#which is not an italian name
thepringlesofblood · 7 months
Find Out Your Ceresian Senator Name!
(made with love, the d20 gang put a lot of work into diversifying character names, & as I was doing my etymology post I noticed similarities but no clear formula so I thought I’d write one for funsies)
First Name: The first letter of the street you grew up on (if you didn’t grow up on a street feel free to use a town/city name, or a landmark!).
I included alternates for gender reasons - a/o means the name can end with either a or o depending on your preference, e.g. Emilio vs Emilia. You can probably also throw an -e at the end of some of them if (like me) you wanna be a bit nonbinary about it.
A - Aurelius (Adria, Andrea) B - Bianca (Bacchus, Basilla) C - Cara (Cassius, Camila/o) D - Dominic (Donatella/o, Daniela) E - Emanuel (Emanuela, Emilia/o,  Eduardo) F - Francisco (Fabrizia/o, Fiero) G - Giuseppe (Graciela, Gio) H - Hercules (Hero, Hermes) I - Ignazia/o (Imelda, Isabella) J - Jupiter (Jiovanni, Juno) K - Katarina (Kronos, Celeste) L - Lorenzo (Luca, Loretta) M - Marco (Messina, Manuela) N - Nunzio (Natalia, Nico) O - Oliverio (Ouranos, Roberta/o) P - Patrizia/o (Paula/o, Pallas) Q - Quirinus (Pietro, Ricarda/o) R - Rizzo (Rafaela/Rafael, Renata) S - Silvio (Sabina/e, Serafina/o) T - Titian (Tullia/o, Terra) U - Ulysses (Urania/Uranus, Rosetta) V - Valentina/o (Venus, Vesta, Vesuvio) W - Luigi (Mario, Rosalina) X - Xanto (Romeo, Diana, Apollo) Y - Ylenia (Saturn/Saturnus, Minerva) Z - Zappa (Mars, Melete, Diana)
Last name: The last letter of your favorite food
A - Bucatini B - Capellini C - Bavette D - Matriciani E - Pappardelle F - Scialatelli G - Spaghettini H - Tagliatelle I - Trenetti J - Vermicelli K - Anelli L - Cascatelli M - Castellane N - Cavatappi O - Farfalle P - Garganelli   Q - Passatelli R - Paccheri S - Rigatoni T - Strozzapretti U - Testaroli V - Cannelloni   W - Agnolini X - Cappaletti Y - Fagottini Z - Sacchettoni
Voila! Now just put “Senator” (or another Roman govt position if you want) in front of it. I’m Senator Andrea Trenetti!
I also did some optional funsies for those of us with dice we never get to use:
Roll 1d20 

If it lands on a 1, you are straight up a loaf of bread. use the Bread Table under the cut

If it lands on a 2-10, you are a pasta dish. Use the last name chart for your first name, and use the Pasta Dish Table under the cut for your last
If you roll a nat 20, you are may choose b/w
a popular snack food. Use the Snack Table under the cut
you can also use the first name chart and use the snack table for your last name if you want
a Ceresian folk deity. not a senator anymore, but arguably funnier. Use the Deity Table under the cut
otherwise, use tables above as normal.

In The Ravening War, all of the senators also got “tribune” titles like “Tribune of Triscutia” - if you want one of those, you can either:
Use the last name table but use first letter of your favorite food
Use either the Bread, Pasta Dish, or Snack table under the cut
Bread Table
Roll 1d12 or use your birth month
1. Panettone (you have a little Candian on your mother’s side of the family) 2. Muffuletta 3. Pane rustico 4. Panino 5. Pita 6. Tortano 7. Baguette 8. Ciambella 9. Fugassa 10. Friselle 11. Crescentina 12. Boule
Pasta Dish Table
Roll 1d20 or how many mozzarella sticks do you think you could eat in one sitting? (if you can’t eat mozzarella sticks imagine carrot sticks instead)
1. Arrabiatta 2. Amatriciana 3. Bolognese 4. Capresi   5. Bottarga 6. Indiavolati 7. Siracusani 8. Scarpariello 9. Boscaiola 10. Fagioli 11. Lucchesi 12. di Mare 13. Napoletana 14. Puttanesca 15. Ragu   16. Sorrentina 17. Tartufo 18. Valtellina 19. Zucca 20. Cacio-pepe
Snack Table
Roll 1d6, or rate the last movie you saw from 0-5 stars (or 1-6 if you don’t want to do math)
if you like you can also use Fritos or Dorito(s)
Chex (you can add a last name that describes the kind of Chex if you want)
Pepperidge (like Pepperidge farms)
Kellogg (you can add a last name that describes the kind of Kellogg’s food item if you want)
General Mills
you can forgo the “Senator” title if you so chose and just be “General Mills”
the ancient Roman govt Ceresia is based on had a lot of interplay between the military and the government so like. Generals still have govt. sway.
you could also just be “Senator Mills”
Deity Table
Roll 1d6 or tbh just pick which one you like they’re all fun
you are now known as Ben the Original, but you have never forgotten your past life as Uncle Ben.
you are Little Miss Sunbeam, a maiden goddess of light and happiness
you are the Triple God, the Holy Trinity, and your aspects are Snap, Crackle, and Pop
you are a Keebler elf, one of a large family of forest spirits hidden deep in the mountains on the border of Candia and Ceresia
you are Umaemon, an otherworldly cat-like being with unknowable powers and dual aspects of both cat and human.
you are the Pillsbury Doughboy. 
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rochenn · 2 months
Writing real world AUs for SW is the biggest exercise in suspending ur disbelief because of those NAMES.
Obi-Wan? Yeah that's just Ben now regardless of what stage of life he's in. Dooku? Sorry you must mean signore Serenno. Legend has it he's some sort of Italian. Qui-Gon Jinn? Um. Uhhh. He was born to hippie parents in the 70s that's why. Yeah I know that's kinda fucked up. Don't ask about Ben's last name btw
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canisalbus · 4 months
Random guess that you of course don’t have to answer, is his name Valentino?
Good guess, but no.
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ndostairlyrium · 2 months
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grey hair, fluff, and murrine 🔮
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cutechan555 · 7 months
We're taking down this tower together Pino
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coquelicoq · 5 months
uh-oh! i finished the name of the rose. unfortunately it was very good. i would like to tell my friends and neighbors about it but i cannot on account of i'm not smart enough. i want everyone to read it but not because i recommended it to them, so i can't recommend it to anyone. i think it's very possible my sister would be obsessed with this book but equally possible she would tear it into little pieces and eat them fifty pages in and never trust my taste in literature ever again. i read the first page of the afterword and loved it so much i had to go lie down. i'll forget everything about this book except that it was a masterpiece. i will never read it again.
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kiwibirb1 · 2 days
What if. What if I made the goat Italian.
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bugtransport · 10 months
hey. remember how i said that i downloaded star trek in italian and also i don't speak italian? well. imagine my shock as i was eating dinner just now and got jumpscared by this title card
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edmundodiaz · 1 month
the fact that vertigo was renamed ‘la donna che visse due volte’ (= the woman who lived twice) for the italian distribution
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disneynerdpumpkin · 5 months
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He is baby ❤️
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e-adlirez · 4 months
Is there an order you're supposed to read the Geronimo Stilton books in???? If so which one's the first???
Well, yes there is an order to the books, but you can read them in any order you want! If you wanna read them in chronological order tho then uuuuhhhhhhh depends on the language you read them in because publishing orders differ depending on the language.
Since you said you’re gonna read them in Italian, uhhhhhhhhhhh I’m not entirely sure because I don’t read the books in Italian (unfortunately) and the Geronimo Stilton official website doesn’t have their Library of Alexandria of a catalogue of the Italian main books for some reason (if I’m reading stuff correctly) :/
Soooo ye just grab whatever’s at the thrift store and read away HAHAHAHAH the rest of the fandom I believe can give you book recs if they feel so inclined
Welcome to the Stilton fandom, my friend, hope you enjoy the madness brainrot :3
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cocrante · 4 months
Giggling at the idea of Will learning Italian and in his adventures at Piazza San Marco listening to couples on the benches starts picking up new pet names.
Out of nowhere, he begins calling Nico "patato" catching him off guard as he turns with a questioning look "Where did that come from?" but he was unable to hold back a smile. Will shrugs "Secret, amo"
"Will, please stop" he starts laughing, being embraced by his boyfriend "Make me, tesoro"
"Taci" he replied with a smile, wrapping his arms around Will neck, their lips meeting in a lovely kiss
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centi-pedve · 5 months
subway is so crazy their whole menu system is crazy. ordering online is crazy. they remove spicy italian off the menu for some fkn reason. okay so we'll just customize a different sandwich to be a spicy italian which should be perfectly possible because it's not like they're out of the ingredients. well for whatever reason if you go to one sandwich it'll only let you have two proteins and you can remove them but not add any others. okay so if we can remove we'll just go to a sandwich with unbearable protein and remove everything except pepperoni and salami. okay so now we can't remove anything at all we have to have all four chosen meats on this sandwich. why. it's not like they're pre-made. so maybe we should go to a sandwich which is protein neutral maybe they'll have all the meat opportunities open liiike the veggie one. oh you can't add any protein. why. what if we really like veggies but maybe some ham slices wouldn't hurt. are you trying to protect vegetarians from themselves? then we find a different sandwich which is just a spicy italian with a different name. we should walk into the subway store and shove the tip of a rifle into our mouth right in the direction of our brain
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anglerflsh · 11 months
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Considering he was born just fourteen years after corsica got indipendence from Genoa in 1755 (and barely 15 months after France bought it in 1769 - the dates of acquisition from one republic to the state are a bit different) I'd say he himself was of italian descent at this point lol. It's also pretty obvious by looking at his surname but both his parents were born in italian-ruled Corsica
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frociaggine · 19 hours
I can't believe I'm so terminally online that I saw you read Mark Webber's book and my first thought was "woah #QueabeyanMention"
“can't believe I'm so terminally online—” you ARE. so am I. we should embrace our terminally online swag.
btw this ask made me realise I don't actually know how the name Queanbeyan is pronounced. I'm gonna look it up. wish me luck
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italofobia · 6 months
italian lance voltron jumpscare
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