tommymila · 2 years
Marsala & Navy Flowers Rustic Wood Wedding Invitation
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Tags #watercolorflowers #outdoorwedding #botanical #floralweddinginvitation #modernweddinginvite #woodrusticwedding #marsalaandpinkfloral #burgundyredrose #whitelights #navyblueflowers
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drrav3nb · 6 months
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HOLLY MARIE COMB as Piper Halliwell JOHN CHO as Mark Chao CHARMED | 1.04: Dead Man Dating
Close your eyes. Pretend that you can feel my hand on your skin, that my touch gives you comfort.
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holliday-is-holligay · 4 months
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 28 days
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I am living proof that magic happens when witches and whitelighters get together
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buddiesmutslut · 3 months
Currently watching Charmed, since I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, & Leo’s just shared that he was in med school & dropped out to be a medic in the army instead…
Not unlike somebody else we all know.
The Buddie brainrot never ends 😩
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theta-donaldson · 6 months
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This is my half of an art trade with @deadangelcat
I was given the choice of three oc's to draw and I chose Whitelight! She's looking over her checklist for the day!
Thank you for the art trade, it was fun! :>
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lyssak09 · 5 months
Yandere Leo Wyatt Headcanons (Charmed 1998)
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I'm so sorry that I fell off the face of the earth but that's life. Enjoy these random yandere headcanons. I have been rewatching Charmed, which I grew up watching, and it randomly gave me inspiration again. Yay! I've been in love with Leo for like my whole life, so these may be a tad long. Happy Reading
(FYI you are a charmed one in this but I don't specify which one you've taken the place of since I love all of them, but I do mention Piper and Pheobe in this. Maybe they're all alive in this or something lol)
We know Leo is protective of those he cares about, especially the ones he loves. So as a yandere, his protectiveness is 20 times worse. He keeps an eye on you at all times even when you can't see him, if he sees or senses you might be doing something too dangerous for his liking (including normal activities like cooking) he'll orb in and take over for you.
Leo doesn't have a concept of boundaries when it comes to you. So he’ll orb in at any time, it doesn’t matter if it's during intimate moments like you’re hoping out of the shower.
Leo watches you 24/7, even when he’s with his other charges. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the bathroom, asleep in bed, out with friends, or spending time with your sisters, he’ll have an eye on you.
He watches you sleep almost every night, you’re just so cute and peaceful when you sleep. And if he’s feeling bold he might even lay with you on the bed, perhaps cuddle you if you’re in a deep sleep. It makes him feel like you’re a couple when he does that, furthering his delusions.
Leo is a huge guard dog, not just from creatures but from humans too. He knows how to fight, and his combat skills are insane, but people seem to forget that about him which he takes advantage of. If someone or something badmouthed you then they better be ready for a fight.
He is so sweet to you, in an old-fashioned sort of way. If you’re entering a room he’ll beat you to the door to hold it open for you, even if you’re just going to the attic. He’ll carry your bag or jacket when you’re out and about. Leo will always make you walk on the opposite of traffic on sidewalks, meaning he walks on the traffic side of the pavement.
Leo loves anything you do, especially when you talk though, he could listen to you yap for hours, even if it's something he has no idea what it is! He’ll even ask questions about the topic, anything you care about is something he will want to know. Leo will learn about everything you watch and read, just so he can actually talk to you about it and know what you’re talking about. But he does love just listening to you ramble about something, happily letting you talk and him listen. 
One of the things he hates about being a whitelighter/dead is that he can’t really talk about himself to your friends. Such as at parties, he can’t tell them the truth about who he is, which bothers him as he wants your friends to like him without lying to them, that way they can urge you to go for him/accept his advances!
Even if/when you’re not dating he’ll get paranoid and jealous when you talk to men (even women), even Dan who obviously has a thing for Piper, not you. 
Leo will get you to go on a date with him, either he begged you, coerced you, or just got you with his charm.
He will use his dream leaping ability to hop into your dreams and manipulate them. He makes you dream of dates with him to not only help ‘convince’ you and your subconscious to seriously date him but also test out date ideas. He needs to know which ones will work better for your first date!
Leo's sweet demeanor masks his manipulative intentions as he orchestrates the perfect first date. 
He’ll take advantage of knowing you your entire life to get the perfect first date. Leo will get your favorite food, and do any activity you want. He will manipulate you into saying yes to a second date, then a third, a fourth, and so on.
Leo’s more than willing to stoop low enough to manipulate you into being his girlfriend <3
“I’d do anything for you, Y/N! I’m willing to die again if it means you’ll go out with me. Please, it's just one date! Your sisters will be fine without you for a couple of hours. So what do you say?”
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And if that doesn’t work he has more tricks up his sleeve, In the worst-case scenario he has to enact his plans even if you aren’t dating, all it does is make it a bit more difficult if you aren’t. 
Leo’s behavior gets worse even if you don’t start dating. His paranoia intensifies once you're officially together, leading him to become increasingly possessive and controlling. He becomes jealous and suspicious of anyone you interact with, even your own sisters or close friends
He will start having you do different things from the rest of your sisters, like giving you a different mission while the rest of your sisters deal with a demon. You will notice he’s giving you easier or ‘safer’ things to do, like having you work on potions, or giving you simple monsters to vanquish, and always being around you when your sisters have you watch an innocent.
When you express discomfort or resistance to his controlling behavior, Leo gaslights you, making you doubt your perceptions and sanity. He twists situations to make you believe that his actions are motivated by love and concern, making himself appear as the victim of your supposed ingratitude or lack of trust.
“I’m your whitelighter and your boyfriend, Y/N! It's literally my job to protect, care for, and guide you in the right direction. I’m sorry that I’m just trying to do my job as a boyfriend and whitelighter! Don’t you trust me?”
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The way he says it makes your heart ache slightly and keeps you from arguing with him for a bit longer.
A part of him will understand that what he feels for you isn’t healthy, that his feelings for you are way stronger than most. But he’s too in love to care.
I’m serious when I say he’s lovesick. When he’s around you he gets all flustered and blushes, he can’t get the thought of you out of his head. Everything you do is either special, amazing, or adorable to him. Even just seeing you eat, or you reading the book of Shadows.
Leo knows the Elders would flip a lid if they find out how deep his feelings for you really are. He’s kept it hidden from everyone so far, everyone just thinks he has a normal crush on you. 
Your sisters will urge you to date him, he’s perfect for you! He’s kind, loving, smart, handsome, and can orb you wherever you want for a date! You don’t realize his crush on you for a bit till your sisters have to practically spell it out for you after he brought you some flowers for the 5th week in a row. 
Leo says he’s a pacifist but he knows that when it comes to you, he’ll kill a person/thing without a second thought or regret. Especially if they were/about to harm you or get in between his relationship with you, his devotion to you knows no bounds. He is willing to forsake his pacifist beliefs and commit acts of violence without hesitation if he perceives a threat to you or your relationship. His love for you erases any second thoughts, leading him to justify his actions as necessary sacrifices for the sake of your safety and happiness.
He is quietly making plans on how to stay with you forever without the Elders intervening or putting a stop to him. Leo could either bargain with them, possibly using some information he found that they don’t know about but desperately need, or he could take a more…aggressive option. 
Leo is willing to kill or maim the elders and anyone else who gets in the way, he’ll try no violence or the least violent ways first. He’s not afraid to use a darklighter’s bow and get the elders out of the way, he could possibly take over and keep you up there with him if he takes that route.
He showers you with affection and attention, bombarding you with declarations of love, and gifts, but mainly acts of service. He overwhelms you with displays of devotion, to the point it might feel suffocating. But everyone keeps telling you that they’d kill for someone to do that for them, even your sisters say you’re being ridiculous, that you should feel lucky and happy Leo does that for you. Maybe you’re just overthinking it?
“No you guys don’t understand! I can’t get a moment to myself without him orbing in with a gift or him beating me to a task I had been planning to do.” You complain to your sisters. They give you a funny look before laughing, “You’re being ridiculous Y/N, he’s just trying to show you he loves you. I wouldn’t complain if Dan would weed the garden for me” Piper says before smiling at you. You let out a frustrated huff. “That's not the point Piper! It’s overwhelming!” You exasperate. “Then what is the point Y/N? Because to me, it sounds like you’re complaining about a good thing.” Phoebe said with a slight tone. You quiet down a bit and think, “Maybe I am being ridiculous, maybe Leo is just trying to show he cares?”
The main ways he shows affection are acts of service and physical touch. Do you have a project for the house you’ve been planning to do? He’s already done it. You’re about to plant some flowers in the backyard? Don’t worry! He’ll do it for you. Those dishes in the sink you were planning to do are already done. Any improvements you talked about, even if it was in just one conversation and didn’t really plan to do it, are either done or he’s working on it. He loves being your handyman, it goes with his 1940s-esque views of what a husband should do.
One of the things he loved about just being the handyman, before you knew that he was a whitelighter, was when you’d bring him something to drink or snack on while he worked. It made him picture you as a wife even more than he already was. Anytime you brought him a drink he’d look away from the project he was working on and gain the biggest goofiest smile.
“Hey Leo, I made some lemonade the other day, would you like some? I don’t want you to die of dehydration just because you’re busy working out here.” You joke as you look up at him, covering your eyes a bit to block the sun. He smiles and steps down from the ladder, “I wouldn’t want that either” he jokes and laughs, you still don’t know he’s technically dead. Nor do you know much about who he is really. “I guess the gutters can wait for a bit.” Leo laughed and scratched the back of his neck, you make him so nervous! You notice how red his cheeks have gotten but just brush it off, he has been working in the yard for over an hour now. “Sweet, why don’t you come inside for a second and cool off? I’ll go get that lemonade.” You smile and head inside, while Leo follows you in like a puppy. All he can do when you hand him a glass of lemonade with that beautiful smile of yours is blush even harder and smile like a fool.
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Leo uses his powers often once you guys learn he’s a whitelighter and he’ll use them to his advantage. If/when he enacts his plan (whichever one he goes with) he’ll use them if you try to escape. Say you get so desperate that you attack him and run he’ll quickly regenerate and use his sensing ability to track you down.
If he goes down the avatar path (like he did in the show) then he’ll use those powers to an insane amount. Such as the power negation to cancel out your powers so you can’t use them against him. And he’ll use the reality-warping one to make the perfect place for you together. 
Leo will also use the chronokinesis power when needed. 
Either way, no matter what powers he has he will use them, it's only fair if you try to use them against him
Leo loves you more than anything on earth, and he’ll make sure he gets his girl in the end. Hopefully, your sisters will catch on to his plans before it's too late. 
But just know Leo won’t go down without a fight, and he sure as hell isn’t going to let go of you so easily.
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minnarr · 4 months
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This book is so so handy. If y'all ever want to start repairing your own stuff, and don't have an armorer willing to teach you, this covers 99% of the things you will need to fix your blades and cords.
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Prue (SHANNEN DOHERTY) and Piper (HOLLY MARIE COMBS) are both killed after The Source resets time by The Source's assassin Shax (MICHAEL BAILEY SMITH) meanwhile Phoebe agreed to stay in the underworld in order to save Piper.
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When Season 4 premiered Shannen had been fired and Rose McGowan hired to replace her. Rose took on the role of long lost sister Paige Matthews.
And Prue and Dr Griffiths were killed but Leo was somehow able to heal Piper. So the CHARMED ONES were reconstituted with PIPER, PHOEBE & PAIGE.
Shannen and Prue never appeared on CHARMED again. A true lost.
I respect Paige and her portrayer Rose McGowan. She quickly gained a following making some forget Prue and embrace the new CHARMED ONES.
But me and many liked me moved on, but we never forgot SHANNEN DOHERTY or her iconic character of Prue Halliwell.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Oneshot: Dream & Whitelighter Reader
Part 4: Hello... uh... Kids?
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Another epic request from @panic100 for our Whitelighter reader and Dream Lord pairing 🥰 They're so cute!
Dream walked the quiet halls of his palace, deep feelings of lingering sorrow swirling in each step he took. Rain poured down outside, lightly beating against the windows and filling the silence with light taps. It had been a week since he and the Whitelighter had seen one another. A week since she had suggested they spend some time apart. 
She loved him. He knew she did, but between the two of them trouble seemed unavoidable and she had the Fisher witches room look after. Still, knowing her reasonings hadn't lessened the pain he felt with her absence. When he entered the throne room he nearly collapsed at the sight of her standing looking up at his throne. "Whitelighter, I thought you were planning on staying away for a time."
She turned, revealing herself to be not his Whitelighter. The girl was younger with a different but similar face, but it was her eyes that gave away who she was. She smiled. "Hey… Dad. It's good to see you."
The girls had gone off on their own, leaving me in the quiet house by myself. Usually I'd welcome the peacefulness that an empty house brought me, but this time I longed for the insanity of my girls. Anything was better than sitting here, reliving the pain of letting Dream go. I hadn't ended it, couldn't end it, a week ago when I'd suggested this stupid break… And truthfully I was torn between cursing myself for not doing it then and wishful thinking I could take it all back.
I took the garbage to the curb, waving at the neighbors before reentering the house and nearly slamming into Dreams' tall, black clad figure. "Dream… I thought you were staying in The Dreaming for a while. Did something happen?"
He turned, revealing a younger face and familiar eyes… My eyes. The boy smiled, wide and full, so unlike Dreams would have been. "Hello, mother."
Dream watched this girl… His daughter as she wandered around the palace, judging things that were supposedly different from her time. This was impossible… No, it was perfectly within the realm of belief, but this was impossible. "How did you get here?"
"Magic, obviously." She said sarcastically. "Demos was supposed to be here too, but it looks like we got split up."
"Demos?" He asked quietly.
She looked back at him and nodded. "My big brother. Your son."
A son. He had another son. It was both painful and wonderful, this knowledge. "Demos," he whispered. "And what is your name?"
The girl's smile widened, she was so much like his Whitelighter. "Alessia. You and mom sure do like Greek names."
"Your mother…" 
She said her name softly, reverently, and it solidified her claim. None knew the Whitelighters true name, none but those she trusted most and, it would seem, their children. "She hates when we call her Whitelighter. Says it makes her feel like she's on duty."
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"Uncle Destiny sent us. Said some vague mumbo jumbo about the two of you needing proof or something." She shrugged. "I didn't really listen that closely, but he said Mom could send us back."
Dream nodded. "She's quite skilled in this area of magic. It should be simple for her to fix. Come, we will go to her."
"In a bit! I want to see what's different!" Alessia hurried down the halls toward the library before he could stop her. Yes, she was quite like her mother.
"Mother?" The boy said again. "Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?"
I nodded, finally remembering to breathe. "Yeah… Sitting down would be great."
He helped me to the couch, his cold hands leaving me quickly towards the kitchen where he grabbed a glass of water and returned to my side. The boy stood awkwardly beside me, looking around with curious eyes. "I did not intend to find you like this. We were supposed to remain together, at least that's what I thought."
"We?" I nearly choked on my water.
"Yes, me and Alessia." His face shifted to remembrance. "I forget you're not my version of you. Alessia is my younger sister. Your daughter."
A daughter. A son and a daughter… It was insane. "And Dream… He's…"
"Dream of the Endless is our father, yes. You husband too, where I'm from."
"Oh." It was relieving to hear, and yet it only made my stomach twist. I'd caused all this unnecessary hurt to both me and Dream. "And is that why you're here? To help me see what's to come?"
He shrugged. "Perhaps. Destiny didn't disclose much, he just told us we needed to come back to convince you two of the possibilities ahead."
The longer I looked at him, the more certain I was that this was my son, mine and Dreams. "Do I get to know your name?"
"Demos." He smiled and set his hand on mine. "It's good to see you, mother."
"Have we not seen one another in a while, where you're from?"
"We have, but it's different seeing you like this. I'm so used to seeing you in fine clothes with your crown and advice on the tip of your tongue… A scolding if it's Alessia."
I laughed. "I can't imagine all that."
Demos nodded and chuckled. "You will one day."
"I guess it's time to go find your sister and get you two home, huh?"
"Any idea where we'll find her?"
"Only one."
Dream and Alessia had toured nearly the whole of The Dreaming and quite truthfully he could listen to her talk forever. She spoke so warmly that he found himself drawn to everything she said. When they neared the bridge to the palace he saw the Whitelighter waiting with a tall boy beside her. His son. Alessia breathed out softly. "Mom."
"You must be Alessia," the Whitelighter said with a joyful grin. "This is a little weird, isn't it?"
She shook her head. "Not for me. I'm used to seeing you. You're fancier then though."
"So I've been told."
Dream found himself unable to move, to speak as he stood looking at his son. He looked like Orpheus, all but his eyes. Those belonged to his mother. Demos smiled at him. "Father."
At last he was able to reach forward, to hold a hand to his son's face. "Demos… My son."
The boy nodded, "I'm sorry for dropping in so unexpectedly."
"We couldn't exactly call though," Alessia said with a smirk. "But I guess the fun is over, isn't it?"
"Yes," his Whitelighter said. "We need to get you back before you start causing trouble."
"It was good hanging out with you Dad," the girl said. "We'll do it again sometime."
Dream watched the Whitelighter perform the spell, enchanted as he always was when he saw her use magic. "A time for everything, and to everything its place return what has been moved through time and space."
They stood on the bridge side by side after their children returned to their rightful places. "So… Today was eye opening."
Dream chuckled. "Yes, it certainly was."
"I'm sorry…" She whispered. "For causing all this unnecessary trouble."
The Whitelighter smiled. "Challenges it seems we manage to make it through."
"No," he said. "You only did what you thought best for you and your wards. I could never hold it against you. A pairing like ours comes with challenges."
"I can think of little my Whitelighter cannot handle."
"And I can think of even less that my Dream isn't prepared for."
She turned, curling herself into his arms and pressing her soft lips to his. Everything was in its rightful place at last.
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fleetcaptain · 1 month
Leo demanding not to be mortal anymore:
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vanquishedmelon · 2 months
The Choice
Prue Halliwell Appreciation Week 2024 - Day 6: A Prue AU.
Canon Divergent AU: Prue becomes a Whitelighter.
I always just sort of thought, like, [Prue] became an Elder. But like, obviously an Elder that—she becomes a cool Elder, she becomes the most powerful Elder... -Shannen Doherty, The House of Halliwell, Episode 1, 2024.
The Elders had been nothing but trouble ever since she became a witch. It was like all they wanted to do was make her and her sisters' lives hell. Yet their offer was so… tempting... Read below the cut or on Ao3.
Author's Note: I may revisit this in the future because I definitely wanted to write more but I didn't want it to get too long. This is just shy of 1k words and I like the idea of all these pieces being under 1k. I probably could have removed the first half but no, we need more Prue x Death content.
Prue had been a spirit before—it wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat. Seeing your unconscious body below you, and the odd sensation of light-headedness unlike any other that turns into a blinding headache upon returning to your body. Astral projection was a much easier process, and Prue had been putting off her desire to try and use the power in a spirit form simply because she didn’t know if she’d have to experience those sensations again.
Despite that, Prue didn’t recognise her situation when she rose. She had just been thrown through a wall—she was bound to be feeling a little out of it, and as she registered her surroundings, she failed to question the absence of Leo or her sisters.
It was only when she looked across the foyer and saw him that panic rose. Her head spun around, finding her own unconscious body on the floor behind her alongside Piper’s, blood flowing heavily from both. She needed to look away, but that meant looking back to him…
She glared at him in anger. “What are you doing here?” This wasn’t right. Leo would be here any second to heal them. She wasn’t dead.
Yet it was the personification of Death himself who stood in front of her, expression as frustratingly neutral as the last time she saw him.
“You know what I’m doing here.” He stepped forward. “To be quite honest, I was not expecting to see your name at the top of my list again.” A beat. “But it will not be changing this time.”
“Yes, it will. My sisters will—”
“No, it won’t.” He spoke with agitation, struggling to maintain his neutrality. “It’s your time. Nothing your sisters can do will change this.”
With an outstretched hand, Death took another step towards Prue. “So, you best come with me now before they see you as a spirit. Trust me. It will be harder for them if they do. And harder for you, too.”
She glanced at his hand, his words running over in her mind. How would it be harder? They could say goodbye at the very least… Even so, she felt a pull towards him, her steps small as she approached him, as though she were being controlled by a higher power. Reaching out to take his hand, their touch was met with a flash of light, transporting them to an identical setting, except for the uncanny feeling of loneliness and discolouration.
Satisfied he had done his job, Death promptly released Prue’s hand and summoned his list with a flick of his wrist, checking the next name.
“This is where I leave you.”
“Wait—” But before she could voice her protest, the grey surroundings of the astral plane were filled with familiar bright white light. The light enveloped her, bringing with them a sense of tranquillity and peace Prue had never experienced before.
As the lights dissipated, Prue took in her new surroundings, which felt strangely familiar. Before her stood two figures she recognised as Elders—robed figures who exuded an aura of authority and goodness.
“What’s going on?”
“We are giving you a choice. Your destiny as a Charmed One has been fulfilled, and the powers beyond us will not allow it to be changed. It is your time.”
Prue wanted to butt in and ask who exactly these “powers” beyond the Elders were who could make that decision, but they were too focused on their pitch to let her speak.
“We can, however, offer you an alternate destiny. The chance to be a Whitelighter. If you accept, we will assign you to new witches—witches who have come to the craft in similar ways to you. You can continue the fight against evil and give them the support you wish you had.”
She suspected this was coming, but the offer still took her by surprise. It was certainly tempting. Who better to guide new witches than one who had been in the same situation? And it was a way to see her sisters…
“Do I get to see my sisters?” She couldn’t let them know how much she wanted this. Her concern for her sisters far surpassed her desire to help innocents, no matter how hard she fought it.
“One day. The mortal world thinks you are dead, Prudence. We cannot risk magic being exposed. There will be a time where you can see them again, but for now you would be assigned in a place with no risk of exposure.”
Prue crossed her arms over her chest. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Not that it mattered in all honesty—she wasn’t above disobeying the Elders, and it would be their poor judgment for offering her the position to begin with. They must know how risky it was when her mother and sister famously rebelled against the Elders with their Whitelighters.
But wasn’t her sister happily married now…?
“I’ll do it—I’ll become a Whitelighter.” Prue said after a tense minute’s silence. “But. You need to tell Leo. I understand. I can’t see my sisters right now. But I want them to know. He can explain it to them. And that way I know they will hold you accountable to that promise.”
Prue met the gaze of the shorter of the two Elders, who looked back at her with a knowing glint, as if she knew Prue would demand exactly this.
“Very well.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “He is with your sisters right now, but he will know by the end of your orientation.”
“Orientation…?” She said, looking down to her hands, which were beginning to glow a warm golden colour. The glow spread across her body, engulfing her in the same peacefulness she felt when she was transported here. When she looked back up, the two Elders were smiling at her.
“Of course.”
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 1 month
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it takes a lot of strength to see what you see
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numenrecords · 1 year
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newlightwavesblog · 4 months
White Unity
Geometry of Cube
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In our daily lives, we can sometimes struggle to find inner balance and clarity. The color white and the geometry of the Cube can help us achieve this unity and wisdom. This meditation is designed to connect you with the purifying energy of white and the stable geometry of the Cube, allowing you to harmonize your mind and body.
Preparing for the Meditation
A serene and harmonious environment is essential for effective meditation. Here are some tips to prepare your space:
• White accessories: Use white cushions, candles, or fabrics in your meditation area. This color helps you get in the right mood and absorb the energy of white.
• Soothing music: Choose soft, calming music that relaxes your mind. This helps you focus on the meditation and deeply relax.
• Comfortable sitting position: Ensure a comfortable sitting position where you can fully relax and focus.
Visualization and Breathing
Visualization is a powerful technique that helps you deeply integrate the energy of white into your meditation:
• Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out. Imagine you are surrounded by a bright white light that flows through your entire body.
• Feel the Light: Let this light fill you with purity and unity. Visualize it removing all tension and worries, and how your body and mind fill with clarity and balance.
Geometric Focus: Cube
The Cube is a simple yet powerful geometric shape that symbolizes stability and balance:
• Visualize the Cube: Imagine the Cube appearing before you, filled with white light. Focus on the stable structure and right angles of this geometric figure.
• Concentrate on the energy: Feel the energy of stability and balance that this geometric shape radiates. Let this energy flow through your entire body, filling you with inner unity.
Integration of Insights
During the meditation, thoughts and feelings may arise. It is important to observe these without judgment and let them go:
• Observe your thoughts: Let thoughts and feelings arise and observe them without judgment. Then let them go.
• Note your insights: After the meditation, take time to write down your insights and feelings. Reflect on how you can integrate these into your daily life to experience a lasting sense of unity and wisdom.
Meditating on the color white and the geometry of the Cube offers a powerful way to achieve inner unity, purity and wisdom. By preparing your environment, using visualization and breathing techniques and focusing on sacred geometry, you can deepen your meditation practice and experience its positive effects. Join our event on June 3, 2024, and discover the power of white in your spiritual journey. Register for free and begin your journey to inner unity and wisdom.
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