#while we have grown and changed and found new routes to take
fluffypotatey · 10 months
i fucking love when a friendship doesn’t decay
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redisforhappy · 2 years
shigaraki x reader, part two.
For the month following Tomura Shigaraki's capture I was told absolutely nothing about the progress or decisions that the police and heroes were making. I really tried to stick my nose into their business, but they mistook my curiosity and care for kindness. They thought I was only offering a hand because it was my job, so they brushed me off with smiles and told me I didn't need to worry about it anymore.
"You've done a great job. Just rest," they would say. Something like that.
You'd be surprised at how much fucking money was unloaded into my bank account after I turned him in. It was life changing money. I went from being flat broke to a millionaire in such a short amount of time. Being a hero is a commission job; generally speaking I don't make too much for what I do, but turns out capturing the most dangerous villain in Japan gets you the big bucks. And the fame, too. I'd never had more people down my throat before which at the time was a blessing. Finally, after a year in Japan I was really making it big like I knew I was meant to be.
Still, I had university classes to attend and a part time waitressing job to work alongside my newfound celebrity life. I sort of felt like Hannah Montana.
Even though I tried to distract myself with new furniture for my house and nice things, I couldn't stop worrying about Tomura. He had himself wedged in my brain. More than anything, I was afraid he would tell them everything about us if prompted or angered. If he found out he wasn't going to be as safe in jail as I made it out to be, would he betray me like that? I betrayed him without a second thought.
But he went willingly. It did take a gun, but if Tomura wanted to fight he could have dusted me. Nobody understands how I successfully held him down until the police got there and I've refrained from trying to make up a story. The truth was that he slid further down onto the pavement and gestured for me to grab his wrists while I called the police, so it looked like he had been KO'd.
It was three months after his entrance that I received an email in my inbox from Tartarus, the prison that held him.
Hello heroes,
we are reaching out to anyone we see fit to attend a very important meeting regarding a plan we have in mind for Tomura Shigaraki. We have been working alongside the retired hero All Might. It will be held inside our building on June 17 at 4 PM.
Please, if you are available and interested, come see us. The pl-
I was so taken off guard by the short notice of the email that I didn't even bother to finish reading what they said, though I should have. I probably, really, should have. I had 3 days to prepare my mind and body for the meeting. On day 2, I grabbed coffee with Eraserhead. We knew each other from a mutual friend, but didn't talk much at all. He wanted to talk to me about Tomura, too. It ended up being a big "thank you" but it wasn't as sappy as people usually make it. He seemed genuinely relieved. Probably because his students were always a target.
"Are you gonna go to the meeting?" I asked. "Did you get that email?"
"God, no. Not my thing. You're actually interested?" It was kind of surprising how final his decision sounded. I couldn't understand how someone would really be that sure about not wanting to know. He's not curious at all?
"Uh, yeah." I took an awkward finishing sip of my coffee and was quickly on my way.
Being social makes me feel uneasy and I forget how to be myself. Luckily, Eraserhead of all people would understand that being that he's an underground hero. If I hadn't blown up out of nowhere I probably would have taken the same route since if you know what my quirk is, it's more difficult for me to use it strategically. Though it doesn't matter either way. It's not a combat-ready quirk, so I've had to make my physical body strong enough to beat a grown man up anyway.
The fated day came quicker than I wanted it to. Suddenly I was straightening my hair and fishing formal clothes from the deepest pits of my forsaken closet.
When I arrived at Tartarus, the moment I stepped foot inside the building I felt completely uncomfortable and sick to my stomach. Japan's worst went to bed there, walked the halls, brushed their teeth. Every surrounding surface was either a headache inducing white or a grey or brown. I searched for Tomura's face in every white jumpsuit that passed me, but of course he wouldn't be roaming the lobby and halls. He'd be excessively strapped to a chair with guns pointed to his head, which is exactly how I found him.
"Well, here he is. He can hear you through the glass," my escort told me. "I'll leave you to talk with him a bit then I'll come back and we can head to the office."
"Thank you, sir."
"Of course."
It was hard to face the blank stare he bore that which ripped into my skin and squeezed my heart. He obviously knew I was the every reason he was in this predicament instead of at home, in bed. I wondered if he felt less lonely knowing Kurogiri and All for One were held in that facility, or if he had any clue at all. His eyes were completely devoid of hope and feeling. The weight of his eyebags made him almost unrecognizable.
I couldn't find it in myself to speak to him and he didn't seem all too interested in speaking to me either, so we stared at each other through the glass wall until the time wasted itself away. A few times I opened my mouth to speak, to apologize, anything that could possibly make it feel less awkward, but I couldn't even gather the words. They just didn't feel right like they did when I rehearsed in my mirror. When I came up with what I'd say if I was to talk to him like that, I didn't exactly have the right picture of him in my mind. I completely underestimated how sad Tomura could look.
It was a blessing when my escort returned to bring me upstairs into the office. I was just beginning to wonder where everybody else was when my escort broke some depressing news.
"You are the only one who came," he mumbled with a hopeless look on his face as he knocked on the wooden door. "It's rare nowadays for a hero to care."
The words felt like ice on my warm skin. Once I'd absorbed what he meant by that, I began to wonder if I could argue that I was any different. Did I really go to advocate for Tomura, or was it to satisfy my own curiosity? I was sure of the real answer, even then in my selfish newborn hero mindset.
Inside the office was a long table of no one but me and a few people I didn't recognize as heroes, but police and detectives based on their outfits. They explained to me a plan that I hadn't exactly read far enough into the email to know about.
Unbeknownst to me, the rest of the letter read as follows:
the plan is to set in to place a rehabilitation system for Tomura Shigaraki that hopes to reintroduce Shigaraki to civilized society within the span of a few years, ideally. This would include anyone who is interested in attending this meeting. Your attendance means you agree to potentially taking in Tomura Shigaraki as your patient and roommate during this monitored progress. Rest assured, if this is something you're interested in, you will be 100% safe throughout this process.
Thank you. We hope to see you soon.
None of that was at all anything I was prepared for and suddenly I understood why nobody else was here. The rest of the people at the table looked at me expectantly once they finished describing the conditions. I believed I would be safe. I never really felt unsafe with Tomura regardless of whether he has his quirk or not (apparently, they took it from him?) but I was 19 years old and lived alone, attending University day to day. I had room but no time to take care of a human being, especially one that needed extensive mental attention and care.
But when I asked them what would happen to him if I said no, they told me they would probably have to put him to sleep. I couldn't let them kill Tomura, so I agreed. I returned to Tartarus to pick him up the very next day. I barely slept a wink. What if this isn't what he'd want?
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expresscbd · 5 months
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
pairing: Azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: TW - sexual assault, rape, objectification and implications of abuse, smut, consensual sex, azriel is a sweetie and rhys is a good bestie
a/n: first of all PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!!! i’m really proud of this fic but I don’t want to trigger or upset anyone, that being said it isn’t too graphic but still. Anyway I hope u enjoy, this took me three days lmao <333
based on: this and this
You had your first less than savoury encounter with men when you had barely turned nine. Your body still hadn’t finished forming, but you were growing, and your body was gaining some semblance of shape as you did. It wasn’t much – just a whistle from across the street – but for a second your heart seized up with fear, and in the next you almost felt giddy. A man thought you were beautiful.
You felt like a princess that day – felt the way you had when the boy from your class had kissed your cheek, still too young to process the intentions behind that single whistle. But you didn’t care – someone wanted you.
When you got your first period at twelve – even more changed. Your body felt new, and you didn’t feel comfortable in the changes. Your old clothes didn’t fit and now your mother forced you into tighter corsets for those long, long dinners you had to attend. Your parents were respected Fae in the Hewn City – nobles who liked to drink and smoke and throw extravagant balls. And with your new body you could no longer simply hide in the corner or climb through secret passages with your friends – muddying your dresses.
Now you had to smile when men hugged you slightly too long, laugh when they commented on how much you had grown up, sit pretty and pristine with an old mans hand loitering to close to your rear for hours as you watched your parents drink away their troubles.
By the time you were fifteen you were used to the constant attention, your beauty not uncommon where you lived but still doted on often. Unaware of their desire for your youth, your naivety. The women never offering a helping hand but instead glaring down high skewed noses as their husbands slurred into your ears – still in shock that a pretty, young thing like you was all alone at this party.
When you were sixteen you decided to change that – kissing an alright looking boy at a party and telling him exactly what he wanted to hear so he would kiss you back. He stayed when you didn’t protest as he pulled you to the bathroom and pushed you to your knees. And for this small request, the greasy hands on your body at balls and dinners or any other social gathering halved – now only the truly self-righteous felt they could touch you still.
The only problem was you truly did love the boy you had chosen. He had faults yes, but he was kind – he brought you flowers and kissed your cheek. But he also spoke over you, forced you into silence and took what he wanted. And he always wanted the same thing.
If anything it was his father’s fault. The military commander never leaving room for debate when he argues with his wife – and sons only become what they see in their fathers.
Your father had left with a younger woman a few months after your fourteenth birthday, and you hadn’t seen him since – only heard stories of him galivanting around the autumn court from your classmates. You could see the distaste your mum held you in as she realised she would have to stick around to look after you, not yet old enough to be married. Then Amarantha had taken hold of the country and that possibility had been thrown out the window anyway.
Weirdly enough not that much changed in your life when she took power, the only major difference was that now you had to block out screams before going to sleep and even they had become like white noise. You still drank with your friends on Friday nights, went out with your boyfriend on Saturdays and slept the pain away on Sundays. Your weekdays consisted of school, dinners, balls and whatever more your mother could throw together to appease the high queen.
That and the high lord of the night court had started making appearances at the events your mother threw. He was a cruel man standing so proudly at the queen’s side – but you saw something flickering in his eyes whenever people spoke, complimenting his power and rule. You saw what you felt as you laughed at compliments and lingering touches – you saw pain, but more importantly you saw anger. And right now you could use anger.
During one ball you watched him leave, taking an odd route – not the one that would help him escape the loud music but instead a long winding corridor leading to a series of smaller rooms. Without thought you peeled away from your company, muttering excuses and went after him – grabbing a bottle of wine as you did.
You found him reclining in an empty room and knocked on the door gently. He cracked open an eye – slow like a cat – and beckoned you in. You moved to perch next to him, leaning back with a straight back and letting your head loll slightly as you took a swig of the dark red wine, before passing him the bottle.
“You looked like you could use a drink,” you smiled, eyes focused on his sharp jaw as he held the bottle to his mouth with a laugh.
“One way of putting it,” he smiled. The two of you sat in silence for several minutes as you took in his beauty, his looks plus mannerisms all made him seem like a wild cat - a panther trapped underground.
“Why are you here?” he finally asked, and you raised a hand to trace that sharp jaw. But instead of devouring you as any lesser man would’ve, he brushed your hand away and held it tightly in his larger one. “That’s not gonna happen, you’re what sixteen?”
“Almost seventeen,” you said, cheekily. He laughed but shook his head, squeezing your hand before releasing it.
“You’re still a child,” he said matter-of-factly, and you scoffed, stealing your wine back to drink again.
“Yeah well that’s usually a selling point,” your voice was sad, but you didn’t dare let your eyes stray from his – refusing to show fear, “And you’re so nice to me, I wouldn’t tell anyone.”
He laughed as you pouted, “You practice this in the mirror or something?”
“Usually works in three seconds,” you confess, and he whistles under his breath, “Men are rather easy to manipulate when they’ve been trying to get into your skirts since your first bleed.”
“And you wonder why I’m not about to take advantage of you,” he laughed, and you smiled – a real smile, or real enough. “Plus I don’t think your little boyfriend would be pleased.”
“Eh, he’s never pleased - I don’t think this could make him worse.” Rhysand took the wine back and frowned.
“Does he hurt you?” his voice was sincere but the laugh you let out was not.
“Don’t all men,” he swore, and you laughed again, “Yet you foil my plan to make you fall in love with me and whisk me away to the moon.”
He laughed, but his eyes darkened with deep sadness you were sure you would never understand, “I think we both no that even I could not do that, but I might be able to crush your fly.”
“Little boyfriend? Fly? You really don’t like him do you?” you laughed, head lighter already.
“I don’t like any man who thinks they can hurt women,” he said, frowning when he realised through your passing back and forth there was no wine left.
“Shit that took us like five minutes,” you complained, and he laughed, waving his hand lightly as several more bottles appeared before you – you grinned as you grabbed another.
“So any friends with weaker moral backbones that I could marry?” you asked with a laugh, and he smiled at you.
“I’m sure I could find someone,” he leaned back again. You smiled – finally happy that one night might pass in the company of a decent man.
Soon, you’d find it would be more than one night, a close friendship quickly blossoming between you and the high lord. All your friends were convinced you were sleeping together but true to his word he didn’t touch you, and by the time you surpassed the age of eighteen you didn’t want him to. But that didn’t stop other men.
After a particularly bad argument with your boyfriend that had left you with a handprint on your left cheek you had broken up with him – sending away his apologies and flowers, smart enough to see he didn’t hold the mental capacity to change.
Plus you were beautiful and young, you could certainly do better. And you soon did – rich men who liked to buy you jewellery, and fine clothes, men who enjoyed literature and art and spending time with you.
And at the start of each relationship, for a few blissful seconds you would believe in their pure intentions. But then a hand would drift from your lower back to your ass, or the gentle kiss that followed a necklace would shift from your mouth to your breasts. Not one of them wanted to wait until you were comfortable, so you made yourself comfortable.
You pictured pretty, strong men were holding you down and making you feel something, slipping your own hand between your legs and they penetrated you to try and replicate what you were sure a lover’s touch must feel like. And as always – after the first time- they stopped asking for permission, you were their toy, so you no longer had choice over that part of yourself.
But through nice guys and bad boys, for fifty years you had Rhysand who was a friend – who treated you with respect and finally let you talk, let you breathe.
In the end he was the one who found you, in the backroom of a party – drunk and undressed. You were weeping, curled in a ball with your attackers’ seed dripping out of you, bruises decorating your bare skin. When he turned you over with his comforting hands he found your nose dripping red and the vibrant lipstick you wore smudged.
He helped you sit up and redress, took you home and stood outside the bathroom while you scrubbed yourself clean in scalding water – still unsteady on your feet. You changed into a nightgown silently and neither of you said a word when you crawled into bed next to each other, crying in your best friends’ arms as he tried to console you.
When you woke up, he was gone with just a scribbled message about Amarantha and the name of a healer he trusted. But you just placed it back down, turning onto your back and staring at the ceiling as hot tears ran into your hairline.
You barely ate anything for the days following your assault – fighting with your mother more when you rarely saw her and subsequently breaking it off with your current boyfriend. You had thrown his hands off you when he tried to touch you and the screaming match that followed ended your relationship.
Your bond with Rhysand grew only closer however as you spent nights drinking in candlelight, talking about anything and everything until you were sure he knew every inch of your soul and you his.
“You know what I’m going to do as soon as she’s gone,” you whispered one night as you stared at the twinkling lights you had hung on your bedroom roof to imitate stars.
“What?” Rhys had asked, never letting his eyes leave the ‘stars’ which he had laughed at and then proceeded to rearrange to make them more accurate. To which you threw a pillow at his head.
“Find a hill, or a pier, or a large pit or anything and scream into it until my throat bleeds.” You said and he laughed, the bed beneath you rumbling.
“Consider me on board.” He joked as you sat up to perch at your vanity – smudging the sharp eyeliner you wore with a small brush and applying some red lipstick.
“Wanna go out?” you asked him, and he sat up to with a small, sad smile.
“Can’t.” you understood his implication and frowned.
“I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gutted me yet,” you tried to lighten the mood, but his face darkened slightly when he joked back.
“Oh she wants to, I’m telling her any information you give me about citizens, so she doesn’t.” He said, ruffling your hair as he stood to leave.
“That’s fair, I’ll keep an ear out,” you smiled, squeezing his hand gently before he left.
Things changed when Feyre Archeron appeared, you saw the way your friend watched her and realised you might be competing for his attention soon, but you were happy for him. Until he brought her to that first party – drugged and barely dressed. You felt the bile rise in your throat as you pushed down memories of yourself in such a similar position, and while you knew he would never hurt her – he was still a man. And you were foolish to believe for all those years that he was a man who would realise this was wrong.
Making polite excuses you left the party, picking up the tails of your dress as you all but raced home – ditching the dress and closing the blinds tightly as you made yourself food in your underwear. The sick feeling in your throat spreading through your chest and stomach as you ate, abandoning your meal halfway for a book and large sweater. And when he knocked on your door that night, desperate to tell you all about her – all about the human girl who he was sure could be his mate, you pretended to be asleep.
You barely spoke to him the whole time she was there, unable to look him in the eyes when she was so clearly out of it – and the feeling only grew when the next morning she would have all eyes on her. You understood that feeling. You instead spent parties flirting with Tarquin, the young high lord who was only a few years your senior or warding off marriage invitations with laughs and carefully placed words.
Rhys would sometimes catch your eyes – furrowing his eyebrows at you when you avoided his gaze, the sick feeling never really leaving. But it wasn’t until you watched Tamlin slay Amarantha with a smile that he tried to speak to you again. Feyre was Fae and leaving with her betrothed and Rhysand had just confirmed they were mates – and never had he needed his best friend quiet like he did now.
You were sitting when he found you, head in your palms and blood dusting the skirts of your dress. You had been sitting near Amarantha when it happened. You looked up when he neared, smiling sadly as he sat next to you.
“Want to go home?” he asked you quietly and you scoffed, standing, and moving to leave quickly. He followed after you, grabbing your arm as you wrenched it out of his grip with more ferocity than he had ever seen from you.  
“Don’t touch me,” he held his hands up, backing away to give you space as you got your breathing under control.
“What did I do?” he asked – smart enough to not presume anything.
“How could you think it was okay, after what happened?” your voice was quiet again, and so sad.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he implored, stepping slightly closer again. You raised your eyes to meet his and he understood, the darkness you carried in your eyes shining through – the memories that resurfaced in those dark moments. “I’m sorry, let me explain please.”
You let him hold your arm softly as he winnowed the two of you to your house where you sat down heavy and tired.
“I did it because she needed out of that cell, but I saw what they did to you and you’re a fae woman, she’s… she was human. So it meant that no one else would touch her.” He tried to explain, “And she wouldn’t want to remember.”
“That’s a horrible thing to do Rhys.” You stated and he hung his head low, “How in anyway was that helping her, to get her out you could’ve snuck her here or just take her to a ball and let her dress normally.”
“I’m sorry, I just knew this would’ve been the safest option,” he grabbed your hand again and squeezed it like he did all those years ago, “It’s over, we can go home.”
“I am home,” you laughed bitterly, gesturing to your house.
“No, you’re coming out of this city – we’re putting it behind us.” He stood and held out a hand.
“I know you’re trying to be dramatic and all, but I have to pack – and think.” You said and he laughed.
“Take your time,” he said, sitting back to wait for you, “And I know it might take you a while to forgive me, but I’ll wait.”
You had left soon after, as he revealed his city to you. Winnowing to a house where two beautiful women stood at the door, strong winged men appearing next to them almost instantly – all sharing the same tear-eyed look. Well, all asides from a short, dark-haired woman who simply smiled.
The men you presumed were Azriel and Cassian barrelled towards Rhysand, attacking him in the most violent hug you had ever witnessed. Mor followed soon after and Amren simply offered him a curt nod, to which he bowed slightly with a cheeky smile.
Cassian turned to look at you and everyone followed suit, you straightened up – not wanting to cower under their gazes.
“And this, this is (y/n).” Rhysand said, placing a hand on your elbow, “She’s the only reason I survived under the mountain.”
You smiled at him, annoyed still – but you still held so much love for him in your heart. You looked away when Cassian approached and wrapped you in a tight hug, lifting you off the ground slightly.
When he released you he looked you dead in the eye, “I am forever in your service.”
“Cassian let go of the poor girl,” Mor exclaimed behind him, and you giggled, looking to Rhys for support.
“Forgot to tell you he’s a hugger,” he shrugged, and you shoved his shoulder.
“Oh did you!”  you laughed.
“Gotta get used to it, you’re part of the team now,” Cassian slung an arm around your shoulder as he guided you inside, “which means lots of hugs and long talks about emotions.”
“Don’t steal my best friend Cassian,” Rhys jabbed at his brother as you all moved to sit inside around a long table.
“He already had I’m afraid, can’t reverse love like ours,” you joined in, patting Cassian’s hand as he punched the air in victory, Rhysand feigning pain as he dramatically collapsed into his chair – a hand over his heart.
When you were finally seated you caught Azriel’s gaze, his eyes locked on you – having watched you interact with his family for less than five minutes and already completely enamoured. You smiled softly when you caught his gaze and he grinned at you, no words passing.
Later that evening – after too many drinks, you found yourself alone on a balcony you found, drinking in the fresh air greedily after all those years underground. You didn’t realise he was there until he was next to you – silent on his feet, his shadows a cool chill passing over your shoulders.
You tilted your head to look at him, in awe of his beauty. Not even Rhysand had awed you as much as this man was, his beauty unparalleled by anyone you had met before. He turned his gaze down to you as well, fighting the urge to reach out and touch you as he watched you move with such elegant curiosity.
“We haven’t had the pleasure of being formally introduced,” you smiled, lifting your hand delicately, “I’m (y/n).”
He met your hand halfway, lifting it to his mouth with perfectly poised and trained grace. “Azriel,” his voice was deep, gruff – and sent chills through you quickly. But when he moved your hand from his mouth you held on, the sparks flowing through you telling you all you needed to know. He similarly made no move to let go.
“Are we? I don’t really know how any of this works,” you laughed nervously but he smiled so warmly and tugged you slightly closer to him with the hand you were still clutching.
“You’re my mate princess,” he said, voice rough from disuse. You smiled widely, eyes forming tears as your gaze never strayed from him – finally getting one person who would truly love you, not your body – but you. He tugged your hand gently and you followed him inside, smiling and love drunk.
“We should probably go to the house of wind,” his voice was quiet as you furrowed your eyebrows at him.
“Me and Cassian have to share a room here, the bed are singles.” You smiled and laughed – irrevocably happy.
“Yeah maybe not,” you said, and he held your hand softly as he walked you to the front door, passed his past out friends, Rhys cracking an eye open when you walked past him, and you turned when he tugged your skirt gently.
You okay? He asked in your mind, and you smiled at him.
I’m perfect, why? You replied as he closed his eyes again, clearly too tired to hold them open - Azriel moving to retrieve your coats.
Just don’t feel pressured into doing anything you’re not ready for, Azriel is understanding he won’t get angry. A sort of cold feeling settled on your shoulders when you realised why Azriel wanted that extra privacy.
Shit forgot I had to do that you joked but Rhysand felt the stress growing, however before he could reply Azriel was by your side again and you were waving him goodbye, your smile tight lipped.
Honestly, you trusted Rhysand when he said that Azriel would understand – but so far you had yet to meet a man who truly respected the boundaries you set, a man who would truly wait. Azriel met your eyes in silent questions before scooping you into his arms, flying high above the house as you squealed in his arms, clinging tightly to his neck, and shutting your eyes tightly as you soared above the vibrant city.
He felt you tense as you neared the house, swooping lower in order to land on the large balcony attached to his room. He placed you on shaky legs gently and looked down to smile at you again – heart so full of love and peace.
Not only was his brother returned to him in one piece, but along beside him came you. His mate. His mate.
You caught his gaze and gave him a tight-lipped smile, terrified for history to repeat itself. You wanted to talk to him and know him – you didn’t want him to learn to love your body instead of you. And you were truly afraid to be touched again, you hadn’t been with a man since you were raped – fear stopping you before they could get close and walls slamming up if they tried.
“Are you okay?” Azriel’s voice was dripping with concern – genuine concern, and the way he said it made tears well up in your eyes. His own instantly widened as he sensed the sadness and fear rolling of you in waves, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as you sobbed into his chest. “Oh sweetheart we don’t have to do anything, c’mon lets go sit down.”
He guided you through the glass doors and sat you down gently on the bed, holding you gently and coaxing you through your breakdown. Once your breathing had calmed slightly and you had pulled out of his embrace, wiping your tears harshly with the butt of your hand.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered quietly, terrified to anger your mate when you’ve only just found him.
“It’s okay darling, what’s wrong – did I do something? You’re not terrified of heights are you?” he asked, and you laughed softly, a smile growing on his face as his worries eased slightly.
“No, that was fun,” he grabbed your hand in his scarred ones and you gripped it tightly.
“Then what was it?” you looked into those beautiful, worried eyes and let out an exhale – bottom lip quivering.
“I just don’t think I can – I can’t do that tonight.” You whispered the words lowly, afraid of his reaction as you clung like a child to his hand.
“Hey, that’s okay – we don’t have to do anything until you’re ready,” he smiled, worries easing. You still wanted to be with him, just not in that way yet – and he could wait. He would wait a million years if you asked.
“Even if I’m not ready for a while?” You asked, and he held your face in his hands gently – looking into your tear-filled, defeated eyes.
“I would wait forever and then some – I have already waited so long to meet you, I’m sure I can last longer, especially if you’re next to me.” Your smile was so sad when you met his eyes.
“I’ve been told that before,” Azriel just pulled you closer to him with a cheeky grin.
“And were any of them your mate?”
“No,” you smiled at him again and he thought his heart was going to combust.
“Well then, I love to prove people wrong.” You buried your head into his chest as his arms came around you once more, “Would you like to sleep here, or would you like your own room?”
“Here is fine, I like the way you make me feel,” you said quietly, tugging on the bond experimentally. Azriel just smiled and tugged back.
“That works for me, I’ll get you a change of clothes.” He moved to stand but you stopped him – tugging on the dress shirt he wore.
“I want this,” you grinned cheekily up at him, and he laughed, but undid the buttons and pulled it off anyway – turning around to let you change in peace. When he turned back around you were looking up at him with wide eyes – looking impossibly cute in his shirt.
“It has holes in the back,” you complained, and he laughed, sitting down to tug off his trousers before sliding under the covers as you scrambled to lay in his arms.
“Well I do have wings,” he cemented his point by letting one drape over your shoulders as you sighed in content.
“Really, I hadn’t noticed,” you deadpanned quietly, burrowed deep under his arms and the covers. His chest rumbled with the silent laugh as he pressed a kiss into your hairline.
The next morning he awoke to you laying on his chest, tracing the scars on the backs of his hands with a delicately pointed finger. He stared in wonder, and you must have felt his gaze because you turned your head to meet his eyes, face still puffy from sleep. As you whispered to him that morning, your chin resting on his chest as you gazed up at him until he rose to get your morning drinks. Barely daring to leave for more than a few seconds. And when he returned he was so glad he did – welcoming the sight of you curled up under his sheets with a shy smile and tired eyes.
“Do we have to do anything today?” you asked as you sipped your drink slowly, Azriel’s’ arm tight and secure around your waist.
“Nope,” he said, delighted at the prospect, “I just want to be with you and my family.”
“Sounds heavenly.”
True to his word, for the next few weeks that past, you and Azriel didn’t progress past slow, occasional kisses and lingering touches. But before either of those he was always searching your eyes – asking permission. And you truly fell in love with him during those weeks.
He was caring and consistent – never promising anything he couldn’t bring. And he cared for you, he cared for you past your body and looks. He wanted to be with you for an eternity.
One night, while you lay together, speaking lowly and listening to the rain fall outside your room – a glass door cracked open, you decided you were ready. You pressed closer to him, your lips meeting his own in a kiss more passionate than you had previously shared.
He followed your lead with just as much passion, but when you crawled into his lap he pulled away slightly.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to rush you,” he asked quietly, hands coming to rest on your hips.
“I’m sure, I love you and I want to be with you.” You told him sincerely, “But I haven’t been with anyone in a few years so I’m a little out of practice.”
You giggled nervously but he furrowed his eyebrows, “But you told me about your boyfriends?”
“Yeah but I – stopped dating about five years ago.” You tried to explain quickly, old nerves being brought up, but Azriel pulled you closer and as always his touch calmed you.
“Can I ask why?” he watched you drop your head a little as you breathed slowly – determined to not let your fear rise, you would probably end up telling him anyway so you might as well get it over with.
“I was raped.” You stated and his grip on your hips tightened slightly as he swore.
“Darling, I’m so sorry,” he started but you stopped him with a sharp glaze.
“You don’t need to apologise, it happened and it’s over now.” He could practically feel you pull away, so he loosened his grip on your hips and instead brought his arms up to hold you against his chest.
“Who did it?” he asked, voice dark and dangerous. You muttered a name lowly – under your breath – and he pocketed in the darkest corners of his mind for later. His shadows itching to tear the man apart.
“Look (y/n), if you’re ready I am more than happy to oblige but I need to know you’re really ready, I will wait as long as you need.” You pulled away from his chest and kissed him gently.
“I’m ready, I trust you,” he smiled up at you from where you perched on his lap and you giggled and he flipped you over, laying between your legs with a feral grin.
He made you cum three times with his mouth and those beautiful, beautiful hands alone – more than you had ever experienced with a man and he hadn’t even received any pleasure yet. Except from the pleasure of watching his perfect mate fall apart on his sheets, over and over.
And when he lay over you, your legs pushed up and wrapped around his waist, and his forearms on either side of your head – he would later swear he had never felt more complete.
“I’m here with you remember, will be the whole time.” He assured you, voice soft as he lined himself up and you smiled.
“I love you so much,” you whispered, and he pushed in slowly, filling every part of you and pushing against every spot you didn’t know you had. You swore under your breath when he bottomed out, the slight pain quickly being reduced to please as he dropped his head into the crook of your neck.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good,” you felt shivers run through your body at his gruff voice and smiled, moaning when he began to move.
He pulled his head from where it hid in your neck and watched as you closed your eyes – head thrown back with a smile – and his hips bucked, desperately trying to control himself as he watched you arch your back.
“Shit Az, you’re so big,” you moaned loudly, unaware of the trance you had pulled your mate into.
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered with a harsh thrust, a hand coming to stroke down your face as you opened your eyes to meet his, “So perfect.”
You felt as if your heart was going to burst from the love that filled it as you reached up to kiss him softly – conveying every word, every thought, through that kiss. When you pulled away you were nearing your end, the sensations building in you without the need of a fantasy or your own hand.
You moaned his name, gripping his shoulders tightly as one hand instinctively moved to stroke down his wing. He shuddered above you with a loud groan – his thrusts speeding up as he to neared release, yours hips surely bruising from the force of his own.
“C’mon baby, need to feel you, need to know you’re mine.” His words ignited something in your stomach, and you clung tighter to him, kissing his sharp jaw as you smiled.
“I’m yours Azriel, now and forever.” Your gentle words pushed him over the edge and his skilful fingers dipping between your thighs brought you down with him. The two of you crying out at the sensations you shared as a growing need to never let him go consumed you.
He collapsed on top of you soon after and he intertwined your fingers with his own as your breathing evened out. He slipped out of you, and you smiled up at him as he sat up, rolling off your body and laying to the side while you came to rest your head on his firm chest. He brought his spare hand upwards – twirling strands of your hair slightly as you rested in silence. After a few minutes, you clambered into his lap and kissed him firmly as he pulled you impossibly close.
“Thank you,” you whispered against his lips, and he felt his heart swell with gratitude to the world for giving him an angel that would willingly hold his hand and guide him out of the darkness.
“I am so in love with you,” he whispered back, and you giggled, a hand moving slowly to stroke him as you felt him harden beneath you again.
“Hmm, is that so?” you whispered.
Azriel, who had started pressing light kisses into your neck, nipped you gently, making you squeal, “What were you saying darling?”
“That I am also deeply, and unequivocally in love with you.” You replied and he rolled his eyes.
“Just putting me to shame with your big words.” He muttered and you giggled – crawling down his body.
“I’m sure I could make it up to you.”
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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leia505 · 4 years
The Sunrise and Your Sins | Tetsurou Kuroo x Reader (street racing AU)
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This fic takes place in the same universe as “deciphered” by @hoeneymilktea​! Here is the link to the car visuals and spotify playlist, as well as AO3 where the fic is also posted if you prefer to read on there. 
Huge shoutout to @aikk00​ for creating the fan art that inspired both this story and “deciphered”. 
And another shoutout to @hoeneymilktea​ for pushing me to write this fic, if you’re here from deciphered I hope you enjoy this addition to the deciphered universe! 
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Pairing: Tetsurou Kuroo x Reader
Rating: Explicit, NSFW(later chapters)  
Word Count: 10k
Tags: Street Racing, Alternate Universe - Car Racing, Inspired by Fanart, References to Drugs, Aged-Up Character(s), Original Character(s), Inspired by The Fast and the Furious, Inspired by Tokyo Drift, Alternate Universe - Yakuza, Mystery, Drama & Romance, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: Being a mob boss’s daughter had always been a dangerous life, but Tetsurou Kuroo—street racer and mob henchman—made it all seem easy. Although the mutual attraction between you two was undeniable, the darkness that encompassed your family took precedence over your love. Surrounded by lies and deception, you and Kuroo must work together to uncover the truth of your brother’s death and your father’s shady business.
“Hey there kitten.”
“Is that really how you want to talk to a yakuza boss’ daughter?”
“It’s not like your old man’s here to listen.” Kuroo says, pulling up a chair to sit close to you. You turned your head to stare him in the eyes as he smirked at you.
“You think a man like my father doesn’t have his own office wired?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
Kuroo chuckles nervously, looking around your dad’s office. Just some harmless flirting boss. Nothing to worry about here.” He says loudly, turning to you with a wink. You can’t help but smile, you’ve always enjoyed the times Kuroo came to see your father. You weren’t going to try to deny the fact you found him attractive, but there’s no way your father would allow it. A mafia princess and a drug smuggler? What a cliché.
Your father’s sudden entrance startles you both, and Kuroo instinctively stands up to bow. You remain seated, knowing that the power he held over this city applied to everyone but you.
“Hello father.” You greet your dad as he sits in his office chair at the front of the room. He definitely has a demanding presence, which is to be expected from the man who has the Tokyo underground in his pocket. Kuroo had power, and definitely had some authority, but he was a guppy compared to your father.
“Sit, Tetsurou.” Your father says, motioning for Kuroo to take a seat. He quickly sits down in his chair, attentively looking at the mafia boss for further instructions.
“So, as you could probably guess, I have another job for you.” He says, pulling a file out from the locked cabinet of his desk. He laid the file open in front of him and turned to Kuroo. “There will be a shipping container coming in this Friday from Cuba. I’m going to need a team of your best racers to get it from point A, the ports, to point B, headquarters.” He explains, motioning for Kuroo to stand next to him to look over the details.
“Seems easy enough, standard job.” Kuroo says, studying the papers in front of him. At this moment, you can’t help but wonder to yourself why exactly you’re there.
“Exactly. Nothing new, just the same old.” Your dad agrees. “However, this is a bigger job. And we do have some eyes watching us nowadays. So what I need from you is to take the lead and choose your team. Approved by me, of course.” He says, motioning for Kuroo to take his seat again.
“How many people are we talking?” Kuroo asks.
“You, maybe two others. And your colleague, Snake Eyes, taking the lead on logistics.” Your father explains, leaning back in his chair. “Snake Eyes will be essential to this one, we need eyes and ears on the route. The less run-ins with the authorities, the better.”
‘Snake Eyes.’ You thought to yourself. ‘Isn’t that Kenma? The nerdy looking mechanic?’
“I’ll let Kozume know.” Kuroo says, nodding. “I think Oikawa and Shinsuke would be a good fit for this one. Fast, experienced, trustworthy.”
“Oikawa…he’s the one that calls himself Cypher correct?” You father questions.
“Yes sir, head of Seijoh Brawlers. Shinsuke goes by Sly Fox, head of Inarizaki Bois.”
Your dad let out a hearty chuckle, startling both of you. “You kids and your code names. You would think you’re playing spy.” Kuroo nervously chuckled in agreement.
“No playing here sir, we’re all in.” Kuroo says, giving him a confident grin.
“That’s what I like to hear, Tetsurou. With that attitude, you’ll fit right in at the grown-up table.” Your father says, getting up from his chair. You roll your eyes, bored of the conversation between the two criminals. 
“Why am I here?” You ask, causing both of them to turn to you as if they just realized you were there. You rarely sat in on your father’s meetings, so you were confused from the start as to what your purpose was.
“Oh sweetheart! I almost forgot, Kuroo has a present for you.” Your father says brightly, waving his arms at you, motioning for you to follow Kuroo out the door.
You peered your eyes at Kuroo suspiciously as he smirked at you. You continued to follow him out the door of your family’s Tokyo home, with your father following behind you.
As the three of you exit the house, your eyes fall on a bright pink car, with a giant white ribbon tied around the hood.
“Is that-“You begin saying, quickening your pace to get closer to this absolute beauty.
“A Honda S2000? Yes, yes, it is.” Kuroo says, leaning against his car, a cherry red Nissan Veilside 350Z. He holds up a pair of car keys, which he tosses to you.
“It’s mine?!” You exclaim. You turn to your dad, who smiles warmly at you.
“A gift, from the Nekoma crew to our family. Me and your mother have enough cars, so I figured you could claim this one.” He explains, chuckling.
“Thank you!” You wrap your arms around him, embracing your father in a hug. He tightly hugs you back, the same way he always has. You turn towards Kuroo. “And thank you, you and the whole Nekoma crew. How’d you know I wanted pink?”
Kuroo shrugs. “I just guessed. Seemed like your color.” He says, winking at you. He slyly opens his car door, climbing in. “Thursday night, I’ll bring the team?” He asks, turning towards your dad.
“Yes, and make sure they bring their cars as well. I need to see for myself what type of speed we’re working with.” Your dad says, switching into business mode seamlessly.
Kuroo lets out a laugh, closing his car door and rolling his window down. “I can promise you sir, the one thing we will surely not be lacking is speed.” He says, revving his engine, speeding out of the driveway and down the dark street. The roar of his engine could be heard long after he disappeared from our sight, breaking the silence of the upper-class neighborhood he sped through.
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“Sweetheart, Tetsurou and his boys are here if you’d like to sit in on the meeting.” Your father says, peeking his head into your room. 
“I’ll be right down dad.” You reply, getting up from your bed. You heard their cars coming from miles away, so you were already prepared to meet them downstairs. You were curious as to why your father suddenly invited you to sit in on his business meetings, he never really allowed you to take part in your family’s activities. Nevertheless, you were glad you finally had something to keep you entertained while locked away in your home. 
As you walked down the stairs, you heard Kuroo’s voice speaking to his friends, and you were caught off guard by how mature he sounded. He must have known you and your father were coming down the stairs, so he put his big boy voice on to impress your father. 
“Hi.” you say shortly, causing all of them to turn their heads to you. You finally got a good look at all of them, and they were all exactly what you’d expect street racers to look like. Piercings, tattoos, just a bunch of tough looking guys with skeptical faces as they looked up at you. 
“Is this the one you keep bringing up?” a guy with shoulder length bleached blonde hair asks, turning to Kuroo. His voice was soft, almost a whisper. It was a drastic change from Kuroo’s deep, commanding voice. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kuroo says, awkwardly clearing his throat, tugging at his collar as he avoided your gaze.
“Hola mami.” The brunette one says to you, shooting you a devilish smirk as you descend further down the stairs. 
“The fuck is wrong with this one?” You ask Kuroo, opting to stand next to him. You tilt your head towards the brunette guy, who was still staring at you like a luxury car. 
“He lived in Argentina for a few years and now he’s just...like that.” Kuroo says. “You kind of get used to it. He also doesn’t care that no one but him knows Spanish.” 
“Tetsurou! Glad you all made it here in one piece. Shall we move this to my office?” Your father says, waving his arm down the hall to the large double doors that lead to his office, the space where all meetings, illegal or otherwise, were held. 
The five of you made room for your father to lead and followed him down the hall. You were keenly aware of the fact Kuroo stood almost directly behind you, mainly because the smell of his cologne was too strong to ignore. Kuroo was just like that, a presence you couldn’t seem to get out of your head. 
Upon entering the office, you choose to take your usual spot on the comfortable sofa chair you put in your dad’s office over a decade ago. When you were younger, more naive to the truth to your father’s business and your family’s wealth, you frequently accompanied your father in his office on long work nights, falling asleep in the chair that was kept out of the way to keep others from taking your special spot. That’s always how your dad was, making sure to accommodate you. Anything for the princess. 
“So!” Your father announces, clapping his hands together, causing you and the blonde one to jump slightly. “Don’t be shy, introduce yourselves.” You roll your eyes at him, thinking that he sounded more like a grade school teacher than a yakuza boss with hundreds of skeletons in the closet. 
The 4 men stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not knowing how to start. Everyone except the silver haired guy wore a bomber jacket, with names printed on the back. The brunette wearing a white bomber jacket spoke first. You noticed the teal lettering on his jacket that read ‘CYPHER’. 
“Tooru Oikawa, sir. Cypher.” He says, bowing at your dad. 
“Uh, Kenma Kozume. People call me Snake Eyes sometimes.” the bleach blonde spoke next, his voice quiet and skeptical. 
“Kita Shinsuke, aka Sly Fox.” The silver haired guy in the plain black hoodie says, giving your father a slight head nod. 
“And obviously you know me.” Kuroo says. He turns to face you, flashing his signature grin. “Your turn.” 
“(y/n).” you introduce yourself, giving them a small wave. “If you haven’t figured out who I am then you’re pretty slow.” 
“My daughter, everyone. Excuse the attitude.” your father remarks, shaking his head at you. “So, I assume you filled them in on the details?” 
“Yes sir, they’ve all been filled in on the job. Kenma running point on logistics, the control tower of the team. The three of us running the cargo from the ports to the warehouse. Basic rules, don’t be dumb, and don’t get caught.” Kuroo says. The other men looked at him, nodding slightly in agreement. 
“Excellent, I knew I could count on you to take the lead here. Keep this up and you may find some more jobs like this in your future.” Your father gets up from his chair, pulling more files from his cabinet. He hands each of the men their own file, which they all take and begin looking over. “You’ll find all the smaller details in there, as well as numbers to contact in case you run into trouble. You’ll also find a receipt, with your pay for this job highlighted. I hope you find it accommodating to your work.” He says, studying each of them as they flip through the files. 
“Definitely accommodating.” Kita comments, nodding his head as he peers down at the file. You begin to wonder when you’ll be able to see the fine tuned details, to truly see everything your father does in a day. So much of who he is still remained a mystery to you, and perhaps you found some comfort in your own ignorance. 
“Thank you sir, our teams greatly appreciate your contributions.” Kuroo says, bowing once again to your father. 
“It’s really no problem, after all, who doesn’t like a good street race.” Your father says with a smile. “And, in a way, I feel as though keeping your teams afloat helps me remember my son.” 
“You have a son?” Oikawa asks, looking up. 
“Had a son, yes.” Your father replied sadly. You winced, not expecting to have to relive these memories. “He passed in a racing accident. It was a few years ago. I think it was before your kids’ time.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what was his name? Or, what team was he on?” Kenma asks. 
“Keishin. He used the last name Ukai when he raced, to get away from our family name. I believe he raced for Karasuno?” Your dad says, bringing up more and more painful memories. 
“Karasuno Killers? They’re getting back on the scene nowadays. I remember someone talking about how they stopped coming to races a while back, but they just recently started racing again because they have a whole new team.” Kuroo says. 
“Really? Well, I might just have to come watch a race one of these days. For old times sake.” 
‘Old times sake my ass.’ you thought to yourself, knowing the truth about your father and your deceased brother’s relationship. Your father hated racing, and resented your brother for choosing Karasuno over the Sakanoshita name. At the time of your brother’s death, you couldn’t help but wonder if your father was truly upset, or if he was putting on another facade, the same way he was now. 
“Well, speaking of races, you wanted to see our cars, right?” Oikawa says, clearly trying to redirect this depressing conversation. 
“Oh yes, of course! I want to see for myself what you’re all going to be working with tomorrow.” Your father says, walking out of his office towards the front of the home. 
Outside, there were 3 cars parked in the driveway. You recognized the models, and you could guess which cars were Oikawa and Kita’s just from the colorways, white and black, just like their outfits. 
“Mi amor.” Oikawa says, looking at his car. “Mazda RX-7 Veilside Fortune. ‘97.” 
“He would marry his car if he could.” Kuroo comments, tilting his head towards you. You laugh, looking up at him. 
“Nissan Silvia. 2002.” Kita says, walking up to his car and opening the door. The smell of smoke was strong, and he grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the middle console. “Mind if I smoke?” Your father nods, and Kita proceeds to light one and take a puff. 
“Kenma, no car?” Your father asks, turning towards him. Kenma seems caught off guard by the sound of his own name. 
“Uh, no sir, not tonight. I have cars, but I don’t drive all that often. I don’t see the point in risking my investments.” He says, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Yeah, he’d rather be in the passenger seat with me driving and risking my car.” Kuroo says, playfully shoving Kenma’s shoulder. 
“That reminds me, I have a proposal for you Kuroo.” Your father says, getting everyone's attention. “Would you be willing to let (y/n) ride with you on this job?”
“Excuse me?” You say, interrupting the conversation. “Why am I going? You never let me go anywhere, but suddenly I’m running drugs for you?” You raise an eyebrow at him and cross your arms across your chest. 
“Well, sweetheart, I figured it was time.” Your father says, taking a step closer to stand in front of you. “I was around your age when your grandfather started allowing me to learn the ropes of our family’s business. You are the only one who can continue the Sakanoshita name. I think this is a good first job for you.” 
“For the record, it's no problem. She can ride with me. I promise she’ll be safe.” Kuroo says, inserting himself into the conversation between you and your father. 
“So, does this mean I finally have something to do? I can start leaving the house again?” You ask, hopeful that this decision from your father will mean more freedom. Things haven’t been the same since Keishin died, and your father kept you under a microscope, claiming it was for your safety. 
“We can talk about new safety rules after this job. Deal?” He asks, holding his hand out for you to shake. 
“Deal.” You say, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. 
“Looks like the princess is growing up.” Kuroo comments, smirking at you. 
“Hope we don’t scare her too much.” Kita says jokingly. 
You scoffed at him, excitement growing inside of you as you realized this will be the start of you growing into a leadership position in the Sakanoshita family, becoming the face of this giant organization that ruled the Tokyo underground. “Nothing scares me.” 
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You stared at yourself in the mirror, trying to get your head together before the job. ‘What does a person bring to a drug smuggling? What does someone wear? Fucking jeans?’
‘No.’ you thought to yourself, grabbing a pair of leggings. What if you needed to run? Well then you need sneakers too. And a warm jacket, just in case. Do you bring a phone charger? Would it be weird to ask Kuroo to plug your phone in while you’re smuggling drugs together? 
“What the fuck am I doing.” You say out loud to yourself, beginning to question your own sanity. You let out a deep sigh, trying to clear your head. 
You eventually decide on leggings, sneakers, and a cross body fanny pack to hold your phone and smaller things. Before exiting your room, you hesitate. 
You make your way to your bedside table, opening the drawer and reaching to the back, pulling out a small handgun. You take it out, along with a note that was tucked underneath it. 
‘Stay safe. -Keishin’
This was a gift from your brother, before he passed. You kept it close by, both as protection and a heavy reminder. Your family name carried a lot of weight, which the both of you felt smothered by. You both understood the dark side of the luxury you lived with, saw the blood that stained your family’s money. But now, with him gone, it all fell on you. Everything depended on you. 
You make the decision to take it along with you, holstering it to your thigh. ‘Better safe than sorry’, you thought to yourself. A regular night could turn deadly in an instant, something that you were very familiar with given the way your brother passed. 
You exit your room and descend down the stairs, walking out the front door to where everyone was waiting with their cars. Oikawa was busy on his phone, and Kita was further away smoking a cigarette. Your father stood with Kuroo, most likely discussing the job. 
“Where’s Kenma?” You question, walking up to stand with Kuroo and your dad. 
“He’s back at the garage. Don’t worry, he has eyes and ears at us at all times.” Kuroo says, pointing at the earpiece he wore. “Here, one for you as well.” He hands you an ear piece, which you put in, immediately hearing the sounds of a video game, most likely from Kenma. 
“Are you ready?” Your father asks, turning towards you. You nod in response, and he looks over you, stopping and furrowing his eyebrows when he sees your gun. “Is a gun really necessary?”
“Keishin would have wanted me to bring it. Better safe than sorry, like he used to say.” You say, knowing that bringing up your brother was the easiest way to get your father to comply with whatever it was that you were doing. 
He nods, giving you a sad smile.  “You’re right. He was always the cautious one.” 
“The smart one too.” You say, smiling nostalgically. “Are we all ready to go?” You ask, turning to Kuroo. 
“Yup, all set.” He replies, swinging the passenger car door open for you. “I’ll have Snake Eyes let you know when we reach the ports, and again at the warehouse.” He says, turning to your father. 
“Perfect.” Your father says. He turns to look at you once more, then back at Kuroo. “Bring her back in one piece.” He says, holding out his hand. 
“You can count on me, sir.” He says, giving your father a firm handshake. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, the business your family was involved in was always so masculine, so formal. It was something you would have to adjust to when you begin taking part in it. 
Kuroo closed your car door and nodded to the other two racers, who immediately got into their cars, turning their engines one. He climbs into the driver’s seat of his car, turning the key in the ignition, the loud roar of the engine startling you. He chuckles, realizing he made you jump. 
“Mic check. Roll call.” You hear Kenma say in your ear. 
“Tap once to speak, twice to mute.” Kuroo says, pointing to the earpiece. He taps once, and speaks. “DK here, with Princess in the passenger seat.” He says, grinning at you. 
“Ew, keep it PG-13 dude.” Kenma says, making you laugh. 
“Cypher, ready to roll.” You hear Oikawa say. 
“Sly fox.” Kita says shortly. 
“And Snake Eyes. Ready when you guys are. All clear on the short route to the ports, I’ll let you know if that changes. Stay safe everyone.” Kenma says, muting himself. 
“Alright, we all know the route, I’ll take the lead, Sly Fox you take rear. You already know the rules, don’t be stupid, and don’t get caught. I’ll check back in when we’re 5 away from the ports.” Kuroo says, taking the parking brake off and switching gears, the car beginning to move. 
Everyone mutes themselves and begins driving off, away from your wealthy neighborhood and towards the city’s industrial district. The Tokyo skyline was in your rear view mirror, and your heart beat faster and faster as you went further away from your home, the place that you’ve been stuck in for years now. 
“You don’t get out much do you?” Kuroo asks, breaking the silence. 
“Not really, no. My father doesn’t allow me to go many places now, ever since my brother died. He says it’s too risky, which I think is bullshit.” You say, shrugging your shoulders. 
Kuroo laughs. “I knew you weren’t just some obedient princess. Look at you, all rebellious.” 
“I’d be more rebellious if I were able to do anything. This...is my first time out of the house in 6 months. The last time was just for the dentist.” You say, awkwardly laughing at yourself. 
“Well, then we better make the most of it, right?” Kuroo says, switching gears, now going 105 km/h on the expressway. 
“Kuroo what if we get pulled over?” You ask nervously, knowing the risks he was taking just to show off. 
“Relax, (y/n), I know what I’m doing.” Kuroo says, flashing his signature grin at you. Everything about him drew you in, made you want to keep looking, to reach out and know him as more than just your father’s employee. 
“Kuroo, stop showing off. Just because there’s a pretty girl in the car doesn’t mean that you get to be cocky.” Kenma says in your ear, catching you both off guard. 
“Alright alright, take it easy Snake Eyes.” Kuroo says, tapping his ear piece once, then double tapping again to mute. He begins slowing the car down to 80 km/h. 
You let out a small giggle, looking over at him. “You think I’m pretty?” You say in a mocking tone, leaning in closer to him. 
“I think you’re beautiful.” He says in a serious tone, catching you completely off guard. You begin to slowly back away from him, retreating back into your seat. 
“What?” You ask, not sure if you heard him right. 
“You’re beautiful. I’ve always thought so. As a matter of fact, if it wasn’t for my extremely deep fear of your father, I’d want to take you out on a date.” He says, laughing. 
You laugh as well, suddenly a little sad about what he said. “Yeah, that’s too bad. I would’ve said yes.” You say, turning your face to give him a sad smile. 
He smirks at you, but his eyes drooped, giving them a sad, tired look. “Would’ve been a great first date.” 
After that exchange, you both remained quiet, lost in thought of what could have been. Thinking of the undeniable chemistry that drew the two of you together, but also the forces at play that kept you from colliding. What could have been, if circumstances were different, if the two of you were different. Normal. 
“Can I ask you something?” You ask him, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you. 
“Of course.” 
“What would you be, if you weren’t racing and working for my dad? Who would you be?” You were genuinely curious, because all you ever knew about Kuroo was that he was dealing before getting pulled into the Sakanoshita business, and that he raced with Nekoma. 
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He says, a smile growing on his face. 
“Try me.” 
“Well, I would be a student. Right before I got recruited by your family, I was in college. Chemistry major.” He says, peering over at you. 
“Chemistry?!” You ask, surprised by his answer. “You’re a science nerd?” 
“I mean, I wouldn’t say a nerd.” He says, laughing at your reaction. “In my senior year, I ran out of money. So, I started dealing. It wasn’t anything serious, but I guess I was pretty good at it. I ended up on your dad’s radar, and he took me in as a transporter and dealer. And so, here I am. No degree, but hey, I have a nice car.” 
“I’m sorry.” You say, almost out of instinct. It felt like the only right thing to say, even if it wasn’t something that was expected. 
“Sorry for what? Your dad giving me a job?” 
“You never got to graduate.” After saying this, it seems as though Kuroo realizes it as well, that he never got to finish school. “You were so close, but you got stuck with my family. I’m sorry you didn’t get to finish your schooling.” You say, meaning every word. You were sorry, and you couldn’t help the guilt you felt. After all, it was your family that pulled him into this world.
Kuroo stays silent for a few more moments, thinking over what you just said. He appears to snap out of it, switching back to his usual easy going, casual self. “Nothing to be sorry for, princess. Without your dad recruiting me, I would just be a broke bum with a lame car and no money to my name. Besides, I can go back and finish things up someday. But for right now, I’m exactly where I want to be.” He looks over at you and winks, making you laugh. “What about you? Where would the yakuza princess be if she wasn’t a mob boss in training?” 
You paused, not knowing how to answer. “I actually don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it, because there really isn’t a future for me outside of the family business.” You say, unable to hide the disappointment in your voice. 
Kuroo frowned, thinking of a response. “Well, hypothetically, what would you be doing? Let’s say, in an alternate universe, where we’re just normal people, living normal, legal lives. What would (y/n) be?” 
“A teacher.” You say proudly, without hesitation. “Or a professor. Definitely education.” 
“A teacher?!” Kuroo asks, laughing. “How do you go from yakuza boss to teacher?” 
You laugh, realizing just how ridiculous it sounds. “What, you said normal! If I had a choice to be normal, I’d want to be a teacher, in a small town. I think I’d be a good teacher!” You say, defending your choice. 
“Okay, okay. I guess I can see you as a teacher.” Kuroo says, still grinning from ear to ear. “But, the hot teacher. With a gang tattoo.” He says, referencing the giant koi fish tattoo you have on your shoulder. 
“No!” you exclaimed, laughing loudly with him. “I want to be the generic teacher, with cardigans and sensible shoes and house cats to come home to. I’d grade papers and mentor kids, and just be free to be as boring as I want to be.” 
“Y’know, maybe I can see it.” Kuroo says, smiling at you. You couldn’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach every time he gave you that smile, the kind of smile that made your day so much better by simply existing. “Maybe someday we can be boring together.” 
The profound silence that followed that sentence spoke volumes to the both of you, almost as a silent prayer to the universe, begging for a chance to be boring together. However, that silence was broken by Kenma in your ear, bringing you both back to the reality you both began to dread.
“5 minutes out, turn your headlights off.” 
“Going dark. Thanks Snake Eyes.” You hear Kita say. Kuroo flicks his lights off, leaving only the street lamps to light the way. 
“What container should we be looking for?” Oikawa asks. 
Kuroo replies, reading out a series of letters and numbers. “The boss gave me an idea of where to go, I think we’ll have to get out to look around though. Snake Eyes, you got eyes on the port? Any trouble?” 
“Nope, all clear. Limited street lamps though, you may need a car for some light.” 
“Got it. I’ll let you know when we find the container. Let us know if anything suspicious catches your eye.” Kuroo says, muting himself once again. As you enter the industrial port, Kuroo begins taking a series of turns, leading you deep into the maze of containers. The further you got, the number of street lamps began rapidly decreasing, and you became very familiar with the reason why it’s called shady business. 
Kuroo flicked his lights on, and you kept an eye out for the shipping container, or at least one that was close to the number you were looking for. 
“I think I got something.” You hear Kita say, flashing his lights behind you, to signal for everyone to stop. Kuroo turns around, putting his car in park and leaving the lights on, pointing at a shipping container with the exact identification numbers you were looking for. 
“Nice work Sly Fox.” Kuroo says, patting him on the back. You stood close by the car as the three men approached the container, Kuroo pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking the giant lock that secured the container. 
As he swung open the door to the container, the scent was strong, but familiar. It smelled like… 
“Tobacco?” You ask, walking closer to the container. 
“Cuban cigars.” Kita says, laughing as he walked further into the container. 
“Hey Snake Eyes, let the boss know we’re in the container. 30 bricks right?” Kuroo asks into his ear piece. 
 “I’ll let him know. And yes, 30 exactly. He left a note in the file that said you may have to look around a bit for the cargo. Also, Sly Fox, don’t take any cigars.” Kenma says, right as Kita was stuffing a handful of cigars into his pocket. Kita reluctantly returns them to the pile they were taken from. 
“Got it, 30 pieces of cargo. We’ll make contact again once they’ve been located.” Kuroo says, tapping his ear piece twice. “Okay, 30 bricks. Let’s start from the back and make our way out, whenever you find one, take it straight out to my car. Princess, you’re the look out.” 
“Why do I have to be the look out?” You protest. 
“You can’t reach the top of the containers, chica.” Oikawa points out, putting his hand on one of the shipping boxes that towered over you. Kuroo snickered, walking up to you. 
“Just stay outside, kitten. Let us know if there’s any big bad guys coming?” Kuroo says, putting his arm around you and walking you outside. 
You rolled your eyes and shrugged his arm off. “Whatever, just hurry up, it’s freezing out here.” 
You stand outside, staring out to the distant city lights, listening to the quiet waves that lapped against the side of the port. Kuroo came and went, bringing cigar boxes filled with cocaine out to his car. 
After the 12th box, he noticed you were crouched down with your arms tucked into your jacket, the arms of your jacket swinging in the breeze. He laughs, walking up to you. 
“Cold?” He asks, looking down at you. 
“Maybe.” You answered through chattering teeth. You stand up, looking up at him. He towered over you, meaning you had to crane your neck in order to meet his gaze. 
“Here.” He says, taking the red bomber jacket off his body and wrapping it around you, using it as an opportunity to pull you closer to him. “Your dad might slice my head off if you catch a cold.” He whispers into your ear, making you laugh. 
“How’re we doing guys?” Kenma asks through the ear piece.
“A little under halfway done. Anything we should be worried about?” Kuroo says. 
“Nope, still all clear. Just let me know when you’re done and heading out.” Kenma says, muting himself. 
“Back to work.” Kuroo says, pulling you in tighter for a moment before letting you go. You stood there, warm under his jacket, wrapped up in the lingering scent of his cologne that remained. You wanted to freeze time, to live in this moment of calm, feeling protected just by the residual presence of Kuroo. 
They continued on, carrying cigar boxes out of the container and into Kuroo’s trunk. Every once in a while you’d hear hushed conversations from inside the container, too quiet for you to hear. 
“This is the last of it.” Oikawa says, walking out of the container with Kuroo. They each had 4 boxes in their hands, which they placed in the back of Kuroo’s car. 
“Ready to go?” Kita says, popping up next to you out of nowhere, causing you to jump. 
“Jesus, where did you even come from?” You ask, startled by his sudden appearance. 
Kita smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “They don’t call me sly fox for nothing.” He says, walking back to his car. Kuroo was busy closing up the container, securing it and making it appear as if we were never there. Oikawa was leaning over the trunk of Kuroo’s car, arranging the boxes of drugs underneath a spare blanket. 
“Snake Eyes, you there?” Kuroo asks, walking back to the car. 
“Yup, all ready to go?” Kenma responds. 
“Ready when you are.” Kuroo says, walking over to your car door and holding it open for you. You climb in, ready to get out of the cold. Kuroo closes the door, and continues to talk to Kenma through his ear piece. You figured out that Kenma had made it so their communications wouldn’t be heard through your ear piece. You couldn’t make out exactly what they’re saying, but you assumed it’s some info about the drive to the warehouse. 
You watch as Kuroo leans in to tell Oikawa something, which he nods in agreeance to before walking back to his car and getting in. Kuroo then walks around to his side of the car, turning it on and beginning to pull out of the dark alleyway of the port. 
“Ready to roll, princess?” He asks, turning to flash you a grin. 
“The faster the better.” You say jokingly. He laughs, revving his engine loudly. 
“Careful what you wish for.” He says, speeding up as the three cars leave the port and enter the expressway. 
“DK, stop showing off.” You hear Oikawa say through the ear piece. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes, taking his foot off the gas to slow down. “Buzzkill.” He mutters under his breath. 
You rode in silence together, heading towards the warehouse your father owns. The warehouse was a front, being used as storage for the goods your father exported in his legal business. For the illegal business, it was used as a storage and distribution center for the underground dealings. 
“DK, we have a problem.” Kenma says. 
“Talk to me Snake Eyes.” 
“We’ve got some cops heading your way. The boss texted saying someone may have tipped them off to tonight’s job. Apparently the king of Tokyo has some enemies.” 
“That’s one way to put it.” You mutter to yourself. Your father had more enemies than allies, meaning that there was a constant target on the backs of every member of the family. It’s no surprise that something went wrong tonight. 
“Which way are they coming from?” Kuroo asks. 
“West. I think they’re gonna intercept you soon. At least 2 cars, and I’m pretty sure they’re looking for you.” 
“Shit.” Kuroo whispers to himself. “Cypher, Sly Fox, you there?” 
“Heard it all, DK. What’s the next move?” Cypher asks. 
“Sly Fox, take the lead. Take the back route, go straight to the warehouse, fast as you can. Cypher, take the rear behind Sly Fox, if you run into any trouble you’re the diversion. Got it?” Kuroo says, his voice taking on a new tone of authority. 
“Roger that. When should we check in with you?” Sly Fox asks. 
“I’ll make contact when we’re free. Just get in touch with Snake Eyes when the delivery is made.” 
“And (y/n)?” Kita asks. Kuroo turned toward you with an expression of deep thought on his face. 
“She’ll stay with me. We’ll be fine.” Kuroo says firmly, turning his eyes back to the road. You weren’t sure why, but you trusted him. Given the circumstances, you probably shouldn’t, but some part of you just impulsively put all your faith in him, trusting that being in his car was the best place for you to be.
You hear Oikawa chuckle. “Have fun princesa. I hope DK doesn’t scare you away.” 
“Shut your mouth, amigo.” Kuroo says mockingly. “I’ll see you both later. Be safe.” He says, muting himself. 
You look behind you to see Kita’s car already in front of Oikawa’s, and you see them both exit off of the expressway, their engines revving as they sped off, out of sight. 
“Maybe I’m pointing out the obvious, but aren’t you the one with the delivery to make?” You say, growing worried by Kuroo’s plan. 
“Don’t worry about it princess. Just trust me.” Kuroo says, revving his engine loudly, rapidly increasing speed. 
“You have 20 bricks of cocaine in your trunk and you’re telling me not to worry?!” You exclaim, turning your body to face him. 
“Or do I?” He asks, glancing over and smirking at you. This question caught you off guard, making you wonder if this guy was crazy or stupid, or both. 
“On your left!” You hear Kenma say, moments before two police cars appeared behind you two, struggling to keep up with Kuroo’s speed. 
You slumped back in your seat, trying to find it in yourself to trust Kuroo. The police sirens grew louder and the red and blue flashing lights started to draw closer, but somehow, Kuroo remained calm, not even bothering to increase speed. 
Your heart raced as the police cars began getting closer and closer, nearly pulling up right beside you. 
��Hey princess, ever wondered what DK stood for?” Kuroo asks calmly.
“Fucking Donkey Kong?!” You yell at him, having no patience for his games. 
He laughed at your stressed demeanor, throwing his head back and shaking his head. “Nope. Not even close.” He switches gears, causing the car to slow down quickly and making the cops draw far ahead of you. He veers off to the side, seemingly to take the ramp that curved to exit the freeway. Suddenly, he speeds up yet again, turning his wheel suddenly as the car begins drifting on it’s side. 
“Drift King.” He says with a smirk. The car drifted down the ramp, screeching as Kuroo pulled the emergency brake up and maneuvered the steering wheel to keep it steady. You were familiar with drifting, due to the fact your brother was involved in street racing before his death. You knew that it was something that only experienced drivers could do, and it took a certain level of skill and a lot of practice to perfect. You realized that this meant Kuroo was a skilled driver, far more skilled than you realized. No wonder they called him Drift King. 
By the time the two of you reached the end of the ramp and began racing down the industrial district street, the cops just began heading down the ramp, trying their hardest to keep up. 
The chase continued on for several blocks, Kuroo barely breaking a sweat. It seemed as though this wasn’t his first chase. After some time, Kenma’s voice comes through on the ear piece. 
“Hey DK, you may want to end this chase. They’re calling for backup soon.” 
“Got it, I’ll pull over now. Thanks Snake Eyes.” Kuroo replies, beginning to slow down. 
“Pull over?!” You ask him. 
“Just trust me! You think I’d put you in danger?” He asks you, grinning. The car comes to a stop, and the two police cars quickly pull over as well. 
“Give me your ear piece.” Kuroo says quickly, the two police officers quickly approaching the car. You quickly hand it to him, which he shoves in the inside pocket of his jacket. 
“Sir, please exit the car. You as well, ma’am.” The officer says, shining his light in Kuroo’s car. The two of you exit the car, standing in front of the headlights. 
“Now, what in god’s name were you doing?” He asks, as the other officer begins searching the car. 
“He was just being a show off.” You say, lying on the spot. Kuroo looks surprised by your sudden statement, but plays it off, acting natural. 
“Yeah, sorry about that. Just trying to impress a pretty girl.” He says, putting his arm around you and kissing the side of your forehead. Although it was just an act, your stomach still did somersaults just with that one simple action. 
“I see.” The officer says, shining the light at your gun. “You have a license to carry that ma’am?” 
“Yes sir. Just a personal protection piece.” You say, pulling your driver’s license as well as gun registration out. You hand it to the officer, who looks it over. 
“Sakanoshita?” He asks with fake surprise, looking up at you. 
“Yes, my father. I’m sure you know him.” You say, knowing that the name Sakanoshita held a lot of clout in the city. 
“We're familiar with him.” He says shortly, handing the papers back to you. “Anything?” He asks, turning towards the other officer who was peering into the car. 
“Nothing. Mind popping the trunk?” He asks Kuroo. Your heart begins to race, knowing what they would find. Kuroo however, remained cool as a cucumber, sauntering over to the car to open the trunk. He walks back to you with a grin, standing behind you and draping his arms over your shoulders, pulling you closer to his body. You grab his hands, bracing yourself for the big reveal. 
“Now what do we have here?” The officer says, ripping the blanket off of the boxes. You close your eyes, preparing yourself for the worst. The officers pause, opening one of the boxes. 
“Cigars?” They ask. You open your eyes, looking up at Kuroo as he continues to grin at you. 
“Yes sir, we were on our way back to her place, to deliver them to her dad. You know, the infamous Mr. Sakanoshita.” Kuroo lies with ease. 
“They’re gifts, for some associates of his.” You say, joining in on the lie. “He’s hosting a little get together tomorrow. I believe your boss, the police chief, will be there. It’d be a shame if he heard you pulled over a Sakanoshita.” You knew exactly what you were doing, using your name for your own benefit. 
“I see.” He says, closing the box of cigars and putting it back down. “Just some Cuban cigars I suppose.” He closes the trunk, walking to where you and Kuroo stood. 
“And I suppose the speeding was because the old man is waiting on these cigars, huh?” The other officer says, standing next to his partner. 
“Exactly.” Kuroo says. “Not exactly the best idea to get on the bad side of your girlfriend’s father, right?” He jokes, trying to lighten the mood. 
Surprisingly, the cops laugh. “You got your work cut out for you kid. Sakanoshita is not an easy man to win over.” 
“Yeah, his daughter isn’t any easier.” Kuroo says, pulling you closer. You laugh along, wishing for this interaction to end already. 
“I’ll tell you what.” The officer says, taking a few steps closer to the two of you. The headlights from the car streaked behind him, casting a dark shadow over you and Kuroo. “You two can go ahead home, just make sure not to mention this to your dad. Or our boss. Sound good?” 
“Perfect. Have a good night you two.” You say, hurriedly pulling Kuroo back to the car. 
“Sorry for the trouble!” Kuroo calls out as the two men walk back to their patrol cars. 
Once the two of you are back in the car, you breathe deeply, staring into space. 
“You alright princess?” Kuroo asks, turning towards you. 
You snap out of it, punching him in the arm. He jumps back in pain, looking shocked at your outburst. 
“Cigars?!” You question him, unable to form a full sentence. He laughs, throwing his head back. 
“Yes, cigars. I told you I didn’t have any drugs back there, didn’t I?” he says, grinning slyly at you. 
“Then who the hell has the coke?” You ask sternly, adrenaline still pumping from that run in with the cops. 
“Think about it.” Kuroo says, turning his whole body to face you. “Where do you think the drugs are?” 
You thought about it, the entire night, all the interactions that occurred. Only one person stood out to you, which was- 
“Sly Fox.” You say, realizing the stunt that they had just pulled off. “Kita. I never would have seen him take anything to his car, he’s too sneaky. I had my back turned to his car because it was up against a container, no one could have come from over there. That’s why you had him go straight to the warehouse. It’s all in Kita’s car.”
“Well look who figured it out. Good job princess.” Kuroo says, leaning back in his seat. 
“But why take the cigars? And why not tell me the plan?” You question him, not satisfied with the answer you had come up with. 
“In case of a situation exactly like this. Insurance, in case everything went wrong. An alibi.” He says peering over at you. “And, well, I wanted to test you. See if you could take the heat.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I wanted to see how you’d handle yourself, with your back to the wall. I wanted to see if you trust me.” He says, with a small smile on his face. 
“Didn’t really give me much of a choice but whatever.” You grumble quietly. 
Kuroo laughs, looking over at you. “You did great, princess. You’ll be a mob boss in no time. I hope you’ll let me keep my job, though.” 
You let out a tired scoff, exhausted by the adrenaline rush that had come and gone. “Just- please keep me in the loop about things like this. If you can do that then maybe you can keep working for me.” 
“DK, everything good?” You hear Kenma say through the ear pieces that were still in Kuroo’s pocket. He dug them out, handing you one which you placed in your ear. 
“Yup, crisis averted. Have you heard from Sly Fox and Cypher?” Kuroo asks. 
“We’re right here boss. Delivery has been made, just waiting on your order.” You hear Kita say. 
“Meet us back at the boss’s house, me and the princess have one last loose end to tie up and then we’ll head over.” Kuroo says, starting the car. 
Kuroo heads back in the direction of the ports, and you assume it’s so that the 20 cigars could be returned to the container. Once again, the two of you ride in comfortable silence, your mind wandering as you gazed at the distant city lights. 
“What’s on your mind, princess?” Kuroo asks, bringing you back to reality.
“My brother.” You answer without hesitation. “If things were different, it’d probably be him doing this job with you. Maybe not in the passenger seat, but still. The family legacy would be his.” You felt a pit grow in your stomach, your eyes suddenly tearing up. You always had these lingering feelings of doubt, but you never realized it was because of Keishin, having to be in his shadow. No one ever bet on you, or thought you were going to be the one inheriting the empire. Regardless, you were there, because your brother wasn’t. 
“Well, no offense to the great Black Lung but I for one am glad you’re here. No one else I’d rather have in my passenger seat.” He says, giving you a sincere smile, one that you haven’t seen before. It was different from his flirtatious smirk, or his arrogant grin. It was just a simple, kind smile. 
Black Lung?” You questioned. 
“Your brother’s racing name. Y’know, like DK, Cypher, Sly Fox. He used to smoke like 6 packs a day, even more than Kita. He was kind of a big deal in the racing scene. After he passed, Karasuno didn’t race for a long time because there was no one that could replace him. They’re slowly getting back on the road, but your brother is definitely still a driver people remember.” Kuroo explains, pulling into the port once again. 
“He smoked?” You asked, trying to remember a time you saw him with a cigarette. You assumed it was because he only smoked when he was away from the house, because it was something that your father would have never approved of. You were pretty sure Keishin would’ve been disowned if he smoked or drank in front of  your father.
“Yeah, all the time. That was his whole thing. Did he not smoke around you?” Kuroo asks, eyebrows furrowed. 
“No, I guess he never smoked around our family. I don’t think my dad knew either if he only smoked when he raced.” You pause for a moment. “Do you know anything about it? The accident?” You ask, growing more and more curious about what Kuroo knew. Your brother’s death was always explained to you by members of your family, and you wondered if there was something that they didn’t know that the racers did. 
Kuroo paused, an expression of deep thought in his face. He looked as though he was trying to figure out the exact sentences he would say next. “All I’ve heard is that…there was an explosion. I think his girlfriend was near it at the time, and she got injured. That’s all I know though, no one really talks about it much because of how bad it hurt everyone. A lot of people cared about him.” 
“He had a girlfriend?” You ask, turning towards Kuroo as he puts the car in park. 
He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah, some chick named Saeko. I think she has a younger brother that races nowadays. I’m pretty sure she’s still a mechanic for the team.” Kuroo pauses, looking out towards the port. “Look, I don’t know too much about the accident. And I assume your dad doesn’t want you looking into it too hard. But if you do want to know more, just let me know. I’ll talk to some guys from Karasuno. Sounds good?” He asks you.
You nod in agreeance, knowing that there had to be a reason why Keishin was so secretive, and why your father is still keeping secrets about his death to this day. “Okay. If you end up talking to Saeko, could I come along? I just...I feel like I’m getting to know my brother all over again. I want to know the side of him that he hid from our family.” 
“Of course. Now c’mon, let's get these cigars back where they came from.” Kuroo says, getting out of the car and popping the trunk. You follow him, getting out and standing next to him. 
The two of you silently put the cigars back, working quickly to get the job completely finished. By the time Kuroo was closing the container door, Oikawa came through in the ear piece. 
“Hey love birds, are you heading back to the house soon?” he asks. Kuroo rolls his eyes and unmutes himself. 
“We’re heading back now from the port. Snake Eyes, you told the boss the delivery was made already, right?”
“Yup, I let him know. He’s waiting for you guys at the house.” Kenma replies. 
“Sounds good, we’ll be there soon. Cypher, Sly Fox, go ahead and start heading over now.” 
“Will do. See you soon DK.” Sly Fox says. 
“C’mon princess, let’s go home.” Kuroo says, throwing his arm over you as the two of you walk back to the car. You take the hand he had on your shoulder into your own, squeezing tightly. It was strange how natural it felt, being with Kuroo. It was almost as if it was where you belonged, with him, wrapped up in his arms. 
You climb back into the car, watching Kuroo as he starts the car and begins driving off once again. Your head was spinning trying to make sense of everything that had occurred that night, as well as processing all the new information Kuroo had told you about your brother. You knew this day had to come, when you would have to jump in head first into the world your family operated within, when you would have to fully take on the Sakanoshita name and all the responsibilities that come with it. 
As Kuroo rolls up to the driveway of your home, you see Oikawa and Kita standing outside with your father, smoke billowing from where the three of them were conversing. 
“Tetsurou! (y/n)! I was beginning to wonder when you’d be back!” Your father says, cutting another cigar and handing it to Kuroo, motioning for him to join the group. 
“Cubans? What’s the occasion?” You ask your father, standing next to Kuroo. 
“Your first job, sweetheart. And with no casualties, no arrests, a clean job deserves a little reward.” Your father says, grinning at you, holding out a cigar for you to take. 
“Dad, I don’t smoke.” You say, laughing. 
“Oh c’mon, the most powerful man in Tokyo offers you a cigar, you take the cigar.” Oikawa says, smirking and letting out another cloud of smoke. 
You roll your eyes, taking the cigar and allowing your father to light it. You thought more about the cigar as you drew the smoke in, about what it meant for you to be invited to smoke with your father. It meant that you were finally owning your family name, you were finally a true Sakanoshita. 
You stood there silently, listening as Kuroo explained to your father the decision he made to use Kita as the real transport and to make himself the emergency decoy. Your father listened as well, nodding along with an expression of deep thought on his face. 
“Great thinking Tetsurou. That is exactly why I keep you on my payroll.” Your father laughs, smacking his hand against Kuroo’s back. Kuroo laughs as well, putting on his usual submissive attitude that he uses with your father to gain his good graces. 
“Let’s just hope your daughter keeps me on when she takes over.” Kuroo jokes, nudging you with his elbow. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ve earned your place with the whole family.” Your father says, smiling at you. “Say, isn’t that Tetsurou’s jacket?” 
“Oh, yeah.” You say, realizing you still had it on. “It got cold at the ports.” 
“It’s funny. You’re starting to look more and more like him.” Your father says, eyes squinting as he smiles sadly. 
“Like who? DK?” Kita asks with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. 
“Keishin. The racing jacket, the gun. Even the smoking.” The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, remembering the conversation you had with Kuroo about your brother. Your suspicions about your father kept growing, and it became harder and harder to believe his mourning father act, the smoke and mirrors he used to deceive everyone. 
“Well, you know how much I adored him.” You say, taking another puff from your cigar. You and your father both pause, staring one another down. There was noticeable tension, but with no clear reason. Nothing more than a gut feeling. 
The staredown was cut off by Kuroo clearing his throat, getting both yours and your father’s attention. “It’s getting pretty late, we don’t want to keep the two of you from a good night’s rest.” He says, finding a way for the three racers to leave. 
“Yes, it is getting rather late. Oh! Better not forget these. Tetsurou, I put your friend’s pay for tonight with yours.” Your father says, moving away from the staircase leading up to the front door to reveal three paper bags with names on them, which you assume was full of money. 
“Thank you sir. I’ll make sure to get it to Snake Eyes.” Kuroo says, bowing to your father. Kita and Oikawa follow suit, bowing before grabbing their bags. 
“Pleasure doing business with you.” Kita says, walking back to his car. 
“See you next time boss. You too, princesa.” Oikawa says, waving to the both of you before getting into his car. 
“So, you’ll let me know when there’s another job?” Kuroo asks as Oikawa and Kita begin pulling out of the driveway. 
“Absolutely.” He nods, turning to face both of you. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I better get inside before your mother comes out here and drags me back in. Have a good night, Tetsurou.” He says, going back inside. It was once again just you and Kuroo. 
“Oh! I almost forgot.” You say, beginning to take off Kuroo’s red bomber jacket. 
“Keep it.” He says, taking a step closer to you. He places the jacket back onto your shoulders. “I’ll be back for it eventually.” 
The two of you pause, staring into each other’s eyes. It felt like a moment that you could live in forever, relishing the comfort that Kuroo gave you. 
“Thanks for having my back tonight. You sure know how to think on your feet.” Kuroo says. 
“Not like I had much of a choice.” You say, remembering the moment earlier in the night. A part of you wished it wasn’t a lie, that you and Kuroo were just two lovers out for a drive. Nothing illegal, nothing scary, just a guy with a car and the girl in the passenger seat. 
“Come here, princess.” Kuroo says, pulling you into a tight hug. Your heart skips a beat, startled by the sudden act of affection. You wrap your arms around him, feeling perfectly at home in his arms, being squeezed tightly against his body. 
“Please be careful. I don’t trust your father.” Kuroo whispers into your ear. You realize the real reason why he hugged you, so that he could tell you this message in secret. “I’ll talk to some people from Karasuno Killers and see if you can meet Keishin’s girl. He’s hiding something, (y/n).” 
“How do you know? What are you talking about?” You ask, holding him tighter. 
“(y/n), how would your father know that Keishin smoked? If he lied about that, then we don’t know what else he’s hiding.” Kuroo responds. Your breath catches in your throat, remembering what your father had said, about your sudden resemblance to Keishin. 
Racing jacket, gun, smoke. 
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tare-anime · 3 years
SxF Chapter 54
(Beware spoilers)
Oh. My. Gawd!!!
The long awaited chapter turned out to be so intense!!
But first.... can we appreciate Endo and his love for details???
This opening panel. Oh my gawd....
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That details..... 🥰🥰🥰🥰 we can see where Yor and co was, and where the rest of the crowd were.
This past month had make me so anxious. So glad to see Yor is still alright by the end of the match. And that McMahon is still alive too!!
But but.... so is Sniff Job and I was quite surprised to see Evil Frankie being so evil!! He really didn't care of the live of innocent people, as long as he got the most advantage out of it.
"The assassins failed?? Fine... I'll do it myself!"
And he choose to do it with a bang.
2 bombs??? OmG!!
Ahem. Anyway, thankfully the chapter played out with enough comedy as usual.
This Anya new faces!! 🤣🤣
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I can't...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Guuuhhh! You're so smart and cute, Anya!!! So precious!!
To forget all about her mother at first, but she made up by able to locate her mom's location, eliminate 2 wannabe assassins, and deliver Mom's weapon that secure her mom's victory!!
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And she's younger than 6 years old.
Btw, Loid remembered his promise to search for Yor. Was that 100% for Anya's sake, or.... deep down inside you really miss your wife, eh?? 😏 I see that you have to look elsewhere there, Loid.... a sign of people who were lying 😏😏
Btw, I knew it that Anya would be the one that found Yor's knive
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And despite only ever see it in Yor's mind, Anya knew immediately that the knive is Yor's. Amazing
On the side note, I am so glad Endo spared Anya from witnessing the slaughter, and by extension, saving her from being a collateral damage from the assassins war, by her not finding a stair to go straight to her Ma's location. (She's still a kid!!)
Instead, Endo showed us how much Anya's throwing technique has grown!!
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I am so proud of her!!!
From being unable to take a good aim with a mere ball, to being able to throw heavy pointed object to the higher ground???
Again... she was not yet 6 year old!!!
Then, we see Loid in his element. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a goofy more laidback Loid, but when he switched into his Twilight mode, we're once again be reminded why he was one to be called "the best".
So observant (he knew which one is the SSS officers, can read lips talk, changed into disguises and found the bomb location via mere observation), calculative (knew which route/action to take), and has skills far greater than those SSS officers in defusing the bomb, while at the same time analyzing the situations.
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He was not blind by the fact that Westalians were not that innocents. There are bad people in his country too. But at the same time, he acted like a great spy and soldier, and trust his agency wholeheartly. (Will he ever be bertrayed by WISE? Because for sure WISE was not 100% good either. It's the nature of politics).
I hope his experiences and observation skills are enough to make him realized the second bomb whereabout. I mean, he seemed like he was thinking of something here.
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Then, last but not least, Yor's fight! She had been so awesome in parring with the swordsman while having no weapon at all
(so I guess Yor only bring 3 of her knives in each job, eh? She lost one when she tried to counter attack the sniper, one was broken by the tough fat guy with a mace, and one was thrown at the lower deck which then returned by Anya)
I love how Endo draw the intensity in Yor's fight.
And I love love loooooveeee how Endo draws her back!! OmG!! 🥰🥰🥰 I never see a mangaka draw female chara's back so muscled and powerful and tough!! (With my limited knowledge of manga obviously, but I mean... look at this!)
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Her muscles were so tense! It was so much different than her bare back usually drawn when she was at the Forger house, or when she went to do her routine activities (her shoulders were usually a bit slumped)
This kind of back pose was usually drawn for male warrior chara, to give a sense of "security" and "awe" to the reader (Like Zoro from One Piece, from example. I always adore his bare back btw.)
This just emhpasized that during her job, Yor IS a warrior. Used to "killed or to be killed" kind of situation, just like McMahon has said.
Endo even give her this classic warrior duel scene
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Too bad the swordsman have to succumb to Yor's suppremacy. I was hoping to see him alive at least. So honorable. Even till the end.
I can't thank you Endo enough for feeding my simp towards the Queen. Guuhh..... Yor supremacy!!! 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
Still, I finally can sighed in relieve with Anya, when I saw that Yor's fight was finally over
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Poor Yor, she was so tired.
But has the fight really end?? Can 2 bullet really finished Sniff Job off???
Has McMahon survived?
And what about the second bomb???
The arc is not over yet!!! Endo always managed to throw more curve ball, everytime I thought that we already enter the closure of the arc. Ohooohh!!
I can't wait to
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lemonjoonah · 4 years
Blood Bounty - Part 3 (M) - Finale
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Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, Taehyung x Reader, ft. Seokjin x Namjoon Word Count: 15.5K Rating: M Genre: Historical fantasy AU, Vampire AU, Thriller, Drama, Smut Warnings (CONTAINS SPOILERS): Dub-con (consent is freely given but the context is dubious), non-con vampire feeding, non-con kiss, unprotected sex, light bondage, oral sex (f. rec.), cum eating, pain during intercourse (don’t be like the OC here in the beginning and try to conceal it, you should tell your partner if something hurts), somewhat antiquated thoughts on virginity, virgin reader (it’s a flashback and there’s a small amount of blood...), death of major and minor characters, drugging (with vampire blood), murder, violence, blood, gore, sexism, blood slavery, kidnapping, captivity, forced marriage, manipulation, gaslighting, once again it’s some pretty dark shit, consider yourself warned.     
| Series Masterlist |
Summary: He’s taken everything from you, your blood, your memories, your life, and after months spent as Taehyung’s own personal feast, you eagerly take your chance to flee. Unfortunately your escape doesn’t go as well as you had hoped, as you are soon caught by another blood thirsty beast. The vampire Yoongi claims to know you, and that he wishes to return you home. But when you can only remember the pain caused by his kind, you find it difficult to trust him, since he too could just be another monster waiting to feed.
A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who stuck with me through this mini-series. I truly hope you enjoy the end of this tale (and the hints to another separate series in the works 😉).
Your new stead is surprisingly responsive to your commands, possibly desiring to get as far away from the predators as you. Taking you down the road to the kingdom at a startling pace, causing several branches to whip painfully in your direction. When a stinging blow inevitably lands on your brow, enough to draw a spot of blood, you pull back on the speed of your mount. You are not so far now that you worry about making it back before nightfall.   
The route home becomes more populated the closer you get. For the first time in years you are among people like you again. Those who see you as just another person passing by, not a temping entree, nor a traveller to rob. Some even nod to you as they cross your path, you respond in kind, but keep your face hidden beneath the hood of your cloak.
Your first few paces inside the town comes as quite a shock. The notable gathering spots are even more vacant than they were during your nighttime strolls. With the stalls of the market bare, and so many businesses closed,  the only well occupied space appears to be the mounted boards on the end of every other street. You stop at one littered with official orders for curfews, new regulations, and missing souls. The most notable of all to you is the obituary detailing your brothers passing. 
You swallow back your grief, and proceed to examine the document claiming that he had died of a devastating injury and no more. It seems your parents will still not admit to any weakness that might carry in the family's blood. But with each stamped flyer, there’s been an addition made, one that was obviously not approved by the crown. 
‘The crown prince is dead, and our princess lost. If we let them rule any longer we will be next!’
You are stunned by the note, fearing how bad the circumstances must have become in your absence. Backing away from the board you prod your stead onward and in the direction of the public stables. Hoping to find the mount it’s own new home, while you return to yours.
“Three pence for a night,” The master grunts, looking up from his work as you dismount near the entrance to the paddock. 
“I have no coin, but-”
“No coin, no stall. Don’t waste my time and move along.” He interrupts before returning to shovelling the pungent manure.
You wrinkle your nose at the odour and persist in your efforts. “I was going to offer for you to take ownership of him instead. I have no use for him now.”
“Keep him? Tell me, how did you come to own this stead? Is it truly yours? ” He leers down, placing you beneath his scrutinous glare. “People don’t just give up a worthy horse. How can I know that there is not someone out there who will come looking for it and will blame me for their loss?”
“I can assure you the last owner will not come to retrieve him. Now do you want the horse or should I go find another who is willing to take my offer? Maybe that nice family there.” You point to a couple making their way into a nearby building. 
Your bluff calls his, leading the man to grimace and huff, “Fine. I will take it, now be gone with you.”
With the horse now tended to, you start to walk away, passing the entrance to the tavern, the door the mentioned pair just walked into. It’s hard not to take note of its current occupancy, for it is packed with people, all shouting and trying to have their say. With the entryway cracked open an inch you are able to catch several snippets of the debate.
“We can’t wait any longer. They are changing the narrative as we speak! Now stating they hold out hope for the princess’s return.”
“And what if she does?” A familiar man stands in argument. “Would you have us send the kingdom into turmoil when hope still exists? I would not be as I stand before you today without the surgeon she sent to us. A blacksmith cannot work without a hand. My wife and I would have been out on the street before long.” 
“Can you not see what they are doing for what it is?” The first speaks again to counter his point. “It’s a convenient ploy! With an heir lost, only the promise of another, with more favour than them will quell our anger. If she was still alive they would have found her by now.” He pauses to pat the smith on the shoulder. “I mourn her loss too my good friend, but we can’t wait for a small sliver of hope when we continue to live the way we do. Taxed within an inch of our livelihoods, while the list of missing continues to grow and those who are in charge hide behind their walls, keeping secrets that affect us all. If she returns we can offer her a good standing among us. But their rule must end.”
You edge closer and closer to the door trying to get a better view of the meeting in progress, when a throat clears and grunts, “Run along lad...” Nearly jumping from the fright you turn around to find the stable master having come up from behind. Bowing your head you comply, thankful that he had not realized the gravity of what you overheard. 
What had truly happened in the time you were gone? This isn’t just contempt but a full blown revolution building. Your people think you dead, and understandably so, but if they see that you are alive and well, maybe a better path can be found than one that will surely end in blood.
When considering your options you know there will be no way in through the front gates, your parents have always kept them heavily guarded, and no one will believe you are the child of the king and queen dressed as you are now. Rather than stir up trouble, you proceed to your fastest route in, the trap door hidden on the perimeter. 
In your absence it appears to have remained unused. The roots of the hedge have grown over, needing to be tugged out of place until the hinges and wood are freed from their grasp. You drop down into the passage, closing the hatch behind. With no light, nor lantern you are left to navigate the abandoned hall in the dark. The palm of your hand brushes against the damp stone wall, crossing cobwebs and critters on it’s trek to lead you to the portrait door. You try your best not to think of the time spent in this place, and the company you are now left without, but the sound of your steps resonates around you. Tricking your ear into thinking it a whisper of the past, as if his promises still remain locked away down here, echoing off the bedrock for you to claim.  
You are grateful when you finally reach the castle's interior, although for the time of day even the palace appears deserted and cold, you slip about the halls feeling like a stranger in your own home. Hoping to return to your old bedroom before you find anyone else, so you can at least reclaim another part of what you once were. But when you find the door and step inside someone is already there, crying at the foot of your bed. It’s too late to back away for they look up, just as startled as you. It’s your former lady’s maid who steps back from shock at your appearance, followed by a baffled stare when she catches a glimpse of your face.
“My word...” She gasps as tears continue to roll down her cheeks, “I never thought I’d see you again. He brought you back, I can’t believe he brought you back.” She runs forward wrapping her arms around you, a blubbering speech follows. “I’m so sorry, your b-brother... he’s gone. After everything that happened, everything you did, he’s still gone. An-and the threats to the crown, ever since his death everyone has been in an uproar. I haven’t dared to leave the grounds out of fear that someone will know I work here.” “It’ll be okay. We will figure this out.” You attempt to calm the maid you can only remember fragments of. She must have thought you had run off with Yoongi that night, but now is not the time to correct her with actual horrors you endured. 
“Having you back now will surely pull the king and queen from their stupor. They have been pleading and praying for your return.” She looks down at your clothes with apprehension. “Court is in session right now. They are locked away until a matter is settled, but we can ready you to meet with them once they are finished.” You nod prompting her to seek out your wardrobe. “I’ve been keeping them well looked after in case of your return.” She pulls out a dark dress, a sign of mourning for your brother. “I believe this will still fit. You don’t look to have changed much.” 
As she laces you in you can feel the garment tug on your ribs and chest. Maybe a little too small, but it will have to do for the time being. Once finished she escorts you to the dining room, while you continue to marvel at the empty halls. “Where is everyone?”
“Much has changed... your parents' fears have grown in the time you’ve been gone. They feel they can trust far fewer than they have before, and so, many of the staff were let go. If anyone ever even asked about you they too were sent away.” She stops at the set of double doors and urges you inside. “If you remain here and I will go and have the King and Queen informed as soon as the proceedings let out.” 
“Wait, don’t leave...” You were going to ask her more questions to address the gaps in your past, hoping you might stir more than a few moments you have of her and your life here, but she has already closed the door and departed. 
You are left in the dining hall, waiting only with the excessive spread of your parents forthcoming dinner. The feel of the room compared to the passage below is unfamiliar, unlike the dark narrow tunnel this place is void of memory and the feelings that come with it. You pray that such a disconnect will not last long. 
Mounted up on the back wall you find your family’s portrait. Staring at it at the faces and details, you remain so until slivers of the painting's creation surfaces in your mind. You hated that gown, for its rigid seams and heavy fabric took quite a toll as you stood there for hours behind your brother. He was seated due to his condition but you were told to stand and remain still, while the prince takes the forefront of the picture.
It had been made not long before you disappeared from the kingdom. You can recall dwelling on how little blood you had left, while the painter took your likeness. Your parents look so happy in the portrait, thinking their son to be healing and ready to take on the throne, while you spent the whole time daydreaming of Yoongi’s return.
Your anger spikes as you think of him now, it is beyond doubt that he has noticed your absence. You will have to warn your parents and their guard of his possible travel to the kingdom to claim you for his clan. The secret passage will have to be sealed, taking with it your hopes to ever leave again.
Grabbing one of the many decanters and with a shaking hand pour yourself a goblet of wine. Seeking to soothe your trepidation of meeting your parents, you sip on the bitter drink while picking at the food of the central spread.
The hours pass while you take your fill, until finally, when the sky has long been dark your mother hurries first. Looking exactly the same as she once did in your memories, frantic and worried. “Thank heavens you are back. You are safe, we are safe.” She looks down at you, her face unchanged with time, and the skin of the arms which clutch you... you stare at them for a moment, perfect and untouched, but you remember... you recall deep gashes and blood, so much blood pouring down your fingers. Disturbed by the thought you shake yourself from your horrific vision and smile back at her. Expecting her to launch into a flurry of questions but to your surprise, both her and your father pose no queries. 
“We knew he would find you again,” your mother cries with happiness. “We knew he would bring you back. The people, they will be so thrilled to hear of your return. The threats, the violence it will all be over soon.”
“You knew him? You asked him to find me?” The facts of her statement confuse you greatly, had they been privy to information your maid had not? For if she thought you were with him... what did your parents believe?
“My dear, are you well? Of course we did.” Your gaze once again focuses on the flesh of her forearms, as if entranced to the spot, while she brushes at your unkempt hair. Upon following your sight she pulls at the shawl of her dress in an awkward fashion, covering the length of her exposed skin. “Think not of what happened at our parting. All is well.” A painted grin plasters your mother's face. “We made all the changes necessary, you my darling, are to be next in line, not your children, but you. Your father had to work so hard to gain the approval of his lords, they thought it pointless to change the law in your absence, but here you are! Once your consort holds up the rest of his bargain your father will sign and you will be heir to the throne.”
This is all too much, you trying to keep hold of all the information while more is poured on to you. Unable to focus on anything other than their knowledge of Yoongi. Did they really meet him and make the request of him to bring you home? But to what bargain are they referring? “He did but I fear his clan has plans to remove me once again. We have to guard the old passage too, it’s already been nightfall for some time and I fear he won’t be far behind.”
“My poor girl... are you sure you are not ill?” Your mother’s head tilts in confusion. “He is already here, he has been for some time... you fled from his estate when he was just about to send for your return.”
You step away from your parents as fear tightens and grips your chest. “No, you can not mean. Not him, please not him-”
But your greatest nightmare returns to join you, with Taehyung waltzing through the double doors as if your parents castle is his own. “Princess, so good of you to join us. You shouldn’t have run off like that, you had your parents worried.” He approaches, inciting you to back into a wall in an attempt to keep your distance. Your parents don’t react with shock or fear at his sudden advancement on you, surely it is just a dream or vision then? One you are bound to wake up from soon. “But I knew you couldn’t run from me... only towards. Isn’t that right my sweet princess?” Though when his breath comes to find your ear you know him to be real. “I would have gone to find you myself, and take you back sooner, but your parents have been a rather large thorn in my side. Refusing to let me go until I-”
“And what of the other part of our bargain?” Your father calls from behind Taehyung, who grimaces and rolls his eyes at the interruption.
“They will be here shortly. My kin are acting on my behalf tonight, for I could wait no longer when I heard news of her arrival.”
“You have short changed us before,” the king admonishes. “I will not sign until I am certain the problem is dealt with.”
Taehyung turns from you entirely, the accusation leading him to snap back in anger. “That was your own doing, not mine, human. I gave you what you asked and you chose to squander it.” 
With Taehyung now focused on your father, you are ready to run, to seek anything you might use against him, but your mother catches you before you can take two steps. 
Shouting and jeering can be heard from just outside of the room, along with the heavy footfalls of several men, far too loud for what should be expected of the staff and guard. The procession outside bursts into the dinning hall. Your father’s lip curls ever so slightly as several men are pushed to their knees in front of him, muzzled and chained by the vampiric clan that restrains them. 
Taehyung introduces them with a proud and theatrical air, as he takes a seat at the head of the table.  “As you requested my liege, the leaders of the now failed rebellion.” 
You recognize many of them from the tavern earlier, even the blacksmith whose hand Yoongi saved long ago. Your father after taking stock, waves them away, ordering them to be held out of his sight, until a public execution can be arranged. 
You open your mouth to argue and condemn such brutal tactics when you are pushed down in the chair beside the monstrous vampire by your own mother. “You will sit still, be quiet, and do your duty for the family.” Despite her insistence your nails claw at her hold trying to free yourself from his side. As blood breaches her skin, so too does the memory of your first meeting with the vampire lord.
-Five years ago-
You look through the streets for hours hoping to catch even a glimpse or a whisper of Yoongi. Asking several people who pass you by, but no one knows of his whereabouts, nor has seen the distinguished surgeon in months. 
With the sun ready to rise, you retire from town for the night. Stripping from the simple dress, you toss it to the side and return to bed for the hour you have left to sleep. When forced awake by duty, your day ultimately passes with you a hollow shell. Barely able to keep your eyes open from lack of rest, with a gnawing disappointment taking root in your stomach, distracting you from much else. You tell your maid of your plans to venture out again to find him, but she looks concerned by the prospect. 
“You can hardly stand! What if, as a result of your current state, you cannot find him tonight? Your brother needs this and if you should fail... maybe we should tell the king and queen and let them put out a search for him?” 
“No, I must do this on my own. He would not want them to be aware of his kind.” You go to take the plain gown but your maid grabs it first. 
“I understand that you feel you must go. But please take an hour or two to sleep before you journey out. You look dead on your feet.” She does not relent, prodding and scolding until you are between the covers of your bed. “I will wake you once the castle is quiet enough for you to leave without being spotted.”
Nodding in agreement you submit to the coma of slumber rather quickly while she sits in the seat across from your bed. You wake hours later not by the hand of your staff, but from the hammering of rain pelting at your window.
You rise and call out, confused as to why she did not wake you earlier, but no answer responds. Lighting the candle on your bedside you find the chair empty of both her and the dress. You jump from your bed, in only your dressing gown and slippers reach for the door. When she bursts through it first, wearing the dress you intended to wear on the street. 
“Where were you? Why didn’t you-” 
“Princess, I found him!” Your lady’s maid exclaims happily, despite being absolutely drenched from the weather outside. “I went in your place so you could have more time to rest, and I found your friend, or I should say he found me.”
“You found him?” You breathe a sigh of relief, your brother is now safe and your plans with Yoongi can come to fruition. “Where is he now?”
“He’s with the king and queen.”
“My parents?”
“He wished to see them, mentioned something about desiring their permission. He’s already healed your brother, your mother and father couldn’t believe it.”  She grabs hold of your hand and pulls you from the room, not caring that you don only your bed attire. “Come! They are waiting for you.”
Still half asleep and only semi-coherent you allow yourself to be ushered along to your father’s den. There he sits behind a desk quill pen in hand, your mother hanging over his shoulder, and settled across from them both is... someone who is not your vampire, someone who is not Yoongi. 
The stranger smiles, showing off his sharp teeth as he gets up from his seat to deliver a sweeping bow. “Lord Kim Taehyung, at your service princess.”
You take a step back upon hearing the name that Yoongi warned you of so many times. “W-why are you here?” With concern immediately drifting to your lost vampire, for if his enemy has found you what could have befallen him.
Your mother scolds your response, “This man has offered his assistance, to aid in your brother's care, you will show him your respect.”
“It’s no matter,” Taehyung shakes his head at your mother. “Though I must ask, why do you look so scared princess? Your maid was looking for one of my kind, were you not seeking my help?”
“Is this true?” Your mother interjects, glaring at you. “You knew of people like him, those who could help your brother and you told us nothing?”
“I was looking for another,” you attempt to explain. “One who had been helping us in the past without your knowledge, he forbade me from revealing his kind to you.” 
“What did this other tell you of me?” The lord smiles. “I should like to set my story straight, because you, princess, looked ready to flee the moment you heard my name.”
“What is it that you want?” You ask again. If he refuses to answer your question why should you obey his own. “I thought your kind did not wish to reveal their existence to humans.”
“When the situation is as important as this, exceptions can be made.” The vampire justifies, a crooked grin refusing to leave his mouth. “I am only here to offer my services to your family.”
“We already have the services of another. He was doing so for years before you came here, he will help my brother should he need it in the future.”
“Then where is he now?” Taehyung asks the dreaded question which stabs at your heart.
“He will be back...” You retort, hoping it to be the honest truth. “We do not require your help.” 
Your father silences you with the stern call of your name and the hammer of his fist on his desk, before he too jumps into the argument. “I will overlook the concealment of your past acquaintances, along with the fact that you gave your brother treatment without our knowledge and consent. But I will not have you demean this man who just saved his life.”
“He is not a man!” You shout back at your king and father. “He is a monster. I have been told of his misdeeds, of his ethics. We can not trust him-”
“We have no choice! Without an heir the whole kingdom will become a place of ruin, an unclear line of descent will lead to chaos.”
“Then we wait. We wait for the one I can trust. He will be back soon, I know it.” Certain at least in this instance you know better than your parents, you plead for them both to listen.
“This is not a discussion.” Your father clarifies while the vampire takes out a bag, pulling from it two large corked bottles filled with a fluid far thicker than wine. “We called you here merely to inform you that we have accepted his services.” 
“This should be enough to keep him healthy for a long span of human life. It will heal most ailments, and injuries, and when enough is consumed will even slow the course of ageing.” You watch as the vampire's attention falls on your mother during his explanation, his lip curls even further when her eyes brighten in interest over the properties of the cure. 
You go to her, grabbing her arms so that she will focus on you alone, trying to convince her of the vampire's true nature. “This is a trick it must be. You can’t accept this, he will bring only ruin.”
“All that remains is the payment.” The Lord Taehyung adds, ignoring your plight.
Your gaze snaps back to him, when you hear of his charge. “What payment? What did you ask of them?”
“The cost for such a bounty of blood requires an equal sacrifice on your family's part.” The vampire beams with delight. “The blood needed for his life, in exchange for the blood of yours.” 
Your stomach drops when you see your father dip his head in confirmation. They already knew the cost and still they bartered you off without much thought. Your hands continue to grip your mother’s arm. “Please... please listen to me. It doesn’t have to be like this. There’s another way, there has to be.”
“There is no other way.” She responds, her tone cold enough to match her words. “It is time you stop living in your dreams dear girl, those books you cling to, those maps you draw, they will bring us nothing in the end. You have scorned numerous suitors in the past few months alone, leaving your father and I at wits’ end trying to secure a noble future for you. If you will not have that duty, you will take this. Better to have your hands stained with blood than ink if it will at least save our prince.” 
As she starts to push you towards your new fate, your fingers dig into the soft flesh of her arm, desperate to try and keep hold of your past life. Taehyung takes you by the waist and pulls you towards him leaving long lacerations down your mother’s skin as you continue to sob and beg for her to stop this. The thumb of your captor crosses your lips, bringing with it a metallic taste to your tongue. There’s a hushed order whispered in your ear to be quiet and complacent, and you do just that. Relaxing into Taehyung's arms while he carries you out and into a waiting carriage in the dark and drenched courtyard. 
Once out from the castle walls his slick smile falls. He may have taken your ability to speak, but not your tears will to flow. Pulling out a kerchief, he cleans your hands of your mother's blood. After removing every spot he lifts the fabric to his nose, and winces at the smell. “It is still amazing to me that one like yourself could be born of such soiled stock.” He then tosses the cloth out the window of the carriage. “That’s better.” His hand lifts up to the stream that continues down your cheeks. “Do not weep my princess. They may not see the same value in you that I do, but I promise we will prove it to them soon.”    
Angered by his declaration, you look away to the door, not wanting to give Yoongi’s adversary the satisfaction of your gaze. You knew you always weighed less in your parents mind. For you were second in their hearts even before your brother was conceived, second to the mere hope of a son. Swaying their love even a fraction in your favour was and is an impossible feat, a battle you could never win. 
“I know you wished to leave them, my kin intercepted a letter addressed to a royal who was willing to abscond with a vampire.” You look back at him with eager eyes. A letter? Yoongi must have sent word and this lord stopped it from reaching you. “I see that I have your attention now do I?” Taehyung scoffs and sits back in the carriage clearly enjoying your regard. “I knew of a woman much like you before I became what I am. I once travelled the land with a troupe. Entertaining both the nobles and the masses, while dressed in simple white garments, with only a tapestry as a backdrop, and the floor as our stage. It was invigorating, the life that came from holding the eye of the courts, and one lady... one princess in particular.”
Taehyung pauses to look back at your castle before continuing his tale. You can do nothing but sit there and listen, his blood and previous demands continuing to hold you in his custody. 
“She too was not content with the possible suitors before her, they could not offer her the multitude of lives she wished to live, but through narratives and plays I fulfilled that need. We could become whatever she or I wished ourselves to be. I was sure to see her as often as I could, but when her parents learned of our tryst, my group was banished, and she, to the bed of a neighbouring prince.” The vampire sighs as the story takes a darker turn. “I promised I would return to her when I could offer her a better home, but my cast and I, we ran afoul of a beast one night. When another caught the scent of our tragedy and found only me hanging by a thread, he took pity and made me one of them. I was so fearful to return to her at first, it took me several years to work up the courage and restraint before I could send her a letter begging to call on her again.” 
Now engrossed in the tale and the comparison of his story to yours. You stop an attempt to fight his will, too curious of the outcome.
“She agreed to meet, stealing away from the castle at night to find me at a nearby inn. It was my intent to flee with her that evening, to give her not only all the lives she had desired, but an endless supply of existence. What I did not expect was for her to deny my proposal. In the time I had gone she bore the prince a child, and no longer desired to part with her new role. I was not willing to accept her answer... lost in the heat of my anger and hunger for her, I took the princess with me. Draining her of life, I added her blood to mine.”
You stiffen in your seat wondering if this too will be your end, recalling a cautionary tale your mother used to tell you. The story of a noble lady, who was bled dry by the parasitic and sinful world outside. You thought back then it was her way to scare you into not leaving the protection of the castle walls, never did you consider it to be real, nor that she would be the one to give you to the monster of the fable.
“The smell and taste, I have not had anything quite like her since... until this night, when I caught wind of your own scent upon your maid's dress. I was already on my way to see you, but she made it so much easier, for she spoke on my behalf to gain my entrance. Such a sweet girl, and so very much in love with your brother isn’t she? A shame that she will likely feel the same pain as I once did, a love that crosses classes only to end in death.” 
Seething with rage at his confession, you wish to fight back and escape from his carriage but your own body will still not comply. You knew it, you knew he never intended to save your brother, he only wanted a bargain that would play in his favour. There is still a catch that remains unseen by you and your family, one that will result in the prince’s demise.
“They’ve hitched their kingdom to a dying horse, keeping it alive by selling off their only hope.” His finger follows the path of a tear down your jaw and falling to your collar. “I can promise you I will have far more roles and lives for you to play, more than you ever would have had with them. And you, you who have so much to give in return.” He opens his mouth, his breathing heavy as he leans towards your throat. “It's been so long since I’ve had someone of your calibre... I plan to savour you for far longer than the last.” Pushing you down, until you lie on the seat of the carriage, his teeth latch on, piercing the skin of your neck.     
You drop your mother’s arms, leaning back upon remembering the part she had to play in giving you away. “You forced me into his custody? You are the reason I was made to endure his torture.” 
“We had no choice. Your brother, he was dying.”
“And where is he now?” You shout back at them, all decorum vanished from the room. “You were given the cure, so why is my brother still dead?”
With that Taehyung smiles bringing light to the answer. “It would seem the temptation was too great for their own vanity. Even your lovely parting gift to her, erased by my remedy.”
The marks that should be on your mother's arms from your own assault, the ageing that should have become apparent since your last moment with them, none of it is there. All wiped away by the blood that would have given your brother a longer span of life. “You-you used it didn’t you... I should have known. It’s always been about appearances with you. Playing the strong hand to keep both me and your people in line. And when you ran out... you asked for more didn’t you?”
“He said he would keep our prince alive!” Your mother replies shaking from the accusation, but not denying it.
“I told you that what I gave you would be enough. It is not my fault that you chose to waste it.” Taehyung counters with a wicked grin, pleased by their faults and presumptions. “They let your brother die, not I.” 
“Then why return now? Why come if you already received what you wanted out of the deal?” You question fearing his answer, for what more could he want.
“I promised I would one day make them see the value in you.” Taehyung explains. “And there is always another bargain to be made.”
“With your brother dead and you gone we needed an heir.” Your father sets out his quill and ink on the table along with a rolled document he’s been clinging to. “It is as we feared what might happen. Our rivals at court have been stoking the fires of our people, without any official descendant they grow discontent and worried about the security of the country's future, we need you back.”
“Though you still belong to me as per the first agreement,” Taehyung interjects. “So you will return, the law will be changed, and you will become the next in line instead of any child you might have produced. With me by your side, living as husband and wife, the future rulers of this kingdom.
“I won’t allow this.” You shake your head aghast by the thought of such a deal. “First you give him me, and now your people?”
“Those people are currently rallied against us, they would see the end of us if they could. You witnessed the proof.” The king gestures to the floor where the captured were held just a moment ago. “We need assistance in controlling them.” 
“Because you’ve given them nothing to stand behind! Instead your first instinct is to feed them to a beast. Why do you still trust this monster? He will double cross you, my brother, your son is already dead, don’t let him take any more!”
There’s a knock on the door with the return of Taehyung’s vampire kin having stowed away the prisoners. He bids them to enter, while your father looks on somewhat ruffled by the impermanence of the lord’s comfort in his own home. “My part of the deal has already been given, they cannot back out now. Unless they would like those rebels to return to their people?” 
The king shakes his head. Dipping the feathered pen he signs the parchment, and hands it off to the vampire lord. 
“Thank you for your cooperation my liege...” Taehyung bows his head as he takes the paper, passing it off to one of his clan, before returning his unwanted attention to you again. “Your parents will live out the remainder of their lives as king and queen. As long as I can assure that their people will not revolt while they live. The throne will pass to us, and your people to mine.” He tilts up your chin, his thumb crossing over the small scratch on your forehead from your travels. Dipping his finger in your goblet of wine he touches the cut again. The familiar itch of healing skin crosses the surface of your brow. Your stomach turns with the knowledge of what you unintentionally consumed. “It’s a shame for them though...They won’t live long enough to see the benefits of my work here.” With the brush of his hand he gives the order to his clan, “Kill them.”
Your parents both stand in alarm, attempting to reason with the monster before you. “No, you swore-” 
“That I would keep you safe from your people, not that you are protected from myself or my kind.” He addresses his fellow vampires once again, “If you insist on feeding on them do not do it here. I find their smell distasteful and I would rather not lose my appetite.” 
His progenies take hold of your parents, dragging them away. They scream for their guards, but when no one comes to their rescue they call for you next. Pleading with you so that you might speak up on their behalf, with all dignity lost while they come to face their own mortality. You remain silent, any words frozen inside out of fear and hate. Your last duty to them would be what they always asked of you, to be quiet and still, until their screaming comes to an abrupt halt as they meet their end.
Now alone Taehyung rises from his chair and lifts you up onto the dining table, locking you in with his arms on either side. “I told you I could give you so much more than them, didn’t I promise you that? Do you remember?”
“I never said I wanted it from you.” Your furry has reached a new level, overwhelmed with contempt towards Taehyung, your parents, and yourself for not remembering sooner. “You believe their deaths will give you the kingdom? You forget that you had them sign it off to me. I will never consent to marrying you, and we both know your blood will not force me into such a binding contract. It's why you had to make deals with my parents is it not? Compulsion will not work when it comes to such bonds in ink, and you have nothing left to play in order to sway me.”
“Such a smart girl,” Taehyung coos, while brushing the side of your face. “However, it is not I who has forgotten but you, for I have already won that battle too. Here...” He takes a swig of the wine, and firmly grasps the back of your neck. Pushing more of the drink between your lips with his, Taehyung forces you to choke it back and drown in your own past. “Let me help you remember, my princess... my bride...” 
- 4 years ago -
You open your eyes, to be greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. A soft bed beneath you, lying between warmed sheets with a handsome yet concerned looking man sitting at your side. 
“Thank heavens you’re awake. You took quite a fall.”
You lift a hand to your head trying to dull a sharp ache in your temple. The man leans in closer without hesitation, an action which surely indicates a close tie with you, but you have no memory of him. His hands are cool yet you welcome them on the side of your face, for they diminish the pain. “I don’t remember-”
“It’s okay my princess. I'm glad you are saved from the trauma of reliving that event.” He comforts you with a boxy smile, that doesn’t quite reach the sadness of his eyes.
“No, not just that, I mean I don’t remember... I don’t remember you, where I am, nor why I am here.” You strain to recall your most recent past, everything seems so long ago. There are glimpses and fragments of moments and people which you manage to pull forth, your parents and their rule, your brother and his suffering, your castle and it’s cold walls that once surrounded you. The loneliness of your past brings a tear to your eye for it is all you can recall. Everything about this man before you seems to have vanished from your mind. 
“No, no, no, don’t cry.” His expression falls, as his hand shifts to wipe beneath your eyes, he swallows his shaking breath in clear distress over your loss. “I promised that I would look after you, that I would treat you well. Your parents, what will I tell them? They will rightfully blame me for letting you get hurt like this.”
The fear and sadness strewn across his handsome face is more than you can bear. You reach out a hand to his to comfort him back. “Could you remind me of your name sir?”
“Taehyung, and please don’t be so formal. There’s no need with me.”
“Then our relationship to each other...”
He takes your hand, tracing your fingers with his, before planting a kiss on your fourth digit. “We have been promised to one another. Your parents agreed to let you leave your own kingdom to be with me.”  
“Oh god, I’m so sorry... I don’t remember, I don’t remember anything. I can’t-”
“It’s okay my princess. It’s not your fault, but mine. You were hurt under my care. I’ll help you to rebuild what we have. We’ll start from the beginning, if we have to. I just can’t endure the thought of losing you entirely. Please just tell me what you need, whatever I can do, it will be done. I will help you to fall for me over and over, if it means I can continue to be with you.”
Taehyung spends the nights alongside you tending to your every desire, reciting poetry and plays to keep you entertained while you remain on bed rest for your injury. You feel bound by his kindness, and so guilty for not being able to recall your own past together.
During the day he is forced away from your side. He has a demanding role filled with travel and responsibilities, your only hope is that when he deems you well enough, you will spend that time together too. That you will be able fulfill this building desire within, to go out and journey for his role together.  
But the weeks pass with no change in your situation.
Until one night when it all becomes too much to conceal. When left by his caretakers to bathe, you dissolve into sorrow over the fact that your loss of memory is holding you back. Your wedding to him was to be days from now, but he has called it off until you can recover what you lost. Your wracking sobs echo through the empty room as you commiserate alone. Questioning what you could possibly do to dispel this suffering. 
You did not expect the sound to summon Taehyung, who comes bursting in without thought to your current state of dress. “Princess I-I...” He stops in his tracks and turns on his heel, shielding his eyes from your nude form. “Forgive me, I was not made aware that you were bathing.” 
You press yourself to the side of the tub. Shy at first but when you find him more so, you beckon him over, just as he is about to reach for the door. “No wait, don’t leave. If you go I fear I will only feel more guilt over our situation.” 
“Guilt? To what shame are you referring? Have I not made you comfortable here? Do you not have everything you need?” Taehyung abides by your call, joining you beside the tub, and swallowing as he glimpses you in the water.
“I do, and that is the issue. I remember nothing other than your care and kindness. You have given me everything you can, and I have nothing to grant you in return.”
“That’s not true-”
You press a damp finger to his lips, urging him to let you finish. “Despite not having a memory of our past, there is this need inside me... it’s difficult to express, but it calls out for someone like you. I do not wish to continue this cautionary stance, waiting and hoping for something that might not return. I do not want to hold us back. I think we should still marry, for I cannot see my life in any other way.”
Taehyung gives you a small smile along with a kiss to your hand which still lingers near his mouth. While his own reaches into the tub, his fingers twirling in the water just above your leg. “There is still much you don’t know about me.”
“Then I will learn it as it comes. Please, I long to move past this. I cannot and will not remain in this present, with you restraining yourself because of me. I truly believe that moving forward with the original plan is the best course of action.” 
“If that is what you desire,” He the tips of his fingers submerge further until they draw against your thigh. “I will resume the plans between you and I.”
The ceremony is modest, with only you and Taehyung reciting your vows under the night sky. After signing a document to confirm your ties, he whisks you off to the bedroom to consummate the new promise between you. 
The strength of the man before you comes as quite a shock as he rips the laces of your gown in his eager hunt to find the flesh beneath, until your best dress soon lays in tatters on the floor. His hunger for you appears to reach a new level, with his mouth nipping and devouring every inch he has exposed. Your situation has held you both back for so long, but at least now you will both get to revel in the path forward together. 
Once bare he flips you on to your stomach and disrobes himself. His taut legs come to straddle your hips, while his hands run up your back and down your arms. Taking your wrists he pins them over top of your head. “Just a precaution my princess,” He chuckles your ear as his leather belt wraps around. Tightening them together before the strap loops the headboard and is once again threaded through the buckle, wittingly securing you to the bed. “For if I am worried over the possibility of you fleeing, I might lose myself, and consume too much of you.”
“I have no plans to run.” You muse, giggling at his passion.“But I will concede to your bondage if it satisfies you.” 
“I was hoping you would agree.”  He teases his index along your slit, drenching your sensitive skin, and preparing you for his swollen cock. You raise your hips eagerly towards him and he takes the hint. Laying down over top of you he guides himself in with one hand while the other loops your waist. 
You gasp from the stretch before gritting your teeth trying to hide the brief moment of pain. Taehyung swears as his forehead comes to rest on your shoulder, his breath shaking as much as yours while he inhales deeply. A growl echoes in his throat which he promptly clears. “Princess, am I... am I your first?” There’s a hint of surprise in his voice, but you can not understand why that would be so.
“If I was promised to you... I can not see why I would have laid with another.” You answer somewhat hurt by the notion that he thinks you would have been unfaithful in the past. Your memories might be limited, but you can not believe that would be the kind of person you are, to be unfaithful to one so kind would make you a monster.
“Yes, of course.” He sighs, “I just, I had not...” He empties his throat again. Hugging you tightly as he pushes his cock in further. “My dear princess, so good to trust me with such a gift.”
You exhale with a confirmation. “I am all yours.” 
With Taehyung resting deep inside he pauses for another moment. His fingers trapped between you and the bed shift down to your mound where they press and cause you to buck back onto him. “Forget the pain for now...” He whispers in your ear while the deep circles he rubs shift you from discomfort to pleasure. Your twitching responses beguile him as you clench down on his shaft. The growl in his voice returns and grows deeper, he thrusts along with you. A need inside your start to build, your breathing stutters while he continues on. “...And come for me.”  Your nerves reach their peak at his words, holding you in place until the tension inside you finally releases and the warm waves run from head to toe. 
As you ride out your climax Taehyung pushes forward with his own. His cock continues to swell, demanding more of you, until he comes to his end and collapses twitching with content. With a groan he wraps his arms around you and nuzzles your back, while you remain trapped beneath him.
You tug on his belt wanting to touch him and hold him as he does to you. But even once he has come himself, he does not appear to be fully parted from his lustful needs. He shifts down so that his face can be found between your thighs. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you inquire for him. “Taehyung, please-”
“Don’t fret my princess, I just- I just want to- there was some blood drawn in my haste to have you, I would like to kiss it better.” He chuckles before his tongue comes to find your folds. The beastly sounds from him become far greater than before as he laps at the spot. Your hesitation is cast aside as you soon delve into pleasure once again. 
His fingers clamp down on your legs as he feeds from your cunt with an even stronger resolve. “I must- I must have more.” He begs of you.        
“I am yours to take.” You respond, eager to indulge more from his affectionate appetite.
But as soon as your permission is granted an unimaginable pain pierces the skin and muscle of your thigh. His mouth latches onto the source of such misery, and draws on the wound taking deep drafts. “Taehyung?” You cry out in confusion, pulling the bonds he left you in. 
Your lord and husband suspends the act. Rising up to release you from the headboard, he takes your restraints in his hand. Flipping you back over and pinning you back down beneath him. You find your groom smiling while his mouth drips with blood. He chuckles lightly at your horror, taking in your fear. “Did you have a change of heart my princess? I’m sorry to have brought such a swift end to our happy scene, but tomorrow we may start over... once I’ve had my fill.”
After the first Taehyung proceeds to push upon you several moments wrought in passion and pain. The concealment of his identity to become your love, and of course the times when he chose purely to torture you as your captor.   
You come to understand that your past with Taehyung is a series of tales, with him portraying the villain, or the hero. Going from captor, to suitor, to husband, only to break you by becoming your captor once again. He’s crippled you countless times, in so many different ways, choosing whichever act suits him in the moment, gorging himself off your emotional defeat the same way he feeds your blood, in the most painful way possible. 
“A small sample of our time together, but you see princess, you are already bound to me in matrimony. I have what I need for my clan. My followers will have access to any house, any dwelling on our kingdom’s land once I give them my consent to enter.”
“Y-you have no right to do that!” You stutter, trying to push down the past to focus on the present. 
“Oh but I do as your husband, as the new king I now have partial claim. My men will be able to feed within the safety of your peoples homes. Hunting them in their beds will be far easier than being restricted to the streets.”
“They are not cattle for you to feed upon!”
“How is that any different than your family's rule?” Taehyung scoffs, looking to the ornate room around you both. “Your parents in their vanity and greed bleed them dry, to the point where they were begging for a change, even if it was the rule of a young man who had barely stepped into adulthood. They will be grateful for the passing of the king and queen, and for the new rule. Remembering the vampires who will now stalk them while they sleep only as a passing nightmare.” 
“That does not make what you are doing any better.” You argue, though you know it to be pointless. 
“Not in your eyes, but my people will at least benefit from the sacrifice of your own. They trust me to do right by them. Can yours say the same about you? Will you bear the pain of your suffering and theirs? All that’s left is for us to choose which story we should play next. Would you like to forget it all again? To have me return to the role of doting lover and husband? Or would you prefer to recall that which has brought you pain? Your parents, your brother, and myself, knowing that soon my people will feast on yours.” 
To remember would be the only chance you have in finding a weakness to him, any attempt to remove him from his position will require your knowledge of what happened in the past and what is happening in the present. Who knows what story he would otherwise weave next, but he will no doubt pull the wool over your eyes if you let him. 
“I will give you until the end of this night to choose, if you don’t I will do so for you. But I am so very ready to return to our routine. These past few weeks have been a torment without you to entertain and fulfil me.” His finger traces an x on your neck, marking the spot he intends to bite. “I will never again allow us to be parted for so long.”  The point of his teeth make contact with your skin, when the door opens and one of his keepers calls for him. “What?!” Taehyung shouts back in frustration. “What could possibly be so important that you must interrupt my dinner?” 
“There is a hunter demanding entrance at the gate.” The vampire informs, looking rather shaken for having displeased his lord. “Says he won’t leave until he sees proof that you received your princess. It seems that he was trying to deliver her when she ran off in the daylight earlier today.”
“So someone did find you... that would explain...” His hands soften on your neck running his fingers over the previously tortured flesh. He then turns to the vampire waiting for his answer. “What is the hunter’s name?”
“Agust, my lord.”
Your head snaps up with your eyes wide. Yoongi is here, and he knew to call himself Agust? That can only mean, the secrets kept from him by his clan, the truth that would break you, it was the knowledge of Taehyung’s presence here.
  “Is this the case my princess? Did this Agust find you and intend to bring you here?” You bite your tongue but he pushes his power over you again. “Tell me the truth of this matter.”
“He did.” You can’t be sure of what Yoongi intends to do once inside, but at least your forced honesty did not betray his cover.
“He has my permission to enter. Bring him to me now, I owe him my gratitude for taking such good care of my princess.” The vampire guard leaves to grant the other access. 
Taehyung traces his teeth with his tongue. Appearing unusually happy despite the fact that his meal was disturbed. “You will remain seated and quiet, while I reward this hunter for his deeds, is that understood princess?” You reluctantly nod, submitting to his compulsion. 
Yoongi, accompanied by four of Taehyung's kin, enters the dinning hall and promptly bows. “My lord.”
“Agust... I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of speaking before have we?” 
“No my lord, I’ve dealt only with your keepers. But it was my honour to retrieve your princess as requested.” You meet his eye when they flicker in your direction trying to decipher his plan, but are unable to see a way out that could have possessed him to take such a risk.
“Yes, I must thank you for bringing her most of the way. I am surprised that you knew to find me here though, I thought that was kept confidential from the hunters.”
“It was my lord but I learned of your occupation here only recently, such a large group of vampires in a human city does not go unnoticed for long.” 
“Then I commend you, for doing what many of my other hunters could not.” Taehyung smirks at his own kin’s expense. “Tell me who was your maker, from which line do you descend?
“Your caretaker Egan, my lord.” Yoongi offers, his tone flat and even. “Though I don’t know if he would recall me, I am one of many.”
“Egan you say?” Taehyung pauses, with a raised brow and pout, which soon fades into a smile after a moment's hesitation. “He has created a fair few hasn’t he?” He chuckles. “Now you were not able to finish my task to completion, but I will still grant you the reward of becoming a keeper if you can complete just one other challenge.”
“Of course my lord.” Yoongi promises, watching adamantly with his hand twitching at his side. 
“There is someone I need you to find, one who has been haunting me for quite some time. Before my princess met me she fell in love with another of our kind. A vampire who works for Lord Hoseok, and goes by the name Min Yoongi. It took me a year to find the full extent of the boundaries in her memory that relate to him, I needed to empty her of love for that fool, and take it for myself. I was successful in the end of course.” He tips your chin with his finger delighting in the pained expression you bear at the thought. “But I would like to see the end of him, and purge anything that might hope to take her from me.”
“I understand...” Yoongi responds through a clenched jaw. Peeking a concerned glance at you when Taehyung's back turns to him. 
“I think she might be able to help you start your quest. You know where to find this Yoongi, do you not my princess?”
You dip your head, as a tear slips from your cheek and falls to your lap. You bite your tongue in an attempt to hold back your answer but Taehyung presses again with the compulsion of his blood. “You will answer me, out loud.”
“Yes,” you confirm,  your eyes meeting with Yoongi’s again, pleading for him to go now, and escape before you reveal anything else. 
“Do you think it will be an easy task for this vampire Agust to find him?” 
“I do.” You utter with a reply stolen from your lips.
 Taehyung mutters in your ear for his final question. “Is he the one who stands before us now my princess?” Panic instantly seizes you, with every function of your body coming to a halt, wondering how he could have found out. The moment your mouth starts to open, Yoongi launches himself at Taehyung, but his attack is quickly brought to a halt by the vampire lord who draws his own stake. Shoving Yoongi across the room and into the arms of his guard.
“You thought you could fool me after so many of your brethren tried and failed?” The cruel lord chides with a low chuckle. “There have been too many errors on your part, the greatest of which was the name of your false creator.” He approaches his new prisoner dragging the point of the stake along Yoongi’s chest while he is held in place. “A misstep of Egan’s allowed for her to escape, and so I sent the order for him to be disposed of. I knew the deed was done mere hours ago when I watched a progeny of his wither away before my eyes. If you were of his blood you too would have perished.”  Taehyung explains before he paces away twirling the stake between his fingers. “What a wicked curse we must endure is it not? Though it does have its advantages... I wonder how many will I wipe out with your death?” Your heart beats wildly in your chest longing to run forward and prevent such an event. “It will come soon, of that there is no question, but not before I take every ounce of information you hold about Hoseok’s current plans.” 
“You will get nothing from me unless you let her go,” Yoongi growls.
“Let go of my own bride?” The restrained vampire flinches at the comment as Taehyung grins and prods further. “I suppose you didn’t know. You must forgive her for not informing you, she couldn’t recall it herself until a few minutes ago. Regardless, I have no plans to free her, for I believe the closer I am to your beloved the more I will get from you.” Taehyung joins you at your side again.  “What do you think princess? Would you like an admirer for our performance? I’m sure even the steadfast Min Yoongi would bend to my will if he witnesses you in my favourite roles.”
Taehyung’s attention is drawn away from the pair of you when more of his keepers enter the room greeting him with a nod. “Alas the show will have to wait. I have permissions to grant, and a story to feed your staff,” The vampire lord sighs and acquiesces to their needs, grabbing the decanter from which you took a glass. “The rest of your people will come after.”
Taehyung gestures to one of his men. “He will take you to your room, and you will remain there until I return. I look forward to having a more fulfilling reunion between you and I come dawn.” His fingers brush against your cheek one last time before addressing the vampires holding Yoongi. “Keep him locked up along with the revolutionaries for now. I will call upon him later.”
Yoongi continues to lash out as you are both dragged in opposite directions. Barring his fangs at those who hold him, but he is soon subdued with the addition of another clan member and carried out of sight. 
Your own escort doesn’t say a word as he takes you through the empty halls, and staircases with one hand grappling your upper arm. Any attempt to pull it from him is met with a snarl and tighter hold. As you pass the rooms of the hall you wonder where Taehyung has the remaining staff kept and despite the lies forced down their throat you hope they will remain untouched.
The guard opens a door and pushes you in, sending you to the ground before locking it behind. The dimly lit room is unfortunately not your own, consisting only of a bed, washstand, and shuttered windows. Rising from the timber floor you find a stain on your hands and dress originating from the spot on which you landed, a spill, red enough to be the remnants of a vampire's meal. You start heaving at the thought, running to the filled basin desperate to remove the sticky scarlet substance. With hands shaking as they are submerged in water, your entirety follows suit, quaking in fear of what has just transpired and what is left to come. 
Your parents are lost, they dug their own grave, but your fellow citizens, and Yoongi... you have to find him, before he too is lost and your people are reduced to a mere spattering on the floor. 
You pull on the shutters of the window, releasing them to peer out and see if there is any hope to scale out of this one too. The height from the ground might be manageable, but a pair of glowing eyes looking up to you from the garden stops your attempt. The gaze from below continues to watch until you retract and close the space between you again. Taehyung's caretakers and keepers are as eager to keep and feed on you as he is. Visions of past attacks start to flood your mind, making you regret your venture to look out. You tried to escape so many times in your past captivity. Each one with the exception of the last was foiled by his keepers or caretakers, some brought you straight back to your room, while others... others were swiftly intercepted by the lord of the fortress, but only after they landed their first bite.  
Retreating to the corner of the room, you set yourself down at the furthest point from the door and window. Left alone to stare at the crimson puddle, as you wait for Taehyung’s return. There is no question that you have to bear the weight of your memories as painful as they are, you can not afford to forget the past. Not now, not with Yoongi nor your people in jeopardy. You wonder if Taehyung will strike such a deal with you. If you promise to abide by his command without his blood, will that be enough to buy at the very least Yoongi’s safety?
The minutes pass while you consider your options, distracted only when there comes a thump from the shutters. You rise from your spot and move closer to the door. The boards made to conceal the daylight shatter inward with another hit, knocking over the solitary candle and casting you into darkness. The shadowy intruder leaps in, their gleaming eyes holding you in their sights. 
Figuring it to be one of the Taehyung’s progeny’s come for a taste, you draw breath to scream. Until the vampire collides with you, holding you down, and covering your mouth. 
“I told you to stay in the room.” The hushed tones of Yoongi greet you to your immense relief. “Why didn’t you listen to me? Why did you run?” He waits there for a moment, removing his hand only when you finally relax beneath him.
“Yoongi...” You gasp in relief. “I overheard you and Seokjin. When I saw you give into the demands... I-I didn’t know, I didn’t realize-”
There’s a knock interrupting your explanation, the vampiric guard no doubt alarmed by the commotion. You both fall silent, but that does not seem to satisfy the sentry,  who proceeds to unlock the door. Yoongi jumps up ready to meet him with a stake. As the barrier opens, the vampire tries to step inside, making it only far enough in for the wooden weapon to reach his heart. Yoongi grabs the enemies throat in the last moments, committing him to silence until death before tossing the corpse to the side. Treating the newly dead as nothing more than a bothersome distraction. 
Yoongi turns back to you but keeps his distance, a growl rattling in his throat as he takes deep breaths. “I told you before, I would never take you there. I had no wish to abide by the request from my lord. I could not tell Seokjin of my plans to disobey while we remained in his house. I was going to take you as far away as I could after learning the whole truth behind your capture, but your stunt put everything in jeopardy, including yourself.”
You start to sob upon hearing his deception, you should have guessed that with such a reveal from his own clan he would try to deceive them too, like the others he dealt with on your behalf. He closes the gap between you, pulling you in close, allowing your tears to fall on his chest. “How-how did you escape just now? I thought for certain he had us both in his grasp.”
“I kept hold of the tainted blood, and those holding me were in desperate need of a drink. One sip and they were at my mercy instead.” He lips grace the top of your head with a kiss as you cling to him. “We’re going to get you out of here okay? We’ll go down to the passage. I have already released those he captured, if he has a mob on his hands, we might slip out undetected.”
“I can’t leave, not yet-”
“Why, because he compelled you to stay?” Yoongi questions, attempting to dismiss your concern. “I will carry you out if your own volition fails to do so.”
“It is not that alone... he was not lying when he told you I was his-his-” You stall on the word unable to say it yourself. “In those five years, he played with my mind, he made me forget you and desire him instead, a-and I fell for it. It is because of me he now has a claim to every home in the town. This is my error to fix. I will not leave those who dwell here to feed his own.”
“You are not to blame for his actions.” He counters, his own voice cracking in desperation.  “Your remaining here will not change that.”
“I only wish to remain so I can bring an end to him, to kill him.” You promise. “Either way, whether successful or not I will not exist here long.    
“No, I am not letting you near him again. If we must do this then let him be mine to kill.”
“He thinks me in here unarmed and broken to his will,” You open Yoongi’s jacket to find another stake that he must have stolen from Taehyung’s followers. “I will have a better chance. It would be better for you to ensure that his clan has not brought harm to anyone else.”
“And leave you here to face him? If he falls so do his own progenies, which includes most if not all of his keepers. There will be no point in my leaving to dispose of them, if your main goal is to defeat him.”
“If he sees you he will be instantly aware. When he is as strong as you say then even you won’t be able to defeat him without catching him off guard.”
“I am not leaving you alone with him even if you are armed, and that is final.” Yoongi takes his firm stance, while grabbing at the stake in your hand. “I will not lose you again...”      
You look down at the deceased on your floor, fearing the same fate for Yoongi should he remain here with you. Taehyung has proven time and time again that none can fool him for long, not Yoongi, not his clan members, even those who disobeyed him attempting to draw blood from you were cast aside... with Taehyung throwing himself between you and them.  “If you will not leave then... I need you to bite me.”
Yoongi follows your gaze in confusion, “What is it you are plotting your highness?”
“He will no doubt come running if he smells my spilt blood. He has before. If he thinks I am in danger from his own, I will be able to get close with his guard down.” You take the stake back from him while he considers your plan, gripping it in your fist behind your back. “All you have to do is play the threat.”
“Will you not wait for another alternative? My clan could be here in a day to deal with them.”
“He is hungry, and all too confident of victory.” You plead with your vampire. “If we wait-” 
“If we wait he will be more likely to catch on...” Yoongi growls confirming your thoughts, as he begrudgingly bends down to take the cloak of the defeated guard. Tying it around he pulls the hood over his head. “This is unbelievably reckless you know. I should just take you from here this instant.”
“But you won’t.” You reply with a sad smile reaching up to touch his cheek with your hand, and press a kiss to his lips. “You long for an end to this as much as I.”  
With his back to the door he takes you into his arms. When hunched over you Taehyung should not know who he is until it is too late. Yoongi places his mouth ready to sink into your neck. “Are you sure you want to be the one to-”
“I have to.” You cut him off before he can even try to change your mind again.
With a deep sigh his teeth pierce your skin, the blood starts to flood from the wound and Yoongi lets out a low pained groan as he resists the urge to feed. For the more blood that escapes and is left to the air, the sooner that Taehyung will come running to investigate your situation. After a minute passes, you start to feel light headed and grip your weapon tighter. 
“If he doesn't come soon I will have to put a stop to this.”
“He will come,” you gasp. “Just wait.” 
Right on cue there comes a shout from down the hall along with the thunder of footsteps. Your door crashes open to reveal the ferocious monster. 
Yoongi is thrown to the wall, and promptly disregarded in the moment by Taehyung, whose immediate attention is more occupied with you spilling out before him. “She is mine,” he seethes looking ravenous after not feeding on you for weeks. His hunger distracting him from the arm you have tucked behind your back. While pulling you closer to take a taste himself, you draw your own weapon, stabbing him through his heart with the stake. 
He looks down to injury with a sobering disbelief, his words heavy on his lips with a low chuckle as he forces out his final thoughts before his demise. “Well played princess... you had me thinking I was to be your hero again.”
“You were never my hero, only my assailant.” You shove the stake deeper into his chest. “And now my fatality.”
Taehyung gasps and delivers one last cruel smile. “A fitting end, though I can think of one better. Why part here, when you can join me in death.” He launches at your throat ready to strike and bleed you further, when his actions are cut short by another. 
With the stake pulled from the other vampire, Yoongi pierces him through the back, and takes hold from behind preventing Taehyung’s last threat. The vampire lord's eyes go wide showing a brief moment of fear before he finally succumbs to death. Pulling yourself from his clutches you take a deep breath and rejoice in the freedom, though the feeling doesn’t last long. 
Already dizzy from the loss of blood you are in no way prepared for the surge of memories that flood back. With Taehyung dead his physical hold on you diminished, but the pain of his manipulation, the trauma and loss he has inflicted on you hits as a wave, and pulls you under. 
Yoongi is there to heal the wound on your neck, he calls to you repeatedly though his voice along with your vision of him are clouded amongst your thoughts. Your heart pounds and head races as it continues to try and register the influx of everything you lost. 
There’s a soft touch to your temple, as a whisper from him finally makes it through. “Be strong my love, you can conquer this too.”
You can feel yourself being lifted as the room moves around you. Clinging to his coat you utter your wish to leave, unwilling to spend another moment in this castle. Fully slipping as he draws you in closer.
When the haze lifts you come to find yourself in another bed. Not one of the castle’s no, it seems Yoongi had observed that request, but the location is still worrisome for it is the same room you had shared with him in Seokjin’s house. You immediately sit up, panicking over your last memory of this place, and fearful of Yoongi’s clan’s intent. 
Your vampire sleeps on a chair beside you, though his head and chest are slumped over on the mattress and his hand encasing yours. Stirring the second your grip leaves his and you attempt to get from the bed. He grabs at your shoulder pushing you back down with ease, “What do you think you are doing? You are in no state to be running off.” 
“Yoongi... why are we here? If Seokjin-”
“This was the only safe place I could think to bring you. You have nothing to fear here now. Seokjin will not do anything, he knows he was in the wrong to suggest such compulsion, and Namjoon has promised retribution on your behalf if he continues such behaviour.” Yoongi briefly smirks at the thought of the pair, though his expression soon darkens as his hand brushes your hair from your face as you relax back into the bed. “I thought- I was worried I lost you back there.”
“I-I couldn’t control it, there was so much that I had lost and most of it difficult to bear again...” You grimace at the pain of it, prompting Yoongi to lean in to kiss your blow and pull a small smile from you again. “I should never have returned. I should have trusted you more, I’m so sorry for putting you in danger like that.”
“It was not your fault. You had every reason to doubt me given your past and what you knew. I can’t imagine what it was like, but...” He looks down avoiding your eyes as he rubs your hands, the words that follow are just as tentative and soft. “If you should- I don’t know if- if you need me to help you discard any memories I will do so. Doesn’t have to be now or ever, but if you ever need me to... don’t feel like you have to carry the weight of it alone.”   
You nod your eyes tearing up with gratitude for his offer. “Thank you, there will be some moments that I- that I will be glad to be rid of.” Yoongi’s warm smile comes with his arms to wrap around you in a tight hug. You wince as your muscles stain to return the affection, feeling as though they have seized from lack of use. “How long have I been under?” 
“The longest two nights of my existence.”
“Two nights?” You exclaim pulling out of the embrace in shock. “What has happened since?  Was anyone else hurt before I-I-”
“No one else, but the castle,” Yoongi sighs looking hesitant to tell you the rest. “The castle was set aflame in an act of defiance. It was sentenced to burn once the staff and resistance had cleared it of everything of value.”
“Good,” you whisper. 
“There is more... Seokjin has been keeping a close eye on the situation.” Yoongi discloses. “But, when word spread that you returned only to vanish again, many believed your appearance to be that of an imposter rather than their former princess. They thought you a tool of the mysterious lord attempting to gain power.”
“And their plans to create a new form of rule?” You ask, the focus of your question leading Yoongi to tilt his head in confusion.
“Going forward without much backlash, but-”
“Then they have every right to think so. I am very different from their lost princess.” You smile to Yoongi’s surprise. “I am a threat to them now, a threat to the future governance they plan to install. Any version of me might sow the seeds of discord in progress if I was to return. If this story of me being a deceiver will help them to rebuild, then let them think it. I will make no plans to return.”
Yoongi nods in understanding, though his expression still holds regret. “I am sorry I was not able to deliver you home as promised.”
“That place was not my home for so long, not since you-”
A loud knock comes from the front door of the small home, reaching you all the way in your upstairs room. Yoongi stiffens in the seat next to you as muffled voices are soon heard too. Your vampire stands going to the door where Seokjin appears a moment later with news. “It’s Lord Hoseok. He’s here, and he wants to see you.”
“Don’t you dare let him in.” Yoongi pushes back. “Not with her here, not now.” 
“I can’t exactly deny him entrance,” Seokjin scoffs. “This is his house-”
“Fine, then I will.” 
Seokjin puts a hand on Yoongi’s chest and prevents him from storming off into a confrontation. “You know you can’t stop him. If he wishes to see her he will, but right now I think his main concern is you. Do not anger him if there is no reason to. See what he wants then come to a judgement.”
The same loud knock you heard below then arrives at your bedroom door, breaking off the disagreement between the two vampires.The guest you know not to require permission, but it seems that he would rather enter on your terms rather than his own. 
“Yoongi?” You call to him, witnessing the dread in his face when he turns to look at you. “I should like to speak to him too.”
Yoongi’s reluctant hand turns the lever, letting his lord inside. Your own vampire stands between the two of you preventing you from getting a good look as the first words are exchanged.   
“My Lord.”
“Tell me it is so, that it is true. Is Taehyung- ” The vampire lord immediately launches into the heart of the matter. The weight of his tone sends shivers to even you. 
“Dead, my lord.” 
“Thank you Yoongi, I am in your debt.” The tension in his voice quickly falls away. 
“It was not I alone who defeated him sir. The credit also goes to the woman who you thought you would contain to your fortress.” Yoongi mutters with malice.
“I app-” His lord steps further in, allowing him to finally catch a glimpse of you. He pauses for a moment as he takes you in, his mouth hangs open and a single word falls in greeting, “Mansin?”
Though the word is foreign to you Yoongi reacts in an instant, returning to your side, he growls and his superior in defiance while positioned in your defence. “She is not-”
Lord Hoseok seems to catch himself and apologises. “A mistake Yoongi, an honest mistake, I see that she is bound to you. You must forgive me,” He whispers while giving a sad smile in penance. “Something in your expression reminded me of someone I once knew.” He politely touches upon his error, but leaves you with no reason for Yoongi’s reception. “I must give my thanks to you as well then, for you saved me the pain of having to kill my own creation.” 
Alarmed by the confession you try to stand but Yoongi’s hand once again comes down to your shoulder. “Then Taehyung was yours? You created that monster?!”
“It was not my intention to have him turn out in such a way.” The vampire lord growls at the censure, causing Yoongi to grow ridged next to you. “I found him as an innocent young man dying, whispering the name of the one he loved, the one he was bound to. I took pity on him, would you not have done the same?” Hoseok raises an eyebrow as he throws his choice back at you. 
You swallow and nod in response. “I suppose I would have.” The swift changes in mood of the vampire lord keep you on guard, intimidating in one moment and considerate in the next. It’s easy to see why Yoongi might be wary of him around you. 
“I chose to banish him from the clan when he killed his former mate, your ancestor, for I could no longer trust him. He sought revenge on both your family and mine, and it is my fault alone. I knew that Yoongi would prefer to keep you as far away as possible, but Taehyung would likely have tracked you down sooner or later. I wanted to make up for that by offering you a safe place at my fortress but I can see that it was misconstrued.” 
“Thankfully your assistance with my residence is no longer required.” You convey, hoping that he has abandoned the notion, since the threat is no longer stalking you.
“Yes... thankfully.” Lord Hoseok reiterates with a weak grin.
“If you are in our debt as you say then I would like to make a request of you.” You ask much to Yoongi’s surprise, resulting in his head snapping in your direction.
“A request?” Hoseok blinks, a grin twitching in his lips. He grabs the chair from the desk, turning it to face you before taking his seat. “What have you to ask of me?”
“My old kingdom, I want to ensure the health of the people. I ask that if your clan goes there to feed they use the tactics that Yoongi has been operating under.” Yoongi finally exhales and relaxes, as you explain your wish, a small smile crosses his lips with what looks to be pride.
“I understand your position, and would agree immediately if there were to be no recourse, but to put such limitations on my clan without any amendments or accommodations to offer in return... many would turn rogue.” Hoseok shakes his head. “No, if I ordered that, we might find ourselves in another situation like before.”
You consider what you have left to give with nothing left from your family to offer, you have only what you may have acquired through matrimonial bonds. “Tell me when a vampire dies, what happens to the ownership of their residences.”
“It will go to whomever they deemed a second who was not created by their own lineage. Yoongi was once my own. I don’t know if Taehyung- ”
“But if they had taken a wife who survived them?” You ask.
“They would be yours...” Yoongi mutters beside you in understanding.
You nod grimacing at the prospect of owning his land. “I want no part of them. But if they will help you to convince your clan to adjust their feedings and continue to help those of my former kingdom they are yours.” You offer to Hoseok. “Every fortress, waypoint and house that belonged to him will all be transferred to your own clan. ”
“Then I accept your terms,” Hoseok nods in agreement. “But where will you go?”
You look to Yoongi to give the answer. Caught off guard he pauses before responding with the simple direction of, “East, we plan to head east.”
...Two months later...
Yoongi stops the horse and dismounts beside an overgrown field, looking at the land with a deep contented sigh. “This is it.” He lights a lantern for you before treading into the long grass, in search of the foundation of his old home.
He was right, there is little left, but regardless of that fact you help him by clearing the roughage from any remains you can find. Pausing only when he does, while uncovering what seems to be a rotting wooden board laying on the ground. Upon further inspection you find it to shield a substantial cavern below with steps leading into the darkness. 
“If that’s the cellar... Then that must mean.” Yoongi mutters, before taking a few steps away, counting his paces as he goes. Hunching down over a higher patch of ground, he tears away the long weeds, until a stone hearth reveals itself. He takes the rotting wooden board, and breaks it apart into several pieces. Building them up before he sets them alight with the fire of the lantern. 
He lowers himself to sit in front of the burning wood and beckons for your hand, kissing you knuckles, raw from the cold wind of your journey as you take a seat next to him. Despite the lack of walls and roof, you are overwhelmed by Yoongi’s peace as he looks into the fire, feeling that same comfort and warmth within yourself. “I never thought I’d see this place again, but now, it feels right to return. Perhaps-” He meets your eye before expressing the rest of his tentative question. “Perhaps we could stay here for a while?”
“I would like that.” You answer with a nod, prompting him to beam back at you.
While Yoongi moves to lay on the grass relaxing in the light of the flame you pull out the new map you’ve been working on since the start of your journey east. The other still remains, not entirely forgotten, but of little use in this region. The fresh start on parchment comes as a much needed reprieve, the chance to begin again. 
“You are marking this place down for me?” Yoongi asks as you draw with your quill pen. 
“For us,” you correct him.
Looking down at the new point on the map now labelled with your description, he smiles at the sight of the single word you had written. “Have I fulfilled my duty to you then? Should we part ways here?” He jests pushing to rise up until you tug him back down by his long coat.
“You have,” Shaking your head at his joke, you explain your true feelings behind the word. “But if you leave, this place ceases to be so. It only exists as such when I am with you.”
“Then I must stay by your side, or risk breaking another promise?” He continues to tease you, with a twitch to the corner of his lip.
You can’t help but laugh at his attempt to conceal his eagerness. “So it would seem. How long do you think you can keep your vow?” 
“For eternity.” Yoongi whispers, leaning in to kiss you over the setting ink of, ‘Home.’
-The End-
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solinarimoon · 3 years
Fields of Wildflowers, Chapter 12
Fields of Wildflowers 
Chapter 12
A Sihtric x OC story
AN: My timeline for events during the siege in Winchester is different from the show.  I almost combined this chapter with the events for the next one but they would have been too long.  The moodbaord was made for me by the lovely @serasvictoria. You can find my master list here.
Warnings: Trauma from past rape.
Word Count: 3666
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Eight days. Cwen and Eadith had been inside the walls of Winchester for eight days. Without any success in finding their people. 
The ladies had been able to narrow down the possibilities and were almost entirely certain they were being held somewhere in the palace. 
It had been relatively simple to slip in among the kitchen maids and find odd jobs and help that was needed there.  A large Danish woman, Frig had taken over commanding the kitchens and she barked orders around to anyone who would take them.
When asked where they had come from or who they were, Eadith would reply that they were former kitchen maids for a saxon lord and only sought to be of use to avoid being taken as a slave.
Various of the other women in the kitchens had similar stories, seeking to avoid becoming a Dane’s property so instead found usefulness in the kitchens. Quiet, useful, and out of the way.
This was how both women found themselves bringing stale bread and water to the armory.
The jail cells at the armory were full with low born Saxon’s now to be sold as slaves.  
Cwen and Eadith had quite the time ferreting their way around there to discreetly check faces and make general inquiries. 
“They haven't put any royals in here with the likes of us, girl.”
The old crone had shifted her eyes up and down, taking in Cwen’s appearance. 
“You’re quite lovely. Don’t look like you’ve had too much wear and tear on ya. Haven’t needed to live the hard life have you, missy?”
The woman’s words were cruel and her tone scornful. 
Cwen shifted her gaze towards Eadith who was speaking to another prisoner down the hall, “nor her neither. What are you even doing in here? Asking about this for?”
Cwen searched for an answer to the woman’s prying. 
“I… we…” she stammered feeling herself begin to panic. 
“We need to be going.  We’re wanted back in the kitchen before long,” Eadith swooped in to take Cwen’s arm.
Leading her friend away from the woman’s hard stare, Eadith quieted her friend's worries.
“It will be alright.  That old woman was just being rude.  She doesn’t know anything about us.  Not a threat.  It’s ok.”
Cwen sighed, frustrated. “I know.  And we shouldn’t need to go back to the cells any longer now we know they’re not there.  But still, she could tell someone we have been asking questions.  That two kitchen maids are nosing about.  Then they figure out it is two imposter kitchen maids.”
Cwen sighed, scanning their path for watchful eyes as they walked before she continued. “Did anyone you spoke with seem to have any ideas where they might be keeping them?”
“One man told me his lips might release information if they were reminded what a kiss felt like…”
Cwen stopped in her tracks to look at Eadith with a shocked expression.  As her shock faded, both women let out loud guffaws, feeling some of the tension and worry ease from their shoulders.  
They continued their walk towards the kitchens in the rear of the palace.  
The women slowly walked the perimeter of Winchester, looking for any sign of a way in, not guarded or any news of the location of their friends.  
The weather had grown hotter in the past week since they had gone inside the walls.
Most of the inhabitants of the town were finding shelter underneath roofs and in shade to try and stay cool.  Tensions had been building and occasionally Cwen and Eadith would see squabbles break out among the bored and sweaty Danes.
“So Cwen,” Eadith started as they slowly meandered along the wall, “was Sihtric not happy with you for coming with me into the city?”
Cwen stopped in a huff, placing her hands on her hips and looking at the ground before meeting Eadith’s eyes.
“No.  He was not.  But…,” pausing, Cwen shifted on her feet and searched for the words.  
“But…?” Eadith prodded.
The women continued their route, eyes scanning the wall before Cwen found the words she wished to speak.
“It was odd.  When I said I could not sit by and do nothing, his reply was to say that may be better than doing something foolish.  His words were harsh. His tone, I mean.  But so were my own.  I pulled away from him.  But he did not argue further.  Made no pleas.  Just gave me a knife and showed me how to use it.”
“Would you rather he had argued?  Made more of a fight against our plan?”  Eadith had stopped to look down an alley before looking forward and taking more steps to catch back up with Cwen.
The question caught Cwen off guard.  
The way that they had left, with the last words spoken between them being bitter and harsh had been weighing heavy on Cwen’s heart.  
“In truth,” Cwen looked at Eadith as she caught back up with her, “I do not know what to think about it.  On the one hand, yes.  I wish he had fought with me.  Argued with me. But it would not have changed anything.  I would have still come.  So maybe I am glad he did not?” Cwen’s voice questioned the thoughts running through her own mind.  “I think he knew his words would not change my mind.  So is that not better then?  That we did not argue, say things that are hurtful only to then be separated?”  Cwen looked to her friend for some guidance.
“Possibly.  But now you are left with this weight hanging over you.  As I am sure he is too. Are there words that have been left unsaid, Cwen?”
Cwen did not immediately reply.  Instead the friends continued walking in silence.
Suddenly, a loud commotion resounded to their right at the north gate of the city.   
Cwen and Eadith ran along to meet a cross street seeing Danes come from across the city to meet the sound.
Shouts could be heard from many of the passing men, “It is their king!” “It is Edward!”
Cwen glanced at Eadith to see the woman staring at the tumult.
She placed her hand on her friend’s arm, “Now is our chance, Eadith!”
Her words startled Eadith  and she turned to look at Cwen.
“To slip inside the palace, try to find them.”
“You mean while everyone is distracted by this attack?”
“That is exactly what I mean.  Let’s go.”
They slipped through the side streets, avoiding the wave of movement towards the gate.
Using the kitchen entrance, Cwen and Eadith followed along corridors, glancing in rooms and keeping eyes out for any sign of a room being guarded.  
Cwen sighed when they rounded a corner to find another long hallway with no guards.
“Why do they need so many hallways!” Eadith grumbled.
“We’re going to run out of time,” Cwen worried. “Wait!  Oh I should have thought of this first!  We need to check the chapel!  I bet that is where they would hold them!”
“Why there?” Eadith questioned as Cwen began leading the way along another corridor.
“For one, it is situated near the center of the palace so they’d not easily be able to slip out.”
“Or us slip in, I imagine then.”
“Yes, unfortunately.  And then two, it would be rather upsetting to be held captive and have lost Winchester only to deal with that while literally staring Alfred in the face.”
Eadith watched Cwen, expectantly as they marched along.
“Alfred’s entombed there.  His remains are enshrined.”
“Oh,” the redhead nodded in understanding.
Their footsteps echoed as Cwen navigated old passages from her girlhood.
Rounding a corner, they stopped short seeing a lone guard leaning against the wall across from a large door.
They slowed their pace as they approached, Cwen whispering, “That is the chapel.  They must be in there.  Follow my lead.”
“Hey, what are you two doing here?”
The Dane’s voice was rough, clearly surprised to see the two women approaching him.
“Oh, we were sent to collect the tray and plates from the prisoners.  See if they need more water.  Frig sent us.  From the kitchens.  But what are you still doing here?” Cwen questioned the man, not a note of uncertainty in her voice.
The guard stared at Cwen and Eadith, clearly not understanding the woman’s final question.
“And where should I be, if not here on duty?” 
“Well everyone, all the men are rushing to the north gate.  We heard something about all men needing to assemble.  That Edward was here and mounting an attack on the walls.  I just assumed any man, any warrior would have gone. Apologies.”
Just at that moment, another Dane appeared on the opposite end of the hallway, marching at a quick pace.
“Leiv, Edward’s at the gate!  We’ve got to go!”
“But the prisoners,” the guard, Leiv, protested.  His nose had wrinkled and he gestured in frustration towards the doorway across from him.
“They’re locked in tight.  And they don’t have anywhere to go.  Come on!”
Groaning and clearly conflicted, Leiv pointed his finger at Cwen, “If you need to get their plates, you’re going to have to come back later.  Door’s locked and it’s staying that way until I get back.”
With that final word, Leiv ran off to join his friend down the hall.  Within a few seconds they were gone, out of earshot.
Cwen and Eadith glanced at each other before moving to stand in front of the doorway.  
“Aethelstan! Lady Aelswith!  Stiorra! Are you in there?  Can you hear us?”
They waited. Then after several moments, they heard something on the other side.
Muffled and hard to understand, but clearly a response.
“We’re going to have to be loud to hear anything through that heavy wood,” placing her hand against the door, Eadith chewed her bottom lip. “I’ll go to the end of the hall and keep watch.  They’ll want to be speaking to you,” She placed her hand on Cwen’s shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before moving along the way Leiv and his friend had disappeared.
Cwen watched her friend retreat before she turned back to the door.  Scanning the door before her, she crouched down to peer at the keyhole.  
“Hello! Lady Aelswith? It’s Cwen! Eadith and I are here.”
“Yes, yes we’re here.  Cwen! Thank God.  Thank you, God!”
Cwen rested her forehead on the door and breathed a sigh of relief before she brought her mouth back, close to the keyhole once more.
“Are you alright?  We’ve been looking all over for you.  Uhtred and his men are outside the walls of the city.”
“Yes, Cwen. We’re fine.  Our feathers are ruffled and these heathen brutes insist on demeaning and belittling us.  But we are alright.  But Cwen,” Aelswith paused.
Cwen strained her ears to listen.
“They took Stiorra.”
Cwen froze as she felt the breath catch in her throat. 
Shaking her head, Cwen managed to pant out, “took...took her? What? Where? Where did they take Stiorra?”
Lady Aelswith’s voice came back tight and measured. “We don’t know where they took her.  Lord Aethelred’s man, Eardwulf is here.  With the Danes.  He recognized her and told them she is Uhtred’s daughter.  So they took her and put us in here.”
A pulsating buzzing sound began to rise in Cwen’s ears.  She stepped back from the door staring but not seeing.
She was startled back to her senses by Eadith running to her side. 
“I'm starting to hear people.  We need to move.”
Cwen stared for one more second before she shook her head and brought her mouth back to the keyhole. “We have to go.  But we will try to get back and check on you all.  And we’ll find her.”
Eadith took Cwen’s arm and the two women quickly retraced their steps back to the kitchens.
“Find her?” The hushed question left Eadith’s lips as soon as they rounded the corner of the hall.
“Stiorra.  They know she is Uhtred’s daughter.  They separated her from the others.” 
“So we’ve found Aethelstan and Lady Aelswith but now we have no idea where Stiorra may be?”
“That’s right.  But Eadith,” Cwen paused, placing her hand on the friend’s arm to slow her.  “Your brother is here.  He recognized Stiorra.  He gave her up to the Danes.”
“Eardwulf is here?” Eadith grasped onto Cwen’s hand holding her arm.. 
Taking a shaking breath, Cwen met Eadith’s eyes and nodded.
“Alright,” Eadith spoke while formulating what their next course of action should be. “Alright, we’ve found two of our three people.  Now we must continue the search but remain even more hidden unless my brother find us.  Do you have any ideas where Stiorra might be?”
“No.  And I don’t dare keep looking right now.  We have to try again another time.”
“Let us return to the kitchens then and figure out a plan.”
The two women continued on to the kitchens where they casually made themselves useful amongst the other kitchen maids.
It was a few days later when the chance arose for one of them to find Stiorra.  The Dane woman in charge of the kitchens barked an order out at Cwen, who happened to be closest to her, that Sigtryggr had ordered food and ale be brought to the prisoner girl being held in the war room.
Cwen immediately knew the girl must be Stiorra, but had no idea what room the war room would be.
Carefully, she questioned the woman further. “Pardon, but which room is the war room? I've not brought that prisoner food yet.”
“It’s the room with all the scrolls and maps.  Large room at the end of the hall in the south corridor. Now get to it, girl.”
Cwen grabbed the tray of food and ale jug while making sure she caught Eadith’s eye.
Eadith had been pulled into kneading dough for the next day’s bread. Cwen gave her a short nod before leaving the room.
It must be King Alfred’s old study.  It was in the south corridor and had mountains of scrolls and books. Cwen mused to herself as she walked the halls.
When Cwen found the room, the set of double doors was closed, but not latched.  One door easily swung open when Cwen pushed on it with her hip.  
A young woman was sat at a long table facing away from the door, most of her long brown hair hanging down her back while some of it was piled at the back of her head in braids.
Hearing the door and Cwen’s footsteps, Stiorra turned and then gasped with shock to see her friend.
Quickly, Cwen placed her tray down and embraced the young girl.
“Oh thank the Lord I have found you,” pushing Stiorra back by the shoulders, Cwen took in her appearance, looking for any sign of distress or maltreatment.
“Are you well?  Why have they separated you from the others? We’ve been looking for days.”
“We? Who has been looking?” Stiorra questioned.
“Eadith and I,” Cwen replied. “But are you alright?” Raising her voice to talk over the older woman, Stiorra spoke, “I’m ok, Cwen.  Really, I am.  They’ve treated me kindly.  Sigtryggr removed me from the others so he could speak with me freely.  He has treated me well.” She finished with a small smile.
Cwen, albeit shocked, smiled back and embraced Stiorra once more. “Your father and his men are outside.” “And Edward too. I know,” Stiorra interrupted Cwen once more.
When Cwen stared at her questioningly, Stiorra replied, “Sigtryggr has told me.  He does not tell me all things, but,” smirking again, Stiorra continued, “we talk often.”
Cwen searched her friend’s face and saw no lie or hesitation. “I am glad to hear it.  The others, I fear, are not treated as kind.  Whenever the walls are breached, know that your father will find you.  We will find you.”
“I do not think Sigtryggr wants a fight, Cwen!”
“What do you mean he does not want a fight?  He has besieged us and…”
“Sigtryggr is different, Cwen.  He thinks.  He wants to understand Saxons.  I think he wants to be at peace with them.”
Cwen scoffed, “Well this is a strange way to go about bringing peace.”
Stiorra chuckled lightly while taking a seat, pulling Cwen to sit alongside her on the bench.
“I know, but would Edward have sat down with him before this?” When Cwen did not reply, because the answer was obvious, Stiorra continued, “I believe he wishes for land to settle and a peace to be reached.  He is trying to do something good for his people.  He does not seem to seek glory.”
“Such is your assessment of him?” Cwen asked.  Seeing Stiorra nod, Cwen paused to observe Stiorra once more. “And he has treated you well.  I can see it.  And I am glad, my dear.” Cwen rose to stand and Stiorra rose with her.  
“Now I must go before I am missed.  Eadith and I are here.  One of us will try to come back in a day or two to see you again.  Stay safe, Stiorra.”
“I am, Cwen,” Stiorra spoke while hugging Cwen once more tightly.
 It had been three days since Cwen had rejoiced with Eadith after finding Stiorra and learning she was safe. 
Another opportunity to speak with any of their companions had not presented itself though. Cwen and Eadith had needed to be content with helping out in the kitchens and continuing to look for weaknesses from within the walls. 
It happened while scouting along the southeast corridor for the third time. Cwen’s hair at the nape of her neck had stood on end and her heartbeat had become erratic before her eyes had even registered what they were seeing. 
That pulsing buzz returned to her ears and she had to sink back around a corner and slide down a wall, clutching at her legs and pulling them close. 
Luckily Eadith had been several paces behind Cwen and saw her collapse in fear.
Dropping to her friend’s side, she did not even have time to ask what had happened before Cwen was clutching at her and whispering, “Hide. We must hide.”
“Hide? From what?” Eadith replied in equal tones of panic.
“Eardwulf.  He comes this way.”
At that moment, footsteps and a lone voice became more pronounced approaching from the street.
“Come,” Eadith clutched at Cwen’s arms and stood, pulling her to stand and turn, abruptly walking back the way they had come. “Come now, just walk away.  That is all.”
Cwen allowed herself to be led away, but her breathing became more ragged. 
“He has not seen us.  We are just two more souls walking the streets.  Keep moving and breathe, Cwen.  We have to breathe.”
Eadith had begun talking to herself as much as to Cwen. 
They did not stop until they reached the courtyard outside of the kitchens where they both sat against the wall of the palace.  Crouched small and low.  Breathing hard.
That night, Cwen dreamed while she and Eadith lay huddled together in a small alcove of the kitchens.
She dreamed she was back in the fields outside of Saltwic.  
The golden and orange yarrow were waving in the breeze and purple and blue coneflowers joined the dance.  Small insects flitted about in the setting sunlight.  Dusky shadows were slowly stretching their arms across the field.
A man was standing watch over her, his shoulders broad and his feet firmly planted.  His head continually turning and searching, scanning the surrounding woods.
Sihtric turned to meet Cwen as she approached him, leaning her body into his and gripping tightly to his tunic. Her fingers fisting into the material, Cwen felt her teeth grind together and her shoulders tense. Her brow furrowed.
Turning her face up to look at him, Cwen could not hear a sound.  His lips were moving and he was speaking to her but the sounds never made it to Cwen’s ears.  His eyes brimmed with unshed tears.
The crease between Cwen’s brow deepened and she began shaking her head, pushing on Sihtric’s chest.
He brought both of his hands up to gently hold her neck and Cwen stilled as Sihtric rested his forehead against her own.
The gesture, one that was so intimate, so meaningful for Sihtric, would usually bring her peace.  Calm the raging bird, beating against the cage in her chest.
But this time, the dread and insecurity did not dissipate.
Cwen pulled back to find his eyes.
But was met with the dark, menacing eyes of Eardwulf.
His face was haggard and whiskers grew on his cheeks.  His eyes held the most danger.  They were tormented.  And they held anger.
Cwen felt the hands at her neck slowly shift to grasp her throat.
Eardwulf sneered through his teeth as he choked the life from her body.
Cwen’s sobs woke Eadith and the woman shook her friend awake, cradling her and whispering soothing words while feeling her friend shiver.
It took a long time before Cwen was able to regain control over her breathing and allow her body to relax.  Sleep did not come easy for the remaining hours of the night.
To be continued...
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Worse Days - Aaron Hotchner
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The faint dripping of water pulls me back to reality. The same sploosh happening over and over. Minute after minute. I pull my eyes open blinking, forcing them to focus. The swaying back and forth, left to right, doesn’t help ease the dizziness I feel.
“Looks like your girl is finally up.”
I look around, searching for the source of the voice.
“Wake up, sunshine!” He finally sits in front of me, taking my head in his hand. His fingers are coarse and strong. He forces me to look him in the eyes, his grip tight on my cheeks. He tilts my head to the tripod over his shoulder. The red light on the camera blinks back at me.
“Smile for the camera.”
This is not at all how today was supposed to go…
Twenty-Two Hours Ago.
“Alright, we’re looking at four women, murdered and found on the beach in Miami. All from different classes and backgrounds, but similar age groups” JJ hands us each our files.
“He takes them for three days, before brutally dismembering them. The morning of the fourth day, the woman is always found.”
“He takes risks. Each of these women were taken from high traffic areas.” I comment.
“There’s more.” Garcia suddenly takes over.
“He also sends a live feed to the family of the victim.” She reluctantly pulls it up on the TV, a live feed of the women pleading for their lives. Saying their goodbyes.
“He’s definitely a sexual sadist. He finds pleasure in knowing that families are watching their loved ones last moments.” I clear my throat, pulling my eyes away from the screen.
“That’s what he gets off on.” Derek agrees. “He likes knowing that there’s people in distress on the other end of the camera.”
“Wheels up in thirty.” Hotchner simply says before excusing us all.
As soon as we land we start the process to find the unsub. It begins with all of us splitting up and going to the scenes where the bodies were found. All of them were ditched on the beach, early morning before anyone was out.
We get nothing from the populated beaches other than sand in our shoes.
We sit down and look at the profile and determine the man is bold and try to analyze the footage we have from the previous victims. Penelope is trying to find any identifying marks from the videos to see where they come from. Based on the way he treats the bodies, we’ve determined he’s likely a white male in his early thirties. 
“It looks like they’re on a boat.” I say, we’ve been watching the videos on an endless loop. Trying to catch any new details. 
“The camera is steady.” Morgan argues, looking at the TV now too.
“But look at her hair, it’s moving when she’s not. It’s like the rocking of a boat.”
“It’s possible considering he’s ditching them on the beach.” Reid comments. 
“That’s why no one sees him dragging a body all across the beach. He already had them on a boat.” Ross puzzles together. 
“The most recent body was found this morning, that means he’s going to take his next victim tonight.” Morgan says.
“We should visit where each of the women were taken. Try and get an understanding of how he was able to do so in such populated areas.” Hoctchner announces, “Prentiss and Morgan, go to the grocery store where Hannah Lane was taken, Y/n and Spencer, go to the parking garage where Amy Bryant was abducted and Rossi and I will go to the last two locations.”
We all nod and go off in our separate directions. Spencer and I get in the car and drive to the parking garage where Amy was taken. We drive around until we reach the second level and get out.
“Even for a parking garage, it’s bold. It’s packed with cars on this level. Anyone could show up at any time.” I look around.
“You’re right, they could.” A voice calls out behind me before everything goes dark.
Present time.
“Morgan, you owe me twenty bucks. I told you it was a boat.” I stretch out my neck that has a kink from hanging loosely while sitting up in the chair for so long. It feels heavy, like I’ve been in this position a long time.
The man in front of me rolls his eyes, huffing loudly.
“You picked the wrong girl if you were counting on me melting like puddy in your hands. You forget that I know exactly what you want. You want the tears and the begging.”
“Trust me. You’ll get to that point.” He smirks. “They all do.”
He leaves the room, loudly pulling the door shut behind him as he goes.
“I promise, it’s not as bad as it looks.” I plead with the camera, knowing that my team is on the other side of it. I can only imagine what they’re all feeling. We’ve had close calls with team members, it’s not any easier to be in their position right now. You feel helpless. 
“Definitely on a boat, but I think we’re just at a marina or a pier. I can hear seagulls, we aren’t rocking that much.”
I lean forward as best as I can while still being tied to a chair. There’s a small window along the ceiling allowing me to see blue skies.
“It might be a ship. I’m above sea level, I can see the sky.” I try to give the team as much information as I can possibly gather. Anything could help.
“Sorry that’s about all I have right now to help.” I look around the bare room for any other details that could help, “I think I have a concussion, and maybe a cracked rib. I can’t take a deep breath.”
Suddenly the man comes back in, just as quickly as he left, he takes the camera in his hands.
“That’s all of your Y/n time today. You should get to trying to find me, because I am going to have a lot of fun in the meantime.”
Back with the team at the Miami police department...
The feed cuts out leaving the team in silence and shock.
“There’s nothing we could’ve done. We couldn’t have known-”
“We could have waited.
Spencer looks down at the ice pack in his lap. As if the guilt wasn’t eating away at him enough before. He also received a concussion. Only he woke up on the ground, relatively nothing compared to the person he was sent out with.
“There was no way for us to know that the unsub was going to come back to visit the last scene of the crime.” Emily defends. She can see the pure anger in Aaron’s eyes. Completely unwavering, and only focused on getting Y/n back to the team.
“But that’s the thing. He wouldn’t, that’s not in his MO. He moves on to his next target. Once he kills these women he feels nothing, it’s all in the buildup, he feels nothing at the scene of the crime.” Rossi says, thinking out loud.
“Y/n helped JJ talk to the press. The unsub could have seen her then. It’s likely that he would follow the case, especially once it was announced that the FBI had joined the case.” Spencer rapidly explains.
“She’s the right age, she fits his type.” Rossi nods.
“So, he sees her as more of a challenge. He’s escalated. He knows that she is a higher risk person to take.” Emily comments. 
“Y/n, said she’s on a boat.” Morgan says, bringing up the clue that Y/n gave them before the feed cut out. 
“We’re in southern Florida, there’s thousands of boats within just a hundred miles of us.” JJ sighs, looking around to the group around her.
“Four thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two within 75 miles of here.” Spencer pipes up.
Hotchner cuts him a look. Still trying to find anyone to blame, but himself. He’s the one who sent her in to that parking garage. 
“Garcia, can you locate her based on the feed the unsub has sent us?” Aaron asks, looking at the plain black screen, hoping to see it come back on so he can see the girl behind the camera. 
“No sir, he’s using a different routing server, just like he did with all of his previous victims.”
“Y/n is not a victim.”
It takes some time while the team continues to try and work out locations and who the unsub could even be. He wasn’t afraid to show his face on camera, which makes things a little more difficult. He has no record, making Garcia’s life a little harder. 
The TV in the conference room lets out a crackle before the familiar room comes into their view. Everyone sets down what they had been working on and halts all conversation. It’s been several hours since we’ve seen anything from him. Y/n has been gone for eleven hours at this point.
“Welcome back to the show!” The unsub grins. 
He moves out of the way to finally put Y/n in the frame. She’s hunched over, she doesn’t look as good as she did before. It’s evident that things have changed off camera. 
“His name is Nick.” Y/n mutters, picking up her head as best as she can. “He’s five ten and approximately a hundred ninety pounds.” 
“Don’t you learn to shut up?” Nick pulls back on the hair at the back of her head. In doing so it reveals new bruises that have taken home on her. 
“Baby, we talked about this. No more sharing with them, or else you know what happens.” Nick brushes her hair out of her face now. 
“This is his dads boat.” Y/n looks at the man who has taken her with spite in her eyes. It seems in his hours spent with her, he hasn’t learned that Y/n doesn’t like to be told what to do. And that she’s tougher than she looks. 
He lands a sharp fist into the side of her head and takes a step back. He lets himself take a deep breath, trying to gain control. He doesn’t want to kill her yet, that would be over too soon. Now he can step closer again, he lets one hand wrap around her throat, halting any oxygen of reaching her lungs.
He waits for Y/n to start to struggle in her chair before he lets up. 
“You just don’t like to learn, that’s okay. I’ll fix you.” Nick takes her hand, which is still tied to the arms of the chair she’s sat in. He pulls her pointer finger with care, before sharply pushing it straight up, breaking it. 
“Garcia-” Y/n picks up her head struggling to fight against his hands, she’s coughing now still trying to gain her breath back, “You don’t need to see this. Please. Turn it off.”
“Of course, Y/n is the one being tortured and she’s worried about other people.” Morgan turns away, himself unable to watch this continue. Listening to Y/n’s screams and shouts are going to be enough to stick with him. Rossi forces himself to watch the girl he’s grown so close to since joining the team, brutally tortured in front of him. 
Everyone on this team has love for this girl. She’s managed to worm her way into everyone’s life in some way or another. Y/n always knows exactly what each person needs, and she meets it. She holds the team together when they’re all falling apart. If anything were to happen to her, it would destroy them all. 
Especially Aaron. As reluctant as he would be to admit it, this girl has wormed her way into his heart. Different to everyone else on the team, though. He saw her beauty and kindness. It was hard to him to imagine a woman ever entering his life like Haley did, but Y/n did it with such grace, and without even trying. Y/n helped him out with Jack when he needed it, and made them meals when Aaron just needed to catch a break. She didn’t even need a thank you, it was just part of her.
Without even trying, Y/n became his person and all he can think now is that he never got the chance to tell her, never even got the chance to thank her, and that he won’t let happen.  He wants to see Y/n’s face in person, not bruised and bloody through the screen on the wall. He needs to get out to save her.
“Garcia, does that help you narrow your search.” Hotchner asks their tech who is still on speaker. 
“We’ve got twenty-two Nicks with boats in the Miami area.” She explains. 
“What about Nicks who have wealthy fathers? Or boats that weren’t originally in their name.” Spencer asks. 
“That leaves me with one. Nick Hoffman.” Garcia cheers, “Sunset Harbour on 1928 Sunset Harbour Drive” 
The team takes off without a second thought, quickly trying to save their girl. They manage to get there in record time and find the boat with success. Y/n was right, it’s more like a ship with its size. 
“Morgan, Rossi, work your way around the main levels and then below. Emily and I will lead the upper level.” 
The team takes off to clear the boat. It took a few empty rooms until Emily finally opens the door to where they are. Nick holds a knife to Y/n’s throat. He’s essentially using her as a shield, ducking behind her. 
“If you take one more step in here, I will slit her throat.” Nick shouts. 
“We don’t want that to happen.” Emily negotiates, Hotch finally stepping into the room. 
“Hey! I told you guys not to move!” He presses the blade down tight against Y/n’s neck while she lets out a shudder. 
“Let her go.” Hotch declares. 
“I want a deal.” Nick grovels. 
“Men like you don’t get deals.” Emily says, her eyes trained on him and all of his movements. 
“Not even for your precious Y/n’s life?” He grins, looking down at the girl below him now. 
“Go to hell.” She mutters as best she can., 
“Maybe killing you would be worth it.” He smirks, “Then we could go out together.” 
“I’ve got better plans.” Y/n throws her head back into Nick’s disorienting him enough that Hotch has a clear shot, and he takes it. Nick’s body falls and Emily kicks his knife out of reach.
“Get me out of this chair.” Y/n shakes, squirming to get out of the spot she’s been constrained to. “Get me out of here, please.” 
Hotch and Emily both holster their weapons and rush to help her. They quickly untie her and when her legs fail her, Hotch scoops her up. He quickly walks her down the stairs and doesn’t stop once he reaches the dock, he takes her all the way up to the ambulance. 
Without hesitation, Hotch gets in with her. There isn’t anything that could keep him from leaving her now. 
“Wow, that was a dramatic ending, huh?” Y/n grins. 
“You can’t seriously be cracking jokes about this now.” He sighs. 
“I mean come on, aren’t you going to even ask how I figured out his name was Nick? I figured it out when he ow-” 
Y/n cuts herself off when the paramedic starts feeling her ribs to see which are cracked and if any are broken.
“Y/n, we can talk about this later.” Aaron smiles. 
“Am I hallucinating? Is it the lack of oxygen, because you’re smiling.” Y/n comments, finally turning to look at her boss who has a smile that she knows he saves for Jack. 
“You’re back. That’s reason to smile.” 
They make it to the hospital to find out that Y/n has a concussion, one broken rib and three cracked ribs, and one broken finger. Not to mention the trauma to the trachea. 
“The gangs all here.” Y/n smiles, noticing Garcia has flown down to join the group. Everyone has been gathered in the room since everything settled down, “What are you doing here?” 
“Y/n, you were kidnapped.” Garcia states, still in shock, “You could’ve died.” 
Tears fill Penelope’s eyes and Y/n opens her arms from her hospital bed for a hug, which she easily accepts. 
“Ehh, I knew you guys would find me.” Y/n grins. “I’m fine Pen, I’m getting discharged in the morning and we can all go home.” 
“Yes, speaking of, we should all get some rest. Especially Y/n.”
Slowly, the rest of the team clears out, giving hugs on their way. 
“Not taking your own orders?” Y/n asks, noticing her boss making himself comfortable on the small couch in her hospital room. 
“I don’t think I could leave if I tried.” Aaron admits. 
“And why’s that?” Y/n asks, carefully turning to lay on her side to face him. 
“Because I love you.” He confesses, “I have for a while now, and it’s alright if you don’t feel the same, or if my position with this team makes you uncomfortable. I just don’t think I can go any longer without you at least knowing.”
“You love me?” Y/n asks, her voice cracking. Aaron finally has the courage to look over and she has tears in her eyes. 
“Yes.” He clears his throat, “The way you have become a part of my life, and Jack’s for that matter. You bring so much light with you everywhere you go, even after a day like you’ve had today. You manage to still be the brightest person I have ever met.”
“Please don’t make me get out of bed to kiss you, because I think I would crack another rib.” Y/n sighs. 
Hotch lets out a soft chuckle before getting up from his spot. 
“Only if you promise to go to bed after this, you need rest.” 
He leans down to connect their lips, it’s soft. Y/n can tell that he’s being gentle with her. She reaches up a hand to thread them through Aaron’s short hair, using it to her advantage to hold him there and pull him a little closer. They pull away eventually, Y/n stealing one more peck before fully letting go of him.
“Ok, maybe I’ve had worse days.” 
AHHHHHH my first time writing for criminal minds! i hope you guys liked it! 🥺
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Are You Growing?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cheek to Cheek) Word Count: 1,886 Warnings: mentions to alzheimers A/N: idk about yall but im loving posting about the earlier times w bucky n reader
You sit on Bucky’s couch, Alpine curled up in your lap, purring softly with closed eyes as you lightly scratch behind her ears.
Bucky’s sitting on the floor in front of you, in the place of where his coffee table used to be, which is now pushed into the corner for the time being. He rereads the instructions to put together his new bookshelf for the eleventh time now, still not understanding where exactly to put each screw.
You were no help to him, your first suggestion was to toss out the instructions and build to his heart’s desires; whatever felt right.
The last thing he needs, though, is for his bookshelf to collapse in the middle night and scare the shit out of him, so he tries his luck with the instructions.
He’s grateful for the ring of his cellphone, perhaps a break for a phone call will somehow make the instructions easier to read.
His stomach drops when he sees the caller ID as Rebecca’s retirement place. He pushes down his nausea and answers the phone.
“Hello? Is Rebecca okay?” He answers, quickly standing and moving to another room, not missing when your eyes look up at the sound of his sister’s name.
Is Rebecca okay? Did she hurt herself? Did she hurt one of the nurses? Is she dead?
“Hi, Bucky. Yes, Rebecca’s okay,” The receptionist Bucky’s gotten to know well responds, causing him to let out a sigh of relief, “She’s asking for you, is all. She’s… not eating. She didn’t touch her breakfast or lunch, she just keeps asking when you’re coming. I know you don’t normally come until tomorrow, but I promised her I’d call you.” She finishes explaining.
“Uhm… okay, okay. Tell her I got hung up at work and that I’ll be over as soon as I can.” He tells her, sparing a glance into the other room to see you peeking at the instructions on the ground.
“You’re amazing Bucky, thank you.” She responds, and all he does is hum through his anxiety before hanging up, returning to the living room where you sit.
You look up at him as if to ask if he is okay and he only stares back for a few seconds, thinking, before deciding, “Put your shoes on, we gotta go somewhere.” He tells you, voice still a little shaky from the scare of that phone call.
You don’t question it, recognizing that it’s probably not the time, and move to go grab your shoes by the door. Bucky silently pushes out air through his mouth, an attempt to calm himself down and get the nausea to go away. Rebecca’s okay, he reminds himself, she’s having a bad day, but she’s okay.
You’re worried at how quiet Bucky is and with how fast he speeds on his bike down a route you don’t really recognize. Finally, though, you see the sign in the distance, St. Francis Alzheimer’s Hospital, and you understand.
He parks the bike out front and turns it off, not yet moving, and you take off his helmet you’re wearing to get a better look at him. You say his name when you notice tears have gathered in his eyes; you’ve never seen him cry before.
“Sorry,” He wipes his eyes, “This shit is just so… exhausting. Everytime the phone rings, everytime I come here, I don’t know what I’m going to get, if she is okay.” He vents before letting out a long sigh.
You don’t know how to respond, choosing to rub his back as he composes himself. Bucky’s always been a tough rock; always knowing what to say, what to do, always knowing how to take care of everyone and how to solve everyone’s problems. You’ve never seen him so tired, so nervous before, and you see the toll doing this has taken on him.
Before you can say anything, he stands, “Let’s go.” He holds out a hand to help you off the bike and rests the helmet on the seat, knowing no one’s going to take it.
You follow quietly behind him as he enters and greets the receptionist, walking past the desk and down the hall. You feel out of place, not only here, in the retirement place Bucky’s sister lives at, but in public. You’ve barely left the apartment while you’ve been in hiding; you think this is the most amount of people you’ve been around in months.
Bucky approaches a door and knocks quietly before entering, “Hey, troublemaker,” He calls out, voice no longer strained or shaky as it’s been for the half hour, as though he flipped a switch to make himself normal again.
“Bucky!” You hear an excitement-filled elderly voice call out.
You enter to see her sitting on the bed, arms reaching out for Bucky to embrace him in a hug.
“Sorry, I’m late, I got caught up at the gym.” He tells her, hugging her back.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were at work, I just wanted to talk to you about the carnival, it’s coming this weekend.” You notice Bucky’s jaw clench for a second before loosening.
“It is, isn’t it. I’ll get Steve and we’ll all go together, I know how much you love the rides there.”
You linger by the door still, observing the interaction. How Bucky plays along so perfectly and so composed. You tense when you notice that Rebecca’s eyes have found you.
Bucky follows her gaze and snaps his head to you, “Becca, this is a friend of mine.”
You walk over and hold your hand out, giving your name, and she reaches out and accepts it, giving you a gentle smile, “A friend, huh?”
“Bec -”
“I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s really great to finally meet you.” You tell her.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, too, I haven’t met one of Bucky’s friends in a while,”
“Rebecca -”
“Who was that floozy you brought home once, the one that Mama hated?” She teases Bucky, who now stands with arms crossed looking at you take a seat in the chair next to Rebecca’s bed.
“That was Madeline.”
“Madeline! My goodness, she didn’t last very long at all -”
“How about we talk about something other than my love life? Are you hungry, Bec?”
“A little bit.” She responds, and Bucky feels relief flood through his body. He nods and leaves the room to go fetch her lunch from one of the nurses.
“I love these flowers on your shirt.” Rebecca compliments, snapping your eyes away from the door Bucky exited out of and back to hers. They’re the same blue as Bucky’s.
You glance down at your shirt, one you thrifted with lilac’s all over them.
“Thank you, they’re, uh, lilacs. They symbolize growth. Like, change from ignorance to knowledge, innocence to wisdom, and all that.” You tell her.
She hums, “And are you?”
“Am I what?”
You pause to think about it. Have you grown? Changed?
“Yes. I think so.” You respond.
“Well, then I’m happy for you.” She says sincerely.
You feel a knot swell in your throat at the validation, being greatly reminded of Bucky in that moment, and it’s then that he returns with a tray of food, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of juice.
Bucky places the tray on the small table that can swing over her bed, cutting the food on the plate for her small pieces, before moving to the fruit and juice, taking both lids off for her.
You watch as he takes gentle care in moving the tray closer to her, piling small pieces of food onto a spoon before feeding it to her.
She clears about half the plate before saying she’s full, which is more than enough for Bucky to be satisfied; it’s better than this morning.
Whatever problem there seemed to be this morning that caused Bucky to come over here in a rush is gone. To you, it was like his presence was the only thing she needed to feel better; it’s like there wasn’t anything wrong in the first place.
Soon enough, the two of you leave, with a promise from Bucky that he’ll see her tomorrow on Thursday and they’ll go to the carnival this weekend.
You don’t mention anything else about the visit to Bucky the entire way home, and choose to help him on the floor of his living room for the rest of the evening instead.
Thursday and Friday pass, and Bucky goes to Steve’s on Saturday.
“Remember that girl I told you about? The one I’ve sort of become friends with? That I’ve been looking out for?” Bucky stirs sugar into his coffee, his sweet tooth showing up more frequently since he’s been hanging out with you.
“I remember.” Steve says, sitting down next to him at his table with his own cup of coffee. Steve’s is decaf, though.
“I, uh… I took her to meet Rebecca.” Bucky doesn’t meet his eyes, waiting to see what his reaction will be.
“Oh?” Steve responds, setting his mug down and resting his aged hands on the table, paying all attention to Bucky now.
“There was a situation on Wednesday, Becca wasn’t eating and she was at my apartment -”
“At your apartment?”
“So, I just took her with me -”
“You haven’t even taken Sam to meet Rebecca.” Steve tells him, making Bucky stop.
He pauses for a moment before continuing, “When I saw Bec on Thursday, she remembered her.”
Steve’s head tilts, processing his words.
Bucky continues, “I went to go see Bec on Thursday, and she asked me about her, apparently they talked about some flowers and she wanted me to bring her some so she can see them in person. Asked when I was going to bring her to see her again.” He finishes explaining.
“Wow.” Is all Steve says.
“Rebecca… doesn’t remember anything. I mean she remembers me and you, but she barely remembers anything she and I talk about when I visit, barely remembers her kids. But she remembered talking about lilacs with this girl she’d never met before!” Bucky says, still in disbelief.
“...Must be something special about her.”
“Oh, don’t you start now, too.”
“Just saying. Maybe you should bring her here sometime.”
“Nah, I didn’t even plan to take her to see Becca. That was a risk all by itself, taking her out in public like that.” Bucky glances up to see Steve smirking at him with that stupid wrinkled mouth of his.
“Stop looking at me like that, would you, punk?!”
Steve chuckles, “She sounds like a sweet girl.”
“She’s my friend, Steve.”
“I didn’t say she wasn’t.”
“But you’re implying -”
“Implying what? What are you thinking?”
Bucky huffs and rolls his eyes, Steve twisting his words around, and he realizes he won’t escape this conversation without teasing.
“Whatever. She’s just a friend. If that. We just hang out sometimes, I help her do things that I had trouble with when I got out of HYDRA. I’m just around to help her.”
“Sure, pal. That’s nice of you.”
Bucky sighs, standing to go refill his coffee, and Steve smiles to himself, glad that Bucky’s met someone like you, and glad to see where it’ll inevitably lead, even if the two of you don’t see it yet.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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Plain Gold Ring
(Part 2)
You left a few minutes before he did. He ran up to his place to change. The two of you had already showered together. You had meetings all day and so did he. You agreed to meet for lunch.
Your thoughts drifted to him all day. His strong hands and the spice of his skin were all you could think about. You should have felt guilty but you didn’t. You two really seemed like you connected on a deep and spiritual level. You told yourself not to be naive. Men who cheat never leave their wives. You were a means of escape for him. You decided to proceed as planned and move forward with your Chicago interview.
At lunch Andy came bounding into your office. Before you could even hand him his fork he had his hands on you. “I can’t focus. You’ve been in my head all day.”
“Me too.”
“Yeah? You thinking of my cock?”
“Your cock, your hands…fuck…your tongue.” He slipped his hand in your panties to find you already dripping.
“Shit, baby. I have to be inside of you. This is gonna be quick.” He slammed his hips into you a few times before you both completely lost it. He eased you back down peppering kisses on your neck and chest. You readjusted your panties, smoothed your hair and sat down at your desk to drink some water.
“Oh my goodness are you going to stay like that all day?”
“Like what?” You knew exactly what he was talking about. You just wanted to hear him say it.
“With my cum dripping out of you? Don’t you want to clean up?”
“I’m good.” You winked at him and handed him his lunch.
He chuckled, “There goes the rest of my day.”
You had easy conversation for the rest of lunch. You asked him about Jacob and how he seemed to be coping. He was happy to talk about it. It was evident he adored his son. And there went the guilt bubbling up again. He could see it in your face. “Is this weird for you?”
“A little. Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”
“We don’t have to talk about him.”
“It’s ok. I like hearing about your life. Besides I brought him up. I just want to be sure I’m not reading too much into this. Like we’re just friends who fuck right? I don’t know if I’m trying to catch feelings.”
He was a little offended but couldn’t express that to you. You had sex the second day that you had known each other. That was clearly not something he did nor did he take it lightly. He meant what he said. He really liked you. He would just have to work hard to show you how much. For now, he would follow your lead.
“Oh yeah. Of course. Friends who fuck sometimes. No feelings to catch.”
You went about the rest of your day and got home at a respectable hour. While you were at your mailbox in your building you noticed Lori and Jacob coming in. You smiled and turned quickly to get to the elevator. You realized a lot of people likely knew who they were and made it awkward like you just did. You just couldn’t leave well enough alone and went back to introduce yourself.
“Hi. I don’t mean to interrupt. Are you Lori Barber? My name is Y/N. I work with Andy.” She looked relieved to hear your name.
“Of course! Y/N. So nice to meet you. Andy told us all about you. This is our son Jacob.” He waved to you and you very awkwardly waved back.
“Well I won’t keep you. I just wanted to say hi.” She looked like she wanted to talk more but you hightailed it out of there up the stairs. You felt like an asshole. She looked like a perfectly nice person. If you weren’t fucking her husband you’d probably be friends. Damn it. You couldn’t do this with Andy. As much as you wanted to, knowing Lori was in the same building was too much for you.
That bottle of red on your counter was calling your name. You ordered dinner and prepped for your interview. Hopefully you’ll get a decent offer and out of here before you make a bigger mess.
While you were in the bath Andy texted. You didn’t respond. While you watch tv he texted again. No text back. After the third unanswered text he called.
“Hey, Andy.”
“Are you ghosting me?” He sounded like he was joking but not really
“No. Just busy. What’s up?”
“Nothing. Too busy to see me?”
You wanted to say yes. Yes you were far too busy to spend time with a married man. You wanted to tell him go back to his wife. But you didn’t. “Of course not. I’ll unlock the door.” You were a goner.
A few minutes later you heard him calling your name. “Bedroom.” you called out. You had been crying about it all night but you have to end things before it gets serious. Even though you weren’t really dating and you said no feelings, you knew yourself. Under the facade of an overly ambitious lawyer you were a hopeless romantic. In the very short time you’ve known Andy he’s been a great guy. The fact remained, he was kind of your boss and very much married. You couldn’t continue.
“Hey. Are you crying? What’s wrong?” He sat on the bed and pulled you into his lap. You sobbed harder. “Y/n. Baby? Talk to me.”
“I met Lori and Jacob. He really has your eyes. We can’t do this, Andy. I know you and Lori are going through a rough patch but I can’t do this.” He was crestfallen. He rubbed your hand while you talked nodding where appropriate. When it was finally his turn to talk, he didn’t trust his voice to be strong.
“I know we just met, Y/N but, I’ve never cheated on Lori. Not ever. I slept with you because I liked you from the first moment we met. I know you said no feelings but, I feel like if you weren’t on the verge of caring, you wouldn’t be crying over me right now.” He was right. You felt all the things you weren’t supposed to feel.
You stayed up talking for a few more hours and ended up falling asleep in his arms. When you woke up the next morning he was gone. It was just as well. You got your notes together for your interview and called in.
The whole conversation was amazing. You and the managing partners really hit it off. They were younger than the partners at your current firm. A lot of women on the senior team. Not twenty minutes later did you friend text you to say they wanted you to take a trip out to Chicago.
When you got into the office you asked Caitlin to clear your schedule for the rest of the week and booked your flight. You were due in court so you grabbed your bag and badge and headed out.
You were one of three attorneys on this case. Today was the voir dire so all you’d be doing was taking notes on possible jurors. One of the team members was unable to make it so Andy filled in. It was a pleasure watching him work. This part of the legal process was generally pretty boring. Watching him was like theater. You were fawning all over him like a school girl. It was frankly disgusting. At the end of the day Andy called a team meeting to compare notes and start working on court strategy.
You worked through dinner. All of you were exhausted by the end of the night. Since you were leaving the next morning, you handed your coworker Jeremy all of your notes and went to your office to pack up.
“Y/N, can you be in a little early tomorrow? I want to run through a couple of things.” Andy called from your doorway.
“Sorry. I’ll actually be in Chicago. Family emergency. I put it on your calendar this morning. Jeremy has all of my notes. I’ll be out of pocket for most of the trip. Shoot me an email if you need something. I’ll try to get back to you.”
He frowned and let out a deep sigh, “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important this case is. Can the trip be rescheduled?”
“I’m sorry. It can’t be. Jeremy is up to speed on everything. He’s done just as much leg work as I have on this case. You’re in good hands.” You patted him on the chest and excused yourself.
Andy got home and grabbed a beer. Jacob was sitting at the table finishing some school work. “How is your new job, Dad?”
“Good. Everyone there is really nice.”
“Mom and I met Y/N at the mailboxes yesterday. She’s pretty.” Andy was surprised that Jacob even noticed you. He’s always staring at his phone.
“Yeah. She’s pretty.” He ruffled Jacob’s hair. “What are you working on?”
Lori came in to grab a water. She looked like she was running on the treadmill. She hadn’t found a good route around the neighborhood yet. “Hey. I didn’t hear you come in. We met your coworker. She was really sweet.”
“She’s the one who put you in touch with Linda Raymond.”
“Oh. That was nice of her. We should have her over for dinner. I remember when I was single I had nothing but wine and old Chinese in my fridge. I’m sure she’d like a home cooked meal.”
Andy was irritated with Lori’s assumption. “She’s a grown woman. I’m sure she feeds herself.” He knew you did because he’s been in your fridge.
“Well anyway. I’d like to thank her. I’ll send her a bottle of wine. Maybe you can ask her assistant what she likes.”
“She drinks Cabernet.”
He got up from the table and changed into his gym clothes. There was a really nice gym on the bottom floor of the building. He had every intention of going there but he couldn’t get you off of his mind. You mentioned all of your family lived down south. What kind of emergency could you have in Chicago. Maybe it was a guy. You didn’t mention one. He didn’t ask. He wouldn’t be surprised if you had a booty call in Chicago. You were distracted all evening texting someone. He pushed the button for your floor.
Your flight was early so you started packing when you got home. Half way through your wine fueled solo dance party, Andy was at your door. You were a little tipsy and feeling bold so you answered wearing only a tshirt and panties.
“Evening, Andy.” You opened your arms to welcome him inside.
“Evening. Do you have a minute?”
“Sixty an hour, sir and they’re all for you.” He followed behind you to your bedroom.
“Are you drunk?”
“Not yet. But! The night is young.” He watched you dig through your closet selecting dresses and shoes. Nothing very casual.
“You sure do dress up for a family emergency.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“What do you want, Andy?”
“What’s in Chicago?”
“What’s with the questions?”
“Why are you answering my question with a question? Nothing more suspicious.” Fucking lawyers.
“What do you want, Andy? I won’t ask again.”
“You. I won’t see you for a few days and I’ll miss you. If you are going to see a guy, as I suspect by the amount of lingerie you’ve packed, I want you to remember how good you have it at home.”
Your cheeks heated and your cunt started paying attention. “So demanding, Mr. Barber.” You patted him on the head and attempted to walk away from him. He grabbed your hips and ran his hands under your tshirt over your bare belly. “Andy, we agreed.”
“No, you agreed. I did not. I still want you.” His index finger stroked the wet spot on your panties. “Looks like you still want me too.” Your eyes fluttered closed as you leaned into his touch. He nuzzled your clothed pussy nipped and sucked. His hand rubbed broad strokes over you before he pulled them down and began flicking his tongue over your clit. You let out a low moan of appreciation. “Want me to stop?”
“Andy…” He cupped your pussy and slipped in two fingers grinding the palm of his hand against your clit.
“What’s that, honey? Answer me. Do you want me to stop?” His body was pressed against yours.
“No. God no. But you have to. Your wife…”
“Don’t worry about her. Worry about yourself. Do you want me to stop? Tell me to stop.” he growled into your ear. He pressed his erection into your hip she continued finger fucking you.
Your head went blank and your pussy took over again. “Don’t stop. Please, Andy. Never stop fucking me.”
He spent the rest of the night squeezing every last ounce of pleasure from your body. You showered and ate a very late dinner after which you fell asleep watching a movie. This was a level of bliss you had never enjoyed in your whole life. You were falling in love with him. Fuck your stupid feelings.
Your very full bladder nudged you awake. As you slipped back into bed, Andy’s phone screen illuminated the very dark room. You went to turn it off and saw several missed calls and texts from Lori.
You felt like you were doing something horribly wrong. Not like you could see anything she said. You weren’t sure if you should wake him. But, what if it was an emergency? Something could be wrong with Jacob. You nudged his shoulder but he didn’t budge. This man slept like the dead.
“Andy? Wake up.” you whispered in his ear.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?”
“Lori keeps calling. I wasn’t sure if it was an emergency.”
He grumbled and scowled at the device. “It’s nothing. Go back to sleep.”
“It has to be something or else she wouldn’t have called you so many times.”
“I missed counseling tonight. She’s pissed.”
“Go home, Andy. I can get myself to the airport.”
“No. I’m with you tonight. She’ll have me the rest of the week. Come back to bed. Please, baby. I have to get my fill of you before you leave.”
You had a choice here. You could get back in that bed and spend the rest of the night with this beautiful man. You could feel happy and loved and ignore the fact that, two floors up Lori was likely pacing the floor. Or, you could tell him about Chicago and be done with this mess. You chose option B. It was going to hurt like hell but you had to rip off that bandage.
“What’s in Chicago is a position with a major firm. I’ve already had my first interview. They asked me to fly out for a few days. They’ll make me an offer and I’m going to accept.” He was silent. “Say something. Please.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” You smacked him in the face with your pillow. “Ow! Hey! What the fuck?! Stop it. Y/N stop! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
You were pissed and on the verge of tears. You switched on the bedside lamp and paced the floor mumbling to yourself. “We’ve only known each other for a couple of weeks. Fuck you. You aren’t falling for me. You’re in love with the fantasy that is our relationship.” You took his left hand and pointed to his wedding band, “As long as this is on your finger, you belong to Lori. You will never be mine. Go home, Andy. I’m going into that bathroom. When I come out, you need to be gone. Who the fuck says they’re falling for someone right before they get on a plane?! You’re almost guaranteeing it will crash.”
That stupid wedding ring. He never took it off. It must be graphed to his skin by now. You felt it when you held hands. It pressed into your breasts when he grabbed them. He was never aware of it but you always were. Painfully aware.
After a few minutes you heard your front door slam. You popped a nerve pill and got back in bed. Fuck Andy fucking Barber for being so perfect. Fuck your stupid pussy for getting you involved in the first place and fuck your stupid heart for feeling anything. You cried yourself to sleep.
At six am Andy stood in his floor to ceiling window drinking his coffee. He saw you pacing the street waiting for your Uber that was five minutes late. The guy didn’t even take your bag. The car sped away taking his whole future with it.
He couldn’t fathom why you had such a soft spot for his wife. You had from the first time you met. You got her a job and went on a one woman crusade to save their marriage. He guessed you just felt like she had gone through enough. Andy hadn’t really forgiven her for almost killing them in that crash. She didn’t forgive him for his father’s involvement in Jacob’s acquittal. There was no going back. He filed for divorce the next day. Whether the two of you got together or not, he and Lori were done.
When you got home you went to the mailbox first. You had a few magazines stacked on the table. You guessed no one wanted to steal your copy of Forbes. You saw Lori and smiled. Your earbuds were still blasting away so you didn’t immediately hear her talking.
“I’m so sorry. Did you say something?”
“It’s ok. I’m used to it with Jacob. I said I never got to thank you for passing on my information to Linda. I got the job.” (you already knew) “Anyway. I wanted to invite you for dinner sometime as a thank you.”
“I appreciate it. You really don’t have to.”
“Nonsense. I can use the company since Andy moved out.”
You dropped your things and cursed under your breath. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s ok. It was a long time coming. Let me know what works for you. I’m good anytime really.” She got onto the elevator and you stood in the lobby frozen.
You didn’t want to let Andy know you knew right away so you just sent him a quick message. “I’m back.” When you got back into your place your phone rang.
“Did you take the job?” He hadn’t even given you a chance to say hello.
“I did. They need me there in a month. Taking on a class action. I’ll wrap up what I can here and then I’m gone.”
“And I can’t convince you to stay.”
“It’s a really impressive offer. I can’t pass it up.”
“I filed for divorce.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” (No you weren’t)
“So I have a month to make you fall in love with me.”
“Can I come over?” Say no. End it. Absolutely not.
“Sure. No physical contact.”
“I’ll be a perfect gentleman.” Now if you could only say the same for yourself.
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Thank you so much @cheri-translates for translating Victor's SAND AND SEA DATE. You're an angel. 🥺🥺🥺
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Now I'm gonna start blabbering since I've many feels about this date LOL~ 🙃
⚠️Warning: There are some spoilers regarding Victor storyline from the main story chapters that haven't been released in EN yet.
From "I won't save you a second time" [CH 1] to "I don’t need you to save me a second time." [The date in discussion]-- LOL as hilarious as this is, the irony.💯
Ngl this date felt like, the writers thinking since, under the context of the theme, the physical pain of time travel & crossing countless of dimensions & timelines is not possible-- let's just nearly kill him by spilling blood & dehydration but still we gotta nearly kill this man cause he wants to be in love.🙃
Idk why I'm getting so emotional LOL but there are so many call-backs I can remember on top of my head right now--
[The lines & moments from the date are indented & in bold letters.]
MC: "Victor, I’m helping you look for a water source. Let go!"
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🌹 The sad broken cup scene from [CH 18-16], MC urging Victor to let go & him stubbornly refusing, until she gives in.
MC sacrificing herself to revive the river, part of it is to save Victor- other part of it is also for the greater good of the people in the city.
🌹 [CH 18-18] MC's monologue- "This time, put everything on my shoulder & let me be your hero one last time."
& sacrificing herself for the peace of the world even though it only made more chaos.
Victor releasing the hand that supported him at the edge & deciding to sacrifice himself with her. & the vow- "No matter what awaits you, I’ll be with you."
MC's monologue: "It turns out that no matter what the ending is, he’s willing to be with me."
[CH 18-28] Victor deciding to use the sundial watch one last time despite knowing that'd kill him for sure & might lead the world to perish as well. Dummy & Selfish in that moment. His final vow before MC disappeared, "No matter where you are, I'll always find you."
[CH 19-6 Dream World Victor route]
MC: "What if this really is a dream. Then what?"
Victor: "Then I'll turn it into reality."
[CH 25 phone call- In the Hospital]
"No matter what you are facing in other space-times...Wait for me."
[CH 36-10, after Victor returns from his 10K years time travel]
Victor: I thought you are never going to be afraid again?
His warm breath moistens my eyes. I inhale through my sore nose. Resisting the urge to bury my face in his chest, I look up, staring straight into his eyes-
MC: I will never be afraid again. Because you really came back. Victor is standing here before me like a treasure once lost and now found. What do I have to be afraid of?
Victor is stunned for a moment. The corners of his lips loosens a bit, while the contours of his face softened a lot. He raises his hand to wipe the wetness from the corner of my eyes.
Victor: It seems that this dummy has grown up a lot during this period. Listen carefully, I will never return to a world where you are not.
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[CH 37 PV line]
"Whatever choice you make, I'll always be here."
[CH 37 karma by-line]
"I will accompany you on the road leading to the future."--
Basically the eternal insistence of him having an internal MC GPS tracker LOL ALWAYS being by her side.
Kidnapping incident.
🌹...[CH 30-7 to 30-10] Agio Street underground gambling den mission- wants to say a hello.🙋‍♀️
Abandoning the honor & glory of leading a comfortable life as a feudal lord to restore the river & to find the fateful couple, probably hoping to find his love too, but won't admit cause even if it's AU, he be like- "I'm still Victor" LOL
[CH 11 karma by-line]
"I won't let go of you & the world."
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The physically-mentally painful exhausting wait & time travelling of 10K years, walking through endless dimensions & timelines, only to start from the very beginning every single time- hoping to find a way to save the world & protect the girl-- wants to say a hello too 🙋‍♀️
MC's monologue: Still, I want to have one more look at Victor… before leaving.
🌹 This specifically reminded me of a [CH 37-5 Victor split route] monologue from MC--
"It didn't matter what was waiting for me. I would face it with my head held high. Even so, I still wanted one last second...just one second. Let me call his name one more time...let me take a good look at him...just one last time..."
Victor: In that case, stay here. Stay by my side.
🌹 He has said the same sentence in different ways under various circumstances but one I can remember right now,
[CH 24-12 Black Cabin reunion]-- "But right now...Just stay by my side."
MC noting down how she always finds herself in his arms whenever she's fainting or getting in trouble. How Victor has been quietly taking care of her & protecting her. How the person before her walks in steady steps with forceful heartbeats.
When she was in her most depressing state [CH 18], he was there like the steady pillar of support, helping her in every way he could. He was pretty much the glue that kept her in one piece.
Again, in winter world, he stood by her side even as a stranger.
Not just these two incident, throughout the entire game, especially in the latter part of the story, they work together like partners, she learns to trust him with pretty much everything & they work through everything they can together.
Those few mentions in the date-- could be referred to how Victor has always been the constant source of warmth, encouragement, strength, support, protection in her life. No matter what world or when, he never really changes. He is still the same man. & His constant state IS choosing MC every single time.
Victor lies on the sand quietly, and it’s as though everything has returned to the beginning when we first met.
🌹 Indication towards how their storyline ALWAYS goes back to square one or comes in a full circle-- from Victor saving her from the car crash as a kid [& this being repeated many times afterwards, even in winter world], to the lightning incident [MC jumping in front of Victor both as a child & an adult], to both being in coma for week, staying in the hospital & taking care the entire time [MC in CH 11, Victor in CH 32], to stabbing each other countless times. [CH 18, CH 36-- & every other times Victor has seen those incidents happening before his eyes while time traveling.] *que tears*
I could possibly make a full blown essay which I already kinda have out of some other specific call-backs I can remember right now. Specifically the theme of the date being star-crossed lovers-
Legend tells of two lovers. Because of the pressures of their nations, they could not be together, and decided to drown themselves in a river for love.
Because of this, the River Goddess was enraged, and she cursed the land nourished by the river which was under her control. Since that day, the Socya River gradually dried up.
The Goddess left an exhortation-when the fateful couple reappears on this land, the river will be surge once again...
& This perfectly echoes the canon theme of Victor x MC storyline--
🌹 As in, Victor being someone who, objectively speaking, seemingly has everything & yet sacrificing practically everything--
[giving up over-seas university offers, staying in the city instead of moving abroad even though his business could be expanded more, relentless search of 17 years, appointing private detective for 6 years, building up Souvenir etc.]
--- to find MC & then in the mission of keeping her safe, even at the cost of his own existence. Trying everything beyond his limits to prevent the destined deaths of MC he has foreseen- from happening & it being doomed to no end every single time.
🌹 Every single time he had to give up the ONE thing he wanted to protect the most or wanted the most.
🌹 Both of them being so willing to put each other in the front line just to give each other happiness.
🌹 Another running theme of their storyline-- both of them keep losing each other countless times & then find each other again.
• Victor losing MC as a kid, finding her as an adult. Victor nearly losing her in CH 10.
• MC losing Victor due to the time rift in CH 14 & finding a way to contact each other through the sundial watch.
• Victor losing MC in CH 18 first-hand. MC leaving Victor behind in CH 19- dream world.
• CH 24 Black Cabin reunion & CH 27 OG timeline reunion
• MC nearly losing Victor in CH 32, due to him going to coma
• MC losing Victor in CH 34 due to Victor going on the time-travel journey of 10K years
• Final reunion in CH 36 [Then we have the journey to S2. But that's a whole new discussion.]
🌹So...both of them being able to truly be with each other is actually-- defying fate & writing their own destiny. *SOBS*
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🌹I wanna end my blabbering with two precious moments from [CH 36- Victor split route] that echoes this theme even more.
MC: "I've always chased after your silhouette and I was never afraid. Because I know you'll always be there waiting for me. Victor, if you really disappear... I will be with you, and we will both be forgotten by the world."
MC's monologue: "Victor, once we have crossed countless dimensions and futures, and returned to each other’s embrace. If everything has to disappear with time, as dust into the wind... Then, I'm glad that we have our final promise."
[She's referring to the promise she made of being forgotten by the world to be with him & the promise Victor made earlier to never leave her again.]
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thefinalcinderella · 3 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 9 - To Beyond (Part 3)
Full list of translations here
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For Jouta, his younger twin brother Jouji was truly the other half of his soul.
Jouta and Jouji's parents never mixed up their sons. When the twins were younger, they would often play pranks on the adults by pretending that Jouta was Jouji and Jouji was Jouta. But their parents were the only ones who never mistook one for the other.
That’s strange, Jouta would think. Sometimes when he looked in the mirror, even he couldn’t tell if he was Jouta or Jouji.
The twins’ parents never compared their sons. There was no comparison to make, they were completely different people. They loved them as their equally treasured children.
That was a natural attitude for parents, but Jouta learned as he was growing up that some parents couldn’t maintain that natural attitude; some parents compared their children and thought of them as their own property. I’m glad our parents aren’t like that, Jouta thought.
Even though their faces were identical, their souls were different.
Jouta was able to easily and naturally accept this fact because of the way their parents treated them; Jouta naturally loved his twin brother as the person closest to him, and as a person who was completely different from himself.
Jouta and Jouji were always together. They slept in the same room, went to the same school, and played soccer together. They made up as many times as they fought and played with their mutual friends.
Jouta knew almost everything about Jouji—he knew his favorite foods, he knew that he had a small mole on his right ankle, and he knew who had been his first kiss and when. But he also knew that Jouji had a very different personality from him.
Jouta and Jouji had many friends. The people around them thought of them as cheerful and fun. This was quite true, and there was nothing to complain about being thought of like that, but when it came to himself, he felt that that wasn’t the right expression.
Jouji is more innocent than me.
He really makes the atmosphere more relaxed just by being there. Whenever Jouji laughs or gets angry, it’s an uncalculated and honest outpouring of emotion.
Jouta wasn’t so simple and naïve—he sometimes acted in a calculated way, thinking, “If I do this, people will like me.” If anything, people who were as carefree as Jouji were in the minority. That was why Jouta loved his younger brother all the more.
I don’t think Jouji is aware of it yet, though, Jouta thought. It’s time to go down separate paths. We’ve always been together, we’ve always done the same things, but we can’t stay like this forever.
He headed south from the Hamasuka intersection and entered Shonan Kaigan Road. The wind was blowing from the front as they ran along the coastal road.
Jouta and Jouji were almost the same in scholastic and athletic ability; that was why they had gone to the same high school and were both regulars on the soccer team.
However, Jouji was the one who was more suited to running.
Right now, their times weren’t that different. But Jouta, who knew Jouji better than anyone, had noticed.
This is probably as far as I go, but Jouji is going to get faster. He can go places I can’t even see. He’s got that talent in him, and he seems to have a passion for running.
Jouji was loved by many, and he loved everyone equally. Jouji’s enthusiasm and obsession with running had come as a surprise to Jouta.
He had thought he would get bored soon, but Jouji devoted himself to running day after day.
It seemed like even Kiyose hadn't noticed, but Jouji sometimes snuck out late to train on his own; he quietly slipped out of his futon so as to not wake Jouta, and came back after an hour’s run outside.
When it was just the two of them in their room, Jouji would constantly talk about Kakeru. Kakeru’s running was amazing today. I wonder how I can run like that. In order to get even a little closer to Kakeru, he would pose on the tatami and say, “Nii-chan, check my form.” There was a sparkle in Jouji’s eyes in those times.
Jouta and Jouji often fought with Kakeru, partly due to the familiarity and ease of being in the same school year. From Jouta’s point of view, Kakeru seemed unbalanced because of his purity. This sometimes irritated him and he would end up lashing out at him.
But Jouji looked up to Kakeru; he was embarrassed at himself for acknowledging Kakeru, so he was trying to rebel against it.
You’ve grown up, Jouji. Jouta thought desolately—but also happily. For the younger twin brother, the one who had been his biggest rival until now was Jouta. They had always been each other’s goals and had influenced each other through their lives. But now Jouji had finally found a rival and goal named Kakeru.
If you hadn’t run, you never would have known. We can still be together, still see the same things.
But this is as far as we go, Jouji.
As if dragged along by Jouji’s enthusiasm, Jouta also began running. He and the other residents of Chikusei-sou had reached the point where they could run in the Hakone Ekiden. And Jouji would still aim further. He would go beyond, where Jouta couldn’t catch up to him no matter what.
It doesn’t matter, Jouta thought. It doesn’t change the fact that Jouji is my precious little brother. I have to welcome my little brother becoming independent. From now on, all I can do is run with all I've got and give a farewell gift to Jouji as he takes his time to reach newer heights.
I hope that one day Jouji will win. No matter how many years it takes, I hope he will become as fast and strong as Kakeru, if not more so than him, and a runner that no one can beat. Jouta still didn’t know what he would be doing then. But he knew that he would still be cheering for his brother with all his heart, just as he was now.
As he ran, his view was blocked by the barrier of trees planted to prevent the movement of the sand, and he couldn’t see the sea. Only the scent of the tide was carried by the wind over the traffic restricted road.
They say it’s plain, Jouta thought, but it’s really tough, this course.
The third leg, from Totsuka to Hiratsuka, was often thought of as a connecting leg. They left Route 1 at Higashimatano and headed south. After passing near Fujisawa Station at the eight-kilometer mark, the road became a plain town road, and after turning right at the Hamasuka intersection and entering Route 134—commonly known as the Shonan Kaigan Road—the monotonous scenery continued. There were not many houses and the road was far from the station, so even the cheering crowds along the road were sometimes interrupted here.
For Jouta, who was motivated just when expectations were placed on him, he was not good at running with no one watching. It was also difficult for him to run because the road was flat and almost straight when they were along the sea, in contrast to the minor ups and downs before they reached the Shonan Kaigan Road.
The temperature was 5.7 degrees. The tree barrier was on his left. On top of that, the sunlight, which was strong for winter, shone down on Jouta. The wind was still blowing from the front. It would not be strange if he could see Mount Fuji right in front of him, but there was no time to check.
As expected, the Hakone Ekiden is something that should be watched on TV, Jouta thought. While eating osechi and lazing around. We were promised that we'd enjoy aerial shots of the sea, the endlessly stretching road, and Mount Fuji in the third leg; a peaceful and festive scene that excites the New Year's mood.
But what about the pain of actually running?
After receiving the sash from Musa at the Totsuka relay station, Jouta’s Hakone Ekiden had started off with an uphill run. At Totsuka, the runner from Kita Kanto University who had received the sash in seventeenth place furiously outpaced him, but he didn’t care. Tokyo Gakuin University, who had started six seconds later than Jouta also overtook him, but he didn’t panic. I’m not good on roads with ups and downs, Jouta thought.
The Kita Kanto University runner's time was top-class even among the participants; Jouta had made sure to have Yuki show him the data of the runners who were running in the same leg as him. It would be impossible to stubbornly try and compete with them on equal terms. The Tokyo Gakuin guy was already breathing hard when he passed me. I’m sure I’ll be able to catch up and overtake him again.
The Shonan Kaigan Road had good visibility—Jouta could clearly see Tokyo Gakuin University and Shinsei University, as well as Maebashi Kouka University and Jounan Bunka University, which seemed to be dropping in the rankings.
At the fifteen-kilometer water stop, he was told, “The gap between you and the runner in front is closing.” Alright, I can do this. His legs felt even more energized. From the coach car, which had been silent until then, he heard the landlord’s voice.
“Jouta, are you concentrating? You’re not thinking about something else, right?”
I was thinking. About Jouji and all sorts of other things. Jouta cocked his head, wondering how he knew. Was there something wrong with his form?
“There's a message from Haiji. The last kilometer is where you have to hold on. Don’t get shaken no matter what you see, okay? That’s all.”
So it was Haiji-san, Jouta understood. There’s no way the landlord would know. Kiyose must have seen Jouta running on his portable TV and thought he should give him a boost.
But he didn’t know what was waiting for him on the road that would shake him.
Jouta was excited. He thought that Kiyose really could read his personality, but Jouta had been told that there was something exciting, so he couldn’t help but go and check it out. No matter how much he rebelled against Kiyose, in the end he felt like he was dancing in the palm of his hand, which was a little annoying, but also enjoyable.
First, he passed Tokyo Gakuin and Shinsei.
At the 18.5 kilometer mark, there was the Shonan Bridge over the Sagami River. There was a break in the tree barrier, and Jouta was finally able to catch a glimpse of the wide ocean out of the corner of his eye. Fresh water and sea water collided and mingled together, creating large white waves near the mouth of the river.
It was almost time to catch up to Jounan Bunka and Maebashi Kouka. I’ll go on the attack when they cross the bridge, Jouta decided and looked further ahead.
It was TSU.
There it was, the blue TSU uniform with its light blue lines, something he hadn't been able to see until now. He couldn’t reach it yet, but he could get closer. He could close the distance even just a little and then leave it to Jouji. TSU’s Sakaki, who had tormented Kakeru and caused problems for the residents of Chikusei-sou. Jouta was always irritated by Sakaki. I feel sorry for Kakeru, who can’t come up with good responses to him and ends up falling silent, and I’m actually a pretty pig headed guy myself with a lot of worries, but I’m not a shady bastard like Sakaki.
I don’t have anything against the other members of TSU, but they’re our rivals because they’re the team Sakaki is on. They’re the enemy who should be thoroughly beaten to a pulp. Of course, unlike Sakaki, we’ll do it fair and square through running.
Jouta breathed wildly through his nose and put on a spurt. He was next to Jounan Bunka and Maebashi Kouka. The opponents weren’t going to let him pass so easily. However, Jouta was no longer so concerned with the other runners—he only saw the Kikui and TSU runners ahead of him.
There was a sign at the twenty-kilometer mark. The 21.3 kilometers of the third leg were almost over. What is it that's going to shake me? Jouta suddenly thought, and as he approached the last kilometer, he realized what Kiyose had meant.
Because of the straight road, they started to see the Hiratsuka relay station from a kilometer away. The presence of the destination conversely made him feel that no matter how hard he ran, he still couldn’t get there. But he couldn’t get impatient; he had to stick it out here, outrun the other runners, and hand over the sash to Jouji with even a slightly better time.
But then something else happened that surprised Jouta. Two hundred meters before the relay station, he noticed Hanako furiously pedalling a bike on the sidewalk next to him.
Beyond the crowd, Hanako was desperately pedalling the bike.
“Jouta-kun, just a little bit more!”
Mixed in with the cheers, Jouta could clearly hear Hanako’s voice.
Hana-chan, you never say “Do your best” to us. It’s because you know that we’re working so hard that there’s nothing more we can do. Why do you support us this much?
Jouta thought of the expression on Hanako’s face when she looked up at him and smiled, and almost shouted, “Oh!”
It came to Jouta like a divine revelation.
Could it be that Hana-chan likes me?
When he thought about it, Yuki and Nico-chan’s smirking attitudes every time Hanako came to Chikusei-sou, and Musa’s extremely enthusiastic words and actions in encouraging him to walk Hanako home every time all made sense now.
Wait a minute. Jouji and I always walked Hana-chan home together. And she never seemed unhappy with that.
Which one of us does Hana-chan like?
Jouta was confused by the mixture of happiness and doubt, and before he knew it, he had completely overtaken Jounan Bunka and Maebashi Kouka.
A little before that at the Hiratsuka relay station, Jouji and Nico-chan were watching Hanako ride away on her bike, stunned.
“She left.”
“She sure did.”
Hanako had been attending Jouji along with Nico-chan at the Hiratsuka relay station, but when she found out that Jouta was finally approaching, she ran off. She grabbed a spectator’s bike and said, “I’ll return it immediately,” and almost forcefully snatched it away.
“She’s a good girl, isn’t she,” Nico-chan said.
Hanako had been her usual self at the Hiratsuka relay station, making sure that Jouji was comfortable during the pre-race time. She worked with Nico-chan to bring him towels and drinks, and talked with Jouji as he stretched to calm his nerves.
Nico-chan liked the open-hearted and good-natured Hanako very much. Mmm, she’s the perfect daughter to be my son’s wife, he thought.
But there’s a problem. Nico-chan rubbed his stubble. Which one of the twins does she like?
He thought that since she decided to attend Jouji, she must like him, but then Hanako had gone to support Jouta as well—to the point where she had seized a stranger’s bike like she couldn’t stay still.
Which one is it? Maybe both of them?
With this thought in mind, Nico-chan said to Jouji, “She’s a good girl, isn’t she.”
Jouji said with a grin, “Yeah, she is.”
This guy really doesn’t know.
Nico-chan sighed and turned his attention back to the top group that had arrived at the Hiratsuka relay station one after the other. Manaka, Rikudou, and Bousou in that order. It had seemed like it was going to turn into a battle between Rikudou and Bousou, but the spectators got excited at the unexpected strong performance of the ambusher.
Behind them, the figures of the runners from the other schools grew bigger and bigger as they approached.
“It’s Nii-chan, Nii-chan got ahead!”
Jouji was in high spirits. “Where?” Nico-chan leaned forward into the road. Jouta, in his black and silver uniform, had just passed the Jounan Bunka and Maebashi Kouka runners. Even Hanako, who was pedalling the bike on the sidewalk, couldn’t keep up with his speed. In the meantime, the sashes of the top teams were being relayed at the relay station.
“Oh, he’s running, he’s running!” Nico-chan clapped Jouji on the back. “He’ll be here soon. You ready?”
“Okay, okay. I’m not going to let Nii-chan be the only one who looks cool. I’m going to run my heart out too,” Jouji said brightly, and rotated his ankles to loosen them up. There was still a considerable distance between Kansei and the schools in front of them, Kikui and TSU.
“Don’t force yourself just because Jouta raised our ranking; you won’t be able to overtake them because of the difference between your abilities and times. Just closing the gap between you and the team in front of you is all we can ask for.”
“Got it.”
Jouji nodded, answered the staff member’s call and went out to the relay line. Nico-chan stood to the side, waiting for Jouta’s arrival and Jouji’s departure.
TSU came to the Hiratsuka relay station in ninth place. Three hours nineteen minutes and fifty-eight seconds had passed since the start from Otemachi. Ten seconds behind TSU, Kikui relayed their sash in tenth place. Fifteen seconds after Kikui, Jouta handed Jouji the Kansei sash.
Up until now, it had been three hours twenty minutes and twenty-three seconds. Kansei University had finally moved up to eleventh place. Jouta, who had run 21.3 kilometers in the third leg, finished in eleventh place with the time of one hour four minutes and thirty-two seconds.
However, Nico-chan had no time to be happy about that. That was because Jouta, who had been running with a ghastly look on his face, said, “Hana-chan might like us!” as he passed the sash.
“What, no way!”
That was the shout Jouji left behind before running off. The looks of the people who happened to be present at the relay station were painful.
“Are you guys even taking this seriously?”
Nico-chan held Jouta’s shoulders after he finished running and dragged him to the back of the relay station as if to hide.
“We are.” Jouta put his hands on his knees and gasped for breath. “Why didn’t you tell us before?”
“You mean about Hana-chan liking you guys?”
“Yeah. Or am I misunderstanding something?”
“No, you didn’t. But why did you realize that now of all times? What if Jouji loses focus?”
“What is it? What’s going on?”
They turned around at the clear voice and saw Hanako standing there. She seemed to have returned the bike to its owner. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled at Jouta. “You were amazing.”
Jouta, who was crouching down, turned red all the way to his neck. “Mm, thanks,” he said, unable to look Hanako in the face.
Oi oi, if Jouta is in this state, then Jouji is also… Nico-chan scratched his head.
“We gotta call Haiji about this.”
Hanako looked at Nico-chan in puzzlement.
Kakeru and Kiyose were waiting in front of Hakone-Yumoto Station for the bus to Lake Ashi. They had to finish climbing the mountains of Hakone before the traffic restrictions were put in place, but many people seemed to be thinking the same thing, and the single road leading to the mountains was congested.
“We’re in eleventh place, Haiji-san!”
While stomping his feet in place to distract himself from the cold, Kakeru turned up the volume on the portable TV. The announcer’s voice sounded excited as he reported the situation at the Hiratsuka relay station.
“The first to relay their sash at the Hiratsuka relay station was Manaka University! Rikudou University, aiming for their fourth consecutive Hakone win, was twenty-nine seconds behind in second place. Third place went to Bousou University. The gap with the top is less than fifty seconds. Well, things have taken an unexpected turn since the third leg haven’t they, Yanaka-san?”
The commentator, Yanaka, took over.
“Yes. It was thought that this tournament would be a battle between Rikudou and Bousou, but Manaka have firmly planted themselves in the fray. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of developments will occur in the fourth and fifth leg, which is the mountain climb.”
“The Hakone regulars—Doujidou, Yamato, Kofu Gakuin, Saikyo, Kita-Kantou, TSU, and Kikui—are occupying the rankings from fourth to tenth place. Not only the rankings for the outbound route, but tomorrow’s return trip and overall victory will also be unpredictable.
“And everyone should be paying attention to Kansei University in eleventh place,” Yanaka said, unable to suppress his admiration. “Even though they were in last place for the first leg, they steadily rose through the rankings afterwards. Their team only has ten people, but all the runners have their own strengths. There is a possibility that they will be seeded, or perhaps in an even better position by the end.”
“I’m not sure if I should say surprisingly, but Kansei is showing a surprisingly good performance. But Yanaka-san, there are three fourth-year students in Kansei; even if they do get seeded, what will happen next year? They won’t have enough members.”
“You have a point,” Yanaka laughed. “I don’t think there has been an instance of a team competing with only ten members, at least not since the Hakone Ekiden began being televised. If they get seeded, they might have no choice but to ask the fourth-year students to repeat a year.”
“No, that’s not a good idea.” The announcer seemed to be enjoying himself. Yanaka’s voice became a little more serious.
“Staying an extra year was a joke, but I’m sure they’ll be fine. There will surely be new students who will want to join the team after seeing the success of Kansei. A powerhouse school is good, but it is also good to have a school where young people who have never run before are given the chance to do it. The purpose of the Hakone Ekiden is both to nurture world-class runners as well as to expand the range of the Japanese long distance world at the same time.”
“That’s a good one, Yanaka-san,” Kiyose muttered.
“Who is this person?”
“You really don’t know much about track and field athletes, do you? He was the ace of Yamato University about thirty years ago? He was the Japanese representative for marathons and also participated in the Olympics. I believe he’s currently the advisor for a corporate sports team.”
People who run on the world stage really do have different things to say, Kakeru thought.
Just then, the screen showed Jouji running in the fourth leg.
“Why is Jouji running while grinning like that?”
“He really is. His face is slack.”
“Come to think of it, at Hiratsuka, Jouta’s face turned red from exerting himself somewhat.”
“They’re not the nervous type, what’s wrong with them?”
Right when Kakeru tilted his head in confusion, Kiyose received a call on his phone. This time, without hesitation, Kiyose pressed the speakerphone button.
“Hey, Haiji, we've got a bit of a problem.”
It was Nico-chan.
“What’s wrong?” When Kakeru exclaimed that without thinking, Nico-chan seemed a little confused.
“Wait, did I accidentally call Kakeru’s phone?”
“It’s my phone.” Kiyose didn’t seem to feel like explaining the speaker phone function. “What’s going on?”
“Mmmm, so Kakeru can hear me too? If that’s the case, I don’t know if I should say it.”
“Just tell me, please.”
Perhaps sensing the aura of irritation that Kiyose was emanating, Nico-chan began to speak.
“The twins realized Hana-chan’s feelings. Because of that, Jouta went limp and flabby after running, and Jouji was also flabby when he started running.”
Kiyose glanced at Kakeru. Why is he looking at me? Kakeru thought.
“They realized just now?” Kiyose said into his phone with a sigh.
“Yeah, just now. What should we do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything we can do, now that they know. We’ll see how Jouji runs, and if it’s necessary, we’ll figure out what to do.”
“Got it. Then, I’m going to the inn in Odawara with Jouta. Is it alright to have Hana-chan go to Yokohama?”
Hanako was going to stay at the Yokohama hotel with Prince. Jouji would join her there after running the fourth leg.
“Leave that unchanged.”
“Is there anything you want to tell Jouta?”
“Not at all. He ran perfectly.”
“I’ll tell him that.”
After hanging up, Kiyose cracked his neck and said, “Well then, Kakeru.
“Don’t get into any fights at the Yokohama hotel tonight. I don’t think Prince and I can handle you guys brawling.”
“Fight? Why would that happen?” Kakeru asked back seriously. Kiyose stared at him closely.
“So you’re the one who didn’t realize it until the end,” he laughed. “The bus is finally here. Let’s go.”
“What do you mean, Haiji-san? Hey, wait!”
Kakeru and Kiyose boarded the bus that would take them on the old road that went around Lake Ashi and sat down side by side in a double seat. The route ascended while they took a detour down a narrow road, but as there was no congestion like on Route 1, it was probably for the best.
Obstructed by the mountains, the TV and radio signals were no longer being received well.
“We won’t be able to get news until we get to Lake Ashi.”
Kiyose pointed the antenna of the radio this way and that, as though looking for a water vein, but eventually he seemed to give up. He took out his earphones and leaned his shoulder against the window.
“Hopefully Jouji will drive away his wicked thoughts and concentrate on running.”
“’Wicked thoughts’, oh no…”
Kakeru smiled wryly. Hanako’s feelings had finally gotten through to the twins. Isn’t that a good thing? Yes, it’s a good thing. But why do I feel so gloomy? My chest hurts, like when I’m panicking because I can’t run well. It’s like my cells are doing incomplete combustion, and all I have is useless heat inside my body.
Kakeru kept quiet and withstood Kiyose’s gaze on his cheek, resigned to being teased again. He wanted to run immediately. He wanted to feel the wind on his face, to be freed from these indescribable and vague feelings.
The air in the heated bus was vaguely uncomfortable, similar to when you want to sleep but can’t fall into the depths of sleep. To avoid Kiyose’s gaze, Kakeru shifted his hips and sank deeper into his seat.
“We need to get Jouji’s attention back on the race,” Kiyose said. His tone was unexpectedly sincere. Kakeru looked up; Kiyose was looking outside the window. The cedar trees were so close that they almost touched the window.
“If it was you, what would you say to Jouji?”
Kakeru thought about it for a minute, then answered.
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nightklok · 3 years
Kloktober Day 1 Prompt
Prompt: Favorite Character and OTP Pairing: Picklegail (Pickles the Drummer/Abigail Remeltindtdrinc) Title: The war is over and we are beginning Characters: Pickles the Drummer, Abigail Remeltindtdrinc, Eclair (cat), band members and charles are only mentioned Trigger Warnings: Very slight angst, very slight mention/discussion of trauma/PTSD. Tags: Some dark humor, mentioned trauma, discussion of trauma, fall, post galagtikon 2, hopeful/happy ending Summary: It's the first fall Pickles has realized he's lived through in years.
Author's Note: Yes this is...6 days late-But i still wanted to publish this anyway so enjoy :')
Read this fic on AO3 or read below!
The first day of fall fell on a Saturday.
And Pickles would realize it was the first time he had actually been aware of fall in years.
He couldn’t remember the last time he saw the leaves change or pumpkin picking or any of the fall activities he sparingly went to as a kid. He simply had no time, family, or desire to do any of those things as he grew older. He had the sudden moment of sadness that he had missed another fall but told himself fall was gonna come back next year and he’d just look at the leaves harder next fall. But he never did.
But now, he had the time. A lot of it. And a fresh perspective on life and just how wonderful living a quiet life was.
Getting to sleep in on a Saturday morning with the person he loved the most and having nothing else to do for the day was one of them. Normally, Abigail was the one who woke up earlier but for the weekend, it got to be the opposite. He could get up in an hour, make some breakfast and they could see about doing something together. Whether it’s going outside or staying in and watching something. But at the moment, he was content enough just sleeping.
But it wouldn’t last long sadly. Despite nothing important needing to be done for the day, he was woken up by the sound of meowing and a cat smacking his face.
Éclair, their beautiful cat they found outside a K-Mart, happened to like going on walks in the morning. And she was very persistent about her walks being exactly at 7:13 AM. It was 7:13 AM.
“C’mon, it’s Saturday,” He murmured as he pulled the blanket closer to his face, hoping that he could sleep for just a few more minutes.
But Éclair had no concept of time and would continue pawing at the sheets and when she began whining, he knew that his time sleeping in was already over. He didn’t want to wake her up and figured she deserved the extra hour of sleeping.
“Okay, okay, I’ll take you on a walk,” Pickles finally answered as he used a hand to gently push her away just so he could sit up. He was careful to not disturb Abigail but he saw her move and murmur something he couldn’t quite hear. He had to assume by the tone that she meant she was gonna do it. She always tried to even when he told her to sleep in on weekends.
“Just go back to sleep, babe, I’ll take care of it.” He answered quickly as he got out of bed but she was already sitting up.
“I’ll come with you.” She answered, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes., “Just give me a few minutes.”
There was no convincing otherwise and he was too tired himself to argue. He quickly snuck in a kiss before he got out of bed, “Alright, take your time.”
By the time he had thrown on some clothes and made himself look presentable enough, Abigail was already by the front door, kneeling down to leash Éclair. Despite them taking the same time to get ready, she looked like she had spent much more time doing it. Then again, she always looked beautiful to him regardless of how much time she spent.
He really did save the world to get to see today huh.
She stood up once she leashed the cat and turned to look at him with that small smile he always loved, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” He answered as he made sure he put the house keys in his pocket before opening the door to let her out first before himself. Éclair already began wandering around the front lawn, as far as her leash would go.
They were hit by a cool breeze that gently swayed the trees surrounding them, causing some of the red and orange leaves to fall gracefully onto the ground. The trees weren’t entirely turning their leaves yet but the appearance was showing much more by the day. And each day only meant another normal day. The worst was behind them.
“You sure you don’t wanna get a jacket?” She asked.
“Nah, I’ll be fine. Got my own body heat.” He answered before he pulled her slightly closer enough to feel her skin heat up by the touch, “Besides I know how you can warm me up if I get cold.”
She wanted to mention about the neighbors or anybody seeing them but there was no one around at the moment. It was just them enjoying the early morning fall, the cool breeze and quiet excitement for a new season that just begun.
“Well, are you cold now?” She asked as she pulled him a bit closer.
He didn’t say anything else but reached up to kiss her, feeling her warm lips as they pressed against his. It felt as compassionate as the other thousands of kisses they must’ve shared in their lifetime. Honestly, he could probably find the same feelings he felt kissing her when he got a first kiss; the excitement, anticipation and pure love that he got to kiss someone he loved.
Their kiss was interrupted when she felt her leash getting tugged by Éclair who had grown impatient of them. She sat as far as the leash would let her, looking up at them expectantly. Amused, they walked past their front lawn to the sidewalk but felt the leash being pulled once again. They turned around to find her sitting still, meowing impatiently.
“C’mon, wanna walk a bit more? No? Okay.” Pickles answered with a laugh as Abigail went to pick her up. Almost immediately, she climbed up on her shoulders as she always preferred.
Her idea of walking outside was to walk a few steps and one of them had to pick her up for the rest of the walk. Walking around a block required too much energy. Did they expect her to actually walk alongside them every morning? Yes. Did she never fulfill that dream? No. But they also fed into her routine and nature, it wasn’t just their house anymore after all.
There was no use in arguing with a stubborn cat. She had made her territory in Abigail’s shoulder and they simply had to go along with it. She adjusted the leash so the other end of it would hook onto the inner jacket pocket that had a small sewn in hole meant for earphones. Once she made sure that the leash was secure inside, she reached over to hold his hand who quickly took it.
They took the usual route around the block. Shoes crunched against freshly fallen leaves, the wind picked up slightly again causing the leaves around them to move gently against the wind to a new area. If Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Apple Cider weren’t a symbol that fall was approaching, it was the leaves.
Pickles did try to remember when he last fall. Was it when he was a kid? A teen, maybe? He always fled before fall approached somehow. Always ended up in an area where he could not see the seasons change and everything remained a stagnant season the whole time.
But there was nothing to run from anymore. He could stay and watch the seasons change and turn forever if he wanted to now. Is this what freedom really feels like?
“Do you wanna go grab some coffee at the coffee shop?” She asked, interrupting his thoughts.
He quickly snapped his attention back to her and nodded, “Yeah, actually, the one two blocks from here, right?”
He knew she knew that something was on his mind but she thankfully didn’t say anything. She already knew enough that he would speak when he was ready and he was always thankful for being able to fill in the gaps when he couldn’t speak. And she would always be thankful when he knew what she meant to say when she could barely get a word. It was a secret language between the two that no one but them knew and it was one they were both incredibly fluent in.
The coffee shop was a mom-and-pop one located on the end of the corner. LGBT friendly (Did he ever find those kind of coffee shops growing up?) and even had a small corner of the area for younger kids to play with. It was one of the places that they always loved frequently going to-if they weren’t well known to the world, they would’ve been known pretty well to the baristas.
“I can take Éclair, you can go order for us.” Pickles said. There were seats outside and given the weather, it wouldn’t be so bad to just sit outside and drink coffee while enjoying nature.
“Alright. The usual?”
“Surprise me.”
Pickles managed to take Éclair off her shoulder and set her down when he found a seat with decent shade. He tied the leash to the pole of the table but she seemed uninterested in exploring and instead jumped on his lap, presumably to take a quick nap.
He checked his phone while he waited, trying to catch up on whatever missed emails and posts from friends he had missed. Admittedly, going from seeing his friends everyday to now once a week at most was one of the toughest things to shift to. From knowing everything that went on in their lives, his knowledge of their whereabouts now came from whatever they posted in the group chat or social media.
Toki’s selfie with Magnus over the Eiffel Tower during their backpacking in Europe route. Nathan’s blurry image of a kid playing with a gator from the alligator rescue/children’s daycare he had started with Rachel. Skwisgaar’s video of one of the songs he was working with Nathan. A prototype rollercoaster blueprint from Murderface for the Dethklok amusement parks he and Knubbler were in charge of. And Charles not sending a photo but reminding him through text about a meeting regarding his solo album.
It was a crazy feeling to have looking at the boys he had lived with for more than a decade suddenly doing their own things. Did he feel left out? Maybe things were moving too fast? Miss the old times? He didn’t really know.
He found himself staring at his screen for far too long until Abigail came back taking a seat in front of him, “They’ll be coming over in a few minutes.”
He set the phone down, “Alright, what’d you get me?”
“You did mention you wanted me to surprise, didn’t you?” She answered with a playful smile that was clear she wouldn’t go easy on him.
“C’mon, I gotta know if I’m allergic to it or not. Could very well be allergic to milk today and might not even know it.”
“Guess it’s up to you to find out then; I’m sure there’s an EpiPen somewhere.”
Of course, she wanted to ask what was wrong but she didn’t want to press him. She knew he would budge eventually, he always did, but it was just a matter of patience and hoping to catch him at the right time.
Eventually, the barista came with the tray of coffees and food she had ordered, including a puppuccino for Éclair who woke up and hopped down to get her treat when Abigail set it down to get everyone’s orders.
She set the pumpkin spiced coffee, cinnamon rolls and a breakfast sandwich in front of him. She had ordered the same pumpkin spice coffee and breakfast sandwich; she always tried to avoid desserts for breakfast but he quickly shoved in a cinnamon roll in her plate anyway, “Here it can be your cheat day.”
“But you made me macrons yesterday.” She pointed out.
“It was sugar-free. And you can’t just pass off on a warm cinnamon roll. It’s bad for the environment I saved.”
She contemplated not even long enough before agreeing. They were pretty good cinnamon rolls…, “Guess I’ll need to pay for your contributions. Alright, I’ll take it.”
Pickles grinned as he took a sip of the coffee. It was still hot but he refused to even express he burnt his tongue for the sake of looking cool, “Great, glad my hard work paid off.”
For as much as he joked around, he didn’t mention anything about what was bothering him for the rest of their breakfast.
He would mention it on the walk back home when it was Pickles’ turn to let Éclair lay on his shoulder and Abigail holding a bag of free treats that the baristas insisted they take home. A few desserts as payment for saving the world. It was well worth it.
“I forgot what fall was like.” Pickles finally said as he looked at her. He didn’t downplay his feelings by joking
“You did?” She asked.
“Yeah. It had been too long since I last saw leaves and everything else and whatever. I guess it’s making me realize how long I missed out on some things, y’know?”
She had to wonder how he even forgot about fall. Or the fact that his hair color always reminded her of it. It was the color of vibrant red autumn leaves, not quite ready to fall yet but when the sun hit it, it showed the intricate details and would even shine as bright as it sometimes. And how could she ever put that into the right words? Maybe it just wasn’t the right moment, “Nostalgia?”
“I-I guess it’s that. Yeah. Nostalgic for the old things I guess. I was too used to that life. And I’m very happy with you, I really am! I’m doing more of the things now than I did before, but it’s hard to just completely let go of the past.”
Of course, he thought she would get offended which is why he didn’t look at her. Here he was clinging to his past again like some spoiled brat. If only he didn’t open his mouth. He probably seemed so ungrateful-
But he was met instead with warm hands taking his and he looked up to a very understanding Abigail, “I understand. There’s some things I miss and feel nostalgic for too. I don’t expect you to not miss those things. These things just end up happening, it’s part of natural life.”
“I guess…it’s just a lot harder to adjust than I thought. I’m sorry if I’m just dumping this on you, though. I know that this hasn’t been easy for you either.”
It wasn’t easy when Abigail could barely sleep without getting horrific nightmares that he had stayed up most nights worrying about. It wasn’t easy when Pickles ended up getting horrific nightmares too when he came back home, and he had yet to tell her all that he dreamt about. Their future kids, grandkids even, and even the current neighborhood kids would ask for stories of their heroism. Do they even dare talk about the price that was paid for it?
It couldn’t even be said that they had overcome it. The nightmares were less frequent, yes, but they were there. All it took was one bad night to ruin a week or month even. The horrors of their past would most likely be there for the rest of their lives, looming over and ready to strike when things seemed to be better.
But they made it so far together too. What’s another mile anyway?
“It hasn’t been easy but we’re both getting there.” She paused her walking to look at him, “We made it so far together, after all. I don’t expect you to be okay the same way you don’t expect me to be okay either, right? I’m not gonna ask you to do anymore than you already are doing and what you’re doing is enough.”
“And if it’s not enough? God, what if I’m just fucking up right now? There’s no way I can just…I don’t even know what. It’s just terrifying to be falling down that dark path again.”
She watched as Éclair looked up to the leaves around them, eyes completely dilated to look at the world around her. A leaf would just brush past her, failed to be caught and it fell to the ground.
Of course the leaves would eventually be raked. Whatever wasn’t thrown out or burned would eventually become mulch for the soil. Would help provide for the soil when spring rolls around. Then everything will grow again. Everything will be okay.
“If we fall again, we start over and flourish.”
“What was your last memory with fall if you don’t mind my asking?” Abigail asked that evening. They sat in the living room couch, sharing a blanket as they watched Knives Out. It would quickly become a tradition for them to watch whatever fall-related movies there were just to get in the spirit.
He paused for a moment, before finally coming up with an answer, “I met you, didn’t I? We were at that fall event Cornickelson used to host. It was probably a few years before you became Dethklok’s music producer? But anyway, we were paired at the same table and I was probably awkward as fuck right then and there but you still wanted to talk to me. We went to the garden and we just ended up talking about everything. God, I felt like a teenager with their first crush when I was with you. I never got to say that your hair color reminded me of the leaves.”
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blu-joons · 4 years
Early Christmas Present ~ Kim Taehyung
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Your eyes widened as you met Taehyung, his fell to the ground at the incident going on around you, reaching his hand out to move you away from it all. His arm moved around your waist as you came close to him, feeling your heart pound in your chest.
“Tae,” you whispered, feeling his eyes look across to you, “it’s happening.”
He grabbed the snowflake patterned blanket from over the back of the sofa and wrapped it around your body tightly, tucking the material into your hands to hold.
“Stay nice and calm,” he smiled, resting his hands against your cheek, “it seems like someone couldn’t wait for Christmas!”
You still had a week of pregnancy left to go before you reached forty weeks, you were quite prepared to spend Christmas sat around at home and then give birth a few days later. You had it all planned out, prepared to spend New Years with your new baby at home.
Taehyung was terrified too, seeing the panic in your eyes was heart breaking, but he had to remain strong for you, and your child. It wasn’t what he saw coming either, he was all prepared to spend Christmas, tomorrow.
“What do we do?” You whimpered, leaning closely into his chest to try and mask the pain.
There was a moment of silence from Taehyung before he responded, “it’s probably too soon for you to go to the hospital just yet, maybe we should stay here for a while.”
Slowly, and carefully he sat you down on the sofa, placing cushions all around you to make sure that you were comfortable. Your body collapsed back as soon as you rested, placing both your hands around your growing baby bump.
Whilst Tae frantically ran around you to ensure you were relaxed, you allowed your eyes to close for a few moments, for the last time you probably would be able to for a good couple of days.
“Where’s the baby bag?”
You opened your eyes and looked across at him, pointing to the bag that you’d had by your front door for a good couple of weeks as a just in case. “You’re going to burst a nerve or something if you don’t calm down.”
“I just want you to be alright?”
You reached your hand out for him to take, encouraging him to sit down beside him, placing his hand over your bump. “I’m fine, we just need to relax, and things will be alright. We know where the baby bag is, we’ve practiced the route to the hospital several times, what else could go wrong?”
He couldn’t help but smile at how calm you were, especially with what was to come. Everything that the two of you had organised felt like it had fallen apart, his brain had forgotten every single thing that the two of you had talked about.
“Can you believe our baby will be here on Christmas?” You asked, continuing to try and distract his mind. “Neither of us saw this coming.”
Ever since you found out you were having a winter baby you were both thrilled, your week would be filled with celebration, Christmas, a new baby, and Taehyung’s birthday, all in a few days. Taehyung especially was incredibly excited to share a birthday so close to his child.
“It feels really cliché,” he chuckled, “it’s like what you see in the movies, the night before Christmas suddenly the mum goes into labour.”
“I guess it does,” you smiled, leaning against his shoulder.
As his hands rested over your bump, he couldn’t help but feel a twang of sadness. He’d grown quite accustomed to your bump, falling asleep beside it and resting into it, his eyes were always on your bump too, he loved to watch you as you carried his child and watch as over time your body went through so many changes.
“I was thinking about maybe if they’re born on Christmas, we should find a Christmassy related name,” he mused, glancing across at you, “if it’s a girl, maybe Holly, or Ivy would be quite a good name to incorporate for her.”
“And what about if it is a boy?” You queried, interested by the discussion. Taehyung thought for a moment before the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile.
You glanced at him questionably, “maybe we could name him Rudolph? It certainly would make him unique,” he sniggered, as your eyes rolled, he realised maybe that wouldn’t quite be an option for the two of you.
As he spoke, you felt the beginnings of yet another contract, holding onto his arm as you leant forwards, following the breaths he took beside you until it came to an end.
Once you began to relax again, you turned to face him, “I think that’s the baby’s way of saying they don’t want to be named Rudolph.”
“It’s a good job the baby doesn’t get a say then,” he smiled, watching as you relaxed back after the few moments of pain. “It’s scary watching you right now,” he suddenly confessed, before he even had a chance to think about what he was saying.
“You don’t need to be scared, it’s not like you’re the one about to give birth to the baby,” you joked, resting your hand over his gently. “Just think about how it will be once the baby is here and we get to spend Christmas all together as a family.”
His head nodded, but that couldn’t stop his guilt. Throughout your whole pregnancy Taehyung had struggled often, first your morning sickness, and then your tiredness, and now the pains that labour bought you.
As another contraction came, his fingers intertwined with yours. “I might not get a better chance today to tell you that I’m so thankful that I’m doing this with you. I can already tell you’re going to be the best mum in the world.”
“You can’t get all soppy on me now,” you teased, “I’m already hormonal as it is.”
“I’m not, I promise. It’s just that it’s really beginning to hit me that this is actually happening.”
The festive season always bought out the best and worst in him, he’d been excited for his birthday since the end of the last, and as always, Christmas was always his favourite time of year, and now his little one was coming too. “It’s been happening for the past nine months Tae; we’ve known it was happening for quite a while.”
“I know but it always felt so far away, but now it’s so close now.”
Your head shook as he stood up, glancing around the house once more to make sure everything was fine. You watched him closely, as much as he tried to hide it, you could see easily just how nervous he was about the whole situation.
“It’ll be alright Tae, it’s Christmas, it’s like we were destined to have this baby today.”
His eyes lit up at your words, this baby really was a little miracle for you both. “You’re right, and I know this definitely will be a Christmas that we won’t forget. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be glad when it’s over too,” he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“That definitely makes two of us, but I’ve got you with me, so I know that nothing can go wrong,” you reminded him, resting your hand back over your bump as you felt yet another contraction near.
“I’ve never met someone as strong as you,” Taehyung encouraged, holding your hand through it all. “Once all this is over I’m going to never let you do anything again, I’ll owe you an endless amount of favours for the rest of our lives.
After a few more contractions, more painful and longer, the two of you finally decided that it was time to take the trip to the hospital.
Taehyung was nervous throughout it all, taking everything to the car and tidying the house to make sure it was clean for your new arrival to come home to. Once all of that was done, with an arm wrapped around your waist he helped you out to the car.
The drive was fairly silent with the exception of your exclamations of pain, every time just the smallest noise came from you, Taehyung was glancing over. As you drove, looking out at all the houses decorated for Christmas, you couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps it wasn’t going to quite be the Christmas you had expected together, but it was certainly always going to be your most memorable Christmas together, because nothing could ever top this.
As you pulled up to the hospital, you stopped for a moment, staring across at Taehyung. “This is really happening,” you whispered, taking a hold of his hand, “do you think you’re ready to have a baby?”
“I don’t think I can say anything else but yes now.”
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