#who knows maybe i'll release music some day
pheonix-inside · 1 year
Decided that one day I'm gonna get the Undertale piano book bc I wanna get back into playing piano anyway and I wanna learn how to read sheet music better. Both for theater/choir stuff and my own music endeavors. What better way to do both things than use my special interest as a motivator.
Also I like showing off and knowing how to play a song on an instrument is really satisfying (I know this both from the few songs I do know how to play on the piano and my recent attempts at playing the ukulele).
Plus my family owns like three pianos at this point it's not like I wouldn't be able to learn.
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jamesroach · 5 months
Hey!! Just wanted to ask, if you know, were the Cherubs ever planned for Pesterquest? Or were they cutout? I know you used to only be the Music Guy, but I wanted to know.
short answer: no they were never planned
long answer: it was a really stupid joke for the pq twitter, which i think you maybe needed to be there to understand. i get asks about this a LOT i'll explain the joke for everyone if that helps.
in FRIENDSIM you go through each of the hiveswap trolls and then an after-story scene. in the after-story doc scratch makes you read all of homestuck. you then are thrust into the homestuck story. the first chapter is john. the second chapter is rose. these came out at the same time.
in the time between chapters, we would often release a teaser image with a silhouette of the character (whos that pokemon style) as a hint to who would be next. since it was dave, i thought it would be funny to make it look really shitty. eventually it settled on "what if the silhouette we showed wasn't even dave. what if it was an entirely different character and then we just put dave in the middle"
we had a non-artist draw a really junky looking silhouette of caliborn holding a gun. the spritework for pq was really clean up to that point so i thought if it looked absolutely terrible people would understand "ah, this isnt actually the character, they are doing a bit" it also doesn't make any sense to go JOHN > ROSE > CALIBORN. why wouldnt it be dave or jade? i thought this was an easy alleyoop.
we then released this image
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for some reason, to this day, there are still people who ask why we cancelled the caliborn route. there was never a caliborn route. anyway. thats the story of how i learned that over the top sarcasm isn't as funny as you think it is because some people are very sincere and you will probably hurt a very kind persons feelings
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whereisten · 9 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | more coming soon
“I make no promises, I can't do golden rings, but I'll give you everything tonight”
Pairing: Mafia Leader!Jaehyun x female reader (cafe owner)
Genre: Friends to lovers au, fluff, smut and angst
Warnings: gun and violence mention, blood mention, stalking, unprotected sex, slight choking kink, slight impregnation kink, oral sex (female receiving), rough sex, overstimulation
Word Count: 6.5k
((A/N: this is a short fic series inspired by the song “Promises” by Calvin Harris & Sam Smith. It's been some time! Y/N is now a bakery shop owner! I hope you enjoy this short series, I believe there will be four parts. If you're a jujutsu kaisen fan, the Geto version will be added to our ao3 :)))
[2 Months Later]
It’s 10:30 PM, the chairs are up and you’ve just about finished mopping the floor. Jaehyun sighs and leans back into the driver’s seat of his car. He’d been watching you every night since he left. He couldn’t stand to not be near you, or to not make sure you were out of harm's way once you left work and walked home at late hours.
If he hadn’t messed up that night, if he hadn’t been vulnerable with you and given into his heart's desires life a selfish, touch-starved man, he would still have a friend. He could keep you company when you closed the bakery, and talk to you about everything. Just like the days before that night.
You lock the front door with your keys, and start your journey home. 
You sigh, dragging your hand bag over your shoulders and buttoning your coat. “Well, at least there’s no rain tonight.” Your eyes and legs are tired, and all you want to do is climb into bed and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, maybe you’ll watch a movie. You put your headphones in and fix your hands into the coat pockets
You’re about halfway into your 25 minute walk when Jaehyun notices two men following you. As usual, he drives slowly, and without his headlights on the dark road so you don’t suspect being followed. The two men walked out of an alleyway as if they were waiting for you to pass them. Jaehyun’s brows furrow. He knew you couldn’t hear their steps because you were listening to music, but how couldn’t you feel their presence?
“Shit.” He grumbles, knowing that he will have to make himself known if he is about to stop these men.
2 minutes later and they still huddle together while walking behind you, however, you bop your head to a new song just released by your favorite k-pop group.
“Oooo I’ll have to add this one.” You say to yourself, adding the song to your Bakery’s playlist on Spotify. By the time you look back up, you see a car swerve right in front of you.
“Get in!” Jaehyun unlocks the door of his coupe, which is now perpendicular to the sidewalk, blocking you in with no choice but to get in.
Your look of shock turns into one of disdain. You take your headphones out. “You’ve got some nerve.”
You walk in front of the car and flash both middle fingers before continuing home.
Jaehyun curses under his breath, swerving the car back into the street to drive beside you.
“Listen, let’s talk about it, okay? You just need to get in right now, I’ll take you home.”
“I don’t even know who you are.” You roll your eyes.
“Y/n! Stop fucking around! Get in!”
“Hey hey hey…no need to get aggressive, man…she said she’s not interested.” A strange voice says from behind you.
Before you can turn around to see his face, he drapes a heavy arm over your shoulders to stop you from walking any longer.
“Leave her alone…she told you to get lost.” Another man speaks, your eyes widen.
“You alright, sweetheart?” They turn to you, your heart begins to race as you get an immense feeling of dread.
Jaehyun quickly puts the car in park and jumps out. He walks towards them as they pull you back. “Get off of her.”
You reach out for him with pleading eyes. “J-“ you start, but you feel something circular pressing into the small of your back.
“Oh no, we’re saving her from you, she’ll be perfectly fine once you’re gone.” The man chuckles.
“Tell him to get lost or we’ll put a hole in you.” The other whispers into your ear.
You gasp and look back up at Jaehyun.
“Fuck off dude, you’re a creep. Isn’t he, sweetheart?” He presses it in more.
“I-I’m fine, just go away!” You look at Jaehyun in hopes that he will listen, one wrong move and it could be either of you with a new bloody hole to model.
Jaehyun lowers his hand and nods. “Okay.” He walks away and jumps back into the car. You feel a sense of relief, but it's short-lived as you are now subject to whatever these men want to do with you. You feel disappointment and despair. Did Jaehyun really give up on you that easily? Could he really abandon you in this moment when you needed him the most?
The men drag you back into a dark alleyway.
“Please! Leave me alone! Don’t kill me!” You beg for your life in hopes that they will just leave you alone, that they’ll have a sudden change of mind. But deep down you know they’ve been planning, they’ve finally caught a victim and don’t plan on stopping now.
They only laugh and tie your hands together behind you while you sob and plead.
“Quiet down, sweetie, you’ll live but only if you shut the hell up.”
One of the men says before throwing you into the brick wall. You grunt as you feel your back collide with the rough surface.
The man is about to say something else when you hear a sharp, high-pitched noise echo into the night. You shut your eyes, flinching when you feel blood splatter across your face.
When you open them you see the body of one of the men laid out right in front of you, a small hole in his forehead gushing out blood as his blank eyes stare at you. You scream, and the other man grabs your coat, yanking you in front of him before pressing a gun to your temple.
“Who the fuck is there?! I’ll shoot her right now!” He looks around anxiously.
The alleyway is completely dark, you can’t see anyone, but the man backs away thinking that the shot came from the right side.
He stumbles over his friend's body, releasing his tight grip on you in the process. You take it as your chance to run away. He tries to run after you, “Hey you bitch!, get back-“
Before he can finish, another shot goes off. The man lets out a blood curdling scream and drops to the ground. You quickly turn around, panting as you see his shadow finally come to light.
Your dark-haired savior walks slowly towards the crying man with a sniper gun in his hand. He lugs it around like it's nothing, but based on the length, noise, and precise shots, you know it’s heavy. You swallow hard as you watch his menacingly large figure create an engulfing shadow over the man.
As he walks under a street light that the man has dragged himself to, you see a completely unfamiliar look on Jaehyun’s face. He’s angry, no.. he’s outraged, and the dark glare in his eyes makes your heart race. Is it because he’s hot, or is it because he’s terrifying? You’re not sure.
Nonetheless, he doesn’t give the man a chance to beg. He cocks his gun and shoots his other kneecap. The man places both hands over it and cries out while laying on his back.
“No!! Please don’t! I’m sorry, we weren’t gonna hurt her!” The man cries out when he sees the grim face of Jaehyun looking down on him as he crawls away.
Jaehyun cocks his sniper gun again.
You finally snap out of your daze and run towards him. “No stop! Don't do this!” You yell out.
Jaehyun doesn’t respond to neither you nor him, he only aims for the crying man’s crotch area. He shoots him again and cocks his gun. The man struggles to back away from him as he aims it at his head. 
Jaehyun is so furious, not a word escapes him, he only feels rage and sees red. 
But just as he’s about to pull the trigger again, you jump onto the ground in between the gun and the man.
“Jaehyun! Stop! Please, he’s learned his lesson.” You pant, your arms till aching as they are tied behind your back.
“Move.” Jaehyun’s tone is dark, you don’t even recognize him.
You swallow hard, hoping you can get through to him. “Jaehyun..it’s not worth it, the police are gonna be here any second now, just leave.”
“I said move. I’m gonna blow his head off.”
“No! I won’t allow you to! This ends now.”
Jaehyun’s voice raises. “They put their hands on you! They were going to hurt you! They deserve nothing but pain!” 
“Yes! I agree, but you’ve done enough! Get out of here!”
Suddenly, police sirens start to get louder, it's as if someone called them after hearing the shots.
“Jaehyun..help me, please.” You look up with wide eyes, and finally, Jaehyun snaps out of it.
He finally puts his gun by his side and leans down to help you up. 
He looks back at the man and kicks his head hard, leaving him crotchless and bleeding out on the dirty ground alone.
The two of you run back to Jaehyun’s car.
 He helps you into the passenger seat before jumping in and speeding away.
“Jaehyun, what the hell! You–you just killed someone.” You cry as he drives maniacally to your place.
“Are you okay?” He ignores your panic.
“Okay? Okay?! No I’m not fucking okay, Jaehyun, I just witnessed a murder! There’s- there’s blood all over me!” 
Once at a stop light, he takes his pocket knife out and cuts your zip ties. 
“Are you hurt?” He asks as he examines your soft face and body.
You sigh and look into his worried eyes. Damn it, why did he have to look at you like you’re his world? “I’m..listen I’m fine, but what you did was not okay, you just killed-“
“It’s what I do y/n.” He says lowly, calmly, but with a scary tone. The light turns green and he continues driving. The street lights illuminate his sharp features and you feel your heart drop. The man you had a deep longing for lived to kill, and killed to live, that’s the reality of it. He had no regrets whatsoever after taking a human life.
This was normal for him.
His fist tightens around the steering wheel. Your eyes catch a glimpse of the thick veins in his arms. “If something happened to you..I couldn’t live with myself..I’m sorry you had to see that, but it was necessary.”
He looks at you then quickly looks away, hiding how his eyes started to fill with water. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way. You’re just trying to get home after a long day of work. What if he wasn’t there to save you? What if he lost you? And he realizes once again why you two could never date. You’re nowhere near ready to see him for who he truly is.
You take a deep breath and relax into your seat, resting your elbow on the door. Your fingers shakily press against your temple as you look out of the window . “Jaehyun..you can’t protect me from the world..you can’t just hover around and follow me everywhere.”
“Why the hell not?” His nose scrunches.
You flick your head towards him. “Because you’re not my boyfriend! You yourself said you regretted ever meeting me, you never wanted to see me again, and yet, here you are swooping in like fucking Batman!”
Jaehyun clenches his jaw and abruptly parks his car outside of your apartment building. 
“I mean nothing to you..you should start acting like I don’t.” You look down at the floor and say sternly.
He sighs. “Y/n..I—didn’t..” he stumbles over his words as you sit there in silence.
You look back up at him, and he wants to hug you, he wants to hold you and get lost in your beautiful eyes. He takes a moment to breathe in your scent, still fresh and pretty after a long day at work. 
“What?” You watch him as he stares.
He sighs and looks out of the window. “You can get out now.”
You purse your lips and nod, tears threatening to escape. “...the next time I see you outside of my job, I’m going to call the police.” All this time, you knew he was watching. 
Jaehyun turns back to you with a puzzled expression. Night after night, you’d seen his black sports car parked a few feet away from the bakery. You knew he was there, and you never approached him about it. 
You look into his eyes before opening the door and stepping out. Jaehyun doesn’t protest as you slam the door and head inside.
Once he sees your apartment light turn on, he drives away, angry at himself once again. What if someone saw him with you? What if they knew he had a weakness and knew where that said weakness lived?
He lays in his bed after taking a hot shower and falls asleep quickly. 
“Hnnn..” His eyes struggle to open.
“Need you..” 
Jaehyun hears your soft voice and feels your warmth. He opens his heavy eyes to see that he’s back in his car. This time he’s in the backseat with you beside him. 
“Y/n..” He rubs his thumb over your cheek to check if you’re really there. You lean in and look into his eyes before kissing him deeply while closing your eyes. 
 Jaehyun turns his head and groans into your mouth as his tongue traces over your smooth lips. Cherry. The same cherry balm he tasted when kissed your lips the first time. 
The hunger in his chest grows, he grabs you by the waist and brings onto his lap, your arms still tied behind you as you moan. He handles you like it’s nothing, pushing your skirt up your hips and to your waist before pulling you down harder onto him. 
He releases your lips finally, a string of spit dropping down your chin as you whimper. He pulls his pocket knife out and quickly cuts the fabric of your underwear, a move that has your skin riddled with goosebumps in no time.
He looks at the knife, thinking about how he should also cut your zip ties, but also thinking of how he doesn’t really want to. Something about you being bound, restricted, and doomed to ride him until you swelled with his offspring made everything hotter to him.
He looks up at you while brushing his fingers over your opening. It's silky with your essence, already building just from your kiss. You throw your head back and start to grind onto them as he teases you. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, gazing up at your angelic face. He swears he’s already in heaven.
His fingers finally enter you, a high-pitched moan escaping you once you feel them stretching you out. 
“I-I’m ready!” You move faster, finding it hard to hold back as you’re so wound up already.
He pulls his fingers out and wraps his arm around you to guide you down onto him. “Good girl…almost there.” He whispers while watching you take him in.
The sight is so satisfying, he doesn’t know if he’ll last all night. You gasp once his tip kisses your sweet spot, but you continue to move up and down like you did with his fingers.
You move easily, your essence and his pre cum being all the lubricant you need to fit him inside repeatedly. He groans, rubbing his large hands along your thighs.
“So—good, I can’t” You struggle to move steadily with your arms tied behind you, you’re close, but getting weaker. You close your eyes as tears escape.
He tilts your chin, forcing you to open your eyes and look down at him. “Don’t slow down, baby, you want me to fill you up right? Well, keep going.” He chokes you slightly as you whimper. 
“Yes..please cum with me..” 
He could see your breasts bouncing under your button down dress shirt from work, he could see them pop open one by one as you bounced faster. And your pussy, so warm, so tight around him. He can feel his tip twitch as you clench around him, threatening to coat your walls at any moment now.
“Oh my.. GodI!” Your head falls back. Sweat runs down into the crevice of your breasts. He grabs your waist with both hands, taking over to slam you down onto him at a faster pace. He thrusts into you aggressively, chasing after a high that he knows he’ll remember well after tonight.
If you thought you could drop him after this, you’d be so wrong. He’d never been happier, never been hungrier, never been more anxious to fuck someone into oblivion like this. He could keep going if you let him. He’d have to recover quickly just so he can do it all over again in minutes, it would be difficult, but it’s not impossible.. He had to do it for you.
“Cum for me, baby, I know you want to....yes good girl, so tight for me.” He pants, his voice is gravelly.
“Jaehyun!” You cried out one final time before his eyes flew open. 
Jaehyun looks up at his ceiling and feels his bed under him. It’s wet with his sweat.
His chest is heaving and his dick is painfully hard, sticking straight into the sheet above him. “Shit. It felt so real.” 
He closes his eyes and rounds his fist around his dick to relieve himself, still imagining you clenching around him so beautifully while in his car.
He groans and wipes his forehead once he’s done. “This is gonna be hard.” He knows he should respect your wishes to not see him again, but deep down he knows he will have to. He knows he’s in too deep, and letting go is impossible at this point.
[One Month Later]
Jaehyun tries to let you go, he doesn’t watch you anymore..well, not every night at least.
He told himself he was getting better, and if “getting better” included installing a tracking device on your cell phone to follow you instead of watching you outside work, then yes, yes he was “getting better.”
A guy in his gang that acted as a hacker sent a virus to your phone through a text message pretending to be a K-pop album sale link. And just as he expected, you got too excited and clicked it without thinking. By the time you realized it was a scam, it was too late. He was in. You shrugged your shoulders and went about your day like nothing happened.
He didn’t track you every day but just knowing that he could when he wanted to was enough for him.
He had just welcomed a shipment with his guys, when he decided to take a break and check on you. His brows furrow when he notices you’ve stopped by a particular place between home and work once again. What could this place be? A new friend? Or.. a new man? No, you wouldn’t do that to him..or would you?
He jumps into his car and tells his guys to finish everything up before speeding away.
When he gets to his apartment, he looks the address up and finds that it’s an apartment building that belongs to a wealthy banker.
He bites his lip as he contemplates what on Earth you could want with a banker.
He relaxes into his computer chair and shrugs it off. He shouldn’t be intruding like this, it isn’t right. He’ll let you handle whatever it is you’re doing. It must be important and necessary. So he doesn’t let it bother him…that is until one day when you have a date with the man.
He watched you go out with the banker that aged you by at least 15 years. You wore a gorgeous red silk dress and did your hair up. Your skin looked immaculate and your smile shone brightly in the dim lighting of the restaurant. He watched from outside, holding himself back from marching in there and crashing the date. If Mr. Bank thought he was gonna get lucky tonight, he was very wrong.
You smile and laugh with him so much, Jaehyun can’t take it any more. He drives away.
A few hours later, you enter your apartment and kick your heels off. You shimmy your coat off before walking into the kitchen to get yourself some water. 
“Where were you?” A deep voice asks from the shadows of your kitchen.
You jump up and walk backwards. “WHO-“
Jaehyun steps out with arms crossed and knitted brows. His hair is styled back to reveal his forehead, and grey shadow rests under both eyes like he hasn’t slept in days.
He still looks handsome though, his black T-shirt clinging onto his toned biceps.
“Jesus Christ!! Jaehyun WHAT THE HELL?” You quickly turn the light switch on then turn to your handbag, fumbling around for your pepper spray.
“It’s 3 fucking A.M. and you’re just now getting home.” He tilts his head, confused as to why you act like he’s intruding.
Your mouth falls open, the audacity of this man.
“Are you crazy? That’s it, I’m calling the police.” You reach for your cell phone in your bag, but as you search for it, Jaehyun walks up to you and grabs your wrist.
He quickly places your hand behind your back and backs you into the wall.
Your eyes widen as he towers over you. 
“Answer the question first.” He grumbles, looking down on you like you’re some kind of criminal that’s been caught stealing.
You shake your head and gasp. “I don’t have to answer to you! I’m a grown woman!”
Jaehyun smirks as his eyes trace downward, floating from your lips to your neck and finally to your pronounced cleavage.
“This is a really nice dress, y/n, did he like it?” His eyes are filled with fire and jealousy. He looks almost disgusted as he thinks about you giving your body to someone else.
Your eyebrows raise. “You’re still following me? You’re insane!” You struggle to pull your hand away, but you pound against his chest with your other hand. He quickly grabs it by the wrist and places it above your head, like it’s nothing. His neck cranes down to get closer to your face.
“Let me go!” you yell. 
He shakes his head. “Not until you answer me.”
“Somebody help me!”
He can’t help but chuckle. “Even if someone comes, do you really think they can help you? Do you want to watch another person die, y/n?”
You swallow hard, and even though he is frightening at this moment, you feel hot and lustful with the amount of power he has over you.
“What’s your problem? First, you say you regret meeting me, and now, you’re following me every day! I can't keep doing this! So what if I moved on? Yeah I fucked another man, now what? You gonna kill me?”
Jaehyun flips you around so he’s pressed against your back and you’re pressed in with both hands held by him.
You grunt as your cheek hits the wall.
Jaehyun leans into your ear and whispers. “Mr. Bank loves that cheap cologne on his dresser. I see him use it every day. But it’s funny because I don’t smell it on you. And that’s how I know you’re lying.”
Chills run up your spine.
“W-we took a shower together, did you forget that I like doing it that way?” You smirk. Jaehyun’s grip tightens as he becomes even more infuriated.
You were lying, but you liked to see him get riled up, maybe just maybe, he’d leave you alone so you could forget about him, so you didn’t have to touch yourself to the thought of him, so you didn’t have to look at the empty chair in your bakery in hopes of seeing him there one night.
“You’re intent on pushing my buttons..even with you pressed up against the wall..even with your hands behind your back. Aren’t you afraid of how bad it’ll get for you?” 
You chuckle. “Are you threatening me because I just had the best sex of my life?”
Jaehyun picks you up off of the wall and lays you down onto the counter face first with a hard push.
“The best huh?” He flips the bottom of your dress up to expose your ass in your thong. He then taps two fingers against your clothed folds, you jump slightly at the unexpected contact. “And yet..your panties are still intact and you’re walking just fine.” 
He continues to rub his fingers against you, pressing them in just barely. You whimper quietly. “Your skin is cold. Your thighs are dry and you’re reacting to my simple touch. You smell like you did the first time like grapefruit and berries..seems to me you’re just as untouched as the Virgin Mary.” 
Jaehyun whispers so deeply, you can’t help but grow wet. Damn it, he really knew you like the back of his hand.
“And if it was the best, why were you able to go back to your place? Why didn’t you just sleep there in hopes for round two?” He still drags his fingers in and out, teasing his digits along your opening by pushing them in slowly.
“Unlike you, he begged me to stay tonight but I told him “no, I have to be at work in the morning.” You let out, you try to have a sturdy voice as you slowly unreel from his long fingers.
“Please, y/n, the more you lie, the longer this will take. You’re not the whore you claim to be..” he whispers against the back of your neck, giving you chills once more, but you shake them off and speak strongly.
“You don’t know me! I did unimaginable things with him tonight!” You wiggle to try to escape him, but the strong 6-foot something man doesn’t budge.
“Oh is that so? Show me.” He leans back and presses your wrists down with one hand while unbuckling his belt with the other. He then ties your hands behind your back with it and steps back. He sits at your dining table and waits for you to walk over.
“I’d need my hands, Jaehyun.” You roll your eyes.
“Come on y/n, see how much you can do without them..” he taps his thigh.
You sigh and walk over to him. Why did he have this control over you? What if he just ends up leaving again?
“I shouldn’t do anything for you, you’re cruel.” 
Jaehyun’s low eyes trace over your body in the red silk dress as you walk over to him. “But are you doing anything for me, per se? No baby, you’re gonna use me to satisfy yourself after a disappointing date.”
His hands can’t help but find your waist. He forces you down onto his thigh but doesn’t do anything other than look into your wide eyes.
You look onto his neck and broad shoulders, you smell his simple and fresh cologne. You wish you could run your hands through his full head of hair and intertwine your fingers on it as you go dizzy.
He lets your waist go. “Or...you can just sit here and tell me you hate me. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to, you know that.”
Your mouth falls open as you look at his lips.
“Go on..I’m listening.” He leans back and tilts his head slightly, looking down onto you with those low bedroom eyes. His gaze makes you tremble.
You’re so turned on from his touch, you continue moving against his thigh. He’d gotten you this far, why not finish it?
“I hate you because you won’t leave me alone. You send mixed signals. One day you want me, the next day you say it’s unrealistic to be with me. Make up your damn mind.” The friction of his thigh against your opening makes you light headed, but you push on.
“Before we do this again..I need to know what the hell you want from me, do you want me in your life or not?!”
“Y/n..of course I want you in my life...it’s just not safe for you..”
“Don’t you think I know that? I’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head. “I answered your question, you should answer mine..why are you home so late? What business do you have with that man?” He clenches his thigh and the sudden action makes you moan and shut your eyes tightly, you move faster.
“Jaehyun...it’s none of your business.”
He knew you were trying to get close to the bank manager so you could get another loan for your business, you needed to make improvements in the kitchen, decorations, flooring etc. and the money you made wasn’t cutting it. You figured that if you could find the right man to seduce, maybe you could get what you needed quickly.
Jaehyun knew this because he had seen the Google searches on your phone that went from “how to get a loan.” to “how to best seduce a man.” Hence, the red silk dress you wore, the glam hair, the intoxicating perfume that was quickly seducing even him as well, the high heels you wore to bring out your curves, and of course, the bra that made your cleavage noticeable to even the stars above.
“..let me protect you..and I’ll give you everything you need.” He kisses your neck and whispers into your ear while bringing one of your straps down your arm. He starts to kiss your shoulder.
You move faster on his thigh, swiveling your hips as his grip becomes tighter. “..that’s easier said than done..I want...I need to be completely yours, I don’t need a bodyguard.” You whimper and moan as he sucks your neck. Sweat builds onto your forehead.
“I don’t need your protection, I need your love.” You say breathily before finally releasing on his thigh. You rest your head on his shoulder, trembling while feeling your legs weaken.
He looks into your wet eyes and caresses your cheek while zipping down your dress with his other hand.
He then yanks your dress down to reveal your hard nubs. His hands cup your breasts, massaging them before tracing his thumbs over the peaks. “So beautiful, and only for me.”
He sucks them one by one, caressing them with one hand as the other grips your thigh, hard, so hard you know you’ll be sore for days. You groan in pain from his fingertips pressing in deep, and if your hands weren’t tied behind your back, you would’ve pushed him away.
He doesn’t let up, guiding your body forward and backward so you continue to leak all over his sweatpants. “Jaehyun!” You cry out in sensitivity, you cum again easily but he doesn’t stop. He won’t let you go, he continues to flick his tongue against your breasts. Your back arches, your clit is stimulated once more by his thigh, but it isn’t enough. 
He lifts you up easily and lays you down onto the table. He wants to make use of his time with you while you are bound, so he slowly drags your thong down your legs before throwing it to the side.
“Stay still..” he commands as your legs wiggle in an effort to get away from him. You whimper as he presses his fingers and thumbs into your thighs to spread you further apart.
He licks and sucks your clit as his fingers dive in deep. Your entrance, already sopping but welcoming him nonetheless. Your back arches again. “Jaehyun!” You cry out as you watch him devour you. His dark eyes lock with yours as he groans.
The tip of his tongue traces over your sweet spot as you throw your head back. You cum again, struggling to break out of his belt and grab his hair. He doesn’t stop, licking up everything that escapes as tears escape your eyes.
“Please.. I can’t- slower.” You plead, but he doesn’t care. He wraps his arms around your legs to keep them open and fixed around his head.
“Mmmm you taste so good, baby, and you’re all mine.” He chuckles then flattens his tongue against you.
He wants to make up for all the time he’d lost with you, he wants to consume you forever, to taste what he’s been craving all his life. He eats you out until you’re begging him to stop. Your wrists are tired of fighting against his belt, you try to kick his shoulders away again, but he simply smirks and grips your ankles tightly. 
“Don’t disobey me like that again, sweetheart.” His eyes dark and threatening as he looks up through his lashes.
You can’t stop moaning as your eyes roll to the back of your head and your back arches, threatening to snap completely.
He finally finishes when he’s had enough. He stands up from the chair, flipping your body over and lifting one of your legs over the table. He pushes the waistband of his pants down, releasing his hard member and grabs your waist. He runs his cock against your slit, parting it slightly with the head to gather your slick. 
“Gonna be a good girl for me right? Gonna follow my orders and cum when I tell you to?” He asks lowly.
“Yes! Yes..Jaehyun..I need-“
He pulls you into him, your ass shakes as you moan. The angle created by one leg lifted drives you crazy as he pushes himself deeper and deeper. You can’t stop yourself from clenching.
“Fuck..so good..cum with me, don’t let anything escape..I wanna see you hold it in for me..”
He buries himself in deep with each stroke, allowing you to feel every judge and vein as he runs his dick against your velvety walls. The table shakes with each thrust, he groans when he feels you clenching again. He moves faster, pressing his hand into the small of your back to keep you still. 
“Yes, don’t..stop!” You release onto him and chant his name as he moves in and out slowly.
“That’s it..such a good girl for me..” he rubs your clit to coax another orgasm out of you despite you being sensitive. 
You can feel his abs on your back, you can’t take anymore. You open your hands and try to push him away. He pushes in deep to make you squirm. “Give me one more, okay..you’re my slut tonight, gonna do whatever I say, right?”
“Jaehyun!” Your hands fail to apply any pressure.
He chuckles. “Are you disobeying me? Tsk tsk..you act like you can’t take it, yet you’re gripping me like it’s yours..”
He rubs his fingers in circles with more force and you can feel your essence dripping down your legs continuously now.
He thrusts faster and harder, the entire table moves as he pounds you like there’s no tomorrow. “Cum with me..cum with me right now..I’m gonna fill you up so you don’t forget who owns this pussy. so full..so warm, you’ll never give it to anyone else, that’s a fucking order, understand?..”
You can’t think clearly, you become dizzy. 
Jaehyun grabs your waist tightly to slam your ass against his pelvis and reaches his other hand around your throat to choke you. “Y/n! Do you understand?!” 
You struggle to breathe,  but nod and cum again. ”y-yes! Yes, oh my god!”
A loud groan leaves him while his movement stutters. He collapses on top of you as he empties himself finally.
After a few minutes, he sits back into the chair, turns you around and brings your limp body onto his lap as you pant. He holds you close by wrapping you in his arms, tracing his fingers delicately against your spine. 
“Jaehyun..just let me love you..please.” You rest your head onto his shoulder.
He does love you, everything about you makes him ache, you make him soft and remind him that he has a heart. He’d let his mind wander too many times, he let himself think of a world where the two of you could live together, have a few pets, get married, have kids..all sorts of “regular” things.
But love? Jaehyun is left speechless, he doesn’t know what to say, but he also doesn’t want to break your heart again. He was beyond worried for you. He unbuckles his belt from your wrists and helps you up.
He stands the both of you up then sits you back down. He looks down at you as you wait for his answer with pleading, wet eyes.
He shakes his head. “I’m sorry.” He fixes his pants.
You stand up on wobbly legs, take his head into your hands and kiss him hard. “You don’t have to be sorry, just give us a chance.” You say once you break the kiss.
He kisses you back before pulling away “I can’t.” 
Your mouth falls open in shock. “What exactly am I to you? Just a quick fuck and nothing else? Just tell me!” You turn away from him.
He feels his heart break again. “No! No..you’re much more than that..it’s-“
You turn back to him. “What? What the hell is it, Jaehyun?”
“I-I don’t know, I have to go.” He can’t look into your eyes anymore.
“No..don’t.” You grab his hand and tug him back. “Not again.”
“Y/n..I’m ....” he closes his eyes and shakes his head, keeping you from seeing the tears in his eyes. Why was he getting emotional?
The truth was Jaehyun had heard those exact words before. 
It was the last thing his mom said to him. He was 16 and hell bent on doing his own thing. He ran away from home and decided to live a life of crime. He was stupid and broke her heart in the process, leaving her to die at home alone a few months later. At 12 years old, he had made a promise to protect and care for her when his father abandoned the two of them to take care of his other family.
Jaehyun needed to make more money and by the time he was 16, his friend offered an opportunity to make more money than he could ever imagine. It’s what he needed to do for himself and his mom, or at least that’s what he thought at the time. He didn’t know that all his mom wanted was for him to be safe and to grow up as a hardworking man she could be proud of. He disappointed her..and he feared he’d disappoint you too one day.
You sigh and let him go. “I don’t hate you Jaehyun, I just don’t understand you..”
He turns away from you to not show weakness once again. “I wish I understood myself, I wish I didn’t hurt you.” He leaves, slamming the door shut as you sink down into the chair.
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nwjws · 8 months
while you were sleeping - pjs
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; PAIRING - jay x gn!reader
; SYNOPSIS - in which you’ve had the same album on repeat, unable to get it out of your mind. just like how jay, your roommate, can’t seem to get you out of his.
; WC - 1.4k (minus the lyrics)
; TAGS - college roommates au, fluff, from jay's pov, based off laufey's 'while you were sleeping' ; WARNINGS - not proofread
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i still can't believe that you noticed me
mindlessly scrolling on your phone, you patiently wait for your roommate, park jay, to finish cooking up some breakfast. a comfortable silence has settled between you two, with the only sounds being the sizzling oil on the pan and your humming.
"you've been listening to the same 14 songs for the past week."
"what?" you ask, looking up at him. you stare at his back, broad shoulders exposed by his tank top.
he turns his head to look back at you over his shoulder, raising a perfect eyebrow. you realise then what he's saying.
laufey had released a new album last week, and you literally haven't played any other song outside of it since it dropped. you can feel jay judging you, but you just shrug at him. you were definitely not stopping.
"so what if i've had bewitched on repeat? can you deny that they're good?" you challenged him.
"no, of course not," he chuckled to himself, turning back to the pan. "i'm just surprised you haven't gotten sick of it yet."
"i would never get sick of laufey," you say with mock offence.
"alright, then," he said with a teasing undertone.
you wanted to retort, but he placed a plate in front of you, making you forget what you were going to say.
"hey, you have a later clinical today, right?" he asked as you two dug in.
"take the box i left in the fridge with you before you go then. its some extra lunch i made so you'd have enough energy to get through the day."
"thank you," you say appreciatively. "you really don't have to do that every time i have a heavier day."
"well, if i have time to, then i don't see why i shouldn't."
"what about you? what are you doing today?"
"my professor cancelled class today, so i'll go check out if i can bother heeseung or jake."
"i'll pray for whichever victim you choose, then," you joke.
"maybe i won't make you extra lunch next time," he pouted playfully.
"no, no. those actually really help me. god knows if i didn't score you as my roommate, i would have passed out several times by now."
"grateful to be of service"
after breakfast, jay lounges around the apartment as you're getting ready. some show plays on the tv, but it doesn't drown out the sound of must be love playing from your speakers.
you shout your leaving when you exit the shared apartment, and jay wishes you a good day. he watches you close the door, leaving him completely alone.
i'll never forget the first time i saw you then
when he drives to the shopping centre with jake later that day, he pauses mid-sentence when he realises something.
"is everything good?" his friend asks.
"yeah, i just recognised the song playing."
"really? you listen to from the start by laufey?" jake asks. he had decided to connect his phone to jay's carplay, and had been in the one in control of the playlist.
"not really, but my roommate does."
"y/n? that's pretty cool. they've got good music taste," he replies.
"they've had her newest album on repeat since she dropped it," jay laughs, eyes on the road.
"do you find that annoying?"
"of course not, it's funny seeing them prance around the apartment, belting their heart out," he laughs at a memory of you singing at the top of your lungs. "i guess i'm more of a second-hand listener now? if that's even a thing."
"probably," jake shrugs.
a light pink bouquet, a promise you'll stay and i start to believe
the two had decided to eat out at wagamama's first, before anything else.
"i think i'll get the pad thai," tells the waitor, who nods and notes it on his ipad.
"hm, i'm feeling like trying the grilled chicken ramen," jay says. "oh, could i also get the miso mixed vegetable salad to-go?"
"sure," the waitor replies. he pockets the small device in his apron, and leaves for the kitchen.
"you ordered another meal?" the younger asks curiously.
"me and y/n go here often. of course, i had to get them something. usually, they'll go for the typical miso salad, or some curry, but they've decided they wanted to try being vegan recently. so i got the vegan one," jay explains nonchalantly.
"wow, you really care a lot about them, huh?"
"of course, we're sharing the rent, after all. have to be a good roommate, otherwise they'll leave and i'll have to pay the bills on my own."
"maybe i should get a roommate," jake chuckles. "but i don't think i'd be able to get someone like you."
"i'd feel sorry for whoever ends up with you," jay teases him. "and anyway, they're a good roommate. they do the laundry for the both of us, and we usually spend the weekends cleaning together."
"you guys are so lucky," is all jake says.
i don't recognise myself ; who've i become?
jake dragged jay into their third clothing shop that day, despite jay's protests. in self-defence, jake whines about needing some new shoes.
"don't you have like, thirty pairs? what could you possibly need another one for?"
"actually, i only have twenty-eight. and i need one for graduation, of course."
"right, because none of your almost-thirty pairs suffice," jay rolls his eyes.
"don't act like you dont have seventy pairs of the same polo shirt."
"i don't!"
"i've seen your closet, don't lie to me."
jay sighs and leaves jake to wander around the shop on his own.
"there you go again, buying another shirt," jake's voice sighs from behind jay fifteen minutes later.
"not for me," jay shakes his head. he turns to show the clothing piece to his friend. "for y/n. this is definitely their style, and it'll fit them so well. they have a pair of shoes that are this exact colour, so it would be good outfit if they sandwhich it with any bottom piece they choose."
"you think a lot about your roommate," jake raises his eyebrow at him.
"i see them all the time, why wouldn't i?" jay asks.
"no, like, you think too much about y/n considering you're 'only roommates'," he says with a quote gesture.
"stop suggesting weird things," jay walks ahead to the counter, leaving jake to follow behind.
"is it really so weird, though? if you like y/n like that?"
jay just ignores him, and pays for the shirt. it's not, he thinks to himself, because it's not a new thought either.
i trace it all back, 3:30 am that night something turned in my heart
"thank you, jay," you hug him when he shows you what he got. "you really need to stop buying me things."
"i can't help it," he smiles. "when i see something that reminds me of you, i just feel like i have to get it."
"with how often you buy me things, i'd say a lot of things remind you of me, huh?"
"seems like it..." he scratches his nape, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with you. thanks jake, he scowls in his mind. now he can't stop thinking about what he said earlier.
you and jay decide to watch a movie the next night, since it was a friday, and neither of you had to be up early the next day.
but jay couldn't focus on the tv when you two were basically cuddling under the shared blanket on the sofa. his skin prickled where his arm hung around your shoulder, and the weight of your head on his made him feel light and airy.
the warmth of your body seeped through your clothes, and brought him immense comfort. your sweet scent filled his nose, subconsciously recognising it to be one of the perfumes he'd bought you.
it was only when the movie ended he realised he hadn't been watching at all. and neither were you, if your light snores were any indication.
he huffed amusedly to himself, and shifted on the sofa to get you two in a more comfortable position, actually lying down. reaching for the remote, he carefully switched off the tv, leaving the only source of light to be a soft, warm yellow coming from a corner lamp.
jay stared at your features, illuminated by the dim light. he realised right then, in the comfort of your arms, far into the night, what he felt for you.
while you were sleeping, i fell in love.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER! do u guys ever feel like throwing up at your own work? ALSO THANK YOU FOR 200 this is my offer of thanks 🤭
; TAGLIST - @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii
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smplykiel · 11 months
what was I made for?
watching the barbie movie w genshin characters!
kazuha, kaveh, xiao, wanderer x reader (separately)
warnings: a tinge of angst, hurt/comfort, crying, modern au, tooth-rotting fluff !!
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You've been anticipating the release of the latest Barbie film for days. Your excitement was as great as ever since you had already planned your pink-themed outfit days before the film's release.
If you were going to see the Barbie movie while feeling like a Barbie, you'd need your Ken, right? So you just had to invite your significant other to see the new movie with you!
Your well-thought-out pink-themed outfit was now slightly damp from the countless tears streaming down your tear-stained cheeks as the movie slowly came to an end. The saddening music playing in the background as you suppressed your cries.
Kazuha, on the other hand, was wiping your tears away. Warm hands cupped your wet cheeks as his thumbs gently wiped away your salty tears. His brows were knitted together in a frown as he watched you cry in his hands.
"Hey, it's okay. Everything is alright. That's what I'm made for, right? To be here for you always. So it's okay to cry. It's okay to let out all your bottled-up emotions. And when you do, I'll be by your side, okay, my love?" he whispered into your ear as he pulled you into a passionate embrace.
Your tears came to a still as you felt Kazuha pull away, your arms that were once wrapped around his shoulders loosening. You look at him with puffy and red eyes, but Kazuha couldn't care less. He leaned in again before pressing a soft, gentle kiss on the corner of your lips, making butterflies swarm your stomach almost immediately.
The scene made the other watchers admire the couple, feeling proud, while some felt envious and asked each other where they could find someone like your loving boyfriend.
As he pulled away, you couldn't help but feel lucky to have a boyfriend like Kazuha.
You didn't know how you found yourself in this position—Kaveh sitting on your lap, face buried into the crook of your neck as he sobbed loudly, ignoring the fact you were in a completely public space.
"Kaveh..? What's wrong, baby-" Before you could finish your sentence, your sobbing lover suddenly pulled away from you before looking at you with glazed orbs. "If you EVER cry without telling me, I will literally cry! I swear with MY LIFE that I will never make you feel unloved! I'M ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU, OKAY Y/N?!" Kaveh rapidly said, a couple hiccups interrupting his words as tears continued flowing down his rosy cheeks.
A soft sigh left your lips before you cupped his tear-stained cheeks. Sure, some people would find your boyfriend embarrassing for yelling in the middle of the theater, but you couldn't care less about any of that right now; all that mattered was your lover, Kaveh.
You quickly wiped away his tears before pressing a quick peck on his slightly damp cheeks. "Okay, but don't scare me like that again. You're going to make me cry." You whispered soft, loving words into his ears as you pulled him into a hug, opting to rest your chin on the pads of your boyfriend's shoulder. All of your words were quickly interrupted again as he cried in your arms, his tears soaking your pink outfit.
Some people expected that you would be the one who should be crying in your boyfriend's arms, yet for you, you found it endearing and adorable as Kaveh cried in your arms like a big baby.
Your brows were knitted together as you watched the end credits roll with a frown. Sure, the movie made you feel somewhat sad, as you related deeply to the story, but it wasn't so far that it made you cry.
You swiftly picked up your trash before standing up from your seat. Head turning to look at your boyfriend, Xiao, if he was ready to leave. His expression was... somewhat sad, yet confused. Maybe he related to the movie too.
"Xiao, let's go," you whispered before putting out your free hand, waiting for him to intertwine his with yours. When he did, you felt a bit more at ease. You didn't know why, but you just did.
As you were about to exit the theater of the mall, you could feel yourself slightly stumble back as your boyfriend was now a bit far from you, hands still holding onto each other.
"Xiao..?" Your silky hair fluttered as you whipped your head to face your boyfriend, only to see him staring holes into the floor, the tips of his ears slightly turning a tint of pink.
"I'll always be there for you if you need me... if you didn't know." he quietly said as his brows furrowed, his embarrassed eyes slowly glancing at you for a response. You could feel your heartbeat accelerate ever so slightly, the apples of your cheeks a light shade of red as your hand loosened its grip on Xiao's hand, making him puzzled at the loss of contact.
"Y/N..?" Before he could even process what was happening, he was quickly pulled into a warm hug, immediately melting in your arms as he wrapped his around your waist. "Thank you, love. I'll also be here for you always," you whispered into his now red ear. You slightly pull away from the hug before pressing a faint kiss on the tip of his nose, making his face flush red.
Before you broke the gears in his brain even more, you pulled away from the embrace before intertwining your hands together. "Let's go!" you said before turning away from him and dragging him to who knows where.
But he doesn't fail to catch the burning shade of red spread all over your ears, and he unconsciously smiles at this.
Your boyfriend didn't know what to do as you sobbed uncontrollably to yourself, eyes fixed on the TV screen as the ending credits rolled in.
What's he supposed to do? Does he need to tell you to stop crying? Yeah, no, he was sure that would just make your sobs even louder. Should he wipe away your tears and curse the people who made the movie? He sat there frozen and puzzled, his mind running millions of miles for ways to comfort you.
Out of nowhere, his body moved on its own before lifting you up from the sofa as he placed you on his lap, a protective arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand pressed your head onto his shoulder, letting you sob all you wanted. Though he doesn't let out a single word, as silence engulfed the both of you, only the sounds of your cries and hiccups remained, but either way, the both of you found the silence comforting.
Once he was sure your cries had come to a stop, he slightly pulled away, enough to see the aftermath of your tears plastered onto your face. His usual expression was nowhere to be seen and was replaced with a soft one.
He gently wipes away the remaining tears from the corners of your eyes. His hand suddenly brushed the stray strands of your smooth hair that framed your face perfectly away before pressing a soft, yet somehow shy, kiss onto your forehead.
Your eyes don't miss the way his cheeks burn up ever so slightly and his ears turn bright red. Before you could say anything, he pulled away from your forehead and pushed you back onto his shoulder. You smile warmly at this.
Sure, your beloved lover isn't too good at comforting others through words of affirmation, but he's pretty capable of showing it through actions instead.
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A/N: HELLOOO i just watched barbie a few days ago and i legit cannot stop thinking about it. anw have some fluff before i start writing the pt. 2 of albedo angst! 😘
©smplykiel 2023 on tumblr | do not repost, copy, translate, or modify any of my works on any platform.
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bsof-maarav · 1 month
it's good this is my only social media and that i've insulated myself from the worst of this place. i'm not watching that video. i understand the value in bearing witness. but for me, it's like this. i know what's been happening to the hostages already, i don't need to be convinced. i don't want to violate them further by watching the beginning of the worst part of their lives and i don't want to be even more secondhand traumatized either. it would make me less, not more, able to do what i can do to be of use to the hostages.
but even more than i'm not watching that video, i'm not watching the absolutely psychopathic response to it by the mobs who are indulging in an orgy of probably the two oldest forms of hatred in the world--misogyny and antisemitism.
when i heard this video would be released, i had that impulse to hope that maybe now my former friends and community would finally get it. but it's not the case. we've all known this whole time. there's been no mystery about what kind of violence the go-pro wearing terrorists are perpetrating. we've already seen enough to know, even without seeking it out. journalists have described it thoroughly as well. if someone says they need to see something more explicit for "proof," they're nothing but consumers of terrorist torture porn. it's pure רַע
i'm not even going to try writing any appeals about these womens' humanity because anyone who doesn't get it, that's because they don't want to get it and they probably never will. they're getting off on this dehumanizing violence and trying to join it as part of the virtual mob. they're empty people and they are not going to change.
we are looking directly at this hate, some of us for the first time, and it's a window through time, through which we can see what many generations of Jews, and particularly Jewish women, have seen before. the violence and hatred is unchanging. only the technology of the violence has changed. the violence itself has not. the hatred has not. we know more about every previous age now, more about how our ancestors' hearts felt when they were breaking, the fear and anger, the determination to survive and make something better.
it's unbearable to know how outnumbered we are, how much of the world is morally and ethically dead when it comes to us, and how many of them accept, deny, are indifferent to, or celebrate this violence against us. it always has been unbearable, untenable, and yet we're here: the latest in a long line of generations who move forward even when it feels impossible, and do what we can to make a better world for the next ones with the conviction that no one should be hurt like this. never again.
and now i'm going back to listening to Israeli music. because i try to experience some kind of peace and calm each day, whatever i can, so i will have some strength to send. through davening, i try to send strength to the hostages to help them survive. we're one family, and all deeply connected. i have to hope that it helps in some way.
if you want to say Mi Sheberach and Tehillim for these women and don't know how, please reach out. or just daven from the heart for them, dedicate it to their merit, say each of their names out loud. light an extra Shabbat candle for them. set an extra place at your table. put something about them in a public place to make their reality present there. you'll have to protect it from attack. but do it anyway.
and if you want to know what you can do to pressure your political representatives or organizations to do something to free these captives, and all of the captives, i'll be here to talk about that as well.
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chweverni · 4 months
Hiii would like to request a fic from your promt list with the combination 544 (leehan+bestfriends to lovers+“I knew it would be you from the start“)
Don’t stress to do it,thank you pookie!!<333
pairing; leehan x fem! reader synopsis; first breakups are hard, but do you know what's harder? admitting that maybe it was always him after all. wc; 1k+ warnings; domestic leehan, break ups (angst involved), fluff at the end, comfort fic :) lmk if i missed sth author's note; hello! thank you for requesting <3 i hope this was satisfactory:) i like writing for leehan js because hes just a book boyfriend HAHA
- its your first break up. and yes, maybe two months have passed since it happened. but firsts are always the ones that hurt the most, because you feel the emotion for the first time, and its almost stranger-like, amplified to make you feel worse, as if you're the problem.
you're currently stuck in your bedroom, music blasting from the speaker on your bedside table, as guilt took over you. why'd i even bring it up again? you wanted to cry but you knew you shouldn't. because the guy you dated, was a jerk.
"she's like a backup plan, if yijin doesn't work out, it's definitely gonna be y/n. she's simple to persuade, and you know what they say about first loves .."
"he's a jerk. and you're okay. you're hot, you're sexy! you got this y/n! don't cry!", you repeated like a mantra, mostly because you hated how bad it felt afterwards. the way your eyelids would get all sticky, and the way your face would puff up, you hated all of it. you hated him.
at times like these, you'd look up at only one person, leehan, who made you feel like a princess, every moment you spent with him. but he wasn't yours. you two were best friends since time immemorial and he understood you inside out. he knew your deepest darkest secret; how you got your first period to how you ended up with your first boyfriend. he helped you get over your break up, but those words still pierced you bad sometimes. it felt like a stab to your heart, honestly.
just when you were contemplating on your messed up love life, your phone started ringing.
it was leehan. it was almost like you two were telepathically connected because he always seemed to call you at times when you're feeling the most— be it happy, or sad.
"hey y/n. i called because something didn't feel right, are you okay?", you could hear leehan's concern in the way he talked, and were kind of surprised at his instincts. but you replied, none the less.
"hey hannie, i'm doing great! it's just that i caught a cold, nothing less or more.", you replied, your blocked nose being evidence that you were going through something.
"do you want me to come over? i'll look after, i'm free today..", he asked, and gosh, you could almost see the way his lips would form a pout, giving a look of concern, as he inquired.
how could one say no to such an offer? you agreed in a heartbeat and got up to fresh up and make your home presentable before leehan arrived.
"i made you soup, it's gonna help immensely with your throat, y/n-ie.", leehan smiled, as he placed the soup on the table, carefully putting out the bowl and soup spoons. he rubbed his hands with a towel, removing his apron, as he sat down in front of you.
you hummed and smiled in gratitude, as you poured yourself some.
"you know you didn't have to do this, i know how time consuming it can be..", you trailed off, digging right in the soup.
but leehan simply smiled again, his eyes forming the same crescent moons which released a million butterflies in your stomach, even though you didn't know why.
"you're special to me, and friends always look out for each other. it's like an unspoken rule!"
in the evening, both of you decided to just watch a film, because a day of leisure, is nothing without movies. however, the movie just had to be about a girl's first love and break up. and you know what it did? it brought your big girl emotions, and in less than an hour into the movie, your eyes welled up with tears. when people say they resonate with characters in particular films, maybe this is what they meant.
leehan was petrified, because, you began crying out of the blue. the same time as the female lead. but he wasn't dumb, so he instantly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close.
"he didn't deserve you. you know that right?"
"or maybe i just wasn't enough.", you said, your voice laced with blatant guilt.
leehan sighed, his look softening, as he turned your body towards him. he couldn't hold it in anymore. the thing about leehan was that, he was patient about everything—even his liking for you. when you got with your boyfriend last summer, he hurt a lot. but as long as you were happy, he was okay with it. but after what he did to you, he regretted not telling you sooner; how much he wanted to be the one to take you out on dates, tell you how much you meant to him, how much he loved you.
"everything about you is perfect, he just didn't understand that. you can ask me about you, and i could list endless reasons for which i love you."
all that escaped his lips felt like a storm to you. but the storm felt comforting for some reason. you were confused, but why did it make your stomach feel fuzzy again?
you stared at him, like he broke you with what he said.
"do you really mean it?"
"i mean every word of it, y/n. it hurt like a bitch when you got together with him, when he didn't treat you right."
"i love you like a fool. i've been waiting for so long to tell you this, i was patient, but seeing you cry like this, hurts me."
due to your lack of response, leehan turned his head aside, preparing to leave, but you pulled him closer, faces inches apart, as you said,
"i knew it would be you from the start. i love you too, hannie."
you closed the gap, as he returned the kiss in a heartbeat. you could feel the weight from your shoulders escape, as he cupped your cheek, to deepen the kiss.
he whispered sweet nothings in the meantime, caressing your cheeks, as you ran your fingers through his hair.
maybe those butterflies were signs that he would be the one.
"when you said you had endless reasons for liking me; is it enough to write a book?"
you asked, fiddling with his fingers, as both of you cuddled up on the bed, with leehan wrapping his arms round your waist.
leehan chuckled, replying, "do you want me to, love?"
"i'd rather listen to you talk, i never liked reading novels anyway."
you said, placing a soft kiss on his fingers.
end! thanks for reading, visit my profile or access my masterlist here!
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr <3
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ttpd review: thoughts (and prayers)
cuz wtf was that. (also providing my two cents that no one gives a shit about)
Is the promotion in the room with us?
Not going to lie, this part pissed me off. As a post evermore release swiftie, the first album release I got was midnights. And while the promotion for midnights wasn't astoundingly genius, the track list release (midnights mayhem with me) was smart. Everyday, there would be chaos all over social media of taylor taking out a number and releasing the track name. The excitement over YOYOK was to die for. But after reaching peak fame, girlie just decided shit wasn't necessary anymore. Absolutely no promotion for ttpd, except a few lyrics that provided no context (or excitement) whatsoever. That, and the very non subtle "hinting" of some big reveal of what went down between her and joe, by making some playlists, that not only ruined the perspective of many of her fans and the relationship they had with her previous songs, but ALSO. THE ALBUM HAD BARELY ANYTHING ABOUT JOE. (Not that i personally care about what happened, but it was so unnecessary to center the ONLY promotion done around someone who was barely a part of the album). Swifties went on the internet to harass joe alwyn (and his female coworkers) who might as well be called a special mention on a matty healy album. Why even do all that then? We will never know.
taylor released 31 songs, and while a double album theory coming true would be a dream come true for any swiftie, it just... wasn't. Out of 31 songs, barely 10 stood out. Some of it just didn't make sense, in any way. "Why is this on the album?" "This sounds like a midnights vault track." "No issues, maybe this is just a skip. I'll listen to the next. Oh wait nvm. Um." Like girl what. It just feels like a giant vault album of synth pop music.
Also, it's called the tortured poets department. There is barely anything poetic or tortured about the album aesthetic. Except maybe it's torturing me, but I'm as much of a poet as she is, which basically means I'm not one.
The album just feels so different than the other albums, in the sense that they followed an aesthetic, a certain style of music and lyrics, and created some sort of story. This one just feels like she wrote many songs and put them all on an album, picked whatever track name seemed interesting enough as the album name, and called it a day. Some of the songs are gems, some create a confusion as to why they are on this album, and some just make you cringe- or atleast go "wtf". Which is fine, but if not even half the songs fall under the first category out of 30 songs, then it's a problem.
These were written by... taylor?
The lyrics omfg. I'm not going to be one of those ppl who go around saying that the lyrics sounded like an emo middle schooler (I've heard this take) BUT again, some songs have lyrics that make you question how taylor, someone who wrote the albums folklore and evermore, and many great songs like would've, could've, should've, story of us, all too well, fearless, white horse, dbatc, daylight, red... I could keep going tbh, produced...this.
It was very weird to listen to the words "tattooed golden retriever" from someone who wrote "handsome, you're a mansion with a view" (also who the FUCK is calling matty healy that??)
A very important part of taylor's music is how it is focused on the lyrics. The music itself isn't the most special, or different, in most of her songs, but what makes them (and her) special is her songwriting. However, from her songwriting going from commonly used phrases and idioms to make them tell a story, use a wide range of vocabulary, heavily using personification, allusion, transferred epithet, and a few other figures of speech that she uses in her songs to make elements such as colours, for example, tell a story, in a way it seemed effortless and fit perfectly, to this... now it feels like she's trying to do that, but that's it. She's TRYING, and it's not yielding results, and seems more like a try hard "poet" rather than... whatever she was going for. The songs are filled with self-satisfied "clever" metaphors that are being reused and recycled over and over. This is not what ppl meant when they asked you to be more environmentally friendly, taylor.
Final thoughts I guess?
While the songs are basically only an empty shell of something that taylor used to make, the album isn't all bad. Some of the songs do sound good and go well with taylor's voice (aaron dessner, the fucking legend you are) and are quite enjoyable, if not as memorable as her other songs.
There are songs such as the prophecy, clara bow, so long, london, loml, guilty as sin?, etc., that really do come through and honestly I really like them.
I do feel that the album can grow on people, but it's just... not the best. Like she says so much, and not to quote taylor swift, but genuinely the only thing in my head right now is "the more you say, the less I know".
Overall, the album is fine, but not in taylor swift standards. It's just... not bad, with some exceptions.
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z0mbiefrank · 1 year
Transcript for Marina Toybina on the Designing Hollywood podcast
I've seen a couple people searching for a transcript of her discussing Gerard Way's stage costumes, so I have made one! Feel free to share/link as a resource. Popular quotes are bolded.
Link to source video. MCR's section starts around 22 minutes in.
The transcript is beneath the cut.
Interviewer: Well now you’ve just finished working with My Chemical Romance, which is a band that I dig. Gerard Way is also a comic book writer and artist, created the Umbrella Academy. So, first of all, how did you get that job? Because there’s a design, I mean the look of that band and what they like to do, what they’re influenced by, they’re not just your typical rock band. So what was it like? How did you get that job? You designed the whole tour right?
Marina: I Collaborated with the lead singer, yes, with Gerard. Uhm, okay everything kinda has it’s place in time. About 15 years ago, 15 to 20 years ago, I was a huge fan. I’m a rock girl at heart, and back then a lot of their music was like music to my soul. It got me through some of the harder times. A lot of my friends were musicians. I never saw them live, never could afford to get to their shows, but knew one day in my heart there probably will be an opportunity, they were in like my top 5 favorite bands. He was an artist I’ve always wanted to work with. This past summer, while I was designing So You Think You Can Dance, I just happened to turn on their music - nope- let me rewind I'm so sorry. So a year ago I was reading a release that they're coming back together on tour and they're playing LA on my birthday. I looked at my team and I was like "I'm gonna be at that show. We're gonna go to the show, we're all gonna go together." And I just jokingly said “I'll probably dress them!” A lot of things in my career have happened to manifestation, I'm a huge believer in that. I think my intentions were so clear into the universe. I believed in it so much. That happened a year ago. Then this past summer, I was driving to work, I was listening to their music and I just happened to text my agent. I'm like “You know I really want to get back into music. It's what I used to do. I used to do a lot of live performances. I used to do a lot of music videos. I need to feel that again, even though I'm surrounded with music all the time and I'm doing all these shows. But there was a disconnect in my career, to where it's like I love live entertainment.” And she’s like “Who do you want? Like are we going after pop stars?” And I'm like “No I've done all that. I want to go back to my roots. I want like Incubus or My Chemical Romance or Red Hot Chili Peppers. Get me back to rock and roll.” And she was like “Well, you know, they're touring, but it's probably… I don’t know, let's put it out there.” Then within two weeks I get an email from her like “Hey their managers want to meet with you, he wants to meet with you.” One of the biggest things about their aesthetic is one of my probably top three costume designers, Colleen Atwood, did their black parade album and it was so incredible. Back then, I was always a step behind. It's like they did The Black Parade and then I met the photographer later. Then I worked on a project with him. So it was always like some better-late-than-never I guess. And I'm like “I'm gonna work with her someday, I love her work. I've been told by many people we're a lot alike.” You know? And I'm like “Why not?” And so we get this email “He would like to take a meeting, see what we can do.” I never expected to do a tour, I just wanted to open this door of opportunity, to just collaborate, maybe do one thing together. And he just showed up in my studio and it was just an amazing artistic energy.
Interviewer: Were you starstruck?
Marina: I was trying to hold it together. I mean before they came in, I can't tell you how much I paced. Usually, there's like 15 - 20 people at my studio. This was the time and day that I was alone. I didn't know what to do. Of course, my expectations were just to present myself and see if I would be a good asset to them because I love their music and I love what he's about. Also, it’s not just the frontman for me, I think he's a brilliant artist. So there's a lot of things. I just wanted our worlds to merge somehow. Within the first five minutes of our conversation, I'm like “Oh I get his brain.” I told them my story. I told him that this is like 20 years in the making. You know, I probably sound like a crazy-fan costume designer. But we share ideas, he walked me through the concepts of things he wants to do on this particular tour and they haven't started doing the US leg of the tour. I didn't know if they had a designer. Then he did mention Colleen was doing something for him and I was like “Okay, how - can this be a triangle? You know? Can I come in in the picture?” It was just a beautiful collaboration. It was a genuine artist to artist conversation. Like “Let's do something interesting.” He walked me through his concepts, his ideas and I'm like “Alright well, let me come up with some creatives, see if we're on the same page.” Again, as much as I wanted to be like “Hey we're doing this tomorrow!” I also felt like it's important now in my career and possibly in his, to make sure the relationship is good, that this is the right artistic match to one another and… it worked! From there it was just amazing fittings, amazing collaboration and some iconic things that went viral!
Interviewer: I love hearing this from you because this is like the joyous experience of 'oh my god I dreamt of working with somebody and you finally get to do it'. But I want to take you back to that because I'm curious. How would that process even begin? You're working with somebody that you already know their music, you already know his vibe. And Colleen Atwood, who I've interviewed by the way, on the show, she's incredible. Our interview had to - she was in the middle of a work day, so it was only it was a short interview. But how does a collaboration like that work with somebody like Gerard Way? How do you guys start working together? How is that process?
Marina: For us, it was just like an initial conversation. I introduced myself, my work. They already did some background checking up to see where I stand, what my aesthetic was like. And I felt I was in a place in my life, in my career, where I was able to bring something new. That's where my confidence I think came from. At the same time I didn't want to change the artist that's in front of me. I think that's always so important for me when working with music. You're dealing with a fan base, and a reputation, an aesthetic approach that's far beyond any artistic reach of anybody new coming in. So for me it was having a conversation, understanding what characters he wanted to bring forward. This was a very playful tour. This wasn't about dressing up the whole band. This was about him being in this world of iconic characters. And how can we bring this to life? What can we do that's still very recognizable to his fans but at the same time a little bit of a shock value? But at the same time, I wanted him to be him, you know? He was in this beautiful place in his life and career where he felt great and felt confident and I just wanted to uplift that. We did our creative decks, went through the conversations of which characters we wanted to go with, these are the shows that he had. I knew which city, we kind of wanted to play off where was the right time. Halloween was right around the corner, what do we do? So it was like very strategic conversations but at the same time so much room to play and be creative. So I just gathered the top 10 characters that we had discussed and kind of started doing my own thing, and keeping him and the music in mind. Had an amazing fitting. I've never worked with an artist that's so clear. It was not just directional and very precise and very distinct on his own style, but it was clear for me when we were doing fittings, this is somebody that knows his body. This is somebody who knows his aesthetic on stage. This is somebody that knows how they're going to perform. So it just made it so much easier for me to be able to fall into his world and do the fittings like “Is this going to come off? Is this piece staying on? Are we going to do options? Is the character going to evolve on stage? Is the character going to come down on stage?” So all those conversations happen in our fittings and then I just packed it all up, with distinct notes, send them off, and then kept checking in, making sure everything was okay.
Interviewer: So when you had a direction for the characters, were you doing sketches first?
Marina: No, not at all. This was something that I felt like needed to have the research. It wasn't just about designing something on paper. When he mentioned to me “I wanted to be a vintage cheerleader” I'm like “Okay, what era are we in? 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 40’s?” and then he was like “Find me something that's within possibly this color scheme.” The image that went viral when he did wear the cheer uniform, it was probably like 10 different vintage stores that we went to. And I'm like “Okay everything's size zero.” or like “What am I gonna do? This stuff doesn't exist anymore. If I get it from Etsy it's not going to come in time.” There's like so much and it happened to be as we were leaving one of the stores I looked on a sale rack and I saw this damaged, weird, vintage cheer dress that had no zipper, that had no hem. And I was like “I love this! I love this because I can reconstruct it. I can go and get the fabrics that we need to still keep it original and authentic. And that's how we start working. I build out a mannequin his size at my studio, put it on, we reshaped it, took the whole thing apart, reconstructed it to be his measurements, and still kept it authentic. After he wore it, the pattern for the actual thing was sold out. Fans loved it so much that we were getting notifications that people actually found the original pattern of this 1940s uniform and were buying it out.
Interviewer: That's crazy, okay!
Marina: Oh it's amazing! I think, to me, that's when things are just meant to be. When not only did my work translate into something beautiful on stage, but then he becomes this incredible persona on stage that then delivers the character and plays it off. We did that throughout every single look. Every single look when it became a fan favorite or craze.
Interviewer: In terms of time, what was the process when you first got the gig and then to the first show that was performing using your work? What was the time frame?
Marina: I think I had about a month to get it all together.
Interviewer: Wow! That’s not much!
Marina: Yeh and at the same time, I had another huge project in the works so it was going back and forth. But I could not tell you, I've had difficult projects in the past, I've had difficult times with artists, or finding our own language, or how to execute some things. This was so easy that time didn't matter to me. It was such a great collaboration, it flowed, like Bruce Lee would say, like water. It just made sense and no matter how difficult my other project was or what was going on at the same time, it was like oh this is the universe showing me this is how it's supposed to be. This is what's inspiring me. And at the end of the day, the one thing I told Gerard was “You made me fall in love with music again. You came into my life as an artist that I've admired and wanted to work with for almost 20 years. There was a big part of my beginning that made me look back at this now and be like “Oh that's what. That was that feeling that I had when I was 16 or 20.”
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andy-wm · 9 months
3D by JK (feat. JH) - my take.
Ok, unpopular opinion maybe, and I might get my ass beaten for this (not in a good way 🤣)
Feel free to disagree RESPECTFULLY.
Disclaimer: If anyone comes at me with that cancel bullshit I will block you, because we all get to have an opinion.
If my post enrages you, scroll past until you can be civil, then come back and talk. Or block me. I dont mind.
And don't tell me that because I don't love this song I have to hand in my ARMY card... I'm not going to.
I'll start by saying I love JK so, so much. Adore him. Will always support him.
But for me, 3D is a misstep.
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My feeling is Hybe should have reconsidered releasing it as it is.
JK's lyrics are fun and sexy. The innuendo is on point. The melody is great and the chorus has excellent sing-along value. Even though I'm not a huge pop music fan, I like the vibe.
The MV dancers are awesome, and I got a kick out of the fire hydrant metaphor.
And in that jacket with nothing under it, JK looks hot enough to melt asphalt.
Including Jack Harlow's rap IMO is a mistake. It sucks, frankly. Not in a good way.
It not only misses the mark on the tone of the rest of the song but his lyrics are really just offensive. Misogynistic. And racial refrences are just... not cricket. It's 2023 not 1995, regardless of what his hairstyle tells you.
His lyrics sound like an incel bragging about their sex life when all they've ever done is watch porn. From his words, I doubt he knows how to please any person but himself.
His message is gross, but its still just... generic. Like he went to urban dictionary for spicy language and then googled how to treat women like shit. There's nothing original about what he's saying. He's not even being gross in an intersting way. It's gross AND boring.
(Jack, if you're reading this, sorry my guy you gotta do better.)
I've been army since 2018 and this is the first BTS song I have tried to find merit in and given up.
I honestly tried to be into it and i just... can't. It doesn't sit well with me.
This is a new experience for me because even when BTS release something i don't immediately love, i still stream and watch and let it sink in, or I work on figuring out what I am missing and why it's ACTUALLY good even if i can't grasp it.
This... it's just... not good, in my opinion.
I have to clarify here...
It isn't about explicit content, i am totally down for that. If anyone read my post on Seven, they will know my response to that song. In a nutshell, I believe all adults who want to, should happily and shamelessly be doing ALL the horizontal tango. Every type, every day, in every way. With anyone and everyone they fancy as long as all parties are informed and consenting adults who are equally enjoying the experience.
Yes. I am all about getting down.
That doesn't mean treating your partners like a body count or using and abusing them with no consideration. That's not cool.
**PSA: please be safe and use protection. Get tested regularly if you have multiple partners. Don't do anything you don't feel good about and dont stay with partners who harm or manipulate you 💜**
Now, back to the smut.
Some criticisms i saw of Seven were about how dirty it was. A few people were upset because JK said fuck, and because he sang about how and when he liked to fuck. But more criticism was levelled at Letto. Why?
It seemed like it was because she's a woman, singing about sex.
Letto totally owns her sexuality and she knows what she wants. I snorted with delight at how deliciously filthy her lyrics were. Some very clever wordplay made her verse so visceral, and pretty shocking to the pearl-clutchers, without her ever saying anything directly. I really enjoyed it.
She was telling us straight up how good she is in bed. Good for her. She totally rocks. And she wasn't disrespecting anyone. She didn't need to do that to make herself cool AF.
The difference between Letto's rap and jack harlow's is that jack sounds like he's just looking at the women he's singing about as a hole to stick his dick in. Women have fought for long enough for equality and respect. They don't need this bullshit. You can sing about getting down, and you can be absolutely filthy and nasty and wild, and you can do it without degrading your partners.
I did read a theory about this song being social commentary on toxic masculinity. You can find it here and you can read it below:
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Its not bad as a theory. At least it wouldn't be if Namjoon or Yoongi or Hobi - or Jungkook himself - had written the song. If that were the situation we'd see some inkling of self awareness in the rap, and maybe a hint of character development. But there's none.
Sorry ARMY, this is not the class of lyricism we have come to expect.
If jack is trying to make a social statement^*, or play a character, he is not succeeding in showing any growth or humanity at all. He's really just that stereotype.
In the last few lines, after he offers to fly his victim from Korea to Kentucky, he says "and you ain’t gotta guarantee me nothing I just wanna see if I get lucky."
How considerate...
All I see is zero care factor about the actual person he's trying to get with. Which is quite different from JK's lyrics, which show awareness that he's interacting with a conscious, living human being, not a piece of furniture.
jack follows with "I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me"
Ugh. Not with a ten foot pole, douchebag.
And how about, in his first verse "All my ABGs get cute for me"
Good god, really? Is he seriously saying this?
So its a no for me.
The ONLY saving grace is that there's an alternative version which is pretty fun. It's almost as if Hybe knew we would hate the version with jack harlow. Wow, such insight!
Now, i know that's not the only reason they made an alternative. They needed a clean version for US radio play (let's be real, what possible other purpose can this song serve? *°)
But they could have censored jack's... actually they couldn't. The rap verses can't be salvaged. They genuinely have no merit, the only hope for the song is totally removing them.
What does that tell you?
ARMY will no doubt still chart the main track but personally, I would feel morally compromised if i supported that version. So I'll stick to the alternative and hope for better things to come.
^* Stylecaster doesnt think so either. I visited their website to check thr lyrics. They said, of D3, "Meanwhile, Jack Harlow brings the cool with his two verses as he raps about all the women he could pull"
Uh, really? I hope that's intended to be ironic.
*° The MV had only 4.5million views after 12 hours. And we know what brilliant strategists Hybe employs. I am travelling in Korea right now. There was no promo visible here. And it was no accident that it was released at lunchtime on Chuseok - the biggest famiily holiday of the year - when relatively few people in Korea would be available to engage with it. THEY KNEW IT WAS A STINKER.
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I'm not good at writing these but can we please see an interaction between Rollo and Trein and maybe Lucius? I really like the idea of Trein being a mentor figure to Rollo since Trein says he will keep an eye on him at the end of Glorious Masquerade. I don't know how the interaction would be structured but I'll leave that up to you if you choose to write this!
Yessss 😭 YOU GET IT, Trein could be a great mentor to Rollo…
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For the last hour, Rollo had been nursing a growing migraine. The bumping music, the horde of guests, his inner voice counting off all the work still yet to be done. Each was another icy nail driven into his skull. Two glasses of grape juice were not enough to dull that buzz that clouded his mind.
Rollo had excused himself from making social rounds to fill up on refreshments—but he knew it wouldn't be long before someone came by to drag him back into the fray.
He slumped forward in his seat, catching his forehead with one hand. In his other hand, he clutched onto his third serving of grape juice. His only solace in these trying times.
Rollo exhaled deeply, squeezing his eyes shut. A silent prayer was at his lips.
Lord help me persevere. I am surrounded by idiots, beseeched to engage with them…!! Why must I endure this madness?!
A sudden softness came down on his nose.
Startled, Rollo immediately shot up. His grape juice nearly spilled, had a quick paw not catch the rim and keep it upright.
A plump cat had appeared on the table, staring at Rollo through sharp golden eyes. Its coat was a glossy black, the tip of its fluffy tail, chest, and muzzle a fine white. The cat meowed again, releasing its hold on the almost-fallen cup.
“Good day to you, Flamme.”
An older man appeared, scooping up the feline in his arms. His stern, bony face had been carved out with lines like the rings in a tree's core, his hair--streaked in shades of salt and pepper--slicked back from his forehead. He was dressed in a sharp suit and cravat, long maroon robes spilling over them.
“Mozus-sensei.” Rollo automatically straightened. “I was not aware that you were among those in attendance. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
"Quite a large number of students wished to leave campus for an important function. I am serving as the chaperone to them. Were it only one or two boys wishing to leave, I would not be needed to supervise." Trein gave a papery smile. "Ah, but it looks as though you have too many companions to keep them away."
Rollo attempted at a polite laugh behind his handkerchief. “Yes, it seems they feel the need to shower me with their attention.”
“I take it you do not favor these circumstances.”
“… Is it that easy to tell? I thought I was hiding it as best as I could.”
“You are sitting alone in a corner with nothing more than a drink in hand to keep you company,” Trein tactfully pointed out. “I understand. These events have the potential to wear one down. A moment of peace and quiet can be restorative.
"As for myself, I find that sitting down and stroking my dear Lucius helps after a long day. Would you like to give it a try? It just may soothe you as well."
Trein shifted, holding out Lucius to Rollo. The cat stared expectantly at the student, its tail swishing back and forth like a metronome.
Rollo's eyes widened. “What? No, I couldn't possibly...!"
Too late, Lucius had already been placed into his lap. The cat's body was almost liquid, pooling and settling into his new resting spot. Lucius was warm and soft, like the wings of an angel.
Rollo grimaced.
A familiar was on him, some mangy animal that had been mucking around who knows where before making contact.
"He likes to be scratched behind the ears and under the chin," Trein coaxed, demonstrating. "The head and back are safe too."
Rollo reluctantly followed Trein's instructions, his fingers sinking into the depths of Lucius's fur and awkwardly petting. Soon, the cat was purring contentedly.
“Aaah, Lucius. You’re so adorable and good with children," Trein cooed. "I think he likes you, Flamme."
"Does he?" Rollo looked doubtful--not that he had any particular interest in befriending a mage's familiar to begin with. Am I meant to feel flattered by that comment?
"Of course. I don't mind if you wish to stay a little longer and become better acquainted with Lucius." Trein motioned to the empty seat across from Rollo. "May I join you?"
He hesitated, considering. Between returning to the raging party and remaining in respite... Rollo warily glanced between his two options, and his answer immediately became clear.
"... I don't see why not," he said at last, relenting. Rollo had a fistful of Lucius's fur in his hand as he got the words out.
"Excellent. I've been meaning to catch up with you." Trein sank into the chair and folded his hands together. "Now then, how have you been? It's been a while."
The conversation that followed flowed like wine. Easily poured, and just as easily downed. It tasted clean and smooth upon his palate, clearing away the bitterness that had pervaded all day.
The glass of grape juice sat there, forgotten.
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
Lucifer AU idea- Rabbit Hole
Y'all know that Rabbit Hole by Miku song with the animation trend? Imagine Luci doing that dance ugh
The song is Angel Dust's first official music video that he wrote after breaking free of Valentino's deal.
Ozzie had offered him a job to Club Ozzie's first Pride ring branch and Angel never felt happier.
He got into music as an outlet for his emotions, releasing 'Addict' and 'Poison' to the public via Al's radio show. (He managed to convince Alastor to do it cos it would make his ratings skyrocket past Vox and Alastor loves nothing more than kicking Vox when he's already down)
After the success of his first 2 songs, Angel decided that maybe the 3rd one should have a music video.
With the help of Ozzie as his producer, the project is a go.
Writing the song was the easy part. Angel wanted it to sound fun but also resonate with his past experiences (just read the translation of the lyrics! The one angel wrote is from this Cover!)
One day, he and Ozzie were brainstorming at the Sin's office at the Pride branch.
Ozzie: Angel, this is your first music video! It must be grand! Showstopping! Jaw-dropping! Never before seen! Revolutionary!
Angel: But how do I do that, big dick boss man? I don't think even being greatest porn star Hell has ever seen will wow people now. I've done lots of things and I can't think of anything else.
Ozzie: Hmmm
Just then, Lucifer enters the office.
Lucifer: Ozzie! Just who I'm looking for. I need you to do some inspection regarding your crystals. I just talked to Belphagor and she said that her team just confiscated a whole ton in some imp warehouse in Greed. I know I don't need to meddle but I wouldn't be worried if it was anywhere else. Who knows what Mammon is doing with those and- oh! Angel!
Angel: Heya, Short king.
Lucifer: What are you doing here?
Angel: I work here, baby~
Lucifer: Oh! I knew that haha. And what's this?
The King of Hell gestures to the board they were using for notes.
Angel: Don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna be releasin a new song and it's gonna have a music video!
Lucifer: Really?! That's great! It hasn't been that long too since Poison, wasn't it?
Angel: Yeah, but we wanna catch these motherfuckers off guard
Ozzie: That's why we're brainstorming how we can wow these desensitised demons. I still think we can do-
Lucifer: Why don't I do it?
Angel and Ozzie blink in surprise at the King's words.
Angel: Do what?
Lucifer: Act! In your music video! You know, instead of you, I'll be the uhhh 'rabbit girl'? Not that- you're uh- not enough I just mean that uhm- I think the last thing they'd expect is the King of Hell a sinner's music video.
Angel: Babe, you do know this would be a not safe for work type thing, right?
Lucifer: Yeah? I know? I know you better than you might think, you know.
Ozzie: You sure? Cos Charlie might see this.
Angel: Yeah. I know I don't wanna see my dad basically naked dancing to music.
Lucifer: You can go through it with her if it makes you feel any better. But I'm up for anything.
The two others in the room just stare at him with their mouths wide open.
Lucifer: But if you don't want I...
Angel: Hell no! We are doing this!
Ozzie: Hell won't know what hit em.
Charlie gave it a green light cos she's so excited about her dad finally socializing and breaking out of his cocoon to really realize what everything is about. Angel wants to record a reaction of the hotel for research purposes.
A few weeks later, the video is done and it's dropped out of nowhere.
Ozzie invited the Sins to the hotel for an exclusive live viewing (he and Angel ofc knew what time it would be released and set the whole thing up)
Everyone sat in the lobby in front of a giant projector (No, Alastor, you can't watch a video on the radio!), and as the clock struck at 9:13 AM on a random Tuesday, the video played.
Let's just say that it certainly did leave mouth agaped and caused mass panic.
Ozzie anonymously sent a copy to Heaven and somewhere in a bright glowing building, 6 archangels lay unconscious at the ground due to shock,
If you guys want me to write some dialogue for that first reaction in the hotel, drop the comment!
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Navy! I’m so happy that you are still willing to get on here and play with us despite how crazy busy you are/how much you have going on, based on what you’ve shared with us.💖🙌🏾💖
I’m also happy to see that you are listening to your heart and starting to write about/4 other people who interest you – like Raymond, William, Simon Riley, Konig, etc. I had no idea that you were into them too on here😍😍😍😩
Do you have any head cannons regarding the COD guys that you don’t mind sharing with the class– IF you have the time and energy to do so?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, lovely! And I always enjoy sharing with you lovelies. As far as headcanons? Since we're not talking about specific situations or AU's, maybe some general NSFW.
Banner by the talented @cafekitsune.
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Raymond Smith - Edging
Raymond is a man who knows how to get what he wants and he wants you. It's inevitable that you're at his manor and he'll christen the entire place with you, but you have to behave. He's patient, but he'll snap when pushed. Not in the way you expect.
So when you're feeling bratty, he'll tie you to the bed and fuck you nice and slow with a toy of his choosing. Or he'll pin you underneath him and thrust in deep strokes. But every time you're about to come, he'll stop. Oh, he knows it hurts. Can feel your sloppy cunt trying to suck him back in. You need that release so badly, but he wants you to earn it.
"Stop being a fucking brat, darling, and I'll give you what you want."
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William Miller - Overstimulation
For the man who keeps count of everything, William knows how many orgasms he's given you. That isn't an exaggeration. He can tell you down to the day how many times you've come for him and will even differentiate if it was with his tongue, fingers, or cock.
You've lost count today, of course, practically dumb as your slick pussy tightens around him again. You moan something that sounds like his name when he rubs your swollen clit and groans as you soak his cock again. Is it a plea when you whine? A prayer? Music to his ears either way. And he's not stopping.
"You can give me one more, baby. We're not in double digits yet. Give. Me. One. More."
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Simon "Ghost" Riley - Mirror Sex
Ghost can easily hide under a mask, but he doesn't like it when you hide from him. When there's a chance that he may not it back home to you, he wants to remember every expression, every twitch, every smile. He wants to commit it to memory.
So when you try to look away and hide your face when he fucks you in front of a mirror, he brings a hand around your throat stops you. He wants you to watch as his thick cock glides in and out of you. A wanton moan escapes when you see how wet it is. Can hear it when he thrusts deep. But the sight of his eyes watching you is what makes you gush around him with a cry.
"Beautiful when you break for me, love. Let me see you shatter."
Since he loves to watch you, maybe you can convince him to record you.
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König - Cockwarming
König has mastered the art of patience, thanks in large to being a sniper. Training and missions instilled a lot of discipline in him. He will wait as long as he has to in order to complete his objective.
So when you're stretched around his large cock, your walls fluttering and your arousal seeping around him, don't expect him to move. He'll observe you, take in the sounds of your labored breaths as you try not to move your hips. He sees the pulse frantically beating in your beck. He hears the whine you let out when his fingers brush your nipples before making his way down to your clit, he knows how badly you need him to fill you up. And he will. When he's ready.
"Patience, mein Schatz. You'll know when I'm ready."
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Love and thanks! ❤️
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months
[ENG translation] Joker Out at Eurosonic 2024: an interview with Kris for Val 202 radio station
Today, 22.01.2024, Slovenian radio station Val 202 broadcasted an episode of their 'Glasbena zgodba' ('Musical Story') podcast about the Eurosonic 2024 festival that happened last week. Eurosonic is an annual showcase festival and music conference in Groningen, The Netherlands, where emerging European acts perform for industry professionals and festival scouts. Joker Out performed there this year, so today's podcast featured a short interview with Kris Guštin. You can find the original post here or listen to the original audio in Slovenian in the embed above. Here is the translation of the interview, translated by a member of Joker Out Subs and proof read by @flowerlotus8.
Host: The first group we mentioned, Joker Out, performed twice during the festival. First on Wednesday on the MAAS main stage, and the next day, on Thursday, in the Platosonic record shop, where The Strokes also performed in the past. I invited Kris Guštin, who talked to the fans there in Dutch, in front of the microphone.
Kris: Well, my great-grandma and my grandpa's entire side of the family, who are from Indonesia, live in a place called Assen, which is 30 minutes out of Groningen. It's actually the closest big city for them.
Host: Joker Out haven't performed at many showcase festivals, Kris counts Eurovision and the PIN festival in Skopje among them.
Kris: Showcase festivals are maybe not that important or necessary for us anymore, but we still liked doing one or two, to experience it. It is, however… For performers who are really still looking for an international audience, and especially those who would like to present themselves to industry people from abroad, it's a pretty great chance. It's the same with MENT¹, for Slovenia, of course.
Host: Were you thinking about, or were you under any pressure, considering that there were many music professionals in the audience?
Kris: Not really. It's… We were aware that it would be harder to make a good show, because people wouldn't be that oriented towards us and our music, which is totally understandable. I have to say, however, that I was honestly surprised and happy that we had the first three rows or so of our fans, who really made the atmosphere more lively, otherwise it would've been pretty hard. I did, however, also see... The best kind of validation is to see these people who, at the beginning, are standing in the back and not participating in the concert, who are then bobbing their heads by the end. That's always a good sign of a good concert.
Host: The members of Joker Out, who will release a new single in February and go on another European tour soon after that, are currently living in London, where they are getting used to life there and, as Kris says, creating new music outside of their comfort zone.
Kris: But just as a fun fact, well, I will say that now that we are in London, we've made a song that is the most Balkan song we've ever made, so it's… it might have a completely opposite effect. We don't really have any idea yet where it will take us.
Host: In Slovenia, you made a living with music. Now that you've gone abroad and have all these concerts, is it as profitable as laypeople imagine?
Kris: I'll say it like this: if we stayed only in Slovenia, we would be making more money right now than we actually do. But we have, I don't know, some kind of a chronic flaw where we never know how to stop investing in ourselves, well, how to say it. Which is actually a great thing, but such... touring abroad is definitely not a profitable thing for a band at our level, but I will say that it is less of a financial burden than I thought it would be. We are lucky to have so many listeners that in the previous season, the previous tour, we sold out almost everything, which means that it did bring us some money, but with all the... plane tickets, accommodation, transport, it amounts to so much that in the end, we just managed to nicely finance all of it, plus maybe get some money for the album this year. Otherwise, it's not like we're making big money. If we had stayed in Slovenia, we would've just pocketed all that.
¹MENT Ljubljana is one of the leading showcase festivals and music conferences in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest event of its kind in the region.
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miaroseindreamland · 2 months
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Pairing: Changbin x femReader
Word Count: 1,689
Summary: A group of friends attending Chaeryeong's birthday party, with a particular focus on the friendship and relationship between Changbin, Chaeryeong, and you!
Warnings/Tags: Suggestive, alcohol, not consensual, aggression, violence, harassment, abuse.
A/N: I love Chaeryeong and Changbin's friendship. I love Itzy too so if you are a Midzy please follow <3
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"I don't care," Changbin said, glancing at Chaeryeong.
"Are you sure?" She smirked. "His name is Lee Dohyun. And he will be at my party."
"Damn! I don't care!" Changbin crossed his arms, clearly uninterested.
"Well, he is kinda handsome. Y/N seems interested," she teased.
"I bet. She's always had a thing for dumpsters," Changbin remarked, prompting a chuckle from Chaeryeong.
"Just as yourself? You're calling yourself a dumpster." she quickly retorted, catching Changbin off guard.
"What did you say?"
"I..I said you're right!" Chaeryeong panicked. "Oh, I hear the manager calling me," she said, attempting to escape, but Changbin grabbed her arm.
"No! Y/N likes me?"
"No! I did not say that. I didn't!" She denied.
"Chaeryeong-nim, photograph time!" Chaeryeong's manager appeared, and Changbin released her.
"Hey! This isn't over!"
Chaeryeong left a frustrated Changbin behind who picks his phone to search for your number. When he finds it he starts to write a message:
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Frustrated, you left your office to call Chaeryeong.
"It was an accident!" she exclaimed the moment she answered the phone.
"That's what I'll be saying after I KILL YOU!" you retorted.
"Y/N, calm down, please. I'm sorry. We were talking about Dohyun, and he mentioned something about you liking dumpsters and trash, so I called him that."
"He said I liked dumpsters?!"
"Oh god, I'm done! I'm not talking to you two again. Let's just deal with this tomorrow at my party." she said, and then abruptly hung up.
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Next day, arriving at the club that night, you greeted Chaeryeong with a hug and presented her with a birthday gift.
"I should have come empty-handed," you said, as she chuckled.
"Oh, don't be silly. He's not coming tonight. Said he had some music to work on," she explained.
"As usual. Anyway, you look stunning!" you complimented her as she spun around to show off her outfit.
"Thank you!" she replied with a smile, and you watched as she greeted other arriving guests.
"You look beautiful," a voice interrupted. You turned to see Dohyun, a dancer who occasionally worked with Chaeryeong.
"Thank you. I didn't know you'd be here tonight," you smiled.
"Chaeryeong invited the dancing team who worked with their last tour."
"I see. I noticed your team is working with Stray Kids?"
"I'm not directly, but yes. Well, are you still up for a date?" he asked.
"Maybe," you said playfully. "You should show me today why I should go on a date with you," you teased, and he nodded with a smirk.
As the night wears on, the party's energy continues to escalate. To your surprise you notice Changbin seated on one of the couches, engaged in conversation with Chaeyeong, Chaeryeong's sister.
In the middle of the lively atmosphere, Dohyun's voice breaks through, whispering in your ear as he offers you a drink. Without hesitation, you accept, the liquid warming your senses.
You found yourself drawn to Changbin, but despite your feelings growing, you couldn't shake the disappointment that came with his consistent excuses whenever you tried to get closer to him.
"He doesn't want me? He doesn't likes me? I will show him" you whispered to yourself.
Your attention drifts back to Changbin who glace at you for a second, however his expression frowned when he sees you closer to Dohyun. As the drinks flow, inhibitions fade, and before you know it, Dohyun's hands were on your waist and in a fleeting moment he almost kiss you. Lucky you turned around, and once again your eyes search for Changbin but you couldn't find him.
Maybe he left. You thought and concentrated in dancing.
As the night goes on, the world seems to spin around you, and you feel increasingly lightheaded and disoriented.
"I'm going to the bathroom" you told Dohyun and walked away.
"You're drunk," his voice cut through the noise, dark and deeper. You turned around and gazed at Changbin.
"And?! What's it to you?" you slurred in response, clearly intoxicated.
"Do you want my attention that badly?" he chuckled, his tone tinged with amusement, as you rolled your eyes at him.
"Cocky as ever," you retorted.
"I'm just stating the facts. No matter where you look, you won't find me in Dohyun or whatever his name is."
"Jealous much? Maybe he'll actually pay attention to me tonight, unlike you ever did," you shot back, fueled by alcohol you drank.
"Drunk? If he does that, then he truly is trash."
"Like you?"
"I'm not trash. I would never take advantage of you. But you can choose what you want. Have a good night," he said firmly, before turning away.
Once inside the bathroom, you lean against the sink, trying to steady yourself as waves of dizziness wash over you. The warmth of the room does little to alleviate your discomfort, and you find it difficult to focus as you try to collect your thoughts.
You're taken aback as you remember Changbin's words, a mix of surprise and frustration washing over you
"Cocky" you said. "Why I'm so dizzy?" You asked looking at yourself in the mirror.
After leaving the bathroom, you find yourself seated beside Dohyun, your jacket now in his hands. Your eyes open as you take in the scene, the pulsating rhythm and vibrant atmosphere surround you, a whirlwind of emotions and sensations. Despite the chaos of the party, you find yourself alone with Dohyun in the couch. His lips touch your cheek.
"Do you want to go home?" He asked while his hands pulled you closer to him.
You started to feel Dohyun's hands on you, your voice trembles with fear and confusion. His touch is unwelcome, and you instinctively recoil, trying to push him away. Despite your efforts, you feel powerless against his advances, your heart pounding with a mix of panic and desperation.
"I will take care of you, I promise beautiful." He chanted while kissing your neck. Your eyes close as you fall almost unconsciously.
On the other side of the club, Yuna spotted the scene and quickly grabbed Ryujin, who was engaged in conversation with other guests.
"Unnie?" Yuna pointed, directing Ryujin's attention towards you lay down in the couch with Dohyun over you.
Changbin, on their side, glanced over and saw you attempting to push him away as he forcefully grabbed your wrists. His expression darkened as Ryujin hurried over to you.
"Hey! What are you doing?! "
Your eyes opened as you see Ryujin rushing to your aid, attempting to pry Dohyun away from you. Before Dohyun can react, he's forcefully shoved back by someone much stronger.
Dohyun, now on the defensive, finds himself receiving a punch that sends him crashing into a nearby table. Through the haze of confusion and fear, you catch sight of Changbin, who steps in to protect you and Ryujin from further harm.
"You sick bastard! You drugged her, didn't you?!" Changbin's accusation is met with denial from Dohyun, but the tension between them remains as they're separated by others at the party.
As the confrontation reaches its peak, Chaeryeong arrives by your side, taking charge of the situation and swiftly calling for security to intervene. With their help, Dohyun is taken away.
Chaeryeong tends to you, gently splashing water on your face in an effort to help calm your dizziness. Changbin's expression softens as he looks at you.
"She needs to go to the hospital." Ryujin said.
"No...I want to go home." You said weakly.
"I will take her to home." Changbin assured.
With a sense of assurance, Changbin carefully lifts you into his arms, a protective gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Chaeryeong who trusting him nods.
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Changbin pulls up to your building and parked his car close. Carefully he retrieves your keys from your purse and with gentle hands, he unbuckles your seatbelt and cradles you against him, allowing your head to rest on the crook of his neck.
With his coat draped around you to shield you from the chill of the night air, Changbin carries you inside your home, laying you gently on the bed before setting about making tea. When he finished, he placed the cup of tea on your nightstand and covered you, letting you sleep while he returned to your living room and lay on the couch.
During the night he wakes up with your voice and movement in your bed. He sees you moving on the bed as you try to take your clothes off. He helps you as you stay in your underwear. He quickly picks pajamas from your wardrobe and dresses you with it, he then covers you. Your hands lazily searched for his as he lay down next to you.
"take my bra..."you asked drizzly as he removed your bra at your request, you murmured his name softly. His gaze softened as he watched you, concern evident in his eyes.
"Why aren't you doing anything?" you slurred, his hands brushing against your abdomen. "Am I not pretty?" you questioned, your voice tinged with insecurity.
He reached out, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. "You're beautiful," he reassured you softly. "But you're not in the right state of mind. I'll take care of you in other time, okay? Just rest now."
His hands intercepted yours as you searched inside his shirt, halting your movements.
"I said no, Y/N. Rest," he spoke firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. You nodded and pout.
"Can you stay with me?" you asked, a hint of longing in your voice, but he sighed in exasperation. He was only a man, after all.
"It's better if I don't," he replied, and you sighed sadly in response.
"I want to kiss you," you confessed, your eyes fixed on his lips as your hand reached out to touch them. Changbin leaned closer, his lips brushing against yours briefly, but before you could deepen the kiss in frustration, he pulled away from your grasp.
"Rest. I beg you. Don't make me do something I will surely regret." He pleaded as you nodded. "Your sister is almost here." He said and covered you again as he stared at you while your eyes closed.
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Should I continue?
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turtlesunshineheart · 2 months
Prologue | Adam | Secrets | Lilith | Confessions |
Pairing:Adam x Eve
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Wherever you go
It had been a while since they last saw Lilith and things between them had improved,although there were times when they argued, they sought to resolve their differences.
And after a long time they were happy.
Or was it what they believed
On the other hand, Lilith and Lucifer had been planning how to approach Eve to offer her the apple.
After everything that had happened they knew that she would not accept anything from Lilith. Furthermore, Adam hardly left his wife's side, as he did not want Lilith to try to do something against Eve.
Adam and Eve were at Eve's favorite place to admire the garden there were few moments when they had true peace of mind, so they made the most of those moments.
Eve was lying on the grass looking at the sky while Adam played music for her,what made this moment more special for her.
Adam paused and looked at her with a smile.
"Eve, you're not looking at the sun again, right?"
Eve turned her head to look at him.
"Now I do." Eve smiled warmly at him.
Adam rolled his eyes as he felt his heart warm at her words but tried not to show it.
"You really are in a very good mood today, right."
In the last few days Eve had had several mood swings that Adam had to tolerate.
"I'm hungry, Adam." Eve sat up to look at her husband.
"And I should care" Adam continued playing while Eve looked at him offended.
Eve gave him a light push.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?"He looked at Eve who had a pout on her face.
"Okay I'll get my food"Eve stood up and started walking.
Adam sighed.
"Wait Eve, I'm sorry, don't move from here, I'll get what you want."
Eve smiled and sat back down.
"I expect at least a small compensation from you dear"He looked at her with a mocking smile and Eve just rolled her eyes.
"I'll keep it in mind."
Adam kissed his wife's forehead and began to walk away.
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Adam had walked to the tree where he knew Eve's favorite fruit was and gathered some.
"Maybe I should bring her different fruits just in case."
Adam sighed and set about picking more fruit.
He heard the crack of a branch behind him and sighed in frustration.
"Eve, I told you to wait, you're so impatient, woman."
Small giggles were heard behind him which made him turn around.
"Well I'm not Eve but I don't have patience either"
Adam gritted his teeth.
"What do you want Lilith?" Adam looked at her with distaste.
"Why do you assume I want something?."Lilith placed a hand on her chest to feign indignation.
"I do not have time for this"
Adam turned to walk away but Lilith stopped him.
"Now you let yourself be dominated by her"
Adam looked at her with annoyance.
"I do not know what are you talking about"
Lilith was made to laugh
"You really care about her and you look so pathetic, it would be a shame if something happened to your beloved Eve."
Adam grabbed her wrist tightly.
"Shut up, I forbid you to say that,don't try to threaten me ,nothing will happen to her while she is with me."
Lilith released her grip and looked at him with a mocking smile.
"Well if I were you I'd hurry back"
Adam swallowed as he remembered leaving Eve alone.
"Or something could happen to her"
Eve had been waiting for Adam to return and was beginning to get desperate.
After a while of waiting, she began to hear a light melody that could be heard in the distance.
She was curious to know where that sound was coming from but Adam had said to wait for him here.
Maybe if she took a little look and came back before Adam he wouldn't notice.
She stood up and started to follow that sound. She was walking for a few minutes and was starting to get tired of walking.
Maybe she had just imagined that sound and had been walking for nothing.She sighed and decided to go back to where she was or Adam would realize she had wandered away.
She was about to leave when she heard someone calling her.
"Adam?"Eve looked for him but she couldn't see him.
"This isn't funny Adam."Eve began to get upset when she didn't receive a response, she turned around ready to leave.
Eve was starting to get scared and nervous.
"Adam, seriously, this isn't funny."
"Eve come here, I won't hurt you"
She was confused as she tried to guess where the voice was coming from.
"Eve, I'm here in the center of the garden"
Eve looked at the tree in the center of the garden and carefully approached it, looking at it carefully.
"Eve where is your husband?"The voice was clearer now but I still didn't know where it was coming from.
"He went to look for food"Her voice shook a little from nerves.
"Don't be afraid Eve, I don't want to hurt you."
Eve calmed down a little but remained alert.
"Why can't I see you"
There was a moment of silence until a light laugh was heard.
"You want to see me"
Eve nodded.
From the top of the tree a white snake began to descend to a branch near Eve.
Eve looked at the snake confused.
"I didn't know that animals could talk"
"Well Eve, there are many things you don't know but I can help you know more."
Eve looked at the snake suspiciously.
"Why would you help me?"
The snake lowered itself to Eve's height to look into her eyes.
"Because you are a very special person and it is not fair that you do not know the truth"
There was a moment of silence as Eve thought about what to say.
"But how will you help me?"
Eve had a bad feeling but she was too curious.
"Do you know the reason why you should not eat the fried food from this tree?"
Eve nodded and looked at the fruit hanging from the tree.
"It is forbidden, God says that if we eat that fruit we will die"
The snake laughed.
"Well, Eve, that's a lie.He does not want you two to eat that fruit because then you will be like him."
Eve blinked in confusion.
"I don't think that's true. If God told us that's why it must be bad."
Eve moved a little away from the tree and the snake.
"Come on, Eve, eat the fruit, nothing will happen to you, trust me and you will know everything you want."
The snake offered her a large, shiny red apple and she took it in her hands, looking at it carefully.
Eve looked at the apple, it really didn't seem dangerous, it looked like any normal fruit.She knew that they should not eat the fruit but, if what the snake said was true, although Adam would be upset if she ate the fruit.The snake noticed her hesitation and spoke.
"Don't worry about him, if he really loves you he won't be bothered by a small bite."
Eve brought the apple to her mouth.
"A little bite won't hurt"
Eve bit into the apple and a scream made her drop the fruit that fell to the grass.
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Adam hurriedly ran to the cliff, hoping that she had listened to him and hadn't moved from there.
When he reached the cliff he did not see his wife in the place where he had left her.
He began to get nervous and could feel his hands and legs shaking.
"Eve where are you?"
He started shouting her name to see if she would come but it didn't seem to be working.
"Eve please isn't it funny"His voice shook slightly as he tried to find her.
Maybe she had just moved because he had been late so he decided to look for her all over the garden.
He visited the places she frequented the most but did not find her. There was only one last place she could be and she hoped it was there.
He ran to the center of the garden to the forbidden tree and then he saw her there under the tree with a fruit in her hands.
He sighed with relief when he saw that she was fine until he noticed that the fruit he had in his hands was similar to that of the tree and his nerves returned to him when he saw her bite it.
He screamed and saw her drop the fruit that fell to the grass and she looked at him.
He approached her with big steps but she backed away scared.
"Eve why, I told you not to come near this place"
He took her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly without hurting her.
Eve let out small sobs and Adam felt his heart break.
"No, don't cry darling"
Eve looked down as Adam processed what had just happened, he knew it was forbidden to eat from that tree for a reason but he didn't know clearly why.
And if they punished her or took her away from him for disobeying, he couldn't lose her.
"Adam, what will happen? They will take me away from you."
Eve sobbed while she had her hands on her face to avoid looking at her husband because now she had realized that they were naked.
"No, I won't allow it."He tried to reassure her but he didn't know what to do or maybe he knew and didn't want to accept it.
Adam looked at the apple that was in the grass with the bite mark that Eve had given it.
He lifted the fruit and watched it as he swallowed the output.Eve looked at her husband and tried to snatch the fruit from him.
"What are you doing"She demanded while trying to snatch it away.
"What do you think, Eve?."Adam tried to bite the fruit but Eve gave him a push that made it slip out of his hands.
"Not why would you?"She asked him as tears fell down her cheeks
Adam wiped his tears and lifted the fruit.
"For you"
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Lilith and Lucifer watched everything from behind a bush.
Adam had taken a bite of the apple without Eve having to convince him and now they were seen hugging while she cried in his arms.
"That was too easy."Lilith smiled as she watched the scene.
Lucifer sighed and looked at the couple, his plan had worked but why didn't he feel satisfied?.
The earth began to shake and he heard a voice he knew very well.
Never make promises you won't keep, like me.
I promised to update what I'm writing for Alastor and I haven't but I've really been busy this week;It's not an excuse but I hope to adjust my schedule this week and publish the first chapter that I'm already writing.
Maybe I'll update Adam's story during the week and Alastor's story on Saturdays and Sundays.
I wrote it so quickly that I didn't check it and I hope it doesn't have any errors.
By the way did you know I'm in the highlights of Adam x Eve I'm so happy maybe you don't care but I do.
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