#while the other is snaked onto your waist and he feels so warm. and cuddly. and and and and and
yvianette · 2 months
:((( i want lyney hugs AND CUDDLES RAHHHH
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im literally in love with Yves !!!
If you want, can you write some fluff for him and a touchy partner? As in holding his hand everywhere, hugging him from behind, squishing his cheeks together, etc. love your writing! <333
His hands are just so soft. They're nice to hold, nice to intertwine your fingers with his. Yves loves to hold yours too.
He adores physical affection, and Yves would be very happy to have someone who enjoys touches as much as he does. In return, you would be mostly engulfed by his towering stature for showering him in love. He always thought his red lipstick marks looked adorable on your face, you would find yourself rocking that look daily.
Because you spent so much time clinging onto him, his cologne would also rub off you. Smelling exactly like him. Yves would always be pleasantly surprised when you hugged him from the back, snaking your arms around his waist and squeezing him tight. He feels wanted, and that is a feeling that Yves could get used to.
You would be in his lap most of the time, you could be focused on the movie playing in his home theatre while he absentmindedly massages your hands. His hair would tickle your skin pleasantly; he knows when and how to kiss, never leaving you overstimulated or neglected.
Yves knows how you like your touches, he is never too rough or soft. Everything he does is within the Goldilocks zone and you're amazed at how he could do that consistently.
He will squish your cheeks whenever you squish his. Yves has the upper hand because he is much larger and stronger than you, but you always feel safe and comfortable. If you have longer hair, he would twirl a lock or two between his fingers whenever you're close. Yves allows you to do the same and how lucky you are to have the experience, his hair is silkier than water. Only if you don't harshly yank on it or painfully pluck any strands out from his scalp, he will start wearing his hair up in a tight bun if you do. He will also be very upset.
If he knows you love touches, Yves would develop the habit of 'walking' his slender fingers up your arm, he may do this to flirt with and fluster you as it sends a rapid firing of sensual tingles down your spine without fail. Caresses under the chin would be common too, he would use that if he wants to praise you for something or get your attention in general, instead of calling your name. He tends to touch you more on your neck if he knows you're ticklish, Yves finds it endearing that you react to him like this. Of course, he will absolutely cease doing so if he knows you dislike it.
You would find him less verbal towards a cuddly partner. During meals, if he wants you to focus on him for a while, he gently places a hand on your thigh. Maybe he wants to ask if you're comfortable, but he does so with his eyes and the tilt of his head. You can tell, but others can't. You can respond by placing a hand atop his if you're willing to stay and chat some more with your friends, or you could simply shake your head, giving him the cue to leave the gathering with you.
Yves would release his hold on you once he wants to close the silent conversation.
When you're doing something he doesn't like, he will retrain one or both wrists. Not tight enough to harm you, but firm enough to give the message that he wants you to stop. He accepts apologies in cuddles, kisses, or other gentle contact, Yves expresses his gratitude for your remorse in similar manners.
If he knows you're feeling upset, he will rub your shoulder earnestly. Yves would gladly comfort you with a warm, secure hug. No words need to be exchanged, you can cry on his shoulders and he would rub your back up and down soothingly. He can, and will stay in the same spot for hours, for as long as you need. He will be there with you. Take as much time as you need until you're ready to tell him what he already knows. You wouldn't need to say anything at all. He is content with holding you in his arms for the rest of the night.
Yves communicates through touch. He finds it much more intimate and vulnerable, allowing him to get closer to you. The love he shares with you transcends spoken language, And he sees phenomenal beauty in that belief.
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koishua · 3 years
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resting his hands on your hips. you would be walking mindlessly through the rooms and smile when you feel his presence behind you. he wouldn't hesitate, hands having a mind of their own as they slide down your shoulders, waist and come to a stop just below, thumbs hooked in the loop of your pants for belts, palm wrapped around your hips.
the walk he does to corner you on the kitchen counter. in any other day, he would prefer to lead you to a more comfortable space to give you all of the affection and love he has in him, but from time to time, he would fall silent all of a sudden during your conversation. curious, you'd turn around to check what he was doing and grow nervous as he stalks slowly towards you, intent clear and tension thick.
bear hugging you. sometimes— a lot of times— he would be feeling overtly affectionate and in need of some love himself. seeing the opportunity arise when he sees you lying sideways on the bed, scrolling through your feed, heeseung would crawl up behind you with a whine, throwing his limbs over your side, legs and arms together to envelope you in a big, warm, cuddly and fluffy hug.
holding eye contact. sitting in a bustling cafe after a day filled with classes and lectures, you'd both grab a drink to spend some time together. you'd laugh wholeheartedly at a joke he'd make and come into eye contact with him, laughter fading out as you slowly find yourself drowning in the way he'd study your features, completely in awe of you. he'd smile, taking your hand in his to just stare at your eyes endlessly.
taking care of your plants. the ridiculous amount of plants you would have in your apartment would be comical, the total amount of time to tend to each one coming together to fit into just a little over an hour when you do it alone. knowing that, he would get donned in a loose fitting attire and grab a soft cloth along with a water spray, another liter of water in his other hand to water them and clean the leaves. he'd look so concentrated while picking up fallen leaves with that purse of his lips and furrowed brows.
waking up. sleeping in a bed together at night would be exciting enough, sure, but it was the morning after that would be the most difficult to get over mentally. his cheeks would puff up, eyes barely having the strength to pull themselves open. his hair would be a mess of soft locks, strands sticking out in every which direction. he would sigh softly, wishing you a good morning in his low and tired voice and fall back into slumber right after.
stretching his neck. after sitting on his desk for a long time, either playing games, studying, or anything else, he would grow tired and lean back on his chair, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. you'd stare at the way the skin of his neck would move as he gulped in a deep breath of air, stretching left and right.
putting his hand behind your head/back to guide you. he'd launch himself on you after not having seen you for over a week and missing you terribly. claiming your lips, he would run his hands up and down your arms, snaking his arm behind your back, one behind your head and the other your waist. he'd move forward, forcing you to take steps back and clinging onto his neck to not lose your footing as he leads you to the couch or bed.
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ptergwen · 3 years
no sleep
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pairing: singer!reader x tom holland || w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing and many many many suggestive jokes
summary: you’re on jimmy kimmel to talk about your music, but he has other plans
a/n: y’all i’ve literally always wanted to write singer!reader and this idea just came to me and i had to get it out because it’s so cute :,) i really hope ya like it
jimmy kimmel invited you onto his show to promote a single from your upcoming album. you stepped out of the spotlight for a while, so this is your first official appearance of the year.
“my first guest tonight...” there’s a cheer from the audience. you grin to yourself, waiting for jimmy to finish announcing you.
“you wanna say it for me?” he chuckles and stands your picture up on his desk. “my first guest tonight surprised fans this morning with her new single ‘no sleep.’ it’s currently number one in over seventy countries.” jimmy holds for applause, which you get a ton of. you cover your hot face with your hands.
“she’s here to talk to us about the song and her short hiatus. please welcome y/n y/l/n!”
the music plays while you walk onstage, followed by more cheers and clapping. you’re beaming as you wave to everyone. you give jimmy a quick hug and exchange hello’s over the noise.
you’ve been in the industry for a few years, but you’ll never get used to responses like this. all the love really warms your heart.
“thank you!” you giggle out, taking your seat on the couch. the audience yells some more when the music dies out. “thank you so much! oh my god,” you make a face at jimmy, who laughs and gestures to everyone. “they clearly hated the song,” he jokes to you. “i was gonna say,” you agree, smoothing your dress down.
you look out at the crowd with a pout. “no, seriously. you guys are so cute.” jimmy copies your pout, earning a playful eye roll from you.
you’ve been on the show a couple of times before, so you two are friendly. tom has also brought you to chill backstage with him when he was a guest. you would’ve brought him this time if he wasn’t away for filming.
“so, you took most of the year off from making music,” jimmy starts the actual conversation. “mhm, i did,” you hum and cross one of your legs over the other. “how was that? was it weird not being in the studio?” you scrunch your face up, then he adds another question. “what did you actually do with yourself?”
“i mean, music is obviously a big part of who i am. making it, loving it, all that stuff.” a small smile crosses your face. “so, yeah. it sort of felt like something was missing at first.” jimmy nods along, you shrugging one of your shoulders.
“at the same time, i really needed to take a minute and just breathe. come back with my shit more together. i think i have,” you let out a reflective sigh. “it didn’t have anything to do with your boyfriend? a mr. tom holland?” jimmy teases, you waving a hand at him. “no, don’t give him all the credit.”
your break genuinely was for yourself. no one needs to know that tom was also off, or that he spent all his free time with you. that was just a plus.
“are you sure? because, it seemed like you two were getting really cozy.” a picture from your instagram pops up on the screen. it’s of tom under a blanket. he’s reaching out for you with a lazy smile. you lean over on the couch so you’re off camera, another giggle escaping you.
jimmy flips to another picture. “that was exhibit A. here’s exhibit B.” the whole audience coos, jimmy raising his eyebrows at you. this one is a mirror selfie from tom’s instagram. your arms are slung around his neck from behind, and half your face is hidden. tom is doing his signature eye crinkling smile into the camera.
“aren’t they just adorable?” jimmy asks the audience, making them erupt in more cheers. you sit up again and clear your throat. seeing those is bittersweet for you. “he’s very cuddly. anyway, back to the music!” you do a small clap. little do you know, there’s much more to come.
“yes, yes. back to the music. talk to me about ‘no sleep.’” the song is one hundred percent about tom. you’re not sure you should say that, considering the... explicit content in it. you and tom did get very cozy over your break, as jimmy would say. it was the only time you weren’t relaxing.
“well,” you plaster on an overly happy smile. that earns more laughter from jimmy. “it’s about what you do in bed when you’re, um, not sleeping,” you explain. “and who do you do those things in bed with?” jimmy glances up at the screen again. “you’re choosing violence today, jimmy,” you say under your breath.
there’s a chuckle from backstage that sounds eerily similar to tom’s. it must have been a PA. all this talk about him is seriously fucking with your head.
“well, everyone in my life inspires my work in some way. they’re such angels,” you dodge the question, thinking you’re clever about it. jimmy won’t let you get off that easy. “friends? family?” he asks you. “yeah, everyone,” you exhale in relief. jimmy widens his eyes at you. “so, that means ‘no sleep’ is about your mom?”
your mouth falls open. he’s really going to make you spill the details of your sex life.
“what the fuck, no!” you squeal, looking out into the audience for help. they join in your laughter. “it’s about tom,” you finally confirm so jimmy doesn’t suggest anything else. “it’s about tom, my god. next topic.” you’re smiling despite yourself.
“why? don’t you wanna tell us more about your lover?” jimmy glances off to the side. what is going on back there? you sit up straighter in your spot. “no, this is my interview!” you’re half joking, half serious.
although you and tom aren’t private at all, you’ve never talked about him this much. it’s overwhelming. besides that, this is making you miss him a lot.
“that’s too bad. we thought... we thought you might like to share it,” jimmy is already grinning about whatever he has planned. this isn’t supposed to be part of your segment. “huh? i’m literally so lost.” you furrow your eyebrows at him, lowering your voice. “we didn’t talk about this.”
he pats the arm of your couch. “they say there’s no time like the present. ladies and gentlemen, tom holland!”
on cue, tom runs out from backstage. the audience practically roars with how loud they are. people even jump out of their seats. you clasp a hand over your mouth in pure shock. this feels like a prank, like jimmy is about to say sike. then, tom comes up to the couch. you almost fall over, jimmy proudly watching on.
tom grins so wide it takes up his whole face. “happy release day,” he murmurs as you get to your feet. you’re not able to speak just yet, only staring up at him with glossy eyes. he brings you into a tight hug. his hands rub up and down your back, your arms snaking around his middle.
“tommy,” you try to whisper the nickname. you forgot your microphone is on. everyone “aw’s” at you both, including jimmy. “my love,” tom’s lips brush your cheek briefly. “hi, baby,” he speaks into your ear. you hide your face in his button up while he rocks you side to side.
he’s been away for a couple of months working on the third spider-man. this is the first time you’ve seen him since he left.
“shouldn’t you be in atlanta?” you ask louder this time for the audience to hear. you’re still doing an interview. “today’s a big day. i had to see you,” tom gives you one last squeeze. “in person,” he adds, before you can say you already facetimed.
the fact that him and jimmy put this whole thing together is making you emotional. you’d be fully crying if you two were alone right now.
“she doesn’t want you here, though. remember?” jimmy chimes in, tom breathing out a laugh. he sadly lets go of you. you flop back onto the couch, tom pointing behind him with his thumb. “i’ll just be on my way. five hour flight, no big deal.” “no, no, no, no. stay,” you whine and make grabby hands at him.
that’s all it takes for tom to slip into the spot next to you. he bites back a smile, putting an arm around you and the couch. you don’t want to annoy everyone with too much pda, so you subtly curl into his side. the people actually love you and tom together. jimmy claps his hands.
“we’ll be right back with y/n y/l/n and tom holland!” he says into the camera, the band playing more filler music. he steps out from behind the desk to greet tom. tom stands up, the two of them giving each other pats on the back. the camera stops rolling.
“hey, man. thanks for doing this,” tom puts a hand on jimmy’s arm. “anything for the happy couple. i’m gonna get some water, see you in five.” jimmy shoots you another smile on his way to his dressing room. you return it. that leaves you and tom to yourselves.
“baby,” you say in a sing song voice, dropping your head onto tom’s shoulder. “i’m so happy you’re here. i real life almost peed when you came out.” tom snakes his arm around your waist. “that would be upsetting,” he mumbles, his index finger drawing circles on you. “it would’ve ruined your very pretty dress.”
“you like it?” you knowingly tug at the form fitting material. tom shifts in his spot. “i’ll tell you what,” he leans in closer to you with a smirk, his breath tickling your ear. “we’re getting no sleep tonight,” he sings from the chorus of your song. you burst into a giggle and squeeze your eyes shut.
he ends up being right.
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sluttyten · 4 years
Good Thing
Poly Orgy Series: Part 7
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Poly Series Chapter Index
summary: ten and kun had dropped a bombshell realization on you that you could be pregnant. this is the aftermath.
length: 13,002
tags: pregnancy!!, smut, polyamory, multiple partners, unprotected sex, the usual poly orgy series type of tags
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Taeil didn’t know why you were being so clingy. He also didn’t care, you noticed as you settled in his lap, resting your head on his shoulder, and silently tucking your face into the warmth of his neck. He just circled his arms around your waist and held you as he continued talking to Haechan and Mark and Jisung. None of them said anything either as if this was all a perfectly normal occurrence.
You pretended like it was too.
Maybe if you pretended long enough that everything was perfectly normal, you could deny that what Ten had just said to you upstairs hadn’t completely shaken your world.
You couldn’t be pregnant. Could you? 
Of course, it was entirely a very real possibility. Despite being on birth control, there was still a slim chance of you getting pregnant. And you had a lot of sex, honestly, lots of semen inside of you too. And you weren’t perfect, you knew that there had been just a few times when you had accidentally skipped your birth control. Plus there were other things that could interfere with the effectiveness of your birth control, like certain medications. 
You shiver and sigh, your breath hitting against Taeil’s skin.
“Are you okay?” He asks you quietly.
You nod. 
Taeil readjusts his hold on you, tugging you closer, the perfect silent comfort that you need. You close your eyes and just try to escape your racing mind, but that inner silence only lasts a few moments.
Cool fingers touch the back of your neck. You open your eyes, hear Kun’s soft voice, “Can I talk to    you?”
“She’s comfortable here, look at her.” Taeil says, his fingers digging almost protectively into the skin at your hip. “Do you have to talk now?”
You press your cheek to Taeil’s shoulder, let your eyes fall closed once more. “Not now, Kun. We can talk tomorrow. Please.” And this time when you look up at him, he nods. 
Before you can close your eyes again, you spot Mark frowning, the others looking curious as well, but you don’t offer up any explanation as Kun departs, traipsing back upstairs. 
Taeil didn’t ask what you were up to when you kept nuzzling into his throat, when your hand slid down his chest, resting right in his lap, when your hand started shifting, not like you were purposely touching him to get him aroused, but just touching him. He just keeps chatting with the younger members, until you daringly press your lips right to the juncture of his neck, grazing your teeth there.
Taeil leans away and looks down at you. He shakes his head, puts his hand over yours, pulls your hand away from him, and then carefully he extracts himself from under you, leaving you sitting on the sofa without him to keep you warm. 
You consider crawling over to Mark’s lap, because you love the way the blush heats his cheeks when you start acting cuddly and clingy. Not that he would mind if you were alone, but doing it in front of Haechan and Jisung would make him so adorably embarrassed.
Taeil leaves the conversation shortly after that, slipping out of the talk, and then trying to walk away. You follow, whining his name as you do.
Taeil turns his head, looking at you over his shoulder. “You’re in a weird mood. All quiet but craving intimacy? And then Kun wants to talk to you, but you deny him and then get even touchier with me? What’s up?”
You just grab for his hand. “I just... I’m... I want you, Taeil. I want to be with you so badly right now.”
Taeil seems like he sees some fault in your reason, but he doesn’t argue it, just holds your hand tighter, lets you reel yourself toward him, and then he keeps walking, heading upstairs with you. You can feel Mark’s eyes on the pair of you as you head upstairs. You just scatter light kisses over Taeil’s neck and shoulders.
You try to spin him around and kiss him on the stairwell, just wanting to have his honey-sweet kiss to melt into, to lose yourself in, but Taeil pulls away before you can really kiss him at all. He doesn’t look at you as you keep walking up the stairs, even when you pout and whine.
It’s only when you’re safely tucked inside Taeil’s room, the door shut behind you, that Taeil sits you on the edge of the bed and he looks at you, stands in front of you with his arms folded. “Okay, now will you really tell me what’s up with you?”
“I just want to forget.” You exhale, trying to stand up to kiss Taeil again, but he puts a hand to your shoulder. 
“Forget what? What’s going on?” 
“Nothing! I just want to forget how to think, okay? Sometimes it gets so exhausting to think all the time, don’t you agree? So just...” You grab the front of his shirt, pulling him closer to where you sit on his bed. “Fuck--” You spread your legs to welcome him easily  between them. “Me, Taeil. Until I am just a brainless body for you to fuck.”
Taeil looks at you, his gaze searching yours for a few long seconds in which you think he’s about to back away and tell you no. 
And then he crashes into you, mouth hot and sharp against yours, fingers searching, dipping, diving beneath your clothes and pushing them away. His hands are on your tits before you realize it, and he pushes you onto your back.
“Oh, sorry.” Someone gasps at the door. 
Taeil pulls away, and you both look in the direction of the voice. Taeyong and Doyoung are both standing there, looking at the position you and Taeil are in.
Taeyong clears his throat. “We were going to ask if you wanted to watch--”
“Clearly they don’t,” Doyoung says, pushing Taeyong’s shoulder. “We should just go.”
But before he can tug Taeyong away by his sleeve, you touch Taeil’s arm, and he looks back at you. “You said you want to be fucked senseless, right?” He asks, and when you nod quickly, he grins and says, “Why don’t you two stay? You can join in.”
And then from outside the doorway, you hear Johnny’s voice. “Well, I want in too.”
He steps inside, following Doyoung and Taeyong, and then, to your surprise, there’s Ten and Kun also. 
“The three of us were coming to see if we could talk to you.” Kun explains. He closes the door behind him. “Well, Johnny hyung just tagged along, but Ten and I....”
Ten reaches for Johnny. “He wasn’t just ‘tagging along,’ I thought he’d be interested too. And now look, we found something really interesting. It’s been a bit since we had group sex, and god how I’ve missed it.” He drags on Johnny’s arm, snatches up Kun’s hand too, and brings them both closer to where you’re still on your back on the bed.
You reach over for Johnny, and as Taeil shifts slightly to the side, Johnny leans in, letting your hungry, needy lips find his. And while you’re busy with that, you feel hands undressing you the rest of the way, feel Taeil’s plush lips moving over your skin. The heat spreads through the tips of your fingers and toes. 
Johnny moans into the kiss when you reach for his belt loops, fingers searching along the line of his waistband to unfasten his pants. He pulls away, though you try to follow. A simple hand to the base of your throat is enough to get you to lie flat, docilely gazing up at him.
Beside you there’s a grunt, and you reluctantly tear your gaze away from Johnny’s warm brown eyes to see Kun on his back, Ten straddling him with a devious grin. The bed shifts when Taeyong climbs on, scooting toward the center of the bed, and he beckons you toward him. 
Johnny’s hand falls away, and you eagerly crawl forward, throwing yourself over Taeyong. His body--all sharp edges and surprising muscles--welcomes yours as your bare tits press against his, and your lips burn a line up his throat and along his jaw. His hands, long fingers grip at your shoulders and then slide down your arms, lacing his fingers with yours.
Someone else is touching you too, and you shiver in response to the fingers tracing the line of your spine all the way down to your tailbone, to the thin band of your panties. You feel the elastic snap against your skin, and you push back into the warmth of a palm on your bottom. Taeyong lets out a low moan at the same moment that you feel an accidental touch to your thigh, and when he moans again, you realize that you’re not the only one being touched.
You look back over your shoulder.
Kun grabs your hips, pulling you up onto your knees, and still Ten snakes his hand between Taeyong’s legs, teasing as he grins up at the pair of you. “Gotta get you nice and hard for her, hyung.”
Taeyong just bites back another sound, rolls his hips into Ten’s hand, and lets it go. 
“Relax, we want to take care of you,” Kun murmurs to you just as you feel his fingers dip inside your panties. Of course he finds you wet, already so slick from how badly you want this, want all of them to just take you and fill you up and make you forget. You don’t want to wait any longer, you just want to have at least one of them inside you.
Kun just glides his fingers through your wetness, the perfect tease. “What do you say we take these off of you?” Kun asks.
You start to complain when you feel him moving you off of Taeyong, turning you over onto your back beside the man, but then Kun sinks down between your legs, loops his fingers in the waistband of your panties, and starts to pull them down your legs. When you feel his warm breath between your legs, you close your eyes and bite your bottom lip in anticipation of his hot tongue working magic on your clit.
But then, nothing.
He chuckles, and you instead feel his lips on your thigh, moving farther away, down your leg, over your knee, your calf to your ankle. Your panties move with him, and soon they’re off one foot, dangling from the other ankle. And Kun slows down, kissing every last centimeter of the line down your calf to your ankle.
You whimper frustratedly, knotting your fingers in his hair, trying to push him away or at the least pull him closer to where you want him.
Kun tugs back, grinning even as he skims a kiss near your ankle. At last your panties slip off your foot, but Kun takes his time, kissing your ankle and slowly working up your calf to your knee. Beside you, Taeyong moans again and Ten giggles, you can hear him whispering to Taeyong, can all but see the way that Ten’s grinding their erections together.
“Kun, please. I want.... I want it.” You try to pull him up by the hair again, but he doesn’t budge. “Daddy, lick me, finger me, fuck me. Anything!” 
The bed sinks beside your head, and you cast a pleading gaze up at Doyoung. He’s entirely naked, and your eyes rake down his form--his broad shoulders and chest, his slender frame narrowing down to his hips, and his erection blushes between his legs. You can’t help licking your lips while looking at him.
“She just wants to be fucked, that’s what she told you, right, Taeil hyung?” Doyoung asks, and Taeil must nod somewhere in the room, because Doyoung smiles down at you then. “Yeah, she’s just desperately horny tonight. Wonder why? What made you need your pussy stuffed so badly?”
You can’t give him that answer, but you can open your mouth and try to sit up, try to reach his dick with your lips. 
Kun’s left off kissing a trail back up to your pussy, and when you’re just shy of Doyoung’s tip, Kun curls his fingers around your throat, pressing you down into the bed like Johnny had done just a handful of minutes ago. You whine again, straining up against his hand. Doyoung kindly offers you his finger, which you happily suck on.
For a moment it seems that Kun’s about to deprive you of that too, but then Ten calls his name.
“Kunny, come help me with Taeyong. He could use some teasing, leave our girl to Doyoung.” Ten just has to touch Kun’s arm then, and Kun slides away from you. 
Doyoung quickly fills the space between your knees. 
“You want to be filled up, baby girl?” Doyoung asks, stroking your hair. His voice and touch are both so tender. You nod, squeeze your knees against his hips, trying to urge him into you. “These past couple weeks finally catching up with you?”
It’s true, the past couple weeks you hadn’t really wanted any of the boys to touch you. You’d been sensitive and just not in the mood, but tonight, this is exactly what you need. 
“Yes, Doyoung.” You slip your hands over his ribs, digging your fingertips in, pulling him impossibly closer. “Kiss me?”
He happily obliges. 
You moan against his lips when Doyoung glides inside you, spreading you around his cock, pushing in deep. You stop thinking, set on only enjoying this feeling--your boyfriend inside you and kissing you. You think you succeed in absorbing all of his attention too.
Doyoung caresses your body, his hips gently rolling against yours, lips locked with yours, and he moans softly. He might not even notice Taeyong beside you getting a hickey the size of Jupiter sucked into his throat by Ten, moaning as Kun wets his cock with his pretty lips. Johnny sits in the chair beside the bed, legs spread, watching the events unfurling in front of him with a cool, sexy focus in his eyes.
The kiss breaks when you feel something warm and damp prod your cheek, sliding to the corner of your mouth, edging in against where Doyoung’s lips meet yours.
“Hyung?” Doyoung groans, sitting up, readjusting his hold on your hips, dragging them higher in his lap as he grinds his cock into you. “Really? You couldn’t wait your turn?”
Taeil just taps his cockhead impatiently against your lips again, and you let your mouth fall open. The sweet sound of Taeil’s moan as you lean up to take his cock in, is music to your ears. Doyoung makes another disgruntled noise, and one of his hands slides up from your hip to your chest, thumbing over your nipple. You groan, immediately reaching to push his hand away because your boobs are sensitive, and just Doyoung’s gentle touches hurt.
Taeyong gasps and whines, and you hear a low murmur from Kun, Ten’s devilish giggle, and then Taeyong sounds rise in pitch and frequency. You want to look at him, to see the moment when Kun and Ten pull him apart and send him crashing into an orgasm, but Taeil knits his fingers through your hair and begins thrusting into the wet heat of your throat.
“Mm, shit,” Taeil groans. “I’ve missed this. When was the last time we had an orgy like this? Eh, Johnny?”
Johnny grunts, and your eyes flick in his direction. He’s sitting with his legs spread wide, his hand slowly massaging his erection, eyes on the picture of you and Doyoung and Taeil, moving occasionally beyond you to the other three twisted together.
You hear Ten laughing again, Taeyong whimpering and crying out. 
Doyoung’s hand (once denied your tits) migrates down to your clit, his thumb circling that delightfully sensitive bud, tweaking it in a way that sends a delicious spike of heat deep into your belly. You can’t help but circle your hips, trying to get him in deeper, but at this angle that feels impossible.
You gag around Taeil when Doyoung pulls back suddenly, readjusting the position to finally give you what you want. He thrusts in deep, forcing the breath from your lungs right as Taeil fucks in so deep that your nose is crushed against his abdomen, his balls against your chin.
You’re choking, dripping spit and gasping for breath, when he pulls back. But there’s something so sexy about it. Taeil does it again, and Doyoung--the bastard--does it again too.
Being entirely filled from both ends, left breathless and full, feeling roughly used, is so hot, exactly what you’d wanted. You moan while you try to adjust to the girth of Taeil, letting him use your mouth as his personal toy.
When you lift your gaze up the length of Taeil’s body to lock your eyes with his, Taeil swears under his breath. 
The next time he pulls back, giving you the chance to breathe, you pout and beg, “Oppa, please.” You attempt to act cute, begging adorably for him to cum in your mouth, but the cute expression you try to pull is ruined when Doyoung roughly thrusts into you, hitting the spot just right so that your cute expression shatters into one utterly fucked out.
Taeil’s cum splatters your lips and tongue, his hand jerking over his length as Doyoung bounces you back on his cock, your face screwed up from the pleasure. 
You push forward hungrily, seeking Taeil’s tip to clean him up, suck him dry. He moans, pushing into your lips as you suck at him, his hips rocking slowly, teasing at your lips, not even letting you take in more of him than his sensitive pink head.
Doyoung, getting possessive the closer to his orgasm he gets, reaches around, pinches your jaw between his thumb and forefinger. You feel Taeil’s cum slick on your skin as Doyoung pulls your mouth away from the eldest member’s cock, and Doyoung pulls you upright, his body crashing against yours. 
You grasp his wrist tightly, squeezing his arm just as hard as he holds your jaw. You refuse to let go, even when Doyoung leans in and licks at the corner of your mouth, down to your chin. His tongue traces the sticky feeling on your skin brought about by Taeil’s cum and your drool. Your body goes hot, the feeling flashing like electricity through you, your orgasm the thunder that follows.
Your free hand flies to the side, seeking anything else to hold onto. You find Taeyong’s hand, and you hold on, squeezing tightly as Doyoung fucks you through your orgasm, his own leaking inside you more with each deep thrust. 
Doyoung finishes cleaning your face with his lips and tongue, presses one more kiss to your lips, another to your forehead, and then he draws away, leaving you feeling very empty, though you’ve barely had time to really feel it before Ten’s climbing over you, helping you sit up, and asking, “Are you okay? You good for more?”
You nod, feeling your vision blurring from the pleasure you’ve just finished experiencing. You want whatever he’s going to give you next. This hunger inside is insatiable.
Taeyong looks up at you as Ten helps you onto your knees to straddle Taeyong. Ten’s body presses up right behind yours, hot skin against hot skin, growing hotter when you feel Ten helping you to sit down right on Taeyong’s already sensitive cock. The poor thing twitches, dripping precum, achingly hard as Ten and Kun have just been teasing and edging him.
Gently, Ten helps you sink down, and Taeyong feels so good, fitting snugly inside you, filling in that emptiness after Doyoung. You sit firmly down on him, and Ten strokes your back, his palm pressing lightly between your shoulders, and you lean forward until your breasts brush Taeyong’s chest, your face hovers right above his.
Ten’s fingers probe at your pussy, one slipping inside to stretch you even more around Taeyong’s cock.
“You look so pretty right now,” Taeyong tells you quietly. He brings a hand up to your cheek, fingertips carefully brushing your hair back from your face even though it immediately falls forward again. “Your lips are looking all puffy from Taeil hyung, though.”
You moan, dropping your head forward so your forehead rests on his. Ten slips two fingers inside you, scissoring them alongside Taeyong’s cock.
“Bet you’ll feel so nice, so tight with Ten inside you too.” Taeyong grunts, his hips jolt up off the bed, plunging fully inside you. Ten snaps a hand down on your bottom, his fingers inside you wiggling as he scissors them apart. Taeyong moans, “Mm, fuck, you feel perfect, angel. I just want to cum, God. Why do you have to have two boyfriends who are such teases?” His head jerks to the side with a groan.
Ten’s pulled his fingers out, but you feel something bigger prodding at your pussy. His voice is soft as he tells you, “Let me know if it’s too much.” And then he’s slowly pushing his hips forward, spreading your pussy to take him and Taeyong. The stretch burns but not necessarily in a bad way. You can take it, especially for the reward of having both of them in you.
Taeyong pants beneath you, his eyes screwed shut. You feel his cock throbbing. Every part of him from his face to his body language, his breathing and the hoarse whine that echoes from his throat, tells you everything you need to know about how desperately Taeyong wants to cum. 
He deserves it, you think. Putting up with Kun edging him was marvelous, especially as long as he’d done it. 
When Ten finally bottoms out, you feel full to bursting, your core is alive with fire, and you just want one of them to move. But Ten holds still, achingly still.
“Yongie hyung,” Ten’s smile is evident in his voice, and you just know that his nose is scrunching up as he brings a hand around to stroke Taeyong’s hair. “Cum with me inside her. I know you want to.”
Taeyong moans, a long keening whine. He bites his bottom lip so hard you’re afraid he might break the skin. Ten reaches around you, his chest hot and sweaty against your back, and you look down as his hands come to Taeyong’s chest. He pinches each of Taeyong’s nipples, twisting slightly.
His hips jolt and rock, his load shooting into you as his whole body shakes. Ten starts moving as soon as Taeyong’s finished, and the sweet feel of them both inside you plus Taeyong’s warm cum sets off a chain reaction in you. The heat blooms and spreads, your orgasm swelling fantastically, you push back on both of their cocks, and feel your heart pounding against your breastbone.
Taeyong manages to sit up, his lips on your neck. His hand comes up to caress your hip, moving around to attempt to cup your ass, letting it fill his palm, and he moans. Between your pussy pulsating around him, Ten’s cock stroking right alongside his, Taeyong shivers and moans with oversensitivity.
You moan. “Ten, god. Please cum, I want to feel you cum in me too.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you want to be bred like a bitch full of pups.” Ten groans. He leans closer, his lips touching your ear as he says,“You’re already probably knocked up, but you want more, don’t you?” 
From the side of the bed, Johnny swears and moans. You’d almost forgotten about him, too lost in the excitement of what was happening right around you. 
Ten laughs. “You like that, John? Our girlfriend all big and beautiful with our babies. Maybe one for each of us?”
“No, not that.” You say, twisting slightly within Ten’s arms. “Stop.” That’s too real, too close to the situation that you want to forget.
Ten backs off, putting a placating hand on your arm. “I’m sorry. Do you want to keep--?”
“Just make it up to me.” You groan, leaning back with your head resting on his shoulder. “I told Taeil to fuck me brainless. Do that.”
Ten drops his mouth to your throat, sucking at the sensitive skin there, and he lowers his hand down between your legs, running his finger in circles over your clit as he rocks his hips forward, and now Taeyong’s starting to move again, twitching inside you, thrusting in perfect rhythm, and you feel your body lighting up and tingling sensitively again.
You go limp when this orgasm breaks through you, and you slump forward against Taeyong’s chest. His arms go around you, and both he and Ten thrust a handful of times more before they spend themselves. Ten pulls out, and you feel his cum sticky over your ass and lower back. Taeyong cums once more inside you, and you just rest your cheek over his heartbeat, listening to the music of their moans, drowning in the tingling of oversensitivity.
Your eyes roll back in your head at some point, so you don’t see which of them pulls you off of Taeyong, laying you gently on your back. Which of them it is that paints your body with kisses, paying special attention to your breasts, kisses so light and loving that it doesn’t hurt, and his fingers gathering up the cum between your legs before pushing it back inside you. Your breath catches in your throat, another orgasm fluttering through you on his fingers.
“So pretty, so good.” Johnny murmurs, his breath flushing over your skin, so you know that he’s the one touching you like this. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart.”
And when he presses his tip inside you, you reach for his hands, scratching your nails across the backs of his hands. He pauses. You’re so sensitive and he’s so big; it’s a lot to take him right now, but you breathe for a few seconds and then Johnny pushes in more and more, giving you his cock inch by inch.
And then even when he’s fully inside of you, you find that you want more. You mean what you said to Taeil earlier, you want to be fucked until you can’t think. To be fucked brainless by these men you love until you can completely forget that earlier tonight Ten and Kun heavily suggested to you that you might just be pregnant which is the most terrifying thing that has happened to you.
“More.” You beg, and your voice comes out hoarse. “Just fuck me, Johnny. Be rough, I don’t care. I can take it.”
And you can take it, it’s what you want.
But Johnny pulls out of you. You could cry. Tears actually do spring to your eyes, but before they have the chance to spill, you feel his fingers digging into your thighs, and you’re dragged to the edge of the bed, roughly turned over onto your belly, and you feel Johnny lining up behind you.
Fuck, the way it feels when he just rails into you, his hips flush with your ass, thrusting into you, letting his need take over, with nothing else left. It feels so good. Your mouth falls open, cries of pleasure dripping from your lips, loud enough that the rest of the house can probably hear, but you don’t care. Your vision blurs, making the spot where Ten and Taeyong are cuddling muddled in your eyes.
Doyoung is reclined against the pillows, lazily jerking off again. Taeil’s on his belly, facing you, watching your face. You can’t see Kun at that moment, but you suspect he’s standing to the side behind you.
Your fingers twist in the bedsheets, and you press your face into the soft material too, hoping that it will somewhat muffle the sounds that you no longer have the energy to even attempt to keep to yourself. 
Johnny grunts, groans, and swears, thrusting into you so deeply that you’re helplessly pushed up bit by bit on the bed.
He’s balls deep inside you, continuously trying to push in deeper, when he cums, fucking his load as deep into you as it can go. He groans as he pulls out, and you can feel the cum oozing out of you.
You feel so used up and dirty, but in the best possible way, and when Johnny slaps his hand against your ass, pushes your legs farther apart and says, “Kun, fuck her,” you love it even more.
Kun thrusts right into you, smoothly with how lubed you are by cum, how stretched you are from their cocks. You can do nothing but moan wantonly, drooling onto Taeil’s sheets. He thrusts a few times and then pulls out. “Share her with me.”
And then there’s another cock gliding into you. You cry out again, your moan turning almost into a gurgle.
Again, it’s only a few thrusts before he pulls out of you, and Kun steps back in. They play this game, each fucking into you for a few seconds before switching off, using you like their toy to get off, and you fucking adore it, but you haven’t figured out who else has entered the room, who else is fucking you with Kun. You don’t have the energy to look over your shoulder and see.
“Shit, she’s so loose.” He groans at last, and you recognize him by his voice. Hendery. “Oh fuck.” 
He switches off with Kun again, and Kun groans. “I’m close, but I don’t want to cum yet. You keep her.”
So Hendery thrusts back into you again, slick cock entering you with ease. There’s no slight resistance even, and your body is beyond orgasming at this point, just constantly overwhelmed by the pleasure, you’re just dripping helplessly onto the floor as Hendery keeps going, your moans dissolving into just noise.
Kun swears, and he’s not even in you when he cums, but you feel him step closer, his knuckles brushing your ass as he jerks off, his semen dripping onto Hendery’s cock as the younger continues plowing into you, though after that moment, when he’s fucking you with Kun’s cum on his cock, Hendery doesn’t last much longer either, even as he tries pulling out and switching up his rhythm to hold off a bit longer.
As soon as Hendery pulls out, you can’t even try to hold the multiple loads inside you. You can’t do anything except lay there in the overwhelmed state you’re in. Cum and whatever else drips from you. Your body sticks to the sheets from sweat, drool, and tears (and more cum).
It’s Johnny’s tender touch that peels you from the foot of the bed, his arms that secure you to his chest. He carries you from the room, down the hallway to one of the other rooms. He places you on a bed and disappears, and whenever he comes back however long later, he wipes you down with a damp cloth.
Taeyong comes into the room, settles down on the edge of the bed, lifts your head to pillow it on his thigh, and he helps you drink a few mouthfuls of water. He kisses your forehead and brushes his fingers through your hair, whispering to you, and Johnny joins in after he’s finished cleaning you. 
“You were amazing, sweetheart,” Johnny says as he pulls a sheet up over you. “You should get some rest now, okay? We’re going to make you breakfast in the morning, whatever you’d like. Or maybe lunch, you’re probably exhausted. Just sleep now. Okay?”
And your eyes do close, but before they’re shut, you’re already drifting off into dreams.
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Jungwoo teases you when your stomach begins gurgling. You can’t help it. You’ve been feeling sick since about mid-morning, and in between running into the bathroom to puke and then just curling back up into bed, you were trying to watch YouTube videos with Jungwoo. 
But now the noise coming from you is one of hunger, which makes sense given how you’ve certainly emptied your stomach. 
“Hungry, baby?” Jungwoo puts his hand on your belly, rubbing it gently as it growls. “Do you want to eat?”
You don’t really know. You’re afraid that the second you put something inside your stomach, it’ll be rejected, and you’ll just find yourself hanging your head over the toilet bowl again. 
It’s been a week since that night when Ten and Kun implanted that thought in your mind. 
You still didn’t want to believe it. But now, here you are, facing what is most likely morning sickness. You’d searched a bit around online, looking up symptoms of pregnancy, and it scared you to see that several of the things lined up with experiences you were having. And it terrified you because you didn’t really want it to be true.
Your stomach growls again, and this time Jungwoo throws his legs over the edge of the bed, carefully extracting himself from where he’s tangled with you. “I’ll go grab you something to eat. Don’t move.”
And you don’t want to move. Staying curled there in the warm sheets of Jungwoo’s bed, the material still smelling of fabric softener since you’d only pulled the clean sheets out of the machine a few hours before to assist Jungwoo in freshening up his section of the bedroom.
But as you lie there, thinking about what he’s going to bring you to eat, you feel the curl of nausea in your belly again, rising inside you, and you throw yourself from the bed, dashing to the bathroom down the hall. You just manage to throw the door open and reach the toilet before you’re heaving again.
Someone passing by the bathroom steps inside. You don’t see who it is, but you feel his fingers gathering your hair back from your face, his cool touch feeling heavenly against your warm skin. He just sits there with you until you’re finished, and when you press your cheek to the cool porcelain, you finally open your eyes.
Yuta strokes your hair, reaching for the toilet paper beside him, and he tears off a wad, and gently wipes at the corners of your mouth and your chin.
“I keep hearing you run in here,” he says, “Do you want some tea? I know some tea that might help.”
You’re about to tell him no, that you’re fine without, but then you feel a burning sensation, the tightening of your belly. Luckily this time you only spit into the toilet. 
“Tea sounds good.” Your voice is hoarse. 
Yuta helps you to your feet, flushes the toilet, he hands you a cup to rinse your mouth out with water, then walks with you back to Jungwoo’s room. 
Once you’re settled in the bed, Yuta kisses your forehead. “I have to run to the store to grab the tea, but I’ll be back soon. Anything else you need?” You shake your head, sinking lower in the sheets, drawing them up to your nose and relaxing as you inhale.
When Jungwoo returns to his room with food, you just wrinkle your nose and tell him that you don’t think you’re actually up for eating anything after all. He shrugs, slips back in beside you, and eats what he brought as you keep watching videos together.
You’re dozing against Jungwoo’s shoulder when Yuta comes into the room again some time later. He’s carrying a steaming cup of tea. 
“Orange ginger mint,” Yuta passes it carefully into your hands. “Let it cool a bit before you drink it.” He settles on the edge of the bed beside you, his hand resting tenderly on your knee as he watches for a moment what you and Jungwoo are watching. When the video draws to a close, you sip at the tea, feeling its soothing heat swirling down to your belly. Yuta drums his fingers on your leg. “Do you like it?”
You nod. “It tastes good.” 
Yuta smiles. “Good. I also bought a few other things for you. I put them in your bag in Taeil’s room.”
“Thank you, Yuta.” You lean over, brush a kiss to your sweet boyfriend’s cheek. 
He leaves not too long later, and shortly after that, Mark comes in to join. 
Snuggled between the two of them--Jungwoo being all clingy, Mark just happy to have you resting your head against his heart--you feel perfectly content. Yuta’s tea did the job, easing your nausea. You don’t want to move, but as the day grows later and later, you know that you need to head home, back to your own apartment which you’ve seen less and less of over the past few weeks, spending most times that you’re not at work here at the house with the boys.
But you do have to work early in the morning, and staying here at the house tonight just doesn’t seem like the best choice.
Jungwoo’s asleep by the time you finally make the move to go.
Mark groans, pleading with you to not leave.
“I have to, Mark. All my stuff for work is at my place. And if I’m paying to live there I should probably try to at least sleep there every now and then, right? Plus I have work in the morning, and my poor cat is probably lonely” You laugh, trying to climb over him while prying Jungwoo’s fingers from the edge of your shirt. 
“Your cat is probably glad to have the place to himself. He thinks he’s king of the jungle. And why do you still live there?” Mark asks quietly. “Why don’t you just move in here?”
You stare at him for a long moment. “Move in here?” 
He nods. “Yeah, I mean, you’re pretty much here all the time anyway. I don’t know about everyone for sure, but I’m pretty sure, like, we’d all really enjoy having you live here with us.”
“Mark...” You finally get Jungwoo’s fingers off your shirt. You stumble a bit as you move over Mark, and he reaches up to steady you, his pretty doe eyes still gazing imploringly at you. “How would that work? Me, living here? Where would my space be? You’ve all already got your own rooms, where would I fit?”
“Taeil’s room.” Mark says without a moment of hesitation. “That’s usually where your stuff is anyway. And you sleep in that bed the most, right? It would be so easy, you living here with us. But I understand if you don’t want to.” He suddenly looks away and rubs the back of his head. “Like, there’s a lot of us, you probably do want your freedom, some space from us sometimes.”
There’s a few seconds of silence as you think it over. It would be nice to move in, to get to live here with the men you love.
“Do you really want me to move in?” You ask softly.
Mark nods, his gaze jumping back to your face. “Yes! I love you, so having you around all the time, it just makes all of this feel more permanent, like it’s so real, like we’ve actually got a plan as to where our path will lead. I know this whole entire relationship has been incredibly unconventional, but, shit, baby. I--I look at you, and I see a future with you that I want. You moving in here is the first step to a future.”
Your belly flutters, every cliched butterfly waking inside you, and you feel yourself smiling at Mark. He doesn’t know about this worry in the back of your mind, this unacknowledged possibility of a very possibly real future potentially inside you. But what he’s saying, it’s enough to bring happy tears to your eyes.
Mark wants a future with you. Whatever else happens, you know that.
You bend down to kiss him, and he makes a sound of surprise, but kisses you back. 
“Is that a yes?” Mark asks, his voice dipping low into a whisper.
“I’ll think about it.” You whisper back, kissing him again. When you pull back, Mark’s grinning. “But tonight, I really should go home.”
He keeps smiling. “Alright, text me when you get home.” He holds onto your hand though, even as you try to walk away, his thumb stroking over your knuckles. “Be safe, baby.”
Taeil’s room is empty when you walk inside to fetch your things, and as you crouch down to pick up your bag, you see the small sack that Yuta must have tucked inside earlier from the store.
At the top of the small bag is a bag of chocolate, a container of the tea he’d made for you, some more chocolate, and when you pull out that one to get a better look, a sticky note falls off, fluttering to the floor.
You pick it up to read it, blinking the tiredness out of your eyes to better read Yuta’s handwriting. 
“Don’t be mad at me.” The note reads. “I just thought you might want it.”
You don’t understand why he thinks you might be mad about the chocolate, but then you pull the bag open a little more and see what the note was referring to. 
Tucked there in the bottom of the little bag, buried beneath the chocolate and tea and a few other small things that you can’t even focus on, is a box containing a pregnancy test. 
Your body flushes with heat and a different sort of nausea tightens your belly. You shove the chocolate back into the bag, pushing it as deep into your bag as you can get it. You quickly close your overnight bag, heave it onto your shoulder, and rush from the room. Hendery hops out of the way as you barrel past him down the stairs, and you barely hear him call out in question.
Doyoung, Renjun, Jeno, Johnny, and Jaemin are sitting around watching a movie together, and they all turn to look as you blow by them. You nearly bounce off of Yuta as he appears from the kitchen. You spin away, facing the room, you announce, “Goodnight, I’m going back to my place.”
Yuta says your name, and you feel his fingertips graze your arm, but you step away, feeling warmth rushing to your face, nervous and fearful tears bursting to your eyes as you hurry to the door, shove your feet into your shoes, and duck out into the night.
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The bag with the chocolate and the test sits heavy in the bottom of your bag, undisturbed except for when you’d dug out the container of tea to brew yourself some the morning after that night. You didn’t want to think about it. 
Did you really need to take the test? Maybe if you ignored all of this, it would just go away? But even when you think it, you realize how silly that is. Of course it won’t go away. If anything, it’s becoming more real.
Not to mention, your behavior lately is clearly beginning to worry your boyfriends. Just two days after your hurried departure from the house, you’d met up with WinWin on your lunch break. You were just pushing your food around, stomach still a bit sensitive from that morning’s bout of nausea, when WinWin cleared his throat and said, “For some reason, Yuta and Mark both think that you’re angry with them.”
“I’m not!” Your utensils clink loudly against the dish.
“No?” WinWin cocks his head to the side, but stares down at his food. “Maybe you should tell them that. I heard Mark saying that he asked you to move in with us, and he thinks that upset you, especially when he heard how you acted when you were leaving the other night. Yuta won’t tell anyone what he thinks he did wrong.”
You shake your head, and it takes a moment to swallow down your emotions, to try to push the words out around the knot in your throat. “He didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not angry with either of them. Or with any of you. I think I’m just upset with myself, more than anything. But don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”
Beneath the table, WinWin’s foot knocks against your ankle. “I feel like that’s not true. You’ve been different for a couple weeks now, especially over the last several days. Whatever’s upsetting you, you can talk about it.”
“I don’t want to talk about it, and that’s just upsetting me even more.” You huff out, poking at your food once more. “Can we talk about something else?”
The table falls silent, but then after a beat, WinWin says, “So, you know we’d all love to have you move in, right? Lucas was just complaining the other day that he hated your place, because he dropped you off there one night, and he saw a couple skeezy guys hanging out nearby. Not the best neighborhood, right?”
You shrug. “It does the job. A roof over my head, place to sleep.”
WinWin’s hand falls over yours. “You can have that with us too. A roof, as many different beds to sleep in as you’d like, a whole group of guys who just want to love you and make you happy, make sure you’re cared for. Move in with us.”
You bite at your lip nervously, contemplating it.
“Can I tell you a secret?” WinWin asks after a moment. He laces his fingers with yours, and your heart jumps at the intimate move. WinWin isn’t one to often initiate physical affection like this; rarely does he want to be touched by anyone, even you, when in public. But here he is, holding your hand while you eat together in public. 
You nod, knowing that whatever he’s going to say must be good.
“The secret is that it’s no secret that we all love you so much. Just move in with us. Don’t worry about it. We all want you in our lives, and having you living with us just has you more firmly with us. We want you. Think about it if you need to, but just know that we want you there.”
And later as you’re walking back to work, and WinWin’s traipsing along at your side, you stop, snag his sleeve, and you ask, “Can I tell you a secret too? One you swear you won’t share?”
WinWin frowns as he looks into your eyes. “I swear I won’t tell.”
Your heart pounds harder, faster, rising up until you can barely speak around the feeling of your heart in your throat. But you close your eyes and push the words out.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
Silence welcomes your words, but just the act of having said them makes you feel better. The admission leaves you feeling lighter, your racing heart eases a bit, though still certainly beating harder than normal. You nervously keep your eyes closed, not wanting to see WinWin’s reaction.
But then you feel his palm on your cheek, cupping your face. You hear a breathy laugh, one of surprise and awe. And then, “Really? That’s, uh, honestly really unexpected, though I guess it shouldn’t really be. Have you not told anyone else?”
You open your eyes then. 
WinWin looks happy, though when you meet his gaze you can see his mind is whirring away in there. But he’s smiling, holding you in his hand, looking at you like you’re this amazing and precious gift.
“I haven’t told anyone yet, no. But Ten and Kun are the ones who first put the thought in my mind, and since then I’m thinking they’ve got to be right. And Yuta also definitely thinks I’m... pregnant. The other day when I kept getting sick, he bought a pregnancy test and just, like, hid it in my bag.” You look away from him and scuff your toes across the ground.
“Is that why he thinks you’re mad at him?” WinWin brushes his thumb over your cheek. “Have you taken the test yet?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m too nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous. It might be a bit scary right now, but you’ve got all of us, right? We’re here for you, whatever happens. Whatever the result is, whatever you choose to do next, we’re here for you.” He smiles again, such a soft, tender expression on his face that you can’t resist pressing forward to kiss him. WinWin smiles even more into the kiss, and when you fall back, he follows, keeping it going for another few moments until a vibration in your pocket reminds you that you need to get back to work.
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” WinWin vows as he leaves you a block away from your job. “But keep me updated. If you want me there when you take the test, or if you need anything else---”
You feel loads lighter when you walk back into work, but then later a different weight settles in your belly. Yes, you’ve finally spoken your thoughts into existence, you’ve confided in WinWin, but now what? Do you take the test? Do you tell the others before you take the test or after? And then, who are you going to tell first?
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As far as you can tell, WinWin keeps his word. He doesn’t tell any of the others, but when you come over to the house any time over the next week or so, he seeks you out and sits close to you. If the others find it strange that WinWin keeps holding your hand, giving you little kisses, they don’t call it out.
You decide that, in order to ease Mark’s worries that he made you angry with his comments about you moving in, you agree to move in with them the following month when your lease on your apartment is up. Mark pins you to his bed when you tell him, and he scatters kisses all over your body until you’re laughing and moaning, torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer as his kisses tickle. 
And then there’s Yuta who watches you cautiously from the corner of his eye, as if he’s still worried that he offended you or something when he bought you that test. 
So it’s you that has to make the move and approach him. It takes another week, but you do it.
Yuta’s sitting in the back of their house, soaking in the late afternoon golden rays of sunlight. He’s reading, looking like some kind of sexy uni scholar, all his golden skin in the radiant lighting, his hair tucked behind his ears, and he looks up from his book when you sit down in front of him. 
“I was just a bit freaked out that night, not angry with you. I didn’t want to think about what you were suggesting, but over the last few days, it’s just.... becoming more and more of a real possibility.” You admit to him quickly and quietly, casting quick glances up at the windows along the back of the house, hoping none of them are open, that there are no ears eavesdropping on this conversation.
“Did you take it?” Yuta asks you just as quietly. 
You shake your head. “I’ve been nervous and scared. So, no.”
“Just take it,” Yuta shrugs. “You’ll know then, one way or the other. Wouldn’t it be better to know for sure if you are pregnant?” He glides his thumb over the edges of the pages of his book, and the fluttering sound soothes you a bit more. “Don’t be scared.”
So you take a deep breath and stand up. “Fine. I’ll be right back.”
The box is still buried in the bottom of your bag, and it takes only a few moments to dig it out. The house is quiet and half-empty. Most of the members are working, the rest are out doing their own thing; judging by the singing echoing from the uppermost floor, Doyoung’s home, showering.
You use the bathroom on the ground floor of the house. Your hands shake as you open the box, as you do everything you’re supposed to. Your heart pounds and your breath comes out a bit unevenly as you sit there on the edge of the toilet in the bathroom and wait for the time to run out, for the result to show. 
Maybe you wait too long, your eyelids glued together by anxiety, because eventually Yuta comes knocking on the door, calling your name. “Are you okay?”
You don’t even look at the test, you rise from where you’re sitting, standing on shaky legs as you open the door. Yuta looks at your face, then looks past you, but you know he can’t see the result from there. “I haven’t looked yet.”
He takes your hand, and together you turn to the edge of the sink, to the little stick resting on top of the box. 
You spin, throwing yourself into Yuta’s arms, hiding your face against his shoulder. He swears in Japanese, his arms tighten around you. 
“This is a good thing,” he tells you, murmuring the words into your hair. “You’re pregnant; it’s a good thing.”
Is it? You want to ask, but your voice has abandoned you. Is being pregnant a good thing when in a relationship like this?
“Don’t tell anyone.” You finally manage to say after what feels like forty minutes, but couldn’t actually be much longer than two minutes. “Please. I want to tell all of the others. And I need -- I need to think about this.”
Yuta pulls back then, looking down into your eyes. “Think about it? About what? Do you not want a baby?”
“I do, I think.” You sigh. “I’m just not sure now is the right time. Your careers. The confusion of this relationship, like, really, Yuta. I’m pregnant, and there are fourteen different men who could be the father. That’s... major, isn’t it? Like, you’re acting excited and happy. So did WinWin when I told him that I thought I might be, but if neither of you are the father, are you still going to be so happy with me having and keeping this baby?”
Yuta frowns, and he captures your hands, brings it up to his lips. He presses his lips to your palm, and he thinks for a moment. “If you want this baby, I’m here for you. I’ll love any baby you have because I love you. I don’t care if I’m the father or not, a real man can raise and love a child that isn’t his by blood. And if you don’t want this baby, then I support that decision too. It’s your choice. I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want, that you’re not ready for.”
“Do you mean it?” 
Yuta nods, his face sincere. “Of course I do. I love you.” His face breaks out in a grin then, and he says, “So does this mean that you’re definitely moving in with us?”
You laugh too. “Of course. I told Mark already that I think it’s a great idea. I guess that’s some more news we’ll need to share with everyone.”
Yuta slips his arms down around your waist. In an excited voice that fills the bathroom, Yuta says, “Everyone should be here for dinner tonight. No schedules except the one where Kun, Jaehyun, Taeil, and Jaemin were all told that they’re making dinner for us specifically because we don’t have any schedules. So it’s the perfect time to tell everyone that you’re moving in. And that you’re pregnant.”
“Shh!” You laugh, leaning up on your toes to kiss him quiet, but before you can quite do that, you hear something else.
A choked-off gasp from right outside.
“You’re what?!” 
Your head snaps up and you see Doyoung standing there in the open doorway of the bathroom, his hair dripping still onto his shoulders, soaking through his shirt. He blinks at you, mouth hanging open in surprise. 
“Did you just say...?”
You untangle yourself from Yuta, and step closer to Doyoung, putting a hand on his arm. “Doyoung!”
“Are you...?” His eyebrows draw together.
You feel Yuta place a reassuring hand on your back, and you take a deep breath, then say, “I just took a test, and it came back positive, which honestly shouldn’t be a surprise. I’m late by a couple weeks, nauseous half the day, I have weird cravings already.”
Doyoung looks like he’s trying to look like he’s not freaking out, but his eyes are still wide, and even though he’s closed his mouth now, you can tell that in spirit his jaw is on the floor. 
“Why don’t you go sit down?” You suggest, stepping out of the bathroom, and guiding him by the arm over to the sofas. Yuta follows, chuckling at Doyoung’s reaction. 
“I’m sorry,” Doyoung apologizes a few moments later after he seems to have better wrapped his head around this. “I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“Me neither.” You laugh, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m still processing, but I think I’ve known for a while. I was just denying it.”
And you do find that the more you sit here in the aftermath of reading the positive on the test, you do find it a bit easier to think about. It is a relief, much like Yuta had suggested it would be. Knowing that you are pregnant is a weight of uncertainty lifted from your shoulders.
“Are you going to keep it?” Doyoung asks after a little while. “Like, that’s a baby.” He looks down at your stomach, as if there’s anything to see yet.
“I don’t know. I need to think about it. Do you think I shouldn’t?”
Doyoung shrugs. “It just seems a bit strange, bringing a child into all this. And especially not knowing which of us is the father. I love kids, I’ve always wanted one, a daughter and a son, but I don’t know about this.”
“Very helpful,” Yuta rolls his eyes. “I think it’s totally her choice. Or, I guess, we could wait until the kid’s born, do a paternity test, and then her and whichever of us is the winner of that race can make the decision to keep it or put it up for adoption.”
“You can do a paternity test before birth,” Doyoung mumbles, dropping his face forward into his hands, rubbing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I thought you were on birth control. How did this happen?”
“Birth control isn’t always 100% effective, you know. Even with me using birth control, there’s still a chance of this happening. A very, very low chance, but it’s not impossible.” You stare at Doyoung and his worried state, the emotions pouring off of him, and what you’re mostly getting right now is worry and frustration. So you ask, “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Doyoung says.
Yuta reaches around you to hit Doyoung’s arm. “Don’t call our girlfriend stupid.”
“I didn’t mean--!” Doyoung groans and looks at you. “Of course I’m not mad at you. I’m just thinking about this. Thinking about how the others are going to react.”
“It’ll be mixed reactions, I suppose. That’s why I’m planning to tell everyone on my own. The last thing I want is for one of you to go telling one of the others that I’m pregnant, and then him thinking that I didn’t want to tell him for some reason. Or that because you found out before him that it means that you’re more special to me than him. So can you keep this to yourself for now, Doyoung?”
Doyoung promises, sealing it with him wrapping you up in a tight hug, squeezing you against his chest until you’re squirming to be released. Yuta leaves to go fetch his book from where he left it outside, and when he returns he curls up on the recliner chair nearby, once more reading his book.
You continue to stay there with Doyoung, laying against his chest. The damp material of his shirt dries against your cheek, the comforting heat coming off his skin warms you, and Doyoung just combs his fingers through your hair, and starts talking to you about other things, babbling about the latest drama that he’s watching, telling you a story about something that happened while he was practicing the day before. Occasionally he’ll randomly cut himself off to say in a wondrous tone, “You’re pregnant,” before continuing. He shows you pictures his mom sent him from the trip she and his dad are taking. Doyoung talks until you start to doze off.
You wake up some time later to find Kun in front of you. He apologizes quietly, “I didn’t mean to wake you.” And you realize he’s just laid a blanket over you and Doyoung, who has also fallen asleep at some point. “Are you staying for dinner? I’m cooking tonight.”
You nod, and start to sit up. “I’m staying.” A yawn puts your next words on hold, but then you say, “Also, I decided I’m going to move in. I don’t really have any reason not to move in, and a few new things have managed to convince me that moving in with all of you would be the best choice. And I have something else important to tell you.”
Kun smiles, watching closely as you seem to be searching for the right words to say. So he speaks up instead, asking you, “Are you pregnant? Like Ten suspected?”
Again, you nod. “I took a test earlier, and I want to tell each of you myself. So far only you, Doyoung, and Yuta know, so please don’t tell anyone else. Even Ten.”
“I promise I won’t tell.” He grins brightly. “This is exciting. Like, I figured this must be it, how could you not be pregnant with the way you’ve been lately, getting sick and just acting a bit different. This is really amazing, my love.” Kun can’t stop smiling, and it makes you smile too. “I’m going to start dinner now,” Kun tells you. “You should go back to sleep, get all the rest you need.”
You don’t manage to fall back asleep; now that you’re awake, your mind refuses to think about anything but being pregnant and telling the boys and what this means for all of you and how they’ll react and how you’ll do this and when you’ll tell your parents and what the boys will say and which of them is the father? All of these anxious thoughts run in circles around your mind.
The worries only slow their laps in your head when Ten and WinWin enter the house together. Both of them look worn out after spending their day practicing choreography together, and WinWin collapses to the floor almost right after taking off his shoes. He stretches out on the floor, while Ten stands above him, rolling his shoulders, trying to relax some.
Doyoung doesn’t even stir when you leave him to go to them, but Ten drapes his arm over your shoulders, welcoming you into his side. “You look sleepy,” he tells you. “Were you napping?”
You nod. “Mmm, I was talking with Doyoung earlier, and we fell asleep.”
“Yeah,” Ten’s nose crinkles mischievously. “Talking to Doyoung can do that to you sometimes.”
You pinch his side, and Ten squirms. WinWin watches the two of you, but doesn’t say a word until you look at him, and you say, “So, there are some updates that I think you should both be aware of.”
“Are you moving in?” WinWin asks. 
“Yes, and something else.” You reach up to play with Ten’s fingers, a nervous habit that he doesn’t seem to mind at all. “So, Ten, you remember that night when you reminded me how late my period is?” You feel him go stiff, his head snapping toward you, eyes laser-focused on your lips as they form the next words: “You were definitely onto something, because I took a test earlier, and it came out positive, so, I guess that means that I am pregnant.” 
You look between Ten and WinWin. 
WinWin grins, just as happy now as when you told him that you thought you might be. Ten’s face goes slack, but you don’t think he seems displeased by the news, just caught off-guard, like you’re sure all of them will find the news.
“I haven’t told many of you all yet, so if you could just not say anything to anyone else yet.” WinWin nods again, reaching for your hand to squeeze your fingers, reaffirming his previous promise. Ten gulps, but he agrees, “Of course.”
You don’t plan to tell all of them that day. It felt important to tell Yuta, Kun, Ten, and WinWin though, as they’d all been a part of this already. Doyoung had just so happened to walk in on that moment, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have found out until you were ready to tell each of your boyfriends. 
So as the house fills over the next couple hours, you just settle back in on the sofa, shaking Doyoung awake after a bit. Jaehyun, Taeil, Jaemin all come home, moving into the kitchen to join Kun where he’s already begun cooking dinner. Soon the home is filled with the raucous voices of your boyfriends and the younger members, the smells of delicious dinner wafting in from the kitchen, and the energy is so high that your mood lifts even higher. 
Everything just feels so happy and light. 
All of the boys seem excited that you’re moving in with them, the Dreamies included, and when Taeil had finished working on his part of dinner, he’d come out of the kitchen and joined in the conversation, mentioning that his room could be yours now too. 
“You basically have already moved in, right? My room never feels quite right when you’re not in there.” His smile stretches wide, and your heart swells like a hot air balloon, filled with warmth and love for him. 
Jaehyun and Jaemin are finishing up in the kitchen, but everyone else is standing or sitting around in the living room area of the house, and that’s when you hear it.
“Uh, what the fuck is this?” 
A voice breaks through the already loud volume of the room, and you turn to look, just as every other head in the room does, swiveling in unison to see Haechan standing in the doorway of the bathroom.
Your heart drops out your ass as you see what he’s referring to.
The test.
You forgot to throw it away in the excitement.
The room falls entirely silent. Half of the heads turn back to you. Haechan stands there, holding your pregnancy test with several layers of toilet paper. 
This isn’t how you wanted this to happen. Not all at once. Not in front of the younger members.
And then.
Jaehyun pops his head out of the kitchen, looking around. “Why’d it just get so quiet? What’s--?” And then he sees Haechan, sees what he’s holding, and notices how everyone else in the room is looking at you. You could deny it, pretend like it’s not yours, but what’s the point? A few of them already know, and they’ll all know soon enough.
“Surprise!” Your voice sounds weak though you try to make it cheerful. “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re pregnant?” Jaehyun’s jaw drops.
“She’s pregnant?” Hoarse whispers repeat around the room. 
“Yes.” You sink back into the sofa, wishing you could dissolve. This isn’t how you wanted them all to find out, but now they know. All of them. Your boyfriends and the younger boys. 
Doyoung takes your hand, stroking his thumb over your knuckles. “It’s a good thing,” he says softly to you, and then louder to the general collection of boyfriends and younger members, he says, “Her being pregnant is a good thing. We can do this.”
“Of course we can do this.” Jaehyun walks over, edging around several of the boys to be able to reach you. “Was that ever really in question?” He kneels down in front of you and takes your other hand. He presses a gentle kiss to your fingers, turns your palm over, and kisses there too. “I love you.”
“You know it might not be yours, right, Jae?” Johnny says from where he sits a few feet away. “It could be any one of ours.”
“I know. That doesn’t matter.” Jaehyun squeezes your hand. “Does that matter to any of you? Didn’t we all enter into this relationship knowing that there were multiple others involved? Of course this was always something that could happen.”
Mark laughs sarcastically, and you look over at him. He’s staring at Jaehyun, anger simmering in his eyes. “Wasn’t it you that caused this relationship to fall apart several months ago, Jaehyun? Because you couldn’t handle the thought of sharing her with us anymore? But now what? You’re just perfectly fine with this? No temper tantrum, telling her that she has to choose one of us now?” Mark’s voice burns angrily,
Jaehyun pushes to his feet, turning to Mark, looking like he’s ready to fight.
You put a hand on his arm. “Please don’t. Don’t fight about this, any of you.” You throw a look around the room, quelling any other arguments that might rise from any of the others. In doing so, you catch sight of the younger members looking awkwardly around at each other and the drama unfolding before them.
You stand up, putting a hand on Jaehyun and attempting to propel him down into the seat you’d just left. He falls back, still glaring over at Mark.
“All of you, I want you to listen to me. Today has been a lot more dramatic than I planned. I took that test over there today.” You point over at where Haechan is still standing, pinching the pregnancy test between his fingers as if it’s diseased or something. “All of this is just as new to me as it is to you. I don’t know which of you is the father, I don’t care which of you is the father. I’m just sorry to you boys that aren’t in this relationship for having to hear all about this too.”
“It’s okay, noona,” Chenle says, “It’s not like you being pregnant is anything strange or unexpected. We’re not ignorant of everything that goes on between all of you, you know. Right?” He nudges Jisung beside him with his elbow, and Jisung just sinks awkwardly back into his seat and attempts to hide the blush that rises to his cheeks. Chenle laughs, “I bet Taeil hyung’s the dad, I mean, you’re in his room almost every single night you’re here, don’t pretend like all you do is sleep in there.”
Now it’s your turn to blush. WinWin claps a hand over Chenle’s mouth before he can say anything else to embarrass you.
You fight to suppress your blush as you continue to address all of your boyfriends gathered here. “So this is something very new, very big, and I know that it might just change how this relationship can continue. If any of you don’t want to be a part of this now, I understand. I don’t expect you all to be happy about this, to want this, or to be okay if this baby isn’t yours.” Now you look back at Jaehyun. 
Everyone in this relationship knows that Jaehyun’s had a thing for telling you that he wants to knock you up with his baby. He’s not been as vocal about it when the others are around, but it’s come out a few times. He’s had several bouts of jealousy. He’s made it obvious that he wants you, wants a baby with you, and now you’re worried that if this baby doesn’t carry his DNA it could ruin everything between you and him, despite what he says now.
“I love you all, and I understand that the future has just changed monumentally, and that will be difficult for some of you to handle.” You look around the room, gaze snagging on Hendery who’s now sitting there anxiously biting at his nails as he listens to you speak, then you see Taeil staring down at his hands silently, and finally you look at Taeyong whose face is frozen in a look that’s somewhere between excited and scared.
The room falls silent then, and it’s only when Kun stands up at last, and says, “Dinner’s ready,” that the awkward feeling in the room breaks a bit as everyone goes to eat.
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You can’t remember the last time Mark took you on a date, a real proper date. 
He’s dressed nicely, picked you up like a gentleman at your place with only one little comment about how much he dislikes your apartment and can’t wait for you to move in with them, and then Mark takes you out to a proper dinner, with a fancy dessert. Mark holds your hand under the table, his fingers fidgeting with yours, thumb stroking over your knuckles in what is probably meant to be a soothing manner, but after about five solid minutes of it, you have to free your hand before the skin gets chafed.
Mark just laughs a little and then gulps at his glass of water. You don’t think too much of his nervous habits. Every date you go on with him in public, Mark always acts very nervous and paranoid about being spotted by a fan or someone who recognizes him. The last thing he or any of the boys want is for you to be dragged into the chaos that is their public lives. Especially now.
After dinner and dessert you kinda just want to head home. The cute outfit you wore is beginning to pinch in places and you’re just plain sleepy. You think dragging Mark into your apartment he hates so much, bringing him into your bed to sleep together (literally just sleep; you’re already yawning at the dinner table), might just be the best end to this date night.
But Mark has other plans. 
“There’s this light sculpture exhibit thing,” Mark says, once more fiddling with your fingers. “One of the stylist noona’s was talking about it earlier; she said it’s really pretty, and it’s not going to be there for much longer. I just thought you might like to see it?”
It does sound lovely, so you agree, but when you’re walking out of the restaurant where you had dinner, you yawn again. A big yawn, and you rest your head on Mark’s shoulder. He looks at you for a few long moments.
“The lights will still be there for the rest of the week. Maybe we should get you home to sleep.” He sighs softly, reaching a hand up to caress your cheek.
You can’t argue with that, and you just offer up, “We can go in a couple night, bring some of the others with us.”
Mark makes a sound of agreement. “Johnny’s been looking for something to do for a new episode of JCC. We could go look at the lights, I guess. He’d like that.”
You doze on the way back to your apartment, and by the time you arrive, you’re feeling a little more rested, though still there’s a tiredness rooted deep within you. Mark walks inside with you, stepping in before you, walking through your apartment to turn on the lights.
“Checking for boogeymen?” You tease when you notice him peeking into corners. You toe out of your shoes and rub at the back of your neck as you cross the floor toward him. “If you’re so worried about me, you can stay tonight?”
Mark bites his bottom lip and takes your hand in one of his. “I could definitely do that. I don’t think you’ve ever asked me to stay here with you before. That’s exciting.” He fidgets, looking around the room once more, his eyes lingering on your bedroom door.
You roll your eyes in a lighthearted way. “You’re ridiculous. You asked me to move in with you guys, but you’re excited about me asking you to spend the night with me?”
Mark smiles, his nose scrunching up adorably for a moment before his face suddenly smooths over, suddenly serious as he clears his throat. “Yeah, actually, on that topic, I have something else I want to ask you.”
You raise your eyebrows, giving him the go-ahead with a little nod.
Mark swallows hard, and he says, “Well, you know I love you. A lot. That I’ve told you that I can picture a future with you, and the idea of having you right there at home with me, with us, is exactly what I want. And that was before I knew about... about you being pregnant. What you said the other night about this changing things, you’re definitely right about that.”
Your heart suddenly picks up, pounding as you listen to his words. You’re not exactly sure you like the sound of this, especially with those last few words. Thus far, in the last several days since the big reveal happened, nothing has really changed. And you certainly didn’t think that Mark would be the first one to give you his decision on things.
“Baby,” Mark’s voice cracks a little. “I don’t want to have to worry about anything in the future. I don’t want you to have to worry either. I love you so much, and the other night I was thinking about the future, about you, about the baby, and really it seemed to me that there’s only one true next step for me to take.” 
Mark takes a deep breath, and you watch as Mark begins to sink down in front of you. 
“Baby, will you marry me?”
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Traces of You <- Previous || Next -> Coming Home
a/n: so, go figure, she was pregnant. It was only a matter of time really. The next part should be out much sooner than this one was since I do mostly have it finished already since this almost turned out to be like 28k words or something ridiculous like that, the next one just needs a few tweaks, maybe I’ll have it up by next weekend hopefully. I kinda felt like this one turned out kinda short, because there’s only really the one smut scene, but I promise the next one has much more. 
As usual, please let me know what you thought! Comments, tags, reblogs, everything is appreciated 💗
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Final (M)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @strawbaeri-s @xiuweetbbh
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When you woke up it was still dark. You looked over at the clock, which read 4:42am. Of course you would wake up in the middle of the night, you fell asleep around 7 already after your activities with Baekhyun, who still had an arm slung around you. You tried to fall back asleep, but it felt too warm and you had already slept for a while. Oh well. 
You attempted to remove Baekhyun's arm from your waist gently without waking him, but as soon as you were lifting the limb off of yourself he was groaning, and instead wrapped another arm around you, pulling your back flush to his chest. You were learning he could be very stubborn. 
“Baekhyun,” you whispered, “It’s too hot.” 
He sleepily mumbled something incoherent and kept his arms locked around you, at which point you knew you’d have to take matters into your own hands, so you pinched his arm. 
“Ow! What was that for?” He whined as he withdrew his arms, massaging the spot you had dug your fingers into. 
“You’re smothering me, you’re too warm.” 
Quickly Baekhyun jumped out of bed and walked across the room to flip a switch and you felt the fan above you kick on. He jumped right back into bed, and wrapped his arms back around you. 
You rolled your eyes at him but eventually cuddled back up to him as well. “You’re se needy.” 
“Hmm you like it though.” His voice was rough and low in your ear, and he turned you around to face him. 
With only a bit of moonlight peeking through the curtains it was difficult to make out his face, but eventually your eyes adjusted enough to see him looking back at you. You could see a lazy smile on his lips and his eyes looked heavy, he looked cute like this. 
“Can’t sleep? I was surprised you fell asleep so early.” 
“You wore me out.” You pouted in defense.
He grinned, of course he knew why you’d passes out so fast, but it was still amusing to him to tease you about it. “I know baby, I was tired too.” 
You turned back around to get comfortable again, and felt Baekhyun’s hands snake around your body until they were crossed over your chest, one boob in each hand. 
“Um, Baekhyun?” 
“What?” He mumbled softly in your ear. “They’re soft and warm and perfectly hand-sized. Feels nice.” 
You let out a sigh but didn’t move his hands away, to which he let out a pleased hum. Though you’d found it strange at first you slowly grew to like the feeling. It felt more comforting than sexual, and combined with the slow rise and fall of his chest against your back you were slowly drifting off again.
A few hours later Baekhyun was the one waking you up, as rays of sunlight started to peek through the blinds.
“Good morning sunshine.” You opened your eyes to see his face hovering above your own looking down at you expectantly. 
Much to his disappointment you groaned and turned around to bury your head back in the pillow. 
“Come on y/n we’ve been in bed for 12 hours, time to get up.” 
Before you could object he was scooping your naked self up from the mattress and placing you back down at the edge of the bed with him. 
“You’re so mean.” You whined as you rubbed your eyes and looked around. Baekhyun disappeared into his closet, returning with a pair of sweatpants on and one of his white button downs for you to wear, tossing it onto the bed next to you. 
He watched as you put it on and stood up. It fit you more like a dress, hitting you mid-thigh. Baekhyun could barely contain his excitement seeing you in his clothes, and immediately had to come shower your face with kisses as he told you how pretty you looked. You couldn’t help but admire the bare skin of his toned torso as well. 
Eventually the two of you made your way into his kitchen for something to eat and you finally got to take a good look at the rest of his home, and the more you looked around, the more you fell in love with the place. Although it wasn’t a particularly large space, it was filled with beautiful things that made it feel grown up and expensive. His walls were covered in unique art and all of his furniture went together perfectly. It was a massive step up from the bare one bedroom apartments with a mattress on the floor you usually got when going out with guys your age. 
You looked through Baekhyun’s pantry and offered to make pancakes for the both of you, to which he gladly agreed. 
You’d expected him to just sit and wait while you prepared the food but he insisted on staying in the kitchen and ‘helping’, which really just meant making excuses to touch you any time he could. 
It was when he grabbed your ass mid pancake-flip, causing you to nearly launch the slab of dough across the kitchen, that you turned around and placed a playful slap on his shoulder. “You really are acting like a horny teenager!”
Instead of arguing he simply wrapped his arms around your waist as you kept cooking, head resting atop of yours. “Mmmh only for you babe.” 
It went on like that until the pancakes were done, only occasionally he would slip a hand up under your (his) shirt to squeeze a boob as well.
Baekhyun couldn’t help himself, now that he’d had you and he knew he could touch you all he wanted he couldn’t keep his hands off you. Your soft skin beneath his palms just felt so good, he couldn’t get enough. 
“Baekhyun, you have to let go of me so we can eat.” You teased as he held on to you even as you grabbed both plates to bring them to the dining room. He let out a sound of displeasure but took his hands off of you and took his plate of food. 
Despite your teasing, you were growing more and more fond of this Baekhyun. His messy hair, the lazy look on his face, how cuddly he was acting, it felt so sweet and relaxed and comfortable with him like this. You couldn’t help thinking this was something you could get used to.
“This place is really nice.” You commented as you started to cut into your pile of pancakes. 
“You like it? You’re welcome here anytime.” 
You smiled at the idea of staying there more often, not only was it a beautiful home but being able to spend time with him like this felt too good to pass up. 
“Sorry for making you miss work by the way, Mia told me you wouldn’t mind.” 
“Yeah it’s alright, I’m still doing ok right now anyway and I can just go back next weekend.” 
You noticed his face shift to something different and he swallowed, no longer smiling. He was worried you would say something like that. “Do you remember what I asked you at the club the weekend before the semester started?” He was looking down at the table now. He looked scared. 
“What do you mean?” 
He was scared. The idea of you going back to work bothered him, a lot, he couldn’t deny it, but he knew you wouldn’t take kindly to him telling you not to go. What had happened two weeks earlier was still fresh in his mind and the thought of you being around men like that again made him feel sick. He felt like he had to at least bring it up. 
“I don’t want this to sound rushed, but I really like you a lot, and I, um... You don’t have to go back. If you don’t want to, that is, I can take care of things.”
“I really meant it when I said I could take care of you, if that’s what you want, I just can’t stand the though of something bad happening to you there again.” His voice got smaller and smaller as he spoke, until it was barely a whisper. 
You paused for a while to think before speaking again. “Do you not want me to go back?” 
You had been wondering if this was coming, but you didn’t expect it so soon, and as much as you did like Baekhyun, becoming completely dependent on him still scared you. 
Your eyes met from across the table and you could see how anxious he was as he slowly shook his head in response. “We don’t need to go there to see each other anymore, and the idea of you being alone there isn’t something I like to think about. I know I can’t tell you what to do, but please, if you do, be careful.” 
“So, what exactly are you thinking then?” 
“You could stop working and I could help financially whenever you want, and you would be my girlfriend.” 
Admittedly you did feel your heart flutter at the word girlfriend but you were still bothered by his offer to keep giving you money. 
“Wouldn’t you basically be my sugar daddy then?” 
His face turned into a deep frown. “I’m not just paying you to have sex with me, you know you mean more to me than that.” The look of genuine hurt on his face quickly had you regretting your words. You felt like you had just kicked a puppy. In the back of your mind though, you still didn’t want him to give you money, even if he expected nothing in return. 
“I know, I’m sorry, I just don’t want to take more of your money. I don’t want you to feel like you have to pay to be with me.”
He took both of your hands from across the table and held them in his own, his eyes looking into yours intently. “The whole reason I don’t mind spending spending money on you is because I know you don’t expect me to. I know you’re not here for that, which makes me want to spoil you even more.”
“I’m just scared that if something happens and you decide you don’t want me anymore I won’t be able to repay you.” The words came out of you in what was hardly even a whisper. You knew the words would hurt him, that he wouldn’t like hearing your doubts after having just had such a magical time together. It felt like you were about to ruin everything if you weren’t careful with your words, but you had to be honest about your concerns. 
“You don’t honestly think I would ever ask you to pay me back...” The way his expression tuned sadder and more desperate with every word you spoke killed your appetite and had your heart feeling like it was stuck in your throat. He squeezed your hands to make you look back up at him before continuing. “I haven’t felt the way I feel about you in a very long time, I didn’t think it was possible for me to be this into someone at all anymore. Please believe me when I say I’m not going to disappear. Even if I lose my job because of this, I’ll stay by your side until you decide you don’t want me in your life anymore. I haven’t wanted anything this badly in years, y/n, please I, I-.”
He cut himself off before he could get it out. As much as he wanted to say it, he knew now wasn’t the right time. 
The way he was staring back at you, still tightly gripping your hands was enough to make you feel like you were about to cry from pure guilt. Seeing him look at you like this was heartbreaking. The idea of being his was everything you could ever ask for, to get to be with him the way you had been the last 16 hours and to get to enjoy his company and his touches whenever you wanted. It felt like a dream. You did want it, to be with him like this, and although it scared you to put so much trust in him so quickly, it was impossible for you to look him in the eyes and deny it to him when you knew he was being truthful. 
“Okay.” It came out so quietly you first thought he didn’t hear you, but his face told you that he did. “I won’t go back.”
His face lit up immediately and he grinned back at you widely. “I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll do everything I can to make you the happiest girl alive.” 
“But Baekhyun-” You paused when you saw his smile quickly fade. “Only what I need. I don’t want you to give me anything more, or I’ll feel guilty.” 
“What about gifts? If I see something I think you would like could I give it to you as a present?” 
You rolled your eyes, “I guess, as long it’s nothing too crazy.”
Both of you paused, and he swallowed. “Can I ask why you’re having such a hard time trusting me? You know I’ve never lied to you.”
It was true. You really had no reason not to trust him with how open and honest he was. Never once did any of his words or actions towards you feel disingenuous.  
You sighed. It wasn’t something you liked to think back on. “The last time I had a real boyfriend was over a year ago. He seemed so charming and kind and perfect. I let him in too quickly and was head over heels in love when about 6 months in I found out he’d been going to parties and sleeping with other people the entire time.” 
“And the two of you were exclusive?” You could only nod. It felt shameful. The fact that you’d been so easily strung along by the man when he was obviously just a charming fuckboy at the end of the day. “What an asshole.” 
You shrugged. “It is what it is I guess.” 
“He was an idiot to not see what I see in you. Any man should be thrilled to have someone as wonderful and as beautiful as you. He’s missing out.” Heat spread through your cheeks and a smile forced its way onto your lips despite you trying to fight it. “I can’t say I’m upset it didn’t work out, because now I get to have you here, but you also just deserve so much better than that. I promise you you’re the only one that I want. I would never do anything to hurt you.”
Eventually you let the warmth of his sweet words win you over and you stopped holding back your grin. “I know.” 
The smile returned to his face and he stood up and rounded the dining room table to pull you up as well, and into a kiss. This was the sweetest, most romantic one yet, as he cupped your face and let his lips melt into yours. 
“So... does this mean you’re my boyfriend now? You asked as you pulled away and rested your forehead against his. 
“If you want me to be, then yes.” 
You quickly nodded and before you knew it you were being swept off your feet as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the couch in the living room. He laid you down and found his place back on top of you, kissing every inch of your face as you giggled and gently pushed at his chest. 
He leaned back to look down at you in his shirt, hair disheveled, with a pink tint to your cheeks. “I can’t believe after all this time, you’re really mine now.” 
With a surge of blind confidence you sat up and positioned yourself on his lap, straddling him. You looked into his surprised eyes before cupping his face and bringing it to yours, as if to confirm his statement. 
“All yours.” You whispered after placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
He shuddered beneath you and you felt his arms wrap around you and pull your chest flush to his. “I’ve dreamt of you saying those words to me so many times, you have no idea.” 
You were becoming more and more aware of your lack of underwear as Baekhyun shifted you over his lap again, and this time you felt his hardness against you with the only thing separating you being the fabric of his sweats. 
You inhaled sharply at the sudden feeling, before teasing him, “Is emotional intimacy turning you on?” 
“Everything turns me on when it’s you.” He smiled back at you lazily before bringing his hands up to the collar of your (his) shirt and beginning to unbutton it. “As much as I love my clothes on you I think you look even more beautiful wearing nothing at all.” 
He was really, truly, obsessed with your body. In the best kind of way. You were like a piece of precious art to him. The pink tint that moved across your chest, the curves, the softness, the way your skin felt beneath his hands was just perfect. He needed to feel and to memorize every inch of you. 
“Can I fuck you, princess?” 
“Since you asked so nicely.” You giggled, making fun of his words from the night prior. 
He returned a dopey, blissed-out smile and his hands kept working on the buttons until he was taking it off of you completely, once again leaving you naked. His eyes scanned your body as one hand slowly made its way from your neck, down to your breasts, along the side of your waist and then finally between your legs.
“You make fun of me for being hard when you’re this wet?”
You let out a small yelp as two of his slender fingers entered you, curling against just the right spot that would have you losing your mind. 
“Thought you said you wanted to fuck me.” You taunted impatiently, slipping a hand down to pull him out of his sweats.  
As you wrapped you hand around him you felt his breath get stuck in his throat and the movement of his fingers inside you came to a halt before they left you completely. 
“If you want it so bad then go ahead.” 
He was right, there was nothing stopping you, so you lined him up with your entrance and sank down until he was fully inside you, hitting even deeper than before. His head hit the back of the couch and you couldn’t help but admire his parted lips and the slight knit in his eyebrows at the feel of you wrapped around him. 
“So tight and wet, so perfect, like you were made for me.” 
He soon had his hands on your ass and guided your motions, rolling your body against his. With every push of your hips against his own you let out small whimpers which grew louder and louder as he started to pick up the pace, bouncing you on top of him as he thrusted up into you.  
When he leaned forward to take a nipple between his lips you knew you were done for, and seconds later you were shuddering around him as the tension in your body was released causing you to cry out his name, and you were grateful that he lived alone. 
His movements didn’t stop even once your high wore off, and you found yourself grasping onto him tighter than before as oversensitivity took over. It felt like too much but you could tell by the way he was shaking beneath you and the movement of his hips was becoming inconsistent that he was close. 
Just before he stilled inside you he brought his lips to yours for a messy, heated kiss before releasing inside of you as he groaned into your mouth. His hands were gripping your hips so tightly, holding you so firmly against his that you knew it would bruise, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care when you felt this good.
Once both of you stopped shaking and your breathing evened out you rested your head on Baekhyun’s shoulder and let your hands rest on the smooth, warm skin of his bare chest. His hands moved from your ass up to wrap around your back, holding you against him. You felt him softening inside you but you couldn’t bring yourself to get up, feeling too weak and warm and cozy on his lap to want to move at all. 
“You feel like heaven. We should stay like this all day.” He hummed blissfully into your neck. 
You chucked at his words but didn’t move either. “Baekhyun?” 
“Yes darling?”
“Do you love me?” 
The words left your mouth before you could think about it too hard. You just felt it. It felt the love in his words and actions towards you. You needed to know. 
He didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
You sat up to look him in the eyes. “You love me?”
“I love you, y/n. Do you love me?” 
“I’m learning to very quickly.”
“I’ve been told I’m a very good teacher.” He grinned. 
When you brought your lips back down to his you felt it. The feeling bubbling deep inside of you. It wasn’t quite there yet, but you knew you would get there soon. It was only a matter of time until you were just as head over heels for him as he was for you. You were falling fast. 
As the two of you spent the rest of the day wrapped around, pressed against, and cuddled up to one another, you knew that this was exactly where you were supposed to be. 
He was your person, and you were his, and you couldn’t wait to take on so much more together for years to come. 
~The End~
A/N: AHHH it’s over, I finished my first ever fic. I really never thought more than like 10 people would read it so I’m seriously so grateful for all the positive feedback, it’s so much more than I ever expected. I can’t wait to start the next one! 
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karasimpno · 3 years
Hi! I just stumbled onto you and I'm really happy I did! I don't really know if you take more requests but I'll shoot. Some scenario where Daichi, Bokuto or Kuro help cheer you up with little things or not so little things. You know fluff or smut 😅 Hope you're doing well and that the next year treats you good! ❤
HI LOVELY you submitted this ages ago I’m sorry for the tardiness with everything <3 but I adore you and this was fun :)
Also I got your suggestions and threw them in my draft, they’re very good ones :)
OKAY I’m going with Kuroo AND because it’s @bluntkingkuroo‘s BIRTHDAAAAAYYYYYYY I’m also writing this in honor of her. GO FOLLOW HER Y’ALL SHE’S THE REASON I’M HERE!!!!!
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pairing: Kuroo x cisfem!reader contains: sleepy cuddly sex, fingering, mark-leaving/mention of hickeys, light biting
Despite the bright, warm light spilling through your window shutters, you remained in bed, curled up in your sheets with your back to the invasive radiance. Nothing made you want to get out of bed, even the thought of seeing some other part of the house for the first time today. 
“Babe?” a deep voice croaked out beside you. In spite of yourself, you smiled a little. Even if you were feeling a little grumpy and hungover after your houseguests had stayed wayyyy too late last night, you were glad Kuroo remained in bed beside you. Even the harsh reminder of how late in the day it was couldn’t outshine the fuzzy feeling you got from seeing him in your bed. 
“What’s up?” the voice prodded, clearly as tired as you felt. A hand snaked its way around your waist. You always slept in on Sundays, but this was late late. You heard Kuroo sigh and shuffle as he shifted in closer to you, tucking his knees behind yours and pressing his chest flush against your back. The arm that had snuck around your torso pulled you in close and you felt a warm nose and pair of lips press themselves to the sensitive skin at the base of your neck.
“Mmmph,” was all you groaned in response, but you relaxed into the spoon, squeezing Kuroo’s hand with your own.
“Mmmm,” was Kuroo’s answer, his still-sleepy voice cracking in a way that shouldn’t be as sexy as it was, sending vibrations reverberating down your back as his chest resonated with the sound. “Is somebody grumpy?” he teased, lifting a finger to poke annoyingly at your cheekbone. A child. You swatted at his hand lazily, offering a tired grunt in response.
“Awww, c’mon,” his voice grew saccharine sweet. “You need something to make you feel better?” Kuroo asked. 
You felt the lips that had been pressed against your skin, breathing hot air over you whenever Kuroo spoke and making your hair stand on end, begin to move. You shuddered in a shaky breath when they parted to allow the quick swipe of a tongue to dart out across your neck, chased by the gentle scrape of teeth. 
“Ah-hah...” escaped the involuntary sigh from your lips.
“...’cause I think I can probably manage that,” Kuroo teased, followed by an exaggerated sound of chomping as his lips affixed themselves back to your neck again, his tongue laving over a larger area than it had previously. Heat rose to your face at the sensation and you allowed yourself to let go and give into the wet contact, squeezing the hand against your chest closer to your body. 
Kuroo felt the loosening of your muscles and took advantage of the opportunity to dig his teeth deeper into your skin, unable to resist the sweet taste of you. He wanted to focus on making you feel better but damn if you didn’t just make him crazy for you.
With a wet suck, Kuroo drew his teeth together, pinching your sensitive skin between them, making you sure it would leave a mark as the arousing pain elicited a gasp from you. You bit your lip, rubbing your thumb across the back of Kuroo’s large, veined hand, noticing how your breathing had already begun increasing in spite of your bad mood. Damn this man and his irresistible tongue, you thought. 
Suddenly, you needed more of him, the heat rising in your neck becoming too much for you as he continued the focused attentions of his tongue and teeth. If you could have seen the way his brows furrowed in concentration at sucking feverishly at your neck, you would have grown even wetter than you were already becoming. Shifting slightly, you let your hand reach back to find the long locks of hair that always fell into his eyes, and you threaded your fingers against his scalp, encouraging the hot press of his tongue.
Kuroo groaned against you and moved the hand that had been resting around you further down your body, the pressure of the contact exhilarating as he determined to feel every part of you as he moved. Licking a quick stripe over one of the already ripening bruises on your neck, he slipped his fingers past the waistband of your shorts, dipping into your thin panties and seeking out the apex of those legs he so adored. 
Fingertips sliding past your curls, he groaned into your shoulder when his index finger ghosted over your slit, slickness already gathering there at his eager touch. Relishing in the movement, he eased the digit past your outer lips into your slippery folds, and you felt his breath hitch before his lips crashed into your neck again, his self-control slipping at how good your sweet little pussy lips felt wrapped around his finger. With still such little space between your rear and Kuroo’s hips, you felt a growing bulge begin to harden behind you.
As if the coating of his finger in your arousal was the most agonizingly pleasurable feeling in the world for Kuroo, he swirled the lone digit with hedonistic slowness through your slick. He breathed almost as heavily as you were against your neck as he found your clit, giving it a few experimental flicks with the pad of his finger, relishing in how your body jolted in response to his touch. Kuroo groaned again and picked up the pace, making steady circles around the apex of your pleasure as you keened at the sensation.
You were shocked at how much you were already gushing around him, your hips beginning to tremble as he stimulated that most sensitive of all spots in your body. He caught your ear between his teeth, the pants from his nose falling straight into your ear, making your body even more sensitive to his touch. You felt yourself cry out involuntarily at one particularly deft flick of his finger, and the hand that you had tangled in his hair shot down to grip onto his impossibly muscular forearm, encouraging exactly what he was doing. Absently, you felt your head being shifted as Kuroo slipped his other arm under your pillow, reaching for your opposite hand and interlacing his fingers with yours, pulling your entwined arms to your chest so he could hold you even closer as your hips started bucking against his touch.
Kuroo’s pants were just as hot and needy as yours were now, getting off on feeling you fall apart in his arms. His low groans and insistent huffs filled your ears as his finger continued circling with increasing vigor around your practically-humming clit. You barely noticed as he added a second finger, his strokes growing in pressure and speed. Your brain was clouded with your impending high and you let yourself moan out his name, everything seeming to move too quickly and yet not at all.
Kuroo’s tongue returned to your neck, drunk off the feeling of tasting you, and he groaned loudly and wantonly by your ear. The earnest sound of his pleasure at your own reactions sent you over the edge and both your hands tightened on the places where they were already gripping him hard. You let your mind leave your body for a second as you came completely undone in Kuroo’s arms, feeling so safe and secure as he helped you prolong your bliss, holding you close with his other arm while your body went completely slack in his embrace.
You half-sighed, half-panted as the post-orgasm high replaced the high of the climax, and a tired, dopey smile spread across your lips. You released your death grip on Kuroo’s hand and forearm and you felt him sigh against your back. He shifted slightly behind you and you were suddenly hyper aware of how much his body heat had been warming your back. You half-rolled over to chase the warmth as he pulled his hand from your shorts in the same motion. As you rolled, Kuroo’s knee came to rest in between yours, hovering above you with a tired but loving expression on his face. The warm yellow light that spilled across his face seemed to light his eyes from the inside, and his slight blush combined with the way the sun made his golden eyes sparkle made you feel like putty beneath him. You sighed contentedly and reached up to bring him into a sweet kiss. Chaste, thankful. 
“Feeling any better?” he smirked as he pulled away slightly, looking at you through hooded eyes.
You just laughed and pulled him closer, aware of the growing hardness resting against your thigh.
“Oh, very,” you grinned, feeling bubbly in your bliss. “But I think I can feel even better, don’t you?”
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karasimpno ml general taglist (send a message to be added!): @goddessofchaosleo @kodzurin @honeybunny-sawamura @bluntkingkuroo​ @waitforitillwritemywayout @kuroos-simp
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Cock warming Headcanons
Words: 3.5k 
Warnings: NSFW
Characters: Daichi, Tsukishima, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Ushijima
Summary: what cock warming is like with each of the boys 
Requests are open! Match-ups are open! (starting to write those tomorrow!) 
A/N Idk why but Daichi’s is the only one that I didn’t make smutty like his is almost pure fluff because he just hit some spot in my heart tonight so I am sorry, if you want to see other people’s feel free to request it! I was going to write more people but then got sleepy! Enjoy my loves! 
Oh my gosh being held in his bear arms while he is inside of you while having him kiss the top of your head while he is buried deep inside of you and your legs are wrapped around his waist and he is telling you that he loves you is something that dreams are made of 
Daichi is the biggest sweetheart and whenever you two cuddle like this you both almost cry like this is the most vulnerable the two of you get with each other and he just says the sweetest things to you and you say them back to him and it is such an intimate thing for the two of you so it only happens occasionally and it is something that you two both cherish and use it as a way to take care of each other like after a bad day just cuddling as close as you physically can like this and just kissing each other and just listing all of the amazing things you love about them makes your heart so happy and you can’t help but get emotional and also feel so calm and relaxed with him 
He is not the type to do it casually (daddy-chi is not about to use this as a way to get some pussy, he would rather keep things intimate and sweet between the two of you like this and if you want sex you will have sex, two different things, okay? okay.) like you are going to be in your bedroom alone with enough time to enjoy each other 
He gets so worn out after a long day but still always makes sure that you are asleep first when you cuddle at night and then pulls you closer to him, gives you one last kiss goodnight before falling asleep himself 
Okay so you definitely have to bring it up first and at first, Tsukki is going to be like what the hell Y/N but then every time he thinks about it he gets really horny and just wants to try it with you to see 
One day you wanted his attention and he wasn’t giving it to you because he was busy working on something, so you started kissing down his neck and running your hands up and down his thighs. He firmly grabbed your hips and told you to wait while he unbuttoned his pants and told you to sit, you knew exactly what he meant by this by the way he wouldn’t make eye contact with you, so you pushed your panties aside and sank down onto his hardened member groaning at the contact as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Just to tease him you started moving your hips slightly and before you could even finish the first back and forth his hand grabbed your jaw tightly, “move again and you’re off.” You knew he was serious about that so you sat still enjoying being this close to Tsukki and secretly he really enjoyed it too, he got to feel connected and vulnerable with you without having to say a word
This because somewhat of a common practice for the two of you, sometimes you would do it early in the morning just to feel close to one another and just share bonding moments with each other
Every time you would sink down onto his length you can feel him twitch with anticipation as you make yourself comfortable on him and half of the time he is tempted to just flip you both over and fuck you until you can’t speak coherently so that he can finish his work and then carry you to the bedroom and fuck you again if you were good for him 
Tsukki absolutely hates you whining about him working for too long so this has been a godsend for your relationship because it keeps things intimate and close but he can also focus on his work without you annoying him to death, but he will tease you to no end about how much you need him and how desperate you are to have him and how clingy you are even though he is just as clingy and enjoys it as much as you do and he even sneaks little kisses onto the top of your head sometimes
One time you told him you wanted to do it and you sat on his lap then slowly peeked your breasts out of the top of your tank top and he couldn’t help but be annoyed that you were trying to tease him while he was clearly busy so as punishment he left several dark marks on your chest that would be virtually impossible to hide then he took out to the beach the next day to show the world how bratty you were 
Tsukishima loves the feeling of you sitting on his cock and every time you do it he cannot help but imagine the future and think about how he is going to marry you then have several children with you and get the honor of both getting you pregnant and seeing you with your kids, if he thinks about this too long though he gets too horny he can’t stand it and will flip you over and pound you into the mattress while telling you that you are his 
Kenma heard about it from someone at a party and he was like ew why would someone do that, he had no idea why anyone would want that until he met you years later, but the thought kept going through his head because the people spoke about it as if it was a relationship changer 
Kenma was constantly busy and well you constantly wanted his attention, which he wanted to give to you but he had things he needed/wanted to do, you wanted him to at least pay some attention to you which even hearing you say that bugged him for days when he remembered the dumb thing he’d heard all of those years ago and it was perfect, and boy did it change your relationship, 
You were being a brat, you were whining and huffing around the house in hopes of getting Kenma’s attention and quite frankly he was sick of it, “Y/N here now” he told you in his commanding tone and by the time you got to him his sweatpants were already down to his mid-thighs, “pants off and sit” he mumbled before going back to his game. You looked at him shocked before quickly take your pants and panties off and sit on his exposed length. Both of you let out little moans but are pleased by the sensation. You sit and watch Kenma play his game and occasionally tuck a few strands of loose hair behind his head as you rest your head on his chest. After the first time, he was in love. 
This becomes something the two of you do frequently, him sitting playing games, and you on his lap cuddling him and getting attention. It has become such a common thing for the two of you that you do it when watching movies or shows and there really aren’t any words said if you are both together on the couch you are on his lap or laying right next to him cock warming with him. 
When you are watching a movie together he is a lot more affectionate, his arms snake around your back and into your hair pulling you closer to him while he bites little marks onto your neck and slowly grinds his hips into yours 
If you ever come and see him at his office unexpectedly you are going to rule him up and he is going to make you sit at his desk with your dress pushed aside on his hardened member for hours until he finishes what he was doing then he will flip you over and fuck you on his desk. 
Kuroo has no idea where the idea came from or who said that the two of you should do it but now he loves it when you are cuddling in bed 
It is almost a nightly thing for the two of you like if you are not having sex then you are both going to lay in bed with him inside of you doing whatever you need to do or just enjoying each other and having this attachment to each other 
Kuroo loves to be shirtless not because he loves when you kiss his muscles and rub your hands on them but that is the exact reason why and he will never ever tell you that to your face he will make fun of you for being so attached to his muscles but he really really really really loves that attention like it helps him with his self-confidence 
Kuroo is either one laying there and asleep within ten minutes or he is going to get horny and have some raunchy sex with you and there is no in-between like he will be playing with Kennma and have you go sit on his lap so that he can feel you on him until he finishes the round then he picks you up and carries you to the bedroom and fucks you senseless afterward like sometimes it is all sweet and cuddly with him and sometimes he is going to use it as a way to keep you both horny and needy until either of you are done with what you were doing so that you can have sex 
He is never ever ever going to ever want to do it with other people around him but he will have you on his lap while he is gaming with the boys because he has to keep his “homies close but his girl closer” and if he gets frustrated you are right there to calm him down and sometimes he is going to bite marks onto your neck and grind up against you while he waits for the next game 
if you are playing with your phone and not giving him any attention he gets whiny which lets you get whiny when he isn’t paying attention to you too so then it ends up with whoever was “ignoring” the other smothering the other’s face in kisses and it’s always smiling and laughing together after that 
Oikawa 100% brings it up first, he had seen something about it before and just had to know how it felt to non-sexually be inside of you as a way to bring you two closer both physically and emotionally 
He loved the idea that you were going to be sitting on his cock and he would be able to praise you and give you attention right there, it was so perfect to him but he had to wait for the perfect moment to ask you to do it with him 
You were both laying watching a movie on the bed and you were laying in his lap with your arms wrapped around his chest and he just can’t help himself and blurts out “lets try cock-warming” and you have no idea where this came from but you aren’t opposed to it, so you choke out a little “now” and he nods so he pushes down his pants and you move your panties to the side and sink down on his length and laying on top of him, he smiles at you happily and gives you a sweet kiss before wrapping his arms around your waist and you two go back to watching the movie together
This becomes your best and most comfortable way of cuddling, you both love doing it while you are laying in bed and he can spoon you without worrying about poking you with his cock, instead, it’s inside of you and he can feel your warmth around him and he loves kissing your head and wrapping his arms and legs around you protectively 
This is the absolute best when you do it before he has to leave for a volleyball tournament, you both feel so connected and close and he can’t help but leave the next morning feeling better about leaving you because you know how much he loves you and it relaxes his soul and takes away any of his worry about you leaving him while he is gone 
The best time to do it with him is early in the morning or at night after practice so the two of you can both relax and if Oikawa had the choice he would never let you leave from doing that like he would pick you up and carry you from the bed to the couch or even to the kitchen with him still buried inside of you while he does whatever he needs then takes you back to a place where you can continue 
When Oikawa wants to fuck there is no cock warming beforehand, he is going to fuck you senseless so this does not turn into sex because they are two different things to him and he wants them to be separate 
If he asks for it then you come over and just cuddle him after you climb onto his cock, but if you say that you want to then he is going to tease you to death, he is going to make fun of you fr being so needy and tease you about being so attached to him and how he doesn't think you can survive without him and secretly he loves it so much like you really want him and even if what he jokes about is true he still loves it because you are his 
You have to be the one to suggest it or else it will never happen, then you need to bring it up more than once because otherwise, Ushijima gets uncertain of whether or not you truly would like to do something like that even though you have piqued his interest, but after you have said it a few times he makes sure to make it happen
He had gotten home from a long day training and was exhausted both mentally and physically and all he wanted was affection so he offered himself up to you while you were laying in bed that night and he motioned for you to come to him and you instantly knew what he wanted by the unsure look on his face, he was hard and wanted to be close to you so you slipped off your panties and sank down onto his length. You two were laying in bed like that for a long while as you gave each other sweet kisses and you massaged his sore muscles. He kept looking down at you with such an affectionate look on his face and you could tell that he enjoyed being this close to you and not having to use his words as much as his actions 
He runs his hands up and down your body and will have a hand cup your chin with his thumb rubbing onto your cheek lazily while giving you a little smile, and on a little bit friskier days his hands are squeezing your boobs and butt shamelessly as he watches you squirm 
The best part about it for you is that he is easy to convince to take his shirt off like this and when he does you get to run your hands up and down his muscular chest kissing and leaving marks down it which has him blushing and watching you intensely as you continue to kiss and praise his beautiful body 
When he chooses to leave marks on you he makes sure they are dark, he has you are laying on the bed and he is towering over you with his cock buried deep inside of you as he bites and sucks marks onto your skin and if you whine he always stops and looks concerned and you have to reassure him that it feels good before he continues, he loves to spend extra time on your nipples sucking on them and flicking them back and forth with his tongue 
After you start getting more comfortable with this the two of you end up laying naked in each other’s arms for hours on end and just kissing each other back and forth while enjoying each other 
Sometimes this leads to slow sensual sex but it also leads to one or both of you falling asleep in the other’s arms happily 
In theory, this is a great idea, getting to cuddle with Bokuto while sitting on his length making the two of you closer but oh my gosh, in reality, it’s a hot mess, he either wants to do it all the time and literally will suggest it when people are over and just tell you that you can use a blanket and you have to tell him no orrrr he is going to have it lead to sex, passionate kinky sex 
So it comes up one day and it doesn't matter who suggests it because he is so down for it like you really just hit the sweet spot of everything he loves in life, cuddling with you but also having his cock so buried deep within you and this is both so he is down immediately and you will be doing it right then and there and he pulls you onto his lap and has you sitting on him and he just mumbles a little “score’ out before making sure that you are comfortable 
Sometimes you sit in his lap on his cock with your back pressed against his chest as the two of you play games together and if either of you wants to cheat you roll your hips into the other person’s causing them to get distracted and you to win, which leads to countless arguments and makeup sex (the whole point of it anyway) 
He gets super into the whole thing and loves kissing you over and over and will rest his head in the crook of your neck while complimenting everything he loves about you and occasionally he lets you do the same and compliment him but he usually is all about you because he knows how great he is and it just makes you smile 
Sometimes you two start cuddling and Bokuto starts rolling his hips into you and if you grind down onto him then he is going to know that you want him too and will start shallowly thrusting into you and slowly picks up the pace and is eventually pounding into you and will have one hand rubbing your clit and the other hand squeezing your breasts (or around your throat depending on the night) as his mouth attaches to your neck 
He is going to totally lose his mind if you ride him like you start slowly grinding into him and then move so you are on top of him and start bouncing on his length, he has never been so close to cuming so fast like he is going to have to grab your hips and hold you down for a minute so that he can actually enjoy the sight before him and not worry about disappointing you and himself by finishing so fast like he thinks of you like a piece of artwork and he wants to take his time enjoying the show 
Oh my gosh though if it doesn’t turn into sex oh my gosh is Bokuto so cuddly like he loves to have his whole body surrounding yours and just giving you lots of kisses and telling you every little thought that comes to his mind as you lay there smiling at him, and it just has the two of you super emotional and open with each other 
Bo gets too comfortable sometimes and falls asleep in the middle of talking but you end up falling asleep like that all the time and it is the best sleep either of you gets ever so you both absolutely adore falling asleeep this close and intimate with each other because it is comforting and absolutely amazing (usually follows with morning sex so)
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
SFW Alphabet: Remus Lupin
Requested by Anonymous
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Remus is very affectionate, part of it’s just his cuddly personality, part of it’s because Moony loves to show his mate that he loves her.  He shows his affection mostly through physical touch: holding your hand, having an arm around you, holding you in his lap on the couch, kissing your forehead, brushing his hand against yours in public.  He doesn’t shy away from PDA either, if he wants to kiss you, he’s gonna kiss you, not giving a shit who’s around.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Remus would be a very supportive friend, always there when you need to talk, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, he’s there.  The friendship started after Lily introduced you to the Marauders, and while Remus was a little reluctant to let someone new into his life, when he sees that you don’t care or judge him for his lycanthropy, he latches onto you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Remus loves to cuddle, after a long, stressful day, the only thing he wants to do is hold you or be held by you.  He’s the big spoon I’d say 95% of the time, it’s just more comfortable (David Thewlis is 6’3), he prefers holding you, and Moony likes to feel like he’s protecting his mate.  When he’s the big spoon, Remus either lays on his back with you tucked into his side, arm tight around you, hand carding through your hair, the other hand stroking your side or is on his side with you pressed against him, either facing him or with your back to his chest..  The other 5% of the time, when Remus is the little spoon, he likes to be on his side, face buried in your chest, arms folded against him and sort of sandwiched between the two of you.  He likes this because it makes him feel safa and makes Moony feel that his mate is near and will protect him
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Oh yeah, Remus wants to settle down with you.  With you, he has a partner that he can rely on, that he loves more than anything in the entire world.  Remys has lived alone for most of his life, so he knows how to keep a house clean and cook for himself.  When the two of you get a house or apartment together, you split the household chores evenly, but Remus does prefer to cook, it’s something he enjoys and he likes providing for you
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) It would be because of his lycanthropy, he’d break up with you to keep you safe.  Remus would try and let you down gently, but of course, it shatters your heart when he breaks things off, but part of you understands why he wants to, even if you don’t agree with it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) He’s a little skittish about commitment, thinking you’ll leave him, be disgusted by his condition, but once he realizes that you’re not going to leave him, that you don’t care about his lycanthropy, Remus is so committed to you (he always has been, but he’s even more committed now).  He wants to get married to you as soon as he knows you’re truly committed, he goes out and gets a ring for you and proposes as soon as he knows you’re ready
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Remus is very gentle, both emotionally and physically.  Emotionally, he’s such a softie, he never hides what he’s feeling from you, if he’s sad, you know it, if he’s angry, you know it.  It takes him a while to be that open with you, but when he gets there, there are no secrets between the two of you.  Physically, Remus treats you like a piece of glass (and I mean that in a good way), he holds you so tenderly, like you’re something precious, to be treated with reverence and tenderness, which to Remus, you are. I think it goes without saying, but Remus will NEVER hurt you, never raise a hand to you, you’re his everything, he would never do that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Remus loves hugs, he’s a very huggy person, not just with his S/O.  He hugs you very frequently, at least 5-6 times a day.  His hugs are warm and soft, wrapping you in his arms feels like safety, and you can feel the love pouring off him when he hugs you.  They last for up to 30 seconds at a time, and he kisses your forehead when he pulls away.
  I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) I’d say Remus tells you he loves you after a month or so.  He’s known that he’s in love with you after a week, but he wants to be sure that you’re serious about the relationship.  And when he does tell you he loves you, you know he means it, you know he’s serious, and you know that he’s in love
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Moony drives his jealousness, he doesn’t like anyone getting too close to his mate, doesn’t like it when you’re too far from him, things like that.  Remus is level headed, he’s logical, so he knows that you’re not going to leave him, and he can control Moony to a certain extent, but he comes out sometimes.  When he does, Remus will snarl at whoever’s near you, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you close.  He’ll kiss you: either on the lips, hard and passionate, or on your temple, and whisper “Mine.”
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Remus likes to kiss your forehead or the crown of your head, your cheeks, nose, hands, wrist, arms, legs, everywhere.  And of course, your lips.  Remus likes to be kissed on the lips, on his cheeks, and his scars.  He might cry when you kiss his scars, just wipe his tears away.  His kisses are tender and sweet, love pouring off him in waves.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Remus is really good with kids, he loves them, and he does want to be a father, but he’s hesitant because of his lycanthropy.  When he’s around babies, he melts, cooing at them and cradling them close to his chest
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Remus gets up around 9 o’clock, and if you’re still home/asleep when he gets up, he’ll make you a cup of coffee/tea/whatever you like, and he’ll sit with you, usually with an arm around you, on the couch.  He loves the mornings; the quiet time before you’re dressed and still a little sleepy where he can just be with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Remus likes to hold you in the evenings: having you on his lap, arms around you, he just wants to be close to you.  Nights and evenings are usually spent talking about your day, reading, or just being with each other.  (And of course, there’s a fair amount of sex too ;D)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) I wanna say that after a few weeks, Remus will slowly start opening up to you.  He doesn’t want to overwhelm you, and there are things he’s a little hesitant to tell you.  But he gets there, feeling secure enough to tell you everything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) He has a bit of a temper, but it takes a lot to really piss him off.  With you, he’s endlessly patient, very few things that you do make him mad.  With others, he’s still very patient, but he does snap sometimes, especially close to the full
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Remus remembers a lot, but he tends to forget some littler things.  But the bigger things, he remembers: like your favorite meals, favorite books, etc.  There are some little things that he’ll randomly remember, like the earrings you wore on a date
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) After a particularly bad full, Remus had staggered into the house, and you were nowhere to be found.  He was sad, but he cleaned himself up as best he could.  A few minutes later, you returned, a bag on your arm.  “We were out of chocolate,” you explained, sitting on the floor where Remus was sitting and pulling a bar of chocolate from the bag.  “I convinced them to let me in, they weren’t happy, being woken up at 2 AM, but I got it.”  The fact that you went to Hogsmeade to get him chocolate overwhelmed him with love for you, and it made you love him even more
. S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Moony takes Remus’ existing protectiveness and increases it 10 fold.  Moony wants to protect you, his mate, more than anything in the world.  If anything could potentially hurt you, Remus is tense, watching everything around you to make sure you’re safe.  He’ll keep you close, an arm around you, your hand in his.  Above all, he needs to know you’re safe.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Remus can’t really afford to take you out as much as he wants to, but when he can, he goes all out.  It’s not a 5 star restaurant, but Remus makes you feel like royalty.  When he can’t afford to take you out, he’ll cook you a romantic dinner and serve it to you.  The same applies to gifts and anniversaries: he doesn’t have much money, but what he can afford, it’s the sentiment behind it that counts
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) His self consciousness concerning his lycanthropy.  He thinks he’s dangerous, a monster, someone undeserving of love.  It takes you a while for you to break him of this habit, and he still slips and tells you you should leave him, but you’re (obviously) not having it
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not really.  Like Sev, he keeps himself clean and tidy, but you love him for him, and in his mind, his scarred face is enough for you, so it’s enough for him W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Yes, absolutely,  once Remus felt how loved you made him feel, the thought of not having you in his life is unimaginable.  It causes him physical pain, and he can’t think about it for more than a minute at a time.  Luckily, you have no plans of leaving him (please don’t leave him)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) With the Wolfsbane potion, Remus can just curl up and sleep during the full, so one time, he was on top of you in bed, curled up in a ball, fast asleep.  Moony whined when you tried to get up, not getting off of you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Remus can’t be with someone who won’t validate his feelings.  He knows he can be irrational sometimes, but if a partner just brushes his feelings off, he just feels worse.  He needs someone who can talk out his feelings and help him through the rough patches
  Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Remus will not be able to sleep if he doesn’t fluff his pillow.  It sounds funny, but if he doesn’t do it, he won’t be comfortable.  It’s mostly psychological, but he has to do it.
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End of chapter 7 of The Passed Out Princess
Paring: My CMC (Uyu, Dan Byeol) x Suit Saeran See all chapters
Description: On days 7-9 of Ray’s route, the player is denied food as “Saeran” makes his presence first known. But, what if MC fell very ill under this method of torture due to a medical condition? Sadly, my custom MC, Uyu (full name Dan Byeol), would deal with exactly this dilemma.
Notes and warning found in chapter 1
“Care to ‘swallow your pride’ again? Be vocal.”
Dan puffed, “So you want me to be assertive? Then fine. I’m certain I’d like it if you stayed with me past the point of my eating. And I’d like to see you take a second to relax.”
“Remember to breathe as you speak, princess. You make it seem like that was a hard thing to say. It was honest, yes?”
“Ok, then say it like it is.”
“....”. “And...one more thing…”
Uyu decided now that she felt quite better, it was time to make sure he felt the same. While her anxieties were still present being around him as aggressive as he had previously been, his situation was nowhere near normal or alright. From what she could gather hearing the ‘savior’s’ words and seeing him so anxious as he was now, he was rather torn and hurting. The ‘savior’ drove him to the brink the same way she did Ray, telling him Dan was to be disposed of when Ray at least showed a clear attachment to her. Saeran probably just had no idea as to what he actually wanted, and her heart continued to clench for the man before her.
She sighed before deciding to be brave and just go for it. “Do you want a hug.. or something?”
Saeran’s jaw opened, and then it closed. There was a second of silence again between them before he answered.
“...what...what makes you think I want a hug from you..?”
Dan rubbed the side of her arm, glancing away a bit red faced before her gaze returned to him. There was no denying the soft sadness plastered on his face which seemed to answer the question with a hesitant ‘yes’. He peered at her behind some tufts of hair, head now bowing a tad, brows dipping in slight u-ish shapes as his cyan eyes almost pleaded. Dan was pretty certain they’d swim in angry tears again if she pressed questions about his state any further, so she decided to creep around his sensitivity. With the front he was always so eager to put up, she’d play the vulnerable one for him.
“Ok...then...what if I...wanted the hug?
“Uhm...I meant... I asked you, or I wanted to ask if you wanted one because I actually wanted one so I could maybe, so we could maybe uh-”
He cut her jumbling off, “You want a hug from me? After all that?”
The longer this dragged out, the more embarrassed she felt for making the attempt to wiggle her way into comforting him. But, asking never hurts and he might need it, so she wouldn’t take it back.
“...As I talk to you this afternoon, the crazier I think you are. I’m not interested in being all chummy with you, remember? I’m..I’m not all kind and gushy like your Ray..I’m not some cuddly teddy bear just because I gave in and fed you...”
“I know all of those things. But…”
Now was the time to put some of her acting skills to good use, as much of an actual airhead as she might sound while doing so.
“That wasn’t exactly something fun to go through, it was a lot...and I’m still a bit faint too..”
Dan exaggerated her somber expression, as if exposing an open wound to the man next to her. She hoped the vulnerable sweet girl tactic could help her out some as she proved his previously false claims correct, ‘manipulating’ him for the first time. She’d appear weak and needy for him...just this once.
He coughed. “..Urg..Just...just one, since you look so pathetic. Only one. And you’re not to think anything of it or ask for another ever.”
Uyu nodded with an “ok” before setting the plate in her lap on the side table, not feeling now was the time to fight about that last part. Pushing away anxiety best she could, she came in closer to him, gently touching his slim waist with her small fingers to make sure he was comfortable with her first. Met with no resistance other than some stiffness, she pulled in closer, arms snaked around him as she hid in his chest which rose and fell unsteadily. Her hug was somewhat hovered, cautious to push him too far with more of a squeeze like she wanted, but to her surprise, he pulled her in tighter. In fact, he pushed her head in as if to make sure she wouldn’t be able to see him…or breathe. His heart beat seemed to do a double bounce against her, one hand on her back keeping her close as he rested his chin atop her head. As being so close to him usually made her do, her face flushed hot as her pulse too drummed rapidly.
Saeran softly murmured, as if hoping she wouldn’t hear.
“I don’t know why you want me to hold you…”.
Dan raised a hand slowly up his back, giving him a delicate rub. He scooched forward in response, as he was still sitting a bit away as he leaned in.
“For someone who claimed to not be a teddy bear,” she continued stroking his back, trying not to feel his prominent spine too much. “You sure are nice to hug. Maybe that’s something I happened to notice from the get go.”
“...I’m not even sure I know what to say to that, other than you certainly like playing with fire. You’re going to get hurt not heeding my warnings.”
“You sure do blaze as bright as one, but like this, maybe I’ll just stay warm without being burnt.”
There was a long silence as they continued to support each other like two pillows, Uyu gently allowing him to relax and his head to bury in the crook of her neck. She listened to the sound of his now regular breathing, her eyelids fluttering close and then open repeatedly as she felt his lashes tickle her neck in the same pattern. Before long, his firmer grip on her came undone slowly but slowly, slumping until he finally decided it was time to release her. A yawn escaped his pretty pale pink lips.
“I should go and you should finish that plate.”
He glanced at the pillows on the bed behind him before grumbling something along the lines of “damn it, now I’m sleepy”.
“Mi casa es su casa. Go ahead and lay down.”
“You..think I have time for that right now? I’ve already wasted so much here.”
“You can’t work,” she yawned sweetly too, covering her mouth. “When you’re so tired. Even thirty minutes will help.”
“Looks like you need sleep as well, princess. Even though you were passed out not all that long ago.”
“I think you put me to sleep..”
“Ha...so you don’t like me here after all?”
“No, sweetheart. I meant your hug was a little too cozy.”
“Now then, I’m not going to eat you. You can sleep a bit. Remember one of the things I wished for was for you to take a second to relax.”
“I’m not humoring your wishes. I’m not a genie.”
“No you’re not...you're a human. One who deserves and needs rest. I know at least you were up past four AM..”
The man rolled his eyes before crawling back to lay on the bed again. He let out a tired “hmfph”.
“Rest well then…”
She received no response from him, just watching as he shut his eyes. Uyu decided to let him be, finishing her last few bites in the stillness the room again took on. After setting down her plate on the side table again, she turned to look back at him, only to find him asleep peacefully so fast.
The light from the open curtains illuminated his feathery locks and exquisite tired features, lips parted allowing out soft exhales. From how he looked while sleeping, you never would have guessed he’d be such a daunting figure at times, appearing as if he were born from a puff of clouds on a beautiful day. Dan watched the rising and falling of his chest, his breathing seeming so soft and warm, regular and delicate. He gave off an angelic radiance, even in a suit as black as night, hair tousled and unkempt to give the appearance of a mad man. He was beautiful, no matter what he himself saw in the mirror.
She slid down from the bed as gently as she could, tip-toeing over to the big window to shut the drapes, blocking the evening sun from disturbing his rest. He needed it, clearly fretting earlier to the point where he wore himself out extra, not even putting up a fight by the end of their interaction. The tiny thing then crept over to the tea table, pulling out one of the wooden chairs to sit herself down onto the pink cushioned seat. Resting her head on the table’s surface and wrapping her arms around, she began to doze off too, slightly wondering to herself what it would feel like to sleep beside him in that big bed. The thought made her blush.
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kabura-maru · 4 years
Another installment of Various Pillar headcanons + drabbles! Once again these are my personal opinions, of course with some help of friends.
What headcanons should be next?
Cuddles || Various Pillars x Reader
“How do they cuddle? What are their preferences?”
Most cuddly when he’s in a daydreaming state. Likes to be the little spoon so he can rest his head on your lap to gaze up at you or the clouds or rest his head on your chest to hear your heartbeat. Quite good cuddler, always manages to be comfortable despite whatever position they’re in.
“Much to Muichirou’s irritation, the unrelenting pitter patter of rain roused him from his thoughts. The day was dreary, the rain ruining the Mist Hashira’s hopes of laying under the sakura tree just outside his home. The one thing saving him from the gloom, however, was [Y/n]’s soft embrace.
He laid against the girl on the tatami matted floor, trying to focus on the sound of her heart. The rain spoiled it, though, loudly tapping away at the roof.
“Mui, you seem vexed...” [Y/n] observed, her whisper barely louder than the rain
“The rain is spoiling it all.” He huffed without thought “promise we’ll still cuddle when it stops.”
Most cuddly in the evening when he’s alone with his s/o. Absentmindedly plays with his s/o’s hair or the hem of your clothing. Too headstrong to ask for cuddles outright or admit he likes it but he loves holding his s/o close. Probably holds you tight in fear of losing you. Definitely gets flustered and defensive if someone stumbles across them.
Sanemi had been acting particularly huffy ever since the sun began to set. Much more so than usual.
“Nemi? What’s up?” [Y/n] called to him, taking her attention away from the house chores she had previously been doing.
The woman recognized her lover’s not-at-all-well-hidden pout and smiled softly at him. She pushed her things aside and made her way over to the grumpy man who had refused to answer her with anything more than a passive grunt.
“Nemi!!!” She cooed, snaking her arms around the man and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Sanemi was overjoyed by her understanding, though didn’t let more than a soft smile creep onto his features as he pulled [Y/n] closer. She was so warm and loving. He felt unbelievably lucky to have her.
Most cuddly in cold weather or when their s/o is upset. Will tease them if they ask her for cuddles but will give in after awhile. Definitely the type to draw patterns on her s/o’s back or caress her gently. Probably holds hands too. Usually big spoon but can be either.
Shinobu had spent the last 15 minutes teasing [Y/n] with faint loving touches, though never giving into the girl’s pleas.
“Come here!” [Y/n] cried, trying once more to snatch the woman away from her duties
“So needy!” Shinobu chided in return, only sparing her lover a quick glance.
[Y/n] pouted, sighing in defeat. Shinobu giggled, unable to help but feel she won the silent battle. The Insect Hashira quietly put her work away before ducking in beside her lover.
“I suppose we cuddle for a few minutes.” She giggled, snaking an arm around the girl.
LIVES for cuddles, aka always cuddly. Really likes to hold her s/o close when they’re falling asleep. Definitely initiates it most often but will respect s/o’s boundaries if they’re not very touchy. Lots of little kisses, giggles, and loving looks. Though, she’s totally a blanket hog after she falls asleep.
[Y/n] awoke with a stir, the cold night air greeting her limbs with a harsh bite. The woman turned to her lover, Mitsuri, who’s limbs tangled with her own. Of course she had snatched almost every inch of the blanket.
[Y/n] couldn’t help but let out a loving sigh before attempting to tug back some of the covers for herself. She wasn’t particularly successful, though the warmth of Mitsuri’s touch was enough.
Like Mitsuri, Kyojuro is down to cuddle at any time, though sleeping is probably his favorite time. Definitely big spoon and insists on his s/o using him like a pillow, even if it causes his arm to fall asleep! He has a tendency to prioritize his partner’s comfort in terms of position, though he loves holding her close. He enjoys feeling like he’s protecting you and keeping you safe.
The world was silent as Kyojuro and [Y/n] cuddled on their engawa. The Flame Pillar had insisted on his lover using him like a pillow, though she didn’t need much convincing.
She loved the silent moments they shared. Although never spoken aloud, they were both filled with such obvious love for each other. [Y/n] would snuggle closer to Kyo’s warmth with every chill the breeze brought, and Kyojuro would brush [Y/n]’s hair from her face any time the strands threatened to obscure her view.
Both of them couldn’t be more content if they tried.
At first he’s pretty hesitant about cuddles, not doing much more than holding his s/o’s hand or snaking an arm around her waist while she rests her head on his shoulder. After his partner is asleep he’ll pull her closer... often even cradling her in his arms. After they’ve been in a relationship for a long time, he isn’t afraid to be super affectionate, though preferably with just the two of them.
Once the Serpent Hashira had safely deduced his lover to be asleep, he carefully pulled her closer. Minutes ago she had only been resting against his shoulder, but now he had positioned her gently in his lap.
The man softly nuzzled into [Y/n]’s hair, finding comfort in her sweet scent and soft breaths. He smiled inwardly, allowing himself to indulge in her warmth, dozing off not long later.
Doesn’t often initiate cuddles, he doesn’t really know how. Most cuddly when he returns from a mission. He likes to cradle his s/o and cherish the warmth she brings him. Likely a bit hesitant to wrapping her in a full embrace, he doesn’t want to hurt you after all... though when he gets over his self loathing and accepts her love, he holds her close and tight, though not enough to hurt. He wants to protect his s/o with everything he has and never let her go. Also, let him be the little spoon sometimes please...
Giyuu had only just returned from his latest mission, but such hadn’t stopped him from beelining straight into [Y/n]’s arms. The woman hadn’t expected him to return so soon, but welcomed him nonetheless with a surprised smile.
The man wordlessly draped himself over his lover’s shoulders, and she couldn’t help but softly pet his raven locks as they tickled the side of her face.
“I missed you.” He murmured into the crook of her neck, savouring her sweet scent
“Oh Giyuu, I missed you too.” She replied, gently spinning on her heel to engulf the Water Hashira in a proper hug
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mssjynx · 4 years
Krii7y, spy!au, faking dating, and “you have the emotional capacity of a brick.” Perhaps?
krii7y drabble | 3. spy!au | 6. fake dating | 5. “you have the emotional capacity of a brick.” 
warning: this one gets #steamy, but it’s not much more than a bit of heated grinding and heavy sexual undertones. i was sweating while writing it if that gives you any understanding. but i love it a lot so have fun and tell me what you think!
“Have I mentioned yet that this plan is terrible?” Jaren grunted as hands skimmed down his back, tightening the string that pulled his blouse together at the back. He gasped as his breath was forced out of his lungs, but the dainty woman behind him didn’t acknowledge it as she threw a dressy top over the blouse. “Because this plan is terrible.” 
She ducked around to his front to fiddle with the loose clothing, tucking it into his pants and making sure he was wearing it all as he was supposed to. 
“Yes, Jaren. You have mentioned so.” John tugged at his collar, gritting his teeth when a second woman simply swatted his hands away. “At least seven times now.” 
Jaren grimaced, allowing his hands to be taken. Moisturiser was spread across his skin, massaged into his hands. He felt more fingers threading wax through his hair and grumbled to himself in irritation. He hated this fuss and mess, wanting nothing more than a raggedy old sweater and a pair of pyjama pants to wear out. 
But unfortunately, their attire for this mission wasn’t debatable. They had to fit into the intricate and exotic culture of the people they were infiltrating. If they weren’t able to convince them, they could be risking their lives. 
“Just shut up and do as we’re told, okay?” John released a sigh as the three women left the room. Jaren turned to him with a short glare. 
“You do as you’re told,” he snarked back, ignoring his own childishness as he strutted his way to the mirror and grimaced at his own reflection. He looked preppy and ridiculous and wanted so much to just rip, tear, untuck and loosen everything he was wearing. 
John stepped up beside him, looking equally as uncomfortable in his tightly braided hair and form-fitting suit. “We’ve gotta pretend that we’re in love, remember?” John asked, grabbing Jaren roughly by the waist and yanking him to his side. His smile was wide but flat, showing his disinterest in their little ploy. Jaren was no happier about it all, grimacing as John nuzzled their cheeks together.
Jaren snickered, batting John away from him. “I’m going to be fine with that. It’s you I’m worried about- You have the emotional capacity of a brick. How the fuck are you going to convince anyone that we’re in love?”
John shrugged, snatching their bag off the table and heading for the door. He didn’t wait to watch if Jaren followed but the younger man did. Evan was waiting by the elevator, flicking through a notebook with his phone stuck between his shoulder and ear. He chatted away, a crease between his brows, and Jaren snickered when John rolled his eyes. 
“Alright boss, we’re heading off to the lovebirds party!” Jaren announced, prancing ahead of John and catching Evan’s eye. Their boss smiled, shutting off his phone and clapping his notebook shut. 
“Got everything?” he asked, patting Jaren’s shoulder and giving him an amused once over. “You both look… dashing…” he laughed and John let out a quiet groan. “Remember,” Evan said, catching both of their eyes. “You’re not spies, you’re not outsiders; you’re like every other couple in there and you are both eternally tied to each other. They will be watching and if you don’t convince them, it’ll fuck up the rest of the mission.” 
Jaren nodded, knowing the serious tone in Evan’s voice wasn’t just for fun. “Yep. John and I are madly in love. We’ve got it.” 
At Evan’s confident nod, the two passed into the elevator. 
They spent the fifteen minute commute to the venue in silence, John’s hand coming to rest comfortably at the small of Jaren’s back as they got out of the car and looked up at the mansion before them. 
“Lean into me and look at me like I mean the world to me,” John said with a smile, gazing affectionately down at his partner. Jaren sunk into his side, beaming up at him and leaning his cheek to John’s shoulder. 
“Of course, my emotionally constipated love,” he cooed, allowing himself to be lead up the steps. “I’ll mingle, you scout. Sound good?” 
“Sounds perfect,” John murmured with his lips to Jaren’s temple in a loving kiss. He addressed the doorman with a polite smile. “Carson and Neil,” he introduced, waiting patiently as the man gave them a curious look before finding and ticking their names off on the list. 
“Have a nice night,” the man said and Jaren giggled, cuddling into John. 
“We will,” he cooed, reaching up and sliding his fingers along the length of John’s jaw with a touch that felt far too intimate for his friend. John snaked his arm around Jaren’s stomach, leading them both into the ballroom. 
The room was packed with rich, pretentious couples, gowned in silver and gold, silk and velvet. Jaren had never felt more out of place and he really was glad to have John by his side for this mission. He could already feel several pairs of eyes on the two of them as they swept into the room. 
It was hard not to garner attention and Jaren felt anxiety tickle at his throat. Perhaps they weren’t fitting in well enough. 
“I’ll go get us some drinks,” John murmured against the shell of his ear and Jaren shuddered, pressing back up against his partner’s chest and tipping his head back. 
“Of course,” he responded, voice delicate as a trail of kisses arched along his temple to his forehead. “I’ll be here, my love. Don’t lose me.” He kept his gaze sweet and loving as he watched John walk off. 
Within two seconds of him leaning up against the broad marble pillar, he was accompanied by a woman and a man. “Good evening,” the woman said, her voice about as silky as the scarf hooked around her arms. “I’m Cordelia and this is Jeffery. We haven’t seen you or your partner around here before, are you new?” 
Jaren faced them with confidence, accepting the woman’s outstretched hand and bringing her knuckles to his lips. He bowed his head in greeting and shook the man’s hand firmly. His eyes were too sharp and hers were too sweet. 
“I’m Jaren. My husband and I have just transferred in from upstate New York and a friend of ours invited us to attend the dance tonight,” he explained, looking at her through his lashes as he smiled politely. “You know Craig Thompson, I assume?” he inquired and she nodded as her husband slipped his arms around her front, resting his head atop her shoulder. 
Jaren felt extremely uncomfortable beneath his gaze but didn’t let himself tense for even half a second as he relaxed back against the pillar. “Yes, we’ve known Craig since he was hardly a boy,” she answered with a broad smile. A presence beside Jaren helped his nerves as a pink drink was held out for him. An arm sliding around his waist, lips pressing to his temple. 
Cordelia watched John with intrigue. “This is John,” Jaren introduced, resting his hand over John’s and taking a sip from his glass. “John, these two have known Craig all his life,” Jaren said, sharing a glance with his fake-husband. “Cordelia and Jeffery.”
“Yes, well, we just wanted to come by and introduce ourselves,” Cordelia said with a sweet smile. “We don’t usually see partnerships separating from one another during these events,” she explained, pushing her hair back behind her ears. Jaren tensed but John’s grip on him tightened in reassurance. 
He nuzzled up against Jaren’s cheek. “Well, we’ve been told we aren’t the most conventional of pairings,” he commented with a laugh that made Jaren’s tummy feel weird. 
Caroline’s smile seemed tight and Jeffery lead her back a step. He hummed in response, casting his eyes between them. “I advise you stick to conventionalism,” he said curtly. “We wouldn’t want anyone to question your relationship. Not in a community like this.” 
His words held all the threat they needed and Jaren forced a sweeter-than-sugar smile. “Thank you for the thought. We’ll keep it all in mind,” he reassured, sliding his hand up the back of John’s neck and dancing his fingertips over the tight blond braids. The two nodded their farewells and turned to leave. 
Jaren had to fight all his impulses not to sag in relief, instead turning his chest to John’s and gazing up at him. “We better up our game,” he purred, cupping both of John’s cheeks as the other watched him with kinder eyes than Jaren was used to. 
“Guess I’m gonna be holding onto you for the rest of the evening then,” John responded, dipping down to rub their noses together. Jaren flushed warm in the cheeks. “I have a plan B if things get dire.” 
For some reason, the look of glee in his eyes at that comment made him feel less comfortable as John spun him on the spot and took him by the hand. 
“Shall we dance?” he offered, finishing his drink and setting it on a waitress’s platter when she passed. 
Jaren nodded, laughing as he was dragged towards the centre of the room. 
For an hour they danced among the crowd of couples. Every single pair Jaren saw were so close and cuddly that he wondered if it was a crime in their culture to not be announcing their statuses with PDA every second of the day. He saw pairs kissing rather enthusiastically despite the company of the rest of the room, but no one seemed to mind; other dancers even smiling and laughing at those who were lost to each other in public. 
It was unnerving and it made Jaren stress about how far he and John were going to have to push their little act. By the way people were shooting uncertain glances in their direction, he dreaded that it was going to end up a lot farther than they were originally led to believe. 
“I think we’re going to have to kick things up a gear,” John murmured as he pulled Jaren in after a twirl. He pressed the words against Jaren’s jaw, dipping lower to flutter kisses down the length of Jaren’s neck. 
The younger spy tried his best not to turn bright red at the contact, the hands on his hips skimming down and brushing over the curve of his ass. This was mandatory; their lives were on the line and they needed to be convincing. 
Jaren just had to suck it up. 
“I don’t want to be forcing myself on you,” John said sweetly, his eyes much more serious than his loving tone feigned, as he turned Jaren’s back to him. He pulled him close, dancing his mouth along the curve of Jaren’s shoulder and splaying his hands over his stomach. 
“You’re not,” Jaren returned as he spun again. He pulled himself back into John’s space and beamed up at him. “Takes two to tango, and if you gotta grab my ass a few times to convince a few people that we’re fucking and to keep us alive, I think I can cope,” he cooed, laughing through his words as they swung one another around. 
John snickered, making sure to do exactly that and smack Jaren on the butt on his next inward twirl. “As long as we’re both on the same page,” he cooed, nose pressed to Jaren’s with how close he pulled him. 
To anyone, they looked perfect in that moment. A relationship of romance; a dance with loving jabs and sly teasing comments. John played the boyfriend perfectly and Jaren fell right into his act with John looking at him like he was made from the stars themselves. The sweet smile came naturally, the thoughtless way he caught his bottom lip between his teeth and leaned into John’s space. 
“We are,” Jaren whispered and he felt his heart quicken when John’s eyes locked onto his mouth. He watched Jaren suck on his bottom lip for a moment, and for a moment, John’s eyes lost their feigned gaze of love and adoration. Something shifted into its place; something hot and allured, something hypnotised. 
Jaren felt heat spread through his stomach as John looked up at his eyes again. Why did John look at him like that? Why did it make Jaren’s head spin with delight? And why was it that now all he could think about was John pinning him to the wall and kissing him like this wasn’t all a game of pretend?
He felt like he couldn’t breathe. 
Jaren practically leapt away from John, his head spinning and his chest tight. “Bathroom,” he managed to splutter before he turned and shot off in the direction of the toilet. He kept his head down, avoiding the eyes that followed him as he got to the hallway and burst into the bathroom. He made a beeline for the sink, blasting the tap and basically dunking his head beneath the running water. 
His heart was pounding in his head and everytime he closed his eyes he could feel John’s hands on his ass, his tongue on his throat, his hips pressing- 
“Fuck,” he gasped, gripping the basin and staring into the eyes of his reflection. He needed to get a grip because this was a mission, not a date, not a fun little party with his friends. 
This was more than him and more than John, and far more than what Jaren wanted with John. 
The mission came before the two of them. 
The door creaked as it opened and Jaren didn’t need to look to know it was John. 
“Hey,” John said, casual but with a gentle edge. “Pretty sure my boyfriend running away from me doesn’t make for a good image of our deep and emotional romantic relationship.” 
Laughter tumbled from Jaren’s lips, helpless and weak. He dropped his head and closed his eyes, unable to stop his smile from spreading. It was John, always John. No one else could make him laugh when every cell in his body was buzzing with panic. 
“You’re fucking stupid,” he said, standing with an inhale and pushing his fingers through his wet hair as he turned to face John. His heart skipped a beat at the look in John’s eyes, mixed in with reluctance. 
“Yeah, and you’re fucking hot.” The words came easily as John crossed his arms and leaned against the bathroom wall. Jaren’s stomach dropped like he was falling from an unimaginable height and he was sure that if he wasn’t still holding onto the basin his legs would have given out beneath him. He all but gawked at John and the older spy gave a dry laugh and a shrug. “Can’t lie; you’re driving me nuts.” 
“John-” Jaren managed but his tongue got caught in his throat and left him floundering without words. 
John pushed off the wall, walking up to Jaren with far too much confidence. He snatched the hand towel off the rack and threw it over Jaren’s head, ignoring the others yelp and ruffling up his hair with it. “You got yourself all wet,” John scolded and Jaren grumbled beneath the towel. 
When John relented, he dragged the towel off his head and glared; hair sticking up everywhere. John snickered and Jaren flicked up his middle finger. He turned to his reflection with an irritated curse, and started desperately trying to slick it back and neaten it back up to look somewhat acceptable. 
John watched him, his gaze unignorable. But shockingly, discomfort wasn’t what Jaren was feeling beneath his partner’s gaze. He felt his cheeks getting warm as he realised his hair was all fixed; but he didn’t know if he could face John after what he’d said, after what Jaren was thinking about. 
“Are you alright?” John asked after a minute and the question seemed uncertain in his mouth. Jaren couldn’t help but snicker, turning to him with a shyness he wasn’t used to bearing before the spy he’d known for so many years. 
“I’m good,” Jaren assured, because he wasn’t upset and he wasn’t about to freak out again (he was pretty sure…). He thought back to the mission, and to the people that likely watched closely as he ran off in his panic. 
They were going to have to really up their game if they wanted to make sure that they could convince everyone in that ballroom that the two of them really were partners. And Jaren didn’t want to think about how. 
“We’re gonna have to do something about this though,” John said, speaking exactly what Jaren was thinking over. “I don’t want you to run off on me though.” The humour on John’s tongue fell flat and Jaren glanced at his feet. 
“I won’t,” he promised. “This is just a lot to fake.” 
His explanation made John’s frown deepen and the older sighed lightly. “This all fake to you?” he asked and the bold question made Jaren shiver. He took a small step back but couldn’t pull his eyes away from John’s this time. 
Eyes that dared Jaren to tell the truth. 
Jaren wasn’t brave enough to turn it into words and he found himself helpless to do anything but shrug, looking away from John. 
His answer was clear. 
And John didn’t hesitate to breach the space between them. “Jaren, I’m going to kiss you now,” he said, catching the younger man by the chin and lifting his head. With a hand to Jaren’s chest, John did exactly what Jaren had been thinking of- had been fantasizing. John pushed him against the tiled wall, knee splitting Jaren’s thighs and chest pinning him in place. 
Jaren could have collapsed completely and still been held right there. Sandwiched between John and the wall with a shameless hand sliding down Jaren’s back to its home: curled around the curve of Jaren’s ass. 
“I’m gonna kiss you, and every single person out there is gonna know that you belong to me.” Jaren had never heard anything sexier than those words, growled into the non-existent space between his mouth and John’s. His breath was ragged and his lip bled from how hard he bit it but there didn’t seem to be anything that could deter John as the spy pushed in and claimed Jaren’s mouth as his. 
Heat ravaged Jaren’s body. His blood boiled as it coursed through him, heart pounding in his chest with a ferocity Jaren hadn’t experienced before. It was as if John didn’t even consider the idea of holding back. The grip he got on Jaren’s wrist was painful as he pinned it to the wall beside his head and Jaren couldn’t help but feel a sense of searing glee at how John so easily contained and controlled him. With a thigh between his legs and a hand kneading his ass, Jaren’s body moved without his command, his hips pushing back against John’s possessive touch only to roll forward and grind the heat between his legs against John’s thigh. 
Jaren’s head spun and he did not care. He licked up into John’s mouth, pushing up against him and trying to get closer. He let his head be pushed scolding back against the wall as John bit his bottom lip; something so hot that Jaren felt like he was going to pass out. And the way John ran his tongue teasingly over the sore skin; Jaren couldn’t stop himself from whimpering desperately against John who dipped into his mouth and claimed it as his. 
Before Jaren could follow, John was pulling back for a breath and he, himself, was gasping as if he’d almost drowned. John was hard against his hip, pressing in and taking what he could; giving just as much, if not more, back to Jaren with the hard press of his thigh. Jaren bucked, face dark red in embarrassment. He could barely control his own body as John took over him.
He controlled him like a puppet and Jaren loved every second of it.
“What will those old women think when you walk out covered in hickies?” John purred his question against Jaren’s ear and snickered when his only answer was a gasp and a moan. “I think there’s no way they’ll question us then.” 
That tongue traced the shell of his ear and Jaren let his head fall away, exposing his neck with need and aching for John to fulfill his promise. Hot. Wet. John trapped his earlobe between his teeth before dropped his mouth to skin of his throat. He sealed his lips to the sensitive skin, taking his precious time to lavish it with his teeth and tongue, dropping to leave another dark mark, and another, and another.
Jaren had never felt so good. 
With John’s mouth on his throat, John’s hands on his ass, John’s thigh between his legs. Jaren dropped his hips, arching his back and pressing the length of his body completely against John’s. He pressed the arousal between his legs against John’s thigh, grinding his hip against John’s own hardness in the motion. And with the pleasure streaking up his spine in glorious waves, he didn’t even think as he moaned out John’s name; pleasure, lust, neediness. 
He felt like he was in heat. 
And all of a sudden, that heat was doused. 
John’s mouth was no longer on him, John’s hands vanished from his butt, John’s leg fell away from beneath him and Jaren was left plastered to the wall; gasping for air and sweating like he’d just ran seven miles in a minute. 
“Fuck,” he panted, head falling back with his eyes still locked on John. He wasn’t the only one looking slightly worked up. 
There was no hiding the tent in either of their pants and John’s lips were slick and rosy (Jaren could bet money his looked no different). The dull stinging up his neck reminded him of the hickies that John had no doubt left and when he let his eyes drift to the mirror, he gaped at his throat. Dark purple, mouth-shaped; there was no denying what the bruises up Jaren’s throat were and he felt as dirty as he looked. 
“Fuck,” John huffed in agreement, pressing his palms over his eyes. 
Jaren’s pants were tighter than he could even understand and his clothes stuck to him like a second skin. He needed a cold shower over everything. 
John’s puff of laughter brought his attention back and he felt so exposed as alluring eyes trailed up and down his body. Pride, lust, hunger; John didn’t hide any of it as he bared his teeth in a sharky grin. He adjusted himself in his pants and Jaren had to force his eyes away as his cheeks flushed. 
“Are you-” John laughed, still trying to catch his breath. “Are you flustered?” he asked in disbelief. Jaren’s cheeks burned darker. “You were just grinding on me like a stripper and moaning like you were about to come in your pants and now you’re flustered because I’m hard?” 
When John said it like that, there was no way Jaren couldn’t cover his face and try and hide. “Don’t say that,” he muttered into the palms of his hands. He couldn’t look at John as the other spy stepped back into his space, and only when gentle fingers started peeling at his hands did he allow them to drop away from his face. Beautiful green eyes. 
“We’re gonna go out there and get this mission done,” John said, calm and pleasant, "and then I’m gonna take you home, get you out of these ridiculous clothes, and fuck you in my kitchen, in my shower and in my bed.” 
“John,” Jaren whimpered, biting his tongue as his stomach twisted painfully, his arousal straining against his pants. 
John pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, then one to his cheek. Then he trailed slow, deliberate kisses down the centre of his throat, and back up the side of his neck. And with a final kiss to the soft skin beneath Jaren’s ear, John hummed gently. “And this time, I’m gonna leave marks all over your thighs, instead of your throat.” 
Jaren shivered, grasping John by the shoulder and digging his fingertips in. The other man didn’t even seem to notice as he leaned back. 
His grin was broad and eager and Jaren knew he meant every single word. 
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Easter Tears-Agere!Sides AU (pt.23)
a/n: this wasn’t supposed to be angsty I promise it just happened-. Happy late easter tho, enjoy everyone!
"Roman," Virgil sighed. Why did he think giving him candy was a good idea? Like yeah, it was easter, and Patton made them all cute easter baskets (like he did every year, same with halloween, candy bowls would just pop up in the apartment). Virgil always made sure he made himself one too, to even it all out.
Virgil himself had only eaten a few pieces of dark chocolate reese's when Roman began regressing. This year, Patton had added little bunny stuffed animals to their baskets, which was something cutesy that made Roman feel small.  Roman dropped the candy back in his yellow basket with a pout.
Virgil had been telling him nonstop every few minutes that he'd give himself a stomach ache. Of course, he didn't listen and ate the candy anyways. They sat in Roman's room with their baskets, Virgil sitting on the bed with his basket next to him, while Roman (for some reason) preferred sitting on a blanket on the floor. He only did this when he was little, the big prince would never place his clean blankets on the floor. But Little Ro definitely would.
"Hey, no, no, don't feel to bad," Virgil saw the guilty look on his face, probably at the fact that Virgil hadn't done much even though he was insistently not listening to his directions. "Every kid eats a bunch of candy on Easter, I'm not mad at you. Just slow down a bit, yeah?" he reached over and ruffled his hair. Roman nodded lightly, pulling the pink bunny stuffed animal close to him.
Roman then got up, moving to sit next to Virgil, hugging his side. "Are you sleepy, honey?" Virgil asked, and Roman shook his head.
"Just wanna cuddle for a second,"
"of course, little prince."
"Babyyyyy," Logan came back into Patton's bedroom, holding a bottle of warm cinnamon milk. He playfully gasped at the sight he saw, Patton in his onesie, nibbling on the chocolate was wasn't supposed to eat too much of. "Now, what did I say, little one?" he questioned,sitting on the bed and taking the basket and setting it on the floor, out of the boys reach.
Patton gave a guilty pout, his eyes immediately seeming more wet. "Not to eat to much of da candy, but-"
"No buts," Logan chuckled, letting him keep his Reeses Cup, "I said no. And you're supposed to listen, right?" Patton whimpered, nodding slightly. "It's alright though, don't cry," Logan went back to being soft on him, making the mental decision not to push to much about candy. He kissed his forehead.
"M' sorry, papa," he mumbled, eating the last of the small piece of chocolate. Logan took the wrapper, and it disappeared within a moment. He then leaned forward, lifting Patton's chin and kissing the button of his nose. Patton blushed lightly, "dada silly!" he giggled.
Logan nodded, climbing onto the bed more and shifting so that he was sitting next to Patton, his back against the headboard. He pulled the little into his lap, "You wanna drink this while it's warm, baby?" he held it up lightly. Patton seemed to regress a little younger immediately, making grabby hands towards it.
Logan chuckled again, kissing the back of his head lightly. Patton loved kisses, not usually on the lips when he was little, but it was common that he'd pout and fight against taking a nap until he had gotten a forehead kiss from Logan. He pulled a blanket over their legs, and Patton grabs his bunny stuffed animal. Logan helped him drink his bottle until it was all gone, and he replaced it with the kitten pacifier.
Patton cuddled in closer to Logan, and Logan pulled his glasses off. "How does a little nap sound?" he asked, and Patton protested.
"You're a little sleepy, I can tell. When you're little you need more rest, baby."
Patton tried to move out of his lap, but Logan tightened his arms around his waist. Logan fake gasped, "You're trying to run away from me now?"
Patton giggled, settling down and leaning into him. "Just twenty minutes, so you aren't to sleepy for the rest of the day until bedtime. And then after," he leaned in, talking in a fake whisper, "I'll let you eat some more of that candy you snuck."
Patton agreed, adjusting himself so that he was laying next to Logan, but cuddled into his side,holding his stuffie between them and burying his head in Logan's chest. Logan kissed his head one more time, and the boy drifted to sleep.
"Deceit! We totally need to crash their Easter!" Remus had walked down the steps from his room above Deceit's, bursting into Deceit's room, holding his mace casually above his shoulder.
"You suggested this last year, the year before, and even when Virgil was here. And you know, we're not gonna do it, it just upsets them," Deceit sighed, rubbing his head lightly and closing his notebook.
"You say that like I'm gonna stop. If it can't happen now, then I'll wait until Halloween, I suppose."
Remus sighed, "I get it, you miss your brother. It's okay, but its unrealistic that we're ever gonna get to see them without them sending us away. You want Virgil to be happy, right?" Deceit got up walking towards Remus, and passing him. Remus turned to see where he was going, Deceit just opened his door, motioning towards the staircase going up.
"Yes, of course I do. It's just-"
"Then leave it at that. He's happier with the core sides."
Remus sighed again, rolling his eyes and exiting the room. Deceit shut the door behind him, going back to his desk. He reopened the notebook, signing off on the note he had written, closing the book until further notice. He then proceeded to jump into bed, burrowing himself under the blankets and holding a snake stuffie close.
He missed the days where him and Virgil would take care of each other. He remembered when Virgil taught him all about age regression, which he had learned about exclusively off of Tumblr. He wondered if Virgil was still a little, after these few years. Virgil was probably the only one that saw the soft, babyish side of Deceit.
The reason why Virgil was so good with Patton, so understanding when he went into babyspace, was because Deceit regressed to around the same ages. Little Patton was similar to Baby Deceit in a lot of ways, he was needy but no one minded, would easily cry, but was also adorable and cuddly. Maybe that's why Virgil was so protective over Little Patton, because he reminded him a lot of what his life was before.
Deceit blinked away the tears in his eyes, cuddling the stuffed animal closer. He didn't have the energy to get up and find his pacifier. It was harder to summon things in the darker part of the mind, good magic was harder to discover. This just made it harder for the dark sides to do things, made life harder. It was also harder to create good things, so little gear was sparse anyways. He hoped Virgil was able to create good things now, he hoped that Virgil was really getting better.
He may of acted like he hated Virgil for leaving, but honestly, he was shocked that he had the option to do so. And he was proud that he took the risk and did it.
He just wished that Virgil didn't have to leave him behind, and hurt him so much in the process.
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The Warmth of Your Love
For: @demidork84
Summary: Janus is cold-blooded and Logan is a concerned boyfriend. When a FamILY outing sends them both into cold weather, Logan does his best to keep his boyfriend warm and happy, even if that means getting a bit… cuddly.
I really hope you enjoy!!
“Are you sure you want to come with us?”
Janus rolled his eyes playfully at Logan. This had to be the twentieth time his boyfriend had asked him the same question. He gave Logan a pointed look and a slight smirk, causing the latter to huff, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
“I’m only being cautious.” He muttered, and Janus’s face softened. 
“I know, Starshine, and I do appreciate it. More than you can imagine. But I will be fine. I’ll have you there to protect me the whole time.” 
Logan took his boyfriend’s hand, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. “Fine. But, at least put on an extra layer? For me?” Janus leaned into Logan, nodding. How could he possibly say no?
Roman and Remus had insisted on taking everyone into the imagination for the afternoon. Christmas was approaching, and the brothers had figured, what better way to celebrate than creating their very own Winter Wonderland? 
All of the sides were going, and Logan was worried that Janus would feel pressured to go because the others were going. Logan knew his boyfriend did not enjoy cold weather, and that it was very possible it had everything to with his snake half. The fact that the cause of Janus’s intense dislike was unknown admittedly scared Logan. He worried that Janus’s possible cold-bloodedness could negatively affect his health.
“Hey,” Janus said quietly. “I can see you thinking.”
“That is physically impossi-” Logan cut himself off, realizing what Janus had been trying to say. “Oh, yes, I suppose I may be overthinking this a bit. I do trust you.”
“I trust you too. Which,” Janus smiled, “is exactly why I am perfectly confident that I will be okay.” Logan took a deep breath before nodding, giving the other a small smile. The pair split off to locate their Winter gear. Janus kept his promise, slipping on an extra sweater under his jacket. Both sides also put on beanies and mittens. (While Logan would prefer gloves for their function, finding the right balance of function and warmth in gloves was near impossible.) 
Linking arms and exchanging one last kiss, they headed off to The Imagination together.
Janus tried to stifle a shiver as he clung tightly to Logan’s hand. The latter gave Janus a look, the kind that rang with a playful, “I told you so.”
Janus stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend, only to regret it immediately at the cold bite of the air. He repressed a whimper as another shiver wracked his freezing body. He pressed tightly against Logan.
The look on Logan’s face transformed to one of concern as Janus huddled against his side. They had only been in the Imagination for about an hour and Janus seemed dangerously cold. The scientist in him was intrigued about the events taking place, but his rational side knew he had to bring Janus inside before this got any worse.
Janus sneezed, shivering as he pressed further against his boyfriend. He heard and felt Logan call out to the others ahead of him. Then he was pulled tighter into the heater that was his boyfriend and air rushed past his ears as Logan sunk down back into the Mindscape.
Heat wrapped around Janus, but he still shivered as the cold clung to his skin. He felt Logan lead him to their shared room, rubbing his arms to bring some warmth to them. He laid down and Logan laid several blankets over him, turning on the heated one. Janus wrapped them tightly around himself, whimpering when he peeked his eye open and saw Logan was leaving the room.
Logan smiled softly, eyebrows still furrowed tightly with concern. “I’m just going to warm you up some soup. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I promise.” And with that, he left the room.
Janus sighed as the blankets started to heat up, warming his arms and legs. He was still cold, but it was better nevertheless. Time passed achingly slowly as he waited for his love to return. Finally, finally, the door was pushed open further to let Logan back into the room.
Janus opened his eyes slowly, pouting. “You left me all alone. I’m hurt.”
Logan sat down on the bed, stifling a smile, brushing back Janus’s hair. He pulled off his hat and snapped his fingers to get them both into comfier, but still warm, clothing. He pushed pillows behind Janus’s back to get him to sit up and wrapped a new blanket around his shoulders. Janus pulled it tight around himself, burying his face into his blanket-covered hands. 
“Feed me?”
Logan sighed and rolled his eyes, but even he couldn’t hide his smile. Seeing his boyfriend vulnerable like this worried him, but he couldn’t deny that he was adorable. 
After the soup was gone, Janus sank back into his blankets, closing his eyes as a sigh escaped his lips. Logan covered his lips as a laugh bubbled at them. He tried to sneak out, but a voice came out from under the mountain of blankets.
“Oh no, you are not getting out that easily again.” Logan attempted a sigh of resignation, but his smile clearly told otherwise. Janus held up the blankets, smiling back as Logan joined him under them.
They simply gazed at each other contentedly for a few minutes before Janus shivered yet again. Concern flooded Logan’s face again.
“Are you still cold?” he asked. Janus nodded, biting back a smile.
“You better help me out, then.” Logan yelped as Janus’s arms hooked around his waist, dragging him into Janus’s chest.
Logan tensed briefly before melting into Janus’s chest. They wrapped their arms around each other as their legs tangled. Janus rolled onto his back, letting Logan rest his head on his chest, his weight adding to the warmth surrounding Janus. He kissed the top of Logan’s head, nuzzling his face into his hair.
“I love you, Starshine.”
“I love you too, Moonlight.”
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lucidtobio · 4 years
fluffy dreams x
ashton irwin x fem!oc fluff
warnings: literally none other than bad writing
[word count: 1.9k]
this is legit based off a dream i had last night, but i added a bunch of stuff so it makes sense lmaooo.. pls don’t bully me this is my first time writing :)
(also, this is during the youngblood era, so like 2018-ish)
I was sitting in a crowd surrounding a circular table. Seated at the table were the four members of 5 Seconds of Summer; Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton. They were doing an interview where fans could come watch live. The interviewer was seated on a tall chair in the middle of the crowd. Everyone was listening eagerly to their responses.
"Okay, so now we're going to give the audience a chance to speak with the band! Does that sound good to you guys?" The interviewer exclaimed before pointing to 5SOS. They did a little cheer and clapped their hands.
"What about y'all?!" She gestured to us. Everybody screamed, desperate to finally meet our idols. The interviewer looked worried for a second. Honestly, I would be too if I was in the middle of a bunch of crazy fangirls.
"So we're going to have the guys pick the first person that gets to talk to them. Michael, do you want to pick first?" The interviewer put him on the spot. I felt slightly guilty for him, all of that pressure must be stressful.
Michael looked at his bandmates for help, but they just shrugged at him. "Go on, Mikey. Pick someone," Calum teased, leaning forward on his knees. "Fuck you," Michael mumbled under his breath, barely audible.
The guitarist craned his neck to search the crowd, and everybody in the audience held their breath. I was watching his calculated eyes as they landed on me. "You. The one with the white top and plaid pants," Michael called out. I looked down at my outfit and around at the people around me. Nobody else was wearing that... I don't think. I was about to ask if he meant me when the girl next to me nudged my arm. "He's talking to you! Go up there!" She whispered.
I stood up and made my way to their table. I tried to seem more confident than I was on the inside, because I was secretly fangirling. I think it worked because I didn't receive any sympathetic looks from the guys, only smiles.
I took a seat next to Michael and gave them all a little wave. "Why don't you introduce yourself? In the meantime, let's give them some privacy," The interviewer said before a screen came up around the table. (idfk bc in my dream the other people just dissapeared & then came back so)
"Woah, what the f-" Luke started before Ashton elbowed him in his side. I laughed before I realised nobody else found that funny and bit my lip. I looked at Ashton who had a light smile playing on his face.
"So, um, my name is Hazel and I'm 19 years old. I came all the way from Australia to see you guys," I introduced.
"Oh, we're from Australia, too!" Michael blurted out. I looked over to him with incredulous eyes and said, "No, really? I didn't know that," before giggling.
"What part of Australia?" Ashton asked, leaning back and uncrossing his legs.
"Sydney. I'm basic, I know," I answered while cracking a smile. Luke and Calum chuckled at my lame joke.
We continued chatting for a while, and I felt very close to Michael. He seemed like a funny and genuine person. Our conversation was cut short when the interviewer suddenly removed the screen. "Sorry, guys. You're time is up," She said not so apologetically. "Luke, do you want to pick the next person?" I took this as her way of telling me, Get out, you're time is over sweetie.
I rose to my feet and plopped back in my seat. Luke had picked the next girl- who looked like she was about to faint- and the girl next to me nudged my arm again. I looked over to her with a questioning look. "Yeah?"
"What was it like?" She eagerly asked, her eyes wide and slightly crazed.
"Um, it was good. They were really nice to me and easy to talk to," I explained, a smile forming on my lips.
"What did they smell like?" The girl asked next. I had to do a double take at that question. That's some next level fangirl shit.
"I don't know! I wasn't sitting there and smelling them." I exclaimed exasperatedly. She rolled her eyes and turned away from me, signalling that the conversation was over.
I sighed and pulled out my phone. Mindlessly texting some of my friends back home while waiting for the other girl to emerge. I snapped one of my closest friends, Ruel, telling him that I finally got to meet 5SOS. I only had to wait a couple seconds before he responded with, "omg yasss you go girl". I smiled and shook my head at his sarcasm. A few minutes later, the girl came out of the screen-shield with a starstruck expression. Was that what I looked like?!
The process repeated, but this time Calum picked the person to go in. This time, it was a tall guy with blonde hair. I looked back to my phone before realising how familiar that person was. I caught a glimpse of his face and it was... Ruel? What the-
I angrily texted him so he could see my messages when he came out. How could he not tell me he was coming? He could've at least came with me.
When his time was up, he glanced over at me and sent a lazy grin my way. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile creeping onto my face. Ruel went to sit down where he was originally and I huffed.
(okay this next part is unrealistic- well this whole story is tbh- but this is what happened in my dream)
"Last up we have Ashton! Ashton, are you ready to pick the last person?" The interviewer stated dramatically. He raised his eyebrows at her tone and exhaled. "Let's hope so," He mumbled.
Ashton scanned the crowd yet again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. His eyes locked on mine and I gave him a comforting smile; I assumed he would just return the gesture and move on. But his eyes never left mine. Ashton sent me a lopsided grin before exclaiming, "Hazel! Come on up here."
My jaw dropped to say the least. There were mumbles from the people surrounding me, as well as multiple dirty looks being thrown at me. The interviewer glanced around and looked back at the crew mouthing, "Is this allowed?" The camera crew in turn shrugged at her.
I scrambled to my feet and picked my way through the audience. This time I sat down next to Ashton. I figured I would sit next to him because he was the one that invited me. "Why did you pick me again?" I whisper-shouted at him. Ashton just let out a little giggle while looking at Calum and threw an arm behind me.
I shook my head playfully at their stupidity and leaned back. They asked me questions about my life back in Australia, and I asked about random things. I didn't want to be basic and just ask about music.
"Ashton, are you ever going to dye your hair like Michael?" I inquired.
"Nah, he's too pussy," Luke jabbed, making everyone laugh.
"Says you, Mr. I've-never-done-anything-to-my-hair," Michael crowed as everyone laughed again.
I reached my hand up to run it through Ashton's dark brown locks. "I think if you dyed it a red type color, it would look really good," I suggested. He peeped up at me through his eyelashes and I held his gaze. My cheeks tinted pink as I realised our close proximity.
I moved away from him only for Ashton to wrap an arm around my waist. I glanced at him but he was already talking to Calum. I felt slightly awkward in the position, so to free my arm I placed a hand on his knee. Ashton slightly stiffened before relaxing. A grin played on my lips as we all engaged in conversation.
The screen lowered again and the interviewer was talking to the audience. "So that's all the time we have for today! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and we'll hopefully see you boys in the future," She winked. "We're going to let 5SOS exit first, so please stay seated until we give you the word."
I made to go back into the crowd when Ashton grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. "We want you to come with us to the back room," Michael giddily told me. "I heard there was a movie theater back there." I sucked in a short breath before following. I relished in the feeling of Ashton's warm hand against mine.
I could practically feel all the people behind me glaring daggers into my skull. Their whispers washed over my head and I felt a wave of anxiety. Ashton must have sensed this as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles. I gratefully smiled at him before looking at the ground.
We reached the 'back room' which was basically a movie theater but with long couches instead of individual seats. I gasped as I took in the lush couches. I dropped Ashton's hand and bee-lined towards one in the center. I settled into the comfortable cushions and reveled in the coziness.
Michael sat down on my left and Ashton on my right. I snatched Michael's beanie off his head, letting out a soft "teehee." He opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he saw me tugging the cap onto my brown hair. "You're so annoying," Michael chuckled.
"You know you love me," I retorted, sticking out my tongue at him.
"Real mature," He rolled his eyes sarcastically, still smiling.
"Hazel," Ashton murmured from beside me. I twisted my head to look up at him. "Yeah?"
He tapped the end of my nose, saying, "Boop." I burst out laughing- even though it wasn't that funny- and they all looked at me like I was crazy.
"Shhh, the movie is starting!" Luke harshly whispered. "Oops," I giggled, mimicking a shush gesture to Luke. The beginning of Back to the Future started playing on the large screen in front of us.
I felt a familiar arm snake around my waist yet again, pulling me into Ashton's side. I leaned up so my mouth was next to his ear. "Very bold and cuddly, I see," I whispered, running my nose along the shell of his ear. The man below me tensed only slightly before rubbing his hand along the side of my torso.
The theater was dark, only the faint glow from the screen providing light. I rested my hand on his knee, but gauged no reaction from Ashton. I lightly ran my middle finger along the inseam of his jeans, moving slowly up towards his crotch area. I heard an intake of breath above me and smirked to myself.
I laid my hand on his upper thigh, making myself comfortable. My head settled against Ashton's firm chest and I let out a content sigh. Our closeness satisfied my craving for human touch. I want to stay like this forever.
okay so that's over lmao
peep the ruel shoutout (stream free time) lmk what you thought! :)
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ukulelecal · 5 years
its snowing and all i can think about is having a cuddly day in with cal :( like you both wake up to see snow covering the ground and immediately cal just doesn’t want to go anywhere, not when he can stay home and snuggle with you. he’d wake you up with kisses to your cheeks and nose, and he mumbles “its snowin’” in his raspy morning voice and moving to pull you onto his chest. you peak your head up to look out the window but you’re quick to snuggle back into his chest, letting out a breath of content. and you’re like “wanna stay in today?” and he nods. as if he would have accepted doing anything else. and it takes you so long to actually get out of bed because you’re both so warm and comfortable in each other’s arms and there’s no place you’d rather be. there’s no place that you feel more safe, loved, and happy. but when you finally do get up, you get dressed in your most cozy sweats and hoodies and head downstairs to make coffee and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. and cal would just stand behind you with his arms snaked around your waist while you pour the coffee because he refuses to miss any opportunity to be close to you. and then you eat with some chill music playing in the background, giving some pets to duke who decided to join you. and then you spend the whole day just cuddled up on the couch, covered in fuzzy blankets, the tv playing in the background but neither of you are paying attention because you’re too focused on giving each other kisses, talking about anything and everything as you run your fingers through his hair and his hands creep under your hoodie to gently rub the skin of your hips. and then when it comes time to make dinner, it turns into your own performance of baby its cold outside in the kitchen, using spoons as microphones and calum twirling you as you dance around, and it ends with your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist, softly swaying in the dim kitchen, calum humming a tune in your ear, and all you can think about is how amazing your relationship is and how lucky you are to have calum, and you’re sure you could never love anyone like you love him, and he feels the same about you. unfortunately you end up burning whatever you tried to make for dinner because you both forgot about it but neither of you care because you’ve got all night :(
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