#white meat meatloaf
happeningsineducation · 8 months
Main Dishes - All White Meat Meatloaf
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A flavorful meatloaf is produced by combining ground turkey, chicken, and pork sausage in a spicy mixture. If you prefer a smokeier flavor, cover the meatloaf with cooked bacon slices before glazing.
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gordonball · 1 year
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All White Meat Meatloaf A flavorful meatloaf is produced by combining ground turkey, chicken, and pork sausage in a spicy mixture. If you prefer a smokeier flavor, cover the meatloaf with cooked bacon slices before glazing.
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iphonerothkos · 1 year
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Recipe for All White Meat Meatloaf A flavorful meatloaf is produced by combining ground turkey, chicken, and pork sausage in a spicy mixture. If you prefer a smokeier flavor, cover the meatloaf with cooked bacon slices before glazing. 1/2 pound ground turkey, 2 teaspoons dried parsley, 1 teaspoon dried minced onion, 1/2 cup sweet barbeque sauce, 1 teaspoon onion powder, 1 packet crushed saltine crackers, 1 tablespoon prepared yellow mustard, 1 egg beaten, 1 teaspoon garlic salt, 1 teaspoon hickory-flavored liquid smoke, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1/2 pound bulk pork sausage, 1 teaspoon seasoned salt, 1/2 pound ground chicken breast, 2 tablespoons sweet barbeque sauce
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gardenstateofmind · 2 years
when you're a child of immigrants and are trying a classic american food for the first time, in my experience, it can go two ways: "wow this is really good, why do you guys complain so much about having to eat this for dinner" or "you guys actually eat this? like this is it, this is the meal?"
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
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Prompt Day 12: Ow!
Word Count: 999
Rating: T
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
CW: descriptions of sex
Summary: Eddie explains how he injured his wrist, much to your embarrassment
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“This is going to be awful,” you complain, sliding down in your seat at the lunch table. 
With a sigh, you reach up and rub a hand over your face.
Eddie chuckles and nudges your ankle with his booted foot under the table. You move your hand to nervously tug on the bottom of the black beanie you’re wearing—or rather, Eddie’s black beanie.
“Oh, relax,” he says. 
Letting your hand drop, you give your boyfriend a pointed glare. 
“You do realize I’m a part of this, too?” you ask.
“Babe,” Eddie groans, letting his head fall backwards, “they know we have sex.”
There’s no use arguing with him when he presents you with facts, so you cross your arms over your chest and sit up straighter in your chair. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Eddie smirking. He finds this way funnier than it is. 
“Mac and cheese,” Gareth sing-songs as he sets his tray down across from you. “Mmm.”
“Can’t believe this is the third day in a row they’re serving meatloaf,” Jeff complains, obviously far less excited about his lunch. “I’m pretty sure this should have gone bad by now.”
“I think it did,” Frank adds, pulling out the chair next to you. The same offending meat is on his plate, and you wrinkle your nose up at the smell.
Eddie, the master of waiting for just the right moment, lets the guys dig into their food before he drops the bombshell on them.
“Well, gentlemen, I am afraid I have some unfortunate news.”
“Wassup?” Gareth asks through a mouth full of macaroni. 
The three Hellfire members expect Eddie to tell them, so none bother looking up from their food. Your boyfriend gives them a few seconds, but when none of them lift their heads, he pointedly clears his throat. 
Eddie makes sure all three sets of eyes are on him before he lifts his hand up from under the table and unceremoniously drops it down, the white cast landing with a thud. 
“What happened?” Jeff asks.
“Is that your—dude, that’s your right hand! How are you gonna play guitar?!” Gareth has seemingly forgotten about his excitement over his meal. 
“I said it was unfortunate,” Eddie says.
“Can you still DM?” Frank asks.
Letting out a sigh, you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Sometimes you wish you weren’t the only girl at this table.
“‘Course,” Eddie answers, waving his uninjured hand dismissively.
“What happened?” Jeff asks again.
Eddie lets out a snort of laughter and his eyes dart to you. The weight of your friends’ stares is hard to ignore. Face already heating up, you rub a hand over your forehead and avoid looking at any of them. The fabric of the beanie rolls up at your repeated motions, so you tug it back down and cross your arms once more. 
“So,” Eddie starts, a mischievous smile on his face as he leans on the table, “I’m laying in bed, on my back—”
“Oh God,” Gareth interrupts. “Did you actually injure your wrist from jerking off?”
“Anyway, I’m on my back and we’re, ya know, fucking.”
There’s a small sense of relief when he doesn’t say “she was riding me” out loud.
“And I flip us so I’m on top,” Eddie continues. “My knee must’ve landed on a soft spot when I got upright, because suddenly there’s a loud crack and the bottom left corner of my bed collapses.”
“Oh fuck, so you fell off and hurt your wrist?” Frank asks.
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p”. 
“I ignored it,” Eddie says with a laugh, “and just kept going. Since all my blood was down south, it didn't cross my mind that the whole frame holding the mattress up was wrecked. So, at one point I went to put my weight on my right hand near the middle of the bed. Next thing I know, her eyes get as wide as a goddamn owl’s, and right where my hand is gives out and we’re falling.” Eddie pauses to laugh, both at the memory and at the truth in what he says next. “I didn’t care, I still didn’t stop. And neither did she.” At this, Eddie throws you a wink and your face feels hot as a flame. 
“Okay Aesop, get on with it,” you say. 
“My hand is still on the same spot on the mattress and with the angle we’re tilted at now, I put even more weight on my hand so I can use the momentum to my advantage.”
The looks of interest on the guys’ faces makes you wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. They look enraptured by your sex tale. 
“I guess I overestimated my own strength,” Eddie says with a shrug.
“Or you had too much weight on your wrist,” you mumble under your breath.
“And I,” Eddie mimes thrusting his hips and you hide your face in your hands, “which was too much for my arm and it gave out. I fell smack down, my head knocks right against hers, and my wrist twists beneath me before I land on it with most of my body weight.”
The guys all wince as you replay the memory in your mind.
“So,” Eddie concludes with a dramatic sigh, “that is the story of my sex injury.”
Gareth begins a sarcastic slow clap, in which Jeff and Frank join. 
Despite the smile on your face, you complain to the guys, “You’re all idiots.”
The guys cease their applause and Jeff nods his head at you.
“You escaped unharmed even with this hard head falling on you?” he asks.
You take a deep breath. All four guys at the table watch as you push the beanie up to expose a quarter-sized bump that’s varying shades of pink and purple as it starts to heal.
Jeff sighs and picks his fork back up.
“I knew he had a hard head.” 
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chimeramoth · 2 months
I do not fucking trust meatloaf. That's a fucking ominous bitch. We fucking normalized mystery meat: cake edition and said yeah this should be a white person staple dinner
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Hello, Rosie!
What are some of your favorite ways to cook an ex? I'm not very skilled in the kitchen, but I'm eager to learn and I see no reason to let any... resources... go to waste.
Hello darling!!
A great place to start is with a nice meatloaf, I have a great recipe, very beginner friendly and absolutely delicious! Note that this makes 2 pounds per recipe, however there’s always freezing for later- and if you want make some jerky to snack on I also have quite the recipe!
2lbs of Ex (ground preferably, avoid intestines and ‘soft’ meat, aim for thigh, rump, or arm! I have a butchering chart I’ll link)
1 cup of Crumbs (I prefer cornbread however any breadcrumbs work! all a matter of taste)
2 eggs (eggs make your mixture hold together, they’re called a binding agent!, beat both eggs together like you’re making a scramble)
1 small onion OR 1/2 a regular onion (diced, i can link a video on how to Dice an onion! Onion should be WHITE or YELLOW!!)
2 cloves garlic (Smash them darling! then chop a ridiculous amount! I recommend an insta chop they’re so nifty….)
Salt, Oregano, Pepper, to taste
For the SAUCE
3/4 Ketchup (or more! this goes on top while baking so if you want more have more! just adjust your other ingredients accordingly)
1/4 BBQ
1 TBSP Worcestershire sauce (optional! the bbq will give the tang you need!)
2 TBSP brown sugar (a touch of sweetness!)
A little bit of blood just for fun <3
Preheat oven to 375, get a baking sheet, if you want, line with PARCHMENT paper
Start by mixing your first list of ingredients together in a big bowl, (Meat, Onion, garlic, Crumbs, seasoning) Mash, like dough. Careful not to over mix because over mixing will cause the eggs to become dense!
Put a little of the Ketchup Sauce in (about half) and do one final smush, and now you’re ready to roll onto your baking sheet!
You can make multiple small Meatloafs or one big meatloaf, shape to your desired density etc (if said ex is male i recommend making the famed dick cake, quite satisfying to Cut into)
Spread the remaining ketchup Mixture on top and Bake for about an hour!
And then you’ve got a delicious meal- turns out he WAS good for something…..
I hope that Ex doesn’t trouble you anymore Darling…
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kineats · 11 months
could u do recipes for a raccoon kin? i like to eat a lot of meat!!
i am also a golden retriever kin ,
i dunno if that helps.
Sure thing!! Raccoon Ask #3~
Raccoons love love LOVE eggs and seafood! I'll throw in some bird recipes too~
Bacon and Egg Cups
Puffball Mushroom Pasta
Mushrooms and Oysters
Ways to Cook Clams (My fiancee has caught raccoons digging them up at local beaches~)
Chinese Fried Squab
Roast Grouse
Salted Duck Eggs
More Duck Egg Recipes
Jammy Eggs
Poached Quail Eggs
Roast Fish Recipes
Grilled Whole Fish
Traditional Scotch Eggs
Peanut Butter Recipes!
Chicken Liver Pate
Garbage Plate (and Another Version)
Cube Steak with Gravy
Beef Tips and Gravy
Thai Peanut Chicken
Lamb and White Bean Chili
Blueberry Carrot Muffins
Fried Apple Rings
Cheddar Bacon "Cookies"
More Savory Cookies
Peanut Butter Cereal Treats
Meatball Soup (or Meatballs in Gravy)
Babish's "Bachelor Chow" (Video; Imitation Dog Food)
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rosemaryblossoms · 3 months
Do NOT play with my Dad about Food
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He took chicken Parmesan and made it like a meatloaf, he made mash potatoes, fried rice, regular rice, White beans sitting in the crockpot, and meat for sloppy Joes.
100/100 fucking delicious!
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kissorkill16 · 11 months
Schizophrenia: A Lorax Fanfic
Summary: The Lorax finds out something interesting about The Onceler.
It was a beautiful day in Truffula Valley, and the Onceler was just getting his wagon ready. Why? Because he was going grocery shopping. He had his list, and off he was.
"Nice day, isn't it?"
The Onceler jumped when he heard that voice, he didn't know that this furry meatloaf was in his wagon. If he did, he would've thrown him out.
"What're you doing here?"
"I just noticed you were going into that human town again and I decided to go with you this time."
The Onceler felt his stomach drop. There's no way he was going to be seen in public with this little nuisance!
"You can't come with me!"
"Why not?"
"Because you just can't!"
"What? Afraid I'll embarrass you?"
The Lorax just rolled his eyes and hopped to the front seat, not at all phased by the Onceler's outburst. "I promise I'll behave, beanpole.", he said. The Onceler rolled his eyes, not at all believing anything he said, but he reluctantly gave in.
"Fine, you can come. Just don't let anyone else see you."
The Lorax looked to the ground, "Oh that won't be a problem."
When the two got to the grocery store, the Onceler went straight to the dairy section and started looking for milk. Then he went to the meat section for turkey, bacon, steak, and chicken. Then he went to find eggs, strawberries, oranges, bananas, grapes, wine, juice, and of course, his personal favorite, marshmallows. When he was finished, he paid for his groceries, and took them back to his wagon. But when he went back, he noticed that the Lorax was missing.
"Melvin, where'd he go?"
The mule pointed his head to the store.
"You have got to be kidding me, I SPECIFICALLY SAID DON'T LET PEOPLE SEE YOU!"
The Onceler ran back into the store, and bumped into someone along the way.
"Excuse me, sir, but have you seen a small furry orange thing anywhere around here?"
The man just looked at him blankly, "No.", then he just left.
The Onceler ran all around the store, trying to find that annoying furry meatloaf, and asking so many people if they've seen him. Unfortunately, everyone he asked didn't know what he was talking about, and just looked at him like he was crazy.
"Excuse me, mister."
The Onceler turned around to see a little girl, not just any little girl, the same girl who broke his guitar once.
"What do you want?"
"Are you looking for something orange and furry?"
The Onceler's eyes lit up, "YES! YES I AM, WHERE IS HE?"
"He's by the book section."
The Onceler charged towards the book section, and finally found the Lorax, scrolling through children's books.
"Enjoying yourself, Moustache?"
"Very much."
"Well, I want to go home, and I don't want to have to explain to the animals why you're not there. So come on."
The Onceler picked the Lorax up by his waist, about to walk out of the store when someone caught up with him and put a hand on his waist.
"Are you alright, sir?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because you're clutching your chest."
The Onceler was confused. "I'm not clutching my chest, I'm carrying something."
"No you're not, I don't see anything there."
The Onceler's face turned pale. Oh no, not again. Please not again, he thought. "So you don't see anything in my hand?"
"No, sir."
The Onceler put down the Lorax and told the person that he was just feeling a little under the weather.
After that, the Lorax felt a little worried for the tall fella. Maybe it was his fault the whole incident happened, he decided to confront him about it. He ran up to his house and climbed up the window, and he saw the Onceler was filling a glass of water and took out a small white can.
The Onceler held up a finger, shushing the Lorax mid sentence. What the Lorax didn't expect next was for him to take a fork, and stab his own hand with it, unleashing a blood curling scream.
"Jeez, what'd you do that to yourself for?"
"Just making sure you're there."
The Lorax just looked at him, puzzled. "Kid, what're you talking about, of course I'm here. You can see me, can't you?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? Kid, I'm right here, and what's with the white can?"
"They're called pills. It's a type of medicine, humans use it to keep themselves in shape."
The Lorax still didn't get it. "Why would you need something like that? You're already in shape."
The Onceler sighed, but he began explaining. "I have a condition called schizophrenia, it's something where you can see things that no one else can. I was diagnosed with it when I was 11. I was just giving Melvin a bath, and I thought I heard him talking, I heard him say how he likes it when I give him a bath, and I was speechless, and over the moon. I ran to my brothers and told them what happened, but when they went to see Melvin, they didn't know what I was talking about. They told my mom what happened, and we went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed me with schizophrenia, and said that I needed to take pills to keep it under control. I've been taking these pills ever since."
The Lorax looked like he'd seen a ghost. He never knew that this kid had to go through stuff like this, people thinking he's gone mad when he can see things no one else can. It made him sad.
"I don't think your schizophrenia is the problem."
The Onceler stayed silent as he waited for the Lorax to explain.
"Long ago, I was an almighty among humans, back then when people could see me. They graced me with offerings, wrote me songs, and prayed to me as if I were a god. But back then, I didn't trust humans, I saw them all as selfish, entitled, lazy, worthless slugs. I made that very clear one day, and they stopped giving me offerings, and they stopped believing in me altogether, then they lost their ability to see me. Since then, it has been declared that only the ones who have a deep connection with nature shall be able to see the almighty Lorax.
The Lorax looked up to see the Onceler, his eyes welling up with tears, and it looked like he'd already swallowed his pill. Without warning, he pulled the little guy into a big hug.
"That must've been hard for you."
"Yes, it was. But I've gotten over it, so no need to worry."
The Lorax realized something.
He realized that even though the Onceler was irrationally optimistic, a little self-centered, cocky, and not so smart, he was still into nature. After all, he did grow up on a farm, and he was best friends with a mule, and had all of the animals in Truffula Valley wrapped around his finger, so it made some sense that he was able to see him.
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heavensbeehall · 6 months
"The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," Chapter 5
Part I: The Mentor
Chapter 5: Coryo is upset about the demerit, but gets better when people give him attention. Okay, fine. I relate to that. He goes back to the zoo. Sejanus is there trying to get the tributes to eat sandwiches. Lucy Gray and most of the tributes take one. Marcus won't. Lucy Gray is skeptical of Coriolanus. Lucy Gray sings the Valley Song. Sejanus reveals that Marcus was his classmate in District 2. He offers to trade tributes with Coriolanus, who declines.
A self-important little girl marched up beside them and pointed to a sign on the pillar at the edge of the enclosure. “It says, ‘Please don’t feed the animals.’” “They’re not animals, though,” said Sejanus. “They’re kids, like you and me.” “They’re not like me!” the little girl protested. “They’re district. That’s why they belong in a cage!”
I hate this child. Can we sacrifice her instead of Prim or Rue?
His stomach growled at the smell of the sandwich. A thick slice of meat loaf on white bread.
Do people really put meatloaf on bread? This is shocking information. I just googled it and found recipes. What a waste of perfectly good bread (I don't like meatloaf).
Lucy Gray watched the standoff with interest. “What’s going on there?” “What do you mean?” Coriolanus asked. “I don’t know exactly,” she said. “But it feels personal.”
Coryo, like Katniss, isn't great at interpersonal dynamics, is he?
Her usual playful tone shifted to a sober one. “So, as my mentor, what do you get out of this? You’re at school, right? So you get what? A better grade the more I shine?”
[insert insightful comment about Lucy Gray having a performance voice and a regular one. Comapre to Finnick.]
Sejanus looked down at the empty backpack by his feet. “Ever since the reaping, I keep imagining I’m one of them.” Coriolanus almost laughed before he realized Sejanus was serious. “That seems like an odd pastime.”
Empathy: An Odd Pastime
There was one more consideration. He had something Sejanus Plinth wanted, and wanted badly. Sejanus had already usurped his position, his inheritance, his clothes, his candy, his sandwiches, and the privilege due a Snow. Now he was coming for his apartment, his spot at the University, his very future, and had the gall to be resentful of his good fortune.
Coriolanus sounds like one of those white kids who gets mad at PoC for taking "their spot" at Harvard or whatever. Mediocre parasites.
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gmax-centiskorch · 8 months
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Happy Meat Day! To celebrate the holiday, I prepared a traditional meatloaf with a white cheddar truffle mash and candied walnut salad with raspberry vinaigrette. 🐄🥔🥗
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nerianasims · 5 months
I made some great meatballs tonight, if I do say so myself, so I'm going to share the recipe. It's really quite simple -- you just have to not be afraid of getting your hands into raw meat. You have soap and water, yes? Recipe below:
I based it on the NYT "meatballs with any meat" recipe, as well as some comments there and my own experience. So here's what I did:
Put a large jar of pasta sauce to warm in a big skillet or a pot. Either way, you need a lid for it. I used Michael's of Brooklyn, but you can use whatever you like. You can also make your own pasta sauce, of course.
Soak 1/2 cup breadcrumbs in a bit of milk. I think I ended up using about 1/4 cup. You want it gloopy, but not thin.
Put 1 lb of ground beef in a large bowl. I used Aldi's 73/27 ground beef -- it's cheaper, and the higher fat content is good for meatballs. Also add:
1 tsp kosher salt, 1 clove diced garlic (the stuff from the jar is fine), about 1/8 tsp white pepper, about 1 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning. You can pretty much add any seasonings you want, though unless you have dietary concerns, don't skip the salt. I think I'll add a pinch of nutmeg next time.
Also add 1/4 cup fresh grated parmesan or romano (parmesan's usually a little cheaper). It does have to be fresh grated or it won't work. You can skip the cheese if necessary. Add one egg and the bread crumb-milk mixture.
Mix with your hands, being careful not to overmix. You want everything to be nicely incorporated, but for the mixture to be kinda loose. Then roll the meat into about 1.5-inch balls. Again, make sure they're not too tight. Don't worry about getting them exact, or making them uniform, so long as they're approximately the same size. I was able to sit on the living room couch while doing this, putting the meatballs on a plate after rolling them.
Place the meatballs with a bit of care into the sauce. You don't need to be precious about it, but if you just plop them all in at once you'll probably end up with meatloaf. Turn the sauce up to a low boil, then turn it low to simmer, which on my stove is between 1 and 2 on the dial. Put the lid on, but somewhat ajar, so that it mostly but not entirely covers the pan.
After 30 minutes, stir the meatballs a bit. After another 20 minutes, stir them again and start cooking your pasta. When the pasta is done, the meatballs are. You can also of course have this with spaghetti squash or whatever else you want to have with meatballs and pasta sauce.
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sleidog · 2 years
and for your ease, here's some photos and descriptions of some of these that you may not be familiar with!
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Cornish pasty! this is a little pastry pocket with a meat and veg filling that has PGI status. the traditional and authentic filling is; beef, turnip, potato and onion with salt and pepper, the ingredients make their own gravy inside the pastry case and their original purpose [as with a lot of these pastry held meat and veg dishes; may have been to provide a meal to workers who did manual labour in mines, they could get the pastry dirty and discard it while still enjoying the filling.
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the toad in the hole! no toads harmed in the making of this; this is a pancake-esque batter and sausages in a tray that are cut into portions, usually with mash potato or roast potato and gravy! quite often if we made this and had left over batter, we'd make pancakes for dessert, so we liked our batter quite plain; but you can add all sorts of seasonings to it!
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proper fish and chips, down south in particular we love it with a curry sauce that's particularly unique to fish and chip shops, it's mild and very thick, similar to a westernized chinese curry sauce [you'll often find mixes for it in stores called 'chip shop curry sauce'] our fish and chips is generally going to be a chunky piece of white fish, cod or haddock but it can be other fish as well, along with chunky hand cut chips that slightly resemble steak fries, but they're much softer. not personally my favorite, but i didn't grow up eating a lot of fish!
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lancashire hotpot, this is a stew of lamb and veggies in a rich gravy topped with very thinly sliced potato that turn into little crisps on top, it's fun to eat around a table with family when it's cold, since it's super rich and fatty
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the scotch egg! imagine a jammy boiled egg concealed in a meatloaf-esque meatball that's been coated in breadcrumbs and fried, then you have a scotch egg! personally i love to make these fresh and the store bought cold ones just don't compare, they can be fiddly to make right, but they're just very fun things
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probably one of our most loved curries in the UK, theres some controversy over who created it, between a chef from glasgow and our large south asian community, but we all agree that it's wonderful and easy to prepare and a great introduction to get fussy kids to try curry
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knickerbocker glory is a hilarious name, but really it's just an ice cream sundae rippled with raspberry syrup with fresh fruits, you find them a lot by the seaside! sometimes these sundaes will also have jellies and custards included, but from my experience, vanilla icecream, raspberry syrup, fresh fruit, whipped cream and a cherry on top is the classic
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banoffee pie! this is a no bake pie similar to a no bake cheesecake. it's a crumbly biscuit and butter base with layers of toffee sauce, bananas and cream on top, it's very rich and indulgent and always makes a mess
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and at request of my US living fiance, his absolute favorite, sticky toffee pudding! this is a hot steamed sponge cake with chopped walnuts and dates with a sticky toffee sauce that's drizzled on top [or sometimes injected into the cake itself] it's incredibly rich and best served with icecream!
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sendpseuds · 1 year
The people must know: What are your favorite sandwiches???
Ah, sandwiches. What a magical food.
Since you graced us all with a whole dissertation I feel like I owe you the same level of detail, let’s see what we can do here.
While I am not actually vegetarian, I LOVE a veggie sandwich. One of my all time favorites to make at home is seeded rye with hummus on one side and homemade herby cream cheese on the other [usually parsley, green onion, mint, dill, and fresh garlic. Also sometimes this is chèvre instead of cream cheese]. Between the bread we have sliced cucumbers [seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon juice], big slices of tomato, and arugula [sprouts if I can get my hands on them]. This whole ordeal is fabulous with turkey or bacon if you want more protein, I’ve also done smashed chickpeas in place of the hummus for a heartier option.
Another veggie sandwich I love is from a local bakery and if I knew exactly how they made it I would tell you, but it’s fresh crusty sourdough liberally coated in amazing olive oil, with this incredible carrot purée, thinly sliced fennel, Calabrian chilis, and arugula. So fucking good.
Okay, let’s talk about something less “healthy”
If you’ve ever been to Buffalo, New York [Go Bills] there are TWO sandwiches that I think about all the time.
The first is pretty ubiquitous through western New York: Beef on Weck. This is roast beef, dipped in hot jus, and piled on a kimmelweck roll [basically a Kaiser roll with crunchy sea salt and caraway seeds]. That’s it. Personally, I like to add an almost unadvisable amount of horseradish, but that’s it. It’s perfect.
The second is a true drunken indulgence. The Stinger Hoagie from Jim’s Steakout. If you are unfamiliar with Jim’s, most locations are open until 5am [bars in Buffalo close at 4am. A real drinking town] and the employees can often be seen wearing shirts that say “I see drunk people.” The Stinger Hoagie is their beautiful monster. Cheesesteak meets chicken finger sub. Shaved steak, chicken fingers, fried onions, melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, Frank’s Red Hot, and Jim’s special sauce. [I am fucking drooling right now, I haven’t had one of these since I was in my twenties.]
When it comes to deli meat, I tend to lean toward turkey, but I want some really soft seeded multigrain bread with crispy Romain and good tomatoes. Thick slices of sharp sharp cheddar, mayonnaise, and Nance’s Sharp and Creamy mustard. I might toss in some cucumber or parsley, maybe apples and bacon if I’m feeling extra, but the specific mustard is very important.
[this isn’t really a sandwich but I’ll often take a big rib of Romaine lettuce and make a little deli boat with turkey, cheese, and Mayo. I’m sure I can blame that on high school, my mother, and all the lovely disordered eating habits I developed as a teen]
Grilled cheese… I’m sort of all over the place with grilled cheese, always experimenting, but for me, the most important thing is using GRATED CHEESE [and to be clear, I mean block cheese that you grate at home, not the pre-grated stuff in the bag, please, this is important, that shit doesn’t melt right] I want the cheese pouring over the sides of the bread, hitting the pan, oozing and bubbling until it’s gold and crispy and perfect.
I’ll give you one fancy grilled cheese: deviled egg grilled cheese. Two hard boiled eggs, whites sliced thin, yolks mixed with mayo, mustard, pepper, paprika, dill. Into the pan goes bread, cheese mixture [gruyere and cheddar, shredded and mixed with a little Mayo and mustard], yolk mixture, sliced whites, more cheese mixture, bread. Done.
This is getting out of control and I haven’t talked about chopped italian sandwiches, or banh mi, or my mom’s famous roast beef and mock Boursin sandwiches, or my obsession with Calabrian chilis [oh! Add those to the mayo on a turkey sandwich], or the time I put an entire meatloaf on an entire loaf of bread and called it a sandwich.
I haven’t even TOUCHED on breakfast sandwiches but if I get into that we’ll be here forever.
So, for now, I’ll cap it there, but there’s plenty of room for a sequel.
Hope that answers your question!
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foodofthedas · 9 months
Mince-Stuffed Cabbage
In times past, this was a simple, somewhat flavorless fare of the Orlesian working-class, who would use cheap root vegetables, leftover cabbage heads, stale bread and basic herbs to fill their stomachs at supper. It was later popularised by a Nevarran chef, and caught on in Cumberland when he returned home with the recipe, now dressed up with white wine sauce, apples and duck mince stuffing.
One large or two medium heads of cabbage
One-third pound of bacon, diced
One large onion, chopped
Two carrots, chopped
Three garlic cloves, chopped
One-and-a-half cups white wine
Eight plum tomatoes, roughly chopped
Six tablespoons of fresh parsley, chopped
One teaspoon of dried thyme
One green cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped
Salt and pepper
For the filling:
Three cups of stale bread pieces, torn or chopped
Half a cup of milk
One-and-a-half pounds of ground duck meat
Two garlic cloves, minced
One shallot, minced
One tablespoons of fresh sage, chopped
Half a teaspoon of nutmeg
Two eggs, lightly beaten
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over a medium-high heat. Boil the cabbages for five minutes. Remove from water, then run under cool water. Remove all large leaves from the cabbage and set aside.
In a separate pan, cook the bacon until crispy, then set aside. Add the onions dn carrot to the pan and cook on medium heat until the onion becomes soft and translucent, around five to six minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute or so. Add the white wine, tomatoes, chopped apple and two tablespoons of parsley, along with the thyme and salt to taste. Simmer on low heat.
While the mixture is simmering, soak the bread in the milk for fifteen minutes, then squeeze to remove excess milk. Mix the other filling ingredients in with the bread, including two more tablespoons of parsley, until the mixture holds its shape like a meatloaf.
Lay out a cabbage leaf with the stalk facing you and place some filling inside. Fold the stalk end over the filling then, then fold in the sides and roll once more to secure. Repeat until the filling is used.
Remove the sauce from heat and press until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Arrange the stuffed cabbages, seam side down, into a wide, shallow pan then pour over the sauce, ensuring they are covered. Sprinkle the bacon over, cover and simmer for forty-five minutes to an hour. Serve with remaining parsley.
From this recipe at Honest Food (contributed by Asher)
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