#which of course makes Pete realize how Vegas came to find him there
yujeong · 8 months
(for ship + title) pete & porsche, fester
Pete’s screams were deafening, his fists on Porsche's chest feeling like concrete. It hurt, more than he was willing to admit, more than he was allowed to show. “Why, Porsche?” Before coming here, he had truly believed it would be worth it. The price was worth paying for, Porsche had told himself. Everything for the truth. “How could you?” Goosebumps erupted on his skin, as the realization came and settled between his lungs. Because it had been an easy choice to make.  Because if he had to, Porsche would make it again.
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fleet-off · 1 year
@aantinous’s marvelous tags on this post reminded me of the silly li’l shapeshifter snake!Vegas AU @theflowergirl Lily and I came up with over DMs a while back!
Snake!Vegas slips into the main family home pretty regularly pre-canon. Sometimes to spy. Sometimes to ruin Tankhun’s afternoon.
One day Pete catches the snake mid-troll! Tankhun is very upset. Pete obliviously sticks the snake in a Tupperware in his room to let it go once his boss’s ire dies down.
He drops a little food in the Tupperware. He doesn’t know what snakes eat, but what’s good for Petes is probably good for snakes?
He has a nice little workout after his shift. A nice little shower. A nice little dance around the room in the half-nude.
That evening he releases the snake in the yard and moves on.
Except now the snake? Keeps showing up at odd times?? Pete could swear it’s the same snake. It doesn’t look like a local species, maybe it’s an escaped pet.
“Maybe it’s just looking for a home,” he thinks, and doesn’t think about why that hits him so hard.
(Meanwhile. Vegas was in it for the spying, the trolling, and the mild voyeurism but now it’s—oh. Oh, he’s? Keeping me safe? This is…new.)
So there’s a snake in Pete’s life now.
Occasionally there’s also a snake in Pete’s bed, which is always a fun discovery in the morning. Still, Pete can’t blame a snake for being coldblooded, can he? And the snake has a cute little :) face. And it hasn’t tried to bite him yet. It may be bonded?
This is normal and fine.
(Getting into Pete’s room involves sneaking out of the minor family home, traversing the main family grounds in serpent form, and sneaking all the way up to the bodyguard quarters. Vegas has not slept with one of Kinn’s escorts in ages—he simply does not have the time.)
(Look, he’s getting under the skin of this main family dog who keeps getting tasked to follow him. It’s funny.)
(It’s turning into instinct. Like birds flying back to the same forest, like turtles returning to the same beach.)
(If he thinks too hard about it, he’s not going to be able to justify it anymore—he does not think about it.)
Vegas’s torture suitcase contains syringes and vials of hallucinatory drugs and neurotoxins in this AU. Just BTW. <3
The plot still plots for the most part, Pete still gets captured…the torment at the safehouse, though, is less Vegas taking his helplessness out on the guy who ruined his plans and more Vegas oscillating emotionally between “he was kind to me nobody’s kind to me what the fuck” and “he’s a representation of my weakness, he was kind to an innocent animal and I was stupid enough to play along.”
The later realization that Pete would choose to show empathy to human Vegas too? Ruinous.
So Vegas comes to torment or talk to or feed Pete during the day…and the snake comes to curl around Pete’s ankle at night. Pete does not know how the hell his snake got here, but he’s pretty delirious and appreciates the small comfort even if it’s a hallucination.
And of course the truth has to come out at the safehouse, because all truths come out at the safehouse.
So it’s invasive, and weird as shit, and a bit of a goddamn mess...but, like. Vegas was already invasive, weird as shit, and a bit of a goddamn mess.
The home thing is starting to make more sense, for Pete. A lot of things are.
(Do some snake-y features show up during the sex, too? Little bit of fang action? Maybe!!)
So the collapse. The escape. The return to a normal no longer satisfied by its stasis.
The second night after Pete’s return, he finds a snake curled around the leg of his bed.
He knows. He knows, he knows, he knows.
Miserably, he lifts the snake up onto the mattress beside him anyway.
Halfway through the night, he feels warm and solid and human curled up behind him. He doesn’t move.
In the morning, the snake is gone.
(How does this play out in the finale? Who knows. ^^)
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nanachingu · 3 years
Drama Review: In Family We Trust (2018) (Thai Drama)
My first Thai drama review is coming from In Family We Trust (2018). First, let me tell you how I found this drama and decided to binge-watching it. I often see this title when I scroll Netflix but never trying to watch it till someone attach me. My whole reason to start this drama is Thanapob Lee or we can called him Tor. He’s one of the main actor in this drama and I love him in his next drama Hua Jai Sila (2019). I think his acting in that drama is really good, he’s perfect potraying his character so I want to find out his another project. To be honest, before this drama I already see him in several movie like Ghost Lab and May Who? and shockingly he’s cameo in the end of The Stranded (Netflix series) but I don’t have any idea that it’s him all this time. Really Hua Jai Sila make me open my eyes and make me found this worth-watching drama.
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So here I am ready to review this family drama with a touch of mystery and plot twist story that you can find it in Netflix. When I see the title, I already familiar with that name like I think I see this a lot when I scroll Netflix and just need like 3 days to finish this!!! This is one of my favorite genre, I’m weak with family drama and really love with plot twist story. Because this is a family drama, of course there are so many character in this drama. They’re of course a big family, Jiraanan family. Grandpa or called A-goong and Grandma we called A-ma have 5 children (but we only see 4 children in this drama) and of course their children have their family too.
So in the beginning of the story, we’ll be seen that each of Jiranaan family are get along with each other well and prepared to celebrate their A-goong birthday. A-goong and A-ma eldest son is Prasoet, followed by another son called Mate, and they have a daughter called Phatson, and the youngest son is Konkan. I think they have another child that already passed away because we can see one grandson that live together with A-goong and A-ma. Of course their sons and daughter have child too, so the family become much bigger. Let’s see the family tree first so we didn’t confused.
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From the left, the son is Prasoet (Songsit Rungnopakunsi) and right beside him are his wifes. The one in the right is Cris (Sopitnapa Chumpanee) and their son is Pete (JAYLERR). This is the family that he brought into Jiraanan family.
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Little does his family know, he had another son with another women who claimed to be his girlfriend in college. His another wife is Nipha (Apasiri Nitiphon) and his son Chi (Ice Paris). From the picture below, we can see Prasoet really love his second family eventhough they’re not officially Jiraanan’s family. This drama will revolve around Prasoet so finally in the end all know that Prasoet has another family beside his family with Cris and Pete.
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Next, is Mate( Saksit Tangthong) and his daughter Meimei (Sawanya Paisarnpayak). Mate always pick up Meimei at school. This is quite a little family, but Mate really love his daughter and vice versa. The only daughter left in Jiraanan family is Phatson (Kathaleeya McIntosh). Phatson married with a police and automatically her last name changed into Suriyapairoj. They have 4 sons, the eldest is Yi (Thanapob Lee), 2nd is Ern (Captain Chonlathorn), 3rd is Tao (Third Lapat) , and youngest is Toei (Jackie Jackrin) who in the same age with Meimei. To be honest I love this family the most. So lucky that Phatson has 4 son that love and protect her. Next, they didn’t introduce the parents but A-goong and A-ma has grandson that live together with them called Kuaitiao (Porsche). Last, youngest son is Konkan (Lift Supoj). If we can choose which one is the most chill family, we could say that Konkan family is very chill~ They have 2 son, Vegas (JamyJames) and Macao (Ryu Vachirawich). (The parents like casino very much🤣).
So enough with the introduction, and I will tell a little bit of the story before doing an overall review.
This suspense drama revolves around the Jiraanans, a wealthy Thai-Chinese family that operates its own hotels in Bangkok and Pattaya. The drama follows the members of the family, which seem to enjoy a strong and unbreakable bond. But things are not what they seem. One day, the eldest member from the second generation mysteriously turns up dead in the family estate. His nephew Yi, the oldest son of the victim’s sister and the prime suspect in the case, desperately tries to find out the truth. Source: MyDramaList
Before an incident happen in Jiraanan’s family, all of them just celebrate A-goong birthday together. It is so warm to see a big family gather together, it must be a happy day for A-goong and A-ma that they live till now to see their son and daughter with their little family and have a handsome and beautiful grandchilds. We also can see that the grandchilds really love their A-goong and A-ma. It’s like their family are in happiest moment. Even they took a family picture together.
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But who knows, that it’ll be A-goong last birthday. A few days after they gather together, A-goong passed away. This is the real beginning of the story about dark secret that Jiraanan’s family have but no one knows anything about it even the family itself. After A-goong death, it just going worse because of the tradition and old generation believe about differences between son and daughter in the family and honestly A-goong make it worse with his last will that shocking all the family because only his daughter that didn’t accept anything related to their business eventhough she work hard build their family business from scratch. All she got only his father savings; money. Instead, the eldest grandson from eldest son got 1/4 share of the family business. All of it, ended up we’ll see Prasoet the eldest son lying still on the floor.
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Yes, the eldest son of Jiraanan family was shot dead. He was found first by his sister Phatson who came over to his house talking about their father’s will and end up screaming when saw his brother was dead. Another family at that time in their house hear someone screaming and rush to get out to see Phatson panicked and said that Prasoet was shot in his home so they ran and as we can see in the picture A-ma, Kuaitiao, and Meimei saw that Prasoet lying still on the floor in his bedroom. After that this murder case became the talk of the town, get into the news, so police tried to find the motive why the murderer killed him. Honestly, this event create a most damage for Phatson family. As people know, Prasoet rarely confront someone and had enemy but the last thing he argue with someone, it’s Phatson. But I said in this drama, it’s not over till it’s over. We can’t be sure that the killer is his sister itself because as we go through this we could see that Prasoet had a few secret that we didn’t knew before and it could be a motive to someone done a murder. We just need to see it clearly and evaluate it carefully. I’m not gonna give a spoiler in this review, but I think you guys will guess it right like I am.
My first thought about this drama is I like how the story always give us a new plot twist in almost every near-end episode and make us wanna watch the next episode as soon as possible. This is one way to make us never bored by the story and they can wrap it successfully. Although honestly I can guess the biggest plot twist of this story but still it’s interesting because this drama get some details that we can’t get pass and that’s also give us some plot twist. You can’t guess it throughly, like you can guess this overall plot but still you’ll miss the little part of plot twist that make this story much better. Because it’s a story related to family, it’s really deep even when we already know the real murderer and all we need to see is just see the person in trial, in another drama we usually feel relieved and happy finally the killer is captured. But I think this drama makes me feel more sad and broken?? When we all see the truth, I think the circumstances are not getting better. The story really revolves only between Jiraanan family and the story behind it give us more pain than the murder itself. It’s not easy left by people who we loved especially it is a family, but it is more painful when we know that the one who doing it also our family. But I can say that all of this happens because of karma from their all bad action that happened in the past. When we know literally all the truth we finally realized why all of this happen to them, because every each of them are deserved it. But it’s all in the past, so eventually we must move on. In the end, life goes on. They’re still our family. We just need to let go of the past, and open a new chapter because only family is the place that we can lean on again. I can really feel it how every character in this drama just doing everything that they could to save their family. They’re not bad people, they’re just doing everything to protect their family. Lesson learned from this drama;
Family is the most important thing in our life because in the end it’s only family that we can go back into, and only family that will stay on our side and tried the best to support, protect, and defend if we get into problems. They’ll do anything. But without us knowing, the closest person that standing with us that can hurt us the most, is family too. But in the end, because the name of ‘family’ that will lead us back together and family is the only place that we can still lean on. Mistake happens all the time.
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For each family, if I have to choose whose family I love and attached the most, I would say that I really like Phatson family. I can feel their warm family and all of their sons are really get along well. They always root for each other, trying to protect the only woman in the house, their mother Phatson, and the eldest son Yi will do anything to protect and support his family.
One of my favorite scene is when Tao the 3rd son is a celebrity and when he feel he can’t hold back anymore he burst out to his brothers because only them that can give him comfort and feel protected. It’s also my best scene when they give us this brother scene gather together in one room and talking about anything and end up sleeping together on the floor. I can see from that scene, how they think that family is everything and they’ll never let them down because they have each other.
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For the character, I have a few character that I like and attached my attention:
My favorite character; I got 2 character that I love, but first the character that I love the most is (of course) Yi. Despite in this drama his character more leaning to the bold action, like doing anything in a rush, bluntly, and doing a few illegal action but I think he did his best for his family. I don’t understand why he must critized by society in the drama because of his action? I think what he did was right because he already doing everything right and ask everyone that connected but no one helping him instead they just block him away. We can see that he never intented to hurt anyone else too so I’m pro to Yi side. I love his scene with his youngest brother, Toei. If I’m Toei, I’ll cherish Yi all of my life till I die. Because when everything is too hard for him, only Yi that confidently always stand on his side. (okay enough it’s a little spoiler). From this drama, I think I know why Thanapob Lee finally got casted in Hua Jai Sila. I noticed him because his acting in that drama was really really good, I can feel all his emotions there. It turned out here we could see him potray Yi perfectly, and it’ll really help him to get his next drama. He’s not only smart and catch the little detail in his family, but his action is always on point eventhough not all of that is always a right thing. But sometimes to get what you want, you need to do a little more dramatic so the thing you want will show up.
My favorite character; The next character that I like is Pete. Unexpectedly, for sure. To be honest I don’t think that his personality is thaaat nice. It’s about his first impression. When I his first scene with his mother, my first impression of him is he’s a boy who like to spent their parents money for fun and study abroad so he can get away from his parents to have fun🤣🤣 in my opinion; he loves money. TURNS OUT I’m 100% wrong. Pete is the most responsible person in this drama. His responsibility and his fair judgement is the best. He didn’t judge people by his relationship, if he know that this person is wrong then it’s wrong. I love how his attitude to his father’s another family. I just thought he’ll upset and didn’t accept them, turns out he accept them, and he cares them just like his father would do if he’s alive. You deserve happiness, Pete!
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Ice Pariss as Chi. He doesn’t have much screentime but still his character ini this drama really shocked me. Kinda same with Pete. Look the picture above. Both of them looks like they have a personality that have anger issue but actually not. I watched his drama and movie like Bad Genius The Series and Ghost Lab, and I didn’t like his character but I admit that his face suited the most for that kind of personality. Being a jerk, brave action without thinking, not a literally bad person but not really a good personality too. So I thought he’ll become a jerk too since his dad didn’t bring their family to Jiraanan family and only went to their house 1 time/week. So what did he expect? But he has good attitude even to his step brother, he’s really polite and when he know that his family didn’t get single penny from his father’s will he accept it. He didn’t get mad eventhough in the end of his dad ‘s life, his mother was the legal wife. HE ACCEPT IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Okay, respect Chi!
From Pete and Chi, I learned that Prasoet maybe not the best brother, best son, best husband, and best father. But he did really well raising both of his sons to the point that his sons really have a good attitude and personality. I adore their personality so much!
(This is one of the difference between this drama and another drama. It is usually the first son didn’t accept that father has another family and another son demand his part from father’s will and clashed BAM!)
My appreciate for Jackie Jackrin for his acting as Toei. I just know him from this drama ( I think) and he’s potraying Toei really good. I can’t tell too much since it’ll become a spoiler but he can pour his soul and heart so well in this drama. I can see how much he adore his brother Yi so much and wanna say that you did it, you made it to survive with your consistency. You didn’t loose yourself just to make you free when your mother told you to do something. I think Yi had a big part that made Toei become a better person and learn from his mistakes.
The most disappointing character of this drama is *give an applause to* Vegas!!! This is the opposite of Pete. I put a lot of hope for him in this drama that he’ll become one of the rightest people but turns out a big nope. At the very beginning he shows us that he’s honest, fair, doesn’t like act wrong and even brave to tell his father lies. He’s the right person. But as the drama continues, we reach a point that Vegas just an ordinary boy who still has heart. His love is bigger than his principle. The only thing that I hope will be released in this drama, turns out it’ll hidden forever till end because of him. It’s the only proof that clearly helping this case but he choose to hide it forever. Another lesson learned I took from Vegas;
Sometimes we just know that human is not perfect. A person who always doing the right thing, eventually will become a bad person if someone we really love and cherish got a problem. They can ruin their life principle as long they can save their loved one. And often happens that the loved ones is Family.
In this family drama we learned that culture and tradition are taking a big part in our family. When a son and a daughter have a big gap in it, when a daughter didn’t considered as part of family just because she married a man and took his last name. Like having a daughter didn’t as good as if having a son. But actually if I think about it, the one who give birth to is a woman????? Why then a son is more valuable descent. They also differentiate their grandson status into a primary grandchild (son and daughter of the son’s family) and secondary grandchild (son and daughter from daughter’s family). But still we couldn’t get rid of the culture and tradition entirely. We just need to adapt well to the good culture and sort the not-so-good culture better.
Overall, I’m really happy that I found this Thai drama. I watch several dramas from Thailand but never found this kind of genre. A family drama that really warms heart but with a touch of mystery and dark secrets in it. But not like another drama that compete for power and will doing everything evil things between family and make things chaos and ruin their relationship as a family because their greedy and selfish will. In this drama we’ll have a dark secret but it’s not always about money, and I still feel their deep kinship, how this problems solved legally but a touch of their kinship because of their dark past. They need to let it go and open the new chapter because life still goes on for the living one.
Since I really love this drama, I’ll give 4.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨. Thank you Tor for making me found this drama!
“Family is not always about getting along well everytime, but for sure Family is the place that we can always go back in the end no matter what happen.”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
“Up” is Relative
Will could vaguely hear everyone around the campfire behind him laughing, undoubtedly laughing at some humorous recollection Blossom was telling about defeating a hideous monster or apprehending a super-criminal. It was an interesting mish-mash of canons and OCs at the campsite: The Powerpuffs themselves along with Jenny, Sheldon, Vega, and even Tootie representing the former; and for the latter, Nick, Shayde, Russell, Roulette, Xavis, Luca, Reita, and the young man that wasn’t sitting around the campfire with everyone else.
They were all so enraptured with each others’ fantastic exploits that no one had noticed Will slipping away a few feet and laying back upon the hill that overlooked the City of Townsville. It was his first time in this area, a universe he’d never seen before, and he was instantly taken by the sprawling urban metropolis. His eyes traced the skyline, trying to remember each and every feature, but there was just so much to look at.
Strange how superheroes always have that one city they need to protect. Jenny has Tremorton, and the Powerpuffs have this place. Gotta admit...it’s always a beautiful city that needs protecting.
He had just spotted a strange observatory in the middle of the city when he started to notice lights flickering out. It started in the suburbs around the edges of the city, but soon there was a wave of blackness that overtook the entire sprawl before him. He heard some commotion behind him as the others took notice.
“Oh, great.” Blossom grumbled.
“What’s happening?” Sheldon asked.
“Probably just Mojo Jojo trying another dastardly plot.” Buttercup snarled. “Time to go to work, sisters.”
“You need any help?” Xavis inquired. “If my tanktop had sleeves, I’d be rolling them up right about now.”
“Nah, I think we’re good.” Bubbles replied, cheerily. “Besides, this might take a while, so you shouldn’t have to wait up for us. Thanks for the offer, though!”
“Let’s roll!” Blossom commanded.
The beams of the three superpowered siblings streaked across Will’s field of vision as they flew toward the city in search of danger to defeat. They were so bright that Will needed to shield his eyes from the sudden intensity. As he lowered his hand, however, the first thing he saw was the field of stars above him.
It took his attention instantly.
“You guys go on ahead,” Jenny insisted to the others as they began to file out. “I’ll clean up our campsite.”
“Thanks, Jen.” Nick smiled in appreciation. “We’ll keep the portal open until everyone is back.”
Jenny nodded before getting herself ready for work. One hand turned into a bucket which immediately filled up with water; inverting it over the flames released a stream which instantly doused the campfire. Shifting both her arms into a broom and dustpan, respectively, she began sweeping up the hot ashes to prepare them for disposal. In order to make sure she got them all, she turned on her thermal vision and scanned the immediate area for embers she may have missed. To her satisfaction, there was none...but she caught a glint of someone’s body heat just over the crest of the hill.
I thought that was everyone. Who else did we bring? Xavis, Shayde...
After she buried the charred remnants of the campfire, she turned her attentions to the unknown individual, slowly and cautiously advancing upon the heat signature until she could finally tell who it was.
“Will!” She exclaimed softly as she knelt down over him from behind his head. 
How could I forget?!  She thought to herself silently. I was the one who invited him here anyway!
Will stirred from his focus upon the sky, realizing Jenny was speaking to him. “What’s up?”
“Since the Powerpuffs left, we’ve all decided to turn in for the night.”
“Oh, uh, okay.” Will muttered. “You all go on ahead; I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Everyone else is gone; it’s just the two of us now.”
Will’s heart lept up into his throat. Just...us?
“What were you doing over here, anyway?” Jenny asked. “I thought you wanted to hang out with everyone.”
“Well, yeah, of course!” Will said, somewhat defensively. “And yeah, that’s been great and all, but...I got a little distracted while looking at the skyline.”
“You mean the skyline that’s completely out of view right now?” Jenny noted sarcastically.
“Yeah, that one.” Will added, unaware of the irony in Jenny’s statement.
“I mean,” she clarified with a characteristic giggle, “why are you still here if there is nothing to look at?”
Will snapped his head toward her. “...nothing to look at?” He asked her incredulously. “After the city lights disappeared, there is everything to look at.”
Jenny cocked her head to one side. “Say what, now?”
“Lie down here next to me.” Will asked. “I’ll explain.”
Wait...did I just ask her that?
“Okay.” Jenny responded, still somewhat confused but willing to try it out. Since she was behind him, she decided the best way to go about it was to lay herself in the opposite direction from Will with her head almost right next to his.
“When I was 10,” Will began, “one of my favorite things to do was go stargazing. I would try to memorize all the constellations, watch satellites pass, and even - if I was lucky - see a shooting star go by. If there was ever a night that I was bored, it didn’t take long to cure it if I just brought out a blanket or towel, spread it out on the back lawn, and kept watch on the night sky. That all changed for me when I was 13, though.”
“What happened?”
“I had just taken a science class where we were talking about gravity. Something about that class stuck with me that night, so when I looked up at the sky, I didn’t feel like I was looking up anymore. I felt like I was looking down. The only thing keeping me from floating away forever into space was the gravitational pull of the planet. Think of it like...you spend so much time walking right side up that you lose your sense of perspective on how things really are. In space, 'up’ is relative. Earth is in space. We are on Earth. Therefore, we are in space, too.”
“I...” Jenny slowly replied. “...I can kind of see it. You start to feel like you’re on one of those rides at a fair where they spin you around and then release the lap bar, but the spinning force keeps you in place.”
“Right,” Will nodded, “but on a planetary scale.”
“What happened after that?”
“I was scared.” Will admitted. “I remember gripping the blanket tight, thinking that if I let go I would fall into the sky. I started breathing hard. I almost started to cry. But I shut my eyes and slowly allowed myself to sit up, bringing myself back to the familiar before opening them again.” He sighed. “It was a while before I tried it again, but after the first time the sensation was never quite as bad. The downside was it was replaced by another feeling.”
“What feeling was that?”
Will struggled to find the word he was looking for. “...I don’t want to say loneliness, but...more like insignificance. Such a massive universe and I’m only a small part of it.”
“Will...” Jenny rolled over onto her side so she could look directly at the human next to her.
“And when I saw the sky here,” Will continued, “I realized this is a completely different universe, yet it’s every bit as big. And it’s only one of however many there are that can be accessed in Reaper High, and-”
“Will.” Jenny whispered, placing a hand upon his shoulder.
oh god she is touching me
“You’re not insignificant.” Jenny insisted. “Not to me.”
Will could not bring himself to speak for a few seconds. “...you really think so?”
“I enjoy being around you. You clearly enjoy being around me, otherwise you wouldn’t hang out with us at lunch so much. You can make me laugh just about every day, and when I don’t feel like laughing you’ve been so supportive to me.” She pulled out a concealed drawer in her skirt (Yay, built-in pockets!) and removed a gold, music-note-shaped device. “Then there’s this.”
Will sat up slightly, slightly awe-struck by the sight of his old Musique: the one he gave to her at their second meeting. “You still have that?” He queried. “I figured you would have gone for the new special edition they came out with last week”
Jenny laughed. “First of all, that new one is $12,000; the last time I tried getting one that expensive, it did not end well for me. Second, it - what - has a built in cardiometer? I’m not going to need that unless I start doing this-” Jenny pounded her chest to the rhythm of a heartbeat. “-everywhere I go.” Will grinned and chuckled softly at the mental image of Jenny doing exactly that.
“But, most importantly,” Jenny continued, “is this.”
She turned the device over in her hands and, using a small flashlight from her fingertip, illuminated the name “Will Perringer” across the back.
She noticed that?
“This was personally yours.” Jenny explained. “You could have bought me one or something: I know you’ve been getting stuff for your other friends. But instead you decide to give me this Musique - incredible condition, deluxe edition, gold plating, and personally inscribed with your name, for Pete’s sake - without as much as a second thought. Sometimes, I think about what could make someone do that.”
“Jenny, you saved my life.” Will rationalized it the same way he did when he gave it to her.
“I’ve saved plenty of lives.” Jenny retorted. “But if I’m lucky, I’ll just get a ‘thank you’ out of the mountain climber I just saved from falling to his doom. Not that many have been willing to give something like this up; in fact, I can count them on...well, one finger.” Jenny extended her index finger to prove her point, and then pointed it into Will’s chest.
“You deserve better than that.” Will insisted.
“And you deserve better than to be left alone like this.” Jenny shot back, a bit more insistently than she’d let on before.
A brief pause took over, with only the wind supplying any noise to fill the gap before Jenny sighed.
“I’ve heard things.” Jenny finally said, softly. “Not good things. Things which make me worry about your safety when you’re alone. And I’m not the only one, either; everyone who knows you has had their lives made better because of it.” She gently touched his shoulder again. “I’m not going to force you into making promises, but I’d like you to know you don’t need to run away if you are feeling so small or worthless. You can always talk to me.”
Slowly, her arms wrapped around him as she pulled him in for an embrace.
“It’s what friends do.”
Will could feel the tears start to rise, but held them back as best as he could as he allowed his arms to reciprocate the hug. “Thank you, Jenny.” He whispered, feeling so secure and satisfied in her touch.
It was a while before Jenny loosened her grip. “Let’s head on back. We had a campfire started for a reason, after all; it’s kinda chilly for you to be out here much longer.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Will added, starting to realize he was developing a shiver. Whether that was actually from the temperature or from the adrenaline of ohmygodshejusthuggedmeicandiehappy, he had no idea, but he was definitely looking forward to his warm room as they headed back toward the portal together.
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Chapter 42: Album done
I just wanna take a moment to thank everyone for the feedback I’m receiving here and on Instagram.
Anastasia_Truman  ❤️️
Thanks again to everyone who reads the fic, much love to you all! ♥
Read chapter 41
-          I’m so happy you’re here – Richard told Anastasia during one of his many visits to the recording studio in Las Vegas.
-          Do you realize you’ve told me that every single day since last week? – They had already been working there for a week – Not that I’m complaining, say it again – Anastasia said smiling.
-          I’m so happy you’re here – This time Richard’s words came along with a small kiss.
-          You are very cheesy for a grown-ass man – Mandy said as she sat down in a big couch behind the new couple.
-          Look who’s talking? Miss Romanticism – Anastasia told her friend. Eric and Nick were trying new drum beats.
-          When are you leaving? - Richard asked.
-          In a couple of days – Anastasia answered – I’m not going far though. We are going to keep recording at Rancho de Luna, have you heard of it?
-          Of course, near Joshua Tree. We have recorded there before. It’s an amazing place.
-          I should have known because of your love for the desert.
-          It’s a Vegas thing. You guys are pretty much done! – He said referring to the album.
-          Yeah, we want Josh to just have to adjust things here and there when he comes.
-          Josh? – Richard asked.
-          Klinghoffer, he is co-producing the album – Mandy answered this time.
-          Guess I won’t be visiting you at the Rancho then.
-          Why? – Anastasia asked, surprised.
-          He clearly doesn’t like me – Mandy and Anastasia looked at each other – Last time we met, in Chicago, he wasn’t the nicest guy.
-          Well, Josh is a little weird like that – Mandy said – Don’t take it personal. Tour had us all angry by that point.
-          Yeah, I understand. I was thinking – He looked at Anastasia – That maybe you’ll want to come to have lunch with Elijah and me tomorrow.
-          Are you serious? – Anastasia was in shock. Meeting his son wasn’t something to take lightly.
-          Yeah. He really wants to meet you.
-          But Richard… I mean, I would love to! But he is your son. You can’t just introduce any girl to him like that – She said.
-          But you are not any girl, you are my girlfriend – Anastasia’s and Mandy’s eyes opened like plates, he never called her like that before, he didn’t even asked her. He didn’t need to, for her was kind of tacit. A big smile appeared in her face and her eyes shone.
-          Well, as I said I would love to, boyfriend – She answered and Richard gave her a big kiss, a kiss that made Mandy uncomfortable.
-          Get a room! – She said laughing.
-          I’ve been watching you kiss Peyton for seven years, deal with having to watch Richard kiss me – Anastasia said, laughing.
-          I have to go. I promised Elijah I’d take him to the movies – Richard said – I’m going to say goodbye to Nick and Eric.
-          I can’t fucking believe this – Mandy was still laughing while Richard was inside the recording boot.
-          Did you hear that? – Anastasia said to her friend – I am Richard Austin’s motherfucking girlfriend! I must have done something amazing in life to deserve this – Anastasia walked towards Mandy and took her friend by the arms – He is Richard fucking Austin! – She said shaking her friend but stopped when Richard came back to the room.
-          I love you. See you tomorrow – He took her by her waist and gave her another kiss – Bye Mandy!
-          Bye Richard! Have fun at the movies – He disappeared behind the door – Let me tell you something – Mandy said to Anastasia – You’ve been through such a rough path in love, you fucking deserve this. You deserve someone that treats you right and gives you nothing but love and that person is Richard. Life is always surprising us, darling. Take him; take this because you have been so patient in this disastrous love life that the Universe has put you through. I can’t assure you that Richard is the man of your life but he respect you and love you endlessly, I can see that – By this point tears were running down Anastasia’s face – And always remember this, Jesus did not die for you to be a sidechick – Now Anastasia was laughing with tears on her eyes.
-          Why are you making An cry? – Eric asked entering the room.
-          Because she is just the sweetest friend anybody could ask for – Anastasia went to hug her friend in the couch.
-          Richard officialized all this shit and called her his girlfriend today – Mandy told Nick and Eric.
-          What?! – Nick said smiling – That’s amazing!
-          Poor Josh – Eric said as a joke.
-          Stop pulling the Josh card – Anastasia said – He couldn’t decide if he wanted to be with me or not and Richard is offering me something strong and real.
-          We should celebrate! – Nick talked again.
-       But I can’t stay up until late; I’m going to have lunch with Richard and his son tomorrow.
 It’s almost as if Anastasia said “let’s stay up until late” instead. The foursome enjoyed a wild night of alcohol and clubs in Las Vegas and now her head was going to explode. She called room service for some pills and lots of water and did her best to hide the tiredness of her face with makeup. She let her hair down, put on a black Rolling Stones t-shirt, checkered gray pants and black vans, and big dark sunglasses to top it all.
 Elijah was a sweet blonde kid, wearing glasses and a Foo Fighters tee. The first thing he told her was how much he liked her band.
-          He is into loud rock right now, the Foos are the band of this week but it changes… a lot – Richard said and Elijah smiled – We are going to a place called Cantina Laredo because food choices change every week too and right now Mexican is the favorite – Anastasia was inside Richard’s SUV while Elijah was in the backseat asking her a bunch of music questions to her.
-          So, are you going to be a musician when you grow up? – Anastasia asked Elijah while they were eating at the restaurant.
-          Yeap! Like daddy – Eliajh answered.
-          Would you let him? – This time she asked Richard.
-          He can be whatever he wants to be but he must be the best at it.
-          You can teach him – Anastasia said.
-          Would you help me? – That question took her for surprise. Answering to that was like a long life commitment but something inside of her made her talk without thinking.
-          Of course! – She saw Elijah’s smile again and Richard’s too – This reminds me of when I started asking dad to take me to the studio with him. That was the beginning of the best thing I could find in my life – She looked to Elijah – Music makes everything better, never forget that.
-          I won’t – The kid answered.
For some reason that situation, being there with Richard and his son, didn’t feel weird to her. It actually made her realize that she wanted that, she wanted something to hold on to, a family, a strong bond, a stable love and maybe Richard was the one who would give her all that. She felt calm in that moment and she didn’t have any doubts about anything.
Richard was such a good father, always answering his son’s questions and helping him do mundane things. They went to a kid’s indoor playground after lunch and she had a lot of fun playing with Elijah. She was already trained for that, she took care of the twins with Barbara while Justin was nowhere to be seen, so being with kids wasn’t a strange ground for her. They ended the day at Richard’s house, which was beautiful, really well kept for a single man. He had a dog, a small dark French bulldog called Pete, and that was the main reason for them to be there, so Elijah could play a little with the dog.
She helped Richard cook dinner, and even though the panorama was unusual for somebody like Anastasia, she felt like she could fit perfectly in such lifestyle.
Anastasia and Mandy were driving to Rancho de Luna for the first day of recording sessions with Josh. An was nervous, she hadn’t seen him or even spoken to him since the past month, this was weird but she trusted Eric when he said that Josh wanted to do this.
As soon as they parked, An saw his car and a bunch of memories of her inside that car filled her mind and nostalgia made act of presence.
-          Josh’s here – Anastasia said.
-          How do you know? – Mandy asked.
-          That’s his car.
-          Oh, right! – Mandy said realizing how stupid she was – I have an idea! Let’s break the ice with a little joke.
-          One of your jokes?
-          Yeah! Let’s make him laugh so he forgets you ditched him.
-          I didn’t ditch him! He just didn’t make up his mind!
-          I was joking!
-          I hate your jokes.
They entered the place and there he was, sitting in front of the console, with his headphones on, fiddling on his laptop.
-          Thank the Lord you are here! I have a terrible dilemma – Mandy asked Josh and he smiled taking his headphones off – Listen, the meal that joins breakfast and lunch is called brunch, but how would you call the meal that joins lunch and dinner? “Diunch” or “Lunchnner”? – Josh looked so confused by Mandy but he decided to go along with her question.
-          What about “early dinner”?
-          But how do you know it’s not a “late lunch”?
-          Well… In that case, “lunchnner” sounds better.
-          Thank you Josh, this is why you are here, you have all the answers.
-          I wish I did – He said now looking to Anastasia – Hi! – He smiled and she felt guilty for some reason.
-          How are you? – She asked.
-          Great! Really happy to be here – He said smiling some more – We are waiting for Nick, he’s on his way – Eric was already inside blasting the drums – I have to say that I’ve been listening to what you guys have done and it’s amazing. These are stadium anthems. Pure rock. I love it. How was Vegas?
-          Amazing. Inspiring – She didn’t need to say more. Josh smiled and put his headphones back on.
The relationship between Josh and Anastasia was polite but not extremely friendly during the recording process. Josh had brought a lot of British bands to the table that definitely inspired the sound Dead Curse wanted to portray. An saw him happy, relaxed, music had an amazing effect on him as on her, and that environment helped them get along again, but the relationship, for sure, wasn’t what it was before.
The place also helped Josh get loose. He was a desert fan too and Joshua Tree was one of his favorite places in the world. He, Anastasia, Nick and Eric would go hiking in the mornings, then Josh would take them to places to eat and served as a tourist guide, not that any of them needed it, they all knew the area pretty well, but Josh was happy doing it and everybody just let him be.
At nighttime, they would record and produce and that was when everybody was at their happiest moment. Making music was something they all like to do and every song they made sounded stronger than the last one, so the excitement was in the air and the musical self-esteem was high, really high. By the end of that week the album was completely done and the smiles on everyone’s faces were big.
-          I can’t thank you enough for doing this – Anastasia told Josh one afternoon while she was playing with the guitar he gave to her on her birthday inside the recording boot.
-          Don’t worry! I’m glad I decided to do it – Josh told her, while sitting on one of Nick’s amplifiers.
-          This place is great for recording! – She was trying to find any topic of conversation.
-          Yeah. How was the Las Vegas place? – He asked.
-          It was cool, small, warm, it actually has great technology. Elton John recorded there.
-          Cool! It’s weird I never heard of it before.  
-          Actually it was Richard the one who told me about it.
-          Oh… right – Josh lowered his voice. Things started to get weird.
-          How’s Lauren? – For some reason that question popped in her brain and her mouth spit it without permission. He seemed shocked but answered anyway.
-          Fine. She is releasing her album real soon, around October – He said. That let An know he and Lauren were still an item.
-          Oh! We are planning to release the album on October 31st.
-          Your favorite day of the year – He smiled.
-          You know how much I love Halloween – She smiled too and he stared at her, like he didn’t want to forget her smile.
If things weren’t strange enough at that point, everything was about to go to hell when a familiar face appeared behind the crystal that separated the control room from the recording boot. It was Richard. Josh’s attitude took a 180° turn, his expression went blank and the air got heavy. Richard entered the place smiling and Anastasia smiled back, he was wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt with white stars and a pair of jeans that fitted him perfectly, black boots gave the final touch to such sleek look.
-          I wanted to surprise you – Richard said after giving Anastasia a big kiss on her lips.
-          You sure did! – She answered awkwardly – You remember Josh, right?
-          Hey, man! – Richard said.
-          How are you? – Josh was showing himself much more polite this time.
-          Great and you?
-          Good, having fun making an amazing record.
-          Yes, what I heard in Las Vegas was magnificent, can’t wait to hear it all.
-          It’s gonna knock you out – Josh said with half a smile – I’ll leave you two alone, I’m going out with Nick and Eric.
-          Alright – Anastasia said and watched him walking out – Why do you look so hot? – Anastasia asked Richard, he laughed.
-          I want to look good for you.
-          You are doing a great job.
-          You look amazing too.
-          I’m wearing an oversized Dodgers sweater and Vans, no makeup and my hair is a mess.
-          If I say you look good you take it and don’t say a word back – He put a finger in her lips and for some reason she thought that was incredible sexy – Do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?
-          Yes, but first let’s go to the house we rented here near so I can change, I’m not going out looking like this, at least a little bit of mascara I need.
They shared another kiss and joined the rest of the gang at the control room.
-          We are going out tonight to celebrate finishing this record – Mandy told Anastasia and Richard.
-          We already make plans for dinner – Anastasia answered.
-          But we’ll join later – Richard told Anastasia.
-          Yeah… ok – She said looking at Mandy.
Josh didn’t stop lookng at Anastasia the entire time they were there, so she hurried up in getting out and going to the house so she could change clothes. She put on a pair of black jeans with a mustard knit sweater and a pair of black ankle boots. Her blue hair was loose and her makeup minimum, she wasn’t great at makeup actually, that was Mandy’s thing.
-          Now you look even more beautiful – Richard said when he saw her.
-          Oh, stop it! – Richard hugged her tightly without noticing and she felt his warmth, his endearment. That man loved her; there was no doubt about it.
They ended up going to a place called Pie For The People that served New York Style pizza, “To remember our first date in New York”, as Richard said. Anastasia still had trouble finding this situation realistic, he was still Richard Austin, a face that used to be up a wall in her room back in the mid-2000s. And that day, in particular, she was having trouble understanding Josh’s attitude, he acted so polite and decent. She was glad, but she knew he was keeping some feelings and that always make her uncomfortable.
After dinner, they joined the rest of the group at Joshua Tree Salon, a nice pub downtown and she was amazed by how Josh was loosely talking with everyone, included Richard, and acting so relaxed. 
-         Glad you came! - Mandy said - We ordered some food but I guess you two already ate.
-          You know? - Josh looked at Mandy – It’s not a “lunchnner” if is this late – They both laughed. Anastasia was happy that he was slowly turning back in the Josh she knew.
Definitely, producing the record had something to do with that. Anastasia also realized that having Josh around woke up some feelings she wanted to keep locked inside, after all it was Richard the one sleeping next to her that night in the house they rented at Joshua Tree.
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wasteland-reacts · 7 years
I'd like to request the New Vegas crew (romanced or not. It's up to you) reacting to the Courier disappearing without a trace for a few weeks.
i’ll do romanced! ty anon, i love getting nv asks :) im gonna include yes man as well, he’ll be in all fnv reacts :) (also pls tell me if i write the characters ok, ive only ever traveled with with boone, raul, and ed-e) (also do u guys like when the courier is referred to as Six or just Courier?)
Arcade: Arcade woke up to an empty pillow in his empty bed. Where was Six? He sat up quickly, thinking that maybe his partner was in the kitchen fixing something up. Arcade got out of bed and made a start to the kitchen. Upon entering, the only sign of life he saw was a scrap piece of paper on the dining table. He picked the paper up, and it read: “Bye” and Six had signed it. What? Arcade couldn’t believe his eyes. Six just…left? But why? He felt like he was going to break apart. Arcade had no idea what to do, so he decided to just wallow in pity til Six came back. Arcade spent weeks just sitting around, not eating. He didn’t sleep or leave the house.When Six returned, Arcade nearly flung himself on them, holding them as tight as he could. “Wh..where were you?” Arcade whispered shakily, breathing hitched. Six guided him somewhere and sat him down, explaining everything. Afterwards, Arcade is just holding them, kissing their face.
Boone: Normally, if it were someone he just met, Boone wouldn’t care if someone left. But Six? Six is his partner, for pete’s sake. Why would they leave him? The first person Boone cared for after his wife, and they were gone. He woke up to an empty bed and didn’t realize til half the day was gone that Six wasn’t home. Boone felt like he did something wrong. People don’t just don’t leave without reason. Six had left nothing behind for Boone to find. He decided to wait it out, trying to find comfort in his life with Six gone.When Six finally came back, Boone was frustrated. He wanted to know exactly why they left and if they knew how much pain that caused him. After Six explained everything and apologized, Boone forgave them, giving them a long-lasting hug, which is something he reserves for special people.
Cass: Where were they? Cass was getting frustrated not being able to find Six. She had woken up without them in bed, and she still couldn’t find them after three o'clock! She felt like they were playing some twisted game of hide and seek with her. Not knowing what to do, Cass just hung out at a bar, not really trying to drink herself out of it, just bored.Six found Cass at the bar, carelessly sipping wine. They surprised her from behind, which probably wasn’t a good idea since she was drunk. Cass freaked out when she saw Six and actually started to cry, blubbering about how she missed them so. Six took her home and gently tucked her into bed, getting ready to explain themselves in the morning.
Raul: When Raul couldn’t find Six one day, he felt like his heart break. Did they finally see that he was just some rundown old man and leave? Why would they leave without saying bye? Raul tried to find Six by searching all their favorite places, but he had no luck. Not knowing what to do, Raul just stayed in his shack, trying to pretend he still had some good in his life without Six.Raul felt so relieved when Six came back home, he held their hands, listening to them explain why they were gone. Raul forgave Six instantly, making them promise not to do it again unless they explained why beforehand.
Veronica: Veronica felt lonely when she realized Six was gone. She had no idea where to search for them, so she just continued to trade with various people that came across her stall.Veronica was enlightened when Six came home, pulling her in a hug, explaining why they were gone. She told them how lonely she had been and they said sorry. Veronica forgave Six but made them do the dishes the next day.
Yes Man: Yes Man really missed them! Of course he knew where Six was, all he had to do was look in the security cameras. Still, he had no idea where they went, so he was lonely for weeks. Of course, he had the other Securitrons, but they weren’t into talking. So Yes Man decided to just run the Strip by himself, hoping his friend would come home.When Six returned to the Lucky 38, Yes Man was ecstatic! He immediately switched to a Securitron body just to hug them. Yes Man understood why they had left and complimented them on their bravery.
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