#which is why I don’t mind sharing it publicly lmao
bisluthq · 23 days
Why do you think some people have a huge problem with Taylor telling lies sometimes? I’m a big fan of hers and always will be, but it’s obvious or it has been proven that she doesn’t always tell the truth and I don’t think it’s such a big deal
I think it’s because people forget she’s a real person and like to feel like they have really deep insight into her (which I think we all do more or less, that’s part of why we’re fans) but as having insight into her idk I’m cognizant of her being a person and ergo not needing to tell us everything exactly how it is and I’m also cognizant of the fact that she - like all people - lies to herself and is on occasion, like all of us, an unreliable narrator. So if Taylor says something to us then to these people it must be irrevocably true. But that’s just not how human beings operate? Idk man. All the stuff she’s “lied” about has either been white lies that I can’t really imagine her being able to say something else about (like substance use), things where she can’t really say something else because it’d be weird (like saying she’s single when she’s seeing people but doesn’t have a proper boyfriend because again like that’s not really a lie lol and is she meant to explain details of her situationships and arrangements to literal MILLIONS of people when most of us wouldn’t even explain those to our parents lmao?), things she changed her mind on like feelings (understandable because we can believe something in the moment and then no longer vibe with it), things she felt uncomfortable sharing with millions like feelings (“I AM SO HAPPY” is kinda the only position she can publicly take because otherwise people get weird but also that’s not something one necessarily wants to share with everyone in the class?? Even in normie world?? Have y’all not said “I’m having a fantastic time tonight” to friends when you weren’t, in fact, having a fantastic time?) Or hyperbole (“nobody saw me for a year”/stopped drinking completely etc) where like that’s how people talk and it’s not literal lol (I’ve said in shitty weather that “I haven’t left my house for a month” but I go to the grocery store and stuff but like I didn’t go out ykwim so I basically didn’t leave my house??? That’s how people talk lol).
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has-bg-ended-yet · 1 year
Since we’re sharing theories I wanted to share mine. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I think Eleanor and bbg are linked in some aspects - since the news about Louis being a dad came out Eleanor was was repeatedly brought up despite her and Louis being broken up and there was that article saying how Louis met up with her in person to tell the news and her being devastated (lmaoo) because she always thought her and Louis would be have kids together. I know Eleanor has not been involved in bbg at all, like at all. No pictures of her with Freddie and Louis unlike with Danielle, in fact when it was known Louis was travelling to LA to be with Freddie Eleanor would make sure to post to show she’s in London or literally anywhere else just not LA. Since she came back in 2017 we have no content of her with Freddie and with the way Louis has talked in interviews it sounded like he split time between Eleanor and Freddie and he didn’t spend time with them together. Also I think bbg was involved in the end of Elounor 🫣 during ltwt whenever Louis had a break from tour he would fly to LA and the only time he went to the uk it was for Glastonbury not for Eleanor lmao. And even though she was at Glastonbury as well from the pictures and videos we got it seemed like he was already checked out lmao she was trying to talk to him (guessing she was trying to “save” their relationship???) there was no evidence of a ‘relationship’ between them and in the bua they said the split was because of tour (same excuse as 2015 🥱) and then said “other things went down between them” and that made me go 👁️👁️ when I first read it and idk why but my mind immediately went to bbg and the way she was during LA night one when Freddie was there… she did not interact with him at all despite him being in the same section as her she stayed with her friend and didn’t even smile and wave at her boyfriend of 5 years kid… 💀also Christmas 2021 Eleanor didn’t spend it in Doncaster as she usually does and the only thing that was different was the fact that Freddie was there… she posted herself in Louis’ house to show she was still in London and then wished him happy birthday and called him baby and mentioned him which she hasn’t done before but still didn’t go down to Doncaster. Once again publicly showing she wants nothing to do with Freddie and has no interest at all being around him. So that and then her behaviour during LA night one plus the footage from the documentary showing Louis being only focused on Freddie backstage leads me to believe Freddie was a massive reason for the end of Elounor. I have no proof of this and nothing to back this up but I think Eleanor doesn’t think Freddie is Louis’ biological son 🧘🏽‍♀️ and I think that might be brought up once bbg ends but I don’t think Eleanor will be directly mentioned. So to summarise I think Elounor ending means bbg is ending sooner rather than later. Alsoo when Freddie came to Doncaster for Christmas in 2021 I told my friend within the next 2 years Elounor is going to be done and I was right lmao so I think with bbg it will end within the next two years as well
Despite all of the proofs about the kid not being his, one of the thing that would make me go ‘maybe??’ if I believed in it it’s the fact that Eleanor, his girlfriend for so many years, didn’t care for his son at all.
There was a moment I thought they were ending both things months apart. An article would appear about Elounor break up with some rumours of ‘Louis is heartbroken since his girlfriend didn’t accept his child and has been telling him to take a pat test, which caused them to break up’ and them the article about bg ending. (I mention articles a lot because famous people use them to announce something/say something without saying it, so a close source is mentioned.)
And I don’t know if they’ll mention people telling him to take a dna the past years or they’ll end it without giving context, but it’s an option! But yes, I agree with you ending it in the next 2 years!
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jlf23tumble · 3 years
Idk if it’s just me but this is Harry’s least “sus” relationship for me. Like, Camille would have been pointless as a stunt because they were hardly seen together and nobody knew who she was but at least it wasn’t detrimental and she was someone who his fans could project themselves on but Olivia??
Like, there’s the whole timeline thing, which I won’t get into, I don’t care and it’s none of my business but a lot of people do care and the media brought it up constantly at the beginning, that’s bad press for both of them. It’s her second directorial project and people are gonna talk about her boyfriend more than her, I doubt Olivia would want that if she wasn’t in love with said boyfriend. There’s the whole knowing how much scrutiny it will add to the movie, there’s the whole age gap thing and the whole, you know, her having kids.
Like, who does this benefit? Yeah the movie has been featured on tabloids a lot more than it would’ve otherwise, but with the cast it already has and the premise, it didn’t need that sort of push? There are so many articles by so many huge media outlets talking about how excited they are for the movie and hardly anyone even mentions their relationship in it.
Also, 99% of what the fandom knows about the relationship, the GP doesn’t, all the fan photos, all the walks, all the sharing clothes thing, that she and her kids live with him, that she drives his car, that they spent Christmas with both of their families and stuff, like nobody is checking for that, so what’s the point of it?? So much time and effort from two huge millionaire celebrities to convince a handful of fans that would’ve watched the movie regardless?
Also Harry is at a point in his career where being single and attainable would be a HUGE advantage, career-wise. Harry as a stepdaddy with a girlfriend pushing 40 is probably one of the least attractive scenarios for fans who want to project themselves with him. And while men don’t exactly go obsolete once they reach 30, it’s always a better age for heartthrobs to be in their 20s rather than 30s. So these last few years, where he’s at the top of the game in terms of fame and career, still in his 20s, are probably exactly when “they” would want him single and available. Any “stunt” would be with a highly desirable “it” woman like, idk, Bella Hadid or Sydney Sweeney, and last a couple of months tops.
And they can’t claim “she’s a beard” because Harry was single for nearly 3 years and nobody’s mind changed about his sexuality lmao. Also nobody would’ve thought that he was gay because he played a gay man in a movie. So I’m just here confused, what exactly is the gain of this “stunt”?
I can understand thinking Taylor or Kendall were stunts. I don’t think they were but at least they were high profile and got him a ton of publicity. I can understand thinking that Nadine or Camille were stunts because while pointless at least they weren’t harmful and they were pretty models his fans could project themselves onto and use for their Wattpad covers. Olivia makes zero sense as a stunt in any capacity.
Ma'am or sir, this is one long-ass ask full of utter nonsense that required coffee in the morning and wine at night to even read it through, and the wine is just kicking in enough to make me want to indulge in this utter waste of time responding to you, so here goes! Bulleted notes, by paragraph-response level first, then my own hot takes, and honestly, if you make me read something this long, guess what, you're gonna do the same! More under the cut because I love my mutuals who don't have to deal with this level of horseshit, and I can type fast:
1. (para 1) Better question: Why is Camille's relationship more "sus" than this one when they both serve the exact same purpose (i.e., givin' the gloss to the shine of whatever's happening lyrically in the album to come)? Camille isn't pointless if you a) want to write some breakup songs and then b) publicly break up with someone. I haven't heard hs3 yet, but I'm definitely curious about the content accordingly. Oh, and RED FLAG #1 here for the use of "detrimental," holy fuck, this fandom and the way it hates women, babes, he hired her, he "benefits” a lot more than she does (evidence: the garbage in the rest of this ask and anyone in the olivia/holivia tags). God, I love seeing posts going around right after they slam Olivia saying, it's never okay to blame someone who's in the closet, the irony being it's totally okay to blame the person that the person in the closet hired to help them stay in the closet. And what if THAT person might also not be straight? Anyone??
2. (para 2) This timeline business, no, my love, you DO care, seemingly lots of people who hate women care, lmao. From what I've seen, the movie hasn't gotten bad movie press beyond people in fandom wanting it to, there's a lot of hype (see literally your next paragraph), with most publications helmed by women going with the geddit, gurl response, and most publications run by men thinking Olivia's their dream girl, so geddit, gurl (at Harry). Movie publications genuinely don't care who's fucking who, they literally never have beyond the tee hee gossip of it all. Olivia doesn't need a bunch of accolades for Flo's oscar-winning performance, she needs seats in seats (this is my guess), like any director, and she's gonna geddit (gurl). Good for her! Wish people could give this much of a shit when male directors date their female stars and the public lines blur. RED FLAG #2 for the "worrying" about the age gap--she's ten years older, he's a grown-ass adult (again, where's the concern if that sex is flipped), the whole "you know, her having kids." GOD FORBID someone has kids somewhere and publicly dates someone else, so glad for all of us that fans are in the know about what the kids deal with on the daily in this situation, but I would pay TOP DOLLAR to see this level of concern about a male director's kids when he's publicly seen with someone who isn't their mom. I'll even give you a freebie--what about Jason? Worried about what the kids think about him dating someone HALF his age? Is he a bad dad when he's out on a date or walking down a street with her? He has a hella popular tv show...how's he juggling it?
3. (para 3) You answered your own question here--yeah, there ARE tons of huge media outlets talking about this movie that would've been an arthouse hit at best. They don't mention the relationship because it doesn't matter, yet it helped put said movie on their radar because all that online chatter matters, click click, etc. That's show BIZ, it happens every single day, every single movie, it's practically what helps make a smaller movie bigger. Or a bigger movie bigger. This isn't new or news!!
4. (para 4) See above, what's not clicking, the point of it is clicks! And there is ZERO time and effort put into it, they've done a few pap walks (idk the term for boat walk), and it's done! Sold! Clicked! I don't know how this is some kind of burden for anyone--other than those people who feel compelled to click on the link, then copy, paste, circle in red, underline, add arrows, attribute the wrong emotions to facial characteristics, repeat, then reblog it ad nauseum so everyone in fandom sees it. Talk about doing the work! It ain't Harry Styles, bb!
5. (para 5) I'm actually kind of relieved to see the ageism in this para also applied to Harry, too, but I'd suggest that maybe, just maybe, Harry doesn't WANT to be seen as single and ready to mingle (I haven't heard the album yet, though). Even then, gasp, what if he WANTS to be a stepmom?? How dare he!
6. (para 6) This is the para that broke me, where to even start, my love, SO MANY PEOPLE think he's gay, he has openly and actively played with that perception, and for whatever reasons you want to imagine, he's not openly actively out yet, hence he has a beard. You know, someone he has hired to help maintain his public privacy in terms of his sexuality. Every sentence in this para, whew.
7. (para 7) Okay, THIS is the para that lost me because if you don't think TAYLOR SWIFT or KENDALL JENNER were stunts or beards, I wonder if you can handle the idea of bearding in general and/or the concept that women in Hollywood aren't always straight eitehr. I know, it's hard to think of women outside the male lens, but maybe--just MAYBE--it's mutually beneficial, le gasp! I would also argue the "harmful" here because lorde, so many people were up in arms about Camille, and they just doubled down on Olivia, which is truly ironic if you identify as a l*rrie. Olivia makes THE MOST sense if you DO identify as such, but again, haven't heard the lyrics yet, just guessin'.
....blergh I ran out of steam on my own hot takes, but I'll say this:
1. Friendly reminder, you don't work at HQ, you do not get paid to know, to wonder, or to worry what the purpose of ANY of it is. Maybe there is one! Maybe there isn't! Who cares!
2. How sad I am for people who wring their hands over this kind of inconsequential bullshit instead of finding like-minded people to laff with over crack theories like the Oli/Eleanor strike for better benefits, Jeff's obsession with the TV show House meaning he forced Harry to write Olivia back in 2014 and date her now...and possibly name this album Harry's House as the world's best homage. Jesus CHRIST, have some fun! If you're gonna traffic in nonsense, for the love of yourself, traffic in fun nonsense. (Note: this does not apply to BONKERS people who legit think that Jeff sold Harry to Olivia Wilde for ~reasons, you gotta NOT hate women for true fandom enjoyment to seep in, which probably explains so much of the misery, if u think about it)
3. I could argue until I'm blue in the face about closeting, but this is a weird fandom that insists on outing its faves and not getting that the forcing of that card is just gonna push the doubling down on NOT coming out until your faves are able or willing to come out. And that might never happen, tbh! And you might have to live with that, you know, because it's okay!
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
ok so
I just finished playing episode 8 and
>spoiler alert<
now more than ever
I'm really REALLY sure the mwaf knows mc
I mean
why is important to him to make sure we watch every one of our friends die? I think it's bc we meant something, as Jake would say, we are the key, I just can't get out of my head that mwaf stalks mc, for some reason this is stuck in my mind lmao
AND something I imagine but I'm sure it will not happen (but would be really cool for the plot) would be mc getting marked
like I know it will not happen bc technically it's not really convencional since you know we are mc and everything
I mean mwaf did threatens to come after us
but we don't live in duskwood
and we're not going to go to duskwood
so if he does come to us, he would have to come to our house
which implies that he know or at least knows how to find where we live
I bet he's a stalker but anyway
I just think it would be a really cool thing if we get marked
it would be the trigger to make Jake show himself to us
I was the whole call repeating "you're gonna die, RUN"
at least they didn't die lol
Spoiler ep 8!
You’re right, always stay positive, this time nobody died. Praise the Lord. 😂🥳
But yes, with the rest I agree with you too. Otherwise he wouldn’t be as mad as he is, he’s worried that something might come out that only MC knows (I think)
I would also find it incredibly cool if we were marked.
We can’t be personally marked, but he could do it in Duskwood. Maybe so that everyone can see it to show that something very bad is going to happen, or he could send us a picture or something. Although the call was something like a marker.
I don’t think Jake will show himself to us (at least not personally, logically, but don’t think that way in general)
But he would definitely be so worried and that would be so sweet. And it would drive all the thrill of the game even higher. We would be marked and then have to wait and watch until one by one dies.
And why they went into this house I do not know either! I would have been against it but unfortunately there was no option. Already when Jessy said they was going there, I knew it was gonna escalate again.
Thank God Thomas was so smart to throw this stupid can so they can get away. I mean, they could have found Hannah and Richy, but they could have died, too. Although I probably would have gone there too, if I could have xD
But really being publicly marked by the MWAF would be really cool, that would be so exciting, I hope that will still happen. And since we still need to know what we have to do with all this, a connection between us and the MWAF will certainly come to light.🤭
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I just loved it! <3
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berlinini · 3 years
they’re countless artists who work hard/even harder than louis does, and that includes poc/black women, who get the fraction of recognition that louis gets. louis made a non radio friendly album, which he himself admits. he scrapped his first album like a lot of artist have done, idk why you act as if this is a unique things only for louis? i don’t understand how not publicly knowing the veeps numbers apparently= sabotage lmao ? i doubt Louis believes the stuff you believe because he wouldn’t think that lowly of himself by blaming a ‘someone is sabotaging him’.
Ok, show me an artist with close to 39 millions followers on Twitter, who puts on a free festival for fan, which has 1 million tweets the day of, who doesn't get press about it?
Louis never said Walls was not radio friendly? Y'all really are unable to understand this quote, God help me. He said he was not trying to be defined on the basis of commercial success; that doesn't mean that his song are not radio friendly? Always You would have been a banger summer hit, Defenseless too. Kill My Mind as well, in another genre. All the songs on Walls could be played on the radio...if it was allowed to.
As for Veeps, I'll make a post about it later, but why isn't his team releasing the numbers? I'm not even asking for a press release or coverage. It could be a simple tweet, after the stream, like "Thank you to all 200 000 thousands of you who tuned in and shared this amazing moment". WHY would you NOT share this information? When you are supposed to celebrate your client's accomplishments??? Why isn't Veeps co-founder talking about AFH the way he did for Liam's stream?
I know people don't like the term sabotage because it's heavy but what else you're gonna call it? I don't pretend to know what Louis thinks about his situation but I'm pretty sure that showing the abnormalities in his career is not "thinking lowly" of him. He knows better than me if someone is trying to put his chances at a solo career into the ground. "Too many times in my career have I had to pick myself up and go “right let’s go again”".
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inkykeiji · 3 years
I hope this isn’t a tmi type question but u seem really comfy sharing and I just read ur last ask
but I’m basically here to ask how u have achieved what sounds like such a wonderful sex life w ur boyfriend?
I’ve never been able to find anyone who’s into the same shit as me or found the kinda sex I wanna have, how did u find someone who’s into what u are? Did u both just meet and have complimenting sexual preferences by chance, or did u kinda just trial and error together until u found what u both like?
Bc for me (this might be unrealistic idk) when I meet someone like that I’d want it to be natural, i don’t wanna have to show/teach a guy how to fuck me the way I want, it just takes away a lot of the appeal? Like, I want a guy to do what HE wants and just have that naturally be something that I also love.
I know a lot of people say talking and communicating about ur sexual preferences helps a healthy and good sex life, but that just makes me so uncomfortable and takes away the natural spark of it I feel like.
Thank u in advance! No pressure to answer this if it’s too personal!
hello hello!! <33 beware there is a very LONG answer under the cut hehe <3
i hope you don't mind me answering this publicly!!! <33
AH okay! so, the answer lies in a few things. my boyfriend and i began dating in 9th grade, and we've been together ever since (and we just graduated university together right before covid hit, so that should give u a pretty good idea of just how long we've been together for!) which means we've had a LOT of time to try things out, to explore each other's bodies, to learn what the other likes, etc etc etc. i definitely think that this plays a large role in it, just having spent so much time together and having been together for so long, you know?
for us, we got pretty lucky, because we happened to mostly be into the same kinks. but at the same time, since we're each other's only sex partners and have been having sex since we were teenagers, we got to discover a lot of those kinks together. there are definitely a few we don't share (for example i am definitely more kinky out of the two of us and like, he refuses to do anything with knife play; totally understandable) but for the most part they match up.
I KNOW UR GONNA HATE TO HEAR THIS LMAO but communication does play a very big and important role in it all, especially if you're going to be delving into darker kinks/bdsm, you know? you have a responsibility to properly communicate with your partner what you are and aren't comfortable with, to set hard and soft limits, to come up with a safeword, etc etc etc.
for us, for example, he wasn't quite sure about a daddy kink the first time i brought it up. i never pushed him to do it, but eventually he decided he'd like to give it a try, just to see how it goes, and we agreed that if he wasn't comfortable or into it then it was off the table. like that kind of communication is important within a relationship, you know? i also can't expect him to know exactly what i'm into without vocalizing it to him, right?
we gave it a try, and he learned/discovered it's something he really enjoys!!! so there's a certain level of communication and compromise that's necessary there.
i understand where you're coming from with the whole 'i don't want to have to show/teach him how to fuck me'; that makes sense!!! i can totally see why that would take the appeal away from it, especially if it's during the act itself! usually, for us at least, these conversations happen much earlier than the act itself.
but i think what you're more looking for is someone who's experienced!!! do you know what you're into, or have like a general idea of what you're into? i feel like it's kinda necessary to have this conversation with potential partners in advance, that way they know what you like and what you're cool with etc. (and you know what they like + are cool with) and see how much knowledge they have on your specific kinks and work it all out then and there. i can promise you that, from my experience, this does not in any way take away the spark of anything!!! if anything, it builds anticipation!! and it ensures that the sex itself goes fluidly, fun and safe.
this isn't to say that you're not gonna meet someone who's sexual preferences line up with yours!!!! it's very very possible!!! all of the people i know who have good sex have found partners with preferences that align with their own (but they also did all have those conversations about kinks and limits etc!). i think (and you can totally feel free to correct me if i'm wrong!! this is just how i'm interpreting it!!) what you're more looking for is that intense chemistry and compatibility. and you can have and maintain that intense chemistry and compatibility while also having a conversation and open communication about what you are and aren't into, you know? those things can, and do, coexist!! in my humble opinion, if you're a good match, the natural spark of it all will be there regardless. i've been with my boyfriend for an extremely long time, and we still have that. plus, talking about new things to try in bed is something that always gets us both super excited, and we have a tendency to talk about it after we fuck, too. "how was that? did you like this position? (he improvises positions a LOT lmao) was i too rough?" etc.
waaah i hope this makes sense!!!! i'm obviously not a sex health specialist or professional, and i can only give you my own personal opinion based on my experiences but to sum it up:
any relationship is going to require a bit of trial and error and a lot of trust and communication and honesty. it is more than possible to both experience that feeling of natural and fluid sex AND to discuss your preferences. in my case, we got lucky, because we happened to be into most of the same kinks, but we still did (and do) need to talk about them!!! again, if anything, having those conversations makes the sex BETTER, because it goes smoother with less hiccups!! i hope this helps a little <333
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
How problematic are they? Would they get cancelled?
Tumblr media
content: cursing, mild spoilers, insulting your faves, long list of characters
EREN ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ soooo problematic and for what? in his defense, eren doesn’t actively try to come off as an asshole— he just has strong opinions and doesn’t really care if it rubs people the wrong way
MIKASA *ೃ༄ my girl out here getting hate for no reason. haters are just afraid because mikasa is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t care for their stupid comments
ARMIN ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ armin is perfect, he can do wrong in my eyes. he’s the golden child of attack on titan. i dont accept criticism on this sorry
JEAN *ೃ༄ mmm yes but no; people would probably just give him shit because a video surfaced of him treating his mom kinda badly. some defend him and others don’t
CONNIE ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ because he’s just a crackhead, connie might accidentally say something offensive. his manager will have to apologize on his behalf because he’d probably fuck it up and make it worse lmao
SASHA *ೃ༄ gets hateful comments because she’s unapologetically herself— doesn’t quite care for bullshit societal norms and does what she wants, which sometimes gets her in trouble
MARCO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this man doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, someone protect him. if anything, he might just get caught in jean’s drama at times
HISTORIA *ೃ༄ publicly, she’s okay but i feel like she’d have some really dark and questionable morals on the downlow
YMIR ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misandrist. she’s not sorry either sjsjsjsj
ANNIE *ೃ༄ doesn’t really fuck with people. annie is the definition of “minding my business” but if someone gets on her bad side, bitch won’t be afraid to bring out the receipts
REINER ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ made a lot of bad decisions when he was young and now they’ve come back to bite him in the ass. he’s really just trying to live his life but people will bring back shit he did like 5 years ago
BERTHOLDT *ೃ༄ others have done worse shit than him but ppl just focus on one bad thing he did. like, they won’t let go no matter how much time has passed. tries to handle it with grace but kinda snaps
LEVI ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ do no harm but take no shit. levi might get a bad rep but he’s perhaps one of the least problematic characters. looks like he could shit in your dinner (and would) but only if you deserve it.
HANGE *ೃ༄ kinda crazy. hange is living life to the fullest, sometimes threading in dangerous territory but they are not offensive in general.
ERWIN ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ my man is no angel, he’s done his fair share of problematic shit but somehow smooth talks his way out of punishments??
FLOCH *ೃ༄ he’s easy to hate. mostly cuz he’s a shitty person but partly because he looks so annoying.
MARLO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he’s the one cancelling people. jk, marlo would try his best to be a good role model and dislikes cancel culture because he thinks it doesn’t teach people to be better by learning from their mistakes (this varies on the situation)
KENNY *ೃ༄ drunk uncle that can beat your ass no matter how old he gets. not a good parental role either!! homo— sexual? phobic?
RICO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this waifu might seem like a bit of a hardass with unsavory opinions but doesn’t have malicious intent so we give her a pass.
PIECK *ೃ༄ homegirl is asleep most of the time. she doesn’t have the energy to be problematic.
PORCO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ porco acts really high and mighty for someone who’s quite problematic. always starts beef with reiner. it’s so random too, like ??
MARCEL *ೃ༄ the better twin. not problematic whatsoever. he’s actually the one who deescalates his brother’s fights. bless him
COLT & FALCO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ really wholesome siblings and people in general. they’ve never done anything wrong in their life, ever.
GABI *ೃ༄ for a child, she gets a lot of hate. gabi doesn’t quite fully understand the adult world so she might say or do things that bother people. doesn’t mean she deserves the hate but anyway—
YELENA ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a culprit by association. adores zeke at an unhealthy level and condones all the bad shit he’s done. knows the diff between right and wrong but ignores it. may or may not have mafia connections
ZEKE *ೃ༄ zeke is the type of person who’s in the wrong but refuses to admit it. his way or the highway.
ONYANKOPON ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he’s an unproblematic king. wouldn’t be afraid to apologize or own up to his errors and that’s why we stan
TYBUR *ೃ༄ probably an incel. despite the obvious red flags, i feel like he’d manage to gaslight people into thinking he’s a good person. probably a cult leader too
NICCOLO ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ “you punch a couple hundred orphans and suddenly you’re mean” niccolo took ryan reynold’s a little too seriously. he’s gordon ramsey w/ everyone except sasha
GRISHA *ೃ༄ uhh well he’s not winning father of the year award anytime soon. grisha has made some mistakes and sorta learned from them? he’s trying his best but he’s on thin fucking ice
CARLA ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ unlike her son, miss carla wouldn’t get cancelled. everybody loves this milf (as they should). horny thoughts aside, she’s actually really sweet
REINER’S PARENTS *ೃ༄ i’d label them as the worst parents in aot but that title is reserved for historia’s parents. anyway, these mfs would have CPS on their asses since day 1
HISTORIA’S PARENTS ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ crème de la crème of being asshole parents. CEOs of shitty parenting. everyone hates them and for good reason.
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puppypeter · 4 years
hello! so yeah, rom howney? i don't have anything useful to contribute but that GQ interview wtaf!! apparently their "AFFINITY FOR EACH OTHER" is "VERY VERY DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN!?!?" OK ROBERT YOU'RE SOULMATES WE GET IT!! rdj out here denying their age gap "I'm NOt His WEird RICH UNCLe" and any power imbalance "HE'S Not My PRoteGE" and insisting on putting them on equal footing "We'RE JUST...FOLK" "WE'RE BROTHERS" ok you, aged fifty-five (55) have a 24 year old brother robert ok. i'm DEAD
like with all the people screaming about "they're FATHer and Son!" and "irondad in REaL LIFE!!11", it would have been SO easy for rdj to just be like, "oh tom's a great kid, i'm his mentor, anyways", but NO!! it's all AFFINITY!!! and HE'S NOT MY PROTEGE!! I'M NOT A WEIRD RICH UNCLE!! i mean, can you believe it's that important to rdj that everyone knows he sees tom as an adult on equal footing!? in an alternate universe this would be groundwork for publicly announcing they're dating or something also i haven't found any fic about tom keeping and wearing rdj's jacket which makes me sad. because WOW, so, he's not your protege, you're not his uncle, but you ARE the guy who gives him your jacket when he's cold, and you tell him to keep it, and he proudly shows it off on social media more than once. ok. *buries face in hands* also i had this thought that makes me emotional, which is that rdj has no brothers, just a sister, while Tom has 3 younger brothers, so did Tom tell rdj about his brothers and rdj saw how Tom is with his little brothers and was like, oh that looks nice, I like that, "brothers" sounds like a good way to describe me and Tom T_T and decided to go with "brothers" instead of "soulmates" lol _
I love when people come to talk to me about Rom Howney!! It was my first love, genuinely read rom howney fics before I even read starker!! I love that Robert wants them to be seen on equal footing, regardless of the whole rom howney thing which I can appreciate here on my blog, I think it’s very nice as a 24-year-old (he’s just a year older than me) to feel like he’s respected and mature enough to make his own choices. I love that there isn’t the whole “I have been in this industry for ages, I know a lot more than you/have more experience etc”. The whole weird rich uncle made me laugh, he really doesn’t wanna pass as a creep lmao “my sugar baby is a strong independent sugar baby that doesn’t actually need my money although he does like to mention my nice watches and nice cars any chance he has”. To be fair this is now making me wanna read something about Tom taking the piss out of Robert about being a sugar daddy by mistake (he doesn’t ever mean to show off his fortune), and that’s why he always makes comments in interviews about robert this robert that. Knowing this fandom though I would have stayed clear of calling Tom his brother LMAO there’s quite a few people who have already written that kind of fic 😂
My inbox is always open to anyone who wants to share their favourite headcanons, thoughts and ideas. I don’t mind most ships, just fuck off if you wanna leave hate!
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
I feel like some people are so weirdly entitled about fan tls, like do they realize they're getting it for free and only because the tl wanted to share the original work?? Idk why it's so hard to be polite to them and why they feel they need to publicly want to argue with the tls over minor stuff
I do agree somewhat, I think there's a lot of reader-prioritizing attitudes surrounding fan translations. Beyond that, I also think ppl seem to... discount the amount of work and/or legal liability translators perhaps put themselves under?
But I think some ppl reading fan translations also mentally divorce themselves from infringement on their part, bc well, it's the translator's faults, if they didn't want me infringing copyright then they shouldn't have done it themselves. But that's not really how it works, you are still accessing essentially pirated works, and yes as int'l audience typically it doesn't have as muuuch a financial impact on the original creators, but when things do start getting licensed I think the, like, Japanese & KR manga/manhwa industry parallels & what you see mangaka/manhwa artists saying about pirating hurting them on twitter start coming into play.
Plus, for me, I think sometimes ppl are using MXTX's works as a generalization for all danmei, when really what I'm concerned about is the precedent that sets with EN spaces. Like sure, MXTX as one example may be able to take the hits from pirating and what not. But "smaller" authors and works won't. And I do in fact worry about precedents & building attitudes I see.
And like... idk it's just interesting/weird to me, I think that sometimes ppl try to apply fanfic author/transformative fandom etiquette where it doesn't apply (like, I think per U.S. law, translations don't actually constitute transformative works/a new copyright the way a fic would, it's still legally under the same copyright? but I'm not a lawyer so take this with a grain of salt), but then ignoring other items of fandom etiquette (esp treatment-of-authors/content creators etiquette) that I do think would apply.
My, perhaps controversial lmao, take is that I do think translators are under a different/"higher" level of standards/scrutiny than fanfic authors are, and thus their work SHOULD be open to critique or discussion. I don't mean be mean and nasty to them the way everyone was to ExR when everyone suddenly decided it was okay to, but just that translations ARE a claims towards authorial intent & interpretation in a way I think transformative fanworks aren't, you're not so much playing in a sandbox at that point as you are making claims to the authority of your interpretations. And my general take is, I think multiplicity of translation/translation-related interpretation only helps people who don't have access to the source language or aren't as familiar with the source culture, not hurts. Although I do also want to add/caveat that there is indeed an etiquette to fan translations such as not stepping on an existing translator's toes, so I'm not condoning ppl who start translating where someone else left off and posting it publicly bc they "think the translator is too slow" either.
Basically... I do think it's a complicated situation/topic when you start digging into it, as most things are, and there are lots of competing access needs at play that I think ppl need to keep in mind/mind more than I tend to see around. I think sometimes by way of countering a certain prevailing view of a time, ppl tend to go in an other opposite extreme, which I also often think isn't... quite it, either.
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I didn’t see any bad takes on the aanglove tag do you mind explaining what the posts were?
it was largely one that indicated that unless you were a survivor of genocide yourself (and thereby willing to share sensitive personal information publicly online to prove it) you couldn’t talk about aang’s grief in an authentic way. it’s a really dangerous mindset, especially when it’s one aimed at minors. no one has to talk about their trauma (or prove that it exists, or reveal their ethnicity or race) online in order to talk about a character’s trauma. never mind in fandom of all places.
it’s also like, 1) empathy is a thing, and 2) a slippery slope of how gets to write about what and why and the hoops it makes people jump through, and 3) is just an all around bad time. i have a degree in studying this shit. op was just parroting plato. it’s nothing new
i also went on op’s blog and saw that not only was atla / aanglove a very recent tag and fandom for them (which, as someone who’s been an avid aang stan for 7+ years in the fandom and created the tag myself, was very predictable lmao) but they were falling into some common pitfalls of
hama did nothing wrong and her “vilification” is racist as though we don’t see active resistance against oppression and various other prisoners of war and survivors of genocide (5/7 main cast members fit into at least two or all three of those categories)
i really don’t know how to make people understand that not all survivors of genocide or war are 100% morally pure people (in life or in fiction) and they can also do some fucked up things because of trauma and that our main characters also all fall into that category and also do some fucked up things and aren’t vilified and hama is only portrayed as a terrible person once it’s revealed she was literally stealing and imprisoning innocent fire nation civilians. attacking civilians is a war crime 
thinking that the narrative paints aang as “wrong” in ‘the northern air temple’ (it doesn’t) and stripping the episode of its emotional nuance of competing needs of refugees and discussions of cultural appreciation > cultural appropriation
which is to say, it is i, doing what i feel as though i am always doing on the internet, which is begging people to have critical thinking skills instead of jumping to hard fast right-wrong puritanical christian morality
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charcubed · 4 years
fine fuck it I’m making this a post rather than a tag rant because it was too long for tags and I hit publish and tumblr cut it off halfway sjdknfsjdf
(since this is an Actual Post now people can perceive: this is about Jensen’s IG caption today)
I need to say this somewhere publicly because I am slowly going insane:
Talking about / being excited about what celebrities choose to share with us about their private lives is very different in group chats or on Tumblr vs on a super public place like Twitter. Like FIRSTLY I do not know how to explain to people that the concept of “fangirling” over celebrities' lives at all is inherently a pushing of boundaries... and something none of us should be doing at all, quite frankly. THAT BEING SAID, yes I fully get it and I too am by far not immune to being excited when faves interact or are friends or collab or are in love or WHATEVER. People are fans of celebrities, this happens, etc. But objectively speaking it is weird that we get excited about any of that?? Like it shouldn't... matter. And I mention that in this context because imagine you were a celebrity and saw your relationships with people (platonic or otherwise) being ~celebrated~ by random strangers on the Internet. I personally would feel weird?? 
But ANYWAY, this is not to say that the idea of being happy about celebrity interactions / statements is inherently bad! Not really! But the APPROACH PEOPLE TAKE WITH THAT DOES IN FACT MATTER, AS WELL AS WHERE THAT APPROACH IS TAKEN. For example: Twitter is often not the place for it. Or more specifically: yes I'm sorry saying something like “reply ____ to trend it” about celebrities' LIVES is fucking weird. Whether or not you say it's harmless and “oh it won't actually trend”? Things have trended accidentally for less. 
And yes let me just show my hand: this is about 'Mish. Dee.' on Jensen’s post. (Which–not that I need to explain myself or anything but–I absolutely adore but am adoring it IN PRIVATE CHATS not ON THE GODDAMN TIMELINE. Someone was like “just because you don’t get excited–” and I’m like... lmao. Anyway.) A fan on Twitter was like “reply Mish. Dee. to this tweet to trend it” and I was like ??? or we could NOT do that? And then apparently me saying that that was... a bad idea... seemed to be a hot take for some people.
And so: I cannot explain to people that yes it is weird to ~celebrate celebrity friendship~ (?) to the extent of ~trending~ harmless nicknames, jokingly or otherwise. But why is it weird? Aside from the fact that it’s weird on principle because it’s not our business, and because seriously what are you even trying to accomplish by “trending” that (?), this is why: Because you cannot control how other people may or may not behave surrounding the topic of these people's personal lives. (Such as people who talk about cockles on main like fucking maniacs.) Because posting about it on main IN THAT WAY (repeated keywords) inherently runs the risk of other parties seeing it, being like “what’s all this then?” and then picking it up and running with it further. (Such as bibros, journalists, etc.)
People who may be like “these nicknames aren’t news and it’s just for fun and we love them” are missing alllllll of the above as very real points to consider, because Twitter posts are not as harmless/anonymous/unseen as people think. (Please see: Bill Clinton thing.) AND ALSO–here is the part that I cannot say on main and especially on Twitter partially because I am aware that it makes me sound fucking insane–with these celebrities specifically, yeah, I think there’s a higher risk involved because they seem to be IN A QUEER POLY RELATIONSHIP AND ARE CLOSETED ABOUT THAT. 
Like... ohhhh my God... I literally live in fear of the day when some random journalist starts poking around and connects the dots that are out there and are VERY EASY TO CONNECT, and then somehow CORNERS ONE OF THEM IN AN INTERVIEW about it. ESPECIALLY JENSEN. Like, this is what happened to Lee Pace! This is how many people are forced to come out! Do y’all not realize that we are at all times a stone’s throw away from this becoming a problem, especially since Jensen is about to get even more famous through The Boys!
Putting any celebrities’ personal lives under a microscope, whether unintentionally or otherwise, is never a good idea. Those posts do not exist in a vacuum or echo chamber the way people seem to think. Shit can get out of hand on Twitter dot com very easily. And so I am just like... for the love of God... be mindful about what you say and where you say and HOW you say it. In the same way that sometimes talking about J and M without using their actual names to avoid keywords is a better course of action (because they trend at the drop of a hat out of nowhere! Seriously, people!)... avoiding deliberate repetition like having 200 PEOPLE REPLYING TO ONE TWEET WITH ‘Mish. Dee.’ is also a good thing to keep in mind.
This all applies to any celebrities! This is a blanket good and important thing to be mindful about! But my God it is extra good to keep in mind for the sake of what these specific people seemingly have got going on over there in their lives. If you love their love (whether platonic or otherwise) and Jensen’s extremely cute nickname use... then don’t make a big fuckin deal about it where other people can see, for the sake of their comfort levels and the privacy they are allowed to have as human beings and just !!!!! for the sake of not being openly weird about the lives and the relationships of strangers you don’t know personally on a public platform!!!!!!!! Screams
really hope no one is reading this whole post LMAO
at least it’s out of my system now I guess
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deviltrs · 4 years
Hear me out: Reddie on a “date” to a fair (it’s a date in eddies mind but richie is clueless) [i will die on the Richie being clueless on occasion hill if I have to ]
i see you AND i hear you, anon. 100%
tbh i HC richie is pretty oblivious when it comes to dating, dates and eddie’s blatantly obvious feelings for him LMAOO 
so i kinda set it in HS?? and its like 1992-1993, so they’re about 16-17. 
i hope you enjoy anon! i’m sorry if it sucks a little bit (or a lot)
i haven't written anything publicly for a HOT minute and definitely need to brush up a little bit on my writing skills
and i’m also sorry if they’re really OOC, i’m still learning and trying my best.
Eddie invites him to the towns annual fall festival. Just the two of us, he’d said on the phone yesterday.
Richie could never deny Eddie much of anything, so he immediately agreed. The idea of the two of them hanging out alone, oddly enough, makes him feel like there are butterflies in his stomach. He shrugs it off, as he’s done for the past three or four years, and he goes through the rest of his day, anxiously awaiting the next. 
And that’s where he is now. With Eddie, at the festival. 
Everything’s fine, so he doesn’t know why he’s freaking out so bad. Honestly, everything’s more than fine. Richie buys him an ice cream, and for once, Eddie doesn’t go on a full-blown rant about Richie spending his money on him when he’s perfectly capable of paying for himself. 
Eddie doesn’t shrug his arm off when Richie throws it around his shoulders while they’re walking towards the games, either. He leans in a little closer, actually, which feels like it sends a jolt of lightning straight through every fiber of Richie’s being. 
He’s just... all smiles, no rants, no freak-outs. A few insults or two, though, because that’s just how Eddie is, and Richie wouldn’t have it any other way. But... it’s weird not to see him reaching for his fake inhaler to ease his nerves, or thoroughly sanitizing his hands after he touches everything. He’s been like that all day, too. Didn’t even complain about the god awful mess in Richie’s car when he got in.
Now, as it begins to get darker outside, he��s sitting down right across from him at a picnic table, sharing a funnel cake. Their hands have brushed once or twice, and Eddie’s even wiped some powdered sugar off of the side of Richie’s mouth, and he isn’t even going to think about how red his face fucking got when that happened.
“Earth to Richie!” he hears Eddie yell.
He blinks once, twice, three times, trying to rid his mind of the thoughts that kept him so in his head, and turns and flashes a big smile in Eddie’s direction.
“What ‘s it, Spaghetti?” Richie replies, reaching for several pieces of the funnel cake and plopping all of them in his mouth at once. “‘S there anything you wanna do?” he asks in-between chewing, and Eddie visibly grimaces.
“Say it, don’t fucking spray it, dickwad. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.” Eddie complains, and Richie would’ve laughed if he wasn’t chewing his food. “And chew with your mouth closed! Jesus Christ, who taught you your table manners?”
After Richie swallows his food, he takes a large gulp from his Coca Cola and shrugs. “I was raised by apes, they taught me everything I know about manners, Eds.” he teases.
He gets a small laugh out of Eddie at that one, along with an eye-roll. “Very funny. And don’t call me that, Richie!” Eddie replies, reaching across the table to give Richie’s shoulder a small shove. Richie laughs, now that his mouth isn’t full, and shakes his head.
“Don’t lie, you like when I call you Eds.”
Eddie blushes? Richie thinks he is, anyways. But why the hell would Eddie be blushing?
Eddie’s voice snaps him out of it before he can dwell too much into it. “Whatever you say.” he grumbles, reaching and grabbing the last piece of their shared funnel cake. He grabs a napkin and wipes his mouth when he’s done, and he doesn’t even give Richie time to speak before he’s talking again.
“Do you want to get on the ferris wheel? It’s getting darker, so we can see all the lights better.” he speaks hurriedly, pointing over towards where the ferris wheel sits, spinning as they sit a little ways away from it. The lights are coming on, now, on all the attractions. Shades of pink and purple, red and blue, green and yellow. They’re bright, but they light up Eddie’s face in just the right way to make Richie think god, he’s beautiful.
“Sure, let’s get to it, Eduardo!” Richie replies, loudly, standing on his feet. He grabs their trash and throws it away in the nearest trashcan, and walks back over towards Eddie, who grabs his fucking hand and starts walking towards the ferris wheel.
He starts to wonder if this is even Eddie, because it dawns on him that Eddie doesn’t even like festival rides. They’re covered in bacteria and germs, dumbass, he’d usually say. But that isn’t the case this evening, apparently, because Eddie is smiling as they approach it, grabbing his tickets from his back pocket and handing two to Richie. 
“You know I have my own, right?” Richie asks, but Eddie just shakes his head. 
“You used at least ten tickets on that darts game until you won me that stuffed Kirby. Shut up and let me be nice to you.” Eddie retorts, and Richie does as he’s asked. He mimics zipping up his mouth, locking it and throwing the key away, which gets a small chuckle out of Eddie. He counts that as a win, so long as he sees Eddie laughing, at least. 
Spoiler alert: he doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t know how.
Eventually, after bickering back in forth in line about everything they could think of, they’re finally getting on the ferris wheel, being seated and secured in before they take off and are stopped again.
Eddie turns to Richie, his hands on the handlebar, looking as content as ever. “Thank you for saying yes when I asked you out on this date. I know it was kinda stupid to ask you over the phone, but-- whatever. Thank you, asshole. I’m having a great time.”
Richie feels like his jaw has dropped. 
Asked him out on what?
“You-- me-- date? What? Since when?” Richie stammers, and Eddie’s brows furrow. His face becomes redder than the top of the haunted house’s tent.
“You didn’t know this was a date?” Eddie asks, and Richie shakes his head repeatedly.
“No! You didn’t say anything about a date!”
“I literally fucking said it was!”
“No, you said ‘Hey, do you want to go out with me to the festival tomorrow, just the two of us’ and that is not asking me out on a date!”
“I said ‘Do you want to go out with me to the festival tomorrow, just the two of us,’ emphasis on go out with me, and that was literally me asking you on a date, dumbass!”
Richie processes. 
And processes.
And processes some more.
“Holy fucking shit, I’m on a date with you.” Richie says, blank faced. On the inside he’s screaming with absolute joy.
“Yeah, you are, dumbass. You-- forget I said anything--”
Richie interrupts him, quickly, “No, no! I’m not like-- freaked out about it or anything. I’m happy to go on a date with a cutie like you, Eds!” he says, leaning towards Eddie and pinching his cheek affectionately.
Eddie swats his hand away, blushing and grumbling, but he’s smiling nonetheless. “Do you-- fuck, do you like me, Rich? I mean, I-- I’m obviously into you.”
Richie nods, very enthusiastically, and smiles wider than he ever has when one of Eddie’s hands come off of the handlebar to grab one of his. “Absolutely, Eds, I mean-- how could I not? You’re my best friend. And, also, you’re so easy to piss off and rile up. It’s fuckin’ cute!” he says, smile never falling from his face. 
“I am not easy to rile up, you dick.” Eddie argues, but his tone holds no distaste or actual anger within it.
So Richie, being Richie, shakes the passenger car they’re in as soon as the wheel takes motion again to prove a point, and Eddie screeches. “You fucking dick! Why the hell would you do that? Do you know how many deaths have happened because of people rocking these fucking things?” he yells, and Richie lets out a full belly laugh.
“Oh, it’s so fucking funny, isn’t it? Do you want to die on a ferris wheel in this shit town? Do you--”
Richie finally makes a move, and decides to shut Eddie up with a kiss. 
It works.
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rpbetter · 3 years
You make some really good posts!! Can I ask something about DNIs? I know it's not directly RP-related, but I have trouble as an RPer with how many DNIs, with urls, there are now. I try not to interact with muns who have them, I block them, because it feels manipulative? But I'm also tempted to block people who follow those muns, because they probably think their DNIs are okay to have, so they're still "bad", just not as bad? Do you think that's overkill, am I shooting myself in the foot?
Oh, thank you! I'm very happy you've enjoyed them!
And, of course, ask anything at all!
I think, ultimately, the answer to whether that's overkill is entirely dependent on what your experience is and if you're happy with it. I don't think it is overkill at all, but if you feel like it is costing you too many mutuals, it might be overkill for you.
I'm a pretty insular RPer, I like a handful of close writing partners that I write a lot of threads with, so, having something like, under ten writing partners is great for me while it's miserable for other muns. I can go wild on blocking and not have it negatively impact my enjoyment, but I know that's not the case for everyone!
And I do, actually, I do go pretty wild with the blocking when it comes to things like DNIs. If it comes off as policing to me, not just something like a difference of opinion or a strong opinion on something, I'm going to block. Otherwise, it's just recognizing that this isn't a mun I'm going to work out with, but no hard feelings. With policing though...I don't want that anywhere near me or my mutuals, so, it's going to be a block.
Because they do tend to be in these odd, like, nested situations lol I totally will spend the effort if their DNI is bad enough to look at the muns they interact with and make sure I don't have future contact with them either. The RPC is such a big place, making it easier to forget URLs than to remember them, but it's also a place where we establish circles of contact, making it easier to run into the same group repeatedly. I feel like it's better for my peace of mind to be a little more certain than not at all that this isn't going to happen as easily.
If that DNI etc. has been so awful, I definitely don't require their mutuals professing the same beliefs as loudly as they are. If you interact with someone, maybe you don't know their pet fish's name or the obscure lore in a headcanon they posted five years ago or the rule they updated without telling anyone, but you do know what is on their pinned post or blog description or rules. At some point, we all visit each other's blogs in dash-view if nothing else when we're getting replies or checking for memes they might have posted, going through their tags, whatever. I do not believe that you're mutuals who reblog from each other often, reply frequently to each other, ship each other's muses and so forth, and all this time, you've somehow failed to notice your bestie mun is telling proshippers to die in their DNI lmao
No, you've seen it. And I find it extremely hard to believe, too, that it's never come up in conversation OOC either.
So, this hypothetical mutual is so oblivious to others, completely agrees with the other one's views while not feeling confident enough to share them publicly, or is scared enough of the other one that they won't disagree...and no matter which/which combination that might be, they're not a mutual I want.
Especially when it comes to a DNI with someone's URL in it. Hard pass on anyone who is okay with that!
If I visited a writing partner's blog, let's say this person is also my closest friend, I value them and the threads I have with them so much, and I saw that in their DNI they had dropped someone's URL? We would have to talk. I'd have to bring it up because it's the right thing to do (and would also be highly out of character for any of my friends, thus very concerning). There would have to be a question posed about what happened here, why did you feel like this was a good choice, and do you think it's increasing or lessening the problem to have that there?
Honestly, sometimes people do get so upset about something that has happened that their worst impulses are let loose freely. When you ask someone you have an established relationship with about that, unless you're being really hateful about it right off, it can help them settle down, take a step back, and see that this is maybe not the right action to take. To me, silence says you're okay with it.
When muns started putting more elaborate DNI's in, that alone rubbed me the wrong way because I genuinely do not think that the majority of that information is at all necessary. It's something I can see and fully understand minors doing, not because they're terrible or anything but because the impulses and rationale are just different. You're very much geared to be as loud as possible about things that are important to you, making them a part of you in a huge way, as a teenager. Shit just is unreasonably intense! But as an adult, I expect that behavior to be different. You don't actually need to say on your RP blog's DNI that "transphobes WILL be blocked!!!"
Well, yes, I should hope so lol we're a community filled with muns who are trans, I'd certainly hope you were not cool with that kind of thing. It's one of those assumptive states, it goes without saying because, in a group of legitimate adults, it literally doesn't have to be said that a trans mun in a group of trans muns in a RPC filled with trans muns would be intolerant of transphobic assholes.
And, no one likes a damn transphobe, it's not like this stunning, fresh information, here. Not making such a statement does not, in fact, act as a welcome.
Saying that, and I do not mean literally just that, it's just an example of the type of things found in a common DNI, is a little immature for me. Some of those things are, in addition to being purely self-validating: playing into the fear created by policing, virtue signaling, policing, or baiting. And all of them are pointless. Telling someone who would already be bigoted toward you and others to not interact if they somehow miraculously ID as whatever label that takes for them to not interact with your posts is waving a metaphoric red flag in front of a bull. Kind of like tagging a post as either "antis don't interact" or "proshippers don't interact." Actual quickest and most assured way to get that interaction!
I totally understand the age thing, it's self-protecting. Most people do respect it, but when they don't, you've clearly stated that this is not for whatever age group. Things pertaining to your writing and/or muse I also understand and think are great for a quick glance before someone even gets to the rules. Having in a DNI something like "muns who are easily triggered by gore" when you write a horror muse, for instance. You're advising them that this isn't a great idea for them, and it shouldn't be expected that you change your muse and topics because they decided to follow anyway.
But it became excessive very quickly, and there is the expectation that blogs have a DNI. The further expectation is that there be a specific list of things found in that DNI, if yours does not include it, you obviously don't have a problem with those things. I really cannot be okay with that, you know?
However, when it wasn't being used as a callout or a way to police, that was something that could just be ignored. Once URLs of other RPers started to appear, it was a whole other problem.
It used to be the pervading rule of the RPC that it is not alright to force other muns to chose between you and another mun that you had an issue with, but now we have DNIs with other muns' URLs in them. Now, it's the opposite take - if you have an issue with a URL being dropped in a DNI, or if you continue to interact with the mun, you're likely to get a callout or be on the receiving end of other bullying.
So, I very much think the self-insulating thing to do is to avoid those mutuals as well as the RPer with the URL-laden DNI. They could just block you, but is someone who was so juvenile as to put another mun's URL in their damn DNI going to be mature enough to do that? Will their friends once they complain about you? For me, it's too high of a risk of being around muns I wish would take a very long break from RP and only come back once they've grown up some.
I would never advise anyone to do something that is erring on the side of getting them into harassment water unnecessarily (as in, not something that pertains to digging in your heels and writing what you want or not tolerating bullying where you see it happening), and I feel like not doing what you are is that. However, I also am a firm believer in agency, even to make mistakes.
So, if you genuinely feel like blocking mutuals of someone with a URL-dropped/callout/other highly offensive and bullying thing in their DNI is costing you so many chances to RP that you're no longer enjoying yourself here? You might want to consider adjusting how widely you are blocking.
If that's the case, try going for mutuals who are what I call Casual Mutuals and leaving them open. Those are mutuals that the mun doesn't write with often or at all, they're technically mutuals because they both follow each other, but that's it. There might be some liking of posts or even comments or non-committal, OOC style memes sent in by Casual Mutuals, but that interaction is sparse and, yep, casual. These mutuals might legitimately be unaware of the mun's hateful, bullying bullshit in the DNI, or they are actually afraid to unfollow/block them at this point, so their option feels like staying around as quietly as possible.
With that last deal...you could even be doing someone a favor, Anon. When I've encountered that situation before, it's come about because the other person's Casual Mutual is painfully anxious, shy, and a previous victim of bullying. They feel isolated, they don't have many or any writing partners, and they really, truly, are terrified to distance themselves in a way that might be noticed. It's a type of toxic interaction that rarely gets mentioned in PSAs, presumably because it is so low on the actual interaction scale.
Giving them someone else in their corner, especially if that other mun is more open about their intolerant stance on bullying, can go a long way toward giving someone else confidence. I've had other people's Casual Mutuals become my Casual Mutuals and wouldn't you know it? After a while, they get braver. They see my friends and mutuals doing our thing without any of the bullying going on, they see us supporting anti-policing and not tolerating bullying, and they get brave enough to unfollow the hateful mun. It feels nice to even inadvertently help someone, and over the years, some of those Casual Mutuals have become great writing partners, too. People I would have missed if I had made the choice to block them by the association of a hateful mun they were trapped in the orbit of.
Just try to exercise caution! You seem like a reasonable person who doesn't mind truly thinking on things or doing the work required to be cautious. Assume the close mutuals are a problem, too, and block away. Build a wall with some razor wire on it with those blocks! Don't assume the low-interaction, very casual mutuals are, though. Check out their blogs for signs of agreement with Hateful Mun, and if they don't have any, give them a shot as far as just leaving them unblocked goes.
I also have to say, here at the end, that it's extremely nice to see that people out there are doing this. Honestly would have thought I'd be the last person to encourage a ton of blocking, but that's the environment of the RPC now, and it's really the only way we can deal with this issue. You can't reason with these people, you can't stop them, you can only stay away from them for your own good and send a message that this isn't benefiting them. Not everyone agrees with them, they're not going to keep having people left open for their attacks or their RP entertainment. And if enough people are just walling them off, that is a message they'll have to receive because RP runs on interaction with others.
They might think they want every "nasty ass" xyz Problematic RPer to block them, not interact, or vanish from their view of the RPC, but I don't think they realize what that really looks like. What it looks like is a huge percentage of the RPC missing, including people they didn't realize were "problematic." We tend to be quieter, wanting to stay in our own lanes and actually enjoy the hobby and each other. That's why they have to resort to shit like making everyone pre-guilty, or setting up traps to catch people out on being "gross."
So, I genuinely do not think they're prepared for the rude awakening of silence that would happen if we all actually vanished, but I am dying to see it lol and do sometimes have to wonder if the complaints about the RPC being dead/dying/empty, not in a fandom but overall, are coming from the purity police some of the time. It's quite active over on the Leave Folks Alone Over Fiction side of life :D
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asterdeer · 3 years
fanfic writer 20 questions
tagged by @please-dont-pet-the-okapi, thank you!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
9, atm
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
four - the magnus archives, adventures in odyssey, supernatural, and the mcu
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
"will your system be all right" is the winner by far with 91 kudos, while "Perhaps I Had A Wicked Childhood," "Steadfast In the Broken Binding," "the devil gave me a crooked start," and "I Am Not the Only Traveler" are roughly the same (35-25). which is kind of surprising to me, because "system" is a non-ship character study for a very minor character, but then the others are for tiny fandoms or rarepairs or BOTH so i guess "system" is the only one that had a chance in general
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try! i failed pretty badly in the beginning but i do try to at least thank people now
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
"Wicked Childhood" for sure, and i have thought about giving it a fix-it followup because, post-loki s1, i really need some happy endings for that particular loki
7) Do you write crossovers?
i love crossover fic - currently i have one ongoing ("Steadfast In the Broken Binding", tma characters set in the world of the binding by bridget collins) but i have at least one other percolating
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not that i would ever post lmao
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
i wish !! but no
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, past bad experiences with sharing stories means i am a solo writer always now
13) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
this is very hard to narrow down unless it means "favorite ship to write," in which case that's almost definitely steveloki! they are the perfect blend of "it's not like pulling teeth to get them to communicate in-character" and "they clash enough that it's fun to write the dialogue" (my reoccurring problems with jonmichael and richason respectively). and i really like where i've gotten wrt writing in their voices. they're just very fun to put in situations.
14) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
at this point "Broken Binding" feels like a lost cause but i haven't given up on it yet, especially since i have a vague ending in mind. it's just that i ended the last chapter in the smack middle of my burnout and it still gives me a stomachache thinking about being in that particular headspace. there's another jonmichael one-shot i'm working on that i doubt i'll finish just bc of how weird and self-indulgent it is and how embarrassed i would end up being if i posted it.
15) What are your writing strengths?
i love dialogue so much. and body language. i'm a pretty visual person so i think i can write with good specificity, because i need to visualize everything in my mind before i can write it.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing, emotional authenticity, being impatient to get to what i want to write so bridge sections are weak and/or rushed, tendency to over-describe, can't write kissing/romantic scenes, either over- or under-emotionalize during denouements/climaxes, as much as i like dialogue mine can be pretty cringey..... it goes on but there's that
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
i will not do it until i have minored in the target language for at least four calendar years and maybe lived in the area for a year minimum
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
adventures in odyssey - 2017 babey, i'm a fanfic newborn
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
i think "system" is probably the most holistic product - it's not fantastically written but it's solid and it does what i wanted it to do, i have a lot of affection for it as both a good fic and the fic that got me writing in fandoms larger than aio - but "Perhaps I Had a Wicked Childhood" is the biggest swing i've ever made, stylistically and narratively and structurally and emotionally, and while there are some scenes that still make me want to stab my eyes out for posting publicly, i just..................it's definitely that one. it's the opposite of perfect but it's so much fun.
20) Who do you tag?
@biromantic-nerd and @andromachequynh if you want to, i'd love to hear ur fanfic thoughts <3
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aro-antics · 4 years
Aros can have romantic relationships!
I'm in a romantic relationship, and I still consider myself aromantic (possibly quoiromantic, but I always go by aro). Some of you may wonder how this can be, and I get that it might not make sense to most people at first, so I'll try to give some insight (TLDR at end).
For me, romantic attraction isn't really a part of my feelings for my partner, or at least not the most important part. When I met him, I had a squish(/platonic crush) on him and was delighted when we started becoming close friends - that was what I had wanted, not romance or any kind of committed relationship, and I would have been content to remain friends.
Nevertheless, we started doing some so called 'romantic' things (like holding hands, cuddling, practically living together, sleeping in the same bed, etc) and I enjoyed those things. I knew they were not exclusively romantic and could be done platonically as well as romantically, but I found I didn't really care which of those categories it fell into, or which category our relationship fell into. For me, a category was not necessary. Even QPR, although it would have been accurate, didn't feel like a necessary label to me - we were just us. Saying we were "together" was enough of a label in my mind.
However, he is alloromantic and does feel romantic attraction to me, so a label was more important for him (though not essential, and he never forced me to decide on a label). We went with non-words and incomprehensible void noises for a while lmao, then QPR, then simply said we were "together", and finally decided on calling it a romantic relationship. I wasn't okay with calling it a romantic relationship at first (hence the void noises) because I thought it would invalidate my aromanticism (spoilers: it does not 💚), and I didn't feel like any other label really fit me (I like quoiromantic as a label and it fits, but I still prefer aro). I eventually realised I didn't really care about what we called our relationship, and calling it romantic made it a hell of a lot easier to tell our friends and family about us, so that's what we went with.
I don't feel, not have I ever identifiably felt, romantic attraction to him, but I wouldn't exactly call it platonic either (hence why the quoiromantic label fits me). I don't know what it is, I just know how strong it is, and that's all that's really important to me. (Note: it's totally possible for strong attraction to be completely platonic, but I don't personally feel that it's an accurate description of my relationship. Some people in very similar situations to me might label their relationships completely differently, and that is absolutely valid!) It doesn't make a difference to how we interact or how I feel about him. It's also worth noting that I wouldn't want to go back to being friends and/or stop doing typically 'romantic' things, because we both enjoy them and like showing affection for each other.
So, I hope that helps to explain for those of you who are confused, but it's important to remember that there are many other ways aros can be in romantic relationships! Maybe they don't mind how they label it (like me), maybe they're not sure exactly what they're feeling (also kinda like me), maybe they do feel romantic attraction but this is the first time/they're on the aro spectrum and prefer to go by aro, maybe they privately call it a QPR but romantic relationship is easier to publicly tell others, or a multitude of other equally valid possibilities! If you are confused, it is okay to ask polite questions, but please do NOT tell someone they aren't aromantic just because they're in a romantic relationship!
Thank you for reading, and please share your own experiences of this by adding them in the reblogs, I'd love to read them! 💚
TLDR: how we label our relationship doesn't matter to me, but my partner feels romantic attraction to me and it makes it easier to explain to others, so we're in a romantic relationship!
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tetrakys · 4 years
Sweet Elite - chapter 10
I finally played the episode on both my active accounts, review below the cut.
The episode starts with Scholar reminiscing the Halloween party and finally openly admitting to themselves they have a crush on the person chosen in the previous episode. As you probably remember I’m currently on Tegan’s and Axel’s routes.
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I... am destined to suffer with this game.
After this realisation we decide that the most important thing is to focus on our studies to be sure we’ll be able to remain at the academy. After studying we go to the cafeteria to have dinner and we find there the person we are in love with, we have a lovely dinner together 
They talk about school for a bit
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(Babe I forgive you only because you are cute, and also because you are teasing, your file says that math is one of your strengths, so cut the crap. )
Then he talks about him leaving school to go on tour.
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(LMAO his face)
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(!!!!!!! YES PLEASE!!!! but admit you’d do it because YOU want to see ME day and night 😏)
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Ah! Someone who understands that scholarship students are brighter than the average Arligton student. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out... I mean... someone would have to be veeeeery stupid and close minded to think the opposite... wouldn’t they...  🙄
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Funny but... I’m sure we can come up with another form of punishment 😊😏
There’s not much to show about the dinner with Tegan, as I said multiple times until we literally jump on him we’re going to get nowhere with him.
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Then he makes his back crack and Scholar gets spooked and they talk about being weird and true to themselves.
I’m a bit sad that in all the cute moments with Tegan you can rarely tell if they are flirty or just friendly. I know they reflect his personality, but it’s disappointing.
At the end of the dinner we agree that we had fun and we should do this again after the exams.
And this is where the episode ends.
Okay, no, I’m jooooooooking
This is where most interactions with our crush end and Karol/Neha’s arc begins (still not sure if the arc is only about Karol or both, I’d say both). 
Someone took a picture of scholar hugging Tadashi to console him during his arc and it got viral for some reason, so now Arlington’s sweetheart is again getting attention and the school board has decided to use the free publicity to raise the school’s profile in people’s eyes, so scholar is going to be one of Faxion’s judges. Scholar and Tadashi are called in Lady A’s office to talk about this, but they have to keep the secret until it’s publicly announced.
There is a very funny group chat scene where people try to get information out of Scholar and Tadashi, the picture comes out and we get no reaction from Tegan (he is the one who shares the link, so he might have at least brooded about it for a bit I hope), but we get a small cute scene with Axel
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(Also, apparently he’s a dog person. Nice.)
Scholar, my child, could you try to use a bit of this sass with Tegan? You’re gonna die alone if you don’t.
After this, Faxion is announced and Scholar’s role too. You would guess that the smart thing to do is to treat well ALL the people who are going to to judge your work, right? Right? With respect, like any other human being deserves at the very least. But noooo of course not.
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I’ve tried really hard to like you Karolina. I really did.
But you are a bitch.
Someone who defines people’s worth by how much money their parents own is even less than stupid. 
She even tries to show she has some higher moral ground respect to another model who is just as an asshole as she is. I can’t see much of a difference between the two.
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What’s the difference with Karolina? I see none.
Scholar tries to make peace with Karol and be an impartial judge. We meet the other judges, among them there is a Luis Vuitton knock-off who is apparently friend with lady A and knows things about both Scholar and Neha. They are really fishy. In fact they out Neha as a scholarship student in front of the whole school. This is where things go to shit. Up until this point Neha and Karol where a great team and way ahead of everyone else, but now Karol can barely stand Neha’s sight.
I see how Karol can be hurt that Neha has lied to her all this time, but it doesn’t justify the shitty way she treats her at this point. Also, try at least to be smart and civil until the competition is over instead of actively sabotaging everything because now that you know Neha is not rich her ideas are worth less in your eyes. But no, why be smart when you can be completely stupid.
In all this we also find out that Karol is anorexic, which we suspected since episode 2, and that Neha is in love with her, which we knew since episode 1. We talk to Raquel, Claire, Tegan and Neha about Karol’s eating disorder and the episode ends with the winners about to be announced (Karol and Neha of course) but Karol faints in front of the entire school.
A few comments:
- I appreciate when the writing is solid enough to make the reader see where the plot is going, instead of pulling things out of nowhere for pure shock value. Surprises are good only when they are well planned.
- I also liked that Scholar had an active role. I didn’t expect them being a judge and even if it’s a bit of a stretch I liked seeing that we are not a secondary character in our story. However I’m still turned off by the fact that scholar’s department makes no difference in the story. A scholar in the fashion department can’t be considered the “general population” vote. I know that the excuse for them not being in the competition is that they don’t have a ranking yet, but it makes no sense in my opinion. Even blaming it on the school board is a stretch. But this is not the only instance something like this has happened, a scholar in science needing someone to explain them the science lecture. A scholar in math teaming up with Tegan and Ellie to only end up shopping for computer parts online. I wish these things were better thought.
- I’m calling out whoever in the dev/art/writing team has a CLEAR preference for Neha. She is the only one we can raise the meter this episode. In my gameplays the only one we got a romantic interaction in one of the past episodes. The only one we have an extra solo illustration with. And I assume we have a 1-1 illustration with her here because this is her arc (same as what happened with Tadashi), so I’m expecting a 1-1 illustration with Karol next episode. However I feel the bias for Neha, same as what I felt the last episode with Axel, and no one can change my mind.
- This episode made me dislike Karolina a lot. I assume I should be nicer with her because she has an eating disorder, but her being a bitch has nothing to do with her anorexia. The two things may come from the same issue, her needing to be perfect for whatever reason, and I’m sure we will get a teary explanation at some point that will make me forgive her, but still... she deserves take accountability for her own actions. I hope she looses the award.
- Neha doesn’t deserve to loose, she is talented and works hard, she deserves to find another partner. Don’t worry Neha, there are lots of people who can walk in a straight line in the world, there’s no need to attend an elite school for this. However she is also quite spineless, but there’s still hope for her, I understand why she has been lying all this time if she was trying to build a business in such an elitist world. I hope this serves her as a lecture and she learns to stand up for herself and others when such things happen.
All in all I liked the episode. It’s not perfect but as a character arc episode is thousands times better than Tadashi’s was. I just hope we’ll be done with Karol quickly and move on to better things.
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