#also yes you heard that right: Bonus Content
whumpitisthen · 2 years
i have great news. i have just finished editing my first book!! i am so happy ive been doing it for like two months now and it think its gonna be rly fun to read once it comes out! i will make a post about what and how and when later when i actually thought it all out fully but most of the work is done finally and i couldnt be happier and more excited for anyone curious to see!! so um i guess this was my little update, and you can expect to hear more about it now that im done with the hardest part
also hello hi i am writing a book its gonna be epic pls consider checking it out later when i decide to make a serious post for it its gonna be whump central and will have some bonus content too youll love it i promise okay bye im going back to my little hole where i hide and think about horrifying things id like to enact upon pretty boys :)
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vrystalius · 1 month
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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gloomwitchwrites · 7 months
Missed Hints
King Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): fluff, light angst, humor, pregnancy, suggestive themes, fade to black, established relationship
Word Count: 1.8k
With the pregnancy confirmed, you decide to drop little hints until Thorin makes the connections.
A/N: for @protosslady
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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“You’re pregnant, your majesty.”
Those two little words are enough to make time freeze. You are cold, a bit hesitant, and completely unbelieving of what you’re hearing.
“Are you sure?” you ask slowly, needing to know if you’ve heard her correctly.
The midwife, Lena, smiles broadly. “As sure as the sun rises in the morning. I’ve been doing this for close to thirty summers now. Rarely am I ever wrong.”
Lena’s assistant, Petal, matches Lena’s smile with one of her own. It is radiant and sunny, a stark difference from your sudden anxiousness. “This is wonderful news,” she exclaims. “King Thorin will be so pleased.”
“Indeed,” agrees Lena. “And so will the people when it’s formally announced.”
Both women sigh at the same time, but you are not nearly as excited as they are.
You and Thorin did try for a child many times in the beginning of your marriage. It was enthusiastic—and constant—but nothing ever came of it. While it bothered you, Thorin never seemed to care. He told you that all he wanted was you and that anything else was a bonus.
That is still true. Thorin loves you.
But Thorin is being pulled in a different direction. Erebor needs attention, and Thorin throws himself into service attempting to tackle every obstacle and difficulty on his own. Most nights, he comes to bed late—usually when you’re already asleep. When you wake, he is usually gone, off to take care of his abundant duties. They are piling up, becoming a burden. Thorin does too much, and while you admire him for his dedication, you miss him.
To know that you’re pregnant is a surprise. It’s not that you and Thorin haven’t been intimate, it’s just that it hasn’t been nearly as frequent as in the past. While Thorin is gone, you have your own duties and responsibilities. When the two of you do have quiet time together, intimacy is brief but passionate and almost always followed by the two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms.
“How far along?” you ask, trying to place exactly when it might have taken.
When your cycle never came, you didn’t think much of it. That happens sometimes. But then didn’t occur during the next expected timeframe. With its absence came irritability and random bouts of sudden crying you couldn’t explain. Certain foods smelt odd, and while you weren’t emptying the contents of your stomach, constant nausea made it difficult to complete daily tasks. You knew then that something was different. And now the midwife has confirmed it.
But even with an answer, you’re not sure how you feel.
“I’d place you at about ten weeks. Perhaps eleven,” answers Lena with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
“That far?” you squeak, wincing immediately with how upset you sound.
Lena and Petal’s smiles start to diminish. Their enthusiasm melts away, replaced with furrowed brows and soft lines of concern.
“Is everything all right? You look a bit faint?” Lena places her hand on your shoulder.
“Yes,” you reply, though it sounds like you’re gasping for air. “Surprised is all.”
Their smiles return but it’s subdued.
This is supposed to be a happy occasion. A child means an heir, and it also gives the people hope for the future. Much of Erebor is still in pieces from Smaug’s habitation. That doesn’t even begin to include all the damage and death from the battle. Dale, which was once abandoned and forgotten, is starting to see life again as well. The races of Men are returning to it, hoping to rekindle its long-extinguished flame.
A royal child is a symbol of hope. It’s a moment of celebration for everyone.
“I think a bit of rest for the remainder of the day will do you some good,” says Lena softly. “We will prepare some ointments that you can use to relieve any aches or pains. Bloating is likely, and as the body makes room for the little one, you’ll have some discomfort.” Lena taps her bottom lip and then turns to Petal. “We’ll need to prepare some liquid supplements to take with meals.”
“Of course,” nods Petal. She begins packing up their supplies.
Lena squeezes your shoulder before letting go. “I’ll come check on you in a few days. Bring a few things with me. We’ll talk more then, preferably with the father present.”
“Yes,” you reply, absently rubbing your belly. “That would be best.”
The two women bow and depart quickly, leaving you alone in the royal bedchambers. The room is quiet and your breathing sounds too loud in such a large space. With hands clasped, you twist them over and over again in agitation, needing to move but unsure of how to quell the anxiousness. It’s stubborn like the deep roots of a tree that refuse to give up the dirt.
How are you to tell Thorin? How do you approach this when you rarely see him. It’s just one more thing to burden him with. Perhaps, if you dropped a few hints? Covertly toss the pregnancy in his direction and see if he picks it up?
You know deep in your gut that you shouldn’t worry over this. Thorin will be happy. He will be.
You spend the rest of the day as Lena instructs. Reclining, resting, and reading. Thorin is supposed to return tonight for evening meal. Whenever he promises an early arrival, Thorin means it. Rarely does he make promises he cannot keep.
As dinner is brought in, and the table is set, Thorin walks through the door. There is a bit of soot on his cheek like he’s been in the mines, and his cheeks are slightly flushed. When he notices you, he beams, and there is so much love there that you simply want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“My love,” he says, moving toward you swiftly. The embrace nearly sweeps you off your feet. He plants a kiss on your forehead and draws back.
“You’re filthy,” you laugh, looking him over. Thorin has been in the mines.
Thorin shrugs sheepishly. “I had to help dig. Structural issues.”
“Wash your hands at least,” you playfully tease.
“Not interested in eating a bit of dirt?” he asks with a laugh.
“Go,” you giggle, pushing away from him.
Thorin disappears and you take a seat at the table. He reappears a few minutes later, face and hands clean. The clothes he wore before are also gone, replaced with simple, fresh attire. He takes a seat next to you, gaze darting over the spread.
“I’m starving,” you begin because it’s true even though you’ve been consistently snacking all day. “It’s like I’m eating for two.”
First hint dropped.
Thorin laughs, and the sound is sweet like honey cake. “I promise, love. You couldn’t eat for me. My appetite is insatiable.” When Thorin says insatiable, he pointedly glances at you with a heated stare.
You perfectly understand his meaning.
You attempt a different angle. “I’ve also been having the oddest cravings,” you say, starting to load your plate.
“What do you mean?” asks Thorin before he pops a chunk of bread into his mouth.
“Different foods. Things I’d never eat together otherwise.” It is common knowledge that pregnant women will often crave highly specific foods and food combinations.
But Thorin doesn’t appear to pick up on the hint. He frowns, then shrugs, continuing to eat without making a comment.
Sighing, you pick up one the freshly made rolls. “I think these buns need a bit more time in the oven.” You stare hard at Thorin, mentally sending message after message. “What do you think?”
Thorin glances up at you then down at his own plate that has five of them. “I think they’re perfect but if you’d like them more done, I’ll let the kitchen know in the morning.”
“Thorin,” you say flatly.
“Yes, my love?” His head slightly tilts, and his gaze becomes pointed. He’s starting to pick up on your agitation. You don’t mean to be cross, but you were hoping that he’d figure it out so you wouldn’t have to tell him outright.
Setting the roll down on your plate, you promptly divert the conversation to a different hint. “We’ve never talked about where we’d put the nursery.”
Thorin’s brow rises toward his hairline. “I didn’t think you wanted to discuss that until we crossed that hurdle?”
Does he hear himself? Does he understand the context of what’s coming out of his mouth?
“You’re right, Thorin. I didn’t want to discuss it until we needed to.” You repeat his words back to him, slightly leaning toward him as you speak to emphasize the point.
Still, it brushes right over his head.
“Some of the advisory council members have brought up financial concerns. Rebuilding Erebor is important but the needs of the people are pressing. Food. Proper housing.” Thorin begins slicing into the chunk of roast on his plate.
Maybe you are going to have to say it outright.
Licking your lips, you ignore Thorin’s change in conversation. “I did receive a few inquiries about baby clothes. Offers to knit a few items,” you shrug.
“That’s kind of them,” says Thorin slowly. “But why—” he pauses, “you’re not—"
Thorin’s features suddenly shift, becoming almost unreadable. His jovial expression is gone, replaced with a stern consideration.
Are you going to have to shout it at the top of your lungs?
Thorin’s lips part. Promptly shuts. Opens again. “Are you…” he begins but does not finish.
You start to nod, urging him on.
Finally, like light igniting in the dark, Thorin’s face transforms into one of shock, then pure joy.
“Found out just this morning.”
Thorin abruptly stands, pushing himself and his chair away from the table. He is moving toward you, grasping your hands, bringing them to his mouth to kiss your fingers.
“Why not say anything?” he asks.
“I did,” you laugh. “Many times.”
Thorin momentarily frowns before his mouth turns up into a soft smile. “Clever.”
“You’ve been busy and I was unsure of how to tell you.”
Thorin’s thumbs rub little circles over your knuckles. “You can always tell me anything. Whatever is happening. Whatever is on your mind. I wish to hear it.” He kisses the tops of your hands. “Especially something like this.”
“Are you happy?” you ask, voice cracking at the end.
“Happiest I’ve ever been.”
Thorin pulls you up from your chair, his large, muscled arm sliding behind your waist. He drags you to him, his eyelids lowering seductively, all gentleness leaving him to be replaced with desire.
“Are you up for a bit of celebrating?” he asks.
“What kind of celebrating?”
“The kind that landed us here.”
“Thorin,” you gasp, lightly slapping his chest. He snatches your wrist, kisses the pulse point there.
“The food can wait,” and his voice ends on a soft growl.
“Thorin,” you repeat, this time with a rasp to your tone.
He seizes it, draws you even closer. “The food can wait?”
You nod. “It can wait.”
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath @mrsdurin @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics @beebeechaos
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chachued · 9 months
I wanted to request lando x fem reader if possible when he’s leaving for a while and they’re extra affectionate the night before with longer hugs and more reassurance, it could even get emotional??
Thank you in advance🥰
omg, yes. absolutely adorable!!! such a cute idea, this is.
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He never left without you, but you couldn’t come with him this time. It wasn’t easy, to say the least, but this night made it all the better.
↳ lando norris x fem!reader
W/C 0.5k
CONTENTS fluff — so much fluff, best bf lando, clingy reader, a bit of attachment issues, half proofread, short imagine
TOMORROW WAS THE DAY. Even though you begged for a day off—just to spend time with your boyfriend—today was too far busy, said your boss.
It was already late at night, so you expected Lando to be asleep already. He had to leave tomorrow morning, so you let bygones be bygones.
You didn’t know work would last so long, there’s barely enough time to be with him. And most of it will be used sleeping beside him. Everything consumed the energy that usually sparked inside you — The one that was excited to go home to him.
The key was deep inside your bag while you shuffled for it, prolonging the wait outside your door, which was insufferable. All you wanted to do was lay in bed—preferably with his arms around you.
The door handle clicked, and then it opened. “You’re home!”
“You’re still awake?” You were relieved, but rightfully worried because it is twelve in the morning.
His hand took yours, dragging you inside. “Of course, I am.”
“What’s that — And that smell?”
“Well, that is your favourite movie, with your favourite food, and your favourite snacks, actually.”
Wow. He really did it all for you.
There were candles that were already half-melted, probably the ones that were hiding in an obscure area. The line of expensive meals and cheap takeout showed a variety of food. It’s like he knew you hadn't eaten yet.
Lando couldn’t help but notice the way the light hit your face, highlighting that pretty smile of yours—melting him from the inside. “There’s also a bunch of blankets to get you comfy. I’m sure you would’ve been tired when you got home.”
“I love you so much right now.”
“You didn’t love me before?”
“Maybe,” you said, smiling.
“I love you too.”
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Anxiety piled up — That overwhelming feeling.
It finally hits you he’d be leaving tomorrow morning. All this effort and it didn’t even last long because, before you knew it, he’d be gone. It hurt, and you didn’t know why.
It wasn’t the fact that he was leaving. It’s because he motivated you throughout the day, promising kisses and goods—giving a reason to be excited about life. What could you do without him?
Lando was cuddled up next to you, lying on your chest, when he heard your sniffling. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“I’m here,” he said, and in all honesty, it made the tears harder to hold in.
But you stayed strong.
“It’s just… You’re leaving, and all that. I don’t know, I feel a bit silly.”
He held you tighter, not planning to ever let you go. His eyes were heavy, but he’d stay up all night to be with you.
No amount of sleep can replace you, he thought.
“I’ll come back as soon as I can.” His hand slithered onto your cheek, wiping the loose tear. “I’m never ever leaving you.”
That was the promise he’d never dare to break.
It was insane. You felt insane. He was doing all this for you, and you felt like a burden. There was nothing you did to deserve this—
You felt his soft lips on yours—holding on for a second—and the warm embrace melted you in quick.
“Text me and I’ll fly back to you, alright?”
A giggle slipped out of your mouth. “Alright, yeah.”
This was home — Your home.
And it would never fall apart, not with him.
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↳ bonus ; next morning ´ˎ˗
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LOADING . . . ✎
all rights reserved © CHACHUED ━━ do not translate, copy, or claim my works as your own.
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Your work inspires me so much! Could I request a villain x hero where they’re both mutually in love but the villain, is very much a villain and murders people and the hero feels betrayed, and hates the fact they still love the villain (bonus for the villain doing it out of jealousy 🥺💕) don’t feel pressured to write this ofc! Thank you for taking the time to read and have a good day / evening and thank you for the content you produce ❤️
The hero scrubbed harder at their hands when they heard the bathroom door open behind them. Their shoulders tensed. Their jaw locked.
They didn't look up at the mirror.
"You're upset," the villain said, finally.
The hero snarled, wordlessly. Their skin was beginning to look flayed. Red from the hot water. Clean. Not clean enough.
"You know who I am," the villain pressed. "You know what I'm capable of. I've never hid it, never pretended to be something other than what I am."
"You killed them."
"I've killed before."
"Oh, well. That makes it all so much better then, doesn't it?"
The villain stepped closer. They gently took hold of the hero's wrist with one hand and firmly closed the tap with the other.
The hero whirled, wrenching back and shoving.
Part of them expected the villain to instantly lunge; slam them right back against a wall, leaving the two of them struggling. It was worse that the villain immediately put their hands up in placating, 'okay, I won't touch you', surrender.
It was too damn reasonable.
The villain's expression, through the blurry fury of the hero's tears, was too damn concerned.
The hero swiped at their cheeks, teeth practically bared. "Fuck you."
"Oh, I wish that was the mood, right now."
"You killed them because you were jealous."
The villain's head tilted.
"Don't deny it," the hero snapped.
"I wasn't denying thing. Outside of a court of law, I rarely do."
"This isn't a joke!"
"I wasn't joking, love."
"Don't call me that!"
The villain folded their arms across the chest, and for a moment the hero thought they might walk out and come back later 'after the hero had calmed down'. They leaned back against the bathroom door instead, shutting it.
The hero gulped. They took a step closer, fists raised - wanting to - needing to - they ended up hurling their shaking hands back to their sides.
"You know," their voice cracked. "I defend you to people. Did you know that? I tell them that you're not so bad. Ruthless, yeah, but you're not a monster. You have a code. You love me."
"I do love you, which is why I would never ask you to defend me."
"Like that's the point here!"
"Then what is the point?" the villain asked. Calm. Implacable.
"You're better than this. You're supposed to be better. You don't just - just kill people. Not because of me."
"Ah." The villain's gaze flicked down the hero's arms. "You feel you have blood on your hands."
"No. That's not it."
"Isn't it?"
"It's about you being morally reprehensible."
"Yeah, but we knew I was morally reprehensible, didn't we? Just as we both know I pretend otherwise sometimes when I can make it easy for you."
The hero made a strangled sound. Even if they did know that. Especially because they knew that.
The villain shrugged. "If it makes you feel better, it's not your fault. Yes, I was jealous that you were spending a lot of time fighting them. But on the other hand, they were also a morally reprehensible person, so really if I'm going to kill anyone it should be the people like me. I thought you'd be pleased."
"Well, that I'm channelling my violent tendencies in a societally friendly way. You wanted to stop them too. Does the end not justify the means?"
The hero stared at them, aghast. They genuinely weren't sure if the villain was joking or not. They did not look like they were joking.
"I hate you," the hero said. "So much."
"That's all you have to say? Yes?"
"I'm not an easy creature to love," the villain said, softly. "Of course you hate me sometimes. Otherwise loving me would be unbearable."
"It is unbearable."
Some of the calm slipped from the villain's face; a flinch of pain.
it didn't make the hero feel better. It just made their hands feel more bloodied, more like the villain's hands. Hurting things.
"You know," the villain said. "You're not easy either. I limit my nature a lot for you. I compromise for you all the time."
"It's not a compromise when my demand is asking you not to kill people!"
"I've never asked you to stop risking your life to save people."
"That's not the same thing!"
"Hurts the same amount.," the villain said quietly.
The hero didn't know what to say to that. The two of them stared at each other from across the bathroom, the hero still shaking violently. "I don't want to do this right now," they managed to say, and it was only a little wobbly. "I can't deal with you right now."
"I wanted to check you're alright."
"Yeah? I'm not."
The villain bit their lip. "I really didn't think you'd react this badly. I wouldn't have done it if I thought it would upset you this much."
The hero closed their eyes, because it was true and it was terrible. Another treacherous tear spilled over their cheek. They dashed it away.
"What do you need?" the villain asked. "You should have water or you'll get a headache."
"I want you to leave."
"Are you going to put your hands under the tap again if I leave?"
The hero glared at them.
The villain's defences were back up again, so they merely raised an eyebrow. "I'll be outside, then."
"I thought you were better," the hero said. "You were supposed to be better."
The villain paused, one hand on the door, considering that perhaps.
"No," they said, after a moment, like the hero was the one who had committed some great and grave betrayal. "You just started pretending."
They shut the door behind them.
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littlemissaddict · 3 months
So this idea came to me while I couldn’t sleep last night, I've not used any names so you can imagine whoever when you read it although I originally had Steve in mind.
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You lay there content under the covers, your new puppy snuggled up next to you already asleep and the only thing you were missing now was your boyfriend. He had said he wouldn't be long but that seemed like forever ago even though it probably wasn't, just you over tired brain making it seem like it.
When you finally heard him enter the room, you couldn't help but smile and expect him to slide into the bed next to you. Although that never comes and as you lift your head off the pillow to see him staring down at you unamused. "And where am I supposed to sleep?" He asks, arms crossed over his chest.
"Right here" you mumble, your hand patting the space of his usual side of the bed.
"In that tiny little gap? I thought we had discussed this, she's not to sleep on the bed" he counters, referencing your earlier talk (argument?) about the puppy on the bed.
"I never agreed to that" you point out, "and besides she's comfortable do we have to move her" you pout up at him, hoping that he'd break as he usually did and give into you.
"Yes come on" he confirms, getting her attention and encouraging her to follow him to the specially bought, very expensive, dog bed.
"Meanie" you mumble as he finally gets into bed with you.
"Oh behave, you get too warm to sleep with just me in the bed, imagine how much warmer it'll be with a dog" he tries to reason with you but you still don't want to agree with him. "Trust me you'll thank me in the morning" he yawns, settling down and closing his eyes.
You fight sleep for a while knowing how quickly he normally falls asleep and when his breath seems to have evened out is when you call for her but you were wrong.
"No" he warns, surprising you even though you shouldn't be. He knows you well, too well, to know that you would try something like that. "I know you feel sorry for her but look she's already asleep so that very expensive bed that you picked out specifically for her must be comfortable" he tries to be the voice of reason again and you can feel yourself giving in or maybe you were too tired to argue.
"But she's just a baby she shouldn't be sleeping on the floor" you pout at him again.
"She's fine, now come on, let's get some sleep ourselves," he soothes as you mumble something about tomorrow and he just smiles at your stubbornness. He's also slightly amused at how easily you've fallen asleep as soon as you've closed your eyes.
Bonus: He lasts a week before he caves from your persistence, letting 'your baby' sleep on the bed.
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hoshigray · 1 year
Swim in Waves, Chill in Caves ༄ S. Geto
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"I went to the beach with my friends!! Only for me to...run into Gojo again!!? And to make things crazier, I met his attractive best friend who heard "so much" about me??!! Thanks to Gojo's nonstop blabber-mouth, Geto was interested in me in ways I would rather not be known for!"
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A/n: Yessir, three for three, it's time for the third part of my summer series!! It's now Geto's turn to have a piece of Y/n, and, like Gojo, this is my first time writing something for Geto! In case you aren't aware, this fic is linked with Gojo's fic as the plot from his fic propels the actions of what's going to transpire in Geto's narrative. I hope you enjoy this, and tysm for 1.7k followers, giving each and every single one of ya a hug (unless you don't like hugs, then I send you finger guns, pew pew!!)
Also, this is connected to the Gojo fic previously released. So if there are references that have you like "???," you're free to go read that fic first before diving straight into this one. And yeah, without further ado, please enjoy this piece~☆
Series m. list!! This entry has been updated along w/ its contents.
Cw: Geto x fem! reader - explicit content, so minors DNI - age difference (the reader is at least in their 20s; Geto is around early 30s) - oral (m! + f! receiving) - heavy depictions of a blowjob - semi-handjob - sex at an open area; cave by the beach - 69+ doggy style/backshots + missionary position - unprotected sex but Geto doesn't shoot inside (PSA: wrap it up, or get the fuck up) - fucking while the sun sets, lmaooo - pet names (baby, cutie, sweetheart, sweetie, princess) - clitoral play (swiping and pinching) - Gojo is here so expect some silliness.
Wc: 7.2k (7.9k with bonus scene...I stayed up til 6 am finishing this)
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Dear Diary...It has come to my attention that I've seen you this summer way more than I anticipated. Truthfully, I never expected to need you again. While life for me is unpredictable right now, the only thing I can turn to is you...
"Hey, Megumi!" Your body jerks at a familiar voice. "Have you seen Y/n?"
"They said they went to grab something real quick." Another familiar voice. "Now help me with this cooler, Itadori."
"Right, on it!"
It's now coming down to the middle of summer. An entire month and a half of internship has kept you busy, constantly building new skills within your career exploration. In addition, you gain new skills and insights from your colleagues. And now that your practicum is almost over, you can't help but feel a rise in accomplishment.
So, how do you celebrate? By going to the beach with your best buds! Oh yes, the gang — Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara — who are all proud of all you've done this summer thought it's best to go out and hang out this weekend! You weren't one to turn down a lovely day at the beach with your friends, so you packed up your cutest bathing suit, hopped in Nobara's car with the rest, and the four of you drove to enjoy the day together.
With the smell of the ocean hitting your nostrils and the rays of the sun bathing your skin, the day was going great as you and your friends enjoyed every moment of it!
That is until during the delightful moment that you bumped into a familiar face — a face you didn't think you'd ever see again, not with your friends present at the very least. And it's thanks to said familiar face you've once again stumbled upon an unpredictable dilemma.
So much so that you are hiding from your friends, inside a guest room at a beach house, writing in your diary. And yes, said beach house doesn't belong to you, not even your friends. So how did you end up in some random person's estate? Well, leave it to your pen and paper to retell what conspired today.
Firstly, my friends and I just finished lunch at this seafood restaurant (NTS: they offer superb seafood boils). Having walked along the boardwalk for about half an hour, it was time to head for the beach...
The sun was blazing hot outside, yet the ocean breeze kept heat bearable. Many people were at the beach this time of year, families building sandcastles together and surfers riding the active waves. Not to mention the many children bringing life to the setting by playing around in the shallow tides.
You and your friends were able to find a nice, comfortable place to put your stuff at. Before swimming, the four of you figured it'd be great to stretch your bodies around and play some beach volleyball! There was only one problem: other families and athletes had taken all the nets, and none of your brought one of your own (plus they're expensive). So what do you do? Use what ya got and just pass the ball!
"I got it!" Yuuji shouts as he dives to prevent the ball from hitting the sand, propelling it up for Nobara to set up for you.
"It's yours, Megumi!" you call out the raven-haired friend who digs the ball for Itadori to pass.
Five minutes become ten, and ten minutes become fifteen. Before you know it, thirty minutes of constant back and forth between the volleyball has you all engrossed in the game, completely forgetting about the body of water that is waiting for y'all to participate. Although, you all were having way too much fun to stop.
Well, until Nobara jumps and spikes the ball a little too hard and hits Itadori right in the face, the ball flying further away from your direction. You call out to say you'll get it while the brunette argues with the salmon-haired other ("Nobara, you did that on purpose!" "Oh, shut up. Let me see your face, ya big baby.")
Your eyes never leave the ball as you run to catch it from the air. I got it, I got it!
However, you should've paid attention to what's in front of you rather than above. Because had you done so, you would've noticed the dark-haired man who jumped up to catch the ball mid-air. Shocking you for a split second before you come bulldozing to another person, bringing you both down to the sandy ground.
You assess no sense of pain on your end and then realize you're on top of the man you came crashing towards. So apologies are quickly thrown to the other below you while you slowly get up. "Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry about that! I should've looked where I was going!"
"No, no, you're fine..." the man you notice has snow-white hair mumbles under his breath, taking off his dark circle shades to flick off any sand. "Damn, you got a strong tackle; someone outta scout you for a scholarship."
The comment was meant to bring humor to the situation. You stifle a giggle. "Please, I really am sorry abo—" Before you could finish that sentence, your eyes start to take in all of the man's appearance — whose tall figure you're still crawled up on. White hair and lashes, beautiful blue eyes, tall, lean build with chiseled abs I want to rub against—HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE!!!
You remove yourself from the male and stand to look at him from above. Even with the blue Hawaiian shirt opened up to proudly display his pecs and abdomen and the black and purple swimming trunks, the surname you said was the only candidate for who you were looking at. "GOJO!!??"
The man you have spoken with on an online dating app not too long ago. The man you went on a blind date. The man you slept with on the same night. Satoru Gojo peeks up at you before putting his sunglasses back on, sky blue eyes widen with recognition, and a cheeky smile creeps up on his face. "Well, well, fancy seeing you again, princess."
The familiar pet name causes your face and ears to be covered in an agonizing heat beyond the sun's authority, especially when the white-haired man stands up and dusts off the sand on his shirt and swimwear. His height that once had you taken aback the first meeting, doing so the second time around, and of course, the fucker had to have his abs out for you to gawk. "W-What are you doing here?" Your perplexity was still adamant in your question.
"I'm here to enjoy the nice summer sun, aren't you~" he replies with his usual chipper attitude. "Actually, though, I always come down to spend a weekend with my close friends — it's kinda like a tradition we do every year. One of them has a beach house not too far from here."
You blink. "Close...friends?"
"Yo, Satoru," another voice behind Gojo hooks your attention. "You know this person?"
The man who spoke was another fairly tall man — not absolutely towered by Gojo, but fair enough for you to notice the slight difference. Long jet black, draped hair kept in the back with bangs that partially cover his left eye. A matching Hawaiian shirt with a red color (and, unfortunately, also exhibiting his stomach and pectorals) and black and red trunks complete the look. And he's holding the volleyball that pummeled poor Yuuji's face.
You only stare at him as Gojo does the introductions. "Hmm? Oh, Y/n. This is my best friend, Geto. You know, the one I told you about."
Geto, Geto...The name is repeated until it rings a bell, and everything around you comes to a standstill. Suguru Geto, the best friend of Satoru Gojo since high school. Just when this day couldn't get any worse, you not only bump into your one-night stand but meet his infamous partner in crime from their days of youth. And worse, he's just as [if not more] attractive than the slender snow-haired fellow!
"Wait! He's THE best friend??" You exclaim, and Gojo happily confirms your suspicions.
"Yeah, that's him! The one whose hair I barfed on when I chugged that beer at the house party and gave me a weed brownie as payback!"
"Is that story the only thing you want people to know me for?" Geto glares at his friend, but the taller other only shrugs off the complaint. Geto sighs and turns to you, and then his brows draw upward while surveying your figure. "Y/n...You mean the one who—"
"Hey, Y/n!" Your stomach drops to the ground remembering you didn't come to the beach alone, turning around to see the other three make their way to you. The salmon-haired man, his face red from Nobara's spike, resumes speaking. "What's the holdup?"
You try to answer until Gojo cuts you off with a joyful salutation. "Megumi!"
Your raven-haired friend doesn't return the exact manner, greeting with a scowl. "Gojo..."
What the fuck!!? "You two know each other??"
"Of course! Me and Megumi have been pals since he was in his elementary years." The high school teacher informs you as if it was a known fact, feeding more to your stupefied mind. "Known his dad for years; we're practically family friends!"
"More like an annoying uncle..." Megumi rolls his eyes before turning to face you. "Don't get mixed up with this guy, Y/n. He may seem like a likable guy. But he's just a carefree clown who doesn't take things seriously. Both out and in private life." Based on the emphasis on that last assertion, Megumi is aware of Gojo's philandering activities. You nod at your friend's advice, but the gulp to ease the uncomfortable bob in your throat is difficult to swallow. I'm afraid that's too little too late...
Gojo places a hand on his heart and conveys a faux hurt expression. "Jeez, Megumi, your words cut deep, you know...Besides," your body goes rigid when the tall man wraps an arm around your shoulders. "Me and Y/n have already been introduced before."
"Hm? How do you know this dude, Y/n?" Nobara is the one to ask the question for the other two, and now you're pushed into a predictable corner you couldn't foresee coming today of all days.
The reason why you went on a blind date with Gojo in the first place is because of a dumb bet, thanks to Nobara. And after said date, you told the brunette about it — minus mentioning that you went with Gojo. The only thing you noted to her was that the person's name started with an "S" and the last with a "G" ("Wow, can you be vague enough, Y/n?"). Nothing about their physical appearance other than the guy being tall. Now, with the said guy who fits the criteria slouching close with his arm around you, the countdown to your eventual, embarrassing demise begins.
You turn to the tall man, a mutual signal for aid. But before Gojo could say anything, the other male behind him intervenes — "Y/n met Gojo through me," Geto admits disingenuous. "We were at a diner, and we saw them walking by and got to talk with them for a while.
Everyone turns to look at the dark-haired man, you and Gojo bearing a look of confusion. But you don't say anything; neither of you does when Geto gives you two a quick wink for reassurance.
The trio stares at the two men before Nobara walks up and takes the volleyball from Geto's hands. "Is that right...Well, Mr. Man Bun—"
"Yeah, whatever," the correction doesn't faze her. "Since you and your friend here seem to be acquaintances with Y/n, how about you come play some ball with us. I saw you jump to catch the ball, so don't complain about some old man bones."
You squeak from the boisterous laugh Gojo lets out, "Ohoho, don't start something you can't finish. Ever heard of respecting your elders?"
The brunette grins, "Nah, fuck that."
"Hmph, that's what I like to hear." Finally, Gojo lets go of you and walks with the three to play by your spot. A giant sigh isn't enough to convey the emotional distress you're experiencing, especially now that your one-night stand is now socially fitting in with your best friends.
So much for acquaintances...
Two hours fly by excruciatingly slow because now that Gojo has met your friends and has been spending time with them, you can see that they start to like and adapt to his friendly attitude (can't say the same for Megumi, the raven-haired friend taking his presence in a tolerable form). Perhaps hadn't you known the man prior, you would've felt the same. Unfortunately, though, this is the exact man that had your tipsy ass bouncing on his cock in a hotel room after drinking three cocktails. Memories of that night have your face transition to an insufferable heat.
To make matters worse, Gojo had the brilliant idea of bringing you guys to the residence he and Geto were staying at. A simple yet lovely and cozy two-story beach house by the boardwalk that his other close friend owns, overlooking the beautiful ocean. Said friend — Shoko Ieiri, a well-acclaimed surgeon — welcomed the four young adults to her space, telling them to make themselves home. And when Yuuji opens his big dumb mouth saying that the four of you haven't checked in to a hotel yet, the older woman insists you stay in her spare rooms on the bottom floor! Because any friend of the snow-haired idiot is a friend of hers.
So now your turmoil grows tenfold, seeing your friends getting closer and closer to Gojo's inner circle, the pit of your stomach stirring into an uncomfortable swirl of emotions. If you hadn't met the man before this trip, you'd enjoy being in the same boat as your friends and not kicking yourself repeatedly as your two worlds collide unintentionally.
You sigh heavily, watching Yuuji and Nobara play Uno with Gojo and Shoko at the kitchen island while Megumi and Geto discuss themselves on the living area couch. Figuring you might need some fresh air, you get up and exit the relaxing home to enter the back porch, the sun's heat greeting your air-conditioned skin back in its natural warmth.
You sit on the rocking chair facing the oceanfront, the gorgeous view of the body of water for you to see. You close your eyes as you rock yourself, and the summer breeze brushing against your skin puts your body into a calm trance. Being outside helps you collect your thoughts in this jarring situation. It's evident now that this moment with yourself was necessary to ease the mental gymnastics you've been experiencing since before you came to this beach house.
So in tune with the quiet surroundings around you that you almost sink into your tranquil state. Almost. Until you hear the door open, snapping your eyes open to see whoever it is that decided to disrupt your personal reflection. And you silently gasp at the man who pays you a visit — Geto.
"Hey," his soft tone smooth like butter, inviting himself into your space as he sits in the rocking chair parallel to you, blocking the ocean view with his appearance. "I figured you'd still be out here; your friends were looking for you, and you've been sitting here for about ten whole minutes."
"I have!?" You chirp at the fact, to which the man chuckles and nods to confirm. "Huh...I didn't notice. I was just enjoying the silence, I guess."
"Hmm, I get it," the dark-haired man hums at your answer, then looks around the porch. "I don't blame you; with a view and place like this, I'd be out here all the time too."
By nodding, you agree. "You're extremely blessed to be friends with Ms. Ieiri. Get to spend time with her and Gojo at this wonderful beach house."
"Pssh, I'd say I'm more lucky to be a friend of Shoko's than with Satoru," the light chuckle he lets out activates a small smile from you. "You've already heard stories of me and him being roommates in college, barfing on my hair and such."
"Yes, I have, and I'm on your side wholeheartedly. I'd get back at him too, from all the stupid pranks and stuff he's put you through." Your agreement has the older man laugh some more. "But, I can tell Gojo you are close, having been together through thick and thin...Oh! And, I guess I have to thank you for your help back on the beach; your excuse about me meeting you two at a diner."
Geto leans and rocks with the rocking chair while his dark eyes are on you. "No problem. I figured your friends wouldn't know about your date with him. He's told me all about it, so I just mixed some words around to make it sound plausible for your friends."
You just nod and croon to his response. Until your brows furrow and you look straight at him. "Wait, what do you mean 'all about it'?"
You watch his eyes narrow slightly, the uneasiness in your stomach returning to haunt you. "I mean what it means. He mentioned every detail — from your cute outfit when he picked you up to the fun dinner you had at the diner. And..." The grin on Geto's face only exacerbates the feeling of dread that was once gone. "I'm sure you know the rest."
"The rest?" you gulp.
"The rest."
Sure enough, before you could express anguish to the man before you, the door to the back porch opened again with vigor. And the one behind it is the person you didn't want to see right now, or else you just might strangle that playful smile off his stupidly charming peachy face. Gojo exclaims, "There ya are! Shoko ordering takeout while your friends are finding a movie to watch, then we'll eat some s'mores around the fire pit when it gets dark out. Come inside Y/n~"
Geto only watches your adorable face harbor an expression that could only have Death itself clutch its pearls. But not wanting to do anything crass, you take a deep breath and get up from your rocking chair. "Umm, I'll pass on that. I was thinking of just walking around the boardwalk, maybe swimming in the waves while the sun's still up. Wanna come along, Mr. Geto?"
The sudden invitation takes him aback, but the man rises from his chair. "Sure, I'm down for that."
"Ehhhh, you're goin' without me?" Gojo exhibits a pouty face that doesn't work on you.
"Sorry, Gojo; just stay here and be hospitable. My friends seem to like you, anyway. Plus, I don't feel like dealing with you right now..." you mumbled that final part for only you to hear, excusing yourself past the white-haired other so you could grab your shoes from inside the beach house. And Geto only observes the interaction quietly as it baffles his best friend, who turns to him and points in your direction.
"What did I do?" is his question. And it gets more confusing to him when Geto only follows you back inside, leaving the conversation with a smirk.
"What didn't you do, Satoru?"
"And then, when he was out like a light, I dumped the whole thing on him."
"No way, Geto!"
"Way." The man's smile broadens as he watches you fail to hide your laughter behind your hands. "It's what he gets for resetting my alarms and making me miss my oral exam. Plus, he ate my entire cereal box I hadn't used yet."
"So you thought the best way to get payback was to dump a whole basin full of spoiled milk and cigarette ashes on him while he was sleeping?"
"You know when you say it like that," he cocks his head. "I probably should've pissed in it, too." You playfully hit the older man in a fit of wheezed laughter, and he joins you in entertaining his silliness.
You and Geto have been out for quite some time. Your agenda was just comprised of taking a nice quick walk around the area and swimming to cool your mind from Gojo, and then you'd return in a more calm slate. What you didn't foresee was Geto taking up your offer to come along. And, you have to admit, he's been great company for you.
Not only did he give you a mini tour around the area, showing you all the little local shops and places to eat that he recommended to try. But he also wanted to join you in your swim, discarding his Hawaiian shirt entirely to the sandy ground and exposing his beautiful upper body. You did tell him that he didn't have to while trying not to drool over his gorgeous abs, but your concerns didn't waiver his decision. "I'm still wearing my trunks for a reason, cutie." When he uses that nickname on you, let him do as he wishes.
The two of you swim in the calm ocean, enjoying the comforting feeling of the water and play fighting with Geto anytime he'd splash water your way. Call it childish, but you were enjoying yourself. Enjoying him being around.
Soon the sun goes down, and the sky is painted in a stunning array of colors as it sets. Not too far from the shore, Geto treats you to a small ice cream shop that sells notorious homemade ice cream, and he takes you to one of his favorite secret spots. With one hand with a cup of your favorite ice cream and a plastic spoon in the other, you and the raven-haired man watch the sunset in a cave and talk amongst yourselves. Small waves crashing on the sandy and rocky front fills the empty cave with a comfortable atmosphere.
"Unbelievable," you say through tiny giggles. "You're no better than Gojo; both of you were insufferable."
"We still are," he takes another spoonful of his ice cream. "Even as adults, we're still the same intolerable duo who managed to get college diplomas."
You laugh some more at his joke. "I still find it hard to believe that he's a teacher and you a district attorney." The man only shrugs while finishing his ice cream. "But, honestly, it's kinda nice knowing you guys never changed through the years. Still the same no matter what."
"Yeah, I'm still a slick, sly bastard, and he'll always be the blue-eyed sheep that doesn't know when to shut up."
You glance to the side to look at him, staring at the open entrance of the cave where the sun is covered by clouds in its descent to the horizon. Your eyes gradually peer from his handsome face down to his well-sculpted physique, the sun's warm glow painting his skin beautifully. You've noted this before, but Geto is a remarkably attractive man.
It's seen by the structure of his face, his olive skin contrasting the long draped hair that goes past his shoulders. His black eyes make you feel as if you're staring at an endless void, captivating enough that you sense him seeing through you. And his black gauge earrings stand him out from the crowd, but they fit perfectly with his personality and body.
He's so hot is what you think to yourself, but it's a thought that has you quickly assess what the hell you're doing. And when your eyes go back up to his face, you see that he's looking dead at you, eyes narrowed with a guileful smile. You turn away in shame, for looking longer than necessary and for thinking such indecent thoughts about the best friend of your one-night stand. You are not about to do this right now, Y/n. Pull yourself together!
"Uhh—Ahem, speaking of that not knowing when to shut up," you cough to steer back into conversation. "I can't believe Gojo would go into such detail about our date. Especially...that."
The man shrugs again. "I mean, that's just how we've rolled; I tell him things about my life, and he tells me about his — including his playboy love life. Besides, I'm sure you have moments you share with your buddies."
"True, but..." you groan with your left hand on your face. "I'd rather not be known for explicit things I've done. And what's worse, having to see you — his best friend — and you know about me from the date two weeks prior is just adding salt to the injury.
Geto doesn't say anything right away, just watching you experience hopelessness so he can find the proper words to express it. "I get it, kinda how I don't like him telling stories of me to people I don't know...However," his hand steadily moves from the rocky surface to your right hand, and he sees your shoulders jerk at the action. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not kinda glad to hear about you."
Your breath hitches at his words, glancing back and forth to his hand sliding across yours and his face. He resumes.
"To be frank with you, I've never met any of the people Satoru's hooked up with, nor did I ever care to. So you can imagine me being perplexed seeing you in person. And to my surprise," his slender fingers pry to intertwine with yours, and you allow him. "After hanging out with you today, I'm seeing what Satoru sees in you. You're very breathtaking."
Geez, he's a smooth talker, too, huh. Your cheeks go intolerably hot, unable to avert your eyes from his. "Umm, Geto—"
"And it got me thinking, ya know: can such a cute, sweet thing really do such things?" The grip of his hand tightens around yours. "Had me intrigued just from looking at you..."
You gulp before saying your words carefully. "Are you...saying you're interested in my...services?"
His brows lift for an instant. "Only if you're up to demonstrate."
This day keeps getting stranger and stranger, and now you're met with the most bizarre moment that could ever transpire. Wide eyes only look back at the man who awaits your answer, and you internally curse Satoru Gojo for putting you through this entire mess of a day!
But a small part of yourself has you battling a moral battle. It's not every day you bump into your one-night stand on a random weekend and be given an opportunity to fuck their best friend that same day. What you're going through right now is only something you'd see in crappy movies and fanfictions (a/n: ouch).
And besides, it's not your fault that this is happening to you. It was Gojo's, yeah. If the man knew when to keep your name out of his mouth, you wouldn't have to go through this madness — and worse — his closest friend wanting to fuck you.
It's his fault that you're now straddling Geto's lap on top of the smooth rocky surface inside of a cave, smacking lips and exchanging passionate breaths. It's his fault that you're whimpering sweetly in Geto's ear as his hands sneak inside your bathing suit to fondle your breasts, pinching the nipples now erect from his touch. It's his fault that you're grinding on his best friend's erection and kissing all the way down from his neck, abdomen, and finally to his pelvis — where you remove his swimming trunks to reveal free the hard cock ready for you.
It's all Gojo's fault...But thanks to him, you can treat yourself to this alluring piece of a man before you. Your suspense and enjoyment climb up from the thought of it.
The two of you are positioned to do the sixty-nine, both of your swimwear discarded off your bodies. Your cheeks go hollow as you take the tip of Geto's dick inside your mouth, your tongue swirling around the glans of his cock, resulting in a hiss from the man below your ass.
"Hmmm, damn, haven't done this position in a while," his hands roam around your buttocks, spreading your asscheeks to further expose the vulva. Your essence shimmering from the setting sun has the man whistle at the sight. "So pretty down here, too."
The compliment pushes you to push your face further to suck in more of his shaft, covering the limb within your oral cavity inch by inch until it hits the back of your throat. You give yourself a short while to get used to his girth in your mouth before you start bobbing your head, soft lips sliding up and down the veins decorating his length.
The raven-haired other groans at the feeling of your mouth around his cock. "Mmmm, yeah, just like that, sweetheart. Just like that..." And before you know it, he brings your ass down to him for his tongue to lick your tempting folds. Your yelp is muffled, and the lapping motions of his wet muscle on your chasm send shivers up your spine.
But you don't let it distract you from the cock in your mouth, resuming your task of pleasing him. You bring a hand to pump his shaft, sliding to and fro from the top to the base. The action causes him to jerk into your mouth with pleasure, and the grip around your ass tightens. He's enjoying it, and it pleases you knowing you're making him feel good.
"Mmmph! Ohh shit—Ummph!" He removes his lips from your cunt, his moans more audible than the sound of waves in the background. "Shit, if you keep at it, I'm gonna—Shit, shit, shit..." It's here that your movements go faster and more sensational, kissing and sucking the head of his cock while you massage and knead his scrotum. The jolts of his legs become apparent, signaling that his release is close. "Oh, fuck...Princess, I'm gonna cum!"
Taking his comment into account, your mouth takes in his cock back in, his size now adapted to your mouth and throat that you bob in comfortable haste. Your tongue brushing up and down the underside of his cock has his fingernails dent marks onto the flesh of your ass. And when his hips snap up to your face, his climax hits your mouth that very second, his load spilling into your mouth and down the glossy walls of your throat. You accept his come, sucking and drinking his bitter fluid with no complaints.
"Haaah, hmmm, did so good, baby. So fucking good...Mmmph!" His cock is still sensitive from experiencing his orgasm; regardless, you don't let him go until you clean him up entirely. And when you finish, a soft 'pop' leaves your puffy lips from his pink glans. He snickers when you turn to him over your shoulder, licking your lips from any remnants. "Heh, damn, you're really good at this. Makes me feel bad that I didn't get you to finish either."
Your smile's bright as the warm glow that bathes your skin. "Don't worry about it," you comfort him while removing your body from on top of him. You lay your face down with your cheek kissing the ground, your hands coming to spread your ass for Geto to gaze at your messy vagina. "I know you'll do a better job where it really matters."
The smirk on his face gets broader as he gets on his knees, moving to your inviting form. "I'll be sure to not disappoint just as you haven't for me."
"Don't jinx yourself," you tease the older man and giggle when he playfully smacks your butt. You bite your bottom lip with the feeling of his cockhead gliding on your folds, your fluids lubricating him as your entrance throbs in anticipation. When he aligns and pushes his dick into you, you remind yourself to breathe steadily and brace for the slight pain bound to happen. One inhale one push of him. Another intake while gradually forcing himself onto you. When you sharply gasp, you know he made himself inside. Tears water up your eyes as he slowly drives his length into you, your tight walls gripping onto the foreign limb intruding.
Geto gives himself a few seconds to adapt to you when the base of his length kisses your southern lips. He starts with slow thrusts, and your body follows his steady cadence. You hum to the blissful sensation of his cock grazing your walls.
"Mmngh, God, Y/n, you feel so fucking good on me," the man rasped, jet-black strands from his bands now sticking to his sweaty forehead and cheek. "...Trying to make me go crazy."
"Mmmph! Haaaah, haha, please, go all out on me," you coax him. "Don't think I can take it?"
Your snarky question has him chortle, and a sudden deep thrust prompts a shriek to sneak past your lips. "Don't say I didn't warn you, sweetie."
He dials up his pace to a faster tempo. The change-up has you whimpering, and you clench around his length, which has the man hiss at the abrupt contact. The electrifying waves of pleasure strike you when he hits your weak spots perfectly, and more moans seethe out from your pretty lips when he increases his speed.
"Nnngh!! Y/n, baby, you're too tight on me," he whines, but his hips don't stop smacking into your ass. "Fuck, oh fuck....let me see your face."
You allow him to maneuver you onto your back, situating you into the missionary position. His cock slides back inside you with ease with a cry from your mouth, your arms wrapped around his neck while he pounds into you. And in this position, with the sun just about to sink into the horizon, you can make out a hue of purple in his dark eyes. So enchantingly irresistible that it takes another harsh thrust to bring you back into reality.
Geto's pelvis slams into your chasm hard — plugging his dick further into you and hitting your sweet spots with scary precision. Your screams fill the cave with an echo, adding to the ranchy air between your sweaty bodies.
"Ohhh! Hoooh!! Getooo, you feel so good! S' goo—Oh fucking Christ, Ahhhnn!!" He grinds the base of his cock into the entrance of your vulva, scraping your tight, velvety walls to the point of tears rolling down your face.
"You too, princess—Hmmph!!" He groaned, jabbing your cunt where you form incoherent sentences. Head pounding and mind foggy, you lock your legs around his waist, caging him. "Gonna cum, sweetheart?"
"Yesss, yessssss!!" Your response slurs in babbles. You feel it crawling up your bones, goosebumps prickling your skin. "Gonna cummm, cumm—Ahhhhh!!" Unbeknownst to you, Geto snakes a hand down to your clitoris, using his middle and forefinger to swipe and grind on the tender bud. And when he flicks and pinches it, your orgasm is finally granted to you.
Your legs shake and tremble around the black-haired man, gripping his shoulders as the walls around his girth contract around him as you experience your crescendo. With the flutter of your cunt, a few deep thrusts are propelled into you before he removes himself from your embrace, taking out his cock to ejaculate his seed onto your stomach. His come paints your tummy, feeding more to your disheveled appearance.
The two of you look deep into each other's eyes while experiencing the final shocks of your climaxes; heaving bodies eventually calm down and fall back to regular breathing. And when it vanishes altogether, the sun has already submerged below the horizon line.
"Hmmm, well," Geto is the first to break the silence. "That was better than I expected. Thanks for indulging my curiosity."
You shake your head and laugh short-winded. "Glad I washed your expectation." Your smile grows larger when he winks at you.
"Think we should start heading back?"
"Mmmm, yeah. But can we just stay here for a few minutes? Kinda like being in your secret spot."
Geto chuckles while positioning himself to lie next to you. "Sure thing. And don't worry, I won't say a word about this. We're in my secret cave for a reason." He laughs harder when you roll your eyes, his hand finding yours to hold again. This time, you reciprocate.
"Yeah, I'd hope so."
The pen in your hand stops writing when a sound from behind alerts you of someone's presence. While seated, you turn to see Gojo in a more comfortable change of attire — swapping his trunks for black basketball shorts and his blue Hawaiian shirt for a dark blue zip-up hoodie, although it wasn't zipped at all. He's very much casual with what he wears, especially when guests are in the house...
"Found you~ Itadori has been asking for you, and everyone's gathered around the fire pit outside," he takes a few steps into the guest room where you've been cooped up. However, you turn back to the desk in front of you and continue writing. Aware of your reluctance to look at him, he brings it up.
"Y/n~?" Your brows furrow at his sing-song attitude, relying on annoyance to have you speak with him. "Are you mad at me about something~?" The sigh you let out has to be about the tenth time from this day, shaking your head while sucking your teeth silently. You know what, it's just the two of us in the house...
"Yes, Gojo," your face doesn't leave the diary on the desk, but your hands stop writing. "I am mad at you."
"How come?" He adjusts his dark shades and then jerks at the sudden sound of your pen slamming onto the desk surface. And he's never seen a look that could kill on your pretty face before.
"Why don't you go ask Geto why I'm so mad," your tone isn't entirely furious; if anything, it's calm. But its connotation doesn't go unnoticed by Gojo. "Or better yet, why don't you retell him all about how 'y/n's blowjobs are like this' or how I'm 'so tight it's insane.' Surely that'll refresh some memories, huh?"
The room isn't completely silent, apart from the ticking noises of the clock on the wall by the bed. Gojo stands utterly still — same for you. The only thing that will activate any movement depends on his answer.
"....Ohhh!" He starts off as if a lightbulb just went up. "You mean he told you I told him—"
"Yes." a blunt response stops him from finishing. "I'm not mad about you telling him about what I did on that date. But would it have killed you to use probably another name for me? My friends don't know about you, but imagine my surprise when I found out your best friend's first impression of me is how I bounced on your dick!" It's commendable that he doesn't interrupt you while you speak because you might throw something at him if he did. And you're sure he knows it as well. "Does that give you a better idea as to why I'm mad?"
"Yup, loud and clear..." Now that you two are on the same page, you turn away from him again and return to writing, aware that the tall other is still behind you in the room. Especially when you hear him take a few more steps close to you, it takes everything in your power to not headbutt him when he places his chin on top of your head. This guy and his lack of respect for boundaries...
"Aww, come on, Y/n. I didn't mean to upset you like that." His usually loud voice is hushed for you, as if someone would come up and see the two of you like this. "It's a big surprise for me that I'd ever see you after last time, and I guess I figured I wouldn't. Which is why I told Suguru about you. Sorry about that, honest."
You couldn't focus on writing since he called you by your name, listening to his words and the sincerity they carry. And for a moment, you almost give into his sweet voice. But you held on strong for your dignity. "Apology accepted, but I'm still mad at you."
"Whaaaaat~, what was the point of accepting my apology then!?" You can't lie; it's cute when this tall man complains like a child. His giant hands move to your shoulders, massaging them to ease tension. "I'll make it up to you. You'll be here for a weekend, so let me treat you!"
A brow lifts up to that offer. "Treat me how?"
"I can start by going out there and having a s'more ready for you if you finish up whatever it is you're doing."
Five seconds go by. Ten. You exhale heavily through your nose, but a small smile creeps up on your lips. "Fine."
"Nice!" You roll your eyes when he fist-pumps the air. "By the way, what are you doing?"
Oh shit!! You immediately cover the pages of your diary. "Nothing."
"Is that a diary?" The giddiness in his tone crawls back up, much to your dismay. "Am I in it?"
"No, you're not!" You flip the diary with the pages on the desk surface, hiding the contents entirely. I already wrote about you before, anyway!
"Woah, I saw my name!" You get up from your chair and push Gojo out of the room. "D'aww, Y/n, you're such an angel thinking about me so much that I'm in your diary~."
"Shut up, Gojo! Go make me that s'more already!" You pushed him back out of the room, your face hot from embarrassment. And it gets even hotter when you see the huge grin plastered on his dumb face.
"You know you're cute as hell when you're flustered like this, right, dollface?"
And with that, you slam the door on his face, not caring about the groans of pain that he expresses. Waiting for his footsteps to draw away from the room, you sit back at the desk and groan into your hands for a few seconds. When you feel your composure is confident enough, you grab your pen and finish writing the last statements in your diary.
...Needless to say, being involved with Satoru Gojo undoubtedly has its consequences. I had said I'd love to see him again, but this was not the second meeting that I had in mind...But not gonna lie; it's nice to know that he was thinking about me while I was gone. Can't be mad at that handsome man-child for too long.
As for his friend, he truly is a mysterious person, knowing more about me than I do him. And for him to say that he was interested in me not just by Gojo's account but from seeing and hanging out with me? With what happened a few hours ago...I'll have to keep my guard up with him this weekend.
One thing is for sure, though: this is definitely a beach experience I'll never forget. Oh, Suguru Geto, you made sure of that. And just like your pleasant smile and purple eyes, I'll treasure it deep within my heart.
˚₊‧꒰ა Bonus ☆ Scene!! ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The weekend has finally come to an end, the Sunday sun coming down to bid farewell on the beach setting, and you and your friends say goodbye to Shoko and thank her for letting her stay at her beach house along with her friends ("No worries, any friend of Geto and Gojo's is a friend of mine." The older brunette said sipping her juice from a pretty glass. "Stay safe out there.")
The drive home was fun, blasting music from the radio of Nobara's car while feeling the wind from the windows as everyone gets dropped off. The first to go was Megumi, then Yuuji at his grandpa's place. All that was left was you and Nobara, the two of you enjoying the calm drive to your house as the moon watched over your return home.
When she stops at the front of your home, you express your thanks. "Thanks for the ride again, Nobara. Had a great time with you and the guys." But she doesn't respond, just looking at the steering wheel. Concerned, you question her. "Nobara? You okay?"
It's evident the brunette has something parading her thoughts, because she lets out a massive sigh before facing your direction and asks the following question. "Did you go on that blind date with Satoru or Suguru?"
One blink goes by. Two blinks. ".......Huh."
"Don't 'huh' me, Y/n; I know ya heard me!" She smacks the steering wheel in slight exasperation. "Don't make me repeat myself."
You internally groan at the situation you're in. You knew this talk was bound to happen, but God, you just wanted to get in your bed and go to sleep after this very exhausting weekend. Okay, think, Y/n, think!
"...No," you avoid eye contact answering. "No, I did not."
"Are you sure about that?" Of course, the other has more questions. "Because when you told me about your blind date, you said they were tall with their first name starting with an 'S' and their last name a 'G.' And low and behold, we go to the beach, and I'm met with not one, but TWO fairly tall men who both check those boxes. Not to mention that the date was at a diner, and they both just happen to have met you in a diner?"
Oh, for fucks sake, God, please just strike me down right here and now. "What? Am I not supposed to meet people at a diner? Or go on a date in a completely different diner?"
The brown-haired woman furrows her brow before continuing on. "I don't know, you tell me. Those two seemed quite friendly with you all weekend, especially that lanky sheep, Gojo. The way those two looked at you or how oddly close they got. Looks and sounds fishy to me."
You scoff at her observations as they are accurate and are doing a remarkable job of making you nervous right now. "Nobara, many people in this world have those initials. For all you know, I probably went on a date with Selena Gomez or Seth Green. I mean, when you say you're crushing on M.Z., I don't immediately think of Maki Zenin. My mind goes straight to Mark Zuckerberg."
The disgusted look on Nobara's face almost had you laughing on the spot. "Don't play with me, Y/n! And don't you dare disrespect my queen's beauty to the looks of a pale salamander, or I'll smack you. I'm gonna ask again: did you go on a blind date with either of those two?"
"No!" It's amazing how quick you went with a lie. Who could blame you? It was easier than telling the truth, especially with what happened this weekend.
The two of you hold a mini staring competition, Nobara searching for any tale of a lie on your face. But with another sigh, she gives up interrogating and stares at the roof of her car, followed by you leaning back on the passenger seat while your brain does mental gymnastics in victory.
A few seconds of silence goes by before your friend says anything more. "Hmm, that's a bummer." You peer at her with bewilderment painted on your face. "They both looked like they got some good dick."
"Are you fucking serious— You know what, goodnight, Nobara." You don't bother listening to her try to back herself up on her statement, just grabbing for your stuff and closing the passenger door. Ignoring her shouts as you walk to the front door to unlock it and shutting it to finally free yourself from this weekend-long nightmare.
You groan to yourself as you slide down the door. Honestly, fuck this summer...
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queer-irritator · 2 months
Drive Max Disaster | Wade Wilson x Fem!GN! Reader
Content warnings: Language, misgendering, alcohol, fluff <3 <3 Word count: 3,479
Synopsis: Reader is weighed down by the cost of living and needs to find a second job. Luckily, the Drive Max has an opening for an assistant! 
a/n: Hello lovelies! I have so many ideas for Wade/Deadpool swirling around in my head, so here is one of said ideas. Of course I did not proofread. This is also my first time writing Wade so let me know your thoughts!!
You sighed in frustration, looking helplessly at your overdue bills on your laptop. Despite working 50 hour weeks, it’s somehow not enough to satisfy the greedy hands of capitalism. You needed a second job. To spare your pride from any more damage, you close the tab where your debt stares into your soul and start looking for some easy-going jobs. 
To your disappointment, there were not very many options for part-time jobs. You applied to a few assistant and receptionist positions and decided to treat yourself to a freezer burnt fudge popsicle for all your hard work. 
The next morning you were awoken by your phone’s ringtone. You groaned, of course someone would be calling you on your one day off. Without checking the caller ID, you answered groggily. 
Your eyes shot open when you heard a man on the other line mention your application for an assistant at the local used car dealership. You sat up and put on your best professional voice and secured an interview the same day. 
It wasn’t long until you were stepping out of a taxi in front of the dealership, wearing your nicest business-casual clothes and confidently walking into the building. 
An older man who was balding, and what hair was left around his head was pure white, with a matching white mustache approached you.
“Welcome to Drive Max! My name is Cameron, can I get you some refreshments?” 
You put on your sweetest smile, “Hi, Cameron. I’m actually here for an interview for the assistant position.” 
“Oh, of course! Silly me. I’m going to fetch Peter, our manager and he’ll be conducting your interview.” The man concluded your conversation while showing you to a small office to wait in. 
You waited for about 15 minutes before a man, presumably Peter, entered the room looking slightly flustered. 
“Hi, sorry about the wait.” The man rambled on about how business was booming and some other bullshit to make his establishment seem like the perfect place to work. 
The interview was nothing different than any other than the management seeming more flustered and desperate for help than usual. You did some negotiation with Peter and came to an agreement which included a $3,000 sign-on bonus if you did your paperwork today. 
So, there you were. Sat alone in the office Peter was with you moments ago, filling out the most repetitive paperwork you’ve ever read. 
A commotion from the front room tore your concentration from the papers before you. You lifted your head and could see a few figures moving around through the blinds.There was also muffled talking, but you couldn’t make out any words. 
Suddenly the talking stopped and one of the figures was coming towards the room you were in. Quickly, you sat back down and acted as if you had been minding your own business the entire time. The door to the office swung open and a man with scarred skin and a very obvious toupee made direct eye contact with you. 
“You’re the new assistant?” He questioned you.
“... Yes.” You cautiously answered his question.
The man moaned dramatically in relief, “Thank GOD. We have to go get burritos right now.” 
You couldn’t hold back the puzzled look on your face, “Oh, uhm… I don’t think… I haven’t started working here yet.” 
The man chuckled, “For 3k you do.” 
You couldn’t help your jaw dropping slightly. How did this man know all of the details of your employment? Maybe he was the owner…
“Yes, sir.” You put your pen down and followed the man through to lobby. 
He attempted to whisper to Peter, but he didn’t lower the volume of his voice at all, “I like this one.” 
You couldn’t begin to comprehend what you had gotten yourself into. 
The man, who had finally introduced himself as Wade Wilson, led you to a car and tossed some keys at you.
“I call shotgun!” he yelled, diving into the passenger seat. 
You narrowly caught the keys and entered the car, starting it. 
“So, where are we going?” You asked as you adjusted the mirrors and the seat to be more comfortable. 
The man shrugged, “I usually just drive around until I find somewhere that sells food.”
“Okay… how about we use Google?” You proposed, taking out your phone and looking up some Mexican restaurants nearby. 
While you glanced over some reviews, Wade began messing with the car radio. Eventually he landed on “Angel of the Morning” and cranked the volume as high as it could go as he began to sing along. 
You looked to Wade, dumbfounded. This really must be some big wig’s son or ridiculously rich for this man to have a job, anywhere. You sighed and put the directions up on your phone and started the drive. 
The blaring music was beginning to give you a headache and you’d only been driving for 2 minutes. You decided rolling down the windows would, hopefully, make the rest of the drive slightly more bearable. But you were very wrong. The moment you rolled down the passenger side window, Wade began to climb out and sit in the window, still belting out to the next song that was playing. 
“Oh my fucking god.” You mumbled to yourself, flicking your eyes between the road and the man half out the window. You turned down the music and tugged on his pants, “Get back in here! You’re going to kill yourself!”
“Oh, calm down.” He said, plopping himself back in his seat, “You never heard of mutants before?” 
You glanced at him, your heart racing slightly less now that he had all limbs inside the car. 
“Of course I have. I just didn’t know that you were one. Besides, mutants can still die.” You felt a sense of ease as you spotted the restaurant down the road. 
“Not me, baby.” He put his feet up on the dash, “100% invincible.” He had a smirk on his face and you could tell he was looking at you out of the corner of his eye to see your reaction. 
“Congratulations. Unfortunately I am not immortal, and when you act like a jackass you put other people’s lives in danger.” You snapped just as you pulled into a parking spot. “Go get your fucking tacos.” “Sheesh lady… and it’s burritos, not tacos.” Wade explained as he got out of the car. 
You rolled your eyes and called out to him as he walked toward the entrance, “And I’m not a lady!” 
He stopped and turned around, “I’ll have you know I’m gender blind! I’m VERY inclusive.” He disappeared into the building before you could think of something to say back. 
You sighed loudly and ran your hands down your face. You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your lips as you reflected on the entire situation. This was going to be quite the part-time job. 
You tried to pass the time by scrolling on your phone, but as the minutes ticked by, you were becoming slightly impatient. And you also wanted some food for yourself. You stepped out of the car, making sure to lock it, and entered the restaurant Wade went into 20 minutes ago now. 
You were greeted by the sight of Wade hunched over at a bar stool, wrappers all over the counter, three empty beer bottles, one half full, and a half eaten burrito in his hand. 
“Wade!” You sighed and walked up to him, “I thought you were just doing a pick up order or something.” 
He looked at you as he took another swig of beer, “Pick up?? Nah, this is my lunch break.” 
“Your lunch break? It’s not for work?” You asked, confused. 
He shook his head, “Nope.”
You looked more closely examined the man before you and spotted a nametag that read: Wade, beginner salesman. 
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. It was your first day and you disappeared with a beginner salesman for an hour… How were you going to get out of this?? “Okay, we need to go back. Before we get in more trouble.” You demanded.
“I’m not done eating yet!” he whined, arguing back like a little kid. 
“Dude, I really don’t care. Either come back with me or I’m leaving you here.” You said before walking back outside and getting in the car.
Wade groaned and chugged the last of his beer and stuffed the rest of his burrito in his face and made it back to the car just as you were going to pull away. You gave him a quick glare before driving back to the dealership. 
Apparently the man had some sort of conscious and spoke up just as you put the car in park and took off your seatbelt.
“I’ll let Peter know it was all my fault. We’re best buds so he can cover for me.” Wade explained and literally skipped back into work. 
You sighed and began the walk of shame to the door. You decided you were just going to finish your paperwork and apologize profusely and hope you get a second chance. 
But, you couldn’t help overhear Wade and Peter’s conversation on your way to the office.
“C’mon man, you know I’ve been having a hard time… With Vanessa, the Avengers.” 
“I know, Wade, I know. But you can’t keep doing stuff like this. This has to be the last time, I can’t cover you if it happens again.”
“Thanks, peanut.” 
You’re also pretty sure you witnessed Wade grip Peter’s ass when he hugged him after the conversation. 
You kept your head down the rest of the day, working on getting all types of paperwork and files organized. It was now 6:30pm and you were gathering your things you left in the office.
“Knock knock.” Wade’s voice sounded off behind you. 
You turned around and met his eyes. You had felt bad for him after overhearing that he was going through a hard time, so you gave him a smile. “Heading home?” He questioned you casually, though inside his mind he was cursing himself for being such an idiot to ask if you were heading home. Of course you were going home. 
“Yup. Home sweet home.” You chuckled nervously.
“Mmh, yeah. The sweet, sweet home I share with an old blind lady.” He joked, or at least you think it was a joke.
You laughed, “At least you got someone to go home to. Some of us aren’t so lucky to have a blind lady waiting for you.” 
“Well, in that case… How about I take you out for a drink?” He was still stoic-ly leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed lazily.
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you turned your head to hide your face from him. 
“I dunno, I got another job to get to in the morning.” You rummaged around for an imaginary lost object.
“How about just to apologize? For being an asshole… if I’m not your type, I mean.” His eyes were glued to your ass as you stalled, bent over looking for something even Wade knew wasn’t there. 
You felt your face heat up even more. You weren’t sure what it was, but there was something magnetizing about Wade. He was an annoying asshole, but you could also sense there was something deeper to him. You found a random pen under a desk and picked it up to cover for your stalling. You took a breath to compose yourself before turning around to face Wade.
You noticed his gaze had to travel from your waist up to your eyes when you turned to face him, but you decided to ignore that for now, “Okay. But just for a little. I really do have work in the morning.” 
“I won’t keep you up too late.” He winked at you and then whipped out his phone to send a text. “Our ride will be here soon.” 
You nodded and followed Wade outside. It was just beginning to turn from Summer to Autumn, so the nights started to get a little chilly and the sun was setting sooner. 
Within a few minutes, a taxi pulled up. Wade opened the back door for you. His gesture surprised you, but you thanked him and sat down in the back of the car. Wade got in the front seat and quickly introduced you to Dophinder, a friend of his apparently. 
“Headed back home tonight Mr. Pool, sir?” The taxi driver questioned.
“Oh, not tonight, Dophinder. Tonight is the night I get my groove back. We’re going to Putt Putt Palace.” Wade said confidently.
“Ohh, very nice choice, Mr. Pool!” Dophinder admired Wade’s choice of establishment and started to drive. 
Once you had arrived at the mini-golf course and Dophinder had driven away after gladly taking a high-five as payment, you spoke up, “I thought this was just going to be drinks?”
“Yeah, well ‘Do you want to get drinks’ tends to go over better than ‘I’m going to dominate you at Putt Putt Palace.’”
“Ohhh, so you’re getting cocky now, huh?” You chuckled slightly.
“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe.” He smirked and led the way to pay for a full round of golf and picked out the red putter and ball. 
“Damn, red is my favorite color. I’ll do black then.” You said, grabbing the supplies in the color you chose. 
Wade gasped softly, “Red and black…” 
You looked over at him, “Red and black… it’s a good color combo.” 
“It is, indeed.” He smiled and also ordered two extra large margaritas that came on a necklace in one of those comically large, colorful souvenir cups. 
“Oh my god.” You chuckled when Wade handed you the drink, “You’re trying to get me drunk, aren’t you?” “I would never! I’m going to win this game fair and square!” He defended himself and put the cup around his neck and walked up to the first hole and lined up his shot. 
You watched Wade as he carefully calculated his swing. You gave in and also put your drink around your neck and took some sips, it was awfully convenient. 
Wade hit his ball and watched it go around the course and fall perfectly into the hole. 
“Fuck yeah!” He cheered and performed a small victory dance.
You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed him out of the way, “It was a lucky shot, Mr. Pool.” 
You glanced at him when you used the name the taxi driver addressed him as. 
Wade gave you a bit of side eye while he sipped his drink. 
You pressed him further, “Why’d he call you that, anyway?” You took your first swing, making it a good amount across the course. 
“It’s an old nickname. I don’t go by it anymore though.” he explained, taking glances at your ass and different parts of your body each time you were getting lined up to hit your ball, finally sinking the hole in 3 strokes. 
The night went on, the sky growing darker and the conversation between the two of you growing deeper. The fact that you had skipped lunch and hadn’t had dinner yet was definitely weighing on you as the alcohol in your system took effect more quickly than usual. You made it to hole 10 out of 18 before you really started struggling. 
You were swaying slightly on your feet, trying to focus and stay still long enough to make a good shot. You went to swing and missed the ball, causing you to break out into a fit of giggles. 
“Oops!” You chuckled and began to line yourself up again. 
Wade was very amused watching you struggle and become more undone at each hole. But he didn’t want you to fully make a fool of yourself, so he approached behind you and gently placed his hands on your shoulders to help steady you. 
“Ooh, thanks.” You smiled and successfully hit your ball this time. 
“Hey, how come you’re not drunk?” You looked up at him while his hands were still on your shoulder.
“‘Cause my healing factor won’t let me, beautiful. But believe me, I’ve tried.” He explained and walked over to your ball with you.
You blushed at the name he called you. He’d been doing it all night. Throwing in a “babe” or “beautiful” every so often, and it always seemed so natural, it caught you off guard every time. 
He continued to help and also tease you for the next 6 holes. As the game was coming to an end, most other people had left the area by now. As usual, Wade was in his position behind you as you took your swing. As you followed your ball with your eyes, it almost felt surreal seeing it sink a hole in one. 
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed. “I did it!! I fucking did it!” You cheered and turned around to shove it in Wade’s face. You were blind to the fact that there was no way you could even catch up to Wade, let alone win the whole game. 
Wade was rolling his eyes at your taunts, “Whatever! You’re still not gonna win!”
You chuckled and moved on to the last hole, “Show me what you got.” 
You watched Wade’s face fill with concentration as he carefully calculated his next move. Your eyes couldn’t help but wonder down his body. You hadn’t noticed how muscular he was before now. His work uniform hid most of his body, but you could see his biceps flexing as he hit his golf ball. 
He hadn’t hit the ball hard enough, because once it got to the middle of a metal loop in the center of the course, it lost momentum and fell out. 
“Fuck!” Wade cursed at himself as he stepped aside to let you take your swing. 
“It’s okay,” You moved into position at the start of the course and set your ball down, “This way I can watch you when you hit the ball again.” Your inhibited state of mind had you speaking your thoughts before you had any chance to think it through. 
Wade’s nonexistent eyebrows raised slightly. Sure, he had been flirting with you and asked you on this date, but he never thought you would actually like him or find anything about him remotely attractive. Up until that moment he had convinced himself you were just trying to be nice to the painfully obviously insane burn victim at your new job. 
You lifted your head from your ball to Wade, “You gonna help me or just stand there?” 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” He had been lost in his own thoughts and for once, left speechless. He moved behind you again and placed his hands on your shoulders. 
You had missed the warmth of his body heat, it was almost addicting to have him so close to you. You didn’t realize you had just been mindlessly staring down at your golf ball while relishing in Wade’s presence. 
Wade leaned down to lower his head next to your ear and whispered, “Don’t fuck it up, peanut.” 
The feeling of his breath against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, there was no way you would be able to focus on the last round of mini golf now. You dropped your club and turned around to face Wade. The most adorable look of confusion was adamant on his face, bringing a slight smile to your lips. 
Wade opened his mouth, no doubt to say something idiotic, but before he could you placed a hand on the back of his neck and helped him lean down and captured his lips in a kiss. 
You were thankful for the extra courage your drink had given you. There’s no way you would be able to make a move on someone so confident and outgoing as Wade sober. Your kiss was brief, almost innocent. Just a soft meshing of two timid people. 
Wade was the one to pull away from you, “What was that for?” 
You shrugged, “Dunno.” 
Which was true, you didn’t know why you were compelled to kiss the man who almost got you fired on your first day of work, who acted so careless and as if he only thought about himself and his own wants. 
You started to lean up to kiss him again, but he stopped you. 
“You don’t wanna get into this, peanut. I’m a fucking mess.” Wade looked down at you, a glimmer of hurt in his eyes. 
You frowned slightly, “Well, that makes two of us.”
You waited for his response. He was glancing to his left and right every so often, like he was having an internal battle. After a few moments his eyes settled back on yours. 
“Fuck it.” he mumbled just before he closed the distance between you and gave you a proper kiss. 
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tsuunara · 5 months
   " lets crash course learn twice choreography ! "
SPECIAL GUESTS : chuuya nakahara , osamu dazai , atsushi nakajima !
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 ABOUT ORDER : forcing teaching bsd men twice choreography! how into it are they? do they hate it or enjoy it ?
 CONTENTS :  might be ooc !! , profanity in chuuya's part , dazai shenanigans , kunikida appears in dazai's part !! , poor atsushi is struggling to keep up :( , kyouka appears in atsushi's part !! .
 SERVER'S NOTES : stan twice!!! this was a warm up to prepare for my soon chuuya angst fic... sorry for the wait :( btw here is the playlist of all the songs for each character! i'll make a pt 2 with nikolai and fyodor . :) this was super fun to write lol
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   chuuya nakahara ! The Feels
chuuya has seen you practice the choreography a couple of times . he doesn't really mind when the music blasts and just lets it slide because he loves you so much ! chuuya doesn't know much about kpop but he's heard a couple in your playlists , and hears you play the same ones over and over again ... not like he doesn't mind though . despite it not being his actual music taste, he secretly enjoys listening to it sometimes and it's his guilty pleasure . when he sees you dancing all silly , he can't help but smile in awe . he thinks it's so funny and cute seeing you put your all into it !!
" well uh shit... am i interrupting something here ? "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaAAAH WHAT THE FUCK CHUUYA- "
oh, but when you encourage him to dance with you ? who is he to say no with that stupid smile of yours ? no matter how silly it is , he WILL do it .
" ...so uh- "
" ...crash course twice choreography . "
" ...what ? "
" you know what , chuu ? you're in perfect timing . you should really join me !! come on , i'll teach you twice choreography ! "
" huh ?? woah woAH WOAH- WAIT HOLD ON NOW- "
although he is a bit hesitant , he always gives in . and with no regrets after whatsoever !!! he's a very quick learner too with lots of flexibility !
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight ! one , two , three and four , five and six and seven , eight ! good ! just make sure to bend your knees a bit more... and then... stretch them ! "
" uhuh, okay... like this ? my god- this dance is kinda hard... how'd ya even manage this ? "
" not to worry , chuu ! just like that !! YOU DID IT !! "
"holy fucking shit . I DID IT . "
overall , 9/10 is super into it . always exaggerates his moves but at least it shows he's having fun !! bonus points for being a new little distraction he can do at work ! has definitely had a couple of his colleagues walk in on him . whoopsies !
" you have stolen my heart oh yeah... never let it go oh oh no , never gonna let it go , oh , oh , oh... "
" uh... sir ? the... documents... "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaa- GOD WHAT THE FUCK ?! oh . it's you . the documents ? yeah yeah , uh... go put them... over there . "
" ......sir- "
" no . if it's about that , then i don't want to hear it . "
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   osamu dazai ! FANCY
dazai's favorite pastime ? learning twice choreography . and what better ? with you !! he's had his ass dragged into your little dance classes sooo many times... (not like he's complaining though !) he knows somewhat about kpop , he likes listening to it with you (and for shits and giggles . ) also loves to see you dance to the songs yourself !! always tries to copy you so much so he ends up distracting you because it's funny , causing you to mess up the entire choreography :( when he hears the music play , that's when he knows it's time to crash course learn twice choreography !
" ...'samu ! "
" yes lovely ? "
" do you know what time it is ? "
" hmm..... four-thirty . "
" stupid , not the actual time ! c'moooonnnn you knowww thissss... "
" well color me clueless . "
" 'samu.... "
" i'm kidding! hmm... oh , don't tell... it's that time , isn't it ?! "
a little slower learning the choreography (because mf can't take it seriously sometimes) , but once he gets the hang of it you bet fucker WILL be hitting those moves whenever has the chance .
" it seems another job well done to us for solving the mystery , bella ! oh , OH , OHH !! i feel a song coming ... LET'S HIT IT , [name] !!! ohhh yes GET IT !! "
of course being dazai, you can't have a dance lesson with a little chaos in between ! but that's what makes it even more fun !
" one, two, three and four... no 'samu, that's not how do it ! "
" hehehe. fancyyyy youuu ooh-ooh-ooh- "
" ouchieeee.... !!! bellaaaa~ help me out hereeeee... my hips huuurrrrrt !!!! "
" oh my god... "
overrall , 9/10 very chaotic but totally fun experience ! he enjoys it far too much for his own liking . he does a few freestyle moves of his own to " jazz up " the dance takes your dance lessons to HEART . period . kunikida always scolds him at work :P
" OI DAZAI . this isn't some dance class . get back to work !! "
" whaaaat ? sorry kunikida~ i can't hear you right now over the music !! my dearest [name] just taught me how to dance ! and i feel so POWERFUL !! OHH , keep quiet now !! THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART !! "
" DAZAI- "
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   atsushi nakajima ! TT
atsushi is a very interesting case when it comes to learning choreography... he tries his best though ! i feel like atsushi is very open to different kinds of music , so kpop is no different to him and enjoys listening to it ! super fascinated by how you managed to learn the dances . always slides in compliments after you finish with a little clap !! atsushi NEVER thinks about learning the choreography himself . he just likes listening to the music . but who is he to say no to you ?
" atsu !! "
" [name] !! what's the matter ? did something happen ? "
" atsushi . you know the one thing that you're missing right now ? it's that you NEED to crash course learn twice choreography with me . there's no backing out now !! "
" wha- ??? wait- HUH ???? "
poor boy is unfortunately a slow learner when it comes to dancing... but he's trying !!! his moves are a bit stiff , but just a little more practice and instructing will do !!!
" it's easy ! one , two , three , four , five , six , seven, eight ! can you try that for me ? "
" umm... one... two... three... four and five and six and seven eight... ?! did i do it ? "
" close !! there's room for improvement , though ! you're doing great though ! for your first time and the easiest twice choreography to learn ! "
" EASIEST ?!? aaahhhh... this is so hard , [name] ..... can we take a break ? "
practices whenever he can . you've seen and walked in on him practicing in front of the mirror and he's always gets soo embarrassed , but slowly he's starting to get the hang of it and you're so proud of him !!!
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" well , someone's been doing their homework ! "
" [name] ?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM- "
overrall , 7/10 . he's proud to know he's finally learned how to perform twice choreography ! (even if the process was literal hell) obviously still struggles sometimes , but very silly and cute when he does it ! kyouka has walked in on him a few times... but she doesn't seem to mind !
" one , two , three , four...- "
" ...why are you dancing ? "
" YEAOW- oh... it's just you , kyouka... practicing this dance [name] taught me ! ah , where was i again...? one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" i didn't know they could dance . maybe i'll ask them about it later... "
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   reblogs appreciated ! ♡
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houseofhugo · 5 months
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[ SYNOPSIS ] you take him to your room tempted and riled up for a heated session.
[ PAIRING ] lee sangyeon x f!reader
[ CONTENTS AND WARNINGS ] 18+ read (smut), mdni (minors, please do not interact), stepcest, stepfather!sangyeon, top!lee sangyeon (as what fits him), bot!reader, age gap (both are legal, of course), petnames, blowjob, edging (reader!giving), face fucking, throat pie, tan skin sangyeon (yes, that's a warning), sweats sweats sweats, tiny mentions of porn and porn-related terminology as adjectives and compliments
[ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] this is my first ever smut. if you want to make appreciation of this post, please don't hesitate to like, reblog, comment or do all of the above. hard thoughts are also always open. love, hugo!
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With a single push of your thumb, the click of the doorknob lock behind you bloomed into your ears like music. Your hands are still grasped upon the cold metal behind you but your thumb has been lifted off the button lock. Two open hands then acted like vines as they glided over your skin to find position on your rears—one secured behind your neck while the other snuck up behind your waist. At your eye level, your sight dwells at the low neck of the fitted, bicep-showcasing, sleeveless, gray shirt that extends down enough to fully show off a sexy damp cleavage between firm masculine mounds. From there, your eyes then went up north; through your eyelids, you met the face of the man who let you mix a libido-increasing supplement in his lunch and made you watch him eat every spoon of it right in front of you, and now, he is standing twice your height right in front of you with a wet collar on the shirt darkening the cloth as beads of sweat trail down his temples. The supplement must be making him feel hotter as much as he looks right now.
Who knew you will go this far just to get a man be all over you? And who knew it would be your stepdad for a month now?
"Is it locked?" Sangyeon asked in caution as he held you firmly.
Giving the older a pleased smile, you twisted the knob and both of you heard the lock snapped back open only for you to push it back in with your thumb. Your hands finally left the round metal poking your back. "Yes," you assured him.
His chest descended into ease due to his lessening fear of getting caught—that's actually a minority of his problems right now. Without thinking twice, he hunched and leaned forward to attach his lips onto yours. You're the fuel to this growing fire between you two right now, so won't you just let him work himself for a few moments in devouring your lips?
He wears a pair of beige shorts that only covers one-third of his tree-trunk thighs. You can see through the garment how it hugs and imprints his size that is almost identical to the girth of a kitchen towel tube and quite to the length of a forearm. It's extending down to the leg opening where you caught his whole swelling huge tip with an inch of shaft already peeking out. His hand behind your neck went down to join his other hand on your back to pull you towards him and ground his crotch onto your clothed folds. You held onto his shoulders for extra support. Sensing his desperation, you eventually began munching back at his wet and squelching kisses. Eyelids then draped your sight. You can taste some of the saltiness of his sweat on the skin around his lips. Tilting his head, his nose is now hovering at the zone of your left cheekbone where you feel the air brushing the skin of your left cheek before it gets vacuumed into his nostrils. With that one inhale, he pulls away to have himself a breather; meanwhile, you were standing there silently yearning for the intimate contact that was broken. You want this but you wanna be careful.
"When's mom coming back?" you brought up right away.
"She told me she's gonna meet a few friends until 3 PM to plan their formal gathering."
You turned your head to the digital clock placed on the nightstand behind him showing 12:41 PM in strong red color. Recalling, you two just finished eating during the early minutes of the first half of the hour, so it means the supplement has already done its job on him. You darted your eyes back at his masculine face but something at the corner of your sight suggested you to look around and as soon as your eyes went south first, you knew why.
"What is it?" Sangyeon follows the direction of your head. He sees nothing but his stiff manhood below begging to be freed as it is shoved and pressed on his thighs by the fabric that starts to hardly accommodate his growing and swelling size. You can also see how a line of precum is formed streaming down his calves while his tip drips off that clear and viscous man stuff like a half-way closed faucet. It's just now that he's gotten aware of it which sinks into him how it's quite getting uncomfortable since he's really that big. "Well, look at that. You have no idea how strong that supplement hiked up in me after I ate that food." Through the fabric, he held his cock with is hand in a thumbs up sign as he attempted to wiggle it right at your sight.
You handed over his words to your explorative imagination; the more you think about it, the more you feel your guts warm up. You couldn't help but chew on your lower lip as you press all your fingers right onto your clothed pussy now that you have your stepdad standing in front of you all horny and hot at its peak. However, you don't wanna get yourself losing your shit just yet, so you cupped and pushed his solid shoulder blades down to stabilize yourself standing on your toes reaching his lips with yours to continue the kiss he broke. It went like that for a few seconds until he could feel you nudge forward trying not to trip over.
With Sangyeon's feet apart, he bent his knees as he hunched to even up both of your heights. Feeling stable back again on your soles, you palmed his manhood right at the spot, rubbing his length through the fabric. Of course, it wouldn't be fair if he doesn't do the same. You sensed his right hand slip into the waistband of your shorts. By the time he had is whole hand inside, he began treating your left ass check as the biggest stress ball he has ever held.
A moan of yours was sent out and vibrated through both of your lips. You decide to knead him back while he's stiff and it's quite a pain for Sangyeon since you're treating it like a soft dough when his manhood is nowhere near to that softness; as a reaction, he squeezed his eyes shut and a hum escaped through his nose. He then pushes your head away to break the kiss which distracted you into a full stop from what you were doing with his clothed cock.
"Oh, baby. Guess I can't let you go on like this any further." He ran his words between heavy breaths as he glanced between his legs. "Wanna blow me now, sweetheart?"
You didn't even hesitate and just gave him an immediate nod of excited approval. You signed up for this.
"Yeah? Wanna have the real thing?" A mild laugh was produced from his chest. "Of course, you do."
Sangyeon lets you continue playing his clothed length as he scans your room for the first time. His body keeps nudging back and forth because of the force of your hand on his cock. It's so clear how he's letting you take over from how dependent his hips are to your hand movements. "Where do you want me to sit?" he asked while mentally collecting spots in your room to be in position. Not to mention the way he can already imagine how he would look like getting his cock done in those places was so horny of him.
"Uhm, actually..." Noticing your hotdog pillow next to you on the floor, you horizontally laid it in front of your feet before dropping your knees on top of it one at a time. You then slipped two fingers on both sides of his shorts including his boxer briefs underneath. "Can you just stand?" you proceeded.
Even his smile looks radiant down here. "Anything for you, kitty." He rested his hands on both sides of his waist waiting for you to do your business with those fingers on the waistband of his shorts.
"Want you to take off your top," you instructed.
No horny man will ever be patient, so Sangyeon immediately crossed his arms. Hands fisted at the hem of his white sleeveless top, he crumpled the fabric in his hold. The way he pulls it up with his torso arching backwards seems like he suddenly became your private stripper on the spot. The muscle stretch was so tender and yummy; from his defined v-line, and rock hard chocolate six-pack, up to his juicy pecs, all those gym-molded muscles slowly got undraped right before your eyes. He's such a meal in that tone of tan. The sweat that has been collecting in thick coatings on the surface of his clean and smooth textured skin makes it appear that he received a Midas touch and survived from how golden brown his skin is. You can't believe you're having a man for yourself in your personal space for 20 years since your childhood but you never thought that it would be someone like him.
As you drag down his lower garment right at his knees, you are presented with the way his massive cock that matches the tone of his overall skin made a squelching slap as it sprung up and smacked onto his sweat-glazed abs before the glossy pale-brown head came back pointing right at your face. His dick hole was impressive to dispense a drip of pre-cum that created a short string before falling down on the floor between your thighs. He even got a few soft and damp pubes at the finish line.
Mmh! Delicious. That was so far the hottest thing you made out of him.
With an open palm, you softly struck his shaft from below sending it upward and landing back down on your open hand. Why? You just wanna feel how hefty his cock is in your hold. Not gonna lie, it's almost similar to catching a pillow with one hand.
"You might wanna get your taste buds on that cock now, sweetheart." He reminds you. "You can't play with that if you'll just keep it dry."
The tip was at the level of your mouth. First thing's first. You choked the cock under the tip with your whole hand before treating it like a lever as you pulled it up to uncover his testicles and the thick lining under the shaft decorated with prominent veins. You ran your tongue across your lips before fully sticking it out and leaning over to begin your journey with your tongue at the underside of the base close to his pair of "table tennis" balls. Going up, you started to leave trails of your saliva on his shaft as you made your way up to his tip where you took it whole in your mouth right away. Your hand that was wrapped under the head came down to his base to hold his manhood in place. As he was quite past your pretty lips, you swirled your tongue around the head before your licking organ turns into a shape of an arrowhead inside your mouth because you are about to press the very tip of your tongue right at his slit.
"Oh—" His reaction got caught up mid-throat but he still managed to whisper a, "wow," as he squeezed his eyes shut.
His hands circled into a fist as he kept it hovered over the outside of his thighs to endure the initial stimulation you are causing between his legs, so you thought of bringing them behind his back crossed and fixed. You gave his triceps gentle caresses before your mouth left his tip coated and dripping in your spit. You continued to lick his shaft on the sides just like how anyone would typically consume an ice cream. At the same time, you pepper a few wet kisses until you're back up again at the head where you find the courage to take more of him than a while ago. The slit kisses the roof of your mouth. Still fine with it, you attempted to get his length deeper into you. Since a stiff dick couldn't curve, you hunched your back and tilted your head up to make your throat straight for his size to fit. By the time you pushed yourself on him once again, his head was already resting at the back of your tongue right before your uvula—the one dangling that can make you vomit when excessively triggered—and you thought you would throw up everything you just ate this lunch when you decided to push more of him in; but the next thing you know, your nose has touched something wet with a bit of hair and the pressure in your throat started to build up due to the lack of air, but it's fortunately not enough to pass you out.
"Mmmh. That's it. Warm that cock for me." His mumbles were mixed with an airy tone. Out of curiosity, the man laid his palm under your jaw and pressed your cheeks with his thumb and middle finger causing your inner flesh to concave and touch his girth—the fact that he didn't have to press deep because he already felt his solidness through your cheeks in a split-second. He then leaned back with a hunched back as he tilted his head to see your face before squishing your cheeks once again just to confirm what he felt was reality. "Fuck," he whispered with a smirk. "Did I just fill your mouth instantly, baby girl?"
Sangyeon carefully looks down at you to see you withdraw his length out of your mouth centimeter by centimeter until you were just left with his head again alone in your lips. He releases a deep sigh as he starts to feel your tongue fondle his cock head once again; but this time, with suckles.
"Hah! Ooh, yes!" he exclaims. "Of course, you know what to do—hngg, fuck." He sucked air through his nostrils and released it through his mouth.
You couldn't wait any longer. Laying your hands on both of his thighs, you started bobbing your head in a fixed rhythm. The drag of your lips at the base of the man's tip sends shivers all throughout his hot body as it just begins to fuel him towards insanity.
"Deeper again, baby girl. Want you to savor it all. You signed up for a whole meal, not a snack."
Well, who are you to refuse when he's already in the process of outdoing the capability of the lube's glossiness with his own thick layer of sweat starting to look like he just got poured a gallon of it. The way your hands are slipping off his muscular thighs was so surreal. His locks are so wet that it drips off down on you.
By the time you're drooling and you're beating your own throat on his hefty meat, you heard a hummed growl from above. His super wet palms held you by the cheeks to get you off his dick. "Oooh, my gosh!" His release was already right at the tip. He just held you there away as he struggled to prevent himself from building up an orgasm from where he left at. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Curses spilled as he squeezed his eyes shut. It was then followed by a hiss, a huge out breath through his nose, and an undertone moan as he squeezed the base of his cock with his whole hand to prevent himself from pushing anything out.
"Wow," you subconsciously mumbled. "Did you just—that's insane. Does it hurt, though?" You've only seen men edging in porn. You never thought about witnessing a man doing it real time could outdo the videos.
"Not—ngh... at all. I've done this to myself a couple of times." His hand eventually left the base of his cock once he felt the build up of his orgasm crumble back down. "You liked that?" he brought up the question. "Or did I break your fun on my cock?"
Of course, he did; but the mental image of him jerking off was just different to you, exceptional even. Imagine him alone in the room with his current look right now, stroking that fat meat flute for minutes in bed to the thought of you—well, who else is it gonna be? This is your fantasy. It would be weird to think that he's pumping that cock while thinking of someone that is not you.
"I mean...that turned me on," you uttered.
"So you liked it?"
"Why would I not?"
An idea snapped into the older man's mind and he just gave you a mild laugh before grabbing both of your hands and guided you up relieving your knees at the same time. He dragged you away from the door and led you to the corner of your room where a bean bag is getting a spotlight from the sunlight coming from the window. Sangyeon sits there already with parted legs and beckons you to kneel between them.
Sangyeon looked around. "Do you have any lube here?" he asked.
And that's an offer you would never turn down on. "You sure about this?" You twisted the cap off the bottle in contrast to your question. Apparently, you want this.
There was a nightstand next to the bean bag and you pointed him that way. The stretch of his torso was so defined when he leaned back in place and pulled the top drawer out where he saw a bottle of lube rolled out. He squirms at his seat until he feels in a comfortable position before handing the bottle to you. "I'm just going to sit here and all you have to do is jerk me off, okay? I'll let you know when I'm about to cum, so you'll know when to cut me off."
"Yes, sweetie. You're gonna edge me good."
"Come on. I didn't let you get me on that supplement for nothing. I'm giving you myself to enjoy."
Looking down, you bite your lip as you stare at his delicious hard-on standing proud and tall.
"Go on," he encouraged. "Tease me all you want. I'm all yours."
You tilted the mouth of the bottle down hovering above your open hand. Satisfied with the amount that has landed all over your palm, you put the bottle down on the floor and spread the viscous liquid up to your fingers. With your one hand on top of the other, you wrapped them around his shaft and began pumping him in a slow and steady pace to gloss his sex up. Your hands are already tight enough for Sangyeon to begin riling himself up with. He slips his hands behind his back indicating that he has passed over unto you the control over his climax. He then just realized that this is your first time using your hands full time on his cock which is why the softness felt so silky smooth for him—because also of the lube—rather than fleshy smooth.
Leaving only one hand stroking him off, you reached for one of his pecs and went for the pinching work on his erected milkers. His drive started to tense in his pelvis causing him to hunch with his shoulders folding in. You then cupped his chest and gave it a couple of grope and squish motion before moving to his other one to do the same thing. His firm muscle under your touch feels so warm.
"Ngh! Hah!" Sections of his muscles contracted through his skin causing his body to appear very ripped. "Baby, I'm close!" His words scratched up his throat before exiting his mouth.
He fisted on the fabric behind him as he carefully rested his head back. Trying to prolong himself, he closed his eyes and breathed through his nostrils with his chin tensing up. The man thought it would work as a distraction until you abused the pace to produce gooey, luscious squelches which took over his senses rather than the on-the-spot distraction mechanism he just made for himself. At the same time, you were swiping your thumb fast on his nipple which triggered the tickle on his chest.
Your hand landed on the base for a split second before coming back up brushing past the bottom of his tip as your touch finally leaves his skin and hovers in a fist above his head. You saw a small white bead of liquid forming at the slit like a pearl before it runs down his shaft like a teardrop cry. You didn't expect to get a first glimpse of his cum that way. That bead was already creamy and thick as—
"Fuck!" The word came out airy of the elder. "Gosh! That was so close!" He looks down to inspect his huge swollen meat. He thought his cock would go limp due to how intense that edging was but look, it's still reaching for the ceiling. His two eyes came up to yours with a sharp stare while he was busy catching his breath through his heaving big milkers. "Hope I looked good with that," he spoke through heavy breathing.
"Thought I was actually watching porn for a sec," you complimented.
"I wouldn't leave the video paused if I were you," he replied.
Not gonna lie, he's a perfect spectacle for this. He would be in huge demand in the club if he was a stripper.
"Vibrators?" you offered.
"Surprise me."
It felt like you just won. You threw a smirk at him before coming back to the nightstand next to the bean bag he was sitting on. You came back kneeling to him presenting a big white microphone-shaped one and a cock ring in between your thumb and index finger.
"Oh... are you gonna use those two on me, munchkin?"
"Why not? I'm just making our every second count."
The cock ring was, of course, elastic. Slipping four fingers—two from each hand—into the hole, you stretched the vibrator over the head of his cock before going down wearing it on him like a headband of an 80's workout attire. The only difference is that it was placed under the tip; but it's cock, so it's unnecessarily gonna choke. You let the vibrator sit there in peace with the vibrating mechanism settled right at the back of his tip.
"Tight?" you assured.
Shooting him a short-term smile, you switched the microphone-shaped one on and tested it on his thigh. Just as you expected, you earned a little twitch from him. Without any warning, you also switched the cock ring on, letting the sensation torture his big head and run down his shaft then to his aching testicles.
"No. It's perfect," he replied.
"Shit!" It caused the older to plant his feet on the floor for his ass to leave the seat a few inches north before sitting back down. "I don't think I would even last a minute with this one at all, sweetie—fuck!" With the continuous withdrawal of the vibration from the object, Sangyeon is back with his rapid breathing through his nose paired with clamped lips as he watches how his length starts to significantly vibrate along. He's actually surprised that a small vibrator can cause his massive cock to do something like that, and you're surprised that he's still manspread despite his whole body flaming to the feeling.
Bringing yourself up from your knees, you hooked your thumb on the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down, so that you're left with your panties on. You sat on his left thigh and leaned sideways towards his body avoiding the skin of your knee from making contact with the underside of his shaft by crossing your right leg over your left. The way the sweat on his firm thigh muscle acted like an adhesive for your naked ass to sit on made your walls twitch on nothing but air. You rested yourself there and have your right arm sneak over his shoulder. You just let his head fall back on your arms. With your right hand, you use it to hold the big vibrator and let it do its job on his right nipple.
"How are you feeling?" you talked right at his left ear.
He meets you at the left corner of his eyes with his head still thrown back. "You don't know how hard I'm trying to hold myself together right now—hmm." You cut him off with a kiss where you began lapping his lips up just like how he did to you a while ago, and just like your response to his kiss, he laps back at you where wet squelches began to be produced between your wet mouths. Both of you didn't stop as you swallow his deep manly moans and groans and whines. The sounds he made while kissing were coming to you unforced for a while suggesting that he's still not getting his pleasure striking up his cock, but that didn't last when he started humming in a specific pattern.
"Baby," he managed to let out even if it was muffled, but you were so immersed by the feeling of his lips on yours that you didn't stop lapping him up. "Hmm," he firmly and helplessly hummed through the kiss. He just thought of it by now to tilt is head away so that his voice won't be drowned by your kiss. "Don't wanna—ugh, fuck—cum yet, sweetie. You still have—hmm... a lot to do with this body, remember?" He just rapped his words out before turning into a panting mess because his orgasm is already hiking up to his cockhead.
"What?" You didn't catch him.
"Oh, shit!" The rippling sensation was clogging the words right at his throat. "The... vibrator."
"Shit! Sorry." Without getting off from sitting on his lap, you stretched your left arm to reach for the back of his tip where the button and the vibrating mechanism was positioned at. You also turned the big one off before tossing it to your bed.
"Damn it!" It was obviously inevitable for you to get your skin on his cock which made it worse causing a single string of his cum to shoot out of the slit; it was so thick that you are sure you heard a resemblance of a slap on the floor.
That load escaping made Sangyeon impulsive that he told you take the cock ring off right away, so you immediately dropped yourself on your knees and stretched the ring to get it off of his dick.
"Oh, no," you mumbled as another string of cum couldn't help but jump out the slit and land around somewhere. Once the vibrator was removed, you secure it in your fist. Meanwhile, the man already has one hand wrapped around the base of his cock with pressure just so he could prevent himself from the brink of busting the rest his load.
The whole scenario didn't have to be so chaotic but it did, anyway. It's like you just minimally broke a faucet and didn't know what to do.
He raised his sight at you with a crunched forehead and semi-narrowed eyes. "Why do you have that vibrator, anyway? It's for cocks," he asked.
"I actually have not much idea yet about these things when I bought this. The vibration was just so great, so I just bought it as my first one."
The man's eyebrows rose in surprise after hearing that. "Yeah, you're right." He recalls the feeling. "That thing could've turned me into a fountain."
You stretched your arm out to him with an open hand. "Wanna have it?"
"You sure?"
"I mean...we both saw how it fits perfectly."
Sangyeon puts out his hand open. You dropped the stuff on his palm and his hand withdrew in a fist, getting the ownership passed down to him.
"Just don't tell mom that it came from me."
"You're not the only one who's gonna be screwed if I do tell her."
You nodded your head up and down in agreement. "Right."
You nudged forward to get his cock in your hands. It's impressive that he's still keeping his stiffness to the maximum. You keep on humming as you start to take him inch by inch past your lips leaving one hand wrapped at the base to prevent you going all in and save your throat for later. It didn't take long until you were bobbing your head up and down as you stroked his cock in a twisting motion. He then finally rose from the back rest of the bean bag to lean forward towards you giving you an easier access to his whole torso. Big hands run down your hair as you work his size in your mouth.
Both of you consumed a few seconds to stare at each other's face before he breaks the contact by checking the digital clock on the nightstand: 1:34 PM.
"Wanna make me cum this time?" his voice vibrated through his throat in deep and relaxed mumbles.
Well, you don't know if that was a command or request but, either way, you're not refusing a man like him. He squirms at his seat to make himself comfortable before he sweeps the air with his fingers beckoning you between his thighs. "Come here. Use your mouth now," he said.
Look at him now: slippery, glazed, and hot by the natural light and your combined body heat.
Just as you came up from his member, you replace your mouth with your hand keeping the movement coming to his senses. You then stretched your neck to experiment your tongue on one of his nipples; getting his sweat caught on your taste buds was appetizing and mouthwatering rather than salty and disgusting. He's got the yummy bod you love, so you never actually thought of that beforehand.
"Fuck my hand," you rushed your command as you initiated to stack your hands on top of each other and make a hole out of them for him to ram into. Sangyeon couldn't wait. He laid his hands in a fist behind his back causing him to lean back and get a full view of you between his sweat-glazed beefy thighs with your hand below the other covering his tip. He planted his soles on the floor to get a good grip before he began sloppily thrusting up to meet your hands. You can see how his glistening golden abs wave along his noodle-like movements. Even his butt cheeks are tensing as he does it. It really looks like you just got a private stripper dancing for you in your own place. You then kept an eye on his cock head exiting at the top and disappearing back in your hold like those in whack-a-mole, but you're not here to hammer it in; that would hurt.
Sangyeon notices your tongue gliding through you lips as your eyes are darted at his consistent thrusts. "Like what you see?" he engaged. "Like watching your stepdad being a spectacle for you fucking your hands like this? Aren't you a lucky girl?"
"More than lucky, I guess," you plainly spoke as you were so focused on his moves.
The man thought you were not satisfied enough because of your leisure tone, so he became robust on fucking your hand from below. His eyes narrowed as he bit his lip because the fast brushing of the skin of his shaft in your hands was tickling him that it's triggering his balls to push out all the cream he's been saving to give you a pleasant cum explosion. It's painful for him to hold back like this and it's the kind of pain that's keeps him in seduction.
"Hah!" He threw his head back making his sweaty chin, sharp jawline, and the tip of his big nose the only things that are seen of his face from your lower ground view. You took the chance to replace your hand one by one with your mouth by going down as you remove one hand. You wanna surprise him but you eventually coughed when the tip jabbed on your uvula which caused him to raise his head back to see what just happened.
"Sorry, didn't wanna distract you—cough," your words got caught in your throat.
"You could've just told me you want me to mouth-fuck you." Sangyeon stood up from his seat and bent his knees so that his pelvis was at the level of your face causing him to be in a kind of squatting position. You didn't have to be told as you open your mouth with allowance for his size. By the time you felt his tip going past your lips, you shut the excess space your mouth made—which is not that quite much—causing your lips to comfortably wrap around his tip.
"Just tap my thigh if you want me to go deeper, okay?"
You could only nod your yes in response now. Recalling how you coughed to his rhythm, the elder initiated his thrusts by slowly grooving the underside of his shaft on your tongue.
Seeing him through your eyelashes as your head was thrown back a bit for his convenience, you are met with a drenched Sangyeon watching his manhood reappear and disappear in your mouth. Meanwhile, your hands traveled up past his hips and up to his stomach where your palms traveled across his bumpy six-pack. They were so hard that it doesn't feel like you're touching muscles but rather steel.
From your lips directly shaped by the circumference of his shaft, you let your jaw drop a bit before tapping the front of his thigh three times. You didn't know that what he meant by deeper was past your uvula but to your surprise, your body already registered the sudden gag you had earlier and told your brain that you're all fine.
"Shit! Your mouth is so tight down here," he spoke on behalf of his tip that has already reached the back of your throat. "Is this okay?" he assures.
You hummed as you nod making his cock twitch in your throat due to the vibration the wet flesh inside your mouth produced. One of his hands left the back of your head to go up his chest and cup one of his pecs. You can see how he kneaded and squished the muscle and gave his hipple a pinch. Your hand is still there roaming and worshipping his rock hard abs. Now that he's deep in you, you close your lips around his shaft again and hollow your cheeks to give him a tighter feeling around his member. You don't have any idea what's stopping him from picking up his pace in your mouth so you basically reach for his ass cheeks to pull him in. He read that and now, he was already making lewd noises out of his cock and your mouth. You're just getting obsessed by the hefty feeling of his size that has gone directly all over your jaw and how his tip was blocking and unblocking your airway with every thrust he takes. You played along by randomly humming throughout his pace.
"Hoo! Damn!" Sangyeon twitched in your mouth and it felt like he just redirected your whole jawline. "I'm so close, munchkin. Where do you want me?"
You let go of his dick with a cartoon-ish sound of popping bubbles. From base to tip, he's coated in a glossy thick layer of your own drool. He used it for his own convenience to begin jerking off above your head.
"In my mouth, please."
Sangyeon never heard words so loud and clear causing him to stroke himself faster as his breath was shaking to the rhythm. "Oh, baby. You should be honored. I've never came in someone's mouth before." He used his own facts to rile himself up which riled you up too. It's actually true but you don't wanna dig more up from there. You just want everything now to be between you and him. "Holy shit! Lips around the tip now, munchkin."
You leaned forward to take him just as he wanted. The way his cock inserted into your open mouth like a charging plug was a smooth fit. While he went full speed in pumping himself from shaft-end to shaft-end, you couldn't help but think that he's such a pornographic spectacle to do it in front of you. In fact, he really looks like he would do something like that.
"Gonna fill your mouth good, baby girl—fuuuckkk!" Ropes of his white, creamy, and viscous baby batter gushes out from his slit and onto every corner inside your mouth. "Ugh! Take it all for me, sweetheart." As soon as it started to pool on your tongue, the mild sweet taste was accepted by your taste buds as a delicious treat. You can even smell his cum perfectly in your mouth. He's releasing a lot to the point that he can feel how his tip is getting a dip on his own cum that has already pooled inside your mouth. You tried your best to not swallow because you love the feeling of how thick and gooey he is inside you. You're even thinking of gargling it. By the time he pulled himself out, there was a bit of cum that got caught on his tip, so he came back to smear it on your shut lips like a lipstick. He leaned and told you to open up and there he sees the white sticky substance dwelling inside you in thick globs and stretchy webs; it looks like edible lotion. Your throat feels slippery than usual due to those that made it down your throat. "What are you gonna do with that now?" he questions. The man has seen porn about these things but seeing this personally was silently driving him insane.
"Kiss me." It's like you just filled your mouth with marshmallows.
"What?" He still managed to understand you. He couldn't just believe what you just said.
"Come on. Let's just say you're doing it to seal your cum in my mouth." You can see the confusion drawn all over his face with his clashing eyebrows. "You're not gonna put your tongue in me. Just your lips on mine."
He chuckles. "Such a naughty girl."
His thick fingers snuck behind your ears with his thumb pressed on your cheekbone. By the time he laid his pouted lips on yours, he's trying not to push his lips because that's the kiss he's used to. The fact you managed to get through with your stuffed-mouth speaking voice was kind of challenging because you're trying to not let even just a drop to splatter out past your lips.
As soon as he broke the kiss, you kept your mouth shut and made sure you exaggerated your gulp enough for him to hear. The feeling of his cum sliding down your throat in globs is something you would be addicted to. You even tongued the corners of your teeth and licked your lips just to make sure there's little to no cum left to see from there.
"I love that." He strokes your head a couple of times.
"If I show you more, would you let me?" You bite your lower lip in hopes for him to say something positive. He just had his orgasm and you hope he doesn't forget about yours.
He looks down at your body just to notice that he's the only one naked in the room. "You're still clothed, by the way," he reminds.
"Oh." You just realized that. "Yeah, right."
"Did you not touch yourself all this time?"
"I did. I just... wanted to focus on you."
"Well, baby girl, you know I appreciate that." He hooked his hands under your pits to help you to get on your feet. "Let me focus on you this time."
To be continued...
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riddles-n-games · 26 days
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Pairing: N/A Summary: Grayson gets to enjoy a late start for once with his best girl, Tiramisu. Unfortunately, someone decides to spoil that dreamless sleep and expose his closely guarded secret. Puppy cuddles are therapeutic for the soul. Sue him. Length: Moderate Story Type: One Shot
A/N: Hey guys, sorry this is a bit late but this is my dedication to Grayson's birthday appreciation. Originally this was supposed to be a bonus fic after I released my second horse fic but as you can see that hasn't happened so I thought why not just get it done for his bday? (Ok, I know it's past his birthday but ignore that.)
    Disaster struck, tragedy ensued. He was discovered, his secret exposed. The world would know his wrath but world domination would have to wait a bit because at the moment, there was still a snuggly bundle curled up next to him asleep in his arms. He smiled down at her. 
    Tiramisu Panini Hawthorne. The Hawthorne puppy was not so small anymore as she was five months old now but she was just as wriggly, happy, and fluffier than ever. And also a backstabber by choosing him as her favorite Hawthorne which must have been the reason for the flash breakin that woke him. He heard sniggering and hushed voices down the hall which meant two suspects; Xander and Jameson. On an infamous night when a certain incident occurred perhaps involving the tightest pair of leather pants in existence, videos and photos were taken and posted that unfortunately went viral.
    While he managed to deep clean the Internet in only the way Grayson Hawthorne could, the original menac-posters still had the content saved to their devices, several of them. He feared how much new blackmail material they got away with this time. He would scour every corner, surface and dark web, deep cleaning the Internet of all footage just like the first time. He’d get his revenge, he just had to bide his time.     
Grayson would not be dubbed Mr. Cuddles and yes, he would decline the puppy interview to keep his sanity, no matter how many hearts were broken or the adorableness of the pups. He would not yield. This was a call to war; a total and absolute declaration. In such a case, Hawthornes loved getting down in the dirt and Grayson didn’t mind getting his hands dirty to get things squared. Playing dirty meant gloves off; that was the Hawthorne way. So maybe his homicidal mother was right about something after all.
    But till then he’d relax in his bed and enjoy a late morning for once, though the photographer in him was now itching for a photo. The rays of sunlight coming in through the blinds, the way it lit up the carpet and the left side of his bed, the adorable puppy snoozing happily under his comforter- Ah yes, her. She would be his subject but he was too comfortable to get up and he didn’t want to disturb her. Besides, growing puppies still need plenty of sleep.  “Just don’t grow up too quickly,” he whispered. The photoshoot could happen later.
    Suddenly, Tiramisu shifted in his arms and started pawing at his chest, whimpering as the swiping got faster. Nightmare?  Note to self, look into dog dreaming. “Shh, girl. You’re alright.”
   Grayson moved away to avoid getting scratched and quickly turned her over so that her legs were away from him, hugging her tight and readjusting the blanket over them. When he got resettled, he brought a hand to her ear and rubbed gentle circles into the fur with his thumb. He loved her ears; they were super soft, curly, fluffy, and floppy. Oh how time went by; it was funny, he mused, how attached to the puppy he became after a few short months. Who knew that all it took was a puppy to single-handedly turn Grayson Hawthorne into a pile of mush? 
    Yes, so he was wrapped around her cute little paw. He’d hurt anyone who dared make a move. But it’d taken being at his lowest to get where he was now. 
    After Atonement Night, he often found her wandering his wing or lying down at the foot of his door, waiting to be let in. Her tail would instantly start wagging when he approached and those forlorn puppy eyes would stare deep into his soul, so hopeful that he’d let her in and how could he say no to that face? 
     He’d sigh a little dramatically and just before he unlocked the door, she’d get up, waiting expectantly as he scanned the hall for uninvited visitors and extra cameras. When he opened the door, he would pause so she could go in first and prance right past him, heading for his closet. It confused him as to what the pup found so interesting there as he would set down his stuff on and around the desk before heading for the ensuite. Most times he’d leave her be as there were spare clothes in the bathroom but one time he forgot so when he entered the closet, he found her wrapped in old shirts and socks with one of his slippers in her possession. He wasn’t sure what to make of it but she looked too cute and innocent with those big eyes that he just had to take a picture. 
    Some weeks passed and the pattern continued; every time he checked on her, she had his slipper and rested on a particular shirt that he discovered was from his HCD days. She also started staying late into the night in his room, sleeping at the foot of his bed right next to his slippers; another photo op. Eventually that too changed as when he woke early to swim, a chocolate brown lump would greet him at the edge of his bed which often got him smiling to himself. He would do his best to slip out of bed without disturbing her and before he left, scratched behind her ears and placed a fluffy blanket on top of her. 
    It didn’t take long for him to jump the gun and when he finally caught her sneaking onto the bed one night, he called to her and patted the spot next to him. Tiramisu had all too eagerly bounded toward him, all happy tail wags and pants before she laid her head on his side and settled down. 
    When she fell asleep, Grayson stayed awake, stroking her fur and staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. For the first time he’d realized that something about him was changing; he’d been careless. No, not in a bad way but he hadn’t been paying much attention to his actions for once, at least, in regards to the puppy. Though he remained his usual controlled self wherever he was in the House and in his wing with Tiramisu in tow, he hadn’t bothered acting removed or unaffected by her happy presence. He could just be. Sure, he wasn’t around her much those first few weeks but he hadn’t been cold or distanced when they were alone. It was just that the little happy accidents had finally gotten the ball rolling and pushed them together to start bonding properly. He never relaxed that quickly around anybody so it was a shock to him how quickly he adapted to being laid back and receptive to her in his privacy, his safe space. She made him happier, more smiley (that was still something he didn’t want to easily admit); that was when he knew Xander had been right. No wall was too high or too strong for her to knock down with just a blink of her big eyes. But Xan would never get to know that unless he ran out of secrets to share during Chutes and Ladders which he doubted would ever happen. But most important of all, she made him feel carefree. 
    For so long, he had to keep his guard up and be perfect; that was his curse as heir apparent. Former heir apparent. Eve and Emily, they’d been awful lapses in judgment but dwelling on the past did nothing to wash away the sins. And he’d been learning to let that go, slowly. Spending time with the puppy in his room helped that progress and relieved the ache of responsibility off his shoulders. With Tiramisu, he finally felt that long needed peace and it was nice that she had no expectations of that sort. All she needed was food, water, sleep, and play while all she wanted was a bit of attention, snuggles, walks, and love. Grayson knew he could give that much because what was a dog’s duty as man’s best friend in comparison? 
    They were expected to be loyal, trusting, fearless, protective, playful, and loving. They had to give all of themselves to their purpose and one could beat them, hurt them, scare them into submission, break them completely and a dog would still give and give and give in hopes that they would be enough for their owner’s expectations. That they would be worthy of just a bit of affection that their owner could spare no matter what they went through because it was in their nature. And hadn’t that been him his entire life thus far?
    He’d given and given more every time as he bent over backwards trying to please his grandfather and the world as the heir, as the second eldest, as the one with the brightest future of all his brothers. He dedicated himself wholly; heart, body, mind, and soul to perfecting each talent, every skill, every part of his being to be the perfect well-oiled machine of control. And it was all for naught. But that hadn’t been Avery’s fault. It was just that begged the question, What now? What to do with his life after all he’d been promised and told to do so he could become the rightful successor worthy of his grandfather’s place was ripped right from under him? He didn’t know. The foundation wasn’t going to need him forever and he dropped Harvard so what next? 
    The chocolate Labradoodle obscured that and he’d been immensely thankful for it. She reminded him that there was a time and a place and maybe where he needed to be was just in the right now. He could do that and he would have her to keep that new motto going. Having a new pet in Hawthorne House in general had been good; it gave him and his brothers a change of pace. He looked into the science of pet therapy and the specifics of having a dog as said therapeutic animal. It had to be done from a secret laptop to ensure Xan wouldn’t snoop; he already had too many hacked gadgets, even an old camera! At first, it had been mild interest but the more papers he read and explanations from credited sources, he became more and more invested. It was very a Hawthorne thing for him to do. But in the end, it did serve a purpose as he shifted from needing everything to be perfect.
    When he went home after working into the night at the office and he was too tired to properly function, he gladly scooped up the puppy and leaned his head against her neck as he fell asleep. He didn’t care that he shouldn’t need a cuddle buddy. He started keeping a bag of her favorite treats in a desk drawer and got a dog bed complete with a little pillow and the old swim athletics shirt. Grayson had realized his scent was still on the shirt since he hadn’t washed that one in a long time and she liked his smell so he let her have it. There was also a little basket with some toys wrapped in an old pillowcase but her favorite thing was still his slipper which he amended by getting a new pair so the other single slipper would be hers as well if she wanted. He even came up with a special secret nickname for her that he’d use when no one was around and used it indulgently; Misu. Funny enough, he found out that it was also a real thing, a Korean beverage made of grain powder.
    On sleepless nights, he would start telling her about his day which eventually led to him admitting his fears out loud and whispering his worst secrets in the dark. At first, he tried to refrain but when he forced him to say it, he felt better. It didn’t have to be this way anymore. He could have something better, something he wanted. And anyways, it wasn’t like Tiramisu was going to say anything but knowing that he could confess without fear of judgment or anyone knowing yet before he was ready to share, he felt relief. So much so that sometimes he could feel the sting of tears prickling at the corners of his eyes but he’d swiped them away before they could become fully formed. He wasn’t there yet in his emotional acceptance. Long story short, since then, she’d become his closest confidante and as of the moment, favorite family member. 
    At some point in his mindless reminiscing, somebody had woken up. Grayson had been stroking her fur, letting his hand glide through the curls and when he once again reached the top of her head, he felt eyes on him. He turned his head and saw Tiramisu looking at him in that innocent way that dogs did when they were expecting something. He smiled. “Hi girl, did you sleep well?” 
    She butted her head against his palm gently as he stroked the side of her snout. Then, she got up and shook herself off before stepping over him and sniffed curiously at his neck and shoulders. He scratched her neck in response. 
    “We had some very rude intruders this morning, Misu. Wanna help me get back at them? You distract and I will set up cameras.”
    She licked his nose. He chuckled.
    “I’ll take that as a yes.”
A/N: Well, hope you enjoyed that. See you in the next one. But before I forget, I'm thinking of starting a tag list. Let me know if you want to be put on it for my next fic. Bye!
These were some earlier tries (don't even ask about the dozens of awful attempts which will stay there to purposefully haunt me) that were among my faves. Unfortunately, different AI generators either couldn't get Grayson to look like a young man WITHOUT a beard (they insisted that be a feature almost every time) or they messed up the chocolate brown of Tiramisu. Not to mention the extra limbs, eugh.
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 4 months
Ok y'all it's time to join the party (very late) on my latest deep obsession, which THIS TIME I am going to allow myself to pursue instead of killing the joy (because of how intense it can get) and share with you!!
And that obsession is Epic: The Musical.
Holy smokes man this thing has remolded my brain, it just somehow hits all of those things which I desperately love in media
Firstly. The music is absolutely exquisite. And not even in the ways you'd normally think! Like--there's such wonderfully detailed soundscaping! The musical follows Odysseus on his journey home, and the songs themselves contain beautifully done effects that basically make the listening experience into a movie in your head. Monsters, crashing oceans, the underworld itself--and not only is this included in non-muscial sound design, it's incorporated into the music itself. The realm of the wind gods uses flutes as the main instrument--because it's a WIND instrument I'm losing my mind
PLUS there's the additional elements of musical "Easter eggs," thematic connections, leitmotifs, instrumentation identification, musical callbacks and even foreshadowing like come ONNNNN it's so well done
All of this with the added bonus that the songs, while cohesive, do not all sound the same, and do not feel like normal musical theater songs. They are the perfect mix between modern music, orchestral arrangements, and a musical theater jam, because they are 1. SUPER great to belt along to, 2. Very much linked together (as explained above) and 3. Very unlike the standard, vocal-focused empty pop sound we're used to (theater) while keeping the innovative, ear-wormy, modern (pop) beat that often feels out of place in theater!
And lyrically this musical is super strong. I spent a ton more time on the music (and will likely write more at length later) because that is what got me obsessed with it, but there's also much to praise lyrically! Unlike most modern "non-theater" musicals, while you can tell at places that it has been influenced by (the ever-present) Lin-Manuel Miranda, it feels authentically unique and independent. So many songs have genuinely profound lines (check out Just a Man, the second song in the saga) and the pop elements never lend themselves to empty repetition. Everything sung or said has a purpose, which I am obsessed with. Yes king go off give us everything
Finally (for now) there's just the genuine love that the creator(s) have for this musical. Jay Rivera-Herrans is the brain behind it (he wrote the entire musical over several years) and like...just look at what he shares about it on his Instagram. He gets so EXCITED!! And not like PR excitement, this is like legit "I'm making silly noises because I can't contain myself" excitement!!! He reminds me of me in that sense because he has SO much love and passion for what he does and the nuance in it and the people who enjoy his work, and he shares that in an unfiltered, real, authentic way, and we need to see more of that in the world.
Anyway, if you haven't heard of it and are now interested, it's pretty easy to catch up--there are 5 of the 9 sagas out right now, but only half of the songs, and Spotify has a playlist or two that has them all in order. It's only an hour and eight minutes worth of listening and I have just listened to it through twice in two days; it really does not get old. And then if you go to Jay's Instagram the rabbit hole is deep!! And he explains a lot of the lore and symbolism and intentionality/Easter eggs in the musical!! I went through all of the content he posted, pretty much...
So there's my official hawking of Epic (if only I had gotten in on this earlier!! The "Get in the Water" song that was trending a while ago?? That's from this!!) and you should go listen to it!!!!
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stereax · 5 months
hello!! for the drafts thing: “bless your waters, bless your doubts” what did you set out to do with this? what changed that caused you to put it on hold? what are the themes that jump out at you, what story were you trying to tell? also, is the title a reference to something? i love to hear about the creative process!! :3
- puckpocketed on main
Yes!!! Oh my god, this was such a fun project that I began undertaking. Just couldn't keep going on it. More under the cut.
So yes! The title is a reference to the Devils' goal song. Here it is, if you haven't heard it (or if you haven't heard it in its entirety) before.
Okay third time's the charm my posts are being chewed upon by tumblr please dear lord let me post this this time please please PLEASE
[inhales] Okay! So the initial premise of this fic is incredibly simple. Dougie Hamilton, one of the Devils' better defensemen, has a running joke going where the Devils claim he's the admin of our social media. Hamilton slapshot goals are posted with a caption of "I scored!", Dougie's been roped into the act a few times, the like. So obviously this means someone's gotta write a Dougie Hamilton social media admin AU. I'm surprised nobody has yet. Devilsblr, get on it.
Anyway. I think the indents are messing up my post so let's try to post step by step. Instead of indenting snippets, I'll italicize them.
Of all the things Dougie Hamilton had expected to hear when being pulled aside by the media team before the first game of the season, this was not it. The hockey player reclines in his seat, rubbing at one of his eyes. "You want me to do what?" he repeats.
Across from him sits Christopher Wescott, leader of the social media team if memory serves Dougie right. A quick glance down at Wescott's placard on his desk, prominently placed, confirms it. Director, Content Strategy & Social Media. Then again, Wescott usually wasn't seen filming anything, or talking to the players even, unless it was roping a certain Jack Hughes in front of a camera to try to get him to sell the youth foundation. That took all hands on deck. They even got the players involved in that one.
Gravy celebrated that hundred-dollar bonus for capturing Jack harder than any goal he's scored with the man. Colorado sleeper agent, Severson complained the next day. I would've doubled it if he let me go, Hughes complained in concurrence.
Dougie didn't remember when the media crew ever needed the hockey equivalent of a SWAT team, not in Boston or Calgary or Raleigh. Then again, maybe he's just not used to Jersey yet. (It's not New Jersey, Nico clued him in before one of his first post-game interviews. Just Jersey. Say New Jersey and they know you're not from here. Just Jersey and you're one of the locals.)
And here, in Just Jersey, Christopher Wescott wants Dougie Hamilton to take a second job.
"The younger generation of fans like memes," Wescott explains. The word memes rolls off his tongue like Dougie rolls out of bed after a physical game; that is to say, falls like a paperweight and ends up on the floor sprawled awkwardly, wondering why he hasn't retired and become a lawyer like his father yet. Wescott is what, five years older than Dougie, maybe? From the way he speaks, it sounds like he's an old man trying to commit the name of his smart speaker to memory. Erica, remind me to buy rice.
"And the team said you're supposedly the best at making them," Wescott continues, snapping Dougie out of this train of thought.
"Rice?" Dougie echoes, confused. "Anyone can make rice. It's just an orange packet you put in the microwave, you rip the top off a bit..."
Wescott sighs, running a hand through his hair. He's definitely thinking some dumb hockey player stereotype right now; Dougie can tell by the way his brow furrows in annoyance. "Look," and here he drops his volume two steps, scooting forward to lean across his desk, and oh this is serious? Dougie better pay at least enough attention to remember this discussion. No more rice. "I thought social media posting was just going to be putting up reverse retro pictures and celebrating stars of the week if we get any. You know, standard fare. But Andrew floated the idea with us a few weeks back and we really think we can get ahead of the league in capturing younger fans with a more dynamic social media presence." Of course it was Maclean, or, as the team called him, Picture Day. One guess as to why.
"And where do I get involved in this?" Dougie asks, but he realizes even as he asks that it's not going to change his final answer.
"We were thinking to make a meme after every win." Wescott pauses. "Oh, and some other reels and things for when it's needed. Of course Catherine's also going to be making content for us, too." Catherine Bogart, Queen of the Tiny Mic. Oh boy.
"Do I get tiny mic privileges?" Dougie flashes one of his patented Hamilton Smiles, hoping to catch Wescott off guard.
"We'll think about it." No then. Aw. Would've been fun though.
"Do I get paid?"
The director shrugs. "Aren't you on a multi-million dollar contract?"
"To play hockey," Dougie specifies. "Not to deep-fry Bratt pics." From the look of confusion on Wescott's face, Dougie reminds himself once again that he's dealing with a senior citizen in the body of a mid-30s advertising executive. The guy probably needed an assistant to turn on his computer. For him, deep-frying is exclusively for overpriced tempura. "Meme things," he explains without explaining. "But - "
"Museum pass, any place in the state, any exhibit, we can figure it out for you."
That rumor even made it here? Well. Hey. It's something to do on the weekends, he figures. And he's pretty sure Wescott, fancy director placard and all, can't actually give him a salary for this. "Fine," Dougie agrees. He's used to being underpaid, after all. Might as well have fun with it. Besides, it's a good excuse to get out of any social events he doesn't particularly want to go to. (Is he justifying this to himself? Oh, definitely. But he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't want to do this.)
So yeah! The basic premise of the fic is Dougie's (mis)adventures running the social media for the Devils, his work with the social media people, his reactions to the Devils' season, and the like. I tried to keep it quite light (funny, even, perhaps? but I'm not really funny). Dougie, is, at his heart, a fun character, and I'd like to think it shows a little. It's not that realistic (he definitely doesn't text from the bench!) but it's fun.
In typical Devils fashion, they lose the first game.
In typical Devils fashion, they also lose the second game.
Dougie already has the next three games lined up. He doesn't expect to need more than one of them, if he's being honest with himself, but he's personalizing for each team, so there's that. Might come in handy later in the season, too.
By the end of the second period against Anaheim, they're 2-2. This is also the approximate time Dougie realizes he doesn't have access to the Devils' social media accounts.
And to make matters worse, Dougie starts the third period on the ice.
And, if that weren't bad enough, he scores a goal 33 seconds into the period.
Damn it.
All this to mean that, in the next thirty or so minutes, Dougie Hamilton needs to hack into Instagram and TikTok and get ready to post this meme.
The second he's on the bench, he paws off his gloves, reaching for his phone under the front wall. Shaking it on, Dougie quickly navigates to Instagram and logs -
"Dougie, you're on," Lindy calls. The defenseman slides his phone back and jumps over the wall.
When he gets back to the bench a minute or so later, Dougie completes the process of logging off his Instagram account, then quickly punches in the Devils' media email address for the login. It shows him the right account, which is good -
"Dougie, you're on." Lindy again.
As he skates, Dougie contemplates the password. He can't disappear from the bench mid-period to go and find whoever was still working now and ask, so he's got to figure this out on his own.
The first password Dougie tries is njdevils. No dice. He goes on for another shift, then comes back and tries raisehell. Also nothing. If he keeps this up, he's going to freeze the account. Two shifts later, Mercer scores, and now the situation is dire, just when Dougie's brain is deep-fried worse than the Bratt pictures he sent the groupchat last week.
"Hey, Haula," he whispers as the center clambers over the wall to take his position on the faceoff. "If you were gonna make a password, what would it be?" In retrospect, Haula is not the person to ask about this, but Dougie will take what he can get, thank you very much.
"I dunno, man," Haula shrugs. "Password or something?" He raises an eyebrow at the weird question, skating off. Dougie nearly facepalms at the response, but fuck it, he might as well try. password.
Holy fucking shit.
Dougie slides his phone back onto the shelf to take another shift, biting his tongue to keep from cackling so loudly that even his own teammates would stay away from him. Holy fucking shit. Wescott and company clearly have never had a single lesson about cybersecurity.
Well, he's in now, and that's the most important.
However, as I continued writing, another story "thread" popped up, this one a lot more personal to me - the story of the Polish diaspora in New Jersey. A lot of my own personal stories are reflected in this part of the fic. It makes sense in the story (Dougie rents a townhouse in Garfield to avoid being recognized in Newport, Hoboken, and that area), but it's definitely a sharp left from the fic's initial focus. The two plot lines do intersect later on, but I never got to really writing that part of the story, sadly.
A few moments later, Ms. K turns off the stove and carries the soup pot into the dining room with two oven-mitted hands. Dougie pulls himself up to steady the situation however he can, helping direct the pot into its position. Ms. K takes the ladle she had hooked onto her arm, snatching Dougie's bowl before he can react and filling it with several ladlefuls of żurek. At the hockey player's mortified expression of a silent way too much, Ms. K shakes her head emphatically. "Big man, strong, big meal."
"Okay," Dougie agrees, cautious, as he settles back down in his chair and takes his spoon, stirring the soup. Chunks of sausage - kiełbasa - float up to the top before dipping back in. "Thank you," he mumbles, a little too quiet for even his own liking. He's just tired after the game. Yeah. Tired and a little humbled by the kind gesture.
"No worries," Ms. K replies, and from the way she rubs her hands together as she sits, Dougie knows she's one step away from launching into a story over dinner. "You know Martyna from the deli?"
"Yeah," Dougie nods. One of Ms. K's co-workers at Bratek, the business on the other side of town where she cooks for a living. Dougie's been there a few times, just to bask in the atmosphere and maybe score a few free candies. Martyna's the young one, couldn't be more than 24. Her husband Konrad is, from what Dougie has heard of him, a massive piece of shit. He suspects he's going to hear more of him in a moment.
"She came in yesterday all crying," Ms. K sighs, blowing on a spoonful of soup. It reminds Dougie to try his own - it's distinctively sour, but in a good way, enticing yet filling. (He suspects Ms. K makes him a lighter batch than she normally cooks, given the difference in color between this one and the one at the deli. No matter.) "Says that barely enough money for rent. Konrad drinks it all away. Co za kurwa debil."
Dougie doesn't need to speak a word of Polish to understand the meaning behind that acidic sentence, that Ms. K clearly isn't happy with her coworker's husband. "That bad?" he queries, making sure to leave it open for interpretation.
"He even doesn't have job," Ms. K rolls her eyes. "I told her, this man no good, he not love you. No. She loves him. Enough for her that she loves him." The older lady sighs. "Love doesn't pay rent. Or food. Or gas. He needs job." Dougie nods again in agreement, letting her continue; after a moment, she does. "Nobody want to hire him. Not construction, not restaurant, nobody. All what he does is drink and complain."
"Maybe he's got some sort of mental disorder?" The defenseman offers the idea. "Sits at home all day, does nothing, drinks - "
Ms. K barks out a laugh, cutting Dougie off. "His mental disorder" (here she butchers the pronunciation of the words) "is lazy. He doesn't go to school, doesn't work. Only watch game and drink. Lazy. Mother not raise him right." She shakes her head. "You give child everything, they get lazy. You make child work, they not get lazy."
"Aha," Dougie grants the point, deciding that a debate on the existence of depression against his matronly elderly neighbor who was currently feeding him wasn't exactly his plan for the rest of the day.
"No discipline in that house," Ms. K sighs. "All three Kubiaks lazy. One I understand, three is parents' fault." A pause as Ms. K lifts her spoon. "Martyna stupid, Konrad lazy. Perfect together."
They eat for a few minutes in silence, Dougie digesting both the soup and the gossip. "She's at least a good worker though." It's a calculated statement, because Ms. K very obviously wants to keep talking, but Dougie doesn't want to hear about Polish child-rearing strategies (which, from his very limited experience, began and ended at corporal punishment). So hopefully she bites on the redirect.
"Did I tell you about Barbara?" Hook, line, sinker.
"No," Dougie hums.
"She knows nothing!" Ms. K flushes red with annoyance. "She goes all day and looks how I cook. She can't even make salad. All you do is..." Her steam runs out as she searches for the word she needs. "Zetrzeć carrot, doesn't know how."
"No, not cut." Ms. K mimes running a carrot over a grater. "So you get thin."
"Grate," Dougie supplies.
She nods quickly. "Yes, grate. Cannot grate carrot. Cuts herself. Cannot stir soup - not even make soup, just stir it. Burns herself. Or gets soup dirty."
He chuckles at that. "So she's not a good chef."
"No, but she is owner's son's wife," Ms. K sighs. "Cannot be at cash register, scans things twice. Cannot stack food, food falls and breaks. Cannot cook, chicken is raw and burnt. Both on same piece. Useless."
Dougie tilts his soup bowl to fill his spoon, unable to stop his eyes from looking at the cakes on display. The nutritionists don't need to know. "Can she bake?"
"She make pączki and pączki go boom." She says it so matter-of-factly that it's hysterical. "If she know how bake, she work at Piast."
Piast, the Polish store/restaurant hybrid that looks like a literal castle on the side of the road. Dougie hasn't ever been inside, Ms. K forbidding it (and once again, he's not going to argue with the woman who clearly knows her stuff). "If you ever need Polish food, come to me. Not Piast. Owner died, place is bad now. Too expensive."
That's another thing about Polish people - they measure everything in who died. Usually with when and how thrown into the mix. Honestly, it's fascinating. Ms. K puts on her Polish television shows and points out to Dougie who had a heart attack and who got into a car accident, recounting the details as if she were the coroner. She turns on the radio and everyone got cancer or was murdered by a French guy, five songs in a row, and then an Italian song comes on. Ms. K purses her lips for a minute, then says, "Did you know their daughter disappeared? Took too many drugs, jumped off a bridge. So young, too."
It's kind of morbid, Dougie figures.
Every Sunday, Ms. K goes to church and then to the cemetery, weather permitting. She takes candles with her in fancy glass containers, lights them and leaves them on her husband's grave. Dougie's seen the containers and heard the stories, how she counts the days until she sees him again. Dougie asks her, once, whether she wants to find another husband; she laughs sadly, "When Wojciech died, I saw it was either son or new man. I said better to work for son than for stranger. Son no longer here, but am old now. No point in looking for husband. I have husband already. Just not here anymore."
I think the main "issue" with this fic is that it's Super Fucking Long. There are so many plot lines in it and so much going on that it quickly became an overwhelming sort of project and I sputtered out on energy.
If I went back to rework it, I'd have to definitely consider whether all the parts are truly necessary or whether I just want to focus on Dougie as the social media admin and go from there. Additionally, I didn't know much about some characters before beginning to write, so they come across as fairly OOC, so I need to rework that.
Fun fact, though - I originally intended bless your waters, bless your doubts to be a capstone of a series. Each fic would represent one line of "Howl" and would be a short oneshot dealing with a specific Devil and some specific situation they were in. For example:
and all grown up and traveled so well - Mercer about heritage
do you still hear the sound of the thunder while you lie up by yourself? - Palat injury
And each one would offer a new perspective, roughly in chronological order, on the Devils and their own narratives. I still feel that the "braided" fics, as I call them, would be vitally important in presenting a complete picture, and I'd want to preserve them if I do retry this one.
However, it's a bit of a "dated" fic (22-23 is so long ago now), plus it'd end up being so incredibly long... I don't think I have it in me. Maybe someday.
Have one last snippet, here, and Experience Devils Hockey with me! [profuse sobbing]
It's seven-fifteen by the time Dawson shows up, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Classic. Dougie can't help but chuckle as he opens the door for the young center. "Nice to see you," he smiles, a little fondly. Dawson reminds him a little too much of himself. He supposes it's only kind to pay it forward and take him under his wing.
"Yeah," Dawson grins back. "What's cooking?"
"Figure it out," Dougie challenges. The kid sniffs the air, contemplating his next words, and Dougie takes the opportunity to take the finished chicken out of the oven. "Before if gets cold," he calls across the room, balancing the dish in both gloved hands. Dawson scurries over to get a better look.
"I knew it had to be garlic," the Newfoundlander comments. He pulls out his chair and plops down unceremoniously. "Got anything to drink?"
Dougie bites his tongue to stop from rolling his eyes. "Because you want to be hungover the morning before the Caps."
"It'll help the L go down," Mercer offers. Damn, they really thought they had no chance, huh?
Right. This team never did have a chance. He's been here a year already but enough of that time was on injured reserve (and the rest trying to avoid anyone on his former teams) that it's still new to him, this - this culture of expecting loss. He sees it in the eyes of the old guard, how Sevo and Wood sigh when a goal is given up like it's the last breath they know how to take. Even the newer players feel it, see it, know it.
This was once a dynasty, Dougie understands, and now the castle is in ruins.
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Hiiiiiiiiiiii. How are you? What are you up to? Been in a reading slump again. The year is not going well i blame Jimin. Alot been happening
1)why can’t i get into succession? I dont understand i have watched ep 1 3 times and i can’t get into it 🤦🏾‍♀️
2) is hybe ok? I am confused and also yes to drama entertain me i guess
3)i only have been here for some of shinee military service and Taemin(obviously), are military man allowed to do what i have been seeing posting on social media, doing promo?
4) your faves are taking this military life under the radar 18 months too seriously, show me your face 😡
5) also i was looking at Jimin video from when Jk went to cook for him(idc what they are but if i had someone like Jungkook i would be married) i understand why jungkook is obsessed with Jimin. I too would go cook after a concert tired for him, i too would be a pick me for him, i too want to be rejected time after time on live when i offer to go to his house. Not even too fuck him ill be content just to sit there and look at him bonus if he could throw me some cuddles. Can you tell im jealous? Im not 😈
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Hiiiiiii @5813!!!! It's always lovely to hear from you 🩷
Thanks for sectioning your ask, it makes this so much easier.
1) Don't force yourself, perhaps it's simply not the right time. Or it will never be. There's plenty others to choose from.
I was in a similar situation many years ago when I tried to watch The Sopranos and I couldn't get past the first episode. I found it boring and not as entertaining as Goodfellas or The Godfather. Fast forward, I just finished the series last night and I can finally say that I too have watched one of the greatest series of American television. I can finally understand the jokes and the references. And now, perhaps at my current age and just my mood in general, I could sit down and get immersed into it.
2) All is not ok in Hybe land and I personally have no concern for it. Let them all fight. It's never sunshines and rainbows in the corporate world.
3) Hmm, I have to say that I have had some similar questions about this too. Let's say I can accept that projects finalized before enlistment can be released during military service (I'm not willing to go into another debate on this specifically, I've had enough of it, case closed). But posting on social media about said projects? I find it odd and I'm not sure what the rules are. I haven't heard of any negative consequences for them, so what do I know? I was left with the impression that it's not right, but perhaps they are walking a fine line, open to interpretation. In his latest Weverse post, Jungkook mentioned that since he can't promote himself, he opened an account for Bam. So, what is it then? Is it allowed or not?
4) I knew kukumimi would do this, it's on brand and as much as I want to see them, I think it's better that they are keeping it under the radar. I heard they also just finished this intense training they had and they might get some vacation days. Perhaps they will show their faces. It's never the easy way with them, right?
5) I really enjoyed that glimpse into their evening, even if it was in front of the camera. It still felt nice and very lowkey, particularly after a concert. You wouldn't think they were jumping on a stage for two hours before that.
I think we're all jealous of Jungkook and so be it. He said so himself, we will keep being jealous, he'll still hold Jiminie (and cook for him).
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ew-headyhearts · 1 year
Request from ur local Tom simp, I was so happy when u mentioned Tom and the fact he’s a bassist in a nsfw post
istg please, imagine him just practicing with Susan and his S/O randomly just spaced out onto his hands (I’m a strong believer that this fucker wears rings, I’ll fistfight you on it) and he’d notice and be a total jerk abt it, lovingly of course-
Anon… do you have any idea what you’ve done? This right here, this is my SHIT!! HIT ME RIGHT IN THE DAMN KINK. This took me way too long to write but I hope it was worth the wait. The ending is abrupt I know. I got carried away a little bit and it became more than what was requested. I might just be willing to make this a two parter... Perhaps.
Obligatory, under the cut for more. Do not read if sexual situations make you uncomfortable.
Rock Me to Sleep (Part 1)
TW: N$FW, Hand kink, mentioning of wanting to be choked, bassists reign supreme
It was late at night and the sun had long since gone down. The clock read somewhere after two o'clock in the morning. Granted, it was a bit hard to tell as you’re fighting off sleep. Blearily trying to blink away the tiredness in your eyes. There was no use trying to get sleep at this point. Even if you wanted to sleep, the house was filled with the low humming of a bass.
Your roommate, Thomas, seemed far too busy to care about your plight. In fact, more often than not, he did his best writing late at night. Or maybe he just enjoyed being a nuisance. How the other two seemed to sleep so easily when Tom was doing his nightly jam sessions, you haven’t a clue. Perhaps they’d grown so used to it over time.
Maybe you should consider taking Matt’s offer from the other night. Ear plugs would make sleeping far easier. Although, noise canceling headphones would prove extra useful.
You ponder on your decision for a while. So long in fact that you slowly begin to drift off to sleep. Just as your eyes flutter shut once more, sleep so close to sinking into every fiber of your being, you’re ripped from it so suddenly. The jarring rift Tom had started seemed to force you unceremoniously from the beginnings of a dream. Even Edd seemed furious about this. He could be heard from his own room yelling at Tom to stop for the night.
The peace that followed was brief, but still joyous. Though, it seemed Tom was only content with playing some lower cords. Was it fortunate for the others? Yes. For you however… The shared wall between both of your rooms did little to muffle the noise.
Maybe it was because you were cranky or maybe it was just the dreariness of your sleep deprived state, but you got up from bed. The moment from between you leaving the sanctity of your bedroom to the point where you were at Tom’s door was nearly nonexistent. Judging by that fact, it’s safe to say you are in some desperate need for sleep.
Tom doesn’t even bother to meet your gaze. He seemed far too caught up in playing to even notice the way your weary body held itself up by the doorframe. His face seemed clenched in concentration, eyes squeezed shut as he let his fingers drift along the fret. While his fingers danced across the strings, his other hand rested comfortably against the body. It seemed to smack lightly at the bass to some imaginary beat he was making up in his head.
You don’t even realize just how long you’re staring at this point. The tired ache of your muscles had long since been forgotten. Instead it was replaced by a new ache that settled deep inside the pit of your stomach. With a deep breath that you had been holding, you step over to the side of his bed. Had you really been breathing that shallowly this entire time?
His eyes slowly open now, finally acknowledging your presence. Though, it didn’t seem to be that bothered by it. Much to your disappointment, his fingers freeze along the fretboard. He raises a brow at you. It was a silent question, one that he’d hope he wouldn’t have to voice. You’d already interrupted his flow, and speaking would bring him further out of the headspace.
“Don’t let me stop you,” you speak, before letting your body fall down onto the opposite side of the bed. Your knees hang haphazardly over the side of the bed while you stretch out across your back.
Maybe it was just your tiredness that wanted him to keep on playing. After all, the current melody he had going was smooth and deep. One that rattled the room slightly and settled deep into your chest. At least, that's what you can tell yourself while you watch him settle back into a rhythm.
Tom didn’t seem to question you further. In fact, he seemed all too content to have a live audience to the current jam session he was having. The way his hands stretched out to each cord was almost hypnotizing. Calluses strummed at smooth metal to produce the sweet melody that filled the room. It seemed his hands had committed the cord to memory and flowed as fluidly as water.
Though, you catch your eyes lingering for far too long on his digits. You could see the way each tendon flexed with the stretch of his fingers along the fret. Or maybe, it was the way the veins seemed to pop with his current hand placement that sent a warmth into your core. Whatever the reason for your current euphoric state, there wasn’t any denying the way you ogled his ringed fingers.
Tom didn’t seem as bothered by your ogling. A smug smirk was plastered across his face and his void-like eyes were turned to look down at you. “You know… you could take a closer look,” His head tilts downwards slightly, nudging towards the guitar in his lap. It was another invitation, beckoning you to come closer and touch him. An offer you would have been foolish to refuse.
Now you really couldn’t disguise your presence as just out of tiredness. He’d fully caught you staring at his powerful hands. But, as you settled right up against him, there didn’t seem to be any judgment in his gaze. The way his muscles seemed to relax as your own fingers brush against his bare arm gave cadence to his relaxed state.
From this distance you could smell the cologne. A clean and crisp scent, dominated by sage and bergamot that tapered into a woodsy musk. Rustic, yet incredibly intoxicating.
The two of you stay like this for a while. You, with one arm tucked into his side and the other splayed out across his forearm, and Tom with his guitar tucked in his crossed lap. You could feel each movement of his muscles under his dark skin. Tom was thankful he’d long since discarded his typical blue hoodie for a gray tank top as he enjoyed the contact between you too.
Maybe he was showing off a bit. His fingers curled ever so slightly against each string as he plucked them. You could notice the faint outline of his tendons stretching against the skin each time he stretched out a digit across the fretboard. The satisfied grin on his face made it obvious, he was definitely showing off.
It seems you don’t even notice the way your hands have started playing their exploration game. One finger moves down his forearm slowly, tracing a vein down to the center of his wrist that rested against the body of the bass.
A part of you worried this position would make his playing awkward, but Tom didn’t seem to care all that much. If anything, the soft furrow of his brows gave the hint to the exact opposite. His forked tongue darted out for a split second, both sides moving along his bottom lip slowly. It seemed he was barely containing his own elicit excitement about this whole scenario.
“Pervert,” Tom chastises you, despite the way his own body seemed to react so sweetly to each touch of your skin against his own, “You’re really easy to entertain, huh?”
“Does it really bother you?” You question him in return. Though, he seemed all too quick to protest the second your body started to pull itself from his side.
“I never said that.” His hands pull away from the base of the guitar for a split second, wrapping around your waist to pull you back into him. This time your knees brushed together, and sides pressed tightly against one another. You settle your head against his shoulder, letting your hair tickle against his stubble.
“You really seem to enjoy this,” Tom noted. His gaze flitted back and forth between you and the way his fingers continued to strum. “If I’d have known you were this easy to work up, I’d have tried this a long time ago.”
You don’t even seem to register his words, too transfixed on the way his hands gripped at the neck and squeezed. He gave a knowing smirk the second he noticed the absolute dazed look you were giving him. Maybe, if you played your cards right, he’d let those hands wander around your throat. Just imagining the way the cold metal of his rings would leave little divots in your skin if he squeezed just right was enough to work you up even further.
It seemed that Tom was happy to go on like this for a while. There was only one reason he’d continued strumming a low tune, with the express purpose of working you up further. He took note of the way your breath would quicken with every little movement. It really seemed like he had you right where he wanted you. Did you want him as much as he wanted you?
The way your hands began to wander a bit further down his forearm and traced into the palm of his hand was enough to draw his attention again. Even as he tilted his head back up to meet your gaze, he continued strumming.
He was confident in his own abilities. Your hand wandering into his own didn’t prove to be any hindrance. If anything, it emboldened him to really put on a show.
“Something on your mind, baby,” Tom asked. Though it seemed less so a question, and more like an implication to your current state. The way his empty eyes fell half-lidded showed his intentions. He really was teasing you and that smug smirk wasn’t going away anytime soon.
He was entirely willing to push you even further, just to see how long it’d take for you to break. A deliciously tortuous game of hot-and-cold. Just to see who’d crack under the pressure first and give in to their desire. Tom was very confident in where he stood in this little game. You, however? Your resolve was quickly crumbling. You found yourself wanting to push just a bit further. To really explore this new desire further.
“Could I uh…” The words died in your throat as your throat was suddenly dry. Your intentions were by no means innocent and the mere thought of acting on such impulses was making your heart race. Tom arches a brow. A silent question urging you to continue. A beat passes before you do so. “Would you let me try something?”
The rift he was working on stopped suddenly. The sound was almost akin to a groan that trailed off into silence. Tom let his bass rest in his lap as he turned his full attention to you. He was intrigued by such a vague request, but his curiosity urged him to give you a nod of approval.
“What did you have in mind?” His tone was light yet impish. Tom had an idea of what you want but he’d rather play dumb. It made the buildup even sweeter when you fully shed your inhibitions and gave in to him. The excitement was overwhelming as his own mind wandered to what you might have in store.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
omg helloo!! heard your requests are open again so i couldn't resist! how would the brothers react to mc being a witch who worked with them back in the human world? ( i learned that some witches work with demons and have altars about them and leave them gifts and stuff in exchange for little favors or just cause they appreciate them)
i just think it would be funny for mc to pop out of the portal and learning their fav divinity was just standing there and the bro going OMG I KNOW U (bonus if they like their little worshipper)
thank u in advance if u write this 💓
have a nice day/night!!!
Hi! I'm sorry for the long wait, I hope you didn't mind too much. Anyways, I hope you like it and I wish you a good day too
the brothers with a witch mc
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned but is called a witch, not proof read
content warnings: spoilers up to lesson 14
he saw the exchange student forms, he wanted to pick somebody he knew
'welcome, mc, I'm sure you wouldn't mind catching up over dinner?'
if lucifer shared a bond with you, his brother knew you existed, there's 0 awkwardness at the beginning of your stay
he heard one of the exchange students was a witch and he just hoped it wasn't one he owed money
well, mammon does owe you but you're nice about it unlike other witches who change him into frogs
'mc! mc! look at the new wheels I put on my baby!' (his car)
he doesn't usually work with other people unless they are some sort of celebrity to otaku folks
but you were nice, levi may or may not have a crush on you
when he found out you were coming to the devildom, he put some games and anime aside for you
in the human world, right before the exchange program would start, you told him you were chosen as a candidate
maybe it was the fact you're at a cat cafe but satan looks really happy
in the devildom, satan shows you around all the important places (yes including cat cafes) so you won't get lost, also he wants to spend time together
asmo met you at a party because you knew solomon
you two hit it off, so he invited you to a bunch of other parties, including ones in the devildom, that's nice since you now kind of know the area there
he can't believe it's really you who emerges from the portal, your day will be filled by all sorts of fun activities now, like shopping
one time beel left a literal stick at your altar hoping to exchange it for food, to his surprise it worked and now you're best friends
sometimes belphie would get a little jealpus because beel spent too much time with his new witch friend
he basically emitted light when he saw you were chosen, immediately starts introducing you to his family
you knew something had happened when you arrived in the devildom and belphie was nowhere to be found, no he wasn't in the human world he'd have let you know
when you found him in the attic, and he explained what happened, you reminded him not every human is bad, you've talked about this (he listens to you)
with danger of your own life, you convinced lucifer to free his brother, there was a lot of chaos but it worked
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