#wholesome raccoon videos
bigmeatpete69420 · 1 year
Adventure park for raccoons !!!
Finally some good content that everyone can enjoy
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
Scratching a raccoon
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manicplank · 7 months
I know this question’s weird but can we get some crying headcanons? Like how they act or sound when they cry?
Not weird at all!
Peppino: Cries often. Maybe not daily, but a few times a week. He either cries silently with a few sniffles or full-on wails. Cries over the pizzeria a lot. Depressed man. Sad man.
Gus: Doesn't cry too often, he's a happy guy. Cries happy tears at events like weddings. When he does cry out of sadness, he doesn't make much noise.
BONUS Brick: Crybaby when he wants something that Gus won't give him. Squeaks long and loud.
Mr. Stick: I imagine he sounds like Squidward when he cries. Hardly ever cries, but when he does, it's like this. (Sorry.)
Pepperman: Happy cries at his own art quite often. Very proud of himself. Otherwise, doesn't cry too often. When he does cry, he's pretty quiet. Doesn't cry in front of people unless it's about art.
The Vigilante: Secretly a crybaby. Happy cries and sad cries. I've said this before, but he cries every time a calf is born on the farm. Cried when his grandpa died, still mourns him every now n then. Never cries in front of anyone. Cried when he was beaten by Peppino. Cried when Snotty died. Sounds like an old man when he cries.
The Noise: Also secretly a crybaby. Has meltdowns that start as anger and end up with him sobbing. Cries silently until everybody is gone, and then he WAILS. Likes to be held when crying but won't admit it. Needs to be reminded to breathe or else he accidentally holds his breath. Doesn't cry too often but still cries more than usual.
Noisette: Either cries quietly or screams. No in between. Will cry at small things. Cries when someone else cries. Cries over the fact that raccoons live outside when it rains. Cries at wholesome pet videos. Will sometimes fake cry to get her way. "W-What do you mean I can't have your credit card and *sniffs* buy *sniff sniffle* clothes? PLEA-HE-HE-HEEEESSS WAAAAA! (given the credit card, she stops crying) YAAAAAY!"
Fake Peppino: WAILS. SCREAMS. Cries when he's yelled at. Cries when he doesn't get his way. Cries loud enough to echo through the whole tower. Will throw an entire tantrum because he's not allowed to bite people.
Pizzahead: DRAMA QUEEN. Doesn't cry too often. If you call him old, he'll sob. Will cry sometimes out of anger or frustration. Would much rather cry than get angry. Tries not to cry in front of people, but it happens.
John: Pretty stoic. Hardly ever cries. Has cried over his situation in the tower maybe once, and that's it. Might sniffle as a few tears fall down his face.
Gerome. Also super stoic. Almost never cries. Actually wishes he could cry more often, especially over his situation with John in the tower.
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kandisheek · 3 months
i just called to say that we are not never ever getting back together by misura
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,028 Tags: Flip Phone, Humor, Flirting
Summary: "You made a sex-ed video and you didn't tell me?"
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, I can't believe that this is what Tony is using the Flip Phone of Manly Man Pain for. Scratch that, I totally can. This fic is hilarious as hell, which is a feat considering that it's post-CW, but it's so funny that not even the slightest bit of angst has a chance to seep in. I love it, and I bet you will too, so I hope you check it out!
The Sweetest of Dreams by iam93percentstardust
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,081 Tags: Fix-It, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff
Summary: After coming back to the Compound, Steve takes a moment to breathe and return to his old room. Tony takes a moment to flirt and ask Steve out on their first official date.
Reasons why I love it: I think this might just be the most wholesome post-CW fic I've ever read. I love how MCU and 616 canon are mixed up in this, it gives me so many good vibes. And the Stony flirting is wonderful, they're such dorks in love. Please go and check this one out, it's amazing!
Locked Away by tarialdarion
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,326 Tags: Fix-It, Mutual Pining, The Phone
Summary: "Steve realizes he’s in love with Tony two months after Siberia. He sees dark hair, a flash of sunglasses from across the street and has an instant of joy, before disappointment sets in as the man turns around to reveal his face. The visceral feeling of regret and loneliness that follows is so sharp that Steve can’t breathe around it for a moment, swallowing everything down and hurrying away. Tony could always twist him up until he was yelling, laughing, screaming, smiling." or: Steve's always too late but maybe he can get it right this time.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is canon filtered through an angsty Stony lens, and it got me so damn emotional, it's not even funny. It hurts so good, and the ending just feels so right. I love this fic, and I hope you give it a shot for yourself!
they're singing deck the halls (but it's not like christmas at all) by writerkenna
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 5,098 Tags: Christmas, Phone Sex, Mutual Pining
Summary: Tony, as a general rule, doesn't like Christmas very much. But a call from a very important flip phone can help remedy that.
Reasons why I love it: Oh boys, you're such hopeless cases. Though not entirely hopeless, if that phone sex is anything to go by, hot damn. I love how quickly this fic escalates and how they both slowly but surely drop their facades and just tell each other how they feel. It's great, and I hope you give this fic a shot!
Flyover Country (Exes, Aliens and Cupcakes) by Sadisticsparkle (sadisticsparkle)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 3,056 Tags: Crack, Reconciliation, Hopeful Ending
Summary: Because the universe was more into pulp aesthetics than he had thought possible, that was his assigned mission now - find raccoon, ascertain origin, subdue him by any means possible, bring him in. ‘There has been a… development.’ ‘What is it, FRIDAY?’ ‘Captain Rogers seems to be in the area.’
Reasons why I love it: Who knew that Rocket is such a good matchmaker? I love how Steve and Tony go from bickering to 'wait, you like me?' - 'wait, you do too?' in about three seconds flat, it's so much fun. And the ending is super sweet. Definitely check this one out, it's fantastic!
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 months
Hi!! I adore your blog and everything you write, cause it's so wholesome and giving comfort!! I was wondering about your take on this kind of trope between Rocket and the reader (because I can't see anything similar on the internet and I'm biting my walls). But I was thinking about friendly convo with Rocket as a semi new crew member, who's young and maybe more outgoing. Still sarcastic and brave, yet empathetic. And they started to get along, eventually became friends. In my mind it was a late night vibe, maybe something like talking about trauma or just simply comforting. I'm a sucker for anything involving petting him so (👀). Maybe they have something in common, maybe something happened. But some friendly fluff never hurts. I'd love to see your take on this scenario!! I just love your work I'm hoping to see something like that ksjdksjx 🤍🤍
wholesome? are we looking at the same blog lol
dear little sugar cookie sunbeam. you're so sweet and i'm so grateful for this kindness, truly. thank you for your sweet words! i’m so sorry it’s taken so long for me to get around to this. between you and @whitedragoncoranth (who always so kindly sends me adorable raccoon-related videos and little fictions) the two of you have been spinning lovely little thoughts in my head. so this is for the both of you ♡
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like, imagine that pete wakes up in the middle of the sleep-shift. there’s something happening in the benetar’s ventilation system, and it doesn’t sound good. a strange sort of pitchy rattle, like something’s come loose. normally pete wouldn’t be the one to notice something like that — rocket’s sensitive hearing would pick up any deviation in the benetar’s normal low murmur long before pete’s “inferior baldbody ears.” but here it is — far too late in the so-called night — and star-lord has noticed something wrong with the ship. and not just any part of the ship — one of the parts most integral to survival in the inhospitable void of space.
so he rises, half-frantic, and goes to find the benetar’s genius creator and resident mechanic.
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"goddammit," you mutter, scowling down at the carton of milky-fizz in your hand. normally, you'd be staring out at the stars as they spiraled past: gorgeous glimmering clouds of glitter-dust and refracted light, swirls of color and soft-edged flakes of illumination, haloes and radiant pinpoints — all bright and pulsing against the black jeweler's velvet of an endless sky. tonight, though, you're just pissed, and not even the shimmering specks of a thousand distant suns can ease the cringing ripple of shame prickling up the base of your spine and between your shoulderblades. you hunch your back, trying to shiver it right off your skin.
"hey, kid. what the hell are you doin' out here?"
you pause, shoulders still high under your ears — but when you breathe out, some of your tension goes with it. rocket's an ornery bastard, but he's also your best friend here on the benetar, and if anyone can make you feel better, it's probably him.
not that it had always been that way. your friendship is more or less a recent development. you wouldn’t call yourself new to the crew anymore, but you're definitely the freshest of the guardians family. you'd run into them when they'd stopped back on knowhere after defeating some kind of — god? planet? — and the pilot had clearly not been a fan of further expanding their little crew beyond the recent addition of mantis and, to a lesser extent, kraglin and nebula.
why d'you wanna even do this? he'd sneered. it ain't all fame and fortune.
you'd snorted. fame and fortune? at best, it had seemed the so-called guardians of the galaxy had only earned the suspicious and sometimes-entertained watchfulness of any given band of locals — as if they'd been some troublesome trickster-folkheroes brought to life.
plus, this stupid galaxy's always needing to be saved, rocket had snarked, half-resentfully.
you'd grinned and shrugged. as a matter of fact, i'm here for the job security, you'd only replied, and it had tugged a startled smirk into the corner of his mouth.
"you all right?" he asks now, nearly thirty cycles later.
you sigh. "oh, you know." you wave your carton at the stars behind the armored glass.
rocket snorts. "yeah, i do know," he drawls, one brow winging up. you're not looking at him, so you can't see it — but you can hear it in his voice. "i know exactly what you're doing."
it's your turn to raise an eyebrow. "what am i doing?" you take a swig of your milky-fizz, but rocket doesn't miss a beat.
"beating yourself up for stupid shit."
"ahhhh," you breathe softly into the chill, recycled air. "you would know, then."
"i would," he agrees. "now, c'mon." his hand reaches out and shoves gently at your hip. "you can whine about it while we eat some zargnuts."
you can't help but laugh. after you'd first come aboard, it had only taken a few rotations for the two of you to begin gravitating toward each other. if asked, rocket would have muttered he’d just given you a shot because you’d been the only one who groot seemed to tolerate: mature enough to hold your own with the other guardians, but young enough that rocket's adolescent son somehow — miraculously — hadn’t despised you. luckily for rocket, he'd also quickly learned that you'd been willing to engage in the stupid multi-front prank-wars that he’d had going with almost every other member of the crew. hell, that thing with the frickin’ zargnuts had been your idea — he’d just come up with the tech. the two of you had crept into food storage one rotation, and you’d emptied every bag into jars, then passed each one to rocket. he’d puffed them with air and neatly closed them with the heat-resealing gun he’d crafted as soon as you’d made the suggestion.
drax had been sulky for cycles, and you'd stayed strong, not 'fessing up until mantis had burst into tears after opening her fifteenth empty bag.
still, the majority of the jars of zargnuts are currently residing in the corner of rocket's bunk.
you follow him across the catwalks and down the hatch, passing arched armored-glass windows separating the two of you from the cold void of space. outside the benetar, the galaxy is lit up with spilt-glitter-stars and moons like twinkle-lights. inside, guages and buttons pin the shadows like velvet stage-curtains to the wall, and security orbs stitch them to the edge of the grated floors. most of the other guardians are in bed already, and the narrow corridors are quiet, with only the low hum of the benetar's life support systems echoing a low lullaby. rocket leaps up to tap the sensor that slides open his bunk door, and you throw yourself easily into the pile of cushions in the corner under his hammock. he's one of the lucky bastards with a starboard-side porthole in his bunk, which means the whole little room is softly aglow with the dim blue and mauve haze of stardust. he taps a plasma orb, adding a sheen of gold to the edges of the shadows so that he can dig through his locker more easily, producing a giant, half-eaten jar of zargnuts and sliding it across the thin, faded rug toward you.
"dig in," he orders, and you do — unscrewing the lid and reaching in to pull out a couple of the bite-sized snacks. "you wanna tell me what's got you all knotted up?" he adds casually, tapping the datapad he's got docked on his workbench. some song he's cloned from pete's zune drifts out, melancholy and mellow, across darkness.
"is that california dreamin'?" you ask incredulously.
he listens for a beat, till the chorus hits. "sounds like it," he replies with a shrug, "but you're not gettin' outta answering me, kid."
you sigh and take another sip of your milky-fizz . it goes surprisingly well with the zargnuts. "i almost got pete killed today."
rocket snorts. "what?"
"when that symbiote attacked him, i should've switched over to the disresonator blaster you made, and instead i just sh-shot at it with the rotary cannon and i almost—"
"kid," rocket interrupts, sounding exasperated. "you been in how many fights like this? m'not talking about threatening some jerk with your quadblaster, i mean actually fighting a dozen corrupted klyntar, or some high-powered alien despot, or whatever."
"i dunno," you say dismally. "however many there've been since i started with you guys."
"and this is your first mistake," he reminds you. "and it wasn't even that stupid."
you roll your eyes. "thanks ever so."
"seriously," he says, grabbing another handful of zargnuts. "you know, our second fight was because drax decided to call up the kree accuser we were running from and give 'im our coordinates."
you pause with your milky-fizz halfway to your mouth. "what?"
rocket snickers. "and that jackass is like, old enough to be your dad. at least. he's supposably been fighting way longer." he pauses. "though he did get caught and thrown in the kyln so maybe he was always an idiot about it. what i'm saying is, you don't gotta beat yourself up for doing one stupid thing."
you look at him solemnly, taking in the way the plasma orb gilds the strands of gunmetal and brass in his fur, and the halo of mint-green and rose and purple as you drift past a rainbow-hued nebula.
"what about you?" you ask. the quiet shadows pool around the two of you, cool and just heavy enough to press any anxiety out of your lungs. that's how it always is on these nights with rocket, you think. usually the two of you are on the flightdeck, drinking some of drax's kylosian coffee while rocket flies till you fall asleep — but sometimes you hole up in his bunk or yours, listening to music and telling stories and cracking jokes until one or both of you passed out.
"what about me?"
you wrap the shadows and the starlight around yourself and finish off the milky fizz, setting the plastic carton carefully to one side. "you beat yourself up all the time."
he sighs. "that's different."
"howso?" you challenge, but he slants you a look that glints like red spinels and rubies in the stray starlight, and you know you're not gonna get an answer. you hum a faintly disgruntled, half-playful note. "you know what would make me feel better?"
you grin, and reach out toward him with both hands, palm-down, rubbing your fingers and thumbs together.
"absolutely frickin' not."
"you're annoying."
your fingers don't stop. "you don't have to pretend like you don't like it," you tease him. "i had a friend back on terra—"
he snorts. "you had a friend?"
you pout. "don't be a jackass." you flex your fingers in a grabby motion. "i had a friend on terra and she use to tell me — you know, you are allowed to let yourself enjoy nice things."
he snorts. "oh yeah? and what’d you say to that?"
your grin splits wide. "probably the same thing you’re gonna say to me," you admit with a dip of your head. another gold galaxy swirls slowly past, limning everything: platinum and bronze and sunset edges, melting against the dark violet-blue.
he wings one brow upward. "what’s that?"
you can’t stop the chuckle riding under your ribs. "sounds fake, but okay."
he snickers. "well, you're not wrong."
"c'mon," you wheedle, not letting him out of it that easily. you flex your fingers again, and rub the tips together like you're testing the velvet quality of the shadows, or the fading strains of california dreamin' as they melt into time after time. "please? for me, rocket?"
he raises his brow again, rolling his eyes. they're deep amethysts in the darkness, but every time he moves them, they throw back glimmers of almandine and garnet.
"sounds fake," he mocks, "but okay." he slides across the cushions. "and watch the tail this time. don't need your frickin' elbow leaning on it again."
you fake-scowl. "that was one time," you sulk, winding your arms around him and pulling him in close so you can burrow your fingers into the thick velvet pile of his ears. he immediately cocks his head like he's been secretly waiting for it all night, leaning into the little massage at the base of the twitching appendages. his head his heavy and weighted against your hands, alternating side to side as he tries to push into the pressure of your touch. you'd never point it out to him, of course; he'd stop immediately, you're sure. and you weren't lying — it does make you feel better. millennia of evolution have contributed to this one perfect element of the terran human condition, you suppose: the release of endorphins whenever you get a cuddly animal's fur under your fingertips and palms.
you ease your hands down, stroking long lines over the back of his head, burying your fingers in the fur at the base of his skull and around his shoulders, weaving them into his lush, soft undercoat. it becomes mindless, meditative: his fur gleaming thread by soft thread in the starlight, the hypnotic lullaby of the moons and suns and planets rolling by like round, loose beryls and pearls, the sparkling haze of cosmic dust spilling past the porthole. the music shifting through the dark shadows and puddling in the little pools of light, weaving in between each strand of rocket's fur and the soft valleys between your fingers: fleetwood mac and bowie and kate bush and joy division, all layered into the darkness and the sprinkle of lights — the spray of glitter, the haloed glow; the quiet of your breath and rocket's; the pulse of your shared heartbeats; the sleepy tug of your eyelids. the knowledge that he knows you well enough to recognize when you're ragged at the edges, and the eagerness to help patch you up with zargnuts and music and stories about drax; the knowledge that you'd do the same no matter what. the warmth of him under your hands, his body going relaxed and heavy under your arms, the soft brush of his fur under your chin.
the knowledge that in all of the wide universe, you always have a home with each other.
something rumbles against your belly, where his chest is leaned up against you, and your hands stroke over his back. it's rare that he purrs, and usually brief: but this time he lets it happen, and it grows. the rapid, deep-rooted clicking, like a dark-velvet chirp that never ends, rolls up from his body and into your hands like a gift passed from him to you. it shivers out into the air, tumbling and rippling through the silk shadows, blending with the music, flickering against everything in the tiny room and echoing softly, rebounding, shimmering. you lose yourself in the pattern of it, matched to his inhalations and exhalations. matched to yours. you're drifting into it like an incoming tide, moonlit and starstruck, little waves that lap and tap against your heart and your brain until you begin to doze off while your fingers trace deep little forest-paths into his fur, taking and offering comfort as easily as breathing, as easily as the gentle thump of your hearts against each other. you lose time like that: lost in the sounds of him and the music, lost in the deep blue, the aubergine, the glimmering in and out. you don't so much as stir until there's a thump in the corridor, and then against the frame of the door—
you jolt awake, blinking blearily, and rocket's already torn himself out of your arms and off the cushions as the door slides open.
"what the fuck, quill? i coulda been — i dunno, doing something—"
"there's a problem with the vent system," pete rushes out, sounding nervous and frantic. "i don't know how long it's been going on but there's like a — a rattling, rumbling noise—"
"shut up," rocket snaps, one dark hand extended toward pete in a halting motion, and you freeze as the three of you go still and quiet.
the vents cycle on, hushed and gentle as a breeze in a field of wheat.
you wait.
"i don't frickin' hear anything," rocket growls.
"i don't—" pete starts, looking baffled and almost betrayed by the functioning ventilation system. "it was—"
"what'd it sound like?" you pipe up from the corner, and pete's brows furrow when they focus on you.
"like a kind of a... brrrrrrrrrh," he mimicks, rolling his tongue off the rough of his mouth in a guttural purr.
your eyes go wide, and then shoot over to rocket's. your friend's face is a picture in absolute horror.
"uh," you start, the corners of your mouth twitching as you try to hold back a sudden cackle.
"it's nothing, pete," rocket snaps. "you're imagining shit."
"go back to bed!" rocket half-roars, and pete takes one last bewildered glance at the air vents before slinking out the door.
rocket slaps the sensor panel and whirls on you, one claw extended.
"not a fuckin' word," he snarls.
you say nothing. you only smile — eyes sparkling — and reach for him with both hands: palms down, fingertips rubbing against thumbs in a silent demand for more pets.
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headcanons & imagines masterlist
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warmer-hotcakes · 4 months
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Funny balloon boy!!! His name is Maxxy!
More stuff below
I was thinking of fun ideas for this guy. I had the idea that he hosts a really small tabletop board game/miniature hobby channel. He reviews and plays board games with his friends and is super energetic and passionate, but he occasionally does calmer long form videos where he will just paint miniatures. Often times its a lil tutorial, or just a lightly edited long painting video where he just talks about the hobby and stuff. Super gentle and wholesome in those ones. Also he's a big ol balloon raccoon!
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sisterabel · 1 year
i love those videos where a dog comes home and brings back an animal friend. i've seen cats, sheep, cows, a raccoon, etc like it's so wholesome it gets me every time
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finiffy · 2 years
Hc that all the Site-19 senior staff are in one big text chat. They don’t send any actual words, it’s all just videos of cats getting scared by scraps of tinfoil and dogs wrestling hoses.
Like… Glass sends a picture of a raccoon wearing a funny hat.
Iceberg pitches in with the video of that one manatee nose-bouncing off the aquarium glass.
Gears responds with a picture of a bird because he doesn’t really get the whole meme thing.
A-Maj. occasionally adds pictures of the snakes they accidentally create (still my favorite hc), mostly just a western hognose they decided to keep, it doesn’t have a name (simply referred to as “the snake”) but it has a tank in the corner of their office and they take very good care of it. Francis knits tiny hats and does (low quality) photoshoots of the little noodle when he’s bored.
Kon… 408 figured out how to work his phone. Chances are that he isn’t the one sending half the content the group receives.
Rights sends dog pictures.
Wholesome shit like that. Makes me happy :)
Man I love them being fucking idiots with eachother, like someone sends a picture of Josie sunbathing somewhere with the caption "Cat spotted" and people are just spamming "WHERE!?" cause they want to pet her
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jockmewalking · 1 year
In general, some biographies hint towards the contestants canon counterparts, such as the dream section for both Mary and Cameron basically being what Jo and canon Cameron were like. However, some biographies might foreshadow what will happen to the character in the competition…
Now for more specific stuff:
Brick’s chosen movie, Surge of Hassan, is based on the movie Sergeant Hassan
Her personality is modeled strongly off of her prototype design, as she sports as a more callous and brutish demeanor. Regardless, she’s still a momma’s boy!
Mary’s fav song, Summer and a Typhoon by Trolly Hell, references Spring and a Storm by Tally Hall
I wanted him to be the definition of a girl-failure but still have an interest in sports.
Staci’s fav music artist, Glad Donna, references Madonna
Staci’s fav movie, Rude Gals starring Reggie and Janelle as characters, references Mean Girls which has Janice and Regina as prominent characters.
Canon Staci’s biography mentions being a hairdresser, so that tiny trait is now a bigger part of her personality here. She embodies that judgey, gossip-loving stereotype of female hairstylists. Staci in canon also has a tendency to lie, so does this one, but is just more… convincing about it.
Mike’s fav movie, Earthdog Day, is based on the movie Groundhog Day.
Mike’s dream date, Lorrison Ellie, references Laurie Elliot, the voice actor of Jo who’s also a comedian.
Mike has DID still, and some parts of his biography allude to smiles alters…
Mike’s personality is inspired by Jimmy Two Shoes, since beta Mike looks a lot like Jimmy Two Shoes, who is another character his voice actor plays as. Jimmy is a cheerful and loving boy despite literally being a resident of hell, similar to how upbeat Mike is despite his…not-so-wholesome past. Also, Jim’s series is a light-hearted comedy show which is why Mike is a comedian.
The book Scott was talking about in the job section of his biography is Where The Red Fern Grows. While he acquires a raccoon army to hunt down two hounds, the books stars a boy and his two redhounds hunting down raccoons.
Prototype Scott has design elements from Canon Brick, so obviously I had to make Scott a cadet too! …Or so it seems.
Cam’s fav video game soundtrack, The Myth of Link, is based on The Legend of Zelda.
Cameron mentioning that scrib has bad luck but that not deterring zaps is based on how his official prototype design resembles like Mickey n Jay, two boys from RR who are quite unlucky but still remain determined to achieve their goals in the competition.
This Cameron is much more adventurous and bold than their canon self. Cameron’s story in the official show tells the tale of a boy who literally and metaphorically gets out of his bubble and learns more about the outside world and how to accept and live in it. This Cameron instead is FAR from sheltered though still retains the Og’s curious, analytical, and socially inept nature. Also, instead of being a nerd, they’re more of a geek!
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Just some wholesome Raccoon Hybrid!Adopted!Tommy and SBI content
by Depressed_Fox
What do I write for this? Well, um, this is based on a prompt/headcanon I found here, and it's just some raccoon hybrid adopted Tommy and Sbi fluff content.
(All credit goes to Pebble_Dragon for the headcanons and Mushr0om_OnA_Tree for the idea of this writing.)
Words: 470, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu
Relationships: Technoblade & TommyInnit, Phil Watson | Philza & Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Tags Are Hard, Adoption, Family Fluff, Fluff, Raccoon Hybrid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), a lot of fluff, Adopted TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Feral TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Hybrid AU, adoption au, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Not Beta Read
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bigmeatpete69420 · 1 year
Watch raccoons race toy cars !!!
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
An elderly man feeds 25 super hungry raccoons.
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everythingfox · 4 years
“A young trash panda leisurely taking advantage of the quarantine”
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This orphaned baby raccoon was brought to the SNC after being found by a South Florida resident. Most baby raccoons do not have a fighting chance without their mom in the wild. Luckily, this little guy has grown quite a bit and will soon be ready to be prepped for release back into the wild. 
Often times, when people find abandoned babies in their neighborhoods it is because mom has died due to human activity. Wildlife rehabbers and nature centers are imperative to continuing breeding populations for wild animal species that are most impacted by human development and activity. 
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nanikicrea · 4 years
This YouTube account of an ol' man feeding raccoons and talking to his cats is wholesome content heaven🥰
I am this old man... lol
Also I bet he's a Pisces or Aquarius..maybe Aries..
He's a musician too!
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eggsnbac0n · 2 years
Hi!! Can you do a SFW head anón version for Carlos? Tyy
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My first request!! And no problem! I'm going to try to make this post a little bit longer than my other posts. Enjoy♡
Paring: Carlos Oliveira x Reader
Tags: SFW, fluff, carlos being a flirt, wholesome stuff, mature language
- carlos met you during the crazy events in raccoon city. and you guys immediately connected.
- he loves cooking for you. treats you like a queen. he definitely feeds you cuz he loves you so so so soo much. (his mother raised him well 🙌🙌)
"babe let me feed you. youre gonna get tired"
"its fine carlos and im not going to get tired just by feeding myself silly"
- this one time when you guys were getting your groceries from the car, carlos grabs the bags from your hands then carries you and the groceries.
- he loves flexing okay 🤷‍♀️
- he also loves it when he flirts with you. cheesy pick up lines, compliments, anything to get you embarrassed. goes to google to search up pick up lines.
-"do you play soccer? because you're a keeper!"
"i ought to complain to spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single"
"if you were a transformer, you'd be optimus fine"
- and my personal favorite
"if i were a zombie, i would eat cuz' you look like a damn meal"
- I can see him going to disneyland and universal studios a lot. begs you to go to the big rollercoasters, but would stop if you really don't want to go/have a sensitive stomach/etc. doesn't mind going to a kids ride as long as you are having fun, he'll do anything just to make you happy♡
- when he sees you staring at him while he's working out, he smirks and tries to put on a show for you.
"take a picture it'll last longer ;)"
- carlos teaches you how to defend yourself just in case something bad happens. he really loves you and wants you to be ready if he's not there to protect you
- speaking about that, carlos gets overly protective when a guy tries to flirt with you. remember when i said he loves to flex well he shows off how strong he is to that guy. if thats not enough to get him away from you, carlos acts mean and aggressive. (thats a real alpha 😈😘🥰🥶💪🐺)
- carlos drools when he sees you wear something skin tight, showing your curves, muscles, and etc. secretly wants you to wear more clothing like that.
- bing watches love island and trashy tv shows
- loves playing video games with you. he hates losing in games like street fighter but when it comes to you, he'll "try" to go easy on you.
- thinks about marrying you and having a big family with you♡
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