#who allowed me to make this much lore in such a short amount of time?
emi-writings · 5 months
I started writing a tntduo oneshot, because I felt like giving my readers a quick fic to enjoy after the whole... thing (and because Burning Iron chapters take forever because I do research and I plot out how everything goes, etc).
It was a werewolf AU...
And 2000 words in, the fic started off strong but is now coming across like shit...
Because it's very obviously rushed...
But my ideas are way, way too many to fit into a oneshot...
So you know... that's great...
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thechy-fychannel · 15 days
I try not to get hung up on timelines but I swear Wilson's timeline makes no damn sense to me 😭 I don't believe we are ever given a precise birth date for him, so assuming he's about the same age as his actor (who already looked incredibly young for his age) he would've had to be a child prodigy as well for the timeline to make sense.
RSL was born in 1969, so we'll use that year for Wilson too bc I just cannot imagine him being any older than that. He was 35 when the show aired and could've easily passed for his 20s. Aging him up more than 35 feels incredibly unrealistic with how young he looked.
Being born in 1969 means he likely graduated high school in 1987ish. Four years of undergraduate school already puts him at 1991 before he even starts med school. Another 4 years in med school puts him at 1995, 3 years after he meets House. And that doesn't even include his residency years after he graduated.
But wasn't Wilson already a doctor when they met? He said him and Sam split because he was working two jobs while doing his residency in order to put her through med school. So we can extrapolate that when he met House, he had graduated but was still going through his residency in 1992.
For shits and giggles, let's say he graduated as a prodigy at 16 in 1985, 4 yrs of undergrad- 1989, and let's say he did the accelerated program that allowed him to graduate med school in 3 years, 1992. That would make sense if Wilson had only just started his residency when he met House. But according to his lore, he must've been doing his residency for a while in order for it to affect his marriage so much that they divorced. They'd already been split up for a while before he was served divorce papers.
Even if that timeline makes a little more sense, what doesn't make sense is that he would've finished his residency between 1995 and 1998 (even later if he didn't graduate early) and then sometime between then and before the show aired, he became the HEAD of the oncology department. I'm pretty sure he had been department head for a while before the show aired, but even if he'd only been promoted to department head just before the show started, that means he was made department head 5-9 years after finishing his residency. I don't know how ranking in a hospital works, but less than a decade out of his residency feels like a very short amount of time to become head of a huge department in a big teaching hospital— one of the best in the country.
I guess the solution that makes the most sense is to consider him to be closer to 40 at the beginning of the show, but you cannot look at that young sweet face in s1 and tell me that man is anywhere close to 40. He doesn't even start looking close to 40 until s6 imo.
Anyways, feel free to ignore this. This is just what runs through my head while I'm pretending to be busy at work.
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fragmentofmemories · 2 months
Unnamed Touhou Fanwork Old Dream Glissando Update 3/Summary
(AKA Mentally preparing myself for the upcoming work ahead, also my longest update yet~)
Previous update
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(March 2024. A snippet of Reimu, Marisa and Satsuki's designs for ODG)
Lots of good things in general here! Actually lots of things, period.
First of all: The title is up now!
I did lie about the "unnamed" a bit, considering I had Old Dream Glissando for a while (lol). I had other ones before, but I feel this one's both the shortest and the most meaningful for the plot...
...So, what is Old Dream Glissando about?
In summary, Old Dream Glissando is an action/adventure web manga series based on the Touhou Project franchise.
Set between TH5 and 6, it tells the story of main characters Reimu and Marisa, as they investigate the cause behind the recent drop in youkai sightings.
Their first clue: a human girl with the ability to heal through her erhu...
What to expect from ODG?
A bigger focus on the PC-98 era, which includes characters, abilities, locations and so on from TH1 to 5. Genre-wise, expect plenty of action too.
Windows Era characters most likely won't make an appearance, unless there is a logical or "lore-friendly" explanation to their earlier appearance.
Talking about lore: The story leans more toward PC-98 canon. That is to say, in ODG, most of what's said in PC-98 takes precedence over what's said in Windows.
However, this does not mean it will completely disregard everything the Windows era established.
My goal is not 100% accuracy — Rin Satsuki and all — but to nevertheless respect the later lore as much as the PC-98 era allows it. Marisa still knows who Rinnosuke is because she's known him since childhood, as one example...
Where will it be available?
On Tumblr and Pixiv alike! I talked a little about the posting process in the previous update, so to make it short:
I will first post the sketch versions of various pages as I work on the current chapter. This has various purposes: First, to gauge interest. Two, to tease what's about to happen next. And Three, for potential feedback as not everything is set in stone yet.
After completing the chapter, each page will be posted on bulks of 20, as that is the limit one can post at a time on this site.
All of this will be done not here, but rather in a blog dedicated to ODG! Said blog is still on the works, as I'm making sure non-Tumblr users get easy access to it. However, I will link to it as soon as it's ready.
On Pixiv, only the full version will be posted there. Although, there it will be all in one, single post given the larger amount of images one can upload at once (up to 200).
Lastly, for the Update part of this post: Chapter 1's storyboard is done!
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And with it comes a slightly more bittersweet part: It's 72 pages long, which is even higher than the standard 50-60 pages most first chapters have.
Am I discouraged by this? Nah, not really! It's why I mentioned the posting process: So as to avoid leaving this project in the dark for too long.
Later chapters won't be as long either — limiting myself to up to 30 pages for those.
And so, I come in knowing I will spend the remainder of this year working on this chapter — posting updates while I also iron out the rest of the story.
I'm not setting myself any unrealistic deadlines (like of course I'm not doing this in a week lol), and I'm very aware this is a long term project. So the way I see it: Old Dream Glissando is a project I'll be chipping away day by day until it's finished.
Current thoughts on this project:
I'm having plenty of fun with it! Being a webcomic, it's pushing me into learning many new things, as well as exercising what I already know as an artist.
Likewise, limiting myself to Pre-Windows era Touhou means I get to play around with PC-98's quirks (No spellcards, Reimu can't fly and is more airheaded, etc...). As such, I made sure to add plenty of details about said era — some more obscure than others.
Once more updates begin rolling in, I hope people have fun finding said details, as I had fun writing them into the story...
I'm making a Touhou manga set between PC-98 and Windows; It's a long-term project; It will be posted chapter-by-chapter on Tumblr (in its own blog) and Pixiv; Chapter 1's storyboard (script & panelling) is done; It's too long though, so I'll be posting WIP pages as I work the rest of the year on it.
Next update probably won't happen in a while, so see you next time!
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edens-passing-if · 1 year
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Eden's Passing is a 16+ game made in Twine by me, Doc, and is my first attempt at making an interactive fiction game!
Genre: Primarily Fantasy and Comedy focused with a smidge of Mystery and Horror elements. Do tell me if a separate catagory fits, please!
Warnings: Trauma, Bodily Injury without feeling it, Body Horror in general (more will be added as time goes on, these are what I'm currently certain off)
Demo: In the works!
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Alone in a land you can't recall and stuck at the bottom of a seemingly endless ravine, the start of your journey isn't a pleasant one. Body slowly crumbling away, memory missing, and seemingly stuck with a stranger intent on calling you a name you can't remember, your attempts to leave seem fruitless until they finally offer a helping hand. Hopefully with no strings attached.
Set in the world of Nyr, you're just a lost soul trying to figure out who you are and what happened to you.
Features, added or intended:
☆ Fully customizable MC (name, hair, skin color, personality, etc.)
☆ Romantic or Platonic routes, Poly included.
☆ Long Crocodile. You'll see. ♡
☆ Learn more about the world and maybe save it, maybe launch a salamander at someone.
☆ Diverse cast of characters, ethnicities, religions, etc! (Please do tell me if anything's not accurate enough, it's fantasy, yes, but I am using some real-life ethnicities and such as basis!)
☆ A lot of lore. A lot. I made a map. I will do more than just a map. It's inevitable.
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Eden's Passing isn't romance focused but, those inclined towards it, does have multiple routes with it.
Zacharie, M, 36(RO)
A 4'11" man with spiky green hair and red tinted glasses. Adventurers clothing, torn at the edges and taped to his body on his limbs, cover most of his skin. What you can see of his skin, primarily his face, has stitches spanning the length and width. No one is allowed to touch them. Beyond that, he seems nice, even when he mutters insults at passing plants or argues with books. But his skittishness towards others is concerning, especially the glint of pure terror he sometimes shows. It's typical to see him hovering around Cassian, primarily either hiding behind him or riding his shoulders.
Solo OR Poly route with Cassian or Florian.
Cassian, M, 29 (RO)
At 6'6, he's the tallest of the group. Long black hair drapes down well past his hips, sometimes being used to hide his eyes from others. Old yet well cared for armor is his ordinary choice of clothing, no matter the situation. Quiet and melancholic, it's hard to catch him smiling at much of anything. Despite that, he's the first to jump into a fight to protect his friends. One of the few people to understand Zacharie, he keeps a firm eye on anyone that might pose a threat to the smaller man. A bit of an enabler, he will turn a blind eye to the more playful deeds his companions wish to take.
Solo OR Poly route with Zacharie.
Florian, Gender Selectable (M/F/NB), 25 (RO)
At 5'3", they're the second shortest of the group. Blond curly and short hair, styled like an odd pixie cut, clashes against the bright red coat they drap over themself. Two antennae stick out from their scalp, twitching at any stimulus. A butterfly bow, which sometimes flaps on its own when Florians distressed, keeps it from falling off. When they're not being pestered by Zacharie or Wynn, they're actually the most sensible of the group. A bit of a motherhen, they do their best to prevent the others from getting into trouble. It's a thankless job, and they aren't even getting paid for it.
Solo OR Poly routes with Wynn or Zacharie.
Wynn, Gender Selectable (M/F/NB), 23 (RO)
A 5'9" elf that's joined the group alongside Florian. Long, pointed, and pierced ears flick every so often, parting their short, light purple hair. Clad in a cape that trails in the air and an outfit that shows off a concerning amount of chest, they aren't the shyest with showing skin. Long pants that hide even their boots cover their legs, yet never get dirty as they drag across the ground. A bit of a flirt, they aren't the type to take much seriously. It's common to see them, Zacharie, and Twig up to no good, typically with Wynn at the lead. A natural born leader, one might be confused why they follow MC's lead, even they seem at odds with that fact.
Solo OR Poly route with Florian.
Twig, NB, 26 (RO)
Looming over at 6'4", they tend to forget just how tall they are. Long purple hair ends as their tail begins, the fluff at the end matching their hair. Thick and curly when short, it covers up their eyes from the view of others. 5 horns sprout up from their scalp, imitating a crown of sorts, and range in size from a few inches to just two. Clad in purple and blue robes that are breathable yet skin-tight, they've had Zacharie modify it to properly accommodate their tail. Out of the group, they remain the friendliest even in the face of adversity. It's... hard for others to tell whether they're simply naive or just too forgiving, but regardless of that, they remain the first to lend their hand when others need it. A bit of a goofball as well, it's easy to catch them trying to pick the funnest option first. Quick to trust and quicker to befriend, one might wish to spare them from the cruelty of the world.
Solo route
???, NB, ??? (RO?)
A figure that stands at 5'10, they're your savior from the pit you woke up in. Long hair, starting black and quickly fading to a bright red, flows from their scalp like tendrils. It flows as if hit by a breeze constantly, regardless of airflow. Clad in only a white robe tied shut at the waist by a sash, it's easy to notice the gaps in their skin. They never answer when it's brought up, leaving you wondering just what has saved you from the ravine. Quick to anger, you'd almost think they're unpredictable if not for the consistent causes and phrases. Regardless of who you are, they insist your name is Eden. Regardless of their affection towards you, they refuse to tell you who they are. They insist you'll figure it out.
Solo route.
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angelaevangelion · 11 months
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"Your Neighbors a vampire."
Choso X Reader
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You get stuck in an elevator with Choso.
Warnings : A curse word. Implied suggestive themes. Mentions of blood. Enclosed in an unstable dark space.
Choso Banner by me
Red banners by ( @cafekitsune )
This is my submission for the @love-and-lore autumn self ship sweater event 🍂 which is being hosted by @meggsngrits and @kailali 💕
Featuring Vampire Choso 🤍 I hope all you Choso lovers enjoy this one ✨️ please check out all the other submissions too!
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“Oh no no no no no.” You mumbled to yourself as you ran down the hallway passing numerous apartment doors. The clacking of your heels against the high gloss marble floor filling and bouncing off the archways of the corridors as you passed them. You weren’t going to make it as you watched the aged ornate gold elevator doors begin to beep while it slowly closed.
“Please! Wait!” You begged to whoever was already inside.
At the final moment a black boot stepped out, allowing you entry.
You exhaled in relief as you quickly stepped inside clutching your purse tightly and scanning the person waiting inside. Your eyes, for the first time setting on the brightest set of purple colored eyes you’ve ever seen. An immediate tell that this man was no ordinary human man. His black unruly hair falling slightly over those eyes and a unique mark crossing over the bridge of his nose. He smirked at you, his cocky side grin making you clench your jaw. But you already know who he is. It was non other than your handsome neighbor Choso.
You offer a weak smile to the tall elusive male, who looked not much older than you and quickly face forward staring at the large panel of buttons. You eyed the glowing buttons quickly before finding the one that takes you to the lobby. Pressing it impatiently hoping you’d get there faster. You realized your button was the only one that’d been pressed.
You coughed softly and turned to him. “Which floor?”
“Lobby’s fine, thank you doll.” Choso answered slowly, a undertone hiding in his voice that makes your skin crawl. It’s just like what you’ve heard about those who are beautiful creatures, even their voices are made to lure you.
You curtly nod. As the sound of his voice rings in your ears repeating the word over and over again. Doll...Doll...DOLL.
You shouldn’t be surprised with how naturally charming he already is from just a short interaction. You assume it’s how he managed to hold a rotation of the seemingly same women you could hear moaning his name in the dead of night while you tried your best to fall asleep. You could practically blame the guy for the amount of times you nearly woke up late from the lack of rest you’d been getting.
An awkward silence seemed to settle over the both of you as the elevator whirred it’s way down. You tapped your foot growing more and more impatient with each passing moment.
“Come on stupid old elevator.” You muttered as you pressed the lobby button several times over and over and over again. “Go faster.” You said as you saw the antique dial above the doors slowly move indicating you were barely passing the thirteenth floor.
Choso snickered behind you. Interrupting your thoughts.
“What?” You ask raising a brow.
��My apologies for being in here.”
You seem taken aback by that. But you realize what your impatience must look like. Being mistaken for fear or disgust of his kind. But it’s October, this is his month to be out without any fears. He has the right to be out just as any other person.
“I’m not scared of you, I’m just running late to work.” Thanks again to you. You can't help but to think. You go back to pressing the button. “Come. On.”
“I don’t think you can make it go faster.” Amusement from his tone making you roll your eyes.
“I know that!” You turned back to the button panel quickly ignoring him. “Hurry. Up!” You said as you jammed your finger into the lobby button, holding it down hard as it beeped endlessly.
Suddenly all the lights on the panel lit up brightly then began to flicker violently. You quickly let go but it didn’t stop the endless beep just as the antique chandelier above you slowly dimmed out and the elevator came to a loud screeching halt making the ground shift beneath your feet. You felt your stomach drop. As the silence settled.
“What the hell did you just do?” Choso asked.
“N-nothing! I didn’t do anything!” You stared back at him like a deer in headlights and taking a quick step away from the panel of buttons.
“I told you it wouldn’t go faster.” He said crossing his arms.
“I- I know! But I didn’t think it’d kill itself! I was just smashing a button!”
Choso narrowed his eyes at you. “Say that again but slower.”
You scoffed. "Whatever-"
The elevator interrupted your quarrel ringing out a loud sound of what you could only describe as engine failure.
You exhaled sharply, “Oh shit.” Sounding utterly terrified. Shifting your eyes around you to try to take in your surroundings with what little detail you could make out in the almost darkness.
“So...uhhh do you have any special powers?” You ask him as you look around for an escape feeling the sides of the elevator walls.
“Ahh so you wanna get to know me?” He asked grinning at you. From what you could tell.
You grimaced at him and snickered. “Tch No! I’m asking if it’ll help us get out of here.”
“Relax, I know that.” He leaned against the wall and held out his hand, palm up as you watched blood appear from seemingly nothing and causing a red glow to illuminate the elevator. At that you shrieked and slapped the odd floating blood away, splatting across the wall.
“What the hell!” Choso complained “You asked!” He growled baring his fangs at you.
“Conjuring yourself some blood isn’t gonna get us both out of here!” You argued, not backing down from his sudden outburst.
He exhales in annoyance. “Yah whatever. So not very helpful in this situation.” He looked at the ground. “What about you?” He asked.
You looked up at him before shifting your eyes away. “Ummmm I’m just a human, nothing supernatural.”
“So, your essentially a warmed up blood bag?” He asks.
“A what?” Is all you can respond with at this point as you puff out your cheeks as he laughs at you.
“I’m completely joking with you.” He says through his laughter.
"Well, im not warm now." You complain as you rub your arms a bit, realizing you forgot your sweater in your apartment. You wait a few beats before you speak again. “You are a vampire, yes?”
You think you see his jaw tense before he answers you. “Fledgling vampire. But yes, I am a vampire.”
He sees your expression surprisingly brighten at hearing that, which confuses him. It’s typically not the normal reaction he gets from humans.
You’ve never actually met a vampire or a fledgling, but they say fledgling vampires have much more restraint, and they can walk in the daytime. “Who turned you? Wait, how old are you?” You can't help but to ask. When you were younger, you had dreamed of one day being one. But here you are, still a human.
“You ask a lot of questions. And that’s incredibly personal.” He simply answers while pulling out his phone from inside his sweater pocket, eyeing it as the screen lights up his features. He holds it above his head before giving up. “Fuck. No service.” He sighs.
You suck in your breath sharply before digging yours out of your purse.
“Ha! Mines got service!”
“Great call the fire squ...-“ The vampire deadpans at you. Seeing you’re not calling anyone.
“What are you doing?” He asks, thoroughly confused.
“I’m not gonna get fired if I don’t die.” You quip as your fingers tap quickly on your screen. Choso watches in disbelief as you text what he assumes is your boss.
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You roll your eyes at Gojo’s text.
“Okay, let me just...” You begin to say as you dial the emergency number holding it up to your ear.
All you get is silence. “What the heck.” You breathe as you check your phone. Realizing it died. You gasp in horror and look up at Choso apologetically.
He shakes his head at you in utter disbelief. The buns in his hair shaking.
“Y- You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You know you have your priorities backwards, you must know that, right?” He says throwing his hands up in defeat as he laughs at the ridiculousness.
You let your back press up against the cold elevator wall. Banging your head lightly a couple times. “What do we do now?” You ask.
Choso pushes himself off his side of the elevator and walks the small distance to you. Leaning next to you. A bit too close for your comfort. “Wait. I guess...Shouldn’t be long before someone notices.” He shrugs his shoulders. His voice suddenly coming off too casual for the situation you are both in.
You groan and let your eyes close a moment. Your other senses taking over. His coldness was radiating off him and freezing your left side without him even touching you. You suspect it’s due to him being a vampire.
Choso is the first to break the silence between you. “I’m Choso, I live in 103.”
“Yah I know.” You respond a little too quickly.
“You do?” He says, letting his crooked smirk spread on his face.
“Yeah...I live in 102”
“You’re kidding...You’re 102?” Not hiding the shock in his voice he runs his hand through his unruly black hair. As he looks you up and down.
Your feelings betray you, slightly offended that he doesn’t already know who you are. Your curiosity piques as to why he seems so shocked.
“Y-yah? What of it?” You ask, feeling betrayed by your own wavering voice.
“Ohhhh nothing.” Choso teases, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants.
You narrow your eyes at him.
“What do you mean nothing?” You cross your arms and drop the side of your hip.
He chuckles softly at your panicked tone. “Don’t worry about it doll.” Smiling, more to himself than you as he can finally put a face to the sound of your voice. Always reading out loud in the early hours of your weekend in your room adjacent to his. Or the way you get excited and yell while you’re playing one of your video games or when you’re singing while you shower. He cursed his hearing sensitivity. But he couldn’t deny that he found himself enjoying those mornings more and more when your voice would lull him awake through the thin wall. He should’ve been annoyed by it. In any other case he would be, but your voice was far too sweet and he had a sense that you had some depth to you. Unlike his usual blood bag he’d sink his teeth into.
He was happy to discover your face matched the sound of your voice.
You feel a warmness spreading across your cheeks and are happy for once that it’s too dim for him to tell.
Unbeknownst to you he can tell. He can sense the heat as it slowly spreads from the apples of your cheeks down to your chest. Just as easy as it is for him to sense the shivers going down your spine and up your arms.
Cute. He thinks.
“Whatever, it can’t be worse than what I know about you.” You say, a tinge of annoyance in your words.
“And what DO you know about me?” He asks, leaning closer to your face. You slide yourself away from him in an exaggerated manner. Implying heavily that you want him to keep his distance though he doesn’t get the hint. Or maybe he does but is enjoying messing with you. He scoots closer, this time, his shoulder pressed against yours, letting his coldness radiate into your side. The intense chill surprises you just as he is surprised with an unexpected thumping in his chest, quickening with excitement.
“Can’t hear you little one...” He drawls, his voice sounding an octave lower.
You almost want to lean closer to him but you don’t want to let him get the best of you. You slide away again being stopped by the corner of the elevator. Choso shoots a mischievous grin as he traps you in the corner. Placing his hands on either side of your face, caging you in. You pick up on the sweet smell of his addicting cologne filling your senses. He gently places his knee in between your thighs, against your will you release a soft, pathetic whimper.
Choso’s eyes widen at your sound as he leans closer to you. The sound instantly making him see you as the delicious prey that he believes you to be. “What was that hmm?” His cold minty breath fanning your face.
You want to bury yourself further into the metal wall of the elevator and hide. Unable to look away from his dilated dark eyes. Fully aware of his thigh pressing more firmly into you.
You forcefully slide down and scoot out of his arms before he could act on his vampiric desires. Finally free and stepping away from him you distract yourself by smoothing out the linen fabric of your black blouse and skirt. You clear your throat trying to gain some confidence in your voice.
“Oh you know, just that you rotate the same 3 girls. You have your Monday, your Thursday and your Friday girl. The Monday one is surprisingly quiet though.” You say flicking your hair as if uninterested.
Choso furrows his brows at you. “Well I do leave them all satisfied, they enjoy themselves as much as I do, in case you had any doubts...they all express it as best they can while I’m f-“
“OKAY!! JEEEZUUUHH!! I get it!” You say covering his mouth with your hands to get him to stop talking. “I don’t really want to hear the details.”
He speaks into the palms of your hands still covering his mouth. Voice muffled, the vibrations tickling your skin and sending shivers up your arms. You instantly pull your hands away. “Huh? What’d you say?” You ask.
“I said that if you’re so curious, I can show you.” He says so confidently.
At that, your face flushes a deep crimson red. So dark, Choso could see it clear as day.
“Don’t flatter yourself Choso. That’s not something I’d jump right into with you.” You say feeling proud of your confident voice. And he believes that full heartedly.
“If you insist, but the beating of your heart tells me something entirely different.” He says slowly.
“We won’t. Theirs nothing TO see. When we get out of here we’ll just go back to the way it was before.” You exclaim, crossing your arms for added effect.
Suddenly as if the universe is against you, the elevators weight shifts drastically. You can feel it shake violently beneath you. The sound of wires and bolts snapping and screeching.
You let out a high-pitched shriek unlike anything Choso has ever heard before, and against your better judgment, you jump right into his broad arms. Hugging him with all the force you could muster, burying your face into his cold chest. Your lips graze the pale skin of his hard chest. His arm instinctively wraps around you, caressing you while trying to relax your trembling form. His other hand running through your scalp tenderly. Your heart was now hammering out of pure fear, and yet here you were seeking comfort in his arms.
“You were saying?” His voice, sounding smooth like honey in your ear.
You go to pull yourself away but are yanked suddenly back into him. “Ahh!” You yelp.
A chunk of your hair managed to somehow get stuck in the buttons of his sweater, causing you to lose your balance and dragging him down with you till you were flat on your back. As you try to look up from your new position on the ground, you're surprised to hear Choso chuckling softly. His legs straddling you. Your hair covering your face as it’s still entwined to Choso. You tried fidgeting around underneath him, unable to wiggle yourself away.
“Stop moving.” Choso ordered you with slight command in his voice. His voice sounding a bit more gruff than he intended, but he smirked when you listened. He could hear your quick panting breath. As he sat over you, his hips hovering above your waist. He worked your hair gently out of his buttons. Pulling the last piece away. He smooth’s your hair away from your face, enjoying the embarrassed look on you.
But now that you’re separated, neither one of you has the strength to want to move, staring deeply into each other. Taking in the small details of the others face. Choso couldn’t help but feel warmly for you. Neither of you pulling away even though nothing held you two together. You felt the pull to him deep within, not sure if it was all you or if it was him luring you like prey. You didn’t seem to care though. Not in that moment. Slowly, your faces unconsciously inched closer to each other until you felt the brush of his soft hair on your forehead. Noses finally gently touched. Following your instincts to just give in for once in your life you tilted your head, giving him access to your neck. Your eyes fluttered closed, waiting.
And for once he hesitated, his gaze eyeing the pulse of your neck. Salivating at the mouth as he could almost taste you from just your delicious scent. You’re eyes gently closed and your breath even and calm. It was all you. He hadn’t done anything yet to make you submissive to his needs. You certainly were a surprise to him.
Beams from flashlights shined through the cracks of the elevator doors. Slightly illuminating the small elevator. Causing Choso to look up, away from you.
“Y/N! You in there?!”
At the sound of your name being called you push yourself out of Choso’s hold and quickly crawl. You press your face up to the tiny gap in the center of the double doors banging on it with your open palms.
“I’m in here!!! Me and Choso!! Get us out PLEASE!!” You cry out.
You hear the familiar voice on the other side answer back.
“Step back for me, I don’t want that pretty face of yours getting dirty.”
“I swear on your life Gojo.” You mutter, standing up. Missing the way Choso raised a curious brow at the interaction.
You step backward to the furthest wall.
“Hey Choso! Can you cover Y/N?”
“On it.” Choso grabs your wrist and pulling you into the corner of the elevator, placing his sweater around your shoulders and quickly covering you completely with his own body at an inhuman speed.
You hear the deafening sound of metal being torn and dismantled as the doors get torn off. Choso releases you and the sudden light nearly blinds you both. And you swear you heard Choso hiss. You blink slowly adjusting to the new brightness as a dark blurry figure grabs you and pulls you out quickly.
“You okay?” Gojo asks as he checks you over, lifting your arms inspecting them carefully and then spinning you around before feeling satisfied at no visible harm being done to you. Then quickly pulling you into an embrace.
“Y-yah I’m okay Gojo.” Your warm breath heats his chest.
A voice interrupts beside you.
“You know you didn’t HAVE to destroy the elevator?” One of Gojo’s students says holding up his bag of equipment.
Gojo shrugs his shoulders carelessly. His arms still wrapped around you. “It was more fun this way.” He turns his attention back down to you. Finally letting you go. “As MY personal assistant, I didn’t think you’d be so foolish.” He says, flicking your forehead.
“Ouch! What the heck is that for?” You ask rubbing your head.
“You didn’t bother calling anyone for help. I checked. And then your phone kept sending me to voicemail. Did it die or something?” He asks accusingly while crossing his arms as he stairs down at you through his blindfold.
“Uhh maybe... I didn’t want you to fire me if I survived! I mean, you know I don’t think straight while under pressure...Plus you came, so I think it worked itself out. Right?” You direct your question to Choso, who spares you a half laugh.
“I guess you could say it worked out just fine doll.” He answers back, using the pet name on purpose.
Gojo looks Choso up and down once before speaking. “How come you didn’t blow the doors out yourself, Choso? You know you could have done it. Saved the day, get the girl.” He asks while inspecting a lock of your hair between his thumb and index finger.
Choso smiles, his fangs glistening in the light unable to hide the thrill in his voice. “It was much more fun this way Satoru. You know I like it when they’re scared. Can’t help myself. Besides, I don't need to pretend to be a hero to get a girl."
Your jaw drops.
“As much as I’d love to play some more, I do have somewhere I need to be. I am getting rather hungry...” Choso says, excusing himself as he waves Gojo off lazily, making the sorcerer scowl at the audacity of being dismissed so offhandedly.
Choso calls out to you over his shoulder before disappearing down the stairs.
“See you around Y/N.” And he seriously hopes he does.
You don’t respond. Having just spent all of your energy and adrenaline making you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus.
Being the nice boss that he can be, Gojo let you take the rest of the day off.
But only because he says he has no meetings for you to take notes for him so he doesn’t have to pay attention.
And since it was Friday you found yourself with a surprise three day weekend. Not even bothering with going out tonight. Falling fast asleep when Gojo tossed you onto your fluffy bed before leaving.
Your dreams replayed the events of the whole morning. His beautiful face, the feel and coolness of his skin, his alluring scent. His dark voice. The excitement. You dreamt of what your future with your mysterious vampire neighbor might hold. All the while, still wrapped in his intoxicating smelling sweater.
Dead asleep you missed the fact that Choso didn’t answer the door to his Friday night visitor. Pretending he wasn’t home until she stopped knocking. You had left an impression on him, stealing his attention. With new feelings he didn’t know he could still have.
He laid in his bed on the other side of the thin wall, adjacent to yours staring up the ceiling. For a long while just listening to the sound of your breathing.
Until finally he reached up to the wall behind him and knocking twice gently. Holding a breath that didn’t need to be held as he waited. Hoping that you’d reach out to him as well.
Knock knock knock.
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Unless i personally give you my permission, please do not repost, claim, copy or modify any of my works on any of my platforms. Anyone that does not abide by these rules will be cursed to 1,000 years of bad luck and misfortune.
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cerastes · 1 year
Now and then I think about how the nature of temporality in Arknights apropos of the main story relative to side stories (events) means that with a little effort, you can make a really good SRW-style SRPG with Arknights: There’s the myriad storylines, there’s the myriad characters, there’s a good combination of objective mechanical information and lore fluff for a lot of characters that would let you make really good, complete characters in terms of gameplay.
You could easily make something like:
1st Game: Main Story from Chernobog up until Faust and Mephisto; Break the Ice (can be a sizeable arc, allows for a lot of maps across the game’s length, likely early game until start of endgame); Maria Nearl (same as Break the Ice, midgame until the endgame); Under Tides (shorter than the previous two, end of midgame until the endgame, plus you get temporarily playable Irene in the vein of SRW giving you guest units for one or two maps in one game before they are fully recruitable in the next); Grani the Knights’ Treasure (you can cover this in one, maybe two maps);  Twilight of Wolumonde (medium length arc and due to its structure, perfect for sprinkling maps about it across the early to midgame); Heart of Surging Flame (one long map-two maps); Code of Brawl (easy two mapper); Children of Ursus (SRW-style revised to be mixed in with Chernobog part of Main Story); Who Is Real (you can squeeze 2-3 maps easily; start of endgame upgrade for units like Lava and Kroos).
2nd Game: Main Story from where game 1 left off up until Talulah and the Deathless Black Snake, effectively ending the game with the end of the first arc; Beyond Here (AKA Archetto; short arc); Both Gavial Events (you can make big maps with Great Chief, whereas Ideal City would be interspersed with other plots to give it meat in terms of combat, a common event in SRW); Pynus Sylvestris & Near Light (you can get either some real long maps out of this or several medium length maps), Stultifera Navis (around the early midgame, you can squeeze 2 to 3 maps easily, and Seaborn can make for versatile enemy types elsewhere), Mansfield Break (you could put this anywhere, and you can milk it for a number of maps); Invitation to Wine (same as Mansfield Break); Guiding Ahead (you can go crazy with Guide Ahead thanks to the setting of Laterano and the structure of the event plus Andoain fits the “fucking HARD endgame RR boss” archetype with strong attacks and high dodge to a tee); Lingering Echoes (same as Guiding Ahead, really); Dorothy’s Vision (you can squeeze out some 3 maps out of it easily and a lot of new enemy types)
In SRW fashion, the Main Story in general would find itself slowed down and modified with downtime much like the main arc in an SRW tends to be a slow, game-length affair that finds itself entwined with many of the other arcs in the game, and likewise the arcs with the main story and between themselves. Of course, this also diverges from actual canon in that a lot of people that Shouldn’t Be There canonically, in this game’s canon, Would Be There, and that goes for the good guys as much as it does for the bad guys, which is always part of the appeal of a good ol’ SRW. It’d also be cool to see secret recruitable characters that you can’t get in canon or that die in canon join you if you satisfy certain secret requirements, like getting playable Big Bob and Monch and Viviana/Candle Knight, or being able to save FrostNova and/or Faust. Hell, sometimes SRW likes to throw curveballs and give you unexpected characters, so catch me with my endgame maxed out Jesselton (unlock: Defeat Jesselton exclusively by using Mountain, Robin and Kafka in the final Mansfield Break mission) and my #KHAGANQUEST (unlock: Every time Tola appears, defeat him with Blemishine).
I think the main challenge of the game would be to have a cohesive roster; SRW games tend to have massive rosters but that’s due to the sheer amount of stories they tend to cover in one single game, it actually tends to be few characters from each individual story, except the “featured” stories, which get more screentime and roster slots. In regards to some of the arcs, this is pretty easy: Abyssal Hunter Arc characters aren’t many (Skadi, Specter, Gladiia in the first game, plus Irene and Lumen in the sequel) and some of them are universal (Kal’tsit and Elysium), but then you have to make a decision of what 3*s, for example, make the cut as fully playable and not just NPCs, so as to not have bloat: Lava and Kroos are easy picks, for example. Break the Ice can give you a lot of people (SilverAsh, Courier, Matterhorn, Pramanix, Cliffheart, Kjera, Gnosis, secret Monch, secret Degenbrecher), which would make sense if you make it a meaty arc in the game overall, plus there’s a good variety of units you can get outta that.
I think the cast also lends itself to the usual SRW archetype of units: Amiya fits the “RR” type of unit that has low health but high evasion (based on her moves in the trailers, she’s highly agile), Blaze on the other hand seems like a perfect fit for the “SR” type of unit that has very low evasion but instead has huge bulk and just tanks the attacks instead (based on her duty as a Centurion, catching a ton of enemies at once and dealing with them while holding them and tanking them). Other RRs that come to mind are Ch’en, Irene, Whislash, Kroos, among others, while other SRs that come to mind are Specter, Blemishine, Mudrock, Matterhorn, among others. Then you have the less common archetypes, like Getters, AKA glass cannons with average bulk and low evasion but BIG damage, which can be units like SilverAsh (with S3 specifically in mind, giving him huge offense but making him quite fragile) and Skadi (very high HP and damage but low Defense means that HP goes down fast). You’d also have plenty of characters that would make sense to have innate Leadership (buff aura for nearby units), such as Amiya, Kal’tsit, Gladiia, SilverAsh, Big Bob, among others.
It goes without saying that you can make full use of the SRW tradition of giving units specific, very powerful team attacks, some of which could be pure fanservice, like Amiya and FrostNova having a team attack, and others which simply make sense, like the Sui Sisters (Nian, Dusk and Ling), the Abyssal Hunters, Pramanix and Kjera, Big Bob and Mudrock, among many others. The possibilities are legitimately really cool to imagine.
The setting and cast just works for an SRW style game, man.
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deathvalleyqueen · 3 months
After spending 3 days arguing on Steam this is what I have learned.
After posting several reasonable arguments of why xyz thing is a part of Veilguard - including citing lore, the short stories, etc... that people just want to shit on the game because mostly they don't find characters attractive, that the characters are Pan, and you have the option to make a transgendered MC. The amount of times I have seen "woke" being used to describe the game is absurd. They need to expand their vocabulary.
It's so gross when you get down to it - I want to stress these are not my opinions by any means - they hate Neve because she is a disabled woman of color and "Who the hell wants to romance a woman with one leg- I would never date her in real life". They think no one wants to romance Darvin because he is a black man. They hate Lucanis because he is an "ugly anime boy with wings", the hate Bella because she is "fat and has saggy tits" and she is not white, they hate Taash cuz she is too masculine, they hate they made Harding "ugly". Emmrich is like the one they say "he looks okay" but he is white...
I genuinely think the people on Steam are just angry that people who aren't like them are getting rep in this game (which I love to see, I know how beautifully diverse this community is), like the only people who play Dragon Age are white men who just want women for the male gaze. It's beyond toxic. They are constantly complaining "women don't play real games" while I have almost 1k hours in Destiny which is a "real" game to them but my opinion isn't valid because I am a woman... and will probably play the game on the easiest mode. Like excuse me sir I have done every single Raid in Destiny, I have solo'd Legend the campaigns in D2, I have very rare achievements in BG3 that are combat based, all things you can see on my profile, like I have pretty serious gamer chops. But my achievements to them are null because I am a woman. The worst part is some of them are women. Sexism and Misogyny in gaming is very much alive, particularly from other women.
There is no pleasing these people, there is no having a reasonable discussion. There is no citing actual lore from the games that supports things in Veilguard, there is no pushing back against them because they will legit just start calling you horrible names and Steam does nothing as far as moderation which allows these people to run amuck and entitle them to be bigots. Really, it's one of the most disgusting places I have had the misfortune of seeing.
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fitpacs · 2 months
Sorry in advance if I ramble on for too long,
I think that if the server allowed for more chill game play it could have held on a bit longer. I know I'm a bit of an outsider because I got into qsmp much later, but having the players just hang out together on the server is much more entertaining to me than lore heavy streams.
I must say that Fit's lore streams feel different to me, because he created and merged his own story with the server, but ultimately it was his story to tell.
I think the server wanted to do too many big things in a short amount of time, which made people frustrated and exhausted. I also think that there might have been too many cooks in the kitchen, without a proper headchef. No proper guide or story book.
Personally, even though I absolutely love the little eggs running around causing mayhem and emotional damage, having them actually hatch into "dragons" could have solved many issues regarding their time management. Once they hatched, they could have just popped up whenever they wanted, instead of needing to be online every time a parent was on the server.
It would also have cut back on trying to make up lore for the eggs.
Long story short, having the players just hang out on the island and make up stories for themselves if they wanted to, build beautiful things, share each other's culture and holidays and if it had cut back a lot on lore it would probably have made qsmp last longer.
🐝 Anon ❤️
do not apologise, my sweet bee anon!
i completely agree with you when you say the server wanted to do too many things in a short amount of time. we never really got the chance to appreciate any of the events (the ones that were only for a day, such as festa junina etc) because the higher ups were already pushing the next upcoming event onto us - and i completely agree that it would have frustrated and exhausted people!
if i remember correctly, even before everything went to shit, multiple ccs that hadn’t logged on for a while felt almost afraid to because there was so much lore going on with the more active players and it kind of turned them off of wanting to join more often, which is the complete opposite of what the server set out to do. the idea was to join multiple languages and cultures altogether in one space, and in the timeframe of a few months it ended up only being the same select group of creators who logged on daily or every other day who had intertwining lore (with a few notable exceptions).
i firmly believe the eggs were originally introduced to fix that issue, and to give the less active creators more of a reason to log on, but when the egg lore started developing, that idea was kind of dampened greatly.
and none of this is the fault of the admins, obviously! some of them by their own admission had great fun with their egg lore, but we of course all know the darker side where due to the lore of other creators/the server’s lore with the federation, they were pushed if not forced to adopt multiple personas by the higher ups - which obviously would take a toll on anyone, and weren’t allowed breaks or time away, which we all know is fucked up and is a prime example of how the hunger for lore ended up being a huge detriment
i think we’re all in agreement that one of the biggest mistakes was whoever was in charge, and the fact it wasn’t someone that had the best interests of the server, audience, and staff at heart - this is also on q’s own admission.
for me personally, the format of the shelter smp (made by former staff from our server) is a really good balance of lore and chill gameplay - any of the members can join at any time and not feel like they’re behind at all - the fact that the server is also made by staff of the server proves more of that point as that’s obviously how they wanted to run our server, if they were allowed freedom over their (multiple) characters
and it’s not even as if the ccs didn’t have chemistry so wouldn’t be able to play without lore - this was proven in the occasional chill non-lore days, as well as the times we got other games with them such as the among us lobby that time and the fact they still continue to play games together! i just wonder if the ccs were, to an extent, told something by the higher ups also - obviously something much nicer than whatever the admins were told!
the eggs, as much as i adore them, did end up being as much of a detriment to the server as much as a blessing. because of how frequently the eggs logged on (again, due to the pressure from the higher ups) the audience and the ccs alike of course got accustomed very quickly to each egg admin’s style of acting and writing on the signs - and the server got so dependent on the eggs it was at the cost of the admins’ free time in that they didn’t have any.
i’m always in two minds as to if the server would’ve lasted longer if there was less dependency on lore - because would the exposing of the higher ups have happened as soon as it did if the admins weren’t so overworked? i honestly don’t know, my mind flip-flops on it.
sorry for rambling back at you, my sweet, i just miss our server more than anything :(
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tss-whumper · 10 months
tss heroes and villains au
this is the summary of my tss heroes and villains au!
(cw -> implied kidnapping, c-ptsd, child abuse, extreme manipulation, torture, physical abuse, emotional abuse, violence, exploitation of children)
in this world, a small percentage of people are born with or discover a magical superpower, such as flight, teleportation, element manipulation, and these people usually become either heroes or villains. there are many hero academies, places that teach children with powers how to become heroes that protect their cities from villains.
but in ember city, this academy is very corrupt.
patton parsons, otherwise known as paw-ton, is the resident hero of the city, a very famous hero who defeats villains regularly and saves civilians from danger. he's known as being a very kind, comforting person who always does the right thing. he is also the headmaster of the hero academy in ember city, and he teaches children how to become heroes just like him.
his power? he can artificially make people feel emotions. he can make anyone feel anything, happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and even pain.
see where things can get a little scary?
anyway, enter janus, a sixteen year old kid with the power to create sensory illusions. he can make people hallucinate that there are people or things that aren't actually there. but he hates the hero academy because patton's rules are strict, and he basically abuses his students into obeying his every whim, even when they are harmful. after all, patton only cares about the greater good, defending the innocent. so if a hero child gets hurt in exchange for the safety of a civilian, then he's done his job right.
resenting this, janus runs away and becomes a villain, seeking to destroy the hero academy from the ground up.
fast forward about fifteen years, and patton has another student to replace janus. a young boy named roman who wasn't born with powers, but found a magical golden gauntlet that has fused to his hand, and allows him to teleport short distances and blast fireballs. roman wants to be a hero more than anything, so it's a good thing patton saved him when he was a baby from dying on the streets, and raised him as his own adoptive nephew, becoming a hero academy student. patton punishes roman harshly because though he has drive, the poor kid is horrible at being a hero, having no control over his powers and a general lack of common sense.
but when janus ends up running into roman while trying to pull a heist, he sees his own reflection in the eyes of this tired, abused young teen, and he strikes a deal with patton: if he gets to take roman out of the academy and raise him as his own, he'll give patton as much money as he wants, and if he fails to provide the amount patton wants, then patton can take JANUS back to the academy and become his prisoner.
patton is thrilled with this. not only does he get to get rid of one of his worst students, but he also gets the chance of having janus back in his clutches.
roman is a sweet little kid, but he's clearly very conditioned, only caring about helping other people, being a good hero, clearly things that patton drilled into him with years of harsh punishments. but the two become very close very quickly, as they realize that in this twisted world that sees patton as a perfect good guy, they're the only ones who truly understand each other.
but what if janus fails to get the money to patton? and how much does he sacrifice to make sure that roman is safe from harm forever?
there's more lore than this, but this is all i really want to discuss in one post because it's already a lot. let me know what you think!! it's one of my favorite aus of all time, and i can't wait to write about this.
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muthaz-rapapa · 11 months
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (4/5)
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Keeping this short since I’m still tired from my trip and have stuff to do before going back to work tomorrow.
Thankfully, the past 10 eps only consisted of Majesty’s debut and some (really great) fillers.
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Starting with Majesty then. I’m honestly surprised I was correct about them keeping her a toddler despite aging her up when transforming. And as I guessed as much, this means she doesn’t really have a full-fledged character arc of her own.
Not that it’s a bad thing since Ellee-chan still gets a good amount of development cuz she’s a growing child, after all. Which is mainly shown through things like her speech improving significantly each day, learning how to better express herself and her wants. And of course, the heartwarming interactions with her friends who also have their moments in finding the best ways they can to support her (like how Ageha readily believed Ellee-chan who was frustrated when she had trouble transforming into Majesty).
These are all within range of what is expected for a child her age so a whole arc isn’t really needed and therefore, more time and focus can be dedicated to the older Cures, too. So I’m quite pleased with that.
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But I also can’t lie that it’s a shame we won’t see what a preteen Ellee-chan is like outside her alter ego.
That and considering her VA is Aoi Koga (of Kaguya-sama fame), we won’t get to hear a further extent of her acting in this role either.
Don’t get me wrong, Aoi Koga absolutely nailed the part of a baby, able to bring out Ellee-chan’s cuteness without making her sound annoying but…the potential is already a loss at this point.
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Additionally, for a midseason Cure, Majesty has the least going for her in other departments compared to those before her.
Up till now, they’ve barely scraped at the lore associated with her identity. So when she’s not fighting, she’s limited to being slightly better than the average mascot.
The only attack in her arsenal is simultaneously a group attack so she has to share it with the others. Not to mention half the stock footage doesn’t have her at the center but Sky instead. Despite the attack bearing her name.
With only 8 eps left in the season, it seems the writers brought Majesty out as part of Precure’s yearly formula schedule more than anything. Her purpose is mainly to renew viewers’ excitment in the show (and generate desire to buy the newest toy) since her debut brings a little something new to the table…but she is not allowed to outshine this season’s real star, the lead Cure.
Personally, I think the pros outweigh the cons so it doesn’t bother me too much but it’s also too noticeably flawed and biased for me to really accept it as okay.
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Moving on, the fillers.
They were all amazing, definitely better than the previous 10 eps.
Mashiro continuing to pursue the path towards becoming a picture book author and coming to terms with the fact that not everyone will receive her work with good reviews yet still choosing to draw because she’s doing it for herself and those who do enjoy her books was something that resonated with me deeply.
Then more time was devoted to her childhood friendship with Ageha which was super wonderful. We really needed that ep of how they became friends and the writers delivered so excellent job 👍
Ageha finally encountering struggles in her job and learning that it was okay to show sadness in front of her students was something I’ve been waiting a long time to see as well. It was especially good because it corresponded splendidly with the first ep of Otona Precure within the same week (which is also great so far) as the intro of that dealt with Nozomi trying to help her own student.
Portraying adults as realistic adults instead of perfect caricatures who can do anything. Showing hardships by not sweeping them under the rug but acknowleding them with the screentime they deserve so the characters can actually process their own feelings and work out a solution. Displaying a healthy level of idealism, not based on generic platitudes but actual belief. I really appreciate that.
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Yoyo cleverly getting Tsubasa a promotion to a sage in Skyland’s royal court was also 10,000 meters of screaming joy for me cuz yea, that boy is way too smart and talented to just settle for flying around. He clearly treasures his homeland and wants to make it a better place for all its inhabitants, including the Dragon Tribe that had been cut off from the rest of the country for decades. He obviously has what it takes to become a diplomat.
He acquired a new dream to devote himself and his skills to and that’s what anyone who’s as wholesome as Tsubasa should get. So it was fulfilling to see that come true for him.
Lastly, Sora. She only had one ep to herself this time but it was a good ep with a good topic (probably one of the best of the Sora eps). Honestly, I think I liked it more because it was only one ep, lol
So yea, with this, I think I’m all set for the rest of the show as far as Tsubasa and Ageha’s arcs are concerned. There will still be more fillers until ep 45 at least, plenty of time to close out the Mashiro and Sora’s as well as the lore surrounding Ellee-chan so it’s just a matter of concluding the story in a satisfying manner.
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Other than that, I’m also wondering if we’ll get any super forms for HiroSky since it’s already this late in the season…
…but you never know as it can happen in the finale. Not sure if HiroSky will get its standalone movie in Mar either but if so, we might see something there, too.
Ok, that is all. The season will pass by in a flash so enjoy the rest of HiroSky with a full heart and let’s begin to look forward to next Precure in the new year. Bye for now!
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dumbhero · 11 months
endlessly curious about padan. tell me more
is this because of all the posts i tag him in well let me tell you he's wormed his way into my brain and will not leave. every song i listen to becomes about him and if it doesnt fit canon him it fits one of his many au's this is because i'm sick in the head
so a friend of mine decided to start a dragon age ttrpg campaign and invited me to play and i was hype and they really like dark and gritty campaigns and dragon age is already dark and gritty and me being me i was like what if i was silly lol ! what if i made a qunari mailman who got lost and ended up on another continent! and he's a little ditzy haha! completely not realizing at the time that like, what i described is a qunari horror story
because like their entire personhood is their job. if they fail at their job they're expected to kill themselves about it. this is seen as the honorable and reasonable thing to do. because if you fail you're functionally worthless and being worthless is worse than being dead. their whole deal is that they see their society as being one organism and individuals serve to perpetuate that organism and obviously because of this there's defectors and stuff but there's also lots of converts because life under the Qun (their religion/governmental body) is way better than life in a lot of other places where you'd have more freedom because like, they don't have money or poverty or hunger and they have superior medicine and sanitation to most of the world, right, and a convert is treated no differently than someone who was born into it and probably garners quite a bit of respect because it's difficult
but also like. they're very focused on efficiency--working as one is efficient, having individuals is inefficient--so people are assigned jobs based on what they're good at and their entire lives are controlled and monitored by other people. you arent allowed to have relationships or hobbies that arent approved right and like Padan is a huge believer in all this right because the system does like. Work. it's just that when it has failures the failures are compounding and untenable, like how mages are treated which we are Not getting into. but they're very like, not unemotional but every emotion is strictly controlled because if you don't you'll fuck up and fuck ups stall efficiency
but basically like Padan is a kind sweet boy with a profound amount of emotional intelligence just like, naturally, which caused him to act in ways that got him in a lot of trouble because kindness is seen as weakness so even though he's naturally very curious and smart he repressed his emotions so hard and punished himself out of being curious so hard it gave him brain damage and now he has basically zero short term memory. on top of this he's also kind of nearsighted so this makes it kind of hard for him to navigate traditionally but luckily he's also inordinately lucky (and much better with his other senses lol) so he always manages to be at the right place at the right time and also due to his empathetic proclivities he landed a Military Mailman Job
'karapadan' (which is his actual name and job) doesnt actually like exist in canonical Qunari lore but i based it off a real life military position my grandfather had (Chief Payment Officer), did have to modify it a little because they don't. have currency. so basically his job is to carry letters and things between soldiers and military leaders on the battlefield, hence why he's governed by the Arishok (head of military) and not the Ariqun (head of like, information) and we were joaking having fun because like, when this is set it would put him in a perfect position to deliver some sensitive information to a canonical character from the games, and him totally borking it by accident was funny and sorta tragic
his goal is/was to deliver a letter to Iron Bull to tell him to start espionage in Orlais (which is like fantasy france) but when he was getting on the boat the harbormaster accidentally directed him to the one taking him *to* Orlais instead of to Seheron (island next to the one he was on) where Iron Bull is. but the kicker is--he's never been off his home island. he's heard descriptions of these other places but never seen them, he has no idea how long a journey to Seheron or Orlais takes. on top of that he's struggling so hard to remember what he's supposed to be doing and what the person he's looking for looks like that not only does he forget Iron Bull's name, but he doesn't realize for several days he's not in Seheron.
he meets an elf and a human who kindly allow him to accompany them--he thinks they're converts, and because the elf has tattoos he can't make out well, he assumes they're of a higher rank than him (he's about as low as you can go, lol) so when he figures out he has not only failed and cannot hope to rectify his failure, but that all his hard work to become useful didnt pay off, he nearly commits suicide but his elf companion manages to unknowingly talk him off the edge. however, this presents a new problem--not doing so is considered a crime. the longer he lives the more his abject failure compounds and the more he has to face his life's worth of repressed emotions and the less he's able to cope with that
he also cares deeply about his classmates (qunari children are raised communally by one teacher who basically controls the rest of their lives, usually separated from any relatives) and when he was home he kept in touch with all of them despite most of them having vastly different jobs and never wanted much of anything except to see them and to Be Useful and now he's hundreds of miles away from them and can literally never return home or contact them and if he ever saw them in the wild they'd very likely kill him for defecting so he's really not handling that well. because like, he was very much holding this group together and without his involvement it's unlikely they'll talk much if at all .
basically i care him so much and i'm hitting him with hammers but i do want him to be happy but he's got to suffer a lot right now and if i keep going this post will be too long <3
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aewrie · 1 year
rambling about grimm hcs/au lore. and i mean rambling
my hc is that grimm adores kids & cares about them a lot, and i will die on that hill. like, if he were a regular guy with regular guy aspirations he'd love to be a kindergarten teacher. or run an art/craft club or such. something where he'd get to he'd get to spent time with kids, and encourage them to be creative and weird.
he doesn't hand grimmchild over to the summoner because he doesn't care, but because it's a necessary part of the ritual; the rare occasion where things do go wrong aside, he knows it's for the better, for the child to travel with the summoner. it allows him to rest before he burns (something he desperately needs, because once the child is in the picture, he is actively dying). it allows the child to experience things and grow beyond the scope of the troupe.
he is so protective of his child. yes, it is his reincarnation, but even if it wasn't, he would be. he was ready to die for the child when he did not realize what it was, when he did not want to be responsible for any child at all and was freaking out about the whole thing until he got too depressed about it to be freaking out. he was miserable, had nothing to gain from the situation as far as he knew, and the #1 priority was still the child.
(though, once he knew, and especially once he had trauma related reasons to be extra vigilant? yeah he might have overreacted to some truly, really, genuinely not-a-big-deal situations a few times.)
also, if an actual child did show up for his ritual somehow, he'd rather burn himself alive than go through with it. he can improvise with the ritual when circumstances are less-than-ideal and he cannot find a replacement summoner on short order, though it's not fun for anyone involved. least of all him. the course of action he would take is to find a home/caretaker for the child, gather what flames he can with the troupe's assistance, and torch himself. very much preferably in that order, so the kid wouldn't need to deal with him dying and whatnot; it is not a pretty thing to witness, even indirectly, and he will need more of an adjustment period after. not the best time to be dealing with a stray child.
just, him going up against a child (combat prodigy or not) for his own gain does not fit into the picture at all.
(i started this typing this whole thing bc i realized this specifically is a part of why child ghost bothers me so much lmao. and then i started going off on tangents)
(maybe he did do a double-take when someone tiny waltzed in, but i also think a great amount of variety in size depending on species just makes sense for bug people. and canon does have that kind of variety, too! regular mortal adults range from sly to old stag wait i forgot about bardoon he's the hugest actually, kids from millybug to marmu (these two are spirits but the sizes appear to reflect what their physical bodies were, given we have markoth and galien with actual corpses to compare to). it'd be really awkward and rude to assume shit based on size alone, i feel, if you can't clearly tell based on other features.)
grimm would also be very interested in an explanation as to how and why a child came his way in the first place.
basic rundown: there's these bugs who live apart from the troupe, keeping watch for dying kingdoms and potential summoners. the bug we dreamnail in the cave? was supposed to choose a summoner from amongst survivors, travelers, what have you. it would have been their job to set up and to light the lantern; and also to explain the task at hand and to guide the summoner to the troupe. from there, grimm handles things. alas, the bug died before they could fulfill their duty. good thing ghost had the dreamnail.
speaking of: if the dreamnail is a moth artefact associated with radiance only, it makes no sense for grimm to rely on it for his ritual. he either would have to have alternative means to achieve the same effect that all summoners can utilize, or do something else by default. in my version, no dreamnailing required. when things go as planned, at least.
when the ritual nears its end, conventionally, the nightmare king will find the summoner in their sleep, not the other way around. individuals with unusual skills or tools to reach dreams exist, thought they are rare. so while it was a surprise, it wasn't too odd for ghost to just pop in unexpectedly rather than being 'invited' (read: the nightmare king has found you! now it's time for the asskicking).
the summoner will be allowed into grimm's chambers, because the proximity makes things easier, but that's optional. not everyone can easily fall asleep when he's right there. some manage, and then wake up when they get trounced, and cannot relax again until they get some distance to grimm.
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kdc705 · 1 year
My PSO2 characters on Ship 2
Why not. I guess I'll share my OCs here. At least the ones I have on Ship 2, since Ship 2 - ur on Global is my main ship. >.>
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This is my main character, Emil. I've spent the most time with Emil more than any of the other characters I have total, regardless of what ship what character is in. She's pretty much a jack of all trades, master of none kind of character, but I decided to stick to Gunblades for her. I can, in fact, change classes at anytime though, in case I wanna do something different with her. Her lore, at least in my head in NGS, states that she's got amnesia, initially. She remembers a good amount of her memory, and... well... She's suffering from Accelerated aging. O.o It's a slight acceleration, and doesn't have any signs of slowing down nor speeding up.
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I guess before she went "thicc", on the last week of a freebie Salon period's end just because. >.> She was a "sticc", whatever that means. In all honesty, she was just a bit slim. Also younger. Thanks to the lively face some updates back pre-Version 2, she looked even younger than when I stuck with the Snipt face. I'm back on the Snipt face now for the current look of Emil cause it makes her look more mature looking. Also she started with short hair, and glasses, etc. atm, her main class is Slayer, and her sub is Bouncer. The Gunblade I use isn't multiweaponed at all, it's just... well... A gunblade. That's it. No strings attatched.
Oh.... Also. For Emil's lore, this is actually the real Emil, not a Clone. Emil went to cryosleep for 1k years. I wanted to retcon that part with this character. Sorry SEGA.
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Akiko, before I made her in NGS, is one of my oldest OCs. O.o I've kept her rent free in my head, along with another one. Huh...
Anyway, Akiko, like Emil, is also from 1k years ago... Though her appearence is mostly temporary, along with another. >.> She, and another OC, went through a time rift, if those exist, and cannot return to the past unless.... something. I've not completely written this out completely. She use a single dagger, though since the only weapon camo that can do that is Nanaya's Knife, a collab item, so I had to make up some bs to make her use the Twin Daggers as her main weapon... That and Jet Boots as the multiweapon, mainly for kicks. :3 So she learned how to make elemental weapons from out of the blue.... I guess?
Personality wise, she's a bit laid back, but is very serious when she needs to be. There are also some moments where she has a silly side. :3 She has a sister, but her sister is adopted. She really cares for that sister. In fact, she gets worried when they get separated by an unknown force, in this case a time rift.
Akiko is also a childhood friend of Emil.
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She also has a "Special Power", I'm gonna call it. >.> She can see critical spots in everything, and she can strike those critical spots to deal ten times more pain on who, or what, has that spot. But there's a catch. Should she use that special power for too long, she'll begin to lose her sight. The signal of that happening is straining in her eyes, to the point of them hurting. Luckily, she trained her eyes for keep this power in use for lengthy periods of time.
I guess that's all I'm gonna say about this OC for now.
Fun fact: I used Akiko, and the next OC, the most with other games. I also used this OC to use for Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, because the PSU era of games allows me to use a single dagger. WHERE THE SINGLE DAGGER WEAPON SEGA!?!? xD
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Welp... This is Kita, Akiko's (adopted) younger sister. :3
She's a kid, and power hungry people are constantly wanting her for her powers only. She's supposed to be 12 years old, but... I can't make her any smaller than Global's minimum height. I can blame my country's culture, but not worth it.
Kita is a kind and caring little girl, and would much rather not fight and live a normal life. Sadly, that normal life she wants is forever out of reach because of those wanting her specifically to control her, mostly to use her powers for their own gain, she is forced to fight. Her strength also, questionably, grows without training, which could be much greater should she begin training.
She's a Hunter/Force, using a Sword, multiweaponed with Rod. Cause why not. I used this combination before, so it shouldn't be a problem. Right?
That's all I'll show in terms of OCs I put in PSO2NGS for now. I do another post like this sometime in the future to show off more OCs I put in PSO2:NGS. :3
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loominggaia · 1 year
Now I want to know what sovereign's offspring look like...
Okay, the meme is hyperbolizing a bit, so let me explain what's really going on...
Sovereign is kind of like the Genghis Khan of the sea, or at least he's trying to be. The dude has so many kids by so many different mothers, they're actually quite diverse both in appearance and personality.
The thing is, a lot of his "wives" didn't breed with him willingly. They were noblewomen he kidnapped after destroying/assimilating their tribes. Mr. Roach's wife, Lobster Red, was one of them for example.
A female cecaelia's body does not respond well to stress. If they get upset enough, their reproduction cycle can get screwy or just shut down completely until they feel better. This is one of the reasons they're often kept in quiet, safe nurseries their whole lives, where they remain ignorant to the troubles outside.
Well, as you can imagine, being kidnapped by a warlord is pretty damn stressful. Some of Sovereign's wives flocked to him willingly, infatuated with his power, but many of them wanted nothing to do with his crazy ass. The rebel wives laid a lot of defective eggs due to stress, and some of them even sabotaged their eggs in protest.
Either way, this resulted in a boom of deformed, mentally impaired, or otherwise "imperfect" offspring. Sovereign made a promise to his parents long ago that he would never kill another Tekeetian, so he instead banishes these offspring to the wilderness. He's ashamed of their conditions because he thinks it makes him look "defective" in some way. (He vocally blames their conditions on "Zareenite pollution". Which isn't likely, considering his royal nurseries are nowhere near Zareenite waters, but whatever dude...)
Long story short, there are entire colonies of quirky cecaelia lurking in the wild seas who all share Sovereign as an ancestor. They tend to stick together and take care of eachother, for they are shunned everywhere else. Sovereign will not allow them back in his territory, and considering he basically dominates the whole ocean at this point, there aren't many places for his rejected kin to go. Some of them have ventured up to Terria to live on land, others have gone deeper to the abyssal depths of the sea, and a few just survive in uncolonized waters where Sovereign's influence hasn't reached yet.
As for Sovereign's "perfect" offspring--the physically and mentally fit--he likes to appoint them to high positions in his government. They become military generals, politicians, advisors, ambassadors, and so on. It's nepotism to an extreme. This is how he's managed to gain so much power in such a relatively short amount of time: essentially breeding his own civilization and using it to steamroll the smaller civs around him.
Lore Masterpost
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tvmigraine · 2 years
Hear Me Out: There's Three Different 1st Doctors
The timeline of different incarnations of the Doctor is, to put it simply, hell. For an outsider, it's easy - there's 13 Doctors, we're about to be on 15 Doctors. For normal fans there's then 15 Doctors, the War Doctor, Fugitive Doctor and the Timeless Children cycle. The further you go into the fandom, into stuff like audios and books, you start to realize that there's an almost ridiculous amount of different incarnations, alternate regenerations and half-iterations out there.
The reason I've been looking at all of these incarnations is because I was working on making a timeline of the Doctor's many lives. In the process, I've taken the two most controversial pieces of Doctor Who lore and combined them into a super-special third controversial lore piece.
Namely that there are three different versions of the 1st Doctor.
The obvious 1st Doctor we all know is...
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This is the 1st Doctor that everybody knows, the one that we met in a junkyard and we lost in the snow. They initially ran away from Gallifrey with Susan everything that we know about them remains the same... namely, nothing, we still don't actually know why they ran away from Gallifrey for certain.
However by the time that we meet the 1st Doctor again...
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His appearance has changed and his personality is slightly different. Now the obvious reason is because of Hartnell's sad passing years before, however it is still something that is hard to ignore.
Of course, as we get to NuWho, we then get another incarnation of the 1st Doctor...
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David Bradley has adopted the role as a modern 1st Doctor thanks to his role in documentary "An Adventure in Space and Time", making an official appearance as the character thanks to appearances in the last two regeneration stories. Once again, the personality and appearance of the Doctor has changed.
However everybody sees these incarnations and acknowledges that, yes, this is still the 1st Doctor no matter what. The question is... Why?
I need to insist - William Hartnell is STILL the 1st Doctor. He is the original and the one that we, as the audience, know for certain. However this is a time travel show with many foreign elements at play (Faction Paradox, The Meddling Monk, etc.) who are attempting to change history. The Doctor, himself, has had his own personal history changed before - for example, the cause of his 3rd incarnation's regeneration in the 8DA, "Interference".
So, getting into the actual theory - in short, the Doctor's first incarnation has changed due to changes to his own personal timeline.
Allow me to paint the picture for you.
Originally the Doctor left Gallifrey with his granddaughter, Susan, for whatever reason and settled down on Earth in Totters Lane. Hypothetically, let's say that his history was actually incredibly simple and not much of significant note. This situation remains the case leading up and past "The Third Doctors", when we see this iteration interact with the 2nd and 3rd Doctors.
By the time that he reaches his 4th incarnation, however, his timeline has begun to change. We see the first case of this in "The Brain of Morbius" - in the mental battle against Morbius, we see eight unknown other incarnations of the Doctor from before his first incarnation. The Doctor does seem to be somewhat aware of these incarnations by his 5th, shown in "The Caves of Androzani" in his last words, "I might regenerate, I don't know. Feels different this time." (Of course, this could just be him reacting to being poisoned... but you've read this far, keep going!)
What changed in his past? Well... "Lungbarrow" was made to happen.
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I won't go too far into it, as I plan to later, but the Doctor is revealed in this book to be a reincarnation(ish) of one of the founding fathers of Time Lord society, being a person known as "the Other".
However this was, in itself, retconned later on by the official show! As we now know, whatever your opinion is, the Doctor's life is now intrinsically linked to the "Timeless Child", who was abused to gain the power of regeneration. This new backstory has given the Doctor literally several new incarnations before they became the person we now know, but the first instance that the timeline was seen to have changed, before Chibnall's tenure even began, was "Twice Upon a Time".
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Now the Doctor is still around and the same person that we know. The "Web of Time" tries to adjust the change to the Doctors past and manages to maintain most of their histories without fault however, as a result, the 1st Doctor is the one most affected by the "Other" and "Timeless" retcons. Either by relooming or forced regeneration, the 1st Doctor remains the 1st but the days before have changed.
My biggest issue (and part of why I'm posting this) is that I can't decide who has changed the Doctor's personal history enough to cause these changes? Other people might be able to add to this theory or disprove me, which is just as fun but I mainly hope that people get a good kick out of the concept.
This'll come up once I get to my attempt at the Doctor's timeline and believe me when I say this is the tip of the iceberg of absurd theories.
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womejah · 2 months
Lore dump on my Magic System:
Alright yeah time to lore dump about my magic system. So basically, it's a bit of a mix of biology, psychology. Magic lets you do anything that YOU believe you can do. As long as you can imagine it, and believe it to be real, it will be real. Massive explosions or subtle shifts in energy can happen as fast as thought. However, there are a few limitations, and that's mostly where the science part comes in. Energy is drained from your body's cells whenever you do magic, and the amount drained is directly related to the task you preformed. At First it draws energy from the fat stored in your body, but if you were casting a really powerful fucking spell, then it just keeps pulling the chemical energy from your cells until all that's left of you is a pile of dust.
Changing the energy's form into things like heat or light are easy, turning energy into matter is much harder, and altering the energy withing living things is the most difficult. People who are smarter than me would probably pick up on the fact that the system wouldn't allow you to do too much in a short time, despite the fact that you can alter reality as quick as you can think. Your body only has so much energy in it, and at best you'd be able to do three D&D style cantrips before burning yourself out. So luckily, there are a couple in-universe work arounds that make the impossible possible.
The main one is your standard focus, you know, magically pouring your energy into an inorganic object for later use. It can be a long process, but it's the cleanest way to build power for more complex casts. Over in the west they rely on catalyst to cast spells, sacrificing something of cultural importance such as blood or a specific flower, then drawing the energy out of the scraps in order to cut down on the cost of certain effects. There are also a few spells that require certain actions or special items in order to work. An easy example would be an effigy of a person that you must make yourself in order to use tracking magic on someone. Limitations like these have been put in place after centuries of collective belief and can differ from group to group.
There's also a strange side effect, a phenomenon that has stumped the world's best scholars. Seemingly randomly, an invisible force will carve a rune into your body after you've used magic. As these marks begin to form, most people describe feeling a cold pressure, as if frozen hands were pressing into their flesh. But once the carving finishes, the resulting carving always radiates a feeling of warmth, no matter how cold the surrounding air may be. Terrible mages have ended up with intricate patterns, while one of the best mages in history only ever got strange holes that shot through her body. Most cultures treat the carvings as a status symbol, the more marks, the stronger the mage.
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