#while she is way more pacifistic and will avoid killing if she has to
krystal-kade · 7 months
Charlie's a bad person
I know it's a bit of a bold statement, but I think Charlie's a pretty bad person
Not in the way Alastor, Angel, or Val are bad people. They are hateful and purposely harm others. She's a bad person because she enables bad people
Imagine finding out your friend is a literal sex slave who's soul is owned by his abusive boss. He knows his life's a mess, but he blames himself for everything that's happening to him. He uses sex and drugs to cope and forget everything that's going on in his life. He desperately wants to be free, but feels like he doesn't have the power to leave.
Imagine knowing your dad is your #1 enemy. He allowed the exterminations and continues to allow them because he thinks your people deserve death. He is encouraging the same things you're fighting against
Imagine your father figure (who is "supporting" your goal of redemption and good deeds) is a sadistic serial killer cannibal who owns the souls of thousands
Imagine being able to stop the suffering of millions around you, and you just ... don't.
That's Charlie. She is the daughter of a fallen angel. She's the daughter of an overlord. She's the princess of Hell. She's one of the most powerful beings in Heaven and Hell (less powerful than God, Jesus, Lucifer, and maybe the other sins?). She could free Angel Dust with the snap of her fingers. She could end their contract, kill Valentino, SOMETHING. Yet she does nothing. FOR 6 MONTHS her friend has been a tortured sex slave, and she does absolutely jack shit about it.
Her dad advocates for the slaughtering of her people, and is the entire reason she has to have her hotel, yet she's more worried about their father-daughter bonding. If he went to Sera and told her to stop the exterminations, I'm sure she'd oblige. If she didn't, just say "I'll tell all of Heaven about the exterminations if you don't stop" and she would. Exterminations could end so quick if Charlie or Lucifer used any ounce of their power.
She could fight Alastor and get him to stop killing people. Get him to stop being so evil and murderous, but she doesn't.
She has the power to fight essentially every demon in Hell and win, yet she doesn't. She's a pacifist who REFUSES to use violence or authority unless it's for her benefit (fighting Katie Killjoy, screaming at Susan, fighting Adam, etc). While using non-violent tactics are great when they work, they don't always work. You're in Hell, and saying "don't do that, it's mean :(" isn't going to work. You're not a good person for avoiding violence and not using your authority, you're a spineless jackass for never using violence or authority to help your friends or your people
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Mettaton is actually kinda right, Alphys isn't a great person...
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I know it's a bit of a bold statement, but I think Alphys is almost as messed up as Mettaton and Undyne...
But while those two are messed up because they're willing to destroy children and they would enjoy it. Alphys is a messed-up person because she's still friends with them and somewhat enables them. She's also willing to do insane things to please Undyne and Mettaton, as well as Asgore...
Alphys gives Mettaton (her ghost friend) a robot body because he's a fellow lover of human things. She also gave the robot body human-killing weapons, despite being a lover of human things and being in a 'Human Fanclub'. Because she wants to please her crush Asgore and become the royal scientist.
She also has another crush on Undyne, despite the fact that Undyne is hotheaded, violent and probably the biggest human racist in the kingdom. Alphys has crushes on human killers (or attempted in Undyne's case), despite being 'nice'. She either thinks that they're too hot to criticize, or she likes violence more then she lets on, or she only likes human stuff and doesn't truly care about the species (similar to Undyne).
Which makes sense, cause despite her being nice and nervously polite, she's done some pretty morally messed up things so others would like her.
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Like for example, she uses the DT Extraction Machine to extract Determination from the sealed human SOULs, then injected it to "fallen down" monsters. The extraction might be painful for the human souls. And Alphys doesn't even feel guilty or properly apologize for that (she probably doesn't know, but still).
She also injected Determination to a potential vessel, a Golden Flower. Trying to create a monster SOUL to sacrifice to the barrier. Alphys is willing to create and then destroy probably hundreds of fellow monster souls, to break the barrier and so everyone would like her.
(I say hundreds cause the monsters souls are that much weaker...)
Unlike the amalgamates, this was done on purpose.
And who knows what she would have done to Flowey, if he didn't escape the lab.
Out of fear of everyone's reactions, Alphys stays in the Lab and avoids inquiries.
Because she cares more about people thinking that she's a great person, instead of actually being a great person.
Which is selfish, cowardly and kinda lazy.
Apparently, it's easier to pretend to be Frisk's ally, then actually fix her problems.
Sure, she eventually apologized to Frisk, but then places them in danger again in the true lab with the amalgamates.
Sure, Alphys confesses about the amalgamates, but not about Flowey's creation or what she did to the human souls.
My point is, Alphys is in some ways as twisted as Undyne and Mettaton. Maybe not on purpose, but the fact that she knows that Pacifist Frisk isn't evil and yet adds to Frisk's suffering, instead of actually helping the innocent child... It's kinda cruel.
Undyne and Alphys do deserve each other.
(There's also the fact that Alphys said that she should have killed Frisk with a smile, during the Queen Alphys ending... just throwing that out there... I know she said it, because almost everyone is dead, but this proves that Alphys isn't as non-violent as she pretends to be.)
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lunarflowerdragon · 2 months
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I finished the fan game 'Undertale Yellow' a little while ago and I couldn't help but fall in love with Martlet and Clover. Ceroba, Mo and Starlo too, but something about that slightly scatterbrained blue bird made me fall in love with her more than the others. Probably because I'm kind of like her. And like anything I loved, I ended up creating two AU's with the same concept: What if Martlet and Clover's SOULS ended up merging? I had two theories, so I did both. (Game spoilers)
Wings of Justice: Set in the pacifist timeline. Clover loses in the fight against Ceroba and Martlet would wake up almost at the same time. In a mix of anger and sadness for seeing her little friend killed by someone she trusted, Martlet decides to use the serum on her to fight Ceroba, because she knew she had no chance alone. She would definitely beat Ceroba, but I'm not sure if she would kill Ceroba or not, probably not, since she's not angry enough. Martlet would take Clover's SOUL and body, hoping that if their body are still intact, maybe there's a way to bring them back. It wouldn't be possible, since Clover's body is something physical that can be affected by magic, not something magical with a physical form. Not that she has time to research, since her body starts to melt. Clover would not allow a friend of theirs to die and so they forced Martlet's SOUL to absorb them, stabilizing her condition. Knowing that there would likely be serious repercussions from what happened, they both decide to abandon Snowdin and live in the Ruins. Martlet holds a small burial, and decides to wear Clover's hat, so they will be more comfortable.
Martlet can no longer revert to her original form, but she can lower her power to the point where she looks like a 'regular' Boss Monster. She can make her armor appear whenever she wants, and usually leaves it in the form I drew because she thinks it looks 'really cool and intimidating'. She can enter her Zenith form at will, but avoids doing so to avoid hurting anyone. If she is forced to fight seriously, she can evolve her power even further, thanks to Clover's power in her.
The Remedy of Vengeance: Set in an aborted genocidal timeline. Clover, after they get a lot of dust on their hands and are confronted by Martlet back in the Dunes, they begin to feel remorse for their actions and decide to stop killing. Meeting Starlo and his team made them realize that the monsters weren't so bad and this only makes their remorse stronger. They decide to meet with Martlet to talk and apologize for their actions, being willing to do what is necessary to redeem themselves.
When they meet, Martlet is willing to give Clover a second chance, and Clover is ready to prove that they are better now. In the conversation, Clover realized that something was wrong and tried to save Martlet, but both end up being hit by Flowey. Martlet, in her last seconds, realized that she could not be saved, so she forced her SOUL to merge with Clover's, so that they could survive and escape the barrier, without the need to hurt anyone else. Clover shoots Flowey to free themself and escapes back to the Dunes, with Flowey deciding to leave things at that because he had never seen this ending before and was curious about it. Clover feels guilty for not being able to save the one who had so much confidence in them that they could be someone better, so they decide to dedicate their lives to protecting those who still live. They consider giving their SOUL to Asgore, but they do not trust the king with their SOUL, nor themselves not to do something drastic. So, they live in the Dunes, venturing out from time to time to help the monsters in other places.
Technically, since Clover's body is physical, they shouldn't have any real changes to their appearance. But they forced their new magic to grow some feathers on them, so they can pretend to be some kind of weird bird-monster. The only time they don't need this is in the Dunes, where everyone knows them, but the forced transformation has side effects, where some feathers will always sprout on their arms and hair, even if only a few. That's why they gave up wearing long sleeves. Theoretically, if they wanted to and forced their new magic into their body even more, their entire body would metamorphose and they would become something similar to Zenith, only smaller and brown/yellow. They probably died from the overload of magic once the fight was over, however, the human body can only take so much.
The blue feather they carry in their hat is from Martlet, which they found lying on the ground while searching for her. It is the only physical part of her that still exists, since her entire body has turned to dust. Because of this, they are very protective and careful with the feather.
One day I'll do more of this AU, but for now, I'll leave the base recorded here, since my PC is at risk of breaking.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
Alright, so... Chapter 210 of "Vinland Saga"...
Excuse me a moment while I go cry in a corner.
Shit, man, this chapter got to me hard.
Spoilers ahead, for anyone who hasn't read it.
I'm so scared Thorfinn is going to die. He was shot full of arrows, just like his father. Hild saved him, and my immediate question is, "how?". Did she have to kill to save him? To get him on her back and carry him out? The fact we aren't shown what happened after she shot her arrow makes me think she did. Or did she manage to do it while only wounding the natives? She only had four arrows left, and there were more than four natives in pursuit. If she did have to kill to get him out, then I wonder how that's going to impact Thorfinn himself, assuming he survives. To know Hild will have had to take on that burden, of taking a life to save his, would be devastating to him, I think. In it's own way, it would almost be like a condemnation to him of his pacifist philosophy, that because he didn't want to kill, the burden of it has now fallen to another. I know Thorfinn would blame himself, even though this situation truly wasn't his fault, and spun out of his control due to forces beyond his power.
I really didn't expect this turn of events. I thought Thorfinn and Hild would take care of the pursuers in the forest and then make their way to the village. But Thorfinn clearly has a punctured lung from the arrow he took for Einar, and now he's been shot full of arrows, which, at the moment, I'm honestly having a really hard time seeing how he'll survive. His condition also totally takes him out of the game in terms of defending the village and its people at all.
And now Hild and him are faced with Plmk, and I have no idea if he's hostile or not. If he's hostile, they're fucked, which makes me think he's going to end up helping them, somehow. But even if he does, it doesn't do anything for Thorfinn's condition. Like I said, I'm really scared at this point for him.
And then there was Thorfinn's dream sequence, which was just heartbreaking in the extreme. His vision of Thorkill, basically saying 'I told you so', saying war would come to Vinland, no matter how hard Thorfinn tried to avoid it. And even more devastating, Ivar and then Einar, blaming Thorfinn for everything. We see here in Thorfinn's subconscious his true feelings, rooted in a sense of failure. We see how badly Einar's parting words to him have affected him. Einar's anger and bitterness toward him. I've spoken before about how it would, in many ways, be the ultimate sacrifice to his ideals, if Thorfinn were to lose Einar's friendship, his first and best friend, and the man who gave him a sense of purpose in life beyond his quest for revenge against Askeladd. If Einar truly ends up turning against him, if he refuses to leave, and takes the path of war, I don't see how their friendship can continue. Maybe that will change when he sees Thorfinn's condition, but realistically, I think him seeing what's been done to Thorfinn will only fuel Einar's rage and refusal to give up what they've built.
God, Thorfinn wanted so badly to make a land of peace, to atone for the sins of his past by creating a land of peace and saving more lives than he took, but now it's all gone to hell, and people have been killed. His vision of Einar telling him his experiment has failed, and that it was an important experiment, because it shows how peace can never really be achieved, shows the depths of Thorfinn's despair, I think, and the depths of his self-loathing. This is truly just a tragedy playing out before our eyes.
It's made all the more poignant, I think, by Hild's words to Thorfinn, telling him not to lose heart, telling him he wasn't wrong about anything, and if only the world were full of more people like him, maybe there really could be hope for a world without war. She calls Thorfinn precious, and I think that's true. But tragically, as we're seeing, the world isn't filled with people like Thorfinn, and that makes Thorfinn's dream an impossibility. There's always going to be someone who wants to start a war, there's always going to be someone who wants to take what isn't theirs, there's always going to be someone who wants to hurt you or those you love and care for, no matter how much you try to talk them out of it. The world is too complex and brutal for pacifism to ever be a reality, and that is a tragedy.
I don't know what's going to happen back at the village at this point, either. It seems to me anyone could die. Thorfinn was their best defense, and now he's out of commission.
Ugh, man, this chapter hit me on a deep, emotional level.
Don't die Thorfinn. I'll be devastated if you do.
Also, just again, shout out to Yukimura's art. I don't know how this guy does it month after month. His art is second to none.
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tf-cyberaligned · 1 year
The Protectobots
The Protectobots founded the Rescue Academy and Rescue City. The gestalt all had a base coding for rescue work, with sub coding for positions such as fire rescue, medical, scouting, and enforcement.
Hotspot is their leader, and the oldest. He leads his teams by word and deed. He is a very enthusiastic and energetic leader, sometimes tiring out his siblings. His leadership keeps his team out of harm's way, ensuring that their time in battle or rescues are swift and without complications. His fighting style is considered to be brash, being more of a hand to hand combat guy. However he does have the ability to mix acid with his water-lines, and he owns twin fireball rifles. When him and his siblings combine, he forms the torso and head of Defensor.
Blades is the youngest, but the most experienced fighter of the group. He is fiercely protective of his gestalt, which sometimes scares his fellow Autobots whenever he is pissed. Many mistake his protective nature for being arrogant and unhinged. He supplies air support for his siblings, while also being able to take over some medical rescues in the case that First Aid is busy. His fighting style is very gruesome, whether using his own rotor blades are swords, or using his twin energon pistols, he is a force to be feared by both sides. Several Decepticons who had the misfortune of fighting him have nicknamed him the "Angel of Death." He forms the right hand of Defensor.
First Aid is the resident medic of the team. She is a very timid mech on a normal day, but in the middle of a fight or rescue she can be the most level headed mech there. She is very empathetic, considerate, and kind. Her compassion knows no ends and she will work relentlessly to fix anyone and anything, from broken down tech to Decepticons. She served as an apprentice to Ratchet, having grown close to the old medic to consider him a honorary brother. Her beliefs are rooted more in pacifism, but if anything or anyone threatens her gestalt or the academy, she will not hesitate to stand up and defend those she loves. She has a forcefield just like the gestalt, but hers is able to extend further and take more hits. She forms the left arm of Defensor.
Groove is the scout of the team. She is a free spirited bot, and times before the war she was known to go off on adventures by herself for days on end. She loved her gestalt, but sometimes the long drives are needed for her sanity. She is a true pacifist at spark, she hates the violence of war but has no way to avoid it. The threat the Decepticons have on the academy puts her into a moral struggle, where she wants to protect but without violence. Her weapons are considered to be more pacifist, temporarily stunning the enemy instead of killing. She forms the right leg of Defensor.
Streetwise is the interceptor of the team. He follows his logic, but is led by his spark. He is the smartest mech in the gestalt, and is able to track down any mech, using his processor and speed to outsmart anyone. His weapon arsenal is a combination of long range and short range weapons. He owns twin tonfas, alongside his favorite smoke grenades and explosives. He is often underestimated by the enemy, only to flip that mechs world upside down when he ends the fight. He forms the left leg of Defensor.
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Plus their holoforms
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The team originally wanted to keep Rescue City as a true neutral in the war, with their teams and recruits helping Autobots and Decepticons alike. But after Megatron deemed them an enemy due to them helping the Autobots, the Protectobots joined the war on the Autobot side. They kept the academy neutral, while becoming the city's sole protector.
Their fall during their battle with Devastator at Tagan Heights left Rescue City without protection. In the Vorns following the fall Megatron called for the destruction of the city and its inhabitants, leading to the Rescue Bot Massacre.
Unknown to them at the time however, a Sigma ship was in deep space, its crew in stasis.
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ravensvirginity · 23 days
I'm confused but I will say that when she is free from the influence of the trigon she wants a relationship as we see in ntt and gar and raven have similar moments in life and in character and raven has more freedom she had three solo gar has one small long time and not written by its creator the change in her character is to blame the writers and the series and not the gar and their relationship resumed only in 2023 he doesn’t pull her down and I don’t understand why you are against Raven having a relationship it’s shown that she wants them without them she will stay where it started and it's good that she's in a relationship
I never said that I'm against Raven being in a relationship or that Raven doesn't want a relationship. I'm saying it would be difficult for Raven to get into a romantic relationship. She's both scared of letting people in in general, and scared of both loving someone and feeling sexual desire. We see in NTT after she's freed from Trigon that while she does want romance, she isn't good at it in practice and she's still scared of a lot of aspects of it. I would be more on board with BBRae if it was a story about Raven overcoming her trauma and letting herself feel love rather than the current characterization of Raven just always having been fine.
Also, a major issue I have with BBRae as it is now is that Trigon is very alive, very much trying to control Raven (he currently is as of the latest issues) and that as a possible stumbling block in their relationship is never addressed. If they're going to do a demon Raven arc (which they are) they should have emotionally closed off Raven to go along with it or the story doesn't work nearly as well.
Also also, when I say Gar is dragging Raven down in the current comics it has nothing to do with how many solos or whatever either character has gotten in the past. I have nothing against Gar getting a million solos. My problem is that for a good chunk of the beginning of the current Titans run and Beast World Raven's sole role in the story was being his girlfriend and the way she was written was massively out of character specifically in service of Gar.
Like for example, when Gar 'dies' in Beast World and Raven says that the only reason she's not trying to kill his killers is because of how much respect she has for Gar as a person who avoids fights. RAVEN is a pacifist. Gar is not a pacifist, and has two very notable arcs about successfully killing and then attempting to kill people who killed people he loved. That moment makes zero sense, is terrible Raven writing, and only exists to hype up Gar and BBRae. That's the kind of thing I have an issue with.
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clovermine13 · 1 year
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It's been awhile since an IF has managed to completely take over my brain in awhile so I decided to get a drawing of my @infamous-if MC Delilah Rose, commissioned from @inorheona, who always does a fantastic job.
OC Fun Facts below
100% has a praise kink, she wants to explore that more but the kind of sex she has doesn't usually leave much room for conversing.
Has been wildin' in the club since she broke up with Seven, like a lot, probably to much, maybe needs therapy. Definitely needs therapy
has a very particular Pen Preference and while she will use whatever is available, she might complain. Also, prefers to write in one of her many notebooks over her notes app.
She does drink, she does do drugs (Coke or Oxy depending on her mood) but tries to stay sober and makes sure her friends get home. Also, she sleeps around and would rather do that as sober as possible.
Has definitely written lyrics on the back of a one night stand. In sharpie, she was very sorry. She always dedicates that song to that poor women.
Would kill to play a rain show. She has a thing with rain storms.
Loves to read romance novels. especially fantasy ones, ESPECIALLY spicy ones. Its trash but she loves it.
Is she still actively in love with her ex, probably, is she planning on avoiding that with every fiber of her being, absolutely.
I like to think she is part of a VERY casual FWB situation with the lead singer of another band where they meet up when they are in the same place and send each other memes. For two rockstars, its pretty wholesome.
Would absolutely love to be in a committed relationship, monogamous or otherwise but is too afraid to even try.
Wants a big family, is looking forward to being an aunt, is convinced she is going to be a horrible mother, which isn't true but she doesn't think highly of herself, also she doesn't know how to balance her music and the relationships she has that aren't directly tied to her music and having a baby scares her. (She is very careful)
Is okay with the idea of being married but doesn't think it's necessary, catch her with her lover initial around her neck, or initials tattooed on her wrist.
Is super committed and very touchy in a relationship, really enjoys PDA but wants to keep as much of her relationship private as she can, just for them.
Will eventually write love songs but hasn't written one in a long time.
Is completely unaware of how she affects people, not is a mean way, she just doesn't think she is that important outside of her music. She is sweet, just sad and a bit oblivious. She is a sweetheart she just doesn't believe you really like her.
Says she is indifferent about her parents, that's kind of true, she still wishes they liked her (Head canon wise, I think her Dad does and wants to reconnect but at this point he doesn't know how and her Mom resents Delilah, she never wanted kids and D is aware of this. )
She is Chinese on her Dads side and Portuguese on her Moms. She is First Gen American and doesn't really know he extended family.
I think friends would call her D if nicknames ever become a thing.
Would love to have pets, maybe a bird or some bunnies. But she is literally never home.
Love language is a tie between Physical Touch/ Words of Affirmation
Loves pet names.
A pacifist unless she needs to fight then she can.
I like to think she has a lot of half baked talents like her parents put her in a ton of activities to keep her busy and supervised when she was young so she can sew, tie fancy knots, put up a tent, build a fire, has basic tap/ballet, karate and can raise goats and ride a horse.
Is an absolutely mid cook. She tries but generally hates cooking.
Has everyone's things in her apartment. Like she has a spare room and in that spare room is two dressers and a closet full of the bands stuff and they can sleep there whenever.
Has a top secret email that Fans can use to get in touch with her and there is a higher chance of getting a reply. Sometimes people use it as free therapy (She is not someone who should be giving advice) or different artistic pursuits, fanart, short stories. I think she has written songs based on short stories sent to her email, she gives them credit and dedicates those songs to the author. Has she received fanfic to this email.... Yes.
Is artistic and tends to work on other projects while idle. Right now she is crocheting a baby blanket.
Has so many belts.
Favourite Colour- Green
Favourite Show- Black Mirror
Favourite Movie- The Princess Bride.
I only create one MC per game. I am not a multiple MC girlie. So she will romance everyone but as an angsty, second chance romance girl, Seven is probably gonna be her main. (Although G is a close second.)
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subterlyfitumtale · 3 days
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Suteratertale: Au created by Daniel and Guille...a friend of his who loves Outertale and also Undertale.
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Years ago, humans and monsters lived peacefully on the surface.
However, a radical group of humans began to spread fear and hatred towards monsters, sparking a devastating war.
The humans emerged victorious and instead of simply banishing the monsters to the underground, they made an even more drastic decision: build a gigantic ship to enclose the monsters and launch them into outer space.
The ship was sent to the: Great Ketteiville Space Station, an advanced space station created by the leaders of the: Great Ketteiville Space Agency, who supported the idea of enclosing the monsters there.
In addition, said leaders activated an impenetrable magical barrier within the station.
At the station, the monsters used their magic and technology to adapt to their new life there and what they did to achieve that was: expand the station and build their first great citadel:
New Home.
Also, on the outskirts of New Home, three small citadels were erected:
Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotland.
The station has a power core that the monsters improved and moved to the center of Hotland, giving it the ability to store magic and starlight energy, allowing them to remain self-sufficient.
Over time, the monsters created a harmonious society within the station, although they always longed to return to the surface.
The incident of the 6 astronauts/the 6 human souls including Rocío who was sent there by her mother to befriend them and free them and then failed and was killed by Undyne:
Some years ago, a group of six astronauts from the Great Space Agency of Ketteiville between 18 and 21 years old, were sent to the station to inspect it, with the mission of finding out what had happened to the monsters and if they had made any changes to the station.
However, each of these astronauts faced a monster and sadly, they all died in those encounters.
Lyra, the protagonist:
Lyra, a young 19-year-old astronaut, had been selected to join that mission, that is, the group of 6 astronauts, but she had an accident during the tests prior to that mission and broke her leg, preventing her from traveling with the group.
Now, years later, she has been assigned to complete the mission that those previous astronauts could not accomplish.
After receiving the order from her superiors at the headquarters of the Great Space Agency of Ketteiville, Lyra must travel to the station to carry out the inspection from scratch and return to the headquarters with the information from the inspection.
The beginning of Lyra's adventure:
A month after accepting the mission, Lyra embarks on her ship and heads towards the space station, departing from Mount Ebott.
However, upon arriving at the station, her ship suffers a critical failure, leaving her stranded at the station. With no other options, she contacts the command center and informs them that she will proceed with the inspection while she looks for a way to repair the ship and return to headquarters.
Inside the station, Lyra discovers an environment full of magic, advanced technology and realizes that there is oxygen inside the station, so she decides to wear more comfortable clothes than she had on the ship.
**Suteratertale Pacifist and Neutral Route**:
In the Pacifist Route in *Suteratertale* :
Lyra embarks on an adventure full of emotional and moral challenges, choosing a path of peace and hope. Since she arrived at the station, she sets out to fulfill her mission and avoid violence and find ways to solve problems through understanding and friendship in order to free the monsters and return home with them.
In the Neutral Route in *Suteratertale* :
Lyra embarks on an adventure full of emotional and moral challenges, choosing a path between compassion and confrontation. Since she arrived at the station, she sets out to fulfill her mission but as stated choosing the path between violence and mercy.
Also...in this Neutral Route there are:
**Two possible endings**:
1. **Stay with the monsters:**
Following the events of the final battle against Omega Flowey, Lyra can choose to stay with the monsters on the space station, forming a great and strong friendship with them and striving to find a way to break the barrier from within.
This path emphasizes unity, but comes with the uncertain hope of returning to the surface.
2. **Break the barrier and leave:**
Alternatively, Lyra can choose to use Asgore's soul along with the six human souls to break the barrier, fix her ship, and escape back to Earth.
In doing so, she leaves the monsters behind, trapped in their eternal space prison. This ending focuses on personal survival and the harsh reality of leaving an entire race to fend for itself.
**Pacifist route Bosses in each citadel**:
New Home: Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel.
Snowdin: Papyrus.
Waterfall: Undyne.
Hotland: Muffet.
CORE: Mettaton EX.
**Neutral route bosses in each citadel**:
New Home: Toriel, Asgore and Omega Flowey.
Snowdin: Papyrus and Stelliny.
Waterfall: Undyne.
Hotland: Muffet.
CORE: Alphys and Mettaton EX.
**Suteratertale Genocide Route**:
In the Genocide Route in *Suteratertale* Lyra embarks on an adventure without emotions or remorse, choosing a path of pain, despair and death.
Since she arrived at the station, she sets out to fulfill her mission and she chooses to kill all the monsters without mercy and with malice.
Also after killing them all she will fix her ship and return home.
**Genocide Route Bosses in each citadel**:
New Home: Toriel, Asgore, Stelliny and Sans.
Snowdin: Papyrus.
Waterfall: Undyne The Undying.
Hotland: Muffet.
CORE: Alphys and Mettaton NEO.
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mobiuslab · 16 days
"I fight so that one day, I will never have to witness another 'shooting star' falling to the ground"
These words from Feixiao really resonated with me, and made me see the potential for a really great alternative storyline.
You see, from the moment I found out that Dan Shu became an antagonist because Lan carpet-bombed a hospital, way back in 1.0, I became disillusioned with the Hunt. Yukong's Companion Mission just further reaffirmed my opinion that Lan doesn't deserve to be worshipped. And now we have Feixiao too talking about how Lan's arrows only cause bloodshed. Not victory or justice, but just senseless violence.
Feixiao's trailer gave me the impression that underneath her easygoing, carefree attitude, Feixiao is someone who carries a lot of trauma with her, drinks to forget the atrocities she has seen/committed, and only smiles to hide the pain. In the newest Trailblaze Continuance, it was confirmed that Feixiao is a war orphan and that she has Borisin blood running through her (she's from the same bloodline as Hooley to be specific), so all in all, Feixiao should have been "The Disillusioned Soldier" or "The Living Weapon Who Actually Hates Killing" type of character. We definitely got a little of that, with Feixiao being burdened by her Moon Rage, but in my opinion, it should have been a much, much more prominent part of her character.
For example, they could have portrayed her as a staunch pacifist. We already got a little bit of that, with how she would rather be called the Lacking General rather than something as glorious as the Merlin's Claw. But Feixiao should have been more vocal about her distaste for war and unnecessary bloodshed. She should have been the type of General who earned her rank thanks to her victories on the battlefield, but now only wants to chill and avoid her duties (to differentiate her from Jing Yuan, they could have emphasized that she isn't lazy but avoids her duties due to her personal beliefs). But instead, Feixiao is actually rather proud to be the Xianzhou's spear that takes out all of its enemies. It's a bit inconsistent if you ask me, but portraying as Feixiao a noble character who is absolutely loyal to the Xianzhou actually works really well too.
In addition to making her desire to be a pacifist, the writers should have shown us more of Feixiao's tragic past. Sure, she's a slave and an orphan, and it's pretty much implied that her Foxian ancestors were raped by Borisins, but they should have shown us the Borisins' terrible crimes more directly, in order to justify a much darker side of Feixiao. Despite abhorring war, Feixiao should have had an immense hatred for the Borisins, a very personal grudge, and a desire for vengeance. Her whole character should have been about wanting peace and an end to the war while struggling with deep-seated bloodlust that she wants to suppress at all costs. Again, we got a little bit of that, but it should have played a bigger role.
What they definitely didn't show enough of was discrimination based on Feixiao being part-Borisin. Her backstory should have involved the Xianzhou natives and Foxians being really racist towards her, forcing her to earn her place through sheer effort and results on the battlefield, but also trapping her in the endless cycle of violence that she wanted to escape from. Eventually, she makes it to General and becomes a beloved figure, but the fact the Xianzhou only values her because of her strength, brutality, and merciless killing of Borisins (her own kind!) should have been something that made her feel conflicted and out of place. She has seen how terrible war is and wants to "cure" it, her words, and yet everyone is praising her for killing so many of their enemies. Despite initially only fighting for justice and a place to belong, Feixiao realizes that she is only valued as a weapon. These conflicting feelings about the Xianzhou should have been something Feixiao struggled with.
As for the plot of the Trailblaze Continuance, mistrust towards Feixiao needed to be shown from the very beginning and throughout both parts. The Marshal sent her to the Luofu to test her, a few of the other elites question her allegiance, and some of the public is talking shit about her because she's part-Borisin, things like that. And in the second part, Hooley should have actually caused a lot of casualties, leading to people blaming Feixiao because she was supposed to oversee his transfer and even calling her a traitor who is working with the Borisins. The discord among the public should have escalated into a witch hunt (get it?), with Feixiao planning to capture Hooley to placate the unruly mob. She succeeds and things mostly play out the same, with her swallowing the heart moon thingy and having a conversation with Hooley, in which she refuses his plan to become the new Borisin Warhead despite Hooley making much more pointed arguments about how the Xianzhou doesn't deserve her loyalty and how they are racist warmongers. Maybe instead of being all about ruthlessness and survival of the fittest, Hooley, as a wolf that is being hunted by the Xianzhou, should have been more morally grey and have had a genuine desire to ensure the Borisins can survive and thrive. He could have reminded Feixiao of her past, of how a lot of her suffering was caused by the Xianzhou. But like in the actual story, Feixiao refuses... only to then find out that the mob killed Jiaoqiu because they thought he too was a part-Borisin traitor.
Feixiao goes into a rage and hurts some of the Luofo citizens which only makes them want to hunt her down and kill her even more. Back in her mental space, we see a conflicted Feixiao. She is the noble Xianzhou warrior that we know and she doesn't want to fight the people she has sworn to protect, but she has her back against the wall now. Maybe she's just outnumbered or maybe Jing Yuan was forced to fight her because she did hurt Luofo citizens, but either way, if she doesn't do anything she will die. All her doubts resurface at this moment. All the discrimination, how she never felt truly felt accepted, how the Xianzhou has no intentions to end the war, how they used her as a mere weapon, how Lan will mercilessly kill the people fighting for THEM, and of course how the Xianzhou took one of the only people she cared about, Jiaoqiu. And, so in a moment of tragic inevitability, Feixiao accepts the power Hooley offered her and claims her birthright. She calls the remaining Borisins to herself, who all immediately acknowledge her as their new leader, and together with her new pack she fights her way out. Feeling so betrayed by the people she has always shown nothing but loyalty, a regretful Feixiao flees the Luofo with a heavy heart. Jing Yuan and the Astral Express can only watch, knowing that it was the Xianzhou's zealotry and blind hatred for the Borisins that drove one the Alliance's strongest and most loyal warriors into the welcoming arms of her new family.
The consequence of this preventable tragedy is that Feixiao no longer exists to the Xianzhou, and that they have started hunting down their new archenemy, Borisin Warhead Saran.
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murderbirds · 1 year
I was going to draw my Jervis tonight, but I forgot my things in my grandma's place, so have a few headcanons instead (featuring scarecrow+penguin)
•Jervis' father was a psychiatrist in Arkham
•His mother was a patient in Arkham because people were too scared of her power
•Like Jervis, his mother could mind control people, however, if either of them started using their powers too much, they lose their cognitive abilities and their grip on reality
•His father managed to get his mother out of Arkham before they eventually got married and had two kids: Jervis Tetch and Alice Tetch
•Jervis' father was found dead in their home while they were just children, and their mother was labeled the culprit for the crime, leading to her being sent to Arkham again, where she remains to this day
•Jervis knows that his mother isn't guilty, and he wishes to prove her innocence one day
•From there on out, Jervis raised his sister on his own until he eventually ended up in the Falcone foundation, thus joining the mafia
•In the Falcone Foundation, he met Penguin, and they became best friends
•Since Jervis was a pacifist who hated using his power, his role in the foundation was that of a nurse
•Oswald would protect Jervis while Jervis took care of Oswald's injuries
•While they lived in the Foundation, Alice ended up getting badly hurt during a gang fight. Jervis blames himself for it
•Inspired by his father, Jervis became a neurologist thanks to both Carmine Falcone's and Jonathan Crane's help
•Oswald and Jervis fell off during college because of plot reasons, and Penguin never forgave him for abandoning him
•Jervis Tetch is asexual (and so is his husband, Jonathan Crane)
•Jonathan and Jervis actually got married before they started dating for the benefits of marriage
•Eventually they did get together together though
•Jervis doesn't like killing people and avoids doing so as much as he can (unless he gets corrupted by his power)
•Jon's fear toxin is one of the only things that can break Jervis out of his "corruption" mode after he uses his power too much
•Jervis has one of the highest bounties in Gotham City due to his powers and goals despite being one of the least violents in the city
•This has also led to many nasty rumors being spread about him, all of which are false
•He doesn't have a favorite color and has different top hats, one for each color of the rainbow+ black+ white
•He began using his name and dressing as he did in honor of his sister. Alice in Wonderland was her favorite book, and after their father's death and they began living on the streets, pretending to be the mad hatter was one of the ways he found to make his sister less scared
•Jervis is one of the kindest, most caring people in all of Gotham who was genuinely given a terrible hand. He does have a tendency to get pushed around and be more passive, which is why he surrounds himself with more active people who take a more leading role, like Penguin and Scarecrow
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violentale · 4 months
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" Survival is key in this world...as is Hunger...you need to decide which is more important to you..."
Name:  Sans Serif
Nicknames: Frostbite (AU name), Wendi (Undyne), Deer Meat (also Undyne), The Hunter of Snowden (All Monsters)
Gender: Non-binary (but will answer to masculine pronouns)
Race: Skeleton Monster
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Status: Alive
Family: Papyrus (brother), Wingdings (father/deceased), River Person (mother/deceased)
Allies: Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk, Grillby, Toriel, and Mettaton
Enemies: Monarch, Asgore, Rottie, Anyone who hurts Papyrus
Magic Color: Icy Blue, occasionally white
Magic Scent: Fresh Gingerbread Cookies and Fresh Snow
Magic Taste (for you simps): Neopalatan Ice Cream with Sprinkles and chocolate syrup.
Sexuality: Asexual (Grey)
Most monsters view Sans as a cold blooded Sociopath with a love of killing anything that pisses him off. In truth this is only half true, while he does have ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder), Sans typically targets those who pose a threat to him and his brother the only person he's managed to connect with. Many of his behaviors stem from his father's actions, and potentially inherit his psychological issues. That said, he rarely targets humans or mages preferring to consume wild game. He even refuses to let Papyrus consume humans in any way, shape or form. Much like his mother he finds issues with how the monsters made a deal with a god for power turning them into beasts who are constantly in hunger. According to some like Grillby who grew up with him as children, he used to be a happy comedic monster till his parents passed away. After becoming the alpha of Snowden he closed himself to anyone but his brother until Frisk arrived. Eventually letting them into their inner circle and declaring them under his care.
As a kid Sans was a bright happy child, and loved his mother deeply growing up, he lived with her and his baby brother in isolation for years till their father found them. He forced the three to live with him, and tried to force Sans to hunt humans with him which upset his mother greatly. After threatening to take them both away Sans had to watch his father slaughter and devour her. Once he was a teen Sans waited for the right moment to kill him but as Papyrus got older and his father threatened to teach Papyrus how to hunt humans Sans ambushed him in rage. He killed his father before eating him and asserting himself as the new alpha of Snowden.  When he becomes the alpha of his territory he eventually meets the other Alphas such as Undyne, who he regularly annoys for fun and Alphys, who becomes somewhat of a friend as she is typically very rational and is viewed to him as a non-threath to his territory.
As they grew up Toriel and Grillby did most of their education with the pair, and became the closest thing they had to guardian figures. Despite this Sans has very little feelings for both monsters, mainly accepting their assistance in the beginning to help Papyrus learn as he grew up. As an adult alpha, he only ever had a few rules for those under his territory.
No killing humans or mages without reason, only those who were both gluttonous and cruel.
Any injury to his younger brother was punishable by death.
Never consume everything, always leave something so the population can grow to avoid starvation.
Do not touch him without permission you don't want to know what the punishment will be
When Frisk arrives in Snowden he smells them almost immediately, but chooses to fake not being able to find them in the beginning to play along with Papyrus who tries to hide them. After he grows bored of that he begins having various monsters fight them, if they choose to spare each of them he will attempt to push them further by attacking them. He will keep pushing them till Papyrus interrupts the fight and declares them his first friend. Sans says he will allow it and allow them to pass but if he finds that they're too big a danger to be left alone he'll eat them painfully slow.
As they pass through Waterfall they'll run into Sans again who forewarns them about Undyne the Alpha of the area. Describing her as an incredible pain in his tail bone, and a lousy aim for a self proclaimed knight.  This actually helps Frisk as Undyne's aim with her barbs is incredibly poor, and afterwards he'll congratulate them on being smart enough to lure Undyne to Hot Land. He of course means this sarcastically as he then says he kinda was bummed though because he was hoping that he could see if they could still run with a barb in their stomach.
He then will give them a tip to deal with Alphys the Alpha of Hot Land, and encourages them to ask her about anime. While on their journey they catch Sans selling Chicken Fingers when asking where he got the chickens he tells them "what chickens? Oh you thought these were chicken fingers...nah that's just a catchier name than the alternative heh."
This can cause Frisk to either throw up or swallow, if they choose to swallow he'll respond with "Wow you must really be starving , not that I can judge you for that least yours wasn't a 'family meal'."
Should they choose to throw up he'll begin laughing before telling them "Nice, you know that meat isn't easy to come by could you be a little less wasteful but then who am I to judge maybe I over cooked them?"
They'll see him again when reaching the watering hole before they fight with Mettaton, he'll pull them to the side and offer them a plate of venison. As they eat he begins to tell them the true reason why he didn't kill them "I normally just kill any threats that come into Snow Den...but Paps was getting lonely and the former Queen sent a carrier raven with a message...'Don't hurt the child chosen by the Gods' ...I know the legends...but I don't have much faith in those bastards... truthfully I only let you walk out alive because Paps likes you if you didn't become his friend and promise to come back to see him ...y o u ' d  b e  d e a d  w h e r e  y o u  s t a n d... Hey lighten up...besides...I am just being dramatic! ...Maybe...have fun with the robot..."
After beating Mettaton, and making it to the Field of Judgement, they'll run into Sans once again as he begins talking to them. "So you've actually managed to make it all this way...your journey from the God of Wrath is nearly complete...most monsters call me the Hunter because I slay the wicked and eat the damned...but you are a special one...you had every right to kill yet you spared every soul ... you've had every opportunity to feed yet you are not gluttonous...I hate saying this...but I envy your compassion...perhaps if I keep you close...I can learn from you both how to be kind... probably not...but it is a nice thought...beyond these fields is the Kings domain...even his subjects dare to not enter lest they be eaten themselves...I wonder...how will you charm your way through his sins...best of luck kid..."
After fighting the King and challenging Monarch, the God will imprison Asgore in Mount Ebott declaring a truce. Afterwards Sans can be seen getting into a snow ball fight with others, having a snow cone, and going to sleep with Papyrus and Frisk.
After killing Toriel, and running into Papyrus it at first starts like Pacifist timeline with one key difference being that Papyrus will smell Toriel's dust after hiding them from Sans. This starts a fight and if they choose to kill Papyrus in the end Sans will become unstable. Leaving them a letter that instructs them to not die ' b e c a u s e  I a m  g o i n g  t o
k i l l  y o u  d i r t y  b r o t h e r  k i l l e r...'.
When they reach the Fields of Judgement Sans will appear and begin saying "so you're finally at the end of your journey...the God of Wrath must live up to his name...you've become as ravenous as the old ones...I can't fault you're hunger...but I always hoped perhaps you were different from some of us...I would call you a Hunter like myself but you...your nothing more than a predator preying on those weaker than you...I despise breaking an oath...but I despise gluttonous beasts like you even more...it's a beautiful day for a hunt...birds are flourishing...fish are bountiful...on days like this...beast like you...s h o u l d  b e  b u r n i n g  i n  h e l l..."
As the fight goes on attacking and wearing him down is the best approach, as is taking advantage of his blind spot due to his damaged eye. Throughout the battle he will recall Frisk being apart of his pack, how they had once been like family to him, and he used to be proud of their unique nature. Asking for mercy like in other versions will of course result in death, and once the killing blow is struck Sans will beg them for one last favor. He will beg them to consume him, dust and all so that he and his family will live on inside them, this implies that after his brother died he consumed his dust. Upon consuming him they will level up to 20 and continue their journey.
Blue magic (Telekinesis)
Ice Magic
Ice Manipulation
Cold Resistance
Supernatural Strength
Supernatural Speed
Trap Creation
Hunting Prey
Enhanced Senses
Endless Hunger (Able to Consume ANYTHING)
Powerful Bite
Clawed Phalanges
Low Heat Resistantance
Fire Magic
Blind in Right Eye-light
His Temper
Hunger (Stays in a constant state of hunger)
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a-scaly-troublemaker · 4 months
Adventures in Bad Copium: An Outsider's Look on Starlo and Ceroba
The following post is a long opinion; you can take it or leave it. It also involves a lot of projection, because that is how I process my trauma. Disclaimer: I have not played UTY.
With that out of the way, let's begin.
Giant text walls under the cut. I apologize. It is also rambly and a bit disorganized, but I hope I get my points across.
Starlo and Ceroba's friendship is a mess, but with my headcanons, this is both of their faults. When I look at them, I see two different people going through turmoil and handling it in different ways, though I see one thing that they share...
They are both using masking techniques, trying to pretend everything is okay when it's not. Ceroba's emotional masking techniques are much less effective than Starlo's. For obvious reasons; she is feeling an overwhelming amount of pain, and Starlo is a good actor. His act as the North Star has changed his personality to an extent, for better and for worse. He grew into a person he wanted to be, a person he would love more than his younger self.
Starlo doesn't strike me as naive; he strikes me as an unshakeable optimist, to the point it can come off as naivete and have similar consequences. Starlo's optimism paints a rosy picture of the world around him, which can get him into danger and lead him to put too much faith in his abilities as an entertainer. Personal headcanon dictates that he did not ask Ceroba what she needed from him, what would make her feel better, partly because he didn't feel like he was allowed to. Ceroba wound up becoming distant, shell-shocked from her grief and how poorly she was processing it. She slipped into alcohol abuse while Starlo slipped deeper into escapism, leading them to isolate themselves from each other, though not so severely as to ruin their friendship. It created enough distance that they will need years to repair their bond.
The end of the Wild East episode feels to me like someone with ADHD/ADD who's just come crashing down from being fully emotionally spooled about something, from being too excited. But the way Starlo handles this isn't through shutting down and letting himself cry, no, because he knows that he will self-destruct if he allows himself to turn his anger inwards. He still has enough self-loathing buried deep to know that his feelings could put him in more danger if he doesn't turn them outwards, hence how he snaps at the Feisty Four and how he goes after Clover. He is desperate for someone to blame other than himself, and when Ceroba calms him down after his fight, he has cooled off just enough to avoid self-destructing and to confront his faults with the Feisty Four.
One of the hardest things to admit is when you're wrong, when you've fucked up.
Ceroba finds admitting her faults a little easier compared to Starlo, but accountability is another matter entirely, a place where both she and Starlo struggle in different flavors. Ceroba doesn't feel deserving of keeping her life, so wracked with grief and with guilt that she begs Clover to kill her in the pacifist route. She may also feel undeserving of Starlo's friendship, which may cause her to isolate herself from him more. She longs for her family, for a connection she treasured and feels like she took for granted. She is oblivious to Starlo's loyalty, but more tragically, the pain and self loathing he has been hiding from her. Starlo is Ceroba's one blind spot due to how he wears his heart on his sleeve. He masks his worries with a bright, cheerful front that is easy to maintain when he's eyeball deep in his poison of choice, unhealthy escapism via roleplaying, via acting, singing, performing.
Neither of them are coping well with their pain, and because neither of them are willing to be honest about it, it damages their bond, causing enough damage that it will easily take years for them to repair it. It is for all of this that I am iffy about Staroba. I see it best as a QPR or a ride-or-die, and a ship that can only healthily sail if it happens several years after UTY, better yet, after the barrier breaks, because both monsters need to be given room to grow and mature, as well as repair the bond they had. The emotional baggage between them, though, will absolutely make any romance between them a difficult, delicate thing that will demand more openness and honesty from them both.
But this is just my two cents.
Thanks to @profounddefendorcrusade-blog for encouraging me to write posts like this in our recent DM.
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its-rat-time-babey · 1 year
An idea for the Artificer:
[this is basically a part 2 of this post]
I was thinking more about the Artificer and now I have an idea that goes along with these headcanons.
What if the Artificer had their own version of the Saint’s powers, but opposite. The Saint can ascend creatures with their high Karma, while the Artificer can essentially descend creatures or lock them further into the cycle using her extremely low Karma.
The Artificer attempts to ascend after killing the Chieftain Scavenger, can’t because she’s permanently bound to the cycle, almost becomes an echo but just barely avoids it and returns from the void with powers stemming from that permanent binding and new understanding of the universe from being dipped in hyper-acid.
Death Cycles are alternate timelines. When a creature dies, it’s consciousness creates a new timeline starting at the beginning of the current (time) Cycle. I already made a whole post for my headcanons on how the cycle works, but it can be easily explained by this graph:
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The Artificer can’t undo ascension, as ascension involves the creature in question completely and utterly ceasing to exist, but she can take a creature that has died during the current cycle and using her own extreme, unbreakable connection to the cycle, basically drag or copy its consciousness back to the timeline it died in, bringing the creature back to life from everyone else’s perspective.
I’d also imagine that, if used against a living creature, it would probably strip away any karma the creature has and drop them down to low Karma, possibly even locking the creature at low Karma for several cycles.
I can see this power being used in two ways in an actual game:
1. On yourself
After death in a cycle (even after hearing the two dings that signifies a real death), you can choose to revive yourself. When respawning like this, you glow red and an echo effect appears around you for a second, a bit like how the Saint comes back from ascending glowing gold with an echo effect around them. Respawning like this would also temporarily knock out nearby creatures like being near an echo, just so you don’t instantly die again or come back to life inside a Lizard’s mouth.
If you are off-screen in a lizard den or fell down a bottomless pit or were eaten by a DLL or Worm Grass (no body left behind) you’ll appear on the nearest safe surface on the screen in a burst of that same red and echo ripples.
Once you use your power this way, it takes a full cycle to recharge, so you can use it once every two cycles. You can’t revive if you die from the rain because you will just die again instantly.
2. On Others
You can summon a symbol identical to the Saint’s, but red and with the Karma One symbol in the middle instead of Karma Ten. When you aim this symbol on the corpse of a tamed lizard, slugpup or other player if you’re playing Co-Op, you can bring them back to life. Other players will lose one karma when brought back to life like this.
You can use your power this way once per creature, per cycle. So you can bring a slugpup back to life once, but then need to wait for the next cycle to do it again.
You can also probably bring back other creatures like vultures too but I don’t know why you’d want to do that. Some limits would be that you can’t bring back a creature that’s been fully eaten by a carnivorous slugcat, just like the Wolf Spider’s revival powers, and you obviously need a body to revive, so no revival if they fall down a bottomless pit or get eaten by a pole plant or anything like that.
Also, this power would still almost perfectly contrast the Saint.
The Saint basically has a kill button that instantly removes creatures from the cycle.
The Artificer has a revival function that drags a creature back to the Artificer’s current cycle.
The Saint is a pacifist that can’t harm creatures, but they have the power to instantly kill any creature.
The Artificer is a being of extreme violence who causes death everywhere they go, but they have the power to revive people.
The Saint can ascend others, but not themselves, no matter how much they want to.
The Artificer can revive others, but by the time she got her powers, she has no one to use them on but herself. Her pups are already long dead beyond her ability to revive things, and that’s assuming she can find their bodies after countless cycles of brutal rainfall.
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crownshattered · 9 months
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|| While I'm gone, take some info for the new OC I'm gonna add once I'm back~ She's my dnd/bg3 oc, Faenethra!!
Faenethra (or Neth, but no one but her sister calls her that. Don't call her that unless you're close to her. She will correct you.) is a drow~ She's a fighter who uses dual-wielding swords as well as some magic here and there.
Neth has darker grey/blue skin and eyes such a pale lavender that it's hard to see her irises and pupils within her sclera (meaning that she is very sensitive to light without the shade of her hood). Her hair is snow white with streaks of blue dye that matches her sister's own blue streaks. She has a lean muscular, yet still slim build. Neth is very pretty, but that doesn't mean much since she's a drow and people naturally don't trust her.
Neth does not follow Lolth. She's a Seldarine Drow, not because she's upset with Lolth or drow culture, but just because she isn't exactly used to it (plus she has an aversion to spiders but that's mostly for comedy XDD). I need to figure out the specific details about her past, but when she was little she somehow left the dark depths of the drow residence and found herself alone aboveground.
Neth's alignment is lawful neutral. Faenethra is pretty cold and distant to everyone except her sister, but that's because of the shit she has endured her whole life. She's used to people distrusting her because she's a drow, so now she just expects it. If she's a bitch who doesn't care what people think about her, she won't be hurt when people hate her just because of her heritage. But she is actually very loyal to those she cares about. Around her sister, she will smile and laugh and even joke. It's very hard to get close to her, but if you do, it's very rewarding. Nothing matters more to her than the people she cares about.
When she was a little girl, she met a high-elf child (from a well-known family at that) named Verathandi (my sister's oc). They were both so young that they didn't understand the issues associated with drow, so Verathandi treated the strange girl with kindness. The two were secret best friends. Vera helped provide for Neth when she had nothing, and soon enough, Vera brought Neth to meet her family so her parents could help her as well. However...her family shunned Neth and forbade Vera from spending any time with her. But instead of listening to her parents, Verathandi ran away from home with Faenethra.
The two girls grew up on their own, traveling around and taking care of each other. They now see each other as sisters even though they aren't at all related or even the same race. Verathandi grew up to become a druid while Faenethra became a fighter to help protect her sister.
Neth doesn't like it when people judge her because of her heritage, of course, but she makes it work for her. She uses her 'drow-ness' to intimidate people without any actual intent on fighting. Neth doesn't actually enjoy fighting, and if she can find a pacifist route, she will. But she won't go out of her way to find one. If getting out of trouble without a fight is too difficult...she'll just fight her way through. Still, she'll try to scare people off. It's better than killing them, at least.
Neth has very little connection to her culture. Her sister, Vera, knows more about high-elf culture, but that's mostly due to the education she had before she ran away. The two elven women made their own culture together. Neth isn't influenced by drow matriarchy or religion, and if they're used in her favor, it would make her stomach twist into knots with disgust. But she'll still use it to avoid conflict, if she's able to.
Faenethra once wanted to be a bard, back when she was little. Of course, she quickly learned that a drow bard is laughable at best, so she decided to do something more practical and be a fighter to help protect her sister and herself. But she has a very nice voice and a great ear for music, but her talent is just raw talent without any sort of molding. She doesn't really sing anymore, but if she's alone...you may hear a soft and beautiful tune coming from the drow woman. It brings her some joy.
Yeah, she's uncomfortable around spiders XDD It's mostly a joke, but it's also a real thing for her~ She isn't afraid of them, just uneasy. She won't usually run from them, but...if a spider jumped out at her, she may scream XDD
More TBA?? PLEASE let me know if she seems interesting~ I've been playing a lot of bg3 lately and I am just itching to write my girl~
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farharbour · 1 year
you've been talking about your ocs a lot and i'm curious to who they are/what they're like! if you don't mind me asking, anyway!
i've been looking at this ask all day like a rabid beast waiting to get off work so i could answer it LOL it's so sweet of u to ask ily 🥺💖 i do have a lot of them but i think you might just be talking about jesse? he's the only one i've really been talking about lately
jess is my sosu & main oc; he's a doctor, a synth lover, and tbh he's about as close to a pacifist as you can get in the post-apocalypse lol. i'll talk more at length about some stuff under the cut (this got pretty long so feel free to skip it):
he's high intelligence/perception and low strength/luck. kind of the typical long-range stealth sniper build but it doesn't revolve around crits. truly hates killing anything, even raiders (he still sees the humanity in them despite what they do). he prefers to stay out of combat if at all possible and takes the long way around/will move at a snail's pace if it means he can avoid a fight. his main weapon is a sniper rifle he modified to be able to take custom tranq rounds (mgs3/mgsv tranq sniper my beloved). he has a 10mm sidearm and a knife on him too for close combat should he need it. like he Does know how to fight, he grew up in a military family, but he doesn't like it and would rather exhaust every other option before resorting to violence.
his story is ... complicated lol, it revolves a lot around some of my other ocs/npcs and i still haven't worked out all the nitty-gritty of it even after five years BUT basically pre-war he's a med student getting his doctorate in radiation medicine and his dissertation revolves around studying the new plague. his wife teressa was in law school at the same uni and had a part-time gig as a waitress.
post-war in game world he's aligned with the minutemen until around the time he finds virgil. that's when he decides that all of this is bigger than the minutemen can realistically take on even with his help building them up so he seeks out the railroad and joins up with them. he tries to broker peace with the other factions while working undercover but dez isn't having it so in the end both the brotherhood and the institute get fucking owned and he hates that he wasn't able to find a less violent solution. he breaks away from the railroad post-game and takes doc sun's place as the resident doctor in diamond city with curie as his assistant and nick as his malewife.
he's a synth too! some sort of experimental-type that shaun was working on in secret. he's kind of obsessed with the idea of this family he never had (see synth shaun) and not only wanted to meet his parent but he wanted to test the theory of a synth/robobrain hybrid if that makes sense? like. a whole human brain plopped in a synth body. still thinkin' about this bit tho and the intent/science behind it. mind changed! he is no longer a synth.
i think he's a more interesting character if he gets this idea in his head that he's this synth experiment, succumbs to the fear that plagues the commonwealth, reads too deeply into what kellogg and shaun do and don't tell him... but it's all subtle manipulation, on all sides. in the end he finds out the truth, though, no eternal "what if" question. it still makes the interaction with dima pretty awkward which i like, i love that tension.
a lot of this i've never talked about... and honestly there's a lot more i'm embarrassed to say right now LOL he's such a part of me and a bit of a self-insert in a lot of ways too. and there's a perfectionist streak in me that wants everything to be laid out and perfect before i talk about any of it publicly. but. idk this whole post feels like baby steps to talking out my process publicly instead of just hiding it away.
since you asked about ocs (plural) tho i do have others that aren't jess that are integral to jess' story like bec (my lw who's mainly just a fo4 npc at this point, she's a mechanic who lives at the red rocket and she owns dogmeat) and her girlfriend peaches (she basically takes over for jess when he leaves the minutemen). there's also the mojave gang... simon my dumbass courier, tex the escaped synth cowboy, cyrus the freelance (and recently ncr-contracted) hitman, and um. some other ones too that live in a different oc universe and that's a whole can of worms that i won't even touch right now because this post is absurdly long as-is nfkdfhsf
anyway THANK UUU for asking abt them it's nice to ramble a bit! hope this wasn't too annoying lol.. and i hope ur having a nice day today 🌻🧡💜💛
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royalorderism · 2 years
╭┈ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ [ COMBAT ] ▣╗
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[ Let's be honest, even as someone who loves Tasque Manager so much. I don't think her fight is very good. So of course I remade significant parts about it in my portrayal !
I'll be updated after in game testing of Stats. However considering I have beaten the stats I will provide , I don't think it will change likely. The stats will be most likely put in here tomorrow ]
Tasque Manager never runs from a fight when it is important. Her survival is not important according to her AI and will not run away unlike most other Darkners. You either kill her , spare her or pacify her.
Allied Tasques in the same encounter as her gain way less MERCY upon acting. She is their total owner after all; they trust her more than Lightners.
Tasque Manager can give commands to her Tasques , as in focusing down a target. Defending or even charging up attacks. At times she may even attempt to discipline her Tasques to get rid of a small MERCY percentage.
Her primary target is always Ralsei , considering they are the only healing source that doesn't consume an ITEM. Then Kris and in the end Susie.
Upon noticing the Dealmaker is in the parties possession she will go into a brief state of frenzy , increasing her turn timer and damage by a bit for two rounds.
The whip attacks direct hit hurts a lot more.
Getting all the Paintings right no longer fills her MERCY at the beginning of the fight to 100 %. It takes way more than just some right answers to get the Queen's loyal servant to step aside.
|| Equipment and weapons ||
Of course these changes aren't truly special.
Keep in mind , I changed the mini boss to be a proper boss on her own. Her leadership and support of anyone under her or allied to her comes in form of morale and protection.
Tasque Manager has a bunch of defensive systems within her body, or functions that can be used defensively in desperation for survival should she ever be cornered.
Tasque Manager can have her hands transform into handcannons , which can engage in rapid fire mode. Another choice are flamethrowers , which she prefers in close range to set more fire vulnerable opponents on flame.
Another option is for her hands to become capable of igniting powerful blades which can and will melt through surfaces if given enough time.
Her top button isn't useless or for decoration. It can serve as heavy fire providing source. She can charge it up to fire powerful beams. She has two variations of these. The first, lighter and less intense one slows her slightly down to keep the beam aimed. It is always avaible.
The more heavy variant is called ' Purification Protocol ' , and she can only use it when she had been granted permission by the ruler , or during apocalyptic scenarios for it is truly destructive and the damage can easily become a couple buildings. To execute said attack she has to power down everything except for her stability. She will become immobile for a brief period of time before beginning to charge up , and will also not move much after firing for a minute or two. The massive negative of that is also that it depletes her energy rapidly. This weapon only is implemented on snowgrave / post pacifist, as she requires her bigger body to actually have room for all of it.
Her fangs can inject all sorts of poisonous liquids into her victims, if someone biological should get way too close to her while in combat. Due to its very short range it is only used in desperate attempts to get someone away from herself.
Another desperate weaponized part of her is the acid tank. She doesn't have much , but she can spit that little bit of highly corrosive acid at someone if desired.
Her tail is also a weaponized , next to it being very useful for charging , it is sharper than razor blades not to mention it being able to shoot net like electric projectiles.
Of course , her ears have sharp tips. She can very technically attempt to pierce someone's skin with it and some muscle. She will avoid doing that unless it is the absolute last thing she can do as it also helps her communicate across massive distances.
Also if she is connected to a power source while doing any sort of attack with her hands , whip or the tail she can afford to boost their destructiveness if required. As the additional cost is more than just canceled due to the power she's receiving.
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