#who doesn't like a good national park mystery
whywouldyouaskthatpod · 4 months
Ep 96: The Beautiful & Headless
We've got a listener question episode today, the first of a multi-part series! Up in Canada is a beautiful park reserve boasting amazing canoeing, camping, hiking— and history. The Nahanni National Park Reserve boasts names like "Funeral Range", "Deadman's Valley", and "Hell's Gate" for good reason. This episode we introduce you to the valley and bring you into the beginning of the string of deaths and disappearances that surround this enormous watershed. CW: Death, Dismemberment, Suicide
You can listen to this episode on Spotify or any other podcast app, but I'll link Spotify here below. And if you want ad-free episode, we have a Supporter's Club where you can go here and pay just $2 a month to listen without ads.
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Can I make a request for an S/O who has a pet that is extremely gruesome and scary, but is very cuddly and protective when interacting with its owner? Like, like the animal was something similar to the Demongorgon or something.
If you can, do it for Sarah, Shenhen, Dehya, Candance and Navia.
(Genshin Impact) Sara, Shenhe, Dehya, Candace, and Navia's S/O with a terrifying pet
I was bouncing between a Tyranid from 40k or a terrifying bug from a user created horror story called Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, but I'll just settle on some non particular bug abomination.
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Sara was barely able to hold back from immediately drawing her bow when she walked into S/O's house the first time and saw a massive insect inside.
It nearly stood up to the ceiling as it straightened its back, before relaxing from seeing its owner.
(Sara) "What is that?!"
(S/O) "OH! S-Sorry, I forgot to mention it to you beforehand! This is my pet!"
Sara stared at S/O before her eyes slowly glanced over to the "pet" they kept.
It resembled some kind of centipede with massive antennas, but had arms resembling a...human?!
Sara still kept her battle stance, wearily looking at it before turning to S/O, noticing their relatively happy expression.
(Sara) "...And, this will pose no threat to the people of Inazuma?"
(S/O) "Of course not, he doesn't eat people!"
(Sara) sigh "Thank the Almighty Sho-"
(S/O) "He eats corpses! It's a scavenger bug, not a predator!"
(Sara) "..."
Sara is uneasy around S/O's pet, putting it mildly.
The only place she doesn't allow S/O to cuddle her is at their house.
The one time she allowed them to rest their head on her shoulder, the romantic mood was immediately halted by S/O's pet resting its head on their lap.
Despite how much it unsettled her, she could at least complement its intelligence and loyalty.
When S/O was threatened, it would immediately attack whenever they commanded it to.
It even enjoyed getting pet, though Sara politely declined from doing so herself.
As long as it didn't cause a public disturbance, it was fine to remain.
But Archons help S/O if she gets a report of that...thing threatening a citizen, not even its terrifying and gross legs would skitter away from her wrath.
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Shenhe reached for her polearm before realizing the bug was relaxing near S/O.
She had seen all kinds of fantastical sights thanks to her Master, so it didn't really take long for her to adjust.
(Shenhe) "...Is that a pet, S/O?"
(S/O) "Sure is! This little guy has been with me for a long time!"
(Shenhe) "I see. It is good you have a companion."
The bug's head, or at least what she assumed was the head, seemed to lean into S/O's hand as they scratched under the chin.
Shenhe is used to nature, but she had never seen a creature like this before.
But then again, being with S/O taught her all kinds of new things, maybe this was another she should take heed of.
Seeing other people react to the bug, she moves to protect it like she would S/O.
Something that even it recognized, and protected Shenhe like its owner.
The only thing Shenhe dislikes about the bug is how clingy it got whenever she was wanting to spend time with S/O.
Other than that, the bug and Shenhe have a strange silent respect for each other.
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(Dehya) "S/O, GET BACK!-"
Dehya suddenly leaps into action when a giant bug-like creature emerged from the sand behind S/O.
Before S/O got in the way, trying (and failing) to keep her arm down.
(S/O) "WAIT, DEHYA! I-It's with me!"
Dehya's expression was something between confusion and anger, quickly looking back at S/O and the bug.
Just as they said, it was just staring at her before turning its attention to its owner.
(Dehya) "Jeez, ya never thought to bring this up to me before?! It looks like it could eat us!"
(S/O) "I-If it makes you feel any better, it's like a vulture! A scavenger eater, only corpses!"
(Dehya) "It really doesn't..."
Dehya is honestly creeped the hell out by S/O's pet.
She's seen a lot of desert fauna, but nothing like what S/O had.
It especially didn't help matters that it liked to hide under the sand until S/O spent time with it.
She especially didn't like that it butted its head in whenever she wanted to hold S/O.
More than one occasion she was ready to tell it off before S/O did so gently, letting it gently comply.
The other mercs are completely freaked out by it, which she doesn't blame them for in the slightest.
But, it did help during their contracts by scaring the hell out of rival clients, other eremites, and animals in general.
Begrudgingly, she let S/O keep it, but then again maybe it's best it remains with them and doesn't wander off in the desert to potentially reproduce.
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Candace notices something shifting in the sands near S/O, which she immediately raises her spear to throw at-
Before S/O frantically waved their hands, signaling to her not to attack.
Candace sees the bug emerge from the sand as it gives S/O a lift, riding towards her.
She takes a step back from unease, sizing the bug up and down before turning to S/O.
(Candace) "Have you...tamed this creature?"
(S/O) "K-Kinda? I didn't really tame it per se, more like we became friends!"
Candace did acknowledge it had some kind of intelligence in its eyes, as it responded perfectly to S/O's commands.
Being reassured by S/O that it would not attack the people of Aaru village, or eat the children, she allowed it to stay.
It took a bit for her to get used to it, but she no longer flinches seeing the bug.
It helped that it didn't seem to be naturally part of the desert, since she had never seen anything like it before.
Eventually, it became as much of a guardian of the town as Candace, much to her shock.
When S/O was threatened, the bug leapt from the sands and dragged them under, and the same went for any of the townsfolk.
The only thing she asks is that it sleeps outside, mostly just cause it'd drag sand all over the floor.
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S/O immediately aims her umbrella-shotgun before S/O stopped her from pulling the trigger.
(Navia) "Your pet?! That thing could eat one of the Clockwork Meka whole!"
She shuddered in terror as it skittered towards S/O, seemingly lax by their mere presence.
This sure as hell wasn't a man's best friend situation, and every cell in her body wanted to shoot it.
But seeing as it was with S/O, she very reluctantly let S/O keep it.
The only thing is that it HAD to stay outside the city and only in S/O's home.
Every single Meka and Guard would be trying to kill it, not that she wouldn't blame them either.
Navia screams in terror everytime she opens the door to find it turn its head towards her.
Why couldn't S/O just have a cat or something...?
Her urge to stomp the bug grows bigger when she moves to hug or kiss S/O, only to watch it approach from seeming jealousy.
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vindicated-truth · 2 months
Beyond Evil: The Romcom
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I've always said that barring all the murder and mystery elements, Beyond Evil is at its core a romantic comedy, and here's the proof (aside from Hakyun and Jingoo themselves pushing the agenda lol):
Bear in mind that if this is a romcom, not a thriller, it means Everybody Lives ™ and No One is A Murderer ™
Our main protagonist is of course our eccentric small-town hero, Lee Dongsik, who's known for his quirkiness and idiosyncratic tendencies in solving crime. His unorthodox methods of catching criminals earns him the grudging respect of the Regional Investigation Unit, where he works under his mentor and beloved second father, Nam Sangbae.
The office is situated at the Seoul Metropolitan Government Office, where our hero meets the other male lead: Han Joowon, esteemed Inspector working in Foreign Affairs, renowned for his keen intellect, cold personality, and most importantly, the notoriety of his rich and powerful family.
A particular difficult case involving the disappearance of illegal immigrants forces Foreign Affairs and the RIU to work together, and an unlikely partnership between each department's best officer.
The second lead is our hero's longtime childhood best friend, Park Jeongje, whom Dongsik thought was initially in love with his twin, Yuyeon. Yuyeon liked Jeongje but not enough to give up her ambition for him, and when Jeongje left for the states, Yuyeon graduated from Seoul National University as summa cum laude and passed as the bar topnotcher.
Yuyeon had the brains, but unfortunately not the connections, and with her background AND her gender she found it difficult to prove herself at the law firm where she was hired, and goes head to head with the ambitious Kwon Hyuk.
Unbeknowst to Dongsik, he was actually the one Jeongje was in love with. Do Haewon finds out and she's against it because she wants Jeongje to have that traditional marriage with a traditional family because for Jeongje to come out of the closet would affect her image as a rising politician.
Han Kihwan, for his part, is seeing how his normally poised and law-abiding son is being pulled into questionable methods by Dongsik, and vows to separate their partnership.
Dongsik's and Joowon's begrudging partnership also leads Yuyeon's and Kwon's paths to cross more often, and a budding romance develops between the lawyers as the side couple.
Lee Changjin is still Oh Jihwa's ex-husband, and no matter how Dosoo tries to arrange blind dates for Jihwa, she turns them all down. Dosoo wonders why she doesn't have time to date if all she does is visit Jaeyi's butcher shop even after work.
Jaeyi herself gets questioned often by her mother and the ahjummas in town why she won't get herself a boyfriend, especially that handsome young officer from Foreign Affairs who keeps visiting, and she only smiles and doesn't answer every time she reserves a seat for Jihwa after work hours, just for the two of them.
Minjeong, meanwhile, sneaks behind everyone's back to date Jihoon, but Dongsik, overprotective of her ever since he became her legal guardian after her parents abandoned her, keeps getting in her way. It causes a tense friction between him and Jihwa, as Jihwa asks if Dongsik thinks her brother isn't good enough for his ward.
Jeongje of course, sees this as an opportunity to side with Dongsik, and it causes friction with his friendship with Jihwa as well, which also then causes friction between Jaeyi's friendship with Dongsik, and drama ensues.
Upon seeing how Dongsik is distracted by his mysterious new partner, Han Joowon, Minjeong takes it upon herself to make sure those two get together so Dongsik wouldn't focus all his attention on her and she gets to do what she wants. Hijinks ensue, especially when he ropes in Jihoon in her plans.
Somehow this leads to Minjeong and Jihoon accidentally discovering an international crime syndicate and they both get kidnapped for it, but not to worry because Everybody Works Together™ to save them and unravel the crime syndicate at the same time.
Han Kihwan and Do Haewon finally sees and understands Dongsik's true worth to both Joowon and Jeongje, and in the end, Dongsik asks Joowon if they can extend their partnership outside of work.
Jaeyi and Jihwa end up together, Yuyeon and Hyuk end up together, Minjeong and Jihoon end up together, and Jeongje comes to terms with his feelings for Dongsik and vows to be there as his best man.
At the wedding held overseas, Jeongje is reunited with Yuyeon, and tells him she wishes happiness for him too, someday. She and his twin brother will always be there for him no matter what.
At the reception, Dongsik introduces Jeongje to this new young officer: Lee Sangyeob. Sangyeob tells him he was Dongsik's former partner, and they spent the rest of the reception laughing and commiserating over Dongsik.
And they lived happily ever after. As they ALL should.
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sundasystems · 1 month
4. The Cabin in the Grove
Eden Springs is aptly named.
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Just outside of town is a small overlook where you can pull your car off the road and get a good look at the place from above. You can even almost see the Sunda campus poking up from behind the far hill. It's beautiful. I have no problem seeing why anyone would want to live here. More mysterious, however, is why a massive multi-national conglomerate like Sunda would choose a place like this for their headquarters. Ninety minutes from any airport. No major interstate access. It's not especially inaccessible, but it's not easy either.
As I drive through down I see smiling faces and hear light laughter coming out of the various storefronts. Some preliminary research showed that, while the majority of residents here work for Sunda, there is also a thriving small-business culture in the down town. That appears to be true. I pass a movie theatre and a general store. There's even a French bistro! Le Jus... something? I make a note to go back.
I find it oddly peaceful here. I could live here. I could move here and feel like I'd never have another care in the world. I wave at someone on the sidewalk who waves at me. I return their smiles. My left hand drops into my lap and I sigh softly.
I slip out of the city limits on the other side of the main drag and I see the first sign that reminds me why I'm really here.
Sunda Systems Eden Springs Campus 1.5 miles
I put both hands back on the steering wheel and rezip the fly of my jeans.
The drive here is deceptive. As soon as you leave town it feels like you've driven back into the wilderness. For a few moments, there's only mountains and trees. Then you round the corner and its like driving into the world of tomorrow. Several tall white buildings shoot up from the ground surrounded by an army of smaller buildings. There are parking lots everywhere, but most sit empty, and I remember seeing a sign in town for the Sunda Shuttle.
I park in a spot marked for visitors and take a deep breath. I remind myself that no one here knows who I am or what I want. I'm just a tech nerd here for a tour of the facility. This is one of the only places around where a fair number of cars are parked. So I won't be the only person who doesn't "belong" here. I open my car door and begin to walk toward the visitor entrance.
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I'm greeted inside by warm smiles and "Welcome to Sunda Systems!" There's a sign that says the next tour of the campus leaves in 15 minutes. I'm left to stand in a group of other people who are waiting. They look largely like you'd expect them to look: mostly men, mostly in their mid to late 20's, mostly stereotypically nerdy. Not that I'm one to judge. I've never been one to be considered a heart-throb. That was always more Emily's job.
One of them approached me and says hello. We chatted briefly about what brought us here to take the tour and what we were hoping to see. He seemed harmless enough. Eventually, a guide emerged from behind a counter and greets us all. He was a skinny, nerdy looking guy. He introduced himself as Glen before handing out a campus map and beginning the tour.
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We weren't allowed up in to the offices in either building that flanked the main entry foyer. Instead, the tour guide led us out the back into the campus commons. It really was a beautiful place.
We first entered through the Laser and Optics Research building. We were shown an admittedly very cool demonstration of a high power laser cutting straight through a steel beam. I tried to keep myself from being impressed and remind myself why I was here, but it was hard not to get sucked into the presentation and the results. Cutting edge (pun intended).
Then across the courtyard we entered the Crystallography lab. The entrance hall here was lined with minerals and gemstones on display. We didn't get to see much here. The guide led us into a dark room with a single display case. Inside was the largest sapphire I've ever seen. The lights in the room seem to dance on its surface and somehow inside it's depths. And what depths it has! Deep blue and flecks of violet that seem to shimmer and move as it rotates on its turntable so slowly... and lazily...
I don't know why I didn't think to try to take a photo of it. I guess I was just very distracted.
Walking out into the sun after being in that dark room was disorienting. My head felt a little strange for a few minutes afterward, but the tour continued and I got over it. As we entered the audio labs I was feeling quite good again. Almost eager to continue. Music thrummed constantly here. The guide told us it was in an attempt to drown out the sound-based experimentations going on inside the facility. They tried their best to soundproof the rooms, but some sound still bled out into the main building. We should do our best to ignore it.
For some reason, the whole group managed to say "Yes, Glen" at the same time, which made us all chuckle for a few minutes. This was a good group.
Finally, we arrived at the section of the tour I'd been waiting for. The living quarters. Unfortunately, Glen didn't take us very close. He pointed out the Education Center and the Hall of Worship, but said they were closed to visitors. Further back was the cabins, where some staff had decided to live "on-site." Staff like John Delphine, former COO of Lotus Clinical Research.
The tour group began to head back toward the main entrance. Part of me wanted to follow. To be a part of Glen's group and be led around. But Emily was counting on me. So with great effort, I pulled myself out of the group and stepped behind a small statue as they rounded a corner. Just like that, I was free.
I knew I'd have to be quick. I didn't have an employee ID that I'd seen on people around so I may not have much time to explore away from the group. That being said, I couldn't sneak in broad daylight. So I put on my best "I belong here" face and strolled back toward the living area.
In the courtyard there was a bulletin board of notices for the residents. Three in particular caught my attention.
Renew your Vows and sing Vivian's Gospel House of Worship each Sunday at sundown
Seeking resident beta-testers for the new Mirrorball Program. Must not have been exposed to any previous optical inductions. Inquire at Office LOR 4-19.
New Radio Sunda available through Re:Mx. Enter code S2R0-F885-GG78 into the code stream to gain access.
This last one had tabs at the bottom with the access code on them like old flyers you'd find in the city. I tore one off and pocketed it to test out later.
I moved deeper into the campus toward the trees and the cabins. There were many more cars in the lots back here. Presumably the vehicles of the residents that don't have to drive from town.
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A man looking like a security guard was approaching from the cabins. I decided to cut and run before I could get caught. I stashed my camera as I walked back toward the research area of the campus and managed to slide back into the tour group as they came back out of radio building.
Many of them had happy - if slightly vapid - smiles on their faces as they listened to Glen speaking. It didn't seem like any of them had noticed I had snuck away. It wasn't really clear if they'd noticed anything except Glen that whole time. Though, I could hardly blame them. He was pretty cute. A flush ran through me, and I cleared my throat softly as we finished the tour.
But before I could leave, Glen approached me. I thought he was going to scold me for sneaking off, but I was very wrong. He asked if I was in town for long and if I'd like to get dinner with him that evening. I think my entire body turned red. It was an ethical violation to go on a date with the subject of an investigation. But it would be a good way to get some inside information.
And he was very, very attractive.
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thevagabondexpress · 7 months
wake the terror (semi-unofficial wip intro)
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"So we're just . . . going full vigilante here? Magic heist movie?" "Canada doesn't have a system for policing magic anymore. The English made sure of that. So yeah. We're going to have to. Like I said, Luna doesn't deserve murder and besides, the special collection needs those planks."
"Wake the Terror" is an urban fantasy/heist mystery that follows Hyacinth Glass, an ASL interpreter with an enchanted prosthetic arm who crawls out of Banff National Park for the first time since she came of age three years ago, compelled to attend an auction for a set of planks off the side of Franklin's Terror. She doesn't get them, and things get complicated when they're stolen and their rightful new owner is nearly killed. Suddenly Hyacinth finds herself playing Watson to a psychometric named Woodsworth who does magic, real magic, with startling skill and alarming recklessness, as they attempt to track down the thieves before the planks can be buried or used or both. Woods has secrets of their own, and a fondness for melding craft with science to rival Jack Parsons on a good day—a fondness that may come in handy, as the thieves are throwing down everything they've got in a desperate bid to trip them up, including probable mob goons and a psychic curse that plunges Woodsworth into Hyacinth's nightmares and Hyacinth into memories not her own, of the other side of the world over a hundred years ago.
or, this is what i'm doing while i wait for "these savage stars book two" to percolate.
tagging @alastairstom and @starduststudyblr because I think you might like this one, and @wildswrites b/c you're my hardcore writeblr mutual. credit for the painting, helen of troy (detail) c. 1867. by frederick sandys
this totally didn't start as a bering & wells au definitely not
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nian-7 · 8 months
Hello there! Can I get a matchup for HypMic (platonic & romantic) and Genshin (platonic & romantic)? Any gender for platonic, but only male characters for romantic.
Zodiac: Aries (actually Pisces-Aries cusp if that matters)
Enneagram: 5w6
I like structure, so routines give me comfort. I like to have my day planned out in the morning or the day before. I’m fine with few and slight deviations, but many and larger ones not only give me anxiety but also piss me off. For these kinds, I want at least 1-day notice, so I can rearrange my schedule.
I like order and cleanliness, so messiness is one of my biggest pet peeves.
I’m not an adventurous person, so I like to stick to what I know. If I were to be put into an unfamiliar situation, such as taking a trip to somewhere I have never been, then I would do some research ahead of time. I guess you can say that I don’t like to wing it.
I’m an indoor person rather than an outdoor. When I’m outdoors, my favorite places to go are local and national parks; I like being surrounded by nature with little people around. When I’m indoor, I enjoy binge-watching, drawing, and playing video games (RPG, open word, action, adventure, puzzle, and mystery/horror/romance visual novels).
I struggle with new people, but I feel that I’m quick to warm up to others.
I really hate conflicts, and I’m terrible with confrontations. I worry about upsetting others as well as am scared of being hurt, so I avoid asserting myself even when I feel/think that I’m right. I’m very sensitive, so I tend to take things personally, even when I logically know better. These are some of the reasons why I prefer to be a follower rather than a leader.
I’m not a big talker and like to keep to myself, so I really like being with others who are comfortable with verbal silence and don’t mind that I’m just physically existing in the same space as them. I’m not much of a talker, but I like to listen to others talk when they’re troubled.
I get jealous and envious easily, but it’s never to the point of being possessive and vindictive.
My love languages are acts of service, gifts, and words of affirmation; the one that I use the least is physical touch. The love languages that I like to receive are acts of service and words of affirmation.
I hope that this is enough information for you. Thanks for reading my rambling!
that's more than enough info, don't worry! enjoy your matchup!
I match you with... (platonically)
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-So, you'll notice a trend with these characters in the way that I tried to pick some clean and organized individuals! Jean being the first one.
-She also enjoys having a schedule and doesn't deviate from it much either. It just feels like the two of you have similar personalities which would lead you to both get along well.
-Jean is able to be assertive for you when you're not comfortable with doing so, often being there to defend you if needed when you don't feel like you can.
-She also thinks a lot about things she says so I don't think there'd be a miscommunication problem with her. She'll always make sure her words can't be taken badly but she can't always control that when she's upset.
I match you with... (romantically)
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-Zhongli is a gentle and polite man and respects your need for structure and organization. He's overall respectful of however you are and cares about you no matter what.
-Although he may not be confrontational either, he still will stand up for his lover. It may be a very calm defense but it still has good intentions of defending you.
-His love language is quality time but, he doesn't mind occasionally using words of affirmation. Acts of service are also nice too! He enjoys doing things for you and doesn't mind doing favors when you ask.
-He enjoys verbal silence if neither of you are talking or if he's talking about something he found interesting recently. He likes silence so it's no problem to him since you're still there.
I match you with... (platonically)
Hitoya Amaguni!
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-Again, I picked more organized people/people who'd be able to take confrontation for you and be assertive and so that's how we get Hitoya!
-He's more assertive and confrontational than you and doesn't take lightly to it, especially if it was a reoccurring thing. I likely would have picked Kuko instead but, he was a bit too disorganized even though he would be assertive.
-Honestly, he doesn't try to push you out of your comfort zone and just goes along with whatever you want to do. He will sometimes if you express to him that you want to try it but usually he won't.
-Doesn't mind being a friend you can lean back on when you're not feeling confident with new people or with the environment you're in. He'll be there for you to fall back onto if you need to take a second and he won't ask questions unless you say something about it outright.
I match you with... (romantically)
Rosho Tsutsujimori!
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-Rosho can get very defensive and protective of you seeing as you don't like confrontation. Seeing as he once chased down a guy because he was scamming his student, he'd have no problem getting into an argument for your sake.
-His words are always gentle when they're towards you even when he sometimes can come off harsh when talking to someone like Sasara. He tones it down for you knowing that you're more sensitive to words.
-He enjoys talking about his day since you're willing to listen. He talks about his students fondly and he honestly really appreciates the fact that you're willing to listen so intently.
-He tries his best to give you the love you deserve and shows it through acts of service usually, often finding it a bit difficult to show that love through words but it's the thought that counts!
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medea10 · 8 months
Medea Played Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The DLC’s (Part III)
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Just because the main story is over, doesn't mean you have to stop playing the game.
Once you get back from your adventure in Area Zero, Briar has quickly written a book about the ordeal.
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An apology for doing absolutely fuck-all when Terapagos was kicking all of our asses and for not controlling Kieran. Fuck no and fuck you.
Actually, you don't have to keep it for long. In Kitakami, go to the Crystal Pond, have Terapagos, and watch as things make no sense.
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That's right. A mist comes through and you meet with the professor. You have an in-depth chat about things and in the end, you exchange Briar's book for the Scarlet Book. Everything comes back around full-circle. Back at the school...
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Go to Amarys and she'll feed Koraidon/Miraidon a supplement that'll make him fly now.
No, she still doesn't call them by their actual name.
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Outside the school, you can meet Mr. Snacksworth. A man who has apparently met nearly every legendary (except Dialga and Palkia) and has crafted snacks for each one.
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Once you capture 200 pokemon for your Blueberry pokedex, go to Perrin for a special quest in Area Zero. However, after you complete the request Perrin only gives you a Park ball. You know, the balls you use at the National Park in Johto.
In the clubroom, you can spend those BP's on the item printer, throwing styles, or changing the music.
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Cute choices and all, but might I suggest some better songs?
*Mt. Pyre
*Route 27
*Route 44
*The three lakes in Sinnoh
*Lavender Town
Just to name a few.
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And of course, you can invite coaches to the club room. Invite two certain coaches at the same time and they might strike up a conversation and you might learn something. Here are some of the things I learned.
*Katy was the one who gave Kofu the Venonat wallet
*Grusha was a fan of Iono's back when she first started streaming
*Nemona knows Lacey from a party a few years prior and gave us confirmation by saying her father Clay's name
*Poppy is nine-years old
*Hassel knows Drayton and his granddad
*Clavell thinks Mr. Jacq-strap is a total slob
*Drayton is a total dick to Kieran long-after the incident
*A lot of the gym leaders are a bit resentful towards Geeta
Let's not forget the gifts and trades! After you battle the coaches, you get a gift. The first time, you might get cool stuff like phone cases, Drayden's black tracksuit, and...
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Clive's wig? I look so dead inside.
Invite everyone on the list at least 3 times and trade with all of them will allow you to invite the mystery person named Saffron. That person of course is Cyrano, the director of Blueberry Academy. Defeat him in battle and he'll trade you his Shiny Blitzle.
Let's return to Uva academy and help Team Star.
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I got major whiplash seeing Eri here.
Giacomo and Eri ask you for help in tutoring the other Team Star members and hide it from Penny too. It didn't go as planned, but there was a happy conclusion. Plus, you get some new outfits in the process.
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This leads to Atticus being grateful for the help that he makes his own garment knock-offs to be bidded on.
Many of these items you might recognize from past games like shoes from Aether, helmets from ORAS, and another reminder of Ball Guy's existence from Sword/Shield. Getting all the items are very costly with most auctions costing as much as 365,000 wing-wangs.
And now, let's get to the Mochi Mayhem.
First of all, you must get this mythical pecha berry from the mystery gift. Once you get it, go to Peachy's store in Kitakami. You notice a certain pink object move and then Arven calls asking to stop by your home. Next thing you know, the object is gone.
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Back home, Nemona and Penny joined Arven. There, you also get a letter from Kieran asking for you and your friends to come to Kitakami. He's using snail-mail due to not having a smart-Rotom phone. Before we leave, we learn something about Penny.
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Her father used the word "Adven-tour". So it's a good chance that her father is Peony. Which means her sister is Peonia. Which means her uncle is Chairman Rose. I have so many questions and this is the only time we hear about Penny's papa. Once we're in Kitakami, we're greeted with a familiar face.
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Kieran is a meek cinnamon roll again. I guess the answer all along was to have him battle with Nemona. Nemona beat the pants off this boy but also had him enjoy himself.
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Unfortunately, there is something wonky going on in Kitakami. Carmine has been acting weird. And...um, how do I go about this?
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She flaps like a chicken and says the word "Mochi" over and over.
With Carmine acting strangely, there's only one thing to do.
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I am...just wow.
After this idiocy, we step outside and it turns into a cliche horror film trope.
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Everyone in the town is slowly turning into these flapping, mochi-munchers.
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Even Kieran's grandparents get hit with this mochi-demic.
Also, not helping in my suspicions on these two being Jessie and James. I know that's not their names, but Gramps battles you with Arbok and Weezing.
Back at Peachy's, we find the mystery pokemon causing this trouble. But it winds up shooting mochi at us.
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Penny and Arven eat up. I avoided it. And Kieran got conked on the head with it. And before you can say, "Mochi, Mochi"...
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They were under the mochi spell.
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Before you know it, the entire place is surrounded by moch-ombies.
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It's just that Nemona is too hard to possess fully.
Once you beat Nemona, you have to fight Peacharunt and catch it.
And those are the DLC's.
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The Teal Mask was just okay. I think the only thing I really liked was just Ogerpon and the ability to catch some of my favorite pokemon.
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The Indigo Disk, I was actually surprised by. The fact that you couldn't play that one until you've finished Teal Mask and the main game in total meant some major stuff was going to go down. Plus, the battles are a lot harder than normal.
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Mochi Mayhem was cute. It reminded me of some of those events for legendaries like the ones in R/S/E or the Victini one in B/W. I'm glad that we got an event pokemon through mystery gift. Something I wish we could have had with Zarude back in gen 8 instead of that bullshit joining a newsletter or something stupid.
So...I suppose this is the end of Scarlet and Violet. Unless we get more mystery gift surprises, this is probably it. I am a little upset that there isn't a battle tower like in previous games. And more important, Pokemon Horizons is going to go off and do it's own thing, not attaching it to the game whatsoever. We'll see what happens at the end of February as Pokemon Day always arrives with huge news in the games department.
And that was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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SIDE 2A: ROUND 2: Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Selina Kyle (Catwoman) (DC Comics)/Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
Propaganda for Selina Kyle (Catwoman)/Loki:
Two not quite villains who will never be content as heroes despite how much their friends and family would like them to be. They can sass each other and steal things together. In fact, Loki, being old as most artifacts, can claim that anything they steal technically belongs to him through some convoluted story that may or may not be true. So they've got this game going on with Batman. If he catches them, the museum can keep the object. Otherwise, Loki gets to keep "his stuff" and no one bothers them to avoid an incident with Asgard. It drives Batman up the wall. Loki and Selina are two beautiful Neutrals with a dash of chaos. He adores her and she loves his mystery and pizzazz. They bring out the best in each other. The Joker is dead and Loki has taken over his turf as the Crown Prince of Crime Alley. He sits on his ice throne with his darling Selina, finding new and vicious nonfatal ways of dealing with those who try to usurp them. They might intervene if they hear someone is doing something evil enough, so if you want to get rid of your enemies, feel free to snitch. Selina and Loki both think the other is sexy. Selina loves that Loki isn't quite evil but she doesn't feel bad for stealing when she's with him. He makes it fun. Loki loves that Selina has given him a chance and doesn't have grand expectations of heroics from him. That he doesn't need power to keep her.
Reasons why Batman does not like this ship:
-Selina knows Bruce Wayne is Batman, and by virtue of that fact, so does Loki. To keep things fun and remind the other rogues he's still a "villain" Loki likes to kidnap Bruce once a month and demand Batman come and rescue him. It's very annoying. The other Rogues assume Loki does this since Batman and Catwoman used to be a thing. Really Loki just thinks it's funny that Bruce can't escape without ruining his whole "Brucie" image. It's also a great way to clear a fancy restaurant and have a private date with Selina when she's called to "talk him down" until "Batman" shows up.
-Loki doesn't know how to drive. Selina has decided to teach him. And since Bruce is a family friend, she has decided that means she can "borrow" his cars any time. Bruce has lost track of how many times he's left the office to find his car isn't where he parked it. Loki is a madman on the streets. So ofc he gets pulled over a lot. Never fear! He just magics him and Selina to look like Bruce and his latest girlfriend. Bruce is this close to getting his license revoked.
-Loki and Selina wait until Batman is about to head from his patrol to rob the museum. They've made a game out of it with a point system and everything. Thankfully they only do it on relatively quiet nights to make sure the gets his steps in.
Reasons Batman likes the ship:
-Selina is happy. Really happy. She lights up whenever she's with Loki. Loki just melts in her arms. Any idiot could see they're in love. They banter and flirt with each other everywhere from the grocery store to the middle of a high speed chase.
-He knows Loki would tear the world apart for Selina. He would face down Thanos all over again if he had too.
-Any villain stupid enough to interrupt their date night will be swiftly returned to Arkham.
Reasons Robin likes the ship:
-Selina and Loki are going to adopt his best friend Colin Wilkes.
-Loki and Selina protect all the animal shelters.
-Loki and Selina are always down to help him sneak animals into the manor.
Reason Robin does not like the ship:
-Loki and Selina are firm believers in PDA and Damian is at the age when cooties are very much still a thing.
Lovely art~!
Art Credit: Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart Catwoman/Loki art by @/kannra-orhara
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m1d-45 · 1 year
sorry i've been mia i was busy rizzing up the kaeya and diluc ais. anyways imagine reverse isekai with ur main. i personally would have a blast being able to talk about minecraft and mystery flesh pit national park and warrior cats with people who do not even have the internet.
also my diluc and kaeya plushes arrived and now i need to make clothes for them so they won't be naked but i have to make sure they have an equal amount of clothes with an equal amount of effort put into them so that it doesn't seem like i'm favoring one brother over the other (this is the same reason why i bought the diluc and kaeya plushes together in the first place) - teddy anon
1) it’s ok 2) kaeya ai? 3) this idea oml
aside from the fact that showing them all the weird and obscure shit in our world would make them lose their minds (speaking of nobody tell them about organized religion. barbatos is surprised ppl follow him after a few hundred years of no contact well look at this right here-) they’d be fascinated with how you control them.
i imagine they wouldn’t appear in game, and you couldn’t like use them for anything. makes logical sense to me.
if you’re like me and struggle to form teams at all, let alone ones without your One Good Built Character, they’re borderline going to be apologetic at seeing how you struggle. part of them is proud they’re so needed, but the other part is sort of sad.
i literally only run teams w/o kazuha for the abyss because his playstyle and the team i run for everything else is so ingrained in my head. i genuinely struggle if i don’t have an anemo character on my team and always fumble for a while if it doesn’t have kaz because it’s like i forget i don’t have him. it’s a problem—
if you’re not dependent on a single element like i am, they love seeing you work around them. it’s simple, you explain, swapping to an alternate team, and they watch in awe at how easily you adapt to change. they marvel at reactions they haven’t seen, at how much this new team differs from the one with them in it.
if you try and show them how to, they’ll immediately insist that they’re fine watching, that they wouldn’t dare touch such a holy object or manipulate teyvat in your stead.
for some, this is true. for others, they’ll cave with enough pressure.
itto treats your controls with the most delicate care, very gentle with everything as to not break it. not really prone to gamer rage, more so just “your grace, i can’t figure this out :(“ and watching over your shoulder as he promises “ok, i’ve got it this time, swear!” he doesn’t, but the smile on your face as you watch him die for the nth time soothes any anger he feels. refuses to kill rifthounds btw.
mona doesn’t know anything. you could tell her sixteen times how to access the inventory and she’s still asking you which button it is. don’t tell her about the wishing system she’ll quite literally lose her shit. she doesn’t understand the value of items like dream solvent but refuses to spend even a single coin of your mora or your food. collects her own ingredients and keeps track to cook her own food because “i wouldn’t want anyone else touching what’s mine.” pls tell her it’s ok and losing some of your 2k sweet flowers isn’t the end of the world.
ayato wouldn’t directly play, but he does sit beside you and offer semi-functional ideas. “run a team with x y z characters,” “fight this boss without the element it’s vulnerable to/full physical damage,” “take on this enemy without a healer,” etc etc. he likes seeing you solve problems, and likes watching you explore. if you have low mora he’s incredibly confused, but doesn’t comment on it once he sees how much it is to level a talent or ascend someone. if you have like 7mil mora and go “why do i have so little :(“ he’s asking a few more questions, but overall is silent about it. you don’t have a job in teyvat, and get most of your money from chests or leylines. it makes sense you guys would view mora differently.
alhaitham doesn’t touch your device, but kaveh (yes he isn’t out at time of writing no i didn’t ask) could be convinced into exploring a bit. he refuses to engage in combat and always uses his glider, never dropping more than a second or two at a time. panicks if your characters get hurt at all and either runs to a statue of the seven (give him time, he forgets he can teleport) or triggers your healers skill. if you run a character that has hp drain he’s flipping his shit and either demanding to know how to change the team so they don’t get hurt or runs them and three separate characters. loses his shit when you tell him about the teapot. that’s all he does now lmao.
zhongli will tap at stuff a bit, get a hold of the general game, and then just. not play. you tell him he can do commissions if he wants or run domains and he shakes his head, “i will not interfere with a world i don’t own.” so silly. doesn’t understand why shops don’t give you stuff for free. speculates on how monsters dying gives you mora. refers to everything by their full names no matter what silly nicknames you have for anything. if you have a well-decorated teapot/generally take care to plant stuff or collect realm bounties or similar, he’s happy. if you mostly neglect it, he’s asking why. it’s an adeptal art, and he needs to know if it isn’t satisfactory.
yae would love to manipulate a world of her own, but the knowledge that the world you control is real and has real actions is a bit too much. yelan asks to see, but only because she wants to know what you’re on about when you talk about lag, ping, or hitting the wrong button. finds it funny even gods can mess up. yanfei fusses over whether she should even be allowed because of like divine right to rule and whether her interference counts as idolatry since she’d technically be playing god. you let her worry about it in the corner and don’t ask questions about where she pulled that giant book of law from.
if you allow him to, venti sits in your lap while you play. he’s very much just a guy that’ll sit with you and maybe play his lyre if you’re getting frustrated, and adores the ingame soundtrack. give him youtube and point him in the direction of the ost and he’ll obsess over it. within a week he has everything memorized and has composed at least three ballads about ‘the song of the heavens’. wont actually do anything directly, but if you’re running abyss and ask him for suggestions on fun team comps, he’s already got ideas. is a bit unnerved at first if he recognizes some of the people on screen, but rationalizes it quickly enough. if you’re like me and leave your characters sitting at a bench or table before logging off, he insists you sit them in the statue in mond.
neither childe or scara even entertain the idea that they’d be allowed to use your device, and just kinda watches from the side. scara laughs a bit if you get hit by an enemy. childe asks about what his build is prior to his vanishing and probably studies meta and like crit ratios and stuff (no i don’t know what meta qualifies as yes i’m just sayin shit). xiao’s worried his karma could infect through the screen, and wouldn’t dare suggest anything. if you’re doing it, it’s good, if you’re not, you have a reason. ask for his opinion and he’ll bluescreen.
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katefiction · 11 months
Those eyes (Chapter 4 - Chapter 7) by @a-lifelessface [English]
Thank you so much to @clmarelich0824 for the translation!
Chapter 4
“The day Catherine was seen as the most beautiful work of art in the place and everything made sense.”
The National Gallery
When Catherine entered through the door of the National Gallery office, she was greeted by two pairs of very curious eyes.
“Good morning, Miss. Middleton.” said August with a naughty smile. John was just watching.
“Good morning. What is it?” she replied suspiciously as she approached her desk.
“Who is it?” August got up to go to her table.
Catherine widened her eyes when she finally understood August's behavior. On the table, there was a flower and a small package, Catherine sat down putting her bag on the floor and took the small package in her hands, it was quite obvious that it was a book. Carefully, she undid the green bow and unwrapped the book that was accompanied by a handwritten note.
"I was remembering our conversation in the park, you mentioned that you needed this book and I knew I had kept it here. I hope it will be useful to you. See you at night." W.
“He remembered!” Catherine spoke to herself and kept the note inside the book. It was a book about history of  photography. She had mentioned that she needed that book for a project with her students. Catherine took the only rose he sent. A white rose: simple and discreet. Just like his gesture. Catherine was so happy that he remembered what she had said.
“Aren't you going to talk?” August spoke, making Catherine remember that she was not alone.
“Ah, so... It's just a friend...” She said blushing.
“What a friend is this who sends orders here to "Miss. Middleton"? ― August shot.
“Yeah, Kate... Tell us.” John got into the conversation.
“You don't have any work to do, do you?” Catherine got up and looked at August and John.
“Okay, mysterious cat.” August returned to his desk and Catherine took the notebook out of her bag. John watched Catherine in silence.
“Let's get to work!” Catherine put an end to that subject, but gestured to August without John seeing: “I'll tell you later.” August nodded smiling.
Kate: You remembered.
William: Of course I remembered.
Kate: Thank you for the book and the flower. I loved it.
William: I'm glad you liked it.
Kate: Will, good luck with your appointment today. In uniform, right?
William: Yes. Do you like it?
Kate: I like it. Tell me later how it went. Now I'm going to work, I have a lot to do around here.
I can't wait to see you.
William: Good job, Kate. Take care.  I'm counting the minutes to see you.
William left the phone on the bed and went to the bathroom smiling. The weekend was all like this, after the small meeting on Saturday night, they didn't let go of their cell phone, they exchanged several messages, it was so easy to talk to her. The prince dressed up wearing his uniform for today's appointment, he would carry out the review of the Welsh Guards who was Colonel of the Regiment. The Prince of Wales decided to focus fully on the commitments he needed to perform, with everything going well, time would certainly fly by. And that's what he wanted the most.
The National Gallery
“DIDN'T HE KISS YOU?!” August screamed, making several heads turn in their direction
“Sshhhh!” Catherine scolded him. “We are in the cafeteria, Augus! Keep it down, damn it!
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Whispered August. “I can't believe he didn't kiss you.”
“He gave me a kiss on the forehead, it was cute.”  Catherine confessed, taking a sip of juice. ― And we'll meet here today
“HERE?!” August felt a punch in the shoulder.
“I won't tell you anything else, you don't know how to talk.” August shrugged.
“Here? What do you mean?” He said softly.
“He called me on Saturday for us to schedule, he said that for him he would take me to the best restaurant in London, but he doesn't want to expose me, he is afraid that the press will discover and make my life hell, I told him that I don't care about these things, and you know I really don't care. Then I proposed that we meet here, the Museum will be closed, and I already have in mind where I'm going to take it. He will bring the food, we like the same thing, can you believe it? But you know, I hadn't stopped to think about the exhibition, but after he told me that, I kept thinking about his mother. The media destroyed her life, right? ― Catherine spoke in a low tone.
“From what I understand, he is very discreet, it must be precisely because of that. And he already cares about you, even before kissing you, which I still don't believe he didn't do.” August replied.
“Ah, something else... Don't tell this to anyone, for God's sake. I didn't even tell my sister, you're the only one who knows.” Catherine stopped talking when she saw John approaching behind August.
“What are you talking about?” John sat next to August.
“About the new exhibition at the end of the month.”  August replied. Catherine got up.
“I will finish cataloging the works that arrived last week.
“Wow, haven't you finished doing this yet?”  John held her by the arm.
“If you hadn't interrupted me on Friday, I would have already finished.” She replied, pulling her arm and left the cafeteria.
“John, what's wrong with you? I know about your thing with Kate and you crossed the line, man. I'm trying to be patient because I promised her I wouldn't do anything, but if you touch her with a finger again, I'll end your life. Are we understood?” Murmured August. Getting up from the bench, he gave John a push on the shoulder and left behind Catherine without hearing any answer.
It was after seven forty-five at night when Catherine left the employees' bathroom, wearing a blue midi dress with thin straps, it was hot.
Catherine was already alone in the office and everything is happening as expected, she went to her closet to store some belongings and then went to the Museum parking lot.
Another spring Monday was ending, everyone was making their way home after a long day of work, and those who passed through that region were totally oblivious to the prince who parked the car for a meeting with the one who captivated his heart.
Catherine was standing on the sidewalk and William stopped the car in the parking space next to her. He got out of the car folding the sleeve of his white dress shirt and walked to her. His eyes connected.
“Wow, you look stunning. Good evening, Kate.” William approached to greet her with two kisses on the face.
“Good evening. Thank you, you too.” She replied by running her hand over his right shoulder. “Didn't you come by motorcycle today?”
“Not today, I want to hang out with you and then take you home safely. I brought our favorite food. Do you want to come in?” William said, taking her hand.
“Yes, I do.” She smiled.
“Okay, let's get things.” They went to the car, William took the bag in the back seat. He set off the car alarm and signaled to his security guards.
“Oh, today you are accompanied.” She said surprise. He stopped everything he was doing and looked at her.
“Ah... So I didn't want to be interrupted, so I thought it was better to bring them, but don't worry, they are very discreet and will stay out here. Is that okay with you?” William scratched the back of her neck, she kept smiling.
“All right, Will. So... Isn't your cell phone going to ring today?” He turned red.
“Kate, I'm sorry for that... It's just that if I don't answer they get desperate, especially if I go out alone, by motorcycle...” She laughed and squeezed his arm.
“It was nothing. All right, I understand. I was just playing with you. Come on, let's go in.” He nodded smiling and they entered through the back of the Museum.
Catherine guided William to a corridor, everything was very quiet.
“There are no ghosts here?” William whispered in the foot of Catherine's ear. She jumped. It.” Calm down, it's me. “He laughed.
“What a scare! I wasn't expecting you to talk!” She replied with her hands on her chest. He laughed.
“Isn't it for me to talk? I'll be very quiet.” He placed his index finger covering his mouth. Catherine slapped him. They kept walking.
“It's here.” Catherine stopped in front of a door and turned the handle. William stood in front of her.” What is it? Aren't you going to talk anymore? ― He opened a naughty smile.
“I love being beaten by a beautiful woman.” He whispered. She crossed her arms.
“Get in soon, creature!” He smiled.
“Only after you.” He ran his hand over her back and gave a slight push.
“I think we will have privacy here, I use this room to catalog some works and I find it very comfortable. What did you think?” She asked.
“I thought it was great. It looks cozy.” William looked around, and followed Catherine to the small cream sofa.
William and Catherine organized the food on the coffee table. Catherine had taken two glasses of wine. William filled them up.
“And then... Shall we eat?” William motioned for her to sit down. She nodded and after she sat down, he settled down next to her. “Wine?”
“Of course, thank you.” She took the glass from his hand.
William brought fish and chips, a typical and simple dish. The favorite dish of both. They wanted to ask each other a lot of questions, but decided to eat in a comfortable silence, sometimes interrupted by some William joke and banal conversations. Catherine felt very good next to him.
In the third glass of wine, Catherine practically couldn't take the smile off her face.
“Shall we go to the questions?” She drank a sip of the wine and raised an eyebrow.
“You're the boss, Miss. Middleton. ― He also drank a sip of his cup and crossed his legs.
“Okay, I want you to talk about yourself. ― She smiled.
“Well...” He settled down on the couch, and looked at her. “I went to college at the University of St. Andrew's, I have a degree in Geography, and as you may know I don't work in the area, but I use it a lot in some projects I'm developing. It's... I love soccer, I'm a Villa fan. I have already completed my training in the Armed Forces and I am a helicopter pilot.”  He took a short break to take another sip of wine. “I served as an air ambulance pilot until the beginning of this year, but unfortunately I had to leave. I love driving, it's one of my favorite things. I like to be useful.” Catherine looked at him in admiration. “Your turn.”
“As you know, I have a degree in Art History.” She swallowed it dry, but continued. “I studied at St Andrew's in the same years as you.” He looked at her shocked, but didn't interrupt. “I teach Photography: Theory and Practice at the University of Richmond and work here at the Museum since I graduated. I love photography and I love sailing and Rugby. I live alone, but I'm a good family. I'm very close to them, I have two siblings; James and Pippa.”  She stopped talking and smiled at him.
“I can't believe we studied together, I can't remember you. “William put a hand on his head in an attempt to try to remember something.
“We never talked there. I've seen you a few times.” She spoke timidly. Catherine told a half truth, they had never talked, she saw him practically every day in the library studying or in the cafeteria, but she never had the courage to talk about it. Catherine concluded that he had never really noticed your presence.
“I will never forgive myself for that.” He took another sip of his wine. “Anyway... Sailing? That's pretty cool. You are a very interesting woman.
“Thank you. You are too. Some things about you I already knew, because of the news, but hearing you speak it is very clear that you really care. That's wonderful.
“Thank you.” William blushed with the compliment. He felt really flattered to hear a compliment coming from her.
“Do you have plans for the future?” She said of guessing. William laughed.
“Much of my life is already all scheduled. It's not something I like, but I accept what was entrusted to me, I have no choice.
“What about the other part? What does William want?” She looked him in the eye.
“I have a very privileged life, so I want to help as many people as I can, launch my project on the environment, and you know... Falling in love with a beautiful woman, who understands me and disappears with me, building a family. A different family from the one I had.” He put the cup on the coffee table. “And what are your plans, Kate?”
“I love my life, it's been wonderful so far... And I want to fall madly in love with a nice guy, who treats me with a lot of love and respect, I want to build my own family, I want to have children.. Three to be exact. Working with children is a dream, which has not yet come out of the role... But one day, who knows...” He smiled openly.
“That's amazing.” He said softly. William was referring to everything and she understood.
“Yes. Amazing.” Catherine deposited the cup on the coffee table and looked at the dessert. “This Crumble looks so tasty, the only thing missing was an ice cream, don't you think? ― William reached him for the spoon.
“What do I want?” He replied confused. She laughed.
“Open your mouth.” She approached and took the spoon to his mouth.
“Hmmm, that's delicious.” He put his arm on the couch, behind her. She finished eating dessert, while they played conversation away.
“Do you want to take a walk around the Museum”. Catherine asked.
“Of course, we can do whatever you want.” He replied.
Catherine put the empty dessert pot on the table, and drank the last sip of her glass of wine.
“What do I want? Anything?” She asked turning her gaze to him.
“Yes.” He said. Catherine got a little closer to him and put a kiss on his cheek. William took his hands and kissed his right hand.
Catherine and William got up and cleaned up the little mess they made, then hand in hand they went to the Museum, just as was Catherine's wish.
Throughout the course, she explained to him that the National Gallery of London exhibits pictorial works of European precedence from 1250 to 1900 and that the permanent collection consists of more than 2,300 paintings, among which stand out are the works of Rembrandt, Tiziano, Velázquez, Van Gogh and Michelangelo. William listened to everything attentively, and he looked at her in amazed by her intelligence and her sweet way of speaking.
“... The National Gallery is of remarkable quality and artistic variety that encompasses the totality of the history of painting in the Western world, and it is possible to observe the evolution of pictorial styles from the Renaissance to Post-Impressionism.
“Ah Kate, only you make it interesting.
“Ah, I'm chattering, I'm sorry.” She smiled blandly.
“No, no, no. I could listen to you for hours. I even accept a podcast. ― He touched your left cheek.
“It's all so beautiful, isn't it? I've been here for four years and I'm still delighted.” She looked around.
“You are the most beautiful work of art in this place.”  She turned her gaze to him and her eyes connected. The blue in the green. The green on the blue. Again.
William gently pulled her closer to him and Catherine moistened her lips by passing her arms around William's neck that wrapped around her waist. William brushed her lips on Catherine's delicately, she sketched a small smile before deepening the kiss. William felt like he was in paradise. The sweet touch of Catherine's lips made her whole body on fire and everything happened slowly and deeply, a delight for both. Catherine could feel her hot breath tickling her mouth as she moved away an inch to breathe. William opened his eyes and stared at her, his penetrating eyes looked at her as if Catherine were something different. Everything made sense.
“Ah Will.” She whispered. “I thought you would never kiss me.  Now I don't intend to stop anymore.” They smiled at each other. And William kissed her again, Catherine returned immediately.
After a series of kisses, Catherine went to her office with William behind her.
“You told me you would do anything I asked for, right?”  Catherine said of the way when she entered the office.
“Yes?” William spoke a little suspicious.
“Would you agree to do a rehearsal with me?” She said putting a lock of hair behind her ear.
“What kind of rehearsal?” He took her by the waist.
“I wanted to take pictures of you... Your eyes... They are beautiful... I have an idea in my head, I wanted to photograph you. Don't worry, I won't disclose anything. I would never do that.” She put both hands on his chest and her eyes in his eyes.
“I'm not photogenic.”  He said timidly.
“Just be yourself. I have a studio in my house, think carefully about my proposal, okay? Remember that I went riding a motorcycle with you, I thought about your case.”  She spoke sweetly trying to convince him and filled him with kisses.
“I'll think about it, Kate.”
“Shall we go?” William took Catherine's bag and went to the parking lot
William opened the car door for Catherine and they went to her apartment. About twelve minutes later, William parked in front of the address.
William took off his seat belt and she did the same.
“Did you like it?” He said softly, smoothing her cheek gently
“Yes, a lot. It was even better than I imagined.”  She smiled as she ran her hands through his arms.
“I have a lot of plans for us, if you want of course, but let's go slowly... What do you think?” He glued his forehead to hers.
“Slow is perfect.” She kissed him.
A fairy tale kiss. Once upon a time and it happened... And the end of the story is still being written, by two lovers.
Chapter 5
“When everything starts to work out, but not so much.”
Chelsea, London
“We're almost done, okay?” Catherine said softly, as she placed the camera on top of the shelf. He nodded.
William was sitting in a black leather armchair and looked closely at Catherine, she approached stopping in front of him, her soft hands went up to her shoulders, squeezing affectionately. William held her by the waist.
“Will... Let's open...” His hands flew to his collar. “some buttons?”
“Go ahead.” His gaze was penetrating.
“It's just two buttons...” She slowly dislodged and ran her hands over his neck.
“Ahhh, Kate.” He shivered at her touch and brought her even closer to him, squeezing her waist.
“Will, let's continue with the photos.” Catherine said smiling, she was loving that.
“Sit here a little bit, we'll keep going.” William pulled her into his lap. Catherine let out a scream of surprise, but was silenced by a burning kiss from William.
Catherine passed her arms around his neck, while William squeezed her even more against him.
“How nice it is to kiss you, my beautiful.” William whispered very close to his left ear then deposited small kisses on his neck going up to his chin, and then again kissed his mouth. Catherine moaned softly on her lips.
“You're addictive, William.” She kissed his neck, making him throw his head back. “We need...” one more kiss. “stop.” she pulled his head gently, making him look into her eyes.
“Ah, Kate.” He slid his hands down her back.
“Aren't you enjoying doing the photo shoot with me?”  She moved on his lap, making him sigh.
“It's the first time I've had the photographer sitting on my lap, and I want you to know that I'm really enjoying it.” His left hand slowly climbed to the back of Catherine's neck, making her shiver.
“William.” Catherine whispered.
“What is it?” His voice sounded confused. Catherine glued her body to his and her mouth very close to her right ear.
“You will get up, turn that chair over there, ― Catherine pointed with her left hand to the other side of the room.  “you will sit on it and support your beautiful arms on the back of the chair, okay?” William's body was on fire, he swallowed it dry.
“Kate...” His voice failed. She started talking next to the other ear.
“Will, forget the camera and look at me the way you always look. I want you to see it the way I see you.” She put a kiss on the foot of his ear and got up.
William felt his whole body tingle, Catherine made him feel a whirlwind of sensations and he loved it.
“Like this?” He positioned himself the way she asked and directed his eyes to her.
“Now I want you to look at the camera, but don't think about it. I want you to look at me as if you were seeing only me. No camera. Do you understand?” William nodded.
William looked at her. Catherine was a few steps away from him, with her hair stuck in a ponytail, her thin neck was adorned by a discreet necklace with a gold pendant, her white t-shirt was wide, William noticed that she only wore this type of t-shirt at home, and wore denim shorts that highlighted her shapely legs. Amid the flashes, which in a way he had already become accustomed to, William noticed that Catherine moved slowly, changing her support foot several times and all her movements were sweet and delicate. Catherine was art in his eyes. William was lost in thoughts, now thinking about his face... That he had already decorated. Since the meeting at the Museum, she has made a home in her thoughts.
“Ah Will, it was perfect.” She confessed, making him get out of his daydreams.
“Is it over yet?” He asked, signaling for her to approach.
“Yes, you did very well.” She approached to kiss him. “Thank you.” She stroked his face.
“What I don't do for you, right? Can we stay in the living room now?” William looked at the clock. “The game is about to start and you promised you would watch it with me.”
“Only if we watch a movie later.
“Anything you want, kitty.” William got up from the chair and took it by the waist. Catherine filled him with kisses all over his face.
Both left the room, which Catherine called the studio and went to the living room, William turned on the TV and settled on the couch, after making a bucket of popcorn,” which practically only she ate, Catherine sat on the opposite side to his with her notebook on her lap, stretched her legs on his lap, while William watched the game and did not stop talking to the television, Catherine edited the photos she took earlier.
From time to time, she would stop what she was doing to look at him, his black polo shirt contrasting in her light skin, his very blue eyes shone towards the television, the way he gestured was funny and attractive at the same time. Catherine thought he was beautiful.
The game was already in the second half when he started a massage on the brunette's feet.
“I want to eat pizza.” Catherine spoke, suddenly.
“So let's eat pizza.” William replied, looking in his direction. Catherine put the computer on the floor and stretched towards him to pick up the phone.
After making the call, Catherine took a quick shower and put his sweatshirt over her pajamas.
“Every time I come here, I lose a shirt... E... My God, every minute you get more beautiful.” William said, when he saw her appear again in the room. She smiled and went to him to kiss him.
“I promise I'll give it back to you.” Catherine felt his hands surround her by the waist. “Feel free to take a shower if you want. Then we can watch the movie, eating pizza.”  She framed his face with her hands.
“That would be perfect.”
William went to Catherine's room to pick up his backpack and headed to the bathroom, while Catherine stayed in the living room waiting for the pizza.
A few minutes after Catherine heard the noise of the shower, the doorbell rang and Catherine got up to answer. Upon opening the door, Catherine was startled when she saw the figure standing outside her house.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you. Can I come in?”
“No, John. After what you did to me, we can't even be friends.”
“Do you have company?” John said trying to look inside the house.
“It doesn't matter, go away!” His tone sounded firm, but inside she was terrified of him.
“Ah.... I knew you were already with someone. Who is it, Kate? Why are you hiding it?” John's voice sounded bitter.
“I don't owe explanations, John! Please leave my house.”  Catherine tried to close the door, but John held it with only one hand. He was much stronger than her.
“Come on, tell me who it is and I'll leave.
“It doesn't matter! GET OUT!” Catherine screamed in distress. While fighting a small fight with John who insisted on entering.
“Kate?!” William appeared in the room. Catherine slammed the door hard and turned the key.
“Hi, dear.” Her chest went up and down quickly, and she tried her best to disguise that everything was fine.
“What happened? Who was it? You're pale, is everything okay?” William hurried to get in front of her and held her by the arms. Catherine moved to get out of the door.
“It was nobody, I thought it was the delivery man.... I got confused.” She lied.
“Kate... I heard voices, you slammed the door. Who was it?” William looked at her very confused.
“It was nothing, I just got confused. Come on, let's choose the movie.” She tried to pull him towards the couch.
“Kate, does anyone know I'm here? Was it paparazzi at your door? You can't hide that from me...” He let go of her and opened the door. Putting his head out, he began to observe the street, there was no one outside. He closed the door. “Kate.”
“Will, it was nobody! I swear to you. Nobody knows that you are here, you know that I only told about you to my mother, my sister and August.
“My angel, are you okay? I'm not doubting you.” He said going to her and taking her hands. “I only asked you because I heard the noise and thought there was someone at the door, I just want to protect you, you need to talk to me, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I just want to keep you safe, do you understand?” Upon hearing this, Catherine felt very bad for hiding his truth. She knew William was afraid of the press, but she didn't want to talk about her past with John. Catherine wanted to deal with John alone, and didn't want to make John another problem for William.
“Sorry if I implied that something had happened. I'm fine. “She tried to smile, and hugged him hiding her face around his neck.” The noise was probably from the TV.” William's heart was racing and so was hers.
The doorbell rang again.
“It must be the delivery man, go to the couch and I'll answer the door.” Catherine said softly. William kissed his head and went to the couch.
It was past nine o'clock at night when the movie started, they ate pizza and then William lay down with Catherine nestled in his arms, Catherine could hear the sound of his heart, William caressed his hair with one hand while the other landed on his back. Their bodies together, covered by a thin dark blue blanket.
When William woke up, the movie had been over for a long time and Catherine was asleep on his chest, he stretched his arm to look at the clock, it was two fifteen in the morning, he snuggled more on the couch. William should leave, but he didn't have the courage to get out of that comfort, being like this with Catherine was paradise, with this thought he fell asleep almost instantly.
It was already clear when the Prince of Wales woke up feeling a floral smell so close to him, one of Catherine's hands ended up inside his shirt, William could feel his warm and light breath on his neck, Catherine's legs were between William's legs, he was literally attached to her. William raised his head a few centimeters to kiss the top of her head, making her move over him. William sighed loudly with her movement, making her wake up. Catherine, still with her eyes closed, clung even more to his body and gave several kisses on his neck, making him shiver from head to toe.
“Good morning, my beautiful.” William spoke softly, his voice sounded hoarse. Catherine put both arms to lean on his chest and raised her head to look him in the eyes.
“You slept here! Good morning.” She spoke sweetly, Catherine was still dying of sleep.
“What a delight to wake up and have you in my arms.”  Catherine moved again, and William closed his eyes.
“What is it?”
“It's nothing.” He smiled with his eyes closed.
“Speak, William!” She moved again. He turned red.
“Kate, don't play innocent, I know you're not.” Catherine finally understood and blushed instantly.
“Ah.” She laughed and sank her face between his neck and shoulder. Catherine felt his hands slide directly to her butt.
“You're not helping.” He whispered. She nibbled on his neck.
“Ohhh, Kate.” He moaned. His hands began to caress his abdomen under his cotton shirt. William held her firmly and in a single movement turned them on the couch, standing on top of her, Catherine moaned surprise at the unplanned movement. William kissed her fiercely, explorer hands were all over the place, sighs and light moans filled the room.
“William.” She whispered, between the kisses.
“I love it...” He nibbled on your neck. “the way you say my name.” Catherine put her legs around William's hip. Their intimacies were separated only by thin layers of clothing.
“I really want to...” Catherine was interrupted by the ringing of William's cell phone. They both sighed heavily.
“Just ignore it.” William spoke in her ear, kissing his neck again. The phone stopped ringing. “You really want to... What?” He nibbled on her ear.
“Ah Will, you know what I want.” Catherine bit her lips and the phone started ringing again. “Answer that, for God's sake.” She rolled her eyes.
“Shit. ― He stretched out his arm and picked up the phone. It was Rob. ― HOLY SHIT! ― William's heart skyrocketed
“Hello?” He said apprehensive.
“Calm the fuck down. I'm at Kate's, you know I would come here.”
“Yes, William, but it turns out that you said you would come home and since you are no longer 12 years old, I trusted your word. I went to my house, but I couldn't sleep because they kept calling me because Your Royal Highness never arrived. For a month now, you've simply forgotten the rules you created yourself.”
“I didn't intend to sleep...” William started talking, but was interrupted by Rob.
“You don't owe me explanations, you're the boss.”
"We are friends, Rob.”
“William, we are friends, but I am your secretary, I am responsible for your safety, our communication is fundamental. We need to align these things.
“I need you to be here at 10 a.m., you have a meeting scheduled here at KP.
“I know. We'll talk later.” William turned off the phone, and put a hand on his head, letting out a heavy sigh. Soon he felt soft hands hugging him from behind.
“Sorry for getting you in trouble. You were already tired and I made you do the rehearsal and when we started watching a movie it was already very late.”
“No, Kate.” William said turning to look at her. ― You don't have to apologize at all, you didn't do anything wrong.
“Do you already have to go?” William unlocked the phone again to check the time, it was eight o'clock in the morning.
“I need to go back, I have a meeting at 10 a.m., but first I want to talk to Rob and Natalie.” William spoke while looking at his cell phone.
There were 16 missed calls and more than 25 messages from Rob and Natalie.
“I'll prepare a quick breakfast before you go, I can't let you go out without eating.”
“Okay.” He hugged her. “I didn't want our morning to end like this, everything was so perfect.”
“I didn't want to either, but we'll have other opportunities, right?”
“Of course, my beautiful. It was the first of many.” He kissed the top of his head and she squeezed her arms around him even more.
They both went to the kitchen, and Catherine prepared breakfast, between banal conversations and William's jokes.
Since the first official meeting where they promised to go slowly, they have met several times, so much so that Catherine told about William to her mother and sister, there were no secrets between them, and obviously told August, her best friend. William didn't care about her having contact with them, because they are people she trusts. He had not yet met her mother and sister, only August at the Museum's appointment last month. William had not yet taken her to his house, only Rob, Natalie and some security guards knew about Catherine and her secret encounters. It was all very new and they were both comfortable like that.
“I have to go.” He said putting the cup in the sink.
“Unfortunately.” She got up and took off her sweatshirt, revealing a thin silk t-shirt in her pajamas. “Here's your sweatshirt.” William approached the trapping between his body and the kitchen counter.
“If I had known you were wearing pajamas like that, I would have made you take off your shirt yesterday.” Her hands were caressing her back. Catherine was laughing in her chest
“I really like being with you.” She looked at him.
William chose to demonstrate rather than speak, and kissed her affectionately trying to pierce everything he felt in a single kiss.
Kensington Palace
As soon as William passed through the office door, Natalie and Rob got up from the couch and looked in his direction.
“Good morning.” He tried to smile.
“Good morning.” They answered in unison.
“Don't look at me like that.” William said going towards his desk.
“William, we need to align some things.” Rob's tone was serious.
William sat in his chair and put his elbows on the table with his hands on his forehead.
“You're right, I'm sorry.” He was being sincere.
“William, we care about you.” Said Natalie.
“I know. I wasn't wandering the streets, I just went to her house and stayed there. We were watching a movie and ended up sleeping. I was planning to come back.
“But do you understand that this girl is an unknown to us? No one really knew where you were, you left alone saying you were coming back. That's the problem, William. We understand that you want privacy, you want to go out alone, you want to enjoy your life, but understand that we need to do our job.” Rob said with caution. William listened carefully.
“She's special to you, right?” Natalie intervened.
“Yes.” He replied.
“So why are you hiding her as if you were doing something wrong? William, you are a free man to date, enjoy your life, have fun, go out with your friends. Until a month ago you lived your life normally, what has changed?” Natalie questioned him. William turned red.
 “I'm afraid that the press will find out and ruin everything. It's the first time I've felt that, fuck.... I don't want to ruin it.... I'm not hiding it out of shame or anything... It's just that... I'd rather be in her world than bring her to mine. What's the problem with that?” William shouted.
“Will, we understand you. No one here is criticizing you for relating to her, let alone for keeping away from the media. I agree with you about maintaining secrecy, it's all very new, but William.... You can't hide her reality, keep the girl only closed inside her house, you can bring her here, we need to meet her just as we know her friends. I know you know how to be discreet, you always have been. We will always protect you.” Natalie replied.
“The problem is not in protecting me. I have no doubt that you will do that. I'm talking about her. Kate. Who is going to protect Kate, Natalie? I can't stick her like that in my world, hoping that everyone respects her privacy. I don't want them to see me with her for that. I can't allow it.
“But William, we can help you. What happened today was a communication error that I almost couldn't get around. Natalie and I did everything so that it wouldn't leave KP. We were lucky. And I swear to God, that I'm not doing this in evil. You are my boss, but I consider you as a friend, you know that. If you disappear again, I don't know how I'll help you.
“But what do you want me to do?” He threw his arms on the table.
“All we ask is communication. We will never invade your privacy. Never, okay? I understand that Kate is important to you, we will do our best to protect her as well.” Natalie spoke calmly.
“I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.” He got up and went in the direction of Rob and Natalie. “It's just that everything seems so right next to her, I don't want to ruin everything.... I've never felt that before.” He vented.
“Ah, William. Everything will be fine!” Natalie smiled at him. Rob nodded.
“Communication, are we understood?!” Rob said
“Communication.” William ended that matter with a handshake.
The rest of the Prince of Wales' morning was all inside the office, where he met with some people to talk about the environment. William's ambition was to launch an environmental award, with innovative solutions to repair our planet.
Chelsea, London
After William left, Catherine lay back on the couch and turned on the notebook, she opened the photos she took of him again and loved the result. It was an incredible feeling to photograph him. Being with William was inexplicable, everything with him no matter how simple it was turned into something incredible, he made her feel unique. It was wonderful. Catherine mentally went over the events of the night before. John almost ruined everything, just remembering him holding the door and questioning who was with her made her shiver with fear. With each passing day, John has behaved in an extremely bizarre way. Her constant changes in mood, her aggressiveness and her threats left Catherine terrified, but without the courage to tell anyone. August knew a little about the story, but since she began to relate to William, things got worse and she was ashamed to tell the things John did. And telling William was out of the question, the last thing she wanted was to bring him problems.
Catherine noticed that her phone vibrated, smiled thinking it was William, but when she unlocked the screen, her whole body stiffened.
John: Good to know that you've already surpassed me, Kate. I just don't understand why you're hiding who the guy is. I know you, in your way you must be lending yourself to the role of lover. If you don't want to speak for good, you'll speak for bad.
Catherine was in shock, her body trembled and she felt an uncontrollable urge to cry. She felt fear and guilt because she had no idea how to deal with John.
In an attempt to remain calm, Catherine called the one who was often her calm, after three touches he answered.
“Hi, princess.”
“Hi, Dad.”  She tried to smile, to disguise the panic in her voice.
“How are you, daughter? It's good to talk to you.”
“All right, Dad. What about you?”
“Everything is great. Do you need anything?”
“I wanted to see you, Dad. Are you staying at home?”
“Oh, my love, even if I were to go out I would uncheck everything to be with you.”  She laughs lightly when she hears that.
“Oh dad, so in about ten minutes I'll be leaving the house, okay?”
“Perfect. I'll ask your mother to prepare a special lunch.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Kate.” Catherine let out some tears and sighed softly.
“Is everything really okay, daughter?”
“We are waiting for you! Bye, my love.”
“Bye.” Catherine hung up the phone, changed her clothes and drove to her parents' house.
Catherine went to take refuge in her parents' house, where she was sure that John would not go after her. At least for a day, she would have peace.
William: Today is such a beautiful day, I really wanted to see you in a summer dress.  Would you like to have lunch with me here at KP?
Kate:  Of course.
William:  What if I call you to sleep here? Do you accept?
Kate:  It depends. Are we going to sleep in the same bed?
William:  Obvious.
Kate:  Deal.
William:  I'm in soccer with the guys. Leaving here, I'll pick you up, okay?
Kate:  OK. What time?
William stopped responding, probably must have started the game, Catherine left her cell phone in bed and went to pack her belongings to take to William's house, it would be the first time she would go to his house. William lived in one of the apartments alone, but other family members lived there too, including his brother, he had already talked about it with her.
Catherine decided to please William, so after the shower she put on a flowery dress at the knees and left her hair loose the way he has said several times that he liked.
Catherine was putting on her earrings when her cell phone rang. Immediately she thought it was William who was already arriving, it was an unidentified number.
“Hello?” Catherine's voice was sweet.
“Why didn't you use that sweet tone with me, Kate?” Catherine turned pale recognizing his voice.
“What do you want?” He practically whispered.
“You're back.” His tone of voice was melancholic.
“John, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Please stop it. If you don't stop, I'll report you.” Catherine was terrified, but tried to sound firm.
“You're not going to do anything, Kate. You're a coward. I'm sure you didn't even tell your boyfriend, because you know that if he knows about me, he'll break up with you. Come back to me and I'll stop it.” Catherine didn't let him finish and hung up the call at the same time the doorbell rang. Catherine couldn't move and tears wanted to spill down her face.
The doorbell rang once again and after a few minutes, your phone rang again. Catherine's body was stiffened and with a little effort she created the courage to look at the flashing viewfinder, William's name shone on the screen, a wave of relief passed through her body. She answered.
“Hi.” His voice was still trembling.
“Hi, beautiful. Where are you?” William's tone of voice was so cheerful. Catherine wanted to cry.
“I'm sorry, I'm going to open the door.”
“It's okay.”
She hung up the phone, and in less than a minute turned the handle revealing a William with a charming smile and very blue eyes, standing on the sidewalk with his hands on his waist. She tried to smile as naturally as possible, but her body was still tingling in panic, when she saw William it made her even more want to cry, because he was so beautiful and so good for her, and at that moment John's words echoed in her head.
“Kate? What is it?” William looked at her confused and worried. He stepped forward and held his arms delicately.
“It was nothing. I... I was in the bathroom, so it took me a while to answer the door. Sorry, Will. I'm sorry.” His voice failed. William came in and closed the door.
“Kate, come here.” He pulled her for a hug, and caressed her hair.
“Ah Will.
“Don't worry about me. I'm sorry, if I implied that. It's okay... Do you still want to take me to your house? I put on the dress to please you.” Catherine tried very hard to say the words.” William released her from the hug, Catherine looked down, gently he stretched his left hand and with his index finger ran his hands over her face, from her forehead to her chin and then raised her chin to look into her eyes.
“Kate...” William used his softer tone. “If there is something bothering you, I want you to tell me. I can help you. If you don't feel comfortable going to my house, that's fine.
“There's nothing bothering me.” Catherine tried to smile.
“On Friday when I got out of the shower you were acting strange, now when I arrived you also acted differently from your normal... You seem terrified, my angel. If I question you, you keep apologizing to me, as if you were afraid of me
“I'm not afraid of you.”
“Kate, I would never do anything to you. And for God's sake, don't apologize for everything, you're not doing anything wrong, my angel.” William kissed him on the forehead. “I know there's something bothering you and I'm here if you want to talk to me. I will always respect your space and your decisions, okay?”
“Ah, Will.” She hugged him. In William, Catherine found peace.
“One more thing... You look so beautiful in that dress.”  William smiled at her, and for the first time since she opened the door, Catherine really smiled. “Ah, I was looking forward to seeing your smile. The most beautiful smile my eyes have ever seen.”
Catherine stood on her toes and melted in a passionate kiss.
Chapter 6
“When everything is perfect. (At least in William's head)”
William was on his way to his apartment in Kensington with Catherine by his side, she caressed the back of his neck while he drove with one hand and the other independently possessively on his thigh. William told about the conversation he had with Rob and Natalie and also about the meeting about his project, Catherine told about the visit to her parents' house and all the interrogation they did about him, William planned to meet them soon. Catherine didn't comment to anyone about John's threats.
“Are you going to introduce me to anyone today?”
Catherine asked him. William took his eyes off the road for a few seconds to look at her.
“Do you mean my family?” she nodded. He continued. “I plan to do this soon. Is that okay with you?”
“It's okay. I need to prepare myself psychologically for this.”
“Nonsense. There's no way not to like you, it's just you smiling that will hypnotize everyone, just like you do to me.”  she smiled.
“You're so silly, I'm serious.” she put her hand on top of his hand, who, when she felt her touch, turned her palm up and intertwined her fingers with hers. His hands fit perfectly.
“I'm serious too.” William shook her hand. They stopped at the traffic light. William looked at her. “You hypnotized me.” He kissed her hand. She smiled.
“Will, you are receiving several messages.” she pointed to the cell phone vibrating, when William was going to pick up the cell phone, the signal opened.
“Read it to me, please.” he unlocked it and handed the cell phone in her hand. Catherine looked at the screen and stopped smiling.
“Hi, dear, I have news, call me when you're free, kisses.”  she read. William did not express any reaction.
“Ah. Who is it?” he looked at her for a few seconds.
“Who is Jecca?” Catherine tried to sound indifferent.
“Ah, it's Jecca. She's a friend.”
“Um.”  she blocked his cell phone and put it where it was.
“Do you only have a message from her?”
“You said several.”
“I thought there were several, it's not my fault if your friend doesn't know how to write everything in the same message.” she put her hands on her lap. He looked at her again. He laughed, she didn't.
“All right.” he tried to get her hand, Catherine took her hand off her lap and started straightening her hair.
“I asked Jecca for a favor, she's just a friend.” William started speaking after a few moments of silence.
“You don't need to explain yourself to me.”
“It's just that you got serious.” he stroked her right shoulder.
“I'm normal. ― she looked out the window.” Ah, we're almost there.
John's words echoed in her head, making Catherine insecure, but she tried to ignore recent events, she didn't want to ruin her Sunday with William because of such a Jecca, which she had no idea existed, let alone John, she had to find a way to get his voice out of her head.
“I hope we can have fun together.” William spoke kindly. Since he arrived at the door of her apartment and found her that way, he was apprehensive. William knew there was something wrong with Catherine's life, he had no idea of the seriousness of the matter and did not want to force her to speak, but he would do anything to make Catherine feel good and trust him.
William passed through the gates and drove to the parking lot, he turned off the engine and Catherine looked all around. They got out of the car, William took his belongings and Catherine's.
“Wow.” Catherine spoke, breaking the silence.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Now I realized that his love for motorcycles is more intense than I thought.” she looked towards the five motorcycles in the parking lot.
“Ah.” he smiled. “A little bit.” she took one of the bags from his hand so she could intertwine her hand with his.
“I understand Natalie's concern.” they both laughed. He approached and kissed the top of her head.
“For God's sake, don't tell her that.” he joked. And they walked to his apartment and had a chat.
It was the first time William took a woman to his house in this way. He saw something special in Catherine from the first time he saw her and wanted to explore it. William felt much more than physical attraction to her. Catherine was a woman's show, but for him it was much more than that. William felt that he could talk about any subject or just stand next to her in silence and that would be the best thing in the world. Catherine was always so receptive and partner in every way, that William finally realized that he was madly in love with her.
William came out of the bathroom and saw her standing in front of the mirror of her closet, she ran her hands through her hair, she looked away from her own image to look at him, he walked to her stopping behind her and ran his arms around her waist. They both looked in the mirror.
“You are so beautiful. You look even more beautiful in this dress. Look at those legs, WOW.” she laughed in his arms
“We agree, look.” Catherine put her hands in his arms.
“Yes. I'm lucky to have found you.” he turned her in his arms and kissed her passionately.
“What are we...” she said in the middle of the kiss. “are you going to do today?” she had her hands on the back of his neck, he held her by the waist.
“First I'll introduce you to Natalie and Mary, then we'll have lunch here. ― he kissed the tip of her nose. ― The rest of the day is still open, the only certainty I have is that I want to kiss you a lot. Is there anything you want to do?
“I wanted to walk through the gardens, can we do that?
“Of course.” she pulled him closer and filled him with kisses.
“With you kissing me like that, it's hard to want to leave the room.” he had his eyes closed.
“Will?” she whispered.
“Yes?” he also spoke with his eyes closed, feeling her affection.
“Thank you.” she spoke softly and William immediately opened his eyes.
“For what?” he looked at her.
“For being like that.” she didn't let him answer and kissed him. He intensified the kiss and glued his body even more to hers, Catherine understood the message and in an impulse raised her legs and surrounded his waist that lifted her as if she weighed nothing. William carried her to bed and laid her on top of him. The kiss was now full of lust, William's hands climbed under her dress to her breasts and when the air became necessary, William distributed several kisses on her neck while caressing her breasts. Catherine had her legs open and his body was between them, his member was fitted exactly on her intimacy, William pressed her body even more on hers.
“Kate, you're going to drive me crazy. Are you feeling what you're doing to me?” William spoke with a deep tone of voice close to his ear.
“Ah, Will. It's so good.” she sighed. And he kissed her fiercely. One of William's hands came down caressing her belly and when he felt the fabric of her panties, he stopped
“Can I?” his intense blue eyes went against hers.
“Don't you think it's better for us to do this at night without anyone waiting for us?” Catherine spoke with shortness of breath.
“Do you want to stop?” he spoke with some difficulty. With the tip of his finger he made circles in his belly, making her move under him.
“Don't we run the risk of being caught in this situation?” Catherine's hands walked on his back under his shirt.
“No one enters here without knocking on the door. It's one of the rules.” he said nibbling on her neck.
“No. I don't think so.”  she whispered. Upon hearing this, William took his hands off her body and leaned on the bed to look her in the eye.
“All right.”  he put a peck in her mouth and got up from the bed and looked at Catherine lying down, her dress all wrapped above her waist, revealing her red lace lingerie matching the tone of the dress.
“William.”  She called him.
“For God's sake, don't look at me like that.” he closed his eyes, she started laughing out loud.
“Will, let's go there and when we are alone we can try again.” she said smiling. He bent down before her, placed a kiss on her belly and another on top of her panties and then lowered her dress. Catherine got goosebumps all over.
“I just need a moment.” he threw himself face down on the bed. She turned on her side and began to caress his back. “Your beautiful little hands are not helping.” he said laughing.
“Because you're so hot and I'm trying to think of something other than your delicious touch and red lingerie... Ahhh, the red lingerie, God help me. ― she laughed. Catherine knelt on the bed, running her hands through her hair called him, he raised his head to look at her, they couldn't stop smiling at each other.
“Let's go, William. Get up.” he stood up and tried to pull him.
“Ah, I'm already well up.” she laughed and slapped his arm
“I'm serious, I wonder what will they think of me, arriving here and going straight to your room.” he sat on the bed
“Don't worry about it. I'm sure they didn't even notice that we arrived.” he got up and went towards the bathroom, William threw some water on his face, with the towel he dried his face and hands and left the bathroom as if the gesture had erased everything that happened a few minutes ago. Catherine looked at her and started laughing at him
“William, washing his face didn't help at all.” she looked towards his bulge. He laughed and took her by the waist, leaving the room looking for Natalie and Mary.
William introduced his house a little while he was looking for the women, found Natalie in her office and Mary in the living room. The three got along right away and got together to pick up William's foot.
During lunch, they exchanged passionate glances and played conversation away, Catherine felt special for being the center of his attention, he made her feel unique. It was amazing
“Shall we walk in the gardens?”William asked.
“I'd love to.” she replied smiling. He took her by the hand and guided her to the exit.
It was the first time in his life that William let someone out of his bubble enter his life in this way and he was being wonderful.
Catherine spoke non-stop, smiled, pulled him back and forth to see the flowers up close, William was loving that. Catherine had an easy smile and curious eyes, talked about everything and listened carefully, was incredibly beautiful... Everything William once dreamed of.
“Do you remember that night I went after you?
“Of course I remember.
“When I was leaving I told you that you had no idea how long I waited for that.” Catherine stopped walking and pulled him close to the lake, facing him.
“I still have no idea?” She asked smiling.
“I've never fallen madly in love with anyone, until the day I saw you. You're everything I've ever dreamed of.”  Catherine stared at him. ― And when you look at me and smile at me, I feel like the luckiest man in the world.” He pulled her gently by the waist to put a kiss on her lips.” You are my love.
“Ah, Will... I always... I'm in love with you.” She stood on her toes and kissed him. William hugged her and turned her in the air, his laughter filled the garden.
Natalie and Mary watched through the window William and Catherine in the garden and smiled proudly.
“Finally our boy found someone special.” The older one said with tears in her eyes.
“Yes, Mary, he deserves so much to be happy and she seems to be perfect for him. I've never seen him like this before.
“I've been with him practically since he was born, Nat. And unfortunately there are few moments that I saw him genuinely happy. He had a troubled childhood, an even worse adolescence added to the death of his mother and grandmother, but he was so strong... Look at the man he became.” The women were leaning on the office window, looking at the garden, when they heard the noise of the knob spinning, they turned at the same time towards the door.
“What are you looking at?”
“Hi, Harry.” Mary spoke smiling.
“Oh, hi.” Natalie said. “We are looking at the garden.
“Where's William? He doesn't answer me, he doesn't answer my messages. Jecca wants to talk to him.”
“He's outside, leave him there. Jecca, wait.” Mary answered him.
“Is he alone?” Harry asked going towards the window. “Wow! Who is that?” Harry kept looking in the direction of the garden, specifically at the brunette with loose hair and flowery dress in her brother's arms.
“It's Kate. Harry, please, is the woman your brother is dating, stop looking like that.” Natalie scolded him.
“Is he dating?” Harry finally looked away from the window.
“It's like that... I thought he had told you.”
“He doesn't tell me anything.” Harry lay on the office couch, crossing his arms. “Do you have anything to eat?
“There is. Let's go to the kitchen, you know William doesn't like them to eat here.” Mary hit his legs, intending him to take his feet off the couch. Harry got up and the three of them went to the kitchen.
About 15 minutes later, William and Catherine appeared in the kitchen, both stopped laughing when they realized they were not alone.
“AHHH, HELLO!” Harry said loudly, getting up from the chair and went towards them.
“Hi, Harry.” He looked at the woman next to him. “This is Catherine.” He let go of Catherine's hand. “This is Harry, my brother.”
“Hi, Harry.” She reached out to greet him. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Kate.” He took her hand but pulled her to give two kisses on her cheek. Catherine was surprised by the gesture. William watched everything in silence. ― It's a shame you met the wrong brother first. “Catherine smiled blandly.”
“Harry, don't be an idiot.” William murmured.
“It doesn't start. I only came here because Jecca called me. She's trying to talk to you, she said it's urgent.” Harry turned his attention to Catherine. “You really caught his attention, because William never fails to answer Jecca. He does absolutely everything she wants.”
“Ah.” It was the only thing that came out of Catherine's mouth. William turned red. He wanted to punch Harry for leaving Catherine embarrassed and for insinuating meaningless things about Jecca.
“Jecca is just a friend...” William started.
“All right, Will. Call her, it seems important.” He nodded and was taking his hands in his pocket to look for the phone, but was interrupted by Natalie.
“He's in the office. Yes... We're here too.” Everyone smiled at the way Natalie spoke.
“Thank you, Nat. Are you coming, Kate?”
“I'll be right there, first I want to learn how to make the sandwiches that Mary said earlier, okay?”
“It's okay. Would you make one for me?”He pouted.
“For God's sake.” Natalie and Mary spoke at the same time. Catherine laughed.
“I do.” she patted him on the arm. “Now go.”
“Nobody asked me, but I want you to know that I don't want a sandwich and I'm not coming home today either. Bye to you.” Harry spoke and had a glass of water.
“Where are you going?” William was leaving, but turned his gaze to Harry.
“Where the fun takes me.” he replied ironically. William looked at him disappointed.
“You could at least think before acting.” William started talking but Harry had already left without even looking back. Catherine looked at William and gave him a welcoming smile.
It was already late afternoon when Harry left aimlessly, Mary and Catherine started preparing the sandwiches, Natalie said goodbye to everyone to leave and William went to his office to call Jecca.
“Mary, forgive the curiosity, but how close is William to Jecca?” Catherine questioned her while washing dishes.
“Ah, my daughter... I'm not going to lie to you. They are very close, William met her in Africa when he was still a boy, they are very good friends, but it has always been friendship on William's part, I don't think you have to worry about it.”
“But I'm not worried.” Catherine lied. Mary smiled at her.
“William is in love with you.”  Mary spoke smiling.
“He told me that today, Mary.” Catherine's face lit up with a smile shared with the older one.
“What are the ladies gossiping about?”  William appeared in the kitchen.
“About how boring you are.” Mary spoke and Catherine laughed.
“Your offenses don't hurt anymore, Mary.”  he pretended to cry. They laughed.
“Will, I made it for you.” Catherine pushed the plate in his direction.
“It looks delicious. Shall we eat?”
“Let's go.”
“Well, I'll make you comfortable. Kate, come here more often. I loved meeting you.” Catherine hugged her.
“Bye, my loves.”
“Bye.” they answered at the same time.
As soon as Mary left the kitchen, William and Catherine prepare the table for a meal. William opened a wine and Catherine laughed because the meal did not match, but both agreed that everything was wonderful because they shared together.
Everything was perfect that the night followed, time flew by and they only noticed because of the empty bottle.
“The day went by so fast, it's so wonderful to be with you.” Catherine commented.
“I want more of that. Much more.” he kissed her.
“Will... Can I ask you something?”  Catherine said with caution.
“Of course.
“What did Jecca want to tell you? And why have you never told me about her?“ William gave a small smile.
“Jecca is a friend, there had not yet been the opportunity to talk about her... And she wanted to talk to me about the project about the environment, this I had already commented to you... We are developing a kind of award and she is part of the team behind it...”
“You've talked several times about the award, about the project... Never about Jecca, who is part of the project, but anyway... That's wonderful, I say the project... Environment...” Catherine looked at it.
“She wanted to tell me some wonderful news about a survey, I'm even going to travel to see it up close.” William spoke excitedly.
“Travel to where?”
“Is Jecca going along?”
“Actually, I'm going to her house.”
“Ah... You're staying at her house... With her...”
“She will introduce me to the project of the Conservation Corps, a non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife conservation through education and the bridge between communities and conservation.”
“What is it?”
“The project is amazing, but you don't realize?”
“I understand that?”
“That Jecca likes you.” William laughed out loud.
“No. Jecca sees me as a friend, maybe even as a brother.
“And how do you see her?” she raised an eyebrow.
“A friend, just a friend.”
“It's okay. When is the trip?”
“I need to organize myself with Natalie and Rob, but I want to go as soon as possible.”
“Hummm.” Catherine murmured.
“Kate...” he took her hands. “I want to go as soon as possible to get back to you soon... Remember I told you about the chalet in Balmoral? I really want to take you there and to other places too... But for that, I need to finish the pending work, you know? I'm going to travel for work.”
“It's okay. ― She smiled at him.
“Let's not spoil our night with future worries.” He kissed her hand. “Do you want to go up?”
“You know what I want...”  Catherine blinked at him and William felt like the luckiest man on the planet.
William took her by the hand and in the midst of kisses and hugs they went to William's room. He gave her privacy to take a shower in his bathroom, while he went to his office to check tomorrow's schedule, after that he went back to his room and as soon as he entered he heard the noise of the shower, he thought about asking to come in, but as he had promised her privacy he did not dare to go back, so he waited.
Catherine left the bathroom with a towel on her head and his robe.
“Beautiful even with a towel on her head.” William spoke behind her. He was sitting in the armchair, with a towel in his hand. Catherine jumped when she heard his voice.
“Don't be silly.” He got up and went to her.
“I'm not being silly, seriously... I think you're so beautiful.”  He stole a kiss from her. ―I'm going to take a shower.
Catherine smiled at him and as soon as he entered the bathroom, she finished getting ready. While she was getting her hair, her phone rang.
“Hi, August.”
“Hi, Kate. Is everything okay?”
“Yes? Why? Did something happen?”
“John stopped by the house to see if you were here, he seemed very drunk and said meaningless things.”  Catherine turned pale. “Kate, is there something going on that you're not telling me?”
“There's nothing going on, August. I'm at William's. Everything is perfect. Tomorrow I'll tell you everything.”“Kate... Is John doing something for you? Threatening you or something?”
“No, August. He doesn't even talk to me anymore, everything is fine.”
“I'm your friend, Kate. Don't lie to me.”
“I'm not lying. We'll talk tomorrow, William is taking a shower and I think we're going to have sex.” August laughed.
“Do you think so? Your prince is very slow, Kate!”  They both laughed. “Seduce him, and you know... GO GO GO.”  Catherine laughed loudly.
“How stupid you are, bye.”
“Bye, naughty.”
She hung up the phone, went to check the messages and calls and had several of John's. She decided to ignore them all, she didn't want to make a scene at William's house, so she decided to pretend she wasn't terrified of the idea of having John chasing her. Tomorrow she would think of a way to make him stop it once and for all.
As soon as she finished drying her hair, she lay down on his bed practically at the same moment he left the bathroom.
William stopped at the door and the steam from the bathroom invaded the room, he had the towel wrapped around his waist and droplets of water flowed from his abdomen getting lost to the towel. The smell of aftershave lotion hovered in the air.
“Wow...” said Catherine.
“The view from here is wonderful. ― she bit her lips. He laughed.
“You can look at your leisure.” he slid his hand from top to bottom over the breastplate. “It's all yours.” Catherine lost her breath.
“Will I be able to play?” She said when he entered the closet to get dressed.
“Ah, Kate, you can do whatever you want!” he screamed. And a minute later he went back to his room.
Catherine sat on the bed, her back resting on the headboard and William walked to her. Standing, he took one hand to his face and stroked, his hand gently went down to his chin and with his thumb he drew the contour of her lips as he looked directly into his eyes, Catherine opened her lips and nibbled his thumb, making him sigh.
“Are you going to give me what I want?” she whispered, as he caressed her neck.
“Everything... Everything you want, my love.” she pulled him to bed.
And Catherine gave herself to him.
It was intense, full of love and meaning.
Somewhere in London
John was upset with the idea that Catherine was with another man. It was unfair, it seemed unfair to him, she found happiness with another man.
Since they broke up, John felt that she was happier without him, but it's been about a month since Catherine turned into someone else, she looks even more beautiful, always smiling and in a good mood, walking back and forth talking on the phone, exchanging messages... And John feels entitled to know who is the person who managed to do what he was not able to do.
He approached Catherine several times with the intention of knowing, for some reason he thought he had this right, after all she had already been his.
John spent the whole weekend drinking and after Catherine. On Friday he knocked on his door and they argued. On Saturday, he tried otherwise, did not knock on her door, but kept watching her from afar and there was no movement. On Sunday, he called and he can hear his sweet and calm voice and knew it was not intended for him because when she heard his voice, her tone changed. John hated that, hated the fact that she didn't want it, so he drank it. John drank so much that he couldn't stand up, he drank to forget that Catherine was once his, but the more he drank, the more he remembered her, so he went to his house and couldn't find her, he called, texted and had no answer. John didn't want to give up on Catherine, so he left to think of a way to get her back.
John stopped by her house at the time she usually left to go to work and found out that Catherine didn't sleep at home. John felt betrayed.
He went to college where she taught, John knew that Catherine was extremely responsible, he knew all her routine and it was obvious that she would not miss work.
University of Richmond
William turned off the car's engine in the University parking lot.
“Thank you, love.” Catherine said, taking off her belt.
“Better than hearing you calling me William, it's hearing you calling me love.” He smiled.
“You are my William, my love.” Catherine stroked his face. William took off his belt and pulled it to himself.
“How lucky I am to have you.” William kissed her.
“Will...” She spoke in the middle of the kiss. “Someone can see us here...” She gave him another kiss.
“You are irresistible.” He slightly bit her lip. She ran her hands through his abdomen. “Oh, don't do it like that, babe... It brings back memories of you last night.
“Was it bad?” She pretended to be offended.
“Wow... It was horrible... My God, it was so bad that I had to repeat it three times.” She laughed and hit his arm.
“I need to go, I can't be late.” Catherine spoke and he took her by the back of the neck.
“I need to go too, I'm going to meet my father.”
“Have a good day, Wills.”
“After a wonderful night, I woke up with you in my arms... Another hot sex session... Yeah... My day will be excellent.”  She laughed and opened the car door. “Have a great day, my beautiful.”
Catherine closed the door and passed in front of his car, William opened the window.
“Kate!” He called her and she looked back, with his index finger he motioned for her to come to him and Catherine went.  “I'm not going to get one last goodbye kiss?”  Catherine smiled, bent down on the car window and kissed him.
“Good work, love.”  William said goodbye. Catherine threw a kiss in the air and headed for the entrance.
A few meters from there, John was leaning behind a dumpster watching everything.
“Damn, Kate... Did you just go to change me for a prince? It can't stay that way.” John spoke to himself as he looked at the photos he had taken on his cell phone.
Chapter 7
“When everything falls apart.”
Catherine has always been very organized, she has always planned everything in advance, especially with work-related things, so after passionately kissing William, she was ready to start another day. Catherine was walking towards the room, focused on getting everything ready for the class that would start in 20 minutes, who didn't even notice the tall brown-haired man practically entering behind her inside the building.
When she entered the classroom it didn't take long for her students to start arriving, everyone talked excitedly, Catherine's classes although almost always very theoretical were quite fun, the students liked her very much and her classes that time passed very fast and today it was no different. The class started punctually at the scheduled time and when it was two minutes until the end, Catherine did the division of teams for the following week's seminar and was frightened by the figure standing at the door looking in her direction, some students even asked the reason for the sudden change in behavior but Catherine disguised with a smile and said that everything was fine, she was only distracted by someone who passed in the hallway. The brunette finished the class with her heart beating so fast that she felt like he was going to come out of her mouth.
The class dispersed so quickly that when she gathered her belongings to leave the room all the students had already left, leaving Catherine with a tall man with brown hair. Taking advantage of the students' exit, John came in and sat next to the door. When she saw him again, now inside the room, she didn't emit any and didn't move a single muscle either.
“What are you doing here? ― said Catherine, she trying to sound calm.
"Good morning, Kate," replied John, still sitting.
“Good morning... What are you doing here?” Catherine asked again, she wanted to run away but did not dare to take a single step, standing on the opposite side to his.
“Ah, Kate... You were so predictable, I don't know how I didn't find out before.” John spoke in such a polite and low tone, that anyone who wanted to pass through the corridors would never see danger in that conversation. Catherine turned pale and her mouth was dry.
“What are you talking about?” said Catherine, practically whispering.
“I was such an idiot. My God, I can't believe I let you fool me like that.” said John getting up from the chair.
“Sorry John, I don't understand you.” Catherine spoke and the panic was visible on her face and in her tone of voice. John began to walk calmly towards him.
“Kate, Kate, Kate.” said John stopping in front of Catherine who was shaking from head to toe. ― Do you think he really likes you?
“John, why all this?” she spoke very softly. John laughed bitterly.
“Answer my question.” John ran his right hand over Catherine's face, and she could notice that he was also shaking.
“I don't understand anything, John.” just a thread of voice came out of her mouth, Catherine couldn't move.
“Kate...” John took a deep breath. “You don't have to pretend to be an idiot anymore, I saw you both. Now answer me.” he squeezed Catherine's jaw, making her moan softly. “Do you think a prince will like you or does he just want to fuck you?”
“John...” Tears began to drip from his face. ― You're hurting me.”  Catherine spoke, while trying to take his hand off her chin.
“Now everything makes sense... Since the present day in the office... Little secrets, code conversations with August, all this in secrecy... ― he let go of Catherine's jaw to hold her in his arms. ― I'm sure this whole secret was his idea... Ah, Kate he just wants to fuck you and when he gets tired of you he will dismiss you as if nothing had happened.”
“No.” Catherine whispered and John laughed again.
“Am I wrong? It's been more than a month since you found him in hiding. Why?” said John, squeezing her even more in his arms.
“I don't owe explanations to you! Let me go, John!” Catherine exclaimed desperately.
“The more you deny it, the more I know I'm right...” John started talking close to her ear.
“I'm going to scream, John.” Catherine said.
“No, you're not going to scream!” John interrupted her and began to speak much closer to her ear as soon as possible. “Here's the thing...” He sighed smelling her perfume. “You're going to break up with him, because I saw you two in the car there in the parking lot, I have pictures of you... And if you don't obey me I'll sell all this to the newspaper, I'll tell you that you cheated on me with him, which is not a lie! You're mine, Kate.” he put a kiss on her neck and Catherine wanted to vomit. “I'm going to turn his life into hell and yours too. It's up to you.”
“Please, John! Leave me alone...” she looked directly into his eyes. “What can I do for you not to do this?” Catherine cried copiously.
“I already told you, my love!”  John framed her face with his hands. ― It ends with him.
“Please, John... We had already finished, why don't you let me move on? Don't you realize how much it hurts me? We...” she pointed her finger at his chest. “We will never be able to be happy like this.” John started crying.
“I wanted you back, but when I saw you kissing another...” he let her go as if he was disgusted with her, and spoke with his head down. “Just imagining you having sex with someone else... Kate, you took happiness away from me. I will never be happy again and it is unfair for you to find happiness after you have done this to me. I just can't allow it. “John raised his head, and a gloomy air appeared on his face. “You took everything from me. You left me for someone I can't compete with...”
Catherine couldn't stop crying and her whole body hurt. She didn't want to end that conversation, she didn't know what to do, what to say... She just wanted to go back in time and never get out of that bed, from those warm arms surrounding her body. Catherine thought of William for a few seconds and her heart froze. Everything was perfect that morning, until John entered that room. Now Catherine was in a dilemma, to do what John asked her to do or simply to let fate decide? Would John be able to sell these photos? A whirlwind of thoughts crossed his mind.
“John... Why do things need to be like this?” Catherine wiped away the tears that fell non-stop. “Don't involve William in this, I'm sure we can both solve this.
“William...” John let out a bitter laugh, his tone of voice was gloomy. “I want this worm to go to hell!” John approached Catherine, making her take a few steps back, hitting her back on the wall of the room, he trapped her between the wall and her body. “Kate, I'll still be nice to you... I'll let you say goodbye to him, so break up with the prince... If you choose the most difficult way, I'll force myself to sell the photos to some newspaper, I'll tell the story I want and you know I know all your steps, you won't get rid of me.” John spoke and after kissing her forehead he walked away. Catherine couldn't move.
John left the room as calm as he entered, leaving Catherine desolate behind, as soon as he passed through the door she sat on the floor and cried. Her mind emptied, she didn't think of anything else, she just knew how to cry, everything seemed dark and empty.
August:  Newton told me that John resigned. We are free from this unbearable! We have to celebrate, let's have coffee?
Kate:  Great news, Augus! But the coffee we'll leave it for another day, I'm full of things to catalog, I'll stay here in the living room until it's time to leave.
August:  Is everything okay?
Kate:  Yes.
The National Gallery 
Catherine was sitting on the cream sofa in the comfortable room where she always used to catalog the works of the Museum. Newton had given him a free pass to use that space, so much so that his first official meeting with William was there in that room. The walls of this room have already witnessed so many conversations and laughter from Catherine, but all they saw now was her silent crying.
Since she arrived at the National Gallery, she locked herself in an attempt to work, but all she did was lie on the small cream sofa hugging her own body. Catherine thought about her relationship with John, thought about everything they lived and came to the conclusion that in fact she could count the days she was happy next to him and felt guilty... Guilty and horrible for letting herself be in a situation like this, everything in her life has always been organized and she felt terrible for letting it go. Catherine didn't want to think about William, but it was inevitable. Thinking about William hurt, because everything with him was wonderful, ever since. If Catherine had to choose between the two, it was an obvious choice, John and William were like water and oil. It was easy to choose, but of course that had consequences. Catherine knew of William's fears and insecurities with the media, he had already commented to her several times and she did not want to bring problems to William, much less be another problem in his life. Until today she had not seen it as a bad thing to keep everything secret, but John filled her head with assumptions that she became suspicious of William's true intentions. Did he really want to protect her? So many questions were going on in his head. Catherine was afraid of what John could do, would he hurt her? Would it be that even if he didn't sell the photos, would it force her to stay with him? All the alternatives were horrible. Catherine was tired, tired of thinking, tired of crying, tired of everything. With great commitment, she sat on the couch, her face was swollen from crying and her eyes burned, her appearance at the time was deplorable, but she did not care, Catherine could only stare at the screen of her cell phone that blinked the name "William". It was the second time he called and all she did was look at his name on the screen until the call dropped. Catherine unlocked the device and contemplated William's selfie with the Aston Villa shirt and immediately her eyes filled with tears, she remembered exactly the day he took the photo with her cell phone, it was just to make a joke, but it became one of her favorite photos, his smile was so beautiful, his beautiful blue eyes overflowed happiness, she loved that photo. Catherine shook her head in an attempt to erase that memory and opened his message box again, he had sent several, but she felt unable to respond.
William:  I loved hearing you call me "my William, my love". I loved our weekend and I loved having you that way. I hope you have a good day and a good job, my love.
William:  Love, I talked to my father about us. He really wants to meet you and suggested a dinner... A dinner with your family too, if you want. I was thinking of getting everyone together at once, what do you think?
William:  I organized my schedule and thought about traveling on Thursday, I can do everything in two days, I would come home on the weekend to stay with you again... When does your vacation start? I'm going to take you to Balmoral, but I was thinking of taking you somewhere with a beach too so I can see you in a bikini. Any suggestions
William:  Kate?
William:  Did something happen? I'm worried, my beautiful. You always call me at your lunchtime and always send me messages and so far you haven't sent anything. I'm sorry to be annoying and keep asking, but I'm finding your behavior strange. Is everything okay? Did I do something you didn't like? Please tell me.
William:  Call me when you can.
Catherine blocked her cell phone and threw it on the couch, starting to cry copiously. Again.
Kate:  I need some time alone.
Mayfair, London
It was past ten in the evening when Catherine finished washing the dinner dishes - which she practically did not eat - and sent that message. Not even a minute passed and your phone started ringing.
“Answer. ― John stretched the phone in her direction.
“If I answer he will notice that there is something wrong and runs the risk of him wanting to look for me. ― Catherine spoke terrified.
“Wow, how attentive... ― John spoke with disdain. ― Answer this shit soon, and finish with him at once. ― John pressed to answer and put the phone in her ear.
“Hi.” Catherine said trying not to cry.
“Kate!? Hi, my beautiful. What happened?” the tone of concern in his voice was clear.
“Nothing happened, William.
“How did nothing happen? Why do you need time alone? I've thought about you all day.” William began with his gallant tone that Catherine loved to hear, but even so there was concern in his voice. “I was worried. I did, no... I'm worried, actually. I thought of a thousand things. Is that your job? Did I do anything to you? Did I force you to do something you didn't want?”
“I wasn't ready, William.” said Catherine and these words hit William in the depths of his soul. John held the phone without sketching any reaction.
“Kate, I...” William began to speak and the regret in his voice was clear. “I... I'm sorry, I really thought you wanted it and that you liked it. I myself had told us to go slow with our relationship and... And you agreed, but Kate I thought it was what you wanted too... My God... I'm sorry, there are no words that can erase what I did to you, but know that I'm sorry.” Catherine heard everything and felt like the worst person in the world, because she knew she had spoiled one of her best memories. Her first time with William had been perfect, exactly the way she wanted, William was a caring and loving partner. Catherine knew she had snatched this good memory from him too, maybe things would never be the same again, it was all so horrible that it didn't seem to be real.
“I need some time... “ Catherine said swallowing her tears. John sketched a discreet smile.
“Kate, I can give you the time you need, just answer me one thing... Did you regret it later? Or on time? You know you could have told me, right?” William said. “I should have noticed, damn it. “He completed talking to himself.
“It was later.” Catherine spoke softly and John gestured for her to close soon.
“Kate? I'll go to your house so we can talk and then if you want, I'll give you the time you need.
“No, no, no, no.” Catherine spoke desperately. “I don't want to talk to you. I just want space. Go to Africa, William.
“I don't understand you.” William said disappointed.
“Just leave me alone!” Catherine spoke loudly, her tone of voice was sharp and William felt as if she had stuck a knife in his heart.
Catherine can't even hear an answer from him because seconds after she spoke the cell phone was already in John's pocket and he stared at her.
“It wasn't that hard, see?” John spoke while taking a sip of water.
“I want to sleep.” Catherine said robotically.
At the end of his shift at the National Gallery, John showed up to pick up his belongings and along with them took Catherine. She was not threatened with weapons or violence, it seemed stupid to obey everything John ordered, but Catherine felt psychologically imprisoned. It was something in John's voice that made her obey him, so she went to his apartment and when she got there she was surprised to find out that she already had a suitcase of her clothes, but Catherine felt too tired to argue so she just went to take a long shower, and by the water falling in abundance on her body, warm tears flowed from her eyes, once again. Catherine felt guilty, sad and abandoned. She knew there were several people around her who could help her, but she just couldn't ask for help, the feeling of fear and shame for letting it get to this point consumed her. Catherine did not want to leave the bathroom, everything seemed so calm locked inside, but as nothing can be good John gave light knocks on the door taking her out of her reflective state, at great cost she left the bathroom and soon smelled food, it was at that moment that Catherine remembered that her last meal was at William's apartment, he had made her breakfast with everything she liked the most. The memories with William seemed from such a distant past even if they had happened in less than 24 hours. Catherine didn't feel hungry, but John made her eat, she rolled up and gave only a few fork because she felt too nauseous. As soon as he left the Museum, John took Catherine's phone that he delivered without any protest, so after dinner Catherine asked to send a message to William explaining that she would end everything with him, as long as John did not involve William in this story. John accepted Catherine's request who soon after sending a message received a call from William. Catherine didn't want to answer the phone because she knew it would be torturous to do this with William, but she needed to do it. I needed to break up with William at that moment, for the good of both of them. Catherine was playing John's game and handing over her destiny to the universe, rooting a lot for chance to be her friend again. Catherine had a plan. A crazy plan, that could go all right or all wrong and she no longer had time to think. It was all or nothing. After breaking up with William over the phone, she hoped he wouldn't call back. All she wanted was for him to go to Africa as soon as possible. Catherine would start her game, and play alone, but with the hope that at the right time someone would come to her aid. She only had one chance and wasn't willing to make mistakes.
Catherine asked to sleep and John led her to her room, lying with her. John hugged her leaving her trapped in his arms and Catherine felt so disgusted, but pretended to sleep instantly.
She felt like she was tangled around a barbed wire and needed a lot of self-control not to move, in fact she didn't even dare to move, Catherine didn't want to touch John's body, her body repelled his. After about 3 hours, she raised her neck to see if John was sleeping, his breathing was slow and deep, Catherine realized that he was sleeping, so she gently took his arms off his body and carefully got up from the bed, it was dark, but the bedroom curtain was clear letting the street light precariously illuminate the room, with steps calculated not to emit any sound, Catherine located his phone, it was her only chance to try to solve everything. On tiptoe she went back to the edge of the bed and gently took his hand and very calmly pressed the fingerprint unlocking the cell phone, Catherine thanked God for the phone not making any kind of noise. With her cell phone unlocked, she went to the bathroom and accessed the photo gallery, being surprised to find out that John had been following her for days, there were several photos of the front of her house and her and the Museum, but Catherine only deleted the photos of the parking lot, where she appears laughing, talking and kissing William. Catherine could not take long and put her plan at risk, so she looked quickly if there was nothing in any drive or e-mail, she breathed relieved to see that at least on that phone there were no other indications of photos. Catherine located August's number and sent him a message asking for help, deleted the message and left the bathroom, putting the phone exactly where it was. Catherine was going back to bed, when John moved she lay down quickly and nested in her arms. His stomach turned with disgust, but for the sake of his physical integrity, the best thing to do at the time was to pretend that everything was fine with that gesture. All Catherine had to do was hope for August to understand the message and wait for his help. That would be your last chance.
Intense knocks on the door of John's apartment in Mayfair made him wake up practically jumping out of bed, Catherine who pretended to sleep got up scared too.The time has come.
John ran to the door to dismiss anyone, but when he opened he was surprised by police officers accompanied by August and Pippa.
A policeman gave him a voice in prison and John looked at everyone shocked. He offered no resistance when he was handcuffed and taken to the car.
Catherine was standing at the living room door, watching the scene. A wave of relief consumed her. At least the first part of your plan worked. Accompanied by August and Pippa, Catherine went to the police station and reported all the threats and violence she suffered with John, from the time they dated until that moment. Throughout her account, which lasted about fifty-five minutes, Catherine received support from her best friend August and her sister Pippa, who hugged her and cried with her. Catherine omitted William's name.
She left the police station with a protective measure against John, just in case since he would spend some time behind bars.
August took Catherine to her apartment in Chelsea and the first rays of sun already appeared in the sky indicating that another morning was starting, the brunette went straight to the bathroom and when she turned on the shower and the hot water fell on her body she felt as if she had woken up from a nightmare, a horrible nightmare that finally came to an end. Catherine felt exhausted, as if she hadn't eaten and slept in days. It was a quick but invigorating shower.
Leaving the bathroom wrapped in the towel, she saw her favorite pajamas in her bed, smiled with her sister's affectionate gesture. Pippa and August appeared in the room with a breakfast tray, limited themselves to talking about what happened, just made Catherine eat and showed her support and love.
August confided to Newton - the head of the National Gallery - about what happened and he promptly released Catherine from work. August said goodbye to them on the promise to come back after work.
Pippa lay down with Catherine to watch a movie, and was happy to see her sleeping for the first five minutes. Catherine deserved this rest after all these events.
William: I'm going the day before the deal. How are you?
Jecca: Even better, Will. You know you're ALWAYS welcome here.
Kensington Palace
William closed the trunk and put on his sunglasses, checking the phone once again. There was no message from Catherine.
William got in the car, heading to the airport, his destination was Africa. His destiny was... Jecca's house.
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bard-llama · 9 months
I'm procrastinating on my final task before my time off for the holidays like an idiot and searching for my inspiration, so figured I'd do a review of all my WiPs. This will be long, but I'm just gonna do the ones that are gen and completely unpublished, though I know a lot of my published ones are WiPs too.
Unpublished Gen Fics
Agni's Little Flame - Agni's POV of being fond of Zuko's spark and showing their displeasure with Ozai
Unyielding - short lil piece about Zuko never giving up without a fight
Zuko collects strays - like, 2 paragraphs of Fire Lord Zuko training at a public park in the FN and people finding that endearing
Zuko adapts other bending techniques - after accidentally using an airbending move, Zuko studies other bending disciplines to see what he can steal.
Fire Control - short piece on how it actually probably takes a lot of control for Zuko to keep his fire from burning wild like Zhao's does
Nightmares - at the Western Air Temple, Katara discovers Zuko having nightmares. She struggles with both her hatred and her compassion each night as she hears him cry out.
Good at Bending - the Gaang to finds out that Zuko's considered kinda bad at bending. They do not agree.
Healing Fire - Zuko doesn't think his fire is anything special. He can't heal, it's just that heat is very soothing for injuries and such. Then, when Iroh gets hit by Azula, his healing is needed to save Uncle's life. The Gaang has some questions.
Sibling Rulers - end goal is for Azula and Zuko to rule the Fire Nation side by side. Zuko's the one that approaches her about the possibility.
Azula and her brother - Basically an Azula study about her relationship with her brother
Zuko breathing fire - Zuko's crew doesn't really like him much, but they gotta admit - him breathing fire in Zhao's face was awesome. The way he continued to flaunt his power was less awesome, and they were not afraid to tell him. So Zuko tries to hold in the fire that wants to naturally come with his breath and ends up burning himself.
Katara hating on Zuko - Katara is completely justified in not trusting Zuko. Being justified doesn’t mean she can’t put her foot in it, though. And it turns out, she doesn’t actually know much about this boy who chased them across the world.
Viva la Resistance - after Zhao steals Zuko's crew, they start to sow the seeds of dissent throughout the fleet
Aang in the Iceberg: Dreams - in Zuko's dreams, he goes to a world that is empty aside from Aang. But Aang's not real. Right?
Aang in the Iceberg: Angst Coma Time Travel - when Zuko goes into his angst coma in s2, he ends up in a weird icy place that has no exit - but does have the Avatar. Only it's the Avatar while he was frozen for 100 years.
Punishment - the first night that Zuko is with the Gaang after Combustion Man's attack, Zuko prepares himself for punishment. The Gaang is horrified at all the implications of that.
Zuko's Odyssey - pre-canon, Zuko ventures across the Western Ocean. AKA a mashup of atla and The Odyssey.
Muzzled - drabble of the Gaang's horror at discovering that Zhao welded a muzzle to Zuko's face after capturing him
The Long Road to Recovery - When the Avatar’s group refuses to let Zuko join them, Zuko goes back to Ba Sing Se, looking for his Uncle. Instead, he gets captured and tortured and somehow has to figure out how to survive and recover.
Trusted with a weapon - Zuko reflecting on trust and how he doesn't deserve it - and yet, when Suki invites him to spar, he discovers that they trust him enough to let him wield a weapon.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Zuko knows he needs to do more to apologize than just say he's sorry. He tailors each apology to the specific person he wronged, starting with Toph. She is delighted by his gifts of materials that have unique properties so she can play with bending them.
Spontaneous Combustion - while living in Ba Sing Se, Zuko uncovers a mystery when a young girl he managed to save from burning to death after bursting into flame doesn't even know that she's a firebender.
Early S3 AU - After hearing his Father's plan to burn down the Earth Kingdom, Zuko panics. He finds an excuse to leave the palace because he knows his face will give him away - and ends up touring Fire Fountain City at the same time the Gaang happens to be there fighting Combustion Man.
Toph and Zuko Bonding - okay, this is SUPPOSED to be lava siblings goodness, but then I decided it should be a pre-canon au where they meet as little kids and so far, it's mostly just Ozai's POV of being annoyed that his useless son can't even befriend someone worthwhile.
Choosing Nonviolence: Aang sees Zuko's scars - The evidence of all the ways Ozai has hurt Zuko challenges Aang's vows every day. But he believes in nonviolence and Ozai is not worth breaking his vows. Unfortunately, all Zuko hears is the refusal to kill his abuser.
Choosing Nonviolence: What Is Forgiveness? - set in the Southern Raiders, Zuko asks Aang how he will deal with Ozai, and Aang vows not to kill him. Zuko lashes out, hurt, and Aang reflects on how the world doesn't understand what it means to be an Air Nomad.
Truth Serum - set during The Chase, some weird pollen interrupts their fight with Azula, making them all sneeze and feel woozy. Turns out, the pollen makes them tell the truth. Which mostly turns into the fire siblings fighting each other, much to the Gaang's bemusement.
De-aged Zuko - mid-s1, Zuko gets cursed by a spirit. The Gaang is not expecting to be faced with a literal child - one who is curious about Aang, who doesn't move like any bender he's ever seen.
Flower Language - after Zuko joins him, Aang tries to give Zuko a friendship offering. And okay, maybe that meant playing with flowers when he was supposed to be training - but it's still not okay when Zuko burns the offering. Zuko has no idea how badly he screwed up until The Duke lets him in on flower language.
The Duke Learns to Read - The Duke asks Zuko to teach him how to read.
Mission Fic - Zuko and Aang both get grabbed by human traffickers during season 1. They're forced to work together with each other and the other victims to escape.
Zuko becomes Fire Lord at 13 AU - Zuko fights in the Agni Kai against his Father. This manages to change everything.
Toph joins s1 - the Gaang hits up Gaoling after Omashu and acquires Toph. If Zuko thought the Avatar was hard to fight before, it's nothing compared to now when they have a master earthbender. When they're surrounded, Iroh surrenders, much to Zuko discontent. Which means they then have time to actually talk.
Body Swap - in Ba Sing Se, Aang wakes up in Zuko's body. His day only manages to get worse from there.
Gifts - the Gaang discovers it's Aang's bday before the comet. Each culture has a different way of observing birthdays.
Katara POV of Zuko tortured by Fire Lord - what it sounds like. In an AU where everything went wrong and they were all captured by the Fire Nation before Katara came to trust Zuko, Katara feels guilty about doubting Zuko when she hears the way his own father tortures him. They have to figure out how to escape.
Ozai finds out Zuko joined the Avatar - Ozai's POV of discovering his worthless son not only joined the Avatar, but is now inciting civil unrest with his proclaimed right to the throne.
Kanna - Gran Gran's POV of rendering judgement on Zuko post-canon. When her grandkids bring home the guy who manhandled her and crashed into their village and call him brother, she gets a little ticked.
Apparently that's the max that can fit in one block, so we're restarting the count.
Gyatso runs away with Aang - when the council tries to take his child from him, Gyatso catches Aang's gasp and goes to him before he can run away. They decide to escape together, but a storm makes things difficult and then they wake up to two young Water Tribesmen.
Dad Convo - Zuko asks Hakoda what he would do if Sokka showed him disrespect.
Shaking it up down South - The Southern Water Tribes may not be as strict as the North Pole about the roles men and women should play – but there are still rules about it. The men protect the tribe and the women care for it. That’s just the way it’s supposed to be. So imagine their surprise when they learn that the Southern Water Tribes were actually founded by two women… one of whom became the first Chief.
Something to Live For - When your whole world is pain, having a goal to drive you forward is a necessity of survival. So when Zuko wakes up after the Agni Kai, he needs something to live for – and he finds that in the Avatar, pinning all his hopes on them.
Earthbender Zuko - don't have a lot for this one, but I wanted to try the trope. Zuko can use fire and earth and he doesn't understand why, but it's why he starts researching the Avatar. His father sending him after the Avatar is a slap in the face, because he knows it's an impossible task. He decides to rebel against his father and go find a teacher.
Avatar Zuko - okay, I don't really have anything for this one, but I do wanna do the trope.
Getting Zuko to Sleep - the Gaang has figured out a strategy for how to get Zuko to sleep. It involves cuddling. (Usually. Sometimes Toph is less nice when pinning him down.)
Keeping the Avatar Alive - after accidentally getting the Avatar killed in Ba Sing Se, Zuko knows he fucked up. So when he joins the Gaang, he devotes himself to protecting the Avatar. Possibly slightly obsessively.
Avatar Gossip - in the spirit world, the other Avatars gossip with each other about Aang and the events of canon.
Self-Harming Zuko - Zuko is perhaps a little overly reckless and careless when fighting with his swords (but never with fire. He takes fire very seriously). He doesn't understand why, but every injury he gets while out as the Blue Spirit feels deserved.
Haunted Toy - once, Lu Ten had gifted his little cousin with a toy crow. Somehow, when he dies, he ends up haunting that crow - and only Zuko can hear him.
Animal Transformation: Zuko is a finch-hawk - Zuko wakes up in the wrong body with a broken wing and a too-compassionate Gaang, who are taking care of the injured bird they found.
Time Travel Zuko 2: Electric Boogaloo - During s1, Zuko's chase after Aang is interrupted by the appearance of his future self, who came back to tell him that getting burned was not his fault. He doesn't know what to think.
Toph and Zuko’s Life-Changing Field Trip - when Toph gets an invite from her parents that coincides with the next Earth Rumble, she decides it's her turn for a Field Trip with Zuko and they go to Gaoling together. Only it turns out, Toph's parents actually invited her because they are trying to negotiate her marriage. Neither her parents nor the bachelor's vying for her hand are prepared for the Toph Beifong that slams through the doors, dressed like a prizefighter and with the Fire Lord in tow.
Dress Up - post-canon, the Gaang is hanging out in the Fire Palace when an absent complaint turns into a fun dress up session, made better by the fact that the royal tailors gave them all custom wardrobes (that they've never worn, because they were in the rooms they never stayed in bc they stayed with Zuko).
Nerd Lords - While in Ba Sing Se, Zuko sneaks into the Royal Library. There, he happens to get caught by Kuei, the High King of the entire Earth Kingdom. Kuei just smiles and asks what he's reading. So begins an unlikely friendship.
Fight Club - While traveling across the Earth Kingdom, one of the only things that helps Zuko stay sane is the underground fight rings he joins. He knows Uncle disapproves, but usually, they don't talk about it.
Instinctive Bending - The standard bending forms have always felt a little uncomfortable to Zuko. The movement is not natural for him - but when he does what's natural, his tutors criticize him. On the rare occasion he is able to not worry about getting it right, but just doing it, his fire is decently strong. But when he tries to do it right, it just never works. Maybe the rigid forms of advanced firebending just aren't meant for him.
Southern Water Tribe – why are there so many more men than women? - this one was born out of my mistake with calculating the size of the Southern Water Tribe fleet (I say 200) in comparison to the Southern Water Tribe village (around 30). So like... what happened? When Sokka is reunited with his Dad, he has to be the one to tell them.
Drugged Zuko Rescue - Zuko gets captured by the Dai Li and Iroh goes to Aang and Sokka for help. Drugged to high hell and pretty sure he's hallucinating, Zuko does not appreciate being rescued by his enemies.
Bad (?) Reputation - this came from the question of what Zuko's reputation would actually be like if he sorta helped out villages he came through and stuff. Like, he would come through and root out corruption Blue Spirit style, and a lot of people in port towns hope that Prince Zuko will visit them and take out their asshole bosses/nobles/whatever
Silence - Aang does not do well with silence. When he's silent, then that means there's nothing to distract from his thoughts.
Hidden Communities - AKA all the not-really-extinct groups hide out together. The whole Gaang goes to the Sun Warriors' Island and discover not only living Sun Warriors and dragons, but sky bison and descendents of Air Nomads.
Jeong Jeong - post-war, Jeong Jeong returns to the Fire Nation and tries to figure out this new Fire Lord, who Iroh and even the Avatar believe in so deeply.
Gyatso adopting Aang - Gyatso's POV of how most Air Nomads choose to take on students and he was always seen as odd for not doing so, but none of them felt right - not until the nuns brought a little boy who laughed with the wind, and Gyatso just knew. It's not because he's the Avatar - it's because he's Aang.
Crooked World - Zuko knows that the world isn't like it is in his scrolls. In those stories, sons aren't disappointments to their fathers. In those stories, right and wrong are so clear. Reality isn't like that, not for him.
Time Loop/Loop Zoop - when Zuko's ship blows up, he abruptly wakes up the previous morning and he can't figure out why, but it keeps happening. No matter what he does, his ship blows up with him on it and he wakes up that morning again. But it turns out that the Avatar he chases may be the key to breaking the cycle.
Southern Water Tribe Mixed Children - some years post-war, the Gaang is at an Earth Kingdom port when they run into a Southern Water Tribesman that Sokka and Katara thought had died in the war. A tribesman who married an Earth Kingdom woman and had a child. He wants to bring his family back into the tribe, but they know reactions will be mixed.
Brother - Azula is furious that Toph claims to be Zuko's sister when she's the true sister. But blood does not make one family and she's forced to reflect on what she's willing to do to keep her brother in her life.
Aaaaaand got too long again. This is probably a hint that I have too many WiPs. and these are just the unpublished and gen ones
The Truth About the Air Army - Zuko researched the Avatar extensively and it didn't take long for the Air Army to be proven a lie. Now, after the war, it's his responsibility to make the truth as widely known as possible.
Blue Spirit Reveal - after the Ember Island play, Sokka asks Aang about the Blue Spirit. Zuko gets all shifty about it.
Post-canon Iroh and Zuko - Zuko feels guilty for being upset that Uncle just LEFT HIM to rule the entire fucking country on his own. He wants Uncle to be able to enjoy retirement - but it still feels like abandonment.
Jet Redemption - post-war negotiations end up taking place in Gaipan. Aang, Sokka, and Katara only realize this belatedly. When they run into Jet, it's nothing like they expected.
Aang being worthy of power - Zuko reflects on power and how the Avatar is the ultimate power and yet, Aang is a pacifist who uses that power without the intent to harm.
What is balance? - the Gaang at the Western Air Temple talk a little bit about what the Avatar's job actually entails.
Wow, I think that's all! Only 73 😅 at least it's less than 100? for now
Anyway, if any of these are of interest to you, feel free to drop me an ask and I'm happy to share more about them.
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0therworldly · 2 years
— 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘭𝘺 ...
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hi! I'm Anya, I'm a 14y/o demigirl who uses she/her and they/them pronouns! whether you use only one out of the both of them to refer to me is up to you, and i wouldn't mind either! dw, Anya is not my real name. like I'd ever share my real name on the internet, haha! also, don't check my blog if this suddenly appeared on your dash or feed; im not very active on tumblr, so the most and probably the only thing you'll see on my blog is this introductory post you're reading right now.
[click/tap on any of the pictures for better image resolution! all of the pictures used above are found on Pinterest, while the picture below was found on Tumblr. credits to @/zz4yun!]
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i like pastel colors, specifically baby/light pink, so i hope the light colors used for my blog doesn't hurt your eyes.
i like drawing and writing, but i don't post any of my art anywhere on any site, and i probably won't until I'm confident enought to do so. please understand!
i used to be super interested in analogue horror, but now my interest in it has dulled. you can come talk to me about it if you want, though! i only know the Mandela Catalogue, Local58 TV, and some Gemini Home Entertainment. pretty vanilla, i know, so feel free to tell me any other analogue horror that you know about, series or not!
—— additional: BLUE_CHANNEL: THALASIN, Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, little bit of MONUMENTMYTHOS, Enjoy Your Stay, Fun Safety Tips, a little bit of Petscop(i only know the stuff that The Game Theorists has told me,) Video_1_1986.mov, and i also really like the backrooms! not too updated on it and I'm pretty sure it's not even analogue horror, but it is pretty good. i also kind of like The SCP Foundation! not too updated on it though.
i really really like reader inserts/x readers, so if you have any recommendations, I'm all up for it! most preferably gender neutral reader, but gendered reader inserts are also welcome. my current fandoms are obey me, genshin impact, and twisted wonderland, but i don't play any of those games, sadly :( i don't have enough storage space to download any games as of now, and i don't live in Canada or the US or Japan to play twisted wonderland or it's English ver. because of that, I'm not super up-to-date with events or newer chapters/parts, and that would include chapter 6, since Shel_BB hasn't updated their game translation yet. i am about to check out Otome Ayui's translation, though! i know that she has translated most if not all of the released parts of chapter 6, i think.
i reblog stuff, but i won't post often. please don't pressure me to!
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gltwrites · 3 years
Vigilantes on the Road: Impressions on the K-drama "Taxi Driver"
Trigger Warning/Content Warning: Mention of Rape
Taking the law in their own hands driven by their hatred and hearts unwilling to forgive - yup, we've seen this before. But "Taxi Driver" isn't really that run-of-the-mill vigilantism/revenge-centric Korean drama (at least for me) but with predictability. Plot-wise, it's smashing. Cast selection is also amazing. And seeing grave offenders who deserve to be punished get the taste of their own medicine is satisfying AF.
It started with a child rapist getting out of prison after serving his sentence for measly a decade. Naturally, this caused massive uproar among the citizens and reached national headlines.
As he took his first steps on the outside world, he paused and bowed in front of the angered folks and reporters and said he had repented on his sins.
Of fucking course, it was insincere.
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A deluxe taxi then made its way to fetch him, and this is where the fun started.
Driving the cab is the enigmatic, sunglass-wearing Kim Do Ki (Lee Je Hoon). As he drove silently, his passenger swore to kill the people outside the jailhouse who had demanded to send him back to prison.
With Kim Do Ki's teamwork with his Rainbow Taxi squad - Ahn Go Eun (Pyo Ye Jin), Park Jin-eon (Bae Yoo Ram), Choi Kyung Goo (Jang Hyuk Jin), and their captain Jang Sung Chul (Kim Ui Sung) - he escaped the horde of reporters' cars trying to get a scoop, and surrendered the passenger criminal under the figurehead's care.
Now, I'm on episode 11, with 5 cases already solved by these vigilantes. Hats off to Lee Je Hoon, though, for his versatility in this drama 'cause we got to see him as a the acquiescent substitute teacher, illegal mobile phone dealer, a docile but avaricious ex-Silicon Valley employee, the jeotgal-loving businessman, and of course, the lieutenant turned taxi driver Kim Do Ki.
Also praises to Pyo Ye Jin's impressive portrayal of her character and her contagious emotional scenes. While APRIL's Naeun would've done a great job as well, her replacement also deserves more recognition. I first saw her as the assimilating secretary in "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim," but I didn't expect her range to be this good.
Pyo Ye Jin is Ahn Go Eun, the skilled hacker of the team who also harbors a dark past like her team members.
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Here also stars the inquisitive prosecutor Kang Hana, whose frizzy hair suddenly straightened on episode 9, irdk why lol. She tried to piece the puzzle of each of the 5 cases already solved before they even landed on her desk, but the culprits are missing.
Taking the matter in her own hands to investigate the cases herself, with only a CCTV footage of a mysterious deluxe taxi appearing at the crime scenes, she thinned her proximity to what really goes on beneath the taxi company.
What's glaring is that the Rainbow Taxi, specifically Jang Sung Chul, has connection to a syndicate that holds captive the criminals the squad had seized. In their turf, the captain does his sessions to reform these crooks, showing that behind his genuine benevolence lies his twisted mind.
I predict that this pursuit will cost him his life.
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And whatever their purpose is, vigilantism is against the law - and that just doesn't sit right with the female prosecutor.
As of writing, I'm on the edge of my swivel chair as Kang Hana takes further steps closer to the suspicious quintet.
She'd probably discover soon enough the ring and feel conflicted if she'd send them to jail, but then end up forming an alliance with the group as they share the same purpose of providing justice and doing the greater good.
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sammysmaddy · 4 years
You (Sam x Reader)*
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Summary: Sam has been watching you for quite some time now and one night he gets his opportunity to have you.
Characters: Stalker!Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader (AU, Sam and Dean don't know each other)
Rating: 18+
Chapter Warnings: Angst, stalking, dub con at the very least, non con beginning, p in v, protected sex (kind of) :), crying, oral (fem. receiving), talk of rape, implied attempted date rape (not from Sam), hand job ish, blowjob ish, rough sex, breeding kink ish, hair pulling. I think that's it.
W/C: Well over 10,000 :) I got carried away in the story lol.
A/N: Inspired by 'You' because I love crazy psycho people and it makes me more than happy to pretend that Sam could be like that too. Let me know if you want this to be a series ;)
Sam's POV
You looked so pretty on your date tonight. Your date is an arrogant, cocky son of a bitch, and I know you see it. I don't know what you find attractive about him, he doesn't care about you or how you're feeling- he only cares what you look like. You're just arm candy for his selfish need to be seen by everyone and you seem to be paying no attention to that fact. He ignores you when you talk, he looks down your shirt at your cleavage every time you turn your head, and he only talks about himself. Yet, most likely knowing all of this, you find him fascinating. You stay quiet when he speaks, you laugh at his half-assed jokes, you let him talk about you like you're not even there. When his friend came to talk from a few tables over, you let him degrade you. You let him talk about how perfect your body is, how compliant you are, and you smiled as he did so. But, you still didn't seem to mind. You blushed and took his disgusting words as a compliment. Maybe you're hoping that he'll be able to satisfy you at the end of the night or maybe the only thing that's keeping you sane are his green eyes. He doesn't even truly recognize how beautiful you are.
But I do. You, Y/N, I knew it was you ever since the first time we met. It was that small coffee shop in the middle of the city, so far from your house that I had a hard time tracking you down. After watching you, I realized that you don't even like coffee. You only like it when it's pumped full of sugar and completely diluted into almost zero caffeine. I purposefully bumped into you to get your attention and you apologized to me. Too bad you were in a hurry that day, I would have loved to get to know you right off the bat. I could have drank my coffee and you could have drank your sugar concoction and we could have talked until the store closed. I would have found out what interests you, what your hobbies were, what your family was like, and maybe in a few months, you would have invited me to meet them.
You weren't like all of the other girls. You're shy and you're sweet and you're too scared to tell the waiter when your order comes out wrong, you are the definition of perfect. You don't like overstepping boundaries or oversharing details about yourself because you're too scared that people might find you annoying, but you are just the opposite. You're everything I've ever wanted. Your head holds beautiful locks of hair, your nose crinkles when you smile, your eyes shut when you laugh too hard, and the best part is that you don't even have to try. Even when you don't wear makeup or focus on your appearance, you are just as breathtaking. You are intoxicating, you are the essence of beauty, you are meant for me- and for the fucked up fact of the day, you don't even know who I am.
You don't even know that I've been protecting you for the past six months, watching over you at home to make sure you don't choke on your food or accidentally hurt yourself. You don't know that I follow you to the store and through the parking lot to make sure nobody takes advantage of you. You don't know that I watch you every time you choose a random douchebag from the bar to take home or how I see that you can make any man come undone in less than three minutes. You don't know how much I envy them or how much I wished that you made those faces for me.
But they always let you down, don't they? It's like you don't love yourself, it's like you want to be used by all of those men. You never choose the right one and every time you're close to release, they beat you to the punch. I know the face you make when you come undone around your fingers and they rarely ever get the pleasure of seeing it for themselves. Then they leave you a mess that you have to sort out for yourself. I would never do that to you, Y/N. I would never leave you unsatisfied, I would leave you begging for more- I know it. I would be as gentle or as rough as you'd like, I'd find every sweet spot that made your back arch, taste how sweet you are, I'd know just how long to fuck you before you wanted to stop, I would make sure that you came before I did, I'd fill you perfectly. But maybe you wouldn't want that. Maybe, you'd want to use me- and I'd let you. I'd let you use me however your big heart desired, I'd let you ride me until the sun came up, I'd let you leave marks all over my body and claim me to let everyone know that I'm yours, I would embrace whatever kinks or fantasies you'd be too scared to share with anybody else, Hell- I'd let you tie me up and blindfold me if it meant I could feel you cum around my cock.
And maybe it's not even the sex that would make you satisfied. Maybe it would be the way I treated you. I would value you more than anything, I already do, I would make sure you fed yourself properly, I would kiss you goodnight and make sure the thermostat was on the perfect temperature. I would go with you to the stores, help you cook dinner, schedule your doctor's appointments for you. I'd make sure your coffee had the perfect amount of sugar in it, I'd always let you choose where we ate if we chose to go out, I'd let you show me off to all of your friends- treat me how all of those other men treat you. When it comes to you, Y/N, it doesn't matter what I want. It's all about you. It's been all about you since the first time I saw you.
The only flaw I can seem to find is the men you choose, but you're too sweet to turn them down- maybe, it isn't your fault. Maybe you don't actually like them. Maybe you see one good quality in them and try your best to focus on it, maybe you hope that they can bend and shape into what you want them to be. If only you knew how willing I would be to change for you. And don't get me wrong, I have problems too, Y/N. I can't seem to talk to you. I can't even get you to notice me. At first, I tried almost every day. I'd get to your doorstep and my hand would raise itself to knock, but then I would get scared. I didn't think it through properly and even when I did- I still couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't just show up at your door like that, I had to make sure when we met again that it would be perfect. But the time never came and it never felt right. That and, the more time went on the more my anxieties rose, and that caused problems within itself. What if I wasn't your type? What if you didn't like my jokes or the way I laughed? What if you thought I was too tall or I didn't have enough muscles? But the truth is if I didn't get the courage to actually talk to you- I wouldn't ever get the answers to those questions.
So I watched. Waited for the perfect time that never seem to come. You were laughing at that asshole's jokes like he was some sort of comedian. He wasn't. He was just some low life from Lawrence, Kansas, he wasn't good enough for you. Dean Winchester, he happened to be the most mysterious one yet. It was hard for me to find information about him, but not impossible. His father was a drunk, meaning he still had some emotional trauma- he could easily hurt you. He drove a beat-up Chevrolet Impala that screamed I'm a dick, but you found it fascinating. You don't even know anything about cars, why did you lie to him? He's been on national headlines more than once, sometimes even for murder, but those cases mysteriously went away. You wouldn't know any of this. You don't do your research. You should know who you're really with. But, luckily, you have me. I'll do all the nitty-gritty dirty work just for you. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you, I'll make sure you're safe.
The end of the night was imminent as you stood up from your table. Dean stood up with you, leaving his chair untucked while you tucked yours under the table. Classic dick move. He gave you a cocky smirk, placing his hand out for you to take- and you did. You followed him into the parking lot and got in his car. I love you, but sometimes I wish you knew better. I started my own car's engine, opting to leave the lights off, as I trailed a few cars behind you. He was a reckless driver, swerving like a drunk and causing chaos, but I bet you found it funny. I bet you found him wild and daring, maybe that's your type. I could easily be that.
I was beginning to lose you, I didn't want to get a ticket for speeding and having my headlights off, but the streets looked more and more familiar. He was taking you to your house. It hurt my heart how sporadically you allowed random men into your house, but I got my kicks with everlasting memories from those nights- the thought was almost enough to give me an erection. He didn't know the backroads to your house, but I did. I beat you, parking across the street and turning my car off- hopefully, you thought I lived there by now. Then I heard the low rumble of his shitty car pulling up to your house and then you kissed him in the front seat. Were you really going to take him right there? Nope. He opened his door, awkwardly shuffling to reach yours before you could do it yourself, and then he opened your car door- the only gentlemanly thing he's done all night. You thanked him, patting down your jeans as if they were dirty. You shyly swiped your hair behind your ear, you were nervous. Why were you nervous? This was a weekly thing for you. Did you realize how bad of a guy he was?
I quickly put my beanie on, hoping that I would be less noticeable- but I'm a giant, hopefully, you're too tipsy to notice me. I had to be on my guard if you were nervous, so I stepped out of my car. I walked around the back, making sure I had my knife in my pocket and tried to watch you as inconspicuously as possible. You led him up the front porch, turning around before you reached the door. You gave him a warm smile and he placed a hand on the wood just above your head. His head lowered, placing a kiss on your lips so harshly that you fell back into the door. I got worried about him hurting you, but then you placed a hand on his chest. You pushed against him, lightly, knowing you- you probably didn't want to let him down. You shook your head and his head lowered again, forcing himself onto you as you squirmed underneath him.
This is why I'm here for you. This is why I'll always protect you, even if you don't know I'm doing it. My fight or flight mode activated and I pretended to walk down the street. I tried my best not to look as he shook the locked doorknob with his hand, trying to force himself in. I knew he wasn't good for you, Y/N. You're lucky that I'm here to save you. I reached the bottom of your steps, still on the public sidewalk, and pretended to notice what was happening. I could hear you whimpering, suffocated by his kiss. He was disgusting.
"Hey, man. I think she said stop," I yelled at him, but he didn't stop. I frowned, looking at how he was attacking you with his mouth. Cautiously, I took three steps up- so close to you and him. "Back off," I said, reaching the top step and yanked his shoulder.
He turned around, chest puffed but he was small compared to me. Your eyes widened, your lips a beautiful color of rose, and I barely heard him talking to me as I looked at you. So close I could almost taste you. "Mind your fucking business," He said, pushing at my shoulders and snapping me out of my trance- God, you are so powerful.
"Are you okay?" I asked you, ignoring his small hands that were just pushing against my frame. Your eyes stayed widened as you nodded your head up and down, but I knew better. He was going to hurt you, you were not okay.
"She's fucking fine, man. Get the fuck out of here," He grit through white teeth- almost as white as mine.
I tilted my head towards him and he raised his eyebrows at me, then the anger took over. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to- and I didn't. My hand came up from lying lazily by my side and my fist collided with his cheek. I heard you gasp at the same time as the collision, it felt so good to hear you after all this time. He stumbled back, ready to full-on fight me, but you stepped in between us. You are so strong. He almost hit you, but he stopped himself just in time. He's lucky, if he would have laid his hands on you like that- he was going to be a dead man. Your hands smoothed down his chest, trying to calm him down. Why were you helping him? Your heart is just too big. Then, you turned around and faced me. You were breathtaking, even more so this close. I hadn't been this close to you since the coffee shop way back when. Your lips were perfectly plump and your eyes twinkled in the dim porch lighting. You were made for me.
"What's your name?" You asked me, nervously chewing on your bottom lip. Your eyes stayed wide and I fell in love with them on the spot.
"I- I'm Sam," I told you, stuttering just like I thought I would when I finally introduced myself to you, and you nodded your head cautiously.
"Well, Sam," You said and it was hard to pay attention to the rest of your sentence. My name sounded heavenly rolling off your tongue. "We are just, um, we're role-playing." You told me with question in your voice. I watched your throat as you swallowed anxiously. Huh, should have known you had those kinds of fantasies. "Right, Dean?" You asked, turning towards him and I watched as his eyebrows furrowed.
"What?" He asked in return, rubbing at the fresh fist mark on his face. "You know what? I've had a lovely night. Thank you, sweetheart, but I ought to get going." He gave you a fake smile, patting your shoulder in a friendly way, and shoving his way past me down the steps. I watched him as he got in his car and quickly drove away, then I turned to look at you. You were still nervous. He was gone, hopefully, you'd feel safe now.
"Thank you," You muttered quietly, giving me a soft smile. Your cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of crimson and I smiled back at you.
"I can stay around. You know, make sure he's gone for sure," I told you and you immediately shook your head 'no'. Oh, Y/N, I'm not the bad guy. Stop looking at me like you're so scared.
"I'm okay. Thank you anyways," You told me, reaching into your pocket and digging out your house key. Your eyes strayed away from mine, even before you turned around to unlock the front door.
"I, uh, I really don't mind. I just want to make sure you're safe," I pressed on as you unlocked the door. You didn't open it though, you turned around to look at me.
"Sam, really. I'm okay. You can go home now." You said with haste in your tone. I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows, what was so important that you couldn't talk to me for a few minutes? You turned around, opening your front door, and let yourself inside. You were getting away.
"Y/N, really, I can make sure he doesn't come back," I said, now haste was in my tone, as I stopped you from closing the door on me.
You pushed against my hand before you stopped, realizing that I was much stronger than you. It wasn't meant to scare you, but you looked like you had just seen a ghost. Your face grew pale as you looked at me, tears welling in your eyes as they stared into mine. Why were you so upset? Maybe you didn't find me attractive- I really hope that wasn't the case. I pushed the door open lightly and you stood there in all your glory, but you fiddled with your fingers nervously. I watched as the tears ran down your cheeks, wondering what the hell happened to you that made you so upset. But I was here to help. Like I said earlier, I'm always going to be here to help you. I slowly stepped into your house to show you that I'm not a threat and wrapped my arms around you. I felt you tremble in my grip and you didn't hug me back. Was I making you upset? I hadn't done anything to you, maybe it was Dean. Maybe you lied to me so that I didn't know what he was about to do to you. You can trust me, I hope you know that.
"Please, stop," You whimpered in a small voice and I pulled back immediately, your wish is my command Y/N. My hands smoothed down your arms, holding your hands as I looked down at you to see what was wrong. You jerked your hands out of mine and took a step back. I took a step forward. I had to make sure you were okay. "I need you to leave, please." You told me, sniffling your way through the sentence. I don't understand. I just saved you and you want me to leave? You took another step back and I took another one forward. "Please, Sam. You're scaring me." You told me, so vulnerable and honest, but you still used the word please.
"I'm sorry. I just- I needed to know you were going to be okay," I admitted to you, hoping that you would calm down- but you didn't. You chewed on your bottom lip anxiously, almost hard enough to draw blood. Did I do something wrong? Why were you being like this? "Why are you still scared?" I asked you, brushing the hair out of your face and you winced.
"I- I don't know," You told me, grabbing my hand lightly and pushing it down my side. You were so warm, I can't want to feel you everywhere. But I couldn't get past your last comment. You were lying. Why would you lie to me?
"Why are you lying?" I asked you and you shook your head in defiance.
"I- I'm not. I promise," You replied, your shaking breath told me otherwise.
"Y/N, you don't have to be scared of me," I said, realizing exactly where I fucked up. Your name. You never told me it and here I was acting like I knew you, I was getting ahead of myself. "I, uh, you're my neighbor. That's how I know your name." I tried to cover myself, chuckling nervously, but you shook your head again. Shit, I really fucked up.
"No, you're not," You told me, your voice almost cracking as fresh tears continued to spill down your face.
"Okay, but my grandparents-" I began to reexplain myself.
"No, they don't," You cut me off and I tilted my head at you, how would you know? "I- I know you've been following me." You bit your lip and my heart dropped into my stomach. Fuck, maybe you do pay attention to your surroundings.
"I can explain-" I told you, but you made a run for it. Your feet took you surprisingly fast up the stairs and I felt my heart beat out of my chest. I didn't know what else to do, you were going to call the cops on me- get me arrested, I couldn't let that happen. I ran after you, but you reached your bedroom door and slammed it in my face. I shook the door handle, knowing it was most likely already locked, and began to curse at myself. "Please, Y/N! Just let me in, I promise I can explain everything to you!" I yelled, desperately shaking the door as I heard you sobbing on the other side.
"Sam, just go. I- I won't call the cops if you leave. I promise, Sam. I promise." You told me in between choked sobs and my heart broke for you.
This was not how I imagined meeting you again would go. As much as you sounded like you believed the words coming out of your mouth, I couldn't take that chance. I didn't have any other plan but to speak to you and I was not going to go to jail for wanting to have a conversation. I dug in my pocket for my lock-pick, which I always kept in case someone was hurting you or you were in trouble. Little did I know I would be using it to let myself in your room. I wasn't really sure how to use it, so I fiddled it around a bit- knowing you could hear my desperation. Then the lock clicked and I silently applauded myself, opening the door to see you sitting on your window ledge. You looked back at me as I ran towards you and you jumped. You're lucky my long legs reached you before you fell and hurt yourself. I pulled you up, collapsing backward as I held you in my arms. You were silently crying, not bothering to break away from my grip and it felt good to feel your heart beating against my chest. It wasn't exactly ideal, but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. You were perfect no matter how much you feared me.
"It's okay, Y/N. I just want to talk," I said in a quiet voice, stroking your wet hair strands out of your face. You shivered in my grip, turning your head away from my hand and I frowned. Why are you so difficult? Why can't you just let me love you?
"Are you going to hurt me?" You asked in a soft tone, still looking forward like you didn't want to look at me.
"No, of course not. Why would I hurt you?" I asked in return and you didn't reply for a good ten seconds.
"I'm sorry," You told me and I almost let myself fall for it. You attacked too quickly, shoving your elbow into my ribs as you scrambled to get up. You began to run towards the door, but I grabbed your ankle and you fell on the floor. It didn't have to be this way, Y/N, you just had to make it painful. "Please, Sam," You choked out as I sat on my knees, pulling you closer to me by your ankle. You turned yourself around, propping yourself on your elbows, and looked at me with glossy eyes. I used your thighs to pull you closer to my lap, letting them linger there when I got you where I wanted you. "Sam, let's just- let's talk, okay?" You asked me frantically and I didn't understand why your tone changed so drastically until I looked down.
"Oh, sorry," I told you as I realized how uncomfortable it might be for you to be so intimately close with me. You pulled your thighs off of mine and sat across from me, holding onto your knees for dear life. "Just promise you won't run from me, okay?" I asked you and you nodded your head slowly. Finally, now we can actually talk. "I- I have had a, um, a liking for you for-"
"Six months," You muttered, burying your head in your knees. Were you really that smart or was I really that dumb? Why didn't you do anything?
"You knew?" I asked in confusion and you nodded your head. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I did. They didn't believe me," You sniffled and I frowned. It made me upset that you went to the police before you decided to have a conversation with me. I hadn't even done anything to you and you tried to get me put in jail?
"You what?" I seethed through my teeth, feeling my blood boil. I didn't mean to get angry with you, but everything was falling apart too quick and it was the only way I could tell you I was upset. Your body shivered with my sharp words, but you didn't say anything. "Y/N, tell me exactly what you told the police," I told you, starting to panic. What if you told Dean and Dean was on his way to the station now? I needed to know. I reached across, meaning to be light-handed but it didn't exactly work out that way as I shook your arms so that you would look at me. "Tell me."
"I just- I was scared," You told me, finally looking up and showing me the fear I unintentionally instilled in you. "I didn't tell them anything, I just told them I was scared." You trembled, sounding like you were telling the truth for a change. Maybe you were just saying that so I would leave you alone. Not going to happen. You betrayed me. But still, I never meant to hurt you, that was my fault. We all have our faults, Y/N, and mine is growing in my boxers because of how close we are. You drive me crazy.
"It's okay, Y/N. It's going to be okay," I told you, pushing your hair behind your back and you stayed still. My thumbs wiped the tears off of your cheeks, only for your eyes to produce more. You're so sad, but you're still just as beautiful as ever. I couldn't help myself, holding your face in my hands brought an excitement in me that I couldn't contain as I smashed my lips onto yours. To my surprise, you didn't move. You didn't pull back or fight me, you just sat there and let me kiss you. Your lips were so soft, I just wished they kissed me back. "Just let me make you feel better."
"Please, Sam I-" You began to say, but I put my index finger over your lips. You were going to say everything I didn't hear and I want for the both of us to enjoy this as much as possible.
"It's okay, Y/N. You don't have to do anything, just let me love you." I told you, not waiting for your reply as I pressed my lips onto yours. Your mouth parted slowly, I suspect to protest, but it gave me the perfect access to shove my tongue inside of you. You tasted like sweet wine and chapstick as I explored every inch of your mouth, you were so much warmer than I expected. You didn't move your lips but that's okay, I'll do all the work for you. My hands travel from your cheeks and down to your neck, pulling you in closer to me. You were already close, but I couldn't help but feel like I needed you closer.
You whimpered into my mouth but I pretended that it was a moan as I trailed my lips down your cheek. They reached your neck, sucking in hard enough to leave a mark but not hard enough to hurt you, and I couldn't help but imagine- if your neck tasted this good, then how would your pussy taste? My erection was growing stronger, itching to get out of its confines as I continued to kiss your neck. I heard you choke yet again another sob, but I knew you wanted me- or else you wouldn't let me do this to you. You let me pull you closer, straddling your hips around my waist as I became drunk on the kisses that I was giving you. Your legs tightened around my waist and your arms lazily landed around my shoulders- surely you wouldn't do that if you didn't want me.
It gave me even more confidence, my hands reached up to cup your perfect breasts through your simple blue shirt. You always looked good in blue. Your breasts were the perfect handful for me, soft and warm skin that I couldn't wait to suck on. I couldn't help but groan into your neck as I imagined all of the things that I wanted to do to you. But, as I was kissing you, you pushed on my chest. You were light-handed, almost like you didn't want to hurt me, and you looked into my eyes.
"I thought you just wanted to talk," You said, lowering your head to look down at the predicament you got yourself in. My hands supported your lower back, making sure that you didn't fall backward and hurt yourself. It felt so good to have you this close to me, and maybe you knew I had been watching you, but you probably didn't know how much I dreamt this day would come. "Sam, are you listening?" You asked me and I realized that I wasn't. I was too busy looking at your body on top of mine, relishing the weight I felt as you sat on top of me, but maybe you know just what I like. Maybe you know I love it when you say my name, you seem to say it a lot.
"What's wrong?" I asked you as I continued to watch the tears stream down your face, but you shook your head as if nothing was wrong.
"I'm not sober. Don't you want me when I'm sober?" You asked me and I almost took a few seconds to think about it- but then I realized that you just didn't want to be with me. I worked too damn hard for too damn long for you to slip away from me, we're so close, you should just enjoy the time we have together.
"You only had two glasses of wine, Y/N," I told you, and you bit your bottom lip, knowing that I was right- you were definitely sober. I almost got angry again, it upsets me deeply when you lie to me, but then I looked at your lip. I always loved it when you would bite your lip, you're lucky you're so beautiful, or else I would be very unhappy that you weren't telling the truth. "What's wrong?" I asked again, why was I not good enough for you?
"Sam, I'm sure you're a great guy..." Here comes the 'but', "...but maybe I'm not the right girl for you. You deserve someone who loves you just the same, and I'm sorry, I just don't." You told me, trying your best to let me down easy. I'll admit, it hurt to hear those words come out of your mouth, it hurt to hear things that I didn't want to hear. Here comes my 'but'... but I still love you no matter what. I just wish I never gave you the opportunity to speak up in the first place. I won't make that mistake again.
"I don't want to hurt you, Y/N, but you know I can't just leave. You know how long I've been waiting to have you all to myself," I told you honestly, hoping that you would understand where I was coming from. You nodded your head, fresh tears spilling down your rosy cheeks, and I gave you a soft smile. I knew you didn't want this, Hell, I didn't want this- I never wanted it to be so one-sided, but I tried my best to get past that. You being so compliant just shows me how much you were made for me. You couldn't even let me down even after knowing that I've been watching you for quite some time. You're so sweet that it makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. "I want you to enjoy this too." I told you and you stayed silent, which is fine- I am going to lose it if you tell me that you don't want me again. "Can you walk over to your bed with me?" I asked and it took you a few seconds before you nodded your head.
I helped you stand up, holding tightly onto your hand to make sure you didn't escape- but not tight enough to the point where you might think it was to hurt you. You faced me at the edge of your beautifully made bed, another thing I loved about you was how nice you kept your room, and you looked up to me for instruction. Your eyes are wide and glossy, but they're not spilling tears anymore. I hope it's because you want this and not because your tear well is empty, but it doesn't really matter to me anymore because I am finally going to have you. I dipped down to kiss your cheek and you didn't even flinch, maybe I'm growing on you. My hands landed tightly on your waist, picking you up and setting you on the bed. Now you're eye level with me and I take this perfect opportunity to kiss you again. My fingers travel up your body and lock themselves into your hair, pulling your face closer to mine and I wrap my lips onto yours. Just as soft, a little less salty as earlier, and becoming plumper as I suck on them.
You surprise me when your hands land on my waist and it sends a jolt of electricity through my body before I realize you're trying to push me away. It's okay, Y/N, I'll push through to you. I grab your wrists, I'll admit a little too harshly for my liking, and push them to your sides while I continue to devour your lips. I push my hips closer to yours, pressing against your clothed core, and you whimper into my mouth. You sound just as divine as I thought you would. I pull at the bottom of your shirt and naturally you fight me, but sooner or later you will realize that I will get what I want. Lifting your shirt above your head, I try my best not to look up at your face because I don't want to see the hurt in your eyes. I'm not hurting you. I'm making you feel better. I am making up for all of those shitty guys who could never satisfy you the way that you deserve to be satisfied.
Your shirt hits the floor and my mouth waters at the sight of your slightly clothed chest. I reach around your back to unclasp the simple black bra that you always wear on the nights that you take men home, I wonder why you fought Dean tonight- but I push that to the back of my mind as the fabric falls down your arms and reveals your perfect breasts. You're sobbing again, I can hear it, but all my mind can focus on is the fact that- right here, right now, you are all mine and nobody can take that away from me, not even you. I tried to be nice, I tried the talking thing, you cried and cried, but then I realized that you'd never give yourself to me like that. I'm not your usual guy, I don't go to bars or try to charm you by getting you drunk, I don't try to charm you by talking about myself- I've barely even talked to you at all, maybe I'm not your type. That's okay, it's just one night, Y/N. You owe me that much.
My hands find your breasts, cupping them until I feel your nipples harden against my palms. They're almost rock solid when I go to pinch them and the surrounding skin is prickled with goosebumps, I can feel myself growing harder in my jeans.
"Wait, Sam," You told me just before I lowered my face into your chest. I pulled back to look at you and you bit your lip again- it's like you know exactly how to get me going. "You've been watching me for a long time now, right?" You asked me, nervousness in your shaking breath. I nodded my head, hoping that you were becoming more willing to share yourself with me- it is definitely the best way to have you, but not my only choice if I had to. "So, you know I use condoms, then. I, uh, I don't like birth control because it-"
"Because it makes you cry too much," I cut you off before you can fully explain it. You frown at me and I tilt my head in return, I was just saving you time because I knew it would have taken you a while to explain.
"Sam, you're a freak, I hope you know that," You mutter under your breath and it's almost enough to make me knock you out, but I'll give you another try. I'm not a freak... I just love you a little more than I should. "Condoms are in-"
"Bottom drawer, left side," I finish your sentence, see how well I know you? Don't you see how much I care for you? You nod your head and you get goosebumps all over your body again, your nipples like delicate flowers blooming in the springtime.
All right, we're definitely getting somewhere. By you telling me this- caring about how I take you, shows me that maybe just maybe you want me too. I leave you there, trusting you not to run anymore, and I make my way to your nightstand. The bottom drawer encases well over a hundred rubbers, all different sizes, even different flavors which is interesting because you don't let them in your mouth. I pick a random one up, hoping that maybe it will fit, but then again I don't really care. You're lying back on the bed, arms covering your chest, and looking back at me. You are so effortlessly beautiful, so pretty when you're not trying to fight me off. I walk back to the edge of the bed and you don't pick your head up to look at me, but it's okay. I'll take what I can get- at least you're not crying anymore.
I climb on, the weight of my body into the soft mattress making you fall a little bit closer to me. It's like you knew I was going to move your arms as you lay them at your side, fully exposing your bare chest to me. I give you a small smile and you roll your eyes at me in return, you're lucky I find it cute when you do that. As much as I want to stare at you like this for eternity, the twitching member in my pants tells me that I should get you even more undressed. You lay there, almost lifeless, as I thumb your jeans open. I undo the zipper, taking my time with it as I hook my fingers into the waistband. You don't help me or lift your hips when I start to pull down, which is fine, you're perfect just the way you are. Then, your jeans hit the floor and your panties are the only thing in the way from me seeing all of you. You look beautiful like this and I waste no time taking my own shirt off.
When I turn around to throw my shirt on the ground I feel your hands on my stomach. They're small and warm as they smooth along the dips of my muscles and I turn back to look at you. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and when you smile at me all of my concerns melt away. You move around, which makes my heart beat out of my chest, and you end up on your knees in front of me. For a change of pace, I don't know what to do when your hands pull my head closer to you and you place your lips on mine. When I kiss you back and rest my hands on the sides of your neck, your fingers leave my hair and land comfortably on my sides. It feels so good to have you kiss me back, you're nipping at my bottom lip with your teeth and swirling your tongue inside of me. Months I waited for this to happen and it's even more surreal than I thought it would be. You know what you're doing and it's evident by the way you lead my lips back and forth with your own. I knew you were perfect when I chose you. Then you pull back and my lips chase yours.
"Am I the freak now?" You ask me, your eyes soft. I shake my head 'no' and I feel your delicate fingers trail down my v-line to the top of my jeans. I look down as they unsecured the button, blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't having a hallucination, and I hear you giggle softly. "Why didn't you just ask for my number, Sam? I mean, I'm flattered, really- I just wish it didn't happen like this." You told me and I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out, and you continued to talk for me. "You're handsome, you're tall, you seem like you have a lot of problems. If you really knew me then you would realize that you're my exact type. Why didn't you just talk to me?" You asked, looking into my eyes as you roughly pushed my jeans down. I was stunned, was this real life? You were just crying, refusing to kiss me back, and now you're trying to tell me that I should have asked for your number? "I'm assuming you're the reason that the creepy cashier ended up on the five o'clock news? He was beaten up pretty badly, Sam. You didn't have to do that for me." You told me and I still couldn't find the right words, that was months ago. He was going to hurt you, I heard him talk about it with his friends, I saved you. But you knew it was me? I should be the one asking why you didn't come up to me when you figured that one out, why you didn't thank me as soon as it happened. "Would that have happened to me too?"
"No, of course not. I'd never hurt you, Y/N," I told you, cupping your cheek and you rolled your eyes again, swatting my hand away.
"You didn't think that raping me would be painful? Or leave me scarred for life?" You scoffed and I shook my head in protest.
"No, I didn't want to hurt you like that, but you kept fighting, and- No, I'm not like that," I sighed, trying my best to come up with a reasonable explanation for you.
"But, you are like that, Sam," You counteracted me and I frowned. I was hoping you'd never see me that way, all I wanted was to show you how much I loved you.
"But, I didn't have to be that way. I mean, look at where we are-" I began to reexplain myself again, but you shook your head immediately.
"Don't you dare act like I asked for this. Don't do it. I'm making this better for me, not for you." You cut me off and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. Is that really the way you see me? Is that the only reason you kissed me back and pushed my jeans down my thighs? "Don't look so sad. Take what you want and go." You told me, bitterness in your voice as you shoved your hand in my boxers. I couldn't help but let out a throaty groan when your soft hand wrapped around me, pumping me even though I was already fully hard for you. You never did this with anyone else, though. You always let them prepare themselves, I couldn't help but feel like I was special. I kissed you hard as you continued to twist me in all directions, masking my moans in your mouth as I could already feel myself getting close- but I wasn't going to cum, not yet. This was all about you.
I pushed you back lightly, following you with my mouth as your back hit the soft mattress. Your hand worked wonders as my lips trailed down your neck, sucking in your wonderful scent and even tasting the bitterness of your perfume. My hand reached your wrist, pulling you out of my boxers, and I rested it by your side. I kicked my jeans down my legs and onto the floor as I climbed off the bed. Pulling you by your thighs, I heard you gasp as I dragged you down to the edge of the bed. My hands worked hastily, guiding your black panties down your legs in one swift move and purposefully throwing them on top of my jeans- so I could keep them for memory's sake.
Then I looked back down at your naked body, your slick glistening in the dim lighting as I licked my lips. You were perfectly wet for me and I couldn't wait any longer to dive into your heat. My knees hit the carpet as I wrapped my hands around your thighs, holding you down and placing my tongue on you. Your back arched, your hands found their place in my hair, and small moans left your mouth as I drank all of the sweetness from your body. You tasted so much better than I could ever have imagined and your whimpers sounded heavenly, especially after knowing that I was causing them. Your clit was easy to find and I wrapped my lips around it, causing you to lift your thighs but I held them down for easier access. The sounds coming from your mouth combined with the noises coming from latching onto you was a deadly combination and motivated me even further to continue to try and burst the coil that I knew was growing in your stomach.
In all of my time watching those men take you, very few had the pleasure of tasting you- and when they did, they would go on for a minute or so before becoming selfish and getting ahead of themselves. Sex isn't a one-sided thing and I understand that, I want you to feel just as good as I will later on. I won't leave until I rip an orgasm from your body and I know you're getting close. I'm alternating from sucking and kitten licks on your sensitive sweet spot and you have yet to cease from moaning underneath me. Your moans are almost enough to make me come undone inside of my boxers, you sound so perfect. But maybe they just aren't as good as I am. Maybe I only need a minute to have you cumming in my mouth because your hands in my hair are gripping tighter, your thighs are getting harder to hold down, and you're screaming yes. You taste sweeter and more natural than honey and my mouth is making obscene noises as I try my best to coerce your first orgasm. I let go of your thighs, opting to hold onto your hips, and they wrap around my head. Your legs push me deeper into your core and it's getting harder to breathe but I don't care. My nose is just above your heat, my chin is deliciously soaked in you, and your legs are starting to shake against my ears.
Soon enough, you're screaming profanities and coming undone under my influence, but I won't stop until I work you through it. Your breathing is unsteady as you spill fresh juices onto my tongue and your hands attempt to push me away. Lapping up all of your climax and letting my taste buds soak in how good you taste, you begin to whine uncomfortably. I figure it's time to stop, so I flatten my tongue and start at your core- leading up until I feel you shudder underneath me when I hit your bundle of nerves. Your legs relax as I pull my face up, wiping my chin off on my forearm, and I smile- knowing that I'm going to smell like you by the time I leave.
"See, this isn't all about me, Y/N," I smirk, a little cockier than usual, and you give me a small and out-of-breath smile. "When was the last time you came because of a guy?" I asked you and you shrugged your shoulders.
"I- um, maybe a few months ago," You said breathlessly, your smile never fading from your lips.
"Four months ago. An asshole named Rich, but it was only because you were watching a sex scene on your TV, wasn't it?" I asked you, hovering over you and placing a kiss on your lips. You didn't care that you had just came in my mouth nor that I answered your question better than you did, you kissed me back hungrily and wrapped your hands around my neck. You even trailed my lips as I lifted up, whining when they disconnected, and I knew there was no way you didn't want me. You could put on a front and say that you didn't ask for it, and I might have believed you, but, ultimately, I would have known you were lying.
Your hands pushed against my chest and I stumbled a few feet back. I looked at you in confusion and you gave me an innocent smile as you climbed off of the bed. "You know I don't do this, right?" You asked, lowering onto your knees at my feet. I couldn't help but feel nervous when your hand wrapped around me, I've never seen you do this with anyone before. "Hm?" You asked again and I felt my breath hitch in my throat as you stroked my cock in your hands.
"I- I know," I told you, gulping eagerly, and watching as you wrapped your lips around me. A guttural moan escaped my throat at the sensation of your warm tongue circling around my tip, sucking lightly, and collecting all of the precum I produced just for you. I don't know what changed or made you decide to do this, but I didn't mind. I didn't even think about the possibility of feeling your lips wrapped around me- I never saw you do it with anyone else and I didn't get my hopes up. So, now, I'm here and you're sucking me down and I feel completely ill-prepared. It almost made me feel pathetic when I felt my climax bubbling too quickly and you had only been working me for thirty seconds, but with another fifteen I would be spilling into your mouth- I couldn't let that happen.
My hands entangled in your hair and pulled you off, your lips making a loud pop as they disconnect from my length. You gave me a shit-eating grin when I helped you stand up, knowing exactly how good you were. Maybe you never sucked their dicks because you didn't want them to cum before they got the chance to please you.
"You know what you didn't learn about me, Sammy?" You asked in a tone so close to a whisper as you grabbed me in your hand again. You gave me a nickname, don't think I take that lightly. My eyes looked down and back up into yours- which seemed so innocent and young it was hard to believe that your body count was so high. "I don't cum because they're not rough enough." You told me, hinting at your devious fantasies, making my urge to fuck your brains out ten times stronger. "Are you going to be able to help me with that or are you too eager already?" You asked with a cocky smirk, twisting your hand around me faster. The best part was knowing that you were taunting me on purpose- you wanted all of the power, you didn't want me to get the chance because you know the effects that you have on me. You wanted for me to cum in your hand, show you that I'm just like the rest of them. I know you, Y/N, and I'm not going to let you down no matter how low you think of me.
My head dipped down, ghosting your lips and taunting you like you were taunting me before I grabbed your arms and spun you around. You squealed when I pressed a firm hand on your back, keeping you down as I got prepared to make you wish you didn't ask for it rough. Then, I gave you no warning as I guided myself to your entrance, slamming myself fully into you.
"You forgot the condom," You whined as my legs hit the back of your thighs. If I ever wanted a chance to do this again, I knew I had to listen to you, so I pulled out. Reaching over you, I grabbed the foil on your bed and quickly ripped into the package. My big ass fingers had a hard time unrolling the lubricated rubber and putting it around my painfully hard cock. Just before I put it all the way on, I made sure to clip the end with my fingernails- leaving a small hole that you wouldn't be able to see me make anyways. "Thank you." You told me and I smiled, knowing you wouldn't be able to tell a difference anyway. If this one time happened to get you pregnant, it would be a blessing- there'd be no way for you to escape me.
Then, I decided to try again. I held myself in my hand, not particularly fond of the residue the condom left and nudged the tip of my cock at your entrance. I grabbed onto your hips and pulled you back on to me, only to slam into you which pushed you forward. You were so much tighter than I expected, so much warmer around me, and you sounded so good when you gasped. I took no time waiting to pull out and slam back into you again, the noise of the bed creaking mixing perfectly with your loud whimpers. Your cunt squeezed around my cock as I quickly found the perfect pace to fuck you at. I would be fully inside of you for less than a second before I would pull out and do it all again. One hand stayed on your hip while the other grabbed the back of your head, pulling your chest off of the bed and making your back arch. This position felt so much better and I knew that the new angle was sure to make the tip of my cock hit your g-spot with every thrust by the way you were moaning. You were whispering fuck under your breath every time my hips hit your ass, gripping the soft comforter under you for support.
I fucked into you fast and hard, just like you said you liked, and I silently thanked myself for jogging every day. My stamina was unmatched and I was able to keep the pace that had you screaming for more. I was surprised with myself for not cumming the second I entered you, but I needed for you to cum again before I did. The hand that rested on your hip moved to your clit, making your legs shake underneath me. You were close, you were screaming that you were close, and it all sounded like music to my ears. Your cunt dangerously clenched around me every time I pulled out like you were trying to milk me, but I knew it wasn't on purpose. I knew you were clenching around me because your climax was coming much faster than you could have imagined, it was just your body naturally responding to mine and I knew, now more than ever, that God made you for me.
Your palms grasped onto the blanket, making your knuckles turn white, as your body jolted forward with every thrust. "Fuck, Sam!" You screamed and I bent over to kiss at your neck, humming into you as I tried not to cum at the sound of my name leaving your lips. Your hand came down, pushing my fingers harder onto your clit and you moaned loudly as you came undone for the second time. Your legs were shaking erratically as you pulled my hand away from your core, squeezing my fingers tightly as you practically cried around me. You were holding my hand and it was sweaty, but it felt so good to hold you like this. I kept the pace up, fucking you hard throughout the entirety of your orgasm, using your sweet cries as inspiration for my own that was coming sooner than later. Pulling my lips away from your neck, I let go of your hair and grasped onto your hips again. I was grunting, moaning, and groaning as I fucked you faster than before. It wasn't hard to chase my release as your body collapsed onto the bed and I stilled in your cunt, fully inside of you as I felt my climax leave my body. Panting for breath, I stayed inside of you until my orgasm washed over me and I could barely see straight or hear your whimpers.
When I pulled out, I quickly took the condom off and got rid of the evidence, hoping to god that you wouldn't notice that my cum was slowly leaking out of your cunt- hopefully, you'd think it was your own. You rolled onto your back, panting, giving me a tired smile, and cupped your breasts because I assumed it was just comfortable. I hovered over you, placing one last kiss on your lips before I turned around and began to dress myself. Pulling my boxers up, I watched as you propped yourself on your elbows and you frowned at me.
"You're leaving?" You asked me and it made me stop in my tracks, isn't that what you wanted? You never let anyone else stay, even the guy that ended up making you cum, so why were you asking? "You decided you're going to stalk me for six months, give me the best sex of my life, and then leave?" You asked again, light laughter leaving your lips.
"You- you want me to stay?" I asked, uneasiness in my voice, as I prayed that you would say yes.
"If you promise not to murder me in my sleep, I'll even cook you breakfast," You said with a small smile plastered on your face.
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hwauas · 3 years
🕊️: "the lost prince", 4
park seonghwa | 박성화 - 2,880 words
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you frowned at the sudden reaction from your mom. it was very curious to you. and you suddenly remembered the gaze the two policemen gave each other when you mentioned that same thing.
you were so confused about this whole situation.
     you thought you were living a pure nightmare: everybody seemed to know everything but you, and you were powerless to this ignorance from you. your boyfriend was in a hospital, you were trying to find his real family to soothe their pain from the loss, and give Seonghwa all his answers, but everybody was throwing a spanner in your works
     everybody around you seemed to know something, and no one ever told you anything. this was very overwhelming to you. bad feelings started to grow up inside of you: distress, anger, helplessness, uselessness.
     “mom, what's happening? who is fleur-de-lis? what did fleur-de-lis leave? why would fleur-de-lis be back? i'm so done with everybody hiding things from me! i'm just trying to resolve my boyfriend's problem, to try and find his family. why is everybody being so focused on this fleur-de-lis thing!”
you started to walk around. you pushed back your hair while walking, and took a deep breath to try and call down a little. the whole situation was getting on your nerves already, and it was just the beginning of your case.
     “did Seonghwa tell you something about this?”
she was pale, as if she just saw a ghost. her tone was contrasting a lot with yours. the room held a mix of two opposites: the hot and the cold. your anger and her shock.
     “no. nothing. listen mom, you stay here. i'll do it on my own, alone. if you need something, just call me.”
as you were about to leave, your mom grabbed your wrist.
     “y/n. if you want some informations about fleur-de-lis, you should meet this old lady you talked to a lot, running the library. she'll help you way better than me to answer your quetions.”
     you left your place right after, just nodding. you were too angry to think straight at this moment.
     besides the fact it seemed to be more complicated than you thought, everybody seemed to hide something from you. if they knew why did Seonghwa's "mom" called him this way, and if they knew something about fleur-de-lis and its meaning, wouldn't it be easier for you to find his family? instead, they were all shocked yet quiet.
     on your way to the library, you were thinking about what could this lady say to you about fleur-de-lis. would she answer your questions? tell you a lot more about it? about the meaning?
the fruit you were eating while walking seemed tasteless compared to the bitter sensation of others knowing something about fleur-de-lis but you, and compared to your anger — slowly fading away. the last shades of anger within you was because of the necessity to run across the city to have answers.
     but a whole mystery was planning over Seonghwa and his whole family, and you had to resolve first this fleur-de-lis enigma.
     when you reached the library, less angry, you found the lady you were looking for at the back of the shop, reading an old book — you could tell it was an old book because of the yellowish pages.
you slowly approached her with a little smile. she looked up at you as soon as she saw you coming closer.
     “my child! it's been a long time! how are you doing? you're stunning. you know that?”
you smiled at her cute behaviour. it was very heartwarming to see her being this welcoming to you. it was soothing your anger.
     “i'm doing good. don't worry about me. and you?”
     “i'm good. old but strong, you know?”
she giggled, showing off she was just making fun of herself. you always liked her self-mockery.
“what brings you here today? are you looking for new books? you already finished the ones i recommended you?”
     “no, i didn't finish them yet. but i'm reading them, don't worry!”
you sat besides her, on an empty chair. you were looking at her with the tiniest smile ever, yet with bright eyes.
“no, i'm coming for something else.”
     “tell me.”
she put her book on the little desk, and turned over to face you.
     “do you know anything about.. 'fleur-de-lis' ? my mom told me i could ask you for informations about.. this.”
the old lady seemed to be surprised. was 'fleur-de-lis' a taboo? something no one can talk about? why did everything act like it was very important?
     “fleur-de-lis is a quite sad story.. years ago, the Queen gave birth to a lovely son. their only son. he was the King's heir apparent. all the country absolutely loved the nation's prince. he was adorable. his parents were loving him so much, treasuring him.”
the old lady glanced over a vase with flowers in it.
“they never revealed their son's name. they always called him fleur-de-lis. even there, in the castle. only his parents know his real name.”
     “sorry mama but...”
you frowned at this information. it increased your curiosity.
“why did they were calling the prince fleur-de-lis? i mean, i can understand they wanted to keep his name a secret, but then.. why did they choose this?”
     “this flower especially represents the royalty. the power, the glory, and the success as a King or a Queen.”
you nodded to show her you understood this point.
“but this peace the kingdom knew didn't last. the little prince was 1. 13 months, to be exact. when the Queen and the King woke up, their son was nowhere to be seen. they immediately started to look for him all around the land. everybody were looking after this little boy. but no one ever found him. the kingdom's ray of sun disappeared, and took the happiness with him. everybody forgot him as fleur-de-lis. now, he is called 'the lost prince'.”
     you stayed quiet. you never heard about this history. neither him as fleur-de-lis nor him as the lost prince. you didn't even know the Queen and the King had once a son. was it this hurtful for them? in a way, it was showing how close to him the whole country was.
     “why are you asking me this?”
     “because... i had to call for the emergency department yesterday for my boyfriend. since then, he can't leave because the person he called mom all his life is an impostor. i'm looking for his family. i talked a little with her after we discovered the truth and the last thing she said is 'take care of fleur-de-lis'.”
     the old lady was, again shocked. but this time, you understood why.
everything was clearer to you. why did the policemen looked at each other this way, why did your mom became so pale. if this person wasn't lying, you were dating the lost prince.
     but the problem wasn't resolved. how to prove that? how to say that to him? how will he react? were you really able to solve this problem now?
     “i see... thank you mama. i'll solve this problem. i promise. i'll give my boyfriend back to his family. and if he is the lost prince... i'd be the happiest if i could give back this kingdom their lost prince.”
     “y/n! wait! please... what is... his name?”
      you stopped moving when she called you. and with a little smile:
“he is fleur-de-lis, the lost prince.”
     you winked, and walked out of her shop.
     you felt bad for hiding this from her. she helped you a lot figuring out about this problem. and she helped you solve a huge part of the problem. but you couldn't betray Her Highness and His Highness and reveal his name — if he really was the lost prince. you had to respect their choice. and you weren't even sure he was the lost prince.
     with all these new informations, you needed to ask few questions to Seonghwa now. maybe he could help you having more answers to your questions. so you naturally started to walk towards the hospital.
     you didn't even dare to look at your phone. you knew you would have a lot of messages from your mom — she was very curious and couldn't even try and control it. seeing Seonghwa was, for the moment, your priority.
     reaching Seonghwa's hospital room was a relief for you. if you thought at the very beginning of this day that you were facing a problem hardly solvable, you were now looking at the new informations which helped you progressing in solving this problem.
     hope and determination were growing inside of you, and flourishing.
     you entered the room, a bright smile. Seonghwa was here, sitting down on a chair, next to the window. the sun was illuminating his face, revealing his melanin and natural beauty to you. your heart skipped a beat, and two, before you could move.
you approached him, and sat on a chair next to him. he immediately look up at you. he had a little smile, but his eyes were more expressive: they were shining.
“how do you feel?”
     “a lot better. i wish i could go out. i feel a little bit lonely here...”
you noticed he was playing with his fingers. you knew it meant he was very annoyed by this aspect of the situation.
     “and... can i do something about this, babe?”
you softly took his hands in yours. you would always be here by his side to try and make things easier for him to live. it was unnecessary for him to worry about that. and you wanted him to feel this in your gesture.
     “i feel a little bit guilty for asking you this but.. can you stay with me this night?”
he was avoiding your eyes, yet tightening his hold around your hands.
     “anything you want. i will stay with you tonight. and the next nights until you go out. i promise.”
you rubbed his hands softly with your thumbs. and before the silence was too loud in this room, you started to talk again.
“Hwa, i'd like to ask you some questions...”
     “yes, sure y/n. i'm listening.”
his soft gaze was back on your adorable face.
     “i know you don't remember well your childhood but.. i'd like you to try. for me, please. did she ever call you fleur-de-lis?”
you saw Seonghwa lowering his head. when you saw few lines on his forehead, you knew he was just trying hard to remember for you, to help you. and you were thankful...
     “i.. i don't think so. but, i don't know why... it doesn't sound unfamiliar to me.”
Seonghwa shoot his head up to look straight into your eyes.
“why? did you came back because you discovered something?”
     “kinda.. i did discover something, but i'm not sure at all about this information. and i think few people can help me solving this problem. you're one of them.”
when Seonghwa squeezed your hands, you felt like it was a sign from him to keep going.
“do you know why the very first pictures of you you have are pictures when you were 15 months?”
     “i thought it was very curious too. so i asked her. she told me she didn't have any reasons to take pictures of me from the very first day i was born, to the very first steps i made.”
     you nodded at this information. it was very interesting: after that, Seonghwa had a lot of pictures if him. dozens, and maybe hundreds. she was taking pictures of him very often.
“okay, then listen. i asked for informations about fleur-de-lis. what is it. who is it. what does that mean. the old lady running the library i'm often visiting told me everything. to summarize, fleur-de-lis is the Queen's and King's baby who disappeared when he was 13 months. they always called him this way because they wanted their baby's name to stay a secret. even the people working at the castle don't know the baby's name. and they were calling you fleur-de-lis. what if.. it was linked? maybe i'm crazy to think about this! but what if you were fleur-de-lis, their child? all the puzzle pieces are fitting! you don't have pictures of yourself before you were 15 months because you weren't living with her. she's not your biological mother, not your official mother because she just.. kidnapped you. she was wanted, everyone was looking for the person who kidnapped the prince. she couldn't go with you somewhere and make proper papers with you as her son. that's why she had to hide her identity? why she made false papers? because everybody wanted to find her!”
the adrenaline was rushing at a light speed through your veins. everything seemed to match.
     “am i the one who actually got drugged? i CAN'T be him. i'm not a prince, please, y/n. think about it again. it's not a fairy tale.”
     “i AM serious! you, first, think about it! i'm not asking you to believe it, i'm asking you to considerate it!”
as you were talking with Seonghwa, you heard knocks on the wooden door. you both straightened up to look at it.
     “are you Choi y/n?”
you nodded, a bit lost about what was happening.
“i'm a police officer. i'm working on the case regarding mister Park to find his family. since he can't leave the hospital, and you're the one who gave us informations about the lady who pretended to be mister Park's mom, can you please follow us to the police station? she got arrested. we need someone to indentify her.”
     you were stunned by their words. did the fact you mention 'fleur-de-lis' yesterday got them being more involved in the case?
Seonghwa had to squeeze your hands for you to be back in the present.
     you nodded, feeling again the hope growing up inside of you. as complicated this problem seemed to be, things were progressing quickly. it was like a relief for you, and for Seonghwa. maybe he wouldn't stay here too long?
you kissed Seonghwa's forehead, and left to follow the policemen.
     the ride to the police station was too quiet for you. you needed to know if they knew as much things as you. if they were also thinking that Seonghwa may be the lost prince.
     “do you think.. she was right when she called him 'fleur-de-lis'?”
     “we can't exclude the possibility she was the one who kidnapped the prince sixteen years ago. but first, we need to be sure we're holding the right woman.”
     “what will happen if i tell you she's the one he called mom all his life?”
you nervously played with your fingers.
     “we can't take the decision by ourselves to proceed to a DNA test. we need the child's parent agreement since he's not major, however we're looking for his parents. we will interrogate her, and of she admits she kidnapped him, we'll inform the Queen and King we found the prince. only then, a DNA test can be done — if they want to.”
     knowing they were, just as you, thinking Seonghwa may be the lost prince made you a little bit happier. you weren't crazy or too obsessed with the idea to find his family that you started to believe harebrained things. you were right when you started to have faith in this possibility: you couldn't exclude the possibility of him being the lost prince.
     things seemed to be clearer. this seemed to be obvious: you will go to the police station, you will identify her as the kidnapper, she will admit what she did, and Seonghwa will finally know the truth about his family and will live with them.
     but then, a whole another aspect of the situation hit you: if Seonghwa is the prince, what is going to happen when he will come back there, with his parents..? will you be able to live your idyll with him..? your worlds, which were the same until now, will they stay like that..? his world will necessarily be different from yours. after all, you weren't a noble at all...
     the car stopped in front of the police station. you looked through the window. your heart was beating fastly. you almost felt nauseous.
what your reaction will be in front of her?
you stepped out of the car, and followed the two policemen. they waisted no time and led you to a room. in front of you, through a window, there was a table. two chairs at each side of the table.
     “don't worry. she can't see you.”
with that, the policeman knocked on the door. inside the room, someone you first didn't see went to the door at the opposite, and opened it.
     she was here. she sat on a chair. she looked tired, and both sad and guilty. it was the right woman.
     there you were, with an ultimatum. what to do?
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myfavoriteskdramas · 4 years
So guys, I've wanted to do this kind of list since a lot of time ago, of the kdramas that from my point of view are underrated, and I think more people who loves kdramas should give them a chance and watch them, so here is the first part:
1. Hogu's love aka Fool's love.
Ho Goo has a twin sister Ho Gyeong. He has tried to pass the civil service examination, but has failed for 7 years. He also has never dated in his life. One day, he meets Do Hee. She was the most popular girl back in his high school days. She is a member of the national swimming team and has a burning desire to win. She also talks like one of the guys. They spend the night together, but the next morning he finds a baby next next to him and Do Hee is gone. After Ho Goo meets Do Hee again, he becomes involved in a complicated romantic relationship and a dangerous friendship.
Link where you can watch it: https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/hogoos-love
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2. The tale of nokdu aka Mung bean chronicles (one of my faves).
Jeon Nok Du is a man with extraordinary ambition to experience the big, wide world. With looks, brains, and athletic abilities, he is the epitome of perfection. After being swept up in an incident, he disguises himself as a woman to join a mysterious all-woman community and meets Dong Dong Joo.
Dong Dong Joo is a prickly gisaeng trainee. Along with her fiery personality, she is clumsy, has absolutely no sense of rhythm, and is tone-deaf, which makes all of her peers look after her. However, she is skilled with her hands as she can make anything if given the right tools. Unable to stand injustice, she speaks her mind.
Due to this fact, Jeon Nok Du ends up saving Dong Dong Joo from a dangerous situation. After that, she suddenly becomes Jeon Nok Du’s adopted daughter and he decides to live in the widow village for 1 year.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but you can watch it in this link too https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/mung-bean-chronicles
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3. Clean with passion for now.
Jang Sun Gyeol has wealth and good looks but suffers from severe mysophobia. He is obsessed with cleaning and even owns his own cleaning company. However, he meets a carefree and untidy girl named Gil Oh Sol after she enters his company as a new employee.
Oh Sol has worked all sorts of part-time jobs while striving for a full-time job and does not have the luxury to date or be clean. She gave up on being neat after facing the tough reality of the world and is known for always wearing her trademark tracksuit. But she has a bright personality and does not mind getting dirty. With the help of Oh Sol, Sun Gyeol faces his mysophobia and also falls in love with her.
Link where you can watch it: https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/clean-with-passion-for-now
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4. Live up to your name aka Deserving of the name.
Heo Im, who is born in a concubine family in Joseon era and has very outstanding medical skill, is frustrated about his career as he fails to climb to higher positions in the government because of his background. By accident, he travels through time to modern Seoul 400 years later and meets modern doctor Yeon Gyung. Thinking that Heo Im is weird, she hopes to get rid of Heo Im but instead, they travel back to Joseon together again.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on netflix, but you can watch it too in this link https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/deserving-of-the-name
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5. Live On (Just finished one or two weeks ago) if you want to watch a short kdrama, this one it only has 8 episodes.
Live On” is set to be a romance story that follows the lives of Baek Ho Rang (Jung Da Bin), who is at the top of food chain at her high school where being trendy and popular brings higher social status, and Go Eun Taek (Minhyun), a perfectionist who is the head of the broadcasting club. Baek Ho Rang joins the broadcasting club in order get help from Go Eun Taek in uncovering the identity of a mysterious figure who is trying to bring to light parts of her past she wants to keep hidden.Baek Ho Rang immediately shot up to social media star status because of her beautiful looks and is one of the most popular girls at Seo Hyun High School. Despite being at the top of the social pyramid, she only has one true friend as she believes she is the center of the universe and looks down on others. Meanwhile, Go Eun Taek is in charge of the school’s broadcasting club and is someone who is sensitive, detail oriented, can sometimes be irritable, and plans everything out perfectly. Though he is strict and inflexible when it comes to his leadership, he never shies away from any task that is given to him and is loved by his fellow students.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but also you can watch it in this link
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6. Dinner Mate.
This drama is about a young woman going through a rough breakup with a longtime boyfriend she’s still in love with, and a young man who’s a serial dater and kind of tired of relationships. They both like to eat out but dislike having to go to nice restaurants alone, and they happen to meet while waiting to be seated at a restaurant, each of them alone. The hostess mistakes them for a couple and offers them a couple special, which prompts them to sit together and end up having dinner together. After their first unexpected meeting, they meet and have dinner together weekly. That’s how they strike up an unusual friendship where they get together just to eat out, and over multiple dinners, they open up to each other about their relationship troubles and grow closer.
Link where you can watch it:
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7. Oh my venus.
This is a drama about two Childhood friends meet again in their adulthood and find themselves making a bet on a “diet challenge”. The story focuses on their journey of searching for love and health.
Kang Joo Eun meets Kim Yeong Ho, who agrees to be her personal trainer to help her get healthier. As they work on her physical transformation, they both discover they have feelings for each other. As they grow closer, they heal each other's emotional wounds and fall in love.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but here's the link too
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8. Cheat on me if you can ( Is still on emission, there's only two episodes left).
For her work, best-selling crime author Yeo Joo researches how to make a murder look like an accidental death. Next to her is her younger husband, Woo Sung, who is a family man and works as a divorce lawyer. Woo Sung still thinks he's a sexy, attractive partner, and lives on with his wonderful marriage life. However, lately, Yeo Joo, who would rather be a widow than a divorcee, starts finding some of his behavior suspicious. Could he be cheating on her? Could Woo Sung possibly be enjoying a thrilling affair behind her back? Yeo Joo tells it straight: If he cheats, he will die.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but also here's the link https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/if-you-cheat-you-die
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9. The beauty inside (one of my faves).
Han Se Kye is a top actress, also known as a troublemaker, with many rumors around her. To others, her life appears as a mystery, when in fact she is faced with a strange occurrence where she must change into a different body and new identity for one week a month. She encounters Seo Do Jae, a brilliant man who is an executive at an airline company. He seems to have it all: a perfect appearance, knowledge, and a good job; but he has a secret too. He suffers from Prosopagnosia, the inability to recognize faces. However, he manages to hide this from the world, every day he makes an effort to remember people by their personalities.
Seo Do Jae's life begins to change when he meets Han Se Kye. She is the only person whose face he can recognize. But with Han Se Kye's constant disappearance and change how long can she keep her secret?.
Link where you can watch it:
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10. Royal secret inspector aka Secret royal agent (is on emission now, there's a few episodes left).
Set towards the end of the Joseon era, Sung Yi-Gyeom placed first in the state examination and he now works at the Hongmungwan (administrative and research department). He doesn't have a goal or ambition for his life. One day, Sung Yi-Gyeom is caught gambling. As punishment, he is assigned to work as a secret royal inspector. His job is to eradicate illegal acts and corruption by public officers. He carries out his new job with the help of Hong Da-In and Park Chun-Sam. Hong Da-In is a female inspector and solves cases with Sung Yi-Gyeom. Park Chun-Sam is Sung Yi-Gyeom’s servant. Park Chun-Sam is talkative, affectionate, and tearful.
Meanwhile, Sung Yi-Beom is Sung Yi-Gyeom’s younger stepbrother. His father is a nobleman, but his mother is a slave. Due to his mother's low social status, his father does not accept him as his real son and he is barred from having certain opportunities. He opposes his older stepbrother Sung Yi-Gyeom.
Link where you can watch it:
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