#which they arent but maya has no way of knowing that
arolesbianism · 5 months
I love thinking abt the cyber steam city side plots in the random card au because it's just bunch of goofy goobers being goofy goobers and Maya being incredibly intensely miserable constantly
#rat rambles#random card au#band posting#we have saya and kaoru being homoerotic heist rivals we have touko and pareo being music siblings we have chu2 being a lil lesbian#and then we have maya living with her 'I live with every memory everyone has ever had of my once best friend' situation#oh and also the distinct lack of memories from hina and chisato's perspectives#which is another big source of anxiety for maya because thats a pretty strong sign that theyre dead#which they arent but maya has no way of knowing that#hina just had her reality god tooth to keep her unefected and chisato was in the void#basically they both sort of had god shields#neither know that tho hina just thinks that everyone else is being really weird and chisato was again in the void#hina actually went a while without knowing that aya is a god now because shes not religious#it wasnt until she died and got better and found chisato and left the void that she noticed#from chisato's perspective they got lost in a cave blacked out for like five years and now aya is a god#oh btw most of the cast is about five years older than in canon so theyre mostly like early 20s except for pareo and chu2 who are 19#this is mostly because it makes my life easier when it comes to history worldbuilding shit#like I can make nanami misaki and rimi from the far far past without it being as weird#but it does mean that chu2 and pareo are old and scary now rip#to be clear theres no like sex or shit involved in this au the age up is Just to make worldbuilding easier#also it gives me more wiggle room with backstories since I have a lot more time to work with in each characters lives#this is rly mostly just relevant to tsugumi tho but a smidge to some other characters
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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neechees · 1 year
Your gifset about road to Eldorado makes me think of apocalypto (2006) and it has most of the same issues. I had to watch it for my class on depictions of indigenous people in film when I was minoring in Native American Studies and oof. It was a hard one to watch for so many reasons, no least of which were the racism and general bullshit but just how violent the movie was as well. But it's a Mel Gibson movie so I mean, is any surprised?
But the class itself was interesting and exhausting because it was mostly.white students and like 3 ndn students, myself included debating the depictions of natives in media.
(I think this was also the same class in which a white student told me that if someone doesnt have native DNA on a genetic test like ancestry then they arent native. The professor who was native shut that down but yikes)
Anyway bless you for doing the Creator's work and putting down the bullshit you get for telling the truth
So many Indigenous studies classes too can be so tedious for the above reasons like ugh. The White students never seem to take racism discussions seriously half the time & say shit like "Well, I didn't think it was racist". One time a White student stood up for a racist white character in a short story we read & said they didn't think the racist character was racist, even though that was the entire plot & point of the short story? Yikes. Im sorry you had to deal with that!
Mel Gibson is like the antichrist of historical films, because of how badly he fucks up the history. Its to the point that it might as well be alternative history films or historical fantasy because of how much he changes. But with Apolcalypto specifically, a lot of people think it must be really authentic because 1. The use of Yucatec Maya throughout the film 2. People not really knowing about Native history, & 3. People not being able to tell the difference between the Maya & the Mexica.
One of the things I hate most about Apocalypto is even shown at the beginning of the movie where the quote sets the tone for the rest of the movie that basically implies that it was Indigenous people's own fault for being colonized. Aside from this being already stupid & racist, it's wrong because he seems to be suggesting the end of the classic Maya collapse, which happened like 600 years before the arrival of the Spanish, so those two things are NOT related at all & can't be used to justify colonization??
The film is really wishy washy about what time period it's supposed to be given the influences (like there's Post-Classic hairstyles mixed in with Classic period hairstyles, some of the art looks PRECLASSIC Maya, & a bunch of other plotpoints that point to various time periods). Apocalypto does NOT get enough flack for its dumb depiction of the Maya, and Mel Gibson is an idiot.
And thank you :) I hope Road to El Dorado gets some needed hate & criticism for how it handled Native people because it is WAY too beloved considering its racism.
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jaffre · 10 months
ive been watching mech cadets, only have 2 episodes left to watch, here's my thoughts so far
1/ sentient alien mech suits? yes please. (i never got into transformers somehow but i love sentient robots, give me more. if you have good sentient mechs media to recommend, gimme) i do wish we'd see more of them tho, as in, their personalities, and like, lore, where'd they come from? why did they come here to help against the sharg? i do like the comment on how they arent battle ready when they arrive, the humans arm them up. there's just so much here i want to know more about.
2/ the general style is nice, i love the little intro animation, really sleek. i also love how the animation style changed during flashback sequences? that's really cool. the nexus link view where u see the pilots in dot space is kinda silly but in a fun way. i like the robo designs, and their round hover wings whatever it is. cool shit.
3/ standford yu somehow the least interesting character lmao? ava fucking rocks. she's the best. tanaka great mentor figure. i love maya and frank, they're very sweet. olivia really came around, and despite how hateable commander park is, i do love that you can see where he's coming from, even if you dont agree with his actions. that's good character writing
4/ i gotta give frank's disability its own bullpoint. spoilers i guess i just wanna gush about it. the guy has a prosthetic leg and it's not an issue for him being a pilot, altho we do see in a flashback that he's actually more comfortable without the prosthetic and prefers his crutches? which is like. the first time ive seen a disabled character say that in media. that rules. he does accept to wear a prosthetic cause that's a concession he has to make to be able to pilot a mech. in a fight scene against a sharg, his prosthetic gets cut in half, and he doesn't skip a beat and continues fighting, without then with his crutches once he gets his hands on them, and even just. stabs the monster with his broken off prosthetic, which fucking rules. from then on, he doesnt get a new prosthetic, he just keeps his crutches, and instead gets a special suit that has a prosthetic inside of it cause he needs it to pilot the mech, but he's not forced to have the prosthetic outside the mech in his day to day life, which is like? accessibility win?? he didn't want it to begin with, the reason he had to wear it was "we can't modify the suit just for one guy" basically (which is the only reason he was worried for a few episodes about his prosthetic not being fixed -- it was just bc he wanted to pilot the mech, he could handle himself fine without it). and the, just, visual metaphor of ripping the rest of his broken prosthetic to finish of the sharg in that fight scene i mentioned earlier? like it's a liberation?? incredible. i just. i love this so much. this is all that matters to me now. i love frank and how they've treated him and his disability so much.
5/ literal mothership ahah oops they're fucked
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standardlovers · 6 months
top movies of the year !! tagged by @sommerregenjuniluft who asked specifically for 10 and i will take any opportunity to talk abt films i watched <3
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no pressure tagging: @sugarsnappeases @beaniebaby @casstration @bardofavon
Commentary on the films & honourable mentions below:
A Little Life (2023, dir. Ivo van Hove) this was a live show however i watched it as a movie and i hadnt even read the book bc everyone i saw who read the book was so deeply emotionally distraught that i avoided it BUT someone wanted to see it and i agreed to go with them bc it looked good and i like bonding activities. yeah its SAD AS FUCK. its complicated and devastating and very triggering at times and i recognised two of the cast and focused far too long on why do i know this guy but it definitely hit me hard as part of this years viewing experiences
The Book Thief (2013, dir. Brian Percival) this truly has been the year of sophie nélisse for me she has captivated me so ofc i revisited this and bought the book, both still as devastating as i remember
Talk To Me (2023, dir. Michael & Danny Philippou) HORROR OF THE YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! oh this did blow me away this was so fun to watch and while some of the symbolism was slightly on the nose it was never overbearing to draw away from the plot it really was engaging and had some amazing cast
The Sound Of Music (1965, dir. Robert Wise) i hadnt seen this despite being on my list for YEARS !!!! but when i did oh i was not ready its fun its sweet its whimsical its political its interesting its sad its a musical
Saw X (2023, dir. Kevin Greutert) HEHEHE SAW !!!!!!!!! MANDY CAME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY !!!!!!
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007, dir. John Erick Dowdle) this was so interesting !!! many people consider this a very intense horror and i was expecting the worst but i think primarily the fear factor of this is that it is formatted as a documentary discussing the events and tapes although they are real and some of the content is unnerving but ultimately as someone who deeply enjoys horror i did find the format and the approach to this new style of serial killer horror so engaging and creepy, however i wouldnt recommend it for people who arent already into horror
Beautiful Boy (2018, dir. Felix van Groeningen) i actually started this in 2022 but couldnt sit through timothee chalamet reciting poetry so i turned it off and tried again this year but it was very moving and i have like 100 beautiful boy edits in my tiktok folder
All Quiet On The Western Front (2022, dir. Edward Berger) if you are going to watch a war movie: WATCH ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT it is very engaging from the perspective of german soldiers during the end of world war i.
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008, dir. Mark Waters) Bring Back Fun !!! Bring Back Whimsey !!!!
Take Care Of Maya (2023, dir. Henry Roosevelt) oh this was Intense, this is a documentary about a real life legal case following the Kowalski family who have recently finished their trial against the hospital that put their family and their chronically ill daughter through severe trauma and suffering, it was deeply interesting and very painful but also so necessary for the many people who experience similar cases and circumstances. (Post Film Update/Not shown in the documentary: The Kowalski family has since won their trial and been granted over $250million for their trauma and damages. Maya is now seeking further legal action for other circumstances she endured during this time.)
Honourable Mentions:
[REC] (2007, dir. Jaume Balagueró & Paco Plaza) this was just a GOOD horror it had a slower introduction but once it got into the plot it was so interesting and intense and just a Fun movie which is interesting because its the second to technically include found footage (i have seen people call the poughkeepsie tapes found footage in some ways also) and i dont particularly enjoy found footage but this year it seems to have appealed to me more than i realised!
Pamela, A Love Story (2023, dir. Ryan White) which is Pamela Anderson's documentary about her life so far and was very interesting even as someone who didn't know much of anything about her beforehand
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986, dir. John Hughes) which is, as always, a classic and lighthearted experience <3
Totally Killer (2023, dir. Nahnatchka Khan) because it is so good to see a cheesy modern slasher just be Fun again, it doesn't take itself too seriously and that's why it was so enjoyable to watch!
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jjadmanii · 1 year
S19 hasn't always been kind to their queer characters and audience they were given a very disrespectful storyline last season but this season has been amazing. Not the happiest but they've been given the screen time and much more care and effort has gone into them. I think it took the show to long to realise what an important part of the show they are
yes last season’s storyline felt disrespectful at the time mostly bc of the way conversations played out(?) like as someone that wasn’t totally against the idea of jack as the donor, its more so the way that he is centered in that storyline that irritates me, than him being involved.
but i also think now watching back its clear that this going back and forth on the same issues, is more out of the show not knowing where they were going and trying to stretch things out as long as possible, than homophobia. it does not make it better but understanding that it wasn’t intentional and rather the show going in over their heads with too many storylines and ending up pushing most back to s6 helps (ex. im convinced maya’s mental health storyline was meant for s5 as a way to deal with the captaincy but with st23 storylines new characters needing background stories and build up they just didn’t have time to do it justice)
now ive been watching st19 for two years, and greys anatomy for wayy longer, so whenever i see ppl disappointed in a certain ship not being given a ‘happy storyline for once’, i genuinely get confused bc anyone getting into a drama show by shondaland should know that ANY and EVERY ship WILL go through hell and (maybe get)back seasonly, and thats just how things are. marina’s story this season was absolutely brilliant and it really demonstrated they are the merder of station 19. thee main ship of the show, whether ppl like it or not, which is what is truly insane bc they are two women married to each other??? i just wow.
i dont think it took station 19 ‘too long to realize’ i just think they’ve been dealt with a shitty hand of cards one too many times tbh 😭 like s3 marina was not meant to go beyond a couple of episodes so it makes sense they would be mostly background. for s4 greys was dealing with covid which meant st19 had to deal with covid which meant marina would be rushed through things they shouldnt have rushed. for s5 again greys did a time jump so st19 needed to do a time jump too, and a couple married for almost a year in their late 30s like it or not is gonna talk about babies especially if they arent on the same page. then ofc 5b was a mess no excuses. finally s6 is the first time they weren’t dealing with a big time jump or smth so it makes sense they would finally be able to build on this couple the way they were supposed to from the start.
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
I think it would be a good fic to like put a spin on things that arent canon but I dont think the show will do it as they already did the addiction storyline with sullivan (although these writers clearly arent against reusing storylines) and I'm hoping maya gets diagnosed with a personality disorder or something like that but I could see it being a good fic for sure!
I agree, I don't think the show will make Maya an addict. Although I just remembered her scathing comments about Sullivan and Beckett during Carina's green card interview (which I dislike for so many reasons) and that would be another interesting spin on it. While I think her reliance on ibuprofen might play into her recovery, in terms of what it might have done to her stomach / liver / kidneys, I don't think it will be an full-on addiction storyline.
I don't know enough about personality disorders to comment on that one. I think it can be as simple as the effects of years of mental abuse at the hands of her father and the impact it has had on the way she sees the world. Seeing her break it all down and figure her shit out, to mend herself, her marriage and her relationships would be fascinating enough.
And we all know who we need to help her do that...
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crepuscollo · 2 years
the post before this (or the one before the before this) rlly made me think about who i am able to take my mask off with and who i cant.
i obviously thoughtlessly drifted to how it would be like to take off my mask with ash. thats when i realised he may be one of the only people if not literally the only person ive ever been fully comfortable with.
sure there’s the whole smart ass know it all thing he has going and his whole i like feeling rich thing and the twisted perspectives on some things. but away from that ive never been more myself than i was with him. ive never shared so much of myself either. i shared everything. all the dark sex fantasies, my big childhood secret, i never opened up ab my mum but thats bec of other things. i just felt like i could talk to him ab anth and say anth and it would be okay. im not saying other ppl necessarily judge me or i dont trust them or anything i just didnt feel okay telling them.
so yeah. it was really hard to get rejected (or atlst thats how i would put it) by the one person uve ever FULLY let ur guard down for. the one person who you told ur deepest darkest secret. the one person u were the most yourself with, couldnt even fucking be with you. didnt like you enough. im not even saying i liked him that much because i didnt. it was a lot more about me than him. ig its the way he makes me feel. so its him as well. but im talking about the rejection, here. it was hard to take not because i couldnt live without him, but because im really desperate for him to like me. i still am. i think about it a lot. idk why i can be myself around him and not other people. but it rlly fucking hurts that he rejected me. and not just that but after it all i could feel was him drifting and separating from me snd purposefully putting distance between us which ofc only made me think that he never rlly liked me and he finds me annoying and a pain in the ass. so thats even worse.
when i was crying and all that i wont say my feelings for him weren’t strong but they weren’t that strong. i was dealing with a lot; belal and my sister, post-hurghada stress, maya vs my sis, socially drained, physically drained, not well rested, still having to see family and friends so no break, my period lol, im on accutane. the list goes on for the amount of shit that was happening and duding hurghada the only thing i could think ab was getting back and telling him all about it and our late night calls. but no. he wasnt there. he said hed be there and he wasnt. and he doesnt try to be. and he doesnt care that he isnt. he just isnt. he just isnt here anymore. he suddenly decided that he isnt hete anymore. these arent trust issues babe, i got abandonment issues.
ch4, black, ash, sp1.
sp2 was complicated. blue was me letting my demons out on him bec i couldnt handle it.
anyway, its kind of bugging me that he thinks i was so swooned by him bec im so sure it fed his ego which is natural i guess but its not honest. i didnt really truly figure out how i felt till now. i miss him. his friendship. our calls. talking to him. about everything. i miss him a lot and ill never not miss him and i don’t necessarily like him romantically- a lot of it if not most of it is platonic- but he just doesnt enjoy my company, i guess. and thats the thing that hurts to make peace with. its almost impossible. bec i feel very strongly about him.
oh and my attachment to him was very emotional which is another reason why the parting was so intense for me. he opened more doors to me than anyone ever has. he is so special. but he made me really insecure. i feel unlovable and hopeless. like im just a talking stage, never more than that. even if they loved me or really strongly liked me- its never enough for more than just that. thats why i cant do this anymore. talk to guys and open up and this shit and then get hurt and abandoned again… i just cant do it.
ash told me please dont let me be a bad example of a guy or someone who hurt u and this whole thing … i told him yeah. sure. i let him have it. but theres no way he could have done what he did without hurting me (nvm he could be my friend lol but let me continue either way) bec nthn will change the fact eno i opened up to him and he left me still. he told me at one point en hes doing this too late but atlst he is doing it still. yeah. he got one thing right. it was most definitely too late.
its really crazy to me that the whole parting thing happened july 31 and august 1 but im coming to terms with how i felt and why i felt it and my emotions and feelings are only making sense on this not-so-random tuesday: november 1. (its technically monday, october 31st, but its almost 5am on tuesdsy soo). exactly 2 months. ha. ridiculous. i wish i could tell him tho. i wish i could tell him that i wasnt so sad bec i wanted him so badly and loved him snd wanted a rsp. he was just a good friend for me, and thats what broke my heart. and thats why hes a bad person, he did abandon me. he abandoned our friendship. thats all i wanted: a friend. he can say were “friends” and hes here or wtv but thats not the way it feels. it doesnt feel like hes here. it doesnt feel like he cares. this is why i cant forgive him. i shouldnt have to. he made promises that a frjend makes; before and after the parting; and he didnt live up to any of it. i guess a promise doesnt mean anything. trust doesnt mean anything. and affection and soft spots and caring fade away in one night and all our golden conversations and incredible talks and memories fade away as easily as a melting snowflake. nothing matters. not to him anyway. not me to him.
there are a few thoughts that got lost in there that i probably didnt chase fast enough to get them down but thats enough for now. i cant process any more unfinished business tonight. its 4:49am and im dreading studying math tomorrow, as always.
fuck. every time i think of majors and uni i think of ash. every good song or every song that manifests a colour reminds me of him. hes all i can think about. he is forever. and he doesnt deserve that. he lives in my mind, undeserving, invasive, unwanted, unrelenting, yet comfortable and gnawing away at my sanity.
i hate him
i hate him so so much
i hate him.
i cant say it enough
i cant fucking say it enough because i cant lose hope in the fact that if i say it enough, itll come true.
why cant he be easy to hate? like black.
he doesnt deserve my feelings and emotions. why did he have to open that door?
it was so hard to shut. and i never wanted to shut it in the first place. he shouldve handled it with more delicacy. more care. but no, lol, abandoned. again. i could make a poem of all the “agains”.
i need to sleep
i need my mind to rest
omg onw more rhing the best door he opened is my ability to write again like when i reread the jo ss a few weeks ago it made me realize how i was bstter at communicating advice snd comfort and those sorts of things and connectingwith things and he helped me see that i aint what i used to be snd i dont have as many feelings or thoights or deepnesd or intensity as i used to be because i pushed it all away, deep down. but its back, as u can see. i cant stop writing. i cant stop feeling. i cant stop thinking about him.
i cant stop looking for his face in crowds.
god i wish i could … idk… do i regret him? he made me feel intense and good emotions and everyth and helped me reslize a lot of things and i cant deny en he was a beyond good part of my summer but now when i look back at hurghada im like did these pics and vids drive him away and all i canthink is oh yeah she had no idea whatll happen in teo days and yeah it went from 0 to 100 so quick so idk if i regret it or not idk if it was worth it
also horny is easy to feel bec it feels good yet intense snd secretive its not like happiness but its still a good feeling which is odd excitement is supposed to be good bit its stressfull as well and it gnaws at u. horny is good and essy snd quick and even if u get it wrong so what nthn is affected. it cant go badly (even excitement can be stress) so yeah. horny is essy snd not complicated and thats why i like feeling a lot of it it doesnt let me feel empty and it elevates my mood at the same time.
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mobtism · 2 years
maya my friend maya fey for buniogi gbonin bingo ??
ask game
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I’m obsessed with their character arc
They got done dirty by the fans
They got done dirty by the creator/s
Wasted potential
The popular ships for this character suck
Not enough screen time
They’ve never done anything wrong in their life [heart emoticon]
My opinions would be relieved by most fans as akin to hitting a wasps nest with a baseball bat
i fucking LOVE maya fey with my whole heart, she is literally one of the best aa characters, but she is seriously just. not cared for enough by the creators, at least in the way i feel she should be. like i love her sibling dynamic w/ phoenix, and i do really love all the plot shit that goes on w/ her and her family, but she has the potential to be so much more. she has such huge potential to be her own character, and it makes me SO upset how after aa3 shes barely but a mention (until the. Unmentionable game aa6).
im killing all na/ru/ma/yo shippers with my bare hands. im not a fan of fr/an/ma/ya bc they just do not seem anything more than acquaintances w/ a few small moments btwn them (but if they met again later on & had more chemistry together, then my thoughts could change, but as it is? theres barely anything to grasp onto and it feels like a very forced ship). also i dont see this often but i also dont like maya & ema together at all bc like. mia & lana r together. so.
maya deserves more screentime after the trilogy + deserves for her character to be done Right. i highly wish she was developed more passed her family trauma, some issues that arent tied to her family (which her family stuff is still integral to her character! but she deserves more than that, considering how important of a character she is‼️‼️).
maya fey is treated as if her whole character is only important/useful when shes tied to a character dynamic (ie. phoenix & her family), and its completely wasted potential for her to not have development that is separate from her relationship to others.
HOWEVER. i do REALLY love all of her characterization when it does come to her family dynamics and such!!!! i think its all extremely well done & important to her character, because it is a huge part of who she is!!! she is devoted, and loyal, and caring!!! she puts others above herself, constantly!!!!! but!!!! she still deserves to be more!!!!! to find more within herself!!!! to be more than just a character who protects and takes on the burdens of others!!!! she deserves to find herself, to become her own self!!!!
i feel like being a maya ship hater is like hitting a hornets nest, but idc. she's not even her own character in canon, shes used as a device to further develop other characters instead of herself, and she has no canon time to be her own person. shipping her w/ someone feels, to me, like im repeating the same injustice that is done to her in canon. and so!
i know ive repeated myself a million times throughout this but tl;dr i love maya & her dynamic with others but she deserves to be more than just a tool to develop other characters, and deserves to be a more developed character outside her relationships with others.
ask game
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knivesrey · 4 years
Dnd thoughts again
#back at it again in the tags babes#Tuesday game: maya got Piety back. now the party has to fight a lich. maya is gonna go berserk#Maya has committed so many crimes and is now evil and the moment we get out of this maya is gonna get possessive af#not necessarily in a really bad way but its not gonna be great. shes not leaving Piety's side again#making it very clear that shes hers and anyone that hurts her will die.#friday game: Katarina is alive and Tweet doesn't know how to handle it. tweet just wants to free their family#they dont know the current status of ash roxy or arlo but they think ash might also be alive#also if they ever see alfyr again they'll fucking murder him#Saturday: airyn comforted quen over his death and pact tactics' inability to save a village#quen uses airyns signet ring which she gave to him at his resurrection to cast spells#this may be an issue when we get to the underdark but we'll figure it out when we get there#the slowburn enemies to friends to lovers is gonna be real strong fellas. rn weve just gotten to friends. weve been playing for over a year#sunday: carrion is a disaster and the whole party knows hes undead. instead of being weird about it they keep making jokes#hes like 'can anyone here speak to the dead?' and Samuels like 'im speaking to u arent i?'#now his name hits different#carrion is never gonna get a new virtue name oof its ok tho one day if we save the world itll be okay#we just gotta murder a minor deity. help#also i joined another game and im playing Sabrina bc i dont think Carrion will be dying any time soon so i cant use her on sunday#shes gonna be sooo fun i love my absolutely fucked up warlock girl#out of everyone she definitely has the most issues which is like... a hard thing to beat considering Maya and Carrion#thinking about what would happen if maya and carrion ever met#i think theyd be good friends. maya is like 'ill kill everyone to keep piety safe' and Carrion is like 'cant relate anymore but i get it'#Carrion like 'i lost my chance at a hero's afterlife in order to have the slightest possibility of saving the world and i might never die#and all my friends will die before me if this works and the only people who will stick around will be Puriel and Rascal' and maya#she would be like 'oh i respect that'
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piratejenna · 3 years
You Have Zero Messages
A/N: Inspired by @wumbsie ‘s amazing comic. link in replies
Summary: Maggey's trial is over, and Phoenix has his phone back. The physical thing at least. The contents of his phone, however, are a different story.
“It must have glitched because all the numbers just magically disappeared!”
“Hi! You’ve reached the voicemail of Phoenix Wright! Sorry I can’t answer, but leave me your number and-- wait name and number and-- hold on, did it just bee--”
Voicemail message: April 12, 2014
“Niiiiiiick!! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you had to go to the hospital! Or that your trial was over! Anyway I’m heading over to your dorm right now. I know you’re there, and if you don’t let me in, I’m climbing through the window. No locking yourself in your room for weeks. Get whatever snacks and blankets you have. I’m grabbing smoothies and that creamy potato soup you like. Wait, can you drink through a straw… I’ll grab something else to drink too. You still haven’t seen that new Kathrine Hall movie yet, right?”
Text conversation: September 21, 2015
Phoenix: grabbing some coffee
Phoenix: any requests?
Chief: medium chai tea latte extra cinnamon
Phoenix: fancy
Chief: good taste comes with experience
Phoenix: and a bigger paycheck?
Chief: oh if only the world were so kind
Voicemail message: December 15, 2015
“Phoenix, sorry I missed you, but I wanted to remind you that you are going to do great. You’ve been studying like crazy. It would take a natural disaster to make you fail. And no, I didn’t jinx it. Just relax. You’ll do great. Stop by the office when you’re done and we’ll grab something to eat, ok?”
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Phoenix stands on the courthouse steps. His signature blue suit still has creases from lack of wear. His grin is almost as bright as the light glinting off his shiny new attorney’s badge, which he angles towards the camera. Standing next to him is Mia, smiling proudly.
Voicemail message: August 7, 2016
“Phoenix dear, your grandfather and I were cleaning out the closet, and he found a box of photographs from when you were in elementary school. I’m not sure if you want them, but I’ll hold on to them just in case. I hope you can visit soon.”
Text conversation: October 29, 2016
Phoenix: what did you do to my phone
Maya: you're gonna have to be more specific
Phoenix: maya
Maya: we aren't all ancient like you. i know how to do a lot of things on a phone
Phoenix: the ring tone
Maya: what about it?
Phoenix: i know you changed it
Maya: :O
Maya: moi?
Maya: what ever would make you say that?
Phoenix: maybe because its the song from that show you were watching
Maya: nick!
Maya: you defended will powers in court! you should remember the name of his show!
Phoenix: how do i change it back?
Maya: say the name
Phoenix: maya!
Maya: nicholas!
Phoenix: i dont remember ok
Maya: what a shame
Maya: besides, i’m legally obligated not to allow you to use the stupid default ringtone
Maya: they’ll take my badge
Phoenix: what badge
Maya: wouldn’t you like to know
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In the defendant’s lobby, Phoenix, Larry, Maya, Gumshoe, and Edgeworth stand in a group. Maya holds a sign that says “victory” while Gumshoe throws confetti over the group. There’s an odd blur on the left side of the picture that bears an uncanny resemblance to Mia.
Text conversation: January 27, 2017
Phoenix: 10 min running late 
Edgeworth: Ten minutes what? Until you arrive?
Phoenix: uh yeah?
Edgeworth: Then why did you not say that clearly?
Larry: cmon edgy. you know nick’s phone is a dinosaur. it would be cruel to expect him to type full sentences.
Phoenix: rude
Edgeworth: I don’t see why the possibility of cruelty should dissuade me.
Phoenix: RUDE
Phoenix: your just typing that way to mock me arent you
Edgeworth: perhaps
Larry: :O
Phoenix: my phone is perfectly functional AND indestructible
Edgeworth: That seems highly unlikely.
Larry: yeah dude
Larry: you really want me to test that?
Phoenix: as if I havent myself
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Edgeworth and Larry are sitting in a dim restaurant, across the table from the camera. Larry has a huge smile and an arm slung around Edgeworth’s shoulder. While Edgeworth is glaring at Larry, a keen eye can tell it’s a friendly glare.
Voicemail message: February 24, 2017
"Wright, bring Ms. Skye back to my office in the next few hours. I need to review her statement, and I’m given to understand she’s been following you around all day. Room 1202. If you can’t find the sign, just look for the ‘stuck-up’ office.”
Text conversation: March 2, 2017
Ema: so I feel like I didn’t really get to say this but
Ema: thank you for everything
Ema: I know I was looking for ms fey but it really means a lot that you decided to help me even when Lana didn’t want help
Ema: I never got to meet ms fey and I know Lana said some mean things, but I think you were an amazing lawyer and I wouldn’t change asking you, even if I could have found someone else
Ema: I’ll try to stay in touch but time zones
Phoenix: thanks
Phoenix: could do without that last bit
Phoenix: and do check in
Phoenix: tell me all about your skyentific studies
Ema: scientific
Ema: also I’m stealing that
Text conversation: November 15, 2013
Phoenix: this law class is kicking my butt
Phoenix: why am I doing this again?
Dollie: because you love a challenge?
Phoenix: really? doesnt sound like me
Dollie: oh I remember
Dollie: because you really super duper care about the law
Dollie: like so much
Phoenix: uh
Dollie: so much you never even jaywalk
Dollie: or pirate movies
Dollie: or download the entire broadway cast album of the legally blonde musical
Phoenix: theres still time to drop classes right?
Dollie: lol
Dollie: or maybe because you care so much about someone that you would do anything to help them?
Dollie: that’s the one
Phoenix: well when you put it like that
Phoenix: kinda sounds like I have to keep caring about this class
Dollie: happy to help
Dollie: but I know you would without me reminding you
Dollie: because you’re Phoenix Wright and you are going to use that enormous heart inside you to change the world
“It must have glitched because all the numbers just magically disappeared!”
  “You have reached the voicemail box of  555-0112.  At the tone, record your message…”
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minamotoz · 2 years
next class thoughts as i rewatch season 1
• #bootycall is an atrocious series opener im sorry
• everyone acting like zig playing guitar is the weirdest thing in the world is so ???? maybe if they listened to 'be my someone' by whisperhug they would understand
• tristan trying to market himself as degrassis first gay student council president makes me want to cry. HOW DARE YOU STAND WHERE MARCO ONCE STOOD
• miles hollingsworth is a gift to mankind
• this whole storyline where shay and lola become concerned with frankies mental health bc she got highlights is hilarious
• "you dyed your hair...we thought you might....kill youself." brilliant writing
• i hate jonah but frankie crying and venting to him while hes like 'ok😐 idc😐 can you get out 😐' IS SO FUNNY
• miles going on this fake deep 'NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS IF THEY ARENT POSITIVE' rant ...king of mental health awareness
• love how the rubber room kids are suddenly allowed in normal classes and are the cool kids after being portrayed as delinquents for two whole seasons... and how the rubber room has ceased to exist just like the gifted program
• esme song and hunter hollingsworth my unhinged beloveds
• "mood killer" "im about to be a serial killer" i like grace sometimes
• maya 'horny on main' matlin
• i love my girl maya but her dunking that assholes phone in a drink was not the serve she thought it was
• miles and esme are such obnoxious assholes and i love it
• whisperhug reference? in MY degrassi next class??????
• this season is so fun but absolutely terrible for anyone coming into the show blind, almost all of the characters come off as insanely unlikeable
(more under the cut)
• everytime lolas family restaurant shows up i just think of "wait, if all the food here is mexican, what makes this place argentinian?" "me, obviously"
• god the maya feminism plotline is SOOO on the nose
• me listening to not okay: damn i wish i was listening to black or white right now
• damn tiny moves FAST
• winston my bestie you deserved way more screen-time
• i think people who hate esme just hate fun but thats just my opinion
• zig and tiny being mens rights activists im crying..... tiny i will save u...... zig you can die
• lolas masturbation plotline is so fun especially in comparison to the bleakness of miles drug addiction plot and the on the nose-ness of mayas feminism plot
• zig being personally offended that maya identifies as a feminist is SO funny im sorry
• i know i just said that miles' drug storyline is bleak as shit but him being high out of his mind and chanting 'LETS GO HUNTER' is so funny
• miles and esme popping pills in class theyre literally insane... this show is so camp
• im sorry i love the freaky little gamers so much
• love how hunter uses the word 'populars' in place of 'normie' because the degrassi writers were too afraid of actually writing hunter as a 4channer
• goldi is written as such a strawman im so sorry queen.....,
• hunter making some good points immediately followed up by him being insanely racist is so fucking funny
• im a zasha stan but oh my god the way they murdered gracevas in one singular episode is insulting
• "AM I HOTTER THAN JONAH? BE HONEST" never stop being zig novak, zig novak
• speaking of which have i mentioned how insufferable jonah is because god he sucks
• "youre not welcome here" "ooooh role reversal, fun!" ESME SONG I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU
• eric osborne was eating up every other mf in that cast
• as someone who really liked the zoë/zig dynamic in TNG, the whole 'having sex to get back at grace/maya' thing makes me want to die fr
• esme pulling the 'YOUR LIFE IS SHIT AND YOURE NOTHING WITHOUT ME' shit when miles tells her he wants to recover from his addiction... shes so manipulative but i cant hate her
• baaz vijay and yael i can fix u!!!!! i will save you from the grasp of hunter hollingsworth i prommy
• frankston is actually really cute this season if only frankie wasnt obsessed with JONAH
• the look of the school is so bizarre bc its the same building but everything looks so WEIRD its so uncanny valley
• ok, rape and death threats on twitter i can believe, but mayas address being leaked on REDDIT??????? im literally never getting over this its so funny. just make a fake kiwifarms if you wanted to make a plot about online harassment and doxing like KF existed in 2016
• miles hollingsworths back must HURT from carrying the shit out of this season
• "YOURE GOING TO DIE" i know i shouldnt think this but this storyline is so funny
• jankie is a pathetic excuse for enemies to lovers like holy shit
• i really wish we got to see a smidge of the gamers friendship dynamic this season though bc the way theyre written it just feels like the other 3 are clinging to hunter bc they have no one else while hunter gets them to help with his dumb revenge scheme. idk i wish their friend group in general was more fleshed out and less hunter-centric bc baaz yael and vijay just feel like non characters
• have i mentioned how much i love esme like omg shes such a piece of shit and its amazing
• that short little scene where hunter and baaz are tweeting more gross shit at maya and baaz is like 'ADD HASHTAG JUST SAYING' oh my god this is hilarious
• once again i love baaz yael and vijay they r so spoingy goingy <3 i love hunter but he can choke
• none of the gamer kids are threatening because theyre all like 15 lmaoooo
• winston and miles are actually boyfriends i cant believe this
• zig novak i hope you die
• noooooo hunter dont do it dont pull a rick murray nooooooooooooo definitely dont shoot zig nooo
• comparing the lockdown in #sorrynotsorry to the lockdown in all falls down is like night and day lmao
• "he was there. he was easy" "what do you mean easy?" she means zig novak is a whore maya
• miles and hunter :( :( :( :(
• tears, zig? didn't expect to s-[GUNSHOT]
• baaz x shay is my new favorite crack ship
• spencer macpherson and eric osborne kings of acting yassss
• wrapup thoughts: this season is so camp tbh. like it sucks a lot and i hate that this is what people think of when NC is brought up because NC 3 and 4 are really really good and dont get the attention they deserve bc NC1 and 2 are so bad but its still a fun season! miles esme and hunter are always extremely fun to watch, but the excessive screentime given to zig, maya (i love her but none of the storylines shes given do her justice), tristan, frankie and jonah makes it a lot worse. anyways im gonna go rewatch season 10 for the 10000th time
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vivinightingale · 3 years
borderlands krieg , maya roland, and sir hammerlocke react to you being gay and or bisexual
Okay okay I'll do both ,but I'll do them into two separate parts! Coming out to them as Bi will be the next one up!
Part 2 here!
Coming out as Gay to Krieg, Maya, Roland, and Sir Hammerlocke!
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It well know that there are two sides to this man. One sane,calculated, and desperate to be himself again. The other a psycho who has a tendency to yell "POOP TRAIN" on the top of his lungs.
So when you first come out to him he isn't sure how to process it at first. His sane half felt pride that you trusted him enough to tell him.
He wanted to congratulate you, tell you how happy he was for you, but the only thing that the psycho mustered was "MEAT FOR THE MEAT TRAIN!" and a slight clap of his hands.
You somehow knew what he meant and smiled at him anyway
The dynamic between you two didn't change much. In his own psychotic way he supports you in way he can.
Some asshole call you names?? Head meet axe. Being treated unfairly because your sexuality?? Well guess their soul wasn't eaten by krieg.
You: "Thanks for helping me out there Krieg"
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She knew before you did. Don't ask her how cause she wont tell you, but she knew.
She is still Hella happy that trusted her enough to come out to her. She will 100% hug you.
She will not hesitate to take you for drink not long after. don't worry its on her this time.
Moxie will set out the hard stuff for the two of you knowing its some sort of occasion.
Let me tell you if you are in to make-up she loves getting together with you to practice. She doesn't get to practice often and having somewhere there to help is amazing to her.
She will also the beat the ass of ANYONE who tries to belittle you. She once started a bar fight cause someone thought it was funny to call terrible names.
You: "YEAH!"
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the softest smile you have ever seen graces his face when to tell him. he felt honored that you would tell him.
Now this can one of two ways. If you both have feelings for each other with a flushed face he would ask if you like to go to dinner as a date.
If you didn't like each other that way he place a hand on you shoulder and tells you if anyone gives you problems tell him he will handle it.
If the two of you are dating he will be easier on you, and try not to send you on the nastier missions. he also likes having you around it makes feel less rigid.
If you aren't then he wont treat you any differently, you are his good friend and he doesnt want things to feel differently.
Roland: "You are precious to me, and i dont know what i would do without you."
You: "I-Im just going to see Zed..."
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.he gives you big smile, and a big pat on the back. He is ecstatic that he isnt alone any more.
like Roland this could two ways if your interested in each other he would take your hands in his own and ask you in his dramatic way if you would like to go on a date
if you arent then he would order a few drink rounds the go out hunting together just enjoying each others company.
Honestly it doesnt matter which it is he will always going hunting with you. He loves experiencing these wonders with you.
He isnt much a fighter but he wont hesitate to knock a dastard out for talking down on you
Hammerlock: "You would like to try that again?"
You: "come one love trash isnt worth our time."
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robinrequiems · 3 years
ok BUT consider this,genderbend damijon and normal damijon meet,both dames don't like each other,the Jon's love it though,it's like having a twin
• the genderbends go to damian and jons world, I just saw the genderbends are from earth-11, but instead of everyone is genderbent, it’s just the supersons
• damian and dami were the ones who saw each other first, there was a security breech and Damian got there first and immediately attacked dami since dami threw a birdarang at him
• jon had heard damians heart beat race. so he immediately went to where he was and saw two robins fighting while a super was trying to coerce them to stop
• josie just waved at jon, and he waved back
Josie: hey!
Jon: hi- uhh.. who’re you
Josie: supergirl.. who’re you?
Jon: superboy..
Josie: oh my god- robin!
Jon: hey, Robin- get off her, come here
• jon and josie get their robins off each other and are hugging them tightly from behind
Damian: who are you, cockroach
Dami: cockroach??
Josie: this is Robin
Damian: ugh, reminds me of the robin wars all over again
Jon: be nice
Josie: i don’t think we’re from here.. but this place looks like ours- we’re in the fortress right?
Jon: yeah.. the fortress of
Jon and Josie: attitude! Jinx! Double jinx! Krypto!
Damian: my gods, shut up.. what earth are you from?
Dami: earth-11
Damian: earth 1.
Josie: if I let you go; will you be calm?
Dami: I’m not feral
Damian: sure seems like—
Jon, places hand on his face: sorry, he’s moody today
Josie: don’t worry- my Robin is the same way! but I’m Josie
Dami: we shouldn’t give our identities out, you idiot-
Jon: jon!
Damian: mmmabsour!
Jon; removes hand: this is Damian
Damian: asshole!
Josie: this is Dami! my beloved girlfriend!
Dami: ohmygod.
Jon: you two are dating..?
Damian: let go of me, I need to go contact batman
Josie: uh yeah, you two arent?
Jon: err.. complicated
Dami: tt. complicated
• damian just went off and went to the super computer and began typing out a message to batman, hoping he was still on earth
• jon was blushing red, Dami found it funny, it’s how Josie was when Josie asked her out. but dami also knows how she was when they were dancing around each other, awkward and easily angered. Also. blushing hard. Which her counterpart was doing
Josie: hey, do you have any spare clothes? and a shower, we just had a fight in the sewers.. and I smell and dami does too
Dami: hey!
Jon: yeah! dames, I’ll be back!
Damian: whatever.
• damian was. very. overwhelmed. dating. those two were dating. Damian had a very big crush on jon, and jon did too, but each time they tried to talk about it? it was hard.. they always got interrupted or Damian just ran away
• dami tried to run away, but Josie didn’t let her
• damian and jon haven’t dated anyone ever since their feelings became known when Damian got hit with fear toxin and accidentslly blurted out his feelings and let it be known that his biggest fear was failing jon. maybe future tim got into his head that one time a lot. and then Damian just said that he liked jon a lot and didn’t want to lose him
• dami and josie confessed when Josie came back from her space adventure. Josie went off for a few weeks, and came back damis age. Dami hugged Josie as soon as she came back, Josie confessed her feelings and dami tried to run away, but Josie didn’t let her. Josie heard her heartbeat, saw how she was flustered, and took a leap of faith and kissed her
Josie: ohmyrao
Dami: do it again
• but jon and Damian were a different story, they are the same age, jon never left, but this.. was different, alright? they have known each other for years.. Damian didn’t want to lose his truly first best friend. but jon was always there. even when Damian kept running away. Jon wants to stop him, but he doesn’t want to.. overwhelm Damian? Damian runs away to collect himself, jon doesn’t want to lose damian, but jon knows they have to talk. and they will. hopefully.
• josie and dami got changed into their counterparts clothes, Josie cooing at Dami and calling her cute while Dami just glared.
• there are some differences to the counterparts. Dami used a bo-staff, Damian used a sword. Dami is trying to separate herself from her assassin last while Damian is trying to grow from it
• jon and josie have different suits, but they are older in this abd it’s not the jeans, imagine one of jons new superman outfits but.. better and here’s josies: I got onto injustice 2 just to do this:))
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• I know I said no skirt.. but it’s pretty -
• in the fortress, goliath was there just sleeping since Maya was out of the country doing stuff and suren
Damian: fathers being useless and isn’t responding
Jon: well we can have fun then!
• jon and josie wanted to have a race and Damian and dami had to watch. Dami speaks to Damian
Dami: why haven’t you manned up?
Damian: huh?
Dami: why aren’t you two dating, idiot
Damian: why’s it why of your business?
Dami: I’m a curious person, surely you understand that. answer the question
Damian: what if he declines
Dami: he won’t, have you not seen the way he looks at you, he’d say yes. hes not gonna leave you either
Damian: what if he dies?
Dami: what if he doesn’t
Damian: ugh.
Dami: if you get stuck in your head, you might lose him without even seeing what could happen. you know the complications of our stupid lives, just take a leap of faith.
• it’s so stupid that his own self is giving him a prep talk
Damian: you sound like a mix of richard and stephanie
Dami: they taught me how to express my emotions and gave me hope
Damian: “there’s room in our line of work for hope” stephanie is way too into inspirational quotes
Dami: but we love her?
Damian: sometimes unfortunately
• meanwhile josie and jon talk before the race
Josie: we both know how our D’s are just.. uhh bad at emotions sometimes. Your D won’t make the first move, mine didn’t either. but he likes you
Jon: i know he does, but it’s just sometimes difficult with him. I love him, yknow?
Josie: I love my D, I think she’s the only reason why I survived those years in space. You gotta make your move. If I win; you make your move, got it?
Jon: as if you’ll win
Josie, fist bumping jon and grinning: bring it on, twin!
• they tie. but batman got in contact with the JL and cyborg has come to make a boom tube to earth-11 for the superdaughters
Damian: hope you never come back
Dami: hope I never do too, you suck
Josie: see ya’! It’s been fun!
Jon: it has! hope this doesn’t happen again!
• the girls leave, leaving jon and Damian alone. Jon wanted to confess, but Damian looks tired
• not yet. but soon
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If you haven't already, could you expand more on the "Asuka's a lesbian" theory? I've seen people say it and I think it seems reasonable, but I haven't found anyone actually explain their thought process.
calling it a theory makes it seem a little more serious than it is, i think. more or less its just that a lot of asuka’s characterization resonates with the experiences of gay women (which i am using broadly, tho i do specifically think asuka is a lesbian), especially in regards to alienation from womanhood/women and compulsive heterosexuality. 
 basically, she exhibits literally no genuine affection for men but feels like she has to imitate heterosexuality (ie kissing shinji), she chooses kaji as a man to fixate on bc he is inherently unavailable, rejects all of the boys at her school and leaves her date early bc she can’t simulate interest in them, and mentions a few times how the idea of being in a relationship or having sex with a man disgusts and disturbs her. the only person she is even remotely close to is hikari and, emotionally, really the only person who seems to have an understanding of her and vice versa is rei (who she has a kind of classic baby gay obsession-rivalry thing with, which i will talk about in my eventual asuka/rei post lol). these are all things that mirror the actual experiences of young wlw p closely, which is why hc-ing asuka as a lesbian is popular. 
probably this kind of thing is more difficult for non-wlw to understand bc there isnt the sort of obvious gesturing to same sex attraction like w maya or kaworu or w/e. even though, for me, asuka is a much more accurate depiction of my experiences as a lesbian than maya. but if youre not a gay woman youre probably not well versed in their experiences and commonalities beyond like.....being attracted to girls--for a lot of reasons, obvi, one of which being that gay women arent often depicted in realistic ways so like.... how would you know what actions/emotions are signals or flags. 
then again, of course, how many ‘true lives of real and nonsexy lesbians’ stories is any given cishet person (and, to a point, non-wlw people in general) really intaking--esp w the goal of gaining this understanding so that you can approach media with an actual metric for judging whether or not a character may be gay without them having to be like ‘i literally love women/men’ (and even then like... look at fucking kaworu). im not kind enough to really give people the benefit of the doubt, i guess, but either way the difficulty in this kind of thing is that it’s all based in reading actions and expressions that feel inherent to the gay experience as therefore representative of gayness. and also being willing to accept the presence of gayness as something not necessitating textual confirmation--which is, for way too many fucking people, where the problem lies. 
its a bit of a dead horse but really the idea of like having to prove a sexuality for a character who has no stated sexuality is rooted in the presumption of heterosexuality as not only a neutral category but an inherent one. like, if we are to remove something from the default set there needs to be a given reason and evidence, a detailed claim of divergence, and what counts as acceptable is ever shifting and impossible. there isnt a like....homosexual scientific method or kinsey scale conditional proof system and, even if there was, people probably still wouldn’t believe it. 
basically what im trying to say is that if a lot of lesbians say ‘i think this character is a lesbian’ it might be best to just believe them. 
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mattelektras · 3 years
Miss jessie can i get a ranking of every daredevil ship you know about please this is for science
this is like that king henry the 8th's wives rhyme. died, impaled, thrown out a window, killed themselves, came back from the dead, survived, also impaled, survived, forgotten about, survived
objectively. mattfoggy. heterosexually gay married where matt doesnt realise its actually gay gay married. best friends and lovers, college relationship, bickering, what dont they have
subjectively. mattelektra. the crowd gasps
mattkirsten. they have a lot of mattfoggy elements but kirsten is a lot more forward which i love. matt's equal in law, completely a civilian but doesnt shy away from superhero shit, and you never feel like she's in danger of dying daredevil girlfriend style
matt/nyla. underrated daredevil women my belovedddddddd. she's perfect for matt when he's more of a mixture of daredevil and normal person without being daredevil. she's a supporter of his boxing, does thievery (very sexy). she's also suffered w homelessness and is partially deaf
matt/nat. i feel bad putting them so low because i love mattnat but their time together in ye olden days could be very detrimental to nat and did the Sexy Lady Speak Russian To Me way to often. i think if there were a more modern take on their relationship theyd be great. i think the time it was written lets it down. very hard to believe that matt would be put off by nat being independent and self confident. also i find it incredibly funny that they put nat in daredevil vol 1 to save the book. where would matt be without the women in his life? cancelled!!!
maya/matt. another weirdly low one considering how much i love them matt/natt and maya/matt tie probably??? i think i just love them separately more?? and i feel like at this point, maya has grown past matt and her feelings for him??? because although they were legit, they were very.. infatuation esque?? and maya did a lot of learning about herself and reevaluating what she believes after dd v2 and she's a very different person now that we havent seen in a romantic situation w matt??? which would be very interesting but i honestly wouldnt know what to expect
matt/peter. peak superhero romance. what people wish peter/deadpool was. sorry for your loss x
milla/matt. milla honey.......... they happened so fast and im not sure it was entirely legitimate??? on either of their behalfs??? matt is very knee jerky in his reactions and sometimes thinks whatever he's feeling at that moment is what he'll feel for the rest of his life. hence the marriage circa the murdock papers. and milla was very sweet and naive in what she was getting into. and she suffered for it in a very uniquely shitty way. but they were very cute and puppy lovey
matt/dakota. we just never got anywhere with them!!! matt was distracted being sexy and evil which is understandable. i liked her a lot though
matt/glorianna. writers straight up forgot this girl existed. i think matt actually forgot she existed to. she'd just fuckin disappear for issues and then 5 months later youd be like oh. glorianna right. matt then got mad when foggy and her dated and felt betrayed by them both and it was like. you werent boyfriend of the year my man. she was part of a Matt Gets His Sight Back story which i hate and then she got thrown out of a window and died??? rip. not a single good daredevil story happened with glorianna in
mattkaren. matt just dated her because she was there. she had NO personality traits outside of being a cute secretary and suffering and it just went on for so long to the point where it became horrible to watch. karen was being treated like shit and matt wasnt happy and then she died
matt/heather. they were kind of.... toxic and matt was kind of a dick to her at times when she was a completely normal girl at odds with her father's death and business and then finding out matt was daredevil and was involved in the whole company downfall thing. foggy and nat actually faked letters from them to one another breaking them up because they were the only people smart enough to be like. this isnt it honey. they didnt even break up. she called matt drunk and miserable which he didnt think he ought to do something about and then she killed herself afterwards so. of all the things matt feels guilty about that literally arent his fault.... this is one i think he should probably feel worse about
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