#who is worried about your and his son’s wellbeing
pumpkinsouppe · 9 months
I miss Zelda games where link’s family is important to his character,,,
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bunji-enthusiast · 3 months
Hello! Would you mind writing scenarios or head cannons about Tristan or Lancelot with a female s/o?
Love your 7DS works btw!💗💗
I will do both! Thank you for the love kind anon ☺️
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Tristan Liones
About anyone can take one look at you two and think to themselves, 'Yeah, they actually fit each other pretty well' or something along the lines of this example. Tristan generally worries or cares for your wellbeing quite a lot, it can be more so obvious in this aspect when it comes down to you beside from how he worries for others.
He faces quite a lot of teasing about having you as his girlfriend from (guess who-) a friend of his, and always tries to refute the teasing or simply ignore it. A lot of their silly disputes was mainly because of you, Tristan tends to get a little defensive on your behalf.
Tristan still very much is beside himself with disbelief sometimes, as he sometimes is just suddenly is reminded of how he is in a relationship with such a beautiful and wonderful girl. He genuinely appreciates you a lot, and shows that in various ways, at appropriate times of course.
Though, he does have concerns about how civilians or some of his closest friends may view you, due to difference in status (Tristan being a royal, and that you are simply more so a regular person). You had reassured him that you didn't mind, and that you rather focus on just worrying about anything else then the dumb whispering or blatant rude comments.
He had been eventually faced with the fact that he will have to introduce you to his parents, he tried to keep his relationship hidden as long as he possibly could - but it was inevitable at in the end. You had ran into Meliodas one time, and Elizabeth on a separate occasion. You introduced yourself without realizing that Tristan hadn't told them yet, and their reactions were completely different yet similar. Meliodas was both bewildered and happy, his son found someone he could be happy with. Elizabeth was somewhat surprised, but had praised you and Tristan for getting together, and she was happy that her dear son found someone.
If you happen to be a Holy Knight like Tristan is, he worries a lot less and knows you can hold your own in battle. However, despite the fact you may be a Holy Knight, he will always look for you after anything major in combat happens. Tristan simply sometimes can only hope you are okay in these situations, and will do his best to re-group with you at a safer time.
If you are not a Holy Knight, he may be a little overbearing at times when rushing into combat, and tells you to be extremely careful and safe. He tries not to worry too much, but he can't help it! Tristan does his best to try to not think about you when these situations occur, and trusts you that you can take care of yourself when neccessary. He just simply hates when you are endangered, be it your own decisions or possibly being dragged into it.
Due to his abundance of wealth as a prince, he likes to use this money to buy you a gift here and there. Even if there isn't a holiday at the moment in Liones, Tristan still likes to do it anyway. Gift giving is mainly one of the ways Tristan likes to show his affection for you, and takes careful time in choosing his gifts for you. Most of his gifts are things you might've mentioned that you liked that one time, or objects that you say were your absolute favorites.
Had misunderstandings were ever to occur between you, he would try his best to resolve it fast and quickly. Tristan doesn't want tension to rise at all, and prefers to amend the situation quickly and peacefully. Though, if he ever felt the one to be right in such circumstances, Tristan would be a little angry and push off the argument between you. Sometime later, his anger had faded and Tristan would be the one try to resolve the tension between you both. Not to say you had some moments of being the one to resolve the situation at times too.
Tristan was still very at odds with his demonic abilities, and preferred to not show that side of himself to you, no matter how long the two of you had known each other or gotten comfortable with. He didn't like the comparisons others would make of him compared to his father, not that he didn't dislike his father, the whole monster thing had just made him simply detest the idea of his demon half.
With his goddess half, he didn't mind as he was more comfortable and very in control of his goddess powers. So Tristan liked to use his wings fly with you sometimes, soaring through the air was a wonderful feeling to him, and he wanted you to be able to experience such a thing. When you had first seen his goddess half, you had flat out said that he was beautiful, and that had made him very bashful.
If you were ever to gift Tristan anything, he'd cherish it very deeply. Such an example could be that you gifted him a very ornate bracelet of flowers that can never wilt, he will keep it at almost all times on his person. He could take one look at the bracelet and be reminded of you right away, Tristan was happy that you thought of him for this very thing, and this was something he would never forget.
When it came to being one of the kindest you could ever know, Tristan always could find you beautiful and pretty in every single aspect. Even sides to you that you say are ugly, he still finds that absolutely beautiful too, because it was part of you.
Tristan doesn't mind very casual displays of affection, such as hand holding. He in fact very much enjoys it as he walks through the capital with you, perhaps on a day of leisure when both of you aren't so busy.
"Oh, look at this."
You spoke in a quiet voice, causing Tristan to perk up to see what had caught your attention. The sound of your own footsteps had stopped at a window store display, it was a mannequin dressed in your favorite kind of clothes.
He walked up to the window, standing at your side as he can very much understand why it did, "It looks great, I think you'd look good in them." Tristan mentioned, his eyes setting upon you with that kind smile of his. You blinked for a few moments, registering the compliment.
You waved your hands, shaking your head, "Ah it's just a silly thing to think about you know! I don't think I could ever look good in those clothes, I just like to admire the patterns and the way it looks." You sighed with a resigned look, you preferred comfort over fashion. But sometimes you just wanted to look good just for the hell of it.
His features contort into a slight frown, sensing the self-deprecation in your words. Tristan would prefer if you didn't bring yourself down like that.
Oh so gently, he clasps your hands, enveloping them in his own. "Bringing yourself down on one thing isn't going to give you good thoughts, I know for a fact you would bring out the best of those clothes." He winces, somewhat finding the words he was saying as cheesy, but nonetheless attempts to continue, "I know those thoughts won't just go away, but I hope you know how amazing you look regardless."
You were amazed at his words, his immediate attempts at reassurance. So you respond in just a manner of two ways, simply just squeezing his hands and noted, "Thank you, Tristan. That means a lot to me."
He beams, a wide smile on his face.
Somehow he can think of every nickname in existence, and without fail will refer to you by any one of these nicknames. It can vary, but the most he refers to you as is either 'babe' or a shortened version of your name. He likes to keep it simple and sweet, only can you actually tell he is being serious about something is that he calls you by your full name.
Lancelot tends to be quite protective of you, and glares at anyone who seems to be making you uncomfortable. He can understand and relate to the feeling, so he is quite literally your guard dog when you need him to be. Often times, he is very ensured in his success.
He has a habit of keeping an eye on you should you two or even the group is rushed into danger. Lancelot doesn't hesitate to listen for your heartbeat, he is more reassured the moment he hears your thoughts or heart. Lancelot was beside himself with relief that he actually was born with the ability to read both minds and hearts, he didn't have to worry as much the moment he hears yours.
The only way his/your friends would learn that you two were in a relationship together is by how Lancelot would be blatantly obvious in his small affections, could be him referring to you by a nickname or just even him smiling in a way he wouldn't for anyone else. It becomes a rousing moment of surprise the moment they realize, asking why you/he hadn't said anything about being together. He just brushes it off and asks 'why it would be such a thing to bring up? don't be so nosy in our personal business.'
If you ever end up matching his energy at times, even if it wasn't directed at him, Lancelot actually feels pretty proud that you stand up for yourself or whatever it may be. He feels a little unsure however of the fact that his behavior might've have been rubbing off on you.
One of the only ways you could manage to get Lancelot flustered is if you had referred to him as 'Lance' in an endearing manner, and other way you could get that expression is your willingness to carry yourself through situations and even in combat (regardless if you were as strong as him, or weak). He can appreciate your personality, viewing you far more unique then most people.
He quite readily understands that each and every person have their weak points and strong points, Lancelot simply wasn't prepared to be granted with the sight of all those points of you. Each and every side of you perhaps, but he shrugs it off rather easily, and gets used to them all quickly. He always reminds you that he doesn't mind what sides of you he sees, it literally will never deter Lancelot.
Normally because of his ability to read minds or even the heart, he can sense right away if you are sick or afflicted with a fever. If you ever tried to hid it from him, it is very futile and will result in a worried Lance. He cares about you a lot and wants you to get better as soon as possible, Lancelot is stubborn as hell in this regard.
One way he shows his affection for you is acts of service, as he isn't always in the mood of physical touch with you. Such an example is that you could say that your feet were hurting because of the constant walking, and he will not hesitate to pick you up and walk around while carrying you on his back. Another example of this is that Lancelot will perform certain things you've been needing to get around to on your behalf, he just shrugs it off like it wasn't a big deal when you ask.
He absolutely does not care whether you're a Holy Knight or not, Lancelot will always worry about you when danger is imminent, or if you may be the one in face of the danger. His senses are heightened and he is high on guard, ready to bring you away from the incoming danger if neccessary.
Despite his shortcomings, flaws and all. He truly does appreciate you as a whole; when you worry, when you cheer, and your laughter. The one thing he hates seeing genuinely is your tears, Lancelot hates when you cry, even if its a normal emotion, he feels angry at himself for allowing that to happen. It also makes him feel at odds with himself, even he's been in this relationship for you for a good amount of time now, he actually cares about you in this way.
Lancelot tends to be a bit of a show-off at times when in battle, he really likes seeing the impressed look you have on your face. He would never admit it, but he really likes being praised - especially when it's you praising him for how cool he was. Lancelot is excited on the inside when this happens, but never expresses his sentiment on the outside. He just likes when his own girlfriend tells him he's cool.
Introducing you to his parents was something that has very rarely come to mind, as he had a habit of being away from home quite often for long periods of time. So Lancelot seldom thought of the idea, thinking it was rather unnecessary to go all that way for you to meet his parents.
You knew Lancelot had an eye for attention to detail, but you didn't expect that to go the same for hair-styling as well. How this had occurred was that he had asked you to sit down in front of him, and despite your confusion, you complied and did as he asked.
Now you had been sitting here with Lancelot as he had braided your hair, into an ornate design laying upon your head.
"I didn't know you were so good with hair, Lance." You teased, but stayed still as to not interrupt his focus. He was definitely making good process in such little time too, though truth be told you were still so surprised. However, this time with him was nice, a good way to bond even in silence.
"I just had alot of practice before." He mentions, the tone almost seemed to be somber. You raised a brow for a short moment, but quelled your questions and curiosities.
So you decided to not bring it up, and changed the subject, "Lucky you then, trying to wrangle my hair is hard to deal with every time I need to."
He huffs, almost as if he laughed at your comment. Lancelot pats your head for a short moment, "You can get better at it babe."
"Lance, if that was supposed to be a joke. I promise you it is not funny." You warn, and he recoils for a moment, feigning an expression as if he were scared. You huff as you turn your head, watching this happen all in the next few moments. Lancelot softens, returning to his usual sitting position.
"Wasn't a joke, I promise."
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szasfuckingwife · 5 months
DESIRE- pt 1
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WARNINGS: arranged marriage, minor misogyny, dysfunctional family relationship
A/N: I am quite excited for this series, lets just see if I don’t give up on it halfway through, lol
series master list —> part two
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It was far late from noon when one of your ladies ran into your room. Just when you thought your duties for the day were done, here comes another. Although it may seem easy living in your estate as princess with a thousand maids at your beck and call, you were also being groomed and moulded to be the best queen for your country.
“Your highness, your father writes to you.” She has a white letter in her hands. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised if she opened the letter and read it herself.
A sigh leaves your lips as you hear it’s from your father, the king. Feigning a healthy father-daughter relationship was harder than it looks. In reality, you hadn’t seen your father regularly since he sent you to live in Seymour Manor when you were four. The only times you recall seeing him is during galas and balls where his attention is caught between the fine port being served or being involved in a dance, not you.
Your thumb grazed over the red Royal seal that your father was known for. Reluctantly, you open the letter, reading the words carefully.
To my darling daughter,
I hope the standards and degree of the manor has provided you with the upmost guidance as you reach this new age of womanhood. I wish to see you again as we approach our new season.
However, I do not write you to discuss your wellbeing, unfortunately. I wish to discuss your betrothal to Sir Satoru Gojo of the Gojo clan. His father, the head of the Gojo clan, wishes to see you and his son marry before the year ends.
I will not hasten you, daughter. But, as princess of our great kingdom, I do wish to see what you will do once you become queen. More importantly, if you will produce an heir that will continue our great monarchy. I rest assured knowing the nannies and ladies at Seymour Manor have groomed you into being the perfect wife to Satoru and the perfect queen for our nation.
May God be with you,
Your father.
This is the 5th letter he’s sent about this Satoru Gojo since some months ago. You crumble it up and throw it behind you, like you’ve done before. Who is he to rush you into marrying a man you’ve never met? You’ve hardly ‘met’ with your father.
“Augusta, remind our mailman that I will not receive any more letters from my father-” “But, your highness..” Your maid interrupts.
You look at her softly, “My father must be having you all nervous. Trust me, Augusta, that man is not to be feared. Oh, are you scared? You shouldn’t be. Tell the mailman it is the princess’ direct orders.”
“Your highness…” She sighs. “A carriage awaits you outside from the palace. Along with your bags…”
She sees your features soften as you come to the realisation. The joints in your body stiffened up as you blinked at her a couple more times, trying to spot dishonesty. But, to no avail.
You were getting sent down to the palace, whether you liked it or not.
“My lady-” “Very well.” You purse your lips as you exit the room.
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The manor became smaller and smaller as you begin your journey. Memories of you playing with toys when you were a toddler and running around in the outside fields plague your mind.
It was home. No mother. No father. No worries. Just the maids and nannies raising you into the open minded woman you are. They were the mother(s) you never had. It made you fear how quickly your happiness could be snatched away.
“Excited, my lady?” Your father’s footman asked. God knows why he was selected to chaperone your travel. He saw you glare at him before returning your gaze back yo the window.
“Take this as an opportunity, your highness. Soon, you will be married and produce a surplus amount of heirs for your kingdom.” He says, a little too excitedly.
You sigh. “James?”
He sits up, “Yes, my lady?”
“Stop talking.” You sarcastically smile.
As you arrive to the palace, you see your father stand outside the front stairs of the palace. He looks mighty in his royal clothing, a proud smile adorns his face as your carriage comes to a stop, like he raised you.
It was unnerving seeing your father standing alone. It was just last winter where your mother succumb to a terrible illness and met her maker. If you weren’t in this predicament you’re in now, you’d count that as the most depressive moment in your life.
Your father’s footman offered his hand, helping you step out of the carriage. The king speed walked down the steps, grinning from ear to ear. You curtsey in front of him, almost second nature to you.
“Hello, father,” the words leave your mouth bitterly. “How are you?”
“Better now you are here, darling.” His eyes squinted as he smiled. “Please, tell me, how was your travel?”
Another fake smile plasters your face, “A little home sick. However, I was fine.”
His fave dropped, “Well, this is your home now, dear. You are at rest when you are here.”
You watch him as he takes a deep breath in, “That is good. Well, what are you all waiting for?! Accompany my daughter with her things as she settles into her new home.”
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You’re left with your thoughts as you sit on your new bed. The only thing that comes to mind is how your freedom is gone and now in the hands of this Satoru Gojo.
Wonders of his appearance come flooding into your mind. What would he look like? He could be some scrawny adolescent. No, your father couldn’t give the title of ‘King’ to a child. Maybe he was an old man. As old as your father. His belly round and his hair fading.
Goosebumps plague your skin as someone suddenly walks into your room.
“My lady, the garments have arrived.” A maid walks in.
Your brow raises, “Garments? I did not send for garments.”
She smiles, “My apologies, your betrothed sent them.” Some more people walk in, holding beautiful dresses. They contrast your everyday dresses you wear back home, where the thoughts of marriage never crossed your mind and days ended when you passed out in the fields.
“My betrothed..?”
“He sent these for you to wear tonight during dinner. It’ll be you, him, his mother and father and of course, the King.” She says merrily. “He must be enamoured by your beauty.”
Your brow rises, the fabric used is clearly expensive and foreign. Silky satin and the brightest purple that has ever met the eye. It was all too grand. A huge contrast from your country-house dresses you grew to love.
But beautiful nonetheless.
Whoever this Gojo Satoru was, he was playing his cards right.
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Everything tells you to run out of the palace gates as you head downstairs for dinner. If you took off your shoes, you could make it to the town hall. Or was it the boutique?
It had been so long you’ve forgotten what surrounds the palace. Soldiers would definitely catch you within seconds.
A sound of laughters interrupts your thoughts. It’s your father’s and someone else’s. Before you could even breathe into the room, you are held back as you remember you are to be announced.
“Her highness, Princess Y/N!” A butler announced.
All murmurs stop as you walk in the room. The Gojo clan stood up upon your arrival. You noticed the smiles of the mother and the father and then your eyes landed on a man no other suitor could compare to.
His hair was snow white, it reminded you of snowy days where you cosied up to the fire place. His eyes were cerulean, bright and blue. But his stare made you feel small. The way he looked at you, like he was analysing your demeanour, how you walked, how you carried yourself.
They all bowed as you took your seat. “Pleasure to meet you, your highness.” The head of the Gojo clan grinned. “Your father has spoken highly of you. He’s assured you will be the perfect fit for our son.”
So, this is the infamous Satoru Gojo. The way they spoke of him, as if he is the prize. It was hard to not be egotistical considering you were, quite frankly, the future queen.
“Yes. This is a momentous occasion. We are currently witnessing the start of the of the next generation. I’m confident that Gojo will be a great king.”
You sit there, waiting for your father to mention you and how great you will take care of your kingdom. But your wishes were never grabted, they moved onto another topic swiftly.
Throughout dinner, Satoru kept locking eyes with you. Even with the jokes and banter your father and his were throwing about, his eyes lured you back in.
“We are to discuss the date of the wedding, and then the coronation. It should be quick and around the same time, we don’t want to string this along any more than we have.” The king spoke with a certain dominance that shook the bones of everyone in the room, but you of course.
Gojo’s father nodded, “Of course, your majesty. And may I thank you again for recognising Satoru as capable of being king.”
You clearly have missed a plethora of conversations and rumours of Satoru becoming king. “Yes, I see Satoru as the son I never had. He’s most capable of carrying this kingdom to glory.”
Satoru smiles for the first time during dinner, “I’m sure I’ll do that with the help of your daughter, your majesty. Every king needs his queen.”
You want to scoff.
“Of course. And then, hopefully, we’ll see Princess Y/N withchild very soon.” His father spoke. It made you sick how they spoke about you as if you weren’t there.
Suddenly, you felt something wet on your lap. As you look down, you notice the burgundy red wine staining your blush pink gown.
Gojo’s mother gasped, “Oh no, your gown..” You wonder if she was even worried about you embarrassing yourself or rather the fact her family spent a pretty dime on was ruined by your carelessness.
You take a deep breath in, already frustrated from the lack of communication regarding your own marriage and your father’s lack of awareness. “Pardon my absence for one moment..”
The party watches as you stand up and leave abruptly. Satoru notices as your father mumbles something about you being dramatic and unladylike. “I shall go check on her.” Satoru suggests.
“Satoru, you shouldn’t-” “I’m only to check on her welfare. She seemed conflicted tonight.”
The Gojo parents turn to look at the king who is now slumped over in his seat, “Very well.”
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You seek comfort under the stars on a balcony, the atmosphere downstairs was too suffocating. It seemed you were a pawn in this big crown game.
“My lady.”
You gasp as you turn around to see the very man you grew to despise in a short amount of time. “Must you cut up my peace..?”
Satoru walked towards you slowly, “It’s a shame the dress is stained…This is the one I wanted you to specifically wear.”
His attempts at flirting made you sick. “I would thank you for the dress. But seeing its already ruined, I don’t think my appreciation would go far.”
Satoru nodded, “It is alright. Did you like your dresses? Were they a good fit? If not, I can get my men to-”
You hold up a hand, “Leave the other two. They are sufficient for gardening.”
He breathed out a chuckle, “Your highness, did I do something to offend you? If so, I do apologise. My father raised me to be a gentleman.”
Nothing leaves your lips as he responds. No smart remark, No rolling of your eyes, nothing. He was nicer than he seemed during dinner. However, you didn’t know what to trust. But something inside you told you to build some sort of relationship with him, considering you two will rule a nation together.
You scoffed as you remain your gaze on the environment, “Gentlemen? You…You hardly know me, why do you wish to be wed?”
“You are really magnificent, Y/N.” He whispers. The absence of formalities and honourifics threw you off immensely. He was now very close to you. It was only now you noticed how tall he was. “If I was just a commoner, I’d still want you as my bride.”
You blink up at him, “Satoru, if I am to be your bride, you can leave the theatrics at home. I’m not a child, I will not fall for such…dishonesty!”
“Dishonesty?” He chuckles once more, stroking the side of his face with his gloved hand, “Have you been like this with other suitors or just me?”
You look away. You’ve never had other suitors. Only him.
“Pardon me, Satoru, but I must go to my chambers. The sun is resting, and I shall rest with it. You don’t want to stop the future queen from receiving her sleep.” You begin to walk away from him.
“Trust me your highness, once wed, I plan to.” He mumbled.
Satoru sees you turn around swiftly staring at him with confusion. If it weren’t for his good looks, you would’ve sent the guards to behead him as quickly as possible. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead, you walk away.
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queenshelby · 10 months
Forbidden Desire (Part 20)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest, Smut
Please comment and engage xx 😘
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A few hours later, when most of the guests had left and Edward had fallen asleep, you took the time to have a conversation with Robert who appeared rather anxious about recent developments.
Sitting beside you on the chaise longue inside one of the guestrooms, he expressed his concern regarding your involvement in this dangerous lifestyle shared by your family. According to him, there were mentions of drug trafficking and killings amongst some of the men and this worried him greatly.
"You knew about all this, didn't you?" Robert probed gently, searching your eyes for answers. You hesitated briefly, weighing whether to divulge your knowledge or maintain the facade. Ultimately, honesty won out, driven by a genuine sense of trust that developed between you two. Nodding solemnly, you confirmed his suspicion.
"Yes," you paused momentarily, pondering the best approach to discuss this sensitive topic. "I know that my family is involved in illegal activities, and I also know how dangerous these activities can be. This is why I did not want you to come here with me. This place is nothing but trouble." You confessed to Robert honestly, shaking your head slightly.
"So the fire at the hotel wasn't an accident then?" Robert asked curiously, recalling how much danger it put you in.
"No, it wasn't an accident. The fire was targeted at us. Shelby Company Limited owns the hotel and I...," you began to say without completing your sentence. "You know, don't worry about it. We are safe here with my uncle," you tried reassuring Robert, though deep down you weren't completely convinced either. You knew that Tommy would do anything to keep you safe but he cared much less for Robert's wellbeing.
"I do not like it here Y/N. Your uncle appears to be a dangerous man and whilst your father seems to have found God, I feel as though his past is rather dark as well. There are men with outside, with guns. There are at least ten of them and your uncle has been carrying a loaded weapon for the entirety of the evening. When he returned with you from the fire, his clothes were stained with blood. It worries me greatly, my dear," Robert continued expressing his concerns with a heavy heart.
Your expression fell, sensing the weight of his words, yet understanding where he was coming from. 
"I know Robert, but we will go back to Boston soon and all will be fine, yes? In Boston, we will be safe and far away from my family", you promised, attempting to alleviate his apprehension.
"Yes my love, but you need to promise me that you aren't involved in anything dangerous, alright?" Robert insisted, placing a gentle palm on your shoulder, seeking reassurance. Feeling both guilty and relieved that he believed in you, you nodded your head firmly.
"Alright! Now get some sleep while I tend to the little hungry monster," you then said as you heard Edward screaming from the nursery next door. With a soft smile on your face, you glanced at Robert who nodded understandingly.
Standing up, you walked toward the doorway leading to the nursery, calling out softly, trying to coax the baby to silence before disappearing into the next room to pick up your son.
Gently rocking him against your bosom, your heart ached thinking about the uncertain future ahead for your tiny boy and, just as you looked for somewhere to sit down, Tommy's maid Frances entered the room.
"He looks a lot like his father, doesn't he?" Frances observed. She too heard the cries and offered to take you the reading room for sake of peace and quiet, allowing you to breastfeed your son comfortably. 
"I suppose he does Frances," you responded absentmindedly, as you thought about your situation while following Frances down the stairs and into the dimly lit library. 
"Would you like some help?" she offered kindly, recognising the strain on your face. "It must be hard having a young child in your care alone," she observed as you struggled with your dress. 
Feeling grateful for her support, you smiled warmly and accepted her offer, but just as Frances was about to take Edward so that you could get comfortable on the sofa to feed him, Tommy came walking into the darkened  room. 
"I've got him. Thank you, Frances," Tommy spoke before gently taking his son from your hands. 
"You may leave," he then told his maid while looking down at Edward affectionately and, immediately, his demeanor changed drastically upon seeing him as his heart filled with pride and possessiveness. 
"Yes sir," Frances nodded respectfully, exiting quietly leaving only the three of you in the darkness of the library. As she closed the door behind her, the moonlight filtered through the windows casting eerie patterns across the walls and floor.
You sat down silently watching as Tommy cradled Edward close to his chest. By this point, he had stopped crying now, despite being hungry, which surprised you considering how demanding he often was.
The tender way Tommy held him seemed almost instinctual, hinting at what might lie beneath his harsh exterior as, now, there were moments when he showed compassion and vulnerability - qualities usually hidden underneath layers of bravado and brutality. 
"He is quite similar to you in many ways, isn't he?" you commented, feeling an odd mixture of admiration and trepidation as you looked at Edward, your son, nestled snugly in Tommy's strong arms.
Without speaking, Tommy acknowledged your observation with a simple nod, studying the features of his son intently. His eyes traced every curve of the baby's round cheeks, captivated by the resemblance.
Edward had Tommy's blue eyes and full lips. His skin was covered in tiny little freckles that dotted his nose and forehead and you knew that these same freckles would eventually grow more prominent as he aged, becoming part of his distinctive charm. 
As you watched Tommy hold his son, you felt a sudden surge of emotion flooding your heart, making it race. Despite the circumstances surrounding the conception of Edward and your complex familial connections, witnessing Tommy's paternal side made you realize again that even he possessed humanity.
Although deeply rooted in crime and violence, the bond between him and his son revealed something else entirely – something fragile, unspoken, and profoundly personal. 
"I do have to feed him soon Tom," you remarked after observing the silent exchange between father and son for several minutes. 
"Yes, of course," Tommy nodded graciously, handing the squirming infant back to you, his touch lingering around Edward ever so slightly longer than necessary while you lowered the top of your dress.
"I should give you some privacy," Tommy murmured, stepping away from you slowly, but you shook your head and smiled.
"You can stay if you like. It's not that you haven't seen my breasts before," you joked lightheartedly, trying to break the growing tension between you and Tommy. But instead of replying to your remark, Tommy remained silent and still, his gaze fixating solely on you and his son. 
He looked at you in awe and disbelief, marveling over the fact that you gave birth to his son. The revelation struck him harder than he expected it to. For once, he couldn’t find any words to speak, lost amidst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his brain.
Uncomfortable with the intense silence hanging in the air, you took the initiative to diffuse the awkwardness. 
"I miss the days where we were close, Tommy," you whispered gratefully as you started to undo two more buttons of your dress.
Bending forward to make access easier for your son, you glanced upwards to see Tommy watching your movements, a mix of emotions flashing across his face. Unsettled by his piercing gaze, you cleared your throat nervously and continued, focusing on your task.
"I miss these days too, Love," he replied somberly, his voice hoarse with emotion. He shifted uneasily in his seat, unable to meet your eye directly.
Silence enveloped the small space once more, thickening with the tension radiating off both of you. Sensing the moment growing increasingly fraught, you broke the tension with another comment.
"If you missed the time we spent with each other, then why did you never write to me?” you ventured, hoping to gain insight into his changing behavior.
However, your question hung heavily in the air, stirring up waves of guilt, confusion, and regret within Tommy. Unable to face the truth himself, he chose evasion instead.
"Things changed. I knew we couldn't be together, so I needed to distance myself from you," he muttered dismissively, his eyes finally finding yours, conveying sadness and loss. 
"Do you love Lizzie?" you asked suddenly, wondering whether Tommy was merely settling because of the expectations placed upon him due to his position. 
His brow furrowed as you posed such a direct question. Taking a deep breath, he let forth a heavy sigh, choosing his words carefully.
"Love takes time," he began cautiously, "I love our daughter, Ruby and, maybe one day, I can love her mother too," he explained, causing you to chuckle, which was a gesture he willfully ignored.
"Do you love Robert?" Tommy suddenly countered, his tone turning confrontational.
"Well, no...it's complicated," you answered hesitantly, struggling to articulate your own feelings for your lover. "We met during difficult times, and I found solace in someone I didn't think I would ever meet," you explained reluctantly and with a shaky voice.
"Alright, then tell me Love, do you still love me?" Tommy probed further, his curiosity piqued as much as his jealousy. He leaned closer, searching for signs of weakness in your eyes.
Your heart raced as your pulse quickened. Swallowing hard, you tried to hide your emotional turmoil behind a facade of indifference. However, Tommy noticed your struggle instantly.
"It doesn't matter because, whether I love you or not, won't make a difference at all," you confessed candidly, your voice breaking as you uttered those painful words. The weight of them settled between you, causing your hearts to skip a beat simultaneously.
"What happened to us Tommy? Why am I sitting here, holding your son, yet I am so far apart from you?" you lamented sorrowfully, tears beginning to pool in your eyes. This confession hurt both of you deeply, reminding you of a connection that was irreversibly severed and, just as Tommy was about to respond to your statement, his fiancée Lizzie barged in. 
"Come to bed, Thomas!" she exclaimed impatiently, oblivious to the delicate balance of raw emotions simmering in the room. Her presence brought relief to Tommy, offering a welcome distraction from his tumultuous inner battle. 
Avoiding any mention of your conversation, Tommy calmly rose from his chair and bid goodnight, kissing Lizzie softly on the cheek.
Then, without giving you a chance to respond, he exited the room swiftly, eager to escape the palpable tension. 
Watching him go, you bit your lip anxiously, struggling to comprehend the multitude of emotions coursing through your veins. You turned toward Lizzie, trying to gauge her reaction to your encounter with Tommy. Surprised by your display of familiarity, she raised an eyebrow curiously, seemingly confused by your interaction. However, deciding against prying further, she dismissed the situation altogether.
Closing the door gently behind her, Lizzie left you alone with your thoughts and emotions. With a sense of desolation, you gathered yourself and proceeded to prepare Edward for sleep. Nursing him until he fell asleep, rocking him gently in your arms as you hummed a melody passed down generations in your family. The comforting rhythm of the song calming not only Edward but also serving as balm to your wounded soul.
Meanwhile, outside the nursery, Tommy stood motionlessly, the events transpiring inside having left him reeling.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
overprotective mates
Jake x reader x neytiri
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when you had become pregnant your mates had become overprotective of you, as they were very worried about your safety and health. As anything could do go wrong, for you as you were just human a few days ago and now you are pregnant. They were not the only ones who were overprotective and worried about you health, as your had a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant. They were not the only ones worried as your friends and moat were worried as well, for you safety and wellbeing.
Y/n “ I know you are there neytiri” you were out collect some materials, when you felt someone was watching you and it was neytiri. She soon came out of hiding and made her way towards you.
Neytiri “ I came to see how you were doing, when I came home to check up on your my mother was there with the kids she told me you went out alone”
y/n “ yes I came out here to collect some materials I feel like crafting so stuff, for the unborn baby”
Neytiri “ then let me or Jake do that you you should be out here alone”
y/n “ I will be fine ma tiri”
neytiri “ I know but I’m can still worry norm and my mother said this pregnancy is well but we don’t know what will happen, when the baby comes I and Jake have to worry”
y/n “ ma tiri okay you can worry but not much okay”
???? “What about I’m what I’m chop liver”
neytiri “ chop liver what is that”
Jake “ don’t worry honey to a old human saying and food I will explain later, so I see you found our wondering wife”
Neytiri “ yes I found her here it was not that hard when you know her so well”
Jake “ how are you feeling today love how are you and the baby”Jake had placed his hand on your pregnant belly, while Neytiri had her hands on your shoulders.
y/n “ we are doing well moat and norm predict that the baby will be born this month or next month”
Y/n “ so baby names have you to decide to stop fighting on names, for the baby or will I be picking the baby name”
neytiri “ well if this fool can pick the perfect name we will be fine”
Jake “ oh come on im not bad at naming”
neytiri “ you named your ikran bob, what type of name is that”
Jake “ hey it not a bad name”
y/n “ fine what your idea of perfect name for our unborn baby”
Jake “ sounds that sounds amazing and will for perfect for our son or daughte, a name that will represent them well”
Neytiri “ so you have nothing”
Jake “ what do you have tiri tell us”
neytiri “ I have noting as well”
Jake “ seems like I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a name for a baby”you had rolled your eyes at your husband and wife fighting over a babies name you soon laugh getting their attention.
Jake " what so funny"
y/n " even when I'm the one that pregnant you and neytiri still debate about babies names, this was the same stunt for Neteyam and kiri both of you havant changed yet"
neytiri " well our idiot of our husband rather give our kid some stupid human name, I trying to save our baby from embarrassment"
Jake " oh come on I'm not that bad"
neytiri " yes you are still acting like a baby I see"
y/n " come on you two we can debate more about this later, we need to get home for the kids" Jake and neytiri soon stop fight and soon started walking towards home with you.
Jake " next time you decide to wonder away tell us so we know where you are"
y/n " I swear on my hearts and soul I will tell you next time when I leave home and the village"
neytiri " good and we will come up with a name for the baby soon I know" you had noted your head it will take until the day you went into labor when you finally came up with a name your baby boy loa'k, this event was a story you will share with the kids and it will make them laugh. As they heard stories of their mom and dad acting like foolish children.
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canisalbus · 1 year
hello!! i’ve always wondered what kind of traumas vasco holds himself. i know machete can be very particular (e.g. touching/personal space) , but what are some things maybe machete does to make vasco more comfortable out of just their pure love for each other? like, for example - assume vasco maybe has a hard time keeping up with personal hygiene , or maybe machete is just a lot more clean and neat than vasco is , so machete is always folding his clothes to his own standards and reminding him to wash his fur after a while of going about weekly things , since machete himself probably washes every so often just to brush out matts in his fur .
love your art btw!! :3
He really doesn't like being told what to do. His father was keen on molding Vasco into his own image and his mother was overbearing and overprotective. He was their only son (youngest child, he has two older twin sisters) and as such a lot of pressure and unrealistic expectations were placed on him. He has a tendency to rebel against authorities, especially those who use their power and status to make life miserable for people below them. He has hard time accepting advice and doesn't listen if someone shows up to explain him how he should live his life. One of the ways Machete occasionally gets on his nerves is his constant need to be in control of everything going on around him, which means he often ends up attempting to (well-meaningly) manage Vasco as well. Eventually he figures out Vasco isn't very receptive to outside guidance and usually tries to give him room to do things his own way, even if it's not the "correct" way he would prefer to handle them.
Machete has many health anxieties and once Vasco becomes a fixed part of his life he starts to worry about his wellbeing as well. Like many floppy eared dogs, Vasco has a history of dealing with recurring ear infections, especially when he was very young. Antibiotics weren't available yet so the most effective way to treat them was puncturing the ear drum and letting the accumulated fluid and pus drain out. It was painful and scary and left Vasco with a lasting aversion and distrust for medicine and doctors. He's the kind of person that resists seeking treatment even when they're clearly ill or injured and just tries to shrug it off and wait it out. Luckily he's rarely sick and the scuffs and bruises he gets from being an active and outdoorsy person heal fairly quickly. Nowadays he's very careful about drying and airing out his ear canals properly when they get wet, in hopes of minimizing the chances of another infection. He also cleans them regularly, or lets Machete help with that.
He can be a bit disorganized and overly spontaneous, which can manifest as certain sense of chaoticness. Machete does end up subtly and discreetly picking up after him, planning ahead and going the extra mile to make sure Vasco's life goes as smoothly as possible, usually in ways Vasco doesn't even notice. The clothing part was an apt everyday example, Vasco has a habit of disrobing quickly and carelessly and leaving his (expensive and expertly tailored) garments on the floor or draped across furniture and sooner or later Machete will collect them and fold them neatly for him.
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The Whore of Winchester
Note: yes, I'm still alive and managed to finally get this little fic out, this could be the start of a huge fic I've been plotting for months in secret :)
Warnings: 18+ suggestive/light smut, reader is a whore so there's that.
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Finan brought you a new client.
wordcount: 1,6k
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Chapter 1.
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Being a whore in Winchester wasn't a job you ever imagined doing, but there simply weren't many other possibilities for pretty ladies in the town. You didn't hate it, but you were also glad whenever you could take a day off. However, the owner of the whorehouse truly looked after you and the other girls, and there were very rarely situations that left one harmed or upset. You knew that wasn't the case in every whorehouse, so you did count yourself lucky to be working at one where people cared about your wellbeing and safety.
You often had the same men who visited you a few times a week, or who would visit you whenever they were in town during their travels, and many of them were priests or Saxon men with families in different towns, but never Danes. Having a rather steady clientele made sure you could always afford food and a roof above your head, but you were careful with each client who wanted to see you again, seeking out their intentions. And you weren't the only one who had regulars, the other girls did too. One of them was frequently visited by Lord Uhtred, before he got married to Lady Gisela, and you knew he was a good man who protected the city and sometimes even the alehouse and the whorehouse you worked at. 
But Uhtred was rarely alone. He always had a man next to him, an Irish man to be more precise, and his name was Finan. Finan was a man who had visited you on several occasions too, so you weren't surprised when he showed up one evening asking around for you. You caught the whispers in the hallways that Finan was looking for you, so you quickly tied up your hair and straightened your linen dress before you made haste to find him.
The bar downstairs of the whorehouse was warm, crowded and loud. The smell of ale, sweat and smoked meat lingered in the air while you made your way through the crowd, feeling your worn out shoes stick to the floor at times where drinks had spilled, men had puked and blood had been shed during fights earlier that evening. You spotted the dark haired man near one of the far corners and you pushed past the countless men who gave you their best smiles, despite missing most of their teeth and stinking like swines they still thought they could win your heart, but they never would. You tapped the Irish man's shoulders once you were close enough, and you cleared your throat.
'Finan?' you smiled, 'I hear you are asking for me. Are you in need of a nice evening?' you batted your lashes at the Irish man, knowing he was kind and paid royally.
'My beautiful lady,' Finan smirked and kissed your hand, 'this time it is not me who is looking for a hump,' he said and firmly gripped the shoulder of a young man next to him, 'this stallion is in desperate need to be taken care of.'
'Is he now?' you asked, teasingly.
You looked the unfamiliar man up and down. He was tall, lean and very handsome. He was a bit younger than Finan and Uhtred, but he was a man regardless. You could tell he had long hair, which was braided and tied in the back, and he had several tattoos on his fingers and one in his neck. You caught a glimpse of his eyes when he looked up at you, and you noticed they were both differently coloured before he quickly averted his eyes again.
'Aye,' Finan grinned, 'his name is Sihtric, and he's a Dane.'
'A… Dane?' you furrowed your brow, 'a Dane in… in Winchester?'
'Aye. He's the bastard son of Kjartan the Cruel,' Finan said, and you gasped lightly, 'but do not worry, my lady. He may have come to us as a spy, but he has sworn loyalty to Uhtred and he's been with us ever since. And now,' he squeezed the young man's shoulder, 'he deserves to have a treat for his loyalty.'
'Well,' you chuckled and brushed your fingers over Sihtric's biceps, 'you know I can give him a treat,' you winked.
'Exactly,' Finan smiled, 'that's why I brought him to you. So,' he cleared his throat, 'I'll be off. He has silver to pay you with, so make sure to take care of him, aye?'
You laughed and shook your head lightly as the Irish man left, and you took Sihtric's hand. You slowly pulled him with you through the packed alehouse, up the stairs and to the room where you always did your job. Sihtric followed you eagerly, his hand was warm and a little damp. You could tell he was nervous, but his excitement was more prominent and he relaxed fairly easily once you had him sit on the bed. 
Candles lit up your small room and the smell of hay from the stables outside was always there, but it covered the foul air from the alehouse downstairs. You locked the door and Sihtric leaned back on the bed as you returned to him, inviting you to hike up your skirt and straddle his lap. The wooden bedframe creaked lightly as you seated yourself onto his lap, and you were deaf to the faint sound of a brawl just outside your window, as you only heard the Dane's slow, heavy breathing.
'So, Sihtric,' you purred and began to slowly work his leather belt, 'a Dane, hm?' you chuckled, 'I've never been with a Dane before.'
Sihtric hummed softly and chuckled, then looked up at you and wetted his dry, chapped lips with the tip of his tongue as he looked you up and down. 'I'll try to not disappoint you, lady,' he said with a smooth, honeyed voice and a light accent, while a shy smile appeared on his face.
You felt a heat burn up inside of you at just the sound of his voice, something that had never happened to you before, and you knew you were in for a good time yourself too. Not only was your client handsome, but he also seemed well-mannered and, as you felt his arousal already pressed up against your unclothed folds, you already knew his size wouldn't disappoint you either.
'Well, we'll see about that, pretty boy,' you smiled and dropped his belt next to the bed, on the wooden floor. 'Tell me what you like,' you said while you trailed your hands up his muscular, veiny arms, and your fingers began to tug at the laces on his right shoulder, loosening his leather tunic.
'Anything,' Sihtric smiled, and he carefully placed his big hands on your waist while he gazed at your bosom in front of him.
'Anything?' you purred.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed again and looked down at your hands working his tunic, before he brought his eyes back to your breasts again.
'You like what you see?' you chuckled when you noticed the young man couldn't keep his eyes off you, and you moved your hands to his shoulders, then down his biceps.
Sihtric only hummed in reply and, before you took off his tunic, you slid off his golden arm rings which he wore one on each arm. Then you took off his golden neck ring too, each ring he had earned for doing good work, and you then began to untie the laces on both his sides. Once his tunic was finally off, leaving him in just his breeches, you admired his perfectly toned body with your hands and eyes.
'My,' you breathed as your hands explored the many scars on his near perfect, 'what a sight to behold. Not many ladies are lucky to be visited by a handsome man such as yourself.'
'Is that so?' Sihtric smiled up at you, a hint of shyness lingered in his eyes while his voice betrayed his cockiness, 'then we are both lucky, my lady, for not many whores are as beautiful as you.'
You felt yourself blush at his words, another thing that was new to you, for no man had ever set your cheeks ablaze like this Dane did. You smiled at him while you slowly pushed the top of your dress down, exposing your breasts completely.
'You are not married?' you asked and took his hands, placing them onto your fully revealed flesh.
'I am not,' Sihtric hummed and his rough, warm hands squeezed you firm, but gentle.
You grinded in his lap as you still straddled him, feeling his bulge twitch underneath you with excitement while you could barely contain yourself for once. Your hands squeezed his shoulders as you began to pick up your pace, adding more pressure while you continued to tease not only him, but also yourself. Sihtric soon became needier, his breath raspy while he watched with adoration how you rutted against him so desperately. You then stopped your movements and got off him, sliding your dress down and stepping out of the fabric once on the floor, while the Dane wasted no time and pulled down his breeches just far enough to free his length. Your mouth watered and the tension in your core became unbearable at the sight of his hard cock, precum oozing from the tip as he gave himself a few strokes. He slowly drew in his bottom lip, his eyes fixated on you entirely while he slowly worked himself, his muscular chest heaving up and down fast while his breathing became heavier with each stroke. His mismatched eyes darted all over you, from your face, to your breasts, to your thighs, down and up your legs and to your cunt, only to look back into your eyes again. Then, you stepped closer and laid yourself upon the bed, spreading your legs slowly which earned you a needy grunt from Sihtric while he still touched himself at the sight of you.
'Show me how a Dane does it,' you breathed and bit down a smile while you beckoned him over, 'use me, Sihtric, and don't stop until you're satisfied.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @succnfuccubus @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin @lexwolfhale @dixie-elocin @m-a-s-h-k-a
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
Baby Steps
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 22] June 26
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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Satoru is in disbelief as he holds his son for the first time– Tears stream down his face as he looks at the cute little face. He’s just the cutest human ever, and he hasn’t been here for a full day. God, he’s crying even more because his baby won’t be this small again. He doesn’t want to let go of his baby. He’ll forever remember this day, June 26.
“Can I hold him, Satoru?” You can’t believe that you have to ask to hold your own son. Satoru only let you hold him to feed him, and it’s irritating; sure, there will be times that you will be begging for someone else to hold him, but today is not one of those moments. He just got here. He isn’t paying any attention to you, and you have to slightly raise your voice, “Satoru!”
“Huh?” He asks, finally looking up from his baby. You have to ask him again, 
“Can I please hold my baby?” Satoru hesitantly nods before standing up and handing you the baby. You can’t believe that you have to ask him to hold the baby that just came out of you. He gives you the baby, and you stare at him in awe. You’ve been anticipating this moment for what feels like an eternity, and he’s finally in your arms. Any pain is worth it– At least in this moment, you know that bleeding for a month straight will change your mind. 
“We need a name for him.” He says, and you hum in response. You’ve had time to think of baby names, but your mind has been too busy with your possible death. Holding your baby in your arms makes you realize that you’ve missed out on so many fun activities that would make pregnancy better. But it’s fine, as long as you have your little baby. “Do you have any?”
“I don’t.” You answer. Satoru bites down on his lip, thinking of the perfect name. A name that’ll follow him for the rest of his life. Satoru tries to think of the perfect name, but that’s just so hard to pick now. The baby doesn’t have any sort of personality yet; he’s only been alive for a couple of hours. “Do you have any in mind?”
“I don’t either.” He confesses. And he tries to think of names, but none come up in his mind. A smile comes on his lips, and he jokes, “How about Satoru Jr.?”
“God, that name is awful–” And just as you say that, the door to your room opens and you watch as your parents walk through the door. They’re quick to go to your side to finally be next to you after everything that has happened. Oh– And to finally meet their precious grandson.
“Your baby boy.” Your mom comments, her voice breaking as she sees the baby. Although she doesn’t want to say how she’s more excited to see you again, rather than meeting her grandson. Both are big events, but for the past six weeks, she’s been more worried about your wellbeing. Same is for your father. She pushes the hairs away from your face and asks, “Are you okay, baby? Is everything alright? I’ve been worried sick.”
You talk to them, avoiding sharing many details because you don’t want to think too much about everything that has happened. They fawn over their grandson, and Satoru smiles as he watches you four. Your parents argue on who gets to hold the baby first, and in the end, your mother wins. She sanitizes her hands before she picks up her grandson, putting on a baby voice as she talks to him.
“Have you two thought of a name?” Your father asks, and you shake your head. You have to name him because you can’t call him your baby boy for months on end until you finally pick the name. The baby begins to cry, and you hear your mother coo at him before she hands him back to you. You waste no time in feeding him. Meanwhile, your father asks, “How much does he weigh?”
“Seven pounds six ounces.” Satoru answers without missing a beat. The door opens again, and you look up from your baby to look at Kaya who walks in through the door. The biggest grin comes to your face and she smiles back as she walks in with a teddy bear, flowers, and a balloon. Satoru takes it from her, thanking her and although she wants to make a snarky remark, one that highlights her weird relationship with Satoru, she bites her tongue.
“Congratulations.” Kaya awkwardly smiles at Satoru before she walks to your side. She kisses your cheek before saying, “I’m so glad you’re okay. And look what you surprised us with.”
“You know I have to make a dramatic entry.” You joke, causing her to laugh. You haven’t been this happy in a long time. This truly is the greatest day of your life.
“So what name have you guys picked?” Kaya asks, only to receive the same answer that your parents got. It makes her say, “Please don’t make him a junior.”
“He’s not becoming a junior.” You assure her, and it makes Satoru roll his eyes. Well, he was definitely joking but he doesn’t like hearing it from Kaya.
“I think this is the first time I see you without your shades. You have some freaky eyes.” Kaya tells Satoru, and he rolls his eyes once again. She then looks at your baby, “Please check that your son doesn’t have the same eyes.”
“Kaya, aren’t you being a bit rude?” Your mother interrupts, and Satoru holds back a smirk. As if his sister got in trouble for making fun of him.
“Oh c’mon, look at them.” Kaya responds, and your mother rolls her eyes. When your baby unlatches, Satoru takes him from your hands and takes a seat, grabbing the burp cloth and throwing it over his shoulder before he begins to burp him. He just wants to do everything for his little one. 
“Is your family coming, Satoru?” Your father asks, changing the topic, and you’d almost feel embarrassed because Satoru’s parents don’t have an idea, but you’re so focused on the fact that you just had a baby.
“They’ll meet him when we’re back home. They can be a little too much.” Satoru answers. 
“Seiji is a cute name.” Kaya brings up, and a smile comes to your lips.
“That’s the perfect name!” You exclaim. Since Satoru has no other name in mind, and the name sounds good enough, he agrees.
“That’s better than Snoopy.” Satoru comments, making some brows raise except yours. Before anyone can ask, Satoru shares, “Ten minutes after he was born, she suggested the name.”
“Let’s not talk about that.” You’re quick to say. “God, I can’t wait to leave and go home. I hate it here.”
“I have so much planned for us when you’re back home.” Kaya says. “We have to do the baby shower–”
“Baby shower? You know that’s supposed to happen before the baby is born.” You point out.
“I don’t see the harm in having one. Even if it’s a month or two too late.” Satoru says. It’d be a fun event too, and like that everyone can meet the baby instead of having people coming in and out of the house daily. “Just wait a couple of months.”
“You can always do a baby shower for the next baby.” Your father suggests, and you look absolutely mortified.
“I’m not having any more kids. Seiji will be my first and last one. I’m not putting myself through that pain again– Let’s not even mention I didn’t have any complications.” You respond. They stay quiet, just listening to Satoru pat his son’s back and the occasional burp until there’s not more. Satoru stops, and just focuses on holding his baby again. He’s so engrossed by the cute little nose, his cute little eyes– And he yawns, Seiji fucking yawns and Satoru’s eyes well up with tears again. He’s waited so long for this.
“Well are we going to hold the baby or will you just keep hoarding him?” Kaya speaks up, making you laugh,
“He’s been doing it the entire time. He just lets me hold him to feed him.” You share, making your parents laugh, however, Kaya has a different reaction.
“Well, he’s my son so I have the right to hold him.” Satoru argues. Satoru just didn’t know he could love a tiny human so much. Satoru could’ve died earlier when the baby had his hand wrapped around Satoru’s finger. 
“You didn’t do any of the work, she carried him for nine months!” Kaya defends you.
“Yeah, because she carried him for nine months I should get to hold him for now.” Satoru says as he looks for Seiji’s blue pacifier. When he finds it, he puts it in the baby’s mouth. “Are you guys staying for long? It’s getting late.”
“We’re going back to the hotel soon.” Your mother says. She walks over to you and kisses your forehead, “We’ll be back tomorrow morning.”
Your parents say their goodbyes, dragging Kaya out with them. They promise they’ll be back by the morning. When they’re gone, Satoru walks back to you and hands you the baby, kissing the tip of your nose, “He’s just the cutest.”
“He is.” You respond, smiling down at your son. “Seiji. That’s the perfect name.”
“It is.” Satoru has to agree. He then pecks your lips, “Thank you.”
He feels this heavy weight in his chest, a foolish smile on his lips as he looks at you– He can’t blame the smile on his son because just looking at the baby makes him burst into tears. It’s unusual for him to cry, but then again, this is a life changing moment and he just can’t contain the tears. But this feeling is different, and he’s sure what it is, he just doesn’t know if it’s the right moment to tell you… He doesn’t want you to think that it’s just because you gave birth to his son. He wants you to know that even if Seiji wasn’t here, he’d still–
“He has a head full of white hair, he’s already your twin.” You tell him, and he chuckles before correcting you,
“He’s bald.”
“Hmm… I do hope that I saw wrong because I’m going to be mad if my only kid looks just like you.” You tell him.
“I want him to be my twin. He’ll be my only kid too.” Satoru responds, making you roll your eyes.
“You can procreate with someone else, it won’t hurt you one bit.” You remind him, and he shakes his head. You furrow your brows before you ask him, “What do you mean by that?”
He takes the baby from your hands and puts him down in the bassinet. God, he almost feels guilty for putting his baby down instead of holding him the entire time. He just had to talk to you for a moment. He deeply inhales, and he feels extremely nervous because he just doesn’t know how to start it off. He just had a baby and he’s feeling nervous about this. He grabs your hand before opening his mouth,
“I have to tell you something, and I don’t want you to think that it’s because we just had a baby. Even if Seiji wasn’t a factor, this would still happen.” He begins and you’re out of it. You have no idea what he’s talking about, until the words finally leave his mouth, “I love you.”
“Huh?” You can’t believe your ears. You were expecting your baby to be the biggest surprise of the month, and somehow his dad outshined him. He grabs your hand, and puts it to his chest. You feel how it feels as if it’s about to beat out of his chest, the same way that your heart beats. You end up smiling at him as he repeats,
“I love you.”
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daisyblog · 6 months
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: Arthur finds out he’s going to be a brother.
Based on this request. Warning: pregnancy, ultrasound
From the minute YN and Louis knew they were expecting another baby, they had agreed they wanted to share the news with Arthur first. Going from being an only child was a big deal and although Arthur loved all his cousins and would be an amazing big brother, it was still a huge transition for any child. 
Arthur was spending a few hours at Uncle Harry’s house for YN and Louis to go to their twelve week scan, but Harry asked no questions about their plans and was just happy to spend time with his nephew. 
YN and Louis joked at how different it was sitting in the waiting room this time around, compared to when they were expecting Arthur. Nine years on and they were happily engaged with a growing family. 
After some time of them having to wait in the waiting area, YN’s name was called by a midwife who had a pearly white smile as she greeted the couple. 
“Hi…I’m Charlie” The midwife introduced herself as she walked the pair down the long corridor. “How are you both? You both look really calm!”. She observed as she allowed them to walk into the room before her. 
“We’ve already got little boy, so I think that helps”. YN explained as she and Louis took a seat. 
“Oh how lovely! How old is your son?”. Charlie smiled as she sat behind her desk, turning her body so she was facing them.
“He’s nine!”. Louis spoke as he got his phone out to how Charlie a photo of Arthur. 
Charlie’s eyes widened as she looked at the phone in Louis’ hand. “Oh my…he’s your double isn’t he?” Her eyes found Louis’ before turning to YN. “Looks like you just did all the hard work!”.
Louis and YN laughed because they could told on a regular basis that Arthur was the spitting image of his Dad, and he really was. “It’s like we said copy and paste”. YN continued to joke. 
The midwife explained that before they had their twelve week scan, she wanted to ask YN a few questions about herself, health and wellbeing and what sort of support she had at home. They quickly worked their way through the medical forms before YN had her blood taken and blood pressure noted. 
YN quickly found herself lying on the hospital bed, her jumper rolled up just above her tummy and the cold gel being poured onto her tummy causing her to take a sharp breath. 
Louis, who was sat on the chair next to the bed, noticed that YN had closed her eyes as the sonographer did her job. It felt like hours until she spoke and turned the monitor for their eyes to see. “And…here’s your little baby”. 
“Is everything okay? The baby is alright?!”. Louis plead was desperate, his voice was full of worry. He wanted another baby just as much but he knew what it meant to YN, and he prayed for a happy and healthy baby. 
The sonographer let out a little smile as she looked between them both. “You have one healthy baby!”. She turned the monitor and pointed at the baby whose little legs were moving around. 
“We’re having a baby!”. Louis shot up from his seat. “We’re officially having another baby!”. YN was full of happiness inside and her big grin did all the talking. 
“This is the best reaction I have ever seen!”. the happiness in the room was contagious. 
“Arthur is going to be over the moon!”. Louis couldn’t contain his excitement and was in desperation to tell his son the good news.
It was later on in the evening, Louis, YN and Arthur were all sitting on the large L shaped grey sofa in their living room. The screen in front of them playing a football game that Louis and Arthur’s eyes were glued too. 
Louis glanced over at YN and gave a gentle wink, a small hint to give Arthur the gift they had wrapped earlier on before Harry dropped him home. 
“Hey Arth…Dad and I bought you a gift earlier.”. YN passed him the present, covered in blue wrapping paper. 
“Really? What is it?”. His large blue eyes were curious as he took the blue covered gift from his mother hands. Arthur carefully opened the paper and inside he was greeted with a red Manchester United t shirt. “Oh waw…thank you Mum…thank you Dad…oh wait…what’s this?”. Arthur picked up a tiny baby t shirt that matched his own. “Why have I got this!”. 
Louis and YN shared a smile, knowing they were about to reveal the news to their oldest baby. “We thought you might want to match with your new baby brother or sister!”.
Arthur looked from the little t shirt to his mother, then to Louis as he let the words sink in. “Baby brother or sister!”. He questioned, both Louis and YN nodded with smiles on their faces. “You’re having a baby?”.
“We are…you’re going to be a big brother!”. YN let the words out freely. Arthur pulled both his parents in for a huge cuddle and the next words made their hearts break with joy.
“You’ve just made my wish come true…I’ve dreamed of this day since…well…forever!”.
“Can we tell Grandma…and Uncle Harry, Auntie Gemma…Auntie Lottie, Auntie Daisy, Auntie Phoebe…and Grandad Des and Grandad Mark…Oh and I need to tell Nanny Jen and Grandad Len…don’t forget Uncle Liam too!” Arthur’s little voice did not stop, he had been making a list of everyone he needed to share the baby news with. 
“Arthur…take a breath lad! You’re going to exhaust yourself.”. Louis spoke as he made a cup of tea for them all. “We’re going to tell everyone, we promise!”. 
“Can we tell them today? Please please please?” He jumped up and down, the excitement getting too much for him to hide. 
“We’ll try but we can’t promise!”. YN gave Arthur a little cuddle as he gently gave a her tummy a kiss. 
YN, Louis and Arthur had arrived at Gemma’s house, where Anne and Harry were also visiting the new little family of three. Arthur was eager to show Harry his new football shirt and he promised that he would take his nephew to see the team play one day. 
“I’m so lucky…I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you for giving me such a handsome grandson and beautiful granddaughter!”. Anne spoke as she cradled Gemma’s little one in her arms, as she stood and swayed gently. 
“You’re about to get luckier”. YN smiled at her mother, knowing how emotional she was about to get. At YN’s words, everyone’s eyes were now on her.
“What do you mean?”. Anne was curious, her once relaxed face was now slightly tense.
“Arthur…do you want to share your news?”. 
“I’m going to be a big brother!” He cheered as he revealed the secret he had been keeping. “Can you believe it Uncle Harry…my wish came true!”.
“You’re pregnant?!”. Anne gasped, completely shocked at the idea she was going to have another grand baby. She passed Gemma the little one so she could wrap YN and Louis into a hug as she congratulated them.
“Congratulations Minnie!” Harry wrapped his arms around his twin. “I’m so happy for you all…and so so proud”.
“Thanks Twin!”. YN squeezed her brother tighter. “I wouldn’t have my little family if it wasn’t for you”. 
“And we couldn’t be without this little fella”. Harry scooped Arthur into his arms. 
They didn’t need an excuse to travel up North to visit Louis grandparents, especially when Lottie said they were going for the weekend too. Arthur was bursting to share his news with everyone. 
With Louis’ help, Arthur had come up with a plan on how he was going to tell everyone. With everyone gathered in the kitchen area, all seated around the long wooden table, Arthur began his plan. 
“I’ve got a question for you.”. Arthur’s sweet voice caused silence in the room. “How many children are in the room?”. 
“Five!”. Daisy shouted out from her spot next to YN. 
“No!” Arthur shouted back, causing her to frown and recount the room. 
“Three children…two babies.” Lottie tried a different response but Arthur told her she was wrong. 
After some of everyone going back and forth and all equally being confused at why Arthur was insisting they were all wrong, he ended their confusion and turned their frowns into huge grins. 
“Archie…there’s five…you, Doris, Ernest, Lucky and Olive!”. Phoebe tried to explain her reasoning. 
“There’s six…my mummy has a baby in her tummy!”. Arthur wore a proud smile on his cheeks as he looked back at all their shocked faces. 
Lottie was the first to jump up from her seat and jump up and down in excitement. “YES I’M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE AGAIN!”. 
“I’m so happy for you but I’m so shocked” Phoebe hugged YN and Louis. “Congratulations!”. 
Daisy picked Arthur up and spun him around, both as happy as the other. “You’re going to be the best brother!”.
“Congratulations my darlings!”. Jen wrapped her arms around her eldest grandson and future granddaughter in-law. “I’ve been waiting for this day for so long…and I’m glad you’re both having your happy ending!”.
ynstyles and louist91
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liked by louist91, lottietomlinson, and 1,566,439 others
ynstyles Our family is growing👶🏼🤍 View all 19,541 comments
annetwist Love you all🥰🩷
lottietomlinson Can’t wait to meet you little one❤️
gemmastyles Exciting times ahead. My favourite little family🤍
thephoebetomlinson LOVE LOVE LOVE🫶🏼
the.daisytomlinson 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
marktommo1111 My heart keeps getting bigger❤️So happy for you all! Best times are ahead🥰
louteasdale 🥹
niallhoran Wow! Congratulations guys!!
liampayne You kept this a secret! So happy for you all x
1Dfan The Tomlinsons just keep growing❤️❤️❤️
harryfan Gemma and YN both having babies🫶🏼🩷
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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pianokantzart · 11 months
I posted something somewhere about Papa Mario’s “these are boys” line being wholesome (and made more so because of who voices the character!) and I got some comments from people who hated the line because it was clear Pio “didn’t give a shit” about either of his sons and only accepted them once they gave him something he could brag about. In other words, he only “cares” about them when they make him look good. I don’t think this is the case, and I get the feeling you don’t either. Can you do a brief analysis on the character given what little we’ve seen of him? :)
Yep, I 100% agree with you. Mario and Luigi's dad may have his flaws, but he definitely cares about his kids.
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The thing about Pio is that he strikes me as the family patriarch? At least for as long as the grandpa has been in his twilight years. Not only does Pio appear a lot more emotionally restrained than Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur, but he's bulkier and moves with a lot less pep. Either he's a good number of years older than either of them, works a far more physically demanding job, or both. Whatever the case, he takes matters with a lot more gravity, and his lapse of judgement at the dinner table seemed to be out of genuine worry rather than disdain or apathy. At first he did his best to talk about anything other than Mario's failing plumbing business, keeping his head down and eating his pasta while everyone else was either defending or teasing Mario and Luigi.
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It's only when Mario directly asks his dad for his opinion that he gets right to the heart of the matter:
"I think you're nuts. You don't leave a steady job for some crazy dream. And the worst part? You're bringing your brother down with you."
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It's harsh, but you can tell he means well. This is not the face of a man who "doesn't give a sh*t." This may be a big joke to Arthur and Tony, but to Pio it's dead serious. Mario's taking a huge gamble with his and his brother's financial stability. Yes, this is Mario AND Luigi's dream, and Luigi is perfectly capable of making his own decisions... but it's clear who's leading the charge and making a lot of questionable choices along the way. If Pio has a place of headship in the family like I suspect, then this statement has a lot more weight to it– he knows what it is to have other people's wellbeing rely on you. It's important Mario understands that if this longshot fails, he won't be going down alone.
Did Mario already know this? Yep. Was telling him he was bringing his brother down a step too far? Absolutely, but Pio was not trying to emotionally gut his son the way he did.
When Mario storms off, he looks blindsided by the reaction.
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When everyone stares at him in surprise he asks "what did I say?" in a tone of genuine confusion. This was meant to be a wakeup call for Mario, not a slap in the face. Apparently, Luigi's inability to read a room is hereditary.
But Pio's not a man of pure stoicism, he's still a hot-blooded Italian at his core, so of course he gets so excited when his kids appear out of nowhere to decimate a giant turtle dragon and his invading army??? (Please note the way he's leaning way too far out of that window in his excitement. It's lucky he's got good core strength or he'd be falling right out of the third story into what is still an active war zone.)
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When the smoke clears both Mia and Pio are climbing over wreckage to get to Mario and Luigi, well before a crowd has gathered to cheer. The "these are my boys!" was a continuation of the pride Mario's dad had already expressed before he realized anyone else was watching. He has absolutely no idea what just happened, but anyone with eyes can see that Mario and Luigi just did something fantastic! And as much as Pio sees Mario in the leading role– responsible for his and his brother's failures– he also sees him as responsible for their victories.
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So yeah. Conclusion: Mario's Dad is a flawed guy who makes big mistakes, but there's no doubt in my mind that he cares a lot about his kids.
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m0ckest · 7 months
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🐡 Dharan
Residing in San Sequioa, Shay & Marley are marine biologists at the local aquarium. Shay's love for her family extends to her colleagues who know her as their dutiful "work mom". Her wife Marley is a light-hearted spirit who finds joy in teaching sims of all ages about the wonders of the ocean she dives in daily. Although they worried about work interfering with raising their son, he's proven to be quite the self-sufficient beach explorer (with help from Bubble)!
A couple of coworkers for @cowplant-snacks' marine biologist sim!
Had fun making this little family! They include skills, preferences, careers, lifestyles, one of each outfit, and a work outfit. Shay's work outfit is in everyday; Marley's is in swim. Shay is a trans lesbian; Marley is a cis lesbian. Marley has a prosthetic left leg below the knee.
CC-free except for 2 items:
Prosthetic Leg Accessory
2D Eyelashes (TSR)
Find the vanilla version on the gallery @ m0ckest or download the tray files below for the CC version (CC not included):
⤷ simfileshare
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Shay loves being a parent and that does include her work family as well. The young adults who work at the aquarium affectionately refer to her as their work mom for the way she not only keeps all systems functional and running but also for her tendency to care for their wellbeing. (There is always free food stocked in the employee fridge, courtesy of cooking sprees at home while watching Top Chef.) As she ages, she prefers to be the solid foundation for others to flourish which is clear in her unconditional support of Anand in everything he pursues (which mostly happens to be climbing trees at the moment). Marley's first love was the ocean, as it was one of the places she could move without restraint—physically and emotionally. Her love for swimming evolved into a love for the life under the water which, in turn, led her to her career and meeting Shay. She's an adventurous and playful mother, finding daily wonders for Anand to explore—including daily dance time. At the aquarium, she contributes to research by surveying and collecting data as a diver. Otherwise, she thoroughly enjoys entertaining sims of all ages with spirited education about her favorite topic: coral. Shay & Marley are close, bonded by the separation from their families they faced when they were younger. As they've grown older, the two are strong companions who younger sims look up to for their communication skills. Together they're raising Anand, who's really fine on his own, thank you very much! With his best friend Bubble, his curious mind and hands have been all over the nearby beaches. He loves collecting shells while his parents picnic nearby. He's quite the little collector.
Hope they suit your game, friend! Have fun with them!
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whinlatter · 8 months
What about the dynamic between Ron and Ginny? I don’t see too many people talk about them other than the one time he tried to sl*t shame her.
this is a lovely one, thank you so much anon. the two baby weasleys. two beloved bruisers who will squabble til the cows come home but who would absolutely take bullets for each other in a heart beat... it's the loves of my life, ron and ginny weasley.
the dynamic between ron and ginny is, as you say, deeply misunderstood, deeply underrated and, ultimately, deeply loving. the ron haters will say ron's a misogynistic slut shamer towards his sister: the ginny haters (these are, i fear, much more numerous...) will say that ginny is a nasty bully towards her big brother, the family/molly's favourite who basks in greater limelight and parental love than poor tormented ronnie. i think that says more about fandom's inability to a) remember we are talking about children/teenagers, b) remember that tripping your brother to humble him when he's being openly horny about his future in sister in law is praxis, and c) grasp that conflict between characters does not preclude the presence of real love, care and mutual respect in their relationship. ron and ginny's dynamic is interesting because it brings out each characters' insecurities and flaws (for ron, his anxieties about his reputation among his own peers and his position within his own family, his worry about his family's wider reputation and wellbeing, his particular overbearing concern about ginny's safety post CoS; for ginny, her resentment of being overprotected, her inability to stomach hypocrisy and tendency to fly off the handle when confronted with it, her righteous temper in general...) but i think if the characters were, er, real, and you were able to show them the fandom takes/discourse around their relationship they'd be like, er, what? obviously we love each other to death. we're very very close. we're mates who enjoy each other's company and increasingly hang out a ton and treasure each other as dearly beloved family, what are you on about? like, yes, of course they bicker. of course they fight. but those two, in their core, are good. i think as adults they'd be closer still.
(there's been a horrid fanon tendency in the last few years to make a lot of hay out of the idea that molly desperately wanted a daughter and mistreated ron, her sixth son, as a result. this is an allegation that seems to have its sole canon basis in what the horcrux screams at ron ('least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter'). looking past the fact that the horcrux is, er, expressing ron's fears not reality (in its next breath claims hermione is .... in love with harry lads! tiktok fandom discourse do not like to remember this!), i think it's very important that even if this is ron's fear - that his mum loves him less than his siblings and only had him because she was trying to have a girl - it doesn't actually ever inform any resentment or jealousy towards ginny by ron. ron and ginny fight, of course, they do, but ron never makes this apparent anxiety ginny's problem. ginny could be someone ron bitterly resents, someone his mother and, by 1997, his best friend prefers. but he doesn't ever do that. ron just really loves his sister and wants her to be safe, and yeah, sometimes that pisses her off, but it doesn't come from a place of envy or resentment, which, given ron has oodles of that in other relationships, is saying something.)
my favourite ron and ginny moments:
in CoS when ron's desperate to see ginny get sorted and then gutted that he missed it :(
in CoS when ron teases ginny sweetly about her crush on harry but as soon as malfoy does it is ready to commit bodily harm
in PoA when ginny's suffering with the dementors and she goes looking for ron (even though the last thing he told her was to go away, lmao. just sibling things. fuck off and die! but also i would give you both my kidneys)
in GoF where ginny really is trying not to laugh at ron for asking out fleur when that is plainly fucking funny
in OotP when ron gets one singular look at michael corner and decides he is NOT good enough for his sister and also probably a traitor
in HBP when ron and ginny are at war with each other but ginny names her pygmy puff after him and as soon as ron is poisoned ginny is the first person on the scene (with hermione) and does up poirot with harry trying to solve the mystery of her beloved brother's assassination attempt. he will be avenged!
in DH when the catalyst for the ron/harry fight escalating and ron leaving is the moment ron accuses harry of not caring enough about ginny........ king shit sorry!
bonus in DH when ron's like yeah ofc i didn't go home are you mad. fred and george would have been fuming. and ginny, my moral weather vane, would have run me through with the rustiest of pikes
thank you for humouring me with this ask game anon!
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topaz-witch-tea · 10 months
hiii, it's me again, thanks for spoiling us with your HC & AU as always 💖 💗
Anyway, I was curious, do you have any HC of what if Happy Family!AU meets with semi-cannon verse of RenJingHeng (that's still trying to bond with Yanqing despite their ✨Issues✨)?
I imagine it would be double the chaos since now they have TWO reckless, self-sacrificial, and insecure teen to watch over. That, and I want the HCQ to react to a what-if versions of themselves lolz. This could either go very well, or they just straight up start criticizing e/o method of parenting, and I can't make up my mind of which is better.
Hello!!! You're welcome, I enjoy writing these headcanons. 🥰
I do have HCs for this!!! I constantly compare the semi-cannon with the AU so I can differentiate their personalities and parenting styles.
I'll group them by character to make it easier.
Dan Feng- Dan Heng
They do not get along and Dan Feng started it. Dan Feng is very protective and doting to Yanqing.
He worries for Yanqing's wellbeing constantly and in his eyes, Dan Heng is neglectful and both Yanqing's should come home with him. Dan Heng's aloofness and his difficulties in connecting make Yanqing feel unsure of where he fits in RenJingHeng's new relationship.
To Dan Heng, Dan Feng's displays of affection contrast with his responsibility to the Vidyadhara, which leads Yanqing to make himself small so he doesn't stress out his father.
"How can you be okay with him going off like that? Getting possessed, sneaking off? He's practically skin and bones! Not to mention, you almost killed him. What kind of father are you?"
"You're one to talk to. Your son is so worried about disappointing you that he puts himself in harm's way constantly to prove himself!"
"Your's does the same!"
This ends with both of them crying and being very upset. Dan Feng has always struggled with emotions and can only communicate through words and acts of affection. Dan Heng is unsure how to communicate and care for Yanqing since he was never allowed to be a child and has no idea how to fit himself into the family dynamics.
Yingxing- Ren
They also do not get along and Ren is responsible for it.
Yingxing is very affectionate to Yanqing despite his strictness. Ren is not affectionate at all and approaches the relationship with a bit of teasing but also a constant state of "you are a child but are nothing like Silver Wolf, so I don't know how to communicate with you."
Yingxing sort of pities Ren since he sees Ren's marastruck fate as what could have happened to him if the Blessings of the Arbor went awry.
But this does not stop either of them from disliking each other. Unlike Dan Heng and Dan Feng, they do not engage with each other at all and instead actively ignore each other.
To Yingxing, Ren is confused and doesn't know how to interact with other people. However, his confusion creates more confusion for Yanqing, who believes that he is being pushed out of the family because of Canon! Jing Yuan is spending more time to incorporate Ren into his life.
To Ren though, Yingxing is a hypocrite. While Ren doesn't know how to interact with Yanqing, Yingxing is the same with his child. He doesn't understand why his child is sacrificial and reckless as if they weren't the traits he saw valued by his parents- their sacrificial and reckless actions in service to the Luofu.
AU! Jing Yuan - Canon! Jing Yuan
They get along pretty well since they are both very mellow people and their nature allows them to understand the other. Their time is spent comparing their respective sons. Hobbies? Favorite foods? Even habits as babies?
Some are similar like sword collecting but others are very different like AU! Yanqing prefers Vidyadhara seafood cuisine and spicy food over Canon! Yanqing prefers savory food from the Luofu and sweet treats like pudding and boba.
They also talk about their worries for their son. About how AU! Yanqing keeps throwing himself in danger to save his comrades even though his death would break his family's heart or how Canon! Yanqing keeps searching for stronger and stronger opponents in a relentless need to improve.
They don't talk at all. I don't see either of them seeing any merit in talking with each other. Instead, they communicate with their blades. To them, crossing blades with an opponent tells them what they need to know. The fight takes 30 minutes and by the end of it, both parties take their leave and stay silent for the rest of the day. If you asked the others, they could not tell you a single thing said during the fight. However, to the sword masters, they knew all they needed to know.
Well, she sort of dead in the canon so there isn't anything she can react to. She is, however, very sad that she passed and left Jing Yuan alone. even if her death was for a good cause.
AU! Yanqing- Canon! Yanqing
They talk about swords. That is honestly it. Their parents are fighting each other so they thought it would be best to avoid additional confrontation. They have also repressed a lot of their childhood insecurities so both of them are not exactly aware of the fact their behaviors are not the healthiest.
AU! Yanqing throws himself in the line of fire because he's seen his parents do it. He wants to protect the Luofu because his fathers spent so much time governing it and ensuring its peace and prosperity. But also, deep down, he wants to show that he is worthy of being their son.
Canon! Yanqing masters the sword not for glory, but to ease the general's burden. They do not call each other father and son even though both parties see each other that way. However, since things are never said, Yanqing believes Jing Yuan sees him as merely an apprentice rather than family. So now that Jing Yuan is bringing Dan Heng and Ren into his life, Yanqing is waiting for when he'll be served the eviction notice.
This was a really fun ask and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Please feel free to send more!
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fawnfictions · 1 year
Saw the thing of the monkie trio with reader who falls asleep in random places and.... can I ask for the same but with Red Son?
Platonic is fine but..... maybe also a lil bit romantic? :3
sleepier findings
— red son x gn!reader
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ofc ofc ;P
i'm actually happy you requested red boy for this, this'll be fun hehe
;; romantic, fluff, no warnings.
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- the first time he finds you sleeping in some weird location, he sputters and his brain short circuits.
- what... what are you doing, sleeping in a GUTTER?
- he is IMMEDIATELY picking you up and taking you to either his house, or yours.
- don't worry, if yours is closer, he has a spare key ;))
- he's very concerned about your wellbeing, though; similarly to MK, he'll be worried that you aren't sleeping properly, or that you lack the proper vitamins that you need.
- prepare to be bombarded with questioning when you wake up.
- listen,, he just wants to be certain that you're okay <//3
- will scold you if you're sleeping somewhere public,, like if he ACTUALLY found you in a mf'ing gutter, he'd lose his temper a little, "You could've fallen into the Spider Queen's lair! And you're clothes are all dirty—you don't know what's touched the gutter!"
- after a while, he'll start keeping a closer eye on you, and checking up on you in case you've put yourself in danger.
- if you fall asleep in bad places a little too many times, he'll make you promise to be more careful.
- but, the times he finds you in safer places, like in Pigsy's Noodles or in his own house, and he's a lot calmer about it.
- call him weird for it, but he likes to stare at you as you sleep; you look so peaceful, and he adores the little expressions you unconsciously make.
- if he's been in his workshop all day, where you've kept him company off to the side, and he turns around about to call it quits for the evening and you're asleep?
- he might give in to the possibility of cuddles.
- ONLY at times like these, though; he's got a reputation to keep up as the Demon Bull King's son, and he can't be caught slacking like that ❌❌
- either way, he'll sneak a kiss on your head, though.
- if anyone catches him doing it and points it out, he'll fluster SO BADLY and nearly drop you.
- cue him yelling, causing you to stir, and shutting himself up in fear of waking you.
- he will go off at anyone who dares to even threaten waking you up, you need your sleep? you're GETTING your sleep >:(
- he'd be a great cuddle buddy, though.
- but he's reluctant to—Red Son hesitates with PDA in general, he's going to be very unsure about any sort of cuddling.
- it's easier to convince him if he's been busy all day, or if he was particularly annoyed about something/someone.
- he's very warm, given that he's a fire demon, and it is WONDERFUL for winter, horrible for summer.
- you'll wake up hot and sweaty in the worst ways, but you'll fall asleep like a baby.
With a sigh and a wipe to his forehead to rid it of a buildup of sweat, Red Son admired his work. He had spent all day tinkering in his workshop, busy on producing a vehicle to counter the Monkey King's little successor.
As much as he cherished inventing as a hobby and a skill, without you to keep him company, he'd definitely be far from completing it; easily growing bored when working on the same part for hours. Your wilful chattering and teases were keeping him sane, albeit that he constantly comments that it 'distracts' him.
Speaking of you, he realised that you hadn't spoken a word for the past ten minutes. Whilst you may have simply gotten distracted by another of his creations, he knew you well-enough to be doubting the chances of him turning around to you being anything but conscious.
And, as expected, he whipped his head around from where his back was facing you, attention caught on closed eyes and light breaths.
Lo and behold, your body—on the floor, curled up around the leg of a chair that he kept down here on the, not unusual, occasions that you would join him. The position didn't seem particularly... Uncomfortable, as your head was supported by the cushioned seat of the chair, but Red Son couldn't imagine that the concrete floor would be as soft.
Whilst tutting at your state, he stepped towards you. Leaning down, Red Son wrapped his arms under your legs and across your back, supporting your head in the crook of his neck. He couldn't lie; he loved carrying you, it boosted his ego to hold you like the innocent mortal you were.
He briefly gave a light kiss to your forehead, smiling down at your peaceful expression and holding back coos at the quiet snores you let out. He continued to the door, pushing in open with his foot and electing to finish up and close it later on. He had more pressing matters to attend to, at the moment: you.
You, who had softened his heart enough to lead to him carrying you towards his own bedroom with the intent of sneaking a cuddle in with you. A light blush dusted his cheeks, somewhat embarrassed at the prospect of snuggling to you whilst you were already asleep.
It wasn't as if you hadn't consented to it; countless times had you awoken, playfully scolding Red Son for not cuddling up to you to 'keep you warm', or to 'protect you from the bed bugs'.
Therefore, as he gently placed you atop his mattress, stealing another kiss from your forehead, he moved to the opposite side and pushed himself close to you. Red Son pulled the blanket up, ensuring the both of you were equally covered and that you seemed comfortable enough.
His face only grew hotter; carefully gathering you in his arms. Unconsciously, you grasped his shirt in your sleep, shortening the distance between your bodies until he was pressed up against you. He barely held himself back from stuttering at you.
Accepting his fate, albeit never planning on rejecting it, Red Son wrapped his arm over your side and felt you nuzzle your face into his chest. The exhaustion he felt from his hard work, matched with the peacefulness you seemed to radiate, he, too, found himself drifting to sleep. With red cheeks and a genuine lift of his lips, Red Son slipped out of consciousness with you in his arms.
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Bonus Track #2
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (18+)
AN: Did I say two parts? I meant three lol. (It got too long, I’m sorry.) 
Word Count: 4,300 Tags/Warnings: Angst, supernatural shenanigans, death…
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Bonus Track #2: One Last Hunt
“Okay, try not to panic,” Sam said. Dean had him on the phone while he sped through town in the Impala. 
“I’m coming now, but I won’t get there for a few hours,” Sam said. “My flight leaves in 20 minutes.”
“Thanks, man, but I can’t afford to wait,” Dean said. “She fucking disappeared. I don’t see her anywhere…I’m gonna have to start at her job. That’s where she first took off from.”
“How did she seem this morning?”
“Fine, I guess. I left before she woke up,” Dean said. He still felt guilty about the fact that he didn’t bother waking you up to say goodbye. 
“Okay, yeah, start at the museum,” Sam said. “Let me know what you find, and I’d loop in Bobby. Probably Jack too.”
“Bobby’s meeting me there…but we don’t need to bring in Jack yet.”
“Dean, he’s her dad—”
“This isn’t his thing. It’s ours,” Dean said firmly. “If it’s a demon, I’m gonna find her and exorcize that son of a bitch.”
Sure enough, Bobby met Dean at the museum where you worked. The old man was worried, Dean could tell, even if he wouldn’t say it. But he knew the drill: now they had a job to do.
“I’ll go in first, flash my badge,” Dean said. “Meet me in the library.”
“Roger that,” Bobby agreed. 
Dean had a decent rapport with your boss, Jerry. When he explained that you were actually missing, Jerry was concerned for your wellbeing instead of irate that you’d taken a very valuable book from the museum. 
It gave Dean a theory to lie about on the fly: that you’d been mugged and taken hostage, presumably by someone who might’ve wanted to steal the ancient text. 
“How ancient are we talking exactly?” Dean asked.
Jerry gave him a look. “Ancient Egypt.”
He showed you the inventory log on the new shipment you were supposed to compile into the system. The title missing from the rest was called The Eye of Ra. 
“All right. Thanks, Jerry,” Dean said. “Anything else you can tell me about this book?”
“It’s a recording of the great deeds of the Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses,” Jerry explained. “It was said to be touched by Ra himself.”
Touched by Ra, Dean mused. Ain’t that just fucking swell. 
Whatever happened to you, Dean knew it was because you touched that book.
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For the next few hours, Dean and Bobby worked together on deeper research in the library. Now that they had a starting point, Bobby was able to find some intel. 
“The Eye of Ra was actually a nickname,” he said, earning Dean’s attention. “For Sekhmet, their goddess of war.”
Dean’s brows furrowed at that. “Why’s it never the goddess of peace and fucking tranquility?”
“Among other things, she was the daughter of Ra,” Bobby said, raising a wry brow. “And she was known as the bringer of plagues and death…and sometimes healing. Go figure.”
Fucking hell, Dean thought sourly. This was getting worse by the minute. 
“Okay, what does this have to do with the book?” he asked. Though he had some idea.
“Well, she ain’t been alive in a millennium. But she had a husband. The god Ptah, a craftsman,” Bobby said. “According to this, when he was eventually killed, she sealed her soul away until she could find a way to rescue him from the underworld…I’ve gotta think she sealed it in that book.”
Dean sighed, rubbing the now aching spot between his brows. An ancient Egyptian goddess was most likely possessing his fiancé. 
And it was much worse than it sounded on paper.
“Okay, which means she’ll be looking for a way to bring back her husband,” he said. “So how do we find her?” 
Just then, the police radio buckled to Dean’s belt sounded off. When he listened closely, his eyes grew wide. It was a report of five murders committed at a nearby gas station. 
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Dean pulled up to the local 7-Eleven. Bobby was on the way, but he’d been caught up in traffic while Dean was allowed to use his police siren to his advantage. 
He then used his badge clearance to get behind the yellow tape and over to Jack, who was still on duty. 
Dean stepped inside the gas station and surveyed the brutal scene: the nice old man who owned the place, plus four patrons were lying dead. 
Their skin was covered with boils.
Jack wore a disconcerted frown along with his crossed arms in his police jacket. 
“It’s almost…biblical,” he remarked. 
Dean knew just how right he was. Jack seemed to know that too when he glanced over.
“Is this your kind of thing?” he asked. 
Dean nodded. “I might know what’s going on here. Let’s check the security footage…but no one else can see it but you and me.”
Jack nodded, leading Dean to the back of the store. Jack was shocked by what he found in the footage. Dean watched grimly, but not surprised as you came into the frame. You tilted your head at the owner, who seemed to ask you something. 
You raised a hand, and with a flare of magic, everyone in the station was cowering and screaming as a plague of boils covered their bodies, and eventually ended their lives. 
“Christ,” Jack gasped. “What the hell—”
“It’s not her,” Dean told him. “She’s being possessed. I’ll handle this, Jack. Just make sure this footage gets buried, along with whatever prints she might’ve left behind.”
Jack barely had time to agree. As if that kind of thing was so easy. He called after Dean as he took off out of the station. 
Dean didn’t see Bobby yet when he got outside, but he didn’t have time to wait. 
However, he did spot someone familiar hanging out in front of the department store across the street. Dean jogged across and raised a hand to flag down Jessie Deluca. 
The kid was gnawing on what looked like a melting Butterfinger. He groaned in annoyance when he saw Dean coming.
“Not you again,” he muttered.
“Yeah, me again,” Dean said. “You been standing out here long?”
“Look, grandpa. I’m just chillin’ here,” the kid sassed. It sparked Dean’s irritation, as well as his impatience.
“I don’t give two shits if you’re contemplating the great Butterfinger Heist of 2008, all right?” Dean pointed back to the gas station. “You see that?”
Jessie’s expression faded from some of its assholeness, becoming more solemn. “Yeah, I heard someone died or something.”
“That’s right,” Dean nodded. “Did you see anyone walk out of the station?”
“No,” Jessie said. But Dean could tell it was a reflex, not the truth. 
“Listen, Jessie. I need your help,” he said, more earnestly. “I’m trying to find someone. So if you know anything, I need you to tell me right now. Please.” 
Dean stared down in the kid’s brown eyes. Eventually, Jessie relented. 
“When I came out of the store here, I saw some business lady walk out. I think, after it had all just gone down,” Jessie confessed. “She looked fine.”
Dean sighed and nodded. “Okay. What’d she look like?”
“Uh…black skirt. Great legs,” Jessie said, his lips curving a little. Dean raised a brow. 
“Anything else?” he asked wryly. 
“White blouse, heels…actually, she kinda looked familiar,” Jessie added as he thought harder about it. 
“Good. Now tell me what direction she went in,” Dean said. Jessie nodded and pointed him down the street. 
“I think she went down there. I saw her turn the corner.”
“Where? What street?” 
“Dude, I don’t know!”
“Then show me,” Dean insisted. He grabbed Jessie by the shoulder and guided him forward. The kid looked annoyed, but he begrudgingly agreed to lead him down the street. The two of them walked brusquely, with Jessie trying to match Dean’s longer strides. 
Dean glanced over at his companion, who was still working on his Butterfinger. 
“When’s the last time you ate something that wasn’t covered in chocolate?” he asked. Jessie didn’t look at him when he shrugged. His winter jacket hung off his skinny shoulders, making him look ten rather than thirteen. Dean’s heart twinged.
“Listen, next time you’re itching to knock over a department store for KitKats, come by the station,” Dean said. “Find me or my partner Jody Mills. Or even my boss, Jack. We’ll get you a burger or something.”
Jessie briefly looked up at him, but all too soon, his gaze returned to the ground. 
“What do you care?” he said. 
“Maybe I know something about having to fend for yourself,” said Dean. “Sometimes going hungry, not knowing when somebody’s gonna come back for you.”
Jessie’s jaw clenched. He didn’t answer, but Dean hoped he’d gotten through to him.
Jessie led him around the corner at the street he thought he saw you turn down. He and Dean didn’t have to walk too much farther before he found you through the window of a bakery, of all things. 
“What the hell?” Dean muttered.
He pulled Jessie to the wall by the window for safety, but both of them snuck a peek inside. 
You were once again wielding magic to spread a plague of boils across an entire room of screaming, agonized patrons just trying to get their donuts and cream pies. 
Jessie started to utter a cry of alarm, but Dean quickly covered the kid’s mouth with his hand and pulled him back to his side. Dean waited, stock still, until the screaming inside the bakery subsided.
He looked down at Jessie and raised a finger to his lips. Though he was scared, Jessie nodded. Dean led him around the corner into an alley beside the bakery.  
“What…the fuck was that?” Jessie hissed. 
“Keep your voice down,” Dean warned. 
Then suddenly, it donned on the kid as he looked up at Dean. “Oh, shit. That’s your freakin’ girlfriend.”
Dean let out a sharp sigh. “It’s not her…exactly.”
He knew Jessie didn’t understand. Dean sighed again and grasped Jessie’s shoulders. 
“Look, you’re right to be scared. There’s something evil in there…that’s why I’ve gotta save her,” he said. “Now you, you’re gonna run. And don’t look back until you’re home, got it?”
After a moment, Jessie nodded shakily. Dean nodded back, patting him firmly on his shoulders. 
“Good man,” he said. “Okay, scram.”
Jessie seemed reluctant, like he felt some type of way about leaving Dean behind. But at Dean’s encouraging look, Jessie took off running. Dean hoped he headed straight home.
Then, rolling his shoulders, Dean braced himself. He drew his gun, which was filled with silver bullets. He didn’t think it would work on an Egyptian goddess, nor did he want to pull a gun on you. But for the threat of it alone, he would have to draw it with the safety on. 
He entered the bakery, where you were perusing the selections with a dispassionate look. All around you was death. 
But you perked up when Dean entered, eyeing him curiously in recognition. 
“Feelin’ a snack?” he asked. 
“I have been asleep for a very long time,” you replied, holding up a pastry. “What is this confection?”
“Cherry Danish,” Dean supplied. “You’re Sekhmet, right?” 
Your lips twitched. “You know of me?”
“I do now,” he said, carefully stepping further into the bakery with his gun pointed down, avoiding stepping on the bodies. He noticed the book you left closed on the counter. The goddess saw him noticing. Her gaze cut to him in amusement.
“Why’d you kill these people?” Dean asked. “Didn’t bow down at the right angle?”
“Among all of my brothers and sisters, I alone was favored by my father,” she said, “because my job was to balance the world, between life and the afterlife.”
Sekhmet brushed her fingers against a glass case, and with a small spark of magic, the glass cracked into thousands of fractals, but didn’t shatter. 
“And I did exceedingly well at this,” she said. “Though I see that my work has been undone. This world is rife with imbalance.”
“Mass genocide. Nice,” Dean quipped. “But that’s not all you want, is it?”
Sekhmet’s head tilted at him with reluctant interest. 
“I heard you’re looking for your husband, who went an offed himself,” he added. 
The goddess’s lips pursed and she slapped a hand on the glass counter, making it shatter. Dean turned and shielded his eyes with his arm. By the time he recovered, Sekhmet was coming around the counter. He took a few cautious steps in the opposite direction.
“My husband was unjustly slain by the very people who once worshipped us in droves,” she said, her tone exacting and harsh. Her eyes, however, were heavy with fury and pain. 
“He was an artist. A creator in purest form…his talents were wasted on this abomination of a world,” she said, with disgust at her surroundings. But as soon as her anger came, it diffused into exasperation. 
She picked up a glazed donut and took a bite, crossing her arms. She hummed in delight, making Dean’s brows raise. 
“Well, I can help you find him,” Dean said. It was a bluff, to be sure, but it still earned Sekhmet’s attention.
“Can you?” she asked in amusement. She didn’t believe him. Yet. But she drew closer to Dean, tilting her head just so. All the while, Dean inched towards the far end of the counter where The Eye of Ra had fallen to the ground. 
“And after, you let my girl go,” he said.
“You know of a way to reach the Underworld?” Sekhmet’s gaze roamed over him in disdain. “Unlikely.”
“Well, I’d call it a gate to Hell. But same difference, right?” Dean quipped.
The second he tried to reach down for the book, however, Sekhmet pinned him in place with a vibrant amber coil of magic. Dean grunted as she forced him to the ground, onto his knees between the bodies of a young man and woman, likely a couple. 
The goddess stopped in front of him, looking down at his face with interest. 
“Dean Winchester, as you are called. I understand why you continue to display such reckless judgment, all but throwing your very life at my feet,” she said. Her lips curved knowingly. “I hold your lover, correct?”
She harshly grabbed his cheek in her hand, and Dean glared in response. She seemed to ponder something as she considered him.
“Soon to be your wife,” she realized.
And Dean had a feeling she was in your head, sorting through your thoughts and memories like any demon would. He didn’t know what was worse: the thought of you being awake in there, unable to fight this bitch’s hold, or if Sekhmet had completely taken over your body and shut you away. 
“Just let her go,” Dean said, almost pleading. “You can have me. I won’t even fight you.”
“Such self-sacrifice,” she said. “The only noble act humans are capable of.”
Before she could decide whether to kill him, or keep him for further amusement, the front door of the bakery swung open.
Bobby came in first, followed closely by Sam and Eileen. 
Bobby was holding a damn crossbow, which he aimed and shot off at Sekhmet. It was a warning shot, just grazing her shoulder. But it burned her with a sting of flesh that made her hiss in pain. She glared up at Bobby, and after grabbing the book before Sam could, she disappeared in a whirlwind of magic.
The coil holding Dean in place shattered, allowing Dean to catch his break and get to his feet, with Sam’s help. Dean had to admit, it was good to see his brother. 
“You okay?” Sam asked. Dean reached over and pat the other man’s shoulder. 
“I’m good,” he said, though with a sigh that belied his weariness. “Hey, Eileen. Thanks for making it to the party.”
The pretty brunette offered him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his arm. “We came as soon as we could.”  
Dean nodded and turned to Bobby, who still held his crossbow. He wasn’t happy about the old man shooting at you, but he recognized that it had saved his life.
“Why’d that thing hurt her?” he asked. 
“The arrow’s dipped in a potent mix of salt from the Dead Sea…and Egyptian wine, among other things,” Bobby replied. 
Dean frowned in confusion. “Why the fuck?”
“According to the lore, Sekhmet could be subdued with alcohol,” Sam explained. 
“Great, we’ll just get her drunk and all our problems will be solved,” Dean quipped dryly. He grabbed the radio from his belt. His gaze returned to the dead bodies on the floor with dismay. 
“I’ve gotta call this in. Bobby, get the security tapes.”
After Dean finished calling in the deaths to his precinct, he shared a disheartened look with Sam, who grasped his shoulder in support.
“We’re gonna find her, all right?”
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They regrouped at Bobby’s house once Jack took over at the bakery. Now the three men and Eileen were congregated in the living room, trying to decide on their next move. 
“You told her about the Hell gate?!” Sam said incredulously. 
“Damn it, Dean!” Bobby slapped the coffee table in exasperation. 
“All right, lay off! I was improvising under fucking duress,” Dean snapped. “At least we know where she’ll probably go next, assuming she finds out where the gate is.”
“She’s a goddess, Dean. One of the oldest and most powerful in ancient history. I’m sure she can figure it out,” Sam said, rubbing at his tired eyes.
And, as Dean remembered, Sekhmet was rooting around in your head. She’d find the gate for sure.
Eileen looked between the brothers, clearly worried. Sam had told her about what you, him, and Dean had gone through to close that damn gate to Hell last year. 
“So how do we stop her?” Dean asked. Without hurting you, was implicit. Bobby heaved a sigh.
“We gotta burn that damn book,” Bobby said. “But we’ll need to be smart about it.”
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So that was how the four of them ended up driving to southern Wyoming. They stopped along the crossroads by the train tracks, and ventured in on foot into the very clearing where their final battle against Yellow Eyes took place.
Dean thought he’d be able to put his past behind him, but the universe clearly liked to kick him in the balls.
Evidence of this came when he saw you standing at Samuel Colt’s gravestone. Or rather, the goddess Sekhmet. 
She was expending large forces of magic to try and open up the gate to Hell. The book that bound her soul lied on top of a nearby headstone.
Dean gestured for Sam, Eileen, and Bobby to hang back and fan out, while he stalked forward. He’d changed out of his police uniform in favor of his familiar jeans, shirt, and a red plaid shirt, hoping that at least would help you focus on him, wherever you were deep inside your mind. 
But he called out to Sekhmet from a (relatively) safe distance away. 
“Are you stupid or something?” he mocked. 
Sekhmet paused in her magic wielding. She craned her head over her shoulder at him in annoyance, with amber rings illuminating her eyes. 
“There’s only one thing that can open up that gate, and I’ve got it right here,” said Dean. 
He pulled out the Colt from behind his back. 
Sekhmet’s gaze narrowed on the gun, then at Dean with a slow smirk.
“Why, by the gods, should I trust your foolishness?” she asked. 
“Because we’re about to make a trade,” Dean said. “The gun for my girl. You let her go, or you’ll never see your husband again. In this world, or the next.”
Dean pointed the gun at her and cocked the safety back. She didn’t have to know the barrel was empty. 
“You cannot harm me, even if there was ammunition in that weapon,” Sekhmet replied knowingly. 
She turned to him and reached out with a magic-fueled hand, but before she could grab Dean, Sam shot his own gun. 
It deployed a net of rope that twined around her frame and held her in place. It was soaked with the same concoction Bobby shot her with in the bakery, and it made her fume with outrage.
It didn’t completely weaken her though. Her hands were still free to fling Sam and Bobby away from her with magic. 
She then turned to grip Eileen, who was nearly able to steal the book. And the goddess sent Eileen across the clearing, breaking a headstone as she fell. 
Sam had been trying to pick himself up from the ground, but he gripped at his chest, feeling his soulmate’s pain. He scrambled over to her prone form on the ground and checked the cut along her hairline. 
“Eileen,” Sam called, pressing his hand to her cheek. He had one eye on her, and another on his brother. 
Because meanwhile, Sekhmet had broken free of the ropes holding her captive with a cry of fury. 
Just in time to grab Dean by the throat when he tried to surprise her from behind. She forced him down to his knees and smirked in satisfaction as Dean struggled against her hold.
He called your name, trying to reach you through the goddess’s hold on your mind.
“She is gone from this world,” Sekhmet taunted. “This is but a vessel for my eternal soul.”
“I don’t fucking believe that,” Dean choked. “If she was gone, I’d know it. Deep in my bones I’d know it.”
Her mouth twitched, but she seemed to enjoy the idea of slowly choking him to death. Or maybe, something was holding her back. Dean could only hope it was you, trying to break through. 
He looked into your eyes and tried to find you through the cold disdain of a goddess.
“Whatever happens, I’m not letting go,” he gritted out. He held tight to your wrist, on the hand wrapped around his throat. 
“I love you, you know that?” he said. “From the start…you closed the door in my face when I tried to kiss you. Teased me. Never took my shit. But you never left me either. No matter how hard it fucking got, you kept my feet on the ground. You never called it quits…‘cause we never say goodbye. Right, baby?”
Slowly, slowly, Sekhmet’s hard exterior faded. The amber rings of magic receded from your eyes, and the woman he loved was there again, softening your face into shock and horror. 
You released your grip on Dean. He stumbled to the ground as he coughed and gasped for precious oxygen. 
He straightened enough to grab your hand. You reached out for him instinctively. 
“Dean,” you said with shaking effort.
“I’ve gotcha, sweetheart,” he said. He turned back to see his brother helping Eileen to her feet. “Sam, the damn book!” 
Sam snapped to attention and quickly looked for The Eye of Ra. It had been knocked over from the headstone onto the ground. He grabbed it and fished out a lighter from his pocket.
Dean’s attention turned back to you when you squeezed his hands.
“I can’t hold her for long,” you said tremulously. Your whole body was shaking. “She’s so damn strong…”
“It’s okay, we’re gonna fix this,” Dean said, brushing your hair back from your face. 
You closed your eyes and gasped. But when you opened them once again, they were hard, and glowing with magic. 
Sekhmet tossed Sam away from the headstone. 
Dean tried to hold her back, but she backhanded him hard. Sekhmet followed where he fell. She reached out and gripped him by the neck again, this time choking him with a vengeance. 
But then she gasped, as if in pain. She turned her head and found Sam with the book in one hand, and a lit match in the other. As the book started to burn, Sekhmet weakened. 
Dean caught her before your body could hit the ground. 
Sekhmet released a shaking breath; she gazed into the dimming sky, painted in its golden, amber hues, and knew that her soul was dying. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. 
Dean almost felt sorry for her. Or maybe it was the sight of your pained, weeping face that tugged at his heartstrings.
“You’ll just have to join your husband this time,” he said.
Sekhmet’s lips trembled, but she nodded. “This world was never made for us…but we shall soon be together for all eternity.”
She looked up at him with a rueful smile. 
“You understand,” she said. “A soul bond can never be destroyed.”
And with that, the haze of magic drained from your eyes as your body went limp. 
Dean’s brows furrowed with worry as he called your name. Behind him, Sam helped Eileen draw near with a limping Bobby. All three watched with worry at Dean’s side…until your eyes opened, revealing their natural hue. 
You took in a tremulous breath. “Dean.”
His eyes burned with emotion, but he closed them as he held you tight. All he could do was press his lips against your forehead in relief. 
You clung to him right back, for as long as you needed to. 
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AN: Fun fact — According to Egyptian mythology, the only thing that could stop the goddess Sekhmet from ending humanity with bloodshed was by getting her drunk on beer, which had been dyed red to simulate blood (which she also liked to drink, apparently). 
Egyptians (the survivors) would drink beer mixed with pomegranate juice and get drunk to celebrate not being killed dead. (Woo!)
Anyway, let me know if you enjoyed Part 2! All the fluff is coming in the finale of Part 3, very soon…
Next Time:
Dean brings you home. The two of you figure out how to move on from here...
Keep Reading: Bonus Track #3
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Heads Under Water Extras I
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Summary: After everything that had happened in Wakanda, and the man who stole your heart, you had decided not to return to New York in fear for your life as well as that of your unborn children. Instead living your life away by the beach with your twins and one stormy night you were visited by the man who had vowed to look for you and take you back home. One way or another. Character: K'uk'ulkan/Namor x Atlantean Descendant! Filipino! Female Reader. OC Children (Alon and Amor) Word Count: 6,622 (i needed a good angst and happy ending in my life.) Chapter Warnings: Angst. Mention of Kidnapping. Mention of Abandonment. Happy Ending (cuz Aquapapi desurvs the world). New beginnings. Second Chances.
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Water Under the Bridge
“Mama!” The sobs that escaped your son and daughter broke your heart as you held them close to you, their arms holding onto you for dear life.
In the years you had stayed back in your hometown, the various storms had come and go, but since your twins were born it was the first time they get to experience hand the violence of what a thunderstorm could be. The first that even had you worried about your wellbeing as you were staying in the little home you shared for the next twenty four hours.
The rising tides weren’t something you worried about as much, but the winds could become strong than the news would lead on at times. It was one of the many reasons why you still depended on Tony’s technology instead of the news’ weather forecast. You had several of your cousins sending you text to check on you three but you tried your best to assure each and every single one of them that you would be fine for the next few hours while the storm passes.
Everything you’ve endured in Wakanda was by far worse compared to this moment, this moment of chaos before peace and serenity. The life you had escaped from back in Wakanda—from Talokan.
“Did you know that light travels faster than sound?” You found yourself telling your twins, hoping it was good enough of a distraction from the thunder from outside.
“No it doesn’t!” It was your son, Alon that made the protest, eyes still watering from the unshed tears. He was at the stage in his childhood that he wants to always be right about something. But looking at him, you were greeted with glimpses of the man you loved—but had to escape from.
Alon was a spitting image of his father. Same brown eyes, sun-kissed tan skin, and the pointy ears. It scared you at times to look at him how more and more he was becoming the younger version of his father before your very eyes.
“Yes it does!” It was your daughter, Amor that contradicted her twin.
Your son might have your lover’s features, but Amor has her father’s personality through and through. From the way she talks to her Uncles and Aunts, to how she ensures that playtime with the younger member of the family would be fair for each and every single one involved. At a young age, it genuinely scared you the level of maturity she had without you even realizing.
“Then watch the skies, My Loves.”
As if on cue, the flash of light momentarily illuminated through the windows as the twins snuggled closer to you in the couch. You gently counted down to three before the thundering sound followed after. A smile on your face at the giggle and amazement from your twins, more so your daughter that was proven right.
“Will the thunder get to us?” You son asked, head looking up at you in wonder, ignoring his earlier statement as his curiosity was more of a priority.
“No it won’t.” You tried your best to reassure them both. “If the sound and the light go off at the same time, then yes, it might. But right now, there is a space between them both. So we’re safe here.” You kissed him on the forehead.
Proving your point even further, the flash of light appeared and with bated breath all three of you counted a few seconds before the sound echoed the weeping skies. The mix of cheers and wows from your children made the smile on your face bigger. It reminded you so much of your short stint in Wakanda, helping with teaching the young children about the beauty of science. Nothing truly beats being able to teach the young aspiring minds and helping them further with whatever path they may pave for themselves.
Peering towards the clock above the door it was past their bedtime. Without much of a hitch, you had lifted them both into your arms—a feat that you never truly realize was a problem until you realize the true source of your strength.
“I think it’s time for bed.” You announced, carrying them to their bedroom, ignoring the howls of the winds that continued to echo the living room and the protest that came from your children that continue to insist that they weren’t sleepy.
The unison of protest was left in deaf ear as you had continued to carry the twins up into your arms and bringing them both to their shared bedroom, away from the noise of the storm and away from the fear and curiosity that might peak their interest.  Placing them in their beds one at a time, you kissed their foreheads, singing a lullaby to drown out their continuous protest of still not sleepy yet even when it was already past their bedtime.
“Can you tell us more about Papa?” It was Amor that now grow curious.
Even after all that you had endured in Wakanda, with your former lover, and of the truth of your heritage, you had been open to them about their father, at least the existence of him. You had told them stories of his people, of the hardship that his people and he has been placed in. You had taught them in the best of your abilities the foundation of what the Talokan people had fought for, hoping they would also have the same principle when they grow up.
"His enemies called him Namor, for he was called El niño sin amor by them."
“What does that mean?”
“The boy without love.” You answered, memories of him telling you about the origin of the name, of the last impact it had on him and of the fight he continued to have for the sake of his people.
“But you love him right, Mama?”
Such question still had this impact on you and your sanity. You did love him, more than you would have ever believed yourself to be capable of giving. You loved him and when you realized the effect of your heritage had on him and his people, you chose to leave before he does anything that either of you would regret.
“I do.” You confirmed. “His people did, everyone that finally had come to understood all that hardship he had to endure to be where he was. His sacrifice means more to his people than he thinks it does.” You continued.
It took you awhile of pushing and pulling away from him to realize where he was coming from. The life and the reign he had on his people, the war he was willing to wage for the sake of his people. It made him no less of a man for you, it made you love him more and more each day because of it. It breaks your heart even as years has passed since you've last stepped foot in Wakanda or in New York for the matter, to not be with him, to not be by his side, and for him not to see the children you have both created together grow to be the very child you both so wished to be growing up.
“Will we ever see him, Mama?” It was now Alon that inquired, the octopus covered blanket covering him up to his neck now.
"I don't know." You spoke honestly, you did not have the power to know if he would be welcoming of you and of your children should he find out about them. The best thing that you could do now is to protect them from him and the underlying but still understandable hatred for the surface dwellers. You, as much as the truth came about, were still part of said surface dwellers. "But what is important to me right now is you and your sister are both safe and sound. You both are loved by your many family that are here. They might not be like your Papa, but we are trying our best to give you both the life you deserve."
"Okay, Mama." They both said in unison, eyes slowly growing heavy and it was all the sign you needed to let them sleep.
“Get some sleep, if the storm ends in the morning we can walk around the beach.” You promised to which they cheered more tired at this point. “I love you, My Babies.” You whispered, kissing them both in their foreheads, opening the nightlight, and closing the door behind you.
In the stillness of the little home you had created for yourself, you had allowed yourself a moment to sob. The raging storm that continued had masked the pain you had bubbled up every single time your children ask about their father. The tears of what could have been between you and the man, of the life he had promised you and of the life you were more than willing to give him. It was all ruined because of one simple truth about your life and about your heritage that you knew nothing about.
In the howls of the winds, something else had caught your ears. A hum, soothing the momentary pain in your chest the more to listened. The sobs halted as you held comfort in the rare calmness in your mind and in your soul. As if having an out of body experience, you watched your feet move in their own accords. The memories of your visit in Talokan with the man who had vowed to make you his Queen filled your head, lingering in the furthest parts of your memory—a memory you had tried so hard to suppress.
As your hand slowly turned the knob of the front door, you felt the sudden race of your heartbeat as you were welcomed with a gust of the thunderous winds. The rains splattering your skin as you could barely see anything in the beach, the rain making it close to impossible. But in the heaviness of the rain, it was the thunder that had showcased the danger behind the rain. The light had momentarily showed three individuals standing under the pouring rain.
All the color had drained from your face at the recognition of who they were. The siren no longer controlling you but the sight had led you to remain where you stood.
“Namor.” You spoke, firmly as you could in the moment of terror. How did he find you? How did he realize that you were hear when you did your best to hide from him.
You had always believed nothing could be darker than the clear night skies, but you were left to be wrong as you looked into his eyes. How the darkness of his eyes the moment you had refused to call him by his name and of the other names you had once fondly called him during your time together. Ku'uk'ulkan. In Ajawo. In Amado.
"It's time to come home, In Reina."
You felt your heart drop at his intentions then and there. You shook your head, refusing to believe that it would come to this. No, not like this. Not when you children were too young. You took a measured step back, hoping to plan something on the fly, hoping to give yourself enough space away from the man. But you plan was foiled as Namora swiftly had her spear pointed at your neck, challenging you with her eyes to take another step. Standing still, you felt your hands shaking and knowing there was no other way around this. He has found you and he will not leave without you—and your children.
"Talokan ma' K'abéet jump'éel reina fugitiva."
You winced at the venom of Namora's words, the pain that you had caused her was far too evident. In your time in Wakanda and Talokan, you had become closer to her, a friendship that you wouldn’t believe would bloom between you and her. But you had left and never turned back. She was hurt beyond repair by your decision not to comeback, more so without any explanation to her or to her cousin about the matter. You deserved it, but it was merely life and death for you that you chose to be selfish in the moment and it had saved your life.
"Namora." Your lover's words held finality and Namora had no other choice but to pull her spear away from you. The frown still marring her features.
K'uk'ulkan whose eyes were still on you held you in an emptiness you were uncertain if he always has or if you were the root cause of it. Years had passed, you had seen the changes of the world around you but looking at him, looking at the lack of change in his features woke you of the reality of who you had fallen so madly in love with.
"I'm not going with you. There is a reason why I left Wakanda, why I didn't return to New York just like what I have once told you." You spoke, you tried you best to not look into his eyes, but you failed immeasurably so.  "I have a life here, far from the threats and tribulation you continue to make toward me and the people that I love and you continue to call as savages."
"What life?" He inquired, insulting humor lacing his tone. "A life where your family stop by each and every single day trying their best to check up on you. A life where all you do is stare into the waters that you once had feared like the plague? The waters I had once helped you to overcome?"
“A life without you!”
Your words held finality and the thunders grew louder from the background. You could not risk your life, nor the life of your children. You had seen the bloodshed that came with his people and the wars they were more than willing to start for the sake of their Kingdom. You had known of what he had once done to Wakanda for the sake of his war with the surface dwellers, it wasn’t beneath him to choose his people over you and over your children if it were to come to it.
"Four years, Mi Reina. I had given you four years to come back to me. But I am done waiting and you will come back to me one way or another."
The finality of his words made you want to run away, question him for what he planned on doing to you but it was Attuma that was quick to stop you as he lifted you up into his shoulders. You couldn’t hold it as you screamed and thrashed against the man’s shoulders, trying anything and everything to get away from his hold. The blood curdling screams even in the chaos of the thunderstorm was loud enough to wake your children. The sound of the bedroom door opening had you halting and watched the sheer horror of the scene that fell upon them. You in the shoulders of a being that wasn’t truly human.
"Mama?" It was Alon that looked the most fearful between the two as your daughter Amor screamed at Attuma to let you go, going as far as charging at him and hitting him the best as she could.
"Stay in your room!" You screamed but as you turned towards K'uk'ulkan, you could see the thunder in his eyes as realization of your reason for running has now becoming clearer than ever before.
“They have my eyes.” He spoke so quietly staring between your crying son and your fighting daughter that Attuma tried his best to avoid hurting. “You took my children away from me, Y/N!” He roared, it practically shook the ground and had even Amor in tears because of it.
"Please don't take them, In Amado. Spare them, they're just kids." You sobbed now. Your resolve to remain fearless crumbling at the danger that it might have towards your children.
"Take the children." K'uk'ulkan had ordered Attuma and Namora.
You were let go, throwing into the much harsher hands of your lover as you watched your children try their best to escape both Namora and Attuma. Pulling something out of their pouches, you had watched a far too familiar plant in their possession.
"They can breathe underwater!" You screamed, halting both Talokans from doing what they intended on doing to your children. "They got it from me." You whispered at the shame of your heritage was always and will forever be ingrained in your children just as much as it did to you.
"You have taken four years away from me, taken away my children from me, and you have lied to me over and over again and made me out to be a fool." He held onto your jaws, moving you until you were looking at him. The proximity even in the situation still brought a shiver down your spine. The pain of his grip brought tears to fall further from your eyes. "Tell me why I should not kill you for what you did to me?"
“My children will not live without their mother.” You struck a far too familiar nerve in him, but it was for your children’s sake.
“And now…they will not live without their father.”
It was in the middle of the night, as the storm grows louder that all five of you descended back down to the waters. How even in your tears, you had reassured your children as they tried their best to get away from Namora and Attuma’s grasp that everything was alright.
But never once did it escape your lips that this man, the very man that now held onto your arm tightly was the same man you told stories about. The father that they had always hoped to have in their life.
“Where are we, Mama?”
In the silence of what was now their chambers in Talokan, it was was Alon and his curiosity that broke the silence since your arrival. You could only look helplessly at the trauma your choice has done to your children. Both shaken still for being taken in the middle of the night to an unknown world that was far from what they have always known their whole life. Thrown into a room with guards posted to keep watch over you in the off chance you would escape—something you couldn’t do without compromising your children’s safety in the process.
This was not the life you would have hoped for your children, not the way you would have hoped they would meet their father. Never in a millions year would you have hoped it would be under this circumstance.
“Talokan, your father’s home.” You spoke honestly. In a perfect world, you would have love for them to see the beauty of the nation had, untouched by the people of the surface world.
“And your new home.” You winced as the familiar prickle that covered the back of your neck because of his voice. No matter the circumstance, he always had this power over you, the shiver that always runs down your spine from just his voice.
You felt his presence long before you felt his touch. The way his hand had slowly moved from your hand towards the column of your neck before finally settling onto your cheeks. It was as if still enchanted, you found yourself turning to look at him face to face, the gentle warmth that was far from the man that had dragged you and your twins away in the middle of the night.
“Don’t touch Mama!” Amor screamed, rushing in between the both of you, pushing the man as far away from you as possible. You had to pull your daughter into your arms as the guards had immediately pointed their weapons towards your daughter.
“Stand down.” K'uk'ulkan ordered the guards as your hold on your daughter slowly loosen at the reassurance as they finally did as they were told. “No one will raise their weapon at my children and the Queen.” He ordered to which the guards had accepted without an ounce of hesitation.
The guards were eventually ordered to give you the privacy that you genuinely craved in the moment but could never have. Taking a large step away from the man, you found yourself sitting on the bed, pulling even your son into your arms in fear of what else could have to the three of you if you do not play along with whatever the man wants. No matter how much you try to convince yourself that you should be brave for the sake of your children, fear was lingering through your very bone, of what the man could be capable of doing to your children just to get to you.
He walked towards you, slowly and measured in his steps. You had felt your children hold onto your even tighter still. It was like a predator stalking their prey with the man, his eyes boring holes through you but as they fell towards the kids, there was sadness. From the darkness that loomed it had transformed into a soft tender look that you had only witnessed from him in the rare interactions he would have with the children in Talokan and even in Wakanda that have grown to love him (though he refuse to admit as such).
“Do you know who I am?” He inquired, voice soft and gentle now, the softness that felt far too intimate for anyone else but you.
You had watched the twins shake their heads, their hold on you still firm as they refused to trust a man that brought them to an unfamiliar location. A location they were now to treat like their own home from now on.
“I go by many names, but my people know me as K'uk'ulkan.” He began smiling almost amused as you both watched your children test the name out in their own tongues. “But I am Yuum to you both from now on.” He continued.
"What does that mean?" Alon had asked, curiosity peaking at something he does not know.
"Father." He translated.
“You are not our father!” Amor spat, pulling away from your hold to stand in front of the man. The softness slowly disappearing from his features as despair was there to replace it—of the action of your own doing it seems. “Papa would have never hurt Mama like you did! Mama said Papa is a kind man! He is loved by everyone for his kindness, you are not kind!”
You had refused to meet his gaze now. You had ingrained his kindness and love into their minds only for him to ruin in a single moment and for once you are not to blame for his actions. It could have been any other way, but he chose to use violence and show the cruelty he was capable of unleashing if it doesn’t go his way.
“Amor, please. He is your Papa. There is just a misunderstanding.” You hoped that placating your daughter for now would be enough, it was in moments like this that you remember how much she was just like his father, every mannerism he would have—down to his temper especially in moments like this.
“Amor?” K'uk'ulkan’s voice held amusement at the momentary respite of you finally calling your daughter by her name.
“It was only fitting to name her for what we both had once.” You explained, eyes looking towards your daughter as her dangerously daggered glare was still fixated on her own father. The love you had hoped he would come to believe he was capable of having for himself and for the people around him to have for him when all was said and done, but it was no longer here or there for you to tell him as such.
“And nothing had changed, no matter what had transpired. I was more than willing to take you back whatever the circumstance.” He spoke, hand holding onto Amor’s own, but she was quick to snatch her hand away and make her way back towards you. “I had waited for you, hoped that you would come back like you had always promised you would.”
“And you best course of action when I didn’t come back was to force me here, to force my children here? All because I broke my promise?”
“Our children!” He spat voice raising. “The heirs to my throne, the hope of Talokan for a better future.”
"But your plan against my people, both from the land and of Atlantis is not a better future." You spat. "You plan to kill the family I have back home, my cousins, my uncle and aunts that had been there for me when I had no one else to help me. You would kill the sister and brother that I never thought I would have in Atlantis just because."
“For Talokan, I would do that and more.” The echo of his voice was the final straw as the sob escape from Alon’s lips. No matter what it was, he would always have this gentle heart and any argument, may it be between children or between adults, he fears arguments and raised voice like a plague— K'uk'ulkan did not make it any better at this point.
It was the weighted silence with only your son’s sobs that got you to finally look him straight in the eye, the regret that came in his eyes as he watched his son sob against your chest. This was not how it should have been—he knows it but it was far too late to take back his words.
"Now you have your answer for why I left." You spoke.
"And you and my children will stay here until you think otherwise."
It had been weeks now since your return to Talokan and the arrival of your twins to their new home. Slowly but surely you had watched your children integrate into the life of the people of Talokan. It had been hard language wise, but the teachers that knew English had been helpful in making sure they could communicate better with the people they interact with.
The twins have also slowly but surely soften in their hesitation of being in a place far from what they once known. They had garnered a lot of new friends in the nation, and the most daunting change had been towards their former captors, Namora and Attuma who they now affectionately call as Tita and Tito respectively, you could genuinely say the same could be said about the right hands of your lover, the softness and genuine fondness they now share for the twins and the overprotectiveness only an Uncle and Aunt would show. It was a relief to know there were someone like the two of them to be there for the twins when you could not.
The same could not be said towards their father, K'uk'ulkan. Any chance that the man had free time on his hand he would visit the twins, but they tried their best to avoid him, hiding behind you, or Attuma and Namora if the opportunity was given. But in the rare chance that they had no one to hide behind, they had been respectful out of your own request to them, but nothing more. No affections of any kind, and you know it breaks K'uk'ulkan every single time.
It took time for him to trust you on your own again, but in the weeks of your stay in Talokan he had finally granted your request to return to the surface. You had wanted to assure your family about you and your children’s whereabouts and to hopefully say goodbye as you come to accept your place in Talokan from now on. You’ve tried your best to keep them in the dark about your exact location—in fear of the nation being discovered and ruined by the surface dwellers but reassured them time and time again that you and your children were in good hand now with K'uk'ulkan. It took a lot of reform out of you to listen to them scold you for disappearing for weeks without any word but you understood that it was their worry for you above anything else. The fear of you following in your mother’s steps scared them more than anything.
By the waters you had known K'uk'ulkan was present, watching and listening. You had reassured every single member of your family that remained that you and your children were well taken care off by the man. Reassured them that this time everything will be alright. Your love for both the man and your children would be enough to make you stay with him just as much as his for all of you would make you want to stay now. It was enough to reassure them even as much as it didn't for you.
You had returned, keeping your promise. But the fear of what K'uk'ulkan would do to your children still in the back of your head as you descended back to the water in the middle of the night when no one was watching.
Since your return back to Talokan, you had been moved to the far too familiar bedroom, sharing it with the King and the implication it might have for everyone to see and often jest about. Sharing the same bed, the very same one long before you had left. Everything remained the same. The same murals etched the walls, the only difference was the images of you and of your children joining him in the stories painted in the walls. The love that K'uk'ulkan would rarely profess was out in the open for you to see.
It gave you the push to slowly try. Talking to him, even if it was with concerns to Talokan and if there were infrastructures that needed help in building, you tried your best to be useful and now more open to the man. You tried with your children as well, talking to them about the first time they had seen their father all those weeks ago was not how he truly was, you had tried your best to make them understand the situation and thankfully it was slowly working.
Slowly watching them no longer hiding behind Namora or Attuma at the instance of his arrival to them finally calling him Papa for the man to see and try his best to hide the emotions building up for the change.
“Yuum” You repeated to your twins as they had asked you to translate Papa for them. A smile on your face as you three had spent the day by the endless halls of his kingdom, exploring as much as you were trying to remember the memories you had with the man during your initial stay in the past.
"Yum!" The twins said in unison almost earning a giggle out of you. It takes them time to speak your lover's language but they were trying. Already knowing how to make basic conversations with the kids of Talokan.
"Yuum." You repeated again.
"Yuum!" The repeated again with giggle in their voices.
"Very good." You praised them both, kissing them on the top of their heads and halting in your steps as the man himself comes as if being called by your children's glee.
"In reina." He acknowledged eyes falling towards your children. "In orgullo yéetel ki'imak óolil."
His words made your heart flutter, the way he looks at your children it was as if you were looking at yourself. In the weeks even as he kept his distance, he always looked at them, with a love only a father could truly give to their children. But even with the distance and time, he treated them as such still. It was the same look you have seen in your stepfather even after knowing you were not his blood, he loved you still. Like a ten ton truck, you were struck with the reality of your guilt, of taking this opportunity away from him, pulling him away from the chance to this life, of the life of your twins in his own.
"Yuum..." You smiled kissing your kids on top of their heads again as they tested the words again in front of the man himself and the smile on his lips only made it all the more bittersweet.
It was the first time for them to call him as such.
"Tita Namora must be sparring around this time, do you want me to bring you to her while I talk to Papa?" You inquired to which had the twins agreeing, they had somehow grown a fond interest in watching Namora practicing and it was something she herself loved to show off (though she would never admit as much in front of you).
“I’ll take them.” K’uk’ulkan had volunteered to which brought hesitation on your children’s faces.
“Let Yuum take you to your tita, and I’m sure he will let you two watch the sharks swim by on your way.” You smiled winking towards K’uk’ulkan hoping he knows what to do. It was the first of many steps needed to be taken for everyone’s sake.
At the excitement in their voices, you had watched your twins now practically hold onto your lover already talking about the kinds of shark they hope to see on their way.
“We will talk in our chambers, In Reina.” He instructed to which you could only nod and watch a now overwhelmed K’uk’ulkan guide the twins to their destination.
"Be good to Papa and Tita for me, okay?" You called out to which had the twins nod before swimming alongside their father to where Namora was.
In the moment away from your children and away from the man, you had an opportunity to think. To think of the fours years that you had been away from K'uk'ulkan, of all the pain and suffering you had placed upon yourself because of the fear of your heritage, of the self-imposed hell you not only have placed upon yourself but towards your children that seemed so meaningless now as you've witness the longing the man had for your children, the love and veneration that the people had for them even after knowing of your bloodline. It all seemed so meaningless and uncalled for the more time you've spent back in Talokan with everyone.
It didn't take you long to return to your chambers you share with the man. In the weeks since you've returned, never once did he touch you. Not for the lack of trying in his part, but out of respect for you and that was what you had appreciated so much out of him. But days go by that you craved him, his warmth and the comfort that only his touch could give you. But he had made it clear from the start that it was only in your word, of your willingness to fully come back to him were you allowed to have his touch.
As time goes by, you were slowly destroying your own resolve.
"In Reina." The way he had called you his Queen long ago before you even knew of your heritage, of your love for the man, his certainty for your title, of what you were to him—it was so overwhelming when it comes to him.
You closed your eyes for a moment, savoring how even in your absence, you were still given such a privilege of the title. You savored how the waters moved and the man now stood in front of you as you opened your eyes and his hand resting on your shoulders, thumbs drawing small circles against your exposed collar bone.
“In Ajawo.” You acknowledged him finally having the strength to face him.
His eyes, smoldering browns stared right back at you and all you wanted to do was melt into a puddle before him. His effect on you still held strong just as much as the fear of what his power had over you.
"You wanted to talk, now you have me."
"Am I not interrupting you of any of your duties?"
"For you, nothing is too important that I couldn't postpone."
You had blushed at his confession, the humor of your memories of him being practically dragged by either Attuma or Namora away from you because of his duties all those years ago. It was never any different now in this very moment. The hidden power you still had over him.
"I wanted to know what will happen to my children now."
"Our children shall be taught of the way of Talokan, and when they get older they will perform the same duties as you and I in the council."
"Even if they are just like me? Bearing the blood of the lost people of Atlantis?" You questioned now, knowing of the last conversation you had with him in the past and what he had once planned on doing to them when the time comes.
"I had spoken with anger more than anything else." He admits, eyes refusing to meet your own for once. "I was angry at what your father had done to your mother, of the curse that it had fallen upon you because of it. But I've learned now, of talking with the people of your blood that they are not like your father but are much of a peaceful people like our own. I know it was because of my own words and of my own action that pushed you away. But I want to make up for it, for your sake as well as that of my children."
You shook your head at his words, it took some time but you understood where he had been coming from. His people came first before anything else. He was pushed into a corner that he was uncertain what the right choice could be.  He made a decision, it meant there would be consequences for it, just as much as you did with your own. It was now a matter of what either of you could do to make things right after all was said and done in the moment.
"And I had spoken with fear above all the emotions that I have felt at the time. My love for you wasn't as strong back then to make me stay."
"Is it now?"
"Yes." You spoke, the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders at your confession. "You helped me in facing my fears, you made me feel beautiful than what I truly am. But the most you have ever done for me that made me love you for all that had happened between us was our children, you gave me two angels that I would die to ensure that their lives are protected from any sorts of harm, you gave me a family I had never thought I would ever have in my life. You gave me all the love that I one day hope I could give back, even just a fraction."
"In Reina, all I want is for you to stay, for you and my children to finally stay that is what I could ever hope for. What I need from now on. I can forget about any disputes from other nations if it means making you three stay."
"Then we will stay." You spoke with finality before moving closer to the man and pulling him in for a kiss. "For as long as you would have me and my children, we will stay."
"Then you will all stay by my side, forever."
In Ajawo = My King
In Amado = My Beloved
In Reina = My Queen
Talokan ma' K'abéet jump'éel reina fugitiva. = Talokan Does not need a runaway Queen.
Yuum = Father
Tito = Uncle
Tita = Aunt
In orgullo yéetel ki'imak óolil = My Pride and Joy
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