#whumpee is a palette!
eliza-fernway-art · 2 years
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It’s coarse, rough and gets everywhere :(
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Worlds’s Whumpy Recomendations
[Large Text: World’s Whumpy Recomendations /End ID] Sorted by genre for convenience. If you feel your story fits better in a different category, or would like to add a note let me know and I’ll do that!
BBU/Pet Whump
Do No Harm: Jamie and Sebastian by @peachy-panic (+ Medical/Lab whump)
The Fighter by @hold-him-down
Charles and Ollie by @cupcakes-and-pain
Unintentional by @distinctlywhumpthing (+ Medical/Lab whump)
Guard Dog David and Guard Dog Riley by @redwingedwhump
The Palette by @squishablesunbeam
The Safehouse by @itsawhumpsideblog
Linden and Colton by @whumpzone
Max & Carlo by @deluxewhump
What We Can’t Make Right: Chris by @ashintheairlikesnow
Medical/Lab Whump
Edurance by @whither-wander-whump
Peter and Joy by @alittlewhump
Land of Liars by @whumpy-daydreams
Mediwhump May Masterlist by @demondamage (+Nonhuman Whump, Angles and Demons. Comics)
The Last Lab Rat by @whumpy-wyrms
Marcus/Lucien by @whumpywhumper (+Urban fantasy)
Immortal Cannon Fodder by @pigeonwhumps
And Still and With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
Honhuman Whump
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night (Vampires)
Blackthorne Hall by @redwingedwhump (Vampires)
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday (Vampires)
The Heart and The Hunger by @wolfeyedwitch (Vampires)
When Hell Comes Knocking by @snaillamp (Demons)
Ash & Callum by @whumping-every-day
The Shadow of Death by @actress4him (High Fantasy)
The Tiefling by @redwingedwhump (DnD Homebrew)
No Warrior by @secretwhumplair (Medieval, Vikings)
Fog and Furrow by @wildfaewhump (Urban Fantasy/Dystopia, telepaths)
MD-264N by @pigeonwhumps (Living Weapon Whump)
Morja & Company by @newbornwhumperfly (Conditioned Whumpee)
Riot Kings by @befuddled-calico-whump (Comics)
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch (Living Weapon Whump)
Honor Bound by @whump-tr0pes (Near Future Apocalypse-ish)
Freelancers by @whumpacabra (Modern, Mercenary/Millitary whump)
A1 and A2 by @hcnnibal (Modern, Mercenary, Romance, Comics)
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whumpster-dumpster · 6 months
I don't know if this is anything but how's about hardened pastel palette whumpee x soft goth palette caretaker
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Tiny Whumpee vs...
Craft and Office Edition
hot glue gun
sewing needle
paper mache
jewelry wire
hole punch
wire brush
knitting needle
binder clip
X-Acto knife
pipe cleaners
popsicle stick
rubber band
palette knife
push pins
Bonus: tiny whumpee used as a posable mannequin for reference
| Household Edition | Kitchen Edition |
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
What Happens in the Fells
The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure, Chapter 2
Tales from Valaria Masterpost
Fandom: Original Work
WIP: The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure (Tales from Valaria)
<- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ->
Words: 3000
Tag List: @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion @scaewolf
CW: blood, crying, referenced disease, lycanthropy, werewolves, death, gunshot wounds, captivity, mentioned experimentation, mentioned abduction, child whumpee, hunger, referenced force-feeding, manhandling, screaming, restrained, medical whump, experimentation whump, lab whump, blood drawings, panic attack, fainting, blood loss
A/N: None of this stuff that happens qualifies for the BTHB (bad things happen bingo), so I'm just going to put up the whole chapter at once.
“These tracks are suspiciously human-shaped.”
Draven hissed through his teeth, folding his arms. “I told you they only shift on the full moon.”
Octavian sighed and rose to his feet from where he’d knelt, studying the footprints left in the snow. “As you say. They continue west.” He wrinkled his nose. “The tracks stink of blood.”
“How can you tell?”
Octavian raised an eyebrow. “Shifting isn’t the only thing I’m capable of.” With those ominous words, he turned and stalked off, following the trail in the direction he indicated.
“What, do you have enhanced senses or something?”
“Something like that….”
Draven followed the elf at a relaxed pace, hands on his pistols. He didn’t know how much further the lycanthrope had gotten during the night, but his gut told him they were getting close. “How enhanced are we talking? All the senses? How do you know it’s better than normal?”
Octavian glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowed.
Draven raised his eyebrows.
Octavian muttered something under his breath as he turned away. “I have better night vision, smell, and hearing. Taste and touch are much the same, but my palette has changed. And I wasn’t always devar.”
Draven smirked. “By ‘palette changing’, do you mean ‘I prefer raw meat’?”
If the elf heard him, he didn’t respond. Not out loud, anyway. Draven thought he caught a snatch of murmured elven curse words, but it could’ve been the wind. He considered the other half of Octavian’s response for a few minutes. “What do you mean that you weren’t always devar?”
“I’ve never met a human who asks as many questions as you do.”
“Clearly you’ve never been around the Hunter’s Guild. It’s—”
“Hush.” Octavian put a hand up, his other hand on the borrowed knife. Draven glared at the back of his head, but he immediately fell silent, listening. The elf cocked his head to one side, frozen in place for a long moment. When he looked back to Draven, a look of mild confusion was on his face. “She’s crying,” he murmured, puzzled.
Draven hissed through his teeth. “…how can you tell?”
“The pitch.”
“How much further?”
Octavian shrugged. “Not much.” He hesitated as Draven moved past him, taking the lead. “Why do you react like that?”
Draven almost didn’t respond. When he finally answered, his tone was harsh even to his own ears. “If she’s crying, she knows what she is and what she’s done. She won’t fight us. It makes my job easier.”
If Octavian had a reply, he didn’t voice it, save for a very quiet word that almost sounded like the word “callous”. So what? In this world, now, you have to be, to stay alive.
A bite was all it would take to get infected. A scratch might not, but Draven had seen a few cases where the lycanthrope had been turned by the smallest nick from their claws. Granted, the hunter in question got doused in his mark’s blood shortly after acquiring the injury, so perhaps the issue was less the claws and more the infected blood or saliva.
Draven resisted the urge to slow his pace as the faint sounds of muffled sobbing reached his own ears. He’d been a part of the Hunter’s Guild for almost a decade, trained on the job with countless others. He’d seen hundreds of people infected with the disease, put all of them out of their misery. Some had tried to fight him, begging for their lives. Sometimes others had fought him, not wanting their infected loved one to die. Irrational, blind with terror and desperation and hope for recovery.
It got easier, over time. But some cases were worse than others.
The woman's sobs quieted as they drew close, no doubt she heard their approach as Draven abandoned stealth in favor of a peaceful encounter. Peaceful being a subjective term, but anyone could lash out when startled, and he would rather avoid such a scene. 
She faced away from them, her back against a gnarled oak whose trunk and limbs twisted in an almost unnatural way, splaying out as if pulled by unseen strands. Her torn dress had once been a light green, now spattered and stained with dried blood, not all her own. A wild, matted mess of long hair cascaded down her back, mostly obscuring her tear-streaked face. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, her hands, the strong hands of a weaver, resting lightly upon them.
Her eyes were closed. She knew what they were.
Draven drew his pistol. He had a prime angle for a shot straight through the skull. Quick and painless.
“What are you doing?” Octavian hissed, “She's defenseless!”
“You see the blood, the wounds?” Draven murmured, half-turning towards him, his eyes still on the woman. “Remember what I said. You are as similar as water and blood.” He raised the pistol and clicked off the safety.
Octavian’s hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, throwing it off target. “Is there not a treatment, an antidote, anything?”
“Your apprentice is naive, hunter,” the woman said softly. Her voice shook with emotion, but she remained unmoving. “I know what I am, what I've done, as do you. I hate it, that thing. But… but I can't… do what you came here to do.”
Poetic. Draven had heard variations from those who'd accepted their fate, but could not bring themselves to do what they knew was the only way to prevent further harm.
He hesitated. He didn’t always do this, but Octavian’s presence, his flat, disapproving expression, demanded he show some compassion for the victims of the disease. “What is your name?”
The woman started, she had expected a gunshot, not a question. “I… it's… Maera.”
“Your name be laid at the feet of the celestials.” Draven gave Octavian an equally disapproving stare and jerked his hand away from the elf’s grip. Shooting arm freed, Draven raised the pistol and took aim.
“How are our guests?”
“Uncooperative as ever. Takari won’t admit anything unless we prove his daughter’s safe. It doesn’t matter what we try, the only words out of his mouth are asking after the brat.”
“Stubborn. Alas, it is to be expected. And the daughter?”
“She’s refusing to eat or speak. We’ve had to force-feed her for days to keep her alive.”
“I see….”
“Sir, if I may?”
“Go ahead.”
“I have a theory. It’s not obvious, but the girl looks Draigo. At least half, she’s obviously his, but going off what we know of the Draigo, it’s not impossible. If I could have your permission, I’d like to run a few tests, to be sure. If I’m right, and she is Draigo, we could have a resource on our hands for further experimentation.”
“What sort of tests?”
“Nothing too drastic, I assure you. Our magician on staff could draw some runes, we could conduct blood tests, analyze her hair and skin. If she’s Draigo, she’ll have the protein.”
“And if she’s not?”
“Well, we continue as normal. I only require your permission.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Mmm. You are dismissed.”
“Of course, sir.”
“What experiments will you run if she is Draigo?”
“Nothing on her directly, I do not want to risk danger to her. We… well, we’ll likely be running blood tests and attempting to isolate the protein. From there, we’ll attempt to synthesize a tentative medicine and begin trials.”
“I presume you will require subjects for the trials.”
“Naturally. But we don’t need to worry about that immediately.”
“Hmm… it’ll be very difficult to procure a live lycanthrope through the Hunter’s Guild. Even with the promise of an antidote, they’re all trained to kill. Some of them might not even want to have a cure, the hunt is their source of income, after all…. I’ll have to find someone working outside the Guild, willing to bring one in.”
“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, sir, I would prefer to have at least a dozen total subjects before I can confidently say the cure is ready for distribution.”
“I’ll see what I can do. You are dismissed.”
“Of course, sir.”
Reese lay flat on her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling of the room she had been shoved into almost six days ago. Fifty boards comprised the wooden ceiling, four nails each securing them in place, making two hundred nails, added to the one hundred ten in the floor making three hundred and ten.
Three hundred and ten pieces of useless information. But with nothing else to do, locked alone in the rook with no company but the masked guard in the green mottled jacket who brought her the meals she didn't eat, counting boards and nails was a riveting pastime.
She exhaled slowly, allowing her head to drop to the side and stare out the windows. The manor house that served as her prison was deep in the Fells, a thicket of trees protecting it as much as its outer walls. Every day she dreamed of breaking the windows and disappearing into the forest.
And every day she remained. She didn't know where her father was, but she knew he was somewhere within the confines of the manor, trapped same as she. Reese wasn't certain why they'd taken him, but the purpose of her presence was clear: leverage.
She cooperated by not escaping. Who knew what their captors would do to her father if she got away? But she didn't cooperate otherwise. Every time the guard who brought her meals—she was sure he was the same one every time—tried to make conversation, she ignored him, ignored the food, barely even acknowledged his presence.
After the second day of this, another guard came, and they forced the food down her throat. She gagged and choked and pleaded, but they did not relent. Her captors needed her alive, then. Insurance, against her father. Against Zade Takari, esteemed diplomat who was trying his damn best between the effects of the outbreak and the disappearance of the Draigo and the elves refusing to reopen their borders.
He'd been trying his damn best for the past decade of this. But perhaps to some people, his best simply wasn't good enough. So maybe that was the reason behind the abduction of him and his daughter. Or maybe there was something else.
Reese didn't know. And that uncertainty caused an anxious rolling in her stomach, a hammering pulse, a throbbing heartbeat in her ears when she thought about it too much. Or perhaps it was the hunger. The guard brought her three meals daily, but he and the other would force her to consume only one.
She absently wondered when the next meal would come. It would be the pair, this time. Her captors operated on a surprisingly strict schedule.
As if in answer to her thoughts, the sound of footsteps, muffled through the door, reached her ears. Multiple sets, so it appeared. They stopped outside the door, key rattling in the lock.
Reese closed her eyes. She'd stopped begging days ago.
The door opened, and the guards filed in, their boots thudding into the stone floor. Strong hands seized her arms, and she tensed, anticipating the grab at her jaw, the fluids poured into her mouth as it was forced open—
The guard dragged her across the floor an improbable distance. Was he—?
Her eyes flew open in shock as he yanked her out of the small room and into the hallway. Two other people besides the guard holding her accompanied them: the guard in the mottled jacket, and a man in the black coat of a scientist or doctor.
Unlike the guards, he wore no mask of dark metal. His eyes were a bright, piercing blue, and he studied her like she was a particularly interesting exhibit at the Zariyan museum. 
Reese's face became hot from embarrassment and anger. “Where are you taking me?!” She demanded furiously, struggling against the guard as he pulled her down the hallway.
She might have not spoken at all for all the response they gave her. Staircase, now, and the guard lifted her like she weighed nothing and carried her down the steep wooden steps. When had this place been built? Surely not after the outbreak.
“What's going on?!” She shouted, voice echoing off the walls, to no avail. Somewhere far away, muffled shouts answered her cries, but she had no way to tell who they belonged to.
The guard in the mottled coat glanced at the doctor, but with his face obscured by the mask, she couldn't read anything from his expression. He said something in a low voice, words Reese couldn't make out, split as her attention was between listening and fighting and tracking their path throughout the manor. The doctor's reaction, however, was not hidden as he scowled at the guard and snapped something in an equally quiet tone. 
Before Reese could guess what was said, the guard holding her shoved open a door and dragged her inside. Quicker than she could react, he forced her into what could only be described as an angled chair, tilted like a rocking chair tipped back too far.
Her heartbeat hammered in her ears as he held her there, unbothered by her attempts to punch him or, when that didn't work, her words pleading for mercy. He could have been carved from stone as the doctor began to strap her to the chair with strong leather cuffs.
First her arms.
Her legs.
Her waist.
Across her shoulders and chest.
Her forehead.
She couldn't move she couldn't move she couldn't move she couldn't move she couldn't move she couldn't—
Her eyes darted around the room, finally registering the other occupants. A masked man and two women, one masked with a gold stripe across the forehead. 
Right where the strap across hers was—
The unmasked woman had dark, hard eyes watching her almost in disdain, her black coat identical to the one worn by the man who'd escorted Reese there.
What are they going to do…?
The same doctor stood nearby, donning black leather gloves over a steel table laden with so many metal tools Reese's head began to spin imagining what he would do with them. Tongs, tweezers, rods, scalpels, needles… her breathing quickened, her heartbeat a fast rhythm in her head, as his fingers gently closed around a syringe. The needle had to be longer than her hand. Tha-thump-tha-thump-tha-thump.
Reese squeezed her eyes shut as he turned, her muscles tensing in anticipation. She'd never been stabbed by a needle before, why would she? But she'd read about the kinds of things the thin, hollow, sharp tools were used for, and she could only imagine how it would—
A sudden burst of pain blossomed at the crook of her left elbow, almost like the time she'd slammed her finger in a door. She gritted her teeth as the pain faded slightly, but remained ever-present as the doctor began to pull the blood from her veins.
Reese's stomach churned, and she tried to focus on her breathing to think of anything but the needle in her arm, the straps holding her down, the unfriendly eyes upon her, the guards, the manor, all of it.
This… this is a dream, she told herself uncertainly. A character in a book had tried that, and it worked for them. I’ll… I'll wake up at home, in my bed, and it will be morning. And then… and then….
Every thought moved slowly, like through a lake of honey. The chair seemed to sway, as if the room were a ship rolling on ocean waves.
She'd seen the ocean once, when visiting Caenum with her father. A vast expanse of deep blue and green. They'd gone out into the bay, and Reese remembered feeling sick from the constantly moving floor.
As she did now….
Her eyelids were as heavy as rocks, but she opened them anyway, a vague sense of panic washing over her. The lamps hurt her eyes, and everything appeared as though a fog had rolled in, making everything appear hazy… and distant….
Reese was vaguely aware of the straps loosening, then being removed entirely.
“We're done here,” the doctor was saying, eyes on the two guards, “for now, anyway. You may escort her back to her room.”
The one who had initially dragged her there stepped forward, but the guard in the mottled jacket held him back and whispered something to him. The first guard hesitated, but allowed the second to approach her instead.
He gently—gently!—lay her arms across her chest and carefully scooped her up. Her face flooded with heat from anger and shame. I can walk back! Why are you—?!
The world spun around her as he turned and left the room. It seemed impossible to keep her eyes open, let alone….
…let alone….
Reese blinked, and recognized the ceiling of the cell they called a room. She lay on the bed, crook of her left elbow throbbing, the floor still tilting beneath. Golden beams of sunlight danced on the wall, the setting sun filtering through the trees. The guard in the mottled jacket stood nearby, staring out the window.
“ I'm sorry,” he said softly, startling her. “If I'd known what they were going to do…” he sighed and turned towards her. She quickly closed her eyes, not sure what he would do if he saw she was awake. 
He hesitated before continuing. “I probably would've gotten us both in a bind. Dammit, you're just a kid, and your father… ugh. This wasn't what I signed up for.” He chuckled derisively. “I don't know why I even admitted this to you, you're not even awake. Because the bastards wanted your blood for some celestials-forsaken reason.”
A beat of silence. He sighed, and air displacing nearby hinted at his departure, confirmed when the door closed, the key rattling in the lock before his footsteps receded into another part of the manor.
Reese opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling, fighting down the sick feeling inside her. It had been different when she was just a hostage. What changed? Why my blood?
…will they do it again?
She pondered the guard’s words and, for the first time since coming here, a hesitant emotion began to bloom.
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dresden-syndrome · 9 months
(On the topic of what your trademark is.) Definitely seconding WoW and saying that your trademark has gotta be historical whump, pet whump (I always see you in that tag), military whump, and cute boys (who are defiant, cough).
But it's kind of a boring answer to just parrot what others have said, so I wanna say that I notice your art having a signature softness, or dreary atmosphere to 'em. As in, you wash out the colors to make the entire piece feel sad, you don't just make the piece feel sad with the whumpees' expressions alone.
Ooh thank you✨✨✨ No worries about sounding boring or similar, i'm already happy you've reached me out!
I wouldn't say pet whump is my biggest trope, though it is one of my favorites - it's more of "I have a class 4 whumpee designated as pet and he happens to be my favorite" situation😄 (did i give him to the head of State Security because he's my favorite? that's another question)
(also you say i got an art style?? washed color palettes are usual historical whump style but the way you describe it? the attention you looked on it with? it's so heartwarming... i really really appreciate that 😭😭)
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sometimesraven · 11 months
Whumptober No. 14: Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
Fandom: The Sandman POV Character: Reader (non-gendered original dream character) Whumpee: Reader
Once, your realm flooded, and Lord Morpheus was not there to save you.
AO3 Link
Once, your world flooded.
It wasn't meant to be there, this dreamer. The mortal in question was with one of your Nightmare siblings, Maelstrom. Instead, the walls crashed down between your home and theirs, and the flood this mortal had been experiencing began to sodden the gleaming purity of your dream. It came like a tidal wave, crashing over the boundaries and blacking out your stars; Maelstrom didn't have time to warn you before her waters engulfed you completely, scattering your light in effervescent waves and snuffing you from the realm.
There was a roiling, muffled roar, like the clouds that sometimes crossed your sky on their path to another Dream had gained a sound, and for a moment in the spinning, heavy quiet you felt at peace. Calm. Removed from the pain of carrying out your purpose alone. Then reality crashed in like the thunder you sometimes hear from Maelstrom's dreams, filling your throat with salt and burning your eyes.
The pockets of air within your body (so the mortals could feel your chest rise and fall beneath their cheek) began to burn almost immediately, the wind knocked from you by the wave's initial force. Maelstrom was nowhere to be seen, and now their dream had bled into yours you weren't sure they could do anything to stop this. You closed your eyes to shut the water out, trying to focus on clearing it away, but mortal panic gripped your chest and scattered your thoughts, forcing your power to shrink within you and dim the shimmer in your heart. Your light, no longer able to draw from the stars, began to dim; shutting you away in the blackness and the panic. You could feel the water beginning to fill your body, snuffing out the starlight inside you and emptying the glimmer of strength from your core.
You were weightless and heavy. Infinitely cold. With one last burst of strength, you lifted your hand to what you hoped was the sky, allowing the last of your starlight to flare and burst from you in a final cry to this empty realm for help.
"Just hold on."
You couldn't parse what was happening. You thrashed and fought, convinced you were still drowning, but the hand around your wrist tugged and then-..
Then your dream was back. There were a few... pink spots? Amidst the blue you are used to. And your crystal waters looked more like oil. But it was back, and the water was now a river, and you were no longer drowning, and you could feel the starlight returning to your body, and you could no longer taste the salt, and your tongue tasted like sour wine. Wait. That last part didn't feel right.
"I told you not to be stardust." Delirium. You breathe a panicked sob of gratitude, shimmering tears stinging your cheeks at the sight of her. For a moment, her eyes are blue, but the next time you blink they are the same mismatched palette as always. Her hair is purple today, with streaks of bright orange, and she scrunches up her nose like you had let off a bad smell. "I think I did. Probably. I did."
"You did," you tell her through sniffling, near-hysterical tears.
"Okay. Um. Well. Don't make me do that again. It hurted."
Another sob broke your breath, and before you could stop yourself you had pulled her into a tight, embracing hug. She was tiny in your arms, almost engulfed even by your own slight frame, and when you hugged her for too long she turned into a pile of colourful frogs, which jumped to return to her form dangling in the air above you.
"That was nice. I like hugs. Do you know what it means when your chest feels like bubbles?"
You confess that you do not, and before she can babble more, you thank her. For saving your life. For giving her one more chance to see your Lord again.
"Desire told me to do it. A bit. I wanted to, but Desire said I should."
Delirium slowly floats back to the ground as she speaks, fumbling with her hands like a child nervous about their story.
"They said you should be more. More. You know? I think you should be a dolphin. Dolphins are better at swimming."
More. There was that word again. Desire had seemed convinced you were more than just Lord Morpheus' creation. That you should want. You still did not understand.
"Anyway. Um. Bye. Don't be underwater again."
In a puff of multicoloured smoke, she was gone, and you were alone once more.
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littleperilstories · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: #23 :: At the End of Their Rope
Whumptober Masterpost Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
Whumpee: Freddie Howell, Fen Bailey-Song
Whumper: Kain Brockhurst
@whumptober-archive / @whumptober
CW: restraints (handcuffs, straps), gag (cloth), torture (head underwater), interrogation
Fen & Freddie
Follows Day 25 and precedes Day 22
As if they couldn’t hear a damn thing he was saying, the men slammed Freddie backwards. He felt his back split open again in a few more places as it crashed against the surface of an empty table. “Hold him down,” Brockhurst ordered.
“Kain, don’t do it.” Fen was whispering, her eyes locked with Brockhurst’s. “Please. Please.”
“Kain, eh?” Brockhurst smirked down at her. “You’re starting to sound like your sister.”
Freddie struggled against the arms holding him on his knees. The floor was cold, unyielding cement, and if they pressed any further, he thought his bones might begin to crunch into sickening shards.
“You don’t get a say in this,” Brockhurst said to Fen, still smiling. “He knows where Bridget’s been hiding. And I will find out.”
Fen thrashed against the arms that held her steady, screaming. Freddie thought his heart would break.
“Come on,” he said, “leave her alone, for fuck’s sake, will you? Haven’t you put her through enough?”
Brockhurst snapped his fingers at one of the goons, and moments later, pain shot through Freddie’s head as the man yanked him to his feet by his hair.
“Are you ready?” Brockhurst asked him, in a mocking voice that was almost sweet.
Fen shivered as she watched, probably with rage. The woman holding her yanked a cloth between her teeth and tied it tightly.
“Jesus Christ!” Freddie couldn’t deal with this, watch this, not not again, not again.  “Leave her alone!”
As if they couldn’t hear a damn thing he was saying, the men slammed Freddie backwards. He felt his back split open again in a few more places as it crashed against the surface of an empty table.
“Hold him down,” Brockhurst ordered.
Oh, this did not bode well. Not at all. “What the fuck—” They were strapping him down, strapping him to it—oh my fucking god—and suddenly the memory of one of the videos of Brockhurst tormenting Fen came to mind. This table, these straps. A needle. Screaming.
“No, no, don’t—”
“Let’s hear it, then,” Brockhurst said pleasantly. “Where’s Bridget been hiding?
Fuck, fuck, fuck—
“Just leave Fen alone, for god’s sake,” Freddie begged.
“You can’t have it both ways.” Kain shrugged. “You don’t want pain, for her or for you? Talk. You don’t wanna talk? Someone’s gotta suffer.”
Freddie realized too late what they were bringing into the room on a wheeled palette, moving with speed and brutal efficiency. As Brockhurst’s goons lifted the basin off the palette, water slipped over the sides of it, spilling onto the floor. They weren’t bringing it toward Freddie, though.
As thru set it down in the centre of the room, the woman dragged Fen forward.
“I asked if you were ready,” Brockhurst said, and before Freddie could even move his mouth, the woman and one of the other shoved Fen’s head below the water’s surface.
Freddie thought his soul left his body and flew away. He was screaming, howling, sobbing already though Brockhurst hadn’t laid a finger on him yet today. All he could see was his friend, the girl he was hopelessly in love with and didn’t know it, and she was bucking against the grips that held her underwater, drowning, drowning, she couldn’t breathe, she was going to die—
They released her and Fen flew backwards, splashing water across the floor, her hair soaked, the gag still in her mouth. Could she breathe?
“Stop!” His voice was hoarse. “Stop, don’t, let her breathe, Jesus Christ, don’t—”
Brockhurst fixed him with a stare, then gestured to his hench-people. “Again.”
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
Crhistian (gale?) - crazy evil boss
Receba Purr - cool, girl
Cheshire (Matt?) - trans young woman who loves Alice in Wonderland
Jake Valentine - man, detective
Couple - trans man and trans girl, old-fashioned and victorian-ish, very very queer
Aiden.20 - two pairs of wings. Hears midsound and infrasound. Air species usually are programmed to hear highter tones while water ppl tend to hear midsound and ultrasound. Many eyes. Whumpee. Angel. Basic angel color palette
Ezra.20 - idk, white elve. Partialy deaf (the elves are deaf) hybrid has a hearing thing that he uses as aid sometimes
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writinggremlin · 10 months
GAH-- Jfc you scared me!! Hi!! :D!!!!
This ask was sent in as a part of this ask game, where if you send me an ask with "!!", I will reply with an infodump about one of my ocs! I currently have no other requests and--... (turns to count)... 15 more ocs to go wild about. This doesn't include stuff about my worlds and magic systems, which I would also be more than happy to share!
So if you like what you see here and want to learn more about the lil blorlos in my head, feel free to send in an ask! I want it. I want you to. I know you want it too. Do it. You won't. No balls. (Expect me to take a few weeks tho- I'm not fast at all lmfao)
Now- don't get me wrong, I've been so fucking hype while typing this all out! But I might've also been procrastinating this out of fear of what people might think...
I think I have found the solution though!
(Chucks this violently at the dash)
(Heehoos away)
Cw (Starts at the origin story, below the Blorbo Blingo): Mentions of cults, religious/ritualistic sacrifice, death, and implied manipulation/brainwashing.
Introducing: Mist!
My beloved immortal, my first whumpee before I even knew what whump was, and easily one of my more powerful characters (though she has been nerfed and fiddled with quite a lot over the years).
She started out like many people's first characters do; as an overpowered self insert with a red/blue heterochromia because "oH nO!! oNe HalF iS EVIL aND iS oNlY mUrDeR!!!" (No shame to the people who have characters like that btw! That's not a bad thing! It's just something that I feel is difficult to write correctly, and I was definitely not able to do that lmfao).
Not only that, but I was a Warrior's kid growing up. Her original name was Miststar, and I decided that she was somehow the leader of Starclan. Yeah... I never solved the plothole of how or why a human would become a cat god besides just- dying in the area lmao.
I have kept many of the original things about her though, like her telepathy, the immortality, the "evil half" (who gets lightly mentioned in the backstory, and who I'll introduce next if I ever get more of these 👀), and even being a demi-god (technically). But I have definitely toned everything wayyyyyy down throughout the years, and I'm still messing around with her to this day.
As for today, Mist now feels (to me) like a humanized character who has been given a life of magic and power, where she still struggles with relatable experiences despite that (like Sabrina The Teenage Witch or Bewitched). And there's no demons that live in her head to occasionally possess her and murder everyone for no reason lmfao.
Name: Mist
Nickname(s): Sunshine (only allows Ember to call her that)
Age: About 600 years or so
Species: She's adamant about being human, though technically she could fall under a demi-god type status.
Height: 5'8"
Gender/Pronouns: Woman, she/her
Sexuality: Pan (Almost never gets into romantic relationships. And no, that's not just because of the whole immortality thing)
Relationship status: Single (and that's not likely to change anytime soon)
Personality: Mature, wise, motherly, respectful, understanding, self-reliant. She seems willing to be open about herself, yet also rarely seems to let herself be vulnerable.
Powers: Immortality, telepathy, Shapeshifting (limited to a few forms), Portals (can be inter-dimensional), teleportation (quantum physics+magic), earth and water manipulation
(I may rb this later to go into much more detail about each power's capabilities and limitations and all of that. 👀)
Preferred weapon(s): N/A
Fashion vibes (casual): Cozy and comfortable. Sweaters, jeans, and sneakers are the go-to.
Fashion vibes (special): Extravagant and/or intricate ballgowns with a black, dark purple, and/or dark blue color palette, and a sparkly design, to mimic a twilight or night sky.
Hobbies: Art (drawing, painting, coloring, etc), reading, playing piano, adventure
Likes: Space, quiet moments, classical (or similar sounding) music, waltz music, tea, and almost anything that she will never be able to fully comprehend or understand will fascinate her
Dislikes: Cults (who doesn't), religion in general (though she respects others beliefs. It's just not for her), being placed on a pedestal, crowds, being powerless (literally), being powerless (figuratively)
Extras/Fun Facts: She is susceptible to a certain type of power being used on her. May go more into detail about that in a different character's intro (if I even get more of these, idk if I will lmao).
Because she's been alive for so long, I would just like to confirm that she has, in fact, witnessed the creation of classical music, modern electricity, phones, planes, etc. This bamboozled me when I first realized that lmfao.
And to end this part on a goofy ahh fact: She doubts her ability to drive, yet will willingly volunteer to fly a plane (and she's genuinely good at it). Also, afraid of spiders.
Blorbo Blingus (there goes tumblr, downgrading the image quality again smh):
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Brief origin story (yes this is the brief one):
Mist was born in the 1400's, into a small cult group that lived in a village, mostly secluded from civilization (aside from the occasional trader). Her first several years of life were spent more secluded than the others; not allowed to see the outside world or even interact with the others beyond what was absolutely necessary.
It was to keep her "pure".
For you see, Mist was conceived and raised to serve one purpose, and one purpose only: sacrifice. To be an offering for their "god". Nobody really understood why this was needed, but nobody really asked either, which made His job much easier.
Things didn't go according to plan, however. Reasons and explanations for why this ritual failed were unclear; only spreading through rumours and speculation. Though, Mist had noticed that the person preforming the ritual on her was reciting the wrong words. Whether or not this was on purpose, will always remain a mystery.
Now she did die, as expected. What wasn't expected, however, was her somehow pushing the lid off of what should've been her coffin, before anyone even had a chance to nail it shut. People were surprised, to say the least. (It was around here that she began to slowly gain her other magical powers as well.)
From there, tensions rose. Some of the members, namely ones who harshly judged their "God" for this mistake, saw this as a sign to change their ways, and follow her instead. Other members were more loyal to the original, who was already condemning and shaming her for supposedly betraying him.
The cult divided. ("God" will remember that.)
Around this time, Mist started noticing a little voice in her head. A voice that grew louder and became more real over time. A bitter, spiteful voice, which grew more and more powerful, the more anger and resentment it was fed.
Mist eventually grew close to that voice.
The voice suggested that she run away.
She didn't.
It tried again.
She stayed.
It ordered her to.
She refused.
It said nothing to her, just silently planted a small seed of an idea into her mind.
She left that night, and never looked back.
0 notes
Just noticed tumblr ate half my stoic whumpee submission. Attempting again: Not quite a stoic whumpee, but they're trying: The team's medic is very much respected for their skill but even the veteran team members are slightly... apprehensive about their gruff no-nonsense manner and crude jokes. Basically, everyone just tries their hardest not to need medical care. So now a relatively young and new team member is injured for the first time on a mission or during training and has to face them. 1/
Sitting on the edge of the exam table, they bite their lip and try desperately not to let on how shaken and in pain they actually are. The experienced members and their leader hover in the background, unsure whether or not to intervene. (Bonus points if the medic sees them struggling and suddenly is the softest any of the team have ever seen them. The others exchange increasingly confused looks - is everyone seeing what they are seeing? Until medic notices and shuts them up very quickly.) /2
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painsandconfusion · 3 years
Whumping the Whumpers: Part Fifteen
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(tw: female whumpee / lady whump, torture, dislocation (including fingers), strangulation threat, bruising, panic, lots of pain, forced to beg, humiliation, long term captivity, sadistic / creepy / intimate whumper (it's Nate, what can I say), mention of past beating and restraints, locked up)
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"Anna’s pulse hammered against Nate’s thumb. Her heartbeat mirrored his, brushing against her fingers that curled around his wrist, involuntarily steading herself as he held her firmly against the wall. As frantic as her heart rate was, his almost matched hers. Excitement danced across his eyes. Yet he moved slowly. Deliberately.
Nate tipped his head to the side, blue eyes passing back and forth between hers. She shrunk slightly under the scrutiny - well, as far as she could with his hand around her throat.
His gaze dropped. “I’d like to see those bruises. How are they looking?” His hand mercifully slid down her neck, tugging the neckline of her t-shirt to the side. Anna stared up at the ceiling. She didn’t have to look to know it was blooming purple and black everywhere the cane had touched a few days before. Purples, blues, and reds splotched everywhere she dared to check. And she had checked.
There were no clocks in the tiny white room. Only the rhythmic sounds of her breathing - or crying - to mask the silence. She watched as the colors faded into existence, blossoming up her arms, sides, and legs. She couldn’t see her back, but she knew they’d be there too. The muscle was too tender there for it to not match the rest of her.
Anna had never bruised this easily. Easily, sure, but nothing like this. She had racked her brain all day about it. Watching the colors deepen. Pressing shaking fingers to it, then wincing.
She closed her eyes as Nate tugged her arm up by the wrist. She winced as he twisted it this way and that, surveying the color palette.
“Gorgeous.” He was grinning again. Did he ever stop? “It shows up so well on you. We might have to work with the cane again if it turns out this good.”
Her stomach squirmed as his eyes burned into her, tracing over her body. It was bad enough she had to see herself like this - watching him stare was so so so much worse.
“It’s not-”
Anna winced, cutting her words short as Nate’s fingers squeezed around her throat in warning. She bit her lip to keep quiet.
“None of that. I’m sure it hurts, but you need to accept the fact that you look stunning like this.” His fingertips trailed down to her hand, pulling it up. His thumb ran along the bruising the ropes left circling her wrist. “Skin like yours is just begging to be marked up.”
Anna winced as his thumb dug into the bruise.
Nate frowned, turning her hand over in his. His other hand slid away from her throat, fingers trailing along hers. His eyes skittered up her arm, then back down to her hand.
Anna did her best not to squirm under the scrutiny. She twitched, but didn’t pull away as he gripped one of her fingers.
“Too bad your hands aren’t matching. All of you is covered in the prettiest colors - except your hands.” His eyes found hers. “Maybe we should fix that.”
Anna involuntarily tugged against him, but Nate’s grip didn’t falter.
She barely whispered the words. “Please don’t.”
Nate gave her a warm smile. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun.” He turned his attention back to her hand. His grip tightened around her index finger, encasing it in his palm. “Try not to struggle too much - I don’t want to break it.”
Before she could protest, he snapped it back.
She heard the pop. Felt the vibrations running up her wrist, through her elbow, lodging against her spine. She saw his eyes snap back up to hers, sparkling in anticipation. All before the pain hit.
A scream ripped up her chest, but she choked it down. The pain jolted up through her arm, twisting and strangling her. Her legs buckled.
Anna gritted her teeth to keep from crying out. She wasn’t allowed to scream. It would be so much worse if she screamed.
She held onto that thought, squeezing her eyes shut.
“No no - look at me. Let me see those beautiful eyes.”
Anna choked on tears, flinching away as he gripped her jaw.
No! That’s bad. Don’t pull aw- She stopped. No. This master liked it. It was okay.
Anna’s head spun. She didn’t know if she should be grateful for the right to flinch. Something akin to anger sparked in her chest, but it was quickly smothered as he gripped at her finger. Wild tendrils of pain jolted through her again as she forced herself to open her eyes. Find his. Don’t look away. No matter how hungry he looks. Don’t look away.
“If you ask nicely, I’ll make the pain stop.”
A hot wet tear raced from the corner of her eye as she squeezed them shut again. It was a dull pain, yet sharp. It ripped through her, but didn’t grow. It didn’t break her. It just…was.
Her voice was trembling. “P-please. Please make it s-stop.”
He patted her cheek. “You’re so cute. Really, what did I do to deserve you?”
He twisted her finger back down. Anna gagged on a scream yet again as the bones ground together.
Her eyes flew open, staring at her hand. It looked the same. Exactly the same as it always had been. The muscles in her palm were sore and tingling, but the pain was only a whisper - a souvenir from moments before lodged, almost forgotten, deep in her bones.
She tentatively curled her fingers. A small ache followed, but that was all.
She chewed her cheek, glancing up at him. She didn’t trust this. No mark. No lasting pain. Nothing.
This wasn’t it. It couldn't be it.
He grinned. “Now say thank you.”
Anna was tired. So fucking tired already of fighting. She formed the words thoughtlessly, parotting them back to him. “Thank you.”
“Good girl.” He moved to grip her middle finger.
Anna tried to pull back, but he didn’t let go. “D-don’t. Please don’t!”
Nate paused. “Don’t what? Use your words.”
She stammered over the words. The panic in her blood started pooling into dread. Lost, hopeless dread sucking her down. Hot tears slid down her cheeks.
“Don’t…don’t do it again. Please, Master.”
She gasped, twitching, as he tipped her chin up roughly with his free hand. “I thought I told you not to call me that.”
The panic was back. It clutched at her lungs, squeezing them until they burned. She forced herself to take a sharp, trembling breath. Her tongue fumbled over the words, trying to right the wrong. “I’m - I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to-”
“Shh…” His thumb brushed back and forth across her chin. The skin tingled under the touch. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
Anna waited for relief to flood her, but nothing came.
There was a catch. There was always a catch.
She just jerked her head up and down in a small, twitchy nod. “Th-thank you.”
“Hmm,” his hand pulled away from her face, resting on her hand again. “You’re very welcome.” He gripped her ring finger this time. “Let’s try that again.”
Another pop. Another crunch.
She watched this time. That was a mistake.
Her stomach lurched as her finger went up and sideways, striking out at an unnatural angle.
The pain grew. It grew and grew, burning this time. Burning far more than aching. It pressed up at the confines of her skin, trying to scratch its way out, but hurtling back against bone again. Anna writhed back against the wall, letting the cold cement ground her. It was icy against her shoulder blades, forcing her to stand even as her legs trembled.
She tried to rip her eyes away, but they stayed latched onto her hand. Her mind spun and spiraled, trying to process the wrongness of bone. Failing.
Nate gripped her jaw again, tipping her face up until she forced her trembling, haunted stare up to his eyes again.
“No need to look so shaken. Just breathe. Breathe with me.”
The air in her lungs refused to cooperate. It shuddered in and out, shoving her ribs apart, then whispering away before she had a change to pull oxygen from it.
“Focus.” His grip on her finger tightened. He ignored her whimper. “Listen to me. Deep breaths.”
Nate’s face shimmered in front of her. She swallowed thickly, trembling. She forced in punches of breath, letting them stretch and fill her lungs until her ribs burned.
He smirked. “Aaaaand out…”
The air flew back out of her in long, staggering pulses.
She twitched as his thumb rubbed against her cheek in calm, soothing circles. “There you go. Such a good girl for me…”
He glanced back down at her hand. Slowly - very slowly - he unwound his fingers from hers. Anna gritted her teeth, sucking cold air through them as he pulled away. Her finger still stood up unnaturally, jutted back and to the side, pulled far too tight against the knuckle.
“Do it yourself.”
Anna stared up at him.
The thought of touching it made her stomach roll again. For once, she was grateful it was empty. She didn’t want to know what Nate would do to her if she puked on him. Blood flashed across her memory from when she’d made a similar mistake with her last master.
Anna’s free hand twitched toward the wronged one. She tried to touch it, but it was shaking so badly. Her arm locked up, unwilling to let her push against the injury.
Nate laughed softly. “Aww, are you scared?”
Tears were still dripping steadily. They slid down the back of her throat, daring her to gag.
“Don’t worry,” Nate offered, “You don’t have to touch it. Just flex your hand and it should snap right back into place.”
Anna’s eyes went wide. ‘Snapping’ didn’t sound like the most inviting adjective. Still, she stared at it. She tried to force her hand to move, but the smallest twitch sent her stomach reeling again.
Nate was grinning again - did he ever stop doing that??
“Here, let me help you.”
Anna hardly had time to flinch before Nate’s palm cracked against her cheek. She reeled to the side, siding a bit against the wall.
She caught her footing, sucking in quick, sputtering breaths.
He grinned again. “Told you so.”
Anna glanced down at her hand.
It was back. Her finger was back in its place, and she had hardly felt it.
She swallowed thickly, curling her hand into a fist.
“You’re doing so good. Isn’t this a fun little game?”
Anna tried to glare up at him. The anger behind her eyes faltered quickly. Far too quickly.
She used to be something. Someone. Someone who stood up for herself and took control in chaotic situations. But now the chaos had followed her home. Nestled itself deep in her chest, refusing to leave no matter how much she pleaded or begged. It liked her too much to leave her alone.
“You’re so quiet.” He stepped to the side, following her casually. “Don’t get me wrong, you make adorable little sounds, but…they’re so small.” Anna flinched as he raised his hand, but he just brushed a fallen lock of hair from her face. “Maybe we need to push a little harder.”
He stepped back, raking his eyes over her trembling form. “Turn around for me. Put your hands flat against the wall.”
Anna didn’t know if she still remembered how to refuse. Her legs were moving before she had a chance to tell them to stay.
She stood close to the wall, putting one palm on either side of her shoulders to brace herself. She wanted to stop. To ask why.
But she didn’t.
She stayed silent as he gripped one of her wrists, pulling the arm back behind her. She didn’t ask questions as his other hand tangled into her hair. She didn’t struggle as he started pulling her arm up and back.
Anna’s mind raced, trying to guess what was going to happe-
Her eyes went wide as her shoulder twisted, socket straining under the pressure.
No…no no no…
“Deep breath for me.”
He didn’t wait for her answer.
A sickening, crunching pop rang through her ears.
Chaos was a funny thing. It wasn’t chaotic as it should be. It was controlled. Measured. A burst of lighting that wouldn’t rip through the skin. Contained to her - her nerves. Her bones. Her ripping ligaments. Her lungs that refused to scream. His words - his rules and his hands. Everything so out of control. Yet, everything measured and portioned. Contained.
Even when harnessed, forced into the rules of the universe, the fire ripped through her. It gave no heed to the logic. It didn’t care that the pain would stop in a few moments. It didn’t falter at the wrongness of her bones jamming out of place, sliding and creaking against each other and snapping apart. It just grew. It ate through her blood. Her air. It sucked her lungs dry and folded her legs until she was tumbling to the ground. Cement bruising against bone. Her cheek pressed against the icy wall.
It deepened bruises that hid the pain. Made it irrelevant. Unseen. Forgotten.
Not that anyone was there to see. She was only there to be forgotten.
Her mind wandered, spiraling in the void.
It pulled her to Kristen. Her eyes flecked with green. Crinkling as she laughed. Soft hands in her hair.
But there weren’t soft hands in her hair.
These hands gripped tight, twisting until Anna yelped. They jerked her back into reality.
The pain consumed her again. It radiated from her shoulder, washing through her body in pulsating waves. She was trembling. Shaking. Writhing. Each breath and movement ground the bone harder against the socket.
It was wrong. So so so wrong.
Everything backwards and sideways and upside down.
The entire world thrown off balance and spiraling. Yet completely untouched. Unseen. Uncaring of the chaos that tore through her.
She wanted to shriek to scream until her ears bled. To vocalize the chaos tearing her apart. The wrongness of it.
But she didn’t.
Her throat closed up, refusing to produce the sound, letting only strangled whines out in its palace. Far too small. Too weak. Too nothing.
Then, laughter.
Soft, gentle, laughter.
Nate’s fingers carded through her hair. “Aww, does that sting?”
Anna shuddered against the wall, trying to grip onto it. To clutch at anything with her free hand. She tried to move the fingers in her other hand, but her mind or body stopped her - she didn’t know which.
“Go on, talk to me. Tell me how much it hurts.”
Anna froze. The words refused to come. She couldn’t think of what to say, much less force the words up her throat.
She realized she was sobbing.
How strange to be convulsing - crying so hard - and not even know it. Her tears smeared between her cheek and the wall. Her flesh was numb and tingling against its icy surface.
“Come on,” Nate cooed. “Tell me how it feels.”
She gritted her teeth, pressing her forehead harder against the cinder blocks.
The fire constricted her again, ripping through her lungs as Nate twisted her arm up. She let out a strangled yelp, clamoring against the wall to offer any relief - relief that refused to come.
“I asked you a question,” Nate whispered. His lips were at her ear, breath tickling across the skin. “Tell me how it feels.”
Anna tried to take a shaky breath, but her lungs wouldn’t hold the air. Her mind scrambled for the answer.
He tightened his grip in warning.
Anna flinched, sputtering, throwing words out into the void. “I - I don’t - It feels.” She panted, dragging in the breath to speak. “It-it’s fire. And. It - hu-urts.”
Nate sighed, but leaned back. “Not much of a poet are you?”
Anna just squeezed her eyes shut, trying to focus on the cold cement. Anything but the wrongness of the agony in her shoulder.
His fingers trailed lightly around the hollow socket. Anna squeaked, but didn’t dare to move. She burned under his fingertips, silently begging for him to not press down.
“Do you want me to put it back now?”
Of course. Of fucking course she wanted him to put it back. Wanted it to be right. Wanted it to have never been wrong. Wanted him to never touch her again. For him to have never touched her. Never seen her.
The anger flashed inside, but refused to reach her lips.
She nodded slowly, cheek grinding against the cinder blocks.
“Ah ah,” he chided. “Use your words.”
Anna swallowed, gritting her teeth. She wanted to scream. To shout at him. To wriggle away and run. And not stop running. Never stop.
Instead, she spat out the trembling words. “Please - p-please put it back.”
She didn’t have to see his face to know he was grinning again.
“Turn around.”
Anna grimaced, but obeyed. She turned on her knees, twisting to face him. He was grinning. Anna didn’t have the energy to congratulate herself on winning that guess.
He pressed a hand to her collarbone, guiding her back until she shifted to sit against the wall. She bit her lip - hard - as the movement jostled her arm. It was wrong. So fucking wrong. Too far forward and skewed.
She forced her eyes away from it, up to his.
“Are you suuure you want me to do this? It’s going to hurt like a sonofabitch.”
Anna ground her head back harder against the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Yes - just... Please.”
“Wow, this is nice.” He gripped her arm, ignoring how she jolted and whimpered at his touch. “You’re literally begging me to hurt you.”
Anna gritted her teeth. “-m not…”
He laughed at that. “No no, you definitely are.” Anna squeaked as his other hand pressed against the extruding bone. It fuckign hurt.
He was smiling again. Was this man ever not smiling?
“Go on. Do it again. Beg me for it.”
That growing rage sparked in her chest again. It pushed, demanding more. It hated that she was alone. Small. Curled up on the floor. It wanted her to lash out.
But his hands burned against her shoulder, each press pressing them harder and closer - not nearly enough to offer any relief, only to drill the twisting, curling ache deeper into the bone. She gritted her teeth against it.
Nate’s smile changed. He leaned closer, scanning her face. “Well, that was a new one. What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
Anna turned her head away, glaring intently at the floor.
He inched back. “Maybe I should just go then. Leave you like this for a day or two.”
Her head snapped back. She searched his eyes, hoping to find a lie or a joke behind the words, but he was still. Calculating. Watching her every bit as much as she was watching him.
If he did leave her, could she put it back herself? Like with the finger?
No. She swallowed painfully, trying to envision throwing herself against the wall in an attempt to get it to snap back into socket. It was too far out. Too wrong. Too everything. She wouldn’t be able to do it herself.
Her voice was small. Barely a whisper. “Please don’t.”
He gave her an encouraging smile. “Please don’t what?”
She took a deep, trembling breath. “Please don’t leave me here. Like this. Please.”
The smile widened. “So you want me to hurt you?”
She squeezed her eyes shut. He really wasn’t going to let this go, was he?
The grinding snap was far clearer than it should have been. It echoed through the bones, rattling her to the core.
Anna clamped her free hand over her mouth to keep the scream pinned down. It barely worked. The sound died in her throat, hissing out as a sputtering whine instead.
Her nails dug into her cheek as the fire ripped back through her.
It twisted and stung and tore, but it was right.
Her arm fell back into place as the pain whispered away, fading more and more by the second.
She was left with a deep ache. Panting for air around her hand.
She moved it to grip her arm, pulling it onto her lap despite the pulling pain the movement caused.
Nate rolled back on the balls of his feet, still crouched over her. He pulled out his phone, frowning.
Anna hardly dared to believe the words as he said, “I know you’re just heartbroken about this, but it looks like we have to be done for today.” Nate pocketed the phone again.
He smirked, booping her nose. “You’re just so fun, I lose track of time.” He stood up smoothly, leaving her trembling on the cold cement.
He stretched his arms out in long, wide circles. “This was fun.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, leaning back. Anna shrunk as he stared at her. “I don’t know how you’re so quiet all the time. We will have to work on that later.”
Then he was gone.
The door closed.
The key scraped against the lock, echoing through the room.
Then silence.
Just silence. And her heartbeat. Her breath. And her tears.
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @heathenwhump @paleassprince @jadeocean46910 @wormwriting @distinctlywhumpthing @happy-whumper @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @azayta @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @batfacedliar-yetagain @there-will-always-be-blood @siren-of-agony @thecitythatdoesntsleep @bookanone)
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hold-him-down · 2 years
after thinking nonstop about @squishablesunbeam ‘s optimistic palette whumpee for the last day, i need more optimistic whumpees! anyone have any recs?
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ironwhumper359 · 3 years
Whumper Dialogue Prompts
22: “Hmmmm, let’s see.  What shall I use next?”
CW: Flashbacks to past torture, caretaker (accidentally) triggering whumpee
Whumpee knew it was an accident. They knew Caretaker would never hurt them on purpose, knew that they were just trying to be nice and do something fun and harmless together. Whumpee used to love having Caretaker do their makeup, after all. The gentle swipe of the brushes across their face was so relaxing, and they always felt so pretty looking in the mirror afterwards, so when Caretaker had tentatively suggested they do makeup, Whumpee had of course said yes.
Caretaker couldn’t have known. Whumpee hadn’t even realized themselves, until Caretaker had pulled back from Whumpee’s face with a smile.
“Oh, that looks great! Hmmmm, let’s see...what shall I use next?”
Their face was open and bright, no hint of cruelty or malice. They’d held out two eye shadow palettes, harmless objects that Whumpee knew couldn’t hurt them, they knew it.
But it hadn’t mattered.
They’d frozen, eyes going wide and hands clenching into fists at their sides. Their heart was beating fast, faster than it had ever beaten in Caretaker’s home before, and their mouth had gone dry, rendering them unable to speak.
Distantly, they knew Caretaker was calling their name, trying to get them to respond, trying to apologize, but it was no use. Whumpee’s mind was already gone, trapped a million miles away in the nightmare that, no matter how long it had been since they’d been freed, they still couldn’t seem to wake up from.
“Hmmmm, let’s see. What shall I use next?”
Whumpee choked on a sob, and shook their head.
“P-please,” they gasped. “Please, no- no more...”
Whumper’s cold laugh echoed off the concrete walls of Whumpee’s cell, and they shook their head.
“Nice try, little one. That’s not one of the choices. We're not done until I say so...and you are just too much fun to stop playing with so soon!”
They turned their back for a moment, rummaging around on their tool bench before coming back to face Whumpee again, a sadistic smile on their face.
“Now, why don’t you decide? What should I use next, the cattle prod? Or the butcher knife?”
Whumpee shook their head, tears spilling down their cheeks, and Whumper heaved a dramatic sigh.
“Very well, then. I suppose I’ll just have to use them both.”
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whump-a-la-mode · 4 years
could you write 📸 and 🔨 from the whump prompt list? Preferably hero x villain but its up to you, really. Whatever inspiration strikes :D you don’t have to do it though! thanks either way!
So sorry about how long this took! I was looking for the right inspiration (and I was inspired by your wonderful prompts!) I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless ^^
CW//Superhero whump, pretend whump, held for ransom, teenage whumpee, fake injuries
Sidekick wasn’t supposed to have been captured.
In all truth, they weren’t supposed to have been out in the field. They shouldn’t have been in this whole crime-fighting business in the first place. They should have been going to school, being stupid at parties, like all the other kids.
But they just had to be a victim of circumstance.
The kid tucked their legs into their chest, back pressed against the wall of the cell they had been thrown in. They’d been separated from Hero during the fight, and everything had devolved to chaos after that...
Hero had run. They had the opportunity to save them but... they ran. They ran and they didn't look back.
Sidekick knew, however, that they couldn’t cry. Such a thing was a sign of weakness-- something never to be displayed in battle, as Hero told them so often in their lessons. Instead, they sat, curled into the corner.
Pathetic. They were pathetic.
When the door to the room opened, they froze, feeling cold sweat drip from their forehead to their neck, making goosebumps rise in its path.
Villain was not a particularly imposing person. In their costume, when their garb had been made up and their makeup done, they were quite menacing, but out of all that, they nearly looked comedic with just how normal they appeared.
In their hands, they held what appeared to be a toolkit, which they carried by a handle. Sidekick fought back a whimper as their superior’s mortal enemy stalked closer.
Villain knelt down, laying the kit aside.
“Hey.” Their voice sounded awfully different, as though it was a different person entirely. But, no. Sidekick would know them anywhere, it was certainly the same Villain. Their tone was hurried, as though they were late to a meeting or something of the like. “My name is Villain. I know we haven’t met in much of a proper capacity but... there’s not much time.”
Sidekick let their gaze rise to Villain’s face. They tried to keep their countenance firmly glaring, but their trembling made it difficult.
“I’m going to need you to hold still for me, okay?”
Sidekick gulped. They had no idea what could be in that case-- it was Schrodinger’s Box of torture equipment. Knives, maybe? Fire? Acid? Or worse?
They wanted to reply with a witty one-liner, a sharp jab, as Hero always did. But they couldn’t produce more than a whimper.
Villain opened the case, producing a brush and a palette of foundation.
“And this-” Villain grinned, grabbing a figure from off-camera “is what has become of your beloved Sidekick.”
The kid they forced in front of the camera was a mess-- face blackened with bruises and nose disfigured. A trickle of thin, red liquid dribbled from the corner of their lip. They trembled before the camera.
Sidekick did their best to hold back any sweat or tears-- they wouldn’t want the makeup to smear, after all.
“Now, Hero. You are going to be at my base tomorrow night-- sans weapons or guards. Or else, I’ll do far worse to your beloved Sidekick. Is that understood?”
Villain looked to Sidekick, who nodded, trying all the while not to gag at the taste of the fake blood.
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maracujatangerine · 3 years
love all your writing amazing to read
do you have any recs of good blogs?
Thank you so much! 💖
There are lots of blogs that I like, so here are just a few examples. (I’ll keep on adding to this list.)
Pet whump/BBU:
@whumpzone has got two simply amazing pet whump stories: https://whumpzone.tumblr.com/post/646092831317016576/writing-masterpost
@distinctlywhumpthing Unintentional is very interesting and has characters who I really look forward to get to know better: https://distinctlywhumpthing.tumblr.com/post/661776949154332672/unintentional-masterlist
@just-horrible-things Just Acting has a mysterious and intriguing plot: https://just-horrible-things.tumblr.com/post/662323214128709632/just-acting
@deluxewhump has a complex and engaging pet in a frat house story: https://deluxewhump.tumblr.com/post/190809601414/frathouse-boxboy-masterlist-z2-or-my
@hold-him-down has a well-written and complex recovery arc in The Fighter: https://hold-him-down.tumblr.com/post/663890614856876032/the-fighter
@squishablesunbeam has a sweet and heartwarming recovery story with a character used to being treated as the eponymous object in The Palette: https://squishablesunbeam.tumblr.com/post/690092716942655488/tw-dehumanization-human-furniturefurniture
The stories above are all unique takes and all great!
I have gathered together some BBU-resources for an Ask I received: https://maracujatangerine.tumblr.com/post/660935917101547520/hola-amigo-how-did-you-do-research-on-the-wru
Other Stories
I like @whump-a-la-mode small hero - villain drabbles a lot: https://whump-a-la-mode.tumblr.com/post/641909645350486016/info-post-masterlist-hello-my-name-is-finch-i
@haro-whumps has a great group whumpee with recovery arc: https://haro-whumps.tumblr.com/post/612216958320017408/group-whumpees-masterlist
@befuddled-calico-whump has a lovely webcomic called Riot Kings: https://befuddled-calico-whump.tumblr.com/post/650122672817291264/riot-kings-masterlist
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