#whilst watching this show
jessieren · 6 months
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Ok… I fully accept that he may very well not be naked/half naked here but imagination is a wonderful thing
Plus I love this episode- and the fact that he slept in the bath…
I mean what??
Side point.. I wonder if Evans does sleep naked.. Hmm I may need to muse on that point a little more
You know.. for science
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f-athr · 4 months
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help i can’t stop giving men slutty little waists
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daily-crowley · 1 year
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Crowley Of The Day: how are the back of their heads attractive also?
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so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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peteytheparrot · 13 days
A Series of Unfortunate Events liberated me as a child in the way that it shows how utterly incompetent adults can be about children, like none of them care to understand how these children are feeling because they don’t see them as real living human beings, because they’re just kids! They don’t know any better!
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fictionalmenaremytype · 8 months
Titans curse spoiler (pjo book 3)!!!!
Okay, but if we get to season 3 and Annabeth and Percy are dancing in Westover Hall Annabeth will most certainly need to say something along the lines of "Don't make this weird, Seaweed Brain" as they're dancing because we know Percy now thinks hugging needs to be a thing they do after one hug and he will probably think dancing is now something they'll be doing a lot too!
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secriden · 15 days
rewatching love sea and i've got some episode 1 mahasamut thoughts:
i'm so appreciative of how much we get to see of mahasamut being an important part of the island community in this episode. its character establishing/quick scenes but we see a consistent thread of kindness, gentle and good humoured interactions, and just overall helpfulness to others. you see him having fun with palm who is younger and clearly loves and respects mahasamut. you see how he knows and cares for different people in very personal ways.
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another thing epsiode 1 does a good job of doing is establishing how intelligent mahasamut is both intellectually and emotionally.
he instantly clocks on that tongrak thinks the island/mahasamut is "beneath" him. tongrak is a jerk from the get go, acting as if because he's rich (his focus on how expensive his suitcases are) he can treat mahasamut like crap. he assumes mahasamut can't speak/understand the central dialect and openly makes disparaging comments about his intelligence.
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but rather than getting annoyed/offended, he weaponises the prejudice and leans into it to annoy tongrak. he doubles down onto the Southern dialect (even after he reveals he can speak Central). when tongrak whines about not understanding him, mahasamut just repeats himself but slower (such a good allusion to when people yell at you slower and more loudly as if that will magically make you understand English better). he leans into the whole 'small town awed at the fair skin of the city boy' act (masterful depiction of someone weaponising the 'dumb country hick' stereotype).
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mahasamut just has such a good handle on tongrak from the start and it really showcases how smart and intuitive he is; like he instinctively knows how to handle this feral cat of a human being that tongrak is (i say this with complete affection).
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his handling of tongrak is so incredibly effective and it throws tongrak so off his game that he looses all cool and just blurts out how baffled he is by mahasamut's reactions to him. this tells us (and mahasamut) that not only is tongrak aware that he's being a jerk, he's doing it on purpose because this usually works to drive people away. but it doesn't and never will work on mahasamut and the show lays the foundations of this aspect of mahasamut's character right from the start.
but whilst mahasamut remains unfazed by tongrak's bitchiness (for lack of a better term), we also see that he is not going to be a pushover either (and i love that he never becomes that even after he falls in love; in this, mahasamut's character is wonderfully consistent). he isn't shy about calling out tongrak for his poor behaviour/rudeness. he specifically points out that tongrak's been acting like a spoiled pet (or child).
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(this is an aside, but) tongrak's (peat's) fist looks so tiny in mahasamut's (fort's) palm here i giggled. it's just... so ineffective. plus the way peat played it, it looks like tongrak tried to put some force into that hit but mahsamut is completely unaffected. very stoppable force meets unmovable wall. just. hilarious.
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but also!! whilst all that is going on, mahasamut is also doing a really good job of taking care of tongrak. when he enters tongrak's room, he first cleans up after the tornado of trash and beer bottles, puts away his clothes properly, then brings tongrak out to get some proper food in him (it's not his fault that tongrak only has a single lettuce leaf; he tried). mahasamut takes him out on the boat to relax him and give him inspiration for his novel. and when he realises that tongrak's genuinely scared and upset and not just being a pain, mahasamut actually treats that with sincere care and concern, apologising and comforting him (in the novel, apparently tongrak slaps him and he still responds only with care and comfort). he's so incredibly gentle with tongrak here.
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later in the series we see how much of their relationship development hinges on the the juxtaposition of words vs actions because neither of them put much stock by words (tongrak, because its the tools of his trade and he knows how they can be used to deceive; mahasamut because he never cares what people say about him) but episode 1 does a great job of establish just how good mahasamut is going to be at showing his love for tongrak once he gets there.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
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"Who said I hated him?"
STAY WITH ME (2023). Episode 1 -> Episode 8.
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It is so pivitol to me that you guys know that in my nothing goes wrong ever and everyone lives all is well grieves trio au, that Bernard becomes a chef for one singular reason. He moves away to go to a chef school (I'm gonna seperate them temporarily in every au it is vital) and when he comes back opens an Italian restaurant as physically close to the Aquista headquarters as possible. Darla does absolutely everything in her power to shut it down but it doesn't matter what she does it fails miserably each time
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potatobugz · 2 months
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i feel like im going insane
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sncwonthebeach · 6 months
absolutely in love with how many elements from the TSOTL novel, "Clarice" adapted and explored. Like.. you'd have no idea what "How does it feel to be so beautiful?" meant UNLESS you read the novel.
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chaos0pikachu · 3 months
MAME is the tiffany "new york" pollard of the BL industry, in this essay I will...
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chaossurvives · 4 months
As heartbreaking as it is to watch. I love that mclaren creates an environment that their drivers feel safe showing so much emotion.
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jakeperalta · 1 year
I don't think we're giving the rwrb movie enough credit for somehow making horny bagpipes a thing that worked
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recovering-vamp · 8 months
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