#israeli women
girlactionfigure · 1 month
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Israeli girls be like, ok.. now bring it on.. 😂😂
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bsof-maarav · 3 months
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sw1tchbackli · 4 months
On October 7 2023, 320 women were savagely murdered and another 100 were kidnapped. Did you post about this or did you look away?
All eyes should be on the truth!!! Start using your brain instead of jumping to conclusions without thoroughly checking the facts 😱
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚨
📹 A Palestinian youth attempts to retrieve the corpse of a man shot and killed by a Zionist sniper in the Gaza Strip.
The video shows the youth as he crawls on his stomach over the rubble of Palestinian homes as he tries to retrieve the body of man who was killed by Israeli snipers perched on nearby rooftops.
As the youth crawls towards the body of the man, occupation snipers continue to fire towards him, forcing the young man to retreat to safety.
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traumaxprincess · 4 months
the pink heart Israeli flag, this flag is for abused Israeli women
its been in use for a few years now but its especially powerful in the wake of the abuse that Israeli women, and women in general, are facing from Hamas + the abuse that Palestinian women are also facing, both from hamas and Netanyahu's government/military.
Pink is also being used in the anti Netanyahu protests, which we fully support.
get it as a flag here:
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hebrewbyinbal · 7 months
Israeli women are beautiful inside and out!
Here's to women everywhere, and as an Israeli woman, here's a special one for Israeli women 💙🤍 You're the best.
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nando161mando · 4 months
"The claims about Cohen’s conduct emerged days after Bensouda’s successor, Karim Khan, requested arrest warrants for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the 2021 Gaza conflict."
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
इजरायली महिलाएं रात को ब्रा पहने या नहीं, ईरान के हमले की आशंका; सोशल मिडिया पर शुरू हुई बहस
Israel News: इजरायल के नागरिकों में इन दिनों ईरान के हमले का डर पसरा हुआ है। लोग दिन-रात उस समय के बारे में सोच रहे हैं, जिसका सामना उनको भविष्य में करना पड़ सकता है। ईरान ने धमकी दी है कि वह हमास नेता इस्माइल हानिया की मौत का ऐसा बदला लेगा, जिसे इजरायल पीढ़ियों तक याद रखेगा। ऐसे में कई इजरायली लोग अमेरिकी सैन्य समर्थन को लेकर चिंतित हैं। हालांकि, इस बीच बहुत सारी इजरायली महिलाएं एक अलग तरह की…
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cavalierzee · 4 months
A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
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A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
A Palestinian Child vs An Adult Israeli Trained To Kill
A Palestinian Rock vs An Israeli Assault Rifle
A Palestinian Original Land Owner vs A Zionist Invader
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headlinehorizon · 10 months
Silent Atrocities: UN Accused of Ignoring Hamas' Crimes Against Israeli Women
In the latest news, women's rights groups criticize the United Nations for turning a blind eye to the horrific crimes committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women. Despite substantial evidence, the UN remains silent. Read more on Headline Horizon.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
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bsof-maarav · 4 months
it's good this is my only social media and that i've insulated myself from the worst of this place. i'm not watching that video. i understand the value in bearing witness. but for me, it's like this. i know what's been happening to the hostages already, i don't need to be convinced. i don't want to violate them further by watching the beginning of the worst part of their lives and i don't want to be even more secondhand traumatized either. it would make me less, not more, able to do what i can do to be of use to the hostages.
but even more than i'm not watching that video, i'm not watching the absolutely psychopathic response to it by the mobs who are indulging in an orgy of probably the two oldest forms of hatred in the world--misogyny and antisemitism.
when i heard this video would be released, i had that impulse to hope that maybe now my former friends and community would finally get it. but it's not the case. we've all known this whole time. there's been no mystery about what kind of violence the go-pro wearing terrorists are perpetrating. we've already seen enough to know, even without seeking it out. journalists have described it thoroughly as well. if someone says they need to see something more explicit for "proof," they're nothing but consumers of terrorist torture porn. it's pure רַע
i'm not even going to try writing any appeals about these womens' humanity because anyone who doesn't get it, that's because they don't want to get it and they probably never will. they're getting off on this dehumanizing violence and trying to join it as part of the virtual mob. they're empty people and they are not going to change.
we are looking directly at this hate, some of us for the first time, and it's a window through time, through which we can see what many generations of Jews, and particularly Jewish women, have seen before. the violence and hatred is unchanging. only the technology of the violence has changed. the violence itself has not. the hatred has not. we know more about every previous age now, more about how our ancestors' hearts felt when they were breaking, the fear and anger, the determination to survive and make something better.
it's unbearable to know how outnumbered we are, how much of the world is morally and ethically dead when it comes to us, and how many of them accept, deny, are indifferent to, or celebrate this violence against us. it always has been unbearable, untenable, and yet we're here: the latest in a long line of generations who move forward even when it feels impossible, and do what we can to make a better world for the next ones with the conviction that no one should be hurt like this. never again.
and now i'm going back to listening to Israeli music. because i try to experience some kind of peace and calm each day, whatever i can, so i will have some strength to send. through davening, i try to send strength to the hostages to help them survive. we're one family, and all deeply connected. i have to hope that it helps in some way.
if you want to say Mi Sheberach and Tehillim for these women and don't know how, please reach out. or just daven from the heart for them, dedicate it to their merit, say each of their names out loud. light an extra Shabbat candle for them. set an extra place at your table. put something about them in a public place to make their reality present there. you'll have to protect it from attack. but do it anyway.
and if you want to know what you can do to pressure your political representatives or organizations to do something to free these captives, and all of the captives, i'll be here to talk about that as well.
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i-am-aprl · 7 months
🇩🇰 Denmark’s Prime Minister & her ministers got kicked out from a women’s day event by pro-Palestinian activists who chanted “Genocide is not feminism”.
Mette Frederiksen has been a staunch supporter of Israel. #Denmark supplies vital parts to #Israel’s F-35 warplanes bombing #Gaza.
On October 10, the Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, was asked by a journalist if she would lay flowers for the civilian Palestinian victims, just as she laid flowers in front of the Zionist occupation embassy in Hellerup.
The Prime Minister answered the question by saying angrily:
"Israel has the right to defend itself, and that will mean that victims will fall. It bears no comparison, and the fact that a Danish journalist asks the question is deeply worrying for me, I would like to say, and a display of ignorance regarding history.”
The Prime Minister said this while the whole world is witnessing how Gaza's schools, hospitals, ambulances, refugee camps and residential areas are being bombed.
Describing the genocide of Gaza's population as "self-defense" is an explicit legitimization of the Zionists' massacres and siege of the Gaza Strip.
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hebrewbyinbal · 10 months
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Where are all the voices? Israeli Women Matter! Silence is Complicity with evil. We are waiting..
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
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A panel of UN experts has condemned violence against women and children perpetrated by the Israeli military.
“We are appalled that women are being targeted by Israel with such vicious, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, seemingly sparing no means to destroy their lives and deny them their fundamental human rights,” said an independent panel of experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council.
The experts slammed reports of sexual assault and violence against women and girls, including against those detained by Israeli occupation forces.
They added that women and girls in Gaza have faced enforced disappearances.
They also condemned the “appalling” treatment of pregnant women as a result of the Israeli bombardment of hospitals.
They noted that Israeli forces had also destroyed Gaza’s largest fertility clinic, reported to have been storing 3,000 embryos.
The report was drafted by special rapporteurs, who are assigned by he UN Human Rights Council, but whose statements are not official UN positions.
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Tel Aviv last night
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Following the devastating news of the murder of 6 hostages, us Israelis are striking and protesting for a deal.
Saying we don’t want a ceasefire deal is just wrong. There are protests nationwide, school and most businesses are closed in protest.
We want a ceasefire / hostages deal . Bring them home now❤️🎗️
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