#whump in spirit
whumpitisthen · 2 years
i have great news. i have just finished editing my first book!! i am so happy ive been doing it for like two months now and it think its gonna be rly fun to read once it comes out! i will make a post about what and how and when later when i actually thought it all out fully but most of the work is done finally and i couldnt be happier and more excited for anyone curious to see!! so um i guess this was my little update, and you can expect to hear more about it now that im done with the hardest part
also hello hi i am writing a book its gonna be epic pls consider checking it out later when i decide to make a serious post for it its gonna be whump central and will have some bonus content too youll love it i promise okay bye im going back to my little hole where i hide and think about horrifying things id like to enact upon pretty boys :)
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spirit-whump · 1 month
You want to hurt that character because you hate them. I want to hurt that character because I love them. We are not the same.
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feral-jackdaw · 8 months
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Is this anything?
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epiclamer · 4 months
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They were trying to be quiet—they really were—but the sound of their heartbeat pulsing against their eardrums was deafening and they couldn’t keep their focus. It was only one small slip up and the next thing they knew they were flying head first down a flight of stairs.
The crash was so loud Civilian was convinced even the villain’s neighbours heard their tumble. And if it was loud for the villain’s neighbours, it was even louder for the villain themselves.
A hand landed on each of the civilian’s shoulders, hauling them up, spinning them around, and slamming them into the wall. When their dizziness subsided, the breath was knocked from their lungs once more at the sight of Villain’s all-too-friendly smile right before their eyes.
“Well, it’s about time I caught you, pretty. You’ve been sneaking around my base unpunished for far too long.”
Civilian’s tongue turned dry, they were never supposed to get caught. One heaving breath later and they were part way through a plea and a choked sob when the villain switched their hands, both of them coming to grab Civilian by the throat; effectively shutting them up.
“God, you’re going to break so prettily.” The criminal smiled and cocked their head, eyes boring into the other’s skin. “Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. What’s your name, darling?”
Civilian nearly collapsed in fear, knees just about ready to give out if it weren’t for the villain’s hold pinning them to the wall. “H-Hero—” They gasped out, prying at the fingers locked around their neck.
The villain looked them up and down quizzically, as if they were trying to solve a puzzle that wasn’t quite adding up in their own head. “Funny. I didn’t peg Superhero as the kind of person to hire scaredy cats.”
“V-Villain, please—”
“Begging already? Our fun hasn’t even started. What a shame it is that Superhero can’t see you now…” Villain’s chokehold tightened, Civilian’s nails dug through their suit and into the other’s hands. It was a last ditch effort to keep air and blood circulating through their body.
The criminal’s grin widened at their increasing desperation, the way they scrambled, and the way their eyes pleaded silently for mercy. It truly never got old.
“Let’s get a good look at my latest victim, shall we? The newest face to be plastered across the newspapers.”
Before Civilian could register what was happening, their mask was ripped free from their suit, revealing their raspberry red face to the enemy. They spluttered, a little more air coming through now that the mask wasn’t blocking any extra intake, and made somewhat of a whine as they looked into the villain’s… shocked gaze?
No, they had to be mistaken.
The villain dropped them. Not bothering to budge when the wheezing civilian collapsed at their feet, struggling with every burning breath they could swallow.
When they had quieted down, Villain lowered themselves to a crouch, tangling one hand in Civilian’s hair and pulling their head up. The villain analyzed their face, the tear tracks running down their cheeks, their quivering lip and half-lidded eyes.
“You’re that pesky reporter. The one who always somehow gets the insider scoop on me. You’re not a hero.” Civilian winced, Superhero was going to kill them for being found out.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” They rasped, throat still on fire from their previous strangling.
“No, no, don’t try to fool me.” Villain scoffed, clearly insulted. “You’re the reporter who works for the Daily News Downtown. You’re always up in my business and now suddenly you wear a costume too? Dancing around pretending to be a hero? What’s going on? Who has you in this get-up?”
A lump caught in their throat, Civilian wasn’t about to just give everything up were they? Spew all of the details about Superhero and their threats? They couldn’t. Their family, friends, and career all depended on them getting this information back to Superhero.
Villain’s expression morphed in return to Civilian’s silence. “If you’d like to take a moment and think on it, I have a very beautiful cellar that could use a little company.” All at once, ratting out Superhero didn’t seem like such a bad option after all.
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whumpypepsigal · 24 days
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@whumpgifathon | Day 18: “Emotional Breakdown” || “Broken Spirit”
Grigor Dymov in The Great 3x07
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dangermousie · 4 months
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Man is now being tortured to death for his magic blood. This damsel is vvvv much in distress.
But luckily every damsel in distress gets a hero to rescue them:
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The overlap between people who watched both these shows is probably three people in the world, but this is 100% what it made me think of:
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PS As a dessert:
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And then poor dude is all "I lived here for 16 years and they tried to wicker man meeeeee!"
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ttokimagic · 4 months
Fox spirit matchmaker episode 9
Man this series has much whump and I living for ittttt
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whumpygifs · 4 months
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pluralprompts · 29 days
Prompt #1,963
Character A was a very malleable spirit when they first formed. Most spirits are at that time – they haven't yet grown into their afterlife, and their identity is too shaken from their death even if they saw it coming. Who are you when the curtain closes? When you have no earthly connections to define yourself by? Many think they are prepared to answer that question, but most end up taking some time to work things out, and Character A was no exception.
Character B took advantage of that.
Now, Character A knew on some level that they were warped, corrupted. But what else can they be? They are defined by the hatred Character B poured into their soul – but staring down the one who made them like this, they can't help but wonder what Character B's intention was. Surely, they didn't think intentionally creating a malicious spirit would work out in their favor, right?
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luck-and-clovers · 1 month
Treasured One
Would you believe this was too long for AO3? But really wanted to share this cuz I think it's one of the better fics I've written in a while. Enjoy...~
Gladstone tensed at the sound of locks undoing themselves, breaking the silence of the room. He looked up just as the doors opened, and Liu Hai entered the room in a flutter of jade fabric. He carried a silver tray stacked with bowls and cups, and a kettle in the center that still smoked as if fresh from the fire.
Seated at the table, Gladstone quickly ducked his head. He tried to hide his disappointment as the doors shut again, instead putting on a sardonic grin.
“Oh, golly gee, is it lunch time already?” he asked, his voice full of false cheer. Liu Hai returned it with an equally disingenuous grin.
“Not if you keep up that attitude, it isn’t!”
Gladstone dropped the mask with a sigh; it wouldn’t do him any good to piss him off now. Might as well get a meal first, and he could use the tea…
“Fine, whatever…” he muttered, head bowing lower as Liu Hai approached. He received an approving nod as the tray was set down. Gladstone quietly reached for a bread roll, nibbling at it as the demon took a seat across from him.
“I suppose that’s better,” he said, taking the kettle and pouring himself a cup, “though it could include some better manners. Another day, perhaps; tea?”
A cup was placed before him and filled without him needing to answer. He reached for it, still keeping his hunched form, but his eyes shot up when it was moved slightly out of reach. Liu Hai had him fixed with a harsh stare; the smile was gone, and his eyes conveyed agitation. His brow raised, as if he expected something.
Gladstone studied him for a moment, confused, before realization struck; he couldn’t just do as he wanted of course. Liu Hai had his expectations, and he was to live up to them.
His eyes narrowed, and through gritted teeth he said, “Yes please.”
His eyes softened, and he pushed the hot mug back. Gladstone took it with a soft grumble, and made to take a sip—he paused, before adjusting his movement. He held the cup close, making shallow tilts to sip the dark brew as best he could in his awkward hold. Liu Hai eyed him curiously, slowly taking a bowl of rice stacked with beef. He shrugged it off though, taking his share of the bowl before passing it the other’s way.
“So, do I get another exciting trek through the halls today, or do I get to count the cracks in the ceiling again?” Gladstone asked dully. He shoveled the hot food into his mouth, ignoring the slight burn as it went down. He flashed a snide grin.
“Spoiler alert: it’s none.”
Liu Hai snickered, eating at a much calmer pace.
“That depends, are you going to make another fruitless attempt for the main doors?”
Gladstone didn’t answer, but his eyes gave him away; he would, they both knew he would. No matter how many times he failed, he would keep trying. And this determination was why Liu Hai would continue holding him in this room until he was no longer deemed “a flight risk”.
“Dunno why you’re even that mad,” Gladstone grumbled,, “not like I can even get out of the damn building; thanks for that by the way.”
This brought a sneer to the demon’s face, and Gladstone was reluctantly made aware once more of the thick, golden collar locked securely around his neck. Acknowledging it seemed to make it heavier, and his free hand traced it despite himself.
The metal was cool to the touch, and didn’t leave much if any room between it and skin. His finger found the edge, barely able to slip beneath it—
He winced, a hiss slipping out as he jerked his hand away. This fully caught Liu Hai’s attention as he set his plate down, and leaned closer, eyes studying him much more intensely than before. Gladstone shrunk under those harsh eyes, avoiding them as he slowly reached for another roll.
A shudder ran down his spine as Liu Hai stood.
He refused to look up as the demon moved closer, standing so close he could feel the aura radiating off him.
“Gladstone, look at me.”
He didn’t, shoulders hunched around him. His heart was hammering in his chest as a strong hand grabbed his jaw. He fought against the pull, trying to keep his head down.
“Look. At. Me.” Liu Hai growled, his grip tightening. Nails lightly pressed at his skin, and he finally allowed his head to be pulled up with a frustrated grunt.
Angry red lines decorated his neck, tracing along the edges of the shackle. Some were shallow and faint, while others were much deeper. Dark red and scabbed over, and the skin raw from the hours he'd spent clawing at the damned shackle. Long nights where he swore it was tighter, even if reasonably he knew it wasn’t. But it choked him with the reality of his situation. Weighed heavy on his chest that he was stuck here, never getting out, no matter how hard he tried, how loud he screamed, how deep his nails dug.
Squeezing tighter until he could hardly breathe, and he just wanted it off, off, get it off—
 A heavy sigh left Liu Hai as he leaned down to examine the injuries.
“Gladstone, how many times must we do this?”
A faint red tinged Gladstone’s face as his head was tilted back.
“Sooo sorry to inconvenience you.” He muttered, wincing as cool fingers lightly grazed the ugly marks along his throat. His arm twitched, wanting to push the other away; but, he knew better. Or at least, he didn’t have the energy to argue right now.
Liu Hai grumbled under his breath as he willed his chair over, taking a seat. A snap of his fingers summoned a jar on the table, and Gladstone wrinkled his nose at the strong, medicinal odor wafting from it. It was one he was becoming familiar with, unfortunately…
Liu Hai dipped a hand into the elixir, and started applying it to the marks as he clicked his tongue.
“You really must stop with this ridiculous behavior. What are you even hoping to accomplish? Besides wasting my time and healing elixirs, of course.”
Gladstone squirmed in his seat as the hands carefully worked the ointment into his skin. He attempted to pull away, but Liu Hai’s grip was unwavering.
“Well there’s a couple solutions to this,” he ground through his teeth. “You could just NOT waste your time with your smelly magic salve or whatever it is. Spare my nose while you’re at it…”
“Oh, nonsense,” he said, before abruptly pulling him close, holding his jaw tightly, “I can’t have my property walking around damaged, now can I?”
I’m not your property.
The words flew to his mouth, but Gladstone bit them back with a glare. Liu Hai flashed a sly grin, as though waiting for him to let loose. Daring him, even.
Try it, give me a challenge. See what happens.
But he said nothing of the kind, forcing his ire down as he continued.
“Or you could just take the damn thing off. Kinda clashes with the whole aesthetic ya got going on here anyway.”
He indicated the bright jade ensemble he’d been forced into long ago, when he’d first arrived. Days, weeks maybe. He hated them, they weren’t even close to his style, or even his favorite shade of green. They weren’t him at all; but of course, they loudly proclaimed Liu Hai's influence. Even now, the fabric still carried the refreshing smell of rain and chilling mint tea.
Even when he was alone he could still smell the demon; the whole room reeked of him. Smothering, choking, overwhelming—
“Anyone could tell you this much brightness is a bit gaudy, and I am anything but. You’d be doing us both a favor, really.”
The demon only laughed at this, applying another layer of elixir. His movements were slow and methodical, it could be taken as him being thorough; but, one glance at his eyes told another story. They gleamed with a malicious humor, taking in every small quiver and sharp breath as he touched up the deeper cuts.
They both knew how much Gladstone hated this, the feeling of his hands on his skin. The light poke of his nails, the way they traced the veins running beneath…the tenderness he acted with. It felt so…wrong. Made his skin crawl as his hands clenched in his lap.
“Perhaps one day I will be able to remove it; but that all depends on you of course.”
Liu Hai finally sat back, wiping his hands off with a cloth and snapping the elixir away. Gladstone hastily ran hands over his neck, desperately needing the feel of ANYBODY else’s hands on his skin; he only briefly noted the absence of the abrasions. He shot Liu Hai a soured glare.
“Right, me, because I have SO much influence on your decisions; that’s why I’ve had the delightful luxury of having zero say in any of my “accommodations” here!” He threw his hands up, gesturing at the extravagant room. It was pretty, sure, but that’s all it was; a hollow sense of indulgence. A gilded cage, worse than the casino had ever been.
“Oh you’ve had plenty of influence, Gladstone. After all, it was only because you insisted on trying to leap out of every window or doorway you could find that I even had to put that on you in the first place! If you’re so upset about it, then give me reason to reconsider.”
“Please, don’t act like this isn’t some sick power trip for you!”
“Hm, perhaps a bit,” Liu Hai said with a smirk, “but my point stands: if you want the comforts you crave, then you need to help yourself.”
Gladstone’s head shot up at this, anger roaring in his ears.
“Wha— help myself?! Are you kidding me?! You think I’M the problem?!”
He abruptly stood, shoving the chair back with enough force to knock it over. He pointed furiously at him, ignoring the tiny siren in his head that screamed for him to stop. To keep this modicum of peace they had going right now.
“You’re the one who decided to drag me here, and you act like I’m unreasonable for being MAD about it?!”
Liu Hai stood as well, and Gladstone tried not to be intimidated by his towering height over him.
“Do control yourself, Gander, becoming hysterical over nothing won’t help you. If you want a better life here, then you need to earn it!”
“Hysterical— nothi— you kidnapped me! Locked me in this damn room, put this damn collar on me, these stupid clothes…!”
He was pacing now, hands running and gripping his hair furiously, breathing unsteady. Liu Hai watched him with an exasperated frown, like he was dealing with a bratty child, and it wasn’t helping Gladstone’s roiling emotions.
“Oh, you care so much about my “wants”, you wanna know what I want?! I want MY clothes back, I want MY room in MY house, I want this stupid manacle gone— !”
He stormed over to the large glass window that made up the eastern wall of his room. He gestured wildly to the world beyond it. A mystic one so far from his own, nothing but trees and mountains for miles. Even if he COULD leave the palace, he wouldn’t even know where to go.
“I want MY world back, I want my LIFE back, I want my family…!”
His breath hitched; so many faces flashed through his mind. Gramma, Donald, Della, the kids, Fethry— his emotions swelled to a fever pitch, and he whirled around. His fists struck the window as he gave a desperate shout.
A translucent green barrier rippled across the glass as he made contact, giving a dull thunk. Even if the window hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have gotten past it. He knows, he’d tried…many, many times.
Silence filled the room now as his high faded, leaving him panting against the glass. It wasn’t long before his knees gave out, and he slid to the floor, his arms wrapped around himself.
“Please…” he begged in a quivering whisper.
“Please just let me go.”
He sat in a pitiful, shaking heap, trying to relax his stuttered breathing. And failing, it seemed, as the light prickle of tears seeped through.
Soft footsteps moved toward him, and a moment later, an arm wrapped around his shoulders. The other hand grasped his chin, and forced his reddening eyes to meet brilliant yellow. They held an infuriating sense of pity.
“There, there, xiaobao,” Liu Hai cooed, brushing a thumb against his cheek, “no need to be so upset; soon you’ll realize you can have so much more.”
Gladstone couldn’t string a sentence together just yet; only offer a puzzled stare and stuttered “wh-wha…” before he was shushed.
“You don’t need that ruthless world anymore, or those fools that claim to care. That world that would just as easily toss you away the moment your luck turns away from their favor, the family who barely speaks to you unless they need you for their own benefits.”
Lies, all lies; how is that any different than you?
The question must’ve been evident in his eyes, as Liu Hai smiled, stroking his face again.
“They take what they want and leave you in the lurch; I can give you anything your heart desires, and I ask for so little in return.”
Never mind the fact that the “so little” he wanted tore into his body and soul, leaving him with a spinning head and comatose for hours at a time. Piercing into his core like a hot knife and lapping away at it until his body seemed to burn from the inside out. Left him with a nauseating sense of wrongness that wouldn’t abate. And that didn’t even cover the growing number of scars and divots left behind from the teeth.
But of course, it was all good, because he was pampered and coddled for the rest of his days. That made it all worth it, right?
Liu Hai drew him closer, lips pressed to his ear; he could feel the smile in his voice as he murmured. A shudder ran through him as a nail traced his jawline.
“I can give you such a wonderful life here…if you’d only let me.”
“Stop,” He gasped, finding his voice at last. “Stop acting like…like you care! You don’t, I know you don’t, you just want a meal…!”
A laugh ruffled his hair. Liu Hai then stood, towing Gladstone up with him by the arm, and turned him around to face him.
“I do care quite a lot about you, Gladstone. I even enjoy your antics some days. You are such a fine specimen; a rarity that doesn’t come often. A delicacy to be treasured.”
He leaned closer with every word, and Gladstone found himself pressing back against the barrier. Strong hands cupped his face.
“Which is why I can never let you go.”
He lightly patted his cheek, before finally pulling away. Gladstone fought the tremor in his legs as he watched him head for the doors.
“Well, I think that’s enough excitement for one afternoon,” Liu Hai sighed, and gestured to the table, “feel free to have your fill of what’s left.”
He looked back over his shoulder; his eyes gleamed, and a ravenous grin split his face.
“I’ll stop by this evening for dinner.”
He was gone then, slipping out the doors without another word. Locks slid into place, leaving only deafening silence.
Gladstone stumbled his way to the bed, letting his weak legs finally give as he sank into the plush mattress. His legs drew into his chest tightly, trying to make himself as small as possible. The food was left forgotten on the table, he didn’t have the stomach for anything right now.
It would be hours before Liu Hai returned, but he knew it wouldn’t feel that way. It always seemed he had too much time yet not enough.
Never enough.
The gold band weighed heavy on his neck.
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Kaius 🐰pls?
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while Kaius doesn't have a singular favorite animal, he does like rats and mice a lot (Ratthew made an impact /j)
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whumporpass · 6 months
Agito- Origin: Spirits of the Past
Propaganda: Short twink who is extremely whumpable and the movie takes full advantage of this. He almost dies 10 times in the first 30 minutes. He almost drowns in a cave. Gets kicked in the stomach and skids across concrete. Gets shot at with huge missile shells, knocked out by tranquilizer gas, chained to the wall with comically large shackles. Buried in the rubble of a train crash. And kneed repeatedly in the face by the movie’s villain. He has plant body horror powers that grow from his skin and can cause him pain. There is emotional whump too but it deals in some heavy movie spoilers but I will say he does suffer. A lot. There is comfort in the movie too but honestly there is so much Agito hurt.
Images: cw: plant body horror in one image. I tried not to add too many but I wanted to show both his appearances. Silver hair appearance is after his transformation
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spirit-whump · 1 month
Trying to whump a character and trying to figure out how they would react to the most painful horrifying things being done to them based on their personality but also considering the type of torture you want to put them through and how that would realistically shape them
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ronanziriano · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 20 - Quenched Thirst
Drip. Drip. Drip.
For a little while, Whumpee didn’t even quite register the sound as real. He wondered if it was a dehydration-induced hallucination, teasing him.
But when he peeled his eyes open to investigate, he spotted it. The tiniest little splash, right in the middle of empty concrete floor.
Warily Whumpee crawled toward it and looked up. When he squinted, he could see it: a thin, jagged crack in the ceiling, running from the outer wall and into the center, a dark, damp spot right at the end marking the source of the dripping water.
Whumpee brought his eyes back down to the floor, watching intently as another drop hit the floor. A small puddle was beginning to spread on the ground, shallow and far from wide, but a puddle all the same.
This was the first time he’d seen water in… days? How long had it been since Whumper had come through that door, now firmly bolted closed, with rations? Too long. His throat was raw, tongue like sandpaper, whole body exhausted and desperate.
Desperate enough to roll onto his back and position himself beneath the drip from the ceiling, letting his mouth fall open.
The first merciful drop went straight to the back of his throat, so he didn’t get a chance to savor it. For the next, Whumpee adjusted himself to ensure the drop landed on his tongue. It wasn’t exactly refreshing - the water was slightly warm, and there was a somewhat chalky feel to it. He wondered if some of the plaster from the ceiling was dripping down along with the water.
It didn’t matter, though. These drops were still much better than no water at all, and Whumpee gratefully drank up anything he could get.
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Origin Spirits of the Past is so fun because it has this short king who goes into battle in a bdsm crop top binder with matching arm cuffs that powerful forest fae put him in. When he stands next to anyone it’s obvious how tiny he is.
This includes basically the whole cast: the tall armored knight/soldier lady, the villain, his best friend’s dad, his town’s mayor, the other main character who he has a crush on who is a girl taller than him.
And then that same twink throws a several-car-sized boulder over his head, rips a tank in half with his bare hands, chases down an armored train, busts out of a jail cell with plant body horror, and deflects a missile shell like 5 times his size. He’s also bulletproof.
Also for fun, it does the opposite of “girl in revealing outfit, guy in street clothes” bit and genuinely I want more of whatever this is:
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Agito vs Shunack fight pt 3 (no audio) archived off defunct gif website
The longest clip, and the most whump out of the whole scene. He tries so hard but despite them both having the same powers, Shunack is intimately far stronger.
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