#who tf raised you
wolfpip · 2 years
oh no she's wearing flannel like 95% of the time, that must mean she's a stil - nope, can't finish that sentence... nuh, not happening...
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 151
So. Deadman might be in a tiny bit of a bind. He may-have-might-have stumbled across a very tiny newly-dead ghost. Except they’re very much also not. That is somehow both a ghost and a realms being and a child and he has No Clue what to do. What does he do with a crying child who fell through a portal and into his arms? Oh. He can actually interact with them, that’s good. But uh, again, what does he do?
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parseolegacy · 4 months
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Thada and her girlfriend <3 💞💞💞 Can't wait to get Thada to the point where they can make it official in game. In my heart they're together since after the CS. Happy pride month (I totally didn't start this in april)
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jigokuhana · 7 months
(gonna just copy/paste a tweet of mine, since i think ppl need to hear this on here as well.)
a reminder to all minors & morality policing adults:
you are not the authority on what is 'morally' correct in regards to enjoying evil fictional characters.
even when they have characteristics you find personally reprehensible.
your experiences are your own, and the way they colored your views are 100% valid. they always will be.
but you can't judge someone else for their own.
you don't know their mind & their experiences, nor are you entitled to know them for 'verification'.
to minors: i hope you grow and learn how to respect others, despite any differences in opinion or taste.💖
to adults: your views aren't universal, & you'd better check yourself before you hurt the wrong person and end up causing irreparable damage.🫵
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dewdlebot · 2 months
Tell ya what my Kingdom Hearts experience has been heightened severely since finding out that we, the player, raised Xehanort.
Because it means that everytime he’s on screen I get to make jokes like how I did not raise him to be this way and how he is grounded forever
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miss-eli-starfleet · 5 months
Okay. This post is gonna be about Bart Allen, and all the Thawne-Allen stuff.
Tagged bc we both love Bart’s Thawne Allen problem: @themaybewoman
This is what I’ve gathered so far about his existence is hopefully comic accurate, but maybe not continuity accurate:
It starts with Iris West. Apparently, it’s recently revealed to me (today) that this girl is actually from the 31st century. Because of the semi-dystopian era of her birth, her real parents sent her back in time to the 21st century to keep her safe. She was adopted by the Wests, but she doesn’t know her future origins until later on.
She meets Barry as a news reporter, and they marry. When they were thinking about having kids, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne comes along and murders her because his likes to make Barry’s life as miserable as possible. But because she’s from the future, her parents found some magic comic book science to “revive” her, thus placing her in the 31st century to live her life.
Barry finds out she’s alive in the future, and basically goes into retirement to live with her in the 31st century. He passes the mantle of The Flash to Wally West. Why he doesn’t just get her and bring her back to the 21st century, I’ll never know. Or he just wanted her to be with her real parents (which i would assume she barely knows lol).
I was trying so hard to find out why Barry decided to raise their children in the 31st century, but we have our answer there. Iris is future girl. Their children, Don and Dawn Allen, later operates as the Tornado Twins much like Barry did as the Flash. In Central City, I’m assuming. There was some clashing with the Legion of Superheroes, basically the 31st century’s version of the Justice League, but whatever. Not really important to Bart’s existence.
Dawn Allen marries Jeven Ognats. They have a daughter named Jenni Ognats, who later joins the Legion of Superheroes as XS. Jenni is Bart’s cousin.
Don Allen marries Meloni Thawne, and that’s where this gets more complicated.
Meloni Thawne is the daughter of Earthgov President Thaddeus Thawne, who irrc is a direct descendant of Eobard Thawne. When President Thawne learned of this marriage, the dude’s pissed because the Thawne-Allen feud is still on in his mind. He disowns his daughter, indirectly has the Tornado Twins killed via Dominators, and then kidnaps Bart.
Idk where Barry is in all this, maybe he went into the Speedforce and just chilled there through all this?
Now Bart had this hyper-accelerated aging thing going on as a side effect of being born a speedster (I think). Like nearly a teen by two yrs I think. Thawne grandfather stuck him in this VR so he can grow up “normally”, intending to make him a living weapon against the Flashfam. I’m pretty sure Meloni was locked up or something during that period of time too? Otherwise she would’ve done something about this.
Iris kidnaps Bart, and takes him to the 21st century via the Flash Museum’s Cosmic Treadmill (how they used that idk), hoping that Bart would have Wally West as a mentor. Instead, Wally ditches him to Max Mercury to be trained, and it plays on his low self esteem. Wally was pretty mean to him at some times, like when he gets recruited for the Teen Titans as Kid Flash.
But, hey, Wally did run him around the world fast enough to fix his accelerated aging problem.
Anyways, he gets some visits from his other cousin, Jenni, and his mom in the Impulse 1995 series, which was so fun to read. It was so cool to read them talking to each other in Interlac he Max being all confused.
This all makes me wonder: was Meloni ever Don’s lightning rod? As to Iris is Barry’s lightning rod?
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d1sc01nf3rn0 · 1 year
Everyone argues that authority is a skill that's about how much you make people obey you BUT I disagree, and I say it's a skill that's about being trustworthy.
Like, yes, if you have high authority the skill starts getting authoritarian BUT only you are able to hear it, and you're free to listen to it or not. And even then, even Volition gets paranoid and reactive like that.
HOWEVER people feel compelled to listen to you when you say it, and based on the dialogues I say it's because they're evaluating how much they can trust said authority. That's why when you fail the skillcheck you come up with authoritarian or nonsensical arguments.
On the contrary, if you pass a high authority check, your arguments can be pretty sensible and well intentioned (like asking Titus to tell you who's the "rape" victim, because the victim needs help, regardless of what happened to the guy that did it).
The most perfect example of this, is the skillcheck at the Mercenary Tribunal.
It could be a reaction speed skillcheck, but no. It's an authority skillcheck, and they make emphasis on the fact of whether Kim trusts you enough or not.
Kim listens to you not because you're his superior, he listens to you because he trusts your orders.
Kim starts listening to you from the beginning because you're from the RCM, and he believes and trusts in the RCM, despite everything. It's after multiple things in the game that he *TRULY* trusts YOU.
It's a repeated fact in the game that no one listens to you because they don't trust the police; but modifiers that give bonuses to authority come AFTER you do things that make them trust you, even a little.
Another similar example is that "Evrart told them to cooperate" is a modifier. They listen to you, because they trust Evrart. They don't believe he would have told them to cooperate otherwise. They only listen to you based on that trust.
Cuno would be another example, where he starts telling you stuff because you respect him; not because you're an adult, and certainly not because you're a cop.
In the same sense, that's also why you're able to fail an authority skillcheck regardless of you lvl of authority if you lack certain modifiers. You could have a lot of authority, but that doesn't mean people will trust you enough to do or say everything you ask.
A missed point when it comes to positions of authority is that they must be trustworthy, because at the end of the day, it's does not matter how high in the hierarchy you are, people won't listen to you if they don't want to.
Harry's "human can-opener" reputation comes because people feel compelled to tell him stuff; maybe because they understimate him, feel at ease with him, or another reason, but it rarely is just because he's from the RCM.
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whatwooshkai · 8 months
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A+ mentorship
(he's not actually their kid. but I designed quint and baz before I started watching rescue bots and at some point it occurred to me that Heatwave looks like their love child)
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guiltipanda · 2 months
Good news is, we didn't get some last-minute forced Izuocha love confession.
Bad news is...everything else that's happening. Seriously, what is this.
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sarah-yyy · 1 year
at that time of the year where i have No Motivation to work
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the-clay-quarters · 22 days
this bug ➡️🐞⬅️ is catholic
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musical-chick-13 · 8 months
Again, always very confusing to me when people suffering from The Obsessive Compulsives are Antis™, like these people will not protect you. They believe thought crimes are real. They inherently hate you and WILL throw you to the wolves if they ever come to know about anything related to your intrusive thoughts or the """""weird""""" things they ask you to do in therapy to manage/cope with them.
#you know how in erp a big part of it is writing down/thinking about the actual worst case scenario? you know the scenario that#often leads to people being harmed in a permanent way? you know creating a fictional scenario where bad things happen to good#people and you are the cause of them? THE VERY KIND OF FICTION THESE PEOPLE ARE AGAINST EXISTING IN ANY FORM BECAUSE IT#'NORMALIZES' WHATEVER TF THEY'RE ON A CRUSADE ABOUT ON ANY GIVEN DAY#THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. THIS WAY OF THINKING IS /ACTIVELY ANTITHETICAL/ TO RECOVERY FROM THIS DISORDER#this is related to the 'does anyone else get Themes™ about writing' question I posed a while back and some of these people..........#if you knew the specifics of what I was writing about you would COMMIT ARSON#IT'S NOT REAL! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!! YOU ARE ONLY GOING TO MAKE IT WORSE FOR YOURSELF BY MORALIZING FICTION IN THIS WAY#I USED TO HAVE CRISES OVER SYMPATHIZING WITH AND ENJOYING VARIOUS HORRIBLE FICTIONAL WOMEN TAKE IT FROM SOMEONE WHO KNOWS DIRECTLY!!!!!!!#and ngl a lot of these arguments about why xyz is Irredeemable™ sound a LOT like my disorder.#(especially in the way they try to like...twist things into fitting into a definition of [insert type of problematic dynamic here] a la#'character raising their voice at someone one time during a high-stakes situation is abuse' or 'people who were friends as children#are Related Actually')#like. you get why. you get why this VERY disorder would think in similar ways to that right. because it tries to convince you that#everything you do is violating various human rights correct? you get why this would be unhelpful right?#IF YOU SOUND LIKE MY FUCKING DISORDER!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!#In the Vents#okay I'm done. this just. It BUGS me.
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virgincognito · 4 months
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my sisters puppy got her head stuck in her new cage we spent 4 hours building but at least the ice machine is working now
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necromancy-savant · 3 months
Why is everyone so mean to me being all "why do you look so angry in pictures" I don't that's just what I look like. That's my regular ass neutral face I'm just autistic leave me alone. One time in college my favorite professor looked at my ID and said "you look like a serial killer" and I was like I guess that's just my face then because that is literally my "I'm happy and having a good day" face
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izupie · 2 years
It really bothers me to see fanfiction writers discussing how to/how not to write certain characters. because I'm like, my dudes. we are on tumblr dot com. we are writing stories about our favourite characters like they're dolls in the dollhouses of our mind.
you can't be sitting there on some kind of fanfiction high horse preaching out that everyone "can't" write this certain character in the way you've decided that you, personally, don't like.
i don't care how many hits your fics have got - like that makes you valid?
filter out the tags you don't enjoy on ao3 by all means, but you can't turn around and say that the way you dislike them being written is 'wrong' - that's your opinion and that's great but it doesn't affect how someone else writes them.
who are you that your opinion matters more? who are you to be the judge and jury on what is in or out of character when you didn't even create them in the first place? sound confident and condescending all you want, doesn't make your opinion any more or less valid than any other fan in the fandom.
Write characters any way you want to. fanfiction is supposed to be fun. if another fan tries to police you about the way you've portrayed a certain character tell them that you hope their toast always burns. and that they need a new hobby.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
*just looked up the price of the flats i used to live in as a kid* i fink im gonna throw up...
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