#which makes my allergies worse
aceghosts · 1 year
This shitty air quality shit fucking sucks.
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tj-crochets · 2 months
The exact anniversary of it went past without me noticing, but this month marks five years since I last had to go to an ER or urgent care!!! :D
Still don't know what exactly is wrong with me health-wise, but I am doing so much better than I used to be it's a little ridiculous. I was in an urgent care or ER every summer for severe allergic reactions for years, and now I hit that late June/early July mark and don't even notice
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agayconcept · 4 months
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onlythebravest · 1 year
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justtogetthrough · 1 year
For some reason what calmed me down tonight was getting high and spending 3 possibly more hours researching air purifiers
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liebelesbe · 1 year
just one week. just till the end of this week. only 3 more days. I can hold on until then.
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anthonycrowley · 1 year
i’m not trying to moralize or force you to change and i’m also not saying Wow Thanks I’m Cured because i most certainly am not but i will say mentally on average i feel way better since i started keeping my living space neat. it feels very Those bitches had a point huh
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
When I ordered this tteokbokki, the allergen info said no shrimp. Now that I have it and I checked the ingredients why does the allergen info now say shrimp???
It’s most likely just minuscule trace amounts found in the fish sauce they used but I don’t think I can risk it
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Now that everyone at work is getting covid people are FINALLY wearing masks
I think it might be a lil late for that guys
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have family in town right now, and as a general heads up to people who don’t have food allergies/restrictions/stuff like that*: If you want to go out to dinner with someone you know has food allergies*, PLEASE discuss where you’ll go with them before you finalize plans. This message brought to you by my mom inviting all the local members of my family out for barbecue, a thing I cannot have in restaurants because either it uses sauce, which has vinegar in it (and usually so much sauce is used there’s a high risk of cross contamination) or it smokes meat, in which case I can’t breathe. Smells good! Usually tastes good! Very bad for my asthma.  *idk where food intolerances fall on this scale? but I couldn’t think of a good catchall term for “cannot eat some foods without bad consequences”
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bunn-iiii · 1 month
this just in I am randomly getting sand flea bites from somewhere and we don't know where
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sophsaysstuff217 · 2 months
It's so hot I literally feel like I'm fighting off demons (the demons are migraines)
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reinemichele · 4 months
(This conversation happened a few years ago but I still think about it from now and then . because I blow my nose really a criminal amount per day)
Me: (Blowing my nose)
My brother: How do you do that?
Me: ????
My brother: Blow your nose that hard. When I do it, it comes out like this (the most sad, quiet, pitiful nose blow; would not wake the entire house up, like mine and my mom's do)
Me: Um. I've been doing it for a long time?
My brother: (Annoyed) So have I, I'm 10 years older than you
Me: I just take a deep breath and then... use a lot of force? So I can get all the snot out at once and only need 1-2 tissues instead of 3-4. I don't know what else to tell you.
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thursdayg1rl · 11 months
trying not to cry on the train platform after missing my train and also just being informed by my uncle I’m basically going to be homeless next year
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yoshistory · 1 year
i need to make a comprehensive list of "bevs that give me the tummy ache + tired + bones hurt" disease. insofar ive got arizona green tea, apple or grape cider (any brand or type), apple juice (horrible version of this, #2 on the scale), and sprite (BY FAR WORST OFFENDER)
#eating a whole apple will also do this to me to a lesser degree unless its particularly juicy and large#i DO think it has something to do with apple juice in general like the sprite and tea are probably are flavored with apple juice#for sweetness and would fall under ''natural flavors'' but idk if sprite is one of those 0% fruit juice mfers#ive talked about this over and over but if i drink a glass of sprite it will make me completely bedridden for the rest of the day#it makes me incredibly lethargic and in whole body pain and tummy pain#i wanna bring this up to a doctor and their answer will probably be like ''? simlple. dont drink those things. 800 dollars plz''#but i do want like a concrete answer to if this is a part of anything. i think this probably falls under ''suspected apple/grape allergy''#which is made worse when the juice of the apple is drank in a concentrated form#but what perplexes me is im differently allergic to grapes and apples#like if i eat grapes they just make my mouth mildly numb and i thought this was just how grapes were supposed to be but apparently not#im honestly unconvinced that grapes ARENT supposed to do that still#but a normal apple doesnt USUALLY hurt me. a LOT of apples will give me the tummy pain and lethargy#cursed with the Adam of Eve gene unfortaunetly#but like i feel like its not a TRUE apple allergy. i feel like its something else#because it doesnt FEEL like an allergic reaction like. i dont get hives or itchy or anything i just get TIRED and in pain
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love when you find out you have a ProblemTM that you could have been seeking treatment for years ago but you like. didn't know it was an actual thing
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