#while not actually communicating to your gf anything
iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Mollie, a good person: I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bad mouth your girlfriend.
Me, yelling at my screen: I DO mean to bad mouth your girlfriend. She fucking SUCKS.
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ovipositer · 2 years
never ask a man his salary a woman her age or a discord mod what age he and his girlfriend were when they first started “talking”
#every once in a while it occurs to me out of the blue#that he probably feels so full of himself#since I just didn’t respond to his harassment#and I abandoned this blog#he loves having the last word#he thinks he ruined my life and that I’m miserable and alone now#and it makes me feel guilty that I didn’t lay into him more#I do plan to vent my frustrations at some point#but I will do it in my leisure in my own time#I’m not an ugly jobless discord mod who makes my full-time working gf clean up five cats’ litter boxes and fix my food for me etc etc ^_^#I guess I don’t have as much time as you do to dedicate to bothering others! ^_^#not that posting on my own personal blog— that quite frankly you wouldn’t be reading if you weren’t obsessed w me— is bothering anyone! ^_^#also I am not in the habit of bickering with every single person I ever meet#I prefer to focus my attention on the people and things that give me joy#if there’s anything I’ve learned from this it’s to yeet toxic people out of my life immediately. no second chances. I have no regrets.#my standards actually were never too high. plenty of ppl can meet them. I’m not the only person like me in the world. go figure.#it’s actually not normal to be as sick and incapable of getting along w others as you and the rest of your ‘community’#still. I would like to speak on what happened because I regret that I held my tongue for those two years.#I don’t think it’s healthy to bottle up all of your negativity.#but I’ve realized now it may literally be years before I will have half the mind to think back on that time in my life and talk abt it#so Idk. I just wanted to say.#I genuinely hope he kills himself#I do not say that lightly#I am not someone who throws that phrase around like it’s nothing.#I genuinely mean it with every inch of my heart. he deserves to die horribly.#I just find solace in the fact that he is so miserable. not because he wants for anything material.#he is spoiled and lazy. but still he does not enjoy his life. how could he? all he does is badger ppl online all day.#it just blows my mind that someone that looks like THAT wld talk to me that way 🤣 you’d think being the ultimate loser wld humble him a bit#just wanted 2 get that out of the way#oviposting
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diorcities · 5 months
⠀   ⠀ ── ㅤ୧⠀ׂ ★‌ nct dream having a bossy gf !
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nct dream sfw headcanon. library.
said by the dreamies themselves, jisung can't live alone, which to me translates to having someone tell him what to do. plus, he actually likes it, he thinks it's tender that you care about him, he feels loved when you ask him if he has eaten and in the negative when you tell him to do so. or when you constantly remind him to wear a coat and take breaks. while to others it would look a bit bossy, jisung knows that you do it because you worry too much about his well-being, and for him, that just goes to show that the love you feel for him is the same love he feels for you.
haechan is the typical boyfriend who would stop whatever he was doing to do what you say... and also the type to ignore you to the point where you lose your composure because he likes to see you upset; he finds it cute. but, seriously, he'd be attracted to bossy girls because then he can romp around and make out. don't expect too much from him, you never know. i think he likes the teasing but eventually, he'd do what you want, pretending to take orders from his superior commander type of thing.
jeno, being the man he is, would do anything you want. he likes to keep you happy, and he is also very indecisive when making decisions, he would leave them in your hands, and he would just follow whatever you choose. it's not that you control everything he does, jeno knows that sometimes it's better to listen to you because you know better. the type of boyfriend who says you're always right and therefore does what you tell him, but not because you're bossy, god forbid; he would never think and/or say that... in front of you.
there are no times when you can be bossy with renjun. there is no bone of contention. usually what he does is the most seated. you're probably feeling anxious because you really want to be bossy with him, but it's almost impossible: the boy knows what he's doing, not a single thought of yours that hasn't already crossed his mind. with him, it would be 50/50. he loves you so much that he'd pretend to do what you say even when it's what he was going to do just to see you happy and because it looks like you'll have a meltdown if he doesn't.
mark finds it hot when you boss him around. yes, tell him what else you want him to do, and he'll do it. you know better than he does what is best for him, he trusts you completely, although sometimes he may try to convince you of something that has entered his head. he'll make you see that it's a good idea even if you're not too sure; you feel guilty because it's like you're in control of everything, but seriously, he likes it when you do, because most of the time, you're right.
don't tell chenle what to do. period. there's no way it's going to happen unless he's already thought about doing it. once an idea has entered his head, there's no way you're going to get it out of it. he won't give in, forget it, unless it ends badly, then he might beg for your opinion after you swore never to tell him anything again. sometimes he may spoil you and do what you say, but don't get used to it because usually he just does what he wants. finds you cute, tho, for trying.
jaemin follows what you say most of the time because it's the sensible thing to do and because he's not very confrontational; not that going against you would end in a fight, but jaemin prefers to avoid divisions or taking sides on things. he's alright and compliant with you most of the time, but when he doesn't, he thinks that the solution to everything is communication, and talking you through the reason behind why he has decided not to do what you wanted.
© diorcities / tagging @tddyhyck ♡
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michibap · 1 month
caveman bf jschlatt 😔
-and you know it's true
-type to communicate exclusively in vaguely displeased groans
-chilling on the couch when all 6'3 of him decides to come and plant himself on top of you
-trying to squirm into a more comfortable position, stopping when you hear a dramatic, drawn out groan from where he has his face squished into your stomach
-realistically, you're not safe no matter where you're lounging around the apartment
-bc he'll be bored then remember he has a gf and materialize in the doorway of wherever you're hanging out and wrangle you back to wherever he came from
-it's really no use putting up any fight because if it comes down to it, he WILL just toss you over his shoulder if it makes for an easier relocation process (though that's not to say that he doesn't enjoy when you give him some trouble)
-not that you mind or anything, but i’m sure it doesn’t happen too often
-sometimes he’ll just want you in the same room as him, content to let you continue scrolling on your phone on the loveseat in his office while he does his own thing at the desk
-other times he’ll want you in his lap while he works, grumbling and pinching your thigh when you squirm too much
-caveman bf!schlatt who has decided that everything tastes better when it’s yours
-you could be eating the exact same thing and he still wants a bite of yours
-whether you offer him one or not he is taking that shit
-that nasty motherfucker would use his hands too
-grinning at you as he obnoxiously chews on the piece of food he just plucked off of your plate
-will offer you a bite of his too, cutting off a piece to feed you (he leaves it a little too big on purpose, grinning when your cheeks puff out as you chew)
-caveman bf! schlatt actually defo has a thing for making sure you're well fed, he's making sure you finish that damn plate.
-thinks he’s entitled to your water bottle, gulping down most of your water like an ipad baby before padding off
-you could try buying him his own but it’ll just collect dust
-probably obsessed with the way you smell
-started as a bit when you caught him sniffing your hair and him playing it off as a joke
-until he starts doing it strangely often for it just being a “bit”
-evolves into him growing comfortable enough to randomly bury his face into your nearest area of exposed skin sucking in a deep inhale before casually going back about his business
-will use all of your shower products bc they smell like you and they make his hair soft and his skin always feels nice after
-rolling his eyes and telling you he’ll buy more when you whine about him using ur shit (he paid for it in the first place)
-100% sprays himself with your perfume before he leaves the house
-would not be surprised if he goes out of his way to find a bougie cologne that complements your own signature scent
-something about finding traces of you around the apartment sates something deep in his soul
-like your sweatshirt hung over the back of the couch
-or your favorite snacks in the pantry
-or all of your products littering his bathroom counter
-your hairties collecting around his gear stick
-lipstick stains on the cats lol
-forcibly trading sweaters with you if he sees that you're wearing one of his before he has to leave the house
-caveman! bf jschlatt who simply looms over you
-in public he'll stand just close enough that he's in his space but barely touching you
-his chest brushing against your back as he closely follows you through the grocery store
-sometimes he'll keep a hand wrapped around the back of your neck, like he's scruffing a dog, if he thinks you're wandering too much in public
-him groggily standing in the bathroom doorway after he followed you out of bed in the middle of the night because you abandoned him (had to pee)
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tkwrites · 5 months
Good For You - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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gif from @gabelandeskog
Title: Good For You
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (ofc)
Summary: Quinn and Sarah have a discussion about and decide to stop using condoms before putting that decision into practice. A question we’ve all been waiting for is finally asked.
Warnings: smut (18+ only), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up unless you’re in a consenting relationship!), cum play (sort of?), if I missed anything, let me know!
Word count: 4,900
Comments: I live! 
After two heavy snapshots, steeped in feelings, I’m back with some good old fashioned smut (with lots of plot, of course, because I am who I am). Thanks to the many Nonnies who requested this. I’d already started writing it when you sent this, but your asks challenged me to combine both your requests. I hope you enjoy, and it lives up to your expectations! If you did enjoy, please let me know by commenting, sending in an ask or reblogging! I love reading your comments, asks and suggestions! 
Anonymous asked: hey! Another request idea… I was rereading the fic about Sarah being overwhelmed before meeting Quinn’s parents and when they’re talking about the WAG jackets, sarah mentions that they aren’t official yet. Can we get fic of Quinn officially asking Sarah to be his gf? Seriously love readying your stuff! 
Anonymous asked: I love how much you actually show the communication between Quinn and Sarah, it makes it so much more real and overall I just love your writing ❤️❤️ I noticed how as their relationship progresses, they decide not to use condoms. Will we get to see this conversation in the future? I'd also love to see when they officially decide to be together with labels and all xxx
Good For You
A Quinn & Sarah snapshot
“Hey, Quinn?” Sarah called, walking up the stairs. 
She found him on the suede couch, reading a book. 
Sitting at his feet, she smiled when he moved them into her lap. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“Okay,” he put the marker in his book and rested it on his chest. 
Color flooded into her cheeks. 
“What?” he asked, unable to hold in a nervous laugh at her sudden blush.
“I just,” she paused to lick her lips, trying to screw up her courage. “I wanted to let you know I had an IUD put in last month.” 
“What’s that?” 
“It’s the most effective form of birth control. It’s pretty much as effective as celibacy.” 
He paused, unsure where this conversation was going. When she didn't elaborate, he asked, “So what did you want to talk about? Just that you have it?” 
“Well that and —” she knotted her fingers together, “since it’s super effective, and we’re only seeing each other and have been for a while, I wondered if maybe you wanted to…” she trailed off. 
Quinn got the feeling he was supposed to know what she was talking about, but he was clueless. “If I wanted to, what?” 
Chewing on her lip, she guessed it was time to just spit it out, “I wondered if we both get STI tested, and only if you want to, we could try not using condoms all the time.” 
He felt his eyes go wide. “What?” 
“I mean, only if you want to. If you feel more comfortable with condoms, that’s totally fine.” 
“Are you joking?” he asked, scrambling to sit up. The book slipped off him and fell to the wood floor with a sharp slap. “Of course I want to. Did you think I was going to turn down that offer?” 
“I don’t know.” 
He moved to kneel, crowding into her space. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, feel it in his fingertips. “Can we try now?” 
A laugh split her mouth into a pretty smile, but she put a hand to his chest to stop him from leaning closer. 
“We need to get STI tested first.”
“I’m clean,” he said.
“As far as I know, I am too, but I would feel better if we both got tested, knowing neither of us has slept with someone else in quite a while.”
He looked crestfallen. 
“It’s not that I don’t believe you,” she hastened to add, “I’ve just heard horror stories of girls whose boyfriends didn’t know they were carrying something. Most STIs affect women, you know, and men just pass them along.” 
His eyes went wide, “really?” 
“Just another joy of being a woman.” 
“Thats bullshit.”
“Yep,” she agreed, popping the last letter. “So It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I really need that proof for my own peace of mind before I’d feel comfortable.”
“Yeah,” Quinn agreed, “of course. I’ll talk to Roman about it tomorrow.” 
“I’ll message my doctor,” she said with a shy smile, pulling out her phone. 
Logically, Quinn knew they needed to talk about this before anything could happen, but the thought that he might get to fuck her bare buzzed in the back of his mind so intensely, he wished she had waited until it was an actual possibility, even if that was impossible.
When he asked Roman about it between breakfast and video the next day, the trainer immediately went into crisis mode, “what kind of symptoms are you having?” 
“None. I'm just — I want to be safe.” 
He was going to tell him that the girl he was seeing — he was getting so sick of using that phrase — asked him to, but that seemed like it was putting all the blame on Sarah. While she did ask for it, he'd just never considered it something he should do. Now that he knew, he was more than happy to do it.
“You're sure? You can tell me, you know.” 
“I know. No symptoms. I’m just making sure.” 
Roman looked at him appraisingly. “Are you dating someone new?” 
Quinn was a bit surprised he hadn't heard about it. It seemed to him it was the only thing the guys chirped him about lately. 
“Good for you,” he said approvingly. “Glad to know you're being safe.” 
Quinn felt a chagrinned smile spread over his face. 
“Well, I’m glad to know your girlfriend is safe at least,” Roman said with a laugh. 
How was it so easy for him to whip that word around? 
“Go to Doctor Jamison's after practice. I'll put in an order for you. They'll just need a blood sample.” 
The results took two days. By that time he was on the road. Thankfully, not for too long. Only one game.
He sent her a screenshot of the panel results. All negative, mercifully. He didn't expect to be positive, but he hadn't checked while he was with or after he broke up with June. 
She sent back a screenshot of her own test panel, also all negative. 
It was suddenly very real. The idea of coming home to Sarah was even more enticing than usual. 
He’d fucked girls bare before, he knew the sensations that came along with it, but he’d never fucked Sarah bare before. He’d tried, and she’d insisted on using condoms. He wasn’t going to make her uncomfortable, and he wasn’t going to give up sleeping with her. If that meant he had to wear a condom, he’d do it. 
Now that the possibility of making love to her without one was on the horizon, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. 
Looks like we'll be coming in about 2, he texted when they got to the arena. They'd fly home right after the game versus Calgary. Want to just stay at my place?
Wish I could, she wrote back, but I have class tomorrow at 8. I'll come to yours as soon as I'm done with work, though. 
“What's wrong, Q?” Brock asked, noticing his crestfallen expression. 
“Nothing,” he said, shoving his phone into his bag. “Sarah's just got class tomorrow morning so I won't see her until tomorrow night.” 
“Man, she's got you whipped.”
Quinn rolled his eyes, playing off the comment. If he protested, he knew they would just chirp him about it more, and there was no way he was going to explain his excitement to Brock. 
When the next evening finally rolled around, Quinn found himself pacing, a nervous excitement buzzing through his whole body. He’d never felt like this before. As if anticipation had been winding him up for 4 days straight. 
He’d tried his best to burn off as much energy as possible on a run that morning, but that felt like years ago now. Adrenaline was coursing through him by the gallon. 
He heard the elevator ding, and his stomach leapt. 
Before Sarah could scan in, the door flung open. Quinn was standing there, cheeks already flushed. 
She couldn’t help it, she gigged. 
“You’re just really cute,” she said.
Pulling her into the apartment, he resisted the urge to pull her upstairs straight away. Cool. He needed to be cool.
“Cute in a good way, right?” 
“Yes,” she assured, leaning up to kiss him. “In a very good way.” 
All of a sudden, the enormity of the situation crashed on him. He and Sarah had had sex 73 times, but this felt totally new. A frantic awkwardness took hold of his mind. How was he supposed to start this? Just like every other time? Every other time, it happened so naturally.  
“Hey,” she said, grasping his wrist, trying to stop the overthinking she could practically see scrolling across his face. 
He blinked a few times and met her eyes. “Sorry. I’m so… I mean, I’ve never anticipated something like this for so long.” The words were falling out of his mouth before he really had a chance to think through them. 
“Yeah, I get that,” she said. “I’m not sure I have either.” 
“I don’t want to fuck it up,” he admitted. 
A soft smile took over her face. “Quinn, it’s me. We've already had great sex. This is just another step.” 
Nodding, he took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out. Excitement reared in his stomach again, waging battle with his nerves. 
���I do think we should talk about it, though.” 
“Didn’t we already talk about it?”
“I mean, I think we should talk about what we want.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Like, what we're looking for.” She moved to sit on the living room couch, pulling him down with her. “I want to make sure we talk about it before we're in the heat of the moment so neither of us do something the other isn’t comfortable with.”
Quinn had never been with someone who communicated as much as Sarah. “It’s a product of the dead parents,” she’d told him when he asked her about it once, “life’s too short to not have the conversation.”
He sat next to her, “okay, so what do you want?”
“I want to feel you fuck me bare.” 
The frank way she said it made his whole body ring.
“And I want to feel you come inside me.” It felt dangerous and exciting to say it out loud, but she couldn't get it out of her mind. 
“Really?” Quinn asked, voice lilted with surprise. 
“Yeah. I've been dreaming about it,” she admitted. For the past few weeks, it seemed every time she would dream of him, the feeling of him filling her was so vivid that when she woke, her underwear would be soaked, almost as if she'd orgasmed in her sleep. “I'm guessing that's something you want, too?” 
He nodded. 
“Is there anything else you want?” 
He opened his mouth, then paused. 
She nodded, encouraging him. 
“I mean, there is something but it’s not a huge deal.” He was pretty certain she would at least consider it, but history had him trying to not get his hopes up.
“Tell me,” she urged, resting her hand on his knee. “I want to do what you want, too.” 
“I want to come on you,” he admitted, the words coming out all in a rush.
Eyes widening, Sarah couldn’t quite stifle the laugh that squeaked from her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she hurriedly back pedaled, seeing the hurt on his face, “I’m not laughing at you, it’s just — with the look on your face, I was bracing myself for something super kinky.”
“June hated it,” he said quietly. “She didn’t like cum at all.”
“So did you just wear condoms all the time?” 
“No. She didn’t like those either.” 
Her eyebrows furrowed together, an incredulous expression on her face. “You can’t have it both ways.” 
Something inside him unknotted. 
“I mean, did she insist you come in a tissue every time or something?” 
“Most of the time,” he amended, “sometimes I could come in her, but never on her.” 
June reminded Sarah so much of the mean girls she’d known throughout her life: content to demand things of others, knowing their social currency was enough to purchase obedience to all of those ridiculous rules. Part of her wondered if June even disliked cum, or if she was just trying to keep Quinn under her thumb. 
“Well I don’t have a problem with either. I mean, I don’t really love a facial, but other places are fine.” She paused for a moment, thinking about how often Quinn asked her questions, willing to learn, so he could please her better, “and, I mean, if you’re really invested in coming on my face, we can do it. I just don’t want it all the time.”  
He felt his eyelids grow heavy and he swallowed thickly. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah. A relationship is a two way street. You deserve to get the things you want, too. ” 
The relieved smile he gave her in response made her want to slap June across the face. Quinn was so, so good — attentive and genuine and so willing to learn and please. She wanted to do the same for him. Besides, it wasn’t like Sarah had some kink for cum, at least she didn’t think she did, but feeling a partners pleasure in such a tangible way, always gave her a deep sense of satisfaction. 
“Is there anything else you want?” he asked. 
“No. You?” 
He shook his head.
“Alright,” she said, “I think we should go upstairs.” 
Quinn stopped trying to play it cool. He was too excited to play it cool. He grabbed her hand and raced up the stairs, glad that she laughed as she ran along with him. 
She threw open the door to his room. Sarah loved this room. It was in the corner of the building, and huge windows looked over the beautiful Vancouver skyline. The sun was setting, turning the harbor and city windows yellow and pink, casting their colors on the walls and spinning everything else in the room into gold. 
Before she could get too caught in the view, he was spinning her around, catching her mouth in a kiss that sucked the breath right out of her. 
Clothing was discarded, and they tumbled into his bed. 
They surged together and Sarah moaned. It was already so much better. 
Somehow, there was less pressure. He didn't have to think about pulling away to make sure they were safe. He could stay focused on her without any other worries. Why had he been so nervous? This felt, like she said, like the natural next step. 
When he pulled back to line himself up, Sarah pressed her hand to his pelvis stopping the movement. 
“What?” he asked, worried he'd hurt her. 
“We need lube,” she said. “Or more foreplay. The condoms you have have lube on them, so they slide easier. Without that I'm worried…” she trailed off. 
He hadn't even thought about it. “Which do you want?”
“I mean, I'm always game for more foreplay.”
Grinning, he leaned down to kiss her, rolling his hips against hers again. As their tongues tangled, she groaned into his mouth. 
“Tell me when you're ready,” he whispered in her ear before tracing his lips over her jaw and down her neck. He licked and kissed, while one of his hands fondled her breasts, working her up to those hitched little breaths and small moans he loved so much.
“Quinn,” she breathed, a few moments later, as her temperature spiked. He hadn’t shaved in a while, and his beard rasped against her skin. She’d never liked facial hair before him, but somehow, with Quinn, it was more arousing than painful. Probably because of what else he was doing. God, he was good with his mouth. 
Unbidden, but not unwelcome or unfamiliar, images crashed into her mind — Quinns head buried between her thighs, his magic tongue working her to a climax she knew would be mind melting. The fantasies made her desperate for him.
“I need you,” she gasped, feeling herself grow slick against the muscular ridge of his thigh he had wedged between her legs.
“I’m right here.”
“I need you inside me.”
Her admission made Quinn feel drunk with desire. Out of his mind with it. He pulled back and her hand covered his to help him line up.
Pressing into her was better than he’d imagined. 
She was so hot and wet and, “shit, you’re so tight,” he ground out, the words scraping over a moan. 
Now that the barrier was gone, the time spent waiting to remove it was well worth it. Her smooth walls hugged him perfectly. 
Just to feel the contrast, he withdrew to the tip, pulling a sharp breath through his teeth at the rush of cool air before he drove back into her warmth. His jaw dropped and he made some unintelligible sound.
Slick and slippery, his thrusts moved with her seamlessly as she rose to meet him again and again and again.
“So good,” she breathed, reveling in the feel of him - every vein and ridge that had been smoothed by the latex covering before felt so prominent now and, “Quinn, you feel so good.” 
The praise went straight to his head.
“You feel so —” he broke off with a growl. “Shit, you feel so amazing, Sarah. I — I —” He babbled, nearly blurting that he loved her. He bit that back. This wasn’t the time for that. He wanted that to be special, not something spluttered in a lust-drunk moment. “I don't know how long I can last,” he admitted instead. 
God, he was something else. Flushed and flustered, eyes half hooded, body tight with exertion and control, he looked delicious. The fact that he wanted her this much made her chest feel full to bursting.
A moan escaped her mouth as pleasure washed over her face. Her eyelashes fluttered.
Just like that, he was done for. Cooked.
“I can't… I can't,” he stammered. At least he lasted longer than the embarrassing two strokes from their first time.
“Then don't,” she panted, rocking her hips into his. Her own climax building as the thought of him finally coming inside her brought her sensitivity to a peak. 
Groaning her name, he let his body take over, rhythm turning sloppy. 
As she watched, his eyes fluttered closed and with a final, powerful thrust, he sheathed himself to the hilt and let go. 
Feeling the very tangible result of his pleasure coat her walls made Sarah’s breath hitch. It only took a few more rocks of her hips before her body bowed, chest pressing flush to his as she pulsed around him, pleasure poured into her body. 
His mouth was open against her neck as he let out a sort of pained grunt.
Coming down, she melted into the soft mattress. 
His body followed hers, his weight pressing into her. He knew it was probably too heavy, but he couldn’t possibly hold himself up right now.
Quinns gasping breaths were crashing into her neck. Even though it didn’t make it any easier to catch her breath, she loved the solid weight of him on top of her.
Strength slowly returned to him and they both winced a little as he eased out. 
Flopping onto his back next to her, he groped for her hand. “Oh my god,” he breathed, once he had control of his voice. “That was incredible.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, pulling some breaths deep into her lungs.
After a few more moments of basking in the afterglow, she moved to get up. He tugged her back, “where are you going?” 
“I need to pee. I'll be right back, I promise.” 
He didn't shy away from watching her pad to the bathroom and then back to the bed. 
Halfway through their second round, he was determined to feel Sarah come undone around him when he wasn’t so sensitive from his own orgasm. Working his fingers to her clit, he traced gentle patterns over the swollen nub. 
A pleasured sigh left her lips. “Oh,” Sarah breathed, “that feels so good, Quinn.”
She had to take a moment to make her mind concentrate on one thing at a time. Anticipation coiled tighter in her belly as she focused on his gentle, deliberate touch, the heat of his body above and inside her, and then, the feel of his cock, which had been so dulled before, it almost felt completely new.
He dipped lower, gathering more of her arousal on his fingers to slip and slide over her bundle of nerves. 
He didn’t try to hide or hold back from how good it felt when she fluttered around him. Her name panted from his mouth. Only when he felt himself sliding too close to the edge, did he bite his lip to distract himself. 
Seeing Quinn hold on for her, trying to draw out her orgasm before his own, made tenderness swell within her. It mixed with the pleasure in her veins, bringing her closer to the peak. How the hell did June not see him this way? 
She gasped his name before admitting, “I’m almost there.” 
“What do you need?” he asked, wrenching his eyes open to look into her face. 
“Keep going, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” 
He shook his head. Never. He would never stop trying to please her like this and any other way he could. 
The steady rhythm he restrained himself into did its job, and she tipped over the edge. 
The coil in her belly finally shattering, her body seized up as pleasure fractured through her like lightning. His name flew from her mouth in a hoarse cry. 
Jaw falling open, he grunted his pleasure as her core sucked him deeper with every rhythmic pulse. God, she felt even more incredible. Sarah was already the best he’d ever had, and now, the sex had just gotten better. How was that possible? 
Gripping the sheets, he held on for her, moaning and muttering about how good she felt coming around him.
Sarah was mesmerized by him. His eyes were shut now, the skin around them taut, but his jaw was lax, nearly hanging open. His arms flexed, mountains and valleys of muscle on either side of her, straining with the effort of holding himself up. 
Electricity was still buzzing faintly through her veins, even as her high ebbed away. She couldn’t wait any longer to fulfill his fantasy.
“Come on me, Quinn.” 
Breath lodged in his throat and his eyes flew open, frantically searching her face. “You're sure?”
“Yes. I want you to. Come on me,” she repeated, running her fingers up her chest as an example. 
In a rush of want, he planked above her, quickly tugging on his cock, slick with her arousal, until he exploded, painting a sticky white line up her chest.
She seemed to preen under the assault, arching her back and moaning as if it was something she’d been waiting her whole life for. It was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.  
“Fuuuck,” he groaned as his limbs turned to jelly. 
He managed to lower himself on top of her without dropping, feeling his cum slick between their skin. 
“Holy shit, that was so hot,” he panted against her mouth. 
In a few minutes time, Sarah knew she'd be squirming for a shower, but for now, she felt extremely gratified with fulfilling this fantasy for him. She smiled, replaying the look of shocked elation on his face when she requested it.
Tracing her fingers up the bumps of his spine, she took in a deep breath and let it sigh out of her lungs, reveling in the weight of his body on hers. 
Finally catching his breath, he lifted his head, arching an eyebrow. “Where did all of this come from?”
“All what?” 
He traced a finger through the valley of her breasts, gathering some of his cum. “This,” he said, “your little exhibitionist streak when I came on you.”
“Oh,” she somehow blushed despite her flushed skin. “I wanted to be good for you. You’re so good to me all the time, I want you to feel that, too.” 
That simple statement, her admittance that she did it for him, made his head spin. How could he have ever thought what he had with June was love? He saw now how a love that met you half way blew her idea of love, which he knew now was more about control, out of the water. 
A few minutes later, Sarah’s sweaty, post-sex skin began to itch. “Shower?” she asked. 
“Snacks,” Quinn countered, his head still resting on the front of her shoulder. 
A laugh shook her chest, “shower then snacks.”
He supposed it could work.
A short while later, they were in the kitchen, and Quinn was having an argument with himself.
They needed to have a conversation, but it was terrible timing. He didn’t want her to think he was only bringing it up because of what happened that night. At the same time, he'd been thinking about it since before his parents' visit, when she'd brought up the WAG jackets. Now that his mom and dad had met her and approved, the only thing holding him back was his brother's approval. He wasn't sure he wanted to wait that long.
He was about to leave again, and the family skate was coming up after he got back. He wanted her to come, but he was so tired of introducing her as the girl he was seeing. Sarah was more than that, now. It didn’t fit anymore, and it was too damn long to keep saying. 
If they didn’t talk about it now, he worried there wouldn’t be enough time.
He glanced at her. She was wearing a shirt with a funny little cartoon of a fork and a spoon that said, ‘Spooning leads to forking’ along with a pair of matching shorts. Her thighs were bare and lovely in the dim light as she sat on the counter, eating a piece of cheese she’d stolen from the sandwich he was building for them to split. 
He put the top piece of bread on and decided he should just blurt it out. He didn’t think there would be a better way. The longer he waited, the harder it would be to bring up.
“What do you think about being my girlfriend?” he said, looking up.
Her hand paused on the way to her mouth, the cheese missing an almost cartoon-like bite  — a little scalloped half moon cut into one corner.
“Am —” Sarah paused, wondering if this was some kind of a trick question. “Am I not?” 
“No,” he said before his brain caught up with him. “No, you are, but I mean, like, formally?” 
Her head tilted to one side, “Of course. I’ve been thinking of you as my boyfriend for a few weeks now. Pretty much since you met Trav and the kids.”
A sigh breathed through him. 
“Did you think I was gonna say no?” 
“I don’t…I mean, I didn’t want you to think I was only bringing it up because of the unprotected sex thing.” 
“That is pretty terrible timing on your part,” she conceded, laughing. “It’s a good thing I…” she trailed off, stopping herself from continuing out loud. Why couldn’t she just come out and say it? So what if she was in her ridiculous pajamas in his kitchen? She’d brought them with her expressly because she thought they would make him laugh, and she’d been right. The delighted surprise that had escaped his mouth when he’d seen them was something she knew she’d treasure for a long time.
“A good thing you?” he repeated, hope ballooning in his chest. 
“It’s a good think I know you’re not just in it for the sex,” she said, lamely.
Quinn’s expression went from hopeful to distraught right before her eyes. “How could you think that?” he asked, his voice embarrassingly earnest.
“Quinn, I —” 
He cut her off, “I like so many things about you, Sarah. You’re smart and funny and you’re kind to everyone you meet, and you’re so dedicated to your work.” He was rambling now, but if she thought he was in this just for the sex? He would die of shame. 
“I like that you’ve never treated me like anything else but Quinn, and you’re always willing to meet me half way,” he said, his voice taking on an almost frantic quality as he tried to convey what she meant to him. “And I —” 
The way she said his name made him stop short. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, her hand coming up to gently cup his jaw. “I was teasing. I know you’re not just in it for the sex. Someone who only wanted sex wouldn’t have waited four weeks to have it.” 
She had a valid point. 
“I’d love to be your girlfriend, Quinn.” 
Leaning in to kiss her, he felt as if someone had struck a match, setting his heart ablaze. 
Settling into bed, Quinn remembered he hadn’t told her yet. 
“Hey, my family’s coming in for the finals. They’ll be here on the 20th.” 
“Oh,” she said, obvious disappointment on her face.
“Is that not…okay?” 
Feeling her cheeks blaze, Sarah realized she hadn’t shared that expectation with him yet. “It’s just…my last final is that day and I’ve kind of been looking forward to you fucking me silly as a reward for finishing.”
His eyes went huge, “oh.”
“It's one of the ideas that's kept me going, honestly.”
“I could still do that,” he said, the words rushing out of his mouth.
“With your family in the house? I don't think so.”
“At yours then.”
“With my roommates there?”
He bit his lip. “We could get a hotel?”
“Because that's not weird when you have people, let alone family, staying at your house.”
“I’ll tell them to come a day later,” he offered. 
“Would they buy that without an explanation?”
“Would I have to give them one?”  
“I don't know. Would you? My family would want to know. You’ll have to make something up.”
“You don’t want me to tell them they can’t come on the 20th because my girlfriend finally finished her classes and wants to be fucked all night?” he teased. 
Giggling, she smacked his shoulder lightly, “I think I might die if your mom knew that about me,” she admitted, part of her mind still caught on the open way he used the girlfriend title. 
He laughed. “I’ll just tell them we have a late team meeting, or something so it would be better for them to come in on 21st. It’ll be fine.” 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist 
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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Ismatu Gwendolyn said this on a live and it stuck with me so I want to ask y'all something.
Cuz it's important in all the discourse and yelling to remember that you're not getting so caught up in rage-bait and fighting that the fight itself has more of your attention than liberation. It's just as important to be capable of imagining a future as much as destruction.
So the question is:
What do you fight for; what are some of the things you would do if you were free?
I'd breathe clean air.
I'd drink natural and clean water from my my tap.
I'd live in one of the millions of currently empty houses and my power would come from whatever resource my native land stewards had decided was best. My kid would learn from their teachings some days, some spent at home just learning how to be a person (cooking, cleaning, etc), and some days she'd go attend a school that's taken her neurodivegence & health into account when making her personal learning plan. Her teachers are experienced in social studies and local history, others in CRT or emotional intelligence/mindfulness, although her fav teachers are definitely her music tutor and her queer history teacher cuz she really likes all the flags.
My gf is off doing whatever she wants to do to uphold her role to the earth and her community and I'm taken care of while she does. Maybe by student nurses (since I'm not high needs) who want to be nurses and actually care about me. I know this because they don't Need this job to feed their families or for any other reason.
Our community feeds them because they want to in the same way those nurses take care of me because they want to and I take care of my daughter because I want to and she takes care of the local stray animals because she wants to.
We take care of each other because we take care of each other and we want each other to keep doing that and it's in everyone's best interest that everyone is happy and fed and supported and housed and treated fairly.
Nobody is forced to anything for blood money. So blood money doesn't exist anymore.
I can order a drink and I don't have to go home to Google whether or not I took part in genocide because there are no systems that allow for it to happen and nobody is oppressed or scared enough to feel forced into enacting/justifying one anyway. There is no military industrial complex.
And yeah, maybe some people don't work but it's fine because everyone always has enough. There is no faux rage about societal leeches.
They're just people who enjoy existing. People doing the thing all of us have been fighting for them to do and so nobody is bitter about it. We're beyond that. We're glad to see our kids and grandkids have easier lives than us. Just like they're glad to have so much to learn from their elders.
And when I wake up in the mornings? I have never felt more rested in my life.
Godddd imagine the sleep with a life like that. Like that alone would change my life 😩
P.s: And nobody would've assumed the teachers or anyone else in my story were cishet or white people either, amen
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Two is Better Than One ~Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x König Imagine~
Requested by anonymous:
Hi hi!! Can I please request something with Ghost and König with their gf who's like, kinda high maintenance and a crybaby? THANK YOU AND CONGRATS ON 5K
Summary: Both Ghost and König are back home to you. Even if you tend to be a little too much.
Author’s Note: When I tell you these men are so fine! I will literally let these men do anything to me. Also, why is this the only gif of them together? I'm hoping that the new Call of Duty game or at least the next one to follow the CoDMW2 (2022) will have more of König and Ghost together.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: polyamorous relationship, Ghost and König like each other romantically as well because why not, fluff with some angst in the end, praise kink in a way but nothing sexual
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Ghost and König can both agree one one thing. The two of them would do anything for you. Even if it meant having to go to McDonalds at the dead of night just to get fries or run to the nearest store for some ice cream. No matter what, they would do anything for you.
So when they came back home to you, they were happy to just have a quiet day together. You all were in the living room as you snuggled against König on the couch, watching TikToks on your phone. Ghost sat in the recliner chair as he watched the latest football match.
As Ghost watched the match and König slept soundly holding you, the two didn't miss the sound of you sobbing. König woke up quickly before looking over at you.
"What's wrong?" Ghost asked you.
"It's just a sad TikTok," you frowned as you sobbed. Ghost let out a sigh before walking over and taking your phone out of your hand.
"No more for you for now," Ghost said.
"Simon!" You whined.
"No buts. Be a good girl and just cuddle with König. And later, I'll hold you while you watch TikToks again," Ghost ordered. You nodded before turning to König.
Whenever you and your boyfriends would go out, the two tend to be more protective of you from any dangers. The other thing they also tend to do is having to keep you away from all the things you would want for no reason.
"König! Can I please have this plushie?" You asked him as you held up a cute cow Squishmallow.
"You already have a lot of plush toys, meine Liebe (my love)," König tells you.
"Bitte (please)," you pouted at him. You had been practicing a few German words to practice to communicate with König.
"Nein, meine Liebe (no, my love)," König answered.
"But König!"
"If König says no, he says no," Ghost tells you from behind. You jumped a little from Ghost startling you. You turned over and looked up at your other boyfriend.
You gave Ghost the puppy eyes with a pout. You clutched the stuff toy against your chest as you stared up at Ghost. He could see the tears begin to form in your eyes, still always questioning on how you was able to do that.
"If we get this for you, then you're going to have to pay the price later," Ghost tells you. You nodded at him before smiling up at him.
"Make sure she doesn't stray away from us," Ghost tells König.
"Come here."
You held onto König before the two of you headed to the aisle with the items you actually needed.
The worst part when it comes to the two or even just one of them having to leave for a mission. Before you three became a throuple, you had met the two when you were still an active solider on duty. However, due to a mission gone wrong, you were honorably discharged. But luckily, you three kept in touch and became a throuple.
"Do you have to go?" You asked, already sobbing a little.
"I'll try to come home as soon as possible," Ghost tells you.
"But then if you leave, then König will have to leave at one point as well," you started to sob.
"Darling, the sooner we go, the sooner we are able to come back," Ghost assures you as he held you in his arms.
"Promise me you'll come home safe," you tell him as you held onto him tightly.
"I promise. I'll come back home to the two of you," Ghost said.
"Liebe, he needs to go," König said. You nodded before pulling away from Ghost. Ghost quickly lifted his mask up a little before leaning down to kiss you quickly on the lips. You kissed him back, tasting a little of your salty tears.
"I love you," you tell him.
"I love you too. I'll see you soon okay?"
"Okay," you nodded. Ghost pulled away before looking over at König before giving him a kiss as well.
König held onto you as you both watch Ghost leave your shared home. You looked up at König before he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around him as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Let's go watch some movies and have cuddles. Okay?" König asked. You nodded before resting your head onto his shoulder as he carried you over to the living room.
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the-phantom-author · 2 months
also i know i’ve been super MIA but i’ve been on my popstar!gf shit 🤞🏻🤞🏻😔😔
i’ve been thinking that maybe when hasan went to disney w fear& she goes to because they literally love her and want her to do something gahdammit go outside!! stop writing!!! (cue hamilton lyrics “WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOURE RUNNING OUT OF TIME WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU NEED IT TO SURVIVE!!!”)
and they didn’t actively put her on camera like not purposefully but she would be seen holding hands w hasan or he would have his arm around her shoulder in the background and fans were like OMGGGG we miss her!!!!
she slowly started making some super small appearances on stream, maybe she’d just come and sit with him, she’d put her feet in his lap while she’s out of frame and writing in her journal, always new lyrics. chatters can see he’s rubbing her legs or feet or whatever
maybe when he has something non political on to watch she will come and sit, and just rarely speak but it’s always so funny when she does, she just kinda sitting back and letting him lead and just enjoying sitting w him and his hand on her thigh (not that he doesn’t do it off stream but its always nice to be touched by hasan)
one night she walks in to sit with him but it’s a night that shit is really popping off in politics and he’s started having so many maggots (MAGA followers, that’s what i call them🫶🏻) and the hate and criticism starts and the disrespect because she’s a woman, she’s much younger, her career and dating life, literally anything, and hasan is PISSED after the stream. he saw the chat, he knew you did but you’re always great at ignoring that stuff. but ultimately hasan is like no, i don’t want you on any streams right now
which angers her because um hello she can make her own choices he can fuck right off with that
and it makes him angry that she isn’t listening and understanding his side
they have a few days of pouting, space, but inevitably he misses her and he knows neither of them communicated it well so she comes over and make up and ⚡️make up⚡️
so it’s back to not being on stream but hasan IS NOT going to allow his stream to become a place for hate to fester for her. all of these chatters saying that shit?? permabanned, you’re done.
when it’s something super important like say when the election is actually happening, she will make the rare appearance and he’s closing chat for the duration or having mods go through and approve/disapprove of each comment
to sum it up::::: they’re still the hottest couple known to man and boy does he engage in pda and she still has so so many people that love her. she just needs space from the public eye.
Maggots is insane
The amount of small blips of her that chat gets to see in the Disney stream. Like, if Fear& can't get their gay to come, they might as well get popstar!gf, who is a close second.
They see glimpses of her, on the small word ride, she goes with Will to watch the fireworks, at the gift shop, sharing snacks she's bought from the vendors, ect ect.
And yes, smaller stream appearances, especially when hasan doesn't have a guess, she's just beside him with her journal, he mic is one, just incase she ever wants to say things, so it's no uncommon for chat to hear her mumble lyrics, or for her random no filter commentary.
She gets so upset by his banning of her in his stream room, if only because it makes her feel like hasan doesn't trust her ability to know how she's feeling about things. It does evolve into a fight/argument between the two of you. You take yourself and your cat and leave his place for a bit. It's a lot of silence on both of your ends. Hasan, as much as he likes to communicate about those kinds of things, feels like he's justified and doesn't want to be the first to cave. And popstar!gf, she knows that she is right. He caves first. And yes, the two of them do makeup and /make up/
Her making a full camera appearance! Chat is down and heavily moderated. She's on camera, and in Hasan's chair, hasan is next to her and not the main focus.
They are both happy and healthy and hot as fuck. All is right for that moment in time, even if she does go back to being offline afterward.
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etherealhoneybee777 · 2 months
Okay, the mp100 fandom (and other fandom spaces as well) makes me really hopeful✨
The internet is mostly a cruel and terrible place. It largely exists as an instrument of global capitalism. Governments use social media to push propaganda that either reinforces their fascist, conservative ideals or instills leftists that want to fight back with a sense of hopelessness that paralyzes and scares them. And we’re also getting to a point where much of the content we see online is not only made by AI, but interacted with by AI as well. We’re seeing “art” and ragebait stories that aren’t even made by real humans, but are spread online as if they’re true. Transactions are everywhere, but because everything is a subscription service, we own nothing. Corporations are putting advertisements on even the most sacred corner of the web & encouraging people to constantly consume, to BE consumed with the desire to consume more things, and to fill up the little time we have left with constant, buzzing productivity—because the internet is an instrument of capitalism, and capitalism is about constant expansion, expansion that won’t stop until everything in our lives is quantifiable and our whole being is stretched thin in service of a pointless, unstoppable economic growth.
In the face of that, I think your mp100 art is amazing. I think your fic is amazing. I am glad you decided to share it with us. I am glad you took the time to analyze Mob or Serizawa or Tome. To post screen grabs of Dimple or gifs or animatics or anything else. I’m glad you reblogged my post and added some silly or thoughtful little hashtags. I’m glad you DM’d me or posted a long ramble about Ritsu or Teru or reigen.
People don’t have to do these things. They don’t have to sketch characters or share headcanons or write fic or make watch parties on cute little discord servers. But they do. They do it because it’s a fun thing to do & because they’re talented and passionate. And it makes me happy that on the internet—which is increasingly being used to alienate and control us—still hosts real communities and real people making real art and writing their real thoughts without any kind of profit motive or manipulative agenda. People are literally just posting because they want to share their work and connect with others. It reminds me that no matter what capitalism does, we live in a fundamentally social world & we’re constantly trying to connect with each other about the things we like. MP100 is the thing I like and the people here make me hopeful. I see people post their art/writing/headcanons and I get super happy. I get inspired. I look at people’s bios and all the different countries they’re from and get really happy that the internet can be used as a tool to connect people across the world with the same interest together.
Choosing to create and make friends and be nice and spread positivity over the internet is a uniquely powerful thing. It may not seem like much, (and being on the internet is often framed as “wasting time”) but the Internet is important and the things you do here are actually tangible and real. Making and sharing art—making friends—sharing writing and blurbs and headcanons is a legitimate pushback against the terrible capitalistic machine that the internet has become. I’ve heard a lot of creators say that their art doesn’t get noticed/doesn’t matter because it doesn’t get a lot of attention. But it DOES matter. Because, for every second that someone spends seeing your art, that’s one second that they don’t spend on government propaganda or brain-numbing advertisements or ragebait or AI generated “content”. And even if no one sees your art, YOU spent time making it. You loved it and cared for it and valued it in a way that capitalism can never profit from or understand.
I hope you know that I see your art & love it. I look at it when I’m sad. My gf and I look at mp100 art while we sit outside and feel the world leave our bones. Maybe this is too much, but I’m feeling earnest and joyful tonight & am trying to lean into those feelings.
I’m just thankful. You create and share just because you wanted to create and share. You’re making the world a better place.
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chocotonez · 2 years
idol!gf is in an all-boys group (txt)
a/n: such a fun request!! really made me think hehe, hope you like it!!
warnings/genre: she/her pronouns for the reader/references reader is a female, slight jealousy but nothing serious, mostly fluff/crack
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-hyper protective but not possessive LMAO, just think of a mom looking after her kid
-boys will be boys but in the way he doesn’t want your members teasing you or not picking up after themselves
-always texts you to make sure your members are treating you fairly
-honestly he’s pretty close friends with most of them, always joking around on how they have to make sure to watch themselves around you
-“touch her and I’ll tell dispatch about you and that girl last friday” which is mostly a joke :)) (not to jun tho)
-at first it’ll take him a second to get used to, mainly because one co-ed groups this out of proportion are practically unheard of, and two because you’re his little baby and he doesn’t want you to be w a bunch of stinky guys 24/7
-probably makes sure they all can cook and clean and are worshipping the ground you walk on like the good boyfriend he is <3
-becomes the pseudo-leader of your group now
-first he has TXT, and now your group is like his second batch of babies LOL
-“no I’m not going to convince your manager to do that-y/n! don’t enable them!!”
-doesn’t really care all that much about you dorming/working with a bunch of guys, he gets your job and concept and trusts you whole heartedly because you trust him
-randomly visits your dorms and is like 🧍”are you all eating well”
-actually no he just randomly spawns anywhere you guys are at and is like 🧍🧍”did you drink water btw I brought water”
-likes to tease but he’s just like a dad at a breakfast table “since your concept is more masculine these days, I think next comeback should be bubblegum pop”
-v supportive of you and your members :)
-at first he didn’t like it, but now he’s fine with it and loves to joke abt it LOL
-“I can’t believe the love of my life is constantly with other men…” “gyu I am single-handedly paying for our Amazon prime account rn don’t even”
-he can be kinda sensitive about how much time and attention you spend on your members, but that’s mainly because he likes being your one and only!
-but he also likes to make fun of u w your members 💀 “did u guys take y/n because u felt bad or…”
-always makes sure he’s never being too mean w you <3 just wants to make people laugh
-likes to stand in your doorway w your members in the dorms like 🧍🧍🧍🧍, you’re not sure why they do this, your working theory is that they only have one communal brain cell
-but even w all his jokes and dramatics, he loves and supports you wholeheartedly <3 (as long as you make sure to love and support him back) (please don’t leave him) (he’s so in love w u)
-“so sorry you have to live w y/n.” -him, when you were put into your group
-he looks out for you a lot, just because he knows how some idols can be and how the industry is always looking to cause trouble
-watches twitter like a hawk for any negative things about your name and makes sure to report it on all of his 999+ accounts made to make sure your group’s tag is nice and clean
-he trusts your members because you trust them, and he obviously trusts you not to do anything stupid (relationship-wise. he trusts you to do a lot of stupid things), but he always makes sure they’re helping you in the dorms or when you’re performing
-“don’t make y/n clean the cushions, that’s your mess!” and is just standing there like -_- while u laugh, hiding behind your muscle man boyfriend <3
-you were the one who spilt the chips
-if anything I think he’s just very confused
-“but why is there literally only one girl…why not two? or three?? why not all girls?? oh wait, that’s just a girl group”
-not really the type to go out of his way to befriend your members, but he likes to be on good terms with them, he just gets lowkey shy when he has to talk to them
-not even an insecurity thing, it’s just a hyuka thing
-“tell your member I said he did really good at that countdown stage” “Kai, he’s two feet away from us” “…I’m scared”
-clowns you if there’s a noticeable height difference between you and your members, thinks it’s so funny (it is not that funny)
-probably leaves stuffed animals in your dorms that block out a whole half of your bed so none of your members lay down near you LMAO
-has a lot of respect for you and your group, but mainly you <3
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crushedsweets · 2 months
Does Nina and Kate have an argument before? 
Yes!!! Kate doesn’t know how to navigate relationships and Nina is so used to destroying all of her own, so it would be absurd for them to never argue..
I went hella off topic from the argument and just started talking about them randomly cuz I’ve been on vacation and miss my gf. Which means ninakate weighs heavy on my heart
The first time they met was an argument actually.. sort of.. kinda… Nina thought she was Jeff, nearly tackled her, so Kate slammed her against a tree and cussed her out till Toby came and made her back down .. LOL ok that’s not really an argument but Nina was really upset.
In an AU of creeped where ninakate happens, they mess around without telling anyone for a while. Mostly just making out and laying together and rapidly pretending nothings going on when someone walks in(cuz Kate doesn’t like trouble and Nina was specifically told not to bother Kate).
But it’s kinda difficult to figure out cuz Kate starts to feel kind of possessive over Nina(considering she hasn’t had anything like this before, Nina’s her first everything) and Nina likes to push that. Purposefully talks about people she’s meeting, scrolls dating apps in front of her, cries about Jeff. Thinks it’s okay cuz “I’m not your girlfriend we aren’t exclusive you can’t get jealous” .. eventually Kate makes a remark towards Nina and Nina is VERY defensive and VERY argumentative. Kate tries to be like “alright whatever Nina i don’t care this isn’t my problem you’re not my problem” but Nina keeps pushing and pushing. I can’t really imagine Kate having a screaming match with anyone, she has the most intense anxiety and lack of energy and little self respect, so she would just keep insisting “I don’t care.”
Which would only further upset nina cuz she wants Kate to care 💀💀💀💀 ITS BAD .
There’s a LOT for them to learn from each other. Nina desperately needs so much attention and validation. She grew up receiving material goods to make up for workaholic parents, and eventually only receiving positive attention on her appearance/what she can offer people.
Meanwhile, Kate thinks she wants to be left alone. She thinks she’s better off rotting in the mines and never making any connections. Frequently goes back to Lauren’s skeleton as a reminder of how badly she fucked that up. She doesn’t think she’s made for people anymore, considering she spent so many years just hanging out with Charlie (practically a zombie) and slendy (literally a monster.) she has no relationship experience beyond her rocky friendship with CR and an unrequited, stifled crush on Lauren.
Nina needs to learn how to be comfortable with herself, learn how to exist without external validation, learn how little her appearance should matter, learn how to love herself, learn how to be loved for who she is rather than how she looks or what she can do, learn how to be gentle again.
Kate needs to learn how to seek people out and let people in, learn how to communicate instead of shutting up when something bothers her, learn how to stop withdrawing, learn to stop hating herself for every little thing she’s done, learn to take care of herself, learn to see herself as a human being again. . . And also needs to learn how to be gentle
I like how they reflect each other in the gentle aspect too… like physically and initially Nina is really good at being gentle. Little lingering touches and sweet hugs and kisses and giggling and cupping someone’s face. But her words sting like hell. She throws plates and screams and assumes the worst of everyone around her. Meanwhile, I think Kate’s the opposite. She grabs too hard and her hands are so rough and she shoves and nudges and maims and hurts everything around her, even unintentionally. But she’s soft spoken, avoids eye contact, usually does what she’s told, tries to get in and out of every situation as quickly and quietly as possible. Yeah she’s blunt and straightforward and a bit too honest, but you can tell she doesn’t do it to be mean. She thinks she’s being helpful and good in that regard. So even that dynamic itself is something they’d likely argue about, but also something they really need to learn from each other about
Idek man omfg . I just really am fond of them. This is so goofy.
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arc852 · 19 days
I saw your tags on my last post, so here goes.
So, around this time in 2019, a G/t friend told me that there was a con for kaiju movies three hours' drive away from me, that - while it wasn't for G/t, had adopted the G/t community as sort of, valid alternative guests due to some drama relating to our own con. And how at this con, my friend told me that they'd even cracked a few G/t eggs among the regular guests.
Because of this, I formally told my parents about my interest in G/t and explained that I wanted to go to the con next year. Considering that I found out about this con in 2019, I think you can guess that this didn't end up happening, lol.
I had avoided telling my parents I liked G/t partially because my mother was very judgey, but also because my parents are the kind of people who, if you give them a gift idea with specific detail, might remember the general idea but not the specifics. Stuff like, telling them that you got yourself a Switch and getting you games would be a great gift, only to end up getting Xbox games in your stocking or something (my parents are actually good about consoles, this is just a general example). So I was worried that if they knew I liked G/t they'd remember I liked size difference but not the direction I leaned, and end up getting like, "Attack of the 50-Foot Woman" posters that would make me feel size dysphoria.
But, surprisingly, my parents knowing I liked G/t basically lead to nothing. Like, actually nothing for three years, to the point that I wondered if they forgot.
That was until Thanksgiving 2022. I was visiting their house for a family hangout, but all my siblings had gone out of the house to do something I didn't care about. My parents were in the living room watching American Horror Story. And I needed a haircut sometime before Christmas.
So I went upstairs with intent to ask Dad about getting a haircut. But they were very invested in the show, so I didn't want to disturb them. I sat down on the couch and started watching with them just because otherwise the wait would be boring.
But every time a commercial started, Dad would immediately get up and go do something he had to do for preparing the house for Christmas decorations, so it ended up taking me an hour or two before I was able to ask him basically, "before I go home tomorrow, can I get a haircut?"
I get the answer to my question, thank them, and head back downstairs to go chat with some online friends. And as I'm heading downstairs, I overhear this exchange:
Mom: "Did something happen? He seemed kinda invested in the show, why'd he suddenly leave." Dad: "Well, considering his tastes, I imagine that last episode was quite traumatic." Mom: "O-oh."
The episode in question was one in which the shortest woman alive had been killed and taxidermized into being a museum exhibit. So hearing that coming from Dad, while it wasn't the reason I had left, still felt very validating because no, he's right. She wasn't actually tiny but she still was sort of G/t within the context of the show. Her death is traumatic, and thank you for remembering G/t but not making it weird.
That next morning I woke up to Dad going through my clothes and looking specifically at my favorite sweatshirt for the size - since I personally had owned it for a decade and it had belonged to my younger brother for a few years before that, it was definitely falling apart, so I think they were considering getting me a new sweatshirt - so I wondered if he'd maybe put two-and-two together to figure out why this was my favorite sweatshirt (the pockets are positioned perfectly for holding tinies comfortably), but when I relayed this information to my then-gf she was like "his brain isn't wired for G/t, he's not gonna realize it. Last night is the best you're probably going to get."
I think it's really cool that your parents didn't make you liking G/t anything weird and instead were looking out for you.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Nothing in the way of us | Jaemin
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Idol!Jaemin x Reader Word count: 3405 Genre: smut Warning: Sex but vanilla sex, reader is on pill, slight mention of body fluids. MINORS DON’T INTERACT, THIS IS A +18 STORY Author: Maari Note: This is for my best friend Bia that spend the entire weekend suffering over na jaemin and gave me inspiration. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't have time to proofread. Request: Can i hv a request? Jaemin smut fluff where he just come back from work after 1 month outstation and being apart from his gf and the only thing in his head is he wants his girlfriend sm.jaemin clingy and horny af🤣 plus cuddles!Oh yeah I prefer jm top y/n bottom.
⪢ NCT Masterlist      
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Y/N was staring intently at her boyfriend on the other side of the phone screen while her heart leapt inside her chest. She didn't want to look like a lovestruck fool, but she already missed him.
“So, how was the flight?” she asked, as he sat on the bed after entering the hotel room.
“Long.” he replied and then yawned. “We still have some time to get to the filming location, we won't go until tomorrow morning.”
"At least you'll be able to rest."
“More than I should, actually.” Jaemin lay down on the bed and Y/N frowned.
“The staff informed me as soon as I arrived that the city we are going to has no sign of anything. TV, phone. I think only radio.”
Y/N got up from the bed, sitting up better while her brain processed the information.
Wait a moment…
“Didn't you say you were going to stay there for a month?” She remembered and saw Jaemin nod in agreement, closing his eyes as he did.
“I will be without communication starting tomorrow.”
"Oh." she tried to contain the sad tone but even from miles away, Jaemin noticed.
“I know, I didn't like it either. Especially knowing that I won't see your beautiful face every day.” he spoke quickly, seeing Y/N's face turn to a pout of displeasure.
She didn't want to be selfish, she admired her boyfriend's charitable and helpful side and the pride of who he was didn't fit in her chest, but she was sad. She didn't even know if had that right, but she wasn't going to deny it or pretend she wasn't upset.
“A month without your voice is torture, you know?” she complained and Jaemin laughed out loud.
"There's a good side to that." he smiled mischievously and at the same time frightening, the way only he could do, making her raise an eyebrow waiting for the answer. “When the time comes to make up for lost time…”
Jaemin left the sentence unfinished in the air and she smiled, feeling her cheeks burn.
She had thought about what his return would be like even before Jaemin had gone.
“They say that distance increases love.”
"I want to see if you really can handle testing this." she rolled her eyes and Jaemin looked at her offended.
She didn't need to test her feelings for her boyfriend, they were clear enough.
“Are you calling me a pervert?”
She laughed. She hadn't taken the conversation that way.
“Who kept touching me inappropriately under the blanket the day all the dreamies were in the dorm watching a movie with us?” she remembered and Jaemin's smile reappeared.
“Inappropriately? If I remember correctly, you didn't complain, quite the opposite.” he raised an eyebrow quickly and she brought a hand to her mouth to contain an smile.
Nor could she complain, although they could have been caught by the boys who were close to them, Jaemin made her see stars that night.
“And I had missed you.” he justified.
"We just haven't seen each other for two weeks."
“And your point is?
She and Jaemin continued to argue that even though it had been good, it had been very dangerous and they engaged in a long conversation that was only cut short when he yawned once more on the other side of the phone screen, he was visibly tired and still refused to end  the connection. She knew why and had the same feeling, a month would be a lot for both of them but they couldn't put it off any longer.
That's why Y/N decided to end the conversation, he would wake up early the next morning and she wanted him to get enough rest because knew the recordings would be tiring, with his disapproval of course. If he could, he would spend the whole night talking to her.
"I love you." he spoke with conviction, his eyes as sad as hers.
She sighed, feeling like crying. She hated goodbyes.
“I love you too, nana.”
Y/N was bored, needy, a little irritated and anxious.
She was on her last week of vacation and her boyfriend still hadn't returned from his trip, she missed him and still didn't know when he would be back.
Well, she had marked the days on the calendar on top of her desk to get an idea of ​​when he would be coming, but so far she hadn't received any messages or calls, so she figured the filming had gone on longer.
She didn't want to look like a teenager in love who was dying without her lover, but that's exactly how she felt.
It had been more than torture to live without his morning calls, in which Jaemin's husky voice welcomed her, his tight hugs, the silly audios he sent constantly.
Jaemin knew that his voice affected Y/N so any opportunity he took advantage of.
Unwilling to get up and feeling her chest tighten with missing Jaemin, she dropped her phone carelessly on the couch and practically dragged herself to the kitchen when she saw that she wouldn't be able to prolong any longer the fact that she would have to cook.
Too busy finding the pots and ingredients, she didn't hear the apartment door sneak open, turned to fill the pot with water and set it on the stove.
"Hey, angel." Y/N felt every little hair on her body prickling, thinking she was starting to delirious, turned her body around.
Her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with tears when saw the figure of Jaemin standing in the division between the kitchen and the living room, he carried a wide smile and the suitcase was in one hand.
Stammering and not saying anything clear, she studied her boyfriend who had left his suitcase on the floor and placed his hands on his hips.
"What? I don't get a hug?” he complained and she forced her weak legs to carry her towards him.
Y/N ran, even though the apartment wasn't even that big, and threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly as he staggered backwards from the impact, he managed to stay on his feet and hugged Y/N tightly by the waist, laughing as he buried his face in her neck.
Jaemin lifted her off the floor, wrapping his other arm around her waist and pressing her against his body in a crushing, hot embrace.
She started to plant kisses over his face, still surprised, and felt him put her down, she pulled back enough to face him but still kept their bodies together.
"What are you doing here?" she asked aloud, blinking more than usual. “Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? I would have gone to the airport.”
“I wanted to surprise you.” he smiled widely and proudly, bringing her back closer, their foreheads met and she took a deep breath of her boyfriend's scent, while closing her eyes.
Y/N brought a hand to the back of his head and their noses played softly, making them both laugh and lean over to seal their lips. If Jaemin's stomach hadn't protested so loudly that it echoed through the apartment and made the two of them look at each other seriously and then laugh, accomplices.
"Okay, I guess that's our cue." she spoke before pulling away from him completely. "What do you want to eat?"
Y/N was heading back to the stove when Jaemin hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and spoke softly into her ear.
She swallowed and slowly turned to face her boyfriend, he had a playful smile on his face but his eyes said he was serious, and that made her shiver.
A month without Jaemin's touch and she was already there, totally at his mercy just by the breath in her ear and his deep voice. She slapped Jaemin lightly on the shoulder, who laughed again and returned his attention to the stove, but at no time did the boyfriend move away.
It was very hard to control herself, especially since Jaemin was holding her tightly against his chest and the hands on her waist were warm, making her heart race, but she had another priority at the moment and that was cooking.
So while she cooked for the two of them, he cuddled her with his chin resting in the same place, sometimes placing a few very innocent kisses on her neck or cheek.
It was affective, not suggestive.
When the food was ready, Y/N thought that Jaemin would leave her to get the food but he didn't.
"Aren't you going to let me go?" she asked, laughing. But it wasn't like she was feeling bad.
"No." he replied and buried his face in her neck. Y/N was tickled and laughed again, having nothing to say, she served him.
"Sit on my lap." he asked softly.
She just raised her eyebrow in silence, he was clingy and couldn't even judge him because the way he hugged was everything she wanted in the past weeks. Clinging to him without thinking about anything else, just enjoying the time she would have with him.
Her heart beat faster, she was wearing a sweatshirt and pantyhose, as thick as it was because of the cold, the barrier between the bodies would be smaller. Just imagining the friction between her ass and Jaemin's jeans was starting to make her wet.
Jaemin sat down first on the stool and brought her close, afraid to fall off the stool with him, she just joined her hips feeling a shiver go through the back of her neck, as imagined she felt the heat of Jaemin's body and his jeans felt a little tighter than usual, she tried to occupy herself with eating.
As she chewed, turned to feed Jaemin as if he were a baby and when he opened his mouth eagerly and chewed showing how hungry he was, she smiled proudly.
They stayed like that until the ramen was over, neither of them was really in the mood to talk. Well, actually, she couldn't focus on too many things at once while Jaemin's hips were pressed against her ass.
Feeding him was already quite an arduous task and it got even more so when Jaemin reached under the sweatshirt she was wearing and started making random circular movements on the skin of her waist.
When she walked away to wash off what she had soiled, Jaemin complained and his hand pressed for her to come back.
“Oh no, you stay.” he took the opportunity to put his arms around Y/N's waist and squeezed against his body. Y/N laughed.
"I have to clean this." she pointed to the counter and felt Jaemin shake his head as rested his chin on her shoulder again.
"I'll help you later." he promised and she turned her face to face him, the movement made their noses meet again. “Now we have more important things to do.”
"Oh yes? What?" she asked and in the blink of an eye, Jaemin let go of her and put one arm around her knee and the other behind her back, picking her up and going to the bedroom.
Y/N let out a little yelp of surprise, and grabbed Jaemin's shoulder as she was carried away.
"I've spent a lot of time away from you." he set her on the bed carefully and wrapped his body with hers, propping himself up on his elbows so that all the weight wouldn't crush her.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you said distance made love-" Y/N was interrupted by her boyfriend's hungry, salty lips.
They both sighed and Y/N's hands found the back of Jaemin's neck again as he tasted her lips with desiree, she was so intoxicated that just followed in the same rhythm opening her mouth so that Jaemin's tongue found hers in a way that bordering on despair, she couldn't think of anything but the rhythm their mouths followed evenly and the heat of Jaemin's body that she had missed so much.
How he held her waist, how he sucked her lips, the way she grabbed his hair.
Jaemin ended the kiss with a light bite on Y/N's lower lip and she didn't even have the strength to squeak, she felt her lungs give out from lack of air and her heart was racing so fast that she could feel it against her ribs.
The theory cited by the boyfriend was true but love wasn’t the only thing that increased.
With no patience to wait, not after a month away from him, she pulled him by the back of his neck to start a more intense and warm kiss.
While the tastes mixed, Jaemin hugged her around the waist making the bodies stick together and she took the opportunity to wrap his hips with her own legs and brought him even closer, there wasn't an inch that wasn't being touched by the body from each other.
The room's temperature increased more and more and they didn't want to stop, Y/N's hands found Jaemin's hair and when he forced his hips against hers, no force in the world could control her soft moan.
This seemed to be fuel for Jaemin who kept pushing his hips while devouring her lips and Y/N lost her breath too quickly when she felt her boyfriend's excitement, she couldn't return the kiss anymore which ended up becoming a mess.
He then took the opportunity to focus his attention elsewhere, her neck. He trailed kisses down her cheek, jaw and then sucked the skin off her neck, causing Y/N to squeeze his hair and tug at it, another moan following as his tongue wet her hot skin.
Y/N wanted more friction between their bodies so when her boyfriend eased, she eagerly continued to move her hips against his as Jaemin sucked, bit and kissed her neck.
But as she felt his erection against her flesh pulsing in her panties, she started to get impatient and her hands went to the thin white shirt he wore, pulling it up anyway, she just wanted to get that piece of useless cloth off.
He stopped what he was doing to lift his torso and let Y/N pull the shirt down his arms, throwing it in any corner of the room as she ran her hands over her boyfriend's exposed skin, squeezed his broad shoulders and when went down his back she scratched lightly.
Jaemin squeaked and before he could kiss her skin again, took his hands inside her sweatshirt and his hot palms found her breasts that weren't covered by any bra, he paid due attention and felt his jeans getting wet by the fire coming from Y/N's hips that at this point had her panties and pantyhose soaked.
She got impatient again, brushing her hips against his, Jaemin's fingers left her breasts and went to meet her pantyhose, promptly Y/N moved her legs from his waist and let him take off while she herself took her hands to the hem of the sweatshirt and took it off clumsily and quickly.
Y/N reached for the button on Jaemin's jeans and she hurriedly unzipped, hearing him chuckle hoarsely.
“Someone is eager.”
"I need you." she replied and Jaemin took off his jeans completely.
Y/N wanted to admire her boyfriend's slender body but didn't have the patience for it, her body pulsed in a way that bothered her and only he could make it stop.
But even though Jaemin was just as excited as she was, that didn't stop him from reaching for her wet panties. Y/N held a breath and closed her eyes, moaning his name.
"No..." she bit her lip as her boyfriend started to touch her more precisely. "... teasing."
"I'm not doing anything." Y/N opened her eyes and saw her boyfriend smile with false innocence.
Raising her eyebrow and smiling sideways, she brought her hand to his chest and started down, reaching the waistband of his underwear and feeling him shiver.
"Ok, enough." he sounded impatient and she laughed.
Jaemin removed the two pieces that were in the way between the two and returned to cover his girlfriend's body with his own, he distributed kisses on her collarbone as he adjusted to her entrance but stopped, lifting his head with a frown.
“I forgot the condom.” he spoke, ready to move away but Y/N was faster and hugged him around the waist.
"I'm on the pill, it’s fine." she assured, kissing his forehead to stop him from frowning.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds as he adjusted and when his heat met Y/N's, he went in deep and all at once, he opened his eyes staring at her so hard that Y/N groaned, the combination made her go weak, she didn't have the strength to keep her eyes open.
Leaning on the mattress, he began to move slowly without taking his eyes from Y/N's face who was ecstatic as the bodies met in a sensual rhythm, he seemed to record all the details he had missed in the last month and the face of Y/N contorted with pleasure was too good for him.
"Look at me." he begged low and through clenched teeth, controlling not to groan.
She did so and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her hands up to her boyfriend's face and caressing with her thumbs on both sides.
Gently, just as Jaemin thrust into her, she ran her fingers along the length of his face. The texture so well known to her fingertips was caressed from his forehead, through his brows, nose, below his eyes, cheeks.
The devotion with which she gazed only made Jaemin increase his pace and she bit her lower lip, listening to the sound of skin to skin extremely pleasurable, moaning once more.
But she didn't stop this time, she spoke his name as if it were a mantra, to show how much she had missed him and being with him like that, pure and together.
Their noses touched and Y/N gripped the back of his head tightly, wriggling her toes, and he grabbed her waist as if he was holding his whole world there, not tightly but to ensure that he was finally where he wanted and needed to be.
When Jaemin reached a specific point, Y/N felt short of breath and closed her eyes feeling her whole body tremble and heat up quickly, her thighs went rigid and Jaemin brought a hand to her free skin to keep her leg where it was, pressed against his hip as he thrust harder but at the same pace.
She buried her face in his neck feeling her heart practically explode inside her chest and bit her boyfriend's skin as she reached the climax, muffling her scream. She knew he was almost there, her insides squeezing him even tighter and she started talking close to his ear as caressed the back of his neck.
He roared as he peaked and gripped his girlfriend's body even tighter as the hot liquid filled her completely, making her shiver. Jaemin took a deep breath before lying on top of her, who stroked his hair gently.
He pulled out of her and laughed when he saw that a few strands of hair were covering her face, so he brushed them away with his fingers as she closed her eyes at the contact.
Jaemin took the opportunity to hug her around the waist and she settled herself better in his arms, her heart still racing, but she could feel against her back that Jaemin's wasn't that different, he placed a kiss on her shoulder and they stayed like that, cuddled, catching their breath.
“So, do you want to live that month-long incommunicado experience again?” she asked, laughing.
"Never." he was serious, making her laugh. "All I could think about was what I was going to do to you."
Y/N turned her face enough to look at him out of the corner of her eye and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yes?"
Jaemin nodded and kissed the tip of her nose.
“And I didn’t even accomplish half of it.”
“We have all night, nana.”
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kangshxrtie · 1 year
ch. 8 ⤍ valorant
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"hiii chat today i'm gonna be playing valorant with kazuha" you greeted your stream once you started.
"we're dating now by the way" you added.
user1 cap
"i'm telling y'all the truth. she's my girlfriend"
user2 you have one of those?
"i get enough of this shit from my friends. i can pull and i'll show y'all today" you told your chat.
user3 sounds delulu
"i will put this shit in emote only" you gave out false threats.
user4 you won't
"okay i take it back, i'm sorry" you apologized.
user5 you better
"y'all bully me too much"
user6 it's our love language
"i think we all as a community should be a little bit nicer. i like to be appreciated"
user7 nahh we good
"i swear my chat shits on me more than the people that hate me do" you chuckled.
user8 FK THEM! only we can do that
"i do love y'all though so please sub to my channel because i've ordered food every day this week. i'm about to be broke"
naoi.rei sounds personal
"rei? how are you chatting right now, i haven't unbanned you yet?" you asked confused.
naoi.rei i unbanned myself
"sounds illegal, i'm reporting you for hacking" you joked.
you talked with your chat for a couple more minutes while waiting for kazuha to message you that she was ready. while you were reading comments one particular comment stood out.
"why? is it embarrassing?" you asked going to look at kazuha's stream.
duo's with bae @gameryn
"see! chat i told you we were dating! don't call me delusional anymore" you exclaimed after seeing the title.
"i should change mine then, it's only fair…" you said out loud going to change yours.
duo's with my gf @k_a_z_u_h_a__
"can you send me your name so i can add you?" you had just gotten into a call with kazuha on discord and were ready to play.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ Today at 7:48 PM bbyongbong #2252
"what is your name?" you asked while laughing.
"it's blackpinks lightstick" she answered making you nod your head in understandment. you typed it in and added her.
while waiting in queue for a match you talked about ranks and the game.
"you know how long it took me to get out of gold! i was there for almost a year!" you complained to the japanese girl.
"if we lose all our games and derank, please do not be mad at me" kazuha said to you.
"kazuha i swear if you throw and i go back back to gold i will actually never talk to you again" you told her.
"i will not purposely throw" she replied.
"i don't trust that but i'll believe you for now" after that conversation the game found a match and you picked your characters.
once the game started you stood in front of her character in game, "you wanna trade skins? my gun sings"
"yess give me" you dropped the skin and grabbed hers.
since the round hadn't started yet you went to go type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn im in y'all gameryn spectrum classic > any other classic
next round you bought a vandal dropping it on her body before she could tell you to sell it.
"dropping a vandal on round two is crazy! how can you afford this?" kazuha asked.
"i trust you'll use it well" you told her with a smile on your face.
"this is why you were stuck in gold"
"now that's just rude" you shook your head at her words, "it might be true though"
since you didn't have anything but a class you died fast and started spectating kazuha.
"you have such a great flank" you told her after she killed the second person. she turned the corner to kill the third person.
"yes, they don't know you're there" you said as she killed the fourth one.
"last one is boat" one of your teammates who just died commed.
she went forward and once she saw him she immediately head shotted the last person.
"holy shit that 4K, you're so hot for that" you hyped kazuha up.
"see! i knew you would do the vandal justice" you said as the next round started.
"it was still a crazy purchase"
during the next round, the enemy phoenix popped and kazuha killed him immediately. she got out of the corner she was hiding in and killed the sage. she held that same corner waiting for another enemy to pop out and they do, killing that one as well.
"hold on i'll bait for you" you told her running up and dying immediately letting kazuha know exactly where they were.
the saw the last one but they both missed their shots so chamber teleported behind making kazuha turn around. since she was hidden behind a wall she planted the spike.
the enemy chamber peeked the corner and kazuha killed him, winning the round and getting an ace.
"that's my duo!" you cheered.
"can you coach me please! i wanna play like you"
"yes! this is my moment" kazuha sat up to become even more focused.
after the round ended you asked kazuha what could have been done better to not die.
"uhm… next time try killing them… i don't know"
"kazuha you literally died first"
"i actually didn't die first; i died second"
"okay… i guess that is a little bit better than first"
"blue dude is windowwwww" you yelled out before dying.
kazuha jumped over a wall before killing the second to last person. she pulled out her knife to get the enemy's gun and died to the last standing person on the enemy team.
"why were you hopping around like that, were you trying to throw?" you asked genuinely.
"you said she was window!" kazuha retorted.
"i said blue dude! viper was unknown"
"okay then that was my fault" kazuha admitted.
"that was really concerning and if you keep playing like that i will leave this lobby" you told kazuha.
"i didn't say anything when you bought me a vandal on ROUND TWO but this is the kind of treatment i get" the japanese girl sighed.
"i believed in you" you simply replied. while you were waiting on the next round to start you took the chance to type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn kazuha is a pro thrower
"this is slander. suing you for defamation" kazuha said after reading your chat.
"why is everyone dead?" you asked once you realized you were alone, "kazuha help me!"
"sova is probably watching the flank" you peeked the corner to see the sova watching a different angle so you swung and headshot him, "yes now the other one has an op, but don't worry you're better. you have a double satchel so use that to swing quickly"
you swung the sage missing every shot, and needing to switch guns before finally head shotting her with a pistol.
"i only saw the last shot. that was so clean" kazuha told you.
gameryn get you a coach that lies to you 😍😍
"maybe you are a good coach" you said afterward.
"see! tell somebody to sign me" she exclaimed.
"you are signed"
"oh shit i am. don't tell my team i said that"
when the next round started you quickly pushed out and killed the first person before quickly moving to cover. you pulled out your ult, unfortunately missing it all. you slowly peeked out from the corner and killed the second one before moving some more and killing the third one from a distance.
you went around hoping to get the fourth one from behind which you luckily did.
"my ace!" you called out just as kazuha killed the last person.
"you have to earn it"
"i actually felt like i deserved that one" you said sadly.
"if only you would have killed them faster than me"
you playfully rolled your eyes before going to kazuha's chat to quickly type something before the next round started.
gameryn L coach
"maybe you would've gotten that ace if you would stay out of my chat and focused on the game" kazuha said.
"kazuha is the worst coach" you told your chat but didn't mute.
"you're unmuted" she told you.
"i know it was on purpose" you replied.
you two won that game and while you were waiting on the next game to start, you started talking about random stuff.
"we should have couple names and become edaters" you suggested to kazuha.
"immediately no" kazuha said.
"but it would be cute"
"i'll pass"
"yeah… that probably is for the best"
the game started and y'all were on the character picking so you asked kazuha, "coach who should i play on this map"
kazuha thought about it for a second, looking at everybody that already picked, "smokes, but of course whoever you're comfortable with"
"so omen" you locked it in.
it was the fourth round when you shot at a wall randomly hoping to at least get one, "that was all me, i got so much info"
"you spent the whole round shooting at a wall"
"yeah and we found out they weren't there"
a couple of rounds later as the spike was about to go off you saw the phoenix ult so you stood behind waiting for his ult to end.
"knife him" kazuha told you and you pulled out your knife successfully knifing him once the body returned.
"two more, there's no way we lose here" kazuha said while waiting for the next game to start. the game was currently 11-3.
"we're definitely losing after that" and you were right.
which led to this moment where you were the last two standing. the score was 11-7.
"i have blind" you told kazuha.
"do it" she told you and threw your blind, then went back to hold the cross with kazuha. you got the kill from the back.
kazuha threw one of her abilities down and you shot the last one threw the wall.
"niceee" kazuha said.
"we've done it. best duo out there. nobody can top us" you said.
it was 12-7 and one of your teammates stuck the bomb before dying and you killed one of the three people left. you teleported away from the bomb watching it from a further angle.
the enemy omen set down a smoke and your teammates pinged the spike for you which you sprayed at, successfully killing the person on spike.
you pushed into the smoke immediately seeing the enemy omen and killed him, winning the game.
"so i think my coaching was successful" kazuha gloated, "i helped you win us that game"
"you were a terrible coach. one star, but only because you're pretty"
"i'll take it" she smiled.
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carolmunson · 1 year
what are some fics that you recommend?
oooh! here's some new ones and some oldies that have really stuck with me under the cut: disclaimer: i know there are more, these are off the top of my head!
coffee cups and unconditional love by @keerysquinn wayne and eddie's story told in coffee cups. one of the first fics to ever legitimately make me cry, reads like an actual movie and such good characterization throughout. so well done, really heart felt -- truly felt like i was there.
9 stops by @aww-canon-no modern!eddie is deaf and meets a newly deaf steve at a deaf community center i'm not normally a steddie girly but this is truly it most importantly though, it gave me a glimpse into a life i don't have experience in and i learned a lot from it! i could quite literally see everything happening while i read it. so great. encore by @mypoisonedvine three part series. you're the rockstar of eddie's dreams, a one night stand lasts longer than you expect. jd cannot actually write anything that i won't devour but encore has stuck with me for so long. easily some of the hottest smut ever.
linecook!eddie by @bewilderedbunny eddie is a linecook in the diner you work at and he's a flirty little idiot who needs to be stopped. this is a four part fluffy blurb series that i believe is turning in to a full big shebang that i can't wait for. it makes me so giggly and flirty and in love.
to know you're mine by @blueywrites you and your boyfriend steve try something new with eddie and his girlfriend chrissy -- but things get complicated. this fic came to me while i was going through a break up and it really helped me get through and realize some things about my self and my own relationship. eddie is also so dreamy and hot.
raspberry swirl by @dr-aculaaa y2k reader might have a little crush on robin, at least that's what her diary says. the nostalgia, the characterization! if you're a younger millenial, these are the older people you thought were so cool in 2005. i cannot WAIT to read more of this (and to also fantasize about being numetal 2005 eddie's hottie gf)
two pm on a sunday by @courtingchaos professor eddie and you on a sunday afternoon so soft, so delicious -- one of my favorite eddies can never find his glasses, he can't even read i love him
and of course: the boxer steve series by @rustedhearts king of the ring steve harrington and your love story over the years am i sort of biased? yes. but this is also amazing, olivia is beyond. he's so sexy and tortured. constellations by @loveshotzz on a date watching the stars with steve harrington who wants to kiss you so bad. i felt like i was there, i felt nervous and excited. i truly felt kissed at the end! older reformed f!boy eddie by @newlips getting older, eddie has heart eyes for the first time in home depot the way i think about this daily -- this is my husband. i can't wait to be old with him. i can't wait for him to call me 'WOMAN!'
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moonbyunniee · 2 years
i saw that your requests r open so i thought it'd be good if i sent mine! can you make like um childe, kaeya, xiao with a chubby gf? thank you in advance!!
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genshin characters x chubby s/o
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characters ➵ childe, kaeya, xiao
cw ➵ fluff, body issues
a/n ➵ sorry this took me so long, i was taking a break!! i've never actually written anything like this before my lovely so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes, etc.! but anyway this is a really cute idea!! have a magical rest of your week nonnie, stay safe🤍🐰
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childe - 达达利亚 ➵
one of the things the eleventh fatui harbinger absolutely adores about you is your weight
to put it simply, he loves how you're different from everyone else (not even in a bad way, more in a way that he gets more to love!)
he's probably pretty protective of you, because if you're insecure about your weight, he'd know it from the first glance
he'll never leave your side if you're uncomfortable
"darling y/n, i want you to know that you're absolutely drop-dead gorgeous whatever you look like, okay?"
he's also very proud to show you off regardless of what you look like, since he just feels extremely lucky to be with someone like you
if he sees that you're not eating as much as you usually do, or if something else is wrong, he'll know something's up and will immediately confront the situation
he'll pester you about what's wrong, to tell him if someone's upset you so he can go foul legacy on th-
but overall, childe is proud of you, doesn't care about your weight, and loves everything and anything about you <3
"y/n sweetie, i hope you believe me when i say i love you. i love you so much, you'll never know, and i mean that. and nothing about you or your weight or anything else will ever change that fact, got it? that's right!"
kaeya - 凯亚 ➵
kaeya alberich is known for sticking by your side, and his loyalty never wavers a single bit. ever.
so it's not hard to believe that he's your biggest supporter, your number one fan, your cheerleader
if anybody dared to make fun of you when he's around, he'll notice immediately and wrap his arms around you
while shooting them an icy glare and mentally scheming ways to end their life
"sshhh...now, now, my treasure y/n...you know you're perfect for me, don't you? don't let other people tell you otherwise."
he absolutely adores cuddling you, just wrapping his arms around you and breathing in your scent, the one that he loves so much
this man loves sleeping on your thighs - he feels like they're pillows of warmth
kaeya knows what it's like to have been shunned out of any sort of community before
so he'll always stick by your side, being the endless support for you that he never had
he's also always there to give you never-ending affirmations, simply sitting there and holding your hand in his while rubbing his thumb over your skin
"y/n...i want you to know that what you look like doesn't matter to me, okay? i'd love you if you're short, or tall, or chubby, or skinny - you're the same person on the inside i fall in love with day after day."
xiao - 魈 ➵
xiao, unlike childe and kaeya, is definitely much more of a quiet supporter
it's not like him, for example, to cuddle you where everyone can see
xiao believes that affection between the two of you should be a savoured, private act, and that other people's eyes are unworthy of seeing it
he's more likely to watch you go about your day to day life from afar, perhaps from a rooftop nearby, simply sitting and watching the love of his life being the love of his life
bonus points if he talks to himself and has an internal battle with his emotions because he doesn't like to show them
"they're so adorable...ugh, what am i saying?...but they are so adorable..."
however, this obviously doesn't mean he's just gonna leave you out to dry if he sees you getting uncomfortable for whatever reason in your skin
known as the vigilant yaksha for a reason, he's always got an eye out for trouble as well as for you
he'll immediately materialise next to you at the first sign of trouble, literally out of thin air
and he'll tenderly intertwine your fingers in his, his expression a cold and dangerous one as he glares at the offender, who cowers under his invisible force
"talk about my y/n that way ever again, and i'll make sure you never talk again. c'mon, y/n, let's go home."
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