#i just wanted to write cute werewolf shenanigans
emi-writings · 2 months
I started writing a tntduo oneshot, because I felt like giving my readers a quick fic to enjoy after the whole... thing (and because Burning Iron chapters take forever because I do research and I plot out how everything goes, etc).
It was a werewolf AU...
And 2000 words in, the fic started off strong but is now coming across like shit...
Because it's very obviously rushed...
But my ideas are way, way too many to fit into a oneshot...
So you know... that's great...
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cringemesstickles · 9 months
Werewolf Shenanigans
(TickleTober Day 12: Nibbles)
Summary: Gabriel decides to pull a spooky stunt on Sam
Pairing: Sabriel
Word Count: 572
A/N: This isn’t as good as I would’ve liked it to be, but I was short on time and had to get it out before 12:00. I’m probably gonna write another fic similar to this because I’m in love with the concept but I had a hard time putting it into words in the amount of time that I had. :’)
I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
It was a crisp October evening, and the bunker was adorned with pumpkins, cobwebs, and skeletons.
Gabriel, ever the trickster, was planning a little Halloween surprise for his beloved boyfriend.
Seeing the youngest Winchester cozied up on the couch reading a book, completely submerged in the writing and unaware of his surroundings.
“It’s show time…” He muttered to himself, starting to creep up behind his unsuspecting boyfriend.
When he was just close enough, he leaped over the back of the couch and pounced on Sam with a loud “BOO!”
Sam yelped, his book flying from his hands and landing on the floor.
“AH! Gabe?!”
Gabriel let out a low growl, burying his face in Sam’s neck.
He theatrically sniffed the sensitive skin, sending shivers up Sam’s spine.
“Hmm.. I’m starving, Sammy.. and you smell just scrumptious!”
With no further explanation, he began to nibble Sam’s neck, making exaggerated eating noises.
“OmNomNom! Just the treat this hungry werewolf was after!” He teased.
Sam squealed, thrown into a fit of laughter.
Gabriel chuckled lowly, growling against the skin, only seeming to make Sam laugh louder.
“Why, that’s the point, my dear~”
Taking in a deep breath, he blew a loud messy raspberry against the crook of his boyfriends neck, earning a cute snort from the youngest Winchester.
Gabriel pulled away, looking Sam in the eye, his own eyes sparkling with mischief.
“As tasty as your neck is, I’m craving something a little more… delicate~”
He slowly started to roll Sam’s shirt up, exposing the his ultimate tickle spot.
Sam’s eyes widened as he caught on to his boyfriends plans, cheeks flushing a bright red.
“D-Don’t you dahahare…” He giggled nervously.
The archangel merely smirked.
“Sorry, Sammy. Werewolf’s gotta eat!”
With that, he dove down and began nibbling at the soft flesh of Sam’s tummy, eliciting a shrill shriek from the ticklish victim.
Sam was lost in fits of ticklish laughter, tickly sparks shooting through his stomach as his eyes began to water.
Gabriel’s teeth continued to scrape and nip at the delicate skin, delighting in every squeak and snort, even noticing the way Sam’s belly seemed to turn rosy.
“Mm, scrumptious! I think it’s about time for dessert, don’t you?”
Sam tried to catch his breath, giggles still falling from his lips.
“What are you plahahanning, Gabe?” He gave his boyfriend a nervous look, almost not wanting to know the answer.
“Hmm, how about… Raspberries!”
Taking a quick and deep breath, he blew a loud sloppy raspberry on Sam’s belly, earning an honest scream from the Winchester.
Sam’s laughter echoed throughout the bunker, creating a sense of joy.
His sides started to ache from laughing and his cheeks were warm.
When Sam started wheezing, Gabriel gave a couple wet kisses to his tummy and pulled away, admiring the blushing mess that was his lover.
“Thanks for satisfying my hunger, Sam-a-lam!”
He let out a chuckle of his own and leaned in to give the hunter a loving kiss, which Sam returned, giggling through the kiss.
“You’re an idiot…” He muttered, looking at the archangel with warmth and love.
“An idiot who knows how to celebrate Halloween the right way!”
Sam rolled his eyes.
Sam wasn’t fond of Halloween, that’s for sure. But he would be lying if he said that Gabriel didn’t make it a million times better.
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alltimefail-sims · 21 days
"📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included?"
Sharing the SQOTD from @simblr-question-of-the-day. I really liked this question because I'm excited to get more gameplay ideas.
Also, you talked about being busy recently so good luck with everything you are working on!
Yes I have been bit busier lately than I've been in a tick, but that's because I'm trying to be better about working on the book I'm writing!! But please continue to send asks and such, I'm still here and active just posting my own content a bit slower - but I'm still active and lurking about!
As for underutilized gameplay features...
I think the Club feature from Get Together is a really underutilized feature in the Sims. @sojutrait actually has a great guide up on their page that explains how clubs can be used for a more custom, immersive, hands-on gameplay experience.
I also think people don't realize how much fun the sales tables can be: I love doing "yard sales" to get rid of stuff in my sims home (for realistic gameplay), I love creating community lots filled with those sales tables to create a farmer's market/small community festival feel, and I love using them for my free-spirited, rancher, farmer, and homesteader sims specifically so they can sell their goods and rely on that income solely! Also you can create better custom food booths now with Home Chef Hustle and you can build a "food truck" OR like a pop-up ice cream stand at the park, for example. Idk it's just a fun feature to me, and exciting for those who don't think any of the rabbit-hole jobs suit their sim (or for those who want more flexibility in their sims' income without having to buy a whole ass additional community lot business).
The handiness skill as a whole is a gamechanger because of the "upgrade object" feature. The upgrades are actually super helpful and many of them will improve the functionality of the given object, will give custom moodlets, and will even help avoid disaster (fireproofing your dryer in the sims is a must... that shit catches fire if you look at it the wrong way lmaoooo).
The robotics skill is really cool and I love making the servos!! Cute little robot friend/family member and they can help around the house (crucial when you have big families, fun if you're going for a futuristic vibe or eccentric household).
Occults, in my opinion, are an underrated feature of the Sims. I think everyone should add some kind of weird, campy, supernatural shenanigans to their gameplay. Have your sim fall in love with a ghost; have your sim accidentally get bitten by a werewolf or vampire; befriend a mermaid; build a rocket in your backyard and go to space; get abducted and raise an alien; the possibilities are endless! Occults can shake shit up, especially if you're tired of vanilla, realistic gameplay.
FAMILY VACATIONS!!! HONEYMOONS!! FRIEND TRIPS!!! I love taking my sims on vacation and taking photos, making memories, etc. This feature is great too because you can get extended family members to go on vacation with your household and then it'll be a little family reunion (and you'll get moodlets for this as well that are like "The whole family is together" or something like that, it's really cute!). I think because you can literally travel to anywhere at any time without using the vacation feature this becomes really under-utilized, but it's a fun little thing to do!
Custom summer vacation holiday with seasons: depending on your lifespan/how you have your calendar days set up you can make it lasts a few days, a whole week, or even two weeks (so the kids can be off school during that time - I do one week in my saves). I just make the "mandatory events" swimming, grilling, spending time with family, stuff like that! Some days I literally have no mandatory events lol, just a day off school!
Honestly that's all I've got off the top of my head: I use a lot of mods and always have, so it can be hard for me to isolate what is a modded feature and what is just a part of the game itself! I hope one or more of these can help you spice your gameplay up a bit! Thank you for this question as always!!! <3
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hogwartseighthyear · 1 year
i’ve hardly had any time to work on my own fanfics this semester, so here’s a short little roundup of a few in-progress harry potter fics from other authors that i’ve been keeping up with:
the journal of dreadful things series by lilbeanz19: (G, draco & harry) eleven-year-old draco is visited by his future self and given a journal detailing what he must do differently this time around, i.e. befriending harry and the golden trio — literally so cute and enjoyable. like honestly. i especially think first-year draco is written and characterized really well, and this whole thing was just so much fun to read. i genuinely can't wait for the next part of the series
the heir to the house of prince series by elph13: (M, theo/harry) harry discovers and accepts his numerous magical heirships before fifth year, finds out snape is his real father, and gains an incredible amount of power that he must learn how to wield — i never even shipped theo/harry before reading this but i guess i do now because this series is so fucking good!! i'm a big sucker for fics that get really deep into the magic and politics of the wizarding world and this doesn't disappoint. so worth the time to read, trust me. the author is currently on a hiatus for a couple months, but they had a super frequent update schedule beforehand
when you devour a dragon series by cestpasdubaudelaire: (M, nbc hannibal crossover, will/hannibal) will and hannibal transfer to hogwarts after being expelled from ilvermorny before their fifth year and get swept into the golden trio’s story all while continuing their serial killer shenanigans — okay for all my fellow nbc hannibal enjoyers, this is so well written like i'm genuinely a bit in awe. great prose, insanely strong plot, on-point characterization. i can't get enough of this fic. bonus: it has a regular update schedule!
infinity times infinity by stephen_schitz: (NR, fred/reader, george/reader, fred/reader/george) reader navigates life at hogwarts as a slytherin, the werewolf daughter of remus lupin, and the best friend of the weasley twins — not kidding when i say the reader in this fic gives me the biggest "she's literally me" reaction out of like any other reader-insert fic i've read. truly chef's kiss. probably one of my all time favorites. i want to run up and down the street screaming and cheering every time there's an update
promised series by fortisfilia: (M, tom/reader) AU where tom grew up with his grandfather and uncle, seventh-year reader is forced into an arranged marriage with tom through a deal between their families to save her sick younger sister — so in love with how this relationship between tom and the reader grows. A+ writing, A+ plot, and somehow it just keeps getting better the further into the series you go. i'm really into how the second part has been progressing and i can't wait for the next update
all these fics are available on AO3. go check them out and send some kudos and comments their way!
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avidink · 1 year
HELL o' World: WriteBlr Intro
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Hello my name is Vida and I finally decided to make a proper introduction to this community, so here are a few facts about me:
💛 I'm a lesbian
💛 she/her He/him pronouns
💛 Native Spanish speaker
💛 got back to Tumblr a few years ago
💛 Would like to get back to writing fanfic
💛 I'm a literature student
With that out of the way, these are the Projects I'm actively working on. I write mostly in Spanish but sometimes writing in English helps me put some ideas down. So I'll be alternating in both languages when I post about my wips.
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I'm still working on the working title. So here is a summary of the story I'm trying to tell.
Sam is a werewolf and Bonnie is a regular human. They are both classmates and don't get along that well due to their social groups being so different. Shenanigans happened and they fall into a fairy circle and get a love curse. So they need to find a way to break the curse before it becomes irreversible. As they get to know and confide in each other they realize that they are not so different from one another and wonder if this new connection that they feel with each other is real or it is part of the curse.
Ideas/motivations behind the story: I used to read not-very-good love stories when I was a kid and in a lot of these stories the protagonist falls in love with the bad guys just because it's their destiny or it's a curse even though they are not compatible. So what if two people are forced to fall in love and want to break the curse but then they realize that they like what they have and now they wonder if they actually want to break it they also wonder if what they have is real or is just the curse. There are sooo many ways it can be worked it.
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They are both protagonists but I'm still deciding how is going to have more focus on them. This is an omega verse story btw.
Beaufort is an omega who just lost his husband and is now left alone to take care of their child, Toby. In a world of alphas, he is going to work extra hard in order to sustain both of them with an omega salary, since people of this world don´t think omegas are good at anything that is not taking care of the home. So he impersonates his late husband in order to have a better salary in a remote job.
While Dante is an Alpha who just fucked up big time at his job due to his arrogance so his parents, the company owners, fired him. So is now up to him to prove to them that he is actually that good at his job and it's the client's fault they did not get a deal. So he starts this new job with this mysterious alpha who thinks is soo good for everyone that no one has ever seen. He does think his husband that comes into the office every now and then is kinda cute.
Ideas/motivation behind the story: Like I said I used to read a lot of bad romance novels. I used to read a lot of Omegaverse when I was a kid and as I grow I realized that many o those relationships were not that good and I always wanted to write a story in which the bad boy has a big change of perspective and values. I also like the idea of a single father just trying to make it into the world and how those two characters get to influence each other. This is mostly a nostalgia project since is an idea that I had for a really long time.
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findroleplay · 6 months
Dreamworks Trolls has kind of taken over my brain because it's adorable, so I'm looking for a Poppy to play against my Branch.
It's kind of a unique situation in that I'm not looking for 1X1. I run a game on Dreamwidth in the little enclave of an RP community there. If you're not familiar, dreamwidth games are usually played in communities with comment threads and are ongoing with continuity like a tabletop. There's a slight learning curve on using the site but my playerbase has helped people new to the site before and the comment threads are pretty intuitive for rp.
The game is a panfandom game set in the Rise of the Guardians universe. In it the characters have been drawn in as myths and have to fight against a horrible cosmic being to stop it from destroying the Guardians' universe and then every other world beside it. Plots involve missions in other worlds, fighting villains that work for the cosmic being, and fighting against problems as fiction is imposed on reality.
It has a little over 20 really friendly players that rp canons and OCs from everything from Star Trek to DC Comics to Werewolf the Apocalypse. It's got a mix of plot and slice of life, and the tone runs from light and whimsical to a little dark. It'd count as literate rp but people don't write whole novels.
I'm 38 (NB) and both DWRP and the group in the game skews on the older side, with most players ranging from mid-twenties to early forties. The game doesn't allow minors, and I'd prefer to only write a ship with someone 21+ at absolute bare minimum, with a definite preference for 25+. The game doesn't allow spicy stuff and also I'm not comfortable with writing it (esp with trolls characters) so dni if a lack of nsfw is a dealbreaker with your shipping. Also dni if you're not LGBTQIA+ friendly.
I'd love to play against a Poppy for both dramatic, serious adventures with the group and fluff shenanigans in between. After streaming Trolls during a Dreamworks marathon, a bunch of the other players loved her character, too. We all just think Trolls is cute.
Message me if interested or like this post and I'll message you. If you'd want to do some 1X1 fluff first on discord to see if our takes on the characters vibe, I'm also down, though I'm not really looking for anything long term on discord alone. I prefer group RPs with plotty stuff going on.
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mdhwrites · 11 months
The Most Impactful Story On My Writing
And I can't remember its name but I remember one reaction I had from it that has never really left me.
So first, I do remember the premise so let me set the scene. First: This was when I was just getting into manga as a tweenager, just into middle school, and my sister had a couple books in her room that she'd let me read. One of them was a Shoujo series about a witch getting stranded in our realm after leaving the magical realm and now she must deal with life and boys. During the introductory period, hijinks with her magic happened and then...
They just stopped. For like two whole volumes, you literally could not distinguish it from literally any other Shojo series set in the modern day. The theoretical hook was simply gone as she went through love triangle shenanigans. Then, suddenly, they're making this big deal about her potentially being forced to return to the magical realm and what that means and my reaction was "OH RIGHT! THIS BITCH HAD MAGIC!"
And that moment kind of hit hard for me. When I talk in my analysis about getting annoyed about something abandoning its premise or characters just forgetting who they were, I think this is where that core issue for me began. A moment where I was suddenly wrenched out of everything I was enjoying to go "Oh right! There was an actual concept behind this!"
And that definitely is also in my writing. I'm not going to claim to be perfect but as an example, I did a romcom where one character is a werewolf and it's really fluffy and cute... And yet the curse is still real. Pretty much every chapter has to do with the werewolf element in someway. It is still a CURSE, not just her having dog ears and a tail, even if in many chapters it's allowed to be that way for fluff. It is never left hanging for too long the reminder that I chose to make them a werewolf.
That book is Their Ruff Secrets btw and is my proudest work to this day, even if Crises Girlfriends is even more personal for me.
It by no means is the only one though. When I did monster girls, I made sure not to forget their claws and what they were. When I did traumatized, molded soldiers, they were constantly dealing with their training versus their reality as sudden civilians. Rich Witch is possibly to the point where it's so focused on these characters being nobles and what that means that it's a detriment as much as a plus, but I know I wouldn't really write it any other way because I would never want to feel like I'm just ignoring the premise. Hell, plans for that series include one character acting like they're trying to forget that they're a noble and the PROBLEMS that come with that.
And it all started with a fairly generic Shoujo manga that I can't even remember the name of.
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wyldheartwolf · 1 year
i just want to write werewolf plots pls?
just a pack multiple muse. some crazy plot shenanigans. a little wolfie slice of life. some cute domesticness but also like... trauma and angst y'know?
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a-dakhtar · 2 years
fic updates
figured i needed to explain myself.
recent updates:
[paleblood]: 3/? (~4k) bnha/bloodborne xover, where bakugou ends up in yharnam without his quirk during kamino!arc. part of my obsession with fromsoftware as a whole.
[next time, you ride with me]: 2/3 (~10k) mcu, multiverse shenanigans. specifically, captain america!rhodey going to a world where he’s deffo not cap. and tony being obsessed with his biceps.
other wips:
[ironborn]: 7/? (~25k) mcu, tony making the bots (+JARVIS) bodies so they can be free. would you believe me if i told you this fic started as a little rambly joke and now it’s gone too big and i’m worried since everyone seems to find it cute but forget that tony very much said at the beginning of the fic that he was going to dIE I’M TOO SCARED TO MAKE PEOPLE SAD SO I’M TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE ACTUAL END GAME OF THIS STORY IS, FUCK.
other things i want to do: i'm not sure? the entire thing is that i'm actually not in any fandom at the moment. i haven't been watching anime lately, i haven't been playing video games lately, i haven't even watched any movie since avengers: endgame came out (literally). so i'm... sort of a fossil, i think, still stuck in the things i once did love (like bnha, which i sort of don't now) and the things i will always love (JARVIS).
i really want to try more ffxv, just because there's so much you can do with prompto's background, and i love ignis as a whole. but I know if i do it'll be purely for myself, which is fine, since i tend to write my own madness for me anyway (looking at you, thor and kid!tony fic).
thank you guys to anyone who's been willing to continue reading my sporadic updates. thank you to everyone who's given me kind words on fics that haven't been updated in years (i'm so sorry seawolf people). i shall do my best to finish the fics you've given me so much love for, and hope you enjoy any new shit you throw at me.
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devilfic · 2 years
i just read it will come back and dude,, i’m fr obsessed. werewolf!au’s are my guilty pleasure, so throw in the love of life eddie munson?? i’m so sold. idk if you do taglists but i’d love to on one for any of your writing! that’s all i wanted to say lol, have a good one dude :)
p.s. could we look forward to a part 2 for it will come back in the future? 👀
SAME even though vampire!eddie’s creeping on in too,,,
and thank you!! I was considering putting a taglist together at some point, so I will definitely make a note of that
and it’s very possible 👀 have some cute werewolf boyfriend shenanigans, might introduce some pack members, write for some of those pack members in the same universe. the possibilities are endless >:D
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work in progress: heart of glass type of writing: drabble who: sidney ahmed & iah elijah / mentions evie faraday genre: the supernatural triggers: mentions slight pain. notes: sidney just went through her full moon transformation. idk if it makes sense but oh well posting, hell yeaaah!
Sid’s aching all over. Almost like she’s gotten beat up in an all-women’s fight club or something. And while there is a rule between her and Iah and Evie, where she’s promised not to bring up to others what she goes through once a month, she sometimes feels like things would be easier if she was actually involved in an all-women’s fight club, instead of transforming into a werewolf. Mostly because, all the werewolf rubbish is a little too much for her, even when it is a once-a-month event.  
Evie says she’s lucky that she only has to deal with the werewolf thing once a month. Because Evie has to deal with being a vampire full-time. Yet, the thing is, Sid does has to deal with being a werewolf daily. Just not the turning bits that everyone assumes.
Because she does have that extra added bit of scent. Then she does hear a little more than everyone else. And, uhm, of course, her appetite is through the roof.
There are also a few more things, like her obsession with the moon, but she just thinks that’s just her obsession with it because she wants to cling to something she’s liked since from before she was scratched. But who really knows?
All she knows is Evie doesn’t really know shite about werewolves, does she? Since, all those years of living, and she’s hated werewolves. The only reason she cares about them now, is she liked her before she got turned. Sooo, of course, now she’s going to like them. And of course, she’s going to want to help her. 
But it just sucks, knowing her friend, deep down probably doesn’t like her. Yet, then again, Evie’s a bit dense — probably doesn’t dislike anyone once she decides she likes them.
This leads Sid to shake that off as she walks through the street in a ripped shirt and some ripped slacks, and a towel covering her bottom half as her hair stays piled over her head. 
“What’s up gorgeous lady? Going my way?” Iah asks her as he drives by, after rolling down his window.
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t believe so, Mr.” She jokes, putting on an American accent. “Don’t even know where your way even is.” She then smiles a little, before using her posh accent. “Thanks for showing up early though. I hate waiting. It’s always embarrassing walking around half-naked if I’m covered up in dirt, that I didn’t willingly put myself in. Fucking wolf shenanigans…” She mumbles before getting in the car. 
“Well, you look fine.”
“Fine’s not cute, Iah,” Sidney corrects.
Iah rolls his eyes and waves side to side before driving off. “You should consider changing in my basement. I had a friend who used to change there.”
“That’s very Wuthering Heights. My response to that is no.” Iah chuckles at that, and then they listen to some music and drive to his place in silence. Sidney pouting and him thinking of what the hell could be going through her head.
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floweramon · 1 year
F and R!
F: I suppose the longest fandom would be either Sailor Moon or Pokemon. I was into them as a kid, and when I got onto the internet as a preteen I found fansites that talked about the Japanese versions, which led me to learning about anime and how many other things I watch were from Japan (like Yu-Gi-Oh! and Digimon) and I was so fascinated that when my father found out about anime conventions he and my mom took me. I dressed up as Sailor Sun, a TOTALLY original character, and the rest is history. Sailor Moon and Pokemon had a lot of influence on my art, as well as some of my early stories (fun fact, my namesake Digimon OC is partially based on characters from Sailor Moon and Inuyasha)
R: Oh boy XD Most people don't know about my rarepairs or crackships because I so rarely talk about them! I don't think this is even all of them, I just picked some of my top ones that I sometimes think of and would like to do fanfiction of someday (but likely never will if I'm being honest)
Put under read more for length XD
Snow White and Tiana. I mostly see them as platonic baking buddies, but if they were to meet when Snow White is an adult (and obviously with the help of time-and-space travel shenanigans) it could be a cute pairing. I also think the idea of the first and last traditionally animated Disney princesses being friends is cute.
Fakir and Pike from Princess Tutu, but only after the series. Without getting into everything that happens in the show, the main character Ahiru goes back to being a duck and lives with Fakir by a lake. I have this specific idea about how Fakir wants to bring by people Ahiru knew when she was human so she wouldn't just rely on him for companionship, so he invites these two girls he knew were her friends, Pike and Lily. And over time Pike, who in the series id have a minor crush on Fakir, grows closer to Fakir.
Lizzie McGuire and Isabella Parigi. Assuming Isabella is meant to be about Lizzie's age, I think it'd be cute and hilarious if the two girls who Paolo fucked over formed a friendship that turned romantic. I like to imagine they became penpals after all the stuff in Rome and it evolved from there.
Murray and Jing King from Sly Cooper. I actually started writing a fanfic for this but I lost steam on it. It was mostly spawned from two things 1. thematic appropriateness as it was Murray's resolve to save his van that helped strengthen Panda King's own resolve to save his daughter. So while he would still be hesitant about them being together, I think eventually he would feel Murray could be trusted. and 2. there's a bit of spite behind the idea, as the only other Jing King fanfic at the time had her paired with her misogynoistic captor.
Mavis and Angus from The Adventure Zone. I think they would be cute as like first crushes of each othr, and I think Merle's reaction would be hilarious XD
David and Mr Talbot from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Again, mostly born from an unwritten fanfic I thought of for a Dracula film addition to the Wolfman and Frankenstein films. Without getting into the whole plot and just focusing on the subplot relevant to the ship, Theodore and Mr. Talbot weren't actually cured of lycanthropy but they have better control and Mr. Talbot is now serving as a "werewolf mentor" for Theodore. During a school trip to Transylvania both he and David are chaperoning and after seeing some interactions between them Theodore starts to get the idea of playing matchmaker so his werewolf mentor can also be a dad. Alvin hates the idea because Mr. Talbot is their principal and it'd be weird, so he and Theodore clash on that throughotu the course of the plot.
The background lesbian bug from Cuphead. Specifically this one:
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This one I know no one has ever shipped. I've never seen anyone acknowledge her, how all the other bugs are focused on the fight but she's focused on the dancing girls, and I am weirdly obsessed with her existence and would like her to date one or both of the dancers.
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selarne · 1 year
2022 Fic Writing Stats
I found this a couple months ago and tossed it in my drafts, because I was proud of how much I’d written in 2022. Of course, that all stopped when I started playing FFXIV...but I still wrote a lot in the first part of the year!
Word count on AO3: 40,279 across two accounts Number of fics on AO3: 21 Average Words Per Story: 1,918 - about right, I’m a shortfic writer! Fandoms written for: DC Comics, mostly Batfamily Total Words Written: I have too many drafts for this. But I would say there’s at least 15k unpublished I wrote this year.
More under the cut, contains discussion of explicit content.
Shortest Story: Cut Open by Your Hand, 772w, some quick knife and blood play
Longest Story: Omegaverse harem heat porn, because I had to write so many people having sex! But only just over 5k.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? Well the end of the year got sidetracked, but I definitely wrote more though a lot didn’t get published because I agonized over editing.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most? My descent into DC Comics and the Batfam continued, as did my descent into problematic smut writing. Let’s just say I really let my preferred kinks fly.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I’m glad I got to write a Green Lantern fic! I know the overarching fandom is overrun with Batfam, so I’m glad I could contribute a little and sneak in some Guy/Arkillo.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Let’s just say there’s a couple of kinky smut fics that have 0 comments and leave it at that.
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year? The nature of MMO subscriptions makes me want to get the most bang for my buck, so I don’t know what my writing looks like for the next year. I have some stuff I want to finish, but maybe I’ll dip my toes into a new fandom? I might have to make a third AO3 account for readerfic.
From the past year of writing, what was your...
Most popular story of this year (by kudos): Smut: omegaverse non-con somno fic. Gen: little vampire Dick Grayson in Bit Off More Than He Could Chew, which got a nice bump from the DC vs Vampires comics giving us Vampire King Dick.
Personal favorite: TimRa’s enemies with benefits in With the Enemy (For Good Reason), because people just don’t write the pair how I’d like so I did it myself.
My favourite fic to write: Bit Off More Than He Could Chew, how to introduce Batman to the idea he has a smol vampire in his house
Most fun to write: The Temperature’s Hot Enough to Hatch a Stone, But Will It Hatch an Egg was very fun. Just a bunch of silliness.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Oral cock warming into face fucking. Like I said, I let the kinks fly this year, oh man.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Probably that omegaverse noncon somno fic I mentioned earlier. It also comes with a side of underage, incest, and forced mating.
Most challenging to write: I have this unpublished fic that’s gone through about three rewrites at this point...it includes multiverse shenanigans and lots of feels, so the limited 3rd POV I normally write in didn’t seem right, tried a different POV, tried combining into 3rd omni, and that’s where I left it. I will get it done!
Funniest fic: Temperature’s Hot Enough, accidental baby acquisition but it’s an egg instead is great
Fluffiest fic: Bit Off More probably, I just think baby vampire Dick is so cute
Saddest fic: I don’t do a ton of sad, the closest is probably the accidental incest fic (they didn’t know they were related but one of them learns)
Fic I’m proudest of writing: Temperature’s Hot Enough, like I said, more non-Batfamily stuff!
Least popular fic: Well, Temperature probably because it’s the only thing that doesn’t include a Batfam member. 
Biggest disappointment: tbh, the zero comments on my werewolf boyfriend smut.
General writing reflections: Ignore the readers, write the things you love! Clearly these readers don’t have good taste. (Ok, there are some lovely commenters, but I wish they’d show up on some other stuff!)
Ok I’m too lazy for the rest of these, but I’m leaving them in maybe for next year. But overall, a good year! I’m glad I could really get back into writing. I do hope I can rededicate some time in 2023.
Favorite character to write: 
Favorite opening lines:
Favorite closing lines:
Other favorite lines:
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Teen Wolf Tucker
okay, i’m ready to write this even though i know nothing about teen wolf.
it’s starts when tucker turns sixteen and ends up going through essentially werewolf puberty. there are probably going to be a lot of signs before his actual transformation that he just writes off. like growing hair on his chest and being sweaty. massive growth spurts. normal puberty. gaining muscles? a result from all the exercise involved in ghost hunting. danny and same a strong too. teeth and nails getting sharper, better sense of smell? eh probably a ghost thing. might need to be checked for ecto-contamination. werewolf never even crossed his mind as an option
it’s a genetic thing. from his moms side. part of her love language is feeding her family meat. tucker also has always had a sensitive nose for meat so it tracks as a wolf thing. his clumsiness could be explained as his dumb puppy stage. still the day he has his first transformation is wild. in part because he was not in his room like he was supposed to be. he’d been out ghost hunting with his friends and therefore abruptly turned into a wolf for no reason right in front of them. he woke up in the opts tower and sam and danny were fine, not a scratch on them. apparently he wasn’t a very aggressive wolf, at least not towards them. course he tries to hide it from his parents but his mom brings it up on her own and tucker is like O.O this is going to happen again? i am a spook? tucker’s parents emphasize that this is something he needs to keep a secret, even from his friends. and off course next scene tucker is kicking danny’s door open and crying “GUYS HOLY FUCK!!”
from there naturally shenanigans occur. they’re trying to figure out how to turn sam into a spook because she refuses to be the teams normy. she’s gonna have to get bitten by a vampire or learn how to be a witch. they just found out other monsters exist, they have to run with this. is tucker going to me more useful in ghost fights? not really. are they going to have monster fights added to their pile of ghost fights. absolutely. their luck is bad. i can also see danny fully delegating monster stuff to tucker because he has his hands full with ghosts. it’s literally true, he really doesn’t have the time, but also rude. tucker helped danny with his ghost problems for two years and this is the thanks he gets? to be fair danny also helps but he doesn’t actively fight the monsters he just kinda stands back and lets tucker do the work unless theirs some kinda monster and ghost team up. much sass is had about this regardless. i also think a side effect of sam desperately wanting to be a monster is that she’s off-putting to the monsters. girl wants it too bad. she’s freaking them out.
tucker being the butt of furry jokes but faster. tucker and wulf hanging out a lot more and just being some dogs in sunglasses. tucker and danny having power centric contests. the trio being considered even weirder than before despite puberty treating all of them well. i see danny as taking on a more dan physique. tucker grows tall and lean, probably more of a runners build, he’s actually considered small by wolf standards but to humans his size is nothing to cough at. sam is a muscle girl, still goth but leaning into more masc fashion.
in wolf form tuckers basically just a goofy dog. sam and danny have probably passed him as that to get out of situations. he can transform anytime, now that he’s has his first turn. but he has to do it on the full moon and he doesn’t remember those nights. like he keeps his human mine the rest of the month but not on the full moon. he has a full wolf form and a half wolf form, the bipedal type of form, similar to wulf. also should be noted wulf was really excited when tucker had his first transformation. like wanted to have a little party excited. they’ve bonded. it’s cute. tucker has super strength in general. most of the typical powers of wolves. better sense of smell and hearing. night vision, claws and fangs. hunting instinct. tucker is more aggressive to his bullies than before and has to an extent chased them off. now that he can mach them in size and strength bullying him isn’t as fun.tucker trying to gain popularity through his wolf powers and succeeding for a bit but finding the experience shallow and empty. he cant talk to the a-listers about his the latest tech, what’s the point.
tuck developing dog habits and just generally being cute in that way. tucker dealing with the changes/paranormal puberty and having danny to help him through it despite being different creatures. sam laying off on tucker being a vegan because technically he’s a carnivores, but being very grudging about it. tuck getting closer to his parents. just the sheer coincidence that tucker happened to be a werewolf this whole time and also happened to be friends with a future ghost boy. their paranormal is completely independent of each other. sam is digging into her family history. it’s like everyone in the friend grop being lgbtq but not realizing until after they graduate and then looking back in hindsight like “damn our friend group was all queer.” only with being spooks. the queer parallels were already there, lets be real. i suggest leaning into it this au. is being a ghost and werewolf metaphors for being lgbtq? yes. are they also lgbtq as a separate thing from being paranormal? also yes
i just see them all having a lot of fun with tucker being a wolf. something needs to be done for sam so she isn’t left out. the jealousy is only funny in the beginning. but has angst potential and i don’t want that for her. she should be able to stick with her friends.but just in general they’re vibing.- Hestia
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
SamBucky Micro Fics
Hey! I was organizing my micro fics when I thought - I could collect all the fics that have been made this week into one place that people can check out because all of them have been so magnificent 😆 These fics will have prompts coming from this list and this list. Now, in no particular order, the ones I've seen around (please add to this list or tell me of a fic/author I should add if I missed one or if you'd want a different description for your fic):
@abarbaricyalp Fics
Filthy Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff
Rampage Intimate, Pet Name
Sea Change Domestic Fluff, Sarah and Bucky Talking
Senseless Fluff, CW: Mention of Injury
Sweat Training, Past Riley
@bisamwilson Fics
Bauble Family Fluff, Christmas Ornament
Cheap Domestic Fluff, Dancing While Cooking
Handwritten / Promised Writing Vows, Pre-Marriage Fluff
Illusion Family Fluff, Sam Talking to Birds
Nightfall Domestic Fluff, Hanging Out on the Boat
One Chance Domestic Fluff, Carnival Date
Subtle / Fever Trans Sam is Always Wonderful, NSFW Text
Trembling Hands angsty, cw: eating disorder
You’re Distracting / You Promised Office Shenanigans, NSFW Text
@cataroo Fics
Alone, Finally Intimate, Night After Wedding
Silent Fury Domestic Fluff, Scrabble
Sweat Pre-Civil War, Dancing
@jemgirl86 Fics
Comfort Food Post-Mission Fic, Fluff and Slight Crack
Drastic Domestic fluff, Pre-Relationship
I Trusted You Jealous Bucky, Possible SamSteve Vibes
Shimmer Proposal, Figaro
@jules-of-the-crown Fics
Accursed Crack, Haunted Castle Ghosts
Nap Cat Cafe, Cat Meet-Cute
Overgrown Domestic Fluff, New Home
Rampage AU-Canon Divergence, Alligator Meet-Cute
Righteous Post-CA: TWS, Protective Bucky Barnes
Trembling Hands Sex Pollen, Kissing
Undone Social Media, And They Were Roommates
Candles Pre-Sambucky, Birthday Fluff
@livingincolorsagain Fics
Bruised / Kissed Bruised Lips, They're So in Love
Delicious / Mystery Kind of a Follow up to One Chance, Steering Wheel Crack
One Chance, Tender, Savior Compilation, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Pet Domestic Fluff, Cad Dads
Shimmer Vibes, Nature
You're Distracting Domestic Fluff, Cat Dads
@logicheartsoul Fics
Harsh Whisper Mission Fic, Angst
@obsessivelymoody Fics
Candles Domestic Fluff, Early Birthday Present
Drastic Domestic Fluff, Cat Dads
Sunbathing Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Total Control Intimate, Bucky Moving Down Sam's Body
@samcky Fics
Hide Crack, Redwing
Nightfall Sunset, Wedding Fluff
Something About [Them] [It] Couch Shopping, Fluff and Crack
Sunbathing Reminiscing on a First Kiss, Domestic Fluff
Too Loud Crack and Smut, NSFW Text
@saryasy Fics
Dearest / Ache Canon Divergence, Letter
Sickly / Sweet Kissing, Taste
Transparent / Tangled Friends with Benefits, Bittersweet
@thatmexisaurusrex Fics
Accost Zombie AU, Angst
Dearest / Ache Shower, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Defy Winged Sam, Fantasy AU
Dust Motes Slice of life, cute
Handwritten / Promised Cuddling, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
In Dreams Fantasy AU, Dreams
Nightfall Vampire Sam Wilson, Werewolf Bucky Barnes
Overgrown Winged Sam Wilson, Dryad Bucky Barnes
Sated Steamy, Sweet
Small / Cuts Domestic Fluff, Shaving
Subtle / Fever Almost Kiss, Mission Fic
Svelte Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
@the-biggest-sambucky-shipper Fics
Mystery Surprise Proposal, The Paul & Darlene
@transjoaquintorres Fics
In Dreams Bucky Talking in his Sleep, Mission Fic
@watergator Fics
Collapse Mission Fic, Angst
Crave Thirsting, Avengers Meeting
@yammz Fics
Crave Thirsting, Conflicting Feelings
How Dare [You] Domestic Fluff, Crack
Nap Pre-Relationship, And They Were Roommates
Trembling Hands College AU, Just This Side of Messy
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mirrorthoughts · 3 years
It's time for a masterpost of my stories, so I can pin it on my blog! XD (All of my posted stories on AO3 + SqW)
Original stories will now be posted over on @pencilcoreandgreenleafheart !
Teen Wolf Bingo 2024 (25 short stories, some of them related, currently done 5/25) AO3
Inn of the Multiverse (TW AU-fest 2023, WIP)
Part one: Inn of the Multiverse (Teenwolf, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Peter Hale, Cora Hale & Peter Hale, Cora Hale & Derek Hale, Cora Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe, Multiverse Inn jumping through dimensions, magical!Stiles, Inn proprietor Stiles, Found Family, Not Beta Read) AO3 (5/5)
I Can See What Could Be And I Want It
(Teen Wolf (TV), Peter Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent & Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent & Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent, Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Claudia Stilinski, Derek Hale, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Kinda, Pre-Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, You see their relationship at different times, future stetopher have a little daughter, Peter just sees and wants to have it all, Mostly Fluff, Happy Ending, multiple mentions of Peter burning and assorted tastes and smells, Steter Secret Santa 2023 (Teen Wolf), Steter Secret Santa 2023)
AO3 (5/5)
The Fox And The Wolf
Part One: Dead On Time (Steter Bang 2023) (Teenwolf, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, (parts of) the Hale family, Time Travel Fix-it, magical!Stiles, two times Stiles is double the fun!, younger Stiles is called Mischief) AO3 (6/6)
The little things (WIP) (Teenwolf, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Soulmates, Pocket Soulmates, I call them Lysal, Stiles has a pocket werewolf, Not Beta Read, Also I have no idea where this will go, its just a little playground for me) AO3 (10/?)
Train Ride (Assassin‘s Creed, The Old Guard, Gen, Desmond running from the Immortals, and meeting them in a train, It's Raett's fault!, bc her story is living rent free in my head, Desmond's POV) AO3 (1/1)
Hello World (WIP) (Teen Wolf, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Murderbot-AU, AI!Stiles, Ex-DatingSim-Character!Stiles, Programmer!Peter, Construct!Stiles, Might become a Crossover. I have actually no idea yet x"D, Rating Might Change, Not Beta Read, POV First Person, Of course the one kind of POV I normally don't like and don't use :D) Tumblr + AO3 (1/?) Tumblr prompts and other shenanigans AO3 Not Afraid (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, The Pack (Teen Wolf), Not Beta Read, Not edited, Just a little something I'm writing for a friend as part of an advents calendar, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence) (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11 of 11)
Steter Mini Bang 2022 AO3 (+ Tumblr announcement post) Steter Week 2022 Tumblr + AO3 P&S P.I. - Potter and Snape, Paranormal Investigators
Case 1: Come Back with me (+AO3) (Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Crossover, Snarry, Steter, Slow Burn, for both of the planned pairings, Not Beta Read) (Part 1-4, Part 5, Part 6+7, Part 8+9 of 9)
The How Steter Hijacked my NaNo2020 series: (english on AO3/german on AO3, english on SqW)
- Loyality (Only on AO3)/Loyalität (Only on AO3) (Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, The Pack Being Idiots, Stiles gets cursed, deaged Stiles but he's still himself, Stiles POV, Not Beta Read)
- Safe (Only on AO3)/Sicherheit (Only on AO3) (Peter Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Peter's a cat, Don't ask me why - the prompt's at fault!, Prompt Fic, POV Peter Hale, Cat!Peter, Living in the woods!Stiles, Not Beta Read)
- More than Coffee (Only on AO3)/Mehr als Kaffee (Only on AO3) (Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Not Beta Read)
- There are more things in heaven and earth… (Only on AO3)/Es gibt mehr Ding' im Himmel und auf Erden... (Only on AO3) (Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Magic School, Stiles Stilinski-centric, Magical Fox, Not Beta Read)
- Wolf Heart (+AO3)/Wolfsherz (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, AU, CW: Stalking, As in Peter stalks Stiles, Werwolf Mates, Not Beta Read) (I linked Part 7 on tumblr since I didn't edit the older parts and part 7 is the only with links to all the other parts... 😅)
- Obsessed (+AO3)/Besessen (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, obsessed character, delusional character, Not Beta Read, au-ish, Canon - What's Canon?)
- A Special Plant (+AO3)/Eine besondere Pflanze (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Stiles Stilinski-centric, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe, How to grow a familiar)
- Imaginary (+AO3)/Imaginär (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Imaginary Friend, Stiles kinda has his powers under control already)
- Meet me in your dreams (+AO3)/Triff' mich im Traum (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, soulmates dreaming of each other)
- Exposed (+AO3)/Entlarvt (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, BAMF!Stiles, Clark Kent Effect, the pack is oblivious, Peter is not)
- Stubborn (+AO3)/Dickköpfig (+AO3) (Teenwolf, The Witcher, Stiles Stilinski & Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier is Stiles uncle, I dunno how I got there, child!stiles, POV Jaskier | Dandelion, Fae heritage, Alternate Universe)
- Intruder (+AO3)/Eindringling (+AO3) (Teenwolf, Steter, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fox!Stiles)
- Fae Heart (+AO3)/Feenherz (+AO3) (Wolf Heart/Wolfsherz Pt.2)
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