#which will be this in mousepad form
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when you
when you bird
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unpretty · 2 months
Hello! I am the tumblr anon who keeps getting you stuff from your wishlists. i was having a horrid day, went to your throne selfishly to see if you had anything that would cheer me up, then realized that i couldn't think of anything to buy for myself that i wanted, so i settled on buying stuff for an internet stranger that they wanted, hoping that at least that might make things in the world somewhat brighter. hope it worked!
i was actually going to post about my throne wishlist ONCE AGAIN getting cleared out, because my stuff got here
and while throne alerted me to the fact that i would soon be receiving many novelty beverages to drink while listening to a podcast about alex jones, i did NOT realize there were also AMAZON WISHLIST ITEMS
so now my desk at work finally has a matching pink cat paw mousepad, and i have a little cold roller for my aching feets, and a special serum distributor to distribute serums on my scalp. i don't actually have any serums right now so i cannot review it but now that i have a special thing i'm gonna invest in some serums.
here are my reviews thus far of NOVELTY BEVERAGES, which you did not ask for but i'm doing it anyway
so i added an olipop sampler to my throne wishlist because i was intrigued but wary. they have a health angle and stevia so it seemed like it would taste bad. but i liked their design and also i didn't mind the stevia in that apple pie tea, so i thought maybe i got over my stevia thing
olipop cream soda: this was a bad one to try first because the flavor profile of a traditional cream soda is mostly sugar. it's just vanilla sugar, carbonated. so a sugar-free version is very stevia-forward. there's not enough other flavor to overpower the weird mouthfeel. i can drink it but it needs to be chilled and sipped in small amounts, maybe in a fancy glass.
olipop root beer: tbh i may have been wrong about the cream soda because this one also had weird overpowering Something flavor. i assume it's the stevia but maybe it's their proprietary blend of plant fibers, which is a weird thing to flex about your soda having. as a sarsaparilla and birch beer enjoyer, i like more bite than a standard root beer, and this has less. you'd think with their branding they'd be able to really lean hard on MEDICINAL ROOT FLAVORS but instead they chickened out and made it so mild it's barely different from the cream soda.
i haven't tried the other olipop flavors yet, but will report back with my findings
i also got a wild bill's craft soda sampler because. it looked good. and i was right. also now they keep sending me emails like YEEHAW PARDNER THANKS FOR BUYING OUR PRODUCT HOWDY GIDDY UP
wild bill's strawberry cream soda: it's so good. you can tell it's bad for you. the strawberry flavor is powerful and candy-like. it's like one of those crunchy grandma strawberry hard candies, in drink form.
wild bill's rocket pop soda: literally tastes like a melted popsicle got carbonated. it's everything i dreamed. i cannot possible afford to drink this regularly but i want to.
i haven't tried grape or orange cream yet but i'm guessing they'll be good. their website says they have a ring pop flavor now and i wanna try it so bad.
i'm also very excited to try the hot cocoa when it gets here, and to have more of the tasty beef jerky :3
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Cute chubby warm little reader with her disgusting incel bf Ajax :(( Ajax is always admiring her perfect chubby thighs, cute tummy and big breasts:((( he just can't help himself she's just SO cute always greeting him with a smile and excitement and even doing little jumps when extra happy<3 or maybe even incel bf with her she's just so sweet and innocent yk! So polite, sweet and well trained :(( she'd make such a cute little house wife for him not having to worry about anying from money to what's happening around her :(((
hehehe anon u know EXACTLY what i crave what i desire <33 yucky icky incel childe and his cute soft lil gf he foams at the mouth over <3 bee tee dubs, i don’t rlly have rules n such!! ppl can send me whatever whenever n i’ll probably respond at some point maybe!! i have month old things in ma inbox n drafts whoopsies!! but i was quick with urs bc incel childe <3 ^u^ blurb btc!!
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Ajax is… slimy. gross. greasy. he’s what most would turn their noses up at but you didn’t. it almost felt as though you pitied him with the way your already doe eyes softened towards him. he knew you let him into your heart and that should’ve been enough but… he had to stay there. had to carve out an Ajax shaped hole to rest for eternity. you were his most beloved and to let you go was a crime, one only punishable by death.
your hands are soft, he notes. softer than his boobie mousepad, softer than his body pillows, softer than… other things. Ajax wants to hold them forever. he adores when you cling to him, wrap yourself around his hand or arm, and stay there like it’s your home. he thinks it’s just adorable the way you giggle and smile up at him, swaying around and chattering away about something that he isn’t listening to because god you look so kissable right now. he wants to kiss you until you’ve both passed out from lack of air and love shared. your lips belong against him in all sorts of ways but right now they should be on his own though, he can’t bring himself to end whatever rant your on for it would stop the sweet melody of your voice. Ajax comforts himself saying he’ll have plenty other chances to kiss you.
he spoils you to bits. his sweet girl is fawning over a little trinket or a new dress? consider it yours! any money spent is worth it to see the happy claps and bounces you respond with and that adorable smile on your face. he’d run his bank account dry, which is nearly impossible, if it equated to seeing your joy.
and oh, your body. he’d love you in any form but your squish tummy and tits? good luck prying his hands from you, you’ll need the jaws of life to get out. Ajax adores being able to nap on your just as squishy thighs while kneading your stomach and breasts like a cat. you’re his own personal stress ball!
Ajax adores his sweet little wifey. he’d go to the end of the universe and back should you request it. <3
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rashoumon-homo · 4 months
"You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid." - SKK Valentine's Week Day 2
Prompts used: Camellias | Floral Troubles | “You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
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The cubicle Dazai was paid to sit in from 9-5 every weekday was in a cluster of identical cubicles, of which there were a dozen or so clusters on his floor– floor eight of twenty-something in the particular office building he worked at. His desk held his computer, his plain blue mousepad, a pad of sticky notes, and a cheap, dime-a-dozen ballpoint pen. If he had it his way, the three and a half flimsy gray walls he was surrounded by for the majority of his time on earth would be decorated with photos, artwork, or at least a wall calendar. But, as outlined in the employee manual shoved deep in his desk drawer, “Alteration or decoration of your assigned workspace is strictly prohibited.” In his first year working at the company, he’d made the mistake of hanging a mini wall calendar– each month displaying a picture of a rare flower along with fun facts about it. His boss had assured him he wasn’t in trouble, necessarily, just that he should consider their meeting a verbal warning and that he would do well to re-read the manual to avoid further issues. And, of course, remove the calendar from his cubicle. Immediately. 
His only solace from the monotony of work was coming home every evening to work on his garden. He’d spent years gathering an impressive collection of rare and interesting plants which now filled every available space in his backyard. Each one required specialized care, the details of which he’d memorized along with every interesting fact there was to be learned about them. The overall look of his garden was, well, complete chaos. The colors and styles clashed ridiculously, and since he rarely planned out the layout of the outdoor space before bringing home a new plant, they were gathered in random clusters with absolutely no organization in mind. It was his personal heaven. Personality oozed from every square inch of the space; a complete contrast to his sterile work environment. It was here that he could truly express himself. 
The sound of a car pulling into the driveway next door put a damper on his mood only slightly. He and his neighbor had only one thing in common: a love for gardening. After that, the similarities ended. While Dazai’s garden was a sanctuary of personality and intrigue, his neighbor’s was as boring and flavorless as it could get. The rose bushes were meticulously groomed to the shape of perfect cubes, all set in rows that reminded Dazai of the cubicles at work. The colors of the roses in each bush formed a gradient, with each manicured block hosting a slightly lighter shade. It was disgusting how perfectly the garden conformed to the “ideal” suburban look. Honestly, who was he trying to impress with all that?
Meanwhile, next door, all Chuuya wanted was to get out of his scrubs and take a long, long shower. He’d been on shift for 12 hours at the emergency room, one of the busier days he’d seen. The whole day was just a constant influx of patients, and as the charge nurse, he was expected to direct all of that. Not to mention they’d had a teen admitted who was badly injured in a car crash— he ended up passing away during treatment. 
In his line of work, everything was constantly chaotic and out of his control. Even with his best efforts, he failed to save patients from time to time. A job as stressful as his would be unmanageable without some kind of escape, so he’d thrown himself into gardening shortly after taking the job at the ER. He’d come to love the meditative, repetitive actions involved in growing and pruning his roses. It was something he could control— the effort he put into their care had a direct effect on how they looked. On the harder days (like this one), even a quick glance at his garden was enough to boost his spirits a little. 
Chuuya dropped his keys and his bag heavily inside the door. One quick look at the garden and some deep breaths, then he’d head up to shower. But when he opened the blinds over the kitchen sink, he saw something that made his blood boil. 
He stormed outside and crouched by the rose bush to look closer at the offending item. It was a camellia, red and stubborn, rooted firmly in the dirt next to the path. He ripped it from the ground and stood up, trying to calm his breathing. This was fine. It was just one weed amidst a garden of hard work. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. 
But then he spotted another, just a few feet away. This one was younger, barely a bud. He let his eyes roam over the garden and was infuriated to find camellias everywhere. Fully bloomed, tightly coiled buds, and sprouts alike; all over his sanctuary. 
The sound of a plastic container being opened drew his attention to the backyard next door. Dazai stood near the fence, feeding his Venus fly trap dead flies with a pair of forceps. 
“You!” Chuuya hissed, marching over to the fence. 
Dazai glanced up, surprised. “What are you wearing..?” he asked. 
“Hah? I’m a nurse, dumbass. We’ve been neighbors for years, how did you not know that?”
Dazai shrugged and fed the plant another fly. 
“What the fuck is this?” Chuuya demanded, shoving the camellia in his fist across the fence. 
Dazai wrinkled his nose. “How should I know? I don’t plant boring shit like that.”
“It’s a camellia,” Chuuya sneered. “And I know you hate my roses. You’ve probably been looking for an excuse to mess up my garden since I planted it.” 
Dazai put the lid back on the container of flies and rolled his eyes. “It’s ugly as hell, yeah, but you overestimate how much I think of your boring-ass flowers.” 
“You’re a horrible liar,” Chuuya said, then pointed over Dazai’s shoulder. “You’re growing camellias right over there.”
Sure enough, there was a small cluster of the red flowers next to the fire lilies. Dazai scrunched his brow. “Huh? I didn’t plant those.”
“Suuure,” Chuuya said sarcastically. “And you didn’t plant them in my garden either.” 
“I didn’t!” Dazai insisted. Against his better judgment, he muttered, “Your stupid garden could use a little personality, though.”
Chuuya grabbed Dazai by the front of his shirt and pulled him forward harshly. “And yours could use a little uniformity, but you don’t see me complaining,” he hissed. 
To Chuuya’s surprise, a grin spread across Dazai’s face. “Oh I see what’s going on,” he said. “You created this whole fight just so you’d have an excuse to talk to me. Planted some seeds in my garden while I was at work, then in yours too so you could blame me.”
“The fuck?”
“Just ask for my number. You don’t need to do all this, chibi,” Dazai teased.
“Wanna say that again?” he growled, instantly bristling at the nickname. 
“You’re even pulling me in by my shirt,” Dazai said with a laugh. “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Chuuya narrowed his eyes. “Do you try to get out of all arguments by flirting?” he deadpanned. 
“Only ones against cute guys.” 
Chuuya hated the flush that rose in his cheeks; hated that he broke eye contact for just a moment. 
“Is it working?” Dazai murmured. 
“You asshole,” Chuuya grumbled, then yanked Dazai the remaining distance. Their mouths collided harshly, teeth clacking. Chuuya kissed him angrily; desperately. It apparently amused Dazai to no end, as he smiled against his lips while holding him close with a hand on his neck. When they pulled apart, Dazai tugged Chuuya’s bottom lip between his teeth slightly. He was still grinning as Chuuya failed to hide his blush behind his hand. 
“Shut up,” Chuuya muttered. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Dazai said defensively. 
“Well… stop thinking then.”
Dazai laughed then, and it was a crime how cute it was. “Wanna come over for dinner?”
Chuuya sighed. “Fine, let me shower first. And take back your dumb flower.” He shoved the camellia into Dazai’s chest and started walking back to the house. 
“Chibi gave me a flower!” Dazai yelled happily, twirling in a circle and waving at a scowling Chuuya. “See you tonight, my love!”
A strong breeze blew through the early evening air, past the cluster of industrial buildings in the city, over the wheat fields by the high school, and finally through the flower fields less than a mile from the neighborhood Chuuya and Dazai lived in. Small red flowers bobbed in the wind, scattering their seeds where the wind blew them. The camellias looked beautiful this time of year.
@bsdfanweek Read this work on AO3
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sircrocodilezine · 7 months
[Scales of Gold - Merch Item Interest Check Results]
The results of our merch item interest check are here! 🐊
With over 150 answers on the IC, interest in the Crocodile mousepads was overwhelming YES which means we're going to make them! Thank you to everyone who filled out the form. We can't wait to bring these to life 💛
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oneinathousand · 10 days
Interesting news for 90’s PC adventure game aficionados, a re-release for Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages has been in the works with the original producer, co-art director, and family members of the main writer at the helm. So far they’ve got a website up that should be updated further in the future, and I’ve been told that a trailer is forthcoming:
They’ve got a merch page that’s selling clothes that are overpriced imo, I hope the prices go down in the future cause I would love a DG t-shirt or something, but for now I might get myself a mousepad lol. For 94 dollars you can have your very own Drowned God shower curtain, what a steal!
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Well, silly merch aside, the website is legitimate because one of the subpages has never-before-seen pictures of the original pitch document, which is set to be released in full along with the new version of the game:
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I don’t know yet if this is just the game refurbished a bit to run more smoothly on modern systems, if it’s a remaster, or a full-on remake, but I believe at least some of the cut content from the original release will be included in some form, whether it’s in the game itself or as outlines and concept art.
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katsuwuma · 5 months
Hollyleaf with 61 or 63, you can choose! The names rlly fit her tbh
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61 Not Sorry - Hollyleaf
I had a lot of fun drawing this one! It went through a few iterations, so I included some of the sketches under the cut.
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1st is the initial composition I settled on after going through the iterative process, which the other two were based on. Finding a reference for the particular angle I was going for was difficult and I ended up redoing the entire body several times (the sketches you see here are the final forms of those sketches, I didn't screenshot each individual change I made so unfortunately those other sketches are lost to time RIP).
Purple Hollyleaf is the first digital sketch I made, Red Hollyleaf is the second (and the one I ended up going with when drawing the lineart). The big white space in the background of Red Hollyleaf is where Ashfur's body was originally (changed canvas size + drew him and Hollyleaf separately). You can see some of the lines that used to be Hollyleaf's back near him.
Unrelated fun fact, for this drawing there are some parts where I switched from using my tablet to the mousepad (in between sessions and too lazy to grab the tablet). I was worried that it might look a bit awkward or not well put together but I think it ended out being pretty cohesive tbh.
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princefado · 1 year
1, 2, 8, 12 & 30 for the end of year asks!
under a cut bc this response got long xD
favourite fandom you joined this year
does ikuhara count as a fandom??? i say yes, lol. bc i have dove head-first into everything he's made this year and i'm very happy about it!!!
2. favorite fic this year
for fics i wrote, hands-down "my baby's got a gun", my cnc fic for gumworth week. i started this before gumworth week, but im really happy i got around to finishing it!
for favorite fic this year... god, i got so many good exchange fics. i can't stop thinking about (and you know this) "discipl(in)e", "Exchange Student", or "Lovely Creature". I also received "Sugar" as a gift for my birthday (it doesn't say so but I did indeed receive a mysterious fill to my kinkmeme prompt on my birthday)
for fics i read but were not published this year, it's gotta be "The Homewrecker", a glorious Reo/Mabu + The Otter fan comic.
for fics that were not explicit gifts for me... I really really loved "Can't Hurt Him". i think about it all the time.
8. favourite author of the year
I DONT PICK FAVORITES. but i gotta say i'm really proud of brontitall for putting emselves out there and publishing more things (and participating in exchanges!!)
12. longest fic you read this year
assuming I did actually read it this year (it's possible I read it last year), far and above "Creation Myth", which I devoured in a single night if I remember correctly. I really didn't read that much long-form stuff this year though.
30. fandom resolution for next year
write more! draw more! BE MORE CRINGE!!!!!
i think maybe a solid resolution would be to get around to drawing either an oppai mousepad for gumworth or a body pillow for them!!
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cholay-bhature · 17 days
#24 Clear Light of Laptop
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‘Its been 2 hours,’ said the sofa, ‘is he even writing anything?’
Mobile charger, hanging on the wall, said, ‘does not look like so.’
Chair said: He is just staring at the screen, bathing in the clear white light of the laptop.
‘What do you think happen?’ asked Sofa. ‘he used to churn these story out so easily’
Chair: He is not creative. He cannot create a story. He write what he experience or whatever comes to his dream.
Mobile charger: For some time, there is literally no story in his mind. He  used to think he will write many, but cannot create a single one lol.
There was a bottle on the table. It said: He was always the failure..  Even all his stories are around how big failure he is.
Chair: I don’t think he is a failure. He likes to think he is failure so he does not have to put efforts.
Charger: But thats the point of the failure na! They cannot put in the efforts..
Sofa: Yes and no. Yes because yes. No because he sometime show the sign genius randomly.
‘But those signs means nothing if they are not consistent. He is stupid is what he is.’ Said the Table.
‘Do you all remember the time when he was writing all the orphan stories?’ Said the table lamp.
‘Yes’, said the Charger.
‘That was weird. He have such a happy family, and he was writing crap for no reason.’ Said Lamp.
‘Well, there was a reason. He used to fantasize about those thing.’
‘But why would anyone fantastize something so terrible.’ Said the charger.
‘Because he does not have real sadness, so he make fake one.’ Answered the Table.
‘What a poor way of looking at life.’ Said Charger.
‘So what will he write next?’
‘No idea. He is out of  ideas.’
‘But he would like to publish something.. May he will write about his inadequacy of writing.’
May be. Everyone said and nodded.
After insignificant time because the author does not remember time
Mouse: He is back lol! May be to complete the story!
Laptop: In office.. lMAO
Table: But why.. There is not even a story here.. Why?
Mobile: Oh.. nothing.. He was watching the YouTube shorts and saw 2 attractyive teenage couples singing song.. And comments how everyone was crushing over a boy so he feel bad about hi stupid existence where he has to write about Kubernetes..
Monitor: So it is kinda rebel process to get a little grasp on his forsaken boring life
Laptop: I guess so.. May be he is trying to prove that he has this tallent of writing, which he clearly does not have.. He use chatgpt to create every form of content. He has not written anything goof for month… is he even a content writer now.. He has not written anything for a long time.
Mouse: He write those book reviews, which he believe are good. And that articles on hib blog.. But I don’t think that will be consider as writing. He has not written a blog post in a time..
Laptop: Obviously.. He have not.. He cannot I guess.
Mobile: And then he see all people having some talent, and miss the time when he could have though that he might have some. He see people being happy and everything, and realzie he ahs msised it all. Allthe happiness and teenage love and his priem time of his body.. He has nothing left..
Table: WOudl kill himself tbh..
Mousepad: Maybe that’s why he opened the drive.. To clean it more .. top lean it more… so he can kill himself now…
Laptop: He is too coward to do that..He will publish this crap and live in the ruins of his doing. He will not proofread this crap because for his, the point is not writing, but publishing.
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govindhtech · 7 months
Mouse Pad Mastery Rising Your User Experience to New Heights
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First Off
While a mouse pad might not seem like a big deal, it actually contributes significantly to a better PC user experience.
It not only covers your desk top and eases wrist pain, but it also enhances mouse tracking and accuracy. You benefit from utilizing a PC whether you work, play games, or just hang out.
If you’re still debating getting one and need a convincing argument, they have all the information you need.
They will look at how a suitable mouse pad, such as the MSI AGILITY GD72 GLEAM EDITION, can improve performance, comfort, and longevity in this blog post.
Benefits of utilizing the MSI GD72 mouse pad
Performance (Video Games)
Entirely Smooth Flying
With its superior, flawless, and gap-free MSI Gleam Cloth surface, the MSI GD72 gaming mousepad offers 100% smooth gliding and fluid control when gaming.
Whether completing crisp headshots or rapid 180 spins, gamers can enjoy immaculate cursor precision and lightning-quick maneuvers thanks to the GD72’s smooth glide capabilities.
Sensor Accuracy Mouse Pad
A mousepad that can keep up with gamers who demand perfect tracking and pinpoint accuracy is necessary. The smooth surface of the MSI GD72 is designed to optimize sensor capabilities, providing you with the competitive advantage you need to outperform your rivals.
The surface of the GD72 maximizes light reflection, guaranteeing accurate tracking even at fast speeds. This is crucial for the newest generation of high-performance gaming mice, as their precise tracking depends on unhindered LED light diffusion.
Quick-Cooling Exterior
Long-term gamers may find it difficult to stay cool, especially if their hands and wrists are resting on warm surfaces. Gamers can now stay cool and comfortable throughout extended gameplay with the MSI AGILITY GD72 GLEAM EDITION gaming mouse pads.
It has a fast-cooling surface that is precisely designed to draw heat away from the skin and give it a distinctly cooler feel.
Enthusiasts can lessen their weariness and discomfort with this cutting-edge substance without experiencing heat accumulation obstacles.
Sturdiness (Duration)
With frequent use, the MSI GD72 gaming mousepad is built to last. Its incredibly durable, specially-engineered non-stick surface is 150% more robust than that of regular mousepads. Liquids will easily slip off the splash-proof surface, making cleanup after spills simple.
This mousepad is designed to withstand years of intense gaming and work sessions thanks to its durable non-stick surface and reinforced stitching.
Goodness (Comfort)
A gaming mousepad that combines stability, durability, and style is ideal.
During long gaming sessions, the solid foundation’s shock-absorbing, non-slip rubber base will help you maintain your balance.
The pad’s resilience is increased and its outline is reinforced by the stitched edges, which also stop fraying and tears. The edges won’t curl up at the corners; instead, they will stay flat.
This mousepad is the ideal friend for every gamer because it perfectly balances form and function.
In summary
To sum up, don’t undervalue the importance of a high-quality mouse pad. A product like the MSI AGILITY GD72 GLEAM EDITION can improve user experience, increase longevity, and maximize performance. Enhancements to this understated desk addition result in notable improvements to accuracy, durability, smooth gliding, and comfort when using a PC. Any serious computer user or gamer will find this to be a valuable improvement that subtly improves daily computing.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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vitaltonepharmacy · 2 years
Gifts and Games are Cool Gaming Accessories and Best Performing Gaming Equipment
You could fit the bill. It could not. You undoubtedly do, however, know a true gamer. A rare find who has strong opinions but is also a lot of fun softens when Noble Six dies in Halo but hardens up every time a new Fortinet battle royal begins. They deserve a gift, and the following buying advice for video game enthusiasts will assist you in making the appropriate choice. It includes popular Gifts and Games titles, cool gaming accessories, and the best-performing gaming equipment of the year. This collection of the 61 best gifts for gamers will enable the gamer in your life actually deservingly earn the title.
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To attach this LED light strip to the back of your HDTV or monitor, it has a 3M adhesive backing. It includes 10 brightness levels and 15 colour selections, and it lessens eye fatigue without making your screen shine. A gamer's battle station will shine thanks to the backlight, which matches their RGB keyboard, mouse, and mousepad flawlessly. It is powered by a reversible USB plug and is available in three lengths to accommodate different screen sizes.
There are 200 retro-inspired games in this tiny arcade cabinet. A joystick for rapid movement, conventional A and B buttons for game activities, and a start button for pausing are some of its features. Even the in-game audio speaker is included. Four AA batteries or a Micro USB cable can power the gadget. These fashionable sunglasses have more to them than meets the eye.
They have technology built into them so you can make calls, stream music, and even listen to podcasts without ever having to put anything in your ears. The Frames are available from Bose in two different forms called Alto and Rondo. The sunglasses played music for up to 3.5 hours between battery charges, according to our tests. Harry Potter 3D Puzzle is the ideal present for any Harry Potter enthusiast who loves the fascinating wizarding realm! With the help of this striking 3D model, you can create your own Harry Potter 3d Puzzle in the comfort of your own home and return to the thrilling moments from the Harry Potter tale.
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mainsevil · 2 years
Best mouseless games
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If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Make sure you're following the Jelly Deals Twitter account as well, so you don't miss out on deals for gaming mice, keyboards, monitors, and other great gaming deals.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. It'll be hard to find a mouse as good as this at that low of a price, so make the most of it while you can! Having a good mousepad to pair with your mouse is also important, so have a look at this SteelSeries QcK edge cloth gaming mouse pad which is also on sale. You can charge the mouse using a USB-C cable when it does eventually run out of power. Both mice connect with a 2.4Ghz dongle, and have a battery life of 100 hours. If you have smaller hands or just prefer a lighter and smaller mouse then the Prime Mini is a great option. SteelSeries Prime Mini Wireless- £69.99 at Amazon (Was £129.99).SteelSeries Prime Wireless- £44.99 at Amazon (Was £129.99).The Prime Mini also has a big discount of £60 right now, making it £69.99. It's the exact same mouse but with a smaller form factor and a weight of 73 grams. If you want a smaller and even lighter mouse, then the SteelSeries Prime Mini might be the mouse for you. The Prime Wireless has a simple and smooth design so any grip feels comfortable, and it has a ultra light weight of 80 grams. While speed and precision are key, you also need a mouse that feels right in your hand. The Prime Wireless is a premium gaming mouse and usually has a premium price to match, but right now there's a collossal 65 per cent saving on Amazon which brings the price down to just £44.99! It has a 18,000 CPI optical sensor, and magnetic optical switches so it won't cause phantom flicks or misclicks in competetive games. If you're in the market for a new gaming mouse, you might want to consider the Prime Wireless from SteelSeries. Finding the right mouse can be a tough task with so many great options out there, but two things that are always needed in a good gaming mouse are speed and precision.
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wasteknife2 · 2 years
Which often Mouse is Top For Gaming?
There are many aspects that should get into deciding which often mouse ideal game playing. Ultimately, a video gaming mouse should be comfortable and offer the best gaming experience possible. However, some gambling mouse can in addition be used regarding games outside involving these genres. With regard to example, if you enjoy participating in PC games, a gaming mouse that is comfortable and light on your side would be the most successful choice for you. This kind of article will discuss one of the most important concerns when choosing a gaming mouse. The very first thing you should consider when choosing some sort of gaming mouse is usually comfort. There will be many different forms, sizes, and weights available. While an individual might would like to choose the one that will looks cool, a person will not might use it for some sort of long time in case you are uncomfortable with this. In addition , there will be left-handed and right-handed gaming mouse available. The best mouse button for left-handed players will not cost twice as much because a right-handed mouse. Another good game playing mouse is the ambidextrous mouse. An ambidextrous gaming mouse will help you perform extra complicated tasks. Some sort of good gaming mouse button should also always be comfortable for the two hand types. A lightweight mouse can make the difference involving winning and burning off a game. Those seeking for an inexpensive mouse should take into account the SteelSeries Sensei 310. The Competitor 3 is another great option for these on a price range. Its ergonomic design and style is great for right-handed gamers. A gaming computer mouse should offer typically the perfect grip for big hands. Several models of video gaming mouse come together with removable weights. In the event that you need to be able to adjust the weights to be able to adjust the general feel of the mouse, you can certainly remove them. Other designs will let you adjust the center of balance or palm remainder height to obtain the best gaming experience possible. Read about the best gaming mouse devices by visiting our selection. It can help you make a decision which mouse in order to buy! A great gaming mouse need to be comfortable in order to hold and have got an excellent sensor. This particular will help a person develop muscle storage. There are several good options available that will offer solid monitoring as well since various features. Video gaming mouse can be obtained from the variety of value ranges, from inexpensive pointers to expensive devices with high end features. Generally, producers brag about possessing high-DPI sensors. Inside of reality, most people today don't even work with settings above a few, 000 DPI. In fact, most Overwatch League players hardly use settings above 1, 000. If you are looking for a mouse that has a good uncluttered design, take into account the ROG Gladius III. It offers wired and mobile connectivity and a new comfortable grip. This has extra keys and a scroll wheel for optimal gameplay. Its sleek design and reserved "Republic of Gamers" logo make it an ideal selection for gamers who would like to look stylish when gaming. The top gaming mouse doesn't break your budget. Best Gaming Mouse Under 1000 Rs There are usually several options intended for a wireless gaming mouse button. Nevertheless , you'll want to pay near attention to battery-life as a just about all modern wireless mouse button can last for days without charging. Some mouse have integrated Qi wireless charging for extended perform. Many other mouse have got incorporated charging mousepads that allow these people to recharge away from home. However, it's some sort of good idea to get a mouse with the neutral weight with regard to comfortable gaming. If you prefer a heavier mouse, appear for a design with a natural weight system. The majority of gamers keep their very own DPI settings among 800 and 1, 600 DPI. This kind of doesn't imply that the particular higher the DOTS PER INCH, the better. Some sort of mouse with the higher DPI can be used inside of most genres, nevertheless the most sophisticated games require more precision. A gaming mouse with a lot more buttons is best suited intended for competitive games, whilst gamers who take pleasure in MMO games will certainly appreciate a smaller mouse with more functions. This article shapes conditions that ought to go into choosing the best mouse for video gaming. Besides battery living, additional important attributes to consider when selecting a mouse. In addition to shape and sizing, you should look for comfort and grip style. Typically the mouse should in shape your hand pleasantly. Then, it need to become easy in order to grip and shift the mouse. And so, whether you're a new seasoned gamer or possibly a novice, you'll come across a mouse of which fits your side and makes video gaming easier. Razer makes a great gambling mouse having its Viper Mini, which is made for smaller palms. Its slim design is easy in order to handle and weighs in at just 60 gr. Its PixArt 3359 optical sensor presents 1: 1 checking, and optical buttons should have small advantages over standard options. The Razer Viper Mini has a great cable connection, which feels practically wireless inside a bungee. In addition to being flexible, typically the Razer Viper Tiny offers great keys and long electric battery life.
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purrfectly · 4 years
*clicks the extra buttons on my brothers gaming mouse even though they do absolutely nothing when browsing tumblr*
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Delivery Day (Leviathan x GN!Reader) FLUFF
It's another fluff night, with Levi! It's been a while since I wrote for him, and I wanted to make this soft and sweet because he deserves it.
Word Count : 1.9K
Warnings : Slight jealousy from Levi;
“Did it come in yet?!” He shouted as he bounded down the stairs, coming to a halt at the landing when he saw you and Beel walking in the door together. “Oh… I guess not…” His purple hair curtained around his face as he looked down at his feet, awkwardly shuffling them to hide the fact that he was so obviously jealous. “I’ll be up in my room.” He muttered, turning his back and walking back up the stairs. The whole thing happened so quickly that you didn’t even have a moment to talk to him.
Levi was your best friend. You did everything together, unless it involved leaving the house, but he always told you that there was no reason to actually step foot outside the front door, that he had everything the both of you needed up in his room. If it wasn’t there, he’d just order it on Akuzon and get same day shipping. He was adorable in the sense that he never wanted you to leave his side, and although the two of you weren’t an item and you weren’t dating, he would get immensely jealous if you ever did anything with any of his brothers. Hence why he’s acting the way he is now.
“Were you not supposed to go grocery shopping with me?” Beel was a sweetheart, and out of all the brothers, he was the least likely to actually purposely try to drive a wedge between you and Levi. He cared about you, and if Levi was upset, that also meant that you’d be upset too. Not only did he care about you, but he cared deeply about all of his brothers. He’d never do anything to hurt Levi, and seeing his brother so happy brought him joy as well. “Maybe I should talk to him…”
You shook your head, knowing very well that Levi wouldn’t want to hear it from Beel. He’d want to talk to you about it. Levi didn’t want to seem weak in front of his brothers, even if all of them knew that he was the avatar of envy, showing his jealousy to his brothers over you was just… embarrassing to him. “I’ll talk to him. You know how he gets.” Beel hummed in agreement, grabbing the grocery bags out of your hands so you could go up to Levi’s room and ease his mind.
It was clear that he was agitated, something that he’d never actually voice to you. You didn’t even have to see him to know that he was, the sound of his keyboard clicking gave it away. He’d always press the keys a little harder, slam the mouse down when he got too close to the edge of the mousepad. His huffing and puffing was just an added factor to let you know just how agitated he really was. With a deep breath, you knocked on the door, hoping that he could hear you over the headphones that you already knew he was wearing. “Go away. I’m busy.” You sighed loudly as you leaned your head against the door, knocking again. “I said go away!” He shouted, and you heard the mouse slam back down on the desk. He wasn’t going to let you in, and you weren’t just going to let him angrily sulk in his room for the rest of the night, so you decided to just let yourself in.
“Too busy to talk to me?” You asked as you walked into the room, leaning against the wall next to his desk. He looked up at you once, huffing quietly before turning back to his screens. At least he had kept his headphones off, so maybe he’d listen to you, even if he didn’t say anything back. “You don’t have to talk… I can talk.” You mumbled, but it would be better if he at least replied once, or maybe even nodded. “I don’t know why you’re acting like this. I went to the store to get groceries for dinner.” You shouldn’t have to explain yourself to him, but maybe it’ll ease his mind a little, even if the grocery bags were very noticeable. He needed that reassurance, which wasn’t really a problem, but also, you weren’t actually together so this shouldn’t even be a big deal to him.
He pulled the headphones off completely and turned his chair to face you in one swift movement. You could see the hurt, the anger in his eyes. He was upset about this, and even though it didn’t make sense to you, the feelings made sense to him. “You went with Beel!” His shouting kind of threw you off, it actually made you jump a little. It was different from him shouting at you from behind the door, now that you could see his face, you could actually see how serious he was. You being with Beel not only upset him, it pissed him off. “You’re always going somewhere with one of them when you could be in here with me! Why?!” His question almost made you laugh, and you would have if you weren’t worried about how he’d react. He was still a demon after all, and the last thing you wanted to do was piss him off more.
“I like getting out of the house sometimes, Levi.” You sighed quietly, slowly taking a couple steps closer to him, reaching out to place your hand on his shoulder. “Just because I go shopping with them or leave the house with one of them, it doesn’t mean I don’t like spending time with you.” That should have been clear to him considering you came up to his room to make sure he was alright immediately. “You don’t like leaving the house… You don’t even like leaving your room. I’m not going to ask you because you’re just going to tell me to order whatever it is that I want or need off of Akuzon.” He didn’t like hearing that, mainly because you were right, but things were also a lot easier when everything could just be delivered. He rolled his eyes, and you could see the small pout forming on his lips. “You can go out shopping with me next time if you’d like?”
“It’s not just that…” He mumbled, and you could see the blush forming on his cheeks, his hands folded on his lap as his thumbs twirled over one another. “I don’t like seeing you with any of them.” He was quiet, and it almost seemed like he didn’t want you to hear him say that. His avatar was shining through more than ever right now. “I mean… What if one of them likes you? What if one of them makes a move on you or asks you out? What about me?” He was so bothered by this, his legs were bouncing, it seemed like he couldn’t keep still. This was something that was eating away at him, and if he had just talked about it sooner with you, you could have put the whole thing to rest. Instead, he waited for all of his feelings to pile up until they all boiled over, and there was no need for it.
“Levi, in case you didn’t realize… I don’t like any of them. I like you.” His body kind of froze up when you said it, and you could hear a small noise which sounded a little like a squeal rise up out of him. “I want to go shopping with you… I want to leave the house with you. I like being with you, Levi.” The squeal got a little louder as he finally turned his head to look up at you, his cheeks now burning a bright red, and the look of anger and sadness in his eyes had changed to something between confusion and adoration.
“M-Me? Are you sure?” You let out a small snort before nodding your head. The Levi that you came to know and love was back in all of his nervous, slightly awkward glory. It was funny that he had been so hell bent against you being with any of his brothers in any type of way, but once you told him that you wanted to be with him, as if he was giving you any other option, now he’s confused and questioning you. “I guess… I was waiting for something to come in… but… because I wanted to make it special…” You raised one of your eyebrows at him, not really knowing what he was getting at, but you were pretty sure that he’d explain, or at least get to what he was leading up to. He finally got up from his chair, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly. You could feel that he was shaking, and sweating a little. His palms were clammy, and you wanted to tell him to calm down, but you worried that doing so would make him back out from whatever he was doing altogether. “The delivery can wait… I just… I really like you, Y/N… A lot… and I want you to be… w-with me… I want you to be my human.” He took a deep breath after saying it, like it had taken everything out of him to even say that, and for him it probably did. At this point his face was redder than a tomato, and it seemed like he was holding his breath waiting for you to respond.
You didn’t want to keep him waiting because in all honesty, you had been waiting for him to ask for such a long time, you didn’t want to keep yourself waiting either. You were beyond happy, ecstatic even, and you couldn’t even find the words to say in the moment, so you did the only thing you could think of doing to show him that you wanted to be his. You pulled your hands away from his and quickly moved them up to cup his face, leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips. He wasn’t expecting it, and his lips parted slightly as he let out a small gasp, but he moved his own hands to your hips, pulling you a little closer to him as he deepened the kiss. You weren’t expecting it from him, but he had probably been waiting for this to happen, and it was probably much better for him than having to make the move himself.
By the time you pulled back, you both were breathless, and he seemed a little dazed. It was adorable, he was adorable, and as much as you would have liked to, you had to keep yourself from kissing him again just for being so damn cute. “So what was it that y-”
The knock on the front door came, loud and rhythmic. You saw his eyes light up, his head whipping towards his closed bedroom door. “It came in!” He ran to the door, turning to face you quickly as he stepped out. “Pick something to wear… We’re going out!” You shook your head as you watched him move out of view, running down the hall to get whatever it was that he had been waiting for. Things had started off rough, but maybe it was just the way it was supposed to play out. Maybe if you had never gone to the store with Beel, Levi would have never felt the need to actually ask you… or maybe he had been planning this all day. You’d never really know, but in the end, you both had each other.
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pumpkinpaix · 3 years
Hey, I saw a post in which you said that if we had the means we should support MXTX through legal means. I'm a white American who only found out that danmei was a thing through CQL and then MDZS. How would I go about supporting MXTX? Are there places I've been missing where I can give money in exchange for my enjoyment of her world or something? I keep looking for a DVD of CQL or a print book of MDZS in English, but no dice. Have I been overlooking another way to support her?
Hi there! :D I don’t blame you, it’s pretty hard to find stuff in english, but I have a few masterposts for you (*´▽`*)
Alas for any print editions of MDZS in english, they don’t exist (yet). AFAIK, no english publisher has the rights to it, but if you’re interested in the traditional Taiwan print edition, I have a masterpost with links here
@the-social-recluse‘s pinned post (here) is a fantastic resource on different places to stream/purchase MDZS’s various forms legally as well as sources to scanlations and fansubs etc. (there’s a buying guide for the audio drama, which I highly recommend :DDDDD)
if you are interested in the audio drama, I have a masterpost here (first link is just to an outdated version of post 2) that includes a link to a tipping guide for the audio drama team and also a link to my episode guide lol
most official merch is on taobao stores, so you can either purchase directly (though i will readily admit that navigating through it can be a Whole Ordeal + you need to be cognizant of what is/isn’t possible for them to send directly to the states -- I uh, mostly learned through trial and error RIP -- but there are guides online to help you do it!) or use an agent (I use Superbuy for certain items that can’t be sent directly). Shipping direct using their consolidation function costs around ~15USD/lb, so it can get hefty, but agent shipping is definitely more expensive. ;A; still! agents are relatively painless to use and they speak english, so, you know. ANYWAYS, if you’re interested on that front:
KAZE makes beautiful MDZS stationery items! mostly washi tapes. also sometimes stuff like mousepads, enamel pins, candles, etc. :3 do note: sealing wax, candles, pens with ink are not able to be consolidated, as I have Learned haha
Official CQL Taobao store. bit of a grab bag of CQL merch lol. please note, you can’t ship any makeup, wax, liquid etc. directly, so you’d have to use an agent for that (and I’m not sure it’s guaranteed??)
Official Donghua Merch (aimon). exactly what it says on the tin lol. keychains, plushies, knicknacks etc.
another official merch store (assortment??) this collects some items from a bunch of other official stores, including KAZE and aimon, but also has listings i haven’t seen elsewhere! there’s some really pretty jewelry (not... sure if you can send that directly, i sort of doubt it rip)
this.... is maybe a lot ahaha. if the taobao stuff is too intimidating to deal with, you can also find resellers on ebay pretty often as well. there’s also always stuff like group orders (i’ve pretty much only used OnlyDream and @shandian-go, both of whom were very good!!).
anyways!! hope you found this somewhat helpful!!
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