#white privileged
owlitics · 1 year
Owlitics - Lookin For You | Jason Aldean Diss Track
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perrieedwards · 2 months
i feel like people are skimming over the uk riots in a way that makes me want to tear my hair out. muslims in the uk are in active danger. immigrants in the uk are in active danger. refugees in the uk are in active danger. people of colour in the uk are in active danger. asian communities in the uk are in active danger. black communities in the uk are in active danger.
there are massive far right riots throughout the country right now and people like fucking elon musk and nigel farage are inciting it and still have a platform to speak. people have used three young girls deaths, people's genuine grief in southport, to try and gain traction for their own racist bullshit and it's working.
a lot of refugee charities have been forced to close leaving many people without support, homes, funding, food, etc. if you aren't able to donate please consider sending a message via the conversation over borders campaign! it will send a hopeful, welcoming letter to a refugee in the uk. there is also a guide to staying safe here.
please do your own research and donate to refugee charities, anti-islamophobia charities, mosques who are trying to rebuild after being destroyed, counter protesters, here are some i've heard positive things about but the list is extensive; southport strong together (support for the southport victims and their families), southport mosque rebuilding, riot repair fund, middlesbrough vulnerable residents, nasir mosque rebuilding, hull help for refugees, bristol welcomes migrants,
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benjingle · 1 month
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Conjured this at 4am (it's 4am)
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tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
In the same vein as the grounding question, just because I was confused by it, this is a much more direct question:
I recognize whooping runs the range of a swat or two on the leg to.... Well, some of us got beat fr😅. So imma give a preemptive Trigger Warning for Child Abuse if people decide to elaborate in the tags.
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jakeperalta · 8 months
the taylor swift ai porn issue is such a bleak reminder of how inescapable the horrors of misogyny are. like obviously there's the talk of sort of "celebrity problems" like treatment by the tabloids etc, but beyond that there's just the constant heinous shit that women seemingly cannot escape no matter what. it doesn't matter that she (as well as other female celebrities) is extremely rich and famous and successful and has basically as much privilege and power as it is possible for any person to have, ultimately that's still not enough to escape the revenge porn and sexual assault and stalking and harassment. like there is literally no level of power a woman can have that puts her out of reach of all the men who hate women and want to control and humiliate and subjugate us in any way they can.
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metanarrates · 1 year
escapist media in general is an ongoing fascination for me. media written with escapism as a main priority typically requires very little thought from the reader - the whole point is to kick back and live vicariously through a fun story, after all. they're narratives written to prioritize reader comfort.
but because they are written to be as unchallenging as possible, they often come with a set of underlying assumptions that can be just fucking fascinating to unpick. like yeah, why IS it assumed to be escapist and indulgent to enjoy colonial wealth without thinking about it in regency fiction. why IS the self inserty female protagonist, who is assumed to be as universally relatable as possible, written to be sweetly naive and sexually inexperienced. why does this "queernorm" contemporary world replicate patriarchial structures exactly but just with Gay People Allowed. why are these ideas assumed to be easy and comforting? can the writers not imagine anything better than the status quo but except maybe with more gay people and poc if you're lucky?
the fact of the matter is that "unchallenging" fiction tends to just simply replicate dominant cultural narratives as a point of comfort. we won't challenge the reader, so we won't think about the way we write certain things. everything we think of as comforting and safe are, of course, universal, and could not be founded on any harmful ideological assumptions. there is nobody who could be alienated by this.
and that's the sticking point to me, in terms of escapist fiction: it's always necessary to ask whose comfort is being prioritized. you've got to interrogate who gets to escape and the mechanisms by which that escape happens. escapism can be good and necessary to survive the current world, but it does not exist in a vacuum separate from the real world, even if it pretends it does!
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handweavers · 1 year
tourism entry agreements for many countries are completely unbalanced and unfair. did you know that people with a canadian passport can go to malaysia without applying for a visa / obtain an automatic tourism visa upon arrival, but if you have a malaysian passport you have to apply in advance for a tourism visa to go to canada? sometimes months in advance? any canadian can just show up to malaysia unannounced and they'll be let in, but my malaysian family has to beg the canadian gov for permission in advance (and get DENIED) just to come see me for a couple weeks. this is what it's like for most western passport holders in general, just because you are allowed free entry to the global south does not mean people in the global south are allowed free entry to the global north.
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orange-coloredsky · 5 months
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a development team that looks like this could not possibly have any preconceived biases against Black people. noooo way. its just a mistake that all of the Black people in fo4 are slaves or named after fascist colonizers or murdered or stereotypical conspiracy freaks. there is no way that the reality of this team is reflected in the art they create over and over and over and over and over and over and
[ID 1: A photo of the Fallout 4 development team taken from above and forward, showing a large crowd smiling at the camera, made up apparently entirely by white people, and almost entirely by white men. End ID.]
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sissa-arrows · 2 months
One of my favorite travel videos are white people talking about how much of a hard time they had getting a Visa to visit Algeria and saying “Even with my American/French/German/insert any western country here passport it was quite hard to get a visa”
That’s called reciprocity honey. If you make it hard for people with an Algerian passport why the fuck should Algeria make it easy for you to come just because you have a “good” passport aka a white people passport?
I swear Algeria is not perfect but if there is one thing the rest of the Global South needs to learn from Algeria it is the principle of reciprocity and not just for Visa for everything. But for visa I think the lack of reciprocity is fucked up like what kind of government has so little dignity they open their doors to people who won’t open back their doors to their people?
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that anon yesterday really ground my gears so lets quickly review some historical facts:
1. white men get accused of rape, pedophilia, and incest, and more often than not escape any form of tangible consequence. this is especially true when their victims are people of color.
2. men of color get accused of rape, pedophilia, or incest, and get lynched before there's even a trial. these accusations often come from white women to escape consequences for sexually assaulting the man in question.
3. rape and pedophilia have been used as forms of colonial-imperial violence to enforce white supremacy by both white men and women who, shocker, almost always got off with any consequences. and yes, its an issue that is still incredibly, horrifyingly relevant today.
4. people of color have been systematically painted as sexual deviants, incestuous savages, rapists, and child predators by white society from the moment they met us, which was then used to justify hundreds of years of enslaving, torturing, raping, and murdering people of color across the globe.
so, to review and add it all together:
rape, pedophilia, incest, and other forms of sexual violence are, first and foremost, an extension of violence, NOT sexual desire. treating sexual violence as solely an expression of desire is a privilege of white heteropatriarchy. when people of color open admit to wanting to engage in acts of sexual violence, they get killed. when white people do it, they make a new porn category for it.
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hussyknee · 11 months
I know some dickheads have now decided that Judaism is the "bad, violent, terrorist religion" and Islam is the "good, peaceful" one, which is only to be expected of white people, but how much of an issue is it currently? Like I've seen some USAmericans sharing how the Islamic faith shapes Gazans values and perseverance (good) except with that distinct white hippie "I'm about to imprint on this like the world's most racist duck" vibe (bad), but I didn't think they're already turning on Judaism in numbers.
Do they realize that Christianity is also the same kind of comfort to Christian minorities in Asia and Africa? That it was Buddhists that genocided the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Tamils in Sri Lanka? That Hindu fundamentalists are even now trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims in India? How Hindus and Christians are terrorized and persecuted in Pakistan? That Muslims have a history of persecuting and ethnically cleansing Jews too?
Really tired of asking y'all to be normal about people's religions man. There's no religion that's inherently violent or exceptionally peaceful. It's just like any other ideology that becomes a weapon in the hands of ethnic power. Interrogate power, not religion, and respect people's belief systems insofar as they aren't in your business.
Edit: I've amended the "long history" of Muslim persecution of Jews because it might be misleading in the current political climate. Zionism and antisemitic Arab nationalism are twin births resulting directly from Christian colonization, and Islamic empires tended to actually be more tolerant of other religions compared to Christianity, especially Judaism, which was considered a sibling religion. Antisemitism wasn't ideologically entrenched in Islamic tradition. It's simply that ethno-religious power will lead to ethno religious domination and intermittent cleansing of minorities, and Islam is no exception. Humans be humaning always.
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Just two tweets on why non-Black people really should not be using "Rest in Power" for the deaths of White people (even when they are allies for the cause):
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- mod sodapop
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matan4il · 1 year
Every single time I hear someone referring to a Jewish person as ‘white’ another little piece of my soul dies.
As a non-American Jew, the first time I ever heard Jews being referred to as white was when I was a full grown adult watching an American reality show. I FOR REAL thought they were making that shit up in order to generate buzz and get people talking about the controversy! That’s how foreign the notion was to me. Imagine my shock and horror to discover that THIS IS A COMMON MISCONCEPTION IN THE UNITED STATES.
It’s the way that referring to Jews as ‘white’ ERASES white people’s antisemitism, it erases our persecution at the hands of white people, it erases our suffering, it erases the OTHERING that Jews had suffered for CENTURIES from actual white people.
Based on what the skin tone of some Jews in a few places might afford them SO LONG AS NO ONE KNOWS THEY’RE JEWISH.
If you have to hide your real identity in order to enjoy the privileges of being perceived as white, YOU’RE NOT WHITE (this is true for Jews just like it is true for other white-passing People of Color).
White passing is not the same as white.
Jews are NOT white. Not a single one of us. Not even the ones who can pass as white, let alone all of the Jews who can’t.
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b-0-ngripper · 9 months
Real shit
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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ednav · 2 years
Of course I love how Benoit Blanc is so shamelessly, fabulously, himself. How he’s gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide [GNU Terry Pratchett]. How he doesn’t hide that his brain is peculiar, for better or for worse. How he picks the cases he likes.
But I also love that in Glass Onion Rian Johnson shows us that Blanc can choose to be himself because he’s protected by his privilege of rich, upper-class, white man.
Which in turn leads me to notice how in both movies Blanc uses his privilege to protect a working-class woman and a Black woman, but he always refuses to be their saviour. He just creates the conditions in which they can choose to be themselves and save themselves—and punish their oppressors.
[Edit: A couple of people pointed out that Marta is actually white, even if the Thrombeys would probably disagree. I’d add that Helen isn’t exactly working-class, she’s simply less rich than the Disruptors shitheads. Anyway: I apologise—I’ve edited the post.]
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