#while yes that's how she was trained in the lab. in the real world you can't just go around smacking people in the face
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
hot take: I didn't love El hitting Angela. Yeah it's satisfying to see a bitch get rocked but the fandom treats it like such a girlboss moment when that really wasn't meant to depict a healthy response. El has a potentially fascinating relationship with violence to explore, so narratively it's fine that that happened except that it kinda went nowhere. I guess she saw that her actions have consequences when she got arrested but then they just dropped it and she didn't seem to think anything of it or grow from it (unless I'm not thinking deep enough thoughts?). I know she had much bigger fish to fry, but I felt like we needed to see her interact with or at least think about Angela one more time to wrap that all up. Idk I love El but the whole bullying arc felt so 2D to me.
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dayabelle · 27 days
Sickening Love
-Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!reader-
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Y/n M/n L/n.
The idea that provoked Little Eri's captor.
Your name was given to you by Big Man. And he was you're only friend.
If bad things happened to innocent people one way or another, what was the point in living?
Faith. Faith was the one thing you held onto during your dark and empty days. Grey walls that constantly surrounded you lightened up when you hoped and prayed that one day a hero would save you. Maybe All Might, but any hero would suffice.
Your mom was taken by villains when she was 18. They experimented on her, and eventually, one of the villians got her pregnant, so her bloodline would continue. Her quirk was powerful, something the villians wanted. She was too weak, and when she gave birth to you, she died of childbirth. So you would replace her. You have no sense of the real world and have never left the lab. You would get fed twice a day and then training and experiments. Your only friend was big man, he felt bad for you since you were a child that knew nothing but pain every day. Big man lost his daughter and loved you because he was grieving his loss. Though he couldn't escape with you since the villains he worked for were powerful and not to be crossed. He helped you, he taught you words and how to speak. What everything around you was. You lived like that for 16 years until heroes found out about the villian scams and hideout and about your mom and you. They got records of your quirk and wanted you out of there and into their hands so you wouldn't become a villain.
Quirk: Venom
(Full abilities unknown)
You can create a certain black Venom from your body. It can decinigrate whatever it touches based on the set heat from the user leaving their body. The Venom can act as a power source, like food and the sun. Whenever the user of the quirks body is damaged or in distress, the quirk will heal itself. If the user of the quirk wishes to not be healed, they can simply stop using their quirk, which would stop the Venom flow in their body. The Venom can also act as a holder if the user is starving or their body is too cold/hot to the point where it will slowly kill them. The Venom will act as a placeholder until the natural source is restored. If while the Venom is acting as a placeholder or healing the body by the users command and the quirk is stopped, the body will get confused, and the user will feel great pain. Sometimes if the user is on the verge of death because of a lack of living source or damage to the body and it isn't getting taken care of, their instincts will tell the mind to use the quirk to help. If the user is low on energy (sleep, Overused, Setbacks. Etc) the Venom will not work to heal the body and will have run out. You basicly need energy and fuel to keep the Venom running.
When the user shoots the Venom out of their hands, it can not be broken easily. It is like a body of plasma or lava type of matter. It can not be broken or torn unless from fire or hot chemicals. It's like fire or lava. Wherever the venom is the user can combine into that venom for a second and appear in the area wherever thr Venom is. (Basicly like teloporting into the venom for a second). It can grow as large and as long as their body can take.
Basically. The Venom can help heal your body or preserve it, can be shot out if your hands will melt away if the user draws it back or is destroyed. This particular user has an unknown amount of strength with this quirk, so drawbacks are intense, but the quirk is unique and mostly unknown. The user can use it in the form of sharpness, heat, or freezing temperature.
Past memory. 5 years old. May 5th (year) 8:00pm.
"Mr. big man?" I said, trembling still locked in my tiny cube
"Yes?" He said
"Where's my mommy and daddy?" I asked. I held my arms close to me, hugging myself, I was freezing cold. And all I had to wear was a grey dress and socks. The cube I kneeled in was fit to my size, but only big enough to kneel in. Big man said my cage reminded him of Hampsters at a pet store. I didn't know if that was a compliment or not.
".. there not here any more kid, " big man said, moving to sit in front of my cube cage. He propped his chair in front of the freeze to the touch glass. It was stained, so I could barely see him clearly unless he lifted the cover-up placed for safety measures. Everything was Grey, expe for people. People had color, like big man. His skin is dark, just like his eyes and hair. He's big too, unlike the scrawny other doctors.
"Why not? Where did they go? Did they not like me?" I started crying a bit, I often asked this question a lot. Because when Big man would tell me about his family, i wondered where mine was. Big man said he considered me a part of his family as well. If that was the case, then why couldn't i leave. Was this how families were supposed to act? What was wrong with me? Did they leave me because I was bad? Why was big man the only person here who cared for me?
"No kid, they didn't leave you because they didn't like you. They didn't have a choice, but they loved you very much." Big man turning the fan towards my way so I had enough air to talk. Inside my cube, it was very moist. The vents hadn't been changed in 2 years, and it gets very stuffy in here. Big man said he would change them if he could, I don't know who was stopping him.
"Oh, ok... big man.. do you love me? Like you said, you love your family? " I asked, pushing the flying hair pieces out of my face. I repositioned myself to sit criss cross apple sauce. A funny thing Big man taught me, Big man was funny. He often told me silly stories about a world full of colors and trees? I wish I could live in a fairytale with colors, kids, and people. I wonder why he would make up such stories to me?
"Yeah... yeah, I do, kid," big man said, smiling. For the first time in my life, I saw someone smile. Like they do on the TV. I don't know what a TV is. Big man told me it's something people make videos on. Videos are moving pictures of things for people to watch for fun. Sometimes, when no one else is here and it's big man's turn to watch me, he turns on kid shows for me to watch. Though big man only gets to watch me on Sundays and Saturdays. Then the mean men come and either operate on me or watch me. They treat me real badly. He has to hide the TV in his truck. I wish he could hide me in his truck as well.
I tried to smile back at Big Man. But I knew I wasn't doing it right because he looked sad. I don't know how that made me feel, I didn't know a lot of words, and I couldn't describe my more complicated feelings. But I could sum it all up to being sad and lonely.
"I'm sorry, big man.." I said, putting my hand on the glass. After that, I refused to smile until I got it right. Every day, I would mimick peoples smiles in my reflection on the glass. And when it looked just like theirs, is when I would show it off. Then my sadness wouldn't affect Big man. I was often called gloomy and pathetic, which made me feel sorry for my friend. For having the modicum amount of compassion for my well-being. I wish I could change, but I didn't know any other way of living.
"No kid, don't say sorry. It's not your fault. Nothing here that's happened to you was your fault," he said, putting his hand in front of mine on the glass. I saw a big man take out something square, he clicked on it and it turned bright, then he started tapping it and put the square on the glass. I saw a big man with yellow hair and bright clothing. He yelled, "Go plus ultra!!". Woth the biggest and brightest smile I'd ever seen, oh boy. What I would give to have a smile like that.
"Big man, who is that?" I asked, I was amazed by the new big man I was seeing on my friend's baby TV. My mouth held agape, and I felt like my jaw was hurting. I wanted to smile because the yellow plus ultra man made me feel happy. But I couldn't express it, so I hid it away even if it hurt.
"That's all might, he's a superhero," big man said, taking back the square and tapping on it.
"Superhero, like the one that saves people?" I asked, waiting for him to put the square back on the glass. I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms to show him I was upset, and he just laughed. But he kept tapping on his baby TV.
"Yes, he saves people and kids just like you, from bad guys like the scientists you see every day." Big man said, showing me another video. Then big man pulled the fan away and turned it off.
"Ok, don't talk anymore, kid. I can't keep the fan on all night because they will get suspicious. Remember, I'm not supposed to be interacting with you, correct?"
I nodded and held my head down. Great, now I was getting big man in trouble. For simply talking. Why did I exist for this, I hated hearing about other kids' lives compared to mine. Why is it so unfair?
"There's more air out here than there is in there. So just watch these videos and go to sleep." Big man said, setting the square up in front of the window and leaning back in his chair to take a nap. He pulled his hat down to cover his face and stretched his legs upon the second hair infornt of him. How could I not talk, I couldn't just sit in silence when i had so many questions, thoughts, too many to count. Everything about this hurt my brain and my chest. It was infuriating to just sit here for so long and stare at nothing.
I kept watching the video, and my love for all might grew stronger and stronger. It makes me happy that kids like me are getting saved from bad guys. But why couldn't I be saved as well? Why do I suffer every day? I've done nothing wrong. Though that's at least what a big man tells me. The scientists say I'm a bad girl because I killed my mother. I don't remember killing her. Why did I kill her? Could she have helped me? I shouldn't have done that. Maybe this is my fault.
I'm so glad I have a big man with me, though. It makes my dull days a little less harder and less insufferable. He's the one who taught me everything I know now. Though I don't know his name, I know I love him. He shows me videos and teaches me to say more words other than 'yes, sir'. He tells me stories about a life outside of this building. One day, I will go outside to live in the fairytale. And I'll take a big man with me and we will finally be happy. I need to have faith that it's real, faith in big man's words.
Faith might be my favorite word.
7 years later, 12 years old, July 3rd (year) 2:12 pm.
Yesterday I got what Big man called a period. I'm scared of that. I start bleeding every month. And very often, it hurts like hell. And i know what hell feels like.
Why did things like this have to happen to me, i wish i could make it go away. But wishes aren't reality. I reslly needed to stop wishing on stars and placing my hope in faith.
Big man tells me I must keep it a secret from the scientists. Or bad things will happen. Then that's when he started explaining things to me. Things I never knew existed. He explained to me about females and males and bodyparts and all sorts of stuff. I felt like I lost a part of me when one of the scientists r*ped me not long after the bleeding started. I failed to keep it a secret, I always messed up and ruined it for me. So I shouldn't be sad, I brought this upon myself. I complain even though it's all my fault. After that incident, Big man promised to take in more shifts to be with me. He always had to act mean to me when others were around, but he always made up for it with videos and secret trips outside. I feel so silly for thinking the outside world was a fairytale. He only started taking me outside when I got a little older. It always had to be night, though. I didn't go really far, and I couldn't see anything but a wall and a little bush, and the door buttons. The wall blocked my view of anything further, but It was the first time I saw the moon and the stars. And actually felt... outside air and nature. No grey walls completely surrounding me, I was outside where other people lived every day. I even saw a bunny! Not like the rotten ones in the lab, this one was actually alive and hopping. I could only go out once every few months, but that was alright with me. I felt bad that big man had to work more in this awful place because of me. He always treated my wounds after training and experiments. I promised myself I wouldn't smile, but when I started looking at the bright side of things, I learned a bit how. I still needed some practice , but Big Man didn't make weird faces anymore whenever I did it.
It had been a very long time here, I was born here, but it didn't feel like a home. I didn't even know what home felt like. I always begged Big man to tell me about his family, his friends, his personal life, his hobbies, and his favorite things. I didn't have any of those, so hearing about his didn't make me feel like I was so empty inside. Like my little world wasn't so small compared to the giant one outside. I know I didn't deserve such a beautiful life, but I'm sure other people didn't either. But in the end, it's always me who ends up back in the cube.
4 years later, 16 years old. June 12th (year) 5:34 pm.
Big man didn't come to work for the past 2 weeks. I wondered why, but I couldn't find myself caring. I didn't like the person I was becoming. My life was cold, and I felt like I was subcoming to it. I didn't wonder why all the time, because I didn't care anymore. I distance myself, and I started hating everything. I lost all my faith and hope for something better because I decided it didn't exist for me. I could describe the person I had become. She didn't feel like me, or maybe I just didn't want to change. I thought training with my quirk was scary, but that was never true. My quirk was the thing that seemed safe to me. If I didn't have my quirk, I would be vulnerable and useless. I needed some sort of safety. In the end, it would just be me. And I learned to accept that fact. Stopped complaining, just accepted this life.
I was sitting in my now upgraded cube, waiting for my friend to show up. It was a sunday, but these few weekends were confusing because i didn't know the future. Which i learned was very difficult to predict. So I left my mind wonder, I thought about past memories with Big Man and what I liked about things I had never even seen before. But my imagination grew to be very complex, i remembered everything i was shone just so i could picture it in my head. Books were fun to, it was just more stories all in one, and i could read every detail about them. Even if most stories from books were fake. I sat with my back against the hard wall and my knees to my chest, i held my arms around my calves and picked at my lips with my nails. I stared into nothing. If anybody saw me, they'd think i was crazy. That's if anybody would ever see me anyway.
Then, I felt the building shaking. Everything outside my "room" started falling out of place. And I started to panic because I couldn't get out of my cubicle, and if the place was left a mess undee my watch, i would somehow get the blame for it. Nobody here had patience, except me. It was just another thing that ruined my life. I was stuck in a cube in a shaking building with no idea what's about to happen to me. What a great way to die. Hopefully, that would be the outcome. I heard loud bangs, yelling, gun shots, and overall chaos. I tried to think of any way to escape, but I've already tried before, and there was no escape leisure from the inside. Only the outside is where a button was to open the door. The stained glass panel was lifted up today, which could've been a good or a bad thing. I sat in my same position but with my head buried in my legs. Sure, i was scared, but would dykng here really be that bad? If these were my dying moments. I wanted to think, i imagined myself in scenes from books. I didn't even notice when the building stopped shaking, but i paid no mind because my mind was in a different place. The gunshots and loud noises didn't stop. I never realized how easy it was for anything out of the ordinary to just happen. But then suddenly a man with black hair, a black outfit and a big grey scarf with yellow goggles ran up to my cubicle and started banging on it. He looked concerned. He kept trying to get my attention. But i had never seen this man before. He could be anybody, and i haven't been trained for anything like this before. Maybe this was training, and i was already failing. I didn't know if I was supposed to help him or fight him? Is he a bad guy or trying to break me out. Even if I wanted to help, the chains on me are quirk canceling, so I can't break out of the chains to help him. I lift my head up to get a better look at him. He looked tired, but he was full of energy. Maybe it was the building shaking. I mentally rolled my eyes at my sarcastic thoughts and kneeled. I chose not to speak because my voice was hoarse from not speaking for a long while. I held up my hands, showing him the locks around my wrists. The chains moved like snakes at my every movement, clunking against each other. He then broke the glass from the outside. He was quick. I didn't have time to react when the glass shares flew towards me. I ducked my head into my knees and shrunk as far as I could into the corner. I held my hands on the tip of my heads, forming myself into a ball. I felt him move towards me and crouch down. He placed a hand on my knee very cautiously. What was i doing, I was cowering.
"Kid, are you okay!?" He yelled at me while trying to get the chains off of me.
"Get away from me, who are you!" I yelled, kicking him off me. He stumbled back, but he didn't seem angry, I just kicked him, and he still reached for the chains in an attempt to pry them off. What's wrong with him?
He looked calm but also upset?
"My name is aizawa, I'm a pro hero named eraserhead. I'm here to save you, " he said, prying the chains off me as best he could with a random tool he pulled out his stupidly long scarf.
"A hero?" I said. There's more heroes? Are they like all might. This guy was a hero, and he just suddenly appeared. Nothing about this felt right, I had spent so long forcing myself to lose my faith in life. I ignored a possible chance of anybody from the real world saving me. But here he was?
"..yes I'm a hero, do you know what that is?" He asked, helping me off the ground. If he was a hero, I needed to trust him. I didn't have anything else to do, but trust him anyway. I felt fragile. Sitting in my box for days seemed odd. No scientists had shown up, were heroes the reason because of it. No training for two whole weeks?
It's kinda hard to remember, since it was all those years ago I saw all might on big man's square tap machine. It's such a distant memory, but my memory is chemically advanced by accident. I see big man, my foggy glass screen and the baby TV. Which later I learned was a phone.
"All might is a hero, A hero is someone who saves people from bad guys?" I said unsure, my memory was hazy because of all the experiments all these years. My mind was always in a daze, disconnected, and hazy. I tried to move on through life without feelings.
"Yes, all might is a hero, and so am I. There are other heroes here to save you -" He was cut off by a scientist hitting him in the head. My eyes widened, and i stepped back immediately, trying to focus my mind again to reality and access this new situation. The scientist had a knife and was about to stab aizawa until I grabbed aizawa and pushed him behind me, letting the knife stab me in the shoulder. The scientist pulled out the small object. I hate that thing. Whenever he clicks it, my heart starts hurting, and my veins turn black. They always used this during experiments, and over time, i pretended it didn't hurt, so i would get accustomed to it. But they seemed to be advancing it along with my progress reports. He pressed the button, and I fell to the floor screaming in pain. It has never hurt this badly, I guess they made it more powerful as I got older and i was right, but I never noticed because I always followed their rules, so they didn't use it as much. But now it hurt even more because I was screaming more loudly. In the past, I learned not to scream or show emotion when they hurt me because that makes them want to hurt me even more. But I need to fight the pain, or this man behind me, they only hero to ever save me, will die. I started to use my quirk. Because with Aizawa in my mind, i forgot all my pain and derealization from life and focused for the first time jn weeks. My mind wasn't a fairytale. I was here, and i had a job to do.
Protect my hero.
The button in his hand exploded in a black steamy liquid, the steam burned his hand and he flung it up in the air truing to soothe the burning sensation I've felt many times before. And I took a few breaths. I needed to control it. I haven't used it so carelessly, so i absolutely needed to focus. This time, my actions from here on out actually mattered. Whatever i did now would reflect on my future. I stood off the floor and charged towards the scientist, head, and hands first. I pushed him against the wall and dug my fingers into his chest that had sharp hard solid venom appearing at my fingertips like knives, but before my venom could leak and reach inside from where i was peircing him. He kicked me backward, causing me to rip some flesh off his chest, causing him to bleed. After a few seconds, he had healed using his quirk and was now using another knife and stabbing aizawa in his back. That's when I got angry, I wasn't going to let this scientist, who tortured and used me all my life, kill the first person in my life who was going to save me from my misery. My body just moved, but it wasn't derealization this time. It was adrenaline. I jumped on the scientists back and pulled his neck backward so he would fall back. Stumbling backward towards the hole in the glass wall, he fell on top of me, and I started choking him. He arms were layered in steaming venom, and he screamed in pain just as I did. That's when I realized they were using my venom and using it against me. They had to have biologically altered it for it to actually hurt me. I ripped a hole in the scientists back and through his chest. I had never done that before, I'm just really mad and scared. I was letting out all my pent-up emotions on him, and jt felt nice. I mean, it felt really fucking nice.
I slowly slid my arm out the slinky man's chest and rose from the ground, I didnt feel fragile or weak. My bones didn't feel like they were rotting and I was deteriorating. Adrenaline was a heavy bitch. But i ignored what had just happened and quickly ran to Aizawa before the scientist caught his breath after healing from his quirk. I hasn't killed him yet, in order to kill him I'd need his quirk to be unusable. Aizawa was now sitting uproght after i helped him, and I poured some of my venom in his wounds, covering them up so no more blood would spill out. He yelled in pain from the venom, which I tryed to make lukewarm so it wouldn't sting or be to hot for it to heal.
"I know it hurts, but it will stop the blood from spilling out," I said, my voice raspy and soft. I Wrapped his ridiculously long scarf around his torso and putting pressure on the wounds, I made sure to let the venom harden after the liquid state sucked up all the blood and whatever the scientist had on his knives.
"You need to get outta here, kid," he said.
"Yeah, not a chance, I'm going to help you, but you need to promise you'll get me out here," I said, tearing up a bit. I knew he would, but I needed to hear it. I could venture by myself, I had never felt so alone before.
"..I promise, that's what we're here to do," he said slowly. I could tell every movement for him was tightening the sealed up wounds, so I carefully placed my hand on them and softened it as much as I could before his wounds opened up again.
Then I felt hands grab me by my face and scratch my eyes, pulled my head baxkwards ans dragging my body with it. I screamed in pain from my now stinging bloody eyes. I turned around and saw a hazy figure standing up with another knife!? 'What the hell is with this guy and knives?' I thought getting my venom charged up. My vision was red and bloody, but it was alright. I transferred my blood in exchange for venom so I could use it as a advantage. My venom enhancement activated right when he threw a knife towards my face, I dodged at the last second and charged at him, punching him in the face, with venomous spikes poking out of my knuckles. I was rusty, I mean really rusty from lack of practice and my state if health. I then shot an uppercut towards his stomach, with the same venomous spikes formed on my knuckles, peirceing threw the man's whole stomach, I took my fist out of his stomach and he fell to the floor. I felt crazed, I'm smiling. I'm actually smiling for the first time in my entire life. His blood spewed out all over my floor. I finally got some of my revenge on these stupid ass scientists. I've always hated the idea of hurting people, but this, this felt different. I didn't feel like I was hurting him, I felt like I was actually getting some justice and revenge for all the hell they put me through. I started laughing for the first time, but this wasn't a happy laugh. This feels worse, i feel crazy? Then I started crying, I fell to the floor and started balling my eyes out and screaming, punching the floor. I didn't want to hurt people like this, i didnt want to kill people. I feel good about it. That would make me as bad as them. My mind was my biggest weakness, I couldn't deal with my emotions as well as I thought I could. I already hates the person I became and this wasn't helping.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see aizawa, now sitting beside me, pulling me into a hug. This was the first time I had ever been hugged other than big man. Who only hugged me three times in my life, even though I could never hug him back. But this time I could, I wasn't chained to the wall anymore. I wrapped my arms around him and silently cried into his shoulder, finally letting out all of these years held back tears and loneliness. A hero saved me, I'm saved, I think. I buried my nose into his neck. I smelled a new scent, no antibiotics or prosthetics. I wanted to stay like this forever, but i knew that was silly. He pulled away, helping me off the ground as best as he could. I felt his pain through the connection in my venom, but despite his state he endured solely because of me. He was still trying to help me. My venom has probably healed his wounds a bit to the point where he can stand.
"I can feel your badly hurt, please take your time" I whispered, If I talked to loudly my voice would just croak and I wouldn't even form a sentence. I needed to stretch it out before I started talking normally.
"Lets worry about you right now, my well.being is irrelevant." aizawa said, holding his hand out. I reluctantly took his hand, but our touch was very light since I was timid towards actions like this. Something about his answer seemed to puzzle me. All I cared about was his well being, at this moment he was the most important thing in my life. How could he say such things about himself? I've barely met him and he seems so different from what I know, so full of life even if he doesn't show it. It would be a shame if he let himself get hurt to save me. My venom had seemed to be working, but I walked slow on purpose so he would be forced to. And he seemed to be very mindful to my presence so I took advantage of that.
I took one good look around, I saw all the dead animals, the cages, the doors that lead to different experiment rooms, big man's chair, my smaller cube, the secret shelf hidden in the back with two dolls for me. The tools, the torture items. All the memories of me being tortured and broken, feeling trapped like all those poor rabbits and dogs. It was all happening so fast, I grew up here. This is all I've ever known, and I've grown attached to this. It's not much but what choice did I have since all my life my world revolved around this area. But it was finally my time to go, i didnt need to stay here anymore or be afraid. I took one good look and a deep deep breath.
"Ok, let's go. Please i.. i want to leave now, " I said, taking his hand and walking down the hallway and towards the exit. I didnt know where i was going by myself, but nkthing could have prepared me for what i was about to step into.
I saw the sun for the first time in my life. I felt hazy, hot, dizzy, you name it. There were speckles of red and orange clogging my line of sight and everything moved in a hot wave. The bushes were bright green and the sky, was just like I saw it on TV. But now standing under it in person, I wanted to cry, to scream, I was mortified that I had never experienced such beauty as this. It was all too much, everything that has happened it was way too much. I felt as if I were going to faint from the heat, and since I had never been exposed to the sun I probably should've let myself doze off. But I fought that urge to fall and never wake up, fought the urge to succumb to the heat of outside. I needed a little longer to enjoy this, this moment and new step in my life. It felt as of my life was just starting. I honestly didn't know what to think, it was all so full and colorful compared to me. It was.... extraordinary.
My eyes were just now healing a bit from being scratched, but now they couldn't adjust to the sun. I didn't want to look away, but my body made me. It hurt, it hurt really bad. I tried so hard to keep looking but i turned my eyes away and hid under the shadow of the overhead roof. I used my other hand that wasn't being held by aizawa to shield my eyes. I looked at aizawa from under my fingers, and he seemed hurt, like he was looking at something broken and pathetic. And he was. That's who I am. I didn't want my hero to veiw my as that. It made me feel so disgusting and pitiful. At that moment I just wanted to cry, I missed out on everything and I felt way to overwhelmed. But I need to stay strong, and keep my cool for as long as I could.
"First time in the sun?" he said with a bit of hurt in his voice. I'm so sorry Eraserhead, that you have to see such a display like this. My reality now facing the sun. I felt like I was going to faint, I swayed back and forth and felt my head getting closer to the ground. I lost control of my body and fell onto something. I refused to pass out, I absolutely refused. I needed to make sure I was safe, and that he was safe.
- 19 minutes later.
I woke up with a gasp, and I sat up quickly. My body and eyes weren't acheing anymore. Maybe it was because I wasn't outside in the bright sun, i was in another room. But this room bounced and moved, the inside was red and as I rubbed my eyes I saw Eraserhead sitting on the side of the moving room next to somebody. Next to a skinny and frail tall looking guy. Big fluffy and outstanding blonde hair.
"... I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry" I said, refusing to look his way. Afraid that if I met his pitying face I just might break down and show him how pitiful I actually was.
"Dont apologize, that would be the least most normal first reaction to the sun. I'm sorry," he said now. Placing his hand on my forearm that rested beside me on my... whatever I was laying on.
"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for," I said, my eyes now adjusting to the light that shown through a tiny window on the side of the room. I looked around at the sky, I saw it was blue with clouds of all dhapes. Clouds were big and fluffy, like big mans afro. Clouds were scattered all over the sky. Seeing them in person reminded me of heaven. Clouds held so much beauty. I saw bright trees and flowers, for the first time everything around me wasn't dead. But since this room was moving the trees and outside scenery moved in blurred motions going one way. I'm pretty sure this box was like Big man's truck. It felt great, i remember before i passed out. The air and the sun, seeing the sky and all the trees and plants, were here in front of me, this looked just like the pictures on TV. The wind felt so refreshing on me. My hair flying back and a wave of a new sense kf freedom was like water being splashed all over me. It all felt so.. beautiful. So beautiful I was able to ignore the new acquired headache from the sun and cramped torso from sitting in a cube all day. I spent weeks doing nothing in my cubicle, since everybody disappeared. I just read my book over and over again.
"Someone should have saved you. You didn't deserve what happened to you. I also should have accounted for your situation better. I should have brought you out much slower and had you adjust to your own pace. No one should ever have to experience what you went through, " aizawa said, tightening his grip on my forearm in a way to comfort me. I learned this from big man. And eventually over time, I was a quick adapted learner. I hated feeling stupid, so I picked up on everything around me and analyzed it quickly.
"Hm, it's ok. I think I did deserve what happened to me, but I agree that no one should ever experience what happened to me, " I said, looking up towards his face that was lighted up by the sun that shown through the window. I payed no attention to the man next to him, because his face was just a mess.
"Why do you think you deserve what happened to you?" He asked, his face full with confusion and interest. His intentions seemed so genuine, I didnt know how I should respond to him.
But before I could answer, the doors of the red room, or truck, opened and i had to squinch my eyes shut tightly. Who knew the sun would be so damn bright. I had people rushing up to me with a rolling bed thing and a big car with red and blue blinking lights. One car had a big red plus on it, and was red like the one I was in. They tried pulling me away from Aizawa once they had all stepped into the truck. I got scared and held on tighter to his hand now. I didn't want these people to take me away. Are these bad guys? Then more cars blinking red and blue pulled up, this time the cars were smaller and the people had blue outfits. they also started rushing up to me. To much, way to much. I'm not ready for this. Look at all of these people? So many things surrounding me and voices and murders of people faint in the background. Aizawa would protect me, but I still didn't like this situation at all. I needed calmness, I couldn't even comprehend being freed to it's full content. Now crows of rushed people trying to confront me?
"We need to get her treated!" The red plus people yelled with their moving bed thing.
"No, she needs to be contained she's dangerous!" The blue people yelled. They had guns in their hands.
"No, no, please don't shoot me! Aizawa, don't let them take me, please!" I yelled, hiding behind aizawa holding onto his back. When all the people reached us a dog man appeared and held his hand up.
"ENOUGH OF ALL THIS, EVERYONE STOP RIGHT NOW!" The dog man yelled, he walked next to, the yellow guy I started crying when i realized that this was allmight. The all moght i had hoped for all my life, but he was scrawny. I knew it was him because of his hair and eyes. Maybe he didnt save me because he turned skinny. I didn't know what I felt. Seeing him, the person I hoped for all my life, was here in front of me. Had he saved me? No aizawa saved me. Maybe he helped, though. Then I smiled, this time it wasn't I crazy smile, it was a happy smile, the best one I could give. It was broken, but it was actually true this time.
"She will go with the paramedics so she can be treated. There's no need for police because allmight and eraserhead will be with her at all times on standby. We will see what happens after that, woof " the dog man said, walking away with more blue people. Woof, did that man or dog just say woof? Like the word woof. I was so confused. Maybe my quirk wasn't THAT bad afterall.
"We need to head over there, into the hospital so we can treat you," Aizawa said, pulling me out the big red truck. Which I later learned was an,
"That's a am..bu..lin..ce..?" I tried to pronounce it since I had never heard of it in my life. We slowly stepped down from the tall vehicle and I held onto Aizawas arm. I still felt hazy from the heat and my actions were very slow.
"Yes, ambulance, it's a car that takes you to a hospital, a building where they heal you." Aizawa said, as I walked with him towards a very very large white building with large words on it. Symbolizing it was a hospital. As soon as I stepped inside, the same smell of the lab passed me. An awful stench reached my nose and my ears started ringing, loudly. I stopped dead in my tracks and gripped onto Aizawas arm. I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't control my breathing and started hyperventilating. Why was this all happening all at once, I was usually so in control. I hate this confusion, derealization, unknown feelings, and I'm moving to fast. There were so many kinds of people and things here to interact with and I could even handle seeing them all at once?
"Y/n! Y/n! You need to calm down!" Aizawa said, putting his hand on my shoulder and handing me some water. I didn't see how and where he acquired it from because I was staring at the floor. Hoping that it would somehow calm me down.
I drank the water and did my best to calm down, breathing normally. Like I haven't already tried that, but I needed to think. Or maybe that was my problem, maybe j thought to much. I subconsciously started thinking about my past and what freedom tasted like. I kept forgetting that I was actually free, I had been saved.
"Y/n.....you called me y/n?" I said, shocked. I haven't heard someone use my real name in a few years. Big man only said it a few times, then he started calling me by cute nicknames. But he was gone, and now I'm here alone. I need to stop relying on Big man for everything, right now I need to focus on myself.
"How.. how do you know my name?" I asked. I knew they clearly had some sort of information but I wanted to know what. Because truthfully, I didnt even know about myself more then they did.
"We had read a file on you during our search. We found out that your mother had a child, and she died from childbirth. She was captured by the scientists where you were born." Aizawa said, wiping off the leftover blood of my skin near my eyes as we slowly walked through the hospital whole being led by some people down some hallways.
My mother, they were looking for my mother and found me? My mother's dead, she's been dead all my life and now they find me?
"So it was true, I did kill my mother." I started crying. I had convinced myself that I accidentally killed her or that it was all a cruel joke and she just didn't want me because I was pathetic. I was a tool.
"No y/n what happened to your mother wasn't your fault, when she gave birth to you she was too weak and she died. It wasn't you that killed her. She was already dying before she gave birth to you, " all might said now patting my shoulder. I flinched at his contact, he hadn't said anything to me this whole time, or maybe he did and I just hadn't responded. I was too over stimulated to focus on more people other then Aizawa. I wish everybody and everything here would just calm down. But it seemed to be only me with the problem with all of this. Everything around me I didn't recognize. Makes sense.
"All might. Yeah, it's you. I- i...." I started crying again, I need to stop crying. Crying is what gets you hurt. Stone cold, no feelings, remember, you need to hold on a bit longer.... no.. I'm done holding on a bit longer. I'm done hiding my feelings all these years, I'm safe now. It's okay to show some feelings. I think.
"All might, I remember now. Big ma- I mean my friend would show me videos of you on his phone. You would save people every day I hoped and waited for you to save me. But you never did, but that's ok. You saved other people." I said, looking up at him. Shit maybe I shouldn't have said that. I almost slipped up, I couldn't mention big man. If these heroes only found me because they were looking to capture villians, Big man would be one of them. Afterall he was only there be ayse he worked for them, but I knew at heart he didn't agree with anything they did. He probably stopped showing up so they wouldn't find him, I hoped so. His family wouldn't be safe then to. I will find him one day, I promise.
Now he looked upset, shit did I just make all might upset? I'm such a screw up, no matter what I do or say I'll end up soiling the mood and sounding sappy.
"No, no, please don't be upset. I'm so sorry-" but before I could finish, he placed his hands on my shoulders, and I quickly stopped talking. Nervously anticipating his reaction.
that's the end of the first chapter. I don't know why I made this chapter 7372 words, but whatever. Hope you enjoy. I haven't written anything like this, and my vocabulary words seemed to disappear from my mind, even though I'm in English honors II. It's alright, tho.
I do plan on making this a series and posting it on Wattpad since I'm not to familiar with Tumblr. My wattpad username is
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When the Russian Mafia Learned Not to Mess With Artemis Fowl II
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I've been an Artemis Fowl girl (not the movie) for a long time, and while I think the first book in the series is literally a perfect first book, it's not my favorite in the series. That honor goes to book two, Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident. And I think that the key points that really make this my favorite book are the shift from brilliantly executed archetypes to genuine characters, the fact that a 12-year-old absolutely OWNS the mafia, and the expansion of the worldbuilding in Haven and the Lower Elements generally. Oh also, this is where we get Opal Koboi for the first time. *Screes in best villainess ever* Let's Talk Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident.
There will be light spoilers below the break, as is pretty standard for all books second and later on this blog, so be warned.
First of all, in the first Artemis Fowl book, the characters are--with the exception of Artemis and Holly--largely archetypal. That falls apart here, because the story isn't trying to be a fairy tale or a heist so much as it is Opal Koboi and Briar Cudegon trying to start a war that Artemis has to stop in order to get fairy help to rescue his father from captivity by the Russian Mafia. Book 1 Butler is your standard bodyguard with a heart of gold, Commander Root is a standard grouchy police chief, and Trouble Kelp is basically ye olde marine. Briar Cudgeon is power hungry, and that's about it.
By book 2, Bulter is getting more personality and a low-key understanding with Holly and Root because they're all "old soldiers" in his book. Root gets to actually have some personality and is a damn good field commander--can we just take a sec to appreciate how much he cares (gruffness notwithstanding) about Holly and the fact that he super did not care that the sealed acorn was blasphemy because it worked!? He becomes more than just a hardass vaguely sexist archetype, and I have SUCH a soft spot for Julius Root. We also get some more of Trouble and Grub Kelp. Briar Cudgeon stays pretty simple, but that's fine because we have Opal goddamn Koboi for a more complex and also very classical villainess--she is LOVING being evil and frankly she is never not a joy to watch. Opal knows how to lean in to sheer joyous villainy.
I'm also just a fan of Artemis actually running into the real world with his planning. Our boy can absolutely sketch out an on-paper plan that is brilliant, but then you get things like gaps in train tracks, fairy politics, dwarf reflexology, and humans reacting in weirdass ways and suddenly Artemis has to get his hands a bit dirty and he has to improvise. Our boy grows and STILL hands the Russian Mafia its collective ass on a radioactive submarine hatch. Artemis Fowl's character growth in this book is great.
Book 1 was very limited to Fowl Manor and its grounds. We got a bit of Haven and the Lower Elements in book 1, but book 2 is mostly in the Lower Elements and Russia, and the expansion of what Haven is like, what shuttleports are like, what Koboi Labs is like, what Howler's Peak is like, is incredible. We get more fairy lore, fairy life, and more LEP. This keeps expanding in later books, but this is our first really close look at the world beyond what was strictly necessary for the kidnapping and rescue plot of the first book, and that's very fun.
I know I've already mentioned Opal Koboi and her gleefully unhinged joy at her seemingly imminent rise to Empress, but honestly I love her to little tiny peices. She is too samrt for her own good, she girlbossed her own father into literally insanity, and her college-era feud with Foaly is just peak "the smartest kids in class have extremely different skillsets and they hate each other for it". Opal starts off very evil kitten, but kitty has claws and she's just waiting for a chance to unsheath them.
The Artemis Fowl series is improbably good, and I cannot recommend it enough. Especially this fozen, slightly radioactive entry in the series that is very much my favorite book.
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obiyuki-beebs · 1 year
you called me x: event submission
First third(ish) of a fic! because it’s 3 AM and I’m sleepy and this is the only part that I’m (mostly) satisfied with so here ya go. Companion playlist posted here. Ok goodnight.
Shirayuki prided herself on having a knack for answering questions. 
This skill could be attributed to multiple traits; her quiet brilliance, a devout love of research, and an uncanny capacity to solve almost any problem presented to her. 
She enjoyed observing her world and figuring out the how and the why. She hoarded questions and carried them around like candy in her pocket, on her mind until she could find or deduce an answer, and always ready to chew on it for a while if it could give her the satisfaction of knowing. 
What frequency do bumblebees need to vibrate at in order to release pollen from certain types of flowers, like blueberries in their blooming stage? Middle C, which is how they are able to use buzz pollination, something honeybees are incapable of, making bumblebees indispensable in the ecosystem and farmers alike. 
Why are we told not to rub our eyes? It can cause corneal abrasion and worsen allergen exposure in the short term, and cause keratoconus in the long term, which is a thinning and deformation of the cornea over time. This had been a notably hard habit to break. 
Does bi-weekly refer to every two weeks or twice a week? Infuriatingly enough, both, depending on the context. 
Is a hot dog a sandwich? Yes, by definition. Is cereal soup? No, also by definition, though somehow she was more perturbed by this question than she had originally thought she could be. 
Shirayuki's ability to answer questions was not limited to health and the natural world. Her friends and colleagues often came to her for advice on various matters, whether it was about relationships or career choices. 
It also gave her a spectacular penchant for dominating trivia nights with her friends. 
Shirayuki liked answers. 
That was why, when she stumbled across a question she couldn’t answer, well… that could pose a problem. 
An extremely distracting problem with a long torso and a laugh that made her lift her head from her book whenever she heard it. 
A problem that had the potential to make her forget to step off the train on her way to the lab. 
A problem that might keep her up at night, undoubtedly chewing her lip and in a dissociative stare-down with the glow stars that she and Yuzuri had painstakingly pressed onto Shirayuki’s ceiling when they became roommates. 
Currently, she had such a problem. She couldn’t stop asking herself why, out of all of their friends, she was the only one who Obi still referred to by a nickname. 
She had always wondered, of course. 
For years, it seemed like he was on the tips of his toes, poised to bolt at the drop of an ill-chosen comment. In the early stages of all of them knowing each other, there had always been distance he placed between them. Rarely, if ever, did she see him drop his stoic smile; the smile he wore when he wanted people around him to be at ease. A smile that, though similar to his real one, wasn’t the same.
Sometimes, she thought of him in those early days and remembered the feral cat she’d befriended as a child outside her grandparent's pub. It had taken what felt like years for it to warm up to her, persuaded by one greasy palmful of stolen chicken at a time. 
Slowly but surely, Obi, just like that cat, had seemed to relax. Seemed to drop an anchor into their veritable sea of knowing each other. Or, at the very least, the bag she knew he kept packed under his bed started to gather dust. 
And then, one random night in May while they were enjoying their sometimes-weekly hang-out, Obi called Mitsuhide by name. Casual, as if he was asking them to please not make a big deal about it. 
Kiki had only smiled. Mitsuhide, who couldn’t hide anything if he tried, gaped like a fish with a hook still in its lip. Zen made a toast with his IPA, describing the continuous work it takes to be vulnerable and open with one's friends.
Progress had been slow after that. Obi waited another two months before dropping the joking “Princess” he usually used in conjunction with Kiki’s name. Ryuu was easier, as he was now taller than Obi and nearly at a level with Mitsuhide. Suzu, Yuzuri, and even his greatest chess adversary, Izana, were now all called by name instead of the nicknames Obi had been using as a last wall of defense against intimacy. 
The shock and sentimentality of the situation had kept Shirayuki from wondering, at least for a little while, why he hadn’t said her name yet. 
First, she had verified that he did indeed only call her by a nickname. She kept notes (in a marble composition tucked between her planner and her field notebook). But only one spreadsheet. One spreadsheet file, if she was being specific. She refused to count the sheet tabs in said file. (Four).  
When considering the question – that is, why only she remained among his nameless friends – she had come to the conclusion that he would get to her eventually. She just needed to be patient.
As it happened, Shirayuki also prided herself on her patience. 
She could wait. She had waited for so many things. 
As a child, she had waited for the cookies her grandfather had just baked to cool before stealing away with three of them and up the creaking stairs to her bedroom on the third floor. 
She was perfectly capable of putting in the slow, steady work needed to help her plant seeds germinate in the spring and even more patient with them as they spread roots and grew wildly over her trellis in the summer. 
She had waited for Zen to be able to publicly commit to her; had waited for him when they had been in a long-distance relationship for nearly four years; had waited for her feelings for him to be fulfilling again; had waited what felt like ages for him to accept that she meant it when she said she no longer saw him that way. 
She had demonstrated great restraint in not petting the feral cat all those years ago, instead letting it come to her. 
Yes, Shirayuki could be patient. 
So she waited, thinking that, eventually, it would be her turn, and he would call her by her name, implicitly reassuring her that they were as close as she considered them to be. 
And now here they were, nearly two whole years after the pivotal shift in nomenclature amongst friends, and Shirayuki found her patience to be entirely sapped.
Much to her consternation, Obi still only referred to her as “Miss,” and her question remained. Why had Obi thus far never used her given name? She had no idea. It entirely escaped her. This unanswered query had become the bane of her existence, plaguing her whenever she thought about him, which she also discovered was often and regularly. 
(No, she had not kept a data set of how often she thought about him. The thought had crossed her mind, and though the project was started, it was swiftly discontinued with vehemence due to extenuating circumstances relating to her inability to control the color of her cheeks.)
Shirayuki believed that every problem had a solution, and she was determined to figure out this one. She had a question whose answer entirely evaded her. She was losing sleep. It had become a matter of health. 
She started out with what she considered to be simple measures by sending him links to participate in Name-a-Plow-Truck events around the country, along with ridiculous – and hopefully fake – forum posts asking if the original poster was rude for laughing at their friend's baby name choice. She even went so far as to recommend watching Beetlejuice for movie night, which only ensured that they sang the Banana Boat Song back and forth to each other for what felt like weeks, followed by a rambunctious reprisal at karaoke in the fall. 
None of it worked. She had yet to hear him say her name. Clearly, her methods had not been effective. 
So she reconsidered. 
“Excuse me,” Yuzuri leaned out of the bathroom to get a better look at Shirayuki sitting with crossed legs on the rug outside the door, “you want to do what?”
“Obi doesn’t say my name. I’m the only one out of our friends that he doesn’t. So-”
“So you want to see if you can subconsciously influence him into saying your name? With a playlist?”
“Not all at once. Over a few weeks. Or months. I don’t want to tip him off too soon.”
“Uh-huh,” Yuzuri replied, voice reverberating in the sink as she leaned down to wash her face. 
“I thought you would be into it,” Shirayuki pouted, biting at the cuticle on her left hand.
“Stop picking.”
“You can’t even see me.”
“I can hear it.”
“For the record, I am mostly into it. I am immensely amused by your plan, Yuki. You are exceptionally good at planning things out. Even if they are absolutely ridiculous and unnecessarily complicated. I am equally exasperated. You could just ask him to say your name. Honestly, please just do that.”
“What if-”
“Yuki. I promise your anxiety is lying to you. What are you afraid of?”
“I just want to try it this way and see if he gets it. It’s embarrassing to think about asking him that. We’re close, I know that, but it bothers me that he can do it for so many other people except me.”
Yuzuri, face now patted dry and shiny with lotion, leaned around the doorway again. She raised her eyebrows in a pointed look that Shirayuki chose not to deduce the meaning of. 
“You’re right, you are close. And both of you are idiots. Why a playlist?”
“We’re always listening to music, in the car, at karaoke, at get-togethers,” Shirayuki’s wilting confidence gained a new vigor as she spoke, choosing again to ignore the former half of Yuzuri’s sentence, “I already made one.”
“Please, for the love of all that is holy, let me see what you put on it. So, in short,  you’re planning to use subliminal messaging to convince Obi to say your name?”
“Exactly! I knew you would get it. Well, I guess not exactly. Subliminal messaging isn’t how I would put it.”
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powertaco · 1 year
Okey hear me out, deaths whiterose fanchild whose an Android built by Ruby and Weiss based on penny's schematics
"Ye do know what you're signing us up for right?" Maria asked the other two who were hard at work at their shared lab at home.
While Maria had merely offered her dilapidated shack Weiss had actually recoiled upon seeing it and had offered a compromise.
The compromise being she had an entire underground bunker built underneath it with state of the art equipment, and even a landing pad outside so supplies could be dropped off at any time.
To further appease Maria she'd even let the shack upstairs remain mostly the same just not...rotting.
How she'd lived in it by herself before she found them on the train heading to Atlas all those years ago Weiss did not even want to guess.
Weiss waved her off. "It's hardly the same."
"I mean it kinda is isn't it?" Ruby said as she paused from soldering a wire.
"None of us had to go through the pain of childbirth for one, and for two when it's bedtime we can merely switch them off!" Weiss said proudly before a pair of hands slapped the back of her head.
"You know Penny hated it that her dad could and did that to her so why would you want that for our 'daughter'?" Ruby asked seriously.
"If ye want to treat her like a real flesh and blood person-"
"And she is!" Ruby piped in.
"Then you can't fall back to treating her like a pet and turning her 'off' the second you're annoyed."
Weiss winced. "I suppose you're right. I was only joking but it was a cruel joke," Weiss admitted.
"It's alright just don't ever tell or joke about it with her. We ever think of a name?" Ruby asked as she gently stitched the girl on the table back up.
"A few but what if we let her pick her own name?" Weiss offered.
"Might as well. We're skipping right to the preteen stage anyway," Maria said as she brushed her hands on her lounging clothes to rid them of any food remnants.
"Yeah, even though these schematics are based on Penny she's still her own person. I mean they don't look much alike at this point," Ruby pointed out reasonably.
The young child on the table had short dark hair with a single strand of white that went through it.
According to the dna sequence they'd run Weiss's genes were powerful enough that some white in the hair was expected and they'd liked this look.
While her eyes were closed now they knew that a single blue and silver eye lay behind the eyelids. She had tan skin, and was moderately tall almost as tall as Weiss was already.
The only thing that was really missing was her name, which she'd tell them when she picked it out.
Ruby closed the last compartment and nodded.
"She's as ready as she'll ever be, at least until it's time to give her the teenager update," Ruby joked.
"Ready to become parents?" Maria joked as Weiss felt her hands shaking.
"Are you alright?" Maria asked worriedly as she gently took Weiss into her arms and Ruby hugged her from the front.
"I never regretted our relationship. Not for a single moment but I admit part of me was worried about my family legacy."
"Well now you know it'll live on in her," Maria countered as she nodded to the waiting daughter on the table.
"Alright. Thanks to Pietro's improvements and the three of us it'll drain our aura to do this but it'll come back like normal instead of sacrificing it for good. Anything else we need to do beforehand?" Ruby asked as the other two shook their heads.
"Together?" Maria asked putting her hand on the switch as she hooked up herself to the machine.
"Together," Weiss stated firmly having finished the same.
"Together forever!" Ruby cheered as she flipped the switch.
They grunted as their aura drained and then broke.
The body on the table twitched and the young girl opened her eyes to the world for the first time.
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marlasomething · 1 year
Inside Home (Breagan Week - May 28)
Summary: a man infiltrates a secret organisation that used to work with the USA Government...he didn't expect the people he finds in the centre of all
Relationships: Brett/Reagan
A/N: Written for day 7 of @breaganweekbabeee
Prompt: Old case files + New beginnings
Word count: 564
CW: menace of murder, grey morality, American patriotism
Also on AO3!
Everybody knew the Shady Agency had to be terrible. After all, it used to have a different name (that nobody was allowed to speak out-loud); its public face was Gigi (just Gigi; like Beyoncé, or God), the woman who hadn’t aged a day in the last… nobody knew exactly how many decades; and because of their unfortunate interventions, his glorious country hadn’t been able to conquer the entire Planet Earth (and other planets as well, of course).
That was why, when the military man entered the ultra-secret departments, which was known to be the home of the real heads of the once collaborator of his country, now turned foe…the last thing he excepted to see was two elderly people playing with…hand puppets.
The moment he let a very against-his-training gasp scape, they both turned to him, and the woman raised a powerful eyebrow that froze him.
Literally; not only in the figurative speech. She must have been the super-scientist some of the dossiers he had been given spoke about.
“Ah, yes. You are about on time…since The Government wanted to end us, again . Look, kid, if we decided to left the business of world domination and all that was because…”
“…we believe in the human being” for being about eighty, the man sounded more youthful than the intruder had ever done.
She started at him, with fondness and yet certain exasperation, too.
“…because we realised if we didn’t, planet would have eventually gone kaboom and we still wanted to, you know, exist. Or, at least, exist without being the slaves of some weird fungus-based alien species” she gestured around before continuing. “So, now, little likely-to-be-a-jerk, you have two options, you leave…or Brett does. He still wants to believe I have a good heart”.
“You do! Under the iron lab-coat it is probably wearing inside your chest!” he replied, and held her free hand with care.
Uncomfortable (and extremely scared), the soldier realised he had recovered the mobility of his body and just ran away while the man, with an enthusiasm he wished his father had had when he was growing up, yelled: “ Good choice! ”
Alone again, Reagan ruffled the currently completely white hair of Brett.
“We did well” he suddenly looked worried.
“No, Reg , don’t speak like that, we still have a lot of time in front of us! Not as much as Gigi, but not all of us can successfully blackmail the actual Devil…”
At this, she laughed.
“Ah! No, I meant right now, with this boy…” she clicked her tongue. “The Government, still a pain in the ass, but I am glad he just ran away. I hope the tale he invents is good enough to be left alone for a decade or so…I don’t regret this, you know? I can still play evil genius but…enough less evil for it to be okay for you to be with me”.
“You know that, even if I hadn’t realised it just yet, I cared more than a friend from far before…all this” he gestured around.
“Yes, but you deserved…not fully evil, which was my other path to be taken”.
At this, he smiled.
“Oh, it that had been the case, I think I would eventually be able to pull myself into the fully evil Brett, all for you”.
Then, when Reagan answered, it wasn’t with words.
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thisisvoided · 9 months
AHHH okayokok so i just saw your casey + raph art and i LOVE their designs?? and i was just wondering if there's any fun lil facts abt them or their story if youve got one 4 them that you wanted to share? bcus i love hearing abt people's diff. interps of them :]
ahhhh thank you so much!! im so glad you liked them, i had a lot of fun designing them :>
also yes, im so glad you asked!!! finally sum1 to infodump to lmao (also stuff abt the rest of the main cast just for funzies. i put it under a cut bcus it got long lol):
raph + his family live in an abandoned train yard on the very outskirts of the city
raph's family consists of his sister, mike, his two brothers, leon and don, and his dad, yoshi
from oldest to youngest: splinter (late 40s), casey (19), april (18), raph (17), leon + mike (15), and don (14)
mike and leon are twins! and spotted turtles. it's hard to tell them apart if you don't know what to look for, or if they're playing a prank on someone
leon has chronic pain in his knee from his mutation
don is mute, he uses tts and sign language to talk. he's also the only one of his siblings with four fingers on each hand
mike owns a drum kit but nobody knows where she got it from. leon asked once, but she just told him not to worry about it (he is, in fact, very worried about it)
don's dream is to "engineer the world's awesome-est automobile ever"
mike is the prankster of all pranksters and nobody is safe from her wrath, not even leon (especially leon tbh)
raph plays violin. splinter taught him
leon can be a real hard-ass when it comes to sticking to the rules, but that's only if mike isn't around
don and mike are both STEM kids with a love for cooking/baking. if you can't find them in their rooms, you'll probably find them in their make-shift lab-slash-kitchen. just...try not to breathe in through your nose too much if you're in there. the smells tend to mix badly
yoshi's eyesight was already really bad when he was a human, but it got worse after he was mutated
don wears glasses, raph has braces, leon has a tooth gap, and mike has two missing front teeth
yoshi taught judo classes while he was in college
the turtles met april when they were out roof-hopping and mike tripped and fell down into an alleyway...and right on top of april. the only saving grace was that april was getting mugged at the time and mike ended up scaring away the mugger
april is thai/african american
yoshi worked as a wildlife veterinarian before he was mutated
april works part-time at her dad's restaurant as a delivery driver and part-time at a local liquor store
mike sometimes visits april at her dad's restaraunt, which april hates because she's afraid someone will notice her and which mike loves because she gets to hang out around tons of people
april and casey actually knew each other when they were kids, but only casey remembers
casey never takes off his mask, even when he's sleeping; at least from what the turtles have seen. mike once joked that it was part of his actual face but none of them can be sure...
the turtles go dumpster diving whenever they visit the city. they also scrounge around in the nearby junkyard whenever it gets a new influx of trash
casey is cuban/native canadian
raph is terrified of insects. don, on the other hand, loves them
casey's duffel bag is filled with tons of essential items along with all of his other stuff. nobody is sure how he fits it all in there, but he somehow manages with room to spare
casey works full-time as a janitor at one of the colleges in the city and does art commissions on the side
the turtles, yoshi, casey and april have game night on friday and movie night on saturday
casey and raph met a year before the main story starts
yes, casey and raph have destroyed, defaced, and defecated on private property and they will do it again
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spatio-rift · 2 years
mar... can u catch me up on inazuma lore because i dont know very much about endou *smiling brightly*
hi lab yes of course im no expert on endou tbh but i will try my best!!
as far as inazuma characters go endou doesnt have too much going on but i think its a good thing for him. hes THE protagonist, raimons captain who sets the whole thing into motion. hes also the grandson of a very famous, legendary soccer player and coach who was the goalkeeper for the national team at some point and after retiring coached another legendary-to-be team which the series is named after (though these guys were middle schoolers)(and also never won any competitions... it was kageyamas fault he made them have a bus accident and stuff (he was also a middle schooler)). but his grandpa passed away before he was born (kageyama again, around ambiguously the same age..."ambiguously" because i can never tell if it was from the bus accident or some other incident. but shits crazy) so he never really knew him, and thats kind of why he picks up soccer: its the one connection he has to his dead grandpa. (though his mom is really against it at first because she thinks its what killed her dad)
now of course he doesnt play only to feel close to him he genuinely develops an intense passion &love for the game (while staying hilariously oblivious about everything going on in the soccer world. he doesnt know any famous players or anything). the first part of ina11 is about how he wants to bring his ragtag soccer team to the top by winning this one famous middle school soccer competition its pretty simple. i feel like its kind of refreshing in a way that his motivations are fully about his passion of the game despite the crazy plot with kageyama, while still feeling like a part of the whole thing since kageyama "murdered" his grandpa (hes not actually dead but we dont know this until much later) and bc of his intense grudge against him he wants to crush endou and raimon specifically so fucking bad. but it never really becomes about stopping kageyama for endou which is nice to me. he just really loves ball
endous not the brightest guy around, but his pure, free love of the game and very genuine & trusting disposition inspire everyone to rally behind him and root for him. i think the way he trusts and believes in people is definitely one of his strong points and being given that sort of support or a second chance like this really helped/saved a handful of characters in the series. hes just a guy you can help but yearn to be friends with or play ball genuinely with :) (but while his tendency to give people a second chance or trust suspicious people as long as they love soccer might make him look like an airhead its important to note that he still has limits and there are still things he considers unforgivable. i think that makes him feel more real and also seeing him get angry about certain things makes his trust in and ability to forgive other characters hit that much harder instead of being mere words)
now coming back to his grandpa. a huge part of his character imo is following in his grandpas footsteps, kind of inheriting his legacy by learning all the moves his grandpa came up with, training the way he did, etc... and quickly after the first game/season were asked the question of whether its good for him to continue just imitating his grandpa. what is..........interesting though, is that the 2nd and 3rd game kind of both deal with it... but in completely different ways?
ie2 proposes pretty early on that being a goalie isnt the only path open to endou. that just because his grandfather was a goalkeeper doesnt mean that endou has to be as well. and then later we meet tachimukai, a cute little first year whos a big fan of endou and even switched from midfielder to goalkeeper to imitate him. the thing is, as we are soon explicitly told, tachimukai has a LOT more natural talent as a goalkeeper than endou does, and he masters his grandpas ultimate move like its nothing. he was born to play this position basically, which eventually leads to tachimukai being asked to play gk for raimon instead of endou. and endou has very mixed feelings about this, because while hes genuinely happy for tachimukai, he cant say that hes delighted about leaving the position that connected him to his grandpa (and he also practiced that ultimate move on his own in secret at night, even though tachimukai already had it so the team had no use for a second player to master it). but at the same time, hes grown close enough to his team and as a player that he doesnt need to play the same position as his grandpa to feel connected to him like hes still got their shared love of soccer. ok this is getting long but basically i love this because endou ends up growing a lot and setting off on his own unique path and it also leaves a significant role for tachimukai to play (who otherwise never gets to do anything since there cant be two goalies in one match, and endou is the protag).
and it couldve continued to be explored in the next game since instead of going back to a school vs school type thing, where endou and tachimukai wouldve faced each other as goalkeepers on opposite sides, its a world tournament so just like ie2, players from all over japan coming together as one team representing the country. but.... ie3 completely abandons that idea and instead benches tachimukai forever, because endou is back as a goalie and the way to deal with that issue of only following in his grandpas footsteps instead gets turned into a "endou needs to come up with his own special move" thing. and i mean the way its written isnt bad or anything but i certainly like it a lot less than what ie2 had going on that involved tachimukai!!!!
errmm i might have gone a little off topic there and also its getting really long and i dont really have much more to say. my memory of s3/ie3 is pretty fuzzy atp cuz its been a while so i cant say much about what kind of character development he gets cuz i didnt really pay attention (its the kidou disease). but he does meet his grandpa again. erm ok thats enough i hope this was informative enough !!! hes a sweet lad
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Steve Freaking Harrington.
AN: ALRIGHT WELL I SAID I WAS WRITING A STEVE FIC AND I REALLY FUCKIN DID. It’s a slow burn so if you just want the smut part you’ll have to scroll for quite a while. I got a little carried away. I’m gunna call it “Part One” for now until I know what or where I'm going with it but I really hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anything I didn’t tag, or if you have any feedback. 
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Word count: 7705
Warnings: blood, talk of self harm, mentions of past self harm scars, fem reader, Dom Steve if you squint, unprotected sex (please always use protection), p in v, m oral receiving, fingering, m an f orgasm
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It was another long and boring day at Family Video. One of those days where I often just stood at the counter shifting my weight from foot to foot staring at the clock and trying to ignore whatever shitty move was playing on the tv behind me. Robin scribbled doodles on a scrap piece of paper and Steve hung around on the other side of the counter, leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands. "This is brutal" Steve said sighing.
"At least you don't have to go to school tomorrow" Robin muttered, still doodling.
I smiled a little. It became so familiar to listen to them bicker back and fourth. They were like an old married couple. "Ahh yes the young child complains about getting her education while not having to pay rent" I said side eyeing her.
"Okay I'm eighteen, which means legally I'm an adult so" she said raising her eyebrows. Steve and I shared a look before laughing.
"Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you're not a kid, believe me" I thought back when I thought everything would change when I turned eighteen. It's a big deal for no real reason other than legally being an adult. You still can't drink, you're still in high school, and for most people, still living under their parents roof with everything paid for. But in the end you still were a kid who was clueless about the world. I wouldn't go as far to say that about Robin considering how mature she really was despite being as goofy as she is.
"Were you the one who got stuck in a Russian lab, or dungeon? Basement maybe? I'm not even sure what is was, but was that you? No it wasn't" she said crumpling up her doodle filled paper and throwing it at my head.
"Hey!" I sad rubbing my forehead where the crinkled ball had poked me before landing on the floor. "Listen I was probably laying in bed states away blissfully unaware, so no, I can't relate to that" I grabbed the paper ball and threw it into the trash, glancing at the clock again groaning I made my way over to the shelves and started spacing everything way too neatly just to pass time.
About an hour later I was now sitting on the floor still spacing each movie apart but now on the opposite side of the store when Robin came out of the back room loudly swinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Well see ya later losers, have fun closing up" And with a wink she was out the door. I gave her a quick wave and continued my spacing.
"(Y/N)?" Steve called.
"Over here!" I said peaking around one of the shelves.
"Why are you on the floor?" He said standing next to me.
"Because why would I stand up to do the bottom shelf?" I said back. Looking up at him. He was so beautiful. And he knew it, which made him more unbearable because he knew what to do, and when to do it, and who to do it too, so he could get the right reaction out of them. We became friends quite quickly when I started working at Family Video mainly from how much time we spent alone in the empty store, but also because Robin forced him to train me when I started so she wouldn't have to. I definitely don't blame her for that because training the newbie is always kind of boring. Although I had to thank her for that because if it wasn't for her distaste in training I don't know if I would have ever gotten as close to Steve as I have if he wasn't the one spending all that extra time training me.
After a few short months of getting to know Steve and opening up to him. I told him about how my home life wasn't exactly ideal and offered to let me stay in one of his spare bedrooms. His house was massive and his parent's rarely home, not that they minded me. They really liked me actually. I tried to deny Steves offer until one fairly rough night at home got just a little too much. So at two am he drove to my house, helped me pack up my belongings and took me 'home'. I refused to stay there without paying rent, and although Steve was very against it I kept sending the money to his parents so he couldn't stop me. All he had to do was give me that 'Steve Harrington' look and I would have caved and not payed him or his parents a single penny.
I always felt like he could see right through me. Like every time those brown eyes made their way to mine that he was reading every thought that entered my mind and could tell how I was feeling. Maybe it was just because he was supposedly good with women, or maybe he just started to figure out how to be good with me? It was a thought I had often of him and I together, not always rated G and I would never admit it to Robin let alone him. Robin picked up on my crush rather quickly and would teased me about it often but it was our little secret and Steve really hated that we had a secret. He hated not being apart of it especially with two of his closet friends but I just couldn't tell him.
I wasn't really part of his crowd, even with all the fourteen year olds, and I never wanted to push my luck and force myself onto them or into their group. I knew they were all super close and that Steve cared for each of them as if they were his own children. It was cute seeing him take on this paternal instinct around them, like it was so natural and he had been doing it his whole life. Maybe it was because his parents weren't really around and he kind of had to parent himself.
His parents being MIA would definitely explain his old reputation I heard so much about from Robin. "King Steve" they would call him, and apparently he was a bit of a dick, but that changed, and he never went back to being that person. I'm glad I got to know him as the Steve he is now otherwise I'm not so sure we would get along, but together were just a couple of goofs who "Share one brain cell" between the two of us as Robin often tells us.
"Hellooooo" Steve said waving a hand in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts.
"W-what? What's up?" I said trying to act casual.
"You were day dreaming about me again weren't you" He said teasing.
"Again? Bold of you to assume I've day dreamed about you at all, let alone multiple times Harrington" I teased back. Finally standing up from floor, pulling my shorts back down my thighs from bunching I wiggled slightly and sighed. Steve eyed me suspiciously.
"Can you come help me move that big table in the back? A new shipment of snacks and shit should be here in the morning so Keith want's space for it" He said shoving his hands deep into his jeans. Which I didn't even think was possible, considering how wonderfully tight they were.
"Yes sir!" I said giving him a salute and making my way to the back. "I hate this table" I said standing at one end of it, my hands cuffed around the metal edge ready to lift. "Why?" Steve questioned going to the other end. "It's just a table" he said and laughed as he lifted his end. Nodding his head to tell me I was good to lift my end. As I lifted it pain seared through my palm and I gritted my teeth as we slowly shimmied to get the table to the other side of the room. Dropping my end of the table abruptly I grabbed my hand quickly noticing blood dripping from it. I hopped up and down muttering profanities until Steve asked me what was wrong.
"Fucking stupid table, I told you I didn't like, and it fucking cut me!" I said holding up my hand while still holding it with my other hand attempting to keep the bleeding at bay not knowing how bad the cut actually was.
"Jesus Christ (Y/N) you're bleeding everywhere!" Steve said rushing to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kid. "No shit Sherlock" I said following him.
"Sit on the toilet" He ordered, closing the lit and gesturing to it with a nod of his head while he kneeled in front of me rummaging through the tiny red box.  I tapped my feet frantically up and down while I waited for Steve. "Okay so, we have to clean it, and that's going to hurt a lot even if it isn't as deep of a cut as it looks" he said glancing up at me. I guess he could see the concern on my face and rubbed my knee briefly. "It'll be over before you know it"
I groaned leaning back into the toilet, a few whimpers escaping my mouth as the pain continued. I watched Steve as he carefully set everything up, and even washed his hands before returning to the floor in front of me. Tipping the bottle of rubbing alcohol onto one of the pieces of gauze he steadied himself between my legs and held out his hand. I hesitated clutching my hand a little closer to my chest fearing how bad the alcohol was going to make it sting. Steves eyes softened and his mouth turned up into a small smile. "We gotta get it clean" He said softly. I slowly sat up straight and cautiously gave him my hand finally letting go of it with my other hand. He held it gently in his as he rested it on top of my thigh. "Do you want me to count to three or something?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No- Wait! Yes, please. Please count" I said.
"Okay" Steve said taking a deep breath. "One-"
He never made it to three before patting the wet gauze onto my hand and I yelped out but he held my hand in place. "You fucker!" I spat. Tears threatening to spill over.
"Oh you're fine" He said giving my hand a final swipe. "Look it's not even that bad! Just a little cut" Cutting a smaller piece of fresh gauze he placed it onto my palm and used medical tape to keep it in place. I watched as his fingers worked delicately around my hands, cleaning off the excess blood. I could feel my heart beat in my ears, and my skin get hot.
"You're looking a little pale there. You alright?" Steve asked. Resting his hands on my knees.
"I think I might pass out" I said weakly, feeling the tips of my fingers go numb and the room spin slightly.
"Not on my watch, come here" He said as he lifted me off the toilet and onto the floor, positioning my arms and legs so I was sat with my head between my legs. "Alright I need you to take some slow deep breaths okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth"
I did as he said and only lifted my head when the heart beat in my ears faded and the room stopped spinning. Taking a final deep breath I leaned back resting my head against the bathroom wall.
"There's that colour coming back to that pretty face" Steve said rubbing my cheek lightly with his thumb. I hummed, closing my eyes and leaning into his warm palm. Realizing what I was doing I cleared my throat and moved away from his hand. "Thank you for uh" I said raising my hand. "Fixing me" I let out an awkward laugh.
"It was my pleasure" He said smiling and standing up. For a moment I thought his cheeks might have been a slight pink but maybe I was just seeing things. I did almost just pass out so I don't know if I fully trust my own brain right now. "Take a minute to take breather, I'll clean up the blood while you do that"
I got up slowly after a few minutes of extra sitting just to make sure I wasn't going to topple over and fall unconscious and hitting my head off of something and then bleeding out in the Family Video bathroom. definitely not how I want to die. Eventually I made my way back out into the store and to the counter where Steve was counting the till whispering the numbers slightly as he flipped through the money.
Scribbling, he ran a hand through his hair before noticing me. "Hey, I grabbed a few accident report papers for you to fill out" He said pointing to them on the counter next to him.
A small laugh bubbled in my chest as I reached for them, folding them into a square and shoving them into my bag knowing I would never actually fill them out.  As if reading my thoughts like I always thought he was, he said. "I already filled one out, so don't lie and tell me you're going to fill it out and then never do it"
A blush rose to my cheeks. I don't know how he knew me so well. Maybe I was just really predictable. "Alright, double check this for me and then we are good to go" He said holding his pen out towards me. I grabbed it and stood on my tippy toes, leaning against the counter as I tapped the numbers into the calculator. "Still can't do the math in your head?" Steve whispered, not wanting to disrupt my counting. "Shut it Harrington" I mumbled giving a final check and my signature to the paper. Throwing the pen down onto the counter I raised my good hand for a high five which Steve reciprocated with a dramatic wave of his hand before slapping it against mine and giving it a light squeeze.
After locking the door behind us I followed slowly behind Steve to his car, waiting at the passenger door for him to unlock it before sliding into the seat. I tucked my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them and wrapped my arms around them tightly. It was hard being around Steve all the time and I knew that living with him was going to be even harder, but I had only been there for a few weeks. Sitting in my room with my door always open out of habit, he would walk by fresh out of the shower, a towel hung low on his waist, his happy trail sparkling with drops of water still stuck to it. He never caught me staring in those moments thankfully, but it didn't stop me from wanting to kick down his door and kiss him.
"You okay?" Steve said breaking the silence.
"Yeah, just in my own head" Which wasn't a lie, I just couldn't tell him what exactly was going through my mind.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours" He asked turning down his street.
"It's nothing you need to worry about" I said forcing a smile. When he pulled up into the drive way I got out quickly, almost too quickly as I heard Steve hiss from behind me when I opened the car door before it was fully stopped.
I silently cursed at myself when I got to the front door realizing it was locked and that once again I had to wait for Steve. We still hadn't gone out to get a new copy of the house key for me, so I had to rely on him for another fucking thing.
"Please don't do that again, I could have ran over your foot or something, and I do not think I could deal with that complaining" He said walking in front of me, my shoulder slightly brushing his arm in the process, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. He unlocked the door and opened it, gesturing with his arm for me to enter first which I did quickly. I sped up the stairs, the sound of my converse slapping against the hardwood as I went. Reaching my room I belly flopped collapsing onto my bed, breathing in the familiar scent of Steves laundry detergent on my blankets. I kicked off my shoes still laying on my stomach and heard them hit the floor with a thud. What the hell was I going to do? This crush is getting worse by the minute and I think I might actually explode. I felt like a bottle of unopened coke that had been shaken so severely that it might just burst without the seal of its plastic lid ever breaking.
I was growing annoyed with myself and obviously Steve. Because why did he have to be so fucking nice to me? No one was this nice to me, not even my parents. The people around town, knew me as that 'drunk dudes daughter' and even though I don't go to school with them, those preppy teenagers bullied me as if they had known me for years. As if I didn't have enough of my own thoughts to bully me. I pulled one of my sleeves up looking at the thin white raised scars along my wrist and forearm. Tracing them with my fingers I sighed and pulled my sleeve back down over them. It was a habit I finally recovered from, but still sometimes I found myself yearning for that familiar release.  No one in I knew Hawkins knew about it. The weather had still been cold enough when I first moved here that I could always wear sweaters and long sleeves without it being questioned. I dreaded the warm weather that had started to creep in weeks ago and I forced myself into a pair of shorts today before going to work. But it was always chilly inside the store so again the sleeves weren't questioned.
A soft knock from behind me is what broke me out of my thoughts. Rolling my head to the side and out of the corner of my eye Steve stood leaning against the doorframe of my room not daring to enter it without permission like a vampire. "Hi" I said quietly. "Come in" I rolled over and sat up crossing my legs.
Steve came in and sat in the chair at my desk. "What's going on with you?" He said looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I said pretending to be confused.
"I don't know you've been weird all day, and the getting out of the car before it was stopped?" He shrugged leaning back. "It's not like you, you usually talk to me" his eyes were soft and a worried expression slowly formed in his face.
Without telling him exact details, I took a deep breath and said. "I have a crush..." My cheeks felt hot and I avoided eye contact by picking at a loose thread in one of my socks.
"You have a crush" Steve repeated. I nodded. "It's been consuming every waking moment of my brain, and I don't know how much longer I can cope with it, I want to like" I stopped furrowing my brows thinking of the words. "-Like peel my skin off"
Steve stifled a laugh as I finally looked up at him. "Don't laugh it's not funny!"
He held his hands up in defence trying his best to suppress his laughing. "Okay I'm sorry, it's not funny. Does he have a girlfriend or something?" He questioned.
"Or she, don't be so quick to assume Harrington" I said smirking. "I mean have you seen women?"
"I have actually yeah" he laughed. "Okay so why can't you confront this 'crush'" he said using air quotes around the word crush.
"Because it's just one of those things, it would ruin everything, especially if he didn't like me back" I said the last part more quietly than intended. "I'm just waiting for it to fade, but its hard, and there's only so many cold showers I can take"
Steve choked, coughing into his fist. He shifted, seeming a little uneasy. "So why don't you... You know..." he trailed off.
"The word is masturbate Steve" I said laughing.
"Yeah I know" he said annoyed. "Its just hard to imagine you doing that"
"I don't think it's that hard" I stated leaning my back against my wooden headboard.
He stood up abruptly. "Alright I'm leaving, I'm tired" he said walking towards the door.
"Can't handle the thought Harrington?" I said teasing, getting up to rummage around for some comfy clothes.
"I really can't" He said giving me slow side smile as he walked down the hall to his bedroom and shut the door.
I stood up frozen, an old pink tank top held tightly in my hands wincing a little at my bandaged palm. What the hell was that? I glanced towards my door where he no longer stood with my mouth open in confusion. Shaking my head I walked into our shared bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I could feel the summer heat invading the house already and frowned. Lastly I cleaned my hand taking off the bandage giving it time to breathe and finally made my way into bed.
I woke up to heat. So much heat. Sitting up in my bed I felt the back of my tank top cling to me and the skin of my thighs that had been touching were slick with sweat. Why was it so fucking hot? Stumbling out of bed even my bare feat stuck to the floor as I made my way down stairs. Steve stood in the middle of the kitchen, tools splayed out all over the counters, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and onto his shoulder, his naked chest slightly shiny as the sweat clung to his chair. A pair of old basketball shorts hanging just a little lower on his hips than they should be. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before noticing me standing in front of him.
"AC is broken" He said frowning.
"Fuck me" I said running my hands through my hair. Only now realizing I was stood in front of him in a very short and tight tank top and a pair of pink pajama shorts. His eyes glanced down and back up quickly before clearing his throat and continuing his search for whatever specific tool he was looking for. "What are you even doing? Do you know how to fix it?" I questioned.
"No I don't have a fucking clue how to fix it (Y/N)" He said clearly annoyed, while planting his palms flat onto the counter with a light smack to look up at me.
"Sorry" I said shrinking into my shoulders a little. I didn't mean to upset him.
"No, no" He wiped his forehead again. "I'm sorry, I'm just hot and frustrated, I didn't mean to snap"
"It's okay" I said giving him a sly smile. "it was kind of hot?" I admitted.
"Hot? What being rude?"
"Yeah a little" I said biting my lip to stifle a laugh. "I mean I'm sure you've been mean, like sexually to girls in bed right?"
He scratched the back of his head. "Well I mean yeah" His cheeks turning a little more pink than they already were.
"So then there you go" I said clapping my hands together. I walked towards to fridge opening the freezer grabbing a red popsicle from the box at the back.
"Breakfast?" He smirked. I saluted him with the popsicle in hand. "I'm getting in the pool" I stated, walking past him and out the back door sitting down on the ledge of the pool sticking my feet in. Ripping the plastic off of the popsicle I popped the end of it into my mouth swirling it around. The water was cold and I shivered as it touched my skin but it felt so good. I moaned a little, leaning back onto my hand letting my head fall back. The sun wasn't high enough in the sky yet to burn me just yet, and I watched as it sprinkled through the leaves of the trees. A slight breeze came and went every so often and it really helped along with my nearly melted popscile. It was better than the stale hot air from inside the house. Sliding the last bit of it off of the wooden stick I gave my hands a quick rinse with the pool water.
I heard some loud banging and then the back door open aggressively and Steve stomped out, clearly still frustrated. Sitting down next to me he sighed, the cold water very obviously instantly calming him.
"I called my parents, they said someone will come to fix the AC tomorrow" He said quietly.
"Okay" I said softly while swinging my feet back and fourth in the water, listening to the rippling noises. I leaned back so my back was now flat against the concrete and rolled my tank top until it sat right under my boobs. If I was going to be out here I might as well try to work on my tan. I traced patterns lazily along my stomach and felt myself relaxing into my own touch.  
The phone ran from inside of the house and I squinted, only opening one eye to look over at Steve who sighed before getting up to go answer it. Leaning back up onto my elbows I decided to finally just get into the water. Getting up and walking to the shallow end and walked down the few steps until I was waist deep, my hands swaying around me in the water. I would have put on a swim suit but I had no intention of going back into that hell hot house unless absolutely necessary. Taking a deep breath I dipped my head under the water standing back up gasping lightly at the cold temperature against my chest. It was almost euphoric how good the water felt.
Steve emerged again from the house and resumed his position at the edge of the pool. "The children want to come and use the pool, and because I can't say no to those little shit heads, they'll be here in fifteen"
I laughed lightly while continuing to swirl the water around me with my hands. "You and those tiny children"
"You can't call them tiny, most of them are taller than you" Steve said kicking water towards me. "You're literally in the shallow end of a pool and it's almost at your boobs"
I rolled my eyes and attempted to splash him back but the water didn't reach him as much as I wanted to. "Will you ever let me live it down that I'm short?"
"Never" he said smiling. I watched his eyes glance down clearly at my chest and then back up, craning his neck pretending to look at the sky.
Blushing I looked down, realizing the tank top I was wearing was almost see through. Panicking I covered my chest crossing my arms and hooking my hands into my armpits for maximum protection. Before I could speak, I heard the loud voices of the young gang approaching the backyard. "Shit" I mumbled and sunk down into the water so it would cover my exposed chest.
"Steve I need you to get me a different shirt" I said quietly.
"Oh why?" He said jokingly. "Don't want a bunch of teenagers seeing your nipples?" He glanced down again quickly.
"Stop flirting and go get me a different shirt please" I begged through gritted teeth.
The kids stumbled into the backyard yelling, laughing, and pushing each other. "(Y/N)!" Max yelled running over to the edge of the pool closet to me. "I was really hoping I wasn't going to be the only girl out here, because if I spend one more minute with them, my brain might actually start losing IQ points"
I let out a small laugh, still keeping my shoulders below the water. The boys instantly jumped into the pool, and began beating each other with pool noodles they brought along with them. Max sat at the edge of the pool, sunglasses on and a book in her hands with a small towel hung over her freckled shoulders, probably preventing herself from getting sun burnt.
Eventually Steve finally returned, one of his t-shirts in hand, and a bunch of towels tucked under his arm. I swam back over to the edge of the pool and held my hand out so he could pass it to me, and he almost did, but instead hesitated and stepped back with a smirk on his face. He walked back a bit and placed it on one of the lounge chairs. "Shirts here if you still need it" He said pointing down to it.
"Steve can you bring it to me please?"
"Nah I think you can come and get it"
I groaned. "Steve can you please just bring it to me, I don't have time for your stupid mind games right now"
That caused a few chuckles out of the boys and I smiled.
"What's the problem?" Max asked. "Why won't he give you the shirt?"
"Because he's annoying" I said matter of factly.
"Why don't you just go and get it?" Dustin asked.
"Because she doesn't want everyone to see her boobs" Steve said laughing slightly.
The boys all groaned and I even heard one of them mutter "Gross" turning their attention back to each other, and although I wanted to laugh at them for being so immature I held my glare at Steve.
What game is he trying to play right now? I stared at him mouth agape not knowing what to do, or what was going on in that big head of his. And then he slowly licked his lips, his tongue darting out briefly and then I knew. He was coming onto me. But why? And why now? Was this is normal friendly flirting that he does with me and Robin all the time, or was this actual flirting, because if he is actually flirting right now, the heat that is barreling down onto my back from the sun is not helping the rising temperature growing throughout my body.
So mustering all the courage I had, I walked slowly over to the steps dunking my head under the water again one last time before beginning to walk up and out of the pool while smoothing my hair back out of my face. I walked towards Steve, and squeezed the water out of the side of my tank top knowing he was watching my every move. I stood in front of him, looking up at him through my wet lashes and reached for the bottom of my top before lifting it over my head leaving me completely bare chested in front of him. His breath hitched and I watched him swallow hard, his Adams apple bobbing as he did so. Reaching down for the shirt, still not breaking eye contact I pulled it over my head.  
"Don't forget to blink there big boy" I said patting his chest and walking past him back into the house.
Once I was about halfway up the stairs I let out a breath I was apparently holding. "Holy shit" I whispered. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to wash the chlorine off of my skin, and to maybe cool down a little extra, away from everyone. Stripping myself of my wet clothes I turned the shower on, making the water just barely warm enough to not overheat me while in there.
I stood there for a moment, just letting the water fall over me trying to compose my thoughts but the sound of the bathroom door opening distracted me. Leaning around the shower curtain I saw Steve who was shutting the door behind him and locking it before turning to face me. "Uh I'm in the shower?" I stated but it came out more like a question. "Yeah I can see that" He laughed and began to start taking off his shorts.
I quickly avoided any sort of eye contact with him and leaned back into the shower, my hands covering my face. "Steve what the hell, what are you doing?" Eyes still covered I heard the shower curtain move again and felt Steve brush against me.
"I'm showering" He said as if he's done this a million times before, and maybe he had, but not with me.
I stood there, awkwardly silent, unsure of what to say, or what to do next. Steves hands came up, and he placed them gently over mine encouraging me to take them off of my face and I let him but still kept my eyes closed. His thumb rubbed gently over one of my scars and I flinched slightly at the thought of him knowing. He brought my wrist up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to it. "I'm not going to bite (Y/L/N)" he said softly still holding my hands.
Slowly I opened one eye, peaking out of it slightly to look up at him. "I mean I only bite if you're into that" A small smirk forming at the sides of his mouth.
Instinctively I rolled my eyes and laughed finally looking up at him. He kept his eyes on my face, never once looking down at my naked frame, as if he didn't just see my boobs ten minutes prior to disrupting my shower. "Shouldn't you be watching the kids?"
"They basically left as soon as you did, talking about that board game they play with Eddie Munson"
I nodded slowly and bit my bottom lip.
"That was a bold move back there" he said moving a piece of wet hair that clung to my face, his hand lingering ever so slightly on my cheek.
"I agree" I said turning my head. I didn't know where to look, and looking at him this close to me, would only make things worse, so instead I settled on a tiny crack in the tile just to the left behind him. "Um Steve?" I said quietly, hesitantly glancing at him.
"Why are you in the shower with me?" I watched him this time as he was the one to avoid my gaze. His cheeks turning pink, he scratched the back of his head.
"I honestly wasn't thinking straight, I just- I just started walking, and then I couldn't stop seeing you standing in front of me topless in the back of my mind, and so here I am..." He said trailing off. "I think because you finally noticed"
"Noticed what?"
"That I was hitting on you"
"Well yeah it was kind of hard to miss, you've never done that before"
He chuckled, his head leaning back slightly. "I've been hitting on you since the day I met you (Y/N)"
My mouth opened slightly in shock and I stared at him for a moment. "Wait a minute" I said taking a small step back to get a better look at him. "You waited until you were inches away from me, NAKED" I said emphasizing the word naked. "To tell me you've been hitting on me"
"I'll admit it wasn't the best decision I've made, but I had to act quick, I didn't want to go a second more without you knowing, especially with this crush you keep talking about" He sounded almost jealous and now it was my turn to laugh.
"S-Steve" I said in-between laughs. "It's you. You're the one I have a crush on"
We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. I clutched my sides in pain from laughing and Steve held onto one of my shoulders.
"How long has Robin been coaching you?" I asked, still giggling.
"Oh everyday, every fucking day"
"She's been helping me!" I said laughing a little harder again. "Well we can never say she's a bad friend because she didn't tell either of us that we were crushing on each other this whole time"
"I think she might actually be the best after this" He said looking back at me. Finally looking into his eyes I still felt like he could see right through me.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly.
I nodded my head a little too eagerly but he smiled, holding both sides of my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips. They were slow, sweet kisses, like we wanted to savour every moment, every feeling, every taste. He lowered his hands to my waist pulling me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck sinking into the kiss. Breaking the kiss slowly he smiled, "You taste like cherry"
He began to place light kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I tilted my head back slightly to give him more room. Kissing both of my collar bones he stopped looking at me. "You can touch me Steve" I said blushing. He continued kissing my chest, going lower and lower until his tongue quickly grazed my nipple. One hand holding the other boob squeezing lightly, his thumb brushing over my nipple, while he kissed, licked, and sucked onto the other one before returning his mouth to mine.
I felt his hard erection brush against my leg, and I looked down reaching for it and wrapped my hand around it. He groaned into my mouth as I began to jerk him slowly. "We don't have to keep going" He said breathlessly. "I don't want to rush you- Fuuuck you're good at this" his head tilted back and the water ran down his muscular chest. Please with myself I smiled and pepper kisses all over his torso. "I don't want to stop" I said mumbling between kisses against his chest. "I've been thinking about this for far too long to stop now Harrington" I said shifting so I was now knelt in front of him. He didn't notice until I wrapped my mouth around him. A hearty gasp leaving his lips as his head fell forward, his hands instantly going into my hair. I bobbed my head back and fourth swirling my tongue around the tip every so often causing the grip he had in my hair to tighten. "You thought about this?"
"Mhmm" I said still wrapped around him.
"Get up" He ordered tapping me on the shoulder. I pulled back from him, drool rolling down my chin. He pulled me back up kissing me until my back hit the wall of the other side of the shower. "Leg up" He said grabbing my thigh, instructing me to put my foot on the edge of the tub. He turned around, reaching up and pulled down the detachable shower head, changing the setting to something a little stronger. A setting I had used many times before. He stood close to me, as close as he could without ripping the shower head off of the wall, and slowly raised the water up and against my leg until the water rippled against my clit. I jerked back, my ass hitting off the wall and I leaned forward holding onto his bicep. "Holy fuck St-Steve" I said leaning my head against his chest. "If I cum like this, it'll be too much to have sex" I said quickly, finally feeling my orgasm slowly grow.
"No sex, I just want to make you cum" he said shifting beginning to shake the shower head side to side so the water rolled back and forth lightly against my clit.
"No, I want you to fuuuuu-uck. Fuck! Please fuck me Steve" I whimpered my legs beginning to shake. Putting the shower head back in it's place he turned back to me "Don't have to tell me twice"
I clenched my thighs together tightly catching my breath in the brief moment of relief until he slid his hand in between my legs rubbing my clit a few times more. I whined, my mouth falling slack when he added a finger into me curling it upwards. "Please" I begged. "Please, I need you to fuck me, please" He continued to curl his finger into me harshly before abruptly removing it, sticking the finger into his mouth, cleaning myself off of him with his tongue. I reached a hand towards him and whispered "Please" one more time while batting my eyelashes. "I could get used to you begging" He hummed, while bringing me into him, turning me around and trailing kisses down the back of my neck and to my shoulder.
"Steveeee" I breathed and pushed my ass into his dick. He smacked it lightly and I squealed, laughing a little.
"You poor sweet thing" he said opening my legs and positioning himself behind me. I bent over as best as I could and held onto the wall. Swiping the tip of his dick against me, my eyes rolled back and I moaned loudly. "So desperate" his chuckled halted as he slowly inched his tip into me. A small cry left my mouth.
"You okay?" He breathed.
"Never been better" I huffed. "Keep going" I instructed. "I'm okay, it feels good" I reassured him, reaching behind me to pat his hand that held onto my hip.
He nodded furrowing his brows as he slipped the rest of him into me. My knees locking together, pleasure filling my stomach.
"Fucking hell (Y/N)"
My name sounded like honey coming out of his mouth like that. Slowly he began thrusting into me, picking up speed only after reaching down between my legs rubbing light circles. "You feel so good pretty girl" He cooed into my neck, just below my ear. I continued to whine and moan, writhing against him, pushing my ass back into each thrust. He smacked my ass again, my orgasm building more. "Keep fucking yourself on me like that"
And I did. I rocked back and forth attempting to keep my balance as sturdy as I could with the floor being slick with water and the edge of my orgasm trying to burst. I slowed down, unable to keep fucking myself on him with the fast heavy circles he made on my clit. My stomach began to tighten and my breath quickened. "I'm going to cum, don't stop, please don't stop, oh my god, just like that, yes, fuck" I leaned up slightly and he pulled me into him, my arched back against his chest as he continued rubbing. "Cum for me, cum on my cock"
My legs began to tremble and head rolled back as I loudly rode out my orgasm with the most ungodly moans and whimpers. He started to fuck me again holding almost all of my weight. "Cum in my mouth" I slurred, still in the euphoria of my orgasm. Pulling away from him I got back onto my knees in front of him opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out. "Fuck you're so goddamn pretty" He said leaning down to kiss me briefly, jerking himself. The tip of his cock rested on the flat of my tongue as his cum shot out into my mouth. A loud groan leaving his lips in the process. Giving the tip a gently lick up the back I brought his cum to the back of my mouth and swallowed and smiled back up at him.
"Come here beautiful" he said reaching his hands out to me so he could help me stand. I wobbled slightly. Wiping whatever cum was left off of my face with his thumb he kissed me. Slow and gently, just like the first one. "Lets get washed up, and then go watch a movie or something yeah?"
I smiled lazily blinking slowly. "God you're already so fucked out of your mind for me" he laughed.
"What can I say, you did a good job"
He kissed me on the nose before reaching over to grab a loofa and lather it with soap.
We gave ourselves a proper shower, stealing kisses from one another often. When we got out, Steve instructed I stayed in my room until he told me I could come out. I got dressed in a baggy shirt, and some boy short underwear keeping minimal clothing on as the house was still very hot. I heard lots of groaning and shuffling outside of my door. "Are you okay?" I yelled.
"I'm fine!" He huffed.
Another ten minutes later, I was almost falling asleep at my desk when Steve knocked and opened the door. "You can come downstairs now" A large smile spread across his face.
Following him down the stair and into the living room, he stopped motioning his hands towards the floor while saying "Ta-da!"
he had set it all up for a movie night. His mattress laying in the middle, with every pillow in the house, and a couple of thin blankets. Two fans blew cool air towards the bed, and my small stuffed fox and childhood blanket were tucked into one side of the 'bed'.  Different snacks were placed onto the coffee table and a few different movies were stacked on top of each other on the floor in front of the TV.  Smiling I hopped down onto the bed, cuddling my fox and blanket to my chest, sighing softly into the pillows. Steve came and joined me under the blankets pulling me into him. "I couldn't leave your little buddies all alone in your bed" He said poking the small fox on the head and I stifled a giggle. He kissed the top of my forehead and attempted to pull me closer to him.
It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep. The sounds of the oscillating fans humming lulled us to sleep quickly before we could even discuss which movie we wanted to watch.
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maximons · 3 years
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff has always been annoyed with Y/N L/N, but soon she’ll figure out why that is.
Word Count: 2,036
Genre: Fluff
Requested?: No
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first Wanda fic ever, I hope you guys enjoy, I had a ton of fun writing it lol
There were few things in life that truly annoyed Wanda Maximoff.
The sound of Thor’s loud chewing that always happens whenever he stops by for a meal, being spoiled for a tv show even though the episode aired literally 5 hours ago,
And Y/N L/N.
Her entire existence.
You joined the Avengers only about two months after she and Pietro did. The younger woman-
You would never fail to point out that you were only two years younger than the witch, but with your maturity level, in Wanda’s opinion anyway, you might as well have been fourteen
-was introduced to the team by Fury, who claimed you would be a great asset to the team.
And yeah, having the power of teleportation has proved to be pretty helpful on more than one mission, but Wanda would never admit that out loud.
There were three main things that annoyed Wanda the most about you.
1) How well you got along with the Avengers
It didn’t take you long for you to win over the team.
You straddled the line between confident and cocky almost too perfectly. You weren’t a know it all douchebag like Stark tended to be, and you weren’t self righteous and sometimes condescending the way Steve was.
So you were sure of yourself, yes, but you were also humble. Something that definitely stands out in a room with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
God, Wanda hated that nickname.
Your fun attitude and approachable nature made the team quickly warm up to you.
Stark invited you to observe him in his lab, which in turn introduced you to Peter, who you also got on really well with. Steve, while knowing your youth and inexperience limited your knowledge on mission details, still valued your opinion and often encouraged you to pitch battleplans. Natasha also loved sparing with you, enjoying the way your teleporting kept her on her toes.
Wanda couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t jealous. You earned everyone’s trust and friendship right out the gate, while it took her months of gruntwork to even get Nat to crack a smile her way.
And yeah, Wanda knew she was affiliated with an evil robot and also filled their minds with nightmares upon first meeting them, but still... unfair.
At least she still had her twin brother, Pietro, by her side.
2) How well you got along with Pietro
Guess not.
While it took you and your infuriating charm longer to win over Pietro than it did everyone else, it was only a matter of time.
You and her brother were often paired together for training. Your similar powersets making it so the two of you would give each other a real challenge. After about your fourth session as a pair, Wanda noticed the way you two would laugh with eachother and high five.
Not long after that, the two of you would hang out almost all the time around the compound. Even going out together some nights doing who knows what.
And Wanda’s not jealous, she not. Really.
You and her brother very quickly became the world’s most annoying pair. You’re both teenagers stuck in superpowered adults bodies as far as she’s concerned.
The two of you would often play pranks, whether its on each other or on the other team members. And it seemed never ending.
It was one day where Pietro sped through the halls with a bag of unopened flour, and your form popping in and out of view in an effort to get away from him, when she finally had it.
A red mist surrounded Pietro, lifting him up effectively stopping his running. Not long after the same red mist captured you the second you reappeared. Wanda moved your two forms to float in front of her, before she seethed out
“Can you and your girlfriend act your age for one fucking second!?”
You and Pietro looked at Wanda with wide eyes, then looked to each other, then back at Wanda.
And then you both burst out laughing.
There wasn’t a quicker way to piss off the witch, her eyes glowed even redder as she lifted the two of you higher off the ground.
“Whoa, Whoa! Wanda chill out!” You let out while trying to calm down your laughter.
“Sestra, relax!”
“What the hell is so funny to you two morons!?” Wanda shouted, but still letting the two of you go. Not before you fell about ten feet to the ground though.
“Sorry, it’s just, you saying I was his girlfriend” You explained while dusting yourself off. “That’s just- oh man, that’s a funny thought.” You started laughing again along with the speedster.
Wanda just stands there, confused.
“You...You two aren’t dating?”
“This idiot? No way!”
“Believe me, I tried, but-” Pietro started, but you cut him off.
“Ew, don’t remind me.”
“Aw but it’s funny now that you think about it!”
“What are you two getting at?” Wanda interrupts, this time way more calm, and way more confused.
“Your bro’s not my type. I kinda bat for the other team, princess.” You said, mimicking swinging a baseball bat and sending her a wink. The witch immediately blushed.
“Oh. Sorry, I...I didn’t know.” Wanda shyly rubs the back of her neck.
“You didn’t? I wasn’t really trying to hide it” You laughed. “Anyway, sorry we bothered you Wanda, we’ll go be ‘morons’ somewhere else” You patted Pietro’s shoulder before teleporting out of the room. The speedster quickly running towards where he assumed you went.
Wanda was left behind, speechless.
And she definitely didn’t think about the new information and that wink of yours for several days afterwards.
After the flour incident, you started being more openly flirty towards Wanda. Her annoyance towards you was ever persistent as she just sent an eyeroll your way, while desperately trying to hide her blush from your view
But as fun as the flirting was, you also started to want to just...talk. No expectations, no ulterior motives, you just wanted to talk. To her. And you actually listened.
Which brings her to the third and most annoying thing about you.
3) How much you got...her.
Your relationship with Wanda was different than your relationship from the rest of the Avengers from day one.
You noticed her right away. She was the most beautiful person you have ever seen in your life as well as any past lives you might’ve had or future lives you might live.
No you weren’t exaggerating.
But it became clear to you pretty quickly that she wanted nothing to do with you. And as disappointed as that made you, you got it.
You knew of her past, you knew of what she went through not even a few months prior, meeting new people was probably the last thing she wanted to deal with at the moment.
You got it. So you backed off. Focusing your attention on trying to make friends and settling into your new life.
You didn’t even seem to notice how quickly you won over everyone, and how you also managed to win over the Maximoff boy. You did notice though, how Wanda was getting more and more annoyed with your very presence.
And, oddly enough, you still got it.
Pietro was all Wanda had left, and he was splitting his time between her and you. Obviously, she wasn’t going to be a fan. While it was never your intention to ‘steal’ Pietro away from her, you also weren’t about to give him up. He was easily the best friend you’ve ever had. But, you figured you make it easier for her and not have to make her sit through it, so you began to hang out with Pietro outside the compound as well.
When you blatantly flirted with Wanda after coming out to her, you didn’t know what to expect, but shyness was low on that list.
And, oh boy, did you wanna see more of that.
You became bolder, flirting with her pretty much every chance you got. And while she acted annoyed, you saw how she secretly enjoyed it every time.
But as fun as that was, you saw this as an opportunity to actually get to know the woman you’ve been intrigued by since the second you became an Avenger.
You slowly but surely got her to open up. Late night silent tea, turned into late night sitcom marathons, which turned into you sitting with her in her room just talking. Talking about everything and anything.
You opened up to her and soon enough she opened up as well.
But of course, you had to go and fall in love.
You don’t know when it happened or how, but it did. And as much as you wanted to declare your love for her from the rooftops, you didn’t. It wasn’t a fear as to whether or not Wanda was into women-
You contained your excitement the day she told you that she saw love as a beautiful thing for souls, regardless of the body they inhabited-
-But you knew this was something she didn’t want.
Wanda Maximoff has been through hell and back. Losing her parents. Losing her freedom and agency under the guise of fighting for something greater. Losing her country, almost losing her brother. She had enough going on.
She didn’t need to worry about a childish shutterbug in love with her.
You knew that, you got that, so you pushed it down.
And when Wanda found out...she was absolutely livid.
The thing that pissed Wanda off the most about this situation was how...right you were. In any other situation, with any other person, she would’ve been grateful. She wouldn’t have wanted to pursue anything, she was going through enough.
But you were...you. You were the exception. She wanted to pursue everything with you. And you just went ahead and made that decision for her.
Wanda knew you were stubborn as hell but man oh man this was a whole new level.
“So, what, Y/N, you just decided to take my feelings into your own hands? Make all the relationship decisions for me? Without me even knowing about it!?”
“Well...that’s a harsh way to put it, but I guess-”
“You gotta be kidding me!” Wanda shouted, running her hands down her face in frustration. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and began storming away from you before things got worse.
You, of course, weren’t one to back down easily, so you teleported into Wanda’s path.
“Y/N, get out of my way-”
“Wait, I don’t understand, what did I do so wrong-”
“How the hell can you not understand how that’s wrong!?” Wanda shouted, not even letting you finish the question. “You can’t just make decisions for other people like that!”
“What decision did I make for you!?” You began to raise your voice in frustration “How is me taking control of my own feelings so wrong!? I know you don’t like me like that, so how did I-”
“That’s the thing, you moron! I fucking love you!” With that, you shut your mouth. You stared at the brunette in front of you in shock.
“You...You do?”
“Of course I do!” Wanda shouted again, but this time not out of anger, but exasperation. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself down. “I’m pretty sure I’ve liked you since you first walked into my life. And I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the first time we really talked.”
You smiled, a huge dopey, goofball smile that reached your eyes. Wanda couldn’t help but want to see that for the rest of her life.
“I...I didn’t know.”
“Well, I haven't really been trying to hide it.”
You laughed, vaguely recalling saying the same thing regarding your sexuality in a conversation that felt like a long time ago.
You didn’t waste another second, you grabbed her waist, pulling her towards you as you smashed your lips to hers. And Wanda didn’t hesitate to kiss you back. In that moment, Wanda couldn’t help but figure out a fourth thing about you that annoyed her.
4) No matter how annoying you were, she could never bring herself to stay mad at you for long.
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msmarvelwrites · 3 years
Faking It
Summary: “There’s no need for that here. No faking it, sunshine.”
Pairing: Natasha x Virgin!reader
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, explicit language, please 18+ only, f x f, oral (f receiving- they’re gay, dude), oral/rimming (f receiving), anal, reader always fakes it until Natasha.
Word Count: 1.3K
Authors Note: A request for the lovely @sazc94 🖤 And a huge thank you to the wonderful and uber-talented @the-iceni-bitch for her beta ✨
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It was a normal weekday morning. You had gotten up early to run labs with Bruce, squeezed in a quick training session with Steve and now you sat exhausted at the kitchen island while your friends dipped in and out for their breakfast.
“I’m not sure what happened. She just snuck out in the morning and I haven’t heard from her since.” Steve was mumbling to Sam about this date gone awry and you couldn’t help but listen in. Mentally giving your own advice where it wasn’t needed.
“Y/n says you probably failed to make her finish.” Wanda pointed out before it was too late to realize she had read your mind.
You gaped, dumbfounded, wishing the world would just open up and swallow you whole. Glaring at Wanda, you silently apologized to Steve, trying your best to make it sound sincere… But, you weren't exactly speaking out of experience here. Not that you and Steve ever - but men like Steve.
“What does that even mean, ‘make her finish.’?” Steve grumbled, pouring his morning coffee and storming off with Sam and Wanda. Though, not before Natasha twirled into the kitchen, catching Steve’s remarks and giggling to herself.
“The sheer fact he doesn't know means she didn't.” Natasha sighed, a crooked smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.
“It’s really too bad, I liked her.” You added, causing Nat to crack up, the sound of her laughter and the fact you had caused it making you blush.
“I guess she was really good at faking it too.” you added, and Nat quieted down- a seriousness taking over her delicate features.
She looked you over, bringing a coffee mug to her lips before she spoke, “When was the last time you truly came? No theatrics.” She asked, the question slapping you across the face and leaving a blush behind in its wake.
“I-I don’t really… Sorry I just-”
“Have you never slept with a woman?”
You worried on your lip, half embarrassed and half stunned at the way Natasha’s eyes were boring into yours. Her tongue gently flicking out to wet her lips, gaze trailing down your body as if she was sizing you up. Checking her opponent for weaknesses. Of course, you had many. The most obvious currently, your inability to respond to her question.
“No.” You finally squeezed out, unaware you had been holding your breath until now.
“Well, there’s your problem, sunshine.” she hummed, suddenly so much closer that you remembered her being. Her breath, hot against your neck.
“You think you can help me?” the words left your lips before you had a chance to stop them. A false confidence coating each syllable. You had no idea what you were doing, terrified of the situation you were about to drag yourself into.
“Oh, sunshine,” She whispered against your ear. “I’ll take such good care of you.” The promise rippled through you, sending a shiver to travel down your spine and pool in your core.
Before you knew it your back was pressed against her bedroom door, having never stopped for a breath as you both ran to the living quarters. Your mind was foggy, thoughts convoluted and nonsensical as she bit down on your lip. Her tongue darting out and sending chills through your entire body. It was so different, softer than you had ever known it to be. There was no rush, no demand. Somehow it made it so much sexier.
Natasha pushed you inside her room, her shirt discarded the moment the door closed. She stood, wrapped in a lace bralette as she pointed to the couch behind you.
“Take your pants off.” It wasn't a question but you still nodded your head, immediately fumbling with your zipper. Finally you flicked them across the floor, terrified and eager as you watched her eyes trail up your exposed legs.
The ethereal redhead glided across the room, resting both her hands on your shoulders as she pushed you down onto the couch. In the same motion, Nat dropped to her knees.
You gasped, heart beating so wildly out of your chest, you wondered if she could hear it. If she did, she made no indication of slowing down as she hooked her hands under your knees, pulling you and your wet core towards her.
Natasha looked up at you from under her lashes, her eyes sparking with more mischief than usual. You tried to steady your breathing, afraid if you kept up the way you were, you might pass out.
“Are you nervous?” You mused, her lips connecting with the soft skin between your thighs.
Yes. Maybe. “No.” You forced out, cursing yourself for lying. She saw right through it. She always could.
“Shhh,” She hummed, her fingers playing with the hem of your shirt as she lifted it over your head. You complied, lost in her touch. “There’s no need for that here. No faking it, sunshine.”
Her words went straight to your core, squirming against the couch in a desperate attempt to feel some sort of relief. Nat noticed, a soft chuckle slipping from her pink lips. “There’s no rush. I have nowhere to be. This meal,” She gestured, index finger pulling the gusset of your panties to the side, exposing your glistening folds “I’m savouring every last drop.”
Your panties were discarded somewhere across the room, leaving you bared for Nat’s hungry eyes. You were paralyzed with fear and excitement. Heart hammering in your chest, nerves shot.
Carefully, and with a curious touch, she spread her fingers through your sloppy folds, gently spreading you open. You convulsed, the simple touch enough to have your touch starved body melting away.
“Oh, sunshine,” She chuckled, repeating the same motion with her fingers, “We haven't even started yet.”
“Fuck.” It was all you could muster, eyes trained on her lips as she disappeared between your thighs.
The moment Natasha's hot tongue connected with your throbbing clit, you knew she had ruined all men for you. All people for that matter.
“Look at you, котенок. Is this all for me?” She hummed between lapping at your cunt. Her index finger travelled through your puffy lips, pushing deep inside of you and forcing a groan to fall from your lips.
“Natasha, please.” You begged, though you weren’t sure what for. It wasn't possible that you were already so close to your-
Her mouth connected with your clit again, fingers withdrawing from your core only for a moment as he folded you in half, body splayed out and vulnerable to her. You gripped inside of your knees, holding on for dear life. Your vision, already going blurry as she hit that sweet spot relentlessly, almost as if she could feel what you did.
“You’re gonna’ love this sunshine. Hold on for me.” She mumbled, tongue dragging away from your core and swirling around your tight ring of muscles. You gasped, body rigid and cunt throbbing as she lapped at your ass, loosening you with her touch. Her fingers playing with your aching bud, edging you closer and closer.
“That’s it, sunshine. Let go, you're almost...” she teased just as her index finger pushed into your ass, the blissful burn tipping you over the edge. “There.” Just like that, you melted away. The coil in your belly exploding, body convulsing as she fucked into your ass, mouth drinking up every drop of your orgasm.
You stayed like that, halfway between alive and too blissed out to make sense of how many times Natasha had pulled an orgasm from your core. Minutes, maybe hours passed until you were both a sweaty mess of come and ecstasy on the kitchen floor.
Natasha was the first to make a sound, a tired chuckled fumbling from her swollen lips, “Damn, sunshine.”
“That was so-”
“Real.” She breathed, your gaze meeting her as she smiled warmly.
“Yeah,” You beamed, eyes tired as you nuzzled against her side, “That was real.”
And just like that, you knew you would never have to go through life faking it ever again.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.3)
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Summary:  you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title.
Words: 2799
Episode: Three
Warning: not much, flashbacks, talks of violence
Masterlist! Winter Makes Ice Episode: Two
Time: 1:00pm 
Date: October 2nd 2024
It didn’t take long for everyone to board the helicopter and for it to take off, no one was lounging around this morning so they assembled quickly. Bucky sat by himself on the heli, the file was still open in his hands with the page turned to Dr. Wright. Bucky looked over the information that was given; he double and triple checked. There was a car waiting for them when they were going to arrive, Bucky would get dropped off and then Steve, Nat, and Wanda would drive around Halifax but would keep watch for a distress signal. Bucky made it clear it would only be him talking to the doctor, he was practicing his script in his head. 
“Five minutes ‘till landing,” the pilot spoke into his headset, the sound went to their ears sounding like a 1940s radio show. 
“Copy,” everyone replied without unison. 
The plane got lower and lower until it touched the ground; it was a private tarmac for primarily military forces and other important people; SHIELD was always allowed to use it. Everyone got off the plane after the propellers began to slow down, Bucky had jumped off once while they were still at top speed and got flung forward but the air. The all black car stood a ways in front of them, they all took their bags and headed over. 
“What a ride…” Steve muttered as he ran his hand against the perfect hood, this car was brand new and probably had never been in the sun before. It wasn’t a low sport car but rather an everyday car that was bullet proof and decked out with an AI on the inside, no one would take a second glance at it but the four of them marveled at how this car could fit in amongst others. The black rims matched the black tires and the black paint, this was Bucky’s dream car. 
They all got in and the ride began, Steve drove while Wanda sat in the back with Bucky, Nat was in the passenger seat playing her music. Every so often Wanda would look over to Bucky, he could see her out of the corner of his eye, she’d give a sympathetic glance and maybe open her mouth as if she was about to say something but chose against it. Bucky had Dr. Wright’s address on the file sheet; he was giving directions to Steve as they drove through the colourful houses. 
They had never seen houses like this, around four to five houses lined up next to each other, each of them were painted a different colour but they looked the same. Flowers grew in little holders under the two window sills at the front of the house, tulips were the most popular, vines would grow on the side where the sun didn’t shine too much and pain would chip around the bottom of the houses. Some houses still had Halloween decorations up, red leaves scattered on the ground and blew everywhere. There was a brown hue to the world around them, pumpkins were scattered on some door steps while other people still had Christmas lights up from last year. 
Bucky tapped Steve’s head rest and the car slowed to a stop, they looked out to their left to see a house that looked like it belonged to the community. It wasn’t modern and square with sleek grey tiles on the outside, it was old and run down. A ghost hung from the single garage light, one pumpkin was sitting on the doorstep. This house didn’t look like one of a nazi group member, nevermind just a person with their doctorate.
Tons of leaves crunched under Bucky’s combat boots, the road was littered with them, it made it seem like it was a red and yellow road. He looked both ways as he crossed even though no cars were on the road except for the military grade undercover car, Bucky looked over his shoulder to see Wanda waving. They were going to head to a farmers market in this town to pass the time, and Bucky would walk over there when he was done. He gave a thumbs up and the car drove away and down the street, he didn’t watch to see it disappear, Bucky only had one thing on his mind and it wasn’t some apple pies Wanda was looking for. 
The driveway looked new as well as the cobblestone walkway, one car was in the driveway and it looked to match the house, no crazy sports car. There was a screen door before an actual green wooden door, Bucky pulled back the screen and didn’t bother with the doorbell, he banged on the door. When he pulled his fist away there was a flake of green paint on his middle finger’s knuckle, a quick swipe and it was gone. Bucky stood back because he saw that in the movies, his back turned to the door as he looked out to the town. It was a lovely day, most people were probably at this farmer’s market, Bucky had never been to one even though you had offered to take him. 
His head whipped back at the door opening, the same man, but only older, opened the door. He looked tired and worn out, this was probably his last Halloween. The cane he was holding was shaking in his grip, the other hand gripped the side of the door extremely tight. You could see the white through the speckled skin. 
“What can I help you with, son?” the old man spoke with a smile, he licked his gums. A Canadian accent seemed almost cartoon-ish. 
Bucky froze as he looked at this man, the sight of him brought him back to his nightmares and everything he’d been through. The name ‘son’ rolled off this man’s tongue and down Bucky’s spine and sent a shiver running all through him, it was obvious this man didn’t know who Bucky was. Bucky almost felt bad that he was bothering him, it was obvious he wasn’t a walker and standing seemed to be his exercise for the day, but at the same time Bucky couldn’t help but think about all the ways he could rip this doctor apart. 
“Son?” the name came again. 
Bucky looked up with a shake of his head, “hello, are you Dr. Wright?” he asked quietly. 
“Yes it is, what do you need?” he didn’t seem freaked out that Bucky knew his name, it was a small town. 
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes,” Bucky started but the man didn’t seem to figure it out, “I am the Winter Soldier- used to be actually…” Bucky added. 
“Are you here to kill me?” the man’s voice shook, “because if you really are him then you have every right to do so,” he stepped back and opened the door for Bucky to walk in. 
“I’m here to talk, you’re not going to die.” Bucky walked in and kicked off his combat boots, he’d heard it’s a thing in Canada to take your shoes off in the house. He also heard there was bagged milk which didn’t make any sense to him, but he wasn’t about to argue. 
“That’s always good to hear, eh?” the accent slipped out again, it was weird for Bucky to see this man who haunted him just laughing. “Would you like some hot chocolate?” Dr. Wright asked as he made his way into the kitchen. 
His house was small, not many walls as one room just faded into another. Knick-knacks littered shelves and tables, everything brought a homey feel to it all, the house was very lived in. “No thanks,” Bucky waved up a hand to signal no. 
The doctor came and sat across from him, Bucky was sitting on a chair while Dr. Wright took the sofa, they both were wrapped in plastic. It made a squeaky sound when either of them moved but it didn’t seem to bother the doctor at all, Bucky one final time before swearing he wasn’t going to move again and hear that annoying sound. Both of Bucky’s hands were clasped in front of him, he felt too large and bulky for this petite chair, his fingers fiddled with each other. He’d pick and poke at the massive gloves he wore, his long sleeve was covering everything he needed. 
“So, Dr. Wright-”
“Jacob, son,” he corrected, “though I am a doctor,” Jacob hesitated, “I go by Jacob.”
“Is that your real first name?” Bucky asked, he was met with a smile and nod, “then call me Bucky, please.” Bucky smiled back, there was a growing tension between the both of them but they chose to ignore it. 
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.” Jacob seemed to relax at the name, he was scared of Bucky and Bucky could tell. This man had seen Bucky train for years on end, and Jacob knew what the Winter Soldier was capable of. “What do you need to talk to me about?” his cane rested beside him, his hand found its way there and just held it. 
“I need to talk to you about Hydra, any information you have on the Iceland base- or any base in Halifax, Iceland, Greenland, and there’s one more…” Bucky brought a gloved hand to his stubbled chin, the leather making a rough noise when it brushed against the facial hair. “Oh! It was Newfoundland, anything you knew about those four places.” 
Jacob thought for a moment, he didn’t have stubble to rub. Though he was old it was obvious he still thought that it was the old days, hair slicked back and a very fresh shave, facial hair wasn’t allowed unless you had grown it out in private. Bucky had always remembered Howard Stark’s mustache; he couldn’t picture him without it. 
“I mean, I was just a scientist, I ran labs and tested things on animals. I didn’t come up with the world ending plans, I was never told the reason for what I was doing, I was just told to do it.” Jacob sounded worried, “when I used to work for Hydra I was worried for my life everyday, they were so paranoid all the time that someone could be a rat. If you said ‘hail Hydra’ a little too quietly then you’d have a bullet between your eyes, I just kept my head down and did what I was told.” Jacob’s hand got increasingly tighter on the handle of his cane. 
“Was there something new they were working on?” Bucky asked, and he pulled out a little flip book to keep track. 
“I quit a total of ten years ago, when I was seventy-one, the only thing they were thinking of was keeping you in their grasp, there was no other plan.” Jacob shrugged, “Hydra couldn’t see a life source without you, they never intended on losing you the way they did.” 
“So you have no idea what they could possibly be working on, at all?” the hope Bucky had was falling, this was the only lead they knew and if all he could say was there was never a plan B, you were screwed.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I really want to help, but I just don’t know.” Jacob stood and walked back to the kitchen. He filled a glass of water and grabbed three pills from a container before heading back over to his seat. 
“Out of the four places I mentioned, Iceland, Greenland, Halifax, and Newfoundland,” Bucky paused and watched Jacob mutter them to himself and then take the pills, “which one is the strongest?”
Jacob swallowed his pills with water, “Iceland.” without any hesitation, no second guess, nothing giving away he was lying for didn’t know. “Iceland was hell for me, it has the best of the best for agents, scientists, and…” he glanced out the window, “cells and tourture.” 
Bucky shot up right away, he headed to the door. Jacob followed him, glass still in his hand. When Bucky was about to leave Jacob placed a hand on his shoulder. When Bucky turned back around the hand traveled along the center of his chest, “I'm not wired, Jacob.” Bucky eased. 
“Some things just come second nature, son.” Jacob kept his head down, “y’know, I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was making my old man proud, but I never stopped to realize what I was doing was actually wrong.” Jacob looked up with glossy eyes, “I actually wanted to find you at some point because I know I was the one who woke you up last, I remember clearly the way you looked, right then, I knew I needed to leave that place.” Jacob shuffled over and stood completely square to Bucky, Bucky just looked down at Jacob with a face of horror. The man Bucky saw every night was crying and apologizing to him, he didn’t know anyone who worked with Hydra had a heart. “I’m sorry for everything I did to you,” Jacob reached in his back pocket, he had placed the glass of water on a side table. “Here, take some money-”
“No, none of that, Jacob, really,” Bucky held his hands out, “you’re forgiven, don’t worry about all that, I just need to find someone.” Bucky reached for the door. 
“What do you mean?” Jacob fished in his wallet. 
“Hydra stole my girlfriend, I think she's in Iceland.” Bucky’s eyebrows knitted together at Jacob who was given him a coin. 
“I think you’re right,” Jacob dropped the coin in Bucky’s palm before closing the door, the screen door creaked as it shut quickly with the wind. 
Time: 2:33pm
Date: October 2nd 2024
Steve, Nat, and Wanda were walking around on the closed road, stands of every fruit and pastry lined the streets. Wanda was on top of the moon, she had a tote bag with some apple turnovers in them, that was really all she wanted. Nat had actually bought something too, Steve was genuinely surprised when Nat bought some earrings from a vendor, they were very small and dainty moons that would go in her ear lobes. Steve didn’t buy anything but just liked walking around, there was a lot to see but in a good way, no screens or jumbotrons, just people being people. 
As Bucky made eye contact with Steve, Steve’s phone rang. Nat and Wanda rushed up to Bucky and were asking how it went, but the unknown caller was what Steve was focusing on. 
“Steve Rogers,” Steve lowered his voice. 
“Captain Rogers,” an all too familiar voice hit his ear. 
“King T’Challa?” Steve turned his back to the group. 
“We have three Hydra agents in custody, they tried to take out my sister,” his accent flowed and bounced as he talked.
“Keep them in the cells, we’re on our way.” 
“Will there be more of them?” T’Challa asked before he could hang up. 
“I don’t know, but hold them and don’t kill them, they might be our only hope.” Steve said his goodbyes and hung up. 
When he turned back to Bucky and the rest of them, they seemed scared, Bucky had overheard Steve’s call, super hearing, and was looking at him weird. 
“What was that?” Bucky asked. 
“King T’Challa, says there was an attempted hit on Shuri, doesn’t know where they came from but they want her.” Steve shoved his phone in his back pocket, “what did you find?” 
Bucky just held up a silver coin, “we’re going to Iceland.” 
“We need to go to Wakanda,” Steve stepped forward. 
“Not all four of us,” Nat pulled everyone aside from the farmer’s market, “I’ll go with Steve to Wakadna, you go with Wanda to Iceland. We’ll be talking and before you ambush the Hydra base in Iceland we’ll confirm y/n is in there, deal?” She looked to the other three. 
Winter Makes Ice tag list: @small-death-and-codeine​ @commonintrest​ @buckyys-doll​  @lil-baby-nor
let me know if you want a tag!
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leepumpion · 3 years
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Tension | Hange x reader +18
Summery : you have a fat crush on Hange but you never thought it would go anywhere, that is until today
Tags : female Hange, lesbian sex, oral sex, Hange being to hot to handle 🙄
A/n : I’m sorry the writing at the end was kinda rushed and a bit shitty but I hope you enjoy:)
Word count : 1k
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The potent smell of varying chemicals and the endless amount of documents that seemingly don't  have a home is what I have become accustomed to. While the smell of something burning would've alerted me only a couple of months ago, now I don't even think twice about the constant smoke that lingers around the lab.
But there is one thing I don't think I will ever get used to, that being the one and only Section Commander Hange. No matter how many long days I spend in the lab with Hange, I can never get used to the sporadic nature of the woman.
But her actions were never the problem, it's the way she makes me feel things I've never felt before. I couldn't even count the amount of times that I have gotten myself distracted by finding myself entranced by every little thing about her. I don't know what it is about Hange that makes me feel this way but it's all so foreign to me. And to be honest i hate it. I hate the way she makes me feel so good, even though I know it is wrong.
And a sick part of me hopes she notices my feelings, in the slight chance that she might feel the same. but I know it would be wrong. Not only am I in a strictly professional relationship with Hange, being her assistant, But we are also both girls. Girls can't love girls and that's just the way it is, the way it's always been.
I walk into Hanges office and place down a warm cup of her favourite tea, admiring the way she smiles and thanks me even when deeply consumed in paperwork. As I walk around the desk to seat my self Hange finally looks up from her papers and gives me a almost a pleading look.
"May I help with your paperwork section commander?" I offer, knowing that's what she wanted to hear. "Thank you darling"
"And I remember telling you to call me Hange when it's just the two of us" her voice deep and strained for the days work.
I nodded as I tried to ignore the way my heart fluttered at her choice of words, instead focussing on the work in front of me.
And that's how it went for a few hours. But then seemingly out of nowhere I got the overwhelming feeling of being watched, so I looked up for the first time since immersing myself in the work. And my gaze was met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes. She looked at me for a second before breaking eye contact and chuckling. " sorry I didn't mean to stare, I was getting a bit distracted"
Fuckfuckfuck i dont know if I can do this anymore. I try and get back to work but the air in the room suddenly felt thick, the heavy tension feeling like it could swallow me whole.
And then suddenly, as if on cue, both me and Hange looked up at each other, eyes locking. That's when, with no words said, Hange stands up, walks over to me and smashes her lips on mine.
In the shock of it all I just stand there trying to comprehend what the hell just happened, but I'm guessing Hange took that as rejection and pulled away.
"Shit- I'm so sorry, I'm must of miss read the-" and before she could explain I leaned in and kissed back.
Hange quickly took the lead as she slithered her hand down to my waist so softly pull me into her. As the kiss got more and more messy, I could help but be hyper aware about the way my hips are flush up against her upper thigh.
Just as I thought this couldn't possibly get anymore erotic, she subtly pushes my hips forward into her thigh then back again in a almost rocking movement. I whimper into the kiss which prompts her into doing again, and again until I've become a whimpering mess beneath her.
"Your so fucking hot y/n" she said as she pulled away and looked down at me.
I lean back to support my myself self against the desk but Hange grabbed my hands and pushed me down so I was now laying on the desk.
Still not having shared any real words, she quickly started to in button my shirt, she kiss my body every time she exposed a new area of skin, making sure I feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
When she finally finished worshiping my body she finally reached my pants. Before going to unbutton the she looks up at me as if to ask if I'm ok with this. So of corse I nod my head, and the continues to undress me.
Now being naked in front of Hange, for the first time this evening it all hit me and I started to feel embarrassed of my body. But, almost as if she felt me tense, she placed the soft opened mouth kisses onto my thighs, calming my nerves a bit. But all thoughts got thrown out the window as soon as I felt her tongue on my against my slit. “F-fuck Hange!” She hummed against me in response making me moan out even more.
And of corse being a total virgin it really didn’t take me long at to build up towards my orgasm. All I could think about is Hange. And then it hit me like a fucking train, “Ah! I’m coming- fuck oh I’m coming!” I practically screamed as my vision blurred and I was in complete and utter ecstasy.
And as I came down from my high I look up to see Hange grinning at me like a exited kid. “ I think I love you y/n!” She ecstatically stated.
And all I can do is look up at her in shock, still trying to process everything that just happened. And for the second time to today hanged face dropped at your silence, thinking that it meant rejection. But before she could say anything I replied. “ I think I love you to Hange”.
She squealed and hugged me but then quickly remembered what state I was in. She she swooped me up and took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. “But you didn’t get to y,know” I said feeling bad for only being on the receiving end, but she shut down that guilt by telling me that we can do the another time. Mhh yes, another time :)
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Ahhh this was rushed I’m sorry the the writing declined through out but I’m kinda struggling with lots of uni work rn. On another note, thanks for reading ❤️
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Part 1.
Avengers x fem!reader
Pt. 2
Genre: Minor angst, more fluff.
Warning: Language! (cursing here & there)
Words: 1746
Synopsis: This takes place in Avengers: Age of Ultron. When The Avengers were at the rock bottom, Nick Fury and advised by Maria Hill, to initiate the B.A.B.Y Protocol. 
The Avengers gather in the lab after one of an ugly half made robot command a few of the Legionaries to attack them. Currently they are finding out about what or who attacked them. Some of them cleaning their wounds and Thor going out to track the Legionaries. Bruce the only one who starts first. “All of our work is gone. Ultron cleared out every research that we do. He uses internet as an escape route.” Natasha turns and lean her body to a table to say what she’s found. “He’s been in everything. Fails, surveillances. Probably know about us more than we know about each other.”
Holding his right wounded arm, Rhody said “He’s in the internet, he’s in your files. What if he decides to access to something a little more exciting?” By that, Maria has thought something. “Nuclear code.” Natasha looking at them “Nukes? He said he wanted us dead.” Steve interrupt her “He didn’t say dead. He said extinct.” “He said he killed somebody.” Clint said but Maria ask back. “But no one else in the building.” Their conversations cut by Tony. “Yes there was.” He displays JARVIS damaged simulator form and all went silent except Bruce, he checks on JARVIS.
Thor come in angry and straight to choke Tony. Being choke, Tony try talk to Thor “Come one. Use your words buddy.” Thor lift him up a few inch above the floor. “I have more than enough words with you Stark.” Steve walks closer, breaking them. “Thor. The Legionaries?” Thor update them about the Legionaries have the scepter and they have to retrieve it again. For the first time after the attack, Dr. Chow speaks. “You build this program. Why he’s trying to kill us?” Tony just laugh at that question and Bruce disagree. “Tony, this might not be the time to-“ Tony cut his sentences. “Really?! Bruce. We didn’t create a murder bot. Remember New York?” Everyone move their head down facing the floor remembering that event and Tony continue. “A hostile army of aliens charging through a hole in space. We’re standing 300 feet below it. We’re The Avengers. We can bust arms dealer all day but that up there, that’s, that’s the endgame. How do you guys planning on beating that?” Steve looking at him “Together.” “We’ll lose.” Tony say and Steve still with his answer “And we’ll do that together too.” He looks at everyone and gives the order. “Thor’s right. Ultron trying to draw us out. We start tonight. Do whatever you can to find him. The world is a big place, make it smaller.” Maria stand from her chair. “I’ll escort Dr. Chow to airport. I’ll see you guys in the afternoon.” They all nods and both of them walks out of the lab.
 Next morning.
A young girl wearing her café’s uniform walking with a headphone on her head. While walking, she notices a guy snatches a bag from a lady. That lady screaming asking for help while her baby crying to see her mother in terror from across the street. You bring down your headphone and chase that guy. Thanks for your training, you almost keep up that guy until he stuck in an ally, nowhere to go.
“You wanna give me the bag or I’ll take it from you?” You said. Looks like he’s stuck.
“Fast legs.” He said.
“I had trained before.”
“I’m not a bad guy.”
             “Well, good guys don’t snatch a bag from people especially in front of their baby! You gave me the wrong impression though. Now, give me the bag and go.”
             “I’d like to see you take it.” “You asked for it dude.” You move forward and fight him hand to hand combat. Actually, you are a bit surprise by his technique. He’s not so bad but you have been train by a professional back in the academy.
You’ve been caught one day and some guy wear uniform took you somewhere. You thought it was a juvenile school because you are just 15 that time. Turns out it was S.H.I.E.L.D. They gave you test by test and found out that you good at combat and a little bit good at common sense. After you graduated, work job by job. Gang to gang. Mob to mob. You can’t do that kind of job anymore. You want to be good and yes, you did stop working with the dark. You washed your hands and works at Donut Do It. It’s not your vibe but it is fine for your fresh start. After you slap that guy, you hear a woman voice call your name that has been long unspoken by anyone including you.
 “Baby.” A woman called.
             “Normal people doesn’t know that name.” You said while choking that guy.
She said “Maybe because you’re not a normal girl.”
             “What do you want Maria?” You ask that woman.
You immediately know who he is. Fury. “Oh God, not you too. Okay, for the record, honestly, I haven’t commit any crime that violated the laws.”
“You.” A deep voice man said.
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You can hear Maria smirk when she asks you “Are you sure about that?” “…today. You didn’t let me finish. I didn’t commit any crime, today.” You said. Fury tell you to let that guy go and you look at that guy “You’re with them?” He tries to answer even you’re still choking him. “Y.. YE.. Yes!” You release him and slap him real hard right across his face. “That’s for wasting my time. Fuck off.”
Fury look disbelievingly at you. “Was that necessary?” You look back at him “What? Caressing lightly on his soft cheek?” Maria interject “That’s the opposite of what you did.” You try again just to tease her. “Okay. I, tap his soft cheek?” Maria raise an eyebrow at you “Try again.” You surrender. “Fine. I just 180-degree angle slapped him. He’s a trained agent for God sake. He’ll be fine.” You turn around about to walk back to your work place and Fury stop you.
“And where do you think you’re going young lady?” He asks you.
             You turning back. “ Work. Turns out I have a job now papa bear. Thanks for the recommendation letter though. Now, will you excuse me, I have go to work. Hope to never see you two again. Babai.” Again, Fury stops you. “You are not going to that Donut Do It.” You tilt your head to him. “I told you I work there and I’m going. If you two want donut, you know where to find it. Mention my name and you’ll get 30% discounts.” Maria’s face changes when she talks this time. “This is serious and urgent, Baby.”
“We are gathering as many as best agents that we have, and you are one of the best, Baby. Come with us and we’ll brief you.” Fury said and you stop him from saying any further. “Look, I’m gonna stop you right here papa Bear. That is where you are wrong. Aren’t you guys seen my record? I know what good is but I’m far away from good. There is still red blood stain painted on my hands that I could never leave. Even if I wash it thousands time, it won’t come off. What makes you think I’ll do it?” You feel your left chest aching but you ignore it.
Maria answers you. “Because everyone deserves a chance to be and do good. To start over. Yes, you can’t wash that much blood on our hands but this is the chance for you to do something good in your life. A do-over. You actually do something good after the academy. Take out those mobsters down, those gangs. You went inside to get the intel and you burn them to the ground and made those cities safe. Then, you just proof us again just now by caught that robber.”
             You huff and look down on your feet. “You set that up.”
Maria look at you. “But you didn’t know that. Yes, Baby. We’ve seen your record. Detail. You are far away from where you are before the academy. Or after. I mean you did killed people.” You crunch your eyebrows at her “Hey!” Fury turn to talk. “Help us this time. After that, it’s all up to you. We are no longer bugging you. You are no longer in our record. I’m not wasting my time coming here if we don’t need you.” “I thought you miss me.” Fury huff and talk to Maria “I’ll wait in the car.”
             “He never begging. That kind of begging, what he did. Is it that bad?” I ask Maria and she nod with worry face. “Earth level threat. That’s all I can say right now. Come with us to tower and we tell you more.” You let out a long sigh. “Me? Out of all agents, me?” Maria walk closer to you. “Please Baby.” You’re now messing with her. “It Earth level threat and you want a baby to involve? What kind of adult are you? Put a cute baby in danger like that. Unbelievable.” She smiles more than earlier. “The kind of person that will make sure there will be chicken drumets and spaghetti carbonara every day for your meal.”  You silently look at her and playfully sigh and she knows you better. “Caramel pudding and fluffy pillow too.” The ache in your chest getting hard to ignore now. You ask Maria some time and turn back from her. You bending, breathing like your doctor teach you and massage your chest a little. Must be from running earlier.
“Hey, are you okay?” Maria ask, worry if you are sick, but yes you are sick.
             “Yeah. Just shock. Did you say fluffy pillow? You ask her, not wanting to let her know first. They need your help, that’s what you are going to do. Help as much as you can. She let out a giggles and wrap her arm around your neck. “Yeah, you are coming with us, like it or not.” You both walk toward their car where Fury is waiting. “How many pillow though?”
Thank you for spending your time reading this. Feel free to reblog or ask me anything, thank you in advance!
Part 2 is coming!!
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letarasstuff · 3 years
When everybody turns into an oracle
Summary: Nothing puts more pressure on you than other people teling you your grade will be perfect, because behind that stands so much more than a number on a sheet of paper. Same goes for Spencer's daughter.
Warnings: School, grades, angst (there is fluff and a badass moment), fear of failure/disappointing someone
Wordcount: 1.5k
✨Masterlist✨ __________________________________
“I really pooped this quiz. What about you, (Y/N)?” Before the teenager is able to answer, another classmate comes up from behind the two. “She’ll get a 100, like always.”
“I-I don’t know. Question two and three really got me there, I’m just happy to pass it.” The little group of people around her groans.
“You always say that.” “And get a perfect score”, the first one adds, “Just stop to make us look bad, because we really do have to worry about passing this class. What do you have to worry about? Getting straight A’s like that. I really want your problems.”
(Y/N) just keeps it quiet. She stopped a long time ago trying to defend herself. ‘I am on my way to the BAU’, she shoots a text to her father and exits the school building. Today she doesn’t take the train. There are too many noises and all she wants is some peace.
The words of her classmates echoes through her head. Yes, she always has a good score and she intends to keep it up. She is just doing her best, right? Her problems have to be still valid, don’t they?
“Ahh, Wonder Baby. I thought you forgot about us and decided you are too cool to hang out with us”, Derek calls out after her as soon as he spots his godchild. “Nah, Uncle Derek. Nobody can be too cool to hang out with you. I just hadn’t had much time because of school work. But there are only two weeks left before spring break starts and the only thing I have to do now is waiting for my results.”
“Right, Spencer told us you are stressing yourself out about those. Your last quiz was today, wasn’t it? The one you dread the most apparently?” Emily joins the conversation. “Uh, I did. But don’t get your hopes up too high, I really don’t have a clue what I did there. The grade can range between passed to 100.”
“Naw, Smartypants, you say that every time. What are you afraid of? Telling us you are real smart? Don’t be humble, we work with your father. We know how to handle geniuses.” Derek isn’t exactly helping her with that. (Y/N) just turns red and tries to change the subject. “Uh, no. Another thing: Where is Dad?”
“Spencer went to pick some reports from the M.E. in D.C. who helped us on the last case. He should be back in half an hour. But Penelope wants to see you, something about trying new vegan cookies she baked last night”, JJ informs (Y/N) as she passes the group to drop some files off.
For the remainder of the day the teenager hides out in the lair, blocking any human reaction out with her earphones. She just can’t handle any more insensitive stuff like earlier. Later her father picks her up to go home together.
“So, Emily told me you didn’t do well on your test today? Do you wanna talk about it?” He asks, choosing his words carefully as he prepares dinner with his daughter sitting at the kitchen table and watching him. The doctor knows the pressure created by asking his daughter about school related topics.
“I don’t know. Everyone keeps telling me I’ll get a perfect score and I think it’s admirable that all of them turn out to be able to look into the future. How do they know better than me what I get?”
It’s months of pent up stress and anxiety finally making its way up to the surface. (Y/N) tries to fight the tears down. “I really don’t understand this. I get asked how I did, I tell them I don’t feel good about the test and then they talk over me every single time. And when I say I don’t know it, I say it to not get anybody’s hope up high. I don’t want to disappoint anybody.” Finally tears stream down the teenager’s cheeks.
“Oh Sweetheart”, Spencer makes his way over to her and engulfs his daughter in a hug. “Shhh, don’t cry. I know it’s incredibly difficult to live up to their expectations, but you don’t need to. You don’t need to impress them, because their opinion doesn’t matter. Neither your classmate’s, your teacher’s nor the team’s. Not even mine should be important to you. Also, it doesn’t matter what you do, I’ll always be so proud of you, words can’t even describe it. There is literally nothing you can disappoint me with. You pushed and still push through so much crap and still you don’t fail to amaze me. You can never fail to amaze me. You can fail any class and become a professional card counter, I’ll still be proud to be your father. Please don’t cry over something you shouldn’t care about.”
They remain like this for several minutes, grasping each other until (Y/N)’s tears eventually die down. “I just want to be something more than just the smart girl with the good grades. I don’t want to feel like a two dimensional side character in a show, only there to provide the main characters with knowledge. I don’t want to be Velma, River Song, Frozone or Domino from Deadpool 2. I don’t want to be overlooked like this anymore.”Finally talking about her deepest insecurities lets her feel like a weight is lifted off her shoulders.
“And you are so much more”, Spencer encounters, “Some people just choose to ignore it, because you are so much more than their small brain with a low capacity is able to comprehend. They just pick the trait they understand the easiest. But never stop being you. Stay loud, stay complicated and, if you want to stay, uncomfortable for them. The right people will take the time and effort to get to know the real you, not just a copy others think you are. I know, it takes a great amount of patience to wait for them, but it’s worth it in the end. You hear me?”
(Y/N) looks up at her father, a small smile forming on her face. He would walk to the end of the world if it means to see it. “I hear you, Dad. Thank you so much.”
This night the teenager doesn’t get a lot of sleep. There are many thoughts that want to be, well, thought through. Still she wakes up and goes to school with a new amount of confidence.
This sadly only lasts until her first period. The teacher, one who is typically known for grading student’s work pretty fast, gives back yesterday’s quizzes. A small tumoult ensues as everyone compares their scores with each other.
(Y/N)’s anxiety rises into the unmeasurable until her teacher puts down her worksheet without a word. Confused she looks at the B- sitting at the dotted line, where the grade is supposed to be.
Now, a B- isn’t bad or anything, but she spots several answers her teacher didn’t tick as right or wrong. He must have oversaw them. Deciding to ask him about it after class, she puts it away and focuses on the material he is teaching.
So there she is, waiting for other classmates asking their questions regarding the quiz until it’s her turn. Meanwhile her lab partner Masey comes up to the teenager. “And, how did you do?”
“Uh, I got a B- bu-” “Oh my god, I’m better than the class nerd. I’m better than The Brain. Casey, I got a higher score than (Y/N)! I think you, too! Wow, I didn’t know I’m that smart. But no worries, (Y/N). I can explain this unit to you later, so you can do better next time.” This is the final straw for her.
“Hold on a sec, Masey. I’ll get that A, because Mr Harries didn’t see some of my answers. And just for your information: I didn’t ask you about your grade last time, because I knew you would poop that one after trying to explain it to you for four times while I got another A. Like every single time until now. Stop trying to appear cleverer than you are, it doesn’t suit you as much as these pants don't, because they are at least two sizes too small.”
The line finally moves up and (Y/N) is able to show Mr Harries his mistakes. He apologizes profusely, admitting that he maybe was too tired to grade these last quizzes and rewrite the B- to an A.
With her head held high she walks past her classmates, a content smile on her face.
It may be a long road to accept that you can’t be perfect and your grades don’t have to be, but forget this for a second and appreciate the feeling you get proving someone wrong like this.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 3
Request: Yes or No
You watched with slightly furrowed brows as Nick Fury walked into the kitchen, glancing at Lila when she pulled another crayon out of the box. You smiled softly at her butterfly drawing.
"That's great, Lila." You told her gently, earning a proud smile from the younger girl. She finished drawing, standing up and walking over to Natasha to show her. You picked up the crayons laying on the ground, sliding them back in the box. You looked over at Clint and his family as Fury talked about Ultron, a small sigh escaping you. You weren't expecting this to be so complicated. Then again, it was the Avengers. Everything was complicated with them.
"I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that." You blinked, zoning back in. Steve looked at Fury with a small frown.
"Every bit of data flows through there. It's located in Oslo." Bruce explained, pushing up his glasses with his index finger. Clint gently picked up a dart, inspecting it.
"So, what'd they say?" He asked, watching Tony collect the darts from the board. You looked at Lila when she sat beside you on the couch, pointing to her hair before facing away from you. You shifted towards her, beginning to gently braid her hair.
"He's fixated on the missiles but the codes are constantly being changed." Fury told them as he made himself a snack. Trying to stop a murderous robot with daddy issues from ending the world definitely hadn't been on your bucket list but then again, joining a family hadn't been on it either.
"By whom?" Tony asked, a dart flying by his face and hitting bullseye. You almost chuckled at the cheeky grin on Clint's face.
"We got an ally?"
"Ultrons got an enemy. That's not the same thing." Fury corrected Natasha, eating a small slice of cheese. You finished braiding Lila's hair, glancing at Laura.
"His mission.. Is mass destruction. Everything here will be laid in a grave." Fury looked between the Avengers. You frowned, making eye contact with Clint. His biggest fear was losing his family. The last thing you wanted was losing the Bartons.
"So, stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk." Natasha said softly, gaze locking onto the soldier. Steve's brows raised, an exasperated breath leaving him.
"You know what, Romanoff.." He trailed off as Natasha shot him a playful smile. Laura took a seat behind you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You can stay here. You don't have to go with them to stop this.. Robot." Laura said quietly, giving your shoulder a squeeze. You ran your fingers over Lila's braid, shaking your head.
"It's fine, I promise. I'll make sure to come back in one piece." You assured her with a small smile.
"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" You looked forward at the mention of the scientists' name. You remembered her curiosity at your bracelets. A frown stretched across your face. She shouldn't have been left alone, especially when she had been there when Ultron first attacked.
"We need to get going." Steve called, glancing back at you. Everyone went off to change into their hero outfits.
"Hey, (Y/N), I got something for you." Clint said, motioning for you to follow him. You stood up, walking towards him and entering the room. Clint gave you a small grin, showing you the outfit. It was similar to his but with long sleeves. You smiled, running your fingers over it.
"I wouldn't want you getting shot so it's bulletproof and works in all types of weather. From now on, you are an Avenger."
"But.. I haven't finished-"
"You know what you need to work on and you'll continue to train." Clint smiled proudly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I've always believed in you."
"Thank you.." You whispered. Clint nodded, leaving the room so you could change. It was comfortable and flexible so you'd be able to move without difficulty. You felt a rush of excitement shoot through you. You were officially an Avenger. Well, in Clint's eyes anyway. You'd have to check in with Tony and Steve to confirm it. You stepped out of the room, hearing Laura coo. She looked you over, smiling.
"Oh, if you were in high school, this is probably how it'd feel like during prom night." She breathed out, giggling softly.
"Now, you two better return in one piece, alright?" Laura shot you and Clint a look. You gave her a nod.
"Yes, ma'am." Clint responded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Laura gave you both a tight, lingering hug before releasing you with watery eyes.
"We'll be back before you know it." Clint assured her, getting an unconvinced nod in return. You exited the house, heading towards the aircraft.
"Liking the new look, (L/N)." Natasha said, smiling widely as she walked beside you. You chuckled, glancing down at the outfit. You entered the aircraft, taking a seat.
"We'll drop Tony off in Oslo while we check on Dr. Cho. Stay alert and stay ready." Steve said, looking you over briefly. A small smile appeared on his face before he looked towards the front. Tony was dropped off at Nexus, the others heading off to Japan. You hoped you'd be able to stay longer than a few minutes next time. Norway seemed like a nice place to relax at. Steve was dropped off by the building while you remained with Natasha and Clint in the aircraft. You could hear everything Steve said and heard through the earpiece. You frowned upon hearing Dr. Cho's breathy voice.
"He's uploading himself into the body."
"The real power... Is inside the cradle. The gem.. It's power is uncontainable. You can just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark."
"First I've got to find it. You guys copy that?" Steve asked. You stood beside Clint, looking over the busy city below. So many people unaware of the thing threatening them.
"We did."
"We've got a private jet taking off across town." Natasha said. "No manifest. That could be him." Your gaze darted from cars to people, anything moving that could be suspicious.
"There's a truck from the lab." Clint called. "Right above you, Cap. On the loop on the bridge."
"It's them." You swallowed, gripping the seat. You watched as Steve jumped onto the roof of the truck, reaching the back and being blown to the side. Clint drove through the city, catching the citizen's attention.
"Think you could help from up here?" Clint asked, glancing at you.
"I've never done this while moving." You reminded him, raising your hand. Cities provided little nature, apart from fake plants and small spots to make it pretty. You noticed some trees but they were by the sidewalk and the road. Clint lowered himself closer to the ground so Natasha could drop down on a motorcycle. Clint helped direct Natasha to the truck. You winced when Steve was thrown back onto a car, the cars beginning to topple over and crash.
"Who's gonna pay for their injuries?" You asked softly.
"Stark will handle anything their insurance doesn't cover." Clint replied, moving in front of the truck and shooting at Ultron. It had no impact on him, simply annoying him further. Three robots left the back of the truck, flying up. You felt your fingers tingle, raising your hand and causing a branch from a nearby tree to shoot out and go through the head of one if the robots, effectively stopping it.
"Take a seat and buckle in." Clint called. You quickly sat down, not in the mood to be thrown around the craft. You buckled in, sighing softly as your stomach did twists. You'd prefer land over air any time but it felt safer to be with Clint. You shut your eyes as the aircraft spun, probably shaking off the robots. Clint successfully got the robots off him so he turned, heading back towards the city.
"You okay?" Clint glanced back at you with a frown. You nodded, not trusting yourself not to vomit. Clint chuckled softly.
"You'll get used to it." Clint looked forward. You unbuckled your seat, getting up and walking back towards Clint. You rubbed your aching head, brows furrowing.
"Is that-"
"A flying truck? Yeah. Not the craziest thing you'll see."
"I can control plants, Clint. I'd say that's pretty tame." A laugh left Clint as he followed the truck.
"Got a clear shot. Want me to take it?"
"Negative, I'm still in the truck." Natasha replied. Clint blinked.
"The hell you doing in there?" He asked, following the truck from a safe distance.
"Just get ready to receive the package." Natasha told him. Clint turned the aircraft around, opening the back. You turned your head, noticing Natasha cutting the straps that kept the cradle in place and pushing it forward. She exited the truck as it exploded, the cradle getting inside but she was dragged out.
"I can't see her and it's to high up for me to do anything." You said, looking at through the windows. Steve ordered Clint to go back to the tower but Clint would never leave his best friend behind.
"Clint, it's Nat. She'll be fine. If anything, she'll be the one rescuing us when we find her." You told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Clint swallowed, hesitating before following orders.
"She'll be okay." You assured softly. You looked back at the cradle, cautiously approaching it.
"Don't touch it-"
"Too late." You mumbled, fingers running over it. Your brows furrowed, looking over the body inside. It didn't look human. Not even close to one.
"What the hell is this?" You frowned, gaze drifting to the crystal. The one Dr. Cho said was uncontainable.
"I always thought I was magic." You said, looking up at Clint with a small smile. You hoped you could ease his mind or get him to become less anxious. You sighed, looking back down at the body before continuing.
"But then I found out I was everything but that."
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