#who have a strong record in this competition
Arsenal vs Bournemouth: Live Score Updates, Highlights, and Lineups
Arsenal vs Bournemouth: Live Score Updates, Highlights, and Lineups Preview of the Match: Arsenal will take on Bournemouth in the latest round of the English Football League Cup. This match is expected to be an exciting clash between two talented teams, and fans are eagerly awaiting the outcome. Arsenal, who have a strong record in this competition, will be looking to continue their winning…
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hobismilitarywife · 2 years
ngl i don't understand whats so wrong about asking people to listen to the album? u dont have to go to extremes and leave a playlist on all night like they do on twitter but i would think if you're a fan, you'd want to listen? we wouldnt have to beg people to support JITB... cause honestly i dont think they'll have this energy for anyone else in the group so its just disappointing im sorry i'll stay petty
ig a lot of people are against streaming because they find it stressful and also streaming does at times really makes us not enjoy the song, it starts feeling like a job instead of enjoying your fav so i get their pov, they aren’t saying that they aren’t listening to the work, they just don’t stream which is fine, to each their own, though i don’t think it’s right for them to shame people who do stream; like i said before let’s respect each other’s choices
but yeah there are tons of people who do stream actively but didn’t stream jitb, they upload top 20 songs being streamed by armies daily on twitter and only 2-3 days back did more started appearing on the list, that too on the number 20 and 19 :// like you said, streaming is pretty easy, just put on a playlist while you’re busy doing something else/aren’t on your phone, and yet people completely refused to stream jitb, all the hobi accounts that i follow on twitter had been begging people to stream jitb since the mama nominations were announced, and yet they were completely silenced and labelled as solos :/ it’s really sad 😞
#karmys straight up didn’t stream jitb#i know it’s a controversial statement but it’s true#rush hour hit it off with the gp and i feel like the few days that jitb was on charts there was also because of the gp#korean streams carry massive weight in their criteria and yet there was radio silence from their side#also people were furious when joon’s interview with pharell was announced because they didn’t want it to take attention from astronaut#and yet there was zero backlash when jitb’s promos were literally overlapped with left & right and also bad decisions was announced only#like a week after jitb#and it’s sad but there’s a strong sense of competition in this fandom#everyone only wanted to stream for their fave and a lot of people completely abandoned jitb#it’s sad#look how n*yeon won best female artist because her release was so well planned#she promoted so nicely#but bh instead overlapped so many things together idk why and it felt very rushed they didn’t plan it nicely#i have my jitb + astronaut and jitb + dreamers playlist always on when i sleep :p so it’s okay at least we’re doing our bit <3#lol equal sign started playing in my playlist rn and ig it’s a sign that i should stop my hateful rambling :’)#still jitb did pass 300 million streams hobi did break records he did release a great album and there a lot of people who supported him and#he just won an award at mama :D so ig there’s lots to be happy about too :’)#but we shall never forget how he was mismanaged and wasn’t supported enough 😤#ask
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cordeliawhohung · 22 days
pornstar!gaz x fem!reader
everything was fine until he showed up
cw: alcohol, parties, kyle is jealous jealous, arguements
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Quiet music hums through the surround sound set up in the studio’s penthouse, but it’s not quite loud enough to drown out the sound of Kyle’s teeth grinding together.
Parties always set him on edge, but anything that involves work is especially excruciating. Everything is so fake. Plastic. Synthetic. The actors and actresses on set, the sounds everyone makes, the shitty positions directors always force people into; it’s just as bad off set as it is on set. Faux laughter, forced pleasantries. Even when the cameras aren’t rolling, no one can escape the fact that they’re always performing. 
Kyle wonders if you feel the same way in that sequin dress. It’s hardly long enough to cover the crux of your ass, and the spaghetti straps keep falling off your shoulders. Your lips keep curving into the most beautiful smile as you sip on your martini while chatting with various people next to the hors d'oeuvres table. Kyle’s been nursing his own drink for the last forty minutes; a strong whiskey on the rocks because they refused to serve anything as simple as a pint. The liquor is getting to him. Numbing his nerves enough to make it feel like he’s floating, but not enough to stave off that insatiable ache in his stomach. 
He’s thought about you all day. What he wants to say to you. How he wants to say it. Those words have stayed locked tight in his throat since the moment his eyes found you in the crowd. He’s nothing but a pathetic wreck of a man hiding in the corner of the room with the least amount of traffic. Some people search him out for a short conversation, but the sour mood he’s in must be acrid because they wander off not too long after attempting to chat him up. 
Leaving both you and that party far behind him is enticing. It’s hot and stuffy; utterly suffocating. Perhaps he can sleep off whatever this haze is — this roaring emotion he refuses to name — and return to it tomorrow. But he’s wasting away. That feeling inside of him has already eaten more of him than he can bear. 
It only gets worse when Simon shows up. 
He’s a difficult man to miss with his hulking size and tattooed arms. The brute cleans up nice enough with freshly washed hair and dark casual clothes that fits in well with the semi-formal attire everyone else is wearing. Kyle’s trying to be rational about the whole situation. Simon’s technically a colleague, not competition, and treating you like an object to be won feels cruel. Besides, for all he knows your little confession to him on set was scripted. 
Still, that thought doesn’t cease the memories. Doesn’t halt the way he can hear you saying it over and over again, nothing but a broken record he can’t fix. It’s corrupted the kinder memory he’s been trying to hold of your half-awake words when you told him you loved him. Him and not Simon. 
The vile thought that you say that to everyone crosses his mind, but only briefly before he flushes it out like a bad wound. 
Kyle chokes on his drink when he finds you in the crowd again and realizes that you aren’t alone. 
He can tell by your alluring smile that it’s a friendly conversation, something he shouldn’t be concerned about, and your shoulders dance with laughter at something Simon’s telling you. Kyle’s fingers twitch as he watches Simon lean closer to you, curving down to try and meet your height as he attempts to speak over the growing chatter of the crowd that fills the room. 
Something superheats Kyle’s blood to a rolling boil as he watches Simon’s hand skirt against the small of your back. He’s so incredibly soft and gentle with you, nothing but respectful as he assists you in moving away from the cunt who won’t stop digging his elbow into your side by accident — he hates it. He hates it because it should be him there with you, guiding you through a sea of drunken idiots. It hurts more knowing that it could have been him if he had just gotten over himself and approached you when he first found you.  
Then, the ever attentive Simon Riley looks through the crowd. Certainly he’s looking for a new spot. Someplace less crowded. Certainly he didn’t mean to look directly at Kyle, still hiding off on the sidelines like a proper recluse. It’s gut-wrenching, unnerving. The small smirk that pulls at Simon’s lips nearly has Kyle’s fingers squeezing through the glass in his hand, and he keeps himself from biting through his tongue as he watches the man lean down to grab your attention again. 
What Simon says to you, he can’t be sure. All he knows is that your gaze flickers through the outskirts of the crowd until you find him. Kyle has never felt so exposed in his entire life. Even his first time being bare and naked on set hadn’t left him feeling so open. But it doesn’t last long. The very moment your eyes land on him, you freeze. 
You freeze, expression stiffening, chest ceasing in movement, eyes widening. 
Then you look away. 
It’s then that Kyle realizes he can’t stand the stuffy air. 
The sun hasn’t quite set yet over London, and it’s fighting with fiery clouds and brilliant beams to stay above the horizon. It’s a luminous sight that he’s glad no one else seems interested in trying to enjoy. The terrace is completely devoid of anyone else, leaving him alone with nothing but the breeze. Everything is always better without prying eyes to ruin the view. 
But it’s too late. It’s difficult to enjoy the cotton candy clouds and beautiful shadows of the skyline when his mood is already contaminated. He’s decided that he cannot — afterall — go through with this attempt. This silly notion that he can admit his feelings to you. A storm of emotions brews in the cauldron of his stomach, and he’s choking on the fumes. It’s too much. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you over his inability to keep himself grounded. 
A loud burst of chatter bleeds into the evening air followed by sharp heels clacking against the concrete floor of the terrace as the sliding glass door opens and quickly shuts once again. Kyle freezes, knuckles creaking with strain as he grips the flimsy railing keeping him from turning into red paste on the pavement countless stories down. He’s hidden behind the brick corner of the building, trying to stay out of view, but he can feel that it’s you. You’re tugging on that string wrapped around your finger, and following the line until you find him. 
“Was hoping you’d show up,” you admit, chipper. Your elbow brushes against his as you settle against the railing next to him, and Kyle can feel the embers you leave in your wake, charring his skin. “I know these functions aren’t really your type of thing.” 
Kyle huffs something sour, something more abrasive than intended, and his head hangs low as he stares at his feet. 
“Yeah, gettin’ a bit crowded in there,” he concurs. 
Talking to you has never been so difficult before, but now Kyle can’t even bring himself to look at you. His own feelings and thoughts keep choking him, and he regrets not running away when he still had the chance. It’s all so stale and robotic, and he can feel the tension twisting up his spine, clenching his jaw and settling as a deep ache in the back of his neck. 
“I, uh, wanted to apologize properly for the other night, and thank you, by the way,” you continue. His aloofness is obvious. It permeates through his pores and soaks into the exposed skin of your arm, dripping down your dress until it stains your legs. “I’m still really embarrassed about all of it. I don’t normally drink that much.” 
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Kyle says in an attempt to assure you. “I know you didn’t mean it.” 
The air shifts, and Kyle realizes he’s fucked up. 
He finally looks at you and finds your brows knitted close together. There’s a slight tilt in your head, a flicker of your eyes, an attempt to recall a memory that’s not quite there. His stomach drops when you open your mouth and he realizes that you don’t remember that night at all. 
“Didn’t mean what?” you question. 
It’s too late to turn back; he’s got one foot in the grave already. His lips press together and he swallows down the stale aftertaste of liquor as he shakes his head. 
“You didn’t mean it when you said you loved me,” he clarifies. 
Kyle doesn’t know what he expects from you. A real confession? You to backpedal? For you to call him crazy? What he doesn’t realize is that while he’s spent months learning you, months tracing your body with his fingertips and pressing kisses against your skin, or getting lost in the scent of you, you’ve been learning him, too. You’ve learned that he likes it when you kiss his stomach, and that he hates accidentally bruising you. You’ve learned that his eyes always dilate when they land on you, clothed or not, and his fingers twitch when he smiles, like they’re missing the warmth of something. Most importantly, you’ve learned that his jaw only flexes like this when he’s angry. 
“Kyle,” you say cautiously, “are you mad at me?” 
Confusion clouds his eyes and he tries his best to blink it away. “I’m not mad.” 
“But you are,” you insist. 
“Why would I be mad?” he defends as he pushes himself away from the railing. “If you didn’t mean it, then you didn’t mean it.” 
You turn and follow him as he backs away from you. There’s an odd twist in his feet as he points his toes away from you, as if he’s trying to flee. Your arms cross over your chest, and while Kyle would usually ogle at the way your tits press together with the motion, all he can do is stand there and wait for the retort he can see brewing in your eyes. 
“Who said I didn’t mean it?” you challenge. 
“Dunno, you hardly seem to remember it, anyway.” Kyle says with a shrug. Then he pauses. “Did you mean it when you said it to Simon on set today?” 
The shiny lip gloss coating your lips forces them to pop when you open your mouth to retort, yet the only thing you can manage is a laugh in disbelief. It’s such a sour laugh that it burns your throat on the way out, and you have to look away from Kyle to keep yourself from spouting a snarky comment you’re sure you’ll regret. 
“You’re unbelievable,” you say as you roll your eyes. 
“Am I?” he disputes. 
“Are you seriously holding something I said on set against me? Are you really gonna be upset with me over that?” 
“I’m not upset with you,” he retorts. 
“But you are!” 
An exacerbated sigh exhales between Kyle’s lips as he brings a hand up to his face. Long fingers rub at the bridge of his nose as he shakes his head. His teeth haven’t stopped grinding throughout this entire exchange. 
“This was a mistake,” he mutters. 
It’s a swift movement that he makes to turn around, nearly spinning like a top on his heels, but you don’t let him get away that easily. Sharp, unforgiving brick scrapes against your elbow as you reach out for him, and the tips of your fingers get caught in the unbuttoned collar of his dress shirt. Kyle doesn’t fight against you as he turns back to face you with a huff. His fingers wrap around your wrist as he attempts to gently pry you off of him. 
“You’re an idiot,” you say with narrowed eyes. 
“Oh, so I’m an idiot now? I thought I was unbelievable?” he asks with a raised brow, razor sharp attitude, and steam pouring from his ears. 
Heat radiates off of his body so feverishly that it doesn’t feel real. The way his breath fans across your face has your knees feeling weak, and despite the pent up rage that’s locked inside of him, he still looks at you with as much love as he always has. It’s infuriating how, despite it all, he’s still been the kindest person you’ve ever met. 
“You are. Because if you’ve got the ears to hear me tell Simon that I loved him on set today, then you certainly must have heard it when I accidentally called him by your name, too,” you seethe.
For a moment, all either of you can do is breathe. Air comes hot and heavy and they dance in the small, empty space between you and Kyle. He doesn’t speak, and neither do you, but the grip he has on your wrist starts to loosen. Desperate eyes scan his face, searching for something — anything — and yet there’s nothing new that there wasn’t there before. Still, he is silent. 
“Don’t you… don’t you get what I’m trying to say here?” you ask. Any frustration in your voice has vanished. Replaced instead with a tone that cracks as the fabric of his shirt slips between your fingers. “Kyle, I-”
Soft lips clash with yours, silencing the rest of your speech just as the exposed skin of your back meets the cool, rough surface of the brick wall behind you. Your wrist is still in Kyle’s hand, and he holds it close to his chest as he pins you with the rest of his body, holding you still so he can devour you properly. You don’t fight against it, in fact you do quite the opposite. Your free hand snakes around his neck and glides up the back of his head, and your mouth moves in sync with his. Salt and liquor melts on your tongue, and while the tension in your shoulders dissolves, a heedy want ignites in your stomach. 
Kyle only pulls away when you’re both panting between bites, but he doesn’t move far. His forehead rests against yours as his hands make a home in the curves of your hips. The sequins on your dress are abrasive and annoying, getting caught in the buttons of his shirt, but he doesn’t mind getting tangled in you. 
“Come home with me,” he whispers. His thumbs ghost the hem of your dress, and you can feel the way he wants to hike it up. There’s very little stopping him from throwing your leg over his waist and fucking you there on the terrace, and you know there would be very little protest from you if he did. “Please, doll.” 
“Okay.” It takes very little for you to give in. Hardly any effort at all. “Take me home, Kyle.” 
His lips crash against yours in another kiss before he’s pulling you away from the wall and around the corner. It’s then that you realize, you think you’d follow Kyle Garrick anywhere. So you do. You follow him back into the penthouse, through the crowd of co-workers, all the way until you reach the elevator. It’s childish the way you two grin and giggle to each other, sneaking off like young fools in love. Maybe it’s because you are. 
By the time the elevator doors close, you forget all about that stupid party. All you can focus on is Kyle’s hands on your hips and the look in his eyes. You can tell from his dilated pupils that he’s going to have fun making a mess out of you now that he’s finally going to get you all to himself.
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jenosbigtoe · 8 months
NEED NEED NEED another one shot with jeno and dumb sluts 🥹🥹
mdni. nsfw 18+ (read part 1)
pairing: lee jeno x reader x na jaemin
warnings: everyone here is still a freak, recording of sexual activities, so much sex, nomin are kinda sleazy and reader is kinda slutty so match made in heaven
jeno has your contact name saved as “slut❤️” and jaemin has it under “SLUT🙇‍♂️”, without even knowing what the other already put. when they saw what the other had your contact saved as, they gave each other a high five.
jeno and jaemin are so competitive and possessive over you. jeno is the only one allowed to call you his baby, and if jaemin calls you baby it turns into (another) big argument. and jaemin is the only one allowed to call you princess, or else it will, again, lead to another argument. however, they have an unspoken agreement to both call you babygirl because you’re their babygirl duh.
they make it competition to see who can make plans with you first before the other one can.
jeno: baby come over tonight.
you: sry jen
you: jaem invited me over first
jeno was punching the air after that.
or jaemin would snap you a pic of his veiny hands grabbing his very obviously hard dick through his sweatpants with the captioned “thinking about you princess. come over”
you snapped back a picture of a fake pout saying “i’m at jen’s rn”. jaemin could see a shirtless jeno hugging your back behind you in that pic, causing him to see red.
they try to one up each other on absolutely everything. asking you questions like “okay who do you see more though?” and “who gives the best head?” and “whose dick game is stronger?” you never give them an answer, obviously, because you think it’s fun when they try to go even harder than the other to beat each other in this made up competition.
whenever you hook up with either of them, they will snap pics and take videos to gloat to the other. like jaemin will send jeno a pic of your naked bodies tangled up together after a good fucking captioned “😁” or jeno will send jaemin an uncaptioned video of you deepthroating his cock.
when jeno and jaemin hang out one on one, their new favorite thing to do together (besides you duh) is compare the suggestive snaps you send them or the sex tapes you made with each of them.
“jaemin, look at this lingeries pic i got last night ooh aren’t you so jealous?”
“jeno, hate to break it to you dude but she literally sent you that pic right before i ripped that off her and fucked her stupid.”
then he’d show jeno the video he got of you letting him tittyfuck, his cock rubbing so deliciously between your plump tits as you licked and sucked on the tip.
“fuck you jaem, lemme show you the time she let me take her ass then.”
all this competitiveness works out in your favor of course. you know about everything they do, from sending pics and videos of your hookups to comparing them when they’re with each other. all you have to do is tell jeno “ugh jaemin had me in this position last night and i have never felt so good” before jeno will seriously have you twisted like a pretzel and fucked dumb with his cock until you’re a sobbing mindless mess. or you’ll tell jaemin “jeno hit so deep in me earlier i could feel him in my lungs” before jaemin will take you on the wall, the mattress, the counter, the washing machine, the bathtub, and MORE balls deep and slapping your clit every time.
to switch it up every so often, you’d invite both of them at the same time over to your place, conveniently neglecting to tell them that the other would also be coming over.
you’d be lying on your back, legs up in the air, as jaemin ate and fingered your drooling little cunt when jeno would walk in, tutting and snarling at the sight.
“well, looks like this greedy little slut did it again. invited us both over because she can’t go a day without getting stuffed by two cocks.” jeno rips his clothes off and crawls onto the bed, grabbing your face into his strong grip and pressing a crushing kiss on your lips.
jaemin wouldn’t even look up from eating your pussy like a starved man, he’d smirk into your cunt and continue licking and sucking on it.
they’d do a rock paper scissors to see who gets to fuck your pussy first (jaemin won this time).
“what a fucking slut, jeno,” jaemin would pant, rutting his hips fast and deep into yours as he took you on all fours.
you were too busy licking and sucking on jeno’s cock in the front. “yeah, our slut. only we get to see her like this. isn’t that right huh babygirl?” jeno stroked your cheek affectionately.
you loved being a slut for jeno and jaemin.
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lissomeingenuestuff · 2 months
CLARA BOW // charles leclerc - pt. 3
charles leclerc x figureskater!reader
part 1 part 2 part 4
summary: you're an aspiring olympic gold medalist who just wants to compete and have fun. on the way there, a handsome monegasque f1 driver slides into your dms and changes the trajectory of your life.
note: as always, we are playing fast and furious with the dates. ignore them pls 😝 also, pt. 1 and pt. 2 are both up to over 700 notes 😭 what is this craziness??
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 43,234 others
olympics Y/N L/N dazzles in her short program, skating to Yiruma's "River Flows in You" on the first official day of the solo figure skating competition in Beijing. As of today, she is third on the leaderboard (the first American to have made it this far since Sasha Cohen in Torino 2006), behind the ROC's Kamila Valieva and Anna Shcherbakova.
view all 218 comments...
lara.j.h go y/n go!
junebug27 she'd be in first if it weren't for Eteri's drugged up girls, but ya'll aren't ready for that conversation yet
anuyshaliva Kamila and Anna deserve to be in first and second. If Y/N wanted a better position, she should've tried harder.
amarantheazalea stfu girl the russians aren't gonna thank you for riding them yk 😒
junebug27 i said what i said. kamila was literally found to have drugs in her system after the team events concluded, and i wouldn't be surprised if anna and sasha were the same. i'm sure the girls are all very talented on their own, but Eteri breaks them. look what happened to evgenia. look what happened to aliona.
barbiegirl44 my mother breaks records wherever she goes, ya'll just wait and see 🥹
sharlleclerc not charles, carlos, lando and danny ric all lurking in the likes 😭
charlesstan4ever so what do we think guys? is she the reason charles was smiling at his phone so often in daniel's post?
itsellieinparis who else could it be?
sophhhhhhhia methinks yes, madam 🫡
kyrapreston istg all of ya'll need to calm down 😒 she hasn't even said anything abt him other than the fact that he's nice
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liked by charles_leclerc, cassievilleneuve, and 13,914 others
usfigureskating Y/N L/N becomes the first U.S. lady to win an Olympic medal since Sasha Cohen in 2006! Congrats on the bronze, @y/nl/n!
view all 97 comments...
cassievilleneuve eeeeek that's my bestieee!
y/n l/n thanks guys 😭 this medal means the world to me and i'm honored to bring it back home to you!
livandluke it's just a bronze, i don't see why everyone's so happy about it
lorabelle even "just a bronze" means you're the third best figure skater in the world 😒 considering what y/n was up against (and all the russian shenanigans going on) this season, i'm hugely impressed with her performance. besides, don't forget, she has a gold team medal too; she just hasn't gotten that one yet because they have to investigate the doping scandal first.
charles_leclerc very well deserved! congratulations @y/nl/n!
y/n l/n merci beaucoup, charles 🥹
rowanf1girlie asdjkcjkdf is this fr rn!? someone sedate me 😭
pennyverstappen they're interacting! he's congratulating her! she's responding to him in french! what's happeningggggg
oscarlandoromanempire so are they dating or what?
carlossainz55 congratulations!
y/n l/n gracias!!
kikitifosi not y/n answering the drivers in their native language 🥹 so sweet!!!
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The Olympic Village Beijing, China
Her heart wouldn't stop its erratic thump-thumping. As she got out of the bath, wrapped herself up in a fluffy white towel, and threw herself onto the downy comforter, she couldn't help but try to trace her footsteps back; take deep breaths and try to calm herself down.
It was to no avail; the post-Olympic high was still going strong, and there was nothing Y/N could do to calm it down. She didn't know if she wanted to, even if the rapid breathing was getting annoying. She didn't know if she wanted to forget a moment more of this experience.
It had been such a wild ride, coming to Beijing. Y/N had never expected that something like this would happen to her. She'd never even predicted it in her wildest dreams. This had been something Cassie had always longed for, something Cassie had worked her whole life for, and somehow, the opportunity and the medal had been handed to Y/N. It didn't make sense.
She felt guilty for usurping that chance from her best friend, even if it was for sure that Cassie would make it onto the Olympic team in 2026 (It definitely wasn't for sure, but Y/N had to tell herself something to stymie the overwhelming contrition that flooded her every time she thought of Cassie getting fourth place at Nationals). Furthermore, she felt guilty for being where she was now, with so much less experience than her competitors.
Most people started ice skating at five or six. That was when Y/N had gotten her first pair of skates too, but she'd abandoned the sport until she was sixteen; until Cassie had graduated from the junior division to the senior, and had started seriously competing. Y/N had only started doing it as a joke, as a way to release tension from schoolwork and AP tests, but it had evolved into something else. Slowly, she'd realized that she actually enjoyed it, that skating on ice was akin to floating, or even flying. And then it became her passion, and - eventually - her job.
Y/N was here now, in Beijing. She had an Olympic bronze medal, a team gold medal (if the doping investigations would ever conclude), and a new fanbase who were eager and willing to be influenced by her, which was terrifying, to say the least. She had all of this, along with an F1 driver sliding in her DMs and inviting her to races - she had everything Cassie had ever wanted.
It was all so amazing, so good... But why did it feel so bad?
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tag list: @1655clean, @norwayxo, @thecubanator2
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
oky it’s fucking TIME to talk about mcc misogyny we are NOT dancing around it anymore .
the community fucking hates women . especially the subreddit but also the general community . i can’t talk about every women bc i haven’t watched the pov of every woman in mcc .
tina kitten. her entire mcc experience was being treated as a nerf tool by the community. she only played in a handful of events but her teams routinely credited as some of the lowest ranked teams in the history of mcc in pre-game prospects . they’ve had the LEAST chance at winning and the community commonly rests that blame on tina’s back . is tina a great mcc player? no, she hasn’t had much opportunity to learn from it or practise much. but the constant backlash she faces for being a “bad player” and a “nerf” is demotivating . and after treating her like shit people treat her like shit MORE to tell her she’s overreacting if she is upset or has a problem with anything .
but scar has similar stats . he’s a relatively new player who hasn’t had much chance to learn from the event yet and hasn’t placed top 20. but nobody ever complains about scar being teamed with anyone as a nerf . nobody complains scar is dragging the team down . same goes for people like quackity and karl who don’t regularly place well. nobody complains they’re nerfs or that they’re ruining the teams chances . and evryone is quick to comfort them if they feel bad for ‘letting their team down’
niki nihachu is a similar situation . she’s been playing in the event for well over a year now and is routinely shunned by members of the community for not playing good enough . you can argue ‘she ranks x out of 40 on average’ all you want but does that warrant the way people treat her in her chat and in the subreddit?? does that warrant the immense pressure she feels to improve and the fact that he feels she’s let so many ppl down if she doesn’t?? does it warrant people talking shit talking her and laughing at her for getting emotional due to stress over the event on stream? the fact that she’s so stressed over the event should tell you everything . people has treated her like shit since the beginning for being ‘too emotional’ .
jojosolos. girl. she came into the event as an extremely strong player. she’s placed top ten 6 out of 9 times she’s played (canon and non canon) . for canon events she has 5/6 top ten placements one win and a first individual placement . purpled has 6/7 top ten placements, one team win and one first individual placement . they have extremely similar track records . so why is it that the s tier committee is trying to hard to designate purpled as an s tier but are adamant that jojo doesn’t deserve the same treatment because she’s yet to prove herself as being an s tier player . they have roughly the same stats .
hannahxxrose . she’s faced criticism for her competitiveness over her entire streaming career . to the point where she recently pointed out that people have been calling into question her mental well-being because of her competitive attitude and loudness. some men in the community (specific ones that are hated before the game even starts) are given similar critiques but not once has their mental health been called into question. but the majority of competitive men in the community haven’t been called out on their ‘bad attitudes’, only the ones that specific mcyt communities don’t like to begin with . typically if a man gets loud or starts screaming during the event it’s funny to you . but for a woman she’s taking it too seriously and needs a wellness check .
both jack manifold and karacorvus have an average placement of 26 . kara has one win and jack has lost every dodgebolt he’s been part of . but kara faces harsher criticism bc she doesn’t have the same following as jack manifold so she doesn’t have ppl who will defend her as being a good addition to the team for something other than her ability . bc ppl will defend jacks bad placement because :o !!!! he’s playing with his friends!!!! despite having the same ability as the women that are routinely shit on .
my point is that you can say what you want about certain mcc players . you’re not gonna like everyone . but the double standards between male and female mcc competitors is very much real and a problem in the fanbase. more people are fans of the male streamers and i get that’s why you want them to succeed. but to overlook the flaws you degrade female plaster for in the creators you admire is to have an internal bias against them . if you’re going to have criticisms they’re gonna have ti be for EVERYONE who uses that kind of behaviour . and i think if we see that enforces you’ll realise that a lot of the critiques were bullshit to begin with .
and this can NOT be chalked up to the behaviour of the dsmp community alone . you’re all just as bad, this focuses primarily on dsmp examples bc i watxh primarily dsmp streamers. ALL of this happens on the mcc subreddit .
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peachesyeo · 4 months
the bet ── beomgyu
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💌 parings: rival!beomgyu x male!reader 💌 genre: smut, rivals to lovers 💌 contains: top!gyu, bottom!reader, softdom!gyu, virgin!reader, beomgyu is a little shit, beomgyu has a long-time crush on reader, strong language, vaping (please don't vape) petnames (baby boy, baby, prince), safe sex (wrap it before you do it), drunk consensual sex, oral (reader receiving), praising, i have a thing for soft gyu so here it is, our favourite party guy & wingman jackson wang, brief mention of enhypen's heeseung. 💌 word count: 2.7k words
➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
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Second place. Again.
You glared at the announcement in front of you, your hands curled into a ball of fist. Your eyes traveled over to the name on top of yours and you bit your lower lip, frustrated.
Choi fucking Beomgyu.
From young, that little fucker has always been in first place in every little and big contests or examinations the both of you attended.
Every. Single. Darn. Time.
Choi Beomgyu takes the throne.
To make matters worst, Beomgyu knows that it irritates you. You are a very, very competitive person from young, and Beomgyu knows. He knows.
"Look who it is! L/n!" A hand clapped on your back as Beomgyu put his arm around your shoulder, his voice gleeful. "Why the long face, huh?"
"Fuck off, Choi." You hissed, swatting his arm off you and turning to face him. That jerk had a smug smirk on his face, one that you would do anything to wipe it off. He whined dramatically, holding his hand that you just hit. "Ouch! It hurts, L/n! C'mon, don't be such a sour grape. It's just a little test, don't let that get to your fragile little ego."
It took almost all of your will to not punch that asshole in the face. You gave him a nasty expression, bumping into his shoulder as you walked back to the lecture hall. But who is Choi Beomgyu? A smug and devious asshole who wouldn't leave you alone.
The both of you didn’t start like this. You vaguely remember being best friends with Beomgyu in elementary school, but it all changed during middle school.
Beomgyu changed.
He caught up with you pretty quickly, walking alongside you. "Do you want to make a bet with me?" He asked, tilting his head towards the side as he did so. You paused, looking at him with a suspicious expression. "No. Now fuck off and leave me alone."
"I'll do whatever you want if you win." Beomgyu said quickly. You raised a brow at him, not believing a word that comes out of his mouth. "I'm serious."
"What kind of bet?" Fine. You were convinced. You begin to think about what you want Beomgyu to do after winning. Should you ask him to buy you breakfast from that really popular waffle store for a month? Or maybe you'll have him record a silly video that you can blackmail him for the future.
On second thought, Beomgyu might be too thick-skinned for that.
"You know Lee Heeseung? The guy from computer science? His senior Jackson Wang is hosting a party and invited the entire course this Saturday. Since Biology is just next door he invited us too." Beomgyu jabbed his hand towards the building right beside. You nodded, frowning. "What do you want me to do?"
"Attend the party and beat me in a game." The smug smile reappeared on Beomgyu's face. You scowled at him. "What's the catch?" You questioned. Beomgyu widened his eyes. "Catch? There's no catch. Just win me and I'll do whatever you want. But if I win..." He paused slightly, another smirk creeping onto his face. "You'll do whatever I ask of you."
You licked your lips nervously. Should you trust Beomgyu?
"I understand that you might be scared, L/n. " Beomgyu sighed mockingly. "Well, it seems like you can never beat me-" "I'll go." You cut him off through gritted teeth. Beomgyu clapped his hands together, grinning. "Good. See you at the party than, baby boy. Don't be late!" He winked, walking off.
You stood rooted at your ground in shock. Blush crept to your face as you realised what Beomgyu had called you. To make matters worst, your heart actually fluttered at his words. You slapped your face lightly, attempting to wake yourself up.
Fucking Choi Beomgyu. You thought.
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The weekend arrived pretty soon.
The house was loud. You weaved through the crowd of talking people, holding a cup of punch in your hand (that someone stuffed it to your hand while you walked by). Everyone looks unfamiliar to you, but somehow, they all seem to know you.
"M/n L/n!" You hear your name being called. Turning around, you saw a male with blond hair walking towards you. You took a once-over at him: split blond hair, shades on top of his head, black outfit and a pair of sweat pants.
Nope, you have never seen this guy in your life before.
"Hi, I'm Jackson Wang." The male hold out his hand and flashed you a winning smile. Ah, this guy is the host of this party, you thought as you shook his hand. "I'm M/n L/n... But I guess you already know that."
Jackson grinned. "Of course! You're famous, don't you know that?" He said. You blinked in confusion and Jackson let out a short laugh. "Well, everyone in the campus know about you." He shrugged.
"Oh." That's all you could say.
Jackson tutted. "I'm a little surprise when they told me you were here... I thought Beomgyu was pulling my leg when he told me you were coming. Guess shit isn't the only thing that comes out of his mouth everytime." He shrugged, sending you a knowing grin. Your eyes flashed at the mention of Beomgyu and your grip on your cup of punch tightened. "Where is he?"
"Come with me." Jackson beckoned. You followed him up the stairs and into the first room. Beomgyu was sitting in there, a vape to his mouth. Your heart skips a beat at how attractive he looks, but your mind was rational. "Choi."
"Oh! You really came, baby boy." Your face heats up again at that petname. "Don't call me that!" You hissed, failing to notice that Jackson had already sneaked out of the room and locked the door behind him. Beomgyu inhaled the vape, his lips curled into a lazy smirk. "Okay okay, relax, L/n. Just hoping to ease the tension."
"What are we betting on?" You observed your surroundings. A black, queen-sized bed set in the middle of the room, a silk canopy hanging over it. A red armchair sat next to the bed, while Beomgyu occupies the other. There was also a large TV mounted on the wall opposite the bed. Beomgyu pointed to the gaming console beneath it.
"Rocket League. Ten games. If you lose, you drink half a bottle of soju." He pointed over to the corner where 10 bottles of soju stood waiting. You raised your chin. "Bets on."
It didn't take long until you two reached the seventh game, where you had already drank 2 bottles and a half of soju. You let out a groan of fustration as Beomgyu's racing car passed the finish line on the screen, and your hand reached for the bottle of soju that you've finished.
"Wait, L/n." Beomgyu stopped you, but you shook his hand off. "I lose, Choi, let me drink." You said stubbornly, putting the mouth of the bottle to your lips. You let the alcohol burn your throat as Beomgyu watched from beside you. "I lost. "
"You did." Beomgyu's voice was strangely quiet. One empty bottle stood beside him. You coughed, putting the bottle down. Your head was spinning slightly as you looked at Beomgyu. "What do you want from me?"
Since when was he this close to you? You vaguely remembered Beomgyu was two pillows away from you, but now he was right beside you. You stared blankly at him as he leaned closer to your face, and you could smell the sweet artificial scent of the vape he used earlier. "What do I want from you... That is a good question..."
Your eyes travelled from him eyes, his nose, and to his plump lips. You licked your own dry ones, your voice small. "Yah, Choi Beomgyu-"
He didn't let you finish. Crashing his lips onto yours, one of Beomgyu's hands went to the back of your head, while the other pulled your waist closer to him. You feel him biting your lower lip, asking for permission. In your fuzzy state of mind, you allowed him to enter, exploring your mouth.
Beomgyu taste like strawberries. He was sweet, his tongue dancing with yours as his other hand slowly went up to grip your chin. You closed your eyes, allowing him to do as he pleased.
When he pulled away, you were panting. Beomgyu straddled you, his pretty face flushed. You lay beneath him, watching his adams apple bobbed nervously. "You..."
"I want you, pretty boy." Beomgyu's fingers trailed down your chest, his eyes darkening as lewd thoughts form in his mind. "I want you, L/n." His hand reached your abdomen, twirling circles through your thin shirt. "I want to make you mine, L/n." Your breath hitched at the possessiveness of his voice. "Will you let me?"
Your head was empty. Even though you dislike Beomgyu, you couldn't deny the fact that you thought he was attractive.
A part of you still like him. A part of you still misses that cheerful boy who played with you in elementary school.
"What if I say no?" You whispered. Something flashed past Beomgyu’s eyes. Was it anger? Or was it sadness? You don't know. His voice was hoarse and throaty as he spoke. "Then I will let you out of this room. Call me petty, M/n, but I will beat you in every single competition or exam you sign up for. I will always be the first place."
Your heart ran wildly at his words. Beomgyu leaned downwards, his lips barely above yours. He grabbed your hand, pressing it to his lips gently. "It's the only way you could notice me, M/n..." He confessed, pressing his lips gently on yours once more.
Your arms moved on their own accord, reaching up to cup his face. Compared to the kiss just now, this one was gentler, softer. When the both of you parted, your answer was barely above a whisper. "Okay."
With your permission, Beomgyu's lips moved down to your neck, biting and suckling the skin on there. His other hand cupped your arousal, gently palming it through your pants. You let out a breathy groan, muttering his name. "Gyu..."
"I haven't heard that name from you in so long..." Beomgyu sighed, pressing light kissing across your skin as he moved down. "I really like the way my name comes out of your mouth, baby boy." He said, the cool tip of his fingers brushing past your nipple. You squeaked in surprise, your arm moving up to cover your face as he rolled the bud in between his fingers. "Ughh...Mhmm..."
"You're cute, prince." Even though you could not see his face, you know that Beomgyu is smiling. He removed your pants swiftly, pressing a kiss on your erection through your underwear. You twitched at his actions, letting out a suppressed sob. "Dont... P-please..."
"I know, prince." He slowly tug the fabric down, revealing your cock. You whimpered as he pressed a kiss on your tip, sticking a little of his tongue to lick at the slit. "Mhmm... You taste good, prince..."
You bit your lip, looking down at Beomgyu. He was kneeling betweem your legs, his hands now holding either of your thighs apart. No, one of them has wrapped around the base of your balls, gently massaging them. You look away in embarrassment, but Beomgyu patted your thigh with his other hand. "Look at me, baby." He said. You removed your arm from your eyes, following his instructions.
Seeing that you followed his instructions, the tips of Beomgyu's lips curled upwards. You watch him sank his head on your cock, and you threw your head back, moaning. "G-gyu, slow d-down!"
Beomgyu wasn't listening. He was sucking and licking on your cock like a lollipop, desperately bobbing his head up and down. With one of his fingers testingly circling your rim, Beomgyu hummed, the vibrations of his throat stimulating your cock.
Tears sprang to your eyes. "Gy-gyu, please! I need... I need t-" You babbled, your other hand gripping the carpet on the floor. Beomgyu removed his mouth from your cock, now jerking you off with his hands. "Go on, prince. Be a good boy and cum for me."
With his encouraging words, you came with a cry. White spurts of cum landed on your stomach, some spilling onto Beomgyu's jeans. Beomgyu crawled over you, pushing your shirt up and lapping on your nipples while you recover. Your fingers find his hair, tugging on them when you feel his teeth grazing your bud. "G-gyu..."
"Hmm?" He answered, looking up at you lazily. You look away from his eyes, biting the insides of your cheek. "If you w-want to... Want to take it to the n-next level..."
Beomgyu stared at you. "You're okay with that?" He asked. You nodded, closing your eyes. "But I've never done that before..."
Without warning, Beomgyu carried you up from under your arms and placed you onto the bed. You yelped in surprise as Beomgyu placed either of his knees on your sides. He took off the sweater he was wearing, throwing it to the floor where your pants and underwear are.
You propped yourself on your elbows, your eyes tracing the outline of his abs. Beomgyu grinned at your reaction. "Like what you see, prince?" He teased, reaching behind you. You hear him opening a drawer as his other hand grabbed your ankle. "Prop yourself with some pillows, prince."
You quickly followed his instructions, grabbing the nearest pillow and putting them below your neck. With a pop, Beomgyu poured lube over his fingers and your rim. You hissed at the coolness, tensing up.
"Now, I want you to choose a word. If you feel any discomfort, say the word and I'll stop immediately." Beomgyu said. You bit your lower lip. "Thursday." You whisper, and Beomgyu nodded in adknowledgment.
"Relax, prince." You feel Beomgyu's finger gently inserting into your hole. You arched your back, gasping as he pushed his finger in, massaging the muscles within. It feels weird, but with his muttered praises, a second finger is quickly added.
"Mhmm...." Your jaw went slack when he hit a particular spot. Noticing this, Beomgyu let out a low chuckle, pressing on the spot again. Your back arched as his other hand wrapped around your cock. "It's here, isn't it, M/n?" He asked, as you babbled incoherent phrases back to him. Stretching you, Beomgyu added a third finger, and you let out a sob as response.
Once he deemed that you were prepped enough for him, Beomgyu removed his own garments. You hear a package opening, knowing that he is putting on a condom. You feel his tip poking around your rim and you whined, turning your face away. Beomgyu leaned down, one of his hand interlocked with your fingers as he pushed in. You moaned in discomfort, but he had a strong hold over your hips. When Beomgyu bottomed out, the both of you let out a moan.
"Tell me w-when you're ready, prince." He kissed your earlobe. You relaxed, giving him the green light as soon as you were ready. He begin to thrust lightly and you moaned in return.
"You feel good, prince? You're so tight and warm.... Squeezing me so tightly... I love you, I love you so much..." Beomgyu's words filled your ears as the pace begin to quicken. His lips had found their way back to your sensitive and hard nipples, suckling on them as he pushed in and out with force. You let out strangled cries of pleasure as a bubble start to form in your stomach. "Gonna... Not gonna las-last..."
"It's okay, I'm close... Together?" He found your lips and kissed you again. With his words, fireworks seem to explode in your eyes as you came. "Gyu..!" You cried. Beomgyu nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, his thrusts becoming sloppy and slower, until he finally stopped and pulled out.
Rolling the condom off him and throwing it into the bin not far away, Beomgyu collasped next to you, spooning you as he pressed his lips to your temple. You laid in his embrace, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
"So..." Your voice was hoarse. "This was what you want from winning the bet?"
"No." Beomgyu replied. He removed a pillow from under your neck and placed it under his own, his voice sleepy.
"You're the one I want from the start."
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IDUBILU ON REPEAT WHILE I WROTE THIS!!!! yeah my first x male reader smut. sorry if it isn't the best, i'm trying to figure out how to describe those scenes (i've been reading a lot of other fics to try gain some experience but welp) but maybe i'll do better next time?
this was supposed to be joshua or jeonghan or soobin but i came across beomgyu's pics so its him hehe.
i really have a thing for soft vanilla smut BUT of course i wouldn't write that all the time... just let me read more and i'll write better next time (:
if i see any minors liking or reblogging this post I WILL BLOCK YOU. A friendly warning.
And also, happy early DK and Vernon Day, Happy belated Taehyun Day... And I finally got this out of my drafts yay~
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➳ pernament taglist: @wonwooz1 @kwanienies @yeodeulz @enhacracy @leyittara @lonewolfjinji @sousydive @joshuahongnumbers
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goatisbetheres · 6 months
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Lots of big things happened Wednesday in the Pittsburgh Penguins’ 7-0 romp over the New York Islanders. There were records and milestones, especially for core players Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin. But not Sidney Crosby.
Amazingly, Crosby had no points in the game. But don’t think he felt anything but thrilled, especially for his longtime teammates. The relationship between Crosby, Malkin and Letang is as strong as ever.
“I don’t know. It feels like it did before Christmas,” Crosby cracked Thursday after practice at the UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex.
Yeah, they can joke like that. The three are in their mid-30s and in their 18th season together, a North American sports record for a trio of teammates with the same team. They passed the New York Yankees’ Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera, who spent 17 consecutive seasons together.
There have been times when it looked as if the Penguins’ three core players might be broken up, but Letang and Malkin re-signed after the 2021-22 season. Crosby has this and one more season left on his contract.
“It feels like it’s pretty good after this long,” Crosby said of the relationship among the three. “If it can get stronger, great, but I feel like it’s been pretty good. We’ve spent a lot of time together over the years, been through a lot, and it’s pretty strong at this point for what we’ve gone though.”
They have won three Stanley Cups together — the highs — and have had first-round playoff flameouts and, last season, a seat outside the playoffs – the lows. They have been there for each other during injury and medical challenges. They have been there for each other for major individual accomplishments.
All three got misty the night the Penguins held a pregame ceremony for Crosby’s 1,000th game.
Wednesday, Letang became the first defenseman in NHL history to record five assists in one period and tied a record for defensemen with six assists overall. Malkin scored twice to pass his childhood idol, Sergei Fedorov, for second place all-time in the league among Russian-born players with 484 goals.
Crosby was happy simply to be a part of the game and witness those things.
“It’s just cool,” he said of Letang’s record. “Whether you’ve played with someone for a long time or just to witness that … There’s a lot of years that have gone into the NHL, over 100. For that never to have been done and be part of that is cool.”
And on Malkin: “He probably doesn’t get the credit that he deserves for what he’s done over his career. Just to be able to be in that company now, and to pass Fedorov, someone he idolized growing up and we all loved watching, but especially being a Russian-born player … He’s a competitive guy. He’s shown that year after year. Happy to see him move up the list.”
Valtteri Puustinen also scored his first NHL goal Thursday. Crosby has always had a soft spot for those moments among his many teammates over the years. Plus Malkin and Letang’s moments that night. Crosby loves those.
“A game like that. A game where (goaltender Tristan Jarry last month) scores. Things like that are pretty cool,” he said.
There are bound to be more moments for Crosby, Malkin and Letang to celebrate together. And moments where they simply share a laugh. All those moments add up.
“We like to keep it pretty light and probably give each other a harder time, and we do more of that than we do compliments,” Crosby said. “That seems to be the way it works out, but obviously we care a lot about each other and like to see each other have success.
“Whether it’s Tanger having a big night like that or Geno moving up the list, you’re always proud to see your teammates accomplish those things like that, and especially guys that you’ve seen do things like that over the years.”
i love my core 🥹
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limpfisted · 8 months
Something I think taken for granted for "good and heroic" characters like wyll is
How hard it is to be a hero in settings like this in gen. especially a solo hero.
And then u look at will especially at 17, especially after just losing half of your vision, and now being obligated to hunt devils for mizora, and not being able to tell people who you are or why you have magical powers
Wylls life has been extremely difficult.
Hes not "some rich boy." In fact, he tells you himself, he never really was. His father became grand Duke when he was 17. His father was a Duke before that, but his father was born to a poor blacksmith father and he was the youngest of six, so he worked his way up the ranks. Even as son of a Duke and grandduke---ulder was champion of the poorer "mythical middle class" lower city. All nobles and patriars are from the upper city. There's no way wyll wasn't looked down on by the upper city and then held to a certain untouchable standard as the flaming fist brat by the lower city/outer city people
And yet even at being some "rich boy" he excelled thru hard work and dedication, making things into a competition if nothing else, in which despite his Father's unsurpance to power, he still had PROOF he was the most charming, after all, he held the record for most sarabandes danced in a single evening, much to the exhaustion to the good lords and ladies of the courts.
But even so, with this "cushy life" (where he would get into trouble, mind you! Where his father would encourage him to get into fights, who would train him with a rapier, where he would drink in taverns in the lower city at 14 despite being "a noble rich boy" and hand deliver letters from his father to sharess's caress before he ever knew what went on with the pretty men and handsome ladies behind closed doors.)
Have you ever been camping, like experienced the holy shit, Outside of it all? I dont even like leaving the house without my phone. Wyll, 17, traveled all over the sword coast, with one eye, who knows how many supplies.
While wyll laughs off the trauma of it, losing an eye is a real ass disability that affects your motor skills. It can be difficult to do things like cut food at first, and it can take like 6 months WITH THERAPY for everything to feel "normal" again. Now imagine fending off goblins, and minotaurs, with no therapy, no physical therapy, no doctor. Having to navigate the cold of winter, cursed lands, mountains, all by yourself.
Having to learn to use you sword again, this time without your father. Remembering him every time you pick it up. Remembering the way he looked at you every time you face down a "devil." Spitting the words he would later say to you at them. They stink of avernus, they have brought ruin
Wyll dedicated his life to laboring for the people of the Sword Coast. It's not easy. He makes it look fun, because he's so proud of himself and happy to be helping people
But its actually hard and lonely. And it doesn't come easy, even to Wyll, I think. He had to train himself, it probably took him a long time to figure out what he was doing
I dont think wyll is really as inexperienced and naive as people think. Hes been to avernus, he's fought dragons and minotaurs. He's seen terrible things, he's STOPPED terrible things, and he's going to continue doing so, and choosing to do so, with the full knowledge of what that decision means, and the hard work and sacrifice it requires.
he's fully aware of who he is and what he's capable of, and he's extremely brave and strong and competent
Its good to be good for the sake of being good! And wyll does believe in fairy tales. But his dedication to the blade doesn't come because he's misinformed. Is he as experienced and powerful as he thinks he is? No, he's 24 LOL. But he's still done a lot! Has YOUR muse hunted devils thru avernus? Has ur muse even BEEN to avernus?
Wyll ravengard genuinely is improvising half the time---but more important than simply "being" good and wanting to do good----Wyll has the experience, practice and competence in serving a community to actually BETTER and protect communities.
In fandom spaces we often talk about how certain characters are "just so good" but we like. We forget about the effort it takes to actually commit to acts of doing good, the practice and perservance it takes to competently serve the community.
You can give the people the shirt off ur back but u run out of shirts eventually. Wyll has made himself an important resource on the Sword Coast for its safety. And I think we take that for granted bc its a genre staple, but like. He worked really hard. He dedicated himself to this.
He sold his soul, and he kept living and doing good anyway
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poisonlove · 5 months
Finally | Jenna Ortega
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Prompt: Uno Night
pairing: Jenna Ortega x reader
Author: I know, is short
My eyes meticulously observe the surrounding environment, the atmosphere becoming tense with each passing second.
We were at Hunter's trailer, enjoying a pleasant evening until things took a serious turn: playing Uno. Georgie proposed a brilliant idea, each of us would stake $50, and the winner would take it all. The excitement was palpable until Hunter started dealing the cards.
In the first round, Emma was the first to be eliminated, expressing her disappointment as she angrily left the table with the lost $50. In the next turn, Joy, Naomi, and later, a turmoil caused by Georgie accusing Jenna of cheating. Finally, Hunter was the last to leave the competition.
Only Jenna and I remained.
The brunette stared at me intently, her brown eyes brimming with challenge and excitement. A small smile played on her lips, her tongue licking the lower lip as a sign of concentration.
Change direction
Jenna throws the card on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The tension rises, and with a lump in my throat, I watch expectantly for the brunette's next move. My eyes see her hand delicately picking the penultimate card, her fingers long and tapered, utterly perfect.
Blue 7
I see the card she drops and shift my gaze to Jenna, the brunette looking at me amused.
By now, I was accustomed to Jenna's gaze: no shame, no concern if she embarrassed you. Jenna looked at me as if she could understand my feelings and thoughts with a glance, even deciphering the cards I held.
"Damn," Georgie mutters, watching the game intently, his knee nervously moving up and down. "Uno," Jenna says, smiling widely, the dimple on her face deepening.
My eyes soften seeing the joy in Jenna's state: a broad smile, bright and hopeful eyes. I had been in love with Jenna for a while now, enjoying seeing her happy, laughing, looking at me amused. During these weeks of shooting for the second season of "Wednesday," we spent a lot of time together off set: drinking, dancing, or watching movies in my trailer after a stressful day.
My eyes look at the plate full of money: $400. I bite my lower lip nervously. I divert my attention from the money, looking at Jenna, who was watching me, waiting for my move, with Georgie nervously by my side. The girls were chatting on the sofas, immediately forgetting their defeat. Hunter watched the game with crossed arms.
I look at Jenna again, who was looking at me with a small smile on her lips.
Despite my strong feelings for Jenna, I was also very competitive, and the prize was truly tempting. Sorry, Jen. With eyes brimming with mischief, I play my ace in the hole: +4. Jenna opens her mouth in surprise and looks at me in shock, Georgie smiling at my move.
"Uno," I say, knowing perfectly well that Jenna couldn't respond to my move as she was picking up the four cards from the deck. Nonchalantly, I play my last card on the table. I won. I WON. I smile widely and stand up from the table, Georgie happy for my brilliant play. "You're great," Hunter says, smiling widely, giving me a high five.
Jenna huffs and sighs loudly through her nostrils due to the bad defeat.
"Is that mine?" I take the money and put it in the back pocket of my pants. "Did y/n win?" Emma asks with curiosity from the couch, looking at me with a smile. "Yes," Jenna interjects, frustrated. "Another match?" Hunter claps his hands and smiles excitedly, Georgie nodding quickly.
"I have to go, guys," the brunette murmurs tiredly, a strange tone in her voice. Jenna gets up from the chair and puts on her jacket, her eyes giving me a quick glance before looking away and smiling at the others. "Tomorrow morning, I have to record," she apologizes quickly before walking towards the exit. "Alright… see you tomorrow then," Hunter says as he picks up the cards, shuffling them. "I'm going too," I mumble quickly, following the brunette.
I wasn't sure if Jenna was angry with me for the defeat; I knew she was extremely competitive. Jenna Ortega was known to be a determined, elegant, professional, and serious person for her work, but many didn't know that behind her mask of a cold and solitary girl was a child who pouted and grumbled about entirely trivial things, like tonight.
"Jen," I say quickly, catching my breath from the sudden run.
Darkness surrounds us, and a beautiful starry sky highlights the full moon. Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow, the jacket around her body to shield herself from the cold. The faint light from the moon accentuates her eyes that glitter in a spectacular way. "Hey," Jenna genuinely smiles as soon as she sees me.
"You're not mad, are you?" I ask quickly with concern. I walk more and stop in front of the brunette. "I lost $50," she starts, raising an eyebrow, biting her lip nervously, "but it offends me that you think I could be angry about this," she concludes, looking at me through her long lashes.
"Oh," I open my mouth in surprise, blushing violently for my stupid thought. "I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll make it up with coffee," I say, laughing embarrassedly, and Jenna analyzes me with her gaze, her lower lip trapped between her teeth.
You can't understand the longing I'm feeling right now to kiss her.
"Alright…" she says timidly, releasing her lower lip, smiling, "but to make up, you'll have to do more," she sings with a playful tone, and I smile at her gesture, getting lost staring at her magnificence. Jenna continues to stare at me, her eyes shining in an incredible way.
"So… goodnight," I say with embarrassment, hands in the pockets of my hoodie trying to warm myself, clearing my throat. "Goodnight," Jenna smiles sincerely and walks down the road towards her trailer.
Jenna stops in her tracks, turning around. I look with confusion as she retraces her steps, hesitantly approaching me. "You worried about me… it was kind of nice," she says, smiling shyly, her sweet eyes fixed on me. The brunette leans timidly towards my face, placing her lips against my cheek.
My heart races wildly against my ribcage, and all I could think was that I ardently wished for Jenna to kiss me on the lips.
"You're really into Jenna," Georgie says, chuckling softly, looking at me with mischief.
"Shut up," I retort with flushed cheeks, my eyes scanning the set for the petite brunette. I release a sigh of relief. I had two coffee cups in my hands, one for me and the other for Jenna. At 7 in the morning, I had read Jenna's message that she was already on set and that we would see each other later. Now it's nine, and I heard from Emma that Jenna's morning recordings were over.
"When will you tell her?" Georgie asks, lowering his voice, his smile fading from his face. "Soon," I say, smiling widely, knowing perfectly well that I'm telling a lie. "Are you sure?" Georgie looks at me with concern, searching for the answer in my eyes. "Yes…?" I reply, questioning? I'm not entirely sure.
"If you don't try, you'll never know the answer… at worst, you aim for other girls," he says with enthusiasm, his eyes trying to make me smile at his statement.
"I know," I say weakly, silently thanking my friend.
My eyes unconsciously turn to the right, immediately finding Jenna. The brunette was wearing her Wednesday costume, her attention on the producer who was telling her how to improve some scenes.
Jenna was simply perfect, even in Wednesday's clothes. Her braids and seriousness made my heart beat faster.
I walk towards her, and Jenna, smiling at the producer, sees him quickly moving away. The brunette shifts her gaze to the approaching steps and smiles as soon as she sees me. I give a small smile and notice her tiredness in her eyes.
"Hi," Jenna smiles widely, her gaze landing on the cups I held between my hands. "For me?" The question sounds surprised and sweet at the same time, her eyes sparkling playfully. Jenna chews her lower lip, looking at me tenderly. "Yes," I smile shyly, offering the cup to Jenna.
The brunette takes the cup, our fingers brushing. An electric shock runs through my body, and I think Jenna felt it too, as she looked at my hand. "Thanks," Jenna smiles with her lips against the cup, taking a sip. She closes her eyes for the pleasant warmth.
Georgie's words echo in my mind, and nervousness runs through my body. I knew I was risking our friendship… but the worst thing she could say is no, right? Forget it all, we laugh it off, and we continue as friends. "Jen, I…" I start, unsure. Jenna looks at me through her long lashes, her eyes staring intensely. I swallow saliva and try to find courage. "Do you… want to…" I stammer, a lump in my throat.
Jenna continues to stare at me.
"See you tonight? Maybe… for dinner?" I ask with curiosity, fear flowing through my veins. I release a sigh of relief, feeling like I had lifted a weight off my chest. Jenna looks at me carefully. The brunette remains silent, her fingers gripping the cup, her eyes looking at me thoughtfully.
"A date?" She says with curiosity, her eyes analyzing my reaction. I blush and look at Jenna with embarrassment. "Yes? If you're uncomfortable, it's okay just as friends," I confess quickly, scared. Jenna smiles widely and looks at me with bright eyes, almost relieved.
"You took your time," she says, winking at me, and I look at her with confusion. "What?" I say spontaneously, and Jenna rolls her eyes at my comment. "I've literally been flirting with you for weeks," she says smiling, amused by her comment.
"Oh…" I affirm with embarrassment, feeling stupid.
"Okay, at 8 at your place?" Jenna taps her fingers on the cup and looks at me with excitement, hope in her eyes. I nod with confusion, and Jenna smiles pleased. She takes a sip of her coffee and places it on a table near the set.
The brunette approaches and looks at me smiling, her eyes bright and sweet. My heart beats quickly against my ribcage, and I watch as Jenna gets closer to me, her hands grabbing mine tightly, almost as if she's afraid I'll run away. I swallow saliva, our noses brushing, breaths mingling. Jenna gently presses her lips against mine, pressing for a passionate kiss.
I reciprocate enthusiastically.
Jenna releases our fingers and grabs my neck, her fingertips holding the grip to get closer to me. I sigh during the kiss and place my hands on her hips, more as a support since I was afraid of fainting in front of everyone. Everyone. We're literally kissing in front of the whole cast, regardless of comments or curious looks.
Jenna separates our lips with a loud smack.
"So, tonight?" She says, smiling widely, lips swollen from the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed, the wig now a bit disheveled from the intensity of the kiss.
"Yes…" I say breathlessly, smiling widely.
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midnightshade · 10 months
GojoHime: Evidence and Discussion
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Jujutsu Kaisen isn't a romance series. It's a horror action series that focuses more on platonic bonds and camaraderie between its characters. That being said, just as any shounen series, it has its fair share of ships, each with its own assortment of crumbs and small details.
GojoHime is a particularly interesting ship to look at. Being a massive fan of it myself,  it's fun to pick through the evidence that supports it. I'd like to share the evidence that I and many other GojoHime fans have found. I'll be starting with the smaller, weaker evidence first and working my way up to the strongest evidence.
Before I start in earnest, I want to clarify that this isn't made to attack any other ship. People can ship whatever they want, and no ship in the series is canon (aside from exceptions like Hakari and Kirara). I like GojoHime so I want to talk about it. That's really it.
With that out of the way, let's begin.
First, let's start with the evidence outside of the manga itself. This one isn't very compelling, but it is cute. In Japan, there is a chip brand called Bakauke. Bakauke has two mascots known as Borin and Barin, who are girlfriend and boyfriend. When Bakauke collabed with Jujutsu Kaisen, Utahime and Gojo were chosen to represent the Borin and Barin respectively, thus being depicted as girlfriend and boyfriend.
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Moving on to evidence found within the actual manga, we see that on the splash page for Gojo and Utahime, the print behind them depicts arrows known as a Yagasuri pattern. In Japan, this is a symbol often used for weddings. It's meant for good luck because "a shot arrow does not return," and therefore, a married woman does not (or should not) return to her parents.
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We also see depictions of them under an umbrella often used at weddings. Sharing an umbrella is also a common romantic trope in Japan.
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Other smaller evidence exists in the form of their phone call. This consists a beeper code, where the number of their call spells out "I like you" in code, and another interesting detail is that Satoru calls Utahime from his recent contacts, implying that he calls her often.
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Gojo and Utahime were made to be opposites. Aside from the obvious "opposites attract" trope, it creates a compelling visual story between them. Man and woman, strong and weak, modern and traditional, blue and red. Satoru hates alcohol and loves sweets while Utahime loves alcohol but hates sweets.
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Gege said Gojo only puts down his Technique with people he trusts, which we see him do with Utahime. He trusts her enough to have to actively put his Technique back in place after she throws a teacup at him.
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Moving on to some of the strongest and most convincing evidence, we have Waka Inoue, Utahime's very own technique, and Gege's past works.
Gojo had a picture of Waka Inoue as his background as a teenager. He clearly finds her attractive, as is common, considering she's a popular model, but the reason why this is important is that Inoue shares a lot of similarities with Utahime.
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Both women have noticeable bangs, they're the same height (166cm), and they share a love for alcohol, karaoke, and sports, specifically baseball. Waka is described once as a "competitive crybaby who hates to lose," and as we see in the Anime, Gojo has a way of firing Utahime up and she is also prone to being a bit of a scaredy-cat and a crybaby. We also see her more competitive side come out during the baseball tournament between Kyoto and Tokyo.
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Moving on to Utahime's Cursed Technique, as some Japanese fans have pointed out, Utahime's Soro Soro Kinku (Solo Forbidden Area) is based on a real love song about forbidden love with lyrics about a masked lover. The records from the singer, Akina Nakamori, are called Utahime records, and the singer even does Gojo's unlimited void hand sign during her live performances of her song, "Fin."
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The most compelling bit of evidence for me is Gege's past works. Two of his three one-shot manga have characters who are very similar to Gojo and Utahime. The male protagonist is usually cocky and teases the female protagonist, while the female protagonist gets annoyed at his antics but is otherwise down to earth and kind.
In Nikai Bongai Barabarujura, the protagonist, Noroma, reminds me of teen Gojo in appearance and behavior. He is "the strongest" who teases Nodoka, the female protagonist, for being weak but has an obvious respect for her drive and inner strength.
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In Kamishiro Sosa, we have a similar set-up as before. The male protagonist, Ganji, is very energetic and careless with the female protagonist, Rekko's, feelings, and is seen to have a very similar type of banter as Gojo and Utahime have.
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Gege clearly likes that type of pairing, which isn't surprising given the bickering couple and rivals to lovers is a popular trope in romance. It's not unusual for Mangaka to reuse old ideas, and that seems to be what happened with Gojo and Utahime. Even their appearances share similarities.
As you can see, GojoHime has a lot of thought put into it, and it's very interesting to see the little details Gege has put into their dynamic. There's definitely a reason why so many adore this pairing, and I'm glad Gege has paid attention to that.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
pairing : poly ateez x f!reader
genre : smut + headcannons + idol au
warnings : unprotected sex + dom/sub dynamics + mxm + i put warnings before each member so you can skip them if you want because there’s a lot going on with each member
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warnings : semi-public sex + mentions of safe word + praise kink + filming and photographing
studio sex.
he's fucked all of you at least once in his studio
loves holding you close as he fucks you
loves watching how your face contorts into pleasure
you love when he praises you to no end
can't take degradation from him, he once tried to degrade you and you cried before using your safe word
that was first time you have ever used your safe word and hongjoong felt his whole world shatter
treats you so gentle, sometimes a little too gentle for your liking
sometimes you just want him to take his frustrations out on you and most of the time he'll willingly comply
loves taking pictures of you
has a polaroid camera he uses just to take pictures of you during sex
has definitely made sex songs to fuck you too
and also recorded your moans to use in songs that only the nine of you will ever hear
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warnings : sending nudes + humiliation kink + spit kink + oral (f receiving) + mxm
you are constantly teasing him and being an absolute menace
you love sending pictures and videos to him in order to tease him
he WILL humiliate you in front of the others if you push him to far
he once made you sit naked on your knees in the living room for hours while him and the others fucked your mouth
pretty sure you both have some kind of spit kink
he likes spitting in your mouth but you LOVE when he does it
seonghwa gives the best aftercare, will baby you as he cleans you up
will give you aftercare even if he wasn't your partner, if you ask him to take care of you he will
loves kissing
also loves when you're vocal as fuck and tells him how good he's making you feel
has used you in order to tempt hongjoong home once
sent videos the leader of him playing with your pussy and you begging him to come home
it worked
loves fucking hongjoong while he eats you out
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warnings : size kink + strength kink + overstimulation + edging + squirting
a lot more dominant than what people would expect
has a type of power over everyone
you would rather go to hongjoong's room than face a punishment from yunho
size kink!!
he has a strength kink and really likes showing off how strong he is to everyone
please do not make him jealous, you WILL regret it
you once made him jealous while at a music show, and once you got home he edged you for hours
then finally overstimulated you for hours
you learned that day that yunho’s horny and jealous levels are almost the same
the two of you like going at it rough most of the time, but yunho has a sixth sense and can tell when you just need to be loved rather than fucked
“shh don’t say anything pretty, i’ll take care of you tonight”
really likes tag teaming you with seonghwa
has a competition with seonghwa to see who can get you to squirt the most
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warnings : pussy-whipped yeosang + face-sitting + somno + public sex + thigh riding
poor guy is pussy WHIPPED
loves playing with your pussy
please sit on his face, he will beg if he needs to
somno - you both love waking each other up this way
has definitely fucked you at "the show" in either an empty dressing room or the bathroom
totally didn't drag you off after witnessing one too many idols flirting with you
very vanilla between you too but neither of you mind
the two of you often end up laughing/giggling with one another
you have spiced it up here and there especially with funky positions
you kind of have a thing for his biceps and him manhandling you whatever position he wants
you love riding his thigh especially when he flexes it
it makes him feel prideful when he can get you off with just his thigh
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warnings : body worship + edging + mutual masturbation + cum play + creampies + filming on a cam site + mentions of role playing and sex toys
san loves to body worship
whether it's you or wooyoung or even yunho, he loves to let his partner know how beautiful he thinks they are
kisses all over from your face to your ankles
he can either be slow and sensual or an absolute menace
he once edged you for two hours straight for no reason
like… he loves jacking off over top of you while you touch yourself
watching you struggle to pleasure yourself because he does way better
teasing you “awe baby what’s wrong, can you not satisfy yourself like i can” AND HE WOULD SAY IT WITH A POUT TOO
likes cumming all over your body just as much as he likes kissing all over you body
creampies are a thing, loves shoving his cum back into you after watching it slowly leak out
you, him, and wooyoung secretly started a cam account
a lot of roleplaying and toys used
your most popular video is titled “BEST FRIEND AND GF F**K WHILE BF SLEEPS NEXT TO THEM”
loves tag teaming you with wooyoung or yeosang or even both
the four of you just have such good dynamics that each time is different from the previous one
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warnings : lazy sex + pillow princess + cockwarming + voyeurism + pegging + lingerie and cosplaying
loves lazy sex
mingi is a real pillow princess when he wants to be
loves cockwarming and falling asleep or while watching a movie
sorry mingi is a boobs man, he loves your boobs and has some oral fixation with them
he also really likes watching you and yunho
something about watching his two best friends have sex just turns him on
please fuck him with a strap-on
he really enjoys it especially when yunho is there to control your thrust telling you when to speed up, down, or even stop
really likes when you dress up for him
whether it’s lingerie or some sexy cosplay, he doesn’t care
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warnings : brat switch wooyoung + lingerie + mentions of strip teases + hate sex
he's both a bratty dom and a bratty sub
just a brat
loves to tease you no matter what
he's really good at telling when you're stressed about life and will always offer to help
depending on how you feel that goes one of two ways
either he has you lay there and he does all the work, he's very passionate in those moments while still managing to tease you a little
or he lays there and lets you use him however you want
both are very enjoyable for him
loves buying you lingerie and having you do fashion shows turned strip teases for him
the others were kind of surprised all your lingerie comes from him only because they wouldn’t expect him to be into that
when you guys argue or get upset at each other, it always ends with hate sex
just you two fighting over dominance and getting your anger out
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warnings : strength kink + manhandling + marking + muscle kink (?) + double v penetration
strength kink
you really love it when he manhandles you into any position he wants
but he will also let you do the same with him
he doesn't want to admit it but he really likes it when you control him and tell him what to do
a lot more experimental than people think and is willing to try something if you or the others are
loves when you mark him
especially when you run your nails down his back or litter his skin with hickeys
will take videos of him working out and send them to you because he KNOWS how turned on you get when any of them workout
loves taking you with yeosang
like double v penetration, you three spent what felt like months preparing you for both their cocks
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spadesolace · 5 months
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the good and the bad: hwang yeji x aespa! reader
as the leader of itzy, sometimes you see how mentally exhausting it is for yeji to handle the responsibilities alone. all you could do is let her cope, not forcing her into telling you anything, isn’t that what makes a relationship healthy?
being idols within a competitive industry is already a challenge, with the additional responsibility as a leader - yeji was on the verge of breaking down within closed doors. you understand the struggles of being an idol, the cameras on you 24/7, little to no privacy, and having to maintain an image for everyone to love and criticise.
 it had been quite late when you received the call, hoping it was your girlfriend who had promised you ahead of time that you’ll keep her company virtually as you write the lyrics for your own comeback. lia had contacted you ahead of time about how yeji was crying after recording for their comeback. that’s where you stand right now, in front of the itzy dormitories while waiting for someone to open the door for you. a part of you was prepared for this type of scenario, especially with your own members who had mental breakdowns due to the company’s unrealistic demands.
as the door opens, you’re greeted by ryujin with her hair tied and a face mask placed perfectly as she smiles at you. noticing the plastic bags that you’re carrying, a very familiar snack visible - yeji’s favorite.
“she’s in her room.” you follow ryujin as you both walk inside their dorm; chaeryeong and yuna on the couch talking amongst themselves but waving at you as you enter the area, while lia is standing in front of yeji’s room.
“lover girl to the rescue.” despite the situation, lia still managed to joke around with you. she’s your best friend and the one that introduced you to yeji. “yeji, you have a visitor.”
you couldn’t hear much from the other side of the door, aside from the faint sniffles and heavy breathing - yeji still didn’t budge. until you knocked on her door.
“yeddeong, could you open the door for me?”
the faint “y/n?” was the first thing you heard clearly, her voice a bit raspy followed by fast footsteps and the door being opened harshly by her. she moved fast as she hugged you tightly and cried harder than you had expected when lia called you.
it had been 30 minutes since yeji pulled you into her room and shut everyone out. she had been cuddling you and had not said a word regarding what had happened during the recording for their comeback – you learned not to rush her when it comes to these things. so, you laid there in silence, hearing yeji’s faint sobs as you caressed her back and held her tight.
yeji has different ways of coping. one is going out and driving to a park where she could walk around and enjoy the scenery, then there’s one that involves you. comfortability is the first thing yeji looks for in her partner and right away you give her comfort and the feeling of safety – her rock when times are tough. she isn’t one to speak about her feelings right away, more on letting her rationality take charge, which makes her a great leader and a great idol. that’s why you fell for her as well. she has such a charm that could make anyone fall for her. with every good thing that has happened between you two, there’s always the bad side of things.
she’s not one to let her emotions get the best of her, bottling those feelings up until she feels erupting like a volcano. for someone who is mentally strong, comes the emotional side of things that she refuses to let anyone see. despite from the start of your relationship where yeji pushed you away when she goes into hermit mode and avoiding any sort of contact for days until she feels better, you stayed. even if you push her away when you fall into those toxic mechanisms that you’d developed as a trainee, yeji was there for you.
the least you could do is stay and wait for her to open up. whether her rants are about being a leader or how their company is overworking them to the brink of exhaustion. in the comforts of her bed where yeji lays her head on top of your chest listening to your steady heartbeat as her mind is racing, in need of someone to keep her grounded.
“sleep for now, i’ll still be here when you wake up.”
yeji knew she could trust you as she let her walls down and sleep for the night, knowing that you’ll be in her arms when she wakes up.
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sammyche · 10 days
there is SO much to say about marc’s dealing with things not stacking in his favour at the moment like
1. marc (3rd, 146pts) is the only non gp24 in the top 4 of the standings right now (pedro is 5th, 101pts and mav is 6th, 100pts) the next closest gp23 to marc is diggia (9th, 74pts) followed by alex (10th, 51pts) and bezz (11th, 45pts). on the same bike, marc has more points at the moment than the VR46 team put together. and we’re starting to see (without data and just to the eye) examples of where the gp24 has significant improvements (eg. the difference ground effect made at mugello today), there will be even more changes that won’t even be visible to the eye
2. marc has rode (ridden?) honda only for YEARS (he rode suter in moto2, in 2012, 12 years ago). he’s like 3/4 months into riding a ducati and hasn’t even finished adapting to it yet. dovi’s comments from yesterday honestly sum up how hard that is, and how impressive the change is, because he’s already surpassed his total points for the 2023 and 2022 seasons (and is only 8 points away from his total in 2021, although that season obviously didn’t have sprints)
like he is so obviously holding his own in difficult situation, and judging by his comments, is already starting to pick up on differences between the ducatis to be able to work out how he needs to fight, so if thats possible it will come with time.
im just happy he seems happy/relaxed with his progress every gp, i feel like hes such a different person since the nightmare last year, he’s consistently competitive for podiums already even though he didn’t seem to think that was possible right away at the beginning.
idk it makes me feel very mushy about it 🥹😭
yes omg all of that.
everyone is so quick to brush off marc's achievement this year because he is an alien. he's always been extraordinary. as records on records on records.
what he's doing on that bike is just insane. especially since the concept of the honda that he was so used to and the ducati is so different. he had to change his entire riding style. and still he made that ducati is own in a way. he kept his strong points.
dovi said it so well how what marc is doing is not normal. he's literally schooling guys who have been on ducati for years and who made their debut on ducati.
also we have to take into consideration his multiple injuries, and his age. he's not that young anymore so to be able to adapt at his age that fast is crazy.
i'm so happy to see him smile again. he knows he still got it and it's so exciting to see. i'm glad he banished the doubts about if he could still be competitive or not. my boy is hungry now.
i just love hearing other people talk about how good he is. just music to my ears.
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Les Mis socials - official 2023 ranking
Here they are - The results of the "Worst post of 2023" competition and overall an archive for the worst posts the Les Mis social media teams have cursed us with this year.
1- "Who should Marius choose ?" - January 29
That one can be crowned "Worst post of the year" by far - The musical seems to once again have misunderstood three of its most important characters, reducing them to being mere love interests and defining Eponine and Cosette's relationship by a rivalry over Marius.
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2 - Cosette at Thanksgiving - November 23
The US competitor also took a very strong stand here - not only because it shows a deep misunderstanding of what the character of Cosette fundamentaly stands for, but also because it can be seen as offensive by many. Putting an abused and starved french child in front of a Thanksgiving meal, really ?
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3 - Mother's day - March 19
A picture of Madame Thénardier ? For Mother's day instead of Fantine ? It's more likely than you think. Although on this one the team gets extra credit for acknowledging that Madame Thénardier is not a good mother, which shows an unusual level of understanding when it comes to their own musical.
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4 - The Wimbledon post - July 15
Also known as That One Post Where Everything Is Wrong - and for sure not their best use of this promotional picture. From the tennis racket to the editing of Cosette's arms to make her look muscular, it is the proof we never needed that there should not, in fact, be a Cosette for every occasion.Not to mention they somehow messed up the colors of the French flag... not a good look for them.
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5 - Christmas Eve - December 24
Just a very disappointing post all around as an adequate way to wrap up this year. On the 200th anniversary of Valjean meeting Cosette in the woods, we got a quality pun and an edited picture that we could, at the very best, consider as inappropriate - would it only be because they added snowflakes to a barricade that was build in June.
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Honorable mentions for this year go to :
The Fourth of July post - that surprisingly did not make it in top 5. The US team might win the battle for "Most incorrect use of this Cosette picture" with this one - and it is made even worse by the fact they did not post anything for July 14, the national french holiday.
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The World cup one - similar to the Wimbledon post in that it just gets everything wrong overall, from the awful pun to putting Cosette in front of an english flag.
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Easter Cosette - not surprising, but still extremely disappointing.
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Christmas Cosette - in the same way, it is the exact same post as last year and never fails to disappoint.
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Any time they felt the need to put sunglasses on Cosette - which, honestly, was a lot.
A very uncanny use of emojis in every single post, that never gets less disturbing.
Overall a very good year to archive their fuck ups - but they still did not manage to beat the record set last year by the Queen's Jubilee post ! Maybe they will do even better in 2024 ?
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youandtom2 · 1 year
Request if you want it: Tom is playing at a golf event and reader is a journalist there. She absolutely can't stand him, because she finds out he is quite arrogant and full of himself. They go after each other throughout the whole day with sarcastic remarks. But somehow (you can fill in the details) Tom seduces her by the end and he gets her on her knees and he totally dominates her, making her choke and gag. And he embarrasses her by making her feel his muscles and beg to suck him off and he boasts about how easily he got her in the palm of his hand. :P
(14/07/22) brain go brrrrrrrrrrr THIS REQUEST!!!!
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a/n (28/06/23): This was a request that was sent in and one that I had started last year that I really wanted to finish. Apologies to the anon who sent this in and waited for it whoops. This was supposed to be short but I clearly don't fucking know what short means so here's like 7k or something???
Anyway here's 'A Word for the Youth Diary?' Shitty title I know but I literally can't think of anything else.
"The weather is absolutely gorgeous here at St. Andrews' Castle Course, celebrating the first 'Pro Amateur' charity competition where a host of celebrities, socialites or anyone with a keen passion for golf can compete. A number of spectators have gathered around the course, eager to soak up the buzzing atmosphere, the scenic landscape and the presence of Hollywood stars, all in the views of the warm Scottish sun. Now that's something I never expected to say!"
The red light of your recorder dims as you press pause on your commentary. You made the switch to recorder a few years back when journalism became too close to drowning in a number of scribbled, illegible notes written far too quickly. Now it is a simple case of pressing record and pressing pause.
Of course, wherever there is a flock of celebrities congregating in the one area for the week, there will always be flock of paparazzi and journalists close by, each with the same agenda. It usually feels like mission impossible to get a word in with a celebrity or document anything of note or interest when there's a wall of other journalists blocking your way, but today those things won't be a problem. Because you’re not going after who may probably be the most coveted celebrity here. Tom Holland.
You don't quite don't know where it stemmed from; your strong dislike towards Tom Holland. In all honesty, your hatred towards him is very self-inflicted, but there's something about his ego that paints him in a very arrogant light. He knows he's hot shit with the press, he knows everyone fancies the man, he knows that his many talents has sky-rocketed him up the societal ladder and onto the throne of the rich and wealthy. What makes him double as frustrating than he is arrogant is that he hasn't done anything wrong. He's Hollywood's golden boy; ever the humble, handsome, kind, charity-giving actor that has claimed the hearts of many across the world. It's what makes your hatred towards him completely unjustified, so while no one shares the same view as you, there is some things you can do to quietly preach your opinions.
"First to arrive at the course is the notable Tom Holland, waving to the crowd with a smile, loving the attention as ever. Although I'm not sure that his mismatching colour-blocking golfing attire will receive the same compliments!"
The smirk on your lips lasts for the majority of the day as you talk incessantly into your recorder. Your goal isn't necessarily to shit on Tom, only when the opportunity presents itself of course, like when he swung the golf club at an awkward angle, sending the ball straight over the forest and into the sand bunker.
"Oooh, what a poor shot from Tom Holland. He'll be disappointed with that one. Perhaps leaning towards the 'amateur' side of the competition in comparison to some other competitors. Tom Holland yet again teaching us a valuable lesson in life; just because you're a pro at one thing doesn't mean you're a pro at everything else."
The crowd politely applauded and off he went with his caddie. While others followed, you choose to stay rooted while you wait for Mark Wahlberg to walk up to the tee. He's who you've been waiting for all afternoon. Getting a word in with him would set you up for the highlight of your career.
"Mark! Over here! Mr. Wahlberg! A word for the Youth Diary? Mr. Wahlberg!"
As it seems, Mark calmly maneuvers way past the wall of journalists, paying them, and you, no mind and strolls over to the starting point. Damn. You have to get a word with him somehow.
"Mark Wahlberg takes a mighty swing and thrashes the golf ball high into the air, and the crowd watches in astonishment as it sails its way over towards the green, a hair's breadth away from perfection as it rolls upon the hill. A round of applause circles around Mark as he proudly walks on with the confidence of a man who's set on winning this competition."
As the hours tick by, you find yourself without any luck. Those first few minutes of the competition were stuck in a loop, constantly experiencing deja vu of having to witness Tom Holland's unlucky shot followed by being ignored by Mark Wahlberg. You haven't had one decent interaction with anyone yet. Things are getting a little desperate.
You even begin to understand why the majority of journalists are following Tom Holland like a lost flock of sheep; he's very chatty. He stops at every turn to give his narration on his own playing, offers a brief insight to the projects he is currently working on, and if he likes you, even spill some of the secrets of his private life. It's a journalist's dream, one that you haven't even had the taste of yet since Mark Wahlberg is as accessible as the vaults of the Bank of England. Anyone with common sense would advise you to follow the crowd and ignore your bias towards him and just interview Tom Holland if it means you have something worth printing.
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. Not a chance. He gets enough attention as it is.
"Mr Wahlberg! A word on your new film? Could you tell us about Uncharted! Mark! Over here!"
Not even a glance is spared your way in yet another attempt to get his attention. From your left, a voice emerges. A fellow reporter sidles himself next to you, away from the crowd that follows Tom Holland. You spot the Sky Sports label wrapped around his microphone.
"He doesn't like to speak much to the press. Thinks that he'll say something and they'll twist his words," he sympathies. It's genuine, obvious that he too has been caught up in the same frustration you've been facing all afternoon. At least he has a little more insight as to why you haven't gotten a word from Mark.
"Yeah, I figured. It wouldn't hurt just to say hello and have a small chat. What could the press twist about that? If anything, I think he's damaging his reputation by not saying anything. It's rude, y'know?"
He nods his head in agreement, but the sigh he blows doesn't seem to match. "You have to let it go though. They're not obliged to tell us anything. This is just a day out for them, they're not getting paid so why should they have to say anything about their work? It's just our luck whether they choose to talk to us."
"Ugh, I guess you're right, but I still need something for my article."
"Sky Sports has had lots from Tom. Why don't you try your luck with him? He seems to be a lot chattier than Mark. I don't know much about film journalism, only sports, so I don't know what it is you're looking for. But if you ask him anything, I'm sure he's willing to provide."
You look to him with contempt in your eyes, your lack of smile instantly shuts down his suggestion.
"I appreciate the suggestion but no. He's too easy. Think of how many journalists are here desperate to get a word in about sports, golf, acting, celebrity personal lives, all that show biz. If everyone shared the one source, audiences wouldn't bother reading them all because they all be the same, boring stuff. Think about it. If you, and 30 other journalists had the chance to interview Ronaldo, you would all take it because after all its Ronaldo. The only downside would be that you would then have 30 articles all saying the same thing and audience getting bored after reading 1. Now think about having the chance to interview Messi. It would be hard but total payout if you got it. Plus, you would stand out from the rest and that's what would gain audiences' attention."
Once again, the reporter sighs. "Look, kid. I've been in this job for 20 years and I've learned that sometimes you just have to cut your losses. If your objective is to get something to write about for your article, then you should do it however and whatever way you can, doesn't matter who the source is. If your objective is to get something from Mark Wahlberg specifically? Then you should scrap the whole article and try again. Something is better than nothing."
"I refuse to take anything from Tom Holland."
"Suit yourself. Good luck. Oh, by the way, I think you're still recording. Wouldn't want you to get your chance with Mark only to realise you have no storage left on your recorder."
You mumble a weak thanks and remember to press the pause button on your recorder. The reporter saunters away back towards the crowd, your only indication of knowing where Tom Holland is. You consider it for a second, but determination drives you away, following Mark to the next hole.
It's all to play for in the final hole with only two possible candidates capable of winning the trophy. Currently sitting in the lead is the elusive, mysterious Mark Wahlberg, strolling casually along to the final hole with his team behind him. Ah, and of course, next in line is Tom Holland soaking up the attention as he strings along behind Mark Wahlberg like an apprentice would their mentor. It's not clear whether the confidence he walks with is a poorly executed imitation of his acting mentor ahead of him, or whether it is a man deluded with besting him. All will be revealed within the hour.
It's well into the evening of the Pro Amateur competition and the luck that reporter wished you earlier has yet to find you. With the final hole well underway, you're starting to think that it never will. So far, you've gotten a few short, curt answers from other celebrities here but nothing near the sustenance your article needs. If only Mark could stop being so stubborn.
"One at a time please guys, one at a time." Tom's smug, arrogant tone of voice emerges from behind you and not too soon after, tens of other voices asking him questions. As he makes his way nearer, so do the swarm of people and in an attempt to get out of the way, you're stampeded by the press. Bumped, shoved and pushed, you struggle to find your balance and fall precariously on your knees with your equipment tumbling from your bag. In all honesty it didn't hurt, but what an inconvenience picking up all your bits and bobs. Ugh it's all his fault.
Before you do anything irrational and say something you shouldn't, you pack up your stuff and walk away.
The competition concludes with a twist that no one was expecting. With a gust of wind getting the better of Mark Wahlberg, it earned him a double bogey and cost him the trophy, annoyingly snatched up by Tom who achieved victory with a birdie. You seethe at the sight of Tom holding up the golden trophy, soaking up the champagne that his teammates spray all over him and hearing the applause from everyone, even you as a slow, lethargic clap rings from your hands. All to just to keep up the pretence of 'liking him' of course. Ugh, why did he have to win?
After a day of being the lone ranger in a journalists mission, you concede to following the crowd into the conference room where many like you await behind a wall of microphones and a valley of cables to hear from today's competitors. And Mark Wahlberg is one of them. This might be your chance to get a question in. Quick! Where's your recorder?
Fuck. It's not in your bag. Where is it? You rummage through your bag again and it's definitely not there. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Where could it be? Did you lose it when you fell over? Has it been stolen? Fuck, you really need that!
You have no other option but to record from your phone and in your quiet, subdued panic, you try your best to catch anything he has to say. The quality isn't great and it's picking up outside noise to the point that articulation has no place on your recording. Sweating at the loss of some expensive equipment and valuable content, your phone drops and the clatter of it paints a mountain on its waveform, rendering the recording useless. Fuck, if you hadn't lost your recorder.
People start to look at you in your fluster and your legs starts bobbing erratically. The attention is too much and it's exactly why you prefer to stay behind the microphone and not in front of it. You have to leave. At the next possible opportunity, you end your recording and begin to make your way through the aisle, apologising profusely to the other journalists who wait for Tom Holland to make an appearance.
You just about make the double doors of the conference room when you hear Tom's voice welcoming the room.
"Before I start, I wanted to check to see if this was anyone's recorder..."
Everything about you stops dead in its tracks; your feet, your heart, your breathing, your entire existence. Nervously, you spin around to spot Tom Holland holding your recorder in his hands, fingers fluttering around its buttons. How the hell did he get his thieving hands on it?!
A pit opens up in your stomach at the dreaded thought of having to announce yourself in front of everyone to claim it. But damn, you really need your recorder back.
Braving the nightmare, your hand raises half-heartedly into the air. "Uh...it's mine. Sorry, I must've dropped it."
Tom's deep brown eyes lock onto yours from the stage and he throws, what you think, a sickly smile before he offers up the most ridiculous idea. "I can set to record if you want. I can sit it riiiiight here." He sits it directly in front of him and sends you a sly wink. It's a spot any journalist would dream of having their microphone; right under their nose on the off-chance that anything muttered under their breaths or whispered discreetly would be picked up. Journalists are a sucker for secrets. Quite frankly, you don't care for his secrets, you don't care for his thoughts on today's events, and you really don't care for what he has to say at all.
But the only reason why you end up saying yes is because you care more about what people would think of you if you gave up an opportunity like that.
"Sure. Thanks."
You proceed to endure 15 minutes of Tom glorifying himself in front of the press. God, it's embarrassing. You could plainly hear the snide tone underneath the guise of 'self-evaluation'. Everyone seems to soak it up like a sponge, praising him for his insightful words and self awareness, writing nothing but positive words about the actor. Whatever. You wish you could drown him out but your paranoia is rooted to your recorder at his table, thinking the worst outcome as his fingers toying with its external case. What if he doesn't know how to work it and accidentally erases all you had from today? One slip up and it's gone. Your eyes constantly flicker from your recorder to him and no matter who he's speaking to or where he's looking, he always manages to catch your gaze.
Already outside your comfort zone, you audibly whimper when you see him lightly tap the little trash button at the end of the recorder, miles away from the stop, pause and play buttons that you would regularly use. You would only ever press that button with intention, it’s pretty to hard to press it accidentally. Even without knowing how to work the recorder, it doesn't take an idiot to know what that means, so watching Tom play with it tells you that he is whole-heartedly toying with you, enjoying the view of you panicking from his throne of sadism.
It's like he can sense your hatred towards him.
"Thank you, thank you! Until next year!" Tom smiles as he walks off stage, your recorder in his clutch. The further he walks away, the faster you bob and weave through the crowd, feeling like you're fighting against the tide as it sweeps you out. Then, just as the room empties you reach the entrance to the backstage area in a relief, only to hit a brick wall that stands in your way between you and your highly coveted recorder.
"No press allowed backstage." A security guard towers over you.
"Tom Holland has my recorder. I'd like to get it back." You have no time for polite small chat, your request grumbling with agitation.
"Still can't allow you back--"
"You can let her through, Jim. It's alright." A young boy’s voice echoes from behind the wall.
The guard hesitantly lets you through, keeping you under his iron gaze while you slip through the narrow space he gives you. You are led out into a hallway with plaques decorating the hall, awards from winners of tournaments the venue has previously hosted, the newest addition being Tom's 'Pro-Amateur' plaque much to your distaste.
The boy you recognise as Tom's caddie leads you down this hallway, he hasn't said so much as a word to you as he confidently walks ahead. Now he's getting his assistant to fetch you? God, the arrogance!
"He's in here."
"Thanks," you quietly mutter. The door closes behind you, locking both you and the actor into the room. When you started the day bright and early this morning, you didn't think this was where you were going to end up. You couldn't have put money on it.
Although, you have to admit: despite putting your heart and soul into avoiding Tom Holland the entire day, this could be an exclusive for your article. Nobody else has had this opportunity, so why not take advantage of it?
Tom smiles as he greets you, carelessly tossing your recorder from hand to hand. You swallow nervously. "You are...?"
You respond with your name, who you report for, and make it abundantly clear that you would like to take back your recorder in one piece.
He approaches with a small, boyish chuckle like you just told a joke. "Sorry, I was just thinking," he casually says, "about how you once said you refuse to take anything from me."
What? Where did he hear...? Fuck. He listened to it. And that entire conversation you had with the Sky Sports reporter...
Your mouth drops. As does the anchor in your stomach.
"What was it you said again...?"
"You listened to it." He ignores you.
"Oh yeah, that my 'mismatching colour-blocking golfing attire wouldn't receive the same compliments'."
"You...listened to it all?" you reiterate once again. Your voice rings with all the inflections of a question, but you already know the answer. Unfortunately.
Tom's brows furrow inward.
"Honestly, I can overlook the fact you insulted my outfit, it doesn't bother me that much." There's a 'but' in his sentence. You're just waiting for it. You inwardly panic, trying to remember what else you said that would warrant that dreaded 'but'. Your shield of writer's anonymity has fallen; it's what protects you if you are to ever post negatively about a celebrity, but now that he knows your name and your face, you're left exposed.
"But..." There it is. And in a disbelief, he bites, "I'm too easy? Really?"
There's two ways you could go about this. Stand your ground and defend yourself, or dig yourself a grave and apologise.
Ha. Yeah right.
"I don't really think it was your place to listen to my recordings."
"Mm-hm. Should've minded your business if you knew what was good for you."
"You--" He cuts himself off and takes a deep breath, almost to contain himself and tries again. "You," he points accusingly, "are very...very lucky that you look as attractive as your voice sounds."
Your cheeks flush angrily. Safe to say, you're not used to anyone calling you attractive let alone Tom Holland, so in your fluster you have no idea how to respond. You don't know how to tame the flutter in your heart nor the fire in your stomach. Instead, you ignore it all and revert back to your original goal.
"Can I have my recorder back? Please?"
"In a minute." He swats his hand away from yours. High above your reach, you stand helpless as you watch his thumb crash land onto the record button, resuming from where it last left off. "I think that what you have about me in your article is a little bit too harsh. Why don't we start putting some positivity back in. I think you have it in you to pay me just one compliment. I did win the competition after all, I think it's deserved."
You laugh hysterically. The nerve of this guy! So conceited. "You don't deserve anything from me."
"C'mon. Just one. It's not that hard. I promise I'll give you your recorder back straight after."
Succumbing to his torment, your eyes roll over his features, his hair, his outfit and his body, trying to identify possible compliments that would meet his demands but yet wouldn't inflate his ego too much. What you don't anticipate is you're spoiled for choice.
Defeated, you sigh. "You...smell nice."
"Aw, c'mon. I said you were attractive and all you could think of was that I smell nice? Try a little harder."
"Hey, you said the deal was that I give you one compliment then I get my recorder back. Cough up, Holland."
A smug grin pulls at his lips. "I'm not satisfied. And I will give it back when I am satisfied."
Given that your hatred towards Tom Holland is now at least justified and not just self-inflicted, it means that it's twice as hard to sacrifice it all and compliment him like he so desperately wants you to, a complete betrayal to your own beliefs. But you NEED your recorder.
"You look strong."
"You clearly work out."
"What in particular?"
"Your arms."
"How can you tell?" He's really pushing the mark, overstepping it by miles with the dirty smirk he has on his face because he knows he is. You audibly grumble at the sight. Losing patience...
"They just looked particularly...muscular when you were swinging the golf club."
"Why don't you give them a feel and you can tell your readers how strong they really are in detail? I know you want to."
Is it bad of you to admit that you do want to feel them? Absolutely. Are you going to announce that to him? Absolutely not.
You don't move for a couple of seconds, your own conscience making so much noise inside your head that you can't make a coherent thought. A spark of adrenaline twitches at your hands, enough to catch Tom's eyes but it's not enough to swing it into force.
Quietly, slowly, he reaches for your hand and envelopes his fingers around yours, manipulating them to wrap around his upper arm. He makes sure to mold your fingerprints into his skin while he tenses, just to feel the sheer density of his muscles. His skin is warm, soft to touch but yet firm to grasp. While you become instantly fascinated, his glistening smile brightens in the corner of your eye. It's so quiet in the room that Tom hears the softest stutter of breaths and he feels like a winner all over again.
"Well?" He nods towards the recorder, its red button flashing. For the readers...
"Definitely..." you clear your throat. Why has your mouth gone dry all of a sudden? You retract your hand. "Definitely toned. Sculpted."
"If that's what you like then I should show you this..."
He takes your hand once again, its warmth holding you captive, and drags it all the way down to his torso. You can't pull your eyes away from how he sensually slips your hand underneath the hem of his shirt and weaves your fingers between the valley of his abs. Your fingertips skate over every sculpted ab of his, feeling the way they almost shiver at your cold touch.
Your fingertips aren't enough. Tom takes a step closer and your whole palm presses against him, almost too intimately for strangers.
Tom's head quirks to the side to get a better view of you. "Thoughts?" he asks, even though he can read them so clearly on your face. You're becoming entranced.
"...Holy shit," you whisper. "Um, yeah. Strong."
"For a woman who had a lot to say about me, you're certainly lost for words now."
As the heat rises and things escalate, neither of you diffuse the tension and the string of long, uninterrupted silence continues. Every minute that passes by is a precarious step over crossing boundaries and breaking every rule you have in your moral bible.
It forces you to suck in a nervous breath and hold it for a few seconds while you deliberate what the end goal is. Of course, it was to leave with your recorder but given your current position and your change of opinions, you're not so sure anymore. To be clear, your change of opinion isn't necessarily about Tom; you still think he's conceited, arrogant and incredibly vain, but it is what you do with that opinion that has changed. Before, you avoided him, stopped yourself becoming another little lost sheep and following him at every opportunity. Now? You're giving him every drop of attention you have to give.
Tom watches you intently while he silently introduces himself to your shyer nature, definitely not the same person that walked in here in a fit of rage and demanding for their recorder. The minute he meets that side of you, he knows exactly what to do next.
He drops his head as he drops his voice into his lower register, your hand feeling all the rumblings from his chest. "Want to be completely speechless?"
Fuck it. Sure you do. "Mm-hm."
"Good girl."
You aren't actually sure what he's planning to do so you look for intention in his eyes, but you see nothing but darkened caverns and devilish features. In fact, it's because you're looking into his eyes that you don't realise that he's grown hard underneath his straight grey trousers. Like before, he guides your hand fluidly underneath the waistband where the button pops out easily, and navigates you under the elastic band where he desperately shapes your fingers around him. He pulses underneath you, shaking with relief that he has you exactly where he wants you.
You dare not pull your eyes away from his, even as they droop in his pleasure. More so now that you admit how seductive they look. You try to mirror that same seduction with a small smile, moving your hand up and down his shaft independently.
Fuck, the more you move your hand, the more you think it's never going to end. Bluntly put, he's huge.
As a journalist, you should be eloquent with your words, careful in your choice of vocabulary, definitive with your metaphors, but all those years of reading and writing falters the second the sheer size of him stuns you. It slightly pains you to be so tasteless but nevertheless, you don't think there's any other way to put it.
So caught up in the heat of it, your common sense finally comes to once again acknowledge your recorder in his hand. You forgot he had been recording this entire conversation...
He brings it closer to his lips, seductively whispering directly into it. "Just like that..." He keeps going. "Doing such a good job - fuck - don't stop."
Encouraged, and progressively feeling turned on, you tighten your hand around his cock and move faster.
"How do I feel, sweetheart?" The microphone tilts towards you. Detail. Although at this point, you don't think it's for your readers as much as it is for you and Tom.
"So big. I almost can't fit my hand around you."
He very nearly buckled. That voice of yours is like a siren to him. Little do you know that when he found your recorder and listened to all of your little angry ramblings about him, it had sparked up a fiery, unavoidable desire inside him. It was hell having to listen to your voice talk shit about him, he just couldn't stand it. He needed to hear you compliment him, worship him, adore him, and he spent every spare minute of his day replaying your recorder, instilling your voice to memory until he could manipulate your words, imagining what they would say about him.
But now that he actually gets to hear you feed into his desire is twice the satisfaction than he initially thought.
As quick as lightning hits, an idea occurs to him and it completely devastates his entire system; if hearing you compliment him turns him on, how would having you beg for him make him feel? The idea becomes such an unstoppable craving he already knows his imagination won't be able to satiate it this time. He needs it for real and right now.
"You wanna taste?"
Doe-like eyes stare up at him - oh, you are so capable of begging him - and your movements come to a halt...all except your thumb sweeping over his tip. You didn't actually think this was going to go any further than a hand job.
"You want me to?"
Oh no, no, no. This isn't about Tom begging. "Because I know you want to. I can see how desperately you want to tell everyone how I allowed you to come backstage, meet me, get on your knees for me, how I allowed you to suck me off and how I allowed you to taste me." His hand slithers up your jawline and brings you close, leaving nothing but a hair's breadth to separate you. As you anticipate the feeling of his lips, you have but his breath fanning over yours and the anxiety bubbling at the pit of your stomach to feed from. "You just need to beg for it, sweetheart."
Beg. It was hard enough to lose one battle and compliment him, but to lose an even bigger one and beg? You would be absolutely humiliated.
Would be meaning if it was under any other circumstance, if you weren't so spellbound and seduced by him. But that simply isn't the case.
Not uttering another word, you slowly drop to your knees keeping Tom with the wicked grin within your sights. The zipper of his trousers comes undone and you pull him free, watching as his cock stands tall and bobs heavily with weight. Instinctively, your tongue rushes to wet your lips.
"Beg." Tom demands again. The recorder soon comes back into your view and your jaw clicks with frustration. He's capturing every single word much to his demented, power-hungry mind.
You chew through your irritation and instead tune into the feeling that's bubbling in and around your stomach, the one that's being powered by him. "Please," you breathe. "Please, Tom, I wanna suck you off so badly, I promise I'll be good."
"And do you promise to never write a bad word about me ever again?"
Oh, this fucker.
"I prom-"
"Say it like you mean it."
How you so wish you could lie through your teeth, but you know for a fact that from now on, any bad word you write about Tom Holland will forever be tied with this day. You'll think twice about writing badly because being on your knees for him will get in the way. You'll struggle to find the words to knock him because the compliments you paid him will stain your lips. You'll hesitate to criticise him because you'll remember how you verbalised about his good looks.
"I promise. Just--just let me taste you." It's sad how desperate you sound. "Please?"
He doesn't respond. There's one last warning to give.
"If you break that promise, I will come for you."
Adrenaline rushes through your veins and your heart pounds. Despite being adamant in your dislike for Tom, you do somehow get the feeling that the threat that rings through his tone is not one to be taken lightly. It buzzes a little too seriously for you to brush over it. So you answer accordingly.
"Okay, I promise."
The threat dissipates and he looks at you approvingly, his empty hand dropping to cup your cheek. You aren't so unaware of the twitch of his cock in your hand. "I just want to make it clear and put on the record that out of the two of us..." Tom angles you closer, "it's you that's the easy one. Too easy. So easy that you're already on your knees and begging me."
How you would slap that grin clean from his face. The scowl on yours warns him of it, but he simply laughs, mocking you.
"C'mon, sweetheart. Admit it." His boyish chuckle continues to ring in the air and its contagious effect pulls at your lips despite trying to hide it. He sees clearly that it pains you to admit it, so as a small motivator, he crouches to your level, his hand still cradling your cheek. In quieter words, though still delivered through a smirk, he murmurs..."Be a good girl for me, yeah?" His lips melting onto yours stops you from getting the chance to reply. The surprise of it fogs up your brain, submitted into a dream-like state as he gently molds his lips onto yours. It's short and leaves you wanting more.
With a flutter of lashes, you nod. "Atta girl."
He stands up taller once again and you take that as your cue to fulfill your promise. Your lips wrap around him and your tongue darts to sweep over his tip. His groans can be heard above you and no doubt heard by the recorder, crescendoing the second your head starts bobbing. Your hand covers what your mouth can't reach, doing as much as you can to make him feel good. It seems to work; his hips begin thrusting. Slowly, at first, to swing into rhythm but the more you swallow him the less control he has of his own movements, and soon, with your hair wrapped tightly around his fist, he's rutting erratically, drinking in the sounds of your moans of pleasure and pain.
"Fuck, you're so good at that."
"Don't stop. Don't fucking stop."
"Taking me so well. Good girl."
"Just like that, shit."
"Look how easy you are, fuck. So willing, aren't you? You wanted a word for your precious Youth Diary? Here it is; you are so easy it's pitiful. Fuck--"
Tom's animalistic nature completely dominates to the point where your tears and gags are silently begging to slow down. Every part of you is screaming out: your throat is bruising, your lips are tearing, your eyes are streaming, your knees are cramping, but holy fuck hearing him talk about you like that fuels the fire inside you.
His thighs twitch underneath your hands and you think he might just cum down your throat. The red-hot grip he has of your roots is your only warning before that happens.
Warmth fills your mouth and you're quick to swallow it down before you choke, like it’s instinct. He holds you hostage with his cock deep in your mouth, using you to string out the orgasm for as long as he can. Minutes later, you open your eyes to see Tom hunching over, still very much catching up to you in regaining his composure. His white fist grips the recorder while the other remains tangled through your locks, keeping you in place to prevent you teasing him any further.
When all seems settled, Tom lifts your chin once more - dabbing off the little drop you seem to have missed - and catches your gaze from behind the tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You already know what he's going to ask of you and when he perches the recorder in front of you, he shoots you a wink.
"Detail." He simply says.
"Hmm, you taste so good, Tom. Best I've ever had. I could taste you all day."
At that moment, something snaps in Tom. The smirk drops and his jaw tenses. It's small, minute changes, but it dramatically changes the atmosphere in the room. You just don't know whether it's for better or for worse.
You find your answer when Tom's muscular arms promptly tuck themselves under your arms with vigour, yanking you up onto your feet. The clatter of your recorder steals your attention as Tom carelessly throws it onto a coffee table to his right; after all, he needs his hands to be free if he is planning on returning the favour. You should be complaining about his lack of regard for your equipment and how he could've broken it, but the red flashing light still shows sign of life, so you decide to overlook it for now. Besides, Tom doesn't give you long before he whips your head back to claim your lips, hungrily moaning into them as he forces his body weight against yours and slams you flat against the wall. The collision whips all of the air out of your lungs but it isn't what causes the gasp to jump from your throat. Tom's lips find your neck, suckling onto the supple skin with intentions to bruise, all to distract you from his hand slipping under your skirt. With ease, he palms your cunt, offering just enough of a tease to have you burning for more.
"I need to hear you say my name again with that voice of yours." Ah, so that's what triggered him.
"Tom," you mewl, almost purring.
"As sexy as that sounds, I think it will sound even better when you’re cumming for me."
Oh fuck.
It's frightening how quickly Tom is able to weaken you with just the deft touch of his fingers to your clit and punishing kisses to your neck. You try your best to soak it in and remain somewhat stable to remember every moment of it, but goddammit you can't keep yourself together. So much so that despite Tom claiming to adore the sound of your voice, for the sake of dignity, he keeps his hand clamped hard against your mouth. Neither of you want curious ears to overhear the scandal coming from within.
Never did you think that Tom's all-round talents included making a girl cum so easily. It's kind of frustrating.
His fingers circle around your clit, dragging and pulling every nerve he can find and it winds you up perfectly. Legs shaking, breath faltering, you suspect you have mere seconds before he takes your orgasm.
Your whines and moans buzz from behind Tom's hand, muffled and diffused. Eventually he lets go, and replaces his hand with his lips, once again thrashing against yours.
"You gonna cum for me?"
"Fuck, I--"
"Say my name. Beg me to let you cum."
"Tom, please, I want to cum. Please let me cum."
Two fingers slot themselves into you, his palm taking over pleasing your clit and you have to stop yourself from buckling. It is the last sign Tom needs to know that you're on the precipice of shattering. With a devilish twinkle to his eye and a crooked smile, he sinks closer to you, his lips narrowly brushing against the shell of your ear and whispers the word. "Cum."
In a similar fashion to Tom what seems like hours ago, you come undone. Your hands grip onto his shoulders for stability as he refuses to stop abusing your cunt. His fingers dig deeper, his hand moves faster, and the tight curl of his knuckle breaking you sends you spiralling.
The gut-twisting tension soon turns to tranquil bliss as he slows his movements, finally catching a breath to revel in the post-orgasm haze with a twitch or two catching you out.
For as egotistical as you believed Tom to be, with the grounding kisses he litters over your cheek, neck, lips, he completely negates that belief. He utterly dominated you, yet affection fuels his movements; something you don't expect a vain person to have. Maybe he isn't all you made him out to be...
Calmly, you both collect yourselves until you're presentable, standing apart within the room as if what just happened never happened. The heat of the room is all that's left to suggest otherwise.
Tom doesn't stop you from reaching for your recorder, the plastic rectangular object feeling like home in your hand. You firmly press the stop button, letting the audio file save before you address Tom again.
"Thanks for...y'know, keeping it safe. I genuinely don't know what I would've done if I lost it."
Tom smiles kindly. "It's no problem."
"Oh, and congratulations."
He nods humbly. "Thank you. I didn't actually think I was going to win it, but I guess luck was on my side." Huh. He's not bragging...
Settling your recorder into your bag, you begin to make your way out of the room. You hadn't realised how late it had gotten and how hungry you had became until your stomach grumbled loudly. As you take your cue to leave, Tom leads you out with a gentle hand to the small of your back and chills arise. Shit. Don't start liking him now...
Tom clears his throat before you completely disappear. "Will I be seeing you lurking about any other events this year?"
Something about his question makes you smile. "Maybe. I've got a few film premieres that I will be attending."
"Good. Well, if any of them include me, I'll make sure to review your work again." How his wink makes you weak.
"Hmm, we'll see, Tom Holland."
It takes you over a week after the golfing event to eventually find the courage to finish writing your article. Most of it is written from what you remember thinking throughout the day, but your work leaves much to be desired. All that's missing from the article can be found on your recorder that you have deliberately been ignoring knowing what filth it contains.
It takes a couple of glasses of wine on a Saturday night to find the bravery to listen to it once again. It all goes smoothly at first, words flow from your mind to your fingertips and your article slowly builds as your past self feeds you your own commentary from that day. You were going to stick with your original idea, deciding to keep in all your criticisms about Tom Holland because who's going to stop you?
But your valour is short lived. Because you've reach the end. When you think you have the finished product, a masterpiece of literacy for your readers to enjoy and you have nothing else to write. Just when you think you're about to press 'publish' that you reach that part of your recording that you just can't bring yourself to turn off.
Shit, it turns you on so much to hear Tom's voice once again demand that you promise to never write another criticism again and the way you caved so easily in your lust-induced state. Even listening to it makes you resonate with it all over again, resurrecting the same excitement and anxiety to stir in your stomach. It's a reminder that persuades you that you don't necessarily agree with what you write about Tom. It makes you reconsider all that you've just written, your finger hovering over the backspace button prepared to fix the promise you're about to break.
Fuck. It's such a good story. Probably one of the best articles you've written. Alas, with the disagreement going on in your head, you can't find it in yourself to commit to it. There's also the problem that if you are to post it, the privilege of writers' anonymity will no longer be in your possession. Tom does, after all, know your name and your face, and you are damn sure he will take the time to find it and read it. What unnerves you is that you have no idea what actions he might take. How could you forget that warning?
"If you break that promise, I will come for you."
So there you sit with your empty glass of wine, chewing nervously on your nails while your eyes dry at the light of the screen you've been deliberating over for the last three hours. The question still remains.
What do you do?
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