#which means i *would* have to plan a little because i'd have to be working on those right away
billpottsismygf · 2 days
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Well that was certainly dramatic! A lot of questions answered, but more questions created. It's hard to have a conclusive opinion on this episode because it's so definitively only half of the story, but I certainly had fun throughout. There were lots of really funny bits of dialogue and good character moments, and a lot of drama.
I'd seen a couple of people speculating about Sutekh but I hadn't looked into why and, although I have watched The Pyramids of Mars, I don't remember an awful lot of what goes on in it! From what I recall, he wasn't that impressive a villain so the huge majesty and fanfare he's presented with here is quite interesting. He was a guy with a silly mask on in the 70s and here he's a somewhat ugly CGI dog, but I'm open to seeing how they connect these two versions of the character.
So, we have several people, all women, running around at the moment who have something to do with the mystery. 1) There's Ruby's birth mother. Why can't they see her face? Why was she pointing? 2) Mrs Flood, who turns out to be pretty unpleasant if she's refusing Cherry a cup of tea. Unlike the two I'm about to mention, she seemed to know what was coming and obviously about the TARDIS (and the camera) from the christmas special. 3) Harriet Arbinger, who is a harbinger of Sutekh. 4) Susan Twist, who is... another harbinger of Sutekh? It seems like Kate's chrysalis theory was right with her, at least. Does she serve the same role as Harriet? Is the little boy who was Maestro's harbinger have anything to do with either of them or did he just serve the same role?
Sutekh is apparently the mother and father and other of the gods, which could mean a bunch of things. For one it implies variation of gender, or at least an existence outside of it, which is interesting with the he/him pronouns and yet all these women who seem wrapped up with the plot, as well as the ongoing theme of abandoned children. Carla also called him the Beast before he'd even fully manifested, which of course brought to mind The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, especially with the soldier who died saying he was in hell. Probably no connection, but who knows! He is also specifically name checked as being Set and Seth from Egyptian mythology. What does it all mean!
Also, how did Sutekh latch onto the TARDIS in the first place? Does the fact that the Doctor mallet whacked the TARDIS to double it in The Giggle have anything to do with the present situation? I didn't like that at the time because she's a living being and he just cloned her(?) or split her(?) or something, but now I'm thinking it would make sense if it connects to how she got infested with Sutekh in the first place.
Speaking of the TARDIS-Sutekh connection, I loved that the TARDIS anagram was so obvious the UNIT team laughed at the Doctor explaining it, which makes the "wrong anagram" reveal even better. RTD knew the fans would work out the TARDIS anagram immediately (which they did) and that it would be a red herring for us just as much as for UNIT! Though not that much of a red herring, since the TARDIS is involved. Is it perhaps a little silly to create your evil secret corporation under a name that might give away your evil secret plan? Yeah, but I like it at the moment.
I'm so glad Susan Triad isn't Susan Foreman (at least, it seems that way). It's another big old red herring. I've been desperate for Susan to return for so long - and I would still love her to, and maybe she even will in this arc - but I don't want her to return like this! Not as a villain and not as someone other than Carole Ann Ford. While we still have her, let her play Susan again! Please!
I am fascinated by this stuff about the Doctor having her before having children... It's been established in the past that the Doctor did have children and that he lost them all (eg. in The Doctor's Daughter), but here Fifteen seems to be implying that he hasn't yet. How does that all add up? I love the idea of having children out of order, and have always somewhat rebelled at the assumption that Time Lords have children in the same way as humans (ie. sexual reproduction between two parents of "opposite" sexes). Gimme Looms or something equally bizarre or nothing, so I'm definitely down for this; I just wonder how it actually makes sense for the Doctor.
I'm so happy to see Rose again! Obviously we knew she'd be in this, but she's a great character and I adored her dynamic with Ruby. Very cute! I loved the Doctor's line about them being two shades of red. I hope they'll develop the stuff of her not being given much to do, as I guess basically a nepotism hire, because I want her to get to do exciting things! On that note, it is odd if she's so kept out of things that she stays in the room after everyone who is not necessary is made to leave. I know she's necessary in that she's a UNIT employee who is important to us, the viewers, but it doesn't quite make sense with what is apparently her role in the organisation.
Saving perhaps the most interesting for last, the CCTV of the night Ruby was abandoned was 66 metres away. Otherwise known as 73 yards. My ears pricked up the moment they said that, though I needed to check afterwards that they were the same, and that surely can't be a coincidence. I don't know if I need anything more about 73 yards, despite my many questions at the end of it, but it could be very interesting if the events of that episode have something to do with the bigger picture.
Overall, fun and engaging episode in its own right, but I'll have to withhold final judgement until next week!
Misc things
Rose says it's been ages since she last saw the Doctor, so we're a while after the specials. Also there was mention of 2004 being 19 years ago so we're currently in 2023.
It's interesting we have two characters in this story (Susan and Rose) who are named after important companions, each the original companion of their run of Doctor Who.
I love that the Trickster got a mention. So many people seemed convinced the Trickster would be the big bad coming up, but at least he got a name check.
I loved Carla's energy in this one! True Donna vibes. She only had to hear of the existence of Rose's mum at UNIT and decided she was also going to be involved.
Susan Triad says she remembers worlds with orange skies, which certainly sounds like Gallifrey, so could there be a Susan connection after all? I noted down that her father was a postman and her mother a dinner lady, but so far have gleaned nothing from this.
I love Lenny Rush! I've seen him in lots of things at this point and he's so charismatic and funny, especially for a fifteen year old. I hope Morris will stay on for a while yet!
It seems strange that UNIT didn't know about Susan (Foreman), since I'm pretty sure we've seen in the past that they have files on all the Doctors, including One.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hello! I saw you opened requests... May I ask for a female character x Tommy Shelby?
Here's the plot: the protagonist wants to kill him cause he's responsible of her brother's death. She knows he's vulnerable due to Grace's death and she gets close to him taking advantage on his need to have someone beside. A night of love is the perfect moment in which she can carry out her plan, having him alone, disarmed and off guard.. (So NSFW is perfectly ok 😝)
Whether she ends up killing him or not is up to you 🍷 surprise me ✨
I'd just like to have the female protagonist on the "dominant" part. Like... In the show Tom is always the one who wants everything under his supreme control and many fics depict him as such ... Well, he gives me totally opposite vibes, if you know what I mean 😂
That's all ✨ I'm looking forward to reading this! ❤
This was a super fun request!!!! I hope I got what you mean..... I tried really hard. Honestly kind of a slut for sub Tommy. Never thought about it before- but - I might be in love.
Any way because I'm such a softy I made two ending options.... I'll let you all decide which one I was more into ;)
Warnings: dealing with loss, murder, gang type stuff, seduction with bad intentions, sex, oral sex fem receiving, orgasms, kinda kinky, hopefully hot
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Eventually the moment he was dreading was clear in view. The large house came into sight making his stomach turn violently. As if sensing it Charlie started to kick up a fuss. His little cries for his mother doing nothing to settle the pain in his chest. 
Grace was dead. This house was horrible. Charlie seemed to loudly agree in his own way. So why did he come back? 
Appearances mostly. He needed to get his feet back on the ground and settle the situation. The Russians had a tight rope around his neck, if only they would pull a little tighter. The Italians were waiting in the shadows like hungry wolves. 
Charlie’s pudgy little hand tugged on the white collar of his shirt making him hate himself for thinking such things. 
He got Charlie settled back into the house, envious of the sleeping child next to him. He had no idea when the next time he would be able to rest. 
There was a lot of work to be done. 
Readers POV
Growing up in a mob family was not what most people expected. Your brothers carried an unhealthy amount of pressure, while you were completely ignored.
The Shelby - Italian feud had carefully made its way to your family. Your youngest brother was to prove himself to the family & organization by killing the ever annoying Thomas Shelby. Not a simple task by any means. 
You wished it was you that pulled the trigger, you wouldn't have missed. The aftermath of Grace Shelby’s body crumpling to the floor left you with two dead brothers, and an engagement to a man you hated. They fought hard to get out but it was no use. He went for a grand shooting in the middle of the room, your other brother's attempt to get him out was useless. Your stomach twisted as you knew taking a shot like that was a suicide attempt… Maybe this was his way out of the family business. Tears stung your eyes and you shook your head, surely he wouldn't have left the consequences on his siblings? 
You felt trapped by this grief, maddened by it. The way everyone reacted, especially your father, started a mass unraveling of your whole life. You became buried under harsh realizations and questions on how you were raised. Everything started to evaporate once they were dead, leaving you with a drive to fix the unfixable. You knew that there was no way out of your life's path, yet your mind was determined, spinning in blood lust. 
You laid in bed as the cool summer air caressed your skin. Mind engulfed by every bit of information you had collected about what had happened. The cocky smiles of their faces the last time you saw them slowly fading, replaced by the heavier, more traumatizing memory of their broken bodies being returned to your family. 
The rest of the crime families your father associated with thought it pathetic, and embarrassing. Out of shame or fear from the Shelby family, people started to try and back away from your father. This meant you were requested to marry into the Changretta family. You were given the task to clear the family name, strengthen bonds, bring the business back, all well someone else got to destroy Thomas Shelby….
A plan had started to form in the absence of sleep. They were your brothers, it was your family given the task, naturally it should be you to complete the task. If you could kill Thomas your family's reputation would be restored earning you enough praise to slip out of the unwanted marriage. Not to mention they would surely benefit from the division of the Shelby estate. 
You drape yourself in black fabric and sit in church everyday. Asking for forgiveness, asking for a direction forward. More than revenge, you wanted a way to escape all this life. Killing Thomas just seemed like the best way forward. Looking at the statue of Mother Mary in front of you, her eyes filled with something you’d never felt. You wanted her to tell you what to do. 
No clouds in the sky broke, sending a beam of light into the room. No one descended from the sky. No messages fluttering from the grand ceiling. 
Instead a group of girls sat in the back of the church attempting to speak in hushed whispers. You were annoyed at first, until you recognised one of the voices to be Ruth Berryman, a known friend of Ada Shelby. You listened as she described the family's peculiar way of grieving the loss of Grace. How Thomas had disappeared and would be returning to the public eye in a charity event hosted at his house. She went on to speculate that he’d hidden himself away to drown in women and opium. 
You didn't have any opium, but you were remarkably pretty when you wanted to be… All you needed to do was dress up and sneak in, then get Thomas alone.
A silence fell over the space as Elizabeth Gray made an entrance. You pulled your scarf around your head a little tighter as you watched her slender frame fall into a seat. She looked exhausted, you felt a strange sense of sadness for her. The image of your brothers flashing in your mind pushed that feeling down until it was unreachable. 
Your parents were more distant than ever, no one noticed you plotting away in your bedroom. As long as you were on top of your wedding planning no one paid you any notice. The loneliness started to seep into your bones again, making you feel weighed down. You poured another cup of coffee trying to shake the feeling off. Everyone would see you clearly once this was over…
The night of the event had come around. You had an entrance secured and a clear exit plan. 
You looked over your body in the gold framed mirror. The fabric rested heavily on your curves. You would never normally wear anything like this, and you couldn't escape the powerful feeling it gave you. Your body was displayed in a way that was elegant while also being undeniably sexy. You pinned your dark hair up and did your make up. 
You’d never seduced anyone before but looking over your final look you felt it shouldn't be too hard.
You pulled up to the large house, leaving your car down by the road. You were late enough that no cars were pulling up the drive to notice your descent on the house. Your long black wool coat covered you from chin to ankle, making you look a part of the woven night. 
You made your entrance under a fake name and joined the mess without anyone thinking twice about you. 
Tommy POV
He wished that this event had been unnecessary. The effort it took to stand about moving from conversation to conversation was almost unbearable. His bones were on fire, head pounding, all he could do was pour more whiskey and hoped it would take the edge off. The night dragged on, until a woman caught his eye. 
She was tall, wrapped in a tight red dress, and had a look in her eye. The room seemed to be swallowed by her presence, the light bending to wrap around her. Her dark eyes held a gaze that made it hard to breathe. She walked over to him like this was her house, tall and proud, despite not being invited. 
“Mr. Shelby.” Her voice floated around him like smoke. She looked content as he held the silence between them, searching her eyes for what secrets they were holding. 
“I don’t believe we’ve met?”
“Y/N L/N” She held her hand out to him. He knew she was lying but he couldn't help but the wave of desire that crashed over him and holding her slender fingers in his hand. 
They chatted for a while, no mention of Grace, or work. He met everyone of her lies and questions with honesty. He watched as his answers spun around in her eyes, she seemed conflicted, but not surprised. He wanted to impress her, but she was unmovable, like stone. She conducted the conversation, and decided which of his answers she wanted to elaborate on. 
Things started to wind down, and he regretfully had to remove himself from her presence to wrap the evening up. She showed no interest in leaving, pouring herself another glass of whiskey. 
Polly set in on him about how stupid this was, but he shrugged it off. He knew that there was something this woman wanted to say to him, he was determined to figure it out. Everything about her was weighted heavily with significance. She was here for a reason, maybe because of the Russians, maybe the Italians, but he felt it was something above business. She had nothing vicious in her eyes, there was something she wanted desperately, but it wasn't violence. 
Readers POV 
Thomas Shelby was an interesting man. He didn't try to step on your toes, he let you lead the conversation. Never mocking, always hanging on your words. His answers were not what you expected. He wasn't what you expected. Every time you touched him you felt something bigger than grief for the first time in so long. 
Eventually he took you into his study to wait while he wished his guests well. You listened as his family loudly made their way upstairs. Stumbling and laughing on the stairs. Elizabeth Gray’s voice carried into the office as she laughed and poked fun at another Shelby woman. 
You thought about snooping around his desk but you were stopped by the picture of a woman staring back at you. 
His wife's eyes found the words in the back of your head and twisted them painfully. She was dead, and the sadness in him was still very visible to someone who was grieving just the same. Dead at the hands of your brother. He flashed before you and you started to feel sick. 
It was either this or be married. Unfortunately your mind was already set. 
Thomas entered the room slowly, his eyes dragging over your lounging body. The couch was comfortable and the fire light only made everything seem more warm and  intimate. 
“Sit with me?” It was meant to be a question but it came out more like an order. He looked at you for a moment before sitting next to you. He was so close you could feel the cold air still attached to his suit jacket. 
You didn’t want to talk anymore. It would only make this harder for you in the long run. You needed to get him out of his jacket, make sure he didn't have any weapons still on him. 
You raised your hand to brush your fingertips along the short hair on the side of his head. He closed his eyes, and leaned into your touch, your heart gave a twinge as the fire light only made him look more tired. 
You were going to fuck up if you kept this up. You dragged your hand down and tugged on his jacket, he wordlessly removed it. 
“And the vest” You whispered, there was something in his eyes that made you hate yourself. A wetness started to pool between your legs, even your own body was betraying you. 
You pulled your skirt up your thighs and moved to straddle his lap. His hands went to your hips to help settle you into place. You felt the power of sitting here on his lap, his eyes heavy as he looked at you. 
“Do you want to kiss me?” You asked in a smoky tone. His eyes flashed in a way that made you feel like gravity had increased. You were falling into him more and more.
“Yes” His tone was breathy and you wished things were different as you studied him. He was so willing to let you take charge. You liked being seen. 
He waited patiently for your mouth to reach his, he let your lips take charge, and you deepened the kiss slowly. He was breathless, cheeks flushed, his hands were digging into your hips painfully. You loved the way he clung to your body, how badly he needed you to take his pain away. 
Your hand wrapped around the side of his neck causing him to moan. You pushed his head back to rest on the top of the couch exposing the length of his pale throat. You went in for a deeper kiss, holding his neck firmly in place you—----
Option one: 
Take your other hand up to your chest and pull the small knife from between your breasts. Quickly you drag it across the skin of his neck. He gasped into your mouth as the blood started to rush down his body. You looked into his eyes and admired the love you felt. 
“Thank you” He whispered softly. You held his body while he left this earth for something better. He slipped away so peacefully you knew that it must have been more of a favor to him than anything. 
The house was quiet and you made your way to the window behind the desk and slipped away into the night peacefully. Things went back to usual in your family so you decided it was in your best interest to move on. The war got worse, Tommy's brothers took over and his Aunt was determined to destroy your family. You had the money, so you ran away, unnoticed, placing as much distance between you and Birmingham as possible.
Option Two:
You stopped suddenly. Looking over his face.
“Tell me what it is.” He whispered, pupils blown out. You knew that it would be suicide to tell him the truth. Death seemed like a friend you would greet with open arms. Your vision was filled with the photo on his desk, his wife. His dead wife. The smaller photos of a little boy. Eyes bright, motherless. You pressed your head against his and took a shaky breath. 
“My brother - I - I came here to kill you.” You watched how his face didn't change. Stayed just as relaxed and calm. 
“What have you decided then?” He asked like he was asking if it was raining. You knew a part of him wishes you would go through with it, just like there was a part of you that would be more than happy to die at his hand. 
“I can’t do it.” You said feeling a weight lift off of you. 
“Why not?” His eyes were back in focus now searching you. 
“You feel different -” You couldn't explain it. He was different and it was intoxicating. “And you have a kid upstairs.” You shook your head. You would either die right here, or you would go home to die everyday beside your husband. Either way you’d finally made your choice. 
His big hands ran along your body and you could see him weighing his options carefully. 
“Be a shame if either of us died without fucking first eh?” 
You nodded at his crude words and your mouths met again instantly. 
You both fought for control at first, ripping each other's clothes off, hands groping frantically. You ended up falling off the couch landing flat on your back. The texture of the carpet was surprisingly soft and the heat from the fire kept you comfortable. He parted your legs, leaning down towards you. You gripped a handful of the longer hair at the top of his head and used all your strength to push his head where you wanted it. He let out a deep moan as you pressed his face into your hot flesh. He submitted entirely and ate you out like he was starved. Tongue caressing you coupled with the sharp suction created by his mouth had you writhing. 
“Ah yes. So good. Fuck -Tom” Your words came spiraling out of you as he worked you over. His eyes flashed up at you with a different kind of need. He wanted to make you happy, he wanted to know it made you happy. 
You were getting close, but you wanted to cum around him. You pushed his face off and he got up on his knees, heavy cock standing proudly. You wrapped your slender finger around him, the walls off your pussy fluttering at the size of him. God he was going to destroy you. You could see he was about to lose his patience with your hand, you were naked and strung out. It was his time to take charge. 
“Are you ready?” You asked him, tightening your grip on him, you wanted to push him further. 
“Yes” He moved toward you but you only squeezed him further causing him to moan. 
“See if I’m ready” You whispered into his ear like it was a dirty secret. You felt his fingers push into you slowly and his head dropped to rest on your shoulder. You let out a moan when his fingers rubbed against the spot you needed him the most. 
“Feels so good, so good at stretching me open” You whisper, feeling his jaw clench against your neck. You wanted to see his face but wouldn't push him. You had no idea what you were doing or why it felt this good. 
“Feel how wet you made me?” He let out a deep groan and you felt his cock twitch in your hand. 
“You think I'm wet enough?” 
“Yes” He answered out of breath. 
“Are you sure? You're so big” 
“Fuck - Yes” He was so far gone and you’d barley touched him. You were fairly confident that you could make him cum just like this, and it would still be the hottest thing that had ever happened to him. 
“You want to fuck me now?” You pulled his cock against your wet folds causing him to make a small strangled noise. 
You took that as the answer it was, lining the head of his cock up with your wet entrance you guided his hips forward. You expected him to take over, rip through you to find his release, take his revenge. Instead he followed the wordless directions of the hand you had placed on his hip. This time it was your turn to groan. He stretched you out so slowly, soon you were at your limit. Taking all of him was a beautiful and painful task. Guiding him to pull out and slowly move back in pleasure won over the pain and your hips moved to meet his shallow thrust.
“God, you fill me so well” You felt his body melt under the praise. You guided his hips in and out of you slowly feeling yourself slip away. The pace got quicker gradually and eventually he was fucking you with a stregth that ruined you for anyone else. 
There was only so much you could take before you demanded he touch you. His thumb circled your clit, his body pushing you somewhere it hadn't been before.
“Please, dont stop - Tom - Ah - youre going to make me cum - fuck baby make me cum” Words spiraled out of your moth and he drank each one of them down. Fucking you harder, he took you over the edge, your body swallowing him. Walls rhythmically contracting pull him over the edge spilling inside you. He rode both of the orgasms out before collapsing on you. Your arms held him tightly, not wanting him or the feeling inside you to go. 
He broke your hold and held himself above you. His hand came up to caress the side of your neck and you took one last look of his blue eyes before closing your own. You tilted your chin up exposing his neck. You waited for his other hand to embrace your neck, for him to take your life. 
“Promise you won’t bring harm to me or my family.” 
Your eyes flew open and met his gaze. “I promise” He gave you a nod then pulled out of you slowly. His mouth moved to suck a deep mark into your throat before he pushed himself back inside you. After pulling another orgasm from you he cleaned the both of you up. 
“What are your plans for next friday?” He asked as you both sat on the floor in front of the couch. You were sipping whiskey and smoking cigarettes unsure of what to make of the situation that just happened. 
“I’m supposed to be getting married.” 
“For business or love?” 
“Business, my brothers couldn't kill you and that led to a lot of problems.” 
His face twisted briefly remembering the problems it caused him as well. He was quiet and you felt yourself yearning to apologize. 
“We both lost a lot because of this. I don't even know who started all of  it but I’d like to end it. Leave all of it, everyone and thing behind if I could” He studied you carefully before lighting another cigarette. 
“How bout I make a counter offer then?” His words hit you like a truck. Surely he couldn't be serious. 
“I’ll marry you. Take the territory that would have been handed down to your brothers. In return you can do what you like within reason and the fighting stops.”
You thought about it for a long moment. You thought about all the plans everyone was making, how much destruction was about to move into action.  
“Can I do what I like to you?”You asked in a cheeky tone, desperate to stop thinking about everything. You watched his gaze get hungry. 
“Most certainly” 
“I won't share you. With anyone, ever” The words were out of your mouth before you realized what you said. He may not love you, this may be for business, but the thought of someone else touching him and having him like that caused your blood to boil.
“Somehow I don't think that will be a problem” The corner of his mouth pulled up into a ghostly smile. 
You clink your glasses together and fell back into a comfortable silence, your head resting on his shoulder. 
They did get married, it was a business deal that ended the feuding. (Saving John) 
She freaks out about how to look after Charlie because her parents were so distant towards her growing up that she has no idea what to do. Polly and her bond over this. Charlie almost immediately gets attached to her. Eventually she proves herself to the rest of the family. 
She takes good care of Tommy, giving him someone to trust. But she's very opinionated and they fight a lot. Its explosive and usually ends with them fucking against any surface. She just wants the family to be protected and doesn't like taking big risks. So they balance each other out a little. Tommy’s calm and she’s so tired of being calm that the first chance she gets to lay into someone she takes it. 
The first time she had to kill someone it was to protect Charlie. She broke down after the situation because she almost did that to Tommy. Everything she had now - a family that loved her and respected her, a husband that paid attention / was kind to her, a little boy that called her mum and ran to her every time he was scared - She got all of that from Tommy - He has to hold her for hours before she calms down. That's when they realize that they really love each other.
Tags list: @tommydoesntpayforsuits @misselsbells06 @kpopgirlbtssvt
If anyone wants to be added to the list just let me know in my inbox!
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Thinking about Dazai's memories
I think it's interesting how we basically got two sets of Dazai's memories within 3 months, so since I analyzed the Beast ones, I thought I'd analyze these as well. As always it's just me rambling under the cut, and remember guys that below there are spoilers from everything up until this point!
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The first memory memory we see is a completely new one. I love it when montages use new memories instead of simply reusing what was shown before, so I appreciate this little scene. Their outfits are taken from chapter 31 and seeing Chuuya in these clothes was so strangely nostalgic. The only difference is that Dazai has his arm broken instead of his leg. Also I like how young they look here. They're just kids annoying each other just like Dazai is saying in the background.
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The second memory I'm pretty sure is also one of the new scenes we haven't seen before. It looks like Fifteen, but I don't recognize this background and the closest illustration I could find is the one from the light novel. Maybe it's supposed to show how they gained confidence and were ruling the city (judging by the building in the background), but yeah that's all I have.
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After that I noticed a scene from chapter 31 in bottom left. It's taken right from the manga with no changes besides Chuuya's jacket being coloured in. Considering Dazai's fascination with corruption, it makes sense that it appears in his memories. Here, it's been 4 years since they fought together and it's the first time Dazai could observe Chuuya being possessed in a long time. Interestingly, it's not corruption in its peak that's portrayed here but the moment when Dazai is bringing Chuuya back to his senses. With the context of this chapter, it might mean that Dazai wants to protect Chuuya and despite liking danger and sending Chuuya to fight directly, he cares about him.
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Bottom right seems to be from chapter 31 as well, just slightly changed. And that also makes sense because these are supposed to be his memories, so he might not remember each detail perfectly. It's the moment when Dazai sends Chuuya into action, which is something I already mentioned. Dazai likes to see Chuuya fight and to tease him, and this chapter had both.
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With this next one I have no idea which scene it could be. I'm like 75% sure it's from their first meeting after 4 years back in chapters 10 and 11, but it's a reach. We only have Dazai's legs, a bit of his coat and Chuuya's shoulder, so there's not a lot to work with. But it does make sense for it to be from their first meeting after 4 years, because it was important for them both. Dazai stayed in that dungeon partially because he wanted to talk with Chuuya and this is what this memory could be alluding to. My first thought was Dazai leaving Chuuya behind after Oda's death, but I don't think he got his coat right this soon.
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Then we have one of the most iconic skk scenes from Storm Bringer. Not to spoil it too much, but in this scene Chuuya decides to save Yokohama even if it means never getting to know if he's a human being. In this scene he trusts Dazai's plan and goes into action, something Dazai must be looking back at fondly. I kinda wish we had the scene in which he catches Chuuya after the fight, but I guess it would be too fluffy for this angsty chapter.
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And I left 2 memries that I thought were the most interesting additions for last. The firts one being this scene from Dead Apple and I'm so happy that it made it here for a few reasons. First of all now we have a proof that Dead Apple is canon in the manga. I know it was canon before, but it wasn't mentioned or anything, so there was this shadow of doubt. Now, it's 100% canon. The other reason is that I'd love to see Dead Apple with Harukawa's art style and it's great that we now have this scene even though it's just a shadow. I wondered how it would be shown in the main manga and now I don't have to anymore. It also looks way more desperate than in the movie or Dead Apple manga, because of the wind and how Chuuya reaches his arm to Dazai before he punches him. It's also most likely Dazai's imagination, since he was unconscious when it happened.
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And last but absolutely not least (on the contrary, I wanted to hype it up), we have one of the most iconic skk scenes, and here comes the question, is it even from Fifteen? Because as we can see, the positions of hands are swapped and Dazai isn't wearing this brace type of thing on his arm. This scene isn't in the original light novel, so either Asagiri and Harukawa were like screw it, we're adding it to the canon or it's a different instance. And if it's a different situation, then what was this fight? It's also possible that the positions are switched because it's Dazai's pov not Chuuya's like in the anime. Either way hand-holding is now canon and I'm so happy about this fact.
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In conclusion
Dazai's memories with Chuuya seem to be a mix of their fights with enemies and some other moments they shared as well, putting an emphasis not on the fights themselves (since there are no other people and they aren't in combat stances), but their connection throught them. I wish we got to see more scenes, but I understand going overboard could be on overkill, especially if it's just a cliffhanger death meant to fool us. It's hard to judge Dazai's reaction, because he could be putting on a show, but it also seems to be genuine and cherishing these memories would make sense for his character. I'm so glad we got to see this little peek into Dazai's mind and his memories, and now I want more.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi Sam! If you're comfortable, I would definitely be interested in hearing about your upcoming experience with Adderall as an adult taking it for the first time. I'm 30 and will be inquiring about an ADHD diagnosis later this month, but Adderall scares me a little (probably unfounded, I've just never taken any kind of psych med or non-allergy daily med, and if I forget my allergy meds I just get a nasty headache and nothing more) and everyone I asked about their experience is under 25 and has been taking it for many years. I'm really interested to see how you feel while taking it, if you're willing to share 💙
I've had quite a few requests like this so I'm definitely going to keep talking about it when there's anything to talk about, under the Sam Has ADHD tag. :)
FWIW, this is my first experience with a drug like this, which affects brain chemistry -- the only other comparable experience I’ve had is weed, and I’ve never been an especially heavy user of that either. Never took antidepressants, mood stabilizers, sedatives, anything like that, so I’m in much the same position you are, although I have taken daily medication for other health issues before. 
10mg of Adderall, which is a pretty low dose, clearly had an effect, which is good; the recommendation was twice daily, five or six hours apart depending on how I feel, on an empty stomach, so I took it at 5am before breakfast and again at noon before lunch. I had...a real weird evening, because while I wasn't doing a ton more than usual I did end up somehow staying up until around 10pm, which for me is very late, without really noticing. So today I thought I'd try just a single dose that would see me through the majority of the workday, and took 10mg at 6:30am after having eaten breakfast at 4am.
It kicked in yesterday right at the half-hour mark after taking, but this morning after half an hour I thought perhaps not taking it on a totally empty stomach had fucked with my ability to absorb the dose.
But then around 7:15 I cleaned out my front hall closet.
That wasn't something I'd been planning on and did give me a very "opening sequence of The Salton Sea" moment (the movie opens, after a brief history of meth, in a party house where among other things two women on speed are frantically organizing a sock drawer). Still, it did need doing, and now there's space to install some boxes to keep my winter sweaters. Which means my reward this evening is a trip to Container Store. And also a puzzle I get to do which I found while cleaning out the closet.
I am clearly going to have to learn to aim my new ability to focus, since unless I make a deliberate decision I just appear to pick Something To Do and do it, but that's a calibration issue and I’m pretty sure I can master it as long as I remember it exists.
The sensation is a little odd because after about an hour I can definitely tell my brain is working differently. It's kind of like being high, there's that same sense of calm, but my thoughts feel clear instead of clouded the way THC affects them. And things just get easier, like I'll think "Oh, I need to throw out that empty shampoo bottle" and instead of pretending I'll remember to do it after the shower, I just reach into the shower and pick it up and throw it out. I have done so many dishes in the last 24 hours, you guys. And right on the dot, at five and a half hours after taking it, I could feel my brain whirr to a stop. 
Anyway it is rather validating to be reacting to a drug in the way I'm meant to, because I did get the distinct impression from the evaluation clinic that they felt my ADHD was too mild to require treatment. I don't actually feel high, or manic, or even really very different. I just do more stuff. Like someone tightened two or three screws in my brain and the gears no longer misalign as often. At least for five hours or so. :D
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cookiewrites · 2 years
I'm sorry if you got bored of these but I'm literally Wilding over perv Binnies roommate, can we have one where reader is so open about it that she even says it in front of Binnie and poor baby's so stunned and shy:((
never could be bored of it, because it's a rich text ugh, especially when you turn the tables and have changbin be the flustered one - because honestly? i think he would be. like have you seen the shy smile and flustered laughter when other members compliment him? he'd fully stop working if you outright told him how badly you wanted him.
like i am a sub!changbin enthusiast and this just feeds into that, because if you really wanted to be mean you could talk about it all the time; teasing him with whispers and promises but never touching him until he comes to you begging you to just do something - anything. and of course you do because how the fuck could you say no to him
also hi ⛓ anon - it's lovely to meet you too ahhhh
well behaved
wc: 1.9k
cw: sub!changbin x afab hard dom!reader, unprotected sex (don't do this), creampie, degradation, praise, dirty talk, pet names for changbin (binnie, pretty boy, toy), some size kink, little bit of dumbification, mentions of cum play and oral.
it was rude, changbin thought, the way you would parade around your shared apartment in whatever clothes you had stolen from him earlier in the week. and only his clothes, his t-shirts hanging off of you, but giving a delicious look at your thighs; thighs he had fantasised his face being directly in between numerous times.
what was ruder, though, was the way you'd shamelessly tell him how much you want him and then laugh and walk away - leaving him stood there in shock with a semi. that was cruel.
'god sometimes...'
you started, reaching up to the top shelf of a cupboard, giving him a delicious view of the lacy underwear you were wearing covering your ass as his hoodie raised up.
'...i wish you'd rail me against this counter.'
you finished, getting what you needed, and wandering off back to your room. and he was left picturing the way you'd look bent over the marble, your moans ricocheting off the counter.
in the middle of summer, you sat on the couch, one of his tops sliding off your shoulder giving a delicious view of your unmarked collarbone. popsicle in hand you were watching some nonsense on the tv and complaining about the heat, before catching him staring at the way you'd take the whole popsicle into your mouth, licking at it sometimes, swirling your tongue around it, mindlessly humming at the sweet taste.
'oh binnie, i'd love to see if i can fit you fully in my mouth'
you comment, before taking the whole popsicle in your mouth, swallowing around the tip, and pulling it out;
'i've been practising, see? maybe i need to size up next time'
you add, enjoying his stunned face before turning back to your show, licking up a drip from the side of the popsicle - and he wasn't even sure if that was for show or not.
another time, you were loading your washing into the machine, bending over, presenting yourself to him as he walked into the room, you nonchalantly commented;
'i have to do so much more washing lately.'
closing the door you begin the fiddle with the settings before adding; 'it's your fault binnie, really, i've been soaking through all my underwear thinking of you.'
and as he went to apologise for something that definitely wasn't his fault, you closed your bedroom door. he shouldn't apologise, though, right? fuck he never knows what to say when you talk to him like this; make so clear how interested you were but never doing anything about it, and it was just rude. and he always planned to respond, to call you out or tell you how much he wanted you or something more than standing there and feeling the blood rush to his dick - but there was something in the air of dominance in your voice that always shut him up. something you had even jokily called him a good boy for once or twice; another thing you did which made his head spin.
later on that night you were both enjoying take out on the couch, sitting at opposite ends. you were wearing one of his few button-up shirts, with far too many buttons undone. the black fabric contrasting against the obnoxiously red lace adorning your chest and, he imagined, your pussy. the shirt was shorter than a lot of the -shirts you usually wore but not that short - but maybe if you just moved slightly;
'oh binnie, you can just take the shirt back if you want it so much'
you lean forward, crawling slightly to close the distance between you too.
'i mean, rip it off me if it bothers you that much, use those muscles that drive me crazy.'
you move an arm to squeeze at his biceps, feeling the firmness tense under your touch.
'but you'd never do that, binnie, always so shy'
'i'm not even sure you know how to put to muscles to use'
'so well behaved, never doing anything unless i tell you too, what a good boy'
and he shouldn't be getting hard from a couple words, a look, and a hand on his arm but he was, he was so fucking hard. but he also wanted to deny what you were saying, he could do more than just behave.
'not t-true'
'not true? not true, really, binnie?'
and he silently nodded, waiting for you, as always. and you leaned forward, supporting your weight with a hand on your shoulder, to whisper in his ear; your lips brushing his lobe.
'then do something changbin'
and he froze, as you leaned back again and laughed with your whole chest.
'pathetic, you're so damn lucky you're so fucking pretty'
'how about this, if you can manage to unbutton this shirt, do that for me? and i'll do the rest of the work. you just sit there and be a really pretty toy, make pretty noises, and i'll do the work'
'i'll make use of that cock of yours, make us both feel good? and all you have to do is behave, and let me admire those muscles of yours that you don't even use, okay?'
and he nodded, flushing every time you complimented his body, the shy smile on his lips as he reached his hand out, shakily undoing the first of the four buttons you had managed to do up on the shirt.
he wasn't prepared for you to count, to challenge his ability to even undo buttons on a shirt, but that the fact you were made him whine. somehow, despite all his muscles, you made him feel so so small. and it was this thought that passed through his head as he undid the second one.
you say, smirking, looking down at the way his hands struggled with the fabric, before succeeding again.
you leaned forward placing your lips at his ear again as you felt the last button give way and the shirt fall off your shoulders.
'such a good boy. so impressive'
you giggle, getting off his lap long enough to set his cock free of its confines before positioning yourself over him, underwear pushed to the side. changbin notes that it is, in fact, matching red lace, and it made you look delicious. taking the tip and running it over your wetness, up and down, past both the clit over and over again; teasing both you and him. he whined, looking up at you, pouting.
'ask nicely, binnie, it's only polite since you're going to be doing nothing as i take care of you'
'p-please, i... please' the last word coming out as a whisper, him quieting down as you stick your thumb in his mouth. quieting the moans that erupted from his mouth as you sat down on his length; the expected stretch was delicious.
fully seated, you look at him in the eyes, feeling the way his tongue danced around the thumb in his mouth, as if it were your clit; desperately trying to do anything to please you.
'it's silly really, you having a cock this big if you're not going to do anything with it'
'at least it'll be a good toy for me now, yeah?'
'all mine to use'
you say, emptying his mouth, waiting for him to agree - not moving an inch until you heard the confirmation of this newfound relationship leave his lips.
'all y-yours to p-play w-with, y/n, f-fuck'
and with that you started riding him, nails gripping into one of his shoulders, marking the muscle as you try to balance on his lap; leaning back slightly so the fat head of his cock would hit that gummy spot inside you that made your head spin.
it's then that you notice his hands are still at his side and have been this whole time; triggering another laugh from you at his submission.
'not even touching me, binnie, what you waiting for?'
'you want me to say it's okay? fuck, such a dumb toy, need to be told to do everything'
'only good for this cock of yours, i swear'
'i'll be nice, you can, fuck, touch'
and his hands instantly reach out to cup your ass, each palm swallowing up a cheek, grabbing with force as you continue to ride him.
't-thank you, thank you, th-'
you lean forward and kiss him, shutting him up with an aggressive meeting of your lips. with tongue and biting and want, so much want from both of you; months of frustration leading to this point. pulling away again you say;
'toys don't f-fucking talk unless told to'
'you can answer questions or tell me you're close, that's it'
'all i want to hear from that pretty little mouth of yours is whines and moans or my name, or if we need to stop, okay?'
and he silently nodded, triggering you to bottom out and sit completely still. reaching out to roughly grab his chin in your hand.
'that was a fucking question binnie'
's-sorry- i-'
you increase the strength of your hold, feeling the bone of his jaw through his cheeks.
'not what i want to fucking hear'
'y-yes y/n'
and suddenly your hand moves back to cup at his chest, enjoying the weight of the muscle in your palm as you smile, starting the pace back up again.
'good b-boy, j-just need a l-little training, t-that's all'
'we h-have plenty of t-time to train you, w-wanna use you a-all over t-this apartment - fuck'
opening your screwed close eyes, you see him, panting and biting at his lips - feeling the way his hands somehow grip even tighter on you. and that's when you realise, smiling at him and speaking slightly softer;
'oh, the pretty boy wants to c-cum?'
's-sorry, i- s-'
'not the question binnie, and i'm sure you don't want me s-stopping now'
'now, i asked, does my pretty little boy want to cum? want to fill me up? want to ruin me for everyone else, yeah?'
'y-yes p-please please, y/n pleeaaassseeee' he pleads, as you kiss the top of his forehead.
'go ahead binnie, fill my pussy up, make a mess'
'you've been so good, want it dripping out of me'
'look at me when you cum in me, binnie, want to see that pretty face of yours'
and he does, just a second later, feeling the warmth spreading inside of you, slowing down the pace you had into the long and hard thrusts to make sure you fucked all of his cum deep into you - before stopping, completely full of him again. reaching out you go to cup his cheek before he turns, catching your thumb in his mouth, sucking on it as he looked at you. you chuckle.
'such a good boy for me, look so pretty filling me up'
'where are you manners though, binnie?'
and he suddenly looked worried, starting to speak around the weight on his tongue;
't-thank y-you y/n, thank you'
'good boy, and you can make it up for me'
'i'm going to ride that pretty face of yours until you've cleaned up this mess you've made, and you're ready to make another one'
'because, binnie, i plan of using this new toy of mine all over this apartment'
'every single place you got hard because of me but didn't do anything'
'because you're just a dumb little toy, so so pretty for me'.
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littlebigmouse · 2 years
About the potential mole in the rebellion...
Given that information about the rebellion has leaked, people have naturally started considering who could be a potential mole. I have some thoughts:
Steve: people have pointed out that Steve's design seems to have shifted a little since last episode - most notably the position of his literal moles. Other than that though, I don't think he's a turncloak - with how little characterisation we've got from him, spending half an episode establishing his change of heart just to go back on it one episode later sounds confusing at best. And he would have had no reason to pretend to have changed for King for so long. Now there is the theory that someone else is pretending to be Steve - Adrien, for example - but I don't think that's true either. Since Steve was at the hideout the whole night, that would imply that the EC has access to the hideout/knows the exact location and went there - but instead of arresting every member of the CATTs and splitting them up, they just replaced one goon? An illusion that could be noticed so easily of someone accidentally spilled their drink on Steve? I don't think so
Eberwolf: honestly I just think this would be super boring because we know nothing about Eberwolf. It's true they have no established motivation to be rebelling, but we've gotten no hints and not even a line of dialogue - "Eberwolf betrayed everyone" wouldn't get more than a vague shrug from me. Who would care, honestly. Same goes for the other members of the BATs.
Raine: yes, Raine's been acting all twitchy this episode, but I really think this is all related to their motivation being "protect Eda", which isn't exactly going to be achieved if the plan goes off without a hitch. Eda and Raine remember that Eda's curse almost destroyed the two of them too. They know what they're getting into, and Raine making all manners of worried faces at everyone is them dealing with the fact that they are currently leading the one person they wanted to keep safe straight to disaster for the good of the people. Raine winking at Luz and promising to keep Eda safe looked more like them putting on a brave front for the sake of a kid to me, which is a loads stronger character conflict than whatever the implications of Raine's betrayel would be. Since we already had one "Raine is working for the EC" fake out, I really doubt they'll hit us with another
Darius: I have nothing to say to that except that it wouldn't make sense to send Hunter to protect Luz in this case but also I'd personally think it would be ridiculously funny if Darius turned out to be actually evil? Evil again? It would be so unnecessarily dramatic. He seemed genuine about protecting Hunter so I doubt he'd betray the cause like that, but if he did - yeah you go you funky little diva. But yeah, I don't think it's them either.
Which brings me to my theory on the whole matter: External means of espionage. Belos doesn't need a mole in the rebellion. Belos has an Oracle Coven Head, if not a whole Coven, under his thumb. Scrying potions are an established thing. There's probably any number of spells and measures to find out what your enemies are up to, no need to send someone disguised in person or whatever. It's also realistic if Belos had known about the CATTs the entire time - Hunter must have gotten "the whispers" about rebels attempting to invade the Emperor's mind from somewhere, after all. Since Belos seems to have ensured replacements for all Coven Heads, there really isn't much point for him to bother with their intricate little plans beyond setting them a trap for when they show up. And since Terra at least overheard a crystal ball call between Raine and Eda, it's not unreasonable to assume she's also figured out that Raine isn't exactly under her thumb (anymore). As Darius noted, they're a "terrible" actor (opinions vary, but I digress).
Tl;dr: there isn't a traitor among the CATTs, Belos just knows how to brew scrying potions.
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
Hello! I live in Australia and have a very much not native lawn, I would like to remove the species living there and replace it with a native grass that will be a better ecological fit for my area. Any idea about how I'd do this without destroying any topsoil or disturbing healthy ground?
thank you so much for asking!!
I have to say it would be preferable to ask an indigenous Australian person how to manage that specific combination of native plants and colonised land, rather than an American living in Europe who is never planning to visit Australia. It isn’t my ground; I’m no authority; you genuinely know it better than I do. If “returning land to native” is important to you, I’d advise you to base this intention in connecting with what is native. (This doesn’t mean “demand answers of a person of indigenous heritage” unless you have a relationship like that already, but it’s more like: I’m sure this knowledge exists somewhere, and even if it doesn’t, then your plantcraft has at least started with a quest.)
In broad brushstrokes, though: good on you for not being like “hee hee hoo hooo, dig up the lawn!” GOD I hate that. “I’m going to rip out and throw away established biomass and soil so I can buy a random selection of new stuff and terraform! grass bad! soil is meaningless to me, I’m very eco actually, this is the eco thing to do” <- that’s what people sound like, it sounds bad.
I immediately heard you out and wanted to hand you a little cake and say: “I am so glad you asked me about no-dig gardening. Thank you.” But first, being conscious of plantcraft as a land-related discipline, I went away to do a little research into No-Dig gardening for Australia, to see if the whole system works there. Because assuming that Australia works the same way as British allotments is part of this whole mess. “Here’s a cute thing they practice in one part of the world, so you should totally plaster it all over YOUR land” is advice for terraforming and colonisation! Probably won’t even work! Nobody learns anything from this!
Anyway it looks like some of the principles of no-dig gardening actually originated in Australia! This is so exciting. I didn’t know this, I had totally bought into Charles Dowding emerging fully-formed as a sort of archetypal English uncle, earnestly covering the damp green universal grass of England with unlimited cardboard, all very green and pleasant. But no-dig works in Australia! What a big world we live in.
I found this link which takes an Australian-specific viewpoint of no-dig cultivation, linking to other sources and Australians who practice this, and discussing how it works on some invasive grasses you guys face. The idea of no-dig gardening is to replace something like a lawn with something else, repairing and augmenting the soil in the process. First, you exclude light from the base with a biodegradable barrier: brown cardboard. You crawl around unfolding IKEA boxes all over the lawn. Then you alternate whatever biomass you have: compost, kitchen scraps, wood chips, newspaper, herbivore shit (Australians apparently favour sheep poo) lawn clippings, finely minced tree trimmings, small amounts of clean sand, idk what you have. The last topping is compost, into which you plant what you want. Over time, the lawn is cycled into nutrients, its ecosystems and microorganisms continue, the root structure remains in the soil, the cardboard breaks down, and the treated area becomes new integrated soil.
Now, this is a recipe for turning a lawn into, ideally, raised-bed vegetable gardening. It doesn’t replicate the balance of acidity or structure of native soil. It makes everything into rich, ph-balanced gardening soil teeming with earthworms, that in its intensity and richness generates enough biomass to feed a human. Not every plant will want what you’re offering here. (Moss, for example, would hate this. Moss wants acidic, quiet, rather poor soil with trees and rocks to be its friends, and actually, if you’re offering, moss would really like to be growing on the trees.) so, plenty of plants that are native to arid or acidic habitats will be deeply confused by this. They just did not evolve to grow in chocolate cake. But it looks like there’s enough Australian no-dig advice out there to pivot the starting point I can offer to the endpoint you want.
Anyway that’s one way to turn unwanted groundcover into soil! Thank you for asking! Good luck 👍
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Honestly I’d love to know what exactly went down in potions to cause azul and jamil to become animals. Ik It’s hinted at in their stories but can we get the whole scenario from their POVs? Idk I’d just like to know their though processes since they have a crush on the prefect.
This hit just the right 'plot idea funny bone' for me, so I'm responding to this one pretty quickly. Since this one is a little more abstract than the usual request it won't be quite as fleshed out as the fics themselves, but I'll give you a general idea!
(I got the "accidentally turned into an animal" request for two more characters by the way, and even though I'm incredibly excited to write those fics I need to figure out how they may have been turned into animals without making Kalim the culprit again. (ノ*°▽°*) Sorry Kalim! <3)
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They'd been paired together in a group project, unusual since Kalim was usually glued to Jamil's side when it came to things like this. But the more stern of the two Scarabia students must have trusted Azul's ability to keep things in reign, because when the pairs were announced he didn't try to negotiate with Professor Crewel.
"I trust you will follow the directions exactly. We both know the consequences should we not meet the Professor's standards."
"Of course! No worries, Azul, I'm laser focused in!"
"...Yes. Quite. Anyway."
The project was a curious one, analyzing a sleeping potion of old fable and attempting to replicate it to the Professor's standards. It was a familiar tale, a princess awoken by true loves kiss, used many times in the days of eld by both humans and fae alike. Most of the instructions were far more abstract than the usual, relying on pictures of the necessary ingredients instead of a simple measured list. Still the two of them seemed to be doing remarkably well.
"It's really pretty." Kalim beamed, leaning a bit closer over his cauldron than exactly necessary. "It smells really nice, too!"
"That means things are going according to plan. The final product should have ' a sweetened scent, faintly like that of a fresh morning raspberry.' How poetic." Azul added without looking, instead his attention was caught going back and forth between a vial of a green-blue powder and its description on the page in his hand. "Dried mantis wing powder should be our final touch, then we may present our work to Professor Crewel."
"Not so bad for our first time working together! I'd say we did a pretty good job!"
"Let's see what the professor has to say first. Now for the final ingredient." As Azul tipped the mantis wing powder into the brew their potion took on a deep, metallic shimmer. Which would have been fantastic, were it not supposed to be a pale, minty green instead. He wielded the stirring ladle in his other hand, about to take a sample of the potion when the color changed so drastically. "No, that can't be right. Did you add anything else to-?!"
Before he could finish, the ladle made contact with the potion's surface, and a cloud of purple fog erupted from the cauldron to envelop him. As the fog began to clear Azul found himself nearly unable to move. Was he on the ground? Why did his body feel so heavy? Why was it getting so hard to breathe?
He got his answers when two giant hands scooped him into an empty cauldron, the wave of someone's magic pen filling the bowl with fresh saltwater. Immediately the weight was lifted, and Azul found himself floating lazily in the cauldron, more octopus than he'd ever been in his life before. Above the surface of the water he could hear Kalim and the Professor, but he hardly wanted to float up there and let himself be seen any more than necessary.
"Perhaps I should be the one to blame," Professor Crewel said. "I should have assumed you puppies would equate the raspberry scent to raspberry leaves, especially when they look so similar to poison ivy leaves once removed from their plant."
"I didn't think we could put poison ivy in something you're supposed to drink! I thought they were there as a test!" Kalim responded.
"You there! Fetch one of the Leech twins. We'll have Mr. Ashengrotto brought up to the Headmaster's office for curse unbinding."
And thus, Azul's reign of terrible luck in Potionology class began.
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"It's just a more complex version of the basic transfiguration spell, Kalim. You need more focus."
"But if it's the same as the other one, why are we learning this one in the first place? Better yet, why not start with this one and forget about the other one entirely? Maybe we should ask Professor Trein about the curriculum!"
Jamil sighed, picking up the candle that Kalim had knocked off the table with a small blast from his magic pen and righting it again. Kalim was far from a novice spell-caster, why was this one seeming to give him so much trouble?
"The first spell is a stepping stone, one to introduce you to the basics of transfiguration. That way you know how to visualize before you start casting more complex spells. I wouldn't be able to do this..." With a steely gaze and a wave of his magic pen, Jamil transformed the candle on the desk into a teacup. "...Without first knowing how to do this." With another flourish the teacup turned back to beeswax, though it instead took the form of a small wax sculpture of a crow.
"Is that the crow that stole my everything bagel when I was heading to club yesterday?"
"Kalim! Focus. Just close your eyes, and picture what you want the candle to become. Here." With a final flick of his pen, the crow melded back into a regular candle. "A fresh start. Just give it another try."
"Alright, here it goes." Kalim's ruby eyes slipped shut, brow furrowing as he concentrated with an uncharacteristic intensity. The gem on his magic pen began to glow, a soft, white light orbiting the sunset-colored gem. Kalim looked a bit like if he tried to think any harder his brain would start leaking out his ears, but he kept his face scrunched in concentration.
"Be careful of the-" Jamil tried to add, but before he could get a word in edgewise a torrent of light shot from the gem of Kalim's magic pen with a FWOOF! engulfing him and the table in its glow.
"Jamil, I think I- Jamil? JAMIL!?!"
Jamil blinked, the ground suddenly much closer then he remembered it being a moment ago. But when he tried to reach his hands out to push himself upright he found himself, shockingly, with no hands to reach with. No arms either. No, he was lying prone on the ground on his belly like a snake. As a snake.
And suddenly there was a warm hand under his tummy and scooping him up, and he was face to face with Kalim. Jamil did his best to make his 'how did this happen' face, one that Kalim knew all too well. Though he was much more scaly than usual, it seemed to translate well enough.
"Well I was focusing on the candle but then I started thinking about that little crow you made and how detailed it was and I wondered if you could make little candles that were shaped like animals and if those would be popular! And I thought about what kind of animal candle I would want and I figured I'd want a monkey, then I was thinking about what kind of animal candle you would want and I thought you might like a snake! So, uhh.... A snake happened."
Yes, a snake certainly happened. Honestly, why was Jamil even surprised at this point?
"It's okay though! Nobody panic! I'll get one of the professors and he'll turn you back lickety-split and everything will be totally cool! So don't freak out! NOBODY FREAK OUT!"
Jamil barely had a moment to force his strange new body to take some sort of grip ahold Kalim's arms before the boy was rocketing off through the halls, toting the emotionally-exhausted Jamil along with him.
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heartkyeom · 2 years
you haven't returned your library book and i'm petty au
lee chan x gender neutral reader
warnings: none!
notes: this idea was very fun to write lmao I'd like to do more funny/hot mess aus at some point. but anyways pls enjoy chan being clueless <3
campus jobs were hard to come by, but the library was always reliable
it had been enjoyable for the most part, you had some weird experiences but that was normal for every job
looking at overdue returns were interesting though, especially because you could see just how messy people were
some people wouldn’t return books for a few days or weeks, you’d have fun seeing what books they checked out
but one case made you especially curious
lee chan… that name was very familiar. wait. he’s in your english class!
yes you knew him, he always sat a few rows in front of you and he always seemed to carry a new book into each class every day
you figured his overdue status wouldn’t be that bad
but no. this man hasn’t returned his book in 2 months
and it irritated you even more because you’ve been waiting to read that book!!!!
so you made it a personal mission to get him to return the book
you approached him after class one day like “hey! why haven’t you returned your library book yet”
and he’s like ??? hello to you too why are you asking me about that
you quickly explain that you work at the library and didn’t wanna threaten him but also…. return the book
he’s super apologetic like oh shit! I will return it asap sorry!!!
but then a week goes by. and another week. and now you’re just like is lee chan a liar? what do I have to do to get him to return this book?
and could you just go and buy the book yourself? ….yeah but that’s not the point! it’s the principle of the thing!
so you use the weekend to conjure up a plan to get the money, and you decide to ask him for the late fee
just catching him after class like “hey the book costs $15 because of all the fees.” he’s like “😳 what do you mean??” and oh my god do you really have to explain to this man how late fees work….
he admits he hasn't had time to return it which is really just. not gonna work for you
so the plan gets more desperate. you end up making a sign for the circulation desk that says “friends of lee chan: do not try to pay his late fee. we will not accept it.” with his student ID picture
he comes up to the desk like “really 😐 is that necessary.” like yes absolutely it is. because his friend seungkwan already tried to pay you earlier that day during your shift and you obviously had to reject it
chan really didn’t get why you cared so much about this. like I guess it made sense, it was your job to get people to return books but this was a little extreme
so he figured two could play at that game. he worked at the campus gym whenever he could, he often shared shifts with some of his friends
he decided to put your name on the list for students who aren’t allowed to reserve rooms. he saw you request rooms occasionally so he figured it was a subtle yet effective hit
and wow did it work because he locked eyes with you after you tried to use a room but got denied by one of his coworkers. he just smiled like 😁 what’s wrong? and you’re like this is war. no more holding back
so you decide to restrict his access to the library completely. yes, it was this serious and technically you were just following campus policy for students who didn’t follow up with late fees!
he ends up sitting in your seat during your next class as retaliation and oh it set something off in you. because why would he take your unassigned assigned seat!!! it was an unspoken code to not take other people’s seats
you sit next to him out of spite. you airdrop him pictures of the cover of the book the entire time
he glares at you like he has daggers in his eyes
after class, he drags you out by your arm to the hallway and yells at you like ENOUGH. what will it take for you to stop?
and you’re like just return the book!!! what is so hard about that???
he puts his head in his hands and sighs. he looks up and mumbles something at you
you’re like what??? speak up.
he’s like “someone may have stolen the book from me because of a bet….” in a quiet voice
and you’re fuming like YOU LOST THE BOOK BECAUSE OF A BET????
and he’s trying to defend himself but you don’t care. you demand to know who has the book
he tells you his name is jeon wonwoo and you force him to take you to him. he’s like right now? like YES RIGHT NOW YOU DUMMY!
he said wonwoo was probably studying on the quad around this time so here you are, stomping towards the quad with a very nervous chan trailing behind you
he tells you what he looks like and you spot him reading underneath a tree. but wait… is that…. what you think it is?
you recognize the back cover and it’s the book. THE book. that was enough to make you snap
you approach wonwoo and it takes everything in you to not lose it
you ask about the bet and how long he’s had the book
wonwoo says he’s had it for over a month now which makes you glare at chan because he did this AFTER the book was already late
you threaten him by saying if you don’t get the book, both of them would be suspended from using the library for the rest of the school year
chan and wonwoo gave each other looks, but chan was staring like “please hyung they’re gonna kill me”
wonwoo sighed and agreed to the conditions, handing you the book back
you thank wonwoo and spin around to face chan. you smack him on the back of his head and say “that’s what you get for cutting into my post-class nap time. give me the $15 or I will come for you.” you rush away with a stunned chan and confused wonwoo in the background
chan knew it was bad. it shouldn’t have had to come to that and he didn’t want you involved in his stupid bets with friends
he knew he’d get some shit from wonwoo eventually but that didn’t matter right now, he wanted to make things right with you
he decided to buy you the book but he wanted to take it an extra step further
when he found the book at a local bookstore, he saw that there were signed copies by the author and it was a perfect touch!
he decided to wrap it like a proper gift and put it in a gift bag
he dropped it off with one of your coworkers and explained it was for you
you came into work that day pretty tired, but you didn’t expect to receive a gift at all
you found a card with your name on it, you opened it and it was an I’m sorry card from him
there was a note with $15 in cash tucked into it
“I’m really sorry for everything. you shouldn't have felt forced to deal with it and I feel really embarrassed about it. it really wasn’t fair and I hope that this can begin to make up for it. hopefully, we can talk more in class when I see you again. — chan”
you unwrapped the gift and there it was. the book with a special edition cover. you opened the cover and oh my god it’s a signed copy???
you were convinced chan was insane because who gives an apology gift that was this thoughtful??? you barely talked to him before in class but somehow he saw how much this meant to you
most people would have just given the money and nothing more. but chan thought of you. you tucked the money away into a safe place under the desk but the thought lingers with you all day
you head to class the following monday after the weekend, you spot him in his normal unassigned assigned seat and you sat down next to him
the lecture went on as normal but he eventually leaned over and whispered “did you get the gift?”
you nodded and he smiled at you, you leaned back and whispered thank you
after the class was over you decided to talk more, mostly to ask about the bet and you learned he was actually very nice when you weren’t hounding him about library books
you eventually started to sit next to him every day, you both quickly became friends- sharing notes, hanging out together outside of class, and reading books together!!
he was just so nice. and you were happy to meet someone new after so long
you thought you would just silently work your library shifts until you graduate, but he started coming to check up on you and bringing you meals when you couldn’t go on break
it makes your heart happy when he tells you to drink water and take care of yourself. you could tell how much he cared for you in little ways
you would start coming to the gym to check on him too, it was a ritual that became such an important part of your relationship
chan didn’t suddenly realize he started having feelings for you, it just bloomed naturally for him. when you come into the gym one day and bring him his favorite snacks, it clicks just a bit more for him
whenever you couldn’t come to see him, he was actually kinda upset. he wanted to know how you were doing and what you’ve been up to. he looked forward to seeing your face during class and all your funny reactions to the lecture
he realized that after all this talking he never got your number!!! he became 10x more nervous the next time he came to the library to see you
the moment you see him you light up like “hi channie!! what’s up?” and he really couldn’t hide his nervousness.
he blurts out “can I have your number?” and you’re just like oh? oh. and you just smile at him and reply yes so easily, you didn’t realize how cute it was to see him so nervous
“you’re blushing so much oh wow!!!” you point it out and he just laughs like he can’t even deny it, he sighs in relief and it’s a big weight off his shoulders
“I was gonna ask you something else too, can I take you out sometime?” he looked so hopeful as he waited for your response. you knew there was no other answer in your heart than yes
so, of course, you say yes! he smiled even brighter and starts discussing all the ideas he has for the date with you
you hate to cut him off but you do have to shelve some books and your manager is kinda giving you a look like “stop talking to your man”
he understands and gives you a little wave and says “I’ll text you later!”
after your shift is over, you check your texts and sure enough, chan sent you a really cute message
“hi lovely!!! hope your shift goes well and I can’t wait to see you again”
your heart could seriously break from how sweet he was!! you spent so much of the night talking and you could barely go to sleep that night because you kept thinking about him
the campus library saw so much of your journey in college, and now it would start the path for you and chan too <3
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hoebiirama · 3 years
✑ User @neptvnia sent : "your headcanons are to die for 🥴 i'd love to hear your thoughts on how the founders would react to reader wanting to dominate THEM for a change? like would madara let you choke him? would tobirama let you edge him? how far could we go before they snapped? 👀 i saw you saw that you were holding back, pls go as hard and nasty as you want with this one
ps: if you could also throw jiraiya in the mix i would be forever grateful (us jiraiya fuckers are starving atp)"
✑ Anli's useless comment : "Pls go as hard and nasty as you want with this one". You got it buddy -awkward bisexual finger guns- Also y'all need to stop trying to make me regret not doing scenarios, istg these would be better as smut but I have yet to figure out how to keep it entirely gender neutral without making the genital area descriptions either vague as fuck or sound way too formal/medical -cries in gay smut writer-
Gonna have to put some warnings for this one : Spit play, choking, dom/sub relationship (mix of master/slave and CGL), total power exchange, impact play (slap in the face, spanking, caning), facefucking, degradation, dacryphilia, all of these tags apply to Madara's bit btw, bondage, sadomasochism, punishment, consensual BDSM (always), yes I'm still talking about Madara's bit, basically just don't read Madara's section if you're uncomfortable with any of this, (some of these warnings apply to the others as well), cock and ball torture, Madara's part is much longer than the others and I'm sorry about that
Masterpost | Rules | Send a request | Works in Progress
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うちはマダラ • Uchiha Madara
Just so we're clear before we start : in this scenario, you have a safeword and Madara knows where your boundaries lay. He would never cross them or do something he doesn't have your consent for. In this house we don't glorify abusive relationships, and certainly aren't about the "abuse disguised as BDSM" life. Having to explain the whole thing first just didn't fit with the request.
↳ You know asking Madara to let him be in charge for once will make him freak out. You already know he's going to tell you 'no' and end it there. So you don't. But that doesn't mean you've completely given up on that idea.
↳ You'll just have to show him that it can be enjoyable to submit power from time to time, which is actually an easier thing to pull off than one would think it is.
↳ Madara came to expect you to be submissive to him. You always have been, from the beginning, so the last thing he expects from you is to suddenly switch things up and pin him to the bed as you're making out.
↳ That's about as far as you can go with your little plan. Boring, I know, but Madara's not the type to let this shit pass. Not even for a second. He's in complete control, period. Sorry to disappoint.
↳ The moment you look into his eyes, you know you're in trouble. BIG TIME. Being much stronger than you, he has no problem freeing himself from your grasp and sitting up, you still in his lap, and the first thing he does is wrap his hand around your throat, forcing you to look him straight in the eye.
↳ You see his Sharingan flash for a moment, but it disappears as quickly as it appeared. He's angry.
↳ "No." That's his only answer. A short, sharp, scolding, angry 'no' as his grip around your throat tightens just a little more—it's not time to have fun with you. Not yet.
↳ "Have you forgotten your place, little one ?" he then spits.
↳ Your first reflex is to apologize, but it doesn't make anything better. Instead it earns you a slap on the cheek—you didn't even have time to take a breath after he let go of your throat before the hit comes. And then his hand is gripping your jaw again, hard enough to bruise.
↳ Yeah. You fucked up real bad.
↳ Madara tells you he doesn't want an apology because he knows you're not even sorry (he's right). Instead he'll ask you what the fuck you thought you were doing and why you believed you had the right to even think about being in charge.
↳ Doesn't matter the explanation you give him. He's going to punish you anyway, and he's going to make sure you understand not to mess with him again.
↳ And the way he'll go about it is by essentially treating you like his personal sex toy—he'll strip all control away from you completely to make you see how little power you have over him.
↳ His grip is rough. The special attentions he usually gives you, like the warm kisses across your skin, the gentle caresses over sensitive areas, the teasing, all of that is completely gone. He's looking down at you with utter disregard and it makes you feel so small that you don't even put up a fight.
↳ Madara will spit in your mouth to make you feel disgusting and demean you even more. Just because he can.
↳ Order you to suck him off, but will take over because you're doing it too slow, you're not taking it deep enough, and he'll fuck your throat until it's raw, pushing your head up and down his cock.
↳ He's definitely going to make you cry. Which will just ebb him to insult you even more, because you're a useless toy who can't even take his cock properly.
↳ If you gag, he'll pull you off his cock, slap it on your cheek to tell you to pull yourself together, and shove it back in.
↳ You have no fucking idea why you're into this. Every single part of your body hurts but you love it. This is fucked up. But you don't care.
↳ Madara's right. You were stupid for even thinking you could get away with trying to dominate him for once. You're scared to know what he would do if he found out that you had plans to tie him up to the bed and blindfold him.
↳ Your ass wouldn't survive it. Both literally and figuratively. There's just no way he lets this happen, even if you're person he trusts the most in his life.
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千住柱間 • Senju Hashirama
↳ You want to try out new things in the bedroom ? Hell yeah Hashirama's down for that ! Sex should be all about having fun, and he's willing to experiment with pretty much anything as long as it doesn't leave permanent scars.
↳ He'd find it funny at first that you want to dominate him. Hashirama is a whipped boyfriend/husband, so everything you do is endearing to him in an adorable way. Chances are, he won't take you very seriously in the beginning.
↳ You'd have to threaten him with punishment if he keeps cooing at you. Don't give in to his jokes—you have to let him know that this is serious business and you really mean it.
↳ Hashirama does have some boundaries, though, aside from the ones you've already established. You can't choke him, slap him in the face, or call him degrading names. Other than that, it's pretty much free real estate for you to do whatever the hell you want to him.
↳ He'd end up enjoying it more than he initially thought he would. He thinks you pinning him down, teasing him, telling him to be a good boy for you and using his body to pleasure yourself is incredibly sexy, and he'd be open to doing this again in the future.
↳ He'd discover new kinks of his, like getting tied up, blindfolded, edged, overstimulated, and the most surprising one : caning. He's pretty neutral about your spanking him with anything else, but a cane can be used as a prop for many other things (like propping him up, putting him in the position you need him to be in), and that's why he loves that much better.
↳ Eventually I see him developing a slight cock and ball torture. Slap or tug at his balls and he'll be a moaning mess.
↳ You'll never be able to bring him to tears, though, no matter how much you try to overstimulate him. He also won't ever beg, at least not in the desperate manner you'd wish him to.
↳ If he ever does, he'll sound amused, like he's trying not to laugh, and he's more likely to ask you to hit him again than anything else.
↳ As much as he loves you being in charge, I don't think he'll ever stop thinking this is cute when you do it. He just becomes better at not cooing at you out loud.
↳ He likes the fight for dominance. Sometimes he'll make you believe you're in charge, but the minute you drop your guard, he'll turn the table on you and the more you whine about it, the hornier he gets.
↳ He likes it when you fight back and try to put him back in his place. He has to let you win in order for you to do that, because there is no way you can manage to overpower the God of Shinobi, and you know this. You just pretend you don't for his sake.
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千住扉間 • Senju Tobirama
↳ Tobirama would be seriously taken off guard if you suddenly tried to take control while you're being intimate.
↳ While I don't see him as a 'stick to missionary' vanilla man, he'd be disoriented if you tried to switch things up without telling him about it first.
↳ It wouldn't be a complete turn off for him though, but he'll stop to ask what you're doing, and you'll have to explain it to him so he knows what he should expect. Tobirama isn't very fond of surprises.
↳ While he is much softer with his s/o than Madara is, I don't see him being entirely comfortable with the idea of letting you take control.
↳ Not being in charge of everything gives him anxiety—he would hate it if something went wrong and he found himself powerless to do anything to fix it.
↳ So you wouldn't be able to sway him like Hashirama.
↳ However, he is much more open-minded than Madara is, and he'd agree to reach a compromise.
↳ No toys would be involved, but if you wanted to ride him at your own pace, tease him, edge him, he'd be fine with that.
↳ Uncomfortable at first because this is really new to him, but he quickly finds that it's actually quite freeing to let you do that from time to time.
↳ But even with that realization, he wouldn't let things go further than what can be considered teasing.
↳ He'd let you deny his orgasm a few times but once he decides that you've had your fun, he'd switch back to being in charge—it's hard to bring him to the point where he's actually sexually frustrated, but it's not impossible, and trust me, you'll know when he crosses that threshold.
↳ The fact that he can take back control at any point is the reason he's not so antagonistic about the idea. But sex would definitely be much softer with you in charge than it typically is when he's the one on top.
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自来也 • Jiraiya
↳ Look. Jiraiya just strikes me as a man who likes a partner who can boss him around to begin with. I have this headcanon that he likes getting pegged by his s/o, so I don't even think this would be unusual for him that you want to be in charge.
↳ (He does assume a dominant role sometimes. I see him as a switch. But if you want to be the dom he won't even put up a fight.)
↳ So really, it would just be about you taking things up a notch and venture out of the usual things you do.
↳ Jiraiya likes being degraded. He gets off on you treating him like trash. Why do you think he keeps approaching women in a way he knows will get him instantly rejected, and with a good ass-whooping as a bonus ? I'm just saying. It's suspicious.
↳ So make him kneel in front of you. Play with his dick with your foot because he's not worth you bending over for.
↳ Hell, insult his dick, call it tiny, useless, not enough to satisfy you—make him feel like he has to prove his worth to you.
↳ He doesn't actually get hurt over these things. He knows you're lying, and you can't get him to actually feel humiliated. He just thinks it's hot when you talk dirty.
↳ Tie him up and gag him. He loves it.
↳ His definition of heaven is you sitting on his face, so don't shy away from using him like that.
↳ Just like Hashirama, the only thing you can't get him to do is to beg. But in Jiraiya's case, it's because he wants the punishment to last longer.
↳ You can ruin his orgasms and deny him all you want during the act but do not leave him hanging—he'll let you do pretty much whatever you want as long as he gets to cum in the end.
↳ He won't let you get away with this. If you try to pull this shit on him, you'll find that he can flip the switch real fucking quick and turn you into his bitch, and there's nothing you can do about it. (Except call your safeword, obviously.)
↳ You just don't want to have to deal with a sexually frustrated Jiraiya on your hands. Unless you like it when he's constantly whining and can't stay in place for more than two seconds.
↳ He's gonna jerk off in the great outdoors while pretending to pee in a bush if you make him wait too long. As long as, you know. There are no children around. He's kind of a creep but not a creep creep.
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m-jelly · 2 years
Oml your requests are open now yes. How about a Levi x reader fic where the reader used to work with Kenny since she the only one that survived the cave and stuff. She somehow is enrolled in the scouts and the reader can't stand Levi at first but eventually she falls in love with him realizing how much he's actually caring to people. Thank you!
You got it!
Knowing you
Pairing: Levi x reader
Genre and tags: Canon world, romance, falling in love, fluff, enemies to lovers, character growth, scarred reader.
Concept: You are signed up to the scouts after being the only survivor in Kenny's gang. At first, you can't stand Levi because he killed your friends and boss, but as time goes on you discover that Levi is caring and losing Kenny was devastating to him too. You slowly fall for the Captain and how soft he is on the inside. While you fight and slowly fall for Levi, Levi has been holding onto romantic feelings for you all this time, which is why it hurts when you reject him so much.
You slammed your hands down on your sink in anger. You looked up at yourself to see the long scar across your face. You gripped the sink tightly as you fought your rage. You were in pain physically and emotionally at everything Levi had done. He'd let Kenny die and all your friends, then acted nice to you and expected you to be nice back, but you couldn't.
You left your room and went about your business. Due to Erwin giving you a chance after everything, you'd been asked to be part of the scout tactic team because you were skilled at moving and organising the team you used to have. You were happy to plan and help out because you wanted the titans to all die as well.
You mostly admired Hange. You had a bond with them that would be difficult for anyone to break. You would follow them to the ends of the earth and you regretted them getting hurt in the cave. You stayed close to them, but that meant seeing Levi a few times. You thought it was because they liked Levi a lot, but what you didn't know is Levi visited to see you. Levi liked you.
You sat alone in the mess hall in the dark with only candlelight giving illumination. You'd been working all day and now you were tired. Your tiredness was from working and emotional. You'd been angry for so long and you were feeling the drain.
You heard footsteps getting closer. You knew it was Levi and you really didn't have the energy to shout, ignore or fight with him. You looked over at him as he walked into the mess hall. You watched him go to the drinks area, then approach you with a pot of tea and two cups.
You let out a long sigh. "You are determined to be my friend."
Levi sat down. "I'm determined to get along." He poured you a cup of tea and handed it over. "Truce?"
You stared at his pleading look in the candlelight. You felt guilt seep into you. You took the cup from him. "Thanks."
Levi watched you for a while before he spoke. "How are you doing? It's a lot to move to the scouts and watch people be eaten by titans."
You shrugged. "I'd rather see mindless killing beasts kill people than humans killing humans if I'm honest."
"You're right." He frowned a little. "What did Kenny mean to you?"
You gripped your cup. "He helped me out of a shitty life. What was he to you? You seemed to hate him."
Levi looked down with a dark look on his face. "He raised me for a few years, then he abandoned me and I never understood why. I was left all alone and I felt like people didn't want me and never would." He rubbed a tear away. "Turns out, that piece of shit is my uncle, my mother's brother. He told me as he died that he left me alone because he didn't think he was a good parent. I was abandoned because he lacked confidence."
You felt guilt seep in. "I'm sorry."
He smiled a little and shrugged. "Not much I can do now that he's dead."
"I didn't know he..."
"Did you know he was a murderer?" Levi stared at you. "Did you know he murdered countless people for fun? You followed a man who killed people."
You got up so fast your seat dragged across the floor. "I have to leave."
Levi grabbed your wrist. "Wait." He gripped tightly. "I'm sorry. You didn't know."
You looked down at Levi. "I didn't."
"Sit with me, please."
You locked eyes with Levi and saw how lonely he was, you felt just the same as he did. You sat down and smiled. "Sure."
"You know, that's the first time I've ever seen you smile. It's nice."
You blushed a little. "Shut up."
"Tch, brat."
You hummed a laugh. "I have been a bit of a brat, huh?"
Levi smiled softly at you making your heart race. You both talked all night long and started a small friendship. Levi would always come and find you. You'd spend every night drinking tea and talking until you both got tired. You started looking out for Levi instead of avoiding him. You craved his company.
You started to notice that your feelings went from hate to love. You began avoiding Levi because you didn't want your feelings to get in the way of your job and his. The wonderful nights you spent in the mess hall stopped. You would run off and hide in different places you knew Levi wouldn't check, but he was catching up with you.
You hid up on the roof one night and lay under the stars. You groaned a little as your thought about Levi. You liked him and he made your heart feel healed, but you didn't want to be the one who got in the way between him and his work. You knew Levi had lost so many people he cared about, so you didn't want to add to that.
You jumped and looked upside down at Levi. "Levi!"
He sat down next to you, then lay back. "Nice spot."
You looked over at him and blushed. "Y-Yes."
"You've been avoiding me."
You gulped hard. "Sorry."
He looked over at you. "Mind explaining why?"
You put your hands to your closed eyes. "I don't want to lie to you Levi. We've been honest with each other for a while. I am avoiding you because I've fallen in love with you. I don't want to get in the way of your job. I know you don't love me back. So, I thought it was best for me to stay away."
Levi reached over and held your hand. "Why are you making this choice? Why is it that we can't be together? Do you even ask how I feel?" He looked over at you. "Damn it brat. I love you as well. I've loved you for a while. Why do you think I've been so nice to you? I don't have tea with anyone else but you. I adore you."
You looked over at Levi. "Levi, I don't want to get in your way."
"You won't. You're strong and capable. We'll get through this together. Please, don't avoid me anymore because one second without you is torture."
You leaned over and kissed him. "You know, I'm glad I worked for Kenny because I got to meet you."
Levi smiled and shuffled closer to you. "Me too."
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Posting something that I added to AO3 a long time ago but can't find on my blog. If you've already read it, sorry. But I thought I'd add it to tumblr while I wait to finish some things I'm working on.
Billy lights a cigarette. Not because he needs one, he doesn't need much of anything anymore, but to give his mouth something to do while he fills Harrington's grave with dirt. 
The pretty boy owes him big time for this. Billy had plans for tonight. Plans that he had to cancel because someone decided to stumble into a den of the undead. And yeah, he didn't have to drag his bitten and dying ass out here and give him his blood, but he couldn't just let an ass as fine as that become little more than a snack. 
And sure , maybe his reasons for doing this are that shallow, but he's still doing him a solid. Billy never wanted to sire anyone, so this is totally out of character for him to begin with. Harrington is damn lucky he's still pretty. 
He heaves more dirt over him. 
Why the fuck was he even at that warehouse anyway? He had zero business being on that side of town, on his side of town. Maybe he should ask him once he climbs his way free. Then smack him upside the head for being a complete moron. Who walks into empty creepy buildings in the middle of the night? 
Harrington apparently. 
IU must not have a class on street smarts. 
He huffs a laugh at the thought of the boy taking that kind of class as he continues his work, and it only takes a few more seconds to fill it all in. 
He pats the dirt with the shovel and smirks, "Sleep tight, sweetheart. See you tomorrow." 
Harrington crawls into his new life as gracefully as Billy thought he would, which is not at all . He stumbles away from the grave on shaky legs and searches around frantically, fear and panic evident on his dirt smeared face. Once he sees Billy sitting on the hood of his Camaro, his eyes grow comically wide. 
"What the fuck? What the fuck is going on? Did I just climb out of a fucking grave? Did you bury me alive, Hargrove?" 
"Calm down, Princess. I saved your sorry ass. You'd be a bloodless corpse in a basement right now if I hadn't gotten you out of there." 
"Out of where? What are you talking about?" 
"Holy shit, you have no idea what you walked in on, do you?" 
Confused, he answers, "No?" 
"Jesus Christ, you really are an idiot." He throws the other boy a towel to get some of the grime off his skin. 
"Gee, thanks." He scowls, but he takes the offering and starts wiping himself off. 
Billy sighs, "I don't know why you were at that warehouse, Harrington, but whoever sent you probably wanted you to die," He watches the towel pause on his face, "or at the very least, beat to shit."
"I was there to hook up with a guy." He admits quietly. "He picked the meet up place."
And Billy knows he was the only human in that building last night, so that means that one of the other vampires had set him up. It's not like Billy's never hooked up with a dinner date, but that wasn't what was going on there. He had thought it was just an accident and that they had gotten carried away. But no, they had planned to suck him dry until Billy intervened. 
It pisses him off because they don't have to do that anymore. They don't have to wait so long between feedings now. They don't get so lost in their hunger that they kill all of their meals. So killing humans these days is unnecessary. It's an archaic practice that Billy despises. 
Now he would have to watch out for those bastards. 
"I know it was stupid, and I should have left when I saw how creepy the place was, but I just really needed to get laid." 
He laughs at that. He can't help it. "I wouldn't have thought King Steve would end up literally dying for some dick." 
"Oh, fuck you, Hargrove." He growls. "Act like you don't gag for it too." 
Billy raises a brow. "Gag for it, huh? No, I'm not the one gagging, pretty boy." 
He looks like he's about to rattle off another comeback, but before he can, he doubles over in pain. 
Yeah , Billy thinks, it's just about that time. 
When he looks up at Billy, his eyes are dark, hungry , and he twists around to look towards town. Billy grabs his jacket and hauls him back when he tries to head that way.
" Easy , Harrington. Can't have you outing us to the public." 
"What's wrong with me?" He groans, and attempts to pull himself free of Billy's hold. 
"You're hungry." He replies, "It's always the most intense when you're first awakened." 
"Awakened? What are you talking about ? What's happening to me?"
"Not to sound cliche, but you're a vampire now, Harrington. A creature of the night."
" What?"  He shakes his head and nearly cries out, "I don't believe you."
"You don't have to believe me, but it's true. That pain in your gut? It's not going to go away."
" Fuuck ." He drops to the ground and hides his face in his knees. "This is crazy . I don't want to be a vampire. What the fuck ?"
Billy crouches down in front of him. "I'm sorry, I would have asked if you wanted this, but you were hanging on by a thread by the time I got you away from them."
He looks up. "Why didn't you just let them kill me?" 
He shrugs the best he can while crouched like this. "You dying just didn't sit well with me." 
"Well, shit." He groans again and hugs his knees to his chest. The action doesn't mask the way his limbs are trembling. 
"Get up, Harrington."
"Don't want to move." He grits his teeth. "Hurts to much."
He grabs his chin. "Suck it up. We have to go." 
"I can't."
"Listen to me." He demands, holding his chin even tighter. "I know it feels fucking horrible, but I'm going to help you. You just need to trust me."
He looks skeptical but then another wave of excruciating pain makes him snap his eyes shut. "Ok. I'll trust you." He sniffs when it's over. "But what are we doing?" 
"I'm taking you somewhere so you can feed." He says and lifts him off the ground. 
"Oh my god, that sounds gross." 
Billy ignores his complaint and shoves him into the passenger side. "You'll get used to it." 
"So are we going to a blood bank or something?" He asks when Billy slips behind the wheel. 
He can't help it, he laughs. "That's cute, pretty boy, but no. Our blood donors are always alive. It has to be fresh."
"I have to bite someone?" 
"Yeah, but it's consensual." 
He shudders, "Still." 
Usually, Billy is the one that constantly moves his mouth, but Harrington starts chattering the minute they pull away. He's nervous and feels disturbed with the thought that he will be living on blood from now on. 
Billy is starting to regret turning him. 
It takes a lot of effort to get the brunet out of the Camaro when they pull up to the apartment complex. 
"This is a bad idea." He says, and Billy rolls his eyes. 
"Do you want to die die? Because if you don't, then it's the only way to insure your transition." 
He doesn't reply, but he pouts a little bit when Billy drags him out and walks him around to the side of the building. Their destination is at the end. 
A short and busty Hispanic woman greets them at the door. "Hey, Billy, baby." She coos, "didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon." 
"Not here for me, doll." He replies, and pulls Harrington inside the apartment, his grip tightening to ensure he doesn't get free. He doesn't complain or say anything at all, just let's Billy drag him along. 
She closes the door behind them and follows Billy to the couch. She gives him a curious look before commenting, "I thought you said you didn't want to sire? That it was one of your rules ." 
"I didn't ," He sighs, "but I knew this one. Couldn't just let him die on my watch, Some rules are meant to be broken, I guess." 
"Well, he's a cutie." She replies, eyes sweeping over him, "Wanted us to be his first, huh?" 
"Yeah, thought I'd bring him here. You know you and Rita are my favorites. Wouldn't trust just anyone for this." 
"Flatterer," She teases. 
He flashes her a charming smile. "Never."
Harrington suddenly leans against Billy and groans in pain. " Shit ." 
The woman sits down on the other side of him so that he's sandwiched between her and Billy. "I think we need to get down to business. The poor thing is miserable."
He nods in agreement and moves the boy around so he can look at him. "Harrington, I know it's hard to focus, but I need you to for just a second." He tells him, and brown eyes keep his gaze. "This is Selene. She's going to help you out tonight, ok? She's one of the best at knowing her limits and I trust her." 
He closes his eyes and Billy can tell he's still struggling with it. "Don't want to hurt anyone." 
"You're not going to hurt me, sweetie." Selene promises him. "Billy will stop you when I tell him to." 
After another cramp that leaves him shaking, he mutters, "Ok. I'll do it." 
"We'll start you out with a wrist. You're less likely to overfeed and easier for me to control." He very nearly wraps his body around his lithe frame and puts one hand on his throat, just in case he needs to pull him away. 
Selene lets Billy take her wrist into his free hand and bring it close to Harrington's mouth. 
He looks startled when his fangs immediately elongate with the close proximity of her blood. 
"It's ok." Billy assures him. "Go ahead."
He sinks his teeth into her flesh and moans a bit. Billy still remembers how good it felt the first time, knows how easy it is to get lost in it. " Slowly ," He whispers in his ear. He can feel his throat tighten under his hand as he forces himself to slow down, "That's it." Billy tells him, "Good boy."
He continues to speak softly to him but keeps his eyes on Selene, waiting for the signal. Once she gives it he puts a little pressure on his throat. "Let her go." 
He thought he might have a hard time pulling him away, but he doesn't. The brunet releases her wrist at his command and lets Billy practically pull him into his lap. 
Selene is smiling. "He's got good control." 
"Yeah, looks like he's full of suprises." 
" He is right here you know." He snarks, but his voice sounds a bit fucked out. 
"Sorry, Princess." He laughs, "Didn't mean to ignore you." As if he ever could to begin with. 
A thin tall woman in pajama shorts and a towel in her hair appears in the doorway before he can respond. "I thought I heard your loud mouth over my shower, Billy." 
He rolls his eyes. "Good to see you too, Rita."
She struts closer to the couch and pulls the towel out of her blonde hair. "Got yourself a baby vamp?" She asks, taking in the scene. "Find him on the street or something?" 
That answer peaks her interest. " You turned him?" 
"Kinda had to. He would have died if I hadn't, and apparently I have a soft spot for the bastard." 
"Aww that's so sweet." She beams and looks at the boy in his lap. "Since your sire has no manners whatsoever, I'll just introduce myself." She extends her hand out to Harrington. "I'm Rita."
He shifts in Billy's lap and hesitantly shakes it. "Steve." 
"Nice to meet you." 
He clears his throat, "Yeah, uh, nice to meet you too." 
She turns back to Billy. "Did he get enough?"
"Probably not, but it was enough to hold off the hunger for a bit at least." 
"Why make him suffer? He can take from me too."
"You sure? You may not be able to take care of your other regulars." 
"It's fine. I want to help this one out." She sits down and Billy turns his body on the couch so Harrington can reach her more easily. 
"Rita's going to top you off so you won't be hungry later." Billy tells him. 
"Ok, " He says and instead of arguing, waits. 
This time Billy lets him hold Rita's wrist and wraps one arm loosely around him. He doesn't think Harrington is going to have an issue stopping when they tell him too. 
He takes her wrist and brings it to his mouth, not hesitating this time before sinking his teeth into her. 
Billy is looking between him and Rita when he feels Selene at his back. "I can see why you broke your rule now." She says, and he can just hear the smile in her voice. "You have a hard on for the guy, don't you?" 
"I don't blame you. He's very pretty." 
He hates when she gets like this. "That's not the only reason I turned him." 
"But it was a factor." 
"Fuck you," He hisses, "but yes , it was a factor." 
Harrington is releasing Rita before Billy even had to tell him to and he thanks her quietly. 
"Pretty and polite?" Selene whispers in Billy's ear. "I like this one." 
"I'm glad you approve ." He replies sarcastically. 
"No need to get snippy, baby. I'm rooting for you."
He ends the conversation there because he can't get into it with her right now. "Come on, Harrington. We should let these lovely ladies get back to their night." 
"Right." He follows him back through the apartment but stops at the door and addresses Selene. "Thanks." 
Her eyes definitely look mischievous as she smiles brightly at him. "Anytime, baby." 
Billy ushers him out of the apartment and into the Camaro before Selene can corrupt him. 
He'd been so quiet inside with the two women, but now that he's fully sated and can string together more than one thought at a time, Harrington starts throwing a slew of questions at him again as soon as they're on the road. 
Billy groans and briefly wonders, once more, if he made the wrong decision by turning him. But no, for once in his life he made the right one. If he hadn't turned him, he would dead, and a world without Steve Harrington would be a lonely one. 
And maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want to be alone anymore. 
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lexxiie · 3 years
Hope you don't mind me asking. Could you make a hero!Touya x reader? Anything wholesome and fluffy will do.
Hope you have a great and productive day.💚
Omg YES!! I love hero!Touya. Have a beautiful day as well.🤍
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x reader
Genre: fluff
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Hero!Touya Todoroki x Reader
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First of all, I wanna say that I was struggling on wether to state his hero name as cremation or blueflame (both are translations for dabi) but I decided to go with the latter.
Moving on from that, Touya is a very interesting person.
He isn't as sweet as his little brother Shouto, but he is definitely cooler.
You met Touya at a hero convention.
You work as a reporter, and interviewing one of the heroes on the top 10 would make your boss incredibly happy.
You tried to make it past the hundreds of reporters who had the same idea as you, but it seemed impossible.
Much to your surprise, blueflame himself made his way to you. Why? You had no idea.
When he was finally right in front of you, he dropped to his knees.
You had never been more confused in your entire life.
Until you saw what he was actually doing.
You had some toilet paper attached to your shoe, and he was taking it off.
The embarrassment you felt was completely, utterly immessurable.
"I imagined you would have hated to go home and find out that it was there the whole time" he said while tucking the piece of paper into his suit's pocket. With the biggest smile on his face, as if he was having a blast watching your red face.
He actually said that with a tone that sounded as if he was mocking you.
What a damn bully!
You frowned as you turned around and walked away. No exclusive was important enough to lose your dignity.
You were almost running away, going towards Hawks to try your luck with him, when you felt someone holding your arm and forcing you to turn around.
"You must be terrible at your job. Aren't you supposed to make me some questions?"
"Why should I waste my time with someone with no manners?" You literally saw him smile at this. Is he kidding? What an idiot.
"I'm sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to help. Because I do do my job."
The smirk he gave you after saying that made a vein on your neck snap.
"Fine, you want me to interview you so badly? I will."
His cocky smile made you want to punch him so badly... But you had a better plan.
You proceeded to ask him the most uncomfortable questions you could think of. There were a lot of rumors surrounding the pro hero, and you made sure to address them all.
His smile slowly faded as you kept asking more and more questions.
When the interview was finally over, you walked away again, this time, nothing stopped you as you wore a big smile on your lips.
When the convention was nearing it's end, you decided to treat yourself to a drink at the bar in the auditory.
You sat before the counter, finally relaxing after such a stressful day.
"Well played, reporter." The hero again?
He had said "reporter" almost as an insult, but you didn't mind. You won after all.
"What do you want? Ready for another interview?"
"Ha. Ha. Ha. No. Never again. Actually, I'd like to treat you to dinner."
"As if I would go out with someone with such a big reputation of being a womanizer."
"Oh, right! You seemed very curious about that earlier. Come on, you can run away again if you don't like it. I'll be nice."
"Fine. I'll go just to have one more reason to dislike you."
And the rest is history.
Dating Touya means never getting bored.
And always getting mad.
But in a good way.
Even though his suit is supposed to isolate the heat of his flames, he still gets some terrible burns very often.
Which, by the way, is one of the best kept secrets of the hero world. You were very surprised when you found out, specially since you thought you knew every rumor regarding him.
Tending to his wounds is always a very intimate thing. After you yell at him.
He can feel how much you care about him and that really warms his heart.
Since he met you, he doesn't give a fuck about what the public thinks of him. The only person he wants to make proud, the only person he truly cares to be a hero for, is you.
He tells you everything about his missions, even when they are classified. He just loves that part of the day where he can relax and talk to you.
His relationship with his dad is pretty caothic, to say the least. He complains about him all the time and it's very rude to him, which makes family reunions very uncomfortable.
However, Fuyumi and you are great friends and Rei adores you because she can tell that you make his son happy.
You adore little Shouto. And he really likes you too.
Touya loves him too. You know it, Shouto knows it, but he is a total bully when it comes to him.
He claimes that "the kid is way too spoiled and needs someone who keeps him in line."
You sometimes invite Shouto to the movies with both of you while Touya complains because, according to him, he only gets a couple of free days and he has no intentions of spending them with a brat.
When you two moved together, he decided to buy a new apartment in the middle of the city so that you were closer to your job. The apartment has some beautiful big windows where you both spend hours admiring the city.
He calls you Ms. Todoroki to tease you... Or so he says.
He is actually trying to figure out if you would be willing to marry him.
Contrary with what he makes people believe, he is an insecure man. He fears that you might realize that you deserve better and leave him.
He can't sleep without you. It makes him anxious. He constantly fears that the public might find out about blueflame's girlfriend and someone targeting you.
The amount of girls thirsting over blueflame it's crazy. It does annoy you a bit.
He likes that, though. He likes it when you are jealous.
However, any man who dares to look your way must prepare himself to be burnt to ashes. Not a very hero-like behavior from his part but he doesn't give a fuck.
You both live off fast food. Or at least food that you buy somewhere because none of you has time to cook and he doesn't know how to.
You only make you own food for breakfast or on weekends.
He always gets home late from work, so he makes sure to buy something at your favourite restaurant.
He loves to take baths with you, which is a problem because he likes to shower with cold water.
He always gives you a kiss before he leaves to work. Most of the times you are still asleep.
Such an obscene man. His dirty jokes never seem to have an end.
Even though you must be kept a secret form the public, you go with him to every hero event. He always recieves a lot of teasing from his colleagues about you. Specially from Hawks.
He used to think his biggest achievement was being a hero, but now he is sure that it's being loved by you.
He is just incredibly proud of being your boyfriend. He wishes he could brag about it to the whole world.
He sometimes takes you in his arms randomly and starts dancing around your apartment.
When you get mad at him, he places your favourite tea flavour at the top of the cupboard so that you have to ask him for help.
Remember what I said about his dirty comments?
"You know, doll? I wish I could be a sword so I could bury mysel-"
"Shut the hell up, idiot."
Enji doesn't like you because he says you are a distraction to Touya.
This always leads to terrible discussions between both of them that always end with: "I swear I'll dance on your grave, senile old man!"
Touya knows Enji is right. You are a distraction.
He would leave it all behind for you, but he doesn't care. It would be worth it.
You are his everything, and he'll always do whatever he needs to do to make you happy. He wants to spend the rest of his life by your side.
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nonokoko13 · 3 years
Child!reader being adopted by spy x family characters Pt. 2
As I said in the previous part, these adoption headcanons are really specific, including your hypothetical pronouns and name; these two are extra so you can imagine yourself with your name and desired gender. You can ask for less specific headcanons if you want too. Part 1 here
Sylvia Sherwood
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How you met
She carries the responsibility of WISE, she needs to be committed to it. More than ever now that the peace was threatened every day by those who wanted war to arise again
She missed her family, but she overcame it. Just like the HQ she had to be impenetrable
At least, that's what she thought
Because right in front of her there was the question which answers she wanted to hear. A kid.
It would be normal to see one if she wasn't at the HQ
It didn't help no one knew there was a kid there until you spoke up
The camera system didn't record you and there wasn't any entrance to the agency that had been forced. You weren't any employee's kid either
After scolding them and order to search your parents she met you again
"Hello little one. May I ask you how did you get in here?"
You smiled, seeming to have been waiting her to ask
"Because I like to play and explore! And I'm really good at hide and seek"
Sylvia raised an eyebrow. No matter how well someone was good at hiding there was no way you could break into the HQ; it sounded surrealistic
"But how did you find this place?"
"Because it was easy to find"
"Don't you think you could end bad breaking into unknown places?"
"If I don't know what isthis place how I'd know that?"
Fair enough
That conversation wasn't going anywhere, yet she was angrier with the security staff than you. You didn't look worried though
You gave her an idea
"Do you want to play with me?"
Both entered in the nearest police station, she talked with the officers before telling you to count until 1000 while she was going to hide. You started the count facing a wall
She felt bad, but there were some traffickers she had to catch before they made the exchange
She was following their car; everything fine until she believed to see a small hand greeting her from the car's trunk
She returned to the police station to find out that moments later of her departure you disappeared without anyone realizing. She went to the point where the delivery would be made
Outside the abandoned warehouse there was no signal that you were there until she saw you getting out from under the car on the other side
Something caused a shooting that would make the police come and caught her at any moment. The bands kept shooting at each other while you were behind a transport container
"What were you thinking?! I told you to stay with the police!"
"I'm sorry, I counted until I know, then I saw you following the car, so I followed too. But before they caught me I hid in there...I'm sorry..." You pulled out a walkie-talkie
"I got two from the police station. I left one in there so the others thought the guys of that car were betraying them, it should have worked to scape with no bad guys seeing us"
She was impressed. However, there was no time to ask where you learn that from
Analyzing the situation the principal scape was blocked, fortunately they hadn't noticed you yet so–
You pulled her shirt, pointing somewhere else
"Let's get out"
General headcanons
Sylvia was still surprised that your plan of exiting through a rear window she hadn't seen and walk away without hurry could work
She stopped walking to watch you smash the walkie-talkie and take out some matches to burn it
"Now they can't find footprints!"
The police may not get answers about it but she had many questions for you
She lied to you about the HQ, after the shooting her lie was on the floor. Thenceforth Sylvia's not able to tell if you were playing along and keeping her secret or you have no idea what's all about
You thought her name was Handler. When you knew she was called Sylvia Sherwood you pointed your hoody logo and say "S of Super, you're superman–Superwoman!"
That's how she begun to be mistaken with an endearing mother and her son. She was superwoman and you "kid", because you said that's how you were called, along with child, shrimp, demon...
"That's unacceptable". She handed you lists of names to choose, unfortunately no one convinced you
It wasn't until you two went to a jewelry store that you found the name
The casual way you break in HQ when you want still frustrates her, how do you do it?? You don't see big deal though
Fullmetal lady didn't remember how tough was motherhood
Anyone would freak out if they found out about spies. Yet there you are, admiring flying guys in underpants
Sylvia asked you about your family, but you always tell the same: you lived with dad until he left you with a woman that he said was your mom
The Handler found out your father is a repeat offender, currently on a maximum security prison in another country. Both him and the woman without offspring legally
"Please, don't tell me one of his criminal records is jailbreaking"
The informant doubted "Actually, that's the main one"
The Forgers
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Scenario where it's up to both of them to adopt you. To keep Loid's mental sanity safe it will be independent of the timeline where Yor has a kid on her own, feel free to imagine both kids being Anya's siblings at the same time. You can ask me to include that idea if I write more about this
How you met
As I said before Twilight wouldn't adopt anyone due his job, only one kid for Operation Strix and that was Anya. For now Yor didn't want more kids, she loves Anya and that's enough for them
Not for Anya. She wanted a little sibling
All started talking with Becky when Damian mentioned his brother. Back at home she brought the topic and neither Pa or Ma were giving her an answer of where babies come from
That's when she begun to feel like being a sister. Any plan helped her to convince her parents though
Anya remembered something Mr Henderson told them. "If you want something, take it into your own hands"
And she took it too seriously
Next day Anya and Bond disappeared, she was in the dogs park with Yor
While Mrs Forger panicked Anya had returned to the place she met Twilight
As the time passed the Forgers worried more. When they found Anya and Bond at their building's door they felt relieved
Your presence didn't make things better
They asked Anya where she had been and where did you come from. She said she adopted you
Of course Anya wasn't going to say she broke into an orphanage and took you
Loid's scolding made you cry
"Anya, we aren't adopting–"
"If she's not my sister I won't go to school ever again!!"
"Just for a trial period" that's what Loid hoped
General headcanons
Loid thought babies were easy because it's unnecessary (more impossible) communication with a living being that can't talk; after all babies only have basic needs. He was wrong
It would be easier if you could talk. Why are you crying? You have eaten! Are you sad? Cold? You dislike him?
Yor is not better either. Because her parents died when Yuri was a kid Yor didn't have experience with changing diapers, or anything related with babies
She was more scared than Loid to the point she didn't want to hold you. She broke Yuri's ribs with a hug when he was a toddler, what if she kills you with few contact?
In less than 24 hours you already had a crib and all kinds of things a baby would need. However, having three bedrooms and parents sleeping in separate rooms meant all your things ended in Anya's room
You cried at night until they discovered you calmed down when Anya let you a plushie to hug
She can't wait for the day pa and ma share bed to take back her bedroom
The second night Anya had an idea
Ma is scared of being your mom, solution? Leave you in her bed while Yor is asleep imagining that would work
Thanks God Yor doesn't move much when sleeping. On the other hand Yor is a light sleeper due not being used to sleep with someone so she woke up minutes later
She almost jump out of the bed, realizing that would make you cry made her contain. You groaned, did she wake you up? Yor wasn't sure of holding you, instead she laid down again and approached you to her chest
Seeing you so peaceful by her side melted her, thinking about it you looked a bit like her and Loid.. She blushed at the embarrassing thought
Bold of them to not imagine that's why Anya chose you
In the morning Loid discovered what happened and had a little words with Anya during breakfast before she went to school
Yor went to work and he decided to take a day off from his work to spend the morning with you. The Handler said the first days you should see them to recognize faces
Walks with Bond, buying toys, trying to teach you sign language...Normal stuff
Loid is glad you don't do anything but sleep and eat, except your obsession with munching. When you first kissed Yor he found it normal until you munched her cheek and now you do that to everyone; probably you're teething
Yor found it really cute, but you shouldn't go kissing and chewing cheeks. Anya thinks is funny just don't try to chew her hair again please
Another problem came with names. Loid was going through a list of 850 names in alphabetical order, meanings included; Yor didn't take it to the extreme
"Hum, what about Rose? I think it's a cute name, I mean it's both decision and I'm not good with names Loid–"
Welcome to the family Rose
A spy, an assassin, a telepath and... Well, a baby. Seems like a good mix
Yor Briar
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As we know Twilight only would adopt for Operation Strix's sake. Yor became mother by marrying Loid, but what if she had already a kid before being Mrs Forger?
Inspired by this post of @say-seira
How you met
Long ago before Twilight adopted the identity of Loid Forger, the Briars moved to a flat in Berlint
While the eldest sibling had recently become an adult Yuri was only a kid, Yor decided to move to the city so he had nearer his school. It was possible due her proper salary as Thorn Princess
This change would make her job easier too. She had a new client which death could pay Yuri's entrance to a good university
There was a politician who negotiated with terrorists, helping them to get into Ostania and providing them with weapons in exchange to gain good propaganda abroad and getting rid of competition
Knowing this was enough to make Yor's blood boil. He deserved to die, she was sure of it
Struggling with the security around him, Yor finally killed the target without leaving trace
The only inconvenience was a bad injury made by a bullet that she received. After removing the bullet the wound got worse
She went to the hospital to avoid an infection. In the waiting room she met a kind lady, Yor swore that she had seen her before
The woman was scared, but Yor reassured her she will wait her
While Yor was attended the girl was taken to another room. As she promised, Yor waited in the hall after her wound was treated; with a buttoned medical gown on because she didn't want to attract more attention due the bandaged wound in sight
Time passed and many people enter and exit from the room, but she didn't. A nurse carrying something mistook her for one of the staff and scolded her for standing there
"Here, take the baby to the nursery"
"Me? But— wait! What about the woman? Is she okay?"
From afar she heard the answer, but before Yor could explain the error the woman had left. She was shocked, how? She seemed fine
Against her will the dark-haired looked at the lump she was holding: rosy cheeks babbling in dreams, you were in peace
Her shock grew when she saw you shared the username that the man she killed had. That's why the woman was familiar: she was the politician's daughter
Yor searched someone who hand the baby when she recognized the doctor that guided the woman to the room, he was talking with a masked nurse
The fact they went to a private place and maintained their voices low made her suspect
"Did you take care of the mother?" the nurse asked
"Yes, they got ahead of us with her father but I think they will pay us anyway. When they found it was a medical negligence we'll be far from here"
Yor understood they were assassins as well, probably paid by a rival. Luckily they hadn't seen her yet
"Heh, do you they will pay more if we got rid of the baby?"
Yor left the hospital with you, unsure of what to do. Did you have more relatives? The widowed politician didn't have more kids, and your mother came alone. What if they wanted to kill the rest of the family?
A small hand grabbed hers, and every fear disappeared. Looking at each other, she knew you were safer with her. Perhaps it was only guilt or sympathy, but she would try
General headcanons
The moment Yuri saw Yor holding you was in disbelief. Yor said she found you in the streets and he believed it
At first he tried to convince her sister to leave you in a orphanage but once scolding was enough to cease
Still disliking you for the first months. It took some time until he saw you like one of his family
Yuri helped, although they had a rough time because you refused to eat Yor's purees. Your endurance might grew up to make you the only person who can eat her food without bleeding but it doesn't mean you like its flavor
She viewed you as a sibling until you were two, being called mom made Yor too happy to correct you. Yuri was just Yuri, you never feel like using formalities with him or addressing "Uncle" everytime you talked
Yor decided to let your belongings, it was better that way. When you were older, and only if you wanted, she would tell you the truth
She's bad with names, Rose was the only name she could think of but you're a boy. Yor's parents loved that Yuri and her had matching names, therefore you would be the sweet addition to it
The only name I could think of is Yuu because it's gender neutral and means "you" sorry
During the first year of your life she didn't try to hide the blood of her clothes from you. Yuri never suspected either and you wouldn't remember it when you grow up
Your lack of childhood amnesia was something she didn't have in count. Not that she knows you know anyway
Yor has been training you since you were able to walk, if she wasn't there when you needed at least you would be ready to defend yourself. Proud to say you're her strong boy
That said, if the assassins that tried to killed you found were you lived it's something you ignore. Being the protective mother Yor is they could be dead by now
Six years later, it was still Yor and you against the world, with Yuri being the only paternal figure you had. Before one day she met a man and everything changed
She said he will help her by accompanying her to a party so Yuri stopped worrying about her. She said it would be one night, and the next morning you woke up with Yor waiting to talk with you
In part she accepted because of you; you passed the Eden exam before knowing you needed a dad for it. That requisite seemed stupid for you, as you reassured her you could go to any other school; now you would be accepted into the best school!
You agreed and started packing. What else you could do? The decision was made before you were asked anyway, and you didn't want to argue with your mom because she was doing it for your future too
Of course it affected you. No matter how nice they were it was a huge change; in one day you had to move to a new place which didn't feel like home and live with strangers who you'll have to share mom with isn't easy
Anya was nervous too, but for different reasons. She was so excited to meet her soon-to-be sibling! For her, who was an orphan last week, having a pa, a ma and a friend to play with was great
Her expectations went down when she read your mind. You didn't think bad of them, but excited wasn't the word to describe your emotional state either
Loid may not be good at understanding children, but it was clear for him you wasn't comfortable. For him would be weirder if you didn't seem affected at all
On the contrary, Yor seemed cool with all of this to you. Even without any idea of how to be a wife or mother for Anya she enjoyed her time as Forger, which confused you a bit
Yor is happier, not only because she didn't have to worry about the SSS or Yuri anymore. They make her happier, it's just matter of time she could fall for Loid and have a baby that was her own, real kid
Being sure Yor loves you and your new family want you to feel welcomed doesn't make disappear the feelings you carry with. Still, if mom is happy you prefer to keep it to yourself and try to maker her smile too
If it wasn't because Yuri hates the idea of her sister hiding her marriage for a year and sympathized your situation he would have laughed at the irony when you told him during your uncle-nephew walk the next day of his meeting with "Loiloi"
He doesn't know they got married before you attended school so he assumed you had been holding it for a long time. He passed his fingers through your hair
"I understand it's difficult, but I'll be for you whenever you need me"
+ Honorable mention to compensate you for the mild ansgt without warning
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We don't know much about him but I included this dork for fun
Thinking about "Daybreak" and "parenthood" makes anyone's mind stopped working
Mainly because it's difficult to say which one would be the child
Not "How you met headcanons" because he wouldn't be able to adopt to begin with
From what we saw in chapter 27 he seems to live alone, depending on his amazing spy career to afford pork steak for dinner. So he must not live too good given that after his first mission he was fired
If he had a child, it would be likely because of a previous relationship he had and didn't end well
He didn't adopt you. You're his biological kid, the only not adopted of this gang
Sorry we can't choose our family good luck ig
Not necessarily ended bad, even remaining as friends, your mother took a different path and is happily married with another man
If she knew he wanted to be a spy either thought "it's a joke" or *sigh*
She was who brought money in the relationship, now you live with her and your step-dad but at the beginning you didn't want to
Daybreak talked with you and promised you could visit each other and even live with him when he could afford it
They don't get it
Who would take care of him? The idea of living on his own was frightening to you
Imagine being father and is your kid who worries about whether pops know how to pay taxes without mom
You took after him in terms of appearance. Any signal of intelligence was from your mother
Average smart but surely smarter than him
Probably he thanked God that you were a boy. He will love whatever you are but he was relieved of saving himself of buying female products when you were on that time of the month and guide you through puberty
As much as he says to be a charming man he's not good with women either so
Your name is Sunny. Guess who chose it
Probably you see him more on weekends than during the week
Until you showed him Spy Wars he didn't have no idea that existed such good series
Of course not cooler than the legend he is but Daybreak jokes about how reading that and seeing your cool pops in action would make you half as good spy as he is someday
Quite sad is that your common sense along with the things you see on TV are enough to be better spy material
You try to watch it with him to see if he learns something
Unsure of what you'll be in the future but in the mean time you had fun watching cartoons and liking kids stuff like dinosaurs and skateboard
Current status: Busy with your first year at school and getting him out of trouble
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juminhandfs · 2 years
Mysme characters describing other characters (as taken from Frank James YouTube video) :
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Jaehee describing Seven:
"Sure, he has some talent. But what is he doing with it? Does he have a plan? Is he hustling? 'Because I won't call hanging out at the park in a fairy cosplay with a bunch of pidgeons for six hours hustling' I'd call it "not very pleasing smelling."
Seven describing Jaehee:
"What a dreadful life she must lead. It's like "Oh, we got work to do. Let's do this work over here. Oh, that's done. Now let's do more work over here." It's like, girl, come on! Stop and smell the honey from time to time. Enjoy a refreshing kombucha!"
Zen describing Jumin:
"He's always staring! He talks in this emotionless monotone, and somehow he always seems to know what to expect next! He is basically evil!"
Jumin describing Zen:
"He never has a plan and has way too much energy. Every chance he gets, he does something chaotic to trow me off balance. He is trying to ruin my life. And he enjoys it. He is basically evil."
Rika describing V:
"It's like he takes pleasure in being selfish and never thinking in the big picture, and my attempts at shaming him into being a better person don't seem to have any effect... Well, actually they do... They seem to make him want to be worse."
V describing Rika:
"She gets way to passionate about every social issue there is, so I like to do things just to support her. Like if we go to a restaurant that gives out paper straws, I'll bring my own plastic straws for both of us!"
Saeran describing Yoosung:
"I leave the house very rarely, but somehow I always manage to run into him. I'm at the grocery store, there he is! I'm at Hot Topic, there he is! It's like he has the Find Friends app hardwired into his brain, and I can't turn off my location services."
Yoosung describing Saeran:
"Oh yeah, we are great friends! I mean, he's definitely a little nerdy and needs some help getting out of his shell, which I'd love to help him do... If he ever picked up my calls or answered my texts... But we are still great friends!"
MC describing Vanderwood:
"That guy is a straight psychopath, one time he drove us to the CR building and said "Sorry, the car's such a mess." There was nothing in the car, except a sweater in the back seat. And it was folded."
Vanderwood describing MC:
"Oh, she is very nice. Or at least she tries to be. Or at least I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she is trying. Because the alternative would be that she is a Butt-Head, and that she knows that she is a butt head, and that she is okay with being a butt head. And that's shocking to me."
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Inked (Bucky x Reader)
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A/N: Hello, my loves! I have a few things to address! First off, this blog reached over 400 followers! Thank all so much for reading and supporting all of my work that I have been posting for you! I couldn't do it without you! Second, I am currently sick (not COVID, thankfully lol) and have been wavering in and out of sleep these past few days. I promise I will get back to my two series that I have started, but I decided to post this little blurb in the meantime! I hope you enjoy and I will see you next time!
Word Count: 738
Warnings: Fluff
"Don't they hurt?"
"Of course they do, baby."
"Why would you ever want to put yourself through pain for one?"
It amused Y/N as she watched Bucky's eyes turn as wide as saucers the moment she lifted her sleeve to reveal one of her older tattoos which covered the length of her forearm. His eyebrows furrowed curiously as he ran his flesh fingers across the inked skin gently.
"Because tattoos are art. And, there is so much meaning that can be behind them. There are still grumps who think that they are 'unprofessional' and that people look better without them, but I honestly couldn't care less. "
"Well, those grumps are fucking wrong. This is beautiful." Bucky mused quietly, smiling as his fingers traced the petals of the sunflower inked near the crease of her elbow. His eyes flickered towards Y/N again. "Do you have any more?"
"I do." Y/N smiled, before standing from the couch and popping the button on her jeans. A small snort of amusement escaped her lips as she watched his eyes widen again, this time for a much different reason.
"Uh... you really wanna do that now, doll? I must say, this is quite the way to start for the first time-"
"Shut up, you perv." She laughed, shaking her head as she shimmied the denim down her legs. "The tattoo is on my leg. How else are you going to see it?"
He rolled his eyes playfully before his gaze locked on Y/N's left thigh, gazing at the patches of ink that covered her skin. This time, Bucky's mouth fell open slightly as he took in the tattoo before he looked up at his girlfriend.
"Are you kidding me? You have fucking Kylo Ren tattooed on your thigh?"
"Listen, I love Star Wars, okay." Y/N snorted as she began to pull her jeans up, securing the button at the top before plopping down next to Bucky on the couch.
"Oh, yeah, you love Star Wars alright"
"Oh, will you stop? It's just a tattoo." Y/N rolled her eyes, watching as Bucky let out an exasperated sigh of annoyance.
"Were you not the one who told me that tattoos have meaning? What is that supposed to mean? And why was it placed there?"
Y/N had to admit, Bucky was kind of cute when he was jealous. His eyebrows were furrowed, his bottom lip tucked into a small pout. But she could see the wheels turning in his head, and eventually, she decided to put him out of his misery of overthinking.
"Is it the long hair? Because I can definitely grow it out again if-"
"Bucky... shush...."  Y/N let out a small laugh as she moved to straddle his lap, resting her hands on either side of his face, keeping his gaze locked with hers. "It is not that deep, I promise you. This does not have a meaning that you have to analyze in that big brain of yours, okay? I thought Kylo Ren's helmet and lightsaber were badass and would make a great tattoo.  I got in on my leg because I did not want something this vibrant visible on my arm."
Bucky's pout disappeared as he let out a long sigh and as his body began to relax. "Okay, fine.  I'm sorry, it's stupid I got jealous over a fucking tattoo."
"I thought it was kind of cute." Y/N leaned in and pecked his lips gently. "But I promise you, it is not necessary. I'm already planning out another Star Wars tattoo. And no, it is not Obi-Wan Kenobi. "
"Oh yeah? What is it then?" Bucky prompted lightly, his arms wrapping around her waist gently.
"I'm thinking a little portrait of R2D2. Don't know about the placement yet, but I'd really wanna get it." Y/N smiled brightly, already excited thinking about the new ink and the other ideas to come.
Bucky couldn't help but smile as he watched his girl talk on and on about all the new tattoos she would want to get. He was not sure if he would ever get inked himself, but to see how her eyes lit up when even talking about it made his heart feel warm inside his chest.
And he promised there and then, that he would try his hardest to keep that light burning in her eyes as long as he could.
A/N 2: The ending was kinda cruddy, but oh well lol.
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