#whoopsie daisy 😅
real-life-cloud · 11 months
I went to an amusement park last night!!! With a bunch of actors trying to scare ppl and haunted houses and stuff :3 very fun
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amethystpath-writes · 11 months
“I don’t love you,” Hero said. “I won’t love you, even though they all suspect it.”
“Isn’t it disappointing?” Villain asked.
Hero only hummed in question. She felt serene despite the storm brewing in her mind. For now, she would listen.
“To make another human your source of entertainment? You are televised. You don’t see your shepherds now, but there is a show playing in their minds during this very moment. You. Naked in my bed- as if we could ever be lovers. A scandal- because no one can ever be good enough. Nobody is allowed to be The Hero. That person, should they ever arise, must always be eradicated.”
Villain stared at the night sky from the park bench, swollen and wet from the rain which had passed. The dark clouds above appeared so thick that they stretched across space, blocking even the moon from seeing her subjects below. Another storm was being pushed through. “They wait for the day you’re found out- living out any trope that serves them, even if it’s not true of your life at all. Enemies to lovers.” He scoffed. “The new fad. Unfortunate for them, I hate you,” he said, and his eyes never left the stormy clouds. “We are not their love story, and I’ll spite you at every turn for making them think this rivalry could turn to such. Tell me, why did you decide to become their next victim, hero?”
“You make it sound like I wanted them to call me a traitor under their breaths.” Her voice held no contempt. She was too tired for that- for anything besides a quietly piqued interest. “I don’t want to betray them. I fight you because they don’t have the ability to. It’s all for them. It has always been for them.”
“And yet”- Villain shrugged- “what have they done for you? Spread rumors? Spoken to teen entertainment vlogs about their accounts on witnessing our ‘dates’? None of it is real. I tell myself I’m fighting for something, but the truth is, none of us are. Not even you, though you think your purpose is to oppose me- to oppose evil and all that is ill. It’s not.”
Progressively, Hero felt the tips of her ears warming- a deep contrast compared to the cold air around her. “I don’t entertain them.”
“You serve them. Is that phrasing any more to your liking?”
She couldn’t argue that. Hero did serve her community- by fighting Villain, by bringing justice to him. Or…trying to at least. The rumors came with their own consequences. She was outcasted. No one trusted her even though she never gave them a reason to distrust her. Hero fought Villain. That was all she ever did, but one person got it into their head that maybe- just maybe- they weren’t fighting at all. Maybe Hero and Villain were living a fairytale. Maybe they were an item and the fights were all a facade so at least one of them would be praised.
Still, it had nothing to do with entertainment. Hero didn’t want to think of it that way. If she did, it meant she did all of this for nothing. She had no purpose. She wasted her time, energy, and effort.
“Why did we meet here?” It was going to start raining again, and Hero was already shivering. She only met him tonight because doing so meant he was with her, in sight, and unproductive in his schemes. He volunteered her as a distraction; she wasn’t smart enough to say no.
“We might only be a means of entertainment, but I’ve learned to appreciate the act. You and I are not friends, but they think so. There’s a camera- over there…” He pointed to a tree, and Hero cursed under her breath. “And it’s been filming us the entire time. Having casual conversation on a stormy night where no one else would dare relax. Nice and private- though cold, but we’re willing to sacrifice that warmth if it means being together, right?”
“You set me up.” Here she thought she was allowing herself to distract him, but it was his plan all along. Of course he wasn’t wanting to fix this problem. “You said you were tired of the rumors, Villain. That’s why we were here, to lay them to rest.”
Villain laughed and finally looked to Hero. His eyes trailed to her ears, all red from her frustration. It irritated her even more and she untucked her hair. “You aren’t just their entertainment, Hero. You’re mine, too.” He muttered, “So easy.”
She wanted to argue: I’m not your entertainment; I’m Im no one’s, but it would only prove him right. Looking at his smile now, Hero regretted even pulling her hair from behind her ears.
I can fight him now. The camera would see it and the people would know that the two were not lovers at all. But again, she’d be amusing him. Right now, he was expecting her to make a move, to- to retaliate, if only to entertain him more. Yet, if she didn’t do anything, the tape he had now would only confirm in the community’s mind that she was a scandal. Untrue and unfit for being their voice. Would they arrest her?
“I’m all you have now. Your only security.”
Hero shook her head. “No. That’s not true.”
“Then who else do you have?”
The sky was sprinkling now. Fat cold raindrops touched on Hero’s shoulders and she shivered. “They’ll believe me,” she said, though it came out as a whisper. Still, Villain heard.
“Do they believe you now?”
“If you are not with me, you are nothing but a bad face to them. I can give you a new identity. I can give you a new start, one where you can be the one entertained- not them.”
His hand touched her face. She flinched. When had she closed her eyes and when had he stood from the park bench? When did the sprinkling of them sky become thin, pelting drops?
It stung: his hand, the rain, the biting cold, the realization that she was running out of options.
“I don’t need your help.”
“They’ll arrest you. Treason,” he said, and rubbed his thumb across Hero’s cheekbone. “Isn’t that the highest punishable crime?”
Was it? She wasn’t sure.
He was scaring her.
He was scaring her, and it was working so well that she felt herself sweating despite also quivering in the downpour.
His fingers wrapped under her chin while his other hand rested on her shoulder. “I can help.”
“You’re the reason I’m in this position!” Hero tried to rip away, but Villain stopped her with a heavy grip. “I don’t want your help. I don’t want your help.”
“You put yourself in this position by fighting something you had no right mind fighting. You were unprepared, Hero. Ill-advised.” His thumb strummed her cheek again, calming, manipulative. “I only helped you realize.”
The drop on her cheek was warm- a tear, not a raindrop. “You told me we’re not friends.”
“No. I pity you.” The hand on her shoulder fell and Villain wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her into a hug. Instinctively, she turned her head against his chest. His shirt was soaked and cold, but it was comfortable. She stayed, forgetting entirely who he was.
When had the heat left her ears? Was it when the rain started or when she laid her head on his chest? “We’re not friends,” she said, but as she stood in the pouring rain, cheek pressed against Villain’s wet shirt, she couldn’t imagine leaving. Let them have their entertainment, she almost said, but no. She wasn’t supposed to be here.
Almost seeming to read her thoughts, Villain asked, “Who else do you have, Hero? Stand with me in this rain; let it wash away the hero you tried to be, and start anew.”
Thunder crackled across the sky. Hero remained silent. Enemies…lovers…amusement…what did it matter? She was comfortable in the rain, comfortable in the cold. “Will you delete the footage if I agree?”
He hummed.
“Delete it,” she begged, though her head never left his chest. “I want to start over. I would do anything.”
“Will,” Villain corrected. “I have some ideas for you.”
For now, they would leave the open sky, full of lightning and threatened existences. They would leave, and Hero would cry, grieve over her attempted heroism, and look to Villain- of all people- for a shoulder to cry on.
And as all villains do, he would take advantage of her, warp her mind, make her believe that she was wrong to be a hero, that she was a source of entertainment, though we, dear audience, know she was an inspiration all along.
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marxthedumdum · 5 months
oh and vampire/werebat steven n daisy crimsonoak too 🥳
@jojoluxray here you go 🛐
: ̗̀➛ (lets a vampire bite steven) whoopsie (makes them turn him into both a vampire and a werebat) my bad stevy 😅
: ̗̀➛ im gonna start off w him pre-trade
: ̗̀➛ ofc due to him being a vampire, he barely goes outside anymore. but everyone suspects he doesnt like being out because hes nervous around fans and paparazzi from being the champion, which yknow, is understandable
: ̗̀➛ he could turn into a regular sized bat at daytime, but becomes a giant werebat at night because that’s when he’s strongest,,
: ̗̀➛ oh and hes stuck in werebat form if it’s nighttime
: ̗̀➛ steven hiding in daisys hair/luggage/bag/whatever to get around places
: ̗̀➛ (which is how he finds people to feed on, imagine him pulling on daisys hair and directing her to places like ratatouille lmfaooo)
: ̗̀➛ ((he has never turned anyone into a vampire because he had sucked them dry and killed them before they got the chance to turn))
: ̗̀➛ though if he ever goes hungry because he hasnt fed enough (like maybe ppl are hunting the creature (him) down to save kanto), he’ll ask daisy to drink her blood (and not give her the burden of turning her into a vampire too ofc)
: ̗̀➛ daisy would let him, but steven will feel guilty, whine and roll into a ball in a random corner of the house in fear he might accidentally suck her dry and kill her :(
: ̗̀➛ he also nibbles her neck (not bite and leave a bad mark!) for fun teasing
: ̗̀➛ if he gets overwhelmed (from ANY type of physical affection from daisy), he’ll lovingly hiss and start flapping his arms/wings <3
: ̗̀➛ stevy hanging upside down above daisys bed when she sleeps like a fancy (and dangerous) dreamcatcher :3
: ̗̀➛ loafing. lots of loafing. a lot of loafing.
: ̗̀➛ if daisy ever needs to travel somewhere during the night? steven taxi! beep beep!
: ̗̀➛ ok so abt after strangling mike uhhhh
: ̗̀➛ he now doesnt need daisy to help him move around anymore! the incident fucking up his reputation (and strength) gave him the confidence to go alone
: ̗̀➛ hes also now a BIGGER loaf. daisy gets absolutely buried if steven ever loafs on her.
: ̗̀➛ still tries to stand on daisy like a regular bat on a tree lmaooo
: ̗̀➛ abt steven hanging upside down above daisy when she sleeps uh. hes too big for that now so he watches her from a tree outside. giant eldritch horror night guard <3
: ̗̀➛ wrapping his wings around daisy against wild pokemon, team rocket or anything else evil. he protecc. he attacc.
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creativewhizkid · 8 months
sketchbook's the type of person who'd go: " ermmm... he's right behind me, isn't he? 😅 " while playing a horror game
sketchbook's the type of person to say: " oh, whoopsie daisy! " when they drop something
sketchbook's the type of person to say: " well, i'll be darned! " eerily joyfully when someone proves them wrong
sketchbook's the type of person who'd say " eureka! " or " huzzah! " when they have a good idea
sketchbook's the type of person who'd say: " oh my golly gosh! "
sketchbook's the type of person who'd say: " uhmmm... what the scallop? " unironically
sketchbook's the type of person who's say: " oh, shucks! " when complimented
sketchbook's the type of person who'd instead of swearing, they'd go: " oh fiddle sticks! "
sketchbook's the type of person who'd go: " yowchies!! " followed with a looney tunes sound effect when they hurt themselves
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im-tops-bottom · 5 months
So it seems that writing up the two fanfictions that I mentioned before has struck up another idea of a story.
I might as well share some details of my ideas and maybe if my docs don't save then I can just come back to here once more.
So my third story is going to be about how Han and Lee Know switch dorms and they start a Hyung dorm aka Team Hyunjin and a Maknae dorm Team Felix.
Hyung dorm is filled with a completely done with this shit Hyunjin as he has to deal with his Hyungs constantly fighting over him. It's a constant battle over who loves Hyunjin more, who can show the most support for him etc...
Meanwhile over at the maknae dorm it is sunshines and rainbows as they cherish their baby Felix.
Unfortunately it's not always sunshine and rainbows for Felix. There's gonna be angst and sadness for him regarding him and the hyungs excluding Hyunjin.
But yeah it started off as a joke between me and a friend and then writing up the other two fics, I realized... Well what if it wasn't just a joke. Anyways... I'm coming up with more fic ideas than I am writing them 😅 whoopsie daisy
Anyways this fic idea is what has spawned all these incorrect quotes coming through tonight (for me).
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bks-blogs · 6 months
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#101DalmatianStreet #Save101DalmatianStreet #Disney #DisneyPlus #101DSSeason2 #101Dalmatians #DanukiDalmatian #YCH #Mario #SuperMarioBros #Nintendo
Whoopsie daisies! It appears as I was treading carefully across the room with my large size, I stumbled a little bit and stepped my front-paw right on top of one of the Super Mushrooms I keep around!😅
Soooo…. if you're wondering why I've hit a rapid growth spurt and now taking up the whole living room in my and @mel-toons's flat, here's your answer!
Guess I probably should find a better place to keep my power-ups and not leaving them sprawled on the floor where someone might step on them, huh? Now… erhm… since there's no room for me to move and squeeze out of the living room, could someone PLEASE send a goomba to hit me or least hit me with enough force to turn me back to my normal size? Please?
Thanks again babclayman1for this lovely YCH commission!😁
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uthers-bald-head · 6 months
So I realised I hadn't updated The Other Pendragon in 10 MONTHS! Whoopsie daisy 😬😅
And someone, very much appreciated btw, commented saying they'd love the story to continue which is just so nice to hear because wow people actually read and like my writing and want more
And it was kind of the kick up the backside that I needed to get motivated but boy is it hard jumping back in to a story this big
Also, it's the most infuriating thing when you can picture a facial expression, you can make it yourself, you know what it communicates, BUT YOU CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU THINK OF WHAT IT IS CALLED OR CAN BE DESCRIBED AS!
anyway, Arthur Pendragon is being a dork and I look forward to finally posting chapter 7 (eventually)
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willkimurashat · 2 years
2022 Fics in Review
Thank you so much for tagging me @rebelrayne !!! I only started writing this year, as my new-found hobby, and I actually found it quite fun and therapeutic :) that being said, I don’t have a lot to share, but it’s still cool to look back on it lol!
In 2022 I…
…wrote the following one-shots:
First Impressions Don’t Have to Decide Everything, Right?
MC x Will, 4k+ words
My first ever fic!! It will always hold a special place in my heart, even though I’m kinda scared to reread it and feel incredibly cringy🙈
The Answer Was Simple
MC x Suresh, 2.3k+ words, Lie detector prompt
I’m really proud of this one actually. I wrote it in one sitting and I was surprisingly satisfied with how it came out:) still can’t believe all the love I got for it here on tumblr!
Snog, Marry, Die
Halloween-themed, 7k+ words, tw: blood, violence, murder, death
I was just rereading it yesterday, and I still think it came out so fun lol! Every time I read the title, makes me feel like I was such a genius for coming up with that pun lmao, like, I am wayyy too proud of that title haha😂
…started the following multi-chaptered wips:
MC x Will, s4 rewrite, 61.6k+ words
Ah, the fic that kinda started it all:) It was such an ambitious plan, and I think it’s only now hit me, just how ambitious it really is to do a whole season rewrite lol… I hate how slow I am with writing it, but I love writing it so much nonetheless - it’s my baby!
An Unnamed College AU
Started writing this back in the summer, I haven’t touched it in months, but I haven’t given up on it yet either. I just didn’t think the plot fully through before starting it lol! Maybe I will get back to it, who’s to say?
An Unnamed Xmas fic
Something I started, but lost motivation and didn’t finish… whoopsie daisy👀 maybe next year?
An Unnamed Romcom-Inspired fic
I am actually super excited about this! The idea has been occupying my mind for a few weeks now:) I think this one’s kinda self-indulgent, but my bday is coming up in 1.5 months, so I’m allowing it lol😅 no, but I think it’s actually gonna be really fun, and I hope you guys think so too! Stay tuned!
…reached the following milestones:
Started writing! I mean, it’s a big deal because it got me through a lot actually, as this year was absolutely fucked.
100 kudos across all of my fics on ao3! Like, WHAT??? HOWWWW THANK YOUUUU
1301 hits across all of my fics on ao3! Again, HOWWW I LOVE YOU ALL
Collectively wrote 71,089 words across the fics officially posted to ao3! I didn’t know I could do that wtf!!!
Stargazing currently sits at about 61k words, which is approximately 122 A4 pages, which is also about the same as the word count of Carrie by Stephen King! (I never read it, but it’s still super freaking impressive!!)
And let me be sappy for a moment lol:) After years of stalking the tumblr litg tag, I finally caved in and made myself a sideblog too lol! I had a very very shitty year, but this place has been my safe space. I am so grateful I got to know so many of you - you are all so wonderful and funny and talented and inspiring! I’m not usually a hug person, but I am squeezing you all so tight right now❤️ thank you for being here and ranting/venting/crying/laughing with me, I love you all!❤️❤️❤️
Tagging: I feel like at this point everyone’s done it, but if you haven’t and you want to - I’m tagging you! I am so so proud of all of you for all the hard work you’ve done this year!!
Happy New Year, my lovely friends! Wishing you all peace, kindness, and lots of wonderful moments in 2023! I hope it treats you well ❤️❤️❤️
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muiitoloko · 5 months
I’m sad because your series of fics about Judge Turpin has ended… I don’t think I could ever recover from that hoping you write more about him😭
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Title: Love? Love!
Summary: Lord Turpin loves his family, albeit in his own way.
Pairing: Judge Turpin × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut and Fluffy
Author's Notes: Alright, let's get real for a sec—I may or may not have shed a tear or two when the story came to an end. Those characters? Yeah, they grew on me like a clingy sock in the dryer! But hey, seeing you guys enjoy it makes it all worth it. And guess what? I found this hidden gem tucked away in the archives—a forgotten scene that slipped through the cracks! Whoopsie daisy! 😅
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and ninth parts here.
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As you busied yourself in the kitchen preparing dinner, the sounds of your husband's deep baritone voice filled the living room. Turpin was attempting to teach the children proper dance etiquette, insisting that all lords and ladies must know how to dance properly.
You listened with amusement as Turpin's patience wore thin with the energetic trio, who seemed more interested in giggling and goofing around than learning the proper steps. He sat on the sofa, shaking his head in disappointment as William, Sophia, and Belladonna stumbled over each other in their attempts to follow his instructions.
Just as Turpin was about to launch into another lecture, you heard Belladonna, the boldest of the two children, mutter something under her breath. Turpin's expression darkened, his hooked nose twitching with indignation as he turned to scold her.
"Father, you're being annoying," Belladonna declared defiantly, her voice carrying through the room.
Turpin's eyes widened in disbelief at his daughter's audacity, his baritone voice rising in indignation. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner!" he exclaimed, his tone laced with anger.
Sensing the tension in the air, you decided to intervene, stepping into the living room to address your husband. "Richard, perhaps it would be more effective if you showed them how to dance instead of just giving instructions," you suggested gently, hoping to diffuse the situation.
Turpin paused, considering your words for a moment before nodding in agreement. With a determined expression, he pushed himself to his feet with the aid of his cane, his posture straightening as he approached you.
"Very well," he said, his voice firm but resigned, "if that's what it takes to teach these rascals proper manners, then so be it."
He extended his hand towards you, a silent invitation to join him. You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect, before placing your hand in his and allowing him to lead you to the center of the room.
Turpin positioned himself opposite you, his baritone voice softening as he began to explain the steps of the dance. "Now, watch closely," he instructed, his movements precise and controlled as he demonstrated each step with grace and poise.
You followed his lead, mirroring his movements as best as you could, your eyes locked on his as you moved together in perfect synchronization. And as the music swelled around you, filling the room with its sweet melody, you found yourself lost in the moment, swept away by the rhythm of the dance. Turpin's grip on your hand tightened, his eyes never leaving yours as you twirled and spun across the room together.
For a brief moment, it felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from your shoulders, leaving only the two of you suspended in time. Lost in the graceful movements of the dance, you found yourself utterly captivated by the warmth in Turpin's eyes, the tenderness in his touch. Despite his stoic demeanor, there was a gentleness to his movements, a sincerity that spoke volumes about the depth of his love for you. His hand felt strong and reassuring in yours, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you moved together in perfect harmony.
But as the dance progressed, it became apparent that Turpin's attention was no longer focused on the lesson he was supposed to be giving. Instead, his gaze seemed fixed on you, his eyes sparkling with undisguised affection as he watched you with a fondness that took your breath away.
Caught up in the magic of the moment, you couldn't help but return his smile, your heart swelling with love for the man who had captured your heart so completely. For a brief moment, it felt as though the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you entwined in a dance that transcended time and space.
But just as you were about to lose yourself completely in Turpin's embrace, a sudden commotion broke the spell. Belladonna, ever the spirited one, had grabbed William by the hand and was attempting to drag him into the dance, her laughter filling the room as she twirled and spun with reckless abandon.
Sophia, not to be outdone by her sister, ran towards your father, her eyes shining with excitement as she tugged on his pant leg, imploring him to join in the fun. Turpin, torn between amusement and exasperation, couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his determined daughter, his hooked nose twitching with amusement.
"Father, you must dance with me!" Sophia exclaimed, her voice filled with determination as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Turpin feigned confusion, his brow furrowing in mock seriousness as he pretended not to recognize his own daughter. "And who might you be, young lady?" he teased, his baritone voice tinged with amusement.
Sophia giggled mischievously, playing along with her father's game. "I am Sophia, of course!" she declared with a dramatic flourish, her curls bouncing in time with her laughter.
Turpin pretended to ponder her words for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Ah, of course, how could I forget?" he replied with exaggerated solemnity, "Very well, Lady Sophia, shall we dance?"
You couldn't help but laugh at the exchange between father and daughter, your heart swelling with affection for the man who had once been so stern and unyielding. Despite his efforts to maintain his composure, it was clear that Turpin was thoroughly enjoying himself, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he took Sophia's hand in his.
With a flourish, Turpin led Sophia into the dance, his movements awkward yet endearing as he attempted to accommodate her smaller frame. The sight of the once formidable judge dancing with his daughter filled you with a sense of joy and wonder, a testament to the transformative power of love.
As the music played on, you watched with a mixture of amusement and affection as Turpin twirled Sophia around the room, their laughter mingling with the sweet strains of the melody. Despite his efforts to maintain his stoic facade, it was clear that Turpin had been utterly enchanted by his daughter's infectious energy, his heart melting with every step they took together.
And as you watched the man who had once been a harsh and unforgiving judge reveling in the simple joy of fatherhood, you couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the life you had built together. In that moment, surrounded by the ones you loved most in the world, you knew that no matter what the future held, you would face it together, united by the unbreakable bonds of family and love.
But Turpin's coughing fit interrupted the dance. You moved to help your husband, concern etched across your features. However, Turpin waved dismissively, insisting that he was fine, though his stern demeanor quickly returned as he directed his attention back to the children.
"Enough frivolity," Turpin declared, his baritone voice commanding attention, "it's time to focus on your dance instruction."
Reluctantly releasing Sophia's hand, Turpin walks away, his expression once again stern as he fixed his gaze on his three children. With a firm tone, he demanded their full attention, his hooked nose twitching slightly with determination.
"Now, pay attention," Turpin instructed, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "we shall begin with the basic steps."
As Turpin began to demonstrate the dance steps once again, you complied with his request, putting another song on the phonograph before heading back to the kitchen. The sweet melody filled the room, providing a backdrop for Turpin's instructions as he guided his children through the dance.
And as you busied yourself in the kitchen, you couldn't help but steal a glance at the living room, where Turpin stood in the center, his imposing figure commanding the attention of his children. Sophia and Belladonna watched him with rapt attention, their eyes shining with excitement as they attempted to mimic his movements.
William, ever the dutiful son, listened intently to his father's instructions, his expression serious as he focused on mastering the steps. Despite his young age, he understood the importance of upholding the Turpin name, of carrying on the family legacy with honor and pride.
As the song reached its crescendo, you watched with a sense of pride as Turpin led his children through the dance, his movements precise and controlled despite his declining health. There was a strength in his demeanor, a resilience that spoke volumes about his character, his commitment to his family unwavering even in the face of adversity.
And as you looked at his three children, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the phonograph, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the man who had given you so much. Despite his flaws, despite his past transgressions, Turpin was a devoted father, a pillar of strength and stability for his children.
As the song came to an end, Turpin turned to you, a hint of exhaustion visible in his features. "Put on another song, my dear," he requested softly, his baritone voice tinged with fatigue, "let them practice a bit more while I catch my breath."
You nodded in understanding, quickly selecting another record and setting it on the phonograph before returning to your duties in the kitchen. As you worked, you couldn't help but steal glances at the living room, where Turpin sat with his children, his eyes shining with pride as he watched them dance.
Despite his declining health, despite the challenges that lay ahead, Turpin remained steadfast in his commitment to his family, his love for his children unwavering and true. And as you watched him interact with his three precious heirs, you couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future, a belief that no matter what trials may come, your family would face them together, united by love and devotion.
As you stirred something in one of the pans, focusing on the task at hand, you were surprised to feel Turpin's presence behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your neck.
Startled by his sudden affection, you turned to face him, a hint of amusement in your eyes. "Hungry already?" you teased, raising an eyebrow in mock disbelief.
Turpin's lips curved into a playful smile as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. "Always hungry," he murmured huskily, "especially for you."
You couldn't help but laugh at his boldness, pushing him away gently as you reminded him of the children in the other room. "Behave yourself," you scolded teasingly, though there was a warmth in your tone that belied your words.
Turpin chuckled softly, his baritone voice tinged with amusement as he reluctantly released you from his embrace. "You're no fun," he teased, though there was a hint of affection in his gaze as he watched you work.
With a playful swat on his arm, you turned back to the stove, determined to finish preparing dinner before the children grew too restless. But Turpin had other ideas, his expression suddenly serious as he spoke.
"After dinner, we'll send the children to bed," he declared firmly, his tone brooking no argument, "and then you and I will retire to the bedroom."
You raised an eyebrow in surprise at his suggestion, reminding him gently of his weakened condition. "Richard, you're still recovering from your illness," you protested, concern etched across your features, "perhaps it's best to take it easy for now."
But Turpin shook his head resolutely, his gaze unwavering as he met your eyes. "I'm strong enough," he insisted, his voice filled with determination, "strong enough to be with you, to show you how much I love you."
You couldn't help but be moved by his sincerity, his unwavering devotion touching something deep within your heart. Despite everything, despite the challenges you had faced, Turpin's love for you remained steadfast and true, a beacon of hope in the darkness that had threatened to consume you both.
With a nod of acquiescence, you relented, unable to deny him the opportunity to express his love for you in the way he desired. "Alright," you agreed softly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, "after dinner, we'll go up to the bedroom."
As Turpin hummed in satisfaction and gave your rear a playful slap, you couldn't help but feel a rush of embarrassment, though you tried to hide it behind a playful swat at his arm. His unexpected displays of affection always left you feeling flustered, a stark contrast to his usual cold and stoic demeanor.
You focused on finishing dinner and setting the table. The savory aroma of the meal filled the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. With everything in its place, you called for your family to gather around.
Turpin, ever the disciplinarian, sent the children to wash up before dinner, his voice carrying the weight of authority as he directed them to the washroom. Once the kids were occupied, he joined you at the table, taking his seat at the head as was his custom.
"Richard, did you wash your hands?" you asked with a teasing smile, knowing full well that he often forgot such trivial details in his eagerness to eat.
Turpin shot you an irritated look, his hooked nose twitching slightly with annoyance before reluctantly pushing himself to his feet. Grumbling under his breath, he made his way to the washroom, leaning heavily on his cane for support.
As he returned to the table, you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the man sitting before you. Despite his flaws, despite his tendency towards cruelty, Turpin tried his best to be a good husband and father, even if he didn't always succeed.
"Thank you, dear," you said softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand gently, "for always taking care of us, even when you don't have to."
Turpin's expression softened at your words, his baritone voice tinged with emotion as he met your gaze. "I may not always show it," he replied quietly, "but I love you, more than anything in this world."
There was a sincerity in his words that took you by surprise, a vulnerability that he rarely showed to anyone, least of all you. And in that moment, surrounded by the ones you loved most in the world, you couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the man who had stood by your side through thick and thin.
As the children returned from the bathroom, Turpin watched them attentively, his stern gaze softening slightly as he observed their interactions. He nodded approvingly as William dutifully pulled out the chairs for his sisters, a small gesture of chivalry that did not go unnoticed by their father.
"Good boy, William," Turpin remarked, his voice carrying a hint of pride, "always remember to look after your sisters."
William nodded in acknowledgment, a faint blush coloring his cheeks at his father's praise. He took his seat at the table with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had earned his father's approval.
Turpin turned his attention to Sophia and Belladonna, his expression expectant as he waited for them to take their seats. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he prompted, his tone firm but not unkind, "Say thank you to your brother for pulling out your chairs."
Sophia and Belladonna exchanged a glance before turning to William with grateful smiles. "Thank you, Willy," they chorused in unison, their voices sweet and sincere.
Belladonna, ever the bolder of the two, added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "You're such a gentleman, just like Father."
Turpin's lips twitched with amusement at his daughter's cheekiness, though he made a show of feigning indignation. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Bella," he chided gently, though there was a hint of affection in his tone.
Belladonna grinned unabashedly, her curls bouncing as she giggled at her father's mock scolding. "Sorry, Father," she replied with a playful wink, "but it's true."
Turpin shook his head in mock exasperation, though there was a warmth in his gaze as he looked at his spirited daughter. "You're incorrigible, Belladonna," he remarked with a fond smile, "but I wouldn't have you any other way."
With a satisfied nod, Turpin settled into his seat at the head of the table, his posture straight and dignified as he prepared to lead his family in prayer before the meal. As he began to speak, his baritone voice filled the room, a comforting presence that brought a sense of peace to those gathered around him.
And as you bowed your heads in prayer, surrounded by the ones you loved most in the world, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the man who had stood by your side through thick and thin. Despite his flaws, despite his past transgressions, Turpin was a devoted husband and father, a pillar of strength and stability for his family.
In that moment, surrounded by the ones you cherished most in the world, you knew that no matter what challenges might come your way, you would face them together, united by the unbreakable bonds of family and love.
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As the night progressed, the intensity of your passion with Turpin grew, the thrill of being intimate with him in such a daring and precarious position adding to the excitement. With each thrust, you couldn't help but cling to him desperately, your body arching against his as waves of pleasure washed over you.
Turpin's hands roamed your body with purpose, his touch igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you both. You bit your lip to stifle your moans, your senses overwhelmed by the sensation of him filling you completely.
Feeling the need for more, you whimpered softly against his neck, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt as you pleaded with him to give you what you both desired. "Richard," you whispered hoarsely, your breath hot against his skin, "please, I want you to fill me. I want your baby inside me."
Turpin's eyes fluttered open at your words, his expression softening as he gazed down at you with a mixture of desire and affection. "My love," he murmured huskily, his baritone voice sending shivers down your spine, "as much as I want to give you another child, I can't."
You whimpered softly in protest, the ache of longing echoing in your heart as you pressed yourself closer to him. "But why?" you pleaded, your voice filled with desperation, "I want this, Richard. I want to carry your child again."
Turpin's grip on you tightened, his eyes filled with sadness as he explained his reasoning. "I'm old, my love," he whispered softly, his breath warm against your ear, "and my health is declining. I can't risk leaving you pregnant with no one to support you."
You felt a pang of sadness at his words, the reality of his declining health casting a shadow over your desires. Despite his stoic demeanor, Turpin's concern for your well-being was evident in his actions, his love for you shining through even in the midst of passion.
With a heavy heart, you nodded in understanding, accepting his decision with a mixture of resignation and gratitude. "I understand," you whispered softly, your voice filled with emotion, "but just know that I love you, Richard. And I would gladly bear your child, no matter the risk."
Turpin's expression softened at your words, his eyes reflecting a mixture of desire and admiration as he continued to thrust into you with increasing urgency. "Hmm, you perfect, perfect girl," he murmured huskily, his baritone voice sending shivers down your spine, "so eager to please your old man."
Feeling his arousal building, Turpin pulled your leg higher around his torso, his movements becoming more frantic as he pounded into you right there on the nightstand next to the bed. His pants gathered around his ankles, he was still wearing his shirt, a stark contrast to your nakedness, which only fueled the fire burning between you.
"You look like such a slut," Turpin whispered hoarsely, his breath hot against your ear as he leaned in closer, "trying to keep quiet so as not to wake the children. But we both know they won't hear a thing over the sound of your moans."
His words sent a jolt of excitement coursing through you, the thrill of being caught adding to the intensity of the moment. With each thrust, you couldn't help but cling to him desperately, your nails digging into his back as you surrendered to the pleasure washing over you.
Turpin's hands roamed your body with purpose, his touch igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you both. You whimpered softly in protest, the ache of longing echoing in your heart as you pleaded with him for more.
"Please, Richard," you begged, your voice barely above a whisper, "give me everything you've got. I need to feel you inside me, filling me completely."
Turpin's eyes darkened with desire at your words, his resolve crumbling as he gave in to the primal urges driving him. With a fierce growl, he redoubled his efforts, his thrusts becoming more forceful and erratic as he sought to claim you completely.
As the pleasure built to a crescendo, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion, the intensity of your climax threatening to overwhelm you. With one final thrust, Turpin pushed you over the edge, sending you spiraling into ecstasy as you cried out his name in a voice that was both desperate and unrestrained.
He stopped, waiting for you to calm down before pulling away from you. His eyes were dark with desire as he watched you climb down from the bedside table. With a grace that belied your desperation, you dropped to your knees in front of him, your mouth watering with anticipation as you eagerly took him in.
Turpin's hand found its way to the back of your head, his grip firm yet gentle as he guided you, his stoic facade crumbling in the face of his primal desires. He watched in awe as you pleasured him, your lips wrapped around him in a sensual dance of desire and submission.
"You're so good at this, my love," Turpin murmured huskily, his baritone voice sending shivers down your spine as you worked him with practiced precision. "So eager to please your husband, to make him feel good."
Your heart swelled with pride at his words, your own desire burning hotter with each passing moment. Despite his cold exterior, Turpin's appreciation for your efforts was evident in the way he held you, his fingers tangling in your hair as he lost himself in the pleasure of your mouth.
As you continued to pleasure him, your own arousal building with each stroke, Turpin's control slipped further and further away. With a guttural growl of satisfaction, he tore off his shirt, his chest heaving with exertion as he surrendered himself fully to the pleasure you offered.
"You're mine, my beautiful wife," Turpin whispered hoarsely, his voice thick with desire as he gazed down at you with unabashed adoration. "And I'm so lucky to have you."
With each flick of your tongue and every gentle suckle, you felt Turpin's arousal reaching a fever pitch, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he neared the edge of ecstasy. And as you brought him to the brink of release, you reveled in the power you held over him, knowing that you alone could bring him to such heights of pleasure.
With one final, desperate thrust, Turpin cried out your name, his body tensing as he spilled himself into your waiting mouth. You swallowed him eagerly, savoring the taste of him on your tongue as you milked him for every last drop of pleasure.
And as he collapsed against the bed, spent and trembling with the force of his release, Turpin pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you in a fierce embrace. "I love you, my beautiful wife," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "More than words can express."
You nestled against him, your heart overflowing with love for the man who had captured your heart. Despite his flaws and his past transgressions, Turpin was yours, and you were his, bound together by a love that transcended even the darkest of shadows. And as you drifted off to sleep in his arms, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way.
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hes-a-merman · 10 months
Whoopsie daisy! 🫨🤕
Accidentally made myself sad remembering that content creators with whom I am deeply enamored do not infact know or care about me! 😬😅
You mean I'll have to form real relationships with irl people in order to feel seen and valued and fill the void instead of just parasocial ones? Ouch. OOF. Not a fan. 🫤
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etherrreal · 1 year
ah hello hello! i hope you're having a good day :) i wanted to request some reverse comfort with some of the inarizaki boys kita atsumu and suna cause the world needs more of them lmao anyways yeah a scenario where they're feeling kind of insecure about the relationship or themselves in it because they're worried they're not enough or something along those lines (feel free to change it) but yeah that's all haha
so the timeline of this request goes something like this:
-got the ask in June 2021 -started the document/had ideas for each character in September 2021 -did some work in December 2021 -didnt touch it again until recently when we finished it in a few days
so I guess we can say.... whoopsie daisy 😅? We're so sorry it took so long, but 'tis the life of a writer and their WIPS! We're glad it's out now, though, and we're really happy about the way and came out.
hope you enjoy 💟
-Dawn & Luna
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drewtanakagf · 2 years
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scrollypoly · 4 years
Whoopsie! Posted that angry post to the wrong blog whoopsie daisy, yall can disregard that 😅
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