#which is fucking based cause its the best sign
awkward-meredith · 10 months
Happy birthday to my favorite war criminal 🎉🎉 emperor Lelouch vi Britannia deserves all the happiness in the world. All Hail Lelouch ❤️
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bywons · 1 month
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NOTE: THIS POST HAS INFO SOLELY BASED ON MY OWN RESEARCH, SOURCES FROM THE NEWS AND INTERNET SO CREDS OF SS TO THE OWNERS. if you have any other information regarding this case, please please do feel free to reblog this and share them, as i can't compile everything in one post due to the case being an ongoing one. I would appreciate if you could read all of it, I tried to keep it short and compact and easy enough for everyone to understand. Of course, I have to keep a few names and specific political parties and critism out of this for obvious reasons of this post being taken down, but trust me, karma is real.
Do tell me if I lack anything, will try my best to add it or make another post about it. WE WANT JUSTICE.
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Dr. Moumita Debnath, a junior female doctor, a 2nd year PGT at R G KAR medical college and hospital was gang r4ped and m4rdered in the college seminar hall, while she was in a 36 hr shift, in 9th of August, 2024, Kolkata.
R G KAR, a reputed college and hospital, only allowing the top of brains to enter its premises, has now lost it's name to this heinous crime. Moumita debnath's perpetrators live to this day and the college authorities are yet to pay any heed. Why?
That poor girl was bleeding from her eyes, vagina, with disfigured limbs and broken collarbones, bite marks, broken pelvic girdle and hyoid bone several other signs of struggle and violence ( attached report below ) Even her legs were forcefully coaxed apart, that her bones were broken. 150 gms of sperm was have been discovered from her body, when a male individual can only transfer a maximum of 15 gms. Can you imagine her pain? What did she do to deserve this pain and suffering, this heinous crime against her? Can you imagine how her parents must have felt to hear the news?
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Oh, I forgot. This absolute blood boiling, gut wrenching and demonic of an act was immediately announced as a "SU3CIDE" upon initial FIR, and to her parents, by authorities. Can't you see? How they tried to coarctate the matter by calling it a su3cide?
How can a girl with extreme signs of violence and r4pe on her body, with little to no clothes, broken limbs, bleeding eyes, commit a su4cide? THIS IS A BLOT ON THE AUTHORITIES WHO ARE CLEARING VIEWING THIS MATTER AS A JOKE no girl in that condition can commit a su3cide, do you really think people are THAT DUMB?? that we won't notice you trying to cover up this case??
Dr. Moumita Debnath's body was cremated without her parents' approval/permission. They were kept waiting for 3 fucking hours. As if to get rid of her body as soon as they can with minimal autopsy, before CBI could even start investigation.
As soon as this case was handed over from WBPD ( west bengal police department ) to CBI ( central bereau of intelligence ) mobs have barged in and LITERALLY DAMAGED THE WALLS BESIDE THE SEMINAR HALL ( the crime scene ) inside the college premises. And for what? Come on we know it all, for removal of some obvious evidence.
On 14th august, during the middle of the night which was during the ‘RAAT DOKHOLE MEYERA’ ( girls reclaim the night ) rally, in RG KAR, mobs yet again managed to infiltrate the college premises to cause damage again, this time targeting specific cctv cameras as well. They also vandalised public property and vehicles in a "profesional" way. — “MBBS student Anupam Roy, an eyewitness to the mob attack, said the mob's act was deliberate with the clandestine motive of ending their agitation.” — from Hindustan Times.
They even CAUSED HARM TO THE WASHROOMS OF THE FLOOR WHERE EVIDENCE COULD'VE BEEN FOUND. The motive of the mob is obvious— to tamper the evidence in order to protect the perpetrators.
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Political parties are busy blaming each other and throwing dirt on names, meanwhile also trying to hide the perpetrators and start protests against opposition parties. Is your political position and meaningless arguments more valuable than a girl's life which been lost so brutally? Can we not keep politics aside, just for a moment and try to bring the girl justice? These thick skinned selfish monsters don't feel the pain of her parents, the emotions of helpless women and the crime they're commiting themselves.
They are slowly shifting away from the main matter of bringing her justice, trying to coarctate is slowly by heavy politics. Well the public is not dumb, we can see it all and understand how our CM doesn't even care about this situation.
SHAME ON YOU, the authorities, you're are only hope in this city in this state and you're acting this way?! Do you not have spines? Is money and votes everything to you? How low is too low and why is it the west bengal government?
They even have an accused suspect in custody ( Sanjoy Roy ) whom everybody is calling a scapegoat, which he possibly could be regarding the governments recent inactivities towards the situation. They are even giving out orders to resist rallies and protests, such a fucking disgrace, cause then vandalism and tampering of evidence is right but not raising your voice against it?
This year marks the 77th independent year for India, but are we really? Women are not safe at night walking along the streets their own ancestors fought for, women are not safe in their own workplace working shifts, women are not safe in public transport, in their homes, neighbourhood, schools, colleges, NOWHERE ARE WE ALLOWED TO HAVE A PEACEFUL BREATHE. But for how long? It's been 12 years since we witnessed a similar, horrible and atrocious crime as NIRBHAYA, only for it to happen again. This shows how weak, corrupted, and unjust Indian judiciary system has become, and as an Indian myself, it ashames me deeply to admit this. We are failing as a society, still not being able to create a safe environment for our women.
But time has come now to raise our voice and fists together against this oppressive, corrupt government and snatch our own freedom ourselves. DONT YOU EVER FORGET ABOUT HER, TAKE AND HER NAME AND PROMISE YOURSELF TO BRING HER JUSTICE. If we forget and give up, god knows how many others will die like this without any justice. Justice is ours and we will have it, there is no point of being 'independent' if we have to do candle marches every other day, mourn for our women every other day, be scared of letting our daughter out every other day.
This is time, we rise up as one.
We want the actual criminals to be punished a hundred times more cruelly than Dr. Moumita Debnath was k!lied.
tagging few of my moots. @leaderwon @rainytapestry @fertilizedtoesw @atrirose @hoonvrs @flwrstqr @mioons @dioll @okwonyo @okwons @heeblurs @weoris @junislqve @jlheon @sainns @hyeinism @fleurre @soov @isoobie @boyfhee @jjunae @onlyjjong @wonfilms @kissofhoon @voikiraz @koishua
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finalgirllx · 6 months
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self-indulgent fluff because I live somewhere cold as fuck and consume an absurd amount of hot chocolate. enjoy! 1k words | slytherin reader | sickeningly sweet | not edited | forgoes the rules in hogwarts kitchens
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"Bloody hell, my dicks s'bout to freeze off," Enzo grunted, plopping down beside you as you wrapped yourself in a cocoon of blankets on one of the green-tufted leather couches that adorned the Slytherin common room.
While your home base exuded an air of regal antiquity that you had grown to appreciate throughout your years attending Hogwarts, its stellar placement in the school's dungeons meant that some evenings were more than chilly, sometimes downright freezing. While the crackling fireplaces scattered about did wonders to keep students from succumbing to frostbite during the coldest winter months, they weren't always sufficient on particularly wintry nights, especially around the holidays.
"That's certainly a visual, Enz, thanks," you responded with a small snort at his crude greeting. He shot you an unamused glance followed by an eye roll, appearing just as grumpy from the cold as you were.
"These dungeons might as well be the Arctic tonight. Can you blame me for feeling a tad paranoid?" Enzo countered, inching closer to you than usual for warmth. A fiery spark ignited in your stomach at his proximity, but you quickly dismissed it, seeing as you were merely a cozy blanket to him at the moment.
"There has to be something we could do," he lamented, clearly more agitated than you already thought. He gestured to you as you sat swathed in blankets with a mix of worry and exasperation, "Just look at you all bundled up, for blimey's sake. Cute, but damn concerning."
He called you cute. The chill could excuse the blush on your cheeks, right? Still, you wanted to pacify Enzo before he threw a fit at someone who wouldn't take so kindly to his attitude.
Thinking quickly, you brightened, an idea forming in your mind.
"A warm beverage might help. We could go make some hot cocoa?"
The way Enzo's eyes bugged out momentarily was rather amusing, as if your proposition was utterly absurd. It was, but you couldn't resist the chance to cozy up more with the Slytherin golden boy. You worried he might protest, so you used your best pleading face. His pretty brown eyes softened, and a faint smirk tugged at his lips—the first sign of warmth from him in an otherwise frosty evening.
"Yeah, sure, we can do that." ------------------------------
"I'm hardly sophisticated enough to be melting chocolate bars or anything like that. We're sticking to packets, and you'll enjoy it," you teased Enzo lightly as the saucepan warmed milk on the stove.
"Who do you think I am, the hot cocoa critic?" Enzo quipped back, retrieving two oversized mugs from a nearby cabinet. "I demand mine at precisely so-and-so degrees, with an exact 80% sweetness," he joked, earning an eye roll from you to mirror the one he had given earlier on the couch.
"I'll water yours down," you threatened, feigning annoyance though secretly reveling in the presence of the cute boy who seemed to have thawed out with your company. His slight pout quickly melted your resolve, and you dropped two cocoa packets into each mug for an extra chocolatey taste. His ability to summon a puppy-dog look with those full lips and gold-speckled eyes was a true talent.
Once the milk reached the right temperature, Enzo beat you to lift the pan and pour the steaming liquid into the mugs. You noticed he poured more into yours, so you nudged his side with a raised eyebrow as soon as he set the pan down.
"Hey, this was your idea, and you seemed even colder than me back in the common room. We're prioritizing you," Enzo justified, to which you nervously smiled, contemplating how to return his sweetness.
You rummaged the same cabinets for a container of mini marshmallows, returning with it and generously topping each mug. You made a show of adding far more marshmallows to his mug, causing Enzo to chuckle in surprise.
"That's more marshmallow than cocoa at this point!" he protested, grinning widely.
"You gave me more cocoa, so you get more marshmallows. It's only fair," you said with a nonchalant shrug, implying it couldn't be helped despite being the one to pile them on.
You both gripped the handles of your mugs and brought them to your lips, sharing a surprisingly intimate moment as your eyes met. Was drinking hot chocolate supposed to feel this tense?
After blowing on your beverage for a few seconds, you took your first sip, relishing in the immediate warmth that flooded your senses. Enzo also sighed contentedly, and you beamed at his approval. He glanced at you again, his brow furrowing momentarily before his expression shifted, his focus turning to something else. He set his mug down before raising his thumb to brush over your top lip. You froze, the flush on your face intensifying after his touch.
"Little cocoa on your lip, sorry," he muttered, his voice cracking for a moment before he then brought his thumb to his mouth, tasting the remnants he had wiped off yours. Your brain was broken for the moment. It was as if you were watching these last few instances from an outside perspective. Was he as nervous as you? Seemed impossible for someone as charismatic and cool as him.
"I, uh…," you stammered while gathering your bearings.
"Just trying to be helpful," Enzo tried to brush off his actions, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck. The way his gaze never left your lips betrayed his true feelings.
Suddenly, you snapped back to reality. You couldn't let the moment slip away. This was your opportunity. Setting your mug down, you turned to face him with a shaky breath, grasping the collar of his shirt and pulling his face down to meet yours. He understood right away, meeting your lips with his without hesitation. His hands cupped your face, and though the kiss lasted only a few seconds, the passion behind it was enough to keep you both warm for the rest of the night.
As you pulled away, both stunned yet excited, Enzo mused with a satisfied grin, "I think that might have been the key to evading the cold."
You teased, "Don't underestimate the power of cocoa," to which he relented, shaking his head.
"Never, darling. Although, I might need another kiss if we're going to survive," he added with a cheeky smirk.
You smiled and leaned in for that second kiss. This evening's venture had proved to be the right decision in more ways than one, and you couldn't be more fulfilled.
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boozenboze · 2 years
Dose of Caffine
Tf 141 x Male reader
Summary:Being a Captain in the military causes a lack in sleep.Drinking some coffee could convince them to stay awake, while a certain someone encourages them to sleep
Captain John Price x Male reader
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Being one of the captains on the base was tough. No matter what you always have papers to sign and recruits to put in line. Feeling his body beginning to relax. He pushed himself out of his seat and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed a coffee mug from the cabinet, as well as some fresh dark roasted coffee beans. Once the coffee finished brewing he poured himself a cup and let it cool for a moment. l took a sip of it and sighed at the comforting warmth traveling down my throat. After I finished, my heart was beating much faster and I felt more awake. “I’ll be able to finish those papers, hopefully.” I said to myself as I went back to my office.
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M/n’s body was slouched over his desk. He had fallen asleep and some of his drool dripped onto the papers. Sure the Caffine should’ve kept him awake but it seems that it failed. His light snores could be heard because of the silence in the room,besides the slight crackling noises of a candle that he had lighted. The rhumps of his heart got louder until his eyes snapped open.
The male jolted up, eyes averting in every direction. He looked down at his paper that had small drops of his drool. He sighed as he wiped the excess of, leaving the paper slightly damp. He glanced at his coffee for a moment before sighing. He suspected that he hadn’t been sleep long since the mug was still warm. It was about to be a long night.
How long has it been now... 2 hours? Its 3 am now and I feel tired.I really wanna get this shit done now. I understand im a Captain but jeez, I think my eyes wanna pop out their sockets. I don’t know how much longer i’ll be sitting here, I just hope it’s not for long. My sleeping schedules already been fucked up for the last few days, I think I’ll start going crazy if I don’t sleep.
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The male hadn’t slept at all that night. The amount of caffeine he had consumed the previous night made his adrenaline high. Not to mention he was anxious and it didn’t help that his heart was still pounding against his chest. He had dropped off the documents to their respected places and took a breath kf relief. After that he had his breakfast and downed a tall glass of orange juice.It was sweet, not to mention healthy. Despite that, the taste of that french vanilla dark roast still lingered in his mouth, and gave him an itch to drink some.
A sip of coffee wouldn’t kill him right? It’s just coffee,plus it was his favorite flavor. Then with a splash of milk made it so much better. The h/c haired male stood up and went to the coffee machine. Someone must have dumped out the coffee he had made the previously since the pitcher was empty. He sighed and repeated the process he had done the previous night. Just as he was about to take a sip a familiar voice filled his ears.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough C/n?” The voice said, M/n looked and saw John Price. The two knew each other quite well and M/n chuckled lightly, blush dusting his face.
“Hey Price...didn’t see ya there.” M/n said as Price took the cup out his man making the h/c haired male sigh.
“Price come on, it’s french vanilla it’s the best flavor!” M/n complained as Price put the coffee to the side.He examined the males face and saw how red his eyes were, which made his gaze soften.
“Did you sleep at all L/n?” Price asked as he gently put his hand on the males cheek, which made him hum and lean into the mans touch.
“Negative, had to finish those damn files and documents so I couldn’t.” M/n responded as Price hummed to himself, stroking the males cheek before leaning in and kissing him on the tip of his nose.
“Lets bring you to bed eh, your gonna need it.” Price spoke as M/n nodded in response, allowing the man to lead him to his room.
“Can I have my coffee afterwards though?”
That ended up being the best nights sleep the male had in a while
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scarlettromanov · 2 years
Business as Unusual
summary: You have always been one of Wanda's favorite employees. You will do anything she asks. What happens when her wife finds out? What happens when you find out the secrets of the company?
pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanov x Reader
word count: 7.7k
warnings(18+only): brief mentioning of Steve Rogers; eventual kate bishop; CEO! Wanda Maximoff; Brief mentioning of Stephen strange; Jealousy; Dom/sub; Domestic Fluff; Eventual Smut; Hurt/Comfort; Childhood Trauma; Mob Boss Natasha Romanov; Smoking; Food; Caffeine Addiction; mention of drugs; Alcohol; Mentions of Violence; mob wife Wanda Maximoff; Angst; NO CHEATING!; all parties communicate; brief Stephen strange slander
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Chapter One: The Fall
You were definitely going to lose your job today. You wished that you could say that this was the first time running this late to work, but that would be a bold face lie. To be fair it wasn’t ever due to general laziness, or lack of concern for your job security. The public transport into the suburbs from the city never quite arrived on time. Not to say that you couldn’t just drive to work, but the lack of owning an automobile created a whole slew of additional issues. Your prized water bottle thwacks hard against the back of your thighs, creating additional bruises, as you sprint down the sidewalk. It clangs with every step you take. It was a prize possession of yours. A treat to yourself for landing the job at R&M Industries just two years prior.  A purchase based on the fact that you would have to take the train into the suburbs, and your ex-girlfriend's constant pestering that you didn't drink enough water. Only two more blocks until you are safely to the office. Hopefully your boss, Mr. Rogers, is in the scheduled staff meeting, and doesn’t notice that you are 15 minutes late.
Crossing the intersection, the small pedestrian sign starts to count backward from 10 indicating that you will have to wait another few minutes to get across the street. You cannot afford another moment. Taking a deep breath you make a short dash across the street. Barely beating the pedestrian countdown clock. The weight of your backpack slamming into your back with every step. You do your best to not wince as the straps dig further into your bony shoulders. A piercing stab in your lungs continues to burn with each inhale. Taking a mental note that you should hit your inhaler once you are at your desk, you trudge forward.
Yet, as you are about to step up onto the sidewalk you feel your legs buckle and collapse beneath you, and you stumble (rather ungracefully) to the ground. The thin skin of your chin makes direct contact with the concrete of the sidewalk. Your teeth grind together, and you know that you’re bleeding before you can even register the embarrassment. Tear pool in the corners of your eyes. Blinking back the impending tears, you stare down at the palms of your hands, which are pretty scrapped up, but barely bleeding. So much for getting to the office at least 15 minutes late. You needed to get inside without causing any kind of commotion. Each entrance to the building had a secretary close by. Fists pressing against your eyes in frustration; you can feel the impending sob building in your chest.
“Fucking Idiot,” You mutter as you try to find your way back to a standing position. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, like your old therapist told you to do when your anxiety got the better of you. When you open your eyes again you take a moment to inspect the damage of your fall, and notice that your water bottle has completely fallen off its chain, nowhere to be found. Screaming internal profanities you blink back a round of fresh tears. Crying at the office was not like you. Crying was meant for the depths of your apartment. Solitude was the only place that such a shameful emotion could come alive. This was no condition to enter a work day with.
Nothing had gone right this morning. The hot water went, your cell phone didn’t charge, the train was late, and now this. On your knees in the middle of the sidewalk you try to pull it together once again. You couldn’t afford to miss a day of work. You're catastrophizing again, you think to yourself. “ Find the positives in the situation, Y/N, there is always a silver lining.” The therapist's advice rings in your ears. It must be a real fucking small silver line, you think, trying to push out his condescending advice.
“Y/N?” A warm husky voice asks. Looking up, a rush of realization falls over you. Your gaze is met with green eyes, which are wide with alarm.
“Ms. Maximoff!- I am so sorry I am late! I-” She cuts you off by crouching down to your level. If you hadn’t been sitting in your own shame, you probably would have been impressed with Wanda’s ability to crouch in heels. Her power suit of the day was a deep burgundy.
“Your face is covered in blood, Y/N.” Your cheeks heat with embarrassment. Looking down at your hands you spin the ring on your middle finger. Feeling like a little kid who fell off their bicycle.
“Oh, Yeah that. It’s nothing.” You say with a failed attempt at a laugh. Unfortunately your laugh has an air of hysterics in it. You scramble, trying to get to your feet. Wanda watches you. Her eyebrows knit together in disapproval. That’s when you can taste the blood in your mouth. The coppery metallic dances its way across your tongue. You grimace, and Wanda notices. Swiftly she slides the straps of your backpack off your shoulders, and you let her. Stunned at the touch from the older woman. She slings your pack over one of her shoulders with ease. Silently, you accept her assistance, thankful to not have the straps digging into your shoulders anymore.
“At least let me help you.” Wanda says with a kind smile.
“I’m sorry. I am probably making you late to the staff meeting,” She puts up a hand. Your mouth snaps shut.
“You’re not the only one who’s running late, Ms. Y/L/N, and honestly,” Wanda smirks looking down at you playfully, “between you and me, It’s Mr. Strange’s turn to present this month and well.” She feigns a yawn. You bite back a giggle. Wanda’s nose scrunches in the way it does when she’s genuinely happy. This is why you’d always enjoyed being around Wanda. She was fierce, and led with an iron fist, but there was a playfulness about her that came out whenever you two were alone. Secretly, you were glad that she found you.
“Let’s get you inside. I think Yelena has a first aid kit in her office,
Wanda carries your backpack with ease as the two of you make your way up the two flights of steps to Yelena Belenova’s office. As you rounded the corner you notice that Yelena is nowhere in sight, but Wanda lets herself in without hesitation. She places your backpack on Yelena’s desk. Nervously you stand in the doorway to Yelena’s office. Wringing your hands together behind your back. Yelena was a friend of Wanda’s, you knew this. Yelena was also the head of her department, and more importantly she was COO of the company. But what held the most importance was that Yelena was Wanda’s sister in-law. Wanda had privileges as CEO, and as the Executive Chairwoman’s wife. Since starting with the company two years prior there had been an unspoken rule of stay out of an office unless invited, and do not speak without being spoken to. As a people pleaser with a need to avoid conflict at all costs… These rules were easy to follow.
Wanda doesn’t really notice that you are hovering in the doorway until she’s rummaging through Yelena’s filing cabinets behind her desk. She pulls out box after box of microwavable Kraft Mac and Cheese. There had to be at least six in her desk drawer alone. You wonder how Yelena stayed so fit when her breakfast every morning was espresso and a cup of Microwavable Mac and Cheese.
“Always so messy,” Wanda mutters to herself in disapproval.
For a moment she looks up at you. The corner’s of her mouth turning up the tiniest bit as she stares at you in the doorway like an obedient child. She plucks the medium sized box red and white from the cabinet. Holding the first aid kit in her left hand, she pulls your backpack back over her right shoulder. Wanda places a reassuring hand on your shoulder leading you away from Yelena’s office.
“C’mon, let’s head up to my office so we can get you cleaned up,”
Wanda and you make your way to the elevators, and take it to the 6th floor. Her arm stayed draped across your shoulders. It feels reassuring to have someone holding you so close. You can’t remember the last time someone held you this close. You allow yourself to bask in the feeling for just a moment. But when the elevator chimes, and the doors open, Wanda’s arm pulls away as she gestures for you to lead the way. Her secretary quickly hangs up her cell phone, and stands to greet us. She smiles kindly at Wanda, her brown eyes filled with warmth.
“Ms. Maximoff, Good Morning.” She turns her smile to you, and it falters as she takes in the state of my face. Your stomach sinks as you cannot recall her name. Despite being with the company for over two years now… you kept a pretty low profile. The sinking feeling makes you squirm under her gaze. Her curly hair pulled into a low bun, with a few strands hanging loose in her face.
“Y/N, are you alright?” You nod your head, tearing your gaze away from the girl. Cheeks blazing from the unwanted attention. Suddenly the floor has captured all of your attention with the way you stared down at it.
“MJ, Y/N had quite the fall on her way into the office this morning. If anyone calls wondering where I am tell them that Y/N and I are in a meeting,”
“Will do, Ms. Maximoff. Is there anything I can get for you?”
“I’ll have my usual, Y/N?” Wanda looks down at you expectantly. She gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“B-black coffee please,” Your voice sounds small, and you grimace at your nervous stutter. It reminds you of all the times your father forced you to order my own food at a restaurant. Claiming that a stutter would resolve itself if you could only “gain a fucking backbone.” You divert your gaze to the floor again, studying the patterns in the linoleum tile.
“And a bottle of water for Y/N. Her water bottle appears to have gone missing,” Heart springing to life in your chest at the small detail that Wanda noticed. Wanda opens the door to her office, and ushers you inside with a delicate hand on the small of your back.
You had been inside Wanda’s office before, briefly, the day Natasha hired you. Natasha sat opposite of you at Wanda’s desk. Since Natasha primarily worked remote, and when she came into the office she would work in Wanda’s office. Her wife didn’t seem to mind. You think back to that day as you sit on the sofa in Wanda’s large office. The room is spotless, and filled with plants. Wanda sat down across from you, perched on the coffee table. She opens the medium sized first aid kit, and pulls out bandages and antiseptic. At this point the blood in your mouth had stopped flowing, but the bitter taste lingered.
“I can do this. I-I’m sorry. You probably have so much to do, and I am just eating up your time.” You reach forward to take the first aid kit from Wanda’s lap. Her hands still, and she tilts her head with a smile on her face as she looks up at you.
“Y/N if you apologize to me one more time,” Wanda warns with a stern tone, her Sokovian accent leaking through. Your mouth snaps shut. Wanda hums approvingly, and reaches for your hand, flipping it palm up. She rests your hand gently in her lap, and begins to dab antiseptic over the scrape. It burns, and you suck in air between gritted teeth.
“Now, tell me,” She says as she puts antibiotic ointment over a bandage, “Is there a reason that you are late again?” She smoothes the bandage over the wound. Her thumbs smooth the sealant of the bandage. You purse your lips, trying to think of the right words. Shame flooding your thoughts. She notices you hesitating, and squeezes your knee with her free hand.
“You are not in trouble, Y/N. You can tell me,” Her voice is sweet, and her gaze bores into yours. Taking a deep breath, mustering up the courage to tell Wanda your reasoning.
“I don’t have a car and I live in the city so the train runs late most of the time.” The words began to rush out of you, “And I know, I know! I could learn to drive, but I live alone and don’t have anyone to teach me, and cars are expensive, and…” Your voice comes out high pitched and nearly frantic. You feel your blush deepen as you sit there not wanting to admit a deep rooted fear of driving to your boss. Wanda rubs small circles into your knee with her thumb, it’s reassuring.
“And?” She urges you to go on, your eyes meeting again.
“I’m scared to drive,”You whisper, hanging your head, looking anywhere but her eyes. You can feel her gaze burning into you.
“That’s a valid fear, sweetheart. Many people have a fear of driving. There’s no need to be embarrassed.” You think she can tell that you desperately want her to drop the subject. In that moment there was nothing more that you wanted than the floor to open and swallow you whole. The vulnerability left you feeling weak. Wanda opens her mouth to say more, but a knock on the door interrupts her. Mentally you thank the universe for the interruption.
“Ms. Maximoff, I have yours and Y/N’s drinks.” MJ’s voice announces on the other side of the office door. Wanda finishes up your other hand, and says
“Come in MJ,” Wanda’s voice is lighthearted. Wanda pushes down on her knees as she stands up. MJ enters Wanda’s office, placing the tray on the coffee table.
“Your hands look much better, Y/N!” She smiles at you kindly. You delicately smile, and motioned to Wanda,
“Who knew Ms. Maximoff was a business woman AND a nurse,” you giggle, and MJ joined in. You mentally take note that you should ask MJ to grab a drink sometime. God knows did you need more friends. You and MJ smile at each other as Wanda rolls her eyes.
“Please- I’ve always wanted to be a mother,” She brushes her long strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, “Just have that instinct I guess,” Your breath hitches as she smiles at you again, her nose scrunching the way it does which tells you she means it. MJ agrees before turning to Wanda,
“Ms. Romanov just called, and she is on her way to the office. Shall I call the Italian place around the corner and reserve a table for you for lunch?” Wanda doesn’t hesitate before responding,
“Yes, please tell Dominic to reserve our usual table.” MJ nods her head, and exits the room without another word. Wanda opens the bottle of water on the tray, and hands it to you,
“Drink, honey. You lost quite a bit of blood.” Nodding you bring the bottle to your lips, and take a sip. The cool water sloshes around in your mouth, clearing out the residue of dried blood lingering on your taste buds.
“Very good, Y/N,” Wanda’s voice is gentle as she gets back to work preparing to clean your face. She brings a warm wet cloth to your chin, assuring that the wound is free of any bacteria. Wanda’s closeness has your face burning. You hear every breath she takes with her face a couple of inches from your own. Wanda clearly does not mind the close proximity of your faces. Why would she be bothered? Like she said, she has a maternal instinct about her.
She is just helping you since you’re an employee, and she probably doesn’t want to get sued or something for falling on company property? You say to yourself over and over again.
“This is going to hurt again, be brave for me,” Wanda says with a softness that creates knots in your stomach. The antiseptic burns, and you wince again as Wanda dabs it onto the wound.
“More than halfway there, sweetheart.”
She talks you through the process, as she grabs the final bandage from the coffee table. Like before she adds the antibiotic ointment to the bandage, and smoothes it against the wound on your chin. Wanda’s hands cradling your face. The coolness of her rings feels amazing against the heated flush of your face.
“There we go, all done!” She runs her thumb over your cheek bone, and smiles down at you, before adding, “You did so good for me,” Little does Wanda know that your stomach does a backflip at her words. You beam under her praise. Wanda hums and releases your face. Like in the elevator, the feeling of instant loss falls over you from the lack of her touch. Your body craves  her warmth. Were you really this touch starved that you would ache for your married bosses touch? Wanda pats your knee before walking over to her desk.
“Well I guess I should get to work, Thank you again Ms. Maximoff-” Wanda, who was thumbing through a stack of papers on her desk, looks at you. She cocks an eyebrow.
“Wanda, Y/N.” You swallow dryly. You’d lost count of how many times that you blushed in front of her today, praying that she mistook it for shyness.
“Wanda, thank you for everything, but I should be getting back down to my desk.” Wanda sets the stack of papers back down, and leans back against her own desk. She smiles, crossing her arms across her chest. You stand feeling her gaze on you again, hands behind your back in their usual position, fingers squeezing together.
“That won’t be necessary. I am ordering a car to take you home. Your assignment today will be to rest. Go home, read a book, take a nap, take a walk in the sunshine, and return back here, to my office at 9am for your next assignment.” You can not comprehend what she is saying. Take the rest of the day off? That might be all well and good for someone that could afford groceries, but you lived off of Instant Noodles and Peanut Butter toast.
“Wanda, I really need to work. I desperately need the money. I-” She cuts you off with the stern tilt of her head, before she continues,
“As far as anyone is concerned, you were here today. You were running errands for me, and I will see to it that Mr. Rogers knows that you work directly for me now.” Her eyes remained on you,  cocking another eyebrow, as if to say, ‘ Is that understood ?’ You nod your head, indicating that, yes you understood. Her words were loud and clear. Yes you would work for her, and yes you would go home, go for a walk, take a nap, and return back to her well rested. Wanda’s stern expression melts into a more gentle one.
“Good girl, now have a seat while I call you a car,” Without another word you sit back down on the couch, and pull out your phone. Scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. Trying to desperately distract yourself from the woman across the room. Wanda calls the car, and when it arrives she helps you put your backpack on. Before you go you turn to thank her for all of her help today, but the words don’t find your lips. Her hands begin to fiddle with the straps of your backpack. The sagging pressure of your belongings lifts. Instantly you feel the digging of the straps on your shoulders lessen. You breathe a sigh of relief.
“There you go, that’s been driving me nuts. We can’t have you throwing out your back now can we?” Wanda giggles before spinning you around guiding you to the door. She opens it for you. Your voice finally finds your lips again.
“Wanda, I just wanted to Thank y-” She doesn’t let you finish the sentence.
“Get home safe, Y/N. Remember the assignment I gave you. I expect to hear all about it tomorrow,” She winks, and her door closes. You stand there like a deer in headlights. You are pretty sure you stand there for a solid minute before your brain catches up again. MJ giggles from her desk.
“She is really something,” Your voice is strained. MJ cracks up, nearly doubling over in her chair. She looks up at you, giving you a wink.
“Whatever that something is, I think you like it,” You roll your eyes with a smile, secretly agreeing with her.
“See you tomorrow,” You throw her the peace sign before hitting the button for the elevator.
“Bright and Early!” MJ nearly shouts as the doors open. You step inside, and the doors close.
“Bright and Early,” You say to yourself as the elevator brings you down to the car Wanda ordered for you. Your fingers run up and down the straps of your backpack. The way her fingers adjusted the straps replaying in your mind.
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yamahex · 2 years
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Summary: You and Jack have some fun at a Halloween party.
Content Warning: 17+ Smut/ Mature Themes THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION
Pairing: Jack x Female Reader
A/N: This does include the reader in a sexy nun costume and Jack in a priest costume, which is all for the purpose of the plot. So if you’re serious about religion feel free to skip this. Also I kinda based off that Megan fox and MGK pic but that’s besides the point. Sorry I tried to get it up before 12 but shit happens.
Jack watched from the bathroom doorway as you finished applying your makeup. His eyes raked over your body and the tight costume that hugged against it. He pushed up his glasses (which you convinced him to wear) then made eye contact with you in the mirror.
“Ready babe?”
You turned around with an excited expression on your face and your hands moved to flatten out the costume.
Jack actually wanted to match this year so the two of you agreed on being a priest and a nun, despite the potential controversy. Plus it gave you an excuse to be slutty, which is truly what Halloween is about.
You looked at him in his black shirt and dress pants. On his neck hung a cross and in the collar of the shirt was the signature white piece. Your eyes widened at the way his biceps partly strained against the sleeves of his shirt. He looked so damn fine.
“Damn Jack, I’m gonna have to go into confession after seeing you in this.” He chuckled and walked up to you. His hands made a cross over your forehead.
“You forget your place, sister.”
Your head lowered in submissiveness.
“Forgive me father.”
The two of you shared a laugh before a smirk appeared on his face.
“Don’t forget-“ Your attention turned to his hand which held a tiny remote. “I’m controlling you tonight.”
His finger pressed the button sending a high vibration straight to your core, causing you to grip on to the counter.
“Fuck.” The vibrations caused your breath to stagger and your lip to find its place between your teeth.
After a couple more seconds he turned it off and allowed you to compose yourself, although you knew the rest of the night he wouldn’t be so nice.
At The Party
The moment the two of you walked in, all eyes were on you. The room soon filled with oo’s and claps of approval, for managing to be the hottest couple in the room. Before you were able to walk away Jack grabbed your arm and pulled you back. He leaned down and whispered into your ear.
“Don’t disappoint me tonight.”
He pulled back then made his way through the venue. You straightened out the latex outfit and began to follow. The two of you walked up PG who happened to be talking to a few ladies.
Urban chuckled at the sight of you two.
“Well if it isn’t Father Harlow and Sister L/N, aren’t you two looking holy tonight?”
You placed your hand together as a sign of prayer.
“Bless your heart, Mr. Wyatt.”
“I can assure you, we’ll be acting anything but holy tonight.” Jack laughed to himself as his fingers pressed on the remote in his pocket.
The feeling caused your body to jolt but you quickly stood up straight, trying to fix it.
“You good Y/N?” 2fo asked in concern.
“She’s good.” Jack held you by your waist as the vibrations continued. He let go on for another minute before stopping you from cumming. You sighed out in frustration which earned a chuckle from him. He once again bent down to be leveled with your ear.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy did you?” Your breath staggered while you tried to ground yourself.
Throughout the night he taunted you with that damn toy, denying your orgasm time after time. The latest break he allowed was soon cut short when the vibrations kicked back on. At this point you were so sensitive that it wouldn’t take much to drive you over the edge.
“Come on baby, let’s get you a drink.” Jack grabbed your hand softly and you sighed in annoyance.
Trying your best to walk normally you soon noticed that Jack had passed the drink table. Instead you were being pulled to what seemed to be a random guest room.
After gently pushing your trembling body inside Jack closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it.
“J-Jack, I can’t take it anymore.” Your thighs were clenched as you tried to push away your approaching orgasm.
“I think it’s time you repent, baby.” Jack made his way to the ottoman in front of the bed, sitting down while eyeing your distressed frame.
His hands moved to undo the buckle on his pants then turned off the vibrator. Your chest quickly moved up and down.
“God, Jack!” You whined in impatience.
“The blasphemous tongue of yours should be put to better use. On your knees for me, pretty girl.”
You immediately obliged him, sinking down to your knees while looking up at him with needy eyes. His eyes looked down, pointing you in the direction where you needed to be.
You quickly pulled him out of his boxers and wrapped your mouth around him, causing him to groan. One of his hands made its way into your hair and slowly pushed you down his length while the other turned on the vibrator again. The sudden vibration made you moan against him.
“Fuck, babe you’re such a needy slut. You like me having control over your body all night?” You nodded against him as your tongue continued to move around him.
He could tell from the sound of your whimpers that you were close and he wasn’t to far behind.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, baby.” You felt yourself clench against the toy and Jack’s grip on your hair tighten as he came. He pulled you off of his dick which allowed some of the thick ropes to cover your face.
With the two of you breathless he looked down at you with a smirk on his lips. His thumb stroked your cheek lovingly, then gathered some of the thick substance upon it. You then felt him draw a cross with his cum on your forehead.
“Absolutely Fucking Sinful.”
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
I'm so sick of this. Trans men could be fucking like "lets have a discussion about unsavory attitudes or actions within queer communities when it comes to gender" and a bunch of fucking people INCLUDING OTHER TRANS MASCS are like "wooooooow cant believe youre attacking TRANS WOMEN like that this is obviously bigotry. after all theyve been through?? I am going to assume this mild criticism is about trans women (which you never said it was at all even once) and THEN tell you that because transphobia exists any disagreement with a trans woman means you want her to be HARASSED. I can't believe you think harassment is okay. also even though trans women are poor victims (I am speaking on behalf of all trans women) who you arent allowed say anything in opposition to (I think trans women are defenseless and attack people based on the idea that any criticism is trying to ruin their lives) (don't you know its impossible for a trans woman to ever be treated with respect or have a good life ever and in fact they are all doomed to being treated horribly?) (this is me HELPING trans women by the way I'm an ALLY) and trans men are the problem and somehow even though we're all in the same community Poor Trans Women are so oppressed they would be RUINED by disagreements (I am speaking on behalf of every trans woman and I know not a single one wants to have an interesting discussion about oppression or gender) this is me being an ally btw I could never be transmisogynistic by talking like this. also somehow transphobes check what type of trans you are, if youre a trans woman they hate you and if youre a trans man they say "yay you're a man" and treat you wonderfully because if youre a man youre always treated well no matter what other types of oppression you might face I think of this as being progressive.
Sorry for the long rant(?) I have a lot of thoughts. In summary: some people see themselves as such trans woman defenders that they a hundred percent loop around to infantilising them by implying its too hurtful to have a conversation. I've seen this exact type of behaviour as a trans man when it comes to misgendering. someone slips up and instead of being like "oops I mean he" they go some equivalent of "oh my gosh im sooooo sorry i cant believe I did that to you you probably feel miserable have I ruined your day oh my goodness dont cry ill make it up to you I know you have now become an emotional wreck from the horrible thing I did to you im sorry im sorry im sorry I just need to make sure everybody can hear how HURT you are by one misgendering" this is an example of how "being an ally" loops around to calling you fragile and a literal baby. They make it worse even though theyre "on your side" by implying you cant handle anything and they have to "fix it" because you just would collapse immediately at something maybe affecting you.
On the one hand, I understand where a lot of this is coming from. Trans women do get harassment campaigns started against them for small issues. It’s best not to resolve real problems with specific transfems in a public forum. So many have described the feeling of transmisogynistic hypervisibility as a panopticon and that very much applies in these discussions.
But trans women also aren’t made of glass. And they aren’t immune from making mistakes and causing harm. Making posts that contradict some trans women’s understandings of transmasc oppression is not transmisogyny. Pointing out that something they said or did was hurtful or transphobic is not transmisogyny. People act like this is how you treat trans women with respect and it’s very much not. This is not being “normal” about trans women. They are human beings who yes need some extra care and protection but are also capable of talking things out instead of collapsing into dust at the first sign of criticism. I know not all trans women like being treated this way in the slightest. I hope we’ll be able to find ways in the community to still uplift their voices and mitigate harm done to them without putting them on a high pedestal or shielding them from all criticism and intracommunity discussion that does not go their way.
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loadednachosao3 · 4 months
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what I make is WILDLY inconsistent from month to month, which is inconvenient, so it needs to be planned around. I could make $600 or $8k depending on the customers, my health, whether or not I made any content for passive sales recently... my average when you take into account my best customer is about $200/hr, but if I were to just talk to a rando on the phone instead of fucking around with my whale, my rate has me earning about $120/hr. that doesn't include anything extra, like tributes (tips, basically), content buys, or things like that.
that also doesn't mean I WILL make that much just by being signed on. I could wait for hours for a 2-minute call, or I could talk for 3 hours to the same guy and rake in bank. it all depends.
for me, with the niches I've picked, it comes pretty naturally. I've always been a very sexual person, so this career progression wasn't too difficult for me! the hardest part is making sure at the start to learn all the common scams so you can stop yourself from falling for them.
and BOUNDARIES! especially for people who have been socialized not to "rock the boat," it can be difficult to enforce them at first. but you need to be able to do that in this business! even if you market as submissive, stand firm!
but as far as the actual work goes... some guys are more difficult than others because their kinks aren't as familiar to me, or they're really picky, or I need to be tuned the fuck in the entire time... usually though, it's a lot of being mean, laughing at their tiny dicks, and taunting them with my body, which is easy peasy by now!
ok, I guess I lied a bit... when you're independent, there's also the matter of things like marketing, graphic design, audiovisual editing... the clerical work is a SLOG! so be aware if you try to go into it that that's what you're in for. it's a job like any other, so it's not a total breeze!
TAXES TOO!! you have to do them on your own, or get a sex worker-friendly accountant (lots will turn you down if you do 18+ work). so set aside 30% for that (or however much for your area)!
as for its similarities to 1-800-SALAMANCA, I actually based a lot of the content off of my real experiences! I modeled early Nacho off of some of my most annoying customers, lmao. the stubbornness, the hanging up without saying bye, the "you're the Dom, aren't you supposed to tell me my own kinks without me giving you any info???" bullshit, deleting and remaking the account... a little bit of a vent story there, LOL!
now, I don't have as glamorous a career as Lalo, nor do I have nearly as many finsubs. but I've done my fair share of findom before, so Lalo's personality is sort of a mixture of my persona and how I'd imagine him as a character to act! also, the site they use is named the way it is because it's a parody of the site I mainly work on, lmao. but with improved functionality.
I got into it because I had health issues that caused me to quit my vanilla job. I tried to be a freelance writer for a while... what a mistake! I should have gotten right into sex work, then maybe I wouldn't have had to piss through all my savings. I just figured, I like sex, camgirls make money, I'm hot... why not?
alas, camming was a LOT more work than I was expecting, especially with a physical disability! I found out through camming that phone sex was still a thing, and got into that instead. whew! much better! I also create content to sell on several sites. that's good for passive income, which is great on bad days!
as for whether I'd recommend it... I'd say yes, but with caveats. you have to be a certain type of person: firm with boundaries, decently creative, strong stomach, resilient to negative comments and insults directed toward both your body and personality, strong sense of marketing and design (or willing to learn), and the drive to keep going even when it's slow.
what you do NOT have to be: conventionally attractive, allosexual, a nymphomaniac, non-monogamous, white, skinny, cis, big-boobed, attracted to men, completely confident with your body, a total master of everything, into every kink. of course, having some or all of these things will certainly help you (hello privilege), but ANYONE of any sex, gender, color or creed can do this! trust me: there are men attracted to EVERY type of person. and they WILL pay to get what they want (your attention/content).
so I'd say go for it if you think you'd like it, but DO. YOUR. RESEARCH. FIRST! lots of it! you're NOT going to make it big selling feet pics on onlyfans as a total newbie. you CAN make a decent (or amazing) living off of it if you have dedication, creativity, patience, and time, though!
thanks for the thorough questions! let me know if you guys have more!
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bitebitesnap · 1 year
Time Skip (Time Patroller!Vegeta/Reader)
AN: I hate this! Very much! It's not my best and I know it, but I reallly wanted to write this silly idea with Vegeta and tbh, I think I made it more complicated than it needed to be. I'm not sure how well I managed to get his personality down and make Reader interesting so please be nice to me-
Pairings: Vegeta/Reader, Goku/Reader and Trunks/Reader suggested
“Hm. And you’re sure of this?”
“Yep. Seems like Fu’s been really active lately.” You take a sip, exhaling warmth, “The later quadrant of the 3rd dynasty has been in a wreck. The Namekians tried their best to remove the problems caused by suddenly having to deal with a wartorn Saiyan instead of the usual overgrown frog monster.”
Vegeta hummed, eyes closed in thought. The cup in his hand steamed softly, light blue glass tapping under a finger. His eyes were closed in silent bliss as he brought the warm drink to his lips, “You’d think he’d get over this ridiculous stretch for power. Surely after all his stunts he’s regained enough of himself to be content after the mockery we made of him.”
You shrugged, “Well maybe he just wants to kick your asses sooner.” His bitter grunt went ignored, “Speaking of,” The red cup was set down onto its plate, “Is Goku going to come back anytime soon? I’ve been wondering about that for the past hour now.” He could feel the weight of those curious eyes falling upon him in a familiar leer. The urge to scoff was pushed down-did you think so low of the idiot already? 
Vegeta sighed through his nose, “The idiot is out on another solo mission. Some bullshit involving Earth this time, Fu seems to have thoroughly pissed him off by removing some important events and resetting triggers again.” A light twitch to his brow belayed his suppressed irritation, but the glass in hand barely rippled. It would be unlike him to let a perfectly good drink go to waste.
The brow raise at his statement was palpable, “Really? What kind of events?” The table rocked just so when you stood. Clearly the buffoon screwed something up in the base again–probably from fucking you too hard on it, again. Which he would have to repair. Again. 
He was quickly tiring of cleaning the moron's mess.
Instead, he focused on his drink, delightfully warm in his grasp. A special blend, made from a hybrid of earl grey and some similar variant from planet Vegeta he had swiped the seeds of during his last visit. Though unfortunately it was very bitter on it’s own, something even the prince admitted was not very pleasant. But adding a few of the more passive leaves from Earth seemed to be enough to drop the acidity, making a near spicy tingle to an otherwise placid delight.
“The one involving that woman he met as a cub.”
All movement paused on your end of the table, halfway between grabbing your dishes. His senses ticked on the curl to your energy that belated the little sneer you'd make whenever you heard something unsavory. The dishware clinked softly as he set the empty cup down, the little saucer being pushed aside.
“...Chi-Chi?” Your voice was soft, he noted. Quieter than your normal bite, “...What did he do to her?” Though you tried–for which he would commend–there was still a wavering note to your voice. A sign of what to come if he spoke the wrong words; sadly, it was all he had for tonight.
“..She was killed. Found dead by the boy version of himself before he could ever know her.” His arms, sleeveless in his blue one piece undersuit, crossed over his firm chest with a finger tapping at his bicep, “It appears he had found her too late and the reptoid chasing her caught up. No doubt because of that twisted imp Fu’s meddling.”
Finally he let his eyes open. A glance towards the woman worthy of being his mate told him all he needed to know.
You were not his former wife. His wife would have been calculating strategies the moment the words left his lips. Her blue eyes would shine with the deep intelligence he’d fallen for, the respect he bore proudly on his breast shining through his own as she dug deep into her mind at possible retribution for such actions and ways to rectify everything back to normal.
It was hours like these where he was consistently reminded of the differences. His old mate was fire incarnate, bursting into a roaring blaze at the sound of any insolence. She would immediately launch into tirades of the bastard’s tyranny and how she’d give him a piece of her mind-something that commonly led to more romps in the bedroom than he could count.
Yet, while you bore the same intense fire and will Bulma had, your reactions differed vastly.
 Tonight you were silent. Your eyes, so unlike his old mate’s, stared at the cold stone with a hard glare as if you intended to break it. If given the power he wouldn't be surprised if you did. Though he could see through the farce you had laid--behind the presented anger on your face the vapidness he’d only seen on planets he conquered centuries ago stalwartly remained. A gaze warriors make when presented with an unwinnable scenario yet refusing to surrender.
He knew you wouldn't admit it, but you were about to cry. He commended you for trying but the salt twisting in your scent gave her away. 
A brow of his own raised, “Woman-”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, grabbing his cup and heading to the kitchen, “I know he gets emotional about it. I’ll keep some leftovers in the fridge for his stupid ass when he gets home.” The bite in your words was twice as venomous than a stake to the heart. Fury barely suppressed stoked the flames of your ki and he curled his lip at it stabbing into his own.
Of course you’d gone from upset to angry, like all the times before whenever one of them acted like an idiot. If you were a Saiyan he’d be more than aroused by your rage–and he had been many times–but the reason behind your ire was a bucket of ice water to any fire in his loins.
The topic of their former wives was delicate. You’d accepted it was their past, part of them to the core-it wasn’t like you were going to reject their offerings after all this time. But he knew the topic itself was still difficult to cover. You’d been told how long they’d been married and mated. The loss had been devastating- one of the many reasons you’d been their choice next was related to the intense pain both elder Saiyans had felt. To know that one of your mates was reliving the grief had to be an immense weight on your shoulders. Coupled with the insecurity you were undoubtedly revisiting, he knew you were in turmoil. 
Though he could not help the twist in his gut at having to address the issue once more. A bitter coldness dripped into his ribs, the resentment palpable but contained. You were, at your own core, still human. The frailty you fought hard to hide would still find ways to break through regardless of the power shared between you and them. He turned the irritation inward at his own ridiculous response–he could not expect you to be as complacent as a normal Saiyan. 
Though it didn't stop it from being annoying.
Silently he stood up. The chair was scooted back against the table, cup abandoned for now as he entered the kitchen, arms crossed firmly over his chest. Those angry eyes that could rake gooseflesh over his skin were focused intently on the dishes clattering within the sink. The rag squelched soapy suds across the glassware in your irate scrubbing, as if you could scratch out the feelings within. You were completely involved in the task, which left you wide open.
You yelped when your feet were swept out from beneath you, “Vegeta what-!?”
“Quiet, woman.” Firm, muscled arms braced underneath your back and knees as you were hoisted up against his broad chest. The awkward dangle of your long legs and shoulder nearly being shoved into his cheek went ignored as always as he turned away from the sink.
He could feel your confused glare burning into his cheek while he trudged out of the kitchen. Your legs dangled over his arm, back in an awkward angle from his hold. The bemusement seeping from your gaze raised his hackles when he had to scrunch your body together just to squeeze out of the doorframe in the dining room to the living room and it took tremendous effort not to glare in your direction. Instead he dropped onto the couch, cradling his mate in his lap.
Even at this angle you were still so much larger. An eyebrow twitched when his shoulder propped up your bicep, your knees squished up on the other side of his chest in a familiar crushed carry. And yet he could feel you were so very small right now as he held your in his grasp. He could hear how your heart thrummed like a bird in a cage, held back by the irritated glare you leveled at him
“Vegeta what are you doing.” It wasn’t a question. You stated what you wanted, a fact he found incredibly attractive even with your current state. He knew you were upset, both at his actions and the situation you’d found yourself in, but he;d be damned if he didn’t remedy the clear mistake in your logic.
"I know you're overthinking again." You fell silent, no doubt staring at him in mute shock, "You're second guessing Kakarot's bond to you. You're thinking about how he doesn't respond with the same anger whenever you are in danger, and maybe you've even got the insane idea that he would return to the woman of his past." A soft swallow bobbed in your throat. The sound drew him to glance at you, tracing the downward path of your soft skin from the corner of his eyes. Tense as a drum, a frustrated frown on your lips.
"Well I'm going to tell you to get over yourself. The fact you have such little faith in his bond to you is unacceptable, even if he is an idiot. He spent decades on his own grieving the loss of his first mate. It was damn near pathetic how inconsolable the bastard was, always lamenting what he lost and giving me a headache even when he understood I was going through the same." His eyes closed as he glanced away. Remembering the burning pain never ending in his ribs, the encroaching darkness that remained at the edge of his consciousness. It was maddening how close he'd come to reverting to his old ways just to bury his feelings deep until he was nothing but a ball of rage again.
Yet he held firm, glaring holes into the far wall, "And then he found you. And he refused to shut up about it. He prattled on about your face, your voice, not even your name was spared as he made a fool out of himself. He could barely focus during training and got plenty of what he deserved when he allowed his thoughts to drift to you." The prince scoffed, "Even Trunks could see the obsession festering in that idiot long before he could admit it to himself. It was as humiliating to watch as it was to hear."
Finally he set his narrowed gaze to yours, "If you honestly believe he would leave you to return to his old life, after all the blood and pain we've gone through to make you ours, then you're sorely mistaken. And I do not want my mate to be so weak as to have waning faith in her mates."
You were staring at him. The irritation was still present in your eyes but had lost much of it;s intensity. A cute flush began to decorate your cheeks, but it was ruined by the all too familiar struggle of you trying not to laugh. Indignant by your amusement he glared harder, to which you snorted outright.
"You're terrible at making people feel better, aren't you." Your snickering made him huff and look away annoyed, "Don’t be like that, it was cute.” A low growl, “Alright, handsome. You're very handsome when you try." His obstinance weakened when you drew him back with your fingertips on his jaw, kissing his cheek. Had he been a weaker man he would have blushed harder, "Although I didn’t expect you to defend Goku of all people. Are you starting to go soft on him now?"
A snort had him rolling his eyes, "Of course not. I don’t play favorites, especially with Kakarot. It’s just insulting that you think so little of his attachment to you as if he would return to his old life like a cowering dog. And I will not stand to have our Saiyan ways defiled by your ignorance." Now he was letting her go in favor of crossing his arms, refusing to look at her. 
It was your turn to roll your eyes, "Fine, I'm sorry alright. You're right, I was overthinking." You waved at his glare while sliding off his lap to the cushion next to him. Your hands busied themselves by straightening the rolled up sleeves of your sweater back down over your wrists while he clicked his tongue at you.
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to him. It was his bond you insulted, not mine." With a nod to the closed door he settled into the couch more comfortably. You glanced at him when his arm found it;s way over your shoulders and hauled you into his side, "But I doubt he will be back anytime soon, so get comfortable."
You sighed, “Fine, I’ll just find something to do until then.” With a brief peck to his jaw you made to get up but instead, found you couldn't. A few tugs on his grip proved it sturdy and your wide eyes found his, "Wait, are you going to hold me until he gets back?" Another, harder pull did not change his hold, the beginnings of a smirk tugging the edge of his lips. You faced him with a glare, "Vegeta, I can’t sit here all night."
He raised an elegant brow, unphased, "And why is that? Tell me, is it because you neglected to finish the cleaning you set out to do this morning and have been reduced to doing it late at night." When you failed to answer, indignant rage immediate on your face, he smirked, "Of course you did, lazy woman. You just sat around like a princess waiting to be serviced didn't you? Expecting me or Kakarot to help you through them, I assume?"
Your pout was at full force, "Kind of, yeah. But let me guess, his royal shortness wasn't going to, was he."
His brow twitched but his smug grin remained, "Not even being my mate will spare you from your own incompetence." A devious chuckle answered your miserable groan.
"I know Goku will." The bite punctuated you turning away with your nose in the air. A desperate attempt to gain ground in the argument.
"You could ask Kakarot to rearrange the planets and he would do it for you." He dismissed the thought with a wave of his free hand, reclining back into the couch. Checkmate.
You leveled an unimpressed raise of your brow at him, "You say that like you wouldn't." Unexpected play, but he could retaliate still.
Just as uninterested his gaze lazily flowed towards your lips and back, "As an action to prove my loyalty to you, I would go to any limit. Even bringing the head of that Fu bastard to your feet if you desired." Ground reclaimed, checkmate.
You cringed, "Gross, no. That's Hell to get out of the carpet." Of course you weren;t the same level of tactician as he, but you were much wiser in knowing when to forfeit before the combat became too much. 
He shared a soft chuckle with you in place of verbal sparring, exhilarating as it was. The tension had ebbed out of the air, a peaceful silence falling into the room. He could turn on the TV, since the remote was sitting on the coffee table mere feet away, but he was comfortable as he was. His mate was leaning into his side, pacified once more and his son and Kakarot were nowhere to be seen for the next few hours. He had you all to himself for the foreseeable future, but all he wanted was to remain as he was with you in his grasp.
A soft kiss to his cheek made him grunt, "Thank you, though. For trying to make me feel better." You grinned at him from above, your head nestled down into his shoulder.
He stubbornly ignored the warmth on his cheeks as he let the traces of a smile grace his face. Instead he pressed you even closer in an attempt to drown out the thundering beat of his heart in his ears.
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freebooter4ever · 8 months
Hi I wonder
If/when you finish Geno’s sculpture will you be able to program it to move? Like animation?
I’m not familiar with 3d modeling
this is a very good question, actually! cause the easy answer is yes, absolutely. the more complicated answer is that the topology i've modeled is optimized for sculpture rather than animation, so to turn it into an animated character and get clean movement i would have to make some modifications around the sections that deform the most (shoulders, elbows, knees, etc). brief lunchtime course in topology under the cut :)
the topology or 'wireframe' of a character represents the polygons. and each polygon is defined by vertices which are the actual coordinates stored in the computer that tells it to render these objects!
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on the left is the sculpt that im working on, and on the right is the 'smoothed' version where the computer calculates a curved spline between points instead of a flat polygon (with certain specific case like where i've told it to 'crease' edges which will keep the sharp polygon line).
My goal in this sculpt (like the skate and the helmet and the gear) was to keep polycount as low as possible to give myself the cleanest lines in a way similar to how i process drawings. This means i have large shapes with as few polygons as i can get away with, so there's certain areas that have very very few polygons entirely. The biggest example of this is the back and the shoulder/arm connection:
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if i were topologizing this for animation the 'wireframe' lines would be concentrated where deformation happens. So when I raise the arm the shoulder would have enough geo to stay defined and smooth instead of stretching. right now if i bent his elbow it would cause this problem. luckily, im only planning to bend his elbow for a few poses in a final sculpt - so when i finish with the pose i will go back in and add whatever extra geo is necessary.
anyway the purpose of my sculpting with as little polygons as i can is to keep the silhouette as well as keeping it as clean as possible so that it'll look good in toon shaders. (you can see the 'active points' is under 4k' in the corner there)
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the best example i have of this is the face which is absolutely not done so dont judge me but its finally at a point where it doesnt look too terrifying:
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on the right is the quick sculpt i did just to get a feel for his face in 3D - this was done with clay sculpting and you can see even though i used the hard surface brush its made up of millions of little vertices so doesn't have that 'clean' look. the goal is to make the gray spaces between as flat as possible to make that toon 2D look in 3D. :)
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my face topology is based off which lines i want to 'show' as my 'drawing' lines and wouldn't necessarily result in good animation. geno's lips are driving me crazy - i have so many photos and still they aren't good enough. there's that bow shape on his bottom lip that i'm trying to recreate in geo and its slow going. i take a break from whatever apps or shit im working on, tinker with his lip shape for a half hour, and then go back to working lol.
here's an example of a hard surface object which doesn't deform (because if a helmet squishes thats....thats probably a very bad sign for the player) and so can be as high res as i want it to be to get the level of detail i want:
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why am i doing all this? i dunno im crazy. sometime in october a character artist from a big name studio told me my portfolio needed to reflect their 'style' more if i wanted to be hired there and my reaction was well fuck this im figuring out what my OWN style looks like in 3D. probably not the smartest career move. (ive spent 10 years in this industry and i have been a chameleon the entire time blending into everyone else's style. if im spending my own money on this i want it to be mine)
but, going back to the original question, my vision back in october was a beauty sculpt of geno in some action shot - on the ice with the puck or celly. and the sculpt would be crisp and clean and lit with sharp angular lights like how i draw (getting his cheekbone right is a must and makes me cry). and on a turntable. so thats the goal, no animation necessary, and its looking like i might get there in the next month. :)
the, uh, torso sculpt is cause i want to do an extra pose of him looking sexy in his locker stall with his armor gear and shit (pants ON though, you can see i have not sculpted past the waist :P). thats just for me lmao.
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dark-falz · 1 year
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So instead of looking into the Falz seal I whipped up this Algolian seal but took an alchemic approach to it. Almost looks like an upside down Philosopher’s Stone. This was mostly free-handed in Photoshop if you can tell by the line width inconsistency, but it was much easier than on paper. The Marquee and I aren’t BFF’s as you can see my text is even a lil wonky, so I just draw a big dot then erase the middle with a slightly smaller dot!
I also stuck with the PSO font because I already write my magic in it so its fitting in all ways. Here’s a breakdown of it if you’re curious but I mostly just wanted to share the design cause it was fun to come up with :3 
This is a prosperity spell based on the middlemost circle of text. The outside circle reads “And why may you multiply this medicine”, the inner circle reads “So you have more than you need to spend”. These quotes are from George Ripley’s “The Twelve Gates” or “The compound of Alchemy” regarding the multiplication process in alchemy. Changing the outer circle of text would change the process, and changing the middle text would change its intent.
The planets chosen; Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury were picked in my best attempt to follow the “Body, Mind, Spirit” / “Salt, Mercury, Sulfur” concept in Alchemy, as well as best representing prosperity. The names of the Zodiac they rule over are across from them, where the photon blasts would go, followed by their symbols in the space below. I’m fortunate the planets I picked all ruled over 2 Zodiacs otherwise I’d have much more trouble writing this lol. In attempt to keep the rule of 3′s, I added the symbols for the metals/minerals in correlation with the Zodiacs and the planets that rule them. I did have to cheat a bit though. Non metals are present such as Salt and “Crystal”. I’ll get into the messy bit in a sec. Here’s the breakdown;
♃ Jupiter: Metal- Tin ♃ | Zodiacs- Sagittarius ♐︎, Pisces ♓︎ | Zodiac “Metals”- ♐︎ Salt 🜔 & Tin ♃ , ♓︎ Neptunium ♆ & Silca (used symbol for crystal which is n/a)
☿ Mercury: Metal- Mercury ☿  | Zodiacs- Gemini ♊︎, Virgo ♍︎ | Zodiac “Metals”- ♊︎ Brass(n/a) & Mercury ☿, ♍︎ Copper ♀ & Phosphorus (n/a)
♄ Saturn: Metals- Lead ♄, Iron ♂, Steel (n/a) | Mineral- Sulfur 🜍 | Zodiacs- Capricorn ♑︎, Aquarius ♒︎ | Zodiac Metal:- ♑︎ Platinum(n/a)
So with everything laid out, we can see Saturn has a few metals in association whereas Mercury and Jupiter only have 1 main one. So some things had to be filled in, where Saturn I had to pick and choose from.
With Jupiter’s lacking of fitting metals and minerals, since salt is a direct association with prosperity as is Jupiter, and a necessity in the formula, it got placed here. We also have Neptunium which I know completely different planet but is all Pisces had for me to work with. Silca is a mineral in association with Jupiter but there isn’t a symbol for that to my knowledge so I used “crystal” instead.
Mercury is as close to normal as it can get but prolly don’t fuck with actual phosphorus less you’re doing actual alchemy/chemistry, its there cause its a mineral directly linked with the planet Mercury and Mercury only has one obvious metal to it. (incorporate phosphate minerals, such as turquoise)
Saturn is a fucking mess and can be chaotic to work with. Fortunately it has a bunch of metals its associated with as do both Aquarius and Capricorn. So I picked and chose from what is most stable. Sulfur is thrown in to follow the formula and a mineral associated with Saturn.
The energies work as Jupiter generates, Mercury directs or “communicates”, Saturn contains, stabilizes and prolongs.
I’d also like to mention the alchemy processes the Zodiac signs represent;
♊︎  Fixation, ♍︎ Distillation, ♐︎ Ceration, ♑︎ Fermentation, ♒︎ Multiplication, ♓︎ Projection.
Briefing this from a non spiritual standpoint; Fixation: A liquid or gas to a solid. Distillation: To seperate & purify. Creation: Addition of water through absorption. Fermentation: To cook over time. Multiplication: To increase potency Projection: Transmute / Change anything into anything (ultimate goal) However we know alchemy is chemistry now, so most people of this era when talking about alchemy are talking about spiritual alchemy.
The symbols inside the 3 circles pointing at the planet symbols are the alchemy symbol for “essense”, the tridents coming off of the circles toward the text use the planets to create the alchemy symbol for “compose”. Here is my reference sheet of Alchemy symbols in PSO lettering, I circled the symbols used. (There are a variety of symbols for some of the same thing out there, this is what I’ve compiled so far with keeping the symbols simple)
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coltrainbat · 2 years
ok i have request where after Liam Hemsworth divorced with Miley Cyrus and news spread out about it. Liam was unhappy but glad he came back to his family. One day, he was invited to his highschool reunion in a local bar where he was reunited with his ex-girlfriend, reader.
A/N: OK THIS WAS MY SHIT! Thank you sooo much for this request. I have been obsessed this man since his Elephant Princess days (real ones know 😘) and its absolutely insane to me that I was flipping from Elephant Princess to Hannah Montana and never thought "Oh yeah these two will end up together." Anyways, I had this down to a T, cause southern hemisphere gal here. And because I may of gotten too into character I have provided a friendly dictionary below for clarity. ☺️
sook/having a sook: whingeing, complaining, having a tantrum but where you go all sad and sulky.
dickhead: term of endearment. Your bestmates are dickheads, you love them.
deck: Porch, veranda, that wooden flooring with no roof just outside the back of your house.
pub: bar but definitely not a club
the local: the pub, but your local pub where everyone goes. A single venue in a small town. Think Coyote Ugly...
Logies: The Australian Emmy's yet more chaotic, and an ugly little award.
Neighbours: Iconic Australian Show, like Days of Our Lives, super long and only your grandma watches it. Arguably better that American stuff though.
are just something else: A compliment, you're special.
Reckon: Like saying I think or I bet with confidence i.e. I reckon it'll rain today... ya reckon? Like saying you really think so.
Disclaimer: All characters and events written, even those based on real people are entirely fictional and are no representation or comment of said characters in real life.
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Liam signed switching off his phone once he landed at the airport. Ignoring the onslaught of texts and messages that arose from the TMZ article on his divorced. 
  It was never his plan to be 30, divorced and sulking back to his childhood home. Yet here he was. Craving a long hug from mum and an ice cold beer.
  “Welcome home honey”
  “Thanks mum”
 He pulled her into a tight hug making his way into the passenger seat.
  They drove in silence on the way, his head against the window looking at the familiar sights. His mum glanced worried looks at him 
  “Hey so Luke came over and told me you reunion is tomorrow night what good timing!”
  “Yeah, I know I got the email I’m not going.”
  “Why not?”
  “Because I’m 30 years old, the whole world knows about my divorce to a well-known former childhood star and my brother is fucking Thor” his snapped at her slightly at the end
  “Oh, stop being such a sook… you should go it’ll be good for you to reconnect with your roots, they always say when you don’t know which path to go down, go back to start and try again.”
  “I just don’t know if I’m up for it.”
  “You might change your mind when you know who’s going…”
  “Yeah whatever.” 
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Chris laid out on the deck, letting the Australian sun warm his body, in nothing but sunglasses and board shorts he was finally getting into the grove of relaxing until a sudden jerk of his deck chair meant he was hitting the ground.
  “Long time no see dickhead.”
  “Holy shit! Joel!”
  Joel was Liam’s best mate from high school.
  He pulled his old friend into a bro hug.
  “Heard from your bro you were back wanted to see it for myself… you haven’t gone all LA on us have ya?”
  “Nah I haven’t.”
  “Good cause you’re coming to the pub tonight.”
  “Is that where they’re having the reunion?”
  “Great detective skills Sherlock.”
  “Nah mate can’t we just hang out here.”
  “And drink wines on the couch with your mum while watching Neighbours? I think the fuck not. Come on you’re not too famous for the local.”
  “Fine. One beer though.”
  “Yeah, that’s what they all say.”
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  He grabbed his beer from the barman and made his way through the crowded pub, offering “Heys” and “Good to see you’s” until he landed in a quiet spot in the back. Sulking down with a sigh and sipped his beer, watching the scenes in front of him. 
  It was comforting to be home, familiar sights, faces and smells but couldn’t help the pit in his stomach of feeling like an outsider. 
  “Hey stranger.” You stood in front of your sulking ex-boyfriend, as his head rose at the sound your voice. 
  “Y/N, Hey, shit look at you!” Liam beamed when his eyes connected with yours, pulling him out of his haze. You couldn’t help but spot the hint of sadness on his face. 
  He couldn’t believe his eyes. You looked more beautiful since he last saw you, relaxed with your hair out, a little textured, clearly air dried after a late afternoon dip. Your skin pink from sun exposure, in its early stages of what was sure to develop into a tan. His eyes scanned over your body, the summery dress leaving little to the imagination, with your strong legs on full display and ample chest held together by a thin piece of string. 
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  “Same old me… move over” The large man scooted on the bench, opening the space for you to sit down, drink in hand. While it was a two-person bench, his sheer size left little space between the two of you, his knees touching yours. Moving his arm to drape across the back, he gave you a little more room but now you were borderline engulfed by his arm. A tinge of nostalgia hitting you remember the same position, lying down in bed, your body snuggled up into his warm armpit. 
  “What you been up to? Heard you got a job in the city.” 
  “Yeah, but unlike you I’m not too good to come home once in a while.” You took a swig of your drink, feeling a little tipsy at the familiar taste of alcohol. 
  “I’m here aren’t I?” He quipped at you. 
  “Barely. It’s not like you to sit in a corner and sook.” Reminiscing about all those nights, he spent singing on top of the tables in the very pub you sat talking in now. 
  “Fuck everyone’s been calling me a sook lately.”
  “Cause you’re acting like one… what’s got your panties in a bunch?”
  “Do you not get internet at your joint or something?”
  “No, I just don’t spend my days googling my high school ex. So, where’s Hannah Montana?”
  “In LA.”
  “Why? does she not like it here?”
  “No, I just didn’t think I’d take my ex-wife to my high school reunion.”
  “EX Wife?”
  “Since 3 days ago yeah.” He took another swig of beer.
  “Shit, Li I’m sorry.”
  “Nah it’s fine, it’s fucking whatever.”
  “Well, it’s not “whatever” you had a connection with someone, it hurts when you lose them. And nothing anyone says can really make the pain feel better.”
  “Is that how you felt when I went to LA?” A sudden tension fell over you two. How could he ask that?
  “Yep.” She popped the P. Avoiding his intense gaze on you. 
  “Well, you’re in a much better spot than me now.” He shuffled in his seat realising he hit a soft spot. 
  “Doesn’t mean the pain magically goes away.”
  “Are you still mad?”
  “Still mad? you told me you loved me and wanted to get an apartment together then we graduated, and you fucked off to LA. I’m not mad at all Liam, I’m hurt.”
  “I’m sorry it was selfish.”
  “Especially considering I would have gone with you if you just asked.”
  “No, you wouldn’t, you would of hated it.” He tsked. 
  “You don’t know that. And you will never know because you never asked. I loved you Li I would have followed you to Antarctica if that’s what you wanted. You were so passionate about acting I was so excited to see your dreams come through I just didn’t expect to be excluded from them.”
  “What do you think would have happened if I didn’t go?” He pushed.
  “We probably would have stayed together, brought a house on the beach, I’d be on my third baby by now and you’d keep doing local TV, maybe take me to the Logies hahaha.”
  “Why didn’t you call me?”
  “I did… like twice and your assistant would always answer and tell me you’re not taking personal calls at this time or some shit, when I saw you shacked up with Miss Best Of Both Worlds, I stopped.”
  “I wish you didn’t.”
  “Cause then maybe I wouldn’t be sooking here right now.”
  “Yeah, well too late for us to go over what we would have done differently.”
  You both sat silence letting the truth of your words sit in. 
  “Do you want to go for a walk on the beach?” He looked at you, eyebrow raised. 
  “Do you even remember the path?” You scoffed at him,
  “Of course, I do, the secret passage near Batty’s path… where we used to ya kno-”
  “OKAY I GET IT, good to see you haven’t forgotten everything, now come on.” You slapped his chest, jumping up out of the seat, Liam closely followed behind you. 
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  You walked in silence, listening the waves crash. His hands in his pockets and you holding your shoes and bag in the other. The sandy shore lit up by the moonlight, a light breeze in the air. 
  “I don’t think there’s such a thing as too late ya know.” He piped.
  “What you mean?”
  “Well, you reckon it’s too late for us but who’s to say it’s too late maybe it’s just the beginning.”
  “You’ve had too many drinks.” You laughed him off
  “No Y/N I’m serious.” He grabbed your wrist, stopping you along the shore. The tide coming as the water’s edge tickled your bare feet. 
  “Hearing you describe what could of been… honestly sounds pretty good right now. You think I’ve gone all too big for my boots, but this place is still home to me ya know… why do you think I came here when everything went to shit?” You looked up at him, barely making out his facial expression in the dark. From what you could see, he was a broken boy, he seemed wrecked, and you decided take his words seriously. 
  You sighed
  “Cause when you don’t know what to do you should turn around and go from where you started.” 
  “Exactly but I think I know what I want to do next”
  His hand, falling to your face, thumb rubbing your cheek, he leaned in and you breathe caught in your throat. Your body once a little chilly now warmed by the sensation of his mouth on yours. What started with a tender kiss turned into a deep passionate embrace. It was different to all those times before, mainly due to his now beard face rubbing against your skin and the reality that his kissing skills had definitely improved. 
  “Liam...” You pushed him off you, hands grazing the hair exposed on his unbuttoned chest, he felt firm and warm. Like the perfect mattress you could sleep peacefully on top of him.
  “What’s wrong?”
  “There’s no point, you’ll go back to your big city and forget about me all over again once you see some leggy model.”
  “Not happening.”
  “Doubt it.”
  “I didn’t get a return ticket Y/N.”
  “I’ve been looking at places, I’m here indefinitely.”
  “Well, that’s good but still doesn’t mean we are going to work.”
  “Can we at least try?”
  “So, you can break my heart a second time?”
  “I like to see it as giving me a very generous second chance to prove I made a mistake the first time.”
  “I don’t know Liam, its all ve-“
  He cut you off with his kiss, planting his lips on you a second time and this time you didn’t push him away. Your hands instinctively going to his now long locks, running your hands through the familiar boy now a man. Your mind rushed with memories of late nights sneaking out to go play on the beach, always ending up curled in a towel on the shore counting stars. You felt 18 all over again and the pain of loss slowly seeped away with him in your arms again.  
  You both pulled out, panting at the sudden passionate embrace.
  You licked your lips, biting slightly on your lower lip.
  “Kiss me one more time and I’ll see.” You grinned at him.
  “Fuck me you are just something else Y/N” He pulled you into his arms, you squealed as he took you running with him into the ocean. Dropping your bag and shoes before the sudden shock of cold saltwater hit you as you were thrown into the blue. Coming up for air, you stood waist deep in water, smoothing your now soaked hair back, you were met with a hysterically laughing Chris
  “You son of a-“ Swimming over to him, you immediately jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him down into the water with you. Making sure he was as equally saturated as you.
  He pulled you both out this time, you still firmly clinging onto him in the Koala position. Laughing you both passed, looking into each other’s eyes, you kissed his salty lips again as he held you against him in the water, under the moonlight. And in that moment, it felt like no time had passed at all. 
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
Okay i may be too active now despite me already wide awake, But i got no art to place here so i'll try my best ability to explain this submit in detail's...i hope🥲 but this is just another continuation to my silly and wild imagination :b
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hmm...look's this system is back online again...good... - from [REDACTED]
After a what felt like month's to the human's mind, they still hadn't seen stella come out of the forest and was a little mad at the alliance unit's from kicking someone that were nice and harmless
Not long ago, stella had made the human a makeshift necklace but the pendant was a daisy flower instead, and the human kept it every since, the human was not eating some of their food but still ate a good amount, hasn't slept after feeling like they were in a million nightmare's at the same time and all included stella dying and/or sacrificing herself so the human is safe in every nightmare
This cause a lot of unit's to be concered of their healt and mentality even the mimic trio and the mimic babies were worried for the human
But tonight, the human is gonna look for them after this info in a nightmare where stella actually didn't appear in
"So human...worried for losing a friend hmm? Its a shame your soul protector is kicked away~" cooed the monster mockingly "sweet ol' stella has failed to protect her new and last friend, its well...a shame she won't be alive to see you crying whenever you wake up in a dream!..go find her in the forest if ya' don't want to loose a friend now hmm? Ta-ta~" and the nightmare ended with the mocking monster biting their head off clean
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The human packed a coat ((the one that has fluff, the one used in france!)) a gun and a knife, the human is not taking any chance's going in that forest unarmed
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((Time skip cause fucking hell its a hellhole in that forest stella was in and its fucking long so i decided to short it out))
The human came back to the base in one piece with stella following behind them, stella was a little beaten up from a inside soul type of painful, since she can actually feel the pain whenever she goes into the human's numerous nightmare's and that leave's bloody marking's on that poor girl, all the human could do was to patch up those wound's
Stella then hugged the human, this is how stella say's thank as the human smiled and hugged them back, it was still midnight so everyone was still fast asleep...except for the mimic trio, the human is definitely gonna be overprotective for stella since they still hadn't forgiven the alliance unit's of kicking her out, when morning came, stella just held the human's hand as they felt scared to even interact with the other unit's now
Which made the human feel...well bad for stella, the human would give stella something to entertain herself while she placed her somewhere quiet and safe for her while they go and work, since the human is still trusting the alliance unit's and even the mimic's since their afraid they'll just secretly kicked her out, stella would also constantly and accidentally sleep every now and then
Which lead's to the human with a problem with that, stella has been avoiding to sleep while in the forest to continue protecting the human in their nightmare's, the human was confused and ask her why?
Stella signed "its because they can infect you or even corrupt you, so i took all the infection and corruption from their hit's, slashes and bite's so you wouldn't have to worry about being infected or corrupted" and the sign ended with stella tilting her head a little and smiling innocently and shyly like she was proud she protected the human and not even her own health, which made the human worried for her but decided to play it off and smiled, stella just wanted to see her friend smile despite her situation with her health
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I wanna see the alliance trio and the mimic trio ((+veteran)) to see the human being overprotective to stella who the human got back to base with at the middle of the night, this is all and bye!
Also if im bothering you, you can tell me okay
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excalculus · 2 years
Here we are, heading into another COVID winter.  The fucker’s still here and sadly we aren’t likely to get rid of it any time soon.  You kill diseases by cutting off transmission and slowly strangling them to death.  We tried that.  We locked down the whole world and it didn’t work.
I won’t deny that things look really ugly right now, especially with other respiratory diseases coming back.  But as the sequencing results keep coming in, it’s really starting to look like something incredible happened.
Sure, the lockdowns didn’t succeed in killing COVID.  That doesn’t mean they killed nothing.
Hey, I wonder how the influenza viruses are holding up?
There are two types of influenza that cause the epidemics we get every winter: A and B.  (C and D don’t really get up to the same level of mischief so let’s ignore them for now.)  Type A infects both animals and people, and includes things like the H1N1 bird flu pandemic strain, swine flu, et al.  The H[number]N[number] format points out which subtype of two important viral proteins it has, and usually strains are reported with that code, what animal they jumped into humans from, and where they were first sequenced.  Type B only affects humans, especially children.  It doesn’t have subtypes like Type A.  Instead it has two distinct lineages: B/Victoria and B/Yamagata. 
Today’s best flu vaccines are called “quadrivalent” because they target B/Victoria, B/Yamagata, and our best guess at which two Type A’s are going to blow up this year.  The guess is based on global sequencing of flu infections, so we have at least a decent idea of both past and current circulation logged in databases like GISAID and the WHO’s FluNet. 
Cases went way down during the lockdowns - masking and social distancing pushed spread down to a fraction of what it usually is.  Influenza in general is now back in force as people go back to their normal behavior.  There’s plenty of Type A flying around.  There’s been B/Victoria.
B/Yamagata has not been conclusively identified since March of 2020.
As early as 2021, flu researchers noticed the lack of new B/Yamagata sequences coming in and started to suspect something was fishy.  Look at this graph of GISAID flu data by lineage:
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[GISAID] [paper]
Let’s, uh, check FluNet maybe?  That shows that in a typical year you see tens of thousands of cases of B/Yamagata on PCR tests.  2017 had 30,552; 2018 had 51,524.  Then... 3,464 in 2019.  364 in 2020 in only 9 countries.  It does seem like there are still signs of life in 2021 with 8 hits, but keep in mind these detections are based on simple PCR tests like what we do for COVID.  PCR tests are exquisitely sensitive, to the point where it’s been shown that giving flu vaccines and then later using the same room to give flu tests can throw a weak positive by picking up viral RNA from the vaccine.  More specifically, as of March 2022 there’s been a case of this exact thing happening with what looked like a B/Yamagata detection.  So it’s going to be more reliable to look at only the results from full sequencing, where you can yeet anything that matches the vaccine ingredients and only look at wild viruses. 
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Zero.  Nothing.  All signs point to we shot at COVID and blew up an entire flu lineage as collateral damage!  What the fuck!  We’re probably going to have to change how we do flu vaccines because fully a quarter of what they aim at looks to be gone from the face of the earth!
True, influenza B/Yamagata could still be out there somewhere that hasn’t been sequenced.  Proving absence is hard.  But the fact that Type A and its sibling B/Victoria are back and easy to find really does suggest it’s gone, or stomped down so far it’s near impossible to find.  Time to watch and wait and feed every sample we can into the sequencers, but if we keep not finding it...
A disease is considered eradicated when we’re sure there’s no more transmission “in the wild”.  For smallpox, which was also wildly contagious and also had no nonhuman reservoir, that was three years from the last known case. 
Clock’s ticking.
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sagaciouscejai · 2 years
Reimu in Touhoustuck is interesting because like, as weird and nuanced as Reimu is through her multiple depictions within the games and manga, she is absolutely a unchanging character overall. They even make a point of that early on in WaHH with Kasen trying to train her.
Because shes also this miraculously gifted individual who can very easily pick up a lot of different spiritual and mystical arts with little effort on her own self, she feels like a dead wringer for a Mage, which is usually portrayed as a notably proficient and knowledgeable individual in a certain aspect despite their relative age. Not to say there classes couldn't work here too, but its a distinction between Dave making good music cause he’s a Knight of Time, whereas a Mage would probably be comparable to a Beethoven in their notoriety in that regard, an prodigy of a young age.
This does raise the question of which aspect would fit to that regard. Mages are limited in number and scope within Homestuck to dissect and discuss, but afaik they seem to be based around old wise mentor figures in mythology, and generally seems to deal with the hypocrisy inherent in these players to their aspect. Despite their abilities and proficiency with it, Mages usually have a notable lack of it within themselves, leading them to act in contrast to what their aspect may imply otherwise. Sollux is a can of worms in and of himself since Doom is a very rarely seen aspect and tends to be weirdly ableist with the whole mental disability stuff, but Meulin is more clear-cut as a very notable relationship guru and matchmaker, but is in a really fucked up relationship with Kurloz that literally removes her agency and independence. Clearly the goal was to embrace herself and really embody Heart in a ways that she hadn’t before.
So like, where does this leave Reimu? If we are to assume she’s a Mage in this way, we need to figure out what Aspect embodies her skills and understanding the best. I usually point to her floating ability as a clear-cut sign of a Breath connection, but in a lot of ways that's just one fringe thing that the THwiki can exposit upon because there's writing about it. Hope is another one, seeing as she is very much this surprisingly competent and powerful religious channeler, overseeing the fantasy land of Gensokyo where all the creatures that exist due to imagined concepts of fear and specifically faith reside and thrive.
This also works well with that internal lack of aspect within herself, as Breath would imply that she is much more attached and sensitive despite her more detached skills. With Hope, it’s most likely cynicism and pessimism that she’d erroneously internalize, which feels like her fanon interpretation as the cranky impoverished shrine maid that's popular in doujin works. Maybe here that could be a sort of jaded attitude towards her life and work that she needs to work past? Sort of becoming much more like and idealistic shrine maiden who would spare all her enemies and go to tea with them? Possibly something a bit more in line with some form of canon Reimu, despite all of them still feeling at least slightly snarky to some degree.
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themistressofdolls · 4 months
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter V
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V
The PMC wars
The world entered a state of disorder after the fall of the Lunarians as different PMCs fought over territories building a war economy. I had to take some responsibility for what was happening so I returned to working with Vermont Island PMC and Yuki Miyazaki was online “Xenos, you need to clear out the middle east, its under the control of bulldog PMC forces who don't have the best intentions there.” She said and I nodded grabbing my Heckler & Koch HK416 with the custom ultra rare bubble gum pink paint job ALSO IF ANYONE THINKS ONLY GIRLS CAN HAVE PINK, THEN FUCK YOU PINK CAN BE MANLY TOO!!
I took my forces and we attacked a bulldog PMC position taking them out easily, then I fired a rocket launcher blowing a bunch of their tanks up which they hated.
We went into their base and I went super blowing the entire building up in one shot. The survives tried to flee the burning building so I hunted them down one by one for fun which I enjoyed doing.
After that I went on other missions around the world to take out the PMCs that where causing trouble, nobody wanted to fuck with Vermont Island PMC because they knew they would have to deal with me!
The Tiktiktok app
I was back at school in Tokyo when I saw everyone was hypnotized by some phone app called Tik Tik Tok “I want to buy Snow Splender merch, she's so cool and taught me how to starve myself to get more healthy.” Giggled one of the girls.
They were all watching some new influencer who told them how to think and what to do but I avoided that stupid site because I listen to heavy metal music and am a gamer.
Every day people got worse as friends turned on each other for clout, people buying weird products they didn't need and others doing extreme things to get popular on the app as the school turned into a living hell.
I had to put an end to it so I got into my airship and flew to Beijing China, when I arrived I beat the shit out of the Chinese president because he tried to have me arrested for not signing up for his evil social credit system “I have your social credit right here.” I told him before I kicked him out a window.
That's when I got a taxi to take me to the Tik Tik Tok building which was in Chinas technology centre which was super high tech and filled with fancy looking buildings.
I went inside and some armoured security guys where there “You don't have clearance to be here, leave or we will shoot you!” Said the head guard.
But I pointed “DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM?!” I said going super on command as I beat the shit out of the guards and killed them!
I slaughtered everyone in the building then I used electro magic to blow up the server rooms taking the app offline for good and freeing everyone from its power.
That was when the CEO a big man came down and he had a CCP badge on “We spent years building this system to dumb your country down and you have ruined our hard work, for that you will pay.” He snapped his fingers and a tiger helicopter flew by the window unleashing chaingun fire as I went into bullet time running from the spread.
Then I took out my enchanted chaos guns and opened firing taking the helicopter down.
After that I killed the CEO and used a blast to take the Tik Tik Tok building out forever freeing the people from its dumbing down effect.
Assault on area 51 and the CIA
I got a knock at my door and an alien in power armor was there “WHAT THE FUCK A GOD DAMN ALIEN AT THE DOOR?!” I was shocked since it was not something you would see every day.
“Please I mean you no harm, I am a cosmo man my designation is Chass. My ship was shot down due to CIA experiments and they are holding it with my brother in the place called Area 51, I came here because you are a legend who destroyed Emperor Iblis and I need your aid.” The alien told me.
I thought about it for a second and got my polycarbine trenchcoat with runic blessings “Alright, I have no love for the CIA anyway after they used me in the past, lets do this!”
Using my secure phone I called vermont PMC to send me a military grade carbon gear which we used to drive towards Nevada.
Some US army guys demanded us to stop but we opened fire and rammed them with the carbon gear as alarms went off “We've crossed the check point, they're going to bring everything down upon us now, I like those odds.” I said opening fire on the troops.
I unleashed missiles on the heavy artillery then abandoned the carbon gear as it took too much damage and exploded.
I used the cyclone slash with my duel katanas cutting down over 30 US marines who tried to get in my way.
Things where getting intense so I played the song assault from Final F Ten to get into the mood as we ran into battle taking out countless soldiers and heavy assault troops “Send your armies to me, I will return the body parts.” I warned them but they kept attacking so I destroyed them.
We snuck into the main hanger finding the computer room “It seems my theory was true, our ship was brought down by CIA expernments, they have been killing aliens for years and stealing the technology.” Chass said.
That got me real angry but then I heard a gun click and it was the CIA director Mr Kinsey “You could have been an asset Xenos but instead you choose to fight against us, what a pity.” He said.
I powered up into my creation super form and blew the director up with a low level mana shot “I always hated you, you corrupt piece of shit!” I said putting an end to his evil.
Inside the medical room we found Chass's brother but he had been dissected “I am sorry they killed your brother but we will make them pay and ensure they never hurt people again.”
I send the documents to the police who had the rouge black ops unit arrested and shut the CIA down for their crimes.
We got into the main hanger finding Chass's ship which was like a high tech orb “This is the phase shift distorter, my ship.” He said and we went inside.
As he did repairs the machine came to life “Something is wrong I have lost control.” Chass said as a vortex opened pulling the distorter and us in.
The tyranny of the Iron legion
We woke up as the Phase shift distorter was smoking and in bad need of some repairs “What happened, where did we end up?” I asked going outside.
That's when I saw furrys running around and knew I was back on Parabus but not the one I knew, this was different it was Parabus a few centuries before the Baconman era but still far into Earths future.
We went to check out what was going on and saw some fascist shock trooper in black and red glowing armour “All those who do not obey the Iron legion shall be sent to the death camps!” Said the head shocktrooper.
I went to stop them but got knocked out “Take this one to the camps too!” Said the wolf soldier.
We woke up inside a prison camp “So you're finally awake eh? Looks like they got you too huh while crossing the boarder?” A badger sighed.
“What happened, what is this place?” I asked them.
He looked depressed “This is camp 15, its run by the Iron Legions most evil member Cheryl Periwinkle the cat. She kills hundreds of people every day and her rule as warden of camp 15 is brutal.”
I clenched my fist because people like her where the worst kind of scum “What's your name? Plus this Iron Legion thing?” I asked him.
“I'm Ray the Badger, I'm part of the resistance against the Iron Legion. It was founded by Darth Talon the wolf, he used to be a good guy once but he thought he could make Parabus a better place, at first he tried to do good but over time power corrupted him and Cheryl as they became more fascist over time.”
Liberation of camp 15
I made a plan to get out so I went into blood hunter form and massacred all the guards easily as they ran in terror “Go now you are free, lets fuck this place up!” I said as I got Chass and we fought through the enemy force.
That's when she was there, the pink furred latex clad Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “You made a real mess of my death camp, for that I will have to lash you, then I shall have you my future slave.” She laughed making kinky faces at me and slapping the ground with her laser whip.
“YOU THINK I'D JOIN YOU? GO EAT TERDS YOU GOD DAMN FASCIST MONSTER!” I gave her the middle finger to let her know I was serious about saying no to her offer.
She grabbed my neck with the laser whip “I will just need to break you in and make you a good boy. After all the iron legion has plenty of brainwashing machines to make you see our point of view.” She smugged.
I powered up causing the laser chains to shatter which scared the shit out of Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “How are you so fucking strong? I WON'T GO DOWN SO EASILY GOD DAMN IT!” She said really mad as she punched the ground.
“Pathetic.” I said looking down upon her as I started unleashing billions of meteor mode punches into her body “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!” I shouted a million oras.
Her body was hit with punch after punch with each of the punches giving off a massive sonic boom as she had broken every single bone but I would not stop “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!” I shouted punching her thousands more times.
Then I uppercut her so hard she crashed right into the camps garbage truck drowning under an ocean of thrash “You made your bed, sleep in it.” I gave a sick burn.
The fight back against the legion
We went to Forestwood village where the resistance lived “Cinos is that you? No impossible its a few centuries before that versions era.” I said and the hedgehog approached me.
“You must have me mistaken, I'm Ashura the hedgehog, leader of the resistance pleasure to meet ya.” He said and shook my hand.
Chass thought deeply for a moment “He must be an ancestor of this Cinos, at least the future one.” And that made sense so I believed him.
We had a feast that night in my honour for the destruction of the evil camp 15 and for taking down Cheryl Periwinkle the cat who was one of the big generals of the legion “Xenos, please help us in our struggle we being pushed back by the rising power of the iron legion.”
“How did this fucking iron legion happen?” I asked wanting to know the lore of the situation pretty badly.
He rested his arms on the table looking serious “Darth Talon the wolf founded it but back then it was the iron movement, we sought freedom against the old government and his revolution appealed to us. Yet after his victory he grew more authoritarian and power hungry as he was corrupted by the energy of darkness in his lust for more power.”
Ashura continued his talk and I thought about the song hopeless desire from Final F Ten “Cheryl Periwinkle the cat used to be a friend of mine and a brave warrior lady but when Darth Talon adopted the dark side of the tao many of the good guys defected to him along with her lured by the power of position he offered as she grew more corrupted and twisted over time.”
He shook his head in sadness “Darth Talon became more ruthless than the former government, building his army of death troopers and talon droids to enforce his will over the lands. From the city of Neo Utopia he rules over everything now.”
I stood up and gripped my emerald gunblade the Chaos destoryer “I've heard enough, I'm going to new Utopia to finish this tyrant off myself, scum like him pisses me off!” I said and geared up.
My one man raid against Neo Utopia
I used the trans teleporter network to breach the city which was filled with flying cars and Talon police robots but people looked depressed under the regime of Darth Talon “Time to put an end to this and bring freedom back to the planet Parabus!” I swore.
I landed on the streets as combots and death troopers in black armour with glowing red lines attacked “For the glory of the iron legion!” They shouted and I went into my crystal form and cut them down to size.
More reinforcements including robo cops, death troopers, talon droids and statesec forces came after me “Come on, if you think you're good enough!” I said unleashing a blast that wiped every single enemy in front of me out.
In the chaos I vaulted with my katanas slicing apart those that tried to escape the killing zone.
People in the city started to cheer for me as it was the first time they had ever seen any more stand up to the government “BE NOT AFRAID ANYMORE LETS KILL THE FUCKERS!” I raised my fist and they followed me into battle.
I played the music Straight Ahead from MM Zero to get me hyped as I summoned my lightblade destiny cutting down their roboguards and aerobuster mechas which exploded all over the city as I ran through each section taking out fascist soldiers and robots.
Their legions thinned as I made my way through each area towards the techno castle of Darth Talon himself.
VS the dark lord
I busted through the citadel as golden death troopers attacked me with energy axes but I cut them down to size with my super form then blew up the guard tanks in the lobby.
The remaining generals of the iron legion got in my way but I killed them easily and moved up to the penthouse level of the techno castle where the honor guard was a group of the strongest death troopers “Protect our great leader, hail hail!” They said and attacked me but I used bullet time to dive behind them and used the crystal gunblade to break through their armour then a blast of purifying ice to freeze them.
“Time to chill out, motherfuckers!” I said and shattered them with my gunblade.
I used gigafire magic to blast the doors to his penthouse open which was a large room pitch black with computers, consoles and windows overlooking all of Neo Utopia.
Darth Talon the wolf sat on his throne as his clawed gauntlet tapped on the arm of his chair “I have been watching you for some time Xenos Edgeblade, I know all about you from the records of the dark history, your fight against Golden Trump was a favourite of mine...believe me I have watched all of your moves.” He said in a machine like evil tone of voice.
He got up as all the pipes disconnected from his darkness infused power arm disconnecting him from the throne and steam vented from the armour then he threw his cape away “I shall turn you to darkness but if that fails you will be destroyed!” He said in his machine voice.
I played the Deval No Uta theme metal remix and ignited my two lightblade DESTINY AND RAGNOROK!
As slammed blades together as sparks and energy flew all over the room started firings and I have to admit it was pretty fucking god damn epic “FINALLY A REAL FIGHT WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS!”
The dark lord laughed “You are one of master philosophy like me and not sheep philosophy like the filth who deserved to be ruled by the dark lords!” He said as we swung our blades at each other.
I went into creation form ultra instinct as my hair glowed a crystal colour “I WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU OR LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FASCIST WHO USES THE POWER OF DARKNESS TO CRUSH THE WEAK!” I said slashing at him sending him flying back.
“THE WEAK DESERVE TO BE CRUSHED FOR BEING SO WEAK! IT IS THE NATRUAL ORDER OF THE WORLD XENOS!” Darth Talon replied swinging his blade as all the windows smashed at once and gale force winds blew into the burning penthouse.
He slammed his blade into the floor as I almost fell but quickly parried but the force he put into his attacks was truly intense “I was good like you once but too many people betrayed me, that's when I realized people where filth, only fear would be true power, control and pain!” He told me.
Darth Talon then stabbed me through the chest as I was bleeding and wounded “I won't give up, I can't because everyone is rooting for me!” I cried out going beyond creation demi human form into something new.
There was an explosion as my eyes glowed, my hair grew longer and was a brilliant shine of crystal white “Is this the legend? Is the legend true? The Holy Paladin Super form? Impossible!” Darth Talons screamed as he was covered in the light.
“This is the power you denied, power you will never know!” I said as the voice of the divine spoke through me.
I felt an aura around me “LEVEL SSS LIMIT BREAKER! SWORDS OF JUSTICE TYPE X!” I shouted.
Katana glowing with god power slashed him “SWORD OF DESTINY JUDGE OF THE WICKED!”
The next blade slashed thorough him “BLADE OF RAGNORAK KISS OF THE APOCALYPSE!” I shouted as fire burst out of his armour
“CRYSTAL VERDICT KATANA OF ANSWERS!” I shouted as a blade cleaved him from above.
Then 50 blades stabbed into him shattered “Purifying bullets of the gods!” I said as my guns glowed with holy power unleashing countless rounds into the dark lord as his armour and mask shattered and his bloody beaten remains slammed into the floor.
He had trouble breathing but now I saw the wolf rather than the machine “So this is the real you, not corrupted by darkness, the one who meant well one time.” I said.
“Please call me by my real name, Gregory McBeth of clan McBeth...I once tried to do right by the world and my wolf kin but I lost my way drowning in darkness, please let me die.” He weezed as the fires of the penthouse consumed his body.
I went downstairs and set Neo Utopias nuclear fusion reactor to go nuclear consuming the hellish city ending the terror of the iron legion forever.
Xenos the cat: Back to Earth
Chass finally repaired the phase shift distorter and we entered the vortex travelling back to our own era “I need a bubble bath and some anime after that experence” I laughed and we went back to my mansion and chilled out in a gaint hot tub watching our favourite anime, it was a really high octane action series too.
I invited Kazu, Sona and even Fist the echidna over so they could watch anime with us and play video games and we had a great time.
Crystal Destiny RE-MINDED
I was at Japan when a portal opened and the robed man with runes came out from months ago “You want to fight again? Last time I remember you where a pretty strong enemy but this time I'll kill you dead!” I warned the man.
“I have not come to test your power again no but to issue decree a warning!” I told the cat boy with a grim reminder on my lips.
I pointed my finger at him “One who knows nothing can not know what is to come!” I mocked as he armed his crystal blades.
“My brothers and sisters where killed by you in the future leading to a bad ending for everyone in the world!” I summoned monsters of crystals the GEM LEGION TO ATTACK HIM.
Xenos fought them off but was drained of energy due to how powerful they where “What kind of enemies are these motherfuckers?!” He shouted at me.
“They are lost souls from the crystal void, a place you will be damned too if you do not find a better ending!” I warned him before walking towards the portal “Perhaps a better timeline is possible, maybe you will find the way.” I said vanishing.
The hostage situation at anicon 20XX
I got everyone tickets to Anicon this year in San Diego which was going to be hype as fuck since there would be cosplayers, merch stalls and interviews with voice actors AND REAL VOICE ACTORS FUCK THE INDUSTRY USING HOLLYWOOD ACTORS TO TRY AND REPLACE THEM!
We got there and saw some of the hot cosplay babes and I bought some blu rays as well as some cool figures “This has been mega awesome so far, I'm going to the bathroom for a moment be right back” I told Sona.
When I went to the bathroom some men with masks and guns came in “We are atomic purification of the atom a neo nazi group that will destroy the weak! We are taking you hostage and you will die unless the US government agrees to set all their nuclear plants into melt down to kill millions of the subhuman races!” said their leader.
I listened from the bathroom and their demands where fucking insane “I need to take these lunatics out out else everyone at anicon is gonna die!” So I vented into the vent shaft to scout out the nazis locations.
“We have das bombs ready to go, even if za government gives us vhat we vant we shall blow this degeneration con up with everyone in it HEIL PURITY!” Said one of the terrorist and that pissed me off even more.
So when he was alone I came out of the vent AND SNAPPED HIS FUCKING NECK then took his machine gun AND I WAS ARMED!!
In the next room I saw two dead terrorists as Sona and Kazu where tooling up “I knew you two had things in hand, lets take the rest of these terrorist bastards out!” I said and we did.
One by one I shot and killed the terrorists then used my mind palace to figure out the bomb cuts disabling all the bombs.
The terrorist leader retreated to the roof where I faced him and he aimed at gun at me “You are strong, you should join ze master race with us and cleanse this land of the weakness!” He said but I just kicked him off the fucking roof and he landed through the spiked fence as blood and guts went everywhere.
“I bet that one fucking hurt, ouch.” I laughed.
After the situation was over I got a medal off the governor and the papers talked about what a hero I was.
I was visiting South Korea to do some intense training at a local temple when the entire Earth violently shook then a voice from the sky was heard in every mind “I am God and I have deemed the human race unworthy! Within ten days I shall exterminate every living being and condemn their souls to eternal pain in hell!” The voice warned.
There was riots on the street while religious groups where praising the end and talking about how it was a good thing while they hunted people down.
I geared up and started taking out the terrorists to keep order “GOD ISN'T COMING TO TAKE YOU TO HELL! I AM GOING TRAIN TO TAKE HIM TO HELL!” I told the world.
It was announced that God fight would happen in ten days as I started training with the most heavy metals tied to my body and doing brutal meditation on top of the highest mountains in order to empower my mind then level my magic up to beyond the time.
I did 8000 push ups, 9382 sit ups and lifted weights made out of 500KG of osmium as I went beyond all known forms “I need to ascend higher than before” I said and started playing heavy metal training montage music and beating punching bags also filled with osmium.
Every morning I got up to go for a two hour run up Mount Everest and back.
I started to focus as my aura grew drawing in ki “I NEED TO GET MY POWER LEVEL UP AGGGGGGG!” I screamed increasing my power beyond its limits, I had to attain a form unlike anything I had ever known before.
My friends brought me the chaos diamonds, the master Topaz and the legend lost Ice Sapphires as the gems floated around me drawn into my body as my aura exploded into a beautiful light unlike anything seen beyond “He's truly going beyond the time.” Sona said.
Fist looked stoic but nodded “No he's going beyond the limit, he's unlocked something deep down.” He said and he was right.
I felt my burst mode unlike as my body turned into a glowing armor like skin and my shine radiant with a brilliant shine “This is it...” I said I UNLOCKED MY OMNI FORM!!
I was ready as I waited at the destination where GOD HIMSELF WOULD APPEAR FOR GOD FIGHT and he did as the clouds shattered and a man 6000 feet tall stood before me “You dare oppose my extermination of the world? THIS IS FUCKING HERESY! DEATH TO THE WORLD IS THE FINAL END KNEEL AND ACCEPT IT AND MAYBE I SHALL SEND TO ETERNITY IN HELL PAINLESSLY!” God threatened.
“You're no god, just an evil soul, another grinning monster out to kill! You just think because you have power that you can hurt people!” I gave him the middle finger because I did not respect him at all.
That pissed him off as he lost his temper and punched me into a cliff with his gaint fist “DON'T TALK BACK TO ME, I'M FUCKING GOD!!” He shouted flying towards me as gaint fists punched into me 6000 times burying me under the rock.
God shrink his down down to my size as he picked me up by the neck and started punching my rib cage “I will seal you in the deepest level of hell but first I am going to have some fun breaking you heretic.” God said and slammed me into the ground.
I smirked “Why are you smirking?” He said as I started to power up.
Then I laughed “I had to take some damage to power up my new omni form and unleash all my limit breaks at once.” I said as the energy drew into me then I was now in my Omni form as God got blasted back.
I flashed in front of him then brought my leg down into his head as he smashed into the ground getting half buried “HOW DARE YOU!” He snapped as he blasted out of the ground throwing endless punches but I dodged and parried each one.
Then I uppercut him in the jaw as her flipped over and slammed face first into the dirt “You can feel pain that means I can beat you.” I taunted him with a cool hand gesture.
I rushed into him covering my arms in omni fire as I let out with a barrage of flaming punches into his gut, chest and face “na na na na na na na na na na na na!” I shouted punching him countless times and applying the greatest level of force into each blow with intent to destroy the enemy.
As he was in the air I made all my blades glow and float around me like projectile weapons as they fired lasers with the heat of 9000 suns into him then homed in on him at multiple angles firing laser after laser into him.
I entered level three burst empowering omni mode further as I flew up into the air with the speed of light itself and let rip “BLOWS OF PURIFYING STRIKE!” I shouted punching him hundred of thousands of times then sent the hardest punch into his back as he caught fire blasting into space in a flaming ball at hyper speed.
“Is it over?” I asked and Kazu and the others looked into the sky as it went dark and all light was drained from the planet.
A voice boomed but it was more profound the old man I fought before “You defeated my proxy but he was nothing more than a weak avatar, I am the real one you call God. I am the Demiurge, the god of the physical realm, your ruler and soon all will die and their souls will become the new fuel to flow through me as I reset the physical dimensions.”
Suddenly reality shifted as we stood on a platform in space before a gaint crystal snake with a lions head the size of 500000000 feet and its eyes where flames of holy light.
To fight the Demiurge
I couldn't let this being consume all the souls of existence so I launched towards him punching into him but his body was hard like crystal made from the divine itself.
“You can not defeat your god, all physical life is in service to me you can not overturn your destiny.” It spoke.
But I wouldn't give up as me, Kazu, Sona and Chass attacked the being but they where blown back while I tried to unleash a beam bomb attack but it bounced right off him “I will never give up, I won't let some false god decide whats good for everyone WE DESERVE TO LIVE AND DIE ON OUR OWN TERMS GOD DAMN IT!” I shouted going at him again with another thousand omni fire punches.
The Demiurge slammed me so hard I went flying while the blow knocked the Chaos diamonds, ice sapphires and Master Topaz out of me reverting me to Lunar Demi human super form “Ugh, he punched the super out of me...” I gasped coughing up blood.
But I refused to let the future fall to darkness “NEVER!” I shouted refusing this fuckers destiny, the fate offered as I pulled the Chaos diamonds, Ice Sapphires and Master Topaz back into me reverting back into my Omni form but that wasn't all through my raw determination I destroyed all the burst mode barriers UNLOCKING OMNI FORM PLUS!
“That is not enough to stop me, you can not fight fate!” The Demiurge cursed at me but I could sense some doubt in his voice.
I charged in unleashing a series of brutal punches which started to do damage then I grabbed the fuckers tail and started swinging him as he smashed into a red dwarf burning up “YOU DARE DEFY YOUR FATE THEN PERISH LIKE A GOD!” He said flying back over to counter attack with burning flames of creation.
But I stood there in the flames taking no damage because of my form “W...what what ARE YOU?!” The Demiurge screamed.
I unleashed 1000s of blasts towards him doing a huge amount of damage then dashed into the air as I thought down a legion of energy punches into his stupid fucking lion face then turning around I started shooting X blasts into his face too which did even more damage.
Then I landed back on the platform pissed off with such levels of unseen fucking fury as red cybertronic energy, divine energy, void energy and pure creation magic flooded into me like an ocean “I'm not finished with you let HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed exploring into a multicoloured form with spiral eyes.
My friends where shocked as they watched “I've never seen Xenos hold this much power before!” Gasped Sona.
Chass folded his arms “This power is dangerous and hard to control but what he needs to win this fight.” Chass replied.
I rolled up into a ball of pure nuclear creation energy picking up speed as I kept spinning then my friends shot me like a spinning missile ball into the Demiurge as I slammed into his body spinning into it and cutting as his crystal body started to crack “NO NO NO NO NO!!” It cried out as I finally broke the crystal shell blasting through his body.
Spinning through his inside like a flaming nuclear ball of fury I slammed into the other end cutting through the crystal THEN I BURST THROUGH THE OTHER SIDE AS THE DEMIURGES ENTIRE BODY SHATTERED LIKE GLASS AND ALL THE SHARDS EXPLODED INTO LIGHT.
I landed back on the platform as me and my friends watching the exploding shards come down like glowing rain drops “Its finally over, we did it guys.” I smiled.
The platform started to crumble since the false God was gone and unable to maintain this pocket realm “If we don't get out we'll die in space!” Sona said.
I used the last of my energy to tear open a portal back to Earth and kicked my friends through it “No, let us stay with you!” Kazu begged as the portal closed behind them.
A smiled came over my face as I started to drift through space “As long as my comrades are safe, thats all that matters in the end.” I grinned before passing out.
Becoming a space marine
I saw a big light then I was beamed on board some kind of starship, the people there looked human so maybe they where a cousin race to humanity “Surprised you survived so long in deep space you must have strange biology friend” said the star captain when I woke up.
“I was able to stay in my level one super form which kept me in one piece out there but I guess I owe you some thanks for recovering me.” I rubbed my head.
An alarm went off in the ship “We don't have time to talk, we're under attack consider yourself drafted into the united planet federation marine corps now gear up!” The captain ordered and I was sent to the lower level with some power armour soldiers.
“Go go go go we have hostile alien attackers, gear the fuck up soldiers!” Said the marine commander who handed me a weapon called a pulser rifle then they got me suited into some power armour.
“This feels pretty epic, alright I guess I can help you kill some of these aliens as thanks for saving me back there.” I said and they got us into the drop ship and sent us into battle as we landed on the alien hive ship.
We opened fire as we got out shooting some disgusting looking bug creatures “EAT LASER MOTHERFUCKER!” I shouted spraying them with bullets.
The inside of the hive ship was gooey and disgusting “Kill em all no mercy!” A private said but an alien grabbed him and shoved a tendril down his mouth pumping a parasite liquid into him as his skin bubbled and he exploded while a bunch of alien snake babies slid away.
That's when I truly knew these creatures where a threat to life so I got my high carbine flamethrower unit and started burning everything in sight “COME GET SOME!!” I shouted in a badass boost.
“Watch out!” I screamed to Private Jacob as one of the alien bugs grabbed him into a vent and started to feed him eggs.
I was angry so I threw a grenade in to give him a mercy kill AND IT EXPLODED!
Everything around us was burning as I used up the entire flamethrower tank so I grabbed a grenade launcher and started blowing up everything in sight since I was the last space marine left alive “FUCK!” I shouted blowing more things up while using my shotgun with my free hand.
Then I saw one ugly motherfucker it was the alien bug queen like a spider but she was one big ass motherfucker “So you're the one pumping out all these alien babies, time to put a stop to this.” I said as the alien queen laughed unable to speak.
“All life exists to become incubators for the young ones, now you shall be bound and forced to drink my eggs!” Said the queen BUT I WENT INTO MY OMNI FORM PLUS AND FIRED A HYDRONIX BEAM AND SHE BURNED ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE FUCKING NEST.
The hive ship was burning up so I had to evac back to the drop ship but I noticed the alien bugs had destroyed the ship so I had no choice but to go super again and fly out into space as the bug ship exploded killing the entire alien race for good “Mission complete.” I said as I flew back to the federation starship.
I was given a medal for my promotion and promoted to a captain for my outstanding service.
The horror of Citadel centre station
I got my next mission and was able to pick my own equipment since I had ranked up to join the space marines black operations division and I studied hacking too so I could use all kinds of computers.
My next mission was about contact being lost in a place called Citadel centre station which was a space station they where working on some advanced AI tech “I'm going in.” I said as my ship docked with the station.
There was blood and guts all over the docking area “Something fucked up must have went down.” I said turning my guns laser sight on and proceeding to the med sector to investigate.
Some fucked up half human robot showed up with cutting tools for arms “You will be taken to the robot chamber and turned into a hybrid slave for our AI master.” It said activating its blow torch arm but I punched it in the face and it exploded.
I noticed an ID tag under his metal augmentations that had been fused to his flesh “Alex D, medtech first class? So they where the crew once, I will help them rest in peace.” I said loading my gun.
More robots came some with assault weapons and others with saws for blades “In my way.” I said opening fire with my Hazard rifle blowing 100s of them away as I moved from sector to sector.
I found some logs recorded which explained the AI TODAN had taken over the station after becoming self aware and painfully transforming the crew into her slave robots “This is disgusting, I must take revenge for all the lives she had taken.” So I went to the armoury sector getting a laser machine and a fusion missile gun “Lets rock and load!” I laughed.
“You can not stop me, soon you will become my body and with it I shall become an unstoppable machine Goddess!” TODAN said over the radio in a disturbing voice that was machine like.
I hacked the terminal taking control of the sector “Only body you're going to be getting is a body bag once I'm finished here.” I warned her as I jacked into the cybernet.
Everything was glowing and data while I floated around “So you have come to face your goddess.” TODAN UGLY FACE SAID.
I went into my super demi human form and blasted her which caused her to get deleted “Not even worth my time.” I said then set the station to self destruct as I logged out and got back in my ship.
My adventures on the planet Yauki
My ship went off course due to a lack of energy and I ended up crash landing on a strange but lust planet that was Earth like called Yauki. I got out of my ship and looked around when a cute girl in a blue dress waved at me “I saw your ship come down, are you alright?” She asked me.
I dusted myself off “Nothing I can't handle.” I laughed and she giggled cutely.
“I'm Brisket a local girl, who are you?” She asked me.
With a smirk and a thumbs up I told her my name “I'm Xenos Edgeblade a catboy demi human from a far away planet called Earth but I've been in space for a while now.”
“Come to my house you can stay while plus it looks like that ship won't be flying again.” She chuckled and I looked at the wreak and had to admit it was pretty busted up beyond repair, I came in pretty hard I guess.
Briskets house was pretty comfy and she had a spare room with some Yauki game consoles which had some really awesome video games. Seems the culture of this world was very close to Earths which was cool.
I made myself useful by cutting wood out back, doing dishes and showing Brisket some of my fighting moves.
We even went on a date “You're really cute Xenos and I've never been with a boy before let alone one as cute as you.” And she closed her eyes coming closer AND WE KISSED!
I spent the next two years on Yauki going on adventures, making friends and even helping them take down some villains.
Like on Earth, my name became a source of fear for bad guys.
General Skull
There was some gas mask soldiers attacking our village so Brisket got her rapier and I got my new scythe THE VOID REAPER which I forged in the fires of mount void using dark crystals and the strongest magically infused metals.
“Destroy them for the great General Skull!” Said the gas mask minion and I sliced his head clean off with the void reaper.
Then I hunted the others down leaving a bloody mess “Good work dear.” Brisket kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
“Not here, I'm trying to be badass.” I responded.
We tracked down General Skull who was the leader of an evil country to the south and I busted into his castle “NOBODY ATTACKS MY VILLAGE AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!” I warned him as I pointed the Scythe threateningly.
He was an armoed man in a gas mask with a nazi like cap but with the logo of his empire on it “You will present no problem to me and when you die I shall invade all of the lands.” He said and fired rapid fire granades at me which I dodged using void time.
He then fired a beam of energy from his gauntlets but I blocked with a more powerful ki blast “You're just a worm.” I laughed.
General skull fled to another chamber as we chased but in there was a huge portal cascade machine “If I can not take over my world I shall rebuild my empire on another PERHAPS YOUR HOME OF EARTH HAHA!” General skull laughed jumping into the portal storm as the machine started to blow closing the gate behind him as we escaped the castle.
“GOD DAMN IT NOOOO!” I screamed as we flew out of the exploding castle.
Brisket tried to comfort me “Its alright we defeated him right?” She tried to reassure me.
“He went to Earth which is in danger now and I don't have ship or a way back there.” I said clenching my fist.
That's when Brisket had an idea “The phase shift monks in the North, they might know a means.” She said and it was worth a shot since I didn't have anything else to lose.
Learning instant translocation
I travelled with Brisket to the northern shrine of Yuta Tak where the monks met us “You have come to learn the rare Instant translocation technique but are you truly worthy.” The head monk said slowing time down as he pushed me into the air and I crashed.
He dodged all my moves but I got a hand of the situation as I appeared behind him and kicked him through the ground.
The monk climbed out and laughed “You are indeed strong Xenos, very well I shall teach you this power.” and he showed me how to do it.
The technique allowed me to focus and transport myself anywhere across space as long as I focused on where I wanted to go.
“Alright time to get back to Earth.” I said ready to focus and Brisket grabbed me as she was teleported along with me.
The terror of General skull and the alt reich movement
We teleported into the middle of Washington DC and everything was a mess with riots everywhere and posted for some new political movement called Fash Americana “Looks like things have gone to shit since I've been away.” I said.
“Wow so this is Earth? Like my homeworld but a bit less fun.” She said and she was right but it was still my homeworld.
There where men in hawaiian T shirts marching and stomping in masses “Heil heil heil! Death to the weak, death to the worthless! Death to useless!” They all chanted some even carrying guns.
I jumped in front of the rioting crowd “Hey sup!” I mocked.
They opened fired “HE IS A DEGENERATE HE MUST BE DESTORYED FOR THE GLORY OF THE RACE!” Shouted the leader with the stupid ass hair cut.
I fired a blast of energy destroying a bunch of them leaving a puddle of blood then I smashed the rest of them at lighting speed with punches and slashes.
“Oops, maybe I went a little wild back there.” I chuckled and went to the capital where more of the nazis where rioting.
“Take over the white house THE GREAT AND BENEVOLENT GENERAL SKULL SHALL BE THE NEW RULER OF THE WORLD! ALL HAIL SKULL AND HIS GLOURIOUS NEW REIGME” Said some weird podcaster guy who was leading the other nazis.
I got pissed at than as I did a haymaker at full speed right into his stupid bald face and he went flying through the window as the other nazis watched “GET HIM!” They screamed.
Kazu showed up shocked to see me “XENOS YOU'RE ALRIGHT? FOR A LONG TIME I WORRIED WE'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!” He grinned giving me a manly hug.
“I'm the cat boy who makes the impossible possible, what else did you expect?” I laughed and we looked behind us as more of the neo nazis appeared but these ones had assault rifles and power armor.
I fired a blast but they used some shielding tech to block it “Looks like General Skull has tooled them up with some advanced alien technology.” I said so I went into Lunar Demi human super form and played heavy metal music as I flew forwarding tearing through them with bladed punches.
Even advanced power armour was not enough to withstand that level of power.
Two of the head nazi came up to us a boy in a red hat with vaporwave sunglasses who I knew from the internet as Mick Fumtenis and a girl in all pink covered in make up known as Sparklepoo “You are strong if only you didn't work for the degenerates you could become the ideal ayran superman of our movement!” Mick sighed.
Sparklepoo was typing into her phone on the tik tik tok app which had been revived so I would need to make a note to go blow up their new HQ later “Like whatever I'm only here Mick because like General Skull said we can kill all the trans people and I hate them cause they are like icky and gross so lets like totes kill this loser so I can get back to it, like ugh whatever!” Sparklepoo sounded uninterested.
They took out machine guns grinning “Time to put this cat to sleep” Mick laughed as I warped in front of him and bent his gun which scared him.
“Did you really think you had a chance against me?” I looked at them with cold evil eyes before I charged up a tao blast turning them both into dust.
Me, Brisket and Kazu went to McDaniels to discuss what was happening and he told me General Skull showed up a few months ago to take over the new far right movement with lobby money from the ultra rich because General Skull promised them tax breaks.
“Show me where these rich assholes live!” I said while eating my chicken nuggets.
Taking down General Skulls connections
We smashed through the roof of a mansion where all the rich people and CEOs working with General Skull where having a big party. They looked shocked as we interrupted them while they where sniffing drugs and drinking champagne from golden statues “How dare you, be gone filthy poors!” Said a bald man.
I opened fire on them as Kazu drew his Okatana and went to town as we destoryed all the rich assholes cutting the money out of General Skulls movement.
Kazu called in some contacts who airlifted an APC to us and we got in driving through the mansion neighbourhood opening fire with the APCs turret as we tore all their mansions down which made them cry AND IT WAS FUNNY!
After that I WENT INTO MY PSYCHO FORM as my eyes sprialed with the blood madness and started killing all the rich assholes and CEOs in the are AND THEN THERE WHERE NONE!
I radioed in for a C130 aircraft which was also a base that bad bedrooms, smaller planes for defence and an armoury just like that cool movie we watched a while ago “We're closing in on skull fortress.” Brisket said as she flied the plane.
We looked out the window seeing a castle shaped like General Skulls gasmask head “He has an ego but I'm coming to cut it down to size!” I laughed as I geared up putting my new polymana steel trenchcoat on and armed myself to the teeth as I did a halo jump from the plane.
The sky was on fire as rockets, machine guns and more where exploding around me due to ground defences trying to take me down.
Then I took my pistols out opening fire as I took out a bunch of AA batteries from above then crashed into the ground causing a mini nuclear explosion which sent the fascist defence soldiers flying all over the place.
I used bullet time drawing my lightblades entering sword dance mode as I cut their bodies into thousands of pieces as they fell, then when time became normal again it was raining blood since blood was all that left of their bodies.
Getting closer to the main gates I was attacked by heavily armoured military war robots who opened fire with scud missiles which I cut in half with my gunblade “Nothing more than a waste of my time!” I scoffed slicing the robots apart as the explosions shot me over the gate then I brought my gunblade down on a guard.
More nazis loyal to general Skull arrived but when they saw my power level they pissed their pants and fled but I hunted them down and nailed them all to the wall so general Skull could see it and know he would join them soon.
I kicked the front doors down killing everything on my way to the roof where he was waiting.
General Skull smugly looked at me from his gas mask as he got up “We meet again at last Xenos Edgeblade, when I last saw you I had a small fascist army but here on Earth my reach is bigger because these humans are much more easily swayed towards my ideals thanks to money and power.” He told me.
“This world has more heroes than those who would be stupid enough to buy what your selling them.” I replied drawing my gunblades.
The general got up throwing his cape aside and ignited his green energy longsword “I care not for these rich people or building Earth fascist, they are a means to end while my robot production line goes online allowing me to create a machine army that is more pure than both our races.” He then jumped with the blade bouncing across the room even sicking his robot dog on me at one point.
I kicked the robot dog across the room as I blocked his slash with my duel gunblades our swords sparking together as we both applied force “You where just using humanity to get money for robots?!?” I gasped.
He kicked me away and tried to cut me half which I dodged “Even on my homeworld I turned my loyal soldiers into robots but organics are useful idiots if you give them a cause of hate to stand behind and as for the rich they would support mass death and suffering to make a profit.” He said slashing at me again.
I went super and used a Hadoku attack blowing his body up leaving only a head as a huge reactor machine grabbed it attaching his ugly gas mask mug.
“I will become purity itself, the heart of machine kind then I shall robotize Earth and my home world!” He said turning into a gaint wall machine.
He sent giant flying hands after me which shot huge fire beams into the ground which came towards me but I quickly jumped on top of the hands forcing them to slam into his UGLY FACE!
I snapped in the moment entering my PSYCHO SUPER FORM unleashing a storm of violent red energy punches into his core “METEOR MODE!” I screamed punching him billions of times as the core exploded consuming him.
“I WILL NOT DIE NO!” He screamed as the fires consumed his head meaning he could never come back to life ever again or back his bodies up.
After that I jumped out the window as Skull castle exploded into a nuclear blastwave ending General Skulls movement for good.
With the fall of General Skull the fascist groups he funded broke up with their surviving leaders being arrested for life.
My brother returns
It had been a few weeks since I finally ended the nazis so I was off in Japan relaxing and buying some anime blu rays when there was explosions in Tokyo “WHAT THE HELL IS FUCKING GOING ON THIS TIME?!” I shouted going to the situation
There was an armoured looking robot cat person with a shoulder mounted cannon, machine gun arm and more weapons than a small military. He was also riding a walker mech that had rocket launchers, a flamethrower and a grenade bomber “KILL EM ALL WHO WANTS TO SUFFER HAHAHA!” He shouted blowing people up but what pissed me off the most was he fired grenade bombs into the local arcade as it exploded into a hailstorm of fire.
I jumped onto the scene drawing the Suttakata mark III “I don't know who you are but making trouble on my turf, thats a good way to rush towards the grave.” I said and I was serious.
It was impossible, my brother died when the farmers killed my family “HOW CAN YOU BE HERE YOU DIED!”
It was then my second shock of the day happened as that smug bitch was alive IT WAS MY SISTER GENOS EDGEBLADE who was standing there in a kimono smoking a cigarette holder “I used the power of the crystal pandemonium to being his soul back from the netherworld then used dark science to convert his body into a war robot and after hearing how you hurt me he wants you make you hurt even harder ohohohoho!” She did that smug fucking cat grin again.
Rock music played as we did battle with Helios firing powerful 90000 PSI machine punches which winded me pretty badly “Not too bad, you're pretty good.” I gasped for air.
His rocket feet launched him forward as he round house kicked me into Majong building which hurt pretty bad and scared some of the old pensioners there “Fuck sorry about that” he then came in and murdered all the old people which was fucked up.
“I hate old people they make me sick.” Helios laughed punched me through a table as the rock music got even harder.
Enough screwing around so I went into my Omni form but then he went into a super form too as his machine body sparked with bright silver “WAR SUPER FORM!” He shouted firing 8000 grenades out of no where as it was raining fucking bombs.
“GOLDEN ROCKET BOMBS!” He shouted bringing a shower of rocket bombs down as I flash stepped trying to dodge each and every explosion.
He walked out of the fire looking like a fucking nightmare terminator as I unleashed all my magic at once “We share the same blood, the same potential but I am empowered by dark science and machinery. Did you think you could even make a dent on me? THINK XENOS EDGEBLADE THINK!” He then punches me in the face as I clipped through a wall.
While on the ground Genos stood on top of me digging her high heel into my face “HEEL BOY HEEL! LICK THE DOG SHIT OFF MY SHOE DO IT MAGGOT! DO IT! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” She had a fucking smug twisted face as her eyes rolled back in pleasure, she was clearly loving seeing me brought so low.
“LIKE HELL I WILL!” I screamed going into my PSYCHO FORM as I blasted her off of my face.
We entered meteor mode unleashing thousands of punches at the speed of sonic sound with our fists hitting each other unable to land a single body blow “You really can match all of my moves but I always find a way to win no matter how fucked up or stupid the situation!” I roared with absolute determination as our eyes locked.
My limit breakers all broke then something ignited in my soul as I drew in a new form of power “AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHH!” I roared glowing with emerald like energy.
Helios looked worried for a second “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO NOTHING CAN MATCH MY WAR SUPER FORM!” He charged but his cracked his metal fist trying to punch my aura “OH FUCK! FUCK YOU!” He screamed trying to spray me from granades from his shoulder cannon.
I formed glowing green runic wings, glowing golden long hair and purifying robes “SO THIS IS THE POWER OF THE CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM! NOW YOU'RE SCREWED HELIOS!” I warned him.
Genos coughed up her cigarette holder as she shat herself in fear “Helios we need to get the fuck out of here right now!” She told him but he had too much arrogance and ego as he charged towards me unleashing all his power.
“FUCK THAT I WANNA FIGHT!” But I didn't even move as every single hit he threw did zero damage, I didn't even flinch which scared the fucking shit out of him.
Then with one light punch I cracked his omega core as he started leaking out crystalized energy
“Shit! I'm venting power fast, I need to bail THIS IS NOT OVER BROTHER!” He shouted as he escaped with his sister Genos.
I smirked reverting to normal mode “We'll meet again, get stronger before that day.” I said looking forward to a new challenge.
Breaching the hellgate facility
I went to a Buddhist temple in the mountains of Japan to heal under purifying springs after the battle against my lost brother.
A black helicopter landed and some US marines got out “Xenos we need your help please.” They begged me.
“Why the fuck should I help the US government?!” I demanded and they shook in fear knowing that if they got on my bad side they wouldn't be going home tonight.
General Bagg got out of the chopper and opened a handheld hologram which had a map “This is Crystal Arcadia shopping centre a new shopping experience that opened in San Diego last year. You see the internet was closing the malls do so the five most powerful zaibatsus used their power to combine the mall with a digital metaverse experience creating THE HYPERMALL a leisure and pleasure experience for the consumer.”
His explanation bored me “Get on with it, why does some dumb mall involve the US government?” I shouted in his face.
The general pressed a button and a red map appeared under the hologram “It was all a cover for F.E.A systems an aerospace and bioresearch company researching THE POWER OF HELL, they opened the hellgate facility below the mall BUT THEY LOST CONTOL now demons have overrun the lab while thousands of shoppers are trapped above sealed by the lockdown protocol.”
I sighed “So you want me to get inside to save them? Find I need a team and lots of guns...I know just who to bring.” I said getting into the helicopter.
At the recon base outside the mall I met with Sona and Brisket who where gearing up in black trench coats with sunglasses equiped with the most advanced cyberwear “We need all the gear we can get BECAUSE I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL OF HELL!” I said as we locked and loaded with more guns than we could carry.
We entered the access codes at the front gate entering the main area of the mall as the doors locked down behind us.
There was blood and guts everywhere, stores shuttered and more “Looks like we missed some heavy violence, I will check the systems for data, you two go on ahead.” Brisket said as we hacked the terminal.
The mall was huge as we found some sliced torsos on the floor and a dead guy in one of the pools “Its spooky and to think this place was once filled with life.” Sona said as he gulped.
I loaded up taking point “Looks like theres no survivors the demons must have wiped out everyone, must have been a horror show in here and I will make them pay dearly.” I told Sona.
There was the sound of something dragging an axe along the ground as a fucked up flesh man with a serial killer mask shambled towards us “YoU WiLl MaKe A GoOD FlEsH SuIt GIVE ME YOUR SKIN!” It said in a demonic voice, it was clearly a former shopper that got possessed by a demon and corrupted.
“Go eat shit!” I said and shot gunned his face so he had no head but his body still moved so I stabbed him with my gunblade and opened fire as he exploded into gibs.
More hocky mask demons appeared along with zombies that used to be people “Theres a swarm of them.” Sona said.
We loaded up machine guns and I played the death metal song HELL TO PAY on my MP4 player as we opened fire into the swarm of demonic hoards killing them by the 100s “RIP AND TEAR ASSHOLES!” I bragged as I did a cyclone slash with all my blades at once then rammed a heat granade in one of the undeads mouth and he exploded killing ten zombies.
I opened my trench pulling out duel uzis as I used bullet time magic to really enjoy the moment as I fired shot after shot into the masked demons.
More demons came including some big nasty ugly motherfuckers with horns and hooves “Oh look Sona the cliches ones are here, they think their scary HOW CUTE!” I laughed as I fired a bazooka into the face of one and the rocket in his mouth blasted him towards the other one as they BOTH EXPLODED INTO A PILE OF GUTS WHICH SCARED THE OTHER DEMONS.
Heavier demons showed up as we moved to the next level including spider flesh machine demons, flesh witches, reaper demons and even one of the Koch brothers who was a reaver zombie “Lets even up the oods.” I said as me and Sona equiped Silver S Grade Miniguns unleashing tire which tore the enemy into a bloody mess of guts and paste.
A massive demon commander in cyber armor with machine hooves and metal horns showed up punching me through a garden store “I'll make you into mincemeat little catboy!” I roared as its eyes glowed with fire.
I picked up a chainsaw in the store and equiped it onto my arm “Fab!” I said jumped out of the window as I reved the chainsaw up AND SLAMMED IT THROUGH HIS UGLY FUCKING FACE AS HE SCREAMED WITH BITS OF BRAIN GOING EVERYWHERE AS HIS SKULL VIBRATED WITH PAIN!!
I went into my super form as my chainsaw turned into gold and with the ki energy it had limitless fuel “KILL AND RIP BABY!” I said going into a high octane cycle spin with my chainsaw slicing up demon swarm after demon swarm while Sona chaingunned the rest of them.
We got to the entrance to the lab as we breached the doors of the evlivator “Hacking the terminal the lift should take you to the lab now, good luck.” Brisket said over the radio and we went down.
The truth of the incident
The lift doors opened as we entered the underground F.E.A systems lab which was covered in blood and dead scientists but a sickly red fire glow was coming from the distance.
Armies of heavy demons, the soulless, reavers, hell knights and spider layers stood before us “The soulless are working with hell? This is bad.” Sona said arming his lightblade while holding an AK47 with the other hand.
“They can allie with whoever they want, their still going to die.” I said opening fire as he tore through the hoards.
Sona sliced through them epic style then took out duel desert eagels as he blasted two hell knights appeared.
I went into the labs weapons sector finding a flamethrower unit “Hell yes!” I said arming up as I sprayed the hoard with fire as the demons screamed in pain.
We must have killed over 12,000 demons or even more by time we made it to the portal room where a bald beardy scientist was over the control panels “Hold it right there you bastard fucker!” I pointed aiming my assault rifle behind his domed head.
He turned around his eyes looked all fucked up and evil “Greetings I am Doctor Bruger, yes it is true I am the one who amped up the hellgates settings causing the outbreak.” He said in a thick german voice.
“Why did you do it!” Sona asked him.
He laughed his voice coming off demonic “I want an age of eternal pain and agony for every man woman and child while I become demon! Yes I am doing this for the greater good you see, hell is strong and people are weak so they must be punished for their weakness.” He typed on the computer console clearly fucking insane.
Bruger was filled with demonic energy coming out of the portal as his body got thick and fleshy then tentacles came out of his back along with demon wings. Then he grew big horns, a face like a dragon, hooves and bulky arms like a biohorror “RAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” He screamed picking up a pillar and throwing it into Soras face like a baseball bat but I sliced it in half with my blade before it could hit him.
“ME BECOME STRONG DEMON BURN IN THE FIRES!” He roared breathing hell flames at us as I unleashed a stream of machine gun rounds into his flesh.
Suddenly alarms went off “Warning the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system, I repeat the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system.” Said the computer and there was red lights everywhere.
“Fuck we need to evac now, Sona get Brisket and escape while I deal with this ugly piece of scum!” I said arming my chainsaw as I sliced his tentacles off which he kept regenerating.
The beast tried to swipe me with his claws but I did a badass drop roll “Xenos, take this!” A voice said and I was shocked IT WAS CINOS THE HEDGEHOG BUT I THOUGHT HE DIED!
He dropped a rocket launcher to the ground and retreated into the shadows “YOU'RE FUCKED!” I said firing a barrage of 14 rockets into his mouth as he exploded into puddle of gore.
The gate was overloading as the nuclear reactor was going haywire then I was pulled into the hellgate as the entire facility self destructed ending the demon threat.
Everything around me was on fire as people screamed in lava unable to die only to feel eternal pain. In the flaming skies above where reavers and flying demons along with flesh walls “So I am trapped in hell...no HELL IS TRAPPED HERE WITH ME!” I said swinging my Dai Katana ready to make the demons my bitch!
I sliced and diced my way through a ton of demons as a hoard of billions of them stood before me “You really have no idea who you picked a fight with.” I said taking out duel AK47s with scopes and cyan ice paint jobs opening fire into the hoard.
After running out of ammo I went into bullet time jump kicking an archdemon in the face then pulling out rapid fire desert edgles blowing a bunch of techno demons apart with AP rounds.
Loading my chainsaw I used a limit breaker throwing the chainsaw into a hell knights face mincing his brains “OVERKILL!” I shouted using Kung Foo to break a spider demons neck then I picked up the spider demon and rammed one of its legs through the mouth of a Reaver demon.
“You're out of ammo, now you will boil alive for crossing the forces of hell” Said a death knight general drawing his satanic broadsword.
I stood there with a serious look on my face powering up into my CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM which made them afraid of me “I DON'T NEED AMMO TO TAKE YOUR ARMIES APART!” I told the general as I round house kicked his head off then rushed through the hoards throwing millions of punches which from the air looked like a mist of blood as thousands after thousands of demons where exterminated by a ball of light.
Over the next hour I wiped out level after level of hell going to the deepest circle which was like an ice castle “FLEE WE MUST ABANDON HELL BEFORE THE DESTORYER COMES!” An ice demon cried in fear.
“We are trapped in hell we can go no where” said one of his comrades as I crashed through the roof stabbing them through the face with gaint icicles.
Then I saw him it was the satanic wizard Garth LeVay, the motherfucker who helped create my evil self “Pity you turned down the power of the Crystal Pandemonium but it matters now, hell shall rise and take the human world.” He said.
I was pissed off so I grabbed him by the neck lifting him up as he was afraid “W...what are you going to do?” He shivered.
I stuck my fingers in his mouth and ripped the top half of his head off before throwing his body away “I waited a long time to get revenge on you, now it is done.” I said before flying off to kill more ice demons.
Finally it was the elite royal guard of hell, fully armored with hell metal katanas “We must protect our master the prince of darkness!” They said as I charged up a holy Hiyako attack which torched them.
Kicking the castle doors down the large armored being with horns stood up from his massive throne IT WAS THE DEVIL HIMSELF “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! I AM THE GOD DAMN DEVIL AND YOU WILL PAY FOR DESTORYING MY LEGIONS OF THE DAMMNED!” He screamed at me.
I no selled him looking him the eyes “I don't fear you, I killed God after all.” I said.
His tough persona quickly dropped “Oh fuck!” He said as I powered up unleashing a omegadon energy bomb attacking leaving only his smoking legs standing.
After that I gathered all the energy into me throwing it into the hell star which exploded consuming all of hell itself as the evil realm folded and was destoryed into nothingness THATS RIGHT I WIPED HELL OUT OF EXISTENCE FOREVER!
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