#whole brain teaching
I love that Izzy slapped Stede's ass for literally no reason while teaching him rope swinging. Like, there was no reason for him to do that other than he wanted to. And I would like to think that this is the conversation that followed that incident
Ed: Izzy. Did you slap my boyfriend's ass?
Izzy: Yeah. I was teaching him how to rope swing.
Ed (remembering when Izzy taught him how to rope swing): Oh. Okay. Makes sense.
Lucius: That literally makes no sense. There's no reason to do that.
Izzy: Sure there is. I wanted to. You wanna give it a go twatty?
Lucius: *has stopped functioning*
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bleaksqueak · 13 days
Elias: its pride month. You know what that means.
Audric: what- what do you mean? Do I make rainbow fire?? Become a gay reaper? Beans, explain!
Elias: lol
Elias: butterswitchs, its pride month. You what that means!
Maia: huh??? What???? Do I make gay potions??
Elias: hahaha ha!
Dunno if pride month exists in the Veil but eh.
To be entirely fair, I do think Maia makes gay little potions whenever possible. Lovingly hand crafted! Though it's funny, Audric was initially planned to have a same sex love interest during older iterations of planning, but the character he was being set up with never ended up working out... largely because a different character rode in on a tractor and snatched him up like a damsel (distress not required). He *is* canonically bi though. So he can be a bi reaper. A breaper if you will.
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
My last post made me want to spin the ballet au to suit the general cast, keeping Es as the protagonist 🩰
I don't have art for this one but I still got a bit carried away with the details LOL This definitely leans more into a sweet fix-it :3
The story would open with Es waking up in the medical room of Milgram Dance Academy, a very small and isolated school. Es is told they suffered a bad head injury during a performance, resulting in amnesia. Their instructor (Jackalope. Make this work however you wish.) tells them not to worry about it, and to focus on their dancing for now. Es feels a pressing responsibility to stay and rehearse, so they agree.
Jackalope tells them they must understudy several roles while recovering, not ready to jump into things right away. They're grateful, since they're struggling with their identity and expression without their memories.
The first student they are directed to is a shy and lanky dancer by the name of Haruka. They study under him as the role of a graceful, melancholic swan. They watch the choreography in general, and it looks nice enough. Es proceeds to spend several rehearsals with him, talking and bonding and learning he has a bit more going on than meets the eye. They try to offer help as he admits to familial issues, self esteem questions, and comments about sibling jealousy. In turn, he teaches Es to mimic some of his powerful emotions. At the end of their time together, they both perform for their class in full costume and staging. Now, Es understands each move with a deeper understanding than their initial look at the steps.
Next, they’re sent to meet the bubbly girl playing Juliet and begin the process anew. This continues to make a total of ten roles. Some of the dancers take the sessions kindly, while others are brash, secretive, or just confusing.
After rehearsing with Kotoko and learning to understand her determination and confidence, Es is sent back to Haruka, who has moved onto a new show and new role. They’re shocked to discover that their words to each dancer – always well-intentioned – had caused some issues backstage. Now, there are rivalries and changes in stage presence. While experiencing stress (that Es has inadvertently caused,) some were distracted in rehearsal and got injured. Es must take on the interpersonal issues as well as the choreography challenges.
I don’t have all the roles down and was trying to stick to well-known shows anyway, but I think I’d want Muu to be the Sugar Plum Fairy, Kazui to be Albrecht from Giselle, and Amane to be Clara. I wanted to keep them traditionally gendered to prove there are plenty of roles for men, but I can’t help but have Odette/Odile thoughts for T1 Mikoto ;-;
Like the other post, I'm equally tempted to have the dancers performing ballet adaptations of the mvs 👀 I want to see. Bee tutu. Doctor coat costume. Marching band tutu. AKAA mismatched look. The backgrounds. The music. The choreo. So many cool possibilities...
As a sweet au, it all ends with everyone better for having met one another. Es is cast in a solo performance, combining everything they've learned both emotionally and technically from the others. They feel satisfied with their sense of identity, and shine onstage ✨️✨️✨️
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lestatlioncunt · 7 months
hm. i actually really like cazador (<my last words before getting executed)
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spicyicymeloncat · 9 months
Yknow something that gets me abt certain fanon depictions of kai is that he’s portrayed with no sense of self preservation, as if he’s self sacrificing and burned out, and I think I dislike it bc it feels like the opposite of his character most of the time.
Yeah some of the actions he takes are harmful to himself in some way, but it’s never intended to, they were ways of coping and making himself feel better.
Like the green ninja plot, he is insecure in his place, so he strives for the highest title to make him feel better.
The red shogun isn’t him beating himself up and not caring about his own well being. He was winning fights, fully engaging in the job, taking his frustration out on others and drinking away his issues, and yeah there’s self loathing in that, but there’s also him trying to make himself feel better, to redirect hurt away from himself.
Him prematurely concluding his parents were the bad guys in s7, is (imo) his way of rationalising his mixed feelings, in order to keep himself okay.
He’s not a reckless war machine who throws himself into battle with no hesitation, he tries to keep himself safe.
Kai is self-prioritised and yknow I think people in general really demonise that kinda of trait both in fiction and irl and that’s actually kind of harmful. The self sacrificial trait is so grossly over romanticised and idk it’s a breathe of fresh air when you see a character who doesn’t start out that way or end that way. Like nothing wrong with that trait being written, it’s just like sometimes it feels like people are only allowed to prioritise themselves if they previously have no sense of self care, bc then it’s seen as a healthy improvement. But in any other case, it means you’re selfish and that’s a bad thing apparently.
Like no. Being selfish and loving yourself and thinking you are hot shit and the smartest person alive and prioritising things that make you happy. None of that makes you evil or morally wrong. If in attempts to meet your needs you try to hurt someone else, or end up hurting yourself, then the action you took was bad but the intent isn’t! Fuck the media that finds people loving themselves as immorally wrong! Fuck it! It is not sexy to hate yourself actually.
I want more fanon Kais indulge in activities that make him happy, Kais that make bad decisions in trying to protect himself and Kais that have good coping mechanisms because he’s still trying to protect himself he’s just found better ways of doing it.
Bc it’s canon and it feels like it gets erased a bit because people somehow don’t find self love appealing unless the character was self hating first.
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nyaskitten · 9 months
isn't lloyd still mentally 9 years old forever even though his body is aging according to the show? Arin and Sora are still technically older than him
NO ???? When does the show ever say he's super young mentally ??? anon I promise I'm not trying to attack or harass or put you on blast, but Lloyd is literally never said to be young mentally, that is a headcanon, it is common-accepted fanon, there is no way in the world this man is still a tiny baby-brained kid, literally watch any scene of his after season 2 and tell me he acts like a little 9 year old, or anything similar to his original childish nature.
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switchcase · 11 months
I was talking to my therapist the other day about gender stuff and homophobia/transphobia because I'm intersex and trans, had gender based abuse, etc and T was asking how if affected me and it was so funny realizing that I just. Autismed my way out of internalizing gender stuff. Child so literal they don't absorb the gender lessons.
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jacksprostate · 4 months
dunno what that users on about... people on tumblr put way too much attention on the unnecessary
Eh I was a little annoyed but ultimately I just kind of feel bad for that person, it takes a lot of shit being fucked up for you to be a wholeass grown adult arguing to the death on tumblr + believing in a sort of catholic 'suffering means I'm moral' thing as a way to make yourself feel better about what feels unchangeably cruel about your life. It's why I was like, no I'm not gonna continue this. Not healthy for either of us.
#sfa#i also have a tendency to debate people on a relatively soft level for myself#but it ends up feeling very charged for others#partially because I talk a whole lot#but also because especially on here#there's so much encouragement of assuming the worst of people who even vaguely disagree with you#highly defensive reading etc#it's really sad#something I had to actively teach myself not to do as much too#tumblr is bad for your growing brain lol. terrible habits#taking a step back and realizing shit 1. is not that important 2. the other person is a person not the embodiment of stupidity or evil#3. you almost certainly have tons of shared ground and both people are taking positions they feel are the most beneficial to those they care#about. idk once you really work on keeping that in mind it all just seems way less intense and all a bit dumb#i usually try to avoid arguing with people for this reason but my initial second response was a little hopeful maybe we could have like. a#cool little discussion#and then i saw the 2nd post and i was like ohhhhhhhh its like this#mm.#anyway#yeah people generally arent your enemy and you can have disagreements over pretty huge things but it doesnt mean theyre evil or literally#satan or whatever#and when you realize all that polarization is a lie#idk stuff like this is just such small hotcakes#thats also what made me stop. that person seemed like desperately way more invested and i sort of just felt bad#rambling now.........#anyway i should've just not engaged and it's a reminder for next time. i love discussing stuff with people but this platform does not#usually house people fully capable of that#also thank you i am indeed trying not to fry my brain#honestly even just limiting myself to making comments instead of aimlessly reblogging stuff has helped me engage with this better#f fc is the only thing ill rb... even then i must have comments via tags.. etc#little rules for myself. its a good idea i think
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just thinking about izzy and ed having a heavy drinking night and wandering home and izzy carrying ed through the doorway bridal style... ed rambling on about how they’re married now and giggling about it until he starts getting sad that they didn’t even get a real wedding then being surprised that oh! at least they got rings that’s nice and izzy is just staring at him trying to figure out how this somehow became his life (please never let it change he loves this life) because they’ve been married for 20 years of course they have rings
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
marisha's interview w brennan on adventuring academy is so sexy
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catwif3 · 5 days
i have so much fabric for projects but the only ones i want to work on are the ones i. don't have the fabric for. sewing is a nightmare why do people do this
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barley-st-band · 23 days
hey does anyone know how we’re supposed to survive it all. asking for a friend
#she speaks#oh gang we’re really in it now#i don’t think i’ve ever felt this bad this deeply in my whole life lol#the burnout just keeps accumulating past any point i thought it could reach#and i can’t even pretend at work anymore#i’m so tired and these kids are so infuriating and it builds and builds every time they do something shitty#and i love them and it’s not their fault they’re just kids and they’re tired and it’s almost summer#but god i can’t fucking do it anymore#how exactly am i supposed to survive the next two weeks#the class i’m taking is too confusing and too fast paced#and i didn’t buy the textbook bc it’s 200 fucking dollars#and our apartment is always a mess#and i can’t keep up with friendships and feel like i’m constantly letting them down#and there’s nothing i can do to fix any of it#until the school year is over#bc at this point it takes everything i have just to get up and go to work in the mornings#but then i still have to somehow find energy to do other stuff too. and like actually teach.#i have to grade and do report cards and return materials and clean up my classroom#i need to complete a checklist the size of a novel before i leave for the summer#i need to keep the kids engaged but none of us want to be here#i need to start organizing to make next year easier#i need to fill out paperwork and spreadsheets and update my password and find time to feed myself and grade more papers and#vacuum the floors and scoop litter and clean up clutter and do dishes and wipe down counters#and i haven’t been able to fucking do any of it in months and left so many chores to my poor partner who’s also going through it#bc i have nothing left and i don’t know what to do!! i want to scream every minute of every day bc i’m so beyond overwhelmed the moment#i wake up in the morning but i don’t have time for a meltdown so i just keep going!!#i wish i had better words to explain how bad it’s gotten but the brain fog has gotten so so bad#i can barely think i can’t make decisions my memory and recall have gotten so much worse#i take my anxiety meds so often that they’ve stopped working#and yet i still worry that i’m making it up and being dramatic. anyway sorry about all this lol
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leconcombrerit · 4 months
"I will not go off on another tangent", she said, desperately trying to close the SAI folder where she keeps all her screeshots.
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thedeadthree · 9 months
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-`. i need to be more unhinged about her so here is yana in this picrew. 🥀🌸<3💀
#oc: anasyana an enaviryn#leg.ocs#t: picrews#*holda her up* hiiiiiii my murderous murder muffin <3#she’s a star elf! she’s an archfey warlock (tasha is her patron! she’s bhaals daughter! my dark urge! in love with one archduke !!!!)#fathers favorite daughter !!!!!!!!#i havent been as unhinged about her here so i bring her in this pic few i found while looking for pictures to intro my bg clowns 🌸💕#ye olde creative brain has been making clowns and her aesthetics i need to make EDITS of dearie i need to teach myself how to make gifs !!!!#I WANT TO MAKE PRETTY GIFS FOR YANA !!!!! (and learn how to mod for the yanagortash brainworms 🥀🥴 *giggles*)#what do you mean there’s blood on her it’s just strawberry syrup 🥀😌✨🍓#her house wished for a savior to see the return to their world that was lost to them and they got murder muffin 🌸💕✨😵‍💫🤭#(also sliiiightly unrelated bc the archduke has the braincell i plan to ship him as well with a few other nondurge clowns <3)#(i will offer lore soon but i love castellan and vaermina having ships with him !!!!!! yanagortash you’ll always have my heart but they’re!)#aaaaanyway y’all are welcome to send asks of my baby girlie i will never not want to talk till the cows come home about her 🌸🥀✨😖 MY BABY!!!!#she’s not evil she’s never done a wrong thing in her life <3#if yana and una were in the same verse they would be the best of friends i can feel it !!!!!!#she also has a thing with a*starion who i think’ll be ascended in her playthrough? they both should be allowed to be unhinged i think!#sarspira will get vampire pookie un ascended and will resist her urge <3#OH and she is not the one in my icon that is my sweet girl tissaia <3 i am so so stoked to intro her as well!!!!!!#reading word on the street that the d*urge was created purely by b*haal adds a whole new LAYER to her house wishing for a child of#destiny to save their world they lost bc RAHH at the thought he though OO here’s my opportunity + then created her + they got their ‘savior’#i think i read its in a note you find AND I HAVE TO FIND THAT NOTE 🥀😵‍💫✨ !!!!!!#like from his own viscera?? INCH RESTING for the lore for yana and what was meant for her VEERY#q#q: from the drafts
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
I’ve noticed a pretty sizable portion of this fandom can’t understand symbolism or basic writing techniques sometimes. Sometimes, it seems to be born from not being used to Japanese media but even then…
Also Demyx is the Master of Master because he’s my mom
i can't even seriously respond to this ask after reading 'demyx is my mom' im crying
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#hmm its been an interesting week i suppose#very busy in a good way. but that is always how it starts. i make myself so busy and it feels good and then i wobble and fall out of my body#so im feeling wary. also bc ive been under sleeping more than ususal but im not really tired but im also not boiling out of my skin with#energy. i just feel ok. so thats good. but also a demon in the back of my head is always like: then stay up all night. lets see how far we#can push this. which is not good. and in fact ive been proscribed like basically emergency mood stablizers to knock me out if i start like#losing my mind and not sleeping lol. bc i dont wanna b getting ready for something big and like completely unavailable to control my#ability to think. and ive also been proscribed birth control to get a handke on my fucked up hormones. so we'll see if that makes things#less all over the place. hopefully it works bc im so busy i kinda dont have time to like freak thr fuck out#but i am a lil apprehensive bc like i can count on my hormones to make me feel things when a lot of the time i dont have much emotional#range. so its like fuck finally i can cry abt this. or like fuck this is so beautiful. but then i also cant function sometimes#so i guess i just gotta see what happens. sigh. also the typical frustrating in having to read so much. like ppl hear im dyslexic and r like#oh do u want accommodation? like literally wtf r u gonna do to help me as a grad student? it just takes an agonizing amount of time to#understand thing. i have my computer read to me and i suffer. theres literally nothing else to b done abt it. and fucking next week i have#to teach a fucking lab abt reading scientific papers. they have to read a paper in class. fuck off. those r the types of exercises that make#me feel so fucking stupid. like do this thing right now. read it right here and answer questions abt it. and i fucking read it and retain#fucking nothing. im fucking 26 and literally in my grant writing class i have to apologize to every person before i give them feedback like#lol sorry i can barely fucking read. i fucking cant understand language. its fine but it sucks. theres nothing to do abt it. it just makes#me mad i have to teach a class that would have made me cry as an undergrad. so ill prob hold their hands thru it more than the other TAs#will. bc fuck u im not making them read a whole fucking paper in class. fuck u#plus the frustration of not being able to express myself well in thr moments. like theres a delay in my brain so i feel so dumb when im#trying to convey myself off the top of my head. like give me time and ill write it all out for u i just cant actually process wtf ur saying#to me. also i probably spaced out for a sec so i missed part of the convo lol. frustrating but at this point its just how it is. it makes me#more empathetic when i have to teach i guess. like listen ive got all kinds of fucking learning probs i just wanna help u learn something#how can i help? fucking dyslexia. god. i dont wanna prep for class this weekend. ive gotta show up like yea i kno reading papers is hard at#first but it gets easier! fuck u. its worth the suffering if i enjoy to topic but its always suffering. but thats what i get for going into#academia. thr dr who proscribed me stuff was like well sounds like u have a stress trigger and ur a phd student where life is stress... u#gotta figure out whats gonna work for u. sometimes thats a career change. not in like a pushy way just like: if what u do makes u suffer#then wtf r u doing? and hes got a point. but in contrast to what i was doing this is a massive improvement#well see if its manageable. ugh. i just wanna draw#unrelated
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