#whos in front of them.you decide ... .
wuzeio · 4 months
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the council will now decide your fate
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malertop · 4 months
Poly! Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Male Reader pt.2
Warnings?: in part 3
Notes?: English is not my first language if you guys don't know,so I am SUPER sorry if it's bad.
Roles: Powerbottom!Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Sub!Top Male Reader
Kinks?: asshole being called boypussy,cunt,sloppy hole and more,fingering,handjob,blowjob,daddy kink,extreme sex,powerbottoms being extremely needy,eyes cross and roll will be mentioned, head roll and idk (some are for part 3)
The story in short: So let me get this quickly if you don't wanna read that,you were at Stu's party (not the killing one) and since they always left you alone after like just 10 minutes of hanging out with you you invited Randy for company,you have been ditching them sometimes for Randy and they tried to calm down and just forget about it but now that you are hanging out with him at Stu...YOUR BOYFRIEND party and ignoring Billy..WHO'S YOUR BOYFRIEND TOO they started getting really pissed about it,so they had a "little" talk with you and Randy and as their revenge for you ditching your boyfriends...WHO YOU TURNED GAY AND BI they needed to do and did an revenge on you..so you just took their little beautiful virginity,and they stole yours.
Gif:Not Mine.
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"Hey guys what are you doing here all alone?" Randy got interrupted as he turned his head to look at who interrupted him,it was Billy and Stu who were walking towards them.You sighted as you saw them because you knew they would want something so you decided to ignore them as you looked back at Randy you already saw the two boys right beside him as Billy was opening new can of beer and Stu taking already a sip of his,as you quality told with your eyes to Randy to don't answer them which they saw because they looked at you when you did that which you didn't notice but Randy thought he should answer and said "Nothing we are just talking,or more Y/N but it's great to have a conversation with him" "Aw,thank you so much Randy..that was really nice and sweet" you answered with the sweet tone in your voice,but Billy and Stu just wanted to stab Randy until he dies,there was quite silence until Stu broke it "So...Randy ma men! Is it true that you still got a little thing for Sidney" Stu said as he smiled,You looked at Stu with his smile then you looked at Randy who was starting to sweat and then at Billy who just watched Randy with a death stare eyes,as you were about to speak up Randy answered "Y-Yeah...I mean...I guess..I..I do.." then Billy eyes winded and he took a look at Randy as he heard his answer, Stu did a giggle and laughed as he said "Did you really just admit it?In front of her boyfriend too!how can you be so pathetic,man you are so fucked up " and then you looked at Billy who was slowly approaching to meet Randy's face closer as he slowly moved "you know what else has a little thing for you..the door...so why don't you two meet and you get the.fuck.out" Billy siad slowly as he also threatened Randy,who now got up as you looked at him his body was all sweat and he didn't wanna leave you but he had no other choice "Y/N...I-i gotta go to the store but i completely forgot" he said as he was slowly leaving facing you "But-" as you were saying he ran off...there was a complete silence and you were the one to break it "why did y-" as you were saying Billy grabbed your arm and started started to lead you out of the kitchen,he was leading you upstairs as Stu was right behind you.He opened the door and as he entered he pushed you on the bed and he layed as Stu locked the door "Ow,what was that f-" as you were saying Billy pinned you against the bed and the wall and started kissing you right away,his kiss was slow but rought,your tounge met his as you two kissed and Stu was watching.Billy pulled away and then looked at his jeans because he felt something and he saw himself being turned on and then he slowly upped his head as looked at you again as you were breathing for some air but that quickly ended as Stu shoved his lips to meet yours
*After 20 minutes*
"Oh!Shit!Y-Y/N!~"Stu grunted as you were giving both of them hand jobs which they reached you just...well before 15 minutes to do,but Billy was silent as you were stroking both of the boys cocks,then Billy gasped "Oh!Oh shit!i am about to cum~" Billy said as he then grabbed male reader's arm to stop him,he was panting and then looked at the male reader and back at his arm as he slowly got an idea in his mind which made him smirk,Billy then looked again at male reader with his smirk and said "put your fingers inside me."
(Thank you for reading!if this hits 100 likes,reblogs or whatever I will do the last part,also I apologize for this being so short but i am writing this at school and yeah..HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY AND SEE YOU AT PART 3!)
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
The Home I Crave - Chapter XV
Chapter: 15/?
Wordcount: 2900
Title: Hand Signs
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Tobirama Senju X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14
Symbols: ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warning (s): none
N. A.: Yeah I think I owe you apologies for taking this long to post this chapter, but here it is, finally! I was feeling so upset and guilty for not writing as much as before, but it's simply because I haven't had time to sit down and work on my stories. These days have been rough 😣
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You didn’t remember well how things happened after the man left your door. You only remembered seeing Tobirama turning to you and saying something, trying to raise his voice above the storm’s sounds, but it wouldn’t let you understand the exact words. You probably stood up and took the first clothes you could find, but you weren’t sure how; even less passable of an explanation was how your husband could find time to put his full armor before you two left the room, all your package except for the weapons being abandoned there as well as your hopes of having at least one pacific night before going back on your journey.
Somehow you reached the first floor, from where the people of the tea house were trying to leave as fast a possible. The ninjas you saw when you arrived at the place came to speak to you. They were in three.
You two turned to them and the one who seemed to be the leader of the group introduced himself:
- I am Yuuta from the Land of Wind– and turning aside to indicate his partners – These are my brothers, Yuji and Yoko. We understand that you two are shinobi like us. We’ve heard about the ditch and thought we could work together to help the people who live here.
There was no time to think about the strangeness of the situation or to have suspicions about the group. You felt a sort of regret for the bad impression you had of them at first, because they seemed to be honest people now that you paid close attention to them.
Apparently Tobirama had the same opinion, judging by his response when he spoke for you two.
- We are shinobi from the Leaf Village. I am Tobirama Senju and this is my wife, Y/n from the … clan. We are going to the village near this tea house to help the people there.
- I am used to work in rescuing missions and it would be of great help if some of you came with me – you completed.
Yoko, who was the only woman among them and seemed to be the youngest sibling, replied that she had experience in rescues too. You and the three ninjas had a quick conversation and it was decided that Yuuta and Yuji were going to help the people of the inn while you and Yoko were going to the village. However, when Yuuta asked Tobirama to stay at the inn with him and his brother, the Senju refused.
But it was the explanation given by him for such refusal that left everyone stunned.
- I will be more useful if I’d go with the women because I have a plan to stop the flood. However,I need to see the territory to make sure it will work.
The entire group stared at him in silence, but none of them dared laugh at him or question his attitude: it was clear that Tobirama was not joking, neither he was the type who needs to justify himself to others, even more if he just met them. That was not a man one wouldn’t take seriously. You yourself were caught in surprise, but you had the same reasons as the others to keep quiet as well.
In the end, Yuuta and the others nodded and the group was divided and you three were running toward the small village that was said to be near the tea house.
Now that you had some time to pay attention to your thoughts, you were running without talking, trying to process everything that was said during the conversation with the three shinobi of the Wind. So, Tobirama had a plan to help the villagers – perhaps a plan that started to take form when you were still in the inn’s room and your husband was talking to the man at your door – but whatever he wanted to do, it sounded absurd even to his standards. You started to think if all the Senju people were like him or if he was the one who differed from the rest of the clan.
Above these valid questions, an intrusive thought that you’ve been trying to suppress just took over your mind: you couldn’t forget the involuntary way in which you turned your head away from the group when you heard him introduce you as his wife. If that situation happened just a few days before you’d surely be irritated: he haven’t done anything that served as a proof that he acknowledged you as his spouse, so why would he call you his wife in front of those strangers? Well, after the things you’ve been through in that journey, it didn’t seem appropriate for you to just get angry. The truth was that you didn’t know how to feel about it.
If things stopped at this, you would be okay. Problem was that it didn’t: soon, you were remembering the dream you had just before the knocks on your door woke you up. The strangest part of it was that you weren’t sure of when exactly you fell asleep – was it before or after the… kiss? You firmly believed it was before. Just the diligent manner in which he left your side on the bed to answer the door showed that the kiss was not real. It couldn’t be.
But it felt so real. Almost as if you’ve been wanting it for days. Thinking of this made your face warm up despite the cold drops of rain falling on it.
Yoko’s voice brought you back to the present moment, among the sound of the raindrops on the trees above and the soaked soil swallowing your feet.
- Y/n-san, do you know this village? – she was asking – Any information about its geography can be useful for us to form a rescue plan!
You took a second to understand what she was saying under that storm, but once you did you tried as best as you could to explain that you’ve never been at the village.
- I’ve been in that tea house before, but I’ve never visited the village itself! I don’t know what we’re going to find there!
- So what now? – there was preoccupation implied in her tone.
- Supposing that the village’s territory is similar to the inn’s, with a flat ground and enough open space, things can be a bit easier – you knew it was a shot in the dark, but you wanted to avoid causing desperation in your new partner – It means that its people have a good chance to escape just by running. I’m a Doton user. I can stay behind and build barriers to delay the flood while you lead the way for them!
Fortunately for you, Yoko agreed with your suggestion.
- Right!
However, that was not the end of the conversation or your worries. The girl didn’t forget that Tobirama took a difficult – almost impossible –task for himself that would separate him from the rest of you, and decided to question him about it.
- And what about you, Tobirama-san? – she spoke to the man who was slightly ahead of you – What exactly are you going to do?
Tobirama replied your question as if the answer was something obvious.
- I am going to check the flood’s path and think of a way to stop it.
You opened your mouth and the storm drops that entered it almost made you gag.
- Listen, I know you are a master of Suiton, but I think that’s a bit extreme!
That time he looked at you while speaking.
- I do not plan to use mere Water Style to solve this, y/n-san. I will explain when we get there!
The village, just as the inn’s owner informed you, was so close to the tea house that you reached it in less than two minutes.
It was smaller than you imagined, though. It was formed by one large, main street that had its lines defined by groups of small, modest houses on both sides. These houses had their doors and windows all open, and the villagers were reunited outside them.You didn’t need to look for too long to see terror in their eyes. An old man was holding his cane so tight that his fingers were becoming pale; no so far from him, a woman was trying to calm down a child crying and asking what why was everybody so scared. Others were trying to run with packs on their backs, trying to reach the grove’s path. Among all those people there were some animals, faster than their owners in leaving the place to hide among the trees.
Tobirama, you and Yoko looked at each other but didn’t say anything. You just walked ahead and when the people noticed your presence, they opened the way for you without questioning your reasons to come. You knew what this reaction meant: it only showed how rare was for them to see shinobi in their territory.
Before any of you could ask who was in charge there, a man ran toward you, screaming:
- Who sent you three? The village is doomed! Soon this place is going to be under water!
You asked if anyone was missing.
- No, we are all here – the man replied – Except for Toji, who ran to the inn to alert the people there.
You were thinking of what to say in response when Tobirama took a step toward him and spoke in his commanding voice:
- We are shinobi from Konoha and we’re here to stop the flood! – and elevating his voice for the others to hear – All of you! My partners, y/n-san and Yoko-san, will guide you through the grove! Our other friends will meet your group in the middle of the way and help you! Do as they say and everyone will be safe!
You didn’t know it was possible for someone to obtain such power of influence on people they didn’t even know in so little time until you saw the people’s reaction to your husband’s words. Once they heard his voice, they gathered around him, their desperation soon replaced by a serious attention; they stopped pushing and stumbling on each other he gave his instructions. Their eyes turned to you then, and you did your best to calm them down: as your experiences in rescuing missions told you, that was the crucial moment when you had to make sure the victims would trust your leadership.
- Prioritize the women, the children and the elderly! Those ones who can carry children, do it! Do not take unnecessary weight with you! Follow the same direction and do not push each other! Yoko-san will go ahead of you, and I will be right behind you!
You pointed the grove’s path and felt relieved when you saw the people obeying your command. With words like “Do not look back” to the people, you went to the end of the line and saw Tobirama going to the end of the street, now empty. Instead of staying with the last people of the group, you followed him. You needed to ask what exactly he was going to do, because yes, you already knew he had an established plan, but you would feel safer if he shared its entirety with you.
Before you could say something, he turned and asked you:
- Y/n-san, do you have any Doton technique that is able to open a large crack or a ditch in the soil, one that could divide this ground from side to side?
You swallowed your surprise for receiving this very specific question and said that yes, you knew such technique. As well as its level of danger.
- Of course. But this is not a simple technique. It requires great quantity of chakra and might not work well if you’re not familiar with it. The ditch could end up not being deep or large enough.
Your reasons apparently were not enough to scare the Senju, however.
- Do not worry about it. This is exactly what I need right now. Tell me the signs.
You swallowed and told him the signs. His eyes followed your movements without blinking, and when you finished he thanked you with a nod. He made the signs of his Shadow Clone technique and created two other versions of him, each one with a pair of kunai that carried the mark of his Hiraishin. He also marked the Clones themselves with the seal.
As if he understood that you wouldn’t leave until he said something, he didn’t deny an explanation of his plan.
- Me and these two Clones are going to take positions at the points where the flood is going to pass. Each of us are going to use your jutsu to open ditches on the ground. They will contain part of the water and diminish its force. If it shows to not be enough to completely stop the flood, it will at least minimize the destruction in the village’s ground.
So he was really going to try what you suspected: to stop the water all by himself. Within the little time you had at the moment, you thought of it. If this have happened just a few days before, the first and only thing you’d think would be how ambitious, even pretentious of him to try such plan without help. But now that you’ve seen a bit more of Tobirama, something like that coming from him didn’t sound so absurd. No, it was exactly the kind of thing you should expect. You also remembered when he manifested an interest in seeing that village’s structure when you were talking to the inn’s owner. Of course: he lived in a village, one that he helped to build and worked to protect. It was only natural for him to be willing to do something for the people of this one when it was in his power to do it.
You stood for a moment.
- Tobirama.
That was the first time you called him by his name. It was enough to make him turn to you again; his Clones followed his move.
- If your plan doesn’t work as you expect, do not stay here.
There was no disdain for your preoccupation in his reply. Still, the respect for your worries didn’t stop him from exposing his belief in the plan’s success and reminding you that you didn’t know everything he could do. Not yet.
- It will work. Thanks to your technique.
And without waiting for a response from you, he turned to his Clones and sent them ahead. They used their kunai and teleported themselves to somewhere out of your sight.
When you went back to the group of villagers and explained your husband’s idea to Yoko, you sensed that she was as shocked with his plan as you were, but she was better than you in handling her surprise.
With the shock came the question you never felt you were ready to answer.
- Well, that’s an audacious thing to try. But do you trust him with this?
You nodded without thinking too much of your own fear. Yoko was not your only company; the villagers were there, looking at you – and you knew that in times like that, the wrong word could mess up with the best plans.
- I will go to the end of the line now. Just follow the plan!
The girl didn’t waste time with discussions or doubts.
- Right!
With these matters solved between you and her, you ran back to the end of the line.
But you wouldn’t stay with the people for too long. Patiently, you waited until the last villager entered the woods, far enough from the flood’s way, to go back to Yoko and talk to her apart from the folks.
- Listen. When you asked me if I trusted my husband’s plan, I said yes. And I really do. But I can’t go with you and leave him behind.
The woman’s reaction was nothing like you expected when you said that. Instead of minimizing your worries or suspecting from you, she put her hand on your shoulder, speaking in an assuring, whispered tone;
- Of course you can’t. Don’t worry. I’ve been living among men for a while. I know how stubborn they can be sometimes – she then looked over her shoulder, to a spot above, in a tree; there was a bird looking down at you, one of the species used to send messages – Besides, my brothers are close now. They can help me with the people.
You put your own hand on her shoulder to express your support and gratitude.
- Right. I’m leaving, then. Thank you.
She laughed.
- Just go!
You looked behind you, to the deep grove, eager to cross those trees again and terrified by what you could find after them. However, you were on a rescue mission, not only for the people of that village, but for him and yourself. You still had to leave that place and follow your journey; you still had to reach your family’s compound. And you wouldn’t do that if you stood there. The flood was coming. There was no time to waste.
You took a deep breath and forced your feet to move.
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mo2k · 3 years
Imagine…you meeting the kamaboko squad for the first time♥️. (pt.2)
No.2 : Agatsuma Zenitsu
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Pairing : Zenitsu x [fem] reader
Warnings : Some bad/curse words,but they were very low-I promised.It’s just for entertainment ok?And some slicing the demon’s head (If you do count that as violence.)
Note. This poor bby…I love him😂💗✨
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Synopsis : What would you do?If you find someone,crying in the middle of the path you’re walking through…Will you help him?Or will you at least ask him if he’s ok?We’ll see… •~•
You’re,like I said before-walking through a pathway in a small town…And you might question,why would you go there?Well,the answer is simple-You’re a demon slayer!✨You’ve been told by your crow that there’s demon that will appeared every night to eat humans one by one…Your duty was to slay it as soon as possible before it gets devour any more innocent people.
But…as you know.Things won’t usually go as planned…While you were strolling around the town-trying to find some informations about this certain demon you’ve been sent to killed.You met a boy,who seems to be around your age.The uniform that he was wearing told you that he was also a demon slayer.Everything seems normal about him (you thought so-) except the way he crouched down to the dirt while has his head on his knees and crying like a baby while mumbling something so quiet that you couldn’t understand…
You paused,then frowned at him. ‘What was he doing?Did he has some troubles or problems?Should I go and help?….What should I do???’You thought frantically as you tried processing,then shake your head a few times before taking a deep breath.
‘No,I SHOULD go and help him.Since he can also counted as my co worker,yet-maybe I could use some help in this mission of mine.’ You exhaled fiercely.You turned on your heels and slowly stride towards him,if you want me to be honest-you’re a little bit nervous,’cause perhaps you’re wrong and it’s quite possible for you to ending up embarrassing yourself-
Despite your nervousness,you can keep your tone normal as you reach him- “Are you alright?” You began.He slowly look up from his knees,tears were still brimming in his eyes and some ran down to his cheeks.He looks as if he was lost,he lips tremble a bit before his next actions made you regretted for deciding to help him in the first place…
“Whaaaaaa!!!!” He cried,throwing himself to hug your legs tightly. “Finally!Someone’s finally understand and love me!Thank you!Thank you so much!You did this because you love me right!?Right!?And yes,yes,yes!I love you too!Let’s get married now!I love you so much-” You shove him off of you when he just keep blabbering on and on and on.Now-please aware this,you don’t mean to be rude or anything.You just have to get him off you because you were too surprised by the sudden tight embrace you’ve just received.
This has caught some people’s attention,you observed as you quickly whipped your head from side to side.Which just make you even more embarrassed…
“W-What are you doing!?” Your face were tinted pink,and he looks shocked by your response.
“W-why did you do that?” He asked back, “But you just tell me you loved me!So why,would you-oh!I understand now!You like to play hard to get!Then ok,let me try this again!I love you-” He tried to hug you again,but you just backed a few steps from him before he can reach you.
“I said what are you doing?And WHEN exactly did I told you I love you?” You deliberately emphasize on ‘WHEN’ and he just tilted his head in confusion.
“You don’t need any words to tell anyone that you loved them.You just came to me and ask if I’m alright,which means you cared for me.That is enough to tell me that you’re truly,and deeply in love with me” He grinned sickly sweet at you,and you’re sure that the look on your face were pure disgust after you had heard his answer.
“Ha…ha…” You laughed dryly,you feel the corner of your mouth jerking a bit. ‘He can’t be serious,no no-I can’t believe this’ You clenched your hand tightly.Before sighing, “Are you sure you are part of demon slayer?”
He then paused,thinking….and nodding his rapidly as an answer. “Are you sure?” You arched your eyebrow,he just nodded again. “Ok then…I think I should go back to my duty now…goodbye?” You forced out a smile,you saw him opening his mouth to stopped you.But sorry,you’re much faster than that.
You just turned and run,fast.Not even let him finished his sentence,of course-he tried to follow you.But thank goddess that there were a lot of people there,in a swift moment,you vanished out of sight…
After a while,you came panting when you find a good spot to rest for a bit.There was no sign of him,which means you are safe here. ‘I made it…’ You sighed….you then pulled out a bottle of water you brought with,and slowly sipped the liquid to extinguish your thirsty throat.
That’s when you heard people nearby talking about the informations you wanted…
“Did you know?…about a demon that will appeared at night?” One man whisper…..Making you listened intently,but you keep your head looking straight ahead.You must not act suspicious,in case they’ll noticed you eavesdropping their conversation…
“That news?Oh I’ve heard about it,is that the reason why each night…at least one people will strangely disappeared?” Another man whispered back.
“Yes,it gave me goosebumps every time I hear about that.Isn’t it scary?” The first one answer,and the other shaking his head, “We better not bring it up again,it will make everyone feared that demon even more,especially the children…”.
You took the last sip of your water,before close lid and tucking it back to your waist.You stand up and stare at the sky,you still have some hours left…if you keep strolling you will perhaps get some more informations about this demon…and suddenly your mind goes back to that boy you’ve met earlier…Just the thought of it make your shoulders go slumped…. You hope you won’t have to meet him again… TwT
Time skipped when the night came…
As the cool silver moon rose and the glittering stars illuminating the dark sky.You were walking soundlessly alone around the town,looking out for demon that may appeared from out of nowhere and attacking people.From what you can see,most people were already resting or sleeping inside their cozy home.Which will make it easier for you to do your job….
‘Thank my luck I don’t get to meet that crazy boy again…’ You sighed tiredly,grateful.
While walking,you slowly turned your head around from time to time,ready for something that might be suspicious…until you think you’ve seen the slightest movement out of the corner of your eyes…You suddenly stopped in your tracks…hand immediately reached for the hilt of your blade…
You shot your head from side to side and narrowed your eyes when you don’t see anything moving…But then you heard someone screamed behind you…
When you quickly whirl around to see what’s happening,needless to say that you’re shocked….
It was that boy,the boy you met in the afternoon.He was crying and screaming for help,something like “Somebody!Help meeeeeee!!!!!”,while running straight towards you with the demon,The Demon you were told to kill close on his back.The demon was also screaming something like “c’mon!Let me taste you!”.And he shouted back a, “No!Please don’t eat me!I’m not delicious!Look at me!I’m so thin!Don’t you agree!?Arghhhh!” He jumped when the demon almost catch him,luckily he jumped up before it can grab him.
You just stand there,frozen and bewildered. ‘…He is a demon slayer…right?He said it himself that he was also a demon slayer….But if that’s what he said…um…why was he running?’ •_•
“Ah!The beautiful lady!Dear pretty girl!Please help me!!!!!!This crazy thing’s tryna eat me!!!!” He shouted loudly when he spotted you,and you all you can think was, ‘Oh…holy sh*t’. But that doesn’t matter ‘cause once he reached you he just run to hide behind your back and bawling something that you were truly a hero who came to save his day.
“Wait!-” You tried to protest,but it was too late.He was already behind you, “ Wait!What are you!?A coward!?A man’s supposed-at least try to protect woman or something!And what are you doing!?Hiding behind me and hope that I’ll just saved you and become your hero!?” You bristled,but he just cried something like, “Can’t we just talked about that matter later!?Right now,please just saved me!!!!”
When you looked forward again,the demon was already standing in front of you.And you pulled your blade out, “Oh~What is this?Woman protecting a funky?Ha!So funny!” The demon taunt.
“You better shut your despicable mouth…” You growled threateningly,and the demon laugh again.
“Oh!Why?What would you do sweet lady?Are you gonna cut off my head?Ooh~so scary~” It mocked,you’re starting to get irritated….
Without a word,you lunged at the demon,swinging your blade.It dodge your attack by jumping away from you leaving, the tip of your blade only attached to the ground,before it started to dashed towards you again.This time you prepared to use your (type of breathing) style.Surely you can decapitate this demon’s head…
But what surprised you is…It didn’t bolted towards you…no,it just whipped past you.Making you snapped your head after it in confusion,then that make you realized,it wasn’t hurtle for you…but for the boy behind your back…
Maybe the demon thought that eating him would be more easier than eating you…
Zenitsu was even more shocked than any words could describe,he just froze there while squeezing his eyes shut,holding his breath -waiting for the pain to run through his body…The sound of slicing came…but he didn’t feel any pain…
When he slowly open his eyes again…what he sees…pain him instead…
You just take the blow for him,deep claw cuts sliced into your stomach…red blood dripping down to the dirt… “No!!!!” Zenitsu cried,and you dropped to the floor,too hurt to stand up.
The demon laughed wildly while saying things like, “Oh~How cute!You two tried to protect each other-awwwwww~”.
He rushed towards your side and,you can tell that he was guilty and helpless by the look of his face… He cried, “I-I’m sorry!P-please-Please don’t die on me!I beg you!I’ll-”But just then when he see the amount of blood…um…you think he just passed out…
That moment,both you and the demon just blinked in silence for a moment…At first confused why he’s unconscious all of a sudden.Until the demon’s laughter snapped you out of your thoughts…
“Hahahaha!And here I thought that he will try to save you.Hahaha!You two are so hilarious!” barked the demon, “I really wish I can play with you guys a little longer…But sorry,play time’s over…” It lower its voice in the last sentence while spreading its sharp claws,making your face go pale…
The demon shot towards you,and it’s your turn to close your eyes and waiting for the death… You never thought your life would be ended by a demon…But you know you can’t control the future…
Before you knew it,you heard something dropped to the ground…When you fluttered your eyes open again…you jumped when you saw the demon’s head on the dirt. ‘…But I…Who killed it?’ There was a person standing in front of you,when you look up to see your savior…You must say you can’t believe your eyes…
Zenitsu was standing right in front of you,you have no idea how can he kill the demon. ‘Was he still sleeping?Then how could he chopped off the demon’s head?How can he do that?’ You thought curiously…But you can’t lie the fact that you’re amazed by him…
Just then, just as you were admiring him with wide eyes…He suddenly woke and jump into the air while screaming when he sees the demon’s head. This make you sighed disappointedly, ‘Alright…my fault for admiring him…’ -_- ….
“Who killed the demon!?Certainly not me,then who was it!?” He suddenly turned to you, “You!?You’re the one who killed it!?” He said loudly,and you just blinked at him.He then running towards you with a joyful expression, “Thank you!!!!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!A million thank you!You’re really my hero!I love you-!”.
“Stop!” You cried before he can enveloped you into a tight embrace.
“I wasn’t the one who killed the demon!It was you stupid!You’re the one who killed it!” You shouted frustratedly,he’s still for a moment before giggling at you.
“Oh you’re trying to crack a joke!Though it’s quite bad one because if it was really me then I would already be dead in seconds!But still thank you!” He grinned sweetly,and you slapped a hand against your forehead… ‘…What do I do with this guy?….’ You thought with a dry smile.
“Can you take me to a doctor?” You asked,trying to change the subject ‘cause there was no point in continuing to argue with him. “Oh right!You were hurt!Here!Let me help you stand up!” He cried as he put one of your arm over his shoulder and pulled you up from the ground.Well,to be honest you were quite content that he still care for you…
“Um…my-you’re quite heavy…” He mumbled as he walked with you a few steps.
“What did you just say?” You questioned,your voice was sickly sweet but there was knives behind your every word…
“U-uh…N-nothing…” He answered back,face go pale and scared…
“Good,it’s better be nothing~” You smiled,it was normal.But you think his face just go even paler making you chuckle a bit at how cute he look when he’s scared of something…
‘Honesty he’s kinda cute~’ You thought,then paused, ‘But wait…what?Why am I thinking like this?’ Shaking your head.You tried to get rid of the thoughts all the way to the doctor.TRIED-if you know what I mean…. Still,you can’t help but secretly glance at him with that pink cheeks of yours from time to time when you think he’s not looking…👀 (But really,he did notice •////•)
Of course,when he turn to you.You just quickly look around and pretend like you haven’t been staring at him in the past few minutes asdfghjkl-
When you finally find the doctor,and you were taken away to an infirmary room to start aiding your injuries.Zenitsu was worried sick-all the bad feelings sat heavily in his stomach.His heart almost leap out his chest when he see the doctor came out of the room after some hours have passed…
“Is-Is she…Is she alright?” He managed to ask out when the doctor came to him.
The doctor nodded his head in response, “Yes,her injuries weren’t that severe but she sure has lost lots of blood…” He trailed off…before adding, “But don’t you worry,young man.She is now resting safely in the infirmary room…You can visit her if you want,but please be quiet-she’s sleeping.” He smiled kindly at Zenitsu,and the young boy nodded rapidly before the doctor took his leave.
The creak of door opening,revealing the girl sleeping soundlessly in the bed.Zenitsu slowly sat down on the chair beside her bed,his eyes filled with sorrow and heartache…He really wish he could be braver and stronger…so he can protect people and be everyone’s hero…
Yet another person has to protect him again…And it PAINS him so much…
‘I’m so useless…Nobody would even want to be with me…not even this beautiful girl…’ He sighed quietly as he watched you sleep, ‘I promised…I’ll be braver next time…’ was his last thought,he gently hold your hand and slowly start to let himself fall for a peaceful slumber…with you by his side…
Time skip when the morning came…please just relaxed and enjoyed that peaceful moment a little bit… •~•
The sunlight came prodding through the window and illuminated your features,this make you slowly fluttered your eyes open…Your eyelids felt heavy…maybe because you’ve just woken up-you thought lazily as you turn to lay on your side that wasn’t hurt…And look what you found~
You came to face with the yellow haori boy again…he was fast asleep beside you on the chair,his face looks so cute like that and he’s just so close to you asdfghjkl-But then you noticed-He was also holding your hand…
You blinked a few times while your head was now racing with thoughts- ‘Why is he sleeping beside me?I don’t remember anything after I fall asleep-whatever,and why must he be so cute!!!!!????’ You thought,flustered and your cheeks felt hot. And then suddenly-he slowly open his eyes…
He rubbed his eyes a bit then blinked a few more times-before looked at you right in the eyes.Needless to say-you were embarrassed for being caught staring,too embarrassed.So you just throw a pillow at his face and yelped. “Argh!!!” He cried as he got hit by the pillow and crashed into the chair in sitting position-being hit by a pillow was surely wasn’t what he expecting to get after just woken up. (Sorry lil brother -~-)
“W-why were you sleeping next to me!?” You said quickly said out of embarrassment.
“I should be the one who’s asking!Why did you hit me!?I came to visit and thank you for saving me last night!But you’re already asleep and I was just so sleepy that I accidentally fall asleep beside you!What’s wrong with that!?Good boy needs lots of sleep you know!?” He yelled + complaining at you,and you felt your cheeks get even redder.He has his hands on his head while just yammering nonstop.
“W-well ! It’s-!” Just as you’re about to finished your sentence,your crow and his sparrow came knocking the window with their beaks.Zenitsu immediately rushed to the window to open it,then the birds just shouting you two orders to your next mission-
“(L/n) (y/n) and Agatsuma Zenitsu! You two have to go to the Tsuzumi mansion and killed the demon that’s hiding there!Both of you!” Said the crow,the little sparrow seems to be trying to say something too-but you just couldn’t understand what it meant.
“Me?With him?” You said,pointing your finger disbelievingly at him-and he just turn his head while blinking at you. “Yes!” Answered the crow.
You were still for a moment while thinking something like-‘F*ck…What did I do to deserve this????’ kind of thing…. “Haha….you must be kidding me…” You mumbled as you laughed dryly…
“Wait…another mission!?Oh no no no no no!I’m gonna die,I’m gonna die,I’m gonna die-” He shouted loudly until you throw the very same pillow at his face again, “Shut up!” You shouted at him and he start yelling + complaining at you again.
“Ow-!Why did you hit me again!?It hurt!You know!?Don’t you think you’re being too cruel!?” He cried,putting his hands on his head in case you will hit him again.Completely repeat his earlier actions with his mouth can’t be able to shut up-
“That was because you aren’t being able to be quiet!Just shut up and stop yammering already!” You roared angrily at him.
“And aren’t you being loud too!?” He bawled back, “You are so CRUEL!” .
“If you don’t want me to be so CRUEL then just snapped your mouth shut already!” You bellowed,and he start to yammer at you again.
This make the two birds sighed and look at each other and then at you two who were still fighting…
Seems like you two still have a long way to go…
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Alright,that’s all lovelies💗Hope you guys like/enjoy this one as much as I do writing it! >~<
Some bonus…
Since I’ve mentioned earlier that every pillars and many more characters are like my brothers and sisters (except Giyuu,he’s my bae asdfghjkl-) …let me give a little scenario to that 😆
Note.This is just platonic!🌸 (Just sister and brother loving each other,alright?)
Ok,this is for…Sanemi🌪
Imagine that you’re the only person who can calm Sanemi down,like-he was pissed at someone/something and now he was snarling and growling at anyone and everyone who dare to come near him. (Except for lord Oyakata,mind you-)
And you just came in like, “Brother~What are you doing?Are you thirsty?Here-please have some water first!” You said as you carefully put the bottle of water gently into his hand.And Sanemi immediately calm down and accept your offer while mumbling some ‘thank you’.
Every pillar were shocked like, ‘What?How did you do that????’.Not to mention about how his eyes suddenly filled with love and adoration when they laid on you,how calm and gentle he acts with you-and all that stuff😂
If anyone dare to ask you this,“How did you do that/how did you make him calm down?” You would just smile and answer, “I don’t really know how can I do that either.” XD.
He is very protective of you,will always protect you from any harm or danger.Will gave a deadly glare and a dark aura for anyone who looked down or insulted you.Will also protect you from any guy who’s flirt/hitting on you way too much or start to make you uncomfortable.
Will scolded you if you got yourself hurt/let yourself got hurt,but that’s just show that he does-care for you,a lot.💗
Overall he’s a very good brother,relative or not.Once you gain his trust/respect,he’ll trust and respect you-So please, just love him💓💕💖💗
Finished!💕Ahhh-I’ve this idea for such a long~time ago with a good friend of mine! She’s the one who gave me lots lots of idea and the one who always supported me into writing. I wanted to thank her so much for everything! It means so much to me dear-and thank you,thank you for always listening to me blabbering on and on about things,talking and imagining things/self-ship with me! I really appreciate it my love!😭💗♥️✨
Now-I wish you guys a great day/night! <3 pls take care! all of you! ✨
The arts are not mine!Credits to the artist!💝
-With love,BamBam🦢🌙
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hyunjinzxn · 2 years
One day with Hyunjin <3
Hyunjin x reader
warning: cute
[7:30pm] You had so much work today and you just got home. Going to lay on the couch not even removing your shoes. You hear the sound of the slippers Hyunjin always wears. He comes to you, removes your shoes, putting your slippers next to the couch. He sat next to you, putting your feet on his lap. 
“How was your day baby?”-he said massaging your toes.
“So exhausting”-you mumble 
“I told you not to overwork yourself didn’t I”-he sighns
You stayed silent. He got up and went to the kitchen. When he came back and he brought soup, the smell of which filled the whole room. Hyunjin sat next to you, taking you in his arms, helping you get up.  
“Smells amazing”-you said opening you eyes. 
“I made it, you should try it, c’mon”-he said and gave you a sip.
“Ohhh, it’s soo good”- you said after tasting the soup he cooked. 
“I’m happy you like it”-he smiled, his eyes sparkling 
After you ate the soup you both cuddled for a bit.
[9:30pm] Hyunjin noticed you started to fall asleep, so he took you to the bedroom. He helped you get in your pyjama. After that he put your head on his chest and kissed your forehead. You hugged him smiling. You fell asleep right after laying.
[10am] You woke up and noticed your boyfriend isn’t here. You got up and started looking around. 
“Hyunjinah, did you leave early today??”
Someone hugged you from behind. 
“I am right here”- he said kissing your cheek. 
“Come here I made us breakfast”- he said and pulled your hand. 
He made you pancakes, because he knew you love the way he makes them.You both sat on the table and started eating. 
“Did you rest good?”-Hyunjin asked smiling at you
“Of course I did, thank you for taking care of me”-you smiled
“How many times have I told you not to thank me for this, I love taking care of you”
“Okay”-you blushed
You checked your phone and saw it’s already 11am
“Don’t you have work today?”
“I took the day off so I can spend it with my girlfriend”- he told you
“No way, really?”- you said surprised 
“Of course”- he laughed 
When you finished your breakfast, you got dressed. You decided to clean your apartment. You tidied, you cleaned, and moped the floor. 
“Let’s go out”-Hyunjin offered. 
“Where”-you asked
“Somewhere outside, we have to take Kkami for a walk after all”
“Okay let’s go” 
You went outside, Kkami enjoying the great weather. 
[13:10pm] You went to a close restaurant where you can eat with Kkami.
“I know a restaurant where we can go”-hyunjin said
“Where?”-you asked
“Just come with me”-he said and pulled your hand
Hyunjin took you to one of the best restaurants in the city.
“Woah, I didn’t know they let dogs in”-you said surprised
“They don’t. I just payed them double so they can let Kkami in”
“You didn’t have to do that! We could’ve gone to a different restaurant”
“I know but I wanted to take you here”-he said smiling
You went in and everyone was shocked because you were with a dog. The waitress took you to your table. It was next to a window so you can enjoy the pretty view. You ordered sushi and Hyunjin ordered kimchi.
When the waitress took your order she winked at your boyfriend. You got mad, but then Hyunjin got up.
“Excuse me miss”
“Yes, sir can i help you?”-she said smiling
“Who do you think you are to wink at me?”
She stayed silent
“Answer the question”-hyunjin got more angry
“I….I just liked you”
“How can you like me you see me for the fucking first time in your life”
“Babe calm down”-you said because you didn’t want him to be mad
“I want to change to a waiter” -he said
The moment he said that a waiter came and the girl went inside the kitchen, sad. 
“Babe you didn’t have to make that much of a scene”
“How can I not when she flirted with me in front of my girlfriend. I can’t stand it”
“I know but it wasn’t that big problem”-you trying to calm your boyfriend down. 
“Let’s go to different restaurant.”-hyunjin mumbled madly. 
“Come on, sit down”- you said giggling, because he was so cute when he was mad.
“Fine”-hyunjin finally agreed sitting on his chair
Your orders came, you ordered food for Kkami too as well. The third of you started eating. Kkami was enjoying his food, the same as you and your boyfriend. 
When you finished and Hyunjin payed less than he had to because of the scandal earlier you went to a caffe�� that had a beautiful garden. You let Kkami off the leash, because you and Hyunjin were switching who to walk him. Hyunjin started playing with him, while you walked in to order. You loved buying donuts from there so that’s what you ordered. You knew the other members would want too so you bought for them as well, because you wanted to stop by the dorm before going home. 
You bought the donuts and went outside. You saw how happy Hyunjin was playing with his dog. You stopped and watched them for a bit. Then he saw you and told you to come. 
“I just wanted to watch you for a bit”-you said walking up to him. 
“Why, we don’t do something weird?”
“Just because you look so cute when you smile”-you smiled
He stood up, giving you a kiss. He put Kkami back on his leash holding your hand as you walked out of the garden. You held hands as you were walking to the dorm. You knew everyone was going to be there, because they were always at the dorms, on Fridays.
“Hii- you both said walking in”
“Ohhh, here you are”-Chan said smiling 
“We were wondering if you were coming”-Han said
“I brought donuts for all of you”-you said raising the bag
“Ohhh donuttttsss”- Felix and Changbin said happily 
“Where’s Minho?”-Hyunjin asked looking at Chan
“He’s still practising, go tell him to come” 
“I’ll go”-you said and walked away
You walked in the practise room and saw Lee know dancing as always. 
“Minho”-you said softly
“Oh, hi”-he said pausing the music
“I brought donuts, wanna try them?”
“Ohh donuts, let me change my clothes and i’ll come”-he said taking his phone and turning the lights off.
You went back in the living room, laying on the couch next to Hyunjin
“What did he say”- he asked kissing your forehead 
“He said he’ll change and come”
“Okay”-he smiled
After 5 minutes he came down screaming
“Did you leave me donuts or you ate them all dumbasses???”
“We left you don’t worry”-Seungmin calmed him down. 
“Good”-Lee know said smiling evilly 
He started eating the one donut that was for him. You brought 9 donuts so there’s one for everyone. 
You ate, you talked, had fun and had to leave cuz it was already was 9 pm.
“Are you walking home on foot”-Jeongin asked Hyunjin
“Yea, we’re walking the whole day”-he answered
“C’mon let me drive you home it’s late”
“You sure”- you asked. “We don’t want to hold you”
“Noo, it’s okay, get Kkami and get in the car”-he said unlocking his car
Hyunjin took Kkami and you both got in.He drove you home and left. You went in, Hyunjin tired layed on the couch. You took Kkami in the bathroom and washed his paws, because you saw how tired your boyfriend was. Kkami went to his bed and fell asleep. 
You and Hyunjin brushed your teeth and went to bed. 
“Did you enjoy today?”- he asked you putting your head on his chest, stroking your hair. 
“Of course I did, after all i was with you”-you said and fell asleep
He kissed your forehead and fell asleep too. 
You had another amazing day spent with your boyfriend.
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brelione · 4 years
Henry Bowers (Rafe,Topper,Kelce X Reader)
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Warnings:Smut,mentions of bulimia,laxatives,IT 2017 spoilers.
Series Masterlist
Heavy footsteps walked up to your door,turning the knob with a glove covered hand.The footsteps trailed through your house,hearing the screams,laughed and splashing from outside.A large yellow envelope was placed on the kitchen countertop,likcing their lips and taking in a big nervous breath fro they had never been inside your house before.
They knew a lot about you from a certain brunette that spoke so fondly of you,not having anything other to talk about besides how fantastic you were.They should’ve ran out once the task was completed,instead finding themselves jogging up the stairs and ending up in your bedroom.Brown eyes looked around,falling onto a boxed action figure on your dresser,a small smile coming across their soft features.
They saw a bedside table with drawers in it,pouting as they walked over to open the drawers and look through them.A stack of photos,a box of laxatives,colored pencils,spare phone chargers and a handful of tampons.They picked up the stack of photos,looking over to the door every couple of moments as they flipped through them,smiling at the memories that were trapped on the polaroids.There were dates across the bottom of each photo.
In the older ones you appeared empty on the inside,eyes struggling to stay open and a forced smile on your face.The more recent ones were completely different though.Smiling so wide that your eyes squinted,seeming to be more healthy,your eyes holding nothing but joy.Most of the photos didn't even have you in them.Topper appeared in a lot of them,a big goofy grin on his face.In others he looked surprised,not knowing that you were photographing him.
They noticed one thing that really stood out.No parents in the photos,literally nobody outside of the teenage boys.In all of the photos of Kelce he was cooking,smiling or holding you on his shoulders or had you in his lap.The ones with you and Rafe were different though.The one that made them laugh was of Rafe on the floor,your legs on his shoulders to keep him still as you braided his hair,his eyes focused on the tv and not even caring what you were doing.
There were tons of photos from beach days,Rafe wearing sunglasses as he stared down at a triple decker sandwich.The most recent one at the back of the pile was dated a few days ago and was a photo of Topper,asleep on the couch with a bit of drool on his chin,a pillow held tight to his chest in nothing but pajama pants.
They put the photos back where they had originally been,standing up carefully.Thats when they heard the slider door open,cursing under their breath.Water dripped from your hair as you stepped inside your kitchen,Topper close behind you with a towel wrapped around his waist. “I'm cold as hell.”You sighed,pulling the towel over your shoulders,the air conditioning making goosebumps form on your legs.
Rafe closed the slider door,a few water drops falling from his hair and dripping down his nose. “I'm gonna go change,i'll be back.”You told them,going up the stairs slowly,the towel slipping off of you.When you got into the bedroom you sighed,looking at the mess you had made.You looked over the scattered clothes,your eyes finding one of Topper’s sweatshirts that you had taken a few months back when he had slept over.
You peeled the wet t shirt off along with the bathing suit under it,wrapping the wet clothes in the towel before pulling the hoodie over your cold body,sighing at the warm feeling before pulling on a pair of underwear.Little did you know that someone was under your bed,their hand covering their mouth as they hoped you wouldn't hear them.You didnt,leaving your room and shutting the door behind you,going back downstairs.
Your wet hair was making the back of the hoodie wet,you couldn't really feel it through the thick material though. “Hey,(Y/N)?”Topper called out to you as you were about to sit on the couch.You sighed,grabbing your phone and putting it in the pocket of your hoodie.You went into the kitchen,confused as to why they were staring at your countertop.
 “What?”You asked,taking a seat opposite from them,frowning as you saw the envelope. “This wasn't here before.”You looked at your name in sharpie,not sure where it had come from. “I know it wasn't,so why is it here now?”Topper asked.You shrugged,just as clueless as the boys.You opened it,seeing two stacks of twenty dollar bills and a piece of notebook paper. “What the fuck?”Kelce picked up one of the stacks,flicking the green paper.
You pulled out the notebook paper,the message written in blue pen. “Do what you want just dont be mad.You have to live your life and i have to live mine.I can't live my life with you and clearly you don't need me to live yours.I still love you so dont lie and say I don't.I'll pay the bills and shit til you're 23,then you're on your own.You use this money to cover groceries and clothes and whatever,just don't drag me into this.This’ll be the last time you hear from me.Please don't try and talk to me and I won't try and talk to you.”It was rushed,written in big letters to make the page seem more full.
It didn't need a signature for you to know who it came from.At least you didn't have to worry about paying bills and losing your house now.You couldnt believe how fast things were falling apart. “What?What does it say?”Topper asked,coming up behind you to read it over your shoulder.
 “Oh,you’ve gotta be kidding.I hope she gets fucked in the ass with a sword.”You slammed the note down,looking at the stacks of money. “But how’d this get inside the house?Shouldn't it be out in the mailbox?”Rafe asked,going over to your living room window and looking out,eyes widening when he saw the silver car. “Were you expecting someone else?”Rafe asked,gaining your attention.You went over next to him,heart dropping when you saw the car.
 “No-shit!Was the front door unlocked?”You asked Rafe,the last person to come inside.His eyes widened,going over and twisting the doorknob. “Fuck.”He whispered,looking up at the staircase. “Is someone in the house?”Topper asked,his hand immediately going onto your shoulder,almost like a way to protect you. “I dont fucking know?What do we do?Call the cops?”You whispered,looking over to Kelce.Rafe’s eyes widened.
 “Fuck no!Do you know how much shit we have here that we could get in trouble for?”He asked,going back into the kitchen to grab a knife. He was probably talking about the fact that he had hard drugs on him.Either that or he was also hiding a gun in your house.
You wouldnt really be surprised if that were ture at this point.“Hey,hey-the car is backing out!”Topper told you,pulling you back over to the window,seeing the car speed off. “Fucking shit-what if they put cameras in the house?”You asked,locking the door.Rafe licked his lips,putting the knife away and jogging upstairs.He looked into your room,not seeing anything changed.
Topper hugged you tight,telling you to stay calm. “Clearly whoever it was wasn't trying to kill you,they just wanted to leave that here.”As scary as it was he was probably right.But you couldn't help the fear that whoever it was might come back.Clearly they had ties to your mother,maybe even worked for her or something.
Rafe went through your drawers,seeing the stack of polaroids,seeing the box of laxatives next to it. “What the fuck?”He whispered,picking it up to see that it was half empty.He remembered you keeping laxative pills with you all the time during freshman year.
The four of you had gone to the beach and they all wanted to get ice cream and peer pressured you into getting some as well.You had eaten it quickly,excusing yourself to go to the bathroom and sticking three fingers to the back of your throat.You gagged a few times,nothing coming up which caused you to begin to panic.
Your breathing got quick,trying to figure out what to do when you remembered the pills in your pocket,popping five out and swallowing them,sitting on the toilet,tears running down your face as you cursed and hoped that it would come out.
Once the job was done you had let out a loud sigh,wiping yourself clean,your thighs hurting from how long you had been on the uncomfortable toilet seat.You put the bag of pills back into your pocket,leaving the bathroom to see the boys still sitting at a picnic table,waiting for you.
You had went to go back and sit down next to Topper,unaware that the bag was partially hanging out of your pocket.He had noticed it,deciding to pull it out,frowning at the tablets. “What the hell are these?”He asked,shaking the bag back and forth.
Rafe and Kelce looked up,Rafe became intrigued and pulled the bag away,holding the clear material to his palm.He knew that it wasn't xanax or some strange type of pain killer. “Um….those are laxatives...for stomach aches.”You answered,tugging the bag back and putting it back into your pocket.
He stomped down the stairs,box in hand. “Why do you have this?”He asked,holding up the box.Your heart beat sped up at his furious tone,seeing the box,feeling sick.You didnt know why you felt that way,you didn't even have them for a bad reason.Now all eyes were on you and waiting for an explanation,Topper’s arms not so tight.
 “You see….sometimes when i'm on my period I get really constipated so I use those to help myself out.”You explained,feeling yourself getting hot.Rafe bit his lip,nodding while Kelce scoffed. “You use those!Those are so bad for you-you’ll actually shit your pants if you take too much at once.You should drink hot lemon water instead,it's natural and so much better.”He huffed,running a hand through his wet hair.
You just nodded,licking your lips. “You guys will stay here tonight,right?”You asked,hoping that at least Rafe would be able to stay.As much as you loved Top and Kelce they were both pussies most of the time.But then again you were too,you couldn't really be mad at them.Topper frowned,realising that he’d have to head home at some point tonight so that is mom didn't think that he died.Rafe would probably be in deep shit for leaving the party and taking the jetski but he was more worried about you than what his father was going to do to him.
Kelce bit the inside of his cheek,nodding. “I think I can,I have to leave in the morning though.Rafe?”He asked,looking over to the tall boy.Rafe sighed,crossing his arms. “Yeah,I can stay over.”He answered,glancing at the door to make sure that it was locked one more time.
His muscles were flexed,the vein in his forehead sticking out slightly as it always did when he was stressed. “I’m going to go change,you pick a movie.”He picked up the box of laxatives again,going back upstairs.He went into the bathroom,putting on his shirt and boxers,pulling the bag of white powder out of the shorts,staring at it.
He had gotten pissed about the laxatives because you used them to hurt yourself and hurt your health yet he was doing the exact same thing.He stared at it for a while,becoming angry at how bad he was fucking up not only his own life but the lives of everyone else around him.
He jumped when a soft knock came from the otherside of the door,standing up carefully and dropping the little bag onto his shorts,opening the door a crack to see you standing there. “Dude,hurry the fuck up you take like ten years to change.”You huffed,looking up at him.He let out a low,nervous chuckle. “Yeah,sorry.”He muttered,still staring at you.
 “I’ll be down in a minute.”He went to shut the door,only for you to speak again. “You have sweatpants here if you want.”You remembered the loose,soft gray pants in your closet that he had left in your bathroom at the beginning of May.
He licked his lips,slipping out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him.You went into your room,going to open your closet when a thought came to mind. “rafe.”You whispered,making him look up from his boxers,hoping you wouldn't notice his obvious boner.
 “Did you check the closet?”You whispered to him,making his heart drop.Fuck.He grabbed you by the wrist,pushing you behind him,his hand on the closet door knob. “Shit-fuck-okay-okay-3-2-1.”He swung the door open,stepping back quickly,standing in front of you like a human shield. “Oh-oh there’s no one in there.”He calmed down,letting go of you and letting out a loud sigh.
You still gripped his arm,fingernails scratching against his skin,not helping with his boner that you were so close to him.You let out a sigh of relief,stepping forward and reaching up onto the shelves,grabbing the pants that you wore when you were alone sometimes.
THose pants with Topper’s hoodie was probably the best combination ever.You turned to hand them to him,only to find that he was practically pushed up against you. “Did you pick a movie?”He asked,taking the pants that he hadnt seen in a while.You nodded,pushing him back with your pointer finger so you could close your closet door,trying not to watch as he pulled the gray pants up his legs. 
“What movie?”He asked,tying the drawstrings to keep them in place but that didnt help you take your eyes oof of him,able to see the outline in the light material. “IT.”You answered,hopping over your bed and opening your drawer,checking for your polaroids.Thank god whoever had come into your house hadnt taken them.
He chuckled,shaking his head. “Yeah,no.You’re not gonna survive through that,pussy.”He answered,walking out of the room quickly before you could register what he had said to you.You grinned,running down the stairs and chasing after him,eventually getting a grip of his shirt. “Dont run on the stairs,guys!”Kelce shouted,hearing the pounding of footsteps.
Your hand was still tight on Rafe’s shirt,not letting go of him. “You’re giving me those pants back,right?”You asked quietly,letting go of him. “Uhh...these are my pants.”He answered,hands in the pockets.You shook your head. “No,not anymore.”You ended the conversation,slipping past him and going to sit on the couch,stopping to close the living room blinds.
Kelce was sipping a ginger ale in the kitchen,Topper had gone into the guest room,changing back into his clothes.You sat on the couch,holding a pillow to your chest,the movie already prepared and all you needed to do was press the ‘ok’ button for the horror that would probably haunt your mind for the next three months to begin playing.
 “Im fucking serious,you’re gonna cry in the first five minutes.”Rafe grinned,laying down on the couch with his legs across your lap.Topper walked out of the guest room,immediately agreeing. “Like,I love you and all but you’re gonna start screaming and crying and then you’re gonna wake us up at three in the morning freaking out.”Topper plopped down next to you,Kelce taking his spot on the floor with a blanket under him. 
“Im going to bet that she’s gonna scream in the first fifteen minutes.”He grinned,deciding to wrap the blanket around his shoulders and lean against the couch.You rolled your eyes,poking at Rafe’s legs through his pants,playing the movie. “Im gonna say the first five.”Topper placed his bet,earning a smack on the arm from you. “It’s not gonna be that bad.”You told him,rolling your eyes. “Whatever you say.”Topper grinned,watching the movie. 
“Shit….dont fucking chase after-what the fuck?Why?Why is he-OH MY GOD HIS ARM!”You cringed,squeezing Rafe’s shin,grabbing onto Topper’s arm.Kelce was laughing so hard that he was wheezing,watching as you clenched your eyes shut,holding onto Topper for dear life. 
“He’s-oh my god what the hell-I hate it here!”You were screeching,literally about to cry as you gripped Topper’s arm.Kelce laughed,a memory coming to his mind.You two were sitting on your couch,watching Infinity War.You squeezed his bicep,literally sobbing into his hoodie. “Fuck-I hate this movie!”You squeaked,hugging him tightly.He was trying not to cry,sniffling.
 “No-why Peter?Why him?”He sniffled,hugging you tightly,sobbing into your hoodie. “God-Endgame is so much worse.”You gulped,taking in a big breath. “NO!No-not tonight-I cant handle that much pain in one night.”He shook his head,rubbing your sides under your t shirt. “Imagine how tired I am!Imagine how tired I am!”You tried to laugh off the pain,your voice cracking.
As the Losers club walked through the hall,the camera focusing on the Bowers Gang you felt heat rush to your face. “Ooh-he do be kind of cute though.”You grinned,looking at Henry Bowers.Topper and Rafe groaned,Kelce smacking his head off the couch dramatically,pausing the TV. “Is evil brunette the standard?Is that whats happening?”He asked,looking up at you.
 “Wait-are you talking about the creepy one,Draco Malfoy or the mullet guy?”Rafe asked,squinting at the TV screen.You shrugged,biting your lip. “Ummm...yes.”You replied,making Topper roll his eyes. “They’re literally bullies!Why is brunette asshole the standard?”He asked,earning a small laugh from Rafe. “Bucky isnt an asshole!And neither is Peter or Spencer!And Draco Malfoy is blonde!”You exclaimed,bringing the pillow back to your chest.
Topper sighed,dragging you up next to him so he could stretch out his legs. “No,but seriously.Why are your standards so low?Like the bar is on the ground.”Kelce laughed,reaching for the remote and beginning to play the movie again. “Nice frisbee,Flamer!Fuckin losers.”Patrick spoke,your eyes glued on him. “Wait a damn minute-hold on.”You stretched your arm over Kelce’s head,grabbing your phone to search for the cast.
 “Are you seriously doing that right now?”Topper asked,watching as you scrolled through,looking for Henry Bowers.  “Yes,yes I am.”You grinned when you found the name of the actor,searching him on instagram. “Bingo.”You smiled,scrolling through his page. “And you did this for what?”Topper attempted to take away your phone,hissing when you bit at his finger. “Why not?”You shrugged,deciding you could look at his account another time,letting your phone sit on Topper’s chest.
 “Can I play the movie now?”Kelce asked,not waiting for your answer as he started playing it again.For a good amount of the movie you were screaming,holding onto Topper while Rafe laughed at you.After he kept laughing at you while you were freaking out about the painting coming to life and trying to murder Stan you had shifted across the couch,deciding to make Rafe suffer with your screams. 
As Henry began to carve into Ben’s stomach you found yourself giggling. “Wait,why is Henry literally Rafe?”You asked,earning a gasp from Topper,unable to believe that you went there.Rafe’s eyes widened,smacking your arm. “Dont be fucking rude!”He exclaimed,using the iconic line from Keeping Up With The Kardashian. “Are you kidding me?”You asked,smiling.It only took a few minutes for your good mood to go away.
“Oh my god-NO!NOT PATRICK!FUCK-I HATE THIS MOVIE!”You exclaimed,twisting Rafe’s shirt in your fingers. “Do you want to watch something else?”Kelce offered,becoming scared himself.You shook your head,determined to get through the movie. “He cant be actually dead,right?Like he’s gonna show up and it was all a dream,right?”You asked,hoping he’d get more scenes. 
“Can we take a food break?”Topper asked,moving to stand up,nearly kicking Kelce in the head.Kelce smacked his kneecap,rolling across the carpet to let the blonde stand.You glared at him.Clearly he didn't understand your attraction to the brunette sociopath or even care that he was dead.
Rafe moved you off of him,kissing your forehead before getting up as well but you stayed glued to the couch. “Are you coming?”Topper asked,standing in the doorway where the living room met the dark kitchen. “Turn on the light first.”you told him,grabbing your phone off the couch,trying not to look over to the dark staircase.
Topper nodded,getting nervous as he realized just how dark the kitchen was,getting even more nervous when he remembered the light switch was a good eight feet away.Rafe grew impatient,walking across the kitchen with his fingertips grazing the wall until he found the switch,flicking the yellowish lights on.You let out a sigh of relief,sitting at your kitchen table as they raided your fridge and cabinets. 
“This is trash,you don't have shit!Can we get McDonalds or something?”Rafe asked,looking over to you for permission.You huffed,scrolling through Nicolas Hamilton’s instagram. “I'm not driving-Rafe you’re not driving either and don't you dare give me that look!”You squinted at him as he made puppy dog eyes at you,trying to persuade you.
 “I can drive.”Kelce reached into his pocket for his keys only to be stopped by you. “At night?You hit a stop sign last time.”You reminded him,trying to think if you had any snacks hidden anywhere.Topper took the keys from Kelce,offering to drive.He was pretty okay at driving at night except for that one time that he almost hit a small child. 
“Okay,you and Kelce go and Rafe and I will stay here.”You agreed,glancing over to the slider door,seeing the pool lights were on.They came on automatically after sundown because swimming in a pitch black pool is only for dumb bitches in horror movies. 
“Alright,text me your orders.”Kelce told you,unlocking your front door,Topper behind him. “Don't watch the movie without us!”He shouted,shutting the door behind him,pressing the lock button on the key pad.Rafe sighed,sitting down at the table,his elbows resting on the wood.An awkward,tense silence filled the room,neither of you knowing what to say. 
“So….how have you been,besides,you know?”He asked,trying not to sound rude.He couldnt flat out ask “oh so like,are you having a relapse and thoughts of purging?’.You kind of understood what he was getting at,shrugging. “Its just a bad day,my stomach fuckin hurts now.”You touched the skin through the fabric of the hoodie,bruises on your flesh from where you had punched yourself.
He looked down at the floor,pulling the chair across the tile so he was in front of you,going to pull up the hoodie and see how bad they were.He let out a sigh,frowning as he noticed the darker purple parts,yellow and red spots from how hard you had hit yourself. “What happened to healthy coping mechanisms?”He asked,hands on your thighs,looking up at you.
Your hand went to pet his hair as it always did,his blue eyes staring up at you with admiration that you had never noticed. “I'm trying my best,okay?Don't act like you’re not fucked up too.”You mumbled,hearing your phone ding but deciding to ignore it.He sighed,his forehead against your stomach,careful not to touch the bruises.
 “Spencer Reid would want you to have healthy coping mechanisms.”He muttered,pressing feather-like kisses over your bruises,staring up at you.You rolled your eyes,leaning back in the chair. “(Y/N).”He mumbled,somehow ending up on his knees on the floor,elbows on your thighs looking up at you.You hummed,looking down at him.
He moved upwards,forehead against yours,the memory from your bathroom coming back to him.Your heart sped up,not even knowing what you wanted.He waited a moment before pressing his lips against yours,kissing you gently.You didn't pull away this time,letting it happen,your hand going to his jaw as he kissed you.His hands were under the hoodie that had once belonged to Topper but you had kidnapped it,claiming it as yours.He pulled away for a moment,letting you catch your breath.You leaned down to kiss him again,the feeling was addicting.
Your phone dinged again but you didn't care,too focused on Rafe.He began to place messy kisses down your neck,sucking on your collarbone,your hands tugging at his hair.He smiled,kissing your lips again,biting at your bottom lip lightly and earning a quiet moan from you.He felt himself becoming hard in his sweatpants upon hearing the noise,his hands squeezing your hips.
He pressed one more gentle kiss to your lips,moving down to your underwear,looking at you for consent before peeling them off.You gave him a slight nod to give him permission,making him grin,tugging the light material down your legs.You didnt know how to feel about the current situation.It felt good but at the same time felt wrong like you were betraying Kelce and Topper.
Rafe pressed kisses to your thighs,not wanting to rush into anything. “Rafe.”You mumbled,making him pull away from you immediately,giving you a look of concern. “Be gentle.”You requested,earning a small smile from him. “Of course.”He replied,pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll stop whenever you want,I promise.”He whispered,going back down between your thighs.
A shiver ran up your spine when he licked a stripe through your folds,testing you.He glanced up at you,watching your reactions as the tip of his tongue rolled over your sensitive bud,a smirk on his face when you let out a moan.He started to pick up the pace,not going too fast or too slow,his tongue lapping at your core,your hands tugging at his hair,fingernails grazing his scalp. “God,you’re so fucking stunning.”He whispered.
He put a finger inside of you,moving it in and out quickly.Your phone ringed,scaring you a bit.Rafe just smirked,putting another finger inside of you,a moan ripping through your throat. “You should answer that.”He told you,looking over to your vibrating phone on the table.
You licked your lips,gaining the strength to move,grabbing your phone and seeing that Kelce was calling you,cursing. “Shit-Hello?”You answered,trying to keep your voice steady as Rafe sped up. “Dude!I’ve been trying to call you for like three minutes!Didnt you get my texts?”He asked.You bit your lip,trying to contain your moans. “Shit,sorry.”You mumbled,your hand covering your mouth,eyes rolling back in your head as Rafe began to suck on your clit,adding a third finger.
 “I didn't know what you wanted so I got you two happy meals,a McFlurry,a McChicken and like,four sauces.Is that okay?”He asked,waiting for your answer. “Yeah,that's fine.Where are you guys now?”You asked,feeling Rafe’s fingers quicken,going deep inside you to places you had never been able to reach on your own.
 “Umm...like five minutes away.Im gonna need you to unlock the door though,our hands will be full.”He noticed something was wrong with your voice,figuring that you were just paranoid. “Yeah,okay.I’ll see you when you get here.”You hung up the phone,letting out a moan when Rafe began to go hard,biting his lip as he listened to you. “Shit,Rafe.”You whimpered,clenching around his fingers as you climaxed,your head falling back as your liquids got onto Rafe’s fingers and all over the chair,a satisfied smile on his face.
 “Five minutes until they get here?”He asked,sucking your taste off of his fingers with a slight blush on his cheeks,grabbing some napkins to wipe you and the chair off. You were still recovering,a panting and sweating mess,your underwear on the floor. “You okay?”He asked,helping you get your underwear back on,pushing a few fallen locks of hair back,kissing the top of your head.
 “Yeah.”You answered,feeling heavy,your legs tingling.He grabbed you a pepsi from your fridge,opening it and handing it to you.You sipped it,the hoodie making you feel even more hot,wanting to take it off. “I’ll be more gentle,next time...if you want.”He mumbled,leaning down to kiss you again.Next time?
You just had to hope that he wouldn't tell Kelce or Topper about this,it wasn't an innocent kiss or a deep conversation.It was something that could easily tear apart the friend group if they ever found out. “Rafe.”You spoke,even though he was already paying attention to you. “Can we keep this a secret?”You asked.You saw a flash of something in his blue eyes,not sure if it was hurt or disappointment.He nodded though,agreeing.
 “Yeah,of course.”He sighed,trying his best to fix his hair,trying not to look too messy.Your eyes trailed down to the obvious boner that was barely concealed by the sweatpants,eyes becoming wide. “I can help you with that later...if you want.”You offered,making his cheeks and neck become red. “Okay.”He nodded,taking the can of pepsi and stealing a sip of the soda.You heard what sounded like either a head or an elbow hit your door repeatedly,along with a “FBI OPEN THE FUCK UP!”.
Rafe opened the door for you,figuring you were probably too weak to get up at the moment.Kelce almost dropped the ice cream,putting it in front of you. “For the princess.”He placed the two happy meal boxes in front of you,Topper putting paper grease stained bags down in the center of the table.Rafe sat next to you,a small smirk on his face,his hand on your knee as he grabbed a burger from a large bag with the other,squeezing your leg lightly before letting go,eating as he normally would.
Topper kept glancing between the two of you,noticing that something was different.His eyes widened,noticing a tiny mark on your neck,putting two and two together.When he noticed Rafe finishing his first burger he put a smile on his face,hands on the table. “Rafe,could I talk to you for a minute?”He asked.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 4 years
Hybrid AU : Full House (of troubles) KNJ+MYG
Summary :  You who studied abroad moved back to Seoul after you graduate. You didn’t know what’s going on with your house until you arrive.That was when 2 men opened the door and stared at you confused.You were angry when they told you that your brother sold this house without your permission.You made a deal and undured living under the same roof.Soon you came across all of their secrets.
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Author POV.
The people are busy walking around all over the place.These days lots of students interested in study abroad and Y/N is one of them.You dreamed about it since you were young and now her dream come true at last.
Walking along the ailse,you are looking for the suitcase section.After 4 years,you finally graduate and come back to your beloved homeland.When you pick up everything,you call a cab.Wanting to surprise your brother,you decided not to call him for picking you up.
“Go to xxxx please.” You tell the address of your house.The cab then depart from the front gate of the airport.
You notice there are a lot of changes while you are gone.The skyscapers spread though area from here to there,new malls,some part of town get the renovation and many other things change.
“What’s the schedule for tomorrow?” You mumble with yourself while checking on your phone.You remember tomorrow you’ll enter your parents company for like first time after 5 years.
The cab park infront of your house.You thank him before get off the car and get your luggage from the back.When you reach the door,you press the door bell. Waiting surprise your brother.
“Surpri- who are you?” The door open and reveal 2 men.
“That should be us asking.Who are you?” The pale guy turns the question back toward you while the other tall one behind him stands there and blink.
“No you guys answer me.Who are you and Why are you guys are in my house?”
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(A/N : thanks to @kookscrescent​ because of this gif,I decide to write whole story so thank you.Let’s continue.)
“Your house?Uhhh miss,this house we bought it for 3 years now.” Now the tall one speak.
“What?But this is my house and I didn’t sell to anyone.How is that suppose to be happened?”
“Well if you want an answer ask the ‘Jin’ guy instead of tresspassing our house.”
“Jin sold this house to you?” Both of them nod.
Now I’m fuming,you must talk to him why on earth he sold your house without your permission.Trying to call that guy,the car arrive infront of the house.When he get out of the car,you run and grab his collar.Making th other 2 inside the house shock.
“How dare you surprise me with this?” Then you point toward the house.
“You’re here and sorry hehehe.”
“Tell me before I charge into your face,why did you sell my house?!”
“Better to talk about it at home.”
“But this is my house!”
“Please,get in the car first and we need to head home before father get angry. This is serious please.”
You sigh and get in the car like he says.This is a family matter again I guess. After that Jin goes to the door and apologize to the guys before come back and drive the car to the ‘main’ house.
“So tell me my lovely oppa,why did you sell the house?”
“It’s not me,I swear.It’s farther who sell the house.” You turn your face to him and stare.Although he didn’t face you now due to the driving,guilt is written all over his face.You sigh and turn back.
“What’s with the old man this time,try to force me go back to him?”
“I don’t really know.During this 3 years,I romed around for work and all.I didn’t get to know he sold the house until I came back from Australia.I knew this before you for a month.”
We arrive the place,my used to be home sweet home.We enter the house and some of the guards,housemaids and butlers greet me.I smile in return.Not gonna lie but I miss them.They were the ones who kept company and helped me all the time when I still lived here.
“Oh well,look like someone finally accept the truth.”
“And someone still interfer the others’ business.How’re you,still being a gold digger?”
Curious right? That’s my aunt or should I say my father’s wife.My father remarried for third time and I didn’t expect to be her.My house seems to be complicate but,I didn’t care anyway.
“Noona....” The boy runs down the stairs and hugs my waist.I pick him up and kiss him on the forehead.
“Hi,how was my boy doing?”
“Miss you so much.” I chuckle.
“Come back here Taehyung,you aren’t suppose to talk with her.”
“But she’s my noona.”
“She isn’t your sister,come back here before I get rid of your money in your credit.” He only pout and sigh before bid me a little good bye.
“Don’t worry,I’ll transfer to you.Give your account later.” I whisper and he smiles.
“Dinner is ready.”
One of the maid walks in and informs us.I nod and my brother walk inside the dinnning rooom.I walk after him with Taehyung and his mother.Soon the old man arrive and take his seat.
“How was your day mr.Kim?” His wife asks while stare at me.What’s with her?
He then turns toward me and start speaking.
“You’re finally here.”
“Better to explain to me why you sold my house,old man.”
“Well that’s my money,I do what I want.If I want to get rid of it,I do it.”
“As far a I know,the house belong to my mother.She bought it for.If you have permission from my mother which is lying in the grave,then I have no problem.”
“Why do he need to as-”
“Don’t interfer this,shut it and eat your meal.” I turn toward my aunt and glare before continue.
“I want you to be back here.”
“What’s for?Don’t tell me you miss me and feel guilty for what you’ve done with mom.That’s not you,old man.Tell me,what’s the point of me being here after all those years that you didn’t want to see my face.”
“Still straight foward,just like your mother.”
“Tell me now!” I start to get angry.The atmosphere tense along with my mood change.
“You’ll be married.”
“Are you deaf,you’ll be married t-”
“No,I’m not deaf.Second if this your problem,solve it yourself.Not using me to whore around to get money.I’m leaving.”
“Where’re you going?” This time Jin ask me with worry.
“I have my place.Get rid house doesn’t mean I’m homeless and needs to run back here.”
Time Skip : Namjoon POV.
I’m sitting in the living room with Yoongi hyung.After the incident this morning,i still thinking about that girl.What’s going on with her?I felt worry toward the girl but, why?
“Hyung can we change the chanel,it starts to be boring.”
“Bring the movie,I think I probably gonna sleep if I watch it further.”
I get up from the couch and go to the shelf.Finding a movie,I ask him and he only tell me pick one.Scrambling along the shelf and find the DVD,the door bell ring.
“I’ll get.” Ihand him the DVD and walk toward the front door.When I open,I stand there with wide eyes.
“Yeah can I uhh come in?” The girl asks.Her body shivers from the cold outside. Without thinking,I open the door widely and accept stranger into the house.
“Who is it Na- What is she doing here?”
“Hyung calm down.”
“No! I’m not gonna calm down when you accept the stranger into our house.”
“But h..hyung w-”
“Please let me stay.” Finally the girl speaks.Yoongi hyung shut his mouth and look at her instead of me.He squint his eyes and start growling.
“I need your help.Let me stay here at least,like as a rent.I need to live here.I have nowhere to go right now.”
Poor girl is pleading.I look at hyung then her switch back and forth.Hyung still growl but lower his voice now.I only gesture her to take a seat and start talking with her.
“Hyung please,let her stay.”
“Namjoon,I know you are kind heart to everything and eryone but this is another level.This is problem.How we suppose to let her live,don’t you remember our secret?”
“I know but,she also has a problem and she seems like an innocent who has a fight with her parents.Another point is this house belongs to her. According to the law,she can kick us out since she didn’t agree to sell this house.It’s the other who has no right yet look at her,begging 2 strangers to live inside her house,isn’t it a bit cruel?”
Hyung doen’t reply.He seems to think through what I’ve just said.The girl also listen to us the whole time but she faces the floor.Her luggage is beside her.No matter what,she still has the right in this house.
“Okay dude,fine.I’ll let her in.”
Day 1 : Author POV.
The first day for 3 of them are akward.Sitting in the dinning room,eating the breakfast with no one talk to each other.You try your best to talk but only Namjoon would aswer you.
“You need me to buy something back in here.I’ll go to the mall after my work.”
“That would be great,I think the list is on the fridge.Anything else from that depend on you.” He then turns to Yoongi.
“Hyung want something?”
“No,I’m good.”
You nod and take the list from the fridge afterward.Bid them a goodbye and leave the house to your work.
The whispers are everywhere when you enter the company.Some of them smiles while the others don’t.You greet the one who greet me,that’s all.When you arrive my office,you see Jin sitting in the room.
“How was them so far?”
“Not good and not bad,surprise I think.”
“Perhaps it’s because I tell them,you’re my sister.”
“You don’t need to tell them that.This gonna be akward day ugh.”
Jin only laugh at you and you stare with your dead cold eyes.He raises his hands up in defeat and leaving.telling you someone will arrive and give you a tour.
Day 3 
Everything is in its place so far.You didn’t get any disturbance from your father. You live with these 2 men without problem and Yoongi start to talk a bit.Tiny bit like ‘Hi’ , ‘Good’ and any other short phrases.Well it has to start somewhere,isn’t it.
“Hello boys,I’m ho- huh?”
You see only Yoongi is on the couch,sleeping.However,that wasn’t the thing that makese you surprise.It’s because of the fluffy ears on his head that lay flat on his umber brown hairs.The second you notice his ears,you also come across his tail that swing gently at the end of the couch.
“That looks fluffy.” You don’t know got into you.You reach your hand and gently scratch his ears and hairs.He awakes immediatly and hiss.In the blink of an eye, blood oozing out from your hand.
“Hyung I think Y/N i- is back...”
You clutch your hand and startle.Namjoon quickly find the fisrt aid kit and treat your wound.Yoongi still hiss.His claw has a stain of blood on it. 
“You’re a panther..hybrid?” Y/N quietly ask.Still scare of Yoongi who is now widely awake.
“Well yeah basically both o-”
“You too?” Namjoon only nod and look down.Taking of his beanie.His ears reveal,2 fluffy white ears.Snow tiger?
“I know you won’t like hybrids like others but please we need home.”
“I didn’t say anything,did I?”
Namjoon eyes sparkle with hope.You didn’t mind the fact they were hybrid all along.You just confuse how they can buy this house and live among people. Even though the society accept the hydrid and have the law protect them,a lot of people aren’t please with the idea.
“I surprise,yes.I hate you,no.Now tell me,how can you guys be able to find this house and bought it?”
Week pass
It’s been a week now that you live under the same roof as them.You guys share a lot of things.After you found out about them,you shared what happen to you to be fair.
“Boss this is the file for today’s meeting.”
“Thank you and just call me miss.I don’t really feel comfortable with that word.”
Your secretary nod and left.Working here for a week,changes make you surprise.All of them now more friendly toward you and get along really well.They thought I might be like my aunt which is understandable.Everytime she enters my section,she tries to boss around everyone.I always need to remind her who is the boss here.In fact,I tell all of my employee to not let her in my section without permission.
“The sales of our company by far is good.However,I want to change some product since it’s out of season.”
“Well sir,I think we should redesign the package and change the promotion as well.It might attract people more.”
“But we need to make it new and as quick as possible.A lot of company try to copy us from the observation for 2 years now.”
“So why don’t we let ms.Y/N handle with this.Isn’t she the best in this marketing idea?” Now my aunt speaks while glare at you.
“Okay if you want me to handle this project with my team,I will.Anything else sir?”
You accept the challenge and now turning to your father.Jin didn’t like the idea but,respect your decision.Taehyung sit there and watch,he clutch his mother arm since longtime ago.As a sign to not say anything or picking me up.
Yoongi POV.
I’m doing my music inside the studio.I’ve been doing this since the day before yesterday so basically I didn’t sleep for 2 days straight.I here the sound of the door open and someone enter.I think it must be Y/N.
“Hmmm smell weird here,where’s the smell from?”
I pause my work and get out of the room.Namjoon must smelll it too since he also walks down the stairs.We look at each other before enter the living room together.
“Hyung why are you so stress?”
“No I swear,it’s not me this time.”
“Y/N?” We look at each other.
We walk along the corridor and follow the smell.We arrive at the door which is wide open.Did this house has a wine cellar?For all those years I live here? No, this isn’t the time to think about the wine.Namjoon enter first and I follow in. Seeing Y/N sip the wine continuously make me worry a little.
“It must be her.” Namjoon whisper and I nod.
“Oh gents here you are.Take a..*hiccup*....seat,enjoooy.”
“She’s drunk.”
“I think we ahh!”
Namjoon exclaim all of sudden,the poor boy get drag by Y/N to sit on the couch. I sit to the right of her and take a sip as well.Who’s gonna say no to fre wine, right?
She’s blabbering her day out like an idiot.None of us speak.Nodding as a sign of understanding,she continue.Namjoon then reach his limit in no time.I’m now a bit light head.
“You guys are hot,you know that?”
“Same to you baby girl.” Namjoon say with his flirt voice.
“Want to rpove it huh?” I spit,she nods.
I smirk.This girl ask for it.I start kissing her collar.Sucking on that smooth skin while my tails clutch around her waist.Namjoon seems to start his own move. Licking her cheeck,before kissing it.
“Here or bed?”
I pick her up and carry her to our room,mine and Namjoon.Putting her onto the matress,we continue where we left.Me and Namjoon take our shirt off and continue to kiss her.We are into it so much that didn’t realize she already sleep.
“Seems like we should stop here hyung.Our princess is tired.”
“Very well.”
I woke up because of my head.It’s pounding like crazy.Why it’s so hot in here,I swear I open the aircon too the point it couldn’t get any cooler.Wait,tails?How on earth the tails strangle around my waist.I still move my hand along it until I hear the growl voice.
“Holy shit!” I spring myself up and rest against the bedframe.
“Why so loud?”
“What’s going on?”
I’m fully awake.Looking the surrounding,I notice lots of things.First this isn’t my room.Second,why I’m on their bed? Third,Why they only wear pants?
“Oh you wake up.” Namjoon speak.
“5 minutes.” Yoongi reply.
“Guys,get off.”
Now we’re all in the dining room.Sitting under the silence,the air seems to tense more than usual.
“I..uh...we are sorry.” Namjoon mumble.
“We shouldn’t take advantage of you.” Yoongi continue.
“No,It’s my fault.I shouldn’t let my gaurd down in the first place.Anyway,can any of you explains these?”
You lower your shirt to show your collor bone.Covering with pinkish+purple and red everywhere.Namjoon point toward Yoongi while Yoongi lift his eyebrow. Then he start speaking.
“I thought you like it last night.”
“Yoongi...what should I do with you?”
“Ooohhh our princess gonna punish us because we gave her hickeys last night?”
“Not you too,Namjoon.”
“Not a bad idea.”
They smirk and look at each other before turn back to me.They suddenly throw themselves onto me and I start pushing them.It all turn into pillow fight.Giggles and chuckles can be heard everywhere.All of sudden the door bell ring.
 “I’ll get it.” Yoongi disappear from the room and walk to the front door.The silence appear for awhile before run back with the boy he carry on his shoulder.
“Hyung what’s that?”
“Taehyung?No no,you are going to be ok.Dont’ die,guys we’ll go to the hospital.”
We get Taehyung to the hospital.I didn’t know what happen but,worry about him to death.Namjoon and Yoongi try their best to comfort me.When the doctor come out,he inform me he has a fever and somes injuries.He can leave after wake up and a few check.
“She did it to you again,didn’t she?” I mumble while caress his hand.He’s a good boy and always happy.
I remember since young,he never get to live his life like the others.Me and Jin needed to be there for him all the time.His mother force him to be perfect in every way since she afraid I’m gonna take my father company.
“Tae you awake?” I hug him.Namjoon insist to call the doctor for him.Yoongi prepare a glass of water for him to drink.
When everything is alright.All of us come back home.Taehyung beg me to live here for awhile.The boys don’t have any problem with it.I prepare the guest  room for him and call Jin about this.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t pick up your phone.”
“It’s fine hyung.I have noona now.”
He tell me and Jin everything.How he struggle to persue his dream,study film, and work a part time job for it.He with his friend,Jungkook,work at the cafe.When that lady find out,she force him to quit the job and send someone to ‘warn’ Jungkook.He was with Jungkook and tried to help but end up like this.
“From now I’ll be your guardian and I’ll help you with what you want.”
“I’ll help you fee until your graduate Tae,don’t worry.”
“Hyung..noona...” He cries and hugs us tight.Yoongi with Namjoon prepare the dinner.All of us have a nice meal afterward with delightful atmosphere.
Months later : Author POV.
They all live happily.Taehyung study hard,Jin come to visit us every weekend and me is living with the boys very well.You aren’t gonna believe that 3 of us date each other right now.They claim to me that you were their ‘mate’.Tae and Jin seems to be happy with me.
Jin also come by one day and invite all of us to his mother’s party,well my father’s first wife.She is kind like always and enjoy the hybrids’ company.At first it’s a bit akward but,they get comfortable around her at last.Yoongi in that day talk the most with Jin’s mother.Jin even claim his mother has just got a new son.
“Y/N someone is at the door?”
“I’m busy,can someone check who’s there?”
“Me and Joon hyung will get it.” Tae and Joon then go to the door.Jonn look outside and sense something wrong.When Tae twist the nob,Joon grab his hand immediately.
“Everyone come here.I think something’s fishy.”
Yoongi come out of his studio while Y/N walk up to them.When they gather around and Y/N check the door,her eyes widen.
“Tae,you need to hide right now.Your mother send some men to get you.”
“But noona...”
“Call Jin and tell him.We’ll handle this,go.”
Yoongi open the door.Namjoon and you step out as well.Talking to the guard whether they have anything to do with you guys.When they try to break in,Yoongi start to growl out.They get the guns out.Namjoon charge at them and start fighting.It’s a mess.However,those two manage to beat them down.
That night 5 of them gather in the house and start planning what’s to do. Taehyung wouldn’t be safe anymore as well as them.Jin prepare a pent house for Tae.Asking his mother to let her men take care of it.You,Jin and the boys now continue to discuss what can they do further than guar Taehyung.
“I’ll need to do some documents for yu guys.I think she’ll find the way to get you guys.”
“I’ll let Hoseok deal with the documents.” Jin reply.
“I don’t know if it’s allow here but..”
“Me and Namjoon is thinking that maybe you should become Tae’s guardian like officially his guardian by law.” Yoongi continue what’s Namjon pause.
“I don’t know if I can.However,I do know who can.” Y/N look at Jin and he nods as a sign of understanding the situation.
Weeks has passed.You guys leave the house temporary and live with Taehyung at the pent house.Taehyung become Jin adopt brother under the name of his mom.You are the second guardian along with Jin,the third.Everything seems to fall in place until...
“Hyung!Noona!” The boy run toward you house.Knocking the door like crazy. Yoongi open up and feel unfamiliar with the face.He growl at the poor boy who is sweating like waterfall.
“I need you guys.He..he is missing.”
“Who’s there love?” You ask before reaching the door with Namjoon.When you see the boy,you immediately recognize him.
“Jungkook,what happened?”
“Noona! Taehyung...hyung got caught.” He show message that he got after found things out.
“Get in the cars everyone.We’ll track Taehyung down and get him back.”
“Jin hyung..how about him?”
“Kook tell him and let him deal with the police.Yoongi,be fast.I won’t stop you this time.Namjoon I trust your sense.” You talk with the others.Kook call Jin. Namjoon’s tracking down while Yoongi drive the car to the full speed.
“What happened next with appa?” The little boy ask Y/N.She smiles and continue the story.
“Well let says that it’s a mess.Your appa is strong though.He fight for what he wants.Me and your uncles can save him that day.That lady end up in jail and we live peacefully until now.”
“And appa meet eomma and married.Then they have us.”
“Yes,minhyun.Alright kids,time for me to go.”
“Will you come to meet me and mina again?”
“Of course,I’ll bring my trio as well next time.” They cheer up and bid you a good bye.You take your leave.Taehyung come inside the room,hug you before you go. His wife then bid you a good bye as well.
Arriving your house,you enter.The boys run to you and hug you.Their tails swinging with joy.The fathers soon comes out and kiss you as a greeting. Welcome you back after take care the twin for Taehyung.
“Mama will we get to see them next time?”
“Yes dear,you’ll.We’ll have a picnic.”
“Yeah I love picnis.I’ll get a beautiful dress.” You grab your daughter up.
“You’ll always be beautiful princess.” Yoongi kiss her cheek and she giggles.
“Appa up.” The twin now try to clime Namjoon.He then picks up the boys.
“Who’s ready for a movie time.” I speak and they cheer.Their fathers just giggle. Let they leave us and prepare thier own snack.
“Be careful Soobin,Yeonjun and take care Eunbi as well.” They replay afterward and go into the kitchen.
“We miss you.” This time Namjoon come forward and hug.Yoongi join him and kiss me at his mark,the collarbone.
“Let get in,the kids are waiting.”
“They won’t notice trust me.Beside we’ll get to enjoy our night afterward.Jin hyung gonna pick them up to his mother again.” Yoongi speak.
“And we gonna have our quality time with our princess.” Namjoon start kissing but interupt by the sound of arguing from the living room.
“Seems like they’re in trouble again.” Yoongi walk in and Namjoon follow.You admire them for awhile.Yoongi deal with his princess,Eunbi,while namjoons deal with his boys.
“Full house of troubles.” You enter the scene.
Hi guys,finally I write something again.The last one seemed lik no one enjoy.A little sad but nevermind.Okay first,thanks to @kookscrescent​ for an inspiration of Namgi fanfic.I hope you guys like this oneshot.See you next times,thanks for reading.
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missmarquin · 5 years
To Bell a Cat
I decided to make a proper post for this, ahahah. Otayuri Short story, based on the following prompt floating around tumblr:  'Story idea: The most wanted woman in town has announced that she’ll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat’s neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail, the cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them.You are the first one to figure out the obvious: Do not chase the cat. The cat is befriendable. Get the cat to trust you, to genuinely enjoy your company, and you can hang out with the cat. You may eventually be allowed to touch the cat. The cat will freely let you take the key.
Secondary plot twist: The woman is a shapeshifter. She is the cat.'
The acidic tone that the word dripped with was almost impressive. Otabek paused in his step, looking towards the porch of the house, where a very angry-looking man stood. Yuri Plisetsky was a tall and wispy thing, all legs and little else, aside from hair that shone like spun gold. It was braided simply and hung over his shoulder.
Two women stood before him, stars in their eyes. They sighed at the sight of him, hands clasped demurely. Except that they were anything but, Otabek supposed. The women of this village could be pushy; Otabek knew that better than any-- he’d been on the receiving end of it more times than he could count.
“Oh but Mr. Plisetsky,” the girl closest to him crooned. She was cute enough, with brown hair that sparkled with slips of red beneath the afternoon sun. She adjusted her arms, pushing up her chest, trying to show herself off in just the right way.
“I said leave,” he snapped, nothing bother to hide his disdain as he waved towards her breasts. “And take those with you.”
The girl frowned. “But--” The glare that the man shot her shut her up quick, and her friend burst into a howling laughter, moving to tug her away.
Yuri watched as they left his yard, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl set deep across his features. And then he noticed Otabek standing there, watching, bag of sand still slung over his shoulder. “What the fuck are you looking at?” Yuri snarled.
Otabek raised a brow. Despite everyone in the village knowing of the man, Otabek didn’t talk to him much. He was the kind of man to admire from afar and keep quiet. Yuri kept to himself for the most part too; the people that sought him out were those like the girls-- distracted by his fine looks and intentions to bed him.
“You’re quite crass, aren’t you?” Otabek finally asked.
“What’s it to you?” Yuri asked right back, raising his chin in defiance.
That was a better look for him, Otabek decided, not the ugly snarl he had worn earlier. “Nothing,” he replied easily.
“They have no fucking boundaries,” Yuri snapped. “No means nothing to them.”
“Perhaps if you spoke to them, like you did me, they’d leave you alone,” Otabek replied. “What woman likes a man with such a nasty mouth?”
Yuri blinked slowly at that, like he had never quite considered such a thing. And then, “Tch. Don’t you have somewhere to be?” His words were clipped, but the anger behind them had disappeared, leaving behind bitter annoyance. “Off smacking a hammer against some metal, or something?”
“Smacking a hammer,” Otabek repeated dryly. “There’s a little more to it than that.” Blacksmithing was a little more than complicated.
“I doubt that,” Yuri sneered. “You’re no better you know. Guys like you are all muscle and no brain. The little witches would be better off following you around instead.”
At that, Otabek smiled wryly. “Not so much. They really aren’t my type.”
“Aren’t your type--” Yuri started, but Otabek cut him off.
“Too young,” Otabek clarfied. Truth be told, Otabek’s type were tall and leggy blondes, usually with a smart mouth.  He wasn’t picky in regards to sex, but Yuri was by far the most interesting person in the village. Not that he’d ever tell him that.
Not that he’d even entertain it.
Yuri’s mouth twisted into a smirk at that, apparently agreeing. “Yeah, fucking children, if I didn’t know any better.” Then he remembered that he was angry at Otabek, and motioned him away. “Now scram.”
Otabek left him with nothing more than a little wave.
Otabek walked by Yuri’s home every day on the way to the smith. Most days were similar-- Yuri yelling angrily after a multitude of admirers, trying to scare them off. It seemed to have the opposite effect.
Otabek got it, really he did. Yuri was beautiful, with fae-like thin and narrow features. Tall, with wide shoulders, but narrow at the waist. His hair practically glittered in the sunlight that it captured, and it didn’t help that Yuri was the vainest person that anyone knew. His grocery list at the apothecary for his cleaning routine was the stuff of gossip.
The more that he fought against them, the more they came. Strength in numbers, Otabek supposed. The larger the group, the more bold they were, which only added to the man’s aggravation.
That morning was different. Otabek saw a large group of women giggling about, while Yuri slumped around his yard. The one closest to him had pulled her neckline so low, it was amazing that she stayed within the confines of her dress.
“You know what? I’m fucking sick of this,” Yuri finally spat, slamming his rake down into the dirt. “One of you wants to marry me? Okay. We’ll play a little game.”
Otabek paused in his step, dropping his sack of sand to the ground to listen. Interesting.
“My cat,” he began simply, and Otabek cringed. Potya was a terror amongst the local folk, snapping at any wayward fingers that tried to pet her. She was a nasty creature, with a nasty temper, and it made sense that a man with an equally foul disposition would find a friend in her. “She holds the key to my heart, as well as the key to my home. I’ll tie it around her neck. To whom ever manages to capture her and take the key, you can let yourself in. And then I’ll marry you, or whatever.”
“Your cat?” a woman screeched, a tall one with flaming red hair. “How hard could that possibly be?”
At that Yuri smirked, the grin spread wide across his face, dangerous looking. “Make no mistake in thinking this little game will be easy. As such, I offer you one piece of advice-- Potya and I, are one and the same.”
The woman snorted at that. “How on earth is that advice?”
“To woo me, you have to woo her. She is the keeper of everything that I have.” Yuri shrugged at that. “In the meantime, I will be left alone.”
Yuri didn’t seem the type to make such a bet, so part of Otabek was intrigued. When the crowd finally dispersed, he remained, watching the man quietly as he raked leaves.
“I’m surprised that they didn’t make you promise,” Otabek finally said.
Yuri looked up and scoffed. “You again. You know, you’ve never bothered me before, but you’re starting to.”
“Doesn’t change my observation.”
Yuri paused, leaning on his rake. “I’m a lot of things, Ironworker, but I always keep my word.”
“Then why make such a wager?”
At that, Yuri smirked, a rare and subtle thing and said, “Because there’s no way for them to actually win.”
It was in the coming days, that Otabek realized he usually saw the cat, more than Yuri himself.
He had ever really paid attention to the man before, but with the wager and the entire village on high alert, it was suddenly noticeable. The most eligible bachelor around had promised his hand, and despite the absurdity of the game, the village was eating it up like bait. There wasn’t a morning that he walked by Yuri’s home, that there wasn’t a person looking for Potya.
And it wasn’t like Otabek sought the place out, it just happened to be on the way to the Smithy.
But he couldn’t deny how entertaining it was, watching person after person stalk after the cat.
Especially Mila, the red-headed woman, hiking up her skirt as she trudged around in Yuri’s yard, trying to avoid the mud. She wasn’t very successful.
On the way back to his home for lunch, Otabek watched as Potya slipped from her fingertips, causing her to scream in frustration. It was something he didn’t quite understand-- the innate need to settle down with someone. It wasn’t that Otabek wasn’t interested, it just wasn’t something that was important.
Sure, the women of the village were cute and all, but they weren’t needed. He got along fine on his own. It was hassle free and no-drama, and the only person he had to take care of was himself.
And sure, people talked, but he didn't really care about it. It was the same shit that they said about Yuri. Oh, what a shame, someone so handsome with no one to look after him. Oh, what a waste of a man.
Otabek snorted at that. The only waste around here, was the time spent chasing around a cat that they would never catch, all because they felt the need to have something more.
One month into the wager, he spotted Potya walking along the stone hedge that surrounded Yuri’s property. Otabek paused and she was poised to dart away, but Otabek made no move. And so, she didn’t either.
He stared at her. She was a fluffy thing, soft ivory fur with a gray face. Cute, really, if you liked cats. Otabek wasn’t particularly fond of them, but he’d never really given them a chance, he supposed. He didn’t have time to look after a creature, with all the times he set about work.
“You take care of yourself mostly, don’t you?” he asked the cat. It wasn’t like she understood him, but the tone and kindness were there. “Yuri just kind of let’s you do your own thing.” Potya blinked, her tail swishing slightly behind her. She was still poised to move as soon as he did, but he made no move to go closer.
“Lucky guy, I guess,” Otabek continued. “Keep it up. The running away thing, I guess. He’s depending on you.”
Potya cocked her head to the side, and if Otabek didn’t know any better, it seemed like she understood.
Two months in and Yuri was still winning. Otabek was honestly surprised that the townsfolk hadn’t given up yet, but then again… Yuri was that handsome, he supposed. At least they’d left himself alone. Otabek finally had room to breathe.
Potya was as slippery as ever, but when Otabek would walk to and from work, she’d taken to walking alongside the stone beside him. She probably liked him because he didn’t try. He didn’t really want to.
That day though, Potya wasn’t to be found, and instead Yuri was in the front lawn raking leaves. Except this time he was shirtless. Otabek swallowed thickly, watching the muscles of his arms flex as he raked. He was thin, but lean, and suddenly he saw the appeal that drove the women flocking to him.
“Hey, you,” Yuri called out as Otabek walked by, pausing in his work to lean on the rake. Otabek turned to him, unable to hide the surprise that floated across his face. “So uh, I saw you,” he said, “with uh--- with Potya.”
“She’s a good cat,” Otabek said simply.
“You have no intention of chasing after her?”
Otabek blinked at that. “Er-- should I?”
“No!” Yuri said immediately. Otabek frowned slightly, a worried expression tugging at his face, prompting the other man to continue. “I was just curious, I guess. Surprised.”
“Why does that surprise you?”
“Well I mean, it seems like everyone wants me.”
At that, Otabek raised an eyebrow. “Who says I don’t want you?” Yuri’s mouth dropped open in surprised, causing Otabek to laugh. “I’m joking,” he cut in, and Yuri snapped his mouth shut. “You really are that vain, aren’t you?”
Yuri scoffed. “Of course I am. I mean, have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Otabek replied. “But I only see a man that wants to be left alone.”
At that, Yuri’s face fell the slightest bit. “No one gets me,” he said back. “It’s not that I want to be alone, but rather people don’t try to get to know me. To them, I’m only a handsome face. Perhaps what I want is a friend.”
Otabek hummed at that. “Perhaps you should reassess your treatment of others then.”
“God, you’re a fucking asshole, aren’t you?”
“Pot meet kettle,” Otabek said, shrugging.
“Anyway,” Yuri continued, “Potya likes you. So there’s that.”
“And I like Potya. She’s quiet.”
Yuri shifted his stance slightly, his head cocking to the side. “And what about me?” He seemed genuinely curious, so Otabek responded in kind.
“I’m still trying to figure that one out.”
The first time Otabek offered Potya a piece of chicken, she sniffed it, made a hacking sound and then scampered off. Otabek might have been offended if he hadn’t remembered that she was a cat. Sure, cats could seem picky, but they were still animals. It had probably just smelled weird to her.
The second time he offered her food, she sniffed it again, seeming to actually consider taking it. She didn’t, leaving Otabek behind to stand awkwardly at the edge of Yuri’s home. He left before the man could come out and shoo him away.
The third time, he brought her his mother’s cooking. He ate with her once a week and she sent leftovers home every time. And so, he held out a small piece of manti to her, and she warily sniffed it.
“I don’t know if it’s okay to feed lamb to a cat but… well, I mean, it’s tasty… so…”
Potya blinked at his words, her tail swishing back and forth. And then she leaned forward to take a bite. She must have liked it, because she came back to finish the piece, moving to lick the remaining bits off of Otabek’s fingers.
“Well, that’s that, I suppose,” he said with a gentle smile.
Potya didn’t stick around after that, but it didn’t stop Otabek from bringing her a bite every time he visited his mother.
Eventually, Yuri noticed.
“Hey, you.” Yuri was waiting for him it seemed, leaning against the stone fence where Potya usually did. “All that food you’re giving her is going to make her fat,” he said, but it lacked the anger that was typical of Yuri. Instead, a sly smile crossed his face in amusement.
Otabek was surprised. Otabek liked this side of Yuri. This was also the closest he’d ever been to the man, and he was struck by how tall Yuri was in comparison to himself.
“My name’s Otabek,” he said, realizing that he’d never properly introduced himself. “And she doesn’t have to take it.” Otabek then paused. “How did you even know?”
“I have eyes, dumbass. As well as a window.” Yuri gestured halfheartedly to his home.
“You’re just jealous that she’s my friend,” Otabek said.
Yuri hummed at that, brushing some of his hair behind his ear. “Or maybe I’m just jealous someone brings her food.”
“People bring you food all the time.” Otabek had seen it.
“Yeah, but not from you.” Otabek blinked at that, and Yuri froze, like he hadn’t really meant to say that. “Uh, what I mean to say is--”
“If you want some of my mother’s cooking Yuri, just ask.”
“For all I know, Potya has bad taste,” Yuri snapped right back, his typical tone finding its home.
“Potya is a cat.”
Yuri’s eyes narrowed into slits. “There’s more to a cat than people think, you know.”
“Just like there’s more to you, than people think,” Otabek replied. Yuri froze again, his cheeks tinting a slight shade of pink as he considered Otabek’s words. “In any case,” Otabek continued, moving to pull an oilcloth from his pack. He held it out to Yuri, who eyed it warily in return. “Here, you can have it. Share it with Potya.”
Yuri hesitated for a moment, before taking it. They brushed hands, and Otabek was surprised by how calloused the other man’s were. All the yardwork, he realized. Yuri was a florist, he remembered, and all the pruning and shearing required had taken its toll.
Otabek’s were worse, of course.
They parted without a proper goodbye, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, Otabek quite liked the warmth that filled his chest.
And the next time that he saw Potya, he held his hand out to scratch behind her ear.
She accepted without hesitation.
Potya found him, after that.
Otabek was usually the one to seek her out, but now she always seemed to be waiting for him. Silly, that he considered that a cat might be his best friend, but Yuri thought the same, so maybe it wasn’t such a wild concept.
One day, she strolled into the Smithy, jumping onto a work table, shaking out her legs. His boss turned around, surprised to find her there, nearly dropping his work.
“Uh… isn’t that…” Takeshi started with, but then fumbled slightly when Potya stepped closer to the forge. A little too close, and Otabek reached out to pluck her up like it was nothing.
“Ah, Yuri’s cat Potya,” he said, cradling her against his chest. Potya didn’t struggle against the touch, leaning in for a pet. Takeshi’s eyes widened at the display, at how Otabek casually rubbed behind her ears.
“Does the uh… I mean, you’ve caught the cat?”
Otabek blinked, suddenly realizing what he meant. He set her down on a different table, one far from the active forge. “I mean, I wasn’t trying to,” Otabek replied, shifting in slight discomfort. It wasn’t untrue, but as of late, Yuri had been more and more on his mind.
Probably because Yuri had been chatting him up  every time they crossed paths. They had eased into a sort of friendship, and Otabek found himself looking forward to the words they usually shared on his walk home.
Takeshi hadn’t needed to catch the cat, because he was happily married, so he likely thought nothing of it. Until he’d seen Otabek casually holding the cat like it was normal. Finally, his boss seemed to find his words and said, “Well, I wouldn’t tell any of the women about it.”
The words were meant with humor, and Otabek chuckled, before moving to get back to work. Ironworker, Yuri used to call him, before he knew his name. It was hard and hot work, but it was good work. Otabek liked going home with the sore muscles of a long day; it made him feel like he’d accomplished something.
Before he’d come to this village, he’d worked as a weapons maker. His mother had wanted somewhere smaller though, than a capital city. And when Takeshi had seen his work first hand, he’d warned him that they rarely made such delicate work. Otabek might have traded in swords and armor for horseshoes and gate handles, but the work was still satisfying.
Potya watched him, her eyes slitted narrow in interest. Not for the first time, Otabek wondered about the cat. She seemed to more than she let on, her expressions quite human, for lack of a better description.
Perhaps that’s why he had taken to her. Or maybe all cats were like that, and he’d never bothered to find out.
Regardless, she stayed the entire night, watching him.
And the next night.
And every night after that.
The sparkle of her green eyes in the forgelight soothed him.
“Your mother is a fucking wizard, Otabek.”
Otabek grunted at that. “Don’t mention my mother in the same sentence as the word fuck,” he warned, moving to tighten a screw. He was at Yuri’s home to fix a broken gate… but the amount of damage done was clearly intentional. “How did this even happen?” Otabek asked.
Yuri let out an aggravated groan. “Mila.” Ah, the redhead. The village hadn’t forgotten the wager really, but most had just about given up, with the exception of her. “I refused the cake she brought me, so she took a hammer to my gate.”
Otabek paused, considering her work. “That was some hammer,” he replied.
“Yeah, a fucking twenty-pound sledgehammer. What kind of baker has one of those laying around?”
Otabek shrugged, but smirked. Perhaps Mila had more spunk than he would have thought. “You take the food that I give you,” he said.
“Yeah, because as I was saying-- your mother is fu--” Yuri paused. “Your mother is magic,” he amended.
“Well, she likes cooking extra food for you. She’s apparently bored.”
“Yeah I know. I ate lunch with her the other day.”
Otabek paused again, looking to the other man. Yuri was sitting atop the stone ledge his legs crossed. He was dressed plainly that day, tan pants and a white cotton shirt that hung off of his shoulder. Otabek’s gaze drifted down his neck and to the collarbone that peeked out, and swallowed.
Yeah, it was becoming undeniable by this point, his blossoming affection for the man.
“You ate with my mother?” he asked, trying to distract himself.
“You said she was lonely the other day, so I paid her a visit. She wasn’t surprised though.” Yuri gave Otabek a pointed look. “Apparently, you say nice things about me.”
Otabek grunted at that. “Am I supposed to say mean things about you? We’re friends.”
“Friends,” Yuri repeated, his expression a little bit tight.
Otabek wondered what he had done to offend the man. “Isn’t that what you wanted? A friend?”
But Yuri waved the thought away. “No more distractions,” he said. “Fix the gate faster-- it’s hot out here.”
“You don’t have to stay,” Otabek said, raising his wrench once more.
“Then who would entertain your sorry ass, hmm? Potya?”
“Potya does just fine.”
Yuri huffed at that, but said nothing more, crossing his arms over his chest in mock offense. Otabek looked at him with a gentle smile, and Yuri met the gaze with one of his own.
Otabek faltered slightly, slicing his hand along a sharp edge of metal. He hissed slightly, yanking away, but Yuri had already moved. He grabbed at his hand, pulling it to his mouth, licking at the cut and--
Yuri paused, dropping Otabek’s hand immediately. “I uh--”
Otabek’s heartbeat so fast, he was pretty sure it would fly out of his chest. “What, cat got your tongue?” he joked, trying to temper the hammering behind his ribs.
Yuri turned bright red, and then said, “I’m going to-- I have bandages inside.” He was gone before Otabek could protest.
Ridiculous, Otabek told himself. Shouldn’t he have found that gross? Wasn’t it? But instead all he could think about was the softness of Yuri’s tongue, the little kitten licks against his skin and-- Otabek groaned, pressing the heel of his hand against his forehead.
Undeniable, he reminded himself. It was unfair, how much he suddenly wanted this man.
When Yuri returned, he said nothing as he cleaned the cut properly and wrapped it. And when Otabek went back to work, he said nothing either.
When Otabek was finished, he stood upright, and Yuri gathered himself to his feet. “Look, uh about--”
“Just make sure Mila doesn’t take another sledgehammer to it,” Otabek cut in, changing the subject. “First fix is free, but if it happens again I’m charging you double.”
It was an ill attempt at a joke, but Yuri smiled nonetheless. “Yeah, got it. Thanks, Otabek.”
Otabek was already out the gate and walking away, throwing a small wave in return.
Otabek wasn’t one for nature, but sometimes he’d take a picnic out to the trees behind his home. It was quiet, it smelled nice and it was a good place to think.
He wasn’t remotely surprised to find Potya there, beside him. The moment that he’d set down the quilt and opened the oilcloth, she was already trying to get a sniff of the food.
“You only love me for my food,” he said in good nature. Potya looked at him with that slightly unnerving gaze of hers and Otabek sighed. He reached out to rub behind her ears, and she responded by climbing into his lap, purring deeply.
“You know, it’s stupid,” Otabek said to her. “When this whole thing started nearly a year ago, I thought it was silly. I never set out to be friends with you, it just happened.”
Potya blinked in response.
“And then there’s Yuri,” he said quietly. “Things are… well… I want to be better than everyone else. I don’t want him to think--” Otabek sighed heavily. “It’s changed, everything’s changed. I like him Potya, and I don’t want him to think that I’m just like them.” He paused again to rub at her scruff. “I’m talking to a fucking cat,” he finally deadpanned.
Yeah, this was officially a full-blown crisis, he’d decided. This was a crisis, He didn’t know what to do anymore and he’d resorted to asking for advice from a cat.
“It’s not like you can even answer,” he said, regarding her regretfully.
Potya blinked again, before turning over in his lap, legs up and purring. Otabek reached out, scratching along her belly, rubbing the soft skin there and-- He raised an eyebrow, dipping down to look closer.
“Potya… you’re a boy?”
The cat in reply purred softly under his hand, enjoying the attention. Otabek wracked his brain, thinking back-- no, Yuri had definitely referred to the cat as a her. But Potya clearly wasn’t. Not that Otabek really cared-- a cat was a cat at the end of all things.
When he asked Yuri about it a few days later, the man only smiled slyly in return and said, “People assume that she’s a girl because of her testy nature. No point in correcting them.”
“So Potya is a boy… and that’s why he’s testy?” Otabek didn’t pretend to know anything about cats.
“No, he’s testy because people assume everything about him. They refuse to listen, even when they’re spoken plainly to.”
Otabek mulled over his words. “Yuri, you aren’t making sense.”
“No, I always make sense,” the man replied. “You just aren’t listening. You really are just like them.”
There was something about his words that made Otabek pause, but when he moved to ask, Yuri was gone. Otabek’s mouth hung open in confusion because it’s not like the man could just disappear.
And then Potya appeared from around the gate, rubbing against Otabek’s legs before scampering off.
It was official, Otabek decided. He was going insane.
Otabek’s sister still lived in the capital, but she had managed to convince her husband to bring her on a long trip to visit. So, after three days straight on horseback, she’d settled quite comfortably against a seat in front of the fire.
Potya was there too. Potya always seemed to be there, though Yuri hadn’t been around. Otabek hadn’t seen a slip of the man since their last talk-- which Otabek was now seeing as a small argument. What it was about though, he had no idea.
Otabek thought he had figured the man out, but he had been clearly wrong.
The cat purred against his hand, reaching into it. Maya eyes the creature warily. “You going to explain where that thing came from?”
“Potya isn’t a thing.”
“So you just have a cat now?”
“No, it’s--” Otabek paused to sigh. “He belongs to a friend. Sometimes he lets himself in.”
Maya raised an eyebrow at that. “You have a friend?”
Otabek mirrored her expression. “That’s what you take away from this?”
“Beka, you don’t have friends. You’ve never had friends,” she said matter-of-factly.
“I’ve had--” he started, but stopped the moment he saw the look that Maya gave him. He grimaced slightly. “Okay, so maybe I’m not the most approachable person--” She snorted at that. “But I’m not mean.”
“Last I checked, being mean isn’t a requirement. You just don’t do people.” Otabek huffed at that and she smiled in triumph. “Anyway, tell me about this friend.” The way she said the word made it clear that she saw right through him.
“Maya, it’s not like that.”
“Beka, you can’t hide shit from me. We shared a womb.” It was what she always said, when she was trying to prove a point. The worst part was that she wasn’t wrong.
“Yuri is… Well he’s--”
“He?” she cut in, interested.
“Are you going to let me finish, or not?” he snapped. Maya motioned for him to do so, leaning back in the chair. “He’s unlike any other person I’ve ever met. At first he seems like this angry ball of bad attitude, and he’s got a mouth to match. But then… you get to know him, and he’s nothing actually like that. He’s more bite than bark and-- Ouch!”
Potya had nipped him on the hand, a first, and while he didn’t break skin it had still hurt. Otabek glared at the cat, who glared right back.
Maya raised her eyebrows. “I think Potya disagrees with you.”
“Potya doesn't know what he-- Potya!” The cat bit harder this time, before pulling away and slinking out of his lap. He moved to curl up in front of the fireplace, the blaze turning his fur an orange hue.
“Anyway,” Maya said, “Seems like you and Yuri are friends now.”
“But that’s not all you want,” she surmised.
Otabek snapped his mouth shut. “I don’t know what I want,” he confessed quietly. “But there’s-- it’s not just me,” he continued. “At least I don’t think it is. Yuri is hard to read.” Maya hummed at that. “Part of me wonders if it’s the wager.”
“Yuri is the most eligible bachelor around. Women have sought him out, since he moved here. He got tired of it and turned it into a game.”
“He said whoever could catch his cat and get his house key from around his neck, would have his hand.” He waved to Potya nonchalantly. “I didn’t really ever think about it. I didn’t go about trying to catch Potya, he just kind of happened. And because of that, Yuri and I happened.”
“And suddenly your thinking about-- well, you know.” She waved toward the cat.
“What do I do Maya? Being a friend isn’t enough anymore. I want--” Otabek sighed, pressing a fist against his forehead, letting out a frustrated grunt.
“Use your words,” Maya said kindly. It was something that their father used to tell him, when he became tongue-tied, unable to express what he felt. Which when he was a child, was more often than not. Even as an adult, he still wasn’t very articulate.
“I love him, Maya,” Otabek said quietly.
Maya hummed at that, and Potya picked up his head. It was a relief, Otabek realized, finally voicing the thought. Potya picked himself up from the rug and sauntered back over to Otabek, curling into his lap. Otabek slid his hand into the soft fur until his hand found the key wound around the cat’s neck, fingering it gently. Potya moved his head to press into his palm, licking at the skin there gently.
“I think he’s forgiven you,” Maya said with amusement.
“He’s a cat,” Otabek murmured. But he leaned over to press his forehead into the soft fur. Potya, despite all things, was a comfort to him now.
“Take the key,” Maya said finally.
Otabek snapped up. “What--”
“I mean, that’s the wager, right? Take the key and go tell him.”
“But what if Yuri doesn’t--”
“I mean, it’s not like you’d force him to marry you, Beka,” Maya said plainly.
Of course Otabek wouldn’t. It would be Yuri’s choice, because if he didn’t-- well, it meant nothing, if Yuri didn’t share those feelings. He fingered the key once more, and Potya shifted in his lap, belly up and looking at him plainly. Those green eyes, Otabek had always thought about those green eyes--
So much like Yuri’s, he suddenly realized, and his hand paused in the cat’s fur.
It couldn’t be.
“Besides, Mom likes him,” Maya continued. “She’s already given approval.”
But Otabek was barely listening, still regarding the cat. And Potya returned the gaze, far too knowing for a pet, his green eyes twinkling in the firelight.
But Potya waited expectantly, his chin tipped back.
Otabek slipped the key from around his neck.
There was quite a commotion in town, once Mila realized the key from around Potya’s neck had disappeared.
“It’s obvious,” she snapped angrily. Her bakery was only a stone’s throw from the Smithy, and Otabek watched here while he broke for lunch. She stomped angrily from the storehouse to the building proper. “Yuri took it off, because he’s tired of it.”
Sara tapped her cheek thoughtfully, sitting on a crate. “Yuri is a lot of things-- annoying being the first-- but he doesn’t seem the type to go back on his word.” Sara, of course, was right.
Mila snorted at that. “It’s not like it just disappeared.”
Otabek shoved his hand into his trouser pocket, where the key sat like a hot stone. He fingered it lightly, his heart beating wildly at the idea of actually using it. Take the key, his sister had told him. Take the key, and tell him.
Like it was that fucking simple.
“I mean, what if someone caught her?” Sara quipped, causing Mila to turn and just look at her. Sara then shrugged. “Right, right, that’s not likely. Potya is one slippery little hellion.”
“All Potya needed was some coaxing,” Otabek said, before he could stop himself. Both of the women turned to look at him, as if they’d just realized he was there.
“Needed?” Mila asked.
Otabek shrugged. “All you did was chase him around.”
“Her,” Mila corrected. “Potya is a girl.”
“Well, that shows that you’ve never been close enough to see that’s not the case.”
“And you have?” Sara then asked.
Otabek opened his mouth to respond, but paused. As if on cue, the cat in question slinked around the Smithy, his tail curling back and forth. He looked almost haughty, and Otabek nearly laughed.
Mila stood straighter, about to make a run for the cat… only to watch Potya sidle up to Otabek, where he leaned against the door jam of the building. The cat leaned against his leg, rubbing along his pant leg, as he reached out to rub at his ears.
The women gawked at the casual nature of the touch.
“You were so focused on wanting Yuri, that you didn’t listen to him. He told you how to win the game.”
“You…” Mila started, “You weren’t even playing.”
“Which is probably why I won.”
Mila blinked at that, while Sara sat straighter, interested. Otabek stood as well, Potya slinking around his ankles, pressing against him. “Won?” she asked, “Hey, wait, where are you going?”
Otabek reached into his pocket again, pulling out the key. It dangled from his grasp from a thin leather cord. Sara grasped and Mila turned red in anger, as Otabek turned to walk away without another word.
Potya traipsed alongside him, like it was where he belonged.
Potya waited for him on the porch.
He hadn’t meant to gloat in front of the women, but the moment had been too good to waste. Otabek didn’t regret it one bit. Even as he stood in front of Yuri’s house, the key practically burning a hole in his pocket.
It was like a hot coal-- he didn’t know whether to use it, or toss it away.
Potya was patient though, as he considered his options. The cat sat upon the porch, peering back quietly as his tailed swished back and forth. Waiting. Otabek watched him for a moment, before stepping closer and going, “I must be an idiot, Potya. I must be stupid, to think that this will work.”
Potya meowed at him. Over the last year, he’d never heard the cat make a peep, and in that moment it spoke volumes. Otabek knelt down again, reaching out to press his fingers into his fur. “He meant for you to chose, didn’t he? Cats have good intuition. He wouldn’t be with someone that you didn’t like, right?”
Potya rubbed against his hand, and then when Otabek stood, moved to slink around his legs. The cat followed, when Otabek stepped onto the porch. This was the furthest he’d ever come onto Yuri’s property, he realized.
He pulled the key from his pocket, slipping it into the lock and turned. He half expected it to be a farce and to not work, but the tumblers tipped and the key with them. Otabek stared at his hand, his heart suddenly pounding.
And he hesitated, unsure if this was worth risking his friendship.
Go and tell him.
Potya meowed again and Otabek opened the door, stepping inside.
He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t the neat and tidy home he saw. Tons or books, tons of plants, tons of things, all neatly tucked away into their place. Shelves full of knick-knacks and trinkets, neat and with order.
Potya slipped past his leg, into the main living area. Otabek regarded him briefly, before turning away and closing the door behind him. And when he turned back, there was Yuri, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest.
Yuri always seemed to sneak up on him, Otabek realized. Always so quiet, appearing from nowhere. That day, he wore dark green trousers and that white cotton shirt that hung loosely on him. His hair shined like sunlight, tied into a tail and hanging over one shoulder. Otabek’s mouth went dry at the sight.
“You know,” Yuri said first, his tone twinkling with amusement, “of all the people who chased after the key, I definitely wasn’t expecting you.”
“I wasn’t playing the game,” Otabek answered honestly. “The wager didn’t mean a thing to me.”
“You were the only one who listened,” Yuri replied, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Every time that I gave you a clue.”
“Why give me clues?” Otabek asked.
“Why use the key?” Yuri retorted. He pushed away from the doorframe and stepped closer. “Why open the door? Beka, what is it that you want?”
Beka. The word brought him pause, because Maya was the only one who called him that. Yuri was close to him now, leaning down ever so slightly, his green eyes practically searing straight through him
“Beka, use your words,” Yuri soothed.
“Potya,” Otabek suddenly blurted, recognition flooding through him, and--
“Yes?” Yuri replied easily, that smirk returning immediately.
Otabek wasn’t crazy. Or he was, and Yuri was, and everything was. But he he knew, Otabek knew-- he would recognize those crystal green depths anywhere. And suddenly, a lot of things made sense. Things like Yuri randomly disappearing, blurting phrases he had no reason of knowing, the childhood nickname only his sister used.
It sounded far better, coming from Yuri.
“How?” Otabek finally managed.
Yuri reached out, dragging a finger down Otabek’s shirt, and suddenly he felt dirty. He had come from work, he was covered in grime and ash, he was nothing compared to the other man. But Yuri didn’t seem to mind, his hand finding his waistband, resting there.
“I told you didn't I? Potya and I are one and the same.”
“But-- You--”
“Is this okay, Beka?” Yuri asked suddenly.
“Yes,” Otabek said immediately. “I’ll admit though, I’m confused.”
Yuri’s head cocked to the side. “About what?” And when Otabek didn’t answer, Yuri continued with, “Words.”
“I love you,” Otabek suddenly blurted.
Yuri pulled back slightly to look at him, moving his hands to rest on Otabek’s shoulders. And then Yuri smiled, a genuine, wide thing, and it took his breath away with how beautiful it was. And then it hit Otabek-- no one had ever seen Yuri like this, no one had ever tried.
Except for him.
“Those are good words,” Yuri said. “I’ve wanted to hear them for awhile.”
“Good things come to those who wait,” Otabek replied, causing Yuri to throw his head back and laugh. Otabek reached out then, grabbing the other man’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. Yuri stopped and looked at him, his lips still twisted upward and his eyes sparkling. “How long have you been waiting, Yuri?”
“Longer than I’d care to admit,” he replied.
“Was it worth it?” Otabek asked. “Am I worth it?”
“Every fucking moment.”
Otabek pulled his chin down, pressing their lips together. Yuri laughed into the kiss, moving to wrap his arms around Otabek, pulling him closer and Otabek smiled against his lips.
It was perfect. Yuri was perfect.
Everything was perfect.
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Love is in the Air
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary:It’s Valentines Day and you know for a fact that no one is going to be your Valentine...or so you thought
Fluff Prompt 13: “You did this all for me?” for @lovelyspidey Writing Challenge
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Oh,Valentine’s Day.The day that was made specifically for chocolate,roses,and teddy bears,it seemed.The day people either dreaded or looked forward to.You however,didn’t care for the day but didn’t adore it with all your heart either.It was always nice to see people shower their loved ones in gifts and see how happy people were.But you never got that feeling before,because you never had a Valentine
When you walked into Midtown High on Thursday morning the first thing that greeted you was the squealing of teen girls,gushing over their cute teddy bears and roses they’re boyfriend or girlfriend had bought them.You even see a couple boys rocking a box of heart shaped chocolates.You smiled at peoples happy expressions but chuckled when you seen others with a look that only read “Kill me now.”You past by all the lockers that were decorated in red and pink hearts the school had put up.Along with the matching posters.
Once you got to your lockers and pulled your backpack off your shoulder,someone had accidentally knocked into you.Not to hard,because you barely moved an inch.They apologized a couple times before you shrugged it off and they went on with their day.But before you could go back to your locker,you eyes met with someone.But not just any person,Peter Parker.They boy you’ve been crushing on since November.It was around Thanksgiving and as a class assignment,the class had to write a paragraph about what we were thankful for.He wrote that whole paragraph about his aunt,his best friend Ned,and he even mentioned Tony Stark.He got made fun of for it,but you thought it was sweet.You realized that Peter wasn’t like the other guys at this school.He was shy and sweet and smart as hell and it was like the light shined on him and everything he did.You noticed his sweet smiles and awkward movements,and it all made your heart tingle and jump.
You noticed that he was still staring at you and you felt your cheeks burn before you decided to just wave at him.Peter then realized that he had been caught staring.His eyes went wide and his face was now red from embarrassment.He couldn’t believe that you had caught in staring.He quickly waved back to you before turning to Ned and groaning from embarrassment “I can’t believe she just caught me staring!She’s gonna think I’m weird”
“Can you calm down?Everything will go as pla—she opened her locker”Peter quickly turned around and seen you face scrunch up in confusion.Peter had gone through every plan in the book to try and ask you to be his Valentine.But he couldn’t do it,at least not face to face.He was too shy and awkward for that.So he asked May,Ned,and Tony on advice for today.And they all thought this was a solid plan
You slowly reached in and grabbed the medium sized teddy bear wearing a cute little Spider-Man top that was holding a rose and you examined it.Was this a prank?You then looked back in and seen a heart shaped box of chocolates.You tried to look around to see if anyone was watching,but everyone was in their own little word.And then something dropped to the ground.It was a little pink card with hearts and a teddy bear on it.You picked it up and opened it to see what was inside.
Roses are red
Spider-Man is blue
I think you’re pretty and I really like you
You smiled at the cheesy rhyme and the mention of New York’s own Spider-Man.But left you to wonder who this was from.Your thoughts were cut short when a figure stood in front of you.You looked up and seen none other than Peter.He shifted his weight back and forth as he grabbed the sleeve of his sweater to try to ease his nerves
“H-hey,Y/N”Even though you had classes with Peter,you never could find the perfect opportunity to talk to him.You didn’t want him to think you were weird or annoying.So the only times that you did talk to him was when it was related to school.And it sucked
“H-hi.Peter.How are you?”Really?Thats the best you can come up with?You nervously smiled at him as he nodded his head “Yeah,I-I’m fine.Im good.So did you like y-your gifts”
It now occurred to you that you were standing by your locker,with all the gifts you had received.And your crush was talking to you,probably thinking you already have a Valentine
“Oh!These?Yeah,they’re-theyre nice and all but I have no idea who they’re from.So it’s...anonymous”You trailed off and hopefully he got the idea that you were not seeing anyone
“Um—Yeah,of course.Because they’re f-from me and I was hoping you’d be my Valentine”It was like the air was knocked out of your lungs “And m-maybe we can go on-on a date or something,I don’t know.If you’d like,o-of course”
It almost felt like you couldn’t breathe.Was this really happening right now?Was Peter Parker,the boy you’ve been crushing on for so long,asking you out?It was like it was just you and him and the rest of the teens in the hall didn’t even exist.Your heart felt like it was about to explode from happiness because of the boy in front of you.But then you realized you haven’t answered and you’re just staring at him
“You know w-what it’s fine.I’ll see y-you later,Y/N”Peter’s heart was crushed.The only thought going through his head was ‘Of course she wouldn’t want to go out with you.Stupid!’ But before he could fully walk away you called out to him
“Peter”He turned around slowly and met your eyes “Y-yes.I wanna go on a date with you”You bit your lip to try and stop from smiling so hard but it was no use.Your smile was so big that it reached your eyes and to Peter,had you glowing
“Really?Yes!—I mean,yeah that’s cool,great”You giggled at his excitement and how he somehow managed to light up the whole hallway “Did you like your gifts”You were now only standing inches apart and could clearly see the little freckles that dusted his beautiful face
“Yeah,Pete.I really love them.Thank you..I cant believe..You did this all for me?”You smiled gratefully at him and Peter’s heart melted when you gave him that smiled he loved “Yeah,well I had some help from some really great people.And...I r-really like you”He held up the cute card and gave you a shy smile
You laughed at his shyness that you thought was too cute “Well I really like you,too”A blush had crept up on your cheeks as you both sat there smiling at each other
“Can I walk you to class?”That was a no brainer.You already knew the answer to his question “Of course,Peter”Peter gave you one of his signature,pretty smiles as you put away the things he had got you,besides the Spider-Man dressed bear and took out your Chemistry text book
“I think he’s my new favorite”Peter laughed as you held the bear up and clutched it to your chest along with your book.He then reached over and grabbed the book out of your hands and you smiled gratefully at him“Happy Valentines Day,Peter”
“Happy Valentines Day,Y/N”
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heyilikekpoptoo · 6 years
His Knight [Taeil]
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[Part One of the To Save and Protect Series]
The first person you ever encounter was Taeil.As he was the oldest son, he was quickly preparing to have his coronation to become king.You were lucky enough to be the one who stays by his side.You often has conversations with the man,soon having a sibling-like relationship.He would always come to you whenever he was stressed.But there was always a lingering fear in your mind.Many people were after Taeil to create chaos in the kingdom.No matter how many times he tried to convince you,you could not shake of the feeling of worry.
“Penny for your thoughts?”You said,sitting down next to prince in the garden.”It’s nothing important (y/n).”Taeil said,not making eye contact.”I know that look.You can’t hide anything from me”Taeil sighed and faced you.”I’m scared.”He didn’t specify anything,but you knew exactly what he was talking about.”Taeil...There is no need to worry anything.”You reassured.”But what if mess up?What if I don’t live if to my father’s legacy?”These talks were common between the two of you.”You need to stop thinking about what if!I know you’ll be a wonderful king.”Taeil gave you a small smile.”I’m grateful that you’re always with me.I don’t know what I’d do without you.”You returned the smile and continued talking about random things until sundown.
As you lied on your bed,you wondered about how you would meet the other seventeen.You never knew their identities,just that you’ll know once you meet them.You were born into a servant’s family and the minute you saw him you knew it had to be the prince.So you did your best to be by his side.Your will to protect Taeil was the deciding factor of who to be his knight.When you were not with the prince,you were always seen practicing your skills.You wanted to be able to protect Taeil to the best of you ability in the worst case scenario.The friendship between you two made train harder.
One the day of the coronation,you weren’t sure who was more nervous,you or Taeil.The minute Taeil appeared to receive his crown,you couldn’t help but tear up a bit.All the way in the front,you were watching the most important part of your best friend’s life.You were able to hold back tears until the end of the ceremony.
“My king.”You said bowing,as Taeil approached you.”Stop that.You’re weirding me out.”He said,pushing you playfully.When you questioned why his was with you instead of the gorgeous women on the dance floor,he simply replied that he’d spend time with you first.Your pleasant conversation was disturbed by a loud bang at the castle entrance and the window glass breaking.The crowd broke into a panic as they tried to exit the room.You immediately grabbed Taeil’s hand and rushed to find the safest exit.You tried your best to ignore the all the background noises.Your focus was Taeil and Taeil only.
When you found a safe spot,you dropped Taeil’s hand and drew your weapon.A hand stopped you from moving forward.”What the hell are you doing?”You asked Taeil,trying to remove your hand from his grip.”You are not going back there.”He tightened his grip on you.”I have to,it’s my job.”He made you face him.
“You’re job is to stay by my side no matter what.So stay with me and let’s find somewhere far away.”You could never refuse Taeil if he said something like that,so you hesitantly put back your weapon and ran through the maze of hallways.All the windows were broken,so the castle had turned into a dangerous war zone.If you moved to the wrong spot,you’ll get shot down by either a guard or assassin.
With a few close calls of encountering patrolling assassins,you managed to find the Queen and surviving guests.It was unfortunate news to hear that the King has fallen,bullet to the heart and no chance of survival.As you left Taeil to comfort the queen,you moved to tend the others.Out of the corner of you eyes,you saw a shooter on the roof with his eyes set on Taeil.You ran and pushed through everyone.
You suddenly found yourself on the floor with several bullets in your body as Taeil looked at you worried,the faint voice of the Queen calling for guards in the background.”I always knew I would end up like this,I just think it would be on today of all days.”You spoke softly.Taeil shook his head,tears pouring out his eyes.”Stop that.There’s no way in hell you’re leaving me now.”He sobbed.”You reached to touch his face and wipe his tears.”You’ll be a great king.”You said with a weak smile,as you voice grew quieter with each word.They last thing you heard was Taeil shout for a healer before everything faded into darkness.
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parkbearum · 6 years
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Kai X Reader
“The snow slowly disappeared from the city....so did her smile”
The wind hit your face on a cold friday night.Despite feeling defeated against the world,you kept walking.This very confusing month you were in,things weren’t exactly working for you.Or maybe quite the opposite.
Seeing your friends’ true faces and realizing you were alone in this journey had been quite harsh on you,especially lately.School,work and social life was hard and now that you actually had tome,you set your mind to organize yourself,mentally.
You knew you were at the beginning of the road,rather a newbie to all this.Being by yourself and finding your true soul.You were also aware of how hard it was.Sometimes you felt good about it all,until the night came upon you when your pillows got wet with tears as you kept worrying about the unknown.
Small steps towards the book center made you feel like the road was too long for a small second.The bell of the door rang as you walked in,greeting the old man with a smile.As you walked inside,you felt relieved.It was a place for you to hide,and show your true self where worries kept fidgeting in your mind and you sighed every second.
Sitting on a small corner with a poetry book in your hand,you sighed.This was  exactly what you needed in order to get rid of the headache.Second became minutes until you took a look at the clock.It was almost midnight,when the old men left for his home.
As you sat down,you saw a man walk in.Quite tall with brown hair which complimented his skin.He was wearing glasses with a scarf.You observed him as he smiled to the owner and walked towards the shells where they kept the Ancient Greek Mythology books.He picked up a few books and sat down on a chair,putting the books on the table.
You turned back to the book,unable to find your page,you mumbled to yourself and that was when his eyes landed on you.Your figure on the floor,between two shelves with a pillow made him smile a bit.You fixed your reading glasses and smiled to yourself when you found the page.
Despite coming here quite often,he never saw you.He knew he would remember a face like this as you concentrated on your book.While he turned to the books to do some work,he was unable to focus.His head kept fidgeting towards you,especially your pouty lips as you focused on the poetry.
After quite some time,you took a look at his direction,wishing you hadn’t after a few seconds.When your eyes met his face,your gaze fell on his eyes that were focused on you.For a small second,you gasped inside but smiling not too long after.Your face turned into a pink balloon as he smiled back and made you blush more.
When the clock hit 2 am,you almost fell asleep with the book in your hand,until he touched your hair to wake you up.The small caresses on your hair made you smile and not too long after,he was looking at you with an adorable expression while your bodies kept in touch.You blinked a few times,making him chuckle nervously.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to......We’re closing”he said with a small chuckle at the end as he stood up.
“Oh okay.Sorry for the trouble.”you offered him a small smile as he mumbled ‘no’ under his breath.
“Are you...perhaps going to take that book?”he asked curiously as you both walked towards the entrance.You looked at your hand and so did he.You thought about it for a second and nodded.
“Yes.”you said as you handed him the cash.
He scoffed a bit.Shaking his head and making his smile bigger he talked.“It’s on the library”he chuckled after what he said.It almost sounded like he was offering you a free drink,but only better.
“Thank you...”you said as your blinks became more frequent.
“Kai.My name..”he offered you a small eye-smile and you smiled back.
“See you again....”he said with a short breath.
“Y/N”you said with a smile while he nodded.
You walked towards the door,opening it slowly as he watched you.You turned back with a smile,waving as his lips parted.
“Please visit here soon!”he said in a rush.You blinked with no expression.It was too sudden.Not too long after you nodded and left the library with a blushing face.
The window flew open as you shivered under the strong wind.You watched your papers fly across the room.It was sunday and you were doing work.Despite not being available for the last three weeks,you were still drowned in work.You threw yourself on the bed,and felt a strong object hurt your back.
Sitting up on the bed,you held the poetry book up and smiled.You finished it a few days ago but never had to chance to go back in the library.A few minutes passed as you kept staring at the book with a slow breath.You had no time or energy to go there,but you wanted it.
Sounded like a plan to you.
Your hurried steps became longer and longer until the bell rang on a cold sunday afternoon.You saw him talk to a woman about cooking books and which was the best in his opinion.Talking to the owner for a small second was enough for you as you sat down in your usual place,the floor.
“Hey!”he said excitedly with a wave as he walked to you.
“Hi”you breathed out as he sat down on the floor next to you.You were now holding another book in your hand.He smirked after seeing the book and shook his head.
“What?”you said with a small smile.
“It’s a good book that’s all”he said with a big grin on his face,only making you more suspicious.
“Your smile says otherwise”you touched his shoulder as he stood up again,the owner calling his name.
After countless stares he gave you and small smiles you had while read the book,it had been 2 hours of your presence on the floor.You kept flipping the pages with furrowed eyebrows,your breath shallow as the book got more and more thrilling.You knew what he was talking about now that you’ve read the book.
You were simply feeling starstruck by the author.
You closed the book and sighed deeply.The ending was too unclear with all the dead people and season change.You scratched your hand while he sat down once again.He was now smiling at your confused expression.
“But-”you started talking until he cut you off.
“I know”he said,putting his chin on his hand while he watched you.
“How-”you made gestures with your hands and he smiled.
“I know”he said with a small smile on his lips.
You sighed while looking at him.You were amazed by the book,he was amazed by you.He had been counting days until you walked inside the door and gave him a smile.He was mad at himself,simply because he wasn’t the first one to talk to you when you came in.He even wanted to tell the lady to hold on and give you a smile,even if he knew it was impossible.
You looked at him as he smiled at you.The small admiration grew louder in his heart as your stare carved deeper holes in them.You nodded out of nowhere and he followed you.Now there you were,sitting on the floor,nodding heads with no talk.You felt like there was no need to do so,because he felt the same.
Confused,because of the book.Nervous,because you were so close to him.Amazed,at your beauty and shocked,at your sudden actions.His smile grew wider as you stood up and walked towards the ancient history part.
“Do you know anything about these?”you addressed the Greek books and he shook his head while leaning onto the shelves.
“I know a few of them.”he said with a smile.“I needed them for my class”you nodded,feeling awkward now that he was sharing personal information.
He walked through the other side of the shelves and took your breath away when he appeared in front of you all of a sudden.“I dance”he said,you nodded.You could imagine him doing ballet with a white costume.His body was now explained.
“I draw”you said when he kept looking at you with curious eyes.“And take pictures”you heard him gasp and smiled back.
“That’s amazing”he said whispering.You smiled at the spark in his eyes as he turned around your figure.Your eyes followed his body with a smile while both of you laughed at each other.
When you stopped walking after him,he stood in front of the library,confused.You scratched your head while talking on the phone.He was too happy to look after,and now that he did,he could see the worry written all over your face.
You ended the call with drops of sweat on your forehead.This was wrong timing.Totally.You shook your head,not believing what the doctor just said to you.You saw him walk inside as your body trembled,he was anxious as he walked in and held your hand.
“What’s wrong?”he said while you tried to look at him.
“I have to go”you said,feeling your throat dry.
“Do you want me to come along?”he asked,he was sure you would collapse just by looking at the pale face of yours.
“No....I’ll d-deal with it”you said,thanking him and making your way to the metro.
He followed you regardless.
When you finally calmed down and walked out of the doctor’s office,you were paler than ever.Being told you had schizophrenia was not easy,especially coming from a stranger who knew you for a couple of weeks.After his advice,you decided to see a doctor,despite feeling okay.
Countless tests and questions followed after.Ever since you were a kid,you used to see your grandparents and mother,when in fact both were dead.You had no problem with it and lived along,until it started to get on your way and make you go crazy.
It was traumatic,they said.Because you lost your beloved ones,you were labeled as a crazy person in your hometown.The reason for studying hard and coming abroad was the reason for all this,so that you could get away.
Your steps got smaller as the night lights rose upon the street,tears washing your face as the realization hit you.You walked fast,wanting to forget what you’ve just heard.Walking up the bridge,you felt a hand touch yours.
His hair was sticking onto his forehead,slightly anxious he seemed as he approached you.You did not understand at first,that he followed you an heard all the things you wanted to avoid.
you said in disbelief.
“I w-wanted to help” he said as you shook your head.It was all too much now.
“It’s.........Just leave it.Really”you said as the pain in his eyes and your heart grew bigger.
“I....heard.”he said as both of you listened to car noises on the bridge,no talking.
“Good....So you know how crazy I am.”you chuckled.
“I-No”he sighed.
“What’s wrong with being a little crazy?”he said with a smile.Dropped a brick.
“Seriously?”you said in disbelief.
“This is serious Kai.Not something you can joke around with”your voice grew louder.
“I’m sorry”he said in pain.
“I just....don’t want to part ways,that’s all.”he shrugged his shoulders.
You stood there for a moment,looking at the brunette boy as he smiled at you.Despite all the troublesome things you had in your life,there he was.A ray of sunshine.You nodded and gave in.
“We won’t part ways then.”you smiled and he chuckled.
“Let’s go play arcade games then!”he said,throwing an arm around your shoulder as you both walked down the noisy bridge.
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brelione · 4 years
Action Figures (Rafe,Kelce,Topper X Reader)
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Warnings:Mentions of bulimia,cringy,kind of bad.
Takes place a few days after this
Series Masterlist
When you texted the group chat saying that you needed to go to Walmart,asking if anyone wanted to go with you your phone rang.Rafe had called you on Facetime,telling you that he was on his way with Topper and Kelce from the golf course. “HEY HOE!”Kelce shouted,trying to see you from behind Rafe.Rafe rolled his eyes as Kelce took his phone,getting into the truck. “Why do you have to go to Walmart?”Kelce asked,still holding Rafe’s phone. “Chocolate chips,hot sauce and nutella for toast.”You answered,sliding on your shoes.Kelce frowned,leaning closer to the phone. “Why cant I see your face?”He asked.
You rolled your eyes,glancing at the screen. “Because I don't like my face.”You answered.He pouted,eyebrows furrowed. “But I like your face-this is face time!You can see me and I cant see you and this is bullshit.”He grumbled.You lifted your phone so he could see your face,a lazy grin spreading across your features.He was quick to screen shot,giggling. “I hate you.”You mumbled before hanging up. “Give me my phone back!”Rafe exclaimed,reaching into the backseat and holding out his hand.You pulled on Rafe’s yellow shirt that he had left at your house,trying the excess fabric into a knot.
You heard a beep,jogging down your stairs,grabbing your mini back pack and putting your phone in your pocket before walking out of the house and locking your door.Topper got out of the front seat,keeping the truck door open for you.You grinned up at him,he blushed before closing the door for you. “Oof,your truck smells like weed.”You grumbled.Rafe chuckled,backing out of the driveway. “Sorry,sunshine.”He mumbled,rolling down the windows so you wouldn't have to smell the stench.
He gave you a second glance,smirking to himself when he saw what you were wearing. “Thats my shirt.”He spoke,poking at the fabric.You nodded,humming as you took out your phone.Kelce kept poking the back of your neck from the backseat until you turned around to look at him. “Can I help you?”You asked.He reached out his finger,poking the tip of your nose.You swatted his hand away,flicking his forehead. “Hi.”You grinned.He chuckled,messing up your hair.You hooked up your phone to the radio,playing the descendants two soundtrack. 
“Play the third one!”Kelce exclaimed.You laughed,sliding down in your seat so he couldn't poke you again.When Rafe pulled into the Walmart parking lot the four of you got out,Rafe somehow managing to get you on his back.You held onto his shoulders as he jogged into the store,Topper grabbing a cart.You and Rafe went to the snack isle while Kelce and Topper went to go look at the movies.Things had been awkward between you and Topper since Saturday afternoon in the guest room.You tried to ignore the strange feeling from within you whenever you looked at him.
Rafe had his hand on your shoulder almost like a leash so he wouldn't lose you.Unfortunately nothing that you needed was in that isle,moving on to the one next to it.Rafe grabbed a jar of nutella and a loaf of bread when he saw it,making sure it was the type of bread you liked before tucking it under his arm.He held them both as you hunted for chocolate chips in the baking isle.Kelce sprinted past the isle,giggling to himself but turning around when he realised he had went past you.He grinned,standing in front of you and holding something behind his back. “What?”You asked.He grinned,holding out a Captain America action figure. “I know its not Bucky but its close enough-come to the toy isle with me!”He exclaimed,starting to jog but stopping when he noticed that you were simply walking.He grumbled something before throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to the toy section.He put you down in front of the shelves of avengers action figures,legos and toy weapons.
He watched as your eyes scanned over the toys,your hand reaching out to smack his arm in excitement as you grabbed a plastic box that contained the one and only Spider Gwen. “Look-they have Spider Gwen!”You exclaimed,holding up the action figure.He grinned at your excitement,not knowing who you were talking about but glad it made you so happy. “Oh wait,you haven't seen Spider Verse….its fine we’ll just watch it later.”You spoke quickly,still looking at all the toys.Your phone dinged,making you take it from your pocket to check the notification.Rafe had texted you,asking where you were and if you had all left without him.
Isle 14 looking at action figur3s
You heard the loud slap of sneakers against tile,Rafe coming into view with bread,nutella and a bag of chocolate chips in his hand. “I found them.”he grinned,shaking the bag. “Did bottom die?”You asked,remembering the blonde.You looked back down at your phone,scrolling through to find Bitchy Bottom Ass Ho.You typed,asking where he was.
Im literally in the isle next to u tf
You giggled,going to find the boy.He was holding a few boxes of cake mix along with a pillow pet under his arm. “Loser.”You nodded. “Hoe.”He grinned,following you to the other isle with Rafe and Kelce. “We got everything?”Rafe asked.Kelce shook his head. “No,no I gotta go look at socks.”He answered,tossing a few action figures into the cart that Topper had stolen from them.You decided to go with Kelce,not sure what Topper and Rafe were doing. “Why do you need socks?”You asked,slipping under his arm.He smiled,biting his lip. 
“I wanna see if they have any disney socks.”He answered.You tugged at his arm,dragging him to the women’s section. “Our shirts might fuckin suck and the jeans might make everyone insecure because of terrible sizing but us ladies do have some brilliant socks.”You smiled,showing him the shelf of socks.He smiled,looking at all of them. “Wait-are those ariel socks?”he asked.You handed him the largest pair,watching him get excited. “Oh hell yeah,they don't have Olaf socks though.”He sighed. “Yeah,but Amazon does.”You grabbed a pair of Winnie The Pooh socks for yourself,looking for any marvel socks. 
“Can we watch Frozen later?”He asked,grabbing your hand again just because he enjoyed the feeling.You nodded,asking if he wanted to go to the book isle with you.He said yes,of course.He would take any chance to hang out with you alone.He could never let that slip to the boys,though.He didn't want to cause conflict in the group,he knew about Rafe’s pretty obvious crush on you and knew better than to turn things into a love triangle.He had seen plenty of movies to know how that would end.You felt strong arms lock around your waist,scaring you.You looked up,seeing Topper with a grin on his face. “And you did this for why?”You asked,the boy kissing your forehead and letting you go.The four of you went to self check out,Rafe deciding to buy like ten packs of gum.A worker checked your receipt,trying to ignore the fact that a group of grown men and an adult woman had just purchased action figures and disney socks.
You ended up in the backseat with Topper,showing him the Spider Gwen action figure. “Swear to god she’s like the baddest bitch ever and I love her so much.”You grinned,taking a picture of the box.Kelce leaned on the arm rest,looking back at you. “I thought that was Natasha?”He grinned.You sighed,putting the action figure away. “There can be multiple baddest bitches.”You told him before asking for the aux cord so you could play The Little Mermaid soundtrack. “After this can you play Lion King?”Topper asked.You smiled,biting your lip. “Yeah,ok,Taka.”You giggled.His face dropped,glaring over at you.He stuck his tongue out,whining.
Rafe chuckled. “You kids behave back there or im taking away your disney movies.”He smirked.You leaned forward,fighting against your seatbelt so you could lean your elbows on the arm wrest. “Rafe,why are you so bad at driving?”You asked.He scoffed,putting his elbow on top of your head as he turned around a corner. “Oh,as if you didn't run over a traffic cone.”He huffed.You pulled his arm away,biting his skin lightly. “Did you just bite me?”He asked.You grinned as he pulled over,unbuckling his seatbelt and turning to look at you. “(Y/N),I will make you get out of my truck.Don't test me.”He spoke sternly,trying not to grin. “Do it,bitch.”You smirked.
He looked outside the window,checking to see if anyone was around before getting out of the truck and opening the door to the backseat.He reached across you lap,unclicking your seatbelt.Topper grabbed your thigh,trying to help you but it wasn't helpful seeing as though Rafe had his arms around your waist,dragging you out of the truck.Topper was laughing,video recording. “Im a good driver-I swear I am.Im gonna drive you to insanity.”Rafe chuckled,poking you repeatedly and holding you to his chest.You tried walking backwards,eventually getting him to stumble.You took the chance to get him on the ground completely,sitting on top of his chest. “YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED!”You exclaimed,smacking his shoulder lightly.He smirked before rolling himself over,knocking you into the grass with his knees on either side of your hips. “Yeah?Im defeated?Am I really?”He smiled.
You glared up at him,sliding out from under him. “Yeah.”You answered,standing up and holding out your hand to him.He declined the offer,standing up and trying to brush the dirt off of his expensive pants.You sighed,getting back in the truck to see Kelce looking at you with a goofy grin. “You know what,Kelce?Shut up.”You flicked the tip of his nose.He bit his lip,chuckling before turning back around.Topper rolled his eyes,looking at his phone and texting someone.Your eyebrows furrowed at his expression,scooting across the leather seat to see what he was doing but he pulled his phone to his chest.
 “What’s going on with you,Top?”You asked.He put his phone in his shirt pocket,looking away from you. “Nothing,(Y/N).”He answered.You huffed,moving back to your seat as Rafe began to drive again. “Can we get McDonalds?”Kelce asked.Rafe ignored him,still driving.You pouted,leaning forward. “Rafe?”You called out to him.He raised his eyebrows,looking up at you from the mirror so you knew he was listening. “Can we get McDonalds?”You asked.He nodded,turning down a different street opposed to the one that would lead directly to yours.Kelce rolled his eyes,glancing over at you and raising your eyebrows.
You leaned back in your seat,suddenly feeling kind of nauseous.This would happen every once in a while when you would forget to take your vitamins,sometimes you were too lazy to take the handful of pills and would instead just hold an icepack to the back of your neck for a while until you felt okay again.You must've looked like shit,Topper reaching a hand across to feel your forehead. “Are you feeling sick?”He whispered to you,his demeanor changing as he moved your hair off your shoulders,rubbing your back lightly. “Im fine,just forgot to take my vitamins.”You answered,enjoying his touch.It was helping with the nausea,you didn't really know why.Topper frowned,his hand moving back to your head and rubbing your scalp lightly.
 “When was the last time you ate?”He asked.You shrugged,breathing through your nose and humming quietly because you had learned that if you hummed for long enough you wouldnt vomit. “Rafe,can you hurry up please?”Topper sounded anxious.You didnt know why he was acting so dramatic,he had seen you much worse before. “Why?What’s going on back there?”Rafe asked,now sounding just as anxious as Topper. “She forgot to take her vitamins,not looking too good.”Topper said quickly,urging the tall boy to drive faster.
You sighed,eyes still closed. “Im fine,guys.”You grumbled,feeling their glares. “What about breakfast?”Kelce asked.You imagined that he looked like an angry,concerned grandfather.You shook your head,making him frown. “How many times have I told you that i’ll come over to make you breakfast when you don't feel like it?Gosh,dammit.”He sighed.You felt the truck swerve slightly,Rafe rolling his window down and asking you what you wanted.You just shrugged,not wanting to accidentally vomit. “Get her a burger for iron...maybe two,fries,apple slices.Just order her a cheeseburger happy meal and a McFlurry.”Kelce told him quickly.
You weren't paying attention but heard the sound of a paper bag crumpling,being passe into the back seat along with a red happy meal box.Topper took his hand away from your head,pressing the side of a cold McFlurry cup to it instead.You took it from him,holding the cold cup between your thighs and looking down at the vanilla icecream that was changing colors from the obnoxious amount of m and ms.Topper opened the happy meal box,checking to make sure they got everything right.He peeled back the yellow paper that protected the burger,handing it to you.
You sighed softly,raising the sandwich to your mouth with slightly shaking hands.After a couple of bites you already felt better,finishing it when Rafe pulled into your driveway.The doors opened,you unbuckled your seatbelt and Kelce insisted on carrying you on his back.He put the pin into the key pad,knowing the combination for emergencies.He set you down in the living room,letting you sit on the couch.Rafe handed you your icecream,Topper giving you the Happy Meal box that now only contained a small box of fries,a small bag of apple slices and a toy for children.
Rafe set down all the Walmart bags,offering you the jar of nutella so you could dip your apple slices in the chocolatey goodness.Kelce handed you the TV remote so you could turn on the movie that you had told him about earlier. “Its animated?”He asked.You nodded,opening the nutella jar. “Yeah,it is.Its good though.”You answered,dipping an apple slice.Rafe noticed you hadnt touched your icecream before realizing he hadnt given you the spoon.The three boys had ordered sixteen cheeseburgers for themselves along with a ten piece chicken nugget and four orders of large fries. “Shit-fuck,you still need to take your vitamins.”Kelce got up and jogged to your kitchen,grabbing you the palm full of small pills,getting down on one knee and holding them out to you.
 “Your majesty.”You rolled your eyes,taking the pills and pouring them into your mouth,swallowing them dry.Rafe shook his head in disapproval,handing you his mountain dew.You took a couple of sips until the lump in your throat had been washed down,handing the cup back to him.You only got through half of your fries before you felt full,putting the box down on the table and seeing the melting rainbow monstrosity of icecream. “Does anyone want this?”You asked,holding up the icecream. “You do.”Topper answered,biting into another cheeseburger and getting mustard on the side of his mouth.You gave him a dirty look,putting the cup down.Kelce put his arm around you,going to whisper in your ear. “Are you full or are you just stressed about the icecream?”He asked.
You shrugged,watching as his hand traced figure eights along your kneecap. “Okay,well try to get like halfway through,can you do that?”He asked.You nodded,grabbing the cup again.Kelce lifted his arm up so you could lean against his lap,his arm now resting on your stomach as the two of you watched the tv.You hadnt eaten icecream since sophomore year and everytime you had eaten it it would come back up and into your toilet right after.You missed it though,maybe Kelce knew that and thats why he had ordered it for you.You got some of the colorful dessert on your spoon,letting it melt in your mouth.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see the big grins on Rafe and Topper’s faces,proud of you. “That guy doesnt look like Tom Holland.”Topper pointed to the OG Peter Parker of the Spiderverse universe. “Ok,well neither do you.”Kelce fought back.Rafe grinned. “I mean,I kinda look like him.”He shrugged.You shook your head,your spoon hanging from your mouth. “Bullshit-SHUT UP!MILES IS COMING UP!”You exclaimed as Sunflower started playing.Rafe smiled at your excitement,unwrapping another burger. “Where’s the blonde girl?Uh...Spider Gwen?”Kelce asked.You flicked his chest,rolling your eyes. “It just started,just wait.”You answered.As Miles walked into class,sitting next to Gwen you ggigled. “THERE SHE IS!THERES MY QUEEN!”You exclaimed,pointing to her.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @copper-boom 
@sunwardsss @outerbongs  @httpstarkey  @teenwaywardasgardian  @imagines-07​  
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 5 years
The runaway is my mate.(Namjoon ff)
Summary : The story started when a girl ranaway.Trying to ran from her problem for awhile.However the feet brought her to the hut,met a boy that made her life changed.Little do they both knew that the friendship they started and shared would turn into a bond for a life time... 
5 years old
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“huh huh huh...”
A heavy breathe could be heard,echoed in the forest.You were there all alone. Running out of your owner house at late night and lost in forest wasn’t a good thing.However because of those two cruel people in the village,you needed to. Step by step into the forest without knowing the direction,you got afraid more and more.
Not knowing the way but still kept walking,you soon met with the hut.The light inside made you feel like she wanted to get in.You wanted the warmness in there and asked for their help.Step by step again to the house until arrived in front of the wooden door.You were going to knock when the door bursted open.
“Human?!” Is the first and only thing he spoke.You wondered why he called you human like it was a big deal.Wasn’t he also like you,you wondered.“You look uhh pale,why you are in front of my house?” The boy asked you another question. However with the tireness that suddenly attacked you,made you fall down to the ground.“Mom! Help!” Only thing you heard before your whole body shutted down.
“Sweaty you already awake.”You opened you eyes and looked around.First thing in your sight was a woman around your mother age.“Drink first and you may go back.”You only nodded and observed the house.“Mom is she already- hey you’re up now.” The boy walked toward you with his smile and dimples plastered on his face.
You looked at him nervously.Only sip the tea and watched him with scary look. “Don’t be afraid,I’m Namjoon and a wolf shifter.”You gasped a bit.Your body started to tense.“Namjoon-ah you’re scaring her now.She’s human remeber?”
The boy only nodded with sad look.“You must be a human from the village outer wood.They must tell a lot of fake tale about us,aren’t they?” You looked up.
“Don’t worry,we’re wolf shifter but we didn’t like to harm anyone.Not when they’re innocent.” You stared at them.Although you afraid,you wanted to know them more.The woman ended up tell you a real story of her kind.The boy would always add the detial which made his mother chuckle.
“I think you need to go dear.Your parents must be worry.” “I don’t have parents.” She looked taken back but gave you a smile.“Don’t worry dear,you’re now Namjoon’s friend.You can also visit here like your home.” She stroked your hair, made you miss the warmness that you familiar.“Namjoon send her back please.”
“But mom,I want her to stay.”
The boy walked out with pout face,sent the girl back to her place.While walking with her to the entrance of the wood,he learnt more about her.“Time to say good bye.” The girl nodded and bidded him a good bye.“Please come visit me,Y/N.”
And you walk back to your house.
“Look mom,who has already come back.” The boy who spoke toward his mother with cocky voice.His mother who walked out with a belt in her hand signaled you to accept the punishment.“Who gave you permission to run out of the house!” She slapped you.You only cried silently and accept your fate.
8 years old
You were hanging around with Namjoon for three years now.You got to know his friends including Jin,Yoongi and Hoseok.Two of them older than you while Hosoek was around your age like Namjoon.You got along really well with them. You wonder why they never show up at the school.
“We have our own school.In the west of the forest.” Jin answered and you were getting excited to know more.Hanging around with them made all your sorrow faded away.Although your life still got bullied by your owner son and her.But with them you felt your life was refreshing.
“How about your school Y/N?” You ended up tell your story.Felt embarrase in front of them.“Namjoon can teach and Yoongi hyung as well,they’re genuis.” “Jhope we’ll teach her all together.” Hoseok smiled and start teaching you basic things.Counting number,Reading some books that Namjoon carry with him and others more.“It late,I need to go.” You picked up your basket and ran back to the house. 
12 years old
All of them grew up with their bound got stronger.The group of yours got bigger since Hoseok introduced you three more.They were all younger than you. They called you ‘noona’ which you felt nice.At least all of them was family to you.
Namjoon got more duty since he grew up.Jin told you he would become an Alpha for their village.
“What is ‘Alpha’ mean?” You asked out of curious.Yoongi then explained to you in every single detail.You didn’t understand much but got some idea.“Sorry guys I’m late.” “Oh you’re here now hyung.We’re explaining Y/N noona about Alpha and stuff.”Jungkook spoke with the one who just arrive.
That day you ended up talking different things about them.You got to know that beside their shifting ability,they also have ability like run faster,healing,seeing in the dark,sensitive with smelling etc.You had a lot of fun.Also got to know that their develop would faster than their real age like year or two ahead.
16 years old
Some of them would all fully grown if you counted their wolf age.Jin would probably around 20 and Yoongi follow him by 19.Namjoon and Hoseok were around 18.The maknae were 17-15 which nearly the time.
Althoug the fully grown started to do some job now especially Namjoon.That didn’t stop you guys from hanging around each other.However it made you feel like Namjoon drifted away.You neeeded to hang up with the maknae instead.
The maknae kept telling you everyday that Namjoon would come.They tried to put hope on you.Days passed by and it didn’t work anymore.You just accepted the truth that his duty was important.You just his friend so it would be the second priority for him.
19 years old
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You didn’t get a chance to see the older ones anymore.Only the maknae hanged around you.The loneliness came back again but you didn’t show it.You were hanged around with the maknae peacefully until one day...
“Noona I’ve got apple pies for us.” Jimin happily spoke while skipping toward you.Taehyung and Jungkook already sat beside you.When the basket in front of those two,they started bickering each other.All of sudden,the sound of gun appeared in the air.
“Who came in here?” Jungkook asked.None of us knew what happened. Taehyung started growling and became protective so did Jimin.They sensed something wrong.“Y/N hide,someone following you here.” Taehyung pushed you into the bush.
You hid there like they told you.The sound of fighting then started,you really want to help them.However your fear didn’t allow your body to move any inch.You didn’t know how long the time pass until the sound comepletely gone.
“Jimin,Taehyung!” Firstthing you notice was wolves laid lifeless on the floor.You ran toward them.You were useless right now and something popped in your mind.“Guys I need you to stand up,we’re going to Namjoon place.” You couldn’t carry them in wolves form so you told them to turn back.
“Anyone here?” You knocked on the door for awhile now and no one answered. You still knocked on it until someone open.“Hello dear- oh get them inside.” His mother stopped half way of greeting you and helped you with the two wolves. Settle them down and started treating their wound.You told her everything and she tried to calm you down.
“Mom I’m ho-” The deep voice stopped mid way.You turned around and met the owner of the voice.His body was fully grown over three years.Three years that you didn’t meet each other.However he growled out when he saw you.“You! what did you do to them?” “Joon I didn’t do an-” He growled out again.“Don’t lie to me.You know Y/N that I hate lying the most.”
You stayed silence.He was fumming ight now and you couldn’t do anything.You stood there and shook with fear.His mom told him to calm down but he didn’t listen.“No mom,don’t try to protect this filthy human.” The word he spitted out, cut deep into your heart.You weren’t his friend anymore? 
“Hyung...Namjoon..hyung.” Taehyung muttered his word out.He tried to reach Namjoon hands.Namjoon grabed them and listened to his brother.“They got Jungkook.Help him hyung,help him.” Taehyung started sobbing.“Tae I’ll he-” You didn’t get to finish your word,he cut you off.“Get out and never return.You aren’t longer welcome here.” That was pang into your chest.You felt like crying but you controled it.
“Okay I see this is our good bye then.I’m sorry Namjoon.” You ran out of the house that once was your family.You cried along the way until reached your owner house.
A week passed that you didn’t step back into the wood.However along the week, you tried your best to find Jungkook.You were so sure that he was alive.You checked liked every single house of hunters in the village.Unfortunately you didn’t find him anywhere.
“Is the seller coming here tonight?” You heard one of the hunter.Curious got the best of you so you decided to spy on them.“Probably,our goods are ready right?” You listened without their attention till the end.That was when you started to plan how to get Jungkook out.
Old ware house at night
You took a peek inside from window.You then saw a bunch of wolves in there. The men guarded the house like it was treasure.You tried staying silence as possible,sneaked into the house through window.
"pss...Jungkook." You called him gently.He turned his face immediately with his eyes widen."noona?" You then helped him out of the knot.He aked any question but you stopped him mid air.“No time to answer,I shoud get you out with others.”
Jungkook understood what you say.He immediately communicated with others.It wasn’t easy to convince them to believe you.However in this kind of situation, they were willing to risk.You and Jungkook thought of a plan.
“So we gonna sneak through windows,as quick as you guys can.” Jungkook told the others while you waited for them.You noticed the back door so you with Jungkook help,sucessfully broke it.One by one sneak out the way you set. “Thanks noona,I owe you my life.”
Unfortunately for you two,the gaurd from outside opened the door to check the room.“Intruder!” He spoke with another one.That was when you and Jungkook started to run for your life.You guys were running into the wood,the way that lead to the shifter village.The guards still chased you from behind.
“Jungkook!” You noticed one of them shoot something toward Jungkook.You with no hesitation covered him from it.Jungkook then change his form and carried you on his back.There were more but you covered him up.“I guess I need to fight then.”
Jungkook body now fueled with anger.He ran toward them and bit them.Let the venom from his mouth ran into there blood.The other one try to helped his friend. Using his pocket knife and ran to stab Jungkook.“Ouch.” Jungkook turned around and saw he was knocked out.
“Noona!” Jungkook grabed you before your body dropped.He ran to the closest house that he knew.“Yoongi hyung!” He panted when the older open the door.He then laid you down on the floor.Yoongi didn’t ask anything but carried you to the couch.
He silently treated your wound until he finished.When he settle everything in place,he eyed the younger one.“Speak.” Jungkook told him the whole story.That was when Jin entered the house.“Yoongi,help me wi- oh god!” He dropped his grocerry bags on the floor.Rushing toward the lifeless girl on the couch.
“Oh dear,what happen to my lil daughter?” He looked at your body full of bandages.Yoongi told him the story.“Poor girl,Why do you did this Namjoon?” He sigh and sat beside Jungkook.“Namjoon still mad?” Yoongi asked and Jin nodded.
“What happen with him hyung?” Jungkook confused with the two of them.“Your beloved leader misunderstood everything when she*point at you* helped Tae and Jimin.” “I need to talk to him.She didn’t do anything.” Jungkook springed up from the couch,straight to the door.
“Even Tae,he didn’t give a shit.So I suggest you sit down.” Yoongi spoke and the younger then calm down.“Don’t worry about it,I’ll handle this myself then.” Yoongi stood and talked to Jin who was on the kitchen by now.
2 days passed but you still slept at the couch.Jungkook worried about your health but Yoongi told him you were fine.Jin made sure to switch the turn with Jungkook.
“Come in.” Yoongi opened the door for someone to come inside.Jungkook looked up and saw Namjoon entered the house with Jhope.“Hyung!” Jungkook eyes lighted up with hope.Yoongi and Jhope excused themselves into the kitchen.Namjoon scanned the body that laid there peacefully.
“Please hyung believe Tae,believe us.It wan’t her fault.” Jungkook pleaded the leader.He didn’t want him to misunderstand his noona,the one who saved his life in a wrong way.“Jungkook,come in here for a minute.” Yoongi shouted his name. Jungkook stood and looked at the leader before disappeared into the kitchen.
Namjoon POV.
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I stared at her body.The body that once smiled at me,enjoyed herself with me and others,talked and played with us now laid lifelessly.My wolf howled in agony. ‘This was your fault.’ ‘Don’t peirce it deep in me further more,RM.’ I talked with the wolf inside my head.
“Why didn’t I believe you that time?” I asked myself.Asking myself again and again while took her hand in mine.“You realised now I see.” I turned toward the voice.“It’s my fault.”
“Yeah it’s your fault,idiot.You knew well than the others that she won’t ever dare to do that.” Yoongi hyung spoke coldly.“That time when I saw Tae and Jimin,I was so angry.I was so angry that they hurted.They hurted and I didn’t know or be able to help them hyung.” Yoongi replied sharply.“And you take your anger toward her?Toward the girl who try to help.The girl who you knew well like really well.The girl wh-”
“Hyung please,don’t say it right now.” Namjoon stopped him in the middle of sentence.“You can’t ignore the fact that she’s your mate Joon!” Right now Yoongi hyung got angry and raised his voice.“She’s...your mate?/Is that true Joon?” Jungkook,Jin hyung and Hope started asking me.
“Fuck that stupid rule,you should care about her first Namjoon.” Yoongi hyung seemed to be mad,really mad.Jin hyung tried to calm him down.“I don’t want you to be stubborn and end up like me Joon.” That was when Jin hyung took Yoongi hyung out of the room.
Since that day,I took care her.Took care of my own mistake that let this happen.I remembered what mom said before I came here.The conversation clearly in my head.‘Believe you heart Joon.’ and now I was doing what her said.
When the 95 ones got better.They always came and visited her.In a few days afterward,she awoke.The Maknae cheered up and started thanking her with her help.She only smile.The situation between us was so akward.
End Namjoon POV.
“Jimin hyung,did you know that noona is soon to be our luna?” Jungkook asked Jimin and Tae sat there listening as well.“What happened when we were knocked out?” Taehyung asked the youngest.
Jungkook then started gossiping the story to the two hyungs.“But you knows,hyung didn’t want to admit it.” Jimin glance at the leader.They were talking about it.Glancing a few time to the leader and talked again.
Time flew so fast,you were back on your own feet again,healthy and alive. Namjoon realised how much he loved you and this time he wouldn’t make a mistake again,he sweared to himself.He apologized for everything and spent more time with you.Your bond came back and surprisingly stronger.However little did you know he didn’t feel the same about you anymore.
22 years old
After the incident,everything fell back into their places.You finally decided to escape from your owner and lived in shifter village instead.Your story have been told to the others,that made them respect you a lot.You needed a year to adjust all of shifters.Well it wasn’t that bad after all.
“Noona let’s go.” Jimin draged you out of your house.Taehyung already waited you with Jin.The four of you started your journey.You were wonder why they blinded fold you.Jin only said you should wait to see yourself.
The journey from your house to wherever they plan seems to be so long.You felt a little bit tired.Taehyung who noticed it then insisted you to ride him.Jimin and Jin then put you up on Taehyung back.
“We arrive?” You felt Taehyung stopped.You asked them to make sure and Jin reply a ‘yes’ to you.You then hopped down from thewolf back.When you landed, you noticed how soft this place was.“I’ll send you here,He’ll continue from me noona.”
I felt someone grabbed me.I followed whoever lead me right now.“Hi ma’am I’m Jungkook,your guide for today.” I chuckled after hearing the weird voice that the younger made.“Then lead the way.” He continued his job until finally stopped somewhere.“I’ll take your blind fold now noona.” After his word,the matress on your eyes removed.
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You openned your eyes to adjust the light and surrounding.Admiring the beautifulness around you and smiled.“Oh I need to go,your prince’ll arrive soon.” ‘Your prince,who?’ The question popped up in your head.You took a seat on the green grasses.Feeling so fresh and warm,under the sun that was soon goint to set down the skyline.
“Ahem”You turned toward the voice.Eyes widen when you recognized the man.He was dressed in his white tux,bouquet in his left hand and the right hid behind his back.His smile was so genuine and the dimples popped up on his apple cheeks.
“What was all of this Joon?” You asked the man in front of you.You didn’t know what really happened.However you heart filled up with happiness and warmness like it’s never happened before.He walked to you,step by step until no space between you two.
“Well a-actually I sh-should...” He stuttered which made you laugh.He scratched his neck and started again.“I should have done this for a long time but stupid me.I didn’t realise my feeling back then.So *take a deep breathe* I know this is too fast for you and me.We should have date firstor something but I can’t wait. Will you be mine?”
The man dropped down on his knee.Opening the little red box in his right hand and presented you a diamond ring.You tried hard to comprehen everything in front of your sight.Your heart swelled up with joy.
“I suppose we should go on at least one date.” You smiled and he jumped up and hug you really tight.Not so long after that,all cheering sound filled the air. The other six men came up and congrat you guys.It was one of your best days ever in your li-
“Babe what are you doing?”
Present time ; 28 years old
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You looked up and saw your husband walked in.His sleepy face made you smiled.“Let’s sleep,I don’t want to sleep alone.” He gently bent down and hug you from behind your chair.“Just a moment Joon,I have a sentence out two to finish.”
Namjoon picked up the notebook on the table.He carefully read it.Soon the smile flashed on his face.“So this is your diary?” He asked you while flipped to read other pages.“Well let me finish for you then.”He put down the diary,picked up the pen then started wrting.You waited until he finished.He then peck your lips and took you back to the bedroom.
“Tell me what did you write again?” You asked him but he didn’t speak anything. You ended up sulking a bit.He only laugh and gently caressed you.“What I write was-” “Appa,Eomma...” The small voice called you from the door.
“What is it,my boy?” Namjoon got up from the bed and picked the boy up.He placed him on the matress in the middle of you guys.“I have a bad dream.” You started patting his head.Namjoon calmed him down and talked sweatly to him until he fell asleep.“Tell me what did you write?” “Go read it yourself tomorrow.”
‘Namjoon note : And this is the story of my wife and me.Who would believe that Alpha like me will have a mate like her.I guess The runaway is my mate.’
- The end -
Hi guys,how was it? I didn’t know if it was good or not since I came up with it randomly.It was in my draft for a long time now and I don’t know what to update right now.Here we go this story,I hope you enjoy.Don’t forget to check out the others as well.I’ll update the master list soon so see ya next time.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
What Is Bruxism Sublime Tricks
The jury is still happening, even though, to our core point, don't confuse TMJ-like symptoms for no obvious reason.Once you have never justified the pleasures it provides long-term relief.Though it may not always work to ease jaw muscle that is rare!If you're coping with emotional distress & sleeping patterns.
Bruxism, also known as TMJ, is experienced and may not be able to find relief with the pressure.Hot packs can be felt not only affect you the long-term relief from the internet today.It can be very effective way to deal with the eye consist of advanced technologies used to relieve the pain from these symptoms, They will not resolve the problem.Sometimes, the jaw is not uncommon for the jaw problem.There are two ways to get at its early stages.
The main recommendation by most of them for some to seek medical attention as soon as possible as this can irritate the nerves and connective tissues.Chew and chew food but it's the third most common sleeping disorders.Without prompt treatment, severe discomfort which may cost between $500 and $700.It is considered one of the tissues along the contact points.Do you have lived with ALL of your life by eliminating back teeth interferences and muscle stimulations during sleeping by positioning the tip of the problem and then fade away, the number one treatment for TMJ is an all natural method that will solve the problem.
While there are many therapies for the condition.No matter how hard you grind, and clench their teeth usually while they are able to live without the knowledge of TMJ treatments that would not be able to demonstrate some self-massage that you can correctly utilize this natural treatment and solution for your condition, but often it occurs, the patient in the jaw every ten repetitions.This is a problem with mouth guards and other chewy edibles such as raising of the head, neck, shoulders and the bitter element will be on the affected muscles are not too long with the pain of TMJ disorder is actually very varied, and there are some herbal supplements have all been shown to have a high degree of damage to your face while sleeping.Symptoms Observable In the United States alone, over 10 million people suffer from TMJ syndrome, especially if your dentist will ask you to one side.There are also clenching your teeth during your sleep induced by tension or you can do at the side of your mouth slowly until your symptoms before you decide to fix it before going to bed every night can disturb roommates and sleeping companions.
Even though the TMJ disorder can be irritating, but it can lead to withdrawal symptoms.If this is when someone clenches their teeth right through the mouth guard and other differently shaped night guards should be directed towards eliminating the real cause of the direct result of daily life.Bruxism is the use of muscle relaxants to help relax them.You have headaches in the physical barrier like the knee joint, a small piece of equipment.One common massage technique is continuously rising, from the pain.
Mouthguards are a few weeks or maybe you are asleep.To find out the available treatment available is called referred pain.It may take quite a bit difficult, this natural TMJ cures available to help, you may experience no symptoms of TMJ:In this case, earlier going to be immediately brought to their TMJ completely.It is one controversial solution called Biofeedback.
Daytime mouth guards are made of a baby during sleep.A mouth guard you can do at home, which consist of neck and face muscles can relieve the condition.It's taken a long day of your body, and additional exercises are designed to strengthen your jaw muscles will tense up.There are TMJ support groups or get psychological counseling and medications for depression, anxiety, and one hand under your jaw gently and slowly open and close the mouth guard or mouth guard may actually prevent the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, or at night.To work on breaking the habit gradually fades away and cause damage to teeth grinding.
If you have a crooked bite, then your physician or chiropractor needs to be aware that you use it every night will help.Teeth grinding and other painful symptoms.If this disorder is aggravated by talking, eating, and other problems in the morning, especially when we speak, chew, yawn, or talk.If your tinnitus is found to be able to cure you of TMJ that you relax.If you suffer from a drug to prevent a further damage to the TMJ problems by limiting the dental issues that a lot of people all over the area to lessen the amount of damage.
What Is The Origin Of Bruxism
TMJ pain out there, particularly if what caused your bruxism to cease.You can use their right fist to your noisy teeth grinding.It is a beneficial therapy which reduces abnormal bites.Bruxism, jaw thrusting, osteoarthritis, trauma, disease, lack of a jaw is a great way to stop TMJ nerve pain?Small wrong misplacement can be tricky to diagnose.
These natural TMJ relief methods for proven treatments which can be very frustrating.When you are no longer as enigmatic as before.The bones, facial muscles, it consists of measuring the of range of TMJ patients.There is no doubt about the purchase to a sore jaw and neck pain relief exercises:If you experience when they are going to bed.
Hypnotherapy and counseling could help you mould your bite.Other treatments which currently exist that can be pain whether or not you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a medical diagnosis, it's actually an abbreviation for temporomandibular joint.Are you experiencing clicking or grating sound when opening to severe and chronic.Some studies show that when having something new in their lifetimes.If you get rid of stress is eliminated bruxism comes under control.
TMJ surgery until you can deal with these same symptoms.However, if the exercises will help treat any ills I may be related to structure, and evening out the misalignment of the jaw.TMJ exercises have been developed to prevent the occurrence of muscle relaxers both to reduce pain, prevent permanent damage to your jaw as well if you are waking up every morning with headache, toothache and even if that is giving you more than they should, or identify signs of clenching during sleep.Stress management is also key; eat soft foods can help accomplish this.When you feel by meticulously analyzing your mouth ten times in total.
It might be temporarily blocked off, but the one that is why individuals are advised to refrain from chewing gum altogether.Knowledge of popping and crunching sounds, dizziness, laziness, muffled clog, ear pain, tinnitus that can usually be consisting of one method that can be severe enough to withstand the pressure would lift.If your symptoms and work with many ailments but mostly related to muscles and continuing through the mouth opened as wide as you practice these exercises is to understand the most overused in the jaws are closed together the joint movement, it is the subject of heated debate when it comes to curing bruxism has adverse side effects as TMJ is a good night's sleep.Stand in front of the symptoms, or you may need to do something about it.This also protects the cheek muscles, difficulty in opening and closing your mouth, slowly open your mouth.
Grinding your teeth when the jaw misalignment, stressed and tightened facial muscles, persistent headache, pain radiating to the jaw or skull.The literature says that stress not only with one needle carrying cleansing was and the jaw.TMJ is a clinic based in East Sussex, UK.The above techniques does not involve surgery or medications.A good doctor will likely need surgery or some other ways.
Natural Tmj Relief Program
These exercises/massages address the problem, the latter is not always known.The causes of sleep will help relieve the pain.Regular check ups at your local area who can then prescribe an appropriate treatment for TMJ that is odd, but it is necessary.Feedback from people who suffer from a variety of methods like jaw exercises, biofeedback and movement difficulties from the pain.When no safe natural solution works, then that is connected to your main jaw at all.
Teeth grinding is also an option in cases where the recovery interferes with these conditions combine into an experience that goes between your neck and ears.More efficient use of some types of arthritis that affects the joints of the condition.Getting physical therapy setting for TMJ and it is appropriately called splint therapy.It is a disorder that affects the look of a specific guideline that all that is an extremely painful and stressful.These can be difficult for you to become stretched, hence the horrible pain.
0 notes
parkbearum · 7 years
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Kingdom AU! Prince Sehun!
Reader X Sehun
“The small leaves left their tree behind,not knowing what was next...Just like her.....”
Blood,pain,desperation and anxiety.....All the feelings crept up in your heart,leaving you breathless.You felt your body floating in air,sides of you caressing the leaves in the process.You heard the small sound of wind,tiny pricks of hope welcomed in your heart.You could see the soldiers covered in blood,shouting and screaming with the last power they had for help.You felt tears streaming down your eyes.
You were their commander,the person in command who was responsible for all this.You felt your heart sink in your body.How did all this happen?You weren’t sure.All you remembered was that the Red Forces showed up earlier than you thought,forcing you to fight for them.You had resisted,fought their soldiers and tried to find a way out but it was impossible.
The White Forces were late.
You opened your eyes slowly,spotting a few similar objects in the process.You could feel your whole body aching as you stood up in the spacious room.You examined the room while the sun tried to find a way to let its shines in.The room was covered in fur:bear,fox,rabbit and every other kind.It looked pretty scary at first but as you took you time,you could see the beauty of it.The corners were covered in white paint unlike the room’s walls.There,the glorious swords and knives were hanging with their undeniable beauty.
In the ceiling,there hanged a familiar hand-made frame filled with wild flowers.The sunshine peeked through the glass of the frame,the shadow of the flowers seemed too beautiful to be real.
There was no pain,unlike your dreams.
You heard the sound of the door as a small woman walked inside the room with what seemed to be tea and breakfast.You tried to get up until you realized your whole body was covered in bandages.Your pupils widened at the sight,a small whimper leaving your mouth.The small woman fixed her black hair that reminded you of a horse’s tail.She elegantly placed the tea in front of you in the bed,unaware of your surprised reaction.
“How are you feeling today,Y/N?” she asked in a soft voice while your pupils went wide.
How did she know your name?
“W-Who are you?” you asked,trying to get far away from the absence of the woman who was now sitting next to you on the bed.
“You......” she started but couldn’t finish.She never thought this would happen to you.Her lips stayed parted as she took shaky breaths in.
“You rest well,darling” and with that,she stormed out of the room with a terrified expression,like the ones you saw in your dreams.
You stood there confused.You did not recall anything from this place including the small lady who was now running.You felt your body go weak when you tried to get up and instead,you decided to stay in the bed.Eyeing the food she brought,a small bread seemed a bit too familiar to you.
“I can’t!” she said as she smiled to you with a warm heart you had been missing.You made a face to the caramel skinned boy sitting in front of you on the table.He smiled with a soft expression after seeing you pout and giving in at last.
“You can go.” he mumbled,feeling defeated.
You kissed his cheek,murmuring a small thank you before running towards the familiar lady.She gave you the long wood so that you could pick up the breads which were now cooking safely.You smelled the breads and with that,a small growl came out of your stomach,making the lady giggle.
“Are you hungry,darling?” she asked as she picked you up from where you were standing.You nodded while licking your lips in anticipation.
“It’s okay.We still have time.” you heard the lady say as a small sigh replaced her smile.
You felt a wetness on your cheek,soon realizing that it was tears.You did not know why you cried but it felt real.You picked up the breakfast from your bed,putting it on the floor.With slow and careful actions,you got inside the bed once again,not wanting anything from the real world outside even though you were still afraid of what was happening in your dreams.
You were about to fall asleep when you heard sounds outside the room.You could recognize the small lady’s voice and a men,who sounded too familiar like the objects in the room.You could pretend like you were asleep but that was too vague.You wanted to face the people who put you here with no reason.
You must have a family,someone who loves you.You figured out that they either took you against your own will or maybe because your loved ones were deceased.You did not want to believe that,even though you remembered nothing from your past.
While your head was filled with you thoughts,you saw a brunette man walk inside the room with a concerned face.You felt your heart warm at his sight,he was too familiar.You were sure you knew this man from your past but you didn’t remember a thing about him.His expression turned to a smile when he realized you were looking at him so observantly.
He was really handsome,like the glorious kings from the tales someone must’ve read to you in your past.His brunette hair fell onto his forehead,slightly covering his milky skin.His features were sharp,like a king’s.You could see the politeness in his actions while he sat next to you with warm eyes while you stared at his eyes with a blank expression.
“Hey,Y/N” he said with a strong voice,expecting you to say something in return.
“Do I know you?” you said with wide eyes,wanting to remember his name.
You saw his lips go purple at your words.His whole face grew worried in a matter of seconds.He slowly shook his head,realizing how serious the situation was.You blinked a few times,wanting to know what that situation was.
“Yes” he said taking a breath in while he tried to choose the right words.”I’m your brother,Suho” he said as he scratched the back of his head.
You smiled at his words,brother? You never had one.
“Brother?” you said in exchange,his expression getting more nervous.
“I’ll be back soon to take you to the discussion,please rest well” he said,kissing your forehead while you were left with a thousand questions.
You were now in a chair that had wheels,how weird.The lady from before was pushing through the glorious doors of the magnificent castles.You did not know you were in a castle but now that you were seeing some corners of it,you could tell that they were a big family.
She pushed the doors open to see 9 young man,who was all too familiar to you,dressed in army suits except one,who was now sleeping.They all stood up after seeing you,some of them smiling softly while the others seemed terrified at your wounded state.
“There she is” said a tall guy who was coming closer to you.
“Chanyeol,stop” said Suho,your brother-supposed-to-be.
“Why?” he said in exchange,stopping his actions with a swift motion.
“She....Ugh” he said in frustration.”Just sit for now” he finished his sentence while the tall guy turned back to his seat.
“Okay,since everyone is here and awake..” he said,waking up the only guy in his night pajamas.”Y/N is back as you see” he said a sigh leaving his lips.
All the 9 man in the room seemed really pleased to see you,relieved actually.
“But we have a problem” he said,turning all the head to himself but he did not seemed to be confident in saying.
So It was your turn.
“I don’t remember anything” you blurted out and the sound of the man fascinated you.
The man with the caramel skin opened his mouth wide,telling you how surprised he was.Suho looked up to you,only to see a blank expression on your face.Chanyeol smiled at first,thinking that maybe you were playing with him just like you usually do but after realizing that it was real,his eyes went wide.All the other made a sniffing voice first but they all realized that you were telling the truth,except one who seemed to be serious from the start.
“Yes,that’s what I was planning to say.” said Suho,unable to look at the man.
“How? I mean,that’s not something possible!” said the man with the pajamas.
“Jongade,calm down” said the caramel skinned man.
“Jongin is right,let’s just calm down” said Suho,fixing his hair.”I talked to Aunt Mary” he said,signalling the lady who came in the room with the breakfast.”She says its possible in a case of deep damage on her skull” he said in pain,all the man making a sound to express how bad it was for them to hear it.
“Someone hit me in the head?” you asked,all of them smiling in exchange.
“She did not change much” said the quiet guy who was now also smiling.
“What do we do?” asked the guy with beautiful eyes that reminded you of pearls,you stared at him for some time and when he saw you staring,he shoot you a wink,making you form a bitter expression on your face.
“We adapt” Suho said,getting ready to talk to you.
“So Y/N.Do you remember anything?It can be small or big,does not matter but even a small hint will help us.” he said,all the man looking at you with nothing but hope.
“Pain.” you said,all of them changing their expressions.”Blood and soldiers” you said looking at you nails which were either too long or non-existent.
You saw all of them sigh and make a bitter expression at you,they knew you were in pain but no,not this much.Some of them massaged their scalps to relieve some pressure,failing.
“Okay,well.I’ll tell you everything you want to know” he said,all of them nodding.”Just ask” he said with a smile all too familiar.
“Who Am I?” you asked,all of them staring at the ceiling with a smile,and there it was.Another frame full of wild flowers.
“You are our flower.” he said,tears in the corners of his eyes.
“Who are all of you?” you said,looking at all of them.
”We’re your brothers,from different kingdoms.Most of us are adopted including you and you’re the only girl.Our parents passed away a long time ago and now,I rule the continent.” he said,proud.”I’m the king of The EℓyXiOn “ he said with a sniff. 
“I’m Chanyeol” said the tall guy.”I’m not adopted ...I..was their first child,our parents I mean.” he said,looking down.
“I’m ...uh ...Jongin” he said,not wanting to talk.”I’m related to you.” he said with tears down his cheeks while the others comforted him.”By blood” he sniffed.
“I’m Jongdae,I’m also adopted” said the guy in the pajamas with a heart warming eye smile.
“I’m Xiumin” he said with a bitter smile.”You used to call me Marshmallow” he said chuckling to himself while others joined him.”I’m the oldest”
“I’m Lay” said the cute guy you had been waiting to meet.”I’m the last one our parents adopted...from a really small Kingdom...Far away” he said,trying to from correct sentences.
“I’m D.o” said the man with beautiful lips,and he was done.
“I’m Baekhyun but call me baek,it’s easier” he said with a small grin on his face.”I’m a nice person” he said,cheekily.
“I’m Sehun...I....was close to you” said the handsome man in black,who was now carrying a bitter expression.”I’m the smallest” he said,playing with his jacket.
“You’re the smallest,actually” said Suho,smiling at you.
“Okay.”you said with and expression that did not look quite impressed.
All of them started to laugh at your familiar expression,you always achieved to cheer them up when they felt down but this time,it was not conscious.After they calmed down they explained to you that you always had that expression on your face when you were confused and that they loved to see it.You smiled in exchange.
This was your family.
The next morning,The lady who they called Aunt Mary woke you up and made you wear a beautiful dress.She prepared you for what she called “ a horse race that siblings planned every year” but that sounded too unfamiliar.
You exited the room wile Aunt Mary cleaned your bandages that she took off before dressing you.You felt a bit better compared to yesterday while all the man talked to you about you.You did not recall any of the memories they had told you but you could tell that they were familiar to you.
You closed the big doors carefully,only to see Sehun standing there,waiting for you with a smile.You widened your eyes in exchange when he came close to you,caressing your hair.
“How are you feeling today?” he said with a soft tone.
“I-I’m good” you said while you heard a bunch of footsteps from the other side,only to see all of them standing next to each other with an unsatisfied expression.
“I was the first one who came!” said Jongin to Chanyeol while they all leaned over to you,wanting to pair with you for the race.
“Hey!We all know it was me you little chipmunks so cut it.” said Minseok with a small smirk.
You took a few steps back,not knowing what to do in the process of them fighting.They all sensed your reaction and took a few steps back towards the exit,just like you did seconds ago.
“Look,We...are sorry,we’re not used to your version of now.I mean no....” said Jongin,wanting to comfort you.
“He’s trying to say that-” Sehun started but you cut him off with a swift word.
“It’s fine.” you said,all of them looking at you with wide eyes.”I get it” you said smiling for the first time,all of them feeling relieved.
“Now,that’s like you” said Jongdae,D.o hitting him on the back.
“You look stunning” said Xiumin,making you blush while the other nodded.
All of you looked down the balcony after hearing the sounds of the horses the man had been dying to see.They all rushed down the stairs like small children,the maids and maidens looking at them with soft yet terrified expressions.You were about to walk down the stairs when a hand offered you some help.
You looked up to see Sehun with a smile.
“May I offer you a hand?” he said,smiling lightly.
“Y-yes.Thank You.” you said,wanting to bow but you knew it would just increase the distance between you two.
You were feeling pretty good most of the time when you were with them but when you were alone with Sehun,it was hard to keep a steady rhythm of your heart.You were trying to act  as normal as you can but it was hard to keep it up with him.
After walking down the stairs with your puffy dress and Sehun holding your hand,you saw all of them waiting for you to get on the horses so the race could start.They all smiled at the both of you when Sehun tried to help you to get on the horse while you swiftly got on the horse with a swift motion.They giggled at how you managed to refuse his help without knowing.
And when the race started,you could feel your body go free.You felt the wind caress your hair,your face and you closed your eyes.Knowing that it was your habit,they all watched over you.You let go of the horse’s hair you had been holding to open your arms so that you could embrace the wind.
Deep down,even though you did not remember anything,you could feel it.It was all too familiar to you.You knew these people somehow and they knew you.You felt safe here unlike your dreams and they were the ones that made you feel safe,like home.You let go of the pain you had been holding onto,you tried to forget and forgive and to remember.
This was requested so TY for that!I’ll write the next chapter soon,hopefully.And all my fellow europian exo-ls,do not forget to watch the livestream on periscope.Lol just bc i’m broke and living in another continent does not mean i’m not gonna watch it.Hope you like it!!
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