#which most runners have a lot of leg muscles
m30wk1ttycat · 4 months
warning, this contains: mentions of death, blood, gore pairing: newt x reader summary: you just lost a friend to a griever, and newt is trying his best to comfort you.
you were a runner - which newt hated, but he couldn't do much about it. being a runner had its risks. a lot of them. but a person can handle the deaths of people you've known most of your time here, blood, stress, anxiety and physical draining for a certain time. today seemed to be your breaking point, when your best friend was ripped to shreds by the griever's robotic claws. bones and organs that should've been hidden under his skin and muscles were revealed, leaving you to watch in shock as the griver tore off his limbs inbetween his agonizing screams.
when you made your way back into the glade, your legs gave up on you when you stepped foot on the grass. falling to your knees, you also burst into tears. newt was the first one to notice you.
he kneeled down infront of you, his hand making its way to your shoulder. "y/n? hey, hey- breathe, hm? in, out, come on."
your chest was heaving, still out of breath from running so fast. that, and the fact that the boy you've grown attached to was dead, somewhere in the maze, laying in a pool of his own blood, with detached limbs.
eventually, you calmed down. only to break down again when newt asked, "what- what's going on? what happened?"
he sighed, realizing you wouldn't be exactly able to tell him what happened. squeezing your shoulder, he said, "we don't have to talk about it, i promise. but i'm here if you want to talk about it, okay?"
you nod, looking up at him. "i'm sorry," you sob.
"no, no, no, don't be. c'mere," he whispered, pulling you into a quick hug - only if twenty minutes is considered quick. he looked at you again, holding you close to him as you sobbed into his shirt.
that night, newt offered to let you stay in his hut, just in case you didn't want to be alone. cuddled up against him, you still couldn't manage to tell him what it was that happened. newt didn't ask questions. he let the subject go - if you wanted to talk about it, you would on your own, if you didn't want to, he wouldn't force you to tell him. but everyone figured that something happened when the runner didn't ever come out of the maze. only that you were the only one who saw that something happen.
the next morning, you woke up, only to realize you slept in. while laying on newt's chest. your legs still hurt from yesterday, and your throat is sore from crying so much.
newt noticed you shift slightly, and he loosened his hold on you.
"morning, love," he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"morning," you whisper back.
his voice was quiet, almost silent when he asked, "feeling better?"
you nod, "mhm. thank you."
"anything for you," newt said softly, "go back to sleep, okay?"
"what about the maze? i was supposed to run today."
"you're not running today. you slept in, anyway," he murmured, "i promise, i'll take care of everything. just relax."
"you'll stay, right?" you ask. you weren't sure why, but you needed the reassurance that he'd be there with you if you had a nightmare about the whole thing that happened yesterday. he always was, but you wanted him to say it. just to make sure.
"of course. always," he promised, pecking your forehead one last time before your drifted off to sleep again.
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sorensolsikke · 16 days
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this is me in details btw. i have drawn a reference sheet. if anyone cares?
this is my dragonkin's look, and it felt awesome to work on the details. maybe maybe i have spent too much time on an easy little reference sheet (10 hours), but i just COULDN'T not make it aesthetic.
so me in detail!
i am from one half of a twin exoplanet called Magna Soror ("big sister"), from a solar system called Familia, not too far from here. the system's star is Avia ("grandmother"), and is more or less like our Sun, although significantly older. the Familia system is pretty stable and safe, featuring also a gas giant called Avunculus ("uncle"), and a small planet orbiting the star close and backwards, named Frater (brother).
Magna Soror's twin is Parum Soror. their system was probably formed when Parum crashed into the bigger planet, tossing it out from its previous, more avarage looking track. enormous bodies of water can be found on both of the planets, but in terms of proportion, Parum has the lead. its environment is far more unified than magna's, and more resembling Earth.
Magna Soror is an unusually big planet of rock. its environment is quite extreme due to its size, rotation around the Avia, and the frequent solar eclipses and floods caused by Parum. the life on the planet is breathtakingly diverse, and also cyclic, as it has to adapt to to the everchanging climate throughout the year (which year is around 11 times of Earth's). in spite of its quirks, Magna Soror is an excellent planet for the blossoming life, requiring such unity (instead of competition) between species that is unknown on planet Earth.
one of the most dominant group of species there are the dragons. i am one of them, traveled here with a group of my companions. we consider everything to be our brothers and sisters here on Earth, as we have never seen a planet so familiar to ours before.
here on Earth, my ideal habitats are around the fjords and pine forests of norway. these are the most similar to my home on Magna Soror.
standing on two feet, i am slightly smaller than an avarage human, tho this pose hurts my spine.
my whole lenght from nose to end of tail is 3.6 meters, although more than half of that lenght is my tail (used for maneuvering). my wingspan is over 4 meters.
i have a broad chest, narrow waist, and four short legs, back ones are longer and even more muscular than front ones. i am nimble, but not really a fast runner, and a great jumper – which is needed as i have a hard time getting up into the air. i need to run before and jump forcefully to take off, or i need to climb high and start glinding.
my paws are big, elongated. forth finger is facing backwards, therefore it's great for climbing. i have fins between my fingers, which makes me a great swimmer, but worsens my running abilities. my claws cannot be retracted.
i mostly eat fish (or on my home planet, fish-like creatures), and i hunt like aquatic birds of prey, flying over the water and diving in to catch my prey. when the water freezes, i hunt animals between the sizes of a rabbit and a deer calf. things like oysters, shrimps, smaller octopuses and berries are beloved treats of mine.
ideally, i swallow in whole, as i don't have teeth for gnawing. however, i have four fangs, four so-called abutment teeth and twenty-four small teeth.
i don't have fur to keep me warm, but i do have some fire breathing abilities. in my throat, i bear with a pair of flint organs that i can crush together by pulling the muscles in my throat, so to create sparks. with these sparks, i am able to light up fires, for example out of wood, to keep me warm, or to defend myself from attacks.
my scales and skin are fireproof. i shred them regularly.
i have a deep blue color, but white stomach and wings. my camouflage works like great white sharks' in water. in snow, i can hide under my white wings.
thorns are both for protection and for finding a mate.
i am a social creature, i love my flight (pack) a lot and would do anything for them. tho i mostly hunt and nest alone, until i can do it with my mate.
i can't roar or purr, but i have a weird noise that resembles crushing gravels, i have some squeeks, and a soft, melody like gurgling noise.
my eyesight is spectecular, and i have a special eyelid for seeing underwater, tho i definitely see colors differently than humans. my hearing is reliable. my sense of smell is very very good. i have nostrils, and can also smell with my tongue underwater.
that's all about me in facts. i'll soon make some more art about my dragonform, but i was so excited to show this!!!
anyways, i hope you'll have a great day, please don't forget to drink water and stay safe<3
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Hi! i love reading you little stories about danny ‘jed olsen’ johnson!! I was hoping you could make a post about how he would look, like: many body scars, soft muscular body, or strong and tougher kind of body. Hope you understood what i was asking for, i tried to explain it the best i can! <3
You mean like general headcanons? I did a mixture of both his appearance and his personality if that’s okay. There is a link of a visual of what I think Danny looks like at the very bottom. Hope you enjoy!
The Ghost Face/Danny Johnson
This man has many scars all over his body from his victims trying to defend themselves, but failed. Where he has scars the most is definitely his legs and chest where victims have landed sharp objects deep past his suit, into his skin. I guess his leather suit can’t protect him all the time. He has a giant scar running right through his left eyebrow. Him being the cocky bastard he is, he loves to show it off to his coworkers and make up an insane story for it. The crazy thing is that they actually believe him. 
His gaze can intimidate anyone. He has these stern yellow eyes that will make you shrink into your skin if he glares at you. However, when he gives someone puppy dog eyes, you can’t resist. There’s no way you can say no to those gorgeous yellow eyes. Additionally, I just wanted to say, his eyes make him look cat-like. 😂 
Danny has a very lean body. He has to be strong so he can overpower his victims. However, he isn’t bulky because he also has to be fast and carrying a ton of muscle will slow him down. He definitely works out a lot. I’d say he runs 7-8 miles and hits the gym at least two hours everyday because, let me tell you, he is definitely shredded. (I’m sorry. This headcanon is definitely the runner coming out of me.) 
Danny has short, but fluffy black hair. He makes sure to keep it silky soft so he can easily run his hands through it. Also, to wow the ladies; he knows women love a man with gorgeous, silky hair. Dingus. 
Dude, this man is literally so silent. He can judge which floorboards creak, which doors squeal when opened, what shadows keep him hidden from sight. It’s insane. Literally a god. 
I think we all have gotten a glimpse of how much of an asshole and narcissist he is. He’s extremely mischievous, confident, and thinks he’s the biggest lady-killer. Spoiler alert! He really isn’t no lady-killer: he can’t even get a lady for the life of him. His cheesy pick-up lines and flirting skills are full of crap. He better be glad he has his looks or he’d get himself slapped across the face. 
Danny is a fantastic photographer. He makes sure that any photo he takes is on point. He’s a perfectionist. If he takes a photo, no matter if it’s for work or snapping photos of victims, it has to be perfect or he scratches it out of his camera roll. 
He is a great writer as well. I don’t know why the Roseville Gazette would hire him if he wasn’t. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, a fucking unit at punctuation. He uses semicolons way too much than he probably should, just like me, and he knows it too. Hey! If it looks good and sounds good then that is all that matters. He’s also a pretty fast typer and always proofreads his writing at least 4 times before turning it in for publishing. He tends to get all his work done before all his coworkers. 
He keeps a journal where he writes important information about his victims: where they live, their daily routines, and stuff like that. He also sketches out what each and every one of his victims looks like next to his notes. 
He’s pretty cold-hearted and has an obsession for fame and recognition. He wants everyone to know who he is and to fear him. He’s addicted to the fear frozen on his victims faces when he calls them and has dozens of pictures of his victims hidden in his nightstand drawer to use for his articles.
Even though he’s a phenomenal journalist, he doesn’t get paid that much so this man literally lives off of ramen. However, he loves himself a nice home cooked meal: anything that takes a long time to cook to be honest. He would cook if he wasn’t so bad at it. 
He loves himself a good bargain; he loves the power they hold over someone. The moment someone breaks their side of the deal, he can break his and they’re over and done with if you know what I mean. 👀
He loves drama. He’ll listen to all the tea and no one will know he’s listening in either. He’ll start spreading it around to all the other coworkers. Now everyone knows the business. That’s why you never whisper shit while Danny is around because he’ll get a hold of that gossip one way or another. 
Danny Johnson visual
Hey you guys! Just a quick note that I’ll get to your requests on Saturday. This was the easiest request in my inbox so I didn’t have to think about what I wanted to write as much as I have to with other requests. I’m just so exhausted from camp, but I wanted to post something new for you guys to read. I hope you enjoyed it.
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theprismyyy · 2 months
Natalie + Superpowers
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Natalie Scatorccio:
Ok, let's start with Natalie because here we are a kingdom and we all follow our majesty Scatorccio.
Given her role as a hunter, her skills with a gun, and her clear status as a "sellout" throughout the story, I can't help but imagine her as a super soldier type figure, but not a super soldier like our good old Steve Rogers, Captain America, in fact I think Natalie would be much more inclined towards something like Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier/White Wolf. I mean, you get the appeal, right? They're both outcasts to some extent in their story, lost and unsure of where exactly they fit into everything that's going on, and they're both lovers of black eyeliner ;) and yeah, that sounded a lot funnier in my head.
About your background story within this universe:
If we are talking about the MCU, she would probably have been sold by her parents, more specifically by her father, for testing with some new formulation of the super serum that was being tested on babies and later in a story that I will not develop now, she would have been saved and become Bucky's protégé, almost like a daughter.
Now if we are talking about the X-men universe for example, her story would be almost the same, still sold by her parents but the difference is that here she was born with super powers, being a mutant, and the organization she was sold to carried out experiments with these so-called mutants; in the end she would have been rescued and taken to the X-mansion, where she would meet the other girls (honestly I like this version much more)
Same Energy:
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Now a little about what powers I think she would have and a brief description of them, with a small note that all the information was taken from a wiki about the Winter Soldier, with of course some modifications to make everything consistent with the character.
Superhuman Strength: Natalie's strength would be enhanced to the peak of human potential. Making her strong enough to break through a solid wall with a single punch, as well as effortlessly lift a grown man over her head with one arm and throw him, in addition, this strength extends to her legs, allowing her to jump approximately eight to ten times higher in a single bound and heights lesser yet greater than that of ordinary humans without taking any momentum.
Superhuman Speed: She would be able to run and move at speeds faster than any Olympic-class runner, allowing her to run at speeds of 51.5-57 km/h.
Superhuman Stamina: Natalie's musculature would produce considerably less fatigue toxins, allowing her to physically exert herself for several hours before showing any signs of fatigue or tiredness. She can also hold her breath underwater for long periods of time.
Superhuman Agility: Scatorccio's balance, coordination, dexterity, and flexibility are enhanced to levels that are beyond the physical limits of any Olympic gold medalist. Making her capable of leaping long distances from one building to another without difficulty, as well as easily juggling multiple opponents in a fight.
Enhanced Durability: Natalie's body is much tougher and more resistant to physical injury than that of an ordinary human. She would be able to withstand very strong blows from superhuman enemies, as well as withstand electrocution, gunshots, and puncture wounds, as well as falls from great heights, with little to no injury.
Enhanced Reflexes: Natalie's reflexes would be equally enhanced, rivaling those of Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and other characters from the stories. Her reaction speed is superhumanly fast, which makes it possible for her to easily dodge multiple point-blank shots simultaneously.
Regenerative Healing: Scatorccio's healing rate is much faster than that of a normal human. She is able to heal from broken bones, torn muscles, gunshots, stab wounds, and many other injuries within days. Most minor injuries -- such as cuts, bruises, scrapes, or burns -- heal within a few hours. It is worth noting, however, that her healing would not extend to the level of Deadpool's, for example.
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@jellyb3annn I don't know, I thought you might be interested (let me know if you'd prefer me to remove your appointment)
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my works without my permission.
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Chapter 6: Bet
Chapter 6: Bet
A/N: I’m BACK! Welcome to the sixth chapter of Top Gun: Baby, a love story following Bradley Bradshaw and Allie Campbell. This story is sequential, so if you have not already read the first few chapters, please go back and do so! All links to chapters and their mood boards can be found on my masterlist. I mention this in my notes for every chapter, but just in case you missed it– I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted without credibility. If you do want to post this story to your page, please be sure that you tag my account or at least mention its original source in your post. Again, thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of nudity
Thank God for Sunday! Not long after she left, Emmett texted me that he was going to need the room for a few hours, which didn’t actually end up mattering because I stayed on the Bay until sunrise with some other midshipmen.
When I got back to our dorm room, Emmett was passed out naked on his bed, bare ass completely exposed as he laid on his stomach. There were 3 empty condom wrappers on his desk, and the whole room gifted the aroma of sex.
He laid there snoring as I sunk down onto my bed, finally feeling the exhaustion of pulling an all-nighter overwhelm my being. Never again! I’m not young enough for this shit anymore. Luckily for me, I was able to quickly shut my mind off, falling into a deep sleep. The best part about being this exhausted…No nightmares!
I spent most of the day sleeping. Although, Emmett was convinced I was hung over. He tried to give me a rundown of everything that happened on Saturday, but I interrupted him, claiming that I didn’t need to hear it.
Before I knew it, we were waking up to the alarm that we set early on Monday. The training we underwent in the summer allowed us to quickly spring out of bed and change into our workout wear. Another benefit of having Plebe Summer over with was that we got to wear our own workout clothes whenever we were on the track doing our own personal workouts in the gym.
Emmett and I were on the track as the sun was rising, pushing ourselves more and more each day. We decided that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays would be track days and Tuesdays and Thursdays were muscle days.
The objective of the first year in the academy is to get big, and because of that, first year students did not have a limit in the cafeteria. They encouraged us to consume way more calories than normal, promising that by the end of your 4th year, you would be ripped. Well, that was if you were as conditioned as Emmett and I were, which almost everyone was.
Natasha promised to join us in our workouts once she gets the “all clear” from the doctors on campus. During the last week of plebe, she fucked up her knee on a hurdle, letting her exhaustion get the better of her focus as she attempted to leap over the wooden bar. For that, she was no longer the top runner for ability at the end of Plebe (a friendly competition where we see who has the best record–which she was smoking me at), having to settle for second place…She was pissed about it all!
Emmett and I were changed into our navy working uniforms and in the cafeteria by 7:30. It was flooded with people and the line to get food was nearly 20 minutes. I was modest, still allowing my appetite to catch up with my exhaustion that I haven’t fully recovered from. Emmett on the other hand was stuffing his face, claiming that he was still starving after giving a “stunning brunette” all of his energy on Saturday night.
Natasha and Javy saved us seats. They were getting a lot of shit from two upperclassmen who were standing by our two chairs, wanting them, but my two friends were spread out, their legs and feet resting on the two chairs. They sat up when they saw us and the two others rolled their eyes and walked away. I think we were all surprised to see so many people.
Our conversation started with showing each other our schedules and making a pact to sit together when we could:
 Mathematics: Calculus I
M,W,F: 9:00am-10:10am
 Chemistry: Modern Chemistry
T,R: 8:00am-10:30am
English: Practical Writing
T,R: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Government: U.S. Government and Constitutional Development
M: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Cyber Security: Introduction to Cyber Security
W: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Flight Training I
M,T,W,R: 10:45am-1:00pm
Natasha and I had Calculus together, the other guys opting into taking the easier math course. Same went for chemistry. All four of us were together for English and Government. I was alone for cyber security, the others deciding to take that in the spring. Of course, Natasha and Javy would join me for flight training, which doesn’t start until the second week of school. Our first week is lecture based, where we discuss the anatomy of the cessna that we would be flying as well as going over safety procedures. This would most definitely be my favorite class, and the one I was looking most forward to.
I was very anxious for the pre-assessment that we would take on Thursday. It was going to be on the cessna in the simulation room. All of us had to take it in order for the Academy to determine how they would group us in flying lessons. I’m not going to lie, I’m very fucking anxious for this exam! Since I had quite an amount of background knowledge over the cessna that he let me fly when we were younger, I felt as though the pressure to be a top candidate was on! 
“Now what’s the number one rule?” Maverick said as he made his way to the left side of the airplane, Bradley walking over to the right.
“Don’t tell mom.” Bradley stated, obviously hearing this over and over again.
“Good!” Maverick exclaimed as he climbed into his white cessna. 
Bradley, who was entering the 7th grade, had been begging Pete for years to let him fly his airplane. It wasn’t until that very summer when Pete gave into his adopted son’s pleas.
Pete would tell his mom that he was taking him to batting practice, when in actuality they would be in the air. Bradley loved to be in the air with his “dad”, but was aching to get his hands on the controls.
Bradley climbed in next to him and paid attention to everything Pete was saying, explaining how to take off, how to glide, how to hold steady, how to land, etc. The young boy memorized every movement Pete did with the control sticks, not wanting to make a mistake on the first day.
Eventually, the two had swapped places on the runway, with Bradley sitting in the pilot's spot, staying quiet as Pete spoke with the control tower, under the pretense that Pete was in control of the airplane.
“Copy, clear for takeoff” Pete said, giving Bradley a nod as the little boy rumbled the engine and took off on the runway. Pete only had to reach over once, to help him get the plane in the air as they got closer to the end of the runway.
It was like this almost every day from May to September, Pete not willing to let him fly during the school year when he needed to focus on his studies. It was like this every year until Bradley was a sophomore going into his junior year, when his mom’s doctor gave them news that would change their lives forever. He would spend his free time taking care of her, watching as she deteriorated until there was nothing left for the cancer to take away from him.
Pete never took young Bradley in the air after that, but they always kept the secret from his mom, not wanting her to be any more disappointed or saddened than she already was.
“Bradshaw?!” Natasha yelled from the table. “You with us?”
I looked up at her when she called me out, realizing that I had been deep in my thoughts, reliving memories of flying when I was younger…
“I-um…,” I began, struggling to find words without sounding too cocky, “I’ve flown a cessna before”.
Natasha looked at me impressed, raising her eyebrow as her eyes began to light up.
“Bullshit!” Javy interjected.
“No really man,” I began, “I did. Many times when I was younger.”
“With who?” He asked in a tone that made it seem like he was still skeptical.
My face froze as I thought of him. His eyes looking down at me and smiling as I grew up. His coaching in the airplane as I learned various maneuvers. His soothing voice assuring me that everything would be okay when he caught me in moments of mental weakness, mainly when we would talk about my dad.
I didn’t know everything I wanted to about him, but enough that I was content with the information that I had. He was born and raised in Texas, went to the naval academy, met my mom at Virginia Beach during a weekend getaway with other academy students, met his best friend and pilot of his F-14 when he was in flight school, married my mom right after he got his license, and loved being a father. When he was home, he changed every diaper, fed me every bottle, gave me a bath every night, and sang to me as he rocked me to sleep. He loved being a dad, and had planned to request a leave of absence after Top Gun so he could make up for missing the last few months of my life. I was turning three on the day of the graduation, so mom worked extra hours and came to visit him for his last 3 weeks of classes so we could be together on my birthday. That’s why we were there. A decision that was both a blessing and a curse. 
“It doesn’t matter” I ended up muttering to the group, before breaking their conversation again and grazing across the room, taking in the looks of all of the upperclassmen that were now filtering out of the room as they made their way to various classes.
My eyes froze on the table that was in the far right corner, right to my 11 O’Clock…She was there. Sitting with the same two friends whose backs were to me. I could tell they were the same from their hair colors. The brunette was in a set of deep purple scrubs and the other one had her hair pulled back in the same way she did the other day, wearing light green pastel scrubs. She was the only one in a different color. Her once curly flowing hair was now pulled up in a high ponytail, she had a pink headband in her hair that pleasantly matched the navy scrubs that she had on. She reached up and gently scratched her nose, sporting a light pink fitbit that matched the color of her headband.
“Who’s she?” I asked the table, keeping my eyes on her so they knew who I was talking about. 
Natasha looked over to follow my gaze and then back at me, smiling widely. I dropped my eyes from the girl to meet Natasha’s, wanting to have complete focus on the information that I could tell she had, and was willing, to communicate with me.
“Allison Campbell,” Natasha answered, “Goes by Allie. She’s a nurse on base, I briefly met her when I fucked up my knee. She just applied to medical school.”
“Oh” was all I could manage to mutter, looking up at her again. She was laughing with her friends, a clear white smile was painted across her face as she enjoyed the conversation that was occurring with her friends. Watching her facial expressions made me crack into an admiring side smirk. Her smile was captivating.
“Don’t even think about it.” Natasha stated, noting my face. I looked back at her and furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what she was saying, “She doesn’t date midshipmen. She’s notorious for rejecting all of them that try to come after her.”
I looked back at her, with slight disappointment in my eyes.
“Sounds like a challenge to me!” Emmett yelled out.
Natasha burst into a laugh at what Emmett said, “Yeah like you think she would settle for you!”
“Not me!” Emmett responded, “Him!” He yelled, motioning over to me.
“Me?” I asked him.
“No dick head, the air,” He responded sarcastically. “Of course you! Who the fuck do you think I’m talking about?!”
I smirked at him as I stole another peak at her, before bringing my eyes back to Emmett. 
“What do you think Bradshaw?” Emmett asked me, “You up for it?” There was silence as I processed what he said, thinking about all of my options. I now knew that Allison, Allie, was a hot target in the eyes of the midshipmen, and she was not interested in any of them. On the other hand, there was a part of me that wanted to take a shot. I didn’t want to be another statistic, another identity that she added to her long list of names of men she had rejected, but I also didn’t want to live the rest of my life wondering if my life would've been different had I talked to her. Wooed her. Played with her a little.
“Need some motivation?” Emmett asked, taking note of my silence, “100 dollars. I bet you 100 dollars that you can get Allie Campbell in bed with you by the time we graduate”.
I let out an airy laugh at Emmetts challenge, mentally rolling my eyes. Natasha and Javy were eyeing me eagerly. I knew it would be difficult. I knew it was nearly impossible, but what was the harm in trying? She has rejected THEM, not me. I was a different story. A different person. I am sure I had the ability to achieve something that no one else has.
I smirked over at Emmett, who had his hand extended to mine. He was smiling from ear to ear and lit up when I firmly put my hand in his, giving a little shake, sealing our newfound gamble.
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Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 34: A Different Dance
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As always, I shamelessly spoil anything and everything in these posts so you really shouldn't read them unless you're up for that.
We continue with the Wheel icon as Perrin's personal destiny takes shape.
He was too busy wondering if the black-haired girl knew what yellow eyes meant.
Perrin's paranoia about this is quite cute. Yes, Perrin, the gal was checking you out from across the room because of your hard-to-notice-at-that-distance eye color and not because you're a strapping young lad. Wish Mat and Rand were here, why don't you?
“There is another false Dragon, innkeeper? In Ghealdan?” The hood of her cloak still hid her face, but she sounded shaken to her toes.
Moiraine has clearly figured out through her spy network that Taim and the other guy fell almost immediately after Rand's proclamation, so the idea of another false Dragon is very scary. It would mean that Rand isn't the real deal at all.
“I only know what I hear, Master Andra. ’Tis said the fellow has a stare can pin you where you stand, and he talks all sorts of rubbish about the Dragon coming to save us, and we all have to follow, and even the beasts will fight for the Dragon. I don’t know whether they’ve arrested him yet or not. ’Tis likely; the Ghealdanin would not put up long with that kind of talk.”
It's great how the plotline of doom haunts us even in these early books. Moiraine and Lan would have done the world quite a favor if they'd just knifed Masema in his sleep.
“Only with those who displease her,” Lan said blandly. “Her bite is far worse than her bark.”
Talking blandly instead of darkly or outright growling is how you know Lan is downright jubilant.
Perrin, you will not believe it! My bed is sung wood! Why, it must be well over a thousand years old. No Treesinger has sung a piece so large in at least that long. I myself would not care to try it, and I have the talent more strongly than most, now.
I really want to know what's led to the mega-decline of the Ogier. It makes sense that between the Breaking and the Longing they can't do everything they used to, it isn't unreasonable that they can't build cities of old anymore because they're not being asked to do, just maintain them, but humanity lost its gifts because of the Taint. There's not really an Ogier equivalent, and a lot done to preserve the Ogier way of life. Did they just burn through all the real old-growth trees?
It was no use telling himself the adults would certainly have told him to go on about his business, that he was a stranger in Remen and the Aiel was none of his concern.
There we go Perrin, there's some sensible thinking. You just bitched that reality can't be the way it is because it wouldn't be just and *you* cared more than that. So whatcha gonna do?
No answers came to him, so he went back to the beginning and patiently worked through it once more, then again, and again. Still he found nothing except regret for what he had not done.
Dear lord why do I do this at work when I can't drink away the pain?
Moiraine pulled the pale blue robe that hung from her shoulders around herself. “You wish something?” she asked coolly.
Poor Moiraine, the one time Perrin comes to her of his own free will it's with so little respect that she can't help but go "Please get the fuck out while I'm changing."
“I could almost suspect he had learned to Travel,” Moiraine said with a small frown, “except that if he had, he would have gone straight to Tear. No, he has the blood of long walkers and strong runners in him. But we may take the river anyway. If I cannot catch him, I will be in Tear close behind him. Or waiting for him.”
Moiraine's a great bullshitter when she doesn't have an answer. Rand might be running off Aiel energy (you'd half-expect someone in-setting to claim they have extra leg muscles what with history always repeating itself), but he's also not stopping to sleep anywhere near as much as the main party, which buys him a lot of extra hours on net.
She could not help with Min’s viewing, not beyond telling him what he already knew, that it was important. And he did not want to tell her what Min had seen. Or that Min had seen anything, for that matter.
Ironically, if Perrin had said, "Min told me an Aielman in a cage is important to me, I'm gonna go rescue him," Moiraine probably would have sent Lan with him. Purely because of the Min aspect of things, of course; if Perrin ever had ideas of his own that weren't Pattern-approved Moiraine would instead have Lan tie him to a horse or four. I lament a lot of the lack of communication between our good guys but and I diss Perrin's intellect way more often than I thought I'd be doing but our boy is 100% not wrong not to want to trust her here, even though he also is very much wrong.
The common room was full as it could be, with every chair taken, and stools and benches brought in, and those who had nowhere to sit standing along the walls.
Lord Orban might not be a Gleeman, but he does have a very recent war story to share, so it checks out that everyone is desperate to hear more.
He felt a little ashamed; just because he did not like the man was no reason to suppose the Hunter would take his boasting that far.
Dammit Perrin, your gut is so rarely right you should go with it when it is.
He still had the feel of being watched, but he still saw nothing. He listened, and heard nothing. He smelled chimney smoke and cooking from the houses, and man-sweat and old blood from the man in the cage. There was no fear scent from him.
It's destiny watching Perrin, or maybe the shadow. Also it's funny, I think I've seen "man-sweat" a couple of times and it's an odd thing to specify since most (all?) animals don't sweat and no one would assume Gaul had "woman-sweat". Perhaps the wolfs are rubbing off on Perrin more than he wants to acknowledge.
“You are strong, wetlander.” The Aiel did not move beyond working his shoulders. “It took three men to hoist me up there. And now you bring me down. Why?”
Perrin is an exceptional guy in so many ways that he keeps forgetting about the different ways someone might think him exceptional as he tries to cover up the big ones.
I am Gaul, of the Imran sept of the Shaarad Aiel, wetlander. I am Shae’en M’taal, a Stone Dog.
Hi Gaul! Sadly we don't learn much about the Imran sept or where in the Waste it might be, though it's probably close to the Dragonwall because the Shaarad are one of the four clans that fought the Aiel War. The Stone Dogs are an odd society for the scouting going on at present though - they're really more the rear guard of the Aiel forces.
“Well, I am Perrin Aybara. Of the Two Rivers. I’m a blacksmith.”
Perrin's upset that he has servant's quarters and has no idea that he's just introduced himself to someone who considers his profession borderline sacred.
“Three days ago, I watched a girl sporting in a huge pool of water. It must have been twenty paces across. She . . . pulled herself out into it.” He made an awkward swimming gesture with one hand.
You'd think that the Aiel War and the river crossings necessary to wage it would have made the Aiel a little less frightened of water, but here we are.
“It is too late to run,” Gaul said, and a deep voice shouted, “The savage is lose!”
Perrin, why don't your super senses ever do anything useful? Gaul should not have known these guys were here before you!
For an instant they were caught by surprise, but an instant was apparently all the Aiel needed. He kicked the sword out of the grip of the first to reach him, then his stiffened hand struck like a dagger at the Whitecloak’s throat, and he slid around the soldier as he fell. The next man’s arm made a loud snap as Gaul broke it. He pushed that man under the feet of a third, and kicked a fourth in the face.
The real secret of Aiel combat is that their intense dedication to honor means that anyone else who might be fighting them has to be doing so in a dishonorable enough way to qualify as a ninja, and once you're a ninja, the law of inverse ninjitsu is as much a part of the Pattren as gravity.
Perrin had only an amazed moment himself, for not all the Whitecloaks had put their attentions on the Aiel. Barely in time, he gripped the axe haft with both hands to block a sword thrust, swung . . . and wanted to cry out as the half-moon blade tore the man’s throat.
Perrin could really do with a therapist, huh? Dude doesn't like violence even though he's really, really good at it.
Some of the men groaned; others lay silent and still. Gaul stood among them, still veiled, still empty-handed. Most of the men down were his work. Perrin wished they all were, and felt ashamed.
One wonders if ANY of the unconscious are among Perrin's victims or if it's just the dead.
Sarien and I were careless, being so long in these soft lands, and the wind was from the wrong direction, so we smelled nothing. We walked into them before we knew it. Well, Sarien is dead, and I was caged like a fool, so perhaps we paid enough.
Frankly I'm still surprised they managed to kill even one Aiel, the hunters being the losers they are. Musta been Faile's work somehow.
Perrin started to run, too, then realized he had a bloody axe in his hands.
I'm glad that Perrin is just barely smart enough to remember not to run with scissors. It's a low bar, but an important one.
“Is this your work, blacksmith? The Light burn me! Is there anyone who can connect it to you?”
Lan really thought that with Rand on the loose and Mat about as far away as possible that he wouldn't have anywhere near the level of headaches he did back in book one and Perrin just outdid every single one of Mat's shenanigans in the space of half an hour.
I saw a girl running, but I thought. . . .
No, I really wanna know what your first instinct to "girl running away from Perrin" is, Lan. But since I'll never get an answer, my headcanon is that he assumes Perrin tried to flirt with her and that was more than enough to scare her.
Next time: Faile joins the party!
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froginninjago · 11 months
How I think the ninja are built:
(I know that the years of ninja training all gave them similar body types, and this is moreso a reference for me when I finally get around to drawing that fanart)
Kai- Probably one of those people who has super muscular arms. He's buff all over of course, but most of it is in his shoulders. Kind of like most rock climbers. Or, as I affectionately call it "built like a yield sign." Also I think that it does match his element actually? I feel like fire itself is an element that doesn't look too strong, definitely not too impressive, but is so powerful.
Cole- Alright, I know that he should probably be the one with a climbers build. But as someone who climbs, that's just the most standard/easiest build, which you develop if climbing is your main sport. But if he started out dancing? That's a completely different body type. So I feel like ultimately he would have a sort of bulky-muscle, but not like body builders? Probably not obvious muscle, moreso chubby but obviously strong. Especially after being a ninja. I think it matches his element.
Jay- Definitely has a runners build. He doesn't gain fat easily, and muscle doesn't stick well. He is designed to think fast, and react quicker. Doesn't look like he can cause much damage, but could probably pick up Cole if he tried.
Zane- I feel like when he was given his new body, they probably redesigned him with a build they felt like he would gain, instead of being a standard looking person like his original self. That being said, I feel like the build in question would be someone who does a lot of hiking. Probably really strong legs, maybe specifically calves. However, he also has really strong back muscles. Can't explain that part, I feel like he does though
Lloyd- You might hate me, but i feel like he looks like an average lanky teenager. The being aged up rapidly in a short time period probably gave him a really fast metabolism and made it hard for him to gain visible anything, muscle or fat.
Nya- I'm sorry, but I feel like all the working with machines would make her really buff. Really strong back and arms, kind of like Kai. But I feel like she'd also have a really strong core from having to hold herself in odd positions to fix things. (and I'm just a sucker for buff women)
Pixal- Like a classic robot
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frogwithastrawberry · 11 months
How I think the ninja are built:
(I know that the years of ninja training all gave them similar body types, and this is moreso a reference for me when I finally get around to drawing that fanart)
Kai- Probably one of those people who has super muscular arms. He's buff all over of course, but most of it is in his shoulders. Kind of like most rock climbers. Or, as I affectionately call it "built like a yield sign." Also I think that it does match his element actually? I feel like fire itself is an element that doesn't look too strong, definitely not too impressive, but is so powerful.
Cole- Alright, I know that he should probably be the one with a climbers build. But as someone who climbs, that's just the most standard/easiest build, which you develop if climbing is your main sport. But if he started out dancing? That's a completely different body type. So I feel like ultimately he would have a sort of bulky-muscle, but not like body builders? Probably not obvious muscle, moreso chubby but obviously strong. Especially after being a ninja. I think it matches his element.
Jay- Definitely has a runners build. He doesn't gain fat easily, and muscle doesn't stick well. He is designed to think fast, and react quicker. Doesn't look like he can cause much damage, but could probably pick up Cole if he tried.
Zane- I feel like when he was given his new body, they probably redesigned him with a build they felt like he would gain, instead of being a standard looking person like his original self. That being said, I feel like the build in question would be someone who does a lot of hiking. Probably really strong legs, maybe specifically calves. However, he also has really strong back muscles. Can't explain that part, I feel like he does though
Lloyd- You might hate me, but i feel like he looks like an average lanky teenager. The being aged up rapidly in a short time period probably gave him a really fast metabolism and made it hard for him to gain visible anything, muscle or fat.
Nya- I'm sorry, but I feel like all the working with machines would make her really buff. Really strong back and arms, kind of like Kai. But I feel like she'd also have a really strong core from having to hold herself in odd positions to fix things. (and I'm just a sucker for buff women)
Pixal- Like a classic robot
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secondgenerationnerd · 4 months
When figuring out your designs for omega squad, how did you settle on their respective features? Whether it's their face or their build, how did you do it? (And do any of them favor one parent over the other in appearance).
you can info-dump! Forgot to mention that.
In general, the parents play a big part in
Honestly, a lot of it boils down to powers and general background for the boys.
Like there’s lots of lean muscle there, but Jon and Colin are bulkier than Damian or Jai.
Damian favors Talia in build and height, compared to bulky Bruce. I would personally classify him as beautiful, not handsome. A lot of his movements are more like his adopted mother, Selina. He has scars he prefers to hide, more out of shame than anything, but some people have seen them. The people he trusts the most.
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(He doesn’t realize he’s Sapiosexual—attracted to intelligence, but he is non the less an ally)
Jon has muscles, more from helping on the farm and muscle building exercises, but that does make flying trickier, aerodynamically speaking. I also prefer him to not be
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Jai, our runner, has thicccc thighs from running, but as a nod to his ability to use the speedforce for strength, he’s got broader shoulders. I also headcannon speedsters are hair fuckers. Especially the guys.
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Colin’s got muscle, but his is more intentionally built. I headcannon he has a lot of chronic pain due to the venom, so he does things like yoga and swimming to help manage it. He started getting tattoos and piercings as a form of self expression. His favorite is a half moon surrounded by seven stars—a tribute to his team.
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For the girls, I wanted to show a wide range of healthy female bodies, which doesn’t mean skinny.
Mar’i, as I’ve said and shown, is a curvy queen. She’s very very active, favors both parents in her physic, and she’s got stretch marks and a belly. She got her mother’s height, which makes her shoot up to 6’4, before her favorite heels. And she shows them all off proudly!
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Irey is what I think of as a runner—lean muscle, especially in her legs. But I think she favors her mother’s stature (I also thought it would be really funny for her to be full foot shorter than Jon)
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Milagro is my personal “Fuck you” to the traditional female hero. She’s confident in her femininity and her body, plus her heritage as a Mexican American. She loves her curves and wears dresses and skirts because it makes her feel beautiful.
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Then there’s Lian. Who takes after her father in body type. She’s got back muscles for days, is more bottom heavy than the other girls, and doesn’t give a fuck. She’s got stretch marks on her thighs, which she doesn’t bother to in shorts. She’s got more of her mother in her face and coloring, but she’s definitely the mix of her parents personalities.
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Headcannon: Jai and Irey did that thing of breaking a melon between their thighs, bitched about it getting on their running shorts, and missed the look on
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fowlblue · 1 year
ask game! Picking some to ask was actually kinda hard cause they’re all legit good questions BUT (and if you don’t wanna answer all these that’s totally fine):
7 - age/ height/ weight for Tim
9 - scene that first made you love them for Spiro
13 - dumbest thing they’ve ever done for Valentine
25 - 3 things they’d take with them if dropped in the middle of nowhere for Butler
Oooo yesss okay-
So I’m absolute shit at guessing actual weights/heights, etc. (+ I don’t really wanna calculate what the exact loss of one leg would be for total body weight), so I’m just gonna go with approximate descriptions if that’s alright!
I imagine Tim to, at the point of his recovery in TEC, be around 50 years old! I’m sure there’s an actual age to be found in the series somewhere, but that’s what I’ve got. Build-wise, it really depends on which point in the series one is looking at, but given that most of my content is in a nebulous ‘just past TLG’ period, that’s what I’ll go with.
Tim in my mind is of slightly-above-average height, but he appears tall due to being long in the waist + his habit of looming over people (most of the time unintentionally). Over time, however, his near-perfect posture has loosened a bit, which means people are more often able to look him in the eye.
In terms of weight, Tim is pretty slim and built like a runner. He was a bit ‘stronger’ looking in his youth, but after his time in captivity, he thinned a lot and has struggled with building muscle back on.
I’d have to say the moment when he outsmarts Artemis at the vault. Not only was it a total surprise to me as a kid, but it hammered home that, unlike many AF villains to start, Spiro wasn’t going to allow himself to be outsmarted by Artemis simply by underestimating him. He made a bet with Arno about it- Spiro knew that Artemis would most likely make it to the vault, even if he didn’t know how, and that’s more credit than most of Artemis’s foes give him.
Also- this line from his introduction is just 10/10 description-wise. I think of it every time my bracelets clatter.
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(Is is cheating to also list a part of a fic? Does that count as cheating? Ngl while I liked Spiro a lot initially, his journey to being one of my favorites was 100% the fault of @orangerosebush ‘s fic Kunegetikos- two scenes in particular: His flashback to being told mythology as a child/packing after his grandmother’s funeral, and his conversation with Artemis towards the end in which he admits that he wants to believe magic exists, not for profit, but because it might offer him a sense of purpose. It was a really nice look what his history might be and ultimately inspired me to start fleshing him out a bit as well!)
Ohh, there’s a lot of stupid things Valentine does, but in terms of consequences? He rarely faces them. But he has absolutely, 100% shown up to at least one performance or interview completely wasted, lost his cool, made a spectacle of himself and promptly fallen off the stage, there is a video of it somewhere. Would he and his brand smooth things over quickly? Yes. Would he be reminded of if any time he happens to search himself on YouTube? Absolutely.
The obvious answer is survival stuff cause c’mon, it’s Butler, but given that he would also not really need any of that stuff since he can clearly survive with just his own two hands and the clothes on his back, I would say-
- His gun. He cleans it when he’s stressed I’m 90% sure that thing is basically a fidget for him at this point.
- One trashy romance novel. Might as well have some form of entertainment if you’re roughing it out in the wild.
- Some form of communication with Artemis. Butler… he cannot seem to function well when he’s not sure that Artemis is okay or alive. At least give him a handheld radio.
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chordsykat · 9 months
30 and 33 for all of Baen-shee
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Nita: Definitely a runner/jogger. Joins Caj on mid-day runs, I'm sure. She probably does a little work with freeweights and the like. Definitely has used the "I'm sore" excuse to get a backrub from her girlfriend.
Caj: She's that friend who says "I need to hit the gym more" and is meanwhile, in there every free second she's not doing something else. Despite the fact that her shitty lifestyle has eaten away at a lot of her muscle, she knows exactly which ones need the most work at any given time and how to isolate them. Is a strong swimmer, runner, and martial artist of several different disciplines. Doesn't do a lot of lifting but I like to think she can squat 300 pounds with those legs, too. Also has used the "I'm sore" excuse to get a backrub from her girlfriend.
Cherry: Fuck that shit. Only when forced.
Sparkles: Likes working out in her own ways, I'm sure. Loves to hit a bag. Doesn't like battle ropes because she tries to "chase" them. Often destroys fitness equipment by accident. Excellent wrestler, especially when it's of the no-holds-barred variety. Most likely to hop in the shower (and not the bedroom) after a workout, because she takes her hygiene seriously and cleanliness is next to godliness.
Eden: Has no idea how any of this works but is willing to try. Probably joined Nita and Caj on a few runs. Probably really likes swimming. Willing to learn this stuff in the interest of hanging out with people, but not really motivated to do it on a regular basis by herself.
3. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Nita: Loves lace and intricate lingerie under her clothes.
Caj: Loves lace on Nita. Often wears boxer briefs but can also do just plain panties and bras. Probably has a ton of underwear and corsets and stuff that she uses in the bedroom, exclusively.
Cherry: Likes freeballin' and... God bless her... free-boobing. Probably likes colorful underwear that can look cute if it happens to peek out from under her clothing. Takes her bras very seriously because she has to have support for those things. They're almost certainly custom-made.
Sparkles: Panties and bras with cute animals on them, of course!
Eden: "What do you mean underwear comes in colors/fabrics that aren't just white cotton?"
Thanks for the second ask!
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mari-writes · 2 years
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?”
Bokuto hurries across the gym, winding around machinery and rogue dumbbells. He makes it to where the man has fallen, just behind and to the left of his treadmill, which is still running at a quick pace. Bokuto reaches out to pull the machine’s emergency stop key.
“Ugaaashakuuu,” the man groans, words indecipherable. He had landed awkwardly with his limbs twisted underneath his body in a heap. Bokuto winces at the sight.
“Here, let me help you!” He crouches down. “Can you stand? Or are you too hurt? Are you in pain? Do you need me to call an ambulance? Maybe I should—”
“I’m fine,” the man says, voice strained. He slowly rolls over into a seated position. But he sways a bit, so Bokuto reaches out to steady him. The man’s eyes widen, snapping to Bokuto’s hand on his bicep.
“Sorry!” Bokuto releases him and scoots back a bit, giving him space. He knows he can be overbearing sometimes—especially when he sees someone in distress.
“That’s okay. Um, thank you, but I think I’m okay. Just a bruised knee, and some damaged pride.” The man shrugs, and finally looks up. Their eyes lock.
Bokuto is suddenly holding his breath.
He’s beautiful.
Heart-shaped face. Lips with a perfect cupid’s bow. A mop of black hair that curls around a cute pair of ears. The most confusing yet alluring blue-green-gray eye color Bokuto has ever seen.
Bokuto has found a lot of people attractive in his lifetime, of varying heights, builds, colors and genders. But he doesn’t think he’s ever gazed upon such beauty.
“Um, hello? You offered to help me up?”
Blinking, Bokuto realizes the man is looking at him, confused. A single, perfect eyebrow is raised. A slender hand is reaching out towards him.
“Sorry! Here, yes, let me help you!” Bokuto takes the slightly sweaty hand, silently marveling at the man’s long, delicate fingers. The pads are slightly calloused.
When he’s standing, Bokuto can see he’s tall—only a few centimeters shorter than Bokuto himself. And he’s undoubtedly in shape in his own way, with lean corded muscle throughout his arms and legs.
“Thank you,” the man nods. He takes back his hand. “I, um, got distracted and tripped. I’m fine though. Promise.”
Bokuto nods in understanding. He’s still recovering from his own… fall, as it were. He grins. “Oh good! But be careful, treadmill falls are no joke. Kuroo, my friend who works here with me, took a nasty spill last year because he forgot to tie his shoelaces!”
“Right?! He’s okay though.”
“Glad to hear.”
They stare at each other for a moment. The man is fiddling with his fingers awkwardly, and Bokuto wonders if it’s just the building’s harsh lighting or if the man’s ears are truly turning pink.
“I’m Bokuto by the way!” He bows briefly. “I work at the front desk.”
The man bows back. “Nice to meet you. I’m Akaashi.”
Akaashi. Bokuto thinks it’s a fitting name. “I haven’t seen you here before! And I’m pretty much here all the time when I’m not at class or sleeping. I know all the regulars!”
“Ah,” Akaashi nods. “Well, I’m mostly an outdoor runner. And I do yoga. The gym isn’t really my scene.”
Of course he does yoga, Bokuto thinks, eyes subtly scanning Akaashi’s svelte yet strong frame.
“But the school offers us a free membership here,” Akaashi shrugs. “So I thought I should take advantage once in a while.”
It’s Bokuto’s turn to nod. “Yeah! Anyway, there’s lots of things to do here. We have weight machines, medicine balls, barbells, everything!”
Akaashi’s mouth settles into a barely-there smile, and Bokuto can feel himself falling even deeper. When was the last time he liked someone so quickly? Probably never.
“Well, I have been wanting to work on my strength a bit more…”
“I can help!” Bokuto cries, immediately regretting it as Akaashi winces at his volume. “Sorry!” He scratches the back of his neck shyly. “It's just… if you want advice, I’m pretty knowledgeable about training.”
“I can see that,” Akaashi mutters absently, and Bokuto finds the other man’s gaze fixed on his flexing bicep. “I mean, um, thanks. I might take you up on that sometime.” The redness Bokuto had noticed on his ears has now spread to his sharp cheekbones.
Interesting, Bokuto muses. Very interesting.
“Great! Well, um, I’ll let you get back to it. Nice to meet you, Akaashi!” He waves as he heads back to the front desk. The man waves back, slightly less enthusiastically. But he’s still smiling.
Bokuto takes that as a win.
This will be an interesting year...
This little scene has been in the back of my mind since I wrote this drabble back in July. Though I wanted to change the POV to Bokuto and make Akaashi ACTUALLY fall from the treadmill  Anyway thanks for reading this silly thing, please let me know if you enjoyed! (And reblog! It helps so much!)
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astralarchilocus · 1 year
I said I was going to do it today, so here’s the first batch of avian chimera infodumping stuff!
Avian chimeras (and most other winged or otherwise hexapodal ones) have two sets of scapulae! The first, normal pair is a fair bit smaller in them in order to accommodate the second pair.
In order to properly take off at their sizes, avian chimera have very large wingspans relative to body size (well over three times their armspan and typically around 20-30 feet on average), and the wings themselves have extremely powerful and very well developed muscles even in chimeras that predominantly use gliding or soaring flight. Unlike in birds, the power necessary to provide the downstroke isn’t just derived from the pectoralis muscles, and comes from both them and the muscles in the back, the latter of which both fill the role of the supracoracoideus and provide additional strength on the downstroke. Likewise, the musculature of the pygostyle is also quite powerful to allow for effective assistance in air control. However, the wing muscles alone aren’t enough to allow for flight, and they also possess ludicrously powerful hind limbs, with both highly developed leg musculature with a sizeable amount of fast twitch muscle fibres and specialized and resilient elastic energy storing tendons in their hind legs, akin to those possessed by galagos. These make avian chimeras powerful runners and capable of inflicting an extremely nasty kick, but most importantly, it allows them to be exceptionally good jumpers, well capable of leaping well over four times their body length in a single bound. Without this leg strength, they’d likely be unable to get airborne.
As the large amounts of energy and accordingly high metabolic rates required for flight require a lot of oxygen to maintain, avian chimera respiratory systems have developed some very unique and bizarre adaptations to make their respiration as efficient as remotely possible, and are very weird as such. As is the case with other volant chimeras, their hearts are roughly 10-15% larger than those of normal humans or non volant chimeras to provide a sufficient blood supply to fuel and maintain the wing muscles. Like birds, they have postcranial air sacs connected to their respiratory system, which are located in the chest and both near and inside their wings and their supporting secondary set of scapulae. As avian chimeras, being mammals, are unable to hollow out most of their skeleton due to the requirement of marrow for blood cell production, they anatomically compensate by specializing some already present equipment to augment their respiration. The primary air sacs are derived from the vocal air sacs seen in other primates and several other chimeras (they’re most similar to those of other hominids and gibbons, and are connected to the larynx). The air sacs are connected back to the rest of the respiratory tract by a paired set of small but strong tubes (derived from tissue near the cricothyroid muscle) that run along the trachea’s exterior and properly connect at the base of the trachea close to the bronchi. This allows the air sacs to pump the air they hold into the lungs without it being caught in exhalation. The wing bones and secondary scapulae, being excess bone that lacks marrow, are pneumatized to reduce their weight. This comes together to grant avian chimeras what is effectively a mix of bird and mammal respiration with unidirectional airflow. In their breathing cycle, additional oxygenated air that is initially inhaled is sucked and cycled into the air sac system and then pushed back into the main lungs during exhalation, allowing gas exchange to occur a second time. Only the primary air sacs have active use in respiration, but the air sacs in the wings still have an important role in flight augmentation and are functionally similar to the subpectoral diverticulum, with similar variation based on flight style. However, since they are unable to hollow out the rest of their skeleton or displace other organs to accommodate more internal air sacs, avian chimeras have developed a bizarre solution to the problem of linking the wing air sacs to the respiratory system and throat air sacs: air sacs in the skin. Avian chimeras possess subcutaneous air sacs akin to those possessed by screamers, with these usually being most concentrated in the upper back and wing area, although they always are present on the neck skin (where they link up with the respiratory tract via a paired set of diverticula near the base of the primary air sacs) and commonly extend throughout much of the body’s epidermis in many chimeras, even the digits (Ari is an example of this condition). This links everything together, can help in thermoregulation via acting as a subcutaneous insulator, and can act as a sort of biological bubblewrap to cushion against impacts in some chimeras (much like those possessed by gannets).
Peculiarly, in addition to the primary air sacs, which can have a vocal function, avian chimeras also generally possess a syrinx (well, more technically a syrinx analogue, but it’s so anatomically and functionally similar that it may as well be called one), which plays a role in vocalization and gives them many of the same vocal abilities that various birds have: it in essence allows them to make weird bird noises in addition to normal speech, which can augment communication. There’s nothing preventing the theoretical possession of both types of vocal organs, and chimeras have done weirder with their physiology and anatomy, so we ball.
Expectedly given the high energetic demands of flight, even with radiotrophism as a buffer, avian chimeras have very high metabolic rates for their size, generally up to 30-40% higher than the average human (although chimeras trend towards higher metabolic rates generally), and usually have a resting body temperature around 4-6 degrees higher than a normal person or non volant chimera, occasionally higher than that: their enzymes and other functions are thoroughly tuned to this accordingly. The mitochondrial leakage as a form of heat production (similar to what sea otters and some other animals can do), an ability reasonably widespread in chimeras, the other sophonts, and many other Astraean animals as an adaptation to the cold, also adds to this. To regulate this, many volant chimeras have considerable control over their metabolism, and can dip their metabolic rates to preserve energy when necessary: many are also capable of voluntarily entering torpor (Ari and Kori can do so) to maximize this.
While capable of doing bipedal launches, avian chimeras generally prefer to do quadrupedal ones, in a loosely similar fashion to pterosaurs. These involve the chimera crouching down onto all fours, spreading their arms to stabilize themselves, pushing off with the legs while spreading their wings. and then tucking in their arms for streamlining as the process of powered flight starts. When landing at higher speeds, they’ll also often do it quadrupedally for better stability and to more evenly distribute the impact from landings. The takeoff is quite similar to what galagos and other vertical clinging and leaping primates do when performing and landing their leaps.
Because they’re large volant animals, avian chimeras are capable of covering a lot of ground very quickly, and this expectedly makes them fast fliers, even when cruising. Ari and Jei in particular are the swiftest fliers out of the main squad, which is achieved via specialized wing morphology and, in Jei’s case, jet propulsion (cyborg antics go brrr). However, these ludicrously high speeds are very energetically and physiologically taxing (if not potentially hazardous) for avian chimeras to sustain, and so they’re usually reserved for situations when they’re legitimately needed (like dogfights or other such aerial battles). They usually cruise at notably lower speeds than what they’re capable of achieving at full tilt, and many often employ a lot of gliding to save energy when necessary. Even if chimeras have their mutualistic radiotrophic Asterivorax bacteria to provide additional energy via converting light and other forms of sugar to carbohydrates, flight is still very expensive to maintain.
The combination of powerful leaping abilities, grasping feet (generally similar to arboreal primates, opposable first toe included), ankles that can rotate 180 degrees like those of squirrels and some primates, and wings that can also be used to assist in climbing and leaping alongside their use in powered flight make avian chimeras very swift and agile climbers. They primarily use vertical clinging and leaping and wing assisted incline running in arboreal locomotion (alongside more normal climbing), but suspensory behaviour, proper brachiation, and gliding are all equally important parts of their climbing repertoire.
Chimeras have a diverse array of maintenance behaviours, and expectedly, avian chimeras spend a great deal of time preening their plumage and performing other maintenance behaviours (like dust baths) to properly maintain their plumage. To make this more efficient, a wide variety of combs and other such tools specialized to help in this have been created. However, even with these, reaching some spots on your own is difficult, even if avian chimeras and some others generally have sufficient flexibility in the hips to scratch their necks and upper bodies with their feet (it’s a bit awkward, but it still works. Ari has that preening claw for a reason). Preening is most efficient when done socially, and as such mutual preening or allopreening is an important part of chimera interactions, and has basically come to fill a similar role to allogrooming in other primates. It often helps in establishing or strengthening friendships and reducing stress, and as it isn’t exclusive to avian chimeras (near anyone can help them preen their plumage, regardless of which sophont they are: ghostjays, willowdrakes, and moonsprites all do have allogrooming as a big part of their social interactions, after all), it’s something that can really help in tying people together that much more effectively.
Avian chimera plumage isn’t limited to the wings and pygostyle alone (as shown quite clearly in Kori’s design description), and in all avian chimeras, the plumage also extends to most of their upper back and the base of their neck. The covering of feathers on the rest of the body is highly variable in regards to its extent. As the plumage is important to avian chimera body language, clothing for avian chimeras often leaves this plumage exposed in some way so it can be used for communication, similarly to how said clothing also has sleeves or other such accommodations for their wings. Photophore distribution is also influenced by this: the light producing glands are generally not present where feather covering is thick (although there are some exceptions, Ari has photophores basically everywhere, in part because they use them to help in camouflage over just being a communication tool).
Avian chimeras also have some weirdness going on with their eyes. Like most chimeras, they have a redeveloped tapetum lucidum (probably most structurally similar to those seen in strepsirrhines, but there’s a lot of individual variation) and the accompanying good night vision), and, thanks to the unusual development of a fourth cone type, are capable of seeing into the ultraviolet wavelength range and are tetrachromats like birds and most other non mammalian vertebrates (albeit again, there is a lot of individual variation in this). However, the majority are incapable of seeing ultraviolet in low light conditions, although there are exceptions in very nocturnally specialized ones (such as Ari). Additionally, they have a redeveloped nictitating membrane, and have full conscious control over it. This serves basically all of the purposes that it does in birds, but avian chimeras still blink in more normal mammalian fashion regardless of its presence. It’s generally used to help clean and protect the eye, but specifics in function are individually variable.
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androshchuk-run · 2 years
Most common mistakes of beginner runners
At one time to admire I started running because of one of its features: it is the easiest and most accessible sport. And most importantly, everyone can do it, regardless of gender, age and type of activity. It does not require special equipment - a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers are enough. You can run anywhere - from specially equipped trails to parks and city sidewalks.
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In order for running to be effective and, most importantly, safe, as in any sport, it is necessary to follow certain rules - then moving forward will bring pleasure. But if you are just starting to run, you will not immediately notice the correct technique and efficiency of running. Of course, it is better to learn from other people's mistakes, because repeating them can lead to injuries, deterioration of well-being or lack of desired progress. All this "kills" motivation, and most often beginners want to quit running rather than figure out what exactly went wrong. Therefore, in this article I decided to compile a list of the most common mistakes that beginners make when running.
Inappropriate running shoes
Before you start running, you need to pay attention to your running shoes and choose the right running shoes - 30% success in training. Because then the leg receives support for the necessary areas of the foot and ankle, and stabilization reduces the impact of the foot on the surface. All this together allows you to develop higher speed, run longer, cover long distances.
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However, beginners often think that they need to learn how to run properly first, and only then get themselves a good pair of running shoes, and on the background of this, they encounter improper muscle tone, injure their knees and feet, and stretch their tendons.
Invest in quality running shoes before you start running. Even if you don't like running, you can then use these sneakers in addition to your daily looks.
Frequent or excessively intense training
beginner runners make mistakes with intensity, mainly at the beginning of running. You went for a run and it seems that now the sea is knee-deep, now you will start running and run around the stadium for 15 laps - no less! And the first two times you may even be proud of yourself - that's how well everything turned out. Just don't be surprised if you don't want to go to training number 3 anymore, or you feel such wild fatigue or even worse - pain - then you should crawl to work, which is already a run.
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Training that is too long or too hard can cause pain or injury. After that, it is easy to slip into indifference to further training and disappointment in yourself and your abilities.
If you're just starting to run or returning to training after a long break, set minimal, achievable goals and don't run too long or long distances. Increase the load gradually and regularly.
A rapid increase in running distance
Many novice runners are so excited and enthusiastic about their new hobby that they rapidly increase the distance they run. They start signing up for lots of races, avoiding rest and recovery days.
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The result is common running injuries such as pain along the inner leg and knee injuries. In some cases, athletes experience moral burnout and generally lose interest in running.
Increase your running distance gradually, no more than 10% per week. If you are a beginner or have had a long break since your last run, start with walking first and then switch to jogging and walking. Pay attention to pain and discomfort. If it gets worse while running, this is a warning sign to stop.
Incorrect running technique
Incorrect running technique threatens not only pain in the feet, ankles and lower legs - it is also dangerous for injuries, reduces running speed and training efficiency. And the worst thing is to learn the wrong technique, because then you will have to relearn, rework yourself, your habits.
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Common problems of improper technique among novice runners are usually throwing the heel away from the center of gravity, running in a hunched position, lack of arm movement. These mistakes lead to the fact that the muscles are overloaded, and the mutilated technique, as if for evil, quickly turns into a habit.
During training, try to maintain the correct posture, body straight, eyes forward, hands – naturally bent at an angle of 90 degrees, move in the rhythm of jogging, legs do not need to be thrown forward. If you watch your technique while jogging, your muscles will not overwork, and excellent results will not make you wait a long time.
There are no pauses in training mode
Running daily without much rest is a pretty bad idea. Because tense muscles are most prone to damage and, accordingly, injuries. Since any physical activity assumes that you will give your muscles time for regeneration (restoration). It is at these moments that microtears in the muscles heal, the muscles become stronger, the body rests, and you show noticeable progress in the next training session.
Before you start running, you should come up with a training regimen and stick to it. The optimal mode can be to run a day and rest a day.
Do not underestimate the pain
Pain is a body signal that requires a quick solution. This is your beacon that it's time to take a break and rest. If you ignore it, the pain will not go away. In the worst case, ignoring the pain, you will get serious injuries, sprains, blows, inflammation.
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If you do not pay attention to the pain, then you risk falling out of training for a long time. Even the smallest injury turns into health problems if the source of pain is not treated in time.
Listen to your body! Training at any cost is a disservice to yourself. Respond to your feelings in time, and pretty quickly you will set records, if not world records, then certainly your own, personal ones.
Unbalanced diet
A balanced and adjusted diet is what really helps to make the body stronger, get rid of extra pounds and build muscle mass. But for some reason, beginners ignore recommendations for proper nutrition and often avoid many healthy foods or cut back on food in an attempt to lose weight. As a result, the body does not receive important trace elements, spending a lot of energy. A few days in such a merciless regime lead to a sharp decline in strength.
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And vice versa. A properly selected diet helps the body recover quickly after training. It's all about carefully selected products, the number of meals and portion sizes.
Your daily diet should be complete and carefully calculated. It should contain enough cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. When the daily menu includes a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your body, you will have energy, strength, and you will not give up after the first week of jogging.
High tempo
The desire to take a sharp start, overtake everyone and make the impression of a professional runner is very tempting. And this is understandable, especially if experienced athletes are training nearby and you want to keep a dignified presence next to them. But at such a pace, you can only run to injuries.
Take an easy pace that allows you to keep breathing normally and calmly talk while running, or alternate between running and walking. Keep the heart rate within 120 beats per minute. Such running will be not only pleasant, but also more productive - you will recover faster after training and will not lose the joy of running.
Neglect the warm-up
Getting up straight from your desk and running a few kilometers is not a very good idea. Warming up is a very important element of running, it is not for nothing that we were taught this at school in physical education classes.
Allow your body to wake up before jumping in. In addition, do not forget to stretch after a run - it will improve the blood circulation of the muscles and the elasticity of the ligaments.
Running on the heel
It seems to beginners that running on the heel is easier and more natural. They take wide steps and land directly on the heel. And this is a hard blow to her and her knees! Running like this, especially on hard surfaces like asphalt or concrete, increases your risk of injury many times over! This is how many runners get periosteum.
Ask a coach for help and work on running technique under his guidance. However, it is quite possible to wean yourself from such a manner. The same applies to too wide steps and the wrong position of the hands, when amateur runners swing them too much from side to side.
Lack of maintenance of water balance
Many runners underestimate how much fluid they lose while running. As a result, they suffer from dehydration, which negatively affects performance and health.
An hour before the start of the run, try to drink 470-700 ml of water or other liquid that does not contain caffeine. If you feel thirsty while running, this is a signal to replenish your water balance. If your training lasts an hour, then consume 120-170 ml every 20 minutes of running. If the run will last more than 90 minutes, then water should be replaced with special sports drinks, which will help restore the supply of sodium and other minerals (electrolytes).
Improper breathing
Some runners are unsure of how they should breathe while running. They begin to breathe too shallowly, which can lead to pain in the sides.
If you are a beginner, try to run at a pace that allows you to breathe easily. Use the "conversation test". If you can speak in complete sentences while running without getting out of breath, it's the right pace.
Neglect of general physical training
Among running enthusiasts, there is a common stereotype that runners need only run in order to progress, keep their bodies in shape, and keep their muscles in good shape. But this approach can lead to muscle imbalance - not all muscle groups can be strengthened and developed by running. And when the load on the weak elements of the body system reaches a critical level, it leads to premature fatigue, errors in running technique and, in particularly severe cases, to injuries.
The stronger the muscles, the longer and faster the athlete can run. To increase the body's endurance and prevent running injuries, you should add general physical training to your training schedule. These exercises do not require a gym or special equipment - they can be performed outside or at home 2-3 times a week.
Incorrectly selected clothes
Some runners wear too much or too little clothing for the appropriate weather conditions, leaving them vulnerable to hypothermia, colds, or overheating during the warm season.
Sportswear should be made of synthetic fabrics that wick moisture away from the body well. When dressing for a run, follow the rule that the temperature outside the window is 10-15 degrees higher than the actual temperature. At first it will be a little cool, but in just 5-10 minutes the body will warm up properly and you will feel comfortable. In the cold period, it is also important to cover the head and hands to avoid heat loss. In the heat, give preference to clothes of a loose cut and light colors, do not forget to protect your head from the sun.
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lumino-cielo · 2 months
Calf Compression Sleeve A Game Changer for Long Runs
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Understanding Compression Sleeves
Compression sleeves are designed to improve blood circulation in the legs, reducing muscle fatigue and soreness. They apply graduated pressure, which means the compression is tightest at the ankle and gradually decreases up the calf. This helps to push blood back towards the heart, reducing the risk of swelling and muscle cramps during long runs.
The concept of compression garments isn’t new. For decades, medical-grade compression socks and sleeves have been used to treat conditions like varicose veins and lymphedema. Athletes quickly adopted the technology when they discovered the performance and recovery benefits of wearing compression sleeves during and after workouts. Today, calf compression sleeves are a common sight at marathons, track events, and triathlons.
Benefits of Calf Compression Sleeves
The calf compression sleeve offers several advantages that make it indispensable for long-distance runners:
Improved Blood Flow: The primary function of compression sleeves is to enhance blood circulation. Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the muscles, improving endurance and reducing fatigue. Blood circulation is crucial for any athlete, especially runners who put a lot of strain on their leg muscles. By promoting efficient blood flow, calf compression sleeves help maintain muscle oxygenation and delay the onset of fatigue. This allows runners to maintain their pace for longer periods, which is essential for long-distance events.
Enhanced Recovery: Wearing calf compression sleeves post-run can significantly speed up recovery. The improved circulation helps flush out lactic acid and other metabolic waste products, reducing soreness and stiffness. Recovery is just as important as training. After a long run, muscles need time to repair and rebuild. Calf compression sleeve help accelerate this process by maintaining blood flow to the muscles, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for recovery. This can help runners feel fresher and ready to train sooner.
Injury Prevention: A calf compression sleeve can provide support to the calf muscles and reduce the risk of injuries such as shin splints, calf strains, and Achilles tendonitis. Injuries are the bane of any athlete’s existence. They can sideline you for weeks or even months, derailing your training and performance goals. By providing targeted support, calf compression sleeves can help mitigate common running injuries. The compression reduces muscle oscillation and supports the Achilles tendon, one of the most injury-prone areas for runners.
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How to Choose the Right Calf Compression Sleeve
When selecting a calf compression sleeve, look for breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics to keep your skin dry and comfortable during long runs. Materials like nylon, spandex, and Lycra are commonly used for their elasticity and durability. Ensure the calf compression sleeve fits snugly but not too tight. Measure your calf circumference to find the correct size. A sleeve that’s too tight can restrict blood flow, while one that’s too loose won’t provide adequate support.
Incorporating Calf Compression Sleeves into Your Routine
To get the most out of your calf compression sleeve, incorporate it into your regular running routine. Here are some tips:
During Runs: Wear compression sleeves during your runs to benefit from improved performance and reduced fatigue. Start by wearing them on shorter runs to get used to the feeling, and gradually incorporate them into your long runs.
Post-Run Recovery: Continue wearing compression sleeves after your run to aid in faster recovery. This is particularly beneficial if you have back-to-back training days or races.
Consistency: Like any training tool, consistency is key. Make compression sleeves a regular part of your running gear, not just something you use occasionally. Over time, you’ll likely notice the cumulative benefits in your performance and recovery.
Maintenance: Proper care of your compression sleeves will ensure they last longer and maintain their effectiveness. Follow the manufacturer’s washing instructions, usually involving gentle washing and air drying to preserve the elasticity and fabric integrity.
In conclusion, the calf compression sleeve is indeed a game changer for long runs. With its ability to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle vibration, enhance recovery, and prevent injuries, it’s no wonder that compression sleeves have become a staple for runners. Whether you’re training for a marathon or just enjoy long-distance running, investing in a quality calf compression sleeve can make a significant difference in your performance and overall running experience.
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Q1: What are compression sleeves and why are they important for runners?
Compression sleeves are garments designed to improve blood circulation in the legs, reducing muscle fatigue and soreness. They are essential for runners as they enhance performance and recovery, making them a valuable addition to any runner’s gear.
Q2: How do compression sleeves work?
Compression sleeves apply graduated pressure, with the tightest compression at the ankle and gradually decreasing up the calf. This helps push blood back towards the heart, reducing the risk of swelling and muscle cramps during long runs.
Q3: Are compression sleeves a new technology?
No, the concept of compression garments is not new. Medical-grade compression socks and sleeves have been used for decades to treat conditions like varicose veins and lymphedema. Athletes adopted the technology for its performance and recovery benefits.
Q4: How do compression sleeves improve blood flow?
Compression sleeves enhance blood circulation by promoting efficient blood flow, ensuring that muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients, which helps delay fatigue and maintain performance during long runs.
Q5: Can calf compression sleeves help with recovery?
Yes, wearing calf compression sleeves post-run can speed up recovery by maintaining blood flow, reducing soreness, and ensuring muscles receive the necessary nutrients to repair and rebuild.
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highlandphysio · 4 months
What Every New Runner Needs to Know Before Hitting the Road?
Running is a vigorous activity that can help one increase his or her fitness levels. It helps to control one’s heart rate, enhance one’s lung function, and regulate one’s emotions. However, if you have never practiced running before, then it would be helpful to get some tips and advice about running in order to avoid injuries and make the run as smooth as possible.
Setting a Goal: Run Your First 5K
One of the first things you should do is set an objective of running a 5-kilometre race. Suppose a person has a goal in mind. In that case, it becomes easier to concentrate and work hard towards achieving the goal.
Choosing the Right Running Shoes
When going for a run, one must select the correct shoes. When in doubt, go to a specialized running shoe store and put on a few pairs of shoes, choosing the most comfortable pair. Please do not focus on the running form or stride; settling for whatever natural stride one may possess at the beginning is advisable. If necessary, with time, you can fine-tune your form with the intervention of a physiotherapist.
The Run-Walk Method for Beginners
The run-walk method used by Olympian Jeff Galloway is quite helpful for beginners. This plan recommends running steadily with walk breaks in between until the finish line. This moderate exercise involves picking up a pace for a particular distance before slowing down to a walk for the same distance. Begin the exercise by running for one minute and then walking for one minute in a to-and-for manner. It is also essential to gradually extend the running intervals to a maximum of eight minutes with only one to two minutes of walking in between. This method also assists in developing stamina, and specific training can also minimize the probability of getting an injury.
Building a Training Plan for New Runners
Target to run thrice a week, that pace allowing you to speak while jogging without getting easily puffed. Consider supplementing the activity with strength training or bodyweight exercises for the core, hips, and lower-body muscles between your running sessions. The best training regimens for novices usually range from six to eight weeks, during which you gradually increase your training load to develop more stamina.
Injury Prevention via Stretching and Precautions
However, taking precautions at the initial stage of practicing running is also essential to avoid injuries. Try to execute dynamic stretches before and after the run, like squats, stretching exercises, kicking legs high and sideward bends. Do not leave the soles of your feet tight because the constant impact on the pavement can hurt you.
The Joy of Running and Making Progress
Yes, running can be a lot of fun and intriguing. The feeling of being able to do it, making positive behavioural changes, and achieving the race day is fantastic. If you are unsure of something or need further assistance, do not hesitate to consult a physiotherapy treatment clinic in Kitchener, such as Highland Physio & Rehab.
Embrace Your Journey, Stay Motivated
Just remind yourself that running is a personal experience that should be encouraged and appreciated. Start gradually, be attentive to your body, and do not forget to congratulate yourself on your achievements. With hard work, endurance, and perseverance, you will be on the right track to becoming a runner.
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