#while listening to 432hz
kezia-kawaii · 1 year
it makes the rounds every now and then
but what is it?
in contemporary music, the note A4 is tuned to a frequency of 440Hz
the discourse around this over the last few years suggests that you should tune A4 to 432Hz
that's simple right?
but why do people think you should do this?
the idea is that 432Hz tuning is comehow in tune with the natural frequency of the universe and the planet earth
it works on the assumption that the schumann resonance frequency [the natural pulsation of the planet we live on] is 8Hz. to get from 8Hz to 432H, you multiply it be 54. this is some way helps us connect to the planet
440, however, is 55 times as large as 8. and this also apparently has an impact
the idea is that tuning to 432 makes the maths easier for us to connect to the natural order and feel better about ourselves. it's supposed to be more natural and for this reason, people get really militant about making everyong adhere to it
except it doesn't make the maths any easier. within the world, there are many tuning systems. many standards. some places tune A4 as low as 410Hz while others go as high as 460Hz. one sonctant is that 3:2 is a perfect 5th and that is found in more musical conventions than it iasn't.
so in A=432Hz, in the 4th octave, the 5th of the A, which is E, would be 648. a good number yes?
in octave 1, A would be 54Hz and E would be 80.91Hz. these numbers don't look so neat now
[you can check my math here]
in A=440, in octave 4, A is 440 and E is 660. an equally nice number.
in octave 1, A is 55 and E is 82.5... by the argument presented, this math looks a lot neater and therefore must be better
but why am i harping [puns] on the maths of it?
Hz, the measurement if freuqency, is a unit of repetitions in a second. the time it takes a sound wave to go from 0 volume, to the loudest part, back to 0, down to its lowest part, and back up to 0. one cycle
10Hz would be 10 cycles in a second
i want to ask you, what is a second?
is it some immutable constant of the universe that dictates all that we know and how we work... or is it a human construct to make sure we're all on the same page about how lnog things last and how clocks work?
"The second is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency ∆ν, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom, to be 9 192 631 770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s−1" National Physics Laboratory
a second is a man made structure. how often things vibrate within that arbitrary standard is equally as arbitrary. the universe doesn't work on seconds.
additionally, the schumann resonance frequency of the earth is 7.83Hz, not 8. it also has harmonics. these occur at 14.1Hz and 20.3Hz
in order to use this as a musically useful tool to really make contemporary commercial music, you would need A4 to equal 422.82 Hz and have a note tuned to 761.4Hz,that would be a ratio of 1:17.7814106, and one tuned to 1096.2Hz, which would be a ratio of 1:2.592592592592593. our ears are designed to recognise simple ratios. this is why the perfect 5th at 2:3 sounds so good to us. the frequencies used to decide which notes are which really don't matter to us as a species. what really matters is the ratios. and if we're going to bass our tuning methods off the frequency of the earth, it would not be these ratios that our ears love so much.
similarly, people propose that pythagorean tuning should be used in 432Hz for maximum faith healing.
pythagorean tuning is based on continually stacking perfect 5ths on top of each other. it gives nice clean maths. except that it is only ever in tune in 1 key and any accidentals will sound horrifically out of key if you have a history of listening to contemporary music.
we solved this by a tuning system called just intonation. it's not perfect by any means. but the ratios are perfect for every note. the numbers look daunting but the result is very well approximated notes that are in key no matter which key you're playing in, meaning that a key change can be done on a single instrument.
so why bring this up at all?
the modern argument for A=432 was proposed and popularised by The Schiller Institute, an actual fascist thinktank, who believe that 432 is the frequency prescribed by god so that we may sing music written by old white guys from germany who were secretly musical prophets of the lord based entirely on verdi, a composer and opera singer, complaining, back in the day, that higher tunings made it harder for opera singers to keep their voices safe.
and so many people who do not understand what music is or how it works will parrot that 432 is a better frequency. that it generates better frequencies that make you happier and make the world a better place. there are people who buy apps that detune all their music to hear it in the "right" frequencies. there are people who hound musicians asking why they haven't adopted the "new standard"
if you wish to tune your instruments down by 8Hz because you like how it sounds, maybe it's warmer to your ears, or maybe has a rustic, degraded vinyl feel, then go for it 100%. machinehead tune their guitars down by 50cents [1/2 a musical semitone] because they prefer the slightly deeper, darker sound
if you want to tune to A=420 for the memes, then there is absolutely nothing stopping you
but to believe that all of the worlds problems can be solved by making everything only just noticably lower in pitch in a manner outlined by fascists for the sake of god is honestly misguided if nothing else.
my guitar, bass, synths, software, even my drums are tuned to 440Hz. because that's what is most available and easiest to do. not because i'm a heathen. just because we've had thousands of years to work it all out and i'm okay with the conclusion of music professionals so far.
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arka41 · 5 days
Top 7 Podcast Recording Tips to Sound Like a Pro
In the world of podcasting, quality audio is king. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, mastering the art of podcast recording is essential to captivate your audience and establish credibility in your niche. With the right techniques and tools, you can elevate your podcasting game and sound like a pro.
In this guide, we'll explore seven essential podcast recording tips to help you achieve studio-quality sound from the comfort of your own space. Plus, discover how 432HZ Studio can take your podcast to the next level with professional recording services and expertise.
1. Invest in Quality Equipment:
The foundation of a great podcast recording is quality equipment. While you don't need to break the bank, investing in a good microphone, headphones, and audio interface can significantly improve the sound quality of your podcast. 
Look for a microphone that suits your voice and recording environment, and consider using headphones to monitor audio levels and ensure consistency throughout your recording. At 432HZ Studio, we offer a range of professional-grade recording equipment and accessories to help you achieve pristine audio quality for your podcast recording.
2.Choose the Right Recording Environment:
The acoustics of your recording environment play a crucial role in the overall quality of your podcast. Opt for a quiet, well-insulated space free from background noise and distractions. Consider using acoustic treatment, such as soundproofing panels or blankets, to minimize echoes and reverberations. Additionally, be mindful of ambient noise sources such as air conditioning units or traffic outside. By creating a conducive recording environment, you can ensure crystal-clear audio for your podcast recording.
3.Mind Your Mic Technique:
Proper mic technique is essential for capturing clear and consistent audio. Position the microphone at the appropriate distance from your mouth, typically around 6-8 inches, and angle it slightly off-axis to minimize plosives and sibilance. 
Avoid touching or bumping the microphone during recording, as this can create unwanted noise and distortion. Experiment with different mic placements and angles to find the optimal position for your voice. At 432HZ Studio, our experienced engineers can provide guidance on mic technique and help you achieve professional-quality recordings.
4.Focus on Vocal Performance:
In podcasting, delivery is key. Pay attention to your vocal performance and aim for clarity, energy, and authenticity in your delivery. Warm up your voice before recording and practice proper breathing techniques to maintain vocal consistency throughout your podcast. 
Speak clearly and confidently, and vary your tone and pacing to keep your audience engaged. Remember to project your voice and articulate words properly to ensure optimal recording quality. With the guidance of our seasoned vocal coaches at 432HZ Studio, you can enhance your vocal performance and command attention with every episode.
5.Maintain Consistent Audio Levels:
Consistent audio levels are crucial for a professional-sounding podcast. Avoid drastic volume fluctuations by monitoring your audio levels during recording and adjusting as needed. Aim for a consistent level of loudness throughout your podcast to ensure a seamless listening experience for your audience. Pay attention to peak levels and avoid clipping or distortion by keeping your audio levels within a healthy range. With our state-of-the-art recording facilities and advanced audio processing tools at 432HZ Studio, we can help you achieve optimal audio levels and maintain consistency across your podcast recording episodes.
6.Edit with Precision:
Post-production editing is where the magic happens in podcasting. Take the time to edit your recordings with precision, removing any unwanted noise, mistakes, or distractions. Use editing software to clean up audio tracks, add music or sound effects, and enhance overall production quality. Pay attention to pacing and flow, and ensure that transitions between segments are smooth and seamless.
 At 432HZ Studio, our team of skilled audio engineers and editors can handle all aspects of post-production editing, allowing you to focus on creating engaging content for your audience.
7.Test and Iterate:
Finally, don't be afraid to experiment and iterate with your podcast recording process. Test different techniques, equipment setups, and recording environments to find what works best for you. Solicit feedback from listeners and fellow podcasters, and use that feedback to refine and improve your podcasting skills.
 Remember that podcasting is a journey of continuous learning and growth, so embrace the process and enjoy the ride. With the support and expertise of 432HZ Studio, you can take your podcast to new heights and reach your full potential as a podcaster.
By following these top seven podcast recording tips, you can elevate the quality of your podcast and sound like a pro in no time. From investing in quality equipment to mastering mic technique and post-production editing, each step plays a crucial role in achieving studio-quality sound for your podcast. And with the assistance of 432HZ Studio, you can take your podcasting journey to the next level with professional recording services, expert guidance, and state-of-the-art facilities. Get ready to captivate your audience and make your mark in the world of podcasting with confidence and expertise.
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guptakeerti · 15 days
How to Do a Voice Over Like an Expert: A Complete Guide
In today's digital age, voice over has become an indispensable tool in various industries, from entertainment and advertising to e-learning and narration. A compelling voice over can captivate audiences, convey emotions, and elevate the overall impact of any audiovisual project. 
Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring voice actor, mastering the art of voice over requires skill, technique, and practice. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of how to do a voice over like an expert, brought to you by 432HZ Studio, your partner in achieving professional-grade audio productions.
Understand Your Audience and Script:
Before diving into the recording process, it's essential to understand the target audience and the message you aim to convey. Analyze the script thoroughly, paying attention to the tone, style, and intended emotions. Is it informational, persuasive, or narrative? Tailor your voice over delivery to resonate with the audience and align with the overall purpose of the project. 
Take note of any specific instructions or cues provided by the client or director to ensure accuracy and coherence in your performance. At 432HZ Studio, we prioritize understanding the client's vision and audience demographics to deliver voice over that leave a lasting impression.
Master Your Vocal Technique:
Voice over is not just about speaking; it's about using your voice as a versatile instrument to evoke emotions and convey messages effectively. Start by warming up your voice with vocal exercises to improve clarity, resonance, and articulation. Practice breathing techniques to maintain consistency and control throughout the recording session. 
Experiment with different vocal tones, pitch variations, and pacing to add depth and dimension to your performance. Develop your unique vocal style while staying true to the character or narrative of the script. At 432HZ Studio, our team of experienced voice actors is trained in mastering vocal technique to deliver dynamic and engaging performances that resonate with audiences.
Create a Professional Recording Environment:
The quality of your voice over recording is heavily influenced by the environment in which it's captured. Choose a quiet, well-insulated space free from background noise, echoes, and distractions. Invest in high-quality recording equipment, including a microphone, headphones, and pop filter, to capture clear and crisp audio. Optimize your recording setup by adjusting microphone placement, room acoustics, and audio levels to achieve optimal sound quality.
 Consider using software tools such as digital audio workstations (DAWs) to edit and enhance your recordings for professional-grade results. At 432HZ Studio, we provide state-of-the-art recording facilities and equipment to ensure the highest standards of audio production for our clients.
Embrace Emotion and Authenticity:
A compelling voice over is not just about delivering lines; it's about connecting with the audience on an emotional level and conveying authenticity in your performance. Infuse your voice with genuine emotion, whether it's enthusiasm, empathy, or conviction, to engage listeners and evoke a response. 
Tap into your own experiences and emotions to bring depth and sincerity to your delivery. Avoid sounding overly rehearsed or robotic; instead, strive for naturalness and spontaneity in your voice over performance. How to Do a Voice Over Like an Expert, At 432HZ Studio, we believe in the power of authentic storytelling and emotional resonance to create memorable voice overs that leave a lasting impact on listeners.
Perfect Your Pronunciation and Diction:
Clear and precise pronunciation is essential for effective communication in voice over work. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of challenging words, proper nouns, and technical terms in the script. Practice enunciating each word clearly and accurately, paying attention to consonant sounds, vowel sounds, and syllable stress. Maintain consistent pacing and rhythm throughout the recording to ensure clarity and comprehension.
If necessary, use pronunciation guides, phonetic spelling, or pronunciation software to improve your diction and minimize errors. At 432HZ Studio, our team of professional voice actors is dedicated to delivering flawless pronunciation and diction in every voice over project we undertake.
Seek Feedback and Continuously Improve:
Even seasoned voice actors can benefit from feedback and constructive criticism to refine their skills and enhance their performances. Seek input from directors, producers, or fellow voice actors to gain valuable insights and perspective on your voice over work. Take note of areas for improvement and areas of strength to focus your practice and development efforts. 
Continuously challenge yourself to expand your vocal range, experiment with different genres and styles, and push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Embrace a growth mindset and commit to lifelong learning and improvement in your craft. At 432HZ Studio, we believe in the power of feedback and collaboration to elevate our voice over productions to new heights of excellence.
Mastering the art of voice over requires a combination of skill, technique, and passion for storytelling. By understanding your audience and script, mastering your vocal technique, creating a professional recording environment, embracing emotion and authenticity, perfecting your pronunciation and diction, and seeking feedback and continuous improvement, you can elevate your voice over performances to professional-grade levels.
How to do voice over like an expert At 432HZ Studio, we are committed to helping you achieve your voice over goals with our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedication to excellence. Let us be your partner in creating compelling and memorable voice overs that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression.
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molsons112000 · 26 days
So now we can have new pear tricians. Deal with the unborn baby specializes in these 2 forms of therapy to treat developmental issues in the unborn baby in the womb of the mother resonant healing and frequency healing. They can also specialize in helping the baby further develop after birth. But my concern is coming up with a non-invasive way to treat issues of the unborn child in the womb. One way is to use resonating and frequency healing.
Bells of Bliss
https://bellsofbliss.com › blogs › he...
Healing resonance and healing frequencies
Mar 22, 2024 — Great article about healing resonance vibrations and frequencies that are claimed to be healing. 432Hz,528Hz, 111Hz are
Now below this debunks, claims by a vitamin company.
McGill University
https://www.mcgill.ca › oss › article
Nutrients with the right “resonance frequency”
Mar 20, 2017 — It seems that every one of the trillions of cells in our body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its
Getting back to the good thing see below.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields promote ...
by Y Zhang · 2018 · Cited by 46 — Optimal therapeutics for promoting MSC migration are expected to become an effective means for tissue
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Resonance induced alterations of intracellular biophysical ...
by RT Gordon · 1979 · Cited by 1 — The process comprises an ability to determine the respective resonant frequencies of cancer cells and normal cells at a cellular level. An external alternating ...
Missing: regeneration. ‎| Show results with: regeneration.
Regenus Center
https://regenuscenter.com › services
PEMF & Resonant Frequency Therapy
Research has shown that doing PEMF and resonant frequency therapy may help with: · Reducing pain (short- and long-term) and
As I said, before, creating music for each form of diseases that help them heal. Here's a complete list of the instrumental & tone You need to help them heal. Also, creating sounds for better sexual relation between male and female. I forbid you to do this for the LGBTQ. I do not want to expand them.I want them to slowly disappear.....
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Healing Frequencies: The Complete List
Mar 7, 2023 — 396 Hz is associated with releasing fear and guilt, while 528 Hz is known as the “Love Frequency” and is believed to promote healing and
Bells of Bliss
https://bellsofbliss.com › blogs › he...
Healing resonance and healing frequencies
Great article about healing resonance vibrations and frequencies that are claimed to be healing. 432Hz,528Hz, 111Hz are these really healing frequencies?
Sage Academy Of Sound
https://sageacademyofsound.com › ...
Science of Sound Healing
In the context of human healing, resonance can be described as the frequency of vibration that is natural to a specific organ or body system (such
https://mysoundtherapy.com › pre...
Pre-Natal Listening & Parents - US Version | Sound Therapy
It is recommended that the mother listens regularly to Sound Therapy throughout her pregnancy. To obtain the full benefits of improved sleep, reduced stress and ...
Missing: resonant ‎| Show results with: resonant
https://www.forbes.com › sites › se...
Seven Ways Sound And Music Can Promote Healing In NICUs ...
Jun 18, 2020 — Getting equipment manufacturers to tune the pitch or offer adjustable frequency settings of the sounds could make for a more harmonious NICU.
Missing: resonant ‎| Show results with: resonant
Apple Music
https://music.apple.com › album
‎Pregnancy Frequency 246 Hz - Album by Meditation Healing ...
Feb 21, 2022 — Listen to Pregnancy Frequency 246 Hz by Meditation Healing Therapy on Apple Music. 2022. 10 Songs. Duration: 32 minutes
This is related to premature babies.
https://www.forbes.com › sites › se...
Seven Ways Sound And Music Can Promote Healing In NICUs ...
Jun 18, 2020 — Getting equipment manufacturers to tune the pitch or offer adjustable frequency settings of the sounds could make for a more harmonious NICU.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
The Importance of Rhythmic Stimulation for Preterm Infants in ...
by J Provasi · 2021 · Cited by 23 — In general, preterm infants receive significantly less rhythmic vestibular stimulation related to walking than
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strobarium · 1 month
drone, for healing.
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"Repose" by Hilyard.
(Name your Price on Bandcamp, available on Streaming as well)
i stumbled upon it out of nowhere, like i do a lot of things. i was going through a tough time living with my auntie in the southside of Dallas, Texas in very late 2021, and i was trying to find stuff to listen to while i worked to kinda numb the depression shit i was going through. found a big-ass drone ambient playlist on Spotify that put me onto actually quite a few songs, but most notably, Repose.
the artist set out for a very noble goal, with producing this record. i'll paste from the description:
"Repose is an ambient experiment created with the intention of aiding sleep and meditation. The music is meant to replace the space in our mind taken up by thoughts anxiety and worry. I calibrated my instrument’s tuning to 432hz, which has indeed given it a different feel. However, I cannot say with scientific or historical confidence that tuning in that way is truly more beneficial to mind body or spirit. I can say that the long-form music contained in this album easily disappears into the background along with the over active mind."
he fucking nailed it. so many times has it calmed me down from times i've ...for lack of better wording, Freaked The Fuck Out (lol), but also so many times has it sort of even, uplifted me in a sense from moments of immobilization from grief.
highly recommend for those suffering from nervous dispositions (obviously.) or to just anyone who likes drone. very nice stuff. hats off to mr. hilyard for this one.
~ E.K.S.G.
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432hzstudios · 5 months
Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore
In the vibrant city of Bangalore, where creativity and innovation converge, 432HZ Studios stands as a beacon for musicians, artists, and audio enthusiasts alike. As an esteemed Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore, 432HZ Studios has carved a niche for itself in the ever-evolving music industry. The studio's commitment to delivering top-notch audio recording services has made it a go-to destination for those seeking perfection in their musical endeavours.
History and Evolution of 432HZ Studios
Founded with a passion for sound and a vision to provide unparalleled recording experiences, 432HZ Studios has been a pivotal player in Bangalore's music scene. Established in [insert year], the studio has witnessed the dynamic evolution of audio recording technologies over the years. What sets this Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore apart is its unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends while maintaining a timeless commitment to the art and science of sound recording.
State-of-the-Art Facilities at 432HZ Studios
At the heart of 432HZ Studios lies a meticulously designed infrastructure that caters to the diverse needs of musicians and content creators. Boasting cutting-edge recording equipment and acoustically optimized spaces, this Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore provides an environment that nurtures creativity and ensures the highest quality output. From spacious live rooms to isolation booths equipped with the latest in audio technology, every inch of 432HZ Studios is geared towards delivering an exceptional recording experience.
The Acoustic Elegance of 432HZ Studios
One of the distinguishing features that sets 432HZ Studios apart is its commitment to the pursuit of acoustic perfection. The studio has invested significantly in creating spaces that offer optimal sound isolation and acoustics. This commitment to sonic excellence makes 432HZ Studios a haven for musicians seeking a pristine environment to bring their musical visions to life. For any artist in Bangalore, this Audio Recording Studio is synonymous with aural refinement.
432HZ Studios' Signature Sound: A Sonic Odyssey
What truly defines the sonic identity of 432HZ Studios is its emphasis on the 432Hz frequency. The studio believes in the power of this specific frequency to create a harmonic resonance that enhances the listening experience. Every recording at 432HZ Studios is infused with this unique frequency, creating a signature sound that sets the studio apart from others in Bangalore. Musicians and producers who choose this Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore are not only gaining access to state-of-the-art facilities but also immersing themselves in a sonic journey like no other.
Collaborative Spaces for Artistic Fusion
Beyond its technical prowess, 432HZ Studios fosters a sense of community and collaboration. The studio's design includes dedicated spaces for artists to engage, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. This collaborative ethos has contributed to the studio becoming a hub for Bangalore's diverse music scene. Musicians, producers, and vocalists converge at 432HZ Studios, not just for recording, but also for the opportunity to connect and create magic together.
The Role of Technology in 432HZ Studios' Success
In the ever-evolving landscape of audio recording, technology plays a crucial role in shaping the studio experience. 432HZ Studios recognizes this and consistently invests in the latest recording equipment, software, and hardware to ensure that artists have access to cutting-edge tools. This commitment to staying technologically relevant positions 432HZ Studios as a frontrunner among Audio Recording Studios in Bangalore, providing artists with the resources they need to translate their creative visions into sonic masterpieces.
The Human Touch: Experienced Engineers and Producers
While technology forms the backbone of any modern recording studio, the human touch is equally vital. 432HZ Studios- Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore preprides itself on having a team of experienced engineers and producers who understand the nuances of music production. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, guiding artists through the recording process and helping them achieve the best possible results. The combination of advanced technology and human intuition makes 432HZ Studios a trusted partner for musicians in Bangalore.
Client Testimonials: Voices of Validation
The success of any recording studio is ultimately measured by the satisfaction of its clients. In the case of 432HZ Studios, the testimonials speak volumes about the studio's impact on the artistic community in Bangalore. Musicians from various genres express their gratitude for the studio's commitment to excellence, citing the unique acoustic environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and collaborative spirit as reasons they keep coming back. These testimonials serve as a testament to the reputation that 432HZ Studios has built as a premier Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore.
Educational Initiatives: Nurturing the Next Generation
In addition to its role as a recording powerhouse, 432HZ Studios is also dedicated to nurturing the next generation of audio professionals. The studio actively engages in educational initiatives, offering workshops, masterclasses, and internship programs. By sharing knowledge and expertise, 432HZ Studios contributes to the growth of Bangalore's music community, ensuring a continuous influx of talent and innovation into the industry.
432HZ Studios in the Post-Production Realm
The studio's commitment to excellence extends beyond the recording phase into the realm of post-production. Equipped with advanced mixing and mastering facilities, 432HZ Studios ensures that every recording achieves its full sonic potential. The seamless integration of recording, mixing, and mastering services makes this Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore a one-stop destination for artists looking to polish their creations to perfection.
Community Engagement and Social Impact
Beyond its commercial endeavors, 432HZ Studios actively engages with the local community and contributes to social causes. The studio organizes events, concerts, and fundraisers, creating a positive impact on the cultural fabric of Bangalore. By fostering a sense of community and giving back, 432HZ Studios goes beyond its role as an Audio Recording Studio, becoming a cultural cornerstone in the city.
Conclusion: Harmonizing Art and Technology
In the bustling city of Bangalore, where innovation and creativity intersect, 432HZ Studios stands tall as a bastion of audio excellence. As we've explored in this article, this Audio Recording Studio in Bangalore seamlessly combines state-of-the-art technology with a commitment to acoustic perfection, creating a sonic haven for artists. Whether you're a seasoned musician or an aspiring talent, 432HZ Studios invites you to embark on a harmonious journey where art and technology converge to create timeless musical masterpieces.
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robryeme · 10 months
Binaural Beats in 432 Hz for Spiritual Awakening 🌕 Night Sky
Do you want to experience spiritual awakening? Well, there's no better way than with the power of binaural beats! In this video, I'll be using the special music frequency of 432 Hz to help you reach a state of deep relaxation and spiritual awareness.
This 432 Hz binaural beat meditation is perfect for those seeking a spiritual awakening or for anyone looking to improve their mental focus and mental clarity. Whether you're looking to achieve greater peace and tranquility or just want to relax and destress, this meditation is for you!
Binaural beats in 432 Hz are a type of audio frequency that has been shown to promote spiritual awakening. In this night sky video, you'll experience binaural beats in 432 Hz while viewing the night sky.
As you listen to the binaural beats, you'll start to feel a sense of peace and tranquility. This spiritual experience is designed to help you reach your spiritual goals and awaken your spiritual nature. If you're looking for a way to relax and de-stress, binaural beats in 432 Hz may be just what you need!
Binaural beats in 432 Hz have been proven to increase spiritual awareness and improve sleep quality. This night sky binaural beats audio was designed to help you experience a deeper spiritual connection with the universe.
This audio is perfect for those seeking spiritual awakening or wanting to improve their sleep quality. By listening to this binaural beats audio, you will be able to connect with your innermost being and explore new depths of your spiritual journey.
Space ambient music and visualisation channel Night Sky Time Lapse presents prefect video for relaxation, meditation, mental health, yoga, study, and sleep:
🔹 - Binaural Beats in 432 Hz for Spiritual Awakening 🌕 Night Sky
binaural beats in 432 hz for spiritual awakening // binaural beats in 432 hz // binaural beats // 432 hz for spiritual awakening // 432 hz // meditation music // spiritual awakening meditation // sleep meditation // spiritual awakening // mindfulness // healing music // 432hz // 432 hz music // spiritual // frequency music 432hz // 432hz healing frequency music // healing meditation 432hz // music 432hz healing // 432hz music for meditation // 432 hz frequency // night sky // full moon // night sky time lapse
Here at Night Sky Time Lapse, we're big believers in the power of meditation and its benefits for mental health. In this video, we'll showcase some space visuals with calming music, study music, healing music, relaxing music, meditation music and ambient music to help you relax and de-stress.
In Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel, I'm displaying a relaxing videos which features space ambient music and relaxing space scenes. Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel is perfect for those looking for a relaxing environment to help them escape from the stresses of the world. If you're looking for a night sky time lapse scenes and space ambient music, then look no further! Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel features beautiful space scenes that will help you feel at ease. If you're looking for a video to help you self love, then Night Sky Time Lapse for you!
Don't forget to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/@NightSkyTimeLapse
▶️  Night Sky Time Lapse, Starry Sky Music Therapy, Study Music: https://youtu.be/XiwOjGBCl7s
▶️  Night Sky Time Lapse Music: Healing Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music: https://youtu.be/CF0DjAiYRAc
© Romanas Boruchovas - author and owner of the video footage. The videos on my channel are copyrighted. All copy, reproduction or partial use is prohibited, please respect the copyright and the owner.
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432 hz tuning app download link and 7 Reasons to why you should Use them
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432 hz tuning app 7 Reasons to why you should Use them
1. 432 hz tuning app reduce noise pollution 432 Hz tuning applications are now being used to reduce noise pollution. The 432 Hz tuning is a frequency that is mathematically consistent with the natural harmonic series, and it has been found to be more pleasant to the ear than the current standard of 440 Hz. This article will explore how this can be done and why it is important. It will also discuss some of the benefits that come from using 432 Hz tuning applications. 2. They serve as a stress reliever and help with focus and concentration 432 HZ Tuning Applications are a form of audio therapy that is used as a stress reliever and help with focus and concentration. The 432 Hz frequency is said to be the natural frequency of the Earth, which can help people relax. 3. They promote mental clarity and well being 432 Hz tuning apps are a type of app that can help you tune your body to the frequency of 432 Hz. They promote mental clarity, well-being and focus. There are many benefits of using 432 Hz tuning apps. One is that they promote mental clarity and well-being. Another benefit is that they can help you tune your body to the frequency of 432Hz, which is known to have many benefits such as promoting mental clarity, well-being and focus, boosting creativity and intuition, increasing energy levels and more. How to get free 30 minute deep sleep music mp3 download free videos and website list 4. You can tune your guitar in minutes, rather than hours or days of painstaking adjustment Tuning a guitar is a tedious task. It can take hours or days of painstaking adjustment to get the right notes. But with the 432 tuning app, you can tune your guitar in minutes, rather than hours or days of painstaking adjustment. The app is easy to use and has been designed for all levels of musicians. It also provides a high level of accuracy, even when being used by someone who doesn't know much about guitars. 5. You can tune your voice easily, which is not possible on the piano or other instruments The voice tuner app is a great way to fix your vocal flaws, and it can be done in just a few minutes. The voice tuner app is a great tool for singers and those who want to improve the quality of their voice. It can be used to change pitch, remove vocal defects, or make the voice sound more like that of another person. 432 hz music artists free videos and how to convert 432 music 6. The notes resonate more deeply and energetically which has been found to be more beneficial to the listener The notes resonate more deeply and energetically which has been found to be more beneficial to the listener. Some studies have shown that music with a lower frequency is better for relaxation, while other studies have shown that music with a higher frequency can help people focus or get energized. user of the musical instrument as well as the composer/instrument performer Download 432 hz tuning app for Android and Applestore Download 432 hz tuning app for Windows here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlgsqZnfL2w
The Benefits of 432 Hz Tuning
The term pitch refers to the frequency of a sound. Pitch is measured in Hertz (Hz). 432 Hz tuning was first proposed by an American musician, William Sethares. He proposed that the A above middle C should be tuned to 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz. 432 Hz tuning has some benefits on listeners. It gives a more pleasant listening experience and it also reduces ear fatigue. The term tone is a noun and is used to describe the sensation of sound in people's ears. Tone can be an adjective that means sounding or not unpleasant. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/07/18/free-indian-meditation-music-download-mp3/
432 Hz Tuning Apps - What You Need to Know
432 Hz tuning apps are the new trend in the music industry. They are meant to provide a richer and higher-quality sound experience. The app can be used on any device that has a speaker, but it is best to use it with speakers that have been tuned for 432 Hz. The 432 Hz tuning app can be used on any device with a speaker, but it is best to use it with speakers that have been tuned for 432 Hz. With a fully operational app, users can listen to the sound over headphones while they are filling out their profile or doing work on their computer. If a user has a speaker setup, they can use the app by connecting it to their phone. This may be done through Bluetooth pairing, or through an auxiliary cable. Some people have found that using audio CDs with the app produces the best sound quality.
What are the Benefits of Tuning Your Instrument to a Higher Frequency?
Tuning your instrument to a higher frequency is a process that can be done by anyone. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of tuning your instrument to a higher frequency and how to do it. Instruments can be tuned in different ways and there are many benefits that come with it. You should tune your instrument to a higher frequency because it will have more clarity and sound better. The process of tuning an instrument is simple and anyone can do it. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/07/18/mind-relaxation-music-mp3-free-download/
How to Use 432 Hz Tuning Apps for Better Mental Health
432 Hz tuning apps are designed to help with mental health. These apps are specifically designed for people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and insomnia. They have been found to have a positive effect on the brainwaves and help with mental health in general. There are many different types of 432 Hz tuning apps that are available on the app store and in the Google Play store as well. There is an app called “The Mindfulness App” which is a very popular one that has helped thousands of people all over the world. How to get free sleep Music Delta Waves mp3 free download Read the full article
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loversinthebodega · 2 years
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muvanakarma · 2 years
The Healing Frequencies of the Human Body:

* Hammered dulcimer
* Singing bowls
* Gongs
* Windchimes
* Pan flutes
* Hang
* Didgeridoo
* Kalimba
* Djembe
* Rainstick
* Drums
The Solfeggio frequencies are a six-tone set of musical tones that date back to ancient times.
* 396 Hz: liberation from negative feelings
* 417 Hz: transformation and fixing broken situations
* 528 Hz: miracles and DNA repair
* 639 Hz: interpersonal relationships
* 741 Hz: solving problems, solutions, creative expression
* 852 Hz: spiritual enlightenment
Flickering lights and sounds at 40 hertz have been used in Alzheimer’s therapy studies to stimulate an increased neural response and fight symptoms of dementia. Sound at 40 hertz has been linked to gamma brain waves and the stimulation of memory.
174 hertz is one of the Solfeggio frequencies, a series of tones used in sacred music that is believed in alternative medicine to have different positive effects on human health. 174 hertz is associated with the reduction of both pain and stress.
285 hertz is also one of the Solfeggio frequencies and is considered instrumental in the healing of cuts, burns, and other physical wounds. 285 hertz sound frequencies are supposed to activate the body into cellular regeneration, encouraging it to heal itself in the event of an injury.
This sound frequency is associated with the removal of fear and other negative feelings. As one of the Solfeggio frequencies, the 396 hertz tone aids in the removal of the feeling of guilt, making it an effective addition to spiritual music. 396 hertz frequencies balance the root chakra while simultaneously transforming negative emotions such as grief into positive, joyful ones.
Instead of a focus on physical ailments, healing sound therapy involving 417 hz (another of the Solfeggio frequencies) focuses on the removal of negative energy such as the energy surrounding a past trauma or negative energies in the ambient environment. 417 hertz therapy is designed to dissolve emotional blockages and activate the sacral chakra.
432 hertz therapy is aimed at the heart chakra and listening to a 432 hertz frequency is supposed to lead to greater levels of mental and emotional clarity. A 432 hertz tuning is associated with a higher level of spiritual development.
Music that is tuned to the 440 hertz versus 432 hertz is considered “cerebral” music that aids in the listener’s cognitive development. Sound frequencies at 440 hertz are considered to activate the third eye chakra.
Also known as the love frequency, 528 hertz is one of the most well-known and popular of the Solfeggio frequencies. This musical tone is also known as the “miracle note” and has been used in native populations as a sound associated with blessings since before written history.
639 hertz is a sound frequency that affects the heart chakra. This sound frequency is associated with therapy intended to produce positive feelings and greater attunement to harmonious interpersonal relationships. As therapy, 639 hertz exposure encourages clearer communication practices and situational awareness.
852 hertz sound therapy is a tone that is associated with redirecting the mind away from overthinking, intrusive thoughts, and negative thought patterns. These patterns of thought play a larger role in depression and anxiety. Exposure to this sound frequency can help the role of negative thoughts in these psychological ailments.
963 hertz sound frequencies are associated with activation of the pineal gland and higher spiritual development. The 963 hertz frequency is known as both the “pure miracle tone” and the “frequency of the gods”. 963 is associated with the activation of the crown chakra and a connection to the source of all humanity.
Not only are low-frequency sounds associated with human illness, but they’re also associated with annoyance, lack of ability to focus or concentrate, and the inability to retain information (memory issues). The government took the application of low-frequency sound as a weapon even further, incorporating infrasonic sound technology into crowd dispersal vehicles such as LRAD tanks. These sonic tanks produce a low-frequency sound designed to induce immediate nausea and dizziness.
full list of negative symptoms associated with low-frequency sound exposure:
* Loss of sleep —
* Irritability —
* Fatigue —
* Loss of concentration —
* Nausea —
When exposed to higher frequencies, such as those found in frequency healing, the human body is stimulated to heal oneself. On the flip side of that, if the human body is exposed to constant low-frequency noises, they can develop negative symptoms as a result.
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askfordoodles · 3 years
Do you have any fun headcannons about the scientists?
Not sure if any of these are fun, but here are some of my assorted personal mental notes about them...
Cortex & Tropy (ie. MOST of my headcanons):
- I headcanon Tropy’s birthname is Nigel, which is also the name he suggests to use as their fusion’s cover-name. Like, c’mon are any of us supposed to believe ‘Nefarious’ is a legit birth-name?
But since it’s a dead name to him he gifts it to Neofarious.
- Neo actually IS Cortex’s real first name.
- Cortex was closer with his maternal grandfather than either of his parents. He got him interested in science and supported his passion.
- I don’t consider Twinsanity canon, so nobody went to ‘evil high-school’ together.
- Cortex's favourite song is Donovan’s “Mellow Yellow”. He has no idea what the song’s about and doesn’t care. He used to collect vinyl records in his younger days and would listen to them while he worked.
- Tropy prefers 432Hz tuning while Fem!Tropy swears by 440Hz. It’s the cause of the only argument they’ve ever had.
- Tropy affectionately refers to his female counter-part as ‘Neffi’ :)
- Cortex is absolutely a closeted furry, but being a boomer he has no idea what that is. I hc him as asexual homo-romantic, but married to his work.
- Tropy has a hand-sized spot left on his body that is still its original skin-color, right above his heart. If the blue reaches his heart he’ll die. Fortunately he managed to stall the advance by always wearing his suit during time-travel. No one knows about this other than other N. Tropies.
- Cortex has repeatedly annoyed Tropy (while they were trapped together) by asking the cause of his skin-color, but has never gotten a real answer. The truth is Tropy is mildly embarrassed. Not about how he looks (goodness no, he is flawless!), rather how it came to be. It represents a time where he was foolishly time-travelling without considering the risks and physical effects. Something he SHOULD have known, and would have if he’d slowed down a second and thought things through.
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- The reason his weapon looks like a tuning fork is because it is made specifically to manipulate quantum frequencies. He can summon it using the dial on his wrist. It usually resides in a pocket dimension until needed.
- Tropy lost his left arm during development of his ‘quantum resonator’ (ie his tuning fork), where an early model became unstable while he was holding it and obliterated his entire lower arm. It’s why he wears a thick glove on his intact arm, just in case.
N. Gin & Brio:
I absolutely headcanon that both N. Gin and Brio feign much of their submissive, ditzy personalities to humor Cortex and that it’s a bit of an inside joke between them.
In my comic Neofarious is gonna realize that they’re actually a lot more sensible and competent than they’ve lead Cortex to believe.
N. Gin is actually a more effective leader than Brio, but Brio is always in charge when Cortex is away because he has seniority. Due to this Gin has never had the chance to realize this about himself.
Gin is oblivious to a lot of social cues, but means well. He has surprisingly high empathy for those few he cares about. Friend-shaped.
Brio is the guy that comes across as a grumpy, unapproachable asshole, but is actually a sweetheart when you get to know him. Unlike Gin he’s very socially perceptive, and would probably be able to suss out the truth about Neofarious if he weren’t so absent-minded.
I haven’t thought them much further than that, so far.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I like to think N. Gin’s first name is Nathan.
Brio doesn’t remember his real first name, but it wasn’t always Nitrous.
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
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Canyon Moon
warnings for ch 3: mentions of drug use (weed), swearing, oral sex (m! and f! receiving), a hint of degradation if you squint
chapter 3: you’re so golden
The sun hitting your eyes was the first thing that woke you up, the warmth inviting, but also very bright. Scrunching you’re face up, you tug the blanket over your head, turning to the side and taking a deep breath in. You find giving your body a few minutes to wake up before you force yourself out of bed makes you feel so much more awake and in a good mood.
Stretching your back, you rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll out of bed, trudging to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
Yawning as you walk into the kitchen, you make yourself an iced coffee before starting on breakfast. Putting on Rumours, you sing quietly to yourself while making a scramble with a bunch of veggies to get your greens in early.
Heading back to your room with hot sauce in hand, you light some incense and take a few bong rips before eating your breakfast quietly on the window sill. That was something you absolutely LOVED about your room, the edge of the window was just wide enough for you to sit (or lay down) and admire the view of palm trees and beautiful blue skies.
Opening up Misery, you finish a few chapters and mindlessly eat for a bit, listening to the birds chirp and the buzz of the city waking up. Once you finish your food, you go sit cross legged on your meditation pillow, facing the floor length mirror as you make sure your posture is straight. Putting on your favorite meditation music, which, at the moment, is 432hz Healing Tones, you take a deep breath in, clearing your mind and allowing the sun and healing vibrations to roll over you. You imagine yourself breathing in healing energy and nothing but love, and exhaling all of the stuck, negative energy, trying to ‘push’ it out with your breath. Sometimes it felt a bit silly, but if it made you feel loads better, why not do it?
About twenty minutes pass before you slowly blink open your eyes, yawning quietly before going into child’s pose, stretching your back and hips after sitting for so long.
Lying down on your back on the mat, you stare up at the ceiling, feeling an overall sense of being okay. Your body feels good, your mind feels good, your stomach’s full of butterflies that make you smile and blush at the thought of seeing Harry in a bit.
Pulling yourself up with a grunt, you throw on a swim suit and a random pair of shorts, not caring to bring a real top. After applying a bit of sunscreen on your face and shoulders, you slide into your flip flops and fill up a water bottle before heading out the door.
Unlocking Sunflower, you sit on the edge of the side door while sliding on your scuffed white rollerskates with obnoxiously bright blue wheels. They were your pride and joys, and made you feel as if you were in a different time, enjoying the breeze on your cheeks as you skate towards your spot. The journey only took about 15 minutes, with minimal stumbles, so it was already turning out to be a great day.
Finally pulling up to the small lot, you squat down to pull of your skates, putting them behind a rock along with your socks and shorts. You shook your head as you sprinted towards the ocean, leaping into the freezing water. It was the only way you were able to get in, you were never one to wade slowly in. Swimming about half a mile out, the waves crash over you coolly, soothing your quickly warming body. It was going to be a hot day today, good to know. Treading water, you look at the coast, everything looking so small. You made sure to breathe in, capturing this exact moment in memory. The feeling of salty water on your skin, wet hair stuck to your neck and the slight burn in your arms, but this was it. This was pure bliss.
But, you’re also not insane, so after a bit you swim back to shore, spending about ten minutes doing handstands and flips before getting out, wringing out your hair on your way up the beach. Climbing up the pile of large rocks next to cliff, you lay on top of a relatively flat one, allowing your body to dry off for a little bit and give you a few extra moments of sun.
You always hated dusting off your feet for forever before getting back in your socks and skates, but rather that than get sand in them.
“Fuck, I really am killing it today,” you pant to yourself, definitely feeling a burning in your thighs as you start heading home, desperately wanting a shower and some chocolate.
Throwing your skates in Sunflower, you slam the door closed and trudge up the steps to the apartment, practically falling over as you enter the door.
Laura looks up from her phone, perched on the countertop eating a bowl of cereal.
“Look at you, sexy girl, how was the water?” She teases, handing you a banana from the counter immediately because she knows you need it.
“Good,” you sigh, taking a bite and moaning, leaning against the wall for a minute in silence.
“When’s your date with Harry again?” She asks, glancing at the clock.
Oh fuck.
The clock read 10:30.
“Okay, that’s not bad, I just need to get my ass in gear,” you convince yourself, throwing the banana away and grabbing a spoonful of peanut butter. You didn’t have time to make yourself anything else, plus you were eating with Harry soon anyways.
“You got this. Do I get to meet him?” Laura encourages, raising her thumbs at you.
You laugh and nod. “Absolutely, just don’t ask about his exes or I’m going to look crazy.”
“Got it, no exes. Get in the shower, you’re dripping everywhere!”
You run upstairs, yelling back, “I’ll clean it up,” as you head into your room, turning on Currents by Tame Impala to pump you up as you shower, quickly washing your hair and body, shaving the itty bitty stubble just in case.
Running some curl cream through your hair, you try and scrunch and dry your hair as fast as possible, which doesn’t really work, but at least you tried.
A bathrobe envelopes you as you sit down at your small vanity, starting on a little bit of makeup. Dabbing a bit of concealer on your undereyes and small blemishes, you keep it semi-natural with just bronzer, blush, and highlighter, admittedly a ton, but who’s to say. Brushing your brows out and filling in the ends a little darker, all that goes on your eyes is a brown eyeshadow and a beautiful gold pigment, then comes drenching your eyelashes in mascara.
You turn your attention back to your hair, thank god you were having extremely good luck today, because it fell perfectly, the layers framing your face so elegantly that you had to smile at your reflection. Self-love is a journey, and you were glad to be in a good space.
Checking your phone finally, you find a text from Harry, sent 2 hours ago. Whoops.
Good morning, Y/N, just wanted to make sure we’re still on for 12. Hope you slept well.
Well, it’s confirmed, you’re a completely asshole. It’s 11:15 and you still haven’t responded to a text about a date happening at NOON.
AHH IM SO SORRY hi harry ! i don’t check my phone for a while in the mornings, i’m the worst, i know. we definitely are still on, haha, noon still work for you ?
You throw your phone on your bed while you stare at your closet, trying to find a good outfit for today.
Eventually coming to a pair of high waisted white shorts that you got from your mom, thankfully having the same waistline as her in high school, and a light blue silk tank top with gold straps. Planning on wearing your black boots with the gold detailing, because, hey, it seems you’ve got to up your fashion game dealing with Harry, you place them next to your bedroom door before checking your phone.
You scared me for a minute, I was about to go eat a very sad lunch by myself. I’m going to start heading over, that alright by you?
You giggle quietly at his response, typing out,
sounds great :) i’m planning on wearing a pair of boots, should i bring sandals or anything ?
Woah, trying to outdress me?
He sends the next one moments later.
Just teasing, boots will be fine. We’re going to this cafe I really like.
of course i’m going to out dress you, who do you think i am ? and awesome !! see you in a bit !!
You grab a small black bag, putting your sunglasses case, gum, keys, wallet, chapstick, lighter, your dab pen (you never know), and a small rollerball perfume inside. Sliding in some gold hoops and placing your rings back on your fingers, you wiggle them a bit. They always look a bit naked without them on.
Putting on your boots, you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth once more before Harry arrives. But nope, the doorbell, rings as soon as you start brushing your molars.
“Shit,” you gasp, heading over to the door, toothbrush in hand.
You swing open the door and rush out, “Hey, Harry, I’ll be out in two seconds, come on in.”
Taking in his appearance, you grin at the white sunglasses pushed in his hair. Wearing a white t shirt, it’s tucked into a pair of blue pants that matches your shirt to a goddamn T, which you can’t help but laugh at as you walk away. Passing Laura in the hallway, you give her a look as she walks over to him.
Their conversation travels through your open door as you finish brushing your teeth.
“You must be Laura,” Harry starts, and you can just see him reaching his hand out.
“I am, it’s great to meet you,” she says, her smile bleeding into her voice.
“You have a beautiful home, so close to the beach too,” Harry compliments.
“Thank you, yeah, Y/N found this place forever ago and we’ve been living here since we moved out. My dad knew the landlord and they gave us a ridiculously low price for it, but I am not complaining.”
“Oh that’s sick, I’ve been in Malibu for just a bit, always kind of changing my location around LA and England.”
“That was what we thought we were going to do, but I definitely am glad we stayed here. Living in the city is fun and all, but it’s a lot, you know? We need our peace and quiet at home.”
You walk back out, purse and phone in hand, taking in their positioning. Laura’s sitting on a stool, cup of coffee in hand as Harry stands across from her, eyes on you as soon as you walked out.
“I’ll see you later,” you grin at Laura, sneaking another glance at Harry as you give her a quick hug.
“Okay, bye! Nice meeting you, Harry!” she smiles, and of course he replies with the same.
You close the door behind the two of you and he looks you up and down again, meeting your eyes and smiling.
“Hi,” you breathe out, his eyes capturing you immediately.
“Hi,” he whispers back, squeezing your exposed side. “You look really good, Y/N.”
You bite your lip to hide your smile, placing your hands on his shoulders, feeling the fabric (but really just his muscles). His hands immediately go to cup your waist, not pulling you in, just holding you.
“So do you. Like the blue,” you grin, moving your hands down to his waistband.
“Proper matching, I’d say,” he cheekily smiles, thumbs feeling the edge of your shirt’s material along your ribs, your breath hitching slightly at his movement.
You’re the first to pull away, moving your hand to lace your fingers together, tugging him gently down the stairs. He follows after you, squeezing your hand with his and shaking his head, trying to mask his smile by twitching his nose.
That gorgeous being of a car is parked in front of your house, the color alone bringing a smile to your lips, but now the top was down, which was about to make this a lot more fun.
“God, Harry, I might have to steal this from you,” you sigh, arms crossed as you look up at him seriously.
He laughs loudly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Maybe one day I’ll let you drive it,” He whispers, kissing the top of your head before pulling away and opening your door like nothing happened.
You stand there still for a moment before blinking and getting in, holding his hands on the door when he closes it. Turning your body, you lean out the door, placing your hands next to his as you whisper in his ear,
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
Sliding your lips along his cheek as you pull away, you plop back into the chair, putting on your sunglasses and messing with your hair a bit.
Harry clears his throat before walking around the car, sliding into the driver’s side and starting the car.
“Do you want to play music?” He slowly asks, his tone sending shivers down your legs.
You perk up at this, nodding quickly and taking the aux cord from him.
“I’d love to. Have you heard of Tash Sultana? They released an EP a few years ago, their voice is incredible. They make all their own loops and play every instrument by themselves.”
Harry gives you a side eye, grinning as he says,
“That’s some pretty new music for you, princess.”
Your lips part slightly and Harry watches closely as your cheeks flush, licking the side of his mouth with a grin.
“Have I found a nickname you like, Y/N?” His voice has raised slightly, obvious excitement in his expression.
“Only sometimes,” you shrug, trying to play that off as cool as possible. “And yeah, my ex actually introduced me to their music.”
Harry raises his eyes at this, bringing a finger to his lips to hold his laugh in.
“Why the fuck did I say that?” Your hands go up to your face as Harry finally laughs at you, turning the volume down just a little to listen to you.
Sighing for a second, you pull your hands away before blurting out,
“I don’t want you to think that I’m lying to you about not knowing your music or you, because I do listen to stuff released now, obviously. I’m not a music snob or one of those too cool for school people because I absolutely blast SZA when I’m drunk and I’m starting to overthink and-“
Harry cuts you off by taking your jaw in his hand, turning your face towards him. Perfect timing, as always, pulling up to a red light right when he needs it.
“Hey,” he whispers with a smile, stroking your cheek. “I don’t think that you’re lying to me, and I understand. I was kind of a dick for saying all that right away to be honest, but I get it. I listen to mostly oldies too, if I really think about it.”
You exhale, looking up at him.
“Okay. I’m still going to freak out about it and make sure you know.”
He squeezes your jaw slightly, scrunching his nose.
“No,” he cutely protests, and you can’t help but giggle.
He smiles in return and lets your jaw go, hands going back to grip the wheel a little bit tighter
The two of you drive for a little bit, not really saying anything. You can’t help but dance in your seat to the beat, silently mouthing the lyrics to yourself. Harry keeps glancing over at you, too, grinning at the way you blush when he notices you doing it.
“How was your morning so far?” You start, just wanting to hear him talk.
He has to talk a little bit louder over the wind, but he’s happy to get the conversation started.
“Quite good actually. I’m going to Cabo in a couple weeks and was just getting some early packing in. Don’t you hate when you go somewhere and realize you forgot something like a toothbrush at home?”
“It’s the worst, I always end up having to go to a corner store and get something. What’s in Cabo?” You ask, already so amazed at his lifestyle.
“Friend of mine is having a birthday, so we’re there for a bit celebrating, going to be an amazing trip. Happy to be here, though,” he adds, eyes flicking to yours as he says it.
“I’d be worried if you weren’t.”
“What about you? How was your morning?”
“Really good. Sorry about not texting you back for so long, by the way. I just have this thing about using technology right after I wake up, it gives me pretty bad headaches so I go as long as I can without it unless I hear it ring. But it was super productive, I got a good breakfast and read in, meditated a bit, skated to the beach and went for a swim, then got ready for this.”
“You put me to shame, Y/N, you really do.” Harry laughs, running a hand through his hair.
“I just woke up in a really good mood. I can definitely be grumpy in the morning, I’ll tell you that,” you try to explain, scared of feeling too pretentious.
“Yeah? I can see you throwing a fit if someone wakes you up before you’re ready,” Harry nonchalantly says, looking at the rings on his fingers before checking your reaction.
Cheeks hot, you feel almost scolded by him, thankful for the large sunglasses on your face.
“You’re not wrong,” you finally agree, crossing your legs smoothly.
That doesn’t go unnoticed by Harry, reaching a hand down to rest on your thigh almost immediately. His large hand wraps around your skin, thumb immediately starting to go in small circles.
“I started meditating a few years ago but I absolutely love it, I feel like it allows you to start the morning off right.”
Taking a deep breath before answering, you nod and say,
“Completely agree. It still can feel a bit weird doing it when I’m in a mood or anything, but whether you believe in it or not, having all that negative energy in you without doing anything about it isn’t good for you.”
“You’re quite cute when you talk about things you like. Light up like a little sun,” Harry smirks, pulling his sunglasses up to look at you, the piece of gum in his teeth allowing his jawline to be even more prominent. You do the same, placing them in your lap as you uncross your legs, his hand staying on your left thigh as it goes back towards the seat.
“Yeah?” You don’t stop looking at him, watching his eyes flit between you and the road.
Harry hums before adding, “I think you know that though.”
“That I’m quite arguably the epitome of all things golden? Of course, but it’s always nice to hear.”
You make a noise of protest as Harry removes his thigh to make a left, while simultaneously laughing at you.
“You are absolutely golden, love, don’t you forget it.”
He pauses for a moment before starting again.
“I’m going to warn you right now that there might be some photos taken of you when we go in or leave, or fans coming to take pictures. If that bothers you-“
Cutting him off quickly, you sit up, shaking your head.
“I dressed cute for a reason, if it happens it happens. I’m going to be pissed if someone comes for my outfit though.” You giggle at yourself and grab Harry’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I know what I’m signing up for. You’re good.”
Squeezing back, he looks down at his lap for a moment before glancing back at you, eyes so sincere your heart clenches a little.
“Thank you. Just... need a little reminder sometimes too.”
Unlacing your fingers, you stick your pinkie out, swearing, “I promise that I will always remind you that you’re not going to cause me any problems, and I’m not going to do the same. You promise to always remind me I’m golden?”
“‘Course, love. Was gonna do that anyways,” Harry chuckles, intertwining your fingers, heartbeat going just a little bit faster.
He couldn’t explain it, didn’t want to admit it to himself even, but your presence made his world just a little bit brighter. He couldn’t get you out of his mind, your smile, giggle, and sweet-smelling perfume was all he could think about since last night. His brain was trying to come up with reasons why this was a bad idea, how you could be using him, you were going to break his heart and leave without a second glance. But one look at your face, those eyes looking at him with so much wonder, made him hate the part of himself looking for excuses. These feelings felt way too much, too fast, but all he knew was he wanted to call you his girl. His sweet Y/N.
Parking his car next to some trees, he runs over to open your door, helping you step out and shutting the door behind you, placing the cover on the car quickly. The two of you walk into the cafe in silence, arms swaying next to each other. You figured he wasn’t comfortable holding hands in public on the first date.
The atmosphere of the Beachwood Cafe was everything you could want in a coffee shop. Absolutely stunning artwork covering the walls, a checkerboard floor, fun colors splattered all over. Your face must show how excited you were because you feel Harry bump you, grinning down at you. You hum, smile on your cheeks as he holds your face in his hands for a second.
“Like it?” You nod happily at his question, following the waitress to your table, one in the furthest corner from the door.
“Can I start you off with some drinks?” She asks, setting menus in front of the two of you. Harry gestures for you to go first and you quirk an eyebrow before turning.
“Can I please get a large iced coffee with some honey? Thank you so much,” you add, looking Angie, her nametag reads, in the eye.
“And for you?”
“A large iced americano would be wonderful, thank you, love.” Flashing that award-winning smile at her, she writes down his order and heads back to the front.
“This place is really cute, Harry,” you gush. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
His chest tightens at your cute face looking at him from across the table, the amount of gratitude coming from you at all times filling him with light.
“‘Course, honey. You don’t have to thank me,” He earnestly tells you, placing his chin in his hand.
“I know, but I feel like I need to,” you trail off, looking at one of the names of the scrambles on the menu. Snapping your eyes back up to him, Harry can tell where you’re going with this.
“Please don’t,” he half-laughs, half begs.
“But it’s so easy,�� you pout, grinning when he sighs and waves his hand for you to continue.
“Should I ask how strong the Weid scramble is going to hit?”
Groaning into his palm, Harry tries his hardest not to laugh, but can’t help one escaping when you kick him under the table.
“Very,” you nod, looking over the menu once more. “Have you had the Thai noodle salad? That looks hella good.”
“It is ‘hella’ good,” Harry teases, using quotation marks in the air.
“Right then, love, what’re you getting?” You respond in a British accent, folding up your menu.
“Probably the Brussels sprouts salad, it’s my usual here.”
You open your mouth to say something before your drinks are placed in front of you, Angie asking if the two of you are ready to order. Harry goes ahead and orders for the two of you, delicately grabbing the menu from your hands to hand it back to her with a charming smile on his face. Watching her walk away, you grab your drink, lifting it for a cheers.
“To living,” you simply state, Harry repeating it with a look in his eyes you can’t quite name.
“So,” you start, adjusting your position in your seat for a second. “You said you’re writing for your second album, right?”
Harry nods, licking his lips as he pulls away from his glass, catching the way your eyes wander to his mouth.
“Sort of. I want to, you know, take a break, try and just have some fun, rather than jump straight into writing and recording again. At the same time, I really fucking miss it. Writing and being in the studio and getting all that out just feels so good.”
The way his accent wraps around his words makes it hard for you to focus on what he’s saying all the way, realizing he’s waiting on you to respond.
“I definitely think you could use some down time. But that also doesn’t mean you have to stop making music. Write out your ideas when they come to you, and when you feel like you’re ready, start pumping them all out. I’m willing to bet $100 that you already have at least a few songs under your belt, though, am I wrong?” You grin at the headshake Harry gives you, catching the blush on his cheeks. “I knew it! We all do, it’s impossible to just not write, but don’t worry about timelines or due dates. You can’t rush art.”
“God, it’s just so good to hear out loud, I feel like you already know me,” Harry shakes his head, pushing his hair away from his face with one hand.
“I’m pretty good at reading people, I’d like to say,” your arm raising above you as you stretch a little, tilting your head from side to side.
Seeing your neck arch and the way your veins move slightly under your skin causes Harry to have to clear his throat a little, taking a sip of his drink as he feels his forehead start to sweat.
“What kind of artists do you normally write for?” He blurts out, trying to figure out how to get to know more about you in a roundabout way.
“If you’re offering me a job, I’m walking out right now,” you warm, raising your eyebrows. “Kidding. I don’t know, really, I write for a lot of my friends, like I said, when they need help on some of their own projects, or if I’m hanging out in the studio I get pulled around the rooms for a different set of ears. Working with Khalid was one of my favorite experiences, though, he was so fucking cool.”
Harry’s eyes sparkle at this, perking up.
“Love Khalid. He is so talented, and hilarious. I swear, my stomach was aching after being with him for a little while. I only asked because I think I’m trying to figure you out a bit. I just wanna get to know ya,” He shrugs, fingertips tapping on his glass.
“I wish you good luck on that task, Harry, I really do. The first step in recovering is admitting you need help,” you solemnly nod, bursting out laughing when he rolls his eyes and ATTEMPTS to hide his smile.
Your food is placed in front of you suddenly, and you jump, glaring at Harry for smirking at your reaction. He couldn’t help it, you were like a little puppy, overexcited and always jumping from place to place. Harry starts eating right away, sending you a quizzical look when you sit with your hands in your lap, almost like you’re waiting for something.
“You going to start eating, honey?” He gently presses, snapping you out of wherever you went.
“Sorry,” you blush, grabbing your fork and shaking your head a little. “I don’t know what the fuck that was about.”
Fuck, yes you did, and Harry knew that. You were waiting for his permission, and that thought alone sent you into a daze. Closing your eyes around the fork, you fought off the urge to moan and tried to push the fact that he already holds so much control over you out of your head. Snapping them open, you find Harry’s eyes on you, the look in them dangerous. Clearing your throat, you whisper, “It’s really good,” which Harry responds with a simple hum, leaning forward on his elbows towards you.
“You tell me if this is too forward or too much, yeah?”
Your lips part as you nod your head, not really ready for what’s about to cross his lips.
“I’ve been noticing certain... things that you do and, well, are you a sub, darling?”
Your throat dries, unable to break eye contact or even speak, only nodding when he squints his eyes a little at you. Fuck, this was not happening, you thought, reaching to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Like to hear that pretty voice of yours, yeah?” Harry urges you, hands fighting off the urge to hold your jaw in his fingertips.
“Yeah,” you sigh, taking a swig of coffee to think of something to say. “I’m going to assume you’re a dominant,” pausing to let Harry nod, jaw moving as he chews. You throw your hands up, leaning back in your seat.
“You are the complete package, Harry, shit.”
He laughs at this, covering his mouth quickly. “‘S’all you. A dream, really.”
Your heart flutters at this, shit, no, this is a FIRST date, you cannot be feeling like this. Taking a bite of your food, you are able to just sit back and look at him. Watch how he sticks his tongue out while he puts a bite in his mouth, something you’ve done since you were a kid for no reason. How his hands look almost sinful holding the white napkin to his lips.
“Staring at me, love,” he comments after a few minutes, his eyes looking at you sweetly, like he didn’t mind, but just needed to call you out.
“Merde, je veux te sucer,” you breathe out in French, banking on him not understanding you.
“Viliane,” Harry tuts, clicking his tongue at you. Before you’re able to answer, Harry is handing his card to the waitress who passed your table, asking for two boxes for your meals.
Your eyes snap to his, all the oxygen leaving your body as he brings your plate his side, getting ready to pack it up for you.
“W-Where?” Is all you manage, drinking the rest of your coffee, before setting it down on the table, a drop of honey falling down your lip. Harry can’t help but swipe it off with his thumb, slowly placing it in his mouth afterwards, not breaking eye contact, with you.
“I live nearby. That alright with you?”
Nodding slowly, you sit quietly in the booth as Angie comes back with the check and two boxes, legs bouncing excitedly as Harry packages the food up.
“Come on, lovely, let’s get out of here,” he tells you, holding you by your elbow as you walk outside, heading straight for the car. He doesn’t bother taking the top off, opening your door for you without a word and shutting it, almost sprinting to the driver’s side.
His hand finds your thigh immediately, rings shocking the delicate skin and making your muscles tense, his fingers quickly moving to massage out these aches.
“You wanna give me a safeword, pretty girl?” His voice drips with confidence, his hands moving closer to where you needed him most. His eyes keep flickering back to you while trying to focus on the road. His curls are a mess around his sunglasses, the brown hair swallowing up most of the eye ware. A pinch on your thigh reminds you that he expects an answer, shaking your body out slightly before answering.
“The stoplight system’s good. Green, I’m good, yellow, slow down or take a break, red, stop everything. What kind of dom are you, Harry?” You push, wanting to know what you’re getting yourself into. You had done a lot of kinky stuff in the past, and there were some things you weren’t a fan of.
“Mm, I’m relatively easy going. Not going to give you any rules, unless we’re playing and have a scene set up. But,” he pauses to exhale harshly, “I’m quite mean, love. I like to take control, pick you apart bit by bit until you’re just trembling under me, can’t say anything but my name. How does that sound, puppy? Tell me now how you like it.”
His voice sends shivers throughout your body and you moan quietly, biting your lip to try and stifle it. Harry’s words circle around your brain, your stomach tightening with need. All the air seems to escape you, but you know he wants an answer.
“G-good. I like it rough, dirty, just wanna please you,” you stutter out, chest rising and falling rapidly. You absent-mindedly rub your fingers against your neck, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe while thinking about what he’s saying.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he moans, removing his hand from your thigh to place it behind your neck, squeezing it in his grasp. He knows what you want, even if he’s driving, he’s able to pick up on any little signals your body makes. Your back arches as you let out a breathy moan, eyes slipping closed.
“Tell me, princess,” he starts, squeezing the side of your throat to make you open your eyes and pay attention to him. “What do you want to happen when we get back to my house? Don’t want to go too far too soon.”
“Fuck, Harry, I just really want to suck you off, please, please, please,” you beg, a tear actually falling from your eye as you look at him. His pupils dilate at your words, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows harshly, mouth suddenly dry,
“Y/N,” he growls, reaching a hand to squeeze his growing bulge in his pants. His tanned hands and dark rings contrast the bright color, adding to your ever growing list of things that Harry does that turns you on.
The car pulls up to a gate and you sit there for a few seconds before Harry is buzzed in, probably driving way too fast back to his house. Parking in his driveway, he finally releases his hand from your neck and exits the car, making his way around to open your door. Holding your hand as you exit, he places his hand on your low back to guide you into the gorgeous home, the size of it taking your breath away. Harry gives you no time to admire it, shutting the door behind him with a slam before bringing his hand up your chest to rest on your throat, slamming you into the wall. He slips a leg in between yours and takes your hip in his free hand, guiding you to start grinding on his thigh. Your face flushes with heat as he tightens his grip.
“Know you wanna suck me off, but will you cum for me first? Don’t want this pretty cunt to go to waste.”
Your head rolls back and hits the wall, hips stuttering at his words, eliciting a chuckle from Harry as he leans in, breath hitting your lips before he envelopes them, encouraging you to start grinding faster. His tongue runs along your bottom lip, prying them open to lick into your mouth, your moans being instantly swallowed by him. Pulling away slowly, he maintains eye contact with you as he removes his hand from your throat to slip two fingers into your mouth. Feeling your wet mouth on him, sucking his fingers with such need, Harry groans lowly, removing his fingers to kiss you even harder, hands making quick work of removing your shorts.
“Such a naughty girl, can’t even wait to get to the bedroom, just has to have me feel you right here, hmm?” Harry scolds, removing his lips from yours to suck a mark into your neck, fingers moving to feel your wetness through the cloth underwear. Your hands wrap around his curls as you shakily inhale, resting your forehead on his to moan out lowly.
“Fuck, Harry,” you sigh, feeling him rub along your folds through the fabric, pushing it ever-so-slightly inside of you. His mouth pulls away from you with a pop, only to bite down on the red skin harshly, working his way up to your mouth once more. He bumps his nose against yours and opens his mouth to move his tongue past your lips. Your head is spinning, breath ragged as you suck his tongue with yours, feeling the vibrations in your mouth when he moans lowly, pulling a whimper from you.
Suddenly, he drops to his knees, pulling the thong down with him. You swallow at the change in pace and allow him to help you step out of them.
“Wanna take your boots off, sweet girl?” He checks, kissing your inner thigh softly as you lean fully against the wall. You think for a second, these were pretty comfortable, pretty solid grip, why not stay in them?
“‘S okay. Perfect height for you,” you breathe, bucking your hips up. He doesn’t even wait a second to smack your pussy, grabbing your thighs to spread you even wider.
“Filthy, you are,” he growls, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit, a gasp immediately falling from your lips. He looks up at you and grins, licking long stripes through your folds, almost like he’s trying to remember how you feel. He takes his time catching your wetness slowly, despite the little gasps and moans coming from you. Flicking his tongue over your clit for a second, he pulls back to blow cool air on it, the motion causing your legs to falter for a second.
“Gotta stay still, okay? Can’t have you falling over,” he spits directly on your core as he says this, looking up at you with his jaw hanging slightly open, loving the way your hands go to your hair to find something to grab on. He smirks to himself, licking into you while his hands find your hips, pinching the delicate skin between his fingertips. He collects as much of you and his spit on his tongue as he can, swallowing around your clit after he sucks it into his mouth. The suction makes your hips fight to buck up into him, but you use all of your strength to stay still, causing your thighs to start quivering in his palms. Harry grins and scrapes his teeth along your clit, your loud moan going directly to his quickly hardening cock.
“Taste so fucking good, angel,” he groans, nose rubbing against your clit as he fucks his tongue into you, the soft muscle dragging along your walls and guiding your wetness into his mouth. The sounds coming from him are obscene, loud slurping, sucking, and spitting onto your trembling pussy.
“Fuck, Harry, I’m not going to last,” you cry out, feeling yourself start to clench around him. He grins around you, pulling away to thumb at your clit and look directly into your eyes.
“Mm, that’s not how good girls ask,” is all Harry gives you, slipping a finger inside and immediately curling it towards himself, finding your g-spot with ease. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking harshly while his tongue draws designs on the sensitive button.
“Please, Sir, can I come?”
This has Harry moaning against you, pinching your clit between his teeth as he slides another finger in, fucking into you faster. Your eyes roll back, one hand splayed against the wall, another in his hair to give you some sort of balance. He relentless massages and thrusts into your g-spot with his fingers, feeling you clench around them so tightly that his head starts to spin. “That’s it, puppy, ask me again,” he demands, the title you gave him sending shivers throughout his body. He sucks harder on your clit, somehow speeding up his fingers inside you. A moan vibrates against your center when you pull on his curls, your hips bucking up against his waiting hand.
“Sir, please please please can I come? I’ve been so good, haven’t moved,” you beg, gasping loudly when your legs start to shake noticeably. Harry pulls away, looking up at you and grunting out,
“You have been such a good girl, haven’t you? Go. Cum, now, right fucking now on my tongue.” A loud slapping noise is heard when Harry smacks your ass, the pain sending you over the edge. Your head hits the wall with a thud, but your moan drowns everything out, the guttural sound coming from your soul. Tilting your head back, you cum into his mouth, one leg slipping out from under you and Harry places it on his shoulder without a second thought, holding you up as you ride out your orgasm. The tightness in your stomach releases and your pussy trembles around his fingers, only encouraging him to continue the constant pressure on your g-spot.The strength of it knocks the wind out of you and sends electricity throughout your finger tips, your hips slowing down their rocking motion as Harry eases his fingers out of you. He continues to lick you clean before placing your shaky legs back on the ground together, trailing his hands up your body as he stands up.
“Thank you,” you breathe into his chest, holding on to his hips for balance. His chuckle vibrates against your cheek, and you feel him move your hair out of the way to kiss your shoulder.
“Of course, lovely. How you feeling?” He is all smiles, his voice gentle and caring as he breathes in your smell, leaving small kisses along your neck.
“G-good,” you stutter out, nudging his head to make eye contact with you. He pulls away after a second, one arm going around your waist when he notices how you’re practically falling over with how shaky your legs are. Smirking, he places his other hand on your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his tongue was too much for you, whining into his mouth before pulling away.
“Can I suck you off now?” You ask shyly, using your best puppy dog eyes. And, wow, do they work. Harry groans, biting your bottom lip harshly before pulling away, not wasting a second before pushing down on your shoulders. You topple to the ground easily, landing surprisingly softly (thanks to Harry’s expert hands), on the hardwood floor. After helping him remove your shirt, you place your hands behind your back immediately and tuck your chin down, grinning to yourself when you hear the moan Harry let’s out at your position.
“Spoiled little girl. Gets everything and more that she asks for, hmm, yes?” Harry demands, tugging your chin up by his hands. His eyes are pointed, staring directly into yours, pupils blown out and hair a mess behind him. You can see the pieces stuck to his forehead from sweat, but his chin glistens with something that has to be you.
“Yes, sir, so good to me. Wanna make you feel good, please,” you beg, leaning closer into him, the difference in clothing setting you into a daze, seeing him fully dressed while you’re waiting on your knees in front of him, naked, panting, and pleading to have his cock down your throat.
“Greedy,” he sighs, taking his hand away from your face to slide off his shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He keeps his eyes trained on yours, daring you to avert them as he unzips his pants, stepping out of them. He looks away for a second to pull of his boots, and you take your time admiring his thighs, because, fuck. They were thick, muscled, tanned, and the little tattoos on them were asking to be bitten, you made a mental note to do that later.
“Got a bit of a staring problem, love.”
Harry’s voice snaps you out of your daydream, eyes flickering back up to him, mouth dropping open when he’s bare in front of you, slowly stroking himself. You involuntarily make a little noise in the back of your throat, sticking your tongue out for good measure. Seeing Harry’s hips thrust up into his hand and his neck vein pop was confirmation enough for you, but you waited for him to put himself in your mouth, absolute torture you must say.
Harry finally takes mercy on you, moaning out, “God, you’re such a little cockslut, just want something in that fucking mouth of yours. Bet I could leave my fingers in there all day and you wouldn’t complain once,” when he eases himself into your open mouth.
You flatten your tongue on the underside of him, not breaking eye contact as you slide off his cock to lick at his tip with feather light touches, drawing figure eights along the top. Suckling lightly on just the head, you feel a spurt of precum land on your tongue, licking it up happily. Tearing your eyes away from his, you open up your throat to begin taking him deeper, feeling his hand immediately come to your hair as you do this.
“Yes,” Harry draws out, allowing you to take control for a moment. You wanted to suck him off, so who is he to tell you how to do it? The view is what is killing him the most, though. Your tits bouncing as you slurp him down, spit falling onto your thighs, your little bit of stomach pudge falling over as you completely lose yourself in making him feel good. That is what gets him to buck into your mouth, closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip, breathing heavily as he begins to thrust into you. You pull away after a moment, jerking him off steadily as you swallow and look up at him.
“You can fuck my throat. Don’t have much of a gag reflex, anyways. Wanna see how you like it, Sir,” you pant, not giving him any time to think before you take him back into your mouth, placing your hand on the wrist that’s in your hair, giving him another okay.
“God, Y/N, you’re heavenly,” Harry breathes, testing out the waters by doing some shallow thrusts, only then beginning to actually throat-fuck you. He places his other hand around your neck, essentially pulling you into his throat and choking you from both ways. Your eyes roll into the back of your throat and you place your nose against his belly, breathing in deeply. Harry pulls himself out of you, rubbing his cock against your cheeks.
“Feel so good,” he draws out, easing himself back into your waiting mouth, rubbing the head on the ridges on the roof of your mouth. He moans through closed lips and tilts his head back, giving you the chance to admire his strong jawline from this angle, body sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. He had no room to call you all these beautiful names while he looked this fucking good getting his cock sucked.
You start speeding up your bobs, keeping him deep in your throat and only picking up a little, the change in pressure earning you a tug on your roots when Harry pulls you to look up at him.
“Mm, you want me to cum, don’t you, dirty girl,” he grunts, a lazy grin on his now flushed face. His thumbs make their way to press on either side of your cheek, moaning lowly when he feels himself through the tissue.
You hum around him, using your tongue along the vein you can feel, looking up at Harry with such need in your eyes. You pull off for a quick second, gasping loudly while saying,
“Want you to come in my mouth so bad, want to taste you and make you feel as good as you made me,” Taking him back in your mouth and sucking him off with a vice-like grip.
“Fuck,” Harry half-laughs, half-moans. “You’re incredible. Gonna make me come so fast, you’re taking me so fucking deep.”
Not even a minute later, you feel him begin to pulse in your mouth, pulling back to just suck on the head, using your tongue to dip into the hole, and Harry cums with a loud shout, burying his cock down your throat as he shoots ribbon after ribbon of come into you. You keep your eyes at his face, remembering how his mouth looks wide open, his eyes pinched closed, hair making a perfect halo around him. His throat makes you want to cry, the veins popping out and slightly red. He stays in your mouth for a while, allowing you to suck him dry and soften slightly, before pulling out of you with a pop.
“Thank you,” you croak out, swallowing what’s left in your mouth and leaning into his touch, quite spent if you were being honest.
Harry had to look away for a second, moving his hand to hold your head while he caught his breath. You were right about being golden, your skin shone, and you just radiated everything good in this world, right after he had his cock balls deep down your throat nonetheless.
“You’re too much, beauty. Thank you, did such a good job,” he gushes, kneeling down. He takes your chin inbetween his fingers and kisses you softly, just barely moving his lips. He leans his forehead against yours and wipes your lip with his thumb, allowing you to suck the bit of cum still on your face off with a blush tinting your cheeks.
“Reminds me of this morning, a bit,” he giggles, laughing louder as you hit him in the chest, grumbling ‘dumb’. He pushes your hair out of the way and holds your face in his two hands, effectively shutting you up as you breathe in deeply, feeling strangely comfortable being this vulnerable with him this fast.
“Do you wanna take a bath with me right now? Know you were on shaky legs and this hard floor for a while,” he pouts, kissing your forehead softly. You nod slowly and he smiles, nodding against you before pulling away to unzip your shoes, placing them next to the wall before he’s picking you up with way too much ease, pulling a shriek from you.
“‘Sorry, love, your poor legs okay?” he asks, holding you to his chest with one arm, using the other to hold your thigh. He receives another nod to the shoulder and he nuzzles you, trying to see what’s happening.
“I’m okay, just tired,” you sigh, and he murmurs an ‘okay’ kissing your temple before allowing you to sink back onto him, making a mental note to ask you about it once you’ve got your breath back.
“Why don’t you go turn on that shower and wash yourself real quick with some warm water and I’ll have the bath ready when I join you, that okay?” Harry whispers, sliding you down slowly. He pushes you toward the large glass door and you smile back at him, your heart bursting with appreciation.
This one is going to change you.
A/N: and that’s a wrap !! lemme know if you guys prefer this kind of phrasing (‘you said’), or if you like ‘she said’, or ‘i said’ better. this is my first time working with a full story using y/n and second/third person kind of view, so pls bear with me. also !! i know some people aren’t really cool with weed. im a ~stoner~ (such a weird thing to type out lmao) so i smoke a lot, but if y’all aren’t comfortabke with me mentioning it p much every other chapter, let me know !! (it can even be anonymously sent in) hope you liked it, and let me know if you have any other requests for future chapters or just one shots💗💗
- lana💔
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inner-islands · 3 years
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Sean Conrad - “Three Colors”
The pieces that comprise “Three Colors” might not necessarily be considered “music.” These sounds are the results of a collision between several experiments happening in concurrence: tuning sound to color, Just Intonation, sonic architecture, and generative music. The idea was to create an indefinite sound-color program to play in a space to alter its mood, to augment its architecture. Each piece is a precise collection of specific frequencies tuned to evoke a particular color with subtle variations in hue and shade.
Initially these pieces were made just for my own enjoyment. I would listen to them while reading, making art, driving, cooking, etc. when I wanted to tint the space with something soothing and which would also require no additional attention (no lyrics and no melodies to get distracted by). And the production is nothing noteworthy: just pure sinewaves oscillations with no effects. After 5 years of sitting with this work, I thought that perhaps some other people might get some pleasure out of these color spaces.
In their original program environment, Max/MSP, the pieces are without a prescribed duration. They are here offered in 20-minute segments to be more easily tailored to a desired listening experience. One can listen to all three pieces in the album order, a random order, create a playlist of “Blue” repeating for 4 hours, etc. They are meant to be played with. Play them on the fringes of audibility. Play them so they rumble the floor. EQ them on your stereo until they sound pleasant in your space and suit your mood.
Blue: A 432Hz (2018) Orange: D 576Hz (2021) Green: F 341Hz (2016)
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Most nights I find it extremely hard to go to seep bc my anxiety is wild AF at night, but I have started to listen to healing frequencies while I am falling asleep and it actually helps me so much!! There are so many different ones that you can find on YouTube, but I have found this one to be my favourite! 
it does keep going for 3 hours though so make sure your phone is charging or you're gonna wake up with a almost flat battery lol...
I also got an oil diffuser for Christmas last year and it has been an absolute game changer for me with calming me down, I put it on overnight before I go to bed.
There are so many different oils you can get that can help you sleep and calm you down. Even if I am feeling stressed in the day or even if I just need some comfort I put it on and it truly does wonders! 
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yeibalam · 3 years
Frequency Matters - Peaceful Warrior 432hz (Cymatic Visualization) Enjoy this amazing relaxing and healing music made from the heart by Frequency Matters! Look below for a link to their channel! “Listening to music tuned to 432hz harmonizes the body with the natural frequencies of earth and the universe.  It allows the mind chatter to rest, and mindful awareness and deep compassion to come in.   This is where healing can take place.   Set your intention for healing to occur.  Give permission to the cells of your body to receive these healing vibrational frequencies.   ALLOW them to wash over you, permeating through every cell.”     These are 2 cymatic recordings of the same song at slightly different amplitudes, no effects or modification has been done to the recordings. Just water, lights, and this beautiful song. It's been an incredible experience working with Frequency Matters and their music. I listened to this song hundreds of times while working with it, It was a deep and flowing experience, and I enjoyed every second of it! Take a moment to drift off into a relaxing and positive intention. Gain a deeper comprehension of how sound works by observing the shapes it produces in real-time. Frequency Matters Thank you very much for this collab! Looking forward to the next one :D Please feel free to comment below on your experience and opinion, your feedback is very much appreciated! Links: https://www.youtube.com/FrequencyMatters https://www.facebook.com/FrequencyMatters https://www.facebook.com/YeiBalam https://www.youtube.com/YeiBalam https://www.yeibalam.com
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