”, Andrew said. Instantly Neil’s hands were off and his body went still. Surprisingly, Andrew removed the sweatshirt Neil had given him. “Why did you put it on if you were going to remove it anyway?”“It would come off sooner or later, I just wasn’t sure when.”And then they were kissing again. I missed you, I love you and everything in between. This never needed to be said. Not with them. It was always implied, an undercurrent to every word they’d ever utter. Their clothes were off in the next few minutes. What happened next was what always happened behind closed doors in a college dorm. When they had cleaned up and changed, Andrew lay beside Neil on his bed, wearing Neil’s clothes because he hadn’t packed any. His back was to the wall, both of them facing each other. “I had a nightmare that day. Cass. She walked in on Drake fucking me, smiled at him, shut the door behind her and left.”, Andrew said, as if he was just acknowledging the fact that the sky was blue.Neil’s body went rigid. His eyes went that shade of blue they always did when he was mad. Most of the times Andrew found this amusing. Neil lifted a hand and so so gently and touched Andrew’s face. Brushed a stray hair away from his forehead. Involuntarily, Andrew shut his eyes. “You weren’t there when I woke up.”, Andrew continued. Oh. Oh. A large piece of Neil’s chest threatened to crush into a million pieces. “I am now. I promise.”, was the only thing he said and left his hand on Andrew’s cheek for the rest of the night.
((send me prompts))
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